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No. 1208852
Talk about consumerism, criticize consumerism, talk about niche and fandom specific consumerism, talk about consoom tendencies, collections, hoards and addiction. If you are a consoomer yourself, feel free to talk about it in this thread, same with people who are now reformed consoomers. And if you did get over it, tell us why or how it happened.
>>>/ot/1032560>>>/ot/1016970>>>/ot/1004939>>>/ot/1208369ORGANIZATION THREAD
>>>/g/181093 No. 1209135
File: 1654253456688.webm (9.51 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_1654252696049.webm)

She has spent "so much time and money" making a nendoroid of herself in pretty much the same setup her actual room is which she also has spent a lot of money too. I would find this idea kind of cute if there wasn't such consooming involved. There's nothing creative about this as her room is basically exactly the same. I hate sanrio characters(and whatever characters) have become some sort of personality trait.
No. 1209206
>>1209135>Demon SlayerCheck
>Attack on TitanCheck
>Re: ZeroCheck
>Darling in the FranxxCheck
>Slice of life moeshitCheck
>Sanrio shitCheck
Treatment plan: Watch literally any other anime and get a personality. I'll send you my invoice.
No. 1209215
>>1208548There really is no cheap housing anymore regardless of tempature conditions tbh. I lived in an area where you're practically required to blast heat in order to not freeze to death from September-May and you get like 3 nice months in summer and that's it. Rent was still tripling in record numbers just because everyone else from big cities had the same idea of "if you move to the place with shit tempatures, it will be cheap". Now you gotta deal with expensive everything, shit temp and a growing population in areas that weren't built to sustain that many people at once
Everyone blames "hippies coming in from Cali" but it's really not, it's rich people opening up bougie resorts and businesses and turning what would be a family town into a vacation tourist town
No. 1209227
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I’m a reformed consoomer and just moved to a new smaller apartment. So I had to throw some things that I bought as a teenager. As a young weeb teen I used to buy soooo many figures and cosplays whenever I went to Japan. I think I got fooled by the whole “it’s not hoarding, it’s collections of valuable anime items that can be sold for high value” because that’s just a complete lie. Now I’m sitting here with tons of wigs and figures and no buyers. Literally such a waste of money and space. And yeah figures like pic related that I have is cute but what’s it’s purpose? To be quickly glanced at. It’s useless. I’m so angry at my naive teenage self.
No. 1209267
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Pretty sure this is a TIM and NOT a woman like they imply but I hate this person's space they just hoard old anime shit and games, there's no way anyone could play all this or watch it especially when they work. It's just sitting there deteriorating for some retard to take photos of it.
No. 1209269
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>>1209267also the way they don't even try to make it look nice, just cheap shelves and everything is thrown onto it… Why bother collecting rare stuff and flexing if you do this
No. 1209621
>>1209283Yes I’ve noticed this phenomenon too, people moving to “less popular” states and rural towns hoping to spend less, but only resulting in a bandwagon and inflated housing prices. Reminds me of vid related.
No. 1209668
>>1209654The anime actually sold horribly for an original production and so much shilling, it sold much less than Aldnoah Zero even. But it seems like someone at
trigger created her as his ideal waifu and kept pushing her, totally taking Lum's "Darling" and repackaging it with less personality lol
No. 1210487
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>>1210482Being a nostalgiafag but when you change up the time in searches it makes me so sad.
No. 1210592
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Why even have boxes if you’re going to put them in front of each other like that on the floor?
No. 1210595
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No. 1210670
>>1210602That's the point
>>1210592Why do so many weebs like elsa?
No. 1210681
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>>1209668darling in the franxx girl is just repackaged CC in a more boring anime
No. 1211031
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>>1210592They must have no storage space left to keep their boxes in. Most weebs keep them in case they want to resell them or for safely transporting their nerd shit in the future.
>>1210670The original Frozen is old enough to be nostalgic for some people. That's my guess, anyway.
No. 1211219
>>1210611It honestly looks like a mini TV made for prison, most clear electronics that are manufactured currently are specifically targeting prisoners who have to have transparent tech. Totally agree though.
nonnie half the pc98 games he shows are pornographic and he owns plenty of retro coomer shit. Most of the pc98 games are literally just proto-moe VN's but there was a bigger focus on lite bondage, futurism and space opera plots. I thought like you until I googled the games he flexes.
No. 1213428
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No. 1213522
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No. 1214230
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No. 1214233
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No. 1214235
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No. 1214250
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I'm so confused because this looks like something from vo1dchan, but it's from 2019 so it's not a clone either, time traveller? lol
No. 1214292
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>>1214250This, just seems like she copied all the other girls who had pretty pink rooms and TVs with edgy stuff on the screen. Pic related is more Nicole Dollanganger esque, but same energy
No. 1214313
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>>1214250>>1214306I guess this type of photo was just popular in edgytraumagirl communities and vo1dchan managed to popularized it. Picrel is pretty old too
No. 1214805
>>1214230So bizarre to remember this is the room of a girl who isn't even 18 yet, literally some rich bratty californian Asian girl that got outed for calling people niggers because of course she did
Weird how rich kids are taking this shit and making it aesthetic. Used to at least be something built up over time by working adults
No. 1214894
>>1214805i remember when she was friends with vo1dchan kek
>>1214250 is her room so it's not recent collecting, she's just spoilt. i have no fucking idea how parents let their kids get so spoilt at a young age, her account got nuked so I can't post it unfortunately, but she posted a picture of her room as a kid, and it was filled with sailor moon and other shoujoshit. by her age it a was probably like 2012 when anime stuff wasnt something you could go to the shopping center for so her parents probably imported that shit, at least with stuffed animals you can just get them from tesco or something.
she also was obsessed with miku years back and would call any other miku kin invalid because they didn't have as large of a "miku shrine" as her, trying to find her room pics from her kinblr era but they seem to be lost. all i found was picrel
sorry to expose my vendetta im just surprised she's talked about since she left a while ago
No. 1214896
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>>1214894woops it didnt post
No. 1214911
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No. 1214912
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No. 1214952
>>1214919>There's an abundance of adults in this thread who show their age by saying how long they've been collecting, and it's weird to me that adults have to compare themselves to teenagers to prove that they're "true weebs" or whatever. It either comes from a place or projection or jealousy or both.NTA but I think it's fine to mock the people (regardless how old they are) who have rooms full of plastic shit that's taking over their life and impacting their quality of living.
That being said, some weebs never touch enough grass and I know some in their 30s who openly talk about gatekeeping like a caricature of a nerd.
No. 1214957
>>1214919My point was only that the slow collection of things can be considered less extreme consoomerist than bulk buying everything at once. I don't declare myself a better weeb just because I'm old as shit, my tastes are shit and always have been.
>also jesus, nonna at least learn japanese, what's the point if you can't even understand itGomen I'm trying
>>1214935I would pirate most of it so I had translations and just wanted to support the creator. It's been on my to do list life just gets in the way I guess.
No. 1214967
>>1214881Asahmed to say that I used to own some weeb figures that I got as a kid. I've sold them now, some had to go in the bin.
My other skeleton is that I have a folder full of stickers. I will never use them all up but god do I love stickers.
No. 1215072
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>>1215061You've encouraged me to track down a particular reddit user that had an interesteg consumption habit. This lady used up 77 tins of vaseline in a year. Props to her I guess since it's actually used, but what the hell?
No. 1215076
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>>1215072What a nasty ass slug. She's probably one of those nasties who apply lip balm every 2 minutes and walk around looking like pic rel.
No. 1215160
File: 1654614204305.webm (16.66 MB, 540x960, crocs.webm)

I found a lip balm hoard video so long, the file won't go through. Enjoy the crocs collection instead
No. 1215656
>>1214881I'm a recovering consoomer, I used to use shopping and spending money as a bandaid when I was depressed as shit and getting over drug addiction. Tbh the only thing that's helped me is going to therapy and knowing that I'm moving away from an
abusive situation soon. The main thing I hoarded was books, because I could justify it as reading being an educational and healthy hobby kek. I'm currently getting through a backlog of 100+ unread books, I'm on a strict no-buy (although I have slipped up a couple of times when I've been depressed) and I'm just getting rid of them once I've read them.
>>1214961Me too wtf. I only get a takeaway on Friday nights because then I know that I can freeze portions and won't have to cook dinner throughout the weekend. Fast food is such a stupid thing to waste so much money on.
No. 1215899
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i want these
No. 1215957
>>1215910Whether that's too much or not is for you to judge but
>scared of regretting getting rid of somethingyou can just bag some things up, put them on the attic or something and if you don't take anything out for like a month or so you're probably save getting rid of those pieces. I also think
>they would not be easy to find if they aren't in fashion or unfounded. Thriftstores and online 2nd hand selling websites are littered with clothing from previous trends.
No. 1216176
>>1216133What do you collect
No. 1216193
>>1216133as an italian: why?
I hope you collect only indie stuff or complete authorial, our serialization game is pretty shit lol
No. 1216338
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Big chains obviously factor theft into their business model. Employees probably know that you're stealing, you're not as clever as you think you are. Shoplifting is still consooming, probably the worst form of consooming, because you aren't limited by money it's hypothetically endless. For example
>>1215928 is absolutely a problem. You are not fighting capitalism, it is an addiction that is not worth bragging about and it almost always escalates until you're arrested. Please don't go to jail for shitty perfumes you don't need nor probably even actually want. If you really must hide things away in your pockets, how about going outside and seeing if there are cool rocks and stones to collect? You still get a rush when you find something good.
No. 1216407
>>1214881I've been a consoomer most of my life. My parents enabled the habit when I was young and I continued the pattern into adulthood. It was only about 4-5 years ago I started to acknowledge my habits and I have been slowly selling most of the useless shit I've acquired.
On the shoplifting topic, it's against most company policies in the US for employees to get involved with a known or suspected shoplifter. They would rather let the cameras at the doors or in the parking lot catch people and then fill out police reports. If you are stealing, make sure its little dumbass shit. If you're a repeat offender grabbing high value stuff you will get slapped with a felony. Sometimes they'll even let you knowingly steal more so you hit the minimum for felony charges.
No. 1216439
>>1214881Records and VHS. I'm trying to only buy horror VHS now cause they're the only ones worth something but I love collecting awful forgotten b-movies too. The fact that I can get them for 50¢ or 1$ doesn't help. I slowed down on the records buying cause I can't affort it right now but I miss going record shopping so much. Finding something rare that I've been looking for for years is awesome. Whenever I travel I have to go to the record stores.
Also on the topic of shoplifitng. They probably know you do it, they just keep collecting evidence on you. I worked retail in many stores and this is what we did. The only thing the employees can do is follow you and tell you off but one day you just won't be able to go in the store anymore and might get a huge fine or get arrested. It is not worth it. It is also very annoying to deal with as an employee and will probably reduce bonuses and salary raises (because obviously dumbdass employers think it's your fault if people steal).
No. 1216696
File: 1654716288325.webm (5.34 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)

