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No. 201794[Reply]

Is she a lolcow?

Before anyone accuses me of being a gamergator or whatever, I just want to criticize her style choices. Why would someone think this is an ok modeling pic? Seriously this bra is fug.
490 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 821846

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Sorry to necro this thread but there's been a lot of news that's been missed.

Her 'resources for online harassment' ended up with a ton of issues with staff not paid, specifically not helping trans people, or only helping 'famous' people to get her name elevated. Pretty pathetic to use literal victims of harassment for your own gain.


>Among these were complaints about lack of pay and an environment which made transgender staff feel taken advantage of. Though perhaps the worst allegation was that the entire network was designed only to help those who were famous enough to elevate Zoe’s name and status.

She started a kickstarter for a game she claimed she was going to make, raised about 85k, took about big lavish trip to japan, used money to back other kickstarters, and whatever else, then some how 'ran out of money' for her game, and hasn't updated anything to people who backed her in over two years.

>While literally vacationing in Japan, Zoe told the people who’d given her $85k that she didn’t have money left to finish the game. Compare and contrast that claim to the fancy hotel room pictures she was tweeting. Making it worse is that in the months prior, she’d tweeted multiple times about backing other people’s Kickstarter projects.

Recently, a movie that's gunna be made with gamergate as it's backdrop is being made called '1UP' with ellen page and some other actress I've never heard of, and of COURSE zoe quinn has to chime in and is trying to get other shitty gg people like anita sarkeesian to drum up some drama over it. I posted the entire article here as well.

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No. 821849

>Recently, a movie that's gunna be made with gamergate as it's backdrop is being made called '1UP' with ellen page
did you mean elliot page? lmfao

No. 892247

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No. 892270

No. 945014

So, some scorned front pole got very mad because his ex moved on so he recruited other malding 3s to be his personal army under the pretense of caring about video games. /thread

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No. 865704[Reply]

can we talk about "subliminals" ? mainly the youtube and amino fanbase.
>its about people who think listening to music with subliminal affirmations will change their faces/body/attract stuff(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 865706


Start by making a proper OP and for god's sake put these threads on /snow/.

When will newfags learn how 2 integrate

No. 865736

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.

No. 865740

That was beautiful anon

No. 866161

This is poetic anon(lrn2sage)

No. 869684

Would be careful about making a proper thread for this. A lot of ppl in this community are just insecure underaged girls.

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No. 14997[Reply]

I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread yet. (or maybe I missed it)


Psychotic and overbearingly Christian, Traci Hines (formerly Traci Oden) dubs herself as "The Real Life Ariel" and "Hipster Ariel". Traci enjoys lying to people about having been employed by Disney to show up at D23 and when she worked as a party princess, as well as scheduling meet and greets with herself to sign autographs at California Disney as well as local Starbucks. She enjoys trying to steal thunder from actual cast members, making shitty music on Youtube, shoving her religion onto you, and acting like she's the only person who can ever be a Disney Princess.
886 posts and 177 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 813616

No. 825187

Im surprised she's still friends with Haley Ducote. Haley and Andrew were super popular face character cast members and somehow they still associate enough with her to get involved in her projects lol.

No. 825190

Sorry, Hali*

No. 889645

Stop bumping yourself. Noonecare

No. 892437

She looks like Avril Lavigne. I think she is pretty. “Horse mouth” and all. Imo the hottest women look sort of scary like Fairuza Balk

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No. 849295[Reply]

If you’re new, please make sure you read https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

23 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber, her insane controlling mother, and her obsession with mental health and addiction recovery advocacy.

Previous thread: >>>/pt/833565

The basics:

>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.

>Jonny Craig, who is now Taylor’s ex and has moved on with new girlfriend and mother of his child, was the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He introduced Taylor to heroin and facilitated her descent into addiction, but she used a variety of drugs prior to/since.

>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.

>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.
>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally coming
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No. 858486

how many days does it take to upload a video? Tay got some slow ass internet.

No. 858493

No, no she doesn't. If she really had "slow internet" and had any shred of commitment to her fans, she would go somewhere to make it happen and get it uploaded ahead of time to meet her deadline. You can't tell me all these years with her YT money (at least, the good money she used to have) she couldn't just get a better internet plan, you know since it's her job? I understand when you live out in the middle of nowhere that's harder but she doesn't have that excuse. It's pure laziness to make the video in the first place; if the video was already done like she says it was there would be no reason for her to not schedule the upload so she could at least fuck off for a while again, at least delivering her promised content. Her not uploading it only proves it was never done to begin with, there's a chance it's literally not even recorded.

It's sad how blatant she's become again with this, I agree that it shows she's using again. Also think it explains her posting this >>857873 recently. She's pretty much telling on herself admitting she's relapsed (again 100x) but still pulling the poor me, muh mental health thing. This is probably the one thing she is truthful to herself about, is as she's shown time and time again she genuinely has no desire to get better.

No. 858501

No. 875662

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Taylor and Johnny are following each other on ig again. Syd must be fuming. Where is the new thread?

No. 875671

Are you fucking dumb?

