File: 1591919020881.jpg (146.15 KB, 697x988, riTPgC5.jpg)

No. 779771
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>774466Website: (new), (old)
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), theragdollranch (used to be mariahthecatlady, momoscats),
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
>claims her kitten Satoshi was misdiagnosed. Satoshi's condition is shown off on social media for pity points>still flaunting her exercise and diet routine while performing her exercises in poor form. Claims to be 206 as of recent>still traveling despite Coronavirus >still ripping off popular artists for the sake of creating ~original content~>participated in FUTURECON, a cringy "virtual convention". Recorded a skit of herself eating nuclear noodles, provided clear and unfiltered evidence that contradicts her weight loss.>sperges about the BLM protests for George Floyd. Calls out her peers for not speaking out like she is. Highlights include: saying it was never a "black versus white" thing but a "everyone versus racists" thing, misspelling "George Floyd" in a hashtag, putting "Arabic" people before other POC in her rant, getting butthurt when Leon Chiro was called out for calling the protests "drama" during a live stream, got mad when someone commented about her not using one of her accounts to talk about BLM protests>promised Celestine topless pics for cuck's proof of donation towards a BLM fund. Claims to have "raised money" for the funds despite just giving her noods for free?>made a mysterious trip to the doctor's for a MRI. Never mentioned her old knee injury or needing a revision surgery before. Anons speculate surgery happening earlier than she implied. No. 779780
>>779759I'm confused. So Moo sold a picture where she edited someone else's vagina onto her fupa?
Or is this just a fan edit she didn't make?
No. 779795
File: 1591930901584.jpeg (Spoiler Image,317.56 KB, 1080x538, 0ED628C6-7F56-41E0-98BE-D79D6C…)

>>779793Reposting the side by side another anon posted.
You can’t seriously be this retarded to think this is real. We can criticize the actual crap she feeds her cucks (like the nightmare inducing cum lube horror show) but this is so obviously photoshopped, it’s frankly kind of pathetic you fell for it.
No. 779805
>>779795actually, staring at this a bit more it does look…. off?
i dont know if i believe she'd shoop a fake vag or someone dlse but it does look a bit uncanny, i dunno
No. 779814
File: 1591937877120.gif (Spoiler Image,854.55 KB, 530x524, 1591914104924.gif)

Repost for spoiler my bad.
This is another anons image from the previous thread. Imo a better comparison. Its obviously fake, they are literally the same exact photos, but one is shopped. You would have to be a fucking autist not to see it.
No. 779823
>>779818Bless your soul, anon.
Now all of those cucks ITT that want it to be real will hopefully shut up.
No. 779830
>>779827Oh jfc … just look at
>>779818It‘s neither her nor anyone else‘s asshole gaping. It’s shadows.
No. 779878
File: 1592004322008.png (1.11 MB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2020-06-12-16-22-06…)

No. 779984
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No. 779996
File: 1592090647019.jpeg (412.69 KB, 1920x1920, 0590027C-87E0-4A84-AF86-36357F…)

She just genuinely doesn’t see how much of a hypocrite she’s being with this, does she?
‘Do as I say and not as I do’ pt. 253
No. 780009
File: 1592097491757.png (181.16 KB, 720x1021, Screenshot_2020-06-13-18-05-10…)

"Public violation" Girl, every character in that hentai was raped. Vult is the name of one of the main male characters who gets "first dibs" on the female characters. He rapes Celestine as a result of her failure to protect her people. Afterwards the women, including Celestine, are given to the public to be gangraped
No. 780023
File: 1592102986399.jpeg (204.43 KB, 757x392, 6964E345-1462-4A67-83EC-5A3D72…)

>>780011Maybe it’s an automatic setting? 135.6 lbs is an incredibly specific number.
But on her Facebook she claimed that she was miserable when she had a BF% of 15. Lying then or lying now.
No. 780035
>>780008If you don’t know the difference between processed sugar and natural sugar I don’t really know what to tell you anon. There absolutely a difference between 300 calories of bananas and 300 calories of cheesecake
Losing weight is calories in and calories out full stop. That’s what moo doesn’t understand, she thinks she waddle a mile And still lose weight with a shitty diet. Hell, she could eat 1200 calories a day I’d McDonald’s and still lose weight (but she’d feel like shit)
No. 780107
File: 1592158105769.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 1440x2060, gn3YmoQ.jpg)

No. 780118
>>780107This is so over processed I didn’t even notice she had cum lube on her until j zoomed way in
>>780074It’s literally in the post if you could bother to read
No. 780122
>>780036My tinfoil was that it was the weight of some anime character and I checked a couple (Rangiku, Tsunade, etc) and the closest I found by approximation on using official measurements is Super Pochaco at 136 lbs.
But also I'm retarded and invested way too much time into this tinfoil so take it with a grain of salt.
No. 780142
>>780134It was just tinfoil but she was suppose to have done a hentai set with a dude recently and was bragging how she's paying to fly him down. She tossed a lot of money to get this unknown dude to pose with her for the set.
However she still hasn't done it. My guess is she only sent the guy pics where she edited out all her fat. Then got upset when he didn't fuck her, which is the real reason she paid him.
Cuz Moo is super professional about male models "Excuse me, but I didn't give you all those gifts and cash for a photo shoot. Now take off your pants"
She really is a female incel (aka nice girl)
No. 780151
File: 1592172817085.png (7.06 KB, 472x176, isdb.png)

>>780118NTA but is closed, here's a screenshot but go ahead and check the link yourself
No. 780163
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No. 780164
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>>780163She was with Kevin, at least, while hiking.
No. 780186
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No. 780190
>>780189But adding that lewd implies sexual conduct.
If a man had said that there would be calls to register him as a sex offender.
No. 780197
File: 1592189583876.jpg (560.97 KB, 1440x2960, HwZ3UZK.jpg)

No. 780201
>>780197In Nevada, this constitutes as indecent exposure and can result in fines, prison time and she can even be registered as a sex offender since its a sex crime. She’s fucking lucky she didn’t get spotted doing this because she for sure would have been arrested. I’m not going to go too much into specifics because I don’t want to clog the thread but the laws are easily accessible via google.
Funny how in the span of a few short years, Mariah has gone from talking down to sex workers to debasing herself in public for cash to maintain her hedonistic lifestyle. Hope her mom is proud when she sees it promoted on her IG.
No. 780202
>>780201She's following the natural timeline of a sexworker
They all do the "public sex/masturbation" shit, then get called out because surprise you shouldn't do that
Then they pretend they never did it and condemn anyone else who does it.
No. 780205
>>780187I know right? Remember when she charged 100 bucks for just topless? Now she's charging 40 for anal and vaginal. She def isn't in need of money unless she wants a bunch of surgeries.
But more likely she's doing this to stay relevant as a "cosplayer"
No. 780210 had some good info on what is considered as indecent exposure in Nevada and Moo fits the bill in the case of her pulling this shit at Red Rock Canyon (it’s obvious it took place there since it’s recognizable to locals. Plus, it’s close to her and she’s been there multiple times according to her own social media posts). It’s a shame all the people she harassed in the past didn’t press charges but like
>>780209 said, she seems to get away with anything. The bitch is practically Teflon.
(cowtip suggestion) No. 780211
File: 1592196322945.jpg (579.81 KB, 2289x2289, PicsArt_06-14-11.43.08.jpg)

Looking more horse like with each filler and horrible overbite
No. 780216
>>780214Are you really surprised?
I'm just surprised she gets it done every time she heals. What kind of quack is sucking the fat out of her every few months?
No. 780233
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>>780227Jfc she really is devoid of any shame. Every time I think she hits rock bottom in terms of “content” she manages to dig even further.
No. 780237
>>780236I hope she uses that same excuse to the police when she eventually exposes her nasty snatch to a family out for a hike.
Do we have a photo edit of her fleeing like Bigfoot because that’s what I’m sure people on the trail saw when she finished her recording.
No. 780238
File: 1592210976413.jpeg (161.61 KB, 1280x720, A2403C02-ECE3-45CC-B9E3-45CBE0…)

>>780237Samefag but nevermind, I found it! We can probably update it or something.
No. 780247
>>780240That‘s actually the least weird part to me, tbh.
I guess he just waited on the trail. Just like when someone would go pee in the bushes during a hike. Or she told him to go ahead and that she‘ll follow.
Not defending this shit in any way and it’s still hella inappropriate but I guess he‘s aware that she does porn for a living. He should know how retarded she is…
No. 780275
File: 1592234668108.jpg (Spoiler Image,373.57 KB, 1076x1311, 20200615_162324.jpg)

>>780227Why does it look like she has two assholes?
No. 780289
File: 1592242970500.jpg (71.07 KB, 635x749, 1362800514011.jpg)

It's so bizarre how long she would be coy and tease this, not so much as even showing her areolas through a shirt, and now she jumped to spreading her asshole so quick lmao. Desperation is such a slippery slope.
No. 780319
>>780315You watch porn stars, they do it slowly and even in the outdoor ones they seem cheeky.. she just rubs her tits and crotch like a virgin boy that doesn't know what ero zones are.
… does she know what ero zones are?
No. 780345
File: 1592263059994.png (1.5 MB, 846x1412, thefury.png)

>>780227I don't understand how she thinks the filter makes her look better, it makes her look somewhere between uncanny and terrifying. The eyes are like Amy Irving in The Fury kek
No. 780397
>>780023Miserable but constantly bragged about her dad and how athletic she was, but now that she's a fat slob she says he was
No. 780404
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No. 780411
File: 1592285503216.jpeg (2.1 MB, 1242x1702, 086FE5D9-F9AC-4435-AF46-99E0C1…)

I know the pic was posted already but it omitted the location tag. I was right, it was Red Rock Canyon and families go up there all the time. She’s such a fucking degenerate…
No. 780433
File: 1592295702396.jpg (679.9 KB, 1069x1518, 1569417069588.jpg)

>>780186She said it's her first time doing customs BUT Friendly reminder: this was some of the prices the first time she did customs.
No. 780438
Pasties/lingerie: $400
Full asshole, pussy, and tits: $40
Wow Mariah is so charitable to her paypigs
No. 780468
>>780438I think she realized those prices are ridiculous. Those prices are for a high class whore, and for 800 you should be fucking her.
Then again those prices were when she thought her main source of income was the cosplay and not the porn. Though I don't know how Paetron allows this bull shit
No. 780470
>>780469Tbf, her patreon would’ve died either way. Sooner or later. Her cucks were getting tired of her bullshit teasing and lies (‘full nude’ aka still not showing anything they want to see). Especially with those prices.
I’d even go as far to say OF is way more profitable for her now than patreon could’ve been at this point.
It was a smart move of her, financially, to focus on OF-porn and making it more affordable (as long as she keeps going down that path of showing continuously more).
No. 780603
>>780601Imagine beating it off to a slab of cow meat that looks aged and abused. You should go get some help. The incels who simp for Moo are without a doubt the worst.
Or it's Maddie, which is worse.
No. 780639
File: 1592429243777.jpg (Spoiler Image,811.66 KB, 533x876, vaQQtMK.jpg)

No. 780673
File: 1592436516308.jpg (120.5 KB, 1612x378, nbM6E0r.jpg)

Forgot to mention she posted a gif of her being "fucked" on the floor. I'm saying this because it focused on her upperbody.
No. 780682
>>780673No fucking way! Is she actually going to start doing real porn now instead of sad spinster-bation?
If it's true it's hilarious how hard she's eating her own words about slut shaming sex workers right now.
No. 780685
>>780684Her previous onsen book seemed more… complete? As in, there were three (or more) photoshoots included, and she looked like she put the slightest bit of thought in using different sets and costumes (or lack of them)? I guess it makes sense why it sold out faster. This just seems like reused photos that you can already get a feel for in her ig page.
I cant help but be amused at the tought of moo sitting in her empty house with a bunch of these unsold photobooks lol
No. 780692
>>780673So now that she is a full blown amateur pornstar not some cosplayer, how long before she is dropped by every convention and no longer featured at all? She burned about every bridge she could before, but now there has to be nothing left.
And at what point do we not care anymore? Her eventual suicide is coming for sure in the next few years after she does enough porn to make her unviable to anyone and unemployable. Bad pornstars wearing cheap cosplay while doing sex badly is all over PH, Moo isn't special in that regard.
No. 780702
>>780701It makes me wonder if the people around her are full on 'yes man-ing' her to do this shit.
Since Vamps moved out (the only adult in her life) and Maddie (a teenager) moved in moo's degeneracy has gotten much more worse
No. 780705
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No. 780708
File: 1592447369405.jpg (19.73 KB, 320x233, bbl.jpg)

There you go. She plans on getting the butt lift as suspected.
No. 780727
>>780601i mean im a straight guy but i guess now im a tranny or a woman because i have standards
oof.betas sure are wacky
(Male) No. 780728
File: 1592461478404.png (822.29 KB, 1200x1147, EV52b8oUcAE46xY.png)

