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No. 146474
Before Posting/Lurking: All things featured in this breakdown are factual and documented through public web archives. If you are posting old cosplay photos, please check previous threads to avoid reposting. No tit/chest hole nitpicking. No cowtipping. No doxxing of ex-Kou Klan or anyone else related to Lori or Kevin. Yes, we’ve seen the pockybox, dj ranmas site and the con interview. Archive your links & sage when applicable.
Previous Thread (#6):
The threads were mislabeled so I corrected the list.
Lori Lewd (Lorena Cerda) is a 35-year-old costhot and batshit kinnie from NY. With 20 years of lunacy behind her, farmers have been working diligently to stitch together the madness into a coherent timeline. She got her start as a rabid Sailor Moon cosplayer which launched her into infamy and Moonie drama that lasted for over 10 years alone. Lori has since dropped her Usagi shtick and settled for a short-lived Zero Two skinwalk. Over the last two years, Lori has amassed over 100k followers and secured brand partnerships with multiple online boutiques and jewelers. She is currently clawing her way into a Dolls Kill partnership by running herself and her lover into debt. Our story follows the lunatic hag and her bishie prince, Kevin Hanft, a 27 year old BNHA cosplayer and general douche.
Vintage Milk:
>She is known for abusing partners emotionally and physically, breaking peoples belongings when she throws temper tantrums, threatening rape and suicide, mooching off friends and family (living rent free and destroying peoples homes with her trash, indoor smoking, making them buy her things, forcing them to sleep on floors and go without bedding, etc.), manipulating those she deems “beneath” her into false friendships, obsessing over better cosplayers, sex workers and artists and lying about nearly everything under the sun.>Her ex-husband raped a developmentally challenged friend of Lori’s and when she found out she pressured the victim, “C”, into suicide. “C” then attempted by taking pills and drinking alcohol. Luckily, “C” survived. She never apologized or tried to right this situation.>Goes through husbands like pantyhose and typically only marries for housing and money.Condensed Milk:
>Suicide baited Kevin and demanded he cut himself to prove he didn’t like another women all while she cheated on him>Both her and Kevin are admitted lurkers of /cgl/ and lolcow, often responding to comments made about herself on all forums >>>/w/69649>All of Kevin’s friends HATE her >>>/w/59614>Her current kin is Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx, truly believes she is her and that the studio copied her to create her likeness. Thinks all cosplayers are copying her >>>/w/71344 >photoshop and snow filter abuser >>>/w/69405>”vampire” and “anime genetics” >>>/w/67231>Will relentlessly tear down other cosplayers who do Zero Two better >>>/w/56943 >>>/w/68339>”Suffers” from an Eating Disorder and is proud of it, flexes the “loli” title >>>/w/68579 >Undiagnosed Cluster B / NPD behaviors out the assPrevious Thread Re-cap:
>Lori has gone full thot and started making penetration videos in a last ditch effort to keep her remaining OF subs >>>/w/143644 >Kevin is fully delulu >>>/w/145906 >Lori is dropped by Bisou Lovely, Lewdcomplex & Ardani Studios for her unaddressed behavior and negative attention>Ravewonderland posts her photos only to get hounded with negative comments, mostly remarks about how creepy and gross the post was, forcing them to delete the post entirely >>>/w/141763 >>>/w/141780 >She started exhibiting more signs of resentment towards Kev, often flirting with simps and ignoring him entirely >>>/w/142449 >But Lori just had to prove the haturz wrong immediately after it was pointed out >>>/w/142462 >$300 dollars goes missing and Kev really just can’t figure out who took it! >>>/w/142234 >The MooMoo conspiracy continues, there is no sense left in this husk of a man >>>/w/142486 >Kev continues his FB tirade by making everything even WORSE >>>/w/142487 >Kevin would like to speak to (have someone doxx) Moo and Vamp’s parents to I guess….. Allow him to go travel to their houses and complain? >>>/w/142662 >Lori continues to fuel Kevin’s psychosis by adding to the conspiracy >>>/w/142739 >Anon shuts that down immediately with this nice little clip >>>/w/142760 >Lori accepts a scam “ambassador” brand as her new sponsors to replace the ones lost >>>/w/143434 >Kev is desperate for clout, so much so he uses Lori as a literal prop >>>/w/143556 > Terrifying OF vids surface >>>/w/143728 >Lori responding to literal pedos who simp her loli bullshit >>>/w/144335 >The money is running dry which means Lori is on her way out >>>/w/145355 >Lego hand pussy >>>/w/145934 >Kev’s indirect response to anons criticizing his advertising decisions >>>/w/146268 >>>/w/146279 >Conveniently Lori has soooo many vet bills to pay and she has NO money! >>>/w/146302 >Kevin wishes Moo and VBamp a very go fuck yoursefl and die in one of his milkiest rants to date >>>/w/146345 >Some guilt-ridden ”anon” has a touching introspective moment, nice try >>>/w/146332 >The bomb we’ve all been waiting for finally drops >>>/w/146400 >An ignorant Kevin continues WKing the woman who doesn’t even like him anymore and is begging to be saved >>>/w/146406 >Kev’s rants and pleas are taken to reddit where he wah’s on his promo sockpuppet >>>/w/146423 >Then of course he deletes it and returns to shit talking people anonymously >>>/w/146432 >Anon catches the only reply which contained some hard truths >>>/w/146440 Currently Kevin and Lori are in the midst of a crisis. With Kevin fully off his rocker and Lori clamoring to “escape” his “abuse” after “ruining her dream”, we all patiently await the nest sperg out and scam GFM’s to save her decrepit ass.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Monster Girl Vibes:>Personal FB:>Kevin’s FB :>Lori’s Instagram:>Kevin’s Instagram:>Twitter:>DA:>Etsy:>OnlyFans:>Patreon:>Amazon Wishlist: Milk:
>pockybox investigations>wank about the rape incident>usagi’s wank page>tgtn attesting to Lori's cancerous nature>Djranma’s site>Lori's psycho response to Scott's confession>cringe engagement video posted by Kevin>cringe ED article>the sailor moon movie Misc.:
>Lori’s KF thread #2 Accounts: No. 146499
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I managed to catch this Reddit comment before it was removed. This is the only non-bot interaction he's had on any of his Reddit posts about Lori. That's his sock account that replied.
No. 146500
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new comment on one of kevin's reddit posts
"he messaged me and threatened me"
No. 146501
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>>146498if she wants to stay in the area? Average 1.1k for West Valley City, UT. Found this on Zillow. Perhaps? My bets on her moving in w/ someone. She doesn’t have proof of stable income.
No. 146505
>>146499>keep hiding behind the internet, just like meI love how retarded and easily manipulated he is. I bet Lori forces him to post all day and prove he is working hard to earn her subs.
>>146302 adds up if she plans to room with someone for the short term. She's fishing for one of her OF subs that she added on facebook to come and drive her and her bags of plastic to his place soon.
No. 146508
>>146505Guess we gotta stay tuned for next thursday lol see if she posts about an appointment or an apartment. According to that post she’s got the money saved but wants cushion ig? I agree with
>>146506 i don’t think she’s got a man on (lego) hand so I’m thinkin she temp moves with a “friend”. Do she even have any friends that are girls??
No. 146509
>>146500>>146499It’s honestly insane to me how delusional Kevin is. He JUST had a meltdown on Facebook saying that all the hate is unjust, that they’re the
victims and the ones being abused, that they never talk shit about others… and then within hours he’s on Reddit being a huge fucking asshole to anyone who even slightly criticizes Lori and talking shit on them.
Like, what? I seriously don’t understand what’s going through this kid’s head.
They both try so hard to convince others that they’re perpetually
victims and that everything posted online about them is false, but then turn around and prove it all true. Lmao.
No. 146510
>>146508>>146506She's too old and crusty IRL for any guy to keep her beyond a free pump and dump, so she's likely working out her best options.
I know someone in previous threads kept saying the pets were going to be harmed or something but now I am starting to believe it. And believe there's possibly physical abuse in their household. Everything they ever say and do is so unhinged and screams abuse behaviors.
No. 146511
>>146510I’m scared to think of what’s happening in their house today after kev’s several unhinged posts and Lori saying she’s afraid of him.
They both just need to get far away from each other tbh
No. 146514
>>146512Considering he peed on her costume, I wouldn't be surprised it was in response to her hitting him or some shit. Absolute degenerates.
>>146513This. He's a grown neckbeard.
No. 146516
>>146502Like anon
>>146501 said, it wouldn't matter if she scrounged up cash for a deposit because she has no proof of steady income, and since she claims she can't foot a $900 vet bill she probably has shit credit to boot. I'm inclined to believe the vet costs are real and they really are that broke, but if she manages to get that money she's more likely to blow it on ugly weeb lingerie than try to move out without a simp to mooch off of long term.
>>146499Fucking kek. I hate scrotes but it cracks me up how her they'll play into her loli fantasy for the sake of coom, but even at the bottom of the barrel her simps don't fawn over her. She's definitely struggling to find any takers to be Kevin's replacement.
No. 146522
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49 mins ago to her insta story. That left eye is bloodshot to all hell. Probably furiously smoking with all the drama going on today. Also wtf is this fashion sense supposed to be it’s so bad.
No. 146524
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>>146522AND her roots are coming in lol
No. 146534
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>>146440Another comment from Kevin's reddit post.
No. 146535
>>146534Oh no! Another one of Vamplette’s army has made it to Reddit !!!!1!
(Sarcasm if it wasn’t clear.)
No. 146542
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New story post of her hanging out with another girl. She’s definitely planning on moving
No. 146562
>>146542That girl better run as she’s about to get in the middle with all this High school drama bullshit with Lori about to leech off her and Kevin will start stalking and harassing her through Messages about taking his waifu away.
Like seriously can’t they stop posting things out in the open if they don’t want it to be spread? They knew were watching them but they keep giving us milk everytime shit went down.
No. 146570
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>>146542Was curious to see if her friend had any photos on her Instagram of Lori unedited and she did lol. This one was from 2019 and you can only imagine how Lori looks now…
No. 146578
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“Let me Step on you little simp” does she step on Kevin? She gets a lot more likes when she posts her own content, Kevin shilling her shit is creepy. He should just get a job.
No. 146581
>>146542I think that
>>146311 got to them so she's posting to show that she still "has friends" topkek
That or like everyone else said, she's suddenly making small efforts with people in an attempt to gain them over for housing.
No. 146601
>>146570>>146542It's almost jarring how much she filters out the colours of the photos to make her skin look pinker and whiter.
Her friend looks like she's flushed due to Lori focusing on only editing herself instead of others.
No. 146610
>>146581Right, cause you have to casually stop by a store to get pics of you with your friend. I bet she went there so she could say let's hang out without it being weird. I wonder when the last time she called her was.
>>146606I smell the lurkie loo too Anon but I think they have the farms on auto refresh at this point.
>>146577>Most people make throwaway accounts on RedditPeople do that a lot if their looking at questionable content.
No. 146616
>>146542Nice knockoff Louis Vuitton mask
>>146570God she is so average looking and her average friends really showcase that.
No. 146618
>>14654236 year old woman visits much younger “friend” at clothing store meant for teens and college girls
Not creepy at all
No. 146630
>>146621Agreed, 21 def caters to her age group since they're the ones who were the companies demographic when it first opened. But those Moms who still shop there drive their 40grand SUV's to the mall after dropping their kids off at daycare and then dump their 21 hauls out on king sized beds in the house they got bought for them by a husband who has a career.
Loonie rode the bus and counted her change and then dumps her bargain bin item onto the dirty floor with her plushies and ferrett shit.
No. 146655
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is she buying 1k followers daily or every other..? She was at 110k when I viewed her stories for lulz not even 24 hours ago. She’s done nothing but post stories lately+her content isn’t good enough to net her 1k followers overnight like that.
No. 146707
>>146705Lori isn't that smart, nor could she ever cognitively accept she is anything less than 'perfect'. I know we joke but she is actually 100% delusional–She has a mental disorder. She cannot, deep down inside, accept that she isn't what she filters herself to be. Even if she probably looks at the mirror to pick apart what she can 'improve' on, and is very obviously badly insecure about everything, her identity to herself is that filtered mess we see her posting.
If she truly was ashamed, she wouldn't wear the clothes she does in public, she wouldn't wear her gaudy makeup, and would either hide her hair with wigs or style it differently outside.
No. 146722
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Looks like Loonie might have a new sponsor
No. 146741
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I don't like to copy pasta but this came from the other farm and it's worth the post.
It's pretty sad Kevin spins his situation the way he does. I can see trying to deny some of it, but the receipts are directly from their own mouths and she's been documented for ages. But to try and say people lie about her photoshopping her pics is straight up insanity.
No. 146754
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>>146570Our newest entrant in the cow trifecta is still on her soapbox sperging paragraphs on kiwi. The parallels between her and Looni are starting to become more noticeable so I'm posting despite the inevitable "hi cows". The cognitive dissonance between the both of them is palpable. Hypocritically being critical of Lori whilst putting on a more palatable persona/holding back in order to be more well received gives me immediate flash backs to pull. I can't be the only one observing this minor cow as she orbits Kev and Lori's lunacy.
No. 146755
>>146741Yeah let’s see him try to confront his so called bullies in real life. If he’s not able to Confront his
abusive waifu then I doubt he would confront anyone. Even if he did try to confront them he would be escorted out by the police since he’ll be acting crazy. So Kevin I do hope you see Loris secret post about you and is trying to dump your sorry ass. Also you better make sure that you unfriend Miranda before she catches you and accuse you of cheating.
No. 146757
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>>146754Samefag. Image for clarification
No. 146763
>>146754>>146757Based. Kitty is obsessed with Lori. She has single white female Lori skin walking vibes. If you go to kiwifarms, you’ll notice Kitty has liked every single Lori related comment on the farms with a time stamp for each. She is on the farms day and night spending all her time away from the box factory on Lori threads. She also self posts here and is the anon that is always closely counting and reporting on Lori’s Instagram followers and engagement.
Kitty looks like she’s in her mid thirties and is trying to stay relevant and youthful with the ethot Amazon plastic clothes thing. Does anyone know her actual age? She acts like a young retard but has a soccer mom face and neck.
Both are pedo pandering, stuffed toy collecting, minimum wage cows, but I find Kitty to be so much more of an annoying try hard, “pick me” than Lori.
No. 146765
>>146754>>146757>>146763no one cares. Go make a kitty thread if you want to discuss her jfc stop shitting up lori's thread.
Lori is 100% the biggest cow of the two anyway, literally 20 years worth of milk. No one gives a shit about how pickme some rando insta thot is, they're a dime a dozen.
No. 146770
>>146755Kevin making threats is hilarious, what does he think he's going to do? Especially when there's no proof of them doing anything. I bet this posturing is all an act to make Lori be nice to him meanwhile she's on her way out.
>>146754>>146763Stop derailing the thread. You're that one anon posting long OT paragraphs whenever Lori and Kevin are at their milkiest and have been told time and time again that nobody cares.
No. 146776
>>146757Peter 5:8 — Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
Stupid ass Kevin needs to rebuke this bitch asap
No. 146799
>>146765I don't dispute that Lori is the biggest cow. And we're free to discuss related cows especially when they're so intertwined anon. If you've read any other thread you'd know that.
>>146770>You're that one anon posting long OT paragraphs whenever Lori and Kevin are at their milkiest and have been told time and time again that nobody cares.Firstly that's multiple ayrt and secondly that's the first post I've written in months schitzochan.
No. 146808
>>146804I think it's because Kitty knows more about Lori irl and seems more reputable than randos or Moo, so it'd be easier for people to believe her if she brought up dirt on Lori.
I feel like we aren't getting the whole story from Kitty either.
Maybe Lori is scared that Kitty will bring Rikki into it or ask him more about stuff or proof of dirt on Lori. Probably some legal stuff or something. Lori is definitely scared of Kitty over something.
No. 146811
>>146763As the person following Lori's socials and reporting them here, I'm not Kitty. I've been tracking her numbers since thread #4. Reign in the tinfoil. She would never post here because we all refuse to give her ass pats, she'll probably stay on kiwi where they treat her like a D-list celeb.
>>146808This. Kitty probably has access to receipts and messages we haven't seen. Otherwise Lori would have been months into harassing her by now.
No. 146826
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Saged for no milk, I just can't figure out who this guy is. Is this Jeff? Or another ex of hers? I ran "Usagi Kou Lori Lewd" through Google to check the results and this image came up under her flickr. I don't recognize him. I don't need spoon-feeding for this time frame I just wanted to see if anyone could identify. I don't think this pic has ever been posted to either farm til now.
No. 146831
>>146767Kitty doesn't need her own thread. But if she's being posted in here, it needs to be more then just her boring comments about Lori's face. That's literally nothing and there's no need to obsess over all of her commentary about Lori.
>>146808Didn't Soni know her IRL for a long period of time? None of that makes sense. Honestly Lori probably doesn't read the KF threads, so it hasn't come up on her radar. They only ever talk about lolcow
No. 146836
>>146754I usually hate the kitty derails, but kek, she is straight up starting to sound like KT talking about Suzy. Might be time to make her a thread. /w/ is half dead anyway.
>>146757Damn. Kitty is busted. It's funny to see her old polish mom in a party city costume looking ass railing against middle aged Lori tho. Real housewives of cosplay cons.
No. 146864
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Kevin really needs to stop fighting with random people about Lori.
No. 146866
>>146856Nta, but it's not obsessive of Kitty to be liking every single comment/post? Okay anon. We don't need to stan one loser over another. They're both embarrassing cows.
>>146864Did he not see Lori's post about him ruining her chances of "living her dreamlife" or did she convince him it was just momo and vamplette shooping screencaps or something? kek
No. 146874
>>146856It's so easy to see who liked what on KF, you just need eyeballs, there's really no "checking" necessary.
>>146864He really cant accept how many people hate her and how few people like her pics. His remarks are so stupid, it's almost embarrassing to read them.
No. 146875
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Kevin throws a little bitch fit over something getting taken down on someone else's post, then thinks the mods put it back up even though it's not there.
Extra Kek for his comment lower in the list..she has everything she ever wanted. Yeah, sure Jan.
No. 146876
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Kevin the Cuck keeps fighting with randos on Redditt and proving his idiocy.
No. 146877
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2/2 samefag
No. 146879
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No. 146880
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Kevin's Reddit freakouts are grand. In this exchange, Kevin has gone into an unrelated girl's post in order to complain that his Lori post was removed.
This girl, understandably confused, asks what she did wrong and Kevin says that he just HAD TO use her post as an example to complain about mods. He is unhinged.
No. 146883
>>146879More of Kevin twisting the situation to his convenience. They definitely are trying to play
victim. No one is calling her a little girl, those comments called her out.
No. 146884
>>146880He's a moron, oh wow hoorah lulz
Btw Kuckin doesnt realize, they didnt put it back to up. It's not there.
No. 146885
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3/3 samefag
Yeah Usagi Kou never talks shit about anyone. Keep arguing with people who know what a steaming load that is Kevin.
No. 146888
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I’m fucking crying from laughing so hard. He’s sending everyone straight here.
No. 146891
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>>146888>be a freakin ragerI'm laughing so hard, anon. I was actually in the middle of capping that same Reddit thread. Kevin is so mad and it's making my whole day.
No. 146893
>>146891I love that user name, "Standardlog"
Is he sure? We've seen him in that sweater dress.
No. 146894
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Kevin is still posting Lori to r/cosplaygirls but this time he's asking ppl to not be mean.
No. 146895
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Kevin really is just having a full on breakdown
No. 146897
>>146895c'mon now she didn't look mid-twenties when she
was that age, never mind now. She has a mature face shape, and chose the wrong style for it, she's look a lot better and make some money in say, the vintage clothing community, but she went for the dead-end onlyfans thot route instead.
No. 146900
>>146895Dying to see the responses to this when people realise who his precious fiancée is…
Also, he’s complaining that the cosplay community supposedly has a thing against cosplayers over 21, then complains that someone likened Lori to a little girl. He is completely incoherent, batshit insane, and he’s going to get them both banned from every con and cosplay group they are in…
I am so here for it.
No. 146903
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>>146895Here's a response that got deleted immediately.
No. 146904
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>>146900I'm compiling them. Here's one.
Really really sad desperate shilling. Lashes out at this girl then begs her to join Lori's OnlyFans, fucking hell.
No. 146907
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These comments are happening in real time
No. 146909
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>>146906Yup. Lori is indeed an ageist cunt.
"Also, I'm not one for big age differences, so if you happen to be really young, or really old for that matter, please don't bother. We probably have nothing in common. Late teens to mid twenties folks, no youngins or old foggies." - Lori's LJ, 2008
No. 146911
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He’s even turning her supporters against her lmao
No. 146912
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And sending everyone straight to this thread! Kevin you absolute retard! We have receipts and photos of both of you being toxic, abusive, and problematic. You are singlehandedly creating your own fucking problems!
No. 146914
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Kevin's making a video to explain everything to us. I am so excited for this video. He's really having a straight up breakdown today. Guess he didn't bother to try to get thag weekend Amazon gig.
No. 146923
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>Fuck you. Go buy my gf's onlyfans.
Lori is going to be seething when she wakes up, kek.
No. 146924
>>146876>>146888>>146907>>146911this guy has completely lost it
i mean he was already deep into it but it's getting really bad and i don't think he can be saved anymore, he will probably suicide bait her for months or years when she find another guy
No. 146931
>>146922there are some things he can say were actually leaked like DMs that moo gave to a rando farmer but what about all the other ones that he posted himself?
posting about how she abuses him and that she's batshit insane, the leg stabbing, the stopping him from having any friends, the stealing his car to go cheat, how she doesn't give him sex, how he has to work to support her and she doesn't give him anything…
the list goes on. his biggest enemy on social media has been himself.
No. 146932
>>146914>Internet slooothsOh my god kev. This is so funny. It's
sleuths if you were wondering.
Airing your dirty laundry online constantly is probably the main thing destroying both your careers, you should not be running any kind of social media account when you thrive on drama this much.
No. 146940
>>146938Holy cow.
Boy she wants to ditch him. Not surprised tho. He’s been unhinged lately.
No. 146953
>>146947Tbh all of us would watch it. Plus his ex friends and “haters”
I’m betting he will get a few thousand views, more if gossip channels shoot a reacting video.
No. 146959
>>146954True definitely a catalyst there.
Maybe she’s leaving him and he is trying to prove how loyal he is one last time.
No. 146964
File: 1619307081257.jpg (602.99 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20210424-162843_Red…)

