File: 1403571838491.gif (130.11 KB, 2850x1123, noggin.gif)
No. 2
Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.
If you have some non-technical issue, like wanting mods to do something or a suggesting a change in policy, please use
>>1134If you want to email me:
Twitter: @lolcow_farmPlease bookmark the Twitter. Status updates will be posted there in the event of site downtime or other issues. You can follow the Twitter if you want, but be aware that this may harm your anonymity if your Twitter username or tweets you've made could be linked to your real identity.
- Rules:
- Max file size is 20 MB.
- Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread.
You can read more site usage information at If you are new to imageboards, please read it.
Post styling
*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ => words
#<3 => ♥
No. 14
>>13Clicking a post number while quoting a post is one way. There may be a keyboard shortcut for it as well.
A lot of the current chan settings should be similar to 4chan's default stuff.
No. 17
>>14Nigga you fancy!
Can I add that maybe sometime in the future we can get a decent looking banner? That would be the shit, SR never got one for some reason
No. 19
>>17>>18Sure. If any of you want to draw up or suggest some banners, I'll add them.
I guess ideally we'd have one static image at the top for each board, and then random rotating banners for every board.
No. 20
>>19Image dimensions? I might try my hand at it.
Also thank you Admin <3
No. 22
>>20Image dimensions for the top image can be pretty much anything. There'd be one different one per board.
For the rotating banners…let's stick to 300x100, like 4chan has, I suppose.
Also, you're welcome. :)
No. 23
>>212 is fine for now I think.
If anything was learned from boxxyforever it was that too many boards to start off can be bad.
4chan has the right idea about only creating boards if there's a need for it. Or for containment purposes.
No. 28
File: 1403580183158.jpg (203.53 KB, 1280x960, 1388457998419.jpg)
>>19What dimensions would you like them to be? I'll make one or two tomorrow after work. This place isn't kawaii enough. I need more kawaiiness when talking about our dear queen.
Thank you so much for setting this up, admin.
No. 29
>>28300x100 for banners, please. Any dimensions work fine for board images: use whatever you think would look best.
I'll try and work on adding additional stylesheets, too.
No. 31
>>30It would appear the server is experiencing problems due to the heavy load, unfortunately. I'm trying to resolve it.
I may have to end up upgrading the server.
No. 34
>>33This was due to the annoying frameset index page. I've replaced it with something nicer now. Should no longer be an issue.
Auto thread reloading should also be working okay now.
No. 40
File: 1403647543988.jpg (26.91 KB, 271x294, habbening.jpg)
>>36>>38Changed some more things. Tell me if it keeps happening.
Clear your browser caches for this site first, though.
No. 41
>>37>>39Done. There's a box for embedding a Youtube video. Put the full link to a video there.
When displaying on pages, it'll just show the preview image. Videos will only be loaded when you click on the preview.
No. 44
>>43Unfortunately that's easier said than done. SR and Unichan both use different board software, so I have to manually port the stylesheet over.
I'll work on it soon though.
No. 47
>>46Done. I may customize the default spoiler pic soon as well.
No. 49
File: 1403771788627.jpg (43.62 KB, 620x465, 10-farmer-mchugh.jpg)
>>48"the farmer" because he milks the cows for lol
No. 53
>>52My pleasure. ♥
I will do my best to keep this chan alive and well.
No. 66
>>64>>65The admin was already acting like a cunt before those guys showed up, like bitching about new members, threatening to shutdown the site, insulting the members collectively when she sharted her panties.
And my God was she stupid, "I DON'T TRUST ANY OF YOU" "WILL SOME OF THE /COW/ MODS COME AND HELP ME WITH MY BOARD, I'M NOT A NECKBEARD AND I DON'T HAVE ANYTIME BECAUSE I HAVE A LIFE" lol asking the same site that trolled us to come mod the board. ~she sure is wise guise~
She sounds like she just got out of HS to be honest.
And it doesn't matter what PT thinks, she's still under a tight leash with britfag around. It's not like we're getting any damn content any time soon just because "GUYS SHE THINKS WE'RE GONE :D" So fucking what? We lost PTNR, was it worth it? The admin is shit and so are you if you think otherwise.
No. 67
>>66I'm not saying we're suddenly going to get a flood of content. There's no need to go full momrant about it. SR's admin was no saint but at the same time she cut short what could have been a huge frothy mess.
PTNR is still out there. If you want her "damn content" so badly, go PM her on the board she most recently posted on.
No. 68
>>67People had already moved on after the
trolls came forward and admitted they lied with those silly little recordings. They weren't continuing anything.
The damage had already been done when they first came forward and people started talking about interpol, contacting her (skypeanon), and her mom if I recall correctly.
Her shutting down the site is the equivalent of closing the barn door after the horses escaped. It had nothing to do with damage control, it was just a tantrum she threw fran stylez.
She then went to say on Unichan that she didn't want the domain anymore and would transfer it to someone else because she lost interest in it and had #real life stuff going on#
Have fun licking her paranoid twat when she reopens the site though, you wont be missed.
No. 74
>>73This is the right thread. I tried to fix all of the caching issues about a week ago.
Are you getting a specific error message? Does the page say Incapsula on it? How often does it happen, and does a single refresh usually fix it? Has anyone else also been seeing this?
Also try to clear your browser cache and your DNS cache if you know how to.
No. 78
File: 1404801805427.png (18.23 KB, 1366x702, error.png)
>>77Okay, I got it again a couple of times today. Pic related.
No. 88
>>86You can now hide posts and images. Above each image is a (hide) button, and to the left of that you can select [-] and [+] to hide or unhide a thread. I've also unstickied one of the threads.
>>87Adjusted a few things, tell me if you still see it. The board software has very aggressive spambot detection by default.
No. 89
>>88If only mcdonalds had this kind of service.
Btw I was getting the request looks automated shit then I just used another Web browser and it worked fine.
No. 90
>>89Yeah, that's one way of fixing it.
If you see it happen again, one way to temporarily fix it should be to copy/save whatever you were posting, refresh the thread, and try posting again. You may have to go back to the main board page and click on the thread again to make sure it really refreshed in some cases.
I think people won't be seeing it anymore though.
No. 94
>>93Oh gosh :3
The admin listened to me. I feel so special.
Thank you
No. 98
>>97Thanks. I really like you, Admin-sempai…I felt bad.
No. 102
>>101They need to be in WebM format (ending in .webm). WebM is a new format specifically for web video and audio. This is the same format that 4chan supports.
You can use a site like this to convert to WebM, you can upload your video to Youtube and post the Youtube video link in the Youtube field.
No. 105
File: 1407642119592.png (292.14 KB, 500x344, tumblr_lmjz5haMLy1qk48wdo1_500…)
would you ever consider combining PULL with this site? Freeforums sucks ass and it would be nice to have everyone and everything in one place. I would be more than willing to help code, install, or otherwise just set shit up. There is also a lot of potential ad profit in that for you.
email me if this interests you:
No. 108
>>105Yeah no. PULL's full of SJWs and wannabe aidoru/living dolls. We have enough cancer here from Unichan m'lady fags. I'm sorry, but most PULL users aren't familiar with anonymous internet board etiquette. Their posts stick out like sore thumbs.
Love you as well Lain, but just no.
No. 110
>>105Really Lain, really? Do you think that your silly little forum made of bitter, butthurt wannabe-snowflakes who flip their shit at the sole mention of a
gasp fat joke would handle the shit we write here? Yeah, I didn't think so.
No. 112
>>111Google and other big Western search engines will obey robots rules. You can even use Webmaster Tools to manually remove links from the index.
The problem is sites like Baidu who don't give a fuck about any rules you set.
No. 115
>>113Christ can you imagine if they merged tonight? The next morning there would be like 5 "post ure dolly face ^___^" and "
selfie shoop!!!" threads waiting for us positively oozing with pasty, acne covered weeaboo teens.
No. 122
>>111>>112I can disable search engine indexing of threads if you guys want. I believe SR always had indexing on and I think people were okay with that. There are some advantages and disadvantages to it.
>>105I sent you an email to discuss some options. As the others in this thread have said, it's probably not a good idea to merge the 2 sites into 1, but there are a few things that could be done. At the least, I could help get PULL off of freeforums.
Just to be clear, I do not intend on ever placing ads on this site or any other site though.
No. 124
>>104>Has there been any takers for the banner? I can fix something up if there hasn't been any.The banners will be rotating banners, so there can be an infinite number of them. They'll be like 4chan's rotating banners. Everyone is free to suggest or contribute a banner. In fact, the more banners we have, the better.
A site or board logo would be permanent and should probably only be done by one person though.
No. 127
>>125>>126I'll strongly consider some slightly more strict rules if I can find a volunteer who feels they would be adept at objectively enforcing these new rules, as well helping to decide on what rules to establish.
If anyone is interested, please tell me. And if you want to talk to me privately, report any random post and include your message as the report reason.
No. 128
>>125I'd like this.
Can we do something about unichan drama shit as well? It's starting to get a little annoying.
No. 130
>>129It depends how the majority of people feel about it.
If anyone has any rule suggestions or concerns, please post them in this thread.
So far this board has been operating with essentially no moderation of discussion. All deletions and bans issued up to now have only been for Marijan.
There are pros and cons to moderating the actual quality of discussions. I'd like to see what people's ideas are before I instate anything new.
No. 131
>>130I think when someone starts having a complete sperg attack just because they think they may be talking to a black, Mexican, or whatever on a message board, and is "
triggered" into a sperg rage over seeing say a Mexican (or someone they
think is Mexican, they should be given a temporary or perm ban and posts deleted because they add
nothing of value to the thread. All it does it make people feel disgusted and derail the thread into oblivion.
No. 138
>>137I recall one retard on SR being super angry that Marijan confirmed he is a white European and not a "beaner" as they thought so it
might be them. It wouldn't surprise me because holy shit, they needed to take their order of assburgers to go.
No. 142
>>141Also an auto update tick box.
Meanwhile, neat website.
No. 143
>>141>>142>Requesting image hover in [settings]Looking into this.
>Also an auto update tick box. Don't see the point of this. All threads auto update every 10 seconds. I don't really see why someone would want to turn that off or increase the interval, and a lower interval would be a bit too much for my server.
No. 144
>>143requesting /x/ board.
instead of calling it paranormal, call it "x-files"
No. 145
Expand all images, and inline expansion toggle. And perhaps separate the meta into another thread?
>>14310 seconds is a bit low, you could easily up it to 15 or 25. Not even 4ch x has lower than 30.
>>143Tick box would be to let people save bandwidth.
No. 146
>>145>10 seconds is a bit low, you could easily up it to 15 or 25. Not even 4ch x has lower than 30.It is indeed quite low. I like it how it is though, and due to the way I have the server and application set up, each refresh incurs almost no additional load. It was 30 initially, and I eventually moved it to 15 and then 10 after testing. If this site ever gets anywhere near 4chan's level of traffic, then I'll probably increase it.
>Tick box would be to let people save bandwidth.The amount of bandwidth used by a single client from auto-refreshing is minimal. It would only be useful for people who wanted to save me bandwidth, but again, there's no need.
I considered "expand all images" but I'm not sure if many people actually use that feature. Don't click-expand and hover-expand provide a better experience?
No. 151
>>150Actually it looks like #1 isn't true (but lazy loading could still help on mobiles).
The slowdown definitely seems to be JS. Chrome sends 7 seconds in querySelectorAll in the Jrcach thread. Also 2.8s in do_localtime.
No. 152
>>151I'm aware of the slow loading Javascript. I optimized a few other things (like cross-thread post hovering) to skip processing all Javascript until absolutely necessary, but straight up loading a thread will still be slow.
I can tell you that performance was definitely considered. Believe it or not, initially it was much slower. I had to modify quite a bit of Tinyboard's default Javascript to make it faster. One thing I can't avoid is that some of the libraries I'm using (like moment.js for the time formatting I added) are very slow, and the time spent processing increases linearly with every post.
Client side optimization is definitely not my specialty. If you want to take a look at the unminified files, they're all here: and do_localtime appear to be the biggest bottlenecks.
