File: 1528404020142.png (276.79 KB, 436x312, itsbabydash.png)

No. 528797
Summary of last thread:
>Admin outs Dasha for posting 142 times in that thread alone, meaning more than 10% of comments were hers>Posts included doxxing Mina via a photo of her passport, unreleased semi-nude photos stolen from Mina’s phone, rumors about Mina hooking, Cyr being an innocent non-cheating angel, alludes to Edwin being a pedo for dating a 20yo, and defending Dasha>Edwin announces a new video about her fuckery, hinting at her lolcow posts>an old clip resurfaces of Dasha yelling "Sieg Heil, mein Führer!" while doing a Hitler salute>Dasha reacts by going dark, deleting her Twitter, and privating her Instagram account>Dasha announces getting therapy for her depression>A "truth blog" is made and immediately attacked by a user who outs himself as Hentaiiguy, a notorious Dasha whiteknight>the blog owner claims they emailed Dasha with the link before doing anyone else with it and received a sole hit from LA before the attack>Cyr announces his father had a stroke and he has to leave to help his family (his father made it)>Edwin gets backlash for tormenting these sweet angels during a time of struggle>Dasha posts a selfie shooped to look like the caricature her posts were marked with (pic related)>Edwin uploads his video in which he reads out some of Dasha’s comments>more and more of Dasha’s former minions publicly denounce her>some of Dasha’s minions come to lolcow and post screenshots detailing how Dasha would obsessively insist they bully Mina for her, strategizing comments to be posted to lolcow and PULL (which means many more comments are likely to be hers)>former minions promise screenshots, but Dasha keeps her Twitter deleted to keep farmers and ex-friends from getting receipts>Dasha admittedly slipped her ex laxatives at a wedding as revenge for something (this was also proudly mentioned in her old account)>Meanwhile, Edwin has taken Cyr to court over unpaid debts and won, yet remains to be paid>Dasha befriends Jaclyn during her blackout for coffee, Jaclyn defends her and acts willfully ignorant while Dasha dyes her hair pink on JG’s suggestion, some speculate this is Dasha’s latest victim due to her MO of getting people drunk to mess with them and deleting their accounts, and Jaclyn's drinking habits>Jaclyn’s vlog channel gets mysteriously deleted with no explanation so far>Dasha's visa state remains unknown as her sole source of income seems to be from social media sponsorships and modeling for shady companies like Lime CrimeBackground
>Around late 2016 and early 2017, Edwin (Edwin's Generation), Mina (MinaxxBell), Dasha, and Cyr all lived together>Cyr, who was already in a relationship with Dasha for a year, decided to try to have a poly relationship with his ex girlfriend, Mina, and invited her to come live with them>Apparently Dasha suggested this poly relationship, and was the main force in getting Mina to come live with them because she admittedly intended to ruin Mina’s life>Edwin basically fourth-wheels in the house while Cyr attempts to have a relationship with both girls>Both girls are featured in some of Cyr's videos, and both look eerily similar to each other>Mina, Dasha, Cyr, and Edwin all appear together in "Are You Trying to Smash One of My Girls?" on Edwin's channel>In the beginning of February 2017, Edwin and Mina are kicked out of the house, and Edwin makes a vlog as they're leaving. During this vlog, he seems very upset.
>Around Nov/Jan 2016-2017, Mina discovers that Dasha has deleted Mina’s entire Instagram account>It is believed that she did this out of jealousy, as Mina had more followers than her at the time>Dasha goes on Periscope and claims that the problem was Mina and Edwin, and that their actions hurt her and Cyr greatly>Soon after Edwin and Mina leave the house, Dasha harasses Mina online through photoshopped memes and sends her "minions" after her to send her rude messages on Twitter>Dasha's fans also start to post on lolcow a lot around this time, defending Dasha and hating on Mina for "hurting" Dasha>Dasha says that one day while Mina was in the shower, Dasha went through her phone and found a fake Instagram account on her phone that was sending her (Dasha) hate. Dasha claims that this account belongs to Mina, and she was using this to harass her because she was jealous>Cyr calls Mina a "crazy girl with an agenda"
>Edwin makes a video with Mina titled "Edwin and Mina get Kicked Out by Cyr and Dasha - Sharing Our Story." (uploaded 4/17/2017)>He later makes another video responding to things Cyr has lied about, titled "Edwin Responds to Cyr's Lies" (uploaded 6/12/2017)
>Dasha constantly makes threats to ruin people's lives when they don't play along with what she wants>Follows through with these threats, in getting Edwin and Mina kicked out of the house, turning Cyr against his friends, and deleting Mina's Instagram account>Throughout the videos, Edwin accounts various times where Dasha was emotionally manipulative of Cyr (With Cyr once texting Edwin that he felt "emasculated" by Dasha)>Video of Dasha responding to Edwin>Quote from Dasha: "…And I told him, yes, I'm fucking– I'm going to actually get you kicked out, if you literally take Mina's side over your best friend. I said that to him! I'm owning up to that! I told him that I'd ruin his life, because I would, if he takes a fucking British c*nt… I'm sorry (smiles), over his best friend. He's absolutely right, I stood there smiling as…">Around June 2017, Dasha makes a Twitter video talking about how many people tell her she's copying Mina's style>Dasha seems to continue to talk about how much hate and harassment she's received because of Mina, and is fixated on people accusing her of copying Mina's style PULL drama:
>In early 2017, around when the initial drama involving Dasha, Mina, and Edwin started, an account named Fawnie created a topic about Mina>This account mocked Mina for photoshopping, and posted pictures that had never been seen before by anyone>In one of Edwin's videos, Mina says that some of these pictures were never released online, and were pictures that she had left on her camera after a photoshoot that Dasha had.>Dasha apparently also intentionally photoshopped these pictures to make her look bigger than she actually was, to make it seem like Mina was shooping herself to be super skinny>While it hasn't been confirmed that Fawnie is Dasha, lots of evidence points to them being her. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS:
Dasha: (disabled) iblamejules
Cyr: threads from latest to oldest:
>>>/pt/519998>>>/pt/506263>>>/pt/417225>>>/pt/396612>>>/pt/373154>>>/pt/370733>>>/snow/244778 No. 528811
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No. 528839
So glad this thread is only for her. No more but mina!
>>528811She's looking fugly. You know when people go crazy and they look uglier and you can see it in their looks or photo editing? This is it.
No. 528900
File: 1528427688654.jpeg (444.2 KB, 750x1104, CDFEA082-C4B7-4E51-B10F-70FE1D…)

>>528893Her vlog channel was deleted!
No. 528927
File: 1528429901558.png (409.3 KB, 425x594, wood elf.PNG)

>>528797>Dasha posts a selfie shooped to look like the caricature her posts were marked with (pic related)One of the reasons I still like Cyr is pic related
No. 528935
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Dasha gives me the creeps, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cyr wakes up with his dick missing one day
No. 528936
File: 1528431456946.png (806.01 KB, 590x580, what the fuck.PNG)

>>528839>You know when people go crazy and they look uglier and you can see it in their looks or photo editing? This is it.No. THIS is it.
If I woke up to her staring at me like that I would die before I could scream.
No. 528943
>>528939Yeah, but I think since the angle is a contre plongée it makes her gums show more almost as if they were receeding.
>>528940she's probably smiling more in photos as an attempt to piss her "haters" off, pretending none of the consequences of what she did to herself are affecting her. Though personally, I think the only thing she's making me feel is scared for everyone around her, because she looks like she's having a mental breakdown.
No. 528945
>>528936Who the fuck is this lol.
Cyr is just as bad as she is sticking with this wacko.
No. 528948
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These Dasha fan accounts are so cringe and suspicious. What does Dasha do that would warrant a fan club? Kek
>>528943Lmfao, completely agree with you.
Dasha hun, it’s ok to sperg. We know it’s due any day now anyway.
No. 528953
>>528815At first the mouth had me fucked up esp in this pic
>>528936 But you right, she likes to use faceapp to make selfies look creepy as a meme I suppose. She has done this on her Twitter and Insta before.
No. 528985
File: 1528438335562.jpeg (226 KB, 750x972, 59C71AC2-B8C0-4B4F-886D-446ECF…)

I’ve noticed a huge influx of BTS related posts coming up on her IG, it’s pathetic watching her try to relate/cater to that fan base in a last ditch attempt to keep her followers loyal to her
Her current story is also all BTS “rElAtAbLe” posts. Insanely cringey, it takes one scroll on her page to see she’s barely spoken about them up until edwin’s videos came out.
No. 528987
>>528935"This isn't even me"
Yah we know Dasha you haven't been you in years, you've taken on the style of any pretty girl that you've been around.
No. 529044
>>528935I'm reading this as a dig at Mina.
It's a tinfoil, but I believe it for the following reasons
1. The curly black hair in a similar style to Mina's while it was short. She's also wearing brown contacts. Mina wears wigs and contacts, but her natural state is dark curly hair and brown eyes.
2. The photoshopped/whatever app fake ugly teeth. It's commonly joked that british people have bad teeth.
3. The trollish caption about not letting people steal away your shine. There's a screencap somewhere in one of the threads where Dasha is complaining to another person about Mina going on about positivity and complaining that she's not so innocent. The pina colada thing could be referring to Edwin, you know, like a mexican thing.
4. Note the facial expression in the second photo where she's applied lots of dark makeup to the hollows of her cheeks/she's sucking her cheeks in. Dasha has a rounder face and Mina's is bonier. I feel like she's emulating her in the second photo.
Anyway, that's my analysis but I could be totally wrong and she's just trying to be a weirdo memer or something.
No. 529045
File: 1528471620440.png (440.01 KB, 1080x1798, Capture _2018-06-07-18-24-27.p…)

I noticed this on ig on one of the stop abuse posts. Could this be a new minion that dasha is using to comment on posts? Both Dasha accounts are following her. Also, when has Dasha admitted anything?
No. 529046
File: 1528471659901.png (364.36 KB, 1080x1798, Capture _2018-06-07-18-24-13.p…)

Sorry, forgot to attach the second image.
No. 529070
It would be funny if someone took all these videos compiled here ( and just replaced "Onision" with "Dasha".
>If Onision [Dasha] would retweet all the bad things people say about him [her], instead of all the "Oh! Onision helped me" [Oh! You are so pretty], it would be an interesting feed.
>If you still support Onision [Dasha], you are supporting abuse.Virtually everything she said can be replaced with her own name and it still would make sense considering what she did and has being doing.
No. 529083
>>529047It's literally just shit Dasha did to Mina.
Plus a little extra 'But Mina was my property'
No. 529096
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How ironic…
No. 529103
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Lmfao, what do you guys think? Is this Dasha herself or an actual “fan”
I can’t imagine anyone would take the time to write out such a long paragraph about Dasha, an instathot with no talents.
>inb4 iTs To mOcK MiNa!!11 Yeah, the difference is that Mina was 18 at the time of her fake accounts. Dasha, you’re 22 and at this point it’s just fucking cringe.
>>529096Lmfao, when has Dasha’s defense squad ever been over the age of 18? How stupid and delusional can these kids get? They literally repeat everything Dasha says like a mantra. Dasha could step on a puppy and they’d screech “tHe PuPpy hAd FaKe aCcOuNtS!!1”
Their behavior is beginning to look like some cult brainwashing Charles Manson type shit.
No. 529114
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Lmfao, if Cyr wakes up with diarrhea we’ll all know who was the culprit.
No. 529131
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Transformation into Charles Manson 97% complete
No. 529147
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why being anon is so stupid, like you guys have no balls or something grow up lol its fucking internet drama just entertainment(newfaggotry)
No. 529151
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Now I see why dasha was obsessed with ‘baby fox’ at one point. Creepy.
No. 529273
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>>529267>>529267Just saw this and took a look at the dudes twitter, apparently Cyr used to hang out with Poppy back in 2013. I thought that was an interesting tidbit~
No. 529289
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Companies are still collaborating with her.
No. 529322
File: 1528593780258.jpeg (158.98 KB, 750x1048, 926DCA13-83D4-4549-896C-9F47E8…)

Julia is still lurking. This is definitely a response to what was posted about her trying to get asspats from BTS fans by posting more about them, she’s pretending she’s actually a fan kek
No. 529393
>>529390I would say it's because she dated Cyr. When I was younger, I knew a few girls that had similar anger and jealously towards ex partners.
It's more common in insecure and very young girls and most girls grow out of that jealousy. Hell, even when I was younger, I would compare myself to my boyfriend's exes and wonder if I was pretty enough.
I think with Dasha it was the insecurity and jealousy of Mina being a pretty ex but also some kind of weird loneliness she had.
I get the vibe that Cyr may have talked about Mina fondly or something to make her even crazier.
He did say intially art hoes are more his type. He might have made off handed comments like this and Dasha being the nut she is, read into it too much.
Then she probably decided the whole poly thing to try and have a friend to shop with/also be romantic with.
The problem with dumbasses like Dash/Cyr, Onion/Lame is that they are very jealous people and poly is really not suited to them.
Cyr sounded quite a lot that he was pissed off that Mina gravitated more towards Edwin. That's the vibe I get from Edwin's videos. And I think Dasha just couldn't handle another pretty girl and being insecure just constantly compared herself to Mina.
Honestly, if Edwin hadn't been there, the poly thing may have gone further, but still would have not ended well due to Dasha's insecurity and general shit stirring. It would have taken one or two times for Mina to disagree or be distant and Dasha would have felt rejected and instantly gone into crazy mode.
No. 529398
>>529393I think it’s probably a combination of all this plus the fact that Julia is just so rabidly insecure in general that she skinwalks every pretty girl she makes contact with in an effort to be as attractive as them (see every damn one of the instathots she has “twinned” with). It’s like she think beauty is contagious. The thing is, Julia is by no means ugly, she
makes herself ugly by trying to fit in with this art hoe aesthetic that really doesn’t suit her and is exacerbated by being a psycho hose beast.
No. 529419
>>529418because the video got pretty popular, it's not uncommon
you can tell when someone buys their followers (like dasha)
No. 529448
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>>529437I think she's wearing a fabric choker that looks like it's made out of panty hose.
No. 529457
>>529455Looks exactly like I imagine her Pinterest to look like if she has one.
We used to chat and she told me Hemlock Grove was one of her fav shows.. maybe coincidence
No. 529466
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Dasha is still getting called out, lmfao
No. 529607
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so I guess the nazi is still just posting some bullshit on her @neuphs account on instagram instead of apologizing
No. 529616
i don’t want any hate (i know i’m asking for it) i found dasha a few years ago through onision (the billie drama saga) and instantly fell in love with dasha, i DM’d her and was pretty surprised she DM’d me back, we didn’t talk regularly for a long time and then as soon as this whole drama started last winter she would message me all the time to ask for screenshots to use against Mina, she said that all these really cool people were leaving hate on Minas instagram and kept insisting how funny it would be, I caved and sent Mina hate over IG then screenshotted it to Dasha, afterwards she RT’d one of my selfies and was talking about me as if i was one of her best friends, she told me to start being friends with petra,charlie,lettie and a few other main offenders so we could plan things without really needing Dasha aslong as we screenshotted them to her, after a while and talking about this all with my friends i started to see how toxic this all was, my follower count when up because of dasha but i felt like i owed her something, i private messaged her saying i loved her an all but i couldn’t do this to mina, i’d never even met the girl and me and everyone else in the group chat made her life hell and for that i’m soo sorry to her. i just want all of this over with and for people like dasha and the rest in the group chat (they know who they are and know who i am) to be cancelled, what you’ve all done is beyond the initial ‘joke’ and i fear letties video is going to be lies about mina & cyr ….
No. 529638
>>529612I don’t believe the bit about Mina for a second. I’ve watched this closely since it started and I’ve yet to see Mina say anything disparaging. Every accusation against Mina is hearsay and there’s never any solid proof. Saying she’s just as bad as Dasha just because you HEARD certain things isn’t going to fly here, sorry bud.
Also, Lettie is a dumb fucking cunt. If anyone involved in this drama is just as bad as Dasha, it’s Fettie.
No. 529656
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Lettie comparing Dasha to Kat Von D hahahahahahaha
No. 529671
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>>529661Ugh, seriously! He’s this greasy tiny lanky guy, and I imagine he has this hunchback-type walk.
No. 529703
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Yes!!! Massive respect for this company. Hopefully more follow suit up until she apologizes!
No. 529705
>>529398Someone from the previous thread suggested she might be in love with Mina and that drove her to skinwalk and try to BE Mina as part of that obsession. I think the anon said this was based on their own experiences when they were younger and insecure.
That rang true to me, it does happen. When you're insecure and obsessive, especially if you're into someone of the same sex, that can make you try and become that person if that person doesn't fit into your life as a partner.
It doesn't make sense, even as a twisted thing, to fly over the ex to make her into a poly puppet if you're not personally interested in them as well. Even a jealous sick fuck would try to keep the ex as far away as possible from their bf, not CLOSER. If you feel threatened by someone, you don't try to keep them near the person you're competing over.
It's pretty clear Dasha isn't that into Cyr, she's more into that Simon kid she lives with kek. So, as tinfoil as it is, I believe Dasha has feelios for Mina.
No. 529707
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No. 529711
>>529656Kat Von D is an American.
An Austrian-raised woman absolutely knows better than to associate with Nazi ANYTHING. Saying anti semitic shit is classless for anyone but it's very different from a European doing a Hitler salute.
No. 529733
File: 1528698611116.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1242x2081, 6FBF1532-88D4-4CF3-A1FF-2D9BD6…)