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No. 871230[Reply]

Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.
Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.

Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behaviour. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.

>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 20 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as anti-Semitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake pr
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
>Went to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab, created a custom lipstick colour (the point of their business, which anyone can do) and advertised it as an official collab, claiming that her fans could ask for "the Lillee Jean collection" in all Bite stores. Bite Beauty formally asked her to stop making this false claim.
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1159 posts and 322 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 878031

"mental disorder" this, "mental disorder" that. Bitch, name the fucking disorder if you know so much about it. G8 work as always, Laur.

No. 878032

"The internet is a trigger for people who have mental health issues" Laur, you typed this. How do you not see that this is exactly you? You are the person who is triggered to the point of wasting your life making these posts for weeks now. You're screaming into the void. I know you think this is some sort of adevetisment for your documentary, but this is just obvious psychotic behaviour that doesn't help your documentary, or Lillee, or you.
Internet doesn't have to trigger you, you can always turn it off and get a break, live your life.

No. 878035

No. 878120

Why make a new thread with 50+ posts left in this one?

No. 878169

cuz its the end of an era, nonnie

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No. 871590[Reply]

Lillee Jean is a stunted unwashed "beauty guru" who has taken "fake it till you make it" to previously unseen levels. With over 1 million (fake) followers on Instagram, 11k (fake) followers on Twitter, and 10k (fake) subscribers on youtube, her pitiful engagement rate is propped up by bots, engagement pods, and "bob-vageen" foreign men with no idea who she is.

Lillee is best known for abusing copyright strikes to silence her many critics. LJ and her momager, Laur Trueman, have been on a multi-year "anti-bullying" rampage where they ruthlessly mock other people for their age, looks, socioeconomic status, and more, all for the crime of questioning Lillee.

Many dedicated Lillee critics have created callout videos and posts to expose her racist, dishonest, and absurd behavior. However, Lillee and Laur remain convinced that this is all a conspiracy organized by one person out to get her.

>Extremely stunted social development due to being removed from school around 13-14 years old. Does not appear to have a single friend IRL besides her helicopter mom.
>Is now 20 years old but legitimately plays with dolls
>speaks and writes in "attic pidgin", our affectionate name for her limited grasp of the English language (her only language)
>Claims to have a totally real, not-made-up boyfriend who is both a French diplomat and also a family friend since childhood. "Phillipe" (an incorrect spelling of the French name) seems to hop across continents, being either local or foreign depending on Lillee's convenience. Conflicting details about when they met suggest an inappropriate age gap (with a 23-year-old Pheepy asking out a 14-year-old Lillee). Her alleged boyfriend has no internet presence of his own, and has never been shown by Lillee, despite oversharing every other aspect of her life.
>Uses her "Jewish identity" to deflect all criticism as antisemitic, despite not practicing the Jewish religion OR having any clear Jewish lineage
>Constantly exaggerating her status in the beauty community with fake pr
>Got caught running her own fan pages, many of which were racist caricatures of minorities. This included (alleged) POC claiming to hate their own dark skin and wishing to be pale like Lillee.
>Once posted a photoshopped image of herself over Katy Perry's body, claiming to have attended the Met Gala. Later backtracked and tried to pass it off as a fan-edited image.
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No. 871591

I just saw the new thread, delete this mods thanks

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No. 930906[Reply]

for the past 2 years I've been watching cyraxx. consuming his retardation.

He is genuinely the most retarded person ive ever met

i HAVE to contact him, he so entertaining. I have to troll him. i have to experience this amount of pure stupidity first hand

i know what im getting myself into

PLEASE does anyone have any way to contact him?

phone number disocrd anything
Hes genuinely the most retarded person ive ever met(retard)

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No. 816723[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>813147
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Admin says: If you don't read the rules before posting, don't wonder why you're banned for a few days. Do the thread a favor and refrain from responding to blogposting and bait. Check the thread before posting to avoid reposting, it isn't hard. >>734887

Don't post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have. A separate thread has been created for anti-o's >>>/snow/941512

Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onion flakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban. The flakes thread can be found at >>>/snow/691458

Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/Gregory Daniel/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and former "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.

For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules:
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1113 posts and 169 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 820995

New thread:


No. 821289

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All these arguments are retarded until Plain grows a fucking spine and does the right thing for once. She needs to get the kids away from him or kick him out of the house

Until she starts with telling the truth, which she seems incapable of doing nobody is going to feel sorry for her, while she chooses Grunt over her children and actively provides cover for his ass (and hers).

I mean, get real. Where was Foot when Smeg was rampaging his waterbrained addled mind around the internet with his laughable story calling Sarah a 'rapist'? and that 'uwu she totally raped me guise'

That was the time to put your 'Foot' down and do the right thing by your former friend. Absolute scum.

No. 821304

"has witnessed Greg killing animals, being neglectful towards animals and they've gotten rid of all their animals apart from"

anyone in the know on this? i've only heard about him roasting a tortoise to death and running over a deer while crossing States to fuck Shiloh (totally illegal btw)

has he killed / abused other animals? i thought this guy was was supposed to be big time advocate for animals and that's why he claims he's vegetarian (probably isn't)

almost all animals living on Earth deserve to be treated as kindly as possible by human hands.

