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No. 163459
Before posting: Read rules and follow them. Sage your non-contribution, tinfoil and non-milk. Don’t rehash old milk discussed in previous threads. No appearance nitpicking unless you have something new to add (new fillers, plastic surgery, etc). Don’t hi cow, not everyone that disagrees with you is a whiteknight or Nicole, the same way not everyone is vendetta posting. If an anon is breaking the rules, report them instead of infighting. Complaints go in /meta/Previous Thread (#3):
Nicole Evie Davis is a cosplayer who amassed over 400k followers on Instagram and 1.8 million followers on Facebook. She gained popularity for her shoops of looking like an anime character and a “real life elf”, often blowing up on sites like 9gag where these comparisons would be made.
Her first thread existed because anon(s) went to great lengths to insist she has never done anything wrong, having meltdowns at even the mention of her name in the costhot thread. Now they lurk in silence as more evidence piles up of her homewrecker saga, faking homelessness and poverty, misleading anyone who donates into believing they’re supporting her livelihood, when really, it’s for $2k+ face injections. She also advertises her masturbation porn as a way to support and feed her family when they are wealthy (as described by Nicole herself) and are in fact vintage nerd collectors.
Recent Milk:
>Had a falling out with a girl she recorded Only Fans content with, goes on a public rampage about her all over Twitter >>157393 exposing her name and socials while accusing her of sending herself death threats with no proof whatsoever >>157394 >>157435 while the girl in question remains respectful towards Nicole throughout these entire accusations >>157406 >>160636
>Accuses the same ex friend again, this time of sending a hate comment to her current friend >>163068 making this drama public for all 400k followers to see to the point where this girl privates her account (and again, with no proof it’s even her) and the girl she’s publicly bashing still remains cool and collected >>163099 , Nicole ends up deleting her post claiming it “served its purpose” >>163124
>Makes her life seem busier than it is during periods of utter laziness >>158130 only working three days a week selling Pokémon cards while completely neglecting her Patreon >>160940 and Kofi donation promises, failing to give out any rewards despite having active patrons, failing to fulfill any of the promises listed on her Kofi all the while taking unannounced breaks from OF
>She has a tendency to post the same photos on social media she does on her OF, to the point where even leak site scrotes are noticing >>158316 her paypigs are essentially purchasing a $15 OF subscription fee to see photos she already posts on Twitter, meanwhile the nudity and porn people actually want to see cost a heft $220 pay-per-view >>159395Anyone scrote calling her out on this gets instantly blocked
>>161250 and her response is because her OF description says she won’t do nudity, any and all nudity is an extra fee.
>Queerbaits as a lesbian >>158436 with a preference for women >>158437 despite only dating the most emo Myspace fagboys imaginable
>Photoshopped her ex boyfriend to the extreme >>161025 and made him look much skinnier while preaching about body positivity and self-love
>Conveniently needs a new car the same day her friend doxxes her license plate on a livestream >>158957 which is a car she claimed to have bought on her ‘last dollar’ despite being over $20,000 >>158983 Gets into a car accident for the third time while adding a narrative about swerving to avoid hitting two dogs
>>159126 while claiming it was a pot hole, despite her friend’s story mentioning them hitting a crazy bump rather than a pot hole
>>159020 which then turns into another e-beg saga
>>159127 and resorting to masturbation porn
>>159865 as a way to make quick money. Uses emotional manipulation tactics for donations: “If I miss this opportunity, it will
crush me”.
>Has a meltdown over someone in the Twitch chat disrespecting her pedophile friend, ahoynateo, with his girlfriend standing right next to her witnessing Nicole gush about him being the greatest person to ever live and having a deep connection to him >>158989A summary of the autistic livestream:
>>159308 >>159583
>The money she so gracefully begged for to support her livelihood was, in fact, spent elsewhere. Within the same week of begging for money to purchase a new car her and her friend have spent thousands of dollars on filler injections >>160045 >>161114
>Uses the character creation site Picrew while not giving credit to any of the artists and essentially making her followers think she drew the artwork >>161351 >>161913
>Cries about scrotes leaking her OF content, says she uses the subscription money to provide for her family as an attempt to get them to stop >>161640 despite using the money for anything but her family >>161646 , talking about how wealthy her family is >>161678 , all the while showcasing her family’s expensive nerd collection >>161704
>She screeches at anyone who calls her by her first name (Nicole) but will happily use incorrect pronouns when talking about her friends >>162412
>Nicole’s e-begging cycle: >>162494
>Claims to have PTSD from multiple car accidents >>163189 but still records Snapchat videos while driving as recent as three days ago >>162576
>Nicole destroying other girls’ relationships and cheating on her boyfriend drama: >>162814 >>162827 >>162833 >>162851 >>162877 >>162885 >>162893 >>162899Links:
>Instagram:>Twitter:>Facebook:>OnlyFans:>Linktree: No. 163520
Thanks for creating the thread.
I have a few additions:
>Add summary to her e-begging saga>>162527
>cheating and destroying others girls cycle with her using the same method of lovebombing the girl, infiltrating, man snatching and twitter trashtalking same girl every other year or couple of months. >>162886
>Repetitive usage of people like tools, depersonifying friends for her purposes and dropping them if they don't function as Narc Nicole intended>>157743>>157745>>157831>>161305>>162677
>cloutchaser Nicole sports a big deal of faked popularity through fake-gift showers she either bought herself or makes them look like they are hers while they are someone elses and mass bought following>>162556>>163377>>162703>>159997>>160072
>Compulsive moving saga>>163183
>Incapable of streaming saga>>161567 No. 163530
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Inb4 Nicole accuses Heather of making this account too, lol. No but seriously, who would go out of their way to make a fake OF page for a girl with less than 2k followers, who barely posts?
The thought of Nicole and Cassie making OF content together is a little disturbing
No. 163539
>>163530Cassie is amusingly dumb, nice photo of your screen Cassie.
Also very weird that someone made that account…
No. 163546
>>163539>>163530I saw this story this morning and thought exactly the same, Cassie is widely unkown and has under 2k followers on instagram, nobody would ever make a fan account or fake account of that identity. It reeks of selfposting. Maybe she was inspired by Nicole.
Funny how these people relentlessly start to pump out drama as soon as Nicole enters their life. I bet it's a lot of pressure to "stay interesting/relevant" when you are in a friendgroup with a narcissist that constantly has to be the center of attention with every thing she does or "happens to her", so the others resort to fabricating drama around themselves to keep up.
Like kids competing who mommy will favor.
No. 163585
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>>163578Because of this comment alone Nicole will sperg accuse Cassie of being her skinwalker-stalker-hater who is in charge of making all her LC threads and online hate accounts
No. 163586
>>163577Hence why all of her boyfriends have been ugly groomer looking motherfuckers. No attractive, mentally stable man would want to date someone who lives their entire lives online/shoops to oblivion/runs an onlyfans.
>>163578Like that one anon told Cassie, I think Cassie was more gorgeous when she had her own look going. How she can deny that she’s trying to copy Nicole with her makeup and even the fucking red hair with the white streak is beyond me.
No. 163657
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One month with Nicole and she’s already doing the shitty Picsart weeb edits and slowly turning her IG into Nicole’s
No. 163659
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>>163530I’m deceased, what I said here will now become a reality.
No. 163677
>>163664Nicole is already building her usual sabotage setup. She will urge Cassie to start OF, do parts of it together, then suffocate on her jealousy (willingly!) and create reason to trash her and get rid of her in the most humiliating way. Heather was just a successful trial run. Now here are the possibility branches:
1. Involve Connor in some accused loyalty issues with Cassie and back it up with Nycoles statements of him being a liar, even tho that was about Nicole herself. Use the poor mental health card on Cassie and combine both, if played right, Connor is therefore done too and she can have Nate peacefully, with Cassie and Connor out in one go.
2. Push Cassie into Skinwalking (was predicted and completed) then label her psychotic, dangerous or a stalker and use that pre-work of the skinwalking push as proof.
3. Using Nate as a chessfigure to get rid of Cassie as soon as Nicole has him wrapped around her fingers. Nicole will pull something along the lines of
Cassie is truly the bad person for not accepting Nicole and Nate discovered they are soulmates you know, and how can she be so
selfish to not support Nicole in that?
Now the narc rolls the dice. K.O through Connor, Nate or Cassie herself, all puppetmastered by Nicole. I personally bet 1 or a mix of 1&2, because the end goal is obtaining Nate and get rid of the other two. (Connors bf status was already almost denied once on stream (he was mad about it logically), Cassie is well sunk in Nicoles narc strategy and Nate is already lovebombed from the distance (stream sperg)). How ever it goes - Cassie will lose in any scenario.
No. 163678
nonnie, please elaborate how you would see anyone whispering in anyones ear anywhere.
When you are around a narcissist there is no such thing as own choice. You will be massively micro managed, manipulated, pressured, gaslighted, emotionally blackmailed, coerned or "trained" in your words and actions with a system of severe praise and punishment to function how the narc wants, while slowly being isolated from anyone who could interfere. They don't pray on mentally unhealthy / insecure young people for nothing.
No. 163683
>>163676back at it again with the denial of skinwalk, welcome home wk. I was the one who predicted Nicole would push her into it and it will get worse when Nate arrives. You had a meltdown about how she makes HeR oWn ChOiCe, even after
>jewellry>several clothes >piercing>haircolor>hairstreak>hairstyle>fillers>makeup>lashes became fucking
identical to Nicole. Up to her name on youtube apparently, so… smell my fart and take your infighting to meta.
No. 163688
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Why are Nicole and Connor lying about when they started dating, for anyone that doesn’t know those roman numerals are for 5/4/2021 even though we have proof they started dating last year
>>>/w/162899 >>>/w/162851 >>>/w/162827 No. 163702
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>>163691Here’s a little collage of some followers being suspicious of her relationships, and as an added bonus Nate flirting with her a couple years back. Now the thought of his girlfriend and Nicole doing porn together is truly uncomfortable.
No. 163716
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>>163686It's indicated Cassie first met Nicole here on the walk on march 17th this year. That's 5 months. It takes a narc merely a few weeks to turn someone around, their entire life consists of nothing but these shitty cycles through people.
>Lure them in as much as possible, so I can exploit as much as possible, so when I destroy them it hurts as much as possible, before I throw them away as burned as possible.Looking at cassies instagram I also noticed that Nicole often comments, only really not, when either Nate has a compliment towards Cassie in the comments or the post displays Cassie romantically with Nate lmao. And in many others, despite the posts showing Cassie, Nicole makes it about herself (comments only about her) if she was there too.
No. 163718
>>163717>periodYou're not in Cassies head last time we checked.
>Cassie is just jealous of NicoleNo indication whatsoever, more likely the other way around. Cassie got fillers with her, with Nicole being the one having announced to wanna alter her looks, she wants an OF only after seeing Nicole's success and brag with it, skinwalks her intensly only after having met her in person and spending time, and now even started the same shitty edits. "without the help of nicole" looks differently man.
>being a cuntmost certainly. and the clout thing is as well, "coincrazed" is their middlename.
No. 163720
>>163677very interesting predicitions, should keep an eye on that.
Is there any informatiom whatsoever when Nate is supposed to move there too? They're all keeping weirdly silent about it.
No. 163721
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Lol at this tweet to Nicole 3 days before Cassie confirms she will make an OF.
No. 163723
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>>163720He’s been staying in Idaho but according to Cassie in a few weeks they will probably go to live in their new place. Weird how Nate wants to completely leave the internet (privated all accounts, hiding all his content, deleting tweets, etc) but is moving in with three narcissists hungry for e-fame that broadcast their entire lives online.
No. 163731
>>163710>which will amount to a twisted desireability contest towards Nate.It really looks like this, the turn-into-Nicole skinwalking
>>163683 is competitive, the sperging about Nate (on livestream, while directly next to Cassie) is Nicole making her interest clear, the public nudity (Nicole's Onlyfans Twitter) while being in Nate's orbit is clearly at least partially for his benefit/for his eyes, and this new possible scenario of competing (or even sharing) with their fucking onlyfans content seems increasingly likely. Nicole really creates a hellscape for the people around her. Not just Cassie but this seems wildly uncomfortable for Connor and even Nate, not that I feel sorry for the groomer, but this must be odd to witness all the same.
No. 163734
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I love the Nate ass licking that occured when he confirmed grooming on multiple occasions then said he’ll leave the internet as if that’s some heroic act. P.S, he’s still very much active on a smaller scale and doing commissions
No. 163736
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In case you’re wondering how much of a degenerate he is
No. 163737
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KEK, Nicole herself ass licking Nate in a review
No. 163746
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Samefag, I noticed this from the previous thread
>>160901 that Nicole commissioned “a friend” to turn this artwork into stickers and a trainer card, that friend is Nate and I see they’ve found a way for him to make money without being in the spotlight. That is, if Nate is going to get a percentage of the earnings
No. 163760
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>>163755>not going to shame making coin on fictional NSFW artIf your point to defend it is that it’s been around for decades, then wait till you hear what the oldest human job is, lmfao. I could care less if some rando wants to draw furry/cartoon porn but this man really made a full apology video admitting to pedophilia saying he will leave the internet for good, only to be hiding in the shadows taking NSFW commissions like a loser.
Also, I realized Nate was friends with Cassie when she was a 17 year old and he was 22. (I wouldn’t be surprised if she was groomed by him too and that’s why she’s so touchy over this subject and extremely defensive of him).
Extremely weird she also admits to being a “huge fan of Leda’s” back in the day
No. 163773
>>163760Imagine being Nate and having chicks who still want to be Leda a decade later, lusting after/dating/trying to impress you simply to fulfil their Leda larps. life on easy street for this guy. He wouldn't have nearly the approval and dating success without that Leda connection. Both Cassie and Nicole are having an (entertaining for us) pathetic
Impress Nate competition, meanwhile Cassie admits she doesn't even love him, kek. He's sorta a weird status symbol for regressive women stuck in the Myspace/Scene years.
No. 163778
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Oh my god we get it Nicole, porn and shallow friendships isn’t the way to happiness
No. 163810
>>163778Because she is incapable of happyness. There is just instant gratification and then the black void again.
Maybe this is also groundwork for "claiming Nate as her soulmate" saga and he is the one to supposedly fill that emptyness.
No. 163812
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>>163736Connor is no prize either.
Nycole: Talentless white guy in unsuccessful band living in his dads basement
>I just played the show downstairsColors his hair red to simp harder for Nicole, sometimes does his makeup to match her too
>I dont make cosmetic adjustments to please others
>Made up shitstory to brag about his hyper cool character No. 163817
>>163773the funniest part is this degen coomer will always have some equally pathetic and clout-thirsty thot on his ass, whether it be a post-leda skinwalker like nicole or a nicole-via-leda-skinwalker like cassie. the whole drain circling clusterfuck is not only hilariously predictable but so, so sad that these actual retards getting PAID to be this cunty and dumb and narcy. because filtered pussy is that good in our great year of 2021. and who the fuck encourages their NEW FRIENDS to get into internet sex work with them.
(sidenote for tinfoling but reminds me of dasha trying to get mina into sex work just to destroy her. same skinwalker/destructwalker vibes)
e-girls and e-boys are a curse, pass it to the left.
No. 163846
>>163834Don’t do digging? She literally had a video of her graduating high school
No. 163852
>>163835Yes, and Nicole is doing that as the pre-work to later play the
mentally instable/stalker card against Cassie when she needs it in her strategy to trash Cassie and obtain Nate.
No. 163854
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>>163657Adding to this point, it's not evrn just any shitty edit, (sorry for the nerding) Cassies decisions feature Eevee, Aquana, Umbreon, a Skyrim Dragon and minecraftlike Beefly models, that are all corner stones to Nicoles self-identification through Pokemon and Gaming. This is not a coincidence, this is a fucking How-much-can-I-be-Nicole Where is Waldo compilation.
No. 163948
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>>163934Exactly. She is even following some Leda fanpage that hasn’t been active since 2015, fyi. She seems to be a really ex-obsessed Leda fan, you can’t really go to the extent of following fan pages without knowing their age
No. 163952
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>>163916If you dont think such things are possible, you should research narcissistic personality disorder and the experiences survivors of it told, that's a level of master puppettering normal people would never believe to be real, just saying.
Nicole's wannabe cryptic tweets that all pose subtle blows against connor or indicate her longing for something deeper are so obvious. She lays groundwork for Nates arrival lmao.
>>163934Yeah, but we also agreed that Cassie is really dumb as fuck. She is not a smart person. AND due to her crippling mental health easily manipulatable/influencable. The fact that Nicole stopped her lovebombing a while ago just makes things worse. You will not find any nice words from Nicole to Cassie anywhere lol.
No. 163959
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The hypocrisy with this cow is always astounding. The tweet she quoted is deleted but it’s Nicole sperging out over a neckbeard calling a cartoon child hot, telling people not to jerk off to drawings of 10 year olds. I personally don’t care for this debate but the level of autism Nicole displays throughout her social media is severe, producing cosplay porn of characters that are all under 18.
For some bonus keks, Nicole’s mom liked every single thot post of hers involving OF. (Not going to dox her mom by showing this)
No. 163964
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And in case anyone still thinks she’s using the OF money to feed her family
No. 163966
>>163959Well that’s all quite fucking awkward… Why any mother would be proud of her daughter being a thot is beyond me too.
>>163964Not even hiding it. I’m sure she wasn’t worried about it because it’s in her comments and isn’t a whole ass speech to her followers.
No. 163974
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>>163966It’s also very strange how male friends she has in real life are subbing to her OF under the impression of “supporting” her, when she has over 6 other ways that don’t involve viewing her literal porn. I can see why she dates cucks, so they don’t get upset over this. What’s next, her parents tipping her on OF?
No. 163978
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>>163975Nigga if we’re going to argue about one of the five child characters she makes porn for, sure, why don’t I just correct you real fast. She ages as she levels but even in the novels she was always depicted as mentally a child/10 year old, physically an adult. And it shows she doesn’t care since she will gladly do the same for characters like Marnie who are 13, while telling others the sexualization of child characters is sickening, lol
No. 164003
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Imagine the breakdown that will ensue when her scrotes end up giving more attention to other girls. I was confused at first why she would do such a -selfless thing- for other ethots then I saw the mention of sfs and her gaining something. The vote is around 80% for yes btw
No. 164008
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>>164005If that’s true she really overestimates the loyalty of horny men.
>I always sub back to mutuals Yikes, imagine how much money that must be on a monthly basis to subscribe to every OF mutual ever. (The site has a minimum sub price of $4.99 and a maximum of $49.99, so she’s essentially throwing hundreds of dollars down the drain monthly for ethots she probably barely knows.
No. 164016
>>164003So in other words she's begging other sws to share her content but doing it in a ~selfless inspiring~ way as usual
Things going bad over on OF? Those three pixels not doing it for the scrotes?
No. 164017
>>164008If OF girls
really sub each other and that's not just more nicole grandstanding, it reminds me of the NFT situation where it's all artists buying and selling each other's stuff. Very pyramid scheme.
No. 164018
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>>164016>Those three pixels not doing it for the scrotesCrying because that’s exactly it. After 6 months of operating that site she’s still using the same excuses. She
alwaaays blames the sites she’s uploading on for the quality. She does it for instagram, FB, twitter, now OF, hold on let me compile a quick collage in a min
No. 164020
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>>164018Too lazy to look through all her shitposts and find a FB complaint but how is it this hoe seems to be the only one who mysteriously has quality problems with completely different platforms?
No. 164022
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>>164019Right? It’s not “on the house” or “a gift” when you’re literally paying for it already lol. There is so much confusion with what content she actually posts on her feed because seemingly she is just reposting the same stuff on her Twitter calling it a preview but it’s still censored on your OF feed. Meanwhile the uncensored versions are $70
It’s like a trap for scrotes.
No. 164023
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Pretty sad to pay for eyelid surgery and then talk about how you like your eyes. Not to mention the extreme risks with that kind of surgery. Yes the candid is real, it’s from Dennis’ FB
No. 164025
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>>164008I bet she publicly poses as the big supporter just to take the free sub and never look at it again behind closed doors.
>>164022>>164018Her usual humblebrag that amounts to another dose of thin air
Sorry for the autism but anons kept sperging about how much prettier Cassie is than Nicole (Nicole is hideous) but she looks like a fucking mountain troll with makeup.
No. 164026
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>>164025Cassie is ugly as fuck, but so is everyone of their selfpraising jerkcircle group.
Nicole again throwing a soulless smile while filming behind the wheel.
No. 164028
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>>164025They are top tier catfishes without makeup/surgery/filters. The only difference is Cassie is upfront about it and shows herself without all of that, talks about getting any work done. We only get blurry glimpses of Nicole without any filters and makeup and deleted videos (like the bottom photos here)
No. 164029
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>>164028Still Cassie looks always bloated and deformed imo. Makes for a perfect butcher lady at the supermarket in 10 years.
>>163959You forgot the video where Nicole makes out mouth to mouth with her cat and talks about forming a "sexual" contract. Pedophilia is not enough if you can throw a subtle hint of bestiality and furry fetish in.
I find many of her old videos disturbing jerking her kittens around, placing bunnys on her head and poking at chickens…
No. 164036
>>164028The bottom ones are fucking terrifying, where is that from?
Cassie is genuinely pretty imo, but trying to look like Nicole is not working for her like in this post.
>>164025She has soft features and all the garish drag makeup and shitty two tone hair just looks silly on her.
No. 164037
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>>164036Lmao sorry for not spoilering that shit, it’s from an old autismo post of Nicole’s No. 164052
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people from her past probably dont recognize her anymore by now.
No. 164065
>>164018Nicole has been saying "uwu sry for the bad camera quality minna~" since 2016. She was first mentioned in the costhots thread from ages ago when she asked her followers to donate to her so she could buy a DSLR to take better quality pictures. I believe she deleted that post right after she got called out for it on the thread.
We all know Nicole will never have good quality photos because of how much she relies on Photoshop and photo filters.
No. 164070
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The lovebombing Heather before the shitstorm (I found an archive site so I’m just now noticing all the BS on her old stories)
No. 164071
File: 1627233337474.jpeg (527.09 KB, 1800x1800, 79721A2E-8D32-4196-AE11-A80277…)

Also why does this thot keep (purposely) ordering insanely large costumes and then bitching about it? If this is some sort of ana-chan type thing, it’s an expensive way of body checking for sure lmao.
No. 164076
>>164070share the archive site anon.
>>164071Its astounding that she is not embarassed of herself. The anachan pushing and years of lying about quality issues just to keep filtering are pathetic, and she should know.
No. 164079
File: 1627236053558.jpeg (632.45 KB, 828x1083, 1B3FA8AF-1BE9-4BA7-B1B3-17FB36…)

>>164076 deleted a post complaining about the quality, lol. Probably also because it looks nothing like the character so she needed to edit the eye color too.
I thought cosplay was about having skills and more importantly, fun. Nothing fun about shitty store bought oversized costumes and photoshopping makeup on instead of actually doing it
No. 164081
File: 1627237377613.jpg (754.84 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_25_20_21_49.jpg)

Jesus, Nicole is completely untecognizable in these?! How can she upload that shit with a straight face while evidence like Cassies stream is up where you see how she actually looks like?!
No. 164147
File: 1627268482451.jpeg (216.67 KB, 1011x1800, 17FB323B-B814-4A83-800B-D1DAB1…)

I can’t with Nicole’s minions man. I was looking for videos speaking up about Nate and in all of them Cassie is in the comment section reaching out to every single victim. The girl is one of the people included in Nate’s apology video and she confirms he slept with multiple 15 year olds in his twenties and that this was public knowledge in their home town. Kind of sad that Nicole and Cassie go full attack bitch mode on anyone that doesn’t have anything nice to say about him, even trying to silence the victims. What an amazing human being according to Nicole, a grown man who is a coward and encourages his girlfriend to reach out to the victims while sitting next to her and telling her what to say. He’s 30, fyi
No. 164152
File: 1627271258483.jpeg (252.05 KB, 828x1217, 2DBD63D1-DD7D-445D-95BA-6B6B04…)

Nicole has no concept of what free is, again. $15 is not free, also who the fuck talks like that? “My finger was in me” that’s probably the least sexy way of talking. It’s really making me cringe
No. 164163
File: 1627274007926.jpeg (311.15 KB, 1585x1800, 3A3EE5C5-0E8B-4244-A8BE-0B0AFD…)

Her plastic surgery is botched. This is nightmare fuel.
No. 164166
File: 1627274579448.gif (18.5 MB, 730x960, BB41F963-E046-44FC-BA5C-585907…)

In case anyone thinks that’s an edit, it’s via her snapchat
No. 164198
>>164147At this point cassies behavior seems genuinly psychotic to me, sorry. what the fuck is wrong with you to work through the entire internet invalidating any and every
victim to your grooming piece of shit manchild? The fact that she is an enabler and associated directly with their abuser, yet asks them to contact HER if they wanna talk, is fucking twisted and sick. Would you call your rapist to talk about your "feelings"? Bitch you're fucked in the head if you think this is appropriate.
>>164166Nicole looks genuinly batshit crazy by now. Alien nose, botched, boney features, she is becoming more and more hideous. The dead look in her wide opened eyes is serial killer material. A vain narcissist that is addicted to external validation and excessive self-sexualization. And probably the worst personality I've seen in years, no plastic surgery can make this rotten humanoid garbage bin beautiful anymore.
No. 164199
>>164198The worst part about it is that what Nate did to them is serious and likely traumatized many minors. How Cassie can just tank into these comment sections, without any cell in her body that actually wants to HELP or solve something, but instead fishes for detail in hurtful memories and when the details contradict her delusional reality about Nate, she bashes the
victims, is beyond me. Already traumatized young adults who have their culprits fight dog coming after them years after the abuse, that is some next level human garbage. How can she not get in her tiny nut brain how dangerous that is? Neither is she qualified nor entitled to privately interact with impressionable, suffering abuse
victims. A girl that is mentally instable and dating a mass groomer and minor fucker. God how I hate this clique. Nicole always picks the lowest of the low for her satanic life.
No. 164201
>>164198Could not agree with you more anon. Cassie is turning out to be her own kind of sick. Not exactly like Nicole (though the skinwalking is top tier kek) but her desperation to make Nate look better and in turn herself for dating him is cringe worthy. It doesn’t matter how much she tries to “support” Nate’s
victims, she looks severely fucked up to even try in the first place. How tone deaf can you be to think that’s anywhere near okay? Jfc. Honestly I can’t wait to see how this plays out between her and Nicole.
No. 164215
>>164166She’s acting like she looks hot lol.
She looks like she’s on drugs, and the overdone face fillers + 4 video filter combo she got going on is a hot mess. I’m starting to believe Nicole has a fear of being seen in HD
No. 164224
File: 1627309798840.jpeg (280.17 KB, 1800x1800, E5742D32-FBB0-4BF2-AEF6-8BAD24…)

Anyone else notice these weird arm warps in most of her pictures? I circled a few here. I know her arms are tubby but to not cover your tracks is a little embarrassing lol. It’s something Facetune does if you try to warp something at the edge of a photo, I’ve noticed it with other costhots too
No. 164267
File: 1627327742697.jpg (763.63 KB, 1600x1200, pt2021_07_26_21_28_10.jpg)

Apparently in the weeb world being as white as possible and cringe as fuck are some sort of desirable achievement. Nicoles taste in men never ceases to amaze me.
No. 164320
File: 1627348151965.gif (5.76 MB, 519x960, CED22FFF-2782-4BFD-AB06-E7E966…)

My sides, her new OF videos are just completely taken in the dark. What the fuck is this?
No. 164322
File: 1627348583980.gif (1.79 MB, 524x960, 1B55D0B3-0B94-4E29-8E9C-4E61B1…)

These have to be troll posts, right? This one is just two seconds of her in shorts in a dark room.
No. 164329
File: 1627353768696.jpeg (140.93 KB, 1011x1800, 512B8B08-3452-485D-ABD8-82A516…)

>>164328It’s actually insulting what she considers a thank you to her moids
No. 164331
File: 1627354097217.jpeg (77.44 KB, 828x786, 7036E0F2-770D-4D6B-B022-5C5727…)

Also “lots of booty videos” and they’re all fully clothed like this.
No. 164342
File: 1627359551687.jpeg (374.25 KB, 1528x1146, CE874D37-0374-49DC-9F3C-602BB9…)

I’m wheezing man look at these one-sided interactions I found between Connor and Leda
No. 164348
>>164329What booty? KEK
>>164342Wew Connor just had to be a Leda fan too. Creepy as fuck. Wonder how Nate feels knowing the other three people he’s going to be living with are fans of one of his
victims. Would not be surprised if he tried to make some sort of fucked up power play.
No. 164351
File: 1627363619942.jpeg (323.14 KB, 1800x1607, 13400040-5033-4F84-A2B4-B3A56B…)

>>164348How uncomfortable to exist as a groomer and know you’re about to move in with three minions who idolized your 15 year old ex. Also, I edited Nicole’s “coming out” tweet to be more realistic.
No. 164368
File: 1627373482998.jpeg (430.17 KB, 828x1132, 2FF93050-9AA4-4BD4-AFEF-9A34D9…)

She can’t be serious, right?
No. 164426
File: 1627403679598.jpg (1 MB, 1500x1500, pt2021_07_27_18_30_23_mh162740…)

>>164368Ever more tattoos, piercings and fillers, the hardcore ruining body saga continues, because you know, excessive artificial alternating is what "selflove" looks like.
>>164348Lmao the darkness, Nicole
has no ass to show, never had. No real tits, no real ass, morphed waist. she cant decide wether she wants to be flat lolicon uwu or busty succubus, so she shoops her entire frame every other week.
No. 164430
File: 1627404771637.jpg (546.03 KB, 786x1038, pt2021_07_27_18_40_35_mh162740…)

>>164426That is her in the same fucking mirror, yet the waist magically disappears and appears as it pleases kek. wow her shoops are bad .
Some anon suspected Nicole was lying about stuffing Doons house with these retarded picture and had really only one, I found the proof anon was basically right - she had only two of them and pretended she had dozens.
And what's even worse, is again how she treats her so called best friend. Nicole makes a backhanded remark about Dawns face scaring her, then posing to show off how pretty she is, right before she puts Dawn in frame to grin and expose her red face without makeup, clearly unprepared to be filmed, to then get her hair done, while Dawn literally hides and doesnt feel comfortable showing herself anymore, yet Nicole smiles sweetly into the camera, completely oblivious to the disrepect and pain, thriving in narcissistic bliss. What a fucking piece of shit. This is like the horrific bitch in some high school series that steals the protagonists boyfriend.
No. 164433
File: 1627405353544.gif (4.42 MB, 828x458, 6D3CDAA2-C8F9-415E-948E-37E385…)

>>164430It’s so fucking awkward to watch Nicole shove a camera in her friend’s face even though she’s visibly uncomfortable/hiding. Nicole herself should know how it feels considering she kept god damn hiding her face every time Destery put the camera on her in that video.
She did the same thing to her ex too fyi. So so embarrassing.
No. 164441
File: 1627406168802.jpg (597.3 KB, 1600x1200, pt2021_07_27_19_12_09.jpg)

And the time Nicole busted Dawns wall with her stupidity and did nothing about it.
No. 164444
File: 1627406359612.jpg (801.6 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_27_19_08_50.jpg)

Dont fool yourself over her doxxed licenceplate, I assume Cassie was in on that retarded move, because Nicole had busted her own identity herself already (from a video) Maybe she just needed a scapegoat to get a new car back then. They are all stupid as fuck.
No. 164446
>>164430Eww are you kidding me? This is Regina George material.
>>164433Yeah, I remember, Nicole never gave a shit about filming and uploading consent of the people around her, despite them clearly not wanting to be part of any of her cringy shit.
No. 164474
File: 1627412079502.jpeg (388.39 KB, 1800x1800, B9FFBAE9-7FAF-46DF-8701-5F0A2F…)

RIP to these pets Nicole hoarded that mysteriously fell off the face of the earth, despite turtles having a generally long lifespan. It seems the only animals Nicole can keep alive are cats
No. 164568
>>164441Nicole has to be the only cow that actively befriends ugly people to look better, who stoops this low?
Has she ever made ugly faces like this with her friends? It seems like she only does these stupid ugly faces when she’s alone.
No. 164582
File: 1627442256942.jpeg (248.66 KB, 828x899, 68F7C616-991D-4A9A-A991-9A2D3C…)

Of course Nicole is only ever active on social media to fight the trolls/haterz. Her ego can’t take it when a scrote calls her a whore.
No. 164584
File: 1627442389231.jpeg (38.58 KB, 387x233, A5E20810-8FC5-4BBC-92D7-1E558D…)

Also I checked the account Nicole accused of being “freshly made” and it was created a few months ago. Of course this paranoid bitch thinks anyone and every scrote who makes fun of her is a stalker/obsessed with her/trying to come after her “womanhood”.
No. 164595
>>164582Tell me more about your
feminine dignity as you post full nude porn on your onlyfans and sell sexualized images of your body to strange men. I'd love to read a thesis from Nicole on this subject which she is an expert on.
No. 164601
File: 1627446400192.jpeg (207.83 KB, 1800x1800, 13B03B87-FDF3-4F09-B54C-A7E87A…)

