File: 1581573739648.png (1.11 MB, 874x1000, NED.png)

No. 82304
Your standard Los Angeles thot, ebeggar and shooper who would have gone mostly unnoticed if not for the Costhot thread being flooded with whiteknight(s) having multiple meltdowns at the mere mention of her, responding to every single post demanding irrational proof (that would could never be obtained legally) of her ever doing even one single thing wrong, ignoring the milk/proof in front of them, and accusing every post of samefag vendetta in defense of their perfect uwu queen. She probably would have been fine to continue in the Costhot thread, but multiple anons requested (demanded) a thread and demanded to be spoonfed p r o o f so here we are!
>Pretty safe to assume some of the posts were Nicole herself, as one anon pointed out she follows several cows which may indicate she’s a farmer >>82086>Started a Patreon on the back of a confusing, unclear sob story about a stalker and having to move to the most expensive city possible with an expensive apartment with rent that she cannot afford for “protection”>Claimed to be unable to pay rent after Patreon being shut down after a week, despite previously claiming to work 3 jobs and 60+ hours a week>Claimed to be unable to pay rent because her car in her closed garage in her expensive safe apartment got broken into, and someone stole her paycheck which would have been easily fixed several different ways unless she literally just left a giant stack of cash in her car overnight >>81006>Claimed to be unable to pay her rent because she got fired from one of her 3 jobs the same week her stalker got her Patreon taken down, and her car got broken into and all her money stolen (all right at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb when rent is due)>No actual proof of any of this other than a instastory picture of a car door open (no police report, no follow up, just begging for money) >>80897>She’s so brave for starting a Patreon and letting people help her uwu (pay her rent for nothing in exchange)>Patreon: $1-$100 monthly “donations” with no rewards or content offered outside of 1 signed Pokemon card of your choice >>81362>Ko-Fi account with almost 1000 donations (x $3 per donation)>Expensive secret heart condition, apparently>Almost immediately said she was going to use Patreon to go to multiple cons across the US, despite originally claiming Patreon was crowdfunding to "let people help" her most dire time of need>Clearly triggered by anyone calling her a thot or beggar>Not much of any of her stories seem to add upInstagram:
>Obsessively posts about a female stalker who she says has been skinwalking her, stealing her content and photos, replicating her tattoos and copying her every move and ruining her life for years >Claims to have gotten a restraining order against her in 2018, in 2019 is still posting about stalker ruining her life and Police not helping her out>Claims to have given police USB with 500+ pieces of evidence and she can’t talk about it further (continues to talk about it constantly)>Appears to be a sex worker in Iowa with <2K Twitter followers who goes by the name “Addi Eevee” or “Kaitlyn Sylveon”>Sells nudes, has Pornhub, doesn't look anything like Nicole or appear to try to look like Nicole>Can’t really find proof of anything even remotely as extreme/life-threatening as what Nicole describes, but who knows>Nicole’s whiteknights can be seen creating accounts for the sole purpose of harassing her on Twitter and Instagram>More info: >>81977 >>81979 >>82009 >>82076 >>82077
>Has briefly mentioned male stalker, legitimately batshit>Bought the domain nicoleeeveedavis(dot)com in 2018>Posted long non-sensical rambling on website trying to “out” her (2019 link below)>Harassed her on Twitter with throwaway accounts posting unshooped pics of her>Despite seeming to be a legitimate stalker warranting of a restraining order, she only ever talks about “Addi” as her stalker>Can be seen engaging/arguing with him on Twitter>Clearly seems to have been triggered by Nicole calling him a stalker>Unclear if she ever actually pursued police intervention with either of them>More Info: >>82089 >>82087 No. 82305
File: 1581573877503.png (628.55 KB, 1148x1716, Patreon.png)

>>82304Patreon claims she “is creating Cosplay, Streaming, Videos, and Card Game Content!”
>CosplayAll appear to be bought (no creating), hasn’t actually done much of anything new in years. Just reposts the same handful of cosplays over and over again
>VideosLast youtube video posted 3 years ago
>StreamingAll videos on Twitch from 2+ years ago, with one 5 minute video from 6 months ago where her mic is broken
>Card Game ContentIdk, posts pictures of Pokemon cards on Twitter occasionally in between selfies and begging and tiny violins
So, for all intents and purposes Nicole is asking for thousands of dollars for…..not doing anything. Nicole “
eager to pursue my passions and humbly allowing others to help me on my journey without it damaging my pride or feeling like a sellout” Davis
No. 82307
File: 1581574405114.png (162.78 KB, 585x660, 1.png)

>>82304Some more loose ends about Stalkers. Someone asked if she had gone to the Police about them:
She says she has, it's really unclear about who though (whom? words are hard). It's her whole personality right now and the tragic backstory she used to start her patreon. One of the reasons she said she needs financial help on her patreon is:
>and also the expenses met from having to protect myself from a dangerous stalkerWhich….what? I guess she means moving to LA and getting a more expensive “safer” apartment? Not sure how that would work though, because this Addi girl lives in Iowa, and I wanna say the Brandon guy lives in Texas maybe. I could be wrong. She had to move to literally the most expensive city in the US with an extra expensive apartment for protection uwu and everyone else should foot that bill for nothing in return?
Either way, I can’t make sense of her story. Everything she's posted recently online (2019/2020) about her "stalker/restraining order" woes destroying her life or whatever for pity bucks is her talking about Addi. Pic related and
>>82077 >>81979 No. 82308
File: 1581574499808.jpeg (588.52 KB, 749x2320, 2.jpeg)

>>82307So, 2018 is around the time she was dealing with Brandon, and (pic related) post implies that she was granted a restraining order back in 2018. But not against Brandon, against Addi? But she’s still complaining in late 2019/2020 about how she hasn’t been able to get a restraining order against Addi….? Addi who doesn’t (currently, at first glance) appear to be exhibiting any of the life-threatening behavior Nicole’s claiming.
But, Brandon seems like the more likely one for the restraining order, considering she posted this
>>82089 in 2018 as well. Also on the wayback machine of his original site (just as batshit) he says
>Also she lied to the police saying I drove by her house. She called the police to my moms house.Which for all his lunacy seems plausible. Also he seems to have found multiple tagged/unshooped pics of her not posted anywhere else.
No. 82310
>>82307Now, here’s my best guess: Brandon’s nuts, and seems much more plausible for RO. Maybe lived in the same town as her at one point. If he’s the one she really got a RO against, she’s hiding it for some reason. For as hard as she’s milking her Addi sob story, why wouldn’t she be milking this one? Why keep pushing the Addi narrative?
Addi doesn’t live anywhere near her and therefore she can’t actually get a RO against her (if any of what she’s saying is true in the first place). Not that it makes any of this behavior ok, but I don’t think either of them are complete malevolent strangers. Nicole seems way too invested/angry about them both and I think Nicole hates ethots/ebeggars (maybe because of Addi specifically) and clearly thinks she’s better than that/her. I think Nicole is deluded/narcissistic enough to think that people want to “donate” to her out of the kindness of their hearts uwu because she’s wholesome uwu and deserves it uwu and not because she’s an ethot. I think this is why she doesn’t actually have any rewards on Patreon, because if no real rewards than she’s not selling herself (in her head).
>>82308And, I think the cake is a lie. She either didn’t get a RO against anyone in 2018, OR she did get one against Brandon and lied saying it was Addi….and then later went on to say she couldn’t actually get one against Addi as part of her sob story. Because if the mean police won’t listen to her, only her big strong whiteknights can save her (with their “donations”).
Ok, that's all I got. I know there's some older milk on her but if anyone can provide any insight on that, go for it. Also, Addi's real name is easily findable but I didn't want to post it in case she's not actually guilty of what Nicole is accusing her of because I still can't find any proof of that.
No. 82318
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Going by what Nicole herself is giving us, she should be more worried about this chick lol (pic related). I remember back when Nicole was first sperging about her stalker, back then Addi's profile looked a lot like this girl's. I kind of bought it at first because of that, but she's realistically been milking it for way too long, with way too many inconsistencies. I mean it looks like Addi has more or less moved on?
She became a public figure off the back of theledabunny (who's milky in her own right), and is now experiencing the same phenomena - except she somehow believes it's worthy of the title of ~stalking~. Addi did herself no favours making fake accounts to try to "expose" her on IG, but I imagine Eevee not having this problem in the first place if she was more honest and open about her shop. Imho she's most provoked by the idea of other females profiting off what she sees as "her image", evidenced by her lack of concern over her real harrassment from that totally unhinged Brandon dude.
It seems like the route she's taken in her mind enables her to crush her "competition" with the added benefit of leaching those sweet, sweet sympathy dollars. If you ask me she's a massive hypocrite who can't handle the trivial bs that comes with the attention she so desperately craves. Soz for Nicole sperg, glad she's finally got a thread.
No. 82344
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>>82323Yeah, sorry I didn't want to repost the whole convo from the Costhot thread but's not that she didn't care, it's just that I think this is about all she said on it (+ a couple of times arguing with him on Twitter) when she's been going on and on about Addi for years now, still to this day.
No. 82345
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>>82326>I believed she made it up being a girl instead of him so no one would pay attention to him or something?My thought would be that she keeps doing Addi instead of Brandon because:
>Addi: I'm so beautiful and amazing that of course people would want to be me uwu Look, it drives people crazy how much they want to be me! They'll break the law because of how much they want to be me!>Brandon: Dude harassing her on twitter with real unshooped pics of her, don't want to call attention to him because don't want people to see those pics. Also a man mad that she WASN'T as beautiful and amazing as she pretends to be on the internet makes her look a lot worse than a woman obsessed with how beautiful and amazing she isHonestly, Addi is the one that makes her look better and more sympathetic, same with
>>82318 . A poor damsel in distress being punished for her beauty who did nothing wrong vs a blatant shooper who can't seem to let anything go
No. 82346
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>>82318Ah, this is interesting because obviously I never doubted she had a stalker or that someone was skinwalking her (internet girls have been skinwalked/stalked for less. Pretty sure every girl on the internet has experienced some level of it) – I assumed there was some truth to what she was claiming about Addi but Addi had just kind of moved on with her life.
BUT I will say looking at it as someone who had never heard of her until she was brought up in the Costhot thread a few weeks ago…..she absolutely looks like the batshit insane stalker one here. Between these types of harassing accounts and the proof-chan meltdowns, she seems like she's probably just a bully and a mean girl at her core. Even if proof-chan wasn't Nicole or these harassing accounts aren't Nicole, if those are the types of fans she has it doesn't make her look any better.
(Sorry for dumping of so many caps, I've had all of these ever since proof-chan issued her challenges. Not a vendetta, I just have terrible insomnia and love a good deep dive)
No. 82347
From the Costhot thread
>>33300Addi alleged"stalker&skinwalker"
The skin walker accusations are rich coming from Nicole when she's skinwalking Leda
>>81977>>81979>>82077Moralfags about not outing Addi when she literally outted her on Twitter
>>82009Twitter outing
>>81979Her male stalker she led on, he went crazy
>>82087>>82089 No. 82351
>>82347>>82349Thanks, I forgot to link the Costhot thread in the OP. What's the Leda milk?
>>82348If you had put half as much energy into learning how to read as you did these internet tantrums the past couple of weeks, none of this would be a problem and this thread wouldn't exist. There's no "hi cow", I literally said
>Even if proof-chan wasn't Nicole or these harassing accounts aren't Nicole, if those are the types of fans she has it doesn't make her look any better.It doesn't matter who you are, you're only making her look worse and drawing more attention to her either way. Your sloppy wk attempts are boring and have clearly backfired.
Why are you here anyways? You're the one who was demanding we leave your precious dead Costhot thread in the first place, stay over there. You sperg for weeks about how she's not milky and no one's interested and no one wants to see it and then immediately show up in her thread? Sure, that really seems like some totally-unbiased-not-obsessed-with-Nicole behavior.
No. 82357
Costhot timeline
The beginning of her Begtreon
>>79703Anon possibly found Nicole's throwaway Fagddit account detailing one of her stalkers
>>79723>>79726Begtreon is working
>>79727Cringe oldie pic
>>79740Deleted hoe pics and video to maintain sweet uwu nice nerdy girl image
>>79765>>79766>>79819Lies are not adding up
>>79818Belle Delphine similarities
>>79874>>81412Begtreon gets removed
>>80620RENT IS DUE!1!
>>80897Lies aren't adding up pt2
>>80988>>81260Begtreon is back
>>81263She's a thot too
>>81339Begtreon saga continues
Nicole's non existent nose
>>82262>>82276WKFag goes to Meta to complain about the vEnDeTtAs
>>81465 >>>/meta/13467Nicole's stalker and alleged stalker
>>81977>>81979>>82009>>82076>>82087>>82089Creepy guy's post on the Vent thread from last year
>>326651Nicole lurks
>>82086Nicole's interchanging face
>>82285Whiteknightfag's powerword: Obsessed, Vendetta, Incels, No milk, Where's the milk, Proof, No Proof, not
Problematic, Brain dead, retards.
No. 82358
File: 1581613031291.png (405.58 KB, 589x518, Screen Shot.png)

>>82316Sorry, should have said
one of the most expensive cities. As with any city I'm sure it's as affordable as you make it. She's the one going on and on about how she HAD to get a more expensive apartment for protection even though she can't actually afford it with her heart and her stalker and her jobs and her car. I think she claimed she was commuting an hour to work everyday but then she couldn't anymore because she lost her car or something, which is why she HAD to move to LA in the first place? Sure. She's basically holding herself for ransom at this point
>if you don't pay my rent by x date then my stalker's gonna find me and kill me!!!>Please beta males, just pay my rent and no one will get hurt!!>They're already breaking into my car, see how real this is??But shit, I
wish my rent was only $1000, the only thing that gives me pause there is that I could have sworn she said she was living alone? I know she previously would always post about her photog roommate or whatever, but I think that before she moved to LA? I think pic related was around that time, which makes it seem like she was living with an old friend or possibly at her parents house or something? (So, entirely possible she wasn't paying rent at this time)
Doesn't really matter what her actual rent is at the end of the day though, no matter what it is she'll just say she can't afford it.
No. 82359
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>>82357Nicole's stalker's post on the vent thread
>>>/ot/326651 No. 82360
File: 1581613387851.jpg (9.94 MB, 2000x8000, 24 shades of nicole.jpg)

The many faces of Nicole
No. 82362
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>>82358Also total nitpick but if you click on left pic, there's this. For all her shooping and airbrushing and her professional photog roommate neither of them could figure out how to edit all of that hair out of her eye? I don't know why but this is just like, nauseating to me.
No. 82364
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Whatever you say jan
No. 82366
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>>82360>>82364Here's another one, since these are all still so heavily shooped. Maybe I'll collect all of her unshooped pics later.
I think the changes in her face can be mostly pinpointed to her brow/eye area in general. She's definitely a textbook example of how good brows can change your face and how thicker brows make you look way younger, but I don't think that even explains it all. A brow lift seems extreme (similar to what T Swift or Ariana Grande got) but honestly her eyes look so different and more open than they did even just a few years ago. Probably Microblading to salvage her poor abused brows, at the very least.
>>82304>>82345>>82362Also I think sis has some pretty gnarly dark circles/undereye bags that she shoops to hell and back. Probably also got fillers.
No. 82368
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>>82366(What I mean by similar to what T Swift got)
No. 82369
>>82366Sauce on bottom 2 pics. Those brows are a crime and make her look about 10 years older.
Also confusing because that really looks like a cheap shitty wig (especially when she tugs on it) in this video and similar videos to that time, but then a video from a few months earlier her hair is the same color and it's definitely her real hair.
No. 82370
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>>82366>>82369On second thought, these could all be cheap shitty wigs. She never wore any hats before or after these ones from what I can tell (though her last video was
>>82369 and that was 3 years ago)
No. 82375
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One of the cosplay threads she was mentioned in
>>>/snow/354019>>>/snow/426137>>>/snow/426250>>>/snow/426185> For someone who only has 200,000 followers on instagram and a few on youtube/twitch.. her fanbase seems to be way more than Nigri and popular youtubers. I just find it hard to believe. I personally think Nicole is full of herself and are making all these fan sites for herself lol No. 82377
File: 1581618066777.png (183.64 KB, 907x430, nicole 3.png)

>>82318Same pic and same girl was posted in this thread
>>>/snow/720482>>>/snow/929546 No. 82379
>>82371Again: why are you here? You threw a multi-week multi-thread tantrum, demanded we leave, and then we left and then you followed us here to continue your tantrum to ANOTHER thread? No one's disagreeing with you, in fact we're all agreeing with you and doing exactly what you demanded: give her her own thread and prove that she's lying. What exactly are you mad about?
You have got to get over it. Hide the thread if you disagree with it, hide the Costhot thread if you disagree with it, hide the /meta/ thread if you disagree with it, hide the website in general if you disagree with it. It's not that complicated.
>>82373Nope, they can't because I'm not. I'm only "replying" to myself when dumping caps to link the info together which is pretty obvious. I'm not pretending to be different people. Everything else is other anons. I'll gladly point out which posts are mine if you're that concerned.
No. 82382
File: 1581619879359.png (233.25 KB, 1838x428, nicole 4.png)

The WKs were asking for this post Nicole's first attempt to wiggle her way into Patreon. She completely stopped mentioning the Patreon thing after she got posted
>>>/snow/504405>>>/snow/699352Proof-Chan also said there was no proof she was ever posted on this site
>vent thread post>failed vendetta call out threads>mentioned in the Leda and cosplay/photoshop/insta threadsinb4
No. 82384
File: 1581621120496.png (451.38 KB, 572x620, 2018.png)

>>82382Don't worry, they've moved their tantrum to /meta/ once again. Something about how all we're doing is infighting here and mods need to edit out the infighting instigations in the OP and how we're all one samefag stalker….? I think they're trying to claim we're all Addi? Who knows what they're on about, I honestly can't tell.
Great work compiling all these receipts! Also in terms of her wiggling into Patreon, this post was still visible on there, so she did clearly try once before. Oct 2018, so around the same time as the caps you've posted here. Any idea why she quit back then?
No. 82388
>>82385>Dont reply.ok i won't uwu
anything for u proof chan uwu
luv u proof-chan uwu
No. 82403
>>82392we’re not addi you retard and if you think we are then go ahead and add it to your supposed 500 pieces of evidence that doesn’t seem to exist. that usb was probably tossed in the trash a long time ago if it was ever even real
you’re just as obsessed with addi as nicole clearly is
proof-chan spergs about ‘POST PROOF!!1!” but where’s all this ‘proof’ nicole claims she has? if she has so much ‘proof’ then why hasn’t she been actually granted a restraining order by now? someone made that instagram that’s supposed to have the ‘proof’ but it’s completely empty, not one single post
if she got a restraining order against brandon then why is his website still up?
>i can’t talk about it uwuthen why won’t she ever shut the fuck up about it? sorry you can’t seem to handle that she’s a liar and a scammer even when the facts are being spoonfed to you
No. 82411
>>82371How about you Sage retarded nitpicks like that, anon. We're here for Nicole gtfo if you don't like it. And no I'm not op
>>82377Yeah no shit, I posted that to add context to my opinion
No. 82412
File: 1581633905174.jpg (89.92 KB, 1080x466, Screenshot_20200214-094033__01…)

Reee harder proof-chan/Nicole, you've basically given us a case study on how milky you are. GG if you're not your precious uwu queen, because you really fucked up her already questionable perception here.
No. 82419
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>>82087>>82357Brendan her stalker had all this stuff on it seems like he tried making it seem like she was the one saying all this stuff, I found this through Destery the guy mentioned in the costhot thread
No. 82432
>>82419Yeah, everything abut both of her stalker situations just seem so odd, they just both seem like too idk, personal? Like she's really trying hard to push the "
random strangers obsessed with me bc I'm so beautiful!! feel bad for me but don't look into it!" shit but it just really seems like she was more involved than that? Especially since there seems to be several other people involved
Were her and her ex a well known couple on the internet or something? I know she was part of whatever the fuck "The Real Deals" is in 2016 No. 82437
>>82428From my understanding the black guy stalker made he tried making it seem like Nicole made those blogs. Someone who knew Nicole and all the people mentioned in the blog @tweeted everyone thinking Nicole did it, Nicole found out about it through the @ tweet and she got it shut down.
Stalker gets mad and makes Nicoleeeveedavis.webly
>>82087 No. 82443
>>82441idk. People online tend to lose their shit though. Not so much the girls, but the dudes get really fucking possessive. Especially if they have followed you when you didn't have many followers and feel like they know you better than other fans. Or when you reply to them in general, ever. A lot of them see that as a 'Wow, she's only taking her time out to reply to me I bet!" special mentality. Im mostly confused about this girl stalker situation.
So is she stalking or skinwalking or was and how long ago was this again or is this recently like the past year all this is happening?
>>82440 is 3 years ago and she seems really, really fucking awkward.
No. 82444
File: 1581644581866.jpg (576.03 KB, 1080x1843, 1581134118461.jpg)

>>82318>>82377Here's the actual pic since these are both pictures for ants.
There's definitely something weird going on with this Sarah girl….but tbh I don't know if I'm buying that it's a NED thing. She doesn't look anything like Nicole to me, like none of her features look like hers? Unless there are better examples, I wouldn't look at this and see "Nicole skinwalker!!!" at all. She just looks like she's sandblasted her face away via Snow or something.
>>82440Can you imagine still being a scene kid in the year 2016? Embarrassing.
No. 82446
>>82440She mentions having ~Synesthesia~ here as well
It's like Nicole never grew past the teen phase trying to impress the edgey kids in her circle
No. 82450
>>82449She created the youtube thing? I've never even heard of these kids. Is it music or reviews?
I'm really lost. What exactly is happening with her right now? Is she still claiming stalking stuff from anyone this year or the past few months? I'm seeing a lot of old stuff posted and I'm trying to figure out the recent milk.
No. 82455
>>82445>but tbh they both could probably argue 2729 other thots are skinwalking them too. So many have this aesthetic of SNOW/Facetune, elven shit, cardsRight, this is what I mean. They all abuse SNOW and they all abuse Instagram filters. Nicole seems narcissistic enough to think that somehow she invented that. Here's her insta, says she's 19>51 posts>50.7KI'm torn between "Obviously these are all bought" and "She's a 19 year old girl who looks like she's 12, these are all pedos".
>>82447>after Nicole changed her aesthetic and then started copying her looks again?What? When did Nicole change her aesthetic? You mean the change from scene kid to….does she even have an aesthetic now? Ghibli thot? Patreon sugarbaby?
No. 82458
>>82454That's interesting but do you think it's possible you're talking about the girl from this thread
>>27316Because that's honestly the worst case of skinwalking I've seen and I wouldn't be surprised if it gained traction on 4chan
No. 82459
>>82455Thats why I was asking. Its probably a different set of girls like
>>82458 said. Looks like it. I knew I read about that somewhere. Just making sure it wasn't this situation.
No. 82460
>>82454>This is a long, long time ago on 4chan /cgl/Considering she says she's only 19, this seems unlikely. Plus it sounds like you're not even sure that was actually Nicole?
>Tbh, her restraining order stuff mostly seems big talk to try to scare the guy and girl away.Except neither of them have done anything recently? It's completely unnecessary for her to still be talking about her the in the extreme way she is. Nicole doesn't actually seem to care about Brandon or be trying to scare him off, and Addi kinda seems like she's been minding her own business elsewhere for some time. She's definitely hamming it up for pity bucks.
No. 82465
File: 1581646529325.png (240.22 KB, 584x411, ss.png)

>>82461Pretty sure the only thing she ever said about Brandon was those few tweets in 2018, but Addi has been non-stop from what I can tell and as recently as January 28th.
No. 82471
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>>82465And it's never just "muh stalker lol" it's these absolutely wild accusations that she never backs up in any way. Not saying it couldn't be true but….then show us? Where's the proof of any of this?
No. 82472
>>82471Why give more power by showing proof of stalking aside from like
>>82465 and if its been going on since 2018, this Addi chick needs to really figure herself out and stop. Nicole doesn't seem to be in the wrong here and it makes sense that she's been complaining about it. Everyone else seems on board with the stalking being a thing in the comments. Show us more shit Addi has done.
No. 82474
>>82472Kind of seems like Brandon and Addi need a thread because Nicole is kind of being painted as a
victim here in all this.
No. 82475
File: 1581647403237.jpg (2.25 MB, 1828x3308, is that you nicole.jpg)

>>82432 Is right, Nicole is trying to play the narrative that people are just ~too obsessed with her~ and can't stop skinwalking and stalking her 24/7
>>82444This pic has been posted like 3 times now, it's like whoever is doing it is trying to convince everyone this random insta girl is skinwalking Nicole. If anything the Sarah girl is skinwalking Leda since Nicole is a carbon copy of her.
>>82451>I can definitely see her imitating Nicole's photos.Again, playing on the narrative that everyone is trying to look and be Nicole
>this is what happens when you amass a following.Hm, where have I heard this before? (pic related)
(Sry for the bad highlight job)
In her story she basically says the same thing as what
>THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET A BIG FOLLOWINGthen she goes on about how people are crazy about her much like the comment.
No. 82477
File: 1581647564675.png (42.44 KB, 1858x497, lol nicole 3.png)

It also seems like Nicole or the WK is trying to clog up this thread
No. 82479
>>82477Again, trying to further feed into the idea that PEOPLE ARE JUST SOOO OBSESSED WITH NICOLE!1!!! AND TRYING TO BE AND STALK HER CUZ SHES SO PERFFFF11!!!111 OMG QUEEN<33!!!@32
Stop trying twist the thread into the NICOLE IS SO PERF PEOPLE WILL STALK HER thread
No. 82482
File: 1581647955545.png (50.85 KB, 1847x456, lol nicole 4.png)

>>82477>>82476>>82475The comments here
>>82451>>82452>>82453>>82454Also sound like Nicole talking to herself
No. 82483
File: 1581647995187.png (477.61 KB, 586x675, addi.png)

>>82468>>82469>>82470>>82476Calm down whiteknights, this is all she posted. She just poorly copied and pasted a picture of herself. How would Nicole have ever even known about it if she wasn't obsessively checking Addi's twitter? She only has like, 1800 followers mostly posts about stripping and selling nudes and seems to have been chased off of all other social media. She seems like a harmless idiot thot at this point, she doesn't look anything like Nicole in the slightest?
>>82472>Why give more power by showing proof of stalking>Show us more shit Addi has done.????? Is this proof-chan's final form?
>nicole doesn't have to show us any proof of the wildly outlandish life-ruining claims she's making, but YOU have to show us proof of the wildly outlandish life-ruining claims she's making to prove that she's lying otherwise it's a vendetta!!!!uh huh
No. 82485
>>82483I'm willing to bet the WKS are the same person, look at
>>82477 the posts are literally minutes a part from each other. I saw those posts appear in real time, honestly at this point it most likely Nicole defending herself. She's obsessed with framing herself in a certain light cause of her ego
No. 82487
>>82481Finally, thank you mod, luv u
>>82475I posted the last one because the other 2 were too small to actually see it, I was trying to show what you're saying: that she doesn't actually look like she's skinwalking Nicole at all. I think the one before that was just the anon who was archiving her timeline or whatever. I agree with everything else you're saying though, I think the first post (the one in /snow/) was a tryhard attempt to prove that "
everyone is sooo obsessed with being nicole!! see?!"
No. 82489
>>82482>>82485>>82479100% agree. Wks literally spend weeks screeching about proof and then say Nicole would only be give Addi more power by showing proof? What the fuck?
>Entire threads worth of receipts and proof she's lying from multiple different sources>samefag vendetta holy shit obsessed mods i don't like it make it go away no milk infighting ur all addi retard retard retard!!!!!!
>See one (1) mspaint copy and pasted pic>GIVE HER HER OWN THREAD!!!!!!!!!! NICOLE CLEARED OF ALL CHARGES ARREST THIS WOMAN
>>82488>editedyall sure love that word, huh? editing is giving way too much credit to a .05 second copy and paste lmao
No. 82492
VICTIM yes. we should make a thread on nobodies who are connected to a Cow..
No. 82494
>>82491>Most of us seem to not really know anything about her and are trying to get more backstory about shit.I mean….none of us know either? That's why most of this thread IS discussion about them and trying to figure out Nicole's weird relationship with them? No one's stopping you from having a discussion about them, but outside of their relationship to Nicole, what's there to talk about? All of the Brandon milk has already been posted and it's just mentally ill gobbledygook. So far there's nothing backing up anything Nicole's said, and dog-piling on Addi saying "
omg she's sooo crazy nicole is totally right everyone IS obsessed with her!!" because Nicole says so isn't discussion. We've proven Nicole is a liar, so it would be stupid to take anything she's saying on face value.
This is really such an exhausting tactic. Instead of complaining about how you don't like what's being posted or x thing isn't being posted enough or asking someone to spoonfeed you x thing….post it yourself? find it yourself? If you have something interesting or milky to post about Addi, then post it. Her twitter is posted in the OP, by all means go dig through it for some milk, no one's stopping you. Go watch all her pornhub videos or buy her nudes and report back, idk. Better yet find those 500+ pieces of evidence Nicole's claiming, then we'd have something to talk about.
No. 82498
File: 1581654632232.jpg (185.85 KB, 1080x1920, jduyldsm1y631.jpg)

