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No. 16005
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.
>>>/meta/6821 should only be used for technical issues and suggestions (can't load site, site slow, bugs, site feature requests). This thread is for non-technical issues.
If you use the thread to infight or instigate arguments you'll be banned from /meta/. If you come here to make a complaint that could have been handled with a report you will be ignored. No. 16006
>>16004This is the most based take you've ever had, thanks admin.
>I don't trust most applicants or their motives so what the hell makes you think I'm going to trust a male's motives on getting involved with the site at any capacity? This. There's no reason that's not suspicious for a male to try to infiltrate a mod team for a site full of women.
No. 16015
Although I didn't want to add yet another shit thread to LC, I managed to. Could we potentially add the names in the title of the Shay thread so my idiocy doesn't hinder people from finding it?
>Shayna Clifford/Dolly Mattel and Kyle Nathan Perkins of Tulsa, OklahomaThread:
>>>/snow/1020582 No. 16046
>>16038What's the point of that thread anyway? I see it constantly being bumped to the first page of /w/ and it's always just some seething vendetta anon spamming her selfies and crying about photoshop. Every time I try reading it to see if she actually has some interesting drama it's just that same spergy anon getting redtexted and accusing the mods of being Nicole WKs. It's the same as it was when she was still being posted to the costhot general, just the world's most generic e-girl with filtered photos and posting fanservice-y social media updates. I don't understand why she warrants her own thread.
>>16041The problem with that thread is that it gets filled instantly, then another one is created, then another, and soon you have a catalog full of these "shitposting" threads. This is not a chatting platform, this is an imageboard.
No. 16055
>>16048Went to see and unfortunately that isn’t her, she posted a screen cap of the tweet before the post
She definitely lurks though, she takes info here for her videos
No. 16056
Can a mod come in and tell people to stop derailing about the thread? The whole thread is just filled with bitching.
>>>/pt/791146 We get the OP sucks and it's spoilered. Nothing we can do about it now, but it's all straight derailing.
No. 16063
>>16060Having a thread ready before the old one reaches its limit is stupid because people will see the new thread, think the old one is locked and use that which leads to two threads being active simultaneously. And posting the new link to the old thread won’t help with that, since people will ignore it for the sake of replying to stuff (and I can’t blame them).
There also doesn’t need to be a new thread ready to post immediately when the old one is locked when there’s not even milk. It’s happened a couple of times already that a new thread with a shitty OP was made JUST to nitpick something and then it’s been basically dead for about a day or two.
Yes, she’s released actual porn, that’s kinda milky, but not as urgent as if there was new milk flowing by the minute.
It’s also funny how you complain about nobody wanting to do the work of creating a new thread when they’re literally getting posted way before they’re even necessary. Well, yeah, obviously nobody’s gonna even get the chance to make one if you jump the gun like that.
No. 16065
>>16064who even cares when the stupid link list pushes the summary down out of the OP so you never see it when you browse. i doubt anyone ever sees it except the other tryhards that wanted to write it.
So here's my suggestion Fucking put the summary above the links if there's 30 links
No. 16073
Newfags are trying to keep the
>>>/pt/791146 bringing up her race and heritage and what their surnames mean. This was discussed dozens of threads ago, way early on. Newfags coming in and reposting old milk to keep the thread bumping is derailing AF
No. 16086
Kindly requesting a mod to lock the binkie princess thread, I was the original OP and it's just full of the same 2 literal retards bumping it with old unfunny shit and mongoloid behaviour
>>16062Agree with this, at first I tried to keep up but it's just literally not interesting to the point it has to be a very small handful of people bumping it constantly
No. 16091
>>16088there was already a warning against them but the russiagate obsessed anon kept going.
speaking of that thread, do any farmhands know about the leftthot cows? i have such a strong feeling along with other anons that the people discussed in the thread are there posting too lol, it would be amazing to see them exposed one day
No. 16094
>>16089The moderating is so inconsistent. During the same hour someone gets banned in 5 minutes for replying to bait while farmhands drag their feet banning the people planting it. I always report stuff like racebait/scroteposting but then sometimes I come back to it an hour later and it's still going, as anons who don't know any better are replying and I'd get banned myself for pointing out that the OP is an obvious male robot trying to get a reaction from the nasty girl imageboard.
If they really wanted to get rid of muh politics and feminism they'd just remove the offtopic boards altogether. Having an anonymous board for women is bound to steer towards feminist discussion because it's such a big, daily part of our lives and we have nowhere to vent about it. Most of us post our daily "whats ur astrology sign" fluff everywhere else but Lolcow because it's inoffensive enough to take part in on social media or other places that requires an actual identifiable handle.
>ib4:, anon!!!!Like many others I don't want my life to revolve around talking about how horrible men and trannies are but I do enjoy a short, organic discussion about it every now and then in the /ot/ threads. I just wish farmhands would ban the bait immediately instead of coming in 6 hours later to yell at everyone else but the original poster clearly looking to ignite a fight like the "lmao just have sex femcels!!!" take did.
No. 16101
>>16096whoever mods the shayna threads lets so much infighting and stupid shit get by and then they ban normal shit for 'nitpicking'
its consistently inconsistent
No. 16103
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im basically fine with the other rules in unpopular opinions thread, lmao but >If you are here to explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN
bothers me because, well, it's retarded? literally on every message board we see men screaming roastie, femoid or even the rogue tits or gtfo with no repercussions. whats the reason for banning male hate posts, even if it's borderline sperging? like what are admins trying to achieve with it? i don't see male hate posts causing infighting, but maybe im dumb. it's not like males are allowed to post here anyways (lol). genuinely curious. naturally lots of us have found this site to be better than 4chan or whatever the fuck because we aren't hit with insults for being women. this is a female only site so why are anons not allowed sperg about men?
No. 16106
>>16104NTA, Then maybe there should be… idk… a THREAD for it? People shouldn't have to choose between stifling their feelings on what actually fucks with them day to day (patriarchy and other gross scrote things) vs going somewhere else and leaving their favorite site.
Every since I discovered lolcow, I've loved it. It would be really cool if we could ACTUALLY talk about anything here instead of being made to "hush hush" about that ONE thing. (Racism is understandable because the world is extremely volatile wrt race/BLM/protesting etc. Same with coronavirus, everyone gets it). But patriarchy and dealing with men is our day to day. There should be a thread where we can go to vent and say "Fuck it I hate men and all men are stupid" without being banned.
I don't wanna go to whatever shitty site asaharera garden or whatever is. I wanna stay here for everything. I'm sure other people feel this way as well.
No. 16113
>>16106>I don't wanna go to whatever shitty site asaharera garden or whatever is.It's not a shitty site, it's actually quite nice and it would be even nicer if it was more active. It's not completely an either-or thing, you know.
>>16112By asking Admin for permission to use/activate that function. Most of the time several anons already suspect the samefagging beforehand so that wouldn't be too much of an issue.
No. 16114
>>16111This I could agree with but I also feel it's necessary, though at least make it limited history. What I said 3 months ago shouldn't really affect how mods treat me now.
I'm always scared to write a confession or something because I'm afraid a mod is gonna list it out (not that it matters, we're all anon) but that shit is kinda embarrassing anyway)
No. 16116
>>16113>>16113>>16114Contrary to popular belief, we do not actually read anyone's post history unless they've repeatedly broken the rules and ban evaded and even then we only skim it (cows being an exception to the rule). The myth going around that there's only 30 users on here is also false. We go through up to 400 reports a day and the time it would take to read everyone's post history is not time anyone has.
I realize this is our word against yours but if you really feel a certain way about this then feel free to use a VPN. They're not banned on here, after all.
No. 16117
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>>16108The part about ana-chan sperging is that it's a niche issue promoting a life-threatening condition. Manhate and tranny hijinx on the other hand are something the majority of the userbase (assuming we're mostly women) deal with on a daily basis so it's something that happens naturally. The spergouts I've witnessed always come from some bait anon deliberately posting "why do you sad
toxic femcels hate trans people/men so much????" and anons who probably peaked recently and aren't aware of the issue being banworthy start replying and dragging it. Pic related, these kinds of posts constantly pop up and unless a farmhand is fast enough to ban them with a redtext they can just keep going for hours. If it was just people venting for the hell of it because they had a bad experience or found some milk it wouldn't last that long, a few posts tops. But there always has to be some smoothbrain picking up a fight with "I'M SO SICK OF YOUR MANHATE SPERGING REEEEE" because they can't just ignore it and here we go again.
The more fitting allegory would be an ana-chan posting "Why don't you BMI 20 fatties lose some fucking weight?" all the time imo. Which is exactly what they got banned for in the first place.
No. 16118
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>>16117Samefag: this post in particular was in the artist salt thread related to the ongoing drama of a big-name artist being cancelled over an innocuous joke by the SJW crowd, anons mentioning that she deserves it for recently taking part in the mob canceling JKR and feeding to the culture, then (assuming the same) anon pops up just to crudely bitch at other other anons for defending JKR (pic related), anons basically replied to her with "kek" and "leave" to her and she then posted this as a retort. This kind of forced infighting happens all the time and thankfully this time the farmhand redtexted this sperg immediately. My point being that in my experience it's not the "radfems" derailing the discussion and obsessively bringing up troons, it's always the party that gets their feelings hurt over any critical mention of them.
No. 16120
>>16113> It's not a shitty site, it's actually quite nice and it would be even nicer if it was more active. It would be even nicer if it had not been made by a man pretending to be a woman, y’know.
Although I do agree that it’s kinda ironic to not be able to complain about issues that are related to womanhood specifically (i.e. PP-stuff), I get why the threads and eventually any discussion was banned. The sperging was insufferable and bleeading out over the entire board, even /pt/ etc. which eventually did become a problem.
However, still don’t really understand why 2X got nuked. I feel like the containment could’ve worked once the whole outrage had calmed down a little.
But oh, well…
No. 16124
>>16117Anachan sperging wasn’t banned for any moralfag reason about it being a life threatening disorder it was simply because it was derailing and annoying. You can still post and vent about your personal negative day to day experiences that include men as they’ve specified but ‘manhate’ and ‘tranny hininx’ are not universal things the average woman ‘goes through on a daily basis’ at all. I doesn't matter anyway, race related issues would be something plenty of anons go through daily but that doesn’t mean people want to hear daily sperg outs about it.
