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No. 1504930
Talk about consumerism, criticize consumerism, talk about niche and fandom specific consumerism, talk about consoom tendencies, collections, hoards and addiction. If you are a consoomer yourself, feel free to talk about it in this thread, same with people who are now reformed consoomers. And if you did get over it, tell us why or how it happened.
>>>/ot/1338893>>>/ot/1208369>>>/ot/1208852>>>/ot/1032560>>>/ot/1016970>>>/ot/1004939ORGANIZATION THREAD
>>>/g/181093 No. 1505026
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>>1505008>get banned from services like KlarnaYou can't.
You need to delete
your account and uninstall it
yourself.Your phone's going to get bricked and, at the same time, your laptop is going to be turned off and unable to turn on. Save up for a good and long-lasting phone and laptop, research it, look up reviews and find what fits your lifestyle. Don't go with your first choice. Look for alternatives first and compare.
Look around your home and see if you need to replace anything that is broken or save up for something important. You don't need anymore clothing, your wants are not needs.
No. 1505110
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Why is there a link to the vegan thread in the op?
No. 1505395
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My place of work keeps receiving squishmallows. Every holiday or couple months a new motherload. I keep telling myself not to buy them but it's futile. Like oh, nona, you need one for every season, oh, nona, you have attachment issues and need to hug something when you're sleeping, oh nona you can use your employee discount!
Shut up brain!
No. 1505858
>>1505845just saying. you don't wanna end up with wet socks because the toecap decided to give up, especially now that adidas has been making them more thin than they used to be. i have been wearing them for around 20 years now and a pair i had since 2009 cracked at the beginning of the year. i have a pair of SS slip-ons for around 3 years and the rubber already feels sandy, so this is just advice. aren't we trying to coonsoom less here, nonita?
besides that, the sole is very, very hard. it's not cell-based, it has a EVA-innards, so it's not pure rubber anymore.
No. 1505941
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>>1505856Holy crap nona I have to clean my room enough to be able to take a picture! What a collection. I mostly buy the medium or small ones but I bought myself a bigger version of picrel for
sadly single valentines
No. 1505944
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>>1505941Anon… I was making fun of you.
No. 1505951
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>>1505944some of you really wake up and choose violence
(go back) No. 1505975
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>>1505953Hall monitors should consider their life choices and take the appropriate action.
No. 1505984
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Any anons here intersted in vinyl collection ? I'm trying really hard not to fall into it because of hox expensive it is
No. 1506044
>>1505984I've been collecting records for a while now, and yeah its definitely expensive. I generally buy only music I'm already into and will listen to, and avoid hypebeast records and the secondhand market.
There's guys in one of the collecting groups I'm in with literal basements full of records they've blindly bought and that deep in just seems sad to me, there's no way to actually enjoy that much vinyl.
Unless there's a repress of something I've been after for a while, these days I will limit myself to 1 or 2 per month. Avoid Record Store Day, its not worth it.
No. 1506085
>>1505984Agree with
>>1506044 Don't get trapped into buying records just to buy records, focus on music you actually enjoy listening to. I've actually seen people compare the current record market to spinning funko pops with all the emphasis on variants and rarity now. Are you likely to listen to this album regularly?
I only got heavy into collecting in the past two years (i'm young and just got a full time job), so I'll admit I've spent a bit on the aftermarket but know your financial limits, and don't get sucked into spending 3x more for a fancy color if another is available.
No. 1507558
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>>1505984I collect CDs, get crisp smooth FLAC rips out of them, put back in their box and it goes back in the shelf. they're much cheaper too and I don't need special equipment to enjoy it, I hate that a lot of special editions only come out in vinyl nowadays.
next time you download a nice FLAC rip or even a good quality MP3 remember a CDfag ripped it, not a pedantic retard with thousands of doll hairs worth of vinyls on their shelf.
vinyl nonnas might attack me for this but I don't care. enjoy paying for overpriced shit and still listening to music on spotify anyway.
No. 1507862
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Last year I fell hard for old my little ponies. First I just thought I'd buy few G2's, since I had few as a kid, but now I'm addicted to G1 as well. They are just too damn cute! I must learn to keep my cool when I see them on online fleamarkets etc. and not buy each one on my wishlist immediately. I thought I would be stronger than this kek.
No. 1512599
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Entered into yet another cycle where I completely lost interest in something that once consumed my existence and now I'm left with a bunch of merchandise I no longer want and need to sell. I have got to stop buying fandom shit, s2g. EVERY TIME I'm like "oh but this is different!" no, it will never be different you stupid bitch. You're just buying junk you don't need to fill the void and will soon tire of it.
No. 1512621
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>>1508686I googled them to see what you meant and lord i want to take him home soooo bad. Until i saw it was $50 and realised that's probably why squishmallows are more popular. I have a giant hello kitty squishmallow that cost only $20.
No. 1512884
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>>1512621they’re higher quality and thus more expensive, and come in a range of sizes. i have the plague doctor and the king raven and they’re probably my best quality stuffed animals ive purchased in the last few years. the big ones are extra comfy. sell the squishmallows and curate your plush collection to a few nice things, that’s just personal opinion though.
No. 1512935
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>>1512886To me, anything with a face like picrel looks like a soulless piece of tat that loses all its value the second the sale rings through. I'm amazed that the "kawaii" wave seems to have no end
No. 1512996
>>1507558based and CDpilled.
most of stuff i listen to is from peak pre-loudness war CD era and there's no point in getting vinyl copies of these albums for me because original releases are still plentiful and pretty cheap unless it's some rare, niche album or single.
No. 1513175
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>>1512935Kawaii is forever nona
No. 1513763
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>>1507862as a burgerfag i wish i could collect g2s but it seems so out of reach to me as they mostly released in UK/europe… i have a goodsized collection of g3s, g4s, and equestria girls myself (i know, i know nostalgia hit really hard for me lately and as a young girl who was traumatized by bronies online i just want to reclaim this one thing). the only g1 stuff i have so far is one of the basicfun repros and i have two aladdin thermos (rainbow curl ponies and merry go round ponies). g1 and g2 babies are probably what i would want the most in my collection. i only recently discovered the g2 babies and i just love them (picrel)
No. 1513857
>>1513569Kawaii sperg incoming. I think it's because Burgers tend to have a "more is more" mentality while the Japanese are more on minimalism.
Like, compare that elephant with Hello Kitty (the icon herself), the elephant's eyes being big and stylized with sparkles kinda feels that it's trying too hard, while Hello Kitty's simple dot eyes and mouthlessness feels relaxed and charming.
No. 1514293
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>>1513857>while the Japanese are more on minimalismYeah no
No. 1514318
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>>1514300I just think Japan is better at drawing cute characters, stuff like jewelpet isn’t very minimalist but is still super cute it’s just more baked into their culture.
No. 1514890
>>1512919nta, but the issue isn't people like you using it for big purchases you were going to make anyway, it's how it's advertised as a convenient way to buy more shit that you didn't intend to buy or can't afford, but making it sound less
problematic than being in credit card debt. Nearly every online store (especially those aimed at young women) shill services like Klarna now as if it's a positive to buy extra garbage from them you can't pay for at the moment. In the end it's on the buyer, sure, but it's predatory and promotes consoomerist culture.
No. 1515059
>>1512919You get people who buy and buy and buy because suddenly they can afford it. Except they forgot that they're now paying installments for ten purchases instead of one, and now they can't afford the payments.
Paying in installments is great for unexpected purchases like you said, but the vast majority of people who use these services are retarded when it comes to money. All they see is an expensive item that they suddenly need in their lives, and Klarna helps them convince themselves that paying a month's rent for a hairdryer is a wise investment. It's consoomerism at its worst.
No. 1515976
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No. 1516003
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>>1514318bad image choice, paca
No. 1516024
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>>1499153a challenger appears
No. 1522227
This youtuber who has a whole Miku-themed apartment and is obsessed with being Miku irl. To an extent, I can respect it. But this is way too much. All that turquoise would give me a headache. You take away Miku from this woman and what is left?
>>1516049Long way to say "retarded"
No. 1523150
>>1522260It's all for attention. It's depressing to see people like this. At least
>>1515598 has spent years collecting crap she likes, ugly as it is.
No. 1530032
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Any pokecard collectors ITT?
The TCG community is full of moids who scalp, don't even seem to like collecting, only care about charizards and buy 100 cases of packs "to sell in 20 years".
Feels like the worst types are attracted to this hobby.
No. 1530115
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>>1529376A lot of people have jumped ship to skincare hoarding and i have also seen haircare hoarding too. That reminds me, is there brands you have seen around that you feel only exist to cater to people who over consume on tiktok? For me it's charlotte tilsbury and gisou. You cannot convince me anything from either of these brands are worth it in any capacity. I am also convinced that gisou is similar to la mer is in they slap their name on generic formula and shill it to people who want to larp as the ballet girl pilates chic or whatever it is.
No. 1531088
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Hey kirbyfag what do you think of this?
No. 1531135
>>1531088Not kirby fag but this is one of the few of those toys I like purely based on the fact that it looks so ridiculous. Wish I could buy it as a gag present for myself or the kirby fan in my life.
>inb4 nooo don't buyYou asked for an opinion
No. 1531273
>>1531190Nta, but why are you guys always trying to push the weird anons off the site? We need our oddities here on the site, it puts the spirit up and keeps things interesting. They balance the ecosystem, like how most animals on a farm are somewhat normal but sometimes a two-headed cow comes out. I've only ever seen Kirdede-chan respond to posts that are about her, so it's unfair to even get upset at her for responding.
We can't have anymore strange and intriguing anons anymore because you guys just get angry at them instead of laughing and moving on. I don't like her topics of interesting either, but I dislike this attitude even more. Anons like discharge-chan would've been crucified these days, especially if she wasn't a chronic post-and-deleter…CRUCIFIED! Finn-anon would've been torn to shreds even worse than she was!
No. 1531275
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>>1531237You are right, it's from here the poster got cancelled for being racist or something and nuked everything. My bf hunted down the 3d file so he could print it for me and he said it was a pain in the ass find because of that kek
No. 1531277
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>>1531275Found the reason
No. 1531325
>>1531278let her be, whatever. People like kirby, so be it.
>>1531275please dump the 3D file somewhere I need this kirb
No. 1532084
>>1531652Agree with you. With the level of opinionated people, autists, sharing stories, hobbies, etc people are going to stand out. Some people have a distinct typing style or are ESL or whatever else.
As long as the poster isn't namefagging or going out of her way to stand out I really dont think its that big a deal.
No. 1532871
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Oh no…I love this children’s dollhouse….
No. 1532936
>>1530866Try bundle/lot selling with similar items like idk 5 figurines or toys or whatever around the same size or by the same company. lots and bundles always sell and it's a good way to sell multiples quickly.
Also make sure your titles and descriptions are detailed and photos clear. Items for sale put in a separate location alongside packaging/envelopes etc so you can find them easily and ideally you can bubblewrap/package at the time you list them so they're ready to ship
No. 1533067
>>1533057What's worse is she says she first started in 2020, and a year ago she made a $12k collection tour video…it means the amount grew $38k in a single year…allegedly. Gotta be honest, it's not impressive for the money she claims to have spent. Hopefully the title is just tongue in cheek for what she
thinks the collection is worth and not the actual dollar amount spent. That way she can get clicks for tricking people into thinking she actually
spent that much without technically lying.
Lmao these hoarders are so tricksy, they really want others to believe what they've got has mega value.
No. 1533413
>>1531325Sorry nona, late response but here it is (please tell me if the site I used to upload it is sketchy, a quick googling said it's ok)
No. 1533667
>>1533277I genuinely think it was becasuse buyee sponsored a bunch of youtubers especially the kpop ones and for a while they were making it so competition couldn't buy from mercari. I guess whatever exclusivity contract they had with mercari ended recently though but my proxy of choice was small enough that it didn't really affect me.
Its so annoying though I try to recommend better proxies and people don't care bc buyee sponsored enough influncers that people think they're some household name when they're ripping everyone off. People have like brand loyalty to wasting money with them now
No. 1533706
>>1533661I was referencing scrotes
>>1533428 because they were the ones who actually bullied me. COVID anime fans are the guys who buy box sets of bleach or naruto and say theyre fans lol.
No. 1534364
Used them for years and have never had a bad experience (aside from DHL once being huge shitheads, but that wasn’t their fault).
No. 1534487
>>1533057I've been debating posting her and a couple other figure consoomers so thank you for starting this discussion,
nonnie! My guilty pleasure is watching figure collectors on youtube and judging them for their shit taste kek.
Animbae is another one I was gonna post. With all the money she spends on anime merch she always seems absolutely miserable and like she hates what she's doing. Vidrel she looks like she just got done crying in the thumbnail. She also seems to routinely have mental breakdowns that somehow ruin her favorite series and then purges the merch from that series from her collection. What a waste of money.
>>1533067She buys a lot of cast off and coomer figures that she can't post on youtube so I'd think that's what's driving the value up. She probably used my figure collection to total up the entire collection cost.
No. 1534674
>>1534652Interesting watch because I have a (mild in comparison) itabag/badge collecting problem. What's that point of all this, I can't imagine she sits and opens her drawers and looks through her pins except when it's time to add more crap in. Same with the acrylic stands in drawers, they can be nice to display but just having them in boxes?
I haven't really watched videos like this since I thought it would make me want to consoom even more but once she starts putting shit in boxes it makes me get overly aware about my own anime merch and want to declutter. Maybe the key to me finally letting go of some stuff is watching to see how badly I don't want to be them.
No. 1534683
>>1534674I too like making itabags so I agree that her vids seem good for that in general, there’s another one where she and her friend order like 10 drinks between the two of them so they can get coasters for some idol game.
I don’t think many people overseas are gonna reach the level of Japanese consoomers for anime goods for quite a while…
No. 1534706
>>1534652>>1534487A genuine question.
Why is their taste so mid always? It's like the most popular shit no one would remember in like 10 years. And Eva.
I am not one to judge as my two itabags are idol-focused (anime idols), but these all feel so soulless. Wouldn't you want to collect something you genuinely like?
Like, something that is important to you.
I like the idols I like because I like their voiceactors and songs, because that's what being an idol is about. But like… old people who collect matchbooks or birdeckels have so much more soul to their collection than these examples.
No. 1534708
>>1534706What I meant to say, those people don't seem genuine to me. My collections are cringe/mid at best, but I genuinely enjoy them.
It just seems to me like they collect to collect and fill the void in their hearts/rooms by emptying their wallets.
It is all so very specific yet entirely empty.
No. 1535310
>>1534708>>1534631I don't understand how women can be into those figures… yeah bi and lesbian women exist but all of it is so male pandering and gross idgi. No matter how pretty a figure is if you don't feel an attachment to the character or series why spend hundreds on it? And you can't even really enjoy the beauty of each individual figure when they're all crowded together and half of them are covered by other figures.
>>1534708I think their love of some series is genuine, but I agree the figure collecting itself doesn't seem that way. It's like they just
have to have every new figure that catches their eye so they don't miss out and don't put any thought into it.
No. 1535415
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This post goes out to the nonas that love buying clothes. How do you decide when enough is enough? Do you have set rules for yourself? Ex: If you buy a new item, you have to part with an old one. I'm still defining my wardrobe, but I realize I have so many pieces. I adore a lot of them, but it feels like I also have quite a few that I own that have not been worn out at all and need to be removed. Pic related is just a closet I found on Google.
No. 1535754
>>1535415By focusing on my needs. You can never have enough of what you don't need.
So I think of what my weekly activities are and what clothes I need for them. How many items to last me until next laundry time? How do I mostly spend my days - this will tell me what the focus should be on. Do I have enough dressy items, lounge wear, sports wear etc for how I spend the time? Good. Then I don't need to buy more.
No. 1535801
>>1535415Like the other nonna said, focusing on needs, but also I don't buy new anymore.
It's gotten easier over time due to a combination of everything in stores being overpriced plastic garbage that just looks bad and fits poorly + fashion from past eras being recycled so it's a much better idea to buy actual stuff from the 90s/Y2K instead of shitty knockoffs. I sell what I don't need to a large online thrift shop for store credit and then use that to buy what I do need at a heavily discounted price. I've been doing this since cca 2020 and it's been working out great.
No. 1536888
>>1536621gravelvet on yourube has a pretty goos tutorial about sourcing clothes off ebay cheap.
the short of it: you don't type in keywords, aesthetic names or brands. you literally search for "white blouse" or "corduroy pants"
a lot of the peeople selling clothing really don't know/care what they got on their hands, people who use common tags are scalpers usually.
sure, you would scroll a lot more, but hey, cheaper clothes!
also "vintage" is one of the words you should avoid as well in your searches. a lot of people overcharge for old things by slapping "vintage" on them, even if it's literal garbage.
i also found a lot of aesthetic clothing just from donation sites and thrift shops. i am a goth and can be perrty over the top, and i'd say i do not own any clothing from goth-typical brands. it's all mostly thrifted/donated and customized by me.
i don't even buy clothing online often, really, because my sizing is fucky, i have to feel the texture of the fabric first (sensory bullshit) and because shipping from overseas to my hellhole is expensive. got shoes on our "craigslist" once, had a very specific idea, but just scrolled through endless pairs of sandals until i found the perfect ones. seller let me drive to her place and try them on, which is a must for me, and they vere pretty cheap (i think because the listing was just "sandals size 41") but i very very rarely buy anything online if i can't try it on or am convinced i can resize it if need be.
No. 1536931
>>1533057>>1534487I see these collections and they feel soulless to me because there is no passion, no drive, no rare items one has to spend months looking for, it's all scales/bunnies/nendo average goyslop. It's unoriginal but hey at least it looks expensive.
>>1533683This girl tho she's a real one, her collection is very interesting and I honestly think she's not in it for the "~aesthetic~ wahh collecting makes me look cool!!" and more like she genuinely likes toys in general.
No. 1537092
>>1534631>>1534706It's probably a combination of shopping addiction, lack of impulse control, and not caring enough to find other figures. Like they're shopping at the anime figure equivalent of the junk food section by the tills.
>>1534674I keep most of my figures in a box and rotate them every couple of weeks. Maybe you could try doing that before you declutter in case you regret it later.
No. 1537194
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No. 1537201
>>1536931Tamakid is Not Like Other Collectors in that she does a lot of customs on her toys and I think she even made a custom reigen figure. She's not just mindlessly buying shit she's actually turning it into a hobby. People who consider figure collecting a hobby are so smooth brained, you are literally just shopping be fucking for real.
>>1537087I've seen people make blankets out of their sentimental tshirts, you could try that. Don't feel obligated to get rid of things that feel important to you, you will end up regretting it ime.
