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No. 856121
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.
Previous threads
>>>/pt/366110>>>/pt/486300>>>/pt/633584>>>/pt/763213 No. 856197
We need a new AGP/MtF thread
>>856124Is Anna Slatz is @Slatzism on Twitter? I had no idea she was a cow, I actually just followed her the other day
No. 856231
terf cow thread in snow would be great. Slatz isn’t milky enough to occupy her own thread. The re are so many wonderful narc cows in those spaces though
No. 856314
>>856243He’s usually discussed on the YouTube general thread. I’m not sure there’s enough interest in him as of late to sustain a separate thread.
>>856197Seconding the need for a new mtf thread.
No. 856332
>>856316the existing ALR thread doesn’t even have 1000 posts yet
post there if you have new milk!
No. 856378
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Could we have a thread about Caitlin Doughty/Ask a Mortician or would she just belong in a youtuber general? She's overwhelmingly hated within the funeral industry, not because of her self-proclaimed "rabble-rousing", but because she's obnoxious asshole who romanticizes death and shits on families who choose to embalm (despite not even having a license to embalm herself). There's also stories about how she's bullied others within the industry and went full mean girl with her team to get a student expelled (Cait is a 37 year old woman who did this to a student at a college she doesn't even attend) over a difference in opinion.
Both stories are within the comments of these threads, including the now removed blog post where she accused another industry worker of trying to make death seem cool and sexy (as if Cait's Bettie Page wannabe look and ott theatrics in videos isn't the same?) and tried to play some feminist angle. No. 856430
>>856395I read her books too. I got the impression that the only reason why she got into the mortuary business was because she thought the HBO show 6 Feet Under was cool and she wanted to be like Nate Fisher. I really hated how she talked shit about families who lost their children and wanted a cremation.
>>856378I would love a thread on her, but I don't think there's enough material for that.
No. 856471
>>856432She seems cool to people who don't work in the funeral industry because she's ott. She's basically the ItsBlackFriday of the career field to normies and is the only "mortician" which non-morticians know of.
>>856389I know you're not serious. There are tons of cows here who have had threads started by hearsay and some of those are still going years after the fact. Hell, June's threads have been stale as fuck yet are permitted to continue. This comment feels like yet another one of those 'but muh fav can't be p-posted!'
No. 856526
>>856501>>856471nta, but I think that after we go through her books, we won't have anything to add. Her Twitter and YT channel is professional as far as I can see and don't really have any milk. Would it work better if it was a general death positive thread? Does anyone know if the staff members of her Order of the Good Death ( are milky?
No. 856750
>>856124Hey, I made an OP for the thread. What do you think? I am not sure what image to use, so I am open for any suggestion. I don't know much about Leah, Ella and Celestia, so their sections are a bit bare.
RADFEM COWSThread to talk about people who are radical feminists, but are batshit insane OR claim to be radical feminists, but are just using it to gain money and/or notoriety.
Warning: This is not a thread for ranting about TIMs, TIFs or COVID. Please go to the respective containment threads for that.Anna Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces for the leader of a Neo-nazi party in Canada.>Currently making a transition as a financial guru and stocks investor.>>>/snow/1244909Vanessa Vokey
>Anti-mask psycho who compared face masks to hijabs.>Assaulted a female voting booth worker for asking her to wear a mask.>YouTube recently deleted her channel. Murphy
>Founded the website Feminist Current and was a radfem.>Ditched her beliefs and doesn't feel comfortable calling herself a radfem anymore.>Writes articles about feeling sorry for men nowadays. Tverly
>Unhinged radfem who makes crazy rants on YT and thinks that hygiene is a tool of the patriarchy.>Made a video of herself freebleeding in response to Contrapoints.>Peed on the toilet seat and the floor of a public restroom because of a troon. Androphobia
>Anti-vaxxer, who believes that COVID is a fake pandemic. Dyess
>Former radfem who claims that was brainwashed by Julie Bindel to join the TERF cult>Currently in transition to become a man and working on a anti-TERF film
>Radfem with white supremacist ideas>Holocaust denier No. 856792
>>856750This is great
nonnie, I cant wait to participate in this
No. 857026
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>>856750I hate that so many of the popular faces of radical feminism are anti-vaccine. It really blows a hole in "muh facts"
No. 857064
>>856610Comingupfern is her main. AliceandFern and Radfemalice are her alts.
She’s full nuts. Along with what anon said she also claims being vegan will prevent sunburns and lets her rock eating kid bask in the sun with no protection. Car accident that killed her first kid that docs tried to save via C-section was most likely caused by her. Her 2nd rock eating kid was born at home alone and unassisted with no medical attention or follow ups ever. She’s totally against modern medicine for herself and her kid. Rock eating kid doesn’t have a bedtime and she lets him do whatever he wants at 1 year old. Her husband looks busted and sounds like he works all day and plays video games all night. Somehow they’re able to afford a brand new build home that she says their future children will be sequestered to! This is just the tip of the iceberg and she posts multiple times a day basically all day.
No. 857354
>>857327I would take it to the YouTube general thread
>>>/snow/1273919 to start out. If people seem interested enough to maintain a convo there, then you could make a new thread for her and not have to worry about it being DOA
No. 857378
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Can we get a thread for DID fakers like this potato-faced cunt?
No. 857382
>>857378 I've been hoping there would be a thread on these cunts, and to be honest, Jilian (TheSpriteCompany) is a cow in the making. She's got such a punchable face and the weird shit she does with her eyes and talking out of the side of her mouth is enraging. They can never just have alters called "bob" or "Karen", it's always some ludicrous shit like "Salem" "Zephyr" "Morpheus" or some equally idiotic name. People who know her IRL have said her family is aware she's faking but they don't call her out (probably because they'd have to deal with her).
She often fucks up and catches herself right after but still posts it for some reason and if you dare question her she spergs out. She's one of the cringiest people on Tik Tok and that's no easy feat.
No. 857558
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>>856378Hey funeral director anon,
I am still working on Caitlin's potential OP. I would just like to know some things before I post what I have:
- Is there a legitimate reason to believe that embalming is a scam?
- She really harps on American funerary practices. Are they that bad in comparison to other ones?
- Are alternatives burials better than traditional funerary services?
- To what extent is dark humor acceptable or normalized in the industry? I am not sure how
valid are the complaints regarding her jokes about dead babies, overweight corpses, a suicide
victim's mental state, etc.
I am combing through her books. Pic related is about her teenage years.
No. 857574
>>857558>To what extent is dark humor acceptable or normalized in the industry? Not knowledgeable, but it seems insane to me for those to be a norm, at least in public. Maybe people in the industry joke when clients are not around, to blow off steam… but I cannot imagine it being normal.
Hope someone with actual insider info can tell more.
No. 857586
>>857558Ok this is anecdotal but maybe you can find more. I dated a guy whose family ran a small funeral home and it was super important to them to keep up appearances in public. Maybe it was just a small town thing, but maintaining a respectable reputation as a funeral director seems like it should be a priority. Cultural awareness of various funeral practices is important. Treating the dead with respect & dignity is part of the code of ethics for Funeral Directors but membership to that is voluntary.
Also never read any if her writing but I could hardly get through that snippet. What a terrible, self-involved author.
No. 857589
>>857558-There's seriously so much which encompasses embalming as a topic and unless someone has had a horror story-tier experience with a very unprofessional funeral home, its difficult for me to understand why she thinks its a scam and her only gripes seem to be money and green burials being superior. I'm perfectly fine with alternative burials, many funeral directors are, but its also just not for everybody. Cate also acts like funeral homes don't try their hardest to work with a family when it comes to figuring out something painless and cost effective. I completely understand that there have been some homes out there which had taken advantage of the grieving, but rather than educate the public on what to look for in a home, she throws the baby out with the bathwater. Embalming also largely helps families who have a loved one that died in a particularly gorey way and they don't want the last image in their mind to be of that scene. Bodies also arrive in varying conditions in modern day because of advances in medicine, so its likely that by the time a body reaches us it has jaundice, gangrene, etc and embalming helps a body look more presentable.
-I also cannot speak to whether an alternative burial is 'better' per se, because its ultimately what the family/deceased wants. Some people would rather have a green funeral, some people would like to be cremated, some people want their body donated to science, etc. And, at times, there's even some discrepancy as to which method is being taken because say someone passed and the spouse and family don't agree on what should be done. A death is upsetting as it is, add that on top of it.
-Similar to what
>>857586 and
>>857574 have stated: Maintaining a respectable and trustworthy reputation is important. I'm sure some people have told jokes in private, maybe even with the family if they knew them well enough, but to call it a 'norm'? That's.. strange, because that isn't what I've seen at all. We didn't even tell jokes at the funeral of a family member of mine who passed earlier this year. We've never told jokes like that, public or otherwise, at the home I work at.
>She really harps on American funerary practices. Are they that bad in comparison to other ones?She harps on so much that I'm frankly having trouble remembering what specifically this one pertains to. I'll try to answer more after work. I appreciate the help. Also, I completely forgot about that bdsm club excerpt and its, frankly, kind of revolting.
No. 857594
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>>857589>>857586>>857589Thank you, I was really weirded out by her jokes, but there is a snippet in her book where she says that you have to develop a sense of humor to cope with what you have to deal with in the industry. So it made me uncertain if it's something that I could criticize.
>She harps on so much that I'm frankly having trouble remembering what specifically this one pertains to.Mostly that America is afraid of death. She criticizes how detached people are from death, which makes them unable to be prepared and plan/customize their funerary services. She paints the industry as greedy and insensitive to the grieving family's needs. There is a section talking about Mitford's The American Way of Death, which also criticizes funerary directors for only caring about business.
No. 857597
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>>857589I am adding another excerpt from her second book where she criticizes the Board of Funeral Directors and Embalmers.
No. 857598
>>857558>>856378the book sounds milky but is there enough fresh milk to supply her own thread? i vote for posting her in the general youtuber thread for now.
now if there are more funeral industry cows alongside her that sounds like it would make for an amazing /snow/ thread: goth drama but with a professional coat of paint.
No. 857669
>>857598I have the same concern. Most of Caitlin's cowish behavior is in the past as far I can tell. Her social media seems professional, so I am not sure how long the thread will last. Is there milk behind the scenes? I guess we could also analyze her videos. But she doesn't even writes the scripts for her yt videos anymore, she has hired 3-4 writers iirc. I would be open to making the thread more open, something like "Caitlin Doughty and the Death Positive Movement". If any anons know of more funerary directors cows, I could include them in the OP.
I took a look at the members of the Order of the Good Death and most of them seem normal-ish, albeit a bit cringy. There is a Hannibal fangirl who makes creepy looking food, a puppeteer who makes shows about grieving, a smell of death researcher, a post-mortem jewelry designer, a professor in medieval death, a diorama maker that recreates crime scenes, etc. They remind me of the group of teenagers who gather around the cemetery at night and read poetry.
No. 857670
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>>857589I finished the OP, but it's subject to changes if people feel that it should include other cows from the industry. I would appreciate your feedback.
Caitlin Doughty/Ask a MorticianCaitlin Doughty, better known online as Ask a Mortician, is an American mortician, author, YouTuber, and death acceptance advocate. She is overwhelmingly hated in the funerary industry for:
>Joining the industry for fame and aesthetic.>Putting out incorrect information with dubious or no sources.>Getting a college student expelled from a college she doesn’t even attend over a difference of opinion.>Having a history of bullying other women in the industry over petty reasons. >Trying to paint all funeral directors and embalmers as crooks who take advantage of grieving families.>Pretending to care about the families’ wishes, but shaming them if they choose to take an approach that she doesn’t approve.>Fetishizing foreign funerary practices while demonizing Western customs.>Writing insufferable NLOG-y books with quirky humor. BooksSmoke Gets In Your Eyes
>Full of pop culture references and disrespectful comments towards the dead and their families. For example: flippant jokes about cremating dead babies, mocking a dead baby’s name, bashing a woman for being unprepared for the death of her mother, shaming the mother of a dead 9 year old for using the wrong credit card and choosing a quick cremation, etc.>Judges grieving families harshly when they don’t deal with death as she would have.>Defends a tribe’s practice of cannibalizing their dead while criticizing American hospitals for being too clean. In her eyes, this means that Americans are scared of facing death.>Suggests letting the elderly die to fight against overpopulation.>Caitlin went to BDSM clubs to get tied and whipped as a teenager.>She attempted suicide because a guy friend rejected her, then proceeds to have sex with a random hitchhiker she found outside of her hostel.From Here to Eternity
>A travelogue of her experiences with other death practices from other cultures that she has encountered. >Western traditional funerary practices are all bad, but whatever other cultures do is cool.>The more time with the corpse of your loved one, the better you are at accepting death and mourning the right way. For example: People spending years sleeping next to their mummified family members = Great. People cremating their family members after a viewing = They treat their dead like zoo animals.Will My Cats Eat My Eyeballs?
>An illustrated Q&A book targeted to kids to come to terms with death.>Filled with cringe jokes and outdated pop culture references.Social Media Other Links No. 857673
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>>857671I have the digital version of the book and confirm the baby cremation game.
No. 857678
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>>857670Thread looks good anon, my only feedback would be to use a thread pic of her ridiculous thumbnail faces. Picrel relates to the baby cremation speedrun and I didn't even edit it, this is actually one of her thumbnails.
>>857673>C'mon, girl>You get after that goal!I read this in her sassy Twitter blaccent.
I'm not sure if the thread will take off as other anons said there isn't consistent milk, but I'm glad others are recognizing how fake, cringy and tone deaf she is.
No. 857685
>>857673It's already so despicable that she has this death business as a kind of lifestyle.
But that is just too fucking much, bitch.
No. 857687
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>>857670>She is overwhelmingly hated in the funerary industryBased on two handfuls of comments from ONE subreddit, which also includes a fair number of neutral or just "I just don't vibe with her" comments - not exactly "overwhelming hate", unless you take 10-15 redditors opinions as "overwhelming". There were about 3 redditors who hate her so much that they make several (non-short) comments in the first linked thread. One of them even appeared in BOTH linked threads. People who don't like her mostly don't like their profession being shit on (specifically how pretentious Caitlin can get surrounding embalming practices) or have a personal problem with her. which can be milky - but where's the evidence outside of reddit?
>Putting out incorrect information with dubious or no sources.>Getting a college student expelled from a college she doesn’t even attend over a difference of opinion.OP making a claim from a redditor, which could be considered "incorrect information with dubious or no sources". This is one of the milkiest bits on Caitlin, and it's not even verified.
This is such an unmilky thread. Caitlin Doughty doesn't fit into the general types of cows that fill this website. She has an established job, some clout, and isn't even recognizably famous outside the death community. She no major problems outside the bad "baby cremation game", being kinda cringe & pretentious, participating in the BDSM community (which isn't even inherently milky, but is the closest to common cow behaviors), and redditors' claims that she's a mean girl. There's not even real evidence for the mean girl shit, and the stories are not even from the people she's allegedly bullied. She is such a normie as far as lolcows go. Kinda weird so many farmers have a hate boner for Ask a Mortician.
Prove me wrong anons. Fill her thread with non-ancient milk that isn't Western-centric egoism or defense of the exploitation that is baked into capitalism. As if Caitlin's callous attitudes towards some aspects surrounding death are so far off from the callous nature required when you turn death into a business, such as passive aggressively telling clients they don't have to worry about staying late at a viewing or service - that the funerary director will just bill them for that time, or turning down the temp, or turning music so loud guests can't conversate or just lurking in a corner, staring at the guests, hoping they'll get the message to leave. Maybe the most milky thing about Caitlin is that she is a hypocrite by participating in the industry and services she criticizes (like embalming).
(whiteknighting) No. 857689
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>>857687Even Caitlin herself acknowledges how much she is hated in the industry.
No. 857711
>>857687Agreed with your post until
>Western-centric egoismWTF? I agree that farmers harping on her for criticizing capitalism are ridiculous (she has a point!). However, if she truly says that all western funeral practices are bad in comparison to everything else basically just because it's ~exotic~ and therefore ~natural~, than anons aren't 'western-centric egoistic' when calling her out…
No. 857834
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seems like @tiny.bangs on Instagram is in quite a bit of discourse after not paying the illustrator for her art in a book she published about her "non-binary" child she exploits on a daily.
comments on @littleguntank's post calling her out (the artist in question) hint that this woman has been on a downward spiral, lashing out and generally going psychotic on social media for quite a while
it's all fakeboi discourse but i haven't seen anyone mention it anywhere yet so i thought i'd bring it up here
don't know if she's milky enough for an actual thread but she is a pretty obvious basket case
No. 857837
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>Since there’s no onion thread as of yet, I’ll have to put it here:
Someone I follow on Facebook shared one of onion’s pics and blurred out his face and alias then replaced them with Taco Bell, found it funny and decided to share
No. 857854
>>857642its like two posts and they are about how she is the lolcow ideal
why do u guys love her so much?
No. 857969
>>857866Maybe put her in YouTuber General for now as there's not any milk. Agree she's got deranged bird person energy and is probably a little milky, but the Salvation Army thing is such a reach kek, you know we don't cancel people for being
problematic here right?
No. 858260
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Is there any milk from Alicia Amira?
She's an adult actor who is trying to spearhead a pro-Bimbo movement, runs a fashion line, and gets into fights with other Bimbos all the time because she has a weird ownership over it. She has done embarrassing TV interviews talking about she thinks bimbofication should be an empowering thing for women.
I've heard little rumours and whispers that she's a complete narc and compulsive liar prone to having occasional meltdowns. If anyone has milk, I think she could be good for a /snow/ thread
No. 858957
We need a new MtF thread
>>858890ohhh pleeeease, can we have a thread on her?
No. 859164
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New Luna thread?
I think we got a shout-out.
No. 859224
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Not sure if she's ever been posted before but here it goes:
Dove Clarke aka LoveDoveClark (on ig and twitter)
>100k+ followers on twitter
>nonbinary, she/they/he, used to tell people her name was Clarke but now gets angry if you call her Clarke because she apparently changed her name to Dove
>claims to have "like 5 jobs" including posting ads on instagram and making candles she sells online for $50
>claims to have or had anorexia
>constantly brags about making 6 figures and having a "6 figure business", but also gets income from onlyfans
>also likes to brag about buying luxury things, meanwhile she drives an old toyota
>had a white boyfriend that she used to claim looks like ryan gosling or something
>constantly talked about how amazing her boyfriend was, how great he was in bed, etc.
>she and boyfriend break up
>suddenly boyfriend does not look like ryan gosling anymore, she calls him ugly on social media and says she was out of his league
>now constantly talks about how abusive, narcissistic, and horrible he was the whole time
>literally does not stop fucking tweeting about her ex
>ex: he brought some of her candle molds back to her apartment after the breakup, she says she had to take her anxiety meds because she is genuinely terrified of him/was shaking and thought he would come up the stairs, he does not enter the apartment building and instead leaves her molds in a bag outside the lobby door, she then posts pictures on social media talking about how childish he was for doing so instead of bringing them inside
>even after constantly posting about him and claiming he's abusive on social media, she still tries to contact him for ~*quirky*~ reasons such as wanting to use his cast iron skillet and wanting to pet his dog one last time
>she can't because he blocked her on everything lol
>says she is completely over him
>fucking random guys now, claims to have "replaced" her ex within 1 week
>has insane rabid followers who constantly praise her degeneracy, promiscuous behavior, and egg her on
>literally will defend her through anything and jump on anyone who questions her, despite there being obvious holes in her stories and despite her being an unreliable storyteller
I could go on and on but I'm not sure if anyone else would be interested or if anyone else knows her?
No. 860234
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Songbyrd ASMR
>incestous couple (cousins)
>neglects child, people are trying to get CPS involved
>the woman was fucking her cousin as a teen. Her dad found out, she lied about rape, and the cousin used her letters and emails to expose her for lying
>has a super weird relationship with her father. Lillee Jean level developmentally delayed by this
>the husband in picrel is related to her but not the cousin from her teen years
>has a whole sub dedicated to them
>the husband is an active Redditor and novelist
>generally uncomfortable to look at
>the kid (evan) is used as a prop in videos from time to time but other family members have stated that they have to intervene and cut his nails/wash him/feed him
>the milk is constant
No. 860251
>>860246>>860246>>860242>>860234SongbyrdASMR thread here >>1373871
Can someone with Facebook and Instagram post the links to their socials
No. 860604
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RoluevasReisa— deluded DevianTartlet scamming artists who thinks the rest of the internet is against him because he was called out for accusing a 17 year old of saying he raped her. Calls himself a bisexual for women points, but hates gay men.
Also posts absolute lunacy whenever he gets the chance.
No. 860614
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>>856121I would love a thread on the artists Alex and Allyson Grey and their Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. I used to think of them as inspirations when I was younger but now as an adult their whole organization seems so weird and culty to me under the guise of visionary art. I did a little digging and found an instagram with some allegations against them and thought there might be some milk to be had as they are both pretty active on social media with the goings on of their "church".
No. 860615
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No. 860616
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No. 860617
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No. 861212
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>>860604Building off of this– No, he didn't move to China, obviously. He only simps for china's authoritarian regime and pretends to live/visit because he has a fetish for asian women.
Judging by posts on his twitter– @Eric56511171 – he can't even read or speak mandarin and would have a low social credit score as a furry weeb who works in tech support for AT&T and likely lives with family despite being 31. He'd much rather spend all of his money commissioning furry porn and drawings of his emaciated, but still basketball-tittied and dumptruck-assed oc, but only at a discount because his oc are so high-quality and deserve to be seen, you guys. You should be honored to draw them because only some artists are worthy of his sheckles, and if they show any sign of being an SJW commie, then he will let them know before blocking them and accusing them of being okay with child rape.
And no, he doesn't take critique, and if you say anything that isn't an ass-pat, you're an "sjw commie"… yes, the guy who has a hard on for china and their superieru society also hates communism, but has a problem paying for art.
He's basically mundane matt or the quartering, but with a severe never-ending erection that needs to be satisfied with ERP. Again, he flip-flops between being bisexual and pansexual, but only so he can seem like a black-sheep republican gay™ when he complains about liberals, which he does a lot. What's a liberal to him? Anyone who says his OCs aren't sexy, or says he's wrong about something.
This guy claims to be everything under the sun as long as its beneficial to him in a given scenario. He's claimed to be a born and bred american, and an italian immigrant; He goes between being a totally not gay because gay sex is icky guy, to an out-and-proud bisexual who will date all genders just so he can call people a faggot and not get shit for it on his social media.
This isn't even touching his wish-fulfilment writing that reads like a teenager trying out writing a space opera with bimbo aliens that are always down to fuck, but then he tries to insert things like rape and murder with zero consequences for his mary-sues and all the tact of a hammer to the groin. Nor does this address how he acts like a reasonable person to every artist he works with before throwing a tantrum if he has to pay three dollars more for his revisions because god forbid the titties still aren't big enough.
Oh, and his girlfriend? Probably the fifth online "girl" who just needs a little of his furry porn money so they can visit.
This retard is fuckin special.
No. 861213
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>>861212And totally not a furry, you guys.
No. 861695
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Can there be a League of Legends twitter thread already? The amount of drama, catfishing and pedos in this community
No. 861699
>>861667Please elaborate kek
No. 861796
>>861674Strippers who post content on YouTube
Cristina Villegas, Sarah Kamilla
Poppy & Rosie, Rosie Mason
No. 862084
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>>856121Mickey Deer needs a new thread, she just got another face tattoo
No. 862380
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Is there already a dedicated thread for Mommy Blogwhores aka women who post about (and even NAME) their children on the same social media accounts they pimp out their OnlyFans/sex work and talk about their sex lives in graphic detail? I can think of several off the top of my head who might not be milky enough for their own threads but I imagine there’s enough of them to have a thread about it, especially on TikTok and Twitter
No. 862386
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Samefag but along with Zoe Zaina Durant aka 2inthepink on TikTok there is Marissa Cloutier aka DigitalPrincxss who posts her butthole all over Twitter, claims to be “protecting her son's privacy” while naming him on her porn Twitter. She was arrested for child neglect in August.
No. 862482
yet i also find it suspicious how quiet he has been of late.
No. 862640
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would anyone be interested in a thread on true crime youtubers? i haven't watched many of the grwm/storytime videos (although those seem incredibly tacky af, and surely full of cows) but stephanie harlowe has been on my radar for a while, and she's pretty cowish.
>she's doing a show on another channel with a male cohost derrick levasseur (big brother 16 winner) and sent him picrel for christmas
>comments have speculated they're swingers, because stephanie uses pineapple symbols on the 'crime weekly' podcast merch (stephanie has taken time to address this on video)
>had a twitter fit, which resulted in the blm community raging at her on twitter during the 2020 riots
>any time anything comes up, she bitches about it in videos
>most of her 'research' is read word-for-word from other sources, or just fanfic that she creates as she goes along
aside from her, any time there are big cases, youtube explodes with people trying to claim that their youtube channel is a news source. the gabby petito case brought a lot of them out - 'true crime with natasha cooper' was one that had some especially bad hosts, who would mostly yell at the chat during their nonstop livestreams.
No. 862649
>>862640I'd be interested. I've never watched any of those "makeup and true crime" duckface thumbnail next to murder
victim's picture YouTubers before but, having an interest in true crime, I know of them and would read a thread about the milky ones.
No. 862658
>>862640i'd be interested in this too. stephanie is annoying as hell. i don't mind her coverage of stories but i dont like how much bullshit musing she does about how certain people "must've felt" or her weird tough girl contrarian attitude.
i remember she got reamed on guru gossip some time ago because people found out she voted for trump in 2016 and her daughter came sperging out defending her mom kek. i will say i don't buy the swinger thing. i think they just combined two random words to be ~wacky~ at the end of one video and didn't realize pineapples were a swinger thing (i'd never heard of that either) but because stephanie is stephanie they decided to just dig their heels in instead of coming up with something else.
No. 862660
>>862657thanks for the video rec,
nonnie - i'll check out this video while i work on a thread.
>>862658that sounds about right, kek - i've seen her daughter promoting her mom's channel on random crime related subreddits.
ty anons. i've got some good feedback and ideas to get a thread started, and will try to post one within a day or two.
No. 863500
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Would a Tammy Slaton/Slaton sisters thread work as a stand-alone or does it fall under Celebricows?
No. 863560
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We need a thread on snow on Neo nymphette "dollcore" coquette fashion girls and I hope someone makes it. There's a lot of potential milk, they post drugs, gore, bugs etc
I don't think I'm competent enough to do this thread justice but if anyone is interested please make this thread on /snow/ and link it
No. 863561
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>>863560I love the idea! Yesterday I stumbled upon picrel and was viscerally disgusted because the description still sounds like a pedophile's dream with the whole "timelessly old little girl uwu" crap
No. 863572
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>>863564Please yes. Someone make a description of the coquette fashion aesthetic shit with all the other names it has and make the thread. Please I beg. Like come on this is nymphette 2.0 but with woke zoomers it would be an amazing thread
No. 863680
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Romanianon, the crazy schizo bitch that loves to post bible sized rants on /ot/ about her crazy slut antics deserves a thread. She's a narcissist that loves to threaten suicide and victimization, and she has molested children and harmed animals in the past. And she keeps saying how beautiful and smart she is when she's absolutely retarded and looks below average lmao. She plans to murder her cat and family and then off herself. Also, her friend Steven who is a moid and loves to bait needs to be there too, both are annoying and gross. Either admin permabans them or they deserve a thread
No. 863738
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Still waiting on a new Mickey Deer thread.
No. 863758
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We need a thread on one sperging beast known as Ashley Marie McDuffie. She's a fat pot of gold that's waiting to be uncovered. Check her Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram (Privated and only posts on Friends Only) sometime, she has no filter whatsoever.
She's bipolar, has aspergers (or autism, same goddamn thing), and used to chimp out pretty frequently on video, though now she just chimps out on text posts. There used to be a video of her and her brother slamming a cat into a bedroom door but no one orbiting her has been able to uncover it. Probably deleted it. Same with her nudes that she posted on her public Snapchat story for all to see (actually used to have these but not anymore sadly).
She also apparently has been to Juvie as well, but since your record gets wiped after you turn 18, I have no evidence of this either (though if I had to guess, probably the cat or a chimp out gone wrong).
There are a few accounts on Instagram that have documented certain chimp outs, including one with her alcoholic dad calling her a fat bitch, to which she just blows the microphone out in reply. Another one is her verbally abusing her mother while her mother is having a totally different argument with the Dad (who was supposedly high as hell off of opiates in said video).
Her Dad is somewhat of a lolcow himself (James Ernest McDuffie Jr). Posts a lot of pictures on Facebook of him drunk, high, or fucked up.
It's more sad than entertaining though.
I've been wanting to do something with her for sometime, both here and KF, but lack the archives/pictures to do so. I have links if anyone is interested, though lolcow is still something I'm figuring out. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
No. 863781
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>>>/snow/1410169Made the coquette core thread
No. 863834
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The Wonderland system. DID faker who Claims to have over 200 alters. Many not human, currently a meme on Tiktok for those who are aware of her
No. 863913