>>164595Lmao I’m speechless. When it’s someone Nicole doesn’t like that’s doing porn it’s undignified and dirty, but when it’s her then it’s
feminine dignity and
womanhood. She sure seems entitled to what other women do when she has a vendetta. Just look at the content she sells, it’s pure shit
No. 164617
File: 1627454180908.jpeg (278.78 KB, 1201x1800, 49E3103A-4BCE-4595-8859-BB30C6…)

Quality hasn’t improved at all
No. 164629
>>164617lmao, she is
finally upgrading because her fucking fillers and surgery healed off. Guarantee she will still filter the shit out of herself. She looks hideous and really creepy by the way.
>>164582Yeah, of course everyone with a different opinion - which YES, they in fact are entitled to - is a "freshly made account of a stalker!!1!" It's so funny how she always pushes the narrative how every person on the planet is secretly obsessed with her, while really, no one gives a shit.
No. 164635
File: 1627460708698.jpeg (350.81 KB, 828x1240, EB0215B5-18C0-4842-B4C7-C651F1…)

Okay yikes, when I said Cassie was unemployed indefinitely I take it back KEK, she’s a “virtual assistant” for Nicole.
No. 164639
File: 1627461426841.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1525, IMG_20210727_182456.png)

>>164635oh lord this is to much LOL she is paying cassies sorry ass existance as the ultimate powerplay. Well well, in which scenario would it be beneficial for Nicole to have the sole power over Cassies financial stability? Oh yes, when it's time to kick her out of a shared house when the moment is right, because she cant afford it then :')
Nicole is the laziest person in history, what the fuck does she need an assistant for anyways.
>>164351This week Im gay but to women I say nay No. 164641
File: 1627461743165.jpg (752.05 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_07_28_10_31_29.jpg)

>>164430The manipulation and lovebombing really shows if you keep an eye out for it. Everytime (in video stories mostly) Nicole is about to shade someone, humiliate them or attack them hurtfully in any way, she says "I love you" right before, to gaslight the damage into questioning.
Well she loved me so much, so she must mean it well? She says she loves Doon before calling her face scary to her followers, she says she loves her before trashing her interior taste publicly, she says she loves and colleagues and their laughter, while throwing a judgemental dead look at them. This woman feels nothing but contempt and a god complex. Her enablers are brainwashed scrotes and hags.
No. 164642
File: 1627462067029.jpg (484.89 KB, 1600x1200, pt2021_07_28_10_43_57.jpg)

>>164504Reminds me of this, in this video she wants to borrow a stuffed toy from her little brother, but ends up manipulating him into gifting it to her (which frankly, he seemed used to and jumped to quickly to avoid drama), just to then sit in her car back home an hour later and sperge about how "this is why my grandma is the best" holding up the exact same stuffed toy. She was not even able to remember who she got that from, because she doesnt give a rats ass about people, she only pays attention to the material. Her brother must feel like shit now, that stuffed toy looked expensive and was big.
No. 164645
File: 1627462663895.jpeg (345.57 KB, 831x1800, EDED5E15-7928-4358-9DA7-8FF37E…)

Can we talk about how many phones this bitch buys on a yearly basis and then claims she has had the same one since high school?
No. 164646
File: 1627463023152.jpeg (217.19 KB, 828x647, EE5A03F6-6B47-4063-BA42-5F9EF9…)

>>164639She used to have a social media “manager” back when her stalkers were active, I figured it was someone like Doon monitoring her accounts and didn’t think much of it but now that she hired Cassie, her roommate, to be her “virtual assistant” I’m just in fucking awe of how retarded that job sounds.
No. 164648
>>164646hiring someone for that kind of position just screams "I am incapable to do the easiest things myself, yet wanna look important".
>>164645Nice comp, but again, it's common agreement Nicole has been lying for years about her
too bad quality saga, which is her necessary excuse for excessive shoops going mostly unnoticed and opting out of streaming, because HD pictures and stream would reveal how ugly she really is. She knows. The fact that she had i Phones and Samsungs, vers much capable of good resolution, doesnt matter to her, as its a blatant lie anyways to maintain face. (no pun intended)
No. 164655
>>164641Just read Nicoles bodylanguage, she gets off on the humiliation of other women and when she can stand next to their awkwardness looking like a self absorbed e-thot.
(as usual, lolcow wont let me upload imgur gifs and just sperges about "invalid image", I havent found any fucking way to fix this yet) No. 164656
File: 1627466129358.jpeg (329.44 KB, 831x1800, D615528E-AD0F-453B-9119-D764E4…)

>>164655Yikes. She uses all her friends as “tools”. First Dawn to make all her costumes (and who is she kidding crediting herself next to Dawn’s name), even uses her boyfriend to record her OF for shit like pouring milk on her, and now having Cassie as her personal “assistant”.
We can all tell the only skilled one at making anything is Dawn, not Nicole
No. 164666
File: 1627471047287.jpeg (267.17 KB, 831x1682, A18E3137-D9B4-41C9-9FA1-0A6243…)

Never can forget how Nicole made her friend e-beg for a phone replacement only to still be producing garbage quality content
No. 164669
File: 1627473716534.png (1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210728-102303.png)

>>164666imagine stepping back on your own things for a narcissistic thot that trashed your ass on twitter shortly after. Funny how non of them wants to pay for anything themselves, how can you be so shameless to live your entire existence off of strangers scrote handouts?
Nate slowly turning from bookworm look into the faggy emo version Nicole is already preparing her hooks for.
No. 164670
File: 1627473928301.jpeg (219.17 KB, 945x1800, 7DD60F37-330D-46EC-B2E4-6CECD1…)

Why am I not surprised, Narcole Davis recorded a tiktok while driving and looking at the screen instead of the road, even Tiktok themselves added a warning to her video. She brags about how she’s never going to get married or have kids, and that she risked her life by going to a stranger’s house alone just to buy a Pokémon card.
Here is what she said in this shitshow video:
“And let me tell you why today is a day I’m going to remember for the rest of my fucking life, you know, it goes up there too. Getting married? Laughs not gonna happen. Kids? I would fuck someone up. Jesus. No. But today, booy, let me fucking tell you. Did I drive three hours? Yes. To a stranger’s house? Yes. Alone? Yes. Could I have been killed? Possibly! But would I have died with a fucking first edition Charizard in my pocket? Yes ma’am, K would have, and I would have enjoyed it as well.”
No. 164671
File: 1627474340912.jpeg (242.3 KB, 1011x1800, 616EC201-3DB7-4631-9168-740D4F…)

Also she basically says a big “fuck you” to scalpers in this tweet here (a person who resells shares or tickets at a large or quick profit) but gets accused of essentially doing what she claims to hate,
No. 164672
File: 1627474769418.jpeg (259.21 KB, 828x410, 29F78A20-618D-413D-B3C2-D8481D…)

Connor must love seeing this comment about Dennis
No. 164676
File: 1627476217437.jpeg (83.49 KB, 1280x720, CFACD461-3210-4747-938C-FEEBA8…)

>>164672>why wouldn’t you get married? >because the love of my life got away </3Yeah.. cause you fucking CHEATED on him???
Even Narcole knows that no one is dumb enough to settle with her crazy narc ass
No. 164679
File: 1627476890120.jpg (912.22 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_28_14_45_54.jpg)

>>164672Serious question Nicole - you talking about Dennis or Nate??
HOW can you write such a thing when you know your current boyfriend is gonna see it? Just plain cruel.
But I'm not surprised. Cassie shoves her relationship with Nate in Nicoles face every chance she gets, and Nicole is never to be found under those posts. At this point it's hard to tell her apart from Nicole anymore, which makes it even more hilarious.
>>164670Cool to bust that out on a tiktok for strangers but not communicate it with Connor. Maybe she understands that being tied up with a narcissist is a life ruining descision and likely to raise children in a way developing the same disorder as her, but usually if she gets a new "soulmate" target, she will just pretend this tiktok never happened. She will die old, lonely and hated.
No. 164684
File: 1627478445162.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1610, IMG_20210728_151956.png)

>>164670A degenerate and threat to society, we could be glad she doesnt intent procreation, whatever demonic turds involving ritual that required.
>I'm doing OF to provide for my familyBreaks in their house while they are gone to empty the fridge off energydrinks, icecream, burritos expensive booze, all without asking and all for herself.
No. 164691
File: 1627480357091.jpeg (223.65 KB, 1066x1799, A93E09D2-3143-41BE-89D9-356430…)

She paid thousands of dollars for the card mentioned in
>>164670 btw. Very shady she won’t say the exact price and dodges questions but here she said “a few” when asked how many thousands of dollars she paid.
Also stuff like
>>164684 shows she takes from her family and not the other way around. Lol.
No. 164697
File: 1627481850772.jpeg (572.11 KB, 1800x1800, CA22F7E2-5321-4750-8F25-883483…)

>>164696What’s even creepier is Cassie trying to recreate their photos from when they were a couple (sorry for the blurry Nate+Leda pic, they’re all from 2011)
No. 164699
File: 1627482011712.jpeg (549.7 KB, 1800x1268, F9E15BD3-CA2E-429D-887C-E03ACA…)

I cannot make this shit up
No. 164700
File: 1627482237013.png (1.01 MB, 1440x1703, charizard.png)

>>164691Pokemon original set cards have maybe tripled in value in recent years. I happen to have most of the base set in Japanese and US edition, so it's of interest to me. A Charizard used to be around GBP £50 for one in VG condition maybe three years ago, now £150 for one in played condition. In only a few years. So she's probably bought this as an investment. If it's M/NM it is likely to have been around USD $2000 based on this recent UK sale on eBay.
>mfw I have a charizard in VG condition No. 164701
File: 1627482778380.png (1.8 MB, 1440x1947, Are pokemon fans ok.png)

>>164700These literal empty packets sold for £80. I do have an empty packet? Are pokemon fans ok? Is it time to sell my collection?
Honestly this is bizarre but also funny that now is the time Nicole is buying, when the prices are particularly high. She is so shit with money.
No. 164702
File: 1627482966519.jpeg (994.9 KB, 828x1402, 138164C9-88DB-4345-81D4-C9C136…)

>>164700She said it’s off center so around a 6 or 7, not sure if she got it graded but she got it signed by Post Malone, Unless this is a different card?
No. 164703
File: 1627483146423.jpeg (210.61 KB, 828x785, E7839B5E-40DE-41E0-854D-C7B064…)

So much to dissect with this comment.
3 months is plenty enough time in subscriptions, tips, PPV, etc to be earning a shit ton of money especially when she had the most subscribers when she first started.
Whenever someone asks how Nicole can afford such pricey cards she goes “MY CARD JOB” as if that bitch can earn much from being a retail worker and hoarding cards
No. 164709
>>164702That was from April 29 ( and I guess they are products from the card shop, not her personal collection. This was her driving to buy a card for her personal collection
(aside, sharpie vandalism surely would decrease the card value)
No. 164712
File: 1627485347729.jpeg (639.2 KB, 1800x1622, 3D548B67-087C-4AFD-A7EC-CE65A6…)

>>164709She bought the card even earlier in April
No. 164713
File: 1627485798273.jpeg (121.78 KB, 828x356, 2B07DAEA-ACD8-4DB6-85E8-AB2EC6…)

>>164711I wonder how many mental illnesses her therapist unearthed, and what kind of medication she’s on
No. 164717
>>164699So bizarre on multiple levels
>Cassie skinwalking Nicole>Cassie also mimicking Leda photos from 10 years ago>Nate playing along with both the Nicole skinwalking (which he's bound to have noticed) and the Leda mimic by wearing the same/similar jacket and taking similar photosDating while mentally ill: the movie
No. 164718
File: 1627486369234.jpeg (873.52 KB, 828x1419, 9E9AC54B-0763-4473-B248-EB12EA…)

>>164715It’s hers. She brings her binder to work. Also the “event” is Post Malone visiting the store and her and her coworkers getting their shit signed
No. 164735
>>164718It seems unwise to bring several thousand dollars of cards to work, but this is Nicole. If it's grade 6 or 7 it's worth more like <£400 based on my research (I think the one I have might be grade 7 or 8 and was wondering if I should sell it)
In which case she overpaid if she really spent several thousand on a grade 6-7.
No. 164736
File: 1627492508631.jpeg (203.66 KB, 828x347, E921B32A-BC8B-4227-A795-0F7394…)

>>164735It seems she’s really not as professional as she thinks she is.. wow.
Also she lied and said she drove a total of 6 hours for this card but the seller works at the same place she does..
No. 164739
File: 1627492914826.png (2.09 MB, 1440x1744, Shadowless.png)

>>164718>>164735Samefag, the Charizard she drove to collect, and is shown with her binder is shadowless, which is worth more. The signed card has a shadow (right hand side of frame around character) so the signed one is a different card. She may have multiple Charizards. Picrel is a Shadowless Grade 7 which gives you an idea how much she paid for that card. Sheesh.
Sage for card sperg
No. 164756
>>164717>Dating while mentally ill: the movieNailed it.
This is getting more and more creepy. How can they live without all that individuality? just skinwalking into retirement i guess.
No. 164770
File: 1627502225231.jpeg (261.08 KB, 831x1800, EACFE3B1-393F-4C84-8C2C-AF655E…)

>>164679Nicole probably can’t stand seeing Nate and Cassie together, I can’t wait to see that on a livestream. I mean just look at the way their mutual friends would describe Nicole and Nate, art says “I’ve only known (insert name) for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her I would kill everyone in the room and then myself”
No. 164806
>>164770She definitely cant, she neither comments nor likes any of the posts cassie shares of them, if its other stuff nicole interacts. that lady orourke chick is all over cassie's instagram nowadays, how the turntables.
But seriously, if I think about Cassies and Connors standpoint, however shit people they obviously be, I always feel bad how much hurtful BS they have to read under all these posts and tweets and whatever, of their partners sperging over a different person, subtly shading them in favor of that person or have their followerd clearly ship them despite knowing of their actual partners. Just how little can your self respect be to stay in such a
toxic relationship.
No. 164854
File: 1627526756730.jpeg (14.66 KB, 270x360, EMKxGMHUYAAq5po.jpeg)

>>164699Gross. I've seen Leda doing the face Nate is pulling countless times, I've never seen anyone else doing it.
No. 164867
File: 1627536880908.jpeg (372.46 KB, 831x1800, 23A2AFE9-8F85-4C6D-96AA-8BC1A5…)

I noticed on top of Nicole neglecting/ignoring her friends
>>162703 she also expects them to fight for a place in her life when she pushes them away. She doesn’t consider the draining mental effect it has on people to constantly deal with her bullshit, and if they stop fighting for a spot in her life she says they’re “giving up” on her.
I can only imagine how poorly she treated her family members and friends when having meltdowns over the Dennis/Destery/Nate drama.
She mentioned her mom’s full name on her public FB and it’s a public profile so I figured why not show this too: her mom liking all her posts from when she claims she didn’t have any parents to help, albeit her mom might just be autistic but liking someone’s posts is a sign you’re on good terms with them. What’s more awkward is her mom liking the post where she complained about her parents/family. Awkward.
No. 164881
>>164867Maybe her mother is a dense narc too. I'm pretty sure the first tweet was referring to Destery tho. He dumped her and she got pissed and tweeted this, it was discussed in the previous threads.
Though overall, yes, in typical narc fashion people have to fullfill functions and beneficial positions to be allowed in her life, otherwise Nicole inflicts punishment or cuts them off as discussed here:
>>157743>>157745>>157831>>161305>>162677That's also the reason all her male "friends" are basically friendzoned cucks who sub to her OF and pay for her shit in hopes to be thrown a bone. Everyone fights with gifts, money and attention to be her pickme, that is the state the Narc is going for, as it's way more lucrative then to just have one dude by her side for everyone to see. She rather hides Connor a bit and collects scrote sacrifices to her succubus flat ass.
No. 164883
File: 1627544846804.jpg (436.99 KB, 1080x1604, IMG_20210729_094227_mh16275448…)

You are in for a ride then.
No. 164886
File: 1627545776244.jpg (185.46 KB, 1080x896, pt2021_07_29_09_58_17.jpg)

>Thank you, but we're just friends
Your relationship status and a pissed off cheated on exgirlfriend of Connor told us otherwise.
We heard that one before a million times, Nicole sperging in comments that Nate and her are "just platonic" will evaporate into nothing as soon as he arrives.
No. 164889
File: 1627546828361.gif (9.86 MB, 519x960, E5E4FE0F-230F-4720-B99B-F6F2C1…)

Nicole is acting really fucking deranged in these snapchats, she said Connor shit his pants and then pulls these faces
No. 164890
File: 1627548143283.jpg (629.65 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_29_10_37_11.jpg)

>>164889Not only her snapchat, I saw some of her tiktoks for the first time recently and couldn't believe how genuinly degenerate she is. That is so cringe it was hard to look at.
No. 164891
File: 1627548489712.jpg (662.15 KB, 1600x1129, pt2021_07_29_10_45_45_mh162754…)

>>164890>>164889Or the queerbaiting where she says she "wants a girlfriend, but looks like this" showing off her flat body, and the other one lip syncing about how she ate out another guys girlfriend on the couch. All while already being with shit-in-my-pants Connor.
No. 164969
File: 1627592719578.jpg (747.97 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_29_22_50_50.jpg)

>>164936Dennis seemed to be a cuck, but at least he wasnt even close as shit as Nicole. She used to sometimes upload posed lovely dovey shit, but remained oblivious to the amount of serious hitting, kicking, insulting, side eyeing and other forms of physical abuse she inflicted on him being out there as well. It must suck so much on so many levels to be in a relationship with Narcole.
No. 164973
File: 1627595725878.jpg (354.42 KB, 1080x1410, 20210729_145253.jpg)

interesting how she basically only has her cool card vendor job thanks to Dennis help. Photo from his facebook 2014.
No. 164974
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guess we can throw racism into her milk too
No. 164979
File: 1627597379324.png (843.77 KB, 1047x903, IMG_20210730_002135.png)

>>164977When she is the narc, Dennis was likely the co-dependant. It's indeed a blessing he got thrown out the situation, likely is in therapy now or at least should be.
>>164973Helping out does not equal getting the job because of him, but it's a total shit move of her to exploit his freetime because she is a lazy fuck and cant even do the job she is paid for without his handouts.
>>164974Nicole being a racist while pushing to not look like a racist. She has made racist, vulgarity and disabled/disease jokes her entire life. Wholesome my ass.
No. 164981
File: 1627598894551.png (1.65 MB, 1080x803, IMG_20210730_004607.png)

Adding to her filthy ass room saga, I always wondered how fucking disgusting that permanent pile of plushies on her bed must be. All the dust, crumbs and dirt collecting on them is unhygenic and a huge turn off overall, I can't imagine ever sleeping in so much filth. And that pile just got bigger over the years.
No. 164984
File: 1627599173842.png (2.11 MB, 1080x1478, IMG_20210730_005209.png)

Nicoles phones of thriving narcissism. I wonder how many pictures of herself she collected over the years, but me multiple ten thousands.
No. 164989
File: 1627600359257.jpeg (150.54 KB, 828x454, 32388FEE-D763-4B01-BE04-64A786…)

>>164984She knows she’s narcissistic too, big yikes
No. 164997
File: 1627605884023.jpg (858.84 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_30_02_39_13_mr162760…)

I wonder what she did about those massive under eye bags? These pictures are from her moms instagram BEFORE Nicole had editing on her hands. (Btw. her parents barely have pictures of her up compared to their other kids and in the more recent collages Nicole clearly shot and edited her photos herself lmao everyone looks normal while her shots pull dramatic tumblr faces)
No. 164999
File: 1627606236062.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1813, IMG_20210730_024925.png)

God beware anyone in this soulless clique of sweaty testicles ever developes an own identity.
No. 165005
>>164669I wonder if this is why he didn’t want to come with Cassie before. Had to sharpen up his image first kek.
>>164984>>164989>when you know you’re a narc but try to play it off jokingly as some sort of quirk>>164997Whenever I see unedited pictures of young Nicole it makes me a bit sad. Not for her by a long shot, but that it’s a reminder of all of the girls who cannot accept their natural beauty and go to fillers, ps, and the like to fulfill their unobtainable ideal of beauty. Makes me sick to think Nicole always preaches to love yourself, when she looks nowhere near how she looked in the past. She’s the absolute opposite of what she so “lovingly” conveys.
No. 165009
>>164999Narcole edited her arm so it looks skinnier than Cassie’s
>>165005She has her whole face filled with filler and she still looks average and forgettable. Like all the other thots she’s turning to plastic surgery to look like her edits.
No. 165032
File: 1627631435447.jpeg (279.25 KB, 1201x1800, 66B076BA-445D-4202-8274-89B776…)

Here is one of the shittiest things I’ve noticed Nicole do. She has an autistic/disabled “friend” I noticed on social media named Ash who Nicole would string along making her think they’re friends and all, but it’s just one of those things Nicole does for face to show she’s such a nice human being, when according to Ash she neglects her/ignores her
No. 165034
File: 1627631606883.jpeg (388.45 KB, 828x1181, 0C664A7E-8530-4EFE-B62D-B984BE…)

This Ash person changes accounts every few months (probably due to mental illness) and here Nicole is lovebombing her publicly and making her think she’s super important in her life when in actuality she ignores her privately.
No. 165040
>>165034I know this is so disgusting, but this is honestly how Nicole writes about all her tools, sorry, friends. They all get lovebombed like insane, of course publicly to make Nicole look good and to coern them into being whatever serving tool she needs at that time, while in reality she could watch them have a car accident and would drive along without batting an eye. People mean nothing to narcs, I knew one in reallife and they were exactly the same.
Every new person they encountered was their "best friend forever" after 5 minutes, then slowly exploited while talking shit about them already behind their back, then thrown away to never be heard of again. Nicole is no different.
No. 165041
File: 1627637737890.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1509, IMG_20210730_113534.png)

>>165032Publicly guilt tripping someone isnt really great either. Nicole is shit tho.
>>165009I'm not sure if they are filled, but she definitely edited them for years. I guess tho she had them removed a while ago.
No. 165102
File: 1627658634085.jpg (654.85 KB, 1600x1200, pt2021_07_30_17_22_52.jpg)

If Nate and Nicole start living together, they will produce content of degeneracy that shouldn't even be possible.
No. 165105
File: 1627659681994.jpeg (998.19 KB, 1467x828, 20D2139C-B48D-488D-A71F-A28B52…)

>>165102It was already a fucking nightmare when they were streaming games together, I don’t even want to imagine that. Also in their stream together Nate says he sounds gay and Nicole goes “when don’t you? The sass is so apparent. You’re just like ‘hey y’all’ .” Gay stereotypes are so quirky!
No. 165108
File: 1627660236289.gif (12.36 MB, 590x960, 4EF7A4A6-1A9A-4432-A798-598745…)

>>165106They were parked somewhere so although they’re not as stupid as Nicole, Nate is still the most retarded person I’ve ever seen. Keep in mind this is the man Nicole bootlicks and called the wisest person she’s ever known.
No. 165118
File: 1627662290248.jpeg (352.09 KB, 1800x1800, 7DBF5774-FD67-4BE2-9D1F-071C55…)

Nicole’s ears and nose resemble this character much more than an elf. I noticed she calls herself a gremlin a lot, something Lori is also guilty of, is it some sort of quirky egirl thing?
No. 165184
>>165118I think you mean goblin, a fantasy creature known to hoard treasures, Nicole likes to compare her to it because of her amassed weebshit.
>>165108Nate is not only absolutely brain damaged (which makes him a perfect match with queen of stupidity cassie), he is also a groomer, pedophile, hardcore cringy, a faggy emo, lanky, ugly and completely immature/vain, so yeah "wisest and kindest person I ever met" is just another of her many lovebombs as seen in
>>165034>>165066that have nothing to do with reality and just try to get nicole to her goal.
No. 165187
File: 1627683150634.jpg (1.12 MB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_30_23_59_50_mh162768…)

Cassie using the same tactis she learned from her master of manipulation
>on stream "You guys know im such a broke ass bitch!"
No. 165208
File: 1627692328203.jpeg (271.32 KB, 831x1800, 5CDC49FB-F1E2-4004-AC30-97E114…)

Poor Connor, he probably never even realized this photo he commented under was Nicole at Destery’s house
No. 165239
File: 1627715387945.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, ABE1C52F-C515-45A0-8D1A-84D7AA…)

>>165208She is disgusting for being so frivolous. She really thought she was untouchable.
No. 165244
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What exactly does Nicole do on a day-to-day basis she claims makes her so busy? Because all I see is random fuckery with her friends (this man in the snapchat of course was in Leda’s group too, in case you were wondering)
No. 165254
File: 1627722351785.jpeg (524.5 KB, 1439x1800, D898C2CC-6E8D-454C-842F-7746CD…)

>>165251When you realize Nicole has wasted over 7 years of her life in the shadow of another girl. All Nicole’s friends are either following Leda fanpages or have connections to her personally. P.S Nicole was a literal who in 2013 so I’m laughing that one anon tried to pass it off like Nicole and Leda met through mutual friends/same circles.
No. 165263
File: 1627730178826.jpeg (371.61 KB, 828x1209, 75B80698-3BFD-4DDF-ADE2-C0D9F3…)

Suddenly all Cassie’s posts on her FB are set to private after anons found out about the fillers and being hired as Nicole’s assistant, suspicious af kek, got to hide the evidence ig
No. 165264
>>165261Nicole was always so obsessed with Leda she - most literally - tried to emulate her entire life down to the tiniest aspect. narcs have no own identity and cherrypick from the statuses around them, so Nicole made a (retarded) choice a long time ago.
>>165251I know someone with narcissistic personality disorder in real life, and that person hovered up to 6 years over every movement and upload of the ex's new partner copying and skinwalking anything and everything they could find about them, up to stalking to the same locations no matter how far away. You have to understand that these people are deeply mentally ill.
>>165237well yeah, this might sound a bit "big talk" of me, but it's still the sad truth: people like Nicole do not change, contribute, enhance, support, develop or grow anything or anyone in their lifes, incapable of adding value or be of any matter in society. Like a useless match burning down quickly and that's all the impact there was. She also can't feel or understand love, as narc brains only can do infatuation or lust. People like her will leave this incredible planet with a life that amounted to absolutely nothing, besides gigantic tracks of destruction, exploitation and pain in the lifes of others.
No. 165265
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>>165254Part 2 to this is Nicole’s online friends who all miss Leda and want her to return, of course them befriending Nicole is a coping mechanism since she’s the closest thing to her
No. 165275
>>165265It's especially creepy how Nicole is very happy with this and doesn’t seem to mind at all.
She sought out Leda's exes and friends so they would see her as Leda or her carbon copy replacement. I'm surprised her ass ain't on my strange addiction or truly for how obsessed she is and the lengths she’s gone through to be Leda.
No. 165305
File: 1627743946848.jpeg (730.25 KB, 828x1628, 72BC470E-59B0-4EB8-AD85-BEA5F8…)

So Cassie privated her FB, deleted her Twitter account and posted this on Insta. Looks like someone found this thread?
No. 165330
>>165305She definitely shouldn't do onlyfans if seeing a few comments about herself on a women's gossip forum spooked her.
She isn't ready for the depravity of coomers, I'm sure Nicole doesn't mention the messages they send you but her notice about not replying to OF messages suggests she gets a lot of awful shit in her inbox.
No. 165339
File: 1627751388820.jpeg (539.55 KB, 828x1607, 97253637-5E2B-4D44-9E70-32627D…)

Before she deletes her tumblr too, it’s like a goldmine into the psyche of the mentally ill
No. 165374
File: 1627758779938.jpg (840.09 KB, 1500x1500, pt2021_07_31_21_12_30.jpg)

>>165339Yup, someone like her totally should be around a narc now, what could possibly go wrong.
No. 165384
File: 1627760886087.jpeg (293.05 KB, 1242x1605, B30AE703-F9B0-4646-9B96-D48EAA…)

Well that was quick.
No. 165392
File: 1627762785848.jpeg (249.45 KB, 645x1652, 2DC7A441-8C97-46B4-AD77-116649…)

Nicole and Dennis are being autistic liking these same dance gavin dance lyric tweets, I became suspicious when I noticed Nicole kept retweeting and liking stuff about her ex so I checked Dennis’ liked and he’s doing the same retarded shit, even liking the same lyrics three times. Wtf
No. 165399
>>165398She is a narc, what do you expect? There is never, not at any given point, only one guy in the picture. It must be as much attention sources as possible. When they are not meeting up, it's via text or call.
>>165384Save to say she found the thread. What took her so long?
>>165392Im starting to think Nicole is using her friends as a distraction for us to post about, she is suspiciously lowkey right now.
No. 165405
File: 1627765428104.jpg (998.31 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_07_31_23_03_01.jpg)

Lmao, welcome new lurker. Imagine getting 2k fillers and still looking like a fucking troll. But hey, Nicole got it even worse.
No. 165407
File: 1627766061548.jpeg (188.96 KB, 828x789, 291C5457-D0AD-4A6E-BB9D-087423…)

Managed to screengrab this before Cassie deleted her tumblr. So yeah let’s not sympathize with this bitch anymore lmao
No. 165408
>>165399Wouldn’t be surprising. If she’s talking to Dennis out of all people again she probably wants that shit low key as possible. Right time at the right place, etc.
>>165407Reminds me of how insensitive she was trying to hit up
victims in an attempt to “help”, all the while commenting under Georgina’s video about Nate minimizing her
abusive experience with him.
>>162391 It’s not fault my animals died, and it’s not my fault I’m willingly dating a pedo. It
totally doesn’t paint me in a bad light at all.
No. 165411
File: 1627767337301.jpeg (282.02 KB, 1800x1800, B26DB246-DA7C-4423-A03C-761FE4…)

>>165254Forgot to add that Nicole liked a comment calling Leda an annoying scene queen. The cope is real, this bitch has been jealous and salty since day 1
No. 165412
File: 1627767768169.jpeg (Spoiler Image,363.61 KB, 1800x1800, C2237065-8AF0-4BB1-B76F-79FAD1…)

Apologies for bringing up such old content but Nicole’s slut shaming posts aged like milk.
No. 165413
>>165407anon, this shit is literally DISGUSTING. Who writes shit like this? How can she take zero responsiblity for it? Animal abuse always makes me pretty fucking mad, for fuck sake, they
died because of her neglect and stupidity and all she has to say for herself is that people need to get over it and "shut the fuck up"? I hope you get a fat load of karma for that you coldhearted psycho bitch.
No. 165416
>>165407>My chinchilla died while I was gone due to heat strokeSo she abandoned a Chinchilla in hot weather and thinks it wasn't her fault somehow?
>Rats fought to their deathSounds like she separated them then put them back together like the ignoramus she is. And they were stressed enough to be fighting which suggests improper care or habitat.
How ever will Nate's grooming
victims be able to reach out to Cassie for that much needed support (gaslighting and downplaying) she kept offering to them now? A completely psychologically untrained girlfriend of their abuser who is likely sitting next to her while she replies? What a shame they will miss out on that extremely helpful experience now she's panic-deleted her accounts.
(integrate better) No. 165427
>>165416Neither is she in any way qualified nor entitled to interact with traumatized, impressionable abuse
victims. Like WTF? A girl that is mentally instable and dating a mass groomer and minor fucker poses a huge danger to already suffering young adults.
>>165413Oh PLEASE, all these descriptions of her animals dying point towards wrong care/habitat in big blinking vegas letters. She had as usual no idea how to deal with them and just wanted something
cool to post on
her socials about. fucking animal abuser.
No. 165433
File: 1627772892254.jpg (328.14 KB, 865x736, pt2021_08_01_01_03_24_mh162777…)

>Onlyfans from Destery
Subscription will come with a free bottle of bleach, either for your eyes or to drink. Jokes aside, this is probably the most unattractive man on the planet, for the love of god, DON'T.
>He is happy
With a 24/7 drugged bitch that sports the lesbo eating out pose. This person must be a paid professional or on hard meds, otherwise there is no explanation why anyone would still date this piece of dogshit stuck between satans toes.
No. 165439
File: 1627774600140.gif (2.22 MB, 498x328, 8B75AEAB-5D33-4EF1-9BF5-EF0370…)

>>165433Brb vomiting. How fitting if he does. Maybe him and Nicole can collab somewhere down the line when they inevitably start talking again kek.
No. 165494
File: 1627802814538.jpeg (745.26 KB, 828x1498, 43C45486-AF8F-4AE9-B876-4F6B1F…)

So Cassie has another insta page that’s for being a “virtual assistant” to moms who are too busy and need help with their business.. not sure how Nicole ties into this since she has fuck all to do in life and probably more free time than all of us combined? The website is down so I’m assuming she quit this job to help Nicole now instead
No. 165496
File: 1627803145429.jpeg (333.55 KB, 831x1800, C6DBC94A-E235-4CD4-8616-9BF8D8…)

Kind of fucking weird to have trauma from a prior serious relationship and jump into one with a pedophile directly after that..
No. 165500
File: 1627806877938.jpeg (337.94 KB, 701x1093, AD996F6B-D1B2-43BD-A3C5-902501…)