>>780699>>780692>>780696Jesus.. is this what troll remorse feels like? Because I feel really sad now.
Anyways, she's also fuking up her future prospects by not even putting some effort into learning new skills, moo has been trying to learn japanese, "cosplaying" and doing social media for years and she is still dogshit at everything.
No. 780750
>>780733yet every day she looks more like she's bordering 50
No. 780801
>>780673Wait, she wants to make porn with a dude but says here
>>780705 no penetration and masturbation?? Also anybody here thinks that she is going down the porn route because she has no other guy to fuck her?
No. 780806
>>780803The problem is despite being a fat fuck her standards are stupidly high. They have to either be insanely attractive, be of some use to her or the boyfriend of someone she personally knows.
That and she's only doing porn because she's painfully aware no one follows her for the cosplays. But it does seem she's doing the "Look what you're missing out on" thing. So makes you wonder who scored her
No. 780845
>>780801>>780803>>780804She only cares about men when they’re either
a) currently in a relationship
b) asian
c) basically a doormat
d) all of the above
She doesn’t care about any American randos that want to fuck her. If she wanted though, she probably could have sex because a bunch of guys literally won’t care who they sleep with, as long as it has a pulse.
And also this:
>The only thing momokun would have to pay for is being seen together in public with himGuys will (want to) fuck the fat chick, but never admit to it.
On top of it she’d probably want the guy to be in cosplay, too so she can make herself feel better about what she‘s doing. And finding a guy that’s willing to fuck her publicly AND wear a costume while doing so? Yeah, good luck with that.
>>780823>>780826She does make decent money and probably has quite some savings, yes.
But: If what
>>780730 mentioned above is true and recovery would take up to a year, that’s a whole other story. If she kept spending money the way she does rn she’ll probably spend all of what she has saved.
What’s more interesting to me is how she’ll cope with not excercising or rather going back to her supposed sudden discipline after pausing for 8+ weeks.
Since we now know she’s only losing weight for the surgery to begin with, she’ll more than likely go back to being a lazy fat slob once she’s done with it. I’m looking forward to that,
No. 780846
>>780826My theory is when her accounts get dumped with the money from Patreon/ onlyfans she goes on her crazy spending sprees. It’s like clockwork, first half of the month she’s spending like wild on whatever, herself, friends, trips, bills etc. As the month ends you can tell she slows down, she pushes her sets more, etc etc. I don’t think she’s ever at $0 in her account, I’m sure she does have some sort of cushion for just in case. But it is very clear she doesn’t plan or budget. The fact she waited until the last minute to do her taxes, even after the deadline got extended due to covid, shows me she is very lazy (duh) and that she probably had to wait until she had that money to pay.
Notice after she did her taxes is when she started shilling out the porn. Very curious.
No. 780885
File: 1592530426614.jpg (652.38 KB, 1250x1874, qrsRxYL.jpg)

Only woman alive known to have skin as blurry as Vaseline rubbed on a lense.
No. 780895
>>780894Holy fuck this has me dying. Can we get her shooped as the fucking dog van plz for the next thread thumbnail
>>780885This is a new level of low. Like how the fuck you do this bad?
No. 780896
File: 1592535312408.jpg (18.04 KB, 283x280, 1r5pbd.jpg)

>>780885Square really needs to tone it down with the vibrancy, it's too damn shiny it looks like a terrible sakimichan painting
No. 780960
File: 1592564201756.png (898.1 KB, 913x409, 68RL9Shf.png)

>>780885Her most accurate cosplay so far! Isabelle is based on the Shih Tzu breed, Mariah even has the same disgusting overbite and retarded eyes as this ugly dog, truly her best.
No. 780976
>>780960Don't do shitzus like that anon.
She's got an overview not an underbite. Either way the dog is a million times cuter than her.
No. 780980
>>780960that is the most wall-eyed dog I've seen in a while.
…Oh, but give the pup on the right some extra ear scratches.
No. 781037
File: 1592599981878.png (Spoiler Image,535.42 KB, 500x718, cjJ7bmq.png)

>>780885Live image of squarecuck during this shoot
No. 781125
File: 1592632059440.jpg (328.28 KB, 1176x1920, 20200619_224617.jpg)

No. 781127
>>781125Like… I get being impatient but especially right now to pull this publicly is so spoiled. Even if it was shipped there are a lot of packages getting stopped. I've had some packages of a big order get stopped but not others, all sent from the same place.
I wonder if she even emailed them again before pulling this nonsense.
No. 781128
File: 1592635085051.png (275.29 KB, 1800x463, 363D1D89-B89A-4EF1-A5CD-E4DC56…)

>>781125I got curious and looked. The first pic is from the same post but the second was a comment she left on another of that accounts post. I’m not going to see just how many she commented on to make noise but she’s coming off as extremely insufferable. If you’re that upset, just request a refund and have your in-house slave Maddie make you a crunchy helmet wig. It’s not unheard of for packages coming overseas to be held for long periods of time because DUH covid. I mean, it’s not like Mariah is pressed for time and absolutely needs it ASAP for “modeling work”.
No. 781129
>>781125Jesus Christ Mariah, there’s a global pandemic happening. People are dying. Your wigs can wait, human lives can’t.
What a disgusting human being.
No. 781178
>>781151It's so weird because she did the same thing with Shad. Does she think these super famous artists are going to give her clout?
Well don't answer, I know it's a yes since everything she does is for clout.
No. 781182
>>781181"I don't care we're in the middle of a historical world wide pandemic. I need to pretend to like a show for clout. Soooo unprofessional"
I don't know why she cares so much. No one cares about her cosplays, they just come for the porn.
Or, she could be a sane person and just ask in private for a refund
No. 781184
File: 1592666835179.jpg (Spoiler Image,485.86 KB, 1079x1054, Screenshot_20200620-182502_Ins…)

Sage as its OT, but saw this rendering of Meg Griffin and had to do a double take, bc it looks exactly like mariah
No. 781234
File: 1592681346006.jpg (438.57 KB, 1079x1681, Screenshot_20200620-142853_Ins…)

No. 781239
>>781128>I paid a LOT of money for three different wigs>only mentions one in the other postMoo says this as if that person's wigs arent just plain expensive to begin with. EVERYONE who is waiting on their wigs from Wisperia paid a lot of money.
>>781234God she's such a Karen it's painful.
No. 781317
>>781315Especially since the virus didn't suddenly start when it hit America. It was already effecting the East for months and even the UK/Euro.
Packages have been delayed since Feb for a lot of people
No. 781339
File: 1592704243585.png (2.12 MB, 1660x2048, Screenshot_20200620-184937.png)

No. 781356
File: 1592716824535.jpeg (409.3 KB, 1459x1823, 0ACBC46D-B13D-4307-8956-66D5F3…)

Is Matt still a calf?
Because oooof what is this?(wrong thread)
No. 781381
>>781234Didn't the pandemic hit Europe months before America, like all the way in December of last year? Is Momo that dense and stupid?
That and her order would have taken at least a month to complete.
Moo really is a Karen
No. 781382
>>781315She ordered them around 3-4 months ago when she promised at do 18 cosplays (I'm not joking) and completed 2 since then
So the USA was already on restrictions I believe
No. 781394
>>781381Italy started registering infections in late Februrary and (in central/western Europe, at least) it mostly went from there. Restrictions started in March. Iirc Russia was a bit on the later side with everything.
But generally speaking, it was declared a public health concern on an international level as early as January.
So, yeah, definifely could’ve known that shit would be delayed wayyy back. If, you know, she didn’t think the whole world revolves around her.
No. 781395
>>781394they apparently found traces of covid in Italian water samples back in december (they're regularly testing the water quality) as
>>781381 tried to communicate. But no, Covid didn't start appearing in Europe until end of January. We did close borders and transit really quick so I'd rather trust the wig maker's word than Mariah's.
No. 781465
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No. 781477
File: 1592799248441.jpeg (476.36 KB, 1242x1271, 824AA47F-C508-4A30-8DED-D2B7FF…)

Looks like someone isn’t claiming the Muslim card anymore
No. 781478
File: 1592799276390.png (620.87 KB, 1242x2688, 3633FF5B-8C7D-4A1A-9213-B26C38…)

Triggered much?
No. 781480
>>781477“And the whole room clapped”
This is about as retarded as her claim of chasing down a phone snatcher in Peru and the whole street clapping when she caught him. Is she so pathetic that she has to make up stories about beating people up?
No. 781481
>>781477She's just nervous because a few anons in the last thread exposed her small percentage of Lebanese as the Mediterranean (white) Christian Americans that came to America like a century ago. She's more American Italian than anything else and is afraid of being called out.
Then she claimed before that makes her asian for weeb points too cuz she thinks people are stupid AF. But yes, most Lebanese do speak Arabic, except for Moo.
>>781480I think her dad was play fighting with her and he let her win and it went to her head. That or if he did take Moo down he knows she would cry on the internet about her
abusive father. The guy can't win either way
No. 781492
>>781477god does anyone remember when moo was claiming her parents and especially her dad was
abusive? I'd love to edit the two rants together.
Remember that she blamed her dad for her being 'underweight and unhealthy' and implied he gave her an ED, ripped up her old art in front of her and a bunch of other stuff.
No. 781493
January 2020
>>748084>"I had parents who absolutely abused me when i was younger.">claims to be traumatized and says trauma like 100 times in her storiesAugust 2018
>>564679 claims her dad would break her stuff when he got mad and he only took out her anger on her
Stuff like
>>781477really just proves that she was making stuff up. It'd be different if she was saying that stuff when she was still living there but she has her own place why would she in one second claim he
triggered an ED in her but then say he's the reason she 'grew to be such a strong soul and individual' MUCH LESS calling him her best friend? Disgusting.
She really loves just flipping the narrative to whatever suits her means at the time
No. 781494
>>781492It pretty much changes whenever she is looking for Internet brownie points. Everyone is talking about abuse? “MY PARENTS TOTALLY ABUSED ME AND MADE LIFE MISERABLE FOR ME!!!” Everyone talking about how ashamed her parents must be of her for what she dies for money? “I HAVE THE BEST PARENTS IN THE WORLD WHO SUPPORT ME THROUGH EVERYTHING”
They pretty much only exist as props for her to display whenever she needs it. I’m pretty sure they are just normal people but a self centered bitch like her needs to make the lm out to either be “the best ever!” or “literal garbage who abused me and made my life miserable” to impress complete strangers on the internet.
No. 781495
>>781492I’ll never forget the livestream, she was supposed to be apologizing for the sexual harassment scandal but ended up crying on cam how how
abusive her father was.
She even brought out a sketch book of obviously traced anime and said how he ruined her dream of being an artist or some shit. She even got pity points from some anons here, it was pathetic
No. 781498
>>781478She thinks she’s so badass lol
Years of being a
toxic asswipe to people behind their backs at the drop of a hat made moo so paranoid she thinks everyone is out to get her. What did this chick say that was at all antagonizing? Maybe she meant something bad, but Moo didnt even know it yet so why go off like a 13 year old with something to prove
Embarrassing. How long til it’s deleted
No. 781511
>>781510 said, learn to read. She talks at length about BLM and Juneteenth then throws in pride month and keeps talking about the protests. Like she thinks they’re linked.
No. 781634
Was interviewed by the same guy who wrote one of her earlier articles. She shared it today on insta. It has alot of incomplete sentences and grammar mistakes… which makes me think he published it without proofreading it. This was published back in March 2020. weird bits:
>She said she started cosplaying from the Twilight and Inuyasha series. Had friends that thought it was weird but she felt she didn't need to explain herself/do what made her happy>Says she makes a "mood board" to develop a concept for her shoot. Throws it to Squarecuck to make discuss and set deadlines. She and Squarecuck pump out alot of photoshoots and have a backlog. Square edits a small amount for promos then sends the rest once he's done for final pushout on her websites.>Says stepping out of your ego and accepting that there is no answer is helpful towards mental health>Says the best advice she wished she learned at the beginning was to keep quiet about things. Thinks alot of influencers "lose themselves in social media" and overshare.Sorry I didn't look at when this article was originally posted so I had to edit my prior post. No. 781690
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No. 781697
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Post a video on insta doing squats. Everyone starts telling her she is doing them wrong. Also mentions up coming "knee surgery"
No. 781700
File: 1592892392661.jpeg (84.77 KB, 742x414, D70F7819-7063-4EA8-A028-11A9D0…)

