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No. 443826
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No. 443829
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Nonas, I feel like I've fucked over my Genshin account by rolling for 5* women. Since HSR is only a year old, should I start a F2P HSR account and have a strict male-only rule? What do you girls think?
No. 444714
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>Be hoyoverse
>Release double banner + Hu Tao Skin for New Year
>Only manage to get 4th place on both CN and JP
>Barely surpassed DouYin while LADS managed to hit 1st place 4 times in a row
>Not even the archon shilling worked with shit like "Stand with Mavuika"
DaWei cucked by Papergames' husbandos again
No. 444759
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>>444640>>444639female harbingers aren't allowed to be interesting under new writing team management, so i wouldn't be surprised. for me, warning sirens were going off after what they did to arlecchino
which is why i really cannot bring myself to call fontaine "good writing", even 404 herself admits to it being hastily rewritten. but the many people who got dazzled by the dumb pitybait short and gladly embraced the woobifying to either a) ship hekkin wholesome yuri or b) make her a hekkin wholesome mommy didn't seem to care about how badly this boded for the future. i'm still amazed that after all this, some people think we'll be getting playable dottore and not (at best) him dead and (at worst) an utter mockery of his character. i really mourn what could have been with the harbingers. i wish we'd had more time with the old writing team so they could've been done justice.
No. 444764
More and more people (most likely women) are speaking out about how the game is moving in a different direction because of Mizuki, which is nice to see. You still got the usual moid defense retardation though.
>b-b-but you guys sexualize the male characters! you're a bunch of hypocrites!>it's not that big of a deal because we've had other waifus before!>these people would seethe at our other waifu gacha games that are borderline porn!>just a bunch of offended Christians and tourists!I swear they live in a completely different world.
>>444663I wouldn't even call them borderline-radfem, they're libfem at best. But I remember defending these characters (albeit at a much younger age than them) and I had the same issue: they probably have no reference for actual well-written female characters. If you consume nothing but anime and gachaslop, it's bound to skew your perception on them.
No. 444794
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>>444775And to think I used to hope that Skirk would be an expy of Senti from Hi3 (objectively the best, most insane woman in all of Hoyoverse, picrel) since all the signs pointed to it: Roman/Greek mythological motifs, gladiator theme, thumb-down moment, same level of battle-hungry craziness. Hell, he’s even wearing her fucking headpiece as an earring. I was so excited to see her as a dysfunctional older sister/motherly figure to him. I don’t even understand why Genshin keeps shooting itself in the foot atp, it’s would be so easy to get me to open my wallet and yet…
No. 444796
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>>444794Sorry for sperging out with a collage but here:
> Thumb down> Same facial expressions> Same gestures> Same “happy go lucky but eager to pick a fight” personality> Overall matching colour scheme to Childe> I didn’t have space for it here but her ‘artifacts’ set is a gladiator setpiece and she has major classical themes, ‘Ajax’ and ‘Teucer’ are Greek mythological heroes. She’s been perfectly situated to be his mentor and Hoyoverse is telling me this is all for nothing? Sigh.
No. 444797
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>>444796But no, this big-foreheaded, fish uggo is what we get instead. Go figure.
No. 444802
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>>444775ayrt, seeing so many people (especially other so-called "fans") fall for arlecchino's retcon hook, line, and sinker is both painful and infuriating. ever since her woobification got confirmed via those excel sheet leaks though, i've seen some of those former retcon deniers promptly move the goalposts to "w-w-well, it was a good retcon!" which somehow pisses me off even more. because we definitely needed her original character shafted in favor of…yet another kuudere. seriously. "seems intimidating on the outside but dont worry guys shes just emotionally repressed but has a heart of gold" how many female characters fit this exact mold now? for god's sake, she doesn't even do anything like
>>444786 said.
inb4 "b-but furina assassination": that was a mistranslation from the original chinese. a more accurate expression would be "near-theft of the gnosis", similarly to what signora did with venti.
>What was even the point of emphasizing how young Childe is?old lore the new writers didn't like, please understand. there's actually strong indications that a lot of lore got discarded in arlecchino's rewrites too, she has so much linking her to the narzissenkreuz but now it's all gone in favor of plothole fiesta. i know i am a certified arlecchino autist, but i still don't understand how on earth so many "fans" could just lap this up and why so few of them seem to even care about this. blackpilling tbh.
>I feel like things are going to get really bad for him when they decide to shove Honkai ass Skirk down everyones throat and makes him her little accessoryi'm no childe autist, but ngl i felt like his treatment in fontaine was questionable too. all this big hype about him and the whale, only for the connection that's been built up since 1.1 to be completely tossed aside in favor of a mostly off-screen fight and a reveal that actually, the whale? it's just someone else's random pet lol. then he gets tossed like a rag into some random portal by skirk (don't ask how she got here), only to come back in arle's SQ to serve as little more than a glorified mouthpiece for the retcon— making both himself and scara look like idiots in the process. so yeah, it unfortunately wouldn't surprise me if he got relegated to skirk accessory in the future.
No. 444810
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>>444803I’m so in love with him I would actually kill myself if they trolled us like that after 10 years of buildup, kek.
No. 444813
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Just as we predicted, the yuritards are already at it.
No. 444817
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Maybe I’m just coping hard but knowing that the only new 5* for the foreseeable future are going to be coomslop waifu garbage is kind of relaxing in the sense that I don’t have to panic about coughing up cash anymore. From now on I can save slowly and collect all the husbandos and cool pre-Natlan women at my own pace without paying a dime.
No. 444818
>>444775Childe is absolutely going to get the Ororon treatment with Skirk. Mark my words. She'll be his cool mentor who slaps Childe around humiliating him in front of the entire cast and incels will clap their greasy hands in glee.
>I was surprised by how many people fell for the Arlecchino shit, even claiming it wasn't a retcon, and I think her design was just a waste.Yeah, I felt like the only sane person in the room when people smply swallowed and internalized the retcon and claimed this is what they asked for. No bitch, Arlecchino was supposed to be this androgynous, deranged maniac who kills people who cross her so that they never live to tell it. There are literally documents proving that her voicelines were rewritten to rid them of any "problemacy". Now she's just a big booba daddymommy only existing to strap your self-insert Furina in fanfiction? Kill me. I was really interested in seeing how her character will turn out like because it's not like Genshin has an abundance of morally grey/black female characters, much less androgynous ones, and they fumbled it completely.
>>444786Exactly. She spooked her once and didn't even cause any harm to her besides making her lose sleep over nightmares. What a copout.
>>444797Every time I see this fucking model I'm haunted by the cool, creative concepts that were leaked for her and I get pissed off once again.
No. 444819
File: 1735811083691.jpeg (760.41 KB, 1170x847, IMG_8026.jpeg) way this dumb fuck ugly bird came on screen for two seconds and instantly became more of a hit with some players than 90% of the Natlan characters HYV is desperately getting us to love kekkkk
No. 444821
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Wuhluhwuhs will label you a misogynist for calling out Citlali as lazy waifubait when these are the lines HYV gave her because they were too lazy to come up with a personality to go along with their gooning.
No. 444834
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>>444813Kek. I honestly wouldn’t mind if they just stuck to crackshipping, but these individuals can’t stop seething over male characters and picking fights with women who pull for them. I genuinely don’t understand how they equate a male character briefly showing his chest—while otherwise being fully covered—to female characters constantly flashing their panties. The same thing happened when Itto was released. We get scraps, yet somehow we are the bad guys. They repeat the same arguments moids use, but dress them up as “woke,” and somehow think they have made a
valid point.
No. 444849
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>>444834The wuhluhwuhs, in the same vein. They suddenly see edits of Mizuki with her maid skirt being longer and they flip their shit about it. Totally the type of pickme going "porn is feminist and empowering".
No. 444851
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>>444849What’s the difference between these people going up to women and insulting them for disliking female characters with oversexualised and misogynistic designs, versus anti-woke gamers going up to african/hispanic players and insulting them for disliking the racist designs in Natlan? How can they not see the irony?
No. 444890
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>>444764Someone ought to remind them GGZ had NIKKE-tier lolis before shilling Hoyo.
No. 444899
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>>444849Kek at her deliberately choosing some shitty amazon cosplay as evidence instead of the actual pictures that show up when you google yukata.
No. 444916
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From Mavuika's character stories, grabbed from the wiki - what is this Mary Sue shit.
No. 444922
>>444813I can already see male coomers making succubus hentais with her. She's literally designed for them.
>>444849I can't believe twitterfags are this fucking dumb. They pretend to know everything about the supreme nippon land while saying the most outlandish shit ever. No one in japan thinks that is an actual yukata and you'll only see that kind of ""yukata"" in anime cosplay or very modern stylings, ffs even in the pictures the user linked the yukatas are longer than whatever the bat girl is wearing.
No. 444934
>>444923They're fucking going at it too and in full speed. I don't know what compels pickmes to go full retard and defend this shit.
No. 444935
>>444802Seriously, the end part with the whale was by far the worst part of Fontaine. The story up until then was fantastic with the enjoyable detective quests, court scenes, and Furina’s drama. Even the teasers about Childe and the whale were extremely cool and beautiful, developing his previous lore into something even more titillating and important feeling, and then it’s just… completely cast aside so yet another Honkai spacewaifu can kawaii-femdom her way into the scene and show off how awesome she is compared to everyone else. Why would any players be happy about that? It’s so dismissive towards years of previous content, how iconic Childe’s boss fight is and so on. I’m not even a Childe fan but just a fan of the game in general and it felt stupid to pull that. I guess those moves work on getting coomers to open their wallets, but the devs should know that Genshin has been more successful because of other factors like approachable yet engaging gameplay and lore, compelling and fun characters with significant emotional motives, and so on. Well, whatever, my feeling regarding that is that the conclusion of every main story quest is a hand wave to whisk the gnosis and everybody away—it’s just weird that this time they actually did something more obviously satisfying with the dissolution of Furina’s position as archon, and then still found a way to go “uhh yeah whatever, everything you did was meaningless because more important people have bigger things going on”
No. 444941
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>>444916With the excessive praise in the archon quests when she's otherwise uninteresting, her unique kit with that dumbass bike, I'm starting to believe more and more that she's Da Wei's waifu because of her physical similarities to Himeko. She may not be an expy, but she's close enough.
>>444934This is exactly why I said these girls are just libfem at best. No questioning as to why it's only the female characters who get such sexualized and revealing outfits while the male characters' clothes cover up 80–100% of their body. No, it's just:
>it's not that deep, some women like it>you're just like men No. 444942
>>444936I've always been into husbandos, but Fontaine made me start pulling for waifus for the first time ever. Furina, Navia, and even Arlecchino (if I ignore her retcon) were genuinely very likable to me, both in terms of personality and design, which even surprised me lmao. I'm convinced they must've fired the team responsible for Fontaine's female characters because how else do you go from such well crafted characters, ones that even diehard husbando fans like me are drawn to, straight into whatever's happening with the women in Natlan? Also, one thing I don't understand is why Hoyoverse ignored the Korean incels complaining about Furina's designer being a feminist and even protesting against it to get her fired, only to welcome them with open arms a year later anyway. It's as if they can't decide whether to ignore them or cater to them. Maybe the previous director dismissed the incels, but Da Wei seems to welcome them no matter what.
No. 444951
>>444946Do you think that's when they started tweaking the plot a bit as mentioned by
>>444935? Skirk appears and concidentally the harbringers are an afterthought and the Abyss now becomes the focus. That might explain a lot of things, like banners getting delayed, the uncertain rarity of Sigewinne, Emilie looking nothing like her actual design (instead opting for the ugly Ganyu titsock), Natlan, Nod-Krai and so on.
No. 444953
>>444941It all makes sense now.
> Welt yang is his self-insert. > Himeko is wearing a literal wedding dress in HSR. > Make them ‘mommy and daddy’ to Astral crewFucking gross. Also I hate so much how Welt is the love of my life and has the misfortune of being based on literal human scum. He (the character) deserves better.
No. 444971
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I hate this shitty game
No. 444981
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Mooooom! They’re equating male Victorian ankle flashes to female characters having their whole pussies out again!
No. 444982
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>>444981Samefagging but what the actual hell? I can’t believe they made the texture of the thigh highs so cheap and nasty, like an e-thot streamer. If I had purchased the skin before seeing it in action I would be so fucking pissed.
No. 444991
>>444988Sorry, for some reason I thought there was more of them, retard moment
I mulled it over some more and honestly, I don't think making a male only account is worth it unless you really like the game, given the aggressive powercreep and mediocre drawn out story… It would take a lot of effort and there are better games to play imo. If you do decide to go through with it, I would suggest maiming Boothil, because his team with HMC Sunday and Gallagher would be very strong
No. 444995
>>444971Wtf, she’s obviously supposed to look and act like a kid, and it’s an absolute joke if those are supposed to be shorts and not underwear. It wouldn’t be hard to not animate her entire dress flying up, or model bloomers underneath to cover her properly. This is really disappointing because I thought the outfit looked cute before and I always enjoyed her character, her wholesome interactions with Zhongli etc.
It really is happening that Liu Wei is making Genshin as coomer as Honkai. Well, I’ll be continuing to play casually with my all-male non-meta team, though of course I can’t clear Imaginarium Theater and so on.
No. 445003
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>>444951i definitely think something happened in the months prior to fontaine's release, i and a few others i've talked to have always felt that something was off about the region, like there was some internal instability. that said, childe here is first and foremost a harbinger, and i believe the big hits to the writing team harbinger-wise came with the departure of the original head scriptwriter in late inazuma (meaning he probably still influenced early sumeru's development) and possibly the departure of the chief editor in 2022-2023 as well. both cited dissatisfaction with fat xiao (fun fact: fat xiao aka the head screenwriter as of sumeru is an arrogant nepo baby and related to one of the three big genshit shareholders, so he can do pretty much whatever he wants). picrel is one of 404's earliest leaks, basically confirming the harbinger hatred present even at the time. they wanted to kill off the original arle because heavens forbid something of the old team live on (keep in mind syp had leaked arle's playability in 2022), and when they decided against killing her off to rake in cash, they instead decided to utterly destroy her personality by making her an unrecognizable joke of a character. there is no doubt that under da wei's vision of natlan, the game has shifted to a far more incel-pandering direction, but you'd be hard pressed to convince me that he was the one responsible for capitano dying, childe getting screwed over, or arlecchino getting retconned. that is undoubtedly fat xiao.
Rough TL, keep in mind picrel is from July 2023: Arlecchino's story was changed few months ago, from certain death to whitewashed and playable. Neuvillette is a dragon and controls Fontaine stuff. Furina isn’t hiding some power or actually secretly crazy, she's just a little girl, the type that would cry, basically a mascot. Quarrel between Clorinde and Navia originated from dead father stuff, but it’s resolved in the end. Those two will be yuribait. Wrio isn’t standard banner.
No. 445009
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>>445003samefag. clearly the actions of a sane individual who wouldn't gladly sabotage everything the old writing team built up out of petty pride.
No. 445041
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I wonder if these are old files they forgot to delete or they're keeping those to bait us to stay.
No. 445051
>>445003>>445009Isn't xiaoluohao the same guy as the one who wrote his Mary Sue Baiheng into the Cloud Quintet's story in Star Rail ruining their characters and bragged about angering female fans with it?
>you'd be hard pressed to convince me that he was the one responsible for capitano dying, childe getting screwed over, or arlecchino getting retconned. that is undoubtedly fat xiao. No, I don't think Da Wei was responsible for it per se as in giving out the commands, but I would fully believe he was the one enabling it because he hates Genshin. Cai Hayou resigning in September 2023 must've been a long op and not something he did spotanenously as he was the chairman of the board at Mihoyo.
>>444971I want to die seeing this. How dare they do this to Hu Tao? Coomerifying 1.1 girls is a goddamn war crime.
No. 445130
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Does that count as "media that makes trannies seethe"? The QRTs lmfao. No. 445149
>>445130Why do men always act like they are opressed for liking coomer slop? literally 90% of media catters to them. Hell, even genshin threw its female playerbase under the bus for them. It pisses me off when coomer scrotes act like
victims just because some people make fun of them.
No. 445257
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>>445041KEK imagine bringing him back from the dead just to turn his kit into male Rosaria's by chucking his sword in the ground and making him an off-fielder.
>>445130The fanart is gross to look at but
> PicrelSo you agree? You agree that her pose is sexualised and uncomfortable to look at when applied to a character that
you specifically have no intentions of gooning to? By saying
> It's okay when it's a male character?You acknowledge the double standards of Hoyo treating women this way with such disrespect while keeping the men fully clothed like Victorian maidens?
>>445194I deliberately haven't started the Sumeru quests in a whole year because I
still don't know what to call him and I feel like anything I'd put down, I would insta-regret. Also the single rename right they give us still isn't enough to waste the first.
No. 445272
I quit genshin before Fontaine and watch the archon quests whenever they come out. Fontaine was truly great and Natlan…just sucks. My only source for genshin updates is this thread so I'm aware there's some bias, but about the story, I feel like nonnas here. And one (male) friend I have that we occasionally talk was like "it's been the best it has been in a while" and I'm like WHERE? As nonnas here said, Mavuika's trailers are cringe no matter how hard they try to push her. Also the fuck is this
>>444971 . Truly disgusting.
No. 445290
>>445257You can rename him 2 more times after the archon quest is over.
Theres a little scroll you get/use.
He disagrees with the names if its either other character names, fatui harbinger names or his old names (e.g. scaramouche).
He surprisingly doesn't mind being named after you.
No. 445349
>>445319I’m a lorefag
unfortunately and that’s not it… I’m 100% sure that they rewritten not only Xbalanque but Capitano also, I’m not sure if they can come back from this even if they write nod-krai and snezhnaya normally
which probably won’t happen lol No. 445351
>>445319>Devs can decide to completely change things at the snap of their fingers so whats the point in getting invested in the lore nowexactly. when this was made clear to me in fontaine, i just stopped caring about the story altogether. i personally haven't done natlan AQ at all. i'm just exploring, artifact grinding, and helping out noobs in co-op. i suspect that some people had the same blackpill realization all the way back in sumeru when the writing direction officially changed hands and probably started to meddle with established lore/characterization. however, for people to truly understand the dire consequences a retcon-happy writing team can have, things they deeply care about need to be affected— otherwise there's just a dismissive/complacent mentality around it happening instead of worrying about whether the same fate could befall something they actually like. that's why i wish xiaoluohao and his cronies got more heat. regardless of your opinion on their work in previous nations, they are ultimately the ones who have enabled changing lore on a whim and spitting on pre-established facts. it would've been much more difficult to suddenly erase xbalanque and undermine capitano if there hadn't already been several precedents set, nor would you have to fear for the future of characters like pantalone if the original vision still held true. fontaines pollution, foreshadowed social commentary, rhodeia talking about assassins from her homeland? who cares, retconned. childes whale being important? who cares, glorified pet. arlecchino? who cares, woobified. skirk? who cares, honkai waifu. apparently they can't even keep cyno's lore straight (, i can only imagine there's more where that came from. i can understand a normal player not snapping out of it and realizing there's no point yet, but the doses of copium "lorefags" are on must be lethal.
No. 445361
>>445319>>445349>>445351Even when I started the Natlan AQ and was completely oblivious to the staff changes I immediately sensed something was wrong. As if there was an entire plotline dropped, there was way too heavy of a focus on Kachina and Mualani that didn't seem organic and felt rushed and Capitano's introduction was strangely flat despite him being the most hyped Harbinger. Xbalanque being removed and Capitano's lore being rewritten immediately made sense as to why the plot in Natlan felt so off, especially in the second part of the AQ. I really thought it was weird that he would immediately side by the Natlanese armies and fight offscreen and just fuck around doing practically nothing and the only reason he gave was because a soldier from Natlan helped him out once. And Mavuika using some loosely explained time travel method to somehow be a pyro archon twice felt like such an odd decision, her plan felt like a rehash of Focalors' scheme from the start, only more rushed and relying way too much on things just falling in place. Every character in Natlan felt like an NPC with barely any depth and the heroes' awakenings followed the shittiest form of lazy anime writing ever. Chasca's sister dying, this event somehow making her a reawakened hero in 2 seconds and her getting over it just as fast was ridiculous, Mualani just giving a generic pep talk to Kachina in the abyss impressing an ancient warrior enough to awaken her and Ororon's blink-and-you'll-miss-it possession being his… why did they want so many heroes if they weren't willing to put some meat into their writing? It stank like a quick rewrite of something that they didn't have enough time to pad and develop properly.
The constant rewrites and retcons have made Genshin's lore a mess. We still have so many unanswered questions from 1.1 that will probably never be addressed because the original team is long gone. We will never know why Childe's vision kept malfunctioning in Fontaine, nor will we ever know what was the "remnant" keeping up his obsession with the Narwhale. Arlecchino was, according to the original leaks, supposedly a test subject suffering of experiments conducted by the research institute which would tie her in to the Fontaine lore but now she just has a brooding dark edgy ancient curse. I'm almost positive that the lore of the descenders will be rewritten too causing more plot holes only to be filled with a quick "oh you know, they knew a guy from Natlan" level band-aid.
No. 445364
>>445351The Cyno stuff hurts so much. His treatment in general pisses me off. Yes, at least he's not forgotten like other characters, but being reduced to bad puns and a TCG obsession does him dirty, because even with the lore mess-up he's such an interesting character that would actually have depth unlike any of the Natlan waifus.
I'm kind of getting to a point where part of me doesn't even want Venti's second SQ anymore, because I don't trust Hoyo not to completely butcher his lore.
No. 445367
>>445364>at least he's not forgotten like other charactersbeing forgotten by fat xiao and co. is a blessing at this point, and it's what i want most for my own fav to avoid having to witness even more liveleaks-tier butchery. i just hate that it's gotten to this point. seeing our favs on-screen should feel fantastic, but now it's become something to be dreaded. i'm sorry about cyno too, it's a shame to see how much he's been flanderized.
>Venti's second SQapparently the reason we haven't gotten that yet is because the former head screenwriter's favorite character was venti, he even had a bunch of venti fans thanking him on the post announcing his departure. i've no doubt he would've done venti justice, and i'm gonna feel absolutely terrible for the guy when, on top of fucking all his original plans up, they inevitably fuck up his fav too.
No. 445380
>>444982>If I had purchased the skin before seeing it in action I would be so fucking pissed.I'm one of the retards that jumped to purchase it… I even redownloaded genshin to get it. I like her original outfit more, it's one of my favourite designs in the game, but I thought this was cute enough and it would be my last purchase for genshin even if I came back to play again when Snezhnaya drops. I don't look at the character from that angle when I glide anyway but it is seriously pissing me off to see that my money now means "goon outfit is preferred to normal og outfit" to hyv. Never spending money on any of their games again. Probably never even logging back in tbh.
>>445194I named him a male name I like from my language. It means hope. I've been called cringe for it but it fits him regardless of the meaning imo.
>>445364>being reduced to bad puns and a TCG obsessionThis is when hyv's bad character writing took a nosedive for me. They give characters a serious and a goofy side, repeatedly emphasize the retarded side like it's supposed to be funny, never explore the lore or their place in the story, then think they expanded their personality and created multifaceted characters when all they did was make them annoying and/or cringe with no redeeming qualities.
The only reason Sumeru and Fontaine had good main stories was really because they were too far in the writing progress for the new writing team to completely fuck it up imo. Even then they couldn't keep up with it, not addressing points that were probably intended to be explored later on. Like does anyone remember how rich people in Fontaine traffic kids? And Lyney and Lynette were
victims of this? Or how people are living in the sewer under the capital. Nothing really came out of that. There were obvious intentions to explore class conflicts and the rich criminals that never get sent to the fortress because even if the courtroom is just, the outside world that decides who gets a trial isn't. Well, we'll never explore these topics now. Only goon and vroom vroom.
No. 445396
File: 1736019486925.jpg (1.78 MB, 3000x3000, GgVgO-obIAAUSn3.jpg)