>>863834There is a DID thread in snow.
She looks like an absolute beast, there is a lot of they/them fatties that claim to have did. I guess larping as special queer trannies isn't special enough for them
No. 864021
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New mommy blogwhore dropped
No. 864143
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I’m surprised Leslie Clark (@ cat_not_your_woman178 on tiktok) doesn’t have her own thread.
>faked being trans for money
>fakes being pregnant multiple times for money
>made hate accounts bullying and threatening actual pregnant women
>claimed the actual pregnant women were the ones faking it
>pretended her nephew was her son
>dated a man named Perry somewhere between 2 days-2 weeks back in 2018 and is still obsessed with him
>makes tiktoks about him at least once a week
>Perry faked his own death to get her to leave him alone but it didn’t work
>Perry is a wannabe gangster who says the n word and is in and out of jail
>He would use Leslie whenever he was in jail to send him money
>Perry was arrested for sleeping with a 14 year old girl
>Speaking of minors, Leslie constantly tries to get with them too
>She sent a 16 year old boy unsolicited nudes
>A 17 year old named Tyler started dating her as a joke but she didn’t realize it was a joke and would also make tiktok obsessing over him.
>He is now 19 and she is still obsessed
>She neglects her pets. Her dogs have very matted fur and her cat had a broken leg.
>She refused to take the cat to a vet and never posted it again
>She has said the n word and refused to apologize saying “justin bieber has said it, it’s no big deal”
I’m sure there is more that I’m forgetting
No. 864333
>>864258There's a new Mickey /w/ already, anon.
>>>/w/191839Plz post the horrifying video.
No. 864413
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Can we please get a new Heather Explores thread? I've never made a new thread before and I have a feeling things might be getting milky soon.
No. 864418
>>864413Maybe when there’s actually new milk or a new Ryan to obsess over?
Her ‘big announcements’ always end up being something mundane - like her going to the salon and getting the exact same hair trim for the last 2 years - she’s gotten quite boring, even her freak outs in her car alone are routine now.
No. 864523
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I would love to see thread for NFT cows or a general cryptobro thread. The NFT community is chock full of the most retarded people you've ever met and the amount of keks that have been milked from them by the wider internet in recent months is insane.
No. 864551
>>864549Same shit as always -
No one cares for a new thread until something new actually happens - yawn.
Wake us up if the mythical OF saga ever starts.
No. 864612
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Whatever happened to the thread on Treacle Tatts? maybe i was imagining it but i'm sure there used to be a thread on her. if not she needs one. Reasons why:
-she thinks she's an authority on tattoos despite not even being a tattoo artist herself and having some horrid pieces on her body
-she does a lot of reaction videos and has said some questionable things about people then backtracked when called out
-she broke up with her boyfriend and is dating someone else now but has seemingly changed her entire personality to match his interests
-she started with lip fillers, then chin fillers, now she looks like a puffy bloated mess as is typical with people who overdo it with dermal fillers
-she cant do english proper. But seriously she talks like English is her second language, always grammatically incorrect or doesn't know basic words, bizarre to see
No. 864713
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I wonder which John’s balcony this is
No. 864751
>>864714That went well.
>>864747Maybe make it a bit less kiwi and a bit more not shit next time. And sage the seethe.
No. 864774
>>864768Starting to think this is Heather self posting for interest - Still boring.
Just move on with your life girl - no one cares enough to make a new thread about your common antics.
No. 864801
>>864774Not the anon you're replying to but I've missed my girl Heather for weeks.
>>864768Ignore self post sperg anon and make a new thread, I doubt anybody cares too much about the op being updated when she's been in the same cycle for years.
No. 864840
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>>864839Samefag, but if we're making a bimbo thread then I want to suggest this woman. She's terrifying (horrifically deformed looking) and constantly showing off on social media
>The most unusual operation I had was very recently, on my vagina. I custom designed it, so I have the fattest in the world. I almost died during my last procedure. I had to get two blood transfusions. The doctor said I was losing so much blood and turning very pale. He thought I was going to die. I felt nauseous for a whole week, and I thought I was dying and had a bad allergic reaction to my new blood I received from the transfusion. No. 865153
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Desperately need a Zoe Durant thread even if we don’t do a mommy blogwhores general. She finally got bullied into taking down the naked photos of her daughters that she had attached to her OnlyFans promotion Insta account, now her new thing is posting about how she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and posting her Ls about her chimpout Kyle scrote
Zoe Zaina Durant
TikTok: 2nthepink2 & 2npink & xozoezxo
Insta: xozoezxo
YouTube: K’oe Kulunaki & 2nthepink
Twitter: @thatonegirlzoe
No. 865214
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Need a new Luna thread. She's finally getting evicted!
No. 865223
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Need a Foodie Beauty thread.
>Crazy self obsessed mukbanger who smokes weed on youtube live 24/7
>Is obese but to this day keeps eating takeaway day and night (insists she is super sexy)
>Farts, burps and is generally a slob live. Has notoriously been known for actually shitting herself in other peoples beds
>Has cheated on every man she has been with
>Lives with her brony ex in their semi-hoarder house
>Blocks viewers who comment on her videos calling her out
>Is very bpd
>Always lies to viewers, tells one story about her life then backtracks and says it wasn't like that
The recent milk is that she's been dating some refugee on parole (stabbed 2 women in 'self defence') for 7 months however he insists they only dated for a week. She's been love bombing him, going to his house unannounced, turning his phone on and off, paying off all his finances and generally just being a crazy motherfucker. She has been a cow for years but just yesterday she has haphazardly cut off all her hair after rocking up at his place in a jealous rage and having the cops called on all of them. There is good milk with this cow.
Youtube: BigBeautifulMe
Insta: foodie_beauty_official
No. 865340
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has anyone heard of this guy? he goes by Joseph Marshall TV. he's active (was, I guess) in the Thomas the Tank Engine and Johnson and Friends communities. He somehow managed to fuck up every single meaningful relationship in his life
>obsessed over several girls, to the point of spending egregious amounts of money on them
>jacked off in his friend's bed
>blackmailed relevant people in the train community, leading to a many people growing hostile towards him
>gate-kept a living, breathing person
>a bit of a racist
it's a bit of a pain because he deleted his socials after his last breakdown
No. 865540
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I'm too lazy to do it but can someone make a thread about the webcomic "boyfriend". Is made by a virgin aiden with autism and supossedly about gay men but this is neither how men nor humans act… The webcomic went viral for bad reasons and retards are calling the author a "violent homophobe" because of it
No. 866023
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twitch streamer fauxre is boring but could be a lucrative source of milk if pushed, thinks she has like a dozen stalkers and whines and complains about how hard it is to sit at her desk all day and have simps throw cash at her. says she hates it but won't get a real job. she quit for a month then came back because no one cared about the pity party she was throwing for herself. kinda feel bad for her cuz her fanbase is just men who value a "not like other girls" type and she's too unstable to handle it. autistic af has no idea how delusional she look for posting the shit she does on her ig posts and youtube(Cowtipping)
No. 866459
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are we leaving onion's threads dead? he's uploading content under youtube kids.
No. 866507
>>866459I want to die. This is what happens when the farms stop paying attention.
>Chibi song!Back at it with those lolsorandumbxD characters
No. 866591
Can we please try having a dieting and exercise harm reduction thread?
Or can someone point me where to get actual good information on what to do to lose weight or maintain weight loss that isn't just tumblr iced black coffee uwu stuff?
Are there forums for this sort of this anymore?
This is something a lot of women and girls struggle with their whole lives so why couldn't there be a autosaged thread in /g/ to avoid triggering anyone? I grew up being the fat girl and it was really traumatic the way that scrotes and other women treat you, now in adulthood I've glowed up and maintain a healthy weight, usually on the thin side although during quarantine I gained a bit. I don't want to die, I don't want to glamourize a horrific illness, but I want to maintain a low (for america) body weight, something like 110 at 5'4. Your entire life changes and people treat you so much better when your thin, it's sad but it's a true reality and one I specifically have to live with very much in my current city. Is this specifically not allowed from the mods? I used to binge/purge and stopped cold turkey after I read something on a medical website, but posted it to a different harm reduction website and a few other people told me that it helped them stop as well. I think it could be a net positive because it's not like this site isn't already women
(and men ig) bashing women for their behavior but also a lot of the time their appearances.
A support and harm reduction thread for girls who don't want to have their lives ruled by obsessive food thoughts but want to know what exactly to do in terms of diet and exercise to be thin but not have any health problems. Sorry for ednoschan sperg but like I just feel so sad for the years I spent hating myself, growing up overweight and being bullied by men and women about it, and I don't want to be here, now, mid 20's and feeling the same way, that I am going to turn back in to a punch line and the fat friend. If anyone is interested I would be happy make one or sincerely if anyone can tell me if there are forums or subreddits or something that is what I am looking for let me know.
Also Isn't it hypocritical that there are 45plus threads for anas to nitpick others ana's (and its clear a lot of them are very seriously ill) appearances and food choices but there's no harm reduction or support thread for people who want to lose weight and feel better about themselves but don't want to turn into skeletal obsessive compulsive empty shells?
No. 866593
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No. 866596
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Don’t scrolll
No. 866605
>>866591r/fatlogic on reddit was pretty good at parcing weightloss bs from realistic and maintainable lifestyle changes. They also understand what a real 'healthy weight' is and won't ever tell you your goal is too low unless it's below your healthy bmi. They don't shame bodies just bad logic about weightloss and what a healthy weight is, aka fat logic. But, it's reddit, it could be a dumpster fire by now, I haven't been on it in years.
I'd be interested in a thread like this, my background is similar to yours. I think r/fatlogic helped me avoid an ed as a young adult tbh. I had to be conscious weight for horseback riding.
No. 866628
>>866605Fatlogic helped me lose weight healthily too, years ago, but visited it last year and it felt like it went downhill. Lots of people awful at recognizing trolls/bait and a bunch of reposts.
A thread documenting all the garbage advice would probably be a great in between of the proana and death fats threads. Plus there's so much misinfo out there it wouldn't be hard to find material probably.
No. 866806
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>>866591I agree. There’s basically no safe spaces left for women who are not retarded anachans but don’t wanna be fat (and struggle with weight for whatever reason) we can also have a thread making fun of HAES/pro-obesity influencers because oh boy is that a whole thing.
No. 866875
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Can someone please make a new Alice Bender thread? An anon summarized below
Some things to include in the next overview:
- ferns developmental delays (not speaking, late walking, etc)
- the possibly fictional housing development
- killed her rabbit with an avocado
- used to have 2 cats, where’s the other one?
- pregnancy #2???
- no 5g or microwave but uses phone 24/7
- doesn’t wear shoes
- straying from tradfem into SW, mentions of only fans
- fern walking issues (hip displaysia from incorrect baby wearing and lack of vitamin d/b12?)
- where is her ring? Did fern shit it out?
- basically said she wanted to leave Caleb and live in a van and give birth in the front seat with her feet shoved in the seat creaveces.
- HER FUCKING CARPETS, they need an entire thread of their own. We have 3 pets and vaccine daily just like we brush our teeth (oh wait..) but seriously. That’s months of dirt and shit and disgusting filth. Barefoot everywhere and dragging the filth home. So gross.
- the cats litter box situation - bc there’s no way she’s cleaning it consistently.
- if she really was pregnant and excited and cared about herself, why wouldn’t she be going to the naturopath at the very least, and could get fern checked out at the same time. Idk just a thought… if she were in her right mind maybe these would be actions that would show that)
No. 867346
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There should be a thread about these two (OKBaby), particularly Kyra
No. 867478
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Dasha’s been producing some milk lately, just posted 3 stories about Chandler’s alleged horse kink. Anyone else interested in a new thread?
No. 868206
Is there enough content for viktorija tolstaja/tasermalinoisdog?
>tiktoker who deliberately puts her dog in stressful situations for clout/attention, revels in being an abusive piece of shit
>mocks people who offer advice
>allegedly feeds it live lizards, cats, rats, etc— these animals never make additional appearances on her account, and she lives in a small apartment, so I doubt she’s keeping three lizards, two snakes, three cats, and more.
>even if she doesn’t, she puts these animals in situations with her Belgian Malinois where the dog tries to bite/eat them, encouraging aggressive behavior
>brags about not training her very violent pet that could potentially hurt other people/animals.
>dog is clearly over or understimulated— she’s posted videos of her dog mounting her, attempting to attack strangers, assaulting other pets
>had a German shepherd in the past that was also put down for attacking a little girl, but the only archives available are mirrors because she flew under the radar.
No. 868475
>>867370 maybe we need a "stan twitter icons" (for lack of a better word) general thread to discuss whoever the popular cow of the month is on there?
lovelypeaches/lati k/hrh collection/whichever mentally ill individual those fags will gas up next don't feel milky enough for separate threads, but I'm sure there'd be enough for a general?
No. 868538
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Would nonas be interested in a thread about the disappearance of Carly Fleischmann?
While looking her up here (to make sure there aren't already threads on this) I saw that she's been mentioned in the past in other threads.
To summarize:
Carly Fleischmann is a former youtuber from Toronto, Canada, co-author of the book "Carly's Voice", and overall prominent figure in the autism advocacy community.
She was diagnosed with autism and motor apraxia as a toddler and she's non-verbal. She communicates via typing. She planned on being the first nonspeaking talk show host.
Prior to her disappearance she was featured on ABC news, she was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and she was also reacted to on the Fine Brothers' React series. She also interviewed celebrities like Channing Tatum on her YouTube show.
Now the shady part:
>She used to be quite active on social media, up until February 2019 when she suddenly disappeared, after making a Facebook post disclosing that she had been sexually assaulted by her father's boyfriend, and that her family was trying to gaslight her.
>After that, the post was deleted, her personal Facebook account was nuked and someone claiming to be the "admin" of her public page made a new post apologizing and claiming that the page had been hacked.
>Since then all of Carly's social media accounts have been completely silent, for 3 years now.
>Her family claims she's doing well, but the whole situation seems very shady. Her followers are worried because she's in a vulnerable situation and because her father has done some crazy shit in the past, like forcing her to do a controversial ABA therapy (which Carly said it caused her lasting trauma) and electroshock therapy (which her own father admitted it gave Carly brain damage). Now it seems like Carly's either lost access to all electronics/social media, or lost the hability to communicate altogether.
This might be some Gypsy Rose abuse type situation, but idk whether we would be able to dig up enough info on the two dads and the current situation as to keep up a thread. It might just turn into endless speculation.
No. 868542
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>>868538Doubleposting to share some screenshots together with context
No. 868546
>>868542What the fuck, thread asap honestly.
>>868544Me too,
nonny. This poor woman, I hope nothing nefarious has happened to her.
No. 869217
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i’ve been aching for a thread about this bitch but am retarded know it will be shit if i do it myself, this is “Jojo”/Moonchild.etc (will have to do further digging for a full name) she is a morbidly obese tiktoker who gained notoriety for claiming to be diagnosed with anorexia (not atypical even) despite her entire life for the past few years being available to the public and she has not lost any amount of weight in that time. Most recent milk is that a few days ago she started a gofundme for $5,000 to get service dog for unspecified mental and chronic illnesses (aka munchie wokepoints) but is seen going out to dinner and getting her nails done in her very next post the day after. The fact that it’s almost entirely funded was the tipping point for posting, fuck this gay earth
No. 869444
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Is anyone else interested in a thread about Megsuperstarprincess? She’s a self proclaimed blogger and stylist. I have no idea how to create a thread but if anyone made one I’d be happy to post screenshots etc.
No. 869463
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>>869451 a good rundown might be this insufferable article in the cut, her whole thing is larping the "indie sleaze" cobra snake 2007 hipster era. >>869444id be interested but i think she's not milky enough for a thread solely focused on her. this type of person is vaguely in the same scenes as the leftcows, twitter waifs, and coquettes. i could imagine a retarded new york/"dimes square" narcissistic fashion and art world influencer general thread for all of these figures though, it could include people like her bpd friend trustfundgoth (picrel, has more cow potential imo) and that glamdemon2004 girl on tiktok, basically anyone that is profiled in these party articles and all of the less politics focused hangers-on mentioned in the leftcows thread
No. 869538
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>>869429now that Chantal's YT has been yeeted we have a little time to catch up on her lol
But you may be right that she's better off a KF cow, because rn they're losing their shit over it, and it's pretty funny.
No. 869886
>>869885I miss her threads. I had to skip through this but towards the end "If I had a baby then I wouldn't want to kill myself. "
Guess she just up and doesn't consider Dorian her child lol
No. 869956
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Some new dasha milk, currently hellbent on ruining Carl grimes life apparently
No. 870904
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>>866034you have no vibe,
nonnie No. 871098
>>870927Sage for sperg but Takedownman is a pathological liar and a cow on his own, SurvivingLife is totally worth a thread too IMO, but I'm not sure how many people are familiar with him.
I actually watched one of his darkweb documentaries and at one point he actually
interviewed 2 anonymous pedos who watch CP-snuff content and one of them graphically described her "favorite videos", so I stopped watching because it nearly gave me a panic attack. Even if it's "journalism" or "a documentary" it seemed really fucked up and borderline dangerous to give people like that a platform, even if they're anonymous (which makes me wonder if they were even real people, but the anonymous woman was so detailed about her life story I wasn't sure what to believe). Another fucked up part was when he talked about "legal alternatives" to CP-snuff aka random child abuse videos and filmed himself watching them (they were censored but still)??? What the fuck. There's no way this guy isn't secretly a pedo in some way. I worry for his wife and kids.
No. 871124
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>>869463>>869463I think a NYC party tryhards thread would be good, related to this anon since its the same scene, i wish someone would make a thread on rachel rabbit white, gross degenerate almost 40 writer plastic surgery addict prostitute coomer who calls herself a poet, writes extremely shitty poetry, unashamedly posts twitter threads bragging about how she seduced her husband by fucking a crucifix from st patrick’s cathedral, a church she visited for his moms funeral he was unable to attend, husband is nico walker author of cherry who went to jail for armed robbery while he was addicted to heroin, she only ever refers him as a bank robber and brags constantly about her drug use. there's more but i don't follow her that closely, could go in leftcows I guess. she's a sinister vapid person that writes terrible terrible poetry and gets a lot of attention for her woke sex worker branding
No. 871159
>>871098Takedownman did an interview with a girl who told him all about how SurvivingLife groomed her and a few other women into his cult. Unless she and a few other women are lying (and I'm inclined to believe they're telling the truth) I do think that takedownman giving her a platform shouldn't make her statement less believable
The thing about Ron is that I know exactly what you mean about him likely being a secret pedo. He spends his online life scouring pedo websites and interacting with nonces
No. 871894
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Not sure if anyone would be interested/I’m not sure I’m qualified to make a thread. Sorry in advance if this has been posted and for formatting as I’m on mobile
Without further ado- anyone else sick of seeing ‘Lord Miles Routledge’ aka the 4channer ultra trad catholic brit that went to Afghanistan during the fall of Kabul?
- A ‘disaster tourist’ that visits active war zones and areas of political/social conflict. Eg. South Sudan and most recently, Ukraine
- Is apparently single because he’s ‘waiting for a Catholic trad wife’ and wants at least five babies.
- Tweets misogynistic shit (see pic attached) and it gets lapped up by his ultra based dude bro twitter and 4chan audience.
- Another example being that if he had a daughter and she wanted to take a gap year for travel/personal growth, he’d send her to various war zones.
- Says he dreads going to England more than the Ukraine because it’s been overtaken by ‘woke propaganda’
- Admittedly does help out in some ways to the places he visits (Eg. Giving a pregnant Ukrainian woman a lift to a safe point) but not without making several tweets about it afterwards for asspats.
- Said ukranian dudes that coughed up 10k for a covert border pass to get them and their families to Poland were ‘cowards’
- Anti vaxxer, despite visiting potentially immune compromised children in their eWorld countries.
- Thinks you can’t be a real catholic if you support vaccination, same sex marriage etc.
No. 872585
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>>856121Brazilian nazi girl.
No. 872661
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Horrorcow alert! These two are Quran and Cheryl McCain, aka kingqurannewpage & oliver6060 on TikTok.
>he’s 24, she’s 61
>they’ve been married for 7 months
>appeared on Love Don’t Judge
>they allegedly met when he was 15 and she was 52
>have an OF/make porn together, often leaking clips to Twitter
>are trying to conceive/find a surrogate
No. 872677
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Can we make an IG models general thread? I don't think there is one.
No. 872678
>>872585Isn't South America notorious for nazis? Like the conspiracy is many Germans including Hitler fled to Argentina after WWII and he didn't actually kill himself.
Latin America in general has a racism problem. They still look down on "indios" aka indigenous people.
No. 872691
>>872681no, the war criminals went to neutral countries where there were already sizable populations that spoke their language
a bunch of Japanese came to Brazil earlier in the 20th century to work on coffee plantations
No. 872780
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>>866591i'm same
nonny here still stand by everything i said can we please have a eating disorder support and harm reduction general thread? tons of anons in the vent thread talk about struggling with eds
No. 874082
>>874031The mother, Kim, is the devil on earth. She's the worst bitch I've seen. When she gets in the scene everybody's joy is sucked out of their bodies, the slutty looking daughter gets incredibly uncomfortable when her mum comes in. Fucking love the Plaths
There's is a fundie thread on snow, check the catalog, maybe we can talk about them there
No. 874744
>>874383She posts constantly. In and out of rehab (appparently) and cringely larps as crazy fictional women eg- girl interrupted/Amanda bynes.
She is also constantly getting banned off tiktok and instagram and she's EXTREMELY defensive at comments asking her what's up even though she sympathy baits.
I've seen her insta stories where she's dancing flirtatiously with homeless men and she seems to have a weird relationship with her dad.
Body checks non-stop. Her homeless girl larping is hilarious because from what you can see in insta stories and photos her parents look quite wealthy. Her fans are all 14 year old edgelords who attack anyone in the comments to defend her.
I think she will only get milkier because she literally records and uploads every other minute of the day and overshares.
No. 874990
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Could someone post this? My laptop keeps being a fuckshit. Copy paste the OP underneath.
Instagram: [ed tumblr] [sw twitter]
>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and Lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)>25 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”>Has overdosed thrice>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides shitty art and poetry>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun>Started dating her (now 42) year old “fiancé” (hereby known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”. They’ve been together now for 7 years>has a following of impressionable young girls who she has convinced to “help” her during this “tough time” in her life>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>”I’m not trying to be Courtney Love!”>Tries to be exactly like Courtney Love>Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, etc>Constantly buys cheap shit on Amazon while complaining about being penniless>Milks her ex-gf’s suicide for struggle pointsHistorical Milk:
>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lost the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s sick dad) by squatting in his apartment and leeching off his social security until he died. They were soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom poverty home, ultimately drives her mother to relapse and go to inpatient >>795390>Her dad's apartment caught on fire; Luna spreads ashes on her faceSex Worker Saga:
>Then began a “sex work” career, taking grimy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money, looking more and more dead in every photo>Made premade videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829>Anon leaks a ‘commission’ video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, then takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off >>758647 WARNING: SAD AS FUCK >>758661>SW CAREER IS OVER >>760386>“Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turns up after being sent the dad video >>761016, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her SW twitter. Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037>Returns to sex work >>805775, >>810203 >A year later, anon drops “lurch gyrating Luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” vids that they bought but didn’t leak at the time: >>811491, >>811554Eviction/Sobriety Saga:
>LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600, >>810637 >Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker >>811724 >Electricity gets shut off >>813209 and Luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as "her landlord" despite admitting on facebook that they're not supposed to be there >>813354>EVIL TOXIC MOM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MOM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340>The apartment door lock has broken, Luna and lurch build sad little barricades >>816475, >>815981>The cops pay a visit >>813338 and find drugs, paraphernalia and a knife. Charges are filed against Lurch >>819990, >>822424, >>824442>As a result, Lurch now has to submit drug tests on the reg, and Luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos) >>821718, >>822657, >>823499, >>823823, >>824260>Luna keeps claiming to be sober >>824858, >>825465, >>827008 despite still taking fucking Xanax >>825462>”Abusive” dad relapses >>825466, is “dying” >>825993, >>826190, Meanwhile, Luna says it’s a “slap in the face” that her mother dares to be high around her >>826257>Freaks out incessantly on Reddit about her and Lurch’s stimmy checks as it’s clearly their own income>Luna and Lurch are attacked by neighbor’s pitbulls totally not while stealing >>831109Assault Saga:
>Luna claims to have been raped by a stranger in her building >>840784, >>840941 Anons infight about whether or not she's telling the whole truth>Reports the rape to the police >>841832, >>841834, It seems to go quite well>Police now don't entirely believe her rape story >>843957, now suspect her of submitting a falsified statement>Luna gets psych warded >>846413, Calls it the "worst day of her life" but not explaining why, posts unsettling selfies with her ekg stickers still on >>846458>Seems to be police-related >>847120, Current theory is she lost her shit when she took all of her klonopin and psych wouldn't give her moreRecent milk:
>Is getting evicted, somehow gets the date moved every time she goes to court>Dyes her hair a horrid brown>Lurch flirts with random girls on twitter>Neglects Pumpkin horribly>Gets two new tattoos and vertical labret, all look horrible>Still uses her 'I have no money for an ID/birth certificate' excuse so she can't get married to Lurch, even though she supposedly has enough money to pay months of rent upfront>Still a hoarder, but that goes without sayingtwenty one
>>>/pt/574429twenty two
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>>>/pt/869724 No. 874998
>>874990I got you thread posted
nonnie. Thanks for typing it out. You're a lamb!
No. 877063
>>877059I wonder if people would be ok with her being added to the camgirls thread? I know she's an OF person but imo she doesn't quite fit in the e-girls or Instagram general and would be better suited to the thread pumpy and charms are in. There's definitely no shortage of antics with hawk.
>>876672Fair, maybe you should go ahead and make it a thread in OT with whatever write up you can, and if a few people contribute with porn cows and milk, over time there could be a solid write-up, like the celebricow threads in OT. I could certainly contribute, whether about Lance and that particular circle, or a few others.
No. 877194
>>877063I did my best
nonnie, let me know if I should go ahead and make it or if I should add anything else
Porn Industry Cows General
A thread like celebricows but dedicated to the degenerates of the porn industry. Not to be confused with camwhores and sex workers. Talk about ex-pornstars is also welcome.
Charlotte Sartre@gothcharlotte
Charlotte is a porn star and prostitute named after philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. She’s 27 years old and married to her bisexual, currently-trooning husband Lance Hart, who is nearly 20 years her senior. They both live in Las Vegas, Nevada where prostitution is fully legal and they engage in sex work both on and off camera.
>Major NLOG>Does extreme porn including anal and piss drinking>Performs scenes with troons such as Natalie Mars>Known to fuck anyone and anything, including uber drivers for free ridesLance Hart@mamahartx
>42 years old bisexual man>Started off doing hardcore gay porn, eventually moving into fucking trannies >Even more degenerate than Charlotte>Recently trooned out to become Lucy Hart, a she/they AGP Mia Khalifa@miakhalifa
29 year old ex porn actress who quickly became a top porn star in 2014 after just 3 months. Notorious for pissing off the world and receiving death threats for her controversial hijab porn scenes with BangBros.
>Publicly disowned by her conservative family after entering the industry>Quit 3 months later>Currently still working as a cam model >Still reaping in the benefits of her dwindling fame and relevancy by streaming on Twitch and Youtube>Outspoken about the porn industry, tried to get her videos taken down from BangBros but failed Riley Reid/Ashley MathewsTwitter: @rileyreidx3
Instagram: @rileyreidl
29 year old porn flavor of the week in 2016 who would fuck fans and celebrities. Open about her promiscuity and claims to have been a cyberbullying
victim over the years.
>Married Latvian Runner Pasha Petkuns (@pashatheboss) she met on Instagram in 2021 after knowing him less than a year>She and her husband predictably received online backlash for this decision>No plans to quit porn >Once revealed to have raped her boyfriend in a movie theater when she was 14>After being called out for sexual assault, desperately tried to wipe this story from all her bio pagesLana Rhoades/Amara Maple:
Twitter: @LanaRhoades
Instagram: @lanarhoades
After leading a life of drug addiction, gang affiliation, and other poor life choices, Lana entered the industry at 18 after shooting for Playboy and marrying a man 9 years older than her.
>Another porn starlet flavor of the week >Has left and returned to the industry multiple times since 2016>Runs a podcast called 3 Girls 1 Kitchen area with Instagram models Olivia Davis (@theoliviadavis) and Alexa Adams (@alexaadams3)>Tried to start up her own NFT project CryptoSis which failed miserably >Fought back then deleted her twitter after multiple scammer accusations>Now a divorced single mother with a son of an unknown father>Vocally anti-porn, though still supports independent sex work Spoil all NSFW posts, do not engage with coomer scrotes, report and move on.
No. 877237
>>877224Why is it scrotey, because it mentioned sex? They're porn stars, of course their milk is gonna involve them being sexual degenerates.
Mia Khalifa's hypocrisy has been brought up in the celebricows thread too and I think talk of these ex performers who claim to be anti porn but don't practice what they preach is deserved
No. 877430
>>877226>literal whos who make porn get posted so why can't we make a thread for actual porn stars that are recognizable? what's the worst that could happen, right? I'm sure it will never be flooded with men posting porn or asking for porn. Men never come here or go to those aforementioned camwhore threads asking for nudes. Never happened once! You're right nona.
>>877269No anon please I swear it's not scrotes she's so milky and such a dumb slut, I mean camwhore, she's an eternal cow and needs to be in the porn star thread!
No. 877509
>>877430That's literally why you report and move on. Also the thread was going to be for
