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No. 1493508
If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
and please type ‘sage’ into the email field if you are not posting anything milky/important so that the thread is not bumped!
Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1454244 The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then… Old milk:
>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 (later revealed to be to cover for the car accident she caused with the guy she was cheating on jonny with) jonny’s ex amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his last court date was feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but syd doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260, >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare butt and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163> syd vagueposts about someone (Jonny) cheating with someone you know. That someone posts in the thread revealing screenshots of Instagram DMs with Jonny and Syd >>1318548,Syd who accuses anon of cheating with Jonny for flirting on Instagram with Jonny and allegedly calls the cops on anon. Anon says she's known Syd since high school. In the screenshots Syd calls Jonny a waste,a fat junkie, says she'll show the conversation to Taylor so that she'll ruin anon's life, threatens anon. Syd doxxes anon on Instagram.> anon posts more screenshots, looks like she was carrying the convo with Jonny. Syd sends anon a video of Jonny wasted. >>1319574 Turtle Mom ends up leaking the video >>1320319 and says she'll go the TX shows to expose Jonny with flyers, never does.> tour starts, Jonny doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs so he's reading them off his phone. >>1322793, syd goes on stage to hug Jonny and makes sure everyone know he has a kid whenever he looks in the direction of a woman >>1320416, >>1320417 She also keeps complaining about how hard working at the merch table is, jonny proposes to Syd again >>1332845, >>1333002 at a concert with the same ring.>syd, jonny, and the rest of their crew get awful matching tour tattoos >>1336731>anon posts screenshots from cps that imply storm is not in their custody >>1338649 and Syd continues to confirm this by only posting a photo of them in a public setting >>1346847>jonny goes radio silent on social media while syd's instagram use only increases, presumably because jonny is in rehab>syd buys herself an iPad and starts to vague post about a new project >>1346549, >>1363620 eventually announces a date she will announce the project >>1366535 but does not announce anything. >syd and jonny lovebomb announcing they have chosen a date for their wedding, 11/11/22 >>1367393, >>1367396>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>syd still trying to keep up the facade of being a parent >>1373001, >>1376986, >>1388466, >>1390689, >>1391059, >>1392428, >>1393204>more information is found about the courtcase that likely caused JC and syd to lose custody >>1373075, >>1373156, >>1373401, >>1373420, and a previous DV case involving syd >>1373487>syd flirts with lolbro >>1373616, >>1374083, >>1374084>syd is alone on thanksgiving, trying to seem unbothered >>1375878 while jonny enjoys his rehab/sober living slop >>1375941 more sober living shots: >>1376927, >>1401281, >>1401284>sydsosneaky visits storm at her mom's house for xmas >>1401841, >>1401842, and shows a picture of jonny with storm from last xmas, since he's away in sober living >>1401843>syd makes it obvious she’s reading the thread >>1402818, >>1402823, >>1402826, >>1402828>a fan comforts jonny about the death of a friend, causing syd to go on a sperg about him cheating >>1406759, >>1406761>anon helps us ring in the new year by providing us with screenshots… sydsosmart gets caught cheating! and this message also proves that they lost custody of storm. >>1407044, >>1407062, >>1407070>jonny and syd vagueposting, hinting at a breakup >>1407170, >>1407172, >>1407171, >>1407167>syd psychotically harasses she-who-will-not-be-named >>1407204, >>1407205, >>1407217, >>1407235>more screenshots of syd cheating are released >>1407243, >>1407258 >sticking to her usual groupie tendencies, it's some band dude >>1407304 and he is an abuser (shocking) >>1407340>syd harasses band-dude's ex-gf >>1407393>jonny will be out of rehab/sober living soon >>1408154, >>1408168 and posts about getting a puppy from a place called Borderline Bullies (ironic kek) >>1408355, >>1408449 (ends up falling through) >syd lovebombs JC >>1408808, >>1408891, >>1410001, >>1410002, >>1410776, >>1412175>jonny begins the process of removing all signs of syd/storm off of his instagram >>1408893, >>1415883>jonny is over syd >>1412293, but syd isn't over jonny >>1412296 and is on the prowl for a new girl >>1414061, >>1417679, >>1419177, >>1419188, >>1419932>syd goes quiet, leaving anons to speculate if she's been banned on instagram for harassment. anons find that she she has been liking clothes on poshmark >>1421811>syd is (unsurprisingly) back, posts videos of herself and "friends" watching some shitty emo cover band >>1424827>jonny returns to the Sac townhouse with all of his shit >>1427985, >>1427987, >>1432441>syd says nothing about his return, ghosts and sadposts about her birthday >>1430578, >>1434657, >>1434774>cowtipper confirms that jonny is indeed big boy pimpin, living the single life because syd cheated on him >>1430884>jonny starts his traditional post-breakup streaming career back up >>1434930, >>1439243>big boy pimpin starts liking tnd's instagram posts >>1436428 >>1436485>while jonny moves on to thottier pastures, syd starts posting her perfect bawd for validation despite calling every woman in a crop top a whore >>1438537, >>1439469, >>1440433, >>1443447, >>1445180, >>1445828, >>1445920>syd embarrasses herself >>1440188, >>1440189, >>1440548 >>1449879>syd's sad about her life, writes boring long story posts about how it's not what she wanted but it's so perfect >>1441750, >>1443451>syd onlyfans saga when >>1445197>syd kinda pretends to be a mom >>1445995, >>1446838, >>1447752, >>1448894>jonny's probably trying to pull a new girl with google translate arabic >>1447738, >>1447739>they unfollowed each other >>1448690 but syd will never take him out of her bio >>1448923>jonny shows his inbox on stream, apparently paid rent 3 weeks late >>1450033>jonny has upcoming court dates >>1453819>jonny is big mad about his lolcow thread, posts and quickly deletes a rant about it >>1453538Last thread’s milk:
>jonny compares his bright future to his fake teeth, which someone else bought for him and he never paid back.. sounds about right. >>>/snow/1454287> anons speculate that syd could be rage posting in the TND thread >>>/snow/1454731 >syd sadposts >>>/snow/1455420 >>>/snow/1455934 >>>/snow/1455956 >>>/snow/1456157 >>>/snow/1457905 and teases making an onlyfans >>>/snow/1455738>jonny seems to visit storm more than syd >>>/snow/1458775 >jonny randomly posts an old note that his ex taylor dean’s dad wrote him >>>/snow/1462405 then clarifies it’s old >>>/snow/1462537, anons wonder if he posted it to either rile up syd or get taylor’s attention >syd officially moves in with her friend megan >>>/snow/1463462> jonny is active on tinder, matches with a girl named mars >>>/snow/1474385 who immediately posts about him being ‘washed up’, ‘not worth the story’ & ‘a lot of Ls’ >>>/snow/1474386 >>>/snow/1474411 >>>/snow/1474415> jonny shoots back, negging the girl he matched with on tinder and bragging about spEnDinG heR RenT on shoes 3 times a week (probably because you can fit into kids size shoes, JC) >>>/snow/1475483>jonny brags about giving money to OF girls and calls guys who don’t “let their girls work” ‘pussios’ >>>/snow/1476509 > syd tries to shade jonny on her story >>>/snow/1482229 > jonny posts a selfie featuring a bunch of dirty clothes and beer bottles in the background >>>/snow/1486532 instead of cleaning up he just scribbles it out in future photos >>>/snow/1487187 >>>/snow/1487417 >sydsomanic spams her story >>>/snow/1487040 with a bunch of compliments that seem like they were sent in by herself, continues to bring up starting an onlyfans and teases about a ‘certain someone’ who makes her feel ‘frisky’ >>>/snow/1486643 >syd gets sick and dramatic, acts like she’s going to die >>>/snow/1487132 >jonny dyes his hair pink >>>/snow/1488933 >>>/snow/1488934 >taylor deleted/privated her video talking about JC abusing her >>>/snow/1488984 speculation that they’re back in contact continues >jonny makes references to being lonely due to ramadan >>>/snow/1489269 causing more speculation that he’s dating an arabic/muslim girl, possibly named ava >>>/snow/1489450 >>>/snow/1489610 >>>/snow/1489613 >syd returns to e-begging for rent, meds and essentials for the kid she doesn’t have custody for #itsokaytoaskforhelp >>>/snow/1490473 (I'm so sorry for reposting several times, some of the links keep fucking up)
No. 1493531
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>>1493508(Ss) of video showing her rats bc she is just skinwalking TND. Haven't seen anymore ebegging posts since the last. Im pretty sure this is an old video anyways, and she doesn't have the rats. Yet again, always proving its about using pets and kids as props for social media.
No. 1493535
fixed links from last section:
>jonny compares his bright future to his fake teeth, which someone else bought for him and he never paid back.. sounds about right. >>1454287> anons speculate that syd could be rage posting in the TND thread >>1454731 >syd sadposts >>1455420, >>1455934, >>1455956, >>1456157, >>1457905 and teases making an onlyfans >>1455738>jonny seems to visit storm more than syd >>1458775 >jonny randomly posts an old note that his ex taylor dean’s dad wrote him >>1462405 then clarifies it’s old >>1462537, anons wonder if he posted it to either rile up syd or get taylor’s attention >syd officially moves in with her friend megan >>1463462> jonny is active on tinder, matches with a girl named mars >>1474385 who immediately posts about him being ‘washed up’, ‘not worth the story’ & ‘a lot of Ls’ >>1474386, >>1474411, >>1474415> jonny shoots back, negging the girl he matched with on tinder and bragging about spEnDinG heR RenT on shoes 3 times a week (probably because you can fit into kids size shoes, JC) >>1475483>jonny brags about giving money to OF girls and calls guys who don’t “let their girls work” ‘pussios’ >>1476509 > syd tries to shade jonny on her story >>1482229 > jonny posts a selfie featuring a bunch of dirty clothes and beer bottles in the background >>1486532 instead of cleaning up he just scribbles it out in future photos >>1487187, >>1487417 >sydsomanic spams her story >>1487040 with a bunch of compliments that seem like they were sent in by herself, continues to bring up starting an onlyfans and teases about a ‘certain someone’ who makes her feel ‘frisky’ >>1486643 >syd gets sick and dramatic, acts like she’s going to die >>1487132 >jonny dyes his hair pink >>1488933, >>1488934 >taylor deleted/privated her video talking about JC abusing her >>1488984 speculation that they’re back in contact continues >jonny makes references to being lonely due to ramadan >>1489269 causing more speculation that he’s dating an arabic/muslim girl, possibly named ava >>1489450, >>1489610, >>1489613 >syd returns to e-begging for rent, meds and essentials for the kid she doesn’t have custody for #itsokaytoaskforhelp >>1490473 nice thread nona!
No. 1493538
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So is she claiming autism or adhd now?
No. 1493539
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Questions syd literally never asks herself
No. 1493543
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Body checking and still larping being into exercising all of a sudden after Jonny starts getting into it
No. 1493545
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I know people can have prescriptions for so many different things but just thought it was interesting Jonny had three different pill bottles on his desk. Two pictured here and one when he panned the camera over. Could be nothing of course
No. 1493547
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Or how about not cheating, syd? Do you think grandparents who lasted 50 years cheated on each other? Hmmm
No. 1493549
>>1493545he's an old, sickly man so this is to be expected
>>1493547he doesn't want you, Syd!
No. 1493550
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>>1493531Oh yeah btw I also totally have a child in my custody!
No. 1493552
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her angel bite piercings make her look like an actual catfish and girls with dick noses like hers should never emphasize them with piercings
No. 1493558
>>1493547Sooooo…. is Syd happy to be free from an abooosive narcissist or did her 11:11 uwu love of her life give up too easily? She's trying to seem like a
victim while also checking every now and then if Jonny might be willing to try again if she lowkey begs for him to come back lmao. Stick to a story Syd.
No. 1493695
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No. 1493726
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No. 1493829
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Uhhhhhh…… anyone wanna reply to this with proof of all the times Jonny was not such an amazing human?
No. 1493833
>>1493829"You can't deny daddy"
I might have just thrown up in my mouth a little
No. 1493866
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No. 1493897
demons are the Macbook scammers, not him
No. 1494281
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So delusional. He's not going to make his, what? 3rd? 4th comeback a success through sheer manifestation. His sins are preserved in the public record forever, including domestic violence in the last two years. He hasn't changed. He's just a sober piece of shit instead of an active junkie piece of shit.
No. 1494341
>>1494281He's like a broken record with this "No one will make me stop trying to succeed as a musician! You can't force me to see reality because i want to keep trying to live my dream!"
Glad the chubby tubby is sober because it's not easy to get off opiates, but if he really thinks he's going to shut up the haterzZ by turning into a success story that'll be adapted into an uplifting drama like 8 Mile, he needs to stop being his own social media hype man and better lose himself in the music the moment he owns it, he better never let it go, OH!
No. 1494454
>>1494281okay, do it then
“for my son” kek though
the pediatrician has spent more time with the kid than jonny has
No. 1494630
>>1494455Omg bahahahaha thank you
nonnie that is lovely
But seriously goiter boi — the IG stories of your tiny feet and greasy lolbro minions are super fucking boring, pls start dating one of the many “hoes” you supposedly have lined up
No. 1494763
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>>1493829Really small and hard to read, but it’s Dance Gavin Dance talking about why he was no longer in the band and what they think
of him. They posted this right when it happened or so.
No. 1494878
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I might just vomit.
No. 1494886
>>1494878If this is his way to troll us, he needs to not try so hard.
He big mad we laugh at his beauty filters
No. 1494909
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lol wtf is this? Is this some way of showing her next victim? Notice the subtle jab towards Jonny about “wish you were my baby daddy” nonsense lmfao
No. 1494917
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I can't wrap my head around the fact that he actively goes out and gets this haircut and genuinely thinks he looks good lol wtf and now this terrible color… they need to revoke that man's barber license if he even has one
No. 1494947
>>1494455Fucking kek
>>1493570Imagine going to the kitchen for a glass of water in the middle of the night and seeing that standing on your counter… nightmare fuel, especially compared to
>>1494878 which is terrifying and hilarious. You will never look like that, Jonny. No matter how sober you are or how many times you go to the gym. Your face and body are fucked forever.
No. 1494979
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>>1494960Yea it looks like he put cobwebs face over his own. I think it’s a joke but sometimes he posts stupid shit like this and is dead serious so it’s hard to tell.
No. 1495206
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She’s baiting JC
No. 1495272
>>1495206She's flipping every card to get a reaction from Jonny.
1. Posting about trauma and abuse (believable and probs true, but god knows she was a nightmare too and didn't hide it)
2. How Jonny gave up too easily and didn't work through their issues
3. How she already has someone else
Good job SydSoStrategic. It's all working like a charm
No. 1495357
>>1494763Them calling him an “Idiot savant” might be the most accurate description.
This story should be a disclaimer under each of his social media posts.
No. 1495457
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Posting this beauty in hopes that it will be the next thread pic, unless something funnier comes along between then and now lol. Which will probably be the case, knowing these two idiot cows.
I have a feeling things will get pretty milky soon, they’ve been broken up for a few months and how long has Jonny ever been single? Since 2012 (I’m ashamed I’ve followed his shenanigans for that long) he has always had the next girl already lined up. Every new girlfriend he’s had he was already talking to while with the previous girl. Syd is going to go batshit. She’s going to constantly trash the new girl on her IG stories daily. Making fun of her looks since that’s the only insults she ever provides, besides calling girls sluts and groupies and homewreckers. I can’t wait for the shitshow
No. 1495462
>>1494763I lost it at “we left him in New Jersey” bahahaha
Hopefully Ava lurks the threads and sees this. I would never talk to him ever again if I were to read this. I knew he was a bad person but I’m actually in shock reading this. I feel for anyone who has ever had to be around him for a long period of time..:
No. 1495633
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No. 1495634
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No. 1495636
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No. 1495787
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Dude had to add the bad cats filter so everyone forgets about the original.(don't use emojis/ emoticons )
No. 1495818
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Gollum Craig
No. 1495869
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I really hope she gets her period and it ruins these white pants forever, call it a small bit of karmaic justice
No. 1495875
File: 1649383389494.jpg (257.26 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_07_18_56_54_777.jpg)

