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No. 685927
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
https://momokuncosplay.comFacebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecently:
- got more liposuction on her neck and arms
- got lip fillers. Quack quack
- is seemingly still buds with Vamp
- took actually pics of her roast beef puss barely censored with a string of pearls on her panties
- gotten a really ugly wig maker stalker called Umbranwitch
- hilariously shopped her body to the degree where her bellybutton was in her ribcage
- apparently beginning to regret her hair choices by saying she wants to dye it brown
- got the beauty guru community mad at her cause she bitched and Jeffree Star lipstick
- trying to gym and diet again I guess
No. 685933
File: 1564571819929.jpg (16.07 KB, 291x337, simpson-crazy-cat-lady1.jpg)

Momo's really channeling the crazy cat lady with that look.
Someone needs to cut off those matted extensions already.
No. 685949
Simple thread pic, but it says it all. She spent all that money on cool sculpting, Lypo, lip injections, hair extensions, frying the fuck out of her hair, nails, lash extensions, a small nations gdp in skin care products, fuck knows what else.. and this is the end product. So she can cover up head to toe in a black trash bag to hide her misshapen form.
I would like to see a side by side of this and her Tamamo beach pics.
What a glo up, my dude.
No. 685968
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my anaconda don’t want none unless you brush your weave hun
No. 685993
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>>685968Other people at her gym have to think she's on drugs or something, jesus christ. Crawling all over the machines, shoving her ass out like she even has one to show off, that mangled mop bucket mane. I would genuinely think she was not right in the head if I saw this at my gym.
No. 685997
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And as per usual, she makes her guests/friends cook for her.
All of these posts pretty much confirm what every single one of us has been saying the whole time: She obviously up until now never did shit to actually get in shape. She obviously ate like shit because otherwise she would’ve made these posts already. And she obviously never made any actual weight training, because she would’ve made a huge deal out of it just like she does now.
I’m a till pretty sure she wants the D and is in some stupid childish imaginary competition with this Kevin‘s gf.
(Also can someone please make a new, proper thread?)
No. 686011
>>685968she's also obviously arching her back to make her ass appear bigger, and an incorrect form can fuck you up - not that that actually matters since she's probably just doing this whole thing for attention. i'm sure she jumped on, put it on the lowest weight possible, and did this just to get a pic to SHoW tHE hATUrz!!!! or whatever. couldn't even be fucked to put her hair in a ponytail or bun, let alone brush it.
>>685997once kevin leaves, her "workout" and "healthy food" videos and pics are gonna stop, and we're never gonna hear of this again. it's so pathetic that she needs someone to get her to be active, or to even just make decent life choices for her like her dad. someone HAS to hold her hand because she refuses to make responsible adult decisions (but that isn't new). it doesn't help that she's also probably doing this to show kevin that "look at me i'm actually doing fitness stuff like u lol teehee i love the gym and dumbbells and treadmills also u should leave ur gf for me uwu".
No. 686022
>>686011It's half of that. There are plenty of FEMALE cosplays who work out and have active hobbies. But notice Momo only tries to play pretend girlfriend to guys who are already taken.
She loves buff cosplay guys, she loves them more if they are taken. She will try her best to isolate the dude from the girlfriend until she ruins both friendships. It's a rise wash repeat cycle
No. 686028
>>685986Not whiteknighting but the machine has weight on it. That orange thing is not a pin and in the actual story, you can see the amount of plates. However, doing higher weight on that machine is really easy and her form is wrong. That aside, standing up on it like that is something instagram fitness thots do to emphasize their butt in the video. It's not effective and that machine isn't even for glutes so…she's just straining her lower back unnecessarily because she's a moron. She also isn't even doing anything because she is using momentum to propel her through the movements, further wasting her time.
This was literally an attempt at a fuck you to us because we keep saying she is only at the gym to take pics. Her leggings are covered in hair and her rats nest is out of control. I would avoid the fuck out of her in a gym.
No. 686034
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While waiting on the new thread, this happened, less than 24 hours after Vamplettes started streaming again. Moo has never had a single original thought in her life and I'm pretty sure she lives for trying to one-up her (former) calves. I'm looking forward to this trainwreck.
No. 686043
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No. 686076
>>685927>>685964I knew some dumb fucks would bitch about the new thread lol. But after 12 hours of waiting for someone else to make one, I got tired of waiting — next time be less lazy and you do it if you hate it so much.
And really not that much happened last thread anyway.
No. 686082
>>686044Never turn your back on, Moo…
Umbran may not have the same tier of back fat as Moo, but she is definitely uglier. Her face is hard to even glance at.
No. 686099
>>686076And what was so important that you absolutely
had to make one?
The simpsons crazy cat lady comparison or the nitpicky summary of her appearance that’s been there several times before?
No. 686132
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Revisiting something that was pointed out towards the end of the previous thread.
She was supposed to be listing a bunch of old cosplays for sale, including this Designer Daddy abomination that was allegedly a "test run" because she looked like absolute shit in it.
How much do you want to bet that with Umbran in town, she doesn't bother with the listings, the gym visits, or the LoL streams she's been trying to hype up?
No. 686139
>>686132This is honestly the ugliest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t remember seeing any high res photos of it but goddamn, it’s literally falling apart. No one in their right mind would buy this, not even for scrap material. Plus, she most likely didn’t clean it so it’ll reek of Moo’s horrendous bo.
She’ll probably either ask for what she paid for it or more because ~Momokun~ wore it. I’m betting on the latter because she sold her Zero Suit Samus for more than what that pit-stained zentai suit was worth.
No. 686140
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$1200 for tamamo btw.
No. 686151
>>685968This is a well-known gym move for thots to post on their social media.
tbh I would love for mariah to record herself doing more meme exercises, look stupid/get kicked out or something just to get a pic for IG that makes it look like she has an ass
No. 686175
>>685953>>685956make one yourself then? Either way shit up. I'm just glad someone finally did it.
>>685968this is just sad lol
No. 686197
>>686191How old are you anon? Jesus christ.
The point still stands, if you don't like how a thread is made you fucking do it next time.
Can we please stop complaining over this?
No. 686236
>>686140I'm willing to bet she paid 2-3x that price. Designer Daddy is so far up his own ass, that seems low for him.
He routinely sells his "gowns" for 2-3k
No. 686252
>>686241No, they know better, it's just all a clout thing.
Like Moo, they like to show off that they can afford an overpriced costume even though it usually looks unfinished and trashy.
>>686236Agreed with this. He once posted that his costumes start at $1800.
No. 686262
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At least Umbran LOOKS like she’s trying, even if she doesn’t go to the gym often. Moo can’t even pretend to work out properly.
No. 686269
>>686262This is a real downgrade from Vamps. I thought the point was to get a HOT lesbian lover to make the boys drool.
Also way to keep up with the threads Momo. Guess she had to hide her tracks when anon mentioned in the previous thread she only takes guys she wants to fuck to the gym
No. 686273
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No. 686303
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Jowls since birth.
No. 686331
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This is rich coming from her. Did someone hurt her new lapdog’s feelings?
No. 686333
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Filters can’t hide her busted face anymore I guess.
Going back to Japan again to do fuck all and not shoot anything for the third-forth(?) time in a row.
She’s never going to play FE. Bought it only to ride the hype train. We’ll never hear about it again in a few months.
No. 686372
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>>686331 See, this is where Mariah fails to see the problems she causes for herself. The finished costumes tend to look awful on her because she provides the wrong measurements, pays her slave mice to rush everything out to spite other cosplayers who announced a similar project first, or the obvious fact that she doesn't know how to pose or properly wear anything, so the costumes end up looking worse by association.
What happened to honest criticism, Mariah?
No. 686378
>>686331People rag on them BECAUSE they work with you Moo. No one wants to work with a known bully and sexual assault/harasser. So the ones that do are obviously money or clout hungry and everyone is going to call them on it.
You also can't seem to get measurements right or you wear the costume incorrectly and it looks like shit. No one wants to have their work skewered like that.
TLDR: Stop pretending to cosplay and just do lewd shit.
No. 686434
>>686420Don’t do Bruce dirty like that!
>>686372She never did post the responses to this huh? Probably weren’t enough people kissing her ass.
No. 686444
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>straight up slaps her boob
No. 686447
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>>686445 TFW Dorothy throws water on the wicked witch, and she begins to melt.
No. 686451
>>686444"Yeah we can be girlfriends, but no sex and this is just until I can get a man who makes more money or a prettier girl to play lesbian with"
But really, Momo. This isn't hate, this is legit advise. You deserve Umbran, but she's clearly crazy. Momo can't complain that she didn't see the betrayal or some weird shit coming
No. 686455
>>686453Sorry for samefagging but found it.
She did answer this the last time. Funny how her answer differs when she‘s not being manic.
No. 686462
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There’s a cosplay contest happening at The Linq today, AlyBrazil and Vamp are part of it so I’m not surprised Moo weaseled her way into hanging around.
No. 686468
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No. 686478
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>>686471 So does that make you one of these four girls?
Anyhow, have another photo of Moo looking three times larger than a girl who's already pretty hefty.
No. 686500
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Umbran has to do this more jfc
No. 686506
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Tit slap
No. 686507
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Mug in motion
No. 686508
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I don't know where to begin here. That posture can't be good for the body, especially for a woman who has inverted kneecaps. Holy shit.
No. 686509
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"Stealing jokes"
No. 686510
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Flex pt 2
No. 686513
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Flex pt 1
No. 686514
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Dog toy pt 1
No. 686515
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Dog toy pt 2
No. 686528
>>686527Then make a video and upload it as such. In one post.
NTAYRT but that spam really is unnecessary. Especially since some of it has already been posted.
(minimodding) No. 686535
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>>686462Senpai Squad cancelled her guest appearance back when all the sexual assault shit went down.
No. 686548
>>686478her lips look inflamed. Looks like she got her third round of fillers, focusing more on the upper lip
Even through the tight fitting clothes you can see the lumps and she still looks like she's gaining weight, not losing it. By early next year I can see her pushing 280.
No. 686554
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For the laughs.
No. 686566
>>686551Come on, making a shitty OP in five minutes and spam posting gifs is not "work" and it's just annoying if people think they're ~helping~ by doing it when no one asked for it.
If anyone really wants to see those stories they can use storiesig or something, why bump the thread when there's no milk?
(minimodding) No. 686604
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No. 686647
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No. 686649
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>>686647measurements for the curious anons? She also dropped the price from what she told ^^^
No. 686662
>>686649>>686647Pretty fucking convenient how she manufactures reasons to justify her inability to make public appearances.
"Oh, I wanted to go to EVO, but I had to list my wigs and costumes because I need to make room in my house for other people".She's still living in fear, and will continue to do so for the rest of her life.
No. 686665
>>686662I'm actually pretty surprised as well.
I'm at EVO and no sight of Moo. I did see Vamplettes though dressed up from a character from DoA? And she was with two girls. One dressed as Chun Li and another I couldn't check. But Vamplettes definitely seems like she's less stressed and having more fun without Moo hovering over her.
No. 686666
>>686662 Samefag, but I also find it hilarious that she's listing everything on Depop. I thought the new website was the most popular thing in the world? Why not open a subcategory there for props and shit, and avoid the seller fees? After all,
everyone loves the new website, and
everyone visits it.
No. 686669
>>686665 Yeah, Vamps and Aly (Chun Li) made it to EVO, and will be making an appearance together for that costume event at The Linq in less than 2.5 hours from now. I'm sure everyone has an easier time without Mariah the buzzkill loitering in the area.
Like one of the other anons said, Mariah will come up with excuses to avoid interacting with people at cons, but she'll sure as shit try to weasel her way into any afterparty with booze and drugs.
No. 686675
File: 1564797215665.jpg (938.5 KB, 1454x1273, 20190802_182149.jpg)

Vamps and aly at evo. No moo
No. 686713
>>686508Jesus Christ she looks like Rodney Dangerfield in a ratty wig.
>>686509Ugh. I can just tell how loud and obnoxious she is from this gif. Like a 16 year old on their 2nd beer at their first high school house party. Being loud an obnoxious to cover up how uncomfortable and insecure you are.
No. 686721
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some new listings are going up, I pray for whoever gets the puppy bikini as of this screenshot she doesn’t mention it being worn or used but she definitely shot in it right?
No. 686722
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>>686721XXL. she’s also selling her Tamamo bikini but at least she listed it as worn
No. 686723
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>>686721The chichi dress she famously didn’t wear underwear with in public
No. 686726
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what is this
No. 686742
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One of the anons in a previous thread found this exact ensemble on Amazon for under $20, and even posted a screenshot of the outfit and price for proof.
She's charging $25.
No. 686748
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>>686742Tbh she could probably charge her neckbeards more than that.
I can’t think of any non-gross reason anyone would buy a used bikini with no proof it’s been washed
Also: it looks like the mannequin’s torso could fit inside the leg hole. Kek
No. 686769
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>>686662 Here we go.
She found a way to avoid EVO, and found a way to avoid showing support in person for Vamps and Aly while they were participating in their respective event, but she's ready to get hammered at some afterparty! Predictable as fuck!
No. 686777
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No. 686781
>>686721Lmfao, the 8 billion ears she impulse bought are all for sale. Moo is so predictable.
>>686722>>686723>>686742>>686748Yeah, there's no way a woman is going to buy this stuff. I doubt it would fit anyone besides Moo anyway because of how bizarre her proportions are, ntm all the unreliable measurements.
Some gross creep is probably going to buy them to put in a shrine or skeet with lel.
>>686777I think Holly just has Moo there to make her look better by comparison kek
No. 686792
>>686777At least she got someone to brush her hair for her.
I say someone and not her because she can't even wash and dry her own hair
No. 686807
>>686769>“I‘m not much of a party person lol“>proceeds to go to parties Kek.
Plus, she again only posted footage of other people working out, but none of herself actually doing something besides being on her phone and pretentiously being on a treadmill for like 5 minutes.
No. 686854
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>>686846 Don't forget; that's only a 35 inch waist you're looking at.
No. 686856
File: 1564840701409.png (254.75 KB, 370x658, 20190803_085629.png)

