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No. 1518926
If you're new, please make sure you read: before posting
and please type ‘sage’ into the email field if you are not posting anything milky/important so that the thread is not bumped!
Last Thread:
>>>/snow/1493508The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse towards his exes. pretty much any woman he comes into contact with, he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > before his relationship with Sydney England, he had a toxic and drug-fueled relationship with and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - jonny is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd gave birth there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, warranting her and jonny their own thread, though now they’ve separated, so their threads becoming separate may be inevitable. until then… Old milk:
>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 (later revealed to be to cover for the car accident she caused with the guy she was cheating on jonny with) jonny’s ex amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his last court date was feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but syd doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260, >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare butt and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163> syd vagueposts about someone (Jonny) cheating with someone you know. That someone posts in the thread revealing screenshots of Instagram DMs with Jonny and Syd >>1318548,Syd who accuses anon of cheating with Jonny for flirting on Instagram with Jonny and allegedly calls the cops on anon. Anon says she's known Syd since high school. In the screenshots Syd calls Jonny a waste,a fat junkie, says she'll show the conversation to Taylor so that she'll ruin anon's life, threatens anon. Syd doxxes anon on Instagram.> anon posts more screenshots, looks like she was carrying the convo with Jonny. Syd sends anon a video of Jonny wasted. >>1319574 Turtle Mom ends up leaking the video >>1320319 and says she'll go the TX shows to expose Jonny with flyers, never does.> tour starts, Jonny doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs so he's reading them off his phone. >>1322793, syd goes on stage to hug Jonny and makes sure everyone know he has a kid whenever he looks in the direction of a woman >>1320416, >>1320417 She also keeps complaining about how hard working at the merch table is, jonny proposes to Syd again >>1332845, >>1333002 at a concert with the same ring.>syd, jonny, and the rest of their crew get awful matching tour tattoos >>1336731>anon posts screenshots from cps that imply storm is not in their custody >>1338649 and Syd continues to confirm this by only posting a photo of them in a public setting >>1346847>jonny goes radio silent on social media while syd's instagram use only increases, presumably because jonny is in rehab>syd buys herself an iPad and starts to vague post about a new project >>1346549, >>1363620 eventually announces a date she will announce the project >>1366535 but does not announce anything. >syd and jonny lovebomb announcing they have chosen a date for their wedding, 11/11/22 >>1367393, >>1367396>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>syd still trying to keep up the facade of being a parent >>1373001, >>1376986, >>1388466, >>1390689, >>1391059, >>1392428, >>1393204>more information is found about the courtcase that likely caused JC and syd to lose custody >>1373075, >>1373156, >>1373401, >>1373420, and a previous DV case involving syd >>1373487>syd flirts with lolbro >>1373616, >>1374083, >>1374084>syd is alone on thanksgiving, trying to seem unbothered >>1375878 while jonny enjoys his rehab/sober living slop >>1375941 more sober living shots: >>1376927, >>1401281, >>1401284>sydsosneaky visits storm at her mom's house for xmas >>1401841, >>1401842, and shows a picture of jonny with storm from last xmas, since he's away in sober living >>1401843>syd makes it obvious she’s reading the thread >>1402818, >>1402823, >>1402826, >>1402828>a fan comforts jonny about the death of a friend, causing syd to go on a sperg about him cheating >>1406759, >>1406761>anon helps us ring in the new year by providing us with screenshots… sydsosmart gets caught cheating! and this message also proves that they lost custody of storm. >>1407044, >>1407062, >>1407070>jonny and syd vagueposting, hinting at a breakup >>1407170, >>1407172, >>1407171, >>1407167>syd psychotically harasses she-who-will-not-be-named >>1407204, >>1407205, >>1407217, >>1407235>more screenshots of syd cheating are released >>1407243, >>1407258 >sticking to her usual groupie tendencies, it's some band dude >>1407304 and he is an abuser (shocking) >>1407340>syd harasses band-dude's ex-gf >>1407393>jonny will be out of rehab/sober living soon >>1408154, >>1408168 and posts about getting a puppy from a place called Borderline Bullies (ironic kek) >>1408355, >>1408449 (ends up falling through) >syd lovebombs JC >>1408808, >>1408891, >>1410001, >>1410002, >>1410776, >>1412175>jonny begins the process of removing all signs of syd/storm off of his instagram >>1408893, >>1415883>jonny is over syd >>1412293, but syd isn't over jonny >>1412296 and is on the prowl for a new girl >>1414061, >>1417679, >>1419177, >>1419188, >>1419932>syd goes quiet, leaving anons to speculate if she's been banned on instagram for harassment. anons find that she she has been liking clothes on poshmark >>1421811>syd is (unsurprisingly) back, posts videos of herself and "friends" watching some shitty emo cover band >>1424827>jonny returns to the Sac townhouse with all of his shit >>1427985, >>1427987, >>1432441>syd says nothing about his return, ghosts and sadposts about her birthday >>1430578, >>1434657, >>1434774>cowtipper confirms that jonny is indeed big boy pimpin, living the single life because syd cheated on him >>1430884>jonny starts his traditional post-breakup streaming career back up >>1434930, >>1439243>big boy pimpin starts liking tnd's instagram posts >>1436428 >>1436485>while jonny moves on to thottier pastures, syd starts posting her perfect bawd for validation despite calling every woman in a crop top a whore >>1438537, >>1439469, >>1440433, >>1443447, >>1445180, >>1445828, >>1445920>syd embarrasses herself >>1440188, >>1440189, >>1440548 >>1449879>syd's sad about her life, writes boring long story posts about how it's not what she wanted but it's so perfect >>1441750, >>1443451>syd onlyfans saga when >>1445197>syd kinda pretends to be a mom >>1445995, >>1446838, >>1447752, >>1448894>jonny's probably trying to pull a new girl with google translate arabic >>1447738, >>1447739>they unfollowed each other >>1448690 but syd will never take him out of her bio >>1448923>jonny shows his inbox on stream, apparently paid rent 3 weeks late >>1450033>jonny has upcoming court dates >>1453819>jonny is big mad about his lolcow thread, posts and quickly deletes a rant about it >>1453538 >jonny compares his bright future to his fake teeth, which someone else bought for him and he never paid back.. sounds about right. >>>/snow/1454287> anons speculate that syd could be rage posting in the TND thread >>>/snow/1454731 >syd sadposts >>>/snow/1455420, >>>/snow/1455934, >>>/snow/1455956, >>>/snow/1456157, >>>/snow/1457905, and teases making an onlyfans >>>/snow/1455738>jonny seems to visit storm more than syd >>>/snow/1458775 >jonny randomly posts an old note that his ex taylor dean’s dad wrote him >>>/snow/1462405 then clarifies it’s old >>>/snow/1462537, anons wonder if he posted it to either rile up syd or get taylor’s attention >syd officially moves in with her friend megan >>>/snow/1463462> jonny is active on tinder, matches with a girl named mars >>>/snow/1474385 who immediately posts about him being ‘washed up’, ‘not worth the story’ & ‘a lot of Ls’ >>>/snow/1474386, >>>/snow/1474411, >>>/snow/1474415> jonny shoots back, negging the girl he matched with on tinder and bragging about spEnDinG heR RenT on shoes 3 times a week (probably because you can fit into kids size shoes, JC) >>>/snow/1475483> syd tries to shade jonny on her story >>>/snow/1482229 > jonny posts a selfie featuring a bunch of dirty clothes and beer bottles in the background >>>/snow/1486532 instead of cleaning up he just scribbles it out in future photos >>>/snow/1487187, >>>/snow/1487417 >sydsomanic spams her story >>>/snow/1487040 with a bunch of compliments that seem like they were sent in by herself, continues to bring up starting an onlyfans and teases about a ‘certain someone’ who makes her feel ‘frisky’ >>>/snow/1486643 >taylor deleted/privated her video talking about JC abusing her >>>/snow/1488984 speculation that they’re back in contact continues >jonny makes references to being lonely due to ramadan >>>/snow/1489269 causing more speculation that he’s dating an arabic/muslim girl, possibly named ava >>>/snow/1489450, >>>/snow/1489610, >>>/snow/1489613 >syd returns to e-begging for rent, meds and essentials for the kid she doesn’t have custody for #itsokaytoaskforhelp >>>/snow/1490473 New milk:
>syd harasses anon after she forgets to crop her pfp >>>/snow/1498275>jonny posts a pic of taylor on his story >>>/snow/1498358>if you want to flush some money down the toilet, you can find bbp on cameo >>>/snow/1499914>syd sets the tone for her OF saga >>>/snow/1499974, >>>/snow/1497288>syd is suddenly on OF >>>/snow/1500737 and leaves just as soon >>>/snow/1500754>blah blah blah something about ava>old man goiter screams at the sky aka tmobile >>>/snow/1504574>syd calls out jonny for being a deadbeat (hmm very interesting syd) >>>/snow/1509691>no words just this >>>/snow/1509695>swanfest drama between the two tards >>>/snow/1509690, >>>/snow/1509726>jonny really does not like syd >>>/snow/1511748>taylor is following jonny on instagram >>>/snow/1513531, according to taylor they're speaking again for the sake of "closure" >>>/snow/1515623>jonny shuts off syd's phone (kek) >>>/snow/1514632>jonny expected to bring the milk by coming clean about "everything" in a livestream on twitch >>>/snow/1517232, >>>/snow/1518219>syd ready to sell him out before he can make her look even worse >>>/snow/1517429>another court date, anon listens in and reveals that the DA wants to press felony charges >>>/snow/1517793>blah blah blah wigglewip layna asshurt ex-bf blah blah blah>syd brings up goiter's original baby mama in her usual self-centered manner >>>/snow/1518829, more sperging about jc >>>/snow/1518852may the livestream tonight and court hearing tomorrow provide us with plentiful milk. drink up, nonnies. cheers!
No. 1518936
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Amazing threadpic
No. 1518945
>>1518940I'm watching it too and gonna try to take notes of anything interesting during the interview.
So far he's just streaming music, I dont know when Johnny will come on.
No. 1518957
>>1518949I believed you
nonnie. Just know lolcow is absolutely littered with retards who either "hi cow" everyone with new information, or chase away milk despite desperately wanting it. It's like this in just about every thread too. Endlessly asking the same fucking questions over and over again and then denying shit happened when there's proof of it and having to rehash history constantly. Welcome to lolcow kek.
No. 1518979
>>1518965 said, try Streamable. If you post the clips, I can convert them to WEBMs.
No. 1519019
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These people really have no idea lol
No. 1519027
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No. 1519030
He drops his little ghetto way he talks for this.
-Shows his cat, its name is Robert after Robert Downy Jr.
-Hes been focusing on getting his life together.
-Dropping a new EP soon
-Says he asked Syd to move out
-Couldnt get on shot to stay sober when with Taylor, ditched tour to go back to TX and use, didnt want to detox on tour.
-Loves the dudes in Slaves still.
-Only allegations he cares about are the rape allegations
-ex from 8-9 years ago cant let go, talks to Chelsea and Liz and gets them on the "same page"
-He never gave them closure
-wasnt a good partner, was toxic, was using.
-"They knew i was using before we started dating though so I dont know what they expected from me"
-Blames Amanda for Slaves getting dropped from warner, hurt more people than just him.
-Thinks all 3 women having the same story is far fetched.
-Opiates kill sex drive*
-Would like to say sorry to Chelsea and her mom if he could, says they saved his life.
-Says Syd breaks things when mad, he was drunk and about to go to AZ, wanted to take his PlayStation so she didnt break it.
-He wasnt thinking and shoved her, cops were called.
-Says in california someone has to go in when theres a DV call.
-Syd went to court and said it was a misunderstanding and got the charges dropped
-Wont accept rape allegations being "thrown on his name"
-Blames macbook scam on being an addict*
-Made 33k off of it
-Says he didnt get royalties for a long time so victims were paid back
-"Would never do that when sober"
-Still talks to some of his fans he scammed
-Doesnt know why hes an addict
-Says he used to numb the pain from his grandma dying (when he was 12)
-Claims last relapse on storm having to have surgery.
I started typing and only kinda listened after that. Hes still talking but nothing interesting.
(*I can relate to a lot of what Johnnys said, I was a junkie and got sober. Just some personal thoughts- Opiates do kill sex drive. Doesnt mean he couldnt rape anyone though. I've said this a million times and will continue to say it, blaming his scam on his addiction is bullshit. He was a shitty person and thats on him alone. I can really relate to why he claims he started using but its hard for me to believe he carried that kinda of grief around with out knowing or learning how to deal with it since he was 12)
No. 1519038
>>1519033Get a grip.
>she’s HiDinG BaCk ThErEThe absolute state of your psychosis.
No. 1519043
>>1519039learn to sage, anon.
Men can still get boners on heroin, its just really hard for them to cum.
No. 1519073
>>1519066ayrt I completely agree. In early sobriety anxiety was the worst for me to deal with. I could absolutely see that causing someone in very early sobriety to relapse. I do hope he's getting his shit together and learns how to cope in healthy and normal ways.
That said, he's still a piece of shit, his addiction doesn't excuse anything he's done nor is it an excuse.
>>1519064They're likely instructed not to talk about it since its ongoing. Even if Finn did know about it he was probably told beforehand that Johnny couldn't talk about it.
No. 1519078
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she is lurking
No. 1519081
>>1519078"send me more if you guys find em"
bitch we know you're here slapping f5 every few minutes. we can also verify no one sent that to her because that would require having friends, lol.
No. 1519086
>>1519082Never said he was actually sober.
>Sydney's been pretty vocal about his drug use through the entirety of their relationship, since the beginning.I was replying to that specifically. They're both liars. We'll likely never know if he was or wasn't actually using during the time she claimed he was sober.
No. 1519096
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>>1519039He used to say his fucked up Deliverance teeth were his only insecurity so who knows now. I’m sure whatever it is he’ll sucker another woman into paying a down payment on a house to fix it
No. 1519117
>>1519115Tinfoil she aint protecting him cause she is involved too. I kinda think she isnt aloud to see the kid cause she woulda posted him. That or hasnt cared enough to. Jonny has clearly had a few supervised visits. Sure she could be "not posting her chiold to protect him from us lolcow weirdo "pedofiles" blah blah blah" but lets be real shed be bragging about their special love and bond and posting something if shed seen him.. Its anyone's guess what it is she did or is still doing that's preventing her from seeing him so its pointless to tinfoil that but i think its a solid assumption that she would have said what he did by now for
victim points if she wouldnt be guilty too and reveal she lost custody of her child too by doing so
No. 1519130
>>1519123Yep honestly would be better in her interest than vague posting to just come tf out with it but to spin it in a way that reveals something he did without implicating herself. Even tho shes awful with his track record and the attitude toward even questioning abuse
victims she wouldnt get much backlash. I really hope anons will listen in to the court dates and get more details! This is about to get very very milky between layna and the court date
No. 1519143
>>1519078Already deleted. Skid definitely is on a manic high rn from the attention, even if it isn’t good attention. Borderline personalities thrive off that, but tomorrow she’ll be depressed. My problem with Skid is how much she desperately wants to be known for absolutely no reason. I also find it so incredibly ironic how much she talked shit about JC’s exes with her nose in the air. Then she got pregnant even knowing his history and wore her blown up belly like a badge of honor. Lastly how she is attempting to flip the script and scream “narcissist!” And “abuse”… bitch, you KNEW what he was about. No one feels sorry for your stupid ass. I have zero respect for you because as stated before, you are a mother; you housed a baby for 8-9 months; your chiold should be your first and only priority. Period. Instead of logging off and seeking therapy and/or treatment/medication, you choose to engage in internet bullshit. Like other anons have stated, JC is at least visiting your chiold, and what the fuck are you doing? Deadbeat mom, we’ll say it over and over until you fucking get it. Terrible mom. Neglectful mom. At this point, you don’t even deserve to be called a mom, if anything you’re just a cum dumpster.
No. 1519155
