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No. 695389
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
https://momokuncosplay.comFacebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsPrevious Thread Highlights:
>Still pretending to eat healthy and exercise like a triathlete, and went as far as to reveal what's believed to be her actual weight and body mass index rating.>Liquidated a good chunk of her cosplay collection on Depop, including the disastrous blue Tamamo outfit she claims to have paid thousands of dollars for.>Behaved like a child while Umbranwitch and Weebking/Kevin were using her for free room and board.>Conveniently avoided attending EVO, along with a costume event featuring Vamps and Aly Brazil, and never explained why she didn't attend, nor did she make the announcement she had teased.>Worked on and/or released abysmal photo sets, including a water drinking slob, hairy Tsunade, a frightening Hooters girl set, something that looked like a Paula Deen tribute, and others.>Insisted she would start doing gaming streams again, but backed out. Also considering making a Discord server.>Posted some cryptic messages on Instagram, leading anons to speculate if she felt rejected by a man, or by her female friends who seem to do well without her.>Taking her obsession with damaged hair to a whole new level by introducing a product she and Frogdresser supposedly collaborated on.>Spent more money on pointless junk, such as an overpriced necklace, as well as a painting for the parlor Tattoo-kun works at.>Started loitering around Sensei (circleofchiefs) at his workplace out of nowhere, where she participated in the world's worst sparring session, and somehow inspired him to bring her flowers days later. No. 695392
>>695391 Quit bitching and derailing already. We don't need this again, especially from someone who fails to see the humor in the triathlete line.
There's no tinfoil in the highlights section. Now relax and make some quality posts.
No. 695502
File: 1567190635417.jpg (368.62 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190830-113754_Ins…)

>starting a training / exercise regimen which could go on for 12 weeks.
Cool, cool. More fake workout plans with more fake trainers.
No. 695506
>>695502Her whole face looks swollen and fucked up. Also her right eye is droopy like… did she have a stroke? Or am I not use to her non edited face? (I know she has a filter on but bare with me)
Her philtrum is just so damn long for someone her age. I can't stress enough how bad she needs a lip lift.
But she just wants to inject her bottom lip to spite her haters but really she is just screwing herself over
No. 695514
>>695502That should’ve been the thread pic, damn.
But I guess she‘s back to eating like shit now. She hasn’t posted about how healthy she‘s eating in a while. Not surprised she looks like that.
No. 695516
>>695502I just find it hilarious she made fun of Vamps nose when she has to basically edit hers to half the size.
She can't really make fun of anyone
pancake titts, big nose, thinning hair, obese despite numerous surgeries, poor skin, lazy eye. I could go on all day. But it's laughable she picks on others based on their appearance
No. 695532
File: 1567199680413.jpeg (370.56 KB, 1920x1920, 2388A080-3670-4F82-8E04-67D9A6…)

Okay I always dismissed this as bullshit and all but it legit looks like she might have gotten cheek fillers? Like, those dents, the fact that her cheeks are the size of a freaking ping pong ball and it seems to look like she’s gotten lip fillers again…
It just looks off and even with fat distribution being way fucked bc of her chin lipo, I don’t feel like fat wouldn’t look so unnaturally bulbous?
No. 695534
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>>695502Quick follow up:
Apparently, she already went in for her first session. Couldn't have been that long of a workout, going off of the IG timestamps and the location of the business (taking the 215 to W. Flamingo on Labor Day weekend isn't as fast as it normally would be).
My guess is that she went in for a consultation that may have consisted of very light exercise to gauge where she should start. And you know she's serious about working out this time, because she has her gaudy ass gold chain on like the baller she is.
No. 695556
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No. 695560
>>>/pt/695389Next time someone makes a shit OP, expect a 1 week ban on behalf of wasting everybody's time.
If there isn't a thread just wait and have someone else do it. And guess what? You don't need to make a new thread as
soon as you get automatic notice, you can just wait until the thread actually locks.
No. 695568
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No. 695572
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>>695552I think it’s crazy how much of a hypocrite she has become over the past few years. When she first entered the scene, she was all about ~body positivity~. She sure as hell knows that she meant it in terms of her “thicc” body build. She even went by “ThiccSamus” for a year. Now suddenly, after multiple call-outs for her surgery and being open with it, she still yells out ~body positivity~, even though she would have disagreed with getting work done back in her “ThiccSamus” days. Did people forget that she was so afraid of being exposed for surgery that she tried to market Fit Tea and post a sudden surge of gym selfies? She’s only using ~body positivity~ as an excuse to say “see guyz I’m still the same ambassador of body positivity!”
Even read this from back in 2016. She talks about accepting her flaws and being a proud plus sized woman. Look at her now. She never accepted her flaws. It was all a ruse for her to cash in on people who fell for her bullshit.
She’s a liar and always has been.
No. 695576
>>695572she's still lying about surgeries. She only told us about the one round of lipo this year and her lip injections. She is getting a shit ton of work done lately but is only mentioning what she admitted too.
Momo is hella ashamed about all the work she has been recently getting because she still looks wrecked no matter what she does
No. 695582
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>>695532Don't mean to spoil anyone's fun speculating about her next plastic surgery disaster, but you can see these cheek indentations in lots of her photos. Might have to do with having grandma face, but who knows.
No. 695587
>>695502Too bad exercise isn't going to keep her eyes from going in two different directions.
>>695579She's about to start harassing Nick and his girlfriend more and sperging up a storm.
No. 695592
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>>695568Went and had a look at the program offered by that trainer and the 12 Week Program she was talking about doesn't even begin until mid-September.
But they do offer a free consultation so…
No. 695596
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Says she is going to livestream on onlyfans. How? Ive been using it for a year and there isnt an option.
No. 695605
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>>695568You know she would fuck up the fusion dance, and end up looking like Veku. Oooh….cosplay opportunity, Moo?
No. 695606
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Anybody care to record her onlyfans stream for tomorrow?
No. 695610
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No. 695611
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No. 695671
>>695662to be fair her wiki says she "carries it in her mouth."
but still. this is going to be bad.
No. 695704
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>>695611She always picks shit that looks like curtains. I know research is never something she would do herself. But most of the traditional/japanese inspired outfits she picks should never really have embroidery or a woven texture like that. She must think since the fabric has this pattern that it's adding "detail." Looks like grandma's table cloth.
No. 695710
>>695662>>695671She‘s never gonna be able to make it not look like a gag or doggie chew toy simply because of those fillers. This is the one time her turtle lips would be beneficial.
Plus she doesn’t have a ‘cutesy’ anime/loli face with delicate features like a small pointy nose and all.
No. 695758
File: 1567285800730.png (699.87 KB, 824x648, same.png)

looks like Moo wants to become a WoW streamer
>In case you didn't already hate me enough, lip smack, I'm also Alliance
>Not that I'm like one of those… [nerd voice] fuck the Horde [\nerd voice] peoples, cause I'm not, I like the Horde too, Sylvanas' a little bitch though [hood voice] she a stupid bitch, can't just be burnin' shit like that, thas craaazy [\hood voice]
>The Alliance is just so fucking drippy, so drippy, just like, click tongue, so drippy
No. 695759
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What she really looks like vs with instagram filters
No. 695762
File: 1567287401353.png (613.2 KB, 692x614, drippy.png)

>>695760I haven't the foggiest, anon, maybe her brain is melting
>>695759lmao so good
No. 695804
>>695800Seriously lol, I was just thinking: Hmm I know moo and vamps aren't really butt buddies anymore..I wonder which thot is going on about WoW..
And no's vamps.
No. 695817
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>>695759That’s doing Taurens dirty.
Think she’d fit more as Princess Theradras.
No. 695850
>>695843>>695843To be honest, I dont think anyone cares.
She does this shit so often where she tries to get out of obligations she sets for herself/her fans that its not a surprise.
People have already said her OF isnt worth it. Hopefully the cucks listen this time.
No. 695855
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She got more of those stupid lights because her cats “peed on the other ones”. I thought she broke them?
No. 695856
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Umbranbitch making empty threats like a lunatic and now doing her makeup to resemble her precious Moo.
Either Mariah is too dumb to realize how crazed this comes off as or she knows but has to keep appearances up to prove the haters wrong. Either way, I don’t see Maddie taking it well if Moo decides she’s no longer useful to her.
Mariah also needs to knock it off with the “I’m baby” bullshit. She keeps saying that to get people to do shit for her or fight her battles for her. Grow the fuck up.
No. 695857
>>695856Could you stop postinf shit about Umbran here. Nobody cares about her. Take it to the calves thread.
She‘s crazy and got a huge boner for moo. We got it.
(mini-modding) No. 695861
File: 1567336892835.jpg (208.82 KB, 1280x720, Lady_Ashvane_(tactics).jpg)

>>695817No, this one's better. Gotta give those new lip fillers a chance to shine. Besides, Priscilla matches her personality to a T.
No. 695923
>>695762jfc is this the state of her jowls when she isn't using face tape?
>>695783I swear Momo heard a few teenagers use this phrase and didn't understand wtf they were talking about. I'm 100 percent sure she thought drippy was another way to say "this makes me wet"
No. 695935
>>695762The only thing “drippy” about Moo are her jowls. Yikes.
Also, not surprised Moo is getting on this WoW train after they released “WoW Classic”. I s2g she will ride anything popular as long as she can get some clout and money from doing so. Not mention doing it out of pure spite to one up former friends.
No. 695937
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she’s relisting and repricing some things on her depop. this saber skirt she was constantly bursting out of was made for a 34 in waist
No. 695939
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>>695937almost forgot about that week when she loved lore Olympus
No. 695940
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>>695939selling the ripped off riding hood skirt
No. 695955
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Sorry for the quality but man. That's sad.
No. 695961
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Admits to using “tape in extensions” which tore her hair out apparently and is now lamenting the loss of thickness in her hair. Yeah, because all the other shit she did to her scalp didn’t contribute to hair loss at all. She still believes she can “bring it back to life”. She’s obsessed with having silver hair so I guess Granny Moo isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
No. 695966
>>695961You forgot:
>admits to not brushing hair since she changed over to bead-in extensions because it's hard to brush out>going to install them soon but chose to do cosplays using wigs this week because with her extensions, it's hard for her to put the hair in a wigcapI find it funny she said the same about her pink hair earlier but now silver is her ~favorite~
No. 695967
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>>695955Guess it’s official Umbran lurks here since some of these are the exact screenshots of videos that were posted here.
Well, makes sense seeing how obsessed she is with this ogre.
No. 695973
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No. 695974
File: 1567383912846.gif (8.46 MB, 250x457, spasticity.gif)

really embracing that mania
No. 695977
File: 1567384152283.gif (4.33 MB, 250x457, madeyemoody.gif)

bonus clip
No. 695985
sorry for the wait
new livestream thread
>>>/pt/695983 No. 695991
>>695990Doing it on pc, it records the audio from what I could tell.
(Please use sage. That’s not something bumping the thread for.)
No. 696049
>>695961The only time she had hair to show off and others envied was when she wasn't a cosplay wannabe. She thinks she has to have silver hair like an anime character. But honestly her thick, long black hair was impressive once upon a time. It's laughable if she thinks she can have it back. That will take at least 6 years to recover if she stops fucking with it and care for it.
But she can't handle looking POC at all, even if it's just black hair.
No. 696096
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Reddit/KF posted these
No. 696124
>>696121Wouldn’t be surprised if her whole place smelled of cat piss (additionally to her own stench). She can’t be bothered to take care of her cats (hence having her groomed at a salon) or her place. Combine this with cats that apparently pee on things and just imagine the smell.
I’m surprised people actually manage to live there longer than a week.
No. 696161
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No. 696190
>>696161Excuse me if this is autistic, but the fact that she wears a $500 necklace the wrong way in literally every picture is so confusing to me. Why is the clasp and chain in the front? Is she that retarded that she thinks the chain is some sort of pendant/charm?
>>696098So lazy that she can't even move the (multiple?) Febreeze bottles off the dresser. Wow.
No. 696191
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Is this tit spillage or is this something else what am I looking at
No. 696220
>>696213 Not only that, but she has to be in rough shape internally. That lipo isn't going to help with gastroenteritis, clogged arteries, high blood pressure, strained joints and muscles, etc.
She might have a few people convinced that she's a picture of acceptable health, but I bet her innards are wrecked.
No. 696229
File: 1567460326407.png (430.92 KB, 640x614, muh exercise routine.png)

seems moo herself was quite, uh, drippy today
>dat skincare
No. 696268
>>696229It's kind of weird anons already discovered her training doesn't start until mid September. Like we know she lies every day but to catch her lying so blatantly.
I think what she means is "Talking to my cosmetic surgeon is making me sweat buckets because he keeps telling me liposuction isn't a method of weight loss"
No. 696270
File: 1567471478293.jpg (329.64 KB, 419x397, IAzWGtk.jpg)