there is a weird section of cleaning tiktok made up of women complaining about their husbands/families, while they clean things and restock their laundry and whatever. they get a lot of attention.
No. 1216814
>>1216776I can't really make my mind up about them. On one hand, tons of women use tiktok and it's great for them to get info about
abusive relationships. on the other hand though it seems weird to get attention and likes for stories about your husband and mother in law being
abusive to you? like it's just farming attention because it's an emotional subject, idk. something about them creeps me out.
No. 1217010
>>1214425>>1214478>>1214514>>1214573Thank you nonas– hearing people defend YN makes me feel weirdly heartwarmed.
Zoomers/Trans/ect see anything weird with a little girl and run with it. Most of them that actually played it found it too 'boring' and couldn't bother to invest any time into the game anyway.
No. 1217766
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>>1217740Has any of you actually seen anyone dressed even half as unhinged out there in the wild? I wonder if it's just my country that is sticking to minimalism still or is it all made up for social media and these people only wear stuff like that for tiktok and instagram.
No. 1217808
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>>1217782>>1217788exactly, somebody finally said it. when lockdown happened and got extended, people said we should wear our fancy clothes inside! but why the hell would i wear them at home, where i sit, clean, lounge, and cook? those big dresses and tight pants are for outfits, its in the name, for going out. so people can see. i don't have to express myself at home through clothing. i like my clothes and my style but why would i ruin them with doing chores inside just to be able to say i am an OG trve and not a trender? this just shows they are all lazy teens saying this because they can dress up in full makeup and layers to only sit in their room and come eat mommy's dinner.
No. 1217817
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>>1217807I'm in the UK and the most zoomer fashion I've see are baggy clothes, some things maybe 70s-ish. There's quite a few alt people too but my city has a larger alt population than elsewhere I think. Nothing so outlandish, a lot of shitty shein stuff. A lot of picrel.
No. 1218621
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>>1218452everything is a core now
No. 1218663
>>1218452All these -cores say are 'I like the aestheic but have no interest in the rest'
Even more nebulous things like 'weird core' speak more to people who want to be perceived as bizarre and unknowable but are just as inclined to be an oversharing tiktok zombie as any other.
At this point it means signaling to others that you're cool and in the know but ultimately have no substance or interest in anything.
What room is there for true interests when the space is taken up by the concept of "Looking like someone who…."
No. 1218682
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>>1215928I had a shoplifting phase, and I'd recommend you'd stop or at least do it a lot less fequently and in different places. My 2 strikes were the day I went ham with my bf and we stole about 500 euros worth of small trinkets/jewellery in a day, then another time said bf stole from a small independent toy store when we'd always only taken from big chain stores, and I wanted to return the stolen items but it's harder said than done and even though I didn't do it, it really put the guilt in me. Plus there were times I stole because the opportunity was there or I couldn't be bothered waiting in the queue, which to me feels like the wrong reasons to steal. And it was starting to pile up. I started my just-for-fun shoplifting (after shoplifting essentials like tampons) by stealing one of pic related (I think the giraffe) then went on to collect dozens.
Now I'm older I don't think I would. It really is addictive and makes you feel resentful for actually buying anything, years later I still feel like a chump when I pay 25 euros for something I could easily hide under my phone then put both in my pocket.
No. 1219827
>>1218682I had a shoplifting phase too. My friend and I would always go to Target and lift nail polishes and make up, and the occasional clothing item. I actually have some dresses I stole from Target that I still have to this day and I wore to my graduations lol. Once I was hungry and stole those chocolate caramel turtles and regretted it because they were overly sweet, not sure why I didn't just take something savory instead. I actually went to work at the Target I stole a bunch of shit from kek. I worked at another retail store for a bit and they really had eagle eyes for shoplifters. Sometimes I'd listen to pocket whatever information they had in the back of my brain for future reference, but they never divulged any super useful information and I had stopped lifting for years at that point anyway. Whenever I go into a store I still look up to see where the cameras are.
> I still feel like a chump when I pay 25 euros for something I could easily hide under my phone then put both in my pocketThis really hits home kek. I never have the urge to lift anything anymore (thankfully). I'll just grumble about the price and put it back, or pay for it if it's a real necessity, but seriously! Sometimes I wish I could just lift again. Nothing is stopping me, but I just stopped wanting to do it after I got regular income.
No. 1220098
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I know it's just a fucking stuffed shark but I hate the hype around that blahaj plush, so many zoomers are throwing their money at ikea just because the plush is "trendy", I doubt a lot of them even like it and just got it because everyone else has it.
Picrel is an example, another animecore vo1d clone yet still has the blahaj, which doesn't even match her "core"
No. 1220108
>>1220098Ngl that looks comfy as fuck to me. I love blåhaj, I sleep with one every night, I might even have to restuff it soon since it's so worn out. Trannies taking blåhaj as their thing is a travesty though.
>>1220103Right? I have a few dolls myself but I feel so guilty to waste money on shit that's just placed on my shelf and never touched again. I might sell them to kids at some point.
No. 1220109
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>>1220097Yeah it is, she seemed to have dropped the kawaii aesthetic, picrel from 3rd thread
No. 1221072
>>1221040She's a skinny lightskin girl. Twittard uggo gays and other uggo women hate women like that. She constantly has to speak about them and advertise wokeness or they won't watch her.
Bestdressed was like her, skinny asian and pretty and she got cancelled for not being woke.
No. 1221113
>>1221072Oh I used to watch bestdressed and she was really funny sometimes. Did she stop uploading because she got canceled?
sorry for asking to be spoonfed
No. 1221239
>>1221040She always makes sure to put trans stuff before women's rights and racial issues as well,
oofSome of her woke takes are just contrarian to whatever is popular now
No. 1221421
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>>1219831Doll consooming can snowball easily because there are so many options out there. I feel bad for her because buying on this level really indicates something is up. It's like she's trying to fill some void. With a situation like this, there is no ending and eventually feeling satisfied with the collection. Only buying more.
No. 1221543
>>1221103I'm not dunking on her, she's clearly wasting her money away and she could've satisfied her autism and obsession in cheaper ways. Sorry if I came off rude and offended you.
>>1221113I liked her a lot too but she got canceled by a dumbass, I can't remember but you can search bestdressed cancelled on YouTube. I think it was a stupid joke. Then a scrote stalked her and found her house from her backgrounds and she fully quit. This Mina girl gives me a similar energy, cute Asian girl that'll easily be canceled or targeted if she doesn't act woke enough.
>>1221421It's probably escapism and relieving her childhood. I hope shw finds joy in her present and gives up a part of her collection. Sure it's ok to have a few objects you like but when it becomes the only thing that brings you joy, you should fix your issues
No. 1221650
File: 1654981191109.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 2194x2477, disgusting.jpg)

I've been reading every thread for the past months and you nonas really helped me realize that my anime shit is very retarded. Of course I'm nowhere near a hoarder, but I had 4 big sanrio plushies sitting on my shelf above my bed for months without me even touching them. It's been years since I put them there and only washed them twice! Those dust collectors are nothing but nasty at this point. Touching them is very unpleasant and I can't believe I didn't realize how bad it was sooner. I'm cleaning them thorougly and giving them away to my little nieces. I will also limit my reckless spending and organize my disgusting room. Thanks again nonas for bringing sanity into my life.
No. 1221668
>>1221650Proud of you
nonnie, I hope you enjoy the feeling of being free.
No. 1221692
>>1221662That honestly to me seems like she does not give a fuck and just parrots whatever woke point is popular now on twitter to be safe. I try to ignore all "trannies are SOOO
valid" shit from female content creators, because they are scrutinized (kek typoed it as scrotinized at first) so much, it's insane. Like someone finding out where you live irl and coming to your fucking house for not suckling the girlcock enough.
No. 1221810
>>1221692I don't know, she puts the wokeness in her videos above actually researched interesting stuff. Maybe she's doing that to not get cancelled, but she does that so much that I lean into her just being brainwashed by twitterfags. Either way, I'm not watching anymore of her vids cause the negatives outweight the positives. Putting tranny and fat "rights" above womens issues as
>>1221239 mentioned
is also off putting. Karolina Żebrowska is a better historical youtuber anyways.
No. 1221971
>>1221650Happy for you,
nonnie. This thread has helped me sell a lot of my extra games and toys on mercari. It made me realize I was living with clutter and things I never use. Got rid of the junk and got money while doing it.
No. 1222145
>>1221650This made me get up and give my big rilakkuma a hug. Good luck
No. 1222675
File: 1655046902618.webm (4.65 MB, 576x1024, jookstodolist.webm)

milk incoming
jookstogo partners with some kind of checklist company even though she does nothing ever and had the saddest, emptiest life
No. 1222680
File: 1655047091571.webm (1.54 MB, 576x1024, filthybitch.webm)

>>1222675>HAS the saddest lifegirl with disgusting hoodie stained in multiple places averagedietcokedrinker hoards plushies and keeps a tiktok page that give me Luna vibes.
No. 1222688
File: 1655047462550.webm (1.93 MB, 202x360, caryscuttlefish-cringe.webm)

>fatass with melanie martinez dye job>ceiling entirely covered in aliexpress fake flowers and cheap organza and probably contains 10 different species of spiders on top of being an international haven for mites>bedside table, no books but a whole ass "calm-down drawer" full to the brim with autistic stim toys>"hello kitty altar dedicated to my wedding day" No. 1223049
File: 1655064068464.png (479.92 KB, 579x547, consoom.PNG)

I hate when consoomers have the "better than everyone" attitude because they have large hoards. A lot of the other people posted act like this too and it's so annoying
also nesoberi are literally the funko pops of anime merch, and are very cheap kek
No. 1223059
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>>1222905what do you mean something wrong with her husband, he's perfect for her
No. 1223133
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>>1223107ngl my family was all hoarders and I got the gene in me but one of the things that makes me control it the most is that I'm a huge arachnophobe kek. I remember watching this extreme cleaning video and they moved some pizza boxes and they were covered in spiders and I always think about it when I see piles of shit.
No. 1223141
>>1214881Perfumes and body sprays. I've been on a long search for "the one", but I don't think I would ever find it. I have many that I enjoy and will rotate depending on mood, but I don't really have a signature. So I guess that's what keeps the buying going. I'll find a perfume/body spray I like, but then get tired of it or find a better one. I will say though, I only take up 1 1/2 shelves. I have seen some fragrancefags with tons of bottles, and will literally collect samples (this is especially true for the indie perfume community, if anyone knows about that).
>>1216439I've tried to collect horror VHS too, but there are some movies so rare that they will cost hundreds of dollars. Also, I've been burned before by buying a rare-ish vhs that was filled with bugs and dirt, in the tape and in the box. Even after thoroughly cleaning it, I just couldn't keep it because the gross-out factor. And I actually try to watch them instead of letting them sit on a shelf, so it's important they work. The community seems to be filled with a lot of assholes too. I hope to get more into it, but it seems you got to dedicate a lot of time into finding what you want in good condition.
No. 1223171
>>1223141Perfume is hard to avoid consooming. I find so many I like but they take ages to completely use up, and when I'm running out I don't WANT to use them up just in case I want to use that particular perfume for a certain occasion.
I don't have that many but if I let myself, I could go way overboard.
No. 1223427
File: 1655094097706.jpg (636.11 KB, 4032x2268, ab0.jpg)

why the fuck are trannies into this shark?
No. 1223695
>>1223427Because they're addicted to ruining anything fun and good. Cats? Ruined. Fallout new vegas? Ruined. This shark plush? Ruined. Various media made my women about feeling alienated and out of place among other women? Ruined.
They can't conceive of themselves in other terms than taking random things and perfomatively consooming them
No. 1224487
>>1223738It's as the
>>1223733 tranny said, they fixate on it because of nostalgia reasons. All teenage boys who played the game have now coomed themselves into becoming trannies. They liked it as a kid and have nostalgia for it. This is why you don't date gamers.
No. 1226137
>>1225130There's nothing wrong with owning a figurine that you will appreciate and admire
nonnie. The problems arise when you are mass buying them just to fill up shelves in your room.
No. 1226156
File: 1655284948972.jpg (398.04 KB, 1600x1200, Fashion-Closet.jpg)

i realized my consoom urges came from 3 main false beliefs
>when i have this item i will be cool
i now tell myself, i am cool for not buying new things. i am cool for saving that money, for not being the hoarder i used to be.
>when i have that item, people will want to be my friend
the people who would only befriend me specifically for that item, would use me for that stuff, or for insincere social status signals, which i hate and probably will not need anyway.
>when i have that other item, i will be hot
there is no end goal of finally being permanently attractive, because hormones fluctuate which makes me look bloated, then pretty, then haggard every month or so. even if i got surgeries and fillers to reduce the hormonal changes' visible effects, i will become a wrinkly old woman eventually. so i should focus on being confident instead.
No. 1226265
>>1226246Try looking into textile recycling bins
nonnie. Unfortunately a lot of donated clothes end up in landfills eventually too
No. 1226397
>>1226335What kind of place is that?
I've worked in a charity shop that sold clothing, had to sort through tonnes of donations and mountains of them had to be disposed - stained/torn but repairable clothing had to go, we had no washing facilities nor a sewing machine so those kinds of items went from one trash bag into another. Undergarments went into the trash as well (thank you moids for making me sort through your old underwear. women never donated these.). A lot of textiles get sent to 3rd world countries but they cause issues with with ruining their local textile industries, or rotting in giant piles.>>1226335
No. 1226566
File: 1655315179982.jpg (1.91 MB, 2992x2992, 20220615_134534.jpg)

Got this yesterday while thinking about the farms and all my lovely nonnies
No. 1226572
>>1226517Even if you wore them commando, there shouldn't be those stains. I don't understand how some people go on with their day with dirty butts, is it not itchy??
>>1226520Couldn't you wear normal panties? I think it'd be less uncomfortable if you actually wore proper panties or maybe a specific kinds that'd cut to fit under that garment without being too thin.
No. 1226603
>>1226566Made me think of all those posts in /w lately where tards kept bumping threads with
> there's no milk, where's the milk? I'm done with this thread if there's no milk!Bumpity bump where's the milk lol
No. 1226844
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These are funko pop tier
No. 1227029
>>1226389The real cope is that a 10-step skincare works.
It works in the long run because your skin gets addicted to the chemicals. Just drop it off, get your hormones and skin type checked, get a skin oil, moisturizer, scrub in the shower and you're good. Cope yourself.
No. 1227050
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Does anybody feel like pinterest makes you want to consoom? I just got that realisation just now.
No. 1227175
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>>1227146Orange is kawaii!
No. 1227469
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this one's offputting in a trashy ghetto way and thinks it's a good idea to put being kinda mean to her cat in her video
No. 1227653
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>>1214881I have an itabag that I've poured a minimum of $300 into and I don't want to get rid of it because I still really love the character. $300 is nothing in the world of itabags but I can't believe I've spend that much on all the shit in this bag kek. It's been built up over the course of like 6 years though. I don't like itabags with nothing but one specific button, I think they're so ugly. I like to go to secondhand shops when I'm in Japan and pour over items and then slowly whittle it down to what I really want, it's like a scavenger hunt.
I will probably keep consooming merch of this character but I've become very selective with what I buy since I have limited space. If it's a rare piece of merch what little sensibilities I have left are thrown out the window and I immediately want it because I'm stupid and rare/limited items just make me freak.
I spent $80 on two film strips with him in it fuck me kekI have a second itabag that I made on a whim with shit I bought off AE. Not as much keychains and I just have it cos it's one of those cute bookbags with a heart window. I might get rid of the keychains but keep the bag since bookbags are better for my back. My main itabag is a tote bag so I seldom use it outside of cons partly because I'm embarrassed and partly because I try not to use totes anyway.
No. 1229384
>>1227655That is true! And I don't have to worry much about stains on my bag because of the plastic covering kek
>>1227872Thank you nona!
>>1228777Not too often! I studied there as a student and that's when I started my bag (spent my scholarship money on merch KEK), then I went back again a year after graduating college. I was planning to go again after 2 years from my last trip but then rona hit. I'd probably aim to go back every 2 or 3 years but I'm probably gonna start alternating it with trips elsewhere. I love visiting Japan but yes it's a huuuuge consoomerism hell hole. I think most times it's not even buying stuff from stores, it's the game centers in particular are my weakness. I will even admit that I really started to have a problem/addiction to them when I was a student, plus I was at the height of my mental illness at the time two so it was a double whammy combo. Wasted way too much of my scholarship money playing ufo catchers.
>>1229336Sorry to disappoint nona but that isn't my itabag! I really like how cute it is and how the owner has lots of varying keychains though! It makes it a lot more fun to look at.
No. 1229907
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>>1229384then post yours nona, we won't judge
No. 1230200
>>1230163>>1230171>>1230189Feel similarly. The only current gen system I have is a switch and I like it but I mostly play PS2 and Dreamcast. There are so many old games available with such better quality storylines and concepts (imo) that I don't need anything else. Downside is the price, but they can easily be emulated and collected that way. Lucky enough to have a lot of old PS1/2 games still.
Anything newer I'll just have to watch a silent LP because I'm not comfortable paying rent prices for a system and $60+ for each game.
No. 1233078
File: 1655753328390.jpg (118.88 KB, 684x457, Funko-Pop-Paul-Scardino-Worlds…)