Remember when she first got with him, she’d post absolute obsessive possessive shit on her stories EXACTLY because she was so insecure in the ‘budding’ relationship with Jonny Cpap.. remember when she literally name dropped that “Taylor if you want him come get him” that bitch was raw dogging that lumping goiter and probably leaning her uterus up against the wall to get pregnant by JC, because in her sick mind, that would cement a TrUE roMaNcE 5eVaaaa. That baby was not a ‘creation of love’ or whatever reasons that normal couples decide to have a baby. Storm was a prop, an anchor, a trap sadly from the beginning, and now is being used as a pawn/weapon to manipulate her ‘band boii’ babydaddy. It’s gross and horrendous for us to watch because we see it for what it is, at a distance. Storm was the biggest “fuck you” to Taylor that Skid could muster; after going and going for him (as she admitted in one of her pathetic “I’m so strong so I WON MY PROIZE” throwback posts) it’s just such an obvious and generic story of Man gets dumped, he’s flailing without a woman, desperate Band Dick Groupie swoops in, Band Loser gets a small ego boost but isn’t committed at all, OOPSIE I’m PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHIOLD”, Uncommited man decides to give it a go, cos Ex he’s still not over, won’t have anything to do with him.. baby is born and the distraction creates a seemingly ‘perfect bubble’……. But when reality sets in, it becomes obvious there’s no compatibility, no real connection.. they “try for the kid” but at the end of the day.. if Deadbeat dad had worn a Johnny (lol) or Deliberate Babymama had used her contraception.. with no Gorilla Glue Baby, these two would never have hung out, enjoyed each other’s company, wanted to form a life bond… and now there’s a real new life stuck in the middle of a bitter mess. Well done Syd, you really showed ‘em. My pity for the baby is probably the strongest emotion I feel in this absolute swamp state of affairs.
No. 1519164
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This cam whore showed up in the Taylor thread earlier and I'm dying to know her relationship to Tim Jonny and Taylor. Seems like she's pretty milky herself
No. 1519184
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3 freshly ‘clean’ and newly recovering addicts all making porn together, what could go wrong? Pic taken from the Tay thread
No. 1519197
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>>1519184I went to look at her ig and she posted a reply to someone asking how it is living with herpes and she said “mostly all your bf’s have fucked me, you just take a pill, basically cant give it to anyone unless you want to give it to someone like your boyfriends that i fuck” as if that’s a flex
No. 1519243
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>>1519197She truly thinks she did something, sad.
No. 1519398
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Looks like she went private
No. 1519410
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>>1519398Well Santa Clara County Courthouse won’t be going private today at 1:30 PDT when BBP and BPD’s charges get amended to felonies kek. Here’s the number from the last thread again
No. 1519519
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Already thinking of relapsing after today’s outcome. He must be scared.
No. 1519551
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Are we sure Syd doesn’t do crack or heroin? Cause it sure looks like it here, and this is before BBP.
No. 1519554
>>1519544She is probably babysitting the cat while he goes to court for his DV felony charges. Jonny pulls the trashiest chicks to cum in and do shit for him. This Layla chick ain’t a
victim, that’s for sure. Just another Sydney, looking to flex that she’s finally made it cause of who she’s sleeping with. Puke. Her pussy is definitely infected by now.
No. 1519568
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Goiter all dressed up for court
No. 1519622
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When you throw a fit and try to destroy your bfs playstation, it’s not aggression. It’s LE PASSIÓN!!!
No. 1519625
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Disgusting. The legal system is a joke.
No. 1519635
>>1519625That’s weird because I listened in the other day and the judge said amending charges to felony.
I wonder if yesterday’s conference changed something
No. 1519651
>>1519648Gaunt cheeks. Bags under eyes. Pin needle eyes. The fact that she ACTS like a crackhead.
Not drug related but every time she pulls her bangs back and reveals the horrors of her gigantic forehead make me lol. Looks like she’s getting male pattern baldness.
No. 1519674
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I would hope so, for the sake of anyone else he pumps his vienna sausage into.
No. 1519694
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They're looking to charge with 273 A Subsection 1
No. 1519696
Damn, kicking myself I was just too slow to set up audio recording for this call. Knew the bombshell was gonna come out. How the fuck you still trying a redemption arc when you did that to your child?
>>1519689Fentanyl's so potent it could've gotten in his bloodstream just from skin contact, but anons who seem in the know have said before the charges are from him smoking fent in the same room as Storm
No. 1519702
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>>1519651she appears to be in direct sunlight. pupils will constrict when under a direct light source. so this looks to be a normal level of constriction.
here, i will attach an image of what actual “pinned” pupils look like, so we can stop having anons screaming about them every time someone posts a selfie with slightly constructed pupils in broad daylight.
the smoking gun is when pupils are as small as picrel, in dim lighting.
No. 1519709
>>1519699I'm usually a proof or stfu kind of anon but if you have anything else to spill, I'm listening.
How is this shit not spreading like wildfire in the community? Who just hangs out with a guy who exposed an infant to fentanyl? Spending a few weeks in rehab doesn't wipe that harm from his karma. It's seriously fucked up.
No. 1519713
>>1519700>>1519701Someone confirmed it was from The Boy Goiter TM smoking fentanyl in the same room as Storm. Which is the only probable cause unless he intentionally got him high, which I don't think he did.
Tinfoil: If it happened again after he was removed from their custody, and it seems like it did, he probably smoked with storm close to him again during a visit. Syd's mother noticed Storm was off and called the cops, blood or urine sample was taken, Fentanyl was positive, charges are now changed to felony.
No. 1519719
Syd's lawyer (I think) said that whatever they were initially charged with occurred on or around May 4, 2021. this is what was going on back then
>>1220851then they said the baby's blood was tested AFTER and they found fentanyl. Storm was 10 months old in May 2021. what the FUCK did they do
No. 1519727
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Finally confirming what we knew all along. I’m done with the WKs who come here acting like we’re crazy and defend these pieces of trash. Absolutely vile. Enjoy prison for poisoning your infant with drugs. It’s where you both belong.
No. 1519745
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Mooch Mama posted this a few hours ago. I would love to hear "her side of the story" of how her CHOILD ended up with fentanyl in his blood
No. 1519750
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BBP always trying to change the truth. That tie and phoney good vibes BS hysterical!!! Slapped with a felony BITCH, looks like you got PEGGED.
No. 1519758
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He's back to posting his cat like he wasn't just arraigned on a felony child endangerment charge.
No. 1519803
>>1519794yeah I’m not sure we heard Syd or BBP speak. I think his public defender was the woman and the man was Gordon, Syd’s attorney.
is there any way to access records from this case before it’s decided?
No. 1519809
>>1519794Thank you for some of the legal clarification anon, I'm also not very familiar with how these things go. But holy fuck, my heart is breaking for Storm over all this. We all knew he had to be living in a shitty home under their care, but FENT in his BLOOD?? Fuck. I hope the people on this case don't accept some bullshit plea from either of them, I guarantee they'll create the greatest sob story maybe with some crocodile tears in there. Fuck both Jonny and Syd, they both deserve prison time. Is it even likely they will be put behind bars at all for this? From what I've heard unfortunately the system is not hard enough on scumbags like this who somehow wriggle their way out of any meaningful punishment. Disgusting child abusers.
Also, what was the timeline of Storm having heart surgery? Does anyone believe this could be the reason for his medical issues, and him having the surgery in the first place? I could just be connecting things that don't go together at all, but I'm just curious. And at this point I really hope his grandma is taking good care of him. They don't even deserve to have "visits" with him, they're both such pieces of shit for this.
No. 1519840
>>1519756Agree. This loser even on the podcast yesterday didn’t say what terrible person he was for doing this. He was saying how sorry he was to some old gf and her mom (Chelsea) but no sorrry storm what a heaping like of garbage here am. Storm always the prop. “I get up sober every morning because that’s what he deserves” hahaha storm deserves to never be around him. Finn Mckenty asked to
Was there anything else any thing else, he had nothing else to tell everyone.
No. 1519842
>>1519735I’m starting to wonder if there’s been multiple people here who knew the truth and but their posts were labeled as tin foiling.
I think that the truth is slowly coming out and the anons who had inside info were just waiting for it to eventually come to light.
No. 1519843
>>1519842 >>1519841
Bingo and bingo.
Hard to not keep tabs when all her friends are mine aswell.
Actually all her friends prefer me over her. Quite funny.
No. 1519870
>>1519858I wonder how her roommate Megan feels about all this considering she also has a child. How do you knowingly let this piece of shit live under the same roof as your child when hers was taken and tested positive for fucking fent.
There is not a chance in hell I’d let anyone using or in the immediate vicinity of users near my kid.
No. 1519893
>>1519846>>1519820>>1519834Storm's heart stuff is congenital, I think. They were in a full panic immediately after he was born and then again a few months later with "pray for us" stories and stuff. It's in older threads if you want to go back. I don't think it's fent-related heart issues, but dosing your infant with congenital heart issues should land you in a special circle of hell. It's entirely possible that the heart issues are from unrelated substance abuse during pregnancy.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Jonny smoked in the room with them while they were asleep to hide his shameful behavior and didn't realize it was going to hurt both of them, or was too whacked out to think about anything other than his high.
No. 1519896
>>1519893Samefag; on second thought, that would make her a
victim and not a co-defendant so whatever happened, she was complicit. Unless she admitted that she knew he was smoking when she was hospitalized and they consider that endangerment? Anon in the know, help us out.
>>1519834 No. 1519915
>>1519896It's for both of them because she left the baby under his care while she went to the store knowing full well he was still using. It was willful endangerment of a child.
She's told a handful of people about this, that she thought wouldn't spill the beans. I've held my tongue on spilling any info because all I have are phone call logs and in person conversations with her, but it looks like someone else she told this information is already flapping their lips here so I might as well confirm their story.
No. 1519919
>>1519915 Samefag: whoever this anon is, is correct.
His first DV charge with sydney, was the day he was leaving for Arizona to record. When they searched him they found fetanyl in his carry on, enough to kill someone 2x over.
>>1519768>>1519767 No. 1519921
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Can an anon from the court hearing with a better memory than me confirm what the misdemeanor charge was? Was it misdemeanor child endangerment from May 4 2021 upgraded to felony child endangerment? Or was the drug test just from May?
I went back and he already had the family violence charge pending from before February 2021. So is there a family violence charge against Jonny as a result of him pushing Syd that he's a defendant on from 2020/2021 AND a child endangerment charge from May 2021 that they were both being arraigned on? Is the family violence charge what he says is getting dismissed while conveniently leaving out the child endangerment case entirely? Are they all mushed together? It seems like there's more than one case going on right now based on the old thread.
No. 1519934
>>1519915Ty for corroborating anon. I can't even imagine how badly Syd tries to paint herself as the
victim in personal conversations, like she lays it on thick for her audience of haters on the internet but I imagine it's so much worse one on one.
No. 1519956
>>1519897The state will try and put the kid with a family member before considering foster care. It could be either or.
>>1519940Get over yourself jfc
No. 1519963
>>1519940We get it, you were right and we were wrong to not believe you. We appreciate the milk. But as other anon said you are taking this WAY too personally. Dish or fuck off if all you're gonna do is continue harping on this.
And on the subject of him getting popped w/ fent at the airport (which I totally believe), how are there not like federal drug charges for this? I only ask because I took some edibles on the plane last time I flew and was borderline shitting myself the entire time.
No. 1519965
>>1519940Don’t be so bitter, some of us believed you. You need to understand that because of the nature of this site and topics discussed in some of the threads, some of the anons will demand proof. Think about it critically, anyone could come here and say anything.
>>1519953They BOTH are pieces of shit for this. The weird trend we’ve had to absolve Jonny, or at least justify his behaviour is so vile.
>>1519960I get the hate is somewhat warranted but Ockham's razor. There’s no need to fantasise to make her seem worse.
No. 1519993
>>1519979He said he pushed her because he was trying to get his Playstation and was afraid she was going to break it, so did he push her at home or at the airport? If it was at home, was he searched at home or at the airport after (as in he left after pushing her and the cops responded at the airport before he could leave)? So now is he talking about getting the drug charges dismissed because he went to rehab?
This is an onion of criminal behavior. So many layers.
No. 1520013
>>1520006It sounds like someone is in the know and someone got a lot of information through gossip so the facts don't mesh completely.
The main skepticism I have comes from the fact that no one linked the drug case here but someone has been really on top of posting the other case. What county did it happen in?
No. 1520079
>>1520072he was talking about how this shit would be dismissed earlier today kek
>>1519625>>1520051friendly reminder that little SPMC was
10 months old when they found fentanyl in his blood, after multiple prior domestic violence charges against both of his trash parents.
No. 1520092
>>152007910 months old with HEART complications and fentanyl in his system. Not a good mix.
They both deserve to drop dead and I don't normally wish that on anyone.
Syds disgusting for staying with him, she can blame him all she wants but she knew he was an addict, she stayed with him anyway and continued to stay with him after the incident, screeching at anyone who dare try to "ruin their family" when in fact it was her own negligence and idiocy.
There is no way she didn't know there was drugs in the house and that he was using, she still left storm there (if she did, she may have just been sleeping or busy on social media). I hope Jonny Hot shots himself, what a fucking piece of work these two people are.
No. 1520130
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>>1519694>>1520020>>1520051I deleted my original comment because I overlooked the right information; I looked up sentencing guidelines and it does look like up to a year of jail time is on the table if they don't plead guilty to a lesser charge. If they get probation, the mandatory minimum is 4 years with a possible protective order. I believe this is inclusive to the section b misdemeanor? It's hard to speculate on what lesser charge they'll accept if they deliberately bumped it up to a felony today. A more knowledgeable legal anon might have better information.
No. 1520189
>>1520153We’re not exactly sure but if you go back to may 2021 in the older threads , that’s when Syd started that GFM and they were obviously having issues.
Guess it’ll all come out in trial soon enough.
No. 1520419
>>1519755Recovered junkie here. After long-term iv drug use, your veins tend to “hide” or “collapse” hence using alternative methods such as smoking/snorting. Injecting would have been the more discreet choice but knowing how Jonny’s been an active addict for over a decade, if he had Storm in his care, he prob smoked it instead of injecting for numerous reasons including:
A) hiding in the bathroom from Storm to
find a good vein woulda taken much longer
B) trying to hurry up before Syd came back from shop
C) ran out of needles
D) just felt like smoking was more convenient than fishing for a vein
No. 1520432
>>1520301Literally. It just amazes me how Jonny, Taylor and Syd all screech how anons on lolcow are liars, spread rumors, dox, are obsessed, etc., when actually we’re all just bystanders and provide outside perspectives grounded in reality… all of these low-lives are delusional. They’re so fucked in the head it’s alarming.
Jonny Craig and Sydney England are facing felonies and prison time for endangering their child. Their 10 month old son’s blood tested positive for fentanyl.
Taylor Nicole Dean seeks “cLoSuRe” from her rapist/
abusive ex… overlooking all of this.
Now remind us how we’re all jealous haters
No. 1520500
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Was going through the old thread. Been pretty disgusted (but not surprised) since finding out the charge. But found it odd that at this time last year BBP kept harping on Skid being clean. And in this post he said she had drank since Storm was BORN shouldn’t she have not drank since getting pregnant? Could this be more FAS proof.
No. 1520506
>>1520500right, the perfect time to stop drinking is
after you have the baby. he’s such a retard.
No. 1520565
>>1520518There were two DV charges last year.