>>445393Its already been a year with only 1 male five-star (Kinich, in case you forgot since he was a non-existent background character in the AQ). I think there was a leak saying that there are no male five stars for the rest of the 5.x patches. Its definitely believable but leakers have also been getting things wrong for a while now so idk, cope how you want.
Inazuma story was indeed garbage but at least exploration was enjoyable, and it had some good world quests/music.
No. 445399
File: 1736020016049.jpg (30.04 KB, 720x720, 1609384118630.jpg)

>>445380>They give characters a serious and a goofy side, repeatedly emphasize the retarded side like it's supposed to be funnyWrio making the 10th mention about drinking tea on his 3rd sentence
No. 445411
File: 1736021393614.jpg (58.9 KB, 1673x165, Ggd4h8jWUAAozn2.jpg)

>Capitano was about to be ready with the war against Heavenly Principles
>Became another Khaenrian with a death wish
That explains why the teasing we got in version 3.x and 4.x doesn't match what we got in Natlan, and why his origins felt like Nu-Arlecchino but recycled.
No. 445414
File: 1736021585226.jpg (32.91 KB, 275x155, 1664316530258.jpg)

>>445302dude i wish i could read all that, but i dont speak chinese.
No. 445423
>>445416I feel like the vast majority of the characters have job autism, I have a hard time thinking of any of the genshin characters that isn't in some level obsessed with his/her job, a short list would probably be:
>Kaeya>Fischl>Kazuha>Razor>ChildeAnd honestly that's about it, I think that's genuine bad writing, like if they can't make their characters do/talk about something that isn't a job, then maybe they should check themselves, then again, it's already too late, hell, when it comes to just the characters being basic, it was too late already in Sumeru, where they could've tried to make the characters slightly more deep by saying that Liyueans are just obsessed with working because of how the nation itself is like, and then they could've done something else with the sumerian characters, but it all circles back to being autistic about a job they have, and it wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to experience if the overall plot of the game wasn't not so slowly becoming gibberish.
No. 445431
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>>445194I liked his previous name even if it was Japanese edgelord tier so I named him Kuni, short for Kunikuzushi.
No. 445451
File: 1736029053950.png (Spoiler Image,910.87 KB, 1174x2179, 2025-01-04_223334.png)

>>445302>>445424unfortunately the pictures cant be translated nor the pdf files, but i screenshotted the page that can be
No. 445481
File: 1736035890441.jpeg (363.89 KB, 1170x854, IMG_8056.jpeg)

This retard is my personal genshin lolcow. If you ever needed to dumb down your intelligence with some good old TIF retardation, just take a scroll on her account for five minutes. Mind you, she’s not even saying picrel as a hime but as a pure blooded fujoshi, kek. No attraction to women, nothing to gain: just being a self-hating, patriarchal-dick riding pick-me for the love of the game.
No. 445484
File: 1736036348224.jpeg (348.77 KB, 1170x765, IMG_8057.jpeg)

>>445481(Picrel is under OP from last post)
> As a gay trans man> DysphoriaYou want to go shopping and braid hair with coombait? There’s nothing ‘womanly’ or ‘feminine’ to be found in a character that was shat out by a writing room full of self-professed incels, genuinely what the fuck is wrong with this woman kek
No. 445486
File: 1736036733484.png (329.26 KB, 1370x326, old plot crumbs.png)

>>445411according to the original leaker, this excel sheet is only a minuscule part of an allegedly 144k file leak containing a bunch of concepts, pdf files, and other excel files. every damn day i pray for the release of those other files, especially for us harbingerfags. i feel like that's going to be the only way we'll ever get a glimpse of what they were truly meant to be. though i'll probably have a conniption reading them because even with just this excel sheet, there's so much fatui shit that was scrapped when it was filled to the brim with immense potential. in fact the very same sheet here references arlecchino helping dottore track an unnamed party (realistically scara) down. remember how in inazuma, childe was doing just that? yeah, it was probably going to become a full-on manhunt at some point and move the overall plot forward a whole bunch. but no, he's just an irrelevant student now. i don't care how good people think sumeru and fontaine stories were, the fact is they probably could have been a million times better under the old helm and we're just being made to settle for crumbs.
>>445411>>445425holy fuck my thoughts exactly. khaenriah used to be exciting, now it's just been reduced to a band-aid fix for retcons complete with edgy angstfuel curses. remember when dain was actually one of a kind?
No. 445490
>>445409Xbalanque also introduced Neuvillette during his release and he got deleted off the game save for a few dialogues. Hate to be doompilling but it's just how it is.
>>445411Earlier leaks said that Capitano was one of the descenders. That would've fit in with the lore so well and explained a lot about why he was shrouded in so much mystery and the mask could've been to hide his identity, but no, it was just to hide his rotten corpse. It's like they're taunting the old writers.
>>445486>now it's just been reduced to a band-aid fix for retcons complete with edgy angstfuel curses.Exactly. Literally everything is explained away with just as
>Um… Khaenri'ah stuff!Even when it makes no sense, like Arlecchino's curse. All the excitement to learn more about them is gone.
No. 445502
File: 1736040049675.jpg (129.47 KB, 1239x1239, F3507LkWgAAJlbC.jpg)

>>445481Of course she's one of these retards who draws Neuvillette like a shriveled up old scrote despite him being immortal, canonically seen as so beautiful that one woman commits crimes just to see him, and the description of his story quest literally saying "the vicissitudes of time leave no mark nor trace on his body". Sometimes I can't tell if it's just the ugly man psyop or that people like this are so illiterate that they think white hair + cane = old man and don't consider anything else. What old man even has that much hair with no signs of balding?
No. 445505
File: 1736041102093.jpeg (223.54 KB, 2047x1098, 88E26493-7071-4931-B9B3-074B60…)

>>445502I've seen a few artists draw him in similar ways to give him an otherworldly look/feel with the sharper features and paler skin, similar to picrel with Zhongli, but now that you mention it, I've never seen immortal female characters like Ei or Kokomi have aged features like people do for Neuvi and Zhongli…
No. 445510
File: 1736041970411.jpeg (237.92 KB, 1487x1440, F4WMChyXcAANLZ2.jpeg)

>>445502And the ugliest Wrio. I still don't get why so many western fanartists wanted him specifically to be a disgusting slob.
No. 445617
File: 1736093199195.jpeg (583.57 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_4859.jpeg)

Wake the fuck up there’s a new Venti nendoroid doll.
No. 445639
File: 1736099950666.png (963.28 KB, 494x1487, ftufyiiyg.png)

Why are women on Twitter always so assblasted on behalf of fictional women from gacha games? I have seen so many of these unfunny "hehe gotchu" posts since Mizuki's design dropped, and even when someone spells it out to them that maybe the two male characters who show their knees are not the same as every single female character flashing their panties and pushing their ass toward the camera, they still choose to argue in bad faith.
>>445481>>445484It's genuinely funny how TIMs, TIFs, "sapphics," incels, and 20 other demographics will come crawling out of the woodwork the moment you say ONE thing that is slightly negative regarding any female character from hoyoslop.
I am so glad her ugly Capitano design got BTFO'd.>>445617He is so adorable!
No. 445649
File: 1736105031542.jpeg (114.21 KB, 1280x740, hMHRiYe.jpeg)

Mizuki's introduction event has a literal bathhouse, they really aren't being subtle about the prostitution references
No. 445655
File: 1736107173592.jpg (67.98 KB, 720x1206, Ggch44yWUAAJvIe.jpg)

>>445639>>445651>>445643Same retards going "I AM SO CUNTY AND I'M SERVING TEE HEE". The jokes write themselves when you see picrel. The OP deleted the OG and it's all I could find.
No. 445661
>>445654Japan is a degenerate patriarchal country and bath house girls back then whored theirselves to encourage men to return to their establishment.
Aside from that, Mizuki's hair and clogs is reminiscent of stereotypical oiran.
Her face looks like a succubus, her weird eyes are probably a to love ru pussy eye reference. (I hate myself for knowing that)
She has so many whore references
No. 445687
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No. 445697
>>445687>Kit: Whatever Scaramouche does>male-centric puriteens could never make me hate u… my yuri queenI'm crying
nonnie jesus christ kek can't wait for Slutya's story quest in Snezhnaya where she goes on a mommydom date with male traveler
>>445694>All 2 of themAnon your optimism is showing
No. 445721
File: 1736120667597.jpg (3.25 MB, 2500x2500, happy-birthday-yun-jin-v0-hpoh…)

Female character design in Genshin peaked with Yun Jin and I am so pissed we'll never see a beautiful, non-coom design like hers again. IIRC it's also been 2 years since she's appeared in an event…
No. 445723
>>445655What I don't get is why they start sperging about R1999 and PTN. And even then I don't know if they were "intended for women" but the troids definitely took after Genshin to play
No. 445752
>>445639Feel more like people don't want to admit that the games they play are meant to cater to a largely male demographic, and that any woman who plays and enjoy the game is just bonus revenue for them.
But the issue is a lot of large gaming companies as a whole that are ran by men, and thus they pander also to men. Even the ones that do have a large female cast or fmcs.
I remember reading an article about Remember Me, and how publishers the fmc a male love interest because it to them the player having to kiss a dude would be too weird.
Still I don't get how people look at a game where you can shove the camera up a character skirt, have their boobs jiggle at the slightest breeze or see them stuffed into tit-socks like ganyu and think, "Oh, this one must be fore the girlies~" Mihoyo also acts like putting male characters in their game is similar to pulling teeth at times.
No. 445779
Reminder that Mihoyo hired a genuine pedophile to design Zenless Zone Zero's characters
>>>/ot/2070482Anyone who plays or advertises Mihoyoshit is culpable for the growth of pedo ideology. Cease if you can.
No. 445812
File: 1736138385407.png (3.15 MB, 1920x1200, 20250105182641.png)

>>445731She has actual, connected sleeves with no armpit exposure! The bit of exposed skin is from the neckline of her dress. Now that I think about it, Ayaka's skin is pretty similar but unfortunately they wasted it on a character with the personality of drywall.
No. 445842
>>445812It’s funny how all the short girls I like are the ones most properly dressed (ignoring shoulders, shorts and okay-length dresses)
> Hu Tao OG skin> Chevreuse> Chiori> Faruzan> Furina> Klee> Layla> Noelle> Yun JinAnd even then, I’m being pretty generous to some.
No. 445907
File: 1736166236096.jpeg (916.18 KB, 750x1800, IMG_8095.jpeg)

No corrections, no nothing. Just fish farting all over my timeline with that management approved open-air pussy. Words cannot describe how much her design enrages me.
No. 445916
File: 1736169281094.jpg (43.09 KB, 800x449, 78eb0-16299691234914-800.jpg)

Why is everyone losing their marbles over this?
I thought we all stopped playing when Raiden's tit sword animation burst was leaked.
No. 445925
File: 1736170277427.jpeg (251.09 KB, 2048x1155, Ffyxc3RWYAIZw5q.jpeg)

>>445916Sorry nona but I’m fujotrash and I haven’t been able to get Zhongli and Childe on the same account despite starting at 1.1… after 5.4 I will finally be free, my mission will be over at last.
No. 445926
File: 1736170586950.jpeg (895.33 KB, 2048x1718, IMG_8096.jpeg)

Kek at how beautifully this image lays out the degradation of Genshin designs post-5.0. Shatsca and Mishitzi look like they come from completely unrelated franchises (and not even the same one as each other)
No. 445929
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No. 445937
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This is the most sensible non-LC take on Mizuki I’ve seen so far. I’m guessing everyone else keeps getting shouted down by incels and pick-mes.
No. 446016
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No. 446019
>>446011Genshin's only saving grace is that it's single player and you're not forced to interact with the rabid players.
>>446016Don't forget that she's madly in love with Aether and entire patch is based around her.
No. 446020
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>>445907I love how hoyo male poses are always just some dude standing there that they probably came up with in 2 seconds while the waifus get in these retarded poses to alert coomers fried brains
No. 446043
File: 1736189586743.webp (245.04 KB, 1200x675, Character_Black_Swan_Introduct…)

>>446020>>446022I try not to think a lot about this but the bar is in literal hell for male characters. They are not allowed to have sexy poses, vibrant palettes, or big eyelashes, and to top it all off, they wear Hoyo's equivalent of a burka. Meanwhile, so many female characters, on top of wearing borderline fetishwear, are also posed like sexy Victoria's Secret models in their splash art. It is genuinely so unfair.
No. 446091
File: 1736199059014.webp (502.65 KB, 1080x1920, 0FB3E1D0-54AB-455C-A6F1-ED4CF0…)

>>446020It does so many of the designs a disservice, as well…
No. 446103
File: 1736201621861.png (2.21 MB, 1280x1172, neuvillette_wish.png)

>>446020I hate how since Neuvillette doesn't really have any dynamic animations it actually works for him but the effect is watered down by 80% of the other male characters having the exact same pose.
No. 446168
File: 1736218561469.png (5.28 MB, 4000x4000, di1v3iz-1b75162b-25c5-4297-b3f…)

>>446166>BlacksmithYou can just do whatever the fuck nonsense and as long as there's tits and ass, moids and pickmes will eat it up huh? I wonder what the twitter copes for this being a totally great blacksmith design are
No. 446226
>>446117They had to do soft re-launch for ZZZ to get rid off their shit TV mode and give free 5* husbando (not before nerfing him to hell ofc). Seems like worked for them since ZZZ ended up #2 after LADS in revenue. Only time will tell if it worked tho, their next patch is two coomer bait waifus (they're making ZZZ copy of HSR's Robin).
>>446168I bet same person who made this bitch was the one who made the onsen prostitute.
No. 446259
File: 1736248971717.mp4 (Spoiler Image,883.38 KB, 480x852, ssstwitter.com_1736248921744.m…)

Did they… Did they do like in ZZZ and add fucking ass jiggle physics to Mavuika? Please tell me her banner tanked…
No. 446264
File: 1736249540241.mp4 (400.39 KB, 480x582, Evelyn.mp4)

>>446259Coomers seem to love the jiggle so wouldn't doubt if they add it to every single game they have.
No. 446268
>>446263>>445926>>446227It's insane how the new characters are ignored even by coomers themselves, whenever I want to watch porn of my genshin husbandos
I know, porn bad I can't help but check how the other characters are doing and I can easily say that the new girls aren't popular, like at all, even with the fucking coomers. Everyone rightfully clings to the characters that aren't obvious coombaits because even coomers want a shred of decency at first before going full retard.
The female characters that are popular with coomers are:
>Keqing>Lumine>Barbara >Amber>Ice Claymore Mondstadt girl (because incest)>Hu taoLike, if it wasn't for this thread I wouldn't know about most of the new characters even by looking for anime porn because they're forgettable as fuck.
So my hypothesis is that they're only liked because they're shiny and new, and gacha addicts will always br gacha addicts.
No. 446277
File: 1736254499825.png (481.47 KB, 1400x3690, la0074zfzj0e1.png)

>>446268Here's popularity ratings.
No. 446297
>>446267>they gave her a BBL so the coomers can still glance at her ass when running aroundgod don't remind me, i fucking hate that they did that to arle. cover her up but give her big boobas, BBL, and forcibly insert some "step on me" cringe in her trailer because god forbid the poor coomers not be catered to at literally all times. it's like they tried to "compensate" for the sin of covering her up instead of committing to the bit just this one (1) damn time. we really can't have shit. it's a shame too, because the trope of the token handsome woman is obviously very well-loved by female playerbases in asia (see rika) so this was a big missed opportunity
but thats nothing new for her character i suppose.
>>446264wow, they really just transferred the boob jiggle physics engine to the ass and called it a day kek.
No. 446309
File: 1736263510612.png (192.05 KB, 340x340, paimon-s-paintings-set-25-10.p…)

>>446277As lolcow's designated Sethos' coomer the long, looong scroll only to find my no.1 husbando at the very bottom of the list was an incredible comedic build-up. At least I can say that simping for the least popular Genshin character frees me from the retarded infighting that comes with more famous husbandos/waifus.
No. 446311
>>446289Ayaitto shippers were seething over it but as one myself I actually thought the voiceline was fucking hilarious and added some sauce to their dynamic that could be worked out in fanfics.
>>446293Tfw Xilonen's characterisation is so inconsistent she doesn't even feel like the same woman who was yawning in a tree in that first Natlan trailer.
>>446297I didn't even know she had a BBL and mine is nearly friendship 10. Oh god…
No. 446315
>>446226>First Dr. Ratio>Then that guy from Wuwa with the robot arm>Now free HarumasaThese games are so obvious in handing out free male 5 stars. They know their garbage games cant survive without female players who also draw fanart and roll for the shitty waifus alongside their husbandos. Anyone who falls for this shit is dumb I'm sorry.
>>446313Men without laws and societal shame are 100% all faggots and pedos
No. 446316
>>446293>so that Kinich is not the only five starDont be mistaken nona, Kinich only exists as a shield for hoyo so that no one can
technically say "why are there no male five stars". If they could get away with it, he either wouldnt exist or would just be a four star. Its to shut us up, similar with Ororon who is the only playable male with story relevance, but to balance that out they made him Citlali's tard child and a 4 star.
No. 446318
File: 1736264870753.jpg (224.17 KB, 1205x2048, __tighnari_genshin_impact_draw…)

When did Hoyo start pandering to scrotes so hard? Not denying they were pandering to them from the beginning, but recently they've gone full incel with Natlan. Personally I think it was in mid-Fontaine, after Lyney and Wriothesley banner
No. 446324
>>446318Probably Sumeru when incels complained that there were too many male 5
characters being released, even if the ratio between female and male 5 were almost equal 4 males to 3 females(although when you consider Dehya the controversy around her and her kit and being on standard banner maybe it's more like 4 to 2). Still Sumeru had an overall larger female cast when you added in the other 4* characters.
No. 446327
>>446324Tighnari was also put on standard banner, although his kit wasn't dogshit like Dehya's. Which bothers me tbh because Dehya is one of my favourite female characters in the game yet massively underappreciated.
>>446318After Da Wei took over and all the original writers and producer left. I'd say the damage was already being done during Fontaine's release and by Arlecchino's revised story quest dropping Genshin was officially dead.
No. 446328
File: 1736266880576.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1170x1891, IMG_8103.jpeg)

Kek at the App Store censoring her coom design
No. 446399
>>446357Arknights. Despite being primarily a waifu game with a rather
toxic incel fanbase, I do appreciate the male characters, they’re very well written. However, the way the game handles its male operators is frustrating, much like Genshin, but I’ll ignore it for my own sanity kek. Around last January, the Korean Arknights account disqualified a female artist from an artwork competition and deleted her entry from YouTube, all because incels found out she had posted a mild comment celebrating international women’s day back in 2018. Honestly, I don’t know why I keep playing gacha games like this and Genshin. It’s self harm at this point.
No. 446408
File: 1736278278424.jpg (67.8 KB, 735x452, 1000108955.jpg)

>>446399Tbh, I get you, the setting of arknights is honestly interesting and the male operators are pretty cute.
>tfw no crossover with Genshin so my husbandos can be in arknights too and so I don't even consider going back to genshin for them.I'm mad because I even gave them crowns and everything, all that grinding for a game that shat itself on the foot and then shoot itself a million times.
No. 446418
It’s crazy that in Mauvika’s quest she “defeats” xbalanque and like captiano praised her for doing so. Mauvika doesn’t seem to have flaws and is super amazing at everything apparently.
>>446376Seconding Infinity Nikki.
No. 446437
File: 1736286442488.jpg (2.3 MB, 2023x1589, Iván_el_Terrible_y_su_hijo,_po…)

I recently saw a twitter post that said:
> I don't love Genshin Impact, I love Teyvat
To encompass their emotions about the game post-Natlan. It made me realise that I feel the exact same way. The open-world and lore from 1.1 was setting itself up for an incredible pay-off someday. You would hear people recommending Genshin by saying 'the characters are meh but TRUST me the lore is amazing' to get people to play. Now it doesn't have even a scrap of that heightened anticipation anymore, of wondering where all these detailed threads were leading. If Fontaine left them loose, Natlan cut them right off. It's no wonder I spend all my time logged in these days strolling Liyue aimlessly, trying to soak up that nostalgic joy of 4 years ago when lockdown was at it's peak and the game's possibilities felt endless. I know a lot of people are dancing on Genshin's grave at the moment but for what it's worth: I really am going to miss Teyvat in the eyes of Cai's old creative team. Farewell, old friend.
No. 446446
File: 1736287141730.jpg (2.28 MB, 3840x2160, 32.jpg)

>>446437For me the game ended unfinished in early Sumeru. I still love some characters, some are peak husbando material but they're currently in a perpetual scrote torturing hell there's no escape from. I still think of them, but I don't take into account anything post 3.1 or 3.2 at most.
No. 446477
>>446446Same, that's honestly the end to me, which is funny because my laptop refused to load anything after the first part of Sumeru kek, it's ominous even.
I still love the beginning of the Lore and my husbandos because they have interesting stories after all.
Anyways, what is even going in right now? I refuse to play at this point, I need to know how is this shit going to end because I'm morbidly curious.
No. 446489
>>446357LADS, Infinity Nikki, Destiny & Warframe.
I guess if you like the Genshin anime style with action combat but without all the waifu pandering you're SoL though. Maybe emulate older Tales games?
No. 446801
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>>446531I give them some props for finally learning how to design good husbandos at least. I thought all of their previous male character designs were ugly as sin but this one's actually a lot better than what's been in Genshin recently. Still not gonna play it though.
No. 446891
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>>446801I don't like his 3D model. I don't know why, but I think there's something off in regards to his face to me
No. 446897
File: 1736412887090.jpg (91.53 KB, 736x981, 1734715836674.jpg)