For threads that are under 100 posts, the Javascript processing time is pretty minimal, so a "last 50 posts" option will effectively solve the issue if people mostly use that. But I'll gladly take any recommendations for other speed improvements. Lazy loading for every post (not just images) might help, by distributing all post processing over the time period it takes for a user to scroll down.
No. 153
>>152It's basically impossible to debug minified JS without a sourcemap connecting it to the original files. Most minifiers will generate sourcemap these days.
Going by the Chrome profiler in the Jrcach thread these are some of the slowest areas:
handle_images - one of the selectors is slow as hell or being run multiple times (or everything is running multiple times, who knows).
do_localtime - it seems to be moment() that is slow as hell. I don't really see the point of pretty dates considering the performance cost.
showBackLinks - not really sure. Probably due to the DOM manipulation.
The fact that jQuery is used makes things a pain as everything is littered with internal jQuery methods.
But overall I see a lot of DOM manipulation and think a lot of it would be better handled if the server output the desired HTML in the first place.
No. 154
Okay, after looking at show-op.js I realized it was doing a ton of unnecessary work. I could rewrite it, but I looked around and saw that quoting an OP is fairly rare (for obvious reasons), so I just removed the code completely.
I also made a few changes to the time handling.
There should be a small speed increase now.
The code for image hiding is really a mess, but I'll try and rework it a bit.
>>153Personally I like the relative times, so I'd like to keep them as they are if at all possible. I know moment.js is really slow, so I'm going to look around for replacements.
I'm pretty sure 90% of the slowness can be found in (which I don't think can be optimized much without replacing of the moment library) and things like image backlinks and related to the backend would simply be too much work for me. If I really had the time though, I'd probably rewrite this whole imageboard in something that isn't PHP, and with React for the frontend.
No. 155
>>154Personally I find relative dates a bit of a pain after a day or so. Gmail has relative dates and it pisses me off (but you can get the real date from hovering).
It's OK when it says "30 mins ago" but "2 months ago" is just annoying when I want the actual day and time.
So only run moment on dates less than 3 days ago or something?
No. 157
>>156Fixed image-hide.js. It should have negligible performance impact now.
The code was an utter mess. Whoever did the Javascript for Tinyboard clearly did not know much about it.
Note: Anyone who's previously hidden any images will need to go and re-hide them again.
Still looking into options for the relative times.
No. 160
>>159Thank you for all your help, patience and kindness farmer admin. I'm really happy with how functional this board is, it's much better than stamina ever was.
You rock!
No. 167
not the same anon as
>>163 or
>>166but for whatever reason I can't seem to find the Kiki thread
No. 169
>>165>>166>>167As far as I can tell, this sort of bug should pretty much be impossible. Some threads get bumped off page 1 pretty quickly, so next time you can't find a thread try checking the first 4 pages and ctrl+F for it. If you still can't find it, please post about it here and I'll look into it.
No. 178
File: 1412915757942.png (158.68 KB, 400x371, 1407232910742.png)
Admin, you know what to do.
No. 180
File: 1412965789870.jpg (20.27 KB, 1869x126, 88.JPG)
I just noticed this.
You are cool, farmer admin.
No. 188
>>187How often do you typically leave the thread up?
I adjusted a few settings. Tell me if the problem still occurs.
No. 196
>>195It always seems to be the same person doing this in Yukapon related threads, like this was posted two times in her own thread
>>12702>>17421And her passport was posted at least 3 times, two times in the idol thread
>>18788>>18799 No. 200
File: 1413941085500.png (60.37 KB, 300x100, harvestmoonbanner.png)
>>198EDIT: Realised I was dumb.
Here you go.
No. 202
File: 1413943745235.png (40.52 KB, 300x100, harvestmoonbanner.png)
>>201Alright, how about this, then?
No. 203
File: 1413948163602.jpg (25.47 KB, 300x100, huhhuh.jpg)
okay, my turn
No. 204
>>202Getting there…
>>203Why is the creepy doll on the right staring at me
No. 206
File: 1414005493568.png (56.23 KB, 300x100, 879.png)
Here is my idea. I am not good at image editing so if someone wants to fix aspect ratio or fix the font, be my guest.
No. 210
File: 1414027359125.jpg (43.87 KB, 300x100, lolcow.jpg)
If the size needs fixing go ahead. Here is my banner.
No. 211
>>210>Traci Hines and Doe DeereI FUCKING LOVE YOU, ANON.
No. 214
File: 1414040103257.jpg (44.99 KB, 300x100, lolcow copy.jpg)
Nice to know my work is appreciated. I couldn't decide which version I liked so there is this one…
No. 215
File: 1414040258567.jpg (45.11 KB, 300x100, lolcow copy2.jpg)
this one….(I found it creepy the extra elmo peeking from the bottom)
No. 216
File: 1414040590945.jpg (45.24 KB, 300x100, lolcow copy3.jpg)
And the final one.
No. 222
File: 1414049138597.jpg (7.39 KB, 519x67, tumblr_mhd1i0yx301rbvxhyo1_128…)
not the right aspect ratio but I only have paint to work with on this computer
No. 223
File: 1414052997842.png (24.72 KB, 300x100, ptbanner.png)
>>222Only the best for our queen
No. 225
File: 1414064040388.png (51.29 KB, 300x100, banner01.png)
I-I couldn't resist.
No. 227
File: 1414078961657.png (20.36 KB, 500x66, pizzletizzle.png)
I have absolutely 0 shoop skills, so if anyone thinks this might work, have at it
No. 230
File: 1414098064829.gif (267.54 KB, 300x100, chocolate.gif)
>>228Thank you anon!! Marry me?
No. 234
>>233It was
>>228 that did all the work, I just resized it
But I love you too bb
No. 236
>>235Quick replies will now no longer scroll to the bottom of the thread. They will still highlight the post you made. Regular replies will also still scroll to the bottom.
If anyone dislikes this new behavior or finds any bugs, please discuss it here.
No. 237
File: 1414712926296.gif (21.34 KB, 450x339, graphics-thank-you-287568.gif)
>>236Thank you admin-chan! You da best!
No. 239
>>238It's been on the table for a while now. Unfortunately it's kind of difficult to implement due to various reasons, but still possible.
It should be done by next week.
No. 241
File: 1414851485518.gif (415.43 KB, 500x287, Happy-and-excited-gif.gif)
>>236I just tried it out and it works so great, I'm so happy!
No. 242
File: 1415000641777.png (54.38 KB, 300x100, banner1.png)
No. 243
File: 1415000701731.png (61.25 KB, 300x100, bannernig.png)
No. 246
File: 1415030066896.jpeg (37.02 KB, 275x92, sdsdsdds.jpeg)
To the anon that made this into banner format, hope my little fix (the r was hidden) is ok.
No. 249
File: 1415056622618.png (79.37 KB, 300x100, thats so lolcow2.png)
>>248I think I got it the right size.
No. 251
File: 1415136876416.png (41.03 KB, 300x100, 86533.png)
No. 253
File: 1415141931730.jpg (713.09 KB, 1149x962, Farmer.jpg)
Hey there farmer admin, some people in the raven thread have been asking for u
No. 256
File: 1415233296289.gif (2.28 MB, 350x197, Crying-gifs-10112013-01.gif)
>>255I was scared that the site had gone down forever, I was getting flashbacks from the war/staminarose.
No. 258
File: 1415335690477.png (Spoiler Image,414.85 KB, 800x510, there will be ham.png)
>>230Mind if I use this one on /cow/? It's pretty great.
No. 263
>>262It's my fave too, I really miss it. It's inspired me to start toning myself up more. It terrifies me to be one of those people.
There's 1.5k posts, I guess we could make a new one to lay off the tldr of the whole thing.
No. 264
>>261>>262>>263Fixed, sorry about that. >>6396 should work now.
Also, some time soon the problem of extremely long threads should be resolved to some degree.
No. 265
File: 1415825832881.jpg (49.39 KB, 400x400, 1363343983812.jpg)
Please be a saint and set a cap to threads, requiring people to make a new one at around 800-1000
It'll be great, but it's fine if you cannot.
Also, is there a such thing as a archive on this website?
No. 266
>>265Honestly, I think this is something we can do ourselves. It doesn't have to be a rule because people aren't against making new threads when the current one is too long.
How about we all just make a new thread when it reaches 1000 posts. We can start on the Dakota/Weirdo-sister-I-forget-her-name one.
I'd do it, but I don't follow her and I like it when the first original post has a funny picture/screenshot, some info to enlighten the new, and continue the conversation where it last left off. (something about her eating "vegan" Japanese treats or something).
Of course these aren't guidelines, be creative! Be funny!
No. 267
>>265For the time being, I've disabled bumping for all threads that have more than 1200 posts. This means you can still post in them, but new posts will no longer bump the thread. This should encourage people to make new ones when they want to continue active discussions.
This may be subject to change.
As for an archive, I'm not sure there's a point? I have disabled thread pruning, so all threads will last forever and will effectively be archived by default.
No. 268
File: 1415845879836.png (136.31 KB, 634x354, thumbs-up.png)
>>266I felt like it was getting TOO long, and I think it goes for all threads, but like Admin said, it'll encourage to start a new thread.
T-Thank you for suggestion, anon.
I didn't know there was an archive, thank you admin, pls let me chu chu ya.
No. 270
>>269Here you go.
>>15719Also did you try and use the catalog?
No. 271
>>270Thanks anon, and no, I didn't even know we had a catalog!
I'll check it :)
No. 272
File: 1416309661404.png (232.64 KB, 1440x900, wat.png)
anyone have any idea what this is? i didn't fill it out - i just went to straight and clicked on /pt/, which apparently bypasses it.
No. 273
>>272This just means it thought you might have been a bot instead of a human. If it comes up, you only have to enter the captcha once (ever).
The fact that it let you through after leaving the page just means its initial guess about you being a bot was wrong, and the second time it properly verified you.
No. 275
File: 1416448604692.jpg (35.67 KB, 514x720, 10736160_734340919980989_14449…)
Admin, you really are the best
No. 276
File: 1416522574974.jpg (235.57 KB, 1280x960, 1406254792446.jpg)
>>274thank you for the heads up admin
I love how you're involved in this site, you care about its upkeep, you gave us cool banners and did all that coding stuff
you're the best admin we've ever had. our previous admins gave me PTSD that's how bad they were as leaders
No. 278
The site will now be moving to full HTTPS.
If you're getting errors or are unable to see the banner, you probably need to flush your DNS cache. Instructions for doing so across all operating systems can be found here:
How to clear the DNS cacheFor Windows, it is
ipconfig /flushdns
from the command line. If you're still encountering problems after doing so, please describe your issue in this thread.
No. 279
File: 1416528890989.jpg (26.81 KB, 600x375, 600492_652053978155670_2830047…)
You earned this admin ♥
No. 282
There are going to be a few hiccups, sorry.
For now I've disabled forced HTTPS. Everyone please see if you can visit directly. If you get an error, please post it in this thread. If you have any issues you should still be able to use without any errors.
No. 284
>>282Admin-senpai, will i be able to access this board from school with the https?
also, will you also add a back to top button? it's hell scrolling back through threads to post on mobile
No. 287
>>284>will i be able to access this board from school with the https?Yes, it should work fine. Unless your school is blocking all HTTPS everywhere, which is very unlikely.
>also, will you also add a back to top button? it's hell scrolling back through threads to post on mobileIf you just want to reply to a post on your phone, you should be able to click on any post number and then see a Quick Reply box appear (it will also automatically quote the post). Also, you should have a hovering Quick Reply link that follows as you scroll. If either of those things don't appear, then please tell me what generation of phone you have, because that would suggest your phone does not properly support Javascript.
However, I have also added an up arrow just now.
Note: You may need to clear your browser cache to see these new changes appear. You can either wait a day, or manually clear the cache.
No. 289
>>285the clock thing didn't work :'(
>>287idk my school is pretty strict. they blocked google translate lol.
hmm. it's Android 4.1.2 if that's what you mean by generation?
No. 292
>>289>idk my school is pretty strict. they blocked google translate lol.The site is only accessible over HTTPS now, so try accessing it from school. If you can't, then your only option is to try and find a proxy that isn't blocked, sorry.