1st in jan or feb- goiter pushed Syd and she called the cops. Case was dismissed a few months later as Syd dropped the charges
2nd charge is from may or June- not sure why but goiter and Syd were both arrested by the state for DV(possibly the whole storm falling unconscious thing). Child was taken out of custody. Charges are now upgraded to a felony.
No. 1520574
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>>1520570So Jonny was lying
>>1520500 quelle surprise
No. 1520575
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>>1520550Part of that is some serious scaremongering and medical misinformation by the police that fed into hospitals. Review all the reports for effects reported when cops or nurses get a "puff" of fent in their face? "increased heart rate, breathing, blood pressure" which are all symptoms of a panic attack because they think it's possible to OD on "three grains" or skin contact. If it was actually fent, the side effects would be the exact opposite.
Cops are retarded, what's the nurses excuse?
No. 1520583
>>1520575I think its a little naive to think that storm had zero tolerance to fent considering how much Jonny was using, plus the possibility of syd using.
tinfoil, what if syd used while pregnant and he was born exposed?
No. 1520590
>>1520570Jesus Christ… so it wasn't just that Torm had fent in his system, which is fucking bad enough, he actually OD'd??!
I can't imagine how these two degenerates wake up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror. I am with the anon who said if she did that to her CHIOLD she'd kill herself. Me too. Jesus.
No. 1520594
>>1520592Yes, this is what was confirmed to have happened.
>>1520590Syd wasn't the one smoking, she wasn’t there when it happened.
No. 1520597
>>1520575That's so funny! I only worked there for a very short period and never encountered such a thing, but that was the protocol given to the entire hospital so it wasn't the nurse's decision whether or not they wanted to.
Thank you everyone for clarifying. So it's much harder to outright die from second-hand fentanyl? I always naïvely thought that an OD was pretty deadly. Will he have longterm effects from such a thing, ie from a loss of oxygen? It's hard for me to be able to decipher between facts and scaremongering when it comes to this.
No. 1520602
>>1520587>>1520594Yes, Syd knowingly left Storm in Jonnys care when she went to the store.
She was not the one smoking fent in the room with Storm, however they were both using.
No. 1520647
>>1520597I've mostly heard about people dying of a fentanyl overdose because it got mixed into whatever else they were using and because they're opiate naive, it's fatal.
I think the charge would have been more severe or additional charges would have been added if Storm was severely injured with long term issues. I think it would have been mentioned as justification to increase the charge in the hearing too. Hopefully he's okay.
No. 1520652
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Syd reposting like it's a normal Thursday and not the day after everyone found out that she's a child abuser. I would neck myself before I would show my face on social media again after that hearing.
No. 1520653
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Jonny showing what he really cares about in life: attaching himself codependently to enablers while barely staying sober.
No. 1520654
>>1520652You’re not a sociopath tho
nonnie. Imagine letting a junkie get high around your infant and your baby OD’d and then still be with him and demand a 2nd proposal after yelling at fans who get too close “HE HAS A CHIOLD”.
I still can’t get over it. How do you choose a moid over your own flesh and blood. Someone you grew in your belly and birthed. Ugh. I hope they see inside a jail cell for at least a few months. A year would be fantastic but California is really lax about drug laws and prison reform.
However, when it comes to kids ODing on their junkie parents supply(it’s been happening a lot), I think the courts are getting harsher.
No. 1520700
>>1520602If this is true it would explain why Syd hasn't even tried to pile all of the guilt on Jonny, since he would have some milk to spill on her too. Of course their lawyers could've also adviced them to shut it for now but idk.
>>1520539I don't think anyone here is over dramatic in any way about this - this whole thing is absolutely horrifying. My heart aches everytime I think about Storm and his sweet little face. I don't think this will leave my mind anytime soon.
I really hope Syds mom is nice and kind and shows him real unconditional love.
No. 1520751
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Jonny and his beauty filter has entered the chat.
Tell us more, big boi felony child endangerment. We're so eager to hear more about how you're not the same person and it's not your fault.
No. 1520754
>>1520747Does this bitch not have YouTube? "Caved"?? How many girlfriends is this? At this point, Jonny has a neon sign over his head that tells you that you're going to fuck up your life if you fuck with him. That's not pressure; that's a feature of the relationship.
How long did she do fentanyl?
No. 1520755
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Saint Fentanyl posting junkie inspo
No. 1520854
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No. 1520881
>>1520854>I have a reach through my music and platforms1. Imagine saying that to customer service
2. Imagine reposting it like you did something
No. 1521015
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No. 1521048
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Has anyone told these venues that they're hosting a show for someone who is currently being charged with felony child endangerment? I wouldn't want to patronize a venue that is okay with someone like that.
No. 1521085
>>1520977I’ve only ever read people saying that syd was
abusive to her mom, not the other way around
No. 1521120
>>1521085Syd having BPD could be a strong indicator of childhood abuse because the correlation is pretty strong, but anons itk have always said she's been
abusive toward her mom.
No. 1521125
I'm so heartbroken for storm, i cried today for the first time over one of these threads,& prayed to something out there that this sweet little soul is protected from the monsters he's been given as "parents" and is shown love and kindness from grandma, & I hope she has the strength and patience to deal with being grandma, mom and dad all at once. I usually don't get so emotionally invested in this stuff much but I'm sure some of you understand after today, especially those of you who are moms or even just have animals you love and nurture, just how devastating this news is. Storm relied on them and was so let down, no baby should ever have to endure that. He did nothing wrong and was essentially tortured by his own parents. A lot of us figured something this awful was going down behind the scenes, but to have it confirmed is so painful. These two people are evil incarnate, there is no excuse for this behavior, no amount of trauma or mental illness makes poisning your fucking baby with fentanyl forgivable, forgettable or excusable. I hope karma, God, whatever you wanna call it, makes both of them reap what they've sewn to the highest degree and that storm has minimal contact, he deserves to heal away from the very people who've given him so much to deal with in his short life. I'm fucking fuming with anger that these two cretins ever were able to hurt an innocent baby. Go ahead and pick up that needle again jonny, fill yourself a nice big juicy spooful of dope and toy with the reaper again, you'd be doing your son a favor if you just fucking killed yourself and you know that you absent minded useless drug addict waste of fucking space and air.
No. 1521134
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New chick seems to still be at Jonny's. Also her page is public again.
No. 1521165
>>1521119After Taylor’s dad was exposed feeding info to turtle mom, nothing would surprise anymore in the Jonny Craig threads
>>1521086Because he’s his father and they’re supervised visits? What, you think a toddler shouldn’t be allowed to even see his parents again?
No. 1521178
>>1521165You're incredibly dense or you're being sarcastic.
Supervision doesn't change what happened, public court has disavowed him for literally poisoning his flesh and blood. Read the room asshat. Can guarantee you storm barely knows jonny is his dad, and he'd be way better off without either of his parents.
No. 1521245
>>1521165If said toddlers parents were doing drugs before, during and after he was born and also smoked Fent making him OD then yeah he should absolutely never see his junkie parents again who almost killed him both before he was born and after. Storm could have legitimately died from what big boy goiter did to him. His mom will throw him to the wolves for band moid dick. Them being far away from him until he's old enough to understand how dangerous they are is literally the only way this kid will ever even have 10% of a "normal" childhood. They take away people's pets for less.
Also just because you shit out a kid doesn't make you a mom anymore than cumming in someone makes you a dad kek these too insane junkies deserve nothing but each other
No. 1521281
>>1521015I hope the universe keeps you from him, preferably forever. I hope you haven’t imprinted in any way in his life so he never misses you in those critical years and lastly, I hope Storm has the love, support and help he needs to break the cycle.
>>1521032It is! And he was just in that podcast too, insinuating the worst thing he ever did was scam people ($33K) and shove Sydney. As if those two things weren’t despicable already but here we are, an OD’ed baby later and this fucker has the gall to do this. This is how you know he hasn’t changed and might not be capable of change. Isn’t honesty a big part of the recovery process?
>>1521165I know we’re supposed to be forgiving and understand addiction and mental health issues but I doubt you’ll find that here now. And yeah sometimes the best is for the kids to never see their parent(s) again. No need to lecture me on the trauma separated children go through. Sometimes it’s necessary to pick the lesser of two evils.
No. 1521294
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fixed his lil beauty filter
No. 1521301
File: 1651805253070.webm (2.01 MB, 480x854, tattoo.webm)
So here’s what the penitent father has been up to: using his child like a shield or prop,
>>1521015 posted one of the three videos he posted of his kid. Reminiscing about his boys
>>1520653, acting real tough through a screen and threatening either a customer service employee or an automated response WHILE also taking a jab at his ex
>>1520854 and getting tattoos (vidrel). Anyone else finds it creepy he is using the same voice and nickname he gave Storm with this tattoo artist?
No. 1521314
>>1521302This. My stomach dropped when I heard the judge clarify why the charges were upgraded. With the way his parents went gallavanting around you never would have guessed it was /that bad/.
Bitch had the audacity to ask for money for art supplies and mental health meanwhile she knew she put her son through that. Stomach turning and sickening.
No. 1521315
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Wait did he admit to putting a living creature in a fucking toilet? No surprise someone who could do that to an innocent animal would also be smoking fent around a CHILD
No. 1521333
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“my fame puts you in your place” kek
No. 1521363
>>1520437You guys need to stop bringing up the dv case I relation to the storm fentanyl case. The dv case had long since been over and laid to rest when syd had the da drop it back in Nov 2020.
The storm case came up in May 2021.
No. 1521376
>>1521363okay but they were charged with family violence in May 2021 - a misdemeanor - and it was upgraded to a felony
because they found fentanyl in Storm's system
after. so what did they
both do to get the initial misdemeanor?
No. 1521377
>>1521357You’re getting two different girls mixed up. The girl who talked about herpes and fucking boyfriends (seasonsofathena/xaiviah or however the fuck you spell it) is a different person than the girl who is at Jonny’s house right now (wigglewap/layla) but I suppose
It doesn’t actually matter lol
No. 1521382
>>1520500Omfg are you stupid. Even for bbps lack of properly structured sentences this actual read right and made sense mostly he meant since she’s been with Storm He never said she drank when she was pregnant he wasn’t -and harping she was clean, he said she’s the only person he’s ever been with that doesn’t use drugs. If you’re not a user then there’s no reason to harp about being clean.
Also Im not sure what’s wrong with you anons who keep saying he has FAS . The child’s face does not say that AT ALL..
No. 1521414
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Syd 1/3
No. 1521415
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Syd 2/3
No. 1521416
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Syd 3/3
Really reflecting on what's important as she awaits her plea hearing for almost killing her chiold.
No. 1521418
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I’m trying my hardest not to send this picture to every instabrag story bbp does
No. 1521473
>>1521367This is clearly a case of garbage people with or without drugs. Not all junkies are shit people, but this mongoloid clearly is. He’s been like that since before DGD and on his way to never changing or making amends. He can go to programs, prison and anything in between and still come out the same because he doesn’t give a shit about being a better person.
How do you go about “rehabilitating” someone who has no intention to really change? Best case scenario is for storm to never see him again until he’s an adult. With a bit of luck he’ll have OD in the meantime.
No. 1521534
>>1519879One of the anons ‘in the know’ claimed this upthread so it’s not completely baseless
>>1519879 and we already know what she’s capable of. I wouldn’t be at all surprised. I agree that story is just bbp being illiterate though
No. 1521557
>>1521048Pussy can limit his comments but he can’t turn off what people say to him in person or stop anyone protesting kek. Looking forward to this shit show. Wonder if he’s been able to memorize the lyrics to his own songs since a year ago, fucking loser
As an aside, I don’t even have or want kids but if I did what he did and nearly killed my child by getting him high, I’d kill myself or be begging them to throw me in jail. The fact he was posting all happy right before the hearing saying bs that the charges were gonna be dropped when this is what they were for…when is his liver going to give out already?
No. 1521613
>>1521557Big boi pimpin cant handle any critic posting on IG. Ive seen him block people from last tour when they complained about him reading lyrics live.
I joked before about seeing him if he toured on the east coast for milk. Now, knowing the child abuse that has happened, I will never give him a penny in ticket sales. I might just email the venues and let them know the charges.
Also, why is Skidmark so silent? We know she lurks and self posts, what happen? Did the haterz get it right? I hope they both rot.
Should I throw rotten eggs at him as he walks into the show? Let me know nonnas. No. 1521806
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how the turntables
No. 1521835
>>1521821Be careful, big boi and skid might see this and make a gofundme pretending to be one of us! Anything to scam people
Speaking of scams
>>1521806 how does it feel to give your money to someone for product that never comes? At least you didn’t send them 33k
No. 1521885
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>>1521874I was going to just purchase them. I can’t imagine they would be very much but when I went to order them it seemed really involved. Like, I’d had to do a phone interview or some shit. Idk if I really want to expose myself that much but I didn’t dig too deep into it. I think someone who is more of a reporter could do it. They are usually more ballsy and based kek
No. 1521944
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Comment thread under new girls latest IG post. BBG acting tough like he isn’t built like a pillsbury dough bitch.
No. 1521971
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Unbothered queen Sydney England reporting for duty
No. 1522003
>>1521315>Nah he costs too muchWhat an insufferable scrote. Who the fuck says something like that in response to someone calling you out for threatening to flush a fucking kitten down the toilet. Oh right the same worthless scrote who poisoned his baby with fent because he couldn't go an hour without being drugged out of his mind. He thinks he can own pets after TNDs whole mess? And causing his child to OD? There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that he's going to knock this crazy bitch up and have a third kid. Honestly I hope he genuinely relapses before then or winds up in jail to prevent another poor human the absolute curse of having goiter prince as your dad. He really doesn't think he did anything wrong and it's so disgusting I never wanted to alog someone harder.
Watch him lose that cat in some bullshit way. I give it one year before we never see it again. If he can't even stop himself from smoking around his son what's going to stop him from smoking around this cat or this poor animal is going to sniff/eat something JC was too braindead not to leave around and straight up die. Worthless sack of shit scrote. Sydney should have let him go with a suitcase and wallet full of Fentanyl and let him OD on the plane instead of her own son months later at 10 months old. Words can't describe how much anger I feel knowing this scrote is still able to hurt other vulnerable living things just by existing with his diseased junkie brain. Do everyone a favor and replase goiter boy.
No. 1522005
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lmaoooo uh boy
No. 1522050
>>1522005Kek that’s a bold-face lie. Several anons listened in and heard what the charges were for and the plea entry is for the 9th of July. EVEN if they were being dismissed- it still doesn’t change the fact that he poisoned his INFANT BABY with fent.
But they’re not being dismissed. Going to enjoy the felony prison sentence arc.
No. 1522095
File: 1651893616725.jpg (234.01 KB, 1080x1291, Deletedcomment.jpg)