Okay I’ve officially been through all of the threads and haven’t seen this yet. It’s probably just tinfoiling but do you think this is a jab at Dasha for deleting her Instagram
No. 529744
>>529736I don't get people offering genuine (and naive) advice like this to cows. There's nothing to "repair" here. She's meant to crash and burn. There's no going back, apologizing n shit. Mina and Edwin couldn't possibly accept it either.
Just leave Dasha with the consequences of her choices.
This is how life is. Not saying sowwy and everything being peachy again.
For a change, I want to see someone shitty get karma they deserve.
No. 529748
File: 1528707088575.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, ADB5ADC3-0283-49CF-B256-562BB7…)

Guys, Fettie the snaggle tooth cunt uploaded her video.
No. 529750
>>529748So I know a thing or two about psychology.
Is there any way we can tell if the video is mirrored?
Because unless she flipped it her bodylanguage shows that she is lying.
"When you ask a normal, right-handed person about something he's supposed to have seen, if he looks upward and to his left, he's truly accessing his memory of the incident," Bouton says. "However, if he looks upward and to his right, he's accessing his imagination, and he's inventing an answer."
No. 529764
>>529612Loool lettie is not nice in any way,shes a lying backstabbing thirsty cunt who betrayed her friend and befrended his ex and his ex's girlfriend,like who even does that
And then after everything she decides to make a shitty video trying and failing to paint mina in a bad light,because what she was suprised that mina doesnt want anything to do with her after evrything?Lettie no person in their right mind would answer your calls when you still choose to support their abuser,are you too dumb to understand that?
Lastly your video was pointless,the only thing you showed us proof of was of how bad of a friend you were,sneaking behind her back,contacting her ex and the girl he cheated oh her with..just gross,you really are a gross and delusional,if you cant see how you betrayed her
No. 529773
>>529753I thought the video was interesting but it was not nearly as provocative as she was hoping it would be. There was nothing new, she had already released the bulk of these messages. I am surprised that she was able to hide her distain for Mina as much as she did. In past threads you can see screen caps of her being a truly vile person, but I suppose she wants to come across as sweet for youtube.
I don't like Mina, but the fact is that being upset because you were cheated with or broken up and venting for a short period of time is a huge different from Dasha who sperged out for a year over a girl she was obsessed with. There was literally no reason for her to post a video other than to drag Mina. Normal people don't post videos about their friends being unsatisfactory.
I guess I'm a little annoyed that the hype was for nothing but oh well.
No. 529775
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Lettie removed or privated the video, LOL
No. 529776
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No. 529782
File: 1528723265037.jpg (237.79 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180611-145220_Ope…)

After seeing how Lettie got in contact with Julia I'm 100% sure Julia had a vendetta against Mina since the beginning.
I don't believe for a second that Julia actually contacted Lettie to buy her art. She just wanted to steal Minas friend.
My tinfoil is that Cyr cried to Julia about Mina, maybe he still had feelings for her and Julia was just his stop-gap girl.
So she became angry (maybe she saw Cyr as her ticket to continue to live in LA) and had to to something to keep him.
She probably saw that Lettie wasn't a loyal friend to Mina, so it was easy to get Lettie on her side and maybe some dirt on Mina.
She got Lettie on her side, she started talking to Mina to get her to LA (Mina probably told Lettie about Julia trying to befriend her and she was like "I actually talked to her, she's so nice and Cyr really didn't cheat on you with her" and Mina fell for it and went to LA), Mina went to LA but Julia couldn't get full control over her and then Edwin started to involve himself into the situation (telling Mina about Julia deleting her Instagram) so Julia had to get rid of him.
But too bad Mina went with Edwin. Julia tried talking Mina back to her, but she didn't fell for it.
Julia and Cyr felt ~so betrayed~ and Cyr probably got depressed again, so Julia had to start talking about the fake accounts to paint Mina in a bad light.
Again - just my tinfoil
No. 529784
File: 1528724196540.png (13.59 KB, 525x110, 1487992973177.png)

>>529775Dasha is going to be pissed. This tweet was posted in response to someone who was wondering about the validity of Mina and Letties leaked conversation. It seems like Dasha was planning on having her minion make a video for over a year now. (I was bored and browsing the very first thread lol)
No. 529789
>>529781Lmfao, of course it’s for attention. It’s actually really pathetic and embarrassing to see how far she’ll go to make people feel bad for her. She’s full of shit about wanting to kill herself. Even on my lowest of days I would NEVER exaggerate like that around strangers, much less around my S/O’s family members. The fucking cringe.
Someone who really wants to kill themselves doesn’t make such a fucking scene.
No. 529793
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>>529788I think Charlie’s done more than enough tbh. As for the Petra chick, she’s another dumb cunt who only hangs on to Dasha because she wants Cyr’s attention.
>>529790I bet they think she’s batshit crazy.
No. 529796
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this girl is the main offender
No. 529797
File: 1528726743789.png (1.37 MB, 1125x2001, FCDC627F-805D-4514-8D07-33C06F…)

would you look at lettie dropping cyr and dasha, wow would you look who posted it. nice try lettie you lying twat, knew you weren’t finished, and all with the stupid smile thing dasha is doing on instagram 😂
No. 529799
>>529792Where did u just watch it
I can’t find it
No. 529801
>>529796I find she’s one of Dasha’s most obnoxious minions tbh. Add in the fact that she’s always perpetually in a bad mood and sports that stupid feminist/soccer mom haircut…. yeah, she fucking annoys me.
>>529797Lmfao, figures.
No. 529804
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No. 529813
File: 1528737069072.png (125.52 KB, 1066x318, psycho.PNG)

>>529807This is the bio now for the account now. How long until we are due for a full blown Dasha meltdown?
No. 529817
File: 1528738710147.png (20.29 KB, 280x97, Liveleak_logo.png)

>>529816If anyone has the video… they need to upload it to
No. 529832
File: 1528740993553.png (266.99 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-06-11-08-23-56…)

This was one of the screenshots Lettie showed on her video, apparently she became suicidal the day after the last thread was posted kek. She went nuts when people found out she was posting on her own thread.
No. 529833
File: 1528741038533.png (299.79 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-06-11-08-24-16…)

No. 529838
File: 1528741636199.png (76.56 KB, 592x550, Screenshot (201).png)

No. 529855
File: 1528745135711.png (349.86 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-06-11-08-24-58…)

She's definitely just manipulating cyr and her minions with her "suicidal behavior". It's so obvious she just wants everybody around her to be 24/7 worried about her in order to get what she wants. Like sending a messenge like this to a group chat? Come on Dasha.
No. 529869
>>529796>muh mental health>i'm depresserino don't confront me reeeThese dumb hoes have no clue what mental health fucking IS if they think Trasha's deeds coming back to haunt her is somehow not justified.
Mentally ill people are still responsible for their actions. They need support but that doesn't mean their flaws should be ignored. You can support someone without infantilizing them.
No. 529884
>>529883True things.
I don't expect many brands to care about the sieg heil thing much either, actually. Considering these are all insta thot fast fashion brands that scam people with shitty quality products, change their names, and generally shapeshift all the time… They suit Trasha.
If the brand has physical retail locations and is not solely online, they'll probably care since that shows they're trying to build something more conventional and permanent but social media brands? Eh, they're shady af.
Patiently waiting for Trasha to do something stupid but with a hugbox like hers, dunno how much to realistically expect. People let pretty girls fuck shit up all the time.
No. 529892
>>529889A very small number of people are dedicated towards harassing Dasha out of a job. The only way I see this getting any traction enough to band together a substantial number of dedicated haters is if Onion boy makes a video sequel to "my ex friend needs your help" one, where he exposes Dasha for abusing Mina with receipts and to the point, with the tone "I told you so. see? she's crazy!".
Not only will his teenage fans feel like they need to cyber stalk her out of a job because they have nothing better to do with their time, as well as it will be watched and the information of what she did spread to the people in the commentary side of Youtube even if it's just behind the scenes and they don't make videos reporting on her out of respect for Cyr. They do watch Onision to hate on him mostly, but hearing that shit about Dasha will make them want to stay away from Cyr by default, because she's crazy and nobody wants to be around bad trip crazy.
If Onion doesn't talk about it, "people will not forget" doesn't suffice. Not that many people know about this or care. This story doesn't even get substantial views on The Blargh.
No. 529910
File: 1528755817161.jpeg (746.61 KB, 2048x1872, 3B754017-05B4-4F27-8EB4-55226C…)

A glimpse of what a manipulative cunt Dasha is.
No. 529940
File: 1528761462656.png (957.27 KB, 1334x750, 5F834CE8-F087-4500-BBF3-A4442F…)

I thought this was pretty funny. Cyr complaining about Mina’s immaturity and name change, meanwhile he turns a blind eye when Dasha starts referring to herself as ‘baby fox’ and constantly enables Dasha’s immature behavior.
>this is not any way a mature person my age would handle this situation
Then stop preying on young girls and date people YOUR AGE? It’s really THAT simple.
No. 529941
>>529940He needs to leave her. I don't know what mental disorders she has but having depression and being suicidal does not make people do what she has.
Now she's saying she is suicidal because of something
she did? Go fuck yourself Dasha.
No. 529959
>>529953If they have been living together for two years, they basically have a common law partnership at this point. Cyr will not hesitate to marry her to keep her here. Can you even fathom for a person like her how humiliating it would be to get deported and go back to Austria? This will get you permaban from the US, let alone she probably fucked over a lot of people where she's from and she'll go back to nothing. She's not gonna let that happen. Even if Cyr is not into the whole marriage idea I can see her having a gang bang with a bunch of dudes just to get knocked up and say it's Cyr's, or piercing Cyr's condom with a needle and getting pregnant, just so she can stay and he's forced to marry her. Or she can just threaten suicide if he doesn't marry her. Whatever works for her.
>>529955I don't think she's illegal. You can wait for your papers in the US but you are not allowed to leave until they are done. It could take years. It's most likely why her grandma visits her and not the other way around.
No. 529976
>>529973She also briefly mentioned on instalive that once the lease was over, her and Cyr would be getting a house. This was after she was exposed for posting here.
Unfortunately I can’t find that clip, it must’ve not saved onto my camera roll :/
No. 529980
File: 1528768777945.png (899.84 KB, 1282x720, Screen Shot 2018-06-11 at 6.55…)

>>529953>>529973I don't know if anyone missed this, but this text from lyndsay talking dasha kinda supports the marriage idea. I don't doubt she has had a plan to use Cyr for a green card (which of course she accused Mina of wanting to do kek)
No. 530001
File: 1528772007133.png (66.88 KB, 888x443, trasha.PNG)

Did Trasha post something new victimizing herself or did she get a sudden flow of hate that got her to private neuphs?
No. 530003
>>530001I have access to her Neuphs account. She just posted some E3 related videos in her stories. Other than that, more faceapp autism and Koreaboo shit.
Nothing interesting.
No. 530006
File: 1528772822740.png (474.39 KB, 1218x622, Screenshot (202).png)

No. 530056
File: 1528785549990.jpeg (70.03 KB, 562x719, 47B59168-394C-4A97-8CB7-9A5E97…)

No. 530073
File: 1528787666750.jpeg (195.29 KB, 1920x1080, EDCF13A6-4F05-477F-AEA2-1478AE…)

For some reason she reminds me of this
No. 530131
File: 1528817144990.png (41.65 KB, 494x237, ew.png)

Ew, this girl is so unlikable.. being all "hihi i'm a good cute angel" in her video, while being a disgusting pig on twitter
"done with the drama ya daft cunt" Yeah, cause your dumb video backfired and didn't get the support you expected. Just ewwww !!
No. 530154
File: 1528824744690.png (206.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180612-191010.png)

>>530142It doesnt fucking work file is too big,i tried putting it on drive and sending it still wont work,its a stupid video anyways that i lost two fucking hours of my pathetic life on,i tried,fuck yall,i have exams
Here is a pic to prove that im not fucking with you all i do have it it just cant be sent,sorry
No. 530172
>>530157>>530161Cant you all fucking read?
Because fuck you thats why
No. 530176
I can ask, but she's in such a good place mentally, I doubt she will. She just brings drama into her life and makes drama videos when she's bitter and has nothing going for her.
I talked to some people I know who have big commentary channels on Youtube to make them aware of what Dasha did, but not asking or expecting to make a video, just so they know what happened. When it comes down to it, even if nobody talks about this publicly out of respect for Cyr or because she's not famous enough to get people clicking on the videos, or both, what really matters is they know, they'll gossip about it and she won't be able to use them if she ever comes in contact with them. That's really all that matters to me. The videos are secondary. As long as everyone knows what she did, don't trust her because of it and talk behind her back, I'm cool with it. That's really what you want in a situation like this.
No. 530178
>>530172Glad I could help, I discovered that app recently and it's very useful
Has anyone seen Dasha's friend siiickbrain's (thats her instagram) live yesterday? Some people asked about Dasha and she said that she didn't speak to her much lately but she knows that Dasha is being bullied right now and is having a hard time. She also said that she doesn't know what the drama is about tho
No. 530195
File: 1528831843581.png (60.82 KB, 544x522, Screenshot (206).png)

lmfao like pills will help her
No. 530202
>>530195Lettie, Twitter is
not your diary.
Get off the internet and go get some help.
No. 530215
File: 1528833503484.jpg (21.85 KB, 378x125, lettie.JPG)

No. 530222
>>530215How about you get your borderline personality disorder in control and understand that whatever you put on the internet is no longer your property as soon as you make it public?
I'd like to see you try to sue hahahaah
No. 530224
File: 1528834085009.jpg (189.46 KB, 1080x596, Screenshot_20180612-155518_You…)

Indicative of their relationship' dynamic lol
No. 530226
File: 1528834171270.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.07 KB, 423x533, SmartSelect_20180612-155654_Yo…)

No. 530229
File: 1528834270164.png (16.94 KB, 607x134, loser.PNG)

>>530215>adds screenshots of PRIVATE conversations in a video >complains that someone is reuploading a video she's made available to the public and hyped up for everyone to watch go on.
No. 530230
File: 1528834309497.png (18.71 KB, 605x169, loser 2.PNG)

>>530215>>530229whoops, seems like you ain't winning any lawsuits.
No. 530235
File: 1528834939640.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.52 KB, 505x474, SmartSelect_20180612-155629_Yo…)

No. 530237
File: 1528834998935.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.22 KB, 509x546, SmartSelect_20180612-155641_Yo…)

Not sure if it's tape, injections, implants, or just uniquely shaped breasts
No. 530238
File: 1528835025239.png (162.29 KB, 2894x2300, kek.png)

>>530233right? FUCKING KEK honestly.
I would love for her to even try to waste her time and money with this tbh
please SUE. You already lost the lawsuit considering your behavior uploading this video. You made a video public. You, yourself, pressed upload. Nobody forced you. You advertised it.
Please, do waste your money on a lawsuit. hahahaha Fucking loser hahahah
No. 530239
File: 1528835053072.jpg (Spoiler Image,24.04 KB, 524x524, IMG_20180612_160548_247.jpg)