Someone could write a great psych dissertation on this woman if they had the mind to.
Shes straight out of the figurative trenches with/of jonny Craig, Freddy krueger looking ass heroin addict abuser gumpy frumpy washed up goiter boi and this is what we get from her? Still waiting kn the dramatic revelation you promised us Sydney lmao. Like what don't we already know? You're chronically sharing even when you're trying to hide it you're so bad at it.
I wonder if she drifts between loving and loathing jonny lately because that's the only way I can see it going unless she's whining over this "new guyfriend" already.
No. 1495971
File: 1649392562595.png (5.37 MB, 1170x2532, 85E182D0-D9F2-4A2D-A9E4-B731FF…)

It’s clear she’s being vague because she so desperately wants people to ask her “what are you talking about?” Here’s my immediate tinfoil upon seeing this: her smol job was her stripping or camming and this is her complaining about how she didn’t get as much money as she wanted KEK
No. 1496039
>>1495971Right, she’s tried so hard to contort that vague caption so it could
possibly sound like it could be about a new man (at least that’s how I read it) that it’s barely coherent lmfao. On brand for her in every way kek
>>1496024I had the same reaction
nonnie lol I might as well go kill my ancient feeling ass right now ha
No. 1496072
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Why does he keep talking about cucks?
No. 1496118
File: 1649419063437.jpg (103.55 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20220408_075613.jpg)

Says the guy who's been using the bad cats filter on every selfie and video of himself… kek at the delusion
No. 1496264
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>>1496217What it reminds me of kek
No. 1496278
>>1496183I think she would trial balloon OF stuff on close friends before saying anything that isn't super vague like this on public.
>>1496261Stripping would surprise me because she's so quick to call women whores over the most mundane shit, but I can see her having a dumb loophole in her logic where she's like "I'm a MODUHL. I'm an ALT MODUHL. I'm providing for my CHIOLD. Moms can be sexy okay!!" Her boobs are going to be more Facetuned than a Taylor Nicole Dean trackmark.
No. 1496311
File: 1649442474595.jpg (417.68 KB, 1080x1576, Screenshot_20220408_142716.jpg)

>>1496264I'm probably one of the few people here following this mess who thinks Syd is actually kind of pretty, or she was anyway. But it's truly like she's going out of her way to look ugly, and stupid. The face tats, the gross piercings, the retarded bangs. Hair like picrel is so much prettier on her, but I guess doesn't give her the emo cred she's looking for.
No. 1496418
File: 1649449959349.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1967, 4497CAD8-6007-4C93-9809-96BB10…)

>>1495971my translation: she is clearly tired from raising her flabby little arms up, trying to take naked pictures of herself in meghan’s guest bedroom while meghan’s children sleep in the other room, and she is complaining she didn’t get enough of pictures she likes because there are only so many ways you can twist that untoned little booty to make it look good, but she’s begun to create a backlog she can dip into for when her OF goes live so whatever.
not only did she put eyelashes on, but she has no shirt on and the next story is of her trying and failing to ahego. she might make some money on OF but not enough to pay any bills and certainly not enough to order her daily doordash starbucks if she doesn’t advertise it everywhere.
No. 1496484
>>1495971that face says
>onlyfans: not even oncebut also
>ethernet No. 1496523
File: 1649458882169.jpg (468.42 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220408-150911_Pho…)

Syds daily routine:
> wake up
> self validate
> sleep
No. 1496618
File: 1649470191996.jpeg (735.53 KB, 816x1465, 2F442257-9DA3-4FD2-9402-6F599F…)

>>1496607Well apparently we were all wrong
No. 1497207
File: 1649536063207.jpeg (804.14 KB, 828x1378, 87305419-9733-47F2-8A3E-3B289C…)

Does he think that there are people who believe that’s his face? Or is it just an ongoing joke now? It would’ve made more sense if all of them photoshopped sicsaddiks face on, but it’s weird and unsettling that it’s just him …
No. 1497241
>>1497207LOL WHAT. Who tf is that? This is buffalo bill tier skin walking, he’s wearing somebody else’s face.
>>1496618Hopefully she just needs ink so she can cover her cringe ex bf’s face on her arm and not so she can go anywhere near another human with her tat pen. I think she’s posted one completed drawing and it was absolutely cursed and not in like a cool stylish way.
No. 1497260
File: 1649540396895.jpg (89.78 KB, 1080x1684, Screenshot_20220409-143858_Gal…)

From Syds story
No. 1497288
File: 1649542003507.jpeg (191.84 KB, 828x907, D615CC51-B73C-47D4-82F8-D194EB…)

Posting semi nudes from 5 years ago is so normal lol.
No. 1497318
File: 1649543371519.jpeg (389.81 KB, 1125x709, 20BE1A46-5894-4ADA-A6D8-955B22…)

>>1497312Because it literally is.
No. 1497361
>>1497207KEK holy shit this is like vicky-tier shooping. Like something you see in the ridiculous photoshop thread.
>>1497225W/e you guise. Her chiold loves her and would never wake her up. He laughs at her silly faces. You don’t know.
No. 1497462
File: 1649553279546.jpg (256.03 KB, 1080x1508, 20220410_021019.jpg)

>>1497260This is purely tinfoil but after seeing the thing about an accent, it made me wonder if it's this dude. He runs an alternative music online zine that's pretty popular with that old emo crowd, and he's English. Noticed she's been in his comments recently
No. 1497542
>>1497205Did not realize she says sleep, I thought she said son. She really loves telling on herself. Is that what your baby did skid? Did he ‘fuk with your sleep’ bc I mean that’s what babies tend to do.
>>1497318This is laughable. Skinny fat. Zero muscle tone. She must look really rough. Drugs do tend to do that
No. 1497571
File: 1649565556696.jpg (127.21 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20220409-213826_Pho…)

This hoe quite honestly looks his type, if it isn't ava he's asshurt about (1/2)
No. 1497572
File: 1649565589432.jpg (143.71 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220409-214001_Pho…)

No. 1497574
File: 1649565670693.jpg (224.55 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220409-214044_Pho…)

> daddy
Says the fucking sperm donor lol
No. 1497576
File: 1649565806032.jpg (321.03 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_09_21_43_09_766.jpg)

No. 1497577
File: 1649565868271.jpg (267.68 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220409-214220_Pho…)

No. 1497623
>>1497288This is actually a very unflattering pic of her.. idk why she thinks is good to post it at all. Speaking of tattoos… i m loling at the tacky tour initials tattoo they all got together.
>>1497619Is okay
nonnie, they will never be rid of each other through courts dates and custody hearing. I feel like storm will be put in the system soon when syd’s mom couldnt take care of him anymore.
No. 1497636
>>1497572Taylor is an Aries, maybe she’s giving him false hope that they’d get back together. We all know he still loves her and that was the real love of his life. It does seem like he’s upset with Ava, maybe bc it’s Ramadan and they can’t talk? If you can’t respect your partners religion you probably shouldn’t be with them.
Can you play video games during Ramadan kek
No. 1497639
>>1497636No you can't play video games during Ramadan.
I think he is mad with Ava. They unfollowed each other, also her new bio seems aggressive.
No. 1497653
File: 1649583232063.jpg (122.12 KB, 1080x1059, Screenshot_20220410-103337_Ins…)

No. 1497663
File: 1649585144063.jpeg (189.87 KB, 1170x2036, 74B92910-530E-4C9B-8864-7E6707…)

Seems he’s having some girl drama whoever it is.
No. 1497664
File: 1649585229880.jpeg (52.78 KB, 965x181, 94C8F4BF-4C48-4351-A751-39FE1F…)

My fame puts you in your place?
No. 1497850
File: 1649603984685.png (498.35 KB, 1125x2436, 82076956-CC83-445E-903C-EBBAA2…)

Tinfoiling but maybe this is a tease for her announcing her onlyfans? I guess we will see if anything happens today
No. 1497932
>>1497653By my count this is the thrird time he’s followed and unfollowed her in the span of like three months. He’s probably realized nobody wants his ugly washed up ass and is desperately looking in his past for love. You know you fell off when your clout hungry, busted heroin addict ex girlfriend won’t even acknowledge you.
>>1497663Imagine throwing around words like catfish when you posted this on Instagram
>>1497207 No. 1498059
File: 1649623861244.jpeg (350.12 KB, 750x1214, 4F8574C9-8175-44B3-BAF4-0BA79D…)

No. 1498205
File: 1649635389016.jpg (190.06 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_10_16_59_19_679.jpg)

Gotta give credit where it's due whoever is fucking with his head we appreciate it on this thread, at least I do. I hope you get his hopes up really high where hes so into you and then you fuck all of his friends. If I could I'd venmo you to break him down, Sydney was magical, a hilarious train ride for this rapist pos, but you've certainly got potential to really be entertaining for us. Keep it up, even if people here tell you you're Cow tipping, you are not if you do not share here, your relation w him is your own private matter just keep him aching publicly becauze that in its own is hilarious. He's so into you 'ava' or whoever you are, keep him tetter tottering as long as you can. He's earned every second of it.
No. 1498239
>>1498236Predictable lol, it must hurt to be her and constantly refresh this thread, and nake 0 changes to her life. Sadly it's the only validation she gets I'm sure, becauze any attention is good attention to a narc.
You're pretty anon, she's asshurt and whatever she said about you / to you was definitely a reflection on her own ugly heart.
No. 1498269
nonnie please share, I’m sure we’d all like to see her unhinged messages and comments
No. 1498275
File: 1649641849813.png (298.49 KB, 750x1334, 99927578-662B-42A2-994E-3AD590…)

>>1498269I deleted the comment she left but she was calling me small brained and said I’m obsessed with her for screen shotting and posting every single one of her ig stories, even though this was literally the first time I have lol. But here’s the message she sent me.
No. 1498323
>>1498275Obsessed? She’s acting like Taylor. No one is obsessed with your ugly worthless deadbeat mom ass. What a fucking failure in life you are Syd. I felt bad for you at one point but seeing how
abusive you are and how you neglect your son, i really have zero empathy towards you. I hope Taylor and Jonny get back together and gain custody of their son while you rot trying to impress random anons on the internet. Fucking loser
No. 1498330
File: 1649647930265.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2880x3840, 5661E9A9-07AA-45B6-A61E-5F8DC3…)

why does she still go see his friends concerts ? does she want another kid for her mom to take care of
No. 1498333
>>1498330Is this Jonny’s friend? Just cuz he’s following him doesn’t necessarily mean he knows him. I peeped his profile and he has a bit of an NY accent so I’m thinking this is who syd was talking about in this post
>>1497260If this guy is someone she’s interested in…I feel really fucking bad he has no clue what he’s in for. Run, dude! Run as fast as you can
No. 1498339
>>1498333ooooo true plus the “tomorrow
star emoji story post yesterday. either way does she really need to jump band boy to band boy when she should be worrying about the kid
No. 1498358
File: 1649651107841.png (5.08 MB, 1284x2778, EB7E1226-5933-489C-8C95-2909F5…)

jonny just posted an old photo of him and taylor on his story
No. 1498404
File: 1649656082815.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20220410-224055.png)

I always forget how old this man is because he acts like a tween I don't know how old the rest of the people he surrounds himself with are but I'd be pretty embarrassed to be 30 something still acting like he/they do. Bashing on women the second they get rejected lol "get out my room Kyle!" Also, I feel sorry for the neighbors having to listen to them "recording" and blasting their shitty music 24/7 it must be hell haha
No. 1498420
File: 1649657823386.jpg (168.02 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_10_23_14_44_061.jpg)

I mean yeah of course, getting a face tattoo because a woman's clowned you is the rational thing to do, naturally any sane person would take this direction. Truly and totally goiter boi is a beacon of logic and intelligence, and not fragile masculinity and mental retardation.
No. 1498436
File: 1649660584938.webm (10.41 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20220410-2319…)
I couldn't not to share how insufferable she is here
No. 1498458
File: 1649663083389.jpg (17.23 KB, 390x280, closeup-portrait-male-mime-art…)

>>1498436Its so creepy how she films people without them noticing, it just makes her look like she's not supposed to be there or she invited herself.
She looks like a damn Mime with her bowl and eyebrows.
No. 1498596
File: 1649679762323.jpeg (258.63 KB, 1125x1677, BAA582B9-1E2E-47D7-AE4D-5AEB17…)

This has got to be about Taylor right?
No. 1498664
>>1498236 That's absolutely hysterical.
>>1498275She's lives to watch herself. Constantly staring at herself, talking about how she's the prettiest mom, better looking than other people. She can't even separate herself from reading negative things about herself on here.
No. 1498720
File: 1649693553981.jpeg (253.71 KB, 1284x2114, 2162B828-7D21-4859-AF4E-323B97…)

begging for money a couple days ago but now buying $20 vapes & going to a concert? hmmm mother of the year
No. 1498721
File: 1649693650637.jpeg (332.27 KB, 1283x2110, 878B313E-EF73-4834-AF77-62CAB4…)

fixed it for her
No. 1498780
>>1498596>>1498436She was playing up her best life bullshit last night while Jonny was GoInG tHrOuGh It on purpose. She's also clearly trying to fuck her way into the music industry again.
Jonny's new music that he's pouring his effort into to keep a tenuous grip on his sobriety is boring and he's not going to be able to keep it together if he can't find another dumb girl to manipulate. If Syd was all he could pull last time, his options are bleak. (thank goodness)
No. 1498802
File: 1649700081322.png (543.3 KB, 1284x2778, BAA3586F-499F-4698-9C1D-B3603F…)

No. 1498967
File: 1649712705424.jpg (501.96 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_11_14_30_46_186.jpg)

The constricted cock fingers (of a totally sober man) and his chins absolutely sent me into orbit
No. 1498970
File: 1649712806410.jpg (449.92 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_11_14_30_23_184.jpg)

Tag yourself I'm the women's sunglasses he's wearing
No. 1498972
File: 1649712943921.jpg (466.25 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_11_14_30_00_984.jpg)