No. 821312


most likely he's under-going another face-lift or cosmetic procedure to make himself look younger. It's been his desperate hope to be found attractive by teens / young girls since his face started literally decaying in his 20's.

the price will shoot back down once he's healed up and willing to show off his mug again.

at least that's what i assume he's doing during his hiatus, cosmetic procedures.

people thinking he doesn't have the money, still got a backlog of cash from YouTube, then OnlyFans, his (alleged) 40 or so dedicated paypigs who send money to him via Paypal, his website or directly into his account.

Kai's Patreon is still around, and since his YT is demonetized he will have filed for unemployment benefits AND he'll be getting government money from looking after 2 shallots as well.

I doubt Social Services are aware he's receiving all this cashflow so he'll get away with it.

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No. 822142

Just general neglect like leaving dogs in a pen full of garbage and rehoming dogs because their neglect probably makes the dogs act out. Caterpie was one and I thought they had a golden retriever looking dog at one point. He also threw leeluu in the swamp amongst all the brush and timber he shoved into swamp with the bobcat tractor thing and filmed her struggling to get out for youtube.

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No. 930847[Reply]




Troy is one of the funniest human beings I have ever observed on the internet. An ethereal engineer and galactic ambassador certified by the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Master Bacon, posts the finest organic dairy almost everday through Facebook, Youtube, and his website.

Have a sample:

>"Tonight, I was parallel parking and doing it right. Before I finished parking someone drove up and parked right next to me. In the street, with their emergency lights on.

They were doing a DoorDash delivery.

I am fine with such delivery drivers parking properly and not causing an obstruction. But when they park next to parked cars and block them in, that is not acceptable.
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No. 681844[Reply]

Copied a few elements from KF'S thread because I can't make a thread for my life (https://kiwifarms.net/threads/jonathan-yaniv-jessica-yaniv-trustednerd-trustednerd-com-jy-knows-it-jy-british-columbia.49790/)

Jonathan Gill Yaniv (born 12 June 1987) is a man from Surrey, BC, who says he is a tranny but makes no effort to look like anything other than a fat incel.

In March 2018 Jonathan contacted 18 female waxers who advertised bikini waxes to ask them to wax his she-penis and balls, saying that he was a woman. Most of the women declined due to him not actually having female genitalia. Due to their refusal, he decided to file lawsuits against said women under Canada's Human Rights law for 2.5k a piece.

However, one of the woman who he filed a lawsuit against decided to look into him, and outted him as Johnathan Yaniv.
They also found some of Jonathan's creepy social media caps, so they filed to cancel Jonathan's anonymity. In response, Jonathan dropped that one lolsuit, but left the other fourteen.

That aside, Johnathan is also known for being a racist, predatory, autistic creep.


People who follow JY knows that he has an issue against "certain type of people" (See: Muslims and Brown people) he has stated that one of the reasons he has joined an all-female gym is due to immigrants "who gawk, judge, and aren't the cleanest of people" and has stated that there will be no immigrant women in those female gyms because of the gym clothes they have to wear, and so he'll be safe there.
(Know that a lot of the people who refused to #waxhisballs are also brown women)
He has tweeted at cooperates complaining about immigrants not giving him proper service because he's trans (and totally not because he's a creepy weirdo in a prom dress)
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646 posts and 225 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 884876

They're smart and devious enough not to outright admit they are pedos. They'll make excuses like "I never had a girlhood and this is my puberty because I was born in the wrong body" and the gullible populace will buy it and feel sorry for them and think that's why they want to wear pigtails and put tampons in their asses. They'll drop red flags but they're emotionally manipulative enough to convince most dumbass simpletons that they don't have bad intentions. Yaniv literally showcases his fetishes for all to see. He might try to be manipulative but he's so autistic that he fails at it and the mask constantly slips. You can see clearly that other troons have quietly distanced themselves from him and he is barely active on social media now. He's already peaked a tonne of people on autogynephilia and they don't want that happening.

No. 888423

I honestly just want updates on the lost clit-dick, I find that fascinating.

I think you're right that the trans movement is afraid to not accept, or to "invalidate," anyone. However, I find it hard to believe anyone's really defending Yaniv, because even the people who would feel politically inclined to must be horrified at him and what he could mean for trans rights. I think at some point the existence of people like Yaniv and Chris-Chan is going to force the trans movement to either refine its conceptual framework, or they're going to bring the entire thing crashing down.

No. 911174

Feels bad to have Yaniv's Kiwifarms sub-forum consolidated into a single thread in Stink Ditch.
It's not the end of Yaniv's saga yet (now he's been banned from the university campus) - he's bound to cause more shitstorms as long as he lives.(sage your shit)

No. 930236

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(sage your shit/don't post old milk)

No. 942283

Is there any new info on Yaniv? The clit-dick falling off is hard to believe, but to reiterate what the person above me said, it is fascinating.

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