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No. 14594
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.
>>>/meta/6821 should only be used for technical issues and suggestions (can't load site, site slow, bugs, site feature requests). This thread is for non-technical issues.
Do not use this thread to infight and instigate pointless arguments. No. 14596
>>14594Could someone take a look at the current pro ana thread?
There‘s a cow shitting up the thread with her woe is me-pity party and a bunch of people
triggering even more of it by interacting with her.
No. 14597
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>she's a janitor
>on a lolcow imageboard
>she does it for free
>this is what she does during quarantine
No. 14603
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Vicky’s back, and now she’s convinced lolcow can be charged with manslaughter for… what? Posting a picture of a girl who apparently attempted suicide AFTER Vicky commented on it? Idk.
Can we get her posts verified?
No. 14609
>>14608anon you replied to
i started following her because of heroingranola.. it's interesting to see how everyone she's [holli] associated with ends up turning into a drug addicted criminal.
but god, 75% (at least) of the people who post there are completely insufferable.
No. 14615
>>14613the ban was appropriate, i just don't want the rules to be applied to me
>>14614a female rottweiler
No. 14623
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The banned vendetta-chan is back up hopping in the nicole thread. Necro'd then posted nitpicking and ended hi cow. Can we please get this shit thread locked and force these anons back to the thot thread? There is nothing about this nicole davis girl at all that has anything with milk in the thread anyway . Its just nitpick and still vendetta. The same person bumps it every few days with photos trying to bait nitpicking and say its milk. Every 10 posts feels like its 'hi cow'.
>>>/w/89520 No. 14629
File: 1587595302227.png (339.68 KB, 1267x557, vendettachan.png)

>>14623So vendetta chan got banned for the 'hi cow' and then proceeded to admit to posting old photos with the debunked already nose job 'milk' and is doing the same M/O of forgetting the captions and deleting the posts and reposting after spamming. This anon is so fucking annoying. I understand not liking this chick but this level of stupid with begging for nitpicking to be milk in so embarrassing in the thread at this point.
>>>/w/89606>>>/w/89604 No. 14637
File: 1587686689326.jpeg (442.87 KB, 1242x2075, 57EDA9B2-7CDF-44D2-8A7D-F666A1…)