I saw this earlier when I saw the other post about someone commenting on the new girl's Instagram and went to look for an update. It's deleted now. She knows. She's just a piece of shit too.
No. 1522109
File: 1651896139828.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 4E382215-E997-45B8-8DC2-223005…)

Have you guys seen this? Feels like the new girl post this to piss off syd since she doesn’t have a job and hasn’t worked in forever lol
No. 1522111
File: 1651896628542.png (2.52 MB, 1284x2778, 208DFBEE-B2A9-418A-83E0-EB25BF…)

Wait does she have a job or just wants to feel relatable
No. 1522146
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Anon who created this give them some love!
That scumbag BBP responded that it will be dismissed and it’s from his sons surgery!! He is such garbage!! He makes me sick!!
Liar garbage scumbag!
No. 1522147
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No. 1522149
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No. 1522150
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No. 1522152
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No. 1522275
>>1522218Not to mention, following a major surgery like that on an infant would require he stay in hospital under observation for a few nights.
It was not from surgery, I don't know any adult who has been prescribed fentanyl to take home for pain relief let alone a 10 month old baby. He's full of shit.
No. 1522277
>>1522275Samefag, if he was brought into hospital inebriated from fentanyl in his system that would have prompted the blood test and it WAS in fact from surgery, I think a team of medical professionals would have figured that out. Instead they've provided the courts with medical records with damning evidence that I have no doubt, clears the medical team of any involvement of how the drug ended up in Storms system, I wouldn't be surprised if they refused to let Syd/Jonny take him home after the results and had police come onto the scene immediately.
You don't get charged with something over nothing, claiming it was from surgery is the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life, if it were the case, there would be NO case. He's fried his brain with drugs to a dangerously low level of intelligence.
No. 1522281
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>>1522277So I went back on his Twitter to try to make more sense of the timeline. He said on nov 25th to pray for his son. Was that the heart surgery? And did they say the date that the kids blood tested positive for fent?
No. 1522288
>>1522152Whoever started that page, you should also add all the rest of the allegations from his exes, scams, times kicked out of tour for various reasons including sexual harassment and things his band mates had to say.
The focus should be on the current case, but his history really helps to paint the complete picture. Don’t let him fool new fans into thinking this isn’t a pattern and it’s just that one time he messed up.
No. 1522339
>>1522005It creeps me the fuck out how they talk about Storm. It's never how much they love him, just how much HE loves THEM.
Also is it just brainrot that makes Jonny want to flex "on his name" all the damn time? You're facing felony charges for endangering your INFANT son with your DOC. All of this "come up" talk is retarded as shit when you've consistently gone lower and lower in your rock bottom.
No. 1522358
>>1522351if they gave it during surgery it would not be in his system may 2021, and they would never give it otherwise. this anon
>>1522346 just probably googled it and looked at one website or something. Wish people wouldnt speak so boldly on shit they dont know
No. 1522369
>>1522346.. have you been reading the thread? Even anons who know the situation personally(though no proof so be taken with pinch of salt) have said it was because Storm was found unconscious due to Jonny smoking fent whilst Syd was out. But I’m inclined to believe them as they confirmed ‘tinfoil’ earlier in the threads.
Why would these two retards be facing prison if this situation wasn’t from their own doing?
No. 1522374
>>1522331>>1522330Just saying it is entirely possible the baby was given fentanyl. My 2 year old was given it in the hospital for stitches.
I'm not saying the fentanyl was from Storm's surgery. I believe the anon about Jonny smoking it.
I just wanted to clear up that fentanyl can be/is given to children in the hospital.
If it was from Storm's surgery, it would have been too easy to prove already.
No. 1522411
>>1522374> My 2 year old was given it in the hospital for stitches. Nobody's disputing this, but I can assume you weren't charged with felony child endangerment for letting your child have surgery. For some reason, they had storm entirely removed from their care and mandated supervised visits for over a year, they don't tend to do that if your child has drugs in their system from a surgery.
They wouldn't be upgrading the charges in court unless they felt they had enough evidence to prosecute. If all the defence attorney has to do is pull up medical records to prove the allegations false, I really don't see why they'd even bother pursuing it, it'd be a waste of court resources for no reason. This isnt them talking to DCFS workers about allegations, this is a full charge. The court feels like they have evidence of his crimes.
No. 1522495
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Making sure the new girl feeds into his bullshit
No. 1522571
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>>1522328Hi pharmacy anon, I'm a NICU anon and I can confirm we administer small doses of morphine to withdrawing newborns, to ease the symptoms of withdraw though they still suffer and a lot of times it just takes off the edge and they still suffer. Your input was correct! And we NEVER see or use fent. Though my hospital doesn't do neonatal/pediatric surgery, I can confirm pediatric patients do NOT get fent for anything else.
But I wanted to bring this up, was Storm allegedly just in surgery like the day before they found the fent in his blood? Because surely the court would out 2 and 2 together if that were the case. A quick Google search tells me it stays in your blood for oy 12 hours, not sure how correct that is. Anyone know how accurate this is?
No. 1522599
File: 1651956944255.jpeg (169.37 KB, 828x1483, E96CA577-8FE5-47CE-8B9C-ED9A62…)

