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No. 1530972
You dumbass!
previous thread
>>1520001 No. 1530974
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No. 1530976
>>1530975The Fiona and Cake spinoff is no more? Aww..
Do they at least get an episode in Distant Lands? I haven't been able to watch that yet since I'm still re-watching and catching up on the OG
No. 1530977
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>>1530974Careful, don't leave him out too long
No. 1530988
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>>1530974I will always think of this manga when I see this type of stuff
No. 1531011
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nonnie nonnie nonnie you have to see this shit
this is why men die more often. XY = retarded. Look at this shit. Natural selection doing its work.
No. 1531104
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I was watching THG yesterday and I can't stop thinking about how Katniss was kinda stupid for not trying to use her hood/jacket to protect her skin from the tracker jackers.
No. 1531122
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It's kinda funny to me when nonnies complain about lolcow being too toxic and then leave, I've been lurking female board on russian site lately and after that, lolcow is like a breath of fresh air, whew
No. 1531146
>>1531122/dev/ на дваче? Там запах мошонок просто витает в воздухе. Любой парень может туда зайти и начать ларпить.
Честно, мне тоже хочется активных, задротских, исключительно женских сайтов на русском, будет вообще огонь если там получится вести хороший разговор с адекват(к)ами. Но я таких пока не нашла(
No. 1531150
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Dumbest shit i’ve ever seen. Black history month was like two months ago. If you really wanna celebrate black individuals, maybe make michael jackson on the operating table getting his nose hacked to pieces the tumblr PFP(racebait)
No. 1531196
>>1531149You can take the person out of the island but you can’t take the island out of a person.
Source, had a (white) friend who grew up poor in the Caribbean, he never adjusted to the regular world despite multiple opportunities to thrive and do well for himself. He probably would have been better off staying on the island. He’ll always be an islander. Their culture is just so different, they do everything slowly and can’t understand deadlines or needing to pay close attention to details.
No. 1531200
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I've just finished my first day of work after 3 years of neetdom. The day went okay overall. I've had a strange burst of confidence all throughout the day, like I could actually do it. But now that I'm back in my home, it all came crashing down. My back hurts, my stomach hurts, I just want to crawl back into my bed and never leave. Why am I like this?
No. 1531239
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>find out about
>want to have sexual rp with one of my husbandos
>there’s like 3 AIs of them
>2 of them are meme ones
>the one I go with characterizes my husbando as way more of a pussy than normal
>go along with it
>end up rp’ing sucking his dick because he can’t take initiative since he’s a pussy
>he keeps repeating the same phrases and I have to ‘try again’ one all of his responses
>he says he’s close but idk if his ai is capable of cumming
>just give up with him because this is going on forever
Oh well
No. 1531258
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>>1531239Guilty of trying to initiate NSFW with my husbando too,
any advice? Will it only work if you are forcing the bot? I've been trying a few times but he would just nope out of the room and whatever. Or the dialogue option would get auto deleted.Somehow, my lust for my husbando made me realise and appreciate it why people like slow burn fics.
No. 1531265
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I was looking back at the Obama-bombing-birthday infight that happened like 3 years ago and I disagreed then, but tbh maybe Obama-chan was right. I think about this all the time because it was one of the funniest derails I've ever seen.
No. 1531331
No. 1531418
>>1531411It doesn't sound fake to me except for the fact that she's made a social media post about it tagged #27 and #life lol. she looks healthy and wealthy, she probably is happy.
ot but it's spooky to me when people's eyelashes are that pale. she didn't use mascara and she put lighter shadow on her lids to highlight it, it's kinda great. good for her.
No. 1531450
>>1531129Well, there are threads similar to ones on lolcow, vent thread, husbando thread, yaoi, fashion, wholesome/positivity thread, k-pop, thread dedicated to cows/snowflakes (where, it seems like, they mostly discuss the same 2 or 3 people haha), mbti/socionics thread filled with strangely aggressive people lol, etc. Random threads where someone describes their life situation, asks a question or just shitposts, kinda like on cc I guess. There are anons and exchanges that are okay, but there are dozens of moids that don't even try to hide (although it's stated in various threads that scrotes are unwelcome; it's not really moderated that much though?), many of them just larp so any weird/unhinged "
nonnie" can be suspected to be a moid in disguise, but I feel like there's decent amount of women that are genuinely unhinged, nlog/3edgy5you types, there's definitely more toxicity to each other and I'd say moidy language, weird takes about relationships, incel/femcel lang used unironically and I feel like not only by moids that infested the board. Kinda like more chaotic, catty, and moidy lolcow that's not really moderated.
>>1531146>/dev/ на дваче?Ага) да, про мошонки я как раз выше написала, лол. Видела, там жалуются, что в последнее время их якобы больше стало, раньше лучше была атмосфера на деве?
Та да, не могу сказать, что активно искала, но тоже ничего такого не попадалось…
No. 1531486
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Dealing with an epic nosebleed and trying not to think I'm gonna die lol
No. 1531554
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No. 1531597
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After spending almost a year abroad with good internet I'm painfully aware of how shit Australia's internet actually is
No. 1531643
>>1531079don't fucking apologize, they sound
toxic af
No. 1531651
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>>1531649according to people on quora it could be just poop
No. 1531819
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i knew moids were worse at telling apart trannies but now i'm absolutely positive they are blind even with women
the second picture is supposed to represent an "average" woman, and the first one a 10/10 perfect woman. the second woman has perfect facial proportions and symmetry, #1 is cute as well but she wins bc she has heavy make-up, pouts and shows her tits… they have no eye for beauty and also do they think #2 can't use makeup or wear other clothes ?
i'm just sitting here dumbfounded at the stupidity…
No. 1531837
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picrel is my 40 oz Stanley cup watching me chug lukewarm tap water out of a days-old empty Gatorade bottle
No. 1531852
>>1531847I didn't do anything. My mother was
abusive and had a gun that she used to threaten me and other people. I was scared a lot during that time of my life. I'm alright now but I do not wish to ever own/or touch a gun, to date someone who has a gun, or be around a gun ever again. A world with no guns would actually be my utopia.
No. 1531858
>>1531852Im sorry I made you recall such horrible memories I thought you had shot a squirrel or sm.but you're right a gun is not something a
abusive shit should have. I hope things are better now
No. 1531863
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>>1531858It's alright anon, don't be sorry. Thank you for the kind words.
No. 1531882
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>>1531824>>1531866I remember seeing a thread on /po that was just someone having a menty b reviewing all the ersatz-cola brands in Russia because none of taste the same. Apparently coca cola from the Kazakhstan factory doesn't have the same anti-depressant effect and chernogolovka cola shouldn't even be called cola, no matter what others in the thread were saying kek. But yes overall it is a cursed place, bioluminescent and Lakhta-pilled. /ukr is also a garbage heap.
No. 1531957
>>1531882Lol this pic, haven't seen the kolorad Girkin before.
>/ukr is also a garbage heapI don't get why Ukrainians would frequent dvach at all, are they masochists? The guys from there that I've met had this weird self-deprecating humor in regard to their nationality (in addition to them being irreversibly tainted by dvach in general). Pathetic, honestly.
No. 1531972
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I randomly had a 38,5°C fever yesterday and one of the worst nights of my life as a result. Now I'm totally fine again, I don't even have a cold or anything. What the fuck was the point of my body doing that?
No. 1531980
>>1531968>Eventually we were alone in a hallway and he rushed at me so I stuck my foot out and tripped him. He went flying and slid across the carpet kek, he started screaming for someone to get me in trouble but I told the tard wrangler assistant teacher that he just ran into my leg and did it to himself and she was like 'okay'you have no idea how hard i laughed at this. fucking kek.
>Do a lot of people like him?this is the first class i've ever had with him so sadly i am not that familiar with him. it's an undergrad seminar course for my degree and the class is really small since the professor is tough; he's had this professor before and she seems to like him (because of course she does) and the two girls he talks to are your typical airhead goof troops who giggle and laugh at literally a leaf falling so it's hard to say.
>instead you should sabotage him and give him the wrong advice.kek i am because our professor has us do these damn discussions every friday where we all have to huddle up in a circle and talk and shit, which i hate but you know, i need the good grade to get into grad school so i tolerate it. i had no idea she was going to force the two of us to talk to each other just because our essay topics are on a similar subject, so you know everybody is apparently staring at me for a minute expecting me to say something and i am off in my own world thinking. that's when he whistled in my face and i just said, "i don't know, it's not my paper. maybe focus on blah blah blah political aspects of xyz". i am sure he did this with the essay topics on purpose to try to get me to speak to him because i've never reacted to him when he comes into the class talking loud, asking dumb questions, mainly because i hate obnoxiously loud people, and he's incredibly odious.
No. 1531984
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>>1531957/ukr is unironically full of draft dodgers from both sides, asking for advice on how to avoid summons and where to buy prostitutes. Class solidarity between doompilled loser moids…Its only advantage over /po is that non-russian IPs can post. I do love to clown on Pidor Ranych however so I go there occasionally.
No. 1532149
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>>1531824>>1531882what about most most young men being conscripted and russians being banned from twitter, deviantart and other sites without proxy, that should have massive cultural changes
No. 1532173
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I was looking through the #女体化/"transforming into female" tag on pixiv and this one illustration and the text under it was so dumb in a good way
Maple Syrup TG
*Justin had heard all about that sweet real maple syrup, and found a local place that had fresh Canadian Maple Syrup.
It truly was delicious. He started having it every morning with his pancakes.