>>68685435 inch waist, sure thing Mariah…
New to note. She has on a different colored hoodie crop top for once.
No. 686877
>>686875She's not. She has more Patrons than before and it's been in the high 1400s or higher for more than two months now, going into the third. She's not hurting, she is just selling her wear once outfits like every thot does. No one rewears shit who shells out lewds like Moo. They either archive them in their own studios or sell them off.
What Im curious about though is that those ears Moo bought, the stores those usually come from have resell rules. I wonder if Moo is overcharging for resale at all or if the stores she got those ones from even allow their ears to be resold vs traded. I think that's a dumb rule tbh because a purchase makes you the owner, but still. Moo could be in trouble depending on where the ears are from and if one store blacklists, I think the rest follow because it's such a small community.
No. 686884
>>686877We’ve been over this already. Those are all 1-5$ patrons, that’s why she’s been catering to them so hard and half assing communication with her 50$ patrons. She doesn’t have anyone higher paying.
She hasn’t had a room mate for a couple of months and i guantree Kevin is paying little to no rent since she’s “helping him move.” She also just blew 1500$+ on filler and a few thousand on lipo a few weeks ago. She’s burning through cash very quickly.
No. 686908
>>686884I support the ‘she’s running out of cash’ theory.
Look at how quickly the price for this costume dropped.
>>686140>>686649If she just wanted to get rid of it, she could easily sit on it for a month or even longer. Especially if she’s spent so much on it and it’s ‘worth’ >$1k. It doesn’t take away that much space, so why not keep it until someone is willing to pay the first price?
She wants to get the money quick.
Plus, she wants to get into streaming. Especially Twitch streamers are known to be able to make loads. Why would she do that if not for that reason? You would think it’s less effort than shooting, but other than with photos she can’t just cut out her unkempt hair and unwashed face (and who would watch a stream of just her playing video games lol).
Let’s not forget that aditionally to everything mentioned (lipo, fillers etc) she’s also spent a mentionable amount of money on that gaming set up.
She suddenly had a huge peak in spendings without a considerable change in income, from what we can tell. So, even if that story about her stealing the money that was meant for Vamps surgery is true, she should slowly run out of cash.
No. 686927
>>686908I support Moo running out of cash theory too
I'm tinfoiling here but it's obvious that Moo isn't smart with her finances. How does she not have any existing form of debt? Yeah she has her patreon money but if she's paying off expenses as anon said
>>686923Doesn't she also have debt from when she 'studied', dropping 1-2k a week on custom costumes,personal photographer paying for her slaves food, gym membership, weekly nail salon trips, Etsy purchases and eating out every night.
or maybe her end of the month expenses are just running out?
No. 686941
>>686877This has been discussed extensively. The raw numbers mean nothing - there's no way to extrapolate from them what her income is and the numbers change all the time.
>>686884 and
>>686908 and
>>686923 and
>>686927 point out, she has a lot of expenses that easily outpace her monthly income and she's behaving like someone that needs to raise cash quick.
>>686934It's certainly a strange coincidence if you're one of those people who believe (for whatever reason) that's she still rolling in cuck bucks.
I mean, why stream on Camversity? Why do the charity scams? Why sell old and new costumes? Why try to transition to being a titty streamer on Twitch?
Do people honestly think Moo has the brains or the motivation to say, "Gee, I'd better diversify my thot portfolio so I can have multiple income streams in case one dries up."?
She's not making real money from cosplay anymore - that's the only reason why she's suddenly trying to do other things.
No. 686943
As much as I want to hop on the "Mariah is hurting for cash" bandwagon, I just can't, even though she knowing spent somewhere between $20,000-$30,000 in 2019 on the Hawaii vacation (food, travel, and hotel expenses for herself and others), the Japan trip (where she bought more action figures), the sculpting/lipo/injections (that's $10,000 right there), hair extensions and procedures, a new gaming computer, cosmetic products and accessories, costume commissions…
Ultimately, the point that I'm trying to make is that she spends at such a breakneck pace, her Depop income isn't going to cauterize her financial bleeding. I think she's doing it to make space for more junk, or more shitty roommates. But I think it's very fair to speculate that she's hurting for money at the rate she's moving at.
No. 686950
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Ah, yes. My favorite event at EVO. The Disney Ice Capades.
No. 686953
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>>686950 Gonna sage a couple of these. First up, the cool sculpting on the chin that was supposed to make everything better.
No. 686954
File: 1564880606524.jpg (257.46 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190803-175915_Ins…)

>>686953 Second, her expression is reminiscent of a person who smells burnt toast, and has a stroke moments later.
No. 686955
>>686950At least she's actually doing some exercise….
>>686943Yeah. I mean, yes, Mariah trying to get rid of a ton of cosplays ASAP reeks of desperation, but a lot of things she does is equally stupid. It's hard to quantify her behavior as either "oh shit my cuckbucks are drying up" or just being dumb and manic as usual.
No. 686965
my tinfoil on moo selling so many old costumes is that she's resigned to the fact that they will probably never fit again, even with corset, especially old stuff like chichi and wicke. but even tamamo, which didn't exactly look like it fit right when she debuted it, and it looks like a stiff costume… like i think it's unlikely she can cinch down to a 35 inch waist still, from the way she's looking in recent candids:
>>686478>>686514>>686515>>686856plus, she's got to raise money for her next japan trip, apparently in less than two months (
>>686333 ), especially after spending so much on her surgeries and gaming pc the last month, as other anons have pointed out.
>>686954the framing of her face and hair in that shot looks like it could be on a movie poster from 1998… only it would be someone hollywood hot, def not moomoo lol
No. 686974
>>686943I think the hyperbolic way people speak on here has you confused
It's less that she's broke and more that she's living paycheck to paycheck with maybe some credit card cushion between. Even if she was making 30k which is highly unlikely just because she simply doesnt have that reach, she would easily be blowing through it with what we see her spending and the amount of money she must spend on food alone is ridiculous because she's actually gaining weight/fat faster than even ALR.
Her lip fillers alone would cost approx $2k add the lipo, travel, the amount of food she needs to eat to continue growing to the size she's at, new costumes, wig commissions, constant hair trips and extensions. She could be making $20k and still be low on cash monthly with how shittily she spends it
That doesnt even include stuff like car bills, rent, paying off her friends and showering them in gifts constantly.
Even if she was making as much as the 'she's making bank' anons think she is she would easily blowing through this money every month.
I agree I think she's trying to sell certain things but stuff like Tamamo which is barely half a year old? And she even said this is only the first 'wave' of stuff she's selling so we'll see what else she tries to sell.
I think it's more suspicious that she's selling ears that she hasnt shot with at all (those red and black bunny ones I hadnt even seen her post) that would be an easy 'shoot' excuse. just buy more shitty amazon lingerie and shoot in them and she could sell that but she's selling the ears before even doing anything with them? She needs the money fast.
>>686941 said if the desperate grabs for money weren't so constant I could believe she was doing better but the fact that it's been constant for the past few months says a LOT.
No. 686982
>>686974 Not to discount anything you said, because it makes a lot of sense, but I'd be more inclined to believe she was in a bind if she resorted to trying to sell her figurines, or at least the ones that weren't destroyed or mangled.
But there are a few obvious red flags to take into consideration based on her recent behavior, so I'm just here for the ride with my popcorn within arm's reach.
No. 686984
>>686953I think it's a shame that some anons have complained about people posting content that contributes to the thread. This is why Patreon-anon doesn't talk to us anymore.
>>686982Not to argue, because we're all speculating to a degree, but that's a really random line to draw.
People do buy used figures - but generally, they're looking for things that are near mint and in the box. None of Moo's figures fit that description - not to mention that many of them are fakes/bootlegs. And I think even Moo realizes that all those figures are basically junk at this point.
I get what you're saying, but what you're describing is literally never going to happen.
No. 686998
File: 1564894179201.jpg (308.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190803-214704_Ins…)

>"I don't let the haters get to me."
>Afraid to attend EVO because she'll get roasted or confronted.
No. 687001
This may be a bold tinfoil, but what if she's slowly getting out if cosplay entirely? Personally for with what she is selling, it kind of looks like she's wiping a clean slate. She's selling costumes she just pretty much got, costumes that have been well received and recognizable to her brand, and some stuff she hasnt even worn or used yet. She's too afraid to go to evo, or even mention it at this point, and what does she do with a bunch of other fellow cosplayers? Anything but…cosplay. I feel like she's definitely feeling the fact that noone wants her around anymore, and she's already burned what few bridges she's had left to reclaim any kind of legitimacy among the cosplay community.
And let's face it, her fanbase and who's essentially paying the bills to have her fat ass and her cats fed don't give a flying fuck about her cosplays anymore. When she realized noone care about her "crafting," she paid for people to do it for her, and even then it wasn't exactly well received, or really cared for. In all reality, it would potentially be a better move for her to be a titty streamer that happens to sell lewds, than to keep up with the facade that she wants to cosplay anymore.
No. 687017
>>687009Sssinperwolf is probably Mariah's gateway into twitch streaming, such aa Vamps was for her cosplaying. She probably thinks it's easier to switch to streaming but it's hard when your personality is obnoxious.
Who knows, Mariah will be the Trisha Paytas of twitch and have a mental breakdown every session
No. 687034
>>687026 It wouldn't be as profitable as Camversity, in my honest opinion.
During the CamV days, she didn't make anything, excluding the streams when Vamp made cameos, or when she had cum lube on standby. Her non-sexual streams weren't profitable, and I'm assuming she would likely wear the same spaghetti strap tops that she wore on CamV.
Twitch is a different animal. If you're not as pretty as other girls, then you sure as hell need to be a better gamer, or a better overall entertainer. And Mariah's idea of comedy is holding a squeaky toy, as seen in
>>686515. That doesn't look like a successful business venture in the making.
If she does make an effort to stream and
actually play the fucking games, rather than provide commentary on how others play, then we're all guaranteed to get some milk, because it's going to expose her for the fraud that she is. She'll embarass herself in a completely different way.
No. 687035
>>686649wait, its 850 now? Before when someone messaged her
>>686140 she was selling it for 1200, is she trying to rip people off? Either way the costumes a mess, so you'd have to be pretty blind to buy it in the first place.
No. 687037
File: 1564901205434.png (2.13 MB, 1242x2208, E93B7E23-EFB6-4F55-BA86-2F055E…)

Some thot already bought the Mememe shirt. Hope they’re prepared for the stench.
No. 687041
File: 1564902666344.jpeg (438.16 KB, 750x1116, 26EFFD24-E4F1-4CA3-ACD8-091300…)

>>687037The chick that bought this is like 1/3 size of moo wtf?!?!
Are people stupid enough to believe moo is normal sized or did she buy that shit for attention?
(derailing) No. 687045
File: 1564903173016.gif (Spoiler Image,444.18 KB, 450x309, I9rDEZW.gif)

>>687041for attention and clout most likely
But reminding everyone that the costumes Momo bought are WAY to small for her and fits her like pic below.
That girl can never wear it, the seams are probably stretched and worn.
No. 687046
>>687001I'd say this is pretty accurate - I know people feel like she didn't get the comeuppance she deserved from AX a year ago, but the truth is that it effectively did end her cosplay career. She thought she was going to make a comeback with her Umineko "dream project" and it flopped and nobody cared, and she got BTFO at EVO, and this last AX she was basically a nobody at a booth who couldn't sell any merch. She's done.
>>687007She's lazy and she thinks streaming will be easier than cosplay because all she has to do is sit there and be the totes hot gamer gurl that she thinks she is. That's literally all there is to it. And, like every thot, she's got a dick to hop onto as
>>687017 points out.
>>687034Maybe that's true on some level, but it in no way applies to Moo.
As you point out - you have to do sexual stuff as a camgirl to make money, and Moo's not into that - she literally only did the more sexual streams because Camversity bitched her out behind the scenes after her lame book reading stream. And while nobody has said anything official, I'm willing to be she's blacklisted from Camversity. And there's no way she'd make it on Chaturbate or something similar where there's way more options and she's not getting preferential treatment to get her stream at the top of the list.
No. 687049
>>687001She talked about buying new furniture for costumes and re-organize the remaining stuff into an existing closet.
I don’t think she’ll get out of cosplay entirely.
>>686965 I also don’t think it’s because it finally sunk in that she’s fat, because she’s as others said also selling most of her ears and also stuff like her mysterious heroine x costume.
Another thing that speaks for the out of cash theory is how she has attempted to get another source of income a few times now. Why put so much effort into re-vamping her Homepage all of a sudden? She also attempted another charity scam by selling her stuff at AX and saying she’d donate the proceeds.
If you want to reach you could also say she’s obviously going further with nudity in her patreon shots now. She almost flashed her entire coochie, she’s showing nipple without being pressured into it, …
I don’t know. It just seems kinda telling to me.
However, it might still be just for space after all. I just don’t buy her suddenly getting over her hoarder mentality and actually selling stuff instead of cramming it into another closet.
No. 687058
File: 1564910452640.jpg (488.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190804-021746_Ins…)

This is the face of a woman who clearly hates doing cosplay. Why does she even bother asking for suggestions? Aren't there already over a dozen projects she announced and never got around to doing? Work on those, you unmotivated, unhappy lump!
No. 687070
>>687060 There are so many projects that she never followed through on. I can name at least ten by memory.
The problem with Mariah is that she gained such a considerable amount of weight within such a short period, she ended up outgrowing a lot of her costumes that she had on standby. So she tries to sucker everyone with dumb shit like banana kitten, peeping tom
victim, pearl vagina wedgie extreme close-up, etc.
That's what she gets for ordering these tiny sizes, and for lying about her measurements. Body dysmorphia is a mother fucker.
No. 687195
File: 1564948753888.jpg (866.36 KB, 1080x1921, 20190804_155826.jpg)

>>687060Funny that we mentioned she hasnt touched or mentioned Bowsette for like, a year now? Then umbran makes a Bowsette wig all of the sudden (presumably for moo)
No. 687243
File: 1564960994018.jpg (16.92 KB, 219x157, 20190804_161426.jpg)

>>687087 An update on your update: she officially avoided EVO all weekend. Today was the last day. Umbran filmed her sitting on the couch screeching into a cat's ears.
This stupid ass had the audacity to say she was actually at EVO in her Instagram bio. Never changed it to reflect the truth (pic included from about 10 minutes ago).
Now I'm curious to know if she was actually banned from EVO this year. On a similar note, her
sewious gamur grll phase is off to a fantastic start if she can't or won't attend video game conventions that are only a 15 minute drive from her house.
No. 687244
File: 1564961966204.png (1.05 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-08-04-16-31-56…)

No. 687245
File: 1564962026161.png (1.29 MB, 720x1161, Screenshot_2019-08-04-16-33-02…)

>>687244Moo bribing her new friend
No. 687247
>>687245Probably shouldn't be wasting those cuckbucks moo.
Gotta wonder who the paprika dvd is for, since I doubt either of these two would be able to enjoy it.
No. 687252
File: 1564962605447.png (1.23 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-08-04-16-42-35…)

>>687245>Moo, Kevin, cousin and Umbran all bought nerd guns for a battle at her house>Moo shoots a instastory where Umbran and Kevin hit each other with pool noodles. Possibly was told by a employee of the store to stop, because she abruptly ends itAlso Moo posted her stories of their trip way after Umbran confirming she's misleading people as to where she is by posting "older videos/pics"
No. 687266
File: 1564966541332.jpg (488.64 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190804-175209_Ins…)