And here we have Nate grooming Cassie. She had just turned 17 in 2013 and was a minor, Nate is 5 years older than her so he’s 22 at this point, he was interacting with most of her posts, following her, and complimenting her (you can’t see his tweets because he’s on private, but you can see Cassie’s response). There we have it, folks, Cassie was groomed by this man since she was 17.
No. 165502
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>>165500Really makes you think.
No. 165504
>>165502She is just another groomed one, very obviously.
>>165494Well, regarding the "Im going nowhere in life" narrative she fits perfectly into Connors and Nicoles middle.
>>165496Its kinda common knowledge that people who take literally zero time to process/mourn their prior relationship and simultaneously jump right into the next barely knowing that person and still not over the other, have serious emotional problems.
No. 165505
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>>165494Pff, in what fucking world Cassie? This is almost Nicole level lying.
No. 165506
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>>165330If she really is Nicole’s social media assistant then I bet she already has seen the nasty scrote dms on Nicole’s OF (as part of her job description)
No. 165507
File: 1627811190723.png (835.23 KB, 828x1792, BF2954C8-E9AF-4C2E-AA38-9F8142…)

Cassie just posted this.
No. 165511
>>165508Okay, first of all, her being Nicoles "virtual assistant" i am more than surprised it took her THAT long to find the thread, as Nicoles name is all over it on google.
Second, why on earth does she share this to her entire audience and even lists what the thread is saying publicly? Why does she draw so much attention to something she apparently doesnt want to exist? Does she expect whiteknights now? Or pity points by humiliating her herself with such a post? Or is she too dense to understand how counterproductive this action was?
And last, instead of maybe looking at the masses of EVIDENCE in these four threads about narcissist Nicole and her demonic groupies, maybe understand that this is what happened and it was proven by multiple sources, she just goes "mi mi mi they say my friends are shitty!" well, believe it or not, because they are. Measured by healthy standards they all behave horribly and have serious problems, all ahead Nicole.
No. 165512
>>165507Ah, i see, so, Nicole's year long spree of manipulation, cheating, compulsive lying, extortion and faking incidents of her followers, her repetitive neglect of rewards for patreons, excessive photoshopping, trashing ex-friends reputations, stealing and powerplays with females was just all in our heads then? despite fucking FOUR threads of screenshots and statements claiming completely otherwise. Read Cassie, read.
No. 165522
File: 1627814129847.jpeg (217.18 KB, 828x694, 1E5557A1-16FF-4F9F-B164-1322EA…)

>>165520I always believed the speculation that Nicole was a farmer and that she knows of these imageboards long before her threads existed. She even used 4chan “>be me” greentext post formats for her posts that I’ve never seen be used elsewhere. And coincidentally she also was brought up on 4chan and later bragged about it.
No. 165531
>>165507Oh lord Cassie, I hope for your sake Nicole and Nate
don't run off together or this post will age very poorly. And most/everything in this thread is true, alas.
No. 165538
File: 1627821735590.jpeg (522.89 KB, 1800x1800, F7717789-7096-4522-B46D-029C01…)

Cassie knows she got groomed by Nate, why else would she lie about the dates? She lied and made it seem like he befriended her when she was 18 in 2014 (legal adult) but he was interacting with her posts and being all buddy buddy (dare I say flirting) when she was younger than that. He was even responding to many of her tweets that had nothing to do with him, not even interacting with him.
Absolutely none of the evidence here is a lie, Cassie.
No. 165541
>>165538This explains why Nate was mass deleting so many of his old tweets
>>>/w/158649 and one anon was trying to brush it off like he was just getting reported by vendetta chan, lawl. Over 50 tweets deleted, checked today. Got to hide the evidence he groomed his gf!
No. 165638
File: 1627849525018.jpeg (411.26 KB, 828x867, 49F769B5-28D2-4AA3-BB82-59A9AC…)

Not sure if anyone has watched this Destery callout video but it essentially covers this girl’s point of view while Destery was still dating Nicole, he mentions the relationship is rocky because he “can’t trust her again” which aligns with anons showing screenshots of Nicole two-timing Destery and Connor
No. 165653
>>165548>Someone who attention whores themself this much doesn’t get to complain about being in the spotlightThis. Cherrypicking doesnt work on the internet. Same method as with Nicole and her money. If she is with friends she is bregging, if she posts for followers she is suddenly poor again
eyerollI see Cassies behavior even in reaction to this thread as manipulative as fuck. What do you wanna achieve with that guilt tripping? You made this bed yourself. Don't give us the breakdown uwu chan when you know damn well this is all just reciting and analyzing what you actually did and said yourself. If you wanna get some simps head pats on Instagram, go ahead, publicly whine about how people inevitably point out the shit behavior of you and your "friends" without acknowledging any of the evidence. But don't pretend you are the
victim here and this is all news to you. Lying and denying your accountability does not make one any less guilty.
No. 165657
File: 1627858807370.jpg (132.92 KB, 592x532, pt2021_08_02_00_58_06_mh162785…)

Gotta love she still tries to push the "selfloving and wholesome" image when her shit is literally listed on places like thotbook under mega thot pack.
No. 165660
>>165659I felt my IQ shrink looking at this shit man.>>165656I guess she is just not relevant enough yet. Maybe in the future if at all.
No. 165664
File: 1627859962993.png (591.53 KB, 751x910, IMG_20210802_011808.png)

"Nope and very happy" - did he say while wearing still the same beanie he took from Nicole after fucking Nicole. This guy figured out true romance.
No. 165666
File: 1627861068399.jpg (884.63 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_08_02_01_34_53.jpg)

>>165664oh come on, you know Destery is the biggest thottish faggatron in the world, we could fill 5 threads with his cringe posting alone without milk. And he has narcissistic personality disorder as well, which one of his friends confirmed before he mass deleted his shit. Thats why he goes so great with nicole. He lovebombs, lies and destroys equally.
No. 165670
>>165666This needs a spoiler warning for my soul alone, dear god.
Connor started to delete some of his instagram posts too, I guess he is in the picture about the thread.
No. 165736
File: 1627890928006.png (176.65 KB, 1080x1241, IMG_20210802_010155.png)

>>165670Yup, Connor deleted pictures and blocked some recent accounts, he obviously knows about the thread which again implies the minions are talking about it with each other. As if that magically stops them from doing shitty actions. If nobody points out how manipulative and fake i am, i magically am not anymore, yay!
Does anyone knows whats up here?
No. 165739
>>165733They didn’t sage and that’s enough for me to agree with you anon. Fingers crossed it’s not going to end up being more WK shit.
>>165736So is it safe to say everyone in her current circle knows now, since Cassie would end up making Nate aware as well? Guess we’ll see how this new housing situation turns out now kek.
No. 165748
File: 1627896608272.jpeg (161.44 KB, 828x1576, E1172B6D-0191-40A4-A93D-E9E58B…)

I really thought Nicole would take a hiatus on social media after her friend’s meltdown about discovering this thread but she’s just spamming videos of her side profile on Snapchat. Remember to thank your plastic surgeon for that nightmare fuel nose, Nicole!
No. 165749
File: 1627897530669.jpeg (302.41 KB, 1800x1800, 12966B84-47A7-4600-B7E8-36A3B5…)

What’s with the ugly cheek fillers? She’s starting to look like that Ukrainian woman addicted to cheek injections.
No. 165750
File: 1627897726935.gif (12.4 MB, 573x960, 0F32A97C-2E15-4B2D-AE1B-02E920…)

In video form:
No. 165751
>>165750>>165749Are you fucking kidding me? ಠ__ಠ
She looks like she ate a bee hive for breakfast, big yikes. This shit is completely deforming her. And why does that video look like she is strangling herself, what is the point of these things?
No. 165754
File: 1627901610942.jpeg (265.04 KB, 828x570, FD64FFEF-9F23-4B03-9D5E-74E7D7…)

Nicole’s liked posts/tweets is a peak into the mind of a narcissist.
No. 165755
File: 1627901667156.jpeg (336.09 KB, 828x747, 12FE6A1A-FC31-4753-B67D-34C520…)

Also if you had any doubt Nicole isn’t a farmer, she liked this tweet referencing the recent Chris Chan shit
No. 165771
File: 1627910052663.jpeg (1.14 MB, 828x1628, 05253B93-19DA-4383-A9A5-C6039E…)

Sage for tinfoil but, it appears like Nicole has been neglecting her job too.. at a peak busy hour she is nowhere to be seen. Because having four days off every week isn’t enough?
No. 165777
>>165749It’s not just the cheeks, her whole face is nightmare fuel. This is why you don’t get fillers for your whole face.
>>165754>great titsHer tits are sagging down to her stomach lol.
No. 165798
File: 1627915582525.jpeg (200.09 KB, 831x1800, 10CB4F3F-6C97-4AB4-8261-516AF8…)

I’m confused why she added a costume to her wishlist that she already has? (Weeks after she already had a costume). She really thinks scrotes are going to pay for the same exact cosplay she’s already done?
No. 165804
File: 1627917067379.gif (19.56 MB, 480x476, C4D8F915-9401-4E0C-93A7-57FD9F…)

>>165780It really is kind of sad. Just look at this video of her from nearly 10 years ago.
No. 165812
File: 1627918309815.jpeg (430.51 KB, 1800x1800, F28863CA-17A1-4F15-8A34-9325C8…)

Body positive anon should go back to their hole. Nicole’s tits would mostly go unnoticed if it weren’t for her excessively shooping them bigger, trying to convince everyone she has 32 double Ds (KEK) and acting like she wants to swap with smaller sized women. It’s almost unbearable to watch this cow brag about the large boobs she doesn’t have.
No. 165822
File: 1627921127020.jpeg (85.99 KB, 640x1138, 1DA5D6C0-5C30-47CE-987A-750AD5…)

Her arm shop is hilariously bad in this pic
No. 165831
>>165782t. Saggy tit anon
>>165812>32DDThat's the most thinly veiled humble brag story that never happened I've ever read
No. 165833
File: 1627924056732.jpeg (181.82 KB, 828x1355, DACCB3CD-7508-486C-84D3-F35ED2…)

>>165831Sadly it’s a true story, she recorded the whole thing as if it’s something to be proud about. Her boyfriend publicly humiliating her, shouting her name and (fake) bra size out the car window just because she wouldn’t kiss him: dates neckbeards, shoops them to not look like neckbeards, cheats on them, and then tells everyone “the love of her life got away.”
No. 165839
File: 1627924618172.gif (9.81 MB, 540x960, 6948EEC4-0DE2-4B4D-8EB4-3928D1…)

Is Nicole pretending to jerk off with a dick in this Tiktok? Fucking disgusting, she looks scary.
No. 165847
I noticed her onesie/kigurumi Tiktoks are the most depraved and insane looking of all, and possibly it's because she's unable to sexualize herself while wearing one so she goes massively overboard acting out for attention, like this fake jerkin' and the friend having a seizure and it seems imitating something sexual. There's another video of them crawling around like cryptids. It seems like her kryptonite is anything that removes her ability to show off her body to coomers so she goes insane on the spot.
>I die without attention!! No. 165849
File: 1627925688329.jpeg (223.76 KB, 831x1800, 77365B9A-049F-4EC4-873B-6A9F0C…)

A part of me thinks Nicole was leading Heather on into thinking she wants to date her.
No. 165854
File: 1627926445687.jpeg (240.76 KB, 831x1800, 9DE618DA-EAE2-4B6E-8449-03E7A8…)

Same day too. If Nicole seriously made this girl thinks she had a shot with her only to trash her entire existence publicly she truly is a pos.
No. 165858
File: 1627926607337.jpeg (379.87 KB, 828x940, D49D3579-DF61-49B6-9943-98D525…)

Was Nicole on drugs for this vid? Her pupils are abnormally large No. 165898
File: 1627941905391.png (288.47 KB, 414x588, IMG_20210803_000442.png)

>>165893can you stop sperging about her tits? I have an E cup and can confidentl tell you, NO, nicole is not even close to a DD, she has maybe B-C in real life at best, she is clearly not an A cup, but these massive shoops are not reliable in any way, her candid shots show how little she has.
No. 165906
>>165849well, heather was a tool nicole wanted to use. so what better could she have done than pull her standard simpify routine on a bi woman then?
>>165847Agree with this, definitely over reaction to lack of oversexualization opportunity. she has to be the center of attention even if she looks like an utter denegerate doing so.
No. 165910
File: 1627943431175.jpg (881.02 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_08_03_00_29_40.jpg)

>>165906I remember someone who is exactly like that… humiliation paid with pity attention.
No. 165917
File: 1627944842337.jpeg (338.05 KB, 828x1196, 384DF546-AFE6-4D7E-98BE-5892C7…)

>>165905She’s back to posting cringe Tiktoks and snapchats of playing video games
No. 165927
>>165894>>165898as someone with a 32DD chest she looks like someone with a natural 32DD chest. Mine are fake and with a bra they can look gigantic on my frame but without a bra they look very average size.
if she had a 34 band she'd be a D cup and a 36 band a C cup just to show how not-large a 32DD size is.
sage for bra sperging but this thread really shows how women don't know jack shit about bra sizing.
No. 165929
File: 1627949324990.jpeg (878.03 KB, 828x1517, FFFDBF45-E82C-4F7A-BFE2-570F59…)

>this thread really shows how women don't know jack shit about bra sizing.You’re just repeating what was said here
>>165894 about 36C being an equivalent. We clearly know exactly what you’re talking about. Now can we get back to Nicole? Ignoring her friend’s meltdown over this thread is hilarious, I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked Cassie to take it down before it directs people here. Also what a busy life with moving, playing random games!
No. 165930
File: 1627949853845.jpeg (272.27 KB, 1800x1800, FF234526-6CDA-4760-BC3F-13CD53…)

Let the paranoid blocking saga begin
No. 165933
File: 1627951806618.jpeg (90.8 KB, 828x275, 3E5E8C45-98D1-4447-87BA-A34DB5…)

I bet her scrotes don’t even know she has a boyfriend, Connor is just going to be forever referred to as a roommate or friend
No. 165992
>>165927Can you stop your insufferable smartassing in which you act like the only woman on the planet being an expert on bras? Here, I stick a sparkly gold star on your paper, maybe we can move on now.
>>165930This will likely affect a lot of accounts, as Instagram introduced a new IP/device based block feature, meaning no matter how many accounts to build there, they are automatically all blocked.
>>165929And here we are again, busy bee wasting time on games
>roommateat this point i have no idea why connor still is with her lol
No. 166005
File: 1627984346723.jpeg (714.7 KB, 828x1505, E36BC99E-78BF-43A2-9788-E45761…)

So she brought her boyfriend to meet the man who buys her OF that she’s been ignoring up until now?
No. 166011
File: 1627985801841.jpeg (289.67 KB, 831x1800, F300630E-0B03-4E74-A82F-E678EC…)

Just noticed Nate gave her his necklace that he’s had for years, lol.
No. 166016
File: 1627989233621.jpeg (217.28 KB, 831x1800, EEAA469F-908D-412C-A518-05B3AE…)

Can anyone fill me in on this “everstonetcg/eevee” shit? It seems to be something Nicole’s ex is using for his socials and I don’t understand it. They don’t even work at the same place so from my understanding it’s not a business thing.
No. 166017
File: 1627990186733.jpeg (208.46 KB, 656x1798, 4CDA1ADA-C78E-47E6-99F1-7D64F5…)

>>165950>Why do they have to-Because it’s disrespectful to your partner. Most people wouldn’t enjoy their relationship being kept a secret or at the very bare minimum not have their partner single bait and post about wanting a girlfriend while you’re still using your boyfriend for your comedy skits.
No. 166021
>>166017whats with that "cute guy at work" thing when she shows dennis?
Connor is a cuck to keep up with all her bullshit.
No. 166022
File: 1627992422231.jpeg (505.81 KB, 1800x1800, 4DD037A1-E723-42F2-B86F-BFEA81…)

I wonder if Connor knows this is the man he and Nicole met up with last night. Spoiler alert: there’s more than these
No. 166025
File: 1627993058364.jpeg (Spoiler Image,387.51 KB, 722x1421, 5EF030C1-9DCA-4737-9444-6FADBC…)

Just normal friendship stuff, this man wants to balance a drink on her ass
No. 166037
>>166022Funny she was completely ignoring this stuff then suddenly invites him over, gotta keep those simps on a short leash
She reminds me of someone in a community I used to be part of. She'd sleep with every guy in the community, date some of them for a while, cheat on them all. One guy spoke to me and said there was a point when he just didn't care anymore about the cheating, and just broke up. She'd also relentlessly bully some of the guys to tears, treat all the women like shit and SJW bully them all, with backup from all the scrotes she'd fucked.
Cut forward ten years, she still has a neckbeard boyfriend but has lost all her social capital and looks like a boring librarian.
No. 166044
File: 1627998180545.jpeg (377.44 KB, 831x1800, 1E56AC55-C2EB-4598-9AF0-06A3B7…)

>>166037Haha holy shit, this makes me wonder what’s going on behind the scenes with Nicole and her simp friends. This thread is only scratching the surface.
Also if you look at that guy’s instagram it’s full of these really cringe posts that really aligns with what he tweets Nicole here
>>166022 No. 166072
File: 1628008440104.jpeg (728.79 KB, 1521x828, 8172A939-A220-4415-83D2-88F364…)

>>166071We have HeythereI’mShannon’s YT video about Destery where he says he can’t trust her again, which corroborates with her cheating on Dennis, Destery and Connor throughout the years (picrel) There’s also Dennis suspecting her of cheating and asking for the timeline of when she started dating Destery in 2018. Read the threads, there’s plenty of evidence she cheated on all three men she dated and it doesn’t need to be rehashed again unless she does something recent.
No. 166078
>>166075Then you have to wait a really long time, because besides Destery's claims to not trust her anymore and their relationship having been rocky (which i dont doubt one second) and Dennis wanting to sit down with him because he as well didnt trust Nicole about the cheating anymore (she lied about the timeline) both, Dennis and Connor are still in contact with and "under simp control" towards Nicole
right now. So there is no way they unpack the dirt publicly, unless the codependance and manipulation stops from Nicole. Having read all 4 threads and all the screenshots its undeniable she cheated on all of them, (while Destery and Connor ALSO cheated their partners at the same time) but Nicole keeps eagle eyes on everyone to not spill anything. She is the only one trashing people online of course. You never get the other side, only hers.
No. 166085
>>166083Nicole and Cassie are both good at silencing
victims. We’re not going to spoonfeed you information (and for the love of god write “sage” in the email field so you stop bumping this thread nonstop, you’re asking for a ban) but as you can see from Cassie messaging every
victim of her boyfriend and trying to silence them, deleting all her old accounts, Nicole deleting her old and hiding shit, they have been playing this game for too long to outright get caught and have someone publicly speak out about them. They are master manipulators.
No. 166111
File: 1628021328730.png (10.44 KB, 540x134, lol.png)

*correcting: you CANT proof shit to anyone Nicole, because you are the culprit.
No. 166112
>>166072That's the thing, it's not one way or the other, no, Destery cheated AND Nicole cheated, just because Destery is a piece of shit, does not mean he never says the truth ever. Yes, he is a compulsive cheater AND so is Nicole. These two things coexist peacefully.
The video about Destery is honestly disgusting as fuck. And I am not surprised Nicole is, yet again, off the hook and praised for being oh so wonderful, as was pointed out even in the comments of this video, that she manipulated shannon into thinking Nicole was just another
victim, which is proven, she isnt, she was just as much part of the entire cheating saga. That ice cold bitch always takes the swift exit and gets away with it, I pray for the day her shit gets blown up like Nates and Desterys did, otherwise this just wouldnt be fair. Remember all the damage this narc has already done. Then look at the army of simps kissing her feet, telling her every single day she is the most wonderful person on the planet, while she is literally out there ruining one life after the other. While actual decent and kind people get overlooked and even bullied through their lifes, someone like Nicole gets warshipped for being a demonic piece of shit. what sad world do we live in man…
No. 166145
File: 1628029358853.jpeg (355.57 KB, 813x1162, 28806951-CFD5-4926-A2B8-B262BD…)

Are you sure this isn’t directed at your thread, Nicole? Really?
No. 166151
File: 1628030291654.jpeg (374.46 KB, 1201x1800, F00168E6-5714-4A25-866B-A81316…)

Guess she didn’t like her thread image of toy hoarding (samefag)
No. 166155
>>166127>>166139>>166134Dont get the complaining, anon points out that the principle behind it is fucked, which it is. The gap between how Nicole is treated online vs how she treats people is bigger than your momma and tells a lot about society and how fucking easily people are gaslit.
>>166145Lmao, what a move to big mouth about how speculating is so dumb, yet she would never ever come out with anything clarifying or remotely minimizing the damage she has done. She has nothing to say for herself, yet makes it seem as if people who dig for the truth are the pathetic ones. You are laughable Nicole.
No. 166156
>>166134>>166127lol, try getting manipulated and cheated on by a real narcissist for years and then being told "its not that deep" people like nicole and her scummy gang are eternal shit stains on santa's list.
>>166124Well, the women that where in the relationships with the men Nicole cheated with, have adressed it more or less, but rather behind closed dms than posting it all over their socials. Which I think is understandable, because who really wants to go around letting the world know they got cheated on.
Don't forget that this just "doesnt happen" by impulse. Nicole plans it ahead, which was already discussed but I can do a comp of it tomorrow.
No. 166168
>>166145Love how she posted this at around the same time as the sperg who couldn’t sage here.
>>166167Did that touch a nerve?
No. 166216
>>166211>”asking for proof”>consistent requests for proof throughout all of these threads She made it obvious just by tweeting. Big
No. 166225
File: 1628077493979.jpeg (325.43 KB, 828x1310, 51F9C1D3-DCA6-4E5F-A36C-A4B39C…)

Looks like Cassie took down the stream, probably realized how retarded it was after reading about it here.
No. 166281
File: 1628106623492.jpeg (552.73 KB, 828x1569, 4682D96F-802A-45A1-A00E-45896F…)

>Move houses
>Neglect jobs and social media presence
>No OF presence in 10 days, nowhere to be seen at work, claims this is all due to moving homes
>Suddenly announces travelling, most likely for a con
The Nicole productivity cycle. What even.
No. 166293
File: 1628110586093.jpeg (931.7 KB, 828x1430, E314C3F4-0930-4B08-A3C0-F97728…)

Mfw just uploaded from her photoshoot with Heather and probably had to crop her out of the background for these
No. 166303
File: 1628115744436.jpeg (241.69 KB, 1800x1800, EF8B57D8-84C8-4C18-AFB7-792C6E…)

Imagine the irony of two bisexual women competing after Nate.
No. 166406
File: 1628199076909.jpeg (Spoiler Image,344.62 KB, 1800x1800, 4DD6C7F6-1237-4D90-9B76-075880…)

Apologies for sounding like a moid and critiquing her OF but does she take scrotes for fools? They may be idiotic but they’re not blind. Not only was she not putting her finger inside but you can clearly see her hand hovering over her underwear in this 2 second video she uploaded with that caption. Taking videos in the dark, unannounced weeks of hiatus, withholding information about PPV prices, and this.. it’s all so misleading. On one hand I don’t pity the scrotes she’s scamming, but on the other she has to be braindead to be doing this.
No. 166412
File: 1628203673856.jpeg (153.86 KB, 828x632, C8A09AA0-87B5-4584-9E25-E69B28…)

>>166411Oh trust me, I only discovered it skimming through the leak sites. They notice for sure.
No. 166464
File: 1628252373514.jpeg (113.69 KB, 828x446, C998D67F-3996-455E-919B-59D7EE…)

>>166452>That’s to be expectedThen maybe don’t act like she’s only punishing scrotes? Other e-thots and women as well
No. 166515
File: 1628296665902.jpeg (356.48 KB, 828x950, 6E3C69B5-91C0-4F9A-B92E-4924FA…)

Why would Nicole need a fake septum if hers are real? I noticed this in her Etsy favorites and it looks like the same one she normally wears.
No. 166527
File: 1628301431973.jpeg (153.99 KB, 821x398, CFA719D5-8040-4FD1-85FD-2A8353…)

>>165407Posts like these make me genuinely worried for Nicole’s poor animals. She already doesn’t exactly treat them well and with her constantly going on vacations she’s probably leaving them in the care of her roommates (aka Cassie). She recently favorited a bunch of stuff for bearded dragons so who knows how many exotic animals she plans on hoarding that Cassie is going to eventually kill with her stupidity.
No. 166528
File: 1628301728042.jpeg (189.34 KB, 428x480, 1C4561E4-7116-49A9-904C-F690BB…)

What I mean by her interest in owning a bearded dragons, an example of something she favorited (picrel)
No. 166540
File: 1628313525060.jpeg (166.45 KB, 1242x1542, 3CD81497-6FFE-4136-A8C1-E9171C…)

>>166531Nicole had worn septum jewelry like this in the past, though. Couldn’t say if it just closed on her, or if she’s been wearing a faux one this whole time. Personally speaking, having had this piercing done as a teen, it’s stayed open since then even as an adult that no longer wears jewelry in it. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible for it to close though, so who knows.
No. 166548
>>166522>>166519Your utter rudeness and retardation is infectious anon, I almost didnt sage my post, insulted anons for no reasons and demanded old milk. Phew, that was close.
>>166540Maybe the fake one isnt for herself, but just another "be my clone" gift for some of her friends.
>>166528Great, more exotic animals for popularity clout, because god beware you develop a cool personality without living like jake paul.
No. 166585
>>166580She let her rats fight to the death, anon. That’s definitely on her.
>>166581We’re not talking about the camera. We’re talking about Nicole constantly travelling and leaving them in the care of this stupid girl who ended up killing all her pets. Lol.
No. 166601
>>166596What confuses me about Cassie’s statement is she said she
tried to separate them, like what does that mean? Did she end up putting them back together after already seeing them fight? I don’t think Cassie is some evil animal abuser but she’s definitely a bit of an airhead, from (accidentally) having multiple pets die, leaking Nicole’s license plate, agreeing to be her online assistant, reaching out to her boyfriend’s
victims, skinwalking Nicole and impulsivey posting about this site only to delete it 20 minutes later.
No. 166644
File: 1628373599821.jpeg (758.42 KB, 828x1490, E628078D-BBF5-4D36-8309-F6F543…)

I think Nicole travelled to meet Connor’s family for the first time. In one of the snaps you can hear a middle aged woman’s voice call him “Connie” as a nickname and he answers, and they appear to be at someone’s house. I wonder what his family think of Nicole, especially with their on and off again relationship last year where she juggled two men kek.
No. 166655
>>166650Except that you don’t know if they were broken up. All we know is that she’s a pathological liar about the dates/stories/reasons and her stories never align with what her friends say of the same event (i.e the pothole vs bump thing). Either way it’s funny as hell she has a backup list of other guys to fuck the second things go south. For example, rough patch with her 6 year long boyfriend? Goes to fuck Destery! (All the while tweeting about Dennis being her boyfriend during this time and posting about him). Break up after decade long relationship? Immediately fly out during a pandemic to fuck Destery!
That’s not healthy and it’s a little concerning you think the anons criticizing this are the strange ones. Nothing mature about jumping from one serious relationship to the next to the point where they overlap in time and story all the while tweeting “fuck relationships!” “My bestfriend Doon is all I need!” for the seven seconds she’s single.
No. 166708
>>166674I can't believe we literally have four threads full to the brimm with screenshots, messages and dates showcasing overlapping timeframes and clear as day cheating, and people still call it speculation, as long as Nicole doesnt step forward introducing herself with a big red nametag of "Hi, I'm a cheat".
>>166609i actually DO think she is a bad person, given the way she treats nates
victims, the rotten people she associates with,her incapability to take accountability for anything she does and says to hurt people (or animals) combined with an undying sense of entitlement and vanity, or even annoyance when her shit behavior is pointed out to her. she is used to being an irresponsible fuck up in everthing and pulling the
victim card instead of owning up to anything.
No. 166719
File: 1628434403675.jpeg (412.85 KB, 1800x1800, BCA35944-DAFC-46CF-A9E9-9865B8…)

>>166718Nta but she spoke about this herself in her callout tweet. She said after Destery cheated on her in 2018 she “resumed” her relationship with Dennis. Like they put it on “pause” when really her boyfriend had no idea she was seeing other men. As you can see here Dennis dumped Nicole in February 2020 and in December 2020 he asked for a timeline of when she dated Destery. Man definitely dumped her due to being cheated on.
No. 166720
File: 1628434723406.jpeg (495.13 KB, 828x1106, F78B417C-8D23-4AD5-9EAC-634A17…)

>>166718Also she was still contemplating a long distance relationship with him months after she resumed her relationship with Dennis.
No. 166728
>>166726They clearly didn’t agree to Nicole seeing Destery if you read
>>166719 lol. That’s why Dennis dumped her. Nicole calling cheating “sensitive information” doesn’t exactly help either.
No. 166729
File: 1628437616973.jpeg (317.69 KB, 1011x1800, 40BC7A24-6351-4BF7-877A-5AA108…)

Since this collage wasn’t made before, here is all the times Nicole changed the reason for why she won’t date Destery. The fact that she was still contemplating a long distance relationship with him after already rekindling things with Dennis and learning that Destery cheated on Amber says a lot about her.
No. 166735
>>166734Their breakup wasn’t mutual at all kek, she was tweeting about him leaving her and being abandoned by him for MONTHS after their breakup. And as you can see here
>>164672 And yeah, there’s a nonstop newfag constantly receiving bans that’s been asking for proof of old milk if you scroll up. You need to calm down. It’s not that deep.
No. 166755
File: 1628447611023.jpeg (228.88 KB, 1011x1800, 949BC4AF-0EFD-4799-AAE2-F17072…)

>>166752Funny how you’re probably the same anon who had a meltdown at an anon getting Chase to confirm she cheated to now saying it’s all speculation. Sorry but the only one this obsessed with so-called speculation is you. It’s one of countless things that she’s done to others that make up her shitty personality. This man she hung out with is an inside source into all this drama and I think he knows more than you or any anon does. Maybe stop refreshing the thread to argue the same thing over and over again wondering why these threads are filling so quickly?
No. 166771
File: 1628456517775.jpg (359.43 KB, 894x1092, pt2021_08_08_23_00_03_mh162845…)

>>166766its such an easy solution anon, just keep telling that to yourself in your dreamy spergworld of nicole who cant do anything wrong and never cheats, while we in reality can all move on with the thread, sounds good? everyone wins!
Anyways, found some fun stuff about Connor and his ex Nycole, her posts unfortunately aged like fucking milk, because it's basically what happened and she was already paranoid about him kek.
No. 166774
File: 1628456760545.jpg (437.35 KB, 1080x799, Screenshot_20210808-225406_mh1…)

She wanted to do that retarded hair dye thing like cassie and nate, but connor thought it was too cringe and rejected. Sounded all weird but seemed stable, until Nicole entered the picture. Think it's a nice detail that it took Connor 1,5 months longer to accept facebook officials than his gf. Now someone plays the non committing with him, ha.
No. 166775
File: 1628456804726.png (442.3 KB, 1080x533, IMG_20210808_225701.png)

And she just replaced him with another retarded band guy clone.
No. 166776
File: 1628456907267.jpg (736.15 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_08_08_22_52_53.jpg)

Anyways, look at this pathetic cuck. She goes rampage for his whimpy ass while he just doesnt do anything for him to pose the big man afterwards. Insulting some dude who didnt like his eyeliner, great gesture man. yikes, this is so embarassing.
No. 166782
>>166772your whining is boderline depressing anon, these things do not exclude each other: fact 1, destery is a compulsive liar, fact 2 Nicole is too. Fact 3 Des cheated, while fact 4, Nicole did too. That's it. Destery being a known manipulator does not mean the people around him cant be as well. on the contrary it makes it way more likely. And Dennis hasnt said anything, not because it didnt happen, but because he is not on the internet and never said anything about anything ever regarding Nicole. how dense must you be to proclaim his silence as evidence, instead of actual history of screenshots… get help.
>>166778I think this tells us a lot about who connor is tho. relevant enough.
No. 166788
File: 1628457980596.jpeg (67.39 KB, 828x286, 79BF803D-9153-433D-847A-DD88C0…)

>>166784Note that Darcy’s mother was calling Connor her son in law. Their relationship was
serious and of course just another one of Nicole’s conquests kek
No. 166794
>>166792She replaced him in under 2 months here though
>>166775 no one in a
serious relationship does that. Who even is this bitch and why are we posting about her as if she matters at all right now?
No. 166795
File: 1628458893370.jpg (1.2 MB, 4000x1000, pt2021_08_08_23_39_44.jpg)

>>166790Nycole sounds shit, but at least she was faithful. Connor was a piece of shite their entire relationship, but we all know Narcole basically has a thing for fucked up and cheating emo fags.
No. 166796
>>166794This is August 2018 and July 2021 you genius. She caught him cheating in August 2020.
We talk about it because it tells us more about connor who is currently with nicole. it makes predictable how they gonna fuck things up.
No. 166801
File: 1628462608077.jpeg (373.06 KB, 831x1800, 66692574-663A-474D-A5EA-30747D…)

This shit is nauseating
No. 166803
>>166778Getting mighty
triggered to see these posts with Connor's ex girlfriend, why is that?
>>166787>person posting about their boyfriend of 2 years is obsessiveBe less obvious.
("hi cow") No. 166810
File: 1628465920222.jpg (123.29 KB, 859x1185, E7g6VBxWUAUdeNl.jpg)

