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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 946704[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/pt/926623

>Tiktok (INACTIVE)


>Deranged sketchbook tour mentions how she was raped but not sure by who, implied incest, wants to "arrest her parents" >>>/pt/926643

>Posting tiktoks claiming she's a man, showing off her ghost penis >>>/pt/926675
>Schizo posting thinking there's "something in her room" >>>/pt/926759
>Tiktok of her just eating a banana >>>/pt/926760
>Sperging about lethal injection for attention >>>/pt/926809
>Her car was towed >>>/pt/926853
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No. 955127

they do have the same expression

No. 955137

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like…who are you talking to

No. 955138

See what soon?

No. 955145

This is so ominous sounding lol
Also like… she DOES know what a glory hole is right? PT is a lot of things but I would not apply those two words to her lol

No. 955158

whenever she sees "hole" she believes she is being targeted and misgendered

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No. 949568[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/931666
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Onision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.


>Zoomers on TikTok start exposing Onision's predatory behavior >>931730
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No. 955143

>They can’t market themselves as young adults just barely out of their teenage fan bases reach.
I didn't think they were sufficiently intelligent or self-aware to knowingly market themselves that way, thought that was something they were doing unconsciously, but you might be right. The "boyfriend/girlfriend" in video titles seems especially deliberate. I remember there would even be comments about it on youtube, like "why are you calling him your boyfriend if you're married?"

>one thing is for damn sure is that he doesn't not put them on camera to "protect them"
I still believe that could be one of the reasons, even if it's not the main one. Even really shitty parents usually do some things for their children.

>You people raise very valid points.

that was a pretty wholesome little debate, wasn't it?

No. 955147

this is more low effort. it's okay, i still love you.

No. 955148

I am probably giving them too much credit, and it has more to do with Lainey wishing she was one of those young, fun YouTube couples instead of being a mom of two and legally bound to a man whose greatest accomplishment is chanting in a banana costume. She couldn’t plan a video without her subscribers help - I guess it’s doubtful she could put that much deliberate thought and practice into catching more girls. It’s far more likely she was trying to recapture the youth she threw away.

No. 955154

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I agree with these people. Cloey doesn't have autism. Her being nonverbal BEFORE the fall out the window was because of shitty parenting. And now that she has physical and mental complications because of the traumatic head injury, Onision is trying to retcon that she had autism all along. The only proof we have is Onision saying "she's fully autistic." If she had legitimately been identified with autism Greg would have used the word "diagnosed" and made sure we knew a doctor or professional had evaluated and identified this disorder. Look at how he hyped up Lainey being depressed in the court filings
>A licensed therapist in Puyallup, WA. has diagnosed Lucas Jackson with PTSD.
>Lucas Jackson's documented loss of enjoyment of life is attributed to those experiences as recorded by his therapist.

Saying Cloey had autism from birth relieves them of any fault. Greg has even said that her autism was the cause of the fall because autistic kids have a penchant for climbing and pushing on window screens. But if her disability is because she cracked her skull on a concrete driveway then Greg and Lainey are shitty parents who couldn't properly supervise their child and failed to put up safeguards to prevent this injury.

No. 955169

If she really is autistic that makes them look even worse cause they left an autistic 2 year old alone in a second floor room with easy access to a window

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No. 864707[Reply]

Jess is a cam star/abdl porn star who constantly makes fun of fans and is overall a bitch. She cheated on her partners and practically copies her partners personalities .she suddenly has an interest in being a mom and even considers herself one to her bf kids despite handing them over to their real mom multiple times a week.(shit thread)
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No. 954441

Pretty sure she went on a mass blocking spree quite awhile ago!(ban evasion)

No. 954541

So now that she’s done with DDLG, I guess there’s really no point in continuing to ruminate on her on this thread anymore

No. 954678

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Still trying to grift. I was in Asheville the other day and could barely see the damage. All the damage looks like it’s in the river bed.(random social media posts are not milk/sage your shit)

No. 954679

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>>954678(random social media posts are not milk/sage your shit)

No. 954686

Grifting by expressing upset over a park destroyed? She’s not asking for anything. Also the river arts district where that park is and biltmore village are still totally fucked as well as surrounding smaller towns. Gtfo here with that.

