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No. 502693
Only responds to 40 year old single mothers Edition
ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi
Previous threads:
>>450007 >>451665 >>453384>>455202>>456930>>458496>>460350>>462677>>465438>>467757>>470150>>472167>>475042>>478280>>482290>>484944>>487151>>489057>>490961>>493752>>496228>>497878>>499582>>501110Last thread summary:
>>501340 Girligi
>>501368 Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth liked a Luigi post
>>501422 EmIlY the woman he responded to is a troon supporter
>>501511 new letter to James talking about his fishing trips
>>501618 appendix update
>>501674 another appendix update
>>501741 bar where he played pool got identified
>>501794 his review of a Steam game
>>501815 Luigi's sister is in the arts
>>501836 screenshot of his Whatsapp DMs
>>501862 screenshot of his Whatsapp DMs
>>501968 Plebbitors turning on Tracy
>>501995 girl talking about her interactions with him
>>502094 "friend" claiming he was addicted to pain killers
>>502139 creepy pic of his serial killer, I mean Landlord
>>502150 someone on Rednote talking about the landlord being inappropriate
>>502247 EmILy
>>502324 new letter mentioning the Lorax and how he wants to read it to his own children
>>502328 corroborates with this message
>>502440 Luigi's funny walk
No. 502698>>502701>>502703>>502750
File (hide): 1741892040167.jpg (218.54 KB, 1080x967, 1000007155.jpg)

I guess we are back in the 1920s.
No. 502700>>502701
File (hide): 1741892104335.jpg (110.29 KB, 1080x1072, 1000007156.jpg)

Even his silhouette is attractive, damn it.
No. 502701
>>502700He was born without a frontal cortex
>>502698Kek god forbid you make fun of a retarded guido
No. 502702>>502707>>502711>>502748
File (hide): 1741892194932.jpg (117.62 KB, 1242x1640, 20250313_192342.jpg)

luigi is the cutest
No. 502703
Nonas where is the source for these?
This one is the JM show ending for calling Weeg a wop
>>502698This is the one where they said he had a pain pill addiction
>>502094Was that the Rolling Stone article?
No. 502704>>502706>>502708>>502710>>502714>>502719>>502720>>502770
File (hide): 1741892239330.png (587.09 KB, 1314x390, yikes.png)

I feel bad for Mia. She even deleted her reddit post
No. 502705>>502709
>>502696Idk I think elon might be a bigger narc and all that ugly faggot did was ruin Twitter and EVs
At least Luigi stomped on a cockroach
No. 502710>>502712>>502772
>>502704Luigi is such an asshole. When he praises his future mother's of his children he will never have he needs to ask them to not reveal the letter to the public otherwise he wont want to continue correspondence.
Hes so retarded. I want to send him mail just to attempt to abuse him and remind him that he is never getting out of prison.
No. 502711
>>502702Thats the face he makes moments before I yell at him for looking so stupid.
I love him but I want to hurt him. Why am I like this?
No. 502717>>502718>>502721>>502775
File (hide): 1741892776621.png (79.6 KB, 590x1022, 809134.png)

KEK she's still keeps bragging about this even though she never got a letter back.
No. 502723>>502727>>502729
File (hide): 1741893108114.png (1.2 MB, 2022x857, cringe.png)

>>502721This is just part of her letter to Luigi. It's so insufferable and cringe that even the King of Retarded Cringe himself couldn't stand it.
No. 502729
>>502723She didn’t come across as a single mom so he didn’t bother
>>502725Oooh yeah. He would never respond to someone who doesn’t worship him.
No. 502739
>>502733Kek would he be able to tell or does he assume everyone is as retarded and stunted as he is? I could see him writing to self admitted teens though.
>>502724Yeah he is a jackass
>>502735Yes he is that retarded and rude
No. 502746>>502749>>502756
File (hide): 1741894674030.jpg (131.44 KB, 1080x1440, Gl7qynOW4AAAggp.jpg)

This tard changes his signature so often. I guess if he really likes you he'll use the top left one. Hate him so much.
No. 502749
>>502743Bullshit he was le impressed about the effort we have had artists send him drawings, there is no effort in analyzing The Lorax he is just easily entertained by mind numbing bullshit. You can write five pages on it in five minutes. He is just a big baby.
>>502746Yeah he probably uses that as a ranking system because he is a grifter. Carpe Diem sucks though it’s so corny. It is something a grifter would say though, so it’s on theme.
No. 502760
>>502756Yeah he writes like an AI completely devoid of any humanity or depth
>>502758Nah he deserves it
No. 502770>>502774>>502777
File (hide): 1741895358980.jpeg (67.6 KB, 960x442, IMG_0433.jpeg)

>>502704Some of these letters are straight out insulting since we know he’s writing sweet nothings to others. I thought he must be aware these replies will be shared online and people will compare theirs.
Only a matter of time before a new level of douchebaggery drops from this tard.
No. 502774
>>502770They are definitely gonna crash out on Plebbit over who got the more meaningful letter, the longest letter, the most "flirty" letter
puke and so forth.
No. 502782>>502791>>502799
File (hide): 1741895841944.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1179x2175, IMG_6786.jpeg)

>he literally said he's a blue bearded man with an expanded waistline inspired by him in a positive way
It's never ending with these nuts in their 40s, he wrote a poem.
No. 502789
>>502778A book report on The Lorax… he loves retards
>>502768Say you already have three kids
>>502786Luigi. His fanbase is cringe because he is cringe. These same people would be worshipping someone like Onision if it weren’t 2025
No. 502791
File (hide): 1741896332661.gif (31.65 KB, 220x123, into the trash.gif)

>>502782>Dear Luigi, does it mean anything to you that a blue-bearded man with an expanding waistline and a receding hairline blah blah blah…There's no way Luigi didn't throw all 4 of his letters into the garbage
No. 502816>>502819>>502820>>502822>>502824>>502825>>502826>>502838>>502843>>502963
File (hide): 1741897131475.png (548.9 KB, 976x1000, emily.png)

Pedo-enabling single mom eMiLy is trying to get in contact with Jason Brooks. Luigi should've NEVER written back to this bitch.
No. 502823>>502834>>502868
File (hide): 1741897312789.gif (6.25 MB, 488x515, troontweet.gif)

>>502804Most of them saw it, they just choose to ignore it like his other anti-woke stuff
No. 502864>>502874
>>502859Why that in particular nona?
To me that letter is odd as he acts like he's completely innocent and unfairly imprisoned, when in reality we all know he killed someone kek.
No. 502870>>502871>>502872
File (hide): 1741899438608.jpg (860.12 KB, 1655x1619, hummingbird.jpg)