Got another ban for “ban evading” even though it’s not my post, again. I’ve never even been banned to begin with, nor have I posted in onion threads since 2019. I know it’s just the stupid IP-cycling that’s giving me someone else’s ban, again. But it still butthurts my fee-fees and rustles muh jimmies. I need a hug.
No. 14645
>>14643It’s the 5th time since 2015, so not that deep. Most of the posts are from threads I don’t use. A bunch of anons had it happen to them about a year or 2 ago and it was discussed in meta. One said it was due to “the IP’s being recycled”. So everyone was like …kay?
1 ban was for a post saying “I’m 13”. 1 ban for a post saying “as a male”. 1 ban for “hi cow!”. And 1 ban which was meant for a cow who was obviously selfposting and ban evading in the onion threads. Now this one.
I didn’t write any of the posts, nor am I underage, male, onision cowfriend, etc.
No. 14665
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>>14657>>14663Yo anons chill out, it really isn’t that deep. I’m not “unhinged” for complaining about something, don’t be over dramatic. It’s not my post. I haven’t posted in the onion threads since like early 2019. I was gone from Dec-March, so i couldn’t have posted it. You can even check old meta threads if you don’t believe me. I’ve posted the same complaint before with screenshots.
>tell someone where the fuck they can go like a backseat mod>respond just to be a dick>complain about a complaint post>in a complaint thread>buy a new tinfoil hat>???>profitThis whole shit doesn’t even matter bc when I got the ban, it had already expired. It didn’t do anything. I just posted to see if any1 else had it happen, like last time, shit calm down.
>>14661I’ve never used a VPN on this site, ever.
>>14660Not a year old. This February. But thank you, I really didn’t think it was such a big deal when I posted this. It’s not like I’m the first anon to say this.
*reposted bc dropped pic (pic from 1 yr ago)
No. 14667
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>>14665>>14664I thought the typing style and everything seemed the same as well as the sperging out. Dude, are you the Nicole sperg? No wonder you keep complaining about bans if that is the case. Same typing style and speging in paragraph form.
No. 14668
>>14667….Nicole sperg? …..what Nicole? What are you talking about? I’ve been gone from this site for months, idk what your talking about? Link? I don’t get why ppl are jumping to vague assumptions.
And idk about your pic, but I reposted bc I forgot to include the sc
No. 14681
>>14680What moralfagging? What racebait?
Man admin gives you people the little finger and you take the whole hand.
No. 14687
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>short exchange in disagreement with post saying it’s female psychology to be obsessive stalker
>le pp sperg le infighting
>filed 2 days after the fact
Bruh just say it’s personal at this point
No. 14689
>>14685This! Saw one twitnewfag yell at anons just for writing 3-4+ sentence posts (even receipts/transcripts), misusing the word “sperg” like crazy. Acting like we have twitter character limits here. Another racebaiting twitnewfag
triggered over a farmer saying “chill nigga”. Autismo’s posting tweets saying “look at this
new site I just found omg come in here! Teaaaaa! You can post whatever u want! [ten emojis]” They treat LC like it’s social media. Cowtipping, not saging, namefagging, not reading rules, shitting up threads to sperg, over-using lame memes to death, OT convos like we’re a chat room, being offended over board culture, being general faggots, driving farmers and oldfags off, etc.
It’s like a bunch of high school SJWs stumbled upon an uncontacted isolted Amazonian tribe, thirsty and hungry. The tribe allows them to stay the night as guests. Gives them fresh ass milk and snacks. Then the next morning the SJWs say “you can’t wear animal skin thongs and smoke tabacco. you have to dye your hair blue and not speak your native language anymore, if you do we will sperg out. Oh and we gonna break all your rules and complain when you uphold them in your own community and kick us out. Hope you don’t mind us posting the gps coordinations on woke Twitter to invite all of our friends to move down here! This is our tribe now too! [pushes tribe elders off cliff] why don’t you like us?! It’s
just an ancient tribe! Ugh!”
They need an orientation course on site culture and rules, a containment thread, and/or tranquilizer darts.
No. 14697
>>14695Technically no, males and underage girls can’t post here and this site can’t be directly linked from other certain sites/message boards.
>>14694Prob mix of this and underage girls becoming more into social media drama ie: teen shade room. Not to mention them linking the egirl thread on twitter a million times.
No. 14714
>>14713Looks like you were right, the link will be updated.
>>14696We have one or two.
No. 14737
>>14715I agree (fourth). She deserves an autosage for being such an attention whore in her own threads.
She's terribly boring unfortunately.
No. 14738
>>147341. Lockdown gives kids more vacant time to be browsing the internet
2. Kids from twitter were led here by cowtipping
3. K-pop thread was purged momentarily so they started leaking over to other threads
Twitterfags have been trashing the place in the recent weeks and think their retarded woke discourse will fly over here and then go into fits of rage when nonnies tell them to put a sock in it.
No. 14749
>>14742They spammed AI generated faces in several threads, we don't believe it was the same spammer from yesterday in the PULL thread.
Yesterday's spammer is copy pasting random posts and adding spam to it or other random edgy content to declare they're having a mental breakdown.
>>14737Autosaged for attention seeking.
No. 14754
>>14643Dunno how this website works but I used to regularly get bans that weren't mine on 4chan before they separated out the blue boards. The blue boards are all I used (hobbies/ adv) but I would get bans for racebaiting and posting gore on /pol/ and /b/
Admittedly I'm a phoneposter, is that a big problem? Aren't most chan posters phoneposters nowadays? Maybe IP or range bans aren't the way to go anymore
No. 14763
>>14761whenever someone brings this up you always come straight to lie and say it isn't happening when it is in literally every thread, every day and this isn't even a debatable thing just search tranny or troon or tif or whatever you people say in literally any ot thread, even if you just look at posts made within the last 24 hours it is a ridiculous amount.
No other group would be allowed to just constantly go on and on like this, you have containment threads, a whole containment board and it still happens. It is annoying to see any group (munchies, anachans, robots) constantly post repetitive baity things and this is no different but for some reason is being treated as such and just allowed to go on constantly
No. 14767
>>14765if meta is always the complaining about the same thing thats because the admins and mods have failed to address the problem people aren't just doing it for fun
>>14766AsherahGarden is their containment board and it's still there
No. 14772
>>14770It’s not just mentioning trannies but it’s the fact that it’s so often and repetitive and inserted into irrelevant topics. Your logic is stupid like you could use this for any of the past problems the site has had with specific segments of the user base, you could just as easily say ‘oh what’s the problem with anachans why are you angry at them simply mentioning the word fat’ or whatever the problem is when something happens to the extent that it becomes repetitive, derailing and annoying to the majority of users.
Also again with the usual immature paranoia, ‘mysterious reasons everyone who disagrees with me must be an undercover tranny’ bit - it’s not a mysterious reason I’ve said the reason, that it’s excessive and derailing. It is not my job to link the hundreds of posts in each thread, like I’ve said you can search these terms (which is solely why I brought them up as you can clearly see if you read my post in context, not because the words itself bothers me but because it makes it easier to locate the posts I’m talking about if you’re genuinely so curious) and see for yourself or you can just let the mods look into it and allow people to post their complaints in meta without immediately having to jump in demand proof and implying they must be trans as if I owe you a random poster anything
No. 14781
>>14775>>14776Continuously avatarfagging and ban evading to post AI generated faces will be treated as spam and deleted.
>>14778The thread won't be pulled because a few anons are infighting.
>>14754>>14755Bans don't work like this at all. You can phonepost if you like but it may result in a cycled IP. There is no penalty against using TOR or a VPN unless it's being abused. If you are having issues for whatever reason you can always appeal the ban because I can see if it was recursive or inherited.
>> and are other alternative communities if you feel that something is lacking here. Support your fellow women-based imageboards.
>>14779Contrary to popular belief, the k-pop threads were merged because there were too many. They still attract a good amount of twitterfags who exclusively use the site just for kpop and continuously ban evade. For now I would encourage anons to report obvious newfaggotry.
Since summer is approaching it would be a good time to have a townhall to discuss things as a community, last time I had a flu so we just ended up having hellweek scheduled. I would like for as many anons to be able to come so date or time suggestions would be helpful. We can discuss summerfags and other persisting issues showcased in this thread.
No. 14784
>>14772Not going to engage further in this, because it would just go in circles like every other thread so far with them repeating the same thing next thread anyway regardless of what others say.
>repetitive and inserted into irrelevant topicsNot my post, but this
>>14761 . It has been said already a thousand of times by different people and every time the answer is "believe me it's just everywhere, you're just lying" yet you persistently deny linking one or two example posts of what you're talking about. Why is this so hard to do that if it's such a huge issue? Nevermind it would help farmhands tackle specific posts so they actually know what you're talking about and don't just ban people for vaguely mentioning troons. Or you know, just using the report function if they actually break rules.
>you could use this for any of the past problems the site has had with specific segments of the user base, you could just as easily say ‘oh what’s the problem with anachans why are you angry at them simply mentioning the word fat’Idk, there is a lot of weight discussion, diet discussion and talking about eating disorders on /ot/ and endless posts of calling average sized cows hamplanets, yet I don't see you sperging about that here. I also don't remember anyone still going on and on about seeing anas everywhere months after the time their thread got closed and accusing any post about weight to be from anas.
>when something happens to the extent that it becomes repetitive, derailing and annoying to the majority of users. The absolute irony and lack of self-awareness. Also I'm sure the Supernatural Powers thread would be delighted to hear about your ability to read every anon's mind and speak for them. Or you could go on keep ignoring the polls outing you as a loud minority.
>that it’s excessive and derailing. It is not my job to link the hundreds of posts in each thread, like I’ve said you can search these termsThat's weird, because I did and the results don't show what you claim.
>Unpopular Opinion Thread(219 posts): Tranny: 3 posts - two of them from anons who are complaining about radfems and brought trannys up in the first place ; Troon: 0 ; TiF: 0>Vent Thread(1037 posts): Tranny: 9 - all discussing a new game involving a trans character ; Troon: 8 - with 5 about the game and 3 isolated vents involving them ; TiF: 1 - anon venting about one in her friend group>Dumbass Shit Thread(1209 posts): Tranny: 3 ; Troon: 3 ; TiF: 0>Confession Thread(936 posts): Tranny: 2 ; Troon: 4 ; TiF: 0>Stupid Questions Thread(1028 posts): Tranny: 1 ; Troon: 1 ; TiF: 0>Annoying Thread Thread(575 posts): Tranny: 2 ; Troon: 0 ; TiF: 0Honestly you are in no place to call anyone paranoid and then get ridiculously defensive when someone dares to ask for one example to back up your claims. None of the posts I saw were bait, derailing or excessive in any way and were on topic. And I'm sick and tired of newfags trying to turn lolcow into crystal cafe 2.0 but sprinkled with an extra portion of twitter and underage. Honestly the only good thing about this is that AG is slightly more active but at some point enough is just enough.
No. 14786
>>14784I'm not a newfag and have no desire to 'turn lolcow into crystal cafe', what I want is for some element of the original board culture to be retained, which I don't feel has been effectively done.
Again, my original point stands in that it is not my job to find and link posts to satisfy some random anon, I have mentioned it here as I think it's a problem the mods can look into it and agree or disagree, I do report it whenever rules are broken. People are allowed to make complaints in the complaints thread.
People likely don't complain about ana's months and months after the issue as they probably don't view that that as having been a persistent issue in the way the radfem sperging has. If you feel differently about the ana issue feel free to complain about it here and dont forget to post some examples!
I don't know what poll you're talking about other than the recent one that was dismissed as having had the results manipulated in some way? If there have been other polls, I was not aware and I'm sure many other users were not either.
If you search other obvious terms 'trannies', 'trans', 'ftm', 'tim', these numbers are significantly higher - but like I said it's also that these posts result in a lot of responses because they are deraily and baity, if you include all the derailing responses to those posts, the numbers obviously go up further.
I called you paranoid for implying I am trans based off nothing, which is paranoid. Me not linking posts to some random user isn't defensive and wouldn't make me calling you paranoid hypocritical in anyway.
If you think none of the posts were bait, derailing, or excessive then great, that's your opinion. I disagree. I'm happy to hear about AG, hopefully you will actually go there now ♥
No. 14794
>>14793>Not everyone is some evil feminist or some r9k pick me.also
>Go back to r9k radfembotexactly my point. you would understand if you read the conversation but you obviously don't care, you'd rather be offended at everything. what a sad existence
No. 14796
>>14795>Neither of you seem feminist to mei never claimed to be a feminist
>you're just accusing each otherwell, bait is against the rules
i don't really care for the radfem vs troons thing if that's what you're thinking, i'm just sick of the white knights and twitterfags roaming around /ot/ now
No. 14797
>>14793It's a boogey man term at this point. Anons really don't get the irony of accusing people of being radfems while simultaneously being angry at being called trannies.
Really don't want to encourage this trend of banning everything because two anons are
triggered. Like some anon above really wants to ban Kpop and thinks if they complain enough like the PP and GC threads, it'll happen. Semi-related but I genuinely believe imageboards thrive on limited moderation/censorship, once we start policing everything according to the group that screeches loudly enough, might as well go to Reddit.
No. 14802
>>14798>You do not care about women at alli mean, what kind of response did you expect. then you blindly called everyone radfems and r9kbots to top it all off. you seem too emotional to be here anyways, why are you so pissed that some random sw is being referred to as a whore
>>14800you obviously didn't want a 'dicussion and diverse opinions' lmao, you were trying to instigate a fight. if you did, you wouldn't be namecalling people because we're not being uwu positive and validating your shitty life choices
No. 14804
>>14802why does everyone get so butthurt about anonymous posts? we are all anon. no one wins the discussion and you're definitely not going to change anyone's viewpoint. continuing to insult another anon derails and shits up the thread. imo both posters are at fault for continuing on the topic.
i would love an /ot/ hellweek for infighting and anons sperging at each other for their vent, confession, or dumbass shit.
No. 14806
>>14786Most people know how to report infighting and ana-chan bullshit instead of starting a 50-post long reply chain about how "you're ruining the board reeee". I suggest you do the same. This shit always happens like this, a recent example from one of the /ot/ threads was that someone deliberately baited people with "I don't hate trannies and pronoun spergs are annoying!!!" post and then went into a fucking war with anons who disagreed with them. Even when someone in the mental disorders thread vented about their bpd tranny friend requiring constant validation for their gender, making the mention of their trans status essential to the story, someone claimed that it's a PP sperg making stuff up to shit talk trans people. If you're so bothered by people having bad experiences with nutty troons then don't engage and bait like this.
While people made "hi scrote/tranny"ing a bannable offense how about also banning "hi radfem" because you can't even call out an insane person's delusions without people having a tantrum over muh ratfems ruining the site. You don't have to be a PP poster to think trannies are crazy or that maleposters are annoying.
>>14793This. Radfem is now being used as a catch-all term for people you don't agree with because you know mods will ban the subject matter. It's happened so many times, a new thing becomes a bannable topic and infighting anons start abusing the fuck out of it to win an internet argument.
>mods pls ban the radfem derailing in thread x for the offense of hurting my feelings!!!!! No. 14807
>>14806NTA but
>Even when someone in the mental disorders thread vented about their bpd tranny friend requiring constant validation for their gender, making the mention of their trans status essential to the storyIs this not allowed anymore? Would this be considered a bait post even without the OP engaging in infighting?
No. 14821
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No. 14822
>>14821Meh, seems inaccurate. Reddit seems more of a centrist site that doesn't tolerate most extremists, so extremists think the reddit staff "work" for the other side when their board gets deleted.
Anonymous imageboards are the only type of website that let rightwing authoritarians exist without censorship in any real numbers.
No. 14828
>>14825My complaint its that there's a handful of posts that are obviously her in both sides of the argument because of writing style and lingo.
>>970541>do me a favor and neck yourself>>970491>not a newfag, i just don't feel like doing it. punish me mommy
>>970432>ah yes the two body types, ana and hamplanet. kys fattie, no one will ever love you, it's over.Look at her twitter for 3 seconds and you can tell its the same person.
No. 14831
>>148301. i replied to a 3h old post
2. it's not just me who posted that shit earlier
3. you derailed a whole ass thread because some bitch called a tiktok incel fat
4. you're retarted
5. how are you not still banned for white knighting this bad
6. suck me my penis you stupid cunt
>>14831>tfw you get banned for saying suck me my penis, a very common expression in your home countrygod bless koshitzkan
>>14834hey wuss poppin b
(maleposting) No. 14838
>>14837Don't forget "Please remove the no men rule!" and "Nuke /ot/ and maybe /g/, all to get rid of them radfems of course" while also claiming r9k raids were only a short-term problem and don't exist anymore when robots namedrop lolcow literally every day on their board by now and seeth about it. Hell I wouldn't even be half as butthurt about this if they wouldn't have the nerve to say this obvious agenda is for the board culture and for "a bigger variety of opinions" and fully taking advantage of admins desire to do a decent job and listen to complains. And I'm using "they" as in mostly one person who has been making over the top drastic demands and claims in at least half of the last thread and in this thread. I'm not saying there are no anons who agreed with some of their posts, but the difference is that those anons are at least much more reasonable. For example I'd be totally up for
>>14788 and bump and create more hobby-related threads on /ot/ instead of the more vent-y ones but trying to censor anons for mentioning the frustrating men/tranners in their life is simply not a good take. /sperg
Further mentions is probably not good since this thread is not for infights and pointless arguments yadda yadda and I wont say anything more but I wanted that to get out there.
No. 14839
>>14838Awkward because I think the no men rule is obnoxious, but I'm not that anon. I actually agree with you kek.
No. 14842
File: 1588932851329.gif (454.37 KB, 342x294, love you.gif)

i haven't posted here in like 5 years but i for one am glad the website is still alive and kicking and continues to make the endless legion of boring virginal manlet white men from online places like /r9k/ seethe with their perpetual desire to invade women's spaces / make everything about themselves [when things are about them 23.9/7 in the real world already]
when i was destroying r9k in 2012 by being an insufferable tripfag, that was good, excellent, great, tubular, now can continue holding the torch by being a bastion of a women's-only-chan-space and epicly pwn the moids
keep up the good work admin [if the admin is still the same person who banned me for a minute to give me a secret message in the form of a ban message because i knew something i wasn't supposed to post]
No. 14847
File: 1588951209504.jpg (38.02 KB, 519x536, 1586377762467.jpg)