She's live with cousin and Umbran again
>>>/pt/695983 No. 696295
>>696288I’m on it, uploading just takes forever.
(I only got the first 2 hours or so though)
No. 696330
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No. 696334
>>696330Vamps stopped following her on this account but not sure about main. These passive aggressive attacks are sure to
trigger one of them eventually to snap
No. 696348
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Comments are limited
No. 696353
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>>696348still taking pages out of Nigri's book I see
No. 696357
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No. 696358
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>>696357Following this. She wants to look like the unnies, muh dudes
No. 696366
File: 1567495116769.jpeg (99.46 KB, 750x493, 02AA63BA-9285-4738-BEA6-DE9F7F…)

umbran commented this under momos newest pic and momo didnt respond or even like it. she liked all the comments around it, but not this one lol
No. 696380
File: 1567501631828.jpeg (222.82 KB, 1200x881, 3BA0D0B5-A882-42DB-B49A-CC1FC4…)

>>696358New kpop idol confirmed
No. 696420
>>696410Seconded. It’s really not
that good.
We have more OP-worthy pictures posted by Moo herself.
No. 696641
File: 1567554225879.jpeg (Spoiler Image,160.84 KB, 1200x881, C5BFCD4A-D8E6-443F-89CD-8D1E0F…)

>>696593Im the OP
Like it’s an edit I made in 5 seconds on meitu chill wierdo
I’m not doing the “admin check my IP lol” but wtf why would someone be so pushy about it.
Has she said anything about the hurricane relief fund for vegas or is she still avoiding it?
No. 696742
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No. 696797
>>696742Really, what's up with those compression shorts?
Is she using them prominently for when she gets done some lipo and no one notices?
A new way to conceal that she can't find clothes that fit her?
Follow this walking dumpster fire to find out! ! !
No. 697068
File: 1567596718298.png (10.28 MB, 1242x2208, 1AEC0DD2-FDF6-42EF-92FE-93A4C6…)

Apparently still doesn’t know what the ahegao face is about
No. 697189
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No. 697304
File: 1567633721082.png (864.07 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-09-04-14-46-41…)

Streaming soon
No. 697765
>>697704Putting down the fork once in a while will permanently reshape their bodies.
>>697304Did anyone watch?
No. 697774
>>697704well fat displacement
is a thing, but it's going to make them look fucked up. the fat doesn't just shape into the shape you want it, it moves to weird places where it is above the shapewear. even people who are only a little chubby get back boobs and chubby areas under their breasts like what moo has from her really tight bras. the fat tends to pouch up too which looks proper awful.
No. 697800
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No. 697806
File: 1567722293330.png (209.59 KB, 320x277, pancake titties.PNG)

>>697800Did this bra-less bitch really edit her boob higher? It's so uncanny
No. 697854
File: 1567728596676.jpeg (629.93 KB, 744x1081, D02FED34-1583-4411-BCEA-A5A6D7…)

only almost a year late!
No. 697866
File: 1567729604733.jpg (Spoiler Image,635.61 KB, 1441x2160, CxzL5KX.jpg)

onlyfans pic, from reddit
No. 697919
>>697854 Anyone remember the lie she told where she said was going to shoot this on site at some local business?
This is going to be another illogical disaster in the same vein as her kitchen Hooters set that makes no fucking sense.
No. 697929
File: 1567738973982.jpeg (942.05 KB, 1225x1233, F926EE2E-4321-4D43-A08B-F6B67D…)

She’s been skinwalking BunnyAyu and Vamps extra hard these last couple of weeks. Same sponsorship and costume, out of all of the taobao costumes they sell, and vamps with the WoW.
No. 697940
>>697938You said it yourself she usually jumps at the chance.
It took her 3+ months to buy a cosplay and get a shitty wig made? When it dropped she said Cat was 'totally already making it for her' so why hadnt she done it before now?
She was bragging about how it was almost ready and how she had already found a cute bubble tea place to shoot it at months ago so what happened to that?
Time and time again she skin walks people and people brush it off despite clear evidence.
No. 697954
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No. 697955
File: 1567744240890.jpg (277.86 KB, 1061x569, 20190906_002950.jpg)

Looking lit.. of course she didn't even play overwatch.
No. 697956
File: 1567744269715.jpg (314.9 KB, 1066x593, 20190906_002928.jpg)

No. 697959
File: 1567744475317.jpeg (194.74 KB, 1242x965, A4CA7F9C-4ABA-4189-9AE6-1F5D2A…)

>>697956Keep random screencap spam to the livestream thread
Posting this one here because it’s actually worth laughing at.
No. 697968
>>697938>>697940I actually think that this is just an example of Moo not caring about Mei at all any more. That hype ship sailed and obviously she only did this new skin because her dumb fanbase ate up the stuff about her being THE Mei and they actually expected Mariah to, y'know, be ineterested in new stuff about Mei.
I also tinfoil that this is just Bunny trying to keep herself relevant around here lmao we all know her and Susu loved the attention many threads ago.
No. 697970
>>697866what's with the cheeto dust look around her lips?
>>697856in the same vein, is there a reason she does her lips like this for this character specifically? i googled the character and i still don't understand.
No. 698008
>>698007momokunyalada does have a nice ring to it
>>697994thanks for providing us with the next thread pic anon
No. 698009
>>697994A wild Momokunya appeared!
No. 698011
>>698009>>698008>>698008>>698007>>698004>>698006All of you fagugaplexidern really need to save your posts. Don’t make us ask you again.
>>697994This made me chuckle. You have my vote.
No. 698012
>>698011Pretty sure you mean sage, right?
>>697994Funny, but
>>696380 still has my vote. Not that this one isn’t brilliant.
("brilliant" samefagging) No. 698016
>>697856Funny that her lips still look like that pretty much right after her 3rd(?) time getting injections.
About the bunny skinwalking tinfoil: I personally think it’s the same as with the Adam and Eve stuff; Companies reach out to people and oftentimes ask them to make a post at a certain time. Especially with the discount code it makes sense to have several people compete to be able to tell, which sales were generated by whom.
Judging from their website, the mei cosplay gets pushed a lot by them so I wouldn’t be surprised if they both got told to use that.
You need to chill.
>>697956The glasses legit make it look like unibrow
No. 698048
File: 1567782314462.png (356.92 KB, 616x400, mooster of disguise.png)

absolutely killing that dana carvey cosplay, 8/10
No. 698065
>>698056I've noticed whenever a cosplayer she has had a "history" with posts a new cosplay, which happens to be a back-burner idea she's had in mind, she suddenly panics because she HAS to be the better version of that character and then not long after posts what she believes is far better work.
Mei is meant to look cute and plump. Moo looks like complete shit and just makes Bunny look even better which is quite amusing. She tries so hard to ride that Overwatch train and always fails.
No. 698068
File: 1567790576286.jpg (574.28 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190906-122307_Ins…)

No. 698100
>>697854>>697929I tried putting in momo’s code and no discount popped up. Code is invalid.
Bunny’s code worked though. Does this mean moo is lying about working with syndrome or that i’m just a retard? Can anyone else try the codes?
No. 698106
File: 1567798874894.jpg (15.37 KB, 210x240, simon-alvin-and-the-chipmunks-…)

>>697959She really out here looking like Simon from Alvin and the Chipmunks
No. 698116
File: 1567800349948.jpeg (352.7 KB, 2048x2048, 7BF53763-F000-49E9-99A1-555575…)

>>697854>>697929>>698100Proof Momokun is lying about working for syndrome. Look what happens when I put in bunny’s code vs moo’s.
No. 698120
File: 1567800999886.jpg (827.02 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190906_161520.jpg)

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people usually not wear compression shorts and dance tights when showing off weight loss progress? Also, sucking in pretty hardcore.
No. 698126
>>698120Bc her skin is absolutely disgusting. Anyone who has seen her in person can tell you. Her thighs are really cottage cheesy and in general she has this weird look like she has bruises and faint veins all over.
The last pics on lolcow that showed just how bad it iis were the Cindy at the beach candids and that was about 50 lbs ago. There was also that picnic meetup pic from like 2 years ago and her thighs looked disgusting there as well. Can only imagine just how bad it all looks now. There’s a reason why everything she uploads is smoothed to oblivion
No. 698146
File: 1567807176629.jpg (104.88 KB, 1080x707, 20190906_235944.jpg)

>>698116This is hilarious. How desperate do you have to be to fake discount codes?
Pic just in case she says she just messed up the code my dudes.
No. 698176
File: 1567810607153.jpg (125.75 KB, 1080x1007, 20190907_085744.jpg)

Momokun doesn't count either, which is amusing lol
No. 698205
>>698176Worth noting that Bunny's code still works and it's been months
So it's not a time limit thing
No. 698211
File: 1567817685731.png (1.16 MB, 750x1334, 461B6681-2DB6-41E7-A1A5-7654BB…)

Side pic on its own just to showcase exactly how damn flat her ass is
No. 698221
>>698211Shouldn't the ridge of fat right under her bellybutton, the bit that sticks out under the waistband of her shorts, be lower? It looks really strange to me, and the way it goes straight down after that almost makes it look like she's hiding a dick.
Nothing about this woman's body is natural
No. 698229
>>698204That’s the cool sculpting she did a long time ago. Literally the worst thing (I think) that she did to herself.
I always get the best laughs when her neckbeard followers think they are her actual abs.
No. 698253
File: 1567828963889.jpg (136.26 KB, 458x474, 20190906_235921.jpg)

>>698236>>698236Oof, the entire Aggretsuko set is a mess. She looks so lumpy and disproportionate. When she sits on the office chair, her upper thighs look like a drag queen who has used way too much foam to shape their body and that skirt and vest both look like they are gonna bust wide open. And then of course there is the ridiculous amount of face tape and photoshopped. Just yikes.
No. 698257
File: 1567830425477.jpeg (2.1 MB, 3088x2316, B168F926-CF7E-435A-AB2F-9A32E7…)

What the fuck even is this?
No. 698258
File: 1567830966813.png (1.35 MB, 720x1033, Screenshot_2019-09-06-21-31-32…)

Didn't fit Mariah?
No. 698261
>>698236Is this set supposed to imply that Retsuko is cheating on a husband???
Admittedly I haven't watched the second season yet so maybe she does get engaged but judging from what I've seen her whole shtick is that she is independent and doesn't care what people think about her. I find it hard to believe she randomly turned submissive and got engaged
No. 698262
>>698236>>698238why would people pay for these? Its exactly the same as what she posts on instagram, except you can get it for free there.
>>698257Uncomfortable, just uncomfortable
No. 698264
File: 1567833696804.jpeg (16.3 MB, 5760x3840, 062058F1-05D9-47EE-B7C4-5984EB…)

This….was it included in the set. She literally charged for this… it’s not a cropped pic or anything just a pic of her arm? Wtf
No. 698271
>>697994>>698004>>698006>>698007>>698008>>698009>>698012Is this the same anon that kept calling their own crappy edit "brilliant"?
Or are there two different anons samefagging because they have an autistic obsession with their shitty collage being the thread pic?
No. 698273
>>698264 Normally her sets cost an arm and a leg, but it looks like she's reimbursing people on the arm part.
>>698257 Looks like she tried to stuff her bra with cantaloupes, couldn't find a second cantaloupe, and settled for a tangerine to fill out the other side.
No. 698282
File: 1567841151756.jpeg (873.78 KB, 750x1162, 0A5F9831-80E9-4843-B092-9515F8…)

her face looks like she can’t breathe because she’s trying to tuck in all the fat with the corset…
No. 698283
fuck how can she look at this picture and say, “Yup, this one is good enough to upload to the internet”?!
No. 698291
>>698282now that
>>698286 mentions it, it looks like someone shopped out the other arm rest, especially with the way her hand is positioned and the fact that there's a very noticeable glow around it
No. 698327
File: 1567856747280.jpg (202.5 KB, 720x526, 20190907_044105.jpg)

>>698282 I'm trying to figure out what's going on with her thigh fat distribution above the stockings. Look at these two bumps. It's a miracle that she was actually able to pull her stockings up that high, considering the excess skin that's seeping out the top part on both sides.
No. 698328
>>698271It's definitely the same person.
Tinfoil: It's Umbran. She knows Moo reads these thread, so she picks things she knows Moo is insecure about to make fun off. Then she can be there to console a sad and insecure Moo and get a chance to fuck her.
I know its - s u p e r - tinfoil but she gives me crazy bitch vibes like no one else.
No. 698396
File: 1567876823114.jpg (162.78 KB, 1080x1169, Screenshot_20190907_192101.jpg)

No. 698397
File: 1567876874928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.67 MB, 4982x3321, Uy2BX_y_.jpeg)

No. 698403
>>696759 >>697866
Not going to lie I figured more people would be ripp'n on her heavily shopped granny slingkining set
And is it me or did she PS her head smaller ?
No. 698405
>>698253If it's the one she made originally, it was last year so she gained weight and probably is about to bust out of it. All I can see is the terrible sewing on it.
>>698120Her hips and thighs definitely look smaller to me, although it may just be the angles and her not wearing a corset to skew how her body looks. But with the compression shorts she's been wearing, I'm wondering if some of the weight loss wasn't more lipo.
No. 698408
File: 1567879766949.jpeg (391.27 KB, 1242x2196, 8B6108AA-6F1C-413B-A469-02C0F0…)

