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No. 1338893
Talk about consumerism, criticize consumerism, talk about niche and fandom specific consumerism, talk about consoom tendencies, collections, hoards and addiction. If you are a consoomer yourself, feel free to talk about it in this thread, same with people who are now reformed consoomers. And if you did get over it, tell us why or how it happened.
>>>/ot/1032560>>>/ot/1016970>>>/ot/1004939>>>/ot/1208369>>>/ot/1208852ORGANIZATION THREAD
>>>/g/181093 No. 1339349
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>>1338899Buying junk besides shelter, food, and water only gives momentary pleasure in the male mind, they will never understand the joys of furnishing your room and entire home to look aesthetically pleasing and comforting. I’ve seen people rate other people’s rooms and they look so ugly and are always sprawled with bland posters of consoomer shows and music and monotone colors with no regard for color cohesion. I hate this form of consumerism you can just tell their outfits are super ugly and they’re culture vultures. It reminds me of asylum patients and prisoners who would carve in tally marks into the walls only they replaced the tally marks with these hideous “decorations”
No. 1339357
Have you anons noticed the amount of moids who buy the shit out of vtuber merch (eg Hololive)? I am surrounded by them. They would buy a birthday pack of a streamer who they dont even watch, and then pay 150 + 20-50 shipping to it and later duties because they got it from Asia.
>>1339347Probably the cleanest table of a vidya addicted moid ive ever seen. Usually they have a lot of foodcrumbs and other crap they cant be bothered to clean, wow.
No. 1339364
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I will never understand people who collect funko pops. This soulless stare and freaking uniformity of designs. Why.
Also could never understand collecting things just for the sake of having them, but I don't judge. I just personally have never been thrilled about collecting something, except for some series of books maybe but it doesn't really count I guess.
No. 1339366
>>1339362I am a weeb artist and these types still seem to be better than the genshinfags that i met.
>>1339360Online, can't go outside much due to my immune sys.
No. 1339472
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>>1339364The only one they got right was Jake. I would include BMO, but his eyes are too creepy so he doesn't pass.
No. 1339488
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>>1339453They're kept in boxes for value as well, they end up consuming the homes and I don't think the people buying the funkos are even aware of how bad it is.
No. 1339502
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Confession time, I managed to get a moid friend I hooked up with to consoom anime figures. He’s an asshole so him focusing on wasting his money on figures from shows he doesn’t even watch makes my heart smile. He can’t talk to girls anymore because he’s such a coomer and has a plastic lady hoard. Obv I stopped talking to him. Bad for the environment? Yeah. I didn’t have to hear about his shitty behavior towards women? Great, hope his bloodline is ended from having a waifu instead of treating his gfs like shit.
No. 1339516
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>>1339364poorman's nendoroids
No. 1339531
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>>1339524they prefeer quantity over quality, nendoroids are super expensive and every new release is treated with expectating because of how limited they are so they cant get the thrill of buying 10 in a row and know that the next day there will be 10 more new ones.
No. 1339945
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>>1338899>>1339534fuck, this is so true. this girl i know (friend of a friend, basically) works at a merchandise store in our town and told us this wild as fuck story. they had a deadpool statue in their store (like picrel) which costs like 2000 bucks and one day a guy actually came in and bought it. paid for it and then left because he didn't have his car with him. they put a "sold" sign on it and that was it. MONTHS pass and deadpool is not getting picked up. after almost a year he finally comes into the store and tells them that his gf and he broke up because she was upset that he bought this life size deadpool statue. instead of, you know, coming back immediately and asking for his money, he actually went through weeks of arguing with her because that deadpool statue was so much more important to him. then he had to move out, find a new apartment, etc, and completely FORGOT about fucking deadpool. almost a YEAR later he remembered to finally come back to the store. unfortunately the store owner is way too nice and gave him back his money. i think deadpool is still in that store, too. moids really are failed abortions.
No. 1341403
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I may be venting here, but it irks me that my gay furry older brother is a consoomer for continuously buying crap that keeps filling up his entire room which is also a master bedroom. Some trash and boxes here and there, a closet that's hard to walk around, a filthy bathroom and his drawer sitting outside with piles of clothes on it. He buys shit like wolf stuff, Funko Pops, plushies, figures, statues, t-shirts, etc. mostly of animal/monster characters or whatever the fuck is on sale or "a good price/deal." Don't get me wrong, I like figures and plushies too, but only if I truly love and desire them. I wouldn't be buying random hot male anime figures or random Pokemon/Sanrio plushies just because they're simply cute. There's a limit to where it feels like it's too much as if it consumes and buries you. Plus it's a pain in the ass to move and clean up stuff. I just don't understand how he can keep this up especially telling him that it's concerning and if he needs any help cleaning, but he just brushes it off and says it's none of my concern. He did say that when he grows old he'll sell and gain a profit out of them since its prices and rarity will most likely go up. Whenever he comes home with something new I just have to hide my disappointment in him while he rambles on about finding good prices, getting good deals and his long trips for shit he's looking to buy. Also, he had given me Funko Pops before or stuff that I didn't ask for which I boxed them up and hid them away in my closet saying that I'm trying to make some space in my room.
No. 1341553
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>>1339364Adding to the nonsense, this woman ordered funkoesque figures totaling $120 before tax & shipping from Japan.
No. 1341585
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>>1341579sameanon here to also add, what the actual fuck were they thinking with this? I get that Twin Peaks is a cult classic for a lot of people but did they REALLY need to make a Funko Pop, of the corpse of a murdered 17-year-old girl, wrapped in plastic and thrown in the water?
No. 1341605
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How to keep from being a consoomer?
Picrel, I like perfumes. Most of my fixations before have been actual, material hobbies, such as writing, art, or animal keeping. This is the first time I've been insane about something that you can really only just… buy. Well, buy and read about. I try to stay away from buying full bottles, I already regret doing that once even if it was a very good deal. This thread helps keep me in check too.
No. 1341616
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>>1341605I had this stupid Mugler fixation when I was in my early teens, and even though I barely made money from my part time job (I never got money from anything else, was in poverty) I spent it on Mugler perfumes that smelled terrible. I would get the angel powder puffs, the roller balls, etc. I can tell you that outside of the lotions and the powder puff I NEVER used them because the smell was strong and abhorrent and they became nothing more than cool looking paper weights that were more of a thorn in my side. If anything, see if you can find miniature bottle samples that mimic the larger bottles. Not sure if this is still common anymore, but that beats wasting all your money on a full sized bottle of designer chemicals. You can kill two birds one stone—they’re very beautiful, and they serve the main function as satisfying little trinkets. You don’t need tons of perfume anyways, you know?
No. 1341695
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>>1341585What level of bugman is this? Incredible
No. 1341699
>>1341403i know what you mean
nonny, i also have an older brother who stays in the master bedroom of the house and it's just filled with toys and action figures, some still in their shipping boxes. the ones which have actually been opened are mostly displayed on shelves and countertops but with a thick layer of dust on them. no idea what he's planning to do with them, but i live in a really hot climate and it's not great for whatever material some of these things are made of. i've got a handful of figures myself but they're over a decade old at this point and have yellowed and degraded in places.
he also gives me gashapon figures from a series i used to love as a kid, and while i appreciate the sentiment, i haven't kept up with the series at all as an adult and haven't cared about it for a long time but i just accept them out of politeness and hide them in a cabinet or something.
No. 1342970
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>>1342953here are some of them, i am very disappointed by how the rainbow dash at the top looks, she fell the other day and got all messed up.
No. 1343148
nonnie i think they're cute. I used to love watching MLP unboxing videos when I was younger so your collection is really nostalgic for me!
No. 1343211
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>>1343187i do want to collect some g1s they just seem harder to come by for cheap prices
a lot of like moms seem to be selling off their kids old g4 toys i think and thats the kind of lots i've been buying i'm extremely partial to the baby ponies though. they are soooooo freaking cute. picrel my favorite baby ponywear set. it comes with a tiny snowman to go in the pocket.
No. 1343600
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No. 1343683
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i bought this cute ceramic clock the other day
No. 1343693
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>>1343688ah crap, I linked the first video they did instead of the second one
No. 1343694
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>>1343693He sleeps on the beanbag, has no bed
Sauce is this vid: No. 1343733
nonnie g1 collector here! i will say that the more u get into the hobby u more u realize that the cheapest ones are just very common.. if u are into the babies go for it bc they are some of the cheapest ones. the twin ones especially are fuckin adorable. the big brother ponies especially are very expensive ($75ish per) so i would just stick to what u like the most if u do get into it.. i would also recommend not worrying about FOMO because even now they are still being sold left and right for pretty cheap. bargain over getting new object!! that advice is for pretty much all gens, g3 is worth looking into if u havent. i love that style n they are very very cheap if u like collecting ponies
No. 1343786
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whats your opinion on makeup/skincare/deteregent hoarders since i dont see them posted here much.
No. 1344041
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Pic stolen from the last thread, because it encapsulates what bewilders me about social media collectors. For the price of all these almost identical things, a person could buy several quality bjds, or a dozen Pullips, that these were obviously based on. And those wouldn't be riddled with paint/quality defects, would look 100x nicer, and not have the eyelashes molded into the eyeballs. No doll sold at Walmart is worth owning over $1000 of it. I can understand teenagers and broke people buying a few of them, but there are fully grown adults out there who splurge hundreds of dollars a month at Target and Walmart, and then brag online. I wouldn't take a dozen modern Barbies or Monster Highs if they were handing them out for free.
No. 1344051
>>1343780If you never get around to customizing them, sell them on Etsy. People sell ratchet Monster High dolls and their parts to make customs. I'm sure ponies are no exception.
>>1344041Honestly, I love these dolls, I think they're so cute, but they do have a bit of a same-face and the designs can be repetitive. Wish they just had interchangeable bases. Pick your eye colors, skin tone, and wigs like bjds, selling outfits separately. I mostly like their clothes. One doll would suffice. This is why I like Blythes, but am a poorfag.
No. 1344056
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>>1344041I actually collected monster high dolls. I always hated the gel seeping into their hair plugs. Seriously people gotta start collecting quality dolls. Maybe when I get a job someday I’ll save up for a bjd or pullip because they’re beautiful.
No. 1344788
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>>1344130The glue seepage in MH dolls is frustrating to deal with and hard to clean out. I don’t pity collectors at all because they’re paying top dollar for a faulty product.
No. 1345494
>>1344894Yeah I also followed it for a while since it seemed useful for genuine product reviews, but another thing that happened was that people started posting their toothpaste tubes and handsoap bottles every day, and the mods seemed to have no interest to restrict it to makeup/skincare only. Think I unsubbed at that point.
Just thought about it and even though I never bought makeup to this
>>1343786 extent, I did make unnecessary purchases like eyebrow powder, mascara primer, baking powder, and similar, when I consumed a lot of beauty content. Thankfully I've used those up and figured out that I only need about 5 pieces of makeup for a full look. Shit like mascara primer just gave me really thick, clumpy lashes, and eyebrow powder was just priced up eyeshadow.
No. 1345520
>>1343605I used to be like this since i love journaling and bullet journal but remember:
-Most washi tapes, sticky notes, anything made of paper and glue really have a 1-2 yrs of shelf life at most. Anything made of plastic can have a 2-3 yr of shelf life but then it will lose glue.
-Pens also have a best date use, 3-4 years until ink starts to dry. Sure unless they're those cheap kawiwi pens they can be recovered but it's a pain on the ass. Cheap ballpoint pens last very long but i guess your pens aren't those.
- Stickers and paper tend to yellow over time. Depending of quality and storage, may vary from a few months to a few years but still.
-Never had a highlighter to last more than 2 years. The only exception was some stabillo highlighter and that doesn't mean it worked splendid, just that it was usable.
The point is that unless you're a journaling freak, a studygram influencer or someone who relies on paper a lot for job and study stuff, journaling stuff can go a
really long way and if you hoard it, then it would go bad before you had a chance to use it.
All of these dates are based on personal experience so yeah. If you want to preserve something you can use some ziplock bags but then you wouldn't be any diferent to funko losers preserving their shit on the box. Things are meant to be used. I can give tips to control the impulses if you want.
No. 1345945
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Hey nonnas do you think posting our collection(s) would help us not to consoom so much? Idk, I feel like critiques on/by fellow nonnas would be more productive and carry more weight
No. 1346062
>>1345945post it, I want to see it
No. 1346098
>>1345685nayrt but considering the lifespan of the item like
>>1345520 described is a good thing to do, consider how often you will use the item, will you use it up, will it expire? For online purchases using wishlists/basket has worked for me, if I want something I put it in a wishlist first. I leave it there and don't buy immediately, after few weeks or months it's time to reflect on how much I've wanted or thought of that item during that time. Usually I end up realising I don't actually need it and it would've been an impulse purchase, I remove it from my list/basket and forget about it. For shopping IRL, although inconvenient, using cash might help you. Seeing the money decrease in your wallet, having to go to an ATM before making purchases and having a good visual of what money you are spending can help you reconsider just how important those purchases would be. Hope this came out coherent and somewhat helpful for you anon, would like to hear how other anons deal with wanting to shop/buy on impulse.
No. 1346377
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>>1345685>>1346098AYRT, the frist and most important thing to stop coonsoming in general is to
know yourself so any plastic crap wouldn't do the cut. I will exemplify with notebooks. I hate composition notebooks and binders, i find them useless and annoying. So no matter how cute they're, i pass by them because they just don't work for me. I hate notebooks with loud, annoying colors and designs. I don't care that much about paper but i prefer 100gr> if possible and striped or white paper, and so on. Sorry if no1currs I am trying to detail my own criteria so the journaling anon can use it with herself if she's still here. My point is with all those details, 3/4 of notebooks are useless and tacky for me. Most of my coomsoms were just impulse buys, becoming picky helped me. Yesterday i saw picrel and I thought it was adorable but i only use spiral notebooks so no, i'm not going to buy something i already know that i'm not going to use.
-Another very important detail is that
i work on the hypothetical principle that i want to carry out my hobby with me. If i want to journal in a nice park, i'm not going to bring 3 plastic boxes full of materials kek. Even if i don't end up doing it because i'm lowkey a hikkimori that principle alone makes me pick my most usefull/cute materials and leave the rest, and helps me to weed out the things i didn't like that much for starters
I have a medium size backpack that i use for college. Sometimes i use that backpack as a measure for my stationery collection. If it doesn't fit the backpack because is too big or is too full already i stop buying entirely and i concentrate on using what I have i'm also logical about it, i'm not going to stop bringing a pencilcase so i can put another 10 washi tapes. The idea is that the backpack is
funtional and that i don't throw all my objects there like it was a garbage bag. Maybe this is too stationery focused, but you could limit your colection to a single shelf, an specific place in your room, ect. don't letting your collection dominate your life is key. And if it doesn't fit anymore or/and you want something new it's time to throw, sell or donate things out.
-I always keep the best date use in the back of my mind. (If your ítems don't have a best date use, maybe you could think about the cost of maintaining and preserving your collection?)
-Wishlists don't particularly work with me but i like to plan my buys (always at the end of semester, how i'm going to enjoy my hobby if i'm in the middle of exam period?) and have a preset budget. FOMO is a bitch but none of the shit i buy is a life or death matter, and if isn't available when i can buy and enjoy it them then c'est la vie. There is always new, cute ítems in my hobby specifically. And I think it's like that in most places.
No. 1346550
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>>1346534I had a brain fart and thought you meant you collected actual figs and thought "huh?? won't those rot?" KEK
No. 1346977
would still be using my computer from 2018 if it werent for my utility company cutting the power and causing something in the computer to stop working. i bought during the crypto boom in 2018, and now i bought again during the chip shortage. i can't believe my luck :(
No. 1347073
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No. 1347106
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>>1345945I would never post mine because I'd made weeb videos on youtube many years ago and I don't want them found. I don't need you guys to see me at my most cringe.
No. 1348063
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I've suddenly realized I hoard cc for sims 4 lol. Surely it doesn't make me a consoomer in a full sense, I don't pay for any, but it is pretty similar to shopaholism in a sense that it's also a rather compulsive thing that makes me spend a lot of my time (instead of money). And yeah, when I play sims, I usually just build something, but I don't do it that often. And I don't even create some really complicated lots (but I do download bunch of stuff that would come in handy if I suddenly started). I have 65 GB of that crap and you can imagine how long it takes for a game to launch. So I started deleting it little by little but the progress is slow. I guess among other things it's just another form of procrastination for me, something that I can do mindlessly instead of more important stuff but it's a whole another topic.
I wanted to say something else. I just remembered after reading this thread that I've got this feeling few times before that if I did something creative (like drawing) I wouldn't feel the need to look for cool cc and spend hours on decorating a room in the game. It's not that I think it's shameful or completely useless to build an "imaginary house" and I'm not talking about gaming abstinence or something, it's just my personal example, but reading this thread made me think that maybe, in some cases, a compulsive desire to collect beautiful, cute, cool-looking stuff could be cured with the creative activities. Surely you'll need to develop and improve your skills to achieve the desired result, but I guess theoretically it could satisfy those exact aesthetic needs that drive you to collect stuff. Because you don't buy just anything (if you're not some tasteless guy like picrel
>>1345945 ), you most likely look for something specific, but you're also the only person who could create this thing, the image of which you already have in your head, or something representing this aesthetic you're drawn to. Surely it doesn't work with anything, but with some things I believe it would. And it would be meaningful and more satisfying. That's my theory at least, hope it makes sense.
I thought about it not only because of stupid cc: sometimes I spend hours just LOOKING at certain things and adding them to favourites, wishing I could buy them (I guess it's for the better that I don't have enough money to make all those purchases). But at the same time, I realize I don't really need so much stuff, I wouldn't use it. Like some clothes for example. I just like them aesthetically, I like to look at them, so I conclude it's something about my aesthetic needs that could be satisfied in some other ways. Maybe even going to the theater more often or even walking in nice places (like… botanical garden?) would work actually. It's just that browsing and buying is a much easier and faster solution.
No. 1348072
>>1348063same anon
damn my writing is so repetitive, sorry if you read this kek
No. 1348318
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I haven’t consoomed children’s toys in about 8 years now but holy fuck G3 Lagoona is so fucking ugly. I know they aesthetic they were going for since this pastel mermaid shit is so popular with kids but holy fuck she’s so badly designed. Like not only is she such a departure from her original but it’s also just at a baseline a terrible design. Consoomers eating this new gen up deserve to have their money stolen.
No. 1348365
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I gagged; all those sweets. She probably paid a fortune, but it's all the same marshmallows that usually have the texture of chalk and taste like stale sugar. The lolipop made me so angry. The sound in the original makes it so much worse.
No. 1348387
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>>1348365Dis bitch looking like she harvests snacks from a toiler plunger
No. 1348504
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this ugly guy
No. 1348552
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>>1345520Seeing this reply makes this video even worse, all that waste…
No. 1348556
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I have few tips on avoiding impulse buying, these are quite specific but oh well:
Sometimes when I find cute line of figures, picrel for example, I'd really like to buy one or two. But these are not for example characters that are especially dear to me, so I know the purchase is not necessary. Instead I just download the promo pictures and "collect" them in a digital format instead! I know it's not the same as physical figure, but it works for me. I have limited buying figures only of characters that are really important for me, and only figs that are good quality, no funko shit allowed.
Second tip is for craft and journaling supplies, I only buy what I cannot make by myself, for example I find pictures from internet and print them on sticker paper and this way I can get 100% unique stickers. Also old magazines and advertisements are goldmine of nice designs, and it's fun to dedicate one afternoon to choosing and cutting your favourite images. When choosing washi tapes it's good to choose a design that is "general" enough, so you can use it on many different projects, that way you are more likely to actually use it.
No. 1348562
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>>1348508>>1348510Lmaooo anon no, that's not him, but I admit if he didnt wash for a few days they could pass for brothers
No. 1348566
>>1348552shes so fucking right kek
More videos like these please
No. 1348792
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>>1348318Monster High collectors deserve to have their money stolen at this point. The fact they have to rewrite the lore to make characters more “woke” from an already diverse brand is insane. All they had to do was make implied gay characters canon. Is the new Clawdeen confirmed to be lesbian or was that hilariously retconned?
No. 1349415
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>>1349139At least the actual doll looks ok even if her cartoon design tries to be woke, pretty much the only difference is that her legs aren't anorexic anymore, her arms and stomach are still pretty thin.
She's the only one from the reboot who got an ok design imo, the rest look terrible. I do miss her original hairstyle and black lipstick though, I feel like they're trying to be cuter now instead of goth/punk-ish, which sucks because that was the cool thing about MH, we already got thousands of cutesy girly dolls.
No. 1350910
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>>1349210The right is the newer set. I don't even hang these anywhere and just display them in a clear box. Still undecided if I should get the new set.
No. 1351306
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i don't get people who buy new fidget toys over and over. picrel looks like shit you'd get from a dollar store blind bag that your mom begrudgingly buys you because you whined for long enough. my gender identity having tif coworker got all excited over buying new fidget toys. and i just don't understand why you would need a truck load of shitty plastic stuff? i mean, i'm not completely free of blame because i tend to play with stuff too, but it's stuff like a hair pin or a paper clip or whatever. i just don't get the need to have all this plastic garbage.
No. 1351338
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>>1351336Because they are not for autistic people. Small children are buying them because they are the hot thing right now. Personally every time I see those thingies i keep getting reminded of these waffles.
No. 1351354
>>1348556> Instead I just download the promo pictures and "collect" them in a digital formati do that too noona ! i just collect pictures of cute things and just look at them. If i still think about them months or sometimes years later I might buy in but it just makes the purchase even more satisfying.
I also printed a picture of a shrine of my husbando to put on my wall, i didn't spend a penny but i can honor him and just enjoy the aesthetic
No. 1351398
>>1351306Those are for literal kids tbh. I don't trust gender fans or gender cult members, they're often just huge munchies that try to get as many conditions and illnesses as possible to justify being friendless, unnerving losers.
And I get that not everyone stims the same way, but it's too weird that she buys those that are basically just party flavors given to kids, I would bet 30 dollars that she's into "age regression" and "kidcore" shit, so she's basically shoving her fetish down everyone's throats.
No. 1352064
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>>1352044Look for "mugyuttori." You'll find a lot of places selling them. They also sell inexpensive knock-off plushies of them on AliExpress. The real plushies were Round1 exclusives in Japan so are pretty difficult to get.
No. 1353451
>>1341605Fragfag here too. It’s so difficult because it’s like a sensory surprise in a shiny pretty bottle! I still have a problem with blind buying travel size ones because I “just gotta know” what they’re like…
Personally rotating my selection on a tray while storing the rest has helped me, when you don’t let yourself use a frag for a few weeks coming back to it can be a whole experience in itself. It’s about finding pleasure in the things you’ve already consoomed.
No. 1354025
File: 1664264501433.jpg (99.3 KB, 988x1000, 7238cb049f393597bcdd5799a99ab3…)