>it's Android 4.1.2 if that's what you mean by generation?That's a fairly recent phone. In that case, you should be seeing a Quick Reply box when you click on post numbers. You should also be seeing the Quick Reply floating link on the right.
No. 294
>>293Happens to me too on my galaxy note, I think it's to do with the tablet's processing capabilities.
Too much stuff to load.
No. 295
File: 1416861629672.jpg (46.41 KB, 301x450, admin.jpg)
Admin, how do you pay for this site? Maybe you should put up some ads, iono.
No. 297
>>296Yes yes yes, please no ads, I'd rather donate.
Love you senpai-sama desu
No. 298
File: 1416874032147.png (146.97 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2014-11-24-19-02-23…)
>>292Yeah my phone's just shit haha.
I forgot to teat lolcow at school. Will do on the morrow. And thank you again for the back to top button, genuinely.
No. 300
>>26139>>26166I should have a slightly better solution for this soon (sorry, I've been kind of busy lately), but for now everyone can use to access a "lite" version of the site. Everything is the same, except there is almost no Javascript.
Note that without Javascript, a lot of features will be missing. But it should resolve some of the problems with slower/older devices having issues rendering pages. Please tell me if it doesn't.
For now, when you use every page and thread you visit will be in lite mode. If you want to switch back, you'll have to manually type "" in the URL bar again, or you could use a bookmark.
There may be some bugs with this, so please report them if you see any.
>>26218>>26222>>26225I would never consider putting up ads, don't worry.
>Admin, how do you pay for this site?I'm paying for it myself. The site doesn't cost very much to run at the moment, so there is no need for donations either.
No. 301
File: 1416891304226.jpg (63.18 KB, 500x500, cute-Rilakkuma-3D-Stickers-hea…)
>>300Admin, it has been said quite a bit in this thread, you're awesome. Be as busy as you want, you're doing your best to improve the site and providing it for free. Honestly, 10/10 Admin material, keep it up Sempai ~
No. 302
File: 1417005502117.jpg (206.28 KB, 500x497, admin sama hacking the mainfra…)
>>300We are so lucky to finally have a computer savvy admin.
Also, no stress about being busy, you've already done so much for the site you can safely retire.
No. 303
File: 1417811617989.gif (1 MB, 1018x424, 1417808105208.gif)
New blood for the blood gods.
No. 308
File: 1417839319813.gif (128.37 KB, 300x100, oc.gif)
uhh i tried
No. 318
I've added a
[ Lite ] link in the top left to switch to Lite mode from any page. I also added the up and down arrows to Lite mode. You can exit Lite mode by tapping the bar at the top and bottom of each page.
If you use a phone, I'd recommend using Lite mode to read most threads.
>>28423Added this. If someone plans to scale or resize it differently I can replace it at any time.
No. 319
File: 1417983911218.gif (1.5 MB, 250x475, workingout.gif)
>>318Thank you admin-sama. I wish you'd tell us what your gender is so I can spam you with the correct gifs. I'm going to assume you're a guy so have this mesmerizing gif.
Thank you sososooso much
No. 320
File: 1417984600443.gif (992.56 KB, 500x375, best of all time.gif)
Anyway Admin-san just in case you're a dyke have this too :>
No. 321
File: 1417984685744.jpeg (14.21 KB, 236x354, 448c818df0686ef268132720332bda…)
>>319Maybe admin chan is a chocolate pipeline surfer
No. 323
File: 1417984939966.jpg (764.29 KB, 1466x1100, 312228.jpg)
>>322I got that department covered.
No. 326
File: 1417985674745.png (241.46 KB, 660x505, bluesteel.png)
Maybe admin-sama is ~gender-fluid~.
Either way, we won't judge you admin-sama. You like men, I'll find you some fine ass bubble butt man ass.
You like girls, I'll get you girls. Black, Hispanic, white Asian? Tentacles? You want eels coming out of a girls ass?
You like ass or titties moar? Curvy (CURVY, not a fucking curve admin-sama I don't want to even think of the very idea of you having a fatty fetish), stick thin, athletic?
You like feet admin-sama?
No. 329
File: 1417992276622.jpg (40.34 KB, 342x298, i dont really know what type o…)
>admin's face when their userbase's admiration takes a turn for some sort of sexual frenzy
No. 333
>>332That would be nice, but first we need the admins fetishes. Doesn't even need to tell us gender, we will just spam admin with whatever they want as thanks ♥
I bet admin is a lesbian that likes big ol tittays.
No. 335
>>334I only suggested she might be a dyke because I am one too.
Pretty sure Admin is a she though.
No. 341
File: 1418152123816.jpg (239.72 KB, 1590x800, diamonddogs.jpg)
I only know of one star gendered person.
No. 344
>>340Mū/mūr/myr. My
triggers include curdling and prods.
>>343Thank you anon!
No. 346
>>345I never noticed the cow before…
Are you a fan of Harvest Moon, admin-senpai?
No. 347
File: 1418514022599.jpg (1.21 MB, 2329x1456, GoT beer labels.jpg)
>>338Soo uhhh… tits or dicks?
Would you rather be spammed with cute animals?
Cats or dogs? (bunnies?)
Y u so complicated admin?
No. 348
File: 1418515852669.jpg (41.39 KB, 474x410, k5uo1jQjO1qd7ovlo1_500.jpg)
>>338>>347How about being spammed with cows?
No. 351
File: 1418624648193.jpeg (32.33 KB, 225x298, F1_Farm_2111.jpeg)
>>350How is it lame? Farming is one of the most hardcore jobs ever
No. 352
>>350Not really.
Some fucking tardo from PULL (see, all of them) started calling us that a while back as some sort of insult and it was so funny we started using ironically.
I think it was Moemo, or Lovely-Stars.
No. 353
>>352Possibly, the source for that lovely banner? Could've been Lovely_Stars instead.
I guess we're just "farmers" because "unmoderated scumbags" is too long.
No. 358
>>356Removes script from lolcow, so you can't reply etc. only view it
It makes it super fast though, so if you're on a slow tablet or phone it's really useful
No. 362
File: 1419888626689.jpg (28 KB, 300x100, quirckplanet.jpg)
Dear admin-sama,
I have an offering to the Lolcow deities.
No. 367
>>366nice quads
did you try waiting 30 seconds or so and then refreshing the page? Your post should be fine
happened to me too, then it posted correctly anyway once i did that
No. 370
File: 1420427123188.png (31.18 KB, 444x183, Screen Shot 2015-01-05 at 12.0…)
I got this error while trying to post?
No. 371
>>370I'm getting this every time, but it
does post.
No. 374
>>373Unless a large portion of users desire this, I'd prefer to avoid splintering boards unless there's a very good reason. I think having a small board count lends a lot of advantages.
Also, who exactly gets to make the determination of which category an individual falls in? One "beauty guru" may be considered a lolcow (/pt/-worthy) by some people while not one (/yt/-worthy) by others.
No. 379
>>378I did a few basic tests and I could not reproduce. I'm going to assume it only happens rarely. That would explain the intermittent reports of missing threads though.
I'll keep looking into it. It's possible that overly aggressive caching on the browser side may be to blame. It may also be Cloudflare. If you see it happen again, please try to refresh a few times and also clear your browser cache to check if the page changes.
No. 381
I was able to reproduce it. Still working on fixing it.
>>380I didn't consider that so thanks, but turns out that's not the cause.
No. 392
>>382>And finally.. can we have a "catalog" button at the top of the page as well?Also added this.
No. 395
>>393>>394I have no plans to at this time, though I'd consider it if there was a lot of demand.
>>>/b/ can be used for /cgl/ discussion, and is already being used in that way. Otherwise, 8chan boards are probably a good alternative.
No. 400
>>398This is due to a combination of using a phone and having a spotty connection.
I'm going to adjust some settings so the duplicate posts are less likely to be submitted. You may still see the error message though. If you do, you should copy your post, close the tab, wait a minute or 2, check the thread again to see if your post went through, and if not try resubmitting again.
No. 403
>>402Does this happen for all threads? The likely cause is that the entire thread is taking a while to load. The arrows won't appear until all content is 100% loaded by your phone. The majority of this loading time is consumed by all the Javascript that runs. If you use lite mode, nearly all Javascript is gone except for the arrows, so I'd recommend trying that.
It seems odd that the arrows would only appear once you reach the bottom of the thread though. Can you try visiting multiple threads, large and small, and see if it's just a delay in the arrows appearing, or if they really only appear when you're at the bottom? Also check to see if the same thing happens in lite mode.
No. 406
>>402>>403>>404>>405Hey guys, I don't think this is an actual problem.
I thought I was encountering this myself until I realised that the pages are loading zoomed in on my phone so that the arrows are just ever so slightly eclipsed out of few.
Next time you down see it, try pinching the screen and zooming out a tad.
No. 408
>>406>>403>>404>>405First anon with the problem.
Replying to admin first, I don't get this with all threads. I got it with the Micky thread and the Kiki threads. Shorter threads don't get that problem. And I don't get this problem here either. I also tried making the page load longer, but the problem still remains.
As for the "solution", sadly that isn't the case. I just see ONE arrow at a time. At it would be top if I were top of the page, and bottom if I were at the bottom at the page.
No. 410
Does the zoom out solution work for everyone at the moment?
I also fixed an old unrelated bug where clicking a post mention link (links such as
>>2 >>3
>>4 quoting your post and appearing to the right of your post number) sometimes did not scroll all the way down to the actual post.
No. 412
File: 1424006815411.jpg (52.35 KB, 397x187, error.jpg)
Getting this error when I try to post a reply on any thread. It seems to still post my reply, just wondering what it means?
No. 415
>>412Same couldn't post at all last night.
Doing it now aswell.
No. 418
File: 1424336699469.jpg (40.57 KB, 300x101, Kakakoti.jpg)
No. 422
>>421Please see >>53935
I am looking to bring on 1-2 more janitors. If you are interested, please report any post in this thread and include your email address in the report message.
No. 432
>>427Can we just have a rule thats no shota/loli at all. I know our /b/ is slow but its seems that theres three threads of it.
The straight shota thread,the loli and the one thats butthurt that you won't allow real cp.
I dont care what people do on their own time, but this is a really nice board.(till lately)
And can you ban the people starting troll/shit threads that have nothing to do with pt.
No. 433
>>432Ugh we have pedo shit now? Nothing worse than whiny pedos.
I'll respect whatever decision admin ultimately takes regarding this, but he should consider being harsh about it, because once you start allowing pedos they all come in droves.
No. 437
>>432>>433All of the "3D" stuff is strictly banned. I have no intention of allowing pedos.
The 2D shota threads and posts have actually been made by long-time site users and contributors (except for the hilarious trollmaster who posted today and was banned), and chans do have a culture of that sort of stuff.
I personally don't care about it much one way or another. If anyone feels strongly about 2D stuff please share your opinion here, as I am open to banning it.
No. 439
>>437I'm the one for banning loli/shota.
I know its gonna be on most chans, but like theres already sites/chans for that shit.
Don't see much point of it being here.
No. 440
>>439Seconded. Especially when there's people saying shit like this >>53909
get rid of the pedos
No. 450
2D images such as shota and loli are now banned.
>3. Do not post sexually suggestive 2D or 3D images of minors, or any other image that could be construed as serving to appeal to pedophiles, even if the images are not technically illegal in the US. This obviously means no nude images of people under 18, and also includes clothed "child models", and nude or clothed "loli" and "shota". No. 454
File: 1425096592978.png (52.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-27-23-06-45…)
Doesn't happen all the time, but only if I click a link on lolcow.
No. 455
>>454Unfortunately, this is out of my control. is used to hide the referers of links (it's the only service I've found that properly blanks the referer rather than just rewriting it). They go over quota a lot.
Until I can find an equivalent alternative, you basically have to copy the link text itself and visit it directly, or backspace "" in the URL.
No. 457
>>455I've had this problem for a while but isn't inconvenient to just backspace the rest out.
Admin is there any chance of some form of recommended boad etiquette? I know it at least bothers a few others. There are so many shit posters who go on about themselves and spam caps lock posts.
I hate to be a shrew but there are just too many kids shitting up threads with their eyesore posts about their ~feels~.