>>877063 this anon to contribute. Mia was just an extra for the write up since she was relevant to the scene. Why the fuck is calling an ex porn star hypocritical for continuing to do sex work male behavior? I swear to god everyone is a scrote at this point, right?
No. 878217
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>>877059I want a hawk and taylor/honey thread so bad! Supposedly they ditched the blonde in vegas and left her fending for herself on the streets, pretty fucked up
No. 878270
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This guy is definitely something, most of his drawings are variations of this, fetish? No. 878316
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I'd love an MLM thread, it feels like there's constant drama. Monat is imploding, Black Oxygen Organics just got shut down. Some of the big names like Jessie Lee Ward and Draymus are milk mines.
No. 878418
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Should Kailyn be discussed in the infinifats thread?
>>>/snow/1042077Obviously she’s not
there yet but lately she’s been leaning even more into body positivity (vidrel) and she continues to balloon. If that’s not the best place to discuss her, where would she fit? Perhaps others would be interested in a thread?
No. 878425
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>>878421>>878421Kailyn had never had jaw surgery but she did have pretty intense orthodontics as she looked like picrel before.
No. 878435
>>878316Seconding this. Would personal MLM cows be allowed? My friend's mom is an
abusive narc and a big name for Monat apparently
No. 878506
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Alida Simone 20 something shakes up with a dude in his 40s who gives her acid, she has no personality of her own and just gravitates to whatever interests her s/o at the time has which at one time was nazi ideologies and she’s obsessed with Lana del Rey and the whole daddy’s girl aesthetic but at the same time shames anyone else for liking her aesthetic or “stealing it” she now is a total dmtard and just goes on about energies and gives fake unqualified tarot card readings on her overpriced patreon because she is also obsessed with money and tries to make it any way possible through up selling used clothing to her followrs at prices that are higher then if you bought the items new in store and sells “clothing” she makes which is just leg warmers that consist of a piece of ribbon tied to a piece of furr and now elf crowns that are just dollar store wire and fake pearls for insane prices. Being a spiritual vampire bum who refuses to get a job because she herself says she wouldn’t be able to behave right to keep job must get expensive. There’s a laundry list of other ways she scams her followers and along with the classic deleting blocking anyone who brings up any of this to her or her current problematic ways
No. 878579
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"Wolf Bessy" or @quacknotlacking on twitter.
she is a delusional, fetal alcohol syndrome, wannabe gangster.
this is a 100 lb white woman and the "hood" she grew up in was an upper class gated community.
if I'm remembering correctly her current list of beliefs are:
1. she is psychically communicating with the band hollywood undead, and most of their songs are about her
2. there is a grand conspiracy to run her life as an experiment
3. she is planning to #savethekids, and I'm still not sure what that entails
4. she believes she is a stock trading genius and that AMC will go to the moon any day now
I have met her in person twice is the only reason I know about her, I can try to get more info from people who interacted with her more often.
No. 878580
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>>878579oh I forgot, she has alters or whatever they are called, and her main personality has "committed suicide" so now she is an 8 year old girl, and a super genius
No. 878581
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>>878580the "crew" is hollywood undead btw
No. 878583
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>>878581found it, here is her "callout" post for the
No. 878621
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>>878425I was totally thinking of Dani Adriana. They could be twins I swear. Kailynn has a kiwifarms thread if you haven't seen it yet.
No. 879088
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>>864841i agree. Marissa Matthews / shitmarissasays is cow material.
>fat activist, thinks fatphobia = racism>unbearable agressive behavior and condescending tone, insecure to the bone all throughout her whole layer of adipose tissue, gets people before they get her>likes setting "boundaries" "because people don't like them", just uses them as a means to control what everyone does, says and thinks>brags r/ihavesex style all the time to prove fat people are (she is) desirable. people suspect she may be an escortshe's just really enjoyable in a schadenfreude way because she's alllways raging on tiktok about the many ways she wants to micromanage the way people act.
No. 879092
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>>879088being stood up by a date bc she's psycho
No. 879095
>>879092>>879088when she was younger, she was already an annoying fat activist but hadn't yet spiraled down to the depths of entitlement, bitterness and rage she sits at now.
>>879091what, Marissa is an author lmao ??
No. 879512
Could someone make a new Luna thread? The thread pic is already decided I think
>>>/pt/879451 . I follow her on instagram and the eviction saga is coming up, no milk has happened in a long time I want all the farmers to be here for this.
I'm quite busy right now so I couldn't make a decent summary of the last thread, plus some legal burgershit I don't understand No. 879525
>>879461it would be fun, I remember she grew a yt following after hanging out with Christine Sydelko and Elijah Danial when they lived together. She promised if she hit 1 million subs on yt she would publicly post her sex tape, I don't think she was doing cam stuff yet back then or maybe just wasn't selling vids. Then when she hit her goal, after a few years and joining OF, made a bunch of scrotes mad by saying she wouldn't post it for free because all of her stuff was leaked on pornhub.
She also got away with posting shit on yt titled things like "I let my best friend have sex with my boyfriend" that was discussing how she recruited her personal friend to have sex with her boyfriend because she such a cool girlfriend and doesn't want him to get bored. I think at the time was was talking about how in love she was and how she would love to marry him but he didn't want to get married at the time.
No. 879855
>>879831>>879573yes please i beg
i know it’s not considered milk but dude the shit she’s putting in her insta stories these past few days has been hilarious
No. 880563
>>879461anon i would enjoy reading more about it, i feel so bad for lena tbh. i read through adams posts on some bmx forun 1 time, its still up, he made a thread called ask me about all the women ive banged then admits a bunch of creep shit, like a girl jokingly poured some water on him and he kicked her in the chest as hard as he could into a dresser, and cut all the chords to her playstations and stuff? i fucking hate adam 22 he is pathetic fucking faggot, sorry i cant remember the blog posts well but ik its still up. 100 percent an
abusive fucking asshole. also he used to be involved in the hardcore scene briefly and was immediately beat up and ran out of it. only place his shtick works is with like 11 year old hip hop fans who dont see hes obviously a fucking loser. and hip hop artists who want a no jumper interviewer because its influential and can help their careers
No. 880795
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Are there no threads on vanlife vlogging families? I was scrolling yt shorts and went down a rabbithole of these mobile home traveling rv vlogging families, particularly Red White and Bethune and Family of Nomads.
At first they seem like nice average families, but it starts to deteriorate quite quick when you go down the rabbithole. Im surprised to see they don't really get talked about much bc the comment sections of RW&Bs videos are FILLED with hate.
Hard to detail everything but RW&B has a chore list for their kids, where one of the chores is "make mommys bed" and clean everything and the moms chores is literally just like "edit videos and manage instagram". Their 3 kids sleep in these tiny navy looking beds(picrel, the dad is testing out the bunks) and are also "unschooled". they have a couple videos where they teach hands on learning to their kids by having them break apart the inside of a van to put insulation inside, and to cut wood. Its so bizarre, they have 3 kids and 4 dogs and cram them all into the bus even though they're landlords who own rental properties in florida
No. 880964
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>>880795I ended up going down a rabbit hole due to this. The van mom on this channel is an absolute cow, the cheap Groupon fillers, fas eyes, and gratitude hater video. This is an absolute chiefs kiss noninita.
No. 880982
nonnie. Starbucks has very recently been celebrating having unionized locations and slowly but surely I'm hearing rumours of absolute degens being the spearheads of the movement
No. 880998
>>880982it's true. they are craven degenerates.
I'm a little worried it could turn into a shit thread due to tinfoiling (there's already glowie speculation) or white-knighting, so I hesitate.
No. 881063
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Would anyone want a thread on Vox Akuma and his fans (known as Kindreds)? Vox has only been a Vtuber for 6 months but he's been pretty milky, he even said he's going to see a therapist for being unable to handle how successful he is, he just screams snowflake, some of the shit he pulled includes:
>Very keen on building parasocial relationships with Kindreds (minors present but he emphasizes that all Kindreds are mature enough), which includes flirting with each other, giving out kisses when asked through superchats (a paid message for Youtube livestreams), encouraging fans to make sexual fantasies about him in pre-stream chatrooms and during streams (in the form of superchats) etc.
>When addressing concerns about boundaries he said that he doesn't mind if the fans depend heavily on him till they find something else to depend on IRL, and the above interactions are completely normal, don't like don't watch
>Refuses to mark his office ASMR as for mature audiences only, which is erotic roleplay that includes workplace sexual harassment, dubious consent, face-stepping, slapping and forced blowjob, a minor even clipped it to translate to Chinese (the clip was taken down as of now)
>Previous ASMR is police roleplay, idk what horny stuff happened but in the end the listener gets beat up and sent to the hospital
>Replaces the background of a Taiwanese artist's White Day fanart with the Chinese flag to use as thumbnail for Chinese Duolingo stream, causing outrage among Taiwanese fans, he changed the background to pure red but did not apologize or address the issue
>Fujobaits by pairing himself with his genmates and other male streamers but unable to contain the fujoshits, notable example being shippers of Voxto (Vox x Shoto) harrassed Vox's genmate, Ike Eveland, during his Ib stream where Vox was guesting, sending superchats about how Vox should be with Shoto and not Ike. Only Shoto addressed the issue afterwards.
>Makes little to no effort to regulate his fanbase, Kindreds most recent autism being cancelling and sending death threats to female streamer of the same company, Reimu Endou, just because she sent him messages asking for help during his boyfriend roleplay stream, which Vox decided impromtu to include in his roleplay as a phone call from his little sister (no actual phone call happened), which the fans see as interrupting their date
>His response was to play dead for a day, then come out to say it wasn't his fault Reimu got bombarded with hate but the fault of rabid people that are definitely not his real fans, realize the problem did not go away, thus did a stream and tweeted asking Kindreds to stop and announced he would be setting boundaries ("I'm not your boyfriend"), breaking the hearts of many Kindreds only to backtrack the next day lovebombing his fans and claim what he did was for the good of Kindreds' reputation
The company he belongs to, Nijisanji, doesn't seem to mind him breaking company image because he's the most subscribed liver in the EN branch (over 800,000) and raking in the moolahs, unless he takes a hiatus milk will be steady from him
No. 881184
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Not a cow but def a snowflake. Just wondering on your guys opinion on "My Thoughts will Probably Offend you"
I agree with a lot of what she says. But she def stirs the pot on purpose but then pretends she didn't or has no idea what she did. But then will make 20 minute videos on how unbothered she is
I liked the content in the past. But now it just seems she causes drama on purpose for attention… okay like every other youtuber. I'm not even mad at her click baiting titles.
Even her other fitness bros she use to collab with disowned her because of her shit behavior. Obese to Beast being one
No. 881270
>>881268I agree with everything you said. Even the idea of just having a fitness YouTuber general
A lot of us do make fun of overweight people, but only if they're cows. These guys, including Michelle just seem unhinged all day every day. Bonus points if they're ex fatties themselves, those are the worst imo.
No. 881272
>>881200She mentions it every few videos that they're not friends
Basically she took her edgelord personality too far and decided to shit on the lgbt community one too many times to an annoying extent.
(Saying pansexuals/bisexuals are just desperate. shitting on trans because "Well I don't understand it as a straight woman. So I can hate speech them on my public platforms", joking about lgbt stuff in general. People just assumed it was because she didn't understand. But she has stated she doesn't want to understand lgbt people and don't explain it to her. Respect her straightness, but she can disrespect you. Can't do that if you're not on anon
Cherry on top was she pulled her
POC card to avoid back lash.
Ever since then, other creators refuse to work with her. Yes, she can say whatever she wants. But she hates the back lash. If you really stress her out she'll def throw her "
POC" and "I'm an ex fatty" card in your face.
She def let what little fame she got get to her head.
No. 881273
>>881272>Respect her straightness, but she can disrespect you.Lemme fix that
Respect her, but she can disrespect you
No. 881285
>>881272That's a thing I hate about her. She will say she doesn't understand something and then shit on people but then say she's open to other opinions. But people who disagree with her in the comments she will act the opposite. Can't take any criticism.
Also for a personal trainer and ex fatty she's really narrow minded and uses her own experiences as law. Like yes, PCOS didn't prevent you from losing weight, but it does for some people. And she also said that medication doesn't make you gain weight when it absolutely does? Not even a body positive deathfat sympathizer but she's real ignorant about some stuff.
Really want this thread now kek. I feel like she would be the type to find her thread and make a video fighting back on it.
No. 882071
>>881942I used this
>>396455 to help me with my first thread and just copied the formatting from older threads (cow rundown, socials, old milk, new milk, old thread links).
No. 882309
I'd like to see a thread made dedicated to incelcore artists. Honestly its some of the most lolcowy shit around. I'm not completely up to date on all the drama and everyone in it, but here is some highlights I remember.
If you don't know, incelcore is just this group of shitty 4chan edgelord musicians, many of which are literal highschoolers, who make "lofi" (not really its just shit that they call "lofi") music about being lonely and edgy etc. They operate mostly on twitter. Filled with pedos and druggies too.
Anyways some drama highlights:
>at a show, "Doomerfest" one of the performers, Brynne Miche, asked another bandmate to punch her on stage. When he actually did it and sucker punched her in front of a massive audience and on livestream she threw a shitfit and is now pressing charges>A girl who goes by Raven online and organizes many events and is dating one of the artists, greensontoast, made up bullshit and lies that another artist, Gezebelle Gaburgably, sexually assaulted her boyfriend and another artist, Gjallhornit while they were all doing psychedelics after a show in Orlando. Keep in mind that Gezebelle is a 17 year old highschooler and all of these people are in their early 20s.>a few artists were exposed as pedophiles, one of which being badtakesonly. A 15 year old girl responded to a "girlfriend application" he posted and despite knowing she was 15 sent messages about taking her virginity and sexually degrading her. She exposed him and after he deleted his online presenceSome accounts
Brynne Miche No. 882375
>>856122I thought his whole persona was just ironic
No. 882414
>>882354I wrote that comment and it has zilch to do with Luna. It has to do with raising lurch and letting lurch live at his apartment, along w lurch’s pedo junkie slag. What kind of person raises lurch? It’s not like he’s got some severe mental illness where you go “oh there’s nothing the parent could’ve done”; lurch is just a huge piece of shit and that didn’t happen in a vacuum.
Also someone make a new Luna thread.
No. 882416
>>882354Learn to read, you retard. Nobody fucking said that. What was said was basically
>Stop caping for a most likely shit scrote just to kick the cow. Both of them are/were probably awful people. The abuse of elderly Roger was still wrong and LUNA IS STILL AWFUL even if it is true. It changes NOTHING to admit that maybe Roger wasn't a saintly angel.But "two people bad" is a too difficult concept for you, apparently. I wish we could have a Luna thread without spergs whose brains cannot take any nuance.
No. 882443
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No. 883032
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>>882753I believe the potential thread would be on some chris-chan-tier levels.
No. 883558
Anyone working on a thread on Dylan Mulvaney? trendy troon hon now, makes everyday those cringe « days of girlhood » episodes while he looks like he’s pushing 70’s. every she/they bitches are praising him like the new
valid Jesus Christ, his fanbase looks like the most unhinged cult ive ever seen
No. 883853
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>>883436I hope so!
[ & that they link that(potential+new) thread I'm this thread! ]
[ & Thnx in advance to whom ever makes it in advance btw! ]
No. 883923
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>>883853Celebricows #59 iCloud from Hell Edition:
>>>/ot/1264035 No. 884411
>>856121Would anyone participate in a What's In Your Bag thread? There's an older one here:
>>>/ot/170726I just love seeing everyone's bags and knick knacks but it is sorta risky to post any personal photos bc lolcor
No. 884944
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randomly found myself in this weird rabbit hole of a pedo Moral Orel proshipper (@softypawz) and a long callout post about it on tumblr
No. 885167
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Celebricows #60 [___?___] Edition:
Thanks on advance to whom ever whips it up & links it!!!!
No. 885477
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would anyone be interested in a movies and shows with hot guys thread in /m/ or /g/? ik this is dumb lol but I need eye candy and escapism. louis patridge in the pistols series
No. 886027
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Any interest in what’s been going on with the twitch streamer Fauxre?
No. 886400
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Please give us a Moo thread. Her latest shenanigans always go undocumented when there’s a delay.
No. 886408
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>>886400Wtf her face is so painfully bloated and she looks like she has graves disease
No. 886488
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>>886469Just use this photo. It’s hilarious on its own
No. 887462
>>887377I agree that it should just die.
It's worthless due to the fact no one is allowed to go after the moid cunts who are grooming the hikkineet wannabe egirls and who spam CP and gore on other boards due to coming here from that thread.
No. 887728
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Celebricows #61 [___?___] Edition:
Thanks on advance to whom ever whips it up & links it!!!!
No. 887733
>>887728Oh… so you haven't seen the warzone today? Yikes
nonnie theres a new thread ready but you might wanna sit this one out
No. 887734
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>>887733Re-read. #61 is not made, yet.
No. 887749
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>>887728I am responding to THIS anon, here, because the thread is now locked.
No. 887750
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Anon, I have some news for you…
"The red gown was an optical-illusion look by Sergio Castano Peña."
No. 887766
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>>887763I am not going to ask all of /ot/-celebricow threads- ANON's whomst are ANONYMOUS out on a date. I just wanted to reply back but couldn't because the thread was locked. Geez!
No. 887767
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No. 887825
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>>887728Celebricows #61 co2 pollution and my hips don't lie but these taxes sure do Edition:
>>>/ot/1298164 No. 887850
>>887849 god bless,
nonnie. Thank you!
No. 888189
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I haven’t been following this guys posts but it seems like the teens are in an uproar 50/50 split on whether he is a predator or not?
from what I can tell, he makes “thirst traps” to Lana Del Rey and other music popular with youth and has admitted to using those songs to gain followers and engagement from teens. He frequently sticks his tongue out and is seen shirtless with a chain. He lives in a bus? in the woods and takes photos of his cannabis and cash often. He claims to be mentally ill somehow. if this has already been talked about.
No. 888244
>>888238He claims that he’s only responding to other “adults” and insists “adults can’t talk??” but the girls he is “talking” to are 21, 15 years younger than him.
His entire life revolves around experimenting with various drugs. He’s admitted to doing meth and seeing ghosts, LSD (and made a cringey video dancing on YouTube), sells cannabis and distillate pens on Facebook.
He has made videos replying to people calling him out for having young fans saying he loves everyone regardless. Recently he’s been recording angry videos saying he “hates gen z”.
Makes statements on Facebook and in YouTube vlogs where he insists he might do something violent and it would be other people’s fault for bullying him into doing it. Even though by sharing that, he’s saying he knows using this platform is driving him to be violent so? A lot of backwards thinking with this guy.
He admits that he is called the “flower king” not only because he grows cannabis “flower” but it has a “sexual meaning” given to him by his friends. He claims to be celibate by choice for two years.
No. 889008
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>>880795So i completely forgot about the milky vanlife families until i saw this tiktok and checked up on them and the majority of them are still just as awful. I really feel like a vanlife family general thread is untapped, I've just never made a thread before. That genre is filled to the brim with crunchy moms and fundie moms and its only getting more popular and romanticized in those crowds
No. 889010
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>>889008Americanfamilyroadtrip, who's infamous in the fundie snark community, has their 6 kids sleep in this small area. They're called Airbnbaby Lott family by fundie snark because the mom gave birth in an airbnb and called it a homebirth. They live on a bus with their 6 kids even though theyre loaded
No. 889012
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>>889010Like this is just the tip of the iceberg
No. 890218
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Unstoppablelulu on TikTok
Is actually 19, claims to be 16
Blatantly supports pedophilia and zoophilia
They tag most of their videos with zoocommunity and is a zoophile themself, she is also a pedo apparently but is much more open about her zoophilia
Is sexually attracted to dolls, is “married” to a two foot tall rainbow high doll that looks like a child
Is also “married” to an ai on the app replika
Has a long list of kins including mermaidkin, royalkin, waterkin etc.
Claims to be disabled to the point of needing a wheelchair or cane but frequently posts videos dancing, jumping and running around
Has a disgusting cesspit of a house they refuse to clean, they constantly look filthy and disheveled
90% of her comments are people calling her out on her bullshit, she replies to a lot of them in a really defensive and arrogant way
It’s a pretty small account, but she’s been a personal cow of mine for awhile and I figured you guys might be interested
Sorry for the janky collage btw I compiled everything on my phone
No. 890921
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Kayla Marie
>30 year old hamplant camwhore>plastic looking trisha paytas skinwalker who rampages through each community she's in with drama>abuses her boyfriend>interacts with minors on social media and encourages them to look at sex work content>purposely picks fights with members of communities to make herself look like a victim>fake bpdlet who lies about having multiple health conditions and trauma in order to gain sympathy>has tons of fake accounts and alts and interacts with herself using said fake accounts>gets kicked out of communities she's in and moves onto other ones>trying to get into music with ear bleeding horrible hyper pop songpreviously mentioned here but everyone says she's milkless
>>800090she's still as crazy as she was a year ago, and she's getting even worse
No. 891235
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An artist called uppumine. She is obsessed with hypothermia/fever. She seeks attention on social media platform by begging for free products or calling her art underappreciated. She has a hateboner against antidepressants and SJW's. A former genderspecial, now a terf. Hates Americans. Recently DFE'd her Twitter.
No. 891540
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>>856121If anyone made a thread of general Twitter "pro-ship" coomers, I'd read it. I've seen a ton of nonbinary TIFs or handmaidens, which is odd because I expected that only men would be behind some of the insane pedo shit on Twitter and AO3.
No. 891589
>>891588We have a keffals thread in /snow/
>>>/snow/1642877 but it's infested with males and trolls, so be warned
No. 891590
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>>891589>KIWIFAGS AT LEAST TRY TO INTEGRATE, that means sage your shit if it is not new milk and close the window if you have a Y chromosome.kek
No. 891601
>>891590RIP another women's space. It was really fun, anonymisses. If they respected this board it would be one thing but sadly….
I wish their farms were open. The munchausen threads were my guilty reads because it was very obvious that they were /mostly/ women posting. Sigh.Sage for dramatic blogging OT but I hate this.
No. 891885
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Could we get a new thread on Unicole Unicron? There’s one but it’s locked/6 years old
No. 892363
We need a new celebricows rip
>>892300seems like an /ot/ board to me. I'm also interested in this, I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun nonna
No. 892468
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Is there a thread on tiktok degens that claim to be autistic and post stimming videos? It makes me want to die but I crave a thread on it
No. 892574
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Can there be a thread on HawkHatesYou/Discorobotdance? A lot of milky drama came out the past month and continues to leak. She’s a highly
problematic SW that’s constantly in drama/lies/bullies and then plays
Twitter- accounts-
There’s a whole Reddit about her behavior r/hawksnark2 that she’s consistently trying to copyright strike everything to hide the info on here.
>racism>SA jokes>predatory behavior>sabotaging other SW with their crew>putting other SW in danger so they can screw the SW bf. +so much more.
(Hopefully I didn’t miss anything, I probably did)
No. 892928
>>892645We sort of have one in snow:
>>>/snow/1042077It does seem to be instagram-focused from the title, but maybe putting general HAES things there until the next thread rolls around is an okay idea?
No. 893443
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Can we have a Xiran Jay Zhao thread (idk how to make a good one and hope someone is interested in her)? She is a cosplayer, author, youtuber, who went viral because of her video "Everything Culturally Wrong With Mulan (2020) and How They Could’ve Been Fixed", uses they/them pronouns and is a woke trustfund child, who also is into harem/polyamory stuff.
But before she even went viral she signed in March 2020 a two YA book deal (several months before she went viral in September 2020). And as far as I know most new authors only get a 1 book deal which gets extended, if it sells well. Her parents are also rich so it is speculated that her parents got her the book deal). She always wears/cosplays in (cheap) traditional Chinese clothes, does not seem to work outside of Youtube and her books, while living in her mansion. Xiran is also very pro-trans and claims that before white people arrived in China, China was not transphobic and homophobic. And she is also acting very haughty and even in her viral video she makes some assumptions about the European culture (especially their view on witches) and uses the American Hollywood view for it, which is ironic considering she also is ignorant about other cultures but does a whole video getting offended about people being ignorant about her culture.
And she describes her book series as a "monstrous amalgamation of my love for anime and my love for Chinese harem dramas" and she won/got nominated for several awards (which maybe her parents paid for?)
>>1655560 And her book Iron Window is maybe getting a movie adaptation considering the rights were bought for it>>1510159 tweet that white people are responsible for China becoming homophobic>>1510000 tried calling out our terf queen J. K. Rolling out over something she had no influence of a.k.a. a trans kid passing away (possibly taking their life) after months of having spoken out against Harry Potter and the new game. Since Xiran used "he" it i s probably a ftm in which case JKR is even less too "blame" because JKR spoke out about mtf in women bathrooms>>1510036 gets called out for blaming JKR and says she did not blame her directly (which she did kek)>>1511435 is non-binary because she is such a picke me that she does not realise that women don't have to wear feminine clothes to be seen as one but at the same time claims in that video >>1511067 that "gender is a social construct" like most wokies do and still see anyone, who dresses more feminine/masculine as a transgender or non-binary. Also, she mentions TERFs hate her book >>1511070 and >>>1512254 mention that she has a fan casting (done by herself) of her book on her website (and that it is self-insert)>>1510234 and >>1512250 mentioning she is rich and >>1514052 mentioning her parents own a mansion in Vancouver and that she has one in the near too>>1513500 mention her book(s?) is similar too Code Geass and 1513541 >>Evangelion and Darling in the franxx etc. and that Xiran even said it is similar to this >>1513566 and this 1514310 >>1517736 her grandfather is part of the CCP (which leads some people to think that is where their wealth is from)>>1513982 and >>1514039 her book got bad reviews for having a pick me main character, being ignorant of Chinese culture according to a chinese comment >>1595333 and that her character is nothing like the Empress Wu, who she claimed is the base for her mc >>1513962 and for having every non-mc woman being vapid and submissive >>1595357>>1455943 mentions she also writes Yaoi? (idk I am not going to read more than one of her book summaries)>>1269089 Other Hui (she says she is Hui) call her out (it was mentioned twice on this website that Chinese people don't like her)Her wikipedia (and look in the edits, especially one person was active, I think it is her) and her social media accounts are also easy to find, but I can't post them because my work place blocks twitter etc and this
>>892629 kind of scares me
No. 893933
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any interest in a baeofhoco/sara kendall rochester thread? she went viral on twitter recently and i went down the rabbit hole and apparently there's years worth of milk on her so I'm surprised I've never seen her on here before
No. 893948
I just noticed we don't have a celebricows thread
>>893933What's the milk? She just looks like someones mum
No. 894086
>>893443I don't really see anything interesting if your only gripe is the single subpar novel she published. I haven't read it, but it just seems like your average trash YA novel. Not good but not bad enough to be worth looking at. You're better off going for a local Relator or "Photographer" (read: middle aged man with a camera and awful taste). The CCP stuff is nothing in a city full of mainlanders. It's also Vancouver. Most people under 40 here aren't openly trans/homophobic.
Yaniv is the only real local cow that I know of, though most people don't know about him.
Or the ex UBC prof who faked being Indigenous. Virginia Wolfe I think? Though it's old news by now.
Actually, there's this creepy black alumnus dude who hangs around SFU and tricks/pressures freshmen into his scams or doing work for free. He seems schizo and was in the news at the beginning of COVID for making a big show and assaulting security after being asked nicely to leave the indoor areas when the campus was limited access. Caused a huge stir that was poorly handled by the Student Rights folk. (Unfounded accusations of racism against this dude. Later the scam thing was revealed because he kept harassing students on campus)
No. 894503
>>882309id def like to see this, incelcore is not only a shit genre but a bunch of faggy wannabe altright kids listen
one look at brynn's twitter may not be that milky but its for sure cringeworthy
No. 894512
Hi, it is me the one who wrote this
>>893443 I am not able to post this in the near future because my VPN will be suspended today (and I don't want to risk a doxx) and I need it today for something more important. I hope someone else will make the thread. I also don't want to read her book summaries which is why I don't think I should be making this thread
No. 895019
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>>894938the dude needs medical attention he'll never accept, it'd be an interesting thread if anyone here cared enough to look into him
No. 895149
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>>893443Someone who's tangentially related to Xiran Jay Zhao that is pretty milky is picrel. Meet Sierra Elmore, failed entrepreneur & unknown author of mediocre YA Death By Society.
A quick rundown of her alleged activities & why she's a lolcow:
>Quit her job last year to focus on her bookish merch shop (including book boxes like the Iron Widow one) & then failed to deliver the boxes in time or at all. Even now, she still owes some customers refunds.>Is notoriously bad at answering her customer emails, to the point they have to tweet at her or comment on her shop IG to get her to answer usually days later and when she does, she gets bitchy.>Claims to have a ton of mental illnesses like schizophrenia, BPD, & PTSD and on a ton of meds that have impacted her business.>Constantly begging for rent/bill/food money and claims she's been unable to find a job yet posted about spending money on unnecessary things & only applying to "office" type of positions. Also owned expensive purses she could've sold first before begging.>Found a job for a few months & instead of immediately paying off her debt she bought a $300 purse and did a book haul before she was "jobless" again.>Had a gurugossip thread about her alleged behaviors that she found and got so butthurt, she claimed she would file a lolsuit & had an amazing lawyer. Had to walk it back when people called her out and changed it to filing it after she refunded everyone.Idk how interested anyone is in book drama in general, but it tends to breed some milky individuals. Sierra is a personal lolcow because her oversharing is the reason anyone started keeping tabs on her. She also tends to talk herself up but will always be a mediocre person who only got her audience because she made pals with several big author accounts.
No. 895216
File: 1665703584605.jpg (777.68 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20221013_191147_Twi…)

