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No. 7294
11/19/18 Blade thread to be removed
Anti-Korean thread locked for racebaiting. Thread topics in /ot/ targeting specific races or nationalities won't be tolerated any longer.
>>>/ot/306105 No. 8356
A new board was officially added today Header link will be added in the next 24 hours
No. 8362
>>8361Honestly, I didn't plan to save the creation of /w/ for the townhall because it was something I was going to do with or without feedback. I believe threads will be more organized this way, duplicate threads will be deleted from /snow/ once a header link is added.
The creation of other boards will be reserved for the townhall.
>>>/meta/8345 discussion of a /media/ board and the possible merging of /ot/ and /g/.
No. 8369
>>8356>>8362I would like to safely say that this was retarded, not an improvement, and that you're making significant choices "with or without" feedback is a steep leap in the wrong direction.
We did not need more boards for cows, this is the least of the problems the site has, and dear fuck I already have no hope for improvement; I give up, I'm just here to bitch now.
>merging of /ot/ and /g/why is this even up for discussion?
when the old admin said you were a long time user of lolcow were they pulling our chains? is there actual user-base demand for this I'm not privy to? why even waste townhall time on this when the thousands of complaints lodged under old admin still have to be fixed and better addressed?
No. 8372
>>8362dunno if i like the idea of koreaboo and weeaboo shit being merged into one.
does this mean snow is only for normie/altcows now?
No. 8373
>>8371>merging /ot/ and /g/ honestly isn'tAgreed. I also don't understand adding a /media/. Does that mean all media or just non-weeb media? Because technically anime and kpop threads count as media but including those would make /w/ pretty bare.
Also why is the time listed in Japanese time? It looks weeby af, just use GMT to make it easier for people to calculate.
No. 8374
>>8373it's the admin's time zone
>>8369>>8372>>8371This is all up for discussion at the townhall. The point of /w/ is to just put cosplay/lolita related cows and k threads in one place for people not interested in those topics.
No. 8386
>>8375Admin said she won't reschedule the time so I guess the eurofags are gonna have stick with it or miss it.
>>8374I like the idea of /w/ since someone wanting to read up on a normie snowflake without seeing a bunch of weebs is difficult.
No. 8390
>>8373Merging ot and g seems like a not-good idea, but I like the new weeb board since most of the threads I follow are weeb content
Keeping g separate is better since it really is a lot more personal and girly than ot, plus the girl threads will get lost with all the beef that happens on ot
No. 8404
>>8391I would agree but the last posts in there were saying some kpop dude’s face is punchable and that new groups suck. Doesn’t seem like “drama”
>>8396Or how about don’t fix it if it ain’t broken? What if browsing through the board gives me new cows to follow? It’s how I got hooked on CC. I’m fine moving weeby or koreaboo cows to one board but having /ot stuff like kpop and jpop critical just seems weird. Why not keep that in /ot/?
No. 8408
>>8374Kind of confused as to why an imageboard spin off of /cgl/ would then segregate its "weeb" userbase into one board?
>for people not interested in those topicsSo are we just admitting the majority of the site is for normie drama/gossip now?
No. 8412
>>8408>>8410Hi, thank you for sharing your concerns. Admin is very open to hear farmers suggestions, advice and criticism regarding the moderation and management of lolcow.
If you can make it to the townhall, it would be appreciated if you would also share these sentiments there in detail. The reason for the separation was to make threads a bit more organized, rather than to segregate users.
No. 8430
>>8423Soren is a weeb no matter how you look at it. I mean, he's obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and (likely) guro manga.
You should move Momomokun, Chris-chan and Pixyteri to /w/ too so failed normie anons don't have to stumble upon weeby threads since this is who you seem to pander to. And don't give me 'but they are lolcow legends!!!' bs, either you move everything to /w/ or not.
The decision does not make sense at all.
Not looking forward to
triggered normie anons reacting with 'go back to /w/!' when someone uses an anime reaction pic or mentions anything remotely weeby in the confessions or advice thread.
No. 8431
>>8422i think the normie userbase may actually (sadly) outnumber the seagulls and staminarosefags at this point.