Preemptively mourning for Dahlia when they'll reveal him as a filler garbage 4*
No. 446906
>>446904You just
know they re-used the bike thing from ZZZ. It's too blatant, too close together not to notice. They just released bike gang in ZZZ full of waifus, then Mavuika suddenly has one too?
No. 446933
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>>446897I'm trying so hard not to think about it. I love his design so much and I love Mondstadt boys in general, I just hope he can work with my other boys somehow. He doesnt need to be Faruzan tier but I'll take a useful 4 star pleaaassee no useless DPS brick
No. 447308
File: 1736529959718.png (208.66 KB, 355x648, muawinne.png)

I had a dream that the incels had a meltdown about Sigewinne, calling her a femcel character because her dad (who mogs them) can send pedophiles to prison to be beaten to death by Wriothesley (who also mogs them) so they deleted her from the game and combined her kit and design with Mualani. Then they had another meltdown about censoring Mualani so they reverted the changes and made all the male characters bald
No. 447319
>>447308You had a vision of the future,
nonnie, when slutya gets released they will make all of the male characters bald.
No. 447376
File: 1736542932155.jpg (308.45 KB, 1284x1872, GYJpN4LaEAAtoOt.jpg)

From a purely narrative perspective, do you guys think Inazuma or Natlan was worse? Just off the AQ alone, put aside everything else. You can also mention another region, its just that I usually hear Inazuma is the worst AQ and recently everyone is shitting on Natlan's 5.3 story.
No. 447385
>>447376I think Inazuma's main story was worse because it had so many problems but Natlan repeated a lot of those same problems unnecessarily. Natlan is not far behind Inazuma in terms of shit quality.
In terms of shit character designs Inazuma at least had Itto and Gorou and now Chiori so I think the characters are worse in Natlan. Only character I really like the design of is Kachina (and Capitano, but what they did is such an insult I find it hard to count him).
No. 447403
>>447376Natlan is completely irredeemable, I'm sorry. The characters aside from Mualani, Kinich and Kachina are complete garbage. Granted, Inazuma's Ayaka, Yae and now Mizuki aren't much better, but at least their designs have some sort of cohesion or theme. Natlan's just are a clusterfuck from start to finish.
As much as I loathe Raiden, her capacity to keep a modicum of decorum during her booba sword animation places her leagues above Mavuika and her stupid bike.
For the harbingers, at least Signora had the dignity to perish and not being dangled over players as bait like Capitano. That and I really liked Scaramouche, at least before his engoodening.
Overall they're both horrible but somehow Inazuma manages to fumble less things than Natlan.
No. 447448
>>447376In Inazuma, even with Raiden's poorly written story, we still got to see some great moments for the male characters. Kazuha had amazing development, Thoma was adorable (and we even saved him from Raiden!) and Gorou got some decent screen time. The scene where Tomo's vision awakened and helped Kazuha parry Raiden's killing blow aimed at the Traveler was very nice. In hindsight Natlan was absolutely terrible. Kinich barely got any screen time, and Ororon's writing was just awful. They hyped up this whole plot about there being a traitor working with the Fatui, even having Ororon ask the Traveler to keep it a secret, only for the Traveler to run off and snitch everything to Mavuika. She didn't even do anything about it either, simply forgave Ororon and that's it. One thing that still annoys me is how Kinich offered to show the Traveler around, but we just brushed him off to keep hanging out with Mualani and her stupid tribe instead.
Putting male character screen time aside, I find the way the tribes and cultures were written incredibly disrespectful imo. As a brown woman I wasn't happy with how Sumeru was handled, they just lumped every slightly brown/MENA culture into one region and called it a day. But at least Sumeru had something going for it though, you can tell what vibes they were going for. Natlan, on the other hand, barely has anything cultural aside from food recipes and lore carved into stone tablets that most players probably don't even bother reading. The characters don't make any sense either. I'm not a fan of Nilou or Dori, but at least they somewhat tied into common MENA stereotypes, like belly dancing or a jinn. Natlan is all over the place with their characters. We've got a rollerskating DJ blacksmith wearing hooker clothes, a genki surfer girl who was supposed to be the Neuvillette replacement for incels, a coomer Mary Sue motorbiker singer supposed to be a god, a stoic pixel art gamer nobody really cares about, a cowboy with a shiny ass and comically giant gun, a drunk lolibaba crushing on Traveler and a Nosferatu looking emo bat guy farmer. Given Genshin's track record of terrible writing and their focus on accurately portraying only Chinese/Japanese cultures, I at least expected them to throw in a stereotypical sombrero character or something, but no, the whole region just feels like a mess with no clear direction. If they just called Natlan a region of unfinished concepts or dev WIPs, it would honestly make more sense lmao.
No. 447548
>>447376I'd say Inazuma was worse mostly because of the inconclusive buildup, but to be frank, Natlan isn't that far. The only thing I'd give credit for Natlan is that they stuck up to their shitty Avengers-tier, run out of the mill shonen plot (with a highly likely probability that the lore behind it was being retconned). Despite that I was still in a hurry to finish the last act to get my bonus primos due to how utterly predictable and dragged out the whole plot is.
It doesn't help that the cast of characters is rather bland:
>Mualani is Yoimiya 2.0>Xilonen is lazy but also a genius and also a party girl in a slutty outfit and also telling us how non-impactful it is to carve our ancient name>Citlali is lolibaba who stole Mona's traits and has a crush on the traveler, also she really loves booze>Kinich is irrelevant and only called in for his antics with Ajaw>Ororon had an interesting arc but was just brushed Like That>Chasca had a sister who died and also she's fucking ugly and boring>Mavuika-sue is always rightWhat's up with terminal incel devs and their obsession with making the female characters as slutty as possible with overdosing on tit jiggle, adding ass jiggle, retarded holes in clothing, and 1 or 2 personality traits on top of them being nearly flawless?
Capitano died in the most retraded possible way too and HYV is still teasing about him with another short video. Capitanomains are still on copium jfc.
No. 447551
>>447548"how am i supposed to work if pp not hard? >:(" - hoyo employees
i'm sure they use their IPs just to make their made-up waifus "come to life"
No. 447575
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Okay fuck it sure whatever I guess
No. 447581
>>447579It's gonna be the same with this Mizuki succubus-hoe: psychologist but also addicted to farts. Expect more archetypes like her or Slutya
>>445687 and her yuribait gf Whoreka for the next months.
No. 447635
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Seems they’re starting to catch up.
No. 447636
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>>447635> Internal politicsHow interesting, you don’t say…
No. 447650
>>447635>>447636Let's see
>Delayed drip marketing>Deplayed expansions>Characters that don't make any sense>Retarded planning and sudden retconsSeems like the resource hoarding is holding water. Da Wei just doesn't want Honkek to fail.
No. 447692
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>>447658Who do they all sound like the woke version of pic related
No. 447825
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It's a crime that Hoyo deprived us of him in favour of those random, non-plot relevant whores. Instead they brought him back just to glaze Marysuika. Fuck them so much.
No. 447861
File: 1736688114130.png (2.99 MB, 2000x2000, GaPuqq1XsAAkb9e.png)

>>447825I hate how they chose to pander to scrotes
and pedo anons on here by making him this ugly little child. We could have had hot tan adult warrior Xbalanque, and instead got that retarded pasty shonen MC twerp. Also I went on Xitter and searched for "Xbalanque" to find picrel, and now I'm pretty sure I have been put on a watchlist because of all the degen shota porn that was just shoved down my throat
No. 447873
File: 1736691111453.jpg (1.49 MB, 2480x3508, Gg6-OEjaEAAaEUG.jpg)

triggered shotafag. Keep flicking your bean to this rancid faggot then
(infighting) No. 447874
>>447869>now all we're left with is an ugly unserious shota whose sole purpose seems to be glazing MavuikaAnd didn't he even choose to possess that stupid little retard of a kid? Why the fuck would he do that instead of picking a grown male body that looks more similar to his real form? Obviously we know why from a meta standpoint, but narratively it makes absolutely 0 sense.
>>447870>Keep seething because your delusional believe in hoyoverse design team left you dryThe last time I opened the game was to pull for Wriothesley in October 2023 kek, my hope for any good male designs has died a long time ago. I'm just mourning what could have been if HYV wasn't a piece of shit gooner company.
No. 448254
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>>444946We essentially sacrificed a retarded coomer for another retarded coomer. Can't there be any decent CEO that doesn't think with his microdick?
No. 448278
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>>448254I wonder how the normal Hoyoverse employees feel about all of this. It's clearly not Da Wei or Cai who came up with the early-game lore, respectable designs and fun character personalities since they were too busy cooming to Hi3 and Eula/Shenhe/Raiden to give a fuck. I'm aware they're getting laid off rn but if I were one of them I'd be sooo pissed seeing my hard work go to waste under a billion-dollar incel tug-of-war.
No. 448409
>>448386A few of the male characters are, in my opinion. Dainsleif, of course, Zhongli, Childe (even though he keeps getting butchered further and further, starting with that worthless Inazuman event he was in with Xinyan), Albedo, Xiao, and Kaeya, even female characters like Ningguang, Cloud Retainer, Chiori (I always love bitchy female characters), and I always found Rosaria intriguing. There's a few characters before they were retconned like Baizhu, Cyno, and Arlecchino that had good intrigue. Ayato as well had some intriguing characterization that was wasted (him being one of the first human characters to acknowledge he knows the twins aren't from Teyvat was interesting), but I suppose I'm being very generous.
No. 448419
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Mavuika is such a failure of an archon
No. 448540
>>448402You just said he didn't go through an obvious change, I wanted to know if you thought there was a small one.
>>448420>fic authorsThere you go kek if you already like a design or concept you'll be able to just imagine a better version while hoyo can sit on their asses as they reduce him to guy that likes to fight people.
No. 448807
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They linger on this bitch’s armpit for a full second in this new ZZZ ultimate shot, there’s no way retards can look at Mizuki’s ass flash and picrel side by side and think HYV has anything but vile intentions
No. 449120
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Saw this comment on Reddit and it made me realize how every gacha game is like this now.
No. 449367
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>>449192>>449199It's a Kinich check. If you have Kinich, you'll wipe the floor with the second half (the much harder half). If not, you're in for a bad time. The team I used was Zhongli (so I can brain off spin2win), Kinich, Xiangling, Bennett.
No. 449532
>>449432>When my Welkin runs out, I'm not going to renew it. I'm not even a husbandofag, but Hoyo's blatant disrespect for female player combined with their lazy, whorish character design in Natlan made me not want to give them another cent.Same here. The only characters I've wanted to roll in recent lines have all been reruns (Lyney and Zhongli cons) and were the only reason for me to welkin.
Another reason I don't wanna give them money anymore is their continous attempts to neuter all male characters for their incel audiences (just think about Kinich's 10 minutes in the AQ, Capitano and Xbalanque not being playable yet perpetually fellating Mavuika whenever she's on screen, Ororon calling himself our grandson to fuel incel Citlali delusions and Wanderer's fujobaiting with Sethos to name a few). I'm digusted, I don't want to spend a single dime on this game anymore.
No. 449571
>>449532If even lorefags are done with Natlan, Hoyo really fumbled the ball. Interestingly enough, he points out the intense waifu glazing by pitting 3 male characters against Da Wei's waifu expy
>Capitano who dies in 23 lines of dialogue just for Mavuika to avoid accountability>Xbalanque who was only used to shill Mav>Kinich who won the tournament but still got his only moment stolen by MavKek this game
No. 449579
>>449570Again, I did Zhongli, Kinich, Bennett, and Xiangling. I don't know what characters you have but you really want a pyro unit to deal with the cryo bitch and to damage the shields on the other two faster (burning deals extra damage to them since every tick of burning counts towards breaking the shield). I like a shielder because that dumb plant at the end really hurts if he combos you but you could probably substitute more damage if you're a greasy gamer who's good at dodging.
Side 1 I cleared with both a Wriothesley comp and an Arlecchino comp with Layla as the shielder to freeze the Suanni. Wriothesley was kind of slow because I put Bennett and Xiangling on side 2 but it was doable. Arle was a lot faster because she doesn't care about teammates.
No. 449772

>>449199I had to actually dust my Childe of for this one, also the stupid nightsoul shield thing gets very easily destroyed by dendro reactions like spread especially if you use Fischl and Alhaitham. My team was vid related and i got 35 star first try. I missed one star for the the second floor first chamber and instead swapped childe with Wrio, because the boss is very easy to kill with cryo reactions. So i mangaged getting all stars that way. They are trying to bait you into pulling Natlan characters but do not lose hope. Also i cant believe that Childe can still cary in the abyss since 1.1 kek, i feel sorry that i have been lately replacing him with Neuvi. Childe is still the OG.
>>449735Problem is that you need pyro on the first chambers.
>>449367Maybe i will try to get him on my rerun because i dont think we will get any other 5 star male natlan characters. But its just that my dislike of natlan characters is so strong, i think his design is okay, but i really dislike the 2d pixel art attack animation. I did enjoy his gameplay in the trial, do you need to use XL and Bennett with him or are there other options? Asking because so many other characters also need those.
No. 449790
>>449772I use thoma and xingqiu with him, but bennet needs to be there too
I have tried pyro traveler but if they’re holding scroll, they might be a decent XL alternative
No. 449802
>>449793I also just log in for enjoyable events like Lantern Rite, which I always have a lovely time with. Idk who has time to play through all the content in the entire game all the time anyway. If the next nation is good, I’ll play more again when I can.
Doing entire patches with all the quests and exploration is unrealistic for me so I usually prefer events anyway. The Inazuma spring festival that had Kazuha backstory content was one I really adored.
No. 449840
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I don't have interest in this videogame but…
Poor Venti.. him has becomed in the "fetish toy" for the degenerated and coomer moids.
No. 449870
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>>449862Just imagine if actually Venti were a bishie.
No. 449886
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>>449850>>449862Especially his outfit in the manga. It's disgusting.
No. 449901
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>The Lan Yan collab with Xiao shut down after CN yumes stormed it
Based. When will S*thos get the same treatment?
No. 449985
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>>449901Fuck out of here with your Sethos slander, I hope Wanderer dies in the main story because his fans are so loud and annoying x
No. 450016
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What did Sethos do besides exist? I swear the husbando drought is rotting anons' brains.
No. 450020
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>>450016His appearance in Cyno's second story quest retconned Cyno's deal with Hermanubis.
No. 450021
>>450016Mihoyo is apparently forcing Sethos and Scara to interact all the time and making Sethos obsessed with Scara to please the incels, who hate how close Scara is with their lolishit Nahida. I also heard he's a semi Haikaveh shipper in the story.
I personally don't care about Sethos but I think he's very pretty, so his existence is whatever to me.
No. 450104
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>>450016Hello, Sethos-anon here! I started maining him on release and fell in love with when I heard his voicelines for the first time. He has a naturally raspy and flirty voice which I found extremely charming. His design is sleek and nice to look at from behind, with a sexy low back window and a nice shoulder-to-waist ratio, especially with the scarf. He has the black sleeves and underarm gap which moids found sexy on Raiden (and which I finally understand the appeal of now). His hair looks soft and bounces cutely when he walks. I love bows and had always been waiting for a charged-aim dps like him to come along, and the fact he’s hybrid makes him even more versatile and fun to play. I also like the challenge posed by his fast-paced style, since it requires good timing, efficient particle management and a modicum of aiming skill. As for his personality, he echoes the dissonant charm of Childe being a cute and sociable boyfriend-type while also being a freakish outcast with his own weird and kind of fucked-up perspective on life. I don’t care much for his dynamics with the rest of the cast (and especially Scaramouche). I think he is an absolute delight in his own right and I wish Hoyoverse hadn’t done him dirty by using him as fodder in their incel wars. I don’t expect anyone else to like him as much as I do (or even like him at all) but I am just tired of hearing nothing but Scara fans bitching and whining about Sethos’ existence 24/7. That’s the short version!
No. 450132
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>>450104Sorry anon, my question wasn't meaning to denigrate Sethos. I agree with you, actually. I meant the opposite, that I don't understand where the hate suddenly came from. It seemed like bait.
>>450020Dumb but not the character's fault imo.
>>450021Wait, wasn't the last time Scara had a major role in the last summer event? Not gonna lie I get annoyed when Tighnari and Cyno are stapled together nearly 24/7 but that doesn't make me hate Tighnari. Men are terminally retarded.
>>450028This is a tough one. Probably Sumeru in terms of how many in the region I like (and for Cyno), though Inazuma and Fontaine are really close behind. Mondstadt ain't bad but I don't understand the Diluc love.
No. 450137
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Apparently, Cai Haoyu's LinkedIn states he's been producer of Genshin only until 2020. Who the fuck has been managing this game this whole time then?
No. 450165
>>450016People's hatred of Sethos is insane. He hasn't done anything wrong and he's also not obsessed with Scara as some other nonna here claimed. He's just extremely social, outgoing and curious, so he's tried to befriend Scara. But he's also been hanging out with Cyno outside the latter's second SQ, and has even had a scene with Nilou during Nahida's birthday event. It's clear that Hoyo has been trying to integrate him with the rest of the Sumeru crowd, but some insane Scara simps apparently take it to mean he's stealing their husbando. We make fun of delusional waifu moids here and then some nonnas here behave exactly the same. It's sad.
Sethos is far from my favourite character and as a Cyno simp I really don't like his lore being retconned, but that's solely Hoyo's fault. Scara mains really need to take a chill pill, their seething is ridiculous.
No. 450253
>>450243>KavehGood taste
nonnie, I like him too
No. 450349
>>450137while looking up hoyoverse lay offs, I found this
>Recently, miHoYo founder Cai Haoyu’s AI company, Anuttacon, which was founded in 2023, has launched large-scale global recruitment efforts. The recruitment spans several cutting-edge technical fields, including:
>Large-scale language models and generative models
>Personalized video generation technology
>Video data processing and generation systems
>Multimodal technology
>Reinforcement learning and feedback systems
>Intelligent agents and virtual characters
>Data processing and evaluation
>Distributed systems and GPU optimizationI am starting to think recent genshin lore is written by AI…
No. 450488
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>>450349>>450137This explains why some shit makes no sense lore-wise, I can imagine the angry moids typing
>make a genshin impact story with NO BOYS and all of the girls love the MALE traveler. No. 450530
They wanted to make Natlan about the power of unity and friendship or whatever, but like what friendship…? Kinich, Mualani and Kachina hang out with each other I guess… oh wait, Kachina isn’t even one of the six heroes, Xilonen is. So okay, Kinich and Mualani maybe have the power of friendship or whatever though I don’t see them caring about each other that much. Xilonen and Chasca are “cool girls” mostly keeping to themselves, Ororon’s whole deal is that he’s a weirdo and his only friend seems to be Ifa or at least Ifa tolerates him. Iansan isn’t even some loner type, but she’s just… there. Mavuika is a perfect Mary Sue goddess, they were going with the true leader among her people not above them archetype, but in the last part of the AQ everyone is afraid to invite her to a fucking party. I know that relationships between characters in gachaslop shouldn’t be too deep, especially with waifushit direction, but it’s not like anybody made Hoyo make a story about this or Natlan as a whole, they announced the region years ago, but weren’t ready to commit neither with the culture predetermined for region even before the game itself nor with the theme of the AQ that was determined later, what a bunch of clowns.
No. 450684
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>>450488By ChatGPT. Accurate enough.
>>450530The cast feels blander than other regions. They really recycled and whitewashed their own archetypes and called it a day. If even lorefags want to gtfo, they've shot themselves in the foot big time.
No. 450896
>>450892Good riddance. This game is not worth your time, at all.
>I still feel empty.Get your mind occupied, play/watch literally anything else that might catch your interest.
No. 451079
>>451068Worst was the fucking dance they made you do. That whole sequence at the end of Act V was just bafflingly stupid. Only pathetic incels could have their egos brushed like that kek.
>>451065Same, nonna. I still have about three weeks of Welkin left, but I'm just so done. But then I think about the upcoming characters, starting with the buttplug tail slut and feel vindicated in my decision to quit cold turkey, five bucks wasted or not.
No. 451197
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>>451124There were plenty of men who were into Lyney, at least, but the other two just didn't have the same appeal. Aether was also turned into a femboy by a lot of them as well, and was sexualized by moids. Freminet probably had a few males that liked him, but he clearly never got to the same popularity as Venti, and Scaramouche used to be popular with moids when they shipped him with Raiden. See retarded picrel.
No. 451322
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I was holding out for Clorinde (since I’m a historyfag and she’s the closest we ever got to the cavalier/napoleonic/revolutionary outfit I was hoping for) but uhhh… picrel. Well, nothing to look forward to now but coombait and I’m not sticking around for a rerun. It was nice while it lasted. I’m also out.
No. 451352
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I’ll say it, I like her aesthetic, but I won’t be pulling for her because of the gooner aspects of her character design and I don’t care to have another anemo character. Plus, I am not contributing to any waifubait’s banner numbers. Saving my primos for Wrio since I wasn’t able to get him the first time around.
No. 451355
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>>451322>holding out for ChlorineThat C1 Qiqi is deserved
No. 451501
File: 1737554232822.jpg (430.96 KB, 1920x1080, 1737553879730131.jpg)

>b-but this bitch isn't fanservice!
As if it wasn't any more obvious by her burst, but here's outright confirmation. Prepare for unskippable onsen fanservice scene with all the Inazuma girls while Ayato and Thoma lie dead in a ditch
No. 451560
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Look how they massacred my girl…
No. 451672
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>>451624>>451560Kirara has always been a retarded character, she looks like a fucking neko school girl with a cameltoe cut-out in her skirt in her original skin.
No. 451685
>>451672I don’t care I think she’s cute and I love the puss in boots outfit, I just hate that they took their degeneracy
that far with such a gross birthday art. It’s like they’re deliberately trying to make me hate my favourite female characters ugh
No. 451815
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>>451563don't get me wrong, they're definitely out of ideas, but doesn't seem to be direct tracing
No. 451890
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>>451501>>451819I'm still butthurt they only put Aether in version arts. Lumine is so pretty, they should at the very least have both
No. 451993
>>451980Yeah, it's definitely felt. Fontaine still had some good ones so I wonder maybe some of them were his works. But Natlan is as bland as it can be. No memorable soundtracks, no memorable characters, no memorable story.
Such a shame when out of all regions, Natlan had the most potential - considering this is the final nation we explore before we enter the "epilogue" arc with Snezhnaya, Khaenri'ah and Celestia.
No. 452316
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>>451501Called it. Holy fucking shit
No. 452338
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>>452335>>452336They are seething alright.
No. 452347
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Hardcore fujotrannies are disgusted yet will play to have their amount of LGBTQIASDKJMHAUH pandering that doesn't exist (CN incels don't give a shit about your snowflake sexuality). Honest question: is there anything left to salvage Hoyo? Can some incel kill DaWei? Can Hoyoshit perform so badly they get bought by Tencent?
No. 452393
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Is someone going to Louigi Mangione Da Wei or am I going to have to book a flight and get it done myself
No. 452400
>>452316holy fuck. i didn't believe it at first until i saw this was in the actual fucking livestream. they have no dignity.
nonnie. only thing keeping me in HSR are upcoming husbandos.
No. 452409
>>452338KEK now I am unironically glad they put Aether in this scene. Shoehorning the male protag is the only way these tards will realize that hyv isn’t the based feminist company they think it is.
>>452393I hope this
triggers some Chinese yurifag enough to stab him, otherwise you will have to do it for us nona.
No. 452414
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Kek even moids are waking tf up
No. 452418
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>Childhood friends
Isn’t Yae Miko hundreds of years old??
No. 452421
File: 1737734359318.jpeg (311.39 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_8581.jpeg)