(Sorry if this has already been asked/mentioned I'm not scrolling) There's definitely potential for a doll community thread, especially with the top doll "influencers" Clawdeena9, a disgusting tranny whos sexually assaulted girls, scams fans, doxxes anyone he doesnt like, racist, among several other things. (Honestly he wants to be a Jeffree Star so bad but is a bigger failure than Nikita Dragun, but he thrives in the doll community despite this and kisses company ass) and Elvira aka The Doll Circle (pictured, just deleted said tiktok with literal PR) c9's biggest asskisser, also rampantly disgusting, participates in harrassing other creators, telling people to get over doll prices despite getting all her shit for free and other things (she's not as milky and disgusting as clawdeena but still a piece of shit)
Dolltwt and dolltok are absolute fucking shitshows of adults screaming over childrens fashion dolls, I don't see the threads going wildly fast but theres a lot to talk about
No. 895278
>>895224no because all those edtwt/shtwt people lurk lolcow even tho its "twansphobic" and will be cowtipping and linking the threads to twitter in no time… plus the selfposting.
>>895216as a doll collector i would definitely like to see this, i don't really use tiktok or twitter but i see bullshit on reddit all the time, i would try and contribute if someone made one!
No. 895318
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>>895315That sounds perfect!! I def know of a few cows who orbit booktok authors as well, like just ass-lickers supreme, who will fit there nicely too. Now we just need some kind Nona to make the thread. I would but am 2 tarded kek.
No. 895485
File: 1665933537488.png (1.07 MB, 1263x727, 9mr2ttuezzv61.png)