No. 1537214
>>1528451Holy shit
I live with one of the people they show in this video. The amount of attention these people get for overconsumption is intoxicating, plus a lot of them get money when people want to copy them and buy the item straight from their account link. I swear this shit has to mess with people’s neural pathways because nothing can ever give them dopamine like gaining a following from consooming does
No. 1537255
>>1537238She is one of the laziest and most entitled people I have ever met and she has never cleaned up after herself. Unless its in an area she’s recording a tiktok putting tacky amazon shit in our house. I didn’t know she used tiktok until I could hear her retaking a “get ready with me” video for like 2 hours and it was really depressing. Quite literally everything in her life is for show and she’s drunk 4/7 days of the week
That’s just off the top of my head kek I could complain about her for hours
No. 1539824
>>1539193Are they sugarbunnies plush? If you have good memories of them, I wouldn’t sell them unless you’re in dire need of the money. I have a few games and plushies from my teenage years I kept in good condition and could sell for hundreds more now, but they have a lot of sentimental value.
Also I used to resell some of those sugarbunnies plushies, but I sold them when they were around the $50-100 range. And I’m kicking myself for it now, but I still made a decent profit. Obviously I can’t guarantee those plushies will get more popular, for all I know this could be the most they’d ever sell for, but if you’re attached I’d say keep them.
No. 1540151
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>>1530032i like collecting pokemon cards
nonnie! but yea it feels like this hobby is filled with scalpers then actual collectors/players.
also i wish i knew some women who are into pokemon tcg, im lucky to have one co-worker who likes pokemon card collecting.
No. 1540188
>>1537973 >My mom used to throw my toys away or would take them and put them into "storage" and never give them back, give them away to other kids as a punishment, etc. I have bought a few of the pieces I miss the most My dad had these really strict views on how kids need to grow out of toys by an age where most people wouldn't bat an eyelid at a kid still having toys. I'd come home from school and my stuff would just be gone for no reason. No bad behaviour that led up to it. No prior discussion or warning. And it was like he always handpicked the most sentimental stuff too. I was too young to even begin to understand whatever his motivations were. I thought he hated me. Then my parents would be screaming at each other because he did it behind my moms back too and she'd been the one who'd bought me those things. It was a weird, uptight, controlling environment in more ways than I could go into in a post but it all made me feel like my dad just never wanted me. Didn't want to see me, see my stuff, hear from me. A living burden under his roof.
I don't buy much anymore but I def had a 'filling the void' phase as an adult
>Consuming is not the answer to hurt feelingsBasically had to get this through my head. I live in my own home. Nobody is going to throw out my stuff if I dare to leave for a few hours. Nobody screams or acts controlling in my home. No walking on eggshells, no feeling like I'm not wanted here. Its not stiff and suffocating to be in my own home. Thats what I needed to get on with my life, not a hoard of plush.
No. 1541118
>>1537087my local quilters/sewing shop will make t shirts into a quilt for, imo, a reasonable price considering the labor involved (up to 13 shirts for 200 ish to start with, though they seem flexible on size and design). idk what your budget is, but that seems like a useful and meaningful second life for your shirts. you could even hang it like a tapestry so you can look at it and reminiscence.
its likely there are shops around you that offer a similar service, and i believe there are some online that you can ship your shirts too. just one suggestion!
No. 1543002
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Anti animecore animecore people are the funniest shit to me right now, basically they
>collect the exact same figures as animecore collectors
>have the exact same pick me taste as animecore collectors
>whine about prices while refusing to learn how to use a proxy like animecore collectors
>barely watch anime, play VNs or read manga and instead collect sonico and miku prize figures because they have no source material like animecore collectors
Legit this woman even has that miku nurse figure they’re all obsessed with yet pretends to be totally different or whatever despite collecting the same coomer sonico figures.
No. 1543110
>>1537274I remember being taken aback when I was younger and still into anime and asked my parents for a $200 figure for Christmas. I ended up owning a few more but I almost always went with nendos when I was buying myself because I liked how they have interchangeable parts
Now 5-10 years later and I don't even fucking like anime anymore. Such is life. When it began to pick up steam in 2019-ish I was exasperated and by late 2020 I'd grown past it. Wasted decade plus of my life watching that shit. Back in the day I really just enjoyed it and didn't buy merch every waking minute. Modern fandoms turning everything into consoom consoom consoom is the nastiest vibe killer… do they even watch the damn media or see the merch as a status symbol?
No. 1543548
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>>1543003i want to headpunt animecore bitches for driving up the prices on that shitty nurse miku. it's the only miku i ever wanted since i like medical themes because of personal connection (basically a life-long patient who found any solace and semblance of humanity for herself in the menhera movement) and other nurse-type figures are usually not cute and heavily sexualised garbage for coom. that miku is ugly and weirdly sculpted, but it makes her much cuter to me and i HATE how a piece of plastic can cost so much because of what is anime hobby's direct equivalent of hypebeasts.
yes i am a jealous bitter bitch.
No. 1543879
>>1543548You literally just proved my point kek
Everyone who complains about ‘animecore bitches’ is an animecore bitch themselves
No. 1543921
>>1543755>i do understand that its similar to that love live shit where its targetted mainly towards adult male pedos in japanNot really. Vocaloid is basically a blank canvas for indie artists to make songs. The characters don't really have a personality or set age, so you're free to modify them and make songs about whatever you want. There's a lot of variety and it's definitely not just for moids.
Lovelive is not a software for song creation, they're characters/a multimedia franchise created to appeal to men and sell things.
I remember discovering Miku as a teenager felt magical due to the variety and creativity of the songs, and because it was a computer program yet sounded pretty real. I guess zoomers feel the same way.
No. 1544058
>>1543098Miku has a lot of cute and normal figures its like this person picked the grossest ones lmao. I liked her a lot as a teen and have one of the snow miku figmas and still think its cute but I can't understand the appeal of 'sexy pajama miku' let alone having it on your shelf.
I just can't believe so many women like these. I like women myself but stuff like super sonico just grosses me out.
No. 1546216
>>1546204I don't buy because they're popular either. infact I wish they were popular so I could sell them off easily and get fresh releases every year. there is hardly anything I like being released because it's mostly miku/coomer shit/fotm trash rushed into goyslop figures to sell while they're relevant.
laugh at you want at my plastic collecting hobby, I'm used to normoloids calling them dolls or whatever.
No. 1546228
>>1546204>stares at my gigantic shelf full of Rilakkuma plushies Y-yeah
nonnie we’re so much better than people who get dopamine from coomer shit amirite
No. 1546238
>>1546216>infact I wish they were popular so I could sell them off easily and get fresh releases every yearPlease explain this
nonnie, why would you wish you could sell them? Are you not in love with the character? Why not just not buy them in the first place, it would have the same effect?
No. 1548964
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I'm not proud of it, but I really recently started having a crippling G1 Monster High addiction. I have everything I need therefore my budget per month is huge, but I still feel embarrassed to buy these girls. Every time I make a purchase, I feel relieved, but as soon as reality hits me, I question my financial preferences. I know people spend money on the worst things, but I feel like I'm autistic.
No. 1548999
>>1548964Looking at pictures like the one you posted always makes me feel so overwhelmed, the sole idea of having a ridiculous amount of objects makes me nervous, specially if I cared a lot about them.
I can’t even imagine the time it would take to wrap all of them in bubble wrapper to put them in a box that either that person would have to move on their own or that that person would have to entrust to someone that surely doesn’t give a fuck about what’s in the box as long as it doesn’t sound like glass.
No. 1549002
>>1548975I’m pretty sure that you’re not supposed to buy too much makeup or skin care products, because makeup loses the pigmentation, and skin care products have a shelf life and they do more damage than good after a while.
Same with perfumes as far as I know, but tbh, I don’t mind having many perfumes because people don’t smell the difference between a brand new perfume and a perfume that I had in my closet for years.
I think jewelry feels like the almost better option of consumerism, but only if they’re actually good quality pieces that won’t look tacky or like shit after a few years, so you can sell them in the future in case you were to need money, or so you can disassemble them to make something new like a graduation ring.
No. 1549020
>>1549002Yeah I buy basic silver jewelry that won't go out of style and as for skincare, I don't really overbuy too many of a product. Like I have a face wash, face cream, eye cream, lipbalm and a serum to combat oil skin as of now. I do want to buy a good new sunscreen now since my old one is probably expired?
Though the amount isn't my issue, it's that I only buy this stuff when im not happy. A lot of my friends also shop a lot in our exam stress so this is common I think but I still wish I could get rid of this habit.
No. 1549096
>>1549002>Same with perfumes as far as I knowPerfumes can keep for decades and some people even say they get better with age! I have one in my collection from the 1930s that wears as good as my modern scents.
>>1549068Are you the same anon who suggested miniatures to me when I posted here a while back? If so, thank you, it was great advice. They're way cuter than a travel size and tend to cost less, vintage/antique ones are easier to find too.
No. 1549102
>>1549086If it's nice brands, maybe you could give them to a specialist second hand shop where they sell stuff for you?
You could also give them to a charity shop and see it as a charity donation, doing something good.
Just make sure you don't do the entire thing all over again when you closet has more space.
No. 1549203
>>1549086Group things into lots, you'll be able to clear it out faster and get more money per item than if you sold things individually. Free shipping works wonders too.
>>1549096Which 1930s perfume do you have?
No. 1549558
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>>1549157i second this, i think the conversation in this thread has been almost exclusively people discussing their own buying habits. im not denigrating you all but i liked having threads to vent about the sheer amount of fucking STUFF the average westerner is bombarded by and what it does to people's brains.
i think of those wretched tiktokers to curb my own consoom impulses.
the nonna who sews little clothes for her calico critters can stay tho.
No. 1549623
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Anyone else collect blankets? I have this insatiable appetite for those old Biederlack and Vuteks acrylic blankets, especially the odd color combinations or ones with weird patterns or images like neon green and black deer or neon pink and purple panthers. I've got 8 or 9 I think. It all started because I loved my childhood blanket so much that it was literally threadbare so I made it my mission in life to find another. It took 20 years but I actually found another on ebay a couple years ago. After that, I started seeing really cool ones in thrift stores. Picrel, it's the replacement of my beloved blanket.
No. 1549637
>>1548964I've wanted to collect monster high dolls since they first came out when I was a freshman in highschool. I remember being 14 & everytime I'd go to target I'd have to drag whoever I was with to the toy section for a minute or two just to look at how pretty they were.
I've never owned or bought one, as much as I've really wanted to. I've always been able to afford to (chronic saver/workaholic my whole life), but it just felt extremely foolish & dumb to buy myself kids toys when I was already a teenager & now an adult.
Now that I'm in my late 20s, I kinda regret not just biting the bullet & buying things that I clearly enjoyed. But I also would hate to deal with trying to find the space to display/store them in a pretty way. So I guess in the end it was for the best.
sorry for the dumb rant, I've been super sick in bed all week & I'm very depressed/lonely rn No. 1549644
>>1549623Aww, that's such a cute blanket, I really like it! I've found I definitely have a harder time not consuming or getting hung up on items that make me nostalgic, especially if they involve positive childhood memories.
But unfortunately companies have obviously noticed this tendency, which it part of why there's such an over-saturation of products with 80s, 90s & even Y2K themes.
>>1549157I also miss the tiktok dumps. I'd go looking for some myself to share here, but it's a pain trying to search for something on there without an account
No. 1551069
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I swear danmei collectors are on a completely different level. Vidrel, she spent $8500 in three months, put herself into debt, and now has to sell off parts of her collection to pay it off. She's of course still buying new merch kek.
No. 1551071
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Overview of her entire collection. She's not even the worst one, but the sheer amount she's spent in such a short period is insane.
Also, can we petition new admin to make embedding tiktoks as easy as youtube, this process is kind of a pain in the ass and I now understand why they barely get posted anymore.
No. 1551088
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bllover is another one with a crazy collection. I think she said she started collecting in 2020 or 2021 and has spent upwards of 50k on her collection, but anime and manga merch was included in that not just danmei. She has taken over her entire basement with her merch and has said she wants to start displaying her figures in her room she shares with her husband. She also routinely buys things multiple times on accident since she can't keep track of her purchases.
While I like her, she started as kind of a personal cow for me since she had drama with a bunch of zoomers who were calling her a pedo for reading yarachin bitch club. It included her threatening legal action and was pretty kekworthy but has since settled. She's a nice lady but definitely has a spending problem. Even her piercings she only started getting a few years ago and now she has like 40?
Anyway I can post her collection videos if anyone is interested, this is just one of her frequent hauls.
No. 1551101
>>1551080i completely get what you mean. im really drawn to these threads because i get in this odd buying mania at low points in my life. my parents are the same way, and i find it oddly encouraged among my peers. when i lost several close relatives in the span of a month, i went insane distracting myself with committing to a new hobby, and while ive kept the hobby coming out the other side, i regret a lot of those purchases.
when i mention this habit of mine, of distracting myself with new gadgets and tools for some new hobby, i get a lot of pushback from around me. maybe its a burger thing, but people really seem to believe that if it feels good, it must be good, and get defensive if you try to live your life in a way thats more disciplined, more ethical, even just less wasteful.
im no minimalist but im sick of seeing shelves and shelves new shiny, seasonal, sensational stuff every time i walk into a department store. who needs all this?? when the world is as it is?? cant we all just learn to sew or garden or something?
No. 1551682
>>1551101this is me, except i'm constantly changing hobbies. i want to do them all but it's really hard for me to admit that i just can't do all of them. don't get me wrong, i do stick with most of them, but the few that i don't are difficult to let go of.
ironically, i do want to learn to sew and garden now that i have the space for it, so hopefully those will be some hobbies i stick with
No. 1553824
>>1549883thank, i hate it.
why do all these foods come in so much plastic. it's like a big plastic bad with a ton of plastic bag inside and like 10 candies. please stop.
No. 1554032
>>1553937This reminds me of the Fench city Lourdes, it's always full of tourists because of the local holy water that can cure anything or some other delusional bullshit and my muslim parents
yeah I know, don't even ask dragged us there long ago because they're very superstitious and one of them has a severe disability. A lot of small shops were selling similar things everywhere, and a lot of Jesus and Mary figurines, you'd think it was Japan Expo for christians or some shit.
No. 1554067
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>>1549203>>1549919Ayrt, late as hell and I mistyped without realizing it, but it's from the 1940s. L'elu by Marquay. You can find the miniatures fairly easy on ebay, don't pay more than $30 if you can help it because they're not as rare or precious as most sellers think.
No. 1554228
>>1553937>nun cosplay>grimes music>tons of dead peoples shitkek what the fuck even is this aesthetic, thank you webm
nonny for coming thru with something interesting!!!
No. 1554385
>>1549086Imo anon, you really need to accept that the money you spent on those clothes is gone for good. Most clothes has no value, especially fast fashion clothes or clothing that doesn't come from
sought after brands. Trying to sell them all is just adding to the stress, I'd only sell a small portion of the pieces you are confident enough to feel like you can get something out of it and is worth it. I truly think the best solution is to dump most of the stuff in goodwill or to give them away. It'll be your motivation to resist temptation for if the urge to consoom clothing ever comes back. You live and you learn, it's ok.
No. 1554530
>>1554524czechs aren't orthodox
>>1554352they're ultra atheist
No. 1554535
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>>1554268Tbh it all depends on how it's been stored (ie well-sealed, away from light and heat) which isn't always something that second-hand sellers will specify and some of them are clueless about what they have and aren't able to tell if the perfume has turned or not. It
is a bit of a crapshoot, however it can help to buy from a reputable seller with a lot of sales who specifies in perfumes, and you can always reach out with questions about the scent before you buy (such as does it smell sharp, bitter, sour, or metallic). Appearance doesn't always indicate the quality of the scent but if the liquid is cloudy or especially dark it's worth getting more info before moving ahead with the purchase. I've had good luck, most if not all of my vintage/antique perfumes have been in good shape when I got them and I've only had one that was off but it was a cheap Avon perfume so I wasn't too bummed. Good luck!
No. 1554984
>>1554524Wait so she married someone who's still not living in the same country as her for a LARP? Absolutely batshit.
>>1554535Bless you nona, I can now get me and my grandma matching perfumes that she lusted after when she was younger but couldn't afford.
No. 1555290
>>1554352no, they are most atheist country in eastern europe.
>>1554229marrying a polish dude would be better for larp anyway kek
No. 1555534
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>>1555303>>1555290>>1555299just because they're the most atheist country doesn't mean people can't have another religion anon.
No. 1561205
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Stuff like picrel confuses me so much. Yeah the shelves are nicely arranged and they look pretty, but what's up with the room? Why is it so empty? I see it more often than you would think, sometimes even living rooms are just a TV, sofa and table in the middle of a giant white room and the only other things in there are shelves full of figures. Do men even know how to decorate? Haven't they heard of fake plants, a personality or anything?
No. 1561345
>>1561205if i had moneys i'd decorate this space impeccably.
one day. for my calico critters. i just ordered more.
No. 1561575
>>1561347Kek great description
I've noticed that more than a few consoomers (female too) set up their space at home like a shop. I wonder why? Is shoping such a big special interest that their homes must look like one too?
No. 1561621
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>>1561575People deep into consuming feel happy in shops and that's where they get their dopamine while buying crap. They mimic this environment in their home because it replicates a store and shows off how much they own at the same time. That's my theory, anyways.
No. 1563330
>>1563251This would actually be useful for people like me. I buy butter in big pieces and cut off smaller chunks and keep the rest in the freezer. Except I forget to take it out. And I have frozen butter.
Besides, I lack finer motor skills and i could never spread butter evenly in my life.
Sure, I am kind of a retard, but like, a lot of those kitchen things can be used by people with limited abilities.
I am addicted to watching Kitchen Gadget Testing on Barry Lewis' youtube channel, because yeah, a lot of these are complete plastic junk, but some of them are genuinely well-made and helpful even for abled people.
It's just that… yeah, most of them even if they are in theory useful - are made really badly/cheaply. And the novelty of a gadget is what sells it to people. Not if they would actually use it.
No. 1566746
>>1554032I used to be a scout (scouting squads are co-ed where I live) and we had a summer camp there, all the shops there were basically catholic gift shops. Once, a tiny scout boy bought a rosary with his pocket money and wore it everywhere with his uniform until the squad leaders told him to stop, it was hilarous.>>1554032
No. 1566896
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This is embarrassing.
No. 1566907
>>1566896Can't wait for the influx of noobs who get into the series because of the overhyped remake & these retarded collabs to sperg about every monster symbolizing rape, like they did after the movies came out
or Heather being a tranny considering the current climate. SH should have stayed dead.
No. 1567069
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>>1566896Reminded me of the GOAT makeup + gaming collab.
No. 1567449
>>1566896>>1567069Well at least the brand itself seems horror-themed unlike MAC.
But what would constitute a silent hill make-up line? 20 shades of rust and viscera?
Like. Make-up and make-up industry are probably the farthest one I can imagine from the cohesive SH tie-in.
No. 1568459
>>1568354I watched that bong show on people with addictive buying. There was that one lady that mentioned how buying with good bargain at this point drives her more than actually buying stuff.
With clothes and shoes I try to be selective, like avoiding colors that don't work on me, finding the right size, never buying something online or without trying it on first (this keeps me away from compulsive buying when I'm on the run and/or whatever I'm wearing atm feels like too big of a hustle to take it off for trying on activities) I did get "smarter" with it, like I plan out days when I'm going on shopping raids and sometimes it's up to 4 days in a week.