> Paul Scardino from Winchester City, Virginia, USA has set the Guinness World Record for owning the largest collection of Funko Pop figurines.
> Having started his collection in 2017, he now has a total of approximately 5306 figurines. The stylised vinyl models depict licensed characters from comic books, movies and games.
> Paul started collecting Funko Pops after receiving Hawkeye and Spider-Man from Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War movie for his birthday.
how does 2 as a gift turn into this? this is scary. imagine you're just being nice to a loved one but inadvertently lead them to a path of consoom
No. 1233675
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>>1233078I assume the dude doesn't have girlfriend, but I found this video title bit related and funny.
No. 1234344
>>1227653I love ita bags! I think there are a brilliant way to fulfil the weeb consoomer itch without allowing it to invade your living space and going overboard.
>>1227707You don't really have to imo, although they look nicer is you do keep it on one theme. I use mine just so my little plushies aren't scatter everywhere.
>>1229302You've reminded why I quit buying gaming consoles and game exclusively on pc now. I really detest having physical copies of games or being forced to change my hardware every gen. I also never play new games, I play the same 1-2 games for 3 years straight. Despite pc hardware being expensive as fuck, it has been a really good investment. Sure you can't sell your games, but the games are cheap as fuck and I usually only play mmos that haves 100s+ of hours worth of content which balances out the cost imo.
No. 1234427
>>1234375I switched to gel recently and it pretty much ended my nail polish consooming. I used to constantly buy regular polish from the bargain bin based on the colour because there are only a few colours I really like to wear, but ofc the quality would vary a tonne so half the time I'd end up with streaky, watery crap I never wanted to use. Then I'd buy more in the same colour hoping for a nicer consistency and keep all the shitty ones 'just in case'. Gel quality is pretty uniform so I don't have to keep trying different types, and it's too expensive for me to buy regularly.
Anyway shit like vid rel gives me hives. How could you EVER paint your nails often enough to make use of it all??
No. 1234660
File: 1655876599420.webm (3.5 MB, 320x568, 2195534-9d0240274bde2f5bb67e84…)

crazy consoom webm that noreturn posted on KF. i was not prepared…
No. 1234879
>>1234427Embarrassing,but I used to watch her religiously until she started referencing contrahons in her videos. I always knew she was a liberal twitter retard, but she never was obnoxious about it like many other popular female youtubers. until…
sage for sperg
No. 1235082
>>1214881I have two itabags. Technically one with two different inserts. They're not overfilled, but still. Ugh. I just love the look so much and I love those characters.
I also have some sanrio kuromi appliances coming in the mail.
No. 1235458
>>1235177kek when I opened the video and apparently already disliked it long ago
I imagine her home smells like the fragrant cancerous plastic that gets California warning labels on it
No. 1236152
>>1235177I hate people who drop hundreds on shein and wish.
What for? For more plastic? Vile.
No. 1237167
>>1237162Men love being lazy.
No. 1238691
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>>1237162my dad also collects old consoles and keeps them in a similar way. I think that's just general men retardation.
No. 1238709
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In the light of that zine manager supposedly spending 27k CAD on Genshin Impact, I was looking at tags for other zine scams. There was one called mchanzine and the person running it stole 10k and spent it on convention tickets and stuff to make this itabag.
No. 1239107
>>1234427god, she is the worst youtuber for me. her nasal voice is nails down the fucking chalkboard and her bf it's face is so punchable. and why fucking be a nailart channel when you don't really do nailart. and her fans are annoying as fuck. dId YoU kNoW she works for the canadian government dId YoU kNoW she is soooo smart. seriously fuck off
in vid related she bought a lot of random things from walmart, like baby dolls, just to dip it in a bath and "holo" it. clearly it was going to be binned right after. what's worse is that her sister is in it too and they laugh about how her sister was kicked out of school for bullying
No. 1239343
Alice Cookie / Alisu Cookie and her hoarding of identical pink Chanel bags belongs here. She hoards Liz Lisa and all sorts of random pink plastic things too. the pandemic when millions of people were dying she posted a video of herself crying in a taxi after having bought yet another identical pink Chanel bag which she didn't think was was going to get.
No. 1240177
File: 1656175292910.png (244.73 KB, 800x600, article-japanese-futon-01.png)

I find the dichotomy in Japan between traditional extreme minimalist bedrooms like picrel (which might not even be a bedroom and just a futon taken out at night) and the millions of figurines bedroom listed here (which I'm assuming started in Japan) to be so confusing.
No. 1240192
>>1240177Industrialization and economic bubbles changed Japan a lot. It makes a lot of sense to me when you think about it, Japan can be very isolating socially because of how uptight it is, so they retreat into a consoom hoard of plastic girls to fill the void from being overworked and having no deep social connections.
>>1239468Seconded, I don't use Tiktok so I love seeing them here!
No. 1241090
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I'm going to buy a lot of games I want today on my Vita, my 3DS before the online stores are definitely closed down, and on Steam because thing should be on sales, and after that I'll only wait for Xenoblade 3, Bayonetta 3 and the AI somnium files sequel. Then I'll stop buying video games for as long as possible because I already have what I want besides the games I'm buying today. Let's see how long I will last. I'm not buying anything else for sales anyway unless I finally find pants my size now that I gained weight.
No. 1241105
File: 1656244513449.webm (15.17 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_7109854780712946950_fl…)

>>1239468sorry for abandoning you all (i'm the tiktok anon from the first 3 threads who posted all those aliexpress hauls) but i got a cool new job so i was/am very busy now.
here's one of those "you could have gotten this shit for 1/3 of the price off of aliexpress/wish instead of buying from an overpriced drop shipping store" tiktoks to make up for it! what does anyone need all this shit for?!
No. 1241115
>>1241105I don't understand the point of having a bullet journal if you're going to spend the same amount of time gluing stuff onto it.
Also it annoyed me a lot that they made the video asmr-esque but included the plastic packaging in it. Who wants to be calmed by the sounds of literal garbage.
No. 1241127
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>>1241115i don't get it either. it always reminds me of this vid i posted in an older thread
>>1007523. i thought the point of bullet journaling or scrapbooking was to be creative and not to glue random shit together that took no effort to gather/create in the first place…
>>1241118thank you,
nonny!! i love my new job, but the commute is killing me so i only have time to turn on my laptop on the weekends.
No. 1241133
>>1241127Just watching these videos is exhausting. You are doing the lord's work by gathering them anon.
As a contrast to this topic, would anyone be interested in a pro-minimalism thread?
No. 1242454
>>1242346I actually find putting posters up of anime you don't even watch weirder than putting store bought pictures in your journal. One thing is supposed to be a piece of content the other is literally just decor. Sure, in the traditional sense this kind of "journaling" is souless but I think nowadays bujo is more of a stickerbook than anything else, it's just a way to make it look more grown up and like it has any purpose. They are more like the planner hobby which is entirely about decorating and not actually planning much kek. Must be a hobby like decoden or blinging, consooming and piling up "pretty" things.
Meanwhile shit like owning band shirts of things you don't listen to or anime figures and posters of things you haven't even watched because the character is pretty or popular weirds me out, it's the autist in me. Same thing with the people collecting old books for the aesthetic without reading them in Dark Academia.
No. 1242469
>>1242464The person in the video said “bullet journalling” so you’d think they would want to do drawings or use stickers related to what they did that day. Unless they work in an antique store, I doubt they do many victoriana related things.
Unless their day is really boring, why would you want you want to spend all that time on something art related that only you can look at because it is too personal.
No. 1242805
File: 1656351057775.jpeg (189.25 KB, 1027x1280, 96FBF44B-E112-488B-8D98-47907C…)

Someone is spending $240+ for a volume of manga because it has a shiny cover
No. 1243394
These threads really peaked me in my consoomerism habits, thanks so much for them. I was never as bad as some of these posted here but I did (and do) have a problem with hording things I never use because I still hold onto the idea that I
could use them one day, but never do. It sucks knowing you spent money on something but it's worse to keep it around if it will never be used. I'm also learning to let go of possessions I've had for a long time during some of my phases I'm over now, it was nice to have merch of some things I liked in the past but I've outgrown a lot of it and it's unnessicary to hold onto that stuff. I can let myself be happy I was into it for a while and move on. I always carry the thought of 'If I moved again, how much of this do I want to take with me?' and that also helps me keep the clutter down.
>>1242805This pisses me off so much because this is actually from Goodwill's auction site. It's basically Goodwill's version of eBay and anything good or 'valuable' goes here first so nothing cool ever gets sent to the store. They want people to bid on stuff like this to make the biggest profits possible even though everything they get in is free (for them) I really hate how thirfting has become a trend and brought up the prices of everything donated when you used to be able to find neat gems or be able to upcycle for cheap. Now it's almost the same price to buy brand new shirts than it is to shift through a thrift store and find an old one.
No. 1245705
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What the fuck is all this?
No. 1246241
>manga becomes “cool” during pandemic >english manga publishers can’t keep up with demand of printing >loads of people suddenly become interested in old, out of print series >consoomer collectors on social media start making haul and recommendation videos >both out of print and “out of stock” manga become absurdly expensive on the used market This is also why bootleg manga and self-printing have become a thing
No. 1246281
>>1246241I'll never understand why people are obsessed with collecting volumes of manga they've never read or even finished, I guess collecting volumes in of itself is what keeps people buying to have a 'complete set'. Its the same with books, why keep an entire bookshelf of books for the ~aesthetic~ if you aren't actually enjoying reading through them? Not to bash people who own books or manga they
do enjoy, I think if you have a series you read often or always come back to those are okay to keep.
>>1246249I'm someone who still enjoys console gaming, so I still have a lot of physical games. It's always hard to find copies of older
good games though, because they are always in demand for collections. And there are quite a few retro PS2 games I've been wanting to get around to playing, but they are just as expensive if not more to get secondhand and I'm paranoid to even use my PS2 that often in case it dies on me. Honestly if you want to feel like you still have your collection but don't want to keep the physical games you could
digitize your collection by looking for roms and an
emulator There's even ways to rip the time from your CDs though I don't know how to do that
No. 1246316
>>1246241why is manga so big now? is it just pandemic + TikTok consoom
I'm glad I lived in the time of going to the library to check out 30 volumes for free when I was deep in my manga phase.
No. 1246599
>>1246281>why keep an entire bookshelf of books for the ~aesthetic~ if you aren't actually enjoying reading through them? Japanese manga is INSANELY cheap too, if they aren't even reading it I don't get why they go crazy over the en versions. A lot of them have very simple japanese too, my teacher even reccomends us to read them kek.
For example, I got the K-ON manga full set for 1300yen, looked for the english version and they're going for $250.
No. 1247073
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No. 1250544
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>>1250540She has a fucking STORE DISPLAY for new in box dolls. That she has several of all of them…
No. 1250778
>>1245705Whenever I see tiktoks or videos about shower products, I assume these people have some sort of complex about not wanting to smell bad. Maybe got bullied or read too many scrote comments online saying women smell "fishy".
This is literally just money down the drain. It doesn't stay on your skin long enough to do much impact and the scents generally don't last long anyways.
No. 1253720
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No. 1253754
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>>1253720Tbh I found YOI to be a very boring anime and I never understood the hype other than gays.
No. 1253757
>>1253720>>1253724This has to be the most FTM room I've ever seen.
>yuri on ice>furbies>MASSIVE plushie hoard>ponies because of muh nostalgia (might have grown up with them)>merch of anime and game franchises aimed at women (the Ranmaru plushies come to mind)If this was a MTF's room it'd be full of Touhou merch instead of YoI, have a 3 monitor setup gaming PC on sight and also be extremely messy. Although I doubt this room is completely cleaned.
No. 1254534
>>1254085>wifi apocalypsekek. not sure if entertainment will be main concern when the internet goes out but ok
>>1254519tbf how many people still have the equipment to burn? my laptop doesn't take discs nor do the devices of any of my housemates.
No. 1257010
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No. 1257098
>>1257014fuck this ugly piece of shit, hope his precious doll business burns down kek
assuming this is danny choo>>1257024is that an honest to god ameriboo kek
No. 1257149
>>1257010This picture in particular feels very nostalgic, if I wasn't dirt poor while growing up my room would have looked like that in the late 2000s.
>>1257117This guy
>>1257025 seems to have more varied tastes than the other ones imo.
No. 1258251
>>1257024It's kind of funny, this guy doesn't seem to have any anime/weeb shit. He's like a westaboo kek
No. 1258255
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>>1258085tbh all rooms of any popular zoomer aesthetic are scarily similar, it's bizarre how consistently certain elements appear in so many girls rooms. I've spent some time on pinterest lately (I never used to so maybe I'm out of the loop), I like the korean sorta style but it's like… every single room has a tablet on a little easel with anime wallpaper, keyboards with round keys, flower cushions, clear plastic folding chairs, pastel checkered rugs, it's cute but are these mfs all shopping at the exact same place? Is it all from amazon?
No. 1258307
>>1258255The similarities stems from all of them getting their items majority from aliexpress or dropshipping services that source from ali. Just like when jfashion was blowing up on tumblr, they all have carrds with affiliate links to these kaweewee dropshipping sites that all sell the same bullshit with minor variations wether its for the neon gamur grill, sanriohag dreamcore weeb (as a sanriohag myself, gomen) , kfag light academic weeb and so on.
Teens and adults alike can now adopt an aesthetic for below half the price it would have cost them before and minimal to no real dedication or time is needed to do that. So people see all these aesthetic videos, find the links easy and spend like less than 100$ to, for example, get that kfag aesthetic, stuff like reduced accessibility to consoom shit can positively impact a persons sense of self cause they have to
improvise and thereby challenge what they really like about the aesthetic and are prompted to be more selective about what they purchase to fulfill said aesthetic.
No. 1258383
>>1258255I've lived in Korea and it's insane how homogenous everything was. When something is popular,
everyone had it. Those ball cube candles and keyboards were super trendy in home decor recently.
No. 1258724
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>>1258255this mouse is pretty good, probably the only useful thing on this desk. it's a logitech pebble and it is fairly cheap but sturdy and can swap between bluetooth and usb (so it can be connected to 2 things at once)
No. 1259301
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the think I hate most about this pic is the layering of like 3 mats near the door.
No. 1260424
File: 1657664242097.png (1.98 MB, 931x884, faggotscrote.PNG)