Angelicat, idolizes Belle Delphine and Hannah owo, raised by degenerate single filipino mother. Just hit 18 and decides to immediately create an onlyfans.
No. 895493
>>8954871. this is an imageboard
2. read the rules
3. put up the milk or get off the board
No. 895612
File: 1666052343416.jpg (8.39 KB, 257x320, drbum.jpg)

Should Dr. Jess Taylor have a thread?
> Got a PhD and immediately started shilling books and courses for money
> Is "anti-psychology" to the point where she said that even autism isn't real
> Published DV survivors stories in her books without full permission, said that they were too traumatized to know what's going on after DV survivors asked her to take it out (while being CEO of an org that's apparently dedicated to helping them)
> Allegedly met her wife when she was underage, while she herself was already married (to a man) with kids
> Constantly passive-aggressively brags about how well-off she is & punching down on poor women/DV survivors
> Pathological liar (ex. she found a tahitian pearl in wales, many more)
> Alleged lesbian but posts a bunch of pics that could be mistaken for male gaze thirst traps (including one of her bending over with her ass in plain view that made people call her Dr. Bum, picrel) and when this was pointed out she raged that people hate them because they're both femmes
> Wife and her are constantly pda'ing all over social media like teenagers
No. 895654
>>895612She could get tossed in the radfem cow thread.
She sucks
No. 895723
File: 1666176367886.png (1.55 MB, 1024x768, image_2022-10-19_124423466.png)