Sorry if this not acceptable I just wanted to ask because the threads are deviating a lot more lately.
No. 460
you the same anon who got btfo for posting kiddie porn because you also shitted up kiki's thread.
>board etiquettego back to halfchan
No. 461
>>460>>458You're doing exactly what this anon
>>457 was talking about.
Also thanks admin san for banning all cp.
No. 464
>>463The poster you're referring to has actually been posting here for many months. To my knowledge there has been no recent influx or invasion from 4chan or Tumblr, with the exception of a few trolls. There are just various different kinds of people who use sites like these.
Also, some people intentionally post in that "tumblr tween" style yet are generally intelligent otherwise. I think it's a cultural thing.
As for enforcing post quality standards, at this time I have no plans to, but I do have a few possible distant-future ideas on implementing such a thing in a way that is not too authoritarian.
No. 466
>>465All those themes have actually been there since day 1. :)
If anyone's interested in designing a custom theme, all you have to do is edit one of the stylesheets like You can just change the colors, or make whatever changes you want. Email it to me and if it's any good, I'll add it as an option for everyone.
No. 468
>>467>Firefox keeps asking to save a password when replyingChrome will often do this too. Usually it's based on the post password, which is set by default. I'd prefer to leave this on. Normally that field is autocompleted with a cookie, however if your cookie is cleared for any reason, you won't be able to delete any posts you've made because the password would change. Browsers saving the password will ensure it remains the same even if the password cookie is gone. So, I expect some people might use that feature.
>Can't close webmsThere should be a little minus sign at the top left of webms. That closes them.
>Link redirects are often brokenStill in the process of finding a proper alternative link anonymizer to use instead. I know this is a very annoying bug.
>Embedded Youtube width/height is wrong causing black barsI don't really care enough to fix this, to be honest. The videos have the same dimensions as images, so that's how they appear. Making them larger would make them jut out in comparison to regular post images. I sort of assumed most people just played the videos in full screen anyway, and/or clicked on them to view it on Youtube directly.
>Remembering the scroll position in a thread so you can come back to it later would be a nice feature. 4chan his this already. A red line like in 4chanX mite b cool too.I have plans to add both of these features.
No. 471
File: 1426154964503.png (23.09 KB, 246x396, 1414016421757.png)
>>470Hideref is way better, it's never 'over capacity' so that's cool. Thanx admin
No. 473
>>472Yes, this is due to Skype not recognizing .farm as a valid top-level domain for websites.
You can replace the ".farm" with ".org" in any link and it'll redirect automatically. I actually bought the .org specifically for linking stuff (mostly due to Skype's annoyance).
No. 475
>>474Aw, the whiny cunt is mad about their precious makeup guru. ^_^
How cute.
You a part of teh swamp familie XDDDDD
No. 481
>>480hahaha they just went and bumped a bunch of threads as if we can't tell. the posts are close together with no effort whatsoever put into them.
how fucking desperate like really lol
No. 482
>>477That's the problem. Anons like that can't even argue why someone isn't deserving of being here other than the fact that they like them and that should be reason enough. The EYK thread got so much hate despite people in the ahri thread asking for it all because one anon flipped their shit over their precious koreaboo bloggers being badmouthed.
It's happening again in the grav3yardgirl thread with the only reasoning being, "Wah wah d-don't talk bad bout what I like!"
These fucking autists.
No. 484
>>481I was the one asking for the purge or at last put them in /b/.
I dont care for EYK. Wasn't even in the thread.
No. 485
>>476>>475I never once said I liked anyone.
I'm here for "real" lolcows.
Not some pathetic flavour of the month attention whore.
>>477Nope. Don't even know who they are.
No. 487
>>486Threads auto-sage once they reach 1200 posts. It's recommended to make a new thread when that happens.
I see the thread on page 5 at the moment.
No. 488
>>487Thank you! New thread will be made.
Btw what is auto-sage? (Google translate doesn't recognize that…)
No. 490
>>489>>53420Aha, now I understand! From English it translates like "automatic wise".
Now it makes more sense, I should notice that :) Thank you
No. 493
>>492It's been happening over in /b/, too. Both here and in /b/, I'm seeing shit that no channers would have ever done.
>lolsorandum posts>emotes>not knowing what the fuck sage means>bumping threads from months ago despite us having new ones for the cow>trying to shit up every single thread by telling people what isn't and is a lolcow according to their standards and theirs aloneThis fucker needs BTFO.
No. 496
>>487>>489Wait, sage is a Japanese term?
So it's not like the herb?
It's pronounced sah-gay?
No. 498
>>496>>497I think it comes from 下げる (sageru) which means to lower.
On Japanese imageboards,with sage, they also use "age". It basically means "bump".
OT aside, if that person gets tons of reports, will they get banned?
No. 504
>>503I get what you're saying, but it's part of 'chan culture' (lol that sounds stupid) to be a dick to one another, call one another names etc.
Nobody really means it most of the time, and when they do they look retarded and sound like the marine copypasta anyway.
No. 506
File: 1426612880428.gif (3.77 MB, 350x195, Becool.gif)
>>505I can understand your annoyance anon, but you come off super aggressive.
Be cool, brah.
No. 508
>>507sigh I've been following PT since the /cgl/ days. I was around during the Exodus of Maxfaggotry, found refuge in /cow/ and finally arrived here, at the promised land.
^In all my time across these chans, reactions toward newfags/pull/and tumblr were "must be summer" or "sounds like tumblr in here." So yeah, you sound too aggressive.
No. 509
>>508I'm cool with new people, the tumblerinas and easily offended usually filter themselves out soon enough anyway.
Remember anons, we were all newfags once
No. 512
>>511But didn't Admin-sempai say samefagging was fine? To avoid the dictators of Maxfag and Rose, we sorta have lax rules on shitposting.
Dunno, Admin-sempai - what's your take on the current shitposting rules?
No. 513
>>512 the rules say, samefagging and shitposting are allowed on both boards.
>Consistently off-topic or extremely irritating posts may result in a warning or short ban, and repeat offenders may receive a long or permanent ban from /pt/.However, significant derailment of threads in /pt/ is not allowed, and I also have a special case for "extremely irritating posts". The criteria for "extremely irritating" is just an arbitrary decision on my part and nothing more.
I prefer to moderate as little as possible. I've spent a fair bit of time on forums and imageboards, and I've found (depending on the site's purpose) it's better to have too little moderation than too much, even if that occasionally results in a heightened amount of lower quality posts.
But if someone is a significant annoyance to the majority of the community, with no supporters, usually a warning and short ban are called for.
No. 518
>>517And obviously I completely agree with that.
It only becomes a problem when racial (or sexual or religious) discussion completely derails and dominates a thread originally about a totally different topic. Please feel free to discuss whatever you like in /b/, and please feel free to share your views and opinions in /pt/, even extreme views. But when posting in /pt/, try to keep things on topic and don't go out of your way to start fights over those views. If you'd really like to discuss a certain topic in depth, I'd recommend starting a thread in /b/ and taking the conversation there.
No. 521
File: 1427285851657.jpg (143.03 KB, 693x958, 136637918917.jpg)
>>520Not to be picky, but ESL is technically 'english as a second language' which doesn't necessarily mean someone's english is horrible.'m ESL and I don't type like a blithering retard. Nor do a lot of the other ESL posters on this board (there's a tonne of us).
ESL chan's english not being perfect is NOT a reason to ban them. It might be annoying to you, to see mistakes etc. but that's not an opinion everyone shares, and like admin said, unless they're shitposting like a champ or breaking the rules, there's no reason to ban them.
No. 522
>>521I honestly don't care if people come on here and don't have the most perfect grasp of the English language. It really doesn't matter to me. They were just shitposting constantly and that's what's annoying.
But admin has said he won't ban anyone for anything so it really doesn't matter.
No. 524
First off, please always report posts you think are derailing threads. It seems like most of the reports we get are complete bullshit ones ("this post is mean"), while the actual posts most people have issues with often aren't reported by anyone. I can't check up on all threads at all times.
>>523>It's freaking racist-chan who shifts up and derails every single thread. They even admitted to being the one who ruined the lolikillian(or whatever her name is) thread and they never face any sort of ban because "they contribute."Racist-chan has been (temporarily) banned several times, and is nearing her last strike. I will permaban someone if I have to, I'd just like to avoid it when I can.
She's not the only "racist" poster though (there are about 3 total), she's just the one who likes to interject into threads the most. As for the Lokillian thread, IMO she wasn't shitting it up at all and was on-topic. She only identified herself because she was accused of being the person she was defending.
No. 526
>>525I'm unable to reproduce this.
Are you using the default board theme? Also, has anyone else encountered similar problems?
No. 529
File: 1427514136410.jpg (143.39 KB, 1360x585, before.jpg)
>>528This wasn't with a spoiler image, but here's before.
No. 531
>>70177>>70178Looks like you accidentally pressed
(hide) above the image, unless this is happening with all images?
No. 533
>>532>>531So, it seems like it can be fixed when I press "show" but the thing is, I never hid the images, you know?
Not a big problem really, just don't get how it does it.
No. 534
>>533That's quite weird. While using Chrome, can you open the developer console by pressing F12 on Windows or Cmd + Alt + i on OS X, click the Console tab, and type the following into the console:
Then press enter and post the output of that here.
No. 535
File: 1427581088560.png (5.81 KB, 617x382, foru.png)
>>534While I can't confirm if it does the same on my computer like the other anon, but here's the output of the directions ya told me
My problem only happened when I was on mobile.
No. 536
>>535Thanks. That means you should have no images hidden at this time.
Unfortunately you would have to run the same command on your phone to effectively troubleshoot, and there's no easy way to do so with Mobile Chrome.
What percentage of overall images are doing that? Is it possible you're accidentally pressing (hide) when you click to expand an image on your phone?
No. 537
File: 1427585366452.jpg (69.67 KB, 725x466, sadasdasd.jpg)
Admin-chan I'm not happy about a ban one of your farmhands issued to me in a thread.
Some shitposter was derailing the thread Haku thread talking about how basically everybody in the world inhabits aspects of Shinji from Evangelion (I don't even fucking know) and how we're all insecure and I told them to shut the fuck up and received a ban for it.
Normally I wouldn't bitch about something like thus, but I'm concerned because it's haphazard moderation like this and tossing out bans for no real discernible reason that is the reason I left 4chan.
If trying to get shitposters/derailers out of a thread is against the rules can we get some clearer guidelines on this?
No. 538
>>70549That is a valid ban. Thread derailment has become a major issue lately. You're paraphrasing the real situation: you both made more than 4 posts about the subject and were arguing, with no clear end in sight. Both of you appeared to be derailing the thread and perpetuating the off-topic discussion, which quickly devolved into bickering and namecalling, so you were both banned for the same length of time (5 hours). The ban also only applied to /pt/ and not /b/.
Bans are very rarely issued here and I really do try to employ the most relaxed moderation policy I can. But many users have reported a reduction in discussion quality due to thread derailments in /pt/.
The rules state in multiple places that excessive off-topic discussion does not belong in /pt/ threads, but I agree the rules are fairly vague regarding what degree of off-topic discussion is acceptable and when it crosses over into pure derailment.
>Keep discussion to lolcows for the most part. Anything that's considerably off-topic may be moved to /b/.>Consistently off-topic or extremely irritating posts may result in a warning or short ban.>Off-topic threads or posts may be moved to /b/. Threads and posts will not be deleted simply for being off-topic.I'd like feedback from the community regarding these 2 points:
1. Were these particular 5 hour bans justified for topic derailment?
Here are the off-topic posts (nearly all of which were made by the 2 banned posters), if anyone would like to take a look:
>>68963>>69673>>69798>>70380>>70381>>70389>>70395>>70404>>70408>>70416>>70420>>704262. Should we establish a rigorously defined policy for thread derailing and the appropriate moderative action to take, and if so, what should that policy look like? Draft copies of example guidelines would be appreciated.
No. 540
>>70569>>538Would it not make sense to ban the person that started it and perpetuated it as opposed to the person trying to prevent it though?
I am super salts >:l
No. 541
>>537>>540You were shitposting, too, honestly. The whole thing would have ended had you never perpetuated it, especially considering the Eva post was like a day old but you still felt the need to respond with b8.