>>166806>asks for proof>anons post proof>you cryingHere's a photo of Nycole since you find it so upsetting. She seems to be prettier and with a nicer body than Nicole imo.
(derailing) No. 166818
File: 1628469823234.jpeg (111.53 KB, 828x1233, 51EF4BEB-FEF9-4974-B9E5-59E18F…)

Imagine spending thousands of dollars on fillers only to end up looking like the bloated version of your old self without makeup. What even?
No. 166820
File: 1628470247076.jpeg (142.59 KB, 828x1211, C993D226-9D01-43DA-A024-CBA446…)

Keep in mind this already has a filter that slims down your nose and face, so it’s even worse than this.
No. 166825
>>166785Kek true as fuck. She’s just as much of a thot as Nicole, but still says a lot that she had her suspicions he was doing weird shit at night.
>>166801Same shit, different dude. The love bombing always ends up transparent.
No. 166861
>>166820>>166818She honestly looks like a goblin now. Nose, outer eye, cheeks and upper lip, so much got done yikes.
>>166801In typical narc fashion, the cycle just gets repeated, as guys are interchangable af to her and not even worth coming up with new stuff.
I wouldn't be surprised that Connor recently read the thread and got so fucking insecure about the part of nicole running off with nate, that they now visit his parents lmao.
No. 166896
File: 1628526670967.jpeg (348.66 KB, 1011x1800, F8D7EF08-7C4D-457C-81E0-0B5DA8…)

I love how public Nicole is and how easily accessible all her information is about where she works, despite having dealt with such batshit stalkers. Frank & Sons is large enough that it has hundreds of booths and to never even know where Nicole is, but to have the booth number there from an account she links on all her posts is mildly retarded. She shouldn’t come crying to her followers for financial aid for the next time she has to move for whatever creepy reason because she did this to herself.
No. 166901
>>166891I'm not the anon that came up with Narcole, it seems to fit so I'm using it too.
Things to keep posting about to piss off team Narcole (as long as it's on topic):
>Calling her Narcole>Any milk relating to Connor and his ex girlfriend No. 166937
File: 1628546694067.jpeg (371.39 KB, 831x1550, 41DBCDFD-AC8D-4FB4-B223-CD66B1…)

>>>/w/166071>>>/w/166075>>>/w/166076>>>/meta/25293Darcy confirmed the girl Connor left her for is Nicole. Anons who claimed no name was mentioned in Darcy’s tweet can sleep easier knowing the cheating saga is in fact true.
I forgot to mention the text message in Shannon’s video Destery wrote about Nicole was in January 2021 (New Years), since in Nicole’s tweet she lied and said they officially broke up in 2020
No. 166938
File: 1628547651343.jpeg (507.53 KB, 1800x1800, FA6EFBD7-1990-427F-B61E-0DAC18…)

“I don’t know how this got over a million views”
Because you used clickbait, Nicole. And then you sperged out all over the comment section salty af.
No. 166939
File: 1628548148142.jpeg (300.7 KB, 1800x1800, 1B95BF0C-EA4E-4410-8725-6E4597…)

Nicole: agrees with some woman that all the comments are mansplaining Pokémon cards to her
Also Nicole: “these are my favorite people!!” bootlicking the neckbeards
No. 166951
File: 1628559587438.jpeg (919.93 KB, 828x1530, A553D096-6CF7-4A3E-B98B-A5C68F…)

>>166824Nicole must be so sad that her minions discovered this thread because now Cassie is going back to looking like her old self again after not even a month of the orange hair with white stripe. Lol. No more skinwalking queen bee?
No. 166957
File: 1628562554448.jpeg (242.36 KB, 562x1596, B5B84CE6-108F-4862-B350-B5B72D…)

Apologies for the giant photodump but I didn’t expect Darcy to answer this many questions about Connor and Nicole. Might be considered lowkey bannable for interacting with a cow but she’s not even in contact with any of the cows in this group, at least not anymore.
No. 166958
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No. 166967
File: 1628567515207.jpeg (471.45 KB, 1800x1800, 0E95AE1A-431E-47E0-AF51-F1358D…)

So it seems Connor and Nicole were in some sort of agreement to try setting her up with Johnnie Guilbert. Anon wasn’t kidding when they said Nicole wanted to fulfill her Leda skinwalk fantasy. According to Darcy Johnnie wasn’t interested in her though.
No. 166970
File: 1628569726077.jpeg (697.67 KB, 1800x1800, B379692D-7D62-4BC3-AA2E-98530A…)

For those that don’t know Johnnie used to date a Leda skinwalker for many years (Alex Dorame). Understandable he doesn’t want to date another psycho Leda imitator.
No. 166994
>>166965Mighty kek anon, I've been thinking the same thing.
>>166951She has seen the light, good for you Cassie. Nicole is not someone you want to imitate.
No. 167002
>>166994Maybe her finding this thread had at least one plus for her. She looked better before skinwalking came into the picture anyway.
>>166970 Holy shit this a total blast from the past. I had forgotten all about Alex, especially after her and Johnnie broke up. Jfc.
No. 167017
File: 1628612835099.jpeg (361.95 KB, 828x1082, 7EE81C60-3516-451D-84B7-2DD978…)

>>165858You’re not the only one to notice this kek. But according to Nicole it’s just “indoor lighting”.
No. 167022
File: 1628621290398.jpeg (122.17 KB, 828x443, C3DF6AF3-3B2F-4582-93F5-7A1F40…)

>>167017Moar people noticing (samefag)
No. 167028
File: 1628624289923.jpeg (297.2 KB, 828x941, 9000F719-1C15-4E5A-9770-FEAB5A…)

>>166995Talking about time wasting, she said he has been trying to date her since she was 19. I think she’s around 26 now so that’s 7 damn years. (picrel). It’s always when Nicole is involved that long-term relationships end swiftly. Same with Amber and Destery living in peace since 2013 until Nicole showed up. Notice how weird Nicole’s relationships are, it’s always some guy trying to set her up with their friend only for her to end up dating the guy who tried setting her up. Same shit happened with Destery and Nate.
No. 167036
>>167028>>166967I'm wheezing, you cant make this shit up. So Nicole repeated the exact same thing with Connor and Johhny, as she had with Destery and Nate - Destery was supposed to get Nate to her, instead grabbed her herself and now Connor pulled a Destery, to get Nicole instead of leaving her to Johnny. What a fucking shitfest. and AGAIN we have varification Nicole attempted to date someone off Leda's ex list again, when she realized Nate is not available due to Cassie now.
This cringe ass incest pool around Leda is just insane. I dont care that Nycole might be a crazy girl, I feel sorry that she feels so defeated by Nicole and cheated by Connor, who is an even bigger whimp than we already knew and she is just a psychotic, leda obsessed narc hoe on the loose.
>>167017We already noticed that in the stream, she must be on meds or drugs, this shit is NOT normal.
No. 167041
>>166951Imagine how fucking insecure you must be to alter your looks solely based upon what people think about you. What a loser.
>>167039Looking back its so cringe and fake how Connor sperged after Johnny, after taking the girl he was supposed to date as if nothing happened pff. At least that guy seems normal to not wanna date Leda skinwalkers forever, unlike Nate.
No. 167043
File: 1628630602253.png (1.45 MB, 1080x1715, IMG_20210810_232239.png)

I love how she tries to sell this as "matching colors" going through his thin hair, just to balantly keep the camera on his bold spots lmao. She is so evil man.
No. 167044
File: 1628630781165.jpg (977.12 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_08_10_23_25_06.jpg)

Their faces, especially Nicole look worse and worse by the hour. Notice how she is the one constantly shoving a cam in his face and dominating every frame, while he just stands there crooked and cant even be arsed to smile anymore kek.
No. 167046
File: 1628631054364.jpg (887.54 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_08_10_23_28_04.jpg)

I mean, look at his body positioning and figure, this whimp be looking like a 11 year old child with the head of a 40 year old with faggy hair. His eyes look dead inside too, while he shakes his ass although an adult is talking to him and fights with children here. Based on Nycoles and Tannis experience, I wonder how long it takes to scout out a new target for him, or rather, go back to an old one. But I guess Nicole will be faster with Nate after the move is completed. What an interesting race.
No. 167048
File: 1628631456125.jpg (806.75 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_08_10_23_36_20.jpg)

Compare her nose to mouth ratio and her eyes. Bitch is pumped to the max with fillers and still filters the shit out of her face. why even bother throwing 2k out the wallet, when you still look like blurred roadkill afterwards?
No. 167051
File: 1628631667454.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1738, IMG_20210810_233857.png)

I'm so tired of people pulling this fake shit and pretending they are oh so funny, this is david dobrik behavior that needs to go. Connor sprays his dirty laundry with febreeze and Nicole sperging and fake laughing for the camera, about something not even primary students find funny for more than 2 seconds. It's such an irritating try hard move when couples rehearse that crap and upload it thinking they are comedic geniuses, while all it does is lowering the average global IQ with every view.
No. 167052
>>167051degenerate cringe like this does not deserve any attention, let's keep it that way. I feel second hand embarassement.
>>167048the eyesize I cant :')
No. 167057
>>167048She's weirdly obsessed specifically with having a pretty face, less bothered about body and clothes and everything else. Maybe to compete with all the desperate 16 year olds on social media covered in makeup and filters.
Connor looks repellant here, maybe after reading Darcy's messages posted here I have a better idea of what a waste of oxygen he is to the women he deals with.
No. 167060
File: 1628633687995.jpeg (341.99 KB, 828x1473, CF39B5E2-CC0D-40E2-8B0B-334BA8…)

I found Nicole in the comment section of Repzilla’s video on Destery. She clearly ignored the parts of the video about Nate having CP and having sex with minors but okay then
No. 167072
>>167060>only just scratching the surface of how evilSounds like she talks about herself, this is literally how everyone outside your minion circle sees you as well Nicole.
She is such a fucking phony when it comes to situations like this. as if she is ANY microscopic bit better than any of these fucked up psychos. Bitch be pointing fingers at people she topped 10 years ago in their rotten-ness.
>>167054most certainly, and i doubt he is a big dick man as nycole said once, he looks like his head is so massive, his tiny dong hardly delivers a counter weight for that.
No. 167085
File: 1628643865364.jpeg (415.46 KB, 828x761, 8C96CBA9-BE05-4B37-9F93-9B777D…)

Nicole feeling a little insecure in her relationship after lurking and reading what Darcy wrote?
No. 167088
File: 1628645322278.jpeg (24.88 KB, 800x450, 47F0302D-4622-4149-9DD0-3CA583…)

>>167086I don’t have a Twitter so you have to be fucking retarded to think every and any anon is a big vendetta-chan. There was one anon that talked to Nicole before the thread even existed and posted it there, in the 1st thread, that’s not cowtipping nor is that me. Darcy isn’t a part of Nicole’s thread nor does she lurk on lc. You’re the same anon ranting about old milk being rehashed in meta despite none of this being old at all. Maybe keep this in meta instead of bumping the thread to infight, mods will hand out bans if they feel the need to. Also I don’t see any mention of Nicole asking twitfags to stop harassing Destery and Chase (nor does she ever mention them in any of her tweets) unless you are Nicole herself and lurk this thread you would not see Chase mentioning her cheating. Chase and Destery want nothing to do with Nicole so they wouldn’t go to her and inform her if some retards are interacting with them. That doesn’t make sense.
No. 167096
>>167092It’s okay, they’re just a ban evading sperg. See
>>167086 The irony. Who’s the vendetta-chan now?
No. 167097
File: 1628647293476.jpeg (472.88 KB, 828x1070, 1210E660-4750-4E08-865D-078EB8…)

Farmhand sama coming through to defend me. Kek. My intention was never to cowtip any way. Darcy is an outsider in all of this.
No. 167102
File: 1628650357870.gif (147.33 KB, 220x123, 45FA0559-234E-4AC8-AACD-5BF49C…)

>>167098Thank fuck. It’s about time Lord Admin calls out the obsessed Sperg. They’ve been trying to ruin any and all threads talking about Nicole ever since she was first mentioned in the Costhots thread. The direction of the posts were always juicy then some schizo always comes in to fuck it up. It’s so apparent if you reread the threads.
No. 167104
File: 1628650746005.jpeg (434.8 KB, 624x1316, B547CE23-D68F-4038-B13F-DDFF20…)

Why is Nicole lying about when she started dating him? She decided to take a chance with him NOT 3 months ago but indeed a whole 12 months ago when Darcy was still with him, as confirmed by Darcy herself.
>>166957 I can’t with the lies.
No. 167110
>>167098Bless you farmhand. I can only imagine how many posts end up reported in this thread, plus all of the meta sperging… Goddamn kek.
>>167105And let’s not forget how ironic this tweet was within context and timing
>>166145 No. 167115
File: 1628659129817.jpeg (480.91 KB, 1800x1800, FFAEC86D-59D9-4A8D-8A45-B651E8…)

Interesting. 3 months my ass more like juggling multiple men for years
No. 167119
File: 1628659751373.jpeg (314.11 KB, 828x1074, 662A69BD-A21A-4677-BD57-3E9146…)

Also what a swell guy Nicole picked
No. 167130
>>167115>>167119This is hard to watch, phew. She was cheating on Destery with Connor already in may, and then again or up until august. the way he handled it with darcy is disgusting, what an ice cold piece of shit.
>>167104LMAO Nicole fished random phrases out her 101meaningless-narc-BS box and arranged them prettily for twitter.
>Denies his existance and cheating throught the stream until she sees this threadOh my lovely partner!
>Connor sperging about other people and makes her insecure af on streamSo healthy and open!
>Relationship is going nowhere, Connor seems already uninterested and boredI'm liberated and motivated!
Bitch pulls Uno Reverse Card for reality and is convinced everything is dandy now.
No. 167133
File: 1628670965164.jpeg (227.45 KB, 828x1331, 1DB04CD5-7FE9-47EE-BC47-8DCD5D…)

The fact that after a 2 week hiatus from OF she probably took a nude video in Connor’s family’s house. What a classy guest man. I wonder what video taken in the dark the leak site moids are going to reveal next.
No. 167167
File: 1628708686584.jpeg (572.15 KB, 1800x1487, FDF92D8C-437D-41BF-BD94-516A94…)

RIP to people like Darcy and probably many other girls who think Nicole is skinnier than them. This one isn’t recent but it shows how she can upload something completely different to the truth. Left is at a different angle and what her friend posted
No. 167175
File: 1628712277375.jpeg (266.64 KB, 1201x1800, AED2E2E3-9327-4CA4-8445-3706FC…)

Same day. Good position in life my ass
No. 167177
File: 1628712411555.jpeg (371.58 KB, 828x1086, B99079AC-9DE7-4403-AE09-069FAB…)

Also liking these tweets. We get it, you’re still not over Dennis.
No. 167186
>>167175>im so blessed and have the best family and friends to help me grow and thrive and im constantly motivated to get even bettershe's been posting the same and same shit since she ever started on social media and all these years her pathetic existence contains of nothing but low empathy minions and friendzoned simps as "friends", distant, dysfunctional white trash whales as "family", no real jobs, constant moving, nonstop cheating, manipulating, hurting, demeaning, stealing and lying, while not developing one inch as a person, because she has narcissistic personality disorder and is incapable to ever do so. Plus, the lowkey tweeting and captions about her chronic misfortunes, illnesses, robberies, crashes, stalkers, melancholy, pain, self-hate, identity lack and depression.
What a clown.
No. 167202
File: 1628720532274.png (45.29 KB, 583x792, Capture twitter.PNG)

So I had no idea ya'll had seen my twitter comments calling Nicole out on her BS. Hopefully it helped prevent some poor soul from giving her money. I'm gonna post some of the conversation on IG of me calling her out.
No. 167203
File: 1628720566471.png (134.68 KB, 581x794, Capture twitter 2.PNG)

No. 167204
File: 1628720615205.png (41.4 KB, 585x799, Capture twitter 3.PNG)

She just keeps saying to read the disclaimer. The disclaimer that says ABSOLUTELY nothing about paying extra for nudes. In fact, it says she doesn't do nudes.
No. 167206
File: 1628720641482.png (39.46 KB, 569x797, Capture twitter 4.PNG)

Of course she blocked me right after this.
No. 167207
File: 1628720745251.jpeg (157.67 KB, 440x1798, FA3223C3-E688-4B0A-8C9F-A7BE88…)

Conversations with Nicole about her misleading OF prices + “no nudity” rule were posted by a subscriber in the old thread.
>>>/w/167187 Nta but I’m reposting it here as it’s recent milk. Nicole getting a little too defensive in dms when moids find her to be a little misleading. Well isn’t that confusing.
No. 167208
File: 1628720826326.jpeg (15.78 KB, 311x156, DCA17D6A-B835-4818-B116-4E41B0…)

>>167206Message to all Nicole’s paypigs. Lmfao
No. 167212
File: 1628721662703.jpeg (141.99 KB, 809x482, B38DC7B3-BE56-45FB-9FD3-F5FAD6…)

>>167210Do you have a full picture of this? I’m wondering if it has any information like number of subscribers, tips, etc
No. 167214
File: 1628722021484.png (282.55 KB, 528x809, Capture twitter 5.PNG)

I'm trying not to be biased, but do any of you see anything about having to spend up to 75-100$ for her nude content?
No. 167215
File: 1628722631901.jpeg (160.53 KB, 828x608, FCCF5F81-3737-43DA-9550-F900DF…)

>>167214While most of us think her OF content is nightmare fuel, yes, it is misleading as hell. She is a liar by saying she doesn’t upload nudity to her regular feed. She is full of shit considering she posts the same stuff on her porn twitter that she posts on her $15 subscription OF. She thinks the $15 sub is a preview of the uncensored sets, which in itself is scamming because nowhere does she mention this.
No. 167219
File: 1628722863648.jpeg (346.8 KB, 1800x1800, 30BAAA19-1111-4937-8BAB-108C74…)

No. 167224
>>167214It's so intentionally misleading, she wants to give the impression to anyone who knows her (colleagues, etc) that the onlyfans is more like patreon. The same thing she initially announced on Instagram. Cosplay and implied nudes.
Then, post porn secretly on PPV and think her irls won't know about it when it's leaked all over the internet attached to her real name (she's not the brightest crayon in the box)
Then, the disclaimer, which is only really there to mislead her irls, she falls back on when subscribers complain about her misleading previews/advertising posts which make no mention of PPV.
If she made a straight announcement of high PPV prices in the bio disclaimer, she could no longer mislead irls as to the extent of her content, and her sub count would drop since many subs are unaware of her high PPV rate. I think she has every right to charge high prices, but that must be clear at the door.
Not often I feel bad for scrotes but ripping people off during a pandemic is pretty low.
No. 167231
File: 1628728437468.jpeg (418.38 KB, 1800x1800, 2BEB60EA-1670-47A8-A2BD-AFB4B3…)

>>167224Expectation vs reality: Scammer edition
No. 167249
File: 1628735939618.jpeg (478.12 KB, 828x875, 9884CB25-4E01-43D1-B17B-AE0D04…)

So in this video (and a couple of others) Johnnie says he’s afraid of being hurt/cheated on and his breakup with Alex Dorame has been one of the worst things in his life since it was his first and only relationship, he explains that he’s been single for over two years and isn’t looking for a casual hookup or short-term relationship.
Jfc he dodged a bullet with Nicole.
No. 167285
>>167231But that's the thing, as much as it is understandable that anon wants to call her out, there is nothing but time wasted. She is a narc, she KNOWS. She knows exactly what she is doing, and pointing blatant manipulation out is just going to lead to more manipulation, lies and robotic repetition as a response. She is aware of the false info and bait, that's why it's there
And she constantly puts up claims she then contradicts entirely, because in her fucked up perception of reality, this is how she can get porn coin and still maintain the pg-13 saint. Posting nude and not posting nude are both things she wants for money vs. image and a narc is incapable of forming that condradicition is his head, instead of utilizing it as a means to stay both at the same time, until someone notices. Which people with healthy brains do and pity.
>>167249Well, so far he dodged it. He is unknowing of Nicole's protocol, in which she will morph completely into the woman he needs and is looking for. The soulmate imitation is her specialty to get what she wants, all the while it has nothing to do with who she really is once she drops the act.
No. 167291
File: 1628752666069.jpg (898.53 KB, 1600x1200, pt2021_08_12_09_06_54_mr162875…)

>>167249Well lookswise he is just up there with the other cringe emofags, that all sit their flat white asses at the same tumblr 2008 hairdresser.
>>167210>>167189honestly think it tells alot about these thots that instead of properly adressing, acknowledging and understanding, god beware even changing their terrible behaviors when openly called out, they block, deny and move on as if nothing happened. They
want to live in their pathetic little dreamworlds where them constantly hurting, manipulating and exploiting others does
surely no harm whatsoever so then can continue being filler pumped pieces of shite to society.
No. 167293
File: 1628752939179.png (153.31 KB, 1080x843, IMG_20210802_010127.png)

>>167291And he STILL wears Nicole's beanie. Big yikes.
>They want to live in their pathetic little dreamworlds where them constantly hurting, manipulating and exploiting others does surely no harm whatsoever so then can continue being filler pumped pieces of shite to society.Sums up the entire friendcircle.
>>167189Cassie is an insecure crippling shitstain on the map of life, who is easily influencable and amounted to nothing in her career. No wonder this made her weak to Nicoles lovebombing.
No. 167338
File: 1628793375267.jpeg (170.77 KB, 1011x1800, B15297D0-110F-4764-8FA9-AB6F61…)

>>167332The point is that she’s charging $15 for content you can already see on her Twitter. Learn2read. “Customers” spending $15 to see previews/posts they can essentially see for free on her Twitter while the uncensored content costs hundreds of dollars is a retarded scam. Most thots use PPV to cater to specific fetishes or longer videos and more content, not sending the same shit they post on their feed but uncensored. She’s just lazy
>>>/w/158316It’s embarrassing for her, she’s losing money and to the point where her leak site posts are going to surpass her OF in likes.
No. 167341
>>167334Ignore them. It’s the same ban evading sperg as
>>167086This is so embarrassing for them holy shit
No. 167355
>>167332It's so deeply pathetic how
blatantly on purpose you keep
entirely missing the points with your infight posts that accomplish nothing but derailing and stirr shit up that everyone else understood 3 threads ago.
You are either a missed opportunity for a condom or Nicole herself. Amounts to the same actually.
No. 167363
File: 1628809080391.jpeg (230.33 KB, 828x639, 66D0DC67-94EA-41D8-AA3A-99790C…)

Moar lesbian tweet-liking. Even though she makes women around her miserable and feel like shit
No. 167368
File: 1628809319358.jpeg (323.86 KB, 1011x1800, 68BFBB23-BA52-4456-BF7F-033985…)

By that I mean making girls like Amber and Darcy feel depressed and replaced. Nobody ever showed Amber’s miserable tweets after she got cheated on but here they are, keep in mind Nicole follows her on twitter for years now but no remorse or guilt, she just continues with her fucking Destery mission weeks after she and Destery sent Amber into misery
No. 167386
File: 1628818467019.jpeg (512.78 KB, 828x1395, 97B54A7B-1A08-4D38-808D-F992DC…)

Well isn’t Nicole just pleasant. Connor was holding their dog who is clearly trying to escape and she goes “Shoot her to me. We’re playing pass the Wrigley (name of dog).” And the video cuts before we can see Nicole aggressively toss him
No. 167389
>>167386Connor needs to stop sitting in that position, it really highlights the lollipop head he has going on.
Did she really get him to throw the dog or was that meant to be a bad joke?
No. 167391
File: 1628819795904.gif (13.54 MB, 402x666, ECBEF8B9-ED79-4626-AFDD-903FD9…)

>>167389Connor thankfully just released her rather than throwing her. Nicole, on the other hand… I’m wondering what happened after that video cut. She looked a little too aggressive with her.
No. 167392
File: 1628819861063.png (2.18 MB, 1440x1441, manhandling.png)

>>167389Samefag, she seems to have an interest in manhandling animals based on this video in her likes. It's someone aggressively holding their cat's head to the sink while it laps some disgusting sink water with hairs floating in it.
No. 167396
File: 1628821441274.jpeg (690.04 KB, 828x1546, E66D5EEA-0106-426D-A18C-83FD84…)

>>167392You cropped out the worst one kek, someone putting mustard all over their cat (bottom right)
>>166957 also after posting this dm with Darcy it’s interesting she is liking stuff about being a jealous woman. This tiktok she likes goes:
>”I’m not obsessive like other girls”>”I’m worse”>”Don’t worry I never get jealous!”>”I’m jealous right now”Post liked exact same day of the Darcy conversations. Lol.
No. 167402
>>167341Their dedication is both cringe inducing and impressive. Imagine still sperging after a farmhand put you on blast lmao.
six days in between. Nicole is repulsive. No shame.
No. 167464
File: 1628853334890.jpeg (448.99 KB, 1291x1608, 69CB79FE-BA7B-4501-928A-5E5057…)

The irony
No. 167510
File: 1628888321780.jpg (234.58 KB, 677x921, iu.jpg)

>>167497Proof-chan is basically this meme:
No. 167520
File: 1628892897589.png (2.02 MB, 1358x1908, The sad tale of Proof-Chan.png)

>>167510Samefag, I improved it
No. 167528
File: 1628898123961.jpeg (364.29 KB, 1201x1800, 2B47D5FD-0DB5-4035-993C-C60D0C…)

Because the world totally needs to have these similar cringey as fuck edits (via Nicole’s twitch and Destery’s facebook). Also I’m pretty sure anyone who isn’t a n3rd can deduct the pun of Nicole as Nicol Bolas.
No. 167538
File: 1628900811627.jpeg (575.66 KB, 1800x1800, E1917ABF-B5BD-4F0E-A2D0-968064…)

Interesting. According to Destery’s ex friends Nicole is attention hungry after all
No. 167539
File: 1628900889416.jpeg (361.29 KB, 1448x1800, 848856BE-573D-4C8B-A51D-30472A…)

Also despite Nicole claiming she waited for Amber and Destery to break up in 2018 they were absolutely already a thing a whole year prior.
No. 167543
File: 1628901906245.jpeg (443.78 KB, 1800x1800, 0A183005-BDA1-4791-9461-9E883F…)

Destery’s ex friend sent one of Nicole’s tweets where she flirted with Destery. This is also the same time she made that “boyfriend appreciation post” for Dennis. Full of shit
No. 167570
File: 1628917711911.jpeg (306.35 KB, 915x1800, A039B99D-E348-4F32-AC10-2462F4…)

I think Nicole is a top tier idiot for trying to convince emo faggy men not to cheat on her. (Another message from witchnghour)
No. 167571
File: 1628917891593.jpeg (205.16 KB, 612x1191, CB22FE86-8451-4BC1-AD69-C36C3D…)

Here is what she sent witchnghour (Destery’s ex friend) shittalking Destery, yet she can be seen talking to Destery the very next day and continued dating him that up until December.
No. 167572
File: 1628917989288.jpeg (168.11 KB, 828x564, 0F0F6D7A-3C9B-4AF9-85B5-ABA92E…)

(Continues talking to Destery after sending those messages on Jun 27 2020)
No. 167573
File: 1628918025216.jpeg (347.93 KB, 650x1232, CC199267-5CB7-4E08-99D7-7D1D78…)

No. 167606
File: 1628944406249.png (311.4 KB, 773x733, IMG_20210814_142818.png)

>>167570I think this part is really important, because regarding that description, Destery and Nicole are exactly the SAME. They both have mental issues and crippling self-worth/identity, both gaslit and manipulated each other, cheated (hello connor & dennis two-timing!) and then posed the
victim. While in reality, as they are both narcissists which rarely deal with another, they hurt and bullshitted each other equally.
>>167538This photo was actually what started the entire thing for me (seeing Nicole for who she is back then) because I knew full well that she knew Destery was still with Amber, and decided to latch onto him as close as possible, pulling this pseudo-innocent cutesy face, while clinging onto a taken man. Thriving on the hurt and attention it got her. I couldn't believe how disgusting that was, like the evil bitch in a romance movie that ruins the other wifes lifes.
No. 167610
File: 1628947374922.jpg (641.68 KB, 1000x1828, pt2021_08_14_15_23_15.jpg)

>>167538And mind that timestamp, at that time, Nicole was
1. still with Dennis
2. Already writing Connor
3. Had eyes on Nate
4. cheated with Destery while knowing and ignoring about Amber.
Who posted on twitter how much she loves him and Destery saying he misses her.
Nicole knew absolutely what she was doing and no gaslighting in the world can negate all this evidence.
No. 167667
File: 1628981830788.jpeg (364.11 KB, 828x1148, E1DA5422-9D4F-44FD-82CA-E069E4…)

I’m wheezing, Nicole always finds ways to talk about her thread without actually referencing it. Hey Narcole, none of the anons here are stalkers just for calling out your bullshit.
No. 167668
File: 1628981907799.jpeg (336.44 KB, 828x1129, 05D04A9F-C356-496C-9452-2A88EC…)

Also her trying to give others advice on what is healthy or not, girl.. you let yourself get cheated on by the same man for 2 years also while cheating on your own partners
>>167606 No. 167680
>>167668The twitter OP is not wrong tho
This here is really unhealthy.
No. 167688
File: 1628999837611.jpeg (400.64 KB, 1800x1800, 841489C7-E386-4D81-B8FF-C1F472…)

Ah yes because giving up being a licensed pharmacy technician for retail work is something to boast about. Selling cards is not a profession Narcole, it is not something that requires a formal qualification or any sort of training. Literally just last year she was complaining that she barely makes any money from it and works paycheck to paycheck, what a “profession”
No. 167695
>>167680Hide the thread bro, why are you using this "unhealthy" gossip site if you don't like it?
Anons digging up Nicole's lies is in fact endlessly amusing.
No. 167697
File: 1629003938475.jpeg (59.05 KB, 587x293, F47F066F-223C-4E7F-ABDF-D4136E…)

>>167695I think anon meant it was unhealthy for whoever made a thread for that girl (emmaskyeward), since she has what, barely any followers and seems milkless so it may be a vendetta. But yes Nicole thinking using sites like these are “unhealthy” is the most hilarious attempt at a cope. As we’ve seen she follows too many cows to count on my fingers and lurks other sites like 4chan and uses imageboard greentext lingo so it’s pretty pathetic she has to publicly act like she’s above these type of sites.
She also has a history of trying to diagnose others with random disorders, she’s a piece of shit lol
No. 167707
>>167705And how does she react? Does she acknowledge her behavior, get professionel help and stop manipulating/destroying everyone in her life? No. She posts salty, passive aggressive tweets about it, continues the denial and stays one of the biggest cunts on the planet.
Who has really too much time on their hands, Nicole?
No. 167713
>>167708Meh, who cares, we all know the lolcow spiel.
1. freak out the thread exists
2. talk shit to cope
3. private, paranoia block and deactivate everything
4. time passes and they realize their stupidity is damaging their numbers
5. Reactivate and move the thread to denial
6. life goes on
Rinse and repeat.
No. 167714
File: 1629021651285.png (952.36 KB, 1080x1274, IMG_20210815_115713.png)

This is a compilation video of minors who where groomed by Destery, this girl in particular was 14 years old when he had sex with her multiple times. He told her older girls needed to provide him paperwork that proved they were STD free, but as she was a virgin, she "was special" and didn't need to. He would also talk a lot about hoe "crazy his ex was" (based on tomeframe referring to Nicole) and that he warned he only had a very small dick.
Wtf. No. 167754
>>167714Can we please have a seperate thread for his own drama? Nicole dated him or whatever, but this is a while other saga that focuses on him and his
victims. Not really about Nicole.
(ban evading sperg) No. 167762
>>167754Oh lemme just check my meme,
>>167520yep third panel activate
No. 167811
File: 1629051580250.jpeg (51.22 KB, 144x275, A3122C6F-9B00-4228-B61E-C35F11…)

>>167804Sage your autism. It is quite literally obvious she lurks, her roommate found the thread. Her and her minions have been deleting evidence and milk since day one, read the thread newfag.
>>165507 She also deleted her and multiple posts, hid all unlisted videos, including this FB post after it got posted in the first thread of her publicly bullying a man for his job.
No. 167812
File: 1629051779154.jpeg (212.03 KB, 1011x1800, 86D4231B-730A-4F92-9B2D-FC58B2…)

>>167800It’s not up. He literally deactivated.
No. 167818
>>167754“Can we-“
Who’s we? You’re banned. Stop ban-evading and get the fuck off Nicole’s thread.
No. 167853
>>167796She worked at ride aid with her mom and took 3 years or so to get her licence, there was a Facebook post in the thread, we've been over this.
>>167754give your sorry spergfest a rest, will you? nobody needs your tengants in this thread, just leave already.
>>167811Can confirm, Nicole deleted lots of called out milk and mass blocked people.
No. 167913
File: 1629093517031.jpeg (649.39 KB, 828x1484, 89EA82FE-9D54-472E-A13B-53F877…)

