File: 1625093696857.png (1.9 MB, 1000x664, 15514722761998.png)

No. 24577
>>24576This!! >>>/ot/842954
Please jannies
No. 24578
>>24571Thanks for the communication. It really does help. I think this is a great change in the direction of moderation, and will hopefully reduce the work required for volunteers. Less push towards "group think" but still maintaining integrity of threads (saging) and board culture (piss off newfags). I hope it works out!
As for transparency, I think that's what many anons who post their bans in this thread are looking for. It will also help hold jannies & the ban-complainers accountable when everybody knows the rules/expectations instead of feeling like it's a mystery or dependent on which janny happened to be on to catch the report at that time.
No. 24611
File: 1625190671234.png (90.21 KB, 500x389, allah-save-you.png)

No. 24614
>>24612Yeah, never deal with adversity, just SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT IT ALL DOWN ADMIN! Close /ot/, close /mtf/ thread, close the Belle Dolphin thread and… well while you are at it just throw the whole site in the trash! That will fix things and these suggestions are totally not coming from people who are seething at the site at all!
>spam annoying shit>complain about annoying shit in /meta/>ask admin to shut it down because of all the annoying shit being spammed>repeatMastermind plan, I could never even come up with this!
No. 24616
File: 1625235582124.jpeg (27.86 KB, 510x278, 56a.jpeg)

>>24615trannies are angry this summer
No. 24617
>>24614You fucking nonce, if you could see past your blind rage, you'd know the anon I was replying to said close /ot/
for a day (which I agree with since the board needs cleaning up). I hope to god this is just shitty bait and you're not actually this retarded.
No. 24623
Mods, please do something about these anons who freakout when people ask for proof. They've been trying to incite infighting for some reason. I've already reported the infighting anons.
>>>/w/158397 They need to just take it to meta at this point instead of making 6 posts samefagging about 'wk anon kek' without adding anything to the thread. If you're going to crop images to omit that on purpose, I see why anons ask.
No. 24629
File: 1625243495426.jpeg (258.58 KB, 1011x1800, 9FB58BE6-760F-49F9-93C7-030926…)

>>24623If you’re going to bother farmhands by mass reporting you should probably mention that 90% of the infighting is done by you. When I showed a screenshot of Nicole charging $100 for PPV you demanded to know the specific website of her leak sites, and when shown that too you started accusing everyone of being the scrotes from the leak site and tinfoil of everything being selfposting. The only person in there infighting is you, anon
No. 24631
>>24630Retarded tinfoil and accusing anons of being leak site scrotes is really stupid, you mean to say you deleted evidence just so you can hop on meta and complain, when it takes two to tango (or in this case infight).
Cropping posts to show the specific milk I’m referring to is actually meant to be helpful, no important information was cut either.
No. 24636
File: 1625245830330.jpeg (12.4 KB, 259x194, 8D469CFC-3438-408B-9AEE-E64C11…)

>>24635You literally accused anons of being leak site scrotes just for discussing milk on two separate occasions, if you don’t want to infight stop fucking accusing everyone of being Nicole’s OF subscribers
No. 24639
File: 1625246219987.jpeg (50.07 KB, 591x153, 15664AF9-4E8E-4806-8226-DE938C…)

>>24638You forgot to delete one of them. Also maybe just
don’t make retarded tinfoil claims and then mass report everyone and whine in meta?
No. 24647
>>24643>>24644>>24645Newfags. This your first influx of new users? Stroke your ego by pretending never to have been one.
>>24646Moderation is awesome lately, I simply can't believe someone's doing such a good job for free. It must be pure love of drama. Respect.
No. 24649
>>24648Never before have we taken such measures, and there's no need to.
Keep your ego's in check. We're all anonymous here.
No. 24651
>>24650Report and move on, as said 10000x times.
This is not your sikrit club. It's a shittalking imageboard.
No. 24662
>>24658Nta but what are you so mad for? It doesn’t sound like an ego thing, by all means let’s hear your suggestion on making it more difficult for cp and gore raiders.
>>24649 imagine having your panties in a bunch over a harmless suggestion
No. 24663
>>24657This would be so funny. Please admin, make all the off-topic boards hidden but don't mention it to any of the users. The salt from anons reee'ing
>WHERE THE FUCK IS /OT/ Would be magnificent.
No. 24664
>>24570fuck admin
fuck jannies
fuck mods
(thank you for your feedback) No. 24669
File: 1625333234414.jpg (389.67 KB, 1080x1608, Screenshot.jpg)

>>24665ok i know this is playing further into your moid wk derail, but here goes: i know the exact thread you're talking about and i followed the whole chimpout. it was a psychotic pickme (likely you) who wrote a novel first. you were also literally the first one to utter that all men are rapists who need to be killed because that's what you got from some pp sperg saying that it's men's fault that they are coomers, and you're STILL going off there expecting spergs not to respond to you so you can have the last word. so thottie, if you can't handle coomers of all people being shittalked in a coomer femboy thread then what are you even doing here? are you a kiwidditor who's suffering from increased scrotal sensitivity and needs special accommodations?
(We don't give a fuck ) No. 24673
File: 1625348332127.png (88.26 KB, 1836x668, sperging.png)

>>24669Why do you lie like this when people can just look it up? Anon literally started this discussion by saying that 5 year old toddlers are rapists.
Seek help.
No. 24682
File: 1625358717890.jpeg (119.79 KB, 750x326, C57A7A4B-3092-43B5-A1A5-800B7A…)

I don't know if most these accounts are posters, lurkers, or accounts unaware who started engaging due to seeing people they follow do so but some twitter radfems were engaging with stwabewymilk and one dummy posted this.
>>24674I follow the femdon thread religiously there has not been a school shooter fantasy yet. Hope you manifested it into happening though.
No. 24689
>>24665Lmao stop concern trolling I know exactly what you’re doing and you’re a fucking weasel for trying. Man-hating and misandry is accepted here with the exception of making threads centered around that very topic because it was drawing too much incel spam/backlash and radfems who think this is a
terf website. There is no equivalence to where every 5 seconds there’s some smelly dumbass making threads about justifying pedophilia because they can’t even get people their own age or rape because they can’t get anyone to consent to hop on their micropenis for the night and users here who post about hating men. I’ve not seen one anon advocate for widespread male rape, government sanctioned breeding for men, forced marriage for men. Integrate, learn the culture or gtfo, because misandry will never be the same as misogyny not in another lifetime, not when the pigs fly.
No. 24691
>>24690unironically this.
>>24689>there are no pedo-chansUm. You should talk to that one anon who went off about her sexual fantasy about raping a shota and how it'd be totally cool because he's a male and would probably get off to it. I'm sure you two would get along great.
No. 24692
>>24690No, cry harder
>>24691Oh dear, you must be very new here. One instance does not represent the whole community, nor does it even begin to compare to the millions of /r9k/ dwellers talking about why they should rape women, doesn’t compare to the scrotes who keep spamming gore and CP on these boards. You also never really know who’s behind what post, so how do you know that shotafag isn’t a male?
No. 24694
one anon. The majority hate shotacon and usually those kind of posts are shat on.
No. 24696
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>>24692Does this
trigger you? Hide yo daughters, hide your girlfriends, hide your cats! He's coming right for you!
No. 24698
>>24691Literally what thread? I've never seen that, and if such a post does exist, who tf even agreed with that "anon", and how do we know it wasn't yet another coombrained scrote or troon posting his own fantasies?
It's like the person upthread who was claiming there were anons who had a fetish for shooting up men or something.
Why do you guys lie?
No. 24703
>>24664Fuck admin
Marry jannies
Kill mods
No. 24705
>>24701>femanonsyou don't need to do that here, we're all women
>how much they love male guro and love to see men cut up and beat upbased
No. 24715
>>24673lmao why do you lie tho? or did you want to put your bpd on display? it merely says that there are cases of toddlers doing this. you pickmes then chimped out and escalated with a retarded 7 paragraph tl;dr with conspiracies about the government castrating men with porn and overwatch. pp spergs had their containment thread taken away after weeping cunts like you complained, so why do you indulge them whenever they post bait and then complain about derailing? you did this, revel in your success as they
trigger you in every unrelated thread. this will not stop until you learn to hide and ignore posts. you will seethe with cognitive dissonance, crytype endless tl;drs about femcels and cats, mash the report button as they ban evade and post more, you'll then pop another box of wine and seethe more as he leaves you on read for another day, completely unimpressed by your efforts at penile conservation on an anonymous forum. this is the future you chose.
moreover, if you read anything negative about males that's factually true, and all your cum pickled brain sees is THEY WANT TO MURDER ALL MEN AND THINK ALL MALE CHILDREN RAPE REEEE, are YOU sure you're mentally stable enough to browse imageboards, especially female centric ones, presumably after seeking them out because moid boards are too misogynistic for you? don't get mad when anons think you're either a scrote or some pill popping boymommy, literally nobody else would be so personally invested.
>>24701im calling lolcow's future: we will continue indulging more and more scrotes and scrotefondlers like this one until it becomes completely pozzed and dies like crystalcafe. then at some point another girl board will emerge, countless PULL/kiwi/reddit cumgarglers who can't handle 4chan due to its casual misogyny will eventually start whining because the board is too man hating uwu. more scrotes feel safe and welcome, board is pozzed and dead again.
(we don't give a fuck) No. 24724
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>>24723It's the same one chimping about Jewish porn conspiracies in the femboy thread and accusing everyone of being "super duper molested".
>>24696Does this still make you seethe? ban evading ) No. 24750
File: 1625831012076.jpeg (208.21 KB, 683x1047, EF231CBD-8DBB-4983-9D33-9F8204…)