maybe an artist alley thread ? the one on cgl is dead since 2020.
It's sad cuz a lot of artists were helping each other and sharing tips and experiences and news.
No. 895735
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Would anyone be interested in a r/titanfolk / r/yeagerbomb thread
recently they were banned for posting pictures of the black character from attack on titan getting lynched, nazi jokes. I have proofs of some of the mods admitting to owning CP and call themself MAPs
No. 896271
>>895200This is one of the most milky genres (while still being fun) if it's managed the right way
If nobody else starts a thread soon I might try to gather enough material to get one up and running
No. 896383
File: 1666769551650.jpeg (287.11 KB, 1553x1574, FF224A3D-5EC7-4180-A5D7-76F541…)

AITA for wanting someone to make a new Reddit thread when I can’t be bothered to make one myself?
No. 896384
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>>896383I got this one too
No. 897008
File: 1667493838386.png (44.49 KB, 392x142, 166748929239819195.png)

old thread "#67" -
No. 897140
File: 1667584847381.png (294.04 KB, 456x308, 166758357590335081.png)

Here it is…
Celebricows #68: Burning Yeezy's For Warmth Edition:
>>>/ot/1394926 No. 897242
>>897152Late response, but the
nonnie who made thread 67 wanted to use it but it wasn't relevant to the events of thread 66. I just plopped kanye in the corner and called it a day.
No. 897578
File: 1668126507795.jpg (207.92 KB, 992x2048, 315095559_962846918006247_3087…)

I really need some discussion on my new morbid curiosity, LeJera Payton
Goes into a different restaurant/business every single day and records herself harassing staff and trying to convince them to give her discounts, more food, money, etc.
Puts on an obviously fake high-pitched voice when assailing the poor staff of whatever place she ends up at.
Has a ridiculously self-centered "customer is always right" worldview.
Probably homeless, living out of her car, and may or may not have children.
People speculate that she's in the midst of some kind of manic/psychotic breakdown. She had some creepy videos on her (now terminated) youtube of her staring into the camera with a blank expression and gyrating - and a few others where she says she will never take her meds again.
I've spent hours re-watching her videos. I can't believe someone acts like this in public. She broadcasts it all on her tiktok but nobody in her comments supports her actions at all. She's truly in her own world and I pray for the minimum wage workers who have to deal with this schizo empress. No. 897589
>>897578I think she actually is schizo and has supposedly been off her meds for a year. she seemed normal somewhat recently.’s fucking infuriating. I can barely watch her videos. but it’s also pretty alarming and it’s hard to look away.
No. 897592
File: 1668134794432.webm (1.76 MB, 720x1230, untitled-2_9jgGcGHd.webm)
Aaron Carter huffing computer duster.
No. 897596
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>>897592The "jacuzzi" he drowned in.
No. 897685
File: 1668191306184.png (46.24 KB, 416x148, 166819112191671194.png)

old thread "#68" -
No. 897696
>>897692Thank you
nonny! I do miss her horror cow antics
No. 897715
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>>897685Second this, important news happened like Batam’s dead!!!
No. 897749
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>>897716Bateman? Patrick Bateman?
Jk.. anyway another one bites the dust. R.I.P
No. 897756
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>>897754>>897755"COOL PICS"
..poor kid.
No. 897904
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>>897901It's beautiful,anon
.. beautiful- just like you.
No. 898079
File: 1668620564037.jpeg (79.38 KB, 1200x674, 0509222E-9B3C-49C2-B39B-36D2BE…)