>>687252 Why can't Mariah and her lackeys actually behave in a store? It's always the same shit. Play fights in aisles. No regards for the merchandise or the other people in the store. All of them are the scum of the earth.
No. 687274
File: 1564967368548.png (902.76 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-08-04-18-06-17…)

I know this is dumb but it's been months and Ive always wanted to see what this ugly ass shirt looked like outside a sweater(nitpicking)
No. 687280
>>687266So Umbran flew over to do what exactly now? She got denied EVO because Mariah was too chickenshit to show her face at the event except one party even though Umbran supposedly was ready to play bodyguard. I’m going to guess Mariah wouldn’t let her go to the event alone because she needs constant attention. I’m sure Umbran could’ve fucked around at Walmart where she is so why bother making the trip?
Also, what was this “big news” Moo had in regards to EVO? I guess we’ll never know lol
No. 687322
>>687280I'm friends with her photographer on fb, and Im guessing she was trying to be a guest at the linqup party.
Not only did he tag her and all the other people who was a guest, but she most likely tried to be apart of it since her photographer knows the people who set up the whole thing.
And you know how this dumb bitch is when it comes to "special announcements" for shit
No. 687331
>>687327Lets not forget one of her 'totally favorite games' just got announced to have another game and not a peep out of her meanwhile everyone else is hella excited and spamming about it cause it was pretty hype.
Being purposefully vague since I know she lurks and I wanna see how long it takes for her to bring it up
No. 687358
File: 1564979888289.jpg (993.59 KB, 1080x2075, 20190805_003725.jpg)

>>687327You called it. Also, that's a lot of food. So much for that healthy diet.
No. 687365
>>687358It's the only thing she knows how to make. "Meat go on hot."
She's going to eat a pack and a half of meat, a pack of salmon and our hungry hungry hippo will still be hungry
No. 687371
>>687368 This is Moo we're talking about here. She pretends she's into everything, and claims to be an expert on every subject known to man.
She's especially into something if it means that she might get some dick out of it, or if she's trying to become the new queen of a specific franchise (i.e. how Gabby Cooke is known for being a Zelda fan, so Moo has no issue trying to one-up her, since they aren't pals anymore).
No. 687413
>>687358Does she ever cook on an actual stove?
Also if I was Umbran I would NOT want Moo to cook for me, what with her dirty nails and ratty weave falling in the food.
No. 687421
File: 1564999754172.png (1.05 MB, 750x1334, ACC88D36-D060-4B15-B0DA-966274…)

>”are you sweaty?”
>wears a sweatshirt and tight ass leggings in swealtering Las Vegas heat in August playing with nerf guns
No. 687426
>>687421 To me, this validates the popular belief that she doesn't exercise when she goes to the gym. This looks just like one of her workout outfits, with the long sleeves and stretchy form-fitting material. And here she is, exhausted as shit.
Like honestly, how out of shape do you have to be to get severely winded from firing foam darts and ping pong balls with a toy gun? Bless Umbranwitch for her hard hitting journalism.
No. 687477
>>687322She isn't welcome to Vegas Smash and the FGC. She gets ripped on her all the time. One of the other hosts of the event do not like her.
Vamp used to date a Smash player but he hated Mariah.
No. 687525
>>687520I feel like Momo is the kind of scummy bitch who would leave cosplay and stop doing photosets but would still keep her paetron up to suck money from people who forgot to unsub.
Even if she retired from taking pics she could still rake in a few K from people who forgot.
No. 687537
File: 1565034562196.jpeg (1.54 MB, 5760x3840, 9vQysybg.jpeg)

Shes starting to release this months sets.
They are really bad
No. 687565
File: 1565037824331.png (1.53 MB, 1125x800, furry.PNG)

>>687539I can't believe she doesn't shave her legs
(nitpicking) No. 687583
File: 1565041269902.jpeg (280.66 KB, 1920x1076, 869C14A7-E634-4D4F-89F8-BCA975…)

>>687539I don’t even know where to start.
The butchered hem, that poor attempt of drawing a seal on her forehead or the unnaturally morphed rope?
She just doesn’t care anymore, does she?
No. 687584
>>687421Something about seeing her entire body covered in black clothing (in the middle of a desert summer) makes me laugh so hard. This is like Vicky levels of insecurities. Amazing.
>>687565I am more offended by that screamingly obvious rope warp and those unfinished fraying edges on her outfit.
No. 687604
File: 1565045470342.jpeg (Spoiler Image,548.44 KB, 750x1076, 9AA295A6-F4ED-4370-BB64-FEE311…)

spoiled for side ass but new insta post
No. 687613
File: 1565046789255.jpeg (Spoiler Image,429.36 KB, 750x682, 0FF6986E-0B3E-4EF2-BBE4-761B43…)

Ok but why is no one talking about how gigantic her left leg looks in the photo. This is nuts it looks like a growth hormone injected chicken wing.(nitpicking)
No. 687617
File: 1565047051340.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 4595x3063, vflAB3-g.jpeg)

Heres what shes released of the $50 tier so far. Selfie sets are not out yet No. 687618
File: 1565047279697.jpeg (2.11 MB, 3840x5760, 4617FB79-A080-4C71-B8AC-704534…)

>>687617thanks for blessing us like usual
No. 687619
File: 1565047441702.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.44 MB, 3840x5760, E41DCFBD-C637-4986-B1A5-D08CB1…)

>>687618We’re back at photos where she looks like she’s waiting for her ass to be wiped
No. 687621
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No. 687623
>>687616Because if you look you see where the actual panty lining is/was and that they poorly shopped it out. The panty lining also doesn't connect to her fat fold so it just looks like they stopped halfway and called it a day.
It's poor shooping and I'm disappointed that anyone paid for this.
No. 687638
File: 1565049069872.jpeg (53.99 KB, 280x200, 1122DDEC-7DF1-47E2-8C00-81A37A…)

>>687618What the heck is that? Botched lip job or bad shoop?
No. 687644
File: 1565049835235.jpg (602.17 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190805_170201.jpg)

Here's my favorite observation:
No. 687653
>>687644It's not the same, you can see the cover has red lines on the left.
>>687623Who edits her photos? Is it still Squarecuck?
No. 687664
File: 1565053166159.jpeg (315.2 KB, 1242x1810, 3FDDCAE2-2C87-4CC9-B95C-66CD98…)

>>687644“The ABCs of intimacy”
No. 687670
>>687494>She’s even getting boring for US to talk aboutI would check this thread daily but I just realized I haven't been here in 4 days and I didn't miss much. I wasn't even busy; I just wasn't interested in checking in on her.
I'm sure things will pick up once EVO is over and she feels safe to leave her house more often.
No. 687671
>>687618>>687619Her eyes are so dead, if I didn't know better and someone said that this was a human trafficking
victim, I would believe them.
Although she could just be stoned out of her mind.
No. 687679
File: 1565055614350.png (2.26 MB, 2856x2848, aaa.png)

>pic 1437
muh attention to details
No. 687685
File: 1565056744147.png (540.19 KB, 687x438, raise.PNG)

>>687679I see your image and raise you this.
No. 687686
File: 1565056906819.png (377 KB, 458x463, 1551a.PNG)

and this too. Both from pic 1551 shibari
No. 687702
File: 1565058516706.png (Spoiler Image,7.61 MB, 2890x1824, bleach.png)

so much wrong. so much
No. 687705
File: 1565059881960.jpeg (912.26 KB, 750x1084, BB1B9C80-F02C-462D-95E9-413271…)

place your bets: will she take umbran to japan?
No. 687707
>>687705Yes. She was going to bring Miso, Square and Aly with her to London but it seems the trip originally was with Jason and his crew. They're already in London.
I'm guessing it'll be Umbran, her cousin, Kevin if he's around and maybe Vamps or Cucks and his girlfriend.
No. 687712
>>687711I dont think she did. She was going in June, right?
I remember she said she bought tickets to something before but completely ghosted. She does this at cons too but only recently started to show her "purchased passes".
No. 687714
>>687712 May or June sounds about right. It was definitely around the time when her friendship with Vamps took a nosedive, and prior to the Hawaii trip that was originally supposed to feature Squarecuck, Aly, and Tokki.
So it's certainly possible that she didn't buy them. After all, she was supposed to go to the UK this year, and that never happened either.
As for her guest list, I don't think Tattoo-kun is in the picture anymore. Even though it hasn't been documented, I think he and his girlfriend discreetly moved out, which is why you see all of these dumbasses having Nerf wars in the middle of the night.
No. 687717
>>687712 Doublepost. I'm
>>687714 again.
To clarify, she announced she was going back to Japan for the third time around her birthday. Late October to early November. But if I'm not mistaken, she claims to have bought the ticket(s) to Japan for visit number 3 prior to her Hawaii rendezvous.
No. 687744
File: 1565071074066.jpeg (1.49 MB, 5760x3840, 53gvDuM-.jpeg)

>>687539Anons tore her earlier Tsunade shoot apart, but compared to this… at least in this shoot Mariah tried some kind of posing. For those interested, the full set is at
>>579630 No. 687904
File: 1565124634725.jpeg (419.13 KB, 750x915, D5E57098-D848-49F8-8F2E-82B2F4…)

No. 687921
>>687904I highly doubt anyone demanded she do this. If anything, her fans have screamed louder for her to do porn but she’s just doing this as an excuse to not cosplay. This shit is as lazy as it gets and she still couldn’t be bothered to wash/style her hair or wear a wig so that doesn’t look as ratty.
So she feels like a baby doing this? I guess it helps that she looks like a lumpy toddler as well so it works.
No. 687928
>>687926"I'm a peace warrior mates"
Did Kevin take her weed pipe away, cause this bitch is on EDGE
No. 687929
File: 1565127686156.jpg (528.05 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190806-164120_Ins…)

So she can blow up on the dude who seemed to have a legit question but this rude comment gets treated decently. So backwards
No. 687942
>>687939How is this any different than the thousands of other comments she gets that treat her like a sex doll and demean the shit out of her for the sake of their own sexual gratification? She never gets on their case to set an example but she goes off on the one guy being critical of her weight because he isn’t worshipping her body. Yeah, dudes who post shit like that deserve to be called out because it’s a shit thing to say but also Moo has some responsibility to be somewhat fucking professional. If she didn’t like it, she could have blocked them and deleted it like she usually does but something really
triggered her for her to spurge like this.
No. 687945
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No. 687975
>>687957Calm your tits, Maddie.
She gets what she deserves. She has no ounce of respect for anyone that’s not kissing her ass. And that guy didn’t even insult her. He simply asked whether her weight gain was intentional and part of her modeling career.
And she didn’t put him in his place, she totally went off for no
valid reason.
She’s a public figure whose entire existence revolves about her weight and looks, so yes, since questions about her weight and appearance - so, her literal job - are directly linked to the service, it’s something she should absolutely be professional about. Just like a cashier simply can’t have a go like that a customer that kinda insensitively asks something about something from the store he’s at. Sure, she doesn’t have to take everything but then she should just delete and block those comments and people.
If it was on her private account or even a more private post, I’d probably even agree with you. But this isn’t. That’s literally her doing her fucking job, therefore she needs to be professional.
Now stop WKing.
No. 687991
File: 1565136332019.gif (4.19 MB, 297x640, DDD31CB8-4DDE-4EE7-8D63-46B499…)

Frogdresser’s reaction to the condition of Mariah’s hair
No. 687992
>>687979The fact you’re so overly upset about the comment and defending her response makes you look like a wk, end of story.
She went off the rails, that’s all there is to it. This happens each time she gets a comment that isn’t kissing her ass. She does the same shit to her patrons, you know, the people funding her lazy ass. It’s not asking much for a public figure to act with some kind of professionalism in responding to these types of comments. Moo is just incapable of acting with any sort of tact and leaps right into biting the hand that feeds. She should’ve stuck to deleting/blocking/disabling comments because she can’t handle anything with discretion.
No. 688003
>>687926wow she is
TRIGGEREDit wasn't an attack, it was a legit question. Even some anons here are wondering wtf is wrong with her.
Also lol at that "going to the gym 5 times a day" lie. She doesn't even go 5 times a week, maybe in a month.
Maybe she's mad because she got lipo recently after realizing she is way past obese and hobbling towards morbid, botched it, and regained ALL THE WEIGHT she got sucked out in less than a month.
Momo it's okay, just go cry in your room and eat 3 pounds of beef and shushi.
No. 688006
>>687927Momo just proved she realizes her time is up.
"Don't say I'm past my prime!"
That fan didn't even mention anything like that. That is just Momo's own insecurities bubbling up
No. 688012
>>687991It's mind boggling how happy she looks about her hair. I think the only reason she's happy is the rush of spending cash, that's it. She doesn't want to face the reality that without the extensions… she doesn't really have hair. Any "hair" she does have naturally is far to compromised.
But she's happy cuz "I will feel better if I throw money at my problems"
No. 688016
>>688003 I interpreted the question as a guy wanting to know if her intention was to become a bigger model on purpose, kinda like Ashley Graham from the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue(s).
The way she responded was revealing. He made no mention of her being passed her prime, but she felt a need to try and spin it like he was attacking her. And that's what these fuckheads do whenever they want
victim points for sympathy. They'll spin anything and everything to absolve themselves of any personal responsibility.
No. 688024
>>688020it just proves she has no idea about health and fitness.
A pro will probably go for 2 hours a day and during those 2 hours it's intense training.
From her stories she is def not at the gym 5-10 hours a day.
In fact, she is in such poor shape her body can't handle the strain of 30 straight minutes of intense work. She wont accept she is obese.
She cannot keep eating 3+ pounds of red meat a day then eat out twice a day plus dessert. She needs to WALK for an hour every day and not treat herself after. Momo you're killing yourself.
No. 688037
>>688024That's the funny thing, she absolutely doesn't need to kill herself at the gym to lose weight, she could just walk 30 min a day (while cutting down on the sushi binges) and see results. But she's so deadset on this image of herself of being this badass swole bitch who lifts.
Her biggest problem is definitely the amount of food she eats, though. Her servings are huge and she goes out way too much. It's way easier to lose weight by eating less vs. eating the same and trying to work it off.
No. 688038
>>688027She has no sense of self-worth or independence. The best transformations (IMO) come from the people quietly working on their improvement and post progress pics every now and then. She thrives off of all attention (reason why she browses this thread on a regular basis) and sucks up to anyone above her that merely mention her name.
Perhaps she's bringing people along now so when she makes her claims she can say, "I was TOTES at the gym 10 hours August 3, 2019 because my Boi [insert male companion's name] was with me the WHOLE TIIIIIME."
No. 688043
>>688027she was and is a spoiled lazy child. When she was obese as a kid her dad was the one who made all her meals and forced her lazy ass up to work out. Even then she threw shit at her mom when she refused to give her a snack to stick to her meal plan.
Momo can't stick to a diet plan because she would attack anyone physically like she did her mom if she can't eat her junk.
It's like she is competing with Amberlynn Reid. Momo gains 50+ pounds a year so by the time she's 28, yeah, she will look similar to her
No. 688091
File: 1565148179542.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.8 KB, 417x323, Screenshot_6.jpg)