>>16120I mean how is pp inherently “related to womanhood“ just because it’s an ideology that certain woman believe any more than any other banned topic is because there will be certain women that also relate to those. I’m a woman and don’t find the pp sperging relatable at all, neither do the vast majority of women in the world. This isn’t a radical feminist imageboard. People can still talk about their personal negative experiences with men? This site was also made by a man who was actually pretending (implying) he was a woman to the point he had to apologise for misleading people so idk why you’re more comfortable with it here than the new board. Asherahsgarden or whatever it’s called is run by a woman now so what’s the problem with using it?
No. 16126
>>16124Yeah, well I don't fuck with K-pop or like guys spattered in blood but there are respective threads for each of those topics, so what that anon said about it having a containment thread makes sense. EVERY woman deals with misogyny.
And no we fucking can't just talk about how men suck, did you even read the list of bannable offenses? A lot of women here would like to sperg about how shitty men are and we should at least be able to vent.
No. 16127
>>16124Chill, I was using PP as an umbrella term and generally agree with you. I never tried to legitimate any radfem sperging either, nor did I support the call for a thread. I just felt like since pretty much all women in some way are affected by sexism, it would make sense for a women-centered imageboard to have some designated space to talk about. But as I’ve said: I do agree that keeping it to said designated space in form of a thread (or even several threads) didn’t work, so it also makes sense to not allow it anymore.
But, you know, stay angry.
Also never said that was the sole reason not to use it. It was just the cherry on top. AG is dead and boring. For someone who has no interests besides self-pity and radical feminism it might be a viable alternative. But I personally am not gonna start using a second image board just for casual feminist discourse. But as I’ve said, I’m not crying to revive the PP/Man-Hate/Radfem/GC threads either, since that obviously didn’t work out.
No. 16130
>>16124>Anachan sperging wasn’t banned for any moralfag reason about it being a life threatening disorder it was simply because it was derailing and annoying.That's what was implied here though?
>The more fitting allegory would be an ana-chan posting "Why don't you BMI 20 fatties lose some fucking weight?" all the time imo. Which is exactly what they got banned for in the first place.Just because you don't have to deal with blatant sexism personally doesn't mean it isn't an universal issue most women face all the time. Like
>>16126 said it's not like we don't get banned for venting about how much men drive us insane because we'll get banned for m-muh pp sperging even if it's just something personal we experienced and want to get off our chest instead of screeching about how all male babies should be aborted. You don't have to be a radfem terf gc whatever derailer to be pissed off at the shit casual misogyny makes you go through.
No. 16133
>>16124Aren't you getting tired of discussing the anachan comparison every single thread? I could've sworn this whole post was already posted almost sentence for sentence last thread.
>>16119I think in Venus' case it's some kind of edgy defense-mechanism after the thread got tackled with white-knighting and tinfoils too many times.
No. 16135
>>16118Some radfems used to derail but they've pretty much stopped since the Purge. The issue is, it empowered pickmes and trannies so now they feel this is
their website. The topics should never have been banned in the first place, just very harsh bans for derailing.
No. 16137
>>16135>The issue is, it empowered pickmes and trannies so now they feel this is their website.Ok so I havent kept track of this but do they at least get warned, banned if they sperg out? I remember some time ago in some thread some trumblr tranny reeing about hetronormitivity or something and I kinda left for a while after that. I think what most anons want is equal treatment across the board-at least that hows I read most of the complaints about the site.
I mean, do we need to worry about this place becoming crystal cafe?
No. 16147
>>16138Yeah I have seen those sperges on here and its pathetic crying over a 5 or 30 minute ban.
>>16140I think maybe the mods/jannies haven't had time, theres some from quite some time back that are yet to be added.
No. 16150
>>16149None of the above anons but those "small derails" are a fucking 50-post spergfests over nitpicking whatever meaningless bullshit people throw at the wall like "oh my god how dare she go outside during the pandemic", "look at her stupid face I got pausing her IG story mid-movement" and "how is she meeting her dad when she said he was
abusive towards her in her teens what a liar!!!!" and the actual milk of her degrading herself to do PiV porn with some new cuck orbiter gets buried. The thread is unreadable.
No. 16151
>>16150I went back and counted, even including excluding posts in between that had nothing to do with it. It was 21 posts, 4 bans. It was handled within hours. Moo is very milky. Anons get restless a lot in her thread.
Just report because all the other ones aside from the whole race and BLM discussion is just 2 or 3 that are shit posts. You can tell because they are unsaged and nitpicking. It's not a bunch of people derailing for hours on end. Calm down.
No. 16159
>>16152I agree that Dawn should be somehow removed from the thread but please dear farmhands do not delete the current and previous thread.
Anon is right, we had some good milk, ex
victims' dms got posted. I doubt they'll come back to lolcow and post them anew.
No. 16161
>>16160i feel like the anons that bring that and gc up every other day are
hopefully bsitposting. no one can be this retarded this consistently
No. 16172
>>16171idk there
are vendetta chans though.
How many times has somebody made a thread on a nobody in their local cosplay scene. It hasn't gotten as bad as hi [cow].
No. 16184
>>16182Asherahs Garden is slow as hell. There's no reason not to bring 2x back, it'd serve as both a containment board so all the tranny lovers can easily stay away from it and a space for women who want to discuss GC or PP topics.
Why was it even deleted?
No. 16187
>>16182No. I want to use the website I originally used before admin butchered it.
>>16184>Why was it even deleted?Because admin doesn’t want to see political opinions she disagrees with, so she decided to ban a topic that had been thriving on the site for a couple of years before she even became admin. There was even a poll where users overwhelmingly wanted /2X/ to stay and admin still removed it.
No. 16188
>>16184It's pretty obvious at least one farmhand is hostile towards ANY feminist leaning opinions that aren't libfem. I'm not just talking about GC, but PP and FDS, too. Admin setup 2x so I'm going to assume they let the retarded tranny get in their ear. We just have to wait for them to 41%.
Forever interesting that admin is open to bringing the kpop cancer threads back but won't let us have a GC one. Admin has shown her ass.
No. 16194
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Can someone for the love of God explain to me what constitutes GC? I've been banned and unbanned twice now in /ot/ for what I thought were innocuous conversations with no political alignment or agenda… To tell you truth, I've no clue what any of the abbreviations
>>16188 sited even mean.
Reposting to express my discontentment with being old and out of the loop. Pls take pity on me anons.
No. 16196
>>16191>It was never deletedYes, /2X/ is technically still there if you type the URL in, but all of the threads are locked and it is an unusable board. So, yes, it was essentially deleted, dumbass.
>>16194>explain to me what constitutes GC?Anything that admin or the farmhands disagree with, lol.
No. 16208
>>16187It wasn't even because admin inherently disagreed with GC ideals, it was because she had profiled the GC posters as wealthy white Karens "expecting to do shit for them free of charge" and constantly accused her of being a troon which she apparently has a strong resentment for. She said it herself. I can understand her viewpoint because for example the GC subreddit was full of those types but still it's annoying that a topical issue gets banned because of a personal bias that isn't even true. I have never seen a farmhand or the admin "side with trannies" or showing libfem behavior myself and I don't believe the tranny janny rumor because even I as a GCfag hate the archetypal white-bred tradthots hating troons simply because of their association with gay people.
>>16204>It’s obvious one of the radfem discord groups is targeting the site.This is the most reaching tinfoil I've seen on this site so far.
No. 16212
>>16208There's 0 reason to be offended being called a tranny on a site where you are completely anonymous. None of us know what she looks like. This is exactly why admin isn't fit for the role. She already made the site a laughing stock by posting her self-harm scars to prove she doesn't have man hands or some other dumb shit.
There's definitely some fuckery on the janny end, but it seems to be kept to /ot/. I saw some screenshots there of bans that were beyond retarded though.
No. 16216
>>16214If you hate the twitch thread so much just ignore it, or contribute the content you want to see.
A roommate turned out to be a stalker sabotager, false rape allegations from multiple egirls, managers fired for sexual misconduct - this isn’t milk?
No. 16217
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>>16213>>16215nta but here, it was in the funniest posts thread on /ot/ as well
No. 16219
>>16217this was posted all over kf and the chans, too. image if null pulled this shit we would be laughing our asses off at him.
Do jannys just make up their own rules now? I feel like sometimes I'm posting on the mean girls website and they just redtext you if they don't like your opinion kek it's so frustrating. this is why i post less here lately. i read the rules and stick to them but it doesn't seem to matter
No. 16221
>>16194GC = gender critical
FDS = female dating strategy
PP = …peepee(?)
No. 16241
>>16216>>16214Why is it that every time someone asks for Anisa to be a banned topic that the only counter is "don't like it? Hide the thread lul"
>A roommate turned out to be a stalker sabotager, false rape allegations from multiple egirls, managers fired for sexual misconduct - this isn’t milk?So not Anisa herself? Are you gonna also tell us that Post Malone, whom was in a video with iDubbbz, harassing journalist is milk?
No. 16248
>>16241Because the thread isn’t bumped and saged, so the people complaining are constantly checking in but not contributing
> So not Anisa herself? Are you gonna also tell us that Post MaloneMaybe if you READ THE FUCKING THREAD there are posts that aren’t about Anisa. Maybe you’re the one with an obsession?
No. 16253
>>16251Unfortunately she deleted her post before we could grab the IP so we'll have to do some combing through the thread. Thanks for the suggestion, we'll take a look.
As for Canyon since some anons are curious, we are keeping an eye on the thread and keeping track of his IPs now.
No. 16259
>>16258I didn't stop tranny, or scrote, so I doubt BPDfag will be any different. It's sad watching our vocabulary shrink because tard anons can't conceptualise a different opinion from theirs.
Also can mods mark Babivampire's posts in the egirl thread? She's literally sitting there refreshing the page, and as a few other anons theorised she's probably talked mad shit about other egirls. There's potentially a lot of milk to be found there.
No. 16263
>>16259something needs to be done about that thread. i checked it at 9am and it’s been a full 13 hours and they’re STILL fighting, it’s fucking insane
also can something be done about the people spamming about how shayna looks like an MTF every time a pic of her is posted on the thread? it was funny at first but now it’s multiple posts almost every day talking about how much of a tranny she looks and not lending a single thing to the thread and it’s getting mad annoying
No. 16270
File: 1600602669783.jpeg (356.03 KB, 2663x599, 0AA6457E-5C4F-4100-86A6-7E00B2…)