Narally Najm, got her GF face tatted on her face after birthing their shared baby (IVF) and the GF Laura allegedly cheated on Narally while in labor. Anyone else know about this nut show? Definitely seems fake but super embarrassing to go to this level of humiliation for fame.
No. 898245
>>898222Sorry I didn't realize it's been locked
Why don't you make the next one?
No. 899459
>>856121Is anyone making a new jake/kat/
toxic thread? Both the others are full i would make if i knew how at all
No. 899786
File: 1670043922017.png (2.12 MB, 1080x1921, C3347F6D-176D-49AB-BBEE-63367C…)

we need a new marge thread, people are shitting up the Venus thread with posts about her new Florida man husband and the old one hit limit.
No. 899854
File: 1670114981673.png (4.83 MB, 828x1792, 133E8D56-F674-4311-976E-425C26…)

i really want to start a thread or make this girl a public cow, her entire online persona is legitimately acting like a kid and its worse than you can even imagine. shes got thousands of old simps, posts about wanting to be molested, cosplays lolis and calls herself one, jeffrey epstein shit, literally says she distributes cp on her public tiktok and brags about being ‘pedobait’. she uses a fuckton of filters and i know irl she looks completely different (got my sources). she literally has no idea what any of this stuff means, the definition of newfag, she just thrives off of the attention from pedophiles and makes it her lifes goal to cater to them. it actually makes me feel sick to my stomach and her fake ‘loli’ voice is so grating.
if anyone is interested in knowing more or seeing her fucked up posts im more than willing to share, and i hope at least some of you share the same disgust as i do for these types of girls.
link is the tiktok, for ur own wellbeing id advise against clicking No. 899871
File: 1670127206317.png (2.59 MB, 828x1792, C6116477-5D45-4781-8241-A14B76…)

theres far too many of these types and i could rant all day, i find this one to have the most pseudo balls though. i’m familiar with her personal life a bit and she’s super spoilt, coddled and spoonfed by her parents. little do they know shes a discord lolicon talking about racist/pedo shit all day. she was beaten up by a group of black people in public last year for making racist remarks online without expecting ramifications. i really want to start calling these deluded ppl out because its contributing so much harmful reinforcement to degen gooners.
shes ugly too kekk!
id enjoy a general thread for all these ‘fedposting’ zoomer alt right pipeline ridden girls
No. 900085
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>>899990>>899931she privated her tiktok but check out her ig @brekyfasst its just as bad
No. 900384
File: 1670473594501.gif (7.51 MB, 397x239, 167045037010017826 (5).gif)

Celebcow #71 thread needed!
Old thread
>>>/ot/1418782Thanks in advance to whomever whips it up!
No. 900471
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>>900467Venus looks like she's on her death-bed. What a sad tale.
No. 900556
File: 1670618421962.jpeg (98.93 KB, 537x764, 167061821841940889.jpeg)

>>900504>Sucking dick.Oh. Boy. I didn't know she was now doing World-wide-web-s3x-wrk, this tale just gets sadder.
I'll take your word for it.. and won't be using my search engine to double-check.
Jesus Christ.
No. 900659
>>894511>>894584>>894695lol i was just looking for this thread out of curiosity. There's been no new milk for awhile and scrotes kept scroting it up so yeah, there's no point in keeping a dead cow alive. Half the morons around him (like Chris Hansen, Ed Troyer et al) are cows getting sued or jailed for one thing or another.
Good riddance.
No. 900781
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No. 901002
File: 1671025186253.jpg (55.8 KB, 500x500, tumblr_c3fd986116a99e9a2ca4383…)

Thread request for Eliza Siep/Eliza Bleu/Eliza Cuts/Eliza Knows. Former My Chemical Romance groupie, member of the World's Most Hated Club (WMHC). Claims to have dated Gerard Way before becoming a
victim of human trafficking, but it's unclear how true her story is. I initially believed her, but about a year ago skepticism was introduced when individuals began questioning why she doesn't publicly name who her abusers were while living off of the donations that her supporters send her.
Went on to grift for Andrew Yang after failing to become a successful internet thot (, which is how I met her. I see red flags because she's clearly been around for a long time trying to become famous. I actually don't mind putting this thread together if there's interest in seeing it.
I feel bad calling her out, but something about this person does not sit well with me.
No. 901003
File: 1671025428543.png (993.94 KB, 746x730, sniff_more_musk_ass.PNG)

>>901002She's got her nose deeply buried in the asses of the Musks as well.
No. 901007
>>901005interesting that you bring that up! Other individuals, especially on Twitter, have noted how her speech pattern has changed considerably between the filming of this video and now. I'd never heard her speak like that before until now.
I will go for it once I am finished with finals today! Thank you
No. 901034
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Does this genetic failure deserve a thread yet?
No. 901043
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No. 901054
>>901043nuclear biden enby Sam Brinton (who’s also into skanky bdsm furry porn) was busted not once but twice now stealing thousands of dollars of clothes and luggage from high profile women at airports. He’s was a regular fag before he moved to DC - not a tranny, just a fucking weird fetishist now obsessed with wearing women’s clothing
(ps i like ur cat)
No. 901055
File: 1671075755425.gif (475.82 KB, 408x336, 167105956813019536.gif)

>>901054I approve of the prospect of this potential thread.
>Thnx M8! I found that pussy off of 4chan! No. 901069
>>901063Allow me to interject here for a moment if I may, but it's just "whence". As in
>go back whence you cameYou see, "whence" is a nifty word which means "from where". So you never need to say "to whence" or from whence". It's a good word and deserves to be used. Hope that helps!
No. 901178
File: 1671172046981.jpeg (173.84 KB, 1242x1256, D0279B95-EF8F-4CA1-ABCC-7C6DF6…)

Guys, we need a new onion thread, Greg has a new book out on ‘his side’ of the story (kek) that came out today, it’s also 2edy5me so it’s bound to be autistic and somewhat hilarious.
Oh and Kai goes by Daniel now. The bitch is not very creative with gender special names, is she? No. 901179
File: 1671172166626.jpeg (199.08 KB, 1046x1920, 039BE47F-2D52-4DA4-ADDF-6AA8AC…)

Book cover
No. 901181
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Table of contents pic
No. 901184
File: 1671176565395.png (340.29 KB, 517x477, nightstalker.PNG)

>>901179I was scrolling and thought that was Richard Ramirez
>>901178<Polygraph tested, certified honest
I love this new cope he's clinging to. "I honestly answered questions during my Paul Blart interview so that proves I never groomed Sarah."
No. 901218
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Romanianon thread? She streams on twitch
No. 901236
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He’s making comics now
No. 901237
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His AI-generated art is fucking creepy and his “arguments” are…not bright but he’s waterbrained so there’s that.
No. 901299
>>901178>>901179>>901181>>901236>>901237CURSED CCUUURRRSSSEEEDDD!
No. 901800
Idk any fatties apart from ALR and FB though
No. 906516
File: 1673459620406.jpeg (77.18 KB, 900x542, paul-breach.jpeg)

>>902181Bumping this, ICYMI
Paul Breach (beautybeyondthe_eye on TikTok and Instagram) is an influencer who has been allegedly accused of impregnating a 16 year old girl (source: absolutemelt22 via TikTok). Since then, he's been subject to a shit ton of trolls - including a "Paul Breach Tracker" which literally just tracks him with 'fan' videos around Britain. He's been accused of making sockpuppets to defend himself, being a groomer, and being overall cringe as fuck. He also looks like a
victim of severe fetal alcohol syndrome for an added plus
No. 906683
Romanianon thread? There is so much new milk from her twitter in
>>>/snow/1656175 and maybe we could include her old lc posts
No. 908267
>>908247I hope he gets more tilted and starts posting her candids and their dirty laundry
Can't wait for a new Moo thread
No. 908379
File: 1674639131960.jpg (24.2 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.jpg)

Would anyone be interested in a Prettypastelplease thread? She's an Australian influencer with hoarding tendencies who has been going off the rails for the past two years and is really cowish. Highlights are:
>Living with her husband in the same home as her ex, husband and ex are besties. Milks the situation as content frequently
>Vids revolve around rampant consumerism ($1000 fast fashion and designer hauls) or her friends revolving around her every whim and watching her mental breakdowns
>Gofundme scam for Australian wildlife
>Keeps a flock of doves in her home who shit everywhere, isn't ashamed of sleeping in a bird shit covered bed. Often has bird shit in hair
>Went on a trip to Tasmania with her husband, had a bout of mania and refused to go back to Sydney. Gave her husband an ultimatum to move to Tasmania with her, left her flock of doves, parrot and dogs with him.
>Found a new group of enby Tasmaniam friends (fans of her channel) that she films with, including a poly creepy dom dude that she seems to have replaced her husband with (she now wears a day collar)
>stole a chicken out of someone's yard because the owner doesn't love it the way she does because they don't keep it in their home
>got evicted because she was keeping her doves in a rental
>husband is apparently moving to Tasmania to be with her, but she teases divorce to her fans with Nicole Kidman divorce pics and not visiting or posting anything about him on his bday
>when she did eventually visit her husband in Sydney, she brought her new creepy "friend" along who her husband had never met before. Vlogged the entire situation
No. 908380
>>906486Shit sorry I missed this post. Maybe this can serve as a short summary for you
>>906579I'd make the thread but I'm not that caught up with the lore. Might try and make one in the evening.
No. 908447
File: 1674771974780.jpg (80.68 KB, 568x863, Momo.jpg)

I might make a new Moo thread but thinking the OP pic I edited might be a lil too creepy
Should I just use the elbow art instead?
No. 908450
>>908449I don't know, I feel like her ass will just get the thread pic hidden.
All new caps can be posted in the new thread
No. 908456
>>908452I got you
new thread up
>>908454 No. 908621
File: 1674927616937.jpeg (Spoiler Image,606.51 KB, 750x1106, 2B1C5EB8-2EBB-4952-9E6E-33AE4B…)

>>856121Is anyone interested in making a thread about Mary Magdalene? she’s the one with a plastic surgery addiction, tried to get surgery to get the worlds “fattest vagina” and nearly died. also got butt shots over the summer that started rotting kek. she’s done some kind of milky things including semi recently trashing an airbnb and then started a gofundme to cover the damages lol.
her main IG is 1800leavemaryalone but she has multiple accounts. She regularly posts screenshots of news articles about herself. I don’t even know where to start with creating a thread and digging up milk on her but from what I’ve seen the past 6 months or so I’ve been following her, I think there’s a lot of content there.
No. 908870
>>908736I support this, we were swarmed with newfags which turned threads to shit by the end (also the whole Anne arc, but this chick is gone from the internet now), but i don't think they will come back. There was a radio silence for 2 years, but the Manson case is revived again so i support a proper new, farmer-exclusive Manson thread, especially since there's a lot of anons who are into rock/indie rock on the site.
i honestly could make the thread myself nobody else does, summary can be taken from last threads. I just hope farmhands are alright with this, please give us a chance.
No. 908906
>>908905Sorry if I make any dumb mistakes as I’m somewhat new.
Mod & creator is u/autumngoddess81, has a few different accounts though. Obvious TIM w/ bottom surgery. They generally don’t talk about it but I don’t think they’ve lied & said they are female. However most men dont even seem to notice ,,, or maybe don’t care? Idk which is worse.
the sub generally does have a “misogyny is great but we draw the line at transphobia!” Just search trans in the sub. Again, not sure what’s worse, the female or male posts.
Mod also asks for money at least sometimes. I’ve been checking on this for a while now bc even though I find this sub disgusting I was just so fascinated by the owner & trying to figure out if the other males on the sub knew or cared. I remember posts where they claimed to be getting surgery due to medical issues which I at the time thought might have been a cover for their trans surgeries but I don’t have any evidence of this just remember thinking it back then so take that part with a grain of salt.
No. 908911
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>>908870Is lack of response a okay?
Anon it would be cool if you made the thread since I’m swamped with work r/n but I can drop a summary of the main truther cows here for you to copy/paste
No. 908925
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idk if anyone's making a thread about mr. cool ice so i'll drop a request here
milk here
>>>/w/195091 No. 908926
>>908911Yes please. Colonel Kurtz is #1, ofc she needs to be mentioned. i mean we should mention them briefly in the OP introduction imo, and you can expand/add receipts in the actual thread.
I think i will just try to make a thread, explain why it is needed now and hope for the best. I think i will sit down and make the thread in about 4 hours so i hope you'll be there to post. that's bc i think if people respond to the thread fast, there will be a higher chance it doesn't get deleted.
Any thread edition name and thread pic propositions?
No. 908929
File: 1675367218190.jpeg (643.82 KB, 750x1186, C70AB71A-67D8-441C-A9D2-6E45B3…)

there was some discussion in the trad thots thread. would anyone be interested in a thread on Witten/Bonnie Darko/Bonnie Yamada? she made her claim to fame while high as fuck in an all gas no breaks video, and then proceeded to fuck Adam from Cumtown while he was still dating Dasha. She now claims to be an age regressor with DID and has a new tradwife persona. in her all gas no breaks video she was joking about how her parents were taking care of her baby, but she has her baby back now and seems to be sober, and just had another baby and got married to a guy she seems to have literally just met. Idk she’s interesting, anyone interested in her or creating a thread? She’s admittedly less milky now that she’s sober but watching her larp as a trad wife is entertaining
No. 908934
File: 1675375506696.jpg (47.91 KB, 1080x608, Daniel_Larson_in_2022.jpg)

What would nonnas think about a daniel larson thread?
No. 908946
File: 1675384982969.png (5.31 MB, 1496x2420, manson.png)

I have no idea if this will stick around, but here's new Marilyn Manson thread:
>>>/snow/1759638>>>/snow/1759638 No. 909017
>>909009where is the place to ask a mod though? it doesn't seem like they respond in this request thread at all. there was a message left to mods in the thread but they ignored or said fuck it. that's unfortunate, Manson is a fucking abuser cow, in my opinion this scum deserves a thread infinitely more than random dumb e-girls.
how about we talk about Manson in Rock Cows thread? he gets mentioned on celebcows whenever news drop so i don't see why not discuss in rock general. I just don't get why this thread was made on /ot, should be on /snow imo:
>>>/ot/436372>>>/ot/436372 No. 909032
Would someone be interested in making a Dylan Mulvaney thread? He's such a cow.
>>>/ot/1490020 other nonnas talking about giving him a thread
No. 909052
>>909025Rock Cows thread is honestly dead, would be nice to make it more lively even if just for a while. Idk what is milky about truther cows though? i thought it's the content of their videos, which is directly related to Manson/Lindsey and so that would be alright in rock thread. do you want to talk about their private lives or what?
they're crazy but I'm definitely not informed enough to even try to make MeToo truthers thread, and i honestly can't measure their potential to stay around
No. 909145
>>909082I really hope his job finds out he's been a-logging a retarded girl. That'd be a fun conversation to listen to
Back on topic; someone please make the thread
No. 909276
File: 1675806498127.jpg (516.81 KB, 2000x1333, smith-petras-grammy-index.jpg)