telling myself while looking for plushes to buy that no matter how much i consoom i can never get my childhood back… sad but i go home and hug my already owned plushies instead!
No. 1354066
>>1354038Nta and I agree with the dumb sanriocore shit. But also I feel like that
nonny wants to collect plushes that aren't sanrio (judging by the piture alone). Idk why, but for some reason, someone getting plushes like those seems more genuine to me than someone getting sanrio shit. Not that sanrio shit cannot be cute but I often tie it to tiktok performative aesthetics instead of genuine love. I'm sure most of the plushes people get nowadays will be forgotten once aesthetics are not relevant anymore.
No. 1354085
>>1354066I have had a genuine love for sanrio & cutesy japan brands in general ever since I was little and it sucks they have become a personality-less e-girl thing now. In a way I'm happy it's now way easier to buy that stuff more easily now instead of always having to rely on japanese proxies, but as you have said, now everyone just buys them because it's trendy and want attention, not because they actually like them.
I don't really know how to explain it. I still love sanrio and I don't care too much of what others think of me, but it's a weird feeling to open any website and see others being carbon copies of eachother. It felt more like a comunity of weird girls before, and now is just… some attention-seker girls with no personality.
No. 1354086
>>1354066My bad I didn't mean to come off like I'm attacking
>>1354025 over plush buying, I'm just a bit weirded out how children's toys/things are commonly consumed by and marketed to adults. That anon is right, buying childrens stuff won't make you a kid again.
No. 1356484
File: 1664412162333.jpg (78.37 KB, 320x240, angler.jpg)

Won this plush from one of those online crane games. I'm disgusted by the rush it gave me and am actively avoiding going back to it- it's literally gambling.
No. 1356574
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>>1356484I used to be super obsessed with toreba before it got really hard. I sold most of my stuff except 3 small mascots, one of which i keep on my desk. It's pompompurin and he's very cute and he motivates me to do work. Oh and that plush was 100% worth it. Maybe only play cranes that offer free plays or something?
No. 1356646
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>>1356522isn't it? I'm a total sucker for unusual animal plushies. picrel is my fave, they're magnetic.
>>1356574That's wise. I've found it's best to play with a friend and take turns, it makes it easier to stop spending money when you're getting sucked in and it's more of an "authentic" arcade feel.
purin fans unite! best boy.
No. 1356835
>>1356484Nona what brand is this? I need it lmao
>>1356646And what brand is this?
No. 1357047
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>>1356484I used to play toreba. I initially spent way too much but I slowed down and told myself I'd only ever spend leftover phone credit on it (top up credit as I'm not on billpay) Few months back I noticed that the google play store removed it so you have to download it directly from their site to play. And you can't spend phone credit on it anymore. Google has cracked down as its both gambling and appeals to kids. Overall I feel like its a good move. It had gotten harder to win over the years. More expensive to play. More rigged. More tape on the machines etc. They've taken away some of the free plays and shipping is only free if you've already spent over a certain amount in the last 30 days. I feel like they made absolute bank during lockdowns so they're really just milking people dry now. Shipping is still slow in some areas because of covid and their own backlog.
Ngl tho I recently played some other online crane game and I have some prizes on the way. They're only cheapo plushies compared to what toreba has but I'm hours away from any real life arcades and I got my lil rush from winning. The new app I tried is rigged so that you'll win using your initial free plays. Then it says that you need 2 prizes in your basket before it'll ship. The second win is the hard part..
No. 1357081
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Hey nonny, I am at loss.
I really want to buy this figma, but it costs 99 euro, which is, obviously, ridicilous.
>Why do you need it
I love the artist behind this character with my whole heart. Sadly, she doesn't have any artbooks to sell or any other merch. The shown character will never have any more merch ever again, because the company decided to stop it.
I want to either get the nendroid for a ridicilious price of 75 or a figma which is, in fact, a lot worse, 99 euro worth. I like nendroids a lot more than figmas, and the only thing that makes me want to get the figma more than the nendroid is that the character's face looks more close to the artist's artstyle than the nendroid version.
I want to get one of them, but I don't know which one. And yes, I know that getting a shitty figma for 99 is stupid, hell, i bought a new monitor for the price of 90. But I can't shake the feeling of 'there will never be any more stuff with THIS girl!'. I keep having this feeling that I will miss out on something and regret it, it sucks.
No. 1357112
>>13570811) do you see yourself still being glad you own this in a year? five? ten? will you still value it as much as other 100€ things you own? look at your past interests and see if you're sure of yourself.
2) manufactured scarcity is a big marketing strategy. while this merch is actually rare, this strategy works because your brain is wired to jump on any occasion to get stuff that's only available in small quantities. try to see if it's just fomo.
there's some dumb, rare shit i've bought that genuinely still makes me happy, and others i've passed on that i barely remember now and i don't think my daily life would be any better with them. your choice, nona
No. 1357118
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>>1354025I've never grown out of being into plushies. If I pass by a store window with plushies in it I feel like a 5 year old again with how much I'm drawn to them. I feel dumb sometimes but I think I can link it back to my dad throwing out every last one of my plush when I was about 8. He thought I was too old for them so did it behind my back 'for my own good' Never has a plan backfired so hard.
No. 1357132
>>1357081I used to think like this too, I like this series/creator/character so I want to own this, but I thought about how many belongings I'd accumulate if I bought merch of everything I enjoyed and it changed my state of mind a bit. I enjoy things without spending on them, saving money makes me happy and I won't have to think about getting those items off of my hands in the future. I think online right now there's a lot of emphasis on ''support this creator/small business/etc!!'' and it's just buy, buy, buy. It's worth to consider if that purcase will give you much fulfilment over time. Thinking long term like
>>1357112 mentions is very good too.
>>1357118 I'm sorry anon, it sounds like what your father did really hurt you. That's a very young age to be told you're ''too old for toys''.
No. 1357156
>>1357081Since it will be an one-off thing for you, I would say go for it, just tink about it some more & buy the one you know will treasure the most. Also the figure market is huge and if you ever regret buying it or need some money, you will be able to sell her for the price you originally got her or even for a bit higher with no problems.
Sadly inflation + trends made figures ridicusly expensive, specially when they come with so little (figmas used to be $35 and came with more accesories…), but as I said, at least they're easy to sell back.
No. 1357176
>>1357118My mom did a similar thing, nona. She at least let me keep a few, but when I turned 9 she decided I was 'too old' for them and made me go through all my stuffed animals and throw most of them away, only letting me keep 5. She also made me do the same with my My Little Ponies, which is extra frustrating because they were all g1 ponies from the 80s and would be expensive to reacquire now. I think it's a big part of why I'm still drawn to plushies and ponies as an adult.
I keep my hoarding of them relatively in check by having one small book shelf that I keep my plushies+some sentimental knickknacks on. If a plushie won't fit on that shelf I won't get it.
No. 1357184
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>>1357118I am so sorry nona, that sucks. I'm the same way with plushies, I love them so much. When I lived in Japan I played a lot at game centers specifically for plushies and wasted a lot of money, unfortunately very few of them are comfortable for snuggling with. Even the soft and squishy ones I get just don't… feel right.
I like to have them even though I sleep with the same plush every night (that I've had since I was a baby). The power of plushies are strong. I took it with me to college and when I went to study abroad, and I still remember that moment I sat down in my bed in my dorm in Japan, feeling so utterly alone and just hugging my plushie for just that small bit of home and comfort. I've stopped collecting new plushies because I know I don't like to snuggle them as much, but every time I see one…. all logic goes out the window and I want it so bad.
picrel, I fucking love yeastken. I saw a post once of a spread of yeastken items at Tokyu Hands. They were also selling an absolutely MASSIVE plush and I wanted it so so so fucking bad.
No. 1357516
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>>1357081Nonna… are you picrel from the previous threads and animecore threads…? Kek
No. 1357525
>>1357516that’s obviously not her. whoever took that photo already owns the figure in the picture, and like ten others. i doubt they would be agonizing over $100
>>1357081do you want a figure specifically, or do you just want merch of that character? if it’s the latter there’s small things like official coasters you could get instead
No. 1357688
File: 1664492006907.png (380.56 KB, 480x640, _B43UK854-wp.png)

Nonnas, I want to buy this Usakumya so bad… It's 9500 yen. I kept thinking about it for months. I always imagine that I will take it with me for walks, picnics, cute cafes, lolita meetups… I have been wanting to pose a plushie for cute "everyday situations" photos for so long and I just cannot find one that could suit my tastes - sooner or later I start thinking about Usakumya again (even having dreams about it!!!). I was thinking about finding a cute plushie in a thrift store but in the end I think of Usakumya…
Please give me some bad reviews, harsh comments, anything that will discourage me from buying it. I can afford it but in the end it is just a very expensive plushie… I know Baby is a "luxury brand" but how can I justify buying an expensive stuffed animal and at the same time laugh at people buying pointless branded products like gucci crayons? I know it is hypocrisy
No. 1357717
nonny, I really want to do the same but I keep saying "I'll just buy this one thing first and then I'll start" kek. I have no willpower.
No. 1357724
>>1356835>>1357058The football / anglerfish was won from I believe it's made by amuse. The only listings I've found are from mercari.
The cicadas I purchased on ebay last year, it seems that seller is out of stock. If you search "magnetic cicada plush" you'll find them scattered through niche sales websites like jdm-car-parts, though their price is outrageous for such a tiny plush. Happy hunting!
>>1357047Yeah, the few times I've played I've had more luck with less popular websites. I even had staff help me once after blowing a bunch of plays on one machine, talk about embarrassing.
No. 1357740
>>1357688They pop up fairly often on closetchild for less than retail but I'm in agreement with
>>1357720 that a white one's probably not super great in the long run. I get why you want one though, I wear classic and I own one of the LE versions because it was too cute to pass up. It is decently sturdy because it's supposed to function as a bag but accessing the bag part requires some severe manhandling of the head to get to the zipper which isn't a great design decision, and it holds less than a fucking thimble.
No. 1358105
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>>1357688nona they have similar ones to these on ebay, aliexpress etc. in different colours/styles and different coloured eyes for under $20. if you wanna get one I'd go for something like this. not worth the money
No. 1358108
>>1358018Nonny, the actress behind this character got kicked out of the company, so they cold-turkey removed everything with her. The picture
>>1357516 is a merch that a person's been collecting for years.
>>1357525I want a figurine, but of course the best bet would have been an artbook from the artist, which of course they don't have.
>>1357156I am glad I am not the only one who noticed. Figmas and especially nendroids used to be so cheap, 60$ at it's highest, but now the prices are so stupidly high. Hell, even POP-UP PARADE figurines which tend to be a huge hit or miss cost at least 60$.
No. 1358407
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>>1357688Huehue…I'm not a good influence anon. This is me but with my obsession for AP pony bags.
I will agree with the other anon that a certain degree of care and non-habitual use of these plushies is necessary to maintain their good condition. As bags, they're not great. But they are cute and make me happy so that's enough. I know there are alternatives and knockoffs of these types of things but they're never nearly as good as the OG designs imo..
No. 1358518
>>1358108>I am glad I am not the only one who noticedJust make a quick visit to MFC and look at the huge amount of "Prices too expensive, I'm quiting" blogs that keep being written. People jokinly now call the site "My Quitting Collection"
Aside from inflation and the huge demand/small production, some companies are also skyrocketing their prices because they feel like it (the 600k yen 1/4 b-style…) and delivering bad quality products despite the insane price (just look at eStream), which unafortunely made other companies to raise their prices too to check if people still bought them, and since they did, they keep the higher prices.
The way a nendo with 2 accesories now costs the same as a 1/6 scale a bit ago makes my blood boil. Now I just wait until someone gets a broken box or defect to buy the figures for a bit cheaper…
No. 1359130
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After debating on buying this cat tree for months, i finally decided to go ahead and do it. when I put it together and checked the website image for reference it was discounted for their anniversary sale. Bad timing! Anyway if any crazy cat nonas need a new tree check it out, it's still going on.
No. 1359136
>>1359130So cute!
Honestly, is it really bad to be a consoomer if it's for your pet?
No. 1359139
>>1359134not to pressure u but DO IT NOW its on sale
>>1359136seeing them happy makes it worth every penny…
No. 1359161
>>1359142I was worried about that too, but it doesn't seem their designs show up on the typical drop shipping sites. They also put up preorders that have CG models, then consistently release them.
in terms of quality it's a bit wobbly when my fattest (10lb) kitty runs up it, but that's bound to happen. The tunnel is too small for my cats to comfortably rest in, but they like the tall hidey hole and enjoy chewing on the dangly bits. I'd rate it 8/10.
>>1359150Have you never lamented over missing a sale?
No. 1360950
File: 1664711499452.jpg (27.62 KB, 500x375, s-l500.jpg)