>>146963Usually smart to post images on image boards especially with comments about an image.
No. 146979
File: 1619310005849.png (706.6 KB, 2048x1729, Screenshot_20210424-171929.png)

No. 146981
>>146979Kevin…. no one has personal army of fake Reddit accounts specifically made to tell you your fiancé shops her photos.
Honestly this all used to be funny but now it’s kinda sad.
No. 146991
>>146879Kevin y'all literally tag a company that has "ddlg" in the name, do you even know what that stands for? Stop defending your pedo behavior.
Has anyone ever pointed out how disgusting it is that Kevin is into all of this shit? Super sus tbh
Also hilarious how he's linking it and talking about it. He thinks that people are going to disagree, but it's just going to make more of the remainders of his friend's list think about how her content is exactly like that. Imagine posting this where your family must see it too. They must be so ashamed and embarrassed of him topkek
>>146895"petite woman" lmfao nobody is judging her by her size, it's about the way she's acting/dressing on purpose you fucking fried brain dolt
>>146904Can someone reply to these with comparison photos I'll fucking die laughing
>>146907"Rumors" when there is literal proof. Keep trying, Kev. Lmfao at "no one's losing followers" wasn't he JUST complaining about this (and constantly, too)? Dude needs an uber straight to the mental hospital seriously
>>146914Oh the story changed to "stole my fb login" didn't he previously say that he accidentally left it logged in himself??? Get your story straight you delusional ballsack. Also him saying this just proves that things are uglier in reality than what they try to portray to us. Keep destroying your own narrative.
I'm convinced that she blew up on him and that's what caused this shitstorm today.
No. 146995
>>146864>>146876>she has everything she already wantsKek, Kevin and Lori really don't know how to hide the truth. The way they sperg out at same randos they're e-begging from is great, even posting on unrelated threads is pathetic.
If Loony had everything she wanted, he wouldn't be begging people to look at her sagging vag on the internet.
>>146895>>146904This is amazing. It doesn't sound like him always though, it sounds a bit like Lori telling him what to say. There's no effing way she's silent or doesn't have a hand in all this. Almost all his posts are complimentary of her not looking like an old hag.
No. 146996
>>146995I know it's fucking great right? "She has everything she wants!"
Then why the fuck are you ebegging for her Kev?
No. 147000
File: 1619315862615.png (532.74 KB, 2565x838, mGKMzKm6cd.png)

Kevin has edited his Reddit account info to be a joint account that he shares with Lori because he kept breaking rules about not posting content on behalf of other people.
No. 147003
>>147000I bet Lori's at her F21 friend's couch and meeting up with her next possible paypigs rn and that's why Kevin is trying so hard.
Lori probably said if he gets her x amount of subs, she'll come back.
No. 147006
>>146925>>146928>>146939Mini dumb tinfoil but I think she could be using his accounts to post these hot takes.
I could see it both ways, where she is threatening him to use his accounts to defend herself, plus the writing in many of them is really strange. Of course they could still be written by him, considering how crazy some of his posts in the past have been.
Regardless, him advertising (or allowing her to advertise using his account) for Lori's cringe OF photos on reddit and asking people to sub are beyond pathetic. What a bottomfeeder.
No. 147008
>>147006Recent posts have such a fixation on insisting she looks young, it's just lighting and ~all natural with superior genetics~. That's something only Loony herself ever said.
He has nothing to gain and no reason to kneejerk and take it so personally when people say she looks old af and even looked older 20 years ago.
Pics of her less filtered face from before she made stupid expressions are literally all over the internet, she's been trying to rebrand with a new identity to hide it.
No. 147009
File: 1619324408194.jpg (219.57 KB, 1080x1725, Screenshot_20210424-211747__01…)

More reddit comments. I wonder if the deleted comment was another Kevin sock.
No. 147023
>>146800Thank you, I’ve used the snow app and I edited the already edited picture to max out the UwU kawiwi teen effect
It was more than three clicks
No. 147047
>>147031Underrated comment..
It’s 2021. It’s very hard for someone as shady, mean and
abusive as Lori to accomplish her dreams of making it big in the cosplay world. Especially with her shady past documented all over the internet, no reputable brand would dare work with her. If it was just gossip within the cosplay community she would still stand a chance but we are not living in early 2000’s anymore. You can’t post proof of what a shitty person you are and still expect to be put on a pedestal.
No. 147060
>>147053I agree, creepy af….
>>147054Yeah we are living in an era where shitty people get called out for their shady past. Even people who didn’t leave many trails but have wronged a couple of people face backlash.
Maybe Lori knows she stands no chance so she just gave up and started posting penetration videos…..
No. 147066
>>147060Real talk, what was the "dream living" Loony believed she was on the verge of getting in
>>146400 Is it being an influencer or making oodles of cash from OF?
Even if she tried to fix her
toxic attitude and drama, she never had a chance based on looks or creative ability.
No. 147067
>>147066I think it was being an influencer of some sort. She can still be a sex worker if she wants to, Johns don’t care if she’s an
abusive person or not.
No. 147068
>>147066If she didn’t have a
toxic personality and she had self awareness about her looks she could be many other things than an influencer. She would work harder and make more money. She could also look better, by working out, fixing her teeth and getting hyaluronic acid injections for a more youthful look.
No. 147098
File: 1619383760737.png (2.92 MB, 2048x1517, Screenshot_20210425-134144.png)

It's really funny that she only does the upside down phone angles and butt-5-centimeters-from-the-camera trick. It's almost sad how much goes into her photoshoot process. 2 light boxes, constant filtering, extreme posing that someone with a broken spine couldn't do, the sucking in, flexing everything she can to look toned, strict angles, specific angling with her tripod to give an illusion of hips, the strained faces she holds for probably hours and then even MORE editing after that. What the fuck.
No. 147110
File: 1619388831784.jpg (4.15 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_04-25-03.09.22.jpg)

Saged for nitpick but I feel like this has been getting worse and no one's really noticed? Her room is so gross. It drives me insane how she just shoves all her clothes under her sofa and covers them with stuffed animals. She keeps all her lingerie and socks in a dusty basket and we all know she doesn't wash them after taking pictures. You can see the lint, hairs and other stuff on her darker clothes like in the cow pics. Her closet is a nightmare and she just shoves everything she can fit behind those mirrors. Does she not have closets? I don't understand. Also love the wigs just thrown all together in a tupperware with no hairnets or bags. She's such a pig. Her name is so fitting.
No. 147111
File: 1619389368082.jpeg (19.26 KB, 554x554, 7BCFE66C-5BBD-4E9F-AB49-5B7A74…)

>>147110Please get one Lori. Since you read the thread. And a few more Tupperware’s if possible
No. 147115
File: 1619390906876.jpeg (512.67 KB, 750x1369, 56DFFB0F-98EC-4113-9803-20FFB2…)

Kevin is losing it again
No. 147117
File: 1619391012985.jpeg (786.67 KB, 750x1276, 7C6B8026-0CAA-4591-B006-39F6B7…)

What tantrum # are we on now? 5? 6?
No. 147118
File: 1619391042890.jpg (2.34 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_04-25-03.44.33.jpg)

Seems like the theory about her scamming for rent is right. If Kev is the ferrets "stay at home dad" with no job that explains it. Shiro likely has this ailment. She's talked about them being lethargic before. If her space and appearance reflects how she cares for others and animals, she's likely neglecting them. Surgery ranges from $300-$600 maximum. Meds aren't that expensive. It's not likely the bill would stack up to her near exact amount in rent. I'm not even gonna label tinfoil cause the abuse threats and past friends remarks are massive flags. No reason to NOT suspect it.
No. 147119
File: 1619391174540.jpeg (159.9 KB, 750x621, 677938BF-8694-48D3-8523-F71FFB…)

So why do you continue to bitch and moan then kevin? Why not go cry to skaters and sneaker people about your deranged GF who makes you do her dirty work for her like a dog. Where is your handler anyway? Fucking Rikki?
No. 147120
File: 1619391279142.jpeg (666.08 KB, 750x1270, 73E383AA-D720-461E-9C7D-926832…)

Looks like his fans on his personal fb page aren’t really amused with him either.
No. 147121
File: 1619391304839.jpeg (183.63 KB, 750x619, 0379DDFB-70E2-49BF-9076-1A3F02…)

No. 147125
>>147121That's so wrong!! People legit use those forums to get help and of course Loonie would use it to scam. I hope she actually uses that money for the reasons she posts but I agree its doubtful.
>>147121Um, yeah. He's no man. Hes a lazy kid trapped in a psuedo man's body. Any normal woman would dump his ass to the curb.
No. 147130
>>147119His posts about skating or shoe collecting would have nothing to do with Lori, therefore = less drama.
>>147120Bragging that she pays your way when you’re physically able to work is disgusting.
Lori probably wants to to game 24/7 so you leave her alone and she can DM other men.
>>146980He clearly needs an actual job/life so he will stop arguing with people on the internet all day. He should stop posting about Lori all together, it’s creepy for someone to shill their partner 24/7. She should be promoting her content by herself.
No. 147136
>>147098None of these tricks are going to get her anywhere.
Shes too old to gain new fans with the younger crowd and shes to damaged to get back in with the older crowd but that's not the real reason shes failing.
Shes failing because no one outside of those groups is interested in her. Who is watching her? Some neck beards? They can blame whoever's they want but there's millions of people online and NONE are interested in her. 0 interaction on all platforms! None of the reasons they think are why she's not having success.She flat out doesnt have what it really takes. The regular consumers OUTSIDE of who they claim hate them have already shown that.
No. 147138
Imma vote for lolcow awards
No. 147144
>>147125I doubt it’s a scam this time. I think she truly needs the money now that we know that Kevin is a deadbeat.
Also, Kevin is so crazy, manic, and obsessed with Lori that I no longer believe Lori made him cut his leg. I think that he suicide baited her after the alleged cheating and cut his leg in his devotion to her.
Kevin is the reason Lori has a thread here in the first place. Kevin’s inability to keep his business behind closed doors and constant leading of people to the farms has ruined Lori’s current name. I would have never known about lolcow if he didn’t constantly post about it.
If Lori never dated Kevin, her past would be behind her and there would be no milk here other that anons nitpicking her shoops.
If she leaves Kevin, he’ll kill himself, and I’m sure he reminds her daily of this.
I know Kevin is the cosmic retribution for her Usagi Kou past, but I honestly kind of feel bad for her.
No. 147149
>>147144I’m 100% with you on this. Kevin is seriously unwell. Like I feel Lori is in a bag situation. 70% of her wages is paying for her toy boy to play games all day while he spergs about her on the Internet, which causes her old drama to come up and makes her look like a freak like him. Why the fuck lori paying 70%? It’s her hoe money?? Why can’t Kevin work and pay his half of the rent?? Wtf??
She’s def a shit person and a narc but I do genuinely think Kevin is has her in a bad position, sure he even confirmed once she dumped him so he an account to message her a suicide note????
No. 147151
>>147117>designer clothesKek, grown men his age can afford real designers and not this myspace shit on their own because they're out working.
>>147118This is grim but I wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to shed herself of the ferrets so she can move to another state.
>>147144>>147149It's what she deserves. Nobody held her at gunpoint to make the life decisions she did.
If it wasn't Kevin, it'd be someone else. Anyways she's now looking for someone else so the cycle will continue.
No. 147231
>>147117It's hilarious how he tries to gas her up, because he makes it sound like she's his mommy and she takes care of him, and gives him treats like a good little boy, rather then her partner. It's utterly pathetic. I don't even think it's intentional either, he's just that stunted and stupid.
>>147144I think you're right, because pre Kevin there wasn't much to talk about anymore. But I don't really feel sorry for her. She has a decade of shitty behavior building up to this. You reap what you sow.
No. 147261
File: 1619456610048.jpg (47.03 KB, 1280x620, IMG_20210426_095948_858.jpg)