I had to use a spoiler as this picture is particularly disturbing
No. 530254
>>530250She's so borderline, it's not even funny.
First she inserts herself in drama that doesn't concern her to be accepted by her peers (Dasha and Cyr) and make it about her, for some reason, because she thrives on victimhood.
Then, she takes it down, because she doesn't know how to deal with rejection, didn't think something through because she's impulsive and gets mad people are reuploading that something she made public, because, like I said before, she thrives on victimhood.
But look on the bright side, Lettie. You got what you truly deep down wanted with this, which was to feel closer to Dasha, right?
>hey look I'm being bullied on that silly forum as well. We are like going through THE SAME THING sis. Let's wear matching bracelets. Fucking pathetic. Seriously.
No. 530258
>>530257So like I understand that the thread is about Dasha as she is the ubercow, and although Edwin and Mina are cringy they are hardly thread worthy, but I feel like people have jumped too far on to the Mina whiteknight train. Let's not pretend that Mina is a delicate flower, I'm pretty sure she can be catty and malicious as well. I'm not saying we should hate on her, but some of us are giving her way too much credit. I definitely believe she was behind some ~fake accounts~ even if they weren't used to bully Dasha, that she was a sugar baby, and that she plotted on a very small scale to get along with Dasha for her personal gain. I don't think any of this makes her a horrible person. Just a normal, emotional human.
If people really like Mina, I feel like they're doing her a disservice by treating her like an angel because it's raising her to an impossible standard that she simply cannot attain.
No. 530261
File: 1528837933763.png (108.18 KB, 245x245, regina.png)

>>530256It's sad, but not surprising, how Dasha took advantage of someone that's so predisposed to being abused, submissive, manipulated and used as a pawn. Lettie is literally that weird kid in high school that would chase you around the corridor trying to be friends, doing all these things for you, and you just feed crumbs from time to time to keep them as your pet. At the end of the day, they are so used to being fed crumbs, they don't even know they are entitled to have a full meal and walk away if they are not given that. They just take whatever they are handed because they so desperately just want to be liked.
Nobody in their right mind would have a friendship with this girl because she doesn't have any self worth or self respect. That's why she only attracts people who either see her as a useful tool that requires cheap maintenance or if they pitied her and were doing charity work for good karma.
No. 530273
Lettie's video: will be added soon.
No. 530274
File: 1528839507565.png (14.14 KB, 938x370, 404.PNG)

>>530273are you sure you pasted the right link?
No. 530277
File: 1528839643025.png (Spoiler Image,73.79 KB, 956x414, vimeo.png)

>>530274Lettie already got us with the copyright hammer.
Just kidding. It's still processing.
No. 530286
File: 1528841231082.png (76.63 KB, 315x396, O.png)

>>530271I found it! Thank you!
No. 530298
>>530292it's not mina's fault - I agree that it's not other people's fault when you get
triggered and shit but come on. somebody tells you they're suicidal and then tell you they're in hospital and you say nothing or just "okay" is fucked beyond.
I fully support Mina and her being abused if fucked up - I know this myself which is why I really hope Dasha gets properly fucked for this. Just saying, that I feel sorry for Lettie. she seems really young and was in fact let down
No. 530303
>>530298Do we know what happened after the 'Okay'? It's conveniently omitted. Could've gone like… "Okay.
(new message asking about Lettie)"
It's still not perfect bedside manner but maybe they talked about Lettie before/after. Just because Lettie tweeted about being in the hospital doesn't mean Mina had to see it before messaging her.
No. 530304
>>530303makes sense - yeh I probably feel bad for people easily.
in any case, mina was abused and I really hope dasha's career is over. vile
No. 530311
>>530300yeah the 'suicidal' ones on the internet may be the attention seekers that never really were able to get their attention craving and edge out during an emo phase.
However, the rates of suicide still increase nevertheless, and with those that are ACTUALLY suicidal, I believe it's increasing due to more exposure to events and bullying and such through the internet, more stress in general, etc. etc. People like Dasha really make actual suicidal people and people actually suffering from depression look bad. The only mental illness she probably has is some personality disorder as some said (BPD, narcissism or whatever) which fuels her to use other mental illnesses as a shield and to manipulate her fans/Cyr/Mina/others.
No. 530312
>>530303makes sense - yeh I probably feel bad for people easily.
in any case, mina was abused and I really hope dasha's career is over. vile
>>530311you're right - my ex was a sociopath and kept threatening he would commit suicide and also disappeared one day leaving a suicide note just so I don't break up with him lol he would never kill himself, he loves himself too much lmao
yeah just noticed I'm gullible as fuck
No. 530336
File: 1528848527422.png (3.48 MB, 750x1334, 499B0AE1-8D93-40BA-93B4-0267E4…)

Any idea what this might be about?
No. 530337
File: 1528848698874.jpg (117.6 KB, 277x784, 20180612_201204.jpg)

So smoll
No. 530338
File: 1528848705192.jpg (31.45 KB, 630x472, urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-14…)

>>530336No idea. She looks like mj in that pic.
No. 530342
File: 1528849205762.jpg (329.03 KB, 695x1046, Screenshot_20180612-202008_Ins…)

No. 530349
File: 1528849882272.jpg (355.06 KB, 735x1048, SmartSelect_20180612-202713_In…)

No. 530351
File: 1528850183244.jpg (624.86 KB, 923x1014, SmartSelect_20180612-203510_In…)

No. 530353
File: 1528850509803.png (727.57 KB, 608x620, dasha.PNG)

>>530349That's basically my problem with her as a model. Not only does she not have the right frame for it, but her beauty doesn't look natural. I like her modeling so much better in photos she's not trying so hard (pic related). It does look like she's wearing a second skin after she decided take her modeling going for wigs and hipster looks, and using a bunch of fucking filters to the point it's clear she's suffering from body dysmorphia. This Mina style of modeling just doesn't suit her. The clothes wear her, not the other way around. It just looks like she's playing dress up, not modeling.
No. 530358
>>530357If I was working with modeling casting calls and she showed up looking natural like that
>>530353 I would book her, because she has strong facial features. In that photo she looks like she could be modeling for Guess, even if her body shape is more plus sized. If she showed up wearing a wig, lots of make up and a costume like this photo
>>530342, I wouldn't even consider her. There's a huge difference between models who happen to have instagram accounts and instagram models. She is grouped with the latter and she isn't going anywhere if she doesn't wake up and start owning her beauty, instead of trying to change it with photoshop and heavy filters.
No. 530364
File: 1528852308400.jpg (178.72 KB, 506x449, SmartSelect_20180612-202457_In…)

Yeah ok she has strongly shopped feautures. Irl she's moonfaced and the only strong about her face are her cheekbones and those look to be artificially injected
No. 530366
File: 1528852401762.jpg (556 KB, 1027x958, SmartSelect_20180612-204139_In…)

All I see is bad, hair, makeup and an average canvas
No. 530371
File: 1528853202553.png (1.89 MB, 750x1334, A714D551-663A-44A9-890E-1C31C5…)

>>530324>>530348Kek, reminded me of this photo
No. 530373
File: 1528853692042.jpg (491.21 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20180612-213500_Ins…)

No. 530376
File: 1528854127584.jpg (151.18 KB, 776x1046, SmartSelect_20180612-213845_In…)

(read the rules & usage info)
No. 530377
File: 1528854269758.jpg (351.56 KB, 881x1054, SmartSelect_20180612-213933_In…)

No. 530383
File: 1528855615523.jpg (1005.93 KB, 968x1221, SmartSelect_20180612-214919_In…)

No. 530384
File: 1528855633816.jpg (739.13 KB, 1025x1235, SmartSelect_20180612-215050_In…)

No. 530385
File: 1528855659642.jpeg (738.06 KB, 2048x1800, D1E4D58E-F2AA-40A1-B3C1-17C25E…)

There has been a sudden influx of Dasha “fan accounts” in the past few hours. All of the first posts on these accounts were 2-3 hours ago.
I think Charlie Manson is sending her cult followers to make accounts.
No. 530391
File: 1528855792438.jpeg (470.46 KB, 2048x2048, 589CFDE7-1D20-4463-9619-BBE298…)

No. 530393
File: 1528855978194.jpg (682.55 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180612-221312_Sam…)

No. 530394
File: 1528856226880.png (88.78 KB, 618x654, twitter.PNG)

>>530393do you guys think this is a Dasha fake account?
No. 530398
>>530394Maybe. But to be fair, he
could have gone to Ohio already and left for the event. And I do agree that Edwin is obsessive, but then again if crazy fucking Dasha was in my life trying to destroy me I'm sure I wouldn't be able to handle it with grace either.
In his livestream today he made a point after someone suggested he stop talk about it, saying "Should people stop talking about Harvey Weinstein?" with the disclaimer that it's not the same, and … I mean, fair. I do hope he and Mina eventually don't feel threatened by her anymore so this doesn't have to be such a big issue in their lives anymore, but Dasha just SCREAMS vindictive so…
No. 530399
File: 1528856595252.jpg (642.72 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180612-221802_Sam…)

Literally doesn't give a fuck how he treats people, esp people who used to be his close friend and creative partner. Can't stand people like this at all. He arrogantly shoves it in peoples faces as a way to make it seem like it's such a trivial thing to call him out for. Dude. Vincent. You either lied and said your dad fell ill to a STROKE AND you lied and said you were responsible for caring for him and helping him repair or just the last part. Either way, what a douche. The only reason he's likeable is because he is attractive in a twinky kinda soy boy way. He literally taunts Edwin and Mina by making every complaint they have about their treatment into a joke, furthering the emotional abuse they DID suffer at the hands of Dasha. She intentionally put these people under emotional distress and her fucking boyfriend laughs and jokes and mocks them when they crack. You know why? BBecause that's what she does to him when he snaps under her pressure so he has lost empathy for people he may have actually cared for. DASHA probably has him convinced he is just as crazy as her. Thats why HE is talking about going to therapy too and thats why he adopted some weird serial killer asmr persona. Fucking freak romanticizes and glorifies psychopathy, no wonder he is with Dasha.
No. 530439
File: 1528860007090.gif (1.65 MB, 500x279, White-Chicks.gif)

>>530342>>530349This gif looks like her.
No. 530441
File: 1528860114205.jpg (28.07 KB, 580x435, mask.jpg)

>>530371This mask kind of reminded me of that photo.
No. 530444
File: 1528860218447.jpg (12.93 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg)

>>530375J-Julia is underneath there?
No. 530448
File: 1528860323427.jpg (387.24 KB, 3920x1572, eminem-quotes-3.jpg)

>>530383LOL! She has an eminem quote tattooed on her! Pic related.
No. 530455
File: 1528860794258.png (274.13 KB, 859x534, the-shining.png)

Yes, anon.
No. 530458
File: 1528861277817.png (317.84 KB, 391x410, emilia.PNG)

>>530457I think she does. I actually thought it was Emilia Clarke before I made the photo bigger. Emilia is definitely prettier, but they do look alike. But you are allowed to disagree with me. Doesn't mean I'll change my opinion just because you happen to disagree with it though.
No. 530463
>>530458Anon are you ok? None of their features look similar, lmfao.
Stop stroking Julia’s ego pls, she wishes she looked like Emilia Clarke.
No. 530481
File: 1528865919537.jpg (106.98 KB, 718x901, Screenshot_2018-06-12-23-52-25…)