Why is no one talking about a blister on a foot fetish shoot?! Like dude, skip that part, hell you had a full month to reshoot that part.(we do not need your insights on her feet)
No. 688120
>>688100My bad then, I read over this last thread and this one. Didn't see it.
Still gross, and still could have been left out. Especially if she had comments about it.
No. 688160
File: 1565164554103.jpg (570.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190807-005116_Ins…)

Umbran is doing all of the work for us. Snapped an unflattering candid of Mariah drinking a beer and looking glossy.
Can't tell if the text was meant to mock the way Mariah talks, or if Umbran is genuinely coming down with a case of Muh ADHD.
No. 688162
File: 1565165113865.jpg (346.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190807-010243_Ins…)

>>688160 Two stools.
Literally uses two stools to keep herself upright.
No. 688261
>>688160It's funny how smug she looks considering how insecure she is.
That and by the fact she is galloping towards 300 pounds. I guess killing herself isn't a problem yet as long as she gets some money from people who forgot they are supporters.
>>688162 No. 688303
File: 1565200791383.jpg (370.87 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190807-125952_Red…)

Everyone on reddit is losing their shit over how bad these are.
No. 688309
>>688303they complain every month but they still give her money.
Well I agree with other anons that most of her $1 tier just forgot to unsub. Perhaps why Momo is being lazier, she knows she will always get some cash
No. 688327
File: 1565209570580.jpeg (362.83 KB, 750x1090, 6EB35810-926E-4A2B-9D8A-623CC2…)

bitch what?
No. 688336
God she’s such weeaboo for someone who watches entry level anime occasionally.
No. 688342
File: 1565212079934.webm (4.65 MB, 480x852, 69135845_101192134545164_44138…)
Moo, demonstrating her lack of rhythm and fundamental misunderstanding of the distribution of notes on a keyboard… also skin care routine seems to be going great kek
>>688334b-but anon, look at that Japanese text, it
has to be high quality!!
No. 688355
>>688160This is actually pretty sad because Jessica and other "popular cosplayers" hated it when she documented their partying together, the point is to just hang out and be friends not name drop and show off who you're hanging out with.
Now this bitch is taking pics of her and posting them like shes a zoo attraction. She probably just hates it lol. But what can you do when youve burned every bridge in cosplay.
No. 688374
File: 1565221665593.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.51 MB, 5760x3840, 27F36F86-6E4E-49A4-8873-DA5B3C…)

No. 688375
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No. 688376
File: 1565221734101.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 5760x3840, 0E7EABD9-612E-4493-9011-890396…)

No. 688387
>>688367 I'm sorry, but are you purposely ignoring that double chin closeup as the camera zooms in at the end? She has more loose skin on her face and neck area than a pitbull. Speaking of skin, all of those expensive products haven't done anything for her. Her skin is so oily, a sheik is trying to figure out a way to get it and sell it to America.
There isn't anything cute about a 270 pound woman. You may want to keep your unpopular opinions and weird ugly girl fetishes to yourself.
No. 688396
File: 1565227594963.png (94.49 KB, 342x342, dumbbitch.PNG)

>>688374Is that pose meant to be sexy? Girl you're not at the beach
Imagine gaining so much weight your areolas stretch bigger than an XL pastie and your gut starts hanging lower and lower. How embarrassing
No. 688399
File: 1565230779642.png (5.08 MB, 1151x2048, C4300DC5-14DF-4F59-861B-37B373…)

Mama Moo in her early 20s: happy, married, taking care of herself and thin after less than a year after having her child
Moo: pushing 300 lbs, generally reviled by thousands, pics of pearls up her crotch easily available for all to see
No. 688405
File: 1565233343236.jpeg (481.05 KB, 750x1026, 42C5CB7C-D695-4E35-A841-6070A5…)

“All my friends just come over and shoot now!” sounds a lot nicer than “I import my own sweatshop”
No. 688410
>that’s usually when the cars like to play around or sit and wait for me to finishLol I know she meant “cats” but still. Learn to proofread your posts, Moo.
She’s so proud of her hideous sets because that’s the only thing she does mostly by herself. Surfing Amazon for cheap pseudo Japanese looking crap and throwing it in your living room doesn’t make you a master set decorator.
No. 688419
File: 1565236303041.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 3840x5760, 9vOTx1lA.jpeg)

No. 688435
File: 1565240954128.png (967.35 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-08-07-22-07-59…)

No. 688439
>>688419It amazes me she had multiple rounds of lipo and cool sculpting on her abdomen but she still gained enough weight for the fat cells to give her an over hanging gut.
It really does look like after the latest round of lipo she just binged on everything she saw because "the lipo fixed everything" and "I stood around the gym for an hour so I can eat 4000 calories in one sitting"
No. 688444
>>688440It did help a little, she should have a bigger saggier stomach by now. But the effects were still useless like you said. More or less she is only happy when she throws money at her problems.
She can pretend this way, but deep down she knows it didn't work because she is still wearing black winter clothes from head to toe even during the summer.
No. 688448
File: 1565249197204.png (1.78 MB, 870x1548, 059C703A-6D1A-4AB7-B1E4-407494…)

>>688435I know you already posted from this IG story but I just wanted to add this.
Her back fat is literally eating her sports bra at this point. Her fans are seriously delusional if they think this just another unflattering camera angle.
No. 688456
File: 1565251968193.jpg (715.45 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190808-010508_Ins…)

Looks like Mariah's going to try and ride the wave of her cousin's popularity, assuming he starts streaming. I knew this bitch would look for a way out of embarassing herself after pretending to be a gamer for so long.
No. 688467
>>688406No, she doesn't.
She said she was somewhere around 220 and some have said in earlier she's 5'3", 5'4"ish in person. That's pretty believable.
No. 688473
>>688467You're taking Mariah's word for it? Are you abusing meds?
Have you not seen the weight comparison collages? There's one from a thread or two ago. She's at least 250. That much is true. Doesn't matter what she says. Compare her to Tokki, whose weight is about 108, or Vamps, who likely weighs around 140. Mariah is 2-3 times bigger.
Saged because of the weight discussion, but this newfag Momokun lover is ignoring facts from as recently as one or two threads ago.
No. 688520
File: 1565276523116.png (821.76 KB, 1125x2436, 76DCCA8C-404D-4389-97B8-FB0965…)

any idea what’s going on here?
No. 688532
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No. 688556
File: 1565283726853.jpeg (574.4 KB, 750x1086, 5B3BC023-AFA0-4F6C-8CC8-D449D8…)

No. 688582
>>688558Funny how she has to compliment herself before them.
> it was ME who pushed them to do this, and ME who inspired them!!!She’s even self absorbed when trying to compliment others. Yikes.
No. 688649
>>688541>>688532so much for making her own sets lol. If she can't use that fake japanese crap she just goes back to the hotel bed shoots.
>>688405also it's so lazy of her to keep reusing the same setup even when it makes no sense for the character. this cosplay should have been a location shoot at like a pier or something more boat related
No. 688699
>>688556Uggowitch, you're supposed to crimp the INNER layers. Fuck.
At least it's just Moo's wig, so it'll look like shit regardless.
No. 688702
File: 1565312981562.jpg (412.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190808-180611_Ins…)

Something about her form in this video seems off. I know she's attempting to do squats, but there's a weird jerky motion at the end, like she's trying to compensate for pushing her ass out too far.
Also, wasn't Umbran supposed to leave a couple of days ago?
No. 688704
>>688702Shes rushing, not getting a full workout in by doing that. If she was doing the workout appropriately she wouldn't be able to do nearly as much weight, and even then that's really not alot when you think about how that's probably less than half of her body weight.
Also rip her knees, her own bodyweight is damaging her knees on the daily and her dumb ass is locking her knees doing this. Its painful to watch her honestly.
No. 688725
File: 1565317735483.png (560.21 KB, 547x512, 2.png)

>>688702im not a professional. But when you squat, arent your knees supposed to stay align with your heel? Not bust out past your toes
No. 688738
Her form is not completely terrible but there are some things. Mostly, she is locking her knees at the top (a big circulation no-no) and not squeezing her glutes at the top so missing a lot of force there. Her knees are coming in slightly on the positive, which isn't good for tendons and such there, and she is pushing in through her toes and not her heels which is dangerous.
>>688737Toes facing forward is actually not right for squatting. It is normal form to point your toes out some during squats and usually shouldn't matter since you should be driving the weight through your heels anyway.
>>688703Most people add the bar, this is such a stupid nitpick.
>>688725 After a certain depth (past 90 degrees) it's fine to let your knees go over your toes as long as they stay over them and don't bow inward. However, unless you are trying to powerlift, it's pretty pointless to go past 90 and for Moo especially because in the story you can see her hips tilt and tuck which is not proper form and can damage the discs in your spine.
No. 688743
>>688725Her obsession with lifting is 100% because she's lazy and doesn't wanna do cardio because it actually works her out
When you're fat, you have some amount of strength and can do lifting pretty easily. But walking/running etc is the real work out
No. 688746
>>688743 Good point.
Cardio is the easiest way to drop weight, as far as exercising goes. Not only that, but it would help her tighten up her skin in problem areas.
By lifting, all she's doing is maintaining the mass. The only difference is that she's hoping to convert fat into muscle, but her body will resemble that of a strongman competition entrant.
No. 688747
>>688738Yeah forgot to add at the start they should point forward and open in the way down, also if you tend to lift your heels you should get weightlifting shoes, the raised heel helps a lot for starters, also, if you have a hard time comin up a pelvic thrust or throwing your hips forward helps a lot to break that stall in the last reps
>>688743Hey, strenght training is good for starters, she's mostly fat and developing her muscles will help her more than running and fucking up her joints with all that overweight she has, biking and weightlifting are the best friends for fattys
>>688746Now, withouth propper eating, this is like goin GOMAD
No. 688754
>>688751Don't disagree at all with that. Baby steps, as they say. It just has to be a commitment on her part, and that seems to be her biggest struggle. Sucks to watch someone destroy their body because they don't have an ounce of self control or will power.
>>688752Can you expand? Mostly because I've been told by multiple personal trainers and dietitians that cardio makes a person lean. If you want weight loss, you want wight loss you go for cardio. Weight lifting is for toning and bulking up.
No. 688755
>>688751 She also benefits from living in a two-story house. If she tried to incorporate an exercise into the mix similar to running the bleachers, she could burn a bunch of calories if she sticks with it.
But then she'll just go out for sushi, In N Out burgers, ice cream, or booze immediately after finishing, so I really don't know why I bother to speculate. She has no desire to make improvements physically or mentally.
No. 688765
File: 1565325066492.png (470.72 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-08-08-21-30-12…)

Cant wait
No. 688772
>>688754for guys yes, but for women you can do both. the plateau for women to actually stop gaining muscle is way lower than for men. doing high reps with lower weight will help you lose more weight, but not get toned. (though if you want to get tone you can do low rep high weight)
moo probably doesn't know this and is just trying to show off at the gym, but she could easily make herself into an attractive "thicc" in just 30 mins 3x a week. but you know. lazy.
(stop) No. 688798
File: 1565343024448.jpg (421.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190809-022636_Ins…)

I swear to God, she loves using this photo with Sensei because she wants the world to believe they had chemistry once upon a time, and she probably uploads this particular photo to rile up his actual girlfriend. This is some Fatal Attraction shit.
No. 688816
File: 1565349217548.jpg (116.57 KB, 996x837, momo.jpg)

>>688475>>688473>>688511idk what to tell you, she's still a fat piece of shit but this looks pretty accurate even if we give her the benefit of the doubt about that waist measurement
220 is really fat even if you're 5 inches taller than moo. it's not that hard to believe
(stop) No. 688821
>>688816This looks pretty close, but I think she carries a little more weight in her limbs than the picture indicates. This would make sense given the way lipo distorts fat distribution.
But I digress.
The sperging about her weight is getting really old. None of the base facts have changed. We know 1) she's obese 2) she lies about her measurements/weight and 3) she's getting bigger. Why even have this discussion if we arrive at the same conclusion every time? How many different ways do we need to find to say "she's fat?"
(non-contribution) No. 688832
>>6887987 instances of "I" and "me"
jesus I hate her
No. 688847
>>688830this is probably why her old friends got annoyed whenever Momo would snap pics or take videos of them together. She basically uses it to emotionally terrorize the person in the future. It's highly inappropriate and she knows it.
i don't know why she is obsessing over him again now? he moved out and we don't see him very often, and when he is around he brings his girl friend.
No. 688865
>>688864I mean, unless you're raping/assaulting me, I wouldn't tell you to fuck off with all the money and free international trips you give me.
That is why no one tells momo to fuck off, because she also doesn't get punished for her actions.
No. 688868
>>688865are you dumb? a lot of people have told her to fuck off
despite the money. including sensei. imagine being such an unattractive (inside and out) person you can't even bag a dime-a-dozen average looking new age hipster tattoo artist. moo is super pathetic.
No. 688911
File: 1565395651739.jpeg (353.01 KB, 750x976, 6656C409-9D04-4AAB-899D-CD3A2A…)

This man is delusional as hell WK ing moo in the replies. What a weird hill to die on
No. 688922
File: 1565398127983.png (15.94 KB, 614x162, oof.png)

>>688912Moocow must offer a lot of money for someone to think this is true in the slightest..
No. 688928
>>688922this can be flipped on him. He doesn't know her and she hasn't changed. Every year she does something more scummy and shitty, she doesn't grow, she just hates being called out.
As for her molesting people, she is still very inappropriate to her friends. She just can't do it to strangers anymore because everyone stays away from her at cons now.
No. 688954
>>688952Then why don’t you do it?
Shouldn't this be in the calves thread?
No. 688957
File: 1565408623116.jpg (405.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190809-203944_Ins…)

>>688952 Sounds like tinfoil. At least put yourself to good use and grab some unflattering candid shots from her IG stories if you're gonna obsess about her. Otherwise, that's a discussion better suited for the calves thread.
Here's one of those candid shots now:
No. 688958
File: 1565410267359.png (78.99 KB, 720x372, Screenshot_2019-08-09-21-08-31…)