>New official art
Her palette sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the old Inazuma characters, it’s so obvious she was designed by Da Wei’s incoming team of Honkai incels who have no clue how to make a non-goonbait character
No. 452425
>>452418>>452420They pulled that Mualani connection out of their ass too. Mysterious bath house owner slash psychiatrist who happened to leave Inazuma before borders were closed and travel to Natlan, then conveniently had time to leave Natlan before traveler arrives there. Even Chiori didn't feel
this out of place in Fontaine.
No. 452428
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>>452405They coped hardcore over that Asta Yao trailer in ZZZ because she went on a date with the male protag, saying ZZZ is straightbaiting because obviously the real ship was with her coomlatex bodyguard slut.
No. 452429
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>>452423AYRT I was worried about getting laughed at by nonas but I really do feel the same way. I’ve played as Yae for hundreds of hours, fallen in love with her snarky personality and playstyle and for what? I get that she’s always been sexy but there’s a difference between knowing that she has her fans “over there” versus being forced into the POV of creepy incel voyeur every time I see her in quests from now on. So yes I am currently pretty devastated. RIP my girl, I’m going to miss the old you…
No. 452432
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>>452400>only thing keeping me in HSR are upcoming husbandos.True. I can already tell that the future patches will be a disaster, but I will take the crumbs for now.
No. 452434
File: 1737735835598.jpeg (784.21 KB, 1170x930, IMG_8583.jpeg)

>>452417Real moids AKA incels (if I understand you correctly) are a minority, nona, there’s a reason Genshin’s revenue has dropped by 60%. That’s not just women who are leaving.
No. 452438
>>452434Yeah, a lot of normies enjoyed genshin, it felt like a general audience game who also had crumbs for fujos, yurifags, yumes, coomers, shippers, haremlosers, shotafags, lolifags on top of that. Basically it was like an all you can eat buffet for everyone, including degens but nothing too much on the nose as to not alienate the casuals. It even had manhating characters like Chiori. Now it's slowly getting into incel only territory, and normie moids who only watch shounen and the female audience are obviously weirded out.
No. 452439
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Fuck it, I was going to go for Furina because I like her design but seeing as they’re trying to tank Wriothesely’s numbers on purpose I’ve now decided to go for him instead
No. 452449
>>452442You are not wrong. Yunli/Yanqing are very much in your face. They are children though, so I don’t care. Kafka/Blade, Himeko/Welt, and Fexiao/Jiaoqiu also have some shippy elements. I have also read some stuff about Sushang/Luocha but they didn't have enough screentime for me to bother. There’s also this thing with some male characters having a oneitis for a dead/off-screen female character, like Argenti for Idrila and Blade for Baiheng. I wonder how they will handle Phainon and Cyrene, but I can see them giving him some vague one-sided feelings for her.
>The yume and fujobait just doesn't feel right to me? It's too lowkey?Yumebait is nearly nonexistent imo. As for fujobait, Renheng was a thing until Baiheng happened. Ratio/Aventurine also have a good amount of bait. For Amphoreus, I am seeing many fujos sincerely believe that Mydei/Phainon are the Haikaveh of the region, though they are more than likely to get rug-pulled hard since Phainon is the Kevin expy kek.
No. 452486
File: 1737742084771.png (953.07 KB, 2562x3119, Ghpkdp5aEAAnBS8.png)

Almost time to C6 my Wriothesley, I have no faith he'll rerun again for another year and gotta spend the primos I was saving for Capitano somewhere
No. 452490
>>452396every single day i think about the old writing team and the original plot we've been screwed out of ever since sumeru…what i wouldn't give to have a proper conversation with former staff. or for leaks of the old script to come out already.
>>452423>>452429you both have my sympathies. i've said it before itt but while i know there's a lot of talk about the lack of male characters (understandably so), i do think female characters getting screwed over like this just to further alienate female fans is also worth being upset about. you also have my sympathies in advance for the so-called "yae fans" on twitter who will mindlessly drool at the mouth over this shit and not give a single fuck about how they're trying to turn their "fav" into coomfodder for moids. you're the sane ones here, not them.
No. 452507
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The absolute state.
Anyway, I'm playing Lantern Rite on autoplay while doing something else instead.
No. 452527
File: 1737745695532.gif (557.28 KB, 200x180, IMG_8147.gif)

>>452521The way they kept screeching “WHERE IS HU TAO??? WHERE IS HU TAO???” as if she were dying and not just away on a business meeting within a 5 minute walk distance. Incel waifu projection at its finest. And the way Aether spoke to Ganyu and Keqing was painfully awkward, like a fedora-tipping basement dweller who thinks he’s charming the ladies by telling them to stop working so hard and take care of themselves. I’ve met men who talk to women like that in real life and think they’re such a gentleman but 99% of the time they’re creeps. God I hate this game.
No. 452543
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>>452528It’s genuinely so weird, TIMs and handmaidens will go on and on about how you’re the misogynist for criticising Genshin’s poor handling of its female characters but it’s HYV’s fault for doing them such a disservice. They barely felt like real people in this event, it’s as if I were interacting with them through the eyes of an incel who has never spoken to a real woman and desperately tried to imagine what it would be like to have a female friendship group of his high school crushes (except the incel in question is 35 and just barely in employment). Of course it would come off incredibly stilted and unnatural because it’s such a self-centred perspective to take in the first place.
No. 452701
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I went to check out Emilie’s design in detail during the event trial since I generally like her appearance and considered pulling but— what the actual fuck is going on with her boobs? What is she even wearing? Not even a bra? It’s like if you took the fabric of tights and pulled it over your tits instead. I’m literally gobsmacked, I don’t know what to say. It’s a shame she caught the very first headwinds of the Incelpact de-evolution, I’d still love her if it wasn’t for… this.
No. 452709
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New Zenless character, what do we think
No. 452710
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>>452709Samefagging, I wouldn’t touch this game with a ten foot pole but dear lord if only we had a pretty mouth shape like this in genshin…
No. 452712
File: 1737761683077.jpg (414.06 KB, 2048x1115, GPKFlXIa4AEaXY9.jpg)

>>452706Coomer scrotes have no taste. Some of her concept art actually looks way better than her in game (I'm a fan of the perfume dogs and the green doggy girl with ears and tail since they both kept the motif) but nope, everything got gutted in favor of twin peaks tits.
No. 452714
>>452709I love the mouth shape but his design screams "Incel-safe man that won't steal your waifu pls don't boycott our game"
Same vibes as Lighter actually
No. 452716
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>>452404>he’s a 6’4” with an insane physiqueThose midget status, shrimp dick Chink incels should feel threatened by him more than any of the rest of the husbando characters, though.
No. 452738
File: 1737765659053.png (4.85 MB, 2500x2500, IMG_8619.png)

We will never be free of the patriarchy.
No. 452777
>>452429AYRT. I’m sorry, it really is unfair. And I’m sorry that you were worried about being laughed at, you don’t deserve that. It may be easy for some to look at the objectification and go, “well, what did you expect?” But why should we be blamed for wanting better from games, or for caring about a character? There are many things to enjoy about Yae, and to see the line between canon and gross moidy fanart get blurred is really sad and frustrating. I like her sassy personality too and how she even made some moid players mad about certain things. I’ve specifically seen men get mad about how she “uses” the traveler to do things for her, made the traveler pay for all her food in her story quest, or how she is “uncaring.” It makes me wonder if the sexualization of her with this bathing pic was a deliberate move to soothe those offended male players. I don’t know. I hope you can still enjoy your Yae and ignore any aspects of canon you don’t like. Create your own canon, it’ll easily be better than what the devs are doing.
>>452490Thanks nonna. I understand that a lot of the users here don’t like the female characters, but I appreciate your ability to empathize. Like I said, we all deserve better. All of us on here may have different things we want to see from this game, but at least we are all able to join hands and be disgusted by when women get portrayed like this. It’s pretty much the only place I can think of where we can talk like this online. Anywhere else we’d be seen as insane for being upset.
No. 452856
>>452316>>452434This degradation genuinely saddens me, and I wasn't even too crazy over this game. Dear all anons who were genuinely invested in this, please hang on for at least 2 decades so I have time to attempt learning game development while running on 2 dollars and a dream, i will make it for you
>>452709I'll be honest, outfit and hair are uggo.
No. 452858
>>452709He looks stylish but they're never baiting me with this ever again. Their strategy is very clear: drop a husbando once in awhile, fully dressed because god forbid men show skin, ensure the kit is not overly overpowered so their waifubaits remain top tier meta "must pulls".
I've noticed they have three types for male characters:
1) Obvious self-insert, acts like
the main character in the story. Very important, very strong, cannot have any faults. Welt, Kevin.
2) Bro-type. Usually the archetype men find cool, see: Itto, Anton, Lighter. Gets to appear most often.
3) Actually well-written/designed male characters that could fall under female gaze. Gets shelved pretty quickly.
No. 452870
File: 1737795841773.png (316.89 KB, 880x880, paimon-s-paintings-set-6-6.png)

This is such an irrelevant gripe but why do they feel the need to clog up character interaction dialogue by making everyone greet everyone else by name like 5 times in a row? It always goes like:
> Paimon: Oh, hi! It's Mauvika, Citlali, Xilonen, Kequing, Ganyu, Nahida, Mona! Everyone is here!
> Mauvika: Hello Traveller, hello Paimon. Hello Ganyu, hello Nahida. And Mona, good to see you.
> Kequing: Greetings Mauvika, greetings Citlali, greetings Xilonen. I hope you are all well.
> Nahida: It is good to meet you all. Mauvika, Cit-
And so on and so forth, and repeat the entire thing fucking again when they part ways.
No. 452932
File: 1737805722028.jpeg (416.42 KB, 1776x1106, IMG_8636.jpeg)

>>452924Samefagging but the amount of traveller glazing was nearly vomit-inducing. How the hell did it feel as though the festival celebrating him took up more time than they spent in the Night Kingdom? The only saving grace was that I managed to speedrun the whole quest in just over 2.5 hours, I was dreading it taking 5 hours like some people were saying.
No. 452946
>>452932>>452924I don't know how you have the strength to not auto or even skip the AQ kek
I still haven't done mine because I just know it's gonna be a giant slog, even with the primos. Same with exploring Natlan and the new Lantern rite.
No. 452978
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Anons who play HSR, is it any better than the current Genshin? I keep seeing bootleg Gil on my tl, and it’s seriously making me consider installing it.
No. 452991
>>452978I don't play HSR anymore, but the biggest issue it has regarding its male characters is that they are all the same element. Therefore they can't really be used in a team, so you'd be forced to pull for coomer waifus, especially because like
>>452984 said, the powercreep is terrible
No. 453024
>>452978I would say story quality is better, they did specifically move all talented people here.
Gameplay-wise waifus are meta as always, with most male characters being best supports. If you don't mind seeing Da Wei's self insert Welt that much, it is better alternative to Genshin. In terms of dailies, this game is significant improvement, you finish dailies just by playing/spending resin. All gameplay outside of tutorials can be autoplayed, so you can AFK whenever you want.
do very blatantly troll female audience by making 90% of husbandos Imaginary element.
And again, this is Da Wei's baby. He can spazz out again and declare another "going back to roots". As Hoyoverse game, it will always have typical Hoyoverse issues.
No. 453030
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>>452738You can add this to your collage, nonna.
No. 453110
>>452777second ayrt, and very eloquently put
i know this doesn't mean much on an anonymous imageboard, but you also seem very kind and i appreciate that. i will confess that i'm not entirely without a horse in this race as the (female) character most close to my heart got screwed over by this piece of shit game both writing-wise and coom-wise. however, for what it's worth, it does mean that you're not alone. fully agree with making your own canon too; the devs have shown time and time again that they just don't care about upholding what was established, so you might as well just do what you want at this point. in this wasteland of retardation, i fully encourage women channeling their most stubborn inner autistic roach and refuse to cede any ground when it comes to characters they love. god knows moids do that all the time in the worst possible ways.
>>452741KEK depressingly true
>>453042i noticed this too. i don't know what psyop took place in the span of a few short years, but it's been terrifyingly effective. we're going backwards.
No. 453206
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>>453136>>453042These people are unironically retarded.
No. 453404
File: 1737875038694.webp (41.03 KB, 625x684, 5-star-males-characters-releas…)

they really hate us, huh.
No. 453420
>>453294Sometimes I try to understand the mentality of these people and then I remember that my mother simply raised me right whereas these people are 99% dysfunctional pickmes raised with
abusive men in their lives who try to cope by fake-performatively 'demonising men' while simultaneously letting themselves get walked over by vile misogynists because it priviledges them to uphold the patriarchy and piss down on women who don't. They're mentally ill and you shouldn't go the mile to walk in their shoes when they would never do the same for you, nona.
No. 453439
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>>453294>>453420Someone found a
valid criticism and yet still conflate IRL women with coomshit. It seriously takes a certain level of mental illness to think the devs are actually genuine in their representation of women. It has to be cope.
No. 453465
>>452672>>452689hoyoverse is singapore based.
i think they ran there so they can safely make coomer-bait
No. 453515
>>453447To be fair most of their waifus are hypercompetent at something from the start. Even a "
femcel" like citlali.
No. 453529
>>452316I actually howled out in laughter the moment I saw this because I immediately remembered your previous post predicting it
nonnie kekkkk
No. 453539
>>453030Anyone else feel that Twitter feminists and moids on /v/ have the exact same talking points? Both of them are constantly reeing about how we’re trying to force 2D women into burkas. It’s just that while /v/ moids simply say stuff like we are jealous of feminine and sexy women, twitterfags will add some woke points like, "oh so you think women who don’t cover up are sluts?!11" I also find this entire discourse incredibly retarded. Like, where are these covered-up women they are so scared of? Even the most respectable designs in Genshin, like Furina or Hu Tao’s og outfit, show more skin than 95% of the male characters. Forget Genshin, you can pick up literally any piece of media, and chances are the male characters will be covered in 10 layers of clothes while the female characters are eye candy. Why are they even defending something that’s already the norm?
>>453206>she's from my shitholeI won't even bother with these retards. Libfems here are unironically more obnoxious and snobby than their western counterparts.
>>453404>remembrance is genderlocked>quantum is genderlocked>first male harmony character(outside of male tb) was released after almost 2 yearsThey can't be more blatant. But of course, we need to think about the fictional woman's fee fees before complaining.
No. 453543
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Meanwhile, Redditors are finally making sense.
Someone made a fan art of Lumine in the onsen with Itto, Ayato, and Heizou.
No. 453563
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>>453206>>453543Gotta love how apparently the Lumine version is so much more
problematic for reasons, kek. Suddenly mixed bathing is no longer okay in Japan…
No. 453564
File: 1737907643434.jpeg (860.97 KB, 1170x1487, IMG_8669.jpeg)

Kek first genshin character with down syndrome
No. 453572
>>453563I hate shitter because of this kek. So now it's duh cooltooral thing to not be in a mixed bath because it's a cute girl surrounded by hot guys. But it's 100% emoji okay if it's animu girls with a skinny boy.
Like, they're not randos, they're our bestest friends at this point in the game and Lumine isn't even from inazuma so they can't go
>muh culture To alledge that she would feel uncomfortable in a bath with hot men for "cultural reasons".
No. 453576
>>453563Ehhh, they have a point. Something like this
is uncomfortable for lots of women. Even them being 2D-like husbandos doesn't change it.
No. 453579
>>453576RL =/= fandom.
Apart from the fact that you could just see it as Lumine enjoying a hot bath with her friends (because we shouldn't be like moids and see everything in a sexual way), you forget that Lumine is much stronger than all of those guys combined. They'd just look funny at her and she'd end them, whereas in RL a woman would obviously be at a real disadvantage.
No. 453586
>>453563I absolutely hate Luminefags but the same bitches will keep defending waifubait characters
>>453030 but lord forbid an artist draws Lumine with male characters. It's scary how similar they are to incels. Also, isn't it incredibly rude to cry about someone's art in the qrts. Twitterfags are insufferable.
No. 453589
>>453576Nta but the implication is that they'd make
her feel good if it got sexual. Ofc the xitter "anti-reverse-harem-shippers" will interpret it as rapey because they thrive on drama. Bad faith interpretations and accusations are the easiest form of starting drama.
No. 453592
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>>453567It's the same picture
No. 453595
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>>453592Actual body horror
No. 453773
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does anyone know if there's still a copy of the dev log masterdoc leak that went around? I was reading about how strong they were going to shill Ayathoma at first and now I'm curious about other characters, is it worth hunting down?
No. 453806
>>453773search up sedumleaks and youll find it. a lot of parts are unfortunately more "up to date" with the game canon so there's no old script to peek at, but occasional description tidbits like your picrel or character profiles can provide some cool insights. especially worthwhile reading for any harbingerfags so you don't get gaslit by current or future shitty retcons from the nu-writing team. dainfags might also want to take a look as there's a profile on him.
that said, if anyone knows how to get the sheet in order, please let me know. mine is all jumbled up for some reason.
No. 453918
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>>453899>>453724This whole flipflopping between fujo/yume is disgusting. Recently they started flying out ads like picrel with the tall males, even though they are doing it with some of the fruitiest men Genshin has ever seen. At least have the decency to do it with the designated yume fodder instead of males like Kaveh that are one step away from making out with Al on screen.
No. 453919
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>>453917>it made me feel like he's one of the writers self-insert and i cannot look at him without cringingYou aren't far off. Phainon is the designated Kevin expy in HSR so he gets preferential treatment.
No. 453925
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>>453922This is exactly my takeaway from every other discourse in the hoyo fanbase. Women on twitter are absolutely okay with female characters running around in fetish wear with jiggle physics, but shirtless male characters is where they draw the line. It’s wild how hypersexualized female characters are considered totally normal by everyone outside of this general. When did it all go so wrong?
No. 454134
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The Genshin twitter account is on fire. Even the twittards are angry about Capitano, Natlan, and the lack of male characters.
No. 454483
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>>454134I don't think any amount of backlash will make Da Wei change his mind. Mavuika's drip marketing was filled with negative comments on Weibo, but even that didn’t do anything. They don’t listen to Chinese women, so I don’t think they will listen to us. But yes, it’s nice to see normalfags waking up.
No. 454589
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I would have moved to HSR from Genshin ages ago (idc if there’s a bad male to female ratio since I actually really like the women like Herta and Sparkle) except… the gameplay is so fucking boring, holy shit. I don’t know how you nonas deal with it, every time I log in it feels like a snorefest and it irritates my eyes watching the same animations over and over again at the same angles. At least older Genshin characters let you feel like you’re actually fighting by using physical weapons in the open world.
No. 454631
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>>454516NTA but I found the Mizuki drip marketing and all top comments are shitting on it kek.
No. 455410
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>>453918Neuvillette's perfectly yoomable, though.
No. 455431
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>>455423At a certain point you have to pause and wonder whether the overworked trope is just a hidden fetish kek. Maybe because men want to lower the bar required to “take care” of a woman? If a woman is constantly tired and stressed, then a moid doesn’t feel the need to go out of his way to look good or impress her, he can just put a hand on her shoulder and feel like “le gentleman who is always there for the ladies, unlike stupid chad and his roided cock!!!” Kek, it’s always the men irl who try to comfort you like this (as opposed to approaching you like a normal person and asking about your day) who have the most barely constrained sexual intentions towards women, and it’s so painfully obvious. Gross.
No. 455461
>>455431They like overworked women for two reasons:
1.They don't need to be the providers anymore, their women are hardworking and can do eveything by themselves
2.To become "their comfort person" aka to help them relax and unwind at the end of the day
No. 455474
>>455445>Watch Ganyu falling under the same treatment next year.Didn't that already happen with the event from two(?) years ago with her and Keqing? They were being the overworked stressed sleepy waifu and the entire event was about the protagonist helping them out.
>>455461Basically this, and to show that women aren't fulfilled by work and independence or competent enough to handle the workload but need a moid to take care of them.
No. 455545
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>>455308>>455423im sorry you both had to experience that. i know seeing a character you love butchered hurts a lot. it's depressing to say, but apparently the best blessing a genshit character can be given is just not appearing in stories/events at all.
>>455445its not going to be ganyu, keqing, or any female character you would "expect" it from, that would be too normal. it's going to be like hu tao, a female character people wouldn't expect this shit from forcefully boxed into fitting the mold.
No. 455855
File: 1738415017015.png (549.55 KB, 768x3099, Gacha revenue.png)

Monthly gacha revenue is out and surprise surprise, Genshin is first place. People really have no taste.
No. 455859
>>455856moids are already defending their archon of ass jiggle and AI level writing of Natlan lmao
at least ZZZ is down, people came back to pull for meta character and dipped again
i feel like whenever ZZZ is on this amount of revenue, it shows people's true interest in the game compared to other 2. people would rather play genshin or hsr.
No. 455877
>>455865Haven’t we all noticed that since the quarantine ended, all the normies pulled out of Genshin completely? They all left come Sumeru to go back to their normal lives and Genshin has been chasing that high since, with every other 3d gacha chasing right behind it. In a bid to recapture their previous power, they then fuck Natlan. But with every motorcycle prostitute-stripper they add, the less and less normies come to the game! Aka, the big bux. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard with C6 Hutao and a perfect Raiden simply say they stopped playing years ago and find the new coom stuff funny and disappointing.
They are bleeding normies and once the gooners move on, Genshin has nobody. They must now whore out each new ugly waifu for a fraction of what Albedo would get in 2 days. What they don’t understand is that making money doesn’t equal growth. Genshin and HSR will become so niche and unmarketable that Tectone won’t even use it to farm views kek! The real gacha killer was never TOF or WuWa, but men and the coronavirus vaccine.
No. 455913
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>>455855>>455859>NATLAN IS NOT FLOPPING TRUST ME>>455877Literally every streamer I've seen were calling 5.4 mid. The only ones willing to spend money are metafags and hoyoshills, because of the game's new system.
No. 455974
>>455935, I'm glad LADS shows that there's interest for more otomes but the hyper realistic designs are a big no for me.
>>455918>HSR doesn't even pander enough to them, there's more content for fujos in HSRPretty much this, HSR panders to scrotes the most and gives off scraps to female players. Out of those scraps the majority are fujobait kek. That and the thought of one of the characters being some writer's self insert (see
isn't exactly appalling.
No. 456062
File: 1738465427244.webp (141.78 KB, 640x1069, wrio.jpg)