The side profile is my fav
Been dying looking at it for a good few minutes now
No. 1499048
>>1498967Kek what a manlet.
>>1498972The fuck did he etch into his face? Should have put that money into Kybella for that goiter.
No. 1499112
File: 1649723309520.png (2.45 MB, 1125x2436, 26309A63-DDED-4936-AE95-DB6ADA…)

Not surprised one bit she went from “stupid” happy to “my heart hurts” in less than 24 hours. She really scared that dude away last night huh.
No. 1499122
File: 1649723909391.png (370.49 KB, 828x1792, 75759732-0A02-4A9A-8F7C-140A52…)

The absolute second hand embarrassment I felt over this post. I would RUN if I was the girl he’s talking about.
No. 1499148
>>1498972he and Syd have the WORST noses. like a droopy squidward dicknose. Jonny's side profile is tragic. where is his jawline? his red face tat looks like a horrific skin condition.
I feel so sorry for their choild. shit parents AND shit DNA
No. 1499201
File: 1649733688825.jpg (88.41 KB, 1080x1865, Screenshot_20220412-131948_Ins…)

So dramatic kek no one wants you phsycho.
No. 1499202
File: 1649733781360.jpg (13.61 KB, 398x313, Screenshot_20220411-201656_Pho…)

>>1499076Bless you
nonnie I laughed so hard my face actually hurts, didn't even notice that little fold before. Can't unsee it. Makes the picture 10x better for me.
No. 1499205
File: 1649733897618.jpg (346 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_11_20_24_49_947.jpg)

Could be wrong but I feel like he's calling her crazy here
No. 1499222
File: 1649735884845.jpg (136.19 KB, 750x1334, Idk sparkles? stars? .jpg)

These are the impulsive tattoos he got (1/3)
No. 1499226
File: 1649736286152.jpg (160.95 KB, 750x1334, ufm.jpg)

This seems to be a reference to ‘You Fail Me’ an album by American metalcore band Converge and he seemed excited they featured it in their stories
No. 1499231
File: 1649736524133.jpg (155.16 KB, 750x1334, 604.jpg)

I forgot he’s (partly?) Canadian
No. 1499237
>>1499215He likely saw this
>>1497260, and she was probably all up in his shit constantly. And last night weirded him out. Idk he’s ugly as shit you’d think he would hit it and run cause even Syd is too pretty for that moid.
I’ll bet someone warned him too.
Why would she be all hysterical and crying for hours over a dude who she didn’t even have a relationship with tho. Idk what else she would be so upset over. You think she really would care that much if BBP went back to Taylor? It’s not even confirmed but they’re likely talking.
No. 1499241
File: 1649736976969.webm (589.64 KB, 480x854, the little chin under the bigg…)
>>1498967>>1498970Let’s preserve this in motion
No. 1499257
>>1499215Tinfoiling here but I also think it is likely to do with the Tater/Goiter milk. That is exactly something that would cause Skid to spiral into her bpd/autism/adhd public meltdown. She lurks this thread enough to see the story
nonnie’s posted along with him following Tater again
No. 1499261
File: 1649738653511.jpeg (151.41 KB, 1170x943, 997936BE-C8CE-4C9F-A9C0-274989…)

>>1499242The singer if this band. She was posting stories with him not giving two shits about her being there lol. I circled his name if you wanna look it up. I didn’t post pics of him because I don’t know if I’m allowed to post pics of some rando who isn’t the cow
No. 1499301
>>1499201Tell me Syd, how do you care for a toddler while sitting on your flat ass for nearly 5 hours crying?
Imagine doing that in your friend's house with kids around, she's such a melodramatic pussy who once again, told on herself about having storm. I hope she never breeds again.
No. 1499332
>>1499201don’t we love how sydney narcs she is keeping tabs on jonny by using the exact same format
>>1499122 to word vomit on his stories
>>1498720lol she deleted the story bragging about being happy and giddy so it’s obvious that sad shit is because of her new band boy
victim>>1499305is this sydney’s new band boy
No. 1499447
>>1499301I don't know how syd finds the time to cry her heart out for 5 hours with a small choild. I have my own 3 year old and i do not get a minute of peace. She must be a super mum. Istg.
Stop lying to yourself and everyone syd. You don't have him, you haven't for a long time stop living in this bubble of lies. You're a fool.
No. 1499529
>>1499112 syd has never once had a million, let alone 3 things to do in a day.
God what an obnoxious crybaby bitch. You're an adult, fucking act like one.
>>1499201 if someone hasn't died, and you're doing this you should be heavily medicated. Oh right, you can't afford it and have to beg, but can afford going to shows, trashy ass eyelashes and hair dye. Mentally 14, financially 7, and emotionally -800.
No. 1499623
File: 1649779609014.jpg (1 MB, 3072x1536, Clichéd .JPG)

>>1499568Aren’t sparkle tattoos somewhat popular? They seem to be the new nautical star
No. 1499834
>>1499613Did you reply to the wrong post
nonnie or did you just misunderstand? I’m not sure what Taylor has to do with it. No disrespect, just wanted to point it out
No. 1499914
File: 1649804936184.jpg (158.21 KB, 1080x1886, Screenshot_20220412-155622_Pho…)

I think daddy is getting desperate for some quick cash lmao
No. 1499917
File: 1649804999446.jpg (126.92 KB, 1080x1828, Screenshot_20220412-155628_Pho…)

Syd so philosophical
No. 1499957
File: 1649808819887.png (1.15 MB, 828x1792, 8E6F7E05-02C5-4A42-8374-3D0DA1…)

No. 1499974
File: 1649810194881.jpeg (545.55 KB, 1284x2202, 54E9EF78-7AB7-473F-A091-2DF798…)

No. 1499982
>>1499974Wow that is the weirdest angle I've ever seen. If it wasn't for her unbleached asshole spilling out of her underwear I wouldn't have been able to tell if that was her foot or her ass
Also nice natural edit and dopey mid blink facial expression. Stay classy, syd
No. 1500021
>>1499957Begging a guy to text you back to your 13k followers is just about as desperate as it gets. The best part is this dude was probably planning on texting her back but after seeing this shit he’s laughing about the psycho bullet he just dodged.
>>1499974What is this pose? Looks like she’s setting up to drop a deuce.
No. 1500025
File: 1649812027912.png (6.33 MB, 1284x2778, 0D65263D-8C2F-49BF-8087-103C2B…)

is her only personality being an aquarius and bipolar
No. 1500026
>>1499957Yesss. Yes, Syd show him exactly why it was in his best interest to run away from you’re mentally deranged ass.
Vague posting on your stories is definitely the 100% sane and mature thing to do to win him over. What a retard.
Run Tyler. Run as far as you can before this bitch is harassing EVERY girl that blinks at you, calling them whores and groupies from side stage while posting myspace worthy half-naked pictures of herself to get the attention of other more popular band dudes like her fabled favorite bert mccracken. her favorite person should be her kid, and while she claims this to be true, the fact that she continuously lies about having lost custody of him in the first place is a huge tell that he ain’t. Sad.
No. 1500083
>>1499305Hi AnonoeyTyler! Simply read all the green text starting at the top of this thread for the quick rundown, the blue numbers following each statement of Syd’s wonderful behaviours are links to the actual posts and screenshots as they happened. Do please message again to let us know what you did to cause her to be “crying on the floor for five hours”. Kek
Ok spoonfeed over, I simply cannot laugh hard enough at the absolute 180 she’s pulled over the last few stories, from her cRyPtiC “tomorrow” post, to her squealing at the camera after the gig, to the ultimate swivel of sadposting about crying on the floor “just trying to love” and public lamentations of Mystery Man going from 100-0 that should have just been a fucking DM, then cherry topping it all off with yet another hypocritical vanity thot trap pic of her desperately trying to show ‘em what they’re missing. You just can’t make her shit up, it’s gold. To paraphrase your own tragiconic yelling Syd, “THAT’S ENOUGH! YOU HAVE A CHIOLD!” Jfc
No. 1500112
>>1499974NO. FUCKING. WAY.
Biggest hypocrite on the planet, ladies and gentleman!
I can’t believe she posted this shit. She looks drugged out and trashy. It’s not hot, cute, sexy, or ANYTHING she was going for.
Syd sweetie, I know you’re reading this bc your insecure ass lives on this thread, we all know and you couldn’t make it anymore obvious. Listen to me, you are not model material. You will never be model material. No amount of makeup, eyelashes, clown eyebrows, filters, angels, will EVER help you look more appealing. First of all your body is not hot like you make it out to be. With your pepperoni aerola no nipple havin ass. And those pitiful mosquito bites that you have to shop at justice for in the training bra section. Girl don’t get me started on your square ass figure. No muscle tone, no abs, no waist, no curves. With the most average/normal butt that you claim is so amazing just because it looks good from certain angels.
So when other women show off their body they are whores half naked on the internet huh? Home wreckers and groupies and sluts that need to die. But when you do this is perfectly acceptable, because you’re just the hOtTeSt MoM iN tHe WoRlD, so that makes it okay.
Imagine becoming a single mother after getting dumped by the worst piece of shit on the planet, Jonny Craig, then making an only fans right after the biggest loser in the music scene dumps YOU. How lower can she sink? How much more pathetic can her life get?
No. 1500142
>>1500025These are the most generic basic ass memes ever. Like no Syd, you’re not the only one going thru the things in the meme you post bc ur an ~Aquarius~
You’re a boring, self asorbed narcissistic cunt who cannot stop talking about herself on her stories. And she wants us to believe she has her kid? With how active she is on social media?! Yeah none of us are buying it.
No. 1500195
File: 1649831266994.jpeg (706.98 KB, 1105x952, BCBB1E46-8894-4831-8CBC-2F2E69…)

what the fuck did she do to her ass? why is it so long wut?
No. 1500203
>>1499974Kek I guess this anon
>>1496418, was right.
You’re only a whore and a slut if you’re attractive and/or have lip filler, which is why it’s totally ok for Skidmark to sell photos of her butthole.
No. 1500455
>>1500421She's been private since the beginning and I agree with
>>1500429, she's irrelevant now.
No. 1500569
File: 1649876507700.png (285.73 KB, 828x1792, 7104E340-8F72-477D-B10B-E65C54…)

No. 1500591
>>1499974Kek kek kek why did she edit her cheek like that?? With a striped sheet below that gives away the distortion, no less.
No wonder she was upset about not getting any usable photos. She posted this knowing it's her best effort and expecting it to launch her softcore porn career and then got fewer likes on it than she got on a random candid.
No. 1500601
File: 1649879081007.jpg (113.2 KB, 750x1334, 278296649_682385156402150_7506…)

Jonny's story
So convenient that everything that he did just never happened because junkie scumbags get to wave their hand and say they're not the same person anymore while the rest of us have to live with the consequences of our actions and be accountable for our mistakes.
It doesn't work like that. He can pretend his small circle is his choice but everyone saw how emo night reacted to him. He's an outcast and he can't shout about how good he is loudly enough to change that.
No. 1500603
File: 1649879336170.jpg (59.73 KB, 1170x2080, 278335319_391980509602450_3506…)

Over the phone*
Because I don't hear it often*
Because I'm a deadbeat parent and a liar*
Fixed it for her
No. 1500663
>>1500576I thought the same thing, that post radiates bitter jealousy.
>as milky as sydOnly skid would think Ava playing a video game with goiter like 3 years ago is on the same level as her insane antics. I bet she just wants one of us to request to follow so she can see her profile and get skin walking material.
No. 1500718
>>1500603Hey, she never said he says those things to
her lol
No. 1500737
File: 1649890383399.jpeg (532.29 KB, 1242x1464, C50F06F4-513F-47C7-ABBC-1B9474…)

>>1497850She already made it you guys.
No. 1500754
File: 1649891566807.jpeg (184.93 KB, 828x1229, 2A378D45-CBF1-4026-8596-E3463E…)

>>1500737Did she already delete it? Only thing that comes up when I searched is a unrelated girl’s profile, bbp’s twitter (KEK) and this thread.
No. 1500796
>>1500737How did you find out? And since you seem to have insider information, do you think she’s already deleted it? As
>>1500754 mentioned
No. 1500805
File: 1649893105095.jpg (157.03 KB, 750x1334, the little chin under the bigg…)

Someone is lurking, huh?
>>1499076 this is such a good picture of you
No. 1500841
File: 1649894530032.jpeg (414.1 KB, 1125x936, 9885994A-D4DA-4925-AFCF-B35C3C…)

As someone who draws people for a living, this shit ain’t normal, especially when compared to the photos she has on her Instagram. You can push and pull your edges in Facetune all you want, but stomaches ain’t that straight and your thighs don’t start skinny and get bigger.
She edits every photo she takes of herself and I don’t think her grasp of real human form is good enough to understand that it’s obvious to everyone when she edits.
No. 1500884
>>1500827LOL close this thread, put down the meth pipe and upload the zen habitat video you said would be up 6 months ago Tayter.
>>1500847If this is true they do a shit job at policing it. Between here and the other farms I see OF content uploaded all the time and nobody seems to be getting in trouble for it.
No. 1500920
>>1500847who gives a fuck?
>>1500737>>1495971>>1496418>>1498059kek we called it. best of luck with your new career, Syd! can't wait for Storm to google you later
No. 1500924
>>1500737I'd bet money that it stays as blank as her aRt AcCoUnt.
>>1500812Lmao, hey Jonny I heard Target is hiring
No. 1500952
>>1500841>>1500737The way she pinched her hips and the crease of her leg to keep herself from looking fat but still left her Hank Hill cheeks intact is sending me. There's also no light behind her eyes, just cunty attitude like she's already mad because she wasn't getting good shots.
This is what she was putting all of that energy into, kek.
No. 1500964
File: 1649900968266.jpeg (473.21 KB, 2048x2048, CAA682F3-B91E-4D58-AFD6-BA2E5F…)