>>14846>>14843Scrotes have always been banned
>>14842>tripfag No. 14856
>>14853>>14844it's p boring, the original owner of the site was / is? good friends with a popular youtuber who i was friends with but whom i haven't interacted with in a while due to being off social media / twitter nowadays [i could probably join her discord and hit her up though] and the owner didn't want people to know they were friends i guess, and let that known to me by deleting my post and giving me a 1 minute ban with a special message
>>14845i was friends / acquaintances with hotwheels and was one of the first adopters of 8chan along with owning /fem/ [a board that was supposed to be only for women] but two problems occurred: i was a boring 'anti-feminist' / 'anti sjw' enlightened centrist back then instead of my much better pro-feminism, pro-leftism politics nowadays, so i was reluctant to do it for free on the board and ban incels [before they were called incels,] / r9k posters / pol posters, 'beta males', etc, and two, i was at the point i think where i didn't really give a shit about chan culture or posting anymore so i stopped caring about the board, as i started posting the most on 4chan's /r9k/ when i was a popular trip from like 2011 to 2013 [when i was 14 to 15? 16? years old] and 8chan from like 2014-2016 [when i was 16 / 17 to 19 years old]
/girltalk/ and uhhhh /tradfem/ were made by a board named /baphomet/ who failed to dox me like a dozen times, and it led to one of the global moderators and owners of kiwifarms, null, getting de-global modded by hotwheels because he put out a bitcoin? crypto? bounty on me on /baphomet/ to get me doxed. because null was also a very large lolcow, he was using global mod powers to scrape the IP addresses of people who would make fun of him, and i think use them to coordinate doxings against people, so that led to him getting de-modded too
i remember his really pathetic apology message in the 'board owner' PM section where he was forced to apologize to me by hotwheels and stuff, and i only wish i could've screenshotted it back then to post nowadays because apparently kiwifarms is a big thing now or something
>>14846idunno, /g/ seems like a pretty healthy space for women and the gossiping / cattiness seen on stuff like /pt/ is very particularly done in a way that only cis & trans women could have perpetuated it, as men are very boring and autistic with how they go about their 'drama' and whatever
>>14847uh based
>>14848idk what this means but lmao banned
No. 14860
>>14858idk who ian is but ya that was the ''''secret''''
why was the original owner a dude [i am assuming ian was a dude] and why has the website changed owners so much in the past 5 years?
>>14857if you keep ban evading harder maybe you'll be wanted more eventually
No. 14865
>>14860you wasted your whole life on imageboards for this
No. 14867
>>14863like 6 years ago when i was 17 ya, i'm nearing my 5th year of hrt in a few days and [fortunately] look much hotter / actually like a woman. i think legally trans women should be barred from the internet until they're at least in their 2nd or more year of hrt
>>14864idk what any of this means because i'm not autistic and boring but this seems like it's pretty autistic and boring
>>14865i'm a nurse now w/ a great social life along with being in a committed long term relationship, and i think i have done pretty well to amend my wasted time on the *chans [which rot your brains and are an immensely pathetic waste of your time]
getting offline is probably the best thing you can do for your life, idk how the internet is even legal to be on
File: 1588970436992.png (103.63 KB, 1834x362, Screenshot_2020-05-08 r9k - P…)

