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File: 1635167940970.jpeg (436.32 KB, 2048x2048, 94AE4B5D-CFFF-4906-9B92-6C8E19…)

No. 1355464

Repetitive comments about Shayna's vagina is grounds for a 1 day ban. Repetitive nitpicks about her body and face are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in and edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Sage when there’s no milk, no nitpicking and/or blogposting and please try to curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots from other cam girls. This is a Shay thread. Do not reply to spergs. Do not mention Kyle Nathan Perkins/Fupa or Sol unless relevant. Do not make repetitive comments about Shayna’s retarded pets

Last thread:
>Shaynus books a flight for a 10 day “big shoot” next month and says she wants to get “molested” >>1349130, >>1349150,
>Soy milk: Sol gets dragged on Twitter for filming and interacting with Shayna, as usual Shayna stays quiet >>1349157,
>Soy scrote gets triggered at lolcow making fun of him >>1349221, claims we are doxxing him >>1350493, using his public information he posted willingly >>1349695, he then spergs on SoundCloud >>1349909, >>1349987, >>1350170.
>Shayna posts more pics of herself in the airbnb without Soy, >>1349314, appears to have a yeast infection when posing with discharge in her snatch >>1349316,
>Shayna posts more nasty incest scenarios >>1350095,
>Sol/Sully Hill is a potential groomer >>1350398,
>Shayna wants to work with other degenerates >>1350559, >>1350566,
>Took off long nails for pedo adult diaper shoot >>1350623, >>1351270, >>1351377, >Shay gets short hot dog nails instead >>1351518, >>1351529,
>Scammy Mattel e-begs for a new vibrator >>1350682, when she already did in March >>1350697,
>High class bimbo Shaynus gets finger assaulted by a scrote for a Applebee’s steak and discounted ugg boots >>1350767, >>1350912, >>1350931, cankle barbie uwu >>1350927,
> Shayna Luther King says to unsubscribe to Netflix because they are uwu transphobic >>1352067, >>1352086
>Fat hog edits porn on train (while eating) with stuffed animal in a small fitted tracksuit with her beer gut hanging out >>1353154,
>Shayna posts cringe pictures of creepy pedo room from ABDLdreams >>1353595, and her creepy pedo photoshoot >>1353473, >>1354123, >>1354124, >>1354386
>Shayna’s “girlfriend” used to nanny little kids when she’s into ddlg >>1354185, >>1354188, >>1354307, hasn’t been officially confirmed she still does

First Thread:
Last Thread:

Recent Threads:
85: >>>/snow/1281545
86: >>>/snow/1291177
87: >>>/snow/1302140
88: >>>/snow/1311832
89: >>>/snow/1321423
90: >>>/snow/1332441
91: >>>/snow/1343274
92: >>>/snow/1348876

Shayna Clifford

Ellen Dresel (Shayna’s “girlfriend”)
https://fetlife.com/users/72398(duplicate thread)

No. 1355469

Sorry nonnies it made two threads and I tried to delete but it said wrong password when I’m not banned?? Report the other one so it gets deleted. I tried idk this thread probably sucks too

No. 1355470

File: 1635168151488.jpeg (555.48 KB, 750x852, 805F7656-143A-4160-AE99-7912F9…)

Shayna looking like a middle aged woman trying to prove she still fits in her old cheer leading uniform from middle school

No. 1355471

File: 1635168221521.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1170x1964, CDAFE415-A63C-4D55-B8E1-14C0A7…)


No. 1355473

File: 1635168328182.jpeg (936.04 KB, 1170x1979, 39156F35-F61B-4E71-B467-342B70…)


No. 1355475

File: 1635168428900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,323.37 KB, 1852x2047, 60010DAD-3A09-4BC3-8430-AAB040…)

No. 1355476

why did you make a new thread? the other one isn’t close to being maxed out

No. 1355477

File: 1635168461645.png (1011.96 KB, 2046x2048, E57B0076-C639-4749-A91A-5551CD…)

No. 1355479

The other one was shit it’s not a new one it’s a replacement

No. 1355480

File: 1635168560038.jpeg (Spoiler Image,441.32 KB, 1536x2048, B748C6FA-C61B-4A2C-847F-FC61AF…)

No. 1355481

but why tho? this was unnecessary

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