I wonder if Cassie and Nate are having second thoughts moving in with Nicole. It’s mid August and I’m pretty sure they were supposed to move in months ago when they got their keys. They’ve just been camping out at Nate’s parents’ house for almost a month now.
No. 167930
>>167913It's all been a relationship mess and absolutely doomed plan to move in together, and as soon as they found the thread, suddenly Nicole and Connor camp out at his parents and Cassie and Nate camp out at
his parents. While neither actually moves into the fucking house they fought over for weeks and
otherwise would have crushed Nicole.
I can't stop laughing man, this is like a badly written comedy.
Given she is a narc, nicole is so incredibly easy to predict, but I'd guess as well that she is forced to change plans now, because Nate has been smelling the trap for quite a while now and his discovery of the thread won't help at all kek.
No. 167932
>>167930I’m getting second-hand embarrassment from this. Cassie already quit her job and left her life back home and is now depending on Nicole financially. With no plan for OF or Twitch in sight she is quite literally
doomed if Nicole decides to kick her to the curb, or if she finally grows a brain cell and decides to leave that
toxic friendship.
No. 167940
File: 1629123013864.png (203.55 KB, 1080x953, IMG_20210816_160843.png)

We all know what the true haunted house is that awaits y'all.
>unfog my brain
code for second guessing the stupid ass idea alltogether? I thought she just sperged about how much clarity and motivation and health the trip with connor gave her… for two seconds that is.
No. 167944
File: 1629125036874.jpeg (633.75 KB, 828x1430, 6F4AE88F-1EF8-421D-8C29-011F3B…)

>>167940Last time she used that “fog” metaphor to describe how she felt she cheated on Dennis with Destery. Might just be code for her planning to cheat on Connor.
No. 167958
File: 1629135628868.jpeg (890.89 KB, 828x1582, F3F86362-7984-44B5-8739-F1ECD9…)

Nothing says transgender pride and love wins like a hetero relationship with your emo boytoy!
No. 167962
File: 1629136003063.jpeg (530.53 KB, 1800x1800, ED28BBF3-EACA-4080-ACAB-DB301F…)

Also I didn’t think much about her referring to Connor as her “partner” that one time but her doing it multiple times now instead of just “boyfriend” coupled with these LGBT posts seems like a weird attempt to be ambiguous about his gender identity so her followers think she’s pansexual as she claims and not just dating another man.
No. 167964
File: 1629136521932.jpeg (632.98 KB, 828x1329, 609AF832-76A7-4B8E-91AB-0C9177…)

Also forgot to mention she thinks kissing her boyfriend is some sort of “screw you” to a homophobic church. Cringe.
No. 167966
File: 1629137303105.jpeg (285.33 KB, 1439x1800, 094D8CF6-A11F-41DD-B144-42438E…)

She must be a sociopath if a man running in front of moving cars made her day.
No. 167972
File: 1629139139830.jpg (1.33 MB, 1600x1200, pt2021_08_16_20_34_32.jpg)

I wonder how the guys feel about the fact that once they let Nicole onto their life she encourages them to buy shitloads of expensive weeb trash just like she does, and when she's gone, they are stuck with useless masses of clutter and empty wallets.
I'd also be interested how Destery still wears Nicole's beanie and his chicks after her being fine with it. I wouldn't be surprised if he used it as a red flag against other girls once they get too clingy to him.
No. 167985
>>167962>>167966>>167958It’s crazy how deranged Nicole is becoming. I’ve always thought Nicole was ~just~ a Costhot and nothing more.
It’s either she’s been hiding it all this time and the lid just burst causing her insanity to be more apparent, or she slowly turned crazy.
No. 168008
File: 1629166672821.jpeg (583.9 KB, 828x1533, 40F46CDE-17DD-4E9C-B9D5-4031F3…)

>>167985She’s definitely becoming more open about it, as if she’s proud. Here she shoves a pickle rick play dough in front of Connor’s face while he’s driving and makes him kiss it, he looked away from the road just for Nicole’s weird as fuck meme. Also note the caption “I’m mentally deteriorating from this drive”
No. 168016
File: 1629169231647.jpeg (200.54 KB, 828x735, CC0CDA05-342B-42C1-962D-567226…)

Again with the “partner” and LGBT bait. Also notice how whenever a moid is insulting Connor she replies nicely (last time it was when someone said he works on his hair too much) and doesn’t really do much to defend him. Remember that spergfest with Nate where she went apeshit? She doesn’t care when someone insults her boyfriend, only when it’s that pedophile manchild she’s in love with.
No. 168017
>>168008His face ahaha. He is completely done. Bearing in mind how annoying he clearly is himself, that gives you an idea of how much worse Nicole is to be around.
>>167972It looks like Destery raided a children's library.
Surely perpetually wearing Nicole's beanie is a very unsubtle message to Nicole that he's still keen on her.
No. 168019
File: 1629169895893.jpeg (324.98 KB, 828x1025, E212742D-BA09-43A8-84BD-B5DC62…)

Notice how she feels the need to have fat, unattractive female friends that lust after her. There was Heather who kept posting about wanting to see Nicole’s nudes and how in love with her she is, and here we have Doon wishing that Nicole would kiss her.
No. 168044
>>168018How she again makes it sound like she did it, while in reality both go to hairdressers for their hair and also posted about it…maybe she meant the styling, but of course she is not clear about it to make everything look like "her work".
>>168019Doon is literally talking like she is a property of Nicole, yikes. The constant lovebombing codependance is so apparent.
Nicole is a typical groomer herself, just with adult, fat women.
>>168008Yeah, it's so cool endangering the life of her so called partner as if him and her survivals are worth nothing compared to a pickle meme.
No. 168046
File: 1629188222042.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1437, IMG_20210817_101357.png)

>we have to be fast to get this house!
better road trip across the country
>I need a new car quickly, I have no money!
Stops at every fucking card store throughout the country.
>We can finally move!
Let's spend a month randomly elsewhere and pretend we didn't maniaclly post about getting a house the last months.
Nicole "Simpcoindestroyer" Davis.
No. 168050
File: 1629189191259.jpeg (604.03 KB, 1800x1387, 380AFB86-5E65-4E41-81AA-4EA3A2…)

>>168046If you look at Connor’s old posts he never splurged this much on Pokémon cards before, Nicole just encourages her boyfriends to spend as much money as possible on this crap when they (Connor) makes minimum wage.
Also I’m wheezing, I know we already have hundreds and hundreds of evidence Nicole and Connor cheated (confirmed by Darcy) but imagine posting a photo in Destery’s house the same day your other boyfriend is posting a picture of your nerd couple mat you commissioned an artist for. Imagine having a fake anniversary date (5.4.2021)
No. 168051
File: 1629189525824.jpeg (251.22 KB, 831x1800, C2DFE2F7-CFF1-436D-AD4A-DB1B51…)

She loves messy men who hoards toys (picrel)
No. 168052
>>168051Imagine spending thousands of hard earned dollars on cardboard and then not even taking care of it, but keeping them in a pile of filth.
>>168050>posting a photo in Destery’s house the same day your other boyfriend is posting a picture of your nerd couple mat you commissioned an artist for.Meanwhile fantasizing about Nate.
No. 168083
>>168050My god what a fucking psychopath. She will go any length to get attention from men, no matter the cost of their wellbeing or feelings, not that it matters in their case, but still. I feel second hand shame from this. And she is not even subtle, she literally uploads that shit to the internet for everyone to see she hovers over multiple men* at once.
*faggy emo hoes.
No. 168086
File: 1629208545778.png (129.92 KB, 1080x870, IMG_20210817_154234.png)

>I appreciate when you reach out to me uwuAfter I lovebombed you relentlessly, then drop you out of nowhere off my life, so you can come online and beg for my attention, making me look desirable to others and let me feel missed and praised :>
>distant personwho will publish a fucking married status with you on facebook, but won't call for two years when you are of no use to her.
No. 168093
File: 1629211765501.jpeg (146.59 KB, 828x414, 5D50BB11-9E1D-4CBF-A621-06AE17…)

>>168086It’s funny how the e-fame got to her head and suddenly she’s too good to reply to her friends. She should remember her roots kek, when she first starting posting on social media she used to beg (demand) people to send her messages saying she better wake up to 100 in her inbox. Fast forward 8 years later and all the friends she collected are just ignored and trashed aside
No. 168139
>>168051This is really disgusting, it's not even a cutesy use of the word hoarder. This is an actual hoarder.
>>168048She's living up to the OP meme very nicely, all her desperate claims (car crash, moving house, so urgent) amounted to nothing as always.
>>168050Absolutely classless.
No. 168194
File: 1629258137800.jpeg (288.89 KB, 719x1133, C54D7560-E01F-4123-B8BA-6D292B…)

Why the fuck would anyone be offended a white, heterosexual couple are kissing? Nicole is so cringey for thinking she’s the same as LGBT couples that can’t even show PDA in public without bible thumpers bothering them. She wants to be speshul and oppressed so badly.
No. 168196
File: 1629258600200.jpeg (286.88 KB, 831x1800, 316E2B92-A735-42B7-81F0-004FA0…)

Ah yes the fictional heart complications. So in one post she manages to bitch about anxiety, “periodic” back pain, heart issues, adhd and depression. “I was out of town longer than expected” she’s acting like someone held her at gunpoint and told her to drive through every state splurging all her money on Pokemon cards instead of being at the new house she just e-begged for. Bitch what?
No. 168197
File: 1629258889595.jpeg (377.87 KB, 828x1121, 25B57D80-AFBF-4866-9FEA-31508E…)

“I’ve been in a relationship since May” you’ve been in a relationship with this man since May LAST YEAR as Darcy confirmed. Also again with neglecting one of her old friends who clearly has no idea she’s in a relationship
No. 168224
File: 1629276858893.jpeg (484.5 KB, 1800x1800, 5494A9C1-48C2-4CD9-85AF-627EF6…)

Update: so Nicole is bitching about not having any of her ADHD and anxiety medication while staying at a hotel of her own free will and says she won’t stop buying Yugioh packs until she gets the one she wants.
No. 168226
>>168196This made me laugh so badly, oh my god. How she hands out this array of conditions NOBODY even asked for, but she has to make sure to sprinkle them in so she is speshul and right on trend, even tho there are absolutely no indications whatsoever. Remeber the thread I pointed out she is lowkey looking for a gateway justification to drugs? Now she is looking for "alternatives" like CBD and likely smokes THC anyways.
>fluctuates heavily in weight>drinks and drugs regularly>eats crap & energydrinks nonstop>stands a lot in her job, moves boxes, lifting, works outI have a heartcondition!!1! Sure, Nicole, this is how to live with one.
>Can spend hours reading and sorting cards>non ceasing concentration at work, in conversationor in study situations
>no downs after social interaction, which she activly seeks outI have AdHd! Which I never mentioned before, nor ever shows!
>Displays every sign of Narcissistic Personality Disorder down to the details. >Interacts regularly with people, displays emotion, dresses up, works, no periods of bedtime, downs, inverted aggression or lack of energy and purposeI have depression! I control and destroy everybodys life around me, drown in simpcoin, get all the men and toys that I want and report constantly how motivated, thriving and happy and healthy I am. Living my best life, but you know, while "sad" uwu and being a narc incapable of selfrefleciton, I mistake my raging suicidal selfhate for depression to get edgelord sympathy points :)
>Stands, sits and moves regularly>works out >no adjustments to back problems on her chairs, bed, couches or workplace>no indication of massage, therapy or awareness from people around herI have backpain!!1! From carrying my shitload of lies through life that is.
>Poses confidence and entitlement nonstop>is condescending and arrogant>has a huge audacity to demand money, attention and praise>seeks out multiple men to wrap around her finger>seeks out public interaction through work and panels>public socialmedia and Onlyfans porn all over the placeI have anxiety! While being the most non axious person in history, but you know, still. My bois need to know I'm fragile petit princess hihi.
What a garbagefest. Narcole is mentally ill and a compulsive liar and attentionseeker, that's all it is. Great advocate for instrumentalising serious conditions people suffer from worldwide, instead of using it to gain
pity points and edgy coolness from it.
No. 168236
File: 1629286068633.jpeg (152.73 KB, 983x1800, 9F9B35C8-FC29-44B7-BF43-F64EAA…)

She checks OF every single day but unsurprisingly, one (1) post for a whole month. She had a list of excuses since January for lack of content/shitty quality which won’t work now:
1. cracked phone screen (? That doesn’t even affect a back camera) but she got a new phone so can’t use that excuse.
2. Moving (already moved last month and she already has all the time in the world which is why she’s on a road trip+vacation).
3. Technical issues (might delay content for a day but not an entire month, which is how long she’s gone without posting).
All she has been doing is wearing aliexpress lingerie and posing in front of a mirror and calling it content, and she can’t even do that more than once a month.
No. 168301
File: 1629318777441.jpg (1.24 MB, 1500x1500, pt2021_08_18_22_20_32_mh162931…)

>>168236>only wore aliexpress lingerie and did nothingExcept blow money like an addicted gambler on expensive as fuck trading cards, in obsession to find her retarded black rose shitstain pull. Which logically amounts to nothing so far except burning through her simp wallet.
She said she got a "couple of" boxes Lighting Overdrive, which go for around 72$, don't know why she would use that term if she really just got 2, so I assume it's even more, then the Prerelease 40$ each: and that is just the haul of ONE state, whereas she buys shit in everyone she passes (and connor pays for his own stuff). That's 300+$ in this alone, probably the gas & food money of the entire trip for two people.
I'm broke my ass. Filler filled filthy fraud.
No. 168324
File: 1629324752319.jpeg (882.3 KB, 828x1524, 7997CE88-8E70-4BB4-B7B7-0F2D83…)

>>168301Now they’re gambling.
No. 168326
File: 1629326040124.jpeg (237.43 KB, 1243x1800, 5EEDF64D-3FC4-4791-9215-4C0197…)

Anon in the first thread wasn’t kidding
>>>/w/86221 No. 168331
File: 1629328051900.jpeg (876.42 KB, 828x1528, CC0EC8F5-4B50-41E9-9018-A56DE4…)

>>168301They just won’t stop splurging.. this is what happens when two air-headed adultchildren date.
No. 168348
File: 1629337689204.png (2.98 MB, 1242x2208, 2766B54A-2335-414B-B167-4841BD…)

>>168331With the amount of money she has spent trying to pull this card, she could have very well bought it. Or traded some of her other
No. 168367
File: 1629354567966.jpeg (246.29 KB, 1011x1800, 2D00EA39-8B89-46C2-840A-36CB54…)

Interesting that Nicole is getting back into World of Warcraft despite all the allegations against Blizzard about all the sexual harassment and women being treated like shit at the company. This is so, so recent and to the point where California has sued this company. Amidst all the victims coming forward it’s sleazy on Nicole’s part to be publicly supporting them.
No. 168374
File: 1629356541883.jpeg (157.62 KB, 666x371, 5C5FC373-3153-4ACB-A54B-43E26A…)

>>168370It’s kind of sickening that she says she was already suspicious of Destery dating and grooming minors but can be seen talking to him as recently as December 2020. “Previously exposed to” meaning she knew of all this shit prior to the allegations. Yuck. She only cares about women and girls being treated like shit if she was personally affected by things.
No. 168375
>>168374Adding onto that is her blatantly knowing Nate dated Leda when she was underage yet saying absolutely nothing about it, even here where she comments on a video that not only discusses Destery, but Nate too.
>>167060 Instead she showers him in compliments for the world to see, even in front of her own boyfriend. Connor looks more comfortable with being cucked, but I can only image how Cassie felt since she was likely thinking nothing of it at the time with her stupid ass.
No. 168377
File: 1629361225612.jpeg (215.4 KB, 1201x1465, 3580AACE-35E0-420D-9DC9-425EE6…)

>>168375Connor is definitely a huge cuck, nobody can put up with cheating, saying they miss their ex and that’s why they will never get married, liking tweets about being lesbian and “fuck having a boyfriend” type of posts. She’s so mentally ill and she hasn’t been single since she was 15 years old.
No. 168393
File: 1629371354956.jpeg (264.23 KB, 831x1800, 9F94852E-31FA-4536-BAC9-F2F1F3…)

I don’t know which couple is more unbearable with this meme.
No. 168395
File: 1629372828675.jpeg (909.58 KB, 1800x1800, 73BC1D65-51C4-412E-BF81-510C77…)

>>168348Seriously though, this is all in the span of a couple of days. She probably spent thousands in total on Pokémon and Yugioh
No. 168438
File: 1629392227094.jpg (865.9 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_08_19_18_43_38.jpg)

sorry for the minor derailing (no pun intended) but I looked into Desterys new hoe and couldn't help but notice some stuff:
1. first of all, can anyone verify how old this kid is, she looks like she's fucking 13? Hard to believe she entered the 20s even, I hope this is not a teen.
2. I think it's hilarious she looks like a carbon copy mixture of Nycole and Nicole in her retarded photos. With just the right amount Belle Delphine wannabe.
Same unbearable cringyness and face as Nicole, just half the age.
No. 168439
File: 1629392273193.jpg (525.21 KB, 1000x2579, pt2021_08_19_18_46_16.jpg)

3. The comments are of the same highly degenerate quality as Nicoles, 3D girl, anime, fairy, uwu princess shit, not even real, goddess, a one way ticket through the typical simp dictionary. And never short on embarassing selfpraise.
She oversexualizes herself and then gets pissed people do the same.
No. 168440
File: 1629392295431.jpg (1.36 MB, 1200x1600, pt2021_08_19_18_40_43.jpg)

4. Seems mentally like an absolute nutjob. Not well, not stable and potentially deranged. No wonder with that backstory.
Just think about the fact that this is the kind of women Destery goes for and what we can conclude about Nicole via this.
No. 168441
File: 1629392364947.jpg (401.97 KB, 807x736, pt2021_08_19_18_45_15_mh162939…)

5. that's it. pretty uncanny similarities if you ask me. Just paints Destery as a bigger piece of shit and Nicole as just his type if this is what he is into.
No. 168444
>>168438oh look, a pre-teen flashing her tits, great! She is not wearing any clothes in the pink wig either i assume. what the fuck.
>>168440what the ACTUAL fuck?!
>>168439She really kinda is a Nicole clone. Just in minor mode. This is such a sad find anon.
>>168441glamorizing dicks and alcohol, classy. Give her an Onlyfans and Nicole can take her under her wing.
Jokes aside, this is a mentally deranged bitch, it kinda does say something that he picked her right after Nicole. Yikes.
No. 168446
File: 1629392893912.jpeg (228.3 KB, 828x715, 81A02F5F-735B-44F4-8B11-0BF7E7…)

>>168441She’s a camgirl/sex worker too and they’re in a really weird open relationship (confirmed by Shannon Taylor’s video) so she doesn’t mind him dating other people aka dating kids. She is probably a child herself, at MOST in her late teens. I think it’s weird that Nicole claimed Destery isn’t okay with her creating an OF when he seems completely okay with it kek. Also lmao at “supporting us financially” meaning she was probably splitting her money with Destery
No. 168450
File: 1629394037164.jpeg (463.84 KB, 828x1303, CF1D6EE1-E23E-4BAE-9F6F-79A976…)

>>168444>Give her an OFSadly she already has one
No. 168451
>>168446"if selling feetpix would help us financially" I'm sorry, but what utter bullshit. I bet you she
never splitted anything with him, it's just her standard "im a good citizen supporting my loved ones" lie, she posts everytime before going on a begging spree for her weeb crap.
"Us" yeah right, they didn't even live at the same place. Doubtful he blasted her for OF, being a giant manwhore himself and never publicly saying dismissive shit about sexwork.
>>168441holy shit man, she does look incredibly young, way too young to be with a 30+ pedo fag. where are her parents?! ah yes, fosterchild with a princess complex sporting a love for penis and drugs, terrific choice for a partner. but apparently she is just a tool for a threesome hunt, so… didnt he mention (via this youtube allegations video) that she was "in his friend group" too? how does a child end up regularly in a circle of 30 year old emo men?
No. 168453
File: 1629394964530.jpg (461.76 KB, 1000x2037, pt2021_08_19_19_39_58.jpg)

>>168450This child is disgusting and not safe. She gives the same excuses on onlyfans as Nicole does, for why she always lacks content (the only thing different is, she still goes to
school ಠ_ಠ) and based off one of her comments, it looks she even has the same birthday as Nicole lmao (not the same year, but date)
No. 168455
File: 1629395457080.jpg (Spoiler Image,941.76 KB, 1200x1341, pt2021_08_19_19_48_41_mh162939…)

I made the mistake of looking her OF up on google pictures and I got traumatized. If you dont wanna projectile vomit to (hopefully not) a minor doing hardcore porn, dont click. This is insane. And she even used to look exactly like Nicole! Please dont let this be a child.
No. 168457
File: 1629395768161.jpg (Spoiler Image,608.78 KB, 2000x1000, pt2021_08_19_19_54_31.jpg)

Holy shit she really looked exactly like Nicole when she started dating Destery. But that explicity, good god, who finds this appealing?! My anatomy course in biology studies was hotter than this
pukeWell, but doesnt OF have a minimum age of use?
No. 168470
File: 1629401685088.jpeg (529.24 KB, 1800x1800, 36623D14-9EBA-4065-8AB3-818CDF…)

Someone should break the news to Nicole that a life of daily energy drinks and lack of sleep is bad for the heart. She’s seriously an idiot.
No. 168487
>>168470That's what I meant with her yearlong use of energydrinks
>>168226She has myriads of pictures all over her socials of excessive energydrink use in the background or even directly bragging how she baught
a fucking fridge for it to put into her room, next to eating crap food, sugary drinks and sleep too little. This is the worst you can do to your heart, she would be strictly prohibited from this lifestyle if her condition was actually real. But she just ruined her circulation all on her own and now calls it "complications". in the real world its called "consequences" for shitty diet.
I remember Tana Mongeau getting rushed into the ER at 16 or something, because she would drink 1-3 redbull daily and her body went into a state similar to cardiac arrest.
It's the taurin Nicole, you dumb, reckless bitch, not the organ.
No. 168489
>>168482With a body type and wardrobe choice like that, she sure as fuck has daddy issues and is grandpa baiting the pedos out the crowd.
>>168457yet another sorry as nicole clone. at least she looks like a different version of shit now.
>>168453>same birthday as Nicolelmao
No. 168494
File: 1629410073613.png (1 MB, 1237x1782, Onlyfans ban.png)

Better rinse those simps now Nicole, time is running out. Only non-explicit nudes will be allowed to be posted after October. (Onlyfans want investors and payment providers and banks won't touch 'em with how the site currently is)
No. 168497
File: 1629410778722.jpg (50.99 KB, 640x360, iuH19SSJSB.jpg)

>>168455Me: how bad can it be
Me after clicking the spoiler:
I think she's a heavily shooped 18-19 year old pedobaiting, you need to be 18 to have an OF (ID required) but it certainly reflects well on Destery and Nicole that this depraved girl is his girlfriend now.
No. 168501
File: 1629411368754.jpg (349.79 KB, 898x801, pt2021_08_20_00_13_27_mh162941…)

Big yikes, it's a new arc of the Cha Cha Cheating saga all over again. Will this fairy tale ever end?
>>168494kek, the withdrawel of a power source will inflict narc rage, grab your popcorn.
No. 168556
File: 1629434454427.jpeg (645.88 KB, 828x1341, 2F6291D7-AF6C-4A52-AC6A-81602C…)

How has it been over a month since they moved and Nicole’s shit is still in boxes and a clutter? Also peep that Shein logo, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s where she buys all her cheap OF lingerie sets.
No. 168557
File: 1629434976896.jpeg (353.4 KB, 828x941, D22D045B-4C4A-4D3B-AA28-AD67C4…)

>>168494Sadge that it’s just clickbait
No. 168566
>>168557She will look so dumb with her denial once the changes go through jek.
>>168501oh man… so he has been a whopping 8 months with another girl already, while dating and fucking Nicole… who was actively ripping Connor out of Nycoles claws at the same time. Just how many overlaps between Dennis, Nicole, Destery, Connor and Nate are possible in this game?
It's really never enough for these people, they need jesus.
No. 168567
>>168556How can Connor have a bodyshape that off center man. He starts with feet size 4 and ends in a marsian balloon head. a balding one.
>>168557you are clearly the expert at damaging rumours, Nicole.
>>168501Oh NO, and another one bites the dust! How many two timing hoes and assholes does this arc contain? Every other month new cheaters enter the game lmao.
>>168489Yup, Nicole has birthday 13/03, Bao has 14/03 lmao how much of a clone did Destery need?
No. 168568
File: 1629442742944.jpeg (223.28 KB, 828x800, 05BF4D44-E0BF-475C-9344-31F42B…)

You can tell based on her retweeting and posting about OF new guidelines she’s having a breakdown. But Narcole, I thought you don’t need OF to fund your n3rd collection? Also she should really stop referring to herself as a professional, she is an idiot when it comes to making profit off of cards, she purchases them when they’re at a high price and also spends hundreds and hundreds on packs hunting for a card she could easily have bought for cheaper.
No. 168572
File: 1629444058508.png (465.59 KB, 1080x1294, IMG_20210820_085559.png)

"So proud how far I've come this year!"
>E-begged relentlessly on several occasions
>Published queerbaited, full name porn of horrendous quality
>Publicly supported a pedophile
>Published a fake anniversary date to cover up multiple cheating incidents
>Blasted an ex-friend all over twitter and ruined their reputation
>Wrecked her tuned 20k+ car
>Wrecked her ceiling fan
>Wrecked her face with hideous 2k+ fillers
>Baught multiple thousands worth in collectable cardboard and weeb trash
>Gambled, with money she wasnt suppose to have
>Broke into her parents home for booze and snacks
>Neglected and ignored all her currently useless tools, to a point they complained publicly
>Manipulated and lied
>Got an expensive, ugly tattoo with a person she no longer wanted to associate with merely weeks later
>Rented out an entire house with people she hates to get to one of their grooming boyfriends
>Underdelivered on any of her paid or nonpaid plattforms
>Made some new health conditions up
>Sperged over skinwalkers, relationship issues and jealousy, but let us know constantly how much she is doing well and thriving
Oh yeah, what an irreplacable addition to society you are. You are the kind of person that could take a big shit after thai food and post on twitter for three hours about how proud you are of yourself.
This bitch is such a joke.
No. 168581
>>168568Love that people are calling her out. She makes it apparent enough. Muh job pays so much, I definitely don’t get much money from my abandoned patreon, or from my deceiving OF!
>>168577It wouldn’t be surprising if there were other potential candidates for the both of them too. Such a shame they didn’t stay together, they deserve one another kek.
No. 168592
File: 1629463292620.jpeg (836.96 KB, 828x1289, B5B426FE-D0DD-41BD-AAB4-A3D1EF…)

Nicole just shared this memory on FB. Guess who was on the trip with her? The person she’s smiling at? Destery.
No. 168618
File: 1629478172401.jpeg (249.37 KB, 828x899, 9A6E8AB2-0FE9-492F-8F12-BE8C48…)

Nicole is shouting into the void and fuming. Also a cow who scams calling another person a scammer. Interesting. I don’t even want to know how many innocent minors/girls she herself has scammed into thinking they’re donating to help her livelihood when it’s for collection funding. I know we always joke that her fanbase is 90% scrotes but there are quite a few goodhearted people who fall for her donation trap, many actually being young girls I notice in the comment section.
No. 168781
File: 1629580287646.jpeg (259.8 KB, 828x747, A1EFD4BD-DECC-46C9-8208-AA8D97…)

What the fuck does being called dude or bro have to do with sexuality? It’s not you being bi or lesbian Nicole, it’s you being a pick-me “I’m not like other girls, I’m one of the bros” thot.
No. 168827
File: 1629608696714.jpg (477.67 KB, 930x1004, pt2021_08_22_06_53_00_mh162960…)

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if majority of her "fans" are just either fake accounts or young, impressionable teens with no own identity besides what they consume from this degenerate clique of Nicole and her "friends" online. (Just like Nicole herself is just a collection of looks and traits she saw elsewhere and deemed worthy to imitate)
Imagine you are Doons sister and no matter where you are with Nicole, all people ever do is sperg over her and spam your comments with how great she is (although they never met her), as if you don't even exist in these photos too. Fat friend saga pays off again, I guess.
And then still imitate whatever they see in Nicoles or her clique's proximity (necklace) or even date people that sound like their bfs. This is just one example of many, where people copy the same wigs, filters, accessories, clothes, hobbies, poses, names, personas or whatever, to look as if they belong to the most shitty group of people on the planet. God beware these people forge a personality beyond what Nicole spoonfeeds them. Imagine being that obsessed with a group you don't even know made of people who are worth nothing to society or let alone themselves. Woah, so cool.
No. 168828
File: 1629608943570.jpg (829.7 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_08_22_06_55_10.jpg)

And checking these "marked" photos from a camera guy at anime expo, Nicole looks fucking nothing like what she posted about it on her social media. Her body is wonky and chubbs and the face wrinkley and boney. Let alone the busted buttcheeks quality of her costume.
No. 168845
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>>168827To back you up, look at the shit her fangirls write. Judging by her profile she’s a minor and I pity these young girls jealous of every aspect of Nicole’s life that doesn’t even exist. Whenever young girls write things like these Nicole just feeds them the speech of “looks don’t matter” instead of being vulnerable and letting them know every aspect of her life is fake, especially her appearance.
No. 168847
File: 1629615248429.jpeg (221.99 KB, 828x605, B9C258D3-6DF8-4CB2-996A-A81BEA…)

>>168823She even retweeted “let’s be nicer to each other we’re all trying our best” and if you scroll 2 seconds you can see her mercilessly insult someone.
No. 168856
>>168845Texts like these are fucking heartbreaking to read, because
this hits exactly two things a narcissist wants as his higher goals: people display a feeling of inferiority to their superiority and a public jealousy to a successfully fabricated image of the perfect life they lead.
I made experiences with narcs in real life, and I can assure you they go to incredible lengths to build this gigantic castle of imagination around them, that displays the perfect beauty, job, friends, partners, money, things, whatever it is, while, they have literally
nothing going for themselves and it's all bullshit. All their recourses and energy go into that lie and must be maintained at all cost, because without their artificial identity, a narcissist is no one but a mentally ill tank that rolls through peoples wellbeing.
Nothing of that theatre is ever REAL. They dont get loved, they provoke possesive obsession through empty lovembombing. they dont even love themselves, they loathe every aspect of the self. They are miserable with money, cant keep friends or form real bonds, constantly lose or wreck their and others belongings and amount to nothing and nobody in life. No, she has no impact besides narcissistic destruction. Nicole changed nothing in the world, contributed nothing and will go with nothing in the end.
It's infuriating how young people fall for this and feel bad about it.
No. 168857
File: 1629622361160.jpeg (182.7 KB, 828x659, 7FFF3043-F32E-4742-AC42-8AC21F…)

>>168856>They provoke possesive obsession through empty lovembombingI’m surprised how many of Nicole’s friends fall for this trap. She even expects her friends to be
afraid to lose her which is just a pitiful thing to expect from loved ones, she wants people to feel anxious and worry about losing their spot in her life. Narcissists love emotional manipulation.
No. 168858
>>168856your comment nailed it anon.
Just an example:
"Jealous of your beauty"
>2000$+ face filler surgery>daily false lashes>false acrylics>false hair extentions>tons of makeup and product>drawn on freckles>always filtered>always photoshops face shapes, hair volume, eye size, nose size and entire body weight in all mediaAnd now take this principle about her excessivly fabricated "beauty" and apply it to literally EVERY aspect of Nicoles life. Her
achievements and plus points in life are not real, non of them.
No. 168859
File: 1629623779668.gif (13.12 MB, 600x1143, FCEBACD4-9D9F-43F1-9B14-E9B16C…)

Nicole is becoming more and more unhinged, no? In this snapchat compilation she introduces her cat to an insect and says they’re “friends” to which the cat starts attacking the insect and Nicole says “you took its leg” and watches this all happen, does nothing and the cat continues attacking it. Then in the most monotone voice says “baby I know you love him, but we have to bring him outside, you’re going to hurt him” and the cat attacks again and she does nothing. I’m not an insect/bug lover by any means, but what the fuck did I just witness?
No. 168861
File: 1629623999047.gif (10.73 MB, 600x1143, 05872344-566D-41EE-9778-5F59E9…)

Part 2 of the snapchat: The funny part is Nicole pretending to care about bugs while watching this happen with little reaction
No. 168864
>>168857Imagine walking into her house, realistically, right now. What would you actually see?
A badly aged, bloated, filler botched LA whore, with irregular clipped in extentions and chubby roles squeezing out her polyester shein shorts, who greets you with 3 inch plastic lashes on, with which she can barely open her tiny hooded eyes. If you manage to look past her horrendous contour to the left, you will see boxes over boxes of filthy, cluttered children's toys, in which she invested all her finances of her late 20s and now hoards that trash in the size of a house, which she rented with 3 people she barely knew: 1 which openly hates her guts, 1 who is only interested to get into her pants to cheat on his girlfriend and 1 who is her "partner", a skinny, balding manchild in an unsuccessful band with a terribly dull personality and major loyalty issues, who she attained through cheating. Then you take a look to the right at the open tabs in her laptop, just to see all the ignored messages of her negging and begging "friends", identify them as either overweight lonely girls or simping scrotes all fighting for an empty bone of attention being thrown their way, next to "no messages" from her family, complaint emails from her pathetic onlyfans pornsite, a secretly self managed fan account, a DM from the third faggy emo serial cheater that week and an open tab from a lolcowthread, before you leave this utter fucking nightmare through the driveway, where there is no car.
Oh yes. The perfect life.
No. 168865
>>168857>and worry about losing their spot in her life. Exactly, to keep them on their toes tied around her and ready to jump to her every wishes, so they can keep her empty, agenda fueled attention and approval coming. It's like an emotional junkie she creates to groom for her purposes later on.
>>168864I think this is the best comment in his thread, hands down lmao
No. 168867
File: 1629625961457.jpeg (282.88 KB, 828x907, 49C4FBB5-464A-42FE-99E4-B60D27…)