Not really milk since nothing was really said but I noticed our BBP commenting on another one of his exes pics. Not sure what their relationship is like now but it seems like he’s trying to make it known to his exes that he’s available, except for Syd apparently
No. 1500971
>>1500964Wowwwwww dude's REAL desperate huh?! lmfao good catch
nonnie>>1500957I wish he would but he's an attention junkie can count the times he's "almost died" and yet here he still is
No. 1500977
>>1500796I found out by typing her IG username into an OF weblink. Kek, that's wild. I don't have "insider information." No, she hasn't deleted it.
>>1500754It's brand new. Google hasn't crawled it yet.
No. 1501004
Look at the beefy fucking jaw. She face tuned her body so bad and forgot her fat head. She look like an olive on a toothpick. It don’t make sense.
No. 1501015
>>1500195This looks shopped, she edited her flat ass-cheek to make it look curvy. What an absolutely pathetic loser hahahaha. Can’t even take a decent thirst trap that actually looks sexy without photoshopping/editing, yet she calls herself the hottest mom in the world?
Another thread pic idea: the screenshot from Syd calling her the hottest mom in the world posted over some ugly/dumpy photos of her lol
No. 1501081
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He’s really salty, huh?
No. 1501099
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>>1500737>big buttGirl WHAT
No. 1501177
>>1501081He’s really hurting over this Ava chick huh. Good job
No. 1501184
>>1501177is ava a
No. 1501188
>>1500317No it’s not…? Are you legally blind, or TND level high? Which one is it? There is not even a line on her asscheck in the photo to make you think there would be something on it, plus why would Syd have a piece of fabric on her ass for a photo?
Dumbest anon on the thread goes to you
No. 1501220
>>1501177Y’all I’m pretty positive Ava is a catfish. Ever since another anon said that here, I’ve been trying to figure it out. She has changed her pfp 3 times in the last week, and I know this bc I requested to follow her on my main and a finsta and she won’t accept? and NONE of the pictures looked the same. Ugh I should have saved them all so you guys could speculate with me. But think about it. I bet her and Jonny never even video chat, maybe he wanted to before Ramadan and she made up a typical catfish excuse and he got mad. Maybe that’s why he’s mad. Doesn’t make sense for him to be mad at her just because she can’t talk during this month, I figured he would like that she is foreign because low IQ individuals like him think being foreign is a quirky trait. So he’d probably respect her religion. She barely has any followers/or people she’s following. So it seems a lil sus. Very easy to get 300 followers on a fake account.
>>1501184I’m almost positive she’s posting on these threads. Especially since she changed her handle when hers got posted
But ya maybe Jonny is starting to figure out he got catfished so he’s butthurt that he got played
Lol no insta thots want him, no one on Tinder wants him and publicly tweeted how much of a joke he is, his ex Tay Tay won’t take him back, all of his exes have new partners now, gaming girls that he plays with don’t even want him.
He’s having a really hard time moving on, and I bet it’s killing him because of his massive ego and he’s not used to rejection. Seems the only person in the world who wants him is Syd. I have a strange feeling he’s going to get back with her, or at least hook up with her and use her for sex since literally no girl wants to fuck him so he’s not getting any pussy anywhere else. Syd would give it up to him just as easily as she did when she cheated on him, because she doesn’t respect herself, is so desperate, and would probably hope that them fucking means he would take her back.
No. 1501307
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New IG posted probably gonna get deleted once he realizes how whiny it is and how much of a bitch he looks like. I wonder who it’s directed towards?
No. 1501309
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What happened on 10-18 of last year? I don’t remember anything significant, I thought he was still touring. What does FBF mean? Don’t tell me this dumbass still thinks it’s 2021 and this is an announcement date for something
No. 1501427
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>>1500182sage for old milk but kek this is so middle school. hehe plz take a pic of me flashing my bum in public. cringe
No. 1501513
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I took one for the team so we could get some answers. It was bothering me. She stopped replying to me. I didn't feel it was major cow tip since they're done.
No. 1501574
>>1501513Why tf would she answer to this dry ass interrogation held by a stranger online? I'll take the hi cow for this one but seems like Ava or her friend posting this. The convo is just so fucking weird sounding
No one cares about you, live your life free from BBP and lolcow, goodbye
No. 1501581
>>1501574Pretty sure
nonnie >>1501220 hit the nail on the head. Ava is a self posting catfish trying to cover her tracks since BBP isn't smart enough to realize anything kek Probably thought she could gaslight him into believing shes real and now he'll come visit for his evening dose of milk and his suspicions will be confirmed lol Watch it be Skid
No. 1501614
>>1501594Oh yeah, she's worried about being stalked by farmers yet was super down to have this fake sounding interview with a stranger from lolcow knowing it'd be shared here. So believable that you aren't involved. We aren't paranoid, we just aren't fucking stupid lmao
Seriously. Just be quiet and exit the site if it bothers you. If there's no milk, it's done with. You're keeping her name here with this.
No. 1501622
>>1501574I don't believe this interview is real either, it reads as very pre-planned as though both accounts were created by Ava.
Why do you want to be talked about so bad, Ava?
No. 1501662
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I'm not up to date on DGD , was he in the band when Jonny was?
No. 1501676
>>1501652The post itself was saged, as is everything else I have ever posted besides two responses. Big deal honestly.
No one ever admitted to reaching out to her in any of these threads. Hence why I did it. Jesus, let it go already. You all are keeping her boring ass relevant the more you keep tinfoiling like idiots.
No. 1501699
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>>1501662Of course goiter boi manages to make it about himself smh no shame
No. 1501836
The infighting here is ridiculous. Both sides need to move on. If it’s Syd, more sad days for her not moving on and continuing being desperate. Big whoop. If it’s not, good thing Ava avoided bbp. The end. So, Tim died. I wonder if what Jonny said is true
>>1501699If so that’s shitty he supported Jonny enough to message him all the time and collab with him.
No. 1501840
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No. 1501960
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He stays thinking about taylor kek
No. 1502093
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who has worse bangs BBP or skid
No. 1502359
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New Ava pfp.
No. 1502360
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What is he ever talking about?
No. 1502379
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>>1502359I’m bad with faces so idk, but this is for the anon that said we should compare her pfp pictures because they all looked different.
No. 1502391
>>1502359>>1502379Idk they look the same to me.
I’m curious tho how her strict religious parents interfered with her relationship? They must not be that strict if she has tattoos and an unnatural hair color. But I know nothing about strict religious parents. Maybe someone can chime in.
No. 1502419
>>1502407Muslims families are like Christians or Jewish ones, they come in different shapes. My family see no wrong in crazy hair colors but the tattoos are a big NO.
So basically, it's depends.
Also partners are a important subject too.
No. 1502437
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No. 1502446
File: 1650052296920.webm (3.24 MB, 1080x2400, Screen_Recording_20220415-1229…)
Naturally we don't see storm in this. She blocks every account I watch her stories with, she really thinks she can curb action on this site by blocking accounts lol.
Ma'am I hate to break it to you, but that's not gonna work with me at least. Unfortunately for her I've got a surplus of accounts I stored my pictures on before I bought storage space for that lmao. I just think its hilarious that its what, her 4th time blocking me in particular?
Just wanted to throw it out there blocking me wont work long term even if i run out of accounts i could easily make more, Hope she remembers that this is her doing not ours, and just removing accounts from her page isn't gonna stop the shit show shes created. I am a Milk cockroach skidney and you are the most damp, gross house I've chosen to make my metaphorical home in, thanks for that.(cowtipping)
No. 1502455
>>1502454The 4 mutual friends means she was definitely a
No. 1502519
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Irrelevant nitpick I know but I hate seeing women so skinny you can see their rib cages… not saying she’s not beautiful, it just doesn’t look healthy to me.
No. 1502536
>>1502519>that ridiculous pose and sucking in for dear life just to look deathly thinWhy do women hate themselves so much.
>>1502450I think some anons just think it would be super funny to figure out who the catfish is. I agree she’s irrelevant though.
No. 1502554
>>1502548>>1502536Apparently you and I autistic for thinking this pose looks ridiculous because she’s just trying to look ~alt~ and ~artistic~
Lmfao some of these anons are ridiculous, I swear. God forbid we have a different opinion than someone on a pose which makes us “autistic”
Go hug your mom and touch some grass,
nonnie No. 1502571
>>1502557it's probably for the best. for some reason it seems like this thread attracts all the most insufferable anons. like this
>>1502446 lol what the fuck
No. 1502600
>>1502592I just think it’s funny that all of you complaining about people commenting on the hairdresser and the “thread being dead” but y’all keep commenting on it yourselves. If it’s not relevant then stop replying to those anons and ignore it. You’re doing exactly what your accusing others of doing….
Anyway, back to the cows. Syd having her son sing to Anthony just sounded so off to me. It seemed like she was posting a recording of him, like she had him do that over the phone. Or shit maybe it was in person but I’m sure it’s just her supervised visit and that’s why she didn’t actually record him doing it. Just so weird.
No. 1502660
File: 1650071119266.jpeg (439.6 KB, 750x642, CD627840-03EA-4803-867D-814ECD…)

~Lil deadbeat mama~
Fixed it for her
No. 1502666
>>1502617Yeah Ava is super irrelevant and needs to stop being discussed altogether, but I have a feeling she’s in the threads and the anon who said she was ~gorgeous~ earlier when she’s actually average looking and we’ve only seen her face.
I haven’t seen anyone lately saying Syd should be removed from the threads, if anything, single Syd is milkier than ever, milkier than Jonny ever was, especially now that he’s sober. He’s gotten extremely boring, and now that he’s sober all he does is whine about ethots not wanting him, hanging with his bros at his frat house, and stream. I honestly don’t know why anyone even posts his stuff on here anymore, it’s always so dumb or cryptic, or illiterate and just plain makes no sense. If he posts something milky then great, I’m all for seeing it here. But this man takes an insane amount of selfies and I’m tired of seeing them posted here before. We get it, he’s ugly and aging and getting fatter. Really not milky to just clown on his looks constantly and trust me I am NOT standing up for him, I’m just saying that’s literally all this thread has become. Posting selfies of BBP. It’s so fucking boring. I wish people would actually post stuff worth seeing, instead of reposting literally every single story he posts. Any selfie he posts today is gonna look the exact same as the selfie he posted tomorrow. But this thread has gone to shit, and the only thing keeping it alive is Skidmark’s milky antics.
No. 1502672
>>1502391It really depends on the parents more than the religion.
And it's not uncommon in muslim families for them to be okay with most forms of self expression, but are extremely strict with who you date.
Not just Muslim families, but I guess lots of middle eastern families in general. They draw the line at who you want to date.
No. 1502795
>>1502571All I do is view her stories with my dead accounts, I'm saying I won't stop following her antics because she wants me to. Remind me again how doing that to a cow is
what the fuck material when you're probably doing the exact thing here? That video of her was so creepy she does not have her son and is such a bad actor. I haven't even mentioned or posted about ava or whatever the fuck this hairdresser girl is, I just want to see the milk between jonny and Sydney. Some of you really like to infight and it's getting super annoying. I was trying to be funny to magnify her mental gymnastics jfc like I'm not actually really up in her shit I check it twice a week if that? I've followed her since her start with jonny so it took her that long to block me that much, literal years. And not checking her shit daily is enough for me lmao she is insane and has provided enough for 12 threads atm across everyone else who posts her shit here.
No. 1502807
File: 1650084640255.jpg (1.08 MB, 4096x2731, anonymous.jpg)

>>1502660Same vibe.. and eyebrows.
No. 1502927
>>1502660Her head is massive. It's like 2 foot
When will you start streaming Syd? Need to laugh at something
No. 1502928
>>1502492You’re joking right? Nobody knew who Ava was before she was discussed here, she lives literally on the other side of the world, why would a random anon in here have mutual friends with her? Like how?!
Honestly this Facebook screenshot just solidified for me that Ava is self posting in the threads, maybe she has another Facebook account that she has her parents added on and another one where she can be herself (which would explain the mutual friends), someone who knows her irl and is ON her friend list took the screenshot (hence the 4 mutual friends)
So, Ava or her friends are posting about her on here. Fucking weirdos. Who the hell wants to stay relevant on LOLCOW? This is home to the lowest of the low, the craziest people on the planet.
Facebook screenshot anon, if you wanted to do a better job at covering your tracks it would have been VERY easy to crop that part. Keep telling on yourself Ava, or acquaintances of Ava, whoever the fuck this is, we’ve pretty much figured out your self posting. And no, that “anon” who messaged you where you told them you don’t post on this site doesn’t mean shit. Your word literally means nothing and that was probably you who messaged yourself.
This is getting way too creepy for me, I really wish people would stop posting Ava altogether or talking about her so that she’ll fuck off. Or I guess now she’s here to stay. Either way, anon with the meth rant is kind of right, she’s beyond irrelevant and idk why anyone is acknowledging her anymore. Her and Jonny are not together, haven’t physically hooked up, they unfollowed each other, can we please let it go now. Let’s wait until he gets an actual girlfriend then y’all can post her all you want. It won’t be too long from now, it seems like JC and Syd are in a competition race to see who can publicly move on the fastest to rub it in each other’s faces. They really should just be focused on their selves and not what their ex is doing, but what can you do.
Also random but that one anon who said “Ava’s new IG bio seems kind of milky” then it was posted and was not milky at all… was obviously fucking Ava. When are you guys going to realize it. This girl is insane. I thought during Ramadan you couldn’t socialize with others? Yet she randomly decided to confide into a complete stranger, yeah none of this is adding up.
No. 1503059
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>>1502807>>1502953Don't forget the bangs.
No. 1503112
>>1502954Shut the fuck up Ava. I have a similar ex to Jonny, I hate his guts. What do I have to be mad about? You’re a catfish, you’re literally posting in the threads whether you think we’ll never know or not. You admitted Johnny told you about the threads so you know damn well how to get here. And for some reason you cannot stay off of this site and it’s pretty sad. Do you know how many cows have been outed before for self posting? Good job you dumbass. And the more you post, the more you keep outing yourself. There is absolutely nothing to get me mad over you. You’re confusing me explaining how I think you’re a catfish with me being mad about you? Or me being attracted to Jonny? LOL what a low iq take, but Jonny does love them young and absolutely stupid. Im literally explaining to the thread why you shouldn’t be posted here and im not the first one to say that but im the one that gets called out and that suddenly makes me a fan of this loser. I wouldn’t date him if somebody PAID me, you talked to him for free.
Go back to hiding in Ramadan land, where you apparently can’t socialize yet you had a full on convo with yourself (or if it WAS another person, then you’re shitty for breaking the rules of your religion). I know you didn’t get your actual 15 minutes of internet clout and fame, but if you don’t know where you are, let me remind you. This is a Jonny and Syd containment thread. Your name is nowhere up there, you’re irrelevant and eventually will stop being posted. But apparently me wanting this thread to stay on topic and follow the rules means I’m into Jonny. You sound just as psycho and batshit that she is, making assumptions like that.
I cannot wait for this dumb little girl to get outed so she will disappear back into oblivion. But now that she knows how to get here, that may never happen. The smart thing to do would have been to act like she doesn’t know about this website when the alleged “anon” asked her about it, but this girl is obviously slow on so many levels.
(hi cow) No. 1503163
>>1503117>>1503122>Racist Lol Avas Muslim story doesn't line up at all and when someone points it out they're racist?
If you're in such a strict sect of Islam that you're forbidden from
speaking to romantic interests during Ramadan, you're not getting tattoos and living an otherwise liberal life. The stuff "Ava" has claimed in regards to "her religion" are very cherry-picked.
No. 1503167
>>1502563Are you high? No one is mad about the hairdresser. Literally was said she's pretty but the pose looked weird and her ribcages showing looked unhealthy. How does that translate to being mad?
I'm getting really annoyed with anons saying people are fangirls or in love with Jonny by posting about females he associates with, yet we do the same thing with Syd, post males she associates with and insult them but no one is claiming "ohh u must be so iN lOvE with sydney. Such a double standard. Pretty sure no one on this site is in love with Jonny or interested in him, he's absolutely disgusting and embarrassing.
Making a post on lolcow doesn't mean we're bitter. This is literally what we do here. Are you new here or something? Grow up, and stop assuming random anons are in love with BBP. Nobody wants him.
No. 1503172
>>1502753Why does this stupid ass meme that's not even funny keep being posted? Have yall seen the TND thread? It's even more retarded than this one, people write absolute novels with a 3 chapter epilogue in the end, and no one gets called out for being on meth or fangirling. God forbid someone has a lot to say and wants to post it. At least people are contributing to the thread, if the post is too long for you ADD anons to take 10 seconds out of your time to read, then just ignore it? Don't read it?
But by all means, keep clogging the thread with the infighting over another anon's post and keep posting this tired ass meme that we've seen three times now. Seriously, people go on and on about the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life in the TND thread when she is the most boring cow ever now, but no one says anything or calls them out. I just simply ignore the rants. It's not hard. JC and Skid and their potential prospects just happen to be super milky and if an anon wants to go on a rant about it, that's their choice. What they decide to do with their own time. If you think it's stupid or cringe or too long you can literally just ignore it. They are just contributing their thoughts to the thread. All this infighting and picking apart random posts (like people being mad over the hairdresser being posted) is not helping the thread, even if you sage, it's still clogging the thread when you can only make a certain amount of posts. You're not even contributing. Let the oversharing anons just be, it's not harming you or anyone.
No. 1503216
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No. 1503461
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No. 1503625
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No. 1503636
File: 1650199807877.jpeg (210.67 KB, 447x732, BF7ADEA4-D7E4-4A8A-99AF-CFF7A8…)