Nicole sent this ass pic to her Snapchat followers. Nicole and many attention whore thots wonder why people are so creepy and lustful over them, it's cause you post sexualized pics of yourself and body
Inb4 wk
An ass pic is still an ass pic
No. 82500
File: 1581656002442.png (1.16 MB, 592x1172, 47hdth.png)

>>82499>kind of obviously a jokeOf course it's a joke, because she's rAnDuM, not a slut like other girls!! XDD
What's the joke in this one though?
No. 82501
File: 1581657714693.jpg (80.23 KB, 1080x1091, 43503453_575728069528705_20155…)

Just a joke
No. 82513
Has there ever been any evidence of this Addi girl skinwalking Nicole, or even doing anything at all to Nicole? Went through Addi's twitter media and the only thing that had to do with Nicole was
>>82465 >>82483
which isn't even a big deal. She just pasted her photo onto a shitty cringe meme which covered Nicole up… how is that creepy? It's cringy but not stalkerish. It just comes off as Nicole pissed that her photo got covered up. Looking at Addi the only things that they seem to have in common is dyed hair, weeb shit, cards, and gaming/pokemon. None of that is uncommon with scene girls, and if those examples are proof of skinwalking then we could just say Nicole has skinwalked/stalked Ledabunny for years and never stopped. Is Nicole mad because this girl uses eevee in her name?
No. 82523
File: 1581667302169.png (434.05 KB, 857x546, ledawho.png)

I just went through Leda's stuff since 2016 and there is nothing connecting her and Nicole except their hair having colors. There is one card post but the rest is all fantasy writing stuff. Shes not really in this whole patreon/cosplay/trading cards stuff. She has 5x the followers too.
No. 82529
>>82528Right, I was just trying to use an example of how Addi doesn't seem to have any connection to skinwalking Nicole, other than liking the some of the same things, just as much as we could say that Nicole was a copy of the "first" cosplaying nerdy scene girl. If Addi is genuinely a creepy stalker trying to ruin Nicole's life then I can completely understand why Nicole is upset by it, but I'm genuinely not seeing any indication of it.
>>82519I don't think Addi has an instagram so I'm not sure what you're refering to
No. 82571
File: 1581713956720.png (62.85 KB, 586x286, 08-144750.png)

>>82513Right, so I think this is the big question here. It's not unbelievable that Nicole would have a stalker/skinwalker, no one's questioning that. What IS unbelievable is the amount of batshit insane things Nicole is telling her followers this Addi girl did for
years. If Nicole just said "this girl is copying my pics" no one would give fuck or doubt her or require proof. It might be helpful if someone (or I'll try later if I have time) could compile the bulk of Nicole's claims about Addi in one post, because they're scattered all over the place over years and they also keep changing. But from what's been posted here you can see it ranges from stolen content to daily death threats to sabotaging her relationships with companies to catfishing people for money with her pics to pretending to be in a car accident and having ever single health issue Nicole has, etc etc. Not to mention most recently, she claimed the reason her Patreon got taken down and she couldn't afford rent was of course……"muh stalker!!!" did it.
>>82539>Alright so relevent people are Brandon who is known stalker completely and this Addi girl people are trying to piece together if there is a real story here about skinwalkingRight that's……exactly what it says in the OP.
>>82553what a cool story thank you for sharing
No. 82572
File: 1581714061792.png (123.41 KB, 592x600, sobravewow.png)

>>82513>>82571It's just absolutely suspicious that she claims to have 500+ pieces of evidence of her dangerous threatening behavior that she's given to the police, and yet not one piece of it seems to exist anywhere? And she specifically says the case was closed in 2018
>>82308 and yet 2019/2020 it's no longer closed and her life is being ruined and no one is helping her again. On top of that, you can easily find multiple accounts created to harass Addi on Nicole's behalf, and none of them have any proof either. None of it adds up. This bitch literally cannot say one single thing online that isn't "muh stalker"
No. 82578
>>82573>and there are photos here showing this girl being a creepBut like….there aren't? She's just said there are, but where? The only "proof" we've seen is her sloppily adding herself into a one (1) meme, and I agree with anon who said it's cringey, not creepy. Even one of the harassing instagram accounts said it was going to post all the evidence, but it's empty
>>825742nd post in this thread my dude
>>82307 No. 82580
File: 1581716112317.png (40.33 KB, 663x434, wow.png)

Anyone with any heart issues will tell you dont drink and take it or any medications with drink. Addi sure isnt caring for her heart problems. Is this girl an alcoholic or abuses prescriptions?
No. 82581
File: 1581716472775.png (16.05 KB, 670x158, sure jan.png)

If she has this many issues she could be a skinwalker behind the scenes.
No. 82582
File: 1581716566068.png (38 KB, 663x288, not on meds.png)

She's not been on meds for her disorders for 2 years now
No. 82584
File: 1581716857720.png (159.66 KB, 653x419, cali.png)

Did she move to Cali?
No. 82589
>>82579how newfag are you? you sound like you’re reading every 10th post and then going ‘I don’t get it who is everyone someone explain it????’ Like seriously do you have saged posts hidden or something?
just read the thread it’s like 80% caps at this point before asking stupid questions. the only social she has is twitter and it’s posted in the op along with the names she goes by
christ this thread I’ve never seen such spoonfeeding before in my life
No. 82594
File: 1581718240710.png (180.82 KB, 663x282, 3 days later.png)

Nicole didn't know about this photo
>>82483until 3 days later and hasn't mentioned Addi's name in anything in months.
No. 82596
File: 1581720092544.png (122.63 KB, 589x666, sux.png)

>>82594she mentioned her 4 days ago you dipshit
>>82592>She hasn't mentioned the name Addi in anything anywhere. Ive been scrolling through and can't find a name and all Nicole's recent talkYou're bad at this.
>>81979 >>82346
>Makes more sense to assume those are about the Brandon guy and not Addi.She's tweeted about 5000 times about her
female stalker every week for the past several years always describing the same behavior calling her "my stalker" calling her by name and creating multiple social media accounts specifically to harass her by name. She's tweeted about Brandon once in 2018.
Either you're dumb as fuck, you have a vendetta against Addi and you're lying, or you've just been too stupid to read all of the things posted here that fully explain why everything you're saying is wrong. I'm not going to tag every single post here that already negates everything that you're saying, read the thread before embarrassing yourself like this.
No. 82613
>>82500>>82501>>82502you probably could've just posted one of these instead of
>>82498 to make your point instead of the one that actually looks like a joke
No. 82618
>>82607Seriously, did she steal Nicole's boyfriend in elementary school or something? Why on earth would a California patreon thot with 400K followers fawning over her every day making thousands of dollars be
so obsessed with some pudgy middle of nowhere mentally ill Iowa stripper with not even 2K followers trying to make a buck on nudes? So obsessed that she needs to tweet about her every other day for years on end and chase her off of social media and know her every move? So obsessed that when Addi posts she's going to a convention first, Nicole then immediately threatens to show up there too and make sure Addi can't go? I'm sure she gets harassed to hell and back if she so much as acknowledges Nicole, but why doesn't Addi fight back against Nicole making these insane claims about her?
Like, if any of it were true it should be easily provable 100x over by now, but also if any of it were false then Addi should have fought back against Nicole saying these things a long time ago? I just can't wrap my head around it, everything about it is just so fishy on both ends.
>>82613ntayrt but they probably didn't know about those since Nicole tries to pretend she's not a thot? no need to be rude
No. 82625
File: 1581736651388.jpg (35.85 KB, 600x450, 0186ffd9223488a20d58840a6a5f1c…)

>>82618Haha I think it's hella weird too. Nicole is so obsessed with Addi to the point she's trying to convince herself Addi is obsessed with her lmaoo I bet Addi doesnt give a fuck at all, that's why she doesn't say anything about Nicole's shitfits.
No. 82647
>>82625Smart move from Addi to act like Nicole does not exist.
If Nicole doesn’t post legit screenshot where Addi harasses her then I’m convinced that Nicole herself is the bully.
I have high hopes for this cow!
No. 82698
File: 1581802351194.jpg (43.69 KB, 720x540, original (12).jpg)

Nicole's old pics
No. 82700
File: 1581802380007.jpg (35.95 KB, 640x480, 810.jpg)

No. 82701
File: 1581802539795.png (1.96 MB, 1440x1429, nicole dva.png)

Her makeup looks pretty bad without filters and blur
No. 82702
File: 1581802604920.jpeg (129.33 KB, 1242x1222, NicoleEeveeDavis Photoshop Bef…)

No. 82703
File: 1581802640217.jpg (29.08 KB, 480x480, 15876541_109313182909837_32164…)

No. 82704
File: 1581802705593.jpeg (175.13 KB, 1800x1685, NicoleEeveeDavis Photoshop Bef…)

Someone tried deshopping her photo, she kinda looks like Rumer Willis in the deshopped version
No. 82707
File: 1581803171876.jpg (71.24 KB, 1080x774, b0cac4861a9de82753eb4c131c6861…)

>>82702>>82701What she put on her insta
No. 82716
File: 1581805186338.png (130.95 KB, 594x719, patreon.png)

>>82626Every post where she says "my stalker" is her referring to Addi, she's confirmed Addi's identity herself multiple times over at this point. "Muh Stalker" = Addi. We gotta move on from this.
>She mentions Patreon being copied, but Addi doesn't even have a PatreonThere's 2 options here. 1: Nicole had her fans spam report it to be taken down (which is ironically what she accused Addi of doing). 2: Nicole's a liar, and she's lying. So far 99% of what Nicole has said about her seems made up, this is just another fake story.
Also it's hilarious that she accuses someone of stealing her rewards…..bitch what rewards? You literally don't offer anything, everything on here is a donation and the rewards are 1 pokemon card or "idk :)". She's out of her mind.
>>82305 No. 82718
File: 1581806412012.jpg (228.22 KB, 1080x1080, 1581806430965.jpg)

At least Nicole is recognizable. Got some Momokun levels on this addi girl. At least nicole looks cute candid too.
No. 82720
File: 1581806550378.png (628.9 KB, 590x1807, iowa.png)

>>82620>The convention seems more about the guy. She doesnt mention it being a specific gender.If she doesn't mention a gender, then why would you assume it's about the guy? Also doesn’t need to mention a gender, because she says ‘muh stalker’ which is what she calls Addi. Do you need her to say ‘muh stalker (pronouns: she/her)’ every single time to get it?
Addi says on her profile she lives in Iowa. Her tweets have a “from xx, Iowa” tag on them. If you search Nicole + “Iowa” on twitter, she never mentioned it once until Addi said she was going, and then she said she would show up to make sure Addi couldn’t go. Nicole is the one that’s stalking Addi’s social media. Nicole is the one showing up in her state just to fuck with her because she knows she’s there and she’s keeping tabs on her plans.
No. 82721
File: 1581806947390.png (199.83 KB, 650x435, doesnt say she lives in iowa.p…)

>>82720It doesn't say anywhere that she's in Iowa. So that does leave room guess she mightve moved if we are tinfoiling so much of the situation anyway.
No. 82724
File: 1581807344377.png (189.06 KB, 285x449, Try harder addi.png)

Hey OP. How about you don't fucking mislead people with the wrong Addi account. She IS fucking stalking Nicole. I have a WHOLE bunch of shit to post, so hold on.
No. 82725
>>82718>>82722Hate to break it to you vendetta-chan, but those all look like the same person. One of those is just a dumb quirky egirl instagram filter, that's not shooping (and Nicole uses them all the time), and changing hair and poor lighting isn't the same as shooping yourself with an entirely new face like Nicole does.
Also…..she literally has porn with her face in it? Not that you can't shoop that but I assume it's hard to facetune a video where you're sucking dick and above the pay grade of a small town stripper.
>So that does leave room guess she mightve moved if we are tinfoiling so much of the situation anyway.This isn't tinfoiling, tinfoling is making a claim without basis. You are responding to the basis for the claim, and it's solid proof. You have zero proof or even reason to suspect that she moved, you're just making shit up. THAT'S tinfoiling.
What’s your game here? You’re simultaneously trying to claim that Addi ISN’T the stalker, but also that she IS a terrible cow. If she isn’t the stalker why does it matter what she’s done, and if she’s a terrible person that still doesn’t prove Nicole isn’t a lying bully. You seem just as obsessed/vendetta as Nicole is about her, why is that?
No. 82726
File: 1581807479351.png (10.47 KB, 665x343, how convenient.png)

How fucking convenient that the account that actually WAS stalking her, the same girl, is now gone. Dude, get the fuck out of here with this bullshit storyline.
No. 82729
File: 1581807758889.png (164.89 KB, 602x436, same girl.png)

Yes the deleted account does belong to the same girl. The account that is deleted was the one harassing and following and stalking Nicole. Addi is using this new account to make it look like she isn't doing it. She deleted her old one to try to mislead about Nicole's claims.
No. 82731
>>82724>>82726>>82727I'm not misleading anyone, that's her active twitter account she just changed her username you dumbfuck. It's not a new account the same twitter. Holy shit your vendetta is worse than Nicole's somehow.
And, I'mma stop you right now because I know where you're getting these caps from.
No. 82732
File: 1581807908792.png (185.62 KB, 647x609, caught.png)

Stealing stuff from Nicole's Facebook.
No. 82735
File: 1581808515422.png (242.77 KB, 693x631, gross.png)

No. 82736
File: 1581808553009.png (1.25 MB, 646x4444, vendettachan.png)

>>82734Gee, why would anyone ever change their twitter username or make a new twitter? Was it because someone made an entire twitter just to respond to every single one of her tweets and harass her? No it MUST be because she's hiding things!
Posting caps of Addi tweeting things saying "she's copying nicole!!!!!!!" doesn't prove anything unless you actually show what she's ripping off from Nicole WITH timestamps.
All you're showing right now is a girl tweeting about weeb shit who changed her twitter username and some obsessed nut screaming at her.
No. 82738
File: 1581808579437.png (32.19 KB, 665x361, nice.png)

>>82735Nicole sure is an asshole asking people to not mention the actual person.
(whiteknighting sperg) No. 82742
File: 1581808784415.png (82.59 KB, 647x786, missing posts strnage.png)

So strange. A lot of the posts showing proof of the copying and stalking and reposting are missing. So lucky for Addi.
No. 82744
>>82718>atleast nicole looks recognizable>>82702 yes Nicole still looks like the same person lmao
Addi shops less than Nicole, shes not changing her whole face.
No. 82751
File: 1581812061247.png (323.79 KB, 663x701, leo.png)

>>82734>Thats not how Twitter accounts work.Yes it is, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to find your
>3 days later.pngtweet from Addi that you were sperging about the date of other day from January 25th
>>82594In Nicole's cap the tweet shows it's from "studioeevee", but you can find the same tweet, same day on her "leoeevee" account…..because it's the same fucking twitter with a changed username
For a bonus treat, that tweet included the Iowa location tag on it, since you won't stop tinfoiling about
>we don't know addis in iowa she moved to california to steal nicole's fake paycheck!!!!!!!Sorry about your brain damage anon. (love all your butthurt file names btw)
No. 82755
File: 1581812437301.png (170.41 KB, 717x271, lucky for her.png)

>>82754No one said she moved and there doesn't look like there is a tag at all, so lucky, again, for Addi.
No. 82756
>>82755>No one said she moved and thereAnon….
you literally said she moved there
>>82586>>82584>Did she move to Cali?>Did this chick move to Cali when Nicole moved to LA to avoid this girl? No. 82758
File: 1581813248304.png (404.15 KB, 590x1290, ia.png)

>>82755She was tweeting about voting IN Iowa that day. There's already been 10x more proof posted here that she has nothing to do with Nicole than Nicole has ever posted about her "car break in :((( stolen paychec :(((" that you're accusing Addi of doing.
She's lying to you dude, you have GOT to get over it and your obsession with Addi.
No. 82762
File: 1581814266888.png (59.63 KB, 648x517, 22.png)

No. 82764
File: 1581814549664.png (42.44 KB, 638x296, 21.png)

>>82763Story holds up that she never went through with the restraining order thing.
No. 82821
>>82763>Last year they had officers go to her house and tell her dad everything she was doing (she’s not a minor)what is this bitch even talking about here? what the fuck law did she break where cops are allowed to show up to an adult woman’s house and tattle on her private life to her parents? In what world would that ever be legal or make sense?
like and then what? then the officer called you up and said “omg your not gonna believe this she still lives with her dad omg what a dork sooooo embarrassing”, how would she possibly know that’s how it went down? she’s so blatantly just making shit up and clearly she’s not even smart enough to make up shit that makes any sense
I guess that’s why vendetta-chan is now trying to pretend like addi’s not the one nicole’s always talking about even though she clearly is? because if anyone looks into it with 1 braincell you’ll start to see nicole’s just a blatant liar and scammer
agree with the anon earlier here that said this is all just revealing how much of a huge bully she is. she tries to act all “no no i’m fine really uwu i would never sink to their level’ but the ‘(she’s not a minor)’ feels like a very pointed and unnecessary detail, like she’s clearly trying to shit on her for being >18 and living with her parents
It’s just so obvious I can’t believe idiots like
>>82738 would ever fall for it lmao
honestly is anyone else getting like….dasha vibes from nicole?
No. 82823
>>82779Good point, this one looks like they are logged in on web view and took the time to crop certain parts of the screen out
>>82755Also seems bizarre to be defending the stalker so much itt
No. 82900
File: 1581847900851.jpeg (503.43 KB, 2048x2048, 5C81438F-A7EC-41E2-9E0B-83E4B4…)

>>82779It’s absolutely rootintootin themselves posting here. Their entire account is devoted to harassing this Addi girl and the screenshots of their tweets that they’ve posted here are using the same darkmode browser style as the screenshots they post on Twitter. The whole “uwu wooloo” and mereep x wooloo thing is a popular meme in the Pokémon community, without a time stamp there’s no proof that Addi copied that from Nicole.
It honestly seems like Nicole is the obsessed one here, even going out of her way to attend a shitty, middle-of-nowhere, out-of-state con because this girl said she was going. Anime Iowa? Literally why is that a con you would choose to travel for?
This shit is fishy.
No. 82944
File: 1581865631757.jpeg (28.9 KB, 430x284, bucket.jpeg)

>>82718>>82722>SEESEEESEE ADDI SHOPS TOO AND ITS EVEN WORSE!!!1!!1!Lol the WK never fails to amuse me. The second Nicole's unshopped face gets posted, the WK posts pics of Addi's "unshopped" face.
We don't give a fuck about Addi, this is Nicole's thread. Stop trying your hardest to make Nicole seem less bad, your cosplay waifu is shit and she doesn't exist outside of the internet.
No. 82956
File: 1581872384684.png (115.21 KB, 591x579, liar.png)

>>82823>Also seems bizarre to be defending the stalker so much ittBut there's no proof she's a stalker at all, that's the point. No one would be defending her at all if it wasn't for proof-chan/vendetta-sperg coming in trying to "b-but mina!!" her. Like
>>82944 says it's about Nicole and vendetta-sperg is the one clearly trying to making about Addi. As far as I'm concerned there probably is some overlap, but there's going to be overlap with all ex-scene weeaboo thots. No doubt there probably was some copying back in the day, but she seems to have moved on with her life and watching Nicole sperg out and obsess over her and continue to try and ruin her life is just sad and petty.
And Nicole thinking she invented being a scene kid thot who likes pokemon and ghibli and wants money for free….delusional. Especially since she doesn't think she's a thot in the first place. It's definitely reaching Dasha levels of obsession. I hope we get a giant Nicole reveal someday too.
>>82384>>82382Anyways, here's another slice of "Nicole's a liar" pie. Claims this is her first experience with Patreon, when it's obviously not. The proof of that is still up on Patreon, she has at least one post from 2018 there
No. 82972
File: 1581883352281.png (58.67 KB, 706x178, wks.png)

>>82970>>82971Still lying lmao. But please, do tell us what Nicole means, share your insight into her mind and her pure intentions anon.
Interesting how these wks always seem to show up in pairs and spam the thread, sometimes even within minutes of each other saying the same things. Same with
>>82477 and
>>82743 + vendetta-sperg, and
>>82373 +
>>82371 and even in /meta/ (hours apart, but still same pattern) and all the posts in costhots are like that too. Even the post about the Sarah girl in /snow/ someone replies to with a very "omg another nicole skinwalker she has so many poor nicole everyone is obsessed with her" type response even though everyone here universally agrees Sarah has nothing to do with Nicole
Makes it seem like Nicole is just parked on a discord somewhere with her one friend going
>reply to this one!!It'd make sense if she was a farmer, she'd know mods can clock a samefag. And again, a very Dasha move. Sage for tinfoil/hi cow.
No. 82986
File: 1581900617604.gif (811.64 KB, 245x278, 34D9240E-32A2-442D-A99B-49D464…)

>>82981i love it when the cows themselves or their wks bump the thread to whine about it, it just never gets old
hey nicole you’re not convincing anyone you’re not a bully telling people to kill themselves, it’s not very uwu of you
maybe you should try lying less? can’t shoop away your ugly personality!
No. 83000
File: 1581904447177.png (432.15 KB, 1440x1688, 20002.png)

>your parents didnt raise you right if you say mean things! In kindergarden they teach you dont say anything if you got nothing nice to say!!!
Didn't your parents teach you better Nicole? You should follow your own advice and stop harassing Addi and other girls, you dumb bitch.
No. 83009
File: 1581912733778.jpg (8.81 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg)

The Nicolefag mentality
>present evidence of Nicole being a hypocrite
No. 83011
>>82972also it’s always one person posts something blatantly wk, someone replies calling them out and then they delete the comment
it feel like there’s been about a dozen of those now?
>>83000obviously this is ancient milk, but it’s still soooo funny to see her try and pretend she doesn’t care what people say about her on the internet as if she hasn’t been having a rampaging shit fit for weeks now at the mere mention of her
she cares SO much about what people on the internet say about her that she caused this thread, if she had just kept her mouth shut in the first place the thread would have just written her off as a boring old thot and moved on, what the fuck did she expect when she demanded people look into her and find receipts? what a dumbass
No. 83027
File: 1581948985297.png (2.23 MB, 1440x2262, z.png)

Lol I like how she randomly throws in a ass and tit pic when answering questions
No. 83028
File: 1581949131138.png (3.42 MB, 1440x2551, q.png)

>>83027>Hehe gaiz I'm just quiiiirky girl She really likes paying homage to Belle with that stupid face
No. 83029
File: 1581949493555.png (3.16 MB, 1420x2557, a.png)

She LIVES for these comments
No. 83030
File: 1581949682556.png (2.79 MB, 1440x2287, b.png)

More uwu fake humbleness. Don't lie Nicole, you think you're world class famous. Don't forget your Photoshop skills is what gave you your z tier celeb fame.
No. 83053
>>83036>>83003don’t you have anything better to do than to sit here and whine at every single post? mods already told you to hide the thread if you don’t like it.
honestly if nicole put 10% as much energy into finding a job or actually producing patreon content worth paying for as she does whining or sending wk attack dogs she wouldn’t have to beg for her rent (or stage a fake break in for pity)
>>83027>>82501also like….ew? everything about these are gross. for someone so blatantly a thot you’d think she would understand sex appeal better
>speak friend and enter>farting cat gifdisgusting, also she clearly thinks if she’s “so quirky randum XDD” it means she’s not a thot
like pool pic also isn’t a sexy pose, that’s like the pov of what your toilet sees
(as i’m typing i realize of course there are disgusting men who probably want that exact content)
No. 83067

>>83036>waaah 81 weeks ago get over itShe's the one who still has it pinned on her profile in her "Q&A" after 81 weeks, it's not even a question it's just a blatant excuse for her to show her ass.
>>83029 isn't a question either and she still has it front and center on her profile
>>83030>>83000>call me ugly i don't care uwu>i'm not famous uwuThis false modesty bullshit makes me so queasy. (Old milk, I know) but you just KNOW all of the comments on that fb post were from anime-icon dudes going "
who would ever call you ugly!! they need to get their eyes checked!! ur perfect m'lady!!". Also I love this Q&A one because it poses the same question as her Patreon/Ko-fi of like….bitch what
do you do? You barely cosplay, you don't make videos, you don't stream, you won't even fully commit to being a thot and selling nudes or whatever, you produce no content whatsoever outside of just sitting on your ass posting shooped/filtered selfies and going
>waaah i'm working so hard u guise look i'm quirky pay my rent :((((without actually doing anything (vid related). She's just trying to be a kept woman trophy-waifu for the internet. Honestly staging her car break-in sob story was the most work she's put into anything in a long time.
No. 83071
File: 1581977355387.jpg (47.63 KB, 480x640, CAF7vqHVAAADYFs.jpg)

More old pics
No. 83072
File: 1581977383374.jpg (14.4 KB, 236x223, 85e538c1f6a42072ecc47524dc1847…)

No. 83080
File: 1581984293244.png (470.44 KB, 938x604, img.png)

>>83071>>83072See this is also what makes me thing she had a nose job at some point, because when you go far enough back she seems weird about her nose. Either covering it or filtering it out of existence.
No. 83082
File: 1581987796860.png (3.69 MB, 1440x2573, 64344(1).png)

>THEY CALL ME UGLY AND HORRIBLE>>83000 but I thought nicole said she said she doesnt care about the haters calling her ugly and attention whore
No. 83087
File: 1581992360542.png (190.77 KB, 1210x407, website.png)

>>83082>>83084Jesus, it's like the more we look at this the more confusing it gets.
So clearly
>>83084 is an Addi (Addi Vaporeon?) account she had taken down again as "my stalker", but all of these
>>83082 and the accompanying twitters don't seem like Addi content, they seem like Brandon content? Brandon is the one who was clearly upset that she didn't look like her shoops so much so that he made two websites about it, at least two twitters about it. Why on earth would these be from Addi? There's zero proof to back that up and all the proof to point in Brandon's direction. Even on his website he says those stories were talking about him (which makes sense, because he's insane).
It's like she's taking all the shit Brandon did and not only blaming it on Addi, but also coming up with new fake shit too to blame on her as well? But why? I'm so confused.
Either way, still not one shred of proof that Addi was ever skinwalking Nicole's content like she's still saying she is.
No. 83089
File: 1581992766367.png (571.79 KB, 589x684, twitter.png)

Posted today.
No. 83091
File: 1581992877808.jpeg (391.37 KB, 1462x2048, EQ_nt0qUEAIRW-P.jpeg)

>>83089Seems like she's moving towards the Mickey realm of shooping, with the fake (only bridge of nose and cheek) freckles and the over-shooped lip
No. 83094
File: 1581994661418.png (3.17 MB, 1440x2880, 17-14-12-08.png)

Is she pretending to be single now? She was pretty vocal about having a boyfriend not too long ago unless they broke up. Pretty disgusting how she wrote "use me" on her head. Might as well as well say FUCK MY PUSSY UP in big fonts, we all know what you're tryna do sis.
No. 83099
File: 1581996336625.png (1.4 MB, 1175x1300, wat.png)

Aight, I think we may have accidentally broken Addi.
So prior to this thread I tried to look decently far back on both Addi and Nicole's twitters. I couldn't find any evidence of Addi skinwalking or anything Nicole was accusing her of outside of the one meme. Also Nicole has never shown any actual proof. Make the thread, 5 days go by, still no skinwalking.
Then yesterday I assumed Addi found the thread, because last night for a sec she put her twitter on private and was tweeting about crying in her car or something (which seemed odd because for the most part people here were coming to her defense and actually calling out Nicole's bullying)
Then today, it's back on public and she goes and deliberately finds and posts things from Nicole's account, 3-4 right in row. Then she goes and basically retweets her entire month of her own content from January, so everything at the top of her twitter is from a month ago.
So what the fuck is going on with these two? Addi's minding her own business doing nothing related to Nicole, she never fights back against Nicole and just seems to let her bad mouth her and report her accounts. Then the second she finds the thread where people are defending her she gets upset and when she finds out we're pointing out that Nicole's lying about her she goes and deliberately copies Nicole for basically the first time (from what I saw recently) so now she's making sure Nicole doesn't look like a liar.
I don't get it.
No. 83102
>>83098lmao? how would you even know if you literally have no clue who leda is?
not having interactions with someone doesn't mean they aren't skinwalking her. you seem awfully adamant that nicole is ~totally original uwu~ cringe. she's literally a copy paste of Leda.
>>83097yeah seriously. if i gave a single fuck about this girl i'd find the pics of ledas to compare them to but the amount girls who skinwalk her now is just insane kek
No. 83104
>>83100Dude shut the fuck up no one asked you. It has nothing to do with your blatant vendetta. Jfc you were waiting here to pounce 5 mins after I post?
>I TOLD U U WERE ADDII'm the one who made the post and I'm not Addi. If any of us were Addi you would see the analytics icons in the tweets of Addi's that are being posted, idiot.
All you're doing is incriminating yourself by admitting you've been sitting in this thread and the last one refreshing all day for literal weeks white knighting and vendetta-sperging at every post the second it gets posted waiting for any excuse to scream
>SEE IT'S ADDI!!!!!! NICOLES PERFECT!!!!even though you were trying to claim the reason was because she had no milk and there way no proof. Great job outing your own obsession and whiteknighting and vendetta tho.
No. 83107
>>83105>>83101Yeah, I mean that makes sense, I honestly didn't think much of it when she went private (because that would be the smart thing to do when you find out internet randos have been pulling all your tweets). Even the crying didn't seem too weird because again, internet randos paying way too much attention and there are posts here about her from the vendetta-chan. But the choice to deliberately start copying Nicole
because she sees we're paying attention? I can't wrap my head around it.
>>83105I think it was only one thread, I don't know what other thread wk is talking about? But yeah I also assumed Brandon made that one too because all op was mad about was the shooping.
No. 83113
>>83099the only thing I can think is that maybe she thinks if she suddenly proves Nicole right we’ll all go ‘aww dang wk-chan was right! alright everyone hit the showers’, cause if we stop paying attention to Nicole then we’ll also stop paying attention to her.
like clearly she’s been bullied by nicole and her cronies already (the instagrams and rootintootin or w/e are evidence of that) maybe she thinks if she pleads guilty we’ll just go away nicole included. she doesn’t seem like she wants to be vindicated otherwise why not fight back?
that or they have some weird fucked up symbiotic relationship
all that said, agree with
>>83110at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter what addi does, even if we didn’t know her identity watching nicole spiral out and ‘pay my rent bc MUH STALKER!!!!!!’ every other tweet would still be funny. and her behavior here just proves she’s more of a cow with every ban evade
No. 83136
File: 1582036721312.png (2.18 MB, 1424x2505, 01-31-50-1.png)