>>698405She didn’t really wear compression stuff right after she got her last round, so why wear it so much now?
Also this story in her IG was especially troubling looking
No. 698419
>>698397This made me laugh for some reason. It cracks me up to think that some neckbeards payed actual money to see 1/16th of Moo's asscrack.
>>698408Why is her face so red? Is she constipated? Did she just eat something really spicey? Is her skin irritated from one of the million different skin products she tries once and never uses?
The color difference is so stark that it looks like someone photoshopped her head onto someone else's body.
No. 698421
>>698419That’s a ridiculous nitpick now though.
She (supposedly) worked out. Like… imight be just me but is it really that unusual to flush as bad from doing really intense exercise?
No. 698430
>>698423I mean, to be fair, 10min of cardio
would be an intense workout for her.
No. 698443
File: 1567890351462.jpg (436.39 KB, 1080x1106, 20190907_140249.jpg)

>>697854This is all I see when I look at her Mei cosplay lol
No. 698461
>>698419What'd you mean 1/16th that's her entire ass right there.
But is seriousness, the hemming is completely busted she's popped the entire lower seam
No. 698515
>>698505No, sage because it is absolutely worthless info not because of any other reason. You anons need to understand that and can we stop saying because Moo doesn't hang out with someone for two weeks or a month that she is no longer friends? She is at a convention with a lot of other people and not just Vamp. Anteras is there too, Sabrina, a lot of people. She doesn't live in NV like Moo does. Vamp does, but Aly is from Cali and everyone else in Moo's reach is too besides Anteras who has been a dumbass and sending out her new ears to people from Moo's address since they are mooching while looking somewhere to live in NV.
These people still hang with Moo sans Vamp and Sabrina. They aren't going anywhere.
No. 698815
File: 1567982590768.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1769, 5F385280-CA1D-46DB-BD6E-DBB981…)

Our fitness queen is planning a new cosplay that’s perfect for her body type
No. 698820
File: 1567983594011.png (60.19 KB, 200x200, 48C8AA1A-679B-4529-A7C8-A0E69C…)

>>698815>disgustingly lewdI can’t imagine anything more disgustingly lewd than pearl string panties (although that wasn’t cosplay).
Also … bets on just a bikini yet again. Not too familiar with her wig collection, but could she even try to recycle an existing one for this?
>>698818>A second year high school girl who decides to go to the Silverman Gym in order to slim down. Unfortunately, due to a lack of regular exercise and her own terrible eating habits, she tends to tire out easily and any progress she does achieve is quickly reverted.Seems like it.
But at least the first part of the character arc fits perfectly. Eccept the character eventually seems to get somewhere at some point.
No. 698841
File: 1567989334426.jpeg (562.34 KB, 750x1032, DCE473F6-1660-4763-A1ED-F8A169…)

No. 698842
>>698820The difference here is that Hibiki keeps trying and is determined to achieve her goals. Moo gives up ten minutes in and calls her surgeon.
I can't wait for her to injure herself trying to take gymthot photos with a bar though, since the show is all about weightlifting specifically.
No. 699560
File: 1568001720615.jpg (127.44 KB, 938x1250, xr9lpdnosgl31.jpg)

No. 699579
File: 1568003157690.jpg (Spoiler Image,980.33 KB, 4032x2688, B6JrkOB.jpg)

Another with her face cut off, I really think she thinks it's aesthetic. The brightness ratio though in attempts to hide the smoothing is painful
No. 699737
File: 1568029127453.png (1.21 MB, 720x1201, Screenshot_2019-09-09-04-35-02…)

No. 699778
File: 1568038213798.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 1250x938, 76b69c0.png)

From reddit
No. 699782
>>699737She could of just said no thanks or sorry I don't feel comfortable.
She's so dramatic and nasty.
>NoT uNLesS yOu wAnT a LaWsUiT
>yOu Do NoT hAVe mY pErMissIon That's why they asked, you rude bitch.
No. 699809
>>699738Well, she DOES constantly throw herself at taken guys and then try take them away from their girlfriends… Of course she "loves" the NTR tag, she likes to imagine herself as a female version of the "hot bastard" that seduces people away!
What a bitch.
No. 699843
File: 1568044520380.png (Spoiler Image,81.09 KB, 300x156, breast-reduction-incisions-2-1…)

>>699584>>699593The "plastic" looks like scarring from her breast reduction imo.
Or she's a lying liar who lies and she invested in much more realistic pasties after the Hinata debacle. I'd put my money on the former, but eh, who knows?
No. 699898
>>699593>>699584Those are her actual nips. You guys don’t remember her literal pepperonis from the camversity days? And the fake nipples were huge and obviously fake.
The ring around her nipple is from her reduction. Are you all new fags or something?
No. 699970
>>699778Those look less star shaped, more crinkled bedding folds imprinted onto her silly putty ass cheeks.
I like how no one noticed the horrible ass hairs poking out to say "Hi" lol
No. 699976
File: 1568062591664.jpeg (Spoiler Image,383.1 KB, 929x1132, 63CC040F-4057-49BC-AAE5-00E8A2…)

>>699970It’s literally been mentioned 5 posts above yours…
>>699962I’d opt for saying those are her nipples, but really bad photoshop. Plus, we’ve only ever seen her actual nipples in low-res phone selfies, never in a setting like this.
But imo shape/size/color etc match hers perfectly, if you take the circumstances (different lighting, color edit, quality, …) into consideration.
No. 699990
>>699920Scrote detected
>>699940she really need to. It's insane she has such a flat ass for someone so fat.
No. 700057
File: 1568078389397.png (352.6 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-09-09-22-15-50…)

How many times is she going to tell this lie about shooting in Japan?
No. 700080
>>695389>>699990O look a shit skin cuck fanboy!
Bitch if you defend ntr or cucking in any way you are the equivalent of zoofiles and pedophiles! Pure and utter scum that need t o get the bullet!
File: 1568083273309.png (66.41 KB, 720x416, Screenshot_2019-09-09-19-36-19…)

No. 700194
File: 1568099219247.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 1617x664, notpasties.png)

>>699976They are her real nipples, just super poorly shopped which as seen when you zoom in.
No. 700263
>>699579Sage for knitpicking.
I fucking hate how she uses obviously fake plants in her photoshoots, but I also don’t know if she’d actually be able to take care of any real plants.
No. 700307
>>700263She can’t even be bothered to groom her cats properly, so I doubt she could be arsed to read up on the specific plants‘ needs like level of humidity, light, soil, not to mention repotting etc.
Then again it might be because of her cats and a lot of very decorative/popular and blooming plants are poisonous for cats.
No. 700503
File: 1568153280186.png (1.38 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-09-10-15-01-39…)

For the sake of being able to read it (Moo did repost this)
No. 700561
File: 1568158980374.jpeg (378.97 KB, 750x1041, 5FD2E59F-DB76-41E1-B73D-5E568D…)

No. 700564
File: 1568159195489.jpeg (552.02 KB, 750x1103, 78849F98-D015-4C74-B3D2-7C48BD…)

>>700561can someone collage all the times she’s used her pink background at home? every month is always pink, red, or if she needs the heavy shop white
No. 700590
File: 1568161244600.jpg (455.91 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20190910_223729.jpg)

Sure captures Mariah's unhinged personality and Cat's cunt energy
No. 700636
File: 1568166376117.jpg (308.78 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20190911_023711.jpg)

Sage for Dumbran
I don't think this was ever posted but it was from last week
No. 700706
File: 1568173215098.jpeg (349.48 KB, 1080x1913, 2C312961-64DF-46D5-94AF-13634C…)

>>700705weird overlay but you can see where it matches up to the position on the paper
No. 700715
>>700563Yeah totally the cats are always around you that's why they're never around in any of your other selfies or shoots or when other people are taking pictures of you.
Why does she lie about obvious stuff when we get so many 'BTS' pics where the cats arent around at all. Yeah of course they're gonna sniff around the backdrop because it's something new that a cat is going to want to explore. Has nothing to do with them wanting to be around you
No. 700736
>>700631She should focus on her art instead of her wigs, the style is kind of cute and she could probably make money if she polished stuff up and marketed it with popular series.
Too bad she's drawing trash people instead
No. 701375
File: 1568257609496.png (4.45 MB, 1125x2436, DF5DCFED-BBC1-4771-B13B-C222BF…)

Can’t wait for this train wreck
No. 701388
File: 1568259257444.jpg (298.27 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190911-200557_Ins…)

>>701375 She already cancelled. Probably forgot to look stuff up on YouTube to get an idea of how to play. Pretended she was busy.
No. 701393
File: 1568259845215.png (828.04 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_2019-09-11-20-37-45…)

No. 701395
File: 1568259953106.png (79.13 KB, 720x469, Screenshot_2019-09-11-20-37-56…)

>>701393So, like, did Squarecuck move in and Miso stay at her parents? Moo is isolating the people she works with literally
No. 701405
>>701395 Not sure. Might be worth looking into and discussing on the calves thread, although Square still shoots with Tokki by the looks of things.
I'm just laughing over how badly she butchered the quote. She must have pulled this line from Sensei's spiritual guidance book.
No. 701427
>fire embelem The least you could have done was spell the name of the game right to pretend you give a fuck about it.
>>701393Which one of her toadies stepped out of line this time?
No. 701490
File: 1568268374869.png (5.26 MB, 1800x1421, CC16045A-8E86-47D1-B47B-6F840C…)

She is literally incapable of taking care of herself. It’ll be interesting to see how she’d fare once she’s burned all bridges with her current friends. She’d probably have Maddie move in to be her slave- er… I mean take care of her.
No. 701514
File: 1568269982265.jpg (193.64 KB, 716x1146, 20190911_232426.jpg)

Found this. More neckbeard bait.
>Uh, hey guyz. Maybe I'll show my boobs lulz.
Not sure if she's serious or not. Somehow I doubt it, considering her highly visible scarring from that breast reduction she had years ago.
Of course, this could also lead to the resurrection of girlonthemoonpro.
No. 701632
File: 1568289918450.jpg (338.93 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20190912_130336.jpg)

Maddie seems to outdo her creepy obsession posts every time
No. 701661
File: 1568295318831.jpeg (564.13 KB, 750x1063, 0C1678AE-D382-499D-8BF2-ABE883…)

invisible ???? pose
No. 701662
File: 1568295660798.png (1.76 MB, 750x1334, 5B5FB21B-AA08-4798-A533-731CD6…)

No. 701675
>>701490this is so depressing. it's literally just chicken and vegetables with probably some spices for flavor. Common moo you can do this
>>701572yeah that's correct, but can we really assume that moo knows anything about GoT?
>>701661invisible water bottle pose
No. 701699
File: 1568302145829.png (2.17 MB, 1244x2048, Screenshot_20190912-112849.png)

Still making incorrect quotes, I see. God she's so dumb.
No. 701839
>>701699I swear she purposely fucks with phrases to be 'quirky'
In unrelated is she not doing a halloween passion project this year?
No. 702097
>>695389>>701699I'm confused….are you mad because she capitalized the T in "tu"?
Et tu, Brute? is the literal quote or is she saying someone else other then Julius Caesar said this?
No. 702166
File: 1568341746383.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190912-212959_Red…)

From reddit.
No. 702170
File: 1568342885761.jpg (204.58 KB, 595x470, 20190912_194441.jpg)

>>702166 Not only did she do another poor photoshop job (the blinds are curved on both sides), she forgot to slim down one area of her neck, and now it looks like she has swollen lymph nodes.
No. 702303
File: 1568353454737.jpg (525.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190913-004431_Ins…)

We all know this is a like. If you had it bleached, the surrounding area wouldnt look like you didnt know how to wipe.
No. 702306
>>702298caesar actually said it in Greek according to Suetonius (καὶ σύ, τέκνον;) so any translation is fine, personally I've seen it mostly quoted as "et tu, Brute ?"
sage for sperg.
No. 702309
File: 1568354025918.png (1.3 MB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-09-12-22-48-06…)

>Umbran uploads her comics about going to Moo's
>first comic is her talking to Moo about wrestling together. Moo says she "doesn't wrestle with cute girls"
>second is with Kevin. They mess around as he is cooking in the kitchen. He accidentally steps on Guzma's tail. Moo apparently gets so angry with rage she grabs Kevin by the throat and lifts him into the air
No. 702315
File: 1568354550561.png (Spoiler Image,963.8 KB, 715x962, Screenshot_2019-09-12-22-56-35…)

>>702309Reminder: Moo is working at Sensei's tomorrow
No. 702362
File: 1568375685785.png (17.79 KB, 810x333, duh.png)

>>702298Anon you need to read more. You guys are being nitpicky as hell and a 2 second google would show you that
(et tu derailing) No. 702378
>>702363It also highlights how she believes it's a-okay to physically assault people if Mariah's the one doing it. Guess she wouldn't say the same if one of her
victims confronted her exactly the same way…
No. 702446
File: 1568396173502.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 33564A4D-4B12-4F98-B121-5CA597…)