>>530478Not really, she's stupid and helpless, she needs to learn how to use the internet.
No. 530482
>>529980May be completely coincidental, but during this stream Edwin plugged Andrew Hales' "Chatting With" series because he interviewed an expert on narcissism. After scrolling through the dude's channel I noticed he'd done an interview with Cyr.
From an older Blargh post it seems Edwin was buddying up with Onision on stream after the Cyr fallout. Cyr and Dasha are lost causes, but Edwin, don't be that person that tries to sneakily "win" everyone involved with your "enemy," don't be weird.
No. 530509
>>530448She said times before that it was a Radiohead lyric Idk what song.
>>530482Yeah I see that. I know he’s still bitter about the being dumped in the friendship and people say things while they’re mad but I’m kind of getting annoyed of him not gonna lie. I love when he brings out all that trash on dasha it makes me realize how much of an idiot I was to believe in her and her mooching her was to make you believe she cares. But just like Mina, Cyr is non confrontational, sure he’s shadey when it comes to girls and he’s done a handful of things but Just like Edwin said about dasha and how she is with Mina, you keep poking for a reaction and you’re not gonna get it. Cyrs like the Lainey in this situation and people gave shit to Edwin talking to Lainey but said before Lainey and onision are two separate people. I just get a little irritated at Edwin for that because it’s like a little hypocritical but you can’t say anything to him because he gets really intense and defensive too. Like the guy got sensitive when he was called shitty and took cyrs post to heart. Dasha is the one that mainly manipulated, went through people’s phones to delete things meaning Cyr and Mina, drugged people, pressuring, intimidation with her anger or using suicide to make people to her will. The guy looks like he’s miserable out of his mind because he’s living for someone else needs, the biggest thing is her using suicide and disappearing to keep Cyr and other by her side. Also messaging people with screenshots of the drama all while pretending to your bf that you’re ignoring it. Like people try to help her but she continues with her fucked up shit.
If dasha is bipolar she’ll see him black or white, which means when she’s in the black zone, who knows what fucked up shit she’s gonna do. Accuse him of rape, abuse, find some way for him to go to jail. She’s that vengeful. She’s done it to Linsey, mina, her ex’s and others.
No. 530513
>>530511I dont think so anon. To me its normal to want to profit off of something thats taking time out of your day to make or spend time discussing.
As obsessed is definitely incorrect. Dasha went above and beyond.
No. 530514
>>530513I'm usually very right about the people I feel off about. I'm not putting him on a pedestal anytime soon.
I think it's kind of ridiculous that for some people criticizing Edwin's character means thinking Dasha is less of a cunt. No. Completely unrelated. There is something off about him.
No. 530516
>>530511Honestly, no. He brought the issue back up because it became dangerous and relevant, his girlfriend is actively being doxxed and harassed for no reason.
I think that it's hard to get over something that recently effected you negatively, but with this shit, Dasha is still actively harassing. He's not obsessed, he's standing up for himself as others who who get attacked or may potentially get attacked by Dasha won't say anything.
No. 530524
>>530511I mean I don’t get that from Edwin, I just think he’s highly sensitive and guarded when it comes to people questioning him. I wanted to message him but mainly Mina and was debating whether I should apologize for believing in dasha, but to see the way Edwin really sperges kinda turned me off on that. I think I only feel sorry for Mina at this point, She was a young girl who got hurt over a cheater, had fake accounts that were not harmful in anyway dasha is a bitch for making it seem like those accounts were harassing her when in reality dasha sabotaged a whole relationship, and was still trying to find her place while dealing with her own external and internal issues. The way Edwin does it, Like getting sensitive about that post about cyrs dad, Cyr probably says shit when he’s mad as well, and getting away from all the drama sounding it out is probably what he always does. That’s why dasha has control so much, there’s proof where she manipulated. Cyr and Simon probably hear “Edwin’s making up lies about me again” and they probably haven’t even watched the video knowing them, she probably lied to him that she want on lolcow.
I highly disagree that Edwin’s money hungry, hes actually not like that but instead of getting highly sensitive to people’s comments and people still supporting Cyr, or even Cyr going to E3, I had seen someone say that Cyr probably visited his father briefly or he’s saving money to visit his father because you have to plan before you make action. I don’t think he lied about it because even his dead friend turned out to be real. I just don’t think cyr should be the constant target when dasha is the one who should be constantly exposed. Edwin said it himself he has more receipts then what he showed us. I’d prefer to see that then his annoying sperge on Cyr.
I was a little annoyed sorry for this being a long post.
No. 530534
>>530527Yeah but Edwin continues to rant on it just because Cyr was at E3 they still debate whether or not it’s true. But I know those type of things take planning and money. He most likely is doing things the public doesn’t see, whereas dasha we have receipts of her being manipulative. I know this by other old minions, but she was actively telling Cyr that Edwin made another video of her and he’s lying, Cyr hasn’t even watched it. I’ve been asking for screenshots too, but he knows she’s unstable. He said why do you think I’m trying to get her help, and then goes onto say that he tries to keep the drama away from her because she can’t take it and she argues with him whenever he tries to help her. She also told him that she was going to kill herself. I’ll send screenshots as soon as I can get them. But for Cyr he’s being manipulated, she’s clinging onto him like a lifeline, but also still fueling her ego and lies behind everyone’s backs, he probably said it out of anger by seeing his girlfriend using suicide as a shield, but It really doesn’t sit well with me how highly sensitive Edwin is about it, it gives me too much anxiety to say something to him about it he has a stronger personality then before. He’s not right about everything, I understand his intentions but I’d rather know more on what dasha has been doing behind people’s backs since he has more information, and she’s the main villain right now. Everyone else is either manipulated, heavily manipulated, or trying not to anger the beast that is dasha. It’s not gonna be easy getting out of a relationship with her that’s all I’ve got to say.
By the way, everyone where she lives tries not to argue with her anyway, people think they’re helping her, Cyr and only a VERY small few of her friends say don’t show her any drama, dasha doesn’t need it please don’t show her, she’s suicidal she’s trying to get help, all while dasha is going behind their backs trying to get drama from what edwin, lolcow, and other people are saying. You see how pathetic that is, like a drug addict exept the drug is drama and she’s causeing everyone around her to suffer on her sinking ship. She’s a pathological liar
No. 530539
>>530534I'm admittedly not the best at recalling things but… Where the fk are this hoe's parents? Bitch is jobless and having a mental breakdown yet her support system consists of underage instagram followers and a soyboy that doesn't really care.
The stroke story was so cheap. How hard is it to admit to being an enabler and to apologize for your own actions? He can't apologize for Trasha, but he can come clean himself. Also, why the fuck is he so defensive about the cheating? It's not a politician's sex tape scandal or something (which is also stupid imo but that's another story), dude just fucked someone else behind his gf. Admit it and move on. JFC.
It's amazing how badly Trasha fucked up being a pretty young woman who has a social media following. She squandered a cushy life. I still tinfoil that she's in love with Mina. She acts like bitter dudes that try to neg and humiliate you when you reject them.
No. 530550
>>530539I have no idea she did have a bad upbringing, he mom is a druggie I think from pictures I’ve seen and stuff dasha subtley mentioned. He mom probably had her at a young age and left her to be raised with her grandparents. She was molested and sexually abused when she was younger that’s as far as I know.
He did admit to cheating on Mina and apologized for it from the screenshots Edwin provided and the other stuff said. The one who’s trying to push the narrative that he didn’t cheat was dasha, for whatever reason because she liked men with a reputation and if Cyr didn’t have the numbers, you know she wouldn’t bat an eye to him. The thing with him he doesn’t think it’s relevant to bring it up. Tinfoiling but I think dasha is the one to tip mina to watch dashas Snapchat. Dasha putting it on Snapchat in the first place seems already sketchy, and cyr didn’t even know that video existed. She homewrecked from the beginning and planed it. I’ve seen posts where people have said Cyr was being told by dasha he wasn’t good enough for her and she always ends up dating ugly guys, what does that say about her? She makes it seem like this special relationship and he should feel so lucky to be with her. Dasha pisses me off my god I can’t believe I fell for her act I wish I could hit her, she deserves it.
As for Edwin his ranting just gets on my nerves it makes me realize why I disliked him, I understand he still has hate towards Cyr but it’s annoying and embarrassing by now. Cyrs really boring to me and that’s about it, he’s a cheater and a wuss who uses avoiding as a coping mechanism, Mina is the one I Mainly feel for, I’m allowed to be annoyed by Edwin still. Just cause I side with Edwin doesn’t mean I’ll agree with everything he posts.
No. 530552
>>530442Agreed, If there's new evidence in the coming weeks or so we should absoultely talk about her Sugar Daddys
>>530257>"out of respect for Mina"lmao
No. 530553
>>528797i just watched part 2 of edwin's dash video, and right at the end he says that he isn't taking any legal action - but mina is.
apparently that'll take quite a while tho, because she's in england and dasha is in america, but isn't american etc.
so now i'm wondering;
if mina takes legal action against dasha who's apparently illegally in america, does that mean that she'll be deported once the police's attention is on her?
so in that case, she'll either be deported and we can all expect onion levels of spurges -
or cyr is going to have to propose to her.
- would that be a solution to the problem tho? once she's been outed as an illegal, could marriage still be an option?
No. 530554
>>530272I think starting an own thread for her is stupid because she doesn't really do anything.
If there's something you wanna discuss, just post it into this thread
No. 530557
>>530551Totally! They are like complete backstabbers! You see this sort of thing in stripclub dressing rooms. But yeah, PHOTOSHOP, FILTERS, FACETUNE, FACEAPP, AND VASELINE ON THE LENS! Their posts look like cartoons it’s so fake. That sort of shit makes the ugliest of ugly look good, or at least fake.
And Lettuce- your video is worthless. The only people it hurts are the ones where you show their screen shots -backstabbing btw. So get used to it being out there as a reminder to learn the definition of loyalty, cunt.
No. 530559
>>530554honestly the one thing she did that was really cringe was the constant baby-talk captions on her instagram post for that teddy bear of hers - but that's already been talked about excessively in previous threads.
her style and way of speaking is kind of cringy a lot of the time, but i don't even think it's snow worthy.
No. 530581
>>530579Lurking in a thread about you is one thing.
But actively posting on three different devices and starting conversations with yourself is a whole new level.
Every time I think about that comment from her, where she wrote "This is lolcow,
we post proof here" I think how she must have really thought that she's a smart farmer and that she can sit on her lazy ass, posting here and getting all of Edwin and Mina's secrets spoonfed.
I wish I could have seen her face when she found out farmhand found out she's the one posting and posted all of her comments.
I totally believe Cyr that he found her crying with her head in a pillow, ripping her own hair out.
10/10 crazy
No. 530583
>>530514Fwiw anon, I also think there's something a bit off about Edwin (although I wouldn't use the idea that I'm "usually right" about such things as evidence, c'mon now kek)
Although I do think Edwin is totally justified in how he's feeling. He had a falling out with his best friend, which obviously sucks, and that ex-best friend's girlfriend is a fucking psycho dead set on ruining him and the woman he loves. It fucking sucks.
But you can be against what Dasha's been doing and still acknowledge that there's something off about him. Not that it means he's an all-around "bad person," but he no doubt can be a bit manic, a tad obsessive, too opportunistic (but who isn't in entertainment)… Personally, I think he should be focusing on his mental health and maybe taking a little break from all of the attention on it, but that's just my opinion and I get why he doesn't do that. I will say if Dasha learns how to control her fucking psycho and fall back a bit, but he continues to keep milking this too hard to the public, I'll probably go from being just eh about him to fully disliking him (and yes, still hating Dasha). I mean, they're all a bit crazy IMO, though I do feel worst for Mina, of course.
Just my 2 cents
No. 530596
she was so on the nose with everything though, looking at what edwin is saying/her former 'friends' are saying…
if i told you to make me a sandwich because i was hungry and you did - that wouldn't be manipulation, just a request.
if i told you i was hungry and kept whining about it, knowing you'll get up making me a sandwich thinking it was your idea - thats manipulative.
so in my eyes, everyone going "oh, dasha - what a manipulative genius - i genuinely thought that -"
buggs me to no end.
she told you to go mess with that girl, to write mean shit and spread stories - and what, you didn't know what that meant for the person receiving that shit?
you saw dasha's posts and PSA's about haters positivity and shit and didn't put 2+2 together?
she basically said "fuck up that bitches life", she didn't say "omg she hurt me so bad, i just- oh i wish karma would get her ohhh", manipulating her minions into thinking that fucking with mina was their idea.
it's fucking infuriating how all these opportunistic girls that are coming out now, telling edwin how psycho dasha is are being presented as those poor girls, fooled and manipulated by dasha…
if you are a "former minion" of hers and did that shit after she asked you to than that's on you - not just her. you wanted what she had to offer, you wanted the glam life of an insta thot, and that's what you were willing to do for it.
manipulative my ass.
No. 530606
>Edwin is just as dude thats in love, and he wants to protect Mina and her reputation.No doubt, but it is
also evident that he's a bit strange, a bit of an attention whore. This was evident before this Dasha chaos became a thing.
He can be good to Mina
and kind of… off. Not mutually exclusive.
(But I do understand that people like Dasha are crazy-makers. I know I certainly wouldn't be handling this well).
No. 530607
>>530606ffs, we get it, you think Edwin is weird
let it go
No. 530612
>>530482If you want Edwin to not talk to anyone that Cyr or Dasha also know then Dasha gets what she wants.
>>530511Not narcissism, ADHD. He can't stay on track to save his life. He talks about it. You can look it up. We know what's wrong with him.
>>530553The way shit works in the US right now? She would get deported right away and the fed would never get around to processing any paperwork for a marriage visa. She would probably also get turned away at the border if she tries to come back like Mina when Mina tried to visit after overstaying her Visa.
>>530561ICE is setting up raids in shops baiting employees into break rooms with doughnuts. They're sitting outside courthouses and grade schools. The only thing that would save her is that she's based in California and the police aren't going to tattle immediately to ICE.
>>530566He has ADHD, he doesn't link cause and effect like that. He probably doesn't get why it being expensive is an issue. It's for Mina. Mina is dabes. Or some shit like that.
>>530583Ya he's been diagnosed. Look up ADHD. It's him.
>>530596Best part is that they come out as autistic. Literally just little girls with autism or attention seekers fell for this shit.
No. 530622
>>530606To be honest I thought their relationship was faked for views at first, especially seeing how he asked her out at a gathering. Their relationship seems to have developed more though and seems genuine though I can't help but wonder what they see in each other, they're both very different.
I don't really see Edwin as too off. He's definitely oportunistic and money hungry as some people might say, but most broke people are. I don't think he has bad intentions for anyone who is a friend of his though.
No. 530635
>>530617they're old enough to understand what they're doing.
sure, if a three year old says something mean i don't expect them to understand what that can do to people - but these girls where mostly around the age of 18, youngest active minion i know of was like 15/16 and dasha herself is only 23 herself.
sure they did what they did because they idolise her, but they manipulated themselves into thinking that being mean to mina would mean a consistent stream of people idolising them for once and no real harm for mina.
if a 15 year old bullies your kid in school, it doesn't matter if his 21 year old brother is egging him on to do it, that kid is old enough to understand the consequences of that action - that's just to be expected at that point.
i get how some anons want to protect these young girls who are all claiming mental health problems and ignorance, but let's not kid ourselves into believing that being young and stupid means they can get away with that kind of shit because they were unaware of what bullying entails.
they knew what they we're doing and it didn't matter to them then, because internet fame was worth it in their eyes - and i totally get that, it's just lying about it now that pisses me off.
maybe there are exceptions. maybe some of them where roped into that situation differently, but for most of them - that's just how it was.
No. 530656
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In response to posting the picture of Cyr at E3
No. 530657
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In response to posting the picture of Cyr at E3 pt.2
No. 530667
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>>530596>>530574Just to be clear, I say minion because it seemed simpler to say instead of a dasha fan or someone who idolized her or called her a friend. I’m gonna name some of the things she did to me and other people. The screenshot given was from one of the former ones who wants to keep out of this too. A lot of us have real lives and jobs and the pressure given to defend her especially her guilting us made it too much that most of us had to ghost her. The reason we trusted her because we did believe she was hurt, the whole Mina harassed her seemed real too. Because indeed those accounts were Minas, but we were told a more manipulated story. The accounts did send stuff like “Mina is gonna be so mad” and “this is who she left her for” but Mina was hurt that she was cheated on. I was never aware of that Snapchat where dasha was in bed, she made it seem like she never homewrecked it. I think back, Mina went crazy because she was cheated on and she was hurt so I don’t blame her using her fake accounts. Also dasha said Mina being a sugar baby was manipulated too. Lettie saying Mina only had one who she was dedicated towards, while dasha made it seem like she had many and used all their credit cards. She would call us friends and would even put us above Cyr because to her Cyr would never help her which made us view him like he wasn’t that good of a guy to never back up his gf. Now I see why he’s unresponsive. It’s a lot to say but I don’t want to clog up this thread, I hope this screenshot shows you what I mean
No. 530672
>>530669This, Honestly its so fucking transparent that he used his fathers stoke as a shield, Can't be that important if you can piss off and have fun at E3 now can it. Fuck cyr, And fuck jon for defending the little lying wretch.
Apparently his dad stroke is important enough so that nobody says anything bad or mean to poor little cyr but hey he can play at e3 all good.
I dunno why but seeing that shit really pissed me off, Unless actively in the process of dying, A relatives illness doesn't exempt you from criticism.
No. 530673
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>>530657I actually like kawaiiguys responses, and one of Edwin’s fans went as far as to say “he’s a white man” and something else. I realized why Edwin bothered me so much. He is too overly defensive and justifies all of his actions. I think before when I used to be on dashas side, I sent him the proof of Mina owning those accounts with those accounts interacting with Mina and niamh, he really blew up in my face when he’s the one that said to come forward to prove him wrong. He said “You can believe whatever you want, I have nothing to prove to you” so I got confused as to why he avoids that. All I wanted was for him to see a flaw in his analysis. When this whole things blew up I discovered new things about Dasha so I felt like I was used. When I took a step back I started to see it all that’s why I felt so stupid. She used her mental issues to make me feel bad for her. I sided with Edwin but now I just feel like I only feel bad for Mina. Edwin uses his fans to rally against a person who’s just trying to prove that Cyr isn’t lying about his dad. He’s doing the exact thing he said he didn’t want. Sorry to the people who support him but I just can’t, I tried to like Edwin but his actions get on my nerves. I’m only glad he tarnished dashas reputation.
No. 530677
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>>530675Where she still says Edwin’s lying.
No. 530682
>>530679I think its covert dasha stans subtly trying to move conversation onto how "oo weird, offputting almost" edwin is, Its subtle but it feels like anons are sowing the seeds of doubt.
I believe edwin and I think his reactions are appropriate. Cyr uses his fathers health issues as a shield while dasha cries suicidal even though she CAUSED ALL OF THIS.
No. 530691
>>530688lots of suicidal people joke about their condition, you don't have to be emotional 24/7 for people to take you threats of suicide seriously.
there's loads of depressed comedians, who joke around the topic all the fucking time.
that doesn't make their depression less real.
No. 530692
>>530657>>530656He must be offering to get Edwin his money then. Of course Cyr's manager is looking to do damage control and PR shit after his stupid client tries to emotionally manipulate his audience and doesn't get away with it.
>>530675She is just so precious.
'I get suicidal when it comes out that I was trying to skinwalk a girl and destroy her to make my aesthetic look authentic. uWu why doesn't anyone respect that in order to be normal I have to be preying on autistic girls and ruining some thot from england's 'career.' UwU why don't you understaaaaand.
>>530685It's obviously because she knows that the only people that buy her shit are autistics and her actually retarded boyfriend. If she says these things out in public she gets to be held accountable.
>>530689Apparently Edwin doesn't tell his friends to pick sides.
No. 530693
>>530691Such selective reading. No wonder Dasha pulled the wool over your eyes.
You can't even parse the fact that anon wasn't saying "no one with depression ever jokes about depression."
No. 530695
>>530682No, I personally think they're all fucked. Didn't know Edwin had ADHD though… I guess that explains some things.
Shame on Cyr for using his father's situation like this. I never expected much out of him, though; he was bff with Onision for too long to be normal.
But nobody is more fucked than Dasha. For real, this is a dangerous woman, and other shit aside good on Edwin for standing up to this bullshit, a lot of people would be too scared to do so. I just hope she doesn't pull something drastic (more than she already has)… she's a fucking psycho.
No. 530699
>>530682Exactly, it reminds me of how Dasha would insidiously drop mina's name and try to turn the conversation back to speaking negatively of Mina.
Which I also never understood. Mina seems like a genuine, sweet girl. Weird and snowflakey but still. I'm actually sorry she is even involved in all of this lol like Dasha is so much weirder, that's all we should be talking about. This girl literally tried so hard to steal Mina's style and looks and even her following/friends after she already stole Cyr. She wants so badly to be this smoll, effortless model kinda beauty that Mina almost has. Even when they were friends Dasha actually shopped herself to look a bit like Mina. She even copied Mina's natural hair color and style then turned around and said Mina copied her.
No. 530703
>>530673>I realized why Edwin bothered me so much. He is too overly defensive and justifies all of his actions.Must be so weird to you anon, since Dasha never does those things. People being accused of false shit from people who have clearly stated "I will destroy you" and then makes good on it will get into defense mode if they have a spine, and will justify their actions if they fall into gray areas or require nuance to be understood.
>>530683I thought that was Lettie when she and Mina were skinwalking each other in the video mocking Dasha
No. 530705
>>530693yea yea, i read the bit about the abusive father etc.
but i can't say that it's particularly relevant here.
>someone who isn't kidding about being suicidal doesn't need to say that all i'm saying is:
they might.
No. 530710
>>530701don't worry about it, the reply really was meant for me,
he was criticising my post
>>530691 No. 530712
>>530709honestly though, all of them are - all her friends and most of her fanbase are part of this whole mental health community, they ALL fucking have depression or anxiety or autism.
i swear to god in every fucking screenshot of theirs, someone saying their depression is coming back real bad, they're in hospital after a suicide attempt, all of this negativity is
triggering their anxiety and panicattacks etc..
that's just what they all constantly do it seems.
No. 530713
>>530702Im really confused, I’m just saying I don’t really like his actions. But I don’t care to derail
>>530706 We’re not all the same person I wish some of you understood my opinion on Edwin is nothing to be suspicious about. I clearly just don’t agree with some of his actions. I’ve been proving so far a lot of stuff from dashas private messages. I’ve also dmed Mina to apologize and she was so kind also really forgiving, she just wanted it to be over and I sent her stuff she said about her on how dasha made it seem like Mina was so manipulative that she’s surprised Mina didn’t accuse Cyr of rape, she hasn’t seen it but I wanted her to see other stuff dasha has said. Dasha said a lot of nit picky things.
But anyway me just not really liking Edwin doesn’t mean I care about dasha I wish I could have provided more, I even have dashas number and I could expose it if I wanted to but I think that would be too much and idk if it’s against the rules to fuck with her like that. I would give it to anyone who wanted it though.
No. 530721
>>530714>>530718if he is, he shouldn't make the same mistake as dasha and post trying to get things to go in a specific direction.
as of now most anons are on his and minas side, so he's got nothing to fear.
once this is a pure dasha thread, he'll probably be kept out of any future drama anyway.
No. 530727
File: 1528920856828.jpeg (523.03 KB, 750x1066, 30C6060D-D9AC-4122-AD97-1DB48A…)