What the hell? I’m not a scrote or underaged so why was I immediately permabanned for an unspecified reason.
No. 24758
File: 1625863825932.jpg (31.22 KB, 506x575, 10675606_571426819658827_13457…)

Sex offender arrested after police find deep-fried human remains while responding to burglary call
Law Enforcement Today Menu
Sex offender arrested after police find deep-fried human remains while responding to burglary call
Screenshot: Local media report
Sex offender arrested after police find deep-fried human remains while responding to burglary call
Posted by: Gregory Hoyt|February 16, 2021 |CategoriesFeatured, Investigations
PHILADELPHIA, PA – A 47-year-old convicted sex offender was recently arrested after police responding to a burglary call happened upon something much more disturbing than stolen goods.
The suspect in question was reportedly not only in possession of a dismembered cadaver – police also allege he’s connected with some discovered deep-fried body parts.
No. 24777
File: 1625987190490.jpeg (270.45 KB, 1011x1800, 359D2CEA-9C00-4F83-AD4F-EB5B3A…)

Every so often we get a few days of peace in the Nicole /w/ thread, then the same sperg shows up disagreeing with every single anon and telling them to calm down for correcting them or showing proof. It’s been like this for the past 3 threads on /w/ and /meta/ and it’s very clearly all one person with too much time and dedication
No. 24779
>>24778Kekw regardless this
>>24050 is not normal
No. 24781
File: 1626005392043.jpeg (520.1 KB, 828x1439, EED4C5DB-6D21-4DF0-9413-81D7C5…)

Please auto sage the new Venus Angelic thread, anons are just bumping it for nitpick commentary and non contribution, >>24736
No. 24784
>>24777I'm laughing that you told some rando you think is the same anon to go to meta but you're the little bitch who went to meta. Stop trying to attack anyone who isn't you, anon. You sound unhinged all for the sake of complaining about someone's tits and how much you hate their tits. You really do need to calm down. The thread is full of nitpicking and even when she's not at fault like her recent Cassie skinwalking her, its still Nicole's fault somehow? Make that make sense. If you're going to post milk and have an active thread, deal with anons coming in and questing stuff, especially when dates are constantly removed and the mass amounts of nitpicking about her filter usage. How many times do you need to complain about her non-saggy tits being saggy and "uwu she's using a face filter for the 373674 time!!! What am ugly catfish whoooore!!"
Just chill.
No. 24792
>>24791Nobody called you a WK but nice projection.
>>24784 This is the only spergout I see, it’s like you camp meta to make sure nobody is complaining about you. The clownery
No. 24793
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>>24782They wonder why their thread gets auto-saged
No. 24796
>>24795There are several that should be auto-saged. Nitpicking and retarded comments, as well as infighting, apparently doesn't cut it anymore. The retarded Nicole thread has these retards
>>24777 baiting and infighting and constantly bumping the threads and nothing there either. The jannies don't seem to care if threads derail with nitpicking and no contribution posts anymore. It's in the update.
No. 24797
>>24796But with the Nicole thread there is one consistent angry anon who doesn’t like anyone discussing her. I have never seen that much dedication to hating a thread just look at
>>24623After checking it there is also someone consistently camping there reading saged posts with a retort to everything written 2 seconds later.
No. 24802
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Driverfagging thread is for fans, not haters. IDK why this mod is suggesting people who dislike him should shit it up. Make your own hate thread on /m/ if you need to whine about an actor so much
No. 24803
File: 1626103277780.jpg (96.65 KB, 1796x523, wtfmods2.JPG)

>>24802in case it's not clear
No. 24819
>>24815go talk about it on any other site anon, or better yet just go on lsa!! You wanna talk about the people there im sure they'll allow a thread for drama on the site(if there isnt already one)
Plus that thread on /ot was obviously made a bitter anon who got mad that black women can be racist too, like any other group of people
No. 24829
File: 1626284985674.jpeg (407.82 KB, 828x1045, 1221DD17-92C9-4F24-90AD-F71720…)

The Effina and Charls thread is full of unsaged blogposting, cowtipping, racebaiting, emoji using morons.
No. 24834
Can mods make a mention at all that nitpicking filters isn't milk in
>>>/w/155594 at this point? Anons spam post that she's using filters just to nitpick and bring up her nose again and derailing nitpicki about that for the 30th time. It's rinse and repeat because they have nothing new to talk about just like posting old milk. Its been 3 threads. Anons are tired of seeing it and they can't involve themselves in the thread due to the gatekeeping 2018 sociopath who brags about keeping tags on her.
Can mods make that the rule for the thread just like discussing Belle's vagina filters and Moo's boob vein?
No. 24839
>>24837As expected… Idk why you care this much but you do you.
>>24838That's what I thought but I'm more interested in observing the 100th meta shit fight on the topic.
No. 24843
File: 1626365165083.jpeg (30.71 KB, 377x192, B392EE4C-4DA6-4063-8A66-F34675…)

Sorry for autism but which of these emails do admin/mods use? Or is it the same?
No. 24847
>>24844>Anons don't need to say it every thread, over and over. nta and I've not ever really been invested in the whole "infighting over nitpicking" thing but this specific line stood out. You realize that new people use this site every day right? Or even someone who has been in the off topic boards, they come over to /pt/ or /snow/ for the first time. They shouldn't have to scroll back to see all of the times an anon has commented on those things. They're
just trying to fit in, so to speak. They shouldn't be punished for that, necessarily
No. 24852
>>24849>>24850Just to add, if your thread consists of barely any unsaged posts because its nitpicking and bullshit about what weight she is now and complaining about saggy boobs instead of recent milk, that's a complete issue. Most of the threads have been saged posts or on autosage because of this and that's what is happening to this thread too because anons are using saging as a reason to post and nitpick.
Mods might as well autosage it.
No. 24855
>>24854Then ignore them and just post the recent milk? There are also anons trying to bait them and are snarky right back like this stuff
>>24835 Why does it matter if it's deleted when those same anons are also deleting posts?
No. 24864
>>24861Wrong anon. I'm
>>24860 This anon
>>24858 is not the same anon as me. I told you, it's not just one person tired of the Nicolefags. You guys want to skirt rules and complain when called out for it.
Forgot to sage. Oops.
No. 24867
>>24866An anti-surgery thot getting plastic surgery is going to be discussed.
>Do you know what milk is?I do. Do you know what a saged post is?
>>24571 discussing her new face injections
are completely on topic. But if thots threads like Nicole, Moo, and Belle’s bother you to this extent I suggest you apply for a jannie or farmhand role.
No. 24882
File: 1626447512476.jpeg (167.19 KB, 828x510, C1174A7F-522E-459A-BDE5-F1BA9B…)

There’s a retard in Nicole’s thread accusing everyone of samefag posting about Nicole and being the same anon, when mods/admin can easily refute this.
No. 24886
File: 1626448110703.jpeg (338.59 KB, 828x813, A5D0A883-6D44-44D4-B0E6-890641…)