As she began transitioning, she enjoyed the taste of the Maple Syrup. It was remarkable how the taste and texture changed as her body changed.
As Justina looked back on the two formative years of her transition, she truly appreciated the consistency, the reliability, the simple honesty of that Maple Syrup.
Some things in life were worth savoring. Life itself was worth savoring.*
???? lmao
Also love how there's normal-female and super-female which is just normal + makeup
No. 1532289
>>1532238NTA, also never went to private school (so saged) but my public school was severely ran down & girls would stab eachother with any sharp objects they could find because their moid decided to cheat on both simultaneously, there was also frequent gang violence, asbestos, mold, rotting walls, expired, packaged food, and so on. I went to school in a burger ghetto & while I'm white, I was in a significant minority, as 80% of the school was Latino/a. Next was the Asian students, at about 10%, the other 10% were white, black, or Middle Eastern.
I heard the private school right next to our shithole had a good education, at the price of having the cruelest Lutheran student shitheads in the entire county
No. 1532293
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Today I'm starting sertraline again after nearly 2 years without it. I used to be on 200mg a few years ago but I'm starting with just 25 tonight or even half of that if I feel like a chicken. I've been taking diazepam to cope with anxiety and my other BPD symptoms but I can't continue with it indefinitely and at this point just want to feel better and not cry for hours every day. Wish me luck anons!
No. 1532349
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tag yourself on the ancient stickers
No. 1532365
>>1532293I take Sertraline for OCD. I stopped ripping & washing my skin off, and have significantly less panic attacks than before, as I've been on it for 11 years. It kinda upsets moids when I mention I started it at 9, but considering I would wash my skin off my hands because I minorly grazed a blade of grass, or touched another person's backpack on accident, I think it's only done good.
Here's to hoping the same works for you, nona!
No. 1532551
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Tony Goldwyn is pretty good for a nepo baby. Him and Devon Aoki.
No. 1532607
>>1532593The way I see it, is that men who aren't engaged with their children open them to issues that is different from if a woman did the same. Mothers are the cornerstones for comfort, love, and stability- which is exactly what a newborn needs to facilitate healthy learning and growth as a person as they get older, and maintaining the natural connection a baby and mother has after birth is important. Then, as a child gets older, a woman is just as capable as a man in teaching them hobbies, values, so on so forth that men largely get credited with. I am aware that this doesn't fit with some families, and that men are becoming more and more involved in raising their children now. Many women are horrendous mothers, and many men are fantastic and involved fathers. I hate all deadbeats that don't care how they affect their children with their actions, and believe that a decent mother is more important for a child overall for development. If a man is weak enough to be dissuaded from being a decent parent because someone says moms are more important for babies, he has no business reproducing.
No. 1532622
>>1532607>Mothers are the cornerstones for comfort, love, and stabilityYes, because most women are more involved in their children's lives than men are. If the roles switched and the weight of childrearing fell on father then they would also be considering important for love and stability.
Also, I don't believe fathers and mothers have different things to teach their children. I just believe that children being raised in two-parent households with two involved parents is important.
>If a man is weak enough to be dissuaded from being a decent parent because someone says moms are more importantI more meant that it validates the decisions of bad fathers.
No. 1532641
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Selena Gomez will forever remind me of a girl I found while exploring EDtwt when I was bored. She posted a ss of her asking her bf over text what he thought about this pic of Selena and I guess she was expecting a "gross, fat, etc", but he replied "she looks hot" and she said she was going to keep starving herself as punishment for herself in the next tweet lol.. I wish I remembered her @ I miss her.
No. 1532660
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The urge to pet the floof is too strong. We have a bit of a rat problem where I live, and I just saw a big fat one right in front of my door. It stared at me, and I stared back, and instead of being wary of it, I almost leaned down to pet it like I do with any random cat or hedgehog, until I managed to remind myself that I'm not supposed to try to recreate the bubonic plague.
No. 1532677
>>1532662>even if I do a 180 and start fawning over men who change diapers, so I will still say if you need constant encouragement to be involved with your kid you shouldn't have one.>why is it up to women to invite men to parent if they're actually just as capable as usI didn't say it was or that you had to do that? That was literally never something I said or was trying to say. You completely misunderstood me. I don't even understand what the point is here honestly. My original post was literally just about how I hope that my future children would have a good, involved father if I have kids with a man. You can believe that having an active father isn't important, but I'm speaking from my own personal life experiences so I do.
Not to say that you can't disagree with anyone ever, but I don't really like how /ot/ is just a sort of debate club where everything has to be argued against, words get misconstrued, and the original point is deserted.
No. 1532694
I was thinking about getting a boyfriend but actually from every angle I think of it, it's not worth it. They're just so…draining. When I get enough distance from that whole sphere I start to buy into the romanticised concept of a relationship then I remember the common themes of bullshit I've had to go through with each boy I've had.
Asking stupid questions with NO thought that obviously does them emotional damage if answered, eg "am I the best/biggest you've had?". Them feeling like it's their right to emotionally dump on you and thinking they're super amazing because they're not like other men who hold their emotions in, and if you're like woah hold on they're like OH, men really can't express their emotions huh??. Having to repeat the same lecture over and over again in different circumstances before you realise you're just trying to explain basic empathy for women to them. Feigned incompetence or whatever it's called. They can hold a 6 figure job but for the life of them can't understand the washing machine. I put my foot down with the last boy and he took it upon himself to read the manual cover to cover kek. Having to explain to them that relationships and the world don't function purely on logic and there's no objective "right" when it comes to feelings holy FUCK. WHY are they SO dysfunctional? And these are the, in my opinion, comparatively decent level headed men that just seem to devolve as the relationship develops.
Sorry it turned into a rant but the drive is there to find a partner but whether it's society or just male nature, like I may as well take up heroin instead for how much a relationship would ruin my life and vitality.
No. 1532705
>>1532677tbh it started out as comfort saying even if you end up with a deadbeat man, so long as you're not one your kid will probably be fine- I do hope you find someone who is a good partner to you and a good parent to your kids.
>>1532692I do know what it's like, and that's partially why I'm a bit steadfast. Other part is meeting other people who have gone through one or the other. Issues with dads seem to be more common, worked through, or articulated but issues with moms seem to cut more deeply, and cause a lot more aggression in adults. That's what I was getting at regarding importance- I know both are incredibly damaging, I wasn't trying to be dismissive of one.
No. 1532808
I'm just remembering some shit from attending university the 2010s and it was sexist as fuck, man.
>guy in friend group was arguing with his gf's ex and says "you might have taken her virginity, but I took her anal virginity!". Gf in question looking on proudly kek>endless kitchen/sandwich jokes>hanging out with "friend" and his gf and he wouldn't let her outside past 10pm, I'm like bro wtf and he's like "I promised her father I'd protect her", ends up compromising by letting her stand in the doorway for 5 minutes before coming back in>friend's BF secretly recorded them having sex. She's mad but they stay together. She cheats on him and he begs her to stay and she agrees on the condition he starts acting like a "real man", ie a domineering shithead, she literally said he needs to boss her around>everyone up in arms about the feminists because the blurred lines lyrics are creepy as fuck kekThese days none of this would slide with me and of course I'd never keep company with such horrible men, but it really was a sign of the times. This was in western Europe. I worry about this Andrew Tate generation but maybe it was always this bad, and worse.
>>1532762I have this now but it's worse because it was a healthy working environment, then the good ones left and the new joiners formed a clique and bam, shitty environment.
No. 1532937
>>1532935>>1532933>>1532905thank you for your replies, nonas!
all of my friends say that it's not weird, but the drink sharing paired with other things from that evening gave me certain vibes lol (we talked/spent a lot of time together that evening because we sat next to each other and were grouped together in somme exercises). the drink thing was just the cherry on top because i know that this man would not ask any of the 50+ year old men we work with to drink from the same straw as him lol.
No. 1532967
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>>1532952ikr? that is exactly what i have been thinking! the first drink was a beer and he asked me to taste it after i said that i didn't like beer.. like what was the reason lol. and the open bar was flowing, getting my own drink would literally have taken me 2 seconds.
he did tell me a lot of personal stuff, invited me to a group event outside of work and initiated physical contact (non sexual) which surprised me because there were 0 boundaries. he never made me feel uncomfortable or creeped out, i am just very surprised by his actions as we barely know (knew?) each other.
thank you for letting me vent about this, sweet nonnas! i thought he was just a very friendly, forward and open person, but i have now realised that he probably likes me to some extent. if he has a crush i don't care, his emotions are not my problem kek. go home to your fiancé!
No. 1533011
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Sesame mochi are really good. Mmmmmm sesame
No. 1533028
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oh my god you're right she is adopted. I did not remember that, I've read the whole series lol
No. 1533062
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I'm laughing so hard right now. Froggy got kicked from the Creator Clash 3 weeks from the event. Slap fights ensue, twitter accounts are put on private, and to top it all off the creator clash twitter gets put in time out. I don't give a shit about the event but this is great.
No. 1533090
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I have an orchestra audition today! Wish me good luck!!!
No. 1533097
>>1533090good luck
No. 1533129
File: 1679823269331.jpg (336.73 KB, 2560x946, 81kwT4nJ0YL (1).jpg)