>>781697“Mansplainers”. Jesus this bitch actually talks like this?
And of course the clap back comes right after. Super bitch doesn’t like being told how garbage she is at something so she of course has to be all. “I never asked for your advice anyways”.
No. 781712
>>781700Excuses excuses with this girl. Why are you doing squat sets with an mcl tear?
Besides this isn't the first time she's been caught lifting or even just exercising with bad form.
No. 781726
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>>781697she cant pick why shes mad now, she just knows shes mad for being told shes not right
No. 781727
>>781700except you shouldn't be doing them if you can't maintain form. that's like training 101 and really makes it obvious she hasn't been working out. lol
like i think she believes that she can just show up in the gym for a photo/video op and everyone will believe her. but it's obvious to anyone that works out that she doesn't know what she's doing.
No. 781734
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>>781726I love that this lard ass chooses fitness of all things for her hill to die on. No mansplaining allowed. We stan a fitness queen.
No. 781737
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No. 781740
>>781726That’s all it is. People not kissing her ass and telling her how amazing she is at something. So she immediately gets all defensive and bitchy with “I didn’t ask for your input” or “I know what I’m doing and I don’t need you to tell me”. Her fragile little ego can’t handle not being the best at everything she does, so if she’s wrong she doesn’t want to know it. To her it’s all just “haters trying to bring her down with negativity” and “sexists men trying to put a strong woman like her in her place”. When the reality is more “Hey retard. I know you like to delude yourself into thinking you’re this stronk anime goddess who will crush your head with her tihicc thighs, but you’re goin g to seriously injure yourself if you keep working out like that”
She wants the same from her followers that she does of her friends: “I don’t want your opinion. I just want you to tell me how right mine is”. Which is why I’ll just laugh when the dumb bitch inevitably hurts herself even worse.
No. 781744
>>781742That’s not what she wants to hear though. What she wants is to be told is how much of a “workout queen” she is and that she should be teaching classes because she’s so good.
>>781743I’m sure there’s loud running water so you can’t hear anything and an chest high view of her awkwardly bouncing her flapjack tits with no rhythm whatsoever and her making stupid faces at the camera.
No. 781759
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>>781743>>781744>>781748Moo is standing. Moo lies on floor. Moo rocks herself like she's getting fucked, on the floor. Moans and says "fuck me" like once or twice. That's it.
No. 781786
>>781770She is infamous for sexually harassing male models during sets, why they rarely work with her despite her paying them a large sum.
It's the ONLY reason she over pays her models. Not out of the kindness of her heart. She really is a male incel.
No. 781789
>>781786“But I bought you all those expensive gifts, hotel rooms and dinners! What do you mean you aren’t gonna sleep with me?!”
Yet she has the nerve to get on her moral high horse and bitch about “
toxic masculinity” and “male entitlement”. If people knew about half the shit she does to guys they’d be calling her an incel too. Let alone imagining if the roles were reversed. If she was a male cosplayer demanding sex from a female model she’d be buried within seconds of it coming out.
No. 781824
>>781821I've seen the full video and you are correct. Just her mindlessly moving without any rhythm while having a dumbfounded look on her face.
The only question I have left is how long before she is doing full hidori rose like videos. At least she puts in the minimum effort for cosplay unlike Moo a "professional cosplayer"
No. 781860
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No. 781862
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what the fuck
No. 781865
File: 1592984650379.png (783.86 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2020-06-24-00-40-34…)

>sperge ranting about masks
>cites her friends, Amazon and Yaya Han as places where to get masks
>passive aggressive as ever
No. 781867
>>781862She will literally do anything to stay relevant at this point and using the BLM movement like this is just gross. I don’t mind people using their platform to boost useful info but she’ll turn around and claim she had “SO MANY” people message her with proof they called and that means she made “all the difference”. It shouldn’t take incentivizing disgusting lewd selfies to do the right thing.
>>781860I know it’s a nitpick but she misspelled Breonna’s name… Just like with George. Jfc Moo.
No. 781869
>>781865>>781866She says this right after demanding to be treated by Wisperia as if there wasn’t a pandemic going on and there weren’t 7k+ new cases in Russia on a daily basis.
She also says this very shortly after visiting this wolf sanctuary without any face masks whatsoever. Bitch only cares about people being mindful of other people’s health when other people is her.
Maybe someone coughed in her face or she realized she’s a high risk person because of her weight. Either way, hypocrite as usual.
No. 781870
>>781868>>781866Transcript anon here. You love to hate it! Another late night rant from our peace warrior kween:
>>781865 string of insta posts:
>Understand the concept of people who literally bitch and moan about not wanting to wear a mask. Stop being a baby, it's not about you! It's about everybody else and making sure everybody else is okay. It has nothing to do about your right as a piece of shit human being!>It has everything to do about taking care of the people around you>Do your part…as small as it is…and put the fucking mask over your stupid mouth!>If you personally don't wear a mask when you go outside in public, unfollow me. I don't want you here. If also you don't support spreading the news of police brutality. Peace! Shoo!>If you're personally real offended by anything that I've said, you little special fucking snowflake - leave~ >It's not about you! It's your own ego that is huurt~ 'cause you're an asshole~>For just us who are doing their part: let me just say a huge thank you for continuing to wear your mask, and sanitizing and washing your hands. You guys are- I know its hard, I know it's tough right now, and I know it can be mentally draining but you guys are making a difference you guys are helping to heal the world and I'm so proud of you guys. Please dont think that your efforts are not helping everybody else 'cause they are and it's very admirable. And thank you for doing your part it means alot. >I was at the gas station today and I always spray down everything and I have my little [makes noises]. And it was weird- all these old white men just staring at me like- like coronavirus isnt a real thing. 'cause he's over it y'know. They're done with corona. He's like "okay I'm done with it" y'know cause thats how it works in White America theyre just like "we're done!" [giggle]>I'm just at gas stations, likie literally anywhere I go I'm like-I have my own [?] spray and I'm like [noises]. And I get weird ass looksas if like I'm overdueing it or I'm being TOO cautious. I'm like okay~ [clicks] Okay, Karen. >Okay. If you feel personally offended by anything that I've said, you do not need to stay here. I am not holding you hostage! Do not attempt to follow me! Nor do I want your follow~>I get the big bag, I don't need your fucking follow. You do not mean that much to me. Bye>For those who, uh, do their part? UNGH! I could personally just [slurp sound] I would!>For all purposes…that was a joke!tl:dr: Moo was being theatrical at the gas station spray sanitizing the pump. A bunch of "old white men" were staring at her. She big mad because people cannot have a different opinion on real life events that cater to their own unique circumstances.
No. 781895
>>781865But she has been caught multiple times not wearing a mask in public. She's the queen of hypocrisy
>>781867I know right? She's over here pretending she's Jacksepticeye. That spreading her asshole and being a
toxic human being is helping anyone but herself.
Moo here's a tip. You clearly don't know how to be a genuinely nice person. Every time you try your actions are just 100x worse than what you intended. Cut the crap
No. 781938
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No. 781949
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>>781942I mean, you’re not wrong.
No. 781956
>>781952Its funny how she keeps raising her chin higher in order to have a semblance of a jawline.
Her downfall is hilarious, I get the feeling that she thinks rocking herself in the carpet like a flea-infested dog is more reputable than straight up doing porn.
Look at where that cheap spandex suit got you, Moo. We're all proud of you.
No. 781962
>>781952omg the music is so loud and she just makes the same face with no progression. Who could get
off to this?
No. 781984
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>>781862Is she trying to rip off of this girl since this girl's fundraiser was a massive success?
No. 782012
>>781980Omg literally this. About halfway through her face just screams ‘omg are we done already? can I stop? this is exhausting’. Combined with the what at this point is just heavy breathing …
Also what
>>781960 >>781964 said. She wouldn’t even need to actually insert something, but she could at least make it look like
something is happening so it isn’t just her rubbing her back rolls on the carpet.
No. 782035
>>782014Let’s be honest based on all the photos and videos she has no idea how to act sexy or sexual in anyway. It’s always looks terrible and awkward.
At this point I’m not convinced she’s ever had sex or even touched herself.
No. 782058
>>782039she def is not, but doesn't mean she has skills in bed. Some people are just better at sex.
Moo only sees sex as a means to get something so of course she sucks at it.
Anyway, she had a boyfriend before her cosplay career, a few of her classmates said she loved sleeping with taken boyfriends (they are teenage boys so no surprise there) Korean BBQ before she got too fat, and a few more who gave her a quickie for some clout.
It's harder for her now since she has no clout and is just a cam girl. So she can't really offer a guy anything other than an itchy crotch and an infection.
No. 782117
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>I won’t tolerate people who bring up my past transgressions for which I never apologized nor took responsibility for or learned from.
Just… shut up Mariah. You never made an attempt to better yourself. Any time you fucked things up, you waddled away from accountability.
No. 782121
>>782117Oh, well, Mariah that just seems like you need to shed your own ego and accept that not everything needs a answer right?
For someone who hates Twitter you sure like sharing screenshots from the app.
No. 782123
>>782117?? What the hell is she talking about. No one cancelled Jenna, Jenna literally came out of nowhere to cancel herself. If she even watched Jennas content, she'd know that it was fairly obvious Jenna wanted to quit and move on for a while now anyway. She was already going to quit, this was just an easy way out.
Before this, barely anyone was saying anything about her other than that she should stop supporting Jeffree and Shane which like said…the amount of people pointing that out was so small. She wasnt trending over it or anything. I dont know, I feel like by NOW mariah would know to at least look into something she's talking about a LITTLE bit lol. She looks insanely stupid popping off about something she doesnt know even half the situation of.
I guess it's just another case of a hit dog hollering though. Reopens old wounds of her being rightfully told to fuck off. Idk maybe instead of screaming into the void about how everyone should shut up and accept your apology, you should actually idk, just be a better person?? Hint; a better person doesnt feel the need to constantly bring up that they're a better person now
No. 782124
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>>782121Samefag but in addition:
I don't expect someone who stans the fuck out of Jeffree Star to UNDERSTAND what Jenna and Shane did (in regards to blackface) is WRONG. It is immature for her to vomit up a false narrative in support for black lives then to turn around and say this bullshit. Your support is performative, Mariah.
Anyways, here is her blurred ass
No. 782163
>>782123Also, even outside of Jenna obviously wanting to pack it up and focus on other things for a while, Jenna actually showed the audience first hand what she did/said, and apologized. Then she showed she had actually changed.
Here you have Mariah who just pretends like it never happened and tries to bury or distract from everything she’s done instead of outright addressing it and apologizing. You are no Jenna Marbles, you cow.
No. 782173
>>782163Jenna did what Moo did not. Moo likes to retract from the fact that people held her accountable for doing something male cosplayers would instantly get kicked out for.
Saying cancel culture is ~
toxic~ is saying you cannot and do not want to be held accountable for the bad things you've done. Mariah lived without consequences for her actions as a child, she finally did face a consequence as a adult. What did she do? Blame something else. Blame someone else. Say she was abused. Continue to make jokes about it WELL AFTER THE FACT and then you chalk up another fuckup on the board. She is mad that people remember, she is mad that she was being recorded doing these things and these things remain on the internet. Funny how she still acts like this, has no true friends and holes herself up in a cookie cutter house in suburbia.
By the way, Moo, growth and change requires you to SHOW that you've done it. A couple of days ago you were insulting your "fanbase". Clearly you haven't grown.
>>782164Apparently Umbran is blind.
No. 782197
File: 1593155066103.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1195x606, BSm2kaw.jpg)

rubbing her coochie and poking her crusty foot into frame wow great content
No. 782249
>>782243 You are 100% correct. She can’t be cancelled because her “fans”/paypigs are absolute filth.
Only other “cosplayers” that care about her are patreon thots looking to poach customers, legitimate companies and artists won’t touch her with a 10 foot pole.
People willing to pay to watch women degrade themselves don’t really care about what those women have to say.
I’d wager a month’s salary we lolcow people watch and listen to her instagram stories more than her fans.
No. 782288
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her photography is becoming more like this with each post
No. 782390
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This filter she is using is so terrible
No. 782403
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Moo’s been sharing a bunch of posts from this account every so often in her stories. She’s oblivious to the irony.
No. 782410
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Sure Jan.
No. 782419
>>782410She’s obviously just making excuses for herself. I highly doubt
any of her followers - whether male or female - care enough that one slide and a simple ‘couldn’t work out as much due to busy schedule, so nothing’s changed’ wouldn’t have sufficed.
It’s basically just as expected: She was motivated and disciplined as long as she got instant gratification but as soon as she has to put effort into it without an instant reward, she loses interest.
But it’s basically what almost everyone who’s fat due to laziness experiences: The first several pounds are easy, you lose them rather quickly but then you hit a brick wall and it takes a lot of dedication, effort and discipline. Which most of them (including Moo) don’t have, otherwise they wouldn’t have gained as much in the first place.
So, once she has a manic episode in a week or two she’ll be ~right back on track! and super motivated! for a few days until she gives up again. Rinse. Repeat.
No. 782426
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>>782410She’s also probably pissed at Maddie’s progress
No. 782427
>>782426And this is what happens when you actually eat less than your basal metabolism.
There would be no way Momo would be 201 if she sat around her house all day, eating less than 1500 calories.
No. 782440
>>782426And Maddie didn't need multiple rounds of lipo and cool sculpting to get there either
Moo on the other hand needs the fat sucked out of her and even then she still gains 50+ pounds in the course of a year
No. 782473
>>782439Must be the fit tea, anon! If you shit like a fountain, you COULD ALSO LOSE 100'S OF POUNDS!
She's fucking delusional.
No. 782476
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>of money
>of good friends
>of morals
No. 782478
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No. 782492
File: 1593298215311.png (3.41 MB, 1242x2208, 3A3A1133-6EBB-4F03-832B-E66FD2…)’s the IG clip. The filter is struggling to hold her features together and failing.
No. 782494
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The seams were at their limit
No. 782495
>>782494That whole dress is at it's limit. She has to bend over and cover half her girth with her ham shank arm to try to lie about having a waistline.
I'm still laughing at yhe face tuning her into having a small upturned nose, instead of her Jimmy Durante schnoz.
No. 782499
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>>782494Momo the moment she stands up straight and breaths out in that dress
We wont be seeing this thing twice
No. 782500
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>>782497Yeah this. Her editing is starting to look like this girls editing.
No. 782516
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Who is the guy close to her
No. 782517
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No. 782518
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Found him. He also has a OF
No. 782522
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>>782521He is a dancer. I'm laughing to myself that Moo exercised her ass off to impress this ~fit azn BOI~
>>782520I searched the dprjohnny guy thinking it was him but he shaved his head and left. He also changed his account name. I scrolled to every Asian guy in her list and they literally all look the same: same eboy hair style, tattoos, ripped and is on social media.
If this is her new cock, he has a strong friend group so I believe he won't bend easily
No. 782524
>>782520This is almost as sad as when nikita dragun was hurt her PAID boyfriend didn't really like her. I feel like this is the road Momo's sprinting for
"But I paid for this and this! I'm no golden goose! Fuck me!"
No. 782543
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Sorry for the bad sencoring but kinda laughed at this comment lol.
No. 782610
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No. 782613
>>782610Jfc she looks sloppy gross in this dress, obvious corset lines, tita falling out the sides, she still can't show her ham shank legs. Good od what a fucking mess.
Atleast this one isn't ripped at the seams, that we can see anyway.
No. 782619
>>782618Doesn't work that way, because unless someone comes up to you AS A BUSINESS you normally don't go "hmm lemme background check the FUCK out of this person."
She always acts shady/tries to hide things, very good chance she did this transaction (that nothing happened btw) in a way it didn't raise any alarms for him.
Besides, farmers and other people who catch wind will warn him to stay away.
No. 782622
>>782619>Doesn't work that way, because unless someone comes up to you AS A BUSINESS you normally don't go "hmm lemme background check the FUCK out of this person."Well yes, but actually no.
In the usual, average business world, that’s what it’s like. But any semi-decent, reputable influencer will check out the person they’re working with publicly. Only those that thrive off drama and gossip will check or even care about what the person has done as long as it isn’t something
really bad (like, genuine pedophilia etc) and publicly known.
Since this guy shoots with Moo to begin with, he either doesn’t care enough about his reputation to check or doesn’t take any of the ‘accusations’ seriously.
No. 782633
>>782610>>782494I wonder why she started wearing dresses though, I thought she was all about hype beast and gym wear.
I wonder if she's chameleoning for her new side cock
No. 782645
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She is so full of shit lmao
No. 782649
>>782648This man could've probably been making bank elsewhere.
And this fat bitch messages him, pays him to suck on her tits/grope her.
I'm tired. She's so desperate.
No. 782650
File: 1593395632018.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x2190, B58FE8B0-DE8D-48F9-8351-A9C98F…)