>>8356i'm all for board organization, but i think it is tricky. i think every single board should have a stickied post that outlines what's meant to be posted there, as /w/ currently does. however, i think that there might be a better way to divide up the boards that the current set-up.
like, what's a """""girl""""" topic aside from threads literally about vaginas. i don't really see much reason for /g/ and /ot/ to be seperate, and i don't see much of a need for /w/ either– although i'm not against it. what do you do when a cow is weeaboo but milky in other ways too? post in /w/ or /snow/? as
>>8430 mentions, it seems like most cows are pretty weeby anyway. i think a guideline explaining what goes where in each board would clear this up and would probably help facilitate the creation or merging of other boards in a more "logical" fashion.
No. 8432
>>8410>>8408Agree with these. I don't see a point in moving weeby snowflakes out of snow and having a separate board for weeb topics. All it does is encourage the worst kinds of posters who think in black and white and bitch about seeing Japanese stuff anywhere as if you can't incorporate and enjoy a healthy mix of geeky things into your life. It will segregate users no matter what. Don't forget that there is bound to be korean vs japanese fights in /w/ since for some reason kpop was included. It almost already happened in the idol thread in /ot/ because some koreaboo was getting mad someone posted a japanese idol.
And yeah, it's taking out the heart of this site. It doesn't feel like lolcow (or any imageboard) stuffing anime/japan related everything onto one board. There's a reason why stamina rose was made and eventually became lolcow.
No. 8434
>>8430i agree with this anon. separating /w/ is just going to make the mention of anything relating to anime/kpop/weebshit outside of /w/ to become a huge fight. i wasn't even aware there was a huge weeb vs normie war on lolcow, there was a small vocal minority of spergs but i think its safe to say that most of lolcows userbase has a background in weebshit or fashion or jpop or whatever. if we go down this road there will be a million suboards, a board for lgbt/gender related cows, a board for ana/mia cows, a board for scammer cows.
the devision of the boards wasn't a problem here, it was a the users getting overly nitpicky and hostile. i don't think we need to mess with what doesn't need to be fixed.>>8430
No. 8439
>>8430The change does not affect /pt/. The sticky only applies to /snow/ and /ot/ but for now we're keeping /w/ drama oriented.
Normies will never take over since the very nature of an imageboard is rooted in anime and other fringe hobbies.
>go back to /w/This could easily become the new "hi cow". Most of these issues can be countered with moderation which we're already working to improve. If there is a crazy influx of nitpicking and derailing it's not entirely on the userbase's end, it's the job of the moderators to do their job.
No. 8442
>>8439If imageboards are rooted in anime and weeb shit, the isolation of weeby things makes even less sense. But okay, let's see how it works out. I just feel uncomfortable with /w/ being ghetto for weebs.
IMHO it's also not very convenient to mix cow threads with general interest ones (never understood WHY on Kiwifarms you have fashion threads mixed with cow ones in Beauty Parlor, for example - it's messy and makes looking for a thread more difficult than necessary).
>This could easily become the new "hi cow". Most of these issues can be countered with moderation which we're already working to improve. Honestly keeping my fingers crossed for you admin-sama and your team. Though my first concern is if you guys will be able to respond to gore, cp and incel posts quickly. It's unbearable having to avoid lolcow for hours due to disgusting pictures posted by incels.
No. 8443
>>8442The index name can always be changed anytime.
>>8441I have heard mixed reviews, some people like the idea, some people don't. I'm waiting to hear more feedback at the townhall like suggestions
>>8437 made
>you prefer the normie shit and don’t care for the weeb shit That's a lot of assumptions friend.
The only goal was to organize /snow/ and more /cgl/-like cows into one place.