Now that I think about it, my salary isn't enough to let me renovate my apartment or travel or go to fancy places. I just pay bills, buy food and spend the rest of my money on clothes and shoes. This is the only way I get close to something that makes me feel good. I only recently started this addiction, I still struggle with forcing myself to wear new pieces because I know, after wearing them once, no matter how good the quality is, it's not going to be the same as it was before.
No. 1568797
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i wanna buy more critters but tbh I should just use the money from extra hours at work to buy a sewing machine because even though these outfits are tiny stitches by hand take a long time
No. 1574262
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HEEEEEEEELP!!! I am going feral. I am frothing at the mouth and slamming myself against walls. I need to buy this damn figure, but I can't pick a site that I think is the most reputable since they all seem shady with their refund policies and such. I've never bought an anime figure before so I have no experience here, especially preorders. Anons. I beg you. I plead. Help me make a good decision when purchasing my waifu. I'm not even sure if "arakiart Dio Brando figure" were the correct keywords to use. Truly I'm at the end of my rope here
No. 1574695
>>1574262Kek, wrong thread
You should't buy this piece of plastic, it's just gonna end up in a landfill in a few years. Save your money and the environment
No. 1574748
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>>1574715>Noooo, don't tell me not to consoom in the consoom threadYou probably go to concerts and then complain that there is music
No. 1574797
>>1574262>>1574715Honestly, if you can’t be bothered to google the type of figure you’re ordering or what legitimate sites to buy from then I don’t think you should get it.
I’ll give you a hint, it’s not a Japanese figure nor is it licensed. Shipping will likely run you about $200-250 on top of the $300-350 for this figure. This type of figure is also extremely fragile. Think about if it’s worth it to you and if you’ll still like him after 5 years. And no I don’t buy these, I just spent 5 minutes googling and comparing info.
No. 1574864
>>1574262>>1574715I will lovingly spoonfeed your stupid ass,
nonnie. Ask the buyfag thread in /m/, don't be a baitfag in the consoom thread.
>>>/m/192563Now begone and good luck!
No. 1598533
>>1598516Sit them down and tell them exactly that - it makes you feel anxious and unwell, and you prefer xyz gifts. Explain it exactly like you did to us, emphasizing that you know they just want to show their love but it's just causing you anxiety and makes it hard to clean. Do it in private with everyone one on one, so they don't get defensive out of embarrassment and dig their heels in.
I had the same problem with my parents, but manifested slightly differently.
My parents are from the Balkans, and our culture puts lots of importance on being a good host. So, whenever I visit my home country, my mom and dad buy several kg worth of meat for one meal, dozens of donuts for me to eat for breakfast
alone, a variety of pastries and cakes so i can just choose "which ones I like", and it's like that for weeks until I leave. It results in crazy amounts of food waste and they're just pissing away money that they don't really have a lot of.
I had to confront them about it and they got mad when I wasn't eating because "But we bought that just for you! Be grateful and eat it!". It took lots and lots of emphasizing that it makes me feel really bad to make them stop, but they did.
No. 1598635
>>1598516makes me wonder, but not with my family, because i started to only accept monetary gifts from my family and it went swimmingly, actually, because they are convinced they're doing a better job by letting me buy things i want myself (i am EXTREMELY picky)
i am so picky, that i have a detailed wishlist with every link provided, and every time i say "only give me things from my wishlist" and there are direct links to shops, so what can be easier?
recently a friend for my birthday claimed a couple "wishes" on my wishlist, but didn't get the exact things. the metal of the glasses was rose-gold (i NEVER wear gold and don't have anything gold, so what do i wear them with at all?) and the earrings were of the same shape, but completely different style i am as well completely unlikely to wear.
and i feel like SUCH a shithead. because i can't be grateful, sure she tried for me, but ignored my clear instructions and got me something i would NEVER wear instead of the things i ACTUALLY wanted. sure, i regifted those, but i felt like such an asshole.
No. 1599199
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Has "Mama meeks" been brought up yet? She's a giant hatsune miku fan, and basically it's pretty self explanatory. I'm a shitty vocaloid fan so twitter is always trying to show her stuff to me. I always wonder what's the point of this much stuff. Like sure, I like miku, but when you have this much stuff, I feel like you can't even see it properly. Plus, this stuff had to easily cost thousands of dollars. I don't know. It always makes me feel weird when I see it.
No. 1600114
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Lately I've become a bit obsessed with fumos. I know it's cringy but they're just so cute. I don't want to go overboard like picrel. The problem is that there are 12 characters that I have/would like to have a fumo of (+ two more that haven't got a fumo made of them yet). And that would be an insane number of plushes to own, not to mention they are somewhat expensive.
No. 1600124
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>>1600114Gift plushies are cuter imo
No. 1600127
>>1600115True nonna moids kinda ruin them.
>>1600124They are cute as well. I'm just doomed being a touhoufag
No. 1600260
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>>1600127I mean there are touhou plushies that aren’t fumos, I like the cat Orin one best.
No. 1600279
>>1599382hello yes this
>>1599552 anon has linked the /m/ thread and so i been posting there recently with calico critter outfits
those have been slow due to an unscheduled bout of insanity No. 1600435
>>1599199>>1600270It's actually pretty expensive, I followed her when she started her collection (unfollowed because she fell into consooming for clout) and she owns a couple of those super expensive Miku Dollfie Dreams. Anything official and Miku, she buys, which is a black hole to collect, I think Miku is onwards to become the character with the biggest amount of merchandise ever, surpassing Eva and going into Hello Kitty realm.
The funny thing is if I remember well she lives with her parents kek. All this junk could have been spent moving out.
No. 1600767
>>1600624Well her pre order recently closed on Amiami where she was priced at 5500 yen + shipping. The plushes will be sent out on September so I would wait until then to see if there's leftover stock from cancelled orders. But the ebay price is not
that expensive either, especially if shipping is included. Often fumos get overpriced there so I'd rather use Buyee jp but like I said, that sounds like a pretty normal price.
Maybe this ot fumo autism should be taken elsewhere though, there is a thread on one certain board's /jp/ No. 1602629
>>1530866I know this is late but I know what it is like nona. Selling was a waste of time. Its easier to just throw stuff out. I don't bother selling anymore.
>>1549883corner shop has started stocking up more 'cute' foods probably because of tiktoks like this. I tried some out of curiosity. They aren't good!
Hot cheetos are still best.
>>1600435I have a hard time believing this but maybe I just don't get why people would like Miku so much.
No. 1612275
>>1611399Sell the Barbie’s on eBay (there’s guides on what they’re probably worth), sell the cake pans etc on Facebook marketplace (there’s lots of women who make cakes for a living on there) and pocket the money,
No. 1615158
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I bought my first and only shadow high doll today while my bf has fun at a convention this weekend. I don’t spend money on myself and its gotten so bad I haven’t had a haircut since august. Thought today would have been good practice since I neglect my own wants/needs. I’ve been going through a crisis over this doll like I just threw money in the trash and set it on fire. It’s too late to return her as the packaging is in the trash so now I’m stuck with her. Help me get through this nonnies
No. 1615322
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>>1615160Thank you! I’ve always wanted the alien girl. I heard shadow high’s leaked releases are showing a decline in quality so they’re probably not going to be around much longer. That’s why I gave in and finally bit the bullet.
>>1615168We’re just too nice and gotta start putting our needs first.
No. 1617729
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>>1600824>>1602177Your wish is my command, nonnies
No. 1617746
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>>1617731I'm glad to be of service
and thank you! No. 1617851
>>1617746I wish funko would go under or stop making this shitty pops so I would stop having to see this ugly shit everywhere.
I don't even see the appeal, with nendoroids or anime figures atleast you can switch poses or get an accurate representation of the character you love. Funkos are so ugly and soulless, I don't get why out of all merch, normies and redditors chose these ones to consoom.
No. 1617965
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>>1617943I don't think they are all that
I got picrel as a gift and it's so fucking annoying. You breathe next to it and it shatters into a million pieces that all fly across the room. Just looking at it makes me feel irritated. I honestly am surprised I haven't thrown it out in a rage
No. 1618111
>>1617746Mental illness
Funko really destroyed the collector market and their buyers are worse than a cult.
No. 1618157
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How do we feel about sonny angels nonas? I feel like they’re becoming the new calico critters.
No. 1618235
>>1615167Damn that's pretty pathetic unless he's disabled tbh
>>1618157I think they're ugly,tacky and cheap. So I guess they're the new craze for consoomers
No. 1618247
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>>1617729One more from this imjuliekay person. Everything she posts is like this, just a constant deluge of plastic crap from amazon.
In another universe I might even feel bad for her. No. 1618665
>>1618620It honestly sounds like she doesn't really want to stop, in which case there's not much you can do as a friend. Apart from what you said about it ruining her mood, is it hurting her finances significantly? Does the shopping addiction prevent her from doing other fun activities or spending money on important things?
If she really does want to stop, ask her if it would help if you held her accountable. Like set rules about how many items she can buy or how much money she can spend over a certain time period, and then call her out if you notice she's not keeping to her own rules. Other ways to limit the shopping is to start only buying secondhand or sustainable items, or to set a rule where whenever she wants to buy an item, she has to sleep on it for a set amount of nights before actually buying. What could also help is to make a list of specific items she needs/wants the most (a sunhat, a leather jacket, brown boots, etc) to prevent her from impulse buying anything that she doesn't really need or that doesn't add anything versatile to her wardrobe.
No. 1618937
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No. 1618954
>>1618665>is it hurting her finances significantly?Absolutely yes. To the point that she is borrowing money from friends and family to shop more.
>or to set a rule where whenever she wants to buy an item, she has to sleep on it for a set amount of nights before actually buying. I wish she would do this but there is no way I could convince her to, she'll find "omg sale only for today" or "they only have 2 left I need to buy it now or I'll regret it forever" items very frequently.
Thanks for the reply anon, I'm a bit scared of bringing it up with her but I'm gonna have to because as her friend I really want her to sort it out.
No. 1619026
>>1618957I remember when I was in high school going over to a friend's house and her older sister coming into her room to talk about something, and she was just carrying a big jar of vlasic pickles and casually taking swigs every few minutes. I was shocked.
soured my opinion of her
No. 1619120
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I know men are capable of throwing their money away for dumb stuff but why do so many women do too? I see women do it a lot more often and I genuinely want to know why that is? And I don’t mean like environmentally, I just mean like product wise. There are so many women trying to advertise their Amazon store fronts and all the garbage gadgets you can buy and it’s like do people really need all this junk? Literally who needs a fridge for all your garbage junk food and skincare? Even women in comment sections insist on defending this stuff and bully you if you say anything even slightly critical. Especially when it comes to collections like dolls or makeup
No. 1619205
>>1619056I forgot about this classic
>>1619198>I still to this day can't find my shadeWhat shade are you because I've been seeing some really inclusive shade ranges over the past two years or so
No. 1619314
>>1617729She seems insufferable to live with. Can't imagine being married to her.
>>1618247the reusable blotting sheet thing is the only interesting thing there I would buy. I agree with the other anon that she turned her home into a shop, she must be really addicted.
No. 1619443
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>>1619120What does this meme mean? I am a makeup illiterate, just know the basics and all.
Was also wondering which makeup brands are way too overpriced for their own good, nonnas… I was looking at Lancome mascara, but their prices are huge, making me wonder if getting their stuff on sale is worth it. I don't know which makeup brand to trust at all. Catrice is cheap and nice, but its mascara is garbage (it makes my eyes itch all the time), but their foundations are alright…
No. 1619468
>>1619254>>1619198>>1619334>>1619445>>1619452>>1619463omg not this again, in 2023. there are literal
white foundation drops you can use to mix with normal foundation, and there's plenty of pale shades nowadays. if you still can't find foundation pale enough, that means it's the undertone that is the issue, not the lightness. they have blue, yellow and green mixing drops for that too. it's like y'all adopted being pale as your personality 10 years ago and refuse to let go.
btw people in the nordics aren't that pale.
No. 1619475
>>1619468You being this personally offended at pale people existing and wanting the right shade of foundation says more about you than the people you quoted. So sorry people want the concenience of using the right shade right away instead of mixing. It's funny how you can't tell people on the other end of the spectrum to just mix in brown mixing drops.
I've used white drops and aside from lack of convenience, it throws the texture, coverage and consistency off once you put in more than 2-3 drops.
No. 1619490
>>1619475>It's funny how you can't tell people on the other end of the spectrum to just mix in brown mixing drops.Why not? This is universal advice. If your foundation is too light why wouldn't you darken it?
I don't think anyone's personally offended, it's boring to hear every pale princess in the land pipe up about how ghost/paper/porcelain white they are every time foundation shades are brought up.
No. 1619514
>>1619475yeah you can lmao, but they never whine as much as pale princesses do. the internet literally exists with thousands of swatches and reviews, and still no foundation in all the land is pale enough for her highness uwu. just stop wearing it then? just use concealer? idgi.
No. 1619577
>>1619514> but they never whine as much as pale princesses doThey've literally bullied and cancelled entire brands into carrying a trillion dark shades
>the internet literally exists with thousands of swatches and reviews, and still no foundation in all the land is pale enough for her highness uwuIf you could actually read I was talking about the DRUGSTORE specifically. It doesn't matter if there's ten thousand super pale foundations swatched on the internet if it's not for sale at my local drugstore
>just use concealerdumb confirmed
I won't engage in this dumb conversation anymore, you clearly have just got a hateboner against pale people.
No. 1619581
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>>1619254Fenty isn’t even light when you get into the 200s, I’m sure there’s a drugstore foundation that fits you.
>>1619577>>1619334Sorry nonnies but us ghostly bitches have never been catered to by drugstore brands. Rimmel’s porcelain shade is likely the closest but their formulas are so gross kek.
I remember when MAC finally released NW10 and I was so fucking thrilled. I’d been using NW15 before that and it was always a bit too dark.
No. 1619588
>>1619581The thing people need to remember is most (western) brands cater to the (western)
ideal , which is standard issue white to like, tan. Anything paler or darker is getting the short end of the stick. We've gotten better now though.
No. 1619617
>>1619514>just use concealerKek, I'm one of the "pale princesses" and can tell you, it's impossible to find a concealer that is pale enough with the right undertone outside the internet, at least in my country.
>>1619583That's the worst problem of them all. I once found the perfect shade with the perfect undertone and then it turned dark orange. I stopped trying after that, in the end I don't even like applying foundation over sunscreen, most foundations stink like hell and a simple powder works on my skin. I'm only searching for a new concealer at the moment, but the internet will help.
No. 1619636
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>>1619514what is this summerfaggotry
No. 1619652
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>>1619577>>1619514you're both morons.Captioned "now they all sit in an organizer"
No. 1619767
>>1618247what is it with these -ae girls having the exact same aesthetic and making the exact same type of videos? kaeli mae, miyaeva renae, and now kami larae
it feels like i'm going insane
No. 1619901
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Literally why do you need so much product
No. 1619930
>>1619254You might be better suited to a skin tint then, they're much cheaper generally, come in much smaller bottles, and you could get two shades and dilute whichever shade suits you best given the time of year. Even if you aren't the type that cbf I don't think it would take more than a few seconds to calibrate the right shade after the first few times you get used to working with the product.
>>1619901Who tf still uses glossier
No. 1619993
>>1617851At this point, I really think things have to be sort of shitty to gain mass appeal. Just look at how Smart Doll eclipsed all Dollfie products and helped push actual bjds into a decline, despite costing as much as or more than many.
>>1619901"Gisou" looks just like rebranded Avon products from 15 years ago.
No. 1620415
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No. 1620440
>>1620191You want to be oppressed
that badly, huh?
No. 1620517
>>1611399Check out eBay groups on Facebook, there's lots of sellers who discuss how to sell things fast, and quite a few sellers who'd be more than happy to bulk buy things off you to resell themselves if you decide it's too much hassle to get rid of on your own. As for any hard to get rid of items, have a yard sale and sell them cheap.
>>1618620Shopping addictions normally develop because of another issue in the person's life, and the rush from shopping makes them forget that issue for a while. If you can find out what that underlying issue is and get her to address it, you have a better chance of getting her to stop.
No. 1620602
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>>1620191cosmetics are a scam anyway. here's the ideal concealer for your casper ass now shut up
(racebait) No. 1620672
>>1619930I don't think skin tints or BB creams are all that popular anymore where I live but I recently tried to look for one. I keep finding BB creams that are just skincare products though, it's most likely some marketing bs to trick women into buying this crap.
>>1619581>I’m sure there’s a drugstore foundation that fits you. I had a Nyx liquid foundation before but it has been discontinued and replaced with something else with way more shades but not the one that suited me anymore. Kiko is shit too, not sure if it's drugstore. Their lipsticks are really nice and cheap though so I forgive them.
>>1619468I'm the 220-280 shades anon so not pale but you replied to me so… My issue is that if I decided to get a foundation and also bought some white product to mix and match both products would "rot" before I go through half of them. It doesn't seem worth it to me.
No. 1621220
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No. 1621519
>>1618247The amount of space in the landfill her trash occupies alone must be astronomical.
>>1619901Literally nothing here is worth it even if you just wanted to treat yourself with one product.
>>1621271Because they aren't? Anyways, most foundation turn into orange gloop anyways, of course somebody as white as snow won't find their shade lmao.
No. 1621693
>>1621271It's always been this way
The white jannies have no spine and the
poc jannies get their feefees hurt easily
>>1619004I love how a lot of it is sugar-free and the milk is reduced fat, but you can clearly clock fatty-chan hands.
>>1619652My friend kept giving me fidget toys and I kept offloading them on another friend who works with autistic children. Having a specialized piece of plastic laying around pisses me the fuck off, I'd fidget just as good with like, bending a paperclip or playing with a random rubber band at work.
>>1619901Do these people know that opening beauty products starts them expiring? I can't imagine how much product they have to throw out because skincare gets rancid after expiration date and you can't really keep using it like eyeshadow. And I really HOPE they keep up with expiration dates, because a cream you've been using for a while is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold if you're not careful with it.
>>1620415Oh, I have a similar box, but it's much less stuff in it. But I am a doll collector for the purpose of sewing/crafting for dolls and taking pictures with props, so I guess that's normal to me?
>>1620438Depends. I don't shop in actual clothing stores anymore, only thrift, but when I am able to go to several thrift stores and bring more than three items back (I am picky and have weird sizing), I consider it a huge haul. Not huge in a consoom way, but huge in a being LUCKY way.
>>1621168Delete instagram/tiktok - it's bad for your mental health.
>>1621220Of course she's a fatty too. Not as bad as it could have been. Don't people know excessive sugar/salt is bad for kids? Love the coy tangerines in the corner.
No. 1621993
>>1621220lol. the way the box appeared to read "ANUS" with that tape around it.
Repulsed by the seemingly American habit of purchasing single-use packaged foods to just eat in ones own home (rather than like, packed lunches or excursions).
Teaching your child that its normal to drink soda every day is setting them up for a lifetime of health issues.
No. 1622152
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>>1621993It's not just an American thing, individually wrapped foods are big in east Asia too. In countries like Japan you can buy little clam-shell packs perfectly moulded to fit four identical strawberries, stuff like that.
>>1622081Why should so much useless junk be produced to begin with, then?