Interesting. She doesn't shut this down. She doesn't say she's already taken. Sure, she says "homies" but she's basically begging to be rescued from Kevin at this point.
No. 147281
>>147117>she buys my clothes>pays rent>lets me game all day>never gripes about my lifestyleI read these as she's got Kevin under full control.
-controls his/their look and doesnt trust him to do it himself
-keeps him with her (cutting friends out made it even easier, no where to go)
-knows where he always is
-keeps her mouth shut so he doesnt try to change anything
No. 147284
>>147144I can't believe it but I'm actually agreeing as well. Don't get me wrong, Lori is a drama magnet and I think she will cause shit no matter who she's with, but Kevin is just as bad for her as she is for him.
I know we all used to think it was a one-sided leeching situation, but just going by Kevin's posts, especially that recent one, I'd be sick of him if I was Lori.
Like, I know they aren't making bank no matter what Kevin says. Yet Lori is paying the majority of rent while Kevin gets to game for however long he wants and play picky about what additional income he gets (re: the Amazon warehouse job)? He goes around the internet dredging up her ancient bullshit and trying to "defend" her all while begging for subs?
Lori is a witch but Kevin is hardly a prize either. They'd both be better off apart.
No. 147288
>>147144I hate that I'm agreeing with this but I had this same thought the other day. Kevin has turned into the
abusive psycho in my eyes trying to manipulate Looni of all people to stay with him. I'm sure she's been looking into any possible out she can now but she has so few options she's stuck with this sperging moron who's fucking her over more than any person contacting a sponsor ever has.
I only feel mildly bad for her because she's a monster but being stuck with someone who likely suicide baits on the daily isn't something I'd wish on anyone.
No. 147291
>>147284>but Kevin is just as bad for her as she is for him.I think so too and they both come off as perpetrators in their relationship. Its doubtful Loonie the abuser is being abused by him but still abusing him and now he's abusing her as well.
>>147288>Kevin has turned into the abusive psycho in my eyes trying to manipulate Looni of all people to stay with him.She'll bounce when the next paypig comes along no matter how much he looses it and he'll move on to be the abuser in his next relationship since she taught him so well. Hes gonna take all this shit with him
Love the Loonie banner LC added recentently. Topkek.
No. 147311
>>147303This is what I don’t get about Kevin. He wants to backpedal so hard on everything he has said but like… that makes him a liar and the
abusive psycho. Does he not realize this? Either he was abused or he lied. Which was it Kevin?
No. 147316
>>147313Hi anon! Type "sage" in the email field for any non milk related posts. It'll help avoid getting redtexted for derailing.
The "daddy's little porkchop" was some tradthot pickme from one of the chans that ended up going the camgirl route at some point. Can't remember her name as this was years ago now, but her thread was somewhere in /pt/. If it's "thriving" it's probably Shayna/Dolly Mattel, her thread is in /snow/.
No. 147328
>>147323They do. I live in Utah and it’s incredibly difficult to imagine a practicing Mormon family being okay with their son dating someone who sells her body online and panders to degens.
I’m pretty sure Kevin’s family has disowned him which is why they all deleted him off their Facebooks. He mentioned still being in contact with his mother, but I don’t think she approves of his decisions in life and doesn’t want her Mormon clique to know her son is an unhinged man child dating a 36 year old internet thot. He also had Lori living with him while he lived with his parents so they were exposed to her lunacy first hand and promptly gtfo of that situation.
No. 147349
>>147316Thanks, I knew to type "sage" but put it in the "Subject" field like a tard.
I'll have to browse the site more. I'm loving the Lori threads, especially since Kevin started his most recent rampage.
No. 147360
>>147329Wait so they don't still live with Kevin's parents? Why do they only take pictures in that tacky ass crowded bedroom if they have their own place?
>>147313"daddy's little porkchop" is Mystery, her posts were all tagged on lolcow when she outed herself as a farmer. Kind of an entertaining dive if you get bored.
No. 147370
>>147360they have their own 2 bedroom apartment and do not live with parents anymore.
it would appear they have separate bedrooms, which is even sadder.
No. 147379
>>147374Lori being the puppet master of the retarded duo just makes Kevin look like even more of an infantile, pathetic manbaby kek. Poor thing so helpless, 27 years old and throwing narcy temper tantrum melties due to the MASTER MANIPULATION of that dastardly usagi kou! Such tragedy! /s
You don't end up where Kevin is by being a well rounded individual with 0 personal issues of your own. Just because he didn't put them on display prior to this doesn't mean they came out of no where. Lori can manipulate, gaslight, guilt trip, emotionally neglect/abuse, whatever all she wishes - at the end of the day this absolute faggot still makes his own choices. They both shit the bed and have to sleep in it, but kevin is the one picking up the feces and smearing it around; doesn't make a lick of a difference to me if Lori is convincing him to.
No. 147385
>>147374She's definitely the reason k-sped is currently having a mental breakdown. Can't say I feel sorry for either of them since they're both bargin-bin tier "human" beings. With
the way things are going, this whole saga will become an episode of forensic files. I wonder if anyone cares enough about either of them to intervene?
No. 147396
>>147374Anon Kevin is an idiot, theres nothing to open our eyes to. They're two of the same, and Loonie might be a controlling psycho bitch but Kevin proved to her it was ok to do whatever she wanted to him the day she stole his car and went to cheat with Rikki. He stayed involved with her after that. He condoned all of this. Roles don't just switch, abusers dont just become
victims. They're both nuts and I agree with
>>147379 he probably had problems to begin with or would have walked at the first sign of insanity.
No. 147397
>>147396She stole his car, visited another man to cheat on him, and now he defends her on social media platforms.
The level of cuckholdry in this relationship would put the bdsm enthusiasts to shame.
No. 147418
File: 1619533805921.jpeg (163.11 KB, 750x798, F3752B6B-6289-4C2C-8023-44CD8B…)

Saw a post that Kevin shared and it looks like they’re getting ass pats.
No. 147428
>>147418Same old Lori, still in denial that any of it could be her fault.
So which anon was it that made Lori make all of her life decisions? Yeah, None.
No. 147432
File: 1619541225933.jpg (228.33 KB, 1439x1157, Screenshot_20210427-123158_Fac…)

>>147418and then she shared it, and the only reaction is from Kevin lol.
No. 147433
>>147396Agree that neither of them are a true "
victim" here. They're both stuck in a cycle of codependence and abuse. Though it sounds like Kev's days are numbered now that Lori has become the paypig of the relationship. Even she realizes that this relationship is doing more harm to her "dream life" and is obviously looking/waiting for a way out.
>>147418Cola is a whole cow too. This is at least the third thread in /w/ she's randomly appeared in. Nice Happy Meal in front of coochie propic tho. kek.
>>147429They're pretty obviously not on meth, but adderall wouldn't surprise me. It's super easy to get a script and abuse, but I don't think either of them could afford it right now. It's probably just them both being absolutely manic autists tbh.
No. 147438
> and now his career/ work life is gone kek
I would agree with you anon if he wasn’t like this from the very beginning. He didn’t turn into this, he was always sperging and manic. At first we thought Lori’s “abuse” caused his mental break, but he was in the “rehabilitation “ facility before Lori came into his life.
And “rehabilitation” may mean psych ward.
He’s obviously a type one bi-polar, and she has characteristics of BPD. It’s a match made in hell.
No. 147461
File: 1619550493390.jpg (150.38 KB, 1080x783, Screenshot_20210427-120647__01…)

She's now claiming "haters" are editing her content into oblivion.. wtf dude
No. 147471
>>147432I want Loony to go make a video or Kevin about how they're the
victims in all this kek.
>>147442This, she knows he was a sheltered autist that she could shape into a paypig.
>>147461>haturz edited my contentAs if her real unedited manface wasn't already plastered all over the internet for over two decades.
No. 147479
>>147476if she's not making money and Kevin isn't.. then who is?
either Kev's mommy and daddy are sending money, or one/both of them are on govt assistance
No. 147485
>>147479I highly suspect they scrub from his part time job, his parents and some govt. services too. She might make something but her OF has even dropped. Theres a great as analysis on KF about what someone at top 3.5 on OF makes and it's like 300 bucks a month.
>>147482>They probably have credit card debt like everybody else Agreed, I bet their neck deep in credit card debt and I bet most of it is in Kevin's name.
I bet Lori killed her credit ages ago.
No. 147491
File: 1619555261179.jpg (142.54 KB, 1072x888, nolikes.jpg)

I didnt put the dates in order but this was last week on her OF. Hardly any likes. I really doubt shes making anything. She makes muh money…more Kevin lies and Lori delusion.
No. 147508
>>147485Kevin says Lori is why they can afford things, she has everything she could ever want, but she's also making all the money while he's in credit debt. So confusing.
>>147491The way she writes is cancer, trying to sound like a zoomer and failing.
No. 147533
File: 1619571285966.jpg (3.24 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_04-27-05.53.01.jpg)

What is wrong with her tooth on the right side?
Also gotta love the begging for shares after being bitchy about people asking to do share for share. I thought you were the breadwinner, Lori? Kevin boasts about your income all the time, what's wrong?
No. 147542
File: 1619578256307.png (2.28 MB, 828x1792, 795EC1C1-6A1C-431B-B079-A6D19E…)

Sounds like she’s actively trying to get away from Kev as of an hour ago, has anyone ever seen her seeking out Utah “homies” before? Also he removed the recent pics of him and her and doesn’t appear to be following her. Again.
No. 147543
File: 1619578539509.jpeg (516.03 KB, 2400x2067, HUD.jpeg)

>>147540Lori follows HUD (Housing and Urban Development) on Instagram, maybe they get a Section 8 rental.
No. 147545
>>147543Why do you have so many screengrabs of people she follows? I know the context for why you would think they are
problematic (ddlg, lolcows, etc) but also a bit strange of you to have that.
No. 147560
>>147536Mmm this confuses me. Not blog posting but I have an OF. When I was too 3.5%, she would be earning around 1k-2k. However that’s impossible if she has only 1/2 likes, you only really get 10% like ratio unless I ask for more (I have 550 and get like 47-60 likes a post) you can also like your own posts lol.
I think she’s lying about her % or she doesn’t cash out until end of the month and is letting it pile up to bring up her percentage. Either way she is not making mega bucks. I’d say she has like 20-45 subs and one big major simp who’s spoiling her.
>>147542Plz Kev bring the milk
No. 147562
>>147542Nice catch, anon. I think they both blocked each other because all their likes on each others' pages have disappeared as well.
I'm sure the photos are just hidden and will reappear after this fight like usual.
No. 147567
>>147533Somebody here or on KF posted about something being wrong with her eye (the dark spot) and suddenly she posts this. We get it Lori; you and Kevin live on this site 24/7.
Regarding her tooth- she has the Tom Cruise tooth, where it's in the middle of her nose. Can't find the picture of her smiling to prove it, but I promise it's out there. She's also squeezing the sides of her mouth hard to cover up her missing tooth. If she had gotten it fixed, she'd post more of that side of her teeth showing to "prove da h8eRz wrong"
She missed editing her jaw on the pic on the right. Look at how big it is compared to her other photos kek
>>147542god when is she going to learn how to do a proper winged eyeliner. it looks like a 13 year old experimenting with makeup for the first time. hell, 13 year olds would probably do better than that nowadays.
>>147559top fucking kek anon
No. 147574
>>147565>heh, ackshually.imagine going to a strip club.
i'm sure this is somewhere in lori's bright future now that it's been put out there.
No. 147577
>>147542She’s trying to get away from. Kevin
No. 147582
File: 1619589172651.jpeg (310.65 KB, 1242x1758, 49CC9D5A-0A83-4DE0-9ECE-ABC364…)

Nice meme Kevin, now go get a job instead of living off your “disabled” GF.
No. 147601
>>147599Man. I know Lori is a horrible person but I really feel bad about the upbringing she must've had. There have been posts about how her parents were neglectful/
abusive and it just sucks. It's obvious they didn't give a shit about Lori, neglecting her health issues and then marrying her off twice before she was 18. It's pretty sad.
No. 147604
File: 1619603366669.jpg (76.3 KB, 500x680, x.jpg)

>>147582Fixed it for you, Kevin
No. 147607
>>147560>20-45 subsIts doubtful with her interaction she even has that many. At the monthly tier that would be about what anon said, around 200 to 450 a month unless she has some secret Simps but that's doubtful.
>When I was too 3.5%, she would be earning around 1k-2k.There's analytics that say what 3.5 makes and it's not 1-2k. Plus that's a huge difference statistically and wouldnt apply to the same percentage, its mathematically impossible.
No. 147608
>>147603I had no clue she was married before Luis. She was legit married to him though. Like marriage certificate and all.
Does anyone know if she was legally married to the first husband?
>>147601 I've thought this too. Lots of talk about Kevin's family, not much about hers. It kind of explains why she doesnt just go home if she needed to leave there. I do know she claims a bad childhood. I'd feel sorry for her but since shes an adult shes responsible for her own decisions. Even if the family sucks, you dont have to suck too.
No. 147617
File: 1619611971482.jpg (451.5 KB, 1080x1144, 20210428_070534.jpg)

She changed her OF and it looks like shit. Who would pay after seeing this retarded blurry garbage? Wtf are we even looking at here? Her back? She's so clueless.
She repinned the posts she had at the top, she picked the ones that had the most interaction which is still pathetic. She had one post with 75 likes and a few around the 40 like mark. Scroll down and all her recent posts are 1 like. She's always lurking and so fucking reactive. Its hilarious.
No. 147629
>>147612>>147619Track record proves marriage was always Lori's choice and if her parents said no, she'd do it anyway.
It's now 20 years later and she's still looking to get married in hopes of a free place to live kek.
No. 147653
>>147634Well it looks like shit and that makes her sound even more retarded. Its pathetic she pinned the few posts that had some likes. Those "high" numbers are even so low it shows even more that she has no fans. Every move she makes as a response makes her look more desperate.
>>147533This is a perfect example, her posting about the "freckle". Saw some speculation on this on KF and they're dead on. She needs to get it checked. I work with someone who had a spot on her eye like that and it turned out to be occular melanoma and turned stage 4 real quick. She's 34. Instead of being a retard take care of your shit.It's all about the exterior for this dumbass.
No. 147680
>>147666The info didnt just come from KF. It came from actual analytics done by actual financial analysts. It can easily be looked up online and broken down by percentage rank on OF which I did after reading the kf thread.
We dont know what she charges for ppv so you cant just assume she makes near 2k. She might make a big deal about ppv but everything about her is fake, and she probably thinks she can fool people into thinking she makes more than she does.
Considering ppv is behind a paywall for subscribers I find it highly unlikely that someone at 3.5% with her shit over edited pictures is getting people to pay for more after subbing to create that kind of a financial increase.
Dont forget, theres a post around here where she asks for advice because people were unsubbing before the end of the month and she couldnt figure out how to change her account so they prepaid. Doesnt sound like she's doing that well.
No. 147681
>>147680I guess I just don't understand how you can figure that top 3.5% would make so dramatically less than someone at 7%, is what I'm saying.
I personally feel she's making around that much or is emboldened that she can keep herself afloat on a whale while she looks to ditch Kevin. She was fine clapping back with him when she believed it wasn't hurting her income.
No. 147683
>>147682Because users like Lori don't use their own resources for anything. Everything is an opportunity to get someone else to do it for you. If she moves out on her own, then she's responsible for paying her own way. If someone helps her out in some way then she's potentially identified a new
victim to leech off of or at least some funds that aren't her own. She's not scared, nothing is preventing her from actually rectifying the situation. It's just how she works.
No. 147684
>>147681 Yeah I can see why that would be a question in trying to figure out how much she makes but it has to do with ratios. So for example if your at 7% and Loonies at 3.5 and the average account makes 40% of their earning from ppv sales and tips you could have less subs and make more money but I was reading that the stats they have for OF payouts also include all 50mil subscribers so that means if you make anything your going to fall upper tier above those who made nothing like dead accounts. So if you remove those dead accounts from the stats someone at 3.5 could fall into the bottom of those making as little as a buck a month.
Honnestly, I dont give a shit what she makes, I think it's impossible to take all factors into account like tip caps, percentage paid to the site (20%?) And taxes. I just dont think she makes shit. You might be right though…
>>147683She's def not scared, she's waiting for her next hand out/sucker to come along. She doesnt pay her way, she's a scrub. I bet she wont even pay for the ferrets vet bill if she had it.
No. 147686
>>147681You’re 100% right I dunno why anon can’t accept some ppl in this thread have an onlyfans. 3.5% is at least 1k. You’d better insisting she’s lying about 3.5.
I have 700 in my pending and I’m top 3.1%? It fluctuates as you cash out tho I believe. 1-2k isn’t enough to cover 70% of the bills for two adults with much left over. I think she is lying about percentage personally
No. 147736
File: 1619709034574.jpg (3.93 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_04-29-08.06.00.jpg)