>>688922>>688928That's a big yikes from me they deserve eachother
No. 688970
>>688958At the risk of stirring up shit, Rhianna has actually forgiven Chris. Has any of Moo's
victims forgiven her?
Not saying domestic abuse is less of a crime than sexual abuse but I'm looking at the responses of the victims No. 689005
>>688958 If this guy is a big enough piece of shit to find something admirable to say about the Chris Brown incident, then it wouldn't surprise me if he had some dirt on him. Mariah likes to associate with controversial people. Birds of a feather.
>>688964 She donated. It was documented in the last thread or the one before that. Someone shared a screenshot. However, she wouldn't disclose the amount. And when you donate to a charity, they usually send you the same "thanks for your generous contribution" scripted nonsense no matter how big or small your donation is. In theory, she may have sent as little as ten bucks. What a hero!
>>689001 Not sure why you can't do this. It's literally a basic crop and paste job that can be done with MS paint, smartphones, etc. It's not rocket science. Not worthy of a request, in my opinion.
No. 689109
File: 1565496113821.jpg (469.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190810-205736_Ins…)

Did anyone watch this nonsense? Seems like Mariah is trying to fly under the radar by making appearances in her cousin's streams without doing any notable work.
No. 689111
File: 1565496314371.jpg (406.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190810-201147_Ins…)

Here's the original promotion of his stream, where she claims she's hosting and providing tips.
As usual, she'll do whatever she can to make something that has absolutely nothing to do with her all about herself.
No. 689170
>>689133Correct me if I‘m wrong but doesn’t it say in the screenshot that he has like 2 viewers? If anything I‘d say he sees her as a boost.
Sure she‘s obnoxious and all but she does have quite a large and mostly male following. If he really has no real viewer base yet it’s not too far off to assume he’s totally fine with her appearing on his streams to get more viewers.
Plus, it’s not like she’s getting all the credit for his work like it’s the case with the people that make her cosplay stuff. So idk. I don’t think it’s that big a deal for him.
No. 689204
File: 1565538025745.jpg (543.54 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190811-104047_Ins…)

At least she admitted she was around 250.
No. 689209
File: 1565538761261.png (3.64 MB, 1242x2208, 34383C6F-C386-4CA3-A9F3-14BF5F…)

>>689204plus this
Let’s see for how long she‘ll actually stick with it once Kevin isn’t around 24/7 and cooking/meal planning for her anymore
No. 689219
>>689209The issue here is that "intense training" means nothing if she keeps eating like a maniac. You can't outrun your mouth. I lost almost 50 pounds just by stopping drinking soda (you can drink more calories than you can imagine) and binge-eating.
I mean, it's good for her that she's going to a gym and all, but she will run out of "willpower" sooner or later.
Plus, we know she's kinda lazy, and doesn't seem to be the type who can stick to an routine.
(blogging) No. 689242
>>689236When was the last time she posted her weight? I thought after the last plastic surgery she said she was 210 or something? Now she’s 250? Again lying about her weight. Or more dangerously, gained all of that even after cutting chunks of her fat out.
What was her weight pre-lipo … god ..
No. 689245
File: 1565550540688.png (549.09 KB, 1008x741, 2monthsago.png)

>>689242This is the most recent instance I remember, barely two months ago.
No. 689252
>>689245 Thank you for accurately pointing out yet another lie of hers. Great memory on your part.
>>689209 Remember when her dad was putting together meal prep packages for her, and she couldn't maintain beyond 4 days? How about that time when she said she hired a personal trainer to help her during this current gym phase? She's so full of shit. I'm also adding 15 pounds to her little app statistics just because it's Mariah.
No. 689261
>>689204She'd be 300 pounds without all the liposuction. Easily.
She has money and it shouldn't be hard for her to eat healthy and fresh every day.
>>689245She's constantly lying about her weight. Unless we're to believe she gained close to 10 pounds each month since she posted that, and lost 10 more to have posted this
>>689204 within that timeframe as well.
Being obese is embarrassing but imagine the positive attention she could obtain if she owned up to it and were openly accountable. It's not like anyone sees her as skinny even if she lies about 20-30 pounds anyway. What's the difference between calling yourself 220 as opposed to 250 when everyone knows you look over 200 and are fat?
Silly, isn't it?
No. 689263
File: 1565557111848.jpg (44.58 KB, 722x406, BMI-in-Adults-722x406.jpg)

>>689204 After looking at her BMI (Body Mass Index) figures on the screenshot she shared, I wanted to see what those numbers meant.
I'm honestly shocked she decided to publicly share this. I don't think she looked into the BMI scale to see where she fit in prior to posting this. RIP, Thicc Samus.
File: 1565557946080.png (300.76 KB, 720x927, Screenshot_2019-08-11-14-07-25…)

EBay purchases
No. 689266
File: 1565558030639.png (416.54 KB, 720x1000, Screenshot_2019-08-11-14-09-02…)

>>689265There was two transactions on this account so I'm lead to believe she bought 2 more of this costume that never fit her.
No. 689267
File: 1565558160062.jpeg (416.08 KB, 1920x1536, F80F64BA-9556-4D3A-93E4-D0F3DB…)

>>689264I mean, there’s still the body fat percentage…
>>689267Should've made myself clearer
>>689263"iTz aLl mUssSels mAh dUdE" as an excuse for her laziness and gluttony
No. 689277
>>689245Lets play half truth!
On average Momo pretends to be 20-30 pounds lighter than she is. Pre lipo she was probably 260? Post 240, gained 10 pounds and now we are here. But remember, Momo always lies. She is most likely 250 pounds right now.
Adds up to me
No. 689473
File: 1565633064588.png (1.02 MB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-08-12-11-03-05…)

While you were arguing: this makes 3. I wonder if Moo paid her?
No. 689474
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No. 689476
File: 1565634062602.jpeg (973.48 KB, 1242x2033, 1CD25314-F300-40F3-A252-A4C6CA…)

No. 689481
>>689473I very much doubt she does. Umbran is so far up Moo‘s ass she‘d thank her for being literally pissed on. And I also think other than the other people Moo invites over, Umbran does/offers it voluntarily.
But Umbran related stuff should go in the calves thread.
No. 689497
>>689486lol she probably paid her in "sweet bby", "angel" or "I love only one woman" compliments and insta stories about how she supports
cough her
No. 689547
>>689542>>Rangiku from bleachThat's not even remotely close to the right color, if that's the case.
>>689517That's what I thought, too. Suddenly she has someone to make her wigs for her and old costumes she promised months ago finally start to appear.
No. 689569
File: 1565664310602.jpg (680.32 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190812-214542_Ins…)

No. 689602
>>689593Maybe she finally paid taxes for once and that’s why she tried to sell all this stuff.
But jokes aside, didn’t she post recently about sensei helping her with some financial stuff/bookwork or something?
It was kinda odd to me she had to point that out like that back then, but I brushed it off with her just blowing a friendly gesture(/bullying someone into doing it) way out of proportion to seem more special.
But maybe she just genuinely didn’t keep track of her finances ever and for the first time started struggling due to spending so much the last 2-3 months.
But… tinfoil.
No. 689705
File: 1565730166484.png (Spoiler Image,317.18 KB, 720x1196, Capture _2019-08-13-16-01-49.p…)

She claimed to be a flipcup champion of the 2007 Olympics
No. 689706
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No. 689715
File: 1565731998021.png (6.22 MB, 1800x1661, 008F43CB-FB18-4472-B1C2-38020F…)

Pathetic.(take it to calves)
No. 689739
File: 1565742187870.jpg (55.49 KB, 480x960, moo.jpg)

>>689707 "Going to Japan soon… the homeland, the motherland"
How can she even afford to go to her "homeland" so much?
No. 689741
>>689739"homeland, the motherland" oh gosh she's so delusional, she has only been to tourist traps and haven't experienced what it its to actually live there, wouldn't last a week
what the fuck is wrong with her eyes? looks like a broken doll that would close its eyes when lying down
No. 689755
File: 1565746937224.jpeg (247.43 KB, 3072x1419, 0A8EFF47-475D-4892-9E38-F16669…)

No. 689760
>>689739I kind of wish she would just move to Japan already. It would teach her a lesson
>>689755Is this old? This looks old.
No. 689765
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No. 689766
File: 1565751122505.jpg (851.05 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190813_000824.jpg)

>>689765 not sure if relevant but I'm almost 99% sure she got nose fillers, her nose has been looking less and less disgusting
No. 689767
>>689766Her nose looks the same. You need better rinfoil to say she got nose fillers and they wouldn't fi the middle bumo there in the middle without filling it out more to the sides. Which would make it bigger.
>>689755Can you post actual status if you are apparently on her friend's list? This is shopped and not even well.
No. 689770
File: 1565756121928.jpeg (112.02 KB, 1242x524, C76BBB4A-CEBE-4068-9E32-0D9195…)

>>689755Here’s a better screenshot for everyone complaining. Just crossed out the names on this one instead of cropped.
No. 689808
>>689770Anon you didn't hide your name I can clearly zoom in and see who you are.
Be more thorough for your own sake
No. 689811
File: 1565766837957.jpg (404.46 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20190814_081214_com…)

Actually terrifying
No. 689867
>>689864Unless she‘d want to fuck him. Then he‘d be a literal angel and she‘d forcefully apply whatever he tells her to onto her life for a few weeks (tops). Then she realizes she‘s neither suddenly her ‘favorite weight’ nor does he want to fuck her, so she’ll post some manic rants about how she’s the golden goose and gift that keeps on giving but everyone’s so unappreciative and that she’s struggling, before making another post like
>>689569 about how she was in such a dark place you guys…
No. 689924
File: 1565806024373.jpg (Spoiler Image,703.89 KB, 1024x1446, Superimposed1565805668072.jpg)

This is a dead meme and also a shitty edit by yours truly. Hope you guys enjoy.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 689947
File: 1565811656687.jpg (108.63 KB, 1200x675, EB64sgqW4AARUaN.jpg)

There's a summer version of the awful Lancer Arturia cosplay that she did recently out, let's see how much it takes to put her slaves on work again and watch her spend more money on something that would end looking horrible. She's not in condition to use those cosert+full bodysuit anymore and make them fit.
No. 689975
>>689947ugh i didn’t even think about this. there goes my excitement for the new servant…
maybe if we’re lucky bunny lartoria will join the million other cosplays she promises and never delivers on, for our sake.
No. 690016
>>689947I thought she gave up on pretending to like Fate?
She'll either say she's going to do it and it will never happen or she'll have one of the slaves shit out a crappy spandex bunnysuit and act like she's hot shit to try to beat someone she doesn't like.
No. 690028
File: 1565827624259.png (364.9 KB, 559x559, 1565787870842.png)

>>689947No way she'll do this specific version – a bunny suit with a split down the middle wouldn't have any real corseting power and would lead to her stomach fat bubbling out the middle section. We're fucked if Mufasa has a more traditional swimsuit in her other ascensions tho.
No. 690032
File: 1565830027180.png (1.84 MB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2019-08-14-17-45-59…)

No. 690049
File: 1565836930753.png (656.39 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-08-14-19-41-50…)

No. 690060
File: 1565841547558.png (587.31 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-08-14-20-57-36…)

No. 690062
File: 1565841714745.png (887.48 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-08-14-20-57-52…)

>>690061Selling Gabby's jacket
No. 690068
File: 1565847668655.png (819.65 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2019-08-14-22-40-46…)

No. 690069
File: 1565848952452.jpg (214.47 KB, 1080x1920, 66289096_160452191790878_41812…)

>>690068thirst trap for dumbran? kek
No. 690093
>>690054what a retarded nitpick.
it's important to build the habit of going to the gym, to have a fucking routine so you actually keep going. good on her for actually still going, /if/ she actually had cramps.
let her do calisthenics at the gym on the mats that are there for that specific purpose.
No. 690108
File: 1565883512915.gif (2.21 MB, 440x440, camgirl.gif)

>>689111 Mariah is the perfect person to take streaming advice from.
No. 690140
File: 1565892171519.jpg (448.71 KB, 720x1219, 20190815_105707.jpg)

Here's a peculiar Depop development.
Mariah created a large assortment of new listings. Tons of recent stuff. Tons of accessories for canceled cosplay plans, too.
One thing that stood out to me was seeing her Tamamo cosplay at the top of the page. Not only was it relisted 12 hours ago, apparently someone (Mariah from a sock account, or another person who's equally as stupid) bought this disaster for the $850 price tag she had on it.
No. 690266
File: 1565916397528.png (3.58 MB, 1135x1800, 0870777E-FC62-4C78-A986-9EAB10…)

Went on a Umineko spurge because she has to prove she’s the BIGGEST FAN EVER.
No. 690277
File: 1565917546712.png (518.83 KB, 720x933, Screenshot_2019-08-15-18-03-47…)

EBay purchase
No. 690293
>>690288 Jesus Christ. Not this Miso Tokki asskisser from Kiwifarms again.
You're overlooking the fact that Mariah edits her body to look closer to the size of the girls she poses with. For reference, check out her beach Tamamo with Vamps, where they're magically the same size. Or if you need a more recent reference, check out her Pochaco bakery collaboration with Aly Brazil, where the proportions are pretty close to even with one another.
No. 690309
File: 1565922498483.png (878.02 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-08-15-19-27-26…)

No. 690311
>>690293i don't post on kiwifarms nor was i defending miso? i'm saying that miso is solidly average and is standing next to ugly-ass moo to look better by comparison, is this a foreign concept to you? why else do you think miso's the only one who does couple sets regularly with her?
i'm not overlooking mariah's editing at all, i'm saying that in certain cosplay sets with an obvious comparison of a normal-sized body, her editing can't save her from looking monstrous. she can carve half her body off in a solo shoot in front of a white wall, but next to a normal human figure, the freakish lipo proportions and photoshop disasters are even more enhanced.
not sure why you were reaching so hard for someone to fight with, but you should probably take a break.
No. 690340
>>690309So… read it in order?
Wow Moo, very enlightening. I’m sure NO OTHER FAN has thought to read it in that order.
No. 690370
>>690266>One of the BEST cmvs of all timeWhy does this sound Trump-esque to me…
It still blows my mind that this girl basically spent several thousand dollars to ultimately just play dress-up with her ugly friends. There are cmvs with a fraction of her budget that look a million times better, but yeah, this poorly-acted, badly shot train wreck is "da bess doodz!1!". Either she's taking the piss or completely delusional.
No. 690376
File: 1565945056349.jpg (698.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190816-014431_Ins…)

Is this how anything works?
No. 690408
File: 1565964878311.jpeg (95.78 KB, 1080x809, 7B298544-95F6-4225-9986-E6D614…)