No. 1623523

I'm not entirely sure if this fits in the thread, but I just wanted to kind of vent about this somewhere. For the past year or so I've been watching the channel nerdforge. They're actually a cool channel and I'll probably continue to watch them but.. Idk, some of the stuff they do seems incredibly wasteful. If you've never heard of them, they basically are a crafting channel (I think, Idk how else to describe them) but most of it is "nerd" themed. Their projects range anywhere from just painting stuff and making cosplays to building cases for their gaming consoles and PCs, making new covers for their books etc. It is really cool to watch things like this being built, but sometimes they just waste a ton of resources like styrofoam, paper and other stuff.
In this video they're giving their studio a makeover to make it look like some arcane library. Don't get me wrong, the final product is beautiful and amazing, and looks like something out of a video game or fantasy novel (although if I'm being honest I probably would have painted some things different colors, but that's totally beside the point). The thing that tipped me over the edge in this video is how many fake books they had to make to fill the bookshelves. I'm not 100% sure what they made the books out of and I'm not sure it said, I think they're at least partly made out of paper so will be recyclable hopefully, but still. As someone who has had to get rid of many books that I wanted to keep simply because I don't have room for them, that one annoyed me a little bit. Then they get an HD TV screen to put behind the fake window to make it look like whatever is on the screen is out the window (so it can change from something like a forest or a desert to something more magical looking).. again the idea is cool but it just seems a bit wasteful to have a TV on the screen to accomplish something that a painting basically could. Oh and they live in Norway which probably has some of the nicest scenery.
I feel like I'm just being salty and mean, maybe I am. They're cool people obv and I have nothing against them really, at least they're doing something creative instead of hoarding stuff for the sake of hoarding it like some people on TikTok, but this video just felt kind of over the top, especially the making hundreds of fake books part. All of these resources used just for the sake of a room looking cool.
No. 1623661
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Fresh claustrophobia nightmare from mfc
No. 1623663
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>>1623523I think it was a waste of resources to make what essentially is a set piece or something you’d find at the Harry Potter attraction at universal studios. It serves no purpose other than to look nice.
No. 1623678
>>1623523what I think is "wasteful" is that you could have made that with real items, like real old books and so on. They are also making the room smaller and taking away the natural light, while natural light is amazing to work with. I can understand if you have a library at home (if you have the space and money), but somehow this fake stuff is useless. Sure, it would have probably cost more, but nice wood, nice shelves and real, read books would not seem as wasteful. And let's not talk about a TV screen as a window, that shit is the worst part. The view might not be nice, but a poster and some LED lightning would have been enough. I might have missed some things as I couldn't watch that video without getting annoyed by her acting (I just can't watch craft videos with people in them, kek), so I had to skip parts, but I understand what you mean.
No. 1623706
>>1623694They probably don’t dust any of it.
>>1623661God this is so horrific I actually feel suffocated from looking at this.
No. 1624246
>>1624134>Paint will never serve a functionNah, I think the room's color can effect someone's general mood a bit.
Having blank white walls would probably give me a headache after a while if I'm being honest.
No. 1624273
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>>1623694I only have 4 figures and 2 nendos but using a detolf + dust seal strips they get almost no dust. And these are good for dusting safely.
No. 1624417
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I want an icy blue jade ring. If I was filthy rich I'd have collected jade
No. 1624505
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No. 1624569
>>1623662ngl the rainbow dash bed is cool as hell
>>1624505this has to be some fat and/or rich people shit right? who needs this much sugar? diabetes.
No. 1625331
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>>1625318Does she
only wear lulu lemon??
No. 1625454
After going to uni, I developed a pretty bad shopping addiction trying to fit in/ be socially relevant. I really hate the "you wore that outfit, now you can't wear it again" and the designer culture ie wearing a new $400+ cocktail dress to each social event (like 2x a month) culture. Same with designer gameday outfits. My school has a ton of buy/sell/trade groupchats of people selling unworn/worn once items for retail price. Not to mention all the services you're expected to consoom- extensions, tanning, lash extensions, lip filler, botox, microblading, platinum w no roots hair, acrylic nails, threaded/ microbladed brows, hydrofacials, ect. Also, the style here is to have a "luxurious" dorm/apt that's like Pinterest worthy just to trash it every time you go out. Also everyone goes abroad for every holiday. I always knew it was bad but I started budgeting a few months ago and I know most of these girls have to be living beyond their means even if they're well off. It's just so exhausting. I want to save money so I'm not blowing all of my family's savings but I feel like I've ended up trying my hardest to save on food/ household necessities so I can splurge a little on keeping my hair looking nice, clothing I'll wear often, and a "luxury" car that I got for 1/8th it's original price because its old. I hope someone relates to any of this a bit because I don't talk to most of my friends about this.
No. 1625774
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No. 1625776
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No. 1625778
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>>1625776At least she's honest about her hoarding useless items for her scrapbooks about nothing but aesthetics.
No. 1628526
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nonas, how do you deal with having consoomers in your life? like, one of my friend just ordered a ridiculous amount of clothes and accessories from shein. and the people who are my age at work obsessively talk about only one thing and that's purchasing a house/apartment and/or selling their current one so they can buy a bigger one even though they don't need that.
idk how to put it into words, but these people's focus isn't really on the item(s) but the act of consuming? or the act of owning something? like my coworkers never talk how they would like to decorate an apartment, their focus is on owning something. their behaviour disgusts me, but i mind my own business and observe them like one would observe animals in a nature documentary. until they ask me about if i consume this or that and when i tell them that i don't really care about that stuff they get offended kek.
do you have people like this in your life? does it affect you in any way (for example annoy you)?
No. 1628912
>>1625454Did you end up going to an expensive school? That sounds like hell, I would have gotten hella bullied for being a poorfag.
>>1625776She doesn't use any of this I bet, well that goes for most of the thread.
No. 1629057
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>>1628526A long time ago an old friend of mine told me she raked up 15-20k in credit card debt from buying Xmas gifts so her and her family went to a collections specialist. They all got their debt paid off together it was crazy because she kept saying how “grown up” she was for doing so. As for the debt inducing Xmas gifts she said one of them was a massive tool set for her dad but it’s like why didn’t her dad make her return such a luxurious gift?
No. 1630295

>>1625778>>1625776Oh, the perfect post for me, I'm a stationery autist. I recognize almost all the stuff she has and it's all cheap ali express stuff you can buy for a couple of dollars. This does not make it better or worse, she's still hoarding unnecessary shit in stupid amounts.
The other side of the coin are upper middle class journaling youtubers who spend lots of money on books they won't use, just to make comparison videos every year. They usually buy a ton of stickers from etsy shops and the most expensive planners and leather covers. Like another anon said, all those end up with the same style of journal and I personally find the overuse of stickers and washi tape so tacky. There's a strong "live, laugh, love" aesthetic in this community, with the muted color palettes and identical fonts.
Vid related is the first result on youtube I got for "hobonichi haul" and there's loads of these videos. Imho getting a quality pen and paper makes a big difference, especially when you're an artist, but beyond that people get sucked into consooming and ordering expensive Japanese stationery (a plastic pencil board is 13€), ordering Lamy pens from Germany, spending hundreds of dollars on planner pre-orders from small etsy stores.
No. 1630302
>>1630295I bought my first hobonichi in 2017 and I definitely noticed that creep up in the community (though I finally met one IRL person this year that also uses a hobo, and she said she bought hers because she loves the Mother series. That’s
valid.) I kind of blame the company itself too because they obviously target so much stuff to the journal users, like selling bags and pouches that are expensive af but would probably be like $5-10 at a Daiso/Michaels
No. 1630310
>>1630302I think owning a hobonichi in itself is perfectly
valid because it's a unique, quality product, but I definitely mean the youtubers who buy more than they can use or keep multiple planners and journals for their content.
i shouldn't judge them if they enjoy it, but buying things just for the sake of content so you get more money and buy more things is a
toxic loop.
No. 1639428
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Starbucks cup hoarders really waste their coin on product that looks like this?
No. 1639432
>>1625318Lululemon stuff isn't even better than the fitness wear you get at target and it's expensive! The cult around this brand is mind boggling.
>>1628526I have a mother and a sister who are both massive consoomers. For my mother, her stuff would be so heavy, it would break the closet. She hoards so many items she just holds on to from the 80s-90s that she no longer wears. So many perfume bottles, hoards skincare and makeup (at least with makeup she finishes every single product, even blush so fine). I think he collection of skincare is actually worse because she expects instant results. She unironically asked me how to get rid of acne masks in one day and i replied makeup and she got pissed. With all the money she wasted she could have just gone into a medspa and all her problems would be fixed. Aside from that, she stuff would spill throughout the house such as buying a shoe cabinet only for herself to leave in the hallway with shoe boxes stacked to the ceiling. A tall ceiling at that. My sister is the exact same story as my mother, her only difference is that she goes off and actually spends money on procedures and filler. She is also one of those types obsessed with luxury, has a shitty ikea shelf filled with overpriced designer bags she bought on a whim, idk how she is even saving money. I should probably include my dad too because of his obsession with tacky designer clothes, he looks so fucking ridiculous. At least he and my mother can technically afford their own consoomerism, idk about my sister, however my mother constantly asks to borrow £10 off me and doesn't pay it back for months so idk. I have no idea what my parents finances are like at all, it's always been kept a secret from me. They could be millionaires or drowning in debt and I would have no idea. She bullies me into it and acts like i am bitch when i don't despite her having a full time career and me working a shit part time job. I feel like the only person in my household who hasn't fully fallen for the trap, i won't say i am perfect though since i have made many trial and error purchases i feel guilty about and i do like some husbando merch here and there. But i did have a massive phase where i was obsessed with minimalism because I was frustrated by being surrounded by stuff and I despised the fact that my parents would buy me ugly fucking clothes just because it said burberry on it, leaving me with clutter. They would refuse to buy me stuff that i actually liked because it doesn't fit the image they wanted to force me into and accuse me of being dirty or unclean for wearing the same shit all the time.
No. 1639664
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I'm obsessed with shawls like picrel and because they're hard to find for cheap in my country, whenever I see one irl or online for cheap I feel like I 'have' to get it because I don't have those exact colors or those exact flowers yadayada. It's the only thing I impulse buy, how can I stop? I do wear most of them but at this point it's just stupid to buy another one because I already have the colorways I like. But when it comes to these I can't control myself, maybe because they're somewhat rare to find and the only piece of good quality clothing I 'invest' in. Idk, please help nonnies.
No. 1639682
>>1639664I was the same way with sweaters (I had nearly 100 different sweaters) but I decided to downsize and I got rid of most of them, giving them away, selling the really nice ones, and the obsession just kind of stopped. I thought I'd end up replacing them, but I don't find myself seeking out unique sweaters the way I used to. I think letting go is a good way to signal to your brain that this isn't some super valuable thing that you
need, and when you have less of them you appreciate the ones you do have a lot more.
No. 1639893
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this came up on my ig feed… frankly, i'm disgusted.
No. 1650059
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Scrolled through the previous threads and didn't find any posts about plant consoomers but they are a real problem. After COVID lockdowns everyone online suddenly had over 9000 plants in their living rooms, most of the time with little to no idea how to care for them. It's easy to have everything looking green and nice when you buy young nursery plants, but if you're just shoving all these random tropical plants in your centrally heated living room and giving them hard water then they won't look green for long. Of course plastic consooming like makeup and figurines bother me, but plant consoomers especially irk me because they're buying irresponsible quantities of living things that they can't or won't care for to satisfy the need to consoom. Also, despite recent interest in houseplants, it feels like the variety of plants for sale is shrinking. I was flipping through old houseplant books from the 80's and there were so many plants I'd never even heard of that weren't even especially rare at the time. Fucking everyone just needs monsteras and pileas and muh rare pink philodendrons they pay through the nose for, I guess. Not to mention the internet is fucking saturated with useless plant care articles/videos that either all say the same generic things or contradict each other. To find actual specific advice on soil temperature and water pH for these fancy rainforest plants, you need to go digging through ancient tomes from the previous century.
No. 1650067
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>>1650059I noticed the plant selection thinning out too, all shops seem to have are 5 types of succulent and giant trendy plants. Owning a monstera became a personality trait couple of years ago, it's boring.
Using your post for this tangent, I hate spray-painted plants and plants with fake flowers glued to them. Not even nature can exist as it is, needs to be sparkled up for sale.
No. 1650071
>>1650059I just don't get it, sure, one or two plants in a room are nice and some are really good for your health, but this huge amount of foreign plants that will die in one or two years, after the people aren't interested in them anymore or they got too big, is just so wasteful. I wonder if they even know how those plants grow and what happend to them before they got into the stores. As I don't buy plants because I don't have a garden, I don't know much about the way they are raised, but I know how cut flowers grow and how destructive it is for the people growing them and the countries we get them from, so I thing it won't be much different for other plants. In my country, they often use peat to raise plants in and everyone knows that it's just not good for the environment. If you have a garden, fine, get some plants, but inside your tiny flat I wouldn't want to live with 60 plants. And yes, many people don't know anything about it anymore, I've got old books from my grandfather and the information in those books are so much clearer and more into the detail than many things you will find today. And why don't they just get plants that belong to the part of world they live in? Why do they need some exotic plant that wouldn't naturally grow in their country while there are amazing plants out there that might be gone in the future because no one cares for them anymore.
No. 1650152
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>>1650059We gotta make faux plants trendy again.
No. 1650190
>>1625454I'll say this. Learning how to DIY certain beauty rituals is a game changer. Most girls can do a good blow out/dye job on their own, same with nails and lashes. The people who get bad results are usually just dumbasses who can't follow directions. People have stopped me on the street to compliment my hair, and I haven't been to a salon in about ~8 years. I'm working on getting better at giving myself nail extensions, but just a simple gel polish goes a long way. Plus it's more hygienic anyways.
just be mindful of the cancer risk that could potentially be associated. I personally find eyelash extensions to be a waste of money, but you can do that at home on your own too. Or,just use lash growing serums so you won't need extensions.
No. 1650209
>>1650059I love gardening outside but never got the appeal of most trendy houseplants. My windowsills are full of kitchen herbs and I have a small colony of Chinese money plants descended from one I got as a housewarming gift over a decade ago, but I could never get into overtly rainforesty plants like monsteras. They just don’t look right indoors in a temperate climate imo, and it’s especially grating if you know the person in question keeps letting them die and buying new ones. Same with cacti.
>>1650067Wow. It’s like something from a dystopian novel.
No. 1650292
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>>1650080I saw this plant-tuber rescuing one and while she was technically successful, the efforts and result were not worth it. Plus, buying one of them even to rescue is just giving them more revenue to keep spray painting plants. At that point, just buy a fake plastic one. I don't think spray paint buyers even know how to water plants, so it's fine they won't know the difference.
No. 1651872
>>1650059I love these people, because they get rid of their plants once they start drooping or turning brown at the edges, then I swoop in to adopt it and get a free plant. I don't think plants are really consoomerist though. You can get cuttings for free or cheap, and I've sourced most of my plants for free by adopting trash plants or proplifting. It's an inexpensive hobby.
>>1650067I really want a cruelty to plants law like we have for animals. The big stores bother me because they toss so many of the plants into a dumpster if they don't sell. I saw an image from the british coronation day, and they had spraypainted plants red white and blue. I would actually punch someone doing that. It kills the plant.
>>1650152So instead of something that grows for free in dirt from one cutting, you want to create a hunk of plastic that won't biodegrade for 2000 years.
No. 1652616
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DAE collect Lego Friends? I'm trying to build a little vapourware space for my OCs using the Lego Friends series.
Also take one look at picrel and tell me it's not a gay bar. Or at least 80's / Synthwave themed. It even comes with a girl made up as David Bowie. I own this thing and the arcade machine plays a game suspiciously close to Outrun.
No. 1653664
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>>1652492GOOOOOO NONA!!!
I need to do the same myself, even if I declutter pretty often, so nothing but support for you!
No. 1655167
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i hate how consoomerism has taken over the book market. now everyone needs to have the newest shiniest prettiest edition of the book they already own as hardback and paperback because booktok or bookstagram or booktube or whatever retarded social media they use gives them fomo over what? colorful drawings on the edge of the paper? i agree that it looks nice when a book has this, but it's retarded how publishers or stores make them limited edition so people are rushing to get 1st edition because 2nd edition won't have edge painting.
No. 1656386
>>1656157i feel like books are like funko pops to them. it's all about owning them and displaying them and looking like a person who reads a lot. meanwhile i get all my books from zlib but most people who see my place think i don't read a lot because i have maybe 20 physical books.
>>1656317i don't know her channel but i just clicked on her latest read it or unhaul it video… she has 400 unread books and her immediate reaction to having to read a non-fiction book was "oh no"? why buy non-fiction books if you hate them.
No. 1656513
>>1655167Book consumerism on social media drives me up the wall. When I got back into reading again I started watching booktubers but it soon just started to feel like everyone had the same overhyped books on the same shitty Ikea shelves and they all had the same things to say about the books (if they even read them at all)
I admit I do like having nice editions of my favourite books which I want to read multiple times especially classics, but I do not understand needing the fancy sprayed edge hardcover of every trendy new release? What if you don't like the book? Some of them won't sell even books they don't like because they like the idea of having a lot of books, even if they hate them. I saw one guy who found out that having 1000 books means you can officially consider your collection a 'library' and he had 900 or something so he just decided to start buying more solely for the purpose of reaching that number.
They all justify it by saying things like "At least it's not drugs" "Books don't expire" or the one that pisses me off the most "It's like a wine cellar, one day I might want to read this at the very specific right moment in years time" How is that any different to hoarding clothes you'll never wear 'for a special occasion' that never comes? I think people assign this moral superiority to reading and looking like someone who reads a lot that they seem to think book consumerism is above hoarding figures or clothes? So many of them get the book subscription boxes with just overpriced shitty tat and a fancy hardcover of the latest overhyped new release. It's like anime merch to them.
Most of these people live in big cities with good library systems that do get most popular books and new releases, so there's really no reason why they need to buy overpriced editions of every single thing they ever want to read. I will never understand. Sometimes when I feel caught up in wanting to buy a lot of books I go watch their unhauls to bring me back to earth, then I go to libby.
No. 1656542
>>1656513Are you talking about that Jack Edwards YouTuber guy? I follow his thread on tattlelife, there's so much blogposting on that forum though. Him and his studytuber/littuber ilk are annoying. I think it's the book industry trying to pivot to a funko pop-esque approach to make up for the fact it's dying and capitalise on influencer/shill culture. If people collect books but don't read them, well. It's the appearance of being well-read that matters.
I'm annoyed about the '1,000 books makes a library' thing too, because it's not like that was true historically. A library is much more about intent of curation and access than it is numbers. Mindlessly buying books does not a library make.
No. 1656570
>>1656542Yes! I find him so pretentious and annoying. As mindless as I think it all is, I do usually enjoy watching book collection or shelf organising videos as background noise but his recent one just made me cringe. Usually you can at least look at someone's bookshelves and they have some sense of curation or you can see their specific taste, maybe they have a couple tasteful knick knacks etc. but he just bought the same Ikea shelves in the ugliest colour and crammed hundreds of tiktok trend books from the last few years into them, then had to get more shelf inserts because he needed to fit his entire 'library' into them. No curation or personality whatsoever. All quantity no quality.