Trying to justify her Patreon
>The Patreon is there so I don't have to save up a year for 1 cosplay
How many times does she have to lie about this? It's pretty clear and obvious at this point that she can afford all the things she claims she uwu can't.
She only got into nerd stuff cause she thinks being a n3Rd is a personality.
No. 83159
File: 1582043769765.png (822.98 KB, 998x994, holyshitisuckatediting.png)

Fucking amazing. I knew this girl would turn out to be a cow. Only thing I can contribute to is the Leda skinwalking. It's partially tinfoiling though.
>>82425>>82523I found Leda when she began posting on youtube. One of her former boyfriends around this time was Nate. Des was a good friend of his that he shared a channel with, and they were roommates too iirc. They ended their friendship at some point. Ironic she would want to get close to Nate.
After seeing this post I went to check on Nicole's end. From the looks of it, she was in a long term relationship with a high school sweetheart. I don't recall seeing any sort of indication of them breaking up, so again this is where it becomes more so tinfoil. Nicole sure is defensive though.
Reposted (again) because I kept fucking up the screenshot. Really sorry about that.
No. 83162
File: 1582044674088.png (2.4 MB, 1440x1718, 7-1.png)

>>83159Isn't she dating this mop head?
No. 83165
File: 1582045140652.png (2.32 MB, 1419x1798, 1.png)

>we're definitely not the most classy pair out there
>Hey babe let's take a pic of you unzipped with your boxers out, I'll lift my shirt all the way up exposing my stomach and I'm gonna pull my pants down so everyone can see my panty line! We'll look so quirky!
She wasn't wrong about not being classy lul and she can really chill on the stomach blur, her stomach looks like Casper the fucking Ghost.
No. 83170
File: 1582047244588.jpeg (557.48 KB, 750x1136, F75C21F8-3F0B-43A2-A437-F31F85…)

>>83162>>83165is that actually from 2009 though? cause I don’t think that dude’s been around in years
the only recent guy I saw was this one from feb 4
he’s cosplaying the dude from SAO right? he’s not tagged in the post or in any other pics or anything though so ???
No. 83171
File: 1582047334172.jpeg (226.49 KB, 750x588, 83A0883C-2354-4E83-B7A5-563396…)

>>83170caption w/ no mention of the dude
No. 83180
File: 1582052431162.jpeg (463.42 KB, 1242x1812, 3835F700-97D9-49F8-B209-635A2D…)

This was posted on her roommates’ insta:
No. 83183
>>83180I wonder how the conversation goes
>Hey friend! Can you Photoshop my selfies for me and make me look like someone that doesn't exist? I'm surprised her friends don't call her out on her bullshit, they just go with it like she doesn't paste a new face onto her selfies
No. 83192
File: 1582057051554.jpeg (243.68 KB, 750x699, E01516E3-7020-43CD-8D90-BABA77…)

sage for…..i don’t know if this is tinfoil or not, i was trying to find the other NED thread wk was sperging about can’t find it, p sure there was just the one
but if you google ‘nicole eevee davis lolcow’ and scroll to the bottom there’s a DMCA complaint? does that mean anything to someone who understands seo?
so was there another thread that only wk-senpai seems to remember?
No. 83206
File: 1582062751593.png (2.93 MB, 1440x2580, heyminna.png)

>heyminna! Checkout my tits!
No. 83209
File: 1582064106496.png (23.94 KB, 794x111, screenshot.png)

>>83195>>83192ntayrt but WK said there was 2 threads right here:
>>83100>The girl has had 2 other threads removed for vendetta which blah blah blah>posts 8 months ago and 2 years ago for this same shitWe know there's one thread already that was locked for shit thread that was probably made by Brandon:
>>>/ot/415422 (8 months ago), so what's the "2 years" one they're talking about?
(also a lot has happened since the costhot thread, wk has sperged several times about that Brandon thread since then, catch up)
>>83036>>83100Also I love how WK keeps sperging about how we're being ridiculous because she has an ass pic from a million weeks ago pinned front and center on her insta but WK keeps sperging about
>VENDETTA RED TEXTS!!!! 8 MONTHS 2 YEARS AGO!!!!There's no thread from 2 years ago posted in this one, so they must be talking about something only THEY remember and were paying attention to 2 years ago about Nicole (but also claiming that no one had ever even heard of this girl before therefore no milk!!!).
Also there's only 2 red texts in that thread, and one of them is from a wk trying to pull the same "it's not even a big deal???" shit that they were trying to pull in costhots. They can't even keep their own sperging straight.
No. 83223
File: 1582073936125.png (1.48 MB, 1440x2813, handnfilter.png)

Nicole is addicted to photoshop, filter and blur. Not even her hand is safe from blur and filter.
No. 83242
>>83219At this point I have no doubt it is her. It would make sense that she's grasping for straws to get this attention off of her if she follows other cows. Probably freaking the hell out.
>>83223The extent she goes to shoop herself is insane. Gotta be the perfect egirl!
No. 83243
File: 1582078770686.jpg (233.13 KB, 1990x1581, cringe.jpg)

Nicole is such a fUnNy qUiRkY nErD!
No. 83246
File: 1582079276648.png (1.49 MB, 1436x2843, instastory.png)

This is on her profile instastory. Who the hell dips a goddamn trading card in food???
No. 83248
File: 1582079418080.jpg (236.68 KB, 1800x1800, 26df6a39208af045.jpg)

Googling Nicole sure is fun
No. 83249
File: 1582079487079.png (1.29 MB, 1440x2824, instastory2.png)

>>83246Shes so proud of it too. Didnt your parents teach you not to play with your food nicole?
No. 83251
>>83248Honestly these
>>82701>>82703>>82702 >>82707 display her catfishing abilities more accurately.
No. 83256
File: 1582081049753.jpeg (945.21 KB, 1242x1694, FC8B8A93-B912-4C55-8C70-B8118D…)

>>83251don’t forget this one
the pics look like they’re from a collab video or something? i wonder what happened to it, it seems to not exist anymore
inb4 wk sperging that this isn’t her or something, that’s clearly her wart and her septum piercing
No. 83259
File: 1582081320830.jpg (68.23 KB, 556x883, 69346965.jpg)

>>83256She hides that wart/mole/whatever the fuck it is like her life depends on it
No. 83270
File: 1582084106621.jpg (99.48 KB, 1242x1224, f41a10c5ef47a29691bd1deda46486…)

Anyone have candids of her from conventions and card game tournaments?
No. 83271
File: 1582085332154.jpg (134.21 KB, 720x960, 13575890_1148263545231255_9212…)

>>83270Her Daenerys one from Anime Expo 2016 is pretty easy to find. It's not like she's an ugly girl by any stretch, she's just not the glowing uwu anime goddess waifu she shoops herself to be. I don't know how her followers could be stupid enough to believe that in the first place. She definitely has some pretty intense eye bags tho, those are always consistent in her candids. Even here
>>83180 you can see the blatant undereye shoop
>>83259Honestly I don't think she does it on purpose, I think when you're filtering yourself and white balancing all dimension out of your face it disappears. I mean we can barely even see her nose half the time
No. 83274
>>83242It's Nicole. The wk says the same thing as Nicole see
>>82475>>83000 >>82451The wk almost says the same thing from word to word "WHEN UR KNOWN/POPULAR/BIGGER YOUR NAME GETS PEOPLE WILL SAY STUFF ABOUT YOU"
No. 83276
File: 1582086282656.jpg (626.26 KB, 1079x1324, Screenshot_20200218-201739_Twi…)

Addi is suddenly mentioning a patreon she hasnt linked or talked about before. What is happening with her
>>83099 this too out of nowhere if someone finds it post the rewards nicole claims were sToLen
No. 83277
File: 1582086307492.jpg (479.96 KB, 1024x1024, 232148.jpg)

>>83271I woulda thought these were two different people if I didn't know about her
No. 83279
>>83165Very OT but is this how instagram displays like counts now?
If it's hundreds of thousands does it say 'hundreds of thousands of others'?
Sorry for the question, where I am I get exact number displays still. I've only seen 'and others' screencaps so far. Saying 'thousands of others' seems to be pointless since I thought the change was to prevent people focusing on stats so much.
No. 83282
File: 1582087546331.jpg (744.08 KB, 1079x1368, Screenshot_20200218-204329_Ins…)

>>83279Nah Looks like they edited the post
No. 83286
File: 1582088001029.jpg (162.28 KB, 1079x490, Screenshot_20200218-205215_Ins…)

>>83283Sorry if you didnt but never seen it calculate the likes like that even with no one you know following
No. 83287
File: 1582088459489.jpg (1.68 MB, 3847x1440, belle nic.jpg)

>>83280She low-key wants to be Belle
No. 83294
>>83276I don't think she has one anymore though? She might've had one a couple of weeks ago, but Nicole was bragging about getting it taken down.
Honestly, even if she is "copying" (and I use that term loosely) Nicole, it's definitely not to the extent Nicole is claiming to scam her followers out of pity bucks, and it still makes Nicole look like the cow bully for reacting the way she has and obsessing over her for years. Sharing someone else's reposts of memes is still not skinwalking and still not life-threatening. Nicole acts like she has somehow stolen tens of thousands of dollars directly out of Nicole's pocket through skinwalking. Clearly if that were true she wouldn't be a stripper and begging people to buy her nudes. Not like Nicole posts anything all that new or unique anyways, it's all just basic bitch uwu ghibli memes
>>83277Right is supposed to be candid but it still looks pretty edited. Teeth look enhanced and her undereye bags are mysteriously gone.
No. 83300
File: 1582091282014.jpg (459.88 KB, 1536x2048, b61P0AO.jpg)

>don't forget to donate to my Kofi too guys
No. 83301
File: 1582091981726.png (823.27 KB, 1560x728, 1.png)

>>83292Samefag, watching this video (it's from 2016) and seeing her family tuck into two pizza boxes in the background while occasionally shooting disparaging looks across the room…explains a lot to me about Nicole. Also her makeup looks good right up until she puts lashes, extra eyeliner and draws a new set of eyebrows on above what is the top of her original brows. All that does is shift her features upward which makes her look odd from the front, as seen in other images ITT.
No. 83307
>>83259Kek she's even worse than peachmilky with her disappearing mole act. Like get it removed if it bothers you so badly, your paypigs are sure to cover the cost?
>>83277Fuck man did she shop someone else's eyebrows onto her face here? They look like hair strokes in the shopped image but thin crayola lines in the candid…
No. 83308
File: 1582093608095.jpeg (41.54 KB, 640x640, 9D6765B3-1BDF-4E05-8606-F59FEE…)

>>82360I just realized Leda is in this compilation. Nicole must be flattered!
No. 83351
File: 1582130757199.png (2.62 MB, 1353x1808, 70056(1).png)

Anyone else find her "sexy" photos cringey? She tries too hard to be seen as nerdy and sexy
No. 83352
File: 1582130793994.png (3.01 MB, 1352x1793, 0234(1).png)

>>83351Also dat waist shopping lol
No. 83370
File: 1582136745455.jpeg (281.5 KB, 585x500, FC402803-26F7-47D7-B808-1CD4F1…)

>>83352I don’t understand why she shops half this shit. She doesn’t look bad here, yet she still slims herself down anyway kek.
No. 83389
File: 1582143741204.png (251.6 KB, 253x708, 1B253476-07AF-44A8-B11B-F54CAC…)

>>83370>>83352>>83351>>82384ok but like this is why she’s so full of shit when she’s whining about ‘so i don’t have to save up for a full year to pay for one cosplay uwu’ and claiming her patreon is for ‘creating cosplay’……you’re not creating anything?
her hogwarts one isn’t cosplay, it’s just her wearing a uniform and she couldn’t even spring for a plain black skirt, while still asking for donations to make it better
this is supposed so be her ‘sexy malon’ but she already had the cheap wig and bowser brooch from her actual malon one, she’s not even wearing a real bathing suit bottom she’s wearing underwear (also it looks nothing like malon and i would have never guessed in a million years that’s what that was)
even her daenerys cospay is just like, upholstery scraps, i bet all the fabric cost $50 max. the most expensive part would have been the lace front, but even that looks like a cheap amazon one
all of those other super mainstream ones like SOA and raphtalia and dva you can probably buy on taobao for super cheap
sage for cosplay nitpicking, but i bet you could buy most of the “cosplay” she’s done over the past several years for less than $500 because she barely does anything
No. 83392
File: 1582144038210.jpeg (119.3 KB, 1070x638, 39A06F80-8E5C-465A-8EA5-6F704E…)

>>83300>>82498the only one that might have been more expensive is dark magician girl (but probably still buyable on taobao) and I don’t think she’s ever actually worn that one anywhere outside of a couple
of thot pics where she couldn’t even be bothered to wear a wig or style a wig
No. 83430
File: 1582155536920.png (2.06 MB, 1440x2031, Sc1-1.png)

Her double d tits magically disappear when she's not wearing a tank top or something that hugs her body. She's legit flat as a board without a push up bra and stuffing. At least Leda had real tits
No. 83435
File: 1582158228968.png (1.68 MB, 1438x2569, 14-01-31-22-1.png)

>I'm not gonna do anything more lewd than the pool shoot
What about the ass and tit pics/vids? She's tryna make it seem like she only hoed it out once.
No. 83452
File: 1582163040602.jpg (858.52 KB, 1903x1727, nic reddit.jpg)

Before if you searched Nicoleeeveedavis on reddit you'd find pages upon pages of her selfies in random subreddits. A lot of them had her slutty so uwu shy~ pics (that's where I found majority of her lewd pics) and now everything is wiped clean when you search her up. All the posts conveniently disappeared after the pics started making it's way on to LC. It's almost like Nicole hard self posted on Reddit and deleted everything in attempt to hide the proof now that her Ethotness is coming to light.
No. 83467
File: 1582165246401.jpg (273.77 KB, 1000x1000, 01.jpg)

>>83452Kek okay so I decided to take a look as well. Only tinfoil and reaching, but this looks weird when taking into consideration the disappearing posts.
No. 83484
File: 1582175283098.png (286.6 KB, 652x1060, reddit.png)

>>83452>>83467I also tried to see if anything came up the other day because one of the Addi harassment accounts claimed there was evidence from "Reddit and IG"
>>82346 and the thing that struck me as odd is that it seems like almost every post of her is tagged as NSFW even though they're not. Sure, her "lewds" are there occasionally, but it's almost all just selfies and they're almost all marked NSFW.
No. 83485
File: 1582175362322.jpg (65.24 KB, 640x1136, 1843348394150281491.jpg)

Nicole's real nose?
No. 83487
File: 1582175543284.png (295.7 KB, 1048x587, reddit2.png)

>>83484Also that she has 2 subreddits, and even one of them is marked as NSFW?
>r/NicoleDavis 1k Members>r/NicoleEeveeDavis 414 MembersOn r/NicoleEeveeDavis every single post is marked as NSFW. I dunno if that means anything, I've just never seen that before. Kinda seems like a weird clickbait thing? Do other costhots have large Reddit communities?
No. 83489
>>83478Yes, and if you read
>>83452 they said that select posts are disappearing. Adding to this is multiple posts made by a deleted user
>>83467 If Nicole had been self-posting with a burner account, she’s likely deleted it now alongside these posts. There’s no way to definitively prove it, but the timing with this thread is something to keep in mind.
No. 83496
File: 1582177294902.jpg (743.72 KB, 1448x1448, bing.jpg)

To add to her photoshopping, she definitely drags the big eye tool to the max. Her eyes aren't that big irl
No. 83505
File: 1582178463743.jpg (556.32 KB, 1024x1024, q.jpg)

Her different faces Daenerys cosplays
It wouldn't be so bad if she just stuck to one face
No. 83506
>>82579>>82626>>83492>Can we get all of Addi's active socials posted too so anons can weed through them>Can we get some more posts where Nicole is mentioning Addi as the main stalker?>Can we get a list of all her posts to compare which ones are gone?Can you get these things yourself without asking other people? Also….no? You want us to give you a list of everything she's ever posted? What?
>>83498>With all her followers and how disgusting dudes on reddit are>With all her followersOh, did you mean
>>83274 No. 83507
>>83506I only asked
>>83492 because we dont have a different list to compare it to so are we supposed to take anons tinfoil and word for missing posts not trying to cause an infight about a question
No. 83508
File: 1582179129311.jpg (1.39 MB, 1440x2593, 200021.jpg)

Nicole loves it whenever people caption her pics and call her irl elf or perfect. Gotta give it to her, it seems like she has fans in China and Korea. Forget about cosplay, she could make more money as a Photoshop teacher.
No. 83510
File: 1582179433416.png (4.82 MB, 2401x2401, EFC7D088-5BCE-4217-9EA5-F4B48E…)

I don’t blame her for wanting to conceal those eye bags
No. 83511
>>83509This one
>>83484 follow the convo anon it was tinfoiled shesposting all these and deleting them just wondering if reddit has some archive or if anon knows which ones are being deleted so we can confirm this
No. 83512
File: 1582179520796.jpeg (938.29 KB, 1242x1694, 1559133769060.jpeg)

>>83508I don't hate Nicole or anything and she is by no means ugly but, like what the other anons said–she's no goddess she shops herself into
No. 83514
File: 1582179855269.jpg (417.81 KB, 1079x1443, Screenshot_20200219-222305_Chr…)

>>83510>>83513KEK the supposed unedited is edited unless she purposed cropped out a bag to photoshop over it herself tomake them stand out thats a cut a paste eyebag
No. 83515
>>83511I'm the op of the post you're talking about and my point was about her posts being NSFW, I never said those were all her.
Also that's just a screencap with a sampling of some of the posts featuring her on Reddit, so again what the fuck are you asking for? You want someone to screenshot every single post ever made about her on reddit? Do it yourself.
>>83512This was posted already
>>83256 No. 83516
File: 1582179958260.jpg (129.78 KB, 1079x417, Screenshot_20200219-222527_Chr…)

>>83514The other side too its not even attempted to line up thats some vendetta posting
No. 83519
File: 1582180408296.jpeg (91.42 KB, 794x1117, 6C77F5D6-60E5-4A4B-A94A-B5CA82…)

>>83510>>83514>>83516It’s nitpicking but she does have them
No. 83520
>>83519I get that im confused why
>>83510In the before looks like its several photos actually spliced together i thought it was weird before and after phone pics were shown they are edited before pics
>>83372 mentioned this one being looking odd too
No. 83521
>>83517Because you're doing the same wk shit that was being done in costhots where you're demanding other anons go and fetch unreasonable and labor intensive "proof" that only you seem to be requiring. And if they don't do it for you then
>tinfoiling!!!!!Not only does what you're asking for not make any sense, but no one else cares. I'm not pissed off, but If it matters that much to you then do it yourself instead of demanding anons do work for you.
No. 83526
File: 1582181603425.png (809.76 KB, 1093x1045, wut.PNG)

>>83523>>83524>>83525This is their page, username is dbsjdje. Looks like they tried to shop some of these to appear more like she does irl? Kek I feel retarded for posting that now, but really wondering who this account belongs to.
No. 83527
>>83526thats obsessive lol going out of your way to complile fake before and afters kek definite incel move or jealous fatty move.
>>83519 is right in that its not like she doesnt edit by thats so extra to deliberately make fake uglier photos to make it seem like she shops more excessively
No. 83528
File: 1582181874935.jpg (554.26 KB, 1079x1722, Screenshot_20200219-225719_Chr…)

>>83526 call it a scandal she edits like every fake thot
No. 83530
>>83529A lot of these were posted here. I dont think
>>83526 posted all of it. I'm hoping its other anons too and not brandon trying shit again dude is a tired cuck
No. 83532
>>83530To be clear these two are from me.
>>83370>>83510I really should have looked more into this account before posting them. I'm fucking blind apparently. Sorry for that.
No. 83534
>>83514Just looks like low res/weird pixelation tbh, not shoop. They're very clearly defined in all of her candids.
>>83526Saw that Pintrest too, feel like it's safe to assume Brandon made collection.
>>83527>kek definite incel move or jealous fatty moveYeah yeah, we get it you hate Brandon and Addi. The befores don't look shooped though so I'm not sure what op is talking about.
>thats so extra to deliberately make fake uglier photos to make it seem like she shops more excessivelyThat's not what's happening though? She does shoop excessively, regardless lmao. Nice try though.
>>83530Confused what you're trying to say here. That pintrest existed long before this thread was made, is that what you mean? Other anons have been posting pics here from that pintrest before op tonight
No. 83538
The amount of posts trying to derail from the main topic of the thread, which is Nicole, into talking about Addi is ridiculous and, quite frankly, pretty sus. Especially paired with the amount of white knighting that's going on.
Especially since, when you look at it realistically and honestly, it's extremely difficult to believe that Nicole has any followers who would
actually come to a board to defend her obvious photoshop and fakery so vehemently. She may have a bit of popularity, but she's not Belle. I don't want to "hi-cow" but I feel like either Nicole is posting or it's an actual autist.
Looking at you,
>>83527 No. 83539
>>83536>>83535But none of what you posted looks shooped….? The only ones where the "befores" looked shooped are the ones like
>>82704 where they try to un-shoop her already shooped pics, which you didn't post. I'm confused which ones you think are shooped to look worse beforehand, becuase
>>83514 is clearly just weird low res pixelation. You're just giving wk-chan a new untrue narrative to obsess over.
>SEE IT'S ADDI AND BRANDON!!! THEY SHOOPED HER TO LOOK WORSE NICOLES PERFECT!!!!!!>>83537Yeah? Which ones are so blatantly shooped my dude? Are you talking about the after shoop? Cause yeah we all see that
No. 83544
File: 1582183689844.png (310.28 KB, 418x752, insta.png)

In terms of “shooping before pics” the only thing close I’ve seen has been from Nicole.
Not saying this proves anything because I don't know where the cap Nicole had saved came from but I noticed this from her insta story about all the proof she'd compiled. Just thought it was kind of interesting.
No. 83546
File: 1582183809287.png (158.12 KB, 394x374, xx.png)

>>83544I’m just going to assume these are all from Brandon so: left
is the one she has posted as from Brandon (though she blames Addi), right is the one actually posted by Brandon.
>>82345 No. 83550
File: 1582184608817.png (244.57 KB, 400x440, xxx.png)

>>83547>She mightve got a nosejob or the one on the right is just really close to the camera too and quality but idk nosejob or photoshop if its brandon hes reaching to say scandel now if we are talking vamplette nose hiding thoI don't even know what you're trying to say here, but it seems like whiteknighting? If you're still trying to sperg about Brandon shooping the before pics to be worse, it's not. It's from from one of her twitch videos, you can see it's not shooped there for yourself.
(Sorry for dark overlay, paused to take the screenshot) No. 83553
>>83551>>83547Why are you all suddenly having strokes in this thread? Genuinely cannot tell what the fuck you're trying to say
>>83535>>83537>>83549>>83524>>83527This just seems like blatant attempts to hide ban evading by typing like you're in the 2nd grade
No. 83555
File: 1582186298373.jpg (576 KB, 1079x2032, Screenshot_20200220-001056_Sam…)

>>83550Looks like nose job this one was 8 months ago and the one you posted was 2 years ago
No. 83556
File: 1582186755716.png (286.04 KB, 394x442, screenshot1.png)

>>83555Yeah, nose job has been speculated throughout the thread. Fillers too probably at the least (plus shoop)
No. 83557
>>83551Are you fucking drunk? Jesus christ
>>83540Regardless of whether her fanbase is men or women, none of them would sincerely come here to defend her. Not even the incels. All they want is to jerk off to her photoshop, they know damn well she's bullshit.
No. 83579
File: 1582213930930.jpg (636.61 KB, 765x956, 22158849_1947969645467624_1346…)

Another old pic
No. 83581
File: 1582214413002.jpg (121.41 KB, 640x1136, 1845070947743059882.jpg)

She posted this igstory 2 years ago
Nicole is like moths to a flame when it comes to herself. This video is in fucking Spanish, with barely any views when it was released, only used her pic in the thumbnail AND SHE WAS STILL FOUND IT KEK. This further proves how self obsessed she is.
No. 83590
File: 1582217866410.jpeg (298.3 KB, 1242x2208, 529F07E3-070A-4B26-8803-783384…)

From her live in late January. I wanted to see what her side profile looked like without all the filters and editing since she can’t do anything about her face while on live.
No. 83592
>>83574it’s like clockwork lmao, we get a few days of peace and then they pile in with a new plan of attack. though i don’t know if their bans are up so much as they’re just ban evading and having to wait for any teeny tiny scrap to pile on
honestly applaud their resourcefulness, they really don’t give up and these are some new wk techniques i haven’t seen before
she really must have studied the dasha case, the concept of ‘shooping someone worse to make it seem like THEY’RE the ridiculous shooper’ wasn’t something that existed prior iirc? except that clearly isn’t what’s actually happening here
sad that nicole thinks she’s the mina when she’s clearly the dasha
they probably would have gotten away with it in costhots if they weren’t stupid enough to demand anons go and find ‘proof’ and demanded a thread for her
too bad they still can’t hide their vendettas though lmao
>>83547>>83551you need to get to a hospital asap
can you draw a clock for me from memory?
No. 83595
File: 1582219949690.png (310.16 KB, 1431x1074, ig.png)

I don't remember Nicole having that many pics on her Insta did she un archive her pics?
No. 83600
File: 1582221335415.jpg (4.68 MB, 1440x6027, e-oFfhX1IHhZrLF.jpg)

Her old "fanclubs" are really suspicious. She started having an online presence in 2014 and started getting small ant sized attention in 2015 with real deals (averaging about 20-100 views per video) and her mild Photoshop selfies. I find it hard to believe she would have any hardcore fans at that time. No. 83606
File: 1582222990380.jpg (309.32 KB, 1080x1920, 1858982858318551292.jpg)

Being a n3rD is not a personality
No. 83621
File: 1582227415941.jpg (254.57 KB, 2048x1536, 919089_536303573087356_1449093…)

>>83579Her nose and eyes will always be the mystery to me, her eyes especially. Like when she's younger her eyes are so narrow, I get shooping them bigger but how do you shoop them more open?
From Dennis's facebook, 2013, So….17-18ish I think.
>>83606Yikes, that's what my room/furniture looked like in middle and high school, not as an adult on my own.
No. 83623
File: 1582227457090.png (563.86 KB, 773x500, nosechan.png)

>>83621I dunno man, that sure looks like the mpdr button nose every instagram girl wants. She could just be shooping it to that ski ramp though like they always do I guess?
No. 83624
File: 1582227793498.png (710 KB, 1244x596, dm.png)

>>83621Also nitpick because 7 years ago but like…..what a cool caption in the year 2 0 1 3
No. 83652
File: 1582241591476.jpg (12.95 MB, 2265x10706, skinwalk.jpg)

>L Leda >R Nicole
No. 83656
File: 1582241965543.jpg (1.03 MB, 1475x3391, skinwalk2-2.jpg)

>>83655>>83652It looked like she was trying to 1 up LEda
No. 83684
File: 1582249219228.png (474.45 KB, 776x524, dva.png)

Took some digging, but found the source of the DVa video. But the video no longer seems to exist anywhere. Some mua called "Lovely Maby", doesn't seem like she's produced a ton of content or anything, must be a friend of Nicole's? Kinda makes me wonder if this was the DMCA claim? (So maybe ex-friend?)
No. 83694
File: 1582253659725.png (1.96 MB, 1196x1058, leda.png)

Had honestly never even looked at this chick's insta until
>>83652 pointed it out, but here's some I noticed too
No. 83695
File: 1582253787199.png (755.47 KB, 933x486, purple.png)

>>83694You know what's funny tho, looking through Leda's insta honestly I see much more similarity between Leda and Addi than I do Addi and Nicole
No. 83697
File: 1582254089065.png (582.06 KB, 835x614, snow.png)