What a creep. Just like another anon said, she always seems to be secretly filming people, I love how this couple wasn’t paying attention to her at all and once he DID realize he was being filmed his reaction was literally like “wtf???” Then she had to laugh it off like that was a totally normal exchange. SydSoCreepy
Also her laugh in the car videos is absolutely vomit worthy, nails on a chalkboard. She’s trying wayyy too hard to show BBP she’s living her ~ bESt LiFe ~
No. 1503640
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No. 1503642
File: 1650199973796.jpeg (158.52 KB, 741x969, 4E34621C-0DF2-49C7-BE4D-36E15C…)

These pics will all haunt my nightmares forever.
No. 1503670
I just know in my bones this OF situation is gonna be a total failure or nothing will ever get posted in the first place. I just want to remind you guys of all the things Syd publicly stated she was gonna get into for income. Not trying to be mean but even Turtlemom has a more successful onlyfans than she ever will. I’d post the link for those unaware that she had one, but at this point I don’t know what’s against the rules or not anymore.
-Merch Mama (“DM me, available for tours now!!!” in her bio for months) yet not a single band or singer dm’d her and she has how many total followers? Like 13k? YIKES
-She has literally said she is working on songs with three different people now. This Marquis Phenex guy (she posted a picture of them last September it’s still up. Talks about the collaboration are in the caption and comments), Sterling, and Kyle. Not even Jonny would put her on a track.
-can’t forget about that amazing art account that really took off! She was not only supposed to make and sell art, but make and send thank you gifts/art to people who donated to that bullshit scam gofundme? Of course she never did. She probably destroys all of her art supplies in a bipolar rage when the father of her chiOLD kicked her to the curb
-Offered to model merch for her side dick (technically not publicly stated but her opportunist clout chasing ass would have been all over this)
-Tattoo artists guise, she even bought a pen and everything!!!!!1
-The iPad she was supposed to make more drawings on but I feel like she gave it to Storm? It’s better he has it anyway, he’ll actually USE it, and I’m sure his art will better than his monthly visit part time mom (not even part time, that’s giving her too much credit)
-Twitch streamer (you need a likeable personality for this one…. She doesn’t have a personality at all. She has multiple)
We’ve been folllwing her since September/October of 2017 and she hasn’t done jack shit with her life. All she did was get uglier, attend ONE tour that she was not even wanted at, and became a single mom, I mean egg donor. I don’t understand how her mom let her live there until age 27 without working a day in her life. And why does this broad not have a drivers license?! She justified the entire situation awhile back on her stories. Well, she tried…
The only thing she does with her time is live on instagram and refresh her threads. I just can’t imagine being 29 with nothing to show for it, no work history, not a single dollar or achievement to her name?? No wonder she’s forever 13. And completely unhinged - too much time on her hands. Mentally delayed to the extreme. Literally a man-child.
No. 1503679
>>1503675I’ll try to find the post, it’s back in one of the older threads. But it was along the lines of “there’s nothing wrong without having your own transportation, some people can’t afford it, some are scared of being in vehicles (lmao she’s clearly not tho), and some other excuses that I won’t remember until I go find the post.
I agree that she has some developmental issues, possibly Autism which is why she’s so socially awkward, some people are more high functioning than others.
Stupid question I’m sorry but how do you make green text? I’ve never known how.
No. 1503688
File: 1650204416586.jpeg (118.67 KB, 750x593, C5179BEA-27D5-40B1-A9A6-FEC4B0…)

Ummm so I was trying to remember Ava’s handle off the top of my head and these are the first accounts to that popped up. Very active accounts, obviously real but this girl is also named Ava? Ava used to be slut bunny or something just two weeks ago and now it’s something like ohbabygirlxox, maybe it’s just a coincidence but something is super fishy about this Ava girl. I also just tried to look her up on facebook for the first time and it’s nowhere to be found? Like she deleted it or either made it to where no one can search her by name. And this is literally RIGHT after she got called out by possible self posting her fb profile, the suspicious 4 mutual friends that was forgotten to be cropped, and got called out for having only one or zero likes on her photos? I’m very confused right now. And she wants us to believe she doesn’t visit lolcow. Something feels very off about this “Ava” girl… I know we don’t need her to be discussed too much anymore but it’d be hilarious if someone found out what she actually looked like. She said Jonny called her a catfish for not doing the name on boobs pic, but I’m willing to bet they never even video called either. And he’s so butthurt about this girl. I wonder if he’s butthurt because he knows the truth and she actually IS a catfish?
No. 1503738
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No. 1503754
>>1503688>>1503725You all do realize there are tons of people named Ava yes?…
Tinfoil but she's probably changed her IG handle because she wants to be left alone from all this craziness. She dropped goiter after finding him to be awful most likely and now everyone is going after her. I'd want to hide too. If she is Muslim she most certainly isn't used to any of this bullshit.
Ugh look at me being compassionate. Not a good look I'm sure lol.
No. 1503789
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>>1503688Probably irrelevant but, I found another privet
alt of hers when I was looking for her
a few weeks ago. Shortly after she was
mentioned here she removed all her followers
and following and changed the user name to
her old accounts name. Whoever she is she's
definitely hiding something.
No. 1503793
File: 1650213088511.jpeg (130.22 KB, 707x312, 9B491E11-13FC-4D05-80B8-DF6E34…)

No. 1503794
I'm convinced all this Ava bullshit is just Syd. The fixation is REAL, jfc. Catfish or no the milk is dry. Hang it up.
>>1503738 Christ, that cackle. Dude's body language is hilarious and telling, too. He hesitates to smile, realizes it's a video, gets mad uncomfortable, then leans into his girl because he doesn't want to engage with Syd like that w/o her. I wonder if she zeroed in on the Dude and he sensed it.
No. 1503801
>>1503792No she didn't. I said in my post she
changed the username to her old user name,
scxmbxnny a few weeks ago when she was
first posted. The second screen cap is after it
was wiped. Sorry I wasn’t clearer.
>>1503796So sick of the complaining. If u don’t like the conversion leave and stop bitching, no body cares about ur opinion.
(derailing) No. 1503808
>>1503675didn't she crash a friends car? isn't that why she really made the gofundme in the first place cause she had to pay that friend. that's my memory of it!
maybe she's just a shit driver
No. 1503878
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>>1503792 >>1503793
Aaaaand another one. Definitely hiding something.
(derailing) No. 1503906
>>1503880I am ctually very much interested in this girl. So much details we have no idea about
Also skid is getting boring
No. 1503993
>>1503988I wouldn't be surprised. Literally no one except this illiterate anon
>>1503947 and the paragraph sperg care.
No. 1504047
File: 1650233922595.webm (3.85 MB, 720x1280, 01-04.webm)
Local archive of all the stories (12 in total combined to save space) referenced here
>>1503625>>1503636>>1503640>>1503642 No. 1504058
File: 1650234344915.jpg (152.19 KB, 1170x2080, 12.jpg)

She has to be very starved for human companionship and interaction because she lovebombs people as soon as she hangs out with any of them.
(Left out a few “irrelevant” stories)
No. 1504060
File: 1650234588573.webm (2.98 MB, 720x1280, creep .webm)
>>1503636I saved this from the other day because I thought it was so bizarre how she was not only secretly filming the dude but also broadcasting it
No. 1504124
>>1503734Yes! Someone needs to shop this photo onto her face on the meme posted here that says “so that’s it huh johnathan? We’re just going to throw away 2 years and my PERFECT CHIOLD away???”
Please oh please someone do it. I can attempt, but I am useless at these kind of things.
No. 1504276
File: 1650252971614.jpeg (262.35 KB, 986x1050, 5BD22A15-A123-4623-836D-DABE96…)

>>1504124I swear I totally went into Picsart with the intention to make your edit but this is ultimately how it ended up. Shout out to
>>1495818 for the inspo.
No. 1504303
File: 1650258348576.png (6.37 MB, 1242x2208, B21CFD51-0780-47BC-A2A4-29BD0A…)

The “CPAP Shop” email is absolutely sending me
No. 1504307
>>1503803>You're talking about Ava on Syd's thread. >Syd's thread >>1503988>I'm honestly starting to wonder if Ava is actually SydY'all are insane. Stil can't tell if it's one sperg or a group in a local music scene who know each other.
>>1503806>No one except you cares >>1503993>Literally nobody cares except illiterate anon
>nobody cares because I don't care, and anybody who disagrees with samefagging or the cowNever seen mini-modding like this on any other thread on this site. If you don't care, don't fucking post about it over and over again. Nobody cares about your opinion.
There have been more posts defending Ava as a real person than posts calling her out. Makes me wonder why that account's reputation is so important amongst the crustpunk emo music scene that infested this thread.
No. 1504314
>>1504313OT but I read it as cyst rock kek,
Jonny is cystic rock musician ftom here on out in my book.
No. 1504319
File: 1650261344507.jpg (28.66 KB, 400x400, original (1).jpg)

No. 1504417
File: 1650282789285.jpeg (68.94 KB, 187x320, 91D71055-4B23-4F04-BA94-51F05E…)

>>1504303I caught that too kek. Sexy big boi goiter with his CPAP machine to control his sleep apnea… Syd, how could you possibly lose out on this gem?
No. 1504418
File: 1650282887971.jpeg (220.92 KB, 828x1114, C6D83833-B7D0-4726-B5E8-608A07…)

Jonny story from last night.
>>1504307Jonny and Syd being crusty themselves does not make any of this related to crust punk.
No. 1504574
File: 1650300902362.png (525.22 KB, 828x1792, C981C666-97F5-4F62-A557-C8BD08…)

No. 1504740
File: 1650317674304.png (1.29 MB, 828x1792, 9B2AF9F8-BE75-4786-9C2D-AF2B77…)

No. 1504765
File: 1650320251700.jpeg (201.42 KB, 750x593, 6BA92F84-912F-4CA2-A8F5-97A6EC…)

Love this picture of you Syd
No. 1505070
File: 1650343260475.jpg (70.02 KB, 750x1334, 278730690_728381348528919_4115…)

Jonny's story
No. 1505071
File: 1650343284547.jpg (76.64 KB, 750x1334, 278691780_387493913039937_7861…)

Jonny's story cont
No. 1505372
File: 1650369048425.png (540.94 KB, 750x1334, 58E9D93D-779E-492D-AF48-CE0267…)

Every weekend is a long weekend when you don’t have a job or any responsibilities
No. 1505594
File: 1650392522466.jpeg (319.47 KB, 1242x2079, 61BDE9FF-B733-4034-BD08-1B03BE…)

This bitch is really triggered by cyclists and kids? Why skid, never learned to ride a bike? Abused your baby while still in utero. Remember at the beginning of the thread when nonnies speculated about her potential drug and alcohol use and almost everyone would defend her? Guaranteed this cunt was getting fukd up while pregnant. Atrophied flat ass-stay mad at other ppl being fit and loving children.
No. 1505960
>>1505594i hate syd just as much as the next person but how is laughing at that being
triggered by it? The post is meant to be a joke
No. 1506014
>>1505594Yeah lmao I was attacked for saying it was fucked up she was smoking dabs and flower while storm was fucking growing in her womb.
There are literal Neanderthals in these threads so I don't take it personally but I truly don't understand how some of them are this retarded.
No. 1506280
File: 1650431255400.jpg (264.81 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_19_22_06_40_013.jpg)

Hes such a dumb bitch lol
No. 1506281
File: 1650431321522.jpg (103.28 KB, 1080x1614, Screenshot_20220419-220552_Pho…)

Delusion to the nth degree
No. 1506508
>>1506281Cringe quote posts like this annoy me so much, I can think of SO many things that are much harder in life than a break up or losing someone.
Syd, you're showing just how much of a stage 5 clinger you are.
No. 1506519
File: 1650441888778.jpg (27.48 KB, 720x204, IMG_20220420_180227.jpg)

Kek Syd is the most insecure Cow I've ever witnessed unfold.
No. 1506971
File: 1650480278589.jpg (114.13 KB, 1440x2449, Screenshot_20220420-143844_Ins…)

acting like the victim in all of this when we all know she is ALSO an abusive ex herself. There is not a doubt in my mind that she chased after bbp knowing about his years of abuse that are just a google search away. Literal years of documented physical and mental abuse. Syd is the world's biggest hypocrite.
No. 1507558
File: 1650520120871.jpeg (189.35 KB, 1242x2688, 4B917E2B-C708-497E-BD1C-E1CDD3…)

I was bored, so I checked that Joey dude’s IG (the one Syd was freaking out over) and they’re no longer following each other. Kek I wish we could find out what happened. She went from 100-0 in just a couple hours.
Scribbled the other chick out cause she was irrelevant.
No. 1507563
>>1507558all of jonny’s friends should unfollow her so she doesn’t slip and fall onto their dicks. she’s fucking weird for scouting their mutuals for her next
victim, but not at all surprising for a thirsty ass clout-chasing groupie skank.
No. 1507577
File: 1650521994767.jpeg (958.9 KB, 1125x1962, 8AA7DEBF-978C-4F39-883C-1407EA…)

>>1507558Joey Tyler probably blocked Syd since she was tagging him in her stories yesterday. He obviously wasn’t into it the day after she claimed they kissed at the show, but she of course creeped him out by continuing to address that publicly.
Despite that stupid little 4l in his username, Joey Tyler isn’t Jonny Craig. No normal adult is going to put up with her retarded teenager behavior. What did she think was gonna happen? Did she want him to respond by making vague stories about her like Jonny used to do? Giving her that familiar public attention, no matter how negative, that she loves so much? Anything attention is better than no attention in Syd’s world.
Good luck finding anyone better than Jonny with your baggage and attitude, Syd. You are trash. You attract trash. Nothing better then trash will ever stick around so long as you give them the time to get to know you.
No. 1508624
File: 1650621367942.jpeg (142.04 KB, 828x1529, DD30ADF8-EBD7-4327-BB36-1852FC…)