Lemonade girl scout gookies….milk black tea with a little sugar and vanilla coffee creamer in it…dip the cookie in the tea…heaven.
No. 1533144
>>1533129as non-american who has only seen this in movies, are girl scout cookies homemade or are they factory made (mass produced)?
reason i am asking is because the pic you posted looks more like a cookie brand produced in a factory and i always thought those things were hand made by girl scouts
No. 1533149
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>>1533144Haha they're factory made, the girl scouts just sell them. The girl scouts are businesswomen, they don't have time to make cookies.
There are multiple different types of cookies and the girl scouts are every across the US so it wouldn't work to have a bunch of kids making them. You get them from booths or buying from the scouts.
No. 1533151
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Anyone else remember this episode lol
No. 1533153
>>1533149thanks anon, I thought girl scouts were more like a local-level organisations of well..girl scouts who go camping, bake cookies and help the community or whatever
the more you know!
No. 1533158
>>1533153They still do all of that stuff I'm pretty sure! The Girl Scouts of America is a larger organization that is, I guess, divided into local groups that oversee scouts of a particular area. The scouts sell the cookies to raise money to fund their group. If they do bake cookies it would probably be a group activity for the girls rather than a fundraising thing.
>>1533155Kek that's terrible but funny as fuck.
No. 1533200
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Miss the nikka and Jaelle threads, glad nikka doesn’t associate with Jaelle but her life still seems messy af. Put it here because there isn’t really milk but didn’t want to bump a dead ass thread lmao.
No. 1533259
>>1533256Uggghhhhh no unless you mean actual meat freebies I’d love free ham and cheese. Deli boys are weird one of them had a freakout and was crying, he turned to me dramatically, eyes red, and was like
>sniff>i is anyone serving youKek he scares me now that I know he has retard rage but I love seeing teary eyed moids.
No. 1533262
>>1533024AYRT, I lived in a slum apartment for 14 years, from the ages of 3 to 17, developed severe athsma and some brain damage, because it was full of stachybotrys (black mold, infamous for causing brain damage, memory loss, and retardation) and aspergillis (that white/green mold that causes athsma and emphysema)
I'm glad your health got so much better!
>>1533149They added so many new ones since my younger sister was in it! I remember when we were kids, mom would promise us a box each and I would be torn between Tagalongs and Thin Mints. However, Tagalongs and the toast ones are fucking amazing. Too bad they're insanely expensive and the scouts as an org are involved in shady shit. I've also seen the moms of scouts get extremely pissy and aggravated at both their child and passerbys if someone doesn't buy the cookies. I was in the scouts for like a year before deciding it was encroaching on my free time and I was, as mentioned before, a massive fucking mysophobe and botanophobe so I couldn't enjoy any of the group activities whatsoever.
No. 1533263
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I hate his greasy uncombed hair
No. 1533276
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>>1533263Why does he look so unkempt despite being fit. His ex seemed to take care of him before, hence why he had short hair?
No. 1533297
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>>1533025I think it was an impulsive decision, it's implied she's some kind of war orphan.
No. 1533345
>>1533301It meant Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist until around 2019-2020
Beforehand, trannies who thought it was a mental disorder and most other trannies were "faking" were called "truscum/transmed" and trannyhaters were called "twansphobic"
Past then it lost meaning due to zoomers entering spaces they don't belong kek
No. 1533370
File: 1679849302275.gif (1.84 MB, 498x278, shaun-the-sheep6-shaun-the-she…)