He's definitely running next, right? These primos are burning a hole in my pocket and waiting for him to come back around is the only reason I'm still playing this godforsaken game.
No. 456064
>>456062good luck
nonnie. i wanted him too, but unfortunately the thought of having to go through onsen prostitute patch was too much for me..
No. 456153
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>>455918>Fujos are probably going to have to stick with hoyoslop I prefer Aventurine/Sunday, but I liked the measly amount of Raturine bait in Penacony. But as a paranoid fujo, I just cannot bring myself to ship the two dudes from the new region, even though many fujos on xitter and lofter are shipping them. I feel they are just throwing crumbs for now to get fujos to spend on Mydei's banner. Phainon being a Kevin expy just gives me a sense of doom. I worry that the writers will drop the fujobait later on to focus on his relationship with the Elysia expy. It is just sad that outside of the omnipandering bs Hoyo throws around, fujos will probably never get something like LADS.
No. 456163
>>456144Tbh pretty sure NuCarni went for what would be a generically popular "new gen" yaoi design.
Though from my pov its just an interesting way to see artsyles trends change in the genre. Offtopic though.
No. 456565
>>456160I never shipped renheng but that entire baiheng incident really left a sour taste in my mouth. Hoyo really loooves giving male characters dead waifus who are also flawless mary sues, like Elysia/Baiheng/Guizhong, but they never pull this shit with playable female characters.
>At least in genshin the fujoships are very well established and the writers continue to give them extra crumbs all the timeI have not played Genshin since Fontaine, but do any homoship besides Alhaitham/Kaveh still get pandering? I guess there is Sethos/Scara, though a lot of fujos seem to hate it for some reason kek.
No. 456570
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>>456197Yeah, that is pretty much confirmed. The last scene of the first patch implies that Phainon knew her from childhood and while picrel is from Hoyofair and not exactly official, it is still Hoyo-approved. I genuinely do not understand the mindset of Chinese incels. On one hand they get irrationally mad over nothingburgers like Nahida and Scara but for some reason they are completely fine with all the bait in hsr, lel.
No. 456572
>>456565Besides them, Tighnari and Cyno also always appear together, not sure how popular their ship is. Natlan.. just has one male character so far lmao so no ships there.
Neuvillette and Wriothesley get shipped a lot, but I don't think they had that many interactions in-game besides Archon quest? I'm not a fujo so I don't pay close attention.
>>456570I'm not familiar with HI3 lore but legit, I've never seen Elysia simps even mention Kevin. But I'm sure even if people complain, Hoyo won't change anything. And I'm still suspecting he's a self-insert for one of the writers.
No. 456577
>>456565>I guess there is Sethos/Scara, though a lot of fujos seem to hate it for some reason kek.I haven't seen other than Chinese fujos seethe about it because a lot of them are also yumes for Scara and the rest ship KazuScara and feel SethosScara is intervening with an established ship. Most western fujos like it fine from what I've seen.
>>456572>Neuvillette and Wriothesley get shipped a lot, but I don't think they had that many interactions in-game besides Archon quest? I'm not a fujo so I don't pay close attention.Not really, Wriothesley was sort of erased from the game altogether. He hasn't appeared in any events and barely appeared in the last act of the Archon quest. They had potential with Neuvillette being described as closely interested in Wriothesley's case and Wriothesley being so chummy with his bantering, but Mihoyo never went anywhere with them like they did with Diluc and Kaeya and Alhaitham and Kaveh. I think the same thing happened as it did with Childe and Zhongli, Mihoyo baited the ship for a hot minute but after Childe became the big yume heartbeat they acted like those two never met. Wriothesley likewise became extremely popular with yumes and now he only has solo appearances in merch and hoyofest PVs etc.
>And I'm still suspecting he's a self-insert for one of the writers.He is, for sure. Isn't Kevin canonly married to some coomerified expy of Raiden Mei?
No. 456583
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>>456577>Isn't Kevin canonly married to some coomerified expy of Raiden Mei?Kek yes, Dr. Mei was his canon gf until she died of aids or some shit. He also has a lot of bait with Elysia, which as
>>456572 mentioned, gets ignored by her simps who push the narrative that she is lesbian jesus.
No. 456603
>>456565>do any homoship besides Alhaitham/Kaveh still get pandering?Wriollette gets some crumbs from time to time. Chongqiu and Cynonari got fresh fanservice from this Lantern Rite as well.
>I guess there is Sethos/Scara, though a lot of fujos seem to hate it for some reason kek.It's because devs had Sethos come quite literally out of nowhere just to get attached to Wanderer's ankle, while at the same time they let Kazuscara, the biggest fujoship for both and arguably one of the biggest fujoships of Genshin, die a slow and agonizing death.
If they wanted to fujobait him they should've just gone through with Kazuscara instead of bothering Sethos
No. 456749
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>>456646>daytez mentionedif only mihoyo could bait a ship that has a dynamic as good as this one
No. 456840
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>>456632Sorry but I’ve never seen Kazuscara fan content in my life. This isn’t a vendettapost (I don’t ship either with anyone else) but I think you might be living in the “anemo shota” echo chamber of female fans to think it’s even in the top 5 most popular yaoi ships for Genshin.
No. 457179
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>hsr getting old character buffs
>meanwhile genshit accelerating powercreep and gating bosses behind region-locked mechanics
management really does hate this game…
No. 457226
>>457179Lmao. They'd burn Genshin in a second just to make their Honkai baby live longer.
I get why they love Honkai so much since it's their playground for their personal waifus, but I wonder why they give ZZZ similar special treatment when it's going up and down in revenue more than other two games.
No. 457303
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It’s been depressing seeing the genshin thread go from a hotbed of discussion and speculation and excitement about husbandos into the depressing slog it is now. That’s the biggest tell-tale sign this game is over for women imo.
No. 457536
>>457421This is the most creative teaser we have ever gotten, and it's wasted on this irrelevant maid/psychologist/hot spring prostitute. You can tell they are trying really hard to interest the female fans with this, I can only hope nobody is retarded enough to pull for her just because of pretty animations and pastel colors.
>>457422Her VA sounds like an AI kek
No. 457670
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Even the official Xitter account isn't hiding what 5.4 is about wth. I've stopped playing since Natlan dropped, there's no point playing it atp even for primos.
No. 457806
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>>457670I refused to do last part of this Lantern Rite because of what the scrote devs have done to Hu Tao. Seems like they want me to skip over 5.4 entirely kek, even if I'm saving
Also, what's up with pre-registrations? They've done them for the ZZZ reboot and for a few HSR patches too I think. Is it to check active player numbers or something?
No. 457811
>>457806Not specifically active player numbers but active social media followers I guess. Anyone who pre-registers will also get notifications/e-mails to remind them to play when the update goes up.
>>457792It was already over when they started giving out primos for finishing quests during patches kek. No one gives a fuck about this game and specifically its story anymore. I predict the addition of a skip button within the next year (or they'll add even more coombait during quests to keep their braindead players interested)
No. 457868
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Why is Zhongli kissing Yae Miko in a Coldplay video?
No. 457877
>>456939One of the most popular ships among CN and JP fujos. The second most popular Scara ship is Aether/Scara.
Sethos is very dissliked by both fujos and yumes. There is a reason why sethos/scara is a pure western ship right now.
No. 457882
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>>457873I think you mean the quick start thing? It's just supposed to let you play current events without doing one million boring ass quests beforehand, it doesn't actually skip them in any way that matters
No. 457886
>>457881Before the infight starts, I’d like to say that “people still play this?” Is a stance we all should have taken ages ago. We should have let this fad die down so they’d never have the heart to be as greedy as they are now. Genshin impact should’ve been a shitty 2020 anime fad, that was dropped like trash by 2022 like Kakeguri or Saiki K.
But now that Da Wei knows genshincucks will accept anything and interest hasn’t reasonably dwindled, he will bring gooning back to Hoyoverse. But I have no clue how you got the idea any of us want to be Asian. That would be the art thread
No. 457891
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>>457886Sunk cost fallacy, nona. That’s all it is.
No. 458015
>>457940I can't understand their plan for the harbingers. I heard the rumors they hate the old team and the old plans for them, so why release lazzo? If they don't all need to be evil, that could be okay, but then Dottore being comedically evil so that characters like Arlecchino and Scaramouche can look better makes me worry for the Tsaritsa because of what they'll pull to whitewash her. I know no matter what people will slurp it up. Everyone said they wanted Arlecchino to be evil and now they lap up the retcons and her playing house with kids. If they hate these harbingers so much, then why even tease them and get people's hopes up?
I have no faith for Childe as a character. I know some die-hard fans are coping hard about Snezhnaya, but Fontaine was a realization of how they treat certain male characters going forward. No lines for most of the aq and thrown into the void like a joke. Waiting for Snezhnaya is a trick to keep women from leaving, Not to mention they push it back so we can have a filler region. When the game is going downhill this much it's a waste of time to hope that a character's lore will be explored if they can change the story this much purely out of spite. They hate the old harbingers so Scaramouche had to become a uni student, Signora had to die to shill Ei, and Dottore isn't playable. They're stuck with Childe and they hate him, so they reduce him into a joke while dangling a carrot for female players to just keep following until Snezhnaya. At this rate if they're going to make him pander for the moids who like him as their rapeape towards his sister, I'd rather he just be irrelevant. The harbingers are the biggest waste of a faction in this game.
No. 458023
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I need to know, what has been going on with the other male characters? I haven't played since sumeru, so I want to know what's going on with Diluc, Kaeya and Albedo the most because I really like them, but with all of the bullshit that's happening I just want to know what they have done to them so far, just so I know what to cut from the Canon and what I can use for my personal fanfiction stories.
Like the last thing I remember from Diluc is him requesting potions to make people be able to drink more alcohol so he could sell more which is honestly devilish of him.
Like what happened with Dragonspine and the fake Albedo?
What is Kaeya going to do about himself being a Khaenri'ah? What else do we know about that?
And also, what's with Bennet and Razor? Are they actually interesting like the fan speculations liked to make? Or are they doomed to be forever background characters?
I have so many questions at this point.
No. 458028
>>458015>why release lazzo?given what we know about the timeline, lazzo was almost certainly worked on by the old team who actually cared about the harbingers. as for why it released under the new team, i think it's a mix of transitional period fuckery (july 2022 is barely a month off from the old head screenwriter leaving), wanting to drum up hype for sumeru, and not wanting to waste work. fat xiao's spite towards the harbingers couldve also come partly from seeing how popular and beloved the old teams work became during lazzo, and throwing the equivalent of a five-year old child's tantrum by destroying everything that originally made these characters so anticipated and beloved. you'll notice every mistreatment harbingers get is almost tailor-made to spit on og fans who care about character integrity (though there are unfortunately very few of us, given that so many are eager to lap up whatever bullshit as you said). arlecchino "charismatic insane control freak chessmaster" having her character entirely 180'd and woobified as a hekkin mommy, capitano "the strongest™" being defeated and dying on-screen without ever taking a w, scara "omg the lore" having all his plot threads cut by irminsul…they are 100% going to whitewash the tsaritsa by turning her into some poor crybaby figurehead who didn't know anything while pierro was the one pulling the strings and doing all the unethical shit behind her back (and they'll kill him offscreen for that). there's no sugarcoating it, harbingerfags are in for a rough ride. that said, i really mourn what could have been.
No. 458038
>>458028What makes me feel gaslit is people see all this and call it peak and if you say there was retcons, you're the crazy one. I believe the real downfall was Scara erasing himself, there's no way that was planned. After that it was woobified good mommy Arlecchino and Childe being made into a complete joke.
Speaking of, Fontaine's writing was dogshit because of how they handled these two harbingers but no one will admit it. They praise Arlecchino doing nothing as her being too competent. They praise the way they did Childe because they really believe something good is coming in Snezhnaya. I see threads about Childe lore talking about mythology and symbolism and I can't believe they haven't wished up yet. They're being used the same way Capitanofags are. The current team doesn't care about lore or story. I used to think Childe had potential but now I laugh when I see people proclaim his complexity because he's been nothing but a joke where they know they can sprinkle some crumbs for some desperate yumes. After Xiao though, I don't like it when yumes are too crazy over a character so I completely give up on his writing, and that of all the harbingers. I dread the Tsaritsa too, it will be worse than Ei with her not doing anything too bad but people will gaslight you and say "you can't handle morally grey women!!!" at anyone disappointed with her becoming another traveler waifu.
No. 458041
>>456153>>456583This is why I'm not excited for this Kevin expy. He has a one sided ship with another guy but it goes nowhere because he has to be with Mei and Honkeks see this ship as sacred. I'm sure he'll have a very boring story with the Elysia expy since they want to tell the same story again because some moid in the company loves him.
>>456603I don't care much for Scara ships, but I disliked Sethos/Scara because it feels too pair the spares. People were even praising this because they didn't want Sethos to be shipped with Cyno and take away from Cynari. Sethos has such potential but I don't like this writing because he's used to either be Scara's dildo or a third wheel who hypes up Haikaveh.
No. 458051
>>458038ayrt kek are we the same person? i also cant stand how slurpers will hit you with the classic "you cant handle morally grey women!11!" while talking about the most bleached character around. fucking ayato is darker than nu-arlecchino, and it'll be no better for columbina, sandrone, or the tsaritsa, but the masses will still defend the inevitable whitewashing with all their might. i'm also not a huge fan of fontaine's writing, namely because of what they did to arlecchino but also because fat xiao's rewrites clearly took their toll on the plot even if no one wants to admit that either. half the AQ cast was left to rot, 4.1 in its entirety was pointless, there's astronomical amounts of plot holes everywhere (4.2 being the biggest offender), years of foreshadowing were cast aside, so many loose ends and so much missed potential…but god forbid anyone criticize fontaine because the one pitybait scene landed, i guess. i wish more people could (rightfully) criticize natlan without putting fontaine on a pedestal just because it did the bare minimum in terms of gender ratio and being a little more subtle with its incelbait. at the end of the day its still fat xiao's slop.
No. 458053
>>458052It's kind of what happens when you play a game and the writing goes to shit so quickly that you just stop playing, but there's still the wish to see something nice related to that game you played.
I honestly consider Genshin an unfinished game at this point, plus I wanted to see the opinions of the anons too, which is what people kind of do on basket weaving forums.
No. 458103
>>458053That's the point. All gacha games are unfinished games, designed to never be finished so they can syphon money till EOS. There will never be a proper "epilogue". Maybe we will get somewhat of an ending when we reach Celestia, but see what HI3 and FGO did. There's gonna be a chapter 2 with another "big bad" and we need to save the world again. It will just keep going and going. And at some point it will just end midway when no one cares about the game anymore.
Granted Hoyo keeps up with HI3 and ToT even if they don't make that much money, so it will take awhile. But it will be a slow painful death.
No. 458112
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>>458103True, but the Genshin devs come across as disproportionately terrified of endgame compared to other gachas. Both Honkai games are sold as space tales that can drag on for as long as other planets and dimensions can keep getting introduced. But Genshin? 99% players only give a shit about Teyvat and Celestia. No doubt they’ll try to open up Genshin 2 into the lore of Honkai, but like I said, who gives a fuck? No one wants to see Xiangling Trek. We want to see the archons beat the fuck out of the four Shining Shades, Paimon to reveal her identity, and Celestia to win or lose after a long battle. The devs know that’s where our interest ends, otherwise they wouldn’t be dragging away Snezhnaya for an entire year and trying to groom players with more ugly Hi3-esque characters like Skirk and Mauvika and Mizuki early on in order to get people interested in the next part of the story. Except it’s not working, not even with moids KEK
No. 458125
>>458023All right anon, here's what's been going on with these male characters:
>Kaeyatalked to Dain about nothing for 5 minutes 2 years ago
>Bennett nothing
So there you go.
No. 458165
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>>458051There is no character I hate more than Arlechinno. I hate her. She’s a woman who doesn’t show skin that goes by a male epithet and suddenly she’s the masc lesbian of the century. God forbid you point out the fact that lesbians, much less masclesbians cannot exist in a Gacha game and it is all just fetish pandering for men who want to pretend that their waifu, is their mother or dominatrix. The absolute retards she has in her fanbase will scream to the high heavens about how she’s some morally, gray ultra complex, cool and awesome and powerful God of fire with awesome tits who could totally solo Dottore and Capitano, when in reality she’s no less of a waifu than Ei or Nilou. She just fits a different fetish that just so happens to line up partially to the whims of delusional yurifags on twitter. The only ones more deranged are EiMiko fans and the YouTubers making videos about how including Kaveh as Alhaitham personal rape
victim is the peak of queer representation guys!
No. 458170
>>458015Don’t get me started on how Dottore was thrown under the bus for Scaramouche yumes and to exonerate all other harbingers. See? They hate the truly evil guy. They just work with him and they would kill him if they really had the chance! Even though they willingly work for an association, that employs such evil people and then they kill remorselessly alongside evil people which would 100% make them evil or at least extremely complacent. How many innocent people has Childe, Arlechinno, Scaramouche, Capitano, etc killed? Doesn’t matter! They aren’t as bad as Dottore who is the true ONLY evil villain of Genshin. He kills children and probably touched Collei! Just don’t point out how he doesn’t know Collei and the sheer amount of child soldiers Arlechinno groomed.
The worst part is how it worked, but with a fanbase as idiotic as Genshin, it was an easy feat. And now all the bad acts of the fatui can be safely pinned on Dottore and Pierro, so that Bronya- I mean the Tsaritsa, can be the tsundere loli waifu she was always meant to be. Same for Sandrone (autistic maid waifu) and Columbina (aloof innocent angel waifu) being safely playable. Then Bronya says she was using the gnosises as magical butt plugs in preparation for the travelers deep 7 element dicking. And maybe something about Celestia and maybe Kaeya shows up to be added to the male corpse pile.
No. 458232
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>>458165> Alhaitham’s personal rape victimI ship them but KEKKKK
No. 458394
>>458391Yeah, I get that they're sibilings but it's obvious they're trying really hard to shill Lynette kek
>Lyney's birthday art text is him asking us to prepare a gift for Lynette >Lynette's birthday art is us giving a gift to her They're trying to waifubait her so hard. Was it really so hard to let the traveller give gifts to Lyney, too, like how they did with Scara this year? (Some female employee probably died for that to happen) That and dumb scrotes couldn't even think of a different gift for Lynette, they just copypasted Lyney giving the Traveller rainbow roses kek
No. 458574
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>>458568It was $10 and I want the 5.4 primogems for the leaked 5.5 reruns. I could have spent it on a BP pass and wasted hours grinding for the next 42 days instead, but I won’t. Sorry you nonas are so poor that you have to clutch at your empty purses over shit like this. Paying off people to do mindless chores for you = quality of life. That’s just how life works.
No. 458601
>>458051>>458165I remember people hoping Arlecchino would be an evil woman only to roll over and slurp up the tragic backstory. I know most yuri fans don't actually like evil women and everyone wants her to be a fluffy girlfriend for Furina now. I know the same exact people who say "Columbina will be creepy and kill people! The Tsaritsa will be ruthless!" are full of shit. They'll roll over and slurp up their woobification too, and then call you the misogynist if you wanted women to be anything but squeaky clean in this game. People refuse to think that this million dollar company would ever retcon anything, they think still think that Da Wei cares about the sacred art of storytelling. You'll never get any of these lorefag accounts and Genshin feminists to admit the game can't write morally grey women and that it's a detriment to the story in cases where it would make sense and be better writing for a woman to not be morally clean. Watch them say Sandrone's evil actions are actually a man (Alain) and the good half of her, the female, is a
victim so she can be playable too.
>>458295What are you talking about? They still inserted yumebait with Xiao. If anything I think characters being reduced to full yumebait ruins them.
No. 458628
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>>458609It’s cute! Short emo boy and tall tease. I love them and I’m sad nobody else cares.
No. 458633
>>458629The gay ships aren't much better kek. Venti/Xiao was so fucking huge and they never even interacted, it was all based on imagination. Same with Kaeya/Childe and so on.
>>458626Like the other anon said, crackships aren't that uncommon and it's not like genshin gives you a lot of content to work with in the first place. It just really exposes who in your circles has dogshit taste.
No. 458678
>>458650You’re not alone nona, I fucking hate it too. They never had to pull out the sacrificial card in early Genshin because the old team could actually write characters that were likeable and therefore sympathetic anyway. Even characters that did have it (such as Lisa) had personalities first and future hidden tragedies in voicelines or barely hinted in quests (Albedo, Childe). It’s so pathetic to use emotional blackmail to try and strengthen someone’s like of a character.
> WAHH THEY COULD DIE ANY SECOND NOW SO YOU MUST FEEL BAD FOR THEMIt’s such an overused trope atp that they tried to pull it off with Mavuika and didn’t even bother going the full mile, kek. She offered to die like once before the Night Warden decided to take Capitano instead and Mauvika just conceded on the spot. Just like that! Kek, I was fucking speechless. The character writing is beyond saving at this point.
No. 458683
>>458557>>458626Me too, I'm so old the hatred for crackships baffles me because I'm used to them when a cast is so big. Harry Potter fans are still out there writing fics for characters who don't even show up in the books, and Genshin fans are too squeamish to even ship npcs or dead characters. Sure not all content is to people's taste, but I don't even consider Scaramona or Xiaoven crackships. Those characters actually did meet, it's just Genshin fandom shifted the definition of what a crackships is because character interactions need to be on screen or constant in order to not be crack. Which means most ships will be that unless they're the ones the company chooses to market. I think that can be boring, the company pushed ships have been getting lazy and the way characters can't even interact due to this mindset
>>458557 is why I think Genshin character interactions can be lacking, and everything, from the ships they sell to the yumebait, feels so bland. I would rather people take the fandom less seriously than argue about sexuality or chimp out because their husbando talked to another female character so this means a ship is happening.
No. 458728
>>458678Now unless a character does have a spoonfed tragic backstory, Genshin players won't pay attention. I believe shorter attention spans have something to do with it, even anime fans now admit nobody has the patience for a slow burn arc anymore. People don't want to wait for a character top develop, they need to see the mc kicking ass right away. But in cases like Albedo and Childe, they are taking to long to cook and letting these characters become jokes or forgotten. At this point, just assume any older characters is getting bare minimum. They might distract you with some merch, but they don't actually care. The new characters will get all the good flashy trailers and their backstory given to the players, but older characters will never reach their potential.
I will say it's funny the promotion and the same self-sacrificing trick didn't work for Mavuika, but then killing Capitano, a more anticipated character people had hype for longer, in order to shill her, didn't help. Her bike and her design being so try hard made it harder for people to empathize with her. In general I think more fans relate to the short girls because they seem more vulnerable, so the guys see them and want to protect them, like Hu Tao their tomboy wife, and Furina, who most girls see as "literally me". Mavuika isn't relatable to female players and most scrotes only care about her ass and even they didn't give a fuck about her because they already have Raiden.
No. 458734
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Looks meh, but they actually added a bath scene for the male characters so there’s that.
No. 458738
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>>458601i really couldn't have put it better myself, the sheer amount of people refusing to stand by their words is depressing and has blackpilled me on most so-called "harbinger fans". on top of having to deal with the whole 100% pure fluffy furina gf thing, poor arlecchino here also has to deal with all the mommyfags reducing her to some asspatting machine for the lil kiddos
and dont even fucking get me started on coomers or troonshit, jesus christ her fandom is so bleak. theres been so little actually cool depictions of her in comparison, it always saddens me seeing the shift between lazzo (or even overture) versus the woobified retcon-sponsored slop from nowadays. besides me obviously having an interest in seeing quality arlecchino art, i wouldve also loved to see darker depictions of women in this fandom for once, but fat xiao just had to nip that in the bud just like he'll shoot down the brief stint of eerie columbina fanworks we're seeing right now. binafags, save those works while you can.
>lorefagsglad you brought them up, lorefags (specifically public-facing lorefags) have been getting off way too easy in all this mess. justifying poor writing decisions left and right, never calling out retcons and instead just hyping up whatever bullshit is given to them, keeping players hooked via theories that they should know will never come to fruition…they are perceived as some all-knowing authority when in reality they are the slurpers-in-chief, actively enabling and producing more slurpers everywhere. if a lorefag allegedly soooo intent on paying attention hasn't picked up on the (re)writing being a hot mess a long time ago, they either haven't been paying that much attention at all or suffer from terminal shillness. i firmly believe that if even a handful of the big lorefags spoke up about the bullshit that's been happening ever since sumeru, the many sheep they herd would finally realize that mhy doesn't give a fuck about this story anymore. lorefags should know better, they have so much credibility, and yet what are they doing with it? nothing. to me, they're no better than the genshit "feminists" defending the sexualization and poor writing of female characters.
>>458650>>458678100% agree, i do think it's all part of the same tired woobification/pitybait trend that's been plaguing genshin for a while now. unpopular opinion, but even though i do like furina, it's why i got kinda soured on her character during 4.2. i feel like it would have been a much more compelling narrative to have a genuinely flawed leader realizing that they need to step up, but instead all her dubious actions are washed away with "it was all just an act, she
had to be this way!!! dont worry, deep down shes inoffensive and always has been, see???" it feels like a wider pattern of completely defanging characters. i did talk a lot about female characters here, but male characters aren't entirely spared by the nu-team either; scara is the prime example, but ive also noticed an increasing push towards making childe out to be some poor little boy with no agency. i hope childefags don't fall for it.
No. 458743
>>458626Kek as opposed to the people who need Hoyo to give them two tall male characters that they can ship in every region or they thr8w a tantrum. You're saying that when Ifa isn't even out yet and yet people are all "he's definitely Ororon’s dom daddy, don't you dare ship Ororon with anyone else" when Ifa isn't even out yet and we know hardly anything about him.
But sure, it's the crackshippers, who actually have an ounce of creativity to think of a background for their ship, and not the cheap fujobait consumers being the problem.
Fandom nowadays really is a ride when soke want to argue you're only allowed to ship "canon" ships where canon means they appeared in a frame together like one nonna further up actually argues. Topkek.
No. 458748
>>458734LMAO why does it look so last minute?
Also is it just me or they can't decide who they want to ship with Itto, Sara or Kuki?
No. 458792