No. 8448
>>8443you can't even say that /cgl/-like cows are going to be put in /w/, because there's tons in there right now that would never have been discussed on /cgl/ and others like charms or gutterface or zerodomon, who originated from /cgl/, who would not go into /w/. (obviously those three aren't the most active cows any more, but I mean to say cows like these as well). Even our sweet PT (despite that /pt/ isn't being effected by this) would no longer count as a "/w/" tier cow.
why even make this town-hall exclusive? give us a poll or something over how many of us think this is utter shit as a board. I think one of the biggest problems with past town halls was that admin/team act like that's the
only place to base our opinions - leaving users who can't make it or don't like the pace of live-chat without a voice. Give us both if you want to be objective. Granted I realize poll results can be tampered, in a case like this I cannot see it hurting. It's retarded we're being told to "leave it for townhall" - saying it'll be better addressed during townhall is
one thing, but to imply valid suggestions or complaints won't be taken into account unless they're spoken there is pants on head tier. Now, I'm not saying 100% that's even what is going on here, but the farmhand replies have certainly made it sound like that.
No. 8453
>>8437This is how it used to be and imo how it should revert to. Things got really shitty and messy when farmhands started trying to use their own discretion on which threads belonged where (see: momokun thread spending a couple weeks in snow while the farmhands argued about moving it back and forth.) /pt/ used to be like a hall of fame for the cows who started it all and continued to have major followings and tons of milk flow long term (PT, koti, momo, onion, etc) and it took a really long time to get anything moved from snow becuase it really had to be MAJOR thread to get moved.
I’d rather no change at all if something as shitty and general as /weeb/ is our only option.
I also personally feel like this will open the door to more vendettas about nobodies. Snow already has a small problem with that but by creating a board specifically for shitting on weebs, youre going to have the same problem cgl had that resulted in them enforcing the no drama rule: every other thread is some 1000 follower nobody who upset some other butthurt nobody and they want the angry /weeb/ army to smear them.
No. 8457
>>8456koreaboo shit isn't even weeb. putting all the asian related yellow fever shit on a board full of cows we make fun of for being weebs seems retarded. i also don't think the board should have been rolled out
before the townhall period.
No. 8459
>>8456We don't need a /w/ board let alone 2. There was nothing wrong with keeping weeb cows on /snow/ (or /pt/) and keeping anime related topics on /ot/. We don't want to end up with a bunch of unnecessary boards like other
certain failures of imageboards.
No. 8462
>>8452The board is definitely staying, the question is what determines if a cow should go there and if non- cow threads should be included. The name can even be changed to something more appealing.
>>8459One new board is hardly excessive, especially if it's a board that can fit a large subcategory of cows the site caters to.
>>8453>it took a really long time to get anything moved from snow becuase it really had to be MAJOR thread to get moved. That is how it should be in my opinion.
>>8448The townhall is for much more than board discussion. We need to discuss rules and other matters like manhate and sage.
> I think one of the biggest problems with past town halls was that admin/team act like that's the only place to base our opinions - leaving users who can't make it or don't like the pace of live-chat without a voice.Well I agree and that's why I'm here and I'm listening. What I mean by waiting until the townhall is me waiting for a general consensus on how things work out from all angles.
I would like to point out that one of the biggest issues from last year was the awful quality of certain threads in /snow/, particularly gyaru threads and the sort (you get the idea). Separating this way makes it easier for the farmhands to go through unreported threads rampant with nitpicking. This isn't to encourage making a thread on anyone with a small following on instagram, it's to make it easier to keep an eye on newfag behavior both on /snow/ and /w/. Bottom line I have to admit it's hard to keep things clean when the boards are filled with more than a dozen dead or locked threads, I don't think the original administrator had any idea how big the site would get.
I'm not saying I'm going to be deleting legendary threads on /snow/ or /pt/ because they deserve to exist for archival purposes. But for example on /g/ and /ot/ it's just clutter that is prime bait for a spammer to purposely bump. These are the things I have on mind. Because /snow/ doesn't have the same option for organization I do stand by my decision to make a new board to not only improve moderation, but to improve the user end.
If it helps we can come up with specific criteria /w/ cows must meet along with /snow/ because /snow/ does often fall victim to newfaggotry vendetta threads. On top of that perhaps changing the board name to something other than weeb will help.
No. 8467
>>8462Get rid of koreaboo and weeb “critical” or drama threads and put them back in /ot/. The thread for raving about kpop shit should be on the same board as the thread tearing it a new asshole. Kpop is not a cow. Jpop is not a cow. If there’s a certain milky person within those industries then give them a thread in /w/. I don’t hate /w/, I like the idea of it in theory, but it’s a lot of shit to wade through right now just to get to actual cows. It clutters the board and makes it look unorganized.