Now I guess her ferret is fine. They don't look healthy. Their fur looks greasy and brittle, Puck and Shiro look like they're almost always asleep every time she posts. She puts water in their kibble and the kibble looks like cheap grain filler shit. It would explain their fur looking that way. I doubt Loony ever brushes them or supplements them with appropriate oils. She really hasn't had these ferrets for that long and two of the four look like they're on the way out. I wonder if she even notices how they look? All four of them especially Puck and Shiro looked way better not even a year ago. How much you wanna bet she's just going to keep doing what she's doing and slowly kill them all?
No. 147760
>>147758Right lmao
How can she not be photoshopping when her real face is shown in the tagged photos on IG?? I’ve been lurking for awhile and anyone who has eyes can see that she photoshops. So ur telling me the people at cons purposely photoshop her to look bad and then…tag her in it?? Yeah no lmao
No. 147761
>>147752>>147749Who is this anon?
bad English, defending Lori, insisting everything here is photoshopped and opinion
Have we been graced by Kevin’s presence?
No. 147772
File: 1619722299113.jpeg (518.86 KB, 1242x2010, 2E0A5865-F705-45A2-91DD-46F7FA…)

Definitely doesn’t photoshoop their photos guys. Lori come get your man. He’s making you look so much worse than ever before with his sperg posting. Embarrassing.
No. 147774
File: 1619723193737.jpeg (86.46 KB, 1024x790, 3A57DFCC-3BF7-40C2-9322-FBAE88…)

>>147772He’s absolutely lost it
No. 147783
>>147771>I will fucking kill youDamn this dude has lost it, inb4 his facebook gets deleted for this tho
>>147772Ah, so he's pulling the old Vicky Shingles "I don't look like shit without filters and editing, my haydurs just photoshop me that way!"
No. 147800
File: 1619729586026.jpeg (956.13 KB, 2880x3840, 53EDE954-8218-4760-83BC-26A80B…)

No. 147802
File: 1619730225199.jpeg (413.44 KB, 1640x1510, 91AC62F5-C455-4F23-9F1A-CEA697…)

Reposting these just in case there’s any newbies from Kevin’s friends list who are curious about who’s really abusing photoshop uwu
No. 147804
>>147801There's very few people regardless of age and ethnicity, who look like that naturally. Only with photoshop and/ or plastic surgery.
Nature does not create such abominations.
No. 147805
>>147800Blows my mind that there were anons thinking he looked cute or good in any way in earlier threads. Must've been underage falling for the emo haircut he used to have or some shit, goddamn he's hideous.
Like I unironically think even albula lori could do better (appearance wise.. fuck who am I kidding, at this point it's everything wise lmao).
The most mind boggling thing about all of this to me is how is lori not flipping out on him telling him to stfu? Like surely if she has enough sense to know she needs to be quiet now, she can see that he's just making a fool of them?
I'm loling so hard, who does he think he's rallying or convincing with his spergs? Even if a bunch of his ex friends WERE behind everything and all the shit he believes was true, NO ONE CARES LOL…. Why should anyone care? There's literally 0 reason for them to give a singular fuck about you or lori, kevin.
Near tear to my eye this sped took the "everything here is factual" meme play on 4chan's old slogan to heart and thought we'd be offended too. Hahahahaha holy fuck.
If I thought my fiance and I were being misrepresented and people were believing the false truths, you know what I'd do? I'd fucking prove to bystanders through my own behavior what I'm really like. Of course, kevin
is doing this by proving through his spazzouts he's in a psycho sped, but he doesn't seem to have the ability to conceive that's what everyone else is getting out of it.
No. 147806
>>147771 I'm scared to come back to this thread and see he offed Lori and himself in some sort of weird "Let's be together forever with no more pain/If I can't have you nobody can" downward spiral. Not from Utah but are there no sliding scale/income based clinics around there that he can't get on meds? I know it's possible to get prescriptions virtually free for up to a year at certain places if you fit the criteria which is pretty broad.
Probably been discussed before so I'll sage.
No. 147810
>>147806Getting on meds would require that he admit he has a problem first…
And I’m pretty sure that Lori is just sitting back and letting him make a fool out of himself so she can use it all against him when she leaves later. They don’t look like a couple anymore, just a washed out ex cosplayer who won’t admit she’s finished and her last crazy stalker fan.
No. 147814
>>147810>And I’m pretty sure that Lori is just sitting back and letting him make a fool out of himself so she can use it all against him when she leaves later.It'd work in the sense of that I almost like lori in contrast to this nutter… But, it also makes no sense because this and leading people here are more "damaging" to her than needing some excuse for getting tf away from him.
Like I can't fathom how she feels she'd get more out of framing herself as a
victim later, when she's losing more having spergy bring people back here/generally dislike her due to his advertising attempts.
I half wonder if she is legitimately "fearful" of him fucking her over and is just laying as low as possible til she gets her out to avoid his sperg rage being targeted at her/her things. He pissed on her old suit and suicide baits her a bunch, so who knows what else.
No. 147819
>>147814>I can't fathom how she feels she'd get more out of framing herself as a victim She was already doing it and it's her ticket to finding her next paypig. "Please help" kek.
>>147817This. I can't wait for the Kevvy blowup once he sees what's on her phone.
No. 147823
File: 1619734503258.gif (111.75 KB, 237x300, muhphotoshop.gif)

>>147772here you go kev, I spent 30 minutes on it so hope you like it x
No. 147828
File: 1619735443365.png (3.33 MB, 1048x2048, Screenshot_20210429-153019.png)

No. 147837
File: 1619737300458.jpg (47.93 KB, 1080x823, FB_IMG_1619546786051.jpg)

>>147771Oh hey that's me. Come do it faggot those wing shoes ain't finna do shit. I'll slap the box dye off your head
No. 147839
>>147837That just won't do, anon, he wants you to COME KILL HIM, THEN!
Fucking lol
No. 147840
File: 1619738461483.gif (6.97 MB, 300x400, liar.gif)

took these two photos from an old KF poster. 'only light and filter' my ass kevin. She literally sculpted an entire face. Her jawline/chin area is 100% a completely different person, not to mention everything else. I don't know if you're retarded or lying, or both.
Btw 'she literally does two taps, that's it' on meitu is still bullshit because she could of easily made a saved template of her favorite filter/lights AND facial restructuring for things to be fast, so those 'two taps' can still be an entire facial restructure.
You can't deny anyone photoshopping these. This is from a con video that's still up, and a photo she posted herself. Unless you're going to start lying and saying people who take those con videos purposely edited HER AND HER ALONE to look like an ugly old hag, lmao.
No. 147847
>>147842it 100% is real. I just used two samples of her face, one from the con video, and one she posted herself then edited so you can see what areas she changes. Some notes for anons who don't see it everything:
- obvious skin whitening + smoothing, this also whitens her hair.
- eye enlargement + eye brightness + eye whitening + under eye circles removed, elongated eyes slightly
- skinnier nose, smaller nostrils, nose bump moved down
- lip enlargement + lip 'lift'
- COMPLETE restructure of her jawline, chin point, buccal fat, etc.
- slimmed down face over all (cheeks etc)
There's probably some more subtle ones I'm missing (like adding a make up filter she's not wearing to darken/emphasize the make up she's wearing irl) but those are the major ones she clearly does. All those steps take time on their own, but can very easily be saved as a preset on
any photo app now a days (meitu included kevin) so instead of spending 20 minutes on one photo you're 'just doing two taps'.
No. 147863
>>147856The only reason Photoshop anon even made that (very embarrassing for Lori) image was because of Kevin's sperging about how she only hits 2 buttons and changes the lighting.
This morph is better than any side by side we've ever seen. Beyond exposed.
No. 147866
File: 1619743479336.png (399.65 KB, 480x447, 89345.png)

>>147828Every time Kev spergs out all I can think about is this stupid old meme.
No. 147876
>>147873“show it to your friends”
I think they are, kev….
No. 147904
File: 1619755514867.gif (732.78 KB, 300x100, liarloribanner.gif)

No. 147945
File: 1619769739550.jpeg (128.84 KB, 828x683, 723CA2B4-4913-4A26-AB01-67E123…)

Not sure if this is a cow tipper or someone genuine who saw his unhinged screech into the void on FB, but if it’s genuine… I’m sure this is how many people formerly in his circle are feeling as of late seeing the absolute insanity that he’s been spewing.
*repost because I dropped my pic
No. 147959
>>147937It's ironic how he used his alleged schizophrenia as an excuse for his many spergy posts before and why he reached out to Moo but then declined her help, but on the other hand does everything to avoid getting therapy and meds for it. I thought they had so much money to buy designer clothes? Why not invest in meds and therapy instead?
I also think the situation is going to escalate soon and while I don't wish harm on them both, they sure let every chance slide to get better…
No. 147972
>>147959They don't want to get better. Lori has always thrived on being in situations like this because it gives her a chance to cloud her shitty behavior under the guise of being a
victim. Most recently with Rikki. He was a massive dick and in the end she used to record the audio of their fights and put them on Facebook to make people feel sorry for her. She used the ferrets as a sympathy plea then too. It's all the same. Kevin is just blowing up on social media which Rikki didn't do. We saw a glimpse of her repeating past behavior when she made that now deleted post about not loving Kevin anymore and needing help to get out. She's planting seeds. We'll see more when she's closer to getting out.
No. 147975
>>147771Kevin do you even know what suicide is lmfao get a dictionary my duuuude, first graders have more knowledge than you c'mon. I can only imagine how many of the people who know him irl screencap these unhinged posts and text them to each other to laugh at him lol
He also posted on the other board:
>>147748>>147751>>147785Dude lost it a long time ago. I'm beginning to think that either his emo hair blocks his view or he has bad vision and just can't afford glasses if he really thinks that they look like this irl lmfao.
I kinda want to see him "take us to court" so he can get his ass handed to him by the judge for wasting his time. What a sensitive fucking idiot.
What happened to the video you were going to make Kevin? To "prove da h8rZZ" wrong? Is it because you know that we're right? Topkek
No. 148003
>>147993He's referring to the top of the thread
>Before Posting/Lurking: All things featured in this breakdown are factual and documented through public web archives.Kek either way the shit is true
No. 148016
>>148014did anyone anywhere say that they going to kill him? i think the most people have said was he might pull a murder-suicide and that he probably suicide baits to keep his relationship.
he really has ruined any chances of Lori doing anything or going anywhere. he already had before, but death threats are serious. with saying he’s going to go up to people if he sees them and now saying he’s going to hurt people and they’ll have to kill him to make him stop, he has absolutely ruined any chance of them attending any event again. even people who aren’t on here or KW will see that and freak out because he posted it publicly!
good job kev.
No. 148022
>>147972That's karma for her. She created this situation and manipulated Kevin to have no friends and be increasingly unhinged.
It's clear now that these developments were part her plan to latch onto a new simp who will "rescue" her. I hope when the cycle begins anew that the new guy to pump and dump her starts leaking even sooner than Kevin did.
>>148006Kek with his rainbow jacket and plastic shoes? He wishes.
No. 148024
File: 1619800623979.png (4.18 MB, 2048x2042, Screenshot_20210430-093537.png)

I'm no PS anon but I tried
Wish I could play Sekiro but just as Kevin running through AX looking for his Abuela's bullies and their parents.
No. 148036
>>148024new thread pic vote already. I don’t even care if abuela isn’t in it. This is the best.
I love his pigeon toed knockoff Nike feet
No. 148040
File: 1619804477623.png (57.62 KB, 441x302, ZHmHih5.png)

>>148024>>148036seconding this but would be nice if
>>147840 was photoshopped somewhere into it. unless it gets immediately uploaded as banner kek. anyway good job, i'm wheezing
No. 148047
>>148008You are so right anon, wow, Kevin is really ruining lori's "career" and whatever reputation she had left, anyone could destroy them with those caps, no wonder lori is desperate to leave him. He's really ruining her "dream". I'm totally against cowtipping but some people won't think the same and that's sad, they complain about their lives being difficult and they're making them so much worse by themselves.
Kevin get help, this is still funny but you are definitely losing it.
No. 148066
File: 1619816420070.jpeg (408.49 KB, 1242x2337, image1.jpeg)

Found this on the other farms. Sage because I sure if this was shared here yet?
User points out his knock off sneakers. Kevin flips out like a dumbass as usual.
No. 148071
File: 1619818482135.jpeg (76.08 KB, 828x318, 7DF40A52-5FEF-45F8-837E-920082…)

sorry if this has already been posted but I kek’d at the top of his Reddit profile saying granny NEEDS MORE SUBS in all caps
No. 148074
>>148072if it was a trick to weed people out, I think he would have been gloating by now and calling out the people that got caught. that post along with her suddenly meeting up with friends and asking who’s around in Utah proves it for me.
it’s probably easier for him to keep living in denial. i do think she is still trying to get out. it’s probably been crazy in their home all week. after the death threats she is probably fuming even more at him because that can hurt them a lot worse than anything else
No. 148075
>>148041He's constantly baiting Moo and Vamps because it's the only time he interacted with people who have fame and is now regretting the fact that he's not a speck on anyone's radar.
>>148066>>148067>making it big>dreamThere was never a chance that either Kevin or Lori would be anything. They're a bunch of ugly poorfag slobs in Utah begging people look at Loony's dry-aged legovag for handouts.
No. 148086
File: 1619827393495.jpg (329.17 KB, 1600x900, iuFWYX4URI.jpg)

>>148066>all because lori is sexy as fuckThat's some extreme coping from an onlyfans boyfriend
No. 148093
File: 1619830460305.png (2.12 MB, 2550x3300, 9CE6B9CF-EEE3-4FF3-9DFD-EEDA71…)

I just want them to see the fan art I drew
No. 148102
File: 1619835433118.png (1.24 MB, 1628x1182, Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 1.21…)

From the other farms, wasn't posted here yet. Kek, just as the one farmer reported, her OF is just like her repetitive Instagram pics with an occasional nip slip.
No. 148114
File: 1619844777225.jpeg (223.8 KB, 1242x1331, 4DCDC079-8A70-4FB9-8A20-2C6A31…)

Aint that the truth.
No. 148124
>>148102Didn't an anon here sub and leak that she never posts anything a few threads back?
>>148114How many memes did he get backwards now?
No. 148134
Um..Kevin …
"Smooth brain refers to an idiot or someone dumb."
He's right for a change though Topkek!
No. 148221
File: 1619933996004.jpeg (683.26 KB, 2048x2048, 9C4628B6-5040-49BE-AA19-74DE5F…)

>>148124Hi I’m that anon. Here you can see that her images are the same as what she posts on Instagram
No. 148222
File: 1619934317398.jpeg (675.19 KB, 2048x2048, 62CAB19D-8F8A-4676-99B4-DB15A3…)