>>458650Furina being a "martyr" made me feel nothing. Yeah, she had to listen to her people bitch and moan while hiding that she isn't really the archon. I just don't see what's the big deal. I know it sucks, but we were always shown how she lives a comfortable life just eating cake, watching operas and living like Marie Antoinette with Neuvillette taking care of all the actually mentally taxing things and wrangling her life for her. It's Focalors who had to stay in hiding only to wait for her own, self-imposed death.
>>458728>But in cases like Albedo and Childe, they are taking to long to cook and letting these characters become jokes or forgotten. My theory is that they had huge lore-related plans for 1.1 characters like Albedo, Childe, Scaramouche and Kaeya but after the original writing team left it was all scrapped. I doubt we'll ever get a resolve for Albedo's origins with Gold, nor will we ever figure out why Childe's vision kept malfunctioning in Fontaine because the focus clearly is shifted to Skirk instead of his story. Scaramouche will never be relevant ever again as he erased his entire being from the Irminsul and Kaeya's noble Khaenri'ah background nor the "you're our last hope" line from his father will never be touched upon again and he'll probably be replaced by some waifu who will be given all his story like what happened with Mavuika and Xbalanque.
>>458734What are Sara, Kuki and Paimon doing in a male bath and where is Ayato kek. They literally couldn't give women this one thing without glazing it for men.
No. 458810
>>458738> i feel like it would have been a much more compelling narrative to have a genuinely flawed leader realizing that they need to step up, but instead all her dubious actions are washed away with "it was all just an act, she had to be this way!!! dont worry, deep down shes inoffensive and always has been, see???"Agree. If Furina would've just been a straight up villainous archon who was more occupied with her ego and image than providing good leadership I would've found her character much more interesting. It would've been a fascinating juxtaposition between her, a colonizing archon, and the hydro sovereign whose power was stolen away to be given to someone who doesn't appreciate what she has. They tried that with Ei, and it was very interesting until they made the exact same rugpull they did with Furina/Focalors: The murderous shogun was actually the puppet all along and the REAL Ei is a nice girl who was just sad about all her friends dying and he eternity autism just made her do this! Don't worry, she'll call off the vision hunt decree right away and you can go on a picture taking date with her!
The defanging is real and it's always done to female characters only, except now we're suffering of male characters being completely castrated and pushed aside too. The leaks about Pantalone not being playable BUT his adopted daughter being in love with the male traveler while his role is to be the approving father are fucking nightmarish when he was originally described to be a megalomaniac so bitter about not getting a vision to the point he's trying to overthrow the god-created Mora money system. Us harbingerfags really have no hope left, Capitano was killed off, Dottore will never be mentioned again, Pantalone will have no role in the story, Childe will be given the Ororon treatment and all the female ones are retconned as traveler waifus. It's over.
No. 458819
>>458810>The defanging is real and it's always done to female characters only except now we're suffering of male characters being completely castrated and pushed aside too.What are you talking about? It has always been that way for male and female characters alike. It might seem to you like female characters get worse treatment but that's likely just because they are more often the ones in important roles. Anyone who is built up to be mysterious/powerful and evil/morally grey is going to be turned into a
victim of circumstance. Since the beginning soo many storylines have been about bad guy actually good!? Even Fatui who have been used as the default big Bad in any nation have gotten some quests that are supposed to make the traveller think of them as regular people also just doing what they believe is right or naive innocents that have been lied to by an actually evil NPC the traveller needs to beat up. Right now the Heavenly Principles are the only Evil, everyone else is just trying to find ways to win against them. I can see the game ending with the siblings beating them and everything bad being excused because the ends justify the means but I can also see it going like "well actually, they are necessary and your sibling is stupid. We're resetting teyvat!"
No. 458848
>>458743Shit makes me miss older fandom where people didn't give this much of a shit of ships being canon. I even feel the older way of shipping in Genshin, when it was based on voicelines and being imagine your own take on what happened, to be more interesting. In this way the accidental yaoi is more compelling to me than the corporate pushed ones. At least Zhongli and Childe are interesting characters on their own and there's stuff to do with an archon and harbinger with unrevealed lore, or Kazuha and Scaramouche having lore connections. I feel that's more fun than whatever pair the spares they're doing with Scaramouche and Sethos, or even how their pandering yaoi now only involves one character being fully formed (Alhaitham) while the other guy feels like an accessory (Kaveh).
>You're saying that when Ifa isn't even out yet and yet people are all "he's definitely Ororon’s dom daddy, don't you dare ship Ororon with anyone else" when Ifa isn't even out yet and we know hardly anything about him. This is the most annoying part of current Genshin because I'm sure they'll do some fanservice for them, but why shouldn't people ship Ororon with Capitano? They had interesting interactions in the main aq. I notice this pattern where the "official yaoi" never involves both characters as part of the aq anymore, most likely because the writers don't give a fuck about really pandering to fujos that much and make it low effort, so you'll never really get an interesting yaoi ship being called "implied". Now this new type of fandom can't even ship anything with a dead character, or go beyond what a company pushes, even if the ships they do push are starting to feel stale.
>>458810I wish we could have gotten a villainous Furina. Remember how pre Fontaine lines made Focalors sound fucked up? But of course Genshin will never do an actually flawed archon, much less a female one. I remember the leaks and having such high hopes that Focalors would be crazy and we'd get Arlecchino and Sandrone and finally something that isn't fluffy yuri would catch on. But Furina is a martyr and Arlecchino is watered down and nobody wants to see any portrayal of Arlefuri that isn't fluffy. And people still think the Tsaritsa is going to be actually ruthless? People should be begging Hoyoverse to not water her down but I know they'll fall for whatever pitybait gets done with her. Especially if it's yuri related, like how it worked for Ei, since nobody wants lesbians to be
No. 458849
>>458734>>458843I used to have neutral to positive feelings for him, but Itto is my most hated character in the entire game at this point. I don't understand why they keep pushing that ugly retard over every other male character that exists. Is it because barafag scrotes love him?
>inb4 "it's because he has a personality, unlike everyone else in that Inazuma"Not like a character needs a vibrant personality to pose in a low-effort CG. And why are the Sara and Kuki even there? There were no male characters in the version for incels.
No. 458853
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>>458792>where is AyatoHe leaves us so that we can have some quality time with Ayaka kekk.
No. 458854
>>458738> lorefags (specifically public-facing lorefags) have been getting off way too easy in all this mess. justifying poor writing decisions left and right, never calling out retcons and instead just hyping up whatever bullshit is given to themTwitter lorefags especially are the ones who say you're a misogynist and that Ei is a well written, complex character, that Mhy is this queer ally making yuribait for lesbians, and that whatever repetitive tropes Mhy keeps churning out is actually part of a greater theme and not them being lazy. They don't know what good story writing is, they just think that something being a reference makes it good.
>>458792>nor will we ever figure out why Childe's vision kept malfunctioning in FontaineI see Childe fans still coping and saying Fontaine didn't fuck him over. They're so easily settled by the jingling keys of him getting a fight scene that they don't care that they'll never answer anything relevant with him, and that this is a problem. Childe is one of the elements that made me feel Fontaine was completely rewritten. Arlecchino being defanged was obvious, but Childe having no lines makes me believe he wasn't planned to be there, they included a brief scene of him talking to traveler to shut the yumes up, and then kept him off screen because they couldn't get the VA in. It's so sloppy that it's the only thing that makes sense. Not to mention Skirk, his hyped master, doesn't interact with him directly, insults him and throws him. And Childefags are happy with this? This is how you think they write a character who's very important to the lore? They're making him into a complete joke. But of course because most of the harbingers are male, people will say it's feminist for them to not be playable and for the one playable one they're stuck with to be a joke. They'll say Skirk throwing him around is feminism and you're a misogynist if you don't like it. I feel bad for his fans actually, waiting so long only to get this, and because of the length of time they'll never admit that they were being baited.
>>458819The problem with the Fatui is the inconsistency. There's nothing wrong with saying they're not all evil or challenging the traveler's perspective, but these writers can't decide on when to do it. It makes no sense for Dottore to be this evil, but then the Tsaritsa won't be responsible for what he does. They already gave her an out by having Capitano say that she lets her harbingers do what they want as long as they stick to her goals, meaning they can have her be ignorant of the extent of Dottore's crimes, but why do people want this? This makes her look so ineffectual as a leader, but people would rather have a character whose hands are clean over an actually morally grey woman. Her writing is going to be dogshit with them possibly doing the twin bullshit again and making the "good" one playable, and given how much they keep pushing Snezhnaya back, the only ones who still play this game will lap it up because they're used to seeing slop and calling it good.
No. 458868
>>458853Ugh, this is disgusting. "Here, bro, go fuck my sister!"
Shitty incel fanfiction writing.
No. 458869
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Are they really putting off the Furina/Wrio banners again (until March) for onsen prostitute and walking loli nurse fetish that basically nobody pulled for? Ugh… Gfdi they could not be any more transparent about the coomer moid target demographic as the lifeline rn. They are so threatened by actual women playing their game and enjoying their characters they’ll do anything to push them out or ruin the experience. What would it take for the insane yumefags to stop executing each other over fanfics for a day and band together to harass Da Wei about the state of the game until he cries for real? Genuinely would pay to watch him blubber and resign on stage since he’s the reason for most of this shit happening. Watching him butcher Snez is going to be the final nail the coffin for me, not strong enough after everything else, especially after the character assassination with Arle and Capi. Really don’t see how any of the issues other anons have already brought up would be fixed. They got away with releasing two male characters for an entire year along with the worst writing we’ve seen since Inazuma, Hoyo still turned a profit, and now the worst possible quality is considered a baseline. I feel like unless something really bizarre happens again, hopefully NOT cat murder this time, genshin is doomed to devolve into failure. Maybe it always has been. Idk. I am sad and wish these characters were in a better game.
No. 458900
>>457877Sethos is such wasted potential. He was the last straw for me and Mhy's corporate version of ship teasing. It feels as if they were so afraid of people shipping Cyno with someone else so Sethos was used to shill Haikaveh some more and become a dildo for Scaramouche. It doesn't feel organic, it feels like fanfiction. You don't even have to ship, Sethos and Cyno have interesting lore and Cyno could be more than nerdy TCG guy, but people don't care because Sethos is only reduced to a ship cheerleader or Scaramouche's manic pixie dream boy.
>>458557It's this that makes me so weary of gacha writing now. Characters can't interact with each other or have to be off screened because people will assume anything is a ship, and either they think the company is pushing a new ship and they fight, or they think a character is cucking them and they threaten the company. It holds the story back so much when there's so many characters who could have interesting or fun interactions, but they can never be explored because of shipfags or yumes. It makes the story suffer and it makes the interactions that do happen feel so superficial instead of organic and fun. Once you know what drives most interaction it's hard not to be cynical.
>>458853It's pathetic how wasted of a character Ayato is. He's reduced to pushing more traveler fanservice. I feel sorry for his fans who wish for more from his character because it's never going to happen.
No. 458911
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>>458900>It's pathetic how wasted of a character Ayato is. He's reduced to pushing more traveler fanservice. I feel sorry for his fans who wish for more from his character because it's never going to happen.It's kind of shocking to me since they teases him for over a year before his reveal and then his story quest was boring as fuck and we've never gotten a glimpse of the Shuumatsuban outside of that garbage loli. Him being the first human character to acknowledge that he knew the traveler wasn't from Teyvat was interesting too, and he had that intriguing lore of taking another persons vision after a duel. Him being morally gray and kind of uninterested in the traveler themselves was a breath of fresh air, but they've done fuck all with him aside from use him to shill Ayaka. I guess his fujobait ship never took off like Kavetham or Tartali, but I think its still a waste. He could've been really cool and interesting.
Also still convinced he should've had an alternative sprint animation, his clothes are too elegant for that awkward shuffle the male characters do.
No. 458923
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>>458920> They never capitalized on his character and now it's too late since he won't sell any more so they have no incentive to develop him.Sadly true. We'll never get any content with him, especially after this last Inazuma huzzah with the onsen prostitute. I honestly think its a mix of things, Ayakafags got mad about one singular voiceline about Thoma, so I imagine they didn't want to risk Ayato overshadowing her or anything. Even in the Fontaine event he just ended up fucking off to give her more screen time (and a new costume). Disheartening. I would've given anything to have had an actual content with him, as his own story quest barely had him in it, or even an event of Thoma getting to return to Mondstadt, but they're kept in a box so Ayaka can flirt with the traveler. I agree with him being morally gray and the writers getting cold feet about it and also him getting more hype than the Inazuman waifus probably pissed off the moids working on the game too.
No. 458928
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>>458918Wow, I had no idea it was this intense. You're totally right this does read exactly like ao3 slashfic and not at all like minimal surface-level interactions between an established popular character and a new one hyv pulled out of their asses that they'll connect to anyone to make fans care
No. 459039
>>458810it really is over. our only hope is having old writing team leaks/concepts, like the excel sheet where the harbinger voice directions come from. what a waste. like
>>458869 said, i truly wish these characters could have been in a better game. mhy doesn't deserve the harbingers.
>>458848fontaine was my snezhnaya in terms of how much i looked forward to it. i was so hyped for a fucked up archon, for the fatui taking on a bigger role in the plot, for celestia to potentially do something, for all the social commentary about unfair systems/pollution/class divide that had been alluded to in years' worth of prior events. when i heard that one rumor about arlecchino and sandrone playing the poor/rich factions against each other i was absolutely elated, that sounded like it had so much potential and would play right into everything i'd hoped for. i really thought shit was going to go
down in fontaine…and then nothing of real substance happened, not even in the later patches which only had one chickenshit forgettable interlude. the overarching plot was by and large in the exact same place as it was pre-fontaine. i was on lethal doses of copium until 4.6 thinking they'd at least salvage arlecchino if nothing else, but something broke in me the day they released that godawful PV and fully confirmed not just arlecchino's retcon, but how little they give a fuck about this story as a whole. it was basically a condensed version of what they're doing on a larger scale: stringing players along and fooling them into thinking they'll get their big payoff in snezhnaya/khaenriah (now even delaying snezh to keep the illusion up for longer) when in reality, this ship has been sinking ever since the old team left, courtesy of fat xiao and (as of recently) da wei. then again, the playerbase will probably just see whatever slop awaits us in snezh as the "big payoff" if it's wrapped up in a nice layer of pitybait and forget all about any reasonable expectations they might have had.
>>458916same, these conversations are so refreshing. honestly i've been tempted more than once to give out an email or UID, especially to any of the based harbingerfags here.
hell i know discord servers are kind of a meme but id join if someone made one kek No. 459076
>>459039Fontaine was my biggest disappointment after Inazuma. If this game was really as feminist as people claimed, then they would use the opportunity to make these female characters move along the plot, actually clash with each other, show something of their ideals and personalities. Inazuma fucked it and Fontaine was my last hope and they made Furina a blameless martyr and Arlecchino retconned into a good mommy and she didn't even do anything threatening at all. I really do believe initially the hydro archon was going to be more fucked up, everything about the travail trailer was pointing towards it. Seeing people eat up the retcons made me have no hope for the future in Snez. Why would it change when the players proved they accepted it?
Childe himself felt out of place and like he was brought in last minute instead of Sandrone. It didn't do anything for his character when he's not even allowed to talk or see his master Skirk, so what's the point? Childefags are the biggest copers currently believing there is a big setup when, in reality, the more they keep pushing back Snez, the more I see they give his fans less on purpose so they stick with the game out of sunk cost. No questions are going to be answered because they're taking so long that no one even cares. Perhaps the yumes were satisfied with the fanserivce, but personally I'd be insulted that the devs would think I'd be happy with such low effort slop. But they bought it, just like people also bought the Arlecchino retcon even though absolutely nothing indicated that there were two Knaves. I still see people having high expectations for the Tsaritsa and by the time she's out Genshin fandom will be overrun by people pushing the narrative that not liking any female character's writing is misogyny. She can have the biggest retconned pitybait story absolving her of any wrongdoing and people will call it peak because it's been so long and because this fandom is stupid and thinks that hating a writing choice is misogyny.
No. 459103
>>459076>But they bought it, just like people also bought the Arlecchino retcon even though absolutely nothing indicated that there were two Knaves.What are you even talking about here? And I still don't get why anyone thinks Arlecchino has been retconned. They had Scaramouche and Childe say that she's crazy because she would go against even the tsaritsa for her own goals and that no one survives seeing her powered up form. Her goals turned out to be whatever she does with the orphanage and the traveller managed to win against her in a fight (arguably because she went easy on them). It's your fault if you somehow expected her to be a full fledged villain just from those two statements.
>I still see people having high expectations for the TsaritsaThat's stupid but what can you expect from gacha players kek. You can tell from the cryo gem description that she has some reason for wanting to reset teyvat. I don't even think it's a personal one, it's probably her seeing the injustices of the world and wanting to do something about it out of the goodness of her heart.
No. 459129
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>>459125>Looked forward to Cyno ever since Travail trailer dropped>Worst kit in the game and personality got replaced by Cynonari fujobait and TCG autism>Have been waiting for Iansan ever since Travail trailer dropped>Doomed to irrelevancy because 4*, probably garbage kit too considering her skin colorKill me.
No. 459136
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>>459129Imagine thinking Hoyo would ever allow a dirty black into their game willingly, glory to the ccp. If they could go back and brutally murder kaeya, they would. Cause now it means if they take him to Khanrea they have to show an entire GROUP of playable neg- I mean ""dark skinned"" characters.
(racebait) No. 459153
>>459147Those people saw the bath scene and instead called people misogynists for calling it incel pandering. They're even pretending that this scene
>>458734 looks the same as the scene with the girls in the bath. For a group of feminists they don't seem to understand that men can't be objectified the same way as women.
No. 459158
>>459125>Look at Varesa leaks>Multiple sources are saying that she's a fetish anime cowgirl with a wrestler motif and an outfit similar to Burnice from ZZZ>She's a random filler 5*>Iansan, her tribe's hero in Natlan, the cover girl of Natlan since the 2020 chapter previews, barely had any plot relevance and is a 4* There is no hope for this fucking game.
>>459130Simply amazing. Just what is this kind of garbage writing anyway? It's like they asked a bunch of teenage otakus what would be cool and hot and just put them together which they probably did. At least a non-plot relevant character like Heizou stuck to his detective thing and had the football stuff as a quirky nod to Detective Conan, he wasn't also a space pilot who owned a theme park and did ballroom dancing on the side.
>>459147Already happening, saw multiple "LESBIANS WIN AGAIN" posts today after the demo released.
No. 459178
>>459039>>459076I'm actively so sick of how much they keep edging Childe's story. A character being lore relevant is the worst thing they can be when the creators no longer give a fuck about their story since the old team is gone and they now seem to be motivated by spite. Any character where you're waiting for an answer or an arc is doomed. I can tell they don't know what to do with Childe until Snezhnaya, which makes it worse the more they keep pushing it back in order to keep milking the cashcow for another year. Maybe the yumes are settled by pandering, but I think it's worse for a character to get reduced to this.
Then you have most of the Mond cast where Albedo's events are forgotten and they could be giving his storyline to Scara now. Kaeya I have no hope for, I'm sure his plotline is scrapped. Lisa's plot with her lifespan being cut I think was also scrapped. Mona and the Hexenzirkel? Who knows when we'll be seeing them. They keep wasting our time with all this padding, resulting in people waiting so long for nothing that at the end, the ones left will praise anything because they don't want to believe that their time was wasted.
No. 459179
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>>459129>worst kit in the gameI know what point you're making but you might be a tad retarded, anon. Cyno is around Xiao level, he's nowhere near something like Dehya.
Iansan, on the other hand, is looking to be as trash as Kujou Sara.
No. 459187
Is anyone else getting bored with how many irrelevant characters are 5 stars? It feels like nothing happens, nobody does anything. I get not every character can or needs to be a big deal, but all they really have are the archons, and then harbingers, of which we're on year four going on five, and only have two playable. Only two sort of relevant to the lore factions. Compare with Honkai Star Rail where at least with all the different paths there's more factions for characters to be from and generate more hype, like IPC Stonehearts, Xianzhou generals, Galaxy Rangers, you name it. Meanwhile they keep not revealing any big changes to Teyvat right when we're before the final region and most of our upcoming five stars are still randoms. It wouldn't be as bad if they had personalities beyond being yet another cheerful girl for the Aether harem, but no.
No. 459197
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>>459125>and Vareas is 5* and of coruse whitewashedDo you honestly think Varesa and Vennessa are supposed to be the same character
No. 459203
>>459197No I think Varesa was made on the spot. Venessa is from the ancient lore and we all observed how detached and butchered Natlan's current lore is.
>>459198Also why aren't they promoting the second Pyro unit unlike other regions? Did Da Wei really wanted to make his waifu's expy indispensable?
No. 459224
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>>459197Unrelated but the disappointment I got when Natlan's first trailer dropped AND when Mavuika was revealed is immesurable.
Granted I wasn't expecting much from a pg 12 game, but I was expecting the war to matter and/or be shown in the overworld (Scattered tribal camps in the overworld, defenses for each tribe and for the rest of Teyvat) alongside a more muted color palette, with dark volcanic beaches connecting to the sea and a harsh rocky landscape to transition from the desert. And don't let me start on the archon, I enjoy seeing cultural references in designs (Like with Cyno's inspiration with ancient Egypt) so I was expecting some kind of Atzec motif in her clothing from Mavuika, not a literal bona-fide whore in latex biker suit. I know it's all fanfiction, but to say I was disappointment it's an understatement. They based the region on some of the most interesting civilizations in the world and what we ended up with is Pokémon and coomshit. Disgusting.
No. 459226
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>>459183Cyno does have a premium team. Nahida + Furina + Baizhu elevates him significantly compared to any other team you can run.
>>459188This I do agree on.
>>459196I agree Alhaitham is overall stronger, especially for low investment, and that kind of sucks when you wonder why certain 5*s seem to have so much more power budget than others. What I don't like about Alhaitham is his rotation always feels extremely strict. If you fuck up you just have no mirrors for a good twenty seconds and it feels bad. He also has little tricks that simply don't work on high ping, like doing his burst, switching to Kuki for electro app, then immediately back to him for the mirrors. Cyno does have annoying energy requirements and it is frustrating to not really get to use him in the overworld, but I always find Cyno more satisfying to use in Abyss.
No. 459228
>>459224Don't worry
nonnie, I absolutely get you. I was expecting this certain kind of grit from Natlan, a nation said to be ravaged by war, and what we got was, as you said, just Pokemon mixed with coomshit. The dinosaurs are so fucking annoying to use and it's by design so that you would grow frustrated enough to spend money to roll for the Natlan units. In the first trailer my only hope was the scene where Capitano and Ororon are walking side by side in the dark volcanic spot with Mavuika approaching them, I genuinely thought the archon quest would take us to Mare Jivari which would have a vibe similar to Seirai Island in Inazuma. But what we got was WORSE than nothing. A hodgepodge of bullshit. And since it's only getting worse and it's made very clear that the original storyline has been scrapped, there's no point in sticking around.
No. 459267
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>>459257Well, FGO managed to do it, I don't see why Genshin can't do it as well
No. 459268
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Someone must've been pretty mad at the camera memes from this year's summer event
No. 459269
>>459267People praise FGO a lot but even most of their Aztec inspired characters are paper white.
>>459268It started with people using that to troll incels and the incels getting
triggered and actually review bombing Genshin. This is another reason Natlan sucked so bad, beyond the ugly designs and bad writing, it's because they had to glaze traveler as much as possible because incels were
triggered. You'll see lorefags argue that the traveler is the MC and they are totally not a self-insert because once they said something that pissed players off, but we know they are. Name any trait traveler has that's distinct beyond being the hero and wanting to find their sibling. You can't.
Actually this is why morality debates in Genshin are pointless too because it's only about who's mean to the self insert. When the traveler kills, they're justified. Attacking the traveler is evil. Characters only need to get along with and kiss their ass. It's all based around the self-insert and even why I can't take the Fatui that seriously, since the only reason traveler is bothered by them and not when Ei tried attacking them is not due to morality, but the writers telling you who to like. Fuck them, and fuck the traveler. Shitty self inserts for scrotes ruin everything.
No. 459374
>>459152>melatoninLove you
nonnie but you mean melanin. The thought that Kaeya is the only character who's able to sleep is kinda funny though.
No. 459375
>>459353There was something linked about the old voice line direction, which is why initial leakers painted her as someone more controlling. Inazuma lore painted the Knave as a cruel leader and I highly doubt the old Knave was part of that initial plan. Right after Inazuma is when the story got changed, and they most likely saw who was popular after lazzo and went with Arle for the next playable, but couldn't make her evil like they initially conceived if she was going to be playable.
But even without this evidence, think about it for a minute. Does it make any sense, story wise, to make people think that a character is evil, to sprinkle in bits of lore saying that she is, to have two different characters have voicelines that are clearly meant to be teasers as to what the character could be like: does it make sense to go sike! Just kidding! That's only what she wants you to think! It was actually some other guy, not her! She's really just misunderstood!
No way. That's dogshit writing, it's not a clever bait-and-switch, it doesn't serve any function in the story since a good twist gives satisfaction when it fits in with previous preconceptions, but we had no reason to believe they would mislead us. The only reason we knew she wouldn't be evil is because they just don't make evil playables anymore. If the only reason people know she would be watered down is because of company practices, not because it makes sense or is narratively satisfying, that makes it a bullshit retcon. Which her target audience gladly lapped up since they don't want a lesbian who's
No. 459384
File: 1739334291886.png (191.59 KB, 866x1252, old voice direction.png)