I'm the second person who got banned btw. I don't really mind it because I was posting OT shit to begin with, it's fair.
No. 542
>>539I'll keep looking into it. I'm not really sure what might be causing this.
>>540You could've ignored them, or told them to stop posting and go elsewhere, but instead you were directly fueling the fire.
No. 543
>>538I also want to query, if you did get another off topic poster who seemed intent on derailing a thread like the Shinji poster and multiple people began trying to get them to stop, say 5,6+ people, maybe even the entire thread, would you proceed to ban everybody that contributed to that or just the shitposter?
I'd also like to add in the posts you linked you said nearly all of which were made by the 2 banned posters but mine are actually just under half of them so there's obviously a 3rd/4th party in there.
>>541Oh rite nvm.
No. 546
>which would be pretty retarded and would warrant a short banThat worries me actually because it was reasons like that, the janitors/mods on 4chan just banning out of the blue without warning, that caused me to leave in the first place.
Like something I've already treasured about this place, even though it's fairly young, is that the moderations has always been fairly lax and the community pretty much allowed to moderate and control itself which is what I was trying to do when that faggot wouldn't shut up about Eva.
I'm not happy about being chastised for something I didn't even start.
No. 549
>>70596>say 5,6+ people, maybe even the entire thread, would you proceed to ban everybody that contributed to that or just the shitposter?It really depends on what they were saying. If it was "FUCK OFF STOP POSTING", and not repeats of the same post over and over, I wouldn't blame them and wouldn't care. If it's "NO YOU'RE COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT SHINJI AND BLAH BLAH BLAH HERE'S WHY YOU MASSIVE FAGGOT", I probably would be inclined to ban all of them.
Irrelevant but I am a little bit of a Shinji sympathizer myself.>>70600It was the arguing after that post which was really the issue. I know you didn't start it, but you went overboard when responding to them.
I was alerted to the posts by a report, and saw multiple posters in the thread didn't seem pleased with all the derailment, which is another reason why I thought it should stop.
But again, I'd like to see input from more posters regarding this issue. This site isn't exactly a democracy but I only want to do what the users want, so I am more than willing to change my policies and views. If some people think the 5 hour bans were excessive in this scenario then I am certainly willing to adjust moderation policy going forward.
>>70617The third poster made only one post in that chain (one of the first few posts), and did not post anything further. One off-topic post is different from engaging in a long, drawn out off-topic argument.
No. 551
>>549I don't think they're excessive I just would have preferred a warning first.
At the end of the day I'm just super autistic about this kind of stuff and I'm worried about this place going the way of 4chan, Maxfag and Staminarose.
>>550Hell yeah I'm salty, m-muh injustice.
No. 552
>>551I understand. Historically we have almost always given a warning first with no ban for off-topic discussion, but I've noticed warnings by themselves not being very effective and have also seen an uptick in complaints about derailment recently.
In the future, I will probably go back to erring towards always giving a warning first if the poster mostly has a clean record.
No. 555
>>554This would be nice.
Also how far are you on the remembering scroll position feature? This is still my biggest annoyance about lolcow because I have to re-read a lot of posts just to be sure I scrolled back to where I stopped reading or where the thread stopped the day before. Thanks for your awesome work so far though!!
No. 556
>>395/b/ has done a pretty good job of being a surrogate /cgl/, I think. I don't really like splitting boards up too much because the board population is not anywhere near the size of 8chan or 4chan, though it certainly is an active community.
8chan /cgl/ and related boards seem like decent alternatives to 4chan /cgl/ if you're looking for a /cgl/ with more relaxed rules.
I would only make a /cgl/ here if there was a lot of demand for it (25+ people requesting it). If anyone else thinks 8chan /cgl/ is somehow insufficient and if they really think we should open up a /cgl/, please post in this thread.
The 2 options for implementing it would be:
1. Rename to /b/ to /bgl/ or something, and make it /cgl/-focused. "Beagles" sounds nice I guess.
2. Open up a third board, /cgl/, and appoint mods to enforce rules specific to that board to ensure most content is on-topic. I would not want the role of deciding whether or not something is sufficiently "seagully".
>>555I have a version of it ready, but it's a bit broken, makes threads load slower, and makes scrolling somewhat laggier. I'm not too happy with it at the moment.
I plan on doing a major code upgrade some time within the next 30 days, and around then a version of this feature should be implemented.
No. 557
>>556pls do not make a third board
everything uncow related should just go to fucking /b/ thank u admin
No. 585
File: 1429134955737.jpg (32.27 KB, 948x464, 01.JPG)
>>583Have to keep refreshing because I'm getting this. It's been happening for a couple of hours.
No. 588
>>587I also asked this before but never got an answer.
Admin, do you need help (like money) to upgrade the servers? I would be able to donate a bit if it helps out the board.
No. 589
File: 1429164530382.png (41.74 KB, 1345x633, borken.png)
it borked
No. 591
Sorry about the issues. The site will likely be unstable over the next few days. If you receive a timeout error just press the Retry button.
>>588Thanks for the support, but that won't be necessary.
No. 592
>>591You could sell lolcow gear, like t-shirts with dakooter's or berry's face.
I would order 10
No. 593
That's a fucking idiot idea.
No. 599
File: 1429230781435.png (103.87 KB, 945x634, stats.png)
Past 30 days. You can also see growth over the past year above the main graph.
No. 600
>>599Holy fuck Admin-chan you should make some revenue off this baby.
I know I'm not the only one that'd be opposed to some small advertisements, and you deserve it.
No. 607
>>604Not if you used ads from places that don't give a fuck about that kind of stuff, like J-list and porn sites, or those little desperate mobile game apps that advertise their trash like "FIRE OF WAR" and "GODDESS WINGS REALM".
That being said Admin-chan is very noble about this. If I were Admin you'd be damn sure I'd be slapping ads on this shit ASAP, but then again I'm poor.
No. 612
>>611I think we should have independent posting IDs.
Also, sorry to shit up the thread Admin, but I did have a question. What's going to happen when the catalogue reaches 100 pages? I feel they they will start overtaking the screen eventually.
No. 617
File: 1429656677146.gif (81.69 KB, 300x100, corndog.gif)
I made a thing ( '__' )
No. 618
File: 1429657065370.gif (81.78 KB, 300x100, corndog-fixed.gif)
Silly me, I made a mistake, sorry. Now fixed.
No. 623
Some changes have been made to the server to increase performance. Please report any issues, oddities, or slowness you notice, no matter how small.
No. 624
File: 1429659630662.gif (28.76 KB, 300x100, myqueen.gif)
Thanks everyone! And thanks, Admin-sama!
I made another one, no mistake this time! ^^
No. 626
File: 1429664411557.gif (207.35 KB, 300x100, pt-dance.gif)
Hope Admin-sama won't get annoyed <3
No. 629
>>626Your banners are fantastic, anon
>>627Oh god please yes, seconded
No. 631
File: 1429667257211.gif (86.85 KB, 300x100, lemonface.gif)
No. 632
"When Life Gives you Lemons
Farm for Milk"
I tried being witty…:(
No. 635
Thanks guys! Long live the Queen!~<3
>>632By this line, I was trying to say "When life gives you lemons, go to to cheer yourself up by having a good laugh". Advertising is my job, but I probably need to find another one, because I failed at it and had to explain the meaning of this line, lol.
On the other hand, English is not my native language, so maybe I failed just because of language barriers? I dunno
No. 640
>>635Your banners are amazing anon! We needed more PT banners <3
Putting up an idea if you're not tired by now, maybe the clip of her bouncing on the bed but overlay text that says "lolcow" so she's bouncing on it if that would work?
No. 643
>>636I just realised I don't know what veto means.
I mean I approve it.
No. 647
File: 1429769573340.gif (772.84 KB, 260x100, KAKApoopoopeepeeshire.gif)
No. 650
File: 1429779012999.gif (90.16 KB, 300x100, PTmon.gif)
Same banner fag here. Enjoy!
No. 655
>>654Except 87308, they all were made by the same Anon.
Glad to support my favorite board!
No. 657
File: 1429903479897.gif (625.65 KB, 300x100, kiki.gif)
new board rule: whenever you see this banner, harty pard for 30 seconds
No. 667
>>661Were you searching page by page or did you use the catalog? I recommend using the catalog to find a specific thread. There's still an intermittent issue where a page may show you content that's slightly out of date. This can sometimes cause a thread to "disappear" if a thread is on the edge between 2 pages.
If you run into this issue and don't want to use the catalog for some reason, you can refresh once or twice (once should usually be good enough, but sometimes twice may be required) on each page to clear the cache.
>>664>>665Can you link or report some example posts? I plan on adding a rule like this, though I'm not completely sure how I should word it or how strict it should be. I agree that harassment and excessively personal attacks of minors isn't good.
No. 673
>>671>>672Her name was not listed in the thread.
OP here again. I'm sorry, I didn't realize how butthurt everyone would be about the picture for the thread. It was just the one /cow/ used, so I didn't really think about it. Btw I am a victim of sexual abuse so I can sympathize with the girl, which is why I never said I wouldn't change the picture. But I just kind of think you guys are overreacting a bit. inb4 attacked
Admin, I said in the thread that the picture can be changed, I have no opposition to that. Sorry for offending everyone, sometimes my replies are unnecessarily cunty.
No. 674
>>673>Her name was not listed in the thread. Disregard this, I suck millions of cocks. I didn't realize someone else had mentions her first name.
Again, people are constantly attacking me for the picture, and I'm really sorry. Obviously I didn't think about it. Please understand I am not fighting to change the OP picture at all and I was busy moving all day so I didn't pay attention to the thread.
Sorry again, everyone.
No. 679
>>92477Cloudflare's default 404 search isn't too bad. Visit a non-existent page like
Alternatively, type "" before any Google query.
No. 685
File: 1430792521360.gif (347.64 KB, 300x100, myqueen.gif)
I did something but I dunno if it's much good
No. 689
File: 1431148272671.gif (575.31 KB, 300x100, liftin kawaii.gif)
in light of recent events
No. 692
All links contained within new posts are now automatically submitted to, an independent web archival service. If you hover over a link, a new link should appear to the right which allows you to view the archived version.
I would recommend posting the direct versions of links from now on, and let the board handle the archiving. This saves you time, and also lets readers easily compare between the page as it looked at the time the post was submitted, and how the page looks now.
This only applies to links made as of a few hours ago, and all future links. Any links posted before then have not been archived and will not display anything when hovered.
No. 696
File: 1431280852028.png (10.29 KB, 618x103, ptmotto.png)
Could some crafty anon make this tweet into a banner please? It could be our new motto!
No. 697
File: 1431302888391.jpg (49.74 KB, 570x260, PixyBanner.jpg)
>>696I tried, but is it basic as fuck
No. 699
>>697>>698Gimme an hour and I'll whip up something glorious.
I say an hour because I'm in FFXIV.
No. 700
File: 1431306597952.gif (2.88 MB, 300x100, dsfsf.gif)
No. 701
No. 705
>>704Okay so I decided I wanted to spice it up by having her kicking away bottles of shampoo and deodorant.
If I post the updated version here later will you add that instead?
(also thnx Admin-chan, I'm a big fan)
No. 711
File: 1431567849751.gif (265.33 KB, 300x100, YAS ADMIN SAMA YASSS.gif)
No. 712
File: 1431576127535.png (788 B, 168x25, brackets.png)
That's just the skin style. It links to the rules, /b/ and /pt/ in a really dark font that you can't see well due to the background.
No. 713
File: 1431593647157.gif (Spoiler Image,1022.85 KB, 285x200, yanasty.gif)
You are retarded. Anon literally just answered your stupid question.
No. 716
File: 1431610708708.png (52.63 KB, 300x100, tkbanner.png)
clearly needs to be a banner
No. 717
>>716Eh, there's not enough referncing in this.
If you didn't know what Hey Arnold was you'd be really confused about why two heads were stuck on top of a cartoon. I was for like, 10 seconds.
No. 719
>>717I think everyone who's read totemokawaii's thread knows what it's all about. I created it as an example, but if anyone wants to make an other one then go ahead.