>>14862>/pt/ is very particularly done in a way that only cis & trans women could have perpetuated it, as men are very boring and autistic with how they go about their 'drama' and whateverSpoiler, you are a boring pathetic man. look at you holding onto some pathetic sekrit about OG admin being a thirsty shoe0nhead orbiter loser just like you.
No. 14870
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kek he's been larping as nurse for a minute
No. 14873
>>14868This ratchet man in a dress legitimately thought he was all slick coming here flaunting about how "he knows the super secret admin drama" when literally everyone who wasn't born yesterday knows about Ian putting up lolcow to be a honeypot for shoeonhead. Even bragging about pissing off null when it's probably the easiest fucking thing to do in the world and there isn't a cow alive who hasn't had beef with that piece of autism.
Get out swami, you're literally the male equivalent of spoony.
No. 14914
There was a massive spamfest that lasted throughout the evening, this individual exploited TOR to do so. Due to the overwhelming amoung of newfags and bored spammers we've decided to ban TORposting for the time being. Apologies to any well behaved TOR posters, but it's easier on the moderation team since we can't be awake 24 hours of the day in case there's any more gore and scat posted. Anons are still free and able to use VPNs, hopefully the corona hysteria will subside in a few weeks. A big thank you to all the anons reporting spam and obvious newfaggotry,
Edit: a link will be posted here 1 hour before the townhall
No. 14919
A mod is very much needed for Marilyn Manson thread. One of his
victims came to the thread and we are experiencing a little bit of a clusterfuck.
Thank you
>>>/snow/969968 No. 14928
>>14927Theres a difference between painting them in a positive light and praising them and then having a different opinion and view on something that isn't tinfoiling into nonsense about nitpicked bullshit and getting and getting mad when someone doesn't agree and they derail with posts demanding you're a whiteknight. The threads are littered with unsaged 'youre just a wk because you don't agree with my deep tinfoil and saying that xyz is pedo because of this minuscule detail'.
Its not actual productive to the thread.
No. 14937
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It’s not hi troon jesus christ it just sounds like troon logic to wanna be harassed
Your vendetta is fucking pathetic
No. 14941
>>14939Also from
>>14940 it'll probably get extended now because you are outting yourself ban evading.
No. 14951
>>14942The previous racebaiting and pp sperging isn't apart of the current "hi cow"/ "hi troon" ban, it was noted in your
ban history. So you should know better than "hi troon" since you've gotten similar bans before.
It is true you're only banned from /ot/ for anons wondering.
>>14949>>14950There are thread guidelines in the rules page. If you disagree with a thread it's effective to report it as opposed to infighting in the thread.
No. 14968
>>14967lmao, do
you? the backend of this hasn't been updated in years. that used to and still may be the default.
No. 14969
>>14968NTA but current admin updated a lot of things when they came onboard, IIRC. eg. /PT/ was stuck in infinite auto-sage prior with some gimmicky coding that was annoying for them to fix, or some shit. I don't really remember the details
unrelated, but what the fuck is with all the retards sperging 'twitterfags!' lately? (for the record, I've never used twitter or anything other than chan-based image boards for online chatting, to be blunt, so I'm a bit out of the loop there)
No. 14971
>>14969I think anon's point is it's standard for image boards to have images negate sage initially so
>>14967 is really outing themselves rn.
No. 14977
>>14976You mean like how the term TERF and radfem gets thrown around?
Great to see that lolcow, a primarily female-oriented space, is going to get completely overrun by men pretending to be women.
No. 14982
>>14981Lmao my sides
I'm waiting for the admin labeled posts showing both sides are samefag. Please let it be true
No. 14991
>>14987It wasn't even radfem pretending to be a scrote, iirc it was ham-chan pretending to be a radfem
and a scrote sperging out at each other.
No. 14992
>>14991>ham-chan The plot …….. Thickens
(I'll see myself out)
No. 14994
>>14992i appreciate your pun, ma'am
>>14991i think it happened more than once
No. 15007
>>15003Are you fucking serious? The Wachowskis are a joke in every movie circlejerk due to being freaks that want to shove their BDSM sissy fetish in everything they make, the producers had to step in for them to not add trans bdsm shit to the first matrix.
Its not a GC topic, im not GC, everyone laughed and/or was pissed at that Sense8 transbian fiasco, same will happen with the new Matrix.
No. 15015
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Poll results from today's townhall. The next hellweek is scheduled for the week of June 14th. Changes for the updated server were voted on and anons gave their preferences for the themes I would prioritize porting over the next few weeks.
No. 15036
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There’s a suspicious Brittany Venti whiteknight in the shoeonhead thread. No farmer would defend goblina this much, it’s most certainly Venti
No. 15046
and there are sooo many newfriends in /ot/ . it's incredibly annoying seeing them not adapt to imageboard culture, be
extremely politically correct (unironically) and use reddit terms. they are also starting petty fights. i think a lot of them are twitter stans. make it stop plz.
No. 15065
>>15061I can't see it now that I changed my IP.
>>15063This is getting tiring. Do I have to post my vagina so you will shut the fuck up for once?
No. 15078
>>15075Thank you for being a reasonable person amongst all of this craziness. I mean, "post it bitch" and "post your pussy slut" lmao. And I'm the scrote/pick-me/troon? Make it make sense.
>>15077How am I a sperg? I didn't start the derailing and I didn't write anything that was inflammatory except for "It's stupid to hate an entire gender because this man didn't want to date you". IRL, it's considered basic decency. Seriously, you guys need to go outside once the whole COVID-19 thing is over.
>>15069Some of us have lives, mate. I'm not refreshing the page every second like you to see if 'scrote-sama' answered your low quality bait.
I'm now waiting for the farmhands to speak up. If they tell me to fuck off, I will. I don't see the point in staying in a community that discourages opposite and respectful opinions. But maybe you should clarify that this is a radfem only board. Goodnight!
No. 15081
>>15079Just checked again. There is no rule that tells you NOT TO defend men. Would you be so kind to show me?
>>15080So now I have a vagina? Be consistent.
No. 15086
>>15082>says post puci>calls me underageHey you just won a free Nintendo Switch! Give me your address and it will be shipped in 4-7 days!
Anyway, show me the mysterious rule you guys keep talking about. Because clearly you're bullshitting and I don't see the point when we can all see that it doesn't exist. Nice try though. Now I understand why the mods hate the userbase lol.
No. 15098
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>>15097no literally tell me i'm not meming you're interesting and you're anon so why not tell us about yourself
No. 15117
Anons shitting up
>>>/m/92977 this thread with racebait and pedosperging
No. 15132
>>15129the point still stands, turbo tard
>>15131what's up with all the people screeching S-SAMEFAG!!1! recently? is it that shocking that people don't agree with you? oldfag my ass
No. 15142
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>>15141are you by any chance the anon who was on the LSA and celebricows thread posting racebait posts and then going on how you like to call people niggers?
if so, im pretty sure its not because of the word "nigger"… its because youre really bad at baiting and come off edgy.
No. 15146
>>15144i'm the anon who got banned lol. my post history is cringey but i don't remember being racist. i guess mods are being overly suspicious now with all the raiding
>>15145in the LSA thread, redflagged for racebait
No. 15155
>>15150it's completely autistic and attracts so many twitterfags who use that thread to praise their faves and attack anyone who dares to criticize them. the newfaggotry is always so huge too, none of them sage or they also pick a lot of fights that are like:
>i like (insert famous person)!>omg shut up faggot no one likes ur fave lol they are retarded lol kek kek kek>have u guys seen (insert idol)'s music?>yea it's garbage u retardalso so many of them use kek in every post, i feel like it's a bunch of newfags forcing themselves to say it so it looks like they're one of "us"
No. 15201
>>15184lmao townhalls aren't "called" whenever someone is buttblasted
>>15200You ever notice how all the whiny anons are usually just from /ot/ unless they're the crying nicole whiteknight from /w/? Nobody else cares.
No. 15213
>>15211Read upthread anon, the Brazilians have been consistently derailing and trying to infight board-wide for a while now and farmhands are either not banning them or haven't given out a single red text, none of their posts have been deleted and there has been radio silence about the entire thing. There have been speculations about Brazilian farmhands and I'm starting to believe it. All it takes is simple communication about a site-wide problem. I saw a redtext for "responding to bait" but the Brazilian anon themself seemed to stay in the thread, however this is might be a tinfoil as there are just so many of them. Brazilians have infiltrated the discord despite voice verification requiring all users to say a few phrases to determine if they have a Brazilian accent which leads me to believe that they're having a native English speaker stand in for them to get verification in order to bait, fight and outright spam on the discord, too. Lolcow has literally never seen a raid of this scale before. I'm oldfag, I've been on this site for 15 years and I have never seen a raid of this scale before. Old admin would have never enabled the Brazilians in the first place but here we are and as expected, radio silence about the whole thing. It's a damn shame, as I said before I've been on this site for nearly 30 years now but I guess I've outgrown this place and its shitty moderation.
Adeus a todos.
(bait, ban evading) No. 15221
No. 15223
>>15222Lmao anon, backtracking already? We can tell that this was a "false flag" planted by a radfem/femcel to make it look like everyone's out to get them and contribute to their big
victim complex. I wish they'd get off the fucking site
No. 15232
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>>15227>>15228>>15230They're having the ultimate Lolcow Knowledge Test over there, cannot believe we're about to have some Ph.D. graduates.
No. 15233
>>15230mmmh is a twitter thing now since when
damn twitter really invented everything
No. 15235
>>15232it's literally the same two or three ban evading twitterfags who keep fighting among themselves and starting shit lol
one of them found this thread too
>>15233 No. 15237
>>15235i've been here for three years but yes, everyone who disagrees with you is either
a) samefag
b) scrote
c) troon
d) twitterfag
No. 15241
>>15238i know, that's why i told y'all to stop repeating LOCK THE THREAD and bring your complaints here
>>15236jesus christ dude
>>15239i will keep talking like a surfer dude no matter what, you nazi conformist bitch
>>15242if you don't get rid of the kpop threads then i'm sure this will keep repeating itself over and over
>open kpop thread>people complain about newfaggotry, infighting, etc.>lock it for a while>open it again>>people complain about newfaggotry, infighting, etc.>lock it for a while>open kpop thread>repeatway better to completely nuke it and never open one ever again than continue dealing with it
No. 15247
>>15243I do. But I would never be able to forgive myself if I went against Admin-sama's will.
No. 15249
>>15246ive used the kpop thread a lot and i agree too, its just a vicious cycle of the same group of twitterfags losing their shit and fighting amongst themselves
i honestly cant tell if its the same two or three idiots ban evading (one literally boasted she was ban evading yesterday) or if its just an entire
toxic migration of shitty twitter fangirls going full sperg because theyre anonymous
No. 15250
>>15249I used to enjoy reading through them but they just keep devolving and I would rather they go away.
>>15247thank you
No. 15251
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>>15247Thank you based farmhand.
No. 15252
>>15248>Could you do something about the dumbass shit thread in /ot/?Yes. Did something new come up? It's only been half an hour since I checked the reports. Remember to report anything that you think needs banning.
>And will hi pick-me be banned, like hi scrote, hi radfem and hi troon?Most likely. I'll ask admin about it whenever I get the chance.
No. 15256
>>15254>>15255I totally see your point and have noticed this scourge as anyone who uses /ot/ has but you can't seriously want to ban hi everything? I don't think it's a good idea for /ot/ to become that heavily policed. People disagree and insult each other online, hi ___ is just a part of that. Removing so many terms isn't going to do anything, the people who want to call others stupid shit will do it regardless of a ban. It's about shutting someone down with an accusation, not genuine belief you're a scrote or troon.
>>15255 is even worse. How the hell are you going to define low-key baiting? There are actual whiteknights and newfags on this site who deserve to be called out so they can integrate better. I'm not seeing the unsaged posts (apart from over at /m/) and it seems to me anyway like these posters are bored shitposting but otherwise integrated farmers who've been using the site for a while who do sage.
No. 15259
>>15257Fair enough, I'm sorry if it seemed personal, I just really value a lack of censorship but the problems you're bringing up are definitely noticeable. I'd love any solution that isn't banning words but if push comes to shove I guess it'll have to be done. You're right, people take bait, baiters take bait so people scream at them for taking bait, it's a dumpster fire.
>>15258That's true about /w/, is it unintegrated PULLfags or just stupidity from farmers that has been allowed to fester?
No. 15285
>>15284just fuck off to twitter, mate. its not all ass kissing and fancams. make some friends there instead of relying on the kpg retards, you'll find that they have worse takes than a lot of stantwitfags anyways.
honestly I always roll my eyes at the "there's LITERALLY no where else to sperg about kpop w/o getting ASSASSINATED!" shit. makes you sound like a bunch of rejects.
No. 15286
>>15284i agree, but unfortunately the creation of any kpop board/opening up the old thread will just attract the twitterfag spergs who ruin it whenever their fave is "targeted"
the critique and discussion was honestly the best here, its harder on twitter because you have to find certain pockets and most of the time its hard to discuss groups/culture as a whole
either way im glad the threads got killed since it became so hard to hold a conversation while the same three or four stans just continously fought and ban evaded despite being told to stop
it kind of sucks that a couple spergs ruined the thing for everyone else, but thats just how kpop is lol, so im glad the thread's dead
No. 15310
Farmhands pls a tranny deleted their post
>>>/ot/561095 and I wanna know what they wrote pls show me what it was
No. 15317
>>15313I’m just asking a question, which is what this thread is for.
I’m genuinely worried and just want to know if reporting my own post would result in deleting it.
No. 15327
Gore will be immediately deleted anyways so what's the point of coming here to talk about it?
>>15326I don't like her, she called me ugly.
No. 15345
>>15342That thread should be put on autosage for quite some times. Maybe it would discourage simps and newfags unable to use the catalog. Idk. That "e-thot saga" isn't even that funny imo. But to each their own I guess.
I don't wanna sound antagonizing or anything (pardon my Esl ass) but I don't understand why Venus have a pass for everything she does. I know she have a shit upbringing with Crazy-Marge but the same thing can be say about a lot of cows and flakes.
When someone like Shay (Dolly Mattel) does pedo-pandering and even exposed her younger audience to porn through her stoner blog in the past, almost everyone here agrees that it's irresponsible and gross. But when Venus does the exact same stuff, there's huge influx of apologists (and their antipedo spergs counterpart) derailing the thread endlessly. Why some anons are so nice with her but very harsh with other cows?
No. 15346
>>15345No one is giving her a pass, but we don't need to keep bringing up old milk when it gets slow to try and bring traffic to the page. Not to mention the pedospergs who think erasing wrinkles on someone who already has a small body makes her trying to pedobait. Keep merge in her own thread. No one fucking cares about her in Venus's thread. Margo did it because she was couch surfing and a fucking slag. Venus at least has somewhere to live and something, lucrative, to call a job. They are doing it two completely different ways. You all need to just wait for her to do something milky because I get talking about her photos, but dragging it on and derailing into 'well I think because she editing it this way that pedos will garner to her and her old fans shes soooOOoo mean to them waaaaa'.
You're shitting up the thread. She isn't responsible for her audience of kids who can't deal with her doing sexy shit. They can unfollow. Infact, their parents are at fault.
No. 15357
>>15353I've never made a thread and mostly just lurk instead of post. It's just very tiring reading bickering back and forth, even if I agree or disagree with whatever side. If it's boring and stale drama, it'll fizzle out, or someone will come in with something new and interesting and the discussion will turn to that.
Fighting about something so subjective like whether or not something is funny, relevant, or interesting is an unwinnable argument and just fills up the thread with boring and bitter posts for everyone else to slog through.
What I posted wasn't really in reference to new threads either, I'm talking more like a "general" style thread where multiple people are being discussed.
No. 15358
>>15357Dude, the rules of the thread involve bumping with relevant stuff that in response to relevant posts. Go to 4chan if you just want to spam stuff to have a giggle because a thread is slow and has no milk. So tired of you piss babies complaining about the rules we have. If the thread involves multiple topics and anons call you out, why keep fighting back about wanting to talk about something? Go to PULL for that.
There are better places you can be than lolcow if you want to be mad about this nitpicking.
No. 15362
>>15357>If it's boring and stale drama, it'll fizzle outIt won’t though, people will keep going in milkless threads nitpicking for literally years. This is what happened with Berry and then Anisa.
I think there are a lot of people thinking they can just post any public person they want to discuss but this isn’t PULL or gurugossiper, the person is supposed to be an actual cow with some kind of milk and a lot of the people being posted recently really aren’t, ‘general’ threads especially seem to have this problem.
No. 15363
>>15362anon there's a huge difference between milk and
interesting milk. some things that are milk to you aren't milk to others and vice versa, but all of that isn't vandetta-chans just because you don't like the thread content.
No. 15364
>>15363I agree, but a lot of the threads being posted recently are objectively neither and it seems like nit-picking rules aren't really being enforced. In the rules it says for someone to be posted they must have
>A documented history of bizarre behavior displayed onlinebut a lot of the people just have an online presence but nothing bizarre or milky in their history at all.
No. 15365
>>15345There‘s a huge difference between Shay‘s and Venus‘ behavior though.
Shay will literally call herself baby/child and force herself into this role with such energy no matter what. She’ll even use pacifiers and all. And for her it’s just that; an act for porn.
Venus has the behavior and manners of a child or child-like person 24/7. She doesn’t exclusively does it for porn, the whole shtick has become her actual personality to some extent. It’s not something she does for porn.
Also, Shay is a hypocrite on top of it, talking about how people should keep content about children out of their NSFW accounts, posting pictures of her underaged self and continue calling herself baby bimbo.
That’s basically why what Shay does is legitimate pedo-pandering and what Venus does is … just questionable, imo.
But definitely pro autosaging the thread. Ideally permanently.
Whenever I take a look, it’s the same:
90% is people fighting about whether Marge or Venus is worse, whether Venus has used Manaki or vice versa, armchairing about why she turned out this way, people whining about how everyone’s so mean, and 10% is new content. It won’t change.
No. 15380
>>15378I don’t know where else to ask. I didn’t want to post in the thread request in /pt/ because… /pt/.
>>15377>>15379Am a burgerfag myself. I want a thread for us only. I’m not a newfag either.
No. 15383
>>15379>snowflake americancerThey’re also here in the Netherlands protesting, never seen such a big protest in my life before.
I think there needs to be a political discussion thread where no race baiting/incel edge is allowed. Though tbh that’s inevitable since politics only invites that from all spectrums in the political scale.
No. 15387
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>>15386Obviously not if she's a lolcow admin. She probably cuts lengthways now.
No. 15395
>>15374There's no critique in onehallyu. That place is filled with ass kissers.
>>15393Hopefully it will open up way down the line or open one in manure. i'm gonna be patient and shut up about it for now.
No. 15399
Can we get a ban for the whiteknight in Momokun's thread?
>>>/pt/778652>>>/pt/778669>>>/pt/778661Baiting other anons when discussion has been on topic:
>>>/pt/778692>>>/pt/778388 No. 15402
>>15399And it continues
>>>/pt/778808Hasn’t it been discussed just recently how complaining about how milkless cows are just unnecessarily clogs up threads?
No. 15407
>>15406shit like
>>>/pt/778871 is not on topic. no one needs to know about how gastric bypass or lap bands or whatever work.
No. 15420
Admin, can you please respond to or at least acknowldge my email regarding /kpg/?
>>15397No thanks. I dispise discord & all the cliquefaggotry that goes with it. If /kpg/ is going to be moved off-site anyways why can't we just move it to another chan like CC?
No. 15425
>>15424some anon made a temporary /kpg/ discord that has like five members lol
>>15397i dont think discord is the end option either, but /kpg/ in its current state is absolute cancer and makes /m/ fucking annoying for everyone else who isnt into kpop
No. 15435
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>>15434They're probably talking about this.
No. 15449
>>15448the farmhands should just address the situation and either say "we're never opening it again go away" or "we are but we're working on it so stop asking every two days"
it is really fucking annoying seeing it get asked about literally every day, but its easy to just say "no never again leave" and end the conversation
No. 15451
>>15450thank u mod for doing the gods work
hopefully this stops all the fucking questions about /kpg/
No. 15463
>>15462yup, theres tons of twitch drama and actual milk to talk about but all the topics just get drowned by nitpicking
i get her onlyfans and boobjob wasnt milky so the mods closed down the thread, but these nitpicky anons just congregate on the twitch thread and ruin that topic
i think the mods should either ban the topic alltogether or just let them have their anisa thread to nitpick so the twitch thread can actually be used for its intended topic
No. 15467
>>15464i mean even the vendetta-chan or whatever situation warrants either blocking the topic altogether, or quarantining them into a separate thread topic because they literally will derail most other topics on the twitch thread with this chick's onlyfans nitpicking
my point was that it's making a thread that isn't supposed to be about her completely about her and thus useless
No. 15469
>>15457Most threads nowadays are just onlyfans criticism
Have you dipped into the Venus and onion threads lately? On a deeper convo, why are all the cows making onlyfans lol
No. 15470
>>15469i mean discussing onlyfans is fine, the criticism is that its not on a thread dedicated to that cow, the spergs freaking out about her boobjob literally just took over the twitch thread because "we cant nitpick on our thread so we're going to do it here"
the mods should just open a thread for her and let it go to shit honestly, she's not even milky but those anons are obsessed with her
No. 15477
>>15472When the Fed & Yuna/FerociouslySteph milk happened, there was discussion about those streamers in that thread which unfortunately got drowned out with "lel Anisa's dirty feet"
At this point Anisa is the new Amina. Just a handful of vocal anons with massive, throbbing hate boners.
No. 15481
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>>15479the thing is it isnt milk, the conversation gets drowned out because some anon with a hate boner for the 100th gross anisa onlyfans selfie spams pictures and derails the conversation
its happened so many times, the fed/yuna convo is just an example. people were talking about fed/yuna and then some anon posted some anisa selfie and the usual crowd of anisa haters piled on and nitpicked about her feet. i get "any streamer" can be discussed, but it's hard to discuss a topic when it just gets cut off by 15 messages of "omg she needs to wash her feet and her boobs are so ugly"
besides, being a skanky thot on onlyfans and not washing your feet is not milky at all, its literally just nitpicking her selfie every time it comes up. half the conversations about anisa are just anons harping about how thotty and ugly she is and how her boob job is bad, its never about actual milk
screenshot attached to show what i mean, its literally just some anon posting a picture of a skanky selfie and then four anons nitpicking about her looks…the only milk here is the dairy on her tits
No. 15483
>>15482it was already proposed, either ban her as a topic on the twitch thread or give her an individual thread so the four anons with a hateboner for her stop spamming the twitch thread
it was funny for a while and once in a while it's fun to laugh at how trashy she is, but it's getting pretty old
No. 15485
>>15482Anisa was a banned topic like 3 admins ago. That really helped.
When iDubbbz was exposed for being a simp/cuck because of Anisa's only fans, the Anisafags were especially adamant with having their own thread back because "wow all look at all this milk!!" This admin and staff seem to have given the Anisafags a chance and look at where it's gotten the Twitch general thread.
Ban Anisa again. Having their own thread on autosage will nothelp. See: that cringe Anisa "content cop" they made that tipped people about the boards.
No. 15490
>>15489they also said
>it will probably devolve into nitpicking and a few vendettas like most general threadswhich is has, so perhaps the mods need to either ban her as a topic because the twitch thread is basically the "shit on unmilky skank" thread
No. 15496
>>15495Or locked altogether.
It’s basically just WKs and PULL-tards atm.
No. 15497
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>>15491I went to see the shitshow thinking it wouldn’t be so bad but wow, biggest laugh I’ve had in a while
I’d just report bad posts and wait for hell week to happen
No. 15498
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>>15491Nobody can tell me that the thread doesn't consist of 90% neckbeards who only come here for her of pics and to wk her (her and whatever animuh she "cosplays")
No. 15501
>>15500then nuke the momothread too lol
the momo thread is just as shitty and cancerous with wk and nitpicking
No. 15510
>>15507there's nothing political about laughing at cows. your reasons for making fun of them can't be twisted into putting you on the right side of history.
all we do here is laugh at stupid people.
No. 15513
>>15510It's so weird and annoying how some threads have gone from
>she did this, kek what a moronto
>she did this, how dare she? can't she be stopped? that's so problematic! how can you joke about this, this is serious!Thank god the sperging about which cow did what for blm has calmed down.
No. 15515
>>15509yup the venus thread has gone completely off the rails into infighting and people calling each other twitterfags/WK/newfags
the entire conversation right now is a moral crusade about the morality of pedobaiting and catgirls, can the mods please ban the idiots who keep WKing
No. 15523
>>15522They are desperate to have some fake reunion and everyone already know that's not going to happen and spewing about how she needs a normal family to be happy and stuff is so cringy. A lot fo sex workers have relationships that are asexual for one person and not for the other. There isn't anything inherently wrong with her relationship or what she is doing. She's going down the list of typical hentai check boxes, regardless of how 'popular' they are, because she's marketing for as wide a berth of fans as possible.
I don't understand why there are so many kids here who just can't handle how adults and sex and relationships work. Stuff is crying, but the most milky thing she has done is the Beenus thing and that's literally just DD/LG fetish, not real pedo, and she can't control her body never going to be an hourglass womanly shape, so she will always look small. Someone will always scream 'pedo pandering' at anything she ever does. It's tired and needs to be downright bankable and please permaban the anon who keeps cowtipping and making Instagram accounts and asking us to join it to harass venus through it.
No. 15524
>>15505This shit constantly comes up recently because the internet has become obsessed with "pedo hunting" (reporting drawings and cancelling artists) and they feel outrage whenever women don't give enough of a fuck, we must be sick in the head or scrotes.
Just watch how there's some probably underage anon that keeps bringing up gross loli artists in the artist salt thread, probably expects lc to be their army and doxx them. In /m/ posting any underage anime character was fine years ago, now it gets discussion completely derailed. In the bad art thread, people even post good art of sexualized anime teenagers, even if it's not remotely lolicon or poorly drawn, also creating arguments. Same thing for weeb cosplayers, costhots sexualizing teen fictional characters wasn't out of the norm years ago and now you can't have a conversation without addressing the feelings of the poor anime minors.
I do agree there are probably scrote loli fans in the Venus thread, but if every anime related art or cosplay on social media has children infighting about "pedo" shit in the comments, I'm not surprised it happens on lc too.
I hope this trend stops because I remember before this obsession with fictional pedo stuff cropped up, Pixyteri had severe accusations of child sexual abuse thrown her way. People initially believed it because she had loli and shota cosplay phases and liked things like that on tumblr, but it turned out to be false. I can't imagine if this had happened nowadays, people would have called the cops on her.
No. 15528
>>15527what kind of severe brain damage do you have?
>>15524anons were bitching about "aged up" characters in a thread too.
No. 15530
>>15528yeah, i think moralfagging about "omg this character is 13 in anime but you bolted a pair of tits on her" is old as fuck and not interesting, not to mention it just causes infighting and name calling
the "loli is child porn" argument is old and no one gives a shit what two or three moralfags have to say about it every time its brought up, because they seem to just stalk the thread and freak out whenever a "questionable" picture by their standards pop up.
i think the great majority of farmers understand the differentiation between true cp and weird loli fanart/aged up characters, so i think it would be helpful if mods just banned the "ur a bunch of pedos for looking at these fanarts"
No. 15533
>>15532nta but yes it's the links
a few weeks ago there was also the same but with "pedomom files download"
No. 15535
>>15529Yeah, pretty accurate.
Literally 90% of the replies to the current Venus thread are a samefag who keeps ban evading and accusing everyone else of being whiteknights.
I found her personal instagram account very easily because she's so terrible at hiding her writing style and made a sockpuppet just for moralfagging Venus.
She's been going off for over 8 hours straight now in that thread and I'm shocked no mods have seemed to notice yet.
No. 15537
>>15536Yes its gone now. There were no pics or anything like that. Just some very sus links. Someone took it down yesterday right before the site went down.
On that note, does anybody know why the site stopped working yesterday?
No. 15540
File: 1592401662624.jpeg (207.93 KB, 1154x1510, E5F50435-FD2F-429F-94AE-0DAE7B…)