>>83694Oop, my bad if you scroll back farther the snow/HP ones from Nicole are actually from December 29, 2016 so less than a month after Leda's… an even more direct rip off kek
No. 83700
File: 1582256002520.png (1010.19 KB, 979x1269, sameday.png)

Ooh, this one's fun. Exact same day. Though since it's a Q&A safe to assume one of them had to announce they were doing a Q&A first to ask for questions. But Nicole's says #3?
No. 83715
>>83702>SHES NOT SKINWALKING LEDA! WHO IS LEDA?? ADDIS AND EVERYONE SKINWALKS NICOLE!Basically every alt emoscene girl skinwalks Leda, must be a
great ego boost for Leda knowing a large number of girls literally want to
be her.
No. 83718
File: 1582261243875.jpg (49.97 KB, 640x640, 84318068_495731307983342_69627…)

She kinda looks like a witch named Grimelda in the pic her friend posted
No. 83720
>>83715Sad, but true lmao. You hear that Nicole? By extension anyone skinwalking you is actually skinwalking Leda. Must suck to lack originality to the extent you have to convince random people of it on a gossip forum.
Imagine how hard she's REEEEing right now. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this…
No. 83732
File: 1582269550287.jpeg (349.07 KB, 2048x1548, EO6th7aU0AAiHhi.jpeg)

>>83718Goddamn she's confusing. She's definitely entering the realm of shoop of like "I don't know what her actual face looks like anymore". Also I don't know what those freckle things are supposed to be, but it looks like mold on her face.
>>83715Alright settle down, clearly Nicole was skinwalking but there's no need to give Leda credit for every girl in existence. And it terms of Addi….kinda feel like the statute of limitations is up on skinwalking if you're skinwalking someone's style from like, 5 years ago, idk. Wasn't she still kind of a cow herself? Or am I imagining that she had a thread here as well?
No. 83735
File: 1582271517357.png (885.69 KB, 937x596, same.png)

[Hannibal Buress voice] alt girls is the same
Not sure when Addi's is from, but I think it's in the last year. Notice he outfit is much closer to Leda's than Nicole's
No. 83742
>>83735Wow amazing anon, please refer to:
>>83656>>83655>>83735And learn to sage your autism
No. 83751
File: 1582293382153.jpg (278.84 KB, 1000x1000, 000.jpg)

>>83693I don't think there's an original bone in her body. Leda has always made it obnoxiously clear she's obsessed with World of Warcraft. Her favorite race being night elves.
>Thanks to friends with artistic talents, this photo that was originally an overlooked blooper became a work of artGuess who's the ~friend with artistic talents~? It's Nate again. Leda's ex.
No. 83757
>>83742Are you slurred-speech anon? Because I can't tell what you're whining about here. Is this the new wk angle because you guys have nothing left? Sageing? Sad.
>>83750>>83753What are you getting butthurt about here? I'm showing you that if Addi is skinwalking anyone it's Leda and not Nicole, who Nicole is ALSO skinwalking anyways so all credibility to Nicole's claims are out the window. Where did I ever say it was only Addi and not Nicole? I'm clearly the same anon who posted
>>83694 >>83695 >>83700 >Nicole copies Leda>Addi copies Leda>Nicole spergs out because Addi is also copying the same outfits she copied from Leda, but like 5 years later. >Nicole thinks everything is about her waaahAs has been pointed out here before, Addi skinwalking Leda doesn't actually mean much of anything because everyone was. Nicole just wants credit for it because it gives her a
victim sob story uwu
No. 83761
This girl would actually skin Leda alive and walk around with a leda suit on if she could. I'm amazed she hasn't tried to fuck Nate, wouldn't put it past her at all.
No. 83771
>>83761Honestly I feel like she tried, or maybe she did but it didn’t go anywhere from there. She is so defensive here
>>83159 even going out of her way to say that she’s not a part of Nate and Destery’s friendship troubles. (At least this is what I’m assuming she’s referring to, as why else would she mention Destery?)
No. 83773
File: 1582309252810.jpeg (367.13 KB, 1241x1797, B8346C71-546A-47B9-B8E8-A6D40D…)

>>82425Speaking of Destery, I could have sworn he had uploaded a video of him, Nicole, and some others at an arcade of some sort?? That picture of them is from that same day. She was wearing that fucking Harry Potter bullshit lol. I’m trying to find it now, but having trouble. There is however this insta post still up.
No. 83774
File: 1582310055349.jpeg (83.51 KB, 774x1833, 8BB65E5D-273A-436A-8DC6-108603…)

>>83773Still looking, but I’m certain these caps are from that video too.
No. 83780
File: 1582311314890.jpeg (413.71 KB, 1936x1936, BD42479B-62CE-4F53-883F-112925…)

>>83773>>83774>>83775Lol jesus whoever that person on Pinterest is (assuming it’s Brandon) capped quite a bit from that vid. Here’s a few more. Note Destery on the left in two of those. I’ll report back if I find it, though all signs are pointing to her scrubbing it like the one.
No. 83781
>>83780I found it! It’s this video: The vlog is pretty long but she’s only shown in the first two days, the rest is just him and his friends.
No. 83784
File: 1582311977088.png (666.72 KB, 938x549, Screen Shot 4.png)

>>83773>>83771>>82425>>83159Sorry for spoonfeeding, can anyone give a quick overview of Leda's milk or I guess who the players are? Nate was Leda's ex I take it, who's Destery? Nate and Destery had beef? (Just for those of us not familiar with the Leda-verse)
>>83780Do you remember about what time this was from? I saw those from Brandon as well, I think she had definitely gained some weight at some point? Like with the terrible waist shoop here. Probably lost it since but I wonder if that also contributes to her confusing face changes over the years.
Bonus Leda for your troubles.
No. 83786
File: 1582312019458.jpeg (46.7 KB, 1158x262, 466BC6E3-8FB3-42F8-9DDF-7E9E91…)

>>83781… This shit cracks me up. So did she try to get in both Nate AND Destery’s pants?
No. 83787
File: 1582312386780.jpeg (555.41 KB, 1237x2270, 4DA37DDE-24B0-46C7-A129-CCB1FD…)

>>83784I don’t think I could even start to make a summary of Leda’s time on the internet making a milky mess of herself. Her entire teenage years are documented on the internet for life because she gained so much traction as a popular scene/emo girl and whatever. She posted a shit ton too. The one thing I can answer though is that Nate and Destery were best friends, and had a channel together called DesandNate. It appears their last video on that channel was 4 years ago now.
No. 83789
File: 1582313557374.png (111.93 KB, 527x589, fb.png)

Also what's confusing is that if you look on her Facebook, it makes it seem like she and Dennis are still together? She's been sharing old posts about her and Dennis lately. And Dennis's facebook says he works at Frank & Son as well which is where Nicole works. And this person (who I assume is Dennis's sister or something) was just posting about both of them being there together the other day.
So….unclear. Maybe she's doing the whole "hiding my boyfriend so I seem more attainable as waifu" shit? Probably makes begging for rent easier as well, big strong incels want to save their precious vulnerable internet waifu, not pay for her boyfriend's rent. Just seems odd either way.
No. 83811
File: 1582331503784.jpeg (16.6 KB, 512x288, images.jpeg)

>>83757Fucking kek. Like that sperg was worthy of being unsaged, autist. Try to add something of ACTUAL substance to the conversation next time.
No. 83832
File: 1582341204723.jpg (38.47 KB, 600x398, full.jpg)

>>83784>>83784>goes to raves>like leda didkek
she likes wow/lotr/all the same anime/video games/fantasy/dragons/wants to be an elf is "friends" with her ex AND goes to raves too. shocking, such random interests that have little correlation with one another that she also just so happens to like
also, leda was never really that milky. she had really bad acne and got kinda chubby for awhile but i never thought anything she did was really milky
No. 83837
File: 1582343384340.png (668.16 KB, 591x646, 1.PNG)

>>83832One of the funniest things to me about how Nicole has copied her interests is how shit she is at wow compared to Leda. Leda had maxed out characters, showing screenshots of them over the years decked the fuck out. Bitch went hard on that game kek.
No. 83838
File: 1582343441340.png (912.47 KB, 928x597, 2.PNG)

>>83837Another character of hers
No. 83839
File: 1582343586510.png (3.14 MB, 1313x1050, 3.PNG)

>>83837>>83838And here's Nicole on her last wow stream. Level 30. SuCh A gAmEr GiRl. Oh, also check out those donations.
>$100 and $200 No. 83842
File: 1582344258543.jpg (112.81 KB, 1080x1080, 17587464_1848705692053792_1432…)

>>83832Her rave outfits are similar to what Leda would wear (no surprise). I can't seem to find her other rave pics with her hooker friend Silverfox.x, they both deleted the rave pics of them together.
No. 83846
File: 1582344766427.jpeg (881.38 KB, 2401x2401, 1559040062246.jpeg)

>>83842Here's one that was posted on her previously failed thread
No. 83847
File: 1582344983809.png (307.61 KB, 356x509, Screen Shot 5.png)

>>83842I found this one earlier today, can't remember from who though. Maybe the Raven-looking girl?
I don't understand what's going on with the waistband of her shorts, but they look like that in all the pics.
No. 83848
File: 1582345067107.png (724.92 KB, 960x622, Screen Shot 6.png)

>>83847And another. Everything about her lower body in these pics is confusing.
No. 83849
>>83839kek this is her latest wow stream, from 2017, being level 30 with no addons. and yet she bought a $200 replica of frostmourne to show off in 2015?'t make this shit up. guess she just thinks if she buys stuff that makes her look like an epic gamer gurl nerd, she is one? kek
No. 83854
File: 1582351386166.png (397.03 KB, 825x568, wut.PNG)

>>83849What the actual fuck. Imagine spending that much money for crap from a game you can hardly competently play. I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from how much of a try-hard she is.
>>83850Considering how much money she spent on that replica I'm sure she did buy her account kek.
Have to wonder what she'll be using her hard earned patreon bux on. Plastic surgery? More GaMeR MeRcH like the frostmourne replica? If her and Dennis are still together, and work at the same place, then I doubt she's actually that strapped for cash.
No. 83899
File: 1582397792858.png (20.26 KB, 219x144, fs.png)

>>83879Not that this makes a huge difference, but I'm pretty sure part of her whining about how she works 60+ hours a week was about sorting through cards at home, so that's probably what those card boxes are.
Also for what it's worth, Frank & Sons is only open 3 days a week anyways. Which if she was working every day open to close would still only be 21 hours. I can't keep up with her original claim, but she used to say she worked 3 jobs and quit one (because Patreon uwu) and got fired from one? Is that correct or am I misremembering? (none of it made sense anyways).
No. 83909
File: 1582402707095.jpg (179.28 KB, 828x1472, 1877234229448869624.jpg)

She used to be a anachan (like Leda) she posts about recovering and how proud she is of herself but she photoshops her body back to her anachan body>>83846
>>83370 No. 83928
File: 1582412481719.jpeg (535.26 KB, 750x948, ED68D1F8-4B4E-49F1-A819-E05B2D…)

ah the old shoop girl standby “muh resolution!!” and already one of her favorites
>>82382how could she possibly even try and pass that off when she’s clearly filtered her entire face out of existence?
speaking of patreon we’re getting towards the end of the month here….i wonder if rents getting paid this time?
No. 83929
File: 1582412893727.jpeg (165.35 KB, 750x969, 2737169F-4D0D-44C3-BD4C-4682BD…)

>>83928hey nicole if it really is the resolution, why is the wall behind you and those leaves so much clearer than your face?
No. 83931
File: 1582413320099.png (3.33 MB, 1440x2775, Screenshot_20200222-181152(1).…)

>>83919>>83930Guessing she really didn't recover, she was 120 pounds not too long ago. Why u gotta lie about recovery tho??
No. 83942
>>83928Wow. This is easily one of her more extreme (shitty) shoops, and she already has so many.
>the resolution was so crappy! uwu muh old phone! uwu I hate how they came out!!>uploads anywayShe's so transparent it hurts.
>>83930>>83931That's trashy as hell. For all her talk about being anachan in the past, she sure doesn't give a shit about what she posts pertaining to her weight.
>>83937 is right there's no way she's ignorant to what she's doing posting that. Even mentioning and confirming her height. Lol fuck off with that bodychecking bullshit.
No. 83946
>>83942She definitely knows by posting her height that her current weight it fairly unhealthy. not that bmi is entirely accurate but punching in the numbers says she underweight af
It's sad, and very low of her to be doing this but since she shoops her face and body while pretending to be "uwu so genuine! love urself as u are hehe" it's so fake and pathetic.
No. 83947
File: 1582418386037.jpg (310.41 KB, 1000x1000, where in the world is nicoles …)

I just had to.
No. 83951
File: 1582420706014.jpg (344.71 KB, 1000x1000, lol.jpg)

>>83947One more. I admit this is more fun than I expected to compile all these different shoops of hers.
No. 83956
File: 1582423986214.jpg (150.3 KB, 1080x1921, 1885222006748755217.jpg)

She's another ED girl that flaunts how much she "loves" food
No. 83958
File: 1582424344975.jpg (137.52 KB, 828x1472, 1872628697589334815 (1).jpg)

>>83909>>83930>>83931>>83956To add to her bodychecking, Nicole also shows off when she doesn't eat
No. 83979
with shoes so she's less than that. Ana-chan confirmed.
Her family are overweight and she claimed in an old video that she used to be 200lb.
No. 83984
>>83979These posts
>>83301 >>83302 >>83303 show that family dynamic too. Though it's no excuse for her to be so flippantly showing off her pro-ana bullshit. Pretty fucking obnoxious, knowing she tries to present herself so CoNfIdEnT and gEnUiNe. Yeah fucking right.
No. 83989
File: 1582437910340.png (60.8 KB, 589x294, cards.png)

>>83903>>83899Sauce on this one. I think there were pics of her and friends at Frank & Sons even back in highschool, so I guess it's possible she's been working there for so long they let her take shit home? idk anything about children's card games, you're right though that doesn't make a ton of sense
No. 83991
File: 1582438224739.png (372.34 KB, 589x637, cards2.png)

>>83989>>83903>>83899aaand sauce #2 that I saw. This can be added to her list of "content she keeps saying she's going to do and then just doesn't do it because she doesn't do anything" along with the "video about bullying and her stalker" and "doing charity work" or whatever the fuck she kept claiming she was going to do years ago
>>82308 No. 83994
File: 1582440150247.png (708.56 KB, 945x613, screenshot.png)

>>83979>she claimed in an old video that she used to be 200lbFuck, really? Can you remember what video?
>>83984You know, it's interesting when I watched this I never assumed that was her family, I assumed it was her friend's family? Cause she has that one friend that she got the matching vulpix tattoos with (pic related) that she says is like her bff since they were kids or something. I could have sworn some anon in another thread said she had to move in with her friend or something, but I could be misremembering. I also assumed since she wasn't filming in her quirky nerdgirl bedroom it must have been someone else's house
No. 84001
File: 1582442397369.jpg (128.7 KB, 1000x800, ok.jpg)

>>83994Wait, what. Fucking lol you're probably right. This girl looks pretty similar to the girl in
>>83301 No. 84028
File: 1582469073719.png (2.99 MB, 1440x2267, -33-43-1.png)

I thought she got fired at the card shop, she's working at another one? In her own story she said she sold that guy his first card. It'd be funny if she got fired from that job too.
No. 84029
File: 1582469434045.png (3.24 MB, 1433x2577, 53-1.png)

>>84028You can see how bad her bags are here
No. 84039
File: 1582472549277.png (553.4 KB, 845x487, camera.png)

>>84001>>84027>>84019Right was gonna say, doesn't make it any less weird that she just plopped down in the middle of some other family's house to do this
At the very least like….why not crop the video or anything? It's just a weird video
>>84027Still friends, she's the girl she got matching Vulpix tattoos with. I do wonder what her family situation is like though….didn't she always used to talk about living with her grandparents or something?
>>83928>>83929I was thinking when I rewatched that video….how is she complaining about "uwu resolution" in 2018 when in 2016 she was filming on a front-facing phone and the resolution looks fine? This is honestly one of her worst shoops of all time
No. 84042
File: 1582474896165.png (82.47 KB, 454x439, nicole twitter.png)

She follows Alex Koehler, another Leda skinwalker
No. 84044
File: 1582475241438.png (480.77 KB, 759x492, nicole twitter 2.png)

She tries really hard to convince everyone she ~loves~ food
No. 84046
File: 1582475559262.png (68.12 KB, 739x499, nicole twitter 3.png)

>I preach nothing but positivity to others
You sure werent positive and nice when talking shit about that Addi girl
No. 84050
File: 1582478517872.png (5.38 MB, 1242x2208, 2287351F-ECC4-4061-AFB4-5714E0…)

For someone who supposedly can’t afford rent she sure is spending a fuck ton on figures (her previous figure she posted on her insta she told someone it was $140, yikes)
No. 84051
>>84039Regardless of how close they are or how comfortable she is around her family, that comes across rude as fuck to be sitting there filming a YouTube video while the rest of the family is trying to eat together. Even if her friend said it was okay, I couldn’t do that without feeling like an ass. Do that shit in another room. Like the internet needs to see this chicks mom, little brother, and whatever.
She’s going to be so thrilled to see herself posted here because of Nicole. (And let’s be real, the odds of Nicole being a farmer are high as is, it would be of no surprise if her friend is aware of here too)
>>84050Of course she would. Because why not spend over $100 on frills when you supposedly have money problems… Lmao goddamn.
No. 84068
File: 1582494257972.png (346.77 KB, 363x652, vulpix.png)

>>84051>And let’s be real, the odds of Nicole being a farmer are high as is, it would be of no surprise if her friend is aware of here tooHonestly whenever the WKs come in in their pairs (because it always appears to be at least 2 people coordinating their obvious "tactics") I've always pictured Nicole and that girl, lmao. That girl Dawn/Doon looks like a pretty standard small town wife/mother of young kids. If there's anything I know about young small town moms, it's that they love drama and getting in fights on the internet, especially if they're stuck at home all day. Getting in on your internet celebrity friend's messy drama and getting worked up over nothing and fighting with people on a forum sounds like exactly the kind of thing someone in that situation would be very into.
Sage for tinfoil.
No. 84077
>>84068That would make sense. What if the drunk wk
>>83702 is her? Kek either way it wouldn’t surprise me if Nicole is having her help protect her ~honor~. Would be the easiest pick, and I can’t imagine Dennis even attempting to post here. Tinfoil but funny to think about none the less.
No. 84083
File: 1582503943429.png (124.71 KB, 596x597, tattoo.png)

>>84077She definitely completely bought into whatever bullshit story Nicole was telling long ago either way. I could see Dennis maybe being the a-logging wk, but yeah not much else. "u suck lol kill urself" as an argument feels like such an ex-scene kid thing to say, especially if this was the type of edgelord scene kid he was
>>83624>>84044>>83956Meh, this seems like a bit of a reach, it's just a Wobbuffet joke. I see this more as
>sooo nerdy!! only REAL gamers know!!! xDDDD get it? pokemon? pokemon is MY thing!!!!>chicken nuggets lmao so random xDDDD not like other girlsthan ed food-flaunting. Doesn't mean she's not ana-chan, I think she's just more focused on being a gAmEr GiRl than that. She's like a horse girl that never grew up or developed any other personality outside of the most basic bitch nerd culture.
No. 84092
File: 1582510947568.png (873.83 KB, 862x590, letters.PNG)

>>84083Lmfao I forgot about the a-logger. With his "humor" in that old post, it fits that this would be him. Can just see it now
>REEEEE DENNIS THEY'RE MAKING FUN OF ME!! MUH STALKER IS AT IT AGAIN!!!>>82981>ur thread sucks op should cOmMiT nO oxYgEn Once a cringe edgelord, always a cringe edgelord.
>>83991Here's another to throw into the pile. She positioned everything just right to make it look as though she's totally ~working hard~. Would hope she'd at least be able to finish letters to her patreons for handing over free thot dollars. Guess we'll find out.
No. 84095
File: 1582512723031.png (1.84 MB, 1440x1822, 20-30-1.png)

>>84092That blur on her hand
>Nicole: I need more blur No. 84101
File: 1582514456160.png (11.42 KB, 708x133, yt vid.png)

>>84100She must be so happy whenever people say she's like Leda
No. 84103
>>84092Excuse me waiter? There's some aesthetic ghibli thot leaves in my drink.
No but really, what the fuck is going on is this photo? I can only ever imagine the staging of pics like these.
>maximum uwu stationary>TWO pokemon cups so they know i'm not like other girls x2>perfectly set up to all be in frame>delicately poise one hand holding pen, casually>other hand fulling cramping while holding phone at inhuman angle trying to get the shot>dennis? can you just hold these leaves above me? no so they're like, in the shot>wait it's missing something…..quick give me those flowers I've got an idea No. 84120
File: 1582517948687.png (3.27 MB, 1440x2382, -22-51-09-1.png)

More proof she's lying about being unable to afford anything
No. 84127
File: 1582518492056.jpg (4.47 MB, 3830x2048, UGYaGqyOIvZprg3.jpg)

Where art thou tits?
No. 84132
File: 1582519380393.jpg (84.18 KB, 500x500, harrypotter1.jpg)

I love harry potter uwu
No. 84136
File: 1582519974238.jpg (104.85 KB, 553x749, harrypotter3.jpg)

>>84132>>84133Found one more. This was back in 2015-2016.
I'm fucking dying at how unoriginal Nicole is jfc.
No. 84186
>>84165>>84165….ok? even if they are so what? doesn’t make her any less stupid for thinking that made sense
keep grasping for straws there
No. 84188
File: 1582563033932.jpeg (201.82 KB, 902x1792, F4FF8601-D4EB-47B3-A35A-6685C7…)

from twitter yesterday:
>Snapchat filters are wild
we know they are nicole, we’ve seen how much you abuse them
No. 84189
File: 1582563400107.png (1.77 MB, 750x1334, F3510052-C2EC-4C25-B829-B5752D…)

>>84188also what even is this thing she’s wearing? nice nose dodge in this pic
not a thot tho uwu because we all walk around our houses in weird fetishy bondage hoodies and fetishy thigh-highs to relax on a sunday afternoon, right ladies?
No. 84196
File: 1582567496154.jpeg (163.33 KB, 828x1472, 98EE0F55-B398-4734-929E-FE6256…)

Okay, Nicole….practice what you preach.
No. 84199
File: 1582568866750.png (1.48 MB, 995x1107, 5-55-1.png)

>>84196She must use bra inserts, 3 bras and socks to fake her tits.
No. 84205
File: 1582571388660.jpeg (121.91 KB, 799x1200, FD3A18A5-6705-4379-A054-467456…)

>When you’re so desperate to skinwalk you even try to emulate the size of her tits
No. 84231
>>84132>>84133>>84136>>84205Hey anon we all know Nicole is skinwalking Leda, but like….you can't just post random pictures of Leda and call it skinwalking? You're not actually proving anything unless you show what you're talking about like
>>83652 and all the other side-by-side anons did. We already have the side by sides of Leda and Nicole doing HP shoot, so what does "I love harry potter uwu" mean?
Not wk, just saying the point of the thread is Nicole, not to whiteknight or praise Leda. Clearly Nicole was directly skinwalking Leda, but claiming Nicole was skinwalking Leda's tits specifically is some real tinfoil. Leda didn't invent basic bitch scene kid thotery by any means.
No. 84339
File: 1582657582561.jpg (38.81 KB, 640x1135, 1830718401329594009.jpg)

>uses a lot of brow makeup on eyebrows
>hOw I tAmE tHe CaTePiLlaRs
We all know you don't have eyebrows Nicole, you don't have to pretend like you don't have to draw them to be thick. You literally have a makeup vid showing your naturally pencil thin brows
No. 84390
File: 1582694949232.png (40.56 KB, 372x158, b4e93b964.png)

>>84339>caterpillarsYou mean these hungry bitches? Even if she got microblading it's so fucking weird that she'd go in and shoop bushy hairs in. It's like she's really starting to buy her own bullshit.
No. 84407
>>84393Yeah this anon's right
>>84394 I'd repost it in the thread but I don't wanna get a ban
No. 84412
File: 1582726487874.jpg (476.2 KB, 1024x1024, 05039.jpg)

She can't decide if she wants to shop her jaw off or not
No. 84418
File: 1582735311139.jpeg (297.88 KB, 1216x1806, 1C5B56BA-2C59-4F19-A443-17468E…)

This was under her low-tier Mei cosplay:
No. 84421
File: 1582735959543.png (464.04 KB, 919x328, where.png)

>>84407>>84393>>84394Yup, I was referring to her Daenerys cosplay where she blatantly shooped bushy brows in, when even in candids of the same cosplay you can see that her eyebrows are almost completely nonexistent.
>>83277>>84418>so beautiful what's ur secret!shoop
>so skinny what's ur secret!shoop
No. 84425
File: 1582737405395.png (260.8 KB, 483x571, teeth.png)

I'm also fascinated by her blatantly shooping her front teeth straighter. Even in her pics filtered to hell and back you can see that her front teeth are starting to turn more inward and overlap. Doesn't seem to be an issue when she was younger, so I bet she had braces and stopped wearing her retainer years ago. She's clearly self conscious about it because her teeth are a pretty distinct part of her "image"
f to pay respects for all the lost retainers
No. 84442
>>84428No sorry, these are all examples of how her front teeth actually look, I meant compared to things like
>>84412 or
>>83287 where she's either shooped them straight or is using a strong enough filter so you can't see the "line" between her front teeth so it's harder to tell they're turning inwards/overlapping, like in the top 2 pics here
>>84425 No. 84470
File: 1582771069687.png (3.58 MB, 1440x2562, -30-50-1.png)

She advocates against bullying but bullies people like Addi
No. 84481
>>84470I assume it's just to fit her ~uwu soft girl
victim persona~ that or she really is lacking in self awareness like thr LC she truly is
No. 84538
File: 1582826957806.png (8.28 MB, 1242x2208, 367EEA37-8245-46CC-B45B-4137DE…)

If y’all have her on Snapchat she posted a tour of the new place she’s getting and it looks 10x more expensive than the one she’s currently in. 3 floors, everything is wood, it’s insane. I would screen-grab them but she recorded the whole thing so it would be kind of difficult. Anyway this is also from her snap:
No. 84552
>>84542>>84538>Thanks for funding my adultchild lifestyle guys! Who needs to be a productive member of society when you have drones paying for you~Who knew all you need to do was fabricate sob stories and Photoshop yourself into a whole new person for free shit??
Everything about this bitch is repulsive.
No. 84574
File: 1582836258891.png (778.3 KB, 1440x2579, (1).png)

>>84538>I stopped bleaching my hair! So how did she dye her hair orange and all those crazy colors?? Stop lying.
No. 84581
File: 1582838401634.png (3.95 MB, 1423x2563, (2).png)

Her pic is so blurry and pixelated that it looks like her picture was drawn on ms paint.
No. 84600
File: 1582844701496.png (3.05 MB, 1440x2858, sc.png)

>>84538>moves into a nice place with 3 floors, balcony and multiple bed rooms Sis is sure confident with those beta bucks.
No. 84616
>>84425What the fuck. Nothing about her is authentic.
>>84601>>84614Ofc she would live with her ~personal photographer~. If she's going to have one, it has to be someone who is close to her and knows exactly how she wants to be shooped kek.
No. 84625
File: 1582861514013.png (2.22 MB, 2469x1440, sc2.png)

>fat >shitty mop haircut He's def whipped. No guy would be ok with their gf hoeing it up and acting like they're single. The ones ok with that behavior are either whipped, cucks or both.
>>82086It's pretty obvious she uses more than 1 cream, on her drawer I see a few skincare products but she likes to sing this song of being effortlessly ~perfect~
No. 84626
>>84625Exactly. I would feel bad for him if it wasn't so apparent that she's a shit person. Dude grew up with her, knows exactly how fake she is, yet sticks around anyway.
There's nothing abnormal about using multiple skincare products. Besides, there is no fucking way she doesn't use an eye cream for all that baggage. But hey! Anything for those perfect egirl points!!
No. 84628
>>84625since this photo is super old she probably cared about her appearance then since she really didn’t use photoshop as heavily, but now that she can hide behind blurring the shit out of her face she thinks having a skincare routine aside from what’s she’s shown is useless.
I would have left her tbh. That type of relationship isn’t healthy.
No. 84639
>>84600>>84601Well, honestly 3-4 people renting a house is probably the only way to live in a nicer place in CA. If it's just her and Dennis right now in a 1 bedroom, sharing a 3-4 bedroom house with people would be significantly cheaper, even if it looks 10x more expensive. Could end up being <$1000 for her if she and Dennis are sharing, not sure how her having her own streaming space would factor in.
Calling it now though: not only is she still going to beg for rent but even with having her own "streaming room" she's still not going to actually start streaming again. She's never gonna do any of the shit she keeps saying she will. She's not gonna stream, she's never going to make her "bullying video" or any more youtube content, she's barely going to do anything related to cosplay. She's just going to keep taking that money out of everyones accounts each month and not actually doing anything.
This is confusing though because didn't she JUST move for her "safety uwu"? How would she even get out of her lease this quickly?
No. 84658
File: 1582903278634.jpg (70.27 KB, 640x1136, 1831548037907007452.jpg)