Tfw even her scrotes are catching on. “Hypocrisy” in Spanish
No. 168871
>>168861The fact Nicole
just reposted that facebook memory of faux-nursing a butterfly
>>168592before posting a video of her cat torturing an insect mere days later. Her visage is so faltering it's amazing poor saps like that girl
>>168845on Instagram fall for it.
No. 168878
File: 1629637104246.jpeg (Spoiler Image,858.11 KB, 1800x1800, F05D6B4D-06B8-433B-899D-79DF2F…)

One of Nicole’s scrotes has been turning her porn photos into weird gore edits, what the actual fuck lmao. I’m disturbed and amused at the same time.
No. 168905
File: 1629649754642.jpeg (446.88 KB, 828x1021, 90FFA9A1-98B1-4F1C-A938-942A70…)

>>168878Update: she actually complimented them. What the fuck.
No. 168908
>>168905Any form of attention suffices. Any.
>>168864The perfect summary of her life, I absolutely enjoyed reading this kek.
No. 168916
File: 1629660347952.jpeg (336.03 KB, 828x932, 0E4A9F84-8C33-491D-8324-1A6CC2…)

>>168908I’m wheezing, she actually expected a decent outcome after interacting with this scrote, look at his response. Once again, he tagged her boyfriend in this tweet too.
No. 168968
File: 1629694271758.jpg (Spoiler Image,289.44 KB, 1080x1610, Screenshot_20210823-144705__01…)

>>168845This the same Persephone that used to be obsessed with Belle and her clone Kitty Sophie back when pull was a thing. I vaguely remember her sperging out in one or those threads. I'm not opposed to her commenting but she's probably a farmer, and this is a cowtip. She had/has a habit of involving herself with cows.
No. 168979
File: 1629703088678.jpeg (296.05 KB, 1201x1800, 91AA7C84-23A7-44A6-8B6A-4F655D…)

>”I think feet are cute”
I mean each to their own but I think what the man is trying to say is hers look disgusting.
No. 168981
File: 1629703520806.jpeg (266.72 KB, 1011x1800, 155397BB-DB38-4F06-9DC8-C9BCEE…)

Someone complained about seeing a car full of naked anime stickers and while most agreed it is disgusting, Nicole liked the one comment saying they’re a man of culture for having such a thing. Yes, because having porn on your car on full display for children and innocent pedestrians is such an epic gamer move.
No. 168999
>>168979typical narc move: someone said i should tone down on feet? (filter of my own reality activated) oh cool, people want my feet!
>>168981How desperate for an own identity must you be to shove your porn habits into everybodys face you drive by, because you think this makes you cool. Grow up.
>>168968It always baffles me how many mentally ill people with zero consistency or reliability in their lifes decide to get social media to share their sporadic outbursts of drama, nudes and tantrums, to disappear for weeks or months again. How about you take therapy first, get better and form a minimum sense of wellbeing, instead of going to the internet to document your miserable state of mind and disappoint any potential follower in the process of it?
There are people having their tits plastered over OF that cant hold a common conversation irl, people suffering from insomnia who rather have breakdowns on stream instead of getting treatment and those who stirr up drama they cant even remember the week after, due to their depression it
triggers, but will do it a day later again anyways instead of logging off.
My god people are stupid.
No. 169000
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>>168999I’m also 100% sure she’s the one with the foot fetish, and not the other way around. Just look at the shit she posted even before she had an OF
No. 169013
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>>168956She keeps engaging with him back and forth being polite despite the fact that he created horror of her boobs mutilated off and entire body being turned into gore, and then said he doesn’t want to see her feet lmfao. She’s truly a pick-me because she sucks up to moids. Also, does this bitch only sleep 2-3 hours? I remember she would also make posts about not sleeping for days to prepare for cosplays (all made by her friend and not her) and she wonders why her heart is suffering? Dumb bitch lol
No. 169017
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What I mean:
No. 169063
File: 1629739814490.jpeg (681.69 KB, 1800x1800, 29B359B7-F7BD-4DC0-A585-06C7F7…)

Tinfoil but I think Nicole got fired/quit her card shop job, for many weeks now she isn’t in any of her coworkers stories and while they’re working she’s just slacking off with Connor at home. That would be fucking retarded if she did quit, considering just last week she sperged about how she’s in the perfect career path for her.
No. 169103
>>169063it would be more likely for the store to have fired her if your theory is right. It would be a stupid move for her to quit her part time job right after OF announced their no porn policy.
Narcole brings nothing of value to the shop anyways so they don’t lose anything by getting rid of her, the fact that she’s part time with 15 hours a week show how much she’s needed kek.
No. 169254
File: 1629837877675.jpg (603.12 KB, 1600x1200, pt2021_08_24_22_41_43.jpg)

>>169137Didnt she clarify in a story that she just took a vacation time off? If she is actually fired or let off, I would have expected pozjokergames account to post a goodbye thing or something, given her face in known to be plastered over their feed.
One half, of what must be the ugliest couple on the planet, copied Nicole with that gremlin thing again. Still not uwu, just cringe.
No. 169255
>>168864>A badly aged, bloated, filler botched LA whore, with irregular clipped in extentions and chubby roles squeezing out her polyester shein shorts, who greets you with 3 inch plastic lashes on, with which she can barely open her tiny hooded eyes. Should be her next description.
>>169254Maybe they do it in hopes someone days Oh no, you are so cute! while in reality, they indeed look like fucking gremlins.
No. 169258
File: 1629838668971.jpg (1002.59 KB, 1000x3079, pt2021_08_24_22_56_26.jpg)

>>169254Here you have the "Goblin" again
Seriously, just looking at the last posts Nicole uploaded, if I wouldn't know any better, I'd never believe this account belonged to someone older than 14. Talking about peter pan syndrome…
No. 169259
File: 1629838921517.png (474.36 KB, 1080x840, IMG_20210824_225444.png)

>WoRlD TrAveLeR
- Drove to another state in same country by his girlfriend once
- Flew to another state in same country a handful times on behalf the decision of the assjuice band he's in
No. 169262
File: 1629839278798.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210731-180133.png)

Gotta love how Cassie adopted Nicoles resting bitch face style with the blatant self praise about every ever so insignificant bullshit thing. They make picking up the mail from the doorstep look like a pride inducing nobelprize achievement praisable for a years worth of a normal persons work their entire family needs to be called about.
No. 169263
File: 1629839500715.jpeg (226.95 KB, 828x1472, C143CBF6-6512-4FB1-BF08-E33759…)

>>169259He’s extremely narcissistic, more so than Nicole. She posted a video of their room tour and you can see Connor’s proudly displayed merch of his own band. Vomit.
No. 169347
File: 1629878106967.jpeg (299.13 KB, 828x1004, C0DF4F7D-0E1B-405C-867B-6E18A9…)

Tfw even her followers are starting to notice all she posts every single day is just her cat. Must be nice to just sit at home all day doing photoshoots with your pet instead of contributing to society.
No. 169388
>>169376Calm down mini mod, 2/3 of those are saged. Third is bumped because it’s not about “cat pics” but neglecting her job(s) for over a month to travel, splurge on card games, gamble. Not posting on OF for a month, neglecting Patreon for over a year, Ko-fi for two years, not showing up at her irl work and sitting at home all day creating photoshoots for her pet instead of actually doing her OF or attending her job.
>Wait until they actually do something before you bump the threadThe milk is that she’s neglecting all of her responsibilities and posting cat pictures all day err’day.
No. 169471
>>169458Lol what. Should probably read this thread over again if that’s what you assumed.
>>169469I think the sarcasm went over your head anon kek.
No. 169527
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As long as OF stays that way she is gonna stay a lazy ass thot with misleading bait description and horrendous schedule.
No. 169543
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>>169446Tfw even Doon, her best friend, is calling her out
No. 169550
File: 1629975010111.jpeg (262.79 KB, 831x1800, 37C6849B-BA22-4573-9011-9B5673…)

Also can I just say what an amazing friend Nicole is when they need help. This “elvngrl” who Nicole is close with, she ignores any of her tweets mentioning how she got scammed and is in debt, even Doon retweeted it and is being supportive online kek.
Not to mention on Doon’s socials she started taking commissions for her crafts (you know, the skills Nicole leeched off of and friend she used to make all her cosplays) but of course Nicole doesn’t want to use her 400k socials to support or help her friends. All her friends work hard to please the queen bee and when they’re struggling or need help with their small business, Narcole is nowhere to be seen.
No. 169569
>>169527I feel like this is a bluff from OF since if you look at what Mastercard demand it's essentially high moderation to require no illegal content, something OF doesn't want to pay for or integrate into their system (there is even a significant amount of actual cp on OF if you read some articles on the topic). It's not about "genres of content" but crime.
This is just OF stalling to try not to tank the worth of their company any further, but I think the writing is on the wall, it may be another couple of months and then the changes will happen after all.
No. 169583
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>>169550narcissists wont ever move a finger for anyone, except that action is in line with a direct agenda to use that against them later of benefit off it as a subject of leverage/guilt trip/blackmail.
>>169550Adding to doon doing all her cosplays in the past, the ones Nicole does are SO fucking bad. They are sloppy, cheap and incredibly inaccurate to the original, i mean, this bullshit was supposed to be Paya, are you kidding me?
No. 169585
File: 1629994728344.jpg (794.9 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_08_26_18_05_05_mh162999…)

And she constantly has to animegirl-degenerate-fy all her cosplay characters with braindead cutesy dances that dont even make sense. In this tiktok she wobbled around without directions, pushes her finger into her face, then the screen turns red and she stares like a dead robot, before trying to weirdly reach her shoulder with both hands like in middleschool p.e. and then just falls down to the ground. WTF was that supposed to be? It's like a soul less muppet that doesnt know what to do with itself as soon as a camera runs.
But to be honest, this was ALWAYS the case with Nicole. in all her videos, no matter if they are planned or supposedly """candid""" her every move is rehearsed. She just moves in the same set of 15 or so learned routines of uwu princess bullshit motions and cutesy faces and mixes up the order from time to time. It's extremely creepy when you think about it. She is incapable of being authentic, she needs to act everything.
No. 169587
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>>169585bruh, she didnt even bother to comb that wig before glueing shit together with red tape and putting on yellow pointy ears. she looks like someone fished her out a trash can.
No. 169590
>>169585What a fucking MESS.
>>169588I’m going with her being stoned off her ass, most definitely.
No. 169592
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>>169585100% with you on the "only capable of robotic routines" motions, its like i never saw her just being natural and relaxed, her every move and facial expression is under her conscious control in any circumstance. she never stops acting. Reminded me of these, she really moved like a creepy ass robot in these. Her face and bodylanguage are nightmare fuel.
No. 169638
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In case you wondered what realistic vs. bullshit bodyframe looks like, take this cow.
No. 169645
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>>169592>>169590>>169588Seriously though, Nicole actually looks like pure nightmare fuel in this. It's not only incredibly creepy, but also hideous and disturbingly psychotic. The make up, plastic surgery and fucked up pupils are not helping and rather make obvious what's already on the inside.
No. 169646
File: 1630016597235.jpg (558.94 KB, 2000x1000, pt2021_08_27_00_10_25.jpg)

How is her eye that fucked up?! Check out the right one. The filtering is out if control and I have now idea how she managed to have her nose even look bigger after fillers. Or she just sucks at make up.
No. 169647
File: 1630016748031.jpg (954.84 KB, 3002x1000, pt2021_08_26_23_55_49.jpg)

>>169646It's from a video and you can tell the horrendous amount of distortion she puts on by that smudged eyeline lmao.
Second the failed filler for her nose (picture)
>>169645Dear god this is not even funny anymore. YIKES. How can connor sleep next to such a monster? he must think his sleep paralysis demon tricked him into a relationship.
(nitpicking) No. 169648
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I found more heavy indication on her twitter towards the theory multiple anons had, that Nicole strongly lead Heather on and lovebombed her in an romantic appeal to get as much out of her as possible, just to act as if she is the crazy one… Nicole is such a manipulative piece of shit.
No. 169649
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>>169548>>169446Wouldn't be surprised if she lost her job, she was shit at it. In this video she uploaded to her twitter she is doing nothing but doing a retarded dance (swinging her arms and body like crazy, without any music) while her poor coworker just tries to get by her and do his job, visibly irritated and annoyed with wtf she is doing. recording cringe tiktok BS in workhours that is.
No. 169651
File: 1630017410690.jpg (1.53 MB, 3002x1000, pt2021_08_26_23_54_40.jpg)

>>169648Coldhearted bitch. Imagine luring someone on, intentionally breaking their heart and then publicly humiliate them on top.
>>169649i feel second hand embarassement. dude in the back seemed so pissed.
>>169645holy fuck this is scary. EW. This
and the inaccurate cosplays really make me think she has a horribly bad self perception if she actually thinks she looks good. like, ever.
But then again, same goes for about anything she posts. Who in their right minds would wreck their 20k fan financed car due to bullshit behavior and reckless driving, just to pose on top of it as if you're part of a fucking netflix movie and think you are so cool flaunting your broken down accident-mill? Who does that and wont die of embarassment?
No. 169652
File: 1630017531484.jpg (508.72 KB, 2000x1000, pt2021_08_26_23_56_15.jpg)

>>169649>>169648>>169645Everytime I thought I couldn't hate Narcole more than I already do, I revisit the thread and learn otherwise.
PS: Nothing new still on her OF. just flashing her flat ass in public, because you know, class and all.
>>169646the blatant eye shoop :')
No. 169685
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How exhausting can it possibly be to live the life of a 26 year old NEET? We get it, she moved MONTHS ago and she went on a leisure trip to gamble and have fun a week ago. Yet she’s still making excuses for not working and being active. Sheesh.
No. 169687
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Also her dad must be so proud of her after packaging a box of her furry animal ears and costhot OF props.
No. 169753
>>169687It's telling that she might witnessed something that made her dad uncomfortable, but instead of making him feel easy and forget about it she uploads it to the internet forever. Quality move as usual.
>>169685Yeah right, and as soon as the messages and double messages role in, there will be screenshots about hOW MaNy people desire to talk with her because she is jUsT sO PoPulAr. As if anyone gives a shit. If contact goes for emergency, they surely have her number and dont go over her retarded social media. She just wants to paint herself as a hard to get through pick me.
No. 169861
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Guess we can expect much more from this in the future. Any updates on the moving saga?
No. 169862
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sorry, but in this tiktok she is so blatant obviously ripping off "tinkerprincess0", it's not even funny. And this bitch has the nerve to complain about copycats, yeah right…
No. 169863
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>>169862sorry for nitpick, but her level of make up becomes increasingly inhumane, you'd think it would become less after fillers, but no, she uses a shit ton of it. Just imagine how horrible that heavily caked on smudge must look on her in real life standing right in front of it.
No. 169966
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some pretty irritating stuff on her twitter lately, no mention of the movie, but repeats of her name ranting, queerbait and simp encounters that I hope don't relate to "stalker" brandon.
No. 169986
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I doubt it’s hard to find clinics that treat adults with ADHD in LA. That’s like a hellspawn for mentally ill people. Also even more pathetic right around the time she stopped doing any work she has to bring up mental illness as if she totally isn’t functioning fine and travelling and just wants to find an escape into NEETdom. Not to fucking mention she has a 10+ hour long Twitch streams where she manages to stay still, focused on tasks and exhibits no signs whatsoever. If she has ADHD then it’s high-functioning because she’s clearly able to do everyday tasks.
No. 170004
>>169986>tasks incredibly hard- said the person who can assess, sort and read cards for hours to no end without a problem
- non ceasing concentration at work, in conversation or in study situations, former school
- no downs after social interaction, which she activly seeks out
No signs of Adhd whatsoever, what you mean is living in LA and needing attention for mental states that are relatable but not threatening.
No. 170014
>>169966She's so full of shit
>My username is my full name>Don't use my name>Don't deadnameIt's your fucking username, everyone uses it every time they write a reply, and deadnames are specific to trans people.
No. 170015
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>>170014She is so stupid. She says she only has her full name so nobody else can steal it then
why the fuck can’t she just make a separate account to hold it? The same way she made her ex hold the twitter handle @everstonetcg and the same way she’s holding this username. She just wants to confuse people and that act oppressed with the phrasing
No. 170019
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>>169990When you try to be an oppressed troon.jpg
No. 170047
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>>170014>>170019>>169966>dead name Is she trans now? I’ve never heard of a non trans person say that
No. 170060
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>>170047Lmao, I’ve never seen a person bitch about hating the sound of their first name so much while having it in all their username handles. She’s not comfortable with having a normie common name like Nicole.
No. 170087
>>170084>>170060Something I've been wondering for ages now, why on earth she just doesnt change her handles already. She plastered the Nicole-bit into each and every of her old AND new social medias she created and then bitched nonstop about how she doesn't want to be called by that name. Just how stupid can you be? What's so hard about changing your fucking handles then?
The princess of pickmes just cant breath knowing she is blessed with one of the most basic bitch names on the planet.
No. 170090
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>>170084>>170087Nicole is so so stupid. If/when she’s verified on socials, she won’t be able to change her username. If she plans on changing them to her evie/eevee thot name, she should do so now before it’s too late and she spergs on a daily basis about being called NICOLEeeveedavis despite her username.
No. 170091
File: 1630363478774.jpeg (391.88 KB, 828x943, 21EEA44E-C529-473E-84BA-E04CAA…)

She’s also obsessed with getting a blue tick but too stupid to realize she won’t be able to change her username once she does
No. 170093
File: 1630366089974.jpeg (269.63 KB, 831x1800, 293A8CB4-1731-43A0-99CB-67D341…)

>>170087Also notice how not one single quirk about her is sincere.. with the name “Evie” she changes the reasoning behind her name every other day. She said her parents named her that because of their love of Pokémon and being a N3rd but other times she says it’s because of her grandmother she was named Evie. Also don’t forget she brings her dead grandmother up as a manipulation tactic every fucking chance she gets: BLM protesting (she brought up how she has her nana’s spirit and how ~brave~ she is to protest), her triforce tattoo (she refers to it as a memorial piece for her grandmother, despite it clearly being inspired by her ex Destery’s own triforce tattoo), sperging about how amazing Nate is (she compares her connection to Nate with her grandmother to make him seem like a super wise and amazing person, more manipulation).
It’s a fucking sickness to have to use your dead relative for twitter points.
No. 170094
>>170093>Im being a naive, stubborn, difficult bitch to my mom, because my teenage-maturity ass insists to protest against something I dont understand, but need to post about every other minute to harness internet glory points."I have the brave spirit of my grandma!"
>No grandma really has any ideas of consoles or gaming whatsoever"Last connect to my nana!"
Somebody suffers fulloshititis.
No. 170096
File: 1630368555588.jpg (1.08 MB, 876x2160, pt2021_08_31_01_50_30_mh163036…)

Who in hell is the trying to fool with this bullshit? This bitch and her lousy attempt to prove she is not the most predictable loser on the planet, just ironically portrays how predictable and unoriginal she is.
Nicole whined and sad uwu baited queers and singles nonstop while already being with connor and almost denying their relationship on stream to keep going with her thirst traps, just to be roundhousekicked by Cassies last brain cell having a major panic attack upon finding this thread (which she should have found way earlier if she would be any good at her job, but hey, apparently you can be a good virtual assistant by not even being in the same fucking state as your client) and then suddenly Nicole-I-wont-ever-post-about-bfs-again-Davis sperges about Connor and how great their pArTnErShIp is. You know, the same guy she blatantly ignored and single-washed all over her socials for months. What utter dog diarrhea goes on in her head to play out this act, convinced nobody will realize the screamingly obvious connection to the thread and how her reaction proposes a 180 degree turn to basically everything she did and said before? As if anyone buys that phony demonstration out of the blue.
No. 170099
>>169966Nicole loves girls
so much she had to compete with one just to claw her way into her current relationship with a man
No. 170100
>>170096That almost hurts to look at, wow what a simpleton move. She has the brain of a child and the ego of a dictator if she thinks she is fooling anyone. How crippled must your sense of self be to jump so quickly and obviously into a hellbend of a proving spree after having been called out by people who play no role in your life?
Imagine needing a lolcow thread to show affection for your partner and accept them publicly for the first time in a year of being together. Imagine not damaging your partner nonstop, because you need to convince people on lolcow you're a good girlfriend. Imagine doing so after them already collecting 4 fully packed threads of mass evidence you might be the single most shitty person in social medias history of useless narc thots, and still believe confidently you can convince them. Imagine being the bottom filth in the trashcan allowed in a humanoid suit with access to the internet.
No. 170142
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There is an autist with similar writing to
>>169655 going on leak sites and insisting Nicole was forced into doing onlyfans. Sorry but what? That’s the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard. If anything all her scrotes were “disappointed” with her and most of her fanbase warned against it. She’s a grown 26 year old woman, nobody
forced her into anything. She’s just a thot.
No. 170146
File: 1630412174287.jpeg (287.4 KB, 831x1800, 39B9B733-35A1-4538-B684-7D00DE…)

forced into it. would be funny if nicole is in the process of brewing a sob story about being coerced into this.
No. 170152
>>170146Narcole’s sorry attempt to save her reputation. 1/10 points, she’s too lazy to do anything for herself.
Also, didn’t she go on some Twitter rant about how liberated and amazing she feels posting naked photos of herself? Also the photos of her boasting about how much money she makes on OF to her mom and her mom saying she’s so proud really doesn’t help her new lies kek.
No. 170198
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>>170142i wonder what is going on in such a persons head to claim something so obviously bullshit. just why?
(picrel) Like… a FRIEND? Good god, she is back at it again with her vague love/care/whateverthefuck baiting. It's junior high tumblr all over again.
No. 170217
File: 1630451251473.jpeg (735.71 KB, 828x1126, F894EAE7-284A-452E-9D71-6C874D…)

Did she just splurge on 70 fucking packs instead of buying the few individual cards she actually needed?
No. 170221
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>>170217She spent….at most $400+…(the ETB’s go around $50-60 depending on the seller, the booster packs are like $12/13) when the highest card, which is the Umbreon, is around $200. Everything else is dropping in value because they’re getting pulled at higher rates. She’s an actual fucking idiot.
No. 170224
File: 1630455244433.jpeg (108.91 KB, 828x431, F89BF800-BA05-4BF1-9921-C36763…)

>>170221… I think she’s on drugs. She’s been acting more stupid than normal lately.
No. 170300
>>170224>2 weeks later>hey minna my unknown heart disease that I never talk about until I beg for money came back.. I need some donations to pay for my medication and monitor :( >Buys more games, and toys >hey minna someone broke into my car/house please help me get back on my feet :’( >buys more cosplay and junk >hey minna my car broke down after I drove this poor lost child 500 miles back to his home, please donate to cover the gas and repairs :(( >gets cosmetic work done Narcole’s cycle of lies: spends a lot of money on stupid crap>claims something bad happened or something bad happened from her doing something good>beg for money>use the money for hoarding nerd crap and cosmetic work
Rinse and repeat
No. 170346
File: 1630531785125.png (3.44 MB, 800x3622, 1626704602099.png)

>>170300Friendly reminder of her ongoing e-begging saga…
No. 170351
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Looking back on this i call total bullshit. Nicole just waited for Destery to blow up, so she could feed her followers whatever narc narrative about what happened and they wouldn't question it compared to what a pedophile could say.
>we lived happily and without interference for many more years
Which you filled up with even more lies and cheating with 3 men at the same time, yet couldn't be arsed to mention this tiny detail as well. Funny how she claims it's "happy" and "years" when his was already in another guys pants by december.
>we agreed it would be best for the 3 of us talking together so Destery wouldnt have room to manipulate the timeline
And the bitter truth is that YOU did. Its so obvious she forced to be part of that conversation so she could censor Destery and alter whatever sensitive info he could give Dennis to fit her own narrative. Why else would Dennis have reached out to Destery for closure, NOT Nicole? The rekindled girlfriend he is supposedly so happy with? Because he doesn't trust her lying ass for shit. He went as far as addressing the "other guy" with his concerns. This was never about Destery manipulating timelines, this was about Nicole controlling the timeline.
It shouldn't be a surprise Destery rejected that proposal, which in Nicole's story turned into "drama and spite" from his side.
>he denied us the conversation for not doing the same for him
Pay attention to the fact that SHE didnt want to do the same for Amber. She describes it vaguely, but her message suggests she wanted closure as well and Nicole didnt give her any info, but demanded to be part of the talk between Destery and Dennis.
This whole thing reeks of narcissistic bullshit her fans swollowed up like cake.
No. 170364
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So it appears Dennis is unemployed (picrel) yet in Nicole’s tiktoks before they broke up he appeared to be working at the same card shop. Tinfoil but I wouldn’t be surprised if she made him quit, which is fucking ironic because Dennis is the one who got her a job at Frank and Sons way back when.
No. 170365
File: 1630535455476.jpg (Spoiler Image,800.55 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_09_02_00_15_44_mr163053…)

I came across her most recent leaked OF videos (last month, before road trip, but after fillers) and holy shit I didn't see that face coming. What the fuck? I mean, we knew her surgery was botched, but to spend 2k worth on fillers to look like a sleep paralysis demon is intense. The nose, lips, face shape, cheeks… it's like witnessing an accident, you wanna look away, but somehow you can't.
I wouldn't be surprised if she actually put off meeting Connors parents (her latest trip) until after her surgeries, so they could recognize her and not be delivered an entirely new face the next time they'd visit.
No. 170369
>>170365Holy fuck those proportions. Bitch was ugly before but this knocks it out of the park. She needs to order a new passport, with
that face and the name
No. 170373
File: 1630536645301.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1495, IMG_20210902_003851.png)

No fillers can safe her from those thunder thies and flapps buldging out her way too small costume. Maybe she should go and order XL again to sport her uwu im too smol act. Nicole is becoming CHONKE for sure LMAO(nitpicking)
No. 170375
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Who needs sleep anyways. Micheal Jackson, is that you?
>>170373I think its on purpose to make her tits look bigger. Just manipulation, as usual.
>>170351I agree with all of your points, this sounds way more likely, now that we know what she pulled with Nycole and Connor in the mean time. And Nate. And Johnny. And Destery AGAIN.
No. 170384
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I would not put it past Nicole to make her coworkers do all the shop setting up and work at her job, considering right before her shop opens she is just fucking rollerskating in a park. It’s only open 3 days a week and 6 hours on Wednesdays and she probably shows up late for work every day.
No. 170431
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This thread was right about her being a narcissist and always putting her needs first
>>170016 I don’t know what this tweet is regarding but her shit advice is basically to not care about the feelings of others.
No. 170443
File: 1630589841059.jpeg (441.44 KB, 1201x1800, 6A08F5E8-3D32-4BC6-8440-29E8E5…)

Am I the only one uncomfortable that Nicole and Destery still wear each other’s clothes? As recently as today she is still wearing his Hearthstone shirt (it’s his, he used to wear it before she took it) as if these things aren’t clearly tied to the person?
No. 170447
>>170431When you try to use big words but just make word salad: every one of Nicole's "meaningful" posts
>If you hold back on doing what feels right in your gut with hesitationHesitation and holding back mean the same thing, this word salad reads as thus:
>When you hold back on doing what feels right in your gut with holding backAnd then!
>because.the.of.the.after.thoughts and feelings of others Because of the feelings of others, I presume is what she meant to say in English.
Put down the beer before you Tweet next time.
No. 170541
File: 1630622471906.jpeg (234.34 KB, 828x669, F9D5C031-1F99-48A8-95A6-105C4E…)

Looks like she’s considering migrating to Fansly now. Also she’s now being confusing as fuck and saying the uncensored content is now not PPV anymore. Sure, Jan.
No. 170544
File: 1630622973747.jpeg (207.15 KB, 1011x1800, 00870F4A-3B70-4238-A430-620DA9…)

>”I was going to charge you scrotes hundreds of dollars for nightmare fuel but I decided to be a saint and only charge $15 for my drugged up aliexpress lingerie pics”
It’s not a thank you to provide content once a month KEK
No. 170580
>>170443idk about you guys but I call this breadcrumbing. leaving yourself around for the next gf to be insecure about, because you're a narc. very common with pickme egotripping girls. same energy as wearing his business shirt and no pants after sex, except it's psychological warfare and kind of lovebombing in a sense that you're like TAKE MY STUFF ILY but there's an agenda
sage for retardation but it's a really specific dodgy thing to do that doesn't have a name so I thought I'd chip in. huge red flag if your bf/gf wears their ex's shit while the ex is wearing theirs.
No. 170588
>>170580>>170450>>170443Agree on the classic narcissist's move of both of them. It's not only
1. signaling ulterior motifes to each other (which a narcissist is convinced are signals being so
smart and subtle, while in all actuality, every remotely sane adult knows what's obviously up)
2.they are likely using it as powerplay to control/insecure/punish/bait their current partners, so they can never get emotionally closer than a certain point entirely controlled by Des/Nicooe through showcasing their need to hold onto those things and implied the person behind it.
3. It's also a magnet for attention and forcing a sense of pseudo-importance, when people in their circles inevitably ask about the items and they can give vague, wannabe mysterious, drama filled answers about the other person
that used to be in their life but still kinda wants them but now they hate them out of hurt but also kinda are soulmates but unless you are interested romantically that is but there is still a back door open for them to come back but its totally over of course but maybe not for them …
All they achieve through that behavior is keeping people who care about them mentally occupied with what could or could not be between Destery and her, and that is enough powerplay and intrusive manipulation for a narc to thrive for a while.
No. 170631
File: 1630683824402.jpeg (263.31 KB, 831x1800, 04CE6F26-04EC-49C2-936C-C4D195…)

You mean to tell me Connor wakes up at dawn and drives to Indiana every single day to work a minimum wage job? Nicole sure picked a great spot for them kek. We can only assume her friends and boyfriend are expected to make sacrifices while she just picks the most convenient place for her. FYI Cassie and Nate aren’t even at the home
No. 170632
File: 1630684135551.jpg (134.29 KB, 1080x934, Supposedtobevideo.jpg)

>>170628Decided to go to her onlyfans but anon this is a video, not a still photo. The top probably comes down if its a video.
No. 170633
File: 1630684797279.jpeg (Spoiler Image,840.24 KB, 828x1509, 17C19D85-0721-4B03-BEDC-3E990E…)

>>170632Found the one on the leak sites from the video, you can hear Connor speaking in the background and it’s just awkward as fuck. Also her boobs just look like purple/blue blobs due to lighting
No. 170636
File: 1630685183539.jpeg (282.98 KB, 1800x1800, B40244E5-EDB8-41AE-A0E4-CF8C99…)

Nicole is heading into chubby territory.
No. 170637
File: 1630685421872.gif (1.39 MB, 300x480, 2D7A0C21-8E2E-4958-8ADD-E66551…)

Gif format for any proof chan
No. 170638
>>170633Sorry, but she looks like jabba the hut with pretty face fillers.
And still posting her entire name on her porn, I see… Good thing she never had problems with stalkers.
>>170631Would it really be a surprise if she made Connor unemployed as well and lool for something new?
It's been
2 months since the official move and no indication whatsoever, that Nate and Cassie went there too lmao.
No. 170639
File: 1630687025296.png (700.66 KB, 1080x798, IMG_20210903_183644.png)

>>170588I'm honestly just waiting for her to repost this on her Facebook, if you know what I mean. Maybe she doesn't give any actual updates for weeks now, because she knows she cant talk about the house. You know, the one she has been sperging about relentlessly in terms of begging for money and how important it is, just for Cassie to find the thread and it's never heard of again. Something is very fishy about this entire moving saga.
No. 170641
File: 1630687243760.png (813.3 KB, 1080x1114, IMG_20210903_183046.png)

Looking on their facebook i also realised Nate and Cassie only dated since mere mid january, so she wants to move in with a known groomer she knows for less than 8 months, most of it in long distance, together into one house with two other people she barely knows, one of it a cheating manchild, the other a psychopathic narcissist. Well, what could possibly go wrong.
She is like one of those naive teenage bitches that end up on MTV's catfish.
No. 170707
>>170626Honestly does it even matter if it was copy pasted? It goes without saying she always follows the same editing pattern. You act like it’s going to make a difference seeing her entire set kek.
>>170631How does he afford this? Seriously though. Maybe Nicole just throws her extra simpbux at him.
>>170609It looks like she blurred away any semblance of a nipple. My fucking sides.
>>170641Kinda adds onto the whole thing with them talking over Twitter when Cassie was still a teenager. It was a long time in the making, so once the opportunity came, there was no hesitation to move in together.
No. 170765
File: 1630771524702.jpeg (213.43 KB, 828x587, DF0B39FC-54B0-4E68-818B-5BF7EA…)