Sorry had to delete this because I forgot to crop my icon out.
This is the a-logging anon who has been spamming the Venus thread for weeks and is ben evading because the janitor is incompetent.
No. 15541
>>15540I love you anon! You're the farmhand we need.
Between her (?) and her long ass essay "you're just silly little girls clutching your pearls" counterpart, the thread is just unreadable.
No. 15542
File: 1592411819856.png (135.39 KB, 1085x601, alcoholpoisoning.PNG)

>>15541Thank you!, I really miss the old mods.
She's posting on PULL as well and using the exact same phrases as the thread here.
It would probably be deadly if anyone took a shot every time she uses
>"pandering">"pearl clutching">"?" at the end of every post>outdated internet phrases like "gtfo">ESL typos>praising "margot">"beenoos", "peenos" while refusing to say her name>sorry can't begin to think of the other obvious ones without giving myself brain damage No. 15581
>>15580i used the boards a ton and i agree, they were fucking cancer because of twitterfags and underage bts fans that would sperg at every mention of negative criticism
unless the mods decided to keep it on permanent autosage or move it to another board, i dont think it should come back. either way it would be an absolute shitshow but if we do get it back it needs some hard purging in the beginning to deter some of the less persistent twitterfags
No. 15583
>>15582it was a good thread half of the time when people actually discussed news and stuff, but the other half was just infighting stirred up by two or three ban evading stans, the problem is people just keep taking the bait and arguing instead of ignoring it and moving on
i think perhaps autosage mode and making it kpg would cull some of it, but the few persistent shitty ban evading idiots make it a toss-up
No. 15594
>>15592>>15593there is so much derailing and newfaggotry in the cry thread, its honestly bordering on unreadable
i get theres tons of milk around cry right now, but the mods should hellweek/purge the fuck out of that thread because half of the posts are violating hellweek rules
No. 15595
>>15594Yeah, exactly what I mean!! That's really getting to me that on that thread alone I can't even tell it's supposed to be fuckin hellweek.
There are so many cry defenders and incels typing like they're making some type of manifesto I can't read for one second without getting a headache
No. 15597
File: 1593308276615.png (7.16 KB, 605x92, amen.png)