>>24884Just to give you a state of peace for whatever the hell sperg meltdown you’re having, this is the only post I made out of the three you’re claiming are all one anon.
No. 24897
>>24895Are you retarded? I’m saying that there’s one anon accusing two anons of samefag and when I (one of the anons they accused) come to meta to complain about this, they reply instantly angry and bitter
>>24884They really thought they did something, too.
No. 24901
I'm concerned this new thread about Asian men with white females+incels is going to lead into racebait
>>>/snow/1277974I don't think it belongs in /snow either. If it were in /ot/ and the focus was just making fun of AMWF couples, it might be better?
No. 24905
>>24901Was just coming here to post this. We can't have the pink pill thread back but we can hate men of a specific race posting shitty misogynist things. Okay.
>>24904/pt/ is a dead board
No. 24920
There’s an anon constantly going “hi scrote” every time someone posts milk of Nicole.
>>>/w/161812 posting milk of someone being blocked by the cow and feeling scammed does not automatically make you a scrote.
No. 24953
>>24940how about you quit having autistic meltdowns about fujos all over the site, freak
your husbando is GAY. he likes MEN. because fujo pandering is where the money reside. GET OVER IT!
No. 24954
File: 1626647243285.png (10.95 KB, 202x275, 1625941204446.png)

>>24940Fujos stay in their slow containment thread 99% of time.
I'm pretty sure there's only like 3-4 active anons who still post in there that're from the fujocord The only time their thread gets super active is when retards/aidens come in and try to rile them up.
No. 24955
>>24954>aidensI have noticed they are mostly radfems, their only "argument" is "it's degenerate" and they just use the fujo shit as an outlet rant about pr0n, degeneracy and overall show off how they are superior prudes.
Like this whole thing not my business but I used to be a radfem and radfems annoy me to no end now.
No. 24960
>>24959>>24955>>24957Ngl there is
ONE radfem-chan who sperges out in the thread but, idk if she just stopped gaf or just got banned. I just group her in with the other retards because if it's not her moralfagging, it's other fujo anons shitting up the already autistic thread with their own moralfagging/whining.
No. 24977
>>24959Fujos are despised almost universally. It's in the name, "fujoshi", in case you didn't know.
Sounds to me like you're trying to defend fujoshit with basic-ass feminist rhetoric while inventing these "radfems" because you think your persecution complex will seem more
valid if it's the spooky terfs hating your shitty spank material.
No. 24978
File: 1626721613521.jpg (68.91 KB, 562x530, 788.jpg)

can't believe you bitches are still fighting over pixels for days on end
No. 24990
>>24989A. You will never be a woman
B YOu're a scrote who should kill himself
C. You got lost, this site doesn't have to change just because you don't like it.
No. 24991
File: 1626780172307.png (9.38 KB, 649x138, kyshag.png)

>>24981Why do fujo farmers hate women?
No. 25000
>>24975This is perhaps one of the worst thread on /ot. Only consists of Twittards racebaiting and nitpicking like crazy:
>She's a blackfishing problematic fatty! And gay scrotes from LSA (I mean, who else could spend hours sperging about dicks, or tinfoiling about how every celeb is totally gay?)
It's a shame cause there's some drops of milk buried under all that autism here and there, and it's nice to be able to read about celebricows without going to GG or lSA (which are even more retarded imo) but yeah, it's a mess.
No. 25002
File: 1626813897890.png (165.6 KB, 880x735, dab.png)

I want to say thank you to all the posters on this site who are cool, except the jannies who are trannies
No. 25004
>>24991Let me offer you context since you intentionally dropped it: This was posted in the fujo thread as an obvious infight bait.
Also what degree of brainrot makes you bring radfems into the fujo discussion? Is this twitterfags with their retarded "it's always the terfs" discourse or just scrotes and trannies trying to pin everything they don't like on the radfem boogeyman again? Coincidentally shit started stirring right after someone said in the MTF thread that fujoshit is the only female hobby males haven't colonized. Adding an extra layer of tinfoil on my head nonnies.
No. 25020
File: 1626917463573.jpg (45.48 KB, 466x379, 3e5.jpg)

Requesting use just so I can post (you) reaction images.
my heart goes out to all the jannies who have to deal with our autism on the regular
No. 25039
File: 1626979601538.jpg (236.64 KB, 1080x583, Screenshot_20210722-114308_Chr…)

Why are all the anons from this thread absolutely autistic when mentioning reposts or duplicated posts? Someone posted that every percentage change in her name doesn't need to be postedd and yet anons go postal about it. This is literally implemented in most threads not to post repeated barely changing milk like that and it's not milky what her percentage change is of being .04% lol, so I see what anons meant. Infighting like this is derailing as hell. "Gatekeeping" kek. Sure, anon.
No. 25044
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No. 25046
>>24967I like this idea. Autists like
>>25039 won’t have to come here with no link, name or mention of thread and expect farmhands to care about their personal beef with another anon. Bless.
No. 25048
Can the Mikan Mandarin thread finally get locked? Every time I check it for milk it’s the same long racebaiting and infighting about Middle Easterns, BMI and Japanese people. The thread OP is red-texted, there hasn’t been fresh milk for months, and reads like something straight out of PULL.
>>>/w/163356>>>/w/163243>>>/w/163178>>>/w/163126Seriously, jannies keep handing out bans here but it’s not doing anything except fuelling the flames and derailing it even further.
No. 25055
File: 1627094435766.jpg (106.67 KB, 708x762, 20210723_224019.jpg)

Why do I keep getting banned for posts I didn't make? This is the third time.
No. 25062
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>>25023So these are the kind of people who post in that thread..explains the brain deficiency lmao
No. 25064
File: 1627126103592.png (1.65 MB, 826x1392, pol-posters.png)

I suggest admin buy this book and make it mandatory reading for all jannies so they can better identify and sniff out those dang darn /pol/tards with their sad frog memes and jew jokes. Sometimes I read someone say the word "kek" which is a dogwhistle for the alt right.
No. 25070
>>25069Oh dog
No. 25071
File: 1627158377689.png (336.13 KB, 887x736, manhate.png)

fuck jannies
No. 25078
>>25075Crystal Cafe has a pinkpill/mandate thread. It's one of the most active threads there, people should post manhate over there since it doesn't break rules and you're allowed to leave the "containment thread" and make multiple misandry threads.
Its better than just fighting a pointless battle with the mods over something we honestly SHOULD be allowed to have anyway
No. 25080
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No. 25081
>>25078>mandate threadMan-date threads are definintely allowed in /g/ kek
>>25080It seems it already happened, dear.
No. 25089
>>25085You deliberately created the thread knowing it would be locked so you could go play
victim and whine about your trannyjanny fanfic. This is insanity, bro.
No. 25093
As a side note, I'm really annoyed that very few months, newfags will come and try to remake a manhate thread, and then yeah, come here when it's locked. And if it's not newfags, it's some bitter anon that definitely knows it's going to be locked and like admin said, doing it to play victim. Please read the rules and then visit the boards that actually have manhate stuff on it to reminisce. Also, hating men isn't inherently breaking the rules, I do it all of the time, it just has to be related to a specific thing or you specifically. Or a vague comment, but not an attempt to start a whole conversation around why men are awful (which we already know). I feel like it could be bypassed with a "tell us your shitty experienced with men" thread that would be more than enough, but it wouldn't be a general gc/pp thread.
No. 25094
Why do we need a manhate thread if we can have an admin/janny drama thread with shit like this
>>25034 kek
>>25082What makes you think it's a tranny and not a normal cismoid
No. 25095
>>25089moid is bitter
there's no reason there shouldn't be a manhate thread
No. 25102
Can something please be done about the sperging over feminism/femininity in the celebricows thread? It's getting out of hand.
I've tried reporting to get y'all's attention but nothing as of yet.
>>>/ot/855255 No. 25110
>>25109hey you got troons for farmhands you're fine obviously
jokes will get you banned, neovag rotholes are all the rage at the moment on these boards go off kweeeeeen xxx
No. 25111
>>25110honestly can't wait for the REEE
TERF BOARD lolcow dot farm arc and the subsequent exodus of nonas kek
No. 25112
Could a mod please look at
>>>/snow/1280424 ? there's a retarded amount of infighting and cowtipping. ty mods and jannies ♥
No. 25116
>>25115this. please unsage it, I can name at least 4-6 cows who've selfposted in their threads
granted like 3 of those are /pt/ cows but, they still managed to truck on.
No. 25117
>>25110I love the salt that comes from you anon lmao. "Farmhands won't obsess over troons 24/7 and dedicate the entire site to discussing them? OBVIOUSLY TROONS THEMSELVES."
Never change ♥
No. 25119
>>25117Chimping at any troon/man hate and whining about muh too many terves on meta is the definition of obsessing over troons and men, except from a different angle. It's reasonable to assume that anyone who does this is a moid, like the one who outed himself in Shayna's thread after going off about how he totally wouldn't fuck Shayna.
L2hide and stop expecting a hugbox from a Chinese cartoon forum.
No. 25123
File: 1627403175870.jpg (69.97 KB, 1200x800, projection_lens_overhead-proje…)