Here’s a new dasha “fan” account.
No. 530731
>>530713You have zero reading comprehension. And you are still being used by Dasha because you are just that underdeveloped.
You admit to being a Stan and being used as a flying monkey to insert Dasha into Mina's life even though she doesn't want continued contact? Great job continuing to hurt someone because you can't control your autistic need to be in people's business.
Also, great job telling us all that Dasha still reads the shit out of these forums and takes everything said here as if it were Mina or Edwin talking to her directly.
Hey Dasha, did you want to ruin Cyr's life by keeping Mina drunk and unable to consent, in the state of california, to sex? Or were you just hoping that since you had 'ruined' her credibility by projecting your shit onto Mina that you would be able to use a 'false rape accusation' to give you more street cred in the insta thot community?
No. 530737
>>530656I really can’t stand this Jon dude. Like who are you? Why are you even inserting yourself? Stupid clueless flying monkey.
>>530667Lmfao, this screen shot is from Hentaiguy right? Does that mean he/she is no longer supporting Dasha?
No. 530740
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Lmfao, I love when Mina shows she has some spunk
No. 530741
>>530739Yeah, Jacksfilms is a great guy and even if he felt strongly about any of this I don't think he'd switch from making witty responses to YouTube comments to suddenly exposing some crazy bitch. Plus he is, or was, friends with Cyr.
But also to your point, Cyr and Edwin are what, 28? Oh man…
No. 530747
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Saw this on Trishas bday vid. Personality flaw? I wonder if you consider all those men releasing revenge porn as people with a simple flaw? Fucking lunatics. How are ppl still making excuses for her?
No. 530749
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>>530747Actually just noticed this… Don't want to accuse everyone of being Dasha but this is fishy…
No. 530751
>>530673This is why I can't get behind him and Mina 100%. None of these fucks are genuine. Clearly, Mina is the victim in this, so it'd be moronic for me not to see that and not side with her, but Edwin is exhausting and I wish it was Mina going after Dasha instead.
One thing that made me roll the fuck out of my eyes while watching his 2 hour livestream was when he was disappointed he didn't put ads on it so that he could make money and then before anyone could say anything he went on to say that he spent a LONG time getting all the receipts gathered as if to say that would justify him being able to make money off of it but bro if you're in this to defend your girlfriend's name then why the fuck are you acting like you should be compensated for "entertaining" us with the drama? You needed those screen shots to prove your point of the story, so don't act like you did a job that requires payment now.
No. 530752
>>530741I don't think you understand how men work. They are not gonna act like women when it comes to a situation like this (i.e, if the partner does something bad, they stop being friends with both people, or whatever). They are primarily Cyr's friends and have the maturity to understand "yeah his girlfriend is a crazy bitch, but he's still my friend". I highly doubt they are going to be doing anything but being supportive to Cyr at the moment, considering not only is his girlfriend completely bonkers emotionally blackmailing him at a time he is very sensitive, as well as his father just had a stroke and everyone knows that.
I don't think he's lying about that. I think it actually happened and he is actually upset about it. Because he was at E3 doesn't mean he's not suffering. If you think that I advise you read "The Stranger" by Albert Camus. To even imply that just becuase he's out means he is not going through some shit right now is the most ignorant statement one could make.
No. 530761
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No. 530762
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No. 530768
Cyr, Dasha, Edwin and even Mina are all fair to speculate about here, and it's not just one person talking about Edwin. Chill
>>530763"emotional and spergy" is a good way of putting it, yeah
don't worry
>>530755 Dasha is still a horrible human
No. 530771
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Anyway I logged back into my insta finally and got the videos and screenshotted stuff again in case I can’t get back into it. For some reason I got locked out of my insta and couldn’t log back into it as if someone changed my password super fishy. These are just dasha ranting in video form, I’ll be emailing the admin shortly.
No. 530793
>>530791Literally what?
Where do you even get that from, anon? Do you have any evidence besides your own personal opinion? I get this is a gossip site but seeing people so poorly analyze another's behavior is almost frustrating
No. 530796
>>530791he likes drama in itself, he quite gladly jumped on that whole social repose cheating drama when he had the chance - but i doubt he likes that kind of thing happening to him or the girl he's in love with.
i'm guessing he likes drama the same way we all do - it's entertaining, but if it happens to you it's nothing but draining
No. 530803
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Cyr, I just might turn into a fan of yours again. Thank you for buying this psychotic cunt birth control, we don’t need another NPD momster giving birth to children. That would be catastrophic.
No. 530815
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>>530810Just in case people don’t believe me when she asked me for my number. I have to admit I was shook at this. Actually this was the second time she messaged me she already showed me that “proof” two times forgetting that she send me it before. Assuming she deleted messages. I had a Twitter account on there where she talked to me the most but she didn’t know I was the insta account so I was being told the story over again. She’s super quick to give away info, but I wish she reactived I’m really hoping she will because there are priceless things I could get from there it’s just so annoying. There’s a lot of stuff she says that’s just too much. Even saying she was gonna fuck with Cyr because he wouldn’t have her back and praising us because her fans had her back. I just remembered that bit right now.
No. 530841
>>530768 >>530768
>>530771 >>530791
>>530795 >>530805
>>530810My favorite part of having Dasha send her Stans and 'ex'stans to this thread is that we can all see the level of learning disability you need to have before you fall for her shit.
No. 530857
>>530852It's definitely multiple anon's that are sick of your "but edwiiiinnn" bullshit. I came back to see what all the posts were about as I saw 90 new messages, and they were 90% about this But edwin crap. It seems like derailing to me. All I have written in the last few hours is
>>530838, so you have been talking to multiple people who are all sick of your shit. Go make an Edwin thread if you are that desperate.
No. 530868
>>530852Oh……my…….god. Perhaps you should stick with Julia since you guys are about the same speed.
Perhaps you are Dasha or better yet, STILL a minion of hers and you think to yourself “I know! since they all are going to hate me no matter what, I’ll just get them to hate Edwin too”! Or……..tinfoil!
No. 530872
File: 1528934536411.png (675.13 KB, 918x584, Screenshot (207).png)

speaks for itself ha ha XD hey dasha we know its you
No. 530873
>>530870>>530866I remember when I first heard Jaclyn speak I thought she was intelligent.
HA. NO. She quit med school for YouTube and is as codependent as it gets. Can't help but latch onto a narcissist, can you Jaclyn? Also isn't she in her 30s? Get friends your own age who aren't psychopaths, maybe?
No. 530874
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No. 530875
File: 1528934725023.png (487.45 KB, 1014x556, Screenshot (208).png)

are her enablers really that stupid and all have the smaish names or are almost all of her fan accounts made by her, how crazy do you have to be to get people to do this and to do it yourself, its pathetic, ridiculous and mentally insane, she needs real help
No. 530877
File: 1528934912452.png (400.74 KB, 910x546, Screenshot (209).png)

almost all the fan accounts im finding were created in the last 2 days, hmmm kinda fishy and her shirt is write she is like a psycho movie character
No. 530878
>>530874Honestly, there's nothing cringier than begging iDubbbz to "content cop" people. Dasha doesn't even have any content. And I seriously doubt Ian reads instagram comments over the amount of autistic people there are telling him who to content cop. Content Cop is about content.
The most people can get right now is if they ask Nerd City to include her in his series "Thot Patrol", since the guy asked for suggestions on who he should do next when he did Sniperwolf. Content Cop has absolutely nothing to do with instagram thots. It's about Youtube content.
No. 530891
>>530868>>530857Oh my god stop accusing me of still currently being a minion of dashas IVE GHOSTED HER can’t you read, all I said is that I have an opinion on Edwin and a backstory about it I just plain don’t like his emotional sperges. That’s all I don’t want to make a thread about him that’s just plain stupid I know you guys highly side with Edwin and are fans of him but that doesn’t mean you can accuse me just because I don’t like Edwin. Just respect my opinion, the reason I still bring it up is because I still have to defend myself from ignorant people like you, and admin said it was ok to still talk about the other cows so I didnt think it would be a big deal to voice an opinion. Just agree to disagree and actually think instead of accusing.
Anyway here you go I instead posted them on live leaks. No. 530893
File: 1528936722529.png (380.54 KB, 570x608, Screenshot (210).png)

I never seen this one before
No. 530895
>>530894Hey, read this
>>528798, I think you could probably uncover most of it if not all. Thanks for the liveleak link <3
No. 530899
>>530891I don't think the video of her lurking through Mina's private instagram is valid, because that could have been anyone. There's no audio, nothing that says it's Dasha.
As far as the rest: What's the timeline? These rants are from how long ago? Was it yesterday or when the drama first happened?
No. 530902
>>530891>Edwin I think you should leave Imagine renting a place with your friend and one day some stupid Russian prostitute cunt walks in and just decides to never leave. Doesn’t pay rent or even cleans up after herself, but thinks she has a right to kick you out of your own home.
Look, thanks for uploading these and sharing them with us, but this just reinforces why I’m on Edwin’s side. Everyone should just agree to disagree and let’s stop derailing the thread. (Again not the same anon you’ve been arguing with)
No. 530905
>>530904Why are you being so apologetic, dude? Stop acting like a little bitch. You don't need to justify yourself.
All I wanted to know was when those videos were recorded and you didn't answer that. Quit acting so insecure.
No. 530911
>>530905Because that’s how I am, like I said I don’t want to argue because I know some of you are overly critical. So leave it like that
>>530906 no but she sends the same video to other people, and I wanted to show how she lied about the whole Edwin thing. I wasn’t even aware of that video of dasha looking evil until Edwin uploaded it so it goes against her story. She made it seem like Edwin was the crazy one and got jealous of Cyr picking dasha over him. When it was for a whole other reason. She’s a whole other evil on twitter, being super nit picky on mina putting down her friends and cyr for not having her back.
No. 530938
File: 1528941980270.jpg (24.14 KB, 389x342, HGHGHV.JPG)

>>530358She only gets a few gigs because of her follower count/connections.
I've worked in the industry and to me she can't be a model because she looks too old/fake, she's way too boxy/short. She requires too much editing. Why pick her when there are prettier/younger/skinnier girls everywhere? It's not because of her 'weird style' anon.
No. 530946
>>530938I think Trasha knows she can never make it as a mainstream model and that’s why she’s trying to hard to go the “influencer” route but she has no aesthetic or style of her own so she copies whatever she thinks is getting organically popular (hence all the edgy style choices).
It’s sad, really. She knows what her face and body look like without editing and knows no legitimate company would use her based on her looks alone. She “has” to have clout/bring her minions to buy the products in order for a company to be interested in working with her.
Imagine the disappointment when after booking Dasha from her IG pics Trasha walks in on set. Everybody’s who’s working on the shoot starts sweating because they know it’s going to take extra styling, makeup, shooting time, and editing time to get something decent to come out. Yikes.
No. 530954
File: 1528944868384.png (3.16 MB, 2078x1192, ew.png)

"where did you get your lips done"
Trasha "My mom in the womb" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah… right. Trasha you look as rotten outside as you are inside. Your lips look horrible. They are very much overdone and if you came to my clinic, I would turn you away because you are the kind of client who puts others off fillers. The aim is to look natural, not like an ugly blow up doll.
No. 530986
File: 1528953602114.jpeg (198.73 KB, 750x1165, 7975AA2C-9A0A-4778-9506-BE86E0…)

When I grow up… I want to have multiple fan accounts dedicated to me. You know, the types of fan accounts that mysteriously pop up at the same time and coincidentally post at the same time.
The comradery between the accounts is incredibly inspiring, they even follow each other and like each others posts at the same time! Anyone who calls them fake has to be an idiot, like why would there not be tons of fan accounts for Dasha the instathot with no talents?
No. 531019
>>531017she's one of those "i judge people by the way they treat me, not by what they've said or done in the past!"-people, so yeah - she's definitely gonna be fucked with by dasha.
maybe we'll get "i'm an idiot 2" sometime soon.
No. 531026
>she's not an insta thot whoa whoa whoa
back it up.
Have you seen her instagram? She is a bigger ho than Dasha hahahahaha To me, she is the epitome of an insta thot. Moreover, she's much more insecure than any insta thot I've ever seen because she's so ugly. The less clothing she has on, she more it's apparent she can't get an instagram following because she is "cool", "stylish" or whatever, but because she's literally HALF NAKED in 99% of her photos.
>she's not an insta thot SHE IS, MAN. SHE FUCKING IS.
No. 531031
>>531026Okay, poor choice of words on my part, she
is an instathot insofar as she whores it up (as you said, she wears less clothes than Doucha because she’s so fucking ugly and needs to distract people from looking at that nightmare inducing face) but she’s not trying to be a model in the way that Julia is. But yes, she is a thirsty cunt, with no discernible talent to speak of and who can’t even trade on her looks. Those nasty fake titties aren’t going her any favours either. At least Putin (as much as it fucking pains me to admit it) can look semi decent. Pity about her personality though, which is so fetid it cancels out any positive physical attributes she possesses.
No. 531033
File: 1528975515805.png (206.39 KB, 1080x1007, 20180614_072543.png)

>>528797Lettie posted this on her curious cat. This pretty much confirms that she was manipulated into making the video.
No. 531035
>>531033 Seems to me, she finally read this
>>530261Good for her.
No. 531040
>>531036Yeah I bet Dasha manipulated her, but her and her friend Jayfizzle (Vikki) or whatever her name is, were constantly white knighting Dasha and saying Mina was just as bad. I was severely disappointed in her retarded video because she talked that thing up and presented the EXACT same info that she did on Twitter in the past. And no, I don’t think Mina saying “okay” was her dismissing the morons ‘suicide attempt’, it was her saying okay to Lettie saying that she needed time without talking/messaging.
Lettie is just a dumb cunt with no original thought process. She is desperate for a following that she will never get. She and Vikki both kept on and on about the same shit, and even when people told them it wasn’t even a serious thing that Mina did, they kept on demonizing her. I don’t and never will feel sorry for either of those losers.
No. 531042
>>531040I was pretty hard on her in the past and although my opinion of her has softened somewhat (now that she admitted the video has a bias), it's really hard to sympathize with such a person. You can see how she went along with systemically bullying Mina for over a year now, enabling awful behaviour on Dasha's part, all in the name of "friendship". I think she was manipulated and is Dasha's victim in this as well, but that doesn't make her a good person. She has a lot of growing up to do and she needs to apologize for her actions. She contributed in trying to ruin someone's life. She can't expect to be forgiven so easily just because she's doing some self reflection.
All this being said, fuck Dasha for targeting vulnerable people and making them her personal army.
No. 531051
>>531033lol she read this post
>>530596 she can't even form a sentence that's her own.
No. 531070
>>531053 >>531055
Umm don't blame me, blame science. Some people do NOT have a naturally bigger top lip unless it is pathological LOL. I should know because I work in the field. No. 531079
File: 1528990958423.png (247.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-14-11-40-11…)