Either way our cow princess deserves a banner<3
No. 720
File: 1431611854282.png (6.59 KB, 951x83, njklnvjfblr.png)
>>716>>717>>718>>719Totemo cow needs a banner
No. 723
>>718>>719>>720>thinking TK is even remotely a cow princesskek.
I agree with this anon
>>722 in that it's just poorly executed.
No. 730
>>729Well for starters it is not practical to have a single thread containing multitudes of spoopy debates as it would become confusing as fuck if somebody decided they wanted to start discussing the Everest corpses again whilst everybody else is discussing Elisa Lam sandwiched between aliens and chemtrails.
Also are you okay. You sound unnecessarily angry at the proposal of a new board.
No. 731
>>730Please look at the other new board requests we've had in this thread. Even the Admin has expressed that they don't really want to make new boards besides /b/ and /pt/. (>>37965)
If someone else wants to talk about the Everest corpses, they too can make a new thread instead of clogging the one about Elisa Lam. Alternatively, you can just make one on 8ch.
No. 738
>>737>It's sometimes hard to get rid of the new posts notification in the title if you leave lolcow open in a window and click back into the window.I've noticed this too and will try to fix it.
>There appears to be a memory leak and high cpu usage on a lot of pages (e.g. the shoplifters thread) which causes them to eventually crash if left open in the background. In the Chrome developer tools turn on "show paint rectangles" and "show fps meter" and you can see that on these pages 99% of the page is flashing green every second which indicates constant reflowing.I've confirmed the blinking text is what's causing the constant page repainting. I can't confirm it's what's increasing memory and CPU time, but I've replaced the JS (which was effectively toggling display: none on and off infinitely) with pure CSS animations. Tell me if the performance issues are still happening.
>It's hard to figure out the exact cause with obfuscated codeUnobfuscated code is available at No. 740
>>738Most of the memory usage seems to be the ajax poll which I think is just the garbage collector being lazy rather than an actual memory leak. The 1-3% CPU usage is gone though.
Only other big CPU user is GIFs, especially all the banners in this thread. Only solution for that is to hide them when not in view (e.g. opacity 0). I'm surprised that browsers don't optimise this by themselves.
No. 742
File: 1432166355688.gif (1.71 MB, 300x100, nokawaii2seehere.gif)
Reguested banner
No. 745
>>742That was my request!!!! I love you anon!!!
It's so beautiful…
No. 747
>>746I have never actually noticed this or received a report of this before. Would you mind saying what phone model you have? Mine doesn't have this issue, but it's a pretty recent model.
Also, if you try to post in a thread with under a hundred posts, is it just as laggy as threads with over a thousand posts?
No. 750
>>746I have this problem as well, I thought it was just my slow ass phone. I have a iPhone 4. It tends to have more trouble lagging on threads that are like 900+ posts.
However, I also have an overstuffed memory and most apps do not work well on my phone anyway.
No. 752
>>747You already saw me mentioning it in another thread a while back. I'm on an iPhone 6.. and my internet is quite good.
Any thread is laggy as heck to me. And lite or not doesn't matter, it's the same.
No. 753
>>752Sorry, I vaguely remembered that but couldn't find a mention of it when searching this thread, so I just assumed I misremembered.
>>751Has it always seemed slow, or has it only become bad starting this week, or today? When did you start notice it being slow? Is the slowness apparent after you've only had a thread up for a minute or 2, or only slowness initially loading it, or both?
No. 755
>>754Load did not increase significantly yesterday or last night compared to the rest of the week, so I suspect a server issue.
Was it lag in loading pages and submitting posts (where the page was just loading while showing no content, or stuck at "Posting…"), or were threads loaded yet slow in some other way?
No. 757
>>756Sorry about that. I have an uptime monitoring utility, and it did not report any downtime yesterday or today.
Did anyone else have trouble accessing the site last night or within the past few days?
No. 758
>>757this is a tad late, admin, but i can't access lolcow on my android phone. i've tried opera, i've tried other browsers, still same message.
it's 'secure connection could not be established'. before that, i'd just get messages about how the name didn't match the website or some shit. i forgot the exact word. that was since you switched to https. a while later, it stopped working entirely!
i hope you can fix it bc i really miss browsing in my bed in the morning!
No. 759
>>758We're using Cloudflare's SSL, which uses only the most modern encryption and authentication algorithms. Some browsers and devices/machines are outdated and do not support these, which will result in those errors.
However, Android phones should all support these algorithms. Usually it's old machines running Windows XP that have this problem.
What Android OS version are you running?
No. 761
File: 1432428756024.png (24.31 KB, 1440x164, memory.png)
Within a few days, Lite mode will only show still frame thumbnails for GIFs. This should improve performance for threads that have a lot of GIFs. The change is already in, but due to Cloudflare's caching and browser caching, most people won't see the changes for old GIFs until about 5-7 days pass. For newly posted GIFs, the changes should be seen immediately.
>>740This is still stumping me. The tests I ran a few days ago did not seem to show memory decreasing, but the heap profile I just ran is showing the GC kicking in quite regularly, with no memory leak at all. I don't know what conditions cause V8's GC to sometimes be lazy and sometimes work properly. This one is over a span of about 20 minutes.
No. 762
>>761When I was looking into the memory usage I monkeypatched the poll to only use an XMLHttpRequest and purposefully deleted all variables (including wiping the response contents on the response). Yet still memory usage was going up even if I forced garbage collection (there's a button in the timeline to force it) so I can only assume it was something internal to Chrome. If you Google "xmlhttprequest memory leak" a lot of people have reported the same in the past.
I've noticed the slow typing as well but I don't know when it started. I don't remember it being there like 3 months ago when I last posted from mobile.
Chrome on Android 5: typing is fine
Safari 8.3 on iPad: typing is fine
Chrome on iPad: typing is very slow
The slowness is definitely amplified by the length of the thread and also happens on the lite version.
Chrome on iOS is still using UIWebView which doesn't have the Nitro engine plus some other weird bugs. So there's either some javascript running every time a letter is typed or perhaps some CSS property performs terribly on older versions of Webkit.
Problem is there's no way to properly profile remotely.
The SSL problem on Android is going to get worse over the coming year. The PCI DSS requirements have been updated to disallow TLS 1.0 after June 2016. So if you're on an old version of Android that doesn't let you install Chrome you will need to buy a new phone to access any site that accepts payments.
No. 765
>>759Android 2.3.6
Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830
thank you for the quick response, admin-sama and may PT's blessing follow your footsteps everywhere you go.
>>760according to this, i should be alright. must be something other than an issue with Android version.
No. 766
>>764Samsung Galaxy S3
Android 4.4.2
Thanks for being so dedicated to solving this problem admin-sama.
No. 767
File: 1432593471313.jpg (43.53 KB, 1019x453, berrythread.JPG)
what happened to berry's thread?
No. 768
>>767Temporary site issue. Thread should be back now, but the URL/thread ID is different, sorry. It's at >>109372
>>765>>766No problem. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that it will be fixed soon. Still working on it.
No. 773
>>772Hey admin-sama this S3 on 4.4.2, I wanted to let you know I still have the same issue even in lite
but it might be an issue with Android its self. It seems to have issues with large pages and I've had my browser crash a few times on regular sites.
It may not have anything to do with the board issue but I wanted to give you a heads up, just in case.
No. 775
>>111964I've moved 3 off-topic threads within the past 24 hours, but I agree it is becoming a problem. One reason why some of the threads have been up so long is to give a fair chance for people in favor of the thread and people against it to argue why it should stay or go. Otherwise, it feels too dictatorial of me to move the thread just based on limited info and my own first impressions. Once it becomes clear that the vast majority of unique posters in the thread think it should be moved, and once there are more than 5 such posters, then I usually find it safe to move it.
I'm open to the idea of voting, but it's pretty difficult to manage fair voting on a site like this. Even if you completely ignore the anonymity aspects and assume 1 vote = 1 person, you would really need more than 30% of active posters to vote on each thread that's up for contention, otherwise the vote is heavily susceptible to bias and skewing.
For now, please continue to report off-topic threads as soon as you see them, so I can keep an eye on them and/or move them.
I also just added a new rule for /pt/.
>If you are posting a new thread about someone who isn't widely known, and there are no previous threads about this person, include an explanation in the OP or immediate follow-up posts as to why you consider them to be a lolcow. You should include links, pictures, videos, screenshots, quotes, or other evidence. Threads that do not obey this may be moved to /b/. No. 777
>>776There is a correlation, but that correlation doesn't necessarily mean anything without controlling for a lot of other factors.
There are roughly 6,700 unique visitors per day on average.
Another interesting fact: 1.8 TB of data was transferred in the past 30 days.
No. 779
>>778I could do this. However, 3 things for you and anyone else reading this thread:
1. Who else would be interested in this feature?
2. Which script features would you like to use and consider the most important?
3. Which features do you consider unimportant and do not care about?
Unfortunately, it's possible that the features you want are also ones that cause significant performance degradation; in that case you may not have any other option but to choose between missing functionality and poor performance, at least until I make further optimizations to the main site.
No. 780
>>7791.Anyone who would like to add some functionalities on lite mode without losing too much performance
2.Mostly the options to turn on/off some stuff on lite mode (ex: I find the "quoted posts" and "hover quote" scripts to be very handy, but I never use the arrows or click-expand on images).
3.Anything too fancy, there's no need to overcomplicate it. Checkboxes would be fine.
I understand if you can't work out something like this, but thanks ahead for all that you've done.
No. 782
The auto update and new reply box when you click on a post aren't working for me, did something change or am I just being dumb?
No. 785
In regards to slow typing on an iPad it seems fixed in MIHTool (free app with Weinre built in) but still slow in Chrome. As far as I know they both use UIWebView.
To find the source of the slow typing it might be worth uploading a bunch of static pages with progressively more javascript and CSS disabled. Which would to an extent tie into
For what it's worth cloudflare.min.js binds keydown/up events to the whole document so it might be the source. Also localStorage can be unpredictable on mobile. For example Safari in private mode has localStorage enabled but its size set to 0 so normal feature testing doesn't work.
No. 790
>>787I agree, that's a good idea. Change has been made.
>>785I have good ways of testing that internally, though the problem in my case is that I've never experienced slow typing myself across any of my devices or browsers. I'm working with a few other people to try and narrow it down.
No. 905
File: 1435761083917.jpg (238.86 KB, 534x600, lolcow.jpg)
>> 904i'm
>>903 again - forgot to mention that it doesn't happen in lite mode at all, only in the full version of the site. (which looks like pic related for me right now.)
No. 911
>>910I can't make any absolute guarantees, but the server is not hosted in North America. They would likely have to prove a crime or tort was committed in the country in which the server resides. Even in the US, the only things that would really apply here are threats (which are already banned) and libel. Additionally, a subpoena would only be able to cover IPs of specific posts, not every post.
I would fight any subpoena tooth and nail, unless it's of something genuinely criminal and unethical (like CP or death threats). But if I lose that fight, I have no choice but to give up IP addresses. There is no way to hide IPs or store them in a way which would prevent law enforcement from accessing them given a valid subpoena, warrant, or other court order. Only truly anonymous applications, like Tor hidden services, can operate without ever having access to end user IPs.
I believe it is very unlikely this will ever be a problem, and if it does, I will do everything I legally can to prevent users' information from being exposed. But there is certainly a tiny chance it could happen. To stay on the safe side, people should probably avoid posting libel (intentionally false statements you portray as true, e.g. "X cheated on her boyfriend 5 times" if it's false). Even if you do though, the chances of anything happening are minuscule.
No. 912
Admin, your link on the Bibi/Himeka OP is a bit broken. It's linking instead of >>133414 .
No. 916
File: 1436457883305.png (120.89 KB, 300x300, SPOILER.png)
>>915Too simple?
Btw, can I make a suggestion?
Could you add the "[First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]" script to lolcow? (example: don't know if the software you're running support this like kusaba does, but it would really help, especially on threads with 1000+ replies.
No. 917
File: 1436458007845.jpg (53.64 KB, 300x300, SPOILER2.jpg)
>>916.jpg/lighter version.