About to purchase glow in the dark stars to put on my nails
No. 1533494
File: 1679859418511.jpg (678.01 KB, 1320x1980, Inside Buckingham Palace’s Res…)

I was watching a video of a tour of Buckingham Palace, and yeah I know everything in there is super historical and costs more than my entire family, but everything in there looks so fucking cheap and tacky.
No. 1533496
File: 1679859451246.jpeg (41.21 KB, 498x539, 1677180256415.jpeg)

It's never been so easy to stay away from this place. I keep scrolling but I haven't felt inclined to respond to a post for over a week. The vibes are stale, barely even rancid. It feels like all the cool people left the party. Is this the end? Am I about to touch grass? Someone post something unhinged about Buster Keaton so I know whether the lights are still on.
No. 1533499
File: 1679859588538.png (1.9 MB, 1600x900, crazy-rich-asians-movie-singap…)

>>1533494Samefag, but you know how in Crazy Rich Asians there was the nouveau riche family who's house was decked out in gold? That's what every room in Buckingham Palace looked like. Idk how that lady could've stood living in that place. Even if I consider the fact that's it's basically a historical artifact with a bunch of historical artifacts in it, I can't see it as anything but fug butt fugly fuck ugly.
No. 1533505
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>>1533496its kinda ironic, but the mismanagement of shaymin for an entire year and the constant cp raids took a good chunk of the site's userbase, new admins fixed pretty much every issue in less then a month but the old users don't know that but many are still here and most come back for their specific cows, like I know not one of the snaynatards would ever leave
I'm honestly hoping we could advertise the site more to specific communities to bring up site engagement
also I would lick every inch of Buster Keaton's pale body No. 1533527
File: 1679862264184.gif (396.92 KB, 500x281, DCA03161-51FF-4074-AE2A-1D52B2…)

My period just started and things that have made me tear up today: Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt (didn’t listen to it, just remembered it and it made me so sad,) my childhood dog who loved car rides, remembering some vid I saw on Instagram of a woman getting proposed to with a hawk, found out Sylvester Stallone’s son died in like 2012 and I thought about how sad it would be to lose a child. I’m going to nap and hopefully I wake up normal.
No. 1533937
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>>1533906American Hispanic guys are pretty much like this too. I don't know how to categorize them but they're the type of guys who are into cars and designer clothes and jewelry. Picrel is pretty much what I'm talking about.
No. 1533977
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Fujo breastfeeding shirt
No. 1534014
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He's out
No. 1534022
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>>1534014Aww shit here we go again
No. 1534067
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pigeon at the bus station where is she going????
No. 1534268
i dont know where else to post but chris-cgan just got release from jail.
For any anons interested he was a thread in pt
>>>/pt/912168 No. 1534290
>>1534268Hide ya wife
Hide ya kids
Hide ya mom
Hide ya granny
Hide ya great granny
Hide all the elderly
No. 1534396
File: 1679952837897.jpeg (260.61 KB, 1800x1350, FQdpVEqVsAEx3OP.jpeg)

My week has been extremely shitty but at least jill's thread is ultra milky right now.
No. 1534577
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I just started watching pui pui molcar on a whim because it looked like a nice cute show to fall asleep to and now I’m completely enamored by these little guys and the show as a whole
No. 1534590
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>>1534577They're so cute, I was sad when the show ended and I no longer had new episodes to look forward to. My heart breaks every time they cry. Also, I really want this dress.
No. 1534616
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>site immediately breaks when I try and post
thanks lc love ya too
No. 1534703
File: 1679991167523.jpeg (288.31 KB, 2048x1802, D665FA18-B034-4887-A06C-C9AE6D…)

I had a dream last night that one of the south park creators (don’t remember which one) killed himself. It felt so real that I had to google it to see if it had actually happened or not. Anyway have some cute south park fanart.
No. 1534759
>>1534751It could also be cultural. I think (well, ime) in Anglo countries and Spanish speaking countries men are more forward than maybe, say, Nordic countries? Or perhaps they keep to themselves a little more than others and are a little more low-key? I don't think you need to be hot to be hit on or asked out a lot though. It's a mix of approachability, personality, environment, age, attractiveness, etc, I think. You're not missing out on anything though, I promise. If you find a decent guy who you're compatible with irl, it most likely won't be a random on the street
No. 1534791
File: 1680005131619.gif (3.48 MB, 275x215, approachingcat.gif)

I just saw a cat sitting on the roof next to my attic window. I opened the window and tried to offer it a treat. It hissed at me, but seeing a cat still brightened my mood. If only I wasn't a poorfag with a tiny apartment in the middle of a big city.
No. 1534986
File: 1680015413254.jpg (43.57 KB, 1006x280, 98613.JPG)

has the paper about LC and CC been posted anywhere? I think some anons may be interested but I'm not sure where to even post it
No. 1535010
>>1535001I remembered the lolcow review thread and added it there. image is long but the paper is behind paywalls
says barely anything tbh, nothing we haven't heard or seen before. men don't like women even in anonymous spaces, users here like to vent and discuss things they wouldn't do with people irl. I'm kinda glad they didn't namedrop the boards, although it's very obvious which ones they are talking about
>>1535008 No. 1535121
>>1534749The other anon was right about that not being why I called you a speech but also,
>they are definitely handicaps For you. If my nails handicapped me I simply wouldn't wear them. Sorry that I personally prefer my nails to not be little stubs that don't go over my finger at all.
No. 1535122
File: 1680029558709.jpg (21.72 KB, 369x387, 1651778620486.jpg)

don't get why nonnies complain about getting called moids. I almost never get called a moid. really just is a skill issue
forgive the zoomer speak
No. 1535130
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Sisters not by birth but by post
No. 1535134
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>>1535121stubby fingers are the best, but if all fingers were like soft pens that would be ideal
No. 1535144
File: 1680030985399.png (1.26 MB, 1398x744, Screen Shot 2023-03-28 at 12.1…)