No. 1508654
>>1508624Bitch stop following his friends then! Is she socially retarded? I don't understand her thought process in thinking Jonnys friends would want anything to do with her when likely, they just tolerated her simply for the fact she was Jonny's partner.
She's so over bearing and obsessively clingy with people she should really consider acquaintances, it's like she doesn't understand that making friends has steps and not everyone is insane like her and builds immediate, intense attachments. The way she films people unknowingly, writes concerning, borderline creepy love messages to friends and expects every person she's ever met or come across to be in some deep meaningful connection with her immediately is baffling to say the least, how does she not see that her behaviour would genuinely scare people off?
I can almost guarantee everyone she meets or is "friends" with is terrified of her and acts nice while she's around and puts up with her but sigh with relief once she's finally gone. She's a delusional, unlikeable and nasty cunt.
No. 1508794
>>1508743Ayrt I agree, being mentally delayed would explain so much of her extreme, nonsensical social behaviours.
For a bitch who claims to be an empath she has absolutely no idea how to read the room or interact with anyone normally, it would make sense if mental development stunted when she was 15 or something.
No. 1509014
File: 1650665467048.png (1.87 MB, 642x1257, image0.png)

The best thing a mom could do is grow the fuck up and love that same child enough to not have him taken away from you but ok.
No. 1509029
>>1509014Literally what a disgusting "cap". The best thing they can do is love the other parent and not the child itself is what this post is saying. She can't be serious. Does it go the other way around, and the mom has to love the dad regardless of his actions just because they had a kid together? So if one of the partners is mentally/physically
abusive, the other person has to take it and stay just because of the CHIOLD?
Ewww. Syd really resents both Jonny and Storm for where she is in life and it shows. Sorry you're so low that you let a POS stick his dick in you and you got pregnant. She really envisioned this magical rockstar life, thinking that having his son would change him and make him glorify her and the ground she walks on.
Just because you birthed Storm, doesn't truly make you a Mom Syd. Shouldn't have abandoned him and chose Jonny over him. Karma is a bitch girl.
Sorry to rant but she's actually such a gross human being it hurts. Poor Storm.
No. 1509095
File: 1650674997414.jpg (333.04 KB, 1080x1886, Screenshot_20220423-014923_Gal…)

No. 1509159
>>1509095When I had my kid I barely left the house or had much time to go anywhere other than a daily walk, groceries/errands or to visit other mom's to keep my sanity.
She has far too much time on her hands with going out all the time, she's a sped if she thinks she's fooling anybody at this point.
No. 1509195
File: 1650686260966.png (1.49 MB, 828x1792, C301C606-4BF4-4559-A036-A625C8…)

First time poster, long time lurker.
Wonder what got Skid’s skidmark granny panties in a bunch.. can anyone translate this stupidity
No. 1509212
File: 1650687527270.jpeg (436.3 KB, 828x1393, A7CFB197-51F6-4EF6-9F82-52165D…)

She really can’t hide that she lurks here. Syd, EVERYONE has said this is your true character. You’re fooling no one but yourself.
No. 1509213
>>1509212Yes Syd. You’re SUCH a
victim. Poor you, hardest life ever. No wonder you treat other women like garbage for just existing. No one has it harder than you!!
Kek the mental gymnastics people will go through to justify their psychotic behavior.
No. 1509230
File: 1650690637045.png (2.7 MB, 1170x2532, 43692A5C-4650-4620-BD0D-3642A9…)

>>1509195The dumbass also posted this right after, which seems like she was saying the same thing twice? Not sure if she accidentally posted both and mean to only post one. I can’t comprehend it either so I have no clue lol
No. 1509284
File: 1650699017193.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, 40E00168-10E0-4C2E-9B07-320EA1…)

“But that sums it up
I’ll take my time to respond or never respond
Sum that up all you want”
Wtf is she okay?? Her ultra vague posting is so ridiculous and childish
No. 1509287
>>1509230Uhm is she for real? Poor Syd can be a total cunt to everybody else but God forbid anyone judge or dislike her.
Her inability to recognise her own chronic hypocrisy is actually terrifying and a strong sign of Narcissism. Her lights are on but nobodies home and it's hilarious to watch her constantly fuck up.
No. 1509331
File: 1650710993834.png (5.62 MB, 1125x2436, 0A299858-D2D0-4E42-AC20-6A6F71…)

>>1509230>>1509195>>1509212what if what if, now just hang with me for a second—what if she’s talking about joeytyler?
No. 1509339
>>1509230The fact that she has demonstrated this exact behavior numerous times, and is sitting here preaching against it is comical to say the least.
>>1509095It's repulsive that she sits here and asks people to donate money to her for her mental/health well being, aswell as her son's, and spends money on dumb ass shit. A real mother wouldn't be spending money on dumb shit for themselves constantly, they would be spending on items for their children. She's such a vile woman.
No. 1509376
>>1509212Syd acting like she wouldn’t take BBP back in a heartbeat if he suddenly showed interest in her square ass again… it feels like she’s trying to follow the same pattern as TND with playing the
victim card so hard all of a sudden.
No. 1509445
>>1509284Remember when she said she wasn’t weak like all his other exes and now is posting all this shit like she wasn’t fully aware of him being an
abusive sack of shit? It’s honestly more pathetic that she didn’t leave him, he left her.
No. 1509484
>>1509185That's a really good way to put it. Everything she says is so off putting and she uses the most intense wording possible,
I read somewhere narcs do that to try and seem like they aren't dead emotionally lmao, way to out yourself skid.
No. 1509653
File: 1650745116610.png (8.09 MB, 1284x2778, 0906781C-2F7A-4558-9DDA-5D7313…)

“WHAT AM I GONNA DO FOR MY MAKEUP TODAY GUYS.. ?” crowd not replying “DOUBLE LINER OR DOTS ?!?!!” the saggy boobs and shitty oogie boogie tattoo combo oof
No. 1509659
>>1509653>saggy boobsu sound like a pornsick scrote
inb4 saggy boobs detected im a titlet
No. 1509682
>>1509653She should focus on getting a job
Not doing subpart make up for people laughing at her
No. 1509690
File: 1650747089809.png (432.4 KB, 1125x2436, 80524805-A790-4C27-94A4-ED6E48…)

Called out lmao love to see it.
No. 1509691
File: 1650747495101.jpeg (22.96 KB, 180x320, 56ACB462-3A70-4C32-AD69-D0F5E4…)

No. 1509697
File: 1650747680108.jpeg (295.83 KB, 1169x1903, 625B3059-322B-4F26-A9FE-750329…)

>>1509695She was flirting with this dude i_nbloom “hello mister texting me right now I’m gonna smile back at u right here” yuck
No. 1509726
File: 1650749295502.png (1.13 MB, 1242x2208, FFF4C1B8-1AE2-466B-8938-CFDFDE…)

No. 1509732
File: 1650749779885.gif (365.46 KB, 200x273, 2481C3DA-EA41-4B84-8884-FCEF9B…)

They’re always so milky after the silence
No. 1509743
File: 1650750394617.jpeg (204.6 KB, 828x1447, 57EFB094-1A11-48F7-8CE6-EEB465…)

This is the new girl he is at least sleeping with her she went private all of a sudden after they got more cozy in the last week.
No. 1509748
>>1509695she looks more like Laur Trueman than Lillee Jean does kek
>>1509730he just doesn’t want people to look at
her IG stories now that she dirty deleted the “hurt our son” post
No. 1509839
File: 1650757624004.jpeg (917.79 KB, 1242x2249, BDF692D1-FE4B-405B-8EDC-52B3E8…)

Hadn’t seen any one post this yet. Who is he talking about? And who is he talking to?
No. 1509842
>>1509691Syd you're the world's shittest mom, you don't even have custody of him otherwise you'd have far less time on your hands to go out all the time, spend every day doing makeup and bitching online.
Syd is 100% the type of mother to weaponize her child and use him as a pawn to emotionally abuse Jonny. He may be a junkie but he's talked about storm more than Syd has in the last few months and seems to have seen him more than she has. She has no right to speak on her toddlers behalf on who he does and doesn't love, especially when she doesn't even have custody and gave him up to be with Jonny.
No. 1509859
File: 1650758956001.png (405.9 KB, 1170x2532, C564B26A-2A3D-4702-993C-9C0D09…)

>>1509839I googled the number and this website had it listed with these comments from today. I wonder if this was Jonny trying to do the same search haha
No. 1509900
>>1509726"I wiLl AlWaYs LoVe aNd ReSpEcT tHe FaThEr oF mY sOn."
Hey look, it's the chillest, most go-with-the-flow empath dealing with her recent breakup in a healthy way!
No. 1509927
>>1509691If anyone puts a pretend life on the internet it's Syd! Again with her chronic hypocrisy making her look genuinely mentally retarded.
What kind of mother speaks about their child this way? Good parents put their personal shit aside and stay amicable for the sake of their child, I feel so sorry for storm being born to two mentally challenged perma teens.
No. 1510063
>>1509691>your son doesn’t even love youWorlds best mother you guise.
>>1509729She deleted it because she remembered they have a trial soon. If goiter says anything it could be used against them. Syd is lucky no one caught that screenshot because it would have been perfect ammo for the DA to keep her son away from her and throw both their asses in jail.
No. 1510079
>>1510013He posted that when she was doing that live makeup tutorial so it was not her.
>>1509856 How do you know it’s textbook Sydney? I have not seen that one in the threads yet.
No. 1510091
File: 1650776706185.jpg (147.55 KB, 1170x2241, 843890642.jpg)

>>1509859>>1509856I also tried the number into the website and it didn’t come up with anything. The site works. Skid already skinwalks being a mother to the ChOiLd, so this doesn’t seem too far out of the realm of possibility.
No. 1510165
>>1509014 "I want a party! I want a cookie! I want, I want, I want, me, me, me, ME, mine, mine, mine, MINE, now, NOW NOW NOW"
No. 1510189
>>1510063>Syd is lucky no one caught that screenshot because it would have been perfect ammo for the DA to keep her son away from her and throw both their asses in jail.I actually think the “your son doesn’t even love you” thing would look worse. simply stating “you hurt him” (if it’s the truth) isn’t that big of a deal (aside from the fact that she’s probably been told to keep her mouth shut until trial). but “your son doesn’t even love you” sounds like parental alienation to me. especially because he’s a baby. it’s not like Storm
told her so. as if she ever sees him anyway. plus who’s to say she’s not telling Storm “your dad doesn’t even love you?” too?
No. 1510248
File: 1650802995220.jpeg (881.54 KB, 3072x2004, 9E52FF80-54AA-46E5-B022-29381D…)

Jonny lives in Syd’s head rent free
No. 1510268
File: 1650805270629.png (87.71 KB, 245x201, sydney.png)

>>1509695whats goin on with her eyes???
(nitpicking) No. 1510279
>>1510248I’m crying why would she post this
Sick bars skid
No. 1510310
>>1510248>I ain’t these hoes, take off they clothes your constant thirst trapping and onlyfans says different.
>>1500737>don’t worry about who you see me with, he got a new dad you literally can’t keep another brodick to save your life.
No. 1510336
>>1509839My tinfoil regarding this, since it's a TX phone number, is that Jonny texted Taylor "how are you?" or something along those lines.
Then some guy Taylor has been hanging out with responded to Jonny from his phone. The "she's goooooood" would make sense in this context.
No. 1510661
>>1510649Or it’s Jonny playing his usual stupid games of just trying to flex how good he is will all his hoes. Anyone following his new
victim @sinyamarie before he told her to go private?
No. 1510735
>>1510268Un treated mania. Your pupils will stay large like this this.
30? She looks upset forties
No. 1510759
File: 1650848612145.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1284x2778, 41AE931E-27DB-481A-A767-A64034…)

>>1510661I was able to find her on FB. Nothing really milky. She has 2 kids.
No. 1510809
File: 1650853530694.jpeg (2.66 MB, 1284x2268, C9751E4E-8302-4B41-B284-8A93A7…)

Not milky at all, she never talks about him, he doesn’t even like her pictures, she’s just a pretty mom with a job. So like literally the opposite of Sydmark, hope she keeps her distance. She probably just lent him “diaper money” and gave him a ride somewhere kek
No. 1510907
File: 1650864835826.jpeg (162.85 KB, 614x817, A2643770-5A73-46B8-AECA-B6BC74…)

>>1510860He stayed with her at the W hotel in SF for her birthday. Her IG was not private until this week.
No. 1510928
File: 1650867549273.gif (791.62 KB, 320x213, C60A6251-B91A-4434-AE07-ED368C…)

>>1510924Kek he should keep that guy around cause he makes goiter look a little less ugly by comparison.
No. 1511046
>>1510947You know, women ARE allowed to spend time away from their kids.
Also now that I think of it, with all the talk about Storm being with Syd, I don’t think she has outright said she has him recently like she was doing before.
No. 1511245
File: 1650900028144.jpg (589.55 KB, 1440x2794, PSX_20220425_111839.jpg)

She is so stuck in 2005-2007, and these are posts that literal teenagers would type out.
No. 1511246
File: 1650900051219.jpg (622.94 KB, 1403x2747, PSX_20220425_111854.jpg)

No. 1511361
File: 1650908292285.png (171.79 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220425-133428.png)

No. 1511387
File: 1650909281040.jpeg (74.12 KB, 828x1792, 0C2E1304-29FE-4C90-8BA5-715311…)

>>1511369Duh he’s talking about himself.
No. 1511748
File: 1650936270508.png (518.47 KB, 828x1792, C8EFEA47-182F-4B2C-ACF1-5EB332…)

No. 1511779
File: 1650938329025.gif (1.19 MB, 276x210, This hast the potential to bee…)

>>1511748Sydney, the father of your CHOILD has spoken. The ball is now in your court
No. 1511799
File: 1650940296511.png (9.16 MB, 1170x2532, A790A90E-C9E7-4885-822C-923585…)

No. 1511817
>>1510928why does this look exactly like shay
No. 1511845
File: 1650944462314.jpg (17.09 KB, 1170x2080, 279032178_122538483726362_1232…)

No. 1511955
>>1511861Pretty sure he means he’s not interested in associating with her or anyone shes fooling around with. I didn’t read this as him being jealous at all.
“Fuck with” just means associate with.
No. 1512047
File: 1650964242640.webm (1.92 MB, 720x1280, 2824659927526786853.webm)
No. 1512053
>>1511938I’m pretty sure that is what
>>1511870 said tho?
No. 1512362
>>1512350She talks about how she’s “been about” the gym and rips apart women for looking better than her. All while posting her body and acting like she’s above everyone else.
So yea, if anons want to criticize her appearance- let them.
>she looks good for having a kid almost 2 years agoYea… most women bounce back to nearly their pre baby body even after two kids. What’s your point?
No. 1512603
File: 1651019560660.jpeg (6.16 KB, 235x214, images.jpeg)