I can’t make it to the town hall because I’m on KST and that’s like 4am for me, so please take our advice here in to consideration instead of ONLY the farmers able to get in to a stupid chat room at an inconvenient time.
No. 8470
>>8469Agreed, I'm all for it. I think some of the weebs that dwell here took it way too personally, especially given the admin did it for completely rational reasons. /snow/ is going to look interesting once all the weebshit is purged. I think it'll be better in the long run. The internet has more than just weebs to laugh at, maybe it'll be an opportunity to bring up other cows. And if not we can reconsider these splits. It's not gonna ruin our lives.
I'm not sure all Asia-related things (like kpop critical) should go in /w/ since they're not all actual cows, so some more care definitely should go into determining what goes where.
/g/ and /ot/ should probably stay as they are. Could use a bit more distinction between /ot/ and /g/ because some threads seem like they are misplaced or could go on either board. The entire site is girl talk fam.
I would like a /media/ board because I hate having to go to 4chan's /tv/ and /v/ to talk about entertainment with shitty incels that will fixate on underage waifus and black people. I'd like to be able to discuss films and games that are recent here without having it get lost in the copious weeby/vent/advice threads of /ot/. Having a "game general" or a "movie general" on /ot/ as a concept is lame because you really do need more focus per topic; it's not as simple as fluctuating between nitpicking Ariana and Azealia Banks. Media threads would be more specialized is my prediction. Maybe the media board could be uniquely formatted where threads don't last forever and we have a more traditional chan board situation. Just some ideas!
^That may make /ot/ get less traffic but maybe not! Media related topics aren't currently being discussed much and I think part of that is that generals are super encouraged on /ot/ and those get derailed fast (or are just way too ADD bc the topic is vast).
I genuinely don't understand people that whine about having to click on a different board to see something. Fuck off if your autistic ass can't stand to click a couple times more than before.
Hope this helps stimulate the conversation. I doubt I can be there for the town hall.
No. 8498
>>8495YUP, I see it as purely practical too.
I'm on the other side of the spectrum (not normie just not a weeb), I generally merely tolerate weebshit and I'd rather be able to find all of it in one convenient place when I do want to engage it, mainly on the cow side. People that act like it's a ghetto are weirdly paranoid about MUH BOARD CULTURE but they don't understand true normies won't be here to stay beyond a couple dumb newfag posts, no matter what.
Imageboards are inherently soaked in weebshit but the users have varying amounts of interest in Asia. Not all of us have yellow fever, some of us just like anime and shit. And for those worried about "keking at cows solely bc they're weebs" well sorry to say but half of us have already been only finding them cowlike due to being weebs. Some of you were clearly just on the ride bc the weebs weren't doing weebshit "correctly". Which is all fine, but finding weebs cringy and milky isn't a new concept. We're all on various levels of enjoyment for different reasons here. We should remain on the common ground that the cows are funny, and not try to make things personal.
This place isn't politically correct, that is the true test of who is able to stay in imageboards and who can't.
No. 8500
>>8498Agree anon.
Snow is already feeling much better and less cluttered. I think a separate board is a good idea, but I don't think OT stuff should be in there.
No. 8503
Megan arriola thread locked as it's been merged with pettubers general.
>>8502New guidelines on the sticky have been revised so it's fair she's moved back.
No. 8505
>>8504Due to the way threads never get deleted here we have a really clunky board structure. I think you're on the right track here, there has to be a distinction between archived threads and live ones. Perhaps an option to skip to older threads on the actual active thread? like a sidebar? Something.
I'm sure some autists will ree at any change but as long as the changes are quality of life improvements there really isn't a valid argument against organizing shit. JUST CTRL+F fags are simply stubborn. Sites should strive to be as organized as possible.
No. 8508
I don't know if anyone would be interested but here is a script I edited to be compatible with lolcow. I did this on a whim months ago in the span of 6 hours so it's sloppy and I would say it's in beta mode. Features include:
◦ New board index (can be set to the top or bottom and edited)
◦ Watch thread features
◦ Hide individual posts
◦ Hide replies to a individual post
◦ Broken catalog
◦ No updated settings
If things like this turn out to be in demand I can probably work on it more.