Lots of stories of her working out tonight. First chunk of them is just her sitting in front of her weight machine and singing. There's a video of her lifting weights, but I think i'm going crazy because it doesn't even look like she's lifting anything.
No. 782651
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And of course she has to flex how she's totally famous on onlyfans, my dudes
No. 782652
>”No penetration yet. I’m still too shy uwu” She is so full of shit I can smell it several states away. Moo can try to milk this as long as she can but her cucks are getting impatient and there’s far better content to spend fucking $40 on that isn’t a 3 minute video of a guy trying to wrangle her flapjack tits in a limo. She’s so insistent on splurging for an entire “production team” on something so mediocre it’s hilarious. Just take the plunge Mariah, your future is D grade porn anyway and no lies about a career in reality, accounting or investments are going to save you lol
>>782650I saw the story of her lifting the weights. I’m waiting for her to eventually go apeshit from comments over her shit form.
No. 782655
>>782652I dont get it.
Why rent a hotel room, a limo and a asian man? Why do all this shit when she could be at home just riding a dildo or just teasing for like..ever? She is really doing the most for no reason.
No. 782660
>>782645at least she's aware she's sprinting towards porn
Hella annoying that she still thinks she's a cosplayer
No. 782661
>>782655Yes there is a reason anon. She needs to pay a hot asian dude to fuck her.
1. she thinks she's too good for her simps
2. decent guys are aware they can do better
She's getting smarter I'll give her that. The cosplay models usually run away because they aren't cool with fucking her and getting out right molested. But this guy makes a living outta fuckin girls.
No. 782678
>>782672>>782667Sorry, I was under the impression he was. In a HOTGUYSFUCK video on pornhub, he says he's half Columbian and half white. I was under the impression because he performed in Tokyo at one point? I dunno
His porn name is also Will Molina for the curious
No. 782682
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Her sausage lips make her look like she has an underbite
No. 782689
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No. 782699
>>782646That price for that content….
oof…. does she not know her market?
I know she has loyalists who will shell out but it's going to be rough for her. Taking bets on her prices dropping over the long haul. There's absolutely no way she can justify that price for the content she offers.
No. 782726
>>782717This. Hidori Rose's videos with her boyfriend work because he's the typical skinny-fat white guy with an average dick
Moo only thinks of her own pleasure and tries to find cut, handsome men out of her league and out of her demographic
No. 782741
>>782716Idk Anon, she’s been moving at such a rapid rate with her porn. I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of the year she’s st least doing BJ shit if not full blown vag/ anal.
Still just absolutely floored this is what her content has become.
No. 782775
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Still 155 left kek
Guess no one was pumped to buy her overpriced vanity garbage when they can get it for free eventually.
No. 782781
File: 1593479108799.png (861.43 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2020-06-29-18-00-04…)

>more Dad hats
No. 782784
>>782781Fuck, it looks like Moo is one more injection away from losing the ability to show facial expressions.
Even through the filters and smudged on make up I can tell how botched she is.
No. 782860
>>782649>>782648>>782646You mean to tell me that she paid someone to
not have sex with her? That she's so repulsive she needed to pay a guy to touch her boobs? Holy shit that's pathetic.
No. 782906
File: 1593541166201.jpeg (Spoiler Image,121.46 KB, 800x1200, 54AC2E40-223A-425D-B1D5-FD822A…)

>>782877Don’t forget she’s charging $40 for these shitty stands.
No. 782942
File: 1593557669346.png (146.22 KB, 720x834, Screenshot_2020-06-30-15-41-44…)

No. 782943
>>782942Lmao still tagging circleofchiefs, how sad.
Also did she forget to tag the actual person who made the cosplay for her…?
No. 782945
>>782906>>782936I honestly can't imagine someone buying this and just… having it in their home. Like can you imagine going to someone's house and seeing that on their desk? Maybe nestled among the gooey anime figurines stored in a dusty DETOLF cabinet? I shudder.
>>782907The way she's going, she'll lose a foot to the beetus soon enough.
No. 782984
File: 1593598289681.jpeg (Spoiler Image,540.12 KB, 1920x1920, 638BB465-EAB2-48A4-A58F-6E0D26…)

>>782942>you know me, when I do cosplay I go all outYou mean: when you let other people take care of every single aspect of your cosplay you end up with a decent costume but STILL manage to get shit wrong.
No. 782987
>>782943more than likely stopped hanging out since in previous instances at his job he was sexually harassing a female Asian worker. Also making her pick up food and drinks while talking shit with her yet she can't snap back out of fear of not keeping her job at the tattoo parlor. Plus dude's got family and friends who are police so most definitely an "All Lives Matter" white dude trying to school others how black people aren't actually
victims just have the mentality to stay
No. 783158
>>782987Dude’s a creep but they stopped hanging out way before BLM picked up again and Mariah doesn’t care about sexual harassment. He most likely dropped her because he got a girlfriend and Mariah couldn’t contain her thirst.
>>783043Yeah it was a DIY challenge back when she was still pretending to make her own cosplays.
No. 783233
File: 1593707559119.jpg (239 KB, 2048x1365, 8ZxCMe0.jpg)

No. 783241
>>783233The final photo will be this blurry or worse.
Also does anyone else get the impression that this shoot is more about Moo trying to get a photo with a hot guy than actually making content? Dude is way too defined to fit her demographic so it has to be self serving.
No. 783242
>>783233You’d think for a dude who does porn as a career, he’d know how to grab onto an ass.
Also wtf does Moo have diaper rash? Lmao
No. 783255
>>783254Can you blame him? He’s seeing her without a ton of filters/photoshop.
Plus we know how bad her hygiene is, can you imagine the smell being up that close?
No. 783256
>>783246He does look repulsed and with good reason.
If anyone has seen her irl, they know just how bad it is. I saw her in person when she wore her Cindy costume like 50 pounds ago. She has weird discoloring like subtle slight purple bruises and really bad lumpy skin all over her thighs.
There’s a reason it’s the last costume she allowed her ass to be seen wearing in public.
She must look so much worse these days. The closest we get to the truth are her candid Baiken pics and those are from afar so the true horror can’t really be seen
No. 783298
>>783242When even a man hoe is disgusted by you ouch. Can you think about his horror when Moo is most likely whispering in his ear "I want you to fuck me after this shoot."
Also Moo's thought "It can't count as sexual assault if the person does porn for a living" since the girl is
toxic as hell or will most likely tell the man "If you don't play along I will tell people you raped me!"
since as a reminder, Moo has claimed false rape allegations in the past for attention.
No. 783312
>>783308he was expecting some thicc goddess but then saw her unshopped ass irl.
She's so transparent. This has nothing to do with content, she just wanted an attractive guy to touch her.
No. 783315
File: 1593735168045.jpeg (192.51 KB, 1009x1129, 662FB242-2164-44D2-96F7-CA095E…)

Close up of moo getting fondled by porn star
>>783268Your comment inspired me, anon
No. 783324
File: 1593738006242.png (2.1 MB, 1242x2208, 3565EFCB-4917-4D1C-B1F6-226312…)

Filters are working overtime…
>>783315Holy shit anon this is great.
No. 783347
File: 1593747005371.png (3.27 MB, 1800x1040, 615153B7-CB63-42B6-8FAC-550266…)

I wouldn’t be mad if this came from someone who actually owned up to their mistakes and had atoned for them. But Mariah keeps posting shit like this to try and quell any discussion of the shit she pulled in the past. The only thing she’s good at doing is pretending she’s done nothing wrong, ever, in her life and everyone else is just delusional or out to get her. Mariah has her head too far up her own ass to see the light.
No. 783348
>>783347But your mistakes involve gaslighting artists for your theft of their designs, sexually harassing 5 different people, brought someone to suicide and got 5150'd, sexually revealed 1 person, stole yet another designs and continues marketing it for profit with hardly any changes.
Too bad these are mistakes that should be publicly told to anyone meeting you. Id like to know if Im meeting someone who has a habit of not keeping their hands to themselves and steals materials and ideas from other artists openly.
No. 783349
File: 1593747457201.png (882.98 KB, 1161x1799, 6ED46097-EED7-4655-906E-B82884…)

The quasi-introspective act is fooling no one. I doubt she comprehends any of this tripe.
No. 783359
>>783347Imagine forgiving child groomers, rapists and molestors.
Couldn't be anyone but Moo.
No. 783387
>>783347>I wouldn’t be mad if this came from someone who actually owned up to their mistakes and had atoned for them.This though.
Continuously growing and learning is one thing. But learning out of single mistakes shouldn’t take you years. You can’t excuse making the same mistakes over and over again with ‘much still learning gimme time be patient uwu’ when you’ve been called out on them YEARS ago already but still haven’t changed.
Jfc this whole, condescending ‘holier than thou’ under the guise of spiritual growth while being such a hypocrite pisses me off so much.
She can keep preaching water but drink wine, but those who continuously have to emphasize how much they’re growing and point out all the good things they do, are usually full of shit.
Actions speak louder than words, moo.
No. 783462
>>783395Can you visualize someone who sympathizes with pedophiles and rapists because she is so scared for being called out for her own shit behavior?
Her being this nervous about sexual assault and rape allegations makes me really think about the anons who keep bringing up the possibility she has down much worse than we know. Moo already acts like a predator to anyone who's close to her with her lack of physical and emotional boundaries.
I just wish if it was true, more people will come forward. It's not like she has attack dogs anymore, she's just a thot no one will defend other that Square cuk
No. 783519
>>783359>>783395>>783462>>783480>>783489>>783502Okay but has there been any real indication besides timing that this is, in fact, about those rape allegations etc?
I mean, no doubt that she would defend them. But y‘all act as if it‘s a confirmed fact.
We all know she‘s sensitive and petty enough to become preachy like that just because someone has criticized something minor she‘s done herself.
No. 783523
File: 1593816040427.jpg (205.51 KB, 1125x892, POfV1e9.jpg)

No. 783525
File: 1593816572152.png (262.36 KB, 720x1192, B061B54C-F8FA-4D6D-9D2F-A4B32A…)

>>783519Consider the fact that she posted this IG story on Leon Chiro’s birthday (Just after posting a pic showering him with love for clout) as he was getting called out for his views on the BLM movement and being a sex pest. I’m not saying what she’s posting now is related for sure to what’s going on in the FGC currently but it seems like she only pipes up when those types of controversies happen.
No. 783547
>>783523>shibariSo she's gonna get that one chick who always does the bad rope work to take pics with her?
Or was that the calf that moved out
No. 783563
File: 1593830024122.jpg (111.36 KB, 1080x775, dTzOIiZ.jpg)

not my cap
No. 783567
File: 1593830598126.jpg (Spoiler Image,516.07 KB, 463x661, I5BiQDI.jpg)

>>783565nsfl but yes
she eventually spreads her ass to reveal full streak No. 783576
>>783572Teehee get it? Spread eagle for 4th of July? I'll stop.
>>783575Because in the video, she's standing then goes to the floor to take pics in the mirror? She pans to her crusty feet and flat ass. I don't get it either.
No. 783596
File: 1593836125306.jpg (Spoiler Image,163.32 KB, 540x960, 4erjl7rter851.jpg)

>>783591She uses SNOW and it has a stomach filter. We also can see here she has 4 new marks by her fupa. Her arms are in the way but another anon pointed out new dark marks too.
No. 783615
File: 1593843047093.png (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 929x659, thanksforthememories.png)

>>783578Kek. Thank you anon.
No. 783646
File: 1593864969726.jpg (825.83 KB, 1080x1688, 1499722722960 (1).jpg)