> I think it's the book industry trying to pivot to a funko pop-esque approach to make up for the fact it's dying and capitalise on influencer/shill culture. If people collect books but don't read them, well. It's the appearance of being well-read that matters.You hit the nail on the head. People are so obsessed with the idea of looking like 'a reader' and having a 'library' or collection rather than actually reading and the industry capitalises on it.
I always see book influencers and other people in the industry almost glorify the idea of having tons of books, reading them is optional. They say it's not a race and you shouldn't feel pressured to read a lot, but normalise the idea of having an endless physical TBR. And of course they're saying these things, they want to sell the books, they don't care if you actually read them once they've made their money. They're not going to tell you to only buy books you'll actually read. It's so transparent that it's ironic how all these supposedly intelligent and well read people fall for the obvious marketing tactics and glorify shopping addictions. At least funko collectors know they're buying a bunch of useless shit to collect dust.
No. 1656590
>>1656570That's the issue I think: it's okay as mild entertainment, it's a different question when influencers/shills are motivating actual cultural trends. They're incredibly subtle advertising.
>At least funko collectors know they're buying a bunch of useless shit to collect dust.The funko pop model is the direction all consumable industry will follow. They're too big to fail until they hit calamity and need to keep endlessly growing. The publishing industry has struggled to keep up with the way film and video games have evolved as entertainment media pumping out endless money. It's why all you ever see on Twitter that gets advertised for 'booktwt' and 'booktok' is a collection of recognisable tropes or something playing on the current internet meme (e.g. if you go over to the lolcow book thread, the 'unhinged female character' genre was flourishing for a short while). It's not like everything was sunshine and rainbows twenty years ago, a hundred years ago– there was 'pulp fiction' for a reason– but less people read for entertainment now, meaning that people who do actually read are left with the industry trying to poach that casual demographic back. Plus artistically so many of them are up themselves and every second book Twitter user preaches the diversity and superiority of the YA genre, so they're basically self-infantalising.
I tried reading a book that was being recommended by everybody as the greatest piece of literature this century (The Goblin Emperor) and it was the most abysmal, thoughtless, infantile and uninspired nonsense I'd ever laid my eyes on. Interesting concept, poor execution. That was all that mattered. I should probably take that to the book thread. But it's all about aesthetics.
No. 1656646
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I follow a freak on Twitter who is so deep down the coomershit consoomer rabbit whole that she is a cis woman who collects fleshlights. She collects all your usual coomershit statues and wall scrolls too but she also collects actual physical hentai books despite not reading Japanese, she buys fuck pillows (not body pillows, but pillows with actual holes in them to fuck if you have a dick, which she does not) She’s 36 and still lives at home with her parents despite working full time. She’s been in a long distance relationship on Twitter with an ugly coomer scrote for 5 years but they can’t live together because both of them are broke due to spending all their money on coomershit. It’s the saddest shit ever
No. 1656659
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>>1656651Nta but 2 seconds on her profile indicates she's just a pornsick weeb cosplay girl like Momokun and her ilk.
No. 1656660
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>>1656651She is sadly a biological woman who is nuclear levels of pickme. Her body is very female. She is seriously this much of a porn addict consoomer pick me.
No. 1656688
Why would you want a BOOK subscription box?
Like. Isn't taste in books completely personal??
I don't understand any subscription boxes, tbh, because my tastes are extremely picky. I think the only ones I'd do well with are like, razor replacements, but I don't shave since terminal radfem brain. Maaaaaaaybe scentbird, because you can pick what you want and I am a perfume-head and most perfume is genuinely overpriced for the person who likes to keep a lot of different small bottles and switching it up daily.
Like even meal subscription wouldn't work for me. Sure, I can pick the recipes, but what if I don't want to eat that meal on the day I am left with it? It will just expire, because I do not particularly crave that dish as I did when ordering it.
FYI yes, I am autistic.
Also FYI I have a lot of books, and I picked them all myself, and I intend to read all of them and if I read it and I do not vibe - to the thrift shop it goes. Or exchanging it with someone for another book. I recently decluttered a lot of books I got as a teen, because I genuinely do not want them in my house anymore (Like I had three whole books of Freud? Teenage me was on the other level of insane)
Whever someone gifts me something that is not exactly to my tastes, I regift it. Most of the surprises and freebies I receive, end up with my friends who would actually like them.
But actually spending money for a chance you would not like it??
No. 1656691
>>1656688Samenona. Tbh, I have a lot of communities I am in where you can trade or give away or get shit for free completely, so having books I do not want was never a problem. Having anything I do not want was never a problem.
I recently traded like 5 beat to shit paperbacks from a girl by giving her a two liter jug of juice lmao. They are completely scuffed and one has pages falling out, but these are ones I've been interested in for a while, so I'll read them even if they look ugly as shit and then decide if I am trading them back to someone else.
I have thought for the longest time of just buying an e-reader with e-ink, like my mother did (she's huge on reading and she has no place on her shelves left even after decluttering, so she switched to an e-reader) but I don't like reading from screens at all. Something about an actualy physical book helps me get more into reading.
No. 1656744
>>1656688>>1656690The books themselves in the subscription boxes aren't even the biggest problem imo because I can understand if you like the surprise part of it, or are just too lazy to pick out a book to read for yourself. Some of them have a few different genre boxes or multiple titles per month you can choose from too, so you can still pick something you'll probably like.
What I don't understand is the ones that come with all the shitty anime merch tier crap. If you get those boxes monthly you just end up with piles of random book themed mugs, tote bags, stationery, paper bookmarks and prints etc. of books that you might not even like or want to use. What do people even do with that stuff?
No. 1656763
>>1656721literally what is nlog about her posts? she just said she's picky
i'm the same, i rarely end up liking booksother people pick for me because my tastes are specific. it's not an nlog thing some people are just more picky.
>>1656688yeah i do the same, most books i don't care for, have outgrown or the ones i'm not planning to reread i usually donate. as a result most of my library is nonfiction because those are the ones i end up rereading. i buy a lot of secondhand books myslef especially for fiction.
i also stopped asking people to pick presents when it comes to books. since i was a teen i've been making a list of books i want for every xmas/birthday.
and yeah im autistic too No. 1656776
>>1656688Tangentially related but a relative keeps trying to get me into skincare subscription boxes and once gifted me an advent calendar with a different skincare miniature for every day. They weren’t even samples but miniatures made only for that advent calendar. The idea of inflicting something new and highly scented with unknown ingredients (the tubes were blank) on my skin every day was repulsive enough but even if you do somehow find something you like you can’t even buy a full size version. What’s the point? Are people so bored that they are trying to fuck up their skin on purpose? She also once gifted me a mystery box of “party” peel-off masks that were basically school glue with huge scratchy chucks of glitter mixed in, so probably.
I keep trying to explain to her that the purpose of my skincare routine is to keep my skin healthy so I’m sticking to a handful of trusted products that work well for me, but it doesn’t seem to register. She just can’t imagine not chasing novelty 24/7.
No. 1656802
>>1656799most of the books that have this are YA books that are hyped on booktok, so yeah, trashy stuff. picrel
>>1655167 are the books howl's moving castle is based on. sadly, they're also pretty dull and i couldn't get through them.
No. 1657500
Yeah, that anon. Sorry about including too many personal details, I tend to do that unthinkingly, since yeah, turboautism. Get carried away easily in personal posts.
It's just that every mystery/subscription box rubs me the wrong way, even the ones that seem sensible to most.
The only one I'd probably do well with is psych meds on a subscription (we don't do refills in this country, so I always have to order myself and every time have to deal with different manufacturer switching or price increases or med shortages and I always forget to refill on time even if I set notifications, but I am p sure a box like that would never work, since different strokes for different folks is the nature of medication)
It also kind of fucks with me that I decided to get rid of all single-use plastics in my life I can manage to go without, but we don't do refil pill bottles, we only do pill blister packs and these are un-recyclable because thin plastic+glued foil doesn't work for recycling. And I do through a lot of those monthly. Sure, I may gain some metaphorical points for always going out with my own cutlery/water bottle/grocery bags/coffee cup, but my mental and physical health forces me to go through a lot of pill blisters all the time and I feel like it negates everything I did.
(I am under no assumption that my personal refusal to use single-use plastics is helping anything at all, it just that my brain gameified it and it feels like a zero-sum game to me)
No. 1657522
>>1657507I actually do have a processing disorder that leaves me deficient in certain vitamins. I do think a vitamin subscription box would work for people who are unable to properly feed themselves on a consistent basis, like those who suffer from depressive episodes or autists with that specific problem.
That being said, it would absolutely be a scam in the US. Our vitamin industry is completely unregulated, and there's no way a subscription box would be doing all that work to vet the companies or make their own.
No. 1657685
>>1657507I have PTSD which is slowly being cured in part thanks to copious amounts of Vitamin C. I also have self-harm behaviour and internal damage that I am trying to kick, I take vitamin E for this.
Doctors keep yapping about 'balanced meals' like clockwork when you mention vitamins, but they've never proposed blood tests or anything to try and figure out if I had deficiencies. I suspect that the amount needed to keep me alive and 'healthy enough' is less than the amount my body needs to heal and thrive.
That said, subscription boxes are scammy! They use scummy sales tactics like telemarketing and lying to customers. They wouldn't have to use this if they were being honest about the efficiency of their product, even in cases where they're only selling one type of pill that I do need to replace in my arsenal on a regular basis.
No. 1658275
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what the fuck
No. 1661720
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I know someone who has must have spent thousands on soft vinyl figures by now, it’s insane. Technically sofubi are like doujin works and designed/cast+molded by the artist/circle but they’re still $100 lumps of usually ugly plastic
No. 1661730
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>>1661720I find sofubi really cool and i wish i had the money to collect them. I really like vibrant colors and i hate how most art toys/collector toys nowadays are either uwu soft cutesy pastel vomit like tokidoki or popculture references like that guy who makes figures of popular characters….but yuo can seee their skeleton?!11!?. I like sofubi's more aggresive/uncanny approach, since most art toys give me globohomo vibes. Sofubi both feels timeless and retro, i like it a lot. But I also like KR and kaijuus so i am biased.
No. 1661758
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>>1661730>skeletonOh and another thing, don’t forget the coomer sofubi artists that put genitalia on their toys for the pure omg shock or coom points. There are so many of them.
No. 1662324
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I use Thredup once in a while and on Reddit most of the people post on its subreddit seem like they have shopping addiction issues or something. They talk about spending hundreds of dollars repeatedly and how useless the trade-in program is because they get almost no money back. I don’t think anyone should expect to make back anywhere near what they paid for clothes ever, it’s nearly impossible. Even the prices these sites try to sell their items for are nowhere near how much people actually pay for them.
No. 1662400
>>1662324I think the fact anyone can easily resell things now really exacerbates shopping addictions. These people who are already in credit card debt will look at some ugly crap and think they can get back exactly what they paid.
It's like an elevated version those girls who get mad their Plato's closet won't give them $100 for their out of season worn clothes
No. 1662448
>>1662324People always have the delulsion their stuff is worth just as much as they paid for it, if not more, even when it's worthless. I browse offerup or whatever it's called now and same there. People trying to sell a shelf they bought on amazon for $90 two years ago for $150. It's delusional. and it really ruins the purpose of the app, which is to keep things out of the landfill.
I'm fucking traumatized because my dad used to force me to resell junk for him and he would demand prices that were impossible to get. the crap he was trying to sell wasn't even worth the shipping cost, literal dumpster quality old fucking ratty junk. he wouldn't listen to me and to this day his house is still a hoarder den full of unsold junk that belongs in a trashcan. i mean mouse-shit-ridden moth-eaten moldy broken obsolete literal fucking trash and biohazards. no one wants to buy a stuffed animal for their baby that's been in someone's attic getting pissed on by mice for 20 years. it's mental illness. and god forbid you inform them of reality or they attack you.
No. 1662481
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late to the party re: book consumerism, but i stumbled over this person's account on depop the other day and i still haven't been able to wrap my head around these prices just because the books have sprayed edges.
No. 1667683
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found this woman on tiktok that makes deinfluencing videos. one of her videos talks about reading the books you have but haven't read yet and the comments are full of retards screaming that they love physical books and they need to read physical books because otherwise they can't finish any book and that they will never stop buying books. which is not what she said. she literally just said "read what you have before buying more."
No. 1667867
>>1667849I guess it's different on cities, but here on my town they never renew their books, they have the same stuff as a decade ago. Maybe they add one or two new books per year, but that's all. I have read everything they got that interest me already.
(I'm not defending whatever post you replied to though, I haven't seen it)
No. 1667876
>>1667683Peak booktok content. Although I never watched booktok I started observing the Twitter counterpart of it as they're interchanging and "bookish" TikTok also gets mentioned a lot. I really dislike how people started to become a sort of book infouencers. I mean, book bloggers existed before, better or worse (never cared about then though) but now especially with TikTok it took a hyper consumerism turn. Yeah, a lot of younger people buying books now just for the sake of collecting them and not always reading. Or getting every single new edition of some book (which is usually quite recent too) just because it has colored page edges or is some "anniversary" edition or something. Basically, books being made into clout content.
Just as bad as the hype for
toxic misogynistic porn novels which are praised for "hot" bad boy characters and stupidly marketing them as great love stories.
This reminded me of something I saw in my country, idk if this phenomenon is noticeable somewhere else too: certain book influencers aspire to become "patrons" of new books (usually YA or shitty romances) so their profile pics can be printed on the cover. Patrons also receive book copies to review and promote the chosen book in social media. Usually they do it because they know the author and love the book (and perhaps read it before on Wattpad) or they want to promote a genre they like. There had been some dramas about patrons hoarding their personal copies and then selling them (which are somehow different from the finished product copies to be available in bookshops when the book release comes). Also there were stories of patrons who didn't read books at all (like with collecting) or who were mean towards all who don't like said book.
Another thing: with the whole rise of pseudo-bookish infkuencers some people complain at the quality of their reviews which are a few short sentences with emojis and sometimes just repeat the stuff you can read on the back cover.
I know people outside social media can be elitist or act stupid and pretentious about books too but this is another level now.
Speaking of elitism, it's gross how content creators like that usually label people who don't read Wattpad-tier porn or those who point out badly written books as "elitist" kek.
No. 1667898
>>1662324I know a lot about their process and they practically make nothing from selling clothes that aren't designer or mid range. The actual profit comes from selling clothes in bulk, shoes and bags that are leather/barely worn. On top of that these kinds of companies need an insane amount of employees. Nonetheless, the fact that there's so many clothes that exist is what's destroying the value of clothing and is the reason why clothes are so fucking shit nowadays. They should be happy that these companies are taking their trash out of their hands at the very least.
>>1662400Oh definitely, it promotes the idea that they should not be responsible for the amount of trash that they buy. That's why they get mad that their cheap stained shit they don't even wash is worth nothing, rather than taking that as a life lesson and educating themselves, it's better to blame someone else.
No. 1667912
>>1667867it's the same for my library too. if they do have new stuff, it's boring crime fiction, books for children (not even YA but elementary school level) or extremely popular books by our country's most famous authors which, again, are crime fiction… the ebook library is even worse off. i put in requests for a while but they never bought anything off the list so eventually i just gave up on the library.
>>1667886kek my thoughts exactly, i never felt bad for getting books off zlib/libgen/russian facebook because the booktok girlies alone are funding the industry. it really doesn't matter if i buy the book or not because there's some alison from wisconsin out there who buys three copies because muh shiny cover art.
No. 1668556
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i bet this was posted here before but it just makes me so sick i had to share it anyways
No. 1669030
>>1668556I'm not a fan of minimalism in more cases either but this is really ugly…
maybe it's snobby but I don't get people who spend this much on dolls for children when they could save up/sell and get a BJD.
No. 1669179
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>>1669030I'm right there with you, because all the lines this person mentions except Monster High reuse the same 1 face mold over and over and over. Pullip is objectively better looking than any of them, and I wouldn't want 10 Pullips. I wouldn't even buy 5 of the same exact BJD head even if Volks went insane and started selling $20 practice heads. And most of those dolls are just wearing a polysatin or jersey knit tube dress.
The weird thing is seeing how even things like those shitty fake Pullips have people collecting them. People waste money on absolute shit just to "collect" something.
No. 1670390
>>1669179God these are hideous…even the clothes they're wearing look like a little kid designed them.
I could only see me collecting monster high to repaint the faces since I think repainting culture is cool and I think the default faces are usually kinda ugly.
No. 1670481
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>>1670390IKR? I cringe every time I see anyone mention buying them. They were even worse in person, and cost $25-30 each. It's so obvious that absolutely no love or understanding went into the designs, some rich lady saw Pullip and Blythe and tried to make the cheapest possible knockoff ASAP. And it bombed, just like most outsiders trying to cash in on weeb fads. It killed me how they didn't even take the time to make the collar fit correctly on the sailor fuku girl, they mass produced it all fucked up.
No. 1670486
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How are these aliexpress dolls less than $200? Am I missing something? They look fine from the customer reviews. No. 1670495
>>1670486Not as high quality but unless you’re insane into dolls I don’t think the difference matters. Also slave labor and risk of
toxic materials same as anything else on aliexpress
No. 1671260
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At first I thought the new baby stuff goodsmile's been announcing was kinda stupid, but it's kinda grown on me?
No. 1671530
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>>1671347They seem to be doing a lot of stuff like that lately, they even started a line of baby figures for series that are popular with women. I like babies though so I don't mind it.
>>1671500It would be very cute to make your fave into a baby, it'd be even funnier if the face contrasted if it's an older character.
No. 1675981
File: 1692898611305.jpg (148.44 KB, 760x908, WorldBox-1-6-Scale-male-body-3…)

Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post on but I've been collecting 1/6 figures and I bought this body for $40 (worldbox 1/6 at027) but since he's bigger, taller and heavier than normal 1/6 figures I cant find him clothing that will fit, does anyone have any recommendations? I don't want to spend 28-30 dollars on doll pants and I'm too lazy to pull out my sewing machine.(catalog & ctrl+F)
No. 1676809
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>103 Stanley cups>keeps track of use with a spreadsheet so no cups feel “left out”I feel like this woman, like a lot of compulsive collectors, has serious childhood issues she needs to address No. 1677920
>>1677782I agree, but I feel like women are definitely at least targeted to buy little consumables way more often than men and in a way that men aren't. It's not just cleaning products, lululemon, and tiktok fridges full of trendy food, there's also makeup, nail polish, skincare, hair care, jewelry, and accessories to hoard. Purses, sunglasses, clip on charms, little cases to hold your wet wipes. Women are pressured to buy more and more often just to upkeep our daily appearances with things like makeup, hair product, and skincare, not to mention the pink tax on stuff like razors and shampoo. If the article had actually made this point it would've been better for it, instead it comes off the way you describe.
No. 1679388
>>1671260I would love this for my husbando but I wish the pacifier was removable so I could actually use it on his faceplate. Maybe I could find one on taobao but paying 2100 yen when I'll only use 2/3 pieces is a waste.