Can you delete the nasty ass pornographic child art in the salty artist thread?
No. 16272
>>16269This kind of response is exactly why I'm tired of the whole argument altogether and would like to see some changes. It's literally to the point that people will claim that ANYTHING a person does that they don't like has BPD. I don't know if it's projection, misdirected anger, or what. It's just obnoxious at this point. There doesn't seem to be a single thread on this board where the topic doesn't eventually devolve into anons sperging and accusing each other of being BPDfags, regardless of context, and you're just accused of being a BPDfag yourself if you merely point out that the entire argument is pointless and annoying.
It's just ridiculous and warrants a ban at this point. Nobody actually knows which anons do or don't have BPD, because nobody here is a trained professional.
No. 16300
>>16298Kek. I don't know shit about kpop but I love when you come in here and
trigger everyone.
No. 16349
File: 1601552720010.jpg (34.47 KB, 750x278, 1601508395115.jpg)

Thank you.
No. 16350
File: 1601611287220.jpg (68.13 KB, 720x834, 107072875_10216295889859218_45…)

>>16217How quickly we forget that GC spergs demanded she post exactly that sort of thing to prove her womanhood. At the same time, they were analyzing her word usage using some shitty AI that supposedly detected gender, so analyzing wrists was practically rational for them. Admin even joked, "Should I timestamp my tampon?" as a joke right before this photo, and some pp anon actually took it at face value and said it might be someone else's and therefore wasn't proof enough.
I wish you people were newfags, but since PP spergs have no memory of shitting up the boards outside of their quarantine thread, I'm pretty sure we can't give you the benefit of the doubt.
The pp thread was blackpilled as fuck, gc still has plenty of outlets here, and even the milk boards get swarmed with obsessive radfems every time they get something they want.
inb4 "hi troon" c o p e
No. 16352
>>16350Honestly its starting to get stressing, they just never fucking shut up, you can’t have one conversation about either a troon cow, men or womanhood without them writing a radfem manifesto.
I’ve lost count from how many times I’ve been called a tranny just for disagreeing with pink pill shit, also i owe the mods a big apology for infighting but its getting absolutely insufferable, its almost impossible to not lose your temper sometimes.
No. 16353
>>16350>Everyone I Don't Like is a radfemYou can hate men and lunatic trannies for very
valid reason without being a radfem. You can be a paranoid retard and attack the admin without being a radfem. The pink pill thread was shit to begin with. I don't know why people keep thinking it was some radfem thread because it was more of a cesspool filled with doormat anons complaining about their boyfriends, scrote bait, racebait from insecure mixes girls and maybe once in 1200 posts in the thread there was a good observation from some insightful anon but mostly it was just pure concentrated doodoo. It wasn't even ice cold, analytical manhate, it was libfems whining about a TV show being t-too s-sexist and the reoccurring age-old debate about makeup and its morality. This was best displayed when the GC thread was merged with the PP and the PP anons started screeching about how they don't want to hurt troon feelings, they just want to vent about nigel-kun not liking their cat video because he's a dumb scrote (love him tho!!!) and lowkey trying to start another race debate.
>>16352>Muh temper can't be contained in an internet argument I cant help my infighting!!!!Just walk away from the screen. Lord almighty. You are the type of anon who periodically posts "I hate radfems they're insufferable spergs!!!" in the Unpopular opinions thread to get asspats and then shit your pants in anger once you're challenged, then run off to /meta/ to cry about terves bullying you.
No. 16354
repost is 20 days old. Stop trying to stir shit up.
No. 16355
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Why can't you stop scrote raids in ot with the speed you ban anons who haven't used the site for weeks for no reason and ban anons from the mtf thread for talking about mtfs.
No. 16356
>>16353Sorry terfchan i want to use the website that I like without you idiots picking a fight with everyone that doesn't agree that trannies and men are the scum of the earth.
Just look at fucking celebricows and the cesspool it became, when JKR has been a cow for years.
No. 16359
File: 1601660366336.png (37.7 KB, 952x333, jkr.PNG)

>>16356lmfao are you the one who wrote this spergout in an effort to hide how you're totally not buttbothered by her views on troons and farmers agreeing with her?
No. 16361
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>>16359Also this is the post that apparently ignited the JKR debate. Anon was clearly injecting their objective political opinion into the post with the weird "THAT NAME RLY MAKES U THINK!!" remark and is now mad that anons are calling them out for it and saying that JKR isn't a cow simply for standing up for her beliefs. You idiots do this all the time, you purposefully go drop hot takes and then get mad when the thread devolves into a debate that you
constantly keep encouraging by replying. Then you go whine about the GC spergs ruining your precious thread because the overwhelming majority told you off. This happens all the fucking time and at this point you can't blame "GC spergs" for the derailing because
you yourself bring it up all the time in a provocative manner just like this.
No. 16363
>>16362>>16361damn bitch this
>>16360 wasn't a challenge
No. 16366
>>16361Anon you're right they do this all the time. I report it too and the mods don't do shit so of course anons start replying and end up getting banned themselves. They always run here afterwards too and then admin gets pissed at the "radfems".
Oh well time for the farmhands to ban us from criticizing men in /ot/ again
No. 16372
>>16371same fagging
and stimming with excitement.
No. 16377
>>16005>>16376>>16375>>16374>>16368>>16370this just sounds like a very salty complaint about black women using the board.
Sure some are probably faggot scrotes who over use the black vernacular but I don't fucking think anyone from LSA would want to come to this place anyway.
>muh ethnic hair, muh mixed womenWhy does it sound like you have a problem with some black women here just venting about shit? This all sounds like a childish /pol/ rant.
I'm just sure that most of the "y'all usage" is gay dudes because this place is so hostile to anything not WASPie no one would punish themselves by exposing their blackness (by using aave) and face ridicule. Other than that, I see no issue with talking about ethnic hair and issues with dating. That's just complaining about black people being here which is idk, racist? I've only seen it a few times lately too and I am on this site all day every day.
No. 16379
>>16377I mostly see white hipster girls using "y'all."
No one cares if black women use the site. It's for women in general obviously. People have a problem with the lack of integration usually.
No. 16384
>>16341Note how the countless robot bait threads/robot containment threads are up, but anything even remotely resembling PP is baleeted. Up next for deletion is the "sickening crimes" thread, calling it.
One (or more) of the mods here is a scrote, or some becky obsessed with looking "balanced and equal".
No. 16392
>>16388I don't think it's bait, i remember that thread too and multiple people were irritated by mods not using "men or males" but like
>>16389 said, mtf don't think it applies to them but what if they have a neovag? Then they have no phallus??
No. 16397
>>16396WASP is a legit term some white people use to describe themselves and behavior and the "standard". In academia, it's not uncommon to hear WASP referred to as the common default (historically).
But anyways, no I'm def not an LSA fag and never have been on that site before.
No. 16407
>>16377>We have a huge influx of GAY SCROTES from LSA/Twitterfags >This sounds like a very salty complaint about BLACK WOMEN using the board. Reading comprehension, anon.
Women venting about stuff related to their cultures/backgrounds is totally ok in my book (even by lolcow standards I think) but white gay males larping as "sassy black women" (there's quite a few on LSA, believe it or not) and derailing threads after threads with "muh race purity", dick sperging and troon wk are just super annoying.
No. 16409
File: 1602119612782.jpeg (127.97 KB, 750x300, B72EB9A3-A48F-416C-940D-48A22C…)