In this episode of kr's Luigi AU fanfiction comic, more batshittery happens as usual.
No. 502876>>502878>>502882
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>>502873I don't get it either. I said in another thread I bet gurwinder was rude asf saying generational trauma wasn't real on the zoom call. As well as dissing luigi’s interpretation of healthcare in London. Instead of this being a wake up call to Luigi, knowing that gurwinder isn't qualified. Luigi still came crawling back anyway for social media tips.
No. 502878
File (hide): 1741899971445.png (127.05 KB, 295x300, your honor, how did the public…)

>>502876He's so cute but man he even
looks stupid. Why do I adore retarded things? Is this like the maternal instinct one gets when looking at a helpless baby or a dog?
No. 502880>>502881>>502884
>>502849his admiration of useless grifters is something that changed the way i see him, no way you paid an indian grifter
200 dollars for a video call where he patronized you and you still held his useless opinions in high regard, i can't take him seriously after that. also, the new stream of letters made crystal clear to me how much of a delusional moid in denial of his dimwit drone status he is. his letters are fake as fuck and PR that only his shittok and plebbit fans eat up. despite that, i still want this limehead retard
No. 502887>>502889>>502890>>502893>>502953>>502959>>502971
Please God, let there be a new elite serial killer (higher score to BTFO Luigi). If he is to get caught, let it be after he kills Musk, Theil, Witty, and Trump. Let him be hotter than Luigi, and when we find his twitter (which he made only to dunk on tardigi), he writes about hating troons, respecting women, and telling grifters to 41%. Before he gets caught at a chik-fil-a he writes about how Luigi is a certified retard who needs to stop creeping on single mothers, and his plebbit shit-tok fans are just as bad if not worse.
When he is in prison he should only write to radfems, except one time when a troon makes the mistake of writing to him and he tells the troon to share his schizo letter about how all TIMs are misogynist rapists and TIFs are handmaidens who need to learn to respect themselves.
Please God please, you oppressed women since the dawn of humanity, please give us one beautiful moid who hates troons and misogynists.
No. 502889
>>502887we can only pray
nonny, it seems impossible
No. 502893>>502901
>>502887>hotter than LuigiMost moids are very ugly. Never going to happen
>Before he gets caught at a chik-fil-akek
No. 502901>>502907
>>502893I'm bisexual so I don't care if it's a beautiful woman. Actually if a woman beats Luigi's high score and then is publicly full misandrist
terf maybe that will scare moids away from us.
Maybe I'd rather the powerscrote exterminator is a woman.
No. 502912>>502915
File (hide): 1741901989893.jpeg (1.3 MB, 2388x1273, IMG_1349.jpeg)

Yeah literally this is the progression of the tweet count dropping. I have to convert the times. But most screenshots say 292 regardless when luigi’s account was initially discovered which I saw too.
No. 502928>>502933
>>502926He would point at every scene and go ‘i been there!!!’ Assuming it’s filmed on location and not entirely CGI kek
>>502927Geeking over some clownfish
No. 502945>>502950
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>>502931He looks so stunned and lost on the right. Its cute.
No. 502949>>502957>>503164
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>>502943there are a couple
No. 502951>>502956>>502958
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>>502948She's fucking retarded and thinks that Luigi is innocent. Probably not or just ignores it.
No. 502966
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>>502957kek i think his older sister was the only one who visited him in Hawaii, couldn't find a picture with him and his mom alone yet
No. 502967>>502969
>>502958My thoughts exactly. Must be lust.
>>502962He will cry and pee like a dumb baby boy
No. 502969
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>>502958>>502967They're definitely only supporting him and deluding themselves this hard because he's attractive. If he were an uggo, you can bet people like Ashley and Pubebeard wouldn't give this much of a shit.
No. 502974>>502978>>502979
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when will we get a luigi photo from prison
No. 503000>>503003>>503004
>>502996I want to know what she said to
trigger him so hard because he never wants to hear from her again. Poor Mia probably spiraled when she saw the Lorax letter and he told that girl to write back whenever. Oooooof.
No. 503003
>>503001His behavior is gay. Also he is leading her on by even responding.
>>503000Luigi is an asshole he spent money just to tell some girl he doesn't like her if that isn't homosexual behavior I don't know what is. I know he isn't gay, but he sure does act like such a massive fag.
No. 503013
>>503009Yeah probably, he's a weirdo
>>503010Literally his fault for even entertaining people, especially women, in the first place to send him letters from prison. What did he expect? Just discussions on baby books? It doesn't mean he wasn't needlessly rude, he could have ignored her. He's so entitled.
No. 503020>>503022>>503023>>503025
>>503014thanks nona.
Am I the only one who thought that that writing your name in the snow tonight in philly stuff was creepy?
If it was one of the first letters he got it would be his first taste of parasociality he got and would freak anyone out. Karen would have had to come in and tell him he had to lean into the parasociality, it's part of why he looks so miserable all the time
No. 503021>>503022>>503026>>503027>>503029
File (hide): 1741907506824.jpeg (286.3 KB, 1179x566, IMG_6798.jpeg)

why didn't he just skip it, he's written back to someone like this before coughs Emily?
No. 503022
>>503020No, he definitely leans into the parasocial letters because he loves them. He himself acted parasocial towards his grifter daddies. He loves it. He probably just ran out of stamps.
>>503021He is an asshole.
No. 503026
>>503010I'm sure this is Karen's idea that has gotten out of control. Mia's pics combined with whatever was in her letter really pissed him off kek. Not a good look.
>>503021Poor girl doesn't realize he thinks she's fat and ugly
>>503017He hasn't gotten our letters yet. Will he ever?
No. 503032>>503034>>503035>>503036>>503038>>503042
File (hide): 1741907823523.png (26.75 KB, 892x372, emily2.png)

eMiLy is considering doing a Live of the letter.
No. 503036
It's weird he is responding well only to people who don't send pictures of themselves.
>>503032Grifters gonna grift
No. 503065>>503135
>>503061No she probably told him to reply to letters and he's just choosing the cream of the crop to him which are single mothers because he wants a mommy to coddle him forever
>>503063True, she should just send those pics to Luigi and say she's dying of lymes or something
No. 503081>>503086
>>503079Most likely scenario.
>>503080Fuck no, only mentally ill ones like how only mentally ill males want to fuck a clone of their mommies.
No. 503083>>503084>>503085>>503103>>503415
File (hide): 1741909726889.jpeg (204.82 KB, 328x391, hmmm.jpeg)