>>459375to add onto this nonna, heres the old voice direction in question. as you can see, nu-arlecchino is basically the complete opposite of this. from charismatic, manipulative, control freak chessmaster with a deep loathing for traitors to tall female kuudere #18739392 whos all angsty and has half her character hinging on not wanting to be like her "mommy". like i said prior, theres more, but these are the very basics.
No. 459410
>>459384I wish we could have seen this in any point in the archon quest. Childe being the only playable antagonist in the game while they kill Signora and defanged Arlecchino speaks volumes, but most of her fans don't even want her to be fucked up. Which is why the writing is so bad when they still need her to be head of orphanage that breeds child soldiers, but she's portrayed as a good mommy instead. This isn't grey morality, it's half-assed writing.
>>459391Unfortunately this is the most gnc any fandom can stand and they're already praising it as the most masc because the bar is low for gacha fans.
No. 459415
File: 1739339392152.webp (101.52 KB, 1156x966, earlier arle concept.jpg)

>>459391you and me both nonna. some people act like one singular token bifauxnen would have been too much to ask for when it's practically an anime staple (and one very well-loved by female fans, which i suppose is why it ultimately didn't make the cut). she was very clearly meant for a more female audience, but as you said, they gimped her by doing everything in their power to "compensate" for her being fully covered (exaggerating her proportions, giving her stupid heels, obligatory rattail, feeding into the "step on me" cringe, etc). i can almost hear the poor character designer being badgered by her incel manager into further sexualizing the design bit by bit. picrel is the earliest arlecchino concept we have access to, but notice how her chest is flatter and how even the dumb heels look less retarded in comparison to later arlecchino concepts (and final release). what i wouldn't give to see concepts prior to this one too.
No. 459421
File: 1739340730270.jpeg (243.05 KB, 2048x1300, 4E9A09A1-21D6-4F2E-8F52-8902CA…)

>>459415her exposed chest in her boss form is one of the ugliest, most retarded design decisions in the game. It just looks like there's something wrong with her model.
No. 459479
File: 1739357580661.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.14 KB, 1280x640, 1739357206367854.jpg)

The ZZZ character designers definitively worked on this kek
No. 459489
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>>459479Here's her full body render. The mask apparently only appears during her ult. The fuck with them making Natlan so modern.
No. 459493
>>459489her design just gives me an headache. what were they even going for?
>asymmetrical socks&legwarmers>miniskirt>retarded detached sleeves >sneakers>cow tail is pink hued but ears are blackgarbage, all of it
No. 459496
>>459384More Dottore tinfoil, see how he out of all harbingers was included in the voice acting auditions for her? But when she does mention him in game, it’s changed to “hmph! If that creep gets near my kids, I’ll kill him! Even though those kids die… I raise child soldiers you slaughter on the daily….. but he’s terrible for being a child murderer! I only kill bad people, like my mommy! I’m nothing like her!”
They will pin every bad thing on him as if their life depended on it.
No. 459498
File: 1739360325765.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.05 KB, 768x1024, 1739360183007700.jpg)

>>459479it's insane how pretty much any mockup, even the ones made after the leaks, are better
No. 459516
>>459489I'm actually impressed how they still manage to outdo themselves with the ugliness of their designs.
Fuck, is this really the route we’re going down now? More and more animal features because only the most degenerate furry incels are still spending money on this pos game?
No. 459527
>>459479>loves eatting>cow waifu for moids>she's """"fat"""" so her powers are related to bodyflopping onto other peopleI just know in my bones she's going to Paimon+Itto's unfunny lovechild.
But more than that it continues to bother me so much that they set an entire region in meso-america/africa and decided to straight up ignore that theme design-wise and just slap whatever modern street fashion clothes they wanted characters with a bunch of random geometric patterns here and there. No other region is like this.
No. 459539
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>>459529>>459535>>459537See all those moids drooling for "thicc women"? She was totally created for them. Even her idle looks retarded. Watch twittards also unironically clapping for "kyoot fat rep" too.
No. 459545
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>>459544They were never this shameless when it came to character design. Yes, we had rosaria, Mona Ei blah blah blah but incredibly mild in comparison
No. 459569
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>>445687> Pink and blue colour scheme> Gray-black fabric over boobs and ass> Bends over in attack animations> "Killed and replaced Dottore by choking him to death with ass"My sisters, as Slutya's creator I fear that she may be even closer than predicted…
No. 459580
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>>459489I hate tumblrinas with all my heart but I'm convinced that vitiligo here could've made the design marginally better, it'd fit in with the cowgirl theme they're going for
No. 459603
>>459587Does anyone here really expect Dottore to be playable? At all? Him being the scapegoat for each and every one of the Fatui's naughty laundry is an enourmous death flag, even bigger than Capitano's nonstop Mavuika wanking.
All of the male Fatuis are dead in the water. Playable Pulcinella is cope, Pantalone looks like a NPC, Capitano is probably going to be brought back but will be incredibly butchered like Scara, and Dottore… Lol.
No. 459623
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>>459603He’s 100% playable… in 2 years. They’re just stringing the remaining lorefags and fatui fans on for the next few years by dangling Dottore infront of their faces like a carrot on a stick. Then when EOS is knocking at the door, we stop Dottore from burning down Irminsul, Slutya goes in for the tackle, traveler boss battle, and Scaram- oh who am I kidding? They aren’t gonna let him get closure, he’s male. And the Tsaritsa comes out from behind the pillar to proclaim Dottore was a rapist who intimidated her to let him stay in the fatui while he left a clone that looks just like her… Bronya^2, with red eyes…. Then it’s a double banner for the Tsaritsa and Dottore’s clone. And then Chinease Incels bomb Hoyo HQ because they theorycrafted that the clone was secretly the product of Dottores NTR. This was truly our genshin impact.
No. 459635
File: 1739388754497.png (Spoiler Image,456.32 KB, 654x596, end me.png)

>>459570I can't believe we went from designs and combat animations like Furina, Navia, and Arlecchino to this downie moeblob who attacks enemies with her ass, and a loli who bends over for no reason other than to flash her panties during her normal attacks
No. 459636
>>459586This is the worst part of Genshin's decline to me. It had this type of mainstream appeal because it was different. Other gachas like FGO and Granblue also don't cater much to husbandofags and have even worse coomer designs, in comparison Genshin was a breath of fresh air. People who keep telling everyone who wants more men to go play Love and Deepspace are missing the point. People liked the game having a story, not everyone who wants husbandos wants to be playing otome. It was rare to have a gacha with this level of quality that had something for everyone. It's a tragedy they're now spitting in the face of everyone who cares about this story this way. Other joseimuke games aren't the same, with subpar gameplay or barely any story, and they're also unlikely to change since the men in charge of these games don't want to bother. And it won't change when there's so many pickmes willing to do the work of incels.
>>459603At this point anyone who expects Dottore to be playable is delusional. They made him the fall guy for two playable harbingers, no way if he playable in this state. Pulcinella is the only one who I think will be playable, because he has no hype and Mhy hates everyone, so he'll be playable. From what I hear he'll have a different form. He's in travail so he has to be playable anyway. Childe will be the carrot on a stick since they keep edging his lore on purpose, and his fans haven't gotten the hint yet that Mhy doesn't care about lore and retcons everything. They'll make him a joke and Childe fans will still be on copium that it's a setup for him to have an arc and not that any male character is completely fucked now because they get in the way of the incel self-insert fantasies.
No. 459674
>>459489Kinda off topic, but what confuses me is that real Chinese women are forbidden from having anything even
close to this body type.
No. 459676
>>459643I don't think they care. Childe is barely in the game and he's been reduced to a joke. He'll be a joke when Skirk is out and his fans will defend it because they fully buy into the trick that they need to wait for Snezhnaya or some arc that's never happening until the game goes EOS. If Fontaine didn't make it clear how little of a fuck Mhy gives about him, nothing will. They know people only care about not being "ntred" so they can deliver a shit product all they want.
>>459650Another example of how they don't give a fuck about male characters. They knew Ayato was highly anticipated, but can't be bothered to write him. They can't write good politics, Inazuma made that clear, so Ayato is offscreen and now only exists to push Ayaka as harembait. The Cyno retcon is small but more proof they don't care about any lore or consistency. They can safely fujobait but they can't be bothered to stick with the original story and they know the fans don't care as long as they got their fanservice.
No. 459706
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>>459676After Arlecchino's about line I knew it was over for Childe, sure, he got manipulated in the Liyue arc but I never got the impression he was too trusting or "tries to see the best of others". Even when he's being friendly, it seemed like it was only one side to his personality, not exactly an act but just a surface layer. In his introduction, they even said he was one of the more dangerous Harbingers, despite his status. He just wasn't interested in politics, but I guess he's just a retarded older brother that trusts so blindly, even though he was wary of Arlecchino (before he found out shes just the bestest mommy) and the other Harbingers. Now with Skirk, he's definitely going to become an accessory for her, and I wouldn't be surprised if he just gets beat up/knocked around by her, and with her apparently being so ~much stronger~ he'll be useless story wise.
Project Stuzha is also going to amount to literally nothing.
No. 459741
Natlan was a nosedive in quality but I think it being so bad is making people forget that Fontaine wasn't all that. The aq was garbage until Furina pitybait. I guess if they learned anything, it's that pitybait sells, because it made everyone forget the steaming pile that was the rest of the aq. The prison section was a slog. There are so many unexplored conflicts that will never happen because this game is too afraid of them. Clorinde killing Navia's dad was potential for some great angst and conflict, but it gets easily resolved and everyone loves it because no one wants conflict in their yuri. In fact, Navia's dad wanted to die! It's an out for Clorinde and Neuvillette both, even though they're part of this corrupt justice system, they're let off from any complicity in the game itself. Sure, Childe is unjustly imprisoned but they don't want you to care about him so that's handwaved. The writers are too afraid to let any of these characters be flawed even when their positions in the story would make them so, and that's the problem. If they want to tell a story where all the playable characters are nice and don't do anything too objectionable, then don't make cops or judges of a corrupt justice system playable and then ignore it. The conflict with Wrio and the House of the Hearth kids? Who cares. It's over and only alluded to in a voiceline. Lyney and Lynette being Fatui causes drama for five minutes but it doesn't really change how they're seen in Fontaine after that so what's the point? Arlecchino attacks Furina but neither the traveler nor Neuvillette give a damn, so for her big antagonist moment, it feels like nothing. None of this will ever be addressed again. Fontaine is full of missed potential, just like Inazuma, because Genshin is too afraid to have characters make mistakes or seriously conflict with each other, possibly because the fanbase isn't mature enough to handle it and then start stan wars. In that case, then they should stop introducing civil wars or class difference and corrupt justice system into these quests if it's going to wind up being nothing. Snezhnaya will be more of the same shit, mark my words. But they know people won't care if they tug on your heartstrings with some pitybait cutscene, maybe throw in some yuribait too so anyone who wanted a more morally grey Tsaritsa will be called a lesbophobe.
No. 459747
File: 1739404427393.jpg (99.61 KB, 1079x1067, GjmfHTzXoAAk-vk.jpg)

>>459569>>459570>SO BEING A WOMAN IS A FETISH NOW?The yuritranny brigade is running out of bullets kek.
No. 459784
>>459479What the fuck kek
To think that I used to praise Genshin for being classy in comparison to most gachaslop. Yeah this was designed by the ZZZ team
No. 459849
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Surprisingly, there’s some pretty vocal hate for her on the subreddit. The majority are still gooning, but I’m glad to see responses like this and others calling this out for what it is.
No. 459964
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>>459636>People who keep telling everyone who wants more men to go play Love and Deepspace are missing the pointSo true. I just want an open-world RPG where you can collect qt male characters - not the boring kind that Hoyo creates. LAtely, so many open world gachashit games are getting released but they all follow the same formula - they will have one burqa male/ furry male in a sea of women that flash their panties. It's just so unfair.
No. 459977
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Chances both Ifa and Dahlia will be 4*?
No. 460061
File: 1739467123250.jpeg (802.08 KB, 593x1185, IMG_5374.jpeg)

How to scare a male hoyoverse employee
No. 460089
>>459984>>459992I genuinely want to a-log hearing this shit because it happens
Every Single Time in every single fucking gacha that I play.
>Gacha releases one 5-star husbando a year to string desperate husbandofags along>Because they had to wait all year they can afford to maxx out the husbando with all their F2P gems and in order to make the unit even usable they have to roll for a powercreeping support waifu anyway>All the merch that gets released is made for women>See you stupid whores, husbandos just don't sell as well! The numbers don't lie! Just go play visual novels and dress up games! If only Japanese and Korean fangirls weren't so fucking cucked into sucking waifu tits and were as based as the Chinese fangirls shit talking the devs, maybe they could make a difference.
No. 460091
>>460090Oh, definitely. I used to be a fan of this aesthetic but it was played out really fast when literally every gacha game started doing it and now it all looks the same muddied mess. Say what you will about Genshin designs but up until 4.x they were pretty imaginative and had a very distinct look to them that made everyone recognize them as a Genshin character. You could show me any of those in
>>459964 and I'd probably have to guess the source five times and still not get it right.
No. 460172
File: 1739484840154.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 862x720, varesa flashing her cow…)

And if you thought it couldn't get worse than this, Varesa flashes her cow ass every time you pick her in the character selector screen.
No. 460198
>>460105God, you're so right, nona. Most things I've gotten into were because of good fanart and fic from female creators. The fanart is what inspired me to give genshin a try and get obsessed with it
before the game went down in flames. Idk where I read it, probably a similar idea in these threads, that fan creation is a female thing, we keep the fandom space going and abundant with work that shitty companies like hoyo barely have to spend anything in advertisement. Moids hate that we don't create for their gaze, but will act like you shot them if you tell them to just draw their own wank fuel cause "not everyone can draw." Men can't make things out of love like we can.
sorry for going ot No. 460475
>>459964These characters look so ugly. This game has so much hype I wish it would bomb.
>>460089>>460217This is true but I can't even blame anyone because Hoyo only recently did this. The game was fine up until Natlan, when they finally gave in to all the tantrums of the incels. After getting people into Genshin initially with a more balanced gender ratio, and while there was always fanservice, it wasn't always to this extent and this frequent. They baited people with ships and not every girl had to simp for the traveler.
Not to mention there's Snezhnaya and then Khaenriah so people are really holding on for their favorites, and I'm very sure that the higher ups are banking on the sunk cost. If your favorite is Childe you've been told to hold onto Snezhnaya to get any resolution. If your favorite is Kaeya or Albedo or Venti, you're told to hold on for Khaenriah because they will be relevant. If you're a fan of Scaramouche you're waiting to see if anything happens with Dottore or whatever they hinted at with Durin. Not to mention you still have all the lorefags keeping people invested by making theories that people are banking on coming true any minute now. It's scummy of them to switch like this now when fans have invested so many years into the game. Fuck Wuwa, but at least they showed their true colors early. Da Wei sabotaging Genshin when it was doing fine for years, when they know women won't quit because their male favorites all have dangling plots, is planned. They'll never really answer anything about these male characters with endgame ties. Endgame relevancy is the worst thing a character can have now. It's either going to be dropped, or it makes it much harder to quit the game because you've been waiting for that promised development for so long it's not easy to just quit.
No. 460525
>>460398In China this seems to be true. Didn't Chinese female players start posting about supporting LADS in protest?
>>460506>I saw that I could edge to Zayne AND stick it to Genshin Incels so I ran to go spend my paycheck.kek
>>460514I don't know if you're already aware, but LADS does have gameplay, it's not just a boring visual novel. And it's got a story too, with lots of lore. But I understand if you still don't find it appealing, it's a very different game from Genshin despite being better than most other otome games in terms of gameplay.
No. 460652
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>>460607I feel like a true genshin killer would be an open world gacha game with heavy fantasy. Something to capture the normies again that genshin managed to touch during the quarantine. I loved the original vibes of mondstadt because it was cute fantasy with good lore. Most fantasy story nowadays are rapeape harems and rapeape grimdark. I was happy to walk around a windy little city or even fantasize about working with Diluc and Elzar in the dawn winery. Or travel dragonspine with sucrose. Or fear the fatui’s growing influence and the presence of Dottore. But now Genshin doesn’t create any childlike whimsy and intrigue. They got too cocky and began using cardboard cutouts instead of plastic mannequins and shattered the illusion of fully realized characters. If a game could capture that same innocent joy, I’d be a fan forever. But Asia will NEVER EVER produce something like that anymore. Genshin was the first and last hope, and the coom already seeped through.
femcel development team. (I’ll be the head programmer if you do art)
No. 460660
File: 1739639561990.png (510.52 KB, 890x639, LfxF1nb.png)