Says his life got better kek
No. 1522601
>>1522571Pharma anon here and fentanyl half life is a few hours. There would only be traces in the blood from a single dose after 24h. Depending on the sensitivity of the detection assay, it might not come up positive the day after. Unless it’s taken long term, in which case it can accumulate in adipose tissues and be detected for longer.
The only likely scenario is that Storm either OD or showed symptoms of poisoning, which prompted the blood test. Any other scenarios would be highly unlikely, as they wouldn’t drug test an infant for no apparent reason. It’s not part of a standard panel.
Drugs also typically come with a prescription which is printed on the dispensed bottle. An ID and prescription is all it takes not to get charges pressed in this situation. If not available, checking with the pharmacy is all it takes to verify the story. Dispensing of controlled substances is very well documented.
TL;DR: don’t believe goiter man, fent had no business in Storm’s blood when it was detected.
No. 1522623
>>1522601My tinfoil
Did you all see how him and Taylor were living drug needle paraphernalia everywhere?!
What if he left something out after he was done smoking because he nodded off and the baby got into it?
That makes sense if Syd was at the store.
Either way this is just despicable and disgusting.
No. 1522678
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No. 1522735
>>1522675 a few weeks after that anons saw syd's insta story where she claimed she was in the hospital, which added up with one of the 'in the know' anons saying something about her and storm getting hospitalized
>>1519834that post was on 5/17/21 i believe.
No. 1522786
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No. 1522787
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No. 1522798
>>1522584Then why add your .02 if you a) have never dispatched it for infants and b) aren’t in the USA? Jonny doesn’t deserve devil’s advocates and “AcTuAlLy” or “tO bE fAiR”
>>1522787Oh, Sydney! Pray tell, how’s being self-aware doing that?
No. 1522813
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“I’m just like all of you”. No, you’re so far beneath me.
No. 1522817
>>1522786You are a bad person tho Syd. Your son could have died and you are at least partially at fault.
How can they just be on social media posting like nothing happened?… Oh yeah. They're trash people with actually zero self-awareness.
No. 1522830
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LOL delusional
No. 1522841
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Syd. Ironic.
No. 1522857
File: 1651991964166.jpg (265.84 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20220508-073503_Chr…)

Next thead pic should be edited like this article so everybody knows what they've done. Syd loves to shittalk these kinds of lowlife while she is one herself.
No. 1522882
>>1522787I honestly think her only option in life is to just sink deeper in her delusions and stick her head more far up in her own ass. Everything about her self image would just crumble to dust if she'd have the capacity to actually self reflect, even for a passing moment, because all of her fantasies about being an empath giving loving spiritual hot mom and always a
victim of others aren't real. She's spamming these quotes and memes manically like she's trying to force everyone to believe that a reposted tweet tells more about ones morals and personality than their own words and actions. The contrast between all the vile shit she's said and done and these dumbass stories is hilarious and she's just simply too stupid to see it.
No. 1522980
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You should not have the right to even talk about that “little boy” after the hell you’ve caused him by being a selfish, worthless junkie. You’ve done nothing positive for him. The best thing you could do for him would be to leave him alone and let him have a chance at living his best life. Sobriety =/= being a good parent.
No. 1523014
>>1523008Nta but
>Faint - as I stopped smoking when I became pregnantCan you read?
No. 1523390
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No. 1523398
File: 1652059437068.png (6.14 MB, 1170x2532, C547F302-2C98-4F4D-A2B6-A0C96A…)

I feel physically assaulted and diseased just by watching this Instagram story lol
No. 1523441
File: 1652063969988.jpg (75.74 KB, 750x1334, maybe you should.jpg)

He truly started his exoneration/apology tour.
No. 1523621
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wiggle is private again, she also removed some followers including one of my fairly realistic looking burners. Anyone survive the cull?
No. 1523718
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No. 1523889
>>1523718Her and Trailer Trash are following each other on Insta. Maybe they do have something planned.
Her screenshot of the convo looks fake but strange BBP hasn’t reacted yet
No. 1523970
>>1520928>>1522601The street fentadope has an insanely long half life. I tested positive for it after a month from quitting.
Also, pharmaceutical fentanyl ≠ street fent.
The shit sold on the street right now is a cocktail. It contains fent analogs, rc benzos, tranquilizers and your typical inactive cuts.
No. 1524069 looks like syd might have had a visit yesterday but this audio, just like the one where she has him say HB to Anthony Green just seems so off to me. Like it sounds like it’s a recording of a phone call or video call instead. Why wouldn’t see just post a video of him doing it instead of it over this weird background again? I don’t even think she sees her son in person at this point.
Also that fake giggle she does at the end will haunt me forever
No. 1524097
>>1522996Yeah it's very Chris watts of him to address his child like that
> "these girls have my entire heart, that's why I murdered these girls.."> "that boy is my reason to not use! That's why I'm consistently coming off as unhinged and like I could be using"It's so off-putting, he definitely doesn't know storm personally at all. Such a bad actor.
No. 1524107
File: 1652110315348.webm (1.27 MB, 720x1280, womp .webm)
I know posted
>>1524069 but here’s the .webm
No. 1524138
>>1523718Her whole story rn is her saying her brother is dead to her because he won't give her, a hard drug addict money lmao.
And that she's purging her social media and is in love with Taylor. What a fucking weirdo lol
No. 1524179
File: 1652112764245.jpeg (1.08 MB, 3464x3464, E093ACAF-3F97-4939-B8D0-7C9B02…)

Jonny’s using kratom smh i would hardly consider that sober
No. 1524206
>>1524179nice catch
nonnie. i agree with you. i don’t know much about kratom but can any insightful anons chime in? i’ve heard it can be used to wean yourself off opiates. why would he need kratom now?
No. 1524286
>>1524206I wrote this response
>>1524281And you bring up a good point. If he went to rehab, and he got off the opiates there, what purpose would he need Kratom for now other than to get high off of it?
No. 1524315
>>1524207Personally, I think she's milky af too and I wouldn't mind contributing to that shit show.
I second this motion.
No. 1524352
>>1524287From friends in recovery, I understand Kratom can be helpful for some things in moderation, but most people use in excess to get fucked up.
>>1524292Agree, BBG can’t even use a nicotine vape in moderation
No. 1524380
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She’s such an empath you guys
No. 1524407
>>1523970It’s lipophilic, so if you have been using for a while it might come up long after last use due to storage in body fats. It’s unlikely to happen with punctual or infrequent use.
No doubt that anything on the street is laced with a lot of impurities, other drugs and synthesis byproducts. However, if it’s a different structure, it’s no longer fentanyl but one of it’s analogs. If you have any source about street fent being an analog, I’d be really interested.
No. 1524478
File: 1652132878157.jpg (270.19 KB, 705x1280, IMG_2613.jpg)

I'm reading this as Syd's portion of the phone bill is $562.98? I'm only guessing that's what this is about bc it says IMEI on the sheet. Hilarious. What a complete loser.
No. 1524507
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Lol, who turned jonny down based on his awful reputation?
No. 1524522
>>1524478Is that a Savanna? Don’t those things cost thousands of dollars?
>>1524507Yea, fuck those people who don’t wanna work with a child abuser, scam artist and junkie. How dare they.
>>1524509>weYea how about just you.
No. 1524649
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Jenny C is mad
No. 1524653
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Jonny, talking about Taylor.
No. 1524660
>>1524649KEK I’m not a Jonny stan but you know you’re fucked when a seasoned junkie is publicly calling you out and calling you a crackhead
Also it’s hard to take anything this girl says as truth but
>>1524653 confirms not only that JC and TND are talking (as we already know) but that TND is once again caught in a lie about her claiming she reached out to him for “closure” and on some form they have spoken about getting together. Seems odd JC would leave that last text message in if he didn’t want everyone to know he’s “going back” to TND
No. 1524667
>>1524664She’s “sober” from her drug of choice, silly
nonnie! Meth, coke, and alcohol doesn’t count as illicit substances so she’s completely sober as long as it’s not heroin!
No. 1524690
File: 1652151210960.png (12.21 MB, 1284x2778, D9FAFF3B-EE5E-4DD8-8C0E-353F69…)

did anyone else catch her posting this on mothers day
No. 1524752
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Sage because not very important but I was digging around last night and it looks like Xaivea or however you spell her name has done this shit about distancing herself from Jonny or taking him down multiple times. I couldn’t fit the date in the screenshot but this is from 2020 on her Twitter.
No. 1524788
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Lmao what the heck
No. 1524789
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>>1524478Hmmm can’t really make out what it says so I cropped it
No. 1524790
>>1523970Kek is this you Athena? Just saw you posting about hitting a month clean from fentanyl.
I’m almost postive she self posts
No. 1524800
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This isn't an accomplishment kek
No. 1524803
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Syd tattooed "free" on her finger.
I would call them jobstoppers but let's be real, no one expects her to ever get a job.
No. 1524804
File: 1652167592832.jpg (85.12 KB, 1170x2080, 280269178_568227384730178_2351…)

Syd also has no sense of irony
No. 1524915
>>1524885From what I can gather from this chicks Instagram and twitter is that she used to be married to one of the guys from A Lot Like Birds, a band that Kurt Travis was in, aka the ex singer of DGD in between Jonny’s two stints, and a band that has toured with DGD and many other bands in the Sacramento music scene. They broke up, probably because of her drug use based off of her recent story. On her twitter she had claimed he abused her, so I’m not sure why she’s making sappy posts last night about how much she misses him, but okay. Anyway so I think she’s just another Syd. She really wants to be a band wife but fucked it up, and now she’s spending all her time trying to insert herself into peoples lives who are related to the bands, including Jonny, Taylor, and Tim. But she’s just a loser junkie and no one wants anything to do with her.
And I’m sure she is loving being talked about on both this thread and Taylor’s, sooooo this will be the last time I post about her and give her what she wants lol
No. 1525027
File: 1652200475740.jpg (173.35 KB, 858x689, IMG_20220510_123255.jpg)

>>1524800The "what you ordered vs what you got" Jonny Craig edition.
The fact that he's been using this filter so much and then insulting every female he knows for being a catfish is top kek
No. 1525082
File: 1652204519676.jpeg (374.21 KB, 1242x1705, 1539870659731.jpeg)

old milk BUT i was looking through old taylor thread and saw this post and thought it was really ironic given what is happening now. looks like he did not learn from smoking pot near reptiles and upped his game to smoking fent in the same room as his son. why do these women let this doughy weird man do such things…
No. 1525133
>>1524803Only her laziness stops her from getting a job. She lives in Cali. I can name 20 different jobs she could apply to with her detention desk tattoos.
She could be a bartender at some venue and chase band dick. She’s a lazy sack of shit.
No. 1525197
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How can he afford a lawyer
No. 1525247
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Hmmm? A response to goiters lawyer flex?
No. 1525266
>>1525250She's gotta be sweating right now considering there's an entire back log of her
abusive behavior just a Google search away. Karma is real sydsostupid
No. 1525336
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No. 1525358
>>1525336Kek tinfoil that this bitch is mad that anons are sick of her attention seeking attempts to be covered on here & has decided to make a name for herself on here by spilling
real milk. Much better approach! Keep attacking Syd, junkie girl whose name I forget! That’ll genuinely help get anons on your side.
No. 1525363
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Anyone listen to this yet?
No. 1525369
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If only he had the same energy with his kid(s)
No. 1525371
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self portrait
No. 1525461
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>>1525458I feel like syd might have been dabbling too. She looked pretty Stoney baloney in these pics. Could have just been weed, but would it surprise anyone if he convinced her to do it too? She probably would have wanted to compare to Taylor so
No. 1525488
>>1525461I think this is just an unfortunate pic, but she was being super wacky during that time so I wouldn't doubt she used it at least a few times to be 'cool' in front of the junkie band dudes
No. 1525518
>>1525489On the defense media blitz, haha. This is what he does when he wants to get out ahead and blame someone or something else. I have a feeling there is more bad on top of the as he put it “fentanyl and kid” that he is working over time to down play the heinous charge itself! Can’t wait to see and hear about what he’s really done to storm
Podcasts are what that child abuser Jonny does to put his lies out there like he did to TAylor and any of his exes. He’s still blaming exes and blaming his “relapse” on storm lowest of all scum does that there’s no relapse because he NEVER stopped using we all saw it when he lived in LA. Bloated corpse
No. 1525523
>>1525516Seriously anon! He is the biggest joke ever. We are laughing at you junkie child abuser. The delusions are strong and he must think his fans or audiences are lower in intelligence than he is to buy the illogical deceptive stories he makes up.
Any anons having luck with the venues and making this more public?
No. 1525549
>>1525489How can he say this when we have at least two anons that listened when the charges were upgraded?! Isn’t accountability and making amends part of recovery?
>>1525524As soon as I saw his pictures I figured he’d be milky but not this horrific and of course he’s showering Jonny with love, trash attracts trash. I was going to ask why he wasn’t in jail but we live in a hellscape.
No. 1525608
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>>1525549This clown will never make amends. He’s been playing this ‘get in trouble and fake recovery to save face’ more times than anyone can count.
10 years ago, just after the infamous MacBook scam, he went to rehab and did a whole corny photoshoot on the beach to show the new Jonny. Was he sober? Nope, kicked out of DGD mid tour a few months later with the owner of Sumerian Records calling him a low class thief and asking him to apologize. To which he responded “It’s not Important why I’m not on Allstars what is important is that it had nothin to do with drugs or booze”. Fast forward 10 years and about 100 similar stints, can you see the pattern?
Bonus, his sobriety article photo KEK
No. 1525630
File: 1652269003187.jpg (341.71 KB, 1080x1897, Screenshot_20220511_073429.jpg)