Luigi's mom younger
No. 503086
>>503081Your dad can have good qualities that you also want to find in a husband? no cloning involved.
IMO daddy issues (or mommy) come from neglectful parents and you end up going with anyone who gives you attention or some unrealistic fantasy because you have no real concept of what to look for.
No. 503094
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i liked his first waist chain more they should bring it back for the next court hearing
No. 503098
>>503096Strange his father took so long to marry
>>503097Very plausible
No. 503103>>503106
>>503095>Luigi gives me agitakekkkk nona this is the first time i've ever seen agita mentioned on this website, i see you
>>503083she's really pretty,
prettier than luigi, luigi looks more italian than her imo, i don't know if the family is fully italian but they don't look like it
No. 503111>>503130
>>503108There probably is, what's with anons itt trying to blame Luigi's family for all of his shortcomings, he's just a soulless loser moid who could never properly love a woman based on his own issues it isn't his mother's fault he has a mom fetish
>>503109Yeah his parents seem to be in the generation that would have been given assimilated names, and his grandparents especially. My grandparents and great grandparents did that.
No. 503127
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>>503124yeah, they edited the hearts kek
No. 503131>>503133>>503136
File (hide): 1741914062435.png (4.31 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6800.png)

>>503116I'm not sure why that girl went out of her way to changed the emojis of a random person’s tweet. I saw this tiktok from her today.
No. 503148>>503167
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No. 503163
>>503155Well, the article that came out at the end of January about the officer who identified Luigi from the hostel photo by looking at his Instagram was the 5th of December. So I assumed that's all they showed her. But you're right
nonnie we don't what was shown on 12/6 when they got ahold of his mom when the NYPD got notice of the SFPD tip. So they might've shown her more than just the hostel pic. Now that I think about it
No. 503171>>503178>>503273
File (hide): 1741916631370.png (1.94 MB, 974x1322, Girligi.png)

Girligi is the colombian assassin The Doll who was arrested after Luigi but has no fanbase. Luigi's support is because he is a hot rich american moid. No. 503172>>503173>>503179
File (hide): 1741916920742.png (644.05 KB, 810x877, queen.png)

Pilots was always our Based Single Mom Queen. eMiLy can fuck off with her pedo-pandering ways.
No. 503178
>>503171I support her but the reason she has no notoriety is because she committed gang violence and killed her ex. No one gives a flying fuck about gangsters killing one another unless they are apart of the American oligarch gang like what Luigi took out.
Again, I still support her for being a scrotekiller. I hope there's a skilled hitwoman like her that starts going after CEO scrotes.
No. 503188>>503190>>503192
File (hide): 1741919933141.jpg (3.02 MB, 3024x4032, 1000005541.jpg)

>>503180Oh yeah, she wrote cheesy poems to him and sent them to him, also thought she had a psychic connection to him because she dreamed he wrote to her she he did (allegedly)
No. 503190
File (hide): 1741920001095.jpg (162.69 KB, 1079x837, 1000005532.jpg)

>>503188>she he did*and he did
No. 503197>>503203>>503211
File (hide): 1741920834848.png (18.2 KB, 705x382, poetry.png)

>>503195I'd like to see you try to write something half as sovlful as this.
No. 503203>>503205>>503219
>>503197Luigi my bb
Locked in your cell
Your life must be hell
I'll make you my whore
Make you beg for more
I'll keep you in chains
Make you feel pain
I know that makes you hard
You're such a retard
No. 503204>>503208>>503218
File (hide): 1741921895429.png (565.64 KB, 1206x1812, IMG_6804.png)

No. 503211>>503212>>503215>>503219>>503221>>503225
>>503197luigi luigi
touch me and squeeze me
get down on your knees
and lick me and tease me
hot useless male
locked up in jail
i'll lobotomize you
and use you to please me
No. 503223
File (hide): 1741926637246.png (115.04 KB, 420x335, 77657576.png)

>>503222All I see is a raped man
No. 503225
>>503211Yeah yeah now we're talkin
Mr Mangione
I want you to bone me
Tho your cock may be broke
My panties you still soak
I'll hold you down & ride your face
Dominate you til you know your place
I'll use and abuse you til you hit the wall
Because you're below me, and mean nothing at all
No. 503231
>>502807What kind of jerk writes a letter to a stranger in prisoner about the details of a vacation?
If I was in prison I would want to hear of how bad your life is compared to mine, like the smut quiet of trauma porn.
No. 503245>>503247
>>503243idk maybe tracy was too much even for cogigi.
Thats sad.
No. 503254>>503270
File (hide): 1741931177396.jpg (191.26 KB, 1064x969, Tracyfansareweird.jpg)

>>503253I can see it being fake, his signature looks kinda weird but I can't put my finger on it. These typed letters are easy to fabricate. Also the person that posted it on reddit seems pretty desperate to defend Tracy
No. 503262
File (hide): 1741931844189.gif (3.18 MB, 707x450, 1000004722.gif)

>>503232Men really are better seen not heard
No. 503266
File (hide): 1741932661056.jpg (26.62 KB, 1090x231, 1000004997.jpg)

Plebbit is tearing him to shreds, jfc
No. 503267>>503269
File (hide): 1741933014593.gif (4.98 MB, 323x267, IMG_0614.gif)

who could have predicted such a swift downfall? who do we blame more for this, Luigi or Karen?
I don’t blame the letter recipients, it was reasonable to think these replies were sanctioned by his expensive lawyers.
No. 503268>>503270
>>503261He seems very familiar with ghettos. Is also in one of the worst federal prisons in America.
This guy, I can't even lmfao
No. 503269
File (hide): 1741933618957.png (476.88 KB, 1080x1080, 1000004634.png)

>>503267Shit guys, I really think this is it. He's getting absolutely obliterated on Reddit. His abs can't save him now!
No. 503280>>503282>>503291>>503292
File (hide): 1741934359327.jpeg (331.61 KB, 2048x2048, 493A716C-E1AA-44AD-B961-9CE243…)

There’s a “0” in front of the 3 for March in the date at the top but he didn’t do that for any of the February typed letters. I’m not sure if that means he didn’t write it just something I noticed.
No. 503289>>503294>>503296
File (hide): 1741935516877.jpeg (553.07 KB, 2048x2048, E75B6522-3211-4729-9150-5C79F6…)