To install:
◦ Have violent monkey or a similar tool installed
Link to install is below. No. 8517
>>8495>weeb should be renamed /ec/ for eastern culturelol, fuck off
lolcow is for laughing at retards, not for politically correct naming conventions
it's called /weeb/ because only weebs give s single fuck about anything posted there, as you have demonstrated
>>8496>don't call it cosplay, call it cgl-descended boardwhy do you keep trying to rename things and why are you so bad at it?
the w board is a good idea to keep the weebshit out of the way of people who don't care about it, and make it easy for people who do care about it to find it. what exactly is the problem? if you wanna run a board so badly, make your own board, put whatever the fuck you want on there, and see how that goes.
No. 8523
>>8517>it's called /weeb/ because only weebs give s single fuck about anything posted there, as you have demonstratedThis is exactly the kind of shitposter
>>8432 mentioned. It's already starting with this pointless, angry nitpicky infighting.
No. 8524
>>8517You are the new one here.
I want it name it something that can be more broad so you can fit in shit like the kpop critical threads. I don't want to jump between boards to find it.
No. 8525
>>8524>I want to control the layout and names of all the boards so I can find my kpops!start your own board then and put all the kpop crap you want on there. why do you have to argue a point that the admin has already said dozens of posts back is here to stay? admin is in charge and it's cute that lots of people are resistant to change, but arguing a decided point in such a fucking ghey way is cringe and entitled. just accept that everything can't be the way you want it and can't stay the same way forever.
btw i've been using the board for years, so i'm not exactly "new" but whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel superior about being a crybaby about change, i guess.
No. 8528
>>8527NTA but your point is shit and you whining about others whining does less for the site than you claim they do, give it a rest. Also that sounds autistic obviously they meant it should be /ec/ or something for Eastern Culture, or just straight up /cgl/ for cgl.
The issue I have with the weeb board is that /snow/ is already pretty small, the /ot/ drama like "critical" threads
are just drama threads so they should really be there, but imo, there's no reason to have any of them separate because it's confusing and makes no sense. Other threads don't have any similarities so it's just "asian" vs "other" and even now it's obvious there are too many grey areas. sparrow/stefany is in /w/ simply because she's cosplay related, even though it has nothing to do with asian media, and most of the milk comes from her skinwalking western actresses. And at the same time poopchan isn't on /w/ even though she's a weeaboo and her thread spawned from the lolita drama thread.
It just seems dumb with how arbitrary it is. Do we include cows who are weebs but don't do that much weeby shit? Why do the mods think people who cosplay western characters are weebs? It's just confusing and contrive.
No. 8533
>>8527 (or you) is the only one telling everyone to stop having opinions.
No. 8534
>>8532anon…you've been telling everyone else to stop their own discussions. seems to me you don't want real discussion, just to have everyone agree with the admin. but in reality if we don't let admin know something can be improved we will just hurt her in the long run. if you keep trying to shun people and tell them to go to other sites, you're not trying to let people voice anything. and now you are acting like
>>8528 is somehow in the wrong for telling you to stop? too funny…
No. 8538
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totally anisa's orbiting paypig while being simultaneously friends with PnP.
>>8537It's a drama board.
• Cosplay or costhots
• Lolita
• J-vloggers, k-vloggers
• drama related to any individual or group with an obsession with Japanese culture or a particular trend
Key word, drama. If it's drama related to their obsession with east asian culture they probably belong there. /pt/ is a unique board for cows that take things to the next level, therefore /snow/ sees the most clutter because that's where new threads and topics start out by default.
>>8528I wouldn't feel comfortable calling a board /cgl/ when elegant gothic lolita isn't explicitly included. At the same time the existence of this site is derived from /cgl/ so it feels odd.
No. 8541
>>8508>watch thread featuresOmg plz this
>>8540>Kiki told meThat should’ve been the first red flag kek
No. 8544
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>>8538>>8538I heard you are Anisa's and PnP's bestfriend, although you are Japanese and you also are Josh from kiwifarms ruining our culture. In addition to this you are actually Zucc's wife from Facebook and datamine our milk to analyse what makes the perfect dairycow. Moderation team consists of trannies, incels, Wig and Ben Shapiro.