why can't people ignore bait, so fucking annoying. the replies aren't drastic but seriously.
No. 16416
>>16415Why is saying anything negative about terfs bait but the endless gc posts aren’t? This isn’t a radfem website and complaining about terfs doesn’t break any rules, so why should it be redtexted? The problem isn’t the original poster but the spergs who can’t just ignore posts they disagree with and
have to derail with infighting. If you need an indicator from mods not to derail attacking any post that disagrees with your ideology then you are the problem.
No. 16427
>>16426they also got banned because they attracted mentally ill
toxic posters, like the anachan and munchie threads.
No. 16428
>>16426I'm fine with man hate being disallowed but this logic is so fucking retarded. Most cow threads have been raided by autistic white knights. Having a negative opinion on a popular or well-known thing is going to attracts wks. That's just how it is.
In my opinion, the main issue with the man-hate threads is that they attracted too many Tumblrinas and a-logs to the site.
No. 16433
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can admin please explain why this poster was banned? Im not this anon but this was in the dumbass shit thread and it wasn't sperging or bait, so why?
i initially thought new admin would be keeping a tight ship but she's rarely around and farmhands let obvious scrote bait run free but ban random shit so often that i have no idea what's happening with this site
No. 16438
>>16415This. These post always start the same discussion under the guise of "I'm just stating a different opinion!" with the OP fully knowing it will start a forbidden discourse, then replying to almost every posts and most of the time ending in calling everyone a radfem/terf. But only the anons who reply and disagree get the visible banhammer. It doesn't work the other way around like we can see in examples like
>>16433 and
>>16355 where the OPs get redtexted fast,
so these posts along the lines of "I don't know why anyone would dislike men and trannies" are the definition of baiting anons to get banned.
No. 16440
>>16438It's the thing every fucking time.
>"I just don't understand why people here hate men and trans ppl, JK Rowling is a cow who wants them dead!">people start replying because it's a hot topic, original bait anon replies to every single one just to keep the argument going, getting spergier by the minute>suddenly "PP SPERGS ARE AT IT AGAIN DO SOMETHING ADMIN-SAMA" post in /meta/>Everyone gets redtexted but the original baitThere's such a well-defined formula that you'd think it's scripted.
>>16439If in their case it's "on the posters replying and infighting", then why does this get redtexted?
>>16433 That's even tamer than that "why can't terves like…. be quiet??????" bait post.
No. 16443
>>16442Mods have said not to derail /ot/ threads with complaints multiple times. It’s not about the content of the post, posting site complaints outside /meta/ in /ot/ threads
always gets redtexted for derailing regardless of what it’s about, especially something that’s been answered a million times by mods.
No. 16449
>>16448This, the twitter shit flinging and racebaiting are out of hand in that thread. It's nothing but spergy anons deliberately baiting everyone by calling them
triggered nazis for thinking blackwashing is retarded and the anons in turn get riled up because of that. Please assign a mod to monitor that fucking thread, I report those posts all the time but nothing ever happens. Actual milk gets ignored because anons just want to sperg about muh racism and stereotypes.
No. 16450
>>16420There was some drama about that for a bit, don't remember the specifics but, admin would always be suspiciously quiet about it or run away to the site discord.
Ashereah tinfoils that the reason pp, radfem, and gc got banned is because admin's friends with a tranny leading to them softening up on tranny/man-hate in general, or we have a tranny janny who's friends with admin.
No. 16457
begging the mods to check the left thots /snow thread more often >>1045687
>>16053>>16054Just by its very nature it is always being
led over political/historical disputes and there's no way to stop it once it starts without backseat modding. It's probably the only reason why we have gone through these threads so fast
No. 16473
>>16464Seconding this, it's just Twitter and /jp/ autism mixed with /ot/ sperging. Low caps and shit grammar, nobody sages, useless bumps for someones shit opinion, and whiteknighting, and the ocassional moralfagging.
For every one milky post theres 20 autistic anons having a slap fight with mittens on.
No. 16475
>>16473Nta but definitely. Being unimpressed by the abundance of race spergs, I ended up with an anon accusing me of being irritated because I was at some point told my "greasy attempt at dreads look pathetic"… I don't even have dreads kek.
I would be so much more optimistic for the site if this was just good old bait. But it's not hard to conclude what kind of poster this is. The same type who irrelevantly assumes your race by default, and frequents a certain social media that starts with a "t" and ends with "witter".
No. 16490
>>16433Yeah shit like this is why lc isn't fun to visit anymore. Men literally spend their time on every website hating us but the handmaiden mods won't dare let us make fun of precious men. Literal insta red text bans, yet shit like this
>>16487 gets ignored for hours on end. Say a bad word about a man or a tranny and get banned within the hour lol. Idk, been on lc since…2013? And it hasn't been this bad/unenjoyable to visit and read in the years I've been here ever. Will still laugh at Stefs thread though, she is the best cow.
No. 16508
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>>16507my bad
anyway - what's wrong with linking all her threads? i thought people preferred it for easy access
No. 16513
>>16512This. /w/ used to be a ghost town, now you can't enter a thread without pullanons and twitterfags treating it like a chatroom or…
redditCan Onion threads be dumped to snow? There hasn't been any real milk since the hansen bullshit and even OP acknowledges these threads are practically on life support.
No. 16519
>>16485theyve been brought up since the start of the last yt general thread and maybe before, if they get brought up every other few months regarding different members, there might as well just be a thread to log roosterteeth activities. thats the point of lolcow right
im also just not a fan of any of the posters related to the current RT drama. its like 15 different retarded twitter fucks a-logging, cowtipping, and blogposting about the current guy and mods arent redtexting any of it–
well thats not fully true; they arent redtexting the offenders of bad posting etiquette. they redtexted one anon who was ""infighting""? for replying with (on topic) random shit about one of the
victims we're getting juicy eugenia cooney, h3 and trisha, corpse husband stuff but none of it is being discussed in favor of lovely interactions like this:
>>>1058283>>>1058285im just losing my fucking mind over it because the topics are all over the place and posting organization within the thread is terrible, no culture is being preserved, and the farmhands have banned … someone who replied with their opinion on an on-topic post …
No. 16520
There's a guy wrtiting whole essays here
>>>/pt/799633His name is "the contrarian"
No. 16521
>>16513I agree about the Onion thread. I was also gonna ask if the TND thread can be dumped to /snow/, she has completely disappeared off the internet once again and she only delivers milk once half a year nowadays. I've seen multiple anons talk about this in her thread so I know that I'm not alone in this thinking.
/pt/ cows are so damn dry.
No. 16522
>>16520That was so fedora tier and seemingly neverending. I can't believe it's actually real.
>The contrarianMy sides
No. 16525
>>16519Yeah I don't know RT's history beyond the current scandal, so if there's consistent drama past/present I think you should go ahead and make a thread. It'd be especially helpful to have all the info in one place.
And I understand your frustration, since PULL's shutdown there seems to be an overall decrease in post quality.
No. 16551
>>16513The onision thread has been autosaged.
>>16527We can work on it but it would probably be better discussed during a townhall to gather as much feedback as possible.
>Can we also have a more in-depth thread guide for newfags who think instathot/twitterfag #397 are threadworthyWe already have this on the rules page.
>>16500You can use the hide thread feature and it works on all boards.
>>16534Racebait is always an instant 4 day ban and permanent if that's all the users history has.
No. 16553
I've made a poll that will close at the end of the month and the date and time most requested will be posted as an announcement. Make sure to vote before then. [link]
No. 16557
>>16556begone karen
nobody wants this fucking mommy shit in every thread
go drown in a pumpkin spice latte
No. 16563
>>16558Same I wish they would just ban them
>>16559>>16560No I haven’t noticed a lot of people complaining about feminism. I have seen some people complain about spergy derailing man hate but I wouldn’t say it’s out of nowhere considering it’s every other post in /ot/. It’s funny how consistently the users complaining about ‘anti feminist’ posts (any post vaguely non radical feminist) are also spending enough time on /r9k/ to be able to give us an update every time something about lolcow gets posted there.
No. 16564
>>16557>using karen as an insult for any womanok scrote kek
>>16558Half this thread is now "I don't personally like this thing being talked about despite it not being against the rules" while derailing goes unchecked in other threads. Half the people complaing here are obviously the ones derailing cows threads to bitch they don't like the topic at hand. It's pathtic.
No. 16567
>>16566I’m nta who made that post but I think their wording is pretty irrelevant to their main point which is about the issue of cow threads being derailed. I never thought lolcow would become such a sensitive hugbox that even the word ‘Karen’ would be so
triggering to people and lead them to accuse each other of being men. I think part of the problem is portraying lolcow as primarily a “woman’s space” when really it’s a gossip/drama space first and foremost and the women only rule is secondary. Something being a women’s issue/experience is totally irrelevant to it being derailing in the context of a cow thread. Something being a female experience doesn’t mean there is free reign to blogpost about it just because lolcow is female oriented.
No. 16572
>>16568do you not know what blogposting is?
>>16569complaining about petty insults on an anonymous imageboard and accusing anyone who calls you a Karen of being a scrote is equally stupid
>>16570I have no idea what you’re talking about or what the relation to girl boss tropes and what I posted is supposed to be
No. 16573
>>16567Anon is right in saying that blogposting is bad but what is unnecessary is the level of hate. Report it, get over it. There's no need make seething posts on /meta/.
It feels like the site is being raided. Over the past month there has been a definite increase in man hate, antinatalist sperging and racebait. It's so bad on /ot/ that I've given up browsing the board because I'm so sick of seeing it.
No. 16580
>>16573I agree with you about the man hate, racebait, and antinatalist posts, and I wasn’t trying to say there’s a problem with posting about childbirth and relayed stuff in /ot/ (I actually like hearing about it) just that it’s annoying in cow threads and the fact that it’s a female experience doesn’t make it less derailing/blog posting, which is
>>16547 seemed to be saying. No idea why saying that is giving people “mlm vibes” lmfao
No. 16582
>>16562dilate & 41 %.
this thread is full of scrotes whining.
go join male suicide statistics and mods stop sucking dick.
>>16584it's just fucking weird that you focus on childbirth of all the blogpost topics. anons are always picking cows apart for anything. If it's a blogpost why not just report it? Because no one else cares? But why is it such a big deal, that topic specifically? I don't think anyone else notices or cares.
there is an increase in scrotes here lately, don't be surprised if you are suspected. Anons critique cows over anything, this will include what you call "mommy" shit too. Is the site "far gone" or are you just
triggered by this topic?
No. 16592
>>16580Because you sound fucking ridiculous.
>>16588>>16589>>16590Then stay out of /ot/ instead of demanding site culture changes to fit your delicate sensibilities. If its in a cows thread report and move on. Why do some of you struggle with this? No one gives a shit about your mini modding and it just eggs people on to continue because it gets you upset enough to come here and complain
No. 16599
>>16598Well put. I agree with everything you said.
Seriously, this is not man-hate.gc
No. 16605
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>>16599but anyway. I agree that sometimes talk about men can be derailing, and I think no one is saying it doesn't happen, but I think the major conflict here is due to a difference in what certain anons consider to be unrelated derails vs legitimate, relevant commentary. I personally feel that the farmhands are generally doing a decent job keeping this balance in check, and I think it would be a mistake to lean more towards either direction.
No. 16607
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who closed /ot/
No. 16610
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/OT/, unironically, became this
No. 16627
>>16605If you're implying I'm looking for male approval, you couldn't be more wrong. I just don't want to be reading about men non-stop, it's tiring. I don't need those negative vibes when I'm just looking for a laugh. I don't come here for that. There are websites specifically for that, and this is not it.
Plus I'm tired of agenda-pushers permeating everything online. I don't lurk KF anymore because of racists and similar idiots pushing their ideology in every thread. I don't want to have to stop posting here too because people can't keep their beliefs in their pants and have to keep shoving them down my throat.
I maintain that mods made a mistake removing the containment threads. I could just ignore it, or read it when I was feeling like it. The gc crowd could post freely there on-topic, and the rest of the site was free from it.
No. 16628
Since I see there is some friction in how the site is going now, this article is good for the admin and mods to reread every time there is a crisis of sorts in an online community
>>4330I bitch sometimes, I do, but I love this site and wish it thrives.
No. 16631
>>16630>a safe heavenIt's more like a grave now.
R.I.P. /ot/…
No. 16642
>>16630If they don't bring it back, we can either move to CC, or just go to AG and colonize it to be more fun. Either works IMO, I use all three sites. For different reasons, but still.
If /ot/ doesn't come back, /m/ and /g/ will either wither with it, or end up taking its place and having the same problems that caused the mods to lock it.
At least people might sperg less about girls talking about pregnancy or not liking creepy men if it's all on /g/. These people will have to realize how insane they sound demanding girls don't talk about girl stuff on a board titled "girl talk" lmaoo
No. 16650
>>16645Just change the theme color if you don't like AG's look, or complain that they should change it until they do. It's not a big deal. The "wit" thing is why I said we colonize it, LC has wit and humor because of users contributing. There's nothing special about any site, it's about the people on it.
Also, CC was like that before, but now it has entire terf threads to shit on trannies and you're allowed to hate on scrotes. It's pretty much based now, or at least almost based. ETA that it still gets tranny and moid invasions pretty often, but at least it doesn't have sneaky ones going to /meta/ and insisting that any anti-scrote and anti-troon sentiment be banned. Now that I mention this, I'm a little scared the ones here will migrate there, but I hope CC's mod team will tell them to fuck off.
The last time this happened and anons were like "Let's make a new one!", the same people lobbying just made excuses and refused to do it themselves. Can you make a site, or will you just keep posting that we need a new site? I doubt it'll happen, we will be waiting and bitching in /meta/ forever. Be realistic with your goals.
No. 16652
>>16647There isn't a tranny janny. If there was, the fakeboi and MTF generals would have been banned ages ago, and personally I haven't been banned for being a GCfag ever because I don't sperg. But there is a fucking group of men who can't leave the site alone and keep raiding it. There's also ton of newfags from PULL and twitter who refuse to integrate. It creates a huge stress on the moderation and I don't think the mod group including admin is equipped well enough to handle it all.
Now based on my observations the situation is as follows: The scrotes plant extreme a-logging manhate to complain about it on /meta/ so that the administration has to deal with the whining and raiding that follows. The anons who don't realize it's all planted blame the radfem boogeymen for ruining their fun girlclub without even realizing that men would keep raiding this place manhate or not. That's why they were banned initially, they couldn't keep shut about being a man and had to wave their dick everywhere. And then you get the freshly peaked libfems who are going through their cognitive dissonance breaking apart and take their bottled up hate out on troons/men because this is the only place they can do that in. 2X was inhabited with the people who would fare better in Reddit because they didn't integrate with the board culture at all and kept moralfagging over every non-normie friendly thing. And to top it all off we got the twitterfag zoomers who think nonbinary is a
valid identity and sex work is real work and they haven't yet realized that nobody outside of their woke bubble gives a shit about their feelings. It's a mess.
Honestly if I was the admin I too would close /ot/ for a short period myself to cool things down because the sperging has been extraordinarily bad for the past weeks due to the raiding. It's sad that women can't have one fucking place to enjoy without it being put under fire all the fucking time.
Also AG is a shitty no fun allowed zone. I'd rather just chill out with /m/ and /w/ while waiting for /ot/ to open up for shitposting again.
No. 16653
>>16650cc's userbase is very similar to PULL (excluding the gc threads)
not "based" at all
No. 16657
>>16641Nta, but It’s true, i think a good set of rules for infighting would be amazing, something like
>if a topic takes more than a certain number of posts between 2 anons, it’s infighting and both will get banned for a certain period of time.>if a topic takes more than a certain number of posts between more than two anons, it will be considered infighting and all of the parties will get banned for a certain period of time.That way the anons pressed because of some random thing another anon said can get some cool down time or completely banned if they insist on being stupid.
We also might as well get some other stuff like disclosing whether we should sage in /ot/ and such, because newfags and oldfags are constantly infighting about it and it clogs the threads.
No. 16658
File: 1603194412380.jpg (69.17 KB, 699x760, rubber and cum.jpg)