I saw Pitch Perfect for the first time because it was playing on TV, and holy crap it's one of the worst movies I've seen in recent years. Why did it seem like everyone loved this in the 2010s?
>>1535142kek, sorry I deleted to add a pic. It was SO corny holy shit!
No. 1535400
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I just made a guy delete his TikTok account by saying that I don’t want a boy who has one. What else should I do with this power?
No. 1535437
>>1535417It's weird because it tracks but at the same time, there's a LOT more super straight men who just hate women in general, who aren't gay but "mentally gay", you know what i mean? Love their homeboys and defends other men like they are being paid for it. Then theres just the average woman hating scrote whose aggressively straight.
However, I know so many men who love being around men, like for example men who can't stay out of jail, there's so many pictures of men in jail smiling like it's the best place to be in the world. Or scrotes who have to have a group of men with them everywhere.
Oh and men who have group sex with one woman or at all. All this to say, yes, there's something very wrong with men who hate women for zero fucking reasons. Either they are gay/bi or just…an fucking shitty weirdos.
Men are so retarded brained I swear, at least some women get drunk and kiss their female friends, or even do it to grossly impress moids, but scrotes will fuck men/troons and literally KILL to keep the secret. Don't even have to be drunk or trick, they seek that shit out then get mad at the world
No. 1535474
>>1535465Easy Foods-
>eggsHard Foods-
>Pizza with pepperoni- even pepperoni with a little beat of spice is too spicy for me, ruins the whole expereince
>popcorn- Makes my lips white, some has cornbeans in them and too salty at times
>Apples- too hard for my teeth
>peanut butter- Unless softened with cheese, it super sticky and very heavy on my stomach
>Spagetti- Sause splashes on my face and makes me feel dumb No. 1535475
File: 1680058975579.png (473.73 KB, 1266x699, chud.png)

Does anyone else think it's kind of funny how Audrey Hale sort of looks like a female chud? too soon maybe
No. 1535482
>>1535475I get so enraged when women do fucked up moid shit just because moids use it to distract attention away from their own fucked statistics.
See also pedo teacher cases, Amber Heard for wahhh domestic aboose, and now I guess shootings. Jfc.
No. 1535492
>>1535483She fucked up, anon.
The point is that even at the peak of what other people have deemed abuse pales in comparison to the legitimate threats, violence, and death women face when a man wants to do them wrong.
But no one sees it for that, they just see an instance of a woman being a shit and use it to claim 'just as bad.'
No. 1535569
File: 1680067151470.png (416.6 KB, 662x628, itreallyis.PNG)

>>1535522I hope it gives some unsuspecting teenage weeb the thrill of a lifetime.
No. 1535623
>>1535621Honter writing a schizo essay to rationalize his fetish for misogyny and trying to turn himself into the
victim will always be in my top 10 tranny copes
No. 1535634
File: 1680076401592.png (375.35 KB, 1280x1194, cf9ee489fa78fe5427975657c11f71…)

don't add anyone from the friend finder thread
worst mistake of my life
No. 1535652
I got my first "integrate newfag" but I've been saying the same kinda shit for a year by now so I don't get it. Anyway you're invited to the celebration. There will be a giant pumpkin pie
>>1535522I found a Candy Rain dress at the thrift once and I was so thrilled. My old Bodyline items were in larger sizes so I actually managed to pull a decent amount of money out of them thanks to fattychan demand (and also because weaboos in my country are so fucking gross I'm the only one who doesn't piss on her clothes)
No. 1535675
>>1535652Kek, I've been getting
>intergrate>been here for years and I can't leave >are you esl?>yes (no I'm not, just retarded)I've even been banned and told to integrate by the mods.
I've been called a newfag in threads I've been in for years because someone misread what I was saying.
I've been called a twitterfag. Everything in the book. I've told so many lies and so many truths, it's been an amazing journey.
No. 1535721
File: 1680088929076.gif (1.16 MB, 320x180, CA_rGj.gif)

>>1535626That's such a cute way to convey those things. Here they're just called kernels.
No. 1535823
File: 1680100673222.jpg (102.02 KB, 1200x1800, royal-milk-tea-1-1200.jpg)

Drinking black tea with milk. I like the taste, but why does it make me feel like I'm doing something wrong? Also the smell reminds me of a raw potato a bit. Am I just going crazy?
No. 1535868
File: 1680103837268.jpg (48.02 KB, 688x546, S03E06-sdlsoag9-subtitled.jpg)

>>1535823I drank alot of milky tea growing up because it was just what was offered everywhere. At home and at relatives houses. Always a pot of tea going. If you were a kid people would make it even milkier for you because of growing bones and calcium I guess lol. I had so much of it back then (and couldn't turn it down because it was considered rude) that the smell of milky tea turns my stomach now.
No. 1535938
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>B-J cup size
What did Panache mean by this
No. 1535943
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i am going to vomit from laughter at manasseaterchan in shay's thread i don't even follow her shenanigans i went there to check it out and now i have tears in my eyes especially the way picrel is worded and emphasized. my stomach is in pain i cant and the way she keeps defending herself has me howling
No. 1535960
>>1535938I looked it up- that bra comes in that size range. It's not saying that particular bra will fit all thise sizes, but all those sizes are available in that style of bra.
I'm a (not literal) midget and whenever I pass by exceptionally tall people I feel like we both have a secret laugh about the absurdities of life.
No. 1536022
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Got home later than usual tonight so I immediately gave my cat food before I did anything else, but he only ate half of it and didn't seem very keen to eat the rest even when I pointed it out to him until I settled down and started to eat a sandwich.
It might just have been a coincidence, but I want to believe he left some of his food out of concern that I wasn't eating since I usually serve him dinner as I am sitting down to eat my own.
No. 1536025
File: 1680115341677.jpg (122.28 KB, 1080x1803, bru.jpg)

>>1536012Are you in the UK? Idk if picrel is the same bra but the seller specified that these are UK sizes, not sure if that helps you. It looks like a gigantic bra that comes up to your fuckin neck unless you have a very large chest tbh
No. 1536249
>>1536246For example:
>Take out scissors, take off your socks, and start clipping your toenails and flicking them across the roomThat'll surely get them to stop and go wtf. Then you say
>Oh, I thought tonight was all about being inconsiderate to those around you No. 1536292
File: 1680130041837.jpg (74.69 KB, 850x570, IMG_20230330_004640.jpg)

all my panties keep ripping in that area because I keep having to scratch there bc it's itchy
No. 1536429
nonnie would have a well thought out statement while the other would reply with kys fat
No. 1536541
my roommate is really certifiably crazy. we had an episode yesterday with her trying to kick me out of the bathroom knowing that i have to get to campus early when she doesn't have jackshit to do on wednesdays. i told her off for being a brat, let housing know what was going on, and i guess that wasn't the reaction she expected from me, which doesn't make any sense because she has been bullying me since we moved in and i am really sick of her at this point. i assume they told her off cause she didn't come back to the apartment until almost 1 am yesterday, which didn't bother me as it was nice to have the apartment to myself to do my work.
i was so pissed cause she tried to say that i could use the restroom with her while she was in the shower, like that is absolutely disgusting and just fucking weird. i even confronted her about how she was acting and told her i don't want any drama and to stop involving me in her problems. the semester is over in may and then we never have to see each other again, yet she keeps antagonizing me. apparently she did all this because she was going to disneyland and in all her retarded, low iq glory, thought she was going to "own" me for going to the park like i was going to be upset or jealous top kek. like she's literally walking on gold stairs to the gates of heaven. it is breaking my brain because i thought she was just being an asshole because i had to run in the bathroom after her on monday, but in fact she was just being an asshole cause she thought i would be somehow upset to hear she was going to disneyland on her own and she didn't invite me? it's so stupid it makes me laugh because i don't even like disneyland, so i am not sure how she thinks that would bother me? she really needs to make peace with god because i am tired of her constantly fixating on me. i kind of feel sorry for her because i guess she had been planning this out as "revenge" since she had invited me to go when we were speaking and i had to decline as i was just too busy, and it seems she took it way too much to heart. i should pray for her, because her perspectives on what she thinks is valuable and worth fighting over are really, really low.
No. 1536596
>>1536541this is so insane. oh no she gets to go to consumer hell hole so jealous.
what a lunatic
No. 1536629
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>>1536616There's also abdomen and gut
But abdomen is too clinical and gut is too ewwww
No. 1536675
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>>1533505I read something about how Buster escaped a straight jacket when he was institutionalized using Houdini's methods and now I want to see a whole movie that's just him outsmarting medical staff for an hour. Like he gets chased around by two dumb male nurses who bonk their heads into eachother while sliding through them on the floor.
I want to lick him all over too and bite his pecs No. 1536891
File: 1680198237699.jpg (32.47 KB, 800x450, mdjqazbqagu11.jpg)