No. 8553
>>8552definitely going to make her feel like she "won" against the haturzzz
control the spergs, not the cow
No. 8575
>>8573Tbh I don't see the logic in that. It's a drama board, people are going to whine about dumb shit. If the Admin feels a thread needs to improve, then just autosage until further notice or ban people from that board.
Didn't want to agree with the comment earlier but it literally just feels as if the current Admin is only banning threads they don't like.
No. 8582
>>8574I don't think anyone was whining that someone was recording via a second phone - people were glad that someone was recording at all. As most Snapchat anons were just talking about the Snapchat content without providing any proof, which was the main issue.
But I would also like to see the pnp thread get unlocked, as I found her to be pretty entertaining. People who don't know how to behave could just be banned. Let us enjoy the milk.
No. 8587
>>8578You're right about that! That was super annoying and an issue. But, I think Admin needs to tell people that when a thread is on autosage they have to work and behave to get it unlocked. That's what they said it was for. If you just block a thread without any real warning, it just looks like Admin is basically saving PnP lol
I don't think people would mind if there was actual communication about it?? So far they've listed reasons that happens in literally EVERY thread - if they're going to ban a topic at least be consistent or give solid reasons. Sorry for the rambling lol
No. 8590
>>8588Exactly! I feel like there are barely any cows of note on lolcow every since the moo and Onision boards blew up. So personally, it just feels like we're getting stuck with the few popular boards we do have that aren't those two.
Admin has been replying to people here and there about it but no actual solid reason.
Idk if it's a reach (probably) but I feel like this one thing kiwifarms, as trash as it is, at least makes sure to do - even when the AL thread was an absolute shit show they contained it. Like, why can't we have that communication here? (Admin pls don't ban me/others like the last one just because KF is mentioned)
No. 8593
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>>8558It’s true, iirc he even made sh0e a mod so she could filter out all criticisms of herself. She did this at unichan and 8chan as well.
>>8574I suspected at one point pnp was posing as a “snap anon” in the thread. When anons first started complaining about snap anons not posting the snaps, an unsaged newfag started posting “well then spend the $10” “sign up for her snap! It’s only $10!” “You should all subscribe to her snap bcuz I’m not posting shit, it’s only $10!” “Give her $10 if you wanna see exclusive content”, mimicking almost verbatim her twitter promos of her snapchat. It sounded like “anon” was promoting and shilling pnp’s snap, and trying to convince more people to pay her money.
When a fresh, new admin comes in, and bans an active popular thread right away, with no communication as to why, anons are going to get confused and weirded out/sus. Especially since we have had a long history of former admins banning cows they personally like and/or subjects they personally don’t care about. I’m hoping new admin gets better at communicating these things because she seems nice and professional, and communicated well in another thread.
I really don’t understand why exactly pnp’s thread was gutted, out of all the threads. There are threads in /snow/ and /pt/ that are much, much worse. Usually it’s put into autosage first to give a chance for anons to change their behavior, not just nuking the subject entirely. Not only is pnp going to take this as a HUGE win, but now she’ll feel free to do fuck all without any criticisms. This
>>8553 100%
And it’s weird that bans are being given to those asking about it?
Last admin banned the munchie threads in a really sneaky way because she
personally disliked the thread (she said she “didn’t care” about the thread subject). She held an impulsive vote on meta randomly without telling anyone, without even posting in the munchie thread to say “they’ll be a vote on if the munchie thread will be locked and banned”. Only 27 people voted, vast majority had never even posted in the munchie thread. And voting closed quick af before the regular munchie thread anons could even find out, and by then it was locked and all these anons were asking what the hell happened, and previous admin didn’t explain themselves at all and was kinda bitchy about it. Which led all the munchie thread anons to move to kiwi farms, as josh had started a munchie thread there to lure the refugees away. And a good amount of those posters were longtime farmers. Which pissed lots of anons off. I wish we could have the thread back so badly, because now the pro-ana thread is mixed in with munchie-like cows, but only if they have an eating disorder. Ugh. We had so many great cows come out of those threads and they were
extremely popular, it’s a shame we lost them all due to one person not liking the subject.