I'm sure there is no end of work you have to do for this site, but if you ever get bored, admin, can you publicly identify how many of the baby jane comparison posts are the same anon(s)?
this isn't a complaint, i'd just find it funny
No. 15598
We have a clusterfuck going on in marilyn manson thread.
I'll explain.
One of his
victims came to the previous (the third) thread to defend and, consequently, milk herself a bit after she was discussed, she moralfagged a lot, fought with anons, etc. We decided not to post about her because she was not the subject and there was nothing new concerning her experience with manson. Basically at some point discussion of her actions turned into pure derailment because it had NOTHING to do with manson. Currently the same bs is happening in the fourth thread. Some messages come across like vendetta posting because (I think) one anon keeps posting what have already been posted and covered many many times. Each time that girl is mentioned terrible shitstorm starts anew.
Another problem is that the thread went down to discussion of shady crazy fan accounts that probably have nothing to do with manson.
Every single one in the thread will be happy if a poster who's known as Dawn gets banned FOREVER. PLEASE.
I cannot understand why anons who post about noname ig accounts are not banned, none of them contribute to the thread.
Please could a mod come and clean it? Thank you!
>>>/snow/982539 No. 15605
File: 1593586480536.jpeg (14.74 KB, 250x250, 1AA4CD21-2B21-4501-A512-55F083…)

>>15604Exactly. Why is Shane not worthy of his own thread? He’s had his own threads for a while now. Why does admin insist on constantly making shitty, unnecessary decisions that the lolcow userbase doesn’t agree with?
No. 15610
>>15609to be fair the beauty guru thread has been largely overtaken by jstar drama for a while and was dead otherwise, but with the advent of how quickly drama is developing since the last 12 hours (and how it'll likely implode once shane or jeffree make a "statement") i dont really understand forcing the conversation into the beauty guru thread which is already nearing lock status anyways
i get wanting to quarantine topics to a specific thread if there isnt milk, but there is obviously a ton of milk developing that warrants a standalone thread by /snow/ standards
No. 15612
>>15609Anon made the thread after complaining about the announcement and decided to make the thread anyways. The thread OP isn't deleted, things can merge back when things steady down because there are three different threads with overlapping cows.
>>15605>Why does admin insist on constantly making shitty, unnecessary decisions that the lolcow userbase doesn’t agree with?>I obviously meant that it’s a decision the MAJORITY of the userbase disagrees with.I had no idea you spoke up for the majority of the userbase, including the newfags infiltrating from GG, reddit, pull, and twitter.
No. 15614
>>15612Yeah they're overlapping but at that point you might as well combine the twitch and youtube threads because they have a lot of overlap.
I just think there's a better way to go about it for rn since most have just been going to the respective thread to talk about them. Like the Shane thread was mainly focused on him and his friends, BG was focusing on the BG at large and other BGers reaction and takes. Merging threads just never seems like a good idea because then there's too much to sort through.
Also, again, the hellweek banner. When is it getting removed?? It wasn't even updated for how long hellweek would be (June 22 - June 29) ?? Not trying to be rude but like, is it that hard to update/remove because we always get stuck with it for weeks on end after something has ended.
No. 15616
>>15615and by weirdos I mean new fags. Also I don't get why Shane could'nt keep his own thread? The thread is basically Shane/Jeffree and co.
The beauty guru thread is more focused on tati anyway.
No. 15617
>>15616theres very likely an influx of newfags from PULL, reddit, twitter etc due to the beauty guru fallout
At least the conversation hasnt derailed into infighting and sperging, but mods probably need to keep an eye on it if it goes to shit
No. 15619
>>15612So will we get the Shane/Jeff 4 thread unlocked when BG maxes?
imo it makes no sense to have shoved him in there, mod said it was to prevent overlap but all it is is overlap and people reposting shit that was already posted in S/J because the BG people didn't read S/J. It makes even less sense to shove him in there when it was already >1100 posts? why shove him into a new thread where he doesn't belong for <100 posts when we already have a new thread ready to go? this just totally disrupted the flow of the milk
honestly Shane/Jeffree thread could be in pt but that’s just my opinion. I feel like telling us to talk about Shane and Jeff in the BG thread is like if mods said to only talk about Onion in the Youtube thread. The amount of milk and history is comparable, the scope is just too large. Yeah it’s Dramageddon but of the Dramageddon 2 cast, Tati has said 1 (one) thing, Jeffree and Charles have said nothing. Shane is the one actively making a fool out of himself and having his entire history called out and career destroyed. The milk that’s overflowing is Shane, Dramageddon is just one of the many udders and Karmageddon is a different beast entirely. Shane and Jeffree have been a package deal for years now, and James/Tati have been a part of the Shane herd since this all started last year (cause we been knew it was Shane and Jeffree this whole time)
the BG threads (which are meant to encompass the entirety of Beauty youtube, no small feat) have barely managed 2 threads in over 3 years. Shane’s milk/cows alone have filled 3+ threads in half that time, so it’s not like he can’t sustain a thread. I think the best solution would be to unlock S/J for Karmageddon talk, and then let us still have a BG thread, because there's plenty of non-Drama/Karma BG drama, there's hundreds of other gurus. I also agree with anon that said combining Youtube General and Twitch/Let's Play threads is a good idea. Just contributing my opinion is all.
>>15610>>15617we could never get a word in edgewise about jsnore in BG, it was always flooded with his spergs that mods would ignore. In the Shane/Jeff thread we were actually safe to talk about him because the wks couldn't throw it over to other gurus to try and divert attention from jeff. THAT'S why it hadn't derailed yet, there's no wiggle room for it in S/J like there is in BG. none of this jeffree milk is new (in fact most of it is a decade old) we just could never talk about it before bc of the jeffree spergs. honestly I never understood why mods ignored the jeff floods, it's not like people weren't complaining, we probably could've had him cancelled years ago if they'd actually done something about it
No. 15620
File: 1593645822697.jpeg (385.54 KB, 750x903, 337AC02A-2381-4C3E-9688-6D433D…)

beauty guru is maxed, can we have shane 4 unlocked?
also i just noticed the beauty guru op from a year ago literally says
>Shane Thread for future Shane/Jeffree content
with the shane thread linked. so the thread was designated as not for shane and jeffree talk since day 1? so if there was ‘overlap’ from people posting there instead of the shane thread they clearly can’t read. if onion can have his threads outside of youtube general and tnd can have hers outside of pet youtube general why can’t shame and jeffstein continue to have theirs outside of beauty youtube general? it’s not like…..a new or confusing concept for this site lmao. unlock 4 for drama/karma and shame and jeffstein’s downfall and let us talk about the other thousands of gurus (with nothing to so with karma/shame/jeff) in beauty general like we do for onion and tnd
No. 15626
>>15625So once the current gush of milk dries up, the booty guru threads are gonna be on /pt/ from now on?
Why not add Cry & Shay at this point? Why wasn't GG thread with ProJared drama moved to /pt/ when it blew up?
With reddit exodus and quarantine new fags, I just don't understand why that counts, and other threads didn't.
I'm not going to hide it bc I like the milk but don't think it deserves to be pt on a whim.
No. 15629
>>15624Just hide the thread if it bothers you this much. Jfc it’s not that hard.
If it starts bleeding out into other threads and they get flooded by twitter- or newfags I’d be with you. But as of right now what’s the big deal?
No. 15642
File: 1593895838250.png (269.55 KB, 1080x2034, Capture _2020-07-04-15-45-05.p…)

Don't know what this is. Definitely not my comment
No. 15647
>>15645its been locked for a while now, the farmhands and admin are still deciding if they want to allow kpop threads to exist on /m/ since there's been a huge issue with twitterfags and rabid defenders derailing and making the thread unusable
several anons have provided recommendations on how to curb the newfaggotry/twitter sperging but so far admin has not made a decision.
No. 15649
>>15648no, because a good number of them were boasting about ban evading and such, not to mention a ton of these are new twitterfags who keep bumping the thread because they dont understand how to sage etc.
it sucks, especially since there is so much to talk about right now in the kpop industry, but until the admin makes a statement it's not coming back.
No. 15657
>>15656same anon, can mods please get rid of this alinity simp? theyre blatantly samefagging, fighting, and sockpuppeting two posts at a time to try and make it look like there's more than one poster sperging about alinity
its so fucking exhausting, im trying to change the topic but i doubt they're going to stop. they post two posts at the same time echoing the same shit every single time within seconds of each other trying to pretend its not just them
No. 15666
>>15664people have recommended, but it seems pretty inactive
you're just going to have to wait for admin to make an announcement, farmhands did note that she was busy but she did pop her head in a few days ago so who knows
No. 15668
>>15662You could always hide the thread like most anons do for shit threads they dont wanna see, you know.
>>15661>>15666>>15663I knew that was gonna happen. I want to talk shit about kpop right now and the discord is very inactive too.
No. 15675
>>14594bring the Kpop threads back
they're shitty but fun
maybe on autosage?
No. 15676
>>15675can an admin or farmhand please just address this so we dont get this question every two days? its getting really annoying despite it being a
valid question
No. 15679
>>15678except they said admin was going to make a final decision, which is why there's so many fucking questions about it
>>15450if admin or a farmhand could just concretely say "no please fuck off" that would end the fucking endless questions
No. 15683
File: 1594254706165.png (16.75 KB, 790x258, nacho.PNG)

>>15681Just to add some more context, here's a ctrl+f of the word "nacho". The word was only posted once before 5 days ago. In just 5 days the word's been posted 125 times, he or someone else keeps spamming a link to his site.
This honestly makes me feel like I'm going crazy. It's obviously a bunch of self posts by some newfag. Do mods even know this is happening?
No. 15684
File: 1594254892454.png (62.62 KB, 941x721, posts.PNG)