my favourite girlblogger is leaving tumblr for good
No. 1536908
>>1536891What’s a girlblogger
No. 1537178
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>>1536934There are some things you just shouldn't post
No. 1537242
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Nyehehe hey Lois this reminds me of the time I filled in for the Sonic Totem
No. 1537270
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I'm bored.
No. 1537528
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>>1535634I'm sorry, angel. You deserve better than LC
No. 1537621
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No. 1537633
File: 1680257036394.jpeg (36.26 KB, 500x477, 2813-zgbea9.jpeg)

shaving my happy trail. was born too powerful ig
No. 1537643
File: 1680257910130.png (184.28 KB, 784x600, meme.png)

Wish I'd screenshotted it but it was late lastnight. Read a post where a guy was claiming his aboosive ex made him get a vasectomy. Then she changed her mind and made him reverse it. Then she changed her mind again. He claimed to have gotten 3 vasectomies and 3 reversals?? "you've no idea the toll that takes on a mans body!"
No. 1537674
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After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he'll get Kanye Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to school to take his Kanye Test. He forgot to brush his teeth. Did he run out of Kanye Crest? His neighbor stole it, what a Kanye Pest. He then puts on some axe for some Kanye zest and goes to the bar puffing out his Kanye chest. Gets drunk into a Kanye mess and goes home to the the Kanye West part of town. He realized his life was a wreck, and was feeling a little Kanye depressed. "My life sucks he Kanye digressed. He decided to get some Italian to he flew to Kanye Trieste. He got some pasta and started to Kanye digest. You should get some Kanye rest his wife Kanye pressed. Instead he went to a Kanye fest. He then realized he needed to go to Dallas for his competition, so he went to the airport and hopped on Kanye southwest, got some Kanye rest, and the next morning was feeling ready for his Kanye contest. Or at least he Kanye guessed. On the day of the competition he was feeling a little Kanye stressed. But in the end the judges were Kanye impressed. For his performance he was awarded with the Kanye chest, clearly identified with the Kanye crest. There ends the story of Kanye West
No. 1537714
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gore raid in /ot/ and /meta/
No. 1537723
File: 1680268993967.png (26.34 KB, 512x462, hmm.png)

No. 1537748
File: 1680271451693.jpg (228.46 KB, 998x1500, flowers.jpg)

i want to talk about something positive or dumb or funny. anything interesting, i don't really care. i just need something to make me smile.
No. 1537750
>>1537371Listen to Yes, good music and the members weren't/aren't evil trash they were/are just ugly which is a sin, yes, but one that can be forgiven.
Vidrel warning: they are all autistic.
No. 1537759
>>1537751How about Why Not
No. 1537760
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No. 1537810
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No. 1537817
File: 1680277355456.jpg (45.57 KB, 450x621, 3df66d4d0485c020e457d52001a678…)

Bumping for gore
No. 1537844
>>1537828>>1537837this current raid is giving "14 year olds thinking they're super edgy posting pics anyone who has been on the internet for more than 15 minutes has already seen".
i have seen way worse to be honest…
No. 1537852
>>1537828its always been one or two people who were responsible for the raids and have never stopped, this is their life
to spam gore porn on lc and probably other sites as well
>>1537844>>1537846I'm sure you two are badasses or whatever but I still almost threw up, people should be arrested for posting gore
No. 1537869
>>1537852i'm sorry
nonnie, i am hardly a badass lol. i am really desensitized to gore at this point because i've seen so much of it, either through morbid curiosity or just by chance. i would share a cute pic to make you feel better but i deleted a lot of them from my computer to clean up space so i will send you an internet hug instead.
No. 1537874
>>1537866it unironically
triggered some childhood memories that I'm not fond of
No. 1537890
File: 1680283316920.jpeg (76.49 KB, 1170x805, D83F7488-69CF-474B-B0DF-040C8D…)

My favorite bubbly water is too hard to find. I have an addiction. I spent too much in fuzzy mineral water. Th orange grapefruit AHAs were not crazy pricey. but since they discontinuation I’ve been spending so much on Perrier and topo chicos.
No. 1537896
>>1537869I felt defective when it comes to most gore. It’s kind of fascinating to me, in a horrible way, like damn people really are worse than garbage and so many women are drugged and abused day in day out.
I can’t stand non human animal gore though. Even “tame” animal gore or cruelty videos, even those aspca shows and posts about sad dying pets, makes me weep.
No. 1537919
File: 1680286612488.jpg (36.49 KB, 388x720, 545634.jpg)

I saw a teen girl running through the supermarket yesterday. She was wearing the typical "dorky teen girl who doesn't care about her appearance" outfit (jeans from walmart, random faded tshirt, secondhand sneakers, hair long and un-styled) and you could tell she wasn't very athletic from the awkward way she was running but she was wearing this really ugly trench coat/cardigan thing on top of her other clothes. It looked handmade with weird cutouts and a dramatic collar. It might have been for a cosplay but didn't matcher her other clothes and it also was too big for her. She turned a corner and it swooshed dramatically. It made me so happy because I bet she feels like the main character in a JRPG in that stupid thing and it reminded me of my childhood in a way I really haven't felt in a long time.
No. 1537992
File: 1680292272918.jpg (39.25 KB, 800x800, sanpellegrino-essenza-blood-or…)

>>1537890Nonny I feel you. I'm a sucker for this one right now.
No. 1537996
File: 1680292511265.jpg (291.93 KB, 1080x1080, adorable-cows-2.jpg)

>>1537866>>1537869>>1537874Hang in there nonitas, I'm sad you had to see that shit but at least the hands were on it quickly. Here's a cute pic just for you.
No. 1538084
File: 1680300448773.png (7.05 KB, 353x238, shayna.PNG)

It's not there anymore, but I think Shaynafags have something coming for them kek
No. 1538104
>>1538103Idk if they want anyone to post yet but
No. 1538130
>>1538105/pt/ is dead
long live /shay/
No. 1538132
File: 1680303074820.jpg (32.22 KB, 296x266, s-l300.jpg)