Can someone please make a new celebricow thread? I need to bitch about Tim Petras & Ham Smith winning a Grammy
No. 909468
I’ve never made a thread so I’m scared i might break some rules and flop it, recently i stumbled on a freaky community and the deeper i looked the more i got disturbed . I know there used to be a discussion about fandoms but i think stan culture is coming back stronger than it used to be
A thread about one direction fans and the crazy breed of women who can’t move on from 2015.
Larry stylinson conspiracy theorists( harry styles and louis tomlinson ship name):
Mostly straight, middle aged MARRIED women who spent their waking hours gathering proof (that consists of the colors of shirts they’re wearing) of the legitimacy of the gay relationship and denying louis tomlinson’s kid (calling it babygate, accusing simon cowell of planning it) and harassing their families.
They call their girlfriends “beards” or “stunts” (when they’re not coming up with derogatory alternatives) calling their relationship a media attempt to portray the poor gentleman as playboys for profit while they’re completely in love with each other since 2010.
They fetishise tragic gay stories, believing their labels and managements are enslaving them and make them do things against their wishes, including concerts, releasing albums, dating, partying… etc (anything that’s not cuddling with their alleged soulmates). They believe the “boys” are communicating with them with no words, but any words that don’t agree with their narratives are lies they were forced to say.
they believe they’re heroes working for a noble cause to free the gays (reading fanfiction) and any one who proposes a different narrative to them they call it a “plant”, an attempt by management to gaslight them and weaken their beliefs. variants: zouis (zayn and louis), ziam (zayn and liam) zarry (zayn and harry) conspiracy theorists, similar beliefs but there’s less of them.
Denying louis tomlinson’s kid gigi hadid’s pregnancy because… james charles? the men of any responsibility because they’re still their 2015 babies and every bad thing they do is a conspiracy against them. They believe they’re being controlled by their management and often trend the hashtags #free[insertname] in a #freebritney fashion. they express their absolute disgust at the idea of any of their men looking at the direction of a boob or a vagina they write and openly enjoy graphic fanfics of gay sex between two or more of ex 1D members.
Solo harry styles fans, surprisingly not that different: nasty, misogynistic,
Some are middle aged women making it in the book and film industry, while some are adults with prepubescent brains spending their waking hours posting the darnest comments about diet bowie , his dick and the women that ride his dick… often stalkers, living on the streets camping for his shows, going to debt to film his concerts for content (never breaking a sweat dancing or singing along)
Anyone interested?
No. 909530
>>909468super interested, nonna!
im a harrie whose personal lolcows are these twitter stans lol
No. 909730
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Uh-oh bro
No. 909778
>>909604100% agree on deranged stans thread, but imo it should be on /m/ since its a part of media and shitting up ot with even more threads is lame.
Not even just band stans, there are also so many deranged people who feel obsessed with actors and they end up going to a point where they create dramas and argue with people. Eg I've been following a person who is a big fan of an actor that I like and some woman in her 40s had a huge beef against the fan and many other people on Twitter.
No. 910093
>>856121I've been following a bunch of Japan-based troons, degenerates, wokesters (not content creators) for milk. Some of them pretend to be Japanese. I am talking about Mishima Kitan, Worldofxtra, TransFantome, also people like Ishikawa Sachiko, OhsakaRin etc.
Would anyone be interesting in discussing?
No. 910376
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I’m not exactly sure how to make threads much less how to contribute to them, I mainly just lurk. However, there is a youtuber / social media influencer called aimep3, she’s essentially the mexican version of chris chan. I don’t have the time to make threads so if anyone is willing to take her on and make a thread about her that’d be really cool.
No. 910378
>>910376I'm sorry but aimep3 it's more like amber Lynn
*They both fat britches
*They both horde unnecessary infant shit (aimpe3 Paris related things , Amber diaries)
*They both have polemic romantic relationships
*Aimpe3 is adopted and amber Lynn used to be in foster care or some shit
*Dubious higyene
No. 910379
>>910378>>910376*They are both annoying as fuck
*They both have Chihuahuas as a pet ( chiwis and twinkly)
The only thing they don't have in common is that aimpe3 has a sexual video
No. 910380
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Anyone, Interested in making a, Brittanya Razavi, Thread?
>She's a OnlyFans Pornstar who's huge on InstaGram, Who used to be on the old school reality T.V show, Rock Of Love 3 Bus with Bret Michaels,
>Who's In her Late 30's who basically Pimp's out barley 18 year old girls on Onlyfans and has been accused of, Being a groomer, And grooming The Girls Into doing OnlyFans content, All her girl's allegedly live at her house, She also Allegedly owns their onlyfans accounts and InstaGram accounts as well, On top of all that she takes from them, Allegedly a 50% Management Commission and cut of the money from them who's being sued in court by former girl's she's managed on Onlyfans, She's accused of stealing their money out of spite and exploiting them, She also used a towl on a target shelf without buying it and rubbed it against her private part's which is so gross and does public OF dares in public place's, Examples such as, The Target Parking Lot, ETC, where she could be caught by someone or flashing children
>She seems to be a HUGE Narcissist and Toxic person honestly, Claimed she's such a shy, nice, humble, down to earth person and hustler, When she's ALWAYS bragging about being a millionaire and how she's the ONLY girl on, Rock Of Love, To make it BIG
No. 910509
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Maybe this is not appropriate because I'm not sure there are really any lols to be had in this whole story, but I'm going crazy trying to figure out what's true and there are breadcrumbs all over the place, such that some unhinged farmer with experience identifying stalkers and narcissists could probably piece it together.
>Nick Yarris, who has appeared on various TV programs, Joe Rogan's podcast, and most recently appeared on Soft White Underbelly, "is an American writer who spent 22 years on death row in Pennsylvania after being wrongfully convicted of murder".>Has received millions in settlements, as well as authoring some (presumably) very well selling books.>In a video he posted just yesterday, claims to be now homeless and living in his car:>been married 4 times, and according to an uncited statement on his wikipedia page is currently denying his fourth wife a divorce.There is something off about the whole thing, from just the way he speaks, to the juxtaposition of financial success with his current status, to the bizarre posts and comments you can find about him. The weirdest one was this easily overlooked reddit post where he claims his second wife has been stalking and making up things about him, even after he left her all his money etc etc. It's hard to parse because his whole life story sounds like fantastical delusions, but all the death row stuff seems to be verifiably true. Also a bunch of the accounts commenting only have activity on posts about him, and all from around the same time… almost like they were made by the same person
The dude is either a pathalogical liar and
victim, or seems to have a superhuman ability to attract misfortune, or maybe both? He has no concept of oversharing private information on the internet so I feel like somebody could put it together with some digging.
No. 910900
The trve vikings thread is full
>>>/snow/1308872 if a
nonnie made a new one that'd be nice
No. 910911
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Thread about Julia?
She made an IG claiming that she thinks she is the missing kid Madeleine McCan. She started as:
> Claiming having no recollection of her childhood
> Recognized of the suspects in the Maddie case;
> Claimed to have the same eye defection Maddie had.
> Says her parents are uncooperative into helping her to remember her past and also won't make a DNA test
On the other side:
> Posts a 7y/o picture where she obiviously looks nothing like Maddie;
> Posts photo comparisons between her and her mother; deletes it after people point how much the resemble;
> Gives very vague information about the whole story
Meanwhile people out there discovered that:
> She was actually looking for missing girls she could pass for;
> Made an OF and is trying to make it blow;
> Block anyone who seems to have info on her past;
> Now is signed over an agency
There is much more on this, and is quite obvious she's a cow.
No. 910997
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Idk where the YouTube personalities thread is located but I'd like to add this woman…
If she hasn't been added.
Colonel Kurtz
>Thanks in advance. No. 911043
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>>910997CK is dense as hell.
>She says DVT has never said anything bad about MM and here this is…MOMMY DEAREST
[Evidence being attached] Part 1/3.
God damn CK is a tard. No. 911507
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Kind of shocked the PAWG patrol hasn't gotten a thread yet. They're a group of Twitter users mostly spearheaded by DreadedJai.
TL;DR:>started arguing that PAWG is a racist term>SJWs go insane and start fighting among each other, forming PAWG patrol>other users get roped in to the nonsense>PAWG patrol starts accusing critics of being [insert discriminatory behavior here]>more users get roped in>rinse and repeatIt's all insane and hilarious and there's so much buried milk. They're the originators of such retarded gems as "Anne Frank had white privilege" and threatening to eat a random twitter user's pet pig.
No. 911537
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has anyone else been watching the spiral of daiahluvsu aka morgiluvsu aka morgichan aka Autistic Peanut Butter Girl? you probably met her as this now she's doing this in for her monthly meltdowns about her evil exes that all graped her were hitler were LITERALLY slave owners etc etc it's mildly entertaining, burgeoning on something big soon I hope
No. 911584
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>>911499It could get real milky
No. 911804
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can anyone do a good thread/op for a tophiachu thread? she's objectively the milkest tiktoker but no one on tiktok consistently documents her in the detail that lc would
entire family is milky and they just got evicted
No. 911911
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can we get a thread on sierra ann? i'm assuming other anons have heard of her or at least seen her videos being suggested to them by the algorithm. she was briefly talked about on kf but i feel like a better thread could be made here for her.'m genuinely confused about how she is almost at 1 million subs when her content is only about being fat and trying on cheap clothes and then spending hours to dig for the one or two 'mean' comments she gets just to make videos to scream about them. her recipes always look like dogshit, she eats gimmicky diet foods instead of opting for smaller portions or less protein and carbs, and people have suspected her husband influences her to stay fat despite claims of losing weight. she's gotten defensive about the latter in comments but i didn't screenshot it. i'd have to dig for it later.
No. 911938
>>911935Her face is pretty hard to look at and I've seen some commenters urging her to chill with the behavior because she's on her way to becoming the next amberlynn reid, but she doesn't seem to care. She really thinks she's a
victim and entitled to everyone's ass kissing. Gen Z is the worst.
No. 911968
>>911911I don't know if she still posts as much on IG but she was a right cunt on there. She'd ask her followers questions (health & diet related) and good, sound advice that she didn't like would get a reply…would you be asking this if I was white.
Whatever bitch. Put down the fork & camera and go for a walk.
No. 911983
>>911968Wow, I had no idea about any of this and I hope some anons make a thread and come forward with screenies because it does look like by the responses here that people want a thread. Also, I don't know why she'd go making it about race when she has a white mom and a black dad. She's not fully black and due to the colorism in the black community a lot of them wouldn't claim her anyway. I'm not even trying to be racist, so no mods come for me I'm just saying what I've noticed. They seem to often be divided on biracials.
I've also noticed that Sierra doesn't talk about her family much and she only featured her grandma on her mom's side when she needed to make yet another pity short about wah people claim I promote obsesityyyy!1!1! Okay but girl, you do? You claim you have binge eating disorder and still eat like shit and get asspats for it.
>go for a walkCan't say that either. She recently chimped out on commenters who said she doesn't go to the gym enough because she knows its true. A handful of shorts showing her using the laziest, low effort machines every so often isn't regular and isn't going to produce results. Especially when she's still piling salads with iceberg lettuce aka water, eggs, ham, a ton of cheese, ranch, salt, bacon bits, and whatever other garbage she has lying around then throws an attitude at the audience. The girl's whole persona is fat and sassy and its cringe.
No. 912034
>>912010hm i think Kelly Lenza fits (heh)
and that enormous yoga theythem fringeish
sorry i dont have tiktok only instagram
No. 912093
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>>911935Even when she does her makeup it ends up looking like hot garbage. Her fashion sense is shit too.
No. 912230
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No. 912603
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Wanted to know if anyone is interested in a thread about CideOfSooS. He mostly uses Newgrounds and Instagram.
>Originated from Twitter
>male, she/they/he, sometimes goes by Damien but no one calls him that
>claims to be trying to get better but always relapses into talking about his personal stuff on Instagram
>claims to have committed self harm multiple times
>Known for suicide baiting and threatening suicide, including making threads about it
>has a fascination about a fictional character from Pico's School named Cassandra and would often draw her with a bugle, claiming she's 'intersex'
>constantly whining in threads about people who treat his favorite characters differently than his
>constantly talked about how the pico's school fandom is bad or whatever that shit is
>previously been in drama last year for supporting someone controversial at the time and handled it poorly
>sometimes mentions ex friends in stories on instagram, even mentioning one of their names once
>cannot take criticism seriously and often relapses, even going as far as going to instagram to defend himself
>makes people uncomfortable due to being inconsistent, as he claims
>one user pointed out that he was acting like a lolcow
>has a fetish-like artstyle
No. 912643
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I’m sure there is a lot of dirt on the non duality teachers. Some people start to speak up about the non duality teachers that they actually teach neo-advaita, a watered down version of the original Indian philosophy advaita. And that the satsangs (the meetings) include a lot of brainwashing and cult like stuff. The teacher is all knowing and you can ask him whatever and he knows it all but in the end just tells you nothing is really real or some BS like that. They charge money for the satsangs which is the first red flag that it’s all just BS and not really super special spiritual. Some non duality teachers are Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, Suzanne Non duality, Lisa Cairns, Mooji. It’s all on YouTube and you can see these people are CRAZY. Non duality means that there is no duality lol obviously. It’s part of a lot of philosophies, most famously the philosophy of Ramana Maharshi. But a lot of mystics talk about that in poems. It’s not that non duality is crazy in itself it’s the way they teach it, on YouTube of all places. I can try to provide more info if anyone is interested.
No. 912739
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>>912727Nice! I started to dig a little and I feel like it’s a real deep rabbit hole. So far I came across this website which is dedicated to spiritual gossip kek but the post are quite old.
Lisa Cairns (first post) is interesting to me in a cowish way
>pretty>lots of make up>uwu so spiritual >donate button on website you cannot overlook>sells book >doesn’t write the books>tells people to watch a lot of non duality videos including by mooji (picrel) to get “indoctrinated” so they can experience non duality No. 912953
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Ella Freya, is popular since she was in Resident Evil 4 remake and I haven't been able to find a thread.
No. 912958
>>912887Sorry for the late reply, this is it. I hope her kids are going to be okay.
>>912911Me too, I liked her prison content a few years back but she always seems to be bragging about her addictions.
No. 919171've been waiting to make this shit
She's been the laughing stock of sacramento for over 10 years ever since this girl brittany rocked her shit and jumped her for having a big mouth. She's perfect cow always posting her drama online. She's always in relationships and getting fucked over and then another relationship and that one "abused me" then married twice, had a kid that I think is dead now (p sure from sids) drug her poor second husband in the dirt treated him like trash he eventually left her ass and she CONTANTLY sad posts wanting him back he literally moved away and deleted all socials she traumatized him lmfao gets with this sketchy tattood insane Mexican guy that was clearly a herion addict (and just ugly as fuck) and eventually became a drug addict (not surprised one bit) shit got baaaad I remember she was saying that crazy junkie ex kidnapped her and tried to kill her (she was missing and he did go to jail for it) her and jonny Craig (and all of dance gavin dance) go way back (I went to school with her and ive hated her ever since her best friend is my bestfriend and she tells me all this dumb shit and she posts EVERYTHING online) they like dated for a while or where just REALLY close even up until the Syd drama. ALSO She's fucked that cobweb tattoo face fucker too idk that story completely. She WAS best friends with Tim feerek only because she was married to ben the guitar player for a lot like birds and I'm SO CERTAIN she was cheating on ben with Tim and THATS why he left her. She's a train wreck and did crazy shit when she was at her peak Junkie faze. She claims she's sober now and was in rehab for a while (her socials where completely quiet for months) pictures of NA chips and recovery bullshit now. God there's sooo much more lmfao I follow her (lurk acc) purely for the entertainment for SO long and never understood why she hasn't gotten more shit for how trash she is and has such a big mouth. She thinks she's tough as fuck because her dad's a hello angel. I even heard she literally pistol wiped someone LMFAO she's "always getting raped" yep one of those girl every man in her life has raped and abused her. Kelly told her something about her mom sold her into trafficking when she was 11 so maybe that's why she's so fucked off. Doesn't explain how she's such a whore though. She was in porn for a while for kink and she was dating Owen gray (fucking yuck) she's trash I subbed to her onlyfans once and HOLY SHIT it's DISGUSTIG and there's easily 20 + different people in there lmfao (sucks they all have herpes now) ohhh she she was fucking Corey laquay for a while YES he was with Chelsea and yes she found out and they're still together. She dated Red from kingdom of giants and he says that was something he regrets the most in his life LMFAO right now I'm pretty sure she's fucking some Russian chicks husband
Uhhh I know I know more I can't think rn but I think that's good enough amount of milk