No. 531085
>>531082Yeah her coming out with the truth would ruin Trasha even more
But I kind of feel like she only 'switched sides' because everyone hates Trasha now and she doesn't want any of it.
No. 531086
>>531079Hahahaha, I knew she’d expose Dasha if they had a falling out.
Fettie, I promise I won’t make fun of you anymore if you expose Dasha today. Pinky promise.
No. 531087
>>531081exactly what i was thinking, she's jumping off a sinking ship to save herself and it's fucking transparent.
how about stopping with the exposing videos - you know, since the last one didn't go so well and there's quite the chance that the next one won't either.
if she just shut up now, took her time off and steered clear of this conversation - i recon she'd be fine
however, if she does try to expose dasha for all the shit she apparently MADE her do, i just don't see that going well for her tbh.
everything that's happening to dasha right now is happening because people are leaking her texts. lettie could've leaked those a hot minute ago - but yea, dasha had a knife to her throat, right?
oh yea, she felt so pressured, so bad to be MADE to bully her best friend… but it's a good thing she felt good enough to enjoy the following she gained thanks to her helping out dasha - posting an abundance of glittery pictures of herself, calling herself cute etc.
yea it felt real bad throwing mina to the wolfs, you can really see the anguish of it in her eyes.
poor her, she couldn't have leaked dasha's texts prompting her to bully mina - because then who would've helped her become an instathot?
now that she got what she wanted from dasha though - and dasha is going down regardless -
might aswell be greedy and try to gain some more sympathy points
can't wait to hear her excuses
>why didn't i leak the texts? uhhh well i was really scared of dasha and her following >if i had leaked those texts, no one would've been on my side!>if i had told people about the stuff dasha actually did and put proof of it online, who would've believeeeeeed poor little ol' me :(( >it's not like edwin&mina + their entire community would've had my back had i come out with that stuff immediately >i'm real sowwy uwu :((>also i'm so depressed please don't sent hate guys, remember, if you bully me i might kill myself - i just bullied mina because i was pressured but she could handle it and i can't so don't! No. 531088
>>531087also can i just add how many fucking times she said "this is the truth i'm only telling the truth guys this is 100% truth i know it, dasha knows it, mina knows it - she might deny it, but it's the truth!"
she sounds like onision
backpaddeling from that is gonna be quite the task.
No. 531103
>>531098Cyr didn’t unfollow Kate when that whole thing happened when Edwin exposed her texts. Dasha was really mad about that he didn’t unfollow lol. She’d have to sneak in his phone to do it
>>531087Dasha manipulates in certain ways though, I’m saying this because it’s clear look at the texts Lettie presented where people were worried about dasha because she disappeared and how dasha threatens suicide and she becomes crazy and angry when things are not going her way. She worries, intimidates, and scares people because she’s unpredictable. Like that message she sent where “I’m not going to be here for long anyway” she scares people into thinking she’s going to kill her self and you feel guilty and it gives you this rush of anxiety because you don’t want to be a contributer to it. That’s probably why it took awhile for people to stray away from her. The best people can do is ghost her.
No. 531105
And by the way, I'm pretty sure "when the time comes" refers to, when Cyr is no longer in a relationship with Dasha and I don't risk losing his follow.
It's like you people don't even understand her even though she's so transparently pathetic.
No. 531117
File: 1528999178938.jpeg (164.96 KB, 749x994, 1BF8D69F-BB91-4228-A1E8-F9E19F…)

>>531111I’m just saying through personal experience with dasha. This is a repetitive action and you’re just tin foiling and I’m just trying to put things together too, no fighting just opinions.
Anyway look how babydashtrash is, what do most of dashas minions have in common? One thing I’ve noticed about her is that she never reaches out to you when you tweet or post anything and then when you spill things to her she’ll only give you a second of kindess and then forget it. She’ll only stick to you when it’s convinient. But Lettie was in fact at fault for most of her own actions, so I’m not saying she’s totally blameless. All the minions were some more then others, but apologizing then retracting an apology because Mina didn’t respond right away is downright stupid. Mina took awhile to respond to me and considering Lettie did a lot of damage, of course Mina is going to be uncomfortable talking to you, it probably gives Mina anxiety too, have you seen how many times Mina was betrayed by a friend Lettie? You think she was scared of being tricked again? You have to think of those factors too instead of siding with the person just because she acts nice to you. That’s all a mask.
No. 531118
File: 1528999355813.jpeg (306.74 KB, 750x1073, 42E4B110-0E51-4C1C-BDDD-F299EF…)

>>531117Chances are she’s telling every one of her old minions a sob story to side with her.
No. 531123
File: 1529000223604.jpeg (77.48 KB, 741x599, 231A1720-5CB2-42EE-A30F-A86A72…)

>>531119Sorry to disprove your speculations but nope, I gave my proof on that. Dasha tried to make me screenshot things especially at my low point while I was overwhelmed with a lot of things and because I said I was busy she tried to guilt me and that’s why I resonated so much with Charlie. She puts a lot on you especially with her strong personality she makes you think that you have to worry for her because she’s suicidal and I was glad for Edwin to expose her the way he did. She really makes it seem like she could never sleep at night because Edwin lied about her and she would constantly bring this up over and over “the truth never came out” “I wish people could see the truth”. When you tried to talk about any other subject it wasn’t as important as her drama was to her and that’s the truth.
No. 531129
File: 1529000789265.png (307.36 KB, 351x640, istoodtheresmiling.png)

>>531123Trasha's minions should all see the video of her admitting to Edwins "lies"
No. 531132
File: 1529000956898.png (254.93 KB, 338x505, psycho.png)

>>531129you can literally see that she is a sociopath.. she is so fucking scary
No. 531135
>>531129That’s actually the video that
triggered me, I really haven’t seen that video before and she gave me a different background where edwin is lying about the smiling and he was jelous I was taking away time from Cyr because Cyr wasn’t as motivated to make videos. That there shows her inner demon and she needs an exorcism and holy water.
No. 531144
>>531079Ugh, what now Lettie? You gonna make a "My ex friendship with Dasha" video?
You really, really want to be a part of their drama, don't you?
No. 531176
File: 1529005055441.png (591.08 KB, 781x916, dumbhoe.png)

Of course that cunt supports Trasha, she's as disgusting as her, making fun of people who did her no wrong just for a little validation.
Imagine living a life so sad and lonely, that you have to kiss instathots asses just to have any social interactions.
No. 531192
File: 1529005914314.jpg (963.54 KB, 928x1097, hTpOKoz.jpg)

>>531176whos this stupid cunt? went through her insta and honestly she looks creepy af and mentally unstable
chick post shit like this No. 531194
>>531192I get that impression too
Guess all her loyal minions must be psychopaths
No. 531287
File: 1529016170771.jpeg (34.45 KB, 750x269, 9F238A7D-CAA6-4DE7-BB44-B42BEC…)

Looks like there’s still some insta models that support Dasha
No. 531298
File: 1529017796646.jpeg (483.88 KB, 1222x1591, 841BEB80-A5B9-4171-981A-E2D9EC…)

I love that Cyr and Dasha are trying desperately to show that they care for their dog now after what that girl said on edwin’s video. It reeks of desperation.
No. 531325
>>531322Not really. You are talking about this
now. Before then, nobody knew she had dog issues. She could have just made up some bullshit she developed an allergy to dogs and convince Cyr to get rid of it. Give it to a family member, friend, or whatever. It wouldn't look bad.
No. 531327
>>531324Looks to me like this is Cyr's dog. Not her dog. And if it's his dog, she doesn't really have to give a shit about it in theory, he should. However, I still stand by the idea if she
really had a problem with this dog and overall hated dogs, she would have made up a bullshit story and gotten rid of it already. She did get rid of Edwin because she had a problem with him. She did get rid of Mina because she had a problem with her. If she didn't get rid of the dog, she doesn't have a problem with the dog. It's irrational she wouldn't get rid of it.
No. 531329
>>531325Are we forgetting that she abandoned her past dogs and went almost a whole month without seeing Yishi last summer when she was hanging out with siiikbrain 24/7
She doesn’t care about that dog. For Dasha it’s just an accessory and a tool to make her appear like an animal loving vegan.
No. 531335
>>531329I didn't know about any other dogs before you mentioned it because I don't really keep tabs on Cyr's life. But if that dog on her instagram is Cyr's dog, she doesn't have to give a shit about that dog. It's not hers. It's the responsability of the person who adopted or purchased it.
I do agree though she can use it as an accessory, but if it's not her dog, it's not her responsability anyway.
>>531331Oh god, people are so dramatic. It's not abandoning a dog if people think you can't be around it for medical reasons and you put them in a loving home with loving people. Abandoning a dog is leaving it 2 towns away by the side of the road. Only children would be offended if a person for "medical reasons" couldn't keep a dog anymore. Or even "apartment related reasons". Or "financial" reasons for that matter. It's not the end of the world if the dog ends up in a loving home with people who treat it well.
> You can't give away a dog because you don't eat meatFuck that logic, honestly.
give away =/= abandoning.
No. 531340
File: 1529020668381.png (427.1 KB, 333x590, dog.PNG)

Doesn't look like the dog is not loved or abused. Cyr seems to genuinely care about him No. 531349
>>531345The administers in this forum know very well I haven't been nice to Dasha since the beginning of this thread and wrote some pretty cruel shit about her.
I don't have to agree and believe every accusation about Dasha. I'm not a moron like people who see others as completely evil or completely good.
I think it's more logical that if she had a problem with the dog, a serious, real problem with the dog, she would have gotten rid of it, like she did other HUMAN BEINGS. You are allowed to disagree with me, I'm not gonna spaz like you did just because I don't agree she's a dog eating cunt who pretends to be a vegan.
No. 531355
>>531350Cyr got rid of his best friend because of her. If she wanted the dog gone, the dog would be gone. It's like you learned nothing about Dasha. Whatever she wants gone from Cyr's life, she makes him get rid of it.
"Whoever said she would eat the dog" it's called hyperbole, retard.
And I'm not gonna argue anymore. I'm allowed to have my opinion on Dasha and she's not Patrick Bateman. You put her on a psychotic pedestal she wishes she could be.
No. 531357
>>531335LMFAO, it IS her dog. She adopted it. It’s hers.
Maybe you should read the past threads before inserting yourself and trying to fight everyone?
No. 531366
File: 1529022485360.jpg (90 KB, 800x532, pizap.com15290223130931.jpg)

No. 531367
File: 1529022507787.jpg (133.53 KB, 1023x767, pizap.com15290225070892.jpg)

not the best but they made me laugh
No. 531377
>>530810why do so many minions give it to dasha just bc shes an eceleb? holy shit
its like basic internet etiquette to not hand your info out to people you dont know. a lot of them arent even underage from what i understand?
No. 531379
>>531351Also my posts.
Have at it.
>>529070>>528943>>528936>>529341>>529892>>530057>>530176Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean I love Dasha. Just because I think she could model plus size and she is not ugly, doesn't mean I love dasha. Maybe your black and white thinking is indicative of a mental illness I do not suffer from.
(calm down sperg) No. 531403
>>531388As some other people have pointed out, recently the derailing and infighting is getting out of hand. This is tinfoil, but I really suspect that Dasha or someone else has something to do with it, to distract users from the actual topic.
Obviously Dasha wouldn't be stupid as to post blatantly as she did before, so she may be using more concealed tactics, such as pretending to dislike herself to not be accused of whiteknighting, or sending Dasha stans to do the dirty work for her so that IP addresses can't really be tracked like before. The one person that called her 'Dash'
>>531361 seems sus, considering how Dash is more of a term of endearment in comparison to 'Dasha/Trasha' that the others use.
For actual users, keep careful and don't get distracted. Again, I apologize for the tinfoil, just annoyed with how many newfags Edwin's video brought in
No. 531404
File: 1529027080111.jpg (473.08 KB, 960x1440, pizap.com15290269659332.jpg)

dash i mean dasha trasha my spelling sucks and i never really correct it but its not cause i was trying to call her something nice ha ha(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 531426
File: 1529028708725.jpeg (83.2 KB, 750x785, 7F8DB2C8-9026-412F-B50B-245EE5…)

Saw this on ready to glare video. Perhaps Dasha is sending minions? Tried adding more than one photo, wouldn’t work.
No. 531427
File: 1529028733254.jpeg (87.66 KB, 750x684, 3E478EDE-5986-468E-9C80-D3A0A3…)

No. 531428
File: 1529028770841.jpeg (126.9 KB, 717x541, F79319C4-2C7F-49DE-B068-9F73E8…)

No. 531430
File: 1529028848249.jpeg (180.53 KB, 750x678, C684DA2F-B495-4889-B015-CF8E60…)

Sorry for the fucked up photos, posted them in wrong order.
No. 531433
File: 1529028902259.jpeg (139.72 KB, 674x802, 3058E857-630F-4898-AFF2-32ADCF…)

No. 531435
File: 1529029350188.png (116.15 KB, 533x617, Annor_lilly-1.png)

Didn't annorlilly mina's fake account? Why liking dasha's fans account?
No. 531436
File: 1529029417074.jpg (19.43 KB, 288x512, kittenbbyD.jpg)

Kittenbabydash is dasha's fans account long time ago
No. 531461
>>531403Dasha was exposed as having multiple conversations with herself to distract from herself
>>531433This is the Dasha lemming playbook.
1. What about Mina
2. Mina was feeling (something easy to disprove but is subjective so if you're autistic you just believe.)
3. Mina did (something that is also easy to prove dasha did but you have to read for 5 minutes to find out about it so if you have a reading disability you don't want to go looking)
4. Lose your goddamn mind and talk about how you totes hate Dasha and don't care like at all and why are you bullying me I'm suicidal.
All of them do this. Dasha even does this.
No. 531485
File: 1529037471496.png (462.47 KB, 602x656, jacksfilms.PNG)

>>530689Jacksfilms doesn't care.
No. 531503
File: 1529042262266.png (189.88 KB, 630x384, cd7.png)

>>531485Cyr has the soyboy face. He's been infected. Pic related.
No. 531505
File: 1529042467953.png (172.05 KB, 500x591, soyboy.png)

>>531503This is what cyr is doing. pic related.
File: 1529042548194.png (1.06 MB, 800x1103, 2q72.png)

>>531485kdone with examples now.
No. 531534
File: 1529053760688.jpg (229.89 KB, 1200x889, GxD42wT.jpg)

>>531503 >>531505
>>531506That is a whole lot of paranoid collaging of what is essentially nerds and neckbeards aping the 'guy with mouth opening looking to the side' icon for so many mobile game icons.
No. 531542
File: 1529059517213.jpg (29.07 KB, 319x507, OMGGGDELETE.JPG)

Here is photo evidence of Dasha showing people that annor_lilly is one of Mina's "fake accounts" that Dasha says slandered her. but then there is a picture of annor_lilly liking a Dasha fanpage pic on instagram. this may put a hole in Dasha's story about fake accounts that she always says Mina was behind.
No. 531546
File: 1529061801430.jpg (1.48 MB, 3264x3264, DELETETHISAH.jpg)

It must be a coincidence that there are at least six new Dasha fan accounts within the past 48 hours and they are all named Lila, Lolana, Lilo, Layla, Leya, and Laney and they also all follow each other…
No. 531547
>>531542Did anyone ever figure out what follower “app” that was or does it remain a mystery?
If the app and fake accounts were real - wouldn’t Dasha tell us the app’s name so that everyone can confirm her story? The fact that we still don’t know the name to that mysterious app, leads me to believe that it probably never existed and Dasha probably photoshopped the list of usernames. I’m 100% sure that if it was real, Dasha would’ve found a way to leak the name of the app to us a looooong time ago.
At the same time, those accounts did seem like Mina to me.
No. 531549
>>531548100% agree,
mina was a distraught ex girlfriend who wasn't over her ex and certainly wasn't over the fact that she was left for another woman.
but that's something that rings true for most people, a lot of people go look at their ex's profile every once in a while - making edits is taking it a step further but then again he is a youtube so edits of him aren't that alien.
if she ever send hate dasha's way, that's just understandable since dasha send those after-sex-selfies to her on snapchat (even though she send them as anon at the time)
still, i think it's fair to say dasha wanted that confrontation, she wanted to rub it in and she wasn't happy simply getting the guy and living happily ever after, she had to really get into minas head, even years later
No. 531561
>>531549Timeline correction.
Dasha sent pictures of herself naked next to cyr to Mina.
Mina broke up with Cyr after seeing he cheated on her, he didn't break up with her.
Dasha reached out to Mina to be friends and Mina thought she was a nice girl.
There are no photo edits attributed to Mina. Dasha however has edited photos of Mina both fatter and thinner.
There is a good chance that Dasha got with Cyr in the first place because of her obsession with Mina, not that Dasha happened to find out about Mina after banging Cyr.
No. 531589
File: 1529073760379.jpeg (258.55 KB, 1125x1343, 78647F2C-B0C7-495F-B4D1-227D0D…)

so i decided to check out the babyfokses account because this was one the fake ig accounts dasha claimed belonged to mina. this is the first post on said account…and look who we have here. can’t say i’m surprised lol
No. 531595
File: 1529075588026.jpg (438.19 KB, 1268x2140, 76191059130469736.jpg)