No. 84659
File: 1582903355968.jpg (145.7 KB, 720x1278, 1835879558304232781.jpg)

>>84658Nicole has a naturally pear shaped body but she shops her body into a straight line 9/10 times
No. 84709
File: 1582933744123.png (674.12 KB, 639x964, exqnS5C.png)

Nicole doesn't have a personality of her own. All she does is copy other people's interests, personalities, appearance and pictures.
No. 84723
File: 1582938746995.png (286.12 KB, 588x661, Screenshot.png)

>>84658>>84581>>84574No shade at posting older content, but can we at least post the dates with these instas? It just gets confusing when you post it without context and unsaged, makes it seem like this is shit she posted today.
>>84703>no use getting mad over shit we don't know numbers for yetWe won't ever know the numbers anyways, so why does it matter? We don't need to know them to know that she's never going to actually do shit. So what, last month she was so b-b-broke she didn't have one extra cent saved up for rent, but next month she'll somehow be able to afford an entire extra room and an entirely new streaming setup? Because her "setup" was the reason she hasn't streamed in like 2 years anyways. She's got an excuse for everything, and she'll continue to have an excuse for everything regardless of numbers.
No. 84727
>>84664I second the times and on these posts, please. Some of these are 3 years old and its being posted like its new.
And we can't argue she's getting money whether we like it or not from these cucks. She might be able to afford the shit now, but one anon made a good point about how long it will last though. All these thots have a time limit.
No. 84729
File: 1582943195400.png (5.81 MB, 1242x2208, 1432C20E-2B5C-4ED2-8089-5AF782…)

Posted today, on her Snapchat (the last word is cut off but it says “cry”):
No. 84731
>>84729>I finally got my own car! But she's always refered to her old busted Toyota car (the car that got "broken" into) as her own car. I'm confused, it straight up sounds like more lies.
She's just on her first or 2nd month of Patreon and she's already moved into a nice big house and got a brand new spanking car. I thought her excuse for the Begtreon was just for her cosplays, her greed and deception is so plain and obvious.
No. 84741
>>84729>>84731Yeah I mean, it could be her sharing a car with Dennis or her roommate or whoever, but then that just again makes her "story" make even less sense. It's stupid enough to leave your money in your own car overnight, but why would you ever leave it in someone else's car overnight?
And if she really was soooo strapped for cash and in such dire straits she couldn't even afford one single month of rent, how the fuck is she buying a new car and a new apartment? And if she and Dennis work at the same place and live together, which they seem to
>>83789 then why wouldn't you just save that money and carpool in case you were ever in such a tight spot again?
This bitch is so full of shit at every turn. She's lucky her fans have no object permanence or they might actually notice her blatant lies.
(Also bless u snapchat anon for grabbing those caps. Did she move her posting to Snapchat because we were digging through her Insta/Twitter?)
No. 84743
File: 1582964230892.jpg (20.43 KB, 455x294, images (1).jpg)

>>84731Ot but the car that she claimed got broken into is totally an old man car in my town. Especially in that specific shade of beige, kek. Probably realised the car's not smol and ~kawaii~ like her shops, and decided it didn't fit her aesthetic. Convincing ebegging is not her strong suit
No. 84769
File: 1582993271916.png (3.53 MB, 1440x2720, sc1.png)

Did sis add another filter on to her snap chat pic? She uploaded the same SC pic on Insta
No. 84770
File: 1582993340147.png (2.63 MB, 1440x2561, 1.png)

It literally looks like she put 2 filters on one pic lmao
No. 84797
File: 1583005388914.jpeg (871.22 KB, 828x1444, 578B0CD3-75D6-41E6-922C-009FF8…)

Not exactly relevant to Nicole, but I'm fairly sure Sarah paid this account that posts conventionally attract girls to post her, lol. Her general aesthetic and look doesn't match the rest of the girls posted on the account. Sad.
No. 84800
>>84797yeah she sticks out for sure, especially with how literally all the other girls have huge filler lips kek
weird she'd try to promo on a page like that
No. 84877
File: 1583075728273.png (2.57 MB, 1440x2572, igs.png)

Nicole claims to have drawn these but it looks traced. I don't believe for a second she can draw.
No. 84886
File: 1583082241195.png (6.8 MB, 1242x2208, E46A4F0E-7050-4F54-8A61-89F42C…)

>>84741Most likely she moved to Snapchat because she can hide better there. I think she posted maybe once what her Snapchat was on insta so unless one of her die hard fans wants to find it they would have to find her Facebook and do digging on her accounts (I believe she posted it there). I followed her before I found out how shitty she was.
All she’s said in the past few days is how she’s now working in the retro gaming section of her shop and going out to eat with friends.
No. 84892
File: 1583084947644.jpeg (586.34 KB, 1024x921, E12F6AD1-712A-48A5-8290-B01042…)

nicole, girl….what’s happening here? this bitch got eyebrows on top of her bangs
No. 84909
File: 1583097759277.png (1.92 MB, 1440x1616, 1-24-1.png)

It's very odd and suspicious how all of her fan accounts always say the same thing "she's so perfect!" "She makes me so happy!" "She loves us!" And another thing that is weird is there are numerous fan accounts that only post pics of Leda and Nicole like the one in my pic, it's like they're purposely trying to mix the two up or put them in association with each other.
Nicole must be a saint, her blurry shopped to hell and back pics saves lives!
No. 84930
File: 1583122509545.png (8.68 MB, 1242x2208, B5657A2A-29E8-4DFC-9269-BC8E3B…)

How do people not see that she’s lying out of her ass….
>begs money for rent
>buys two new figures
No. 84970
File: 1583170339164.png (6.79 MB, 1242x2208, CC5C3054-E292-41E4-8515-91A76B…)

No. 84982
>>84970Where are the WKs who were supporting her totally legit stories about losing imaginary jobs and getting imaginary paychecks stolen from her car?
moving into expensive apartment, buying new figures and shoes No. 84984
File: 1583174597235.png (1.03 MB, 1242x2208, BB3ED55A-B00C-422F-A5D1-8DBF0C…)

Found this on her Twitter. The dude outright dropped $50 to support her….
No. 84986
>>84981I forgot about the car, damn
also buys a car uwu No. 84991
File: 1583176016618.jpg (909.08 KB, 2048x2048, Nicole london.jpg)

Nicole be looking like Oli London
No. 85006
File: 1583180985569.jpeg (745.9 KB, 750x1086, FEFB47E4-B5C7-4DF8-A3CD-31E490…)

another pic…..guise, did you know she’s like….a GIRL who likes POKEMON???
>>84982>Where are the WKs who were supporting her totally legit stories about losing imaginary jobs and getting imaginary paychecks stolen from her car? this.
i’ve never had or supported a patreon before but here’s my question: don’t you have to ACTUALLY produce content? will patreon really just let you just accept money without actually outputting anything? because i don’t just mean rewards, she literally doesn’t produce any content of anything really on a consistent basis? like, i just didn’t think patreon would let you use their service just for being a sugarbaby, which is all nicole is really doing
i was wondering if that was why she got shut down however many years ago, she wasn’t producing anything then either
No. 85039
File: 1583202488120.jpg (55.84 KB, 778x778, ferrini-33722-35-black-genuine…)

Someone shop some Pokemon onto these bad boys kek. You guys can't tell me Kanye isn't laughing at the simps buying these. The fact they're custom only adds another layer to Nicole's cringe/entitlement.
No. 85048
File: 1583206995949.png (6.1 MB, 1242x2208, 06B8AA89-DE39-4D9A-82B7-B2392A…)

So she’s moving into that new place she showed a few days ago:
No. 85062
File: 1583211809551.png (1.88 MB, 1242x2208, AD36BC98-785B-44A2-97D5-D01725…)

Wasn’t sure if it mattered but she has an Etsy. A lot of the pages are filled with different cosplay props.
No. 85199
File: 1583360855369.png (6.29 MB, 1242x2208, C6FB4DD4-E5F0-478C-AAC4-823F4B…)

From her insta story (today, 3/04):
No. 85229
File: 1583392886231.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 9452C95F-50B2-459A-90F9-949F03…)

>>85199>>85214>new car>new apartment>new custom yeezys>new anime figures>life is really hard :(((( i deserve this here’s another from her story today, that wart or mole or whatever is really startling when you’re so used to it being shooped out
No. 85232
File: 1583394417734.jpeg (753.81 KB, 924x1024, AED7DD69-409C-47DA-BAF4-C1AE3C…)

>>85199>life is extremely hard for me right nowhey nicole maybe if you just stopped spending all day every day obsessively refreshing this thread and embarrassing yourself and instead just like idk got a real job or did some real work your easy life wouldn’t seem soooo hard
can you imagine letting incels pay your rent and buy you a car and shoes and toys while you sit on your ass doing nothing and then having the audacity to type the words “life is extremely hard for me right now” with your own two hands? i can’t with this bitch
(7 x 3 = 21 days exactly, for any wks who wanna pretend they can’t do math)
No. 85259
File: 1583424118765.png (2.21 MB, 1440x2558, 2.png)

>xD I'm so fat
No. 85260
File: 1583424178418.png (2.24 MB, 1440x2580, 1.png)

>>85259>Jokes, check out how skinny I am Pretty sure she's a anachan again
No. 85266
File: 1583429489889.png (11.38 MB, 1242x2208, 874CF8AD-D886-4BE9-97A2-AEA736…)

>I think my brain broke
Yeah, it probably broke because you realize how shitty of a person you are and how you’re mooching off of innocent people and not providing content as promised.
No. 85267
File: 1583429730308.png (8.39 MB, 1242x2208, 0E30A106-D589-4727-84D1-AD2020…)

>>85266This, too. The caption says since it cut off: >“the only thing I look forward in life now is getting Pokémon mystery dungeons tomorrow ;-;”
No. 85275
File: 1583441196792.jpg (24.49 KB, 664x662, 06b.jpg)

>>85232Can someone explain to me how she's going through such ~hard~ times? During her live stream
>>79818 she kept emphasizing how ~hard~ things were and posted a barrage of pics and posts about her "hard" times to egg people to donate money to her. Exactly what does she do? What is so uwu hard about her life?? She has literally everything handed to her and lives life as an AdultChild, but apparently that counts as living a ~uwu hard life~
No. 85280
>>85275Yeah not to sound insensitive but someone better have damned died with all the complaining she does
.. and even then it's a bit much
No. 85306
File: 1583463402405.png (727.5 KB, 1242x2208, C58ACD59-8DE9-4556-8E09-793B41…)

She can’t be serious….what a joke.
No. 85312
>>85275very obvious mental illness. everyone who's taking 100 selfies a day and spending hours painstakingly shopping them is 100% insane. not to mention the need to lie, beg, and whine about drama that is just in her head.
pretty sure she's your run of the mill bpd depressed anachan hoarder
No. 85317
File: 1583474813748.png (2.04 MB, 1440x1451, nc.png)

Wow guys! Only a #truegamer plays on their game boy SP while working out! The rest of you are fake ass gamers
No. 85319
File: 1583476278633.png (4.72 MB, 1242x2208, 9FFAAACB-55FF-4E84-8D6B-036AE7…)

Her body just looks so off with how massive her chest is.
No. 85332
>>85317So ~vintage~ and not like the other grills
>>85319Hey Nicole, since you lurk here you mind giving me the brand of your push-up bra?
No. 85383
File: 1583549022172.png (1.89 MB, 1440x2565, 38-50-1.png)

She's a grown adult being pushed around in a car cart for kids in a mall while filming her own pov and having another person film her, and she's acting like she's having the time of her life. Nicole thinks she's so QUIRKY~ BUT she so dam cringy, it's kinda sad
No. 85387
File: 1583553603733.png (4.41 MB, 1242x2208, 02A665FF-5FB7-42CA-B620-187BE4…)

From her Snapchat. She posted a haul with two harnesses, black and pink, with this “cosplay”, and two sexy lingerie sets.
No. 85390
File: 1583555307363.png (2.61 MB, 1440x2563, 4-02-1.png)

>>85260>>85264Lol she cleaned up a bit, she's lurking so hard
No. 85393
>>85390All the filters making her face look like it's literally melting, I fuckin can't with this bitch
Also notice how in the cringy mall pic her hair isn't as "uwu soft raphtalia/asuna red" like it is in all her pics kek
No. 85394
File: 1583556908352.png (1.9 MB, 1344x2554, 31-1.png)

>I'm sad cuz I'm not getting enough money from my cash cows :c>>85393>Her hair isn't soft raphtalia/Asuna red like it is in her pics Yeah I thought I was the only one who noticed that, it looks more dark brown in the vids not shot by her. I wouldn't be surprised if she photoshops her hair color too since she already shops her damn teeth.
No. 85395
File: 1583558487520.jpeg (127.69 KB, 1024x768, 39B95B4F-1DFC-4794-B03E-77CDB5…)

I’m not sure if she applied a filter to this (wouldn’t doubt it tbh) but her hair looks more brown/red than the red she’s been sporting in photos. She probably uses a warm filter to make the red pop out more.
No. 85443
File: 1583617074488.jpg (884.47 KB, 2048x2048, sleep paralysis ghost.jpg)

She seriously thought no one would notice how bad her shop is? She completely erased her jaw line and made her face 50x smaller, went max on the blur on her skin, made chin longer, eyes bigger and shopped her nose until it became a stick. She looks like the sleep paralysis ghost meme.
No. 85478
File: 1583707957618.png (1.93 MB, 1440x1446, 0197200284.png)

>>82284>>82285Basically Nicole and her wks
No. 85659
File: 1583890966126.png (2.52 MB, 1440x1808, 02.png)

Even with the touchup and shop from her photographer friend you can still tell how bad her skin is underneath all that makeup
No. 85660
File: 1583891030654.png (3.67 MB, 1440x2880, 01.png)

>>85659There's a reason why she cranks the blur tool to the max
No. 85712
File: 1583953169686.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x2074, 400A3161-C32C-4E2B-95A1-92491C…)

>>85677I could have sworn I remember reading about her saying something about her eyes.
No. 85736
File: 1583969507887.jpg (856.01 KB, 1694x1694, where.jpg)

>>85712>>85734>Monolid Where??
No. 85737
File: 1583969617706.jpg (34.73 KB, 500x663, 3057-500w.jpg)

>>85736>>85734>>85712Last time I checked google this is what a monolid looks like
No. 85748
File: 1583976401335.png (818.84 KB, 1440x2565, igstory.png)

>>85744In her Q&A IG Story
>strawberry blonde No. 85749
File: 1583976484564.jpg (556.82 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20200311_212427.jpg)

>>85748>>85744She insists she has Strawberry blonde hair but her roots say otherwise
No. 85761
File: 1583990358102.png (12.44 MB, 1242x2208, A1CADA44-BFD7-445C-87B8-9D522B…)

>>85749Not saying she’s right or anything, but maybe she is. Or this has a filter and she wants her roots to look ginger, idk with this girl anymore.
No. 85793
File: 1584035075789.png (3.12 MB, 1952x1244, nicoleidk.png)

>>85659speaking of which, old mate has shitloads of pics up on his instagram and all of them look different kek
No. 85836
File: 1584056924624.png (775.37 KB, 1440x2563, ig story.png)

Nicole's method of convincing people she's naturally has Strawberry blonde hair is funny, she says she stopped using bleach here
No. 85838
File: 1584057170654.png (976.54 KB, 1440x1303, sc1.png)

>>85836Then she starts showing off her totally not dyed orangey blonde whatever the fuck haircolor
>>85793But during her childhood you can clearly tell she's a brunette.
No. 85839
File: 1584057332209.png (3.95 MB, 1440x2850, 0134917764.png)

>>85836>>85838What Strawberry blonde looks like, sorry Nicole you have Brown hair, you are not Blonde. I'm sorry to have to be that Anon to break it to you.
No. 85846
>>85838At the lightest that is medium ashy blonde, and hair darkens with age.
Why do these cows think they need to be so 'naturally exotic', anyway? a redhead with a SINGLE monolid, for instance. When did it stop being good enough to just be a pretty girl? I doubt her orbiters would really care if she didn't talk about her funky 'monolid' or her "natural" red hair. All they care about is the basic visual stimuli her shopped photos provide.
No. 85912
File: 1584138236056.png (2.87 MB, 1440x2568, -44-1.png)

It literally looks like she uses the liquify tool to drag her chin down to make it longer
No. 85916
File: 1584138592147.png (2.44 MB, 1439x2553, -22-1.png)

she has a hard time keeping her room clean kek also her Ms paint add on brows are back
No. 85919
>>85839Her roots in
>>85395 look about the same color as mine and my hair used to be the same color as top left when I was a kid, so maybe she's hanging on to that/hoping it'll lighten up if she grows it out?
No. 85961
File: 1584151289758.png (447.45 KB, 662x645, maury.png)

>>85712>>85736>>85748>>85749>>85793>>85836>>85838>>85839>>85660Can Maury come in and break the news to Nicole that her genetics doesn't include a small disney nose, asian eyes, ~strawberry~ ~blonde~ hair and blue Koolaid Jammers eyes?
No. 85972
File: 1584159089965.png (3.35 MB, 1242x2208, 88E1A87E-837C-4814-9AE5-2B4BD4…)

No. 85994
File: 1584169944648.png (72.21 KB, 529x357, Vq4vt.png)

>>85961>Koolaid Jammers eyes?Gave me a chuckle anon, very good. Don't forget her ~synesthesia~
>>85749She really is one of those bitches that is so desperate to be unique or interesting in any way she's just making up shit because she can't handle having boring mousy brown hair or an imperfect nose like everyone else. The sad part is I think she must be believing her own "no really my tits ARE this big naturally my hair IS this color naturally I DEFINITELY have eyebrows omg I'm so skinny I hate it!! born perfect mpdg internet waifu uwu" persona, I don't know how else you could live with yourself. I bet this bitch thought she had Alexandria's Genesis too, lmao.
No. 86057
File: 1584215716707.png (2.95 MB, 1440x2570, igstory2.png)

>>85232>thx for helping me cope with everything that happened this past month!More "THIS MONTH HAS BEEN SO UWU BAD SINCE I GOT EXPOSED!1!". This is def more proof her friends came to defend her here. Her fanbase is brainless but no one is
that loyal to the point where they would devote every second to wk her all day. Her little zombies would just look at the other egirls they follow with their time.
No. 86117
File: 1584254521882.png (863.05 KB, 658x1054, 83776446.png)

>>86057kek, nice catch anon. I didn't even think of that, I saw those posts and was just too distracted by the pure narcism of sharing multiple pics in a row of people praising you
>>85836>>85749Don't forget these ones where it's grown out almost down to her ears and it's still shit brown.
>>83162 >>83165 >>83259I don't think this ever got posted her on it's own either, but here's the candid from the OP. What's weird is that in her shooped photos of the same cosplay it appears to be her real hair, but in these ones it really looks like she's wearing a cheap shitty red wig? Unless she just cut her bangs herself that day and they really look that fucked up
No. 86121
File: 1584255653606.jpeg (26.98 KB, 599x454, 936333ce2afd9eb5229170160b6399…)

>>86117>She told me her insane Raphtalia costume was merely put together on the spotLol nice lie Nicole. Is she really trying to pull the "the convention is in 5 minutes and I just so happen to have everything I need for this cosplay in my closet" card? she obviously had everything planned out in advanced. Her costume would NOT look like that if it was literally put together on the spot, that's her little excuse to cover for how shitty her wig is.
No. 86152
File: 1584282666326.png (3.6 MB, 2322x1434, 5~2-1.png)

I wonder what lenses she uses. Like all the other Cosers, she pretends the color contacts she wears are her own eyes. Why do Cosers like to lie about their eyes and eye color? It's really obvious when you look at her old pics, she has blue eyes but they aren't nearly as vibrant and big as she tries to make them out to be.
No. 86195
File: 1584321302487.jpg (91.06 KB, 670x926, tkXMzQyKjHEcQXaXLH5uOWu7yD5vNX…)

>>86192>>86187>I've never seen a cosplayer say that contacts are their real eyes Well first of all Nicole's not a cosplayer, she's a thot who's worn bought like two costumes and thinks that means she gets to show up and demand goods and money from people for no work. She's much closer to a trick or treater than anything.
>and to be honest them not mentioning it doesn't mean they are pretending its a natural colorAnd secondly that's 100% exactly what it means? That's like saying "just because someone wears a massive padded uncomfortable bra every single day to make their boobs look 3x as big and never corrects anyone or mentions that she's wearing a fake bra doesn't mean they're pretending it's their real boobs"… does, and she also seems to do that too.
Thirdly, people do that shit all the time, remember that one model who pretended she had heterochromia and when she got callled out for wearing a contact went and got fucked up iris implant surgery?
>Haven't seen Nicole say these are real thoughHas she ever actually said they're not? This sounds like that same dumb wk logic of
>prove that she didn't file a police report!!!!!11!That's not how it works. Considering Nicole doesn't seem to need glasses and doesn't actually ever do shit in cosplay, what purpose would she ever have for wearing lenses everyday other than to make people think it's real? Nicole is already lying about her hair, her tits, her nose, her teeth, her money, her tragic backstory and every single aspect of her life, why would this be the one thing that's different?
No. 86202
File: 1584325459606.png (60.52 KB, 826x609, Whiteknightchan.png)

>>82349>>86192>>86187lol these wks
>WHO? >WHOO??? SORRY, NEVER HEARD OF HER Can you retards say something different?
No. 86203
File: 1584325825286.png (703.23 KB, 1440x1759, 01.png)

Nicole sometimes edits herself to look asiany, how many faces does this bitch have?
No. 86221
File: 1584337742559.jpg (340.24 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20200314_170238_com…)

such a fragile bbygirl uwu
No. 86222
File: 1584337776418.jpg (341.89 KB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_20200314_170233_com…)

>>85916looks the same amiright
No. 86257
File: 1584381869370.png (2.16 MB, 1440x2823, 134323.png)

Nicole is either a stupid fuck or lying about being stalked or exaggerated the level of stalking. On her IG stalking story she said she feared for her life and she was relentlessly stalked, then she went on about how bad it was, blabla. But she's always tagged her location, where she's been, the state she lives in, took many pics outside and inside of her homes and disclosed where she works–she even posts when she's at work. Wouldn't she be super cautious if she was THAT worried and fucked from the stalking? She wouldn't be this carefree and posting away. Her stalking story doesn't seem to add up. Her actions before and after the alleged stalking incident never indicated she was ever in actual fear. Her "stalker" just seemed like a disgruntled fan that went off to expose and harass her in a autist way and that's it, And Nicole blew the story up like he was physically stalking her when it was just online harassment. The things people do for victim points.
No. 86263
>>86257She could just be incredibly dumb, but certainly posting location, home, work selfies doesn't add up if she's genuinely scared. Brandon does seem genuinely crazy so the dial is leaning towards "Nicole is just that dumb."
I saw a Twitter thread yesterday where several people triangulated the location of a specific plot in a storage facility based on only one photo. She has posted more than enough for a psycho to get all her addresses, family names, workplaces etc. I guess it's easier to e-beg when you create false closeness with your incels via sharing such details?
No. 86277
>>86257I've been to Frank & Sons numerous times and I'm in the TCG Yu-Gi-Oh comm. I've NEVER seen this bitch being a vendor ( it's vendor, not vender you dumb broad ) and I've asked the TCG booth she's supposedly "associated" with and they don't know of her.
I smell bullshit about her being such a TCG fanatic, let alone her being employed. But *~uwu I don't publicly sell because of stalllklers*~ excuse amirite
No. 86280
File: 1584412560990.png (670.55 KB, 1242x2208, A097DE80-6B55-498A-B206-ED8E33…)

She posted this a few hours ago. I can’t wait until she starts begging for money since her job isn’t paying her.
No. 86283
File: 1584412711718.jpeg (736.77 KB, 1242x2208, EA7D00CE-B3EF-4B09-BD8E-AE84F8…)

>>86277She posted this photo on her side account with her in the back, I wouldn’t doubt she works there but she probably does the literal bare minimum. Says hi to people, take their money, etc. She probably posts about her job and how she’s there since she’s probably with someone at their booth rather than her own (like when she posts Pokémon packs or whatever).
No. 86287
>>86277I mean, she does post pics there all the time, maybe more on her twitter I guess. Maybe you just didn't recognize her because she doesn't look anything like her pics? Cause she was bragging about how that one dude flew all the way here just to buy a card from her or whatever?
>>86280Fuck I was literally going to post yesterday asking when she would start this "muh job, muh coronavirus, muh moving" shit.
I'm surprised she hasn't started sooner? Wouldn't she be at higher risk with her "expensive heart condition uwu"? Or did she forget to keep up with that one?
No. 86289
>>86280Don't forget the uwu donations guys!!!
She's trying to low-key beg for more money, your followers have to prioritize themselves. During the crisis people need money to buy food and other necessities, stop being a selfish ass cunt for once.
No. 86298
File: 1584421312951.gif (6.31 MB, 480x853, aebedd8a8cad71d2673f0819a851d7…)

>dancing with hand off the steering wheel while driving
This is from Devon, her live in photog's ig story. The gif format slowed the clip down, they were driving much faster. Way to endanger lives just to be quirky~ Nicole is 25 and she does shit like this, you'd expect this level of retardation from 12 year olds.
No. 86328
File: 1584464540604.jpg (543.08 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20200317_174526_com…)

>>86275pic is from the same day, but her own account. she's always been uwu smol in her own pictures.
maybe she's lost some weight since then, but her body is still 100% shoop. a lumpy pear shaped body (but without a particularly small waist) like this doesn't magically turn into voluptuous curves and stick thin ana legs just by losing a few pounds.
No. 86356
File: 1584476291888.jpg (81.36 KB, 640x640, 65564498_597939414028700_43606…)

>>86118>>86117Another candid
No. 86357
File: 1584476360885.jpg (615.26 KB, 1080x1080, 1127_161559.jpg)

>>86356>>86117>>86118Still look the same amirite?
No. 86383
File: 1584489405723.png (2.28 MB, 1440x2572, 17190241769432.png)

So uwu depressed… don't forget to donate more this month >:p
No. 86394
File: 1584496681371.png (62.81 KB, 300x128, eyebrows.png)

>>86357Holy shit, great job anon, where'd you find this?
God, all that talk of contacts and I honestly don't think she ever wears them? I think she just totally shoops her eyes, because she's clearly not even wearing them in the right pic. Doesn't look like she bothered with fake lashes either?
Ugh that plastic amazon shake n go wig with the fucked up bangs. It doesn't even look like she bothered to try and brush it? And you can see her real brows screaming for help, and they're still exactly the same as
>>83303 Everything about this is great.
>>86356also I had assumed she was shooping her eye shape and color, but when you put the 2 pics next to each other….did she shoop on fake eyelashes here? And her hair color looks completely shooped now too?
No. 86400
File: 1584501679896.png (2.09 MB, 1440x1861, fb.png)

Nicole has a super hard on whenever someone says she looks like Leda or they thought she was Leda, though she's not very vocal about it anymore. Pretty sure she's assumed Leda's identity by now :crylaugh:
No. 86404
File: 1584502636035.png (207.92 KB, 304x515, fb 2.png)

>>>/w/81403>Can you show proof of her looking herself up?Here's your long awaited proof faggot.
It's safe to say she regularly searches herself up.
No. 86448
File: 1584563669069.png (2.61 MB, 1440x2564, 50-1.png)

Her makeup is horrid and Nicole is just the type to get freckles tattooed on for speshul points. With all those beta bucks in the bank she can't hire a maid to clean up her room?(nitpicking)
No. 86480
>>86452>Jfc, sanefagging in the thread anyway.>Can a mod confirm op is replying to themselves?>Stfu. You keep replying to yourself.>It genuinely seems like 90% of this thread is the same one or two people.It's not, and no matter how many times you try to derail with that, it's still not true. You've been saying that since the costhot thread, if you think that's true why don't you just report it and move on instead of whining about it all the time? Add this one to the list of "2 wks show up and immediately agree with each other"
>>86448nta but how is this nitpicking? this is honestly one of her most offensive looks in a while, and those fake diarrhea freckles are new. I don't know how much more proof mods need that she + her cronies are the ones posting here, this is ridiculous. She basically admitted she's been obsessed with it
>>85232 >>86057 and we've all seen how her wks have been acting since the very first second she was posted in costhots
>>86450saying the same shit a billion times over isn’t milky
it is if the things we're saying are saying over and over again are
>oop here's a lie>here's another>and another one>this lie's one's new>here's where she lied about xand we'll stop making fun of her MS paint eyebrows and photoshopped teeth when she stops drawing her eyebrows on with MS paint and photoshopping her teeth. It's not that complicated.
No. 86486
>>86480>It's not, and no matter how many times you try to derail with that, it's still not true. You've been saying that since the costhot thread, if you think that's true why don't you just report it and move on instead of whining about it all the time? Add this one to the list of "2 wks show up and immediately agree with each other"Anon,
>>86452 was my first post in this thread or in any costhot thread. You sound insecure.
No. 86489
>>86486For your first post in this thread you sure sound like that echo chamber WK Anon that constantly cried for proof and said there's no milk. Refer back to
>>86462If you have nothing to contribute to this thread hide it and don't bitch, thanks. As much as we don't like nitpicks, we don't like bitching anons either.
(ban evading) No. 86503
>>86495>>86490>>86486>>86452>>86450>ur all samefag!!>ur all obsessed with her!!!!>no milk!!!! there’s nothing there!!!!>omg calm down!!!!!! ur crazy!!!!>faggots retards faggots kill urself!!!!>this is all vendetta!!!!!seriously? you’re accusing us of being repetitive?
you guys have been having the exact same meltdown almost word for word for almost 2 fucking months now across three threads.
you have GOT to move on with your life she’s still not going to fuck you
i agree that this isn’t nitpicking, she looks like shit here.
i hope mods consider their redtexts more carefully in the future when it comes to nicole bc anytime they get even the slightest whiff of we suddenly get half a dozen wks that all show up at the same time spamming the exact same shit over and over and over again
let’s not forget that the wks are still sperging the fuck out about ONE redtext in a thread from 9 months ago, don’t yall see what this does to them?? this tantrum
is because ONE post was unsaged jfc
No. 86509
>>86503Ntayrt but I
personally found it a bit nitpicky, but I agree with everything else you said. But what do you do? We're all at the mercy of mod-chan's discretion, lest she ban us all. But I must admit the anons in this thread sure like to reeeee at the drop of a hat, kek.
No. 86595
File: 1584669889449.png (10.71 MB, 1242x2208, 5F3BC548-B7EA-4E81-AA6D-F46E64…)