I really hope this isn’t a growing trend and we get some reason behind this and maybe admin can discuss with anons in townhall ways to still have pnp thread, while keeping it in check. Hope this is just temporary and pnp thread comes back. When a subject gets banned, it ends up on the back burner and usually never gets reignited again, even if there’s a bunch of new milk.
Pic related, I didn’t even know anisa was banned too but that wasn’t anywhere near the popularity of pnp thread.
No. 8594
>>8593You are speaking my thoughts exactly tbh
I like the direction over that admin is going, really, but every single time we have a new Admin threads are suddenly getting banned left and right for no real reason.
Like it's just a fact rn that most wouldn't mind a thread being locked if communication was solid.
Lolcow is comfy and I like browsing here, I really don't want to migrate to somewhere else because we got another Admin who's trying to show their loyalty to a cow.
This admin is making some real changes but between the ban happy mods and suspicious topic ban this is a rocky start
No. 8603
>>8593imo i hope the munchie thread stays buried. the insufferable whiteknighting and selfposting was a bore to get through and it was a shit parade of trying to one up each other.
the munchie thread on kf and the threads on related topics arent that active but the subreddits are p active and surprise, its a lot of coddling and whiteknighting.
pnp could have been milky but it was mostly all low quality trash posts.
No. 8617
>>8610thanks for being so transparent. i can appreciate that.
my suggestion is bringing a pnp thread back for like a "trial run" and if the spergs can't keep it together then nuke it after like a week. maybe some hellweek-tier moderating in that thread specifically as well?
No. 8622
>>8587I don't think it looks corrupt, it just looks like admin is already sick of Pnpfags. I was in the soundclout threads during the post-peep autosage, we had to wait for it to get back on track and it did. But Pnp was different, anons were just "fuckit, reeee" and "fuck you" to anyone asking them to pull it together. Autosage did not have the desired effect in that instance. Hellweek could have done it and it's finally coming but a bit late.
>>8582I totally saw it anon, people saying we should pay the 10 ourselves or take their word for it. I saw the instructions given many times. Yes there was some screen recording done eventually but it's archived offsite in personal accounts, not the best imo.
No. 8624
>>8613/boo is cute, I really like.
Reading this thread, it seems to me that people who identify as weebs have strong and varied opinions about what qualifies as weeby, based on their personal standards and areas of interest. I also notice concern around the intent behind tagging content with a term that is usually used as an insult when applied to others (articulated as issues with "board culture" and "weebs vs. normies").
I think an abbreviation that's a little more neutral and general while meaning essentially the same thing would address these concerns and prevent them from becoming ongoing issues.
No. 8638
>>8610I think anisa applies for all of these tbh
>an unhealthy desire for atention she is constantly mentioning she is idubbbz girlfriend and tries to show off things that she didnt actually earn to make herself more grandiose like that youtube play button she got through idubbbz
>bizzare behavior displayed online she always shows these random bits of jealousy whenever she sees idubbbz being more succesfull than her like that time when they went to disney and she was clearly upset that nobody wanted to take a pic with her only with ian and shows how upset she gets when people only ask about ian
>failure to accept criticsim the majority of times umm hello did you ever watched the vegan gains argument she had. the guy was just telling her where she could improve and she was not having any of it and started crying to her fans making them attack vegan gains.
>no lack of self awareness this one is huge on anisa btw, she "use to" yes notice how i use quotation marks on use to titie stream and she makes fun of girls like zoe and celestia for doing the same shit she use to do. Also shits on brittany calling her an "ape" and then she goes all "racism is bad guys" she also is those "im not like other girls" type but then she makes fun of those same girls. lol said she was sad that leafy got content cop on but started dating idubbbz
>no willingness to improve see vegan gains argument, tried to go vegan but backed down because 'im dying guyz" continues to be mean spirted to other women and ballantly making fun of others that share her same issues.