Sage for samefagging but yep she does not try
No. 148243
Literally where, Lori?
No. 148246
File: 1619964707372.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1632, D6DE1160-9523-4DD5-BD80-23F7DB…)

Kevin has boobies she can just upload his for the onlyfans haha
No. 148273
>>148222>>148221Unsurprised and her stupid face is still in that one expression thinking it hides how old she is kek.
>>148246They're both troon tier.
No. 148307
>>148222>>148281I noticed that, the entire past years worth of post all look the same.
Shes a bore no matter what. Even if she wore different outfits or did different poses, that fake face isnt even cute. Her body is whatever and expression isn't ever interesting. Even if she was an actual run of the mill egirl I couldn't see her doing that well. You can tell she has no personality. Even in her cosplays she always seemed so boring to me.
No. 148328
>>148281It would help if they actually went outside and did fashion shoots lmao.
>>148327They must have fought again LMFAO.
No. 148335
File: 1619995857695.png (2.26 MB, 828x1792, 0FBEF829-0236-46F6-BB05-F34199…)

No. 148337
>>148330We need a timeline anon who keeps track of how many times they unfriend or block each other.
It's fun watching these two stooges try to slap each other through the internet daily.
No. 148349
>>148335Why does Kevin constantly bring up cosplay as a subject, when he doesn’t cosplay or make anything recently for himself. Cosplaying doesn’t make you special, and he brings it up constantly like a power play. Every cosplayer is more than just “cosplay” that’s being a general human. Bitching about the cosplay community constantly and yet he still posts in their groups and plans to go to cons. Wtf
>>148337Can somebody track how often they follow/unfollow for a month? That would be interesting. They must’ve had a fight. I bet Lori is feeling smothered by him and wants space to text random men again. Why hasn’t Kevin addressed her post about wanting to leave?
No. 148366
>>148335Kevin how many times are you going to rephrase the same shit on every social of yours I promise you literally nobody cares about your incessant whining.
God how does Lori put up with him? I can't stand her trashy ass either but imagine this bitch boy being your fiancé. How fucking embarrassing.
No. 148474
File: 1620061764387.jpg (1.02 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_05-03-10.07.09.jpg)

She's buying likes or something. How do you jump up to 70+ likes on a post we JUST saw having like max 20? The rest of her posta have her average like ratio. So just the first four images and videos are the only ones with over 30+ likes. Kek. Looni if you're going to try and inflate your shit to look good, but it for every post you haggard retard
No. 148502
File: 1620073828497.png (1.4 MB, 1223x2048, Screenshot_20210503-132825.png)

Kevin's back on FB
No. 148511
File: 1620078015128.jpg (14.01 KB, 243x300, 7a68b2996496028f8a8c0e777bea7b…)

>>148502His hair looks like someone's old fuzzy legwarmers got left out in the sun for a month
No. 148553
File: 1620095919155.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 834x1190, Screen Shot 2021-05-03 at 10.3…)

>>148474anon, those are old, pinned posts that are the first thing you see. can confirm, those are going to obviously have more likes.
No. 148558
File: 1620099327588.png (42.43 KB, 741x457, yikes.png)

getting new people to shill her onlyfans now. guess kevin wasn't working hard enough!
No. 148565
>>148553Her language really dates her,
oh shit it's hot reminds me of early 2000s, Paris Hilton and dudebro kinda language.
No. 148593
File: 1620134614054.png (124.97 KB, 570x1266, 123.png)

saged for reaching but this post I just stumbled upon on reddit reminds me of kevy lol
No. 148595
File: 1620135088813.png (40.58 KB, 677x313, 123.png)

>>148593samefag, cropped out the last sentence because I'm retarded sorry
No. 148637
>>148553Disregarding everything else in this picture, lack of tiddy included.
Wtf is that ugly long sleeved top? Did she steal it from Luna Slater?
No. 148648
File: 1620152740757.jpg (107.25 KB, 828x1359, kevisthatyou.jpg)

sage for more massive massive tinfoiling, if we're posting about possible kev sightings in the wild…it's a small world i guess.
a cosplayer from georgia i follow on IG posted this spam of hate comments she had gotten. a lot of them involve her age and repeating insults that have been said on here. there's five screenshots of comments and they kept coming. she seems to imply that it is our boy behind the sock account with the description and the comment.
No. 148655
File: 1620158587727.jpeg (252.88 KB, 1242x1805, 1A635CE0-781B-41D6-9920-04B107…)

Sorry you fell off the bed into loris dirty crotch clothing that’s never washed, or the dirty floor with ferret shit that’s never been vacuumed.
No. 148658
File: 1620160813818.jpeg (405.22 KB, 1536x2048, 4390C8DD-E25D-47CF-90DD-563649…)

Happy to finally see Lori embrace her chest hole
No. 148665
>>148658Lmao @ her ~showing more~ aka full on vs the usual barely noticeable nip slips.
Lurk harder peasant.
No. 148668
>>148658At least she's not making the poof face, literally anything is better
I still believe she is literally putting objects in her cheeks to make them poof. I think it would look really different if it was just air.
No. 148670
>>148553The giant pile in the middle of the floor
The two little framed things on the wall
The light that only goes halfway across their wall.
Victorian couch with shit all over it
I'll never tire of trying to figure out their apartments layout and why there's so much shit and back alley furniture.
No. 148673
>>148672I think this is Kevin's room: can see some props on the wall behind him and a desk with a computer. This is a reel where he's making a prop.
No. 148688
File: 1620177884526.jpg (25.03 KB, 540x540, dfsawrr.jpg)

>>148673is this or is this not an image board, anon
No. 148696
>>148694Link: because Kevin watches this forum religiously and pretty much immediately privatized his tiktok, here it is. He only had one video.
No. 148699
File: 1620190980188.png (1.37 MB, 1340x1050, wtf.png)

>>148696What is this shit? Is he trying to flex his "designer" gear?
No. 148700
>>148699anon don’t you see?
he’s trying to get rich or die tryin’
but until then he’ll just look like a hobo
No. 148733
File: 1620224124768.jpeg (47.99 KB, 500x333, 9B5FCA67-BDFC-44E9-9CA1-8F05E7…)

>>148722Sage for nitpick but as someone on #hipster tumblr in 2011, it always bothered me that he calls his (knock off) Jeffrey Campbells designer. JC was the one responsible for this picrel godawful shoe trend that you can now buy off Poshmark for $40. It’s hardly high-end or worthy of bragging.
No. 148741
File: 1620226972015.jpg (145.64 KB, 640x640, 99182660_l1bVcsCA2Z.jpg)

>>148733He's not talking about Jeffrey Campbells, the winged shoes are Adidas Originals by Jeremy Scott. They were everywhere in 2009-2011, and I still have a pair of the first run of them with a different wing design. Picrel (not my pic though) is the JS WING 1.0 from 2008, the ones Kev sports are 2.0 and a knockoff 3.0
No. 148746
File: 1620227551651.jpg (40.01 KB, 1000x912, 61u7RP6dPGL._AC_UL1000_.jpg)

>>148733>>148741This is the (to my knowledge) last iteration of the model, which Kevin seems to be obsessed with to the point of settling for knockoffs.
His affinity for these shoes shows how dated his style really is, I'm coo-coo for chunky sneakers but in the last few years I've only worn them with particular outfits. Tighter, less bulky and low-key sneakers are more trendy, more functional and absolutely more mature.
No. 148755
File: 1620231444019.jpeg (513.3 KB, 898x639, A3A83158-1E45-4729-9BBB-681E30…)

>>148750Or looks like he is wearing trumps wig on his feet
No. 148797
File: 1620244577284.jpeg (91.17 KB, 1242x963, 4AF54EFE-AFC1-4EC0-BCA2-36D49A…)

Oh no Lori, he’s getting female followers!
No. 148798
File: 1620244669735.jpeg (265.71 KB, 1242x1227, 8CE167FD-F1A1-48DD-9BDE-FEFDB5…)

He got way more views/likes than Lori gets on any of her posts (that aren’t bots).
No. 148800
>>148798does any anon know where the obsession with designer clothes came in? is this also a lori influence?
i know a lot of poorfags get into knockoff gucci and LV thinking it’s real and they’re getting a bargain but kevin didn’t seem to care about flexing up until recently. maybe since he isn’t making cosplay much he needed something else to show off?
No. 148805
>>148797>>148798Kek he's getting what looks like Spanish speaking teens liking stuff because he used #guapi
>>148800Just a poorfag Loony thing because she flexes every cheap brand she wears like a badge. In their delusional minds, they're going to be influencers for bigger brands and will ~die trying~.
They've never stepped into a luxury store in their lives and are probably frothing at the mouth because Moo is wearing pieces that cost more than their combined net worth will ever be.
No. 148813
File: 1620249834715.png (1.91 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210505-142234.png)

Nice warping Looni. We all know you're shaped like a 2x4. No point in lying you ugly hag
No. 148814
File: 1620249885481.png (2.11 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210505-142109.png)

No. 148815
File: 1620249977739.png (2.3 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210505-142245.png)

No. 148842
File: 1620262130380.jpg (108.12 KB, 1280x1107, IMG_20210505_174747_406.jpg)

No. 149008
File: 1620345968383.jpeg (213.55 KB, 1125x2000, 3CA1E211-3788-4310-BA72-DE068D…)

I seen this meme and thought of Kevin the clown so I fixed it
No. 149034
File: 1620354483637.png (3.05 MB, 828x1792, 4C368C96-03C8-4370-B8AD-D91E54…)

This is a particularly bad look even for Loony. Wtf is her face shape?
No. 149043
File: 1620361625417.jpeg (Spoiler Image,778.45 KB, 2048x2048, 55700161-5EFC-4EF4-A445-FCD5AC…)

New set, 27 images, all for the same pose and angle
No. 149049
>>149034What is happening to her mouth. What is that lump?
Totally not edited.
No. 149059
File: 1620368910286.jpg (67.69 KB, 1117x1280, IMG_20210506_232707_958.jpg)

>>149034lol, those lips. Lori, plz.
No. 149138
File: 1620407487194.jpg (1.1 MB, 1887x1080, PicsArt_05-07-10.09.33.jpg)

Made some fan art while the milk machine is down.
No. 149176
>>148798I'm late but I just realized this is the same dirty table Loony's nasty vag was on.
Looks like something from a garage sale without all the uwu filters to whiten it.
No. 149223
File: 1620463297668.jpeg (449.84 KB, 750x1003, 2789E5C3-540E-4C06-8FB9-910C33…)

Doesn’t she have a broken back?
No. 149224
File: 1620463391937.jpeg (Spoiler Image,493.58 KB, 1535x2048, 9F5D5D48-EFDE-4417-94CD-6776EA…)

No. 149228
File: 1620464493513.jpg (72.79 KB, 1280x939, IMG_20210508_020109_182.jpg)

>>149223She actually mentioned this recently.
No. 149251
>>149223Looking wide here kek
>>149249Of course she doesn't, she only chose doing OF cause she thought it would be easy. She forgot that it's only easy money and work for women who are attractive, well liked and have sex appeal. Lori would have been better off becoming some dumpy receptionist LMAO
No. 149258
File: 1620493836449.jpeg (245.33 KB, 1080x1440, 4B48050C-F44F-4908-9AF2-3B09D5…)

Not sure if this was posted but look at that gap she calls cleavage kek
No. 149259
File: 1620499068796.png (2.98 MB, 828x1792, 745FCBB1-8550-44CB-BC41-1DEDA1…)

What is going on with her TEETH here oNGG
No. 149261
>>149258the hands lol
how long do we guess until she starts filtering the shit out of her hands too
No. 149267
File: 1620502218168.jpg (119.3 KB, 1246x1280, IMG_20210508_122844_427.jpg)

>>149265These are what her hands look like edited.
No. 149274
File: 1620504758037.jpg (122.58 KB, 877x1280, IMG_20210508_131037_653.jpg)

>>149270Lori is broke as fuck and still begging for money for vet bills.
Or maybe "vet bills." I noticed that Kevin doesn't follow her Instagram again and all of his likes are gone (again) which means Lori blocked him.
No. 149280
File: 1620506910399.jpeg (431.43 KB, 1535x2048, 1885EB5C-8D66-4DF9-A1E0-43644E…)

Her harpy talons
No. 149297
File: 1620514858496.jpg (166.33 KB, 1300x1300, 87784075-witch-hands-set-with-…)

>>149259Definitely the filter struggling with her "tom cruise middle tooth" as the another anon put it. KEK
>>149267>>149294Lori got them witch hands
No. 149310
File: 1620525529144.png (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 1076x1422, Screen Shot 2021-05-08 at 9.56…)

new OF post. her recent posts haven't been really milky, and only getting around one-three likes per post.
No. 149313
>>149310girl if you're gonna shave your vag, maybe mow down the beard around your asshole too
also kek @ the fact that this pic makes her asscheeks look a mile apart
No. 149340
>>149310Why is everything this bitch wears always all twisted up? The thigh highs and even the underpants look just thrown on. Those underpants look like flea market polyester, really gross.
That brown as crack looks like she took a dump and didnt wipe.
No. 149350
File: 1620571941170.jpeg (41.74 KB, 300x300, 804FB3E2-8194-42B9-9042-9971F7…)

>>149334You came to a gossip thread to tell people gossiping about a photo not to gossip….. wut
No. 149352
File: 1620574714436.gif (Spoiler Image,752.62 KB, 300x169, CalculatingPlainAchillestang-m…)

>>149334look where you are
No. 149357
File: 1620583385401.png (1.82 MB, 1546x2048, Screenshot_20210509-110134.png)

She started doing her eyeliner even worse and the nose editing is so extreme her profile just seamlessly blends into her hay hair.
No. 149358
File: 1620583495920.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1874, Screenshot_20210509-110123~2.p…)

Samefag but her new nails are warped and chonky. Broke bitches love money signs, don't they?
No. 149360
>>149334The shadow excuse doesn't line up. That looks like an unwashed hairy cavern even after massive filtering and editing.
>>149357She probably looked up a tutorial on how to make small eyes look bigger with makeup but this just called attention to how beady her eyes really are.
Her prolasped anus expression looks melted off her face lately, filters unable to keep up?
No. 149374
>>149371the brain of a user
asked why they like autistically gossiping about internet cosplayers, assumes i'm a man
No. 149381
>>149374learn to sage, male.
>>149357it looks like her lips are melting off her face in this, lol. She looks so retarted
No. 149404
File: 1620626832028.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1242x2175, 51C67AC6-A4C6-4F4B-9BBE-68B4AC…)

I think the nonnies who called him ugly got to him. He edited his hugeass nose and is now trying to take up commissions since he couldn’t or wouldn’t settle for a second job. So much for them rolling in money like they claimed earlier.
No. 149414
>>149404Is he new to commissions? 3 in what time frame? I cant see them being quality if he's trying to turn them out that quickly. Website, references, payment method? If you just take random commissions your asking for a chargeback at some point. Why is everything they do so lazy and half assessed.
By the time he makes anything will the ferrets still be alive? The way these two keep carrying on about them it doesnt seem like they would live long enough for as ny treatments if it depends on their lazy asses to scrub up money and that's if Lori doesnt filter the money into her talon fund.
No. 149429
>>149423yeah really, who the fuck e-begs for their pets and then gets a set of nails with dollar signs on it.
Can any nail anons speculate how much her clownish claws cost?
No. 149453
>>149429And don't forget the random toys and dirty clothes she keeps piling high in her room.
Let's be honest, the ferret fund is her gtfo Utah fund.
No. 149533
>>149520this. also remember she has a juice habit and I guarantee her anachan tendencies will involve probably some semblance of diet foods etc. probs a tinfoil but we've seen her cooking/karen rants about no sauce on her wings (would be funnier and more ironic if it was ribs kek) so god knows. and like anon said, the tacky clothes/plushies and from what it looks like recently bleached roots
>>149357also lmao at her blatant attempts to fix her makeup, taking bets on whether she's trying tutorials or snow/meitu to up her game. it isn't working, maybe it's the twitching that makes it look like a four year old busted the crayons out
No. 149661
File: 1620788132188.jpeg (694.71 KB, 1180x1258, 7306A679-CAB5-48FA-A9EB-2A0DAD…)

Her edits have just de-evolved into morphing her clothing/hair into her body..? It looks intentionally pixelated + blurred to try to cover the editing.
No. 149743
File: 1620839599528.jpeg (1.3 MB, 2880x3840, 270122A9-0342-4909-9DEB-A1C2DC…)