>>690406anon, higurashi was her first ~bIg viDeO pRoJeCt a few Halloween’s ago and shion is her favorite yandere (she’s actually cosplayed her three times)
No. 690438
>>690425 Keep in mind that the California retards are supposed to make their way up to Vegas to shoot with Mariah this weekend. So it's very unlikely she had any work done this week, since the procedures she usually gets done all take weeks to heal.
But I believe the exercise phase is coming to an end. She always gets shitfaced when she's with Aly, Tokki, and Squarecuck. Always goes out to eat, too. So all of that bragging she did about losing 10 pounds will be negated by her shitty choices and lack of self control.
No. 690446
File: 1565979834592.png (427.08 KB, 638x638, untitled.png)

>>690376given that pic attached was from earlier the same day (from an earlier story yesterday), she is either trying to put one over or is delulu
No. 690447
>>690438>So it's very unlikely she had any work done this week, since the procedures she usually gets done all take weeks to heal.Did you forget that she shot literally just a few days after her last lipo? She doesn’t care how long it takes to heal, since there’s always photoshop.
(Not saying she got anything done though.)
No. 690448
File: 1565980128900.jpg (Spoiler Image,280.63 KB, 1080x1920, 67289760_135119527718739_50978…)

No. 690458
>>690447 I'm well aware, but there's no indication she had any work done this week. No obvious tells like the mummy wrapping around her chin and arms like before.
If you recall, she had lipo prior to her Christmas Pochaco shoot. And what did she do during the months leading up to that? She wore loose fitting costumes before breaking out the new body in an unexpected bikini shoot for the aforementioned Christmas Pochaco.
Any speculation about her getting work done, namely liposuction throughout the past week is some of the weakest tinfoil I've seen as of late.
No. 690532
File: 1565998137879.jpg (325.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190816-162346_Ins…)

>>690376 She's answering some questions on Instagram. Luckily for her, nobody asked her what the hell she's smoking if she thinks the lines around her mouth are reduced. Looks like a ventriloquist dummy.
No. 690550
File: 1566005735690.png (1.29 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-08-16-18-29-53…)

No. 690604
>>690548If she goes in summer she wouldn't stand an hour out there under the intense sun, she could go on winter but that means no swimsuit because the cold temperature
Also who would like a picture with a sweating whale in the verge of a heatstroke like she would be.
No. 690632
File: 1566032659572.jpeg (190.66 KB, 737x1105, 8F83E4A5-EA12-4D55-AC83-3C145B…)

wonder what happened
No. 690635
File: 1566033588377.jpeg (200.31 KB, 744x1109, 035881BD-7954-4414-9A73-D67275…)

>>690632same anon here
she’s already deleted both but there was also this cryptic message
No. 690656
>>690632It's called heartburn from stuffing yourself too much, Moomoo.
But yeah, wonder what happened. Trouble with friends? Umbran caught onto her bullshit? Sensei got engaged?
No. 690686
File: 1566058321306.jpg (303.07 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190817-090620_Ins…)

>>690635>>690632This is just a theory, so please treat it as such.
This screenshot is from one of Aly Brazil's IG stories. She expresses her excitement over getting to see Vamps, among others.
My suspicion is that Vamps finally made it clear to Aly, Tokki, or Square that she doesn't like hanging out with Mariah, and one of them went back and said something about it to Mariah.
It's just tinfoil. Wouldn't be surprised if everyone begged Vamps to hang out just to stick it to the farmers.
No. 690703
>>689947Anon I doubt she even knows the new Bunnysuit Lartoria, her account is on the NA servers which is 2 years behind of the JP servers nor does she even play the game at all to begin with. She hasn't addressed the Babylon anime coming out or the whole franchise in ages.
>>690635I really don't think it's anything that big, she posts cryptic angst all the time.
No. 690711
>>690703I know tons of people who know about this despite only playing NA; most people who actually care about Fate keep up with the JP servers to see what new servants are released and to know what's coming (as we get everything 2 years later).
But honestly this just proves that she doesn't give a shit because if she followed anything Fate she would have seen it and sperged about it. Every couple months she sees her tattoo and remembers she's supposed to like Fate and says she's doing however many new costumes that she never does. Wasn't Tamamo the last one she actually did?
No. 690751
>>690632>>690635I'm with this anon
>>690636 she gets like this when a taken guy doesn't want her lumpy, narcissistic ass.
No. 690763
File: 1566080563633.jpg (974.92 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190817-172239_Ins…)

Most likely binge eating out with moo bitch.
No. 690814
File: 1566095980054.png (9.91 KB, 720x91, Screenshot_2019-08-17-19-37-07…)

Biggest Umineko fan bought all volumes
No. 690862
File: 1566105252349.png (2.84 MB, 750x1334, 51D2AAFF-5F6D-458E-BEDD-17E67D…)

No. 690891
>>690814She's such a huge fan, which is why she hasn't even owned the mangas in print until now. My god lol.
It's delightful to watch her waste money on shit she doesn't care about just to prove she's not a poser to other people. You just know that those books are going to gather dust and cat-piss somewhere and eventually get sold off, just like all the other things she's "tOtaLlY oBsEsSeD" with.
No. 690952
File: 1566140913382.jpg (407.68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190818-080511_Ins…)

>>690934 Well, it's their loss. After all, they're missing out on some of Mariah's finest comedic moments, including…
checks notesPutting sheet on head.
Honestly, this girl has zero fucking appeal as an entertainer. It's no wonder why she hasn't made any effort to resuscitate her Twitch account.
No. 690988
>>690977 On a related note, could this also mean Square and Tokki changed their minds about moving to Vegas?
Something is fishy here. I don't want to waste anyone's time by listing a bunch of "what if" scenarios, but there has to be more to this development than what people are saying on social media.
No. 691127
File: 1566171427164.jpeg (188.95 KB, 750x1038, 622D0CED-FFB5-467D-85F3-7F5B11…)

No. 691137
File: 1566171988948.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 07A3914C-1723-4CEF-AA14-373536…)

>>691127at least she’s keeping her options open
No. 691140
File: 1566172356647.jpeg (430.71 KB, 1242x1105, E22A6ACB-F169-412E-B13E-D18A2E…)

>>691137And she’s doing this from her kitchen floor lol. I hope Hooters does respond because she fails at each of the criteria listed in their application (see pic).
No. 691143
File: 1566172687752.png (2.85 MB, 1242x2208, 5B0F0D20-BC47-453D-BA76-4BF3C7…)

Big yikes.
No. 691145
File: 1566172928901.jpeg (91.32 KB, 1242x1079, FF5AC418-F17B-40C8-AC22-394BCE…)

This was the only comment that loaded when I clicked on her Hooters post. I had a good laugh.
No. 691146
File: 1566172973713.jpg (495.77 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1566172988443.jpg)

>>691143Also commented on both pic and video posts.
No. 691159
File: 1566173803521.png (Spoiler Image,939.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-08-18-17-13-42…)

Reddit posted a "teaser" she posted.
No. 691164
>>691127sage because I can’t find the pic of the group but reminder that she’s only doing this because earlier this year a pretty large group of costhots did hooters girls as a shoot/at a con. around that time she even instastoried about “everyone doing hooters girls now” and how she wanted a group
Tldr don’t forget that like usual this is another ~revenge cosplay
No. 691174
File: 1566174785768.png (541.86 KB, 720x1200, Screenshot_2019-08-18-17-25-01…)

When Umbran turns into a creepy stalker that actually will not leave Moo alone, we will know Moo brought this shit upon herself by doing this b.s. as a response every single time
No. 691216
File: 1566176973997.png (796.92 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-08-18-17-58-50…)

No. 691217
File: 1566177027947.png (500.53 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-08-18-18-07-09…)

>>691216Using soda instead of beer or her liquor stash
No. 691235
File: 1566178324417.png (Spoiler Image,298.55 KB, 720x994, Screenshot_2019-08-18-18-24-40…)

Might not be a actual thing but she following a butt surgeon
No. 691256
File: 1566181523107.jpeg (605.12 KB, 750x1028, 5EBB9BF0-6D17-4A3D-8212-47F6D8…)

No. 691275
>>691256This bitch gets winded getting up to grab her Uber Eats order. She’ll go into cardiac arrest if she’s forced to wait on tables lol God shes delusional.
The fact she thinks she’d be great at working a normal job is laughable considering she barely lifts a finger for her current one. No job is going to put up with her taking constant “self care” related vacations either.
No. 691282
>>691256 So much facetuning! Love how she's concealing a portion of her face to hide her hamster cheeks. The significant blurring where her exposed cheek touches her ear is overkill.
And, as usual, her room is a fucking pig sty.
No. 691302
>>691256What is Mariah's obsession with doing the same outfits as her ex friends/
victims. This time she's trying to one up bunny and Tasha yet again. I know people get pissed whenever Mariah's old friends are mentioned but it's too fucked up and obvious to not say anything. Watch her do a cowgirl shoot next.
No. 691343
File: 1566189137355.png (771.83 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-08-18-21-31-29…)

No. 691411
File: 1566196288590.png (957.86 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-08-18-23-26-24…)

No. 691414
>>691256she does realize hooters waitresses are more than just tits, right?
>>691411back to rough housing I see
No. 691444
File: 1566204824460.png (246.31 KB, 475x348, 2019-08-19 18_54_12-donkey kon…)

>>691434I can't even fathom how ridiculous she would look with butt implants at her current weight.
No. 691540
>>691538Oh yeah. She's high and drunk as hell in a lot of photos. She archived everything before, but there is even some stuff that has KBBQ and she's talking about how in love she is. All the Camilla photos are back up.
She literally unarchived even Nana photos. Everything BUT the sexual harassment apology. Moo's a PoS and I already scroll recorded the whole thing, so she can't say she didn't do this.
No. 691612
File: 1566251271170.jpeg (582.46 KB, 750x1100, 6D940131-5060-4AB5-89DB-DD0D94…)

No. 691641
File: 1566257566774.jpg (900.34 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190819-183326_Ins…)

No. 691651
File: 1566260770812.png (752.18 KB, 720x1200, Screenshot_2019-08-19-17-14-48…)

>mY fRiEnDs AnD i ToUcH eAcH oThEr AlL tHe TiMe
No. 691653
File: 1566261099875.jpg (42.23 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1566260970930.jpg)

>>691652Posted the "preview" of set on FB
No. 691670
File: 1566265631721.png (428.25 KB, 720x880, Screenshot_2019-08-19-18-46-30…)

No. 691749
File: 1566285432808.png (802.3 KB, 1059x768, gym progress.png)

looks like Moo ripped her tights lol
also looks like she realized "momoscats" can be read as "momo scats" and changed the cat account name
No. 691750
>>691749We know she has no shame and is extremely lazy but any normal person would be embarrassed and go change if their leggings ripped that far apart in front of friends.
And lol at her FINALLY changing her unfortunately named cat IG. Wonder what pushed her to change it?
No. 691754
File: 1566287239256.jpeg (1021.55 KB, 1242x2062, EC3EEDA2-A0F1-4C95-9145-233CDF…)

Lol what tutorials could she possibly provide? How to order off of Amazon? How to stalk former friends for cosplay ideas? Seriously Moo? And wouldn’t posting “progress shots” just be her reposting Cat’s wip photos? How is this idiot still able to fool these morons into thinking she actually works?
No. 691755
File: 1566287367236.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1807, C1CB1ACE-46D8-405F-B085-60EB51…)

Ah yes, the video no one gave a shit about where she disabled comments because she couldn’t take the backlash. Must be “heaven”.
No. 691765
>>691670>>691691To be fair, we‘ve seen her prop up her leg weirdly in
>>688162 so I‘d believe her she does this
sometimes. But it’s certainly not a quirky thing she constantly does, how she’s trying to sell it.
Also what
>>691738 said. It’s certainly a weird flex to show off how you’re literally too overweight to keep up your body on your own for longer periods of time. But you do you, Mariah.
No. 691806
>>691749We all knew that the clothes she buys smaller than her real size would give up on her at some point. They fought hard but it's kind of funny that they ripped on her after she declared that she lost weight, has been going to the gym and eating healthy. Apparently her clothes disagree.
>>691754Tutorials of what? She doesn't do a single damn thing for her photoshoots or cosplays anymore and hasn't in nearly a year. The only thing she clearly seems to do with her hands besides shoveling food into her mouth and groping men that don't want her, is being glued to her phone. So what is she going to teach someone exactly? How to be addicted to social media? How to buy things?
No. 691824
File: 1566319862618.jpg (330.67 KB, 1080x1424, 20190820_094002.jpg)

Some comments to her Hooters pictures (1/4).
No. 691825
File: 1566319895993.jpg (316.9 KB, 1080x1350, 20190820_094032.jpg)

Hooters comments (2/4)
No. 691826
File: 1566319965452.jpg (246.73 KB, 1080x1232, 20190820_093918.jpg)

I don't think this person was trying to be as mean as they sound or they backpedaled lol(3/4)
No. 691827
File: 1566320015554.jpg (93.51 KB, 1080x533, 20190820_093846.jpg)

Cropped Hooters comment (4/4)
No. 691875
File: 1566330217719.jpg (92.67 KB, 640x1138, w6mygc5u4bh31.jpg)

No. 691882
File: 1566331392346.jpg (35.07 KB, 956x206, ss (2019-08-20 at 12.00.15).jp…)

>>691877Not mine, I'm reposting it from Reddit. To go along with it, this was also posted [which I just realized shows Moo never watched MKDM if she's talking about shotas as this character when the main is a girl]
She's really, really fixated on the term shota.
No. 691907
File: 1566333844471.jpg (329.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190820-134101_Ins…)

Oh, boy.
No. 691926
File: 1566337392594.gif (7.76 MB, 253x450, videotogif_2019.08.20_17.42.28…)