>>170060>>170019>>170014Narcole is trying to make the shift to having her first name Evie/Eeevee, she should just make new accounts, it’s not gonna happen. All the links are still under Nicoleeeveedavis.
She wouldn’t be so desperate for people to call her Evie/Eevee if Pokemon was not popular and if she did not have an ordinary white person name. E-thots and all these other internet retards think naming themselves after a character from media (video games, anime, cartoons, and movies) counts as a personality.
No. 170852
>>170765That's a typical move of them, the narcs I knew irl did the exact same thing, non of them could handle their basic normie names and would always make up the cringiest personas, fantasy names or ask in real life to be adressed by ridiculous nicknames or their name but with a take in another language. These people were getting up their thirties, it was pathetic to witness.
>>168856 mentioned, they are masters at making their lifes appear exciting and oh so interesting, but the blant reality is, they are inherently DULL as fuck. There is no own personality or identity to be discovered, it's a vain mashup of traits they accumulated from different people they judged desirable /successful.
>>170745>>170746>>170750Which is the reason that of course anything this narc creates will be empty and unoriginal real quick after she is done copying what she knows from elsewhere.
Nicole has NEVER been the big creator of anything on her own, expect a display of her screaming narcissism.
No. 170900
File: 1630870461593.jpeg (335.4 KB, 828x1160, 600E3B39-776A-4C7F-87A3-3FD1B0…)

When you’re too stupid to create a second account to hold your Nicole username just so you can bitch about people calling you by your username even though the solution is right there in front of you.
>”It’s intimidating to change my username”
.. You are fucking changing your legal name and getting a court order for that. Isn’t that much more intimidating than just having a username with a name you hate?
>”I wouldn’t want anyone taking it or abusing it”
You have multiple accounts on every single platform. Four on instagram, even one for her goddamn final fantasy character. She made her ex hold the username @everstonetcg on Twitter so realistically how is it hard at all to just make a sock puppet account and have that be NicoleEeveeDavis?
No. 170904
>>170900My god she is
begging for people to be irritated by this so she can sperg more about her name drama every chance she gets. She really does love the attention no matter how retarded it is. Stop whining, use your brain and create a new account.
>Someone could use it!Funny how no other person on the planet is allowed to be called Nicole Davis.
No. 170908
File: 1630875030902.png (1.03 MB, 756x1276, IMG_20210905_224824.png)

No idea who she is trying to fool with that obvious shoop dent in the shower curtain rod, but anyways, I wonder if she is again setting up these cringe tcg card installments that soak into filthy mush around her new bathroom. As a reminder that nobody ever forgets what a nerd she is when she takes mirror selfies, god forbid.
No. 170934
>>165838>>165822It's curious how after this pic and link was posted here, the Reddit user IAmAMan_YouRetard and deleted all of the posts he made of Nicole. About a month ago I looked at their account (no sc sorry) their account was dedicated to posting Nicole's shitty selfies on fetish and 18+ Reddit subs, and they didn't post for anyone else. Their posts also made a bulk of the search results of Nicole on Reddit.
They spammed her pics on five different sub Reddits like clockwork, I checked their account just now and they only post thirsty shit for Alanah Pierce, Billy Eilish and some other celebrities/e-celebs now. It's funny how easily her scrotes are moving on from her
No. 171027
>>171026Sage your posts already! Writing it in the text won't do it, learn how to post here.
>>170908yeah, i'd say so, it will also be interesting how dominant Nicole will be in furnishing/decorating the house, as she doesnt strike me as one who would leave all to much space / creative decisions to others. She is a controlling narc and I would be surprised if she stays chill when her house she will post shitloads of pix in isnt weebofied to her satisfaction.
No. 171035
File: 1630964031400.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x2006, 7CF3DEBD-6000-4D88-BAB1-A98BF2…)

In the saga of My HeArT dOsEn’T WoRk Bitch really goes to the hospital to waste professional’s time hooking her up to machines and give her meds for her “heart complications” taking away from time they can actually give to people who are actually sick. What a selfish bitch only proving she’s caring about herself again and again(sage your old milk)
No. 171062
>>171039Anon's screenie is thankfully of a 2019 post, no way hospitals would admit people for bullshit imaginary complications like those shown right now. In the UK they just promised 5 billion to help clear the backlog (waitlist for services, trust many people on that list have died already)
US hospitals are currently overloaded and refusing patients even for covid. I wonder if Nicole was just taking Adderal (a stimulant) for her imaginary ADHD and that caused these issues.
No. 171082
File: 1630998817363.jpeg (290.89 KB, 828x593, A11921FF-5953-4C7B-BA5D-51F69C…)

Kek she switched her OF account user with her main one. Was that so hard, Nicole? Although I think it’s still retarded to have a name you hate as part of your full name. Why go through all the trouble of changing your name only to just make your middle name something you hate?
+Hypocrisy tweet. Doesn’t she constantly poke fun at Connor’s bald spot and even publicly tweeted about it?
No. 171087
>makes publicly fun of connors bold spot>calls Doon scary looking>claims Heather is mentally ill>shunns Destery for stuff she did too>paints Addi a low life sexworker>Regularly attacks and ridicules scrotesJudGiNg OtHerS Is WrOnG!!
Again a great example of a Narcissist that can't settle his own disgustingness into reality. Her saint-posting is so embarassing to watch.
No. 171109
File: 1631022455324.jpeg (781.83 KB, 828x1577, 4A3B555E-5FDD-4854-9FDE-CC1771…)

>>171107>but the insane amount of nitpick and anons on this thread to go to vendetta lengths to exaggerate context more than any other thread I’ve read on this site.Nta but you’re replying to a saged post, and assuming it’s a joke just because Connor tagged a friend. What else is he supposed to do when his girlfriend makes a public tweet about his bald spot? The video she said he reacts with shows visibly discomfort over being called balding and he said “I can’t escape”. Even if she’s joking she’s being a hypocrite here by saying you should stop making people hyper fixate on their features or flaws, which she does regularly with Connor since she always posts videos showing his bald spot. Second of all, none of this is vendetta or false information, autist. She publicly bullied a man for his job only to delete it when it was mentioned in this thread, and Nicole saying sex work is undignified and that she makes an
honest living and loves herself with her clothes on is still retarded regardless of whether it’s to Addi or any other girl. Just look at the shit she deletes and preaches about anti-bullying and love and peace. Also, you definitely do come across as a wk considering the anon you’re responding to isn’t even nitpicking.
No. 171110
File: 1631022636348.jpeg (405.16 KB, 681x1001, 3603A908-8628-4301-A190-E4E410…)

Now she’s apparently autistic.
No. 171112
>>171107>and it’s always bumped to front page>insane amount of nitpick>anons on this thread to go to vendetta lengths to exaggerate context more than any other thread I’ve read on this site.The fact that you are literally the only anon here that persistently fails to sage their shit (the complained upon reason why this thread is always on frontpage) and the implied incapability to use the site properly (albeit you mentioning you frequent other threads and should have learned that crap by now) give me a strong sense that you are a retarded, lurking WK or someone off Nicole's minion pool yourself.
>>171110This is hilarious. Neither her nor ANY of her relatives (as mentioned) have ever shown ANY signs of Asperger Syndrome whatsoever, not on any material you can find on them online. It's basic e-thot time when suddenly entire lists of conditions show up that harvest sympathy and attention.
Remember pink-hair Nicole era? Where she would non stop talk about how well she can read people, is caring, sensitive to others feelings, has so much empathy, would advocate friendship and love and being there for your fellow human, sperging about how she is so emotionally smart and compassionate? Where was you Aspergers then?
She would use any condition convinient to her, that hides the fact she is actually a Narcissist, that is all. If people believe you are strugglind to read, understand and react to the simplest social cues and emotional settings of other people, nobody could ever suspect you are a master manipulator and liar who plays humans like chess pieces.
No. 171114
>>171110When you have no interesting personality or any achievements in your life, so you have to make new shit up every other month about your condition, to stay relevant.
Nicole has been sperging about every minor aspect of her life for years online, and you think she shuts her gap 19 years to never once mention Asperger but now? Total bullshit story.
No. 171116
File: 1631024632212.jpeg (336.42 KB, 831x1671, 932C3504-D7FE-4BBB-A55D-0C2AA4…)

Since the wk proof chan bumped the thread demanding proof of said appearance nitpicking, here she is bullying someone publicly for their age, job, calling him lonely, another person she said has a small dick, and a third is just to call Kim Kardashian a loose whore and pick on her vagina. Ah yes, what a sweet angel.
No. 171119
File: 1631029584188.jpeg (141.93 KB, 831x1800, BFAAD14C-AF4E-442E-9CFD-0298B7…)

What kind of manual labor does she do to have such disgusting nails?(nitpicking)
No. 171127
>>171126Exactly what nitpicking is. Don’t get me wrong there’s tons of
valid in the threads but like 1 or 2 anons that spurge paragraphs of feelings>milk just seem to be getting off on swaying the direct of the thread every time it starts to go dry in the slightest. Like the one anon that was screen capping the ebegging stuff with dates saying she’d use the money from her simp army but continently cropping the tags where she showed which company or simp friend sent her it as a freebie. Let’s keep the threads centered on new milk like her self diagnosing rather than rehearsing the same screenies with new context every few days.
(sage your shit) No. 171131
>>171123>not saying he’s baldingThe regular show video she tagged him in his in relation to balding, retard.
>>171126>>171127>>171128Complaints go in /meta/, did you not read the OP? Complaining about vendetta chans in a cow thread isn’t exactly top tier contribution yourself. Stop clogging these threads, retards.
No. 171132
File: 1631035865557.jpeg (182.42 KB, 1800x1001, 57726273-1309-40BE-9859-123B7A…)

So she would rather write a long ass name instead of just changing the username? This is way more confusing for any new followers than it needs to be.
No. 171133
File: 1631035943522.png (1.66 MB, 1373x1350, narcissisteeveedavis.png)

This evening I was close to a breakthrough which would have secured me the Nobelprize, but then I decided, hey, I'd much rather spend 3 hours creating another fucked up thread pic for Narcole Eevil Devil's lolcow. It's full of retraumatizing little easter eggs, disturbingly fitting poses and consists of 100% organic bullshit people. Enjoy!
No. 171139
File: 1631037013347.jpeg (345 KB, 1170x607, BE6E12A9-57B2-4E52-A011-CF65A5…)

>>171131“Constantly makes for of Connor’s bald spot” is what they’re referring to, because no she didn’t she said she poked the part on the back of his head where his hair starts growing with a stupid regular show meme and then anons start saying “she constantly does this what an evil bitch” ect. That’s literally how 90% of this thread goes
No. 171140
File: 1631037112623.png (2.06 MB, 828x1792, 2AC61BFD-E3F0-44E8-96E3-AE348B…)

>>171135>She never called Heather mentally illShe implied it numerous times. Accused her of stealing, sending herself fake death threats and making fake accounts to send hate to everyone, said the friendship destroyed Heather’s mental health. She definitely did accuse her of a bunch of shit that made Heather look batshit insane, especially with no proof whatsoever.
No. 171143
>>171141Either Nicole has the worst luck or like you said, this story has layers. Because this isn’t the first friend Nicole has accused a friend of stealing from her, but even then where is the proof that Heather is stealing, sending hate, sending death threats to herself? On Nicole’s leak sites the scrotes were talking shit about how fat Heather is, it’s really not that hard to believe that Nicole has a
toxic scrote fanbase that would send any ex friends hate. Also she fucking did name drop, all of her scrotes figured out who it was, she was talking shit about her on Twitter the same day as she mentioned she stopped being friends with her. None of it was subtle, she just uses her scrote following so her army of pigs know who to harass.
No. 171147
>>171143Incels acting like incels? You don't say. Its not her
toxic fanbase just because a dozen anons on a leaked site shit on someone who is fat compared to Nicole side by side.
No. 171156
>>171141Anon, your posts are insufferable to go through, take your sour ass to meta, where it belongs. We been through this a million times, WKs twisting the evidence or what Nicole actually said and did in a minimizing, dismissive or diverging way, that makes it look way more harmless and out of context than everyone here knows it actually is.
Don't pretend you know any more than us what Nicole was thinking or "what all was behind that story!!1!" because nobody does.
Your logic of argumentation is purposely being a pain in the ass, because self evidently, Nicole rarely expresses her destructive behavior openly (as she wants to appear goody goodgirl at all cost), which you readily use as the base for a lousy attempt to gaslight us that "it didnt happen then" and we make half of it up for sure. "She never said Heather is mentally ill!" oh NO shit, let's disregard the dozens of low blows, implications and aggressively manipulative diffarmation attacks, including instrumentalising her scrote army to do some dirty work. This is the same level of retardation as the WK who didnt believe Nicole ever cheated, (entirely dismissing tons of evidence) just because she never directly spoke the words "Hey everyone, I cheated!".
I've been long assuming you might be the same miserable sjw anyways, but nontheless, please let's focus back on the thread, while the one spergload whines onto meta.
No. 171160
>>171141Look at all this energy you WK faggatrons pump into your novel length tantrums and look at all the non existant fucks we could give about it.
Four threads full to the brimm with evidence, legitimate and understandable interpretations of said evidence (hi, this is lolcow, not fucking wikipedia), farmhands pulling the breaks on tiny peepee lurkers having meltdowns and ongoing streams of new milky behavior. We all know Nicole did, said and (grasp)
implied lots of disgusting and highly destructive things, including the stuff her minions do, and there is no toddler hissy fit flaming up every other week, that is ever going to change anything about it. Y'all just look pathetic denying the obvious just because YOU don't like it.
No. 171165
File: 1631047794342.png (1.23 MB, 991x1436, IMG_20210907_223707.png)

Just this text from Nicole is typical Narc BS to the fullest.
>Red text
is a direct contradiction, she reveals Heather is blocked yet demands her to speak to her directly. Directly is an interesting expectation from someone who just publicly threw her under the bus with no one asking for it whatsoever.
Additionally, she can't see the irony in critisizing Heathers way of not communicating directly, in a written, publicly uploaded instagram post directed to 400k people, EXCEPT her, who is blocked and can't possibly see or react to it.
>Green text
Is classic self-sainting in an obvious situation of drama, that Nicole herself induces through the post she just put out to thousands of scrotes that will take her side.
And apparently she sees it as an achievement worthy of applause to not yell at someones face. It's funny how she HAS to put out how innocent and wellmeaning she was in all this, an information that is completely uncalled for, but needs to be reinforced to differenciate herself from mean meanie Heather.
>Yellow text
Again completely uncalled for, very personal and vulnerable accusations that entirely taunt Heather, destroy her reputation for no reason, but lack any sort of evidence or somebody else who was there seconding it, while any other existing content heavily implies Nicole lovebombing and worshipping Heather up until the very last minute. Nicole shits all over her confidently, while it's not even clear that this account was Heather and mentions in the same breath that she should stop hurting others.
Sweet Jesus, the hypocricy, gaslighting and delusion is strong in this one.
No. 171167
>>171164>We FiGhTNobody does.
You fight, we just sit here picking our noses and wait till it's over.
>>171165superb analysis, sperge chan is gonna lose their marbles of this
No. 171171
File: 1631048505107.jpeg (504.89 KB, 828x1420, EAD4ECA4-F846-4F87-BD10-ABF0FE…)

Nicole is liking tiktoks about how victims with ADHD fall for narcissists. The fucking irony being she is a huge narcissist and self-diagnoses herself with shit like ADHD and autism for shits and giggles
No. 171172
>>171169>less butthurtplease lead with a good example.
>straight timelineliterally impossible, as new evidence occurs nonlinear, often times through coincidence, newly published accounts or connections that just become visible because someone slipped up about them. Please take your unrealistic expectations elsewhere.
>>171166woah, you catched us, the intense conspiracy is revealed and it's all in vain now, how should I tell my kids!
>>171165This really is full of manipulative cues, no wonder she was so quick to delete it upon people picking up on it.
No. 171174
File: 1631048750638.jpeg (1.12 MB, 828x1549, 87C52ABF-70E7-4676-9829-4BC875…)

He addresses lovebombing in early stages of a relationship for information gathering and being able to use it against you later. Then he talks about how narcs pull back and make people with ADHD chase after them because they want that dopamine and since they’re so understanding they forgive the narc and rationalize what they did. And using their empathy against them.
Sorry but is Nicole just looking through videos under the #narcissist hashtag so she can learn how to manipulate more people?
No. 171178
>>171171That's a classic move for any narcissist, they decorate themselves with every selfdiagnose that makes them categorizable as a "narcissists
victim" to not ever be found out they are one themselves. They are like children who think they just need to write they are the polar opposite and that makes it safe. Many narcs I know choose to label themselves "empaths", some pull the hypersensitive or ADHD card (like Gabbie Hanna, who has NPD as well), others just repeat persistently how altruistic, kind and easily taken advantage of they are.
Nicole happens to take the entire deck, as usual.
No. 171180
>Sorry but is Nicole just looking through videos under the #narcissist hashtag so she can learn how to manipulate more people?There are literally accounts online of therapists that warn how a Narcissist taking part in therapy (extremely rarely happening, as it's always their
victims ending up there) has a way higher chance of coming out unchanged but with better tactics and understanding of how to convince and manipulate people, instead of any progress on their condition. Meaning some learn from the therapist, they don't get better by them.
>>171178Gabbie Hanna is a shining example for someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, she started out with claims of being an empath, then changed that to ADHD, switched it to neurodivergence and is now accusing every single person in her life of being a narcissist, gaslighter and BuLlY. Everything she is, mirroring is their specialty.
No. 171181
File: 1631049613170.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1492, 0F1D74C3-1BFB-418A-B086-2668DC…)

If you look through her tiktok liked videos (keep in mind when you make a tiktok account your likes are automatically private which means she manually set it to public so her followers can see what she’s liking) it’s 90% videos about her complicated relationship with her mom and shit about being neurodivergent/autistic/having ADHD. She most likely just saw these tiktoks and decided it would be cool to wear as a personality. Same with the demisexual shit she only talks about during pride month.
No. 171184
>>171133This is awesome, you nailed their depiction. Nice touch with the narcissism and puppet master vibes!
>>171174Kek, somebody is knitting an insurance web of lies, because she fears people could find her out any time, now that her patterns and tactics become more and more documented. It's not long ago Cassie found this thread and told everyone and their mothers, maybe that directed a lot of unwanted attention onto Nicoles narc adventures layed out here.
No. 171185
File: 1631050434878.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1276, IMG_20210907_233349.png)

>>171133>>171184lmao the bold spot
No. 171187
>>171136Because Nicole has never done anything creative herself. She has to steal designs for her 3D printing projects, steal picrew artworks and claim it as her own
>>161351 >>161913 so of course she would never be able to come up with something as creative as anon.
No. 171189
File: 1631051416981.jpeg (465.76 KB, 1800x1800, 99792923-AFA1-45D2-9803-126BA5…)

>>171188Autism and ADHD do fall under neurodivergence so she’s already claiming that. Also she seems so committed to these disorders she’s even liking posts about tattoos dedicated to ADHD lol. Other notable mentions include a video about only watching lesbian porn.
No. 171196
File: 1631055090491.jpeg (244.34 KB, 828x756, 505B4E42-E2B2-4C67-BB23-714B52…)

.. It took them two months to get a couch. Just how lazy are they? I imagine their home has just been an empty wasteland for the past couple of months with boxes filled to the brim with nerd crap and empty energy drinks overflowing.
No. 171198
File: 1631055297303.jpeg (339.08 KB, 828x1147, 87657B50-67E8-46CA-94C4-E9D870…)

Also she is like a fly in the wall waiting for anybody to post about mental health topics so she can preach positivity and love. Also her tweets always read like a drunk person wrote them but she speaks in present tense by saying “youth needs more teachers or empathetic adults in our lives”. Nicole, you’re turning 27 kek be the fucking adult
No. 171199
File: 1631055807903.jpeg (414.22 KB, 1800x1800, AB278498-852C-4568-BE89-2779A7…)

Is the hair a reference to my hero academia?
No. 171211
File: 1631063054972.jpeg (181.67 KB, 828x1357, 1061B1C3-CC6B-4918-AB1B-CEFAA2…)

She looked better before the cheek/entire face fillers. I thought they were only swollen when she first got them but it’s been weeks and they still look weird.(nitpicking)
No. 171221
>>171211I think it's hilarious that she has such a peter pan complex, and now looks 40 after her fillers.
>>171196Why do narcs always have to put out any form of personal interaction publicly, instead of just writing a DM? Making plans with others is personal, shit you send on whatsapp or something, but no, everything that makes her look popular and as if she has a big social circle is aired to the world to foster her image. I guarantee you that girl will never set foot in that house.
No. 171230
File: 1631100434976.jpeg (299.14 KB, 828x663, 4E2FD2F0-8858-4350-A223-C3B5F6…)

When is she not proud of herself though? Content = porn by the way
No. 171236
File: 1631103448012.jpeg (900.15 KB, 828x1470, F113A64C-0AD4-4A6B-AF48-F8E0CA…)

>>171232All she is doing is laying in bed wearing a fishnet outfit while Connor is in the room playing sound effects on his phone. P.S the caption says “Making content but still spittin knowledge”. Apparently replying to your friends and laying in bed taking nudes for scrotes is what makes her proud. As a side note beware of the coming months, ever since she came out with ADHD and autism she’s definitely going to be using random mental illnesses as excuses for being lazy, which is just a slap in the face to people who actually have these disorders and don’t just hop on trends.
No. 171237
>>171230omg guys, i'm functioning like the most basic human being, let's applaude me for an hour straight :')
Btw, you can interchange "health" with 1. failing equipment 2. not a good headspace uwu and 3. busy duties to provide for her family, as you please.
No. 171238
File: 1631103931824.jpeg (570.54 KB, 1800x1800, E0175BF3-3569-4EF9-ABF7-8A330F…)

>>171221>now looks 40 after her fillersJust look at the botched lip injections she posted on her instagram story
No. 171244
File: 1631105741528.jpeg (368.46 KB, 1800x1800, 4C03DA4A-36B8-4EED-9747-44169A…)

>>171243Seriously though. I thought it was just the filter but I searched this “heartbreak” filter and the creator still has normal lips when using it, so it’s just Nicole’s scary face. Also creepy that the eye color change doesn’t work on her with this filter, almost like it can’t detect any eyes.
No. 171245
File: 1631106082134.gif (9.17 MB, 480x456, ECB5CBF0-88A2-411A-8B2E-04FCCB…)

Gif form so you anons can judge for yourselves.(nitpicking)
No. 171246
File: 1631106350687.jpg (334.52 KB, 816x1347, IMG_20210908_150037.jpg)

>>171244She definitely has her face filtered in the video, you can see the badly positioned colored eyes in her eyecorners, and also smothed skin and distorted features, which is WILD to me that she would undergo this much altering to her face, just to keep slapping filters onto it. With the now even more unnatural haircolor and the poorly dyed extentions + fillers, her inner artificiality and superficial ty only get displayed more and more on the outside. Fascinating how she tries to repeatedly proof her uniqueness and independance by completely abandoning anything authentic or natural on her and submissively conforming her body entirely to straight male oriented commercial beauty standards. Ironically, looking more mainstream and forgettable than ever before. What a clown.
No. 171250
File: 1631108844649.jpeg (67.09 KB, 762x239, C22B089A-6871-4BCB-B76F-F3C24F…)

>>171249Her, Cassie and Nate are probably the laziest group of friends I have ever seen. Even on Nate’s fiverr for art commissions it says he’s on holiday for 2 more months, despite already taking an 8 month break. Wtf.
No. 171266
File: 1631118689923.jpeg (97.91 KB, 529x341, F6ADBA1D-4FC4-45C7-8FDD-EED578…)

>>171261She didn’t turn it off though lol it just went o the corners of her eyes.
No. 171267
File: 1631119027395.jpeg (164.01 KB, 828x374, 848D1257-0A49-4340-9A68-47D20D…)

Let’s add skating to a list of physical pains/problems she is going to bitch about. Now she’s going to say her heart condition affected her greatly.
No. 171271
File: 1631121421702.jpg (255.64 KB, 1800x1800, goodsoup.jpg)

Ah yes nothing like diarrhea inducing soup when taking above the recommended dosage
No. 171274
File: 1631122434234.jpeg (165.52 KB, 800x407, FE040303-19BF-419F-BABA-9A884F…)

Samefag, one whole dropper contains 30 servings so if she is making jokes about using the entire dropper in one minute, then wow.
No. 171279
>>171274Re-read that again
nonny lol
No. 171320
File: 1631145227255.jpeg (389.66 KB, 1800x1800, 378DF5F0-461D-4CBD-A37F-D39742…)

Sorry but Nicole’s new face and body are NOT it.
No. 171323
File: 1631145406110.jpeg (Spoiler Image,356.41 KB, 1800x1800, 43C5057F-2A58-48CD-8A06-73C578…)

How is Connor okay with being in the background of all her nudes while she asks neckbeards to kiss her ass and cuddle with her?
No. 171325
File: 1631145828375.jpeg (145.1 KB, 1312x828, 18FCF00B-DE4C-4120-AD42-355E3D…)

Since I’m sure one or two anons will ask and I can’t possibly share every nightmare fuel video the source is and password is fd1SF3
No. 171341
File: 1631155313482.gif (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 480x260, 29FC7B87-529A-4240-BD20-E7BB5A…)

>>171339I saved you the two clicks it would have taken you since you seem to be too lazy to read
>>171325 and see the videos where you can hear Connor talking and moving
No. 171358
>>171347Maybe you can explain instead of complain?
>>171341>>171320She looks almost as disgusting on the outside then she has been on the inside all her life. Since they moved, I haven't had ONE indicator that Nate and Cassie moved there as well.
No. 171382
File: 1631196743975.jpeg (333.23 KB, 1800x1562, A77269BA-5B45-4708-8B4E-D47CE4…)

>Nicole: kisses her own feet for doing the bare minimum and replying to messages
>Her friend: indicates she actually hasn’t been replying to dms and Nicole is ignoring her while she’s clearly going through some shit
No. 171384
>>171382telling observation that most females that hit nicole up for contact either implicate they die of lonelyness or actually wanna kill themselves and most males are bitter scrotes who try to have a bone thrown their way after showering her with money and/or attention and realising there is zero reciprocation as she promised to be, when she wanted something.
~ FrIeNdShIp ~
No. 171421
File: 1631221199961.png (1.34 MB, 1080x808, IMG_20210909_225618.png)

>>171385yeah, I don't really get society when it comes to this. I know decent, kind and cool people who have like 2 friends or people they hang out with, and then there are pictures like these, where you have a known mass pedophile/groomer/abuser/narcissistic psychopath who STILL magically shines within their ever so thriving social circle. Go figure why the fuck people like him and Nicole always are surrounded with "friends". Maybe sociopathic jackasses have an easier time accepting each other and love to flock together.
No. 171422
File: 1631221385664.jpg (782.87 KB, 1778x1000, pt2021_09_09_22_55_30.jpg)

I mean, how "professional" is her workplace even anyways? all they do on their Instagram the past weeks is post random, shitty, personal workout videos. What the fuck does this have to do with card games and their shop the followers actually subscribed for? no one want to see their sweaty asses lifting up and down.
No. 171423
>>171421just read
>>171385>>171384Narcs never operate without flying monkeys aka unpleasant lowlife folk with equally poor emotional intelligence and lacking social skills as the narc who is centered within and directs them like chess pieces for his dirty work or as a supply until they break. Don't envy them. The qualities of these connections are
toxic as fuck and most of them incapable to form anything close to what "healthy" people would consider "friendship". Creating an empty image of popularity on social media is a piece of cake to them tho.
No. 171464
>>171382Wow what a great friend!
Nicole has been doing this shit for how many years? Her convenient friend supply should be gone in the next year or so
No. 171474
File: 1631281818053.jpeg (524.32 KB, 1800x1800, F39A65EF-6A2F-4339-9DCA-0D0F35…)

>>171464The funny part is this girl is part of a friend group that worships/used to worship Leda. Nicole is also part of this friend group as she can’t seem to find any friends or boyfriends that don’t seem to be connected to Leda somehow. Fairyreboot/draeneibabe, chrominius, dre4msprite are all Nicole’s friends that are connected to Leda.
No. 171496
File: 1631290630263.jpg (132.77 KB, 828x1462, nicolebpd.jpg)

So on top of already claiming ADHD and autism she has been liking tiktoks under the hashtag for borderline personality disorder about how people with bpd can be misinterpreted as being master manipulators. Notice how she is looking for justifications and random self-diagnoses for whatever disorders she can find because her cow threads have shown the manipulative and narcissistic side of her, this isn’t the first time either, see
>>171174 where they distinguish the difference between narcissistic disorder and ADHD. As
>>171178 said she is hiding behind different mental illnesses and studying up on them. She is probably convincing herself no, she doesn’t have narcissism, she just has ADHD, and no, she isn’t a master manipulator, she’s just a girl suffering from bpd.
No. 171497
File: 1631291538167.jpg (259.72 KB, 1011x1800, manipulative.jpg)

The interesting part is her calling Addi a master manipulator while also randomly diagnosing her with bipolar personality disorder, yet here she is now watching videos about how people with bpd are victims rather than manipulators. Ok for me but not for thee mentality again.
No. 171500
>>171496What Nicole fails to realize is that she is not by any means the first narc who spectacularly pulled any responsibility-abandoning string possible to mask their NPD. If anything, she will change nothing, as her army of scrotes already believes any shit she comes up with and outsiders, if familiar with NPD, will spot her a mile away no matter what she claims to be. She is just looking for means to justify her disorder in a non-judgable way. BDP/ADHD in her mind render her as a "victimtype" as
>>171497 already mentioned when it's "convenient" for her case, whereas a narc is always perceived as a perpetratortype, due to the vast longterm damages they caused in peoples lifes.
No. 171504
>>171500on point, if i'd get a penny for any NPD i've seen exposed on the internet (hello onision) that tried to get away with a randomly self diagnosed BPD, i'd be rich. NPD is not curable and highly destructive, that's why it poses such a death sentence to any
uwu princess public image. They are a menace to society nobody wants to be, especially if that could negativly affect her simp bux streams and suicidal friends popularity bonus points.
No. 171506
File: 1631294500388.jpg (Spoiler Image,349.03 KB, 1206x2208, 1206x2208_6c2cd6476aed4925e928…)

Nicole is doing nudes and fingering/dildo stuff now… and her simps are still complaining saying she steals their money. lol
No. 171524
File: 1631301449993.png (Spoiler Image,828.31 KB, 802x1452, IMG_20210910_211312.png)

Bitch thinks this is youthfully natural, while in all actuality she looks like Spock. I wonder, as she continues to sperg on her twitter how she demands to be adressed as Evie, Eevee or Vee (cringe) instead of Nicole, why she still puts out her Nicole name (and first at that) on every single photo and shit edit she publishes, even on the onlyfans she created long AFTER she randomly decided to strictly not want her name anymore…
No. 171527
File: 1631301840047.png (Spoiler Image,952.23 KB, 794x1357, IMG_20210910_212042.png)

She is also editing herself into dangerously thin ana-chan versions of herself, which are absolutely not accurate with reality. She looks like a stick figure or close to a child. How is that intensly edited pedo baiting/ romantisized boniness conveying bodypositivy again? Nicole is pumped up with fillers and still not advocating this stuff as she claims to.
No. 171528
File: 1631301959423.jpeg (141.75 KB, 1010x828, 0FAD4F0F-D71F-4080-976F-43A09E…)

>>171527Yeah sorry but she’s nowhere close to thin anymore
No. 171530
File: 1631302477441.png (Spoiler Image,900.22 KB, 1027x1724, IMG_20210910_213406.png)

>>171528just wanted to upload this, she literally has 4 asses by now. Remember that girl commenting about her jealousy of Nicoles looks?
No. 171533
File: 1631303834132.jpg (Spoiler Image,584.31 KB, 936x989, pt2021_09_10_21_53_22_mh163130…)

>>171527LMAO yeah no, she is super chubbs right now. Wonder how she is uploading both to OF and thinking subbers wont notice she jumps between Anachan and McFatso daily.
No. 171536
>>171533shit like this makes you relieved she already decided against procreation. those cellulite shriveled square hips, the NPD and the fact that due to all her fillers her child wouldnt ever look at all like her doesnt sound like mom material anyways. Imagine Connor as a father lmao that dude cant even look after himself. They will all carry on their peter pan syndrome, yet doing society a favor at least.
>>171533saw that video, she was sucking in HARD
>>171527yeah as if, i mean, her friends and partner are seeing this stuff as well, is nobody saying anything? I really, honestly wonder how that goes down in reallife. Hasnt any of her
thousands of friends talked about how excessivly different she has been looking on her photos all these years compared to the reality of bellyroles and caked make up they know her in?
No. 171538
>>171533how can anyone get a hard peepee looking at those battle rhino hips?
>>171536sound a bit vendetta but you are not unright.
I guess her entourage is too intimidated/codependant to ever say anything, but they will be thinking their part to it.
No. 171541
File: 1631305821328.jpg (Spoiler Image,517.16 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_09_10_22_28_35.jpg)