I hate UmbranWitch with a passion but she literally did Mariah wrong with this sketch…next thread pic please
No. 702465
>>702454Don’t do Junji Ito dirty like that. At least he has the decency not to draw on fucking lined paper lol
>>702446Sleep paralysis demon Moo.
No. 702510
File: 1568405052685.jpg (968.55 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190913-150446_Ins…)

Moo is doing the social media for his tattoo shop and the grammar shows….
No. 702658
File: 1568418067674.jpg (383.15 KB, 1080x1535, 20190913_193737.jpg)

Never thought to look in the tagged photos but there are some gems in there. Like this drawing of her in her wario outfit
No. 702709
>>702677 Every single photo has warped blinds in the background. Every single one.
The poor use of facetuning is on full display.
No. 702848
File: 1568446398688.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1620x2160, 395CCADD-EFC9-4A0D-A071-C3CB72…)

Mentally challenged and demented grandma misplaced her bra again.
No. 702878
File: 1568460933567.jpg (674.92 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190914_022315.jpg)

Is she dying her hair again? I found this on Twitter.
No. 702909
>>702878Looks like it. Nothing unusual/milky about that though. Silver dye fades extremely quickly and re-dyeing that doesn’t damage the hair. Most brands like manic panic, overtone (which I think she’s using), crazy color etc are actually rather a pigmented conditioner.
It’s the bleach that fucks up her hair.
No. 702958
File: 1568477171693.jpg (141.82 KB, 713x1280, photo_2019-09-14_12-04-03.jpg)

But anon, you missed the best part, her reply where she says she tanned and is ASIAN
No. 702976
>>702958Yeah she isn't doing this for Arab points, she wants to trick people into thinking she's East Asian. Which most people, even Arabs, don't consider the Middle East to be part of East Asia.
She did the same with Italian when Jersey Shore was hot shit.
No. 702980
>>702958This is the second time she's spelled it "LEBEANSE" jesus christ.
But tbh she obviously comes from darker-skinned family roots (its blatant in her high school pics, straight up tan-skinned with her mom's face features). She was never white passing until she started cosplaying and editing her pics to be SUPER pale, which seems like an insult in itself to her heritage that she parades around so much. She's failed at a body-posi fat woman (the lipo) and now is failing at being a body-posi POC (the pale skin editing). She could've been so much.
…and I think that Mariah thinks "being Muslim" is some kind of race/skin thing. I'm not actually sure if she knows that being Muslim just means you're part of the religion of Islam. I don't know if I've ever seen her even use the name of it.
No. 702987
File: 1568480812050.png (1.53 MB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2019-09-14-10-05-10…)

Why us she going to Oregon with Squarecuck?
No. 703034
File: 1568484280453.jpeg (653.91 KB, 1920x1920, 7CCB2A1F-2D45-4915-B756-80B6B8…)

>>702926>when I was in Hawaii I tanned immenselytopkek
Sure, Jan.
No. 703045
>>702926Oh god she's screeching she's asian again. She is reaching Mira levels of crazy. She also didn't tan at all while she was in Hawaii. Anyone with eyes can she she's white. I guess she's mad she looks more like an ugly kardashian than a…. "asian"
Also her claiming she's muslim this hard is going to bite her in the ass. When she hasn't practice any holidays these past years, only celebrates Christian holidays, her wearing crosses in the past.
Can someone explain why she's obsessed with this? Is it just so she can go around saying she's asian for weeb points?
No. 703206
>>703045Also why the fuck would you brag about being raised muslim?
But I do think her only saying "being raised" means she isn't practicing, so celebrating American holidays isn't that odd.
No. 703214
File: 1568499236647.jpeg (660.86 KB, 2048x2048, 12E1EA1E-56D9-42E0-83A5-B9A1BA…)

>>703034“I tanned like crazy in Hawaii!!”
No, moo, you photoshopped yourself orange after Hawaii
No. 703215
>>703206she used it for pity points, claiming that she stopped wearing hijab cause people would grab it off her head. as if she'd have been the only one in her class/school. as if she'd have been allowed not to wear it. as if she didn't brag about being an italian bitch in all of those cringy twitter posts from HS.
it's gross because she's clearly not muslim, just arabic.
No. 703289
File: 1568508422177.jpg (9.62 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>703281She only pulls this out when she's getting backlash about it please dont fall for her BS.
The fact that she was able to lie about being italian shows that she was light skinned enough to pull that off and please remember than she's not that old so when she was growing up was in the prime 'jersey shore everyone tan' days so she wouldnt have gotten shit for having a slightly darker skin tone.
She was super pasty when she was obese when she was younger and if you ignore the quality of the photo, even when she was skinny and doing sports she was never that dark skinned (the only reason she looks darker there is because of the bad photo quality.)
She has always been lighter skinned so dont even try giving her excuses especially since back then moo was even more of an insufferable cunt who constantly posted about how much of a 'bad bitch' she was and also bullied other people viciously.
No. 703429
>>703306I for one do believe she got shit about her last name. But that’s about it and that’s something
anyone with an unusual last name will experience, regardless of its origins.
That‘s not what discrimination is.
No. 703490
File: 1568525670839.png (1018.23 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2019-09-14-22-26-23…)

Went to Oregon to overeat…
No. 703493
File: 1568525778954.png (870.55 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-09-14-22-25-47…)

>>703491Another cosplayer she's with posted this
No. 703663
>>703426The more stuff like this happens in this thread, the more I actually believe that MamoKONyah is the one who’s behind most of the derailing.
Come on famiante, were better than this. Every time we derail, she wins.
No. 703820
File: 1568564497380.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1125x1715, 5E5E5410-8CF8-43F1-A5A9-417317…)

No. 703865
>>703860Shes not hard up at all. She has almost 1k fans on OnlyFans now and that's, whats her content, $15 a sub? I deal with OF and they take, probably from $15, $4 for processing. For $5, you get even $1 taken out, and that's not including the taxes you have to take out.
Tbh, this and combined with Patreon, she is making crazy bank. I dont want to get into this too much because people like to think 'she's hard on money' all the time, but Moo knows how to get cuckbucks. Anyone with a subpar editor and shitty poses and a literal team behind them because they can't do shit themselves, can make easy money. Moo does this shit for free promo or paid promo. She follows all these surgery, spa, and now recruiter accounts to help boost her shit and it works. Even leaking shit gets her more fans somehow even though its there, free.
No. 704012
File: 1568579493889.jpg (92.33 KB, 1079x444, Screenshot_20190915-133212_Ins…)

inch arresting
No. 704027
>>704012Momo anyone with eyes can see you're white.
But she really needs to be more honest. It's 10's of thousands of rounds of lipo suction and cosmetic surgery. Her body has nothing to do with her genetics
No. 704063
File: 1568581918284.jpeg (859.13 KB, 745x1105, AB5AA69A-EA20-4DAA-B5CC-2146FB…)

this is the most “normal” she’s looked in awhile
No. 704068
File: 1568582050489.jpeg (822.26 KB, 750x1096, C5F6B937-C7A6-4BFB-97A5-2EF6ED…)

>>704063A early birthday, last slide is just her food
No. 704083
>>704027I don't know anon, if she was waddling about in Australia, a lot of people would say she looks like a fat wog or leb bogan.
I get that she's white, but you can tell she's mixed with something.
That person's comment on Insta was cringe though.
No. 704347
File: 1568602977427.jpg (663.98 KB, 720x987, 20190915_195937.jpg)

This isn't milky. It's merely an observation.
Anybody else notice how much this particular shot resembles at least one of the photos she took during her first trip to Japan? Same pose. Same clothes. Same aesthetic.
No. 704374
>>704372The leggings aren't that weird honestly. Lots of people wear them.
But most people don't wear hoodies when it's 100+ degrees outside (referring to when she's in Vegas, not Oregon)
No. 704462
>>704320 It's no surprise that Mariah is taking a bigger shine to Squarecuck than Miso, since Square provides a service that Miso cannot.
Seems like ages ago when Miso and Square were supposed to move to Vegas together. Makes me wonder if Mariah would still theoretically want that to happen, since it could pose a threat to the seemingly intimate connection she's trying to establish with her photographer.
No. 704561
File: 1568612018916.png (1.86 MB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-09-15-22-23-41…)

No. 704566
File: 1568612276395.png (797.51 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-09-15-22-23-59…)

>>704561The way she eats the dessert brownie in the next instastory, saying "Emiyyaaaa" tells how plastered she is
No. 704572
>>704168Lol I'm not 'set' on defending her. I rarely even post in the Moo thread. All I said is she looks like a fat leb/wog. It's just an opinion anon, no need to show your
entire Lebanese community
>someone on the Moo thread made an offhand comment saying she kinda does look leb to them, better screech that she DOES NOT and show all my lebanese friends for their opinion!Lol
(calm down) No. 704576
File: 1568612968119.png (755.22 KB, 720x1206, Screenshot_2019-09-15-22-48-56…)

No. 704605
>>704593 If this were true, you wouldn't have complete radio silence on Miso Tokki's end. She has to be stewing in anger. Mariah isn't posting about her in IG stories anymore, gushing about how much she loves Miso and shit.
But I'll tell you what the real deciding factor will be in this equation, and that's Maddie. If Maddie stops obsessively posting cringy shit, then it's fair to assume she's aware of a deepening connection between Square and Moo.
Don't take this as an argument, as I won't be on to do any back and forth. But I think there's more than enough reason to speculate and keep a close watch on any developments and patterns.
No. 704906
File: 1568652715139.png (90.24 KB, 564x414, shitty.png)

By the way, physical rewards are delayed, but Moo could send out her stickers and keychains LOL
I have zero idea why she bothered doing physical again when she was behind for 1.5 years last time.
No. 705230
File: 1568700581429.png (463.71 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-09-16-23-03-38…)

No. 705244
File: 1568702896684.png (2.31 MB, 1125x2436, 753C250C-19A8-48BA-B776-D0A479…)

she’s freaking out right now
No. 705245
File: 1568702941078.png (2.33 MB, 1125x2436, EAF14D16-4CB7-4F96-8992-206924…)

No. 705247
File: 1568703084793.png (3.24 MB, 1125x2436, F2C846A5-05D7-43C2-AC16-A1AF80…)

No. 705252
>>705230>>705232>>705233I'm with
>>705237. Solid guess. She was supposed to fly back from Portland tonight, so the timing is peculiar.
At least Moo can always fall into the arms of Umbrantwitch, after telling Maddie she wasn't interested in anybody whenever Maddie first "caught feelings" for Moo. Guess Maddie didn't look enough like an Asian guy for Mariah's liking.
No. 705499
>>705230>>705232>>705233All this is rich considering all the shit she makes other people do for her just to acknowledge them as her friends. Of course, a friendship is never a friendship to her, it's a transaction. Normal people don't do nice things for their friends expecting to be paid back. She is the epitome of a
toxic "friend".
No. 705614
>>705499>>705247>>705245>>705244She is the type of friend who will literally insist you take her money, buys things for you "as a surprise" and holds it over your head like you're the one who wants all of it
If you don't want to feel used stop trying to buy all your friends
No. 705712
File: 1568757988835.jpg (23.13 KB, 720x407, FB_IMG_1568376404892.jpg)

>>705236She is so uncreative. This is something she can just stick her tits or ass crack out for a quick buck before she heads out for ramen.
At least we'll have proof she bathed recently.
No. 705748
>>705230>>705232>>705233holyshit, this is glorious. thank you for the caps. She's losing her shit. Who is it for this time?
>>705614Yup! this is exactly her type. She'll get you a gift and say no strings attached, but have a breakdown and back talk the person when they dont reciprocate .
No. 705997
File: 1568785607477.png (Spoiler Image,212.2 KB, 720x1044, Screenshot_2019-09-17-22-40-49…)

Bought a new lingerie set from Honey Birdette. Bra goes up to 38G and bottoms is XL.
No. 705998
File: 1568785695454.png (557.86 KB, 720x1138, Screenshot_2019-09-17-22-40-24…)

>>705997Actual model photo
No. 705999
File: 1568785706816.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, FF146D9D-ECFC-496A-9449-49F1F5…)

>>705997She posted the pic on IG.
No. 706006
>>705997XL MIGHT fit if she hikes them all the way up, but she is NOT a 38. At least a 42, pushing it with a 40. She's going to be squeezing into the bra and pushups already run slightly tighter to add more lift.
I dont know why she doesnt buy customized, sexy indie brand lingerie from places like Etsy.
No. 706010
>>706006Can't flex a no-name Etsy artist set on insta. Plus she's too ashamed to give anyone her real measurements.
There are plenty of plus sized lingerie sites, even fucking Torrid. I don't understand why she makes herself look even worse by squeezing into sizes from 3 years ago
No. 706217
File: 1568835231529.png (Spoiler Image,782.56 KB, 720x972, Screenshot_2019-09-18-12-30-44…)

Posted her boba set
No. 706219
File: 1568835295906.png (Spoiler Image,465 KB, 551x815, Screenshot_2019-09-18-12-30-56…)