>>25122Ah yes, the meta:
>if I see a post then it must be all that particular anon talks about>I-I am deeply uncaring, unbothered and unaffected as I mash the report button and complain about every opinion that chaps my assImagine making minimodding and saving scrotes on an anonymous pointy elbows discussion forum your entire personality, then sperging when a bunch of anons behind 7 proxies don't care. I honestly want you to keep going, that sounds like a great time.
No. 25131
>>25128there are definitely more English as a
Foreign Language posters in /w/, because the weeb and cosplay scenes are so international
the no-sage brigade is just stupid though
No. 25152
File: 1627572762575.jpg (77.03 KB, 940x960, 1626892981590.jpg)

bippity boppity boo, mods eat poo
No. 25159
>>25157sometimes newfags are too retarded to find threads if they arent right there on the first page or they search for it thru google. or they mash f5 then cant do more after that idk auto sage makes sense for that because they will usually have their one board bookmarked and stray little from their focus
auto sage is a bandaid, im surprised no one is bitching about hellweek anymore. but admin will strangle lolcow to the grave at this point. is it that you cant find someone based of unbiased opinion or you just dont like the people applying? has anyone worthy did? because i wouldnt doubt that anyone who had chops to run this hellhole of an alt chan ran off somewhere else. no one wants to fix twitter lite
No. 25172
>>25170Thanks for at least doing that
Nonnie and thanks for answering me
No. 25176
File: 1627642345030.jpg (39.9 KB, 680x453, e.jpg)

That same one was posted on C.C, too.
No. 25189
>>25170What sucks is that for people who mainly use catalog, bumping other threads doesn't help much.
It's still not deleted.
No. 25200
>>25161Yes, me too. It's been like this for almost a week now. Thought it was just my wifi being shitty because of the bad weather.
It seems to cut out randomly for a few minutes at a time.
No. 25205
File: 1627660342564.png (1009.69 KB, 760x1481, image.png)

CWC is now claiming to have sex with his infirm 80-year-old mother. Is this worth unlocking the thread for? No. 25207
>>25201You guys are literally retarded if you think the
terf haters aren't just as ridiculous as the
terf themselves. So no, I don't think we need a safe space so you guys can cry over how mean terfs are.
If you actually want to read
terf drama KF has a thread. Fuck off there.
No. 25235
>>25232NTA but Lolcow is one of the rare place left on the internet where there's no race sperging and it's super refreshing.
Nothing stop you from posting about your life experiences/beauty tips on the general threads. Why that need to segregate everything? And on a Laponese embroidery forum of all places?
I love you very much dear Burgers but your obsession with race is quite disturbing.
No. 25241
>>25235Nta but,
>Lolcow is one of the rare place left on the internet where there's no race spergingWhat do you even mean? This just isn't true.
No. 25245
File: 1627851631476.gif (129.34 KB, 220x198, 808CC2FA-9561-4EB3-8ABD-BDD483…)

>>25243Oh, sorry, did I
rattle you, anon?
No. 25253
File: 1627895672181.jpg (333.85 KB, 1080x1501, IMG_20210802_111249.jpg)

>>25252see? the redtext is the previous anime critical thread, idk why the sperg deserved to make a new thread just cause they cannot be assed to check the catalogue
No. 25254
File: 1627904364510.png (224.53 KB, 1835x382, fedposter.png)

Looks like we got out first fedposter, you gonna hand nonnies ID over to the FBI? I remember admin-chan gloating on several occasions about how these things NEVER happen on this site, only on Kiwifarms.
No. 25263
>>25262I feel like the tranny sperging with Chris-chan is inevitable with the recent updates. Mods should either allow chris chan discussion in the
terf containment zone or make the Chris-chan thread another
terf containment zone with updated thread rules.
There's too much "no true trans woman" and pronoun infighting going on.
No. 25280
Please ban this retard who bumped the NED thread over 20 times with autismo derailing
>>>/w/166127 they stick out like a sore thumb and after numerous anons telling them to sage they continue the aid posts
No. 25281
File: 1628029585079.jpeg (452.65 KB, 1800x1800, 50C18E0F-4772-4FB3-A27B-AAAD53…)

>>25280Thank you for banning them. That brings me to my next question, after the milk that Nicole and her friends discovered the thread, isn’t it against the rules for cows to post about themselves in the third person? These tweets confirm it’s her, lord. And the unsaged posts tell me it’s a newfag who just wants to rehash old milk, say, because they’re the cow themselves?
No. 25294
>>25293>post actual evidence>entire thread is filled with evidenceReminds me of the ridiculous demands of the past where the "evidence" demanded by proof-chan (likely Nicole)
>>25281would require actually being present with a spycam or interviewing said people personally. We can only post whatever is publicly available for any follower to see online.
No. 25303
File: 1628101816807.jpeg (315.97 KB, 1125x1213, F231C2EB-F9D0-4615-930D-751139…)

Why am I permabanned? What the hell?!
No. 25306
>>25304>Not everyone who wants more concrete info is the cowIt’s not tinfoil at this point, she posted about anonymous people “speculating” about rumors and how asking for proof is good at the same time as the newfag who couldn’t sage. The thread would only be considered a mess to a tard who doesn’t know how to hide saged posts and look through all the evidence and milk imo.
>>25281 is undeniably her and we all know this because her roommate sperged about finding the thread just a few days prior. Use your brain.
No. 25332
>>25331>Are you really going to hi cow everyone in the thread who isn't youOne newfag who couldn’t sage.
>Lolcow isn't the only website to use anonymous and green textIt’s one of the first websites that pops up when you google her name. The timing is too perfect since her roommate just discovered it. And the tweets at the same time. Afaik she doesn’t have threads on any other anon sites.
>It's just dumb to think every anon who isn't posting something you agree with, is Nicole.You mean the narcissist who just posted about her thread on social media isn’t the same one anon trying to rehash old milk at the same exact time as these tweets?
(stop) No. 25335
File: 1628164631730.jpg (135.28 KB, 1080x1080, 29ed8fe729e4d4e73fe97ed0f6b011…)

Admin, can we please have the GC thread back? At least until the Chris Chan shit dies down and the kiwifags leave? We can't voice GC stuff in the MTF or fakeboi threads.
No. 25339
File: 1628188116789.jpg (935.71 KB, 2002x471, Untitled-2.jpg)

>>25334These. There was also another post where he wrote something about casually having an umpteenth abortion and doing drugs afterwards and it also sounded very scrotish but can't find it. I noticed he never sages
No. 25341
File: 1628193290511.jpg (148.88 KB, 625x640, 2f2239cea3aa9dc2805f01b1e82595…)

>>25339That fourth comment is the scrotiest thing I've ever read, classic male behavior to get offended when one of their shit activities has a name. Sex pest is not even a new term. The other ones do sound like a man larping. It might be the same one who wrote in the vent thread or somewhere recently about how they are too pretty to make friends, and the entire post sounded like a man's idea of female behavior based entirely on 90s teen movies. I'm sure he runs back to 4chan or reddit and brags about how he totally has us fooled!
No. 25363
File: 1628349739299.jpeg (446.9 KB, 1800x1674, 488432D9-B9D1-470F-8261-705AB4…)