Athena's still going, sperg fest all night about JC and Syd in her stories
>This hate forum now has ME on it, to get dragged into Jonny and Syd's mess is yuck
Ma'am, you've been posted screenshots and stories about them for days, maybe even a week or two at this point before you showed up here, don't play like this isn't exactly what you wanted. Now either drop more milk or stfu
No. 1525634
File: 1652269968364.jpg (351.72 KB, 1080x1905, Screenshot_20220511_075147.jpg)

Wow, this broad is really going for it. Publically claiming she's going to "rearrange Syd's face"… Leaving this her for posterity
No. 1525694
>>1525464Yeah I don’t think pleading not guilty is automatically gonna get him a dismissal lol no one cares how sober he is at the trial, it doesn’t change what he did to his infant son. His lawyer probably just told him that it’s a possibility they’ll take his sobriety into consideration and he’s clinging to that.
>>1525456Surprised he seems to put all the blame on himself here for storm being taken. Either he’s avoiding speaking on syds involvement or she could’ve stayed with her mom and storm and straight up chose the junkie over her kid.
No. 1525720
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No. 1525722
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No. 1525725
>>1525722>sterlingIs this the sterling that Syd supposedly slept with?
>>1525720That’s fucked. But this girl is clearly relishing in the fact we are talking about her. You can call us cowards but honestly it’s called smart kek enjoy the shit-storm you started with your face and name attached.
No. 1525732
>>1525725How many milky Sterlings is there in the “scene” that are also mentioned in the same paragraph as Syd and Fentman?
No doubt in my mind this is the same guy.
No. 1525755
File: 1652283134647.png (356.17 KB, 1080x1080, png_20220511_113149_0000.png)

Dipshit posted this then went private minutes later. Did we hurt your feelings sweetie?
No. 1525760
File: 1652283517876.jpeg (207.98 KB, 828x1101, 72A1D9DE-05EC-4A5D-8462-0FAA32…)

No. 1525809
>>1525792Yea I thought it was weird that she has syd’s number saved on her phone but only one text from her. And why would they have each other’s phone numbers? Syd’s go to is IG messenger.
It seems like something Syd would say but maybe she just made a fake screenshot so she would have the receipt or something. Idk but this girl is annoying and not really providing any milk. Just shit talking publicly.
No. 1526149
>>1526003I would put money on it if it wasn’t for this post by Johnny seeming to address her
>>1524649Sorry for bringing her up again but if it’s true she’s kind of milky and extremely embarrassing. Too bad her accounts locked.
No. 1526156
>>1526003I’ve already said this but she’s from Sac. A lot of people here still keep Jonny around in their circles to either keep tabs on him for laughs or for whatever clout they can try to get from being associated. I don’t know her personally but tbh, I’ve heard enough about her from close friends who have also been close to her to know she is a cow in her own right but not worth wasting energy on here.
TL;DR can say almost for certain she knows Jonny personally but not sure how
valid her association with Syd or Taylor is.
Source? Local anon and literally everyone here into the same music scene knows Xaiviea Lutes / “Athena” is a mess lmao
No. 1526348
File: 1652319604659.jpg (36.34 KB, 600x600, eird-al-yankovic-tin-foil-hat-…)

>>1526003Absolute lunacy anon lol
No. 1526452
File: 1652327609702.png (1.23 MB, 1170x2532, 46F49E00-0A37-49F1-8347-7EF6D7…)

>>1526446This girl wants so badly to be talked about on these threads so why should we give her what she wants? This was posted in the Taylor thread. Along with some anon whiteknighting her saying “ackstually she’s top 2% on onlyfans” which I’m pretty sure was her selfposting. I can’t tell what’s her and what’s actual anons at this point. If you guys want to fall for her desperate plea for attention, go for it.
No. 1526453
>>1526452Omg, same anon, right as I was typing this she literally self posted right above.
>>1526451This is almost word for word what she said in her story last night. You can’t make this shit up LOL you guys please stop talking about her
No. 1526455
>>1526452Whenever someone mentions getting talked about on lolcow it’s ALWAYS “I got sent this website” lmfaoo
didn’t you just make a story today about how no one fucking talks to you?
No. 1526469
>>1526451Your self posting is so obvious because you’re constantly pointing out how she’s totes gonna kick their asses.
Literally no one here believes you’re going to kick anyone’s ass.
>good riddanceKEK most embarrassing behavior. Good luck on your conquest to murder them.
No. 1526570
>>1526452Yeah she’s BIG crazy this one., claimed her husband was
abusive, now wants him back. Public records show he took out a case against HER for being violent with him. She is absolutely self posting, although I don’t doubt that she knows Jonny through some tenuous link. Also Only Fans doesn’t publicity provide the stats to identify the top earners, so even if she was “in the top 12%” (defo isn’t) no one else would know about it. I’m kind of annoyed I spent anytime on this, and also mildly entertained, she’s milky but a nobody
No. 1526594
>>1525789This and her "COME SAY IT TO MUH FACE COWARD ANONS"-spergs. Cringe. Why would anyone want to interact with this level of bat shit crazy? She said she's happy to shitpost her drama online - GREAT, we're happy to observe and have a laugh at it all. I don't get what's so hard to understand about anons not wanting anything to do with this type of people. Even her poor ex-husband is hiding in a hole from her. One minute she's rambling about her growth as a person, the next she's rearraging faces and pistol whipping people… public threaths followed by teary eyed love stories about her ex that clearly wants nothing to do with her… Absolute unstable fuckery.
Athena, love, no one here has a personal problem with you. Stop acting like a cow publicly and there's no milk for us to talk about. It's really such a simple consept. We don't give a fuck about you personally, the drama is just funny.
No. 1526730
File: 1652369778292.jpg (67.78 KB, 1080x1920, 1652369692082.jpg)

Yes it does, Syd.
No. 1526745
File: 1652371444648.png (720.73 KB, 1170x2532, EF23945E-58B4-489C-BA41-226AAB…)

Absolutely unhinged. She also made the comment on her stories that she’s been “defending” Taylor this whole time but she hasn’t replied to a single one of messages kek
No. 1526764
>>1526452>Some website that people would never findOkay then why care enough to make 5 posts about it when people have comparatively said very little about you?
Idk if its mental illness or drugs but I'm not getting opiate vibes from here, more like meth or crack. Hope she gets the help she needs.
No. 1526855
>>1526705Her 'reverse psychology' is making her account private so she can try to self post and obsess about BBP from afar while also claiming we're creepy losers. And all of you are falling for it ie.
>>1526597 >>1524653
>>1526451 No. 1526914
File: 1652382800722.jpeg (81.53 KB, 1170x250, 927833E4-DB65-4D87-B4DC-BB8D1C…)

She has gained 100 followers in the last day alone. This is exactly what she wants and I’m so confused as to why we’re giving it to her
No. 1526980
>>1526905I think this is a very good post. Her account has been locked so the “milk” from her is essentially drained at this point. I’d say if she unlocks then she would warrant her own thread instead of derailing here. However, I do want to mention that board etiquette is usually to post on-topic discussion if you feel like the conversation is turning to derailing
not to mini-mod and insist anons don’t talk about something. Jonny and Syd have been boring asf in the past few days so I think the anons here are just talking about what they find interesting in the mean time. If you have milk on Jonny and Syd, feel free to post it, otherwise don’t blame the anons here for trying to find milk in another way.
No. 1526997
File: 1652390200902.png (3.11 MB, 1284x2778, 50AAEEF7-A8A0-4DD1-B63E-09C2FC…)

Why would tommy lee want to work with someone as small at jc
No. 1527096
File: 1652397027203.jpeg (850.4 KB, 1170x1636, 5FC71C7A-9BA8-4620-92AD-1200E3…)

Not milk but just thought I’d add some slight comedic relief. With all Jonny’s talk about pegging, the Facebook swanposting group made this playlist haha
No. 1527104
File: 1652397589599.png (2.27 MB, 1170x2532, 59086384-EF66-4AFE-BD19-9A340D…)

I was looking to see if the court stuff, aka Storm being OD’d on fent, has been spread any more on the intetwebz or not. Because it fucking should be… And I checked back on the Reddit post and saw that the mods locked it from any further replies (the lock at the top signified that). It kinda sucks because people are asking for proof or asking how people know this and I can’t reply about hearing the court proceedings. I wonder why they locked it.
No. 1527170
File: 1652403544704.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x1992, B8A4086D-E814-486A-BD46-29C4E7…)

Everyones business talking about that irrelevant cowthena & jonny msging tommy lee like he didnt just post a baggy in one of his stories
No. 1527261
File: 1652410666431.jpeg (78.65 KB, 355x279, 01638A36-E8CC-4BF5-B075-306023…)

Room setup for storm? Where? In your roommates room? This dude is going to start pretending he has Storm just like skid did.
No. 1527267
>>1526997> tommylee can't receive your message.>>1527104Reddit, despite it being a cesspool, is very “no doxing” in general and although this is public information, it’d have to be presented better than a screenshot of a tweet. The reason it hasn’t spread, imo, is because unless you called in and heard it, you’d have to believe the people reporting on it (I do, let’s be clear) and I think people prefer to have meatier evidence (documents, for example). He’s also on his apology tour so the few that have stumbled upon the news, are hearing is his side. That’s why it’d be great for a local anon to get the papers, but I understand why they haven’t.
>>1527170Let’s join hands and pray, nonas. For the best for Storm, of course.
>>1527257Would the courts really allow this? He’s barely out of rehab, WTF.
No. 1527314
>>1527257Performative. He’s only just now doing this after anons listened in on his hearing about storm. Where was all this enthusiasm before? OH RIGHT they were pretending they had storm all along. But now that we all know that’s not true- send monies for muh chiold. I also think this is just a ploy for the courts.
>look I’m clean and sober and have the ability to raise my kid I begged for money and got him things. I don’t have a job but I messaged Tommy Lee and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna collab 4LThere’s free baby shit and cribs on Craigslist and FB market daily. He doesn’t need the money to buy stuff.
No. 1527351
>>1527267I have no idea if the courts would allow it, but I would hope they wouldn’t put a baby back into the hands of an on-again off-again, heavily skewed towards always ON-again, drug addict who literally put fentanyl in his babies system. Maybe a legal anon could chime in.
He was saying the DA doesn’t care about drug charges. Pretty sure they do when it involves a child lmao, he genuinely thinks what he did is no big deal.
It all seems like wishful thinking. His reasoning for the charges being dismissed and getting Storm back were flimsy as fuck. His delusion of getting his son back is so ridiculous only his drug damaged brain could actually believe it as truth. Whatever keeps you from cooking up your final shot my dude, won’t be long until you’re charged with a felony tho so good luck
No. 1527372
>>1527257What does Jonny think he has to offer to that little boy?
Would Storm have a proper bedtime? Naptime? Playdates with other toddlers? Healthy food cooked for him everyday? Clean sheets on his bed? Child-friendly activities planned? Books read to him preferably every day? Is Jonny gonna bathe Storm everyday, teach him to go potty by himself and brush his little teeth every night? Daily routines, guidance through his tantrums, doctor checkups? Is Jonny gonna get fitting clothes for Storm every year because he will be growing like a weed for the next 15 years? Is Jonny gonna have college saving for Storm and prioritise his future over Jonnys dumb designer purchases?
And all this is just scratching the surface of parenthood.
Jonny has no idea what he is asking for. A CHILD isn't the same as having a kitten napping on your desk while you stream. You can't just shove an ipad and dino nuggets in his hands and continue to live a routineless life with your cringey homeboys, and possibly relapse at any given time since 7 months is a very short time compared to how long Jonny's been struggling with addiction.
No. 1527526
>>1527292That’s his scam signature move. Don’t fall for it.
Tinfoil: Mr. “I buy shoes worth more than your rent” is actively using. Opioids are expensive, he’s all out of cash. Begging for money for a room when his charges related to storm were just upgraded to a felony, which makes no sense. This money is for drugs, no doubt in my mind. This is right in line all of his previous “I’m sober” episodes. Then someone outs him with a vid (happened many times) and the cycle begins yet again.
No. 1527690
File: 1652461357582.png (255.03 KB, 750x1334, 85417018-E286-460C-B8DA-7E386A…)