>>706217Hilarious ass edit
No. 706236
File: 1568835960930.png (202.04 KB, 553x553, why.png)

>>706217Whenever I CAN notice the chin lipo is just makes her chin look like a shitty 'fat makeup'
This might be the worst she's looked in a set for me
Also moo what happened to your totally legit sponsorship/partnership? Just because you couldnt get away with lying about getting paid doesnt mean you can post this without giving credit…
No. 706319
File: 1568853570529.png (1.23 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-09-18-17-35-27…)

No. 706320
File: 1568853643635.png (775.52 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-09-18-17-35-33…)

>>706319Hairsenseiblaine is over with Froggie, I assume
No. 706322
File: 1568854031719.png (744.47 KB, 720x1096, Screenshot_2019-09-18-17-43-08…)

>>706320She's been liking alot of recycled costume ideas and lingerie on Etsy but not even a second after Bishoujomom posts Poison Ivy does she put it on her wishlist
No. 706332
>>706322Bishoujo Mom hasn't done poison ivy lately, thats reaching
Altho I can think of a couple other people she'd be copying
No. 706404
File: 1568866067079.png (800.87 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2019-09-18-21-05-30…)

I guess Square is living there as a roommate.
No. 706406
File: 1568866204972.jpg (Spoiler Image,415.94 KB, 720x1096, 20190918_210441.jpg)

>>706332 Are you trying to say that Mariah isn't blatantly ripping her off with that wishlist addition? Look at the outfit. Definitely not a reach. Juliette is one of Mariah's main plagiarism targets. Always has been.
No. 706506
>>706505it looks like maybe the bra is two layers, the main cup, then a band or strap kind of thing behind and above it, and Moo put the band part over the top of her tits instead of where it sits on the model? …maybe it didn't fit?
>>706503eyes look asymmetric and droopy again, or is that just the makeup?
No. 706509
File: 1568882142430.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.46 KB, 1440x1138, edit.jpg)

>>706505>>706506It looks like its two straps.
Also interesting to see she's not wearing the garter belt
No. 706514
>>706503The fact that she has to keep holding the sides of her panties up and out to keep it from eating into her flab is hilarious. It’s in literally EVERY one of her sets. She’s just too delusional to buy shit in her actual size. The bra holding on for dear life is killing me!
This photo also looks like it was shot in some serial killer’s sex dungeon…
No. 706524
>>706509That bra is straight up struggling to make sense of her pancake tits. The straps are folding/laying across her chest really oddly and the actual cups are sitting super low on her torso, offering no support. She's both using her hands to hold her tits up as well as keeping the undie straps from exposing her heft. kek.
>>706487Spot on. The texture is so bizarre. It's like they crimped the hair and brushed it out before plastering it into shape with too much hairspray? That wig is wrecked.
No. 706526
>>706506Moo cannot dress herself. Remember the backwards and inside out garter belt? Or that one Adam&Eve slutty maids skirt that she wore around her waist? Bitch is legit special needs.
She can keep riding them beta cuck bucks into obscurity, it's hilarious. Although at this point they aren't cucks because she isn't getting laid.
No. 706531
>>706406orange hair and a green outfit doesnt mean its poison ivy
She literally never says its a cosplay
No. 706566
File: 1568899367207.jpeg (545.09 KB, 750x1099, 86750C46-CB8D-4CEE-BC05-73BBE3…)

No. 706569
>>706566I swear after every photo shoot, she always has to lie down in bed cause "it's hard work"
It's only 20 photos Mariah not a 8-hour shift
No. 706620
>>706526And the backwards shirts.
>>706566She always does these blow-up doll blank faces that make her look maximum retarded. And how is sitting around a long day? There are 24 hours in a day and the only thing she did was take a few pictures in 30 minutes.
No. 706633
File: 1568908576791.jpg (1.73 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190919-085441_Ins…)

The difference says 40. But warmup was prob 10 mins.
THOSE ARENT EVEN LIKE HILL HILLS. Jfc Moo. Those are soft green grass humps of land. You barely did SHIT. I assumed like a dumbass he was taking her hiking.
No. 706666
File: 1568911945065.jpeg (550.8 KB, 750x1084, 645C9FCC-DF39-467C-BE75-D212E0…)

No. 706667
>>706661230 is about an XXL or size 18/20 for pants, so her fitting into an XL is a joke which is why she's trying to shard to pull the straps away from her.
Im really really confused about whats happening with the top though. I dont understand where those over boob straps came from. They make zero sense from a style standpoint too because they would be pressing down on the boobs while her wire is pushing her up.. Moo is so dumb. Illfitting clothes aren't cute unless they are usually bottoms.
No. 706668
File: 1568912161629.jpg (1.06 MB, 1620x2160, IT DONT FIT.jpg)

No. 706677
>>706676Stop saying she is stealing people's shit. Cuck started doing boudoir and lingerie shoots lately, she's hopping on his dick for those as thats how thots sell shit now, not just cosplay.
Can you stop sperging about Bishoujo and Bunny and the other thots that havent had contact with Moo in two years? All 3 of them have her blocked just so you know. Not saying she doesn't have side accounts, but the anons reaching over every thing and saying another thot does is.. There are 1000s of thots doing the same shit.
No. 706685
>>706668the toilet paper in the background tho
It hurts my crotch just to look at her pulling those strings up to her waist when they’re supposed to be on her hip. And just imagine how terrible this wedgie must look at the back…
No. 706688
File: 1568913906013.jpg (51.03 KB, 780x1020, 1_924992f5-4daf-43ff-9458-1b84…)

>>706681Judging by the bottoms, she went for the Bra+Thong set that didn't come with the garter
No. 706715
>>706691If you think she looks 170 here at all you really dont know body sizes. Note the fat hanging out by his armpit. look how small her hands are on her stomach. Even ignoring the angles she still looks easily over 200.
She looks so garbage in this. Look where the underwear is supposed to sit and how she has to have it hiked up. She really has no idea how to get good pictures huh? It looks like she took this thing with a old Nokia flip phone
No. 706755
>>706692>the new red stretch marks I don't fucking get it.
She has the money to lipo fat cells out of her body on a whim (she'd be touching 300 pounds by now without it). She does fuck all throughout the day and has free time to do anything since she doesn't work. Including taking her ass for a walk.
She could thereotically eat healthy meals every day because she can afford to eat out, and even if she didn't want to she can buy anything to cook and had the time.
HOW is she still fucking up so badly?!
No. 706822
File: 1568934704638.png (1.42 MB, 720x1205, Screenshot_2019-09-19-16-02-38…)

Must be nice to have slaves
No. 706827
File: 1568935011813.png (1.28 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-09-19-16-08-52…)

>>706826Why does she pretend to have suicidal tendencies
No. 706851
File: 1568936226087.jpeg (985.63 KB, 1125x1822, 67D7DCC4-B9D5-413E-B7D2-06AEA8…)

No. 706877
>>706871Can you imagine if she had to work a regular job like everyone else? She’d completely fall apart.
It doesn’t even matter how much money she has to blow anymore, she’s always going to be a miserable cunt who doesn’t appreciate how good she has it.
No. 706895
File: 1568943709715.png (669.49 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-09-19-18-40-21…)

No. 706925
File: 1568950664317.png (560.83 KB, 638x732, oh lawd she comin.png)

out for food with antares, square, aly, brandon, brandon's friend that was there for the nerf night, sniperwolf, digitalnex, and two others i didn't recognize
No. 706929
File: 1568951016077.jpg (320.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190919-204019_Ins…)

>>706925 Wish someone could record this clip. The way her arms ripple after she claps is horrifying.
No. 706952
>>706945I thought she lost 20lbs or whatever. Why is she rocking new stretchmarks?
>>706904She'd look good in any lingerie that actually fit her. I remember she did a set in purple lacy stuff with the shitty Samus wig not too long ago and it looked nice.
No. 706966
File: 1568958905673.png (919.16 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-09-19-22-51-24…)

Did she get lipo on one arm?
No. 706975
>>706952It's suspected she had more secret rounds of cool sculpting done since her more recent round of lipo was already undone. So the weight lost was actually lipo+cool sculpting.
I don't know what kind of quacks Momo is going to at this point. No ethical doctor would give Momo lipo with her levels of visceral fat. But soon not even they will do shit for her and she will be in some back alley doctor in Mexico
No. 707080
File: 1569000389141.jpg (299.4 KB, 1360x521, how.jpg)

Amazing this was once the same person
No. 707215
File: 1569024967036.png (1.22 MB, 720x1201, Screenshot_2019-09-20-17-05-55…)

No. 707238
>>707215How would she know she's down 25 pounds right after a workout? This makes no sense. Show us a side by side moo. Sure you'll photoshop and angle it but anyone who is seriously trying to lose weight, especially if they lost 20+ pounds would be posting progress pictures from the front and side.
I bet you're really excited for that next lipo session.
I honest to god dont understand why she doesnt just get a weight loss surgery, she's big enough for it and it would make her actually lose weight.
No. 707243
>>707238>WLS Even if she did that, she’d end up like those patients who break their bands (or stretch out their stomachs after the fact) because she wouldn’t follow post-op instructions - which are for life if you get WLS.
Yeah it might be for the better at this point but there’s no way she’d listen to her doctor if she’s not listening to them now for how many procedures she’s getting done.
No. 707258
File: 1569031188562.png (749.65 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-09-20-18-53-35…)

>>707238Her proof was "posing" in her gym bathroom
No. 707270
File: 1569033062080.jpg (16.22 KB, 309x309, 1K2aVAw2_400x400.jpg)

>>707259I see no difference
No. 707325
File: 1569040191500.png (732.47 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-09-20-21-27-42…)

No. 707344
>>707272coolsculpting doesn't last usually. only time it really lasts is when someone has gone from a really fat body to a healthy one that they maintain, and the coolsculpting helps rid the body of leftover, empty fat cells that dont disappear naturally even though they literally have no use anymore (i.e will never be refilled)
thats not whats happened here. this chick has coolsculpted regular fat cells that were likely still 'in use', which only works temporarily. even if she doesn't overeat from here on in (and is that likely anyway?) and stays the same weight, those fat cells she got rid of will end up developing again due to natural process. and if she loses weight, her body will change shape and the effect will disappear anyway(as the surroundeding fat cells deflate).
so no this wont last, no matter what she does.
No. 707433
File: 1569063616920.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, ACAAD238-A7CE-4FA0-B450-79DD09…)

i thought she was muslim
No. 707595
File: 1569101968468.jpg (33.89 KB, 720x960, 71381794_1739566806188261_1702…)

No. 707643
File: 1569108927645.png (Spoiler Image,1.14 MB, 938x1250, 413962c.png)

It's almost the same as the censored.
No. 707665
File: 1569113375955.jpeg (399.07 KB, 750x1008, 7088A38C-E577-435C-816C-FEB1D8…)

No. 707679
File: 1569114007490.jpg (471.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190921-175146_Ins…)

>>707665 Looks like this ugly one-piece bikini is going to be directly involved with the OnlyFans shower set she's been hyping up lately. And these Polaroids look terrible.
No. 707689
File: 1569114450707.png (Spoiler Image,860.01 KB, 720x1240, Screenshot_2019-09-21-18-00-16…)

Reddit incoming
No. 707691
File: 1569114583074.jpeg (160.42 KB, 750x391, F24804A6-22E9-49B6-8B4C-34A985…)

>>707689grandma slips in the tub again
No. 707692
File: 1569114663443.png (Spoiler Image,418.7 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-09-21-18-00-34…)

>>7076901 dollar tier, apparently
No. 707707
>>707700Moo has no "fulfillment team". It's limited to fifty because Moo knows she can't sell much more than that, and having it "fill up" makes it looks like there's more demand than there actually is. In fact, I really doubt anyone even asked the question she's answering.
No. 707829
>>707689Seems like the back lipo was the only procedure to take. Her back boobies don’t look like DDs anymore.
Also, girl, those blisters on your feet are rough. Get some better running shoes cause…damn.
No. 707851
File: 1569127591875.png (1.11 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-09-21-21-41-43…)

Aly posted these. This is Moo's filthy room
No. 707879
File: 1569132604959.jpg (3.34 MB, 4128x3096, 20190921_230520.jpg)

Always ready to mingle so shoot your shots.
No. 707881
>>707837Well yea I mean I can see they are still there. But they don’t seem as pronounced as before. Them bitches were huge before.
>>707879She should be ashamed of those extensions.
No. 707888
>>707692Getting some Pixyteri vibes from these
>>707852Also, we all know moo isn't smart enough for any of the puzzles in Catherine.
No. 707939
File: 1569151551443.jpg (186.68 KB, 1024x1821, 71044544_377132536558111_24678…)

how many times is she going to celebrate her birthday this year?
No. 708022
File: 1569170961842.jpg (9.5 KB, 320x180, slot.jpg)