Dasha in a nutshell…
No. 531609
>>531595Her teeth… Anyway, she kind of reminds me of Ester the little evil girl character from the Orphan lol
No. 531676
File: 1529096836149.jpeg (361.89 KB, 2048x1018, 654EEC6B-4F6B-4164-9F3D-3DD978…)

No. 531677
File: 1529096945356.jpeg (132.93 KB, 736x910, 272208FE-F2E2-4436-95FB-F7EB55…)

>>531676Don’t mind me, just dropping off Dasha’s favorite deleted photo
No. 531715
>>531709that actually wouldn't be too stupid, considering.
honestly, people here ate that dog-conspiracy up - there where like one or two anons speaking out against it and they were immediately told off
i gotta say i don't think her dog is suffering, whatever proof people came forth with didn't do it for me
with onions dogs for example it's clear he fucks with them constantly because of the way they act around him but also because he's being an asshole towards them and filming it i.e. filming them while they're struggling
dasha's dog looks clean, healthy and happy to me tbh
i feel like anons went overboard with the whole
>i'm just so worried about the dog :(( all dogs are beautiful creatures that must be protected at all costs uwu i get were you're coming from and all, but her dog looks fine and he doesn't seem to be acting out in any way.
we probably should first and foremost focus on the doxxing and leaking dasha has done, rather than the whole dog thing - at least until something happens to/with it
No. 531716
>>531715I'm saying that the forum
did not eat it up, she sent her minions to post. Multiple minions. All of them thinking they were her one minion.
Also it isn't her dog. It's Cyr's dog. At best you can say Cyr is a good dog owner and that she isn't actively working to fuck that up for the dog.
No. 531720
>>531716i'm saying the majority of people posting at the time ate it up, wether they were actual farmers or minions i do not know since either way they're anonymous - it just was suspicious to me how any other opinion was shut down right away - be that because of minions or because anons we're actually buying into the dog thing
i'm also saying in the future let's steer clear of the dog topic unless he's starting to look real bad or something.
also, they're living together, so i don't know how big a difference it would make who's dog it technically is - i'm guessing whoever's home has got to take care of it
and as far as i know, dasha is spending basically all of her daytime at home while cyr is off working as a barista or something
No. 531723
>>531720If she's sending minions there's no way, outside of farmhand interference (
bless you autistic souls bless you ).
And there has already been official directive to not sperg about the dog because it was the same shit as the upper lip injections randoms are always trying to brush off as
technically possible in nature or 'but miiiiinaaaa' that mother fuckers are still trying to pull as if you could possibly have the point of view and not be sent by Dasha.
It matters because if Cyr did something to her there's better than even chances she would kill that dog or let it 'run away.'
No. 531727
>>531723>>531724for now, we only know of her going after people who've 'crossed' her
she's acting like a complete psycho bitch what with the doxxing and all but i don't think i would put 'animal abuser' or 'actual born psychopath' on the list quite yet
(disregarding her whole wearing/promoting leather products regardless of veganism - thing)
classmates however - matter of time if you ask me. she also definitely had a lot of ex-boyfriends that ended on a bad note - maybe one of those will come forth someday, too.
No. 531774
File: 1529117017572.png (590.7 KB, 1149x553, screen cap.PNG)

Dasha was engaging in conversation publicly with this accouunt on her dog video and this account's first post 3 days ago read
>I hope I can meet Dasha one day so I can give her a bear hug. She doesn't need all this hate. You guys act like people don't make mistakes or says mean shit like everyone does it so don't act like it's so surprising. Like let the fucking girl live if she did the shit or not.. @neuphs I hope whatever you're going to stops one day because you really don't deserve that mess. I did watch Edwins videos about the situation but I feel like you're still a good person.
Some other user commented
>Right, why does everyone freak the hell out because of someone saying something mean. Especially Edwin like you were talking mad shit, like what did you expect? Dasha to sit there and not say anything? Fuck off
If you read the comments on the dog video on IG combined with "everyone deserves a second chance" on this person's page, I think there's a pretty solid chance this is a fake account run by Dasha or someone she asked to make it.
No. 531782
>>531772Calm down, opinion nazi.
>>531774I’m almost 100% sure the first surge of fake accounts were Dasha and her minions. Nearly a week ago if you looked at her tag on IG, it was packed with a bunch of anti posts from 3 separate anti-dasha accounts. When I looked again, they were all gone (I’m guessing reported but Dasha&Stan’s) from the tag and up instead were a bunch of new Dasha edits from freshly made accounts. Unfortunately the next day, a bunch of morons from Edwin’s livestream decided to make fake fan accounts and I lost track of which ones might’ve been Dasha’s.
No. 531785
File: 1529119226566.png (15.38 KB, 580x122, lettie.PNG)

>I'm not going to talk about it anymore
>The truth will be revealed.
Pick one.
No. 531801
File: 1529120836450.png (434.64 KB, 769x397, Untitled.png)

Dasha has a massive head. Geez never noticed how round her face is! Also, who is this chick with her?
No. 531815
>>531801Bitch is moonfaced as fuck. No wonder she shooped herself massive eyes and a v-line jaw to try and balance that skull of hers.
>>531802Lettie prob can't keep her mouth shut and will spill but she should stay out of it if she knows what's good for her. These nosy thots can't stop inserting themselves into drama.
No. 531834
>>531801Idk but it looks like a Jake Paul moment.
Also if Lettie is reading this, can you please ,are a meme from your lil video of that Dasha reanactment? That shit was gold!
No. 531867
>>531861I can’t believe these moronic imbeciles are still plotting and scheming ways to clear up Dasha’s name. TopfuckingKEK
also, fathertamaki i c u and know you’ve been posting here. Dipshit.
No. 531921
File: 1529161908580.jpeg (100.65 KB, 750x750, F4E2B400-F7BF-46EC-B590-3AEE0E…)

>>531918She was pretty thin many years ago when she had an ed. Here’s a little reminder of what her body looks like without photoshop!
No. 531927
>>531925That's exactly why she absolutely hates Mina. Mina has a small face and waist and Dasha is the exact opposite. She has a box build.
There was a fan account a few weeks ago that i cant find anymore but under the picture it said "Dasha has a better body and much curvier." I mean yeah she's heavier but i wouldnt say better…
No. 531945
why is that a thing tho
No. 531947
File: 1529172189623.jpg (107.28 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>531942because ppl who look like dasha are worldwide generally accepted as 'unattractive'. Big boxy heads. Looks like image attached.
No. 531953
>>531947Julia isn't attractive without photoshop but it's not her face shape that puts me off. I don't know what it is actually, maybe the crazy written in her eyes lol
>>531941The women I find hot usually don't have that kpop-trendy faceshape-ratio thing and tend to have boxier or rounder faces, like Megan Fox or Adriana Lima (if that's considered big head idk), but I don't follow Kpop related stuff at all so that might explain my preference
No. 531958
File: 1529173928257.jpeg (187.58 KB, 1122x1226, E783A26D-065D-42D3-B716-0EF276…)

I know it’s old news but I still find it so funny that Anon Dasha posted screenshot of Dasha’s tweets and didn’t realize she was outing herself
No. 531963
File: 1529174651123.jpg (21.84 KB, 389x345, HJJHJGJGJG.JPG)

>>531953Yeah her crazy eyes and double chin
>>531951The girl lies about everything. I don't think she's russian at all.
No. 531967
>>531958I would love to see Dasha try to justify how someone got those screebshots from her page and posted them on here lol
I can see her claiming that an admin hacked her twitter so they could post then on here and her fans are so stupid and naive that theyll eat it up!
No. 532118
File: 1529205046284.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1242x1852, 5BAAF182-1A71-469B-B6B3-D0BB62…)

Bellamiie still follows Dasha on itsbabydash. She is one of the few thots that still does.
No. 532174
>>532172what shes done includes constantly bashing on other girls (mostly just mina) appearances while never truly accepting her own.
she applies such heavy makeup and uses so many fucking filters and editing tools on herself, its almost too easy to make fun of her for it.
all the better that she makes fun of other people for it cuz it makes her hypocritical.
No. 532178
>>531946shes actually austrian and from a small village near salzburg, she has been to stuttgart and her mom has a very austrian name as well.
I found this out while browsing through her old and on various "party/chat" sites from around that location and her + her moms facebook
No. 532229
>>532221Lol thanks for the chuckle suspicious anon but let's agree to disagree. I think she's ugly. I don't find her big head shape attractive, her eyes are too small and let's not forget that double chin she's always trying to hide. Her body is very unfortunate looking too…boxy with saggy tits.
Imo she's fair game at this point considering what she's been doing for years.
No. 532286
>>532221Yikes. Selfposting much?
Her head is gigantic and her body is just odd? Skinny? I KEKed
No. 532381
>>532337I’m sure she probably doesn’t even know about this drama or Mina and Edwin, she seems to have her own life compared to dasha and has a lot of friends. Dasha is the one who reached out to her first most likely for the social status because Zoe had modeled for a lot of companies. She also has that skinny boxy body but in no way does she edit or shop herself like dasha does. She currently works with the photographer Dasha hates too
Funny story, Dasha once bailed on Zoe for a shoot they were supposed to do together. She did an insta live doing a whole makeup look and Zoe and Kombucci called her out which dasha quickly tried to justify it because she wasn’t “feeling it” but she told Zoe she would see her later and make it up to her. But isn’t that a reoccurring pattern she has with people? She says she hates unreliable people but she’s the most unreliable of them all.
No. 532387
>>532381Ohhh shitt who is the photographer she hates? Kombucci? But yeah, I can see Zoe not giving any kind of fuck what happens online, she's not the type. Too busy actually working and like you said, living her life.
I had no idea about the other drama between them, it must have been before I followed Zoe. I do remember Zoe posting pics with Dasha on her stories tho. It was my first time hearing about her so I checked her insta. I was so not into how photoshopped she made herself. I really don't understand the point of following someone whose only skill is photoshop. Like we all know they don't actually look like that, why would you want to follow them? I don't get it
No. 532391
>>532387It was That one photographer that dasha fucked up with. I think it’s on a thread before and she was also mentioned in Edwin’s video I can’t remember her name but it started with a D. Kombucci usually works with Zoe so dasha probably works with him only through association, but she ditched a shoot with him supposedly because she was sick and Zoe was upset about it but forgave her. As soon as she seen Zoe call her out on the live she tried to act more sick. I always thought that was weird when I viewed it. She was always upset at photographers posting her pictures up, if you notice one photo kombucci took of her she edited her waist. He took it down but later put it up again.
Zoe on the other hand never edited her photos with Kombucci. I think it’s embarrassing that dasha actively posts instantly edited photos while the real one is on the photographers profile.
No. 532432
File: 1529303117897.jpeg (263.57 KB, 750x739, EB155818-0B26-4311-844F-D79037…)

Ahahahahhaha what. the. fuck.
No. 532439
File: 1529303723973.jpg (353.49 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180615-122348_Sam…)

Just further proving how narcissistic she is… she gave herself the Russian name Dasha. She is not Russian. Her real name is Julia Stadler, it's German. She picked out a name she felt suited her. This is it. Lol
No. 532467
>>532432Two things,
1. I genuinely think Mina's makeup is always trash but whew looking at this picture is like… realizing Mina will always look more put together than Julia. Maybe it's because she isn't faking her aesthetic?
What do you think Julia?
2. She has no idea what she's going for at any given time. If she didn't creep on mina there would be no content.
No. 532468
File: 1529316003837.jpg (85.55 KB, 809x592, SMOLESTBEAN.jpg)

Oh mein gott, achtung! Gigi Hadid is quaking!
(I love how the fupa is either shooped or hidden under a big sweater in the edited pics lmao)
No. 532483
File: 1529319951105.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x1689, 742AF960-46D4-4CC4-884A-8BD20F…)

>>532475KEK she is. I was just looking at photos of her edited body and found this photo under which Cyr wrote “WOW OKAY. 12/10 HERE I WOULD PROBABLY DATE YOU. PROBABLY” yes in all caps. I’m like, maybe because this is the most I’ve ever seen her look like Mina KEK
No. 532488
File: 1529320424280.jpeg (465.58 KB, 1232x1490, C5CBAD66-31B9-439B-8A47-C8A86C…)

>>532480 I can confirm it is real. Just check it out. Here she is in all her bingo wing glory. The smoll babytrash KEK
No. 532493
File: 1529322187562.png (639.89 KB, 607x608, 28937498234.PNG)

she looks like she is about to have a stroke lmao
The fuck is up with that company though? Look at how they cut out the image, messa af. and why would you even put turd photos like that on your site??
No. 532495
File: 1529322518674.jpeg (119.8 KB, 750x1282, 72AF1A20-B097-4F25-BC79-87CB1B…)

Her…her big head kind of reminds me of shreck…?
No. 532499 is a video of our skinny queen in action. she looks bigger in the stills, the video shows that she is just really broadly build, but not actually fat. She looks worse beside all those skinny girl though because she is not toned AT ALL.
This company must have hired her straight from instagram and thought they would get the smoll bean.
If this was a professional shoot and a model shows up looking 20 lbs heavier than her insta, they would sent her home lmao. I wonder how pissed the people at plugged were that day
No. 532510
>>532325I can definitely agree on the extreme filter use/editing being shit. Mostly because younger girls see those edited to death pictures on instagram and think they're real which makes them think they're ugly.
Can't really believe she's that chubby. When I met her she was pretty thin. Like yea, wider body frame than Mina, definitely, but she had a flat stomach, thin arms, you could see her clavicle very clearly and so on. Definitely didn't look as she does in those photos.
No. 532515
File: 1529327455649.jpg (33.92 KB, 368x579, pluggedddd.JPG)

That's on the front page, what a mess.
No. 532518
>>532499>>532501I wonder if she realized that she was the #bodypositive #haes representative in that shoot.
Tubbier than the others, sickly looking, bad tattoos…
No. 532524
File: 1529329382786.png (6.68 MB, 1242x2208, 700572D1-4B70-454F-A157-C0F311…)

Top KEK! She looks like she is 35 in this picture. Also, you can see the Monroe piercing clearly that another anon pointed out regarding the skin clinic lip injection photo proof KEK
No. 532535
File: 1529334591330.jpg (22.19 KB, 298x398, icu.JPG)

>>532510She's been eating out of boredom, frustration and anger cause Ryan won't give her the D!!!!
No. 532539
File: 1529337073857.jpg (93.86 KB, 1024x1200, CuMIJ7VVUAA-tJC.jpg)

"Mina is also not the fairest of beauties"
No. 532549
File: 1529340874033.jpg (1.31 MB, 1920x2560, 18-06-18-12-54-38-193_deco.jpg)

"I honestly prefer Dasha's body to Mina's"
No. 532551
>>532539lmaooo nice one
>>532549I know right? How dare she insults Minas looks when she looks like a damn blobfish?!
No. 532553
File: 1529341961685.jpg (128.43 KB, 851x624, SmartSelect_20180618-124158_In…)

>>532524Yea you can clearly see the piercing hole lolol more proof she's the chick in the lip injection pics
No. 532557
>>532554She's got a beer gut.
Remember how when Mina lived with her all they would do is get plastered every night?
No. 532576
File: 1529346445156.png (314.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180618-194136.png)

You think this will be about cyr?
No. 532581
File: 1529346825696.jpg (1.18 MB, 1920x2560, 18-06-18-14-32-59-199_deco.jpg)

Only shoops for aesthetic
No. 532589
Holy shit, there’s no way that’s real, right? I always had a hard time reading these threads trying to distinguish between Dasha and Mina because they both looked like skinny white girls with bad makeup.
She must be a photoshop wizard to make herself look thin in pictures when she actually has the body of a grandmother.
No. 532593
File: 1529349480942.jpg (183.79 KB, 810x810, SmartSelect_20180618-151330_Sa…)

Julia is a photoshop GOD
No. 532599
File: 1529350817406.jpeg (68.85 KB, 605x859, 52A445B3-F766-4C91-AC8E-2B4903…)

Lmfaooo, Putin was catfishing everyone and their mom the whole entire time. I knew she was shaped like a mini fridge, but I didn’t think it was THIS BAD. Her huge ass square head doesn’t help at all either, like I’m amazed just how bad she really looks.
But hey
>mUh CaMpAiGn
No. 532600
File: 1529350850698.jpeg (84.07 KB, 640x1136, A487FE83-0FF8-402A-9CDF-C2E88C…)