She has been a fraud in all her posings, but that is what chubster e-thots do. why be a tiny tiddi tina when you can be a busty betty? angles is all:
No. 171542
File: 1631305998390.jpg (Spoiler Image,556.53 KB, 1600x1067, pt2021_09_10_22_23_51.jpg)

>>171541>>171538>battle rhino hipssorry for nitpick but she indeed has massive hips and a tiny, basically non existant ass.
>>171541that's tough, but not new. With clothes on she has been sporting the size changing A to D cups for years now.
No. 171543
File: 1631306455876.jpeg (72.42 KB, 780x828, F34A8C38-97A2-4EFB-9A79-E22773…)

>>171542Until SNOW allows body morphing for videos she’s doomed
No. 171546
File: 1631307813415.jpg (Spoiler Image,753.78 KB, 1033x1920, Screenshot_20210910-225902_mh1…)

>>171543Well, they already do headsize and face morphing which she clearly uses, look at her head to body ratio and the unrealistic tinyness of her chin/features/jaw and bug eyes in comparison to the rest of her ginormous chonk body.
No. 171548
>>171546She looks like a shrunken head, wtf. The unnatural proportions are getting out of hand. Good god and they pay hard earned cash to watch this limp dicken atrocity practicing her poses for the zoo.
>>171543>>171542Sad and unfortunate. Should have gotten some fillers for her cheeks and personality if she is at it.
No. 171549
>>171543>>171542Look at the straight fucking line of her ass, add some numbers on it and you can measure degrees and do algebra with that shit.
>>171547i guess because face cuteness has a higher virtue than body or maybe they wanna shrink what they can until it's an option for the rest available.
No. 171551
>>171541uhm excuse me, what kind of fucking fraud is this?
Please compare
>>171527what the fuck.
This is 2015 all over again. One anon said they always believed her to be skinny, until candid photos showed up of within the same week, presenting her was chubby. She is STILL doing it…
No. 171634
File: 1631382180126.jpeg (96.61 KB, 828x474, 436E619F-F6EC-490E-9A07-712162…)

Doon is still following Heather which is really suspicious considering Nicole said Heather stole from her and manipulated her and all that crap. Lurk squad?
No. 171655
File: 1631393925529.jpg (399.35 KB, 2160x540, 1626773063946(1).jpg)

>>171634There is strong indication in multiple threads:
>>162310>>162728>>162732>>162752>>162877>>164646that Doon still follows a lot of people nicole had a major falling out with, which nicole
1. very likely uses to monitor/controll what they are saying or doing in relation to her or whatsoever.
2. utilizes as a clout-dick archive she can flip back through if she needs a new leda-related emo weenee to ride to get some tumblrband 2008 fame again, when she feels she is getting irrelevant again.
3. is suspected on several incidences of doons way over the top "nicole-fangirling" to actually be
self-posting on doons accounts on behalf of doons name. as doon is obsessed with being her property, uh sorry, friend, she knows at all times who nicole trash-abandoned this week around, yet she still decided against unfollowing them, no matter how much they "wRoNgEd" her precious friend. pretty sure nicole is behind it, as it is typical narc shit, i've seen plenty of times irl.
No. 171661
>>171634anon, for someone who claimed they read the other threads you are bringing old shit up way too often as if it's news to you and the least you could do is sage your late to the game realisations we've been over a million times already. You keep bumping the thread.
>>171655yup we been there, doon is a lurk, clout-dick and selfpost puppet. with cassie being her virtual ass-istant now, she likely has a similar function.
No. 171663
File: 1631395415151.jpg (1.05 MB, 1600x1200, pt2021_09_11_23_18_12_mh163139…)

Remember when we were all calling bullshit, when an anon noticed that after years of inactivity, barely any updates and being known for her hiatus sprees, Nicole suddenly, out of the blue, had fucking 1.8 Million subscribers on her Facebook? I myself remember she barely had any up until recently and then without anything changing, boom, a mass following.
That sparked an evidence pool in the last thread that determined she definitely buys followers on all her plattforms, now just a tiny contribution: her tagged photos have been since filling up with entirely unrelated weight loss compilations which are tagged with lots of foreign and arabic random names, which further indicates she bought trash following for cheap.
No. 171675
File: 1631400203405.jpeg (131.68 KB, 828x422, DCB20FD9-E8AF-4A5B-AE78-78B123…)

She finally changed her username
No. 171764
File: 1631463240470.jpeg (85.73 KB, 828x281, 480B9C38-CA4A-44F4-BC8D-A4C47D…)

I thought she was “thriving”
No. 171770
>>171765yes, it doesn't make sense at all. it's just overly self important paranoia.
>>171764laughed at this tweet yesterday, and we are right back at
>>167186>>167177>>167175>>168572>>171186Let's sperg about our miserable existance and simultaneously how perfect our life is at all times, whatever gets the attention points.
No. 171777
File: 1631465694067.jpg (766.13 KB, 1000x5015, IMG_20210912_184656.jpg)

>>171764Ah yes, we are already at the transmitter name dropping, probably takes another few tweets until she claims some new mental illness BS she researched on tiktok last week.
Not surprised at her tweeting scheme, it adresses her pity party followers one day and the jealousy squad the next. Reality is, she never had anything going for her. Look at what this useless hoe has up on her Facebook as the "milestone" achievements of her life and you get an idea of her understanding of
>Retarded body functions>A toxic ass relationship she cheated on multiple times>Proudly sharing a 2015 weheartit fake honor of her bad pikachu onesie "cosplay" with a pixalated screenshot>Listing Youtube and RaidAid as her jobs she hasn't worked or even remotely succeeded in for years>Getting a hamster to immediately edit him as a Pokémon and name him Pichu, just to never be seen again. No. 171818
File: 1631501422743.jpeg (288.65 KB, 828x753, 0FED3AC0-1273-43D2-8B5D-33080F…)

Update: so now Nicole is planning blowjob content with Connor and strap-on blowjob/sex with girls. Also note she speaks as if these sexual endeavors occur randomly and actually do happen in her regular life. So she’s having sex with random girls, but is also a demi-sexual who needs an emotional connection? I’m going to assume they’re in an open relationship except where Connor isn’t actually allowed to do anything, knowing how crazy Nicole is.
No. 171836
>>171818This is indeed a very strange post and very tasteful for 9/11 to upload.
The most hilarious part is, that she didnt list Connor with name, but said "male talent" aka a legit porn dude shoving her dick in her mouth for simpbux. As she is an NPD i doubt she is capable of physical loyalty anyways (they are known to be serial cheaters) so I'd guess it's open, even tho they never clarified and just went on their honeymoon-proofing-dem-haters-wrong roadtrip to his parents.
Or he is yet again another cuck who lets it happen. While, as usual, they cant do anything close to what she is doint, or a ghost will tell her to run havoc.
Either way, everything that's going on (penetration porn, surgery and drug talk) gets us one step closer to my prediction, when anons still thought that was a reach back then.
>>160869>Can't believe I joked with my friends in 2018 that Nicole would end up a badly aged, surgery botched, junkie, porn b-actress somewhere in a ditch with car accident nr.349 No. 171838
>>171818and my ass thought with "inclusive" she meant
POC or LGQBT having cameos in her videos, not yet another straight white guy and the next "fake girlfriend" she'll blast on twitter three days later.
If she claims to be into girls, why do they have to get a strapon anyways, to cater to male fantasy again? her phony bisexual shit is really amateur level. and we can wave the demisexual goodbye, that boat sailed and wasnt even real to begin with.
I also think it's hilarious she says she wants to make her occasional hookups cater to her OF instead the other way around, which means she must be promiscuous with others all the time, no matter if content comes out of it or not.
No. 171842
>>171818I really wonder why demisexual uwu princess would basically out herself as a gigantic slut in this post, but then again, it's not really news to anyone who knows she is full of shite anyways.
>when they do occur i make OF videoanother schedule that will be one uplaod every 6 months kek
Also if this goes wrong, she will delete that post and claim her audience made her do it.
No. 171844
>>171836I hope not, nobody wants to see Connors crippled emo shlong, let alone Nicole's open 24/7 narcgap.
And still, no posting or updates on nate and cassie moving in, interesting.
No. 171846
>>171818So she basically can never manage to create fairly regular OF content for her long complaining scrote army, but has enough time to spread cheecks around the neighborhood and base her content off of that secondary?
If she gets pregnant by a filthy random simp I'll pass out laughing.
No. 171852
>>171836>tho they never clarified and just went on their honeymoon-proofing-dem-haters-wrong roadtrip to his parents.Now we know why Narcole did it, precaution move to justify and minimize her transition to penetrative porn, yet still looking like the caring uwu girlfriend with a PaRTnEr.
Signaling aggressively: Oh Look, we are so happy, and so loyal, and spending time with his family and we love each other so muuuch as aaaall these selfies proof!… (days later) Aaanyways, I'm doing
porn with strangers now, hihi :')
Believe it or not, Narcs plan this shit ahead to control public reaction, lovey dovey trips are never sincere, they only invest time in what helps their agenda.
(:')) No. 171853
>>171576>NPD people seem to have no sense of what is actually attractive nor any innate sexualityAgree 100%, they appear hypersexual most of the time, yet only to use promiscuity as a means to gain power over others, quickly bordering to vulgarity.
Yes, they know how to present themselves and can seem very confident in their desirability (which seems attractive to the majority) but if you take a closer look, if they present themselves like actors, all you see is their narcissism. The self centeredness in every sexual behavior, the constant "how am i looking? arent i great? am i moving like a porn fantasy?" enforcement requires their vanity to be continuisly fed. Having sex is only about caring wether they will be satisfied, not anyone else and it's mostly "i'm handled like machinery" ego sex for the other. There is no innate identity so they mimik what has been successful to get people to find them sexy. the entire part where sex is also about someone outside themselves, the emotional, individual, adaptive part, is non existant and even if they already heavily abuse you, they dont see a problem in still demanding sex, as they can do only horniness and infatuation, but not love.
No. 171901
File: 1631543019152.jpeg (301.89 KB, 828x515, 1B300E0B-F7C1-4384-8F5C-A45BFA…)

So after checking the leak sites it appears she did a poll and the vast majority of scrotes want her to make content with others. I’m really wondering who these “girlfriends” are she’s going to use as props, and whether Connor and these girls are going to get paid a fair amount lol. Most if not all of Nicole’s friends are married moms so she’s probably just going to record with random strangers, I doubt any of her friends would feel comfortable with this.
No. 171932
File: 1631553245372.png (Spoiler Image,837.77 KB, 997x421, losinghermind.png)

She genuinly seems as if she is losing her mind, more so every day.
No. 171948
>>171904Not to start a whole debate but Belle has some natural appeal which Nicole lacks, and posted plenty of high res content among the snow/meitu abominations, nearly everything brightly lit. Don't think she ever posted anything as shit as Nicole's recent offerings, example:
>>170633Reminder of what Nicole looks like in high res:
>>168828 No. 171973
>>171901With the girlfriends, no idea, must be women who don't know her yet otherwise they'd be already repulsed by Nicole's blatant misogyny, and the guys I think shouldn't be a problem, as she has plenty of simp "friends" that wanted to "support" her, which are surely eager to crawl out their
friendzone to bust a wrinkly nut first chance they get.
>>164881>>167186 No. 172019
File: 1631602864789.jpeg (155.47 KB, 828x790, 64B58432-BBD6-4441-A912-944580…)

So I’m confused why Nicole and some anons were trying to convince us that Nicole never changed her name in the past but if you click on her “about this account” on her instagram profile she actually attempted the change of eeveedavis on August 2020. It probably led to nobody recognizing her account and decided against it. So no, she wasn’t this much of a bitch because “she kept the name for so long” considering she changed it to eeveedavis over a year ago. So this is why she keeps her dreaded white girl name Nicole tied to her accounts
No. 172020
File: 1631603560386.jpeg (64.88 KB, 828x243, F097A37C-078D-4B9A-A3CC-E09AEB…)

What are with Nicole’s tweets shading whoever she’s with so publicly, after only recently trying to prove the haters wrong that she’s in a happy relationship? She used to do the same thing with Dennis, one day it’s sperging about how much he spoils her and lovebombing him and the next posting passive aggressive Valentine’s posts saying she’s less mad at him because he bought her flowers and presents (on her permanent story highlight).
The problem with this thot is she is seeking things outside of her relationship (i.e sex with other girls, wanting to explore out of her committed relationship) while in turn expecting a monogamous, serious long-term relationship with a man.
No. 172095
>>172020>I am entitled to each and every thing on this planet, even if the things contradict themselves AND I want them whenever and you are allowed of nothing and cant do or say something about it or you don't love me and I'll ruin your entire lifeNarcissistic partner in a nutshell
>>172019Nicole again serving bullshit lies to save face, who would have thought!
Gotta say, I find it pretty suspicious that the last seven or so posts, the irregularly put on her Facebook are all reposts of random shit in the past. She hasn't been updating about anything in ages. Wonder what she is plotting/glossing over this time.
No. 172101
File: 1631640155292.jpg (426.7 KB, 947x745, pt2021_09_14_19_18_45_mh163163…)

>>171901Yeah, as already speculated I wouldnt be surprised if she dragged Cassie into this, talking "girlfriends". She used to look the a man the majority of her age and it would be more than convenient to pull some queer-baiting or non binary shit with her, once they get to it. Maybe that is even her way towards Nate. I'd like to know what Nicoles evasion Plan B is with Nate, now that Cassie is warned and backed out.
No. 172123
>>172020The amount of gaslighting involved in vaguetweeting about
experiencing love and attachment without fear two days after running a poll on her sexworker account about potential POV blowjob videos being posted with "girlfriends" and "male talent" like who out of her and Connor would be feeling insecure right now?
No. 172125
>>172101Are these pictures of Cassie when she was younger?
I'm sure Narcole will start suggesting threesomes with cassie and nate "for her Onlyfans" knowing the perverted male will find it hard to refuse, but I doubt Cassie will be interested after already being spooked by our discussions in this thread.
No. 172229
File: 1631716892588.jpg (610.78 KB, 1000x2712, pt2021_09_15_16_35_38.jpg)

>>172123I dont really see where she performed gaslighting in this, it's just manipulation about something that contradicts itself.
>>172125Yes, it's Cassie.
Tough to believe these hardcore delusional people are approaching their thirties. I noticed, adding to Nicoles
Fat Friend Saga and the
I cant handle attractive women for more than 5min without ruining their lifes Saga, that she keeps having these major fallouts with the bitches she rears in to collaborate with or smootch some clout off, just to run to her unattractive friends (which she keeps around like pets through her lovebombing), because they serve as am emotional safetynet to push her ego back up, once the most recent (and inevitable) fallout with another woman bruises it.
She keeps picking drama with remotely attractive people, to trash them in the end anyways and then run to the oddballs and fatsos to get headpats and be worshipped again, so she feels applauded enough to march out again and actively seek out the next hoe to have a fight with.
No. 172232
File: 1631717641575.png (1003.96 KB, 1080x1015, IMG_20210915_165326.png)

Posting this while being out himself and his girlthot flies all over the country to get some turnament clout and emo dick elsewhere.
No. 172235
File: 1631717979827.png (881.16 KB, 1080x1649, IMG_20210915_165940.png)

She even tried to make that hashtag happen, big yikes.
No. 172242
File: 1631720734119.jpg (686.67 KB, 736x1327, pt2021_09_15_17_20_29_mh163172…)

>>172123Yeah, Connor must feel terrific as her first official partner since Dennis, albeit shagging her sidehoe Destery into oblivion during both those relationships.
Took her anniversary cringe post for superficial analysis, this should paint the image enough how full of shit she is.
No. 172248
File: 1631722388704.jpg (603.5 KB, 1000x1175, pt2021_09_15_18_11_47_mh163172…)

>>172238Since then they have been god knows where 2020-2021, on her instagram are also the evidence of her flying out to destery during pandemic 2x, and Connor flying out to her august 2020, but I am blocked so I cannot screenshot those. The turnaments mean her TCG shit.
No. 172249
File: 1631722433418.jpg (1.02 MB, 1778x1000, pt2021_09_15_18_10_46.jpg)

samefag more readable
No. 172251
File: 1631722806389.jpg (786.17 KB, 1200x1600, pt2021_09_15_18_18_03.jpg)

>>172250Sorry for nitpick, but no, def no prize. It's the participation certificate of men.
No. 172261
>>172229It's gaslighting to make him think
she's insecure, when all evidence points to him feeling a bout of insecurity right now, as she tests the waters on potentially sucking some strange cock or strapons on camera.
No. 172265
File: 1631733041763.jpeg (515.82 KB, 828x1388, 14A220A2-0B3B-494C-918B-C223C5…)

Now Destery is creating songs that tackles his “anxiety behavior”. Honestly him and Nicole are perfect for each other. A match made in hell where two narcissists create random mental conditions and disorders instead of the actual npd they have.
No. 172268
>>172261Gaslighting would be her making him believe he isn't insecure although he clearly is, her claiming to be insecure and overwriting that importance over his insecurity is just manipulative attentionwhoring for her followers. Yet, making her matters look more significant than anyone elses around her (
valid or made up) is nothing new…
>>172265Ah yes, the NPDs enlightening the world about mental health concerns. Coming up next time, convicted murderers giving ted talks on morality.
No. 172295
File: 1631747549781.jpeg (Spoiler Image,313.42 KB, 655x1798, 44455B75-0E98-4ABD-A420-695EAF…)

Nicole’s humor is quite gross.
No. 172319
File: 1631754506576.jpeg (237.1 KB, 1800x1800, 6A52C1E1-4C39-4437-B836-820535…)

>>172297She was even in the same room literally right next to Doon’s baby while she was writing all these things and probably watching it. So gross.
No. 172372
File: 1631779366857.jpeg (167.1 KB, 828x1505, B2E98A32-929B-40C3-B027-1821B7…)

Nicole and her friends are just a gang of idiots, the driver (I’m assuming Connor) was checking his phone, brightened it so it can be seen better.
No. 172401
>>172372Isn't it marvellous she never gave any further update on her e-begged car situation? Against all years worth of indications she crashed multiple vehicles due to being on the phone while on the wheel (great idea with ADHD btw), at least we can sleep well, remembering that this time she saved some puppys lifes while doing so. She didnt drive her fans sponsored car into a wreck, no no, she
sacrificed herself for
No. 172498
File: 1631823882842.png (1.97 MB, 1080x1810, IMG_20210916_221947.png)

Can we hope for the worst drama in history?
No. 172499
File: 1631824061517.jpg (1 MB, 1000x2344, pt2021_09_16_22_26_09.jpg)

The video evidence from that youtube girl and Bao claiming to have a 9 month anniversary is another add to the cheating saga as Nicole dating Destery overlaps that time for multiple weeks.
No. 172501
File: 1631824395584.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1626, IMG_20210916_222005.png)

>>172265 Quick offtopic, but its funny to see that exactly like Narcole, narcissist Destery has not one creative bone in his body and likes to rip off others work presented as his own instead. They
are perfect for each other, maybe he'll be the rebound after Connor as long as Nate or Johnny dont work out. Recalling Connors sperging on stream about Johnny tho, I wouldnt be surprised if
they end up together…
No. 172502
File: 1631825390708.png (672.64 KB, 1080x1483, IMG_20210916_224839.png)

>>171777Oh, I know where that hamster ended. She put it on her hand without protection from a height that could easily have killed him, to slap a retarded dog filter on and it went viral, god knows why. All for the fame, you know, fuck that little guys life.
No. 172507
File: 1631826452724.jpg (1.13 MB, 1600x1200, pt2021_09_16_22_52_09.jpg)

Given the fact what an incredible attentionwhore Nicole is, I wondered why she never did a fat roomtour of her oh so great apartments and collectables, but then I remembered that she moved every other month from one shit place and shit living situation to the next (common denominator: Nicole) and housed in absolute filth. (Pics are her in chubbster and wrinkle face times, with a room that looks like a battlefield). Im assuming her new place will be in line with her
>>164981>>158921filthy living saga, but i like to know what her roommates think of that trailor trash behavior…
No. 172566
File: 1631846163326.jpeg (136.53 KB, 500x687, A3526077-8D5B-4D32-B438-1F374E…)

>>172507I thought that she was at least thin in 2014-2016 (whenever the hell those photos were taken) but it seems like she was just chubby/fat the whole time lol. The only thing she was good at was hiding the fat and editing herself to be smaller.
No. 172568
File: 1631846451943.jpeg (45.94 KB, 500x375, 3123EA05-6C55-4B2D-BA80-BD5350…)

>>172507>>172566Another pic.
>>172548And why would Nicole do that? It’s clear that she wants to be the most attractive out of all of her friends, you think she would do porn with someone who is actually hot? Nicole is dumb but she’s not stupid enough to give her scrotes away to a hotter girl.
No. 172592
File: 1631858075247.jpeg (64.67 KB, 828x236, 5F386EC8-0E00-4C9F-BB90-D056C2…)

>>172589We know being a grooming pedophile isn’t enough for Nicole to want to stop being friends with someone (cough nate), honestly Destery has had widely known allegations about him since 2014 on tumblr and Nicole even ADMITTED she questioned him being a groomer in the past. Very suspicious she would admit that which basically shows she stays silent+ gives him second chances until there’s a mob or hate train she can jump on.
No. 172593
>>172592Exactly this. We know that it’s impossible for her to
not know the allegations, because she outed herself by saying she questioned him over it. I’m sure he spewed some pathetic “explanation” aka excuses just like Nate did with his empty apology before going dark on social media. Honestly it’s disgusting that Nicole would even believe whatever Destery said in the first place enough to continue cheating with him. How can you take the word of a groomer over teenage girls sharing similar experiences? No, it took seeing screenshots and proof (kek) for her to “solidify” her feelings.
No. 172620
>>172618>>172576Samefag, if I search ebay UK for
NES beanie or
Nintendo Controller beanie I get literally 12 results, only one of which closely resembles this hat (the seller has 3 of them, grey beanie with embroidery) so this is essentially a rare item directly tied to Nicole. It might be different if it was something less prominent than a hat, and less unusual than this, but I think this is very intentional, especially with how he seems to wear it constantly. Say you're still keen on Nicole without saying you're still keen on Nicole.
No. 172624
File: 1631873743431.jpg (7.93 KB, 150x200, $_2.jpg)

>>172620It's a US seller so if any burgers want to larp as Nicole/Destery, here's your chance (for only $29.95!)
No. 172659
File: 1631892759606.jpg (830.33 KB, 1080x2000, Screenshot_20210917-082341_Fir…)

It's just a NES beanie and theres copycat beanies all over. You sure it's that one specifically only found on eBay? You can get the same ones off Poshmart and Walmart.
No. 172702
>>172659It's the only one that looks similar, Poshmark is secondhand goods and the pic on bottom left looks identical to the ebay one. It's a rare cap and he's wearing it intentionally, deal with it
>uwu this child groomer and cheater would never do anything manipulative!>>172662His current gf seems insanely insecure and tryhard based on the horrific content posted of her ITT (including hardcore porn while looking like a teenager) so his Nicole clothes-wearing (he wears a hoodie of Nicole's too) would surely rile her if she noticed.
No. 172729
File: 1631908667181.jpeg (502.49 KB, 1800x1800, EAB5F5EE-DC93-4738-B7CF-D251FB…)

To the untrained eye Destery wearing her beanie looks harmless, but anons are forgetting they bought matching ones together and had this “tee hee he stole my beanie” flirting match back in 2018 lol. That coupled with Nicole sharing memories of that trip to the cave with him is pretty suspicious.
No. 172740
File: 1631911555764.jpeg (479.48 KB, 1800x1800, 6F65221A-9557-4B52-BE5A-D97A0A…)

More confirmation they’re the perfect npd match. Fyi this is the only “question” he answered on his story lmao
No. 172752
>>172662>>172707There is no point in forcefully trying to make this look harmless, it isnt. Both Nicole and Destery hoard tons of nerd shit and swim in simp/groomer money, with which Destery could easily replace it, but he didnt. Owning it, in a sense of
keeping it is already one thing,
maniacly wearing that shit close to every day for years in every social media post all over is another. sorry, no chance this is not intentional. besides, this beanie is not easy to get aside obviously used ones, it doesnt get manifactured anymore since 2016, so they exist in limited amounts as it was just a one time series.
It's not even the same as keeping/ wearing stuff from a friend you no longer know, they dated and hooked up for years (so they are exes) and Nicole trashed his ass on twitter and he STILL clings onto that beanie for dear life. of course he is signaling shit and using it to manipulate potential partners besides nicole.
Narcs dont work like that, it always has an agenda. The narc guy i know irl dyed his hair the exact same, very specific style as his former gf he threw away fucking 5 years ago and posts this sick shit all over his socials, all in an attempt to make her hopefully see it or hear about it and provoke her enough to seek out contact again, be in her mind, arise questions in others about her, destabilize his current insecure hook up or whatever the fuck powerplay he's after this time.
No. 172783
File: 1631927117521.jpeg (169.08 KB, 828x558, 6FF949D1-B797-4C8D-ACB8-14EE73…)

Someone better have damn died for all these tweet and retweets she’s been spewing lately. No update from her socials except to talk about how miserable she is lately
No. 172834
>>172813>she’s dead inside No wonder she spent most of her life trying to be and live the exact life as Leda.
>>172319>>172295I’m getting second hand embarrassment seeing a grown woman unironically push her nose upwards for a video and picture in the hopes of people thinking her nose is really upturned and small irl. The desperation is just sad. She will 100% still edit and photoshop herself from hell and back even if she gets plastic surgery
No. 172835
>>172834Narcs don't have own identitys, that's part of the disorder, starting in teenage years they accumulate traits, behaviors and hobbies of people they witness as successful, admired and of high status, in hopes to achieve the same. And as there is no emotional component in them, besides the primal basics (bodyfunction maintenance,
1. hornyness & infatuation
2. jealousy & rage
3. void, denied misery)
within which very limited frames they go through life and judge what happens to them, there cannot be such things as true creativity emerging, rendering them unoriginal as fuck. There is not much to draw from, yet the narc thinks he is entitled to superiority. Which again ties back into their identity being a big mix box of people they've seen before and not anything that developed on its own. They are miserable their entire lifes.
No. 172901
File: 1632002661487.jpeg (833.05 KB, 828x1622, 2D0F7CAA-2F1B-4C8F-8FE8-2966DF…)

>>172834Funny how she posts this after you say that. Lmao
No. 172903
File: 1632002782131.jpeg (533.42 KB, 828x1228, 4E8D4D72-A4B6-4007-AEE4-E6FE87…)

What the fuck am I watching?
No. 172943
File: 1632011006486.jpeg (590.38 KB, 828x1390, 83EE66AC-DB7F-469F-BB58-DB1CE8…)

>>172927Not really, a small nose in her eyes js one that is higher placed and upturned, therefore easier to reach the brown bone when pushed, but it’s obviously not the case since hers is long.
>>172939 Whatever she’s bitching about, she’s going to use it as an excuse to get rhinoplasty.
No. 172954
>>172901>>172903isn’t it bad to do that to your nose when it’s full of dermal filler?
Lol now she’s trying to make it seem like it’s a joke now when she was doing it seriously for her other posts. It’s too late now Nicole, you already look stupid and you look dumber with this new post.
No. 172955
>>172954If her nose is shaved down from
>>172943 is there really filler? I thought she got filler in her brows and lips?
No. 172957
>>172955Looking at her old pics from this thread and the last one, it looks like she got the full face package (lips, chin, cheeks, and nose).
I think she gets botox as well
No. 172973
File: 1632014637719.jpeg (412.34 KB, 1800x1800, 40E9069D-8736-47C7-9BDA-F069C9…)

>>172904Kind of funny to play it off that way lol
No. 173038
>>172975>>172973I mean, given the excessive fake hair extentions, eyelashes, circlelenses, acrylic nails, push up bras, hairdyes, make up, filters, shoops and fillers, are we really that surprised she is delusional? you can literally take half of her looks off and store in a box, which has nothing to do with some sort of "natural beauty" people been kissing her ass for years for. She always has been basic as fuck, with strong wrinkles around her hooked nose, tiny hooded eyes, overdrawn lips and chubbster roles pressed into her shein shorts.
No. 173040
File: 1632038144939.jpg (597.86 KB, 1000x1225, pt2021_09_19_09_49_28_mh163203…)

Can I please point out that, besides this cringe ass conversation, which belongs on whatsapp for normal people yet got dragged out publicly so Nicole can harvest some pseudo popularity points again, the girl she is so obviously trying to lovebomb and lure in to meet, was not only sporting a Leda Rip-Off name - but was barely 15 years old while Nicole was 21? Just let that sink in and let's try again why she has no problem with groomers, as long as they have anything to do with Leda…
No. 173079
>>173040Wow Nicole is a groomer? Who would’ve thought?
I’m really not surprised she’s a groomer considering her track record of supporting pedos/groomers, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
No. 173080
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>>173040To back you up, she has a track record of trying to meet up with her minor fans who never even asked to meet up with her, literally just mentioned they’re going to be in California. But since she’s a girl she gets away with this shit.
No. 173189
>>173045I hope a
nonny is getting a new thread together, a lot has happened in this one to add to the OP
No. 173231
>>173218None of it adds up either. This isn't grooming. Saying you'd like to meet up with someone, in a group and not 1 on 1, isn't predatory either. She's not going after them to fuck so it's not even close to the same as Destery and not pedophilia either.
>>173040 the guy is basically carrying the convo, but even he isn't grooming. Retarded reaches
No. 173255
>>173231From my time viewing- all her threads are mostly built on reach worth speculations anons create from filling in the blanks Nicole doesn’t give us all the details to from her emotional post splurging, or even reaching back years to use screenshots like they’re of present info to make her toxicity make sense in the thread timeline. I’ve seen anons post hypothetical milk for discussion then other anons later down the thread reference back to it months later as if it was represented as a factual bullet point to add spice to their contributions. Then fight over wk this or proof chan that when anyone questions the idea of vendetta or wanting digestible milk.
> anons diagnosing Nicole with mental health labels while complaining she’s diagnosing herself (ie she was actually in the hospital)>anons getting names and timelines mixed up (ie Johnny Gilbert saga, anons were accusing her of cheating and coming onto this guy and used photos of her with her roommate who was a completely different persons saying it was Johnny because of a live stream she had with Cassie inviting him to visit. Then linking it to Leda somehow)>anons accusing her or queer baiting when she’s publicly posted intimacy and onlyhoes content with female friends, also her only visible public flirting or flaunt posted is directed at females.) she also made a post years ago on her Facebook about her sexuality so I’m guessing it was only something that she could act on after leaving her relationship with Dennis>adding to sexuality anons use her definition of “partner” with Connor to define queer baiting when there are videos of him kissing men online and constantly being fruity on her snap stories. What’s to say their relationship isn’t open both ways and that’s how she makes he men / women only goes content or whatever >anons constantly nagging reference to her ending her relationship with heather (she did what she should have and publicly stated why she wasn’t in contact with her. If she didn’t anons would be purging for “Pr00f” again. Stated because of stealing etc, heather saw it even while blocked so she was lurking and harassing other females in Nicole’s life. Anons showed before how she was on Nicole’s Reddit and Google searches even after the split. She could have very well provided a counter argument or said something to deny these claims but she deflected heat and went silent after being outted mostly likely because if it were a serious situation between then Nicole could leak proof against her. >cheating (nobody has yet to accuse her or put her as a cheater and the only people saying anything are another cow with her own thread who said “idk maybe” and a pedophile she was saying anything he could to lure in more girls under claims of a failing relationship to make them more comfortable getting close to him as a predator does) even other anons have pointed out her only past relationship since she was a teen is still friends with her on Facebook and they like each other’s tweets and work together and are in the same friend groups so they couldn’t have been hurt THAT bad by a break up after 14 year old uwu cringe high schoolers in a phase. > real tea is her stalker saga which nobody seems to be highlighting since the focus is on Leda skin walking, which in the beginning I was invested in but the more it drones out the more it just seems like a parallel of fantasy nerd egirl syndrome for attention rather than an actual skinwalking case. along with the usual tea like shooping/editing behavior every ethot engages in which is base line shitty basic white girl shit and not all that exciting until some vendetta or bored anon pulls strings in the thread to make her milk more interesting than it actually is. Don’t get me wrong, nothing about this thot is captivating and none of my post if in defense of her personally, just observation and cross examination when the thread is bumped for me. the inconsistency in detective work here specifically is mostly unaligned, stretchy, milk from the anons that have a point in one area then other anons who take it and completely lose validity after reaching
(sage) No. 173259
>>173255There is a samefag anon who does the autistic collages and they've mentioned following Nicole, way back during the Brandon saga, which just further feels like the bad edits, constant shopping like he did, and retarded collages he made via Tumblr, feel like this is his little incel Discord group, vendetta posting and twisting info. This isn't the first time he's done this, he edited all her before and afters, anons pointed out how badly edited the "before" photos were because he only had access to the photos she posted. He'd have no way to get access to these befores lol they never even dated so how'd he get these? Other anons pointed this out before too and the anons went batshit and spammed about the audacity to accuse them as scrotes.
Like you said, most of the milk has been anons adding narritive to hope it passes off as
real milk.