>>149661It’s hilarious how bad they look like Her chin on the left has been melted in her hair there are better Quality pictures of Pluto than her own selfies and her eyes look like she got one looking to the left and one looking straight I’m sure it’s her looking in the mirror other one looking at the phone she’s so good at multitasking haha!
No. 149750
File: 1620843883246.jpeg (Spoiler Image,563.38 KB, 2048x2048, 9EE0018F-17B9-4D9D-9F84-57BE36…)

Ripped directly from his Instagram, side by side. Bomb ass lighting doesn't change your face shape Kev.
No. 149753
>>149750He looks very jaundiced and like he had been crying before taking this photo. It looks like he totally made his eyes larger and his skin smooth but it draws to the fact they are puffy and red.
Kevin says he’s good with fashion but his outfits look like randomized sims outfits
No. 149766
File: 1620855154941.jpeg (402.69 KB, 1242x1554, E2605BF7-B2FE-4266-8416-83C5B6…)

The fucking mirror. He just squeezed and elongated the entire thing.
No. 149767
>>149743She's so fucking disgusting and grimey for trying to make faces that are "childlike". Instead she just looks like what she is: a middle-aged Karen throwing a tantrum. This looks like the face a Karen would make after she asked to "speak to the manager" and is waiting for the manager to show up. Topkek. Nice roots too Lori, we see the yellowing in the left pic though. You forgot to edit that.
I swear her eyes get droopier with every picture she posts. Really aging there eh?
No. 149773
File: 1620858629138.png (241.98 KB, 732x914, Spaghettification_(from_NASA's…)

>>149766he's crossed the event horizon, there's no escape now
No. 149780
File: 1620860634154.jpg (88.65 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg)

Remember our boy Kev is probably still in full psychosis and not sleeping at all like he admitted weeks ago. If he looks beat to shit like he's just been up all night crying, it's cause he was kek. Same with Lori. Their eyes are constantly bloodshot and pink from bursted vessels from screaming at each other and stress. I bet they look like this IRL.
No. 149798
>>149767Sage is it the lil part next to the horn in the left pic?
Also serious question but what’s wrong with roots lol
No. 149819
File: 1620875576898.png (3.98 MB, 1659x2048, Screenshot_20210512-201200.png)

Your daily Trainwreck. She can't coord for shit.
No. 149823
File: 1620876648076.png (126.85 KB, 261x269, 76xY5Qs.png)

>>149819Yea it's shit but real talk anons the fuck is behind the mirror and dresser??
No. 149833
File: 1620891158373.jpeg (969.86 KB, 1242x2298, C84D40DB-8CA5-48A9-A30C-549931…)

Imagine if Kevin went the way of the neko faggot? Kek. I wouldn’t think Lorena would find this attractive given her past ex’s were more masculine in comparison. This guy asked to shoot with Kev in his recent longboi pic.
No. 149842
File: 1620897513244.jpeg (483.37 KB, 1242x1376, 6A1B7029-A667-4544-8533-937A85…)

>>149834Dug a little and turns out he’s dating this chick who is probably who Lorena has actually been skin walking. They both own a shop too. The weird neko fag has the dissonance store that sent Lorena that hoodie once and she gave it to kevo kek. He also has a onlyfans with his gf but he also has posts on there about how any of his fans like when he fucks the girls who model his shit clothes. There was also another public post on his OF saying how he ended up making fucking a girl he met off tiktok. They were only suppose to collaborate for tiktok content.
No. 149868
>>149833off-topic but i searched this dude up and his tiktok makes me cringe so hard. Thx i hate it.
lori is def gunning for him tho, but I doubt he'll be interested in her-she's no way cute irl, conventionally attractive or good at e-girling.
also what's up with rave shit looking so plastic and cheap? is there even quality rave gear?
No. 149884
>>149842She's been skinwalking a combination of egirls. She thinks just cause she's not committing to stealing a singular look that it's not stalker level. She immediately dropped Bassdrip after she broke up with Meowza after they had clearly been friendly and talked up to that point. Now she only follows Meowza and Kev talks to him. I'd bet money on them attempting to get him to collab just so Lori can cuck Kevin in the name of breadwinning.
>>149868There is quality rave wear it's just way above what any of these girls can afford. Same with the fetish wear, it's all elastic cord trash but they want to look expensive. Dolls Kill and all the other brands they buy from just pump out tacky knockoffs of brands like Moschino, Jeremy Scott, etc. "Influencers" like Lori and Bassdrip seethe in their Amazon Prime Creepyyeha knockoffs and it's fitting because the shell matches the insides.
No. 149995
File: 1621007240554.jpeg (578.65 KB, 750x1028, F22AC7C5-7790-4730-84A9-32406D…)

This woman is almost 40
No. 150045
File: 1621029366030.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 1230x1234, Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 5.53…)

>>149995wow telling people to sub for the same damn image!
No. 150057
File: 1621033813179.jpg (99.91 KB, 1080x1350, 23594707_140503300043383_86387…)

>>150045This pic was taken years ago, makes you wonder how much more haggard she looks now and why she wont post anything without massive filtering anymore.
No. 150060
File: 1621034436357.jpeg (171.11 KB, 1124x1279, 34856671-798A-4F8D-AFF2-99BB73…)

>>150045Why is her right hip so pink? it’s even going over her fishnets is it from the app she uses or Something else? I would say lights but I’m pretty sure half her right side would have a pink shadow
No. 150076
File: 1621045555603.png (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 1008x1258, Screen Shot 2021-05-14 at 10.2…)

new OF post
when will she learn that no one wants to buy porn with that expression?
No. 150090
File: 1621055495850.jpeg (186.35 KB, 1242x1679, D0E7A3E2-A6B2-4716-833F-24F414…)

>>150076“Vampire skin genetics” = saggy double chin ?
No. 150105
File: 1621070549887.jpg (119.23 KB, 960x622, 1029 - Nosferatu [1].jpg)

Well I mean, she didn't specify WHICH vampire…
No. 150381
File: 1621174149684.png (3.37 MB, 1421x2048, Screenshot_20210516-070549.png)

>back in my day only uggos didn't use their hair and eyelashes for cosplay
>Did you know these are my REAL lashes?
That's great Obaa-chan now take your Seraquel and go back to bed
No. 150392
>>150381Notice how she says natural? mascara is not natural last time I checked.
I guess it goes with her natural nails natural hair color and everything that’s so natural on Lori haha
No. 150400
Her makeup is horrible I can’t even look at it for more than two seconds
Just fill in the eyeliner correctly dude
No. 150401
>>150395Those do look like her real eyelashes. So I hope other anons don’t come at me for stating the facts. She has olive skin in real life, not a surprise she has moderately okay lashes. Her makeup on the other hand..
She actually reveals her age with this attitude towards falsies. This millennial pick me attitude is special to those women born in the 80’s who normalized mean girls and bullying.
No. 150404
>>150401No doubt they are, it's just the fact she boasts about it like it matters. She's so insecure she needs to be reassured that everything on her is natural and perfect from her eyelashes down to her clompers. Shows she's kept the same elitist attitude she had in her Moonie phase.
>>150403It's entirely to spite anons who said it was ugly. She would look better with light brown brows with a slight arch but she's committed to
triggering people at her own expense no matter what. Forgot to cap but she also posted her weekly "hi lolcow" moomoo posting yesterday before posting the eyelash story.
No. 150423
>>150381>Loony claiming anything is naturalI can tell Kevin lowkey hates that he knows how ugly she really looks and she also hates that he knows.
I can't wait till the inevitable breakup and for Kevvy to sperg out and hopefully leak some amazing candids!
No. 150459
File: 1621211505528.png (1.78 MB, 1219x2048, Screenshot_20210516-173119.png)

Grandma feet
No. 150461
>>150381There was already proof that she does wear fake lashes. The lashes look coated in mascara absolutely awful, the makeup is so lazy and horrific to look at. Lori is too lazy to put any effort into anything but brags about wearing elf ears “all day” like that somehow matters. All day, in your apartment all alone? Sounds definitely like something to brag about.
Get a job doing anything to pay those vet bills and to get away from Kevin. I wish Kevin would remark about her post saying she’s scared to leave him. He is absolutely a monster.
No. 150463
>>150459She shopped out the knuckles on her hands now they're melting and bending into the edited jowls.
Her neck has been missing in pics since
>>146570 it's probably too hard to edit.
No. 150464
File: 1621218270295.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1430, D5D59BEC-9716-41CD-9BF0-65E6F7…)

>>150459You can tell how old she is the way she dresses. Her underwear is pulled up so high they are stuck up her butt giving her a UTI
No. 150468
>>150464that’s weirdly back along with other ugly Y2K fashion, though
she is accidentally on trend
No. 150528
File: 1621263208354.jpg (586.12 KB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_05-17-07.51.30.jpg)

She unfollowed Kevin again today and Kev's profile photo is back to a picture of them together. She must be pissed he's just trying to play WoW all day while she "works". Again, I would pay to see what goes on in that grimy weeb den.
No. 150540
>>150464To be fair, high cut everything is in style. Swimsuits,lingerie, pants, bodysuits. "Vintage cut" so you're correct and its totally in her element with her vintage self. The thong sticking out of her pants is particularly dated and was hideous in the mid-2000s when it was popular. Usaggy Hoe lewks.
OT sperg but you can't hardly find low rise skinny jeans and its infuriating. Even skinny girls look like they got a baby bump and long butt. Only cute with a pose and filter, not irl.
No. 150543
>>150528Kevin's next meltdown when?
I swear I really don't get how they haven't broken up yet, I guess some people just need relationship drama to live…
No. 150600
File: 1621296526163.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x1998, 24E99F06-4DAD-4A3B-AA12-D60003…)

Imagine being at a grocery store and seeing a nearly 40 year old woman with tacky horns on
No. 150602
>>150600it is so fucking hilarious imagining either of them walking around utah. it’s such a super conservative state where both men and women tend to dress modestly.
you really don’t see a whole lot of “extravagant” styles outside of SLC and teenagers kek
No. 150695
File: 1621357410216.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1946, 3F86F303-C7BD-4D2F-BD08-4A2790…)

God they are so annoying, well here’s the 60th time he’s removed everything of her
No. 150708
>>150690Those people are also usually teenagers
Who is this stuff aimed at? Coomers don't care if she wears horns and elf ears to the grocery story. Teenagers might find it intriguing, but she's not really followed by teens, they have other teens doing this stuff they can follow
No. 150812
File: 1621442429385.png (1.37 MB, 1175x2048, Screenshot_20210519-093946.png)

Does Lori even make enough money to break off her lease or is that why she's still there playing dress up? For someone who's so scared and at risk she seems pretty comfortable and unpacked. Having known ACTUAL abusive situation, no victim just waits. If it's life or death and animals or kids are at risk, nobody just gives up and goes back to playing around in the same home as their abuser. Like clearly she isn't even playing along to stay safe, there's legitimately no threat. Trying my hardest not to A-log but I don't believe this woman has ever been a victim in her life. It baffles me how strongly she reacted and reached out and how silent she is now like nothing happened.
No. 150821
>>150812It’s because she genuinely is not a
victim and is only trying to manipulate others into thinking she is so she can continue to float along through life and keep people on her back burner in case she needs them. She did the same thing with Rikki. She constantly cried abuse but always ran back to him… even after she started dating Kevin.
No. 150827
>>150812This looks horrifying, what's the blue stuff on the way to her vag?
She really gave up on trying to hide how messy her room is.
No. 150841
File: 1621453220927.png (53.23 KB, 1080x402, Screenshot_20210519-123744~2.p…)

Not Kitty-fagging but I wonder if this is her talking about Lori and acting like she forgot her?
No. 150874
>>150867Not wking but Kitty hasn't even done 1/4th of the shitty shit that Lorena Pig has. She's an ethot who probably had a hand in a breakup who seeks attention on KF sometimes, and thaaat's about it. That's not much to be cancelled over.
And Lori wasn't married to Rikki, they were just dating from what we all know. She probably wishes that she were married to him instead of being stuck with a cringelord sabotaging her "career" online tho topkek
No. 151070
File: 1621629310756.jpg (70.33 KB, 640x640, e8mazyvna5911.jpg)

I found this old photo on reddit, probably already posted somewhere but it's yet another photo where she looks nothing like her edits. No. 151114
>>151093you kitty spergs are annoying. Go make a thread about her stop shitting lori's thread, who fucking cares.
I'm lowkey starting to think all these retards are lori posting since she has no outlet to bitch about kitty anywhere else.
No. 151116
>>151093In case you hadn't noticed, this is NOT a Kitty thread. This IS a Lori (and Kevin) thread that Lori (and Kevin) rightfully deserves for mass amounts of bullshit behavior.
Anons, can we agree to a "No Kitty Sperging" rule for all Lori threads unless there's direct Lori drama involving Kitty?
>>151114Agreed. I'm guessing that an official "No Kitty Sperging" rule on all Lori threads would shut down one of Lori's last available avenues to:
1) wow us with her exceptional "trolling" skills
2) continue to avoid addressing any of the allegations here or on KF
Lori and Kevin are cowardly pieces of human garbage. Let's keep the focus on them.
No. 151132
File: 1621672668574.jpg (108.88 KB, 993x1280, IMG_20210522_013659_685.jpg)

Lori has grown self conscious of her witchy hands and is hiding them with sleeves lol
No. 151142
>>151132The ring light and her phone being visible in the reflection is a reminder of how sad she is.
The bottom half of her face is starting to look like those long nosed monkeys.
No. 151162
File: 1621697468377.jpg (678.55 KB, 1066x1777, 20210522_103040.jpg)

Kevin's posting her shit on Reddit again.
No. 151185
>>151162She posts the same thing on repeate. Who wants to look at let alone buy the same fake looking pic of her in the same sad outfit showing nothing. Does she think just flashing her crotch is worth paying for? She doesnt even do anything worth seeing.
As usual, no likes or comments.
No. 151346
File: 1621727216349.jpeg (432.46 KB, 1125x1286, F9A1FBA3-A21A-48E2-85C6-B3F94E…)

She’s must have bashed Kevin’s head in the dresser and all his glitter brains came out hahaha
No. 151358
>>151216Probably because the dirty carpet is hard to edit.
>>151346How many more parts of her does she have to hide or shoop? Hair, face, hands, nose, lips, cheeks all hidden in just this pic.
There's nothing unedited of her in the non-OF pics. That's why nobody cares to see more of this old goofy woman.
No. 151359
File: 1621735188171.png (3.07 MB, 1562x1323, ____.png)

Lori let Kev use her "backdrop" again.
No. 151363
File: 1621737029204.png (1.97 MB, 1051x2048, Screenshot_20210522-192950.png)

What is this retarded face?! Why can the two of them not just make normal faces?
No. 151366
File: 1621737295143.jpeg (227.33 KB, 1242x2058, 21627DD7-5447-4762-866D-196514…)

>>151363That face when MOO sends her minions to troll Lori.
No. 151384
File: 1621748401886.jpeg (552.37 KB, 800x1000, A15A30B0-F600-45D9-B9A6-06FAC7…)

>>151367I've never seen the anime but I think I found the picture that inspired him
No. 151435
File: 1621780032329.jpg (58.3 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.1715742693_alt2.jpg)

>>151363Bakugou is always angry but he never makes this retarded face. Here's the expression of a mad Bakugou from a decent cosplay for comparison.
No. 151591
File: 1621821557009.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1242x1578, 07105437-5A83-4A87-B49C-04378A…)

Looks like he’s doing the long thing again. Isn’t that a thing on Meitu or other apps where you can elongate yourself?
No. 152518
>>151591Is it so hard for them to just go outside and get pics in natural light?
This room is a cluttered mess of trash and no matter how many filters they use everything looks awful.
No. 152537
>>152525it baffles me that he goes crawling back to her every single time. they obviously block each other for a reason, right?? yet without fail a week later he’s promoting her insta and onlyfans and liking all her photos again. i don’t understand it at all.
why are they like this. fuck. it’s so embarrassing.
No. 152578
File: 1621911261973.jpg (87.08 KB, 1137x1280, IMG_20210524_195237_118.jpg)

Lori: Haters say my body is fake!
No, we say your face is fake and your photos are edited.
Bonus Lori telling a dude to pay for her bellybutton pics.
No. 152596
File: 1621915813929.jpeg (325.13 KB, 1242x1855, 2F032AD5-786D-40C1-83C1-9D4131…)