>>783639She wanted to show how unbothered she was that she rushed to make these instead of shipping out her backlog of patreon rewards, but she took the 't' off of momokun indicating she was at least a little bothered. And then funimation featured the moment! How embarassing
No. 783647
File: 1593865081125.png (576.11 KB, 1093x948, 1499598064837.png)

>>783615We had some really talented art anons back then
No. 783701
>>783670She can’t. She’s fishing for relevance because she’s a joke relying on the widest thirsty betas for her livelihood. Since what she’s doing isn’t terribly sustainable in the long run (porns half life? 12 seconds) she’s gotta reel them in.
And bitch is all the lanes wide
No. 783715
File: 1593888556725.png (937.63 KB, 720x1034, Screenshot_2020-07-04-11-46-12…)

No. 783721
File: 1593889963223.jpg (354.47 KB, 719x900, Screenshot_20200704-221123_Ins…)

>>783715>>783716Her mom liked these, such
abusive parents she has. Looking extra special needs in this one.
No. 783728
>>783715Momo come on now with that shop, the belly button isn't even in the right place
you can't keep shaving off 100 pounds of fat
No. 783731
File: 1593895541929.jpg (835.34 KB, 1500x1500, BeautyPlus_20200704154236306_o…)

Same fake "boiga" from 2 sets
No. 783735
>>783721this is honestly probably the closest she's ever gotten to a good lewd pic (in b4 15 salt-chans jump on me because they can't understand "closest" isn't "succeeded")
>>783716this however is straight up a PT pose. like, it gave me PT-SD flashbacks. this is that "mcnuggies" meme body shape. The shorts are so shopped and her ass is so flat that my brain can't even parse the plane. incredible.
No. 783743
File: 1593897386467.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3464x3464, 4345AE44-E5EF-4761-B514-396482…)

last year vs this year
No. 783747
>>783743I was about to say that she did lose weight after all.
Then I remembered she was recovering from one lipo during that shoot (so likely still swollen) and even got another round since then.
No. 783748
File: 1593898011273.jpg (44.42 KB, 1080x302, Screenshot_20200704-152214_Ins…)

>>783715Classy fans as always
No. 783754
File: 1593898597612.jpeg (76.39 KB, 720x960, A8E447BA-DFF5-4A1B-A5CD-C250E6…)

>>783747yeah I remember a lot of anons talking about how she shouldn’t have been up hanging out and whatever so soon. hell, credit where credit is do she’s gotten A Smidge better at posing and at least she isn’t wearing the god awful pink to white eyeshadow with every single thing anymore. I feel like this was almost the start of the super intense Dorito chinning too?
at the time this stupid lube bottle was so lewd and this was this most ass she’d shown (over blurred at the crack in true scamming fashion in the unedited $1 Patreon tier version.) who knew that a year later she’d be showing her asshole for real.
No. 783811
File: 1593908256691.jpg (154.12 KB, 1080x1350, BqQPgpX.jpg)

She has to have something done recently
No. 783825
File: 1593911578989.jpg (Spoiler Image,450.21 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200704-181155_Red…)

Ew ew ew ew ew ew
No. 783847
>>783811tbh I think she looks cute here, especially her hair, a little Kristin Ritter-ish
even if it's really fake
No. 783857
>>783848She also blurred her gut
She only looks "decent" because her 100th round of lipo is kicking in and she went on a crash diet for her paid escort
No. 783876
File: 1593924918721.png (156.66 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2020-07-04-21-50-36…)

No. 783912
>>783811Serious question, having never had lypo myself. Would these be scars from her last one? (That she made video of eg her last admitted lypo session) or are these new ones?
Of these are new, then she has lost literally no weight naturally.
No. 783916
File: 1593952260536.jpg (367.05 KB, 1489x2624, momobutthole.jpg)

>>783825That's literally a cat asshole
No. 783939
File: 1593960005597.jpeg (108.06 KB, 557x570, E5EF2FBB-FB56-4E91-91FF-7A2597…)

>>783715What the hell is that??
No. 783946
>>783930So people have been wondering why she doesnt do this stuff on her bed and I think i've figured it out.
I think when she lays down on the floor she puts something behind her back so her chest is arched forward and because of the angles it makes it look like she has more of a waist (and tricks the eye to make her boobs look bigger too). If she was to do it on her bed she'd have to do it a lot more because the cushioning of the bed would push all of her fat forward and especially because she has so much fat/loose skin on the back of her she cant have that.
Since she's on the floor and basically elevated, her fat/loose skin just hangs down so it basically works to snatch her body. Note how she doesnt show herself laying down and her very well insulated ribcage is sticking out when she pans down to her crotch
No. 783948
>>783930 That moment of her lying in front of the mirror is really something. The dirty floor, the filth in the background, the clutter, Moo herself being trashy af.
Also after she finishes to flick her bean (which she ends with this failed ahegao face kek) she takes the phone from one hand to the one she used to touch her snatch and idk something tells me she ain't cleaned her phone after that.
No. 783984
File: 1593974518858.png (150.34 KB, 273x308, 45e6e7a7e69ec8ecc3db74e509e450…)

>>783930This is terrifying
She cranks the filter up to 10 and turns herself into a fever dream
No. 783987
>>783970would explain why she completely edited over her stomach.
She is beyond stupid. She threw thousands on lipo and a possible tummy tuck for what? She's going to gain all the fat back, but now her skin is going to be thin, scared up and lumpy. What's her game plan?
No. 783989
File: 1593976052051.png (65.67 KB, 277x301, newface.png)

>>783988I feel for that filter. She set the settings on so high you can see the define line where the filter just gave up on life and just erased a whole area on her face. It even completely erased her chin
Even with the filter on max settings you can still see her double chin, granny jowls, and eye bags
No. 784031
>>783825pucker up
>>783930how desperate do you have to be to get off to this? All I can think off is "I don't think what I do is porn" and it makes me laugh.
No. 784050
>>784039Don't be silly anon. She has a degree in linguistics, knows Japanese, is a former Olympian, is a pharmacist, runs a cat sanctuary, master crafter, took REAL acting lessons, use to be a professional manga artist before her dad tore up her sketch book, coffee expert and is planning on becoming a teacher AND a vet! The world is her oyster
And I'm still missing things in her totally legit qualification list. She doesn't sound ridiculous at all
No. 784056
File: 1594000549252.png (978.08 KB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2020-07-05-18-51-53…)

On Mount Charleston with Kevin and Umbran, bout doubt going to degrade herself again
No. 784075
>>784056My guess is the boot in filters means she is looking worse and gaining weight now that her lipo peak is wearing off.
Will one of her "friends" snap a candid
No. 784091
>>784061She‘s also an aspiring realtor, investor and accountant as we‘ve just recently learned!
>>784066Now that’s just a ridiculous nitpick imo. I‘m assuming those hiking paths aren’t crowded enough for people not to be able to keep a 6ft distance to others and the virus spreads even less outside than it does inside.
When she e.g. visited the wolf sanctuary that was a whole other story as she was directly interacting with people and obviously not keeping distance.
But wearing a mask while hiking outside would just be dumb and unnecessary. (As long as they can, in fact, keep distance, obviously.)
No. 784124
>>784104She might’ve had one in her backpack. If they suddenly encountered people on the trail, they can simply stand at a distance.
If they suddenly encounter several people and keeping distance isn’t possible, I agree, she should wear a mask. But there was nobody anywhere near them in those shots so it‘s still a ridiculous nitpick based off assumptions.
>>784110Kevin and Umbran do live with her though, so I have no idea what the point is you’re trying to make here.
No. 784128
>>784124I didn't know they both lived with her, thought she only had one roommate.
You're getting weirdly upset about this tho. She sperged about wearing a mask. People should be wearing a mask.
Why you trynna defend her?
No. 784129
>>784128Because you keep bumping the thread with irrelevant shit like that.
As I’ve said, it’s a nitpick that’s based off an
assumption, not even something that actually happened.
No. 784137
File: 1594043040383.jpeg (821.77 KB, 750x1098, 354D4869-04A9-43C6-8A49-EDC9C9…)

instead of nitpicking masks because Mariah is wildly inconsistent in what she practices and preaches let’s talk about more of her ugly merch. will she ever change her logo? it’s not like this dumb peach is actually associated with her
No. 784157
>>784137It makes sense why she uses a peach since Momo means peach in japanese and we all know how good her Japanese skills are!
But she could at least make it more personal than just a peach outline…
No. 784163
File: 1594050951377.png (495.46 KB, 647x1232, Capture _2020-07-06-10-40-15~2…)

I feel bad for Maddie, she's the biggest simp
No. 784167
>>784166I'll back you up anon. She's aware to look thinner she has to wear shaping pants and hike them all the way up to her titts. But her arms give her away
That and she just recently had lipo on her stomach again so she has to wear something to compress it anyway. Well now a days she is always healing from lipo so I don't think she has a choice in wardrobe
No. 784169
File: 1594052512038.jpg (291.34 KB, 1080x1904, 20200706_091905.jpg)

>>784163How do people not notice all the rolls and sacks of fat just squeezing out of her clothing thats too small. Ughhh
No. 784171
>>784169because her followers are mainly neckbeards distracted by her floppy tits.
also because people are incredibly easily distracted in general, look at how fucking gullible people are when it comes to photoshopping, they just don't look at pictures closely.
No. 784172
>>784137It's literally just a shittier looking version of the peach emoji which gets used fucking everywhere. Very strange that she wouldn't invest in a more personal logo, but I think it's smart of her to sell the peach merch. It's discrete, lots of people wouldn't ever wear merch that was more clearly referencing their support for a costhot/cam girl.
This has been said 1000 times but god her filler face is just so unsettling and sad, she literally got meme'd by career anxiety and fucking instagram cosmetic procedure ads. If she was more prudent she could have invested in more intensive procedures with lasting results that actually suited her face but she's just gonna keep looking puffier and lumpier…
No. 784173
>>784169People are being tricked since Moo recently lipoed herself to an inch of her life and is editing her pictures to Dakota Koti levels.
Moo's the one who has to look at herself without a filter however. Causing her to get more botched surgery
>>784169Is no one going to mention she edited her arm to a normal sized one and stretched the rocks around her? Momo, girl, we have seen your real arms right here
>>784163insecure cuz you're gaining weight again?
No. 784176
>>784166I don't think they'd call you a WK..but definitely a simp if you think someone who edits to hell and back and forward and back looks nice.
>>784169People not simping and fapping to her or tossing her money notices it lol. She knows it too, because she REFUSES to wear fitting clothing as she thinks it makes her look sexy.
>>784173She's the type of thot that thinks no one follows her friends/"co-workers" to see the real them.
No. 784181
>>784171I think its also, in part, a wilful ignorance on their part. "Of course she's hot! I'd be wasting my money if she weren't, and I'm not desperate enough to do that."
>>784179Genuine curiosity. If she were to stop lipo and go on a solid diet of healthy eating and exercise, would her body ever be able to go back to a normal shape? I don't know much about lipo but it removes the actual fat storing cells, right? So even if she were to lose weight properly, the distribution would still be uneven and messy?
No. 784184
>>784181she can never have a normal body again. Without editing she's a lumpy disgusting botched mess. If she lost 100 pounds she would have damaged loose skin. Even if she had skin removal she would have horrible scarring.
She is forever dependent on editing her body and she can never show herself in public with a bikini ever again. No amount of money can fix her deformities
No. 784187
>>784181Worse, it removes the layer of superficial healthy fat. It's one of the reasons why reputable doctors want you to lose weight first. They want to lipo as little as possible. Momo is essentially removing the fat that keeps your body plump, youthful and soft. Meanwhile, the artery clogging cholesterol and organ strangling fat is helping age her prematurely.
>>784181>>784184The best option for momo is to spend a few years slowly losing weight. She's young enough that her skin can adjust. Skin is capable of this, it's just people want to lose 100 lbs in under a year and two organs are unforgiving when it comes to that quick of a change. Skin and heart. If she lost weight slowly she might get lucky and have minimal loose skin, especially with appropriate moisturizing and muscle building.
Momo has ruined her body for good. There are tons of things she can do to start improving and restoring the damage, but people who are capable of that hard work don't get botched bodies like Mariah in the first place.
No. 784194
File: 1594058310163.jpeg (Spoiler Image,453.95 KB, 1242x671, 982D8DE1-F1D1-45EE-985A-1A075F…)

>>784181>>784184I feel like she‘ll end up like TwoThornedRose. Like, literally. Just with more filters, worse camera quality and a botched face.
No. 784200
>>784137Asides from the shit logo she never once bothered to change since Vamps made it, Mariah never seems to know exactly what kind of merch is actually appealing. You can tell which ones were suggested by others (Charms, standees) compared to something she thought would sell (Dad hats, visors, those ugly beige “lewds not nudes” hoodies). I don’t know about you guys but I don’t see many people her age wearing old lady visors like the one she’s sporting. Even in Vegas. (Moo blends in looking like an old hag on a power walk in Summerlin lol)
I got secondhand embarrassment any time I saw her repost an image of some other cosplayer she obviously freely gave merch to in order to promote it.
No. 784225
>>784219Firstly, I doubt she's that active. She curates her photos/streams to make it seem that way.
Secondly, she eats out A LOT. And orders food a lot. All you can eat sushi, etc.
And thirdly, and most likely, she drinks a lot of alcohol. Even if she were drinking straight vodka with seltzer, you're looking at 100 cals A SHOT. And I promise you she probably drinks 10~ shots worth of vodka when she drinks because she's so heavy + eats so much. She also drinks energy drinks/sugary things all the time.
No. 784246
>>784243Skin tuck surgery.
The scars go over her stomach, too but they’re a little lighter and therefore less obvious.
No. 784280
File: 1594088088006.jpg (631.93 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200706_221256.jpg)