>>15683last addition, other anons seem confused as well.
i noticed some bans in the thread so im wondering why farmhands are doing nothing about the obvious spam
No. 15686
Raid of newfags from ig irony community i
n using emoji, not saging and namefagging. Farmhands doing nothing
>>>/snow/1004003 No. 15688
>>15685>>15686Please lock the
>>>/snow/1003989 incel thread as these anons have posted. It seems 99% unintegrated newfags who aren't saging and are infighting. The "milk" provided is shit and posted in a completely unintegrated manner.
Also yeah the spoilered photos there are for shock value and nothing else.
Cancerous thread and no one seems interested in it except the people directly involved in the drama, so OP is kinda vendetta posting to top everything off.
No. 15689
>>15688Samefagging but I forgot to mention that a good amount of the posts are from the males the thread is about.
Also holy crap I tabbed back to the thread to find like 10 NEW posts. Thread is basically serving as a damn chatroom for a handful of newfags. Many of whom outright state their identity.
No. 15691
>>15688Yeah and some fuckwit just posted a picture of Bianca devins
I did not need to see that
No. 15698
>>15678Nah, farmhands just said it was up to Admin-sama that hasnt given her final decision
So many worse threads that still exist like the ones where ppl keep posting CP and gore but kpop is what is banned?? Just leave it in autosage and we'll internally deal with our newfags… at least they don't post literally vomit inducing photos
No. 15708
>>15706nah the kpop threads were the non-drama board equivalent of the anisa threads, debatably even worse and if you can't see why their removal was a blessing you were probably a contributor to what made them so shit in the first place. good riddance to that cancer.
I will admit that AOA jimin ordeal warranted a mention in celebricows though
No. 15709
>>15708i would agree except admin just allowed all the anisaspergs to migrate and take over the twitch thread, which literally solved nothing
i agree the kpop threads were fucking hard as fuck to use sometimes, especially right before they were locked because it was constantly getting derailed by persistent infighting despite other anon attempts at ignoring it
why doesnt the admin just make a fucking announcement veering this one way or another, im sick and tired of seeing anons ask every single day about whether its coming back
No. 15713
>>15683>>15684Jesus christ, this is giving me flashbacks to the pullfag spamming the same words repeatedly in the Venus thread.
I have no fucking idea how that didn't get locked especially when the samefag was spamming the thread nonstop for at least a whole day when it had already hit bump limit.
I've seen at least 3 different threads in the past couple of months alone looking similar to this and it often makes me feel like I'm having a psychotic episode, lol.
Why won't farmhands just open submissions for new farmhands already?? It's obvious they're either too lazy or busy to properly moderate shit anymore and it's clear that random anons in this thread alone could do a better job.
No. 15717
>>15716you really think the farmhand just said that randomly after almost two months?
it's fucking gone, now everyone can finally move on and not have to see these stupid ass questions every single day
No. 15719
>> is fucking dead
Will wait for Admin-sama personal statement.
The janitors here are all have burnout bc of the excessive and milkless onlyfans nitpicking
No. 15722
>>15720you would think the fucking farmhand saying "it wont come back" would make this endless /kpg/ sperging end but apparently not
can the admin please just make an announcement so these fags will finally fuck off
No. 15723
>>15716>>15719>>15722Admin discussed this with us over a month ago. She agreed that kpg should stay locked and bringing it back as a containment thread in /manure/ would be a bad idea since containment never works.
There's a chance it will come back once we move to the new server (and I have no idea when that will be so don't ask) but until then it's gone.
No. 15732
>>15729Yes farmhands, please do something about that thread.
>>15730There was some unsaged russian spam yesterday which bumped the thread, seems the mods deleted the spam.
No. 15739
File: 1595305088378.jpg (194.67 KB, 1920x1080, x1080.jpg)

Since PULL is closing down im going to preemptively ask the mods to ban threads on Simply_Kenna/Cozy Kitsune and Bestdressed, just as a I mentioned on the PULL topic those two are cesspools of circlejerking, create major infighting, and are a breeding ground for humble bragging, even if the subjects were cow material (which they aren't, Kenna hasn't done anything of note in years, her thread is just nitpicking and claiming her autism is fake and users bragging about their own autism diagnosis, Bestdressed is just straight bullying the girl for being an unfunny libfem who dates white men).
These are the only ones I know for sure would be better off banned but I've seen some stuff of the Serena Lin and Michelle Moé threads that also make them worth checking out, Michelle's usually lead to ALOT of racebaiting.
No. 15741
>>15740just came on here to say the same thing, the farmhands probably need to preemtively ban topics and do an emergency hellweek.
pull is going down on wednesday, and it's going to be a bloodbath after that.
No. 15742
>>15741>>15740>>15739Nyx let me know about the situation earlier, it's unfair to call a hellweek last minute when the staff hasn't had time to clear up their schedules in advance. However, it would be beneficial to list out cancer threads that should be locked or autosaged like so
>>15739 I hope autosaging for the time being is sufficient enough.
The farmhand application is still open in case anyone forgot. No. 15750
File: 1595431192914.jpg (128.69 KB, 1080x283, 20200722_171650.jpg)

Admin-sama, you petty bitch…I love you
Inb4 Josh for the King of Autists throwing a tantrum.
> Boohoo, muh pure farm is under attack
No. 15763
>>15762Most mods know our frequent IPs I think, unless people are using roams, but for the obvious newfags who make it clear they don't belong here with posts like what you are saying, I feel like a good, long ban, would do the trick repeatedly to some of them. If they want to argue it, let them and a mod or someone can review it, but it'll really stick it to them about how the site works.
What about a tag in there linking KF in the meantime due to the ban? lol
No. 15764
Can this pullfag get banned? They are posting in the wrong threads and cross posting spamming the same content.
>>>/snow/1012334>>>/w/106666Not even on topic and just instathot hate posting:
>>>/snow/1011375>>>/snow/1011416>>>/snow/1011325 No. 15775
>>15769this. i can't believe the troomers still won't leave the site even after being shown they aren't wanted.
>inb4 newfag radfems reeee about this being a site made by women for womenthe first admin was a man.
No. 15782
>>15780>>15781>>15779you barely use the site so why should anyone care what you think? Every time I see someone complaining about this it's someone new to the site/a kpop fan. I'm saying this as someone who was in here complaining about gender crit derailing before the creation of /xx/.
it honestly sounds like a lot of you can't deal with imageboard culture and I think a forum with registered accounts will be better for you. The more admin shuts down convo the harder people will push. Imageboards are never going to be what YOU want them to be, they're going to be about whatever the vast majority want. The vast majority apparently want to sperg about trannies. There's honestly not a lot of tranny derailing if you stay out of /ot/ anyway. or if there is I'm not sensitive enough to see it.
Better yet if people had just let /xx/ live you'd have a legit argument about retards going off-topic. But y'all had to scream about it. And now it's gone and you are all still in here complaining about it. You don't want the derailing to stop, you want a hugbox.
No. 15788
>>15782Even though I barely use it now because I’m not interested in talking about trans people and it moves so slowly I’ve still contributed a lot to it over the years and still am a user of it? Is there some minimum amount of posts per day you need to make a suggestion in meta lmao?
What you’re saying is so stupid, imageboards always try and get new users to integrate and preserve the intended board culture. Just because there were loads of anachan posts at one point doesn’t mean they were ever necessarily a majority and doesn’t mean we should have just let the spergs continue? All image boards have rules. And why should people have to ‘stay out of /ot/?’ This isn’t a radfem/gc site and /ot/ isn’t a radfem/gc board. If they’re derailing it doesn’t matter what board it’s in the admin should still do something about it and clearly there are plenty of people who feel that it is.
The /xx/ part is also stupid like we have to give them a board in order to have the right to complain about it, why? These users are consistently so entitled. Why do we owe them anything? Did you make a special board for anisa spergs? Robots? Anachans? Plus they do have asherahsgarden or whatever anyway.
No. 15802
File: 1595948842849.png (17.03 KB, 706x430, roflmao.png)