>>1671500Late response but you can just order it on amiami to combine shipping you don't need to go through gsc
No. 1679448
>>1679428I'm making fun of them, I'm not defending them at all.
>it isn't askhually different for men and women because women invest in handbags lmao.Handbags are useful, you can use one and sell it later. Same thing for the cups, you don't need to collect 100 cups but at the very least you can use them in your daily life. What's the point of a funkopop? What does it do? Besides collecting dust?
No. 1680339
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Idk how to word this well but it’s sad to me how trendy the childish + moid-targeted-coom "animecore" aesthetic is amongst weeb girls
No. 1680802
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>>1680339Agreed, it's really creepy to see women collecting toys for little girls and then have it right next to a picture of a little girl's vagina.
No. 1680823
>>1680802If the sonico figure wasn't so coomified I would've loved to have a anime figure that big and dress her in cute dresses. Most
animecore rooms are just filled with either coomershit or loli figures they're a plague
No. 1680825
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>>1680823There are non coomer 1/1 scale (the sonico is 1/2 scale) anime figures, but they're pretty much as expensive as you'd think they'd be.
The only person I know who've owned one is the guy who owned the Rem who's legs broke.
No. 1680839
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>>1680825nta but I feel like those figures are never sold. They make giant Miku's every year for her concerts and damn I'd want one. The only figure I would ever own.
No. 1680844
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>>1680839A lot of them have prices listed on MFC, so I assume at least a few of them (in addition to Rem) have sold in the past?
No. 1682507
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prize figures are a plastic contagion
No. 1683502
>>1682507I just wish these people had any actual taste besides sailor moon/dbz/demon slayer/mha.
Like if you're willing to invest that much into a franchise for literal children… there must be something wrong with you.
Absolutely unrefined mid taste is what gets me abut these shitty consoom-filled displays.
No. 1684370
>>1680339>>1668556Idk how any adult can have their room look like this and not be ashamed of themselves. A figurine/doll or 2 is ok, but this is childish.
>>1656646>36 yearold woman buying literal coomershitjesus christ what a loser, really pathetic relationship too. some of these people are beyond help
No. 1684494
>>1662481>>1664444Late as fuck on this, but yes these are pretty average prices, maybe a bit on the high end for some of the books seen here. I'm also a collector of special edition books and the resale market can be nuts, some even go for upwards of $1000 USD if they're extremely rare, sought after editions. I think the highest I've seen lately was around $1500 USD.
I've even sold some from my own collection for these kind of prices when I was downsizing, people do buy them if they're desperate for them due to FOMO.
No. 1684584
>>1684494you seem to know a lot about this! do you think it's worth subscribing to book boxes like illumicrate or fairylate to resell the books in there? or are most collectors already subscribed to all of these boxes because they are aware of how expensive resellers make them?
i used to make a good buck off of selling nendoroids for 3-5 times the price because the nendos weren't available in my country and the weeb teens in question had no idea about how to place international orders or they were scared of customs duty. so i'd have nendos sitting around that cost me maybe 35 euros to get them from japan to eu and then i could easily resell them for anything between 100 and 150 euros.
No. 1687541
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Should i buy it? i don't have any other plushies and really liked it
No. 1687685
>>1687636NTA but this is the consoomerism threads, I don't know what you expected. Most people who post here are agaisnt buying unnecessary stuff.
That said, since it's just one I don't see the problem. If you got any on your family, it's cute enough to gift to a scene kid if you regret it or don't want it anymore.
No. 1688602
>>1681422Your zoomer lingo is so jarring it's actually painful. Integrate or go back to tiktok/twitter where you belong. And no, being upset when your plushies fall onto the floor is not "autism" because nearly every woman that owns stuffed animals feels this way.
>>1671260This is so creepy, it feels like it's pandering to shotacon freaks and weeb women hitting their early/mid thirties who have baby fever.
>>1680339A lot of "animecore" is loli coomer garbage, but I really like 90s-2000s era Japanese stationary and plushes (usually older san-x and sanrio characters that aren't popular anymore) and you can usually only find those kinds of things online using the animecore tag.
No. 1690209
I’m sick of owning so much stuff. My 1 bedroom apartment gets cluttered within a week, my husband is a pack rat who keeps everything and he buys me plushies as presents. It’s starting to feel like Loonie’s studio apartment with plushies everywhere.
>>1687541I know the woman who designs them and she’s so ill that her disease is on MAIDs kill list. I think you should support Mysterious if you like it because it’ll help her and American mcgee.
No. 1690364
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>>1688602>This is so creepy, it feels like it's pandering to shotacon freaks and weeb women hitting their early/mid thirties who have baby fever.Are shotacons into babies?
Based for the second one though, nothing wrong with moms wanting to have lil baby nendoroids.
No. 1691439
File: 1694201669488.png (1.25 MB, 1600x542, s-l1600.png)

No use for this as someone who has a laptop, but I wanted to post this Madoka collab keyboard since it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.
No. 1691860
>>1691439>>1691441not trying to mini mod, but there's a buyfag thread in /m that would be a better place to post this kinda stuff in
nonnie. it'd be nice for it to be more active too.
No. 1692227
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>>1691860A lot of posters post like they think this is a pro-consumerism thread, not one critical of consooming. It's really annoying. The next Op needs to be clearer about the topic because of this.
No. 1692283
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>>1692252Of course they are, consoomerism has damaged their brains.
No. 1697055
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>>1696873Thanks anon. I cooled off. But that's the worst thing, I know 100% that I do actually want the nail stuff. It's the bird brain that wants to collect all the shiny things.
No. 1698792
>>1697675I think a way to curb your anxiety is to buy literally just what you need when you need it. If you're going to buy foundation anyway, might as well get it on sale, right? Just don't get anything extra. Since you're getting a sale that might make up for shipping costs. Or if you don't need it right away you can wait until you actually do and buy it in person to save on shipping. You said you need to stock up on nail supplies, that's fine. But do you
really need 4 more nail polishes? Skipping the extra "might as well since I'm ordering anyway" purchases will probably help your anxiety. At most pick one nail polish that you really love and will use a lot. Also, do you really need all of it
right now, or can that also wait? Maybe take stock of what you have and how often you do your nails and see if you can put it off until next month or even later. Doing your nails should be fun and stress free anon!!
Also I just typed this up and realized I'm replying to a day old post kek. Did you end up making the purchases?
No. 1698879
>>1698792>Also I just typed this up and realized I'm replying to a day old postSome threads like this one are super slow, you could reply to a week old post and it would still be relevant.
Also currently seeing influencers on youtube filling their homes with fake plastic pumpkins. No hate towards this girl, but if you live in the US (land of the pumpkins), why not just buy a real one?
No. 1699022
>>1698981Didn't y'all get red texted? I could have sworn this happened.
Btw welcome to the consoomer thread where we don't like overconsumption of plastic tat.
No. 1699081
>>1680339I see this shit so often these days and even know some women personally that do this. I cannot tell if they are actually and genuinely into that crap or if they believe it made them cool and "manly". They always jump onto the most generic merch garbage, it just has to be coomerish and about young anime girls.
It's also the exact same types of women that cannot shut up about tits, I swear they spend more time talking about porn and tits than most men do. I actually don't have an issue with porn itself, but something about this specific type of otaku consoomerism feels so artificial to me.
>>1690236In my bubble it was more the moody stuff with pretty men like Wolf's Rain or X, but I think that the core issue here is that both of these genres basically stopped being made so fans that got into anime later started with K-ON and Dragon Maid instead of Sailor Moon, DBZ or Noir. The other reason is that it's porn addiction and social media influence and self-presentation. They want to slap the otaku label onto them and you don't get dem likes with a poster of .hack, but you are cool and genderqueer if you are a woman that buys loli porn and like things ironically.
No. 1699109
>>1699086One woman a pumpking shortage does not make kek
You seem really defensive of consoomers. Why are you complaining in the anti-consoom thread when anons point out somebody is consooming?
No. 1699446
>>1699121No one is encouraging this person to buy as many real pumpkins as she is buying plastic ones. That would also be consooming.
But actually enjoying the natural season they claim they love instead of consooming would be beneficial for people like her. Actually getting a real pumpkin to put outside. Actually making crafts, seasonal cooking, spending time in nature…
No. 1700676
>>1698879So much useless shit she bought.
I'm not against the idea of decorating for the season but why without fail people decorate with the juvenile, cheapest, ugliest garbage possible. Silly straws for a children's Halloween party. She's going to paint candles? Why does she even bother with felt decor,her cats are going to destroy it and the faux plant garlands are falling apart like come on! Kudos to her showing some restraint at Target I guess.
No. 1701086
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Just dumping some not so obivous consoomers vids thanks to cerbmin enabling us to post mp4 files and tiktok links
No. 1701087
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No. 1701089
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No. 1701091
File: 1695039705785.mp4 (4.61 MB, 540x960, 9a2f4ee8c99dc761bb8c07645e2559…)

Now some obivous consoomerism
No. 1701092
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No. 1701093
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No. 1701094
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No. 1701095
File: 1695040092041.mp4 (2.94 MB, 576x1024, b15fdeebb638ee536df1094b82c20e…)

No. 1701109
>>1701092Wait, are all of these displays in people's rooms/houses? Half of them look like shops.
>>1701094Kek at the virginity corner, that's the most self awareness I've seen in these tiktoks
No. 1701114
>>1701105I actually see people with either a well-paying job or with well-off parents/partner the most often. I they have a shitty job collecting is probably their only hobby (if it can be called that) and so spent all what they got left after paying bills on anime.
There's this trannie over twitter who spent over $1k on merch of a game he had just played in the span of 2 months (to not mention htr or whatever tim take for hormones) and when people asked how he could afoort importing merch almost every day i he just went "Oh, my parents just have money".
No. 1701461
>>1701105Speaking as a recovered consoomer, I had next to no savings aside from a small "emergency fund" that wouldn't have actually covered any real emergency. The problem with shopping addiction is that when you finally build up savings, it's like an itch that you feel you can scratch risk-free, and then the cycle just begins again. Splurge, feel anxious, save, splurge, repeat.
>>1701114I don't understand how some of them can even make rent and bills though. From what they show they all have fairly decent homes (like they're not living in squalor) and they seem to do multiple hauls per month. Where on earth is all the money coming from, especially if they're working minimum wage?
No. 1701652
File: 1695098691715.jpg (160.14 KB, 640x824, thepostimage.jpg) getting
triggered because somebody called out the fact that they're either mentally ill or just hoarding shit to scalp it. And she was incredibly generous about the cutoff, too. Barbie has looked like shit for over a decade, there's nothing they have made that is worth owning 5 of.
No. 1701687
File: 1695103254895.jpeg (158.1 KB, 749x949, IMG_4231.jpeg)>all that stuff on literally her first day thereAlso obvious bodycheck is obvious, I’m sorry but tall anas wearing children’s clothing is beyond cursed.
No. 1701763
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>>1701652You beat me to the punch posting this. I agreed with the op but was put off by all the comments disagreeing. A lot of them took issue with the way she phrased things, like obsessive compulsive/people who need them, but I get esl vibes from the post.
The doll collecting hobby is bleak. I love dolls but the community doesn't want to hear about how consoomer and wasteful it can be. If it "makes someone happy" then we just need to stfu apparently.
No. 1701791
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No. 1701798
>>1701791Doordash consoomers astound me. Like it's fine or occasions or if you can afford, but I see people bragging about spending their last 20 bucks or so for the sake of getting doordash then complaining about it like, it's a luxury. You literally do not need it at all. Or the amount of doordash drivers that are quitting due to these broke ass consumers that convince themselves they need $40 for chicken nuggets and coke but can't be bothered tipping as gas prices peak, most drivers entire wage is literally tips, and food delivery is in the top 20 dangerous jobs in America
>Inb4 but their added fees!I literally don't care, if you can't afford to tip after added fees don't order, get your lazy ass up and pick up your own shit. The entire point of the app was for the rich to just get shit delivered and poor and middle class have a good way to make money on their own time, now some drivers are spending more in gas trying to deliver to these selfish fattys before quitting all together
No. 1701813
>>1701794It depends on what you're selling, but in general make the prices cheap, almost everyone who buys second hand does so because they're either poor or want to get whatever for half the market price or less.
>>1701809On the "take good photos" part, make sure it's still evident it's still a photo taken in a home or by a particular. I have seen people turn away from sales because they thought the photo was a stock one and so a fake ad kek
No. 1701823
>>1701813I’m trying to get rid of an ungodly amount of squishmallows and other stupid plushies I started collecting after COVID. Dealing with the few buyers that did want them has been a nightmare. Thrift stores also don’t want to deal with them and throwing them out is a pain because of how stupidly big they are and because of how much I have.
I wish I collected something like books because then I could at least display them for a while without feeling like an idiot.
No. 1701824
>>1701712It’s pretty obviously meant to be a ‘look how kawaii and smol I am’ thing, but with most of them it ironically just makes them look creepily skinny and tall as hell (I don’t know her height but her kids clothes make her look like 5’6 or taller)
I do think mezzo piano’s clothes are genuinely cute (for kids) and I wouldn’t mind owning one of their plushies or something, but wearing it as an adult makes you look like you raided your little sister’s justice clothing haul.
No. 1701900
>>1701089Ok eurofag here but how does this work? do they go to the supermarket and buy 10 packets of hot chips and 20 5L water bottles? What must the cashiers and people in line think?
>>1701712I think some of the clothes are cute like the skirts but you can find similar things for teenage girls / young adults on aliexpress. Unless you can't genuinely find clothes your size meant for adults because you're a small person buying literal kid's clothes always gives creepy DDLG. Even if it were generic "kawaii" fashion the cut still shows it's made for a child. It just reminded me of Yukapon who also wore mezzo piano when she did the loli thing kek.
No. 1701960
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>>1701844My collection is mostly limited run, exclusive modern SFF releases with various customizations like sprayed edges, alternate covers, etc. A lot are hand-signed and some are also numbered by the authors. I also try to collect uncorrected UK proof copies of books, but only ones by my absolute favourite authors because they're hard to get a hold of without trading away your soul. Nothing too high brow or cultured, I just collect what I like to read lol.
I would post a pic of one of my shelves for you, but the only ones I've got in my camera roll right now have been posted on my socials so if any of my mutuals are also farmers they'd 100% know that I post here KEKSorry for the incoming sperging, but here's a pic of a personal favourite. It's a collector's edition that's hard to come by these days because it was released 5 years ago, it's never been reprinted, is signed by the author, and is the only way you can get a complete matching set of these books in hardcover because the publisher changed the cover design partway through the series so it's pretty rare and sought after by others in the community. Love the author as well so it's one I plan on keeping forever.
No. 1701988
>>1701794>>1701803As an ex consoomer, use it as a reminder for why you shouldn’t consoom so much nonsense again. It’s difficult to resell your stuff and a lot of it is stuff other people won’t want, even at a large discount. Throw out the actual garbage and heavily used items imo but I think it’s worth it to list everything that you think can actually sell and just wait. Doing low starting price auctions on eBay is good, just don’t list too low because people will think it’s a scam.
>>1701813 too
No. 1702012
>>1701803do you have a used bookstore in your area? I think some will buy books.
>>1701823do you have a children's hospital/foundation that will take used donations? maybe a shelter or save them for a christmas toy drive? maybe even a church idk. I know some places can't accept used items but there's probably something, and I imagine as a collector you've kept them in good condition. better than taking them to the dump.
No. 1702150
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No. 1702154
File: 1695157342151.webm (12.05 MB, 576x1024, allison12121.webm)

people need to stop enabling them
No. 1702156
>>1701824Honestly I don't even mind that adult women wear childrens clothing, they can wear what they want, it's just that they're always a brand of moid pandering ddlg girls
>>1701859The children's clothes thing isn't surprising at all, it's just funny to me that Mezzo Piano specifically has become a status symbol with these girls.
No. 1702340
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>>1702301The designs are genuinely adorable so I get why people would be into plushies and stationary of it, but people wearing mezzo piano clothes just look at best like ana chans bodychecking, but the majority of the time they just look like obvious ageplayers.
Most 'kawaii' clothing people are weird as hell though (kind of comes with the label granted), pretty much everyone into fairy kei is a gendie kek.
No. 1702550
General advice for selling your hoarded crap:
>Find exact info about the item and include it in the title of your listing, e.g. cat figurine vs. [manufacturer] [year] [model name] figurine
>Add details of condition in listing, e.g. scratched, discoloured, almost new, never opened
>Be clear on what's included, e.g. no packaging, no accessories
>If applicable, mention that it's from a smoke free/pet free home
>Take your own pictures, 3 angles minumum, decent lighting, show full item (don't take them too close)
I sold remnants of my dark past (weebshit) relatively quickly this way. What helped also was including the postage in the price and offering "free" shipping. I only sold on ebay but it's worth exploring other marketplaces or local sites/FB pages. Post sold items ASAP, package them well with sturdy boxes and bubblewrap. Getting some good reviews as a seller will help your future sales.
Some things I owned grew in value tenfold by the time I tried to sell them. You have to look at the age of the listings and consider, is anyone buying it at this inflated price? I would undercut existing listings just to get a quick sale.
If you're selling plush toys though, I don't really have advice. I wouldn't touch 2nd hand plushies with a pole and I assume a lot of others wouldn't.
Hope this is useful to someone out there!
No. 1702784
>>1702154God I hope Starbucks stops being trendy soon. So much consoomerism flies under the radar because it's seen as a necessity, when it's nothing more than another type of shopping addiction.
>>1702592Is it something he'll notice you're getting rid of? Unless he's glued to you 24/7 he won't have to know you're selling a top you don't want or a book you didn't like. Things go missing all the time and the more stuff you have the less likely he is to notice.
No. 1703285
>>1702301Oh, I got turned into a Sanrio bitch over covid and I consoomed quite a bit of Kuromi stuff.
But I generally try to keep my consoom to things I actually need, like makeup pouches (I have a ton of hobbies that need to be orgaized and it's a nice way to deal with it) or tableware. I have a tote bag I use every day with Kuromi and some shirts and a pajama set I also love a lot since the fabric is so nice.
I for years needed a desk humidifier (issues with nose congestion) and when I saw a Kuromi one, I finally bit the bullet and the cold season is a lot more manageable to me.
The only impractical Sanrio things I own are probably a single small plush and a keychain. But I picked my absolute favourite Kuromi outfits that are just so stinking cute and now that I own these two things with them, I don't really feel like I need more.
Tbh, yeah, I bought into this mascot madness willingly, but I only get mostly what I can actually use in my daily life (and it helps when it's cute and makes everyday tasks more pleasant. and I generally stay away fron the age-play-clothes vibe, thankfully a lot of Kuromi shit we have in this country are just basic comfortable printed tees or socks, but I wouldn't mind some japanese dark girly pieces with her, not that a hulking foreigner like me would ever suit those lmao)
No. 1703705
File: 1695337532234.jpg (247.84 KB, 1200x1200, 71NPWwP6oAL._SL1200_.jpg)

>>1701960i don't particularly care about the look of my books since i buy exclusively paperbacks (hardbacks are so uncomfortable to hold kek) but man that cover is beautiful. i also really like the 10th anniversary cover… and literally any cover that isn't the boring and bland white ones. i got the first three books of the series for less than 10 bucks but the minimal white cover makes them look so underwhelming and clinical. i'm only a few chapters into the first book but the cover just doesn't fit the rich world building at all.