>complains about lack of money
>buy a new $60 game plus others
No. 86608
>>86595Lmao this bitch was just complaining a couple days ago
>>86280 over not having paid leave for her min wage retail job only to be buying a bunch of games during the Corona Virus pandemic. Who needs food and essentials when you got nerd cred?
No. 86665
File: 1584744197849.png (189.64 KB, 652x562, gs.png)

>>86598>>86612Ok? That would just make it worse actually because if she knew she needed money now and had already pre-ordered then she could have just cancelled. And if she didn't spend the $60 on AC that day she probably spent at least another $60 on top anyways. She's an idiot either way because not only is she spending excessive money on non-essentials while also whining about her job insecurity and money, but she went out to do it when we're all being explicitly told to not do that.
>it's not the law she can do what she wants!Yeah but just because you're not breaking the law doesn't mean you're not being an asshole. GameStop's a perfect example of that, they're being highly criticized right now for staying open and putting their employees at risk, so very cool of her to support that. Basically everyone I know cancelled their hard copy and got digital instead. There's not even any real pre-order bundles for AC, so she could have just bought digital copies of all of these, there was zero reason for her to do this. She could have even just grabbed it at Target or Walmart while doing the bare essential shopping you're allowed to do.
kek @ her of course covering her entire face when it's someone else's story and she has no control over the shoop tho. Also like the first fucking everyone was told NOT to do from day 1 was touch their faces. But I guess shoving a bunch of game cases that have probably been sitting there touched by multiple unhygienic neckbeards who aren't being allowed to go home during a health crisis is chill. Whatever you gotta do to hide the real face I suppose.
No. 86790
File: 1584835766407.png (202.72 KB, 1440x1020, fc.png)

>>86755Do you really think she Googled herself once and never did it again? It's proven she's a narcissist, it's not far fetched to say she still does it. She was already Googling herself when she had 0 attention inb4
>The fan clubs It's very likely Nicole made those herself to make her fantasy of being famous and adored come to life. She had 0 presence at that time to warrant that level of love and admiration.
Also, the fanclubs were all made in 2014-2015, and they all say the SAME exact thing (WE LOVE YOU QUEEEEN, SHE LOVES US, PERFECT, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD) (pic related), what makes it even more odd is how they posted multiple pictures of herself and Leda. I bet Nicole forgot all the passwords to her sockpuppet fan accounts.
Fan accounts LOVE U QUEEN
>>84909>>83600Further proving her self obsession, picking up a Spanish video that merely used her photo as the thumbnail in 2 days
>>83581Nicole claiming other people are copying her and skinwalking her when she, herself as 0 originality
>>82596Potentially used Reddit burner accounts, pics deleted during the creation of this thread
>>83452>>83487>>83488>>83489Other Anons believe she made her fans
>>>/snow/426137>>>/snow/426185Has a hard on when people think she's Leda, the leda nicole fanclubs make sense now since this was her goal
>>86400 No. 86913
File: 1584901967791.png (2.67 MB, 1440x2567, 829749570.png)

She's telling people to stay home now that she got Animal Crossing, she would've kept going out to find the game if the store she went to had no more copies. It's only time to be responsible and safe when your AdultChild needs are met.
>>86870WKs dismiss proof when it's presented, say they don't see it even when shit gets spoon-fed. The levels of denial here kek.
No. 86924
File: 1584915253102.png (790.79 KB, 1242x2208, C71CE989-25CF-41F5-8EB5-890B1F…)

>>86913And she just posted this. I seriously never want to hear about how she’s broke ever again.
No. 86935
File: 1584922061767.png (4.5 MB, 2527x1232, fakehair.png)

>>86798>"Without any hard evidence">hard evidence of shoop>hard evidence of lying>hard evidence she skinwalks leda>hard evidence she googles herself>hard evidence she's in the thread>hard evidence of self-obsessionSorry, what proof are we missing exactly? their new technique is just to sperg about sageing because they literally have no straws left to grasp on, that's why they all sperged the fuck out over that one redtext, they're that desperate. Where's the "hard evidence" we're all samefag like they're insisting, huh?
>>86924Heart condition still nowhere to be seen lmao. Just to keep the list updated of what she's gotten since starting her patreon (which btw the tiers are still exactly the same meaning she's put out zero actual content and is still accepting everything as "donations")
>new car>new apartment>multiple anime figures>custom yeezys>tattoos>multiple video games….and for your consideration:
>extensionsLeft pic is Feb 18th, Right pic is Mar 18th
No. 86970
File: 1584942844468.png (1.42 MB, 1440x1448, omg queeeen.png)

>The face Nicole makes every time she calls herself perfect goddess <33 on her sock puppet accounts (Tinfoiling vendettachan)
No. 86995
>>86970>>86448seriously? you know the only people reporting these posts are nicole herself and her gang, why are you listening to them?
neither of these posts would ever get redtexted in any other’re going to set the wks on us again
no one else would possibly care enough about these post to report them besides nicole herself
No. 87033
File: 1585001315300.jpg (1.36 MB, 1440x3530, hypocrisy at its finest.jpg)

Where are all the screeching whiteknights demanding for posts to be saged on the Venus, Yumi King, Taylor R and Kooters threads?? There are plenty of Tinfoils that don't get banned so what makes this any different? The front page is littered with many examples like this and nothing is being done about it.(ban evading)
No. 87040
>>87033>>87011>>87008>>86995Seriously, what's going on here? Both of these posts
>>86970 >>86448 are of pictures of Nicole that hadn't been posted before (so both are
valid contributions), and they're both perfectly cringey and milky in different ways.
Mickey Deer's like entire thread is making fun of her fake diarrhea freckles and blatant shoop and filter abuse and ebegging….in fact that's what every single cow that has a thread on this website does? So why is Nicole the only cow getting special treatment here? And why aren't the samefag spergs getting redtexted? Why aren't they getting permanent bans? How do they keep getting back in here? Mods could shut them up for good with one single post, could have shut them up MONTHS ago and saved us all this hassle but they're redtexting shit like this instead? Why?
(>>>/meta/) No. 87118
File: 1585107646098.jpg (248.09 KB, 1080x1255, Screenshot_20200325-143731__01…)

>>87101Kek good point anon. Are the "reee delete the thread, vendetta posting, no milk anons" STILL trying?
Nicole's been boring recently. The most interesting thing I could find was a girl who literally cosplayed her, kek. All you need is Snow app and an orange wig and you too can be Nicole Eevee Davis ~
No. 87122
File: 1585110996778.jpg (251.13 KB, 1080x1213, Screenshot_20200325-151447__01…)

Oof, just checked for myself. I can see where anons are coming from with some of the posts (there's definitely some sperging going on in there)… but saying she isn't scamming her followers out of their money is a bold-faced lie. Every second day she's crying about not making ends meat. Even going as far to construct an "elaborate" lie to validate her need for betabucks, but then proceeds to purchase whatever brand name item takes her fancy nearly that same day?
Imo the opposition to this thread is fucking weird, I've never seen anything like it. It's a shit thread on /W/ (like 90% of the other threads on this board) just hide it if you don't like it. The need some of you have to shutdown other's free speech is getting really suspicious. This is coming from someone who has no problem with Nicole personally, I just think her behaviour is retarded and slightly entertaining.
No. 87124
File: 1585111650412.png (78.49 KB, 1062x390, nicolefags.png)

>>87122Aight yall, I'm done. Mods are just Nicolefags too apparently. I went to /meta/ like they told me to, instead of addressing the 11+ "
samefag vendetta no milk show proof" posts they called me mentally unhinged for 2 posts telling the wks to hide the thread. So that's where we are, good luck.
File: 1585932863837.png (7.24 MB, 1242x2208, F28C9B6E-72FF-4E67-8E24-7C4D20…)

>>87813She posts on her Snapchat quite frequently, but it’s nothing worth mentioning. It’s a lot of, “I’m sad uwu” type of stuff, or how she’s been playing animal crossing. If anyone has forgotten her many faces this is the one she currently has.
No. 89383
File: 1587443998761.png (5.14 MB, 1242x2208, 4D37A1EF-75A2-4E14-8EB4-4DD314…)

She’s back to getting her photos done by her roommate (this is a zoomed in photo from her Twitter).
No. 89454
File: 1587494880302.png (383.41 KB, 663x520, 56.png)

>>89451Anon didn't post the whole caption and instead just the close-up. It looks like that was the point of the photos the dude took of her. The caption and photos make sense together. I don't know why anon only posted a close-up aside from trying to get people nitpicking.
No. 89599
File: 1587593774344.png (258.05 KB, 442x669, 8416911529.png)

Dropping some old some old pics idk if these were posted already
No. 89600
File: 1587593839812.png (375.66 KB, 660x669, 8416911530.png)

No. 89601
File: 1587593891145.png (906.23 KB, 1080x1309, 8416911528.png)

I wonder if she got a light nose job, her nose was pretty sloped and crooked from the side
No. 89602
File: 1587593953075.png (535 KB, 536x668, 8416911534.png)

>>89601Now it looks straight and not sloped downwards
No. 89603
File: 1587594032224.png (208.67 KB, 449x668, 8416911531.png)

I think she may have gotten her jaw and chin done, in her old pics she had a very small and short face
No. 89606
File: 1587594379026.png (318.75 KB, 591x668, 8416911532.png)

My guess is a light nose job, jaw, and chin work
she also uses heavy contour makeup on her nose to make it look button and round then uses angles, lighting, and filters so people cant really see it like those chinese streamers. It was really noticeable during her live streams
saged for no contribution
No. 89692
File: 1587651676788.png (77.83 KB, 1856x367, nicole chan anons.png)

its funny how nicole chan anons flood meta the second some1 says anything about nicole isnt there something better to do than constantly hovering over nicole's thread mass reporting and reeing on meta?
No. 90226
File: 1588067471946.jpg (573.88 KB, 1080x1837, Screenshot_20200428-194658__01…)

>>90225Samefag but kek at the slew of modeling spam since she broke up with her boyfriend. There will be a new simp soon enough.
No. 90988
>>90186She has naturally non speshul brown hair like everyone else
>>89151>>90226She's fantasy/fetish baiting again with the bi/lesbian shit, she really trying hard to hook in a new simp, I guess her bf was tired of being a cuck
No. 91576
File: 1588810679574.jpeg (264.19 KB, 828x1007, 2BC65CD5-35F8-4654-90AB-BD9E15…)

>>83680 Just so you all know, she was underage in that picture where you grown ups are discussing her boobs there.
When a page on 9gag was being creepy on it, she mentioned she was a minor there. So you maybe want to delete the shit you said.
No. 91590
>>91579Ah yes the official whiteknight move, disliking it when people discuss a child’s breasts. The audacity.
Don’t even know what integrate means in this context, but it doesn’t matter, point is it’s creepy
No. 91613
>>91576Yes, that one anon was creepy
But clearly you don't know how this site works, it can't be deleted. And more to the point, the more WKs the more discussion. Grow a brain cell and stop stoking the fire then?
No. 91635
File: 1588831336473.jpeg (69.72 KB, 538x891, 9A7044D5-0B5E-4217-81FA-9CEB82…)

OT but she’s super pretty like this, I would like to see her face and makeup like this again/how it looked in 2017-2018 (inb4 “fiLterS/phoToshop” regardless, her hair and makeup made her face look super flattering like this
No. 91644
>>91635She does look very cute. I guess self hating people just have a very wrapped idea of themselves.
Offtopic, where is that choker from?
No. 91749
>>91748 Samefag.
Just to clarify I haven’t been a fan or something watching her SINCE 2016. I meant after I saw this thread I went to look at her videos that were uploaded in 2016
No. 91788
File: 1588908802873.jpg (1.53 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-08-13-29-42-582_deco.jpg)

>>91748>She looks computer generated or animeShe's pretty but WK harder, wtf…
No. 91790
>>91617Yeah, but a majority of anons don't bother with the PW. As such you have half an hour to delete before it's permanent.
>>91757I agree, who cares about filter abuse, I'm more interested in her setting up a "robbery" in the most autistic way possible to scam her brain dead simps. But that doesn't mean I'm blind to the fact she looks nothing like her shops (not even referring to the obvious Snow abuse). I'm impartial to Nicole, but it seems like there's been an intentional influx of WKs in this thread. She's quiet, so there's nothing to discuss, what a perfect time to send simps here to sway the thread contention. This is coming from someone who thinks vendetta anon is an autist btw.
No. 92053
>>91788 Can we not make it a thing to be considered WKing to find a girl pretty? Not all video game or anime characters look like bugs with giant eyes and having no nose or something. For example, Jojo characters have pretty realistic faces.
If I remember correctly her boyfriend Dennis was in one of her yt videos and he said she has “Chinese eyes” (nothing wrong with having Chinese-looking eyes, but if someone’s using it to insult then the other person would take it the wrong way).
Also onto the whole patreon thing, didn’t Leda have a patreon last year and not fulfill the reward tiers? I remember seeing angry comments all over her insta. I’m not sure if Eevee is doing the same
No. 92066
>>92053Your not so subtle asspats of """"Eevee""""" need some work, faggot
Honestly after reading this thread I'm not sure who's more vomit inducing, Nicole being a pathetic leech skinwalker or the people who infest this thread every second of every fucking day defending someone as degenerate as her! Maybe one day she'll totally fuck you after she sees you've contributed to 60% of the posts in a thread about calling her out for how hollow her skull is, right guys??? Haha!
No. 92070
>>92068>>92053>Can we not-No, we can't. I think Twitter's the place you're looking for if you wanna police individual opinion. Kek at the OT sperg about animu and gaming to validate your
subtle WKing… Go make a thread on PULL if you enjoy the taste of her asshole so much, this unnecessary thread bumping is getting out of hand.
Literally no one cares what a majestic creature you think this average ethot is. Lastly nice diversion, this thread is for Nicole, not Leda.
No. 92168
File: 1589040794134.png (448.35 KB, 621x669, s1038j086.png)

>>92118>can someone post an actual update?yes.
She looks gaunt in her less edited pics and the top of her head is so pointed. It looks like she has an Alien skull. Her Photographer drone has the time to edit her eye shape and color and jaw but didn't notice this mistake?
>>92068Nicole is literally in her fucking user name whereas Pewdiepie doesn't, and people didn't start calling her "Eevee" until recently. I used to be a fan and a lot of people were still calling her Nicole until she started claiming people called her Eevee and insisted no one called her Nicole anymore in one of her live stream from late last year. Your point is so shit and paper thin.
No. 92373
File: 1589085599062.jpg (589.18 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20200510-143953__01…)

>>92118The wk's are the only source of entertainment right now, more so because they're likely Nicole or her friends. She's done fuck all except for fill her feed with edited ~model~ shots since her boyfriend dumped her/vice versa
No. 92375
File: 1589085731546.jpg (508.13 KB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20200510-144002__01…)

Vs before when it was all shit-tier snow selfies. Maybe she's stepping up the shoop because of the thread? Who knows
No. 92383
>>92373 I can imagine her reading this thread because it appears if you search her name, has she mentioned this thread at all on her social media? I honestly expected her to right away because as soon as her stalker was posting pictures showing her shoops she turned it into a story highlight about contacting the police.
I’m also still not sure why the highlight is still up.
No. 92402
File: 1589100261092.jpeg (108.52 KB, 775x631, BDB18DDA-048F-4795-A4A7-ED04F8…)

I’m going to assume she’s still dating Dennis because he’s still in her Facebook bio
No. 92442
>>92402I don't think she updates her fb page anymore
lmao @ pink haired weeb
No. 92637
File: 1589175310397.jpeg (384.77 KB, 828x1231, A0975DFB-0A1A-4646-B4BE-AEF0D5…)

Her bf has an etsy account and it seems he is/was a fan of some random lewd cosplayer.
I always wondered why Nicole started posting lewd content, because years ago she used to wear baggy stuff and not like posting her body.
Seeing this probably didn’t help lmao.
No. 92705
File: 1589215296876.png (1.57 MB, 1440x2559, uwuazneyes.png)

any of yall seen her new story? Her azn eyes shop is so damn bad. She looks like those white flakes on insta lying about being Korean or Japanese by erasing their eyelids away. Look @ all the blur around her eyelids. She's still trying to prove to minna she has monolids, Lmao.
No. 92709
File: 1589216319167.png (644.78 KB, 1440x2511, s8j001836w87108p2.png)

>>92707>It's golden hour and she was walking towards the sunUh where? It looked more cloudy than bright outside when she took the video and there was no "sun shining on her face" causing her to squint like that. She just wanted to show off her fake monolids~
No. 92711
>>92375 >>92710She does look like the same girl but with different filters on though. You can still tell its
>>92373 in all of these including
>>91788 It just looks like edited stuff, but just like how Moo looks like the same broken bus no matter her face shape.
No. 92717
>>92712I was talking to the second anon tagged in the post, obviously not the first one.
headdeskWhy are nicole stans the dumbest people on this site?
No. 92718
File: 1589222134670.png (1.18 MB, 1440x1800, noface.png)

>>92717Randomly threw this screencap onto and got "couldn't detect any faces"
So there's the final word on the many faces of nicole. An algorithm can't even tell it
is a face.
But sure, she looks very human and exactly the same in every image.
No. 92723
>>92717>I was talking to the second anon tagged in the post!Maybe state who you're talking to next time? Anyone reading it when think you're talking to me.
>Nicole stanAnd where do you get that from? I'm literally calling her out for PSing her eyes to a Monolid crease. None of my posts are defending her in any way.
Please take your retardation to PULL. You sound stupid as fuck and underaged.
No. 92830
File: 1589279989438.jpeg (491.78 KB, 1008x828, BB54ED0D-4A71-407A-85C2-752858…)

>>92718 This thread was good when it was discussing her stalkers and Patreon, starts becoming shit when you’re nitpicking eyelids. Here’s a screencap of her face with no editing or filters.
Anon, if you’re going to use an image of someone’s face to check their age with an AI, at least don’t make it a blurry screenshot from a video.
Side note, the Snapchat filters look horrible, I wish she’d go back to using SNOW filters at least, those looked cuter/had realistic looking freckles.
Does anyone know when she plans on Twitch streaming? She’s talked about it for years but hasn’t actually done anything recent yet.
No. 92859
>>92830>anyone knows when she's gonna stream again I don't think she will do one anytime soon since she's lazy as shit and has to put in a lot of work for the angles, filters and lighting to show on the stream.
And Anon, you can very clearly see her regular white person eyelids if you hover your mouse over your picture. In some of her edits she completely erases the crease to make it look like she has absolutely no crease like an Asian.
No. 93013
Can we stop posting screencaps from videos if we are going to post Instagram videos zoomed in and specifically cropped like
>>92709 and do retarded shit like
>>92830She still uses them from the look of it, but then reuploads to Snapchat and Instagram both which I think is why anon is confused about what filters she is using.
No. 93016
>>92998>>92996Everything around her face would be warped too. This isn't an edited video except it being washed out and brightened a bit. She seems to have liked the washed out look in her videos at the time. We already discussed these anyway.
>>92830She still uses them from the look of it, but then reuploads to Snapchat and Instagram both which I think is why anon is confused about what filters she is using. The video is really old and its not like she had a living doll setup in her care. Apps weren't that great when this video was taken to not have had an obvious warp around her whole head and turning in her neck, sides of the hair/car near the hair.
No. 93020
>>92830Agreed, although I must admit tardanon probably screeched race faking because even in her professional shops her eyes are like twice the size. Still a reach though.
>>92859I've never seen her do that. Do you have any caps? I'm genuinely curious.
No. 93040
File: 1589354069831.jpeg (52.9 KB, 828x359, 1CC65133-B863-47F6-8928-D49946…)

She clearly has hooded eyes that look like epicanthal folds from certain angles. I’m not sure why anon made this a race thing, unless you find proof of her claiming to be Asian or denying her European heritage I don’t see what the issue with her eyelids would be. Also anon, there’s more to Asian features than just eyelids, unless she starts taking on Korean or Japanese beauty trends and changing her nose and lips too, she looks 100% European.
Here’s a canon picture, I googled “nicoleeeveedavis real face.”
No. 93041
File: 1589354435685.jpeg (478.51 KB, 828x551, AAA09B24-6776-4608-B1A2-5296BA…)

Her SNOW filter phase was when her pictures looked the best, imo when she got the most likes and attention, so I don’t know why she started to use shitty Snapchat filters instead.
I don’t get it, if your income relies on Patreon support from neckbeards and weebs why not at least uphold the fantasy and ~uwu anime~ image SNOW filters provide? Such a downgrade to go from this (red hair picture) to the Snapchat selfies she uploads today.
No. 93110
>>92996I know peachmilky admitted she edited her videos at one point to get dat perfect glowing skin. Video filters have been around+used by Youtubers for half a decade.
Interestingly there are a couple of old Twitch clips up and there's a visible white box around Nicole's face in them, which suggests she was using face-tracking filters on her streams.
No. 93139
File: 1589390764067.jpeg (418.78 KB, 828x746, 6746CD6C-D424-401F-9A5F-DA43CC…)

That’s a lot of effort to go through to avoid showing your real face lmao. I found this screenshot from a livestream last year, is it possible for filters to be used in livestreams?
No. 93150
>>93040Nicole has hooded eyes, not Monolids. Monolids aren't present in Caucasians. Nicole could've just said I have hooded lids instead of saying "I HAVE MONOLIDS" and that's why she gets shit for it.
>>93110I wouldn't be surprised if she uses face tracking filters during her live streams too, her face looks extra long during her lives and her eye
>>93139Her chin is pointy, jaw is straight, nose is blurred and small, eyes are magnified.
No. 93175
>>93161She posted a story once showing her in the hospital getting an electrocardiogram (ECG) and mentioned having irregular heart beats, but didn’t specify the condition or issue they found after that scan.
If the website was still up I’d be able to find a picture archive of that story, but the website got taken down.
No. 93179
File: 1589395014571.jpeg (526.21 KB, 828x1158, 769353C2-B99D-4863-8874-22FED9…)

I did more digging and found that it’s called a heart murmur
No. 93220
>>93191If she truly has it, I doubt it's even serious. If it was, she sure as hell wouldn't be spending all her money on toys and random crap if she had to pay for doctor appointments, medication and hospital visits.
If she does have this issue she made it sound like a big problem to drum up donations to fund her Adultkid lifestyle.
No. 93325
File: 1589454957678.jpeg (759.72 KB, 828x1026, 1A69D606-0CF8-4404-AAA0-E84CD1…)

I know this is very filtered and skin-smoothed but how the hell did it look like she aged 10 years between when this picture was taken (2 years ago) and now?
No. 93328
File: 1589458130573.jpeg (550.95 KB, 828x932, F8DAA63F-C476-4CDF-AD67-789DDD…)

It’s very clear Destery (capndesdes on insta) had feelings for Nicole, he constantly posted lovey dovey stuff about her when she was hanging out with him but they got into a fight in 2018, she ranted on twitter about him being childish and wanting a relationship. I wonder if they’ll actually end up dating now that she’s potentially single
No. 93420
>>93328Male being SCENE XD after age 19 is a huge red flag, this fucker is almost 30, no doubt he's at least an insufferable manchild
And even not looking like her pictures Nicole is too pretty for him
sage for kinda complimenting the cow
No. 93435
didnt know who this wench was before i just read this tread, i have nta, no milk but holy fucking shit, what a lame ass excuse of a woman.
leda skinwalker 100%.
i want to set that illdan stormrage cutout she has/had on fire and throw her in the pit with it. leda made it very clear she loved illidan and was obsessed with wow, elves, fantasy, cosplay, etc. she blatantly stole ledas whole personality and turned it into a fucking gimmick
this nicole bitch even hopped on desterys dick after leda dated nate way back in like 2009…im so disgusted lmfao. i loved leda back in the day, shes had her trip ups, and even though her fantasy books arent my thing rn i can at least respect her, shes not whoring herself out, she was genuinely a good gamer proven by years of dedication to wow, shes an og alt ""e-girl"" and hasnt relied on onlyfans or patreon exclusively for money afaik, she made good enough youtube videos, and now is writing and illustrating and she actually tries to better herself etc. she was creative.
its so unfortunate to me that this nicole bitch is riding ledas coattails so hard its fucking disrespectful imo…it makes me extremely upset. how fucking brainless and unoriginal can you be? stealing a womans entire personality only to shroud it in lies and bullshit.
/sorry for the rant but i hope this bitch gets irreversible botched plastic surgery.(calm down)
No. 93453
File: 1589521157262.png (554.36 KB, 480x683, dorame.png)

>>93452This one is Alex Dorame. I googled Leda copycats and holy shit there is a lot
No. 93454
>>93451>>93450>>>/snow/29149In case anyone is wondering, there is already a thread made on Leda and it actually highlights a bunch of people who copied her. Nicole is mentioned once here though
>>>/snow/558782Leda is heavy on the scene look and just changes whatever she is in to, which changes constantly until one sticks with her audience but still keeps the scene hair and vibe all the time. Now she's in elf scene mode like all the other minimalist elf girls who love nature and fantasy do on Instagram.
No. 93466
>>93464That’s ridiculous, Leda had a patreon where she didn’t fulfill any rewards for months and people were constantly complaining in the comments of her instagram posts. She still has her patreon up for god knows what reason. The link is:
I mentioned this earlier in the thread but another anon got angry and said it was a diversion away from Nicole. I’m not a fan of either of them. As for Nicole, on Twitter she said she’s putting her Patreon on hold during this pandemic so there’s not much info there, but so far no patrons complaining.
No. 93469
File: 1589527385574.jpg (327.75 KB, 1080x1843, Screenshot_20200515-172222__01…)

Suspicious kek
No. 93472
>>93466Soz for samefag. Probably because this is a Nicole thread? Can we at least try when mentioning Leda to post in relation to Nicole? They both scam, grats. Leda has her own thread where I'm sure it has been discussed.
>>93467Let's ignore the fact public figures like Leda with the exact same personality traits and interest as Leda were few and far between when Nicole started morphing into her… Might as well ignore
>>93455 while we're at it too. I'm not that anon, nor am I a fan of either thots. It's just pretty clearly Nicole stans have found this thread and littering it with irrelevant shit talk about Leda. Literally revive the Leda thread or make another, I'll even join in on the stale milk if it makes anons happy. Nicole is almost if not as boring as her, the only reason we're still here is the WKs and attempts to derail.
No. 93474
>>93472I'm confused about what Nicole is scamming about though or is it just the idea she is catfishing with her looks?
>>93466 said her patreon is on hold and from the previous months on her instagram stories she did deliver envelopes from anyone who got those cards in the patreon tiers I guess.
No. 93482
>>93477I believe her stories, shit like intruders and break-ins seems to happen often in the area she lives. I also believe she was harassed and stalked by Addi and Brandon. My problem with these is she does no measures to protect herself in terms of internet safety. She could have deactivated her instagram for a while when feeling overwhelmed by Addi, she could have stopped using social media. The only thing she did about it was make her accounts private and stopped streaming on Twitch
She was living with her family/parents up until late 2019, rent free and looking after her brothers apparently. If I were in her place I would continue staying there until I can sort my shit out from being fired, having a car broken into, and intruders. (Samefag)
No. 93493
File: 1589545739404.jpeg (215.55 KB, 828x552, 89899207-7532-4C8B-B43B-C558B1…)

New tweet from nicole, sounds like a falling out with a friend
it’s nothing special because I always see influencers do this on twitter, but I will never understand the need to sub tweet every minor inconvenience with another person.
Why does she always need to be the victim?
No. 93610
File: 1589587635467.png (888.07 KB, 1019x752, wd.png)