>>708020It looks more like Catherine since she is a blonde succubus
No. 708123
File: 1569189675789.png (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 1076x1399, C294F74A-A9E3-4036-865E-39D287…)

didn’t see this posted yet
No. 708124
File: 1569189614773.png (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 1076x1399, C294F74A-A9E3-4036-865E-39D287…)

didn’t see this posted yet
No. 708133
File: 1569193117899.png (1.36 MB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2019-09-22-15-54-17…)

No. 708168
>>707939any excuse to eat cake anon.
She's feeling giddy cuz she went through her yearly rounds of lipo and cool sculpting she she's shoving everything down her maw. that and it forces her "friends" to be around her
No. 708191
File: 1569197262287.jpg (670.33 KB, 977x517, gross slam piggy.jpg)

>>708123>>707939Wait, Did she wear that underneath for her birthday??
No. 708245
File: 1569203939040.png (1.01 MB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2019-09-22-18-56-08…)

No. 708311
>>708191Why would you think that? She’s just wearing the same hoodie in both and chances are it’s just the only clean one she has/fits in. She probably wore it for the shoot to make the look more quirky/hide her arm flabs and how badly the bikini strings are cutting into her skin (if she was able to tie them up, which is questionable).
>>708170Her last round of lipo didn’t include her stomach. Just face/arms/back boobs. She either genuinely lost weight or it’s again positioning/angles/sucking in/editing which imo is more likely.
No. 708321
>>708145fyi you can get stretch marks from losing weight and all kinds of other shit, it's from hormones not weight gain specifically
sage for nothing
No. 708342
File: 1569220660429.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.55 KB, 1145x922, of2.jpg)

I fucking told you anons. She;'s using the fucking pasties still. You couldn't see them well in the slingkini shoot thing, but she's even doing it on livetsream too. Holy fuck.
No. 708355
>>708342again with that mouth thing. close it, it doesn't make you look better
>>708343those tits look sad and deflated. Hard to beleive she's 24
>>708351why you gotta do my boy kratos like that
No. 708362
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No. 708435
File: 1569253308406.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.83 KB, 1082x1776, trg1o0uy1do31.jpg)

No. 708437
>>708402Her cosplay room has been a mess since the dawn of time but I'm mostly anally
triggered that she has so many cube shelves but didn't buy any of the little cloth bins that you're supposed to put in them. It makes being lazy and throwing shit in them so much easier.
No. 708468
File: 1569257171523.jpg (Spoiler Image,176.61 KB, 2400x1080, 1af2baf.jpg)

No. 708490
>>708482>>708483They're pearl panties meant to have the black part over the front like normal and the pearls along the crotch. She's simply too fat for them and bought 2 of them under the assumption she broke the first pair.
>>708489Popular "gravure" sex pose.
Also does anyone notice in the "pearl1.mp4" clip she has a weird scar or ripple on her stomach where the stretch marks are? Is it botched?
No. 708492
File: 1569259779300.jpeg (Spoiler Image,238.33 KB, 750x421, B1EEF489-3312-4D13-B1C1-DD962A…)

this is actually horrifying
No. 708496
File: 1569260161928.jpg (294.06 KB, 500x276, IMG_20190921_231217.jpg)

>>708485Mariah seems to have no problem showing 95% of her coochie and "bleached" asshole, but still feels the need to wear pasties. I don't get it. Also lol at her trying to spread her ass when there's no ass to spread.
No. 708502
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No. 708504
File: 1569261632501.jpg (Spoiler Image,480.16 KB, 1080x1495, endmylife.jpg)

>>708492I watched the clip and I really don't get what the face she's making is supposed to be. Sexy??? Though her face really is the least of her worries here. Just horrifying.
No. 708545
>>708494don't compare her to those sluts. She doesn't do porn, she's a cosplayer
Before anyone gets mad, read the above with sarcasm
No. 708555
>>708554As other anons have mentioned before that’s certainly not the only reason. It also helps to prevent the strings on the sides to cut into her hips and also allows her to wear 1-2 sizes smaller than she actually is.
Not like any of this was a secret up until now.
No. 708561
>>708471>>708343Boobs are supposed be muscles, not . . . sad sacks that look like they're full of tiny beads.
Those stretch marks are just terrifying, is it common for obese women?
No. 708585
>>708561they're not supposed to be muscles lol. breast fat you get during puberty is just more dense than fat you gain from weight gain. however moo's boobs are very saggy and shallow from the breast reduction she had.
she has stretch marks because she keeps getting lipo and gaining it all right back. but i disagree with some people ITT, not everyone gets stretch marks.
No. 708595
>>708570We are talking about her stomach. Follow the discussion or dont comment on it.
>>708561Boobs ARE sacks of fat you dumbass. They are not muscles.
Are these dudes asking and saying dumb shit??
No. 708596
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No. 708604
>>708595Shit, you're right.
I meant that they look too deflated to be full of anything. Deflated american footballs maybe?
No. 708607
>>708599This looks like she photoshoped her boobs in.
She's only calling it "cringe" because other people would call her out if she didn't. She probably thinks they're super kawaii
No. 708615
File: 1569286625119.png (473.84 KB, 720x1052, untitled.png)

sage for shitpost
No. 708617
File: 1569287031405.png (501.54 KB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2019-09-23-17-52-57…)

No. 708623
>>708596Yeah… no shit, Mariah. Just about
anything will be ill-fitting if it’s several sizes too small for your body.
You know what might help? Admitting your actual size to yourself. And give up on shit that doesn’t cater to your ‘morbidly obese’ measurements.
No. 708629
Info from a user on dA fArMs:
"Last night Momo did a livestream for her fans, it was planned for 9 pst but in spectacular fashion it was almost an hour late and had to be restarted three times. I'm new to all of this so i'm not sure if there was a way to archive it or anything but I still remember the interesting things she said. Sorry if any of this is already known.
First things first, she made at least $900 in the hour long stream
She charged $5 for people to send her dick pics, a lot of people appearently jumped at this.
She had some goals for how much she made: at $300 she put on pasties, at $500 she put lube on her tits, at $700 she showed off her biggest dildo which was about the size of her forearm, and at $800 she put on her pearl panties, the first pair she tried didnt fit so she had to go get another.
Now for things that's been said:
>She doesn't know how to twerk but plans on having someone teach her.
>She wants to have another surgery on her breast to make them not hang as much.
>She talked about how men should be more open to using sex toys on themselves and how she loves using them on men.
>She appearently loves cuckolding and has cucked a guy before.
>She also likes hentai where guys fuck girls armpits.
>Black guys, mexicans, and asian guys are the nicest to her while shes had bad experiences with white men, specifically famous/twitter checkmarked guys. She appearently gets a lot of famous djs in her DMs.
That's about all I could really remember that stood out, she will be streaming again this Tuesday and i'll probably catch it for anymore information, hopefully this one doesn't make me start falling asleep towards the end again."
No. 708636
>>708343yeah, 25 pound weight loss. absolutely.
No. 708703
File: 1569299128429.png (558.08 KB, 589x423, aa986b040d61f38374914165e40e86…)

>>708468HOW does anyone find that attractive? Her boob is literally melting into her waist and goes BELOW it. I don't get how she isn't insanely embarrassed at how disgusting she looks. If she doesn't get a boob job + boob lift this year or next year, I'll be shocked, because they look like sad soggy pancakes.
No. 708730
>>708686Seriously. I laughed reading this list. Who is she trying to kid? Is this her “on cam” persona? Cause ok I guess putting on an act for cam makes sense but she’s just straight up making shit up for clout.
>loves using sex toys on menKek her funniest lie.
No. 708737
File: 1569305316320.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.59 KB, 986x544, pendulous.jpg)

>>708726that thumbnail is something else
No. 708759
>>708706all Hispanic/spanish speaking people = Mexicans
okay Momo
No. 708763
>>708745So she does drugs, heading towards morbid obesity, drinks, never works out and is now smoking cigs?
Guess she wants to sprint towards a shitter body and the grave. Girl is already having breathing problems from just a few steps.
No. 708773
File: 1569312407954.png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 947x1074, godwhy.png)

>>708726What a horror show. Highlights for those who don't want to see the beast in action.
>points out her lipo scars and laughs about it>brags about popular DJs sliding into her DMs>calls her saggy udders "cute" multiple times>keeps making awkward duckfaces>shows off her hitachi and tells dudes to try one on their ballsAlso, her boobs are getting farther and father away from each other as she gains. Very "cute" mooriah.
No. 708775
File: 1569312609905.png (Spoiler Image,706.69 KB, 815x536, awful.png)

>>708773Bonus pic of the unshopped back end of the cow. I'm sorry.
No. 708800
>>708775her ugly body between the unnaturally fit dbz figs is *chef's kiss especially with that titty dribbling like a raindrop down her bod
>She charged $5 for people to send her dick pics, a lot of people appearently jumped at this.if men continue to be this retarded she'll last forever
No. 708843
File: 1569333342397.jpeg (315.69 KB, 700x700, DC2ADFC1-5D04-45D2-8DE6-602A6B…)

With the current hype around Borderlands 3 I just thought of the perfect character for her to cosplay. It would match her actual proportions for once.
No. 708916
>>708822I don't understand why you guys
want her to get surgery on her boobs. Somebody has said she reads these forums? If that's true, we shouldn't encourage her to keep piling surgeries on her body. Yes her tits look very bad rn but surgery shouldn't have to be the answer. As much as it's fun to make fun of her, I don't see the point in wishing her more physical harm, and like the other anon said she's probably avoiding it with good reason.
No. 708947
>>708922Unless you're mooriah herself, even you have to understand the shock of people wondering how an early 20 year old can look like her.
An early 20 year who hasn't worked hard a day in her life.
No. 708991
>>708984Not really at this point. The skin lost all the elasticity. If she loses weight they will sag more, if she gains the weight will still make the skin head south. It's a lose lose situation for her.
She needs a breast lift however she risks something getting botched since she already had a lift and reduction.
She's on her final days. She doesn't even do cosplay anymore. Everything she does is lewd since actual cosplay doesn't pull in any cash for her. The only people she pulls in is fat fetishist and feeders.
No. 709052
>>708916No one "wanted" her to get surgery, anon. Way back when she was still "thicc Samus" and begun rapidly gaining, many anons were saying she should just watch what she eats and hit the gym. Instead she kept gaining and tried to cover it up with multiple rounds of lipo and shitty ab sculpting. She's already had a boob lift and reduction done in the past, she's the sole reason her body looks the way it does now and if she keeps relying on surgery to try to counteract her unhealthy lifestyle, she's only going to keep morphing more and more into a sad lumpy blob.
>>708939Exactly this.
>>709000Yeah, unfortunately for her, she's too far gone at this point and would have to get another lift to fix it. She's gained so much now that if she ever did lose the weight, she'd have to get loose skin removed.
No. 709218
File: 1569389881048.png (2.95 MB, 1242x2208, 70C220E6-263D-4038-B018-4C17F0…)

She has people over to do her hair, clean her house for her, assemble furniture, make her outfits, now spa treatments? Pretty soon she’ll need someone over to dress her and wipe her ass.
No. 709245
>>709221Because with the state of her physical and mental health it would be better for her to leave the house more regularly to do things.
As someone else said: At this rate it won’t be long before she lets people come over to do even more basic things than
brushing her own fucking hair for her. She’s not only letting people doing those things for her because she can, but also because she’s to an extent incapable of doing them herself.
She admitted to not combing her hair regularly. It’s evident from her pictures that she simply
can’t feed herself proper food.
She’s literally baby. And that’s not really something to be proud of, mad bank or not.
No. 709290
File: 1569413499042.png (2.17 MB, 828x1792, FD69647E-2DD4-459D-ACF0-D5C771…)

She’s made a half a dozen stories about skincare and this one… no wonder her skin is a mess. If this is true it explains everything.
No. 709321
File: 1569417069588.jpg (679.9 KB, 1069x1518, aQB6MVV.jpg)

No. 709329
>>709321This bitch…really thinks she's worth this kind of money? There's other thots who charge only $10-45 tiers that ACTUALLY USE the sex toys. Hell you can probably pay a friend to do all she's asking for way less lol.
"Kiss and touch"
Why the fuck would I pay up to 800 to see you TOUCH a sex toy?
No. 709339
>>709245Save the armchair stuff anon. No one here actually cares about if she goes out of the house to make it better on her or her health and btw, leaving your house or not /=/ bad health/mental health. Moo is just a lazy sack of shit who has money where she doesn't need to leave. She's a spoiled, fat internet cow who has a large following and thats all she will ever be
And ha at her giving skincare advice. No one with dry, senstive skin shold ever wash their face 3 times a day. Moo is giving out shitty skincare advice on top of using a mask on her face daily which is so bad for you. Moo doesn't have any right to be giving out advice on this shit when she has the worst skin out there as thots go.
No. 709354
File: 1569421356939.png (118.4 KB, 496x481, bdRFOaw1pAF4SZXz7-dqKguOLUciGS…)