Why is /ot/ locked? WE DEMAND ANSWERS!!1!!!11!ELEVEN!!!!
No. 16662
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my eyes hurt just by looking at this disgusting board UI. It's the UI. Changing the color doesn't solve anything. Every channel-type board has their own type of coding for the UI, some are free source, some are not (like, for example, 4chan would never reveal their source code).
It's hard to migrate if the places that I want to migrate to hurt my eyes and give me headaches.
No. 16664
>>16657It's good you're trying to think of solutions but I don't think that would work, since we're all anon how can we know if we're talking to the same anon? If a conversation goes on for more than two posts when exactly does it become infighting?
Hopefully the mods will announce this is only a temporary time out
No. 16667
>>16662It basically looks the same as any chan board to me, honestly. Reminds me a little of Lainchan with the persistent top bar.
The most that can be done is to ask in the Q&A thread for the admin to switch UIs to something else, I guess. That or CC while we wait for now.
No. 16668
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Has some tranny destroyed /ot/?
No. 16670
>>16652Absolutely this. Since corona, the post count has gone up a lot. Threads I rememebr getting 100 posts in a week are now getting 50 in a day and its all clear twitterfag drivel. Some people are obviously samefagging about their bans being unfair and then ban evading their samefags, its obvious because the posts have the same fucking format and same grammatical mistakes/choices.
You can even recognise some of their posts, there are a few major spergs who need to put their fucking phones down. One for example who spammed everyday around 3pm my time a blogpost on stupid questions, vent and confession thread about their manhate drivel. Always in the same fucking order about the same things. Every day. 7 days a week.
Then those faggots who link lolcow on twitter? I've spotted /ot/ being posted on twitter five times this month alone.
Twitterfags need to fuck off. This is a fucking drama board, not your autistic blog.
No. 16680
File: 1603196629175.jpg (52.34 KB, 564x564, 0c44a7440f75dec234899c28e16f99…)

seriously though why was /ot/ closed. we need awnsers
No. 16686
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>>16685Ah shit, here we go again.
No. 16689
>>16664Well, after thinking about it, maybe it would be difficult, but if it got reported in here
/meta/ it would help the farmhands with pruning out the infighters, they would be able to check whether some infighting is just two anons or more anons and if the thread has, say, more than 10 posts made of the same topic, the anons who posted would get banned.
No. 16692
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>>16687A raid is when people from other parts of the internet organize to go and shitpost on a website they don't like or want to troll. This level of shitpost ranges from midly infuriating stuff to posting gore and illegal links. 4channers do this a lot, but it can come from anywhere really, like a lesser known imageboard, a forum, or twitter.
No. 16695
>>16692420chan had the best raids.
Potheads vs Scientologists
Top online entertainment.
No. 16696
>>16694that said, I didn't see a raid anywhere, but maybe the posts were deleted quickly (which I doubt)
There must be another reason why /ot/ was closed for now. Maybe /ot/ was cancer
No. 16697
File: 1603199524520.png (271.4 KB, 1348x579, Screenshot_2020-10-20 ot - Ve…)

>>16692>>16662I made a lolcow theme for AG for you anon.
copy from here into the custom css menu on AG (cog symbol then click CSS then save)
No. 16698
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>>16697oh my god anon, thank you. I love you. Bless you.
No. 16703
>>16702You speds will never have an argument other than constantly accusing other anons of being scrotes. The problem will not improve because you may be the exact problem.
Get moving lol
No. 16708
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>>16704I wonder what would've happened if mods followed this suggestion I made days ago
No. 16722
>>16621So like why isn’t there a male Karen meme
You know these fuckers do more damage than anyone
No. 16725
>>16675me too
please set me free
No. 16731
>>16727Genuine question, but did it have an abundance of redfem idealogue and scrote/troon accusations? LC in some respects feels a lot like r9k for women (I'm still here so it's not meant to be an insult). The way dissenters to the what feels like the majority are agressively silenced until any semblance of diversity is all but gone feels very similar. I don't know but I suspect it was more so about milk rather than pushing agendas and that the current culture started somewhere around 2016, like the divisive climate online in general. Of course this is just speculation, please correct me if I'm wrong.
t. anon who dislikes troons, but also the lack of containment
No. 16732
>>16731Fuck no but they always re-write the narrative. It was tamer and more shitposting and fun and not constant troon and scrote accusations.
>>16730Implying none of those aren't sinking ships.
No. 16737
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>>16735These were posted a while back, possibly current LC owner.
No. 16738
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No. 16740
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No. 16742
>>16736Absolutely, it's been particularly bad lately. Almost to the point where I haven't been visiting the board.
>>16737My identity politics alarms are going off… This is an anonymous website… Like race matters? Being anonymous we'd have no clue as to the racial identity of the admin, nor would she have absolute certainty about ours. These screenshots are exactly what I'd expect from pulltards. I genuinely hope these aren't real.
No. 16746
>>16731Troons were a much less issue in 2014 and even 4chan (and its scrotes) were a bit milder pre-election. I also remember men being better at fitting in on staminarose and pre-rulechange /cgl/.
Instead lc just had its fair share of vocal robots and useless porn and horny spam and making shitty borderline waifu threads and "you're just jealous of this cow that makes my pee pee hard"-posting. It's not like those threads are deleted (yet) you know. You can go look yourself.
>>16733Farmhands are on fire.
No. 16754
>>16746I've read a few personally, they seemed a lot wilder and more milk focused. Despite that I did notice a lot of namefagging, but I think comparitively there's a lot a more moralfags now. I saw a few retarded men interjecting with useless anecdotes too. That's what stood out to me at least but like you said no political/ideological derails specifically.
>>16751Happens to me all the time, it's not intentional and has something to do with VPNs cycling IPs or so I've heard.
No. 16757
>>16747Oh, I forgot about that
Now I recall sweeping them and other shit in /pigsty/. It's still there: No. 16759
File: 1603208914279.jpg (90.19 KB, 1200x630, nightmarefuel.jpg)

>>16748Earlier townhalls were JST and with the mod loonastanning I'm guessing they're all koreaboos.
>>16757Good times lmao
No. 16762
File: 1603209057964.jpg (30.82 KB, 500x500, tenshi eating a corndog.jpg)

please Farmhands
i have been browsing for 4 years
/sty/ and /cream/ used to be a thing
/ot/ got merged into /b/
i know too much now and i want to be released from this hell
ISP ban, pls
No. 16764
>>16745What I don’t get is how is she so mad at some
probably white bitches like, we’re not? Some of us are brown, some are asian and so on.
If she had said that she’s mad because of the constant raids and spergs I would get it, but there’s no need to feel some sort of complex just because someone
might be white in a fucking anon site.
No. 16766
>>16740lol where are all these rich white women? and why aren't they sugar mommying us?
honestly sounds stupid, why not retire from moderation, it just sounds like a case of thin skin
No. 16767
>>16759>>16740Hah. So the current lolcow owner is a virtue signaling, stupid zoomer koreaboo twitterfag herself.
Just exactly what every lolcow userbase despises in a person.
Decrown her and give lolcow to someone who actually cares. Btw admin, I'm hispanic myself. """white bitches""" have never been an issue to me on this site, they're amazing, funny, witty girls women ready to help you or smack you out of your stupidity. I love them. But you really hate us don't you?
You're a retarded and sad sjw attempt. You're doing everyone a disservice. Retire for your own good, you fucking milky ass lolcow.
No. 16769
>>16764That’s what I was thinking. Remember that the pp threads got banned for race bait because brown anons were bringing up their personal experiences. Clearly there were plenty of non white people posting but I guess they gotta blame someone kek
>>16765They have to be. LC was much worse before. Was waaaay too petty back then.
No. 16780
>>16777>Saying nigger in 2016 Off to jail with you
In all seriousness though context please.
No. 16785
>>16783Said "source" of leaked caps. If you're late on this then you shouldn't immediately buy into rumors from kiwifarms.
>>16782It's better for male or obscure cows but it's gone downhill since before the data breach and null realized he's wasted his life.
No. 16789
>>16786Ayrt you make a good point. The multiple emoji anons/uwu talking style in the old threads
is annoying.
No. 16791
File: 1603212085275.png (19.6 KB, 1196x54, 4231a.png)