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No. 954655[Reply]

There is a wannabe Owen Benjamin that posts a stream every day e-begging acting like a delusional clown and displaying narcissim and projection through the roof. His name is Paul Arwijn Kam, commonly called just Arwijn. His dad's name is Dick Kam believe it or not. He will ban you if you disagree with anything he says and sometimes will go on an hilarious outrage (although he does it less these days). He says he went into something he calls "the dark world" and every new big event that happens he says that he saw it "in the dark". He was posting every day on YouTube untill trolls managed to take his YouTube channel down but now he streams daily on Rumble https://rumble.com/user/Arwijn despite barely getting any support and getting tons of dislikes.(shit thread)

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No. 856100[Reply]

A thread to discuss Shane Dawson and all the milky YouTubers he hitches his wagon to, the ongoing Jeffree/Shane saga, Karmageddon as well as past and future projects. Previous series/collabs include:
>The Truth About Tana Mongeau
>$10 Million Celebrity Mansion for a Day (Kathy Griffin)
>The Secret World of Jeffree Star
>The Mind of Jake Paul
>Investigating Conspiracies (Brittani Louise Taylor)
>The Return of Eugenia Cooney
>The Beautiful World of Jeffree Star

Up & Coming:
>The Haunting of Shane Dawson

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No. 954259

damn he looks OLD in that thumbnail

No. 954265

Got that Ozempic face.

No. 954269

he looks like a homeless bum trying to better by going through rehab or something. same dead cold eyes though

No. 954296

I fucking hate his stupid conspiracy content more than anything else he does, it’s so lazy and intellectually incurious

No. 954517

Already bored of the babies and dumped them at his/Rylands parents?

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No. 949775[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>945214
The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
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No. 953795

sauce pls

No. 953796


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 953808

Wasn't that from some kind of video about gifted artists or whatever? Teenagers with promising careers? Something like that? She really had so many opportunities, it's insane.

No. 953810


Yeah, it was Judge Judy's mentorship program. It was called "Her honour", if I'm not mistaken.

No. 953812

NEW THREAD >>953811

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No. 953506[Reply]

Is there any new lolcows as of now? I want someone kinda like early day Chris-Chan to look into. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask about this(shit thread/read the rules/newfag)

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No. 912168[Reply]

(from old thread but edited)-
>To briefly recap, on 30 July a recorded phone call of Chris admitting to raping his senile 80-year-old mother. He has also stolen money from her. He has since been arrested and is being held on incest charges.
Now a year later he has been released
>recommendation on Chris's long history on youtube via a documentary made by Geno Samuels- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABqEYq6H3vpCmsmyUnHnfMOeAnjBdSNm
>kiwifarms Chris chan board documenting every single thing to know about Chris- https://kiwifarms.net/forums/christian-weston-chandler.18/
(sorry if thread sucks)
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No. 953427

He’s finally getting pussy and no longer needs to troon out.

She’s alleged to be 32-33 and rumor has it that she was an attention whore herself on Finnish 4chan, sees herself a a mother figure and mentally not all there.

No. 953545

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Motherfucker turned 43 and can no longer spell basic words like "day" or "spiritual". Who is Ryan?

No. 953635

Where do you see the name "Ryan"?

No. 953664

In the cake gif
"Happy Birthday

No. 953668

My bad.