She had a body positivity phase… Then i guess she got addicted to shooping herself like Mina kek i really thought she had lost some weight.
No. 532603
File: 1529351313099.jpg (263.68 KB, 1080x1350, dc239ca7eca3718171b185f39b056d…)

>>532600Kotakoti who? The PULL banner is quacking!
No. 532606
File: 1529353141621.jpg (283.34 KB, 792x1289, SmartSelect_20180618-161335_In…)

No. 532620
File: 1529355072268.jpg (20.73 KB, 298x400, dblchin.JPG)

>>532603OMG imagine her moving to Asia to (try to) model, that would be everything!!!!!! Such a smol petite delicate flower should have no problem booking amazing jobs kek
>>532618It's all photoshop!
No. 532622
>>532618Obviously photoshop.
Look tiny she looks!
No. 532636
File: 1529357917387.png (402.41 KB, 695x500, cyr.PNG)

>>528797Cyr is online on Twitch. Do you think he'll block if I ask about Dasha's fupa
No. 532637
File: 1529358038363.jpeg (679.62 KB, 1242x2146, 951D9600-63EB-4FBB-B2A8-AEB262…)

Hahaha when you know what you are looking for, you can actually see how shapeless she is in the Hitler salute vid and you can kinda see the fupa too KEK
>>532636Probably, but I feel like it would be worth it
No. 532643
File: 1529358613182.jpeg (345.05 KB, 750x707, D5B1D7DA-3198-4C35-B45E-506B6E…)

>what u expected (madisunsky) vs what u got (Dasha)
how did she not break down from standing next to a fitter hotter blonde wearing the same thing and getting absolutely embarrassed like that???
the shop used Dasha pictures for ONE item and it’s the fat girl piece, the hoodie kekinggg
No. 532694
File: 1529363597361.jpg (165.8 KB, 810x869, SmartSelect_20180618-151627_Sa…)

No. 532716
File: 1529366099487.jpg (198.26 KB, 810x810, SmartSelect_20180618-151337_Sa…)

>>532713No, but she musta pissed off the makeup artist lol
No. 532718
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No. 532728
>>532478>Is it just me or does she look like a Walmart version of Kesha in these pics?Ke¢ha?
I will give Dasha credit for achieving her goal of passing as Russian. Unfortunately though, not the “glamorous exotic Russian supermodel” vibe that she was trying for, but she did nail “Soviet era stocky Russian peasant woman who looks like she should be driving a tractor on a collective farm.”
No. 532734
File: 1529367978804.jpg (91.96 KB, 800x726, dashak.jpg)

Dasha be like
No. 532741
File: 1529368477614.jpeg (70.79 KB, 640x1136, 6543BB29-F96D-4A44-8D51-3EFBCE…)

“But mina looks so stupid!!1!!! She’s so obsessed with being artsy and weird”
No. 532784
>>532766She's an IG model so small brands probably reach out to her on the strength of her following, no portfolio involved.
The funniest bit to me is that you know she wasn't paid in cash for any of this.
No. 532795
File: 1529378950434.jpg (177.83 KB, 733x762, SmartSelect_20180618-151315_Sa…)

I don't think she could even be a face model because of those bloated lips and nonexistant nose. Is this surgery or just oddly proportioned facial structure?
No. 532869
>>532747So I watched that and two things really stand out to me
1. Cyr didn't sign shit.
2. Dasha is still illegally in the USa.
How has she not gotten tagged by ICE via Edwin orhis people? Like what is stopping anyone that knows him from calling the American Gestapo and putting her on a way way ticket to the old country? And then sending said old country an anony tip about how much she loves hitler?
No. 532900
>>532894 I totally agree and may I add that I've known people (who don't have an ED) with that exact body type and skinny fat face… genetics/ lack of exercise.
She already did the "muh ED" once let's not go there again.
>>532858 I'm curious too! IG anons has she posted anything since fupa gate?
No. 532909
File: 1529406290510.jpeg (1.64 MB, 1242x1905, 1AEC1E20-E536-4CDD-880D-98641B…)

>>532858Here is a screenshot of her neuphs account. She also hasn’t added anything to her story in days. Her itsbabydash account hasn’t changed since she was outed by Edwin in May.
No. 532914
>>532901As funny as it is, the caps are small and blurry so at first glance it could be dismissed as ‘not her’ by her minions imo it’s missing better shots from the campaign with her double chin. Like
>>532495 >>532515
>>532606 >>532643
No. 532936
File: 1529413827341.jpg (66.76 KB, 882x573, lolfatchin.jpg)

Of course it all matches…
No. 532939
>>532468>>532549>>532581Wandered over for this
>>532936 , damm, this bitch is fat, she ain't like the others. Did Dasha ever give a baby up for adoption, because that pooch ain't normal for a young girl.
>>532858>has she been active since her outing on here as a Christmas ham masquerading as a smol bean?OMG DYING ANON.
No. 532950
Another modelfag here/the one who found this secret fupa shoot
>>532943Calm down. No one is saying she's a whale. I just thought it was funny that she looks nothing like her shoops and is obviously way too big to be a regular model. Like it or not there are some requirements. If she wasn't such a cunt and pretending to be "a model in LA" i wouldn't care how she looks. She always has that pooch it's not one of those 'I just had a lot of food situation.
No. 533012
File: 1529435868289.jpeg (267.73 KB, 750x811, 618EB46C-D118-44CA-8133-DDEB0D…)

>>533001>>533001Ugh, her caption for this picture along with her previous post about the new Fallout game just makes me wonder if she’s a genuine gamer or if she just uses her gAm3r GuRL identity as another layer of her stolen skin coat.
No. 533057
Ok, come on now. Dasha is not fat, nor is she ugly. She's a pretty girl with nice features, and a average body. There's nothing wrong with her, and you wouldn't be upset if you looked like her. I wouldn't be surprised if she lied… BUT, if she has a history with eating disorders, then she clearly is atleast attempting recovery and that's a positive. I will say from experience that an eating disorder FOREVER fucks with you and how you see yourself, and is probably why she eits herself as INSANELY as she does. It's sad and fucked up that she takes it to such an extreme.
Anyways, there are PLENTY of horrible things that she does on a daily basis that she should be called out for. She's a terrible person, borderline pyschotic, and deserves all the karma coming her way, why are we so focused on calling her fat?
No. 533060
>>533057I think you're missing the point. People are just surprised because her body looks so much different due to heavy shooping. She pretends to be someone she is not; personality-wise and physically.
She used to body shame Mina and now we know why. 90% of her accusations towards Mina are a reflection of her own actions. It's pretty sad.
No. 533063
File: 1529446596067.jpeg (489.26 KB, 1242x2208, 93515BF8-9EBB-4CA9-A186-2930EC…)

Just capped this from her @neuphs account, this was taken and photoshopped to hell and back the same day of her fupa photoshoot (see eyemakeup). The difference from this to the final campaign images used is astounding. She’s changing the ratio of her face completely. I’m having Kotakoti flashbacks.
No. 533064
File: 1529446666590.jpeg (142.7 KB, 640x896, F4D83B69-1E21-42A4-87C0-8D1669…)

>>533060Amen. What’s with the dasha white knighting today… We’re talking about a girl who on top of shaming people all the time for various things, photoshopped photos of mina to make her look heavier in hopes that people/her minions would make fun of her and call her fat….As she was shopping herself to an extreme to look like Mina …The projection! No wonder anons are being shocked and harsh with the criticism. And personally I am happy to look nothing like her and I’m not just saying that. But to each their own.
No. 533091
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>>533067I can see your point and why you think it's unfair to judge someone's body instead of their actions. However bullies deserve to get bullied back. She isn't just an average girl, she's an absolute nutcase. Don't forget the amount of photoshop she did to Mina to make her anorexic skinny and fatter in the waist area. How do you think Mina feels, when she's the average girl who didn't do anything to warrant this? Or how would you feel if someone you thought was a friend went through your phone and photoshopped pictures of you fatter and wrote anonymous posts about how ugly you are? Julia definitely has body dysmorphia but it doesn't excuse this kind of behavior and her seeing all this be exposed should be a damn wake up call to get some fucking help. No one would be prying and making fun of her being fat if she didn't do these things. She could be a genuine person and have a nice body if she actually worked for it and wasn't a piece of shit human.
No. 533133
>>533091Now knowing her real body shape this is REALLY hilarious. Stay mad Trasha.
>>533128I'm one of those anons! I guess I just figured she shooped a bunch but was more hourglass with some chub rather than a literal box. I knew she was bigger than her waifish shoops but Chloe Moretz tier fridge-ness? Did not see that coming.
No. 533164
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No. 533198
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What do y'all think of this
No. 533206
>>533057She was very obviously the 'body positivity, our brand is size inclusive!' addition to that shoot and we all know it.
Pretending that we shouldn't talk about how fat she is when shoops herself to be as skinny as Mina is laughable.
>>533203You can actually see how easy Edwin must have been for Cyr to manipulate in that video.
No. 533272
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>>533229 These accounts are funny af! I have no doubt she’s seen them (and this thread) and is going full victim mode pretending it’s all fake!!!11!!!222 Such sadness. Such victim. Babybox and her retarded minions can harass a girl (daily for over a year) but she can’t handle unflattering pics getting out and people laughing at her and the irony of it all. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.
No. 533280
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Cyr to be honest you are a fuckboy, even tho it’s Mina behind those accounts you gotta understand the girl was broken with no understanding of real relationships. The snap of Dasha and cyr in bed together put her on the brink. Seeing someone cheat on you does not put you in a good place. He even admitted he cheated and Dasha tried covering it up. If Mina used those accounts to cope and seeing a guy end up with the girl he cheated on you with sucks. I don’t blame her at all for those accounts. They may be embarrassing and her biggest regret. I can see why she wouldn’t want to own up to them. Her and niahm interacted with them and probably shared them for fun, not for anything cruel. Dasha made it seem like they continued to send her hate, and if they did hate on you, you deserved it for being a homewrecker. You knew he was in a relationship, Mina felt like a fool and she was destroyed. People do things when they’re hurt or angry. But you dasha take things to another level, a psycho mental causing harm to others level. The accounts Mina made do not compare to the evil things you did and do to people, and that’s just the truth
I still bet she’s the one who sent Mina the info about her and cyr. Dasha plans things and finds a gateway to fuck with people. Pretty fucking psychotic if you ask me.
No. 533312
>>533257I agree that she deserves the hate she's getting. I just think Cyr deserves more than he is getting. I mean face the facts: He's made some of the crucial mistakes that led to the whole situation:
a) How can a person be stupid enough to fly their ex in to live with their current partner? Not even about the polyamouros thingy, just about the fact Mina is his ex that (which all three of them knew at the time) he cheated on with his now girlfriend Dasha - In which fucked up, twisted mind can that potentially lead to anything positive? There's not one scenario I can think of in which this wouldn't provoke major drama and people getting hurt
b) He was lying all the fucking time. First he said he didn't want Edwin out from the beginning, then there was the "my brother wants everyone out" shit, then "it wasn't a surprise that Edwin would have to leave" blablabla - get your own fucking version of it all straight
c) Acting as if Edwin getting his stuff from their apartment after they kicked him out was him breaking in to their apartment - I mean.. maybe it's just me but I definitely wouldn't make a drama out of this. It was obvious they were just attempting to get his stuff but Cyr acted as if his former best friend suddenly were a threat.
d) Not fucking changing the password/pin whatever on his phone. I mean come on, it's not that hard and if he had not wanted Dasha to be able to block, unfriend, unfollow people and post shit in his name he could've easily avoided it
e) Thinking it is "mature" to not say anything at all. I mean, tbh, he's neither a good boyfriend for her nor was he treating Edwin or Mina the way I'd expect from a friend. He in a way took a side, but only because he was forced to. From someone who thinks and claims they're an adult I'd expect more than "I could fuck them over if I started talking". If I was his girlfriend I'd expect him to at least defend me. Not even in a "everything you've done was good" way but in a "stop fucking telling my girlfriend she's an ugly fat cow and get it over with" way. As his friend (Edwins role) I'd expect him to show his girlfriend that he doesn't tolerate her disrespecting his friends. To me it just seems like he's a lazy, immature,coward guy who likes to just hide behind the "oh but Cyr is so sensitive and manipulated by Dasha" thing everyone seems to believe in. Because for whatever reason he doesn't seem to be able to actually speak his mind, and if he does it's "oh I wish it wasn't for all this drama; Edwin only wants to milk the drama" - well guess what: The drama won't just suddenly disappear if you don't tell your girlfriend what you actually think about it, change your fucking passwords and stop acting like a 4 year old hiding behind his mother. Dasha is what.. 6 or 7 years younger than him? - Then why is everyone expecting her to be the mature one, the one who makes decisions etc.? He's a grown ass man and since apparently everyone in this whole drama suffers from depression, why does it count as excuse for him? It doesn't for everyone else.
No. 533323
>>533312 I agree Cyr should be getting more criticism and is obviously a pathetic lying and enabling pos. However Let's not forget Julia is a 23yo woman, not baby, who has threatened to make him suicidal, drugged her ex (and tried to drug Mina), threatens suicide whenever she gets criticism etc. Must be a nightmare dealing with her on the reg.
I think her getting a taste of her own medecine is good. She might sperg out so much that Cyr will finally have the balls to do something about it.
No. 533340
>>533312Yeah, Cyr is a TERRIBLE partner to date. He has admitted to being a bad boyfriend in the past.
He lies. He cheats. He omits information, all his girlfriends thought they were the only one he was dating.
Hell, he drove one ex (current at the time) to attempted suicide. He didn't really even care enough to go see her when he was informed, and when she tried reaching out, he was dismissively disinterested. Her friend had to tell him, and even then, knowing she was so distraught from his lies and cheating, he still continued his pattern of behavior with the subsequent women, only caring about burying his little hot doggie.
The poor girl had her wrists up in bandages and had to be sedated, and friends had to tend to her. But Cyr didn't care enough about the mess he left behind.
He's a cutie patootie, but like most young men, emotionally immature and not fit for dating. He will burn evrybody in the end. Until he grows up. Which won't be happening anytime soon, being surrounded by the crazy circus.
No. 533344
>>533280That's so true.
I give zero fucks if they were Minas accounts.
It may be cringey to make fan accounts about yourself, but who tf cares.
Hating on Julia was definitely justified because who wouldn't hate the person your partner betrayed you with.
Julia always made it seem like Mina was sending her death threats with her accounts when it wasn't the case at all.
And btw, how much of a disgusting cunt can Julia be to keep using "but Minaa made fake accounts and hated on me!1!" as an argument when Mina did it because Julia was fucking her boyfriend.
No. 533364
>>533353>>533356Ladies, ladies, please. The outside can be attractive while the insides are pure acid poison.
But please check out
>>>/g/47022And you will see who the ladies of lolcow have the ugly jollies for. Its quite eye opening
No. 533402
>>533064holy shit she looks like an actual blobfish
Proper highschool anime nerd being unable to draw faces rotating because what is perspective levels of fail here.
No. 533409
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No. 533417
>>533366Lol, no, but he could've secured HIS phone and he could admit he's made mistakes too.
Again: What kind of person thinks inviting their ex they cheated on with their gf to live with that same exact person is a good idea?
No. 533431
File: 1529524384530.png (59.7 KB, 759x691, Capture.PNG)

>>533428Not that anon, but here it is
No. 533458
>>531542Allegedly this is a picture of Mina's phone. But since it's been revealed that Dasha has two phones (and that she uses Cyr's), I don't think it's a stretch to say that is Dasha's phone/app.
If it is Mina's phone, that just further cements Dasha accessing the phone to harass Mina.
No. 533460
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>>533431 i got a different result lol
No. 533503
File: 1529534586718.png (90.46 KB, 972x768, Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 18.4…)

Here's Mina's stats on the same website for comparison
No. 533532
File: 1529536535853.jpg (64.06 KB, 540x960, 35760881_2031756243514808_1616…)

Has anyone seen siickbrain's new name on Instagram? She's the girl with the shaved head that Julia was spending a lot of time with last summer. I feel like this might be a dig at Julia since she's friends with universal_angel who has come out to expose Julia after she stopped supporting her. It might just be a coincidence but idk, since a lot of people have always known Julia's name to be itsbabydash.
No. 533548
File: 1529537033184.png (129.77 KB, 872x720, Screenshot (2).png)

Looks like there's a twitter fight going on between netnobody and mina/edwin