No. 1704464
>>1704447>>1704458They’re stuff like pins and plushies from things I’m interested in but I have no use for the items themselves. I tried to gently tell him that I don’t need/want them even though I appreciate the sentiment. I feel like the issue is that the old me really loved getting random stuff like this but I am now trying to be more conscientious of what I actually buy now and I really don’t want a bunch of junk that I will feel guilty of getting rid of. He didn’t really seem to react when I told him I don’t really need the stuff and I was trying to downsize but he did give me a couple of more things in the following week. I did try to explain how I would just love a nice cup of coffee or grabbing ice cream together instead and he just ended up doing that along with giving me more temu stuff
>>1704453I’ll try that! Hopefully he’s willing to watch with me since he’s not usually a fan of things like that!
No. 1705662
since mp4s and tiktoks are now postable can we get some more tiktok consoom content up in here? i love looking at their hoards. i bet all those people are in debt too or will end up being severe hoarders in their older ages. even the people who are "organized".
>>1701086>>1701089also this kind of content has to be propaganda to make young women want to be tradwives you can't tell me otherwise…
No. 1706337
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The amount of mites and small insects that have to be hidding on this mountain must be insane
No. 1706350
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I’ve been very good at not buying shit lately, but I’m going on an exchange semester to Japan with my life savings. How do I stop myself from wasting all of my savings in the land of peak consumerism?
No. 1706439
>>1704251I frequently watch this type of content and like some of her videos, but she talks really fast in this one and it's hard to listen to. I suggest her "Internet consumerism has gone too far" video.
Here are some other channels I like that make similar content, they all have different quirks so ymmv:
>Hannah Louise PostonShe does a ton of makeup review videos but her videos on "no buys" are helpful, even if they are somewhat repetitive. I don't wear makeup so I ignore the review videos, probably not good to watch if you have issues with overbuying makeup.
>Cara NicoleShe makes various videos on overconsumption fueled by social media, some are better than others. I like the ones on FOMO culture and designer brands and frequently rewatch them. Sort by popular.
>Salem TovarShe mostly covers random TikTok drama but she has a few videos on Shein and overconsumption. Drones on a bit, but good background noise.
>Rebekka RoeI only watched her "Overconsumption is keeping you POOR" video but it's still good motivation. Her other content seems to be about her personal spending habits, which doesn't interest me.
>The Financial DietShe mostly covers general personal finance and budgeting topics, sometimes repetitive and can be a bit boring, but I like having them on as background noise. Shills a lot of personal finance products and services, almost all of them are useless and you don't need them.
>Two CentsThis is an educational personal finance channel, but their content is very helpful even if you don't have much trouble with consooming. Much more concise than all the other channels and I'd suggest this one the most.
>DW Documentary and DW Planet ALike the name suggests, they make a ton of documentaries. If you're trying to consoom less because of environmental or ethical reasons, they give you plenty of reasons to stop. I like their videos "Obesity and corporate greed", "The truth behind fast fashion", and "Neuromarketing: How brands are getting your brain to buy more stuff". DW Planet A has more videos on the environmental impact of consumerism/capitalism while DW Documentary primarily covers more unrelated topics.
>Climate TownAnother channel mostly about the environment. His "Fast Fashion Is Hot Garbage" is his best one. Sort by popular.
Not every video/channel is super amazing but I've been successful in weaning off of consooming over the past few years, and having these as reminders has been pretty helpful for me.
No. 1707539
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browsing temu is like staring into hell. we're trashing the planet to produce this stupid shit.
No. 1708496
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You know what pisses me the fuck off?
The transience of everything. I am not talking trends and microtrends, sure those are a pain if you care about being the "it girl" or "fashionable".
No, it's about simple fucking things.
I own some shit from school which I graduated from 11 years ago. I have some pass-me-downs from parents and grandparents and even later generations.
And those things hold up! They work!
I can thrift a 50-year-old piece of clothing and besides decayed cotton thread which is easy to replace, it works for it's purpose just fine if not even better than current crap because natural fibers wick moisture or hold on to heat so much better than polyester!
And sometimes I can't get what I need thrifted, or shit like socks and underwear and I get new and it falls apart so quickly. Like within a season I need new winter boots despite previously owning a pair I wore for like 15 years (and someone wore before me for 5) and sure they looked not great, but they only become fully unwearable once I started using them to work in literal actual pig pens (ammonia is very bad for everything)
And you're stuck constantly replacing your underwear for something that feels shittier and shittier and more poorely constructed every fucking year of your life. What the actual fuck?
(Also sidenote, I am so mad when I see shit from Shein and PrettyLittleThing and such in thrift stores, being sold for prices of actually nice vintage items, just because it Looks Great and Trendy. My country didn't quite catch up on the whole "some brands are just entirely garbage" thing)
Same with technology. Oh, you got a new phone? Be ready for it to not work in three years so you can get a new one. And even if it's built to last technically, let the company slow it down artificially for you so you can go for a shiny new one! Or laptops. My mother uses a laptop from the 90s. And sure, it's slow, but it works perfectly for her needs, but if it breaks, the components are obsolete. I had two perfectly functional cameras from the 80s and I loved shooting on film, but guess what, film is so exhorbitantly expensive now that it might as well be obsolete!
Same with every. fucking. single. thing. I bought a new showerhead recently. I struggled to find a metal one. Everything that's in stores is plastic, meaning I can't properly clean it from buildup of hard water, meaning I'll have to buy another one in like 3-5 years.
Rugs, tea kettles, microwaves, NOTHING is made to last while simultaneously the joke is that plastic trash all this produces will likely to survive all next generations of humans.
I hate this world. I hate this economy. I hate everything being made disposable. I fucking hate this shit.
(sorry for a rant, I'm just mad as fuck)
No. 1708504
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>>1708496I hate it too. It's called planned obsolescence. Check out the centennial light - a lightbulb from 1901 that is still functioning despite being on for 122 years. But it wouldn't be profitable to sell lightbulbs with this long longevity, right?
>And you're stuck constantly replacing your underwear for something that feels shittier and shittier and more poorely constructed every fucking year of your life. What the actual fuck?Very relatable. It's shit, we deserve some good fucking underwear.
No. 1708505
>>1708502I bought myself male underwear (boxers), because they're more comfy for me and there's more place to stick a pad so it holds better (tmi), but I have bought an entire wardrobe of new ones replacing all my old underwear and in about a year all these boxers are stretched and not comfortable anymore and ride up my ass just like briefs, because they stopped hugging my legs nicely since they stretched so much around the legs.
I even boil-washed all of them, thinking that they'll maybe shrink as cotton does and return to their shape, but surprise THEY DID NOT.
So within a year I am stuck with all my underwear not fitting me correctly anymore.
Granted, the seams are all fine and the fabric didn't tear anywhere like it used to when I wore women's briefs, but the fact that it's all stretched out and I can't wear it comfortably anymore pisses me the fuck off.
It's fucking inescapable.
(Also on your advice, MOST of the new clothing I buy is from the man's section since it fits me better considering I am very tall and I have noticed that while the quality and fabrics are still fairly shitty, it's at least better and always better constructed that clothing from the female's section. Like WHAT THE FUCK?)
No. 1708514
>>1708505do they have elasthan as part of the fabric and do you use fabric softener? If so, stop using fabric softener, as it's not needed for anything, even if you have hard water, and it's mostly not good for fabrics or your washing machine.
Besides that, I agree completely with you. I'm so done walking into a clothing store and they want to sell me shit as "recycled polyester". Well, no, I know that most of it can't be recycled and I don't want a sweater made out of polyester, one hour wearing it you stink like a wet dog and after 8 hours you are dying of a heat stroke. Just give me something made of natural fibres that will last at least 10 years.
Another thing is the software that you can't use anymore, I can't buy any new games because they don't support Windows 7, but I don't want to change to Windows 11 as I like my computer as it is, but there is no way to get around it. Or smartphones, nice that you don't get updates after a certain time, mine still works perfect, can't get updates anymore, won't buy a new one, I don't like throwing stuff away that still functions.
And the lightbulb is a good example
>>1708504 Back when you didn't have to buy LEDs we would change a lightbulb maybe every 20 years. We are now at the 10th lightbulb in our bathroom in 5 years and don't ask about the others, in the beginning we would have to change them every few months because they just stopped working.
I'm happy that I finally found some comfortable and lasting (seems like that for 2 years now) underwear, at least one thing I can keep for a little bit longer. For everything else I will either make it myself, buy old stuff or hope that I make the right choice and it will last longer than a year. When it comes to kitchenware, for example, I always have a look what restaurants use, you often find stuff that is affordable, made nearly without plastic and you can repair it if something breaks.
No. 1708515
>>1708514100% cotton, only the band is elastic, but the bands are somehow okay?
I use out equivalent of tide pods, and yeah, I think they have softener. I've been researching fabric stripping and more sustainable/better for clothing types of washing clothes, but like. I live in a shithole. I don't think we have widely-available borax even, which is very much required for fabric stripping.
No. 1708520
>>1708519I just think fabric stripping might be beneficial to me, since I buy so much clothing thrifted, and sometimes it has years of grime inset in the fibers (also thrift shops use very fragnant washing products, yeah, and my skin is sensitive to artificial fragnance, even remnants of it)
I just saw some before and afters for fabric stripping and I think it maybe very useful for restoring second-hand clothes, or just things you've owned for a WHILE. Because not everything comes out in the simple wash.
Also even buying new clothes can use that sometimes, because who knows how much dust particles and skin flecks and other various grime was put into it through the manufacturing process?
No. 1708699
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>>1705387tbf, at least people who spend money on handmade costumes and props are actually investing in a hobby/skill, but it does drive me ape when people over spend on store-bought cosplays like picrel that can very easily be thrown together without even needing to sew. Cosplay hoarders need to buy whatever is trendy for that sweet clout ig
No. 1708774
>>1708520as far as I've read it, you should be careful with coloured clothes and some fabrics. I understand that you want your thrifted clothes clean and without left overs from former users or fragrances, but I wouldn't risk it for example if it's a brighter colour or black. What really works for fragrances is freezing the stuff and then washing it, I wouldn't have been able to wear some stuff without that method.
And with freshly produced clothes you should be more on the lookout for chemicals than dust. There is a reason why people working at Primark wear gloves handling the clothes and a guy working with dyes once told me that store bought clothes should be washed at least 3 times before wearing them and I follow that advice as I wear mainly black.
No. 1710212
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Although I do hate mindless consumerism I agree that it's crazy out there
No. 1710256
>>1710238Those skyscrapers have rich investors involved and even if they aren't being used, they will continue to operate or else they risk losing money from devaluation, nobody wants a devaluated property
It's the reason why they palm tree islands in Dubai are still a thing despite eroding every year, it wasn't the big thing everyone thought it would be back in the day
I dislike how cocky swell entertainment is but she made a good video about those skyscrapers
No. 1710259
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>>1702784This was about 10 years ago but i used to work for Starbucks (they opened a new store in my city) and we went through one week of training. The store was closed for that entire week and when they train you and teach you how to make the drinks they let you use real milk, real syrups etc. The amount of milk we went through was abysmal. Gallons and gallons of it, just for it to disappear in the drain. I ended up asking the supervisor if this was necessary. I felt so bad about it that i almost quit right there and then but i was young and needed the money. Once i started working there we often had food left that was "best by" and it was just thrown away (think entire cakes, sandwiches). Upper management refused for us to take it home or give it to shelters or whatever. Sometimes we had 2 big trash bags full with food. The waste made me sick and it really put into perspective for me how much probably gets thrown away at grocery stores etc.
A year ago I was in the hospital for 3 days. And i was surprised to see that everything was paper cups and paper plates, because when i was in the hospital as a kid they gave you real plates and cups that were washable. My grandma visited me and also complained about it. Apparently in all the hospitals where i live they shut the big kitchens down. All the food gets ordered from restaurants or specific meal making places, so they don't have a need for kitchens anymore, thus there is no place to dish wash. The amount of cups i have seen accumulating in bins over the course of a day just in my little ward was nothing short of shocking. I like how governments try to pretend to "fight the good fight" by forcing citizens to do a whole bunch of shit like separate their trash (which i btw think is a good thing) and charge us for the littlest amount of plastic we buy (which i think is unfair) but then the same rules don't apply for big organizations or places like hospitals.
>>1710213I like to go for walks at night near an industrial park and the amount of buildings that have big spotlights on outside (just lighting up the exterior of the building) the entire night is basically all of them. For who? Why are these big lights on? It is disturbing the peace of the little insects and other critters and it doesn't serve anyone. I have been thinking of contacting my municipality and making it an issue because i am sick and tired of sitting back and doing nothing.
No. 1710820
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>>1710506Wow they sold out so fast, they restocked in my country this morning and they're already sold out for most sizes. I hope the size fits me. But if it doesn't I'll just return it, not try to resell it like these Vinted scalpers.
No. 1714616
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Went looking for others complaining about the weird Halloween Easter basket thing and social media moms are really getting out of control
No. 1714698
>>1714688I think the entire idea behind it is consumerist regardless. No, doing a craft with your kids every month isn’t, but framing it as a gift and setting it up as an expectation
is a consumerist mindset that absolutely will manifest as hyperconsoom in these kids and probably make them insufferable as well if she keeps doing it to and past 5 or so
No. 1715923
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Why do women buy this shit? Sonico's not even a character, she's just a mascot that exists for nitro+ music festivals.
No. 1716078
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>>1710256Wait why does she also have the cadence and speech pauses like Andy from the office. Is this an evolutionary thing to do with their mouths.
No. 1717364
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>>1715923I think a lot of women these days struggle with the fact that you don't have to give any piece of shit even a second of your attention. It's like the lootcrate subscriber mindset. Just because it exists and is popular somewhere doesn't mean that it's good, or that you need to look at it or buy it. But some people seem to think that they're missing out if they don't partake in every piece of pop culture garbage that comes along.
No. 1717465
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Eight of these planners would be $200.
No. 1717469
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>>1717364>2k subscriberskek how did you even come across that,
nonnie? it was mildly infuriating when she complained about the second figure's base, she could literally just get an artist to make a better, maybe see-through, one or install the ladder on the side of a shelf or whatever. she can drop 16k yen on an impulse purchase like that she can afford an artist
i'm a degenerate so i really like figures, even the coomerish ones, but the people who "collect" them are so fucking retarded, they don't give a fuck about the individual figures. they don't try to display them creatively or integrate them in their room decoration, it's always walls lined up with big full shelves where they blur together, just a bunch of lumps of plastic symbolizing a flavor of the month character they'll forget about when the next hit anime comes out
No. 1718548
>>1717469>likes coomer animu figures You have to go back. Or at least take some time away offline to fix your pornsick moidbrain if you’re “female”
>>1717238Because parents these days are working 60 hour weeks and also addicted to their phones just like zoomers are so they’re not even glancing at what their kids buy at the mall or off Amazon kek
No. 1719150
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>>1717505Fuck your post made me check Amazon and they have the grid notebooks from this year discounted. I bought two. On the positive I’m currently using up all my planner and writing supplies.
No. 1719736
>>1719723>Plus it is time and space away from screens and in a way it grounds me in a physical worldThis.
I also find it easier to plan and focus when away from a screen.
No. 1721049
>>1717364All these figures are fucking hideous and I say this as a figure collector
Bunny figures are ugly coomershit and her resin statues are random bullshit for the sake of random bullshit (and adding up the price) with no real artistry going into them.
No. 1721075
>>1721049Caroline was one of the few bunnies I wanted (despite her giant bust) since she had some decoration rather than being the same body/suit with a different head like 90% of bunnies, but that video has just made me drop her from the whishlist kek Why are her eyes so faded…?
No matter how much you want a figure I don't get why people pay almost 1k dollars in the aftermarket, even if you had the money why would you want to give so much money to someone who is scamming you?
No. 1721116
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>>1721115Forgot the picture because I'm a dumbass.
No. 1721155
>>1721116if absolutely set on buying it, can you sell any old figures you already have and don't care about anymore? I think it's helpful only to keep stuff as long as it makes you happy and get rid of it when it doesn't
(btw despite how much people hate fates i really like conquest, so i preordered her too, sorry)
No. 1721183
>>1721162I made an amiami account months ago because I was interested in the Ace Attorney nendoroids that were announced at some point but I cancelled the preorder because I knew I wouldn't actually make them pose or anything. I hate how figmas look. A figurine like Corrin is perfect for me though, I really like FE Fates and the character.
>>1721146>They are peak consumerism.Yeah no shit Sherlock, that's why I posted here. I know it's a dumb idea but I have the money for it and I'm really picky now so I know I won't buy another one until a few years later, if I ever buy another one (unless male Corrin also gets a matching figurine then I'll get that one too).
No. 1721184
>>1721158If you're from EU (I'm assuming you are, since you mentioned her price in euro), try buying her from CDJapan, their prices are usually a bit cheaper and they handle VAT for you so you don't pay extra for handling fees on your country.
The figure market is now oversaturated and even companies struggle to sell their stock, so if you ever regret buying her you will have a hard time selling her. Keep this on mind and only get her if you truly like her and don't mind never getting those €150 back.
No. 1721203
>>1721146>Way to show what characters you love>Beautiful works of art in a lot of casesThey're basically on par with any other form of artwork (like paintings and pottery)
Some of them are pretty shit but that's true for every medium. Obviously people over collect them but they're not automatically bad.
No. 1721347
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>>1721285I blame youtube beauty gurus, they normalized buying the very most expensive luxury products, even to the very poorest women who should never have even heard of those brands. It's such a disservice to women. And most of it isn't any better than drug store products, they get fleeced twice. 20 years ago it was unheard of for normal women, let alone girls, to buy a $40 eyeshadow palette or face goop. Now it's just normal for women and girls to have >$200 worth of eyeshadow palettes that are 50% ugly ass colors they can't even wear.
I absolutely do not encourage anyone to buy cosmetics off of wish/temu/aliexpress, but maybe the one nice thing about people going cheapass is that they will move way from the idea that that every woman is wrong if she doesn't wear more expensive industrial makeup than a Star Trek character.
No. 1721351
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Why the fuck would you ever do this? Shit’s expensive
No. 1721359
>>1721355I usually go through 1-2 per year, so that’s enough perfume for at least 168 years, more or less.
Not accounting the fact that this screenshot is only around half of what she put here.
So more like 336.
That’s enough perfume for 4 lifetimes.
And think about what other things she could’ve put that money towards.
No. 1721363
>>1721351I enjoy having like 3 bottles of nice perfume and maybe 5 cheaper ones to rotate through but this stuff makes no sense. You literally can't even enjoy them aside from having a goofy ass bottle hoard.
It's like when people buy a million purses, I enjoy rotating through like five nicer ones with my outfits but some of these girls have so many that they've literally never taken them outside.