Nonas don't be like me, I bought a kuromi body composition scale (i've been genuinely needing a scale because I intend to lose some weight, nothing major but my old scale is mechanical and very imprecise)
While the scale itself only cost me 1000 yen, I had to pay shipping twice (to a proxy country and to my country after that) and sellers commission. So I paid out my ass just for a picture of kuromi on a completely normal scale.
Tbh I hate myself for this.
Granted that exact scale is 60$ + shipping on ebay and I paid much less than this, around 40 bucks, but my shippings costs were three times the cost of the scale itself just for a shitty uwu traumacore vibe larp.
Tbh I love kuromi so much, but I feel like a girl out of one of those shit tiktoks and memes about overconsumption.
No. 1362323
>>1361672NTA but I agree with this sentiment. Sometimes I will buy the plainest, cheapest version of a thing just because I need it, and other times I'll pay extra for the cutest color/design solely because I know it will make me very happy to pull it out and use it. I think there's a time and place to occasionally shell out extra. It makes me very happy to see and use the things I paid a little bit extra for.
I am also the type of person who will buy multiples of a single thing until I find the "perfect" version of it (I did this with winter coats and daily bags and am now doing this with my lunch bag). I've managed to stop myself from consooming the same fucking item over and over again and forcing myself to just wait and weigh out my options and keeping an eye out for something that will fulfill my criteria. I've been using the same coat and bag for years and they're still going strong and I feel zero compulsion to replace them because I just love them so much.
No. 1362324
>>1361666Not her, but I kinda thought of joking about that in my post. Like, that's some pathetic bitch behaviour.
>>1361672Yeah, it's a necessary item. Like the only other kuromi things I have are a tote bag I was lacking and a desktop air humidifier. I debated getting bags since bags are a useful item, but I can't justify it because I already have all the bags that I would actually need and they're quality so I don't need to replace them any time soon.
>>1362030I fucking bought off-brand sanrio stickers to stick on shit for like 2 bucks and still the thought that I could just get a normal scale and sticker it up didn't even cross my mind in the moment. I am so dumb.
I have also thought about getting a kuromi toaster because mine broke and I fucking love toast, but stopped myself in time to realise that my country and Japan have very different plugs and power standarts and even if I'd be able to convert the plug, I might have signed up to just burn my house down.
So I guess small victories.
No. 1362344
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Is there any tips and tricks nonnies can give to sell on Mercator? I’m selling an extra Hamtaro nendoroid and people are just liking my listing rather than send offers etc. is that a good sign? In exchange for advice I’d like to offer up the photo I took when I visited the funko pop store.
No. 1362353
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>>1362344Sorry I meant Mercari but I have more funko pop store pics.
No. 1362525
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>>1362344As someone who has sold there for almost a year, idk, I see some listings as long-haulers. I had two items that were extremely rare, and even though my listing was pretty much at the top of the Google shopping search for it, it took probably around 2 months for it to actually sell. It had like 40 likes by the end.
It's usually a good sign that an item is getting likes–that's when I actually become much less likely to promote bc people are much more likely to ignore an item if it's a very bad price, even if they really want it. I usually only promote truly ignored items or if I'm very desperate, I'll list elsewhere. Also–I usually make exceptions for items I know are extremely rare. I had a set of books that I could sell for 300$ and they were ignored for a month, not one like, but my listing was the cheapest one on the web. Then, it was randomly snatched up.
Just make sure you judge whether or not something might drop in value too. What items I usually sell will never be produced again nor drop in interest anytime soon, so I was able to get away with not dropping the price.
No. 1362728
File: 1664833362835.jpg (676.28 KB, 1079x1749, Screenshot_20221003_174154.jpg)

this loser moid spent 8000$ on this (probably faked) cartridge when the ROM has been dumped for years. this shit never fails to boggle my mind
No. 1362881
>>1362743That one in particular is a "not for resale" cartridge. They were meant to be used in stores for showing off games to potential customers, so there are significantly less of them than what's actually sold to the general market. Sometimes they're different versions from the retail games, or they have early/cut content that can appeal to hobbyists and fans.
Like that other
nonnie said though, it could easily be a bootleg, and there's nothing on one of these MM kiosk carts that hasn't already been documented or shared online. Dude's out of his gourd to spend that much for what's basically a scam at worst and a novelty at best.
No. 1363412
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>>1362728My husband tinfoils that a grading company is behind the inflation of N64 games. It’s to only benefit the people who own these “rare copies”. Kind of like in uncut gems where friends offer high prices at the auction to inflate the price.
He also said that this copy of MM is one they’d have in a GameStop as a free to play copy.
No. 1363472
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>>1363452It’s because of Tokyopop going bankrupt in America. They had a massive library of manga licenses. You can go onto Viz Media and request certain titles to be published again. No. 1363704
>>1363543I'm actually looking to get rid of most of my manga from years back and PSOH is one of them.
I wish I knew if Akino ever got to reunite Leon and D
No. 1363808
>>1360950i'm not even into sanrio and that scale is honestly cool as fuck, i know this thread isn't for encouraging this behaviour but i would buy it too given the chance. like
>>1361672 said, if you aren't buying doubles and you'll actually use what you purchase it's not that bad.
No. 1364061
>>1341616Oops, I forgot about this post lol. I feel lucky that I haven't fixated on any expensive brands like mugler, I've mainly been collecting from alkemia and al rehab. I want to try some oil replicas I found on etsy as well, and I have a couple indie shops I'm looking at - solstice scents and kyse perfumes. I do have one miniature of versace's dylan blue, it's very cute ♥ I definitely don't need a lot. I got a 3.4 oz tester bottle at a bargain and I'm barely a quarter of the way through it. I'd rather have a miniature next time.
>>1341693I use them! They make me very happy. Smells are super vivid to me so a good perfume can turn my whole day around.
>>1353451Yes, you get it! The sensory experience is the biggest draw for me. I love scents in particular that replicate something in a realistic way. I have warm cotton from solinotes and it smells just like nivea cream, I'm obsessed with it. I played it safe and bought a travel size but I'm going through it really fast lol.
No. 1364240
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>>1363412>>1363443>>1363751Nothing new under the sun. Dad collected Morgan dollars back in '08. They were around $25-50 depending on date and grade. If the coin was in a Carson City holder, the most common dates and shit condition would sell for $150. You could take the coin out of the plastic holder too. Pic rel. $400 now… kek
No. 1365587
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>>1339945Like is is this one lmfao
No. 1365620
>>1363746I got mine on surugaya, you can try mercari too.
They're a lottery prize so second-hand markets in Japan are your best bet.
Same for most sanrio appliances, they're usually the 1st place price in atari kuji lotteries.
No. 1365782
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>>1360950I know this is supposed to be about NOT consooming but I just found one of these on ebay and bought it nona hahaha you got me with this one dammit
to be fair I've quit smoking (two weeks strong!) it's like $50 a pack here too so I have the money and I'm actively trying to lose a lil chub/get healthier so it's a worthwhile actually useable treat. thank you fellow sanriofag ily!
No. 1366301
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Question to nonnies that sell online–do you put different things on different websites? Is it good to specialize?
Also, do the rest of you guys look for very "curated" shops? Sorry if that's cringey, kek.
I was looking to buy something super specific on a site and it seemed like most people there were specializing, which made me second-guess how I approach my selling. I've sold 70% of what I've posted on one site, but I'm now getting more into stuff that is rarer or even stranger. And I'm starting to feel quite yucky about just posting everything (games, clothes, books, etc). My store is a mess.
No. 1366307
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>>1365632They amaze me. The other day I was at a Japanese store and they were selling packs of erasers shaped like garden eels. Not fish, not regular swimming eels, specifically this obscure subfamily of eels that poke outta the ground.
No. 1366423
File: 1665104689402.jpg (98.09 KB, 640x1037, Isopod-Phone-Case.jpg)

>>1366307Japan has a fascination with obscure sea creatures and making merch of it, like I remember seeing items everywhere with giant isopods on them for some reason. Ngl, I like this phone case but it seems horribly impractical for use
No. 1367258
>>1367124> Yet I’ve priced super low and they are still not movingThe economy is in shambles
Should have listed 3 months ago
No. 1368004
File: 1665259850552.webm (2.09 MB, 576x1024, tiktok button.webm)

>If you don't have a tiktok button wHaT aRe yOu dOinG????
not spending my money on shit like this ig
this woman has a bunch of tiktoks with makeup and amazon essentials(mostly useless stuff like this ring)and god I hate her voice she sounds so bitchy
No. 1368025
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No. 1368029
>>1368004this is one of the most retarded things i have ever seen in my life. are zoomers so braindead that they need to make even scrolling mindlessly more "convenient"? who the fuck does this serve?
>you can even LIKE VIDEOSlike how i canon the app itself? tell me she's being clowned in the comments, I can't take this shit anymore.
No. 1368041
File: 1665263821391.webm (4.48 MB, 576x1024, nails.webm)

>>1368029>tell me she's being clowned in the commentssome people are like "just use your hands duh" but many comments say how much they NEED it
>>1368032i looked it up and while it's not anything official, internet says she is 37? she definitely doesn't look like a young zoomer but being this old…having all this useless shit…i really wonder how she has gotten her hoard of glittery pink shit that she "worked her ass for"
vid rel, a fucking fake nail organiser
No. 1368052
File: 1665264319494.webm (9.5 MB, 576x1024, bathroom.webm)

maybe i'm some sort of pleb that never got the appeal of sitting in a bathtub but still why stay in a bathtub for that long and do all this shit
No. 1368057
File: 1665264771887.webm (6.26 MB, 576x1024, musthaves.webm)