>>25360Sorry but newfags who can’t sage and bump threads upwards of 10 times deserve the ban, don’t be this retarded. The hide saged posts feature is there so anons can lurk through threads and read milk as opposed to retarded discussions and blogposts. It’s kind of weird you can’t understand that. You’re pretty much saying the exact opposite of what admin wrote, learn2read?
No. 25365
File: 1628356146780.jpeg (79.03 KB, 698x221, 37A4E63C-9E35-4233-9B83-906271…)

Why aren’t you banning people like this? Hello? God some of you are so fucking incompetent
No. 25384
File: 1628436918575.jpg (10.71 KB, 236x248, 708f3e48837d5ef2f306a724c0334b…)

Is it possible ask a mod to check whether a string of posts is all coming from the same person? I've been noticing strange activity around a snowflake for months, I was the only one who replied whenever "someone" brought them up, then yesterday I said that it must have been the snowflake themselves because if someone here was trying to bully them they would be calling them ugly and sure enough, today there were 5+ posts in a row calling them ugly. After months of me being the only person who even cared enough to reply.
Sorry is this is too spergy, but it's just so fucking suspicious, I just want to know if the posts are from different people or not
No. 25387
>>25384what thread is it
nonnie, I want to take a look too
No. 25393
File: 1628448649906.jpeg (38.02 KB, 642x120, 1E6A3465-40BC-46C1-83A6-FF0F25…)

>>25392Kek no problem. I know this isn’t the technical help thread but it’s actually super easy to copy a post link on phone, just hold the posts number and tap to copy it. Then it generates a link for you. Example:
>>>/snow/1294426 No. 25414
>>25264>Now I see how bad things really could be.?? Pretty sure Admin's cool with Null. Don't remember why she decided not to sell but it looks like Null's done everything he can to keep Kiwi going, and even if he bought LC I'm not sure it would share Kiwi's issues just by virtue of having different infrastructure/rules. The tinfoil's certainly interesting>>25404I thought Kiwifags were being corralled to the .org site? I don't know why they wouldn't go there first instead of boards they don't know how to use. Either way, aren't they mostly in the Bella thread?
No. 25421
>>25414>Pretty sure Admin's cool with NullRofl, no. She hates Null.
>>25419Seethe and hide the thread. Bella and her parents and friends are actively trying to control the discussion on her. Its important this info stays up.
No. 25431
>>25427Creepshowart didn't attract this many nasty scrotes talking about wanting to rape, coom over her dead body or continuously talking about wanting to see her naked and asking for her nudes.
I really hope these scrotes won't get comfortable here and start appearing in other threads.
No. 25434
File: 1628520142875.jpg (28.8 KB, 564x179, Screenshot_20210809-161827_Sam…)

>>25428That thread is just LSA-fags and scrote-poltards flinging shit at each other. Ah! And also newfags sperging endlessly about Billie Whatever-ish.
Some threads were nuked for way less.
No. 25457
>>25387It's the leftcows thread on /snow/. I didn't want to post it because I didn't want the (suspected) selfposter to know I was the only one who ever replied to posts about them but today the person was posted again
unsaged and immediately received a reply,
also unsaged, with an emoticon, calling selfpost. Which I suspect is clumsy samefagging trying to throw people off? I don't want to be super spergy about it but it's so fucking suspicious
No. 25463
File: 1628582817010.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.8 KB, 477x199, 44208069-979B-40DB-BEF9-B7E610…)

Retarded scrote bait in Isabella thread, everyone mass report and DNI <3
No. 25479
File: 1628651645337.jpeg (98.57 KB, 707x235, 84A3C219-4E19-4BD2-86EE-C60640…)

>>25478I’m sure if mods could they would, but this anon is able to ban evade for a reason. Nico-I mean the sperg, uses VPN which is probably the only real reason why nobody can trace any post history back to her.
No. 25485
File: 1628721284432.jpeg (377.4 KB, 1242x720, 17F182EA-44A9-40E3-8E0A-9E30D6…)

Hey, can I ask what’s going on with this? I got banned for this post and then unbanned, then banned again? I didn’t dox anyone or post any information, I asked a question about 4chan from what other people had said on kiwifarms and /b/. The ban message said “do not post addresses” but I never posted anything?
I assumed it was a mistake but I’m confused as to why I was unbanned then rebanned.
No. 25487
>>25486Yeah I don’t understand that. Like I said, I assumed it was just a mistake (lots of rule breaking was going on in that thread and maybe a farmhand misread my post or something while dealing with all the other posts) but the ban was put back so now I don’t know.
I did, then a few hours later I could post again so I assumed it was approved (I’m still on the same IP and haven’t changed connection), then for some reason I was banned again and the appeal was still pending and I had to wait out the entire rest of the ban.
No. 25489
>>25488I mean, I only unsaged because it was a new topic? I always sage.
Why would I bring a question about that to meta? It was new info about a cow and it was in her thread? Don’t be silly anon.
No. 25492
File: 1628763750196.jpeg (190.57 KB, 682x1048, DD8775B2-1097-4D98-A473-7DA6D3…)

>>25491Seriously. Can jannies and mods ban obvious scrotes like this? Its funny that he’s trying to demonize me and automatically think I’m an “alone” femcel, even though I’m in a relationship with a man. I was going to reply, but the thread was locked. I was going to say that I empathize with them and that the other anon’s intention was well, as she was worried about women’s safety. All I said was that femcels had a different reason than incels. Nowhere was I attacking women, as all I said that I was trying to tell women to be cautious with moids they don’t know well, and to make sure they forms of support or income, so that they wont be fearful of leaving incase anything happens. I even said that I don’t hate men, but I care more about women’s safety. There seems to be an uprising of scrotes like this lately.
No. 25493
>>25492It's quite obvious that it's a male when he actually thinks women would want to rape men they hate. And I don't really see normal nonnies sperg about 'femcels'.
You can thank the Bella thread for invasion of moids.
No. 25500
>>25493That particular moid was there long before Bella thread. He's mostly in MTF thread and, possibly, the femboy one. He posts the same
triggered textwalls about man hate and how "sad" he is about you, it's very easy to spot if you pay attention.
No. 25503
File: 1628788177404.png (56.98 KB, 896x794, ban.png)

Jannies are retards who can't take criticism.
No. 25505
File: 1628788549505.png (124.3 KB, 1838x704, sperg.png)

>>25500Or maybe there are women on this website who don't just seethe about men day in and day out. Fall out of line with the narrative and you're immediately called a scrote. Just things.
>>25492Love how you didn't include your dumbass post that I was replying to, kek. (picrel) Also were so
triggered that you had to complain in /meta/ when you were actively derailing the MtF thread with your spergy rants about how no woman should ever get married because all men will cheat on you and watch teenage rape porn.
No. 25508
>>25507is it embarassing to get banned by
triggered farmhands because you give them some constructive criticism? Can you maybe point out to me where what I said was wrong in any way?
It makes zero sense to perma-ban people on this site. Almost everyone is a VPN user. They will just switch to a different IP. All you are doing is permanently taking out VPN IP's from the rotation that people who are completely unrelated to the person who got it banned are using. I know it's hard to get good help in these times, but it seems only absolute retards apply to be farmhands. And you do it for free.
No. 25511
>>25508>Almost everyone is a VPN user Ehm, no. And there's a reason that ban appeals exist. They aren't stupid enough to ignore a ban appeal on an obvious VPN. Use your pea-brain, please.
>>25510Whatever makes you feel better, moid. You've displayed some pretty embarrassing stuff yourself today. Just exit browser and touch some grass today.
No. 25515
>>25505Nta but if you think a handful of posts
in a bdsm thread mean all "femcels" want to rape men you're retarded, and definitely male
No. 25516
File: 1628790171261.jpg (179.91 KB, 894x916, Screenshot_20210812-133734_Fir…)