No. 1721365
How the fuck do you look at this shit in your house and think “I’m not selling this”? If I somehow acquired this much perfume I would literally resell it all at a higher price except for maybe one for myself.
She’s either spoiled rich or a hoarder.
>>1721363Yes, at that point it does look goofy
No. 1721372
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>>1721370Tbf the ones I have are pretty small.
No. 1721416
I live in a 100 year old house that had belonged to the same family for nearly that long. Everything has been kept and cherished since the late 1800s and I am just fascinated by every single scrap and piece of fabric, paper, all of it. I think about how cherished each and every coin, ribbon, button, every single item was to its past owner and how little possessions an individual had to their name. We are so spoiled in this age, even without trying, it’s unavoidable and it’s taught each generation to appreciate less, to be capable of less, to accept cheap and meaningless debris over the quality and skill that was required before the majority of the Industrial Age swept in. Imagine having to pick two of your possessions. ALL of your possessions-makeup, shoes, games, toys, trinkets, and that being the majority of what you have along with you for the entirety of your life (extreme example, I know) but it’s just so insane to me the value people put into such mundane items that they didn’t even produce nor have the skill to produce themselves. I could go on forever, its honestly overwhelming.
No. 1721891
>>1721347most of palettes are scam. i prefer single/duo eyeshadow or eyeshadow in pans which i can use to arrange my very own palette with colors i actually use.
i agree that more and more expensive cosmetics are shilled and this mentality "you need expensive stuff because it's "better"", it's hard to find cheaper stuff promoted. i have bunch of vintage magazines from the 90s and difference is massive, as they shown stuff at different price points more often. you got cheap, midrange and expensive, luxury stuff shown. something for everyone
>>1721351fragnatica users are batshit. the amount of money spent on this is insane. i'm glad perfumes i want (older cdg) are expensive so it very likely will limit me to getting only one of them.
No. 1722100
>>1722086Same here, I always prefer to wait for sales on actual shops than buy from those sites. Even clothes bought from stores with quality control have to be washed a few times before wearing because the excess dye can be harmful.
I prefer to pay $5 for a simple tank top than $5 for a nicer one but that may give me skin cancer. Plus there are tons of tutorials for upcycling & styling up simple clothes now. I learnt 3 basic stitches and change my basic clothes with simple materials to make them look nicer.
No. 1722139
>>1721380if you don't buy useless shit like nails or stickers, but actually what you need, it's just the way it is. I'm poor myself and I bought some cheap stuff I needed for my flat from those sites. In the end the stuff you can buy in most stores is the same as you can buy there. I won't buy stuff you can see that it's actually stolen from a smaller artist and I don't buy clothes unless I really need something and then mostly from Vinted, because it's hard to find clothes that are not made out of 100% plastic these days.
And honestly, I don't believe most companies that claim "fair wages" and stuff like that. I worked somewhere where we would make clothes and the designer selling them told everyone it was handmade in the city and stuff like that, wanting a lot of money for the clothes, while our wages were nowhere near fair. I also knew another woman working at a designer, sewing the stuff, sending the example to a country with lower wages, they would produce the collection and back here they would sew the label inside, therefore it was made in my country. Sure, it's nice to think that there might be honest people and good companies out there, but especially in the fashion industry I don't believe anything. I rather spend my money on high quality food I enjoy than on clothes just to be stylish, etc.
>>1722086>>1722100sometimes you will find the exact same item on Aliexpress that you would find in stores. Once bought a Zara coat for 1/10 of the price it would have costed in the stores and it was 100% the same item. But I agree with you and don't buy clothes at Shein or Primark or stuff like that, I dislike having stuff made out of 100% polyester. And I would also never buy cosmetic from there, might be cheap, but I can get cheap stuff in my country, too, and then I know that it's probably tested before and the ingredients on the label are actually what is inside the product.
No. 1722183
>>1722139I hate the fact that I walk into a thrift store in my backwater backwards country and see shein and prettylittlething and boohoo and shit on sale there, for prices that I know are higher than the clothing was originally sold, but no one here has any idea and the clothes look "trendy".
That's how I ended up with a couple of shein pieces myself, through a thrift store. Both I got absolutely dirt cheap tho - a sports bra that is so plastic I use it as a swimwear top (holds it's shape and doesn't become transparent in water, so yeah, I really don't know who would use it as a normal bra or to excercise, because it's the least breathable piece of clothing I own) and fishnet biker shorts. You can't fuck up fishnet.
No. 1722211
>>1721347>>1721891I mostly agree, though drugstore makeup tends to have sketchier ingredients, particularly in the super pigmented stuff. Not that more expensive makeup avoids all
toxic ingredients/pigments (anything green is going to be chromium oxide, for example), I just notice way more of them in the cheaper products. Also, if you have pale skin but you don't have peachy/orange undertones, you are kinda SOL with drugstore foundation colour ranges, especially since it's almost impossible to find colour mixers anymore.
I've gotten kind of bad about consooming makeup, even though I try to avoid obvious cashgrabs like buying palettes and seasonal shit, because I gradually swapped it for painting when I got too busy and mentally fried to do actual art. It's fun and all, but it's damn expensive for glorified face paint and really not the same.
No. 1722290
>>1722211Eh, a lot of drugstores even do k-beauty now and I found a perfectly serviceable foundation (well, bb-cream with good coverage) there. I would say my skin is very pale, but in an unhealthy way and I still managed somehow.
Also there are even good brands of cheap as shit makeup on Aliexpress and such, you just have to stick buying with certain stores who have certificates and are official. I'd say there's nothing really wrong with cheap makeup if it satisfies your need.
My issue is more with makeup in general and that fact that apparently everyone needs it (well, every woman) to be taken seriously.
Like if you go to a job interview, even trying to drag yourself out of poverty, you're expected to dress nice and have nice makeup/hair/nails and such or you're considered either unprofessional or not trying enough for the position.
I had to put on a blazer and such for an interview for my current job to which I sometimes arrive with an unwashed face or not perfectly clean hair, but they keep me there because of my skills. And to even get my foot in the door, I had to "doll up" despite being out of a job for like 6 months and surviving on family handouts.
No. 1722375
>>1722211most high priced cosmetics have shit ingredients and don't work better than the cheap stuff. We have a consumer magazine in my country that checks things for their ingredients and toxins and most of the time the expensive stuff is at the bottom of the list because of all the things inside. And the expensive things won't even perform better. I've got a nail polish from Chanel and it's the worst stuff I've ever had, while I've got one from a smaller brand that doesn't use many very
toxic ingredients, is cheap and it stays on my nails for a week without streaks or bubbles. Same goes for the mascara I use, I have one from a drugstore brand and it's better than the stuff I used from other brands.
But the foundation part is very true, I'm pale with a cool undertone, I can't find anything in drugstores and if you are sensitive to fragrances, there isn't much left to use.
After years, I just learned what I use and what I don't need and won't buy anything except I need something new because I used what I had. For example, I don't need fake eyelashes, I will never wear them, so I don't need to buy them even if everyone does it or fake nails or orange nail polish.
No. 1722703
>>1721150Because anons in this thread are addicted to hentai and buying cheap plastic.
No. 1722774
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I just saw an ad for this. This shit makes me genuinely angry. This is so horrible for the environment AND CHILDREN. NGOs and the government are breathing down our necks every day about everything that we buy and use for real needs, and yet companies can make something as polluting and fucking gross as a stuffed toy that sheds a whole softball worth of polyester carpet fibers. This shit will never go away, it's fucking up the environment forever, for no reason.
No. 1722886
>>1722774>>1722778these seem entirely designed for these social media posts where people just manipulate colourful materials like slime and glitter.
people will jsut film themsleves taking these apart and call it asmr/stim/whatever. most retarded content imaginable. social media really rots peple's brains
No. 1723055
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>>1722774Bring back Mr Grass Head.
No. 1723287
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>>1722778Man kid's toys fuckign suck now-a-days.
>>1723216I watched the video, the idea is that you pull away the first layer of fluff, and it reveals a different design. Like you pull away the fur on the panda and it's a pink or rainbow bear underneath. NerdECrafter said that these were hard for her to find so I guess they are a hit, but I don't really understand why kids would want to pick fur off of a toy? Maybe it would be fun for a kid to play in the fur for like 2 minutes, but after that it's gonna be forgotten about so all of that waste is for nothing. I know picking and peeling and squeezing is very popular, but there are actual like pimple popping toys that are probably less wasteful. They could make like a cute doll with slime pimples or something. And what happened to just putting Elmers glue on your hand and peeling it off?
No. 1723320
>>1723298I seriously hate how everything either has to be a gacha toy or a toy that mimics a gacha with the whole “ohhhhh with a surprise inside!!!!” Which is packed in a bunch of boxes and plastic bags that you won’t reuse btw, it’s obnoxious.
Idk, I get having one (1) or two toys with some sort of unexpected surprise like an extra special plastic horse or another pair of shoes for a doll, but making it the whole aspect of the toy is boring, I can imagine there’s many kids that get very frustrated over not getting the actual toy they want, mostly based on the stuff I see whenever I see a toy and think “ok, that looks neat, how much is it?” And then I see people sharing tips and shit on how to get the toy that your child actually wants instead of seeing a disappointed child that’s obsessed with the color pink but that got a green toy instead.
And yeah, yadda yadda “kids need to learn that they can’t always get what they want” but I don’t think that’s how they can be taught such values.
No. 1723467
>>1723287>Maybe it would be fun for a kid to play in the fur for like 2 minutes, but after that it's gonna be forgotten about so all of that waste is for nothing.that's the whole point of these toys really. they're not meant to be anything but a kovelty. and then once the gimmick is done you go on to buy the next one or watch the next video. they're not meant to be played with, the whole point is the gacha/collectivle aspect
and posting them on social media.
fucking insane that we're killing the planet over this.
>>1723320"it's showing kids they cant always get what they want" is a cope. people will just end up buying the whole damn range. Especially because that's what they see on social media, others having massive collections.
not to be a boomer but i donnt get how you can watch cintent based on just people opening purchases and showing off their oossessions. i can't imagine anything more braindead.
No. 1723705
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>>1723320The amount of plastic waste is just horrible. Plastic recycling is a scam, this stuff is just wasted for no reason.
No. 1723860
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>>1722774>>1722778my god I want to a-log the people who sell and buy these things so fucking bad.
No. 1724270
>>1723705I hate these barbies so much!!! I am a doll collector since childhood and modern kids' barbies are just SHIT.
Clothing with pockets and zippers and collars printed = zero texture for enrichment and motor skills.
Molded details = limits creativity in creating outfits, because you only can do so much if your doll has a molded top/colored legs.
And most of the price goes into huge obnoxious boxes and wrapping every extra thing in more plastic for "a surprise", god fucking damn it.
The whole appeal to drive the sales nowadays is surprises and weird gimmicks that no one would actually use. Like these color reveal or whatever reveal barbies need cool water to activate the feature. So you have to keep water in the fridge for a doll?
The only playline barbie dolls I like are cutie reveals, the box depicts the doll inside, packaging is mostly cardboard, but there's still everything packed separetely inside. But the gimmick is nice because most of the outfit can be turned into daily clothes.
Career dolls are a JOKE. A chef and a makeup artist with printed aprons filled with tools? How are you even supposed to play out the career in question?
Sage for extreme doll autism.
No. 1724476
>>1724270Kids don't give a shit about barbie (they're into rainbow high and lol surprise), they're probably more popular with millennial women who liked the new crappy movie at this point.
I think barbies are probably just given to babies for teething.
No. 1724481
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>>1721936>Even the most stunning ones now just blend into wallpaperGotta disagreee I think there's a lot of really gorgeous ones that have come out within the past few years.
No. 1725479
>>1725209There is a special place in hell for people who try to scalp something that is free.
This gave me flashbacks to when the pokemon center was opened in London for a limited time. Sucks because i wanted to get myself a little something from there but couldn't get in because the queue was insane and i could see a bunch of grown men who were blatantly scalpers leaving with bags and bags of merchandise.
No. 1726279
>>1726040Tbh I agree lol
>>1726259Yeah. It was supposed to be a family event. I think it was a cute idea to get children involved in art, it's grown men who ruin everything with their stupid shit
>>1725479I'm sorry to hear that
nonny No. 1726321
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>>1726285>any pokemon merch is inherently ruined because of manchildrenliterally every single person who was shown in that stampede video was a grown ass man, the pure greed caught on video is a bit scary. men just shoving and grabbing armfuls of whatever they can get their hands on so they can post in "pokeinvesting" groups to boast about how much money they're going to make reselling this stuff. most of them don't even actually like or care about pokemon or the museum/art aspect, they're just greedy consoomers.
im jealous though, i would love to go to a museum where there's a pokemon crossover No. 1726334
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>>1726331But you guys don't remember the beany babies craze of the 90s? Even back then adults were hoarding shit. What about all the pacman/mario/sonic collectors that started in the 80s/90s? Barbie collectors?
No. 1726747
>>1726537It's never been about kids,
nonnie. They say it might be, but it's really about these sites being able to get advertisers.
No. 1727293
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>>1725188This has happened a lot in the last 2 years with manga, at least in europe.
In particular, France and Italy, which are the countries with the most manga series, started doing "variant" (which doesn't mean like an actual variant copy, but like a random illustration put in the vol.1 of a series, it's not an actual variant per se, as if the artist did it, it's just them slapping random shit on a volume 1 cover or putting the title in a foil effect) releases with almost every volume in major library chains so grown ass men (it's always them) and jobless zoomers flocked to buy those copies and scalp them. The result? They bought each other copies in a sort of retarded hot potato/buck game, where actual manga readers just laughed at them or got mad at them because there were no copies left for the actual fans and now, these "variant copies" are sold for cheap shit on ebay because they don't know how to get rid of them. Kek.
No. 1727298
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>>1727293You can read the price, it's 1€. One fucking euro because these special copies are meant to get people started with the series, this guy can't get rid of them because he wants like 60€ for all of this, I wish scalpers and their buyers would get a job
No. 1727607
>>1727348>Ntayrt but this reminds me of how popular five below hauls have become. It feels like a way for people to pretend they can afford whatever they want for a minute and have the dopamine rush Can you please post a video
nonny? I've never seen this before.
No. 1728785
>>1727298>>1727293Same shit with comics. I hang out in different comics communities, including reddit (don't judge me, it's a legit good place to get recs and be in touch with current comics news, since /co/ is now a pedo central).
We have some retard every day who still thinks he can make a fortune by selling some shitty comics left behind by his dead relative. It's difficult to explain to them that most comics post 80s are basically worthless, they still have that idea in their minds that The Impossible Shitmen #1469 is some holy grail of comic books. And they ask those questions in comic book READING community, not collecting one. The majority of the user base doesn't give two fucks about rare editions and barely know anything about collecting. Can we just read our funny books in peace without MCU faggots and fortune seekers annoying us all the time?
No. 1728801
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>>1728666people who buy and collect slime, literally paying out the ass for glue and eyedrops with dye and plastic bits in it because it's satisfying to play with for 5 minutes before it gets dirty and covered in lint. you'd have to be retarded to buy it, you can just make some at home since there's recipes everywhere online on how to do it. not to mention the thought of all of those plastic beads and cabochons sellers like to put in them ending up in landfills until the end of times makes me shudder.
No. 1728817
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>>1723065Yes, relatives moved to the house via horse and wagon with their possessions. The garage still has the original wagon yokes and lanterns. The house is 100 years old but their possessions from before came with. On mobile and can’t seem to attach more than one photo. Here’s some dolls I’m trying to salvage from the mouse shredded boxes they were in.
No. 1728830
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>>1723065Sorry if I never made it clear, the house had enough in my husbands family for that long, it isn’t just a house with the previous owner’s things in it. His family has been the previous owners for nearly 100 years. It’s amazing to see photographs from inside and outside the house and seeing how the times have changed. A family member was a profession photographer in the Edwardian era so there are just tubs of beautiful photos mostly of the family. Very beautiful quality. I try to restrict how often I get into stuff like that because I could look at if for literal DAYS on end.
No. 1728834
>>1728830*has been
Stupid typos
No. 1728873
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am i the only one here addicted to thrifting? it may be one of the more ethical ways to consoom but i’m going broke and i just spent my money on some clothes even though i have plenty unworn i’ve thrifted previously. i bought a doll too and i felt like i needed to have it because i always wanted it as a kid but my parents never got it for me. it was hella expensive too. i’m also kinda obsessed with depop and online thrifting sites which is even worse because sellers tend to mark things up. i need this to end because my dad is a hoarder and i don’t want to go down his path
No. 1728966
>>1728666Any collector tbh. Just spending money to stockpile a bunch of shit you won’t even use just seems pointless to me. I don’t care if it’s books or purses or figures, all collectors are low key cringy to me.
>>1728902They’re basically just ready made vacations that require little to no planning so I do get the appeal. Yes, an actual vacation exploring and enjoying a place you really wanted to go to seems better but organizing something like that requires more effort than a lot of people are willing to put in. Also, if you have a family with children, cruises are one of the few vacations where you can dump your kids in the ‘kids club’ and actually enjoy some time to yourself.
No. 1729129
>>1729104I feel like LL Bean definitely dropped in quality after they got rid of their lifetime guarantee. I mean comparably they’re still ok when you see how bad other brands have got but they aren’t as good as they used to be.
J Crew has gotten a lot worse though. I bought some stuff from them in the beginning of the year because I gained a bit of weight and quality was awful. Half the stuff was see though and felt so bad. Like I checked the materials before ordering but it made no difference because the products themselves felt so bad when they arrived.
No. 1729181
>>1727325I wonder whether those types of toys actually help people with picking or pulling disorders. Small blog, but
I pick my cuticles. Its not solely about removing the skin. If I'm nervous, I pick to get the pain sensation which offsets my anxiety somewhat. Bad I know. I'm working on it. This idea about helping people seems like a thin excuse for justifying their product. If people who pick got less urges from toys, wouldn't psychologists recommend they buy rugs or something to simulate picking and pulling without the damage? This is why these toys are so fishy.
No. 1729201
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I made this cute ghost with AI. Do you like her?(wrong thread)
No. 1729262
>>1727764That woman is so fucking annoying. Just the monotone droning on and on about every single thing and clearly misnaming some shit, I felt like I was listening to a lobotomy patient list their belongings, I don't know. Something is very unsettling about the lack of emotion and enunciation and education, but also the constant repetition for every shitty plastic bauble.
Who the fuck can endure 30 minutes of this, even unconcerned with the consoom??
Also funny thing - we have stores in my country that sell the exact same crap as 5 below, but these stores ask triple the price for what you can find this shit on aliexpress. Not that I would want to get any of it, I just go to actually be driven AWAY from the consoom, because it's absurd, these prices for literal plastic crap. Knowing it all costs below 5$ in the states probably explains why people are driven to consoom a 500$ amount of crap. Cheap! Cheap!
No. 1729264
>>1728666Plant/pet consoomers.
You don't have the right climate-control in your house for that plant. You can't take proper care of 10 cats at once.
No. 1729349
>>1728666Pet owners that make their pets endure korean 10 step-esque routines. It's a cat, it doesn't need any of that. They can keep themselves clean, they only need a bath if they get seriously dirty.