>>503286The ID is 11585301626 and weirdly this is the same ID on the nursing student letter and the James letter this week too.
No. 503295>>503297
File (hide): 1741936413982.jpg (96.32 KB, 500x744, 1000005577.jpg)

>>503294I have to apologize Nonas, there was a dash in the Mia letter. But still…
No. 503297>>503298
File (hide): 1741936485187.jpg (338.4 KB, 818x1412, 1000005578.jpg)

>>503295Only one other dash to be noted, still kinda
sus No. 503302>>503303>>503305>>503309>>503317>>503324>>503583>>503607
File (hide): 1741937127671.jpeg (533.07 KB, 2002x2048, IMG_7380.jpeg)

cringe weegee iceberg from twitter ft a special guest
No. 503313>>503315>>503316>>503954
File (hide): 1741938094753.jpeg (197.84 KB, 1079x1707, page0.jpeg)

Omg there maybe potentially 3 fake letters this week. Since they all came from the same red note account that appeared 5 days ago. Because I’m like no way Luigi would call the inmates “fellow brothers”. The letter recommending the self help book said he read it as a freshman in college. But he didn’t add it to his goodreads until 2023 (could’ve added it later). The James letter date lining up could be because the user was matching initials based on the log Luigi put out. Also saying “green guy” wouldn’t he just say super Mario bros character.
No. 503318>>503319>>503321
>>503316I'm trying to figure it out right now. Something is hella
sus. Kinda amazed people aren't picking up on it all coming from one RedNote user and posted to subreddits in quick succession with no other sources. Reddit just believes anything except Holli.
No. 503320>>503326
File (hide): 1741938946336.jpeg (146.18 KB, 1164x889, GlaWfF6W4AAjj1t.jpeg)

>>503317From his text messages to those guys.
No. 503321>>503323>>503325
File (hide): 1741938952752.jpeg (858.85 KB, 1032x1378, IMG_6832.jpeg)

>>503318They all come from this same rednote account and multiple subreddits posted them.
And if they are fake also mind you they could’ve saw the pic of Luigi fishing as a kid on Facebook and made up a story based around that. This is so bad kekkk
No. 503330
File (hide): 1741939827807.jpeg (625.4 KB, 1179x1339, IMG_6837.jpeg)

>>503323Nope and everyone believes them. Ain’t no wayy
No. 503332>>503340
>>503328the threads have been fast
and i’ve been getting over him>>503329book? kek brb
No. 503342>>503344
>>503336I honestly had a feeling a lot of them were fake. the way that they’re written were
No. 503351>>503354>>503356>>503357>>503359
File (hide): 1741942839764.jpeg (149.31 KB, 929x326, IMG_6842.jpeg)

>>503349It was an American that lied about all 3.
No. 503355
File (hide): 1741943040302.jpeg (156.08 KB, 1179x277, IMG_6847.jpeg)

Is the Lorax one potentially fake too? Because why did she want to post it last week and didn’t. Then all of a sudden is doing it now. And the signature is just his name solo which he hasn’t done before.
No. 503360
File (hide): 1741943748672.png (1.15 MB, 800x1046, 1000024196.png)

Nonas, I can find corresponding names and dates for the Lorax and James letters (could still be fake), but not for the Genevieve one.
No. 503363>>503366
>>503362That's entirely possible.
>>503361Do you have the old typed letters saved nona? We could use them for comparison.
No. 503365
>>503232Kekk he loved Tracey and he is such a spoiled rich bastard
>I don’t frequent ghettos like thatI bet he stayed in like the same two small neighborhoods in Philly because he is scared of black people he can’t die soon enough spoiled whore. Why even pretend you like to travel if you’re scared of le poors
No. 503367>>503373>>503954
File (hide): 1741944113790.jpeg (510.71 KB, 1179x1059, IMG_6857.jpeg)

>>503356hopefully it comes up clear! This is what I screenshotted. I also screenshotted their entire page 2 hrs ago.
No. 503368
File (hide): 1741944117326.jpg (70.8 KB, 500x704, 1000005595.jpg)

Can't make this shit up. Two different signatures, but they're supposed to be the same letter
No. 503369
File (hide): 1741944222802.jpeg (54.62 KB, 640x853, IMG_6858.jpeg)

>>503366This is the first typed letter posted on the autographs subreddit from 2 weeks ago
No. 503376>>503377>>503378>>503379>>503381>>503382>>503383
File (hide): 1741945187425.jpeg (44.05 KB, 261x354, 1741820241751.jpeg)

I was thinking about the nasty porn playing cards… and tried to replay how it went in my head but it makes 0 sense
>gets drunk
>walks through Kabukichō
>pimps offer girls bars and girls to him
>he laughs
>accepts and says yes he will choose a girl
>Japanese man says it will be 15000 yen for an hour
>Luigi giggles and says ok
>reaches into his pocket and pulls out porn playing cards
>The guy is confused, looks at him and repeats お金 and then in English MONEY
>Luigi still giggles holding up the porn playing cards
>Japanese man shakes his head and walks away
No. 503381>>503402
File (hide): 1741945986863.png (473.61 KB, 497x517, mfwimemeayakuzaboss.png)

>>503376>I memed this yakuza bossThis guy graduated from a prestigious university. For someone who's supposedly intelligent, charming, and funny, he really has the humor of Onision. Actually, come to think of it, he's A LOT like Onision, only more intelligent
No. 503382>>503384>>503388>>503390>>503418>>503457
File (hide): 1741946072189.jpg (689.2 KB, 1077x2059, Ummm.jpg)

>>503376This tweet of his makes me laugh, since only someone who partook/was familiar in those activities would make such a detailed list kek No. 503389>>503392
File (hide): 1741946817319.jpeg (Spoiler Image,110.4 KB, 1164x885, GlaWoNeW0AA267o.jpeg)

>>503384You're right, nice catch,
No. 503390>>503393
>>503386Was thinking the exact same thing. People are so fucking stupid if they think those are real
>>503382As IF he had to be SO detailed with that Don Quixote sentence
No. 503396>>503401>>503404>>503585
File (hide): 1741947291749.jpg (297.32 KB, 1079x1210, 1000005599.jpg)

Funny how easily you've all solved it and Plebbit is still losing it
No. 503401
>>503396they’re seriously so retarded
>>503394no wonder he’s so fucked up
>>503385right? I thought that was so fake, no way he isn’t grossed out by all the chomos. he might be a retard, but I’m sure he has some semblance of morals kek
No. 503414>>503417>>503418>>503422
File (hide): 1741949871316.jpeg (187.77 KB, 907x919, IMG_6789.jpeg)