>>25510Concave brained kiwimoids really think they can le ebicly muddy the waters by calling everyone here a tranny like we can't tell you're a moid from the way you type and what you reply to.
>>25505You're definitely jelqing and mewing about those women though, over and over, in every single thread about retarded men. Love how you didn't include this touching recount of your incel journey.
No. 25517
>>25505Anon, I posted that because you were saying that femcels were the same as incels. I posted statistics to show that even a lot of “normal” men only value for women for superficial values. I think women can have superficial values as well, however let’s not act like incels who actively have threads on congratulating women getting raped/beaten is the same thing here. You went on a schizo rant and thought I was the other anon, even though that was my first post in that thread. Like I said, I care more for women’s safety. I think if a woman is going to be in submission, she should have a support system or income, just in case a situation happens where she has to leave. Domestic rates are higher with women, and if she has no income or no support (as in family), then how is she expected to leave if a situation arises? Nobody is saying all relationships are like that, it’s just that SOMETIMES people can lie to you. Sometimes, life can just fuck up like that. And you should have a backup incase something happens. Just like how you have emergency contacts. The reason people are calling you a scrote is because you seem to only care about yourself. Not all men are scrotes, but all narcissistic men who only care about themselves and lacks empathy are scrotes. I dont like using imaginary boogeymans, however I empathize with these “femcels” you are attacking for being lonely and (im assuming you are the anon who also attacked lesbians, correct me if I’m wrong) because you don’t realize that these women aren’t speaking in a way that incels do, which is “getting rejected”, but because they, women, are looked down as less than humans. I don’t see how you, allegedly, a woman, can’t see this, unless you are extremely sheltered.
No. 25519
>>25518It’s for the benefit of the doubt, just in case it’s an actual woman who somehow doesn’t get as to why a lot of the nonnies here seem concerned. I highly doubt it is a woman, however, in case it is, I want it to understand that a lot of users on that board mean well. I could tell the other anon meant well as well, because she corrected herself. I didn’t see her as “hating hererosexual” relationships, I saw her being concerned because she was reacting to a post where a tranny was being
abusive to a woman. Nobody is against traditional women, or traditional relationships, but I don’t understand why it doesn’t get that we simply just want women to be safe. We are not telling women to fear men, we’re telling them to be pragmatic and to not constantly believe everyone. If its a female, I think she just has false hope. I support the concept of housewives, however I don’t support them if they have no source of income or no support due to the fact that most were not able to escape back then, and a lot stays just for the kids. I dont think it understands that. “It” just dignifies worries and empathy as personal attacks, whether it’s because they are a moid, or a woman who only thinks of herself, and not about women’s safety overall. If domestic rates with women weren’t high, if women in third world countries had rights and weren’t enforced in a system to be in submission and aren’t able to leave, or if women in cultured famalies weren’t expected to be all the things I’m saying, then I wouldn’t be pointing out this out.
No. 25526
>>25522Ok but who except an assmad moid would proselytize to them kek
>>25520No, meta is for writing essays about evil dykes and complaining that everyone thinks you're a moid.
No. 25527
File: 1628795070385.jpeg (273.55 KB, 831x1800, EFEAE231-AFAA-4A13-AD8F-8461E3…)

Mods, I’m begging you, post history reveal for Nicole when? As a farmhand confirmed it’s the same ban-evading sperg every single day. Who else would use lc JUST for this one cow to defend her against funny nicknames, criticism on her OF, and then get nervous when her boyfriend’s ex decides to speak up about drama?
No. 25528
>>25518>kek why would a woman be this buttmad about man hate on a chinese cartoon forumThis is what it really comes down to. Plenty of users actually disagree with
terf and pinkpill anons, but they just ignore them. Trannies and scrotes can't keep it in because they're personally offended
No. 25529
>>25526Femcels are the ones derailing every thread that has male lolcows (MtF and femboys) with their off-topic rageposting. It is fucking annoying because you keep saying the same thing over and over again. We get it, you hate men. It's not milk. You think all men cheat and are pedophiles, it's not milk. You literally can not help yourself from writing walls of text, not only on how much you hate men but also about how much you hate women who don't hate as men as much as you and about women who are straight and in relationships with men. You make it very obvious that you look down on us for being attracted to men "despite how evil they are!!".
There is one anon who continually posts walls of texts about how all men have mommy issues and then you have 10 anons replying how "based" they are. In every single thread about men you have to derail it because you read Freud once. But of course everyone who points this out gets called a scrote cause you can not possibly imagine that other women find you annoying.
No. 25530
File: 1628799284246.jpg (45.88 KB, 334x518, pouring-salt-stock-photo_csp20…)

>>25529>You literally can not help yourself from writing walls of textNTA but tl;dr, literally no one cares. At this point you are no longer making complaints about the site, you are having an autist meltdown and iirc the thread description says
>Any autistic meltdowns will be banned. No. 25534
File: 1628812473321.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.11 KB, 600x450, thepurringchad.jpg)

>>25528I have genuinely never seen a normal man get upset and defensive because an incel is sperging next to him, and not even the most shoe on head retarded Becky would wk men anonymously where there are no updoots and attention to reap. Moids are legit engaging in masochism by coming here kek
>>25529>men are being shittalked in a thread about male cows, how could this be?If lolcow causes you this much distress, tell your tard wrangler to limit your internet access, or reredirect you to kiwifarms where your NLOG LARP will get you many semper fis. Nobody is going to caress your scrotum here, most of this forum is populated by bored het partnered women with varying degrees of disdain for online moidry, and you'll still die alone if your imaginary lesbian cats who hoard femcels and snatch dick out of straight women's mouths to replace them with strap-ons (or whatever it is you sperg about in the MTF threads) vanished tomorrow. Nothing will change, and your pitiful attention whoring will probably make some of the more sensible anons here hate moids and your unstoppable need to poz every online corner.
Oh, and don't open pic related unless you popped your risperidone already.
No. 25538
File: 1628834303330.jpg (440.8 KB, 878x1323, Screenshot_20210813-015545_Chr…)

Not the anon in the screenshot but another occasional artfag, just want to know if fanart is actually a bannable offense now?
No. 25540
File: 1628838796504.jpg (42.06 KB, 550x579, laughingcat.jpg)

>>25535>(moid)What an incredible surprise.
No. 25541
>>25535Congrats. The next step is to do this every time you suspect a male poster and not shit up the meta thread.
>>25537I'm not the one who has men living rent free in my head.
No. 25542
File: 1628842932226.jpeg (9.31 KB, 205x246, download (4).jpeg)

>>25541I didn't mention them but you just did lol, again with the projection
No. 25544
>>25529Kek imagine being
triggered over manifesto anon.
Sadly admin can't look through screens, so reporting does not fully fix the issue.
No. 25549
>>25547It's almost never on topic and ends up in a huge sperg-out and derailment.
>>25548>muh reddit spacingSorry you hate readability and paragraphs.
No. 25553
File: 1628886758665.jpg (253.81 KB, 948x498, moid.jpg)

>>24570Made you a boomer meme to enjoy
No. 25558
File: 1628900567477.png (47.24 KB, 200x200, 0b5cd600.png)

>>25545My god, it's every moid cope in one post
No. 25559
>>25558wow you really epically pwned her, have an updoot
>>25557someone recently put some of her best posts together as an image in the farmers' screencaps thread in /ot/ iirc
No. 25568
File: 1628961992833.jpg (663.01 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_20210814-122554_Sam…)

Every few days some autist will come to the Shay thread and photoshop Shays titties to make her look like 5% better. Now she's shopping Shays vagina. Like seriously how big of an autist do you have to be to be staring at someone's misfortunate pussy to think "I could make this look so much better!" And physically blur it more, make it smaller, and less crab-like. At the end of the day it's still attached to Shayna, everything about her is repulsive. Can mods warn this weirdo to knock it off
No. 25573
>>25571Like the other anon said, last time it was up for over an hour.
So tired of this, why is it happening to frequently? Did I miss something that this site is being targeted so much with this garbage?
No. 25574
>>25573Chris Chan’s new adventures and that new cow Bella are bringing new pedo brigades, also troons got their weenies twisted as per usual.
Men were a mistake.
No. 25596
File: 1629005231430.jpg (216.02 KB, 671x1383, 1622850022850.jpg)

>>25541>Noooo you can't just call people moids, bring me notarized proof that moids are behind pro-moid postsEpik moid moment.
>>25574Aktualualy you can't know the CP spammer is a man.
No. 25612
File: 1629054302299.png (3 KB, 609x29, already a thing.PNG)