Give up Mariah sensei will never love you
No. 691928
>>691925The painting wasn't really for the parlor. The painting was something she bought that is meaningless and has no sentimental value. It honestly looked like something she saw at the flea market and bought on a whim.
Remember, she's a narc. The REAL reason she bought it is so he can hang it at the shop and think "Every time he sees this he will think of ME!!!"
No. 692033
>>692007I'm an artist and I don't like hanging my own art in my space since it feels self indulgent/pretentious. I don't know if tattoo artists are different but I wouldn't find it offensive at all if a friend gifted me some art they thought I would like and would look good in my space, even if said space was an area clients would see.
I think the real question is does this even look good and fit in with the rest of the art in the parlor and/or did Mariah just do this to wave her dick around about "I love my friends so much, my angels!!!"
No. 692039
>>692033>>692007Mariah is running one of the oldest plays in the book right now. It's no different than having a fuck buddy slowly leave her clothes behind at your apartment, and before you know it, she's reorganizing the cabinets and adding her personal touch to the home decor scheme.
Since Kevin pushed his Florida plans back a month (he wasn't originally expecting to be in Vegas in August), chances are he probably finalized his travel plans, so Moo is doing what she can to win someone over because they have a penis, and because she hates being alone.
No. 692071
>>691927welp, "pretending" to be a pedo
>>692064Momo might be one at this point
No. 692072
>>689706I know this is a week old but, I have this same app, and the last category visible in the SS is visceral fat. You can see that her's is 21…holy COW that's high. A healthy adult should have a visceral fat level of 6. This is why you don't get 5 rounds of lipo when you're only in your early 20s. The visceral fat level is way more concerning than any of the other numbers.
>>691907She looks like she could break senpai in half.
No. 692077
>>692072for people who don't know, visceral fat is the fat around vital organs like the liver and such.
>>691907She doesn't have the muscle to break anything unless she fell on him
No. 692094
>>691922He publicly burned her? Is that on the calf thread? Would a kind anon please link or summarise?
Have been following quite closely for the last three years but don't remember that.
No. 692097
>>692090whomst tf puts ice in their beer? either way it's bad.
she could have made these sets a lot less depressing with warm soft lighting and a better concept/narrative. like instead of pretending your boring prefab kitchen is a hooters and rolling around on the floor, if you're going to be lazy either way, why not make it a voyeuristic "hooters girl gets off shift" in her locker room-esque bathroom and have a series of shots of her undressing, taking off her socks for the fetishists, drinking a sports drink all porny, wearing a towel or a flannel or whatever and showering. then all the shots wouldn't be the same and these pics wouldn't be so painfully anti-erotic and boring. it's not her body that's the problem, it's her lack of creativity, effort and inability to determine what is actually sexy. this kind of thing is the biggest flag for me that she isn't attracted to women and doesn't have a lot of sex or sexual feelings, because her entire idea of human sexuality is reduced to boobs + a QuIrKy~° personality. girl needs a healthy sex life instead of lusting after men that don't respect or like her.
No. 692122
File: 1566389731579.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, 123531AF-36ED-4214-86CA-B22E94…)

Looks like bunny reposted her old hooters cosplay tin-foiling but what if she’s saying moocunt stole another idea(Take it to the costhot thread)
No. 692184
File: 1566406003828.png (4.94 MB, 1242x2208, 0C4E19DC-F6DE-4D46-8AFA-A06C70…)

No. 692203
File: 1566414041893.jpeg (535.43 KB, 750x1017, D8663F06-0614-4798-808F-8E49CB…)

someone come get their drunk aunt
No. 692285
>>692248Yikes. Give us screenshots, give us proof. And none of this bullshit "i dont want to out myself" shit. I noticed she retweeted her Hooters outfit because Tenleid was being petty and digging up both Bunny and Tashas outifts. She RTd them first
I know this is a complete derail sorry to the mods but come on stop stalking one person and assuming its only the one person lol. Its probably 40 percent Mariahs ex friends 30 percent of the Vegas cosplay community and the rest of it is randos online.
Lets not waste time speculating but either give proof or GTFO.
No. 692324
File: 1566444633642.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1267, 1975E2B1-2D3E-43FB-BFBA-D178A9…)

>>692285>>692304How many times do you have to be told no one gives a shit? Shut up and get back to moo posting.
I don’t think this one was posted here at all.
No. 692327
File: 1566445573815.png (1.4 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-08-21-20-39-58…)

No. 692371
>>692329Dis bitch hasn't done a single cosplay in 5 months. She just buys 5 dollar outfits on ebay and sits around her house with a tripod.
What exactly are people paying for? She charges so much for BS most girls do for free with their phones
No. 692461
>>692460it's hard for her because she out grows cosplays in a month or so, that's why we never see a lot of things she started. As for Halloween we know her golden years have passed.
There will be no passion projects or throwing 10k down on something she knows will get her zero attention.
She's going to waddle in her local Spirits (halloween store) and buy a bunch of shit and see what she can squeeze into, take a selfie, and charge 50 bucks for it.
No. 692483
File: 1566499057014.png (4.21 MB, 750x1334, C83095ED-F053-442A-A5A8-5EEC97…)

divorced mother glamour shots (1991)
No. 692484
File: 1566499304297.png (2.87 MB, 750x1334, A83BE95F-3735-45C2-B443-24DF68…)

>>692483a lot of smoothing
No. 692486
>>692483>>692484This "alluring" expression she's trying to make just makes her look like she's about to sneeze.
And at least whoever edited the Hooters pic had the good sense to get rid of the tampon string.
No. 692528
File: 1566507057196.jpg (492.76 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190822-155112_Ins…)

Jesus christ Mariah. That wasnt even a dig at you, put down the crack pipe and fucking chill.
No. 692570
File: 1566523087280.png (471.56 KB, 490x720, Screenshot_2019-08-22-18-08-48…)

Inb4 Umbran schlicks to Moos weak ass punches
No. 692573
File: 1566523346707.jpg (20.88 KB, 960x960, 1563764602483.jpg)

>>692571Her tit is so flat and low.
No. 692585
>>692571 Body looks like dough that didn't rise under a heat lamp properly.
Anyone remember when she had that tattoo design stenciled on her arm the last time she used Sensei's tattoo shop as an excuse to stop exercising? Based on how her body looks in this screenshot, she really needs to stop pretending to have a personal trainer. She needs one in the worst possible way.
No. 692605
>>692570>>692571>>692572>>692574Remember this woman has had thousands of dollars of plastic surgery and STILL looks like this.
Professionally dyed hair and extensions to look like a rat's nest.
Chin lipo and still has a double chin.
Fatass flabby arms after arm lipo.
Big gut after gut lipo.
Fucking unit legs after having lipo on her thighs.
I'm probably one of the few who doesn't think that lip fillers look that bad. She didn't try to get giant anus lips, just fix the turtle beak. I think it's why more hilarious how she she purses her lips out thinking she has full lips now.
I look at this lazy, ass obnoxious person and realize she gets money for her body. Weird shit…
No. 692607
>>692588No, Sensei moved out (and in with his new girlfriend?) a few months ago. Kevin has been staying at her place while in Vegas and is moving in with his girlfriend soon.
The Sensei ship has sailed, idk why she's still chasing him.
No. 692611
>>692605It's like she tries to undo all her surgeries on purpose. She is flushing it all down the toilet because she refuses to fix her mental state first and go see a therapist and take the appropriate meds
But she wants to pretend all these surgeries are working by photoshopping herself into another person instead of looking in the mirror
No. 692619
File: 1566533636510.jpg (829.4 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190822_211127.jpg)

>>692572 These Patreon teasers are getting out of hand.
No. 692625
File: 1566534123659.jpg (413.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190822-232230_Twi…)

Found this gem
No. 692689
File: 1566564543426.png (225.81 KB, 750x1334, 47ED61E4-2DC6-4C4B-A7FE-276613…)

No. 692699
>>692689Did someone steal her sandwich from the fridge again?
I swear every other day she has to be dramatic with the mental capacity of a 13 year old
No. 692706
>>692696I know you're joking, but this is a good point. I think she would really benefit from therapy. I'm not going to turn into an autistic armchair and speculate on whatever issues she may or may not have. But I seriously think that instead of reading retarded self-help books, she should have an actual exchange with a human professional.
Whether it's pathological or not, bribing people into being your friend is not healthy behavior. It's a double-edged sword, too, because it doesn't just create a quid-pro-quo for her "friends", it also opens her up to being taken advantage of. There's a
reason most people don't do this crap past college and high school.
No. 692719
>>692706Wow you really went out there with the assumption that her behavior is kinda unhealthy and that she would benefit from therapy, huh? that’s a very bold but also outstandingly sharp observation that absolutely no one in those threads has ever made before and it sure as hell is not some sort of running gag at this point.
/sPlease tell me you’re actually autistic, retarded and/or basically never lurk here.
No. 692722
>>692719anon they made an observation put your tampon back in and stop acting like a cow yourself.
Anyways back to Moo does anyone know when Kevin is moving out?
>>692689 makes me think she got rejected again. Or maybe last night Sensei told her to please stop doing something retarded like he did when they went to Japan.
No. 692768
File: 1566591940263.jpeg (Spoiler Image,166.95 KB, 702x1199, 4009F360-405D-42CB-9FA3-6EA808…)

No. 692773
File: 1566593095815.jpg (321.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190823-134042_Ins…)

Hanging out with Frogdresser today. The last time they hung out outside of the salon, we were treated to the finest candid photo of all time.
No. 692774
>>692768To note there are screen grabs of her asking her photographers to make her look thinner but my god.
She is over 250 pounds, she made them edit out 100 extra pounds. She doesn't look anything like this, it looks so uncanny.
No. 692856
File: 1566606252080.jpg (273.12 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190823-172203_Ins…)

Chris Farley doing Chris Farley things.
No. 692962
File: 1566617291875.jpeg (140.93 KB, 750x831, 4DD4B058-7466-4B5B-8E12-BD4225…)

$18 stickers are up
No. 692963
File: 1566617346283.jpeg (250.71 KB, 750x589, B884E65E-381B-4F39-A934-B58852…)

>>692962descriptions are the same on both stickers
No. 693043
File: 1566621704532.jpg (261.41 KB, 1080x1827, Screenshot_20190824-004132_Ins…)

>>692962$26 if you are ordering anywhere else in the world. Ridiculous.
No. 693108
File: 1566627529017.jpg (177.71 KB, 960x1280, b68931c.jpg)

Her shapewear can't hide the rolls anymore
No. 693442
>>693431Dude, come on. I know she‘s stupid and like to overuse photoshop and rapes the blur tool to the moon and back, but not even Moo is dumb enough to not realize she messed up this badly. It‘s on purpose.
Stories usually show more because censorship isn’t as strict in those as in regular posts.
If you really think that’s an ‘oops didn’t even notice I made my fingers disappear’-accident, you’re actually more retarded than her lmao
No. 693485
File: 1566676613950.jpeg (344.09 KB, 1097x1590, CDE3DCB0-6591-49F2-A938-87773E…)

If this bitch is making a fragrance I’m gonna puke
No. 693489
>>693485with frogdresser there and this mixing bowl etc my guess would be something hair care related?
Which, if so, … lmao … they’re probably the last people that should advise for hair care. Frog dresser willingly fried Moo’s hair and Moo herself is incapable of even brushing it regularly, much less choose appropriate care products.
This is gonna be a mess either way. I’m excited.
No. 693556
>>693485If you think about it all three together look like redneck sisters who used to bully people in high school and say racist shit to be funny but since they all grew up and got awful dye jobs they're all ~woke~ now
sage cause that's literally mariah growing up
No. 693663
File: 1566701312678.png (1.1 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-08-24-19-44-59…)

Imagine being so lazy
No. 693834
>>693695as much as she loves to go on and on about how much she loves things and adds to her hoards, it’s telling to how shallow she is that she won’t take the time to put together something that’s to show your dedication to a character/franchise.
She probably piddles around with it, then tells cat “omg you’re so talented at itabags!!! Do it for me!!”
No. 693844
File: 1566712720891.png (966.58 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-08-24-22-57-06…)

No. 693896
File: 1566728675001.jpg (131.35 KB, 900x1600, 8b02ab5d-99da-447c-90f6-f45e8d…)

No. 693908
>>693663>>693670Holy shit, she literally couldn't be assed to stick some pins on some fabric? Jesus Christ. How does Moo even get out of bed every day if she can't even complete a task this simple?
Also, where did all this Urusei Yatsura and Inuyasha crap come from? I don't recall moo ever showing interest in either of those things. I assume she only cares about Lum because Lum wears a sexy outfit.
No. 693942
>>693908Shes always talked about Inuyasha which I believe tbh. It was on CN for years. A lot of people fell into Ranma through Tenchi also on CN.
Never heard her talk about Urusei though, but it is the same artist as Ranma, so makes sense.
No. 693957
>>691749Wait, what?
I thought it was 'Momo' 'Scats', and it was referencing scat vocals.
Well I feel dumb. Think I gave her too much credit.
No. 694002
>>693976Because she's lazy? I dunno why people keep asking. She can't wash her own hair, doesn't shower unless she wants some dick, doesn't wash her clothes, doesn't clean her house, doesn't care for her pets.
I'm impressed she can brush her teeth and go to the bathroom by herself.
Hell I'm not even sure she can properly give herself a shower at this point which would explain her infamous hot dog fish smell.
I'm just surprised that her hair dresser was retarded enough to agree to be Momo's friend. Momo did a few favors and now she has to do Momo's hair for free whenever she isn't in the salon.
No. 694130
File: 1566772505967.jpg (338.52 KB, 1080x2117, Screenshot_20190825_232201.jpg)

Mariah apparently would really like to start up a Discord (with no mention of having had a Discord server previously) so she can get everyone together to talk and they can all talk about "monthly lewd sets" people wanna see and that she can let people know when releases are coming.
>"Does anyone know how to do Discord things, would you help me? I'm baby"
Took her fucking long enough to contemplate setting up another Discord.
No. 694143
>>694130Can't she literally do
anything herself?
Like, jfc. You're 23 years old. Watch a Youtube tutorial or read a fucking wikihow or something.
You're not
'baby', you're a retarded and lazy waste of skin.
No. 694156
File: 1566774802232.png (2.68 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_08-25-06.13.20.png)

So uh. 500$ necklace that she'll probably break or lose.
No. 694335
File: 1566812039232.jpeg (434.29 KB, 750x1214, ABC8F433-0A23-4F06-A481-03EE0F…)

Cringey ass video with a cringey ass caption.
Momo, we all seen unedited pics of your flat, cellulite riddled ass and thighs. Kevin isn’t impressed. He SEES the reality, not the photoshop
No. 694336
>>694335Big yikes to those water wings.
Autistic sperg but, I think she gets off to having Kevin take her lewd pictures for her. She thinks she's seducing him behind the camera and he'll fuck her when in reality he (hopefully) sees her for the blob that she is.
No. 694337
File: 1566812716655.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 4F9ED91F-0810-47AB-A440-EFCACE…)

She’s REALLY feeling herself today. She uploaded a ton of videos on her ig story of her dancing in some spanx
No. 694350
>>694337Girl is still so retarded she can’t apply a fucking
face mask properly. Imagine walking in on Moo having a manic episode at midnight while she keeps trying to convince you she’s better than your girlfriend lmao
No. 694358
File: 1566818540879.jpg (389.4 KB, 1349x1759, Screenshot_20190826-192124__01…)

>>694335She's like a Tiny Headed Kingdom Plush with her tiny head and massive figure.
No. 694362
File: 1566818971421.jpg (159.84 KB, 1080x1920, 69659963_491047888106049_67238…)

>>694336while I strongly doubt he would ever fuck her, he did post this story with their water bottles sometime the last few days (sorry it doesn't have his name/pic in top left, got it from storiesig, but you can see him in the mirror top right taking the pic)
like I get he probably lives there rent free but why would you ever decorate your water bottle like this??? like imagine seeing him at the gym with it lmao, the way he looks combined with having that bottle, so cringe
No. 694364
File: 1566820834707.jpeg (48.43 KB, 750x204, 3B3847DD-3FBB-4AF2-915D-3139DC…)