What is up with those extremely deep laugh/jowl lines? I know she is fat and all, but even for that. Her face looks like homer Simpson. I know it's been speculated on, but could cheek fillers have this effect?
No. 784289
>>784281The lip injections and the chin/neck lipo was a really bad idea. It's just more places for the fat to go
That and she feels good because she keeps getting lipo but is still gaining weight in all the wrong places.
She doesn't deserve people worrying about her, but in the past year she lipoed around 80 pounds of fat out of her. Her insides are that of a 300 pound woman and it shows.
How is she not in a panic daily?
No. 784304
>>784280More proof no matter how many procedures you do, if you don't have a healthy life at core you'll end up fucked.
She cakes her face in makeup and then I doubt she has a proper skin care (plus sun exposure).
Then, genes, being white, so she ages like shit.
And of course, she eats and drinks trash all the time which really shows over time.
Filters and shoop and pumping botox all over yourself don't help either, sometimes the more you try to hide it the creepier and more obvious it looks.
t. someone who had the exact same problem looking like shit before waking up to reality (don't wanna sound preachious and no1curr, just astounding to see the exact same trainwreck I went through like this)
No. 784347
File: 1594116815608.png (1.24 MB, 1795x855, B0B550C6-426D-48ED-9079-E9F18A…)

Ah yes, the cheap Las Vegas prostitute look. God she’s so trashy, no amount of money can salvage this.
No. 784348
File: 1594116973948.png (749.58 KB, 799x685, BA2882C0-C151-442D-810E-F9C0AD…)

>>784347Samefag but yikes. She looks like she just woke up from an all night bender.
No. 784355
File: 1594121016178.jpeg (46.96 KB, 750x427, B592A93C-FFB9-4E4C-A442-E0E972…)

her arm is just wow
No. 784362
>>784357…really? Her she wears a necklace a lot? This is the level of nitpicking beyond scrotal autism.
Every person I know wears at least one accessory habitually. You don't need to immediately zero in on some dumb shit just to feel like part of the milk.
No. 784365
File: 1594126337328.jpg (Spoiler Image,352.63 KB, 1155x2500, a3eabf7.jpg)

Good lord, her snatch straight up looks like it stinks.. girl, learn some hygiene.
No. 784366
>>784362Follow the threads before you try to call out nitpicking lol.
It's similar to her gucchi fannypack that never came off, this particular necklace was a flex not too long ago.
Yes, people tend to wear accessories for awhile, but with moocow, when the flexing doesn't work as intended she moves on quickly. Literally, just go back a few threads.
>>784365Thought this was determined to be fake?
No. 784375
>>784355>>784348Fuck even with all that lipo you can def tell she's gaining weight again. And didn't she suck the fat out of her arms just this year? How much food is she eating??? I was aware she photoshops the fat out but this is next level self hate.
She looks closer to when she was 250 pounds. Anons were not kidding when she fudges her numbers.
No. 784378
>>784377You know he was from the way he was reacting in videos and pictures. He even went as far as to post everyone on set except Moo on his social
Safe to say he wont be coming back a second time. Especially knowing Moo most likely was trying to get in his pants.
No. 784395
>>784393Because he's hired. It wasn't a shoot for him, he's just a prop in the whole thing. Thats why Moo had her camera guy there, probably Square, but everything else was his because he's used to actual porn. She probably offered to pay for his crew too. This guy is complete prop material for her shoot. Also people on Reddit are saying they are subbed but don't see the videos in DMs. I don't know how true that is vs people just saying it to find leaks. Someone will leak it.
Also someone is pretending to be Moo on PornHub going by Ms Mariah but tagging herself as Mariah Mallad. Not worth posting it because it's shitty quality and bad, but tried checking Pornhub and none of this video is there yet. Give it less then 24hrs.
No. 784420
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>>784417Again this is old (fucking jpeg artifact) but the way she continues to thoughtlessly "sound urban" in her speech is sus
No. 784457
File: 1594154002495.jpg (122.83 KB, 1548x1024, joji-run-02-2020-billboard-154…)

>>784451Is this what Joji was running away from in the limo?
No. 784460
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More work?
No. 784461
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Another procedure.
No. 784480
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>>784476Forgot time stamp.
No. 784501
>>784461What was that Moo? About working out super hard and losing weight naturally?
Girl is going to gain another 100 pounds from over eating now that she feels good about the surgery
No. 784546
File: 1594167547107.png (429.09 KB, 750x427, fromlargetobarge.png)

Went back to the first thread out of boredom but uh… jesus christ, that is a lot of ruination for just a few short years.
No. 784580
>>784574Well, she has always made cheap porn, she just always hid behind cosplay because "I'm better than THOSE girls". At least now she can stop pretending to have an interest in anime now that she has her neck beard fan base
>>784578Problem with Moo is she has always been a basic bitch. You're right, she could have been making her own cosplays by now, she had big names interested in her. She could have been up there with Nigiri and Yaya
But the truth is, she never wanted that. She always had a "i'm better than everyone" attitude because she never liked the anime/gaming community. She never developed past high school and always thought they were a bunch of losers. But what interests does she have?
Stealing boyfriends, fake glam and plastic surgeries.
Now all her income is for surgeries and keeping around whatever fake friends she has left.
No. 784598
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>>784451another anon called it. She's wording it make it sound like its out when she's disclaimering it on her OF feed that its coming out this month, not immediately
No. 784643
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>>784565>>784580Looks like she’s trying to prove she really is a serious cosplayer, she posted a ton of stories of cosplays she’s done in the past.
Sorry, Moo. You started off a costhot from the very beginning. Nobody has ever cared about your “big builds” or your crappy video passion projects.
I remember first time seeing her ugly mug in Anime expo forums, showing off her tits in a Sakura cosplay then some black lingerie immediately after.
No. 784649
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>>784643Totally trying to lie to herself that she was ever a real cosplayer.
She was wearing bikinis and lingerie from the get go. She should just acknowledge that’s the only reason she had a following bc her cosplays have always been inaccurate falling apart messes.
No. 784650
File: 1594203691049.png (985.38 KB, 1129x1660, 8AD4336F-21F0-414D-A0EF-88CB8E…)

Literally every single blip displayed at the top is a picture of her from around the start of her “career” up until now. Mostly old. Is she having a manic crisis or something right now that she took time to repost that many old photos of herself to somehow feel better? Maybe her bleak future in D grade porn is finally starting to sink in. That’s what happens when you’re a talentless cunt.
No. 784661
File: 1594212187586.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, 2FEB7225-D106-44E6-8B96-2377B3…)

>>784650She deleted all of that sperging. Wonder why?
Btw the “important announcement” is her ugly ass peach visors are dropping. A woman with fashion sense as bad as hers has no business designing anything.
No. 784665
File: 1594214314004.png (929.91 KB, 640x1136, C0BC0429-C344-4D96-B0A8-2CC4A1…)

Of all the photos she could use to show off her hat she used the one that makes her head look the tiniest
No. 784666
>>784650Sudden sperging and trying to validate herself as a cosplayer when all she does is order costumes the wrong size and stand awkwardly to a fanbase that doesnt give a fuck what she's wearing.
No one cares about your "cosplay", get fatter, waste your money on stupid shit, and let the cottage cheese flow.
No. 784671
File: 1594215602139.jpeg (59.25 KB, 619x622, 0F51D0DF-28C0-43B1-B1B8-60A0C1…)

>>784670Aa forgot to add the photo, sorry.
No. 784703
>>784692Lurk more instead of asking to be spoonfed.
>>784683It probably belongs in the calves thread but whatever. Has Maddie been simping as hard for these other costhots tho? I’ve never followed her so I wouldn’t know, but she has this really weird crush on Moo, so she might stick around even if she has nothing to gain from it. I mean, Moo had already given up cosplay for the most part when Maddie came along. The only difference to then is that she’s showing off her asshole now. And, as I’ve said, Maddie has a crush on Moo, so she probably doesn’t mind.
tl;dr I don’t think Maddie is around for clout as she’s never really benefited from knowing or being around Moo to begin with.
No. 784707
>>784703Based on some of Maddie’s stories it’s heavy implied she has a crush on her and is gay for Moo.
That probably also explains why she tagged along for limo shoot….
No. 784712
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>>784643She is still insisting this was based off the fanart when she clearly copied nigri
No. 784724
File: 1594231620535.png (958.51 KB, 1548x1024, Cursedlimo.png)

>>784457I'm at work but I tried anon lol
No. 784725
>>784723sage for irrelevance but I'm pretty sure it's very possible if youre already at a high bodyweight cause that naturally makes you able to retain more water
TL;DR momokun is Fat
No. 784726
File: 1594232039659.gif (10.42 MB, 257x450, videotogif_2020.07.08_14.06.38…)

Moo posted a story on ig about how she wants to start a YouTube. It was long so I made it into a gif for sake of file size. Lots of strange facial expressions made even stranger looking by her bloated plastic sausage face.
No. 784728
>>784726Outside of her hug box? First she's going to spend all day deleting "hate" comments, turn off comments in general, then abandon it.
She already tried the youtube thing before with her Fate video. No one gave a shit
You're a hoe Moo, just spread your asshole
No. 784732
File: 1594233242637.png (1.42 MB, 640x1136, D261C8CE-2578-4279-8233-AC07EA…)

>>784726I forgot about this but Maddie posted about the filter that Moo has been abusing lately in all her insta stories.
No. 784733
>>784732It's okay Maddie, it just means you like your own face more than… whatever the fuck this is
Maddie and Moo are on the same levels of attractive irl except I can give props to Maddie since she's losing weight naturally
No. 784737
>>784735it helps but Moo doesn't need it. She just copies other cosplayers and reads the wikis on the show to pretend she knows what the hell she's talking about
However it was funnier she got perma tats on her body for shows she's no longer interested in
No. 784743
>>784715You forgot
> yeah I’m a vegan diet I don’t eat meat> I eat fish but I don’t eat meatGirl just call yourself a pescatarian.
Funny how people think the fishing industry is any better than the meat or dairy industry
No. 784745
>>784743She also keeps "Accidentally" eating things with animal products in them. She could just say vegetarian but vegan is more trendy.
Not that it matters, we all know her diet is complete bull shit and she's just lipo/cool sculpting her way to botched victory
Also to the anon who said you can only get lipo procedures done just twice a year, hahaha ooooh cute that you think that
No. 784761
>>784726How many times has she tried and failed to start up a YouTube channel? Hell just how many times she has fished for compliments asking “Should I start up a YouTube channel talking about anime/fitness/ “whatever retarded thing she is pretending to be into to get some fuckbois attention”? You would think after all the negative comments and dislikes on literally everything she posts she would have picked up on the fact that no one gives a fuck what she has to say or what she does unless it’s her complete debasing herself sexually.
She’s so desperate to have her stupid opinions validated and told how right and talented and knowledgeable she is but she knows she is going to get dunked on the second she opens her mouth and of course say something flat out stupid and objectively wrong.
She’d spend most of her time deleting and clapping back at comments. Then after a week she’d just give up and post some long winded whiny rant about how “people are so
toxic for no reason and don’t want to see you succeed in anything”.
No. 784766
>>784761She usually cries and runs away after a week. People on youtube are not shy about tearing you a new one in the comments and dislikes.
Moo is so soft shelled.
The community hates her outside of her hug box.
She's drowning in the reality of not even being a thot, but just some cheap porn peddler.
She could turn around, everyone can. But that would require actual hard work and change.
She has to get off the internet for at least 6 months, give out a real apology video of all the shit she has done, actually work out and not depend on plastic surgery to save money for crafting and actually learn a skill other than lazily spreading her cheeks. But that is like asking a fish to run.
Well in Moo's case she isn't even a fish that swims. Moo is a sun fish
This thread is watching someone slowly burn themselves to death
No. 784803
>>784802Moo is just
triggered because she doesn't like the thought she agrees with farmers when we say she isn't a cosplayer, she just makes B level porn
So she is sending us the dick picks her simps send to her on the daily
Aaaand cue her putting on a crusty wig and man handling her breasts/flicking her bean to prove us wrong
"Cuz it isn't porn if I put a cosplay wig on!"
No. 784810
>>784807True, they don't even have to pay for it
Some even have millions of views
Moo wishes she had amateur porn numbers
No. 784862
>>784856At least we know exactly what type of sub human cranks his hog to this hog. Not that it’s of any surprise. Truly bottom of the barrel losers who never grew out of their middle school porn shock humor phase.
We’ve seen dicks before. It’s not shocking, just pathetic. Trolls really think posting shit like this is top kek big brain pranking when it’s really not very original or intelligent.
No. 784866
>>784841Same as the “Should I review anime on YouTube?” plans. Immediately dumped once she got all the asspats she needed from just mentioning wanting to do it.
Just like fat people like Moo who mention wanting to “work out and eat healthier” they just want the support and encouragement they get just for announcing it and not actually having to put in the work to do it. You think Moo wants to sit down for hours watching anime (not for leisure, literally for her job where she actually has to pay attention and take notes and be able to articulate some opinion other than “omg she has such huge tiddies, I wanna cosplay her!”), write scripts, shoot for hours on end depending on the format and presumably edit the videos on a weekly basis? Of course not. She can barely keep up pretending to like anime just so her simps will keep dumping money on her. Imagine if it was her actual job.
But she absolutely wants to put it out there that she is thinking about it and immediately get showered with praise and encouragement “omg you totally should!” and “you know so much about anime I’m surprised you haven’t started already!”. And that’s enough for her. As long as people aren’t only telling her “Shut the fuck up and show us your tits and ass!” she’s happy cause now she doesn’t feel like such a talentless whore who’s only skill is taking her clothes off and pretending to fuck herself on camera and even that she isn’t particularly good at.
No. 784873
File: 1594270733202.jpg (Spoiler Image,301.81 KB, 1125x1001, Y1dsWAV.jpg)