>>25611This is already a thing. Even though it says "thread", it also includes posts, from what I've seen. So going back and forth about britbongs and amerifats also gets people banned sometimes
No. 25631
File: 1629177233323.png (451.63 KB, 500x600, oren.png)

i'm glad i've started the habit of checking this thread before visiting boards, i'm gonna avoid using the catalog in general from now on. i wish the scrotes constantly raiding us with this depraved shit would be castrated and then raped with their own mutilated dicks.
No. 25636
File: 1629218305298.jpg (160.22 KB, 720x1154, 20210817_123622.jpg)

hi, can mods please unban me for a post I didn't even make? Lol I don't even know which thread this post is on. Thank you guys
No. 25640
File: 1629228848129.jpg (27.77 KB, 925x191, Screenshot_9.jpg)

There's an obvious scrote larping as a farmer and posting baits in the vent thread
No. 25644
>>25643Came here to say this. 2 new threads in a row, exact same shit as the last bunch of times. I agree with this anon
>>25605 new threads should go through an approval process before getting posted at least for a few weeks until this shit dies off. This isn't 4chan, threads aren't getting/needing to be made every 5 minutes or even daily.
No. 25646
>>25623>>25620It's so fucking cringey and annoying. I complained about them earlier ITT but fell on deaf ears.
Maybe I am being a miserable bitch but if driverfags are not allowed to post outside of their containment thread then why do komaedafags get to shit up all of /ot/ sperging about his cartoon cock.
No. 25651
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>>25646You’re lame plus it’s /ot/, it’s not like they’re doing it to derail in /snow/ or /pt/ threads so it should be allowed. Driverfags are a huge cult which is why they got a containment thread compared to a random shitposter that comes here or there. I don’t care about danganronpa either, but it’s kind of odd that this is your biggest concern rather than the CP and gore that was posted in /ot/ a day ago and unfortunately sat there for a few hours without being nuked.
Picrel is you btw
No. 25654
>>25651>it’s kind of odd that this is your biggest concern rather than the CP and gore that was postedActually it is, I came to this thread specifically to mention the CP and how to combat it
>>25644 before I read up and replied to the anon talking about the komaedafag. It's lame and unfunny, and it's avatarfagging which is against the rules.
No. 25661
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Am I the only one that thinks the past few celeb threads haven't been feeling the same? I don't know.. maybe I'm just being retarded.
No. 25665
Please lock the previous ILJ thread
>>>/snow/1303107, there's a better one with an updated OP that was made 12h ago.
No. 25670
>>>/ot/886102It's the same scrote spewing his /pol/spergery all over the thread.
No. 25673
>>25664>>25667Arab anon here, these arguments are always retarded because you’re acting as if Middle Eastern countries don’t abide by Islam and Muslim laws, therefore you’re shitting on nationalities as well. It
is racebaiting.
No. 25691
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>>24570Someone keeps spamming gore of humans and animals all over random threads
No. 25775
>>25767critical = calling an entire race the scum of the earth? besides, she posted a libfem muslim to the tradthot thread. it doesn't fit, there's absolutely no milk about her. you can find thousands and thousands of women just like her on twitter. it's obviously pakistani anon who has a vendetta against one of her old classmates or one of those white anons sperging about asian women stealing white men.
>A woman who claims to hold 'traditional values' and claims to believe that women are below men but has benefited from modern day women's liberation and feminism. nope, she's a westernized libfem.
>Usually educated women from privileged backgrounds who have led very sheltered lives. ???
>Most are pick mes addicted to superficial male attention and will make whatever talking points red pilled incels and neckbeards want to hear.nope.
>They often fetishize female bodily functions and traditional gender roles and cringingly over perform femininity. nope.
>Many are also racist white nationalists aka "wignats/wigger nationalists".lol nope.
also jannies didn't ban the anons in /ot/ advocating for genocides and white ethnostates so idk why you're scared of "twitter infiltrates". it's like you've spent your entire life online and think there's only two political sides to everything, woke twitter sjw and polfag
No. 25778
>>25775I mean, nonita, I've bashed men and called them scum of earth and anons have said on par about cows themselves so once again what I'm getting at is that I don't understand why shittalking isn't allowed so long as its bringing discussion and actual milk. I don't really care what pakistani anon is doing, I skipped over her posts because they didn't provide anything inherently milky. If she spergs then she gets b& and that's the end of it. She'll get bored eventually. I'm just saying that I'd like to ability to shittalk anyone just like when this site used to be /b/, /pt/, and that's it.
I also haven't seen the anons sperging for ethnostates in /ot/ because I don't really go there. Nor is it unrealistic to think that anons on an image board would operate in extremes, because that's been my experience since about 2006.
No. 25839
>>25820I never said that my opinions were milk. Why do you keep trying to pick a fight as opposed to offering an actual reason why this isn't allowed? If it's a tradthot general, shouldn't all religions be fair game? These women exist in each one. There could even be a nutty wiccan general.
You're trying very hard to act as if there is some art to shittalking. It's a gossip website. It always has been. What's more, it's on its last legs and yet you're still adamant. Guess what's not gonna help keep it afloat? That kind of bullshit.
No. 25840
>>25839You need to chill out, anon. I'm not even
>>25775 but you sound autistic to think its just a gossip site and rules don't apply to these threads because you think you deserve some loophole leniency because x-thread gets to have x-discussions, so why cant
you? Shit talking isn't the same as a discussion. If you want to just bash topics because its your fun, prepare for those "discussions" to possibly get you banned for blogging rather than actually providing any substance. Make a discord group for 4chan teir chatroom replies to other anons.
No. 25842
>>25840I need to chill out even though I've been the one asking why the site is a far cry from what it used to be in a non-sperg manner. Alright.
Maybe it's best that this place dies then. It was inevitable.
No. 25851
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CP in /OT/
No. 25930
>>25896I didn't realize that /pol/ was full of new yorkers, but alright,
No. 26016
File: 1629791077858.jpg (492.02 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2021-08-24-04-38-13…)