>>1512315>>1512350You're honestly way too insecure to be here, sensitivity and lolcow dont usually go hand in hand. What people say about a
different woman's body shouldnt make you feel shit about yours, go figure yourself out. You are not syd, we don't give af what you look like or what you do.
No. 1512829
>>1512735Yea it’s what you’re supposed to do when you’re under a criminal investigation.
Kek are people forgetting he is currently out on bail for a violent crime? A violent crime that may have possibly resulted in getting his child taken out of his and syd’s custody? Oh but that wasn’t recent so he’s not too bad.
I don’t think we should attack or judge this random chick for hanging out with BBP but definitely looks poor on her end. I’m sure we’ve all hung around shitty people at one point. She’s a grown ass women. As long as she isn’t bringing her kids around a junkie or making copies, who cares.
No. 1512837
File: 1651040092147.jpg (37.59 KB, 1170x2080, can’t hide from trauma TwT.jpg)

Sydney, trauma will continue to follow you as long as you don’t change your patterns of behaviour
No. 1512869
File: 1651044400718.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1125x2067, 45C851E9-EAB2-456B-8FB3-F18749…)

>>1512853no amount of weight loss or gain is gonna hide the secondhand embarrassment i feel for sydney as she tries to stunt with a nightmare before christmas shirt LOL oh wow hot topic shirt so cool uWu i’m 30 but my brain is 12 - big flex
No. 1512880
>>1512869Yeah sorry to break it to that other
nonnie but dumb fucking retarded just ain’t hot no matter how skinny fat you are. She’s a half decent cum dumpter, but that’s it.
No. 1512931
>>1512853Wasn't that video from a year ago??
The photos from her live the other day don't appear she's lost weight.
No. 1513413
File: 1651088655920.jpg (344.4 KB, 1440x2498, Screenshot_20220427-153156_Ins…)

Skid claims to have adhd, bpd, ptsd, bipolar, anxiety, depression, etc… What's next jklmnop? Qrstuv?
What disorder will she want to wear as an accessory tomorrow?
Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!
No. 1513437
>Maybe DID? Maybe Tourette’s? Those are hot right now, no?Kek this is sending me
No. 1513531
File: 1651096618187.jpeg (405.48 KB, 828x1552, 434ECBEA-6675-4CE6-9C4E-0649C3…)

Guess who’s back following goiter boy? looks like we need to merge the two threads soon
No. 1513563
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No. 1513570
File: 1651099284605.jpg (60.29 KB, 750x1334, 279311485_564045688305036_2010…)

Imagine being such a failure that you're riding Jonny Craig's (formerly DGD, formerly Emarosa, formerly Slaves, formerly Solano County Jail, formerly Elmwood Men's Facility) extremely tattered coattails. Just be a barista or something.
No. 1513766
>>1513692Same Nona here -
There were a few things that stood out to me that made me not really want to associate with her anymore, pre BBP. Here's a short list:
- She verbally shames random women to other women who she thinks will align with her viewpoint, and is just as erratic and misogynistic in person as she is online. I've heard her say she hoped a "bitch gets hit by a fucking car" in response to the girl shoving past her in the crowd at a show.
- She flips out and melts down over the smallest shit, like not having even eyeliner, or having her hair done in time. She's notoriously late and it almost always revolved around vain activities, and makes her shit attitude everyone else's problem around her.
- She borrowed money from me, and never paid me back. It wasn't much, just 20$, but according to one of her proclaimed "bffs" at the time, that's a common theme. They at a certain point stopped expecting/hoping for her to pay them back. I don't know how they willingly paid for her way through things for as long as they did. I could never.
- She isn't as clean IRL as she pretends to be online. I picked her up once from her mom's house and her room was torn the fuck up, it looked like a disaster zone. She laughed it off, saying that she just hadn't had the time to clean but as far as I knew at the time she didn't have a job so, what was she so busy doing?
The last straw for me was watching her verbally assault one of her "bffs" at a show. It was honestly really hard to see. The poor girl looked absolutely numb and dead inside after Sydney was done screaming at her. I'm not sure what it was over exactly, but what I could gather it was something about when they were planning to leave. She made that entire show experience about herself, which is ironic as fuck considering she calls herself the "mom friend" of the group online.
No. 1513777
>>1513766Oh yeah she’s absolutely an empath
eyeroll thank you for sharing
nonnie. We all know what you described is exactly how she really is and she tries so hard to convince everyone that haterz make stuff up about her or she’s just misunderstood. Pssshhhh she’s not fooling anyone and it’s pathetic.
No. 1513797
>>1513766Wow! Thank you for this tea,
nonnie. We all know she doesn’t have custody of Storm but can you confirm or have any other tea to add?
At shows, i have a feeling she tries to act like a bro to the guys while also wanting some band dude to save her from herself. What is her purpose for shows? The music? Or is it mostly men?
Why does she paint her eyebrows on like that? Are they as terrible in person as they look online?
No. 1513808
>>1513797Nona again:
I honestly can't tell you if she actually has storm or not. I stopped talking to her over 7 years ago, and I made it a habit not to follow her on any social media's because I knew it'd just bring out the
toxic side of myself and feel the urge to engage with her. That's why I'm grateful for all of you for sharing the milk you have over the past two years. I used to be a BBP fan back when he was in DGD (Syd and I connected on that, ironically) so I've been following the TND thread and that filthy milk for a WHILE and it eventually brought me here.
Syd has always been overly obsessed with alternative/hard music, to the point where it feels like she's made it a part of her personality, to a "lock it up in a looney bin" degree. She also has always said she wanted to become a singer like Hayley Williams or Amy Lee, so I'm sure it was one of those "Once in a life time change your life moments" kind of things where she hoped to be pulled on stage and have her time to shine. Which, we've all seen didn't work that well with Bert from The Used.
Honestly I may get a lot of hate for this but I didn't hate her brows back when I was around her. They looked a lot more natural than they do now, and I know filters definitely alter/change the way they look. I will tell you though it took her a good 20 minutes to get them the way she wanted them to back then.
I wasn't really around all that much outside the shows environment, but I've seen her obsess and get neurotic about meeting famous dudes, their girlfriends, anything for clout or recognition that could amount in her weaseling her way into the industry.
No. 1513842
File: 1651123274421.jpeg (418.81 KB, 1125x2242, BC2AC1A1-71F8-43FC-B0AA-C34BD5…)

says the girl who doesn’t know how to read, doesn’t go to therapy, talks like a retard and harasses women she doesn’t like, and had zero self-accountability or remorse for anything she’s done. it’s actually insane she has the gall to post shit like this with her track record.. the most dense and painfully non self-aware human on this crusty side of the internet.
No. 1513890
>>1513790Not the rawr ex de nona lmao
>>1513808Nona, I'm begging you. If you were around for it, spill the milk about exactly how embarrassing her behavior/fixation with Bert/The Used was in person at its peak. It looks like she wants to break his ankles and keep him tied to a bed. And it actually kinda reminds me of Taylor too, who struck out with more famous men before settling for Big Boi Pimpin.
No. 1514065
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Tinfoil theory — goiter manlet is actually making bank via some tiny-foot fetish community (like Eugenia is doing with the ana fetishists) and has to post his little stumps every day to feed himself.
No. 1514318
>>1513890I'm not the Nona, but I also knew Syd in her peak obsession with Bert/The Used and the raptor noises/baby talk.
I remember specifically her saying "I would make a blanket out of his skin", as she said this about a few other artists but it started with Bert.
lol Syd is def gonna know who I am for this next one but fuck it
Her boyfriend at the time messaged on Instagram, "hey". Syd and I were very close at the time so I thought it was fishy. Without opening the dm, I showed her - she immediately lost it. She accused me of sleeping with him, was screaming at the top of her lungs, throwing shit, threatening to kill herself. She threatened my friend that I knew her through, I ended up just leaving the house. I found out that she gave my friend an ultimatum, making him choose one of us to stay. I personally feel like the time of this incident was when she was really learning and teaching herself how to be successfully manipulative.
Also, I have been blocked for over 5 years, so when I came into this thread and saw her instagram name, I immediately thought of the "making skin blankets out of her fav celebs" comment.
There are so many other stories that are far worse, Ill try to type those out later
No. 1514474
>>1513790>>1513766lmaooo just cringed so hard remembering that mid-2000s, livejournal Hot Topic shit
"RAWR means I love u in dinosaur xD!!1 >:3 I iz a lion"
No. 1514511
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No. 1514572
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>>1513808>>1514318Nonas, you are the best thing to happen to this thread in ages. We're listening.
No. 1514574
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Is he talking about Sonya? Hmmm
No. 1514584
>>1514577or rather, sydney still wants to be with him but he wants nothing to do with her crazy ass so she’s trying to win him over the only way she knows how after being rejected: by blowing a complete fucking gasket and belittling the other person until they block her.
this bitch can’t take no for an answer and just go away, and she wonders why she’s alone hmmmmm..
No. 1514592
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>>1514574So his insecurity is his manhood, got it
No. 1514593
>>1514318>>1513766I'm neither of these nona's, but I'm here to confirm their stories. I've known about this site for a while, but I've refrained from posting because as you all have seen, Sydney attacks and death threats anyone she feels she can identify as a source/leak/influence on BBP, and I didn't want to be added to that list because my mental health isn't all that great to begin with and I feel like her bullying and harassing me would just send me over the edge.
I'm saging because at this point I don't have any milk I'm willing to share, but I definitely do have a back log of extremely
toxic experiences with Sydney that had me very concerned for my safety, and hers.
There's a lot more of us from her past that lurk here, and we all talk about it from time to time as kind of a form of support group. She negatively effected every single person around her. She used them, took advantage of them, lashed out on them, and holstered blame on them that was never theirs to take. How she treated me greatly effected my relationships with people moving forward in life, and it's been a little over 6 years since I've interacted with her.
Sydney, if you're reading this, which I'm sure you are -
Real change doesn't happen until you address and atone for the things you've done and the people you've hurt. You can lie to everyone around you, and you can lie to yourself that you're a better person, but deep down you know that you're not. You're still the same
abusive, self absorbed, erratic,
toxic human you've always been. Get help. If not for yourself, for your child.
No. 1514607
>>1514598Same anon this response was towards: A lot of things, but mainly their kindness. She preyed on other's empathy/sympathy. She knew all the right ways to say things, without ever asking for the thing she wanted. Money, car rides, places to stay, concert tickets, tattoos, band merchandise, emotional bandwidth, alcohol, weed. She's been a user ever since high-school, and she hasn't stopped.
No. 1514632
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No. 1514642
>>1514318Me, again
There was a time when Syd lost her job because her boyfriend/coworker at the time bought her and another employee coffee when he arrived for his shift (employee happened to be female ofc). Syd absolutely lost it. While on the clock she caused a scene and harassed this poor girl for "sleeping with her boyfriend". This was over 5 years ago.
No. 1514666
>>1514632Kek more like he doesn’t have an obligation to keep you on his phone plan. Get a job your broke bitch.
>>1514574Syd still trying to ride his gross goiter dick ? Calling him a closet fag does seem like something she would say. She’s so extreme kek I can’t wait for their coming court date when they have to be in the same room together.
No. 1514668
>>1514607I remember this well. Her stuff was always paid for. Used and abused all of her amazing friends for everything they had. All while constantly threatening suicide if texts/calls weren't immediately responded to because we had ?jobs?
And all we ever wanted was for her to get help.
I really wish I had screenshots from 2012-2018 so I could give some examples.
No. 1514673
File: 1651199192722.png (1.42 MB, 1284x2778, E37309A8-4109-4BCF-8B6F-E25003…)

Something a 13 y/o would post but nope just an underdeveloped 30y/o who is always the victim
No. 1514692
>>1514683It's not about finding out who's doing it, or hiring a lawyer.
It's about the obsessive calling, the psychotic tracking/finding where people live and showing up at their house. The multiple sock accounts she's made to threaten people. It's a lot deeper than just finding out who dunnit.
She has had restraining orders put on her, cops called on her, she's showed up at people's work places and homes.
Anyone in their right mind would not put themselves in that line of fire, once they've seen how psychotic she actually is.
No. 1514727
>>1514717I guarantee you she put her foot in her mouth and was the one who called him a closet fag and that was his response.
The purest definition of fuck around, and find out.
No. 1514748
>>1514697maybe her calling him a closet fag was the straw that finally broke the camels back. crazy he kept her on as long as he did but i get the
>>1514705 mother of his chiold reasoning, but that doesn’t hold up for long when she visits storm less than him at this point. good riddance. hope megan got enough income to support her own child and the infantile brained 30-year-old squatting in her guest bedroom.
No. 1514957
>>1514872as if this board isn’t proof enough of her psychotic flip flopping between loving him and completely loathing him for years.
he was her ticket to doing her favorite thing for the rest of her life: absolutely nothing. that bitch didn’t pay for shit cause she’s been a fucking bum her whole life and goiter was the closest she is ever gonna get to just sitting at home, doing her makeup, and spending her disability money on etsy and hot topic crap for the rest of her life, and she knows that. that’s the only thing she loved about jonny, let’s be honest. that, and the band dick clout.
i’d bet my left tit she’s tried and miserably failed to get back with jonny a few times by now. that’s my tinfoil.
No. 1514962
>>1514957>As if the endless story rotation of having an abusive ex good for nothing baby daddy, followed by pictures of skeletons hugging with emo heartbroken puppy quotes, and then bragging how much of a down ass chick she willing to sacrifice it all for love isn’t proof enough. She is obsessed with him something
toxic. That’s what clout does to crazy narcissistic bitches.
No. 1514988
>>1514748When did she call him a closet fag? The tinfoils are out of control in this thread
>>1514574 >>1514592Could be about anyone? We saw some Twitter fag laugh at him the other day publicly, it’s obvious he’s out on the prowl
No. 1515380
>>1515017Not true. He has visited Storm a few weekends in recent months without Sydney and is usually driven by that chauffeur/squatter friend of his, Dillon, and then Goiter flexes about buying Dillion sushi cause he’s BBP but it’s probably just a trade for gas. You think he’s just driving all the way from Sac to San Jose without giving Grandma a heads up?
Meanwhile Syd has no friends, no rides, no new pictures of Storm, and now no cell service. You love to see it.
No. 1515387
>>1515380Maybe Syd’s insane
abusive behaviour actually sparked something in BBP and his actual redemption is coming. He seems sober, and visits his kid at least. Maybe that’s why Taylor re-followed him and they’re about to have their ~recovery arc~
No. 1515540
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“it’s made my life so much more lit” doesn’t he vape and drink non-alch beer? i know it’s 0-0.5% but still drinking isn’t it
No. 1515563
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>>1515540There's no way in hell
No. 1515623
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Taylor said her and Jonny have made up and stopped “constantly” fighting all the time I assume this means they’ve been in contact this whole time.
No. 1515639
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someone said this in the Tayter thread two days ago. Obviously take it with a grain of salt because the person didn’t post any proof. But kinda interesting that Tay posts this about them talking after that so we shall see
No. 1515642
>>1515540He could mean smoke as in smoke weed.
Non-alcoholic beer isn't considered drinking but I'm not sure why anyone would want to drink it, especially newly sober.
No. 1515700
>>1515623Anyone else sat here patiently waiting for Syds shit show of a reaction to this?
BBP cut off her phone at the perfect moment. Imagine the harassment she’d be serving him right now.
No. 1515732
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No. 1516420
>>1515833So lol her yt vids still get views she has and always will have more income than syd ever could even if she gets a minimum wage or above job. Tay and syd are both pretty girls its just their unfortunate choices for their appearance that make them look bad ie makeup haircuts bad tattoos weird ass clothes and for some reason trying to have this stunted middle schokl emo girl aesthetic lol. Syd however is 100 times worse of a human being than taylor because of how she treats ppl and is a bum… Taylor may be a junkie that had to move home to her parents but she atleast has income from youtube to pay for her other needs and hasnt abandoned a whole ass child. How does syd even afford like shampoo and toothpaste ? The go fund me or only fans? Theres no way jc paying her child support with her not having storm. Lol idk how someone survives this long. The whole yime weve been following her for yrs her only work was a 2 week tour doing merch sales. And at least taylor doesnt wish death on others and has never attacked jonnys fans or anyone she suspected of cheating we never saw any of that from her. Tho they both do have a perpetual
victim complex where everyone seems to have done them so wrong or theyre a
victim of their mental health.. Syds is much more bizarre
No. 1516432
>>1516420Just my own personal tinfoil and personal experience with junkies/self proclaimed
victims like skid, she probably collects disability for her AuTisM/bipolar/BPD/ADHD
No. 1516533
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No. 1516545
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No. 1516560
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I cant unsee domo
No. 1516566
>>1516545So that's what a healed empath who improved their mental health looks like? Huh.
Good thing she doesn't have custody of her child.
No. 1516607
>>1516545Oh my goodness wow so threatening and intimidating, big bad Sydsopsycho is a wittle gwumpy today.
Kek she's so retarded, it's like watching a chihuahua bark at nothing.
No. 1516641
File: 1651374888150.webm (2.73 MB, 480x854, Sydney singing Charli XCX.webm)
She has been manically sharing shit for the last 20 hours or so. I’ve never seen anyone reminisce so much as Sydney.
>>1516636Here you go!
No. 1516653
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Some interesting posts from Sydney (1/6)
No. 1516660
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I think these give us an idea of how Syd sees things around her and how she sees herself. It’s amazing how she shows zero self reflection and awareness.
No. 1516676
>>1516641"Drinking chai tea being silly"
This bitch is actually 12, in height and mentality
No. 1516697
File: 1651385112755.gif (10.41 MB, 1078x1396, sydsopsycho.GIF)