And now for something completely different
No. 784875
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>>784874Whatever happened to her ~sekreet stash~ of adult toys? This seems wasteful since she will do nothing with these
No. 784886
>>784733It makes me wonder if Moo has ever offered to pay Maddie so she can get plastic surgery or to get work done.
That's the only reason why Vamps was such a lap dog and stayed until Moo took back their agreement.
No. 784890
>>784874She‘s already bought the tremor weeks ago. Maybe use that first before buying several other fuck machines?
Bitch is truly being manic as fuck right now.
>>784875And in the next post she’s gonna emphasize how shy she is again, isn’t she? Jfc she needs to make up her mind at some point
No. 784908
>>784890She’ll definitely say she’s too shy to use them and push it off as much as she can but she’s said she bought them so her paypigs are going to want to see it.
She’s down spiralling hard and there’s no way back for her now
No. 784924
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No. 784925
>>784908Yep, next she's going to be all "No I'm too shy for penetration!"
Then she'll make a "pov" video of her using both toys without the penetration shown.
It's amazing she spiraled from "I don't have to do nudes" to showing us her butthole, but she's still going to find a way to scam at the end of the day.
No. 784935
>>784875So she’s gonna do her stupid fake arousal/orgasm faces in public while pretending to be wearing them or have them turned on for about a minute while constantly checking if someone’s looking?
Sounds so appealing.
No. 784937
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No. 784941
File: 1594314001541.jpg (Spoiler Image,569.62 KB, 535x980, COYfqIm.jpg)

>>784937Apparently losing weight through contouring "laser lipo" is the same as being disciplined lmao
Anyways here's a video she posted to stall giving out any of the promised content she made this month
No. 784942
File: 1594314100000.jpg (Spoiler Image,476.01 KB, 507x898, eAfJ42u.jpg)

>>784941I feel like now she's going to have a meltdown if she doesn't meet her dream weight because she knows she can't lose weight on her own without a procedure being done.
No. 784943
>>784942I feel like she's trying to convince herself. But if she was confident in her own abilities she wouldn't need to get cool sculpting and lipo done every month.
But now that she feels good about her photoshopped pics and the sculpting she's going to stop her crash diet and gain the weight back and then some.
Fad diets don't work. Life style changes do
No. 784944
>>784943The daughter of a vegan family (with a body builder Dad, no less) thinks it's fair to get ahead and do lipo instead of listening to her family and doing what she did during lacrosse to lose weight. Hilarious.
No one else in her family is obese. Just her.
No. 784945
>>784944because she's a lying brat
Maybe she will go the Venus route one day and get an illegal surgery done to cut out her intestines
She's becoming a surgery addict
No. 784950
>>784941She likes changing the definition and terms of shit. She thinks just because she says "You can't loose weight with lipo" doesn't stop her from losing weight from it.
You're still sucking out 10-15 pounds of fat every time you go in Moo. So yes, you 100 percent didn't loose any of the weight on your own
No. 784953
>>784941Her legs remind me of the My 600lb Life people who have lost like 400lbs and their legs still look like tree trunks.
She’s really just destroying her body all for a defined waist. Sad. How old is she? 25? Amazing.
No. 784966
>>784960She probably thinks her being a normal weight and the athlete diet-behavior and calorie tracking habits her father tried to teach her were anorexia symptoms. I don’t think any actual anorexic could be mindless enough to become as obese as her. (I would love to see her claim having an ED again though. She’d be a perfect addition to Georgia.)
>>784961I think it’s the filter struggling to figure out wtf is going on.
No. 784967
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Some comedy
No. 784970
File: 1594318918317.png (68.47 KB, 720x467, Screenshot_2020-07-09-11-15-16…)

>>784969If lipo made you gain weight why did you do it 5+ times
No. 784971
>>784967That's nice and all but that's shit that she did
ages ago which do not count anymore so he's right, it's not discipline.
Also a hearty kek at real estate. Bitch since when?! Management? Bitch you dropped out of college, let's not make it more than it really is which is a piss poor attempts at getting your shit together before failing.
>>784969No Mariah, lipo tried to help you lose weight but your greedy obese ass ruined it and gained the weight yourself.
She's always biting the hand that overfeeds her.
No. 784976
>>784968>Real Estate. Management.Bitch WHERE
>Merchandise productionYou mean the shit tier shirts and dad hats with the lazy ass peach logo someone else came up with for you? She acts like she's launched some bougie clothing line instead of just taking stolen ideas from other people and slapping them on cheap visors.
Her clapbacks are always so fucking funny. She's so desperate to prove that she's more than she is, that she's really this boss bitch real estate mogul,savvy businesswoman, cosplay queen, fashion designer, and Olympic level weight lifter when the reality is she's just a talent-less, shameless thief, liar, and a fat ass grifter peddling D-list porn to neckbeards. She hates what she's been reduced to and always has to say some shit to try and feel superior, but the truth is there's nothing creative, remarkable, or unique about her at all. Deep down she knows this and fucking hates herself for it.
Also lol at "full time job". Didn't she work part time at Starbucks for a few months, maximum?
No. 784985
>>784970I love how no one is buying her shit. Even her brain dead fans aren't that stupid
also only 3-5 pounds? Moo you suck out the max number of 10-15 whenever you can
No. 784989
>>784984She said real estate management. I'm going to assume she invested in it. Now people with half a brain and the cash to invest in such endeavors have a wealth management agent. The agent makes sure the properties are bought, sold, indured, if rental properties the rent is paid, etc etc. If it's blank tracks of land they make sure the taxes and insurance is paid also to advertise for prospective buyers.
So either she's a dipshit and is going to get sued into the stoneage for property mismanagement or she's taking credit for the agents work. Both are highly likely.
No. 784990
>>784982I know her simps are so far gone that they’ll believe any lie she tells them no matter what. But it still surprises me that they can’t rub two brain cells together long enough to know she’s full of shit, especially once she double downs on anyone rightfully calling her on it. She’s shown literally no proof to what she claims and expects them to take her word for it. Fucking real estate my ass, she realizes that she has to take courses for that right? She shows off every aspect of her life except proof about her obvious lies. She can’t throw some of her first year UNLV textbooks out for a quick pic to try to back her up this time lol.
My god, she goes to a print on demand site like Redbubble, inserts her shit tier clip art logo on a product and suddenly she’s in “merchandise production” and “management”. The delusion is real.
No. 784992
>>784976I can’t help but laugh at her clap backs because they are always the same. The second anyone reminds her that she isn’t anything more than a talentless, D-Grade eThot selling pictures of her butthole to degenerate neckbeards on the internet she immediately tries to come back with all these imaginary accomplishments and skills she has built up in her delusions that she’ll be doing long after her thot well dries up in order to feel some sense of superiority.
I just love some of the ridiculous shit she has either claimed to be an expert at or professions she is secretly doing behind the scenes with no ones knowledge. The lazy fat ass who sits around all day watching anime collecting Dorito dust in her cleavage somehow is also secretly a real estate mogul, manager, fitness/weight lifting expert, translator, actor, streamer, master cosplay sculptor, and linguistics major. It’s like she never stops to think that “Damn, this sounds pretty asinine at this point”. Whenever she gets into an argument with someone she immediately tries to claim to be an expert in an attempt to shut down the conversation and “win”. In her head she is thinking: “Now that I have suddenly revealed that I am secretly a total expert at the thing we were arguing about you’re now some loser, virgin, incel who still lives in his mom’s basement who’s just hating on a woman on the internet for not wanting to bang you. Conversation over. I win.”
No. 785002
>>784991>>784990Pretty much. The walls are closing in and she starting to be less and less known for “cosplay” and is starting to be seen as another run of the thot doing the whole “OnlyFans/Patreon/Premium Snapchat” racket. And everyone knows the shelf life of those aren’t very long and are quickly fazed out once their looks start to fade and they get in enough controversies or piss off too many fans by ripping them off and they are quickly replaced by someone who is younger, hotter and will do all the shit you won’t do because of some misplaced sense of pride or ego.
Those stories never end with one of those girls coming out of it starting a multimillion dollar company or acting in big budget movies and tv shows. They usually end with them going back to working shitty retail jobs, marrying some rich asshole to be his trophy wife/arm candy or just straight up jail cause they thought they could pull that “boss bitch who don’t give a fuck” attitude in the real world. Yet Moo thinks that when this all over she’ll have a huge multi-million dollar fitness clothing company, multiple high end rental properties with a shredded Asian fuckboi trophy boyfriend.
She’ll be lucky to get her old job back at Starbucks once the simps find someone else.
No. 785004
>>785002I just thought of someone Moo tried to leech off of, Belle Dephine
I bet you 10 bucks the only reason she wants to do youtube is because she looks up to Trisha since she does porn and is a hated human being yet still has a thriving youtube channel.
She only has one because she does mukbangs and it pleases the people with a feeder fetish. Moo has to accept who her real audience is. Not anime fans, but gross basement dwellers who jack off all day
No. 785013
>>785011adding to this tinfoil
you think after porno dude did the groping shoot with her she asked him if he wanted to come back and fuck her for videos and just flat out said no?
He gets porn directors paying him to fuck perfect 10's so it would make sense he can be picky and the dude was basically catfished by Moo.
Now she's buying fuck machines because at least the machine can't say no
aaand then the thing breaks after the first use
No. 785016
>>784941“I do Lipo to get the shape I want, not to lose weight!”
This is the shape she wants?? Even with filters you can tell her proportions are totally fucked.
Also I’m very happy some of her followers are calling her out. I have a feeling she was hovering around that 203 mark for a while and just days fuck it and got it sucked out of her. Bitch was just dumb and it ended up getting posted online. No one believes you did all this through hard work and discipline Mariah.
No. 785020
File: 1594329978371.png (89.53 KB, 720x652, Screenshot_2020-07-09-14-22-10…)

Mariah your dad is a bouncer who used roids. Dont get cocky
No. 785021
>>785020so her family and friends studied hard for years just for Moo to piggy back off their accomplishments. So just because her dad is a professional she is too by default?
Just because her family are real estate agents she's one too?
Moo, instead of having 100 made up degrees get your own. Becoming a nutritionist takes less than a year online
No. 785057
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>>785046If you want to call yourself a nutritionist there is nothing stopping you, or moo's dad, or moo herself, which I would not be surprised if she did soon
No. 785067
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No. 785071
File: 1594355587807.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1125x1341, ACBA5CE1-B4F9-493D-98D2-89980D…)

There was actually zero attempt
No. 785072
File: 1594355596501.gif (2.1 MB, 270x480, D79D4BF1-2973-4FCB-885A-316D43…)

some corset bullshit from TikTok
No. 785084
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No. 785091
>>784968This is so disgustingly classist and elitist
she’s never known what it’s like to struggle and her privilege pompous ass makes sure everybody knows it
No. 785105
>>785104Thank you.
And there’s stuff like sugar free iced coffees and you can even do it yourself without adding any sugar whatsoever.
I kinda roll my eyes at her ‘whole food plant based uwu’ shtick, too, especially since she’s still eating fish regularly. But this just looks a regular coffee with plant milk (bc it looks a bit watered down compared to coffee with cow’s milk) to me.
I get thatmilk is a bit slow and skim rn but the reaching is getting ridiculous lately. If you really have to make up things to nitpick that aren’t really there at least sage your bullshit.
No. 785115
>>785102Moo has already waxed poetic about how ~
abusive~ her dad was, I wonder how he had time to be so terrible if he was working hundreds of hours, hmmmm.
No. 785126
File: 1594392946936.jpg (56.86 KB, 600x379, itsnotthathard.jpg)

>>785091reminds me of pic related, except that rob is obviously being sarcastic and making a point to show that it isn't actually that easy or obtainable for most people. he has the wealth and time to devote to something like this, as does mariah (even though she's too lazy to actually do it). but mariah is such a dumb privileged ass, she doesn't seem to understand that it's not feasible for a lot of people, she just thinks it's a lack of discipline rather than a lack of funds, free time, and access to things. the person criticizing her makes a
valid point, but she just has to be salty about it because she's a spoiled brat.
No. 785134
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>>785067I really do feel like she’s trying to skinwalk Hitomi Tanaka on some days. The way she shops her face just looks eerily similar to her sometimes
No. 785148
>>785134It might just be that she uses the same apps/filters (plus face taped jawline) though. The more the filter warps one‘s face the more alike the people using it will look.
And even if she isn’t, they’re both focusing on Asian beauty ideals so obviously she’ll end up looking similar to some extent.
So, I don’t think she’s necessarily trying to skin walk anyone, just being an insufferable weeb cunt.
No. 785151
File: 1594402538282.png (29.68 KB, 1266x190, Screenshot (113).png)