No. 694382
File: 1566828308427.gif (7.95 MB, 476x592, specialneeds.gif)

>>694335It's not like Kevin walked in when she was doing her thot dance. He walked in when she looked completely retarded
No. 694403
>>694398The point wasn’t someone putting stickers on their bottles but Kevin putting
Moo of all possible stickers on his bottle.
Normal people doing that is… arguable.
No. 694453
>>694382That face filter vanishes when she turns her head. That snoz of a nose. Woof.
Her bat wings really distract from everything and show how truly fat she is. After her lipo they just look lumpy.
No. 694478
>>694474Already pointed out that she's wearing spanx/compression shorts. No one does that leisurely without having had a procedure done. She's going to say it's the new cool thing [which wearing biker shorts is, these are not biker shorts and they aren't just 'tight' Moo, so don't play that].
She definitely got something. Im thinking sides to try and define her side ass. She keeps trying to bubble it with her lovehandles, so Im thinking something to make her as look bigger.
No. 694482
File: 1566845255843.jpg (493.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190826-113720_Ins…)

>>694474 She may have gone in for some laser surgery. This is an IG story made within the past 24 hours. Even if she didn't get anything done, it seems like she's considering another procedure.
Sure, she's acting bubbly, but she doesn't look different. Not in a good way, anyhow.
Her odd behavior is likely due to Kevin allegedly going to Florida soon. Mariah gets one last rush of confidence whenever she makes a last ditch effort to show guys "what they're missing if they move on", and it's usually followed by a manic episode once she's rejected.
No. 694514
>>694482I feel like this is referring to laser hair removal.
This tinfoil about her getting another procedure to cover up that she’s fat is a reach imo.
She doesn’t need any procedures to feel herself like that. She gets this way whenever she’s manic for whatever reason. Even if my theory about laser hair removal is true it would be enough for her to be over the top confident because it’ll make her feel like she got a vag that every guy (esp. Kevin) sure wants to fuck as if it makes everything else about her disappear.
And for her wearing those clothes: By the look of it those don’t have to be new, considering they’re approximately 2 to 3 sizes too small. Maybe she lost another 2lbs and feels like she now fits a large again.
No. 694532
File: 1566851945441.jpg (610.95 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190826-153947_Ins…)

Really trying hard to reel em in
No. 694540
File: 1566853096829.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1854, D1D73B39-DB08-4DE1-BBCA-A0BEF4…)

I didn’t see anything posted about this but Jesus. I don’t know how she can make it any more obvious she wants his dick. All the play fighting/wrestling is extremely cringy.
No. 694542
File: 1566853172593.png (1.38 MB, 1242x2208, 91A7D0D1-686C-4F31-B08B-E3D522…)

I guess she only remembers she has an OnlyFans when it’s convenient.
No. 694544
File: 1566853334015.png (2.38 MB, 1242x2208, B7AF40B0-4411-4097-B508-DE1092…)

Even blurred out, those are the saddest tits I’ve ever seen.
No. 694555
>>694532Why pay when she just posted, what is possibly, the best or only nip slip pic of the set?
>>694540Back to not brushing or washing her nasty hair too. You'd think she'd clean up while dick chasing
No. 694596
>>694565If she doesn’t seek any actual professional help and starts sticking to healthier habits for longer than she’s chasing dick and than people are willing to basically wet-nurse her, I don’t see her getting older than maybe 45 or 50 tbh.
As many others have mentioned before: the fact that she got several rounds of lipo and her data from this fitness app are practically confirming she has fatty organs which is one of the biggest risks.
Her unnatural fat distribution also wears down her joints etc in an uneven and unnatural way (the posture we’ve seen in her workouts doesnt exactly help either), so she’s much more likely to develop issues with that as well, which in her case very likely then also leads to lack of excercise etc.
She’s also known to have other unhealthy habits such as stress, smoking and drinking.
She’s doing wrong anything she could and has worn down her body so massively and she’s only 23. It’s not too late to fix some of the issues she has caused, but she really needs to start changing asap if she wants to expand her shortened life span.
No. 694609
File: 1566865247521.jpg (Spoiler Image,354.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190826-171837_Ins…)

Two sets she shot before August rewards were given out are making an appearance this month…
No. 694610
File: 1566865454245.jpg (Spoiler Image,338.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190826-171842_Ins…)

>>694609 (2/2)
Now here's where it's important to keep an eye on things, because she's stockpiling old sets by shooting them in advance.
If we continue to see this pattern, there's a good chance it'll coincide with another upcoming lipo procedure, since she won't have to worry about exposing her healing body and trying to do shoots too soon like she did with her backyard Pochaco disaster.
She hasn't been to the gym in a week, so she probably gave up on exercising again.
No. 694703
File: 1566883048554.png (Spoiler Image,660.55 KB, 558x780, ick.png)

>>694630She was effectively flat-chested after she had her reduction and lost weight, and even after she started ballooning back up, her tits look pretty decent in her leaked nudes (assuming they weren't edited).
At this point she's too damn big, and her udders are losing the battle against gravity.
No. 694711
>>694380uh…? why does the underside of her left arm look like that? is that because of the lipo?
It looks like GOD AWFUL meitu/snow editing but it's literally just that one spot on her arm being COMPLETELY inverted…
No. 694719
File: 1566890561383.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.02 KB, 810x1080, Momokun_2_105.jpg)

>>694544Oh Mariah, you just love recycling old outfits, don't you?
>>694556Sure it
No. 694789
File: 1566917133221.jpeg (716.95 KB, 750x1103, AB12E5D0-B5B5-460D-B38D-E59B2D…)

>beautiful inside and out
Top fucking kek, the delusion… too much
No. 694836
File: 1566929898669.jpeg (603.56 KB, 750x1039, 2EB89A2A-3E02-4A5C-8075-E1E8E9…)

No. 694887
>>694711It just looks flabby. Or are you talking about the shadows?
>>694789That’s not 80’s anime but she can keep trying I guess.
>>694836Camouflage Hulk?
No. 694894
>>694836Damn that mirror is dirty. Also why does she think thats a pic that needs to be posted for her horny fanboys?
I don’t get it
No. 694918
>>694896Not to WK but, I mean… she’s not obliged to spend all proceeds/profits on cosplay stuff (or stuff for patreon in general). After all it
is her work, so why shouldn’t she spend it however she pleases?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s stupid and lazy not to use it to improve your work first and
then use what’s left to treat yourself. But
a) she probably thinks what she does is already perfect
b) why would someone who obviously cares about cosplay as little as her spend money on it when it’s not absolutely necessary?
She does apparently make decent money the way she does things right now. And she personally doesn’t care to improve. So it makes sense she’d spend money on other shit.
No. 694925
File: 1566945103664.png (1.2 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-08-27-15-30-43…)

No. 694936
>>694925these look like those over priced protein powders. They charge you a lot because they are "customized" but really it's just different flavors.
If it is protein powder that's a lot and she's only going to be drinking these for a week at best.
No. 694943
File: 1566950276194.jpg (49.77 KB, 1000x1000, sprayway-glass-cleaners-sw050r…)

>>694836It costs ~$2.50 to clean your mirror so you can more efficiently take nasty mirror selfies of your coochie, Mariah.
No. 694977
>>694887Can you not see the huge rounded chunk missing from her upper arm? (Her left arm, our right side)
It seriously looks like someone took an ice cream scoop and just hacked off a rounded piece of her arm flab when she lifts her arm up. The curve/missing area appears to MOVE and warp, too… which is why I assumed it was a filter.
No. 694993
File: 1566978636778.jpg (692.93 KB, 1080x1603, MYXJ_20190828174951_save.jpg)

Implying she got cucked?
No. 694997
File: 1566984344124.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1242x2050, 92413B8B-162E-453F-A431-08059B…)

Still milking Etika I see.
No. 695010
>>695002He dead fam.
She’s not going to successfully buy him.
No. 695047
>>694993Guess she doesn’t sleep too well, then.
(And considering all her manic overnight spergs… everybody already knew that.)
No. 695077
File: 1567019814234.jpg (4.73 MB, 2550x3300, horrormoo.jpg)

No. 695083
File: 1567020930050.png (413.89 KB, 530x771, CB3B2AFE-220A-489E-A6DB-2B7606…)

>>695077And I thought who she reminded me of
No. 695088
File: 1567021885618.jpeg (255.68 KB, 1920x1280, F6662E41-FA5A-4A0D-B6F6-D04C4D…)

So she announced/revealed what
>>693485 and
>>694925 was about in a manic speed: Frogdresser and her worked on something that makes bleach burn less on your scalp when bleaching your hair.
Also: Did she get another round of fillers or is it just the lack of filters?
No. 695089
>>695088so basically frogdresser wanted to make a product that already exists, opened her mouth to Moo, and now Momo is taking credit for it and pretending she's enough of an expert on hair to make a product.
What a shitty friend
No. 695109
>>695089>>695088I love that she always has to sound like "together in collaboration we did this" as if she's partnership with someone or sponsored/sponsoring. She just has to take partial credit for everything doesn't she?
She isn't a hair dresser and never went to school for it. Her friend is the "professional" and it was more then likely her alone that came up with the idea. Moomoo was just the customer bitching that her scalp burned. Which is what bleach does and the indicator of over bleaching is increased pain.
No. 695148
File: 1567037676124.png (1.33 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-08-28-17-06-45…)

>>695127>>695143Packing it on. Last time the sweet n low discolored her grey to a weird purple. Both froggie and Moo filtered her pics
No. 695151
File: 1567038123717.jpg (53.46 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1567038004815.jpg)

>>695148Some Aggretsuko """previews""" from FB
No. 695154
File: 1567038281753.png (662.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-08-28-11-36-15…)

>>695152He's finally working on her cameo in his video.
No. 695205
File: 1567051709996.jpg (103.99 KB, 930x1240, 20190828_205543.jpg)

>>695148That looks freaking gross, like the scalp of someone who never washes their hair. There's actual products that were designed by professional hair color brands to help with the tingling. Or she can just not lighten her hair if she's going to be a pussy about it.
No. 695206
>>695148"I'm super tough. I get tattoos no problem because I have a high tolerance for pain."
bleach on scalp"OH it hurts!!! Intense pain!! Owie! Owie! It's the worst pain in the WOOORLD!!!"
lol Mariah you a wuss
No. 695210
>>695148who’s the market for this?
>>695205 points out that professional haircare brands already make similar products and most at home bleachers (who aren’t salon whatever professionals themselves) aren’t going to have access to the chemicals to lift high enough to cause the intense burning or the know how to get it where they’re going in the first place you know? does froggie plan to use this at her salon only? Momo funding her hairdressers post divorce dreams smh
No. 695211
>>695210I think that explains why she went to the makeup meeting in
>>693485Why she wants to make a powder and not a liquid is beyond me. It just looks like dandruff home remedy more than a professional product.
No. 695232
>>695148I think there's a high chance that the tingling and burning in her scalp happens almost daily, just gets worse when colouring hair.
we've all seen so far how often she washes and brushes her hair, there's probably a lot of build up from products, pollution and just natural hair oil that's irritating her scalp. I wouldn't be suprised if she had something an yeast infection on her scalp by now, or something else.
No. 695263
Not to wk but y‘all need to chill.
>>695091>>695109>>695183>>695210>>695232Some people do have skin that‘s sensitive enough it‘ll hurt your scalp even when you’re using like 10 vol (3%) developer.
Yes, frogdresser is probably using a pretty high percentage developer because after all moo has Libanese(?) genes and dark hair that’s harder to lift to a 10.
Yes, the bleach shouldn’t be applied to the scalp directly as frogdresser does it (but her being shit at her job isn’t really news).
But again, some people‘s scalp will hurt from ANY bleach.
And to the why she‘s doing this when there‘s a similar product on the market: In her story she seemed to really pride herself with the fact that it’s ~aLl NaTuRaL ingredients, so they’re probably riding the healthy/natural (possibly vegan) hype train. I mean, it still looks like bread crumbs mixed with sand, but y‘know.
And of course I agree with that her (and other people) should probably just … not bleach their hair if it’s causing them so much pain that they need a product for it. I just wanted to make it clear that it doesn’t need 30vol developer for it to burn.
No. 695278
>>695151>>695152Unsurprisingly has none of Retsuko's spirit/personality. It would've been way smarter to rent out a karaoke room, or build a set resembling one in her house like she "loves" to do.
Also hate the constantly recycled thigh highs. Looks bad with the rest of the outfit.
No. 695284
>>695275I … lmao what?
Nowhere in my original post did I say anything that contradicts your statement.
No. 695295
File: 1567107948959.jpg (385.13 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20190829_204553.jpg)

Damn Maddie, back at it again with the creepy obsession
No. 695300
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No. 695327
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>>695306Is Nick's girlfriend okay with this? I'd be fucking
pissed if my boyfriend was sending flowers to other women, even if they
were shitty fabric flowers from Hobby Lobby.
Either Moo is lying here, or Nick is an absolute shitheel. Or both lol
No. 695356
>>695350It's a weird gesture coming from a dude who describes himself as "free" and not a romantic guy. A whole ass vase too
Granted we don't know him, but it's strange for sure, even as friends. Maybe he buys his GF whole gardens
No. 695362
>>695306"Hey I'm too busy but can you pick up some flowers from hobby lobby? I need it for a photoshoot thanks."
Makes it seem like he's trying to court her and give her flowers. Tries to sabotage sensei's relationship.
No. 695366
>>695360 Anotber point that no one brought up is how he brought her a gift while she was already out and about, meaning he found a reason not to go to her house. If this was a ploy to warm her heart and lower her guard, he would have tried to do it more discreetly and intimately. I'm sure this was done as a way of saying thanks for that painting.
Mariah will embellish the truth, as usual.
No. 695371
>>695360Not any of the anons you're replying to but I don't think we need to be giving this guy so much credit. It's entirely possible that he may legit want to have his cake and eat it too. He might realize that Moo is an easy lay but also an easy excuse, like, "This chick is crazy babe and I gotta placate her." That may be a big pinkpill-y tinfoil but, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he was two-timing both his gf and Momo.
and, let's be real…wouldn't the shitshow of Moo being two-timed be even more amusing? kek
No. 695382
>>695371He's got a cute girlfriend, and he's not hideous himself. There is no way in hell he is desperate/low self-esteem enough to fuck Moo. And, he's seen her batshit as a friend, imagine her level of insanity if he started fucking her (Don't stick your dick in crazy, kids)? We're talking Fatal Attraction level here.
Like the other anon said, this is probably his girlfriend saying "well, she got you something, you have to get her something to thank her". Those are not romantic flowers.