Sure goiter
No. 1527768
>>1527690I think he’s just mad that Sonya girl didn’t fuck him kek
She was too pretty for you anyways
No. 1528088
File: 1652485295441.png (1.3 MB, 1170x2532, EF5AE958-B2F7-4EE6-9AD9-ADD156…)

>>1527690Sounds convincing Big Boi
No. 1528246
>>1527690He’s just insufferable
>>1528138> (we can see your post history, Athena)You love to see it
No. 1528423
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No. 1528436
>>1528423Lol she looks just like syd
He’s so boring. What is his obsession with pale girls with black hair?
No. 1528626
File: 1652544780074.png (824.61 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220514-120959.png)

God those fucking brows are terrible
No. 1528719
File: 1652553491197.jpg (81.09 KB, 750x1334, 280776796_3051215071856754_293…)

No. 1528720
File: 1652553634016.jpg (119.2 KB, 750x1334, 280672595_365706155613287_8747…)

The way he talks about Mod Sun will never cease to make me laugh. "Old friend" kek. You've been dropped, Jonny. You should retire your dreams of clout chasing him. He knows you don't have anything of value to contribute to his life.
No. 1528759
File: 1652557137031.png (982.34 KB, 1170x2532, 8BF5429F-804F-4402-9160-F141B1…)

So Jonny posted this….. 1/2
No. 1528764
File: 1652557354515.png (3.96 MB, 1170x2532, 94A0C783-82F9-47F2-BB90-964FCA…)

…followed by this (2/2)
Too late? I immediately thought he meant “too late, I already relapsed” but I’m sure he wouldn’t be posting about it if he did lol
No. 1528914
File: 1652570084552.png (1.44 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220514-185648.png)

No. 1528938
File: 1652571718140.webm (786.45 KB, 480x854, 281119485_553480609478039_5916…)
>>1528626I don’t know if it’s because we know a bit about Sydney and her behaviour but whenever I see her in motion, she exudes crazy to me.
>>1528759Weak motherfucker. Have they broken into your home and tied you down, Jonny? Them saying whatever about you is nothing compared to the pressures of raising a child. Weren’t you just implying you were gonna get custody of Storm? You guys have at least 16 more years of this.
>>1528914Of course it’s clear, you don’t have one. To say this when facing the charges they’re facing is mind boggling.
No. 1528985
File: 1652575924683.png (2.81 MB, 828x1792, F251EAAA-8A42-4B51-A39C-EC1078…)

I’m so genuinely fascinated how a woman of 30 years is still dressing like it’s 2012 and she’s at the bar for the first time.
No. 1529014
File: 1652578060064.png (1 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220514-212644.png)

Tiny and pretty and built like a mini fridge
No. 1529203
>>1528467HOLY SHIT she does and it’s creepy.
I’m not saying this girl is ugly, but there’s nothing special about her? She looks like she’s ten years old, no sex appeal whatsoever, literally looks like a child. So sure she’s “cute” but could never be called “sexy” yet BBG finds her sexy and it makes me want to throw up. She literally looks like a minor. For fucks sake, he’s attracted to anything huh.
And she got the body of a pre pubescent little boy, just like Syd…
No. 1529208
>>1528624Wdym they were laughing at him? Sorry I missed this.
And they are way successful than Syd or Jonny will ever be anyway lol
No. 1529218
>>1529211You’re right lmao what were we all expecting honestly, for his rebound to look like.
He tried to make Ava is rebound but she’s way too pretty for him, probably too good of a person too, so good for her.
Tinfoil but do y’all remember Layna’s ex posting in the threads? He literally just disappeared. What if that was layna posting those things about herself? How would her boyfriend know about this thread? It makes sense she would know about it since she was a Jonny fan so what if those were all self posts?
Layna’s ex, If you’re reading this can you please confirm? You literally disappeared after one day of posting which is kind of sus. I’m starting to believe it was her self posting all along. God these girls are psycho that wanna be relevant here so bad, for what?
No. 1529299
File: 1652601047136.jpeg (558.88 KB, 1170x895, 66F1C2E1-001C-4CE7-A5F0-1D8B9D…)

Just made a sacrifice and checked in on his stream, no sexting, just him dying in a video game repeatedly and yelling about it. But the sunglasses are weird, and the Storm fundraiser goal increased to $1500
No. 1529423
>>1529299The sunglasses are super weird he's inside and it's dim.. probably covering up his pinned pupils.
>>1529014Her fucked up eyebrows are truly a representation of her lack of self awareness, if she can't see how shit they look she has no hope in recognising and changing anything else that's shit about her.
No. 1529427
File: 1652622133195.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.58 KB, 395x575, jeffree1.jpg)

>>1529424man-made horrors
No. 1529439
>>1529423He shaves when he’s high, probably because of the itchiness. His facial hair is the only reason I half believe he is still sober.
Everything else points towards him still using.
No. 1529450
File: 1652625202237.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, 6A7AE875-53C0-48BA-BB36-DFFE51…)

I bet money this clown is huffing duster, saged for tinfoil
No. 1529509
File: 1652630593392.gif (902.1 KB, 320x180, 484F8B47-A912-431B-9E2C-B673E7…)

>>1529451Is Jonny finally in his duster era?!
No. 1529563
>>1519880Contacted an alternative journalist, he said they are aware but can't post the fent story until they have substantial legal backing. I attached the means to obtain proof of the trials existence in our correspondence.
Kerrang and AltPress won't touch it because both companies are trying to avoid posting about controversies.
No. 1529668
>>1529385Actually I watched some of it and they are sending money to his PayPal and through twitch so he gets paid. It worked for some and others it said his PayPal was locked. Some people were like we donated why doesn’t it reflect. Jonny acted like he didnt know why it still said zero. He’s trying to get more out of people by it reflecting zero. SCAMMER JUNKIE
What 2 year old room costs $1500?
No. 1529674
>>1529563Metal Injection might eat it up?
Inb4 Jonny isn't Metal - MI is a music tabloid p much and posts controversies outside of the genre often.
No. 1529682
>>1529668Sounds like his portion of rent. 2 bedrooms in Sac are easily 3k+.
It's not for a room for Storm, it's for a room for him. Lest we think Jonny is capable of thinking of anything other than himself.
No. 1529729
>>1529682It is half his rent and we know he has been late and having trouble paying it since it’s on his feet, KEK. Seriously though.
Also that’s a two bedroom place and his Uber pegging buddy Dillon is in the other roomt so that small kid in a room with a junkie and instathots!! I’m sick
No. 1529960
File: 1652661156779.png (4.39 MB, 1170x2532, DBF06920-FE9A-4F52-9365-73AD65…)

So Jonny reposted this story from a Instagram that sells shoes. The post it in the box says $350 if I’m not mistaken. So he has $350 for shoes but needs donations for “Storm’s Room?” Are his fans really that dumb and gullible and still giving him money?
No. 1529963
File: 1652661265853.jpeg (114.04 KB, 352x439, 5FA85D0A-C04A-48FA-92A9-8D6AC1…)

nonnie. Here’s the post it which I can only assume was the coat of the shoes he’s wearing
No. 1530200
>>1529960>>1529963Kek size 8. Wasn’t he bragging about how his feet were size 10? Typical manlet.
Ahh yes. Buying more shoes while you’re begging for money to allow storm to live comfortably in your home. Makes sense to me! Especially when you can find baby shit for free on Craigslist and FB market. And if not free, for literal dollars.
No. 1530342
File: 1652672291617.jpg (188.47 KB, 1125x1518, IMG_1607.jpg)

No. 1530376
>>1530342Quit cowtipping and learn to sage, retard
>>1529729it's not like he's actually interested in having the kid back, he just brings it up for pity points online
No. 1530420
>>1530378It’s not normal to set a goal involving the child you poisoned with drugs, had taken away, and blamed your relapse on. While also showing zero remorse and acting like it’s no big deal cause ~muh dismissal.
Gtfo of here.
No. 1530628
>>1530590A strong opioid tolerance and luck.
No. 1530752
>>1530748Nta but that bag, behind the bottle, is either for drugs, drugs, maybe some body jewelry….. or drugs
He could have flexed on his haters with a new nose ring, so Im leaning towards nose candy here.
I live in a rural area and see it time and time again, meth and coke leave your system quick enough if you have mandatory drug tests.
Nice catch, nonna!
>>1530670 No. 1530761
>>1530752Shit, typo, missed the window to delete. I meant he
would have flexed on the haters with a new piercing Also where Syds OF? She went silent after the first hint, just like she did with her art page. Shes been so quiet since we found out how she lost custody.
No. 1530772
>>1530342Storm is with grandma, so I'm assuming all his things are at grandma's house. If jonny believes he's going to get custody, then why not ask grandma when the time comes to move his things back home?
He's not coming home, and I doubt they'd let him stay with you for weekends and stuff. It's just a ploy for extra money for him. I know twitch streamers usually get donos, but guising it as money for necessities for your child is fucked up.
No. 1530988
>>1530919i think syd’s bpd came from from the emotional stress of having a mentally unstable father (rumored to have bpd, and his episodes likely impacted her) and a young mother that was more concerned with being the cool young mom than an actual mom. sydney has ZERO discipline and that’s not just something you’re born with. some could be temperament but i genuinely feel she had no real parenting. her mom still lives in a trailer park, so storm can’t be THAT much better off. better than with sydney or jonny, but still not a great start for that kid. thanks grandma for taking over, but like, she probably doesn’t go above and beyond for the kid because she didn’t with syd.
when i met syd’s mom, she definitely acted like more of a friend than a parent and it weirded me out (we were in high school). she was sort of vain and loved when she was mistaken for one of us, which explains why syd is just as if not more self centered. someone came in before to defended her mom when i brought this up, but i have an idea of who that was (either her mom because she lurks here, or an old friend of syd’s that would see any parenting as good parenting because they got to roam free and do whatever the hell they wanted growing up and now they are both dysfunctional adults).
i will die on the hill that syd has bpd from trauma and poor parenting and i’m pretty sure her mom comes in and blames it on the dad’s genetics when someone points the finger at her, but it was both of you that fucked syd up. dad may have been bad, but you let that girl raise herself well after he left because you were too busy doing you, juuuuust like sydney is too busy doing her. history repeats itself in weird ways.
No. 1530999
File: 1652733498034.png (344.7 KB, 1150x984, Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 1.38…)

>>1529960kek it looks like a child wearing high tops!!
No. 1531012
>>1530988living in a trailer park isn’t exactly an indicator of poor parenting against the backdrop of an exorbitant housing crisis in California
also one meeting with her Mom doesn’t make you an expert kek. this is speculation
No. 1531237
>>1530988If her father has BPD then it makes a lot of sense why she has it. Personality disorders are not always the result of trauma, but can be a hereditary issue. That can be sufficient to cause it even without trauma in childhood.
Wonder if she’s ever shit in someone’s bed out of spite
No. 1531343
File: 1652764076066.png (599.98 KB, 1170x2532, 0B68F5E3-1A21-40EF-A329-96DFB4…)

A quick twitter check shows more people finally talking about the Storm fent OD, thank goodness. I hope more and more people stop supporting him. Interesting that he’s calling out one specific tweet. Mad that the truth is getting out Big Boi? Does he not realize this is going to make people go search for said tweet? Dumbass
No. 1531370
>>1530988Sounds like you have it out for her mom. How
do you know she still lives in a trailer park high
school was a long time ago?
No. 1531397
>>1531343Still can't take accountability for his actions. Never gonna make it.
The amount of farmers going after
>>1530988 is super weird. Believe them or don't but there have been multiple anons posting in this thread that clearly know them and have been right about milk.
>>1531372Might want to read those again, not a global or snow rule.
No. 1531564
File: 1652794585020.png (665.81 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220517-093455.png)