>>15784I literally received a permanent ban for this post:
>>15766 No. 15838
>>15836nah it just sucks to be part of a community for so long and watching all the nice sane people leave until all we're left with is perpetually pissed off cat ladies trying to push 19th century politics on anyone still here
also in a previous post, maybe 'reputation' was the wrong word. i meant more that i have seen outsiders disregard information posted here due to the site's overall political framing, and assume the lolcow is a
victim of the internet hate machine, as opposed to being just a shitty person getting shit on
again, not trying to argue, just observing a pattern and commenting on it
No. 15845
>>15844/ot is turning into racebait-central atm with LSA-fags crying about mixed people, white women and shit like that (seriously the unpopular opinion thread is a dumpster fire) but you're complaning about some anons using the word "tranny" once. Priorities.
Inb4 you evil radfem!
I was annoyed by the PP sperging leaking everywhere last year, that and the incessant "hi scrote" and " you,handmaiden". But there's no such thing today. And no, someone bringing the Wachosky in the Celebricow thread isn't GC/PP derailing.
No. 15846
>>15845Nta but literally no one is stopping you making a complaint in /meta/ about racebait or reporting it. Whenever anyone complains about gc/pp sperging in /meta/ you get a bunch of mini mods coming into the thread to insist ‘it literally never happens!!’ Or do the whataboutism you’re doing now
Also most of the racebait I see is from gc anons saying they don’t care about racism if the
victim is a man or that people only care about blm because it affected men etc. I looked in the unpopular opinion thread and all I can see is one anon saying that they were glad George Floyd was killed because he had a prior dv charge, that’s obviously something from a gc anon not an lsa anon
Also >there’s no such thing today
>>15841Literally two posts above yours lmao
No. 15848
>>15847i also don't understand this. this is newfag shit more than anything else that gets posted here. image boards are one of the least accepting places to post. there are so many rules on image boards more than places like reddit about how the userbase needs to act and integrate(no unique typing styles, no emojis, no avatarfagging) there are rules about context that gets posted, topics are constantly banned, groups of users are constantly banned (anachans, munchies) and yet whenever radfem shit is called out, you act like the site is the wild west. it's not.
radfems are the ones who need to integrate, not the other way around. radfems are the new unwelcome userbase that refuse to understand how this site works, what it's for and why our userbase is the way it is. if you guys went on any other board and read what's on it instead of just popping in yo derail threads about trannys you'd know what i mean. but please, keep ignoring admin and farmhands and site rules.
No. 15866
>>15845Seriously, I almost never see "GC derailing" now unless anons have the lowest standards for it, literally saw someone being extremely
triggered over using the word tranny or something very generic like that and they were calling it "dissecting GC theory", implying that this was the great GC debate derailing present on the board. But racebait on the other hand has always been the worst problem to me personally, even before the banishment of pinkpill and GC. It shits up the thread in two seconds because a.) it never fucking ends, someone will always bite the bait and resuscitate it after it has cooled down and b.) it happens all the time. I always report it but it only seems to work like 50% of the time.
>>15846>people discussing how hypocritical it is that movements like BLM being ignited by the death of a violent man and ignoring the deaths of innocent women is "racebait by GC anons" nowsee if your standards for "GC sperging" are this it's no wonder you think it's all over the fucking board
No. 15874
>>15802And yet I am still permabanned for this post.
Hey Admin. Why? Because you hate that people use this website to talk about how we hate trannies in threads about trannies?
No. 15875
>>15874Thanks for reminding them why you are banned and that you're evading.
Don't include other people besides you, anon. Seems you've brought up GC enough that the mods got tired of it.
No. 15882
>>15840>they are power tripping over not getting their shitty discussions shut down by menIkr?? How terrible! You're right fellow sister, those fucking catlady terf radfem bitches really need to be put down a notch by some proper chad dick. Thank you for speaking for us REAL SANE users of
Btw pls remove the no announcing phallus rule
No. 15884
>>15874 In your other post history
>>15766 you have nothing but mention of gender critical topics and constant whining about wanting the threads back, which you know isn't going to happen. You have another website where you can talk about anything you want but you choose to come into this thread to cry and victimize yourself.
You not only post low effort bait insinuating that we delete posts mentioning troons which has never happened, your newfaggotry also implies that there are multiple admins and if we decided if we care about women again, as if we aren't women with our own lives to worry about while moderating this site to be free of gore, scrotes, spam, and whatever else people complain about. All you have in that post history is accusing the site of being run by TRAs despite the fact there is a active MtF thread in /snow/ and multiple cows on this site that identity as fakebois or women.
>Because you hate that people use this website to talk about how we hate trannies in threads about trannies?No actually, you don't use the proper MtF thread, you want to be allowed to derail every single /ot/ thread as you please. You have over 30 bans recorded, at least four that are related to racebait or race derailing and multiple bans for responding to bait. Maggots like you can't be bothered to go to the other site for no reason other than wanting a soapbox. Nobody is forcing you to stay here. You're not being oppressed because two thread topics were removed from /ot/ on a imageboard, get a grip.
>>15880 You should ask yourself why admins here have a short shelf life.
No. 15890
>>15884You're right. Ever since you banned all general GC talk I've used proxies because I knew bringing up actual criticism of the community and it's leaders would get me banned.
To me it seems your only interest is keeping lolcow as a gossip website - which would be fine but then why have places like /ot/, /g/ and /m/? It seems hypocritical to me. The other website exists, but it's a matter of principle to me at this point that a website that is supposed to be run by women shuts down talk criticising our biggest oppressors. You should've let /xx/ stay up and rightfully shut down discussion elsewhere on the website, but you chose to delete it despite the majority wanting it to stay.
Now the racebaiting stuff and the 30+ ban records are probably from one of the proxies I have used. I don't care personally about racial discussion here. I care about preserving freedom of speech for women when it comes to women's rights and it doesn't seem like you do. That is why I criticize.
No. 15896
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>>15890please stop. im hangover and this secondhand cringe made me sick.
please just leave. go outside, go talk to other humans. please, put that phone down and put on your shoes and go outside.
No. 15904
>>15903How about precedence means something??? What about the 20 fetishes and sex advice and femdom threads in /g/ dumb whore?
>posting pornography is prohibitedThose rules meant to deter males spamming porn threads, spoilered images relevant to topic discussion were always allowed. What even constitutes NSFW anyway? Pictures of clothed people tied up not showing genitalia aren’t any less NSFW.
Clarify rules and announce changes. Suddenly pulling the rug from under people can’t not look like a salty moralfag vendetta.
No. 15906
>>15903newfaggot farmhand on a power trip confirmed; you ran out of things to moderate ? how can it be any thing but unfair when rules were handled on different basis prior
>>15905that thread has existed for 4 years with minimal problems, people keep to theirselfs but bitches like you would come in it to bait anons there didn't even bother to report you
SJW yaoisperg ass mad again and we're entertaining it this time, the absolute state of lolcow
No. 15919
>>15904Im one of the anons who reported them. I don't go to that thread but no, not all of it was spoilered. I don't know what exactly farmhands cracked down on, but there were 4 recent pictures without a spoiler. I saw them while scrolling normally. It also wasn't light bondage, it was hardcore gay gangrape bondage hentai that I reported. One of them had two dicks in one boys ass, and one had a dude being pinned down to eat ass while crying.
If you think those are light BL, you're a degenerate.
No. 15934
>>15933This, why are farmhands suddenly activating to hand out multiple redtexted bans for posting spoilered NSFW images in a thread that has had them for years and suddenly giving snarky ban messages to posts that aren't even derailing but these posts are left unattended despite multiple people reporting them:
>Literally sexism doesn't even matter in American society. Go cry in a third world country and see how women are being treated over there and you'll see just how good American women really have it you entitled whore.
>I don't think calling me a scrote really invalidates the argument. Women don't experience sexism in America anymore. and that's coming from a woman who has NEVER experienced misogyny. It's a myth, I swear, you are all safe from those scawy men I swear.Please explain because I want to know what's the reasoning.
No. 15938
>>15937>you legally can't look at porn in public because of minorsThis is quite literally not true and took my 5 seconds to find this out by googling it. Nice job pulling it out of your ass though.
You can't show minors or anyone that doesn't want to see it. But that involves the act of SHOWING them. Not them accidentally seeing you looking at it.
No. 15940
>>15939I'm not stupid, I actually did research unlike you.
It took all of 5 seconds to figure it out. You said it as if that applied to everywhere, you didn't even clarify with something like "Well, in my state".
What state do you live in so I can look up your state penal codes and prove you wrong – AGAIN.
Either way, did some more research:
>"According to Prof Clare McGlynn from Durham University who specialises in the law around porn, there's little to stop someone viewing pornographic material in public - on public transport, in a library, in a park or a cafe, for example.
>"It's like reading a book," she says. "They are viewing lawful material which is freely available, and restricting people's access to it presents other challenges.""You tried to make a blanket statement and got caught with your pants down looking retarded.
Anyways, I'm not gonna argue with someone that throws statements out like that and doesn't even think to check elsewhere to see if they're right first.
No. 15944
>>15943kek ya got me
Anyways, I came here not to talk about porn but to ask that the farmhands get a run through of infighting versus flaming.
I've gotten into flame wars with people on here without any actual intention ob it being super serious and it's all banter. I've seen that a lot of ppl still get banned for infighting or get called out for infighting. The whole point of being here is to be catty and shit. So what the fuck is farmhands criteria for "infighting" and are they all aware of it?
Like can people actually not have arguments here (if it's relevant to the topic) and throw a few names here and there?
No. 15948
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>>15943>>15934…Is this you
again gangrape-chan? Just take your L like the five previous farmers said. For a few days now you have been on every board sperging about your porn getting deleted. You posted your weird gay bondage gangrape porn and there were pictures without spoilers.
What happened is so obvious, random anons saw it and reported it. Farmhand(s) saw that the thread was out of control and deleted a few files and red texted a few posts from the past day or so. They even left in 90% of your degenerate porn up, are you trying to get them to remove the rest of it with this incessant sperg?
No. 15950
>>15948Uhhhh… are you okay with your crazy vendetta? The point about blatant out of place misogynist infighting post in
the artist salt thread being left alone and the anon posting them being allowed to keep on going when just a day ago they were deleting and handing out bans for petty reasons is a pretty
valid complaint.
No. 15962
>>15943ot but I keked so much at this combo and now I kind of ship those two anons.
blame quarantine.
No. 15987
>>15984>>15985Wow can you both stop sperging the fuck out and calm down? I wasn't even TA that you were fucking talking to, I was just giving a reason why someone could /possibly/ give a fuck.
Damn. Y'all menstruating or something? Jesus fuck relax.
No. 15989
>>15987Samefag but I think it's funny that you both think that someone wouldn't do that, even subtly, if they were being talked shit against. It's just literally human nature to not want to allow a discussion about something against who you are as a person.
I'm a marginalized group and if people were autistically sperging about my group, I'd probably hand out bans but not all the time or even obviously enough to make it look like a trend. But randomly.
But I guess that's why I'm not a farmhand am I right?
No. 15993
>>15989>>15990>>15984>>15981Why should Lolcow have tranny mods, though? This obviously isn't a site for awesome trans gals and their pals, kek. It'd just be mental self-harm. You can argue it's just a gossip site, but having /ot/, /g/
and anti scrote rules pretty much established it as a women's space, like it or not.
If anyone doesn't like that and wants a more inclusive community, maybe they could just go on CC and KF. God knows those places are full of troons and garden variety males looking to share their valuable opinions.
No. 15997
>>15994>Why shouldn’t it.For the reasons listed right there. Mental self-harm, and the simple fact that no one really wants that shit. Quick question, though, why do you think there’s a rule against men announcing their phalluses? Think hard on this. Really think.
Understand that you’re in the minority every time you seethe and call people femcels for not liking trannies or males in general. Even admin doesn’t like trannies. She’s shit on them before, and allows whole threads specifically for mocking and misgendering them, in case you didn’t notice.
You’re claiming you don’t give a fuck, but you clearly do. There’s no need for a special Discord (which is also very troon-friendly on most servers, might want to keep that in mind if you want a place to crash), this is Lolcow. If you want tranny jannies, make your own site or go to one that would support them. That isn’t here, so sorry.
No. 15999
>>15998I agree that it's enough. I just don't understand why anyone would be angry about us not wanting a troon for a mod.
Did you not get the memo? Lolcow users aren't full on radfems, but that doesn't mean we want ejaculators with "I want to cut off my own penis and wear anime thigh highs" disorder running shit either.
No. 16001
>>16000What ideology? Who's handpicking anyone? All anyone's said is that they don't want a tranny janny. There isn't even reason to believe the admin or mod team wants that right now.
Like I said, make your own site if that makes you so upset.
No. 16002
>>16001Okay, not ideology, beliefs, point of view, opinion. Go ahead and pretend to not understand me for the sake of a reply again. Like I said, you're not entitled to know or dictate shit about the board, make your own imageboard if you get so
triggered at the thought of a tranny janny.
No. 16003
>>16002We're allowed to state we don't want trannies. This isn't a dictatorship, and this entire board exists because the admin and mods actually do want to hear our thoughts, and we're allowed to have a voice.
You can stay mad, but farmers will keep saying it because that's how they feel.
No. 16004
>>15994>>15999The maleposting rule is obviously on a don't ask don't tell basis, much like being 18+. Any males that post frequently tend to keep to themselves because they know their input isn't wanted. It's futile to control who posts on a anonymous board but certain characters can't help but out themselves for attention, and they will get perma-banned. The rules are definitely not an invitation for scrotes to try joining the staff team, even if tranny identified. It sounds like
you want us to be more inclusive about who gets on staff and gets to give input on moderation and board changes. You don't need to be a radfem to enjoy a predominately anonymous space for women, but you're delusional if you think that means men deserve a seat at the table. I don't give a shit about who posts if the rules are followed but I know for a fact that not only cows but men have tried to infiltrate staff by various means. I also know that I'm not the only admin a male has tried to buy off for the site, and I know that so many people would love for this site to burn to the ground for many different reasons. I don't trust most applicants or their motives so what the hell makes you think I'm going to trust a male's motives on getting involved with the site at any capacity?
>>16000>Yeah, this is where you're losing me. You're not entitled to know anything about any of the farmhands, let alone handpick which ones suit your ideology the bestYou're right, I'm entitled to do that. I hope you're done baiting on /meta/ now because it's more entertaining on /ot/.