>>16769Lolcow was pretty abhorrently racist and full of scrotes in the early days. I don't know why some anons downplay it. The site was kind of a shithole, and the admins didn't do a whole lot to stop it. The "Stop treating me like a pajeet coon" comment the (alleged) admin made in the Discord leaks right after complaining about "stupid rich white bitches" is ironic, but it doesn't surprise me.
pic related is from here btw
>>>/pt/101060 No. 16814
>>1672930. Why?
>>16731As someone already said, it wasn't as pushy with the radfem/GC stuff. It was more just like 'that person is a fucking idiot, but they just so happen to be XYZ' as opposed to 'I fucking hate this person because they have a dick/think they're a man/woman etc'. It has gotten more vicious on here, and less about the laughs, which is what lolcows used to be about, hence the name. It was poking fun at weirdos. A modern day freak show, if you will. Obviously you had people like Chris Chan where people were trying to cause him harm and mental anguish and shit, but I don't recall it ever being that bad on SR. Of course you would get the odd edgelord trying to be the master troll and steer a person of interest into their own narrative, but most of us would just discuss things fairly level headedly, have a few laughs and then move on. I also don't remember the user based being as depressed, whiny and babyish either. It has got much worse in the last year or so. I keep telling myself to stop visiting as often, but I do genuinely enjoy some of my interactions with some anons on here, and I would feel quite bad giving up on a website I used to enjoy visiting.
No. 16817
>>16740I mean no offense, but being the leader of a community doesn't make you a "servant", it means you're the one willing to put the work in to keep it afloat. I know people who have put hundreds of hours of coding into keeping communities alive and this is a strange attitude to have about it. Is admin okay?
>>16814The frog in the boiling pot of water is the analogy I keep coming back to when I think of this site.
No. 16821
>>16818A'ight, foetus. Since when did I say it was exclusively for drama? I welcome change, doesn't mean I have to suck its ass though does it? They can do what they like with it, but it's just a mess now, that's all I'm saying.
>>16817That's it. It's sad.
No. 16823
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>>16812>how will I survive so long not being able to sperg about every tiny inconvenience in my lifeUnironically this.
No. 16832
>>16831And then get doxxed after some snowflake decided I’m being too
problematic for talking about how I hate it when my feet are cold but I’m sweating? so they find my cringy teenager phase shit to post it everywhere? No thanks.
pls don’t take it too seriously No. 16841
>>16525HEY im back to bitch about this because now theres another roosterteeth guy whos cheated on his wife and is making statements
can farmhands PLEASE redirect the roosterteeth happenings to a different snow thread and not the youtube general so all the holly/projared divorce spergs can go autistic over another divorce case in a containment thread
No. 16851
>>16844Admin will not eat your pussy no matter how many times you suck up to her like an annoying leech at the beach that managed to worm its way into my bikini stfu retard ADMIN DOES NOT EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE FAGGOT JUST ADMIT THAT THIS SITE IS FUCKING TRASH INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE YOU ARE SO IN LOVE WITH HER EVEN THO YOU ARE PROBABLY WHITE AND SHE HATES CRACKERS MAYBE GO TAN YOURSELF FIRST YOU DUMB BITCH
Forget about your
boyfriend admin
And meet me at the hotel room
You can bring your girlfriends
And meet me at the hotel room
We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn
We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn
We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn
We at the hotel, motel, Holiday Inn
No. 16853
>>16005Esa jevita está enterita, tiene tremendo culo (let's go now)
Está tan linda, está tan rica y tiene tremendo culo (yeah)
Teticas chiquita' pero que importa si tiene tremendo culo (yeah)
Hazme el favor y menéate chica, tienes tremendo culo
Culo, hey, hey, hey, hey shake that sh hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey shake that sh hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey shake that sh hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey shake that sh hey
No. 16854
>>16844holy cringe
No. 16876
File: 1603232070674.jpg (37.91 KB, 594x395, Pitbull.jpg)

I'm so sad I cannot breathe. I want Pitbull so bad. He knows how to treat women. He would never do us wrong like this. I need him. WE need him.
No. 16880
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No. 16882
>>16836Lol exactly there was no raid. How strange this only happened when people started complaining on ot about meta being raided by moids then boom suddenly it is gone kek
Admin remains a cunt that needs to sell the site to someone with thicker skin.
No. 16885
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No. 16888
>>16737>>16738>>16740So admin is basically a Twitter user that thinks running a website means people are taking advantage of her being Hispanic? Is she retarded? How does she know users here are white?
Someone just needs to make a new site because admin is determined to destroy this one. She's constantly pissed at the userbase here for feal and imaginary crimes.
No. 16896
File: 1603233368002.jpg (21.81 KB, 400x240, e5c8031881cb2279103a09e767b347…)

>>16888Good idea. Someone make a party discord for now and lets discuss this further. I can also share my cock and ball torture.
No. 16902
File: 1603233767670.png (555.81 KB, 777x1024, Pitbull-spokesperson-777x1024.…)

>>16899Hey, anon, don't be too suspicious, it might be our king Pitbull finally here to save us with his new imageboard
No. 16908
File: 1603233965711.png (1.09 MB, 2198x1119, screenshot_misc.png)

>>16899>>16902I don't strongly make my physical attributes or identity a major part of how I interact online. If you don't trust me that's fine. I also don't mind short-term uses of it by other communities.
I am not an e-celeb or widely recognized name, sorry. is how /misc/ looks.
No. 16914
>>16908If it's not female-only thanks but no thanks
>>16906Discord is shit and isn't anon, see how it works out for PULL
No. 16930
>>16923That'll bring all the degenerates to the yard.
>>16928Every time.
No. 16937
File: 1603235232622.jpg (47.69 KB, 468x655, 9d61cb31b100920771c55e542249fc…)

>>16929Im a rich white bitch but the offer still stands. Admin can call me a pendeja after we seal the deal
No. 16941
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Lmao I'm glad admin is having a shitty time.
No. 16953
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No. 16958
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>>16955Ohh wow look at me I'm so fucking mature because I don't have an Asperger's diagnosis and I can't let myself have a single ounce of fun on a fucking joke of an imageboard! Would you like a special trophy for having no fucking sense of humor, you frigid bitch? You can shut down your computer and go play sudoku puzzles from the newspaper and watch Jeopardy you 80 year old hag, the retarded young folk are over here having FUN. Pull the stick out of your ass or just close the website if you hate this "autism" so much
No. 16967
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No. 16984
File: 1603238833879.jpg (38.01 KB, 1280x720, dale.jpg)

so ot was unlocked and then locked again?
No. 16989
File: 1603239383751.png (7.7 KB, 1200x59, Screenshot_9.png)

What am I gonna do for 5 days without my artist salt drama?
No. 16996
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>>16697You're the best, thank you so much.
No. 16999
>>16997Kek same. See u in chat.
>>16998Best you don't then…
No. 17001
File: 1603244118242.png (2.45 MB, 898x11941, lolcow.farm_m_res_112461_html.…)

rest in piss
No. 17003
>>16822The userbase of LC in general*
Not everyone has to give themselves trivial labels to agree with some "GC/PP" talking points. That way individuals reserve the right to disagree when we feel it's necessary.
t. Anon who's sick of people treating LC like it's a collective
No. 17007
>>17005This post is fucking hilarious.
I'd meet you at the inn thread for more Pitbull spam but /ot/ is locked.
No. 17016
File: 1603260954826.jpg (619.22 KB, 1650x2107, 1-01.jpg)

If we can't have the site that we want, maybe it's time we make our own. Let's face it, lolcow has many organization and administration problems that nobody is willing to solve. Let's just create our own space. I know it will get going.
No. 17017
File: 1603261245017.jpeg (413.86 KB, 1000x667, F9C6286C-ADB7-4112-AD28-E6D2F0…)

>>16740>stupid white bitchesI luv being a white transphobic bitch and making admin mad!
No. 17023
File: 1603263385516.png (14.61 KB, 701x364, Untitled.png)

Really? I make one fucking post on this board and get banned for spamming? With everything that's going on in here and all the infighting, farmhands do fuck all about that and ban me for posting an image?
And they wonder why no one respects them or listens to anything they say. They haven't responded to one fucking thing said in meta today, even the people trying to be genuine, but are lurking for this dumb shit.
No wonder this site is burning to the fucking ground.(as if you haven't derailed the threads all day)
No. 17024
>>17023我真的很喜欢Genshin Impact 这是一个因喜剧效果而产生的模因。我不支持 Glorious Leader Xi Jinping 或他作为总统的举动。我现在将继续使用随机术语来使这个变得有趣。
大块头大块头大男孩东方传说习近平 1989 Massacre 全能大主习近平主席永恒 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 赞美加贝·纽维尔勋爵为反击和保卫古人 Kung-Flu 成吉思汗没做错事,习近平国王绝杀了传说中的故事 The Great Leap Forward
No. 17031
>>17029I've transfered from SR to here too but I don't mind it. But then again I also found the shoplifting threads boring. My point is that not everyone has to agree with that anon just because they're oldfags but I realised it's most likely the poster quoted in
>>16604 anyway.
No. 17032
>>17031im p sure most of the people saying they are oldfags have only used lolcow for a year or two or came from when tempcow was a thing so board culture is foreign to them.
you get it though, we can have differing opinions and still be civilized. i think these unintegrated users and newfags think this is some radical left movement and any differing view is haram.
No. 17033
File: 1603265890181.jpg (367.83 KB, 1080x1629, Screenshot_20201020-213724_Dis…)

No. 17045
>>16737>>16738>>16740>they're so entitled!!!!!>i'm not gonna do my job because the PP boolies are invalidating me!!!!!the fuck? this admin needs to be replaced asap. if the userbase are such uber rich wine sipping karens like she says than can someone please spare some of their alleged wealth and buy the site? lmao
>>16770wah wah go back to fucking twitter. the issue with /ot/ isn't radfems, if there could be a /2x/ there wouldn't be a problem. but since admin is a vindictive bpdfag and a snowflake the site is doomed. if the statistics show we're all white middle class women then so what? it's probably just a cope from admin but even if it was real, what is she trying to accomplish by just ignoring users demands out of bpd induced childish spite??
No. 17046
File: 1603287137772.jpg (47.65 KB, 419x394, Screenshot_20180930-011155_Fir…)

>femcels absolutely SEETHING
No. 17050
File: 1603290534108.gif (106.33 KB, 450x338,

We need some Braco. Second best man in this thread.
No. 17065
>>16005If I were a mod, I would've locked this thread too and left one retard thread open in /ot/ so you all can shut the fuck up and let people leave actually
valid complaints.
No. 17068
File: 1603295129854.gif (3.28 MB, 300x231, Ray-J-Stare-VH1-For-the-Love-o…)

>>17067thx for confirming once again that admin was entirely correct to ban you all from here.
You guys are REALLY making a point here on why we should all tolerate you guys. Notice the sarcasm. This autistic spam over 5 days of ot being closed is more than enough confirmation all of you need to go outside and never come here again.
No. 17071
>>16851>Admin will not eat your pussy no matter how many times you suck up to her like an annoying leech at the beach that managed to worm its way into my bikini stfu retard ADMIN DOES NOT EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE FAGGOT JUST ADMIT THAT THIS SITE IS FUCKING TRASH INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE YOU ARE SO IN LOVE WITH HER EVEN THO YOU ARE PROBABLY WHITE AND SHE HATES CRACKERS MAYBE GO TAN YOURSELF FIRST YOU DUMB BITCHhow i WISH this was keeks. you know even kiki herself hops on now and again, takes a quick glance and leaves because of just how bedraggled and sad this place has gotten, a shell of its former self.
scrote/tranny/handmaiden derails were the deathknell. obvious and reeks of gay ops. preventing long time users from telling the newfags they were newfagging was also a bad idea; it may be backseat modding but who gives a shit as long as the site is functional and anons are having a good time? lolcow is now r9k, it’s dead, which is what the derailers wanted. pretty embarrassing when june and her handpicked SCROTE ran this place better than anyone since.
No. 17072
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No. 17085
>>16998Same question. I can deal with the scat/gore but I'm glad I've never seen cp spams before, and hopefully it stays that way.
I never experienced the SR days but I was here for Princess Doll's threads (absolute gems, I wish there were more threads like that kek)
Honestly though it's not as horrible here as it could be. The autism that's insured since /ot/ temp closed shows where a lot of it's coming from. Instead of bitching and screeching and whining about /ot/ being closed for 5 days and how you're leaving lolcow because it sucks, go to CC or Asherah's Garden and talk about off topic stuff there.
No. 17086
>>17085>The autism that's insured since /ot/ temp closed shows where a lot of it's coming fromOr it's just one or two autists who discovered how to ban evade and ruining it for the rest of us anons who genuinely don't like the cultures on cc or ag. But sure.
Guess the people who've browsed here for years totally deserve that.
No. 17087
File: 1603297789641.png (25.72 KB, 287x83, Screen Shot 2020-10-21 at 11.2…)