Please, just implement the feature that stops new threads to be created without mods' approval. I'm begging you
It avoids CP threads, moid threads and this fucking shit
No. 26039
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CP in ot
No. 26194
>>26193That’s my point, none of them are cows. None of what they are talking about is even remotely worthy of discussion here.
They’ve all come from Guru Gossip and think this place is a fucking forum.
No. 26272
>>26262Anon, have you met a gypsy? Like anon said
>>26270, I’m from the uk, and sometimes gypsies show up sometimes with their caravans and illegally pitch up in fields and parks until the police have to come. My mum was in a store once and her and some other women got shouted at by some gypsy just for glancing at him because he was shouting and swearing because there was a queue. You can’t leave kids bikes or toys around or they will steal them. Fuck gypsies.
No. 26297
Now why is this thread that is entirely white racebait central allowed to exist?
>>>/snow/1314036You can take your $1k donation that you don’t deserve and can shove it up your ass. I’m so tired of the clear hypocrisy and favoritism of topics. They can have a political thread where anons can derail and alog with their racist nonsense but no manhate thread though? Go fuck yourselves.
No. 26304
>>26297>You can take your $1k donation that you don’t deserve and can shove it up your assThe donation isn't even going towards me. You mean the donation going towards hosting costs? You think the first thing I want to do when I check this site is to read retarded racebait or infighting? Good grief.
>I’m so tired of the clear hypocrisy and favoritism of topics. They can have a political thread where anons can derail and alog with their racist nonsense but no manhate thread though?There are plenty of threads filled to the brim with derailing and infighting, and as long as it's saged I don't see a problem. Don't pretend that the MtF thread hasn't been given a free pass to derail either. Artist Salt and Lefty Cows are also racebait prone. Fuck you for making me even read the entirely of that thread.
Who cares?! Obviously you.
No. 26330
>>26329>Are you mad that you can’t be racist and complain about minorities anymore?There are plenty of threads on /snow/ that frequently derail into racebait, yet that was the thread that you wanted locked because it personally offended you. If you actually gave a single shit about racebait you would be doing the same for the other threads and petitioning for it to dealt with site wide. Only this isn't about racebait, it's about you being
triggered by the existence of a thread that you disagreed with.
No. 26335
>>26327 and idc if the thread got locked? I'm saying it makes sense that it would get locked because the Asian incels (or whatever it was called) and the LSA threads both got locked. The subject of the threads weren't bad, but they all attracted too much racebait/sperging because of it. I've noticed an increase in racebait across the site recently so I personally don't mind if the thread is gone.
No. 26355
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Lolcow should have a captcha like 4chan does. I'm honestly sick and tired of the cp spamming as of late, and it's possibly a bot, so making the captcha more difficult may fix that problem. It may reduce the rate of shitposting, but I think that's a small price to pay for not having see cp
No. 26365
>>26358I have no idea which cows you're talking about, but if you see stuff like that then you should just report it. We're still allowed to complain when see that stuff here.
>>26363It shouldn't be posted either way, anon. It doesn't really matter if they uploaded it themselves or not.
No. 26379
>>26375NTA, but yake some criticism that you guys do over exaggerate on that thread and being a little baby about being called out about it, claiming anyone who isn't a poster you know, is the same anon. Your thread is nitpicky as fuck and using saged/not saged as a defense to post whatever you want, is massively retarded.
Then you have autistic posts saying how they hate her fingernails being dirty when holding a lizard ffs and how a curtain rod, obviously a curved rod due to positions of the hangers and the highlights WRAPPING around the edge, should make it obvious. Seeing you spergs come to meta for petty shit constantly is ridiculous and you guys still get nitpicking redtexts, so I don't see how saging a nitpick is justified kek The fact that in thread anons call anyone they don't agree with a WK or Proof anon, is hilarious. You can't be mad that you have a thread in the top of /w/ but anons go in there every now and then to read about just how disjointed and exaggerated the thread content actually is, saged or not. Most anons can tell you have a hug box in that thread and try to get anyone banned when you get called out to keep it that way. The thread does have a bit of a vendetta, anon.
No. 26380
>>26379Calm down, retard. Meta exists for a reason and it’s annoying to see one anon constantly bump the thread to complain about the quality while providing no contribution themselves.
Complaining about the vendetta posters in a cow thread is even more annoying. Either contribute or gtfo
No. 26383
>>26381>Most threads are fairly organizedThe thread OP is what organizes all milk neatly and I disagree with you here.
>calling out posters isn't some new concept when threads are this mangledThat’s exactly why a complaint thread exists
>stay in your vendetta hugbox and keep insisting any posts you don't like are all the same anons.Where do I accuse all anons of being the same? The only person who has done so is an actual farmhand that put a whiteknight on full blast because they kept spam reporting posts, spending all their time on LC camping the Nicole thread and trying to get it taken down. There’s a known autistic sperg. Also calling anyone who disagrees with you a vendetta poster doesn’t make you look good either.
There are hundreds of red-texted bans regarding Nicole in all four of her threads and even in meta with the words “ban-evading wk/sperg” so don’t pretend an autistic sperg or two aren’t the main reasons the thread is a shitshow.
No. 26389
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>>26386>The Nicole anons coming here know exactly what they are doing by reporting any post they don't likeanon why are you this
triggered if people want to complain about retards? don’t minimod and gatekeep, quite frankly you need to go outside and take a breather if complaints bother you this much. Please get a hobby that doesn’t revolve around Nicole.
As a sidenote no1curr what you have to say about saged posts, the ones worthy of being banned are the autists bumping the thread to sperg and defend Nicole, not the ones contributing milk or disagreeing with you personally. Get a life jfc
No. 26390
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someone is posting cat gore in /ot/
No. 26395
>>26394thought so, thank you
nonnie. luckily there's no autoplay but i didn't dare scroll down past the very top of the video.
also yeah, other anons have been saying it's because a moid was redtexted recently on some thread in ot, so that's likely why it's happening. they're so fucking sociopathic and evil it's insane. we really need some form of verification for posting though because I'm so tired of this happening, along with the constant cheese pizza
No. 26422
>>26421this is /meta/, i don't need to sage. there are a total of 2 active threads right now.
i don't get the newfags that act like "hurrdurr you didn't sage!" is some kind of own in /meta/ and /ot/.
No. 26424
>>26415Bitch do you even know what cp means? If there's real cp it gets taken down quick by the mods. Underaged people in threads? Bring receipts if you are calling them underage
>>26423This has to be it
No. 26426
>>26425no just you.
actually the other day i accidentally put “sag” and thought i was going to have to delete and repost and it still saged kek.
No. 26433
I’ve been looking over the thread for Sarah McDaniel (
>>>/snow/355514 ) again and I noticed a bunch of posts that used nearly identical language and the same excuse she eventually used when she got exposed for the fake eye thing. It was years ago so I didn’t want to clog up anyone’s inboxes with old reports but would it be worthwhile to check if they might have come from her? She’s kind of making a comeback so her thread is a little active again.
No. 26442
>>26437That might already fall under Global Rule 8
>Do not attempt to use for attention or profit.I knew there was some rule against attention-whoring but couldn't be arsed to check until now
No. 26454
>>26452Tinfoil but the writing style and talking points are so similar I think it's either the same guy or some other 4chan scrote.
If it's really a woman, pathetic.
No. 26467
File: 1631538183051.png (191.65 KB, 1054x962, gross.png)

Honestly tired of how fucking bitter and miserable everyone on here seems to be. It was refreshing at first and relatable to a point, but kinda starting to feel like the female version of with the wishing of miscarriages on women and wanting to murder babies for being the opposite gender. And you claim to be feminists. Ovarit is much less psychotic, thankfully. Probably cause the userbase is not composed of teenage girls who think they need to proof how edgy they are.
inb4 call me a scrote or whatever, I wish you find happiness one day you miserable shits
No. 26474
>>26473As someone in the thread pointed out, wishing for someone to miscarry could fall under a-logging and if you feel like it is you could report it as such.
>>26467 is obviously sperging hard about it for trad anti-abortion reasons specifically though, based on their fixation with women not getting picked (the quotes around "choosing") and calling the edgy anons old
No. 26475
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>>26474Samefag, dropped the pic
No. 26479
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>>26467stop being a dumbass, it's obviously some scrote or retarded tradthot baiting. they've been spamming in various threads, i think it's the same person who was spamming the unpopular opinions thread about pregnant women earlier. probably has something to do with
>>26452 as well.
No. 26490
>>26488Anons are going to tell you you're coping again but idk I think that at least some of these 2edgy4u posters have to be moids LARPing as radfems so they can screencap it and circlejerk over how ebil da wammenz are on 4chan. How convenient is it that there's an increase in abortion-related infighting ever since that man got asshurt and posted screencaps of LC all over 4chan.
>>26489Another anon linked to it in this post.
>>26452 No. 26494
>>26493I honestly think it is mostly women who are coping about their own life choices. The tradthot thread is basically nothing but posters seething about women who are married and have children and are happy. I don't know how "this woman had a child" is milk to begin with or makes someone a lolcow, but between the actual tradthots being posted there is A LOT of "eeewwww imagine getting married to A SCROTE!" in there. I don't know if it's lesbians or just women who are unmarried and are poorly trying to hide their envy, but I don't think having kids and a husband makes someone a "tradthot" or a lolcow in the eyes of a normal person who's not blinded by seethe.
Reminds me a lot of /r/childfree, which is just people posting about how much they despise kids (for whom they have tons of horrific names like crotchgoblin, parasites etc). If you are so happy to not have kids, why do you have to cope so hard that you have to make an entire community about hating people who do? For the same reason women on here seethe at straight women with functional lives and relationships: insecurity.
No. 26498
>>26497Or maybe several people are tired of the seething femcels going after every woman who choses to live a normal life? The mtf discussion started because some anon asked "What can I do to avoid dating a man who will troon out?" and almost every reply was "DONT DATE A MAN EVER! SCROTES EEEWWW!"
A lot of us on here are straight women in normal relationships. Your constant seethe is embarassing and tiring, especially if it's against innocent babies and other women who have literally not done anything to you other than to dare do what 90% of the world does and procreate with the opposite gender.
No. 26504
>>26502Not everything you read that makes you feel uncomfortable is "bait".
>>26503??? There are self-admittedly a lot of lesbians on here and they shit on bisexual and straight women all the time, it's not a strawman. I'm sure there are also plenty of single straight women who have been hurt by men and "given up" and now seethe at all women who "can't see the truth about men". I read a lot of "I can't wait till he cheats" posts, so I assume those are women who have been cheated on. It sucks, but they need to stop projecting on everyone else.
No. 50282
>>50281This post >>145842
clearly they just don’t want anyone saying anything bad about their snaggletoothed vtuber queen.