>>709321To the anon on her onlyfans, post all her shit. There are two photos here, so whats the other slide? Show comments and shit.
>>709321 No. 709461
>>709426I can understand people wanting to specifically see her naked (well, in theory, I don't actually get why they would want to), which is why they subscribe to her onlyfans. To get nudes. I can't see anyone actually paying these prices though. Hell, she doesn't even say she'll be nude, just in pasties. There are actual sex workers who will do a custom video, nude, where they're fucking themselves with a dildo, not just touching it, for far less than what she's asking for. Plus if she's already posting selfie sets in pasties, why pay for custom ones?
No. 709481
>>709479I don't think she's running out of money. She has over 1000 people on her onlyfans. How much is she charging for it, $10? That's $10k a month just from onlyfans, not counting her patreon and all. Even if you account for taxes, that's at least $5k.
At this point I think she's just money hungry. She wants to spend more on flashy designer stuff and try to buy more friends. She thinks she's worth ridiculous prices.
No. 709482
>>709479If she was desperate, she would pull a Shayna and do dollar menu videos and nudes. She sets these prices because she knows if she goes too low, people will buy them up. And that’s just more work for her to do. And we know she hates work.
So if she sets her prices high, that’s just less work for her but a bigger payout.
No. 709536
File: 1569450650428.png (264.02 KB, 1080x1926, Screenshot_20190925-152810_1.p…)

So she hasn't sent the physical rewards for two months in a row, how does this bitch still getting out just fine scamming people like that?
No. 709593
File: 1569457587929.jpg (149.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190925-172125_Ins…)

I thought this upcoming trip to Japan was supposed to be with Square and Miso?
Who da fook is that guy?
(I know who he is. I'm just shocked by the constant shifting of passengers when the tickets were allegedly bought several months ago).
No. 709620
>>709426She’s a quitter. Plain and simple. She’s a leech who latches onto whatever makes her money and whatever is the easiest way. Her evolution to what she is now is hilarious:
Body positivity cosplayer —> seamstress (Weeb with a sewing machine) —> armorer/ “big builds” (taking credit from the actual craftspeople) —> boudoir/ lewds (but totally not a sex worker) —> groping photos (claiming to be a sex worker) —> ~business woman~ —> basically doing porn now
I think it’s sad that she became this way. She’s nothing like who she was when she started. She used to talk about how she will never take off her clothes. She was all about body positivity and against plastic surgery. She used to make fun of Luna Lainey for her plastic surgery. She now is doing nudes and trying to use “art” as an excuse. Sure, she’s making money, but at the cost of whatever morals she once had. She really won’t last much longer. More talented and better looking people are making a name for themselves everyday. There’s nothing she can do to keep up besides doing porn. As soon as she does full on porn, you know she is done for.
No. 709826
File: 1569517237626.jpg (53.26 KB, 475x955, hdfeg.JPG)

So what's become of her topless/nipple/pasty set that she was releasing for $50+ pledgers?? Have you all forgotten this or have I just missed something? Last time I heard about it she was saying she shot some videos but didn't like them, so she'll reshoot, and maybe post the gifs.
No. 709892
File: 1569523518957.png (630.7 KB, 1092x612, yikes.png)

>>709826The resemblance is uncanny.
No. 709894
File: 1569523760562.jpg (Spoiler Image,512.71 KB, 1080x1710, 20190926_194812.jpg)

Whatever is on her leg doesn't look like bubbles, fucking grim
No. 710066
File: 1569542989866.jpg (134.33 KB, 1092x612, wtf.jpg)

>>709826>>709892It's a perfect match
No. 710085
File: 1569544409007.jpg (Spoiler Image,200.35 KB, 1080x1710, momo.jpg)

>>709894i mean ffs she didn't even try to keep the tile lines straight
No. 710131
>>710130she thinks the collected fat there looks like muscles. Trust me
when she's in full delusional mode she thinks all fer fat is muscle
No. 710146
>>709894 I don't understand the use of the arms here. Her hair isn't wet, so she can't possibly pretend she's applying shampoo or conditioner.
The angle makes it look like a paraplegic is trying to grab a can of beans from the top shelf with their stumps.
No. 710202
File: 1569559053375.png (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 720x1159, Screenshot_2019-09-26-21-30-05…)

Ass bleaching is working so well that Squarecuck blasted it out in PS
This is from Reddit btw
No. 710272
>>709894Is this even allowed on Instagram? Why does she cover up her boobs with stickers when she's wearing pasties, but leaves the pepperonis out in the open if she's wearing a transparent shirt? Is she wearing the pasties that look like nipples again?
Also the weirdness of this is unfathomable. She's wearing a leotard in the shower, and only her left leg has soap and water on it. Her hair is dry and ironically it's filthy-looking despite this being a shower shoot. Her legs look disgusting here, even in spite of how shooped they are.
No. 710288
File: 1569586409819.jpg (1.29 MB, 2048x2560, PhotoGrid_1569586343026.jpg)

I had to do this. I honestly cant get over this face.
No. 710556
File: 1569618448574.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190927-140243.png)

I'm curious to know if Mariah had announced that she would be going to Florida. I don't recall any mention of any plans to go there, so it seems rather sudden that she's there and hitting up Disney World with Kevin.
No. 710594
>>710556Well fuck. I could've seen a Momo in the wild.
I don't know how she'll manage to squeeze onto some of the rides at this rate. Not to mention after an hour in the Florida sun she'll be stinking worse than the swamp ape.
No. 710683
>>710594Even going by her delusional measurements she provided for the cosplay she was selling I am smaller than her and do not comfortably fit in some rides seats.
On the other hand walking around Disney will probably be the most exercise she has done at one time.
No. 710715
>>710713Are there 2 Kevins?
The one she's at WDW with (weebking) was never in a relationship with misotoki, so unless this Kevin also broke up with his girlfriend that he was about to move in with, you're mixed up
No. 710820
File: 1569662398946.png (6.7 MB, 1242x2208, 5CE9D5A4-FF10-49E5-A362-6F6A98…)

>>710556It’s funny how you can barely tell from her stories that Kevin’s actual gf is there, too. Then again I’d totally get if she didn’t want people to know she’s spending time with Mariah.
But either way: Glad to see Moo finally completed her granny/drunk mom style with the matching top visor.
>>710594Seems like she’s not even there for the rides. All they seem to do is look at the exhibits and eat.
No. 711165
File: 1569710744980.png (5.42 MB, 1242x2208, 16F62809-3B92-4302-A4FB-637940…)

>>710886It’s almost as if she wanted to prove us wrong or something.
No. 711245
File: 1569717796750.png (Spoiler Image,588.96 KB, 948x482, rockbottom.png)

bruh just do porn already my dude
No. 711261
>>711245I recoiled. It's wild how different her body looks in the edited photos compared to her irl or on video. Like just how long does squarecuck spend editing her lumpy mass into
>>709894>>711259She's definitely reaching chelhelbunny level of bodyhorror porn. I guess at the very least Moo is making money off it? Same level of trash though.
No. 711264
File: 1569722680866.jpeg (597.22 KB, 1242x1126, 32FB5F17-BC59-4057-BC6E-300F42…)

>>711165Her Instagram posts REALLY do make it look like they’re dating. It’s all pictures with him and no one else, even the ones “alone” have him in focus in the background
No. 711265
>>711262because she
is paid a ton of money to do exactly that, so she has no incentive to change
No. 711272
File: 1569724495158.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-09-28-19-30-43…)

Oh goodie more pasties
No. 711276
>>711264Everyone else is in shorts and a tank or t shirt and there’s moo…covered head to wrist to toe in black workout clothes.
It’s gotta be pretty hot in Florida right now.
No. 711280
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No. 711325
>>711280 Moo is so obsessed with trying to trick everybody into thinking she exercises, she'll desperately upload statistics like these ones.
All 10,000 Disneyworld guests probably put in the same amount of effort, but Moo is the only one who feels a need to brag about it like she just ran the Boston Marathon.
No. 711348
File: 1569736476865.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.13 KB, 952x542, balloon animal.jpg)

>>711345People unironically pay for this
No. 711354
>>710594There are no real weight restrictions in Disney world. However on most roller coasters they will advise you to go on another ride if you're 300+ pounds, which our dear cow is currently waddling towards.
I also know that the Disney crew will advise people who seem to have heart conditions to stay off the rides. Seeing as how Momo breaths heavily from walking, her rides are limited to floating rivers and train rides.
No. 711357
>>711262because she does get a lot of money?
Even if you were obese and hated your own body you might get a little delusional too if perverts paid for a decent house and gave you 10k+ a month. Momo basically wakes up and looks around at everything she has and thinks "Man I got this from showing my titts. I'm hawt"
But she's too far up her own ass to realize a lot of exotic dancers and porn stars get paid around the same. If they're good, way more. She's a mediocre stripper at best
No. 711359
>>711277"I dOn'T pHoToShOp My PiCtUrEs"
Her jaw line is shaved and almost blends into her neck and her skin is so smoothed out you can't even see infamous vein chan. Whatever Moo
No. 711381
File: 1569740860806.png (411.18 KB, 430x496, toad.PNG)

>>711307She wore a dress as a shirt once and she probably saw us roasting her and she never wore tshirts again. It's the same as her flannel.
No. 711396
>>711381Maybe she should like, just wear some t-shirts her size and no one would say shit.
It's weird how she's simultaneously in denial about her size yet seemingly painfully aware. She's obviously insecure about her appearance enough that she wears leggings and sweaters daily despite living in a desert, yet when she wears anything else it's obviously several sizes too small like the dress as a t-shirt shit. It's like her subconscious knows she's 250lbs and wants to hide it but her ego won't allow her to shop any larger than an XL.
No. 711629
>>711396It's because she wears shape wear under all her clothes the moment she wakes up. So she thinks she can wear a regular large or squeeze into a medium.
But she gets
triggered when she sees candid pics her friends gave her. That's when she either cries herself to sleep high as fuck. That or follows one of her friends to the gym and stands around, hoping some of that fitness will rub off on her somehow
No. 711694
File: 1569797268163.jpg (120.97 KB, 204x363, UHEzSCg.jpg)

>>711345Sorry for the shit quality (stream was not recorded with good quality. Not sure if Moo's fault but)
No. 711733
File: 1569804969052.jpg (Spoiler Image,624.09 KB, 1200x1200, poorunfortunatesoul.jpg)

I can't believe this is what she's become after 3 years. She's transformed into everything she hates
No. 711849
File: 1569828003643.jpeg (2.04 MB, 1242x1371, 8F21E5E5-4B4B-4789-AF89-E25BF8…)

No. 711853
>>711849oof nice camel-toe Moo
In past posts she already busted through most of her old shape wear and leggings, seems like these will meet the same fate.
I just wonder what she will do when she can't squeeze into the shaping clothes anymore. We know she refuses to shop in plus size stores.
Not like she can beg Castle Corsetry since their falling out
No. 711860
>>711853Theyd never had a falling out and made Moo three corsets last year: Higuarshi, the red corset, and the one for the Dark Stalkers character.
Morrigan was the most recent.
No. 711879
>>711849Goes from sweating in full black to borrowing clothes from a Korean auntie. She just needs a bag cart and she's ready to haggle prices at the market.
When's the last time anyone saw her in actual pants? I think the last time I even saw her in weather appropriate pants was when she wore those denim shorts for Cindy? at the beach.
No. 711886
>>711268Considering how poorly Moo takes care of her hair, it isn’t out of the question that she’s using color upkeep products improperly.
This happens to people who only use blonde products on the wrong parts of their hair. Thus, brassy roots.
No. 711981
>>711280I'm late so I went out of my way to check out if there are posts about steps at disney parks and this is exceptionally average. People get 20k steps easy at the parks so her acting like this is a lot is a sham, she really didnt do more than the average person going around the park.
>>711849I love her shrunken head dude from beetlejuice cosplay. It's her best yet.
No. 712024
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No. 712032
File: 1569874525821.png (4.31 MB, 1242x2208, C8477B1D-996A-40BB-9911-D52A51…)

>>712025I don’t feel sorry for him. Putting up with her bullshit is the price he pays for getting free trips, food, gifts and having her “boost” his Twitch account.
No. 712037
File: 1569875494724.png (194.92 KB, 1109x831, Slots.PNG)

New patreon layout shows how many free slots there are on limited tiers. We've seen the $50 dlls tier sold out, so she is making at least 6k per month just for one tier. No wonder why she acts like an entitled brat.
No. 712378
>>712368 No this is recent you can go look at her patreon now the $20 is there but it doesn't say anything about discord.
>>712037 But it is kinda useless because it says how many spots are open not how many there are total and she could have opened more or closed some. We can't assume when $50 was full she had over 128 spots.
No. 712402
File: 1569913580998.png (25.36 KB, 538x309, i care.png)