Such a flex to be a known scammer, rapist, junkie, and child abuser. The haters could never!
No. 1531589
File: 1652796776066.png (10.35 MB, 1284x2778, DEA10308-9AAC-4281-9636-E9D636…)

interesting that the layna girl is still at jonny’s apartment but she’s never in any of his stories with his friends
No. 1531624
Well yeah anon, it's not like they're both obsessively reading here or anything
>>1531589Nta but she knows she's a pos for dating him, that's why she's in hiding she doesn't wanna face up. Pathetic.
No. 1531637
File: 1652800126112.png (5.09 MB, 1125x2436, 7C6FC9CE-9CC0-431C-BBA2-023A45…)

Didn’t someone randomly say here that the cat is hers? Thought that was odd but why else would they bring it to the airport unless to fly back with her?
No. 1531680
>>1531637wtf why is it not at least on a harness? Idiots.
I wonder if he doesn't want to take care of the kitten anymore and decided to give it to her as if it were a 'gift' this whole time. After all, cat food and litter adds up and would cut into his
fentanyl and sneaker fund I mean, money for Storm
No. 1531695
>>1531680"wtf why is it not at least on a harness? Idiots. "
You both asked and answered your own question in the same sentence. His brain is fried.
No. 1531788
>>1530988I've been thinking that this whole time,
nonnie. I have absolutely no proof and have never met anyone involved irl, but its amazing how if you have a roof over your head, food, and no signs of physical abuse people think there's no way your parents can be neglectful or at least verbally
abusive. Your daughter doesn't just assault you and end up leaving you her baby for a pos man like BBP who drugged the baby just for shits and giggles. That's a lifetime of your mistakes as a parent showing up at your doorstep. Doesn't absolve skid of everything shes done at all but it definitely give a better explanation as to where it came from.
No. 1531804
>>1531788>>1531788It's almost like our upbringing has something to do with how we turn out as adults? lol, people who are rushing to defend grandma as this saint figure are just plain idiots.
It's obvious to people in this thread with half a brain that this is the case, no one is perfect especiallynot these trailer park fools. And I don't think grandma is this evil person necessarily either, but I'm also not rushing to absolve her of how her daughter turned out because it did not happen overnight. Anyhow, whatever mistakes she made as a mom she'll be living with as grandma for at least the next 17 years with sydney and storm in her life. She's essentially "raising" a toddler and her 30 some year old daughter.. if Sydney is even allowed at her house, I assume she's there with her mom when she's not at the apartment with her new girlfriend Meghan.
No. 1531838
>>1531833I agree its pathetic to rag on Syd's mom for living in trailer amidst Cali's worse housing crisis in world history.
>>1531804Bad parenting didn't create Syd's monster, it's years of severe untreated hereditary BPD.
Also I'm not defending her but it's shitty to drag her Mom into Syd's mess.
You're just like those shitforbrains who harassed the Columbine killers Moms when actually they were repulsed by their sons' crimes and were raised in normal, nice households.
No. 1531849
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I love how in Finn's interview he's like 'you're not gonna put rape on my name' its literally on ur wikipedia
No. 1531897
>>1531856idk about that
nonnie he posted Syd’s ugly mug
No. 1531934
>>1531897To be fair the new girl looks like jailbait and Sydney looks like a skyrim hagraven at best
Also Sydney is well into her 30s so it was a much more acceptable fuck to him I think
No. 1531985
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god he is trash for daring to use that kid as a platform to launch his redemption arc after what he did to him
No. 1532009
>>1531985>could it be that my son is worth more then getting high? Holy shit how can he even type that after what he did to that poor child. Your getting high was certainly more important than your son in 2021 when you nearly killed him.
>>1531987She turned 29 in January.
No. 1532073
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showing off his newest victim
No. 1532137
>>1532078You linked to a Shmegeh video. I didn’t notice the date right away and was so confused as to how she fit into the whole Jonny saga, kek.
>>1532125I agree. How can we be so shocked when we have anons here giving him the benefit of the doubt and playing devil's advocate.
No. 1532178
>>1531985>a week ago: I relapsed because of my son’s heart surgery>now: I’m sober because of him! Jail never stopped me! But my son did !Jail never stopped you and having a kid never stopped you. Going to jail and poisoning your baby with drugs stopped you. You were doing drugs with your infant right there. Right next to you. People think because babies don’t remember shit that it won’t affect them. It’s not true at all.
>>1532025Kek that sounds about right.
No. 1532335
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So did she move there or something? I forgot if the bf said she moved there, or is just visiting. I bet she’ll end up staying and they become official soon…
No. 1532338
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She really does look like his abandoned daughter. Jfc, as if he could sink any lower or be any creepier. Scraping from the bottom of the barrel. Would it KILL him to date someone his own age just for once? He needs someone mature. Wigglewip will never be stepmommy material, in the slight chance Jonny EVER does get some sort of custody of Storm
No. 1532374
>>1532335I thought BBP flew there to see her? Since he was in the airport?
Also agree anon>>1532338 goiter boi has a mental capacity of a 18 year old tbh
No. 1532376
>>1531985“Could it be my son is worth more than getting high?” Lmao jonny that didnt stop you for smoking H and getting your kid fucked in fent the first time??
20 years down the road, storm will be talking about how your junkie ass got him poison on fent when he was an infant
No. 1532481
>>1532374You clearly haven’t been reading the threads. Layna lives in Canada. She is at Jonny’s apartment, as multiple screenshots have been posted especially regarding the new kittens if you paid attention you would see one of the last posts in the last thread her ex said she is moving in with her “sugar daddy Jonny Craig” so she definitely flew to him, not the other one around.
Reading is fundamental, you know/
No. 1532484
>>1532481Plus there was a pic of her at the airport that was posted in the last thread as one of the last posts. I’m not sure where you got the idea that he flew to Canada to see her, especially with a pending felony and on going case - he’s really not supposed to leave the state right now. But I guess that’s are making an exception for a few upcoming shows he’s gotz
Any east coast anons going to see him next month? I bet he brings his flavor of the month; Layla. I was the superfan at the Fort Worth show and recorded and posted the 2nd fake ass engagement, would be awesome to have another super farmer take one for the time and record or report back how he interacts with Layna on tour.
No. 1532490
File: 1652882244158.jpeg (993.43 KB, 1242x1466, 15B22F6F-BC4C-4F13-9EB8-8B36F6…)

looks MTF
No. 1532542
>>1532485Strongly disagree. She is way more attractive than Syd.
But also probably dumb as a bag of bricks to be with BBP.
No. 1532704
>>1532329this. it’s not the fact that she lives in a trailer. it’s the fact that sydney and her mother are literal trailer trash. there’s a difference.
>>1532330this sounds like the kind of reasoning that leads a young single mother to raise a monster like sydney. we all witnessed the endless drama that went down while jonny and sydney lived with grandma. the hitting, the door slamming, the baby collective baby stealing. grandma didn’t have to do research to know that her daughter was shacking up with a piece of shit in her own home because the evidence was all there, mooching off her while he recovered from heroin and growing his seed in her perpetually unemployed and mentally ill daughters belly.. a baby whose initial worth meant less to jonny then the literal shoes on his feet.
stop pretending like sydney’s mom ever gave a genuine fuck about sydney other than using her as a prop to feel young. if sydney cared at all about the feelings of other people, you might be able to convince me otherwise, but rarely rarely rarely do people as fucked up as sydney come from healthy supportive homes centered around providing a untiring environment for the children growing up within them. if you are convinced of otherwise, then that sounds like a delusional coop for being a bad parent, sorry.
No. 1532710
>>1532542>>1532490mtf can be attractive too wtf?
saying she looks mtf doesn’t change that she’s far more attractive than syd, she just looks like a beautiful lady boy.
No. 1532722
>>1532490She got them weird boney trans girl hands. I remember her hips in that airport selfie looking strangely square and boyish too, and that other
nonnie >>1532404 was right: she got a very square looking head.
I agree with
>>1532710 that she is both prettier than Sydney and angular enough to read as mtf. She got nice lips but it looks like she needs the help of a lot of mascara to sell her features as more girly. Pull the attention up off that jock jaw and up to them big doe eyes that scream “babysit me”.
No. 1532752
>>1532338>>1532722For the sake of argument, let's say that the photos of her man hands and boy hips are unfortunate angles and she's a pretty-ish early 20s alt girl in person with no personality disorders or daddy issues.
So what's the appeal of Jonny Craig? His personality is boring, fake, and unkind. He isn't smart. He isn't funny. He doesn't have money, so being a sugar baby is out. He's obviously not able to be a functional partner in a relationship. He's not particularly talented at anything beyond singing, and even that is fading plus his new stuff is pretty mediocre by pop standards. His sense of humor is either dumb, juvenile, or mean or all three at once, which puts people off. His friends seem to barely tolerate him. He had clout a decade ago and now people won't pick up his calls.
I just can't see any reason why she would catch an Uber, much less a flight, to get dicked down by a doughy almost-felon with a tenuous grasp on sobriety who is crowdsourcing his rent money.
No. 1532761
>>1532752Bang on anon and to your point any girl that would willingly shag up with this junkie given his track record has to be somewhat
problematic. I could see this new girl came from a very sheltered hometown and is incredibly lonely,actually where is her ex that hasn’t go over her? Love to actually know she has any mental illness like syd or imaginary illness like Tay kek
No. 1532836
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Ok, A Beautiful Mind. Consider this case CRACKED!
No. 1532847
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says the one who brings other women down
No. 1532862
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Syd speaks on Jonny’s new “victim”
No. 1532899
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Layla's story from a few minutes ago, after Syd's silly little brain comments.
No. 1532922
>>1532862Kek she mad. She really thought goiter wasn’t going to find a girl to victimize and sleep with? Maybe that was skid’s plan all along. Ruin his reputation enough so he would come crawling back to Syd kek
>>1532490Yea ok Syd. Whatever helps you cope at night
No. 1532948
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Layna's Twitter
No. 1532950
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Layna Twitter cont
No. 1532951
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Layna Twitter cont
No. 1533039
>>1532862God she is actually brain dead. How could she not see the irony of saying this about the next girl when bbp was a very very well documented abuser and junkie when she got with him. And not only did she get with him, but she let him knock her up immediately and for some reason believed he wouldn't abandon her and storm even though he had already abandoned a child.
Skid, you should look in the mirror for once. Just like you cant believe someone could "be stupid enough" after you, we couldn't believe you were that stupid. And you stayed with him for, what, 2 years? Kek.
No. 1533169
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No. 1533258
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Layna's toktok. I had daddy issues in my bingo card but good ol' Jonny is still shooting fish in the same mentally ill barrel.
No. 1533261
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Deeply insecure with body image issues. Sounds familiar!
No. 1533264
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Probably a Jonny reference; dated 4/6.
No. 1533265
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Her tiktok username before she changed it in March was l00ney8in.
No. 1533268
>>1533258her instagram is just the same selfie everyday of her with no mates, no trips out (like
normal women her age) just alone in her bedroom
i understand why she’s dating Jonny now, loneliness and boredom. probably the most exciting thing to happen to her
hope she doesn’t abandon her future for this retard
No. 1533274
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>>1533268I noticed that her house also looks like she shares the same messy drug addict hovel aesthetic that Jonny does.
No. 1533347
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>>1533334That’s only if both parties have enabled the feature. So, if the person you’re trying to creep on AND you have the new feature enabled (you have to specifically turn it on) then they can see it. Just don’t turn that feature on and you’ll be fine.
No. 1533362
>>1533274She’s from Edmonton right?
There’s a huge opiates and drug problem there. People can’t even take the bus in peace because it’s treated as a mobile using spot.
My tinfoil is that they connected over their addiction and fentanyl backstories.
No. 1533539
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His fans are just as retarded as he is, imagine socially martyring yourself for a 5' 3" junkie man child you've never even met
No. 1533540
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>>1533421Respectfully, eat shit.
No. 1533645
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>>1532862Remember what YOU said to Taylor when she reached out to warn you and even offered to buy you a plane ticket to help get you away from jonny? Get off your high horse you’re the exact same as layna, if not worse.
No. 1533659
>>1533645kek how embarrassing must it be for her to read that now.
>me idk why he’d do that to meAbsolute comedy gold.
No. 1533685
>>1533667No, she got her clout and her
victim card. She’s probably pretty pleased with herself.
No. 1534618
>>1532145A lot of people in that scene are all “kill your local rapist” until the rapist is their friend or someone in a band they like. They only pretend to care about
victims for twitter likes and will toss their “morals” out the window without hesitation if it benefits them.