Kevin needs to piss on her alternate suit.
No. 152598
File: 1621915899409.jpeg (207.15 KB, 1242x1443, 1E874516-CBAD-432F-8262-FC9F14…)

I’m surprised it zips up over her lego vag. How can Kevin be so complacent.
No. 152618
>>152578>haturzImagine being this delusional about what you really look like.
>>152596Did she… draw and blur all over her knuckles to hide the wrinkles? Her hands look like noodles now. It's almost impossible to see what her pictures are of because of all the layers of filters.
No. 152874
>>151366He looks like he just realized he shit himself
>>152598I feel like being ok with your gf having an OF (still cringe) and being ok with your gf suggestively telling internet dudes about her easy crotch access are kind of different levels, this is just sad
No. 153027
File: 1622090991452.jpeg (236.97 KB, 1125x683, AF0F60C4-CE84-4A4B-817D-5A1A46…)

you shouldn’t go to cosplay conventions if you have such a weak immune system I’m sure that’s her excuse for not getting vaccinated
I love how they say they are so broke then Lori makes it sound like she can just drop money on a boob job if she really wanted to but
>>really do love
her flat dented in smol boobs like you should be getting that hole in your chest fixed before even thinking about tits stupid hoe
No. 153104
File: 1622123614393.jpg (85.38 KB, 898x1280, IMG_20210527_065204_180.jpg)

Kevin double posting Lori in r/cosplaygirls. 9 and 29 upvotes, no comments.
No. 153193
File: 1622157465598.jpeg (85.47 KB, 1242x530, 3CD7CEC0-FB7F-4AA9-9D43-A71629…)

Anon on OF can you message Lori ?
Good for you Kevin! Loris only talking to paying customers now. I hope somebody on there messages her and will WK and take her away from Kevin
No. 153478
File: 1622323265277.png (2.36 MB, 1082x4657, itsmyhair.png)

This is from January but I don't think it's ever been posted. Lori pretending like her Sailor Moon hair extensions are her real hair and then calling her hair legendary and perfect lmao.
No. 153524
File: 1622349072412.jpeg (239.75 KB, 1024x768, lorishair.jpeg)

>>153478Lori please. Your hair looks like this, but drier.
No. 153725
File: 1622491816276.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20210531-130711~2.p…)

Looks like begging simps isn't enough, now she's trying to bait farmers into buying her OF to nitpick her "bare-faced" (read as: blown out Meitu digital paintings) selfies. Who's actually dumb enough to pay $10/month to see clothed no makeup selfies?
No. 153737
File: 1622500404112.jpeg (890.26 KB, 2718x2289, BD2A9759-231F-4112-883A-8B6EE1…)

>>153725Yeah with their eyes Blown up 5 times bigger than they really are! she also changed the shape of them why pay money to see a computer image you can’t even see clearly I went to look up this story cause I can’t believe the pixels in this photo it’s so bad yuck her older phone in 2013 took more of clear photos lol
No. 153829
File: 1622566184610.gif (7.6 MB, 554x1200, ezgif-7-266be46d5631.gif)

I fixed Loonie's face, now it looks more accurate. She really just shrinks her face size by 60%
No. 153831
>>153737It’s crazy because the photo to the left really looks great but for some reason she decides to wanna look like anything but that?
I guess having a jaw really makes e-girls hate themselves. That’s really sad to know tbh
No. 153833
>>153831personally I don't think she looks very good on the left. Her lips are tiny af, her nose looks weird for her face, and her eyebrows aren't arched well/done right. Her jaw has a little bit of a jowl going on her on the left pic as well, she probably has it way worse now. Her anachan shit makes jowls like no tomorrow when you age.
She doesn't look good on her 1000 blasted filters, but I get why she feels so insecure to have to do it, because she isn't really pretty, she looks plain and at some points downright ugly.
No. 153864
>>153842Skinwalkers are constantly preaching about all the specific things they lack IRL. In Loony's case, every compliment she gives herself points out her insecurities.
>>153725Her crusty old mug is in a full face of drugstore makeup. Filters aside, she even erased her nasolabials and warped her jowls so much that her hair is bent. Imagine being so ugly as a "model" that you can't even take simple high res selfies.
No. 153953
>>153864I get it.
I definitely find it weird that she claims to look like this when she in fact..does not. Anime AX ( or whatever con she went to ) definitely proved that to be a lie.
Even though she’s not super pretty she doesn’t need to be, I’m sure if Lori just did lil touches to her skin that would be just enough and people would love that too but it’s already too late for that lol
No. 154079
File: 1622672644306.jpg (60.07 KB, 1280x680, IMG_20210602_152335_073.jpg)

>>154073How dare you? Lori's selfies are of the highest quality.
No. 154096
File: 1622675856458.jpeg (107.87 KB, 828x440, EC4E4E36-798C-4528-A695-7CDB83…)

“Are you a minor”
“Idk the internet cant come to an agreement”
No. 154105
File: 1622678886394.jpeg (949.42 KB, 828x1457, 8110A83D-70DC-43AF-A9A0-434A9A…)

No. 154108
>>154016Exactly. She’s attractive in her own right but Lori needs to realize she could work with what she has instead of photoshopping herself to hell and back.
It’s second handed embarrassment just thinking about how someone will see you irl and be confused cause you look nothing like the photos you post online. I feel bad for the girl.
No. 154291
File: 1622755808807.jpg (34.56 KB, 570x570, image00023-570x570.jpg)

>>154105>>154283It just looks cheap and uncared for. Here's a picture I grabbed from a random place with fresh, blended extensions. Hers are old and stringy at the bottom and have never really blended well with her hair. You shouldn't be able to tell in every single photo what is real hair and what are the extensions, especially with the low quality photos she produces, but you can. It's going to look even worse in real life.
No. 154301
File: 1622760237244.png (1.21 MB, 716x874, badhair.png)

Here's a perfect example from her latest post. Every single post where her hair isn't behind her shoulder is like this. The dried bleached real hair is like a chunk just sitting on top of the stringy, thin extensions. I guarantee that IRL, from behind, it will look like she has a helmet of real semi fried hair with the sad little extensions sticking out from underneath. it's not a good look.
Her hair isn't anything special. There are a lot of girls with bleach blonde hair and long extensions. The thing is that she actually puts really little effort and money into it for something that's supposedly a point of pride. It's not a look that you go cheap with and any place that does extensions would do a better job. But she is probably just cheaping out and reusing the same extensions way past their prime. They thin out and lose hair just like your regular hair. The only people who would be impressed with her "legendary hair" are literal teenagers, what she has going on is an actual joke compared to even average salon extensions.
No. 154303
File: 1622760370225.jpg (44.94 KB, 640x480, download (1).jpg)

What Lori's hair probably looks like from behind
No. 154310
>>154283Just look at any unfiltered pic of Kevin's hair to know what her hair really looks like.
She does both of their hair bc they're poor af and his looks like shit. Considering he's a decade or so younger than her, and she barely knows how to bleach, her own hair must be ten times worse.
No. 154325
File: 1622770391220.jpeg (472.57 KB, 1068x653, 21FC3BF1-C085-4AED-AAD3-8DA392…)

>>154301She put on them fake silicone tits again
No. 154346
>>154325>i like my smol bobsCan't believe this retard was saying that when she wears breastplates.
Literally no part of her pictures are real.
No. 154356
File: 1622787335291.jpg (523.49 KB, 973x1104, PicsArt_06-03-11.13.50.jpg)

I can't unsee the face
No. 154369
>>154356kek anon, amazing. new thread pic vote right here
best part about this specifically is the original photo is a bunch of selfies she self-posted captionless in a past thread to prove her ~ocean eyes~ were real (because it was too hard for her to resist) and this is what she gets instead. you know it makes her seethe, she thought it was a good selfie not realizing it's such a stark contrast to her hyper-filtered impressionist-looking eye-watering "photoshoots" she runs fifty times through meitu.
old Smol Bobs needs all the moments of clarity she can get, keep up the good work.
No. 154371
File: 1622795609173.jpg (262.27 KB, 600x800, 1583450033812.jpg)

>>154369samefag but here's the original for context. do enjoy.
No. 154386
File: 1622808626126.jpg (83.78 KB, 908x1279, IMG_20210604_050844_188.jpg)

Kevin's still trying desperately to promote Lori on Reddit. Most of his efforts have been down voted and have no engagement. That 2 reply thread at the top only has an automod reply so I'm guessing something negative got removed.
No. 154427
>>154394That's why he's my favorite cow. Imagine throwing your life away and posting embarrassing love statuses
for Lori. Lol
They just refollowed each other on Instagram today. Wonder how many days that'll last this time.
No. 154428
File: 1622820146240.jpg (80.71 KB, 1280x802, IMG_20210604_082034_328.jpg)

>>154174Kevin is DONE with his internet time out!
>>154356He and Lori are PISSED at this truth photo.
>>154427They are back to following each other on Instagram and Kevin has THE FOLLOWING to say about him and Lori looking like irl anime characters!!!
No. 154443
File: 1622823406026.jpg (139.6 KB, 1080x1920, 194290930_3258033607759723_244…)

I'm very sad I missed this tea. Did anybody catch it?
No. 154454
File: 1622828293241.jpg (549.54 KB, 1079x1751, Screenshot_20210604-103715_Fac…)

>>154443Sadly no, but he also replied on FB here. He's beyond repair at this point.
No. 154460
>>154454Kevin I know you're not the smartest person but even you should know that defemination is not something that's easily
A) provable in court in the US system
B) Completely pointless when there are literal FACTS with PROOF everywhere. Most of them come for your own posts for fucks sake!
If you're really that upset by it, please, go to the courts about it, I can't wait see everyone laughing at your face. I can't wait to see the day where lori dumps him for her new cash cow and he'll be regretting these posts so much.
No. 154464
File: 1622830910580.jpeg (80.52 KB, 1170x554, 0A2C39AB-938D-4C05-90E4-3B9AD1…)

Trying to find someone to scrub her bad name from the Internet perhaps? This is not the way.
No. 154466
>>154454Wow Kev, you really saved the community by not giving a nobody like Momokun a platform. Good job.
He's so delusional to think he's done anything besides making it all worse. They have no grounds for any of the claims they made. Now he vaguely hints at "crimes" being committed here? Bring on the lolsuit, twink. It's a great way to burn all the money you have cause you're poor as dirt.
>>154464Dumb bitch wants to wipe her threads, huh? Does she know her sockpuppet accts defending herself and upvoting her content is entirely public? Does she not know that even if it was stripped, the archives are backed up? This information will never leave the internet until the concept of the internet is obsolete. There's so many places like this that will pick up her drama. Can't wait to laugh at her desperate attempts to stuff her horrendous past under the rug just like she does with her dirty clothes and her couch. Bet the pig is sweating as we speak. You live and love to see it.
No. 154469
>>154428Seems the posts about the skinwalker tendencies struck a chord. Thanks Kevin for outing both of your insecurities once again.
>>154464Loony is so desperate to change history that she stupidly thinks someone who works at Google would entertain her bullshit, much less be able to help manipulate search results.
No. 154473
>>154464lori you dumb bitch, have you ever heard of the streisand effect? Even hyper rich celebs can't 'erase' public information/photos, what makes you think anyone at google cares about some nobody? LOL.
I have a friend who works at google as a backend dev, and I asked him about people requesting for this and he just laughed. Not only is manipulating public info like this highly illegal/unethical (not going to argue google ethics here lol) but even if they WERE to, she's some broke ass nobody, not even someone hyper rich/famous enough to go to the top about it.
Stay mad LORI LEWD that your
toxic ass can be easily searched by anyone. SEOs doing gods work.
No. 154483
>>154454>crappy people … deserve itSo close to self awareness about why Lori's actions follow them everywhere, fucking lmao
>>154464Well, she either wants the search scrubbed or to ditch Kevin for a Silicon Valley sugar daddy
No. 154485
>>154454is he still talking about moo? "buying loyalty?"
christ kevin get over it.
No. 154489
>>154485samefag but have any of these "crappy people" paid kevin any mind the last however long? has anyone said a single thing?
kevin is the only one who still cares and the friends who say they believe him but won't do anything are prolly tired of hearing about it.
i do not think kevin is on anyone's radar but he thinks of nothing else.
anyone know why he loves lolcow so much but he's never mentioned kiwifarms? everything lori has done in 20 years is very nicely documented on there!
No. 154494
>>154428Kevin, as a fellow utah dweller: people are giving out random compliments all the time here - they are just trying to be nice or work in customer service and are hoping for an extra tip.
How desperate do you have to be to let this get to your head …
No. 154538
File: 1622847721685.jpg (151.63 KB, 535x342, lori and kevin.jpg)

>>154428You're right Kevin, you and Lori do look like anime characters.
No. 154544
>>154542it's more for himself than us at this point. he has to be right about her or else he's wasted how many years so far of his life?
how many days a week do they have a fight? the constant unfollows/refollows happen so often its hard to keep track.
No. 154609
>>154544They both truly hate each other and are strapped for cash yet are desperate to pretend they're happy and rich.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're fighting over food stamps, I'll never forget the sad pic of what he and Loony consider cooking.
No. 154614
File: 1622887046094.jpg (252.3 KB, 1135x654, PicsArt_06-05-02.57.16.jpg)

SEO is a bitch, isn't it Lori Lewd?
No. 154642
>>154535Vamps posted a comment on instagram under a post with Lori. I think it was for dollskill. She said something like "I can't believe you work with this abuser". That's the closest thing to contacting all their sponsors that has been public.
Could Vamps have contacted the sponsors through DMs and gotten them cut? Sure. Is there proof that Vamps herself, or Moo have actually done this? No. There are screenshots of random, anonymous people doing it but they could be anyone. Farmers, old acquaintances of Lori's, people Kevin has cut out of his personal life, random people finding the threads and taking it upon themselves or one of the many minimum wage employees that have ever had to deal with her being a nightmare customer. Many suspects, but it's so funny that he goes straight into "It's Momokun and Vamplette ruining our lives!!1!"
No. 154659
>>154642I really think the initial suspicion of Mariah was fair because farmers know as well as they do that she's a fat snake. After the receipt drop Moo did though, it really seemed to feed into the delusion Kevin had. From the outside in it, looks like the whole Moo and Vamp conspiracy would have been dead fodder had Lori not made her vent posts through Kevin's accounts. Lori has a digital trail of tweets and comments that spans longer than his freakouts and even those freakouts were written in Lori's voice. It's so clear that she planted the seed and has been waterboarding that bad boy in Kevin's head.
Not only is Lori creating her own problems by digging up her own dirt but also is fueling a feud that doesn't even exist so she has some sort of "struggle" to overcome and be a
victim of.
They will come to a critical point soon where it will no longer be feasible to ignore the fact that we are not "minions" of Mariah. Optimistic but hopefully Kevin sees just how much Lori has created issues and will recognize that the smoke is coming from within the house. Of course, that would require him swallowing the big dose of reality. So who knows. I want to believe that microscopic smooth brain has some cells still going in there.
No. 154662
File: 1622923560997.png (1009.76 KB, 1230x2048, Screenshot_20210605-130612.png)

No. 154666
File: 1622926174897.webm (997.1 KB, 720x974, iVl2VSx3VXrPqPPS.webm)
Why is she sneering in this video? This is the antithesis of sexy.
No. 154672
>>154666Her arm looks so fat here because of the filter warping things.
Literal retard.
No. 154695
File: 1622942778565.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1242x1717, 4E753BB1-A939-4E6D-8CB0-CAAB6C…)

>>154672Anon she’s just been working out that arm uwu
Kek it looks so bad
No. 154696
File: 1622944179530.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1834, 5848133D-9108-4D40-A540-0CC035…)

>>154666What's the point of music In the background it's not long enough to even hear a lyric
And I guess them toys are Kevin’s toys? Kek
No. 154703
>>154642Theres way to many randos commenting all over about Loonie. People hate her,and not just people who knew or know her. Just seeing her shit tier pics and people comment negativily. It's crazy to think it was only ever Vamp or Moo. They wish that's all it was/is. Most people dont want yo see dome liar pedo baiting. Not surprized anyone contacted sponsors. Could it be some vendetta chans? Maybe but good Lord then wtf, they should still be sick they made that many people hate them, well mostly her.
>>154695 Wtf! Perfect example of ger shit tier "content". Even if the image was well designed, the edit is trash. Its delete material, not post it and beg for simps material. Even neckbeards should be offended.
No. 154704
File: 1622947807820.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1816, Screenshot_20210605-194820~2.p…)