>>17067Are you saying that the person with the username epic pitbull troll is from the gc/pp group on discord? The one that formed when the threads were banned? Because if that's what you are saying you are totally full of shit. That's obviously a post from the raiders, do you think Pitbull poster is a radfem or something and not some random 4chan faggot?
No. 17088
>>17016>>17055that would be a dream…
>>17072ily kind anon
No. 17097
>>17087The username is a reference to
>>16974 , it doesn't say it's a troll. But it could be a troll, who knows.
No. 17099
>>17096Please stay there and don't come back then
I feel for admin, it's probably emotionally exhausting to run a site where the users are constantly attacking you and accusing you of lying about your gender
No. 17103
File: 1603299795230.png (40.22 KB, 605x264, 076.png)

>>17099if you're affected by it that deeply then this is the wrong environment for you in the first place
(meta doesnt exist for your autistic infight) No. 17105
>>17016If you really wanted to create a forum only for women, I guess you could have different things to avoid retards.
>Bait threadsSo the newfags and scrotes go there and get banned, no red text bans in those threads so other newfags keep falling for it.
>obscure nameAvoid anything with
chan at the end, everyone always relate chans to /r9k/ and stuff like those.
Also, most people know what 4chan is so, it would attract lots of newfags.
>captchaPlease, it helps a lot with avoiding spammers, maybe some autoban if the weirdo keeps on trying the captcha for too long.
>hidden boards Maybe it would be nice if the /meta/ board could be hidden so there’s barely any spergs going full retard with their complaints.
i don’t know how to code but I like giving ideas No. 17117
File: 1603301263114.jpg (66.51 KB, 705x592, 1573499926140.jpg)

>>17113>they attracted more mature and intellectually oriented usersLOL
These are the same people that got /2X/ locked because they couldn't stop themselves from calling admin a troon. If they were mature and intellectually oriented they would have developed some self control.
No. 17119
>posting on lolcow>saying lolI miss the good ol' times when an anon saying "lol" would get their post and opinion canceled by other anons making fun of them for being a newfag.
I would also like to say that I am very sure not all the posters from the rad fem threads got involved with the admin sama drama and that I'm also sure girls who were not rad fem started calling her a Troon just to upset her.
No. 17122
>>17113Ah i agree, it seems the user base is in that weird space of change in "maturity" or board etiquette, I know stuff like twitterfag is eye roll worthy but I have no other way to put it, it's a kind of farmer that get unnecessarily personal and are prone to infighting and derailing. As it is that's hardly the admin or anyone else fault and I think it's just a natural moment of any board that gets on a medium sized user base, perhaps stuff like longer hell weeks could work.
As for ot/ itself, that was the only reason I visited the site on a semi-regular basis, if they close I don't think the site is going to suffer a sudden death but its probable there's going to be less posts, whether that's a good or bad thing…
No. 17126
Because every shitposter calling admin a troon was a 2X radfem and you have proof of this.
smug cat.jpg No. 17127
>>17126Yeah because you wouldn't call someone a troon if you weren't a radfem
No. 17137
File: 1603303522237.png (271.91 KB, 500x492, 1600123625571.png)

I was upset at first about the locking but now I'm 100% admin's side and I wish the whole site could be locked because this is hellish, who let the tumblr kids loose?
No. 17139
>>17119The LOL was deliberately facetious.
>I am very sure not all the posters from the rad fem threads got involved with the admin sama dramaI participated in the threads and I would have preferred /2X/ to stay open but it's clear that there is a determined group of people who see admin as some incarnation of Hitler because she won't allow them to turn every thread on /ot/ into a radfem circlejerk. If pp and gc was kept exclusively in their respective threads it never would have been an issue. Admin tried to accommodate them while also keeping the infighting in /ot/ under control, she was even prepared to give them their own board. No matter what compromise she came up with it was never good enough.
No. 17143
>>17141I think it should be moved to /pt/ or make a new board for celebrity gossip
Yeah nuke everything else
No. 17148
lol, yeah the people on /v/ screaming "tranny" "dilate" "inject" etc are radfems, obviously
I think anyone can hate trannies, radfem or not, but yeah.
Either way there's two options here
Nuke /ot/ /g/ and /m/, boards that don't fit in a gossip forum and have clearly different userbases
Or accommodate such userbases for more never ending infighting and more "troon" vs "radfem" debates
I think nuking is better, at this point. Even if /ot/ was nice, to be frank this is all is just cancer. Eventually more people will move on and migrate to another board or the discord server on the friend finder thread.
I remember when lolcow was just /pt/ and /snow/. Just go back to that. Easier, cleaner, and just what lolcow is about.
Lolcow was never about women discussing their issues, lives, and experiences, sadly. It was never for dumbass shit memes. It's a gossip forum. Let's just keep it like that.
No. 17152
>>17151You missed my point, but I'm not continuing this conversation.
The cancer on this thread is a clear indication of why /ot/ should be nuked. Make your own board, I swear it will be better.
No. 17156
>>17016> let's face it, gossip is funI really hate gossip. I hate that this is considered a female activity and that it's even encouraged.
This is off topic but the only boards that I cared about were /ot/, /m/ and /g/. I do hope they get nuked so I can finally move away from this site.
No. 17157
i don't know why admin is focusing so hard on lolcow being muh feminist haven, lolcow in itself is inherently misogynistic, most of the threads are about women and threads about moids get less traffic even if they do objectively worse things. meanwhile we have anons in /ot/ saying they're attracted to projared or sending nudes to male cows and get an "oh anon love yourself" at most. gossiping about mostly female ecelebs has never been and will never be feminist so idk why users like
>>17010 think this is the right place to talk about women's issues. most regular users are mentally ill social retards and to add politically charged debate like pp and gc to that only makes it a garbage fire that will never stop until its snuffed out or burnt down the entire site
No. 17159
>>17154Missed my point again.
Never called women annoying.
I want this.
>>17016I want a new board for all the fun people that are not welcomed here.
I don't want to share a board with people who call women names all the time.
Make your own board. Because I want to see it happen. Because I rather post there than continuing seeing the same arguments over and over again.
Lolcow is for gossip. Lolcow is not fun.
Learn to read.
No. 17166
File: 1603306047853.png (6.3 KB, 224x225, pff.png)

>>17164You know what I meant. Stop.
No. 17172
>>17163Probably not, but you've gotta admit it does seem like a plant with how some anons are reacting so suspiciously. Like they're playing so hard into the "nuke em" hand, that maybe it will be reconsidered. The whole situation does seem rather manufactured. It makes no sense to "close" a board because of a raid (they've happened before) or being shortstaffed (again, not an unheard of occurrence).
Personally I just want a decision to be made so I don't have to wade over any further autism and larping. Admin is either gonna make a decision to keep my traffic on this site, or is going to do something that drastically decreases the time I want to spend on here by eliminating boards I like. Just seems dumb to keep extenuating the circumstances for vpn hoppin anons to act stupid.
No. 17173
>>17159>people who call women names all the timenot sure which people on this board you're referring to, because that might just be everybody
Sorry if it's been covered, but don't alternatives already exist? there's those with scrotes and libfems, and then there's AG which I haven't seen a good reason yet why radfems can't go populate.
but I think everyone's being dramatic. all we need is containment for pp again or something, not a drastic erasure of half this site
No. 17180
File: 1603307266252.png (507.14 KB, 994x561, tempsnip2.png)

Thank you farmhands for finally banning the Holly wk samefag in the ProJared thread
No. 17183
>>17162>the people from ot, g, and m =/= the people from pt snow and wso if the two don't interact, what's the big deal about not keeping /ot/ etc.? fyi, I've always been a user from both and I know multiple people that do the same
and like other anons said, usually levels of cancer on /ot/ aren't even close to this thread
No. 17186
>>17167Extremly short resume:
He lost a poll (a twitt one I think??) and got nominated as worst chris, ppl commented with stuff like "oh its bcs hes republican", "ah it's bcs hes in hillsong" and somehow that guaranteed for the public support of rdj, the Russo bros n wokeman Ruffalo
No. 17201
>>17190One or more anons are so mad over the existence of a board where someone was able to call them pickmes or men on, they now want the whole board gone and no one to have fun.
Or alternatively, it really is false-flagging men who want to see the website and its userbase burn while pretending it's "for our own good" and pulling the "divide and conquer" bullshit.
No. 17203
File: 1603314844591.jpeg (10.05 KB, 616x447, nuke ot.jpeg)