>>1516545To me she exudes psycho vibes, I know it’s supposed to be her acting like a bad ass but eyes don’t lie.
No. 1517044
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It has been at least 5 years since I followed BBP’s mess since TND, and I have not once seen him make a come back from his career lmao. Keep telling yourself you are working on yourself goiter boy, cant even stick to the gym long enough
No. 1517232
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Praying this’ll be milky af
No. 1517371
>>1517232I reckon he's going to talk about Syd and how crazy fucked up she is and what happened because with all this Amber heard stuff happening, it's probably encouraging him to speak up so he's probably going to try and get the first word in and honestly, it will probably work because all of Syd's crazy antics are thoroughly documented and there are so many
victims of her unhinged behaviour.
They're just as bad as each other but he met his match with Syd, she was his true karma for all the shitty things he's done in the past.
No. 1517394
>>1517371he met his
toxic match now let's hope he'll be forever alone.
No. 1517429
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No. 1517435
>>1517429Cheating, while rabidly going after strangers accusing them of cheating with Jonny, is "one Lil mistake".
This milk will be good.
No. 1517436
File: 1651455766843.jpg (748.07 KB, 1080x1881, Screenshot_20220501_214140.jpg)

Is there no where else in this apartment they can lean a mirror against the wall? Keep waiting for the day BBP flexes too hard and falls down the stairs
No. 1517459
>>1517429KEK she’s going to spill milk that BBP probably wasn’t even going to talk about.
Yes Syd, let the BPD take over and react without thinking. Tell us what REALLY happened to your choild.
No. 1517460
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They have court tomorrow too and it looks like the DA put in a motion. It’s gonna be a milky week
No. 1517516
>>1517502I doubt she would show it. It’s just as damaging to her as it is for him. Her attorney could argue she felt trapped and he was
abusive (he has a history), she had no car so she couldn’t leave the situation. But I’m sure her mom would have helped if it came down to the safety of her grand baby.
But like Syd said multiple times; She wasn’t going anywhere because she’s not weak like his other ex’s. Or whatever it was she said. She never had any intentions of leaving him.
No. 1517535
>>1517436those long t-shirts look so stupid on him
human corgi
No. 1517549
>>1517429She's freaking out and she doesn't even know what he's going to talk about yet so already she's made herself guilty.
At the end of the day, despite Jonny being a piece of shit, the evidence mounted against Syd is unmatched, it won't just be Jonny coming forward either, it will be all the girls she verbally abused and harassed and all the bro's she flirted with, she posted the video of jonny nodding out, she got jealous he was chilling with her own mother, she constantly lied about loving him while saying she hated him, she didn't cheat on him because she wasn't loved enough, she cheated because she hated him and there's evidence of that. Not to mention, she doesn't have custody of her own Son so what does that say about her? She's an unhinged, delusional narc.
Boohoo Syd cry harder.
No. 1517744
>>1517429>I may have made one mistake due to not being loved Is she really trying to excuse cheating? If you don't feel loved then LEAVE, you don't go and fuck someone else behind your partner's back as some kind of petty revenge.
Considering how many women she harassed and accused of trying to get with BBP over minor things like fan comments or liking his pictures, it's so hypocritical and ironic for her to be the one to cheat and unlike her, BBP left immediately, Syd on the other hand was happy to go behind his back and harrass anyone who had a vagina and interacted with him while putting up a facade of a perfect couple and she wouldn't leave like his "weak exes".
I'll find it absolutely hilarious if Syd starts acting crazy leading up to this interview only for BBP to go on and not even acknowledge her existence which will have her borderline histrionic ass seething with rage.
No. 1517784
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Department 26 if you want to listen in to today’s court hearing.
No. 1517872
>>1517831They didn’t specify the charges. It was very quick but basically the DA is amending the charges to a felony. That’s what was said without the legal jargon.
>>1517854Yea sorry Sage is automatic in the email field for me and I forget to delete it
>>1517863Yes, same department at 1:30
No. 1517875
>>1517872felonies against both Jonathan and Sydney?
a fun fact I just learned: the only one who can drop charges at this point is the prosecutor, in this case the state of California itself
No. 1517882
>>1517875AYRT and they are being tried together. So it’s Jonathan Craig and Sydney England vs The state of California. Right now they have the same charge which is family violence(another way of saying domestic violence). It’s the one and only charge.
It wasn’t clear if MORE charges are being stacked on, only that the charges against them are being amended(changed) to a felony. That may change the charge itself to something else. It’s also possible only one may get the felony charge. It could go a number of ways.
It was not specific. The judge and lawyer literally talked for 60 seconds about their case. but that’s what their Wednesday hearing is for and I hope another anon can listen in. Calling is super easy- just dial the number and it’ll ask for the access code and you just listen in. It may take time to get to Syd and BBP’s case because it’s not just specific to them.
No. 1517913
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Goiter is upset
No. 1517935
>>1517927I think you're right. A DV charge might be escalated to a felony if there's injury to a minor, if there was sexual assault on the
victim or serious body injury, -OR- if there were prior DV charges.
I hope it's not because of injury to a minor, that would be awful.
No. 1517939
>>1517913>swan posting The fuck does this even mean. Can I get a nona who speaks retard translate for me?
Also, the way these charging are going, you’ll be the one getting pegged. Good day, sir.
No. 1517952
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>>1517913>>1517939I am part of the swanposting group so I wanted to see what he was referring to. There have only been two recent posts about him. One was about the podcast we’ve been talking about here, but the comments seemed pretty tame. I think he is more butthurt about this post. In the comments everyone is pretty much saying “hell no!” and making jokes about how he was incoherent and on drugs during majority of the songs he did with DGD and how Tilian is a better fit. Which I guess makes BBP super salty. For someone who is always trying to show the haterz he’s living his best life and on the perpetual come up, he sure does seek out posts and comments and things written/said about himself a lot.
No. 1518000
>>1517927>>1517935I doubt Storm was injured by them. I think they'd both happily share a million stories slamming the other person for child abuse if there had been any.
Could be additional charges due to DV in the presence of a child, but I'm not sure if that would qualify for the felony upgrade. It's funny how weirdly silent they've both been about the incident when they have time to talk about everything else no1curr about.
I hope Syd tries to do preemptive damage control and starts spewing her spin on it soon.
No. 1518004
>>1517990Last January, BBP was arrested for putting his hands on Syd. This was sort of around the time Syd screamed about her mom kidnapping storm. The charges were dropped(it was JC vs Syd- not the state), but during the court hearing, Syd said storm had an upcoming surgery. Didn’t specify. Anons tinfoiled it was heart surgery- he’s has a couple surgeries since he was born. Heart defects are one of the most common defects in newborns. They often heal themselves but sometimes they need correcting. There’s no proof of what was wrong.
These current charges BBP & Skid vs California were made in July I believe. So it’s been almost a year. This is around the time when we started noticing the lack of storm. Lots of outings together without the kid (and they had just moved to sac).
No. 1518059
>>1518042Why not initially charge them with a felony then? I’m also curious where you heard this. Not saying it isn’t true but no one here knows for sure what they are charged specifically for other than domestic violence.
But I guess we will know come Wednesday.
No. 1518153
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No. 1518160
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JEEZUS goiter boy that face is going to haunt me in my sleep
No. 1518197
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When you find out your "glow up" includes a felony DV charge.
No. 1518219
File: 1651546227952.png (394.04 KB, 828x1792, 5FD9AF01-62CD-4046-8AE6-2EF3E4…)

Brace yourselves, milk incoming
No. 1518266
>>1518243Syd has the high-paid lawyer so it’s not likely he will have the upper hand in court. JC just has a public defender. Not saying PDs are bad they’re just not paid well and overworked so they tend to just do the bare minimum. But maybe goiter understands that and that’s why he’s likely going to spill whatever milk he has on Syd. Because why not. Outside lolcow and their inner circle, Syd might come across as a uwu
victim to a jury. It might not do any good but maybe he thinks there’s no loss to it.
No. 1518272
>>1518243*mooch mama
I think they're both fucked. OnlyFans isn't a job, and neither is Dance Goiter Dance. Jonny can piss clean by force thanks to this mandatory program, but could Syd? would it even matter since she's unhinged with or without drugs? only time will tell
No. 1518287
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This is interesting as this wasn’t showing this morning but apparently tomorrow they are doing something at 1:30 called virtual early resolution conference in department 35
As far as I can tell there’s no way to listen in.
No. 1518413
>>1518283 Sac person here.
How this works is that 2 people if they are defendants in a case they cannot both have a public defender. Its a conflict of interest. THEY don't want lets say jonnys lawyer and syds lawyer to be like well lets roll all this on syd and jonny gets off free. Or vice versa. What happens the court appoints one with a public defender and one gets a panel lawyer. Which is a paid by the state. How the panel lawyer works is that there is a panel who assigns a lawyer from the outside the public defender. We know that Syd cannot pay for an attorney and her mother seems like she wouldn't pay one for her.
Hopefully this helps clear that up.
No. 1518419
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my ex girlfriend just moved to california and is now dating jonny craig. her instagram is wigglewip. see if yall can find anything else i guess. im pretty fucking disgusted. hope she doesnt end up like every other girl. jk i hope she does ;)
No. 1518422
>>1518421We don't cowtip and there's no proof.
Bet SydSoSchitzophrenic see's this and unleashes fury on her though.
No. 1518426
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>>1518422wish i was lying about this shit dude. its gross as fuck. already deleted all dms out of rage sadly. jonny messaged me to stay away from her and i sent him this pic and asked "this u?" then blocked him. really wish i didnt delete the dms now.
No. 1518479
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>>1518471>>1518419The eye does look like syd’s but the twitch exists and links to the insta
No. 1518524
>>1518421At what point does it become our job to come after/protect his new
victims? Especially if there's no proof they're "together" like you say? Jonny gets flirty with every woman online. Listen kid, I'm sorry you got your heart broken. But unfortunately it's out of your hands now if this is truly the case. You gotta let people learn their own lessons.
No. 1518611
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She’s also in his discord. This is the only interaction between them I found though
No. 1518684
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Jonny just did his daily lurk on the thread
No. 1518701
File: 1651606998778.png (1.76 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220503-154120.png)

Vendetta poster might be telling the truth.
No. 1518739
>>1518701She didn’t move to California. She is just staying with sugar daddy Jonny Craig for a bit cause lil baby girly has never met a “star” before and she has never felt more important in her life. Typical pick-me small town girl shit, too willfully ignorant to see when they’re being taken advantage of. Remind you of anyone????
I’ve been watching them interact on her Twitch channel for a bit now (if you follow Jonny on Twitch you can see who he is watching if he is online and he is never not in her channel) and he has gifted this girl more than subs, that’s for sure. I don’t think they’re dating, but Jonny has definitely been using his credit card to loosen her legs up for the last few weeks and I’d say it’s working EZ PZ groupie squeezy. That pussy flew itself out to California to be pegged by puffy goiter dick over here and all she’s gonna get out of it are a few office supplies and her name dragged on the internet for a bit.
As young as she is, she’s still grown and as far as I can tell from twitch, she’s not dumb. This bitch is just starving for attention and prioritizes that over, I dunno… the cleanliness of her vagina I guess? Shacking up with BBP makes her nasty trash by default. Enjoy the bloated fent crud cock cheese Layla!
No. 1518829
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“If only I got away like the mother of his first child.”
Syd. You didn’t “get away” because you chose to have unprotected sex with him. You chose to have a baby with him. You chose to be in a relationship with him despite all the warnings and knowing his history. You chose time and time again not to leave because you “aren’t weak like his ex’s.” You never ever tried to “get away”, he got away from YOU the first chance he got. So what the hell are you talking about? Make it make sense, boo.
No. 1518836
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Am I the only one that finds the constant spelling correction stories funny? Proof read your shit, Skid!
No. 1518852
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No. 1518854
>>1518850The totally delusional "What you think about me is more of a reflection of YOU than ME" thing she posted a couple days ago juxtaposed with the screenshots of all her unhinged verbal abuse/harassment would be fun. And thank u for doing a new thread
nonnie appreciate ya.
No. 1518883
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>>1518852Oof that projection god damn
No. 1518896
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Says the queen of delusional stories
No. 1518901
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There’s no need to take sides, both are pieces of shit and both have failed Storm. While Sydney is indeed unhinged, the seemingly pro-Jonny turn this thread has taken makes me a bit sick. I don’t doubt he abused her, just like I don’t doubt she abused him.
No. 1518922
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Uhm this just in! New gf and Jonny confirmed hanging out
No. 1518923
File: 1651622729403.png (6.69 MB, 1284x2778, DBDB4B2B-A38E-4FD8-AC6E-BB1853…)

Sorry first time posting here’s a screen cap of his story