>no efforts to improve what was the point then? the thread was autosaged anyways even when brittany venti released a pretty lengthy video on anisa and sure you guys took autosage away when the discord leaks were happening but yeah then it silently went back to autosage. sure I am not saying anisa has the best thread or anything but she does have potential and at the same time it also served a containment board for those that want to speak of anisa and heck anisa was even featured in one of the lol cow banners idk I wished I could convince you to let us have that thread back but its clear you will only have boards of the cows you personally prefer.
No. 8639
she even made fun of venus (on of the snow cows here on lolcow) saying very fucked up and mean spirited shit. while she herself use to say "im anorexic guys" "i have body dismorphia" she made fun of someone who actually has an eating disorder.
No. 8664
>>8660>>8663Yeah, the new farmhands need to chill the fuck out. Why does making a post to disagree with someone, even vehemently, warrant a ban if it's directly relevant to the topic? And I saw somebody get banned for 'armchairing' when what they were doing didn't even begin to approach psychoanalysis or armchair diagnosis. I mean, their opinion was dumb imo, but it alone didn't warrant a ban, and definitely not an 'armchairing' ban.
As a seasoned do-it-for-freer, I'll impart this advice: if possible, new mods should spend a while observing the current mods or looking through the moderation logs and defer to more experienced people before taking mod actions until they get a strong feel for what warrants action and what doesn't. Letting new mods loose immediately is bad news. Even if you're completely overhauling the interpretation of the rules (which I guess should happen to some degree because rule enforcement before the transition did get pretty stupid), the new mods should be explicitly aware of that interpretation and get feedback on their decisions until they learn how to do things the right way. There's no such thing as perfect modding, and at the end of the day this is just a gossip website, but it's unfair to the users to ban them for shit that is either not against the rules or is against the rules under a new interpretation of the rules that they aren't aware of.
No. 8666
>>8664>>8663There are no complaints about the new moderator, the most complaints are linked to one janitor and the issues have been corrected. Any more bans on "armchairing" should have been reversed and fixed.
Differing opinions will never warrant a ban. I'll continue monitoring the logs closely until I see significant improvements with the consistency of moderation overall.
No. 8685
>>8679There is already a German one unless you're talking about another thread? They can be moved to /w/, there won't be an /int/ board.
>>>/snow/730033 PnP thread unlocked. To get removed off of autosage improve the thread quality.
No. 8689
>>8687>>8688I moved the thread to /w/. PnP was not voted to return but I'm giving it a shot because if a thread is bad quality it's because the moderation team isn't doing it's job effectively. We got a bigger staff team now anyways.
Clarification on rules regarding minors, if discussed in any context outside of drama it's fine by me if they're public figures like celebrities. In drama threads minors faces should be censored, and subjects should be 16+.
>>>/meta/8686 No. 8695
>>8694Applications are closed for now, sorry.
>>8693Yes it is!
No. 8700
>>8685This is not the last PnP thread, which is at
>>>/snow/753018. Was this deliberate?
No. 8704
>>8689The pnp thread is still closed.
Or did you accidentally reopen an old thread?
No. 8710
>>8624>>8624four days late to respond and also missed the townhall, but I was thinking if we really wanted the weeb shit out of ot we could do a board for fandom shit in general, so it includes anime, kpop, western cartoons, movies and shows, etc. That way people won't be
triggered about the name, there's enough variety to warrant an entire board for it all, and it's separated. I think keeping w for cows who are weebs is perfect tbh, and I'm actually liking how it's set up now that ot threads are out of it.
I know this is probably too late but it's just an idea i dunno!
No. 9163
File: 1551572063446.png (453.87 KB, 979x971, 4ZHlmEC.png)

Farmhand applications are open again!
We're currently only seeking farmhands to moderate the drama boards, if you're looking to apply to /ot/ or /g/ you're out of luck.
This is a short scouting period in preparation for hellweek, applications close in 2 weeks.Apply here
Image credit goes to this talented anon
No. 12769
File: 1578241374819.png (260.17 KB, 710x419, PwDdPWt.png)

Raven's Post History has been posted. More information can be found here.
No. 13394
The /2X/ board will be permanently closed on February 5th, this also happens to be national Loona comeback day.
>>>/meta/13215 ←- more info can be found here.