I mean, with the way things are, with admin's incompetence, and the cancer going on here, lolcow could benefit from a smaller userbase from /ot/ retards leaving to never come back. It's obvious farmhands have no strategy to contain large contigents of people migrating here: radfems, kpoppies, etc. The anachans were contained, but that was way back before this admin and she doesn't have the skill that takes to do that. Didn't she say on discord she legit had diarrhea from people calling her a troon and laughing at her autistic ass?
So maybe the answer is to let topic boards go, focus the main point of the website on gossip again, and when we have a better admin who is not a precious bb hispanic pajeet coon snowflake, we can have people competent enough to control autism on off topic boards.
Basically, admin kill yourself and hand over lolcow to someone better already. If not, just nuke ot boards and then you will have an easier userbase to mod.(5.Don’t post about wishing bodily harm on a subject or group. (a-logging) 13.Do not try to harass, threaten, or intimidate staff. )
No. 17205
>>17203>lolcow could benefit from a smaller userbase from /ot/ retards leaving to never come back.>/ot/ retards>as if browsing a board was a personal identitylmao what was even wrong with /ot/ to begin with? I thought it was a decent general discussions board that was 1000x better than 4chan, 8chan, or any /b/.
Why can't there be more to the community than e-celeb drama and media? Fuck it, if there's a raid going on, they want /ot/ deleted because le dumb wimminz made a better community than their shitpost heap.
No. 17207
>>17203lol, people say kys all the time on imageboards. This is in no way intimidation or threatening. What kind of reddit tier moderation is this?
Also, not that anon, obviously.
(ban evasion to wk your fellow autists) No. 17211
>>17205>if there's a raid going on, they want /ot/ deleted because le dumb wimminz made a better community than their shitpost heapThis, kiwis and channers seething.
>>17206You have no access to any kind of data to prove this, but if you do, quit dropping your trip. There's a shit ton of fighting on those boards.
No. 17219
>>17214This isn't infighting. Who was I fighting with? Are you this incapable of taking a joke, or is the order just to ban anyone who says anything that isn't complete and total ass-licking with that same redtext?
How the hell did we get such sensitive people running a site like Lolcow?
No. 17221
>>17023I posted this and it was the only post I made. But you know that you fucking retarded farmhands. I'm not the pittbull spammer.
How the fuck are you retards this bad at your jobs that you can't even track a users posts via IP? Or are you intentionally lying?
>>17046Good job banning actual users of this site and leaving scrotes like this, the ones ACTULLY DOING THE FUCKING RAIDING, unbanned. Just admit this isn't about "raiding" but admin is mad she's lost control over this site.
I truly hope all this is upsetting admins rl. She's sensitive enough for it
>>17217lolcow has always been a
toxic cesspool you fucking newfag and no amount of whining on yours or admins part is going to change that.
>>17219they're banning people that disagree, not people that fight. Hence why the scrotes are allowed to post here declaring themselves king but women are getting banned.
No. 17223
>>17221>>17222Shit. I didn't even notice the "KING OF /OT/" scrote wasn't banned or redtexted. I'd love to believe they just didn't see his post, but they've been on this thread like flies to shit, throwing red text on everything and everyone.
>muh NOT ALL BANS ARE REDTEXTEDSure, but what does it say when a blatant scrotepost is left untouched, while farmers who say things you don't like get redtexted?
No. 17224
>>17221I was banned for alleged ban evasion which wasn't true and my post
>>17207 wasn't anything ban worthy either. I really do think they just redtext anons for not ass licking and make up stupid reasons on the fly. At least I can laugh at the entire shitshow.
No. 17227
>>17221I honestly couldn't imagine getting this
triggered over a few days of /ot/ shutting down. Sheesh. Just walk away. No one is begging you to be here right now.
No. 17228
>>17227nta but this obviously doesn't have anything to do with /ot/ being shut down. It's the way admin and the mods have behaved. If you can't do the bare minimum of your role, why even bother doing it?
It's frustrating that there's no communication between the users and the admin/mods. And taking into account the fragile ego and the emotional banning, I don't see the point anymore.
No. 17231
>>17228I mean, I understand that, but this whole "spamming /meta/ with vitriolic hate messages towards admin" only started when /ot/ got shut down. I know there were complaints before, but these people are literally autistic reeeeeeing now. It's just adding to the noise on purpose, banging pots and pans and shit. It's annoying and they're just repeating the same thing. Screaming in all caps and for what? No one gives a shit what they're saying because everyone has already been saying it. Why the fuck are they chimping out now??
Farmhand Applications have been opened for literally months. Is that not a sign that they needed new people anyway? So it's not like they weren't trying. They probably got shitty candidates or got new mods that didn't do the job right and had to drop them or something.
>inb4 asskissing modsI'm really just trying to lay down information properly. Just fucking leave lolcow and delete it from your history if you're getting this absolutely volatile over it. No website should make you react that way.
No. 17234
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>>17229Thought it would be more like the left
No. 17239
>>17238Why did you reply to me? I'm
>>17223 and I stay away from any Discord faggotry.
What is this gay ops shit?
No. 17247
>>17245Can you actually prove that? Discord screenshots that you're probably in don't really say anything. We already have actual scrotes, there's no need for LARPers.
Also, why would someone "falseflagging as a scrote" not be banned, anyway?
No. 17261
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No. 17263
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No. 17264
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No. 17266
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No. 17268
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No. 17270
>>17265I really just want an explanation for all this. Literally who are these people, and what is their connection to this thread? Admin's old friends? Why are they suddenly sperging in this thread along with the screenshots? If it's just a random server from /g/, what exactly are we supposed to be seeing in these caps?
Just because /ot/ got locked doesn't mean this thread needs to be the hub for Discord drama.
No. 17273
>>17270it's probably the same tards who were admitting to spamming and ban evading
>>17033 or either pullfags
No. 17276
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Look at all the butthurt discord anons lmao
No. 17278
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No. 17294
>>17288Lmao at you coming here to scream thinking you're somehow different to everyone else.
Funny that admin had said we are being raided yet you guys think the raid didn't move to here? They just all left when ot was shut? Or was there no raid and ot was closed because admin has a personal bridge against it
No. 17308
>>17303The screenshots are hilarious. Look at them come in here and cry lmfao.
/ot/ needs to be nuked. Its a bunch of mentally ill cows who try to out do each other on how autistic their traumatic lives are.
No. 17316
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>>17313>>17314>>17315Nobody cares you autistic bpd-cows
No. 17318
>>17313>Wow le epic maymay and shitpost! Look how edgy we are!What are you, a bunch of autistic 12 years old?
You guys are massive cows and I feel sorry for the Farmteam whom have to deal with you rn. But as a lurker pov, it's quite entertaining.
No. 17321
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>>17320cus it is. ngl tho most interesting thing to happen on here for awhile. a bunch of nobodies in a discord blaming each other and /ot/ anons having a stroke.
No. 17325
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No. 17329
>>17324Oh look, another male posting here and not being banned despite us "being raided".
Just fucking kill yourself you useless scrote. Thats the only thing men excel at over women anyway.
No. 17330
>>17329ntayrt and I understand you're pressed about something but you missed the /s part. Anon is implying that other anons who want /ot/ to vanish put other women down by calling all of them mentally ill with insignificant problems etc when it was a place for women to vent and talk about their lives anonymously, insignificant or not.
I still don't get why so many anons that don't touch /ot/ have such a hateboner for it, especially after claiming that /ot/ and /pt/ don't even have the same userbase (allegedly). I'm all for a crusade against twitterfags but they infected the gossip boards, not just /ot/.
No. 17331
>>17297Agreed, these are hilarious. But this thread really isn't the place for it, everyone needs to stop clogging /meta/ already.
No. 17332
>>17268>>17266>>17264>>17263Oh lord, this is some PULL discord and "my boyfriend bought me the domain" levels of funny shit.
>being this pressed over people laughign at your shitty legbeard raid>screeching so hard you shut down the server>over a raid you did because /ot/ wa shut down for 5 daysthe fucking irony over here I hope it doesnt escape anyone. My sides have gone. This milk is excellent.
No. 17334
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>>17325>this is a radfem aligned server>degenerate animuh loli profile picIt feels like in the last couple months the average age of the userbase went down by at least 5 years.
No. 17335
>>17261>>17263>>17264>>17266Based snitch anon, I came to this thread after two days and found prime milk. This is fucking hilarious, random discord autists are trying to pull gay ops by ~ebik raiding /meta/~ and then freak out and burst into tears when they get hit. Live and learn retards, thanks for the laughs
>>17288Agree. I'm a ~GCsperg~ and after /ot/ was closed even I just shrugged my shoulders. These discord BPD-chans need to go outside and stop being dependent on an imageboard for lord's sake.
No. 17337
>>17334They call themselves "radfems" most likely because they're the spergy peak transed libfem types who have no idea about the radfem ideology as a whole, just as predicted in
>>16652 .
No. 17345
>>17339NTA but
No no. A bored person doesn't autistically screech when their favorite board is down, they go someone else because they are… bored.
This is something else.
No. 17351
>>17348Yeaaah, agree, everything would be better if we just ignored everyone else including the trolls and that's it
Whatever happens in the end it's at farmhand's mercy. Just let it go everone, if /ot/ stays or not who cares? the sun will stil rise tomorrow and we'll have better things to do than to waste our time here. If it gets closed, there's always the option to make another imageboard
>>17016Dunno, all this sperg, infighting, blaming, armchairing, lack of understanding, weird attempts at trolling, actual scrotes trolling and not getting banned, and etc is really unfortunate, is this really how /ot/ anons are? am I just seeing it now? Is it time to quit?
In the end I know /ot/ will be open again and nothing of this will matter, tbh. Just wait 3 days
No. 17353
>>17351samefagging but what will really come out of this whole situation? This weird ass failed attempt at "trolling". Nothing
It's just lukewarm milk at this point, it doesn't matter in the long run.
I know at the end of the year anons will be nominatng the pitbullspergs it at the end of the year for worst troll or whatever, mention it from time to time on /ot/, and move on. The end, nothing of value was added or lost
No. 17355
>>17352Yes, exactly. Never got why we have to act a certain way in here vs other imageboards where everyone just goes at it indiscriminately. It's an anonimous website, everyone has their own opinion, etc etc etc whatever, you get me. Like, what's so different?
It's not like we treat the cows much better
No. 17356
>>17354I saw this thread being mentioned on the feels thread at /cgl/ too
Plus there's this anon
>>17225>>17226 No. 17362
>>17354I subscribe to this theory.
Paired with how fast they deleted the porn, jannies and admin are hanging on every post.
No. 17365
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>>17364Ignore this bait.
This is probably a scrote trying to frame us as crazy man-haters.
No. 17366
>>17329Anon I love you and support everything you said but
>>17330 is right, I was being sarcastic.
>>17364Stop falseflagging.
No. 17368
>>17361why do you assume the people posting here have anything to do with /ot/? If I was raiding a site and I got one board closed I wouldn't just stop after, I would take it to another part of the site. I would also try to intergrate enough that I seemed like a normal member.
>>17363they're not going to lock it so they can use it as a reason to not bring /ot/ back.
No. 17374
>>17372because admin needs to be able to play
victim and she can't do that if she bans everyone.
No. 17375
>>17372I think admin should do that at this point, just ban every sperg in this thread
>>17371What a sad attempt to troll, go back to your pitbullsperg server- oh whoops, you already deleted it because you couldn't stop crying about it.
No. 17388
>>17385They're already banned though, aren't they?
I mean, the infighting never ends, but stuff like pinkpill and man-hating threads gets you an instant ban now.
No. 17389
>>17342this can't not be some weird 4d scrote false flagging
reading /meta/ just makes me paranoid I'm outtie
No. 17394
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ot has been hostile since quarantine started. So many rude ass anons. It's forever summer or just anons being on the internet too much. I don't care at all if it goes away if it's going to be like that still.
No. 17395
>>17385>>17387Fully agreed my fellow sisters. Let's finally nuke that place where all those stupid mentally ill females chat about their lifes and discuss amongst themselves. It will show those smug radfem spergs and terf autists what it means to disrespect our male kings and brave, stunning transgirls. As another senior user, Anti-male and Anti-TQ speak will NOT and NEVER will be tolerated on my all-inclusive lolcow dot farm. They should finally fuck off!! and make this
>>17016>>17016>>17016>>17016>>17016>>17016thank god the thread hits bump limit soon, this is fucking ridiculous.>>17391Are you on mobile?
No. 17402
>>17401What are you even trying to say with this?