>>93606>Her followers told her to stfu about her stalker and stop checking Addi and move on with her life Ahahaha Hilarious. Nicole kept saying "ITS GREAT TO FINALLY MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE AND PUT ALL THIS STALKING STUFF BEHIND ME!"
>Proceeds to continually stalk a random girl she accused of skinwalking and stalking >Won't STFU about being briefly stalked by a guy with mental issues she egged onI feel like her whole "illness" shit was just the symptoms from the eating disorder she had, and she exaggerated it as a terrible disease for the sweet
victim points.
No. 93611
File: 1589587998266.png (282.34 KB, 600x670, txt.png)

Too bad the eye magnify filter shop thing doesn't work on faraway faces
No. 93612
File: 1589588064816.png (508.44 KB, 370x780, tx.png)

>>93611I wonder how insecure she is over her eyes, she uses apps and a ton of makeup to make them huge
No. 93613
File: 1589588144602.jpeg (566.69 KB, 828x1367, 2690328E-ED74-414F-865F-15DF29…)

Even her most loyal followers are sick to death of her obsession with a random stripper who copied some of her gamer memes.
No. 93614
File: 1589588363982.jpeg (206.87 KB, 2401x2401, 5B8FA766-9EC5-435B-B8BB-1DB899…)

>>93612 One search of her name took me to this photo. She deleted the youtube video the picture on the right was taken from, so nobody can claim it’s how she really looks.
She deletes everything people dig up, I remember she used to have an account where she would repeatedly say the N word and make racist black jokes, when that was brought up she deactivated it. The only evidence now of any racism is her boyfriend Dennis saying the N word all over his FB posts.
No. 93616
File: 1589588495109.jpg (7.75 KB, 300x168, its time to stop.jpg)

>>93613Lmao she doesn't know how to spell progressive. I like how she makes excuses to justify her stalking and harassment of Addi and continual
victim mentality. You know it's bad when your own drones are telling you it's time to stop
No. 93617
File: 1589588681702.jpeg (623.65 KB, 2401x2401, E56DDEE2-4D05-49FA-995C-6CE4C0…)

Googling Nicole is hilarious
No. 93620
File: 1589590399225.jpeg (476.62 KB, 828x1103, 4EDDA064-3D86-4DD4-9C42-34581D…)

Dear all the people denying Nicole skinwalking Leda, this is a direct screenshot from her Facebook.
No. 93622
File: 1589590511382.jpeg (82.05 KB, 828x234, 480EE4EB-F13B-425C-AF42-7D7D86…)

Samefag, came with more proof of Nicole’s problematic N word posts.
No. 93667
File: 1589620228298.jpeg (480.49 KB, 828x1093, 0438587A-EB16-4B9F-BC2A-E613E8…)

Samefag, here is her tweeting about Destery wanting a relationship with her.
No. 93674
File: 1589622378961.png (191.76 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20200515-211418.png)

Okay, first a short sidenote: I started as a follower of Nicole ages ago and in the end waited for 3 years (!) for that manipulative btch to be exposed. Over time, I started to notice things I strongly disliked about her behavior, it was subtle in the beginning, got worse with lies over lies and in the end was incredibly shitty. I regularly went on PULL, reddit, lolcow and all these type of sites to look up if she got caught already in her act, but it was always just a whiteknight circlejrk about her. No one seemed to notice her crap and it drove me crazy how she could go on scamming her followers.
These screenshots are from April 2018. She had posted on her instagram a photo of her and Destery, where they seemed as a couple and comments below were spamming how cute they looked together. I recalled that Destery was in a commited relationship - Amber and Nicole too, - Dennis. Back then I already had noticed that Destery - by the way a huge piece of shit human being - had kinda "hidden" in his vlogs and photos that he was with Amber. Like he was trying to hide a girlfriend he didnt really want anymore. When he then started to wear "Nicole's hat" in all of his videos, that I recognized from her, and she uploaded their lovey dovey pics, I called her out. I wrote in the comments, that if I was Amber and would have to read all this "sucking up" of her followers about how great she was with Destery, I would have died inside. This is when the first message came into my private DMs. The same day Destery went through my instagram stories, to see who I was (I'm a total nobody tbh) and that stalking ass move startled me. I have blocked him since.
Long story short: The whole deal with Destery and her was shady as fuck. At that time she still claimed to be with Dennis, but there was video evidence (I think a vlog from Destery or instastory) where he would talk to the camera in bed, but you could clearly see her behind him cuddled up, barely wearing anything. There was also a story from the next morning, same bed, where it was evident they at least slept together in the same bed, can't proof of course if they actually had sex. But the whole video footage of that time indicated strongly, how much they cuddled, hung out, took pictures and slept together.
Short info to Destery: That hideous, uncreative idiot was exposed for stealing jokes in his videos, got kicked off shane dawsons feature channel (where he has his 1 mil subscribers from, god knows why they still stick around) and on reddit a girl came forward some years ago, that told a long and detailled story, about how he tried to get with her while he had a girlfriend and writing with several underage emo-girls sexually. That guy is a cheating nightmare. Also, wouldnt be surprised if Nicole got her Patreon idea from him, as he checks out monthly with almost 3000 $ for barely doing anything. His videos are absolute trash, so is his horrible personality.
Speaking of trash - back to Nicole. As I followed her for years before ending that, I witnessed everything you guys here mentioned in the comments and can approve even about stuff that is long deleted. I absolutely validate stating how she skinwalked Leda, before this level of copying was even a thing - she DID. She gained popularity off of Leda's image and even went so far to imitate pictures 1:1, most of them deleted after accumulating enough followers. Then, I one time caught her on socialblade, where in one hour, she got 7000 followers at once and called her out for buying followers. No collab in the world can give you this amount in such a short time. She then tried to convince me in a long ass reply, how "buying followers isn't real". I laughed so hard at this, she didnt have anything else as her defense. Dont you think it's hilarious that a girl that BARELY uploads (back then), NEVER for years (!) goes through with that she promises she will produce (videos, events, streams, cosplayes, all that crap never happened) and goes away regularly for months sitting on her ass has an active following of 350k and hundrets of fan accounts? Yeah, right.
I will now post the first row of screenshot after I called out her terrible behaviour with Destery towards Amber and Dennis. She agreed with my accusations about the situation.
No. 93676
File: 1589622667839.png (189.72 KB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_20200515-211426.png)

I'm really so happy that all this shit gets finally exposed. Her ricidulous "theft" stories, the money begging, the advocating body positivity and then shooping herself beyond sanity (bodyshape, jawstructure, eyesize, eyecolor, hairlength, boobsize, noseshape, teeth) I have seen it all, she edits herself beyond recognition. She would never shut up about her stalker stuff, bloated into drama, came around the corner with a new sob story every month (please pay attention, mostly when rent is due something oh so terrible happened to her). and her content, for years now, always fished for sympathy. she is always sooo grateful and humbled and crying of joy. her followers are literally brainwashed. and she fully believes she actually is this saint that people STILL to this day make her out to be, despite aaaaall the crushing evidence what a total shit person that b'tch is.
part 2
No. 93677
File: 1589622692783.png (196.54 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20200515-211459.png)

part 3.
No. 93678
File: 1589622956059.png (2.1 MB, 1800x1800, 5D3C3CCA-421C-4F6D-9B41-D67BE0…)

>>93676 Just to back you up anon, here is a screenshot of her sharing a bed with Destery
No. 93679
File: 1589623044565.png (174 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20200515-211213.png)

So, that was the first encounter and many things didnt make sense. It was obvious she was playing things down that looked really, really bad to several people back then, including me. She and Destery seemed like cheaters and were both lying about what really happened, Destery was outrageous in painting himself as the victim, Nicole did everything in her power to seem like the victim herself. At this point my inklings about that she is a shitty person felt validated the first time. You all know the bullshit stories that followed 2018-2020, now it's painfully obvious what a manipulator and lowlife hoe she actually is.
Even though she stated, she didnt want any drama (kept blowing the story up on her socialmedia) I had a strange feeling about why the hell she would private message me with such a private info, exposing destery, spilling her beans to a stranger. I asked my friend if she could comment also under her Destery post. I wanted to know, if Nicole AGAIN would write, you I knew she spreaded these infos to EVERYBODY. That would mean that she tells me how she wants to keep out of drama and public, but then just uses DMs to her followers to STILL spill everything! And that is exactly what happened. My friend logged in, called her out in the comments about hoeing arround and lo and behold:
No. 93682
File: 1589623804945.png (169.2 KB, 891x632, Screenshot_2020051526_.png)

Awesome anon, that was the setting i was talking about! there was even a video where she kept snuggling up to him. He had even put her name with a heart emoji in his instagram bio, it was a shitfest.
No. 93683
File: 1589624036590.png (171.05 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20200515-211326.png)

here you can see, things were not adding up. she talked about planetickets for a meeting she already went to. she said she was lied to, but leaves out how she got his hopes up and totalle led him on with her behaviour, online AND offline. would not be surprised if the same went down with her stalker people.
here we have a convo part I personally had with sarah alice black. It is not complete because really not that relevant, BUT it is evidence that they - the fanaccounts and crazy imitators - are in close contact with Nicole. They know each other. It always seems like total strangers to us, but they actually have contact.
No. 93684
File: 1589624171688.png (181.56 KB, 1080x1524, Screenshot_20200515-211402.png)

As i would tell, she is very young and naive and CLEARLY copies her, as the pictures are sometimes even 1:1. Some are deleted now, but she imitated haircolors, poses, wigs, cosplayes, filters (as a combination, which makes it NO coincidence). She acted like she didnt know what I was talking about when I pointed all similarities (copies) out in detail. Also, no idea how this little girl got all them followers with like 9 pics…
No. 93687
God damn, you have no idea how satisfying it feels to finally see that btch go down for what she has done. she played so many guys, scammed money and lied to followers, hasnt given a shit about promised content, fakes her entire life, buys shitton of stuff while just claiming she is so poor, it's not even funny anymore. And then STILL miraculously maintains the online image of the sweetest, cutest uwu innocent angel girl. everyone looks up to her and fanboys into coma. HOW?! that manipulation game sure is strong.I honestly dont know any other internet persona, that has such an intense level of whiteknights following her. wtf.
Because i started out as a fan (liked nerd stuff) i was so fcking disappointed with this dumbass hoe. to me its just a matter of time until she starts an onlyfans or deletes all her socials in a mental breakdown. or both.
she was never really stable, at least from what she put out on her socials. she lies, manipulates, guilt trips, milks and sugarcoats to no end. how can such a person still have friends? btw, i saw how she posted something with dennis some time ago on insta (i dont follow her anymore, after that open car door my paychecks gone BULLSHIT story, i checked out with her permanently.) dennis was chubbier and had short hair, but you cant miss those teeth, it was him. so they still seem to hang out.
with this lying, bullying (i screamed when she wrote on twitter she will fly to that convention and tell security the other girl is not allowed, like, the level of selfobsession and entitlement is incredible omfg) cheating, shooped to the gods failure, I think this thread is really long overdue and deserved. and to believe that thousands of idiots kiss her feet everyday still is heartbreaking.
I think i will continue reading, but not much posting perhaps, i just really wanted to get these screenshots to use after such a long waiting time. justice, btch. there is much more I could rant about her, how she advocates so many things she is not standing for at all (acting against her own agenda all the time) and acts the big moral-master, then as soon as a guy in a relationship on twitter tells her he wants to "dump his girl for her" she sends him heart emojis and condones his behavior all of a sudden, because it gives her attention. then suddenly all her words have zero value. that chick is twofaced from the get go.
I'm excited to see what still will come to surface :)
No. 93691
File: 1589625332488.jpeg (217.46 KB, 828x376, 75A77737-5E8A-468C-9591-7E147D…)

Don’t forget how she hung out with Desterys ex friend months later and ex of the scene chic Nate
No. 93694
File: 1589625529656.jpeg (222.26 KB, 1242x1235, 016ED78E-3D51-41EC-8621-060D8B…)

Samefag but idgaf if a costhot uses filter, it’s the sheer fact that she kept denying any PS and editing in response to every comment making herself look like a saint
No. 93695
>>93687 >Nicole trying to make herself look like a saint in all of this and willing to ditch a long-term relationship from a failed Shane Dawson wannabe rawr youtuber Good finds, anon. Just beware sharing any messages from Nicole from your main account because if she checks her message history and finds you, she’ll cry stalker and make herself the
victim. I can imagine her stalking you just for exposing her like she did Addi lmfao
No. 93698
>>93695thank you for the saftety tip anon, but i already deleted the chat and blocked her, think i should be ok? i am btw by no means a stalker if she even would try that route, i just followed her some years and witnessed all her crap first hand, before she could delete so many things later on.
yeah, there were even rumors she had something with nate, but she denied them. sometimes, just tinfoiling here, i wonder if she tried to date destery, then nate, for the 1) clout in hopes to get more fame through that strategy 2) more precisly, because Nate was a Leda handdown and Destery was rumored to have been interested in Leda too /trying to get with her back in the day. i want to remind you guys that Leda, again, enters the picture here. LEDA WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH NATE. She was his girlfriend for quite some time, started October 2009. From Leda's Wiki:
"They broke up in August 2011, but never revealed anything about it except for he left her in the middle of the night and left nothing more than a note."
Also she was known to be still involved with them way before Nicole's days and shouted them out on their twitter multiple times (the tweets are still up) and there are even fanfictions about them all dating. don't believe me? here: it look like nicole not only imitates leda, she literally wants her fcking life.
No. 93700
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If you search “Capndesdes LA” on yt there’s a video of him gushing about Nicole. If you want proof she searches herself online she reads all the comments on that video and replied to some of the hate or speculation
No. 93701
File: 1589628992114.png (250.86 KB, 1435x496, wtf.png)

No. 93703
>>93701 There’s also a lot of milk found on her stream. Admittedly, I only looked through her streams to see what she looks like without PS filters but I found some interesting stuff. Some of her gaming streams are with Nate, if you hear a male voice playing with her that’s Nate.
The most interesting thing is Nicole is if you go to her purple haired stream that is 8 hours long, she is sitting right next to Dennis, but Destery joins the fucking twitch chat and starts flirting with her and calls her pretty (looking for screenshots rn). The fucking audacity to cheat or have a thing going on with Destery when her boyfriend was in the same room as her
No. 93710
File: 1589630363167.png (4.05 MB, 1800x1800, D26BD7A0-227A-4F36-82A7-85A9F0…)

I found it. Timestamp and everything, that’s Destery’s verified account
No. 93711
File: 1589630743387.png (3.39 MB, 1351x1600, lol.png)

Here is she troughout the video meeting destery, its so hilarious how she keeps hiding her face as soon as the camera points at her lmao.
No. 93712
File: 1589630889526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,447.61 KB, 828x683, 9163325D-3E9F-4202-8DC6-418EA3…)

Samefag for the twitch screencaps
That stream where Destery was in a relationship and complimenting Nicole was also during the same time this stream was uploaded. Nate is in this stream playing with her
No. 93713
File: 1589631102716.png (980.6 KB, 1520x569, lmao.png)

>>93712ew, that is so heartbreaking man. back here he was still with amber, but lets hug and cuddle and flirt non stop with another girl.
No. 93714
Dennis has an instagram page: can be seen commenting on his May 2018 post, the youtube video Destery uploaded in bed with Nicole was in May 2018. She was still with Dennis when that video was filmed and all of that went on.
The fuck?
No. 93718
>>93712I can't believe that she was dating "Dennis Moore" and then tried to get with "Destery Moore". LOL, because all the same, right?!
There is just so much proof that they cheated. Disgusting!! If you ever experienced getting cheated on in reallife, you know what a trainwreck that leaves in your life. I feel sorry for Dennis and Amber.
No. 93720
File: 1589634216496.png (692.43 KB, 1800x1800, 16FE2347-C74A-42D4-8C18-552527…)

>>93718There’s a possibility she’s still dating Dennis, and that’s the worst part about all of this: he was emotionally cheated on and doesn’t know. They’re still friends on FB so it’s very likely that Nicole continues to treat him like a second option because things didn’t work with Destery.
the lengths that woman would go to just for a popularity boost is crazy.
She also lives for getting worshipped by Nate and Destery
No. 93721
File: 1589634701964.png (925.84 KB, 1150x411, hair.png)

(Leda had this hairstyle also years ago.) Leda, Nicole, Sarah. Oh the clownery. People have no own personality these days.
The story with Dennis and Destery is horrible. Why didnt this blow up earlier??
No. 93724
File: 1589635466822.jpeg (637.17 KB, 828x1022, 194ED707-3047-4049-93E4-F46E7A…)

Last time Nicole posted a pic with Dennis on her account was February this year. So a year after emotionally cheating on him
No. 93729
File: 1589637452642.jpeg (269.83 KB, 828x863, 4994B28B-DB84-4944-BD20-D7FBDA…)

Nicole had an of her own where she kept saying a bunch of racial slurs and made a joke about being black but painting her face white, they were stupid.
Her boyfriend had one from years ago: deactivated her account when called racist, and a youtube video where she made jokes like that too.
No. 93731
File: 1589637956609.jpeg (208.69 KB, 828x1525, 2982B8DF-4613-4196-91F0-1C6DD0…)

Relevant to Nicole cheating on Dennis: she accidentally uploaded a pic that shows she has a friends only option hiding posts from Dennis and I’m assuming his family member yikes
No. 93734
File: 1589638634386.jpg (2.22 MB, 2094x1568, clownery.jpg)

>>93731YIKES, are you kidding me? She is not even doing a good job hiding her tracks! I can't believe she lied straight to my face about it and so many other people.
Throwing in a little reminder.
Welcome to the imitation saga.
(Leda was first with everything).
No. 93736
>>93735she seemed very defensive and reacted more in some sort of anxiety i want to say. proceeded to "overexplain", getting way too personal and always fishing for being understood/slighty paint her as
victim. I had the perception she immediately tried to reach a personal level with me (as if i could be honored that she opens up only to me, awww) and nib the fire in the bud. It was like a nice-guy manipulation, she could have been fuming behind the screen but stayed sugary in her words. I didnt buy it. Judging by how this went down, even claiming otherwise, she WANTED the drama and attention. cannot deal well with backfire, always try to sweettalk her attackers, if not succesfull blocks them, while other fans jump to her rescue, even though the attacker might be right. she has to maintain this behaviour to keep up the saint image, so she can say afterwards how she just wanted to help, accepts anybody, and cannot understand why you would be sooo rude.
No. 93738
File: 1589639573565.jpeg (396.97 KB, 828x857, E4B86604-DBEA-421F-98C9-5D0F3A…)

The irony
>when you throw destery under the bus as the villain in the story when the two of you are equally piece of garbage as more evidence shows up
No. 93739
File: 1589639897439.jpeg (773.94 KB, 828x1577, 45B0ED23-2723-4DAF-86D7-C6A7CA…)

>>93737she definitely gives vibes as the sweet girl publicly but
toxic and angry privately. when some rando tells her to get a job she lashes out and puts them on blast on social media
No. 93743
File: 1589642207985.jpg (66.54 KB, 575x1024, Cbe6fdrUsAAVewq.jpg)

>>93739 No of course you won't allow this Nicole, you rather want to lie straight to their faces yourself! It's Your job to harass them publicly and then deny everything!
No. 93744
File: 1589642850899.png (1.36 MB, 1663x805, wrong.png)

"not a mean bone in her body" yeah, totally. we've seen that. good that you know her so well after meeting once.
No. 93747
File: 1589643324152.jpeg (374.77 KB, 828x860, 680894BD-EA12-4491-8136-D948DF…)

to this day destery is STILL lusting after nicole. I feel so sorry for dennis, he wasted 9 years of his life over her
No. 93756
File: 1589644298986.jpg (10.46 KB, 250x250, leafy no chin.jpg)

>>93711Ahhh the classic Leafy face hide
>>93739>Someone tells her to get a job>Nicole gets a part time job nearly 5 years later and lies about working 3 jobs and 70 hour weeks. Ahahaha.jpg howsad.jpg
>>93713You can see her nose is hooked there
but for some reason on her IG live
>>83590her nose was straight. Like what the other Anons were saying it's either she uses face tracking photoshop filters or had bad plastic surgery
No. 93757
>>93750Do we even have a lineup of when they broke up and got back together? No one seems to know when they broke up and photos like
>>93724 have had people trying to figure it out. If she broke up with Dennis back when she stopped youtube like some people have speculated, then its not cheating on her side, but on Destry. How old is everyone when this was happening because I'm having a hard time following. So much was posted and there are dates everywhere which make the timeline confusing.
No. 93760
File: 1589644421087.png (351.02 KB, 379x670, lol.png)

>>93734>More proof of Nicole skinwalking LedaKeep it coming Anons.
She dyed the inner edge of her left side blonde to show everyone that she's nAtUrAlLy sTrAwbErRy bLoNdE. Just give it up Nicole, no one is ever going to believe you naturally have Strawberry Blonde hair.
No. 93762
>>93758Her nose is still pretty big in the front view.
>>93694That's why she relies heavily on Photoshop, contour makeup, and angles. Imagine spending money on a nose job and still having it to cover it.
No. 93764
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Someone explain to me how she has multiple guys lusting after her even after meeting her irl?
She gives off this impression that she enjoys the attention people like Destery give and are willing to leave their gfs to be with her, only for her to reject them lol
No. 93766
File: 1589645022173.jpeg (177.62 KB, 828x657, 8F6A5695-C3C8-4A4D-8D75-F9C3A4…)

Anyone know when Destery broke things off with his gf? He was flirting pretty hardcore with Nicole on twitter
No. 93769
>>93764>The world isn't ready for this side of me ; )This behavior was noted early in the costhot thread and this thread but it was shot down by WKS.
Nicole likes to portray herself as a sweet innocent SUPER NERD GIRL who is against stalking and mean people when she's exactly the opposite. One second she'll be UWU ~nerd innocence~ and the next second she's posting pics of her ass and padded tits. With flirty captions. She likes being a Whore but hides it under the persona of being a nice uwu quirky nerd, typical Ethot behavior.
No. 93773
File: 1589645621998.jpeg (652.74 KB, 828x1278, 36AEF04C-D3A7-44B0-BF0A-488D92…)

This was mentioned earlier in the thread, but Nicole has been increasingly tweeting and posting about being bisexual without actually saying she’s bi. This is a new thing that only started since 2019.
If she’s bi then cool. But I can’t help and think this is some sad attempt to show her “love” and appreciation for women by baiting people and showing that she doesn’t see females as competition, in some fucked up way. A comment in this FB post even asked if she was bi and of course, no response. Why admit you’re straight when you can vaguely post and confuse everyone?
No. 93774
File: 1589645770868.png (1.39 MB, 1405x636, cap1.png)

>>93773>claims to be biShe's not Bi, she's just saying that for likes+attention and for more guys to think "omg thats so hoot".
This is from her Twitch, is this a face filter app? She was trying to set up her stream during this clip No. 93779
File: 1589646326762.png (1.42 MB, 1221x642, cap 2.png)

>>93775Nicole has a proven track record of doing anything for attention so saying she's lying about being bi isn't far fetched
>>93777>>93774She has the Camera thing for a few of her streams, she has the app right out the in open for the streams that focus just on her. No. 93783
File: 1589646979969.jpeg (253.2 KB, 827x1435, B8791C26-8572-42AE-A12D-7FE76F…)

Nicole’s bestfriend posted this. Classy.
Probably lewds for Destery, they had a thing during that time period
No. 93784
File: 1589647020941.png (1.23 MB, 994x742, editing app would look…)

>>93779Hate to break it to you anon, but that is an autofocus box. Not an editing app tracker or an other app over the camera one. Whe streamers us face tracking for editing it's way more intense with setup and no way she could hide that unless she is setting up the editing first and then going into the tracking on the main camera, but seems unlikely since she comes in and gets up in her streams a lot. It needs to be reset if you move way too much as it throws it off and will snap and stretch and make it obvious.
No. 93787
File: 1589647596934.gif (374.25 KB, 220x223, gross.gif)

>>93783>Friends help friends take lewdsOnly real friends help you Pimp yourself out on the internet
No. 93788
File: 1589647636693.jpeg (514.78 KB, 828x1154, 5FCBB5EA-7803-4C3E-91F1-437496…)

lol throwback to the time she acted like people were misgendering her or using wrong pronouns just because she was getting called “Nicole” instead of “eevee.”
Somehow the victim in this situation too
No. 93800
File: 1589648928839.jpeg (440.89 KB, 828x1207, 301BADEA-52D6-4C8F-80A9-373F9F…)

Nicole is still dating Dennis. Proof:
No. 93803
File: 1589649180583.jpeg (212.95 KB, 828x780, DF796278-C48F-45E9-B58A-0B7B6A…)

>>93802 Being single/pretending to be single works in her favor imo, allows her followers to get hope thinking they can slide into her dms and give her money
No. 93809
>>93800>What happened to Dennis>Nothing happened to him, I just like girls If you like girls now, why the fuck are you still with a boy?
Why the hell is the Dennis guy still with Nicole? She cheated on him with Destery, claims to like girls now, constantly flirts with fans online and posts raunchy pics of herself. Any self respecting person would've left the second she started acting like a whore.
No. 93813
File: 1589651483866.jpeg (61.7 KB, 758x237, 479060B4-549F-4DBD-AE98-4B4636…)

>>93810It wasn’t just flirting, she confirmed she was ready to leave Dennis and get into a relationship with Destery. She probably would have if he didn’t lie, as she mentioned here.
No. 93846
>>93779homegirl has quite the beak on her.
is a "prominent" profile part of her 'quirky nerd girl' shtick or has she just not saved enough beta donations to get a proper rhinoplasty? there are some things filters can't fix
No. 93849
File: 1589661017781.jpeg (210.79 KB, 828x699, 7BA65491-9D42-489F-84A0-241C5D…)

>>93846Actually it’s very unlikely she got any plastic surgery done. The reason her nose looks hook-like in some angles and straight in others is bc her right side and left side profile look different, her nose is just that uneven.
Her whole “aesthetic” is being the ‘natural beauty uwu goddess’ who thinks physical beauty is overrated. She enjoys telling people she’s never had any plastic surgery. Any changes she wants to make, she makes them through beauty filters as if they were a character customization.
In my opinion people with work done are less catfish-y than Nicole, because at least they actually look like their pictures irl
No. 93857
File: 1589663326244.jpeg (482.99 KB, 828x956, 1ECF56AE-B6A3-470F-BCFE-C7CFA3…)

Back to Nicole and Destery cheating on their partners,
>>93710 shows Destery flirting with Nicole in a 2017 livestream when him and his girlfriend were still dating until mid 2018
Lmao Nicole really has no chill hurting people and then defending her drama to random followers in the dms pinning everything only on the guy
No. 93861
File: 1589664194563.png (6.12 MB, 1800x1800, F3EB9D38-DD99-43FE-8452-1F47C1…)

>>93859Destery is definitely the biggest asshole in this drama.
Nicole is still a pretty huge asshole for making it public record that she wanted to pursue a relationship with him, and when that didn’t work out because he lied she goes back to dennis as if nothing happened. If she’s lusting after another guy she shouldn’t be in a serious relationship.
Before reading this thread I thought she was a wholesome loyal uwu gf, but it seems she’s just another thot
No. 93882
File: 1589667752700.png (1.28 MB, 981x872, ew.png)

Ew. Match made in hell. we need those screenshots.
No. 93883
File: 1589667805885.jpeg (66.46 KB, 208x275, C436CEFB-56EE-4362-A46D-051570…)

The tweet I’m looking for is during her rant about this where she was sub tweeting destery
No. 93886
File: 1589668507371.png (17.64 KB, 547x279, kek.png)

guess he did have the urge to listen once but did the alternative kek.
No. 93888
File: 1589668654646.png (11.09 KB, 553x136, kek2.png)

wtf. no relation to anything, still up.
No. 93889
File: 1589668806714.jpeg (266.9 KB, 828x535, FFE1DC4A-C1CD-41CC-A0C8-663639…)

“Misfortune things that happen to me”
She means when she makes up or exaggerates stories like break-ins and intruders.
The stalker that she stalks has 2k followers, Nicole is acting like Addi is making bank and profiting off her social media presence lol
No. 93892
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>>93885 Nicole loves taking unflattering angles/pictures of her friends lmao, I definitely agree with you on how she wants to be the prettiest one in the room at all times
No. 93896
File: 1589671542704.png (2.11 MB, 896x1245, 12345.png)

No. 93898
>>93892>>93896Looooool that's so true, she
has to be the attractive friend. From these pics it does seem like she only goes for Uggos to standout. I think that's why people drop her like a hat once they get to know her.
No. 93901
File: 1589672817967.png (4.66 MB, 1800x1800, 4F0B28E4-1553-4324-B721-E96DCD…)

>>93896When she DOES hang out with attractive people (I believe she was filming a video with these people) she joked about looking like the unattractive one in the group
No. 93907
File: 1589675212383.jpeg (647.86 KB, 828x1406, 09A2DF1E-7C59-47BE-8F16-39B661…)