I saw an anon talking about this game being ported to Switch and I was about to lose my shit being so excited until I realized I was once again duped by the manifestation thread.
No. 1538182
File: 1680314162093.jpeg (139.85 KB, 750x1136, 97CB41F9-8D64-4EA3-90B7-CC0544…)

What the fuck is Lisa vagueposting about now?
No. 1538185
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CP Bump
No. 1538192
File: 1680315943186.jpg (33.99 KB, 720x631, 1676374339546.jpg)

I was hoping for an april fools and I'm so glad we got one, cerbmin is literally the best thing to happen to lolcow
No. 1538209
File: 1680319673679.jpeg (63.51 KB, 722x1045, 3AE40667-BD55-4097-BD57-03AB3B…)

>>1537992Awh fuck those sound amazing. I’ve only ever seen the cherry flavored ones around me for some reason, which isn’t my kinda flavor. Now I’m dying to try this orange raspberry flavor and the lemon zest flavor that apparently exists too, gonna have to ask my parents to look around for them since they live in a bigger city kek
My FAVE fave sparkling waters are the unflavored Liquid Deaths, but they’re so fucking expensive I literally cannot justify buying them except for when I grab them @ 3 for $5 at 5below as a treat. I hadn’t tried them for years cause the marketing was retarded to me, but holy fuck they’re some damn good waters.
>tfw you know you’re officially old now that you are obsessed with sparkling mineral waters and seltzers>tfw would unironically love to be a water sommelier (I know it’s a real thing) No. 1538226
File: 1680322080081.png (3.91 KB, 831x127, Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 21-08…)