>>503412I don’t think the Lorax one is real either. Look at the way she wrote about how she wrote it and compare it to how Luigi is writing. It’s like the same style. Probably not even the first typed letter is real either. Along with the obvious fake rednote ones. And he’s never signed his name with solely his first name.
No. 503418
>>503414He has often signed with just his first name
>>503417 I think they’re real. He is retarded
>>503382He probably got upset the custom pornstar pocket pussy didn’t cure his erectile dysfunction
No. 503419>>503421>>503423>>503429
File (hide): 1741950967866.jpg (270.59 KB, 1206x1427, 1000005601.jpg)

Please just fucking kill me
No. 503420>>503424>>503496
File (hide): 1741951171422.jpeg (1 MB, 973x1547, IMG_6871.jpeg)

Yeah, Jules's letter has the real signature. I already knew the substack letter was fake, but I wanted to make sure. The writing is too boxy, and it doesn’t say he received mail on 12/29 on his log at all; it’s not even listed. He also says he’s in pre-trial detention on his log and doesn’t say prison.
No. 503424
>>503420Did Pilots not receive just his first name?
>>503422But he has been already ranking letters and telling his favorites to write back as much as they want to, it remains consistent. The writing style seems to match as well.
>>503420Well at least he isn’t ranking what letters made him cry the most and extending compliments to mothers except his own and begging for family pics that’s something I guess
No. 503445>>503447
>>503436I could see the ghetto letter being real kek. I forget what was in the James letter or Loop letter, and the Lorax letter is definitely real.
>>503437Maybe he's part of some Discord or group that just scours for this information all day and is the first to get it
>>503444I think Luigi found some sort of cursed artefact in Thailand in some tourist attraction shop, maybe a literal monkey's paw, and all of his deepest desires are coming true in the worst way. He wished he was desired and lusted over, and this is what happens. Coated with an extra layer of irony since he loves AI.
No. 503446
>>503442Lorax was posted on Reddit by the receiver I think. There are no other sources but this one RedNote for these three other letters. Its
No. 503447>>503452
File (hide): 1741953939362.jpeg (150.44 KB, 1170x1419, 1bbzrgtifcoe1.jpeg)

>>503445Loop letter is just thanking the guy for writing some news, very short and unnoteworthy. James is picrel
No. 503449
File (hide): 1741953992443.jpeg (295.68 KB, 1179x1147, IMG_6874.jpeg)

I’m waiting to see what the response ends up being people left comments on the red note account.
No. 503452
>>503447This seems real to me
>>503450>pro porn regulationHe pulls shit from his ass so he probably didn't really care so long as only 18+ year olds were watching rape on tape, though I guess I can see him being anti AI generated porn.
Semi-related I had a dream last night a faggot was like 'my father wants me to take down my pics of Luigi…'
and he opens his bedroom door and his room is green with AI generated Luigi feet all over his ceiling and AI generated fag x Luigi gay naked making out porn posters all over his walls KEK
No. 503462>>503464>>503466
File (hide): 1741955230843.jpeg (288.76 KB, 1164x997, IMG_6875.jpeg)

The rednote account with the Genevieve, James, and ghetto letter. Just gave the blank response “this is not my letter sorry”. These are all fake it, it shouldn't be so hard to confirm them since they all come from this page.
No. 503465>>503468
File (hide): 1741955503578.jpeg (283.77 KB, 1179x483, IMG_6876.jpeg)

>>503461I don't see a 2/15 either
No. 503471
File (hide): 1741956085596.jpeg (397.4 KB, 2048x2048, 65710545-1603-4B2B-9D14-3D588E…)

>>503468This is to address the mia letter. Also the opening statement is different. Do you think that he would switch up and say “thanks” when every other one he said “thank you”?
No. 503479>>503480>>503481
File (hide): 1741956918928.jpeg (Spoiler Image,220.37 KB, 828x761, IMG_6484.jpeg)

>>503448Short for “large penis support group”. basically a gay online forum where gay moids post leaked nudes of other moids they think are hot. He obviously has no nudes, so there’s a bunch of ai porn on there of him. Poor retard
No. 503482>>503487>>503505>>503562
Anyway Nonas here is the trailer for Luigi's Law and Order episode
No. 503488>>503509
File (hide): 1741957671420.png (136.39 KB, 340x411, eww.png)

yeah no… I'm good
No. 503500
>>503499That’s true! yeah it’s just the red note ones are
sus for rn.
No. 503536>>503538>>503540>>503564
File (hide): 1741963837086.mp4 (302.51 KB, 576x1024, v09044g40000cv946pvog65uh9dnm8…) [play once] [loop]

This got posted clearer. He really did say I don’t want to ruin anything. I wasn’t sure when I first saw this in December
No. 503549>>503552>>503559
File (hide): 1741965025866.jpeg (140.17 KB, 828x743, IMG_6497.jpeg)

why is he against caffeine when he is addicted to shrooms and pain killers kek
No. 503556>>503654
File (hide): 1741965733498.jpeg (205.88 KB, 828x930, IMG_6499.jpeg)

>>503553probably not easy cause MDC didn’t allow SBF to have access to any
No. 503559
>>503549He is a hypocrite
nonnie come on. Caffeine bad but blackout drunk good!! Funny because the history of caffeine would intrigue him because it was for le intellectual thinkers.
No. 503577>>503581
>>503569Dear David Richardson
I know you said illustrations aren't allowed but you have to allow the artnonas (nona like in the mona lisa) pictures to come in. she is a world famous artist and Luigi needs to see her incredible interpretations of him and his life.
Attatched is just a small example of what artnona can do. Please show this to Luigi and have him appraise it. Im sure he will appreciate it immensely.
Nona (not the art one)
>attached is an uncensored version of nonny.jpeg No. 503578
>>503569Damn. You can technically send him 6 pages then at least but why would you want to
>>503573He can get her comics scanned in. I hope he gets sent the most saccharine ones like the Jesus and him playing games with the rapists and he starts feeling really ill
No. 503583
>>503302Okay we def need our own chart. I only agree with
nonny!.jpeg being at the bottom.
No. 503596>>503599
File (hide): 1741970200466.png (1.28 MB, 1000x666, 876876876.png)

>>503595wish me and the other nonas could have gotten into a bus together and intercepted Luigi on his way to mcdonalds and kept him as our slave. We could have saved him from reddit and other moe-lesters and we would let him say retard as much as he wants (especially when he's talking about himself in the third person)
No. 503608>>503611
File (hide): 1741970866429.jpg (248.2 KB, 800x550, party-bus-4-2899508918.jpg)