No. 919
>>916>>917I like it a lot, but I almost wonder if it's a bit too lewd for a spoiler pic. Maybe make the spoiler bar a bit vertically bigger on both sides?
>Could you add the "[First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]" script to lolcow? (example: I don't know if the software you're running support this like kusaba does, but it would really help, especially on threads with 1000+ replies.So Kusaba is pretty standard imageboard software, where something like that is really easy to add and modify at whim. Lolcow's board software is based on a similar codebase to 8chan's. Instead of boards, threads, and posts being pulled from a database and displayed as you viewed them, they're actually generated ahead of time and stored as static files. This means there is no easy to view only a section of a thread, without having separate code to generate separate files with only a subset of posts in a thread. It complicates things a lot.
When I upgrade the software to something closer to what 8chan's running, which is already publicly available, then I can do a last 100 posts option, and maybe later do some more advanced things. But I've made a lot of custom edits to the software, both at the frontend and backend, so I have to manually transport the code to the newest codebase and make sure it doesn't conflict. I am currently about halfway done with that. I don't know when it'll finish though.
>>918>Admin, please add a red message on /pt/ (like the "Chat with fellow farmers at — see /meta/ for details") urging new people to read the rules, especially linking Board Guidelines.Done.
>Also, you should add some explanation of what lolcows are and aren't (ex: photoshopping and being ugly doesn't make someone a lolcow)I plan on doing this. I have not yet decided exactly how to define lolcow criteria (it may be more difficult than you think), but I'm likely going to start making the rules somewhat more strict over time in a series of steps, culminating in eventually splitting /pt/ into 2 boards.
No. 922
>>921The whole debate is fucking stupid. You sound stupid, all those threads should be deleted because it's basically baiting people to post.
I understand that it's supposed to be /b/, and anything goes. But it ends up just shitting up the website. You guys complain about "muh pull" but you aren't any better.
Ban race debates, especially when it happens in /pt/.
No. 923
>>922Ok, it's stupid to you, but not to us. Being 'stupid' or 'because I don't like it' is not a good reason to ban something.
Anyway otherwise the race stuff overflows to other threads.
No. 924
>>923Where in my post did I mention it was stupid ? I disapprove of those threads because it brings obvious baits and useless debated and arguments.
I'm 99% it's important to you, because you use it in retaliation to the other threads about X race being posted.
I still stand for these type of threads to be banned, or at least heavily moderated.
No. 931
>>930Weird, /meta/ should have been there. I added the /g/ rules.
Are all the boards appearing for you in the rules now?
No. 934
File: 1436834287472.gif (768.43 KB, 300x100, ashleigh-final.gif)
I made a banner for everyone involved in the Ashleigh thread
No. 939
>>931Sorry, forgot to mention that you didn't fix this info on /b/'s guideline:
>Discuss anything and everything. Try to keep lolcow threads and posts to /pt/. Makeup, clothing, and /cgl/ discussion belongs here.Sorry about nitpicking, you are doing a wonderful job.
No. 940
>>939Oops, missed that. Fixed.
No. 941
File: 1436859258400.gif (119.85 KB, 300x100, final-2.gif)
Not sure if this is lolcow-relevant enough but I thought it was pretty funny
No. 942
>>937just poppin into meta to comment on the new banner.
This is great, do more.
No. 943
Rule change: minimum lurking/posting age has been increased from 14 to 16.
No. 945
>>944Although I still think "14+ but act like an adult or you'll be banned" is a more reasonable rule in many ways, the fact is that it creates an "image" issue.
By explicitly having that rule, it may give the impression to 14/15-year-olds that this is a good site for them to join and is in line with the interests of young teenagers. Too much of that and the whole place becomes infested.
And a bit of that did start to happen in /b/, so I decided it's just not worth it to try and preserve such a low minimum age. 16 seems like a good balance.
No. 951
I started
>>>/pt/87801 a few months ago when I was new to the farm, and an anon pointed out that the original post I made makes the thread seem like it belongs in /b/, and while I agree, I think the thread as a whole still belongs in /pt/, as some of the "idols" in there are pretty lulzy (26-year-old unemployed mother trying to start a net idol group wit ha bunch of weeby teenagers, a member of Furi-Furi came to the thread to defend her group, etc.).
Could my original post be changed from the dumb questions to just "Weeby Wannabe Idols General" or "Aspiring Aidorus" or something, or should the thread be moved to /b/ (if aspiring aidorus don't actually count as lolcows, that is)?
(…I'm still not entirely sure what defines a lolcow and I apologize.)
No. 1024
This thread should now only be used for technical help and suggestions, and new feature requests. Technical changes I've made will be posted here.
Discuss rule changes in
>>1023Suggest new banners in
>>962 No. 1025
Threads will now automatically lock shortly after the bump max of 1200 posts has been reached.
>>951I moved the thread and changed the subject to "Aspiring Aidorus".
No. 1064
>>920Sorry to be a bother, but could you resize this to 230x230 and also make it a PNG?
I tried to resize it myself but the text became slightly artifacty, and I don't want to ruin it because it's great.
No. 1066
File: 1437443327439.png (70.04 KB, 934x230, multispoiler.png)
>>1064Damn, I forgot to save the original, so I just edited on top of this .png
>>916I also added some stuff, just crop what you like the most.
No. 1089
- Threads with a lot of text are still laggy as heck from my iPhone when I try to write a reply (like this one)
>>100- From my phone, the timestamps on /b/ are showing as US times, and the timestamps in /pt/ shows as "4 hours ago" + local time
No. 1093
>>1089>>1091Sounds like Javascript somehow isn't loading when you visit /b/. Try refreshing the page a few times, and try restarting the browser.
As for slow typing, try these things:
* Especially on devices like phones, threads need some time to load. If you try typing in a field while a thread is still loading, typing will be extremely laggy. Try waiting 45 seconds (probably less) for a thread to load before typing. Often there is some visual indicator that a thread is loading, like a bar at the bottom or a loading icon.
* See if Lite mode helps at all.
And finally, I'll be adding options to view only the last 50 or 100 posts in a thread in the future, which should solve this problem as well.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I know the site doesn't work that great on some mobile devices at the moment.
No. 1096
File: 1437932262369.jpg (31.01 KB, 952x417, gah.JPG)
I've been getting this all day. Sometimes when I come to the site, but if I can see the page, it does it when I click on "click to expand".
No. 1097
>>1096We had some maintenance yesterday, and your browser's probably caching the page.
First try using a different browser (or use incognito mode if Chrome/Firefox), then try refreshing the page 3 times in the main browser to see if it goes away.
No. 1117
>>1116>If you plan on making a thread to discuss a contentious issue, or to criticize a person, community, place, issue, or subject, or to discuss a specific person or small group (regardless of it being positive or negative), it should go in /b/ or /pt/, not here.Admittedly, the delineation between /b/ and /g/ isn't very clear. In my opinion most things should go in /b/, and only a small specific subset should go in /g/.
No. 1118
>>1117Oh okay, thanks for clarifying that.
I'll bear that in mind for future reference.
No. 1135
>>1119>>1125>>1126>>1131From now on please use
>>1134 for discussion and issues regarding moderation or the content on the site. This thread should only be used for technical issues and suggestions.
No. 1140
File: 1440003530054.jpg (134.46 KB, 1074x901, image.jpg)
Admin-sama, halp ;____; i cant bost on /g/
No. 1149
>>1144I do. It's nice to get a gauge of what board's active.
Also do you think you could include thread titles for catalog browsing as well?
No. 1162
No. 1163
>>1150>new catalogAw yeah. Can we have the option to pin threads that interest us, like cuckchan? I'm still having the quick reply box not open in Firefox– is this an ongoing thing? I have other browsers, but I just use FF from habit.
I've also been noticing a lot of people trying to sage, but I'm not sure it's working? Can we add more board functions to the site usage information page?
Admin-sama, you've been attentive to us lower farmers. You're pretty cool.
No. 1165
>>1163>pin threadsLike catalog pinning? I'll add it to the list of stuff to do, but probably won't be added for a while.
>sageSageing works and always has worked. Some threads just move fast, and some people may not know how to do it right. I think I might leave that one out of the site usage info, to be honest.
>Firefox quick replyJust fixed this. Tell me if it's working now. You may have to refresh a page once or twice to clear the cache.
No. 1172
File: 1440362603007.png (71.88 KB, 604x246, 1384262888277.png)
>>1165>Like catalog pinning? I'll add it to the list of stuff to do, but probably won't be added for a while.Yes! Sometimes I get the wild disappearing thread in the catalog and am autistic about having to search to find it.
>Just fixed this. Tell me if it's working now. You may have to refresh a page once or twice to clear the cache.Works perfectly now. Admin-sama, you're the boss.
No. 1260
File: 1443284410820.jpeg (18.95 KB, 500x281, scully-facepalm.jpeg)
I'm requesting leave for the set of "cute white girls/black girls/Asian girls" threads to be recreated in /g/ as opposed to /b/ in order to rectify an ongoing problem with them.
I think that the threads overall theme is more relevant to /g/ in the first place as they're often beauty/fashion centric, although due to the fact that race posting is excluded from /g/ that's likely the reason they were placed in /b/.
This has given rise to a new problem unfortunately being that people have been going in to the other threads and attempt to spam, derail or destroy the other threads for reasons I can only base within racial animosity, and they have entirely free reign to do so given the fact that raceposting isn't barred within /b/.
I want to recreate them in /g/ where people can feel free to submit to them without fear of the threads being invaded and destroyed by racists, and where if people do come in to try and stir up racial animosity, they can be reported and dealt with appropriately in order to discourage future shitposting.
The threads as a whole are a really good concept and I often frequent the one relevant to my own race in order to pick up inspiration and beauty tips, but at present it's becoming impossible on account of the rampant racism and shitposting and people invading the other threads and back and forth again and again in an attempt to racially one-up-another.
No. 1281
>>1280Actually now that I think about it, removing hyperlinks won't make handling youtube links easier for my browser. Nevermind.
Still that redirection thing is pretty annoying.
No. 1283
>>1280>at the risk of sounding like a newfag, which specific communities, whose admins you're afraid will expose, are you trying to hide this site from?I would say it's primarily Tumblr users who have their blogs linked here and are also using some sort of hit tracker. But it works for all sorts of usecases.
I do not intend to remove it.
No. 1296
>>1295I'd prefer to rewrite all URLs with it.
Why isn't MPV able to follow 302 redirects?
Also, if you're manually copying and pasting the links anyway, then it's only one extra step to visit the link first to copy the final URL.
No. 1301
File: 1443942571469.png (3.52 KB, 388x103, asldkaslkd.png)
>>1296>Why isn't MPV able to follow 302 redirects?Dunno. That part is usually probably handled by youtube-dl.
>Also, if you're manually copying and pasting the links anyway, I don't do that. I highlight the url and select "open with mpv" in the context menu. This works even if the link isn't clickable.
>I'd prefer to rewrite all URLs with it.Okay but why? You said it's only the tumblr users being posted on /pt/ that's the problem. And when you post youtube videos through pic related there's no redirection from anonylink.
No. 1302
>>1301>You said it's only the tumblr users being posted on /pt/ that's the problem.I said primarily, not only.
You're right though, it isn't really necessary to do the rewriting for Youtube links. Going forward, all new Youtube links won't be prefixed. Prior links still have their prefix.
youtube-dl should handle redirects, by the way.
No. 1881
>>1879I did mysides.jpg
Thanks admin
No. 2058
File: 1452367430503.png (418.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-09-19-22-11…)
Hey, on lolcow's mobile site the arrow that normally takes you back to the top of the page has been gone for nearly two days now, only the down arrow remains.
No. 2062
>>2059Oh, as soon as I posted
>>2060 it got fixed.
Thanks Admin!
No. 2063
File: 1452475646039.jpg (67.02 KB, 540x390, tumblr_ns68mi6EXC1qgthdfo2_540…)
I just wanted to say how much I love this site. Thank you admin for hosting it and giving us a place to talk, cry, whine and laugh. I think I speak for all of us when I say I really appreciate it.
And thank you for being a fair admin and for handling all the shitposting and craziness that happens on this site.
Also, you should consider ads to help with hosting costs!