More subtweets about Destery. Same time period she was in drama with him, and already confirmed she needed space from him and didn’t want a long distance relationship.
He seems so fucking toxic, if this is true then he told her to die after being rejected yikes
No. 93911
>>93896Even funnier is how she'll edit herself in the selfies but of course her friends somehow end up not having blurred to hell skin
She even has this cunty look to her expression that just radiates in these pictures, like she knows what she's doing. It really is no wonder she has next to no female friends that look like they take care of themselves, anyone with the sense to do so would stay far away from her.
No. 93918
File: 1589684273217.png (8.98 MB, 1242x2208, E70182C5-8B62-421E-94B9-07E350…)

I’m sorry for the horrible screenshot, it was a video and she did a good job hiding him, but isn’t this Destery? Didn’t she give him his beanie and he kept it? Because he’s wearing her old beanie…
No. 93926
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>>93918Samefag but I remembered his insta and decided to see if he had posted anything and he posted this on his story. The person in her snaps is wearing the same clothes. I’m convinced Nicole is visiting him.
No. 93935
File: 1589697055420.jpg (1.22 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-17-16-25-59-432_deco.jpg)

>>93706Wtf I always thought she was anachan but the upload date on the yt video is only a year ago… Here's the caps I got, I'm in shock she's a completely different person. Mild image dump incoming
No. 93936
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No. 93937
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No. 93939
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She literally hides from the camera the entire video and it's obvious why. This is not the face she uses to swindle money from autists on Instagram
No. 93948
File: 1589704427440.jpg (1.71 MB, 1920x2560, 20-05-17-18-21-19-403_deco.jpg)

>>93946I mean that's your right, but I think you should get your eyes tested
No. 93950
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>>93947I think these are from around the same time, her hair looks almost exactly the same
No. 93957
File: 1589706142377.png (2.75 MB, 1791x628, ps.png)

Idk how much you guys are into photoshop, but these pictures around the same time she was supposed to be fat are 100% edited to a smaller weight. you can see the mesh being warped at her leg and the arm is all wonky with a super long neck, the next ones are warped and you can clearly see that on the artwork being morphed in the back.who do you wanna fool bitch.
No. 93960
File: 1589706770015.png (2.09 MB, 1800x1800, F8A0E7E9-2621-4BBE-85FA-998EFB…)

For the people posting about Nicole’s weight and confused how she goes from skinny to chubby based on angles, there’s more.
I know we’re over the whole “nicole copying leda” sitch but it’s more than that. She also copied her weight loss story/personal journey. Nicole also mentions all over social media she used to be 200 pounds and is now skinny. Leda mentioned on twitter she used to be 200 pounds and is now skinny. They have the exact same story lmao.
Also, these screenshots are from youtube wiki
No. 93961
The article goes into more depth about the weight stuff that sounds exactly the same to leda if nicole copied her look, but using her story to appear brave and strong is just sad.
No. 93962
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>>93957She was chubby during that time but wanted people to think she was skinny. Also, earlier in this thread a comparison photo of her editing got posted and people were saying it was Brandon shooping the before pictures. I looked through her last story highlight and found that she actually posted the unshooped picture herself on her story (probably had no time to edit while she was at the event), and then posted the shooped one to her feed.
No. 93963
File: 1589708074587.png (3.14 MB, 828x1792, 78825AB6-207B-43C0-80C2-41ED91…)

An image dump of her as “casual Raphtalia” at anime expo 2019
lol her shirt says ‘smol’ but she’s not
No. 93965
File: 1589708756525.png (10.1 MB, 1242x2208, B7C420E1-4DBC-4B78-978A-FC34A1…)

>>93964Sorry I forgot the photo kek I’m half asleep
* No. 93967
File: 1589709193844.png (6.25 MB, 1800x1800, E66E5412-BAE2-48AB-A63B-764C96…)

I screen recorded the snaps so I managed to get some shots of him. The snaps were uploaded today, Destery’s (capndesdes on instagram) story was also uploaded today. Guess she was always planning on moving onto him once things didn’t work out with Dennis.
But in her tweet on the 30th of April she said nothing happened to Dennis. She doesn’t want to announce that they broke up.
No. 93971
File: 1589710063450.jpg (955.51 KB, 2400x1920, 20200517_030548624.jpg)

2 weeks apart kek
No. 93972
File: 1589710503076.jpeg (399.14 KB, 828x1309, 8335EEED-3E25-4EFB-B126-365CCD…)

Nicole posts on her stories that she would never expose her stalker’s account and name but in the comments sends her followers after her on multiple occasions (addi’s account eventually got taken down lmao)
No. 93973
File: 1589711359440.jpeg (290.79 KB, 828x876, A484946F-C7FA-49EE-9A2A-D100AD…)

95 weeks later and this clothing line is never heard of again. How many damn projects did she say she was working on and how many did she actually do? For years now she’s been saying she will make an updated youtube makeup tutorial, organizing something to stand up to bullying, twitch streaming, several projects, cosplays.
The only thing she’s done is start a patreon. She opened up her kofi to supposedly redo her harry potter cosplays, but said she didn’t get enough donations to do that.
No. 93989
>>93973This behaviour has been going on for years now, she promised everything from extention/make up tutorial over charity/events/collabs up to new cosplays/projects/revamps of old stuff, that was never ever heard of again. Besides heavily edited iphone selfies, her follower can not expect to receive any kind of value in content from her whatsoever, regardless what she keeps promising and then ends up never doing or mentioning it again.
I also wanted to point out that she received 992 kofi donations per 3$, that is 2976 Dollars that were "Not enough to redo the Harry Potter Cosplay". Listen bitch, unless you want to rent out the original filmset in London and fly you and your friends out there, this is damn well more than enough to redo a pretty good shoot. What utter nonsense.
No. 93990
File: 1589724652567.jpeg (198.18 KB, 828x1472, F5D1A1FF-F629-4B13-BAD5-DCAB67…)

>>93985Whenever someone asks her where her promised videos are, she replies that she
did record a video but “nothing came of it”
My guess is she didn’t look like her instagram pictures so she didn’t want to upload it.
Also, she blamed her inactivity on Twitch for her stalker, Addi. This makes no sense because Addi didn’t appear to ever even use Twitch or bother her once there? All her harassing seemed to be on instagram posting unshooped pictures of her. Plus, she has twitch mods.
It doesn’t appear that Addi is harassing her anymore since she got her account taken down in 2019, so that excuse can’t be used anymore.
No. 93994
File: 1589725127209.jpeg (277.83 KB, 828x702, 4C8BC3C1-D948-48C4-A039-5A7F0B…)

In 2018 Destery was so quick to put Nicole’s name his bio with a heart when she was still in a relationship with Dennis and he was two timing Amber, I’m surprised he isn’t already flaunting being with Nicole today all over social media lmao. Nicole was very sloppy with hiding him in her Snapchat story
No. 93999
File: 1589728082139.jpg (1.08 MB, 1080x1350, nicole dennis.jpg)

>>93911>She edits herself but not her friendsThe least she'll do is use a filter for the both of them, then she goes back into Photoshop to patch herself up. The amount of effort she put on herself compared to Dennis is sad.
>>93907Lol didn't she say her stalker said she should kill herself becuz she's ugly too?
No. 94001
File: 1589728430473.jpeg (351.71 KB, 975x1706, 78605844-6D37-467F-929C-E43D59…)

Found these responses to a hate comment by her stalker
lol at “that’s such a stretch and kind of hurts” when a girl says she doesn’t look like her pics
No. 94005
>>94001So who is the stalker who got the police complaint? The Black guy mentioned earlier in the thread or Addi? She talks like it was Addi but the information on the Nicoleeeveedavis website indicate the Black guy was the stalker.
The stalking only happened because she EGGED the crazy guy on. She knew what she was doing.
I think this all goes back to Nicole wanting everyone to think she's being stalked by the world because she's ~the most beautiful queen~ and people can't help but stalk her cuz she's so ~perfect~
No. 94008
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>>94005the Brandon dude was the batshit crazy one who even threatened to sexually assault her and a bunch of other girls. (Attached is the tweet she made in relation to that)
All the instagram hate comments were apparently by addi. She got the most police involved with the girl stalker even though for the most part she was just copying her and calling her ugly and tagging her in unshooped pics.
I’d say that woman needs to sort out her priorities, because out of the two Brandon gives me the chills.
No. 94010
>>94008So she only went after Addi and not the actual person making the threats?? Lul, what a dumb ass.
If she was "so threatened" by Brandon the stalker, she would've went harder on him.
No. 94016
File: 1589733209047.jpg (34.21 KB, 600x460, its-so-simple-pjuxqr.jpg)

>>94015>Why the hell did Nicole take a pic of the restraining order cake when she didnt have an actual restraining orderThe answer is: attention.
No. 94049
>>94028She's not a fatass but she's definitely
not as as skinny as she's trying to make herself to be. Nicole uses photoshop to slim herself down.
No. 94060
File: 1589738899510.jpeg (165.67 KB, 1207x1000, 90E99063-BA30-48AA-959E-1C0704…)

I found a candid from 2018.
I don’t think she was ever fat. Her weight seems to fluctuate between being skinny and slightly chubby through the years.
This year she’s been posting gym pictures so I’m assuming she’s actually putting in effort for that costhot bod instead of just abusing PS
No. 94061
File: 1589739197107.jpeg (198.43 KB, 828x862, 463565C5-BD09-4002-95A2-174B34…)

Apparently Destery is a serial cheater, even confirmed by Nicole herself, yet she’s currently hanging out with him in Washington lmao. So much for social distancing I guess, even though she was staying in her new place up until now
No. 94064
>>94063 Today she posted on Snapchat that she was in Vancouver Washington followed by videos with Destery, same outfit, beanie, and hair from his own insta story as shown in
>>93965 and
>>93967 No. 94103
File: 1589746742783.jpeg (150.85 KB, 1137x640, FC04977B-ACFC-43FF-8EEC-006F89…)

wonder how Destery felt meeting her for the first time if he was expecting the flawless girl in her photos
the disappointment
No. 94119
File: 1589750866919.jpeg (382.74 KB, 1731x1455, D320DED5-A7F1-4216-AACD-19F9FF…)

Omegalul she’s taking pictures at his house
No. 94178
>>94119 She even liked a meme on twitter about showing her drawings to her boyfriend. You don't just go all the way to Washington during quarantine to meet someone that is not that important
Poor Dennis
No. 94254
File: 1589785059946.jpeg (163.65 KB, 828x452, E6F238DB-A524-4975-A221-854841…)

>>94227Definitely doesn’t strike me as a poly couple. In one of her old videos she mentions “finding something” on his computer and being bothered by it, she seems like the really jealous type. The video is: starting at around 23:30
Also old FB posts indicating they’re an exclusive couple attached.
I always assume they broke up because in April she was sad posting on Snapchat so much, she even mentioned how she “has to rearrange future plans” and talked about “wasted 9 years of muh life” and that’s pretty much when she started dating him.
No. 94275
in one of her vids titled “What does beauty really mean to us?” she talks about how she prides herself in paying her own rent and not receiving handouts from her parents (around 8 minutes in): confuses me because didn’t she live in her parents house up until 2019? What rent? She always humble bragged about being a licensed pharmacy technician for years too but her mom was her boss.
(imageboard) No. 94276
File: 1589801117844.png (2.96 MB, 1080x1658, Lns-7Xhg.png)

She uploaded this to her instagram story 12hours ago, while she is visiting Destery: you can identify an "N+D" heart caving in the tree. Probaly proof that they actually are dating or she means Dennis with that D, although I think that she writes this teenage bullshit into a tree while visiting and staying at Destery speaks for itself.
No. 94278
File: 1589802365264.png (2.02 MB, 1800x1800, B05EC56A-240F-45C5-9430-99BEA4…)

>>94276 The actual clownery. Her excuses are a mess. She travelled to Washington in the middle of a lockdown to see Destery’s house. Then she goes on social media and tells people that she won’t be able to produce content because of the lockdown, as if that stops her from everything else she wants to do. She went to a game store to buy these games when they released during lockdown and posted it on her second account. Yikes
No. 94331
>>94276>N+D <3This bitch is 25. Twenty fucking five and she still thinks carving her and her bf/person she's cheating with's initials into nature is cute?? Destery isn't any better, he's in the same age range as her. Grow the fuck up.
>>94278I hope Nicole's followers realize how damn lazy she is
No. 94341
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Because of all the ridiculous claims she made this thread covered about her, I totally forgot when she said she used to be homeless.
No. 94348
File: 1589823443648.png (381.17 KB, 540x820, AFW4PSNg.png)

>>94276Blatant liar. Destery stating to have no game while he clearly smashes Nicole.
No. 94353
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>>94348He’s been single for years because not only is he a serial cheater but the only person willing to be with that horrible liar is Nicole lmao.
I’m assuming he really was lonely when that was posted, seems like Nicole hit him up right after that tho.
I kinda expected her to end up being a thot though, she’s been with the same guy since high school and supposedly the only guy she’s ever slept with. As soon as they break up she’s already with a rebound lmao
Screenshot from her replying to comments in a 9gag post made about her looking like a “real-life elf.”
No. 94365
File: 1589826224948.png (3.79 MB, 1800x1800, 4FD85990-E7BB-4FD3-8F92-59B06C…)

In this post she also addresses her struggle with “poverty” and homelessness. Excuse me but what?! You mean to tell me she had no place to stay, not even in Doon/Dawn’s place where she filmed that yt makeup tutorial of hers, or even Dennis’ place?
No. 94367
>>94365>I wnet through extreme poverty and homelessnessIf she really went through that, why does she spend all on money on toys and games?? This bitch rather not eat or pay bills to ensure she gets her games. Real people who have experience poverty and homelessness come out as smart spenders.
ALSO Nicole has been living with her parents for most of her life, she may have lived briefly with that fatty friend of hers (the friend where she filmed her makeup vid at). and only recently in 2019 she got a job at the card store. She wasn't even trying to find a job before 19'. Nicole is stupid as fuck, she can't even keep her lies straight.
No. 94374
File: 1589828470119.jpeg (270.31 KB, 828x819, 981A1F75-E36B-4327-AA56-D15E85…)

Nicole is also in this other video of Destery’s, very briefly CUDDLING him and even in the video he was buying condoms: He also liked a comment asking if Nicole was in his bed and that they’d make a good couple. Wtf?
No. 94403
>>94331It's probably something that was already in that tree, I doubt they actually added that in the previous 24hr
Bit weird though.
No. 94406
>>94365This post also states that the worst experience of her life so far was her friend stealing her old game carts and selling them.
So we'll assume homeless is some kind of nicole truth expansion since being actually homeless on the street would be significantly worse than losing some precious gaming mems
No. 94420
File: 1589840267817.png (580.83 KB, 1080x1563, IMG_20200519_001028.png)

Selfproclaimed friend of him states they "are not a thing" then proceeds to encourage commentors to sign up to his patreon?! what weirds me out is that when you watch the video, you'll notice how "Chase" (his friend, the other guy) and Destery himself are always fully in frame and addressed with dialogue, name, etc, while Nicole remains hidden?! She is never addressed or inside the frames really, despite her desperate attempt to shove her face into camera in the part they lay in bed. Which is the next point, because why the hell get the two guys their own hotel beds, but Nicole has to sleep together with Destery? And you think he baught those condoms for decoration? If Nicole really is "just a friend uwu" then why is she notoriously ignored and downplayed/hidden in the video? At the point where Destery sneeks around the Hotel floor, you can hear Nicole give off this super fake, forced "omg i'm so adorable, please love meee" laughter, that people only push out if they flirt and want to appeal at all cost. If I'd be Dennis and see her like that I'd be fucking pissed.
No. 94433
>>94420I remember reading a comment somewhere on that video people were speculating that Nicole was the one in that bed and she flat out denied it and replied saying it’s not her, replying with her own youtube acc. She loves lying through her teeth even though she was practically pushing her head to be in the video lmao
Her current fling with Destery won’t last, he’ll betray/lie to her again like he did in 2018, this will be such a shitshow to watch unravel on social media
No. 94437
>>94433grab your popcorn, this
toxic ass relationship will go down in flames. until then they deserve each other on their shared level of patheticness lmao. I just wish Amber and Dennis would come through with statements.
No. 94440
File: 1589843784560.jpeg (815.16 KB, 828x1450, E48F974A-F650-408B-A6ED-7C7E0D…)

New story from Nicole, is she putting her legs on his lap? This is so funny to me
No. 94451
File: 1589846940945.jpeg (166.79 KB, 828x766, 574F9D5D-1D5B-4CE9-BE75-13CB3F…)

Lmao Destery has a bunch of love songs that give me secondhand embarrassment to discover: with lyrics about waiting on the sidelines and watching a girl be with another guy, these are all most likely about Nicole.
Anyways I can’t wait for the paranormal ghost to tell her to look through Destery’s computer and find something that’ll upset her, just like she said happened in her paranormal video except with Dennis. Bitch is crazy
No. 94473
>>94456idk man he used to listen to owl city and nickasaur unironically.
i think he wanted to become a singer like them at one point. he released an album years ago, it was called sailing home and it was basically the same sceney weenie incel pop he used to listen to
needless to say….dumpster fire.
no idea if any songs were about nicunt, dont know if the years add up
No. 94476
>>94456Destery was(?) a youtuber, his main channel was desandnate, and then just destery smith.
but yeah pretty much that ^
No. 94501
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This is one of the only instances in that yt video where her face is shown, and I’m being dead serious, how would someone even recognize her at a con? Unsure if I should just blame it on unflattering angles or not
No. 94507
File: 1589876347670.png (981.12 KB, 756x1344, 1o5L0s5w.png)

Got this from instagram, but she posted on tiktok. here she is using a bigass 3D printer and prints a huge vulpix model (that material is expensive af by the way, poverty who?) and she claims she modelled that herself, with i highly doubt as this uncreativle blob is not capable of doing anything on her own. can someone confirm this is a model from the internet? interesting that she has money to do THAT.
No. 94508
File: 1589876840474.png (196.31 KB, 772x709, vulpix.png)

1 Minute Google Search. Sad. It's of course a purchasable/downloadable asset not made by her.
No. 94521
File: 1589887456874.jpeg (527.57 KB, 828x1061, A0F3D226-CD17-4EE1-9DCA-2541DB…)

>>94508Why does she have to lie about everything? rip, I actually believed the whole thing. I don’t know much about 3D printing. She can’t draw either, the one time she uploaded a nice drawing to her story it looked heavily traced. She wants to have a creative skill/talent/hobby besides being a ~gamer egirl~ soooo bad. I remember her even tweeting that she may be good at singing too, she hasn’t given it a shot yet. She also buys all her cosplays , except the Danaerys one that her friend Dawn made for her lol. The only thing Nicole can actually successfully do is photoshop, but of course she just wants to be the perfect girl who can do just about anything.
>Home invasion in November Suure.
Also, in case this detail wasn’t mentioned earlier, the car that was “broken into” was in a garage.
No. 94523
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At least she got her gamer beanie back lmao
I feel so bad for Dennis, she’s giving the impression to followers that they’re still together because he’s good for her image, whilst being with Destery and definitely not social distancing
No. 94534
File: 1589895976061.jpeg (508.77 KB, 828x1384, E731E2DE-EDD9-4C04-B160-3651C2…)

More lies from Nicole:
In a 2018 Twitch livestream, she talks about quitting her job as a pharmacy technician and the toll it took on her because she was working for her mom. Link with exact timestamp she mentions it here 2019, a year after quitting that job, she answers a follower who was curious what her “multiple jobs” are and she replies saying she’s still a pharmacy technician, in the present tense. (See date of tweet, April 2019)
No. 94540
>>94506My theory is that since she is never going to reveal who it is, she can project to her audience that it’s Dennis (or maybe the photographer dude since they were always around) and how she’s finally happy. On her snap and twitter for a while now it’s been sad uwu postings and now she can show them how Destery makes her feel without actually showing him off. I feel like if they both came to light about their relationship(?) it’ll raise a lot of questions on both sides.
>>94501I also second the another anon that said her body wasn’t bad. We’ve gotten so used to seeing how small she makes herself out to be that seeing her natural body makes it seem like she’s overweight. Not to WK but the body she has here is better then the anachan she wants to look like.
No. 94545
File: 1589901213788.png (7.99 MB, 1242x2208, 8E6FF8E8-08AB-4E0A-933A-006EB3…)

>>94540Samefag, I take my theory back lol
No. 94546
File: 1589901407949.jpeg (1.07 MB, 828x1644, 73AE97F7-0599-4555-834C-643D61…)

>>94540Ana chan continues to flex her thigh gap while also finally revealing Destery on her snapchat
She’s hiding the identity on her instagram stories, but being more upfront on snapchat
No. 94547
File: 1589902171328.jpeg (697.07 KB, 828x1467, 86D89A5F-B57B-4B2B-92D4-93A1CC…)

Also the way she portrays herself in her stories and posts is a very “famous” status. She was one of the staff hosting some gaming/comic expo where she works and from the way her stories were worded made it seem like all these people were here to see her. She was not one of the special guests listed for the event, she was only backstage to help lol around maybe 4 of her followers showed up to see her.
No. 94555
>>94534Are you kidding me? She's definitely lying out of her teeth about being a Pharmacy technician. They don't just hire any body for Pharmacies I doubt she even has the credentials for it, unless she was the Janitor or some shit. I used to follow her and she never mentioned any about her other alleged jobs. I remember she posted about being so happy to finally have a job (card shop)around spring or summer of last year. Nicole was not working before that.
>>94547Nicole thinks she a famous beautiful elf but likes to tell people uwu i'm so noooot~~ when they say what she thinks.
No. 94567
File: 1589908206287.jpeg (513.35 KB, 828x1109, 8C044F8D-84C3-4FC9-BB18-E3B17E…)

>Bless whoever snagged this story post and made it into a gif
Since it’s already been discussed she probably self-posted on reddit, no doubt this psycho is addressing herself in third person
Vanity thy name is Nicole
No. 94574
>>94567It's been long speculated throughout this thread and the other linked thread posts (Costhots, IG thread, Photoshoppers thread) that Nicole self posted on Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit. All the accounts stopped posting around the same time, all said the same things about her (Queen, Beautiful, she loves me, perfect, she saved my life) and a large number of them would "mistake" Leda as Nicole or they would post pics of Leda and tag it under Nicole. Another thing to note, a lot of Nicole posts on Reddit vanished after someone mentioned the possibility of sock puppet posts. If I had to guess she forgot all the passwords to the IG and Facebook sock puppets.
This wasn't discussed further because of the Nicole WK fags reporting anyone talking about it.
No. 94583
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Nicole: I have no money pls donate
also Nicole: Going on a plane and travelling to several cities/states in the middle of a lockdown
No. 94604
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Is this bitch for real?
>So life can feel normal again
She’s doing all the things people would normally be doing if there wasn’t a pandemic.
No. 94607
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>>94604>Hoping on airplanes, going to crowded places and events, and constantly going to game shops >I want the season to open up so life can feel normal again Aw Poor Nicole Chan. Let me play you a sad song on the world's smallest Violin.
No. 94665
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Nicole covering her face and Destery, name a more iconic duo lmao
No. 94667
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She added “everstone eevee gaming” as a work in progress to her twitter bio, I’m guessing it’s a new project she thought of that we’re never going to hear about again
No. 94670
>>94665Nicole and Photoshop
Nicole and Lying
Nicole and Cheating
No. 94742
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Another stupid thing Nicole likes to do is post suggestive pictures with her cleavage out, addresses how busty she is in the comments, and then responds to some creepy men by saying how violated she feels of the imagery of old men jerking off to them. If it’s such a traumatic thing, maybe don’t post those kinds of pictures?!
>I’m over 18, not by much
She was 23 when this picture was posted, she has every right not to endure creepy comments but making herself out to be a barely legal teenager is sad.
I can’t stand the complete changes in personality she does, one second she’s barely over 18 and doesn’t want to be sexualized, the next she’s posting lewd bikini photos while hinting at a future only fans career.
No. 94752
>>94746idk I kinda feel like that's what the money is for, and let's be honest as much as people wanna go on about how "sw is real work waaah"…it's easy money if you're conventionally attractive. I also wouldn't compare some weirdo saying they jerked it to your pictures as the same as like repetitive harassment
imo if you make $$ by trying to appeal to the kind of gross males that simp for ethots rather than just watch free porn like a normal dude, you get what essentially comes with the territory
No. 94807
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>>94746I agree with you anon, I even said “she has every right not to endure creepy comments.” No matter what you post.
I should have worded it better, because the OP of that comment thread wasn’t even being creepy at all, he was just asking her if she was over 18. She shoops her face into a baby and uses snow so I don’t judge him for asking.
The actual context of the conversation was, he was just asking if she was over 18 because the post was a suggestive. Fair question because he probably doesn’t want to be following a minor. Then some woman replies to him and
assumes it was for jerking off purposes. The woman replying to him was the gross one imo.
No. 94849
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>>94810>>94742>Sexualizes self>Heeey minnna like what you see?;P>Gets sexual comments>surprisedpikachu.jpegYou can't post horny shit and expect 0 horny comments, she knows exactly what she's doing. Nicole is saying "WOW YALL GROSS" to upkeep her uwu nice ~not a slut~ image.
To add to this post
>>94742You can see how much Nicole abuses the big eye filer in this pic. I'm pretty sure she drags the big eye tool to the max.
No. 94855
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>>94849Even in 2020 she’s still enlarging her eyes to the max, it looks almost like a bug here: (video)
She always tells people she looks
exactly like her pictures and videos, and her “proof” is her saying there’s no way you can ‘photoshop’ a video. She knows that’s a lie, technology is advanced. Asian beauty filters work now so that you can take videos on them. This was addressed earlier in the thread but her simply claiming it’s proof for no editing is just stupid
No. 94860
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In case a wk shows up saying she doesn’t claim her videos are proof of her real face
No. 94873
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>>94860she's so desperate for people to know/think she's looks like this irl. If she really looks like this then why is she always using filters and photo shop? Why are her pics always blurry? Why does she look different in every single pic she takes? Why does she cover her face in every vid that's not taken by her? It does't take a rocket scientist to figure out she's a catfish tryna convince everyone she's not a catfish
No. 94883
>>94860Nicole, you get asked about edits a lot because you DO edit a lot. Everything you post.
Come to think of it, Leda pulled a similar thing semi-recenty, where she posted a video calling out da harurzzzz for accusing her of wearing makeup over her ~flawless skin~ by showing "proof"…when it's obvious she used snow or another filter app to take said video (you can tell by the way the lighting shifts in the background/on her face)…maybe this is just another way of skinwalking Leda kek No. 94885
>>94880I think the only beauty app Nicole uses is snow, if you look at her older posts a lot of her photos and videos are watermarked with the Snow logo. But also Meitu is another beauty filter app where you can take videos, as long as you move slowly it will work. Also SODA, beautycam, faceU (I searched them up in the app store and all of them claim to work with video)
If you want to know the extent of catfishing SNOW can do, a youtuber called Akidearest posted a youtube video where she maximized all the settings in that app (it made her look like an actual alien)
No. 94886
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samefag, video is
knows it can completely change your face, so she has a habit of saying a selfie or video was taken by Snapchat, because of course Snapchat filters are pre-made and you can blame looking differently on the creators of the filters. Whereas on snow, you change the settings yourself.
She also has a story highlight on her ig called “Snapchat”, where the picture of that highlight is just a selfie from Snow, and most of them are.
No. 94897
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Also Nicole is friends with someone called Jason who goes by the name Vee3rdeye and has ugly cotton candy looking dreads for hair. He’s an alleged creep who targeted girls as young as 15 and commonly called a sexual predator online (in his 20s when all this happened).
She’s very publicly friends with him
No. 94927
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>>94910I did more digging and this screencap sums it up nicely. He’s addressed these in an “apology video” that was deleted but here’s a reupload of it:’s irrelevant as fuck now which is why nobody addresses it anymore but there’s no way Nicole hasn’t at least heard of this
No. 94933
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>>94912Snow is definitely the better beauty filter app, you can take boomerang videos on it which is what Nicole normally posts. She also uses it to enhance or change her eye color to be more vibrant but tells people she’s not wearing contacts/it’s all natural kek
If you zoom in some of her higher quality pics you can visibly see that the “eye” goes past her eyelashes
No. 94969
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>>94944Speaking of her professional shoots, her nose looks different in every one of the shots it’s so confusing
No. 94985
>>94981 is that the video where she talks about how she almost died because she tripped in her room?
What a loser. everything that comes out of her mouth is just bs
No. 94987
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Since her stalker flooded Nicole’s search with shooped befores, here is an actual real before and after that highlights her extent of editing. Bottom pic is the thumbnail she used for the yt video, above pic is how she looked in the actual video
Also proves she doesn’t know how to edit herself in yt vids
No. 94988
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What her friend posted vs what she posted
No. 94989
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And also, a pic of her working at the pharmacy years ago. She said she’s been working there as a pharmacy technician since high school up until 2018. Don’t you need more than a high school diploma for that? I wouldn’t be surprised if she got the job just for mom being the boss.
No. 94998
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I guess she posted a photo without filter by mistake?
No. 95006
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Nicole seems to search herself up so often
No. 95010
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Also, i can’t believe this is a candid
No. 95142
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Laughing at the “Eevees mustache” email she uses, iirc it used to be her channel name too
I’m wondering how much money she’s made off of all the donating platforms she’s put out there in total (venmo, paypal, kofi, patreon, twitch)