>>503599That's what I meant by saving. We lock him in the lc party bus and are like "why are you a misogynist?" Of course retardigi will immediately go on the defense (typical of the male species) and that's when the beatings commence.
No. 503617>>503618
File (hide): 1741971374593.png (22.67 KB, 932x342, hmm.png)

>>503569So this Redditor is claiming she got a letter with a drawing through.
No. 503633
File (hide): 1741973000429.gif (1.62 MB, 498x466, IMG_1988.gif)

>>503569killing myself no wonder my letters didn’t appear on the list
No. 503634>>503636
File (hide): 1741973071100.gif (424.27 KB, 360x240, IMG_7721.gif)

Next appendix when?..
No. 503650>>503651>>503655>>503669
File (hide): 1741976940472.jpeg (493.1 KB, 920x707, IMG_6891.jpeg)

>>503649I don’t think it’s not real. But what I will say is in the first tiktok post she said that Luigi went to DR. However, in the letter he says he’s never been but it’s a beautiful island.
No. 503664>>503666>>503667>>503674>>503679
File (hide): 1741980237990.png (1.42 MB, 828x909, 87876876.png)

>Luigi being the diversity hire at an all girls private school
>Luigi being bullied for all his scrote-think from grades 6-12 by women
>Luigi graduates as the male valedictorian (aka the lowest grades out of any student)
>Luigi being humbled and goes on to kill 500 CEOs. He never gets caught. We have a woman president (all the male politicians are dead), we have class consciousness, we have universal healthcare
No. 503680
>>503669He never frequented ghettos… oh my god
>>503677The other boys should have beat him and shoved him in a locker
No. 503683>>503684>>503694
File (hide): 1741981927740.png (738.09 KB, 762x722, 34535435443354.png)

>>503679true but she would likely also be a radfem. Id rather she pay RFH 200 dollars on her birthday than girwinder or whatever the fuck that cringelords name was.
Also she would never talk to minordissent. Ever. Unless she was to DM him and say she hopes he gets falsely accused of rape and then ends up in prison where all the inmates know he's a sex offender.
also I'm straight but I'm more attracted to Luigette than Luigi. No. 503697>>503700
>>503695but he wanted to. Jash confirmed it.
The substack was named after the tagline from the youtuber he admired when he was like 12, Dunkey - Another day another play - it was also his yearbook quote. He is still mentally 12.
No. 503699>>503701>>503708
File (hide): 1741983037239.png (445.14 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6894.png)

>>503695No he tried to buy 400 and it was canceled. So he still attempted to get 400
No. 503702>>503703
File (hide): 1741983208335.jpg (79.11 KB, 900x900, dunkey.jpg)

>>503700They're literally new Dunkeys for him.
No. 503711>>503715
File (hide): 1741983842984.png (270.86 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6896.png)

>>503707Hardly any. The count isn’t that high when Luigi tried to buy it. I really don’t understand him a lot of the time. Sorry I deleted at first I realized this post came from 3/17/24. It was from before the date he bought it.
No. 503717>>503722>>503724
File (hide): 1741984652603.png (286.4 KB, 1990x254, Dholani.png)

I think Elon might have created his own boogeyman
No. 503718>>503782
File (hide): 1741984703643.jpeg (154.16 KB, 828x914, IMG_6517.jpeg)

No. 503719>>503728
File (hide): 1741984710704.jpg (57.64 KB, 819x795, 20250314_213629.jpg)

Jessica is gonna be broke by the time he is convicted she should slow down kek
No. 503726>>503738>>503747>>503786>>503800
File (hide): 1741984977641.jpg (419.62 KB, 1080x1599, 1000024205.jpg)

Here's a summary made by a Redditor on Jash Dholani's book. I don't know if we discussed its contents in detail before.
No. 503729>>503763>>503773>>503786>>503800
File (hide): 1741985064518.jpg (336.43 KB, 1080x1578, 1000024208.jpg)

The Huxley quote is here, Weegee really didn't have any ability for independent thought.
No. 503747
>>503726Luigi is a cunt if he follows this shit kek
>>503741If only Luigi killed Elon and then himself
No. 503748>>503751>>503753
File (hide): 1741985678892.png (98.52 KB, 1472x387, Screenshot 2025-03-14 165137.p…)

>>503734She mentions reading to her kids here.
No. 503753
>>503748Yeah no Luigi is never reading to children ever, can these people focus on their families and not the imprisoned 26 year old scrote?
>>503750Misogyny death cult
No. 503754>>503756>>503757>>503791
File (hide): 1741985868398.jpeg (910.74 KB, 1179x1771, IMG_6898.jpeg)

>>503737Double-standard the account that posted the thread had these drawings in December.
No. 503785>>503803>>504153
File (hide): 1741987587802.png (219.16 KB, 516x381, tisch.png)

No. 503789>>503790>>503794>>503801
File (hide): 1741987798423.jpg (735.04 KB, 1938x3741, lorax.jpg)

>>503777Full cringe. Still waiting on the wall of sick children pics, kr!
No. 503791
>>503754Every single person who tries to shame other artists for shitposting is usually seriously and unironically into dark sidedness. I have seen fandom shit where people don't like a normal ass ship and will try to say the people who ship them are into incest (even though they arent related at all) and then boom, it turns out the person trying to cancel is an actual irl pedo who grooms kids on discord.
Every fucking time.
No. 503802>>503806>>503808
>>503765Ok, but didnt raskolnikov only get 10 years and a girl waiting for him for doing a double axe murder?
Luigi can only dream
No. 503807>>503809>>503816
File (hide): 1741989060503.jpg (295.39 KB, 1300x1285, women working in the coal mine…)

>>503733>women were protected from workThis fucking retard has no god damn clue about the history of women, does he? Women worked, they just weren't paid for their work. Being a housewife was only reserved for the wealthy, but that didn't mean you had much in the way of rights.
This guy is a complete and utter shithole. Women worked. They always have and always will. This little currycel is just mad because women in the modern era get more compensation and recognition for their labor. What a little bitch. Shame on Luigi.
Send Luigi and his grifters to the work camps to toil without pay until death.
No. 503809
>>503807Crazy to think Luigi read the book and agreed and took what he said at face value because male opinion triumphs all in the mind of a weak willed male like Luigi.
>>503808>being a socialist is temporary insanityKek
No. 503810>>503811>>503812>>503814
File (hide): 1741989310765.jpeg (11.04 KB, 350x350, images (14).jpeg)