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No. 953105[Reply]

Recently a friend shared her mother's profile with me. It's become a guilty pleasure of mine to keep up on her. She has a secondary account orb and spirit experience. She addresses every negative comment she gets. I've never seen so many filters. I guess she looks nothing like that in real life.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 953107

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No. 352777[Reply]

In the new video Amber mentions her friend behind her, 'talking to some dude.' then she goes, 'Goals!'. Must be getting desperate for someone to take care of her. She knows that housing situation isn't going to last, no matter how much she protests otherwise.
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No. 954388

Okay so Becky has released more information and apparently when she said "who's the one that's been wiping your ass?" on livestream in 2021 it was not just during ALR's recovery from her hysterotomy. Amberlynn recently explained it was for around 9 months after her surgery because she had physically lost the ability to do it herself. But now Becky has come forward again and said it was from pretty much the start of their relationship to the breakup. She also shares that before Beck started doing that for her, ALR would put one of Eric's late moms old washcloths on the corner of the sink and rub her butt on it, then throw the cloth in the garbage. Once Eric noticed the wash cloths were going missing, Amberlynn started buying her own and having Becky wash them in the sink after she'd use them, and then place them in the washing machine with the other laundry.

So a lot of gross embarrassing details, and I can't help feeling like at this point Becky isn't trying to ~hold her accountable~ she's just trying to embarrass her. And like fine Becky, do what you want, but hiding under this righteous title of ~victim holding the abuser accountable~ is so transparent. And I feel almost bad at this point, like I'm hearing things I shouldn't hear, beyond just normal gossip and relationship drama. I'm not an ALR sympathizer but this just feels too mean, like hearing how a physically disabled woman would take care of toilet buisness while not having much mobility is just sad. It makes me sad, it's not fun anymore I just feel bad.

And side note but Becky is a bum ass loser tbh, she shacked up with a youtuber with a massive following of haters then loses her mind when she's put in the spotlight. She relied on ALR financially and blamed ALR for "making her quit her job" but even after dumping Amberlynn she didn't get a job for almost a year. And then after years of the drama being settled, and Becky being engaged, she suddenly comes back to reveal a bunch of shit about ALR, most of which doesn't serve any purpose except to embarrass her, and then she doesn't admit to the fact that that's her goal. It's weak shit, and so is her they/them nonesense. It's loser on loser violence at this point with a bunch of other losers coming to one losers side.

No. 954408

amber's gone from lolcow to horrorcow lmao.

No. 954437

>I'm not an ALR sympathizer but this just feels too mean, like hearing how a physically disabled woman would take care of toilet buisness while not having much mobility is just sad. It makes me sad, it's not fun anymore I just feel bad.
I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for this woman at all. She's beyond terrible under the guise of bubbly mask and she has too much narcissism to see that. And more importantly, she had plenty of opportunities in the last decade and a half to lose weight and not get to that point of being borderline disabled of her own account.

And as far as the job thing, I still don't feel bad for Amber and she totally owes Beck money for her playing caretaker. Because it's obvious that if Beck had continued working while still with Amber, Amber would've complained nonstop about it and would definitely continually guilt-trip her to quit so she can help her more, the woman got to 600 pounds and didn't even consider hiring a caretaker and if Beck suggested that, you know Amber would not have been happy about that and try to twist it as Beck not loving her or some other manipulative BS.

Now I don't know a lot about what Beck had been up to post breakup at the time, if she took off a year from working I could understand that after being in a relationship with someone like Amber and if her situation allowed it, I don't think it's that bad but again, I don't know all the context and slowly learn about it. But she seems to be holding a job down for awhile now so she seems to have bounced back and if she's just making these videos to make some extra money, more power to her because Amber kept talking about her so it's fair and I don't blame her for milking her the way she did that to her/. I agree that Beck's "nonbinary" thing is cringe and bullshit, she's a grown ass woman and most sane people will have no time for that bullshit (it's annoying that reaction channels are going along with it) but that aside, nah man, I think Amber is getting her just desserts.

No. 954880

… She ate her self into disability out of addiction and sexual gratification. Why does she deserve any form of sympathy?

No. 954989

Damn and her and destiny are still fat. You’d think after losing your mothers to health issues you’d wake tf up and do something. I’m surprised Amberlynn is still alive too. There’s no way she’s going to make it to 40.

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