Kevin is such a master of his craft look at that paint job. It's very fitting for her dollar store Saber.
No. 154722
>>154695why does she do this shit with her face, honestly
it is not sexy at all. i can't imagine giving up my dignity to post nudes and then have them be unappealing, how embarassing
No. 154767
File: 1623009101947.png (2.11 MB, 1180x2048, Screenshot_20210606-124931.png)

Every 4 years? Maybe stop buying fast fashion and you'll have durable pieces to last you? For someone so obsessed with archive fashion he really only buys illegal knockoffs of vague suggestions of runway looks. Making fashion your hobby doesn't give you taste.
No. 154786
>>154666I wish I could ask Lorena what she thinks she is even trying to convey with the constant loops of blinking and shaking her head that she does in every gif length video
Shouldn't she make sexy gasping faces, or wink, or something? It's been said to death but she really does just look like she's having a seizure
No. 154789
File: 1623014486663.jpg (215.38 KB, 265x376, Himōto!_Umaru-chan_volume_1_co…)

>>154666>>154695Pretty sure she's trying to "cosplay" that character from Himouto! Umaru-chan. It's pretty disgusting. Her pedo baiting has no bounds.
No. 154792
>>154789No she's not. She's using that bear cloak thing to hide the filter on her face because it'd warp the stuff behind her and look obvious she's using a face filter over the video. It's a very typical thing a lot of thots use to hide the warping that slimming filters do. You can kind of see it where the hair folds towards her face and the hood falls closer at her cheeks. It's very obvious when you look carefully.
She's a weeb but she's like a very typical shallow weeb and doesn't watch stuff that isn't already very mainstream.
No. 154794
File: 1623016475484.png (1.17 MB, 1266x2048, Screenshot_20210606-144944.png)

>>154792I don't know about that. The Umaru hoods vary in the face. The mouth part looks very similar and the ears canonically have circle canals instead of folded or half circle ear canals. Most general bear hoods have very different ears and big eyes or even resin eyes. The eyes and whiskers on this are not visible due to filtering but I bet the eyes are closed parallel lines that match that of Umaru's. Plus it's clearly orange but washed out from filters.
No. 154813
The difference in color between
>>154794 and
>>154695 is jarring. The amount of filtering must be insane.
No. 154840
File: 1623039989612.jpg (135.86 KB, 792x1280, IMG_20210606_181721_319.jpg)

>I'm happy I s-swear!
No. 154841
File: 1623040789452.png (116.34 KB, 827x388, 1619112313834.png)

>>154840This is funny considering this was not long ago. How can he have a parasocial one-sided love with a person he lives with. I've never seen cuckoldry on this scale before.
No. 154846
>>154841>>147771 probably this post, where kevin says he will kill anyone who talks about them. lori made that post about ruined dreams the same day i believe.
death threats on social media are usually hot air, but anyone who wants to try to make a living using it should probably refrain from threatening violence. kevin's constant public sperging in general about their fights and his conspiracy theories is the reason lori has been so heavily documented for the last three years. she probably resents him.
No. 154914
>>154869She's delusional if she thinks she ever had a chance at being an influencer when she looks like shit under all the filters, is unoriginal, and has a disgusting personality.
But it's just like her to blame Kevin instead of herself all the same.
No. 154935
>>154934At this point Kevin is so broken down I can imagine him doing his Gvapi photoshoots in his gamer den while some scrote goes to town next door. He would rationalize being cucked with "but she bought me my dream shoes!" and really anything else. Eventually he definitely would snap online. Wouldn't put it past him to snap photos or spam the porn to shame her publicly. He has a habit of photographing and screenshotting things to serve as tangents for his psychotic rants.
I know it would be a real dangerous bloodbath if that happened, but I still want to see it. Hell has room for me and I'm okay with that. I just want to see Kevin square up in the Wings.
No. 154945
>>154942Yep. Hard agree. Abusers love to play
victim when they themselves created the monsters they fear. In a messed up way, it's funny.
No. 154947
File: 1623098513040.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1665, C8703B87-793A-4F5D-BFFB-B44EB0…)

The amount of clutter in their home is baffling to me. Every inch of space that Lori isn't squatting on is covered in plushies, clothes, and garbage.
No. 154948
>>154947Kevin said the toys were his, what is the truth…
I think he's still working part time but wanted to pretend that Loony's OF is successful.
No. 154983
>>154947She wears the ugliesttt shoes. Looks like something you'd get at a psych ward. Maybe Kevin brought them home for her.
>>154977Hmm sounds like she's more like her mom and she's looking for somebody to be a shmuck like her dad.
No. 155069
File: 1623191777653.png (1.12 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210608-153538.png)

Umaru tinfoil confirmed. She is just going to lewd a kid because she is blonde, popular, loved by everyone and a gamer. Dream on, hag. Your bishie carries you in WoW and you don't play anything else but dress-up.
No. 155071
File: 1623191844928.png (1.9 MB, 970x2048, Screenshot_20210608-152921.png)

kek at her nail warping into her waist, if you look at her feet in that post she's curling her toes to look smaller cause our bigfoot comments got to her.
No. 155077
>>155074Yes. Lori used to commit fully to cosplay but in the last 2 years she's devolved into what could barely be considered closet cosplay. She considers herself naturally perfect for the characters she picks. She thinks she doesn't need any character specific makeup, wigs, hairstyles, eye colors or anything because she looks exactly like every anime character. It's her delusion.
She thinks she's trolling and making people mad when all she's doing is proving that she's obsessed with her own drama. The cow bikinis always come out after she takes a few days to stalk this thread. Honestly I bet she's going to cosplay board-tan eventually and unintentionally represent and promote a site that goes against all her virtue signaling bullshit. She thinks she's a troll 4D chess mastermind.
No. 155082
File: 1623200341348.jpg (505.75 KB, 1280x2702, Plankassbitch.jpg)

>>155071Pushed her nail back in place. Didn't bother with the weirdly bending snake neck.
No. 155095
>>155083The first week it dropped two random throwaway accounts slammed Vangelina for bullying and spreading lies until people figured out it was Kevin and he deleted the comments and accounts on YouTube. Him and Lori made accounts to dislike. It had two dislikes for the longest time lol. He realized he wouldn't win and that's why he's dropped it. If Vangelina continued her videos on Lori, we would absolutely see him chimp out again.
In fact, maybe that would finally put a fire under his ass to make his "exposé" video about the true bullies.
No. 155096
>>155082She's been changing her face edits to alter the shape of her jowls much further than ever before. Even though she's keeping marbles in her mouth and using tons of filters, her nasolabials are quite visible.
>>155095I forgot about the videos, they should be on OP for quick reference and SEO.
No. 155127
>>155071She shooped/smoothed her body skin so intensely that her fucking bikini looks MSPaint-quality pasted on. Topkek.
Also wtf with the fingernail. Does she even check the results of her shoopage?
No. 155149
File: 1623258949488.jpeg (150.91 KB, 827x966, C0943C68-ECB2-4280-90B4-DC4A34…)

>>155103I don't understand how anyone gets so much out of videos like this, she didn't even show or read any screenshots of the livejournal posts and other receipts, just droned on for 8 minutes straight like a coworker telling you a long story. There was only one comment on the video asking for more receipts, the rest was everyone commenting their personal horoscopes.
In other news I scrolled her twitter replies and they're mostly repetitive responses like "Thanks homie pls subscribe to the ofans~~" but she also interacts with other sex workers and gets some interaction from other oldfags in the cosplay community.
I'm amazed that djranmas is still sucking scum and struggling to stay relevant.
No. 155150
File: 1623259162125.jpeg (642.82 KB, 1108x3122, 5522D1E7-45C3-449A-8E8D-59B15D…)

>>155149Just a few fun ones
No. 155157
>>155149Gotta love her and the AGP girls bonding over hiding their cocks in three pairs of loli undies. She's so desperate for interaction she will entertain these troglodytes and other pedophiles. Jesus.
Ranmas sucking her ass doesn't surprise anyone. He's just as crazy as Looni and has a history of going from crusading against Lori then defending her later. He thinks that she's put him on the proverbial "bench" because he caps for her. I wouldn't be surprised if he was just trying to line up his shot for when she drops Kevin on his expiration date.
You know, maybe people would shoot with Lori if she didn't talk to pedos on twitter and digitally rework her entire physical form. But nah, it's probably just because Lori is Spanish, 5'0" and a size 9 women's.
No. 155178
File: 1623266749541.png (2.27 MB, 1339x2048, Screenshot_20210609-122405.png)

Hair bends and blues heavily around the waist, warped fishnets and intentional hair covering her man jaw and jowls.
No. 155179
File: 1623266829755.png (2.74 MB, 1374x2048, Screenshot_20210609-122448.png)

We can see where you liquified your cheeks and cankles. Maybe you should go back to that coffee and nicotine diet if you're so insecure about your waist, face and ankles being larger.
No. 155180
>>155157Lori wouldn't shoot with other people because they won't shop her to her standards.
>>155069Bitch your esl bot followers have no idea what "the spicy" means. Get a clue.
No. 155181
File: 1623266937817.png (1.52 MB, 1109x2048, Screenshot_20210609-122838.png)

Final post sorry for samefagging but she outed her waist so blatantly today she is built like a board
No. 155182
>>155157Nah, she wouldn't go for Ranmas. He's living off unemployment in a basement studio apartment notorious for flooding. Not enough space for her massive amount of garbage, and not enough money to be her knight in shining armor.
That said, he still might be a better choice than Kev.
No. 155197
File: 1623273404176.jpeg (222.42 KB, 828x827, A84CE1B5-207F-40B6-A6A4-FCA956…)

On the “moo saber” post someone wanted the info on the choker. Her response is the same as usual: bitchy.
No. 155225
>>155150She really thought her mahoosive feet were average. They're even bigger than her stub legs.
>>155197I don't get why people still ask her things, she will never admit she uses crap from aliexpress or amazon.
No. 155240
File: 1623287064761.jpeg (111.17 KB, 1215x418, 72CFB976-8D52-47C4-8668-3BB057…)

Breaking update Kevin left the apartment. Get a job instead of pretending to skate I bet Lori was messaging simps while he was gone.
No. 155243
File: 1623289412747.jpeg (496.35 KB, 1000x1050, 3455CB78-3115-47AB-B534-362280…)

Gotta love all that human hair on the floor I don’t even want to think about the finished project with hair all glued in it gross!
No. 155306
>>155263Never white knighting for these fools and it's still eww, but come the fuck on, there's like three hairs in this pic, not chunks. There's probably just as many on your own floor right now. The extreme germophobe gen z thing is a lot on this site sometimes.
Sorry anons carry on
No. 155345
>>155306Okay, Lori lives like a pig and through her years of documentation she has never cleaned where she lives. She brings the filth and clutter and then it's everyone else's problem. You must be new to Lori. Or maybe you're coping cause your house is just as gross. I'm not a germaphobe for watching the slow, painful death of that decade old rug and calling it musty.
She sheds hair like a dog because she's an aging hag, smokes indoors, has four ferrets and a useless live-in moid. To assume their house is anything but a cesspool is Kevin level denial.
No. 155418
File: 1623350629999.gif (19.89 MB, 600x936, (11).gif)

>see you fat moomoos? I don't use filters I am eternally 12 and my skull shrank~
No. 155423
>>155345Agreed, there were pictures from like 20 years ago of how Loony puts garbage all over other people's bathrooms and she hasn't changed since.
She's smelly, wears unwashed polyester stored in bins and her extensions are falling everywhere. It's disgusting and anyone who lives like her is rightfully ashamed.
>>155418One can only imagine how busted her face looks on the front facing camera because she always has to take pics of herself from satellite.
No. 155431
File: 1623359180435.png (1.29 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210404-072204.png)

>>155423This is a up close front facing shot where her camera is about waist height on a tripod. She made the mistake of doing this to give an illusion of a thicker bottom half of her body. The live face filters flickered in her Easter video and gave her actual face shape away.
She does that dumb angle to warp the perspective. It elongates the legs, she forces her center of gravity back and holds the phone in a way that makes her jaw and head appear small and rounded. When you look closer you can tell how methodical and calculated her poses are. It's why she has no variation and looks like she's about to vomit. The sucking in and flexing is all she has aside from Meitu.
No. 155451
File: 1623363966399.jpg (71.99 KB, 1280x964, IMG_20210610_152423_569.jpg)

Lori is a useless person. This is from the cow Saber pics. She didn't use any tags in this post.
No. 155459
>>155150tinfoil: she's going to start privately messaging people, begging for money to leave her
abusive partner and realized she has no friends to hit up. so she's trying to ingratiate herself with some new accounts.
No. 155472
File: 1623374580408.jpg (143.57 KB, 810x810, 65104429_154004918988253_75629…)

>>155467She's too scared to relaxe her mouth bc her mexstache threatens to show.
No. 155473
File: 1623375165794.jpeg (897.67 KB, 828x1371, 4E16378B-F10C-4FD8-AAA1-A7DC13…)

>>155451She's way too nasty to commenters, but she meant the tags on the photos themselves- still desperately tagging Dolls Kill hoping for another crumb of attention
No. 155493
File: 1623388590602.jpg (2.88 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-10-10.15.59.jpg)

Filters vs. unshopped using candids as a framework
Kek a whole new bottom half of her face
No. 155500
File: 1623397902878.jpg (164.77 KB, 1086x617, image.jpg)

>>155499>>155493nice job anon, pretty spot on. her jaw is honestly probably the opposite to what she photoshops it to be. it's insane if you compare it to picrel (from 2002 from her flickr, tried to find similar angles)
No. 155520
File: 1623418939042.jpeg (213.54 KB, 1341x1344, 2799D4E0-8365-4193-AE71-D4939D…)

Ur all mad bc I’m genetically blessed. Ageless. Haterz can’t accept all my photos are unfiltered, just bomb apartment lighting. Peasants. My fiancé thought I was 14 when he met me! My secret? Moisturizer, from the store.(autism)
No. 155529
>>155500Even 20 years ago she never looked anything like her extreme shoops.
>>155520You forgot to mention your natural big anime eyes!
No. 155536
File: 1623433621255.webm (1.43 MB, 1080x1770, screen-20210611-103340_2.webm)
She shaves off so much of her jaw and nose it's scary. Even at her peak youth she didn't look like this. Hag cope. Lego head, man jaw and shnoz make their scheduled appearances.
There's so many angles of candids to expose her with I can't believe she still thinks she can trick people.
No. 155540
File: 1623436257427.jpg (107.68 KB, 789x1280, IMG_20210611_104106_551.jpg)

Are these lyrics? Man Kev looks baked as hell. They probably only get along when they're both stoned.
The anons that said he looks like a creepy obsessed Lori fan as opposed to her actual live in boyfriend are right. He's always posting these obsessive love affirmations online and she never acknowledges him at all.
No. 155552
>>155540Spoiler this shit next time. God. My eyes.
He looks like a troll doll that got put through a garbage disposal. He has the incel upper lip too. Gross
No. 155553
File: 1623444681444.png (2.35 MB, 1888x2048, Screenshot_20210611-133941.png)

Left eye looks like a goat pupil because of how much she shrank her nose bridge and width. She should embrace the Spanish latina nose, or whatever Kevin said.
No. 155562
File: 1623451909457.jpg (121.53 KB, 1025x1280, IMG_20210611_154852_359.jpg)

I just choked on my drink. I guess all the criticism of her photos being the same 3 poses over and over got to Lori so now she is gracing us with this.
No. 155563
>>155540His hair looks like a straw wig.
>>155562Everything on the bottom half of pic has been stretched, even the patterns she's wearing. Left leg is double the length of right leg. Of course at this angle she has to cover her mug.
No. 155565
File: 1623455288454.jpg (2.21 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-11-04.47.17.jpg)

Her butt and waist edit vs. the flat butt and pooch shadow in the mirror KEK
No. 155566
File: 1623455331275.jpg (2.26 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_06-11-04.48.04.jpg)

Bonus: fried hair and rare unedited hulky calf muscle
No. 155582
>>155577Please use
>>147840 it's perfect.
No. 155586
>>155582I second the vote for
>>147840 . It's so unsettling and awesome.
No. 155597
>>155577I prefer this one
>>155536 over the other morph since the angle is 100% perfect. It just needs to be sped up and put in a gif format.
No. 155609
>>155597The "original" it's morphing with is from the last century and was heavily edited by Loony.
I'd rather have something candid and as recent as it gets.