>>503804Yes, Luigi fits that description perfectly too.
Mother cultures (India, Italy) are both metastatic cancer. The worthless front pole is on the cusp of understanding why he hates compassion so much - deep down he wishes he was dead instead of being endlessly, unnaturally propped up into adulthood. Compassion against men is indeed women's weakness and should be completely ablated as a greatest expression of respect for men. If that jeet had the capacity to stop lying to himself for even a second, he would agree.
No. 503811>>503813>>503841
File (hide): 1741989657508.jpg (73.06 KB, 611x680, Glsa-YCWgAAjFFV.jpg)

>>503810I know it's all men who are like this, but this guy in particular screams "I blame all my failmale issues on women". I bet a woman rejected his advances once and so in a galaxy brain move he came to the conclusion that compassion is what is destroying society because in his perfect grug world he could have just raped her.
Misogyny, especially when a man engages in it, should be punishable by death.
No. 503838>>503839>>503840
>>503835Makes sense, LSA girlies are obsessed with white women and the race of women their chosen moid is attracted to.
Both white and black luigiwives are shit outta luck - that boy had serious yellow fever.
No. 503841>>503843>>503846>>503847
>>503811In his perfect grug world he would be waiting for stronger men's sloppy seconds, likely getting clubbed before ever getting his chance. Nobody would care about his "incellect" and "public speaking", those alone are pussified, civilized, empathy derived concepts. "Muh civilization" failmales have been mollycoddled for so long that they genuinely end up believing themselves to be a product of merit and "masculine heroism" instead of generations of male empathy parasitism, pity-seeking from women (who are innately prosocial) and repression of nearly every facet of amoral male opportunism for a sliver of social stability. Unsurprisingly, a lot of it is a consequence of "muh spechul boy" mentality in mothers.
Overall, men like Luigi and the jeet are grotesque products of boycoddling and feel-good hero slop fiction, which infantilizes and blorboifies the male as much as it feeds him a false sense of power and importance. They would never survive in a world they
say they want. Luigi's sped approach to his crime is precisely what happened here - due to never facing a sliver of actual hardship and competition, he estimated the outcome based on his mommy's microchimeric simping, marty stu hero fiction and various dunning-kruger prostate monologues from other coddled men, both contemporary and old. The idea of getting caught likely didn't even occur to him, because the story of a special heckin boyhero can't possibly end this way. And as customary for every moid whose arrogance got him in deep shit, he immediately defaulted back to parasitizing on female compassion (as his own worldview predicts that other males would vulturize him). Women are like invisible training wheels for these strong alpha ubermenschen to fall back on whenever the LARP inevitably fails, which is why they can never bring themselves to abandon what they supposedly "don't need".
This right here is the defining part of male mentality - amoral ubermensch-larping during abundance, followed by scolding you with slave morality in lean times. Suck up, punch down. Luigi's daddies didn't do anything wrong and women should learn from them - it is downright
criminal to do anything to a male down on his luck except curbstomp him further for personal gain. Will to power.
No. 503844>>503848>>503851>>503868
File (hide): 1741992992143.jpg (840.74 KB, 2048x1365, 463976983_2973471676125420_138…)

>>503833>>503835i'm pretty sure when they talk about his other 'mysterious' ex white girlfriend they're talking about the dentist girl, her name is allison and she's the one next to him, she went to penn and is now married to an italian moid
No. 503847>>503864>>503865
>>503841It's settled. I'm going to flood luigi with hate mail.
Truth be told I had been wanting to talk to this narctard about male-female relations since I first found his twitter.
At first it was genuine, unbiased curiosity, but now that the veil has been lifted, I just want to berate him. I want to bring up the nasty shit his grifters said about women and I want to remind him how they abandoned him when he needed them and then proceeded to stab him in the back for personal gain.
I want to tell him that it's only now that Luigi is trapped in permahell with the worst moids on Earth that he is crawling back on his hands and knees to as many women as possible in the form of mail. In a way, it's no different that Kaczynski's simpering, far-too-late, half assed apology to women after his fate to languish in scrotecitety was sealed.
Men are garbage, even pretty moids are only beautiful on the surface.
No. 503853
File (hide): 1741993341528.jpeg (423.32 KB, 1050x1196, IMG_0630.jpeg)

>>503842so true. he might reel them in by being attentive and giving at times (see Tracy texts) but he’s selfish in bed and spergy as hell so he’s not worth putting up with very long. a shame.
No. 503860
>>503850Plebbit really believed "I don't frequent ghettos" was real no question but him saying "oh my god" was
sus, kek
No. 503865>>503962
File (hide): 1741993566383.jpeg (236.1 KB, 707x1216, IMG_6530.jpeg)

>>503847can’t wait to see Luigi’s apology to women letter on his personal website
No. 503869
File (hide): 1741993658241.jpg (13.37 KB, 198x198, 5j2ibp.jpg)

>>503852LUL at tapping into his parasitic moid instincts within days of getting into trouble - farming for simps among lonely single moms. This is what every single one of your shining noble knights is like.
No. 503880>>503881>>503883
>>503875His own might be harder to work, she knew him for too long. Parasocial stranger single moms are where it's at.
Do you guys even moid? Single moms are a classic last resort host. Need a place to stay? Single mom. Someone to suck your dick? Single mom. Someone to send you money? Single mom. Prison wife? Single mom. Young girl to molest? Single mom (with a daughter). Come on now.
No. 503890
File (hide): 1741994848412.jpeg (839.66 KB, 1116x1078, IMG_0697.jpeg)

>>503872It’s his bff Patrick
No. 503916>>503924
>>503907No. Luigi can only write a letter about how men are inferior to women, then write about how he came to that conclusion because of all the disgusting grifters he came across, the fact that he wanted to and in fact, did
pay these losers is proof of his inferiority to women.
No. 503917>>503920
File (hide): 1741996190149.jpeg (46.08 KB, 979x180, IMG_0671.jpeg)

I kind of wish the letter was real because I love the shitstorm, but I’m sure he’ll embarrass himself for real soon
No. 503936>>503937>>503938
File (hide): 1741997263777.jpeg (185.9 KB, 1000x494, IMG_6902.jpeg)

>>503929Yeah mostly likely. But why not say whether or not he’s even using TRULINCS service at all?
No. 503941>>503946>>503951>>503968>>504003>>504042
File (hide): 1741997426455.gif (14.3 MB, 488x488, 86357607.gif)