>bag must haves
>the only useful thing(bottle)was put in an unnecessary extra bag
No. 1368060
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>>1368052nonna thank you for posting her shes my personal cow. she posts insane shit like this and it makes me want to avoid amazon for two weeks. bottom feeder content
>>1368029she filters the fuck out of her pics now but she is very much a full millennial. And not one of the younger ones.
No. 1368117
>>1368057>>1368041Ugh, sorry for incoming blogpost and general insane post, but I can't stand videos edited like this. They feel so fast paced since there is something new going on every second. the focus on every sound that happens also drives me insane. I'm a weirdo and really sensitive towards sounds so I can't stand this kind of stealth ASMR. It legit scratches my ear and makes me feel gross.
I talked to some friends a few days ago who where trying to get me into tiktok and they said that the short video format was good for your concentration which honestly just sounded insane. I feel like I'm suffocating whenever I watch so fasted paced videos
No. 1368213
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This person collected 26 loungefly bags in only two weeks. Mind you, loungefly bags range from $60-$90 so she spent at least $1000 on this shit in a short amount of time.
No. 1368215
>>1368213Using this thread as my official "fuck working at GS"
I fucking hate these bags so much, they are stupid expensive. I recently found out they are owned by the Funko Pop family, which is a telltale sign of me hating my job and not knowing consuming shit
No. 1368240
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>>1368239Samefag drop my pic
No. 1368258
>>1368253You're not helping
nonnie. I would put crying emojis if i could.
No. 1368306
>>1368075Nothing, but I keep seeing millenials shit on zoomers then cry when they get any criticism back. You getting upset is a good example because
>>1368029 was originally accusing her of being a dumb zoomer but for some reason all the millenials ITT took offense when
>>1368060 said she was a dumb millenial
No. 1368498
>>1368117I hate it too anon, I have a hard time watching content aimed at zoomers because it's edited so wildly. Different product shot every frame, shoving the microphone into everything to get the most fucking cursed sounds, talons gripping and tapping on everything. A lot of videos are sped up because the lack of attention span means you have to cram as many ads as possible into about 10 seconds. All to make you watch it 2-3 times to get what's going on and gain them extra views.
>>1368075>>1368200>>1368437You don't type like you're 28.
No. 1368512
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Careful scrolling nonnies there’s still cp
Bumping to add I want to buy more Calico Critters because I like to sew them tiny clothes
No. 1368520
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I think ever since summer started, and especially since I scheduled my surgery for the end of the year, I lost control and just started spending money carelessly. I buy shit I truly want and use, especially when it comes to clothes because I find my size far more easily now than before, and I don't buy manga and video games randomly anymore but I spend a lot of money on eating outside and ordering takeouts after work because I have saved a lot of money and I want to treat myself. I need to get my shit together. I'm gonna buy some clothes and accessories today online and will stop shopping for the next two weeks and see how it goes. I also need to save more money specifically because I'd like to visit Japan next summer and do a lot of things I couldn't when I was there during the covid emergency measures. And I need to buy clothes, especially trousers there because it's what's actually difficult for me to find in my size where I live and I remember finding everything I wanted effortlessly in most stores in Tokyo.
No. 1368524
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>>1368516I tried to get a picture of this recent outfit but my cat keeps wanting to play (she takes the tiny bed pillows when I’m not watching)
No. 1368532
I feel like quite a few anons are coming here thinking that buying stuff is a sin. Buying in excess is what is normally critised, not buying for use.
>>1368239 and
>>1368512 you just sound like you have hobbies and there's nothing wrong with spending on those.
No. 1368707
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>>1368240if I can play devil's advocate I gotta say I'm not a fan of this, and NOT because I don't love the adorable precious aesthetic. The sticker sheets(?) and some of the paper is curling at the edges, and it looks really thin. Overall as cute as the illustrations are it looks like a cheap set. Plus with sets, you always get some shit you don't need. Why don't you wait and shop around for a higher quality item(s) that only includes what you'll really use? Something that you can relish using.
If you love sweet character goods, Sanrio & San-X both usually print on heavier paper stock than what it looks like your pic has.
No. 1368722
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No. 1369656
>>1369356Write a letter to future you
I wrote myself a letter when I was 13 to open when I was 23. I wrote "I hope you have a boyfriend and a job at that age".
Oof No. 1370944
>>1370892I was gonna say I think it's just fine to buy luxury/hobby stuff if it's within a reasonable budget you stick to but I just really don't understand the value of toys. What do you do with it, stick it on a shelf or desk and glance at it once in a while? At least something like this
>>1369276 or
>>1369356 can actually be used (up). Not trying to be catty btw, I just genuinely don't see what's tempting about toys as an adult.
No. 1371055
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>>1370944Yeah it feels really ridiculous to want something that feels made for kids, but I do actually kind of use some of my plushies. I keep my large ones on the end of my bed and they kind of function as throws I can lay on when I'm playing games/studying. I don't have a partner rn (lol) and my little dog has her own pillow to sit on so they stay on the bed for me. I have a shelf with all my smaller ones on it that I rearrange from time to time but they mostly function as collective decor. I guess they just make me happy and I appreciate the way they're made so I can't hate figure collectors because I'm kind of the same thing. Pic rel is one I've been eyeing sooo much
No. 1371199
>>1369505That sounds interesting! but because of where I work at it might not be possible, or it would conflict.
>>1369656I’m 27 right now and I doubt I’ll be alive by 37 lol, but I’ll try it ( writing a letter to myself)
No. 1371210
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I went to ulta today and I saw the new makeup revolution halloween collection and I managed to resist buying anything from it. I use to have a serious issue consuming eye makeup products because I was so desperate to be that girl who could rock really cute dark eye looks, but I have to accept that they don't suit me at all no matter how hard i try. I straight up look like a child who played with my mums makeup. The most shameful part is that i was dumb enough to have bought some pretty expensive eyeshadows for whatever reason in the past. I was also tempted by picrel but idk, i have very crusty lips and have had negative experiences with one lip tint that i bought clinging onto dead skin on my lips and looking patchy and ugly. I still kind of want to try it, but idk if i want to waste $7 and have another piece of useless plastic in my drawers.
No. 1372994
Saging in case is a tinfoil, cause I didnt see anything related to it: when does kpop stan culture start becoming an addcition?
I've seen people spend money on it like a gambling addiction, there's thus girl on my country that apparently has scammed kpop stans out of thousands of money to spend on photocards and the like. And the worst thing is that those things aren't even that collectible. I thought they were like more expensive or are? But no, and apparently there's a lot of fakes, and people pay for those custom fakes too. The drama in that fandom surrounding sales and scams is enourmous. I don't get why we can agree that gachas can lead to addiction, but kpop consoomerism doesn't? I don't get the point of obssesing over a moid like that, there's girls spending their best years and money on the equivalent of those otaku idols. There's a girl on my job that told that she bought a house, cause her room in her parents house was too crowded, and she wanted a place to put her merch. Girl why? I've had so many friends fall into that fandom and spent so much money on it. I'm geninuely worried, and worse of all is that if you point it out, they all argue that you're being "racist" or something.
No. 1373010
>>1372994Just like any addiction it starts off slowly and then spirals at some point without the person even really realizing. I was a kpop fanatic back in the second generation days and looking back I realize how dumb it was to obsess over moids with fake personalities and faker faces. I still don't know when it became so bad but one day when my laptop died and I was essentially cut off for about a month I realized how bad it was. (I didn't go back to kpop and thank God because the hallyu wave happened right after). Trust me it's all just massive cope when they pull the race card or claim you just don't get it and these guys are totes breaking gender norms and shit. We know we're losing money to guys who will never acknowledge our existence. Hence all the baaawing when you remind them of it.
But it's actually really easy to get into this addiction if you step a toe into the fandom. Once you join a group you get assaulted by random facts about ppl you don't know and fancams from all different angles and 100 different pictures of one idol at a single event. You just say you like a certain group or song and immediately you will get ppl trying to "introduce" you to the group (which really means throwing their entire discography at you and getting you to know their names and hair colors and blood types). And because everyone seems to know all this stuff and have these collections you don't the FOMO kicks in hard. And hard-core fans will flex on new fans for not knowing as much as they do and send you videos and shit to "educate you". Once you're in the echo chamber it's really hard to get out. So your friend is definitely trapped in that and it's gonna be hard for her to leave unless a major change happens and she's not in those spaces anymore.
Luckily for me I was able to sell all my second gen stuff for pretty good money recently thanks to a resurgence in interest of older groups.
No. 1375323
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nonnies, how do you live more frugally? my problem isn't hoarding shit (i don't buy merch, makeup, clothes/shoes, what have you, and i don't collect anything) but whenever my pay comes in at the end of the month i end up buying things i "need".
i moved into my own apartment a few months ago so a lot of the times i had to buy stuff for the apartment, like additional shelves or storage solutions. i'm slowly but surely set, so i don't have to worry about that anymore. still, i end up buying stuff. i went through my finances last week and if i lived more frugally and stopped treating myself for getting through another month of work, i could keep my spending to 1k euros per month, and save the rest of my wage (a bit over 900 euros per month). of course i still want to allow myself to treat myself to things like going to the zoo or ordering food with my coworkers once a month.
still, i feel like i'm constantly ordering stuff. right now i'm looking for the perfect planner because i have to deal with a lot of deadlines in my job, and i dislike online planners because they make it hard for me to grasp timelines. so i've been looking for planners and i ended up finding one i really like but ofc it's a fucking filofax and those are expensive.
otoh i can afford it after living barely above the poverty line until my early 20s and then living off of financial aid during college, but still. i wanna save up and make sure to have enough money in my bank account that my family doesn't have to worry about me.
No. 1375381
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>>13729941) You didn't sage. Is not needed in OT, but still.
2) it's less about fakes and more about fanmade merch. The fanmade merch side is as big as the merch oficial side. Sometimes fansites (read: stalker fans with privileges in the company that act half like PR and half like managers) sell their own fanmade merch with unseen photos or something, so that is kinda an intermediate step between fanmade and original, but still. There are imitation merch sure but i've never hear of fake merch being sold as real. There is no need because again, the fanmade merch market is as big as the original merch.
3) it's 100% an addiction and i can sperg about it for ages.
4) it's VERY collectable. Picrel is an special edition album with it's own premium photocard. There is only 2500 copies of it. Needless to say it's pretty rare. Kpop companies mastered the artificial scarcity and obviously they prey on the mentally ill so it's even worse.
No. 1375406
>>1375323I think it’s okay to treat yourself to something you know you’ll use a lot anon! With the planner, maybe try using just a notebook first before committing to the Filofax to make sure that written planning rly works for you. I bought a hobonichi a few months ago and I regret it now because I’m realizing that written planner-ing doesn’t work for me and I just hadn’t found the right planner app yet (for me that was Notion).
My perhaps obvious frugal tip is get into the habit of buying stuff secondhand. Most of my clothes, my nice brand name backpack, my dyson vaccuum, my sony headphones, my pretty (but inexpensive) antique tableware are all secondhand and often like-new. If it’s not something that must be hygienic or consumable or something where the warranty is really important, I check if I can get the thing cheaper secondhand before buying a new thing. I also look out for personal possessions I’m no longer using and I sell them.
No. 1376449
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Sorry if this is annoying to anyone but here’s another pic for the anons who wanted to see my calico critter fashion creations (I use a lot of scrap cloth to be responsible/consume less). The skirt is made from a pair of pants that never fit, the shirt is from some tights I barely wore, and the cane is a toothpick. Then the felt pieces were less than a dollar together. Was going for an autumn look here.
No. 1376480
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>>1372994>>1375381i was at my most depressed and lonely when i consoomed k-pop like crazy. i don't know if it was an addiction but i definitely bought albums compulsively and i genuinely thought i needed to have the most complete collection possible… realized it was total copium to avoid facing reality. i always got this nasty feeling when i looked at album merch previews like picrel knowing i had to choose and couldn't afford it all. i'm so glad nothing makes me feel like this anymore
not to mention the general obsession with random celebs who you don't know. all the scandals in 2018 made me physically sick because i essentially emotionally bonded to the idea of them i had in my head but i realized they were only random moids who weren't even attractive when left to their own devices.
No. 1380957
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Stationaryfriends, I impulse ordered Stickii Club's advent calendar. It seems overpriced but hopefully the consoom will help stave off holiday depression.
No. 1382448
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Does anyone have tips on how to handle a beggining shopping issue? I just got my first big girl job and I dont have many expenses (ie no rent) so i went a little overboard, it's so exciting and freeing not have to approach my parents like a humble feudal servant to get something that I went a bit overboard and got a fuckton of stuff.
Picrel my biggest problem is books, I read way faster than average and E-readers give me headache, but its also my main hobby lol.
No. 1384378
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I had managed to live a nice life without the urge to consoom and then BOOM, slight tamagotchi addiction. I've only got two so far, one from a thrift store and another as a birthday gift. I want to collect them so bad, they're just the funniest little dudes and I share them with my siblings. I don't feel as bad collecting them since they're all used and you can find some for cheap, but I feel like that's just my brain trying to convince me. I've always wanted these babies but never had the chance to get any, but now thay I've got a little extra money I would like to get more to switch out and use and make little yarn cases for them. Honest opinions nonnas, am I heading down a dark path or am I staying within reasonable limits?
No. 1384778
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I admire her dedication but…
No. 1384784
>>1384778you should admire her dedication, or
nonnie and her husbando will send you to the shadow realm
No. 1384794
>>1384785I don’t know if it’s true but I remember someone saying she changed her last name to Kaiba or Seto (can’t remember) don’t know if it’s true though.
No. 1384800
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>>1384793Same kind Kaiba has for a playing card
No. 1384891
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>>1384878Can you blame her? In addition to arguably being the #1 duelist in the world, Seto Kaiba is the of the world’s largest multi-national gaming conglomerate, KaibaCorp. He's a reincarnation of Priest Seto and the original keeper of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He's intellectually gifted, innovative, an engineer, and inventor
No. 1384894
>>1384868I can fill up a cart but I wouldn't buy half the shit she grabbed especially toiletries it smells like old lady and chemicals. Not very "that girl"
>>1384889Also if you notice the supplies aren't even that cheap. 2 feet of rope for $1.25, for a wrapped wreath craft where you need much more you'll end up spending more than if you'd just used a coupon at joanns or bought a decoration instead
No. 1385905
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Oh my fucking god
What is it about sugarbunnies? This is the most I've ever seen a single sanrio plush go for (and that includes stuff like steiff collabs and super limited edition stuff) and the auction isn't even over yet.
No. 1385914
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No. 1385933
>>1385927Just move onto a different sanrio mascot, the prices for sugarbunnies probably aren't going to budge for a while.
Even if people lose interest, scalpers are still going to sell them for several hundreds because the market currently is so huge, and they probably won't go back down for a while especially since sanrio is bringing back sugarbunnies currently.
No. 1386109
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>>1386094>>1384378sorry to samefagI have a tama smart (NiziU edition for no reason besides it's cute and it doubles as a big chunky watch) and a vintage '90s one I've been thinking about selling tbh. I want picrel so badly I need to seriously stop myself aaaaaa
No. 1386136
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>>1386109Other tamafag here, I'm waiting for the anniversary party tamasma card to drop. I just wish they wouldn't be so damn expensive to import. I need that damn Sanrio version so my weeptchi can be the cutest Kiki cosplayer known to man!!! I've also been wanting to get the magical change card.
No. 1386333
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I've recently started redecorating my gaming setup to make my stuff look more "cute". I have a bad habit of needing to complete a set of anything I get, but I found a way to successfully get around that by just selling the equivalent in exchange (e.g. trading/selling a black controller for a cutesy mint green one).
There's some nice stuff that's popped up in recent years to personalize gaming spaces, which I appreciate, but I can't stand that when searching for more options, all that appears are the most unnecessary shit, but PINK. I feel companies only get away with it because it fulfills the quota of having a #pinkaesthetic for influencers or rich kids on tiktok/Instagram. If anything, I just wish more of that "kawaii" stuff came in other colors like blue or green, but those don't seem to be nearly as popular (or profitable).
No. 1386391
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as a perfumefag idk how to feel about this. just so much waste and not even on particularly nice perfumes. only 2-3 look seriously used too.
No. 1386547
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>>1386457they're just copying moschino
No. 1386590
>>1386547The Moschino ones work though because you can tell they were playing on cleaning supplies. It's like Lush wanted to do the same thing but then they copped out and painted them all black, or like they happened to make an ugly design that resembles cleaning spray. Also just as an overall brand, Moschino is known for stuff like that. If it's really a copy I have no idea what Lush was thinking. Not directed at you btw
No. 1386700
>>1386391Ugly product aside, this is what gets me about hoarders
>body sprays approx £25 each x 13 = £325>perfumes approx £1170 (some prices estimated)>ikea cupboard £90at least keep it somewhere nice and make it presentable. ikea furniture is an eyesore and this looks just as ugly as those massive anime junk collections all contained in those ikea cube shelves.
No. 1386707
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I think I have my consooming under control because I tell myself "oh I'll just sell/get rid of the same amount of things that I buy" but I already have so much for such a small apartment. I try to sell some of my clothes but when I go to my closet I can't find a single piece I don't really love. I cycle my style a lot, currently it's student/jfashion and y2k grunge, but my 70s and cottagecore stuff are currently on hold. It's getting hard to cycle things out, but I honestly really need to have a heavy think about this. Also, I sell a lot of things online, so I have most of my storage space filled with things I have listed so my space is even more limited, and these are decent 50$+ items that I can't just donate or sell for cheap.
No. 1386999
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He’s going to buy the skin anyway hell he probably bought the battle pass anyway because he’s a streamer and it’s unthinkable to not buy unnecessary shit if you’re a gaming streamer
No. 1387022
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I got into a fight with my dad the other day because he was complaining about me buying too many gold plated earrings and that it was a waste of money compared to saving up and buying real gold pieces. I retorted he does the same shit when he buys people's used garbage off facebook marketplace, and he got mad.
Anyway, I definitely have an earring consooming problem. In my defense (or not), I stopped wearing earrings because I thought one of my piercing holes closed. I recently discovered it hadn't, it was just pierced funny but I can get an earring through, so I've been having fun and building up a new earring collection. So far, my biggest bulk purchase has been from a small artist who's stuff I love. All my other earrings are one off purchases here and there for like $2 a pair or something. I'm thinking of getting a case to store my hanging ones since I have a lot of hanging ones now and my jewelry case is best meant for studs.
I know I should stop but I haven't worn earrings in years and have passed up so many cute earrings. I will eventually buy some nice gold ones or something, but I buy cute jewelry less as an investment and more because they are cute and spark joy. I don't care to wear $500 made of solid gold if they're ugly as fuck. Also I passed up on buying these but now I'm thinking of getting them but I know I shouldn't. I just got like 10 new pairs of earrings.
No. 1387109
>>1387022Those are cute as hell,
nonny, get em. I have the same addiction though. Earrings are about the only metal jewelry I can wear (sensitive skin skipped my ears I guess) so I go nuts at any craft fair I attend, leave with at least 3 pairs.
No. 1387121
>>1386999OW2 free-to-play change is dumb as hell, but blizzard are shit and they know their consoomers will keep throwing money on them no matter what
>battle pass costs 10$, but wait, you need to pay 20$ to get -every- item off the battle pass, so you should upgrade it on permium (pretty much similar crap thats happening w discord nitro rn)>every old and new skin in the shop costs 20$>picrelated skin costs 25$ because it forces you to buy a bundle that includes banner, icon, charm and some other crap just so you could spend more on it>the only way you can get a skin for free is by spending 8 months doing weekly challenges in which you get these dono-coinspeople keep complaining, but they also -keep buying-.
No. 1387142
>>1386999yeah this killed Overwatch for me. I hate to agree with the crowd saying it's a cash-grab but Blizzard can go absolutely fuck themselves regardless.
and the fucking woke character design (when 3 are japanese?) plus the weird coomer elements make me think the whole staff are filled with AGPs
sorry but fuck Overwatch, I've played for YEARS and now it seems it's all been wiped for something worse.
No. 1387157
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They’re really cute. I’ll just look at them :’-)(:’-))
No. 1387179
>>1387174They are excusing that 'fornite is the same' when fortnite actually gives a lot of good freebies and free content unlike overwatch, in which battle pass you have to grind in order to get a new character, and the only good cosmetics you will get would be a random profile banner with a cat, whilist the skins are some shitty recolors.
I feel like Apex has the most fair Battle Pass systems (despite the devs being dogshit at creating their characters and balancing them), where if you buy one battle pass and complete it you earn enough money in order for you to not pay for the next battle pass, because you can buy it again. I am trying to understand why they removed lootboxes, I assume some of the countries banned them.
I think 20$ for one skin is downright stupid, especially that the battle pass with 2-premium skins costs 20$. I have also noticed that the skins quality is complete garbage now, same with the character design.
No. 1387336
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>>1387165yeah calm down sassy :^) we're on /ot/ baybe it's all love here let her plush-love her cute guts out.
>>1387231tell us more bby
(twitterfag) No. 1387347
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>>1387338>>1387344you both seem like you couldn't get through a solid day without being offended by something completely innocuous, including your own reflection.
No. 1387402
>>1387336Ew go away, all I did was use an old emote. So reactive.
>>1387344I’m not claiming her. Anyways I posted that plushie because they’re getting really popular online and they’re all like $80-300.
No. 1387408
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So at what point does this hobby completely disintegrate your ability to discern scents and just melt your sinuses away?
No. 1387516
>>1387333The left one's really cute actually. Sorry for not helping anon, just don't buy more kek
>>1387408Surely those are mostly empty? Surely? You'd walk around like a perfume cloud if you would use that much, though..
No. 1387534
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today I waited by the window for the mail truck because I ordered more Calico Critters and I knew this dress would look nice on her. coincidentally it matches the furniture (stool is a Jamison lid bc I’m a semi-functional alcoholic).
No. 1390047
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I thought this fitted the vibe in here
No. 1390381
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This is insane, what do you need so many wallets and bags for??
No. 1390499
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>>1390381The way she just puts the fucking backpacks on the floor
No. 1391230
File: 1667076076490.jpeg (281.9 KB, 947x2048, F77B1637-08FC-4C63-ADE5-9EF840…)

this is the worst one i've ever seen.
No. 1393238
>>1392202Didn't a previous nonna complain about people beginning to collect and hoard canned fish? kek
I would say it's bad, like any thing is bad in excess. There's trying limited edition flavors like
>>1393112 and then there's just… buying so much food in excess. Food is definitely worse because outside of dried and canned goods that can last maybe forever, food
will spoil. Junk consoomerism isn't good either but at worst, it just takes up a fuck ton of space and collects a lot of dust. Food? Gets moldy and disgusting. The purpose of food is to literally be consumed.
Anyway, my parents are hoarders and they also hoard food. So much food in our fridge is moldy. A lot of it isn't even food you can just grab and eat, it's shit like weird sauces and soup stocks and whatever. Half of my shit gets lost in there and even when I have food I want to eat and savor, if I don't eat it all within 2 days, I can forget about it because it's going to get pushed into the back of the fridge and getting it out is like excavating a fucking mine. Sucks because I will sometimes buy sweets or other high calorie foods but I'll split it into smaller pieces so I can enjoy it for longer/not eat a huge calorie bomb in one sitting but I'm left with either not buying it at all (so I won't be forced to eat all of it at once lest letting it get sucked into the void) or it goes into the void.
No. 1393331
>>1392202Food hoarding, as
>>1393266 said, usually happens when the person grew up with food insecurity. I don't think it necessarily falls under the same umbrella as Tiktok plastic crap hoarding.
However, people who buy those huge boxes of almost-expired Japanese snack food, keep ramen noodles as a desk decoration, have a goddamn snack cart in their bedroom stuffed with an entire supermarket isle of shite, and eat nothing but pink Pocky and Hello Kitty-shaped chicken nuggets are, in my opinion, a million times worse than the ones who only hoard plastic. Plastic won't rot, attract insects, or give you diabetes.
I think food hoarders have more of a shopping problem than regular plastic hoarders. You buy plastic and it's there forever, but you need to keep buying food. It's easier to justify, it's cheaper, and there's always a new and exciting snack trending somewhere. Everywhere you look, there's another opportunity to spend.
No. 1394191
>>1391299>>1391230No effort was put into this imo. Every single thing in this image can be bought in one go in walmart and you can set this up in 40 minutes or so. All i see is somebody with non-existent impulse control.
>>1390381I just wanted to say i fucking hate christmas apparel unless they are jumpers that can easily be sent to goodwill or put away for next year or loungewear which you can wear year round. Making a bag like that is so specific and pointless, why would anybody except consoomers want it? That's that shit that is stuck in the store well into march. Literally the only justifiable purchase in this video was the supplements, she shops like a 13 year old who just got pocket money for the first time.
>>1390047>>1390053>>1390050They are allowed their little sanrio consoomer haven.
>>1387408My sister has a perfume hoard that looks exactly like this. Perfume is not the only thing she consooms, she does it with designer stuff, makeup, skincare and clothes. I wish i could get a picture of it but we are not on speaking terms. She belongs in this thread so bad.
No. 1394201
File: 1667285747158.png (104.21 KB, 944x624, dollartreeshitforsephoraprices…)

I forgot my original purpose for coming to this thread, but I cannot stand it when luxury companies, espeically when it's the ones that don't have clout release stuff like this. I understand not even the biggest consoomers will buy this and sephora will end up heavily discounting this. idk where to post it, i just find the existance of the product baffling because you can't even pretend it's worth it in anyway as you could with the other overpriced shit sephora sells. They even have blatantly fake reviews in the comments that have been heavily downvoted.
No. 1395514
>>1390381She got a wallet for christmas time wtf, I get having a cute necklace or a pair of earrings you use during winter or christmas to look and feel festive but a whole ass wallet that sees the light of the day only when you buy something? I guess she's always buying shit though, so she must have her wallet out all the time. A fucking christmas wallet for god's sake. Imagine having to transfer all your cards and shit to a different wallet every time you go out.
>>1391230Her skin and hair must be really damaged from using all of those unnecessary products, most of them must have gone bad already too
No. 1397808
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Bump don't scroll
No. 1398031
File: 1667578961514.jpg (464.95 KB, 3000x3000, Zuru-Series-2-5-Piece-Surprise…)

I just bought one of these for the first time today. Cracking it open was so thrilling, I understand why they design them this way and market them to kids. Through a series of coincidences I ended up with some mini dollhouse food, then I got a mini shopping cart for fun, then I saw this at the store today and I just went retarded and grabbed it. I love it I understand completely why people collect them. But I feel like I am going to stop since the cart is full now and I already did what my goal was (take a pic of my hamster pushing the cart full of goods like she's shopping) I have to say peeling back each "slice" and revealing the little brands felt more satisfying than scratching a lotto ticket. Frighteningly addictive rush
No. 1398084
>>1398031I don't hate the little products for what they are (like you siad they can be dollhouse food/just to collect) but I absolutely hate the packaging going on. I know it is designed to be addictive to the monkey brain but the companies have to
know how much waste goes into these and still continues to produce them like this. Why can't they use something like cardboard and peel it up to get the things?
but the reason you got them is really cute nona and you won't keep blindly consuming so I forgive you No. 1398234
File: 1667588829590.jpeg (493.19 KB, 2560x2055, DB826246-8E42-4FA2-B4E3-9278AA…)

>>1398084This. The main reason I don’t bother with US based toys is because they have so much excess plastic, biggest example of this is world’s smallest series, jesus fuck there is so much plastic packaging for something called ‘world’s smallest’
Same complaint I have for anime figures, I bought a Madoka figure who came in a really huge box of plastic, I don’t even get the appeal since printed cardboard boxes look much nicer for figures.
No. 1403693
>>1403600Always hear people buying designer bags for the "quality" and never wearing them for the "value". A shelf trinket is what you bought, then.
>inb4 resellingDumb & wasteful concept
No. 1408975
>>1403600There are crazy replica consoomers too. Before r/RepLadies got shut down, I remember one of the top posts being a "stop buying so much replica just for the thrill of it" post. The Cut article (that made them take down the subreddit) describes the reporter speaking to well known members of the subreddit, who owned so much replica.
I have one replica that I found through one of the sellers there (actually because a nona recommended the subreddit to me kek), and it's a Burberry replica. I can't spin as a useful purchase in any way, and even if I did save $800 on the bag, $250 for a small bag is still a stupid purchase. It's purely a bag I use for looks because functionally… it sort sucks. It's small and can only fit so much in it, so I don't really get much use out of it. Well, at least I only paid as much as I did and not full price for it.
I struggle to justify designer goods because the price tag of them also makes it difficult for me to use them. If I had bought the real bag, I'd rather display it than use it… Why take a $1000 bag into the outside world where it will get dirty or stolen, much less a $15,000 bag? If something happens to my replica, it'll suck, but I'll probably just shrug my shoulders. "At least it wasn't the real thing."
No. 1409835
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>>1405219just use Dove aloe + cucumber deodorant, you will smell amazing ALL DAY trust me. roll on is best cause spray-ons in general suck.
do NOT I repeat do NOT get the 0% aluminum one, it has the opposite effect. I'm wearing it now after showering twice today (I live in the subtropics) and it isn't great.
side anecdote, I wore the one that works to a music festival
out of our heads on pills watching Ke$ha drink fake blood from a fake heart was phenomenal and my bf and my best mate had their heads basically in my armpits cause it was the only fresh air in the huge crush of sweaty moshing bodies. shit WORKS
No. 1412417
File: 1668716977240.png (3.55 MB, 1433x1074, 476827.PNG)

I'm trying so hard not to fall down the croc rabbit hole, but I'm starting to understand why it's so easy to suddenly accumulate so many of these bastards.
I originally only owned two croc flip flops. The first ever crpcs I bought was a pair of flip flops, and I reluctantly bought it because I needed it for cosplay and I wanted to buy some cheapo ones but being the beginning of September, there were pretty much none for sale anywhere except for crocs. I did not plan or want to spend $20 on some stupid flip flops but my god these bitches were comfortable. I got my second pair from a family friend.
I hated the clogs like everyone else but I've fallen for the "so ugly they're cute" idea, plus I'm already half in love with them because fuck my croc flip flops are undeniably comfy. I only wanted one pair of clogs but the color I want is hard to find in my size in stores. I gave up and decided to buy online but to my demise, I found some other really cute ones while browsing and I'm waiting for it all to come in the mail now…
I ended up buying my coveted crocs, another pair of cute clogs, and slides because they were cheap and I wanted free shipping and they seem like another good errand shoe (might return them though). The cute clogs come in two color ways and I got one colorway and I'm most likely going to buy the other colorway that I originally wanted but it sold out completely.
Sorry for crocs sperging. I feel so bad for consooming so much all at once. I probably won't get to picrel but I don't know. I didn't expect to find some really cute shit when I just went to go buy the single pair I've originally been wanting this whole year.
No. 1412662
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>>1412417Fuck all that. Life is too short for ugly ass men as well as ugly ass shoes.
No. 1413090
File: 1668776182532.jpg (444.88 KB, 1080x780, vAld84u.jpg)

Taylor Swift is a perfect example of consoomer culture in music these days. From releasing 100s of remixes to get her stans to buy the same song and chart. To making multiple versions of album covers. To her tickets resells costing 95k, that's someone's tuition.
And her music gets more generic.
No. 1413096
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I'm moving and thinking of getting rid of my doll collection, or most of it at least. I feel like I went into a consoom psychosis and got way too many. I don't want to display them, they look so ugly and chaotic together. Maybe I will keep some and diplay maybe 2-3. I have started to customize some so they are unsellable, but I have some untouched ones I could sell. I will lose a lot of money as I have paid a lot for them and I will sell them for cheap but idc honestly. I just want them OUT of my house.
No. 1413101
>>1413097I am actually but we don't probably live in the same country so the shipping would add up
Idk what to ask for the RH dolls, they are 70€ (!!!) new here but I feel bad asking even for 20€ for one
No. 1413187
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>>1412767Honestly I was so taken aback by the price! I have stupid small feet so I had to buy the kids crocs (pls no bully) but I guess a saving grace is that they're much cheaper. The crocs I scored were ~$25 each because of sales on top of sales. I love them but my god I don't think I'd ever be able to justify paying full price for them. The new Pokemon ones are… ok. The pikachu jibbitz are so cute though! I didn't realize official jibbits were so fucking expensive though… I got some from a flea market and it was only $5 for like 8 of them.
Trying really hard not to justify fuzzy ones for the winter kek. I got bright/pastel colored ones and I already know they're going to look so cute with all my spring/summer clothing!
No. 1413202
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This woman(?) spent so much money on a Randy Marsh shrine.. It's insane.
No. 1413204
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>>1413202She's also apparently a lesbian, I'm sorry lesbian husbandofags(?) with shrines, but if you have a bodypillow and a major shrine like this, can you still be a lesbian?
No. 1413232
>>1413119Thanks anon that's a very comforting thought, I'll keep it in mind.
I already sold one bigger doll item today!
No. 1413331
>>1413271actual sexual attraction is just a concept to them, they have never touched anyone else's genitals and a lot of them have body issues of some sort, so they don't want sex with men. they also think not sleeping with every man they see irl (because that's what people do in western tv shows and western tv shows always tell the truth) and finding some anime girls sexy means that they are lesbians.
these women are really quick to forget their weird gender nonsense and stupid pronouns once they finally find a boyfriend.
No. 1413372
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>>1413204>genderfluid lesbianthat's an oxymoron. probably a spicy straight who just calls herself gay bc words don't mean things anymore
No. 1413381
>>1413090I've always hated that bitch but damn she's so fucking dumb, her fans are teenagers who don't have 100k to throw at her, even bts don't charge that much ! I hope no one buy her tickets and she sings to an empty stadium, she could write a song about that and not just another moid with whom she had a
toxic relationship.
No. 1417814
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>>1417781There's just no way. I feel like liking these started out as a meme for a lot of people. I don't know. Squishables are way cuter.
No. 1417830
>>1417781One of her vids was randomly recommended to me lately, she was opening mystery boxes and couldn't even remember which squishmallows she already had til she went and checked. How much joy can you claim these things bring you when you can't remember which ones you had already went out and bought before?
She complained that Claires charges a lil more for them but.. you're the one buying them and barely registering what you own?
No. 1425604
File: 1669736936332.jpg (71.99 KB, 455x456, 9720010_1004_jpg_1024x1024@2x.…)

Washi tape is a hell of a drug nonas. I went through my favorite stationery store's website to try and find a tape I saw in their store a while back, but I couldn't remember the name or brand so I just had to sift through 34 pages of washi tape and suddenly I've got 30 tabs open. I swear nonas, it's like being a crack addict and being in a room full of it. My brain shuts off and I go absolutely insane and the next thing I've known I've spent $50 on like 10 fucking rolls of god damn tape. It's an actual problem I have to the point where I actively avoid going to sections of stores that I know stock washi tape.
I have a drawer specifically to hold my tapes and at the height of my consoomerism, I filled about half of it very quickly. I've reined myself in and I'm very selective about the tapes I buy now (I think I've only bought about 2 or 3 this past year) but going through those 34 pages was like actual hell for me kek. I think I found the tapes and I don't really like them that much now, but then I saw these fucking beauties and another seaside themed one!! I use my tapes as frequently as I can- in my journal, when wrapping gifts, decorating cards and letters, etc. But the reality is that it just takes a lot of time to go through these tapes, even if I use them nearly everyday. I've only ever finished one roll of washi tape that I own.
Stationery is one hell of a fucking drug. I own two fountain pens and I want more from another brand I don't own from- but who the fuck needs more than one fountain pen? And inks? Don't get me started. I've resorted to bargaining with myself to only buy sample sizes (a fucking god send of an option) since even a little bit of ink goes a long way and I know I'm the type of person to buy 3 very similar looking shades and say "but they're different shades!"
No. 1425606
File: 1669737038733.png (992.61 KB, 743x811, seaside.PNG)

>>1425604These are the seaside ones that I know are going to haunt me.
No. 1425668
File: 1669739463064.jpg (249.64 KB, 1080x1080, washi-tape-spreads.jpg)

>>1425627It's just fancy tape, so you can just use it as tape. I use it primarily for decoration purposes, mainly to add a little bit of ~*~pizzaz~*~ to my journal pages or on gift wrapping (since I like to reuse plain brown paper that's used as package stuffers). Just makes stuff look prettier.
No. 1426954
File: 1669815422773.webm (9.71 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1669814972407.webm)

imagine ordering so much ugly shit for so much money and then promptly forgetting about it because you're such a consoomer.
No. 1426972
File: 1669816361302.webm (13.8 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1669814848025.webm)

so much money spent on shit that could very well be sold at primark for 15 bucks max per item.
i wanted to post a 3rd one but it was too long and boring. basically the woman in it went to a disney park before a hurricane hit (which she knew about because the weather was already so bad) with her sister and kid nephew, but played it off as such a quirky thing to do.
No. 1427110
File: 1669827575108.webm (15.33 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1669827084184.webm)

here's an improvised 3rd tiktok i just found. i'm mostly fascinated by how dead she sounds and looks (botox?) for someone who's supposedly so excited about her shitty new plastic cups.
No. 1427801
File: 1669858719348.jpeg (1.16 MB, 960x984, 0F62AA11-FBF1-45F6-988B-DF7509…)

Someone talk me out of buying her for $13.
No. 1427880
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>>1427860>>1427858>>1427809I did end up buying her. I’ve been keeping tabs on rainbow high dolls for a while and this is my first and only one. I love her crocs they’re very cute.
No. 1427946
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>>1427916I love how much of a supportive mom you are,
nonnie! There’s lots of SH and RH sales right now.
No. 1428116
>>1426954Seeing this reminds me of something I said to my mom years back. That a lot of the time when I received presents the best thing about them was opening them up. The actual act of unwrapping/opening the gift was more fulfilling than the gift inside.
It makes me think about online shopping and how it provides this sort of high when you receive your package. People are easily addicted to that feeling and can become chronic shoppers because of it. This girl seems like a classic case. I bet if online shopping wasn't a thing, she wouldn't be as gung ho to blow her money.
No. 1428377
>>1427880don't blame you, this is so gorgeous. it has so much potential as an ooak but she seems so beautiful it would be a shame
bringing my dollfag side out oh my god
speaking of which, I turned an ever after high alice (I think?) doll into a gudetama girl and I was so so proud of her outfit but fucked the faceup so bad she's still sitting in my in-progress box/stockbox and I'm so sad abt it but this has inspired me, thank you based shadow high poster.
No. 1428388
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>>1427192>>1427822>>1428372here's another one that popped up randomly, unfortunately i can't upload it because the file is too big even after compressing it 3 times already.'m honestly disturbed by her vacant stare and soyfacing.
No. 1428463
>>1428116I had an epiphany about this exact thing a few years ago and it's what made me stop online shopping so much. I remember I used to open my packages up and enjoy the dopamine hit of opening it up and touching it for the first time, then it sat in the corner doing nothing.
My dad does this too but won't get it through his stupid thick head. On top of it, he won't throw out any of the packaging either so it's just junk AND garbage everywhere. No we can't clean it up because he's a manchild and will throw tantrums when we do.
No. 1428753
>>1428388>I'm obsessed>I love it so much>I'm so excitedYou
say that
No. 1429049
File: 1669929296627.gif (1.03 MB, 517x250, ijfim.gif)

>>1427110Holy shit, she's real
No. 1429105
File: 1669931282515.webm (15.49 MB, 576x1024, 1669930988951.webm)

>>1428388ot because it's not about consooming, but the emotionless "mmmmm yum" kills me kek
No. 1429766
File: 1669987665731.png (40.13 KB, 300x225, tatt.png)

Having friends with kids I can't get over how many toys (stuff that costs like 10 to 15 quid) are on par with just buying them a fucking kinder egg. Once you get through all the layers of packaging that make it look more impressive.. its rubbish.
This opening layers on layers of 'surprises' thing is what alot of figures and dolls have become but its a trap to make you pay 15 euro for a 50 cent figure at most and and maybe a couple stickers.
No. 1429795
>>1426954This haul is just typical junk but the Mickey pumpkin really sets me off
>I bought so much shit I don't even remember what's in the box!>I don't know where I'm going to put the pumpkin! >I just HAD to get it!! I couldn't live with myself if it sold out!! Disney adults are an annoying breed of people.
No. 1431091
>>1428388All that tat literally just looks like she got it from Claire's, what's the point of having 800 bracelets and necklaces on if they all look like that? They're basically all identical too, what's the point of getting more?
>>1429766Kinder eggs are more fun for the kids since they get to eat the chocolate too.
No. 1433670
File: 1670269987854.webm (2.71 MB, 268x480, v5jvs1p0te3a1.webm)

not really a consoom like the other vids posted here, but i found this on reddit and had to share.
No. 1433727
>>1433678Have worked in the restaraunt industry for a few years and the most devistating thing I saw was having to throw out about 100lbs of cooked meat that was only a couple days old. We all stashed some, including the head chef, because it was such a ridiculous waste. In more corporate chains you aren't really allowed to do this though, I realize.
In the US,there are laws against giving such food to shelters or even just the homeless because they could be sued if someone gets sick.
Doubt that the hungry are going to do so, but who am I to know. It's awful.
No. 1433731
>>1433721All corporate owned shops and restaurants (and many smaller ones too) don't allow this because muh profits. It's similar to how fast fashion brands rip and destroy the clothes that don't sell for a long time. It's fucked up.
That Donut place would be incredible for dumpster diving though and I hope people take advantage of that. Sometimes the employees actually help people out and let them know when they can come to get the food (in secret because giving it away is illegal).
No. 1433739
>>1433670This reminds me of a scene of a video I once watched in high school that's been seared in my mind. The video focused on the elderly of NY's Chinatown, and how they have found community with one another in their loneliness. There's a scene where an elderly person is going through a bakery's garbage and picking out pieces of bread that are still good. The person explains that the bakery will throw water all over the bread meant to be thrown out to discourage people from going through the trash. It just hurt my heart. You know the people going through your trash most likely are doing it out of desperation for some food, so to throw water on it and ruin it feels like just kicking someone when they're already down.
I understand that laws make it difficult for places to donate their food, but I have seen some apps pop up (Too Good To Go is one I have downloaded) where people can pay a small amount for a bag of random goodies that were left over at the end of the night. Usually it's like $3-$5 for a lot of food and bakeries usually give lots of good shit.
No. 1433749
>>1433731I don't see how you're losing profits if your employees just take some stale donuts that nobody would want to buy anyway. You're just saving food that would be thrown away this way. Almost all bakeries in my country are known to let their employees go home with cakes and bread to not waste food.
>That Donut place would be incredible for dumpster diving thoughYou described it the same way supermarkets act though. If they're similar enough maybe they even throw
toxic products like bleach on the food to prevent people from touching that stuff once it's thrown away.
No. 1433814
File: 1670278692100.jpg (165.72 KB, 1200x800, Sailor-pro-gear-manyou-four-se…)

>>1426178Whoa nona, I thought I was weird for having 10 +/- inked fountain pens but this made me feel less bad kek
Fountain pens are one hell of a drug. They're not the worst things I've come to collect so I don't feel TOO bad. I'm trying REALLY hard not to order a Sailor Shikiori but I think I will likely cave soon.
Honestly I'd have never guessed I would become an FP maniac myself but here we are. (I wanna know what nonnies' favourite pens are but maybe that's a bit too much?)
No. 1434563
>>1433749I used to work for a major chain in Canada for doughnuts while I was in HS, and we absolute could not bring things home for whatever reason. My coworker got in trouble for taking one doughnut, kek.
I also worked in a small bakery, and I was able to bring things home, it depends on corpo job you're at.
It's sickening
No. 1436028
File: 1670433031366.png (617.15 KB, 1043x541, CAPTURE.png)

Got recommended this random channel about a couple who basically center their entire life around Disney, I wonder if they can genuinely enjoy romantic moments that don't involve Disney
No. 1436034
>>1435542I agree, I would steal SO much however, just to give to the homeless people nearby. They were nice and I was being petty so I would just steal to steal. Fuck them.
The waste is disgusting, the food is disgusting.
No. 1436035
>>1433731I used to work at starbucks and depending on which store I was at (since they moved us around) we would be able to take home food. It was technically 'stealing' to take food which would end up in the dumpster, but most shift leads didnt give a shit. I only met one who was super hard on the rules, but that was because he was trying to become a store manager. I wish more places were like Pret a manger, which openly put their food out every night in clear bags and encouraged anyone to take them.
I used to dumpster dive at starbucks in NYC and would come home with hundreds of dollars worth of never touched food and coffee bags. I gave a lot away to friends and family after telling them where I got it from. Most food thrown away isnt even expired.
No. 1436123
>>1433670They do this partially because companies have gotten sued by people who claimed food poisoning and stuff from eating the "old, leftover" food.
Clothing companies rip clothing up for purely capitalist reasons. Certain brands don't want homeless people to be seen wearing their latest fashions because the rich fucks that keep them in business won't want it anymore.
No. 1436413
>>1436028Ever since
Nonnie posted her videos on lolcow I’ve never looked back. I have respect that she’s dedicated to something she loves but I’m also creeped out by the baby yodas.
No. 1436848
>>1428280I was addicted to watching gachapon opening videos only because I was jealous about how we don't have cute ones like they do in Japan. This realization came up after like the hundredth video I watched kek. No longer watch them.
>>1426972>0:38I don't know why, but I get annoyed when designs on tops are just square/rectangle shaped pictures.
>>1429105>I'm a very plain and bland personWe can tell…
No. 1437147
>>1350910My budgie one arrived today, and it's all your fault,
nonnie. It's the only time I couldn't help but indulge.
No. 1439281
File: 1670632970779.jpeg (51 KB, 402x528, 268BD113-670D-4D95-B9A7-24885E…)

I keep buying these shitty unicorn blind bags wherever I see them. They’re 15 dollars a pop and only 2 inches tall. Help?
No. 1439399
File: 1670641247549.jpeg (87.14 KB, 750x750, 2BBD5AF6-2C71-42F2-AA07-8A3F24…)

I've bought a bunch of stupid palettes because I had coupons. now I want more. I might even ask my work secret santa to buy me one since the limit is $30 and these babies are only $13. stopppp meeee
No. 1439568
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>>1439281The top toy blind boxes are much cuter honestly.
No. 1439570
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>>1439568This one with all the Kuromis tempts me so hard…
No. 1440992
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>>1439281I spent a stupid amount of money on toreba the other day (don't recommend, the difficulty/rigging on there lately is insane) But I got this lil keroppi set. I have a lil triangular corner shelf in my room. I reckon if I put it on there and stare at it for the rest of my life I might just about get my moneys worth.
No. 1442012
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>>1440247Reminds me of Gundam where there's a billion toys and model kits of the original. Sure the later ones might have better technology, increased poseability and different surface details but they essentially look the same and people keep buying them.
No. 1442062
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I’m in the process of decluttering and recently got rid of a ton of paper junk (after buying a scanner and saving them to my comp) but I have more difficulty letting go of the many trinkets and shit I have. I wish I could set up like a yard sale except the stuff is free, none of it is worth selling but could be useful still (like christmas stickers, calculators, etc.). I live in a rural area though and I doubt people are gonna want to drive all the way in for junk. Idk I’m so conflicted, they’re perfectly fine but I don’t wanna throw them to the trash, they’re not ready for that yet. I’ve got lots of small toys/figurines, and I wish I could give them to collectors or kids.
I need help
No. 1442271
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Christmas really brings out the consoomer in me. I was raised by a family that goes Dursley-tier crazy on Christmas so I feel this pressure to spend a ton of money and time on gifts and frou frou. My house is decorated head to toe but I have to really stop myself from buying more. Also I started collecting those retarded fabric birds, I only have 2 but it's only a matter of time for me, the fact that you can incorporate them into your decorations really tempts me
No. 1442347
Hoping we get some more xmas themed consoomer TTs. They're kind of addicting.
No. 1442631
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Proud of myself for getting over not using notebooks because they're "too pretty" or whatever but why the fuck did I buy so much washi tape. I could cover a football field with them. I don't even journal or anything, sticking the odd piece in my planner is best I can do. sigh
No. 1442759
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>>1442640Other anons have already said it but here's also a visual example of using washi tape to decorate.
>>1442631Washi tape is my drug. Even though I journal and use it for decorating gift wrapping, it's not enough. I can't go through my tapes fast enough.
No. 1443141
>>1443052theres not a hard expectation for physical gifts but i know none of them would care for something like a donation in their name or anything charity related.
i think paying for an experience they can have is the best i could hope for, or maybe a subscription service for some type of consumable
No. 1444016
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got Christmas money from grandma! i’m buying more calico critters with it. i just need two more families then i swear i’ll be done. i was really itching to order the koalas once payday comes around, but then her Christmas card came in the mail. as long as I still have money to pay off my weed debt to my little sister, spending $40 on myself for things i don’t need isn’t THAT bad, right?
No. 1444146
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No. 1445960
>>1444016You do you
nonnie, I've fallen in the calico critter rabbit hole myself. But I refuse to buy their cheap expensive plastic furniture. I only buy the animals kek. In fact once I'm off college this month I will build a wood doll house for them, if someone wants I can post pictures I guess
No. 1446637
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Help me, these are on sale in US Amazon and they would be cheap to order to my Euro country now (can't get them here), I really don't need more dolls tho. Consoomer brain is activating
No. 1446646
>>1446637I'll probably regret it later but just posting this and thinking about all the other dolls I already own made me feel anxious as shit so maybe it's better not to splurge on yet another kids toy. I don't want to become like
>>1417795>>1446639kek, hit me up dollnonny
No. 1446742
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Since we're in topic (and pardon me if this has already been posted), I will say that I hate any type of consoomer advent calendar with a burning passion.
I have a fond memory of advent calendars, because when I was a child it was a moment for, as I said, children to enjoy a little chocolate or candy the days before xmas. It was a cute thing for children!
Now it's full of designer brands (Chanel, for example), makeup, toys, food subscription boxes, hell, fucking DISNEY is making a calendar full of christmas crap that gets forgotten for the rest of the years and no one bats an eye.
Zoomers in particular are holding into the "save the planet uwu Capitalism is bad!!" idea but flock like pigeons on bread when they see another calendar filled with minisizes no one wants and useless crap, with an absurd overcharge on top. Disgusting.
No. 1446750
>>1446742I agree with you anon, I loved getting the little chocolate ones when I was a kid, they used to be cheap too. Now I saw chocolate calendars in the shop with as little as 40g of chocolate in them costing upwards of £4-£5.
The makeup/skincare ones are always full of hair ties, makeup pads, whatever, and the grand prize is a sample sized perfume or cream, whole box priced at £20 or so. It's not really the worst thing to consume but it's a waste of money and they're normally 80% filler.
No. 1446775
>>1446773It's just chocolate
nonnie, don't feel bad. I kinda wanted one too but it feels illegal to buy one myself when it was always gifted to me as a kid. One day!
No. 1446778
>>1445960ayrt, yes please post pics when you do! I've got dollhouse plans as well, I just need to get off my ass and find some more old wine crates.
>>1446568 hehe I started with the Shibas too.
No. 1446783
>>1446773living a better life than my 24 year old ass who has never experienced the joy of an Advent Calendar.
sigh maybe next year. are they unpopular in America or something? or am I weird? because there's only a few people irl that I know for a fact got them, and I assume others participate in the tradition as well but have no reason to mention it.
No. 1446804
>>1446773men really made us think our life should be joyless past 22 y/o
don't feel bad nonie, i have an advent calendar too
No. 1446806
>>1446773I'm going to do it for the rest of my life nona, I don't think it has an age cap and makes the terrible, terrible month of December a little more bearable.
That said I was too busy this work to buy one before December started and now they're nowhere in shops. Agree with the other anon that the non choc advent calendars are shitty. I like the fancy chocolate ones, it feels more grown up and like my fatty self to have a designated praline a day.
No. 1446855
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>>1446742>>1446783I saw a bunch at Costco. The only one I really remember was this beer one that costs $60.
No. 1446943
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does anyone here have an apple watch? how do you find it? would a second-hand one be worth it, in your opinion?
i've sort of wanted one since i started running in 2018 but it always feels like far too much money for what it does. i don't want any of the other fitness bands/smart watches because i'm a freak about data privacy, but since the apple watch is likely to rely on third-party apps too i'm thinking that might be a redundant line of thinking. it feels like a particularly consoomerist thing to have
No. 1446966
myarx#0688 No. 1447013
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Autism incoming: when did it become the norm to call them “plushes” or “plushies” instead of “stuffed animals”/does anyone know where that stems from? Is it regional? Not hating on you nonnies who called them that here, i just stg I never saw that once until a few years ago and now it’s most common usage and tbh I don’t like it much. Maybe calling them “stuffed animals” helps me divorce myself from the fact I’m a grown up lady who has to talk herself out of buying them on the reg idk
picrel: a bad shot of a cute stuffed bee I got a couple months ago to put on my wfh desk, I love him I don’t even care
No. 1447036
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>>1447013Nobody would ever expect or guess it about me, but I collect weird stuffed animals. Like platypus and seacow. Most of them have been gifts. The platypus works as a wonderful neckpillow.
No. 1447054
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>>1447013I started saying plushie because of Neopets.
No. 1447065
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>>1447036I also have a collection of stuffed animals that I sleep with. I'm 24 years old and nobody knows. I'm a giant, stoic asshole IRL so I'm sure no one could imagine me cuddling and kissing a bunch of plushies every single night.
I'm sure it screams "womanchild" but it helps me channel my maternal instinct so I don't care.
No. 1447066
>>1447013I think there's a good chance it's regional.
However like
>>1447054 I think I started saying it cause of Neopets too
No. 1447067
Slight tangent, but imo "stuffie" is the worst term for them. I've only ever seen ddlg degens use it.
No. 1447084
>>1447054I say plushie because of various games, I think. I wish I could have a plushie collection, but I think my family would judge me for it. I only have a few beanie babies.
>>1447067There's just something so gross about the term stuffie
No. 1447402
>>1447396I love this idea! I have some stuff I should probably get rid of.
Also for any nonnies who don't want to let go of their plushies, what I did was get one of those nets you hang on the wall and just put it above the door in my bedroom, so they're out of the way, but always near if I want one to snuggle or display
No. 1447403
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>>1447036lol I love that. Reminds me of the time I bought my friend’s kid a stuffed armadillo.
No. 1447743
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>>1447664same here, i use plushie and really prefer the british way of spelling stuff like ‘faerie’ pr artefact, it makes more sense, at least to me, somehow.
also, i preordered the neopets tarot deck
No. 1447991
File: 1671172230519.png (1020 KB, 501x824, rainbow vomit tier stuff.PNG)'s crazy to me how these people could buy multiple high end BJDs but instead buy cheap children's dolls, I get the appeal of having a few but it gets disturbing when it's literally everywhere.
No. 1447998
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>>1447991I totally agree. Mass produced children’s dolls are like Funko pops of the doll world. I used to be an avid collector of monster high but sold them all. I was excited for the reboot because (yay no more hair glue!) but they’re all so cheap and ugly. The only one I might want to buy is Abbey but If they make her trans I’ll go ape shit.
No. 1448273
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>>1448093>>1448018Those are her signature colours though. Purple, pink, blue and white. The moment I saw her snowflake shirt I was afraid because it does look like the troon flag. If it’s fanon she’s a troon I simply won’t accept it but if it’s canon I’m losing it.
No. 1448303
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>>1447998I hate the new reboot dolls. The new Barbie-esc body positive bodies don't suit the girls imo. They're monsters, it fine if they are anachans.
No. 1448681
>>1448427I have! I try really hard to open my fridge and make a note of all my ingredients to make something for myself. Also, I think the best thing to do is write down how much extra money you saved by not ordering take out. It's so easy to spend $100 a week if you're not careful on ubereats/doordash etc.
Extra money plus not extra weight, but outside food and portions tend to make us gain easily. You got this!!
No. 1448930
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>>1448751Bisexual and a
TERF No. 1449117
>>1448751>we should reclaim her as Nah, let's not play their weird ass queer games, claiming her as just a
terf would be actually cooler
No. 1450780
>>1448422honestly nonni, i was about to curse you out on you trying get me to respect what i assumed was a tif's pronouns, but i checked his instagram to be sure and wow, pretty sure this a legitimate male! seriously surprising since he has pronouns in his instagram bio
and likes bts/male kpop groups
No. 1452221
>>1450797esl-chan, I'll be nice; all dolls, in general, are mass marketed to little girls, meaning the majority of adult doll collectors are women. While there are also the gay male fashion doll hoarders to account for, they have never and will never be the majority of what is considered a vastly female hobby.
However, most importantly, if you go back and read my comments, I said that I believed him to be a tif mostly because he is a
boy group kpop fan AND has pronouns on his instagram AND has a squishmallow collection ALONG with collecting fashion dolls! Not
just because he hoards 3-4 different brands of dolls! I Know now that he is just a pathetic gay asian man
No. 1452296
>>1447998I hate the new mh line and the more I see of it the more I despise it
>>1448422It's kind of gross seeing all his sexy men posters next to his massive hoard of children's dolls.
I know it's a collecting thing, but I would utterly embarrassed to have such a room.
No. 1453105
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I have no ideas why faggots are so obsessed with these. I thought Bratz dolls were the ugliest out there but these proved me wrong.
No. 1454308
>>1447013i call them plushies bc english is not my first language and in my mother tongue the word is a version of plush / plushie and like
>>1447054 neopets cemented it
No. 1454835
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>>1453105Yeah, I don't get the hype either.
No. 1455765
>>1453105I want to like them but I can’t.
In other notes, I got all the Calico Critter families I wanted for Christmas! so I won’t be buying more than the occasional blind bag finally.
No. 1455801
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>>1453105I like them and collect them, but I dislike their faces. I like them with repainted faces and eyes
No. 1457226
>>1455728resell the stuff you're thinking of getting rid of online. you need the money, it's only a slight hassle to get to the post office… even if you have to sell it for less than it's worth or group things into lots, it will still help you out financially to have some money from it instead of no money
if you don't want to do post office, maybe try looking for a local facebook sales/swap shop group and you can arrange to meet buyers around town
No. 1460740
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I have way too many fucking plushies and no good storage idea that I like. I don't want to use a hammock as I don't like the idea of leaving my plushies out to collect dust and I'm not sure if there's a big enough box for the sheer amount of plushies I have. I had them in large plastic trash bags in my closet but that looked terrible and took up so much space. Some of the plushies I probably should get rid of but I'm not sure if anyone would buy them. Plus, I hesitate to even sell some of them even if they're not designs I love because I won them from UFO catcher machines. Pic related, a reversible Hello Kitty plush that turns her into a roast turkey that I found in my collection (and have no idea where I got from).
No. 1461386
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handsome brothers!
No. 1461464
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>>1460740But a plushie hammock in tiers doesn't sound like a bad idea though. The only alternative would be to get shelves or other storage or start decluttering.
No. 1461792
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I bought some polymer clay to start making mini doll-scale foods again. I used to make charms and stuff as a teenager, sold them at anime conventions n stuff but it’s been years. Maybe that’ll keep me busy while I’m not buying more critters.
No. 1462809
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>>1461806they're so cute it pisses me off. they have no business being this cute
No. 1463577
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>>1447743Me too, nonna. I am so thirsty for Neopets merch with new assets it's unreal, now that I'm an adult and can afford to enjoy my special interest in peace.
No. 1463615
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>>1453105>>1455801I adore the colors and outfits, but the faces are a bit wonky. I splurged on pic rel a while back because the color scheme actually works in favor of the face design. I thought about her for about a month before pulling the
trigger and driving across town. I liked her enough that I'd be disappointed if she got scalped at some absurd price. I sold my Megara masquerade doll to pay for textbooks and I'm sad she was too much to replace, so this one takes her place to look at everyday instead.
No. 1463661
>>1463622Not limited strictly to perfume, but the chemicals used in inorganic beauty products are much higher than FDA guidelines, not thoroughly regulated, and affect hormone balance, namely mimicking estrogen causing early puberty in young girls and birth defects, especially in the black population where a greater variety of more warned against chemicals are found. This is all on top of being an endocrine disruptor, which is a nice way of saying your skin as an organ doesn't breathe well with product on it. I can't find the article, but there was a study I want to say around 2018 of more than 2,000 women who had the build-up of 22 low-end cosmetic chemicals in their uteran samples. to article I was trying to look for: No. 1464097
>>1464001I'll join you on your journey nonna, I had an Aliexpress phase that left me with more stickers and washi tape than anyone needs.
>>1463661No offense but this sounds like some out of context TikTok bullshit from someone who thinks that drinking essential oils is healthy. Bullshit or not, I hope it stops kids from consooming endless quantities of Bath and Body Works.
No. 1464370
File: 1672956228464.jpeg (1.5 MB, 2314x2828, EC5A29FB-0BF0-4418-A1F8-B01DC9…)

Made a Sanrio wishlist! I tried to keep it to items that I can’t find on a whim and have been hunting for several months.
It’s a fun way to think about items that you really want as a collector over just spamming whatever’s popular currently into the list (keeping it under 10 items also helps).
No. 1464568
>>1464544Honestly? Currently the best way to find 2000s Sanrio products like that right now is Instagram sellers, I also check the jp and chinese second hand sites a lot (チャーミーキティ for charmmy kitty and ルロロマニック for lloromannic, who are the demon characters).
No. 1465596
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>>1465460God this, it’s fucking insane how high it goes for
It’s almost at sugarbunnies levels
No. 1465627
>>1465602>buying bootlegsI would rather die
>Is it just the name that drives the price?Kind of, it’s a mix of them being rare/uncommon characters who only started getting merch semi regularly again last year as well as them being popular currently for falling into the ‘goth Sanrio’ vibe that’s popular in Japan right now because of jirai kei.
So pretty similar to western weebs current obsession with sugarbunnies (both 2000s Sanrio characters) but on the eastern side (and also me).
No. 1465648
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>>1465634I wouldn’t spend that much on them personally, I got my lloromannic plushies from Sanrio’s official store a while back (and they’re actually a pretty nice size) and I’m waiting for this one to come in the mail.
No. 1466175
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Husbandofagging calico critter
No. 1466265
blog ahead. but on the topic of calico critters, on my break at work today a coworker asked what i had been up to yesterday (because i haven't slept since 2:00am of yesterday). told him i was p much just drinking beer and sewing 'lil clothes for my calico critters. offered to show him a picture. he said sure. i showed him an outfit inspired buy 80's exercise wear. he kept asking how i did that. didn't know what to tell him other than "well, um, needle and thread really". odd, but i got a kick out of it.
No. 1466278
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>>1466275dropped the pic oops
No. 1466958
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I am about to just go on a shopping spree and order a huge box of shit from aliexpress to fill up my new home.
Also whoever made this needs help
No. 1466964
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>>1464467Yes though they sell them at other places, Meijer has high quality ones
No. 1467365
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>>1465627>I would rather dieMelodramatic. Sanrio is one of the most merchandised products in the world precisely because of how easy it is to get the license. There is no difference between bootleg and official. They are both pieces of fabric. If you genuinely liked cinnamonroll for being cinnamonroll, it really wouldn't matter what cardboard tag is on it. If I was into Japanese goth aesthetics, I would put my grand into a few nice dresses or wigs that were uniquely made. $500 is a dinky used car or down-payment on a nice one, food for a month and a half, or rent depending on where you live. Pic rel.
No. 1467384
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>>1467365>There is no difference between bootleg and official.maybe for shit like the hello kitty toasters or other western shit, but for the official jp plushies (aka the only ones I buy) vs bootleg ones? Bullshit that they’re the same.
At absolute best they might be able to make ones that sort of resemble the shitty prize plushies, but even then it’s usually on the same tier as fake prize anime figures.
No. 1467394
>>1467365I recently got a 4$ pokemon plush off a random website and it turned out to be cuter designed + better made then what I can find for around 20$ in local stores and even in the official pokemon shop online (though I suspect that maybe it was made to sell in Japan).
The truth is that the quality is actually all over the place depending on the product. Maybe official Hello Kitty stuff is all extremely well-made, but who knows.
No. 1467453
>>1467168Aliexpress search in slippers
They were front page for me
No. 1467865
>>1467442>It's not worth the difference between $500 (59k yen) and $5-14.I don’t think anyone is spending that much on the lloromannic plushies, that’s just what they get scalped to.
I just don’t get the appeal of buying shit off aliexpress to begin with and comparing plushies to designer bags is pretty silly to me.
No. 1467885
nonny if you're going to have a brand bag you can show it off to other people considering how mainstream it is .but who would know your 2007 my melody goethe ver shinjuku plushie besides teens who probably grow out of it? Justifying 500$ for a plushie is literally shooting yourself in the foot
No. 1467893
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No. 1468143
>>1467994They won't. Men will make effort for things they care about, usually themselves, if at all. Men will feign the same interests to get your attention but never make effort beyond that. He would never learn them to get sex, too much effort.
Speaking on this I recall a time some ugly dude tried to feign interests to get me which obviously did not work, I only knew him by association and left that city soon after. I mention one hobby I am passionate about and he says "oh me too I love that I am going to learn this today" Like nah fuck off with that. Never tell men your interests upfront, either they won't listen or they'll try to game you with it, either way they don't care.
No. 1468221
File: 1673296106531.jpg (467.51 KB, 1200x1200, BLUSH.jpg)

I did something very silly today. I caved and bought this. I promised myself to stop buying makeup but j couldn't resist seeing this with a steep discount. I always wanted a patmcgrath product but it's so expensive and she also makes items i would never use. This is the only item i would actually reach for on top of being beautiful. The moral of the story for me is to stay the fuck out of tj max when you promised yourself you would spend money. The fomo i get when i go there is unreal and yet i still did it anyways.
No. 1469329
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I hate being reminded that people like this exist (oops forgot image)
No. 1471618
File: 1673599448117.jpeg (430.67 KB, 1536x2048, FlQWO3zaUAA-ZiX.jpeg)

Japanese man that likes to cycle with his waifus on his shirt (1/6)
No. 1471623
File: 1673599798328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,495.98 KB, 2048x1498, FgEsYbDacAIgmPl.jpeg)

>>1471618And no, he does not view Bridget and Testament from Guilty Gear as men. as proven by the the
hentai he buys and shares on twitter (3/6)
No. 1471626
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>>1471618Yes he cycle with his waifus face stuck on the wheel, along with an ita bag, a crappy shrine dedicated to some of his waifu (5/6)
No. 1471630
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>>1471618As all anime infected males he has few status of that reminds him of his Japanese heritage as an otaku. (6/6)
No. 1471891
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Cp front page
No. 1472372
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>>1468221Why does that brand name its products like this kek
No. 1472450
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>>1472083>>1471883I should have mentioned that he likes futanari in my previous posts along with the fact that he mentions them with female pronouns. Further digging into his profile aside from the big breasted and loli, he has mostly futanari art and he is a fan of male cosplayers who dress up as crossdressers. So yes he is a raging faggot that hides behind futanari girls as that is more acceptable then being gay in Japan
Though I think he could also be bisexualA lot of people often know who he is as he bicycles with his "waifu" shirts and prints on his bicycle wheel. pic semi unrelated as I don't want to save his hentai collection on my pc and instead show you one of his friends car
No. 1472456
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Doll collecting thread is maxed so I’m posting this here.
Nonnies I’m so bummed. I’m broke atm and couldn’t get her before she sold out. I’m not the biggest fan of Elvira but MH gen 1 is the only western doll line I like. I tried to see if I could get her off a scalper but they’re selling her at 5x her retail price.
@spergs complaining about her bust not being accurate - it would have looked shit on that model and you know it
No. 1472459
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>>1472372>>1472443I've never understood that. Twoface and nars is another brand that i think of on this trend. Nobody even likes it, i've seen so many normie women complain for years about cringing about nars orgasm or the better than sex mascara. It's a mystery.
No. 1472669
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I wonder if some of these people buy these just to collect and not even use because with that much of it, it is hard to believe it would actually get used.
original post: No. 1472713
File: 1673683872922.jpeg (104.1 KB, 597x754, 8C24B26F-ED4D-4C83-826A-CA4D89…)

Man I want to commission a princess Tutu doll from this artist someday, truly depressing it never got any merch outside of some crappy gacha figures.
No. 1472920
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>>1472713im not sure if you more princess tutu merch but if you dont mind crafting there is a papercraft of princess tutu! theres also a garage kit of her
No. 1473073
>>1472713id love a princess tutu figurine. seems theyre either counterfeits or extremely rare.
depressing that generic isekais continue to get pumped out and merch is made for them but a beloved cult classic like princess tutu doesn't even get teased for a remake or continuation.
No. 1473222
>>1472901Minicouturedoll I own a Beatrice (Umineko) doll by them and the quality is amazing.
>>1472920Very cool paper craft! I know about the garage kit (hobby I’ve thought about getting into actually, but it’s kind of expensive) and I haven’t seen it go up for sale on the secondhand market (no interest in buying recasts)
No. 1474117
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>>1472669From the thumbnail I couldn't tell what those were. I thought they were those jesus candles you see in old people's houses. Maybe they just really like the bottle designs, but still, that feels like a huge waste of product.
No. 1476527
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>>1461792Lord give me strength not to start fucking buying these things, the urge to get them is overpowering when I see them in stores. I almost caved and bought a kangaroo family before I looked at the price tag. I know I really
shouldn't spend my money on things like this but then my monkey brain tries to justify it by saying '
Your coworkers all spend money on vape pods and liquor, you deserve to spend at least a little on something you like'. It feels dumb to be an adult and want to collect things like this, right? But then I see men collecting shit like legos and funko pops so I shouldn't give a shit. Anyway, my other dilemma is that if I do allow myself one set I don't know which one to choose, I'm partial to the more unusual animals like the penguins or meerkats, but ideally I'd like a mix of animals and it seems they aren't sold often with more than one type of animal per pack.
No. 1476545
File: 1674107232148.png (2.01 MB, 1235x818, polymer.PNG)

>>1476541That anon is
retarded mistaken anyways. 'Polymer clay' can mean anything from cheap brands for children's crafts to stuff like picrel. It's like saying acrylic paint is cheap shit because that's what you used in kindergarten.
No. 1476627
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>>1476545Yes lol some brands can run very expensive too, it's part of why I haven't been into the hobby in a couple years.
>>1476625Not very! I started pretty young with help from Sue Heaser and Angie Scarr, both are amazing at what they do and have several well-written, detailed books with lots of great photos and instructions. It was easy for me to advance and I still keep/use some of the pieces I made from when I was 13. It's not just good for food either, you can use polymer clay to imitate wood, ceramic, fabric, stone, and more. If you want to try I would recommend Scarr's Miniature Food Masterclass and Heaser's Making Dollhouse Miniatures with Polymer Clay.
No. 1476649
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not sure if this is the right place the post but the only thing stopping me from buying more LPS is the fact that i spent more than i should’ve on them already. Those small plastic pets have me on a chokehold.
No. 1476716
>>1476649God these little things, I was obssesed with them from age 5 to 11 and only stopped collecting them when they changed their design. I remember how a bunch of us started a strike against Hasbro until they reverted them, the anti gen 4 LPS deviantart groups and youTube channels were great lmao.
I actually still keep mine, since they're 80-90 they fit nicely on a small box, sometimes I like to repaint them. I used to keep my playsets too but my father threw them out behind my back when I lived with him.
No. 1478795
>>1468272good for you, fellow semi-sober nonna. ive gone dry on and off for years but finally put my foot down when i realized just how much money i was losing and weight i was gaining. ill have a beer(one!) with friends but you really start to appreciate what havoc even a drink a every other night wreaks on your stomach when you stop for a month or so. women have lower alcohol tolerance than moids and more severe long term affects, so enjoy your fat wallet, good sleep, and clear skin
if it helps, i've been saving all the money i spent on alc and i accumulated enough to buy a sick electric conversion kit for my bike (came out to around 1000 dollars) with zero impact on my monthly budget or savings goals. it really adds up that much, in alcohol, bar food, dumb shit you buy when drunk and online, etc.
No. 1479551
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i said i was done but i need them. look at those stupid little faces they're fantastic
No. 1479634
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>>1479551I love these and I want to collect them so bad but I don't even know where I'd put them and I think it would just be a money sink ultimately. But god they're so fucking cute. I want one of those fuzzy kitten babies like picrel. I wanna make cute little foods and accessories for them too.
No. 1479724
File: 1674453162119.jpg (139.37 KB, 1920x1200, HeadsetFocus_OnDesk.jpg)

I Told myself I wasn't going to buy things I didn't need but I couldn't help myself when I saw this release.
Found the Mouse for $14 Dollars from a seller online and the headphones for $70.
No. 1479728
>>1479724i want those same headphones but can't find em anywhere under $125
nonnie where did you find for em for that price?
No. 1479733
>>>1479728I found both items from different sellers on eBay! But if you don’t mind the item being slightly used (purchased then sent back) you can type “Amazon warehouse” in the search bar on Amazon and then the name of the item you want and you’ll find cheaper options.
Here’s the cheapest one for around $80 I would just search around online! I find that things are usually cheaper/on sale on Amazon later in the night than they are at day.
No. 1479821
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I gave away all my pop vinyls to the neighbours kids when I moved (just had about fifteen of apex legends and Overwatch that sat in a row on my shelf). Glad for it tbh, they were cute but I think most were bought because I was just excited to have nerdy stuff after years of having some weird kind of shame about being into video games #subconscious self hating NLOG complex maybe kek#
Never been one for figure collecting except for schleich horses as a kid, I still have an insane collection in storage in the garage I plan to go through and sell when I have time.
Counter productive, but the one thing I’ve always wanted is this exact statue of Mercy. Can never find it in stock anywhere; I’ll assume it’s not meant to be.
No. 1479865
>>1479821plz post your horse collection when you have time nonna!! I used to collect Bryers, but had to pass them on when I was moving and knew I wouldn't step foot in my parent's house again.
sigh there were some really old and pretty ones too.
No. 1479909
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I consoomed a bunch of nail polish at the end of last year. I spent around $100 buying a couple of polishes from Holo Taco and another indie brand, for maybe like 10 or 11 polishes. On the bright side I've been using them and painting my nails like mad. I use the peely base and it can be shit and frustrating, but every time one pops off I'll immediately paint it in. I've only all of my nails completely unpainted for the past two days but painted my nails again. I usually have a random number of nails painted since some pop off early. I want to consoom more nail polish, it's so fucking fun and therapeutic to do. I forced my mother to let me paint her nails because I feel like just painting my own nails isn't hitting the fix I want. I'll paint my toes too because I just want some shit to paint. I want to buy more polishes but I'm trying not to look at sites because I go crazy just looking at the colors. Even though I'm painting my nails so much, I don't think I can get through all of it fast enough and I don't want to end up with like 50 expensive polishes just sitting there unused.
Super glossy taco is probably the single best thing I ordered even though it's just a clear top coat and smells like resin.
No. 1479923
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>>1479909bumping so that nonnies aren't subjected to trans porn
No. 1479949
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Source is downsizeupgrade on tiktok
No. 1479970
>>1479962Me too, I don't love overthinking every little thing. But I found that when I gave myself some base rules like "I can restock my toiletries, makeup, and kitchen pantry freely" and "I don't need to justify my coffee every day" this method could only be applied to certain impulses (clothes, home decorations, stuffed animals which are my kryptonite, etc), so the mental load of using it dropped significantly. Plus, the question that became most important to me was "Does this solve a problem" and if the answer was yes, I didn't worry too much about buying the thing. It's not meant to make you feel bad about shopping, just as a tool to help you understand why you're purchasing something.
No. 1479999
>>1479909Practice nail art, if you use plastic nail wheels like
>>1479952 said you can try out as many weird designs as you want without having to worry about ruining your nails. It's a good way to use the polishes you might not otherwise wear as often.
>>1479961Yeah tiktok isn't the best place for that particular piece of advice. It doesn't help that everyone on that app has the same shit sitting in the background, if you want to buy something you're going to see it on literally every video you watch and convince yourself it's a necessity.
No. 1480130
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I want to dew it but dew I dare
No. 1480235
>>1479733thanks based
No. 1480370
>>1480130I want these so bad if they actually taste like dew.
I love dew so much, but I can't get it in my country anymore and tbh even if I could, the amount of calories in mtn dew makes me break out in hives at the thought of it (I am getting older, so my metabolism is slowing down and I can't fathom slaming a 2 liter of dew in a day like I used to as a teen)
If they actually taste/smell like dew, I want to have them because original mtn dew is like my favourite taste/smell ever.
I am so sad about my dew-less life, so like, dew it for me, nona!
No. 1480652
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Saw this on Twitter and I can’t believe how many people are upset lol. It’s just a game now you can play it.
No. 1480846
>>1480652From one side, this is shitty.
From the other side? That's what you get for spending 3k on a massive produced videogame that's just gonna sit there in a shelf. A 3k brick, the customs did this guy a favour
No. 1481186
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I’ll never understand the need to hoard things like Loungefly backpacks. They have some cute designs and I could understand having one or two but this is so excessive and busy.
No. 1481188
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>>1481186Same with mugs, it seems so unnecessary unless you have a big family who use a lot of dishes.
No. 1481192
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>>1481188>>1481186I dislike any kind of "collectible" like this. Just another fad.
No. 1481442
>>1481188I can understand mugs, to a degree, especially if they're getting used and not just for display.
As a family of one, I own about 15 mugs for my own personal use, but I do drink tea every morning and every night and I have certain mugs I only use for my night tea and mugs that are only for morning tea. I will admit that I do tend to use some mugs more than others (some are hand-wash only and I'm lazy), but I eventually use every single mug over the course of a month. I always want more mugs, though, haha
But people who buy mugs just to buy mugs? Don't understand
No. 1481512
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>>1481186I agree that Loungefly has some really cute designs. I've wanted some before but $90 for pleather? I just can't justify it for some reason, even just one from a collection I like and would probably use. I'd pay $40 or $50 tops.
>>1481188Ok mugs are my fucking weakness kek. I've slowed down on buying them but I have a small collection of around 8 mugs just for myself. There's no cohesion in my collection. There's a time and place for each of my mugs, though I usually have one that's just my go-to. They're probably one of the best souvenir items to get for yourself or someone else because there's some actual function to them and will last for pretty much a lifetime as long as they aren't dropped or something. I guess that's also a downside of them, since you can't really justify replacements often. I've gotten better about buying them but I can't deny the appeal of contemplating another mug for myself. I started following a lot of ceramic artists on instagram and of course they make mugs and I want some kek.
No. 1481542
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I like the slanted ones or the big ones that are like a goblet so I can double up on tea
No. 1481543
>>1481192I always wonder what prompts sudden purges like this, it's probably financial reasons but between Klarna and credit cards most collectors with no money don't even notice how bad their finances are.
>>1481512Mugs straddle the line between useful and pointless, that's why it's so easy to go overboard. I don't think your collection is overkill, but people who have entire cupboards full of Rae Dunn mugs and use maybe 4 of them have crossed the line long ago.
No. 1481550
>>1481542I really wanted a big goblet mug for my tea but it's tricky for me so I opted for a big thermos with a handle. I don't take forever to drink it but I feel like I make it too much of a stressful experience for myself kek. Tea is too hot, then just the right temperature (but now I have to chug this enormous amount of tea), then too cold. If I use a regular sized mug then it's all gone before I can even blink.
>>1481543>entire cupboards full of Rae Dunn mugsWhen I move out I worry I'll become one of those people with 6 of the same mugs "for when company comes over." I like the idea of matching dishware and whatnot, but at the same time I really love variety because getting one of each fun kind of mug/dish is fun. Both extremes kind of suck though, because before I know it I'll have a pantry full of different mugs kek.
No. 1481583
>>1481186do these backpacks even get used? why would anyone want their room to look like a store???
>>1481512 mugs are my weakness too. but I do try to thrift them. y'know the ones with a little animal at the bottom? yeah I found one with a dragon in it for like $2.50 once. made my damn day.
No. 1481759
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>>1481596bro I have so much freaking CC it's not even funny anymore. I quit my TSR subscription sometime last year, not that it was a huge expense but I don't miss it. now I just get on pinterest and find folks sharing free CC on patreon from there.
I just got a new PC because my last one got fried via lightning damage and the game is running so much smoother. please notice the cow squishmellow.
No. 1481803
>>1481778oooh thanks, I'll check it out. on pinterest I usually just use the search function, click on one I like that links back to patreon, then scroll down to "more like this" instead of looking further into suggestions for that specific search. "more like this" seems to suggest more patreon (rather than TSR) links and similar aesthetics. for example, and without linking my own cc board, when I view this pin the suggestions underneath are mostly other CC of a similar quality. in regards to that particular kitchen set, it's from cowbuild, and while they do link offsite from their patreon to wetransfer, I've never had an issue with it and the download speed is a-ok.
No. 1481830
>>1481803 Here's a link to all their shit never buy from this idiot
I heard they put trackers in their cc/doxxed etc. No. 1481845
>>1479909Just fyi, it's actually possible to finish all these nail polishes. There was this one time where i hoarded nailed polishes for a couple of years and i think by the 3 year mark i was able to clear most of my collection.
>>1479634They sell lucky bags so you can get one baby instead of being over encumbered by a whole set.
No. 1485110
>>1485047Not personally, but one of my friends frequently purges all her stuff to fit whatever new aesthetic she's going for, and regrets it every time. She's gone for the minimalist look a few times and ends up being depressed from living in a greige box with three pairs of underwear, then turns into a consoomer, then purges again.
If you want to sell things you might as well put them in a box for a few weeks and act as if they're gone. If you want them back, you can get them out. If you want to sell them after all, you won't regret it later.
No. 1485794
>>1485025I really don't like them because they peddle aliexpress shit while pretending they made it themselves. Who knows what's in that makeup, rocks, or the any of the plastic/alloy metals.
Gacha techniques have an unreal grip on people, not just zoomers. It's escaping games, especially since businesses realised that the easiest way to get rid of poorly selling stock is sticking it in a "mystery box". I don't really get the appeal, I'd never pay for a "mystery" item where I don't even know what it's going to be until it arrives.
No. 1485815
>>1485025Don't forget the shiny packaging, endless 'extra goodies' and the free shipping!
>>1485794>Who knows what's in that makeup, rocks, or the any of the plastic/alloy metals.Lead and mercury kek
No. 1486536
>>1481759>>1481803>>1481596Damnit guys, I haven't downloaded cc in over a year (I have way too much already & things breaking with updates & trying to delete stuff I ended up not using/liking became such a chore in itself) + I stopped playing completely around the same time. But seeing some of this stuff really makes me want to get back into it again.. It just started to feel like a huge time waste.
plus I cut back & have stopped smoking weed & I feel like playing videogames just makes me want to smokeBut it's pathetic bc I legit even dream about playing games (esp the sims) on a regular basis still. Lol sorry for the loser rant
No. 1487966
File: 1675281806344.jpg (1.6 MB, 1600x2000, LOEWE_SS23_JT_HMC_CAMPAIGN_RGB…)

Loewe dropped their Howl's Moving Castle collection and to no one's surprise it is exorbitantly priced. Picrel bag is about $15,000 I believe. I seriously debated buying the earrings ($850) and cardigan styled after Howl's jacket (~$2,350) last night but ultimately decided it would not be a good use of $3k.
A friend of mine tried encouraging me to do it anyway since money can always be earned back. That's true, and I'm not hurting for money right now, but I'd rather blow that money on airplane tickets or something, y'know? I believe that there's no shame in buying and owning a handful of well made luxury goods meant to last a lifetime, but $3k for a cardigan and earrings is not it. I know I wouldn't wear the cardigan either, I already struggle to justify wearing my nice dresses that I get on sale. I'd feel so stressed out over the fear of ruining something so expensive.
No. 1487982
>>1487966that bag is hideous…
the problem i have with stuff like this or that minecraft burberry collection for example is that the items are so expensive and they don't even look good. im looking at the loewe collection rn and while some of the items look nice, they're also charging 1k for an ugly calcifer print viscose shirt and £400 for a cotton t-shirt with a picture (not even original art?) of the witch of the waste from the movie on it. for stuff like the earrings i feel like you could get a really nice custom pair made from an independent artist for the same price if not less.
also this collection is massive and filled with tat imo, there are some really nice items that would appeal to collectors mixed in with a bunch of random cheap looking overpriced garbage. sorry for the rant anon, i think you probably made the right decision not spending money on this though
No. 1487992
>>1487945Can you sell it and get some of the money back? Chanel is one of those brands that tend to keep their value, you should be able to get back most of what you paid.
>>1487966You made the right choice, most of it looks like it came from Etsy or Aliexpress. Make or commission the earrings if you like them that much, I can promise you it won't cost close to $850.
No. 1488250
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>>1487982>>1487986>>1487992>>1488073Thanks nonnies! I've been looking into having myself a silly little splurge and getting a custom made leather bag from a shop in my city and honestly I don't even think it's cost me anything close to $3k. I also totally forgot about Etsy kek. It looks like a lot of the Howl earrings are just resold off Ali so maybe I'll just get a pair off Ali if I can't find a jeweler to work with to get a pair made.
I do think this is a really fun piece from the collection. It's the feather cardigan and on the back is Howl's face peeking out. It's $11k though, and god knows how you're even supposed to fucking wash the thing considering the feathers. The care instructions mostly focus on the fact that it's wool… ummmmmm hello, the whole fucking thing is covered in FEATHERS TOO???
No. 1489016
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I hate this trend that I've seen on tik tok where these people will put junk food into a bowl, bath or toilet just to make a mess and be outrageous. It's so fucking wasteful
No. 1489082
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>>1489016Before starting the webm I thought you were talking about something like pic related but with mcdonalds kek
No. 1490203
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They didn’t giver her tits. I would’ve gotten her if she had tits.
No. 1490690
>>1490656NTA, but he wont. This isn't the first time GSC does this and 80% of what they throw in these boxes are over-stock of stuff no one wants, and (with exceptions) the max you can sell one of these nendoroids for is $20. Maybe you can fool someone locally who doesn't know about figure collecting, but that's all.
Mercari & other second-hand shops get flooded by these every time GSC does a Mystery Box sale and it's almost imposible to sell what you got on them (specially for western IPs).
The Fornite and Overwatch nendoroids still haunt some collectors to this day.
No. 1490706
>>1489016So this is how they're marketing fetish shit on Tiktok nowadays?
>>1490656The only way this would work is if you used them to make customs, they will not sell otherwise. Lucky/mystery boxes are always used to get rid of old stock, unless some poor employee fucked up and slid a couple of good nendos in there by mistake.
No. 1491196
>>1490656Nendos can resell for a lot but you have to know which ones. Character from manga thats really popular but the anime hasn't come out yet go through the roof. A lot of people are too stupid to figure out how to order from Japan.
I keep seeing people open these though and it's really funny watching them pull out super popular series and have no idea what they are despite running anime themed accounts. Literally buying crap just to buy crap
No. 1492800
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>>1476527Nona here again to say I broke and absolutely bought a set of them. I ended up getting the family of brown bunnies, and I can already say I don't regret getting them. I'm having too much fun posing them and setting them up in my little model kits. I've already ordered two more families so probably spent ~$60 in total. I strictly want the critters so I'm not tempted to buy the accessories and houses. For now I'm going to try and buy them second hand from ebay or mercari though so I can't just get the ones I want immediately. I justify myself by saying I can always resell them later if I don't need them anymore, which is probably not the best mindset. have to be careful though I can see how addicting they can be to collect.
No. 1495444
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Costco fanatics are weird
No. 1497380
>>1495444Look, I love Costco as much as the next person but what the fuck is this kek.
>>1495622I told my parents they were getting Costco caskets because they love Costco, but also because they're affordable.
No. 1497622
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Figure coomers have gone too far
No. 1497794
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>>1497625Ibuki Douji (summer version) from Fate Grand Order
No. 1498253
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i just caved and bought these two, someone was selling them new for half of what they usually go for and i couldn't resist. i haven't consoomed figures in a long time and i've been selling a lot on mercari so i'm not gonna be too hard on myself
No. 1498419
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>>1498253That's OK if you've bought these two after such a long time (they're so cute!) Just don't consoom too much and end up like this loser. I saw her collection on mfc front page checked out her insta annnnd she's has a pedo collection. Anime figure collecting is a slippery slope so many of the figures are coombrained it sucks.
No. 1498423
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>>1498253They're lovely anon, touhou figures are definitely some of the best (pre ordered this Flan)
No. 1498439
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>>1498253>>1498423Thank god I'm not the only Touhou fan on this site. Touhou should be a series for women only, when men look at my girls I feel nauseated. They're like my daughters.
I really want this Flan fig by Orchid Seed, but she's very tiny and very expensive.
No. 1498440
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>>1498419thank you
nonnie! i quit collecting everything except touhou and i've recently sold almost everything else from my collection.
that image is disturbing, i love figures but i stay away from the community because of people like this. i don't understand why anyone (especially a woman) would not only hoard this kind of thing but show it off on the internet like it's an accomplishment.
>>1498423she's gorgeous! touhou does have some extremely beautiful figures, but there's something so simple and charming about the early 2010s griffon figures (not my pic)
No. 1498922
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>>1498253>>1498439>>1498423>>1498440I never played but I always thought the character designs were fun and the figures that get produced are super nice. I too wish touhou was for girls only, same with fate. The coomers literally ruin fandoms with their thirsting and I wish character designers would stop making shit like this monstrosity
>>1497622>>1498419yo wtf i hate coomers, these figures aren’t even that nice and I can’t imagine buying that many when the face sculpt is the same for every character. I wish this was just a granny who collects something like precious moments and didn’t realize it was toddlers people want to fuck.
No. 1498948
speaking of touhou, the worst kind of consoomer are fumo hoarders. throughout the years, i spent a grand total of 60€ on touhou merch and i felt terribly irresponsible, so i really can't understand how these people can sleep at night knowing that they spent half their paycheck on a plushie when they could've just bought a bootleg. not that they're too far off, most of the times. but maybe that's just me.
>>1498439i agree. i hate that it's one of the most male-dominated fandoms i've ever seen. the series itself is extremely incompatible with coomer bullshit, but alas.
No. 1499040
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>>1498439Agreed, I got into touhou as a kid because I loved the designs and how they reminded me of vintage dolls seeing any lewd shit of them just makes me sad.
That Flan is so cute! I love the little macaron she's on.
>>1498440Those ones remind me a lot of the art from the fighting game, it almost looks like a character selection screen! Very very cool.
>>1498922Fate was always scrote shit though, it literally started out as a porn game.
No. 1499048
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>>1498948It's autism, literally just autism.
I don't know what it is about fumos but they for some reason attract autists like no other product, with that being said I find the nendoroid plus series of touhou plushies cuter since they don't like permanently high like the fumos do.
No. 1499153
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Who genuinely needs this many?
No. 1499937
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>>1499739Agreed. Squishables are much better made and have more variety, but they tend to be pricier.
No. 1500449
>>1499739 I have a couple of squishmallows but I do NOT understand the extreme hype they have. The hoarders are so fucking beyond me (and this is coming from someone who has a hoard of plushies, difference is they arent all goddamn squishmallows lmfao i seriously do not understand having a room of them)
>>1499937 squishables are so good, I wish I owned more
No. 1501896
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G3 Abbey got leaked and I’m so happy I held off from buying any other doll from the line. She’s my favourite character and probably the only one I’ll buy.
No. 1501968
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>>1501896I was actually so shocked when I saw this because all this other MH reboots have sucked to me, but she is so cute! It definitely feels like Abbey with a new flair. I appreciate that her pet still looks similar. I think I complained about new MH dolls having faces that are too "cutesy" in a previous thread, and I like that her face isn't.
No. 1503767
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i fucking love these gel pens. most of the ones i have were ordered off of amazon but i've been stealing them from work and should seriously consider not doing that anymore.
No. 1504235
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Nonas I feel like we've lost the point of these threads.
No. 1504236
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The amount of comments I see of people praising these rooms is wild.
No. 1504238
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The amount of things wrong in this picture are too much to list.
No. 1504240
>>1504236Do you think they ever clean their rooms?
>>1504238That's just a hoarder den.
No. 1504242
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Spoiler for loli.
>>1504240It's hard to imagine they do.
No. 1504248
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Ngl, I love the carpet. Very nostalgic.
No. 1504265
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I like dolls as much as the next nona but damn.
No. 1504267
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No. 1504283
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>>1504253my favourite part of the whole drama was some guy going on an autistic rant in the comment section of the ban announcement, spanning several pages with great arguments like nendoroids should be banned since they look like children.
i'm happy they were forced to take the group down, it was so gross having to see figures of actual underage characters like from cardcaptor sakura tagged as loli.
No. 1504291
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>>1504288Pic related. If MFC changing to remove loli and accept chinese media upsets people like him and makes them leave, so be it, begone moid.
No. 1504319
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No. 1504321
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I think I'm going to go dust my room.
No. 1504353
>>1504321After seeing these posts I took an hour to dust and clean my room.
>that mousepadUGH
No. 1504397
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No. 1504599
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A few years ago I tried (and mostly succeeded) to throw away a lot of my favorite childhood figures and I'm still confused over it.
BTW, this is unrelated but have you nonnies had luck in online auctions? There's a few things I want to get ahold of in bulk.
No. 1504888
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Does anyone else just go on certain sits and just add everything they'd want to the cart then just never check out
I might come back in a few months and get the hammock and dry bag but the rest is just shit I don't need
No. 1504900
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anyone I see in in the street wearing adidas sambas I'm shooting you on sight. no more fucking sambas
No. 1504909
>>1504888i do this all the time, it's what curbs my desire for impulse purchasing
i'll just look at my nicely curated cart and close the tab