>>785146funny thing is she's barely Arab. She's American Lebanese. I found the comment in the last thread explaining this
Moo is as exotic as putting olive oil over a salad. Her being Italian just makes it funnier
But she hasn't be spouting off about her super proud Asian Lebanese blood since this comment. Moo, you're a white Italian Christian. Stop grabbing POC points
No. 785154
>>785151Sometimes it blows my mind that Mariah legitimately claimed she used to wear a hijab and no one, not one soul, called her bullshit on that
(I mean in her circle, obviously we did)
No. 785181
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No. 785188
File: 1594418088157.png (2.41 MB, 1800x1081, 7811D832-074D-44B2-987A-9F646C…)

Those filters are working overtime.
No. 785219
>>785181If she is actually dieting/working out(I doubt it) I'm waiting for her to hit her plateau.
She'll either give up and rapidly gain weight again or botch herself worse.
Or travel to Japan will open up and she'll have a couple of cheat weeks and completely ruin any progress.
No. 785242
File: 1594432551239.jpeg (138.95 KB, 620x332, 1590639428927.jpeg)

>>785227This is her face just last month
no filter, nothing
It's mainly her life style. Face tape, not washing her face, alcohol, drugs, shit diet, not drinking water, no skin routine other than going to a plastic surgeon
No. 785243
>>785231But she doesn't cook her own meals? She has her live in slaves cook it to her and bring it to her gullet.
And impossible burgers are horrible for you. She shouldn't be eating ANY fast food burger
No. 785247
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No. 785253
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No. 785256
File: 1594438435877.jpg (199.51 KB, 1080x1906, 20200710_223334.jpg)

197 my ass…
No. 785257
File: 1594438779057.png (1.99 MB, 1800x900, CDE4C5DF-8941-4E2B-85DA-ECFFC7…)

Sorry for the shit quality but I can’t get over how fucked her face is. She’s so heavily reliant on filters that I’d feel bad for her if she wasn’t such a cunt.
No. 785284
File: 1594458073531.png (Spoiler Image,788.68 KB, 640x1136, 55C7F4FC-0FA7-4F15-A970-9E079A…)

No. 785294
File: 1594463538879.png (2.11 MB, 1720x981, face.PNG)

>>785284Every time I see these screenshots of her videos, her face always looks over baked. I know that she abuses filters but I wonder if she's contouring parts of her face and body with make up as well to give an extra illusion
No. 785301
>>785188>shapewear >filters>several rounds of lipoWEIGHT LOSS u guys, it just needs discipline uwu
whole food plant based my dudes>>785256Guess someone got their feelings hurt cause it’s gone now.
Maybe if you stop relying on filters, shapewear and instead face the way you
actually look, you won’t get as offended when people point it out, Moo. You can try hiding it all you want, but it won’t change the way that this
>>785257 is what you look like. Not
No. 785340
File: 1594487897597.jpeg (107.78 KB, 738x512, 36CC7863-BB3F-4E6E-BFA0-E9D68E…)

now I know why this picture creeps me tf out. It’s like she’s wearing one of those silicone female masks.
No. 785346
>>785344I agree, I wouldn't call Maddie a "kid"
She's a young adult despite her immature behavior. Horay for her growing though, but it's def not in the right direction
No. 785360
>>785357I dunno, have you seen her other shirtless pics? One boob is bigger than the other and her nipples are off.
But who cares if she has perfect tits. Most bigger women don't have perfectly symmetrical titts anyway
No. 785363
File: 1594498124408.png (7.61 MB, 1242x2688, AC1AA86B-0D60-4266-98CD-0E0229…)

Livestream rightnow she’s HUGE
No. 785365
>>785353There‘s a pic of her completely topless in this very thread and her tits look just as wonky.
>>784942But either way, what
>>785360 said. Her tits are uneven, she has weirdly shaped nipples due to scarring, nothing new, not milky.
No. 785367
File: 1594499819955.png (192.22 KB, 281x501, Screenshot 2020-07-11 at 3.33.…)

all the comments are asking her to stand up lol
No. 785375
File: 1594506220750.png (7.75 MB, 1242x2208, 6526AE05-4D65-4330-AA3A-8CAD71…)

Serving stroke-victim looks.
And she read out her list of planned cosplays for the time between now and July ‘21.
>Zelda Gerudo
>’mountain lady’
>Kirei Kotomine
>Paya (?)
>Sypha (?)
>Velma (?)
>Katsukuro (?)
>Striga (?)
>Nomo (? something from Zelda - A link between worlds)
>Pochaco Tavern Girl
>Lucoa (?)
>Tohru (?)
>Mai Valentine
>Armika (?)
(Not familiar with all the characters etc so the (?) are the ones I’m not sure about and (???) means I couldn’t figure out at all what she meant.)
That’s 32 cosplays over the span of 12,5 months. So, at least 2 cosplays per month. Yeah that sure as hell will happen. But ever since she’s doing full nude now she’ll probably just recycle a wig that remotely matches the characters hair color and call it cosplay for half of these.
No. 785386
File: 1594509221416.jpeg (337 KB, 1440x1542, 35C52BC8-4C8D-4A60-B6AC-AA901C…)

Saged for slightly offtopic, but is anyone familiar with Azzyland? She's a youtuber and a model, I think. Videos of her reacting to viral videos show up on my facebook all the time and it always shocks me how much she looks and sounds like moo, if she actually took care of herself and ate healthy. I'm curious if moo knows of her as well and thinks she looks just like her. If so, I'm sure she's jealous that Azzy is much more popular than she is(off-topic)
No. 785420
File: 1594548377497.png (1.83 MB, 1242x2208, 90B01CB6-13ED-46CF-8E6E-222231…)

I thought she was having a stroke for a moment there.
No. 785425
>>785420She actually seems to look thinner, wonder if this disappoints any of her fans. I’d assume most of them are into feederism/fattening fetish
>>785306You are legit retarded. She clearly doesn’t have any of those illnesses. She may he fat but she clearly doesn’t look anything like having Cushing syndrome
No. 785427
File: 1594556996896.jpeg (750.06 KB, 1242x1786, C5B97238-98A3-47F4-8C0B-2C2B15…)

>>785420Also truly amazed by how flat her ass actually is. And she didn’t even get any lipo there.
>>785425I keep catching myself being like ‘oh wait she actually is thinner!’ when I see older pictures of her. Then I remember that most of these pictures were 2 lipos ago and she wasn’t wearing shapewear 24/7
No. 785441
>>785430She has such a child-like behavior, too.
She just can’t have a fun night with friends watching a musical. She has to be the center of attention and act it out, jumping around in front of the screen.
Like, I get singing along with musicals and all. I would also get it if she started re-enacting the thing with others. But the way she behaved was just like a literal child would behave to get attention from adults.
I don’t get how anyone can voluntarily spend time with someone as obnoxious as her.
No. 785447
>>785423Pringles and a soft drink
But it's okay, she's going to get more lipo done anyway
No. 785458
>>785456Oh she wasn't watching Hamilton? I assumed that's what she was claiming to know so well since it's popular and pretty much anyone into musicals knows it word for word.
I was gonna say… knowing musicals word for word isn't special in the least. Lots of people get degrees in this and devote their life to it. Does Moo really think she's special for memorizing a musical soundtrack?
No. 785459
>>785456To add onto this. If Momo was as talented as she claimed she wouldn't be doing porn.
Sex work isn't someone's plan A or even plan B. It's a last resort for people with no talent who don't want to work.
No. 785465
>>785463>hadn't seen it in foreverYes, because it's totally been available to watch for more than a week!
Tickets to the actual show are so expensive and hard to get that she definitely would have posted flexing about it if she saw it.
No. 785482
File: 1594593660754.jpeg (667.44 KB, 750x1132, 721A1E1F-8072-4F84-ADA2-FF0535…)

here you go hammies (that’s probably what you call Hamilton fans right?)
No. 785498
File: 1594599512653.gif (1.83 MB, 500x281, 1594411593663.gif)

>>785482She gets so manic whenever she sees anything new. Clout chasing… for Hamilton?
also that picture
No. 785500
>>785487How on Earth is this an Eliza cosplay? She was wearing a Edwardian style dress with smocking in the front and it's light blue, not white.
I'm not going to watch this because I don't want to listen to her screech but I can't imagine how bad it sounds.
No. 785502
>>785500Yeah it's frustrating to watch her do nothing but put on a shirt and call it cosplay. But she banned 100's of people who gave a differing opinion and is stuck in her hug box.
The only time she hears the truth is when she's here
No. 785509
File: 1594604954440.jpeg (85.61 KB, 600x439, 28F5CBF2-577D-4A46-A6BA-A746BA…)

Literally how is this supposed to resemble Eliza? Looks nothing like her character in the show.
Guesses on how long it takes for her to lewd a historical figure?
No. 785530
File: 1594613406541.jpg (99.93 KB, 922x799, 0669a629d184ce82618305d009ac82…)

>>785509The worst part is that, if she actually knew how to sew, throwing together a "Burn" outfit wouldn't be too complex or time-consuming at all, so long as you weren't striving for historical accuracy.
No. 785535
File: 1594616961247.jpg (Spoiler Image,962.56 KB, 1062x1057, xb4N84T.jpg)

of course
No. 785537
>>785535Is she doing all this with a fucking Gucci necklace on? Much fan, Moo!!!
And of course her neckbeads could give a shit about her interests. Just show those deformed tits.
No. 785545
File: 1594628067765.png (911.87 KB, 720x1198, Screenshot_2020-07-13-01-12-22…)

Her attempt at twerking was pathetic
No. 785551
File: 1594634611073.jpeg (444.56 KB, 1101x1974, 02F136D4-F1D6-4D72-9D8A-952327…)

She posted a ton of “Kev” stories on her btsmomokun account. Didn’t feel like screen capping them all but here are a few.
She always makes it so obvious when she’s thirsting after men who don’t want to fuck her.
No. 785563
>>785559I don’t want to tinfoil this hard but it would also explain a rapid weight loss (if it’s actually happening to the extent she pretends it is).
She does claim to have ADHD as well so it’s not incredibly far fetched that she’s on Vyvanse or Adderall and tries to be all like ‘it’s medicinal u guys’.
She also said she was completely sober but posted a pic of herself drinking wine a few days later… idk.
As I said. I don’t want to tinfoil purely off of her seeming manic slightly more consistent/for a longer period of time than usual, but… it’s also not too far off.
No. 785576
>>785551She never simps this hard for girls. The only time I seen her do that was for Nigiri but that was for clout.
I guess she couldn't do it for the guy she paid to touch her since that would break contract
No. 785580
File: 1594661446280.gif (119.85 KB, 300x100, 35.gif)

>>785578Momo reminds me of this banner other than the 16 year old girl part (though she certainly acts like one)
No. 785587
>>785576She only ever plays up the “bisexual” angle when she is looking for simps to dump more money for her content. It’s only done in a “you might get to see us touch each other’s naughty bits if you pay even more this month, simp”. She had never been attracted to another woman in her life. She only sees them as bitches who are muscling in on her territory and competition that needs to be taken out. Every shoot she does with another girl it couldn’t be more obvious she has never looked at another girl in a sexual way. She just sits there like a deer in headlights taking extra caution to not do anything that could be perceived as “gay” sometimes even flat out refusing to even touch the other girl. But when the guys come around she tries to act all dudebro with “dem ass and tiddies” and “omg she is so cute and pure I just wanna cuddle up with her!!!”
It’s all performative.
No. 785592
>>785590the fact that Moo has this bad habit of only publicly admitting to one round of lipo at a time when she has done way way more, yeah it's bull shit
I hate comparing bodies but her life style and size are similar to Trisha's. Trisha also gets a shit ton of work and lipo done and you see the kind of shit she eats all the time. Moo has a similar diet, she's just ashamed and does it off camera. Which is stupid on Momo's part. She can make big bucks doing mukbangs and ugly crying on camera like Trish does.
No. 785593
>>785592her pride wont allow for that though
She's totally a nutritionist athlete my dudes!
No. 785598
File: 1594674414992.jpg (1.01 MB, 1500x1500, BeautyPlus_20200713160538802_o…)

Sasquatch cosplay
No. 785600
>>785598Momo is the only person who calls a casual walk on flat ground a hike
I guess because of the gravel and trees she thinks waddling around for a bit is a work out. Also gotta keep pretending she's losing weight naturally
No. 785617
File: 1594683714882.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.17 MB, 2880x3840, QVyfDik.jpg)

what is this
No. 785631
>>785621Probably due to her breast reduction surgery. Unevenness is common. or from shooping like
>>785630 said
No. 785632
>>785617"This season on botched"
Haha but joking aside, I think it's funny she never got a nose job before but from this angle it looks botched too
No. 785639
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No. 785642
>>785641and she use to shit on Vamps for liking shotacon. Projecting much?
Even worse if you consider she use to take pics of kids at the park like it wasn't creepy
No. 785643
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No. 785646
File: 1594689293806.png (722.77 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2020-07-13-18-07-20…)

>>785645She asked them to cover her stained ass. They dont do this for anyone else?
No. 785650
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of course momokunt sports a “nose dick”. Taking every precaution you can, huh.
That mile long back thooooo(repost)
No. 785661
>>785643jfc Moo it hasn't even been a week since your cool sculpting session
She's gunna feel good about herself and have more and more "cheat days"
We thought she was large and lumpy this year. Next summer is going to be scary
No. 785662
>>785645It's the exercise and plant based diet guiz.
She's going to look like a freak show and I love it.
No. 785685
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