>>954388>I'm not an ALR sympathizer but this just feels too mean, like hearing how a physically disabled woman would take care of toilet buisness while not having much mobility is just sad. It makes me sad, it's not fun anymore I just feel bad.I'm sorry but I can't feel bad for this woman at all. She's beyond terrible under the guise of bubbly mask and she has too much narcissism to see that. And more importantly, she had plenty of opportunities in the last decade and a half to lose weight and not get to that point of being borderline disabled of her own account.
And as far as the job thing, I still don't feel bad for Amber and she totally owes Beck money for her playing caretaker. Because it's obvious that if Beck had continued working while still with Amber, Amber would've complained nonstop about it and would definitely continually guilt-trip her to quit so she can help her more, the woman got to 600 pounds and didn't even consider hiring a caretaker and if Beck suggested that, you know Amber would not have been happy about that and try to twist it as Beck not loving her or some other manipulative BS.
Now I don't know a lot about what Beck had been up to post breakup at the time, if she took off a year from working I could understand that after being in a relationship with someone like Amber and if her situation allowed it, I don't think it's that bad but again, I don't know all the context and slowly learn about it. But she seems to be holding a job down for awhile now so she seems to have bounced back and if she's just making these videos to make some extra money, more power to her because Amber kept talking about her so it's fair and I don't blame her for milking her the way she did that to her/. I agree that Beck's "nonbinary" thing is cringe and bullshit, she's a grown ass woman and most sane people will have no time for that bullshit (it's annoying that reaction channels are going along with it) but that aside, nah man, I think Amber is getting her just desserts.