Varesa does the Naruto/funny anime run. Fuck this cringe shit, this is just embarrassing now.
No. 460911
>>460660Nitpicky but it bothers me she gets her own special stamina bar. Who's oc was she?
>>460726Scooby plagiarism.
No. 460922
>>460912Really? It'd explain the hard pivoting towards irrelevant male characters and shilling of female ones.
I remember when they were throwing around lots of ads for HI3rd in 2019-something, they got me to try the actual game but the moment I downloaded it I could immediately tell it was just going to be another waifu collector and uninstalled it on the spot. I don't know what kind of sixth sense is it, but modern Genshin gives me the same vibes.
No. 460948
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>>460941the fact he doesn't even appear in his own SQ quest for more than a minute, but i guess the shuumatsuban might be too dark for the current writers. after reading through the leaked doc on him, its a shame how thoughtful they were about his philosophy and personality just to use him for jack shit.
No. 461102
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These marketing pics piss me off so much. Genshin is treating itself like a generic waifushit game that only males societal failures play
No. 461109
File: 1739758508087.jpg (139.84 KB, 736x736, nfuwhdkanv.jpg)

i havent played this game in a while lol i quit a long time ago because i got bored of waiting for alebdo re run. did he ever come back?
No. 461119
>>460705> not being able to notice the mental illness of your incel fans and how they're ruining this game for female players and your fellow coworkersThey are aware, they just don't care. They know psychology well enough to keep people playing even if they're unhappy. Make them think they'll get answers in Snezhnaya, then suddenly push Snezhnaya back even more. The amount of people I see saying they're only playing to find out what happens to their early game favorites is insane. They make you think in order to get answers about what's up with the lore behind Venti, Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe, Albedo, etc, to keep playing until Snezhnaya. Capitano will playable in Snezhnaya! And so on. People will defend any dogshit handling of a character, such as Childe's plot in Fontaine, because they keep holding on to fucking Snezhnaya.
>>461102People are acting like Mhy is playing 5d chess here and only baiting gooners with the marketing while delivering epic lore bombs. Genshin fans truly will do anything to make it sound like a deep game.
No. 461202
File: 1739789382489.jpg (81.46 KB, 680x680, 21c1444a-7189-409e-97a6-83ece6…)

So she's not only a luchador, but also an orchard owner. Can't wait for a 4000 years old granny-but-loli businesswoman who's super clumsy and innocent but at the same time is a renown plumber, cabbage seller and tour guide. Also happens to be a cat girl, somehow everyone knew of her already, and she desperately needs Traveler so save her from overworking.
No. 461211
>>461208People will defend this with "well, China doesn't know about pre-Columbian aesthetics you Western meanies" as if Hoyo didn't choose that theme themselves kek. Expecting total accuracy would be foolish, but it's actually impressive how
not on-theme they've been since Natlan first started. Not saying this in a Twittard "muh representation" way, the lack of effort in this region is just very obvious.
No. 461212
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>>461208I bet they fired old team before they even managed to create any semblance of proper guidelines for the region. It seems like new team was scrambled and pieced together so quick, they have no fucking idea what to do, that's why it's all over the place. Even current Mavuika design seems nowhere close to this concept that leaked before. Seems like new artists don't give a shit about Genshin's maintained art style, new writers don't give a shit about writing proper story or even keeping track of established lore, and only feedback from higher ups (aka Da Wei) is "make the game as coomerish as possible".
Honestly, ZZZ was the worst thing that happened to this game. It brought a braindead coomer fanbase, and now anything ZZZ themed is seeping through to their other projects. I won't be surprised if their Animal Crossing ripoff game will have breast/ass jiggle with "sexy" clothing for chibi female characters.
No. 461223
>>461211Hoyo knows extensively about other cultures. Unlike what Asian dick suckers on twitter would have you believe, they know exact how black people look and act. They hired an entire Swahili choir to sing the Natlan theme. Theres NPCs with multiple hair picks in their Afro, cornrows, African legends being referenced. They are choosing to do this gooner path because they know Chinese Incels are racist and Da Wei wants as much money as possible.
I’m even surprised they didn’t go the Spain + Italy route. They don’t have to interact with ANY dirty blacks past Sumeru and they get to make cannon slave owner racist conquistador waifus. That’s double the money from Eula! Then they avoid controversy as theres nobody to whitewash. If you include the Balkans it would truly be the nation of war.
No. 461290
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>>461202Some cope from the Reddit.
> How Varesa's Outfit and Fighting Style Reflect Lucha Libre Culture1. About comparing her to traditional luchadoras:
Instead of comparing Varesa to traditional luchadoras, it’s important to understand that she’s specifically inspired by the luchadora Mizuki, a character known for her unique fighting style and characteristic outfit. Varesa’s design choices (like her outfit and fighting style) are more closely aligned with Mizuki's aesthetic and wrestling style, which already features this bold approach within the world of Lucha Libre.
2. "Her outfit is sexualized?"
First of all, let’s remember we’re talking about Genshin Impact, a game that doesn’t adhere to a conservative perspective, but rather a world where there’s creative and stylistic freedom. Short and daring outfits are, in fact, a characteristic of Luchadora style, and they’re part of the Lucha Libre performance, which includes both strength and sensuality. This is embedded in Lucha Libre culture itself, so it's important to provide context before critiquing it.
3. "And her attack? It's so weird!"
I understand that Varesa’s attack might seem unusual at first, but if we look at the wrestling style of luchadoras, especially Mizuki, we can see that this is a tribute to the acrobatic and surprising moves typical of Lucha Libre. Keep in mind that in many cases, wrestling in the ring involves flashy moves that are more about entertainment than being "realistic" in a traditional sense.
4. Representation and Diversity:
While Varesa might not be everyone's cup of tea, she represents an effort to bring more diversity to the game. Genshin Impact, being a game developed in China, often follows Western aesthetic standards with slim female characters and curves that aren’t representative of real-life diversity. Varesa, on the other hand, offers something different, providing a character that is more relatable for certain audiences. It’s a step towards inclusivity, even if it’s not to everyone's taste.
No. 461312
>>461290>she represents an effort to bring more diversity to the game.Pffftttt, do they hear themselves? Hoyo's slogan is literally "Tech
Otakus Save the World", the company was and always has been catered to coomer otakus.
Why are these people so hellbent on coping that picrel is an inclusive design for fatty representation (or cultural representation) and not coombait for chubby chasers? Jesus, they're the video game equivalent of naive weebettes swearing up and down that shit like CGDCTs moe published in seinen mags is "for the girlies!!!!" and not crusty old men.
No. 461314
>>461312>Why are these people so hellbent on coping that picrel is an inclusive design for fatty representation (or cultural representation) and not coombait for chubby chasers? The thing is, they absolutely
know it's just mindless coomshit meant for gachacels. They're just trying to make their gooning more socially acceptable.
No. 461406
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>>461290>First of all, let’s remember we’re talking about Genshin Impact, a game that doesn’t adhere to a conservative perspective, but rather a world where there’s creative and stylistic freedom. Short and daring outfits are, in fact, a characteristic of Luchadora style, and they’re part of the Lucha Libre performance, which includes both strength and sensuality. This is embedded in Lucha Libre culture itself, so it's important to provide context before critiquing it.Libfems should have to read picrel every single time they say shit like this
No. 461520
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>>461212This image makes me so sad, I love early 1600s outfits; I would have C6 R5’d this Mauvika design without blinking </3
No. 461523
>>461290>>461294Exactly, even freaking
Sonico is a better example of a ~diverse plus-sized body type~ than the new Genshin waifu kek. I can't believe the Xittards actually have more common sense than these people, at least they're willing to admit the truth in this one single instance (a lot of them are upset because it's not true and honest fat rep)
No. 461541
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>>461528AYRT, I’m mixed African and European and I couldn’t give a rat’s arse what Ameritards have to say about cultures that have nothing to do with them (especially American minorities who are two generations too removed from anything outside of their insulated continent to have anything of value to say on the matter). I’m guessing that the original Natlan plot was supposed to have a Sumeru-esque storyline about colonialism and natives, which is actually a really interesting angle to take when considering the lore of Celestia’s Shining Shades as non-Teyvat aliens who invaded and conquered a world that didn’t originally belong to them. Sure, the Archon probably would have been woobified during the process but I honestly couldn’t care less. Anything is better than the misogynistic, racist, boring clown show we’re currently stuck with.
No. 461543
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Even her skull mask got moeblob-fied
No. 461551
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>>461543The soul has been sucked out. Her bangs look perfectly in place despite the movement. Also her hands must be fucked up since she’s wearing rings and weight lifting.
No. 461577
>>461574Same, chibishit just spells imminent doom to me because 9 times out of 10 it's just a clutch to sell plushies. Which it was, in Chibi Durin and Natlan's case.
Also the summer event would've been the perfect excuse to spotlight Albedo, yet the writers chickened out and gave the spot to Wanderer solely to keep him relevant even though he has a couple of subplots already. Really felt like a huge fuck you to old fans by the writers.
No. 461706
>>461666nta but i feel like theres a difference between chibifying creatures outside the game for the sake of merch and outright forcing it in-canon. childe's narwhal and zhongli's dragon got plenty of plushies, but they're not ridiculous chibishit ingame
yet. i personally find it telling that forcing chibis as genuine stand-ins for characters only really started after the writing team change with the scarameow stuff (and with its success, every harbinger is now apparently doomed to have their own dumb ill-fitting chibi mascot shoved down our throats).
>I wonder if that's intentional to get people fighting.apparently the CN side thinks it most definitely is, and given mhy's shitty track record, i believe them.
No. 461801
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Has anybody started the event? Aside from the Hoyotranny shills like in pic related, people said the event was "emotional" and centered over Ei. Looks like the same half-assed slop they're gonna release with no real payoff, honestly.
No. 461805
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>>461728People are saying Genshin is giving big streamers contracts to only post Genshin and other hoyoverse content.
No. 461828
>>461801It's these two twitter users who are the most delusional and militant about Hyv being for lesbians and anyone who dislikes the lack of male characters as incel pandering gets called male-centered. It's not "male-centered" to defend these choices being made by male execs for the benefits of male incels, though.
Of course the person in the screenshot who talks the most shit about fujoshi and anyone who likes male characters says Zhongli isn't really a man so it's okay when they like him. These people are a joke.
No. 461848
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>>461828Didn't Zhongli specify in an event (years ago) that he never took the form of a woman? Are people still trying to push him being genderfluid/genderless or whatever?
No. 461864
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Meh I figured something was off with how so many female characters got off the hook recently, with them having ugly coomer outfits and being literal references to prostitution.
No. 461886
>>461854Their hatred for seeing real women enjoying fictional men, feeling competition with those fictional men because women like them and aren't serving them, and wanting to be an anime girl so bad that anything against these anime girls literally
triggers them.
No. 461901
>>461893Look up how to set up a private server and replay from there
nonnie. These scum don't deserve your time, least you could do is not give them any money/in game data if you want to reexperience the story.
No. 462127
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I just want to go back to Fontaine. The best parts of Natlan were the quests where Fontainians show up. I just can't get over how beautiful the landscape, architecture, and most of the designs are there. The world quests were the most interesting in the game since Enkanomiya, the Melusines have actual personalities and aren't just generic placeholder marketable plushie creature #7761263 like the saurians, and even the worst coom designs weren't as bad as the most tolerable Natlan designs. All of the male characters actually showed up in the archon quest for more than 5 seconds. The Remuria quest was unexpectedly based in rightfully depicting the Rome/Greece equivalent as violent, evil conquerors instead of sucking their dicks like so many other depictions of that culture in fiction. I've basically just treated everything after Fontaine as a primogem generator for rolling Fontaine characters on reruns. Genshin Impact has just become Fontaine Impact for me. I do all my dailies there, I only farm ley lines and artifacts there. It's not perfect, but for me it was Genshin's peak before descending into the absolute shitsludge that is Natlan. I can only hope that they don't fuck it up too much in future updates.
No. 463072
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Genshin is awful at the moment, but it might be nice to have a little bit of positivity in the thread for anyone who’s still playing and/or planning to leave after a certain milestone. So… how is your account journey going? What characters are you sticking it out for and why? What would you have done personally if you had the chance to rewrite/redesign Natlan as a whole? Do you think there have been any improvements to the game in the past year? And finally, what would be your ideal scenario for Snezhnaya? (Notwithstanding that it probably won’t happen…)
No. 463099
>>463053>>462137fully agreed with every point brought up, fontaine was too much of a betrayal for me to ever view it in a positive light. though i will say that nu-arle is such a pathetic non-character that i've personally always viewed it as
her existing just to prop the twins/other "children" up. she can't even go two sentences without mentioning the lil kiddos in her damn tcg lines…i hate what they've reduced her to.
>>463072that's very thoughtful, nonna ♥︎ im aiming for top 1% on my favorite character! im close but not quite there yet, hoping that 5.5 will finally get me the goblet i need to make it. i'd also like to get sandrone/columbina/tsaritsa eventually—i know the writing team's going to massacre their characters, but at least i'll be able to cope with it
unlike with a certain other female harbinger…. i do still enjoy other aspects of the game like exploration/combat/co-op, so my hope is that they improve on those alongside QOLs.
No. 463166
File: 1740344589409.jpeg (134.68 KB, 1170x1213, IMG_0132.jpeg)

> recently surfaced that Hoyoverse is launching a new subsidiary company for VTubers called Hoyolive following the release of ZZZ’s first idol character Astra + a whole additional idol faction to be released soon (probably to also promote this new project).
No. 463167
>>463166This explains
so much.
No. 463172
>>463167Kek, I mean… which character from Natlan
doesn’t look like a shitty vtuber design?
No. 463206
>>463072My immediate goal is getting Furina’s weapon next rerun, I have her at C6 already. My favs are Furina, Kaveh and Ei. Might get Xilonen for gameplay when she comes back. In the future I’ll just get cons for characters I already have if it keeps going on like this.
Before Nathan’s release I just sort of assumed it would have a Monster Hunter like aesthetic but Genshinified (I think it was the mention of dragons) so I’d go with that for the art direction. There are a lot of things that need fixing with the plot but top priority would be making Mavuika less of a Mary Sue lmao. Ngl for Snezhnaya I just want the OST to be good at least, I really like Slavic folk music.
No. 463409
File: 1740392398701.webp (108.34 KB, 510x900, CasterAnastasia.webp)

>>463072I was initially holding on for Wrio rerun but quit immediately upon Yumemizuki Mizuki's leaks. Seeing the cow girl, I have no regrets. It's nice to finally not having to do dailies every single day. Dailies and weeklies became such a chore. I've already given up on IT when it released and stopped doing Abyss for quite awhile.
I agree that Natlan would have been way better if it had Monster Hunter-esque world. The story would have actually been decent if they went ahead and let old Archon die and new one take place.
I used to imagine Snezhnaya as 19th century Russian Empire, and design similar to F/GO's Anastasia for Tsaritsa. But of course, knowing Hoyo… Tsaritsa will have open armpits, cleavage, either some sort of skinsuit or have visible panties.
No. 463418
>>463053The entire thing about the twins being fatui and the entire house of hearth being a child soldier breeding ground being just ditched felt so weird to me, like an entire plotline was cut out. Even Lyney's story quest centered around his old mentor, not his current situation as the upcoming "father" or their fatui connections. I have no idea what happened there but my money is simply on the archon quest being cut short due to time constraints because it all ended very abruptly and loose plot threads didn't get tied up.
>>463166Cringe. They're like 4 years too late into the Vtuber idol game at this point but this explains why all the new characters have looked like Hololive rejects and really upped the parasocial waifupandering agenda.
>>463330Genshin's income is already halved according to reports, I think all of those things have made a lot of original people quit. They've just been replaced with gooners who want to see empty shell waifus suck their dick with minimal plot to interrupt their fantasies. The gameplay is fun, I agree with
>>463348 about that, but it's repetitive. The Natlan terrain controls are atrocious and if you've already 100%'d the other regions there isn't much else to do in the game. The events are just a ton of boring dialogue and maybe an unintuitive minigame that the game even sometimes offers to autoplay for you and it would take you two hours max to 100% it. QOL updates are so rare that I've given up on them. The dailies are super fucking boring to grind and the weeklies have been the same for the past 4 years, I don't give a shit anymore. It's not worth to grind especially because I don't need primos anymore due to the game getting rid of male characters altogether. Who would I be spending them on? More constellations for my boys? In a game that barely requires an effort to play through? I have better things to do.
No. 463436
>>463426Probably to add more waifus to their lore since they fucked up making too many guys important and finding out how to phase those guys out while letting their fans think it's not happening. Pump out merch of characters like Childe so they don't notice that he's barely in the game, but don't worry guys! He/Kaeya/Albedo/Venti will get their resolution, so don't leave! What's one more year?
This is literally how people act. You can see the copium and them wanting to quit but can't because it's been this long. I wish yumes and fujos could stop being aggressive towards each other and instead turn against Hyv. It's too bad the company bends to incels and deliberately writes certain plot points to make people fight and women just accept it.
No. 463450
>>463436B-but nonna, we shouldn't bully multi-billion company!!
People get weirdly defensive over companies for some reason.
No. 464137
File: 1740573132803.png (459.14 KB, 603x608, brave_SUZp9Vzu3v.png)

>>463468See: the Citlalifags getting uppity when they see their fav getting bashed and call others illiterate.
>>464121You can see them getting desperate enough after 5.4 made cents. Ignoring the yuritrannies wanting to make a comeback against husbandofags, it's quite obvious they're trying to make up for deceiving their playerbase.
No. 464163
>>464121I feel like Sumeru was "it" for fujos pandering, which sucks for me since I didn't care that much about the pairings themselves. It's a shame we can't get much more because the incel backlash was that strong. They'll see the success of love and deepspace and do some yume pandering but I don't care for that either since why would that satisfy people when they can just play an otome for that.
>>464137This is so pathetic I can't believe Childefags are falling for it. They hate giving him actual screentime in the game and making the lore obvious because it would piss off incels, but one fanservice art and they come running back. Stop falling for it.
No. 464866
File: 1740736440117.png (1.8 MB, 1462x1350, ayato.png)

>>464121>>464137Aaaand like clockwork. Couldn't include Ayato in the event except as a short lived wingman for Ayaka, but still milking Ayatofags with the art.
No. 464880
>>464406They have no balls to pair him with Skirk because incels gonna cry about getting cucked. Max they'd do is some copy paste NPC or just some random letters we find and 90% of people won't even read them. That is to say if they will even bother to remember about his existence during Snezhnaya arc.
Mark my words: with this new writing team and their hate for husbandofags, they
will find a way to kill him off or "sunset" him so the arc is only about waifus.
No. 464963
>>464866>>464889They're not smart at all. Childefags were saying "Childe is the it boy of Genshin" because they're still coping on theories. They're not even smart enough to realize that the writing in Fontaine shafted him. How he was treated in Fontaine - off screen for most of it, made to look stupid and weak to shill new characters, having literally 0 lines in the latter half of the aq despite the whale supposedly revolving around him, only showing up as an afterthought so the devs could explain their retcon for the voicelines about Arle. Some will ask why the Genshin fanbase ignores Childe's lore but not point out that the writing itself makes it possible to ignore it because the devs don't want to give him too much spotlight.
Same with Ayato now where people are all over this art but not complaining that once again they do nothing with him but make him a wingman for Ayaka. The male characters are phased out in the background, into jokes, or to push a waifu towards the traveler, and people don't see it.
No. 465195
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Monthly gacha profits are in.
No. 465200
>>465151>After 20 minutes of Sunday walking around there's a 5-hour long detour just cirlejerking nonsense about TingyunWhat were they even thinking? Tingyun's story should have had some buildup in the previous patches instead of being randomly thrown into Sunday's quest. It almost felt like the writers just made something up for the sake of her banner. Meanwhile, a literal who like Rappa got an entire filler quest just to shill her. They did Sunday so dirty - his trailer is plagiarized, he gets sidelined in his own quest, and now it turns out he is just a sidegrade to the RMC. Oh, and he has barely done anything since joining AE. Like, what was even the point? This is exactly why I never liked AE as a group. March is the poster child who remains relevant all the time, while DH and now Sunday keep getting pushed into the corner.
>>465195Not even an otomefag but seeing LADs BTFO hoyoslop fills me with so much glee.
No. 465205
>>465200I feel like they didn't even want Sunday playable and they resent his popularity with women so much. They didn't have the balls to give him his own patch and had to put Tingyun in there. Her yuri
femcel fans tried calling Sunday fans misogynist, but notice how nobody talks about her anymore either because putting her plot with his also ruined her character. Fucking Scaramouche got better treatment than Sunday.
No. 465213
File: 1740841708651.jpg (124.08 KB, 1155x749, Gj-2GapXgAAGADf.jpg)

>>465205>Fucking Scaramouche got better treatment than Sunday.I'm sorry
nonnie but Honkai has always been crystal clear with who they cater the most, that being histrionic waifu obsessed moids, ever since the beginning. Any male belonging in HSR has a gigantic red flag on them because they either are some developer or writer's self insert/pet that does no wrong (Phainon and Welt) or became semi-popular only to get quietly shafted off and milked for merch in eternity (Sunday, Aventurine). They can't be anything but that because the coomer waifufags that comprise 70% of the fanbase will throw an hissy fit. If at least in Genshin Da Wei has to pretend to tolerate husbando players because of the launch banners consisting largely of males (Venti, Albedo, Zhongli, Xiao…), HSR has none because the Honkai franchise was a waifu game from the start.
No. 465282
>>465281didn't mention that they had the marysuika banner happen right on CNY, meaning that people had more disposable income to waste
imagine how bad it'd have performed without that and the lantern rite skin