No. 2096
Hey Admin,
I've created threads like this on cuckchan in the past and they always end up being great fun all around.
>>>/b/60617Problem is on lolcow I've realised that referencing a post that does not yet exist does not retroactively link once the post has been created like it does on cuckchan.
Is there anyway to fix this?
No. 2097
How about an oeaki? Like a thing where we can draw stuff, maybe iscribble style, or more imageboard oeaki style.
No. 2109
>>2096I replied in that thread days ago.
>>2097I might add it at some point.
No. 2122
File: 1453818879141.png (308.22 KB, 443x273, ssss.png)
>>2109It's a cool idea potentially! This and you should include some way for us to donate, to pay for server costs and ramen!
No. 2143
>>2136Just post them in
>>>/cream/6. It seems silly to add a whole new button for such a rare case when it's pretty easy to link a post in a thread.
No. 2152
>>2147>is there any chance in the future of making a whole seperate section for just weeby cows?No.
>>2148>sometimes it says that the file is too big, and I'm guessing it's because of the dimensions not actual file size. I wanted to upload a longish image, and that was an issue. Iono if it's worth fixing or fixable, but just letting you know in case it's useful for whateverThere shouldn't be a restriction on the dimensions. What's the actual size of the file in MB?
No. 2162
File: 1454895248668.jpg (130.3 KB, 196x3686, sdBaYME.jpg)
>>2161I think imgur had to compress it in size (since it's no longer readable) but yeah I'll try uploading it in a smaller size to lolcow
thank you and sorry for bothering you with silly things
No. 2309
>>2307I, for one, am excited for the dawning of a new age. hail admin-sama.
seriously, let's just keep it like this. finally we can live up to the rest of the internet's expectations.
No. 2318
>>2309-chuckles aloud-, funny enough I think this is how PULL views us anyway.
>>2317Ditto. I was wondering what was going on until I posted and then I had my a-ha moment. I kind of want it to be like the CL thread with the so cute comments tho.
No. 2334
>>2332Your vagina yeast could bake 700 scones, cunt.
>tfw i'm saving this for future usea-admin-sama, can we bring this feature back occasionally? like once every week or something. or maybe every other day.
or every day.
No. 2335
>>2334Well it'd be a surefire way of shutting newfags out.
Can you imagine people coming here and screenshotting the filter replies, posting it to their little Tumblr blogs and being like "omg I CAN'T believe how rude and horrible people are! All they do is insult each other!".
No. 2336
File: 1459621008742.jpg (8.02 KB, 225x224, download.jpg)
>>2334It's been fun tbh. Seeing people rage because they don't get it is great.
No. 2345
>>2296This is amazing. The messages in the threads are hilarious. I didn't understand what was happening at first though. I reported a few posts because I thought it was some shitposter.
This would be a great way to get newfags out, though.
No. 2346
>>2343I said I would turn it off Saturday, US time. And I did.
>is it really that you not enjoy what you've created?The quality of the simulator is definitely far more entertaining than the real posts.
Are threads lagging just in general, or only when you click the posts to reveal the originals?
Maybe next time I do it, I won't put a reveal option. That'll resolve the lag, and the issue of people complaining (since no one will be able to see the complaints).
No. 2350
>>2346>I said I would turn it off Saturday, US time. And I did.Actually you initially dropped in a message into the thread I was in and said we were dumb (I won't look for it to quote because the thread is now a laggy mess). The front page notice came later.
>The quality of the simulator is definitely far more entertaining than the real posts.Exactly my point then? I very much like the simulator, and I can see how you have enjoyed deploying it. But you don't enjoy what goes on here- that's interesting. Why do you keep it going?
>Are threads lagging just in general, or only when you click the posts to reveal the originals?At the moment both - in a thread where there are a mix of fake and real posts, but before it was only if I tried to reveal the posts. Reveal worked only 50% of the time for me.
>Maybe next time I do it, I won't put a reveal option. That'll resolve the lag, and the issue of people complaining (since no one will be able to see the complaints).It's your site to treat as you please. You have gotten a lot of good feedback in the last day and I'm prepared to accept that I'm the odd one out in thinking its unfunny. I suspect that's because I'm older than most who post here and don't come for the shitposting.
No. 2351
>>2350oops, I meant to write:
…said we were dumb (
paraphrasing, I won't look for it to quote…
No. 2352
>>2350>Actually you initially dropped in a message into the thread I was in and said we were dumbNo I didn't. At least, not that I can find.
>At the moment both - in a thread where there are a mix of fake and real posts, but before it was only if I tried to reveal the posts.How about now? You may have to refresh a few times.
Also, are you sure you aren't just confusing it with the normal lag that large threads have?
No. 2353
>>2352 The only thread that lags for me when switching is the Palermo thread. And that's just a long thread.
Who cares. Everybody needs to chill out.
No. 2364
No. 2383
>>2382>>2381RUSE ME ONCE, SHAME ON I
No. 2384
>>2369Wait what? I don't think I'm banned. Samefagging but it was a rather innocent question. Badly formatted, sure. Or is this a joke?
I'm confused.
>Feature Suggestion
Hey, admin-sama. I noticed your recent post on the Venus/Margo thread about the 'OT' or 'blog post' comments, and I just wanted to throw my two cents in on this subject.
Banning users who create this sort of content–or simply deleting the posts–seems like the most obvious solution, but an extreme one. However, I agree that these posts are unnecessary and generally clog up or derail the lolcow/snowflake threads rather than contributing any useful or relevant information. Personally, I think it's unlikely that these kinds of '32-inch-waist-chan' posters will ever be completely eradicated, but maybe there are some ways to cope with 'em, anyways.
I'm not a programmer, but I was wondering if, instead of trying to discourage this behavior in specific threads, we simply add a filter or a 'sage' clickable option in the text-entry field to hide off-topic posts for users who don't care to see them. Janitors could use the thirty-two-inch-waist sticker to replace off-topic/personal posts until clicked if anon forgets to include the keywords (and it's distracting enough that it's reported by other users)
It's probably not a high-ranking concern right now, but I figured that I'd make my suggestion here since I seem to usually have a hard time catching you on the chat. Thanks for reading!
No. 2424
>>2423I should also probably make it clear that this suggestion was made with the assumption that indefinite hellweek will eventually end?
But also we could just continue indefinitely on this blazing crazy train, ever-questing for our promised land of milk and salt. das cool too
No. 2425
>>2423This would be trivial to add, but it would require each user to manually and individually hide every off-topic post they see.
Completely defeats the point and gives even more power to the blogposters.
No. 2432
>>2428I've received reports of this from another Russian anon as well. I doubt the Russian government was targeting this site in particular, since each of Cloudflare's reverse proxy IPs serve a large number of websites.
Not really anything I can do about it.
No. 2439
>>2437>>2438alright, guess this answers my question in
>>2293. maybe this could be added to the info page of the site?
No. 2450
>>2442it's a lot easier to convince people to send you personal information (screencaps) if you have some sort of unified identity established
>>2441fair enough.
No. 3331
File: 1474616186907.png (19.33 KB, 415x144, Screen Shot 2016-09-23 at 12.2…)
>>2this keeps popping up but only in one thread and I can't figure out why, switching browsers didn't fix anything. tried replying in a different /pt/ topic and it worked immediately so i don't think it's a full site issue?
No. 3537
File: 1478793113697.png (696.22 KB, 1343x502, screen.png)
Love the new Kiki-esque board style, but just one gripe I have with it is that the post/comment boxes go over the top of the quick reply box making it difficult to use.
Took a screenshot to show what I mean.
No. 3567
File: 1479671174630.jpg (12.67 KB, 958x559, 15078797_10207868856506127_280…)
A friend of mine cannot visit the site, she gets the error displayed in pic related.Do you know any fixes?
No. 3568
>>3567Her browser version probably isn't compatible with Cloudflare. upgrading Chrome help? Also, try Firefox and other browsers.
No. 3715
>>3694Not sure if I should ask this in this thread, but this is a suggestion so anyway:
can we get new banners, new Admin-sama? I see we have some new ones here
>>962 and I'd like to make a few myself.
No. 4140
File: 1491968233112.png (5.83 KB, 64x74, Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 00.5…)
Can we have some sort of notification like this? but only if you comment in one thread in that board
No. 4142
>>2~#wordsミ★ => words
how is this suppossed to work?
because somehow "# ~" just becomes this shooting star. what am i doing wrong?
No. 4295
File: 1496856374745.png (293.76 KB, 463x216, 8598786501.png)
Site's glitching a bit, some of the threads have the [-] gone and the ones that did have now disappeared from the page (Onion's should be between Maggot and Shingles in the cap).
No. 4401
File: 1498870740881.png (4.18 KB, 386x145, fJA8yFL.png)
New feature: Hide all saged posts in this thread. The on/off toggle is between the comment field and the announcements (pic related). The gap between posts increases with the amount of saged comments. Hope this improves user experience!
No. 4521
>>4520Same, the site is really damn slow since yesterday.
And now images open in full window size, really annoying
No. 4525
File: 1501480538851.png (80.05 KB, 1366x739, lolcow error 502.png)
>>4524Here's a photo of the error page, idk if that would be helpful to farmhands/admin.
No. 4545
File: 1502383185681.jpg (29.88 KB, 504x458, b49b8927c4803844d7a63ca7207c5f…)
I think we should have an IP marker, similar to what /b/ use to have in 2010, something where people can't samefag, like a code for each IP
No. 4574
File: 1503741983434.png (256.12 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1674.PNG)
Why does mobile browsing do this every few days?
No. 4841
File: 1513494314409.png (42.22 KB, 800x200, lolcowMock.png)
Apologies if this has been posted already; did a quick ctrl+f and didn't see it pop up. I was curious how difficult it would be to implement a message reaction system for threads. I attached a mockup of what it could possibly look like (The emoji images are placeholders for icons that are made specifically for this forum). The two main issues it would help accomplish imo:
1) A user posts an awesome shoop/cow fanart, and the thread is populated with a couple "you slay me, anon". But being able to lurk and quietly emote at messages would provide encouragement for more posts like this and prevent the thread from mostly being the same reactions - and give lurkers an opportunity to help shape the thread by offering encouragement.
2) The opposite is true. While some posts are given more encouragement for them to continue sharing in that vein, people who go on long nitpicking spergouts or brag about torturing their friends for 10 years with talking about, the thread gets clogged with several put-downs or mini-modding. Or another situation where the response is too autistic to warrant any replies to the message, which the user might interpret as a good response since there was no opposition. Instead, users would be able to react without having to add posts to the thread that let users know to lurk more or pay attention to the messages with higher votes.
3) As previously mentioned - especially with the Onion threads - there has been a large surge of mini-modding. With responses just being "sage your post" or "nitpicking", users could express their thoughts on a post by reacting with "sage" or "nitpicking" emotes. It wouldn't be an official moderator message, but it would give the commentor the hint of how they come across without filling the thread with useless posts.
TL;DR adding reactions would cut down on the number of non-contributive posts, encourage lurkers to shape the conversation without having to comment, and cut-down on mini-modding. I imagine this is probably not an easy feature to implement, but I hope that the pros I've listed here at least make it considered for development.
No. 4867
>>4841Yeah, something like KiwiFarms has would be fun. We could have our own emoticons related to cows. If this idea is chose it would be great to have a thread to brainstorm what little icons to use, maybe put some Queen PT faces too.
What I did like from tempcow was the always sage feature. It gave me peace of mind. It would be great to have it here.
No. 5057
File: 1517584070752.png (582.46 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180202-090223.png)
Not sure if this is just my phone acting up or not, but the catalogue keeps redirecting (to a new catalogue page that isnt loading the format properly). and when I read some threads a post will initially load, then just become a weird gap/space and fuck up the thread layout. Pic related, the white gaps are where posts should be.
Everything was fine til today. I have not updated my phone or apps and experienced no issues with other image board sites I frequent.
I'm using Samsung Browser 5 on Android.
No. 5058
>>5057Can you please screenshot the catalog you're seeing, with the URL also included in the screenshots?
As for the missing posts: Can you see if you selected "Hide saged posts for this thread" in the top right of the thread pages? If you selected it, it will say "Show saged posts for this thread", which you can click to see them again.