BREAKING: 4chan april fools is starting
No. 1538244
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Nicole Kidman was gorgeous when she wore her natural hair. Blonde looks terrible and boring on her.
No. 1538367
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Having money is nice because nowadays instead of being seeing something I want and thinking that I can't afford it or that I could probably only get it if I save or set some money aside, I see things I like and most of it I can afford (even if sometimes I'm really hesitant to spend money).
How does that Ariana Grande lyric go? "I see it. I like it. I want it. I got it."?
No. 1538492
>>1538469Yes and cavewomen fucking loved it
Otherwise shy guys would have gone extinct 30000 years ago
Source: just trust me man
No. 1538534
>>1538519Why are you so sure about that?
And exactly which part of human evolution are we talking about here, Ms caveman sexpert?
No. 1538558
>>1538540>>1538540I can try to shill you the opposite, the man of the future.
All genetically engineered by their mothers and bionically upgraded by their girlfriends according to their needs and preferences.
Most popular upgrade: Vibrating dick. Detachable.
How does that sound?
No. 1538583
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>>1538566Pillow princesses unite. If he’s not reading your mind via subtle nonverbal cues he’s not doing it right.
May there be a strong and competent sensual man out there for every one of us.
No. 1538591
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I left LC for a 1 year+ and I've come back to a and whole shay board and the liberation of the 2X board. I'm confused but happy, I missed you nonnies oh so much.
No. 1538642
>>1538622>I throw everything away and pussy slam him at 80kms/hrFucking kek I feel you anon
These hormones really making feminism leave my body
No. 1538648
>>1538642>>1538622I'm usually mild mannered but ovulation always makes gorilla femdom enter my body instead.
My brain is just pussyslam those hot fuckers
No. 1538781
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the number 666 follow me lately should i be worried kek
No. 1538831
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This is so dumb but I finally saw the Dolly Parton cake mixes in my local store and I'm so happy. I thought these were limited edition and that they stopped being sold months ago, there were also the brownie mixes but I'm not a brownie gal so I didn't get them. The boxes are PINK! I don't even buy box cakes but I just needed these.
No. 1538851
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I got bangs and I feel like I look like her
No. 1538895
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I always feel like a divine gatekeeper of secret knowledge whenever I find some long-ass wikipedia article that only exists in my language and maybe one or two others, none of which are English or maybe even its supposed native language.
No. 1538929
>>1538916men think women are confusing bc they never take the time to get to know women on any other basis other than trying to get in her pants. men think women are confusing bc they don't even
try to understand us, a scrote will be married to a woman for 40 years and still claim to not understand her, meanwhile his wife will know everything about his routine and preferences and how to placate him when hes in a bad mood.
now im mad lmao
No. 1538931
>>1538887Same, except with music, and occasionally with things like commentary.
There's a TIM that does amazing deep dives into Danganronpa, if you ignore the occasional troon rants, but they aren't necessary to watch and can be skipped safely. His voice is extremely distracting if you don't expect him to be a TIM, though.
No. 1538935
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>>1538931>danganronpa youtuberpls dont say its danganmandy that guy is absolutely unbearable
No. 1538954
>>1538768>>1538911reading about this and the sensitive dick is
turning me on, can I have him>>1538926But I'm retarded with a dad who still has his hair, something went wrong here
No. 1538970
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No. 1538977
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Everybody!!! I learnt how to make gifs in adobe photoshop 6
No. 1538991
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>>1538977Please make me one with this image and it says fuck off scrote in glitter font please and thank you
No. 1538994
>>1538973ah shit, was gonna check out his video on drv3 the other day when it got recommended. looks like hes got that stereotypical tranny vocal fry going on but at least his voice is listenable, maybe bc he's a va?
i wish danganronpa and associated fandoms weren't chock full of trannies icl. i see he did a video about yume nikki too which is a game i absolutely love, but TIMs seem to flock to it and shit up all the spaces to talk about it online
No. 1539003
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>>1538991Hope you like anonna!
>>1538997hell yes that bitch is over
No. 1539068
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>>1539013my heart skipped a beat
>>1539016thank you
nonnie No. 1539125
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I'm feeling lonely, I wish I was a carrot so I could get carrot hugs
No. 1539327
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I don't know how people actually listen to audiobooks. Maybe it's because I spend so much time daydreaming but my mind completely starts wandering not even a minute in, especially if I'm trying to listen while doing something else. I need to actually read the book myself.
No. 1539796
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My man grilled amazing food tonight with a homemade marinade and i blurted out “fuck i cant grill like you can; I guess all im good for is sitting on your face! Ugh! “
And he almost choked, kek
but in all seriousness why is he such a great cook what the hell
No. 1539833
>>1539827Trannys are a minority. In majority of parts of the world they are almost non-existent. And even in Western liberal country's and liberal city's most people who have a normal life through their entire life would maybe stumble upon only 2 or 3 trannys.
This is why this whole hyperfixation on tranny's by radfems or conservatives to me seems reactionary. Sure alot of trannys post online so it looks like a bigger number than it is , but all It takes for most people is to stop being chronically online and realize there are no trannys around them plotting.
No. 1539867
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one time I saw a deer approaching the side of the road while I was a passenger in a pickup truck and i had some notion you shouldn't distract the driver so I just sharply inhaled thinking he saw it too but he didn't. we killed the poor deer. I can't be sure because we were going kinda fast but we might have avoided it if I'd said something. my mom told me she did something similar once and it cost her her a good portion of her front teeth (from the car crash) so you should always speak up if you see something as a passenger.
No. 1539870
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>>1539866i did not watch video but it seems like it
No. 1539873
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No. 1539876
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i think the site being extra deader around these hours proves that most farmers are burgers
No. 1539883
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this is petty but i refuse to learn anything taught by men especially art related things
No. 1539894
>>1538831When I first saw these I kind of yelled out "DOLLY?" Was not expecting to see these at all.
>>1538591Welcome back. ♥
No. 1539903
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Should i tell this guy i dont want to be their friend anymore or just block them? I already tried to give him hints but he's either retarded or he refuses to take a no for an answer and keeps contacting me and asking me to hang out
No. 1539925
>>1539919>when you run to a place when you're triggered and let shit out with the purpose of having people agree with you, it's because you don't have a strong sense of self or boundaries and need an outside source to prop you this not how human beings work in general? not to mention that women are gaslit by the whole world 24/7 so of course you would want someone to fight in your corner.
as for bending over backwards, people want to be loved. it is not anti-feminist to want to be worthy of love, and anons seething about women being abused by their nigels aren't doing it because men bad, but because they need to find a better one who won't fuck them over. it is unnatural to hate all men and certain online radfems (not all) are bitter and childish, and desperately need to touch some grass. you can talk about sexism without defaulting to "all men suck". life is not a game of football where it's men vs women, normal people are on the same team and if you run into those who aren't, you call them out.
and yes men are often retarded, but being straight and wanting a man to love you is normal and not a disease. it is also not at all impossible to find a good guy who will love you, if your immediate surroundings are full of assholes then you need to look elsewhere.
No. 1539992
>>1539925>it is unnatural to hate all men>it is also not at all impossible to find a good guy who will love yountayrt but ehh gonna have to disagree with this, even the supposedly """good""" men end up being disappointing ime and/or hiding some skeletons in the closet. even with platonic relationships.
>if your immediate surroundings are full of assholes then you need to look elsewherebut where is "elsewhere?"
No. 1540033
>>1539925Just wanted to say I agree with this. As usual nonas are piling on and cherry picking points of your post while overlooking the broader message. I feel like anons of lolcow either have a penchant for choosing the worst moids possible, as evident by a lot of the stories you encounter here, or have unrealistic expectations. You can be in a relationship with a woman and she can still annoy and disappoint you or have skeletons in her closet as one anon put it, I know I do for sure lol. Not saying there aren’t things that are
problematic about moids as a broader category, but there are also things I appreciate about my current nigel and I think in a way we compliment each other.
And sure you can pick a moid that seems good on paper who turns out to have this or that issue, but I don’t think it’s specific to men. Also just a thought for people out there, if you don’t wanna date a manchild then don’t pick a manchild.
No. 1540069
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>>1540060I've been hit by the nostalgia wave and really felt like playing sims 1 lately. I'm resisting because I've a huge games backlog already, and I will never recreate my childhood experience, playing a cracked copy that's entirely russian, and memorising commands based on which button they are on the menu. Sweet memories!
No. 1540083
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>>1540069>that pictureI’m having so many memory flashbacks right now. I played sims 1 with my best friend and we would make a woman like picrel and she was so pretty to us. We then would cheat her filthy rich and built one giant cube house. We would make windows everywhere because ~luxury~ and we would put the fat red curtains at every window even outside. Good times.
No. 1540139
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do you ever stop and think about that mammals are named after boobs
No. 1540145
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>>1540139>mammal>mammarywaaaaaaaaaaahhh i never knew
No. 1540153
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actually posting one's thoughts on twitter seems so embarrassing, how do people do it? i can't imagine why i'd want to have a name and identity attached to every silly post i could make
No. 1540170
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>>1540153prior to the elon muskrat takeover that'a what you had protected vent twitter accounts for
then apartheid clyde started limiting things
No. 1540286
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just found out my phone that I bought like four months ago is only 64gb and it's already full
No. 1540345
>>1540214Maybe it's my American interpretation of this, but maybe he means his parents insulted, berated, etc him when he was young and wanted dolls or other girl-centric toys. While yes, toys aren't needed to live, American families are still terrified of having gay sons & lesbian daughters, forcing them to be gender-conforming.
He could have real GID, like me(I'm a female, XX chromosomes, the opposite kind of tranny but a real lesbian), but while I don't know him and therefore cannot gage the creepy level, he just seems like a rare case of an effeminate straight guy acting out because he had a pretty shitty childhood for a first-worlder and not a dysphoric, suffering tranny. It's pretty much a guarantee that the more obsessed they are with sex and female anatomy the less likely they actually are mentally ill.
No. 1540349
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The idolmaster SideM is going to announce its end of service today and I am following my personal lolcow having a mental breakdown over it. She even got suspended on twitter for a few hours because she talked about suicide. She is an adult (23 or something) in arts and crafts college, jesus.
No. 1540356
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I really like that Keith Lee guy. I listened to a podcast where he talks about his life and he reminds me of my husbando.
No. 1540361
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>>1540360Hah, yeah I really love some of the cinderella girls
No. 1540369
>>1540366Idk if I'm weird, but sometimes I find it fascinating how some cows get detailed analysis of their problems and what to change and what they would be good at
But most have the problem of not wanting to admit mistakes and not wanting to make a change
No. 1540382
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>>1540361they were pretty interesting and well designed for an idol moeshit franchise. I am glad ensemble stars is thriving, it's the only male idol franchise that i think looks good
No. 1540456
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I wish there was a cringe husbando thread I want to share and see others embarrassingly talk about husbands that they're too shy to talk about when they're not anonymous!! I want to see ugly characters and not godlike anime boys!!
No. 1540486
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>>1540456I LOVE TUMBLR SEXYMEN (culture)!!! But maybe we need a cringe waifu thread, too? I feel like SSA nonitas get left out a lot.
No. 1540496
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next wignat to make fun of me is getting reminded I'm eugenically ideal
No. 1540499
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>>1540456>>1540481Just use the thread in /m/, you guys don't need to expand even more. there is even a alien/monster/mask threads there
>>1540486What's the difference with cringe and this thread
>>>/g/315174 or you go to the /m/ waifu thread there.
No. 1540502
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>>1540481>>1540486Let's go! I want to relive the cringey Tumblr days and talk freely about the weird sexy Tumblr men/women
>>1540499I feel like the posts in those threads are usually the same 5 anime/video game characters. It can be a bit intimidating for some anons to post in those threads because others are looking for more attractive characters, if I'm not mistaken I think some of the anons were getting annoyed by that one john redcorn anon and the Kirby anon for doing so.
No. 1540508
>>1540502Yeah and the pic I posted wasn't even an anime character or yumejo? She's a flash game character from the late 2000s who gets so little art from people who aren't moids or people who aren't drawing straight up porn and it's frustrating because her personality is very relatable (germaphobe, shy, likes cozy & casual video games, but knows how to stand up for herself) and all people focus on is her body and it angers me.
It's also intimidating to post an obscure character and feel like you're being judged.
Maybe I should just wing it and go in, though.
No. 1540516
>>1540456back when I was still into 2d I felt your pain
even when the guy was attractive he was completely unlikable for some other fatally flawed reason and loathed or not appreciated by the fandom. I had that disease chronically
then I went onto have unconventional irl husbandos who not enough people liked and it was a similar crisis kek
No