>>712378Thats exactly what I mean. The non-saging anon doesn't understand that these are the same teir right now. There isn't a difference. She previously REMOVED the $20 back in Feb or something. i don't remember the exact date, but it was after a lot of people were complaining about being subbed to that tier but her 'promises' of another room after 'the raid' never happened, so she scrapped it.
I dont get why it is back when there doesn't seem to be a difference between the $20 and $35 like last time. Photo is from 2017.
No. 712404
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>>7124022018 before she removed it from the sidebar.
No. 712405
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>>712404So Im really curious about what exactly will make this different.
No. 712409
>>712037>>712378can we just agree to stop caring about how much money moo makes?
It doesnt matter if she's making the highest or the lowest amount that anons speculate.
Even if she was making 20k a month we know she's easily burning through it:
She easily spends over 1k on food every month with how much she eats out and, she constantly buys overpriced brand garbage and brags about it, she constantly commissions costumes that she doesnt ever wear, she has admitted to spoiling friends and giving them way too much money to the point she complains when she feels 'used', she randomly travels across country last minute easily, pays for people to fly to Japan several times a year. We've seen her buy whole bolts of fabric for no good reason.
Yes to the anons in the thread who dont make thousands on thousands a month and know how to spend like a normal human it can seem like she has all this money to throw around but when you get that kind of money it's extremely easy to burn through even tens of thousands especially since her larger purchases tend to sit unused and forgotten.
The average person who would spend $2k+ on a cosplay would wear it several times, get actual quality photos of it and post about it more than just for a few weeks.
I cant remember how much she claimed to spend on Semiramis but she got the one shoot and never wore it again. I think she barely posted 10 photos of it if even that and other than maybe seeing it rotting away in her apartment she hasnt mentioned it since.
It's that kind of thing why I think it's useless and fruitless to care about how much or how little moo is making. If she's making more or less she's still gonna spend every single penny. We know she doent save up because it's the one thing she's never bragged about. if she had 100k or more at any point in the bank she would immediately brag about how smart a business woman she is and how she's ready to buy a house etc.
No. 712529
>>712412>>712409Then wait for someone to bring it up instead of sperging a
triggered wall of text.
No. 712756
>>712713With that logic, Chris-Chan has such a long documented internet history because men are jealous of his sex appeal.
Go away scrote
No. 712820
>>712713Not even that diabolical, huh?
>Skipped out on the wedding of one of her best friends to get lipo, then bullied that same friend out of cosplay.>Stole countless ideas, designs, and art pieces without crediting the original creators.>Made overweight girls believe she was losing weight due to healthy eating, slimming teas, and exercise, when she was actually getting the fat sucked out of her.>Lied about raising money for various charities and organizations.>Preaches the importance of body positivity, but photoshops herself beyond an unrecognizable status while aspiring to become a "skinny legend".>Lost countless friends over the years due to excessive lies, power trips, and holding the "golden goose" thing over their heads.>Drinks and smokes weed to an extent where it's a turnoff.>Wished death on her own mother, and threatened harm or death on various others.>Exposed and grabbed the private parts of fellow cosplayers and convention guests without consent.>Sets a bad example by pretending to pursue or partake in things like college, business ventures, and community work.>Shamed sex workers, only to eventually become the worst sex worker of all time.>Tried to boost her personal brand and bank account after claiming to be affected by an acquaintance who took his own life.>Only surrounds herself with people who provide a service, rather than people who don't have anything to offer that's loosely related to furthering her career.Yeah, I'd say you're wrong on the diabolical part. But I happen to be a straight dude, so what do I possibly know about people being shitty?
>>712836 We never really got any confirmation with receipts on what happened, but their friendship coincidentally took a break dive - er, nose dive right after Vamps and Moo went to a doctor for a consultation on procedures.
The widely believed theory is that Vamps was supposed to get financial assistance from Moo to help with the costs for whatever reason or agreement that was in play. Suddenly, Moo started posting manic shit about liars and golden geese, and the two stopped following each other on social media (they briefly reconnected later, but went their seperate ways again).
No. 713023
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>>712024What a cute pic of a lad and his mum bonding.
No. 713047
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>>713023Man, she’s nailed the look of a Z-list celebrity entering rehab.
No. 713048
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So classy…
No. 713050
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A few of her IG stories 1/2
No. 713052
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Contradictions galore.
No. 713054
>>713052"Please ask for consent"
Lmao so it's not ok for people to grope you but you're literally infamous for doing that… What a hypocrite.
No. 713057
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Two years to the day Mariah used the October 1st shooting to promote her cosplay… Never forget.
No. 713059
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>>713057Samefag but adding this in case anyone needed a reminder.
No. 713064
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>>713047The characters depicted are underage (Tetsuo Shima and his girlfriend from Akira, who are 15) and I'm pretty sure the art is stolen, judging by how shit the other art on the site looks.
Moo is walking around with a child porn shirt kek
No. 713073
>>713059Crazy how she's clearly doubled in size since then.
>>713064>>713071First I've recalled her mentioning it. I doubt she actually knows enough to know the characters ages. Though, realistically, even if she did, it probably wouldn't matter to her. She did lewd an actual child and has a creepy "mommy" fetish after all.
No. 713074
>>713050>>713052I've driven by farms with less bullshit than these posts.
>>713064Sounds like you're reaching anon. Is there an actual depiction of sex on the shirt, because it doesn't appear that way to me.
No. 713090
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I couldn’t imagine anyone being this obsessed with Moo besides her munchie stalker but here we are.
No. 713097
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>>713090Girl looking like pixyteri
No. 713106
>>713097Looks like PT in both face and fridge body, but PT at least had some kind of charm. All Umbran does is screech on and on about Mooriah and how badly she wants to wear her skin.
I wonder if Moo claims asexuality so that Umbran doesn't try to slither into her folds.
No. 713235
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did you really feel amazing though? does amazing mean stuffed to the brim?
No. 713244
>>713241Well compare it to this
>>711699Granted it's a different angle but she doesn't look like this. Her rolls are smoothed out and/or completely eliminated.
No. 713255
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She’s finally found her calling and shown that she doesn’t (and probably never did) give a shit about cosplay and it was all for attention/validation/cuckbucks grab. Of her latest posts, only two photos are cosplay, and they’re the SAME cosplay. I’m not counting the hooters stunt bc that’s not a fuckin cosplay, but even if you did that’s two. The others are just quick and effortless lingerie shoots to bring in Patreon members. She’s finally realized she’ll get more money for low quality soft core porn than for her “mainly big builds” and elaborate cosplays. When was the last time she documented herself making ANY cosplay?
No. 713259
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Claimed she wants a Brazilian Butt Lift. So more work to look forward to, I hope she fucks it up
No. 713341
>>713052Mariah I know you read these threads:
1. You are not and were not asexual.
2. OTHERS don't want to have sex with you, it's not YOUR choice.
3. You turned away anyone who was remotely interested in you. You're rude and vulgar to everyone who even compliments you that isn't licking your ass like umbran.
You're a "healthy" sexual female that want dick, but dick don't want you.
No. 713349
>>713259It just sounds like a work around to get lipo again, I thought doctors couldn’t do anymore work on her due to her visceral fat.
If she does get the surgery it’s going to be a hilarious train wreck starting from her being high and insufferable on the anaesthesia, leaking from all her keyhole incisions and the lumpy end result of not wearing compression wear and she’ll be waddling for 6 months
No. 713353
>>713255She admitted in the first thread that this is what this is all about.
She is never wrong as long as she gets attention and cash to feed her ego. She never got out of that 16 year old mind set
No. 713442
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Surprised no one has posted about her completely unhinged IG stories today. I recorded it but not sure how to post here. Someone definitely triggered her for her to put up this bullshit.
No. 713445
>>713442Samefag, but some highlights. There’s more but I don’t have time.
>Compains about people hounding her if she’s still friends with certain people (assuming Vamp). Wishes them well despite them having “fucked her over” in the past.>claims she’s not a “drama platform” lol ok. Only here “to create content for you to jerk off to”
>”power is keeping your fucking mouth shut” No. 713448
>>713259>werewolf, succubus, and a oni girl are her "spooky" cosplays this season>someone asked for advice for "new cosplayers" and she said "check out Amazon" for cosplays>workout routine: smart eating, eating whole foods, doing good workouts, counting calories>wants to go to NYCC but never got tickets in time>has meet n' greets planned for 2020, at booths>said there is a cost to shoot with her if you're a photog that is interested. Apparently her and her "team" will review the request and price it accordingly>thinking about visiting Bali, Indonesia "sometime next year">is going to be in Japan while Halloween happens and wants to dress as Tsunade thereRant times:
>says one of the biggest question she gets is if she is still friends with x. Says sometimes you gotta go separate ways and have love in your heart for certain people. Always wish people well, if that person "fucked her over and done wrong, lied, cheat, steal whatever may be">calls "Momokun" a character and says she doesnt want people to know what "Mariah" goes through.>says her platform isn't for "drama" and is only for jerkoff material/lifestyle>"power isn't going online and ripping someone fucking apart and exposing them and destroying their careers" No. 713451
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No. 713461
>>713453Excellent, the return of that one thirsty meathead who did time for being an
abusive stalker. Hardly surprised he came crawling back for some more Moo bucks even after he got taken to task last time. They're a perfect fit for each other and Moo sure knows how to pick 'em.
No. 713469
>>713468Ya, but he wasn't in jail for stalking. That's Anton.
Don't talk about people if you can't keep them straight.
No. 713475
>>713448It's pretty funny how she and Onion are spewing the exact same garbage. They're both
toxic cunts hiding behind a "lots of love, be happy" when they themselves don't even believe it. It's like a narc's way of covering their trash with a rug to give an "all clean" appearance.
No. 713537
>>713534people are talking about
moo and onion not nick.
No. 713695
>>713688“Different anon” lol sure Jan. Sage your shit.
>>713454I don’t get why she bothers to state this when all her “cosplays” are a mangled, inaccurate mess anyway.
No. 713769
>>713712>>713735You both are starting to sound like the “BRILLIANT” anon from earlier.
Each time someone complains about Moo’s antics getting stale, she manages to show us up not long after. You guys forget she loves being talked about so she’s bound to do something milky eventually… especially since she’s got yet another Japan trip coming up and without Sensei to turd wrangle her.
No. 713830
>>713769This is also said all the time now when people say that she’s boring. “Just you wait guys! She’s about to do something real milky!” And she doesn’t. The most we get is candids of her being gross or 5 insta stories of her going on a manic rant, which really isn’t that milky. When it comes to Mariah, she feeds off of her
victims’ reactions and that’s when she gets milky, and no one gives her that satisfaction anymore.
>>713781I can’t believe people in this thread are still ready to jump and point fingers and accuse people of being Mariah just for pointing things like this out. Moo is an insane piece of shit, but she’s far past her prime and you can’t accuse anyone who points this out as being Moo/Umbrian.
No. 713952
>>713924Ya’ll bum me out. You concur with
valid criticism of this dumb cow being on pt and people cry wolf. I’ll put it this way — I’ve been scrolling through snow and other pt threads for something else to read because this bitch ain’t giving up enough milk. It’s over. Send her to the slaughterhouse.
No. 713957
>>713956Her putting her arms this way isn’t because she’s actually insecure about her arms, but to hide the fact that this bra is way too tight and that she has massive back boobs. Plus it makes her appear a bit smaller.
But her latest lipo did already include her back boobs so there’s that.
Even if she got another round, she’d still have loose skin so no matter what surgery she did: she couldn’t win.
She needs to lose weight healthily and steadily. The way she’s excessively trying to shred down right now will make her have tons of loose skin and nobody will even know she lost weight until it’s really huge amounts. But she’s too dumb to realize that and only cares about the numbers on the scale. As always she needs results fast or she’ll give up.
Also can you retards move the discussion about whether or not she’s relevant to /meta/ instead of infighting in here, so maybe someone who’d actually be in charge of moving threads can decide?
No. 713984
>>713963For moo this is shooting herself in the foot. She's not someone who has photographers chomping at the bit to take photos of her and this would scare off people from offering shoots to her at cons.
It's not a 'standard' when you're not a model in any form. No one is making a costume and wanting her to model it cause she'll never fit it and why would a photographer want to do a general shoot of her in lingerie because she already does plenty herself and she's not naturally appealing even compared to other bigger cosplay girls
She also wouldn't get any plus sized brands wanting to shoot with her because she's too open about trying to lose weight and getting lipo now.
No. 714008
>>713984She's also expecting people to pay at least 2500 dollars USD to shoot with her.
A con photog. A photog that uses models for art. This seems ridiculous. She isn't working for or is being sought out by COMPANIES these are people with cameras.
No. 714112
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No. 714143
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>>714114Showing off her "weight loss" despite looking the same
No. 714145
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>>714143Huge apparent scar near fupa-chan
No. 714149
>>714112Fuck, that’s so close to a 40 BMI, which is the threshold for Grade 3 obesity. At her age, too.
Most insurers will automatically pay for bariatric surgery if someone hits 40 BMI, because they’re considered part of the “ticking time bomb” health risk group.
Kudos to her I guess for sharing it, but wow.
No. 714157
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>>714112l just leave this here
No. 714190
>>714188If she had an actual scale and was wanting to prove her weightloss on a legit level, she would've shown her scale by now.
She's fucked with the numbers. It doesn't make sense
No. 714203
>>714147She looks like a sloth.
Also, I find it hard to believe she isn’t using an app to warp her to look smaller. She’s been caught several times doing that in videos.