Do you think he has confessed to kfa that he did it? he had to, right? since he doesn't know how and when to shut his mouth
No. 503950>>503952
>>503948you wouldn't get it,
nonnie. that's his criminal sophistication
No. 503974>>504004
File (hide): 1741999242237.jpeg (78.14 KB, 458x720, 1740191336444.jpeg)

>>503970god he is so fucking gorgeous. shame that he’s otherwise unremarkable.
No. 503976>>503987
File (hide): 1741999437822.jpg (204.68 KB, 576x778, eyes closed.jpg)

>>503970I wanna see his nostrils flare while he's cumming
No. 503978>>503980
>>503975nobody knows, he was questioned and released
maybe another guy tisch found online
No. 503981>>503984
>>503980she should share the list of potential suspects
maybe one could be trained
No. 503993>>503995
File (hide): 1742000395702.jpeg (147.68 KB, 1179x291, IMG_0703.jpeg)

>>503988yeah his shit personality is really taking away from his looks. he needs to learn to be seen but not heard.
No. 504002>>504005
>>503998No it wouldn't, they'd be all misogynists who think women are awful, the males would be bad at sex and wouldn't be able to maintain a relationship for more than a few months. I guess they'd all kill each other though.
>>503999The nose hair not the freckles
No. 504006>>504010
>>504001Lmao yeah if he was a
terf adjacent, all of his plebbit and shitter supporters would immediately jump ship
No. 504011>>504016
>>504008Luigi being the average moid would unironically mean men would be
LESS sexist. have you not seen what the average scrote is like nona?
No. 504016>>504018
>>504011Yeah the average scrote still isn't worshipping immensely sexist grifters who think women are the bane of existence, actually. Luigi couldn't even have a steady girlfriend there's nothing redeeming about him except his looks.
>>504014Yes but they wouldn't be fuckable which is torture to me. They wouldn't even be rapeable because realistically if
every moid on earth were like him they'd just team up against women and oppress us like males have been doing forever, nothing would change except being sexually frustrated. Whatever, I hate these theoreticals or whatever they're called, I'm forgetting the word
>>504015Yeah he will willingly tie himself naked to a post and let himself be used by whatever woman wants him
No. 504025>>504028
File (hide): 1742002640812.jpeg (844.02 KB, 951x1037, IMG_0707.jpeg)

>>504018the schizo episode gave him a major temporary skill boost
No. 504043
>>504039Insane misogyny, retarded memes, porn, and faux intellectual threads by grift daddies
>>504040He should have wore a condom, but if he really needed to slip it off while she wasn’t looking for The Fetish he should have told her he would read The Lorax to the spawn, maybe then she would have reconsidered?
No. 504052>>504061
File (hide): 1742004105860.jpeg (10.23 KB, 182x185, IMG_6906.jpeg)

Hate musk. This is the like count I wish I could’ve seen. I’m also mad I never checked Luigi’s ig tagged I just assumed it had spam so I didn’t scroll through it. I only looked at his ig feed.
No. 504077>>504079>>504086>>504098
File (hide): 1742006792633.jpeg (185.14 KB, 1497x446, IMG_0867.jpeg)

nonnies if the retard gets sent to Rikers there is no mail restriction.
No. 504112>>504113>>504114>>504115>>504121
>>504110mdc brooklyn’s high profile inmate unit is like a palace compared to rikers kek
i read in an ama that rikers has smeared shit all over the walls, rats, roaches and much more violence
No. 504133>>504134>>504168
File (hide): 1742018393833.jpeg (549.71 KB, 2048x2048, 62333B73-F240-4B27-9BA8-763C57…)

>>504131Yeah and that account still hasn’t said anything they just changed the caption. Then deleted the Tracy video.
No. 504138>>504141>>504143
File (hide): 1742019612588.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB, 1249x773, MoidpaintedLuigi.png)

Was scrolling through FB Marketplace and got jumpscared by this absolutely atrocious painting of him. Unspoiler at your own risk
No. 504140>>504144
File (hide): 1742019829094.jpeg (106.68 KB, 1179x322, IMG_6913.jpeg)

>>504137I wonder if someone used the contact form and sent those two. Then the legal team went along with assuming the written example sent was real.
No. 504168>>504171
>>504133"Tracy and Luigi love"
That's so fucking creepy
No. 504185>>504186
>>504165The landlord was friendly with everyone and hung out with the rich adult babies at his cult daycare, someone probably told him.
>>504167You forget Tracey exists?
No. 504201>>504205
>>504199that’s how all of them are, but at least none of the girls anonymously came out and said he was
abusive or horrible in anyway. they could’ve done that like the moids who used him for clout
No. 504225>>504226>>504230
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>>504221what the landlord tried to exploit Luigi and then also saying this is so creepy.
No. 504226>>504236
>>504223This would have been Luigi's fate, but he doesn't know it, so he's all sad he didn't breed sooner. Now he's 26 and his testosterone is dropping and he knows he's going to die in prison.
>>504224You're the one coping.
>>504225Luigi would have had to be interviewed by this guy to join his cult kek, Luigi really did not give a shit
No. 504234>>504237
>>504230And Luigi really met this guy and spoke with him and was fine living there kek, maybe he reminded him of his grifter daddies
>>504231Luigi was ambitious in the sense that he wanted something but had neither the willpower, intelligence, nor the human drive to go and start chasing it. For such a chad looking male he has the ultimate omega soul, where he needs another male to tell him what to do.
No. 504243>>504245>>504255
>>504219You guys do know that he is not nearly good enough for FAANG or anything resembling a stable SDE career? Being hired by that car thingy was mostly a pandemic phenomenon. His credentials are fucking laughable, even the most Copilot-brained jeet with fake certificates mogs him as a tech hire in a "big city". While nepotism can obviously take you far, he's not a jeet or a Chinese, so he would actually have to show some skills.
Honestly, with his Italianx background and dimwittery he should've gone for an MBA, so daddy and friends could get him a comfy fake job.
No. 504249
>>504245He does? KEK
That explains everything about his "engineer" larp lmfao
No. 504250>>504257
>>504242Some people (males. Most males) are not cut out for higher education. He honestly should have been a laborer. Imagine all the money squandered on his shit degree.
>>504246He ironed out a few bugs in that game, he barely did anything. What pajeet game did he make? Some shit game any 20 year old could make in a few months? He's a lazy male with a faggy soul who thinks if he reads esoteric women-hating grifters and self-help books the world deserves to throw him bone after bone. He has no willpower. The most effort he put into anything was doctor shopping and force-pissing for someone who would screw up his back, literally.