It's bad enough when girls do the whole "kawaii animecore" shit, but when scrotes to it, it makes me want to recoil into my own body. This freak exclusively follows teenage girls too.
No. 1260898
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No. 1260901
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No. 1260902
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Sorry, I know these are getting boring but they're so fascinating to me and no one is uploading tiktoks anymore so thought I'd drop a few
No. 1262349
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>>1262274Clothes catered towards teens/YAs are so fucking ugly and unflattering now. I vaguely remember being able to walk in a mall store, find cute and flattering clothes and then just walking out. Now finding clothes that are flattering on your body and not paper thin or covered with retarded prints/fandom is a dime a dozen. Even hot topic is just fandom central with a tiny selection of alternative clothes. You know, the entire reason the store was created
No. 1262365
>>1261320Dust protection plus you can see the figure in every angle and being clear, it doesn't kill the light in the room.
At least, in my opinion and experience.
>>1262349This, oh my god.
In the last 10ish years, a lot of stores dropped their concept, hell, fucking gamestop sells funko pops now!
I'm an alt 2000s kid, I remember being upset I didn't have my own money to buy stuff from Hot Topic or other alt stores and now it's just down to retarded prints and shein copies (or shein rebranded). In general, the clothing industry is making these fugly boxy fit-genderless-crop-style clothes and I hate them. Boxy fits makes my body look like a fridge since I'm pear shaped and I hate it so much, I basically only thrift but now thrift became a trend too so the prices are going up I hate it here!!!
No. 1262412
File: 1657800083770.png (Spoiler Image,389.72 KB, 630x593, Screenshot_20220714-065314.png)

>>1262365Consoomerism is literally ruining consumerism. I'm so sick of seeing stupid food and entertainment brands just plastered eye bleachingly over every article of clothing. Retarded Disney everything slapped on everything, hot topic shoving every basic anime merch in your face or cringey "kawaii" brands like pusheen which is just a new age hello kitty with cheaper shit. Or "nostalgic" things aka just old Nickelodeon and cartoon network shows. I remember how bad doctor who fans were too since all of them had the same stupid phone booth plastered over everything they owned. Sure I like watching a good TV series as much as the next guy but I don't want it to be everything I see when I shop.
Do these people actually even like these shows that much or do they just buy the things all because it's so prevalent everywhere?
No. 1262497
File: 1657812542337.jpg (189.9 KB, 1024x577, primark-2-1024x577.jpg)

>>1262412I don't know if Primark is in many countries but I hate how primark is basically becoming the disney store now. My nearest primark is heavily taken up by disney pjs, disney purses, disney hairbrushes, disney homeware, then there's looney tunes, friends (the show) care bears, marvel. It takes up alot of the store and somewhat cancels out what was always the main appeal of primark.. the really low pricepoint. So much stuff is licensed and marked up to reflect it the licensing cost and it's also just.. a but much to look at. It makes the store seem like it's aimed at younger and younger people. The whole place is starting to look like one big kids section.
Like can I buy a hairbrush that doesn't have mickey mouse ears on it? Can I find a cheap lil purse that isn't also mickey mouse themed? Why does everything need a cartoon character on it in an adults section? A few years ago primark was swamped with Harry Potter shit and that's pretty much all gone now lol. Move over harry potter and make more room for yet another set of mickey mouse pjs!
No. 1262739
>>1262735itanon here, disney closed down its stores here and now their stuff is bleeding everywhere.
Disney, Funko Pops and Netflix Flavour of The Month is ruining all of our stores….
No. 1263488
>>1262993ugh you're so lucky!!
some neckbeard I met online bought me the star locket in the late 90s and mailed it to my house, i left it in the box in my closet because it's ugly lmao….
i would give anything to be able to find it as it's worth literally hundreds mint in box now
No. 1263758
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>>1259301What's worse is that none of it is ever cleaned. She would cover her dingy rugs with her blankets then use them on her bed in other pictures and you can literally see the trash on the ground and bits of debris. Even worse she lived in a gross basement so she probably tracked all the contents on the floor into her room and onto everything. I can't imagine the smell of that paired with dusty crap and stale grease. Makes me want to vomit thinking about it.
No. 1263760
File: 1657910979390.jpg (176.31 KB, 750x1000, 0c2022a995c2d9a8b0626febb48b45…)

the bedroom of your average 4chan sugarbunnies anti-animecore lolicon
No. 1263825
>>1263758It's insane how she managed to get a ton of former "soft girl" aesthetic zoomers to glorify living in filthy basements and binging on mcdonalds everyday.
>>1263821She's an obese 19 year old who makes fun of the other identical hikkineetmcdonaldsuwubabycore girls for being "unoriginal and poor" and brags about spending $2000 a month on this shit. She's one of the OG vo1d calves
No. 1263832
File: 1657915583292.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.68 MB, 3464x3464, egirlthreadd.jpg)

>>1263825Sorry, I was mistaken, it was $5000, picrel spoilered since it's related to another thread
No. 1264529
File: 1657973875692.jpeg (82.97 KB, 720x470, BC1B7C4D-382A-45C7-A46B-98190D…)

>>1263760>anti-animecore>bunch of posters and figures from popular 2000s lolicon characters Every time.
No. 1265328
File: 1658018635968.png (758.73 KB, 476x587, 56.PNG)

this feels so soulless and empty despite all the shit it's filled with for some reason
No. 1265730
File: 1658069317886.jpg (13.82 KB, 300x300, Webkinz tie-dyed pup.jpg)

Do any of you have success on OfferUp? I want to know if it's worth spending time on there or not.
No. 1265908
File: 1658077352918.webm (4.6 MB, 576x1056, game.webm)

Are there nonnies here that have spent more than this guy on a game? kek
No. 1265985
File: 1658080164923.webm (2.69 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_6937095850455764230_co…)

A gay man owns all of this.
No. 1265988
File: 1658080258944.webm (8.29 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_7110313627101449518_co…)

>>1265985Here is how he looks like.
No. 1265990
File: 1658080685638.webm (3.75 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik_7096062282136030510_ry…)

I can't believe that he is married and has kids. While his wife made him store his coomsume items in the basement he doesn't show us a full tour of all of his crap as I think the basement is much larger then in the video along with the fact that he let his kids be in the basement where he also keeps lewd anime figures in the same place, he made a separate video of it which he let us know that he keeps them in a back corner because his wife didn't want the kids to see.
No. 1265994
>>1265985The kitchen is cute, but having that much stuff in the bathroom, yuck. I imagine it's all covered in poo particles and mildew.
No. 1266076
>>1266003i was going to say at least it's not coom stuff, the bar is so low especially for men lmao.
i do have more of a tolerance for adults who consoom cutesy/childish stuff rather than fake deep or fake mature stuff like star wars, harry potter or marvel. the former is at least transparent sometimes to the point of being cynical while the latter attracts people who think their useless plastic has some substance or meaning.
by the way, isn't that crazy how star wars is marketed to adults when it (rightfully) began as a simplistic space knight story for little boys ?
No. 1266085
>>1266076double post but yt just showed me this. 36 minute video about owning 10 of the same shitty wii u console.
scott is capable of using his bottomless nintendo autism as fuel for genuine funniness and creativity so he gets a pass, what struck me here is he sounds fucking miserable facing and handling all that plastic. maybe it's just the contrast with his scripted and acted videos, but he does look regretful or overwhelmed maybe.
No. 1266251
>>1266076>isn't that crazy how star wars is marketed to adults when it (rightfully) began as a simplistic space knight story for little boys ?because george lucas is a marketing genius. he got the product rights to star wars for nothing and then slapped the brand on everything and made billions. adults are more likely to have grown up with star wars and have more money.
if you watch star wars now as an adult it's not good but i don't think the original movies were completely aimed at little boys as chunks of the empire strikes back (poster and dialogue) are lifted straight out of gone with the wind, plus the whole incest thing. the first original one is pretty generic and kiddyish though
No. 1266775
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>>1265908That's like the minimum I've spent on any mobile gacha game (pre-Genshin) that got me to spend my money
No. 1266847
>>1265988The rainbow beard is nauseating.
>>1266775nona, pls.
No. 1267501
File: 1658180592308.jpg (718.26 KB, 2048x1152, 1658173821741544.jpg)

>Demon Slayer porn on display in front of the TV
No. 1267689
File: 1658189232360.jpg (104.73 KB, 960x720, 1656083385958.jpg)

Steven Universe merch looks so cheap to me…
Every time I pass it at some nerd store I always wonder why people would willingly buy it even if they're a fan of the show.
No. 1267704
File: 1658189860323.jpg (284.26 KB, 1080x1080, f25cd0b8d7f447c203a7aded29054e…)

>>1267698>Most cartoon network merch is super cheapI remember powerpuff girls merch not looking nearly as terrible, maybe it's because the designs are more simple?
No. 1267711
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No. 1267715
>>1267699Do they really get much joy from having yet another figurine or plushie that is almost identical to 6 others they already have? I mean, I guess so but hard to understand.
>>1267711nightmare fuel
No. 1267720
File: 1658190400653.jpg (270.47 KB, 1501x1126, 1656095694281.jpg)

Nightmare fuel classic
No. 1267788
>>1267711>>1267732The blue fursuit head in the background is really the cherry on top of this shit sundae. Furries are so vile.
>>1267720And this guy is even worse than worthless furries. Put him out of our misery.
I wonder what landlords, repairmen, etc. think of ultra degenerate places like this?
No. 1272488
File: 1658497012959.webm (3.07 MB, 576x1024, VID-20220722-WA0002.webm)

The room must be a nightmare to clean
No. 1272544
>>1267720>>1267722this is probably the creepiest one considering the stephanie girl in lazytown was a child.
This person should be banned from ever interacting with children.
No. 1273580
File: 1658542063528.jpeg (1.21 MB, 960x1330, C77A1339-BB9F-4466-9AFB-C91F24…)

Imagine getting into a car crash and the girl who hit you has all this shit in her car.
No. 1273593
>>1273580Hope it gets towed with all that shit in it
It'd have her brain matter all over it anyway
No. 1273689
>>1273580Honestly wasn't really bothered by anything in this photo besides all the shit on the gear stick (which seems like a hazard really) but then I saw the rest of the shit in
>>1273582 lol.
No. 1273878
File: 1658562717649.webm (2.78 MB, 270x480, Bro theyd be gone in one gulp.…)

i felt a weird feeling of visceral hatred watching this
No. 1274497
>>1273907Imagine a cannibal putting the pieces of meat into these containers, kek.
Anyway, as discussions of consooming are allowed, could I ask how you guys feel about self-made ita bag merch? I have a pin-maker, and I usually create merch for friends, but I've been wanting to go full retard over my waifu recently. I'm also interested in making plushies of her, but that might be too much. Should I just consoom instead?
No. 1274507
>>1273878do they like lock her in her room and refuse to let her out until she's done studying or what
also i kept reading "studying mini fridge" as "stupid mini fridge" kek
No. 1275396
File: 1658673042567.jpg (2.13 MB, 4000x3000, Garfield collector.jpg)

No. 1275410
>>1275396Why do breadtuber wannabes collect Garfield shit? I know quinton also does this.
The ironic part to me is that garfield comics are probably the least communist (or whatever) shit I can think of, it’s literally an unfunny comic about a cat who hates mondays and sells a fuck ton of merch from being overproduced and recognizable enough.
No. 1275413
File: 1658674383184.jpg (285.14 KB, 1882x1882, groupthink.jpg)

>>1275404Idk how to explain myself properly lol. I mean there's a certain type of person on twitter who is likely to be a furry or 'queer' in some way and they all act exactly the same. To the point where even their lolsorandumb hyperfixations on weird stuff like garfield is the same. Idk how to say this but if you've encountered this type of person before… you know.
No. 1275423
File: 1658675130750.jpg (836.26 KB, 3024x4032, E2_dYr0XEAAB0TB.jpg)

>>1275413Quinton's kind of the ultimate consoomer lately, dude bought like 10 children's Icarly hats despite the show apparently being so 'mean spirited' it made him depressed.
No. 1275427
File: 1658675319417.jpg (214.68 KB, 1069x1049, 8bc.jpg)

>>1275396>>1275413I admit I do enjoy a silly Garfield meme now and then, but this is retarded to do just for an internet meme. Also I hate that dumbass enby's make up.
No. 1275432
File: 1658675695946.jpg (166.16 KB, 1200x349, N1TdJR-Sd8k.jpg)

>>1275430>Is it even that great?It's entertaining if you're like, under 7 maybe.
No. 1275482
File: 1658679616173.jpg (375.92 KB, 1536x2048, ikea_shark.jpg)

I do think the Ikea shark blåhajaja or what ever it's called is very cute but seeing people on tiktok buying multiples of these is so retarded.
No. 1275486
File: 1658680002371.webm (1.56 MB, 688x1280, video-1658679860.webm)

More consoom tik toks
I could not justify having this much shit in my house
he doesn't even have feet!!
No. 1275512
File: 1658682189340.jpg (61.22 KB, 634x464, zipgexs074a91.jpg)

>>1275396>>1275413>>1275430>>1275436its literally the exact opposite reason, none of these people like Garfield, they buy Garfield merch ironically, what happened was that Garfield became popular "ironically" among the online leftist memesphere a couple years back, the whole thing started out as a joke about how unfunny and generic Garfield is as a comic character but after a while it stopped being meta and they just stuck using him for their memes and then also started buying Garfield merch
No. 1276872
File: 1658772642431.webm (2.28 MB, 720x1280, Eat the Rich Popsicles.webm)

Late but I didn't know this was a thing lol No. 1276881
File: 1658773081686.jpeg (215.31 KB, 1080x1350, E803EC77-710D-42BE-8891-F919E0…)

I guess this counts as consoomerism here but I’m obsessed with this girls interior.
No. 1276979
>>1276881Thank you for posting something other than a weeb bedroom
Candles by the TV makes me cringe
No. 1277079
>>1276872$10 each for $1.50 popsicles from my childhood.
So… is this actually DOING anything to fight the rich or just dumb people giving this rando money?
No. 1277589
File: 1658826521670.jpg (93.34 KB, 500x750, 1577533205093.jpg)

>>1276881Imagine trying to watch anything on that tv. Why even have it then.
>>1277016 play stupid games win stupid prices
No. 1277598
>>1276881>>1276882These have gone past any sense of cohesion and are just pure clutter. I would be amazed if the tv in the first pic survives without fire damage. This is the kind of style I enjoy as well, but it's ruined by the maximalism.
>>1277589Please let that phrase die in reddit,
No. 1277654
>>1276881This is peak consoom considering this girl had an entirely different aesthetic a couple of years ago and spent thousands of dollars in a short period of time to larp as goth and capitalize off of that being trendy.
(would add photos but i think she's deleted them all at this point kek)
No. 1277655
>>1276881I’m the op of this one and i follow her on Instagram. She takes the candles away when they watch something but I think they have a tv in another room too. Just trying to clear it up.
>>1277589 on the first glance this was cute and cozy but what’s up with the globes lol
No. 1277725
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No. 1277780
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No. 1277983
File: 1658860863928.jpg (6.7 KB, 256x192, woman-eating-chocolate.jpg)

>>1277976Haha oh my lord, 10? Please Nonna, are you the type that eats chocolate or anything for that matter like picrel?
No. 1278197
>>1274497 kind of necro but anyways, as a third worlder i've making my own stuff since always. Let me say it's a lot of fun and way more rewarding that just buy but imo you can 100% still comsoom even if you go DIY. That is why the knitting community has terms like SABLE and so on. Even if is miles better than just buy and with enough dedication it can even be better than oficial merch, it's not a bulletproof anti-consoom alternative and if you aren't carefull enough you will end up full of plastic, fabrics and a millon of
toxic glues anyways
No. 1278289
File: 1658877954479.gif (26.75 KB, 83x80, 69DEBFC9-89E7-476C-9505-00CACB…)

I made a spreadsheet to track the amount of my consoom collection I’ve sold online, and it’s almost up to $4500. Even though I probably didn’t get 20-30% of that money because of selling fees, some stuff like games and manga go for way more than what I originally paid for them.
>>1277725This reminds me of guys that make little showcase shrines of sports memorabilia in a corner of their office
No. 1279917
>>1278289That's a good idea, anon! What platforms do you sell on? Ebay? Mercari?
I've sold over 1,200 on mercari in 3-4 months when I was unemployed. It felt so good to get rid of that extra crap and make a little money. Keep up the momentum.
No. 1285478
File: 1659353488881.jpeg (68.54 KB, 720x960, EE395024-599B-46A4-8B82-722EBF…)

Can someone talk me out of buying a fitbit and explain to me how it’s overrated and wasteful?
No. 1285537
File: 1659362955482.jpg (38.77 KB, 736x713, 2985ea40e618505bb9b2c2dbf2351f…)

I lost my luggage about 1.5 months ago after being abroad for 2 months. My insurance has paid me some money to compensate me for replacements but since I got home I've had no desire to buy anything. I was already really fussy about clothes and spending money but even still I will only ever buy something if I love it and it's cheap. The main thing I'm upset about is losing gifts from another continent that my family are likely to never visit.
No. 1285549
>>1285537this is so sad
nonnie, I know it’s not just about the clothes but I do hope you find some new stuff that you genuinely like soon. You losing those gifts that cannot be replaced is heartbreaking, what an awful thing to happen. I am so sorry for you nona and sending good thoughts your way.
No. 1285589
>>1285549>>1285567Thank you guys for the replies. It's been inconvenient going to grab a a pair of shoes or something only to realise I don't have it but luckily it was nothing too severe. Another woman on my flight lost her luggage and we kept in contact, they returned it to her and everything had been stolen. Someone at the airport had replaced it with cases of water. The airline or insurance won't do piss all to compensate her and she had gifts from living abroad for 6 months. I think I'll definitely take your advice and keep a few pairs of clothes on my person at all times.
It's a lesson learned on my end. Makes you realise how easily you can be stripped of possessions. It's not the end of the world, but it just sucks knowing I've lost gifts that I can't go back and replace.
No. 1286512
File: 1659437803159.png (229.32 KB, 649x800, question_head_girl.png)

Nonnas, how do I know if a person on Ebay is not a scammer?
I want to get a birthday gift which would be a limited edition of an old, niche visual novel, I surprisingly found some sellers that do sell it nearby, which made me think 'its too good to be true'. Also I thought of getting an artbook because I love and admire the artist. The seller ratings seem good, but I am still worried of throwing the money into thin air. Would it be stupid to ask the sellers for more proofs that they own the x-thing?
No. 1288375
>>1286512If you're unsure about getting it from eBay you could always use a proxy and buy it from Japan. Sites like Mandarake, Suruga-ya, JP Mercari, or Yahoo Auctions may carry it.
I've stopped buying on eBay ever since I found I could always get it for cheaper when using a proxy. The pricing on these sites are always significantly lower than when they're listed on English websites.
For example: $180 vs ¥3,000 (About $22) No. 1293007
File: 1659885342957.jpg (117.8 KB, 688x461, 080616_hellokitty3.jpg)

>>1291477Eh, I'm not crazy about aliexpress bootleg sanrio or US loud ass color sanrio (which leans way too much into the kiddie aspect), sweet spot for me is like mid 2000s when they were doing a bunch of stuff inspired by either lolita or gyaru.
No. 1293031
File: 1659887360436.jpg (74.67 KB, 580x580, m_5cb4b63f29f030e44f925db0.jpg)

>>1293007ugh yes anon. I remember in 2005 my mom bought me a goth hello kitty stationery set from Hot Topic and it was my prized possession. Cant find a pic of it but it had this version of kitty on it.
No. 1293232
File: 1659897825938.jpg (468.3 KB, 1486x2048, ovwku59tnwn71.jpg)

>>1293031Speaking of mid 2000s hottopic and lolita, I remember they had like a mascot character who wore lolita, totally forgot her name but she was really cute.
Though as per usual the Japanese side of stuff was better. They still do lolita fashion inspired stuff sometimes so I pick it up every once and a while but I'd love to see them do tan hello kitty stuff again.
No. 1293344
File: 1659900595499.jpg (273.43 KB, 1000x1333, FJ5DFf2XEAIRYTz.jpg)

>>1293232Tan hello kitty is so cute. I remember going to Hawaii once and they had a ton of merch like picrel
No. 1293392
>>1288607wow, this is both anxiety-inducing and weirdly satisfying at the same time
Imagine trying to have sex on that bed tho
No. 1293455
>>1293392anon pls
that bed is never going to see sex
No. 1293563
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>>1293392I feel like DDLG fucks probably do that sort of thing.
No. 1302321
File: 1660470739817.jpg (69.79 KB, 460x820, 1c63127adb8c68b11732d823aa1d2b…)

>>1298563You can combine allmost all colours, no matter how seemingly crazy the combinetion, if they match in temperature and chroma. If you build your capsule warderobe with pieces that share that, you'll have no problem mixing and matching your clothes even if they're not the neutrals you'll usually see in capsule warderobes.
No. 1302500
>>1302327>>1302334Doesn’t matter which it is as all the combinations in that section are ugly. Who wants to walk around looking like a German flag.
Guides like these are essentially useless. They don’t take into account what colours are trendy, what are dated, and what is classic. It’s also impossible to find clothes matching all the colors exactly. I bet no one actually uses them and they just get saved and past on as seemingly helpful advice. Maybe useful if you’re painting, but if you can’t tell with your eyes what colors look good together then you shouldn’t be an artist.
No. 1303820
File: 1660582390479.jpeg (137.96 KB, 1280x720, divoom.jpeg)

nonitas I need your help. I've seen these cool divoom things EVERYWHERE but they're so expensive. I've read reviews and the product quality isn't that great either. So why do I still want to get these overglorified paperweights? I can afford them but still… that money is better off used elsewhere. I need your support.
No. 1304363
>>1298563This is my personal perspective on it
1.Find 2~3 (4 max) main statement colors that look good on you and that you actually love. Mines are green and pink
2.Find a good neutral color that not only goes with your skin, but also your personality. Mine is black
3.Buy cool statement tops in the colors that you picked, and neutral bottoms so the statement color pops up more
4.Buy 2 pairs of neutral shoes, 3 pairs of statement shoes
No. 1305934
>>1303820these are ugly and tacky as fuck, I was actually thinking of posting these and ripping on them. They look like garbage and they do nothing.
Buy a plant if you need some shit on your desk, at least it will help you breathe better and won't end up at a landfill in 6 months.
No. 1306899
>>1306860I did ctrlf to look for keyword searches in the thread and only found a few posts that mentioned selling manga or other unspecified items on ebay and mercari
nothing about vtuber merch, figures, nor pricing and I've never sold figures or vtuber things before so I thought maybe someone else who has sold the stuff I mentioned would be able to offer some advice such as how to gauge figure prices, if there'd be any demand for the vtuber merch, whether to do buy it now or bidding, etc
No. 1306987
>>1306957true you're right but I'm still at a loss on how to price them
a few of the figures I have are all being sold around $300 new in box, mine are opened so I can't use that as a guideline, idk what to set for the price so I can make money while still getting buyers
and the vtuber stuff too I genuinely have no idea what a good price point is for a wall scroll and acrylic figure that are hard to find
should I just list it with the price kinda high and lower it little by little until there's offers? I've never sold online before so that's why I'm a bit confused what to do
No. 1307122
>>1307075yeah found a few listings for the figures on jp auction sites and ebay too, I don't see an option to view how long they were listed for but that's ok I at least know how much to sell for now
thanks for the advice nona
No. 1307736
File: 1660854982552.jpg (420.26 KB, 1296x942, Loungefly-Collection.jpg)

I'm shocked nobody in this thread has mentioned (or uploaded photos, couldn't find that) of Loungefly collectors. Most of them are disney fags but people go nuts over these stupid bags and collect them. Found out they're owned by Funko now so it makes more sense, but holy hell
No. 1307877
>>1307736i found out a co-worker collects these and monster high dolls. i was under the impression that she was pretty cool and we came from similar low-income backgrounds, then i was talking shit about collecting and adults who buy shit with their parents money and she literally took out a credit card from her wallet w/ her dads name on it saying all her childish purchases were justified since her dad hadn't been around most of her life……
a revealing glance into the psychology of adults that collect child/nostalgia coded things
No. 1308328
>>1307736My friend has one of these, it's alright I guess. Not super in your face Disney, just has some flowers and shit on it. It's her main purse and she obviously gets a lot of use out of it, but the price is insane to me and it doesn't look like a $90 purse, it looks like something I could buy for $30 at hot topic. I can't fathom collecting them.
>>1308104Who wouldn't be tbh, it hurts seeing people blow rent money on stuff they barely get any use out of because they have so many duplicates.
No. 1308620
>>1308566Tbh that’s what I initially thought too and I think there are many posters are like that but there a couple of blatantly jealous zoomers like
>>1283536 >>1285725
>>1294565 who would be consoomers if they had more money
No. 1308627
>>1308620Why do those come off as poor to you?
>>1283536 said nothing more than wanting something, and
>>1294565 mentions that she wants to buy stuff but recognises that it's useless. You can want things but not buy them for other reasons than not affording them. You're just coming off like you hate poor people.
No. 1309816
>>1308657Your coworker is right to take advantage of her dad's money as an adult if he was a shit absent father when she grew up. If he's allowing it, why not? Not like she can put the credit card into savings. You literally sound jealous, and the anon defending
>>1294565 completely ignores how she's insulting the girls she follows because she wants what they has. That's literally jealousy kek.
No. 1310676
File: 1661091195727.jpeg (219.84 KB, 750x1108, C29E87F2-9D08-4153-A849-6B5676…)

>>1263760The girls that own these type of rooms are also so off looking
No. 1310679
File: 1661091330510.jpeg (781.17 KB, 828x1419, 7B603C00-4A69-495C-B9D5-EDFC7A…)

Watching Kawaii collectors eating shitty food on their shitty Kawaii cancer plastic aliexpress plates in their cancer plastic kawaii filled rooms is kinda depressing ngl
No. 1310695
>>1310679How bad is it to order cutelry and general tableware off AliExpress and Amazon?
Would it matter if you order plastic or glass one?
I am curious because I never ordered any kitchen-related stuff there. I understand AliExpress items look like shit, but what about their safety?
No. 1310924
>>1309848Again, ignoring the fact that the anon was insulting the girls because of it. She wasn't just uwu so aware now~ she was clearly venting her jealousy. There is a difference but you're obviously to dense to realize it.
>>1310615Yeah, most people. But as the other anon said before there's clearly some jealous poorfags here. There's no way that most in this thread with free access to their absent father's credit card would abstain from using it simply because consumerism is bad. Get real.
No. 1311017
>>1310676I've seen so many of these girls with this EXACT outfit. Skeleton shirt, pink puffball hair things (what the fuck are they called KEK), dyed black hair in twintains.
I wouldn't say shit if they were stupid teenagers but theyre all 21+, it's so strange. Tumblr aesthetic and -core culture is stripping so many people of their individuality.
>>1310707What's it like working as gamestop as a woman
nonny? I figure moids would be seething over it.
>>1310796Cmon nonna kek. Having shitty food once in awhile doesn't make you depressed.
No. 1317712
File: 1661544111540.png (9.68 MB, 2360x1771, p.png)

I've been following the person in picrel for like a year now, she's not very milky and I'm pretty sure she buys her shit with her own money (she's like 30) or her boyfriends. I can smell the plastic through my monitor though jesus christ
No. 1317947
File: 1661567092831.jpeg (396.65 KB, 828x491, 627BB5CD-D54F-4C1A-9628-8EB79B…)

I’ve been watching a lot of those room makeover videos where it’s all the same 10 Korean staples and everything is white and sterile over and over to the point that my brain feels like it’s turning to mush. They’re all the same and it isn’t even something I’m interested in aesthetically beyond the satisfaction of it. I think there’s mk ultra subliminal messages in that animal crossing ass background music that is telling me to disintegrate into my floor.
No. 1318143
File: 1661591680497.png (269 KB, 740x1013, consoom.png)

>>1317712kek i remember following her a few years ago. at that point she was already e-dating her bf without ever having met up irl. she always talked about saving up money "to finally meet him" while buying frivolous shit all the time. i checked her twitter and it seems like they still haven't met in all these years. i guess it's nice to have someone else supporting your addiction.
sounds like a bleak life to still live at home at 30, working a minimum wage job just to buy plastic shit and makeup every single day. picrel is some small drama from back then No. 1318236
>>1318143i almost forgot about her occasional tweets about how ~people change~ or shit, it always made me wonder if there was ever any milk on her but never really looked into it
you'd think they wouldn't be able to meet due to literally other reason than needing to save money
No. 1319240
>>1319179Oh sweet
nonnie, you know they're not dusting.
No. 1319481
>>1319172Sounds like you might be bored. Do you mainly work in paints? Try another medium or work though the paints you have. If you don’t have the paints you lack (and don’t need to double up) then there’s no need to spend that much. Maybe just sketch a ton or practice swatching the paints you to have, just as a warmup.
Not buying yarn and whatnot is a good start, I understand that too. I had to cut back my horde after getting into knitting and crocheting the past few years.
No. 1319976
File: 1661758925733.jpeg (156.07 KB, 750x750, 1596778016928.jpeg)

>>1319946NTA it's definitely appealing, but evidently it appeals to so many people that they all get carbon copies of the exact same room and it stops looking so great once you realize that.
I do like the asian style room trends because they fill a niche for people with lower budgets though. Interior design inspo is often like, expensive mansions with extravagant luxury furniture and it looks beautiful but you could never afford it or imitate it, and they look barely used. Whereas with korean rooms they're usually studio apartments with cheap but cute and comfy furniture and decor. It's way more accessible and relatable, and it looks properly lived in. I just wish they wouldn't all use the literal exact same items lmao.
No. 1320451
>>1319481Thanks for ideas, nona! I actually prefer to avoid swatching for now since some of my paints ended up being mostly used for it already and i did mixing charts before. I now sketch more on copy paper or in digital, it feels good right now.
Though it's hard and I'm really tempted. 50ml jars of gouache i got are not portable if i wish to go outside and paint and would love tubes, but i don't think i'll ever do this anyway. Will wait more but probably will toss some colors that I can't mix but need (no bright pink or blue) and I ran out of few colors I had for few years already.
I'm proud i didn't get any other yarn for almost a year now, though i want to get one or two skeins (100g of yarn) of some quality woolen or cotton yarns to swatch them and see if i like them. buy only when i will have properly planned project. really want to make own sweaters to replace my old fast fashion ones that are in really bad state. i have problem with clothes and second hand stores in my city are shit, vintage resale sites are too expensive sometimes so i want to make something myself that will last me long time, will look timeless and nice in more muted colors.
No. 1320557
>>1320451You’re welcome. I hope it helps. Have you tried making a small palette with your gouache? A friend of mine gave me a sample of her watercolors (they’re called dots) and I’m sure you could do it with gouache too. They looked like this found a gouache example too also just switch to sewing or knitting. If you can repair your older clothes that would engage your hands and mind to do something different and get out of your rut
No. 1320895
File: 1661834125704.jpeg (287.31 KB, 2048x1351, C974FB4B-0DED-4A40-8B07-0F2B65…)

>>1320863Same anon but it’s just nice to look at. I’ve been thinking about this one little paint pot since I saw it for no particular reason.
No. 1322666
File: 1661985404638.jpeg (217.66 KB, 730x724, 48507E1A-9783-462C-9320-70EA63…)

nonas please tell me convince me force me to not buy this strawberry I do not need this, but I am so close to preordering it’s just so pretty
No. 1322685
>>1322683This is why the 200 dollar prize figure thing confuses me so much, they’re so crappily made and half of the time it’s characters with thousands of other choices
That nurse miku being the ultimate example of this.
No. 1322687
>>1322666damn nonna you better pre-order it before
>>1322678 >>1322683 and
>>1322679 do kek
No. 1322695
File: 1661987205416.jpg (94.04 KB, 720x343, 1661987232450.jpg)

Why did you delete your post, anon?
No. 1322711
File: 1661989066459.jpg (26.8 KB, 500x386, 1602584508444.jpg)

No. 1322718
File: 1661989650069.png (825.13 KB, 800x600, snow miku.png)

>>1322666How cute! I'm not a figure collector but I really like that one and the 2021 snow Miku. I don't think it's bad to get one if you really like it and aren't just buying figures just to do it. It's like buying a painting, get it cause you admire it but don't go overboard and start hoarding them.
No. 1322727
>>1322687I went ahead and preordered lol
>>1322708but this is a good idea, i promise this is the only statue i'll get, i guess also the low self esteem i have makes me believe $300 spent on me is a waste and not this
>>1322718cute modest snow miku! lol
No. 1322740
>>1322727you could have done a 6 week online language course at the university of oxford for the same amount: have a whole bunch of languages including Japanese, French, Russian, Mandarin, etc:
No. 1322743
>>1322740dropped the second link: this is just an example of something you could have done with that money instead
No. 1322750
>>1322708>print out this photo and put in your wallThat's just dangling a carrot
>take an course, start a new hobby, join a class. you can improve your lifeShe can do that and get the figure too, it's not mutually exclusive
>getting a fugly dust collector.Everything is a fugly dust collector if you don't clean
No. 1322758
>>1322753I'm already studying 2 languages, I don't need to take on a third right now.
>>1322751Low self esteem definition:
"What is Low Self-Esteem? Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about making mistakes or letting other people down."
The way to build self esteem is by becoming more confident in your abilities by learning new skills. If the anon likes Miku then chances are they like Japanese culture and so would enjoy learning Japanese. How is having an ugly figure going to improve their self esteem???
>>1322755I'm assuming they don't have unlimited amounts of money.
Fuck this thread though. It's the sustainability one all over again. You are all just encouraging each other to buy stuff you don't need while laughing at others for doing exactly the same. Pathetic.
No. 1322765
>>1322727>i guess also the low self esteemI'm going to be very fucking honest with you. The "low self esteem" part isn't about you buying a figure. It's you asking for anon's opinions on this thread. Next time don't fucking ask anyone and do whatever the hell you want.
>>1322758Well good for you. Can you fuck off now? hide the thread if you need to.
No. 1322772
>>1322758>"What is Low Self-Esteem? Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about making mistakes or letting other people down."How is learning japanese going to help her get more self esteem kekkkkkk you fucking weaboos I swear
>>1322770no u weeb
No. 1322774
>>1322772>someone lacks confidence [in] what they can do>They often feel incompetent or inadequate>consistently afraid about making mistakesjfc can you not read. learning new skills and abilities gives self confidence
and I don't own a single figure because I don't buy fug
No. 1322785
>>1322775>>1322776new skills = more self confidence as you will have proven abilities and can use these to move up in life. how many times do i have to repeat this?
having a therapist tell you that, no, you're actually an amazing person isn't going to work unless you're retarded and believe everything someone tells you. nothing about you will actually change.
seriously fuck this thread. i'm out. you have to be trolling a this point to be this retarded.
No. 1322786
>>1322774Don't worry anon let's just hoard our wealth and never spend anything on anything we love, that's the only way we'll make sure to never consoom.
>>1322666>nonas please tell me convince me force me to not buyYou're like the consoom version of the skelly anachans that post selfies to get bashed. "omg please tell me I'm fat and that I need to starve please be mean to me". Grow a fucking backbone and work on your self esteem, in the end you shouldn't be caring about what some anons on an imageboard say.
No. 1322793
>>1322785>having a therapist tell you that, no, you're actually an amazing person isn't going to workThat's not how therapy works
>seriously fuck this thread. i'm out. Thank fucking god!
No. 1322874
File: 1661999726968.png (175.54 KB, 831x212, Screenshot 2022-08-31 223520.p…)

>>1322730>>1322758Anons like you take this thread way too far. Some people genuinely like e-girl shit, not everyone wants to live like picrel and there is really no reason to.
You are the only person who is insecure because you feel like you need to flex how superior to people who hate you.
No. 1322881
File: 1662000455822.png (957.05 KB, 544x960, tiktok.PNG)

>>1322666If you feel guilty about ordering that figure, picrel is a tiktoker who spent nearly $2000 for this coombait three foot tall figure. Her entire account is her collecting anime porn shit. Granted like most animecore collectors she doesn't even like it but still.
No. 1322885
File: 1662000816856.png (53.21 KB, 226x275, 1650467238340.png)

>>1322666I currently have scale figures on their way to me from Japan as we speak, don't follow my example.
No. 1322893
>>1322888I didn't browse the e-girls thread much for obvious reasons but I always liked this line from the 8th OP
>If she cannot broadcast everything she does and every thing she owns, Does she even exist?I genuinely think if you took away all of the new zoomer collectors' social media and internet that they'd end up selling their entire collection
No. 1322921
>>1322881Finally some good fucking food. Besides being absolutely hideous and grotesque, the clownery of thinking this is 2k.
>>1322897I guess they are good if you don't have space for substantial merch? I own one of my husbando.
No. 1323019
File: 1662015450430.jpeg (289.1 KB, 1500x1200, miku_digital_stars_2022.jpeg)

>>1322666That 15th Anniversary Miku is so cute! I'm a sucker for sweets theme and I like that her hair kinda look like whisks. She looks pretty heavy and definitely needs to be in a glass case. It'll be a pain in the ass to dust her off. For me I've been thinking about the Digital Stars 2022 but over $200 is quite a lot. I do love pastel colors though.
No. 1323116
>>1323022 hentai shit? arent a bunch of zoomers puritan over it cause of its
pRoBlEmAtIc nature or is this referring to shitty big boobed anime figures
No. 1323246
File: 1662043737978.jpg (424.36 KB, 1440x1800, r8jg7lmyo7491.jpg)

ppl like this will be like 'i'm autistic and i have sensory issues' and then make the whole room sensory overload
No. 1323408
>>1323116A lot of them collect figures from random lolicon eroge and say its fine because
>umm i can separate art from the artist its just cute? n its not even sexual whts ur problem weirdo…Meanwhile the figure is a little girl bent over kek, then there's the other side of the coin like
>>1323116 said
>>1323246>>1323248I know most people who talk about having autism in an uwu sensory issues way are faking, but I feel like an autist could have this room, just speaking from the male autist rooms I've seen. Like chris chans
No. 1323598
File: 1662075120079.png (468.48 KB, 500x505, 01consoom.png)

I need this pic as the new thread pic when this one fills up, thanks
No. 1323719
>>1308590It blows my mind that people pay more than Walmart prices for pleather and even collect thousands of dollars of it. It all rots, it's disposable by nature. It's like buying a designer diaper, it's destined for the trash can much sooner than later.
>>1322881This is the worst possible kind of big figure. It might as well just be a little $20 crane prize figure, being huge adds zero details.
>>1323379A few years ago, I was convinced I needed to "invest" in better makeup, I'm just glad that I got some samples and came to my senses. Most of it is just overhyped, probably coming out of the same factory in China as Cover Girl. And nobody can use at least 60% of the colors they stuff into most pallets.
No. 1323869
File: 1662105852094.png (47.17 KB, 544x888, pmifsellinguwu.PNG)

dropped pic
No. 1323873
>>1323871It's become a trend with younger women (zoomers) to adhere to a thing called "animecore"
They basically, despite most of them being spicy straight, collect erotic figures/posters/etc to emulate the rooms of otaku in the early 2000s but with pink kawiwiwi shit added
They also like a lot of the same characters and have a big issue with just copy pasting every single thing that's popular in the "animecore" community, leaving all their rooms to look the same. Most I've noticed admittedly dont even like anime or are very casual fans and "just like the aesthetic"
Hope I explained it well enough kek
No. 1324194
File: 1662134936601.jpg (146.31 KB, 1451x835, 94673.JPG)

I hate t-shirt culture. Where did the need to own piles of graphic t-shirts come from? I worked with a guy who was on sites like this daily, and wore products like theirs daily. They're selling designs based on licensed IPs with limited runs to create FOMO and to not get caught and taken down. They seem to be latching onto anything they can right now, most designs are a random mashup of 2 pop culture references.
Around the net, any time you see a cool bit of artwork there are tonnes of comments asking to buy in on a shirt. Reddit is filled with t-shirt bots, anything you upload online can be listed for sale, on a t-shirt, within minutes. It seems so scummy and wasteful.
No. 1324336
>>1324194Me too. I feel like I have too many fucking tshirts. I've gotten out of the habit of buying them now, because I have so many that I can't even use the "oh I'll just buy this concert/con shirt and use it as a pajama shirt!" because I have too many pajama shirts! Sometimes I do want to get a concert or con tee because I enjoyed the event and I like having a shirt to look at and wear that reminds me of that time, but I also know that I don't necessarily need a shirt to do that for me.
I used to work at a major clothing store and at my particular store our dress code was black, but during special promotion periods where we had collabs with major IPs, we would be allowed to wear shirts from that collection for as long as we sold the shirt and still had it in stock. I accumulated so many stupid fucking t-shirts during this time period, shirts that I rarely wore after the promotional period to sell them was over! When I went out with friends, I wanted to wear all my cute and colorful clothing so I never touched the shirts or wore my black clothes that I wore regularly for work. Sometimes that store tempts me because they have collabs I'm interested in, but then I remember my hatred for graphic tees and I don't do it. If it's a shirt with an embroidered design (rare but sometimes they sell it) I'll consider it, but in the end… I just have too many fucking tshirts.
No. 1324551
>>1324335>as long as they don't touch the anime figs that I actually want I guess IdgafYeah I see a lot of new collectors being like
>ugh these stupid new animecore collectors r buying all the figs i want >:( When all the figures they want are the starterpack extremely expensive tumblr -core trading figures that you could buy for $10 in 2015 kek. A lot of them say they hate animecore and lack self awareness to a heavy degree.
No. 1324834
>>1322881The result of someone getting into anime because of TikTok.
>>1323140Ayrt. Thanks, anon! Is shipping with them difficult? It kind of intimidates me.
>>1324336Anon, I realize I have a problem with collecting t-shirts too as well as pajama/lounge pants…
No. 1325179
File: 1662188586929.jpeg (162.91 KB, 735x599, B4AFBD46-E23C-4288-B129-38FBDD…)

>>1322881Zoomers are so defensive of this shit too. I know a lot of them are young but honestly who needs this crap in their house?? The online “clout” is just not worth it
No. 1325296
>>1324336I'm glad you are aware of your issue and are working on it. I understand things like wanting a t-shirt from a show/concert, I had those feelings recently. My concert ticket had the same graphic on it as the t-shirts they sold, so I chose to keep the ticket and frame it. It won't deteriorate like a shirt and I can keep it as long as I want, recycling it in the end!
>>1324910Very true, I wanted to add creator merch in my original post but it would've gotten too rambly. Suppose it's gotten better as t-shirts are printed as they are ordered, but it's true that 2nd hand shops are filled with these. I found a nice looking shirt in a thrift store once, only to realise it had to most disgusting yellow crust on the armpits. Stopped browing for shirts after that.
No. 1325747
File: 1662226849002.png (1.57 MB, 916x689, consoomsanrioandanimeshit.PNG)

>>1325179They're all the exact same. I can get zoomers who do it because they're just young and want to fit in and get validation but so many of them are adults too. The grown ones always talk about how much they hate "animecore teenagers" too despite being the exact same as them kek. They really think being older makes it more acceptable
Their rooms always freak me out, it scares me how much they don't want to deviate from the set tumblr aesthetic they have. I guess they're scared of losing the zoomers who comment "if i had a room liek this everythin wld b good omg… yr so cool i-"
No. 1325957
File: 1662237087065.png (755.69 KB, 1238x614, zh49yS1.png)

>>1325179that blanket has been sold for $100+ several times now lmao
No. 1326375
File: 1662262210311.jpeg (144.23 KB, 750x999, 904718DA-A97F-46A6-8E94-CBA4D0…)

Idk what this would be called but this type of uguu maximalism is way cuter than whatever the figure hoards are, also much more interesting to look at
No. 1326376
File: 1662262251813.jpeg (127.88 KB, 735x977, 5101A853-BE27-4EE5-B4B9-5B40B4…)

>>1326375I can stare at this cute shit with no problem
No. 1326690
>>1323246>'i'm autistic and i have sensory issues' and then make the whole room sensory overloadeveryone experiences autism differently so having autism and a coonsumer room isn't unlikely.
but the thing is that people who are always sperging online about how they can't go outside because crowds gives them sensory overload or how too many types of textures or colours gives them sensory overload or how they can't be in tight spaces, always has rooms like these and talk about how minimalism is for boring people.
I know that at the end of the day people know their own sensory issues better than i do and they are allowed to decorate their own rooms the way they want, but i cant help thinking that these people are purposely creating living spaces that they hate just for internet clout.
Sorry for blogposting but speaking from personal experience i used to have a kawaii pink room because im autistic and i saw other autistic girls have rooms like that on social media. It never gave me sensory overload but it did make me feel overwhelmed having a bunch of useless knick knack laying around, not to mention that your room quickly becomes messy when you have so much stuff which only worsens the sensory issues…
People are allowed to do what they want and i know I'm projecting my own issues on to internet strangers but i seriously think that we need to have a discussion about how stressful these type of living spaces can be instead of treating it like some sort of ideal/goal. Not to mention how harmful and the geek collecting can be
No. 1327588
>>1327091i'm a sperg myself and i hate these fakers, you can sometimes clearly see they don't have 'tism. they want everything that will make them ~quirky~ but not issues that make your life worse.
i couldn't have a room like this, i'm obsessed with my things being clean (i hate touching dusty and sticky things, one of my worst sensory issues) and i can't have things laying around because if they'd fall down sounds could scare me.
No. 1330811
Anon what are your clothes shopping habits like? How often do you buy clothes? How long do you wear them?
Myself, I only buy cotton/wool/linen, I own no polyester or viscose. I normally buy a couple clothing pieces per year, about 2-4 (not including underwear, those are replaced when worn out). I shop 2nd hand on occasion, but rarely find suitable items. I own some fast fashion items, but they are 5+ years old at this point. I extend the lifetime of my wardrobe by wearing plain cotton shirts and leggings at home, and only wearing my nicer clothes out.
Vidrel is a pretty good documentary on fashion, it covers design, production, psychology of shopping/advertisement and the ethics.
this may be my last attempt to take the discussions here away from weebshit
No. 1330852
>>1330811i think i own quite a bit of synthetic or "mixed" synthetic clothing… i need to look into buying better fabrics esp since most of the recs i see are from burgers.
most of what i own is fast fashion but i wear it for 3+ years unless it breaks down. i really hesitate to purchase anything that isn't versatile and i've bought quite a lot of second-hand in the past couple of years. i think part of it is also finding out which colors and shapes flatter me the most.
ngl realizing rich people wear zara, h&m, bershka and other fast fashion brands except they buy dozens of pieces a year truly black pilled me. they have the money to buy gorgeous, less polluting pieces but they desperately need to have new outfits every fornight.
and i want to alog trend followers so bad. i've always loved tennis skirts, chunky shoes and wacky accessories which were mocked by normies for a very long time but now that they're trendy again, they're all wearing them. wait for the tide to turn and they'll be like "omg i used to wear naked wolfe, ewwww so cringe" No. 1332451
>>1330811People tried to discuss this in the first consoomerism thread but were bullied merciless until people only posted consoomerism tiktoks kek.
>I extend the lifetime of my wardrobe by wearing plain cotton shirts and leggings at home, and only wearing my nicer clothes out.I think this is dumb shit, sorry. Clothes are meant to be worn.
No. 1332452
>>1332428>3-4 things per week from thifting>2 things per month from etsywhy the hell do you need almost 20 new things per month? whether clothing or not
this thread is a complete joke
No. 1332779
>>1332767You're mad because you still don't get it.
No. 1332797
>>1332779>hurrr you don't get it hurrrrI'm not going to watch your fucking channel retard.
>inb4 it's not my channel!!!!still not gonna watch it, shit's not as interesting or good as you might think. Only idiots turn to youtube for lukewarm common sense advice like this.
No. 1332827
>>1332779>>1332410Sorry for insulting your granny glasses wearing e-crush
nonny! You seem too defensive of her for some reason. She's not going to fuck you.
No. 1332831
>>1330811i have been trying to slowly replace my old plastic clothes with more durable natural fabrics, but man it's really hard when you're on a budget. and not only that, even expensive brands will mix shitty plastic into their clothes. i recently needed to quickly buy a simple basic hoodie and it was almost impossible to find one that was a 100% cotton.
can anyone rec a good store that sells eco friendly clothing? idc about being fashionable i just want comfy and durable clothes. preferably one that's also available in the eu
No. 1332843
>>1332797Then ignore my post if it's not for you? kek
>>1332827You keep insulting her as if she's me or I'm in love with her, lol. Relax.
No. 1332875
>>1330811> Anon what are your clothes shopping habits like? If clothing don't have holes that can't be patched or is not semi-transparent then it is wearable. If it is no longer can be worn outside it can be worn at home. If it can't be worn at home it can be used for cleaning. Leftover rags are finally trash. I hate shopping because I am ugly. I look like shit so I don't traumatise myself with shopping. All my clothes, including winter coats with woolen fillings can fit in one small wall-high wardrobe.
> How often do you buy clothes?Twice a year or less. For cold season and for hot season. I check if I need anything and go buy. It may be 1 T-shirt or pants or sweater.
> How long do you wear them?Years. Half of clothes in my wardrobe is from the high school years and I have already finished my masters. T-shirts can be worn for 3 years. Some of my hoodies are from the first year of uni. My jeans are patched, they are from high school. I wear shoes only for 2+ years though, because I have only 4 pairs.
No. 1332878
>>1332451Is that the only reason you think it's dumb shit? I keep my nice clothes for longer, my weekly washload is smaller because I wear indoor clothes multiple times before washing, and overall I buy less because of this. All of my clothes get worn in the end. What's the issue?
Props to the anons in the thread, I'm glad you're either conscious about fashion consumption or aware of your issues and working on them. I'm happy a lot of anons have a good relationship with clothes shopping. I saw one of those 'asking people in the street' things a while ago, and a lot of women there said they are aware of the issues with fast fashion, but do not are about them to stop the buying and waste. Had me a bit bummed out, ngl. Hard to stray from becoming a doomer these days.
No. 1333280
File: 1662747629234.jpeg (81.38 KB, 600x405, 27962CB0-8F31-497E-ACD5-6E6EE8…)

>>1332456Most electric scooters are pretty heavy, the one I got was a relatively “light” one at 75-80 lbs when I was in South Korea. It was super fun and convenient zipping around but lifting that shit up 2 stories was not the business. I’m also significantly taller than the average US male, if you’re that little your best bet is to just get a bicycle. Most are around like 30 lbs and you can probably go to a bike shop and ask for lighter frames etc.
No. 1333544
File: 1662762980758.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1125x1726, 168FCC26-1F3D-4723-9D09-D421AB…)

Why yes I’d love to spend $10 on a spoonful of plastic dollar store garbage and rocks
No. 1333710
File: 1662777572388.jpg (420.33 KB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_20220909-193151.jpg)

One of my greatest pet peeves is when a character or franchise is slathered all over the packaging but has absolutely nothing to do with the product, especially if the packaging isn't at least creative.
This user buys a lot of Sailor Moon themed items with very bland designs at marked up prices. I remember a post of Sailor Moon themed cookies exclusively from universal studios Japan, she admitted were plain. They had sailor scouts on the box and each was individually wrapped in sailor printed packages. The amount of waste.
These masks are so bland and I bet they were probably $14 for a pack of 3 disposables, as much as a large box.
She also has a $180 music box which is just those junky $20 mall kiosk ones, but blue and vaguely SM branded. Pre ordered from Korea. I thought it was AliExpress at first.
No. 1333716
>>1330811I had a goal in 2020 to not buy a single article of clothing for myself- and I did it! It was an amazing feeling to accomplish and really forced me to wear my nicer clothes. I have an awful habit of buying very nice, pretty clothes, but I put off wearing them because "it's not a nice enough day" or I feel like with every wear, it gets closer and closer to the end of its lifetime (whether it's F21 tier or higher end and made with natural fabrics) and all I can think about is the inevitable day it is unwearable and I have to get rid of it (because I'm retarded like that kek).
I do buy clothes now. I was aiming to buy only natural fabrics but now I buy whatever. I buy clothing very sporadically, but honestly, waaaay less than I used to. I feel like not clothing shopping for a year really put things into perspective for me. Yes those clothes are cute, but I can live without it. Yes that shirt is an absolute
steal but I don't need it or really like it all that much, so I can resist.
I did just buy a lot of clothes that were on sale, but I'm pretty much set for the next couple of months. I think I buy clothes 4-5 times a year now, and that can range from a single item to a handful. The huge amount of clothes I just bought were a very rare exception, never bought so much at once even in my consoomerism days kek. I also think I do really well with wearing the absolute shit out of my clothes. For all the hell I give myself about wanting to avoid wearing my nice clothes for fear of the day they'll be unwearable from so much wear and tear, I've been wearing some shit for 5+ years and it still looks fine. I think I take good care of my clothes. I don't really have to mend them, but I am able to do so if needed.
No. 1333776
>>1333716I'm doing the same. I'm only 2 months in but it's easier than I expected. It's nice claiming back the time and money I would have wasted on clothes I don't need. I think living in a place that isn't very trendy helps as no one cares if I dress cheugy here.
My wardrobe is already 100% natural fabrics because I'm a sweaty sperg and have always hated synthetics. I think the change I wanted to make though is to reduce the amount of hand wash things I have as they always pile up and then I never want to do it as it takes ages. Even using the most gentle washing machine settings ruins my wool things.
>fear of the day they'll be unwearable from so much wear and tearI tend to get pretty attached to my clothes as well but I've realised that if you're good at ebay searching, you can always find another one. The only difficult items are limited edition designer items because they go up in price ridiculously.
No. 1334024
>>1333544This is a good topic, I was amazed when mystery boxes started cropping up everywhere years ago. It was strange seeing large brands doing them, and people didn't realise it's just a way to sell off unpopular and old stock.
Weirdly enough, on the small business side I started seeing these 'scoops' show up in crystal/wicca businesses. They're all glass pebbles from aliexpress, that's why you're throwing a handful of 'natural stones' into every order.
No. 1334725
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>>1334174spotted this on reddit today. chocolate ice cream, with cream and fruit on top. but animal crossing disposable cup! wow!
No. 1334782
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>>1332456my mom bought an electric scooter ~2 years ago and barely used, so she gave it to me, and honestly, i love it. it really is fun zooming around from home to the city, or just to the store (and since it isn't as large as a bike I take it with me into the store and place the shopping basket on it).
it is heavy, weighs 25 kilos and I struggle carrying it around but honestly, i got used to it (carrying it up and down i mean). maybe try going to the store and asking the assistant for help? my mom was looking to buy a scooter with a larger battery so we got recommended the heavier one. if battery capacity isn't an issue, there's plenty of lighter scooters on the market
also, one of the problems with bikes is they take up a lot more space than a scooter that folds to half its size
No. 1335197
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I’m sure this has been commonly repeated here before, but I own a shelf of Funko Pops and I want to get rid of most of them. The thing is, a majority of them are Funko Pops for a show that doesn’t get a ton of merch. And I agree with the general consensus that these figures are shitty, but… I admittedly like the ones that I have. What should I do?
No. 1335227
>>1335197just sell the ones you don’t want and keep the rest for now. you don’t have to suddenly force yourself to get rid of the ones you still like, but if you ever feel the urge to buy more, remind yourself you still have funkos at home and you can be a fan of media without buying any merch for it. also ask yourself if you really like them, or if you only want them because there’s no other merch.
the point is to stop buying what you don’t need, not to get rid of everything you already own and enjoy. it’ll probably be easier to pick out your favorites once you start selling off your collection anyways
No. 1335282
>>1335197wow is this cat real
also what show is it?
No. 1335385
>>1335227>if you ever feel the urge to buy more, remind yourself you still have funkos at homeYeah I definitely don’t buy them anymore. I bought them many years ago, and I think I’m blinded by how much I like the show to toss out the ones I have. This post was super helpful thank you.
>you can be a fan of media without buying any merch for it.For a lot of the media I like, there isn’t merch for it in the first place so I don’t care for that stuff as much as I used to. I do kind of want to hang up posters of some of my favorite shows, but like… post card sized? Somewhat minimal? Kind of like vidrel but not exactly, and certainly not as many…
>>1335282I didn’t wanna say… it’s
Teen Titans, the animated show. Technically the figures are for the reboot nobody likes but I made an exception for the figures.. No. 1335389
>>1335385Nigga, really?
Teen Titans? A superhero show owned by fucking Warner Bros, the most shamelessly whorish merchandisers out there after Disney, and you can't find any merch for it?
Fuck outta here.
No. 1335442
>>1219831Does she have a rich bf? Does she come from money? People who work at museums don’t have the money to buy houses to fill with expensive dolls.
btw if she has a bf while I don’t I’m going to scream
No. 1335460
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What do you anons think of the Lenox village spice collection? There are also other items like a salt and pepper shaker, containers to hold your flour, sugar, tea, coffee, etc. Lots of other things that I can’t remember right now.
Is it “too much”? Realistically I won’t ever own them since they’re expensive but I think they’re cute.
No. 1335470
>>1335385imo what you want to do is rational, there's not much point trying to become the ultra anti-consoomer and own nothing, if a couple funkos bring you joy then keep them. you can get rid of them later on anyways.
>>1335460they look a bit ''too much'' to me when the whole collection is all in one place, but individually they're quite cute and I could see myself having something like this for a couple of food items.
No. 1336647
>>1335460I think it's highly impractical, even if cute.
Even if you do use all those spices regularly in your cooking (if not, that's just a worthless box with worthless spice in it exposed to air and losing the taste) these look difficult to use, keep clean and refill. Imagine the dusting you have to do.
Something more simple with the stuff you actually used on a closed shelf would last longer and be much more usable.
No. 1336673
>>1334024>>1334228>>1334279>Weirdly enough, on the small business side I started seeing these 'scoops' show up in crystal/wicca businesses.That reminds me of this lady who was drunk one night while scrolling through TikTok she came across a couple of those scooping livestreams and the lady ended up buying a few scoops. She ended up spending hundreds and one of the reasons was because she saw that you get a free Amethyst bracelet if you buy a scoop. She said she does plan on reselling most of them and keeping some for herself, but what a tard.
>>1334725LOL An AC YouTuber I watch went to go try it and when she did, she ended up not liking it. What a waste.
>>1335123Great job, anon!
>>1335460They're cute, but I wouldn't purchase.
No. 1336728
>>1336605I think pictures make them look bigger than they actually are (about 3 x 2 inches) but I agree it's pretty large for a spice container. If they had that sort of rubber seal like some candle jars do they would be alright to use, but I don't expect them to have it. Also the english are on edge since the royal kicking of the bucket, careful poking fun at them or they will pile you with their not-all-isms, kek.
>>1336673Tiktok marketing has got such a strong grasp on people, it's kinda sad how much waste it's generating.
No. 1336732
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>>1335460Samefag as above but forgot to add, is it tiktok at it again? I follow some thrifting subreddits and similar, and been seeing people post their purchases of these containers a lot in the past few months.
No. 1336856
>>1334782>>1333280ty for your responses. didn't want to go for a bicycle because there is one semi-large hill i have to go up during my commute. plus its just annoying to bring on the metro/bus.
i ended up finding a e-scooter that weighs around 22 lbs which i should be able to manage. it's actually marketed as a "teen scooter" so it was kind of cheap comparatively. i also wont be going on super far distances so i think it'll work for my needs.
i'm guessing the technology is just not good enough yet to have a super lightweight scooter with power/speed/battery life yet unfortunately. and the market is definitely catered to men atm. so annoying.
No. 1337642
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>>1337327Based nonna. Don’t fall for tiktok trends because 9/10 they’re a waste of money.
No. 1338026
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>>1209032Here's some tame feminine rooms I found on a Japanese site.
No. 1338802
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Still don't get how people can like these so much to get entire collections of them. But maybe they say the same about anime figures kek
No. 1338808
I swear hoarding must rot your brain or something. During the pandemic I started flipping some limited edition drinks and beverages (yes, it was weird. But, money is money and I was broke. For the amount of work I had to put in, the profit wasn't too bad, frankly). You would think that the type of people to spend 5$-20$ on a just a single fucking beverage would be the type of person that has lots of money, but, no, you'd be shocked to learn how much trailer park trash I did business with. Literally had multiple customers that only had enough money to pay rent and feed themselves and their children the most shit quality cheap food because they would literally blow 500$ with me twice a month. Yeah, I had some guilt about it, but the thing is, these same people would blow hundreds to thousands of bucks with me on these drinks, and then after 6 months immediately move onto their next obsession, spending the same amount of money, but just on a different product. I eventually stopped feeling bad about it because these people are truly addicted to spending money, they couldn't care less what it's being spent on. The bubble for that flipping business popped, so I just took my profits and ran and found a real job, thankfully.
No. 1338820
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>>1338808>The bubble for that flipping business popped, so I just took my profits and ran and found a real job, thankfully.…What drinks? was it something like gfuel or similar? I see people hoarding those too. (Pic related is literally a whole collection of gfuel powder to make gamer themed energy drinks)
No. 1338826
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One of the most ridiculous type of consoomers for me are hypebeasts. First of all they're ugly and disgusting self obsessed scrotes. They're always slimy and are into the drugs and cheap whores scene or whatever they call it, I've seen it way too many times. Third, they literally dedicate their entire lives to buying shit that you could literally find in a thriftstore. They literally dress in the most insipid way possible but just because a brand made their precious plain hoodie they're willing to spend $500+ on it. Also, their rooms suck. These men have no personality, shocker I know.
No. 1338830
>>1338827Actually, yes, and I'm quite the big fan of them! I still buy some for myself occasionally. Small breweries get really creative and come up with really interesting flavor combos. The really premium ones from nice breweries would straight up just taste like milkshakes. The only thing is, a lot of these beers would be 5% alcohol, and would be so sweet that you couldn't finish more than a can on your own, therefore you wouldn't even get really drunk off of them (though sometimes I'd add vodka to them to make them a bit stronger). They are truly nothing more than a luxury good.
One of my most notorious customers bought about 700$ of ONE FLAVOR of beer once. Most of the time, people want to try them for the novelty and buy a selection of flavors. I just don't understand how he could have possible downed so much sugary, thick, sweet beer in the same flavor day in and day out.
No. 1338855
>>1338839The specific type of beer I'm talking about is marketed as a "heavily fruited gose." One of the reasons the bubble popped is because breweries started being the middle man themselves and shipping across the states, and middle men like me were no longer needed. I got to try a whole bunch of them from a bunch of different breweries across the US. There are plenty of crap ones out there though. My favorites were from Imprint and Claim52, but Mortallis and Dewey were also awesome.
Anyway, in regards to scrote consoomers (scrotesoomers? scroomers?): one of the grossest things these weird guys did was collect their empty beer cans. Kinda like monster can collections. But they did not wash their cans well enough, leaving behind bits of fruitiness, which you could tell because their collections would literally be swarming with fruit flies, especially in the summer. Disgusting.
No. 1338878
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>>1338855 went to check out one of the beer companies you mentioned and wow… definetely didn't expect something like this to be real. I would like to try something like this in the future just for the hell of it, but I think I'll stick to normal beer tbh. Interesting that they've developed this kind of beverage though! I hope your current job is treating you well
No. 1338882
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>>1338855>one of the grossest things these weird guys did was collect their empty beer cans. Kinda like monster can collections. But they did not wash their cans well enough, leaving behind bits of fruitiness, which you could tell because their collections would literally be swarming with fruit flies, especially in the summer. Disgusting.Ewww. To be fair most male rooms are like this though. They have an obsession with being as filthy as possible.
No. 1338905
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>>1338808Ngl I'm tempted to get into this. I've already been selling some of my or my family's hand me down stuff and having luck. Also, the other day I found something at 1$ I sold at 200$ (and before anyone gets hopeful–it was insane, dumb luck but also a testament to how sometime keeping your eyes peeled pays off).
But even as someone who is desperate to get by while I sort out other issues, it does fill me with dread and guilt.
No. 1338932
>>1338905>Also, the other day I found something at 1$ I sold at 200$ cool, was it the taiko no tatsujin console you posted or what?
also new thread:
>>>/ot/1338893 No. 1339216
>>1302312Noooo the poor cat ;____;
>>1307354I'm crying too anon
No. 1340824
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>>1337330Excuse me that’s my husband you’re talking about
No. 1341803
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I found this in the Rainbow High subreddit.. I guess this could also fit in the Doll thread, but the sheer fucking amount of doll boxes AND the fact they're an absolute part of the room is what does it for me. I get collecting pretty dolls, but I even understand having quite a few of them.. But when they begin evading your sleeping space? WTF?
No. 1341842
>>1341803Sheesh, they could of fit it all on one shelf if they unboxed them. I don't get boxed doll collectors. I mean, sure, keep some of the rare ones in boxes, but half the fun of dolls is touching their hair, posing them and messing with their outfits.
Also the fact that since this photo rainbow high came out with like 20 more dolls… haha I'm glad I decided to not start collecting them. They come out with so much so fast
No. 1349167
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>>1208852Was browsing the animecore tag and man … that kyubey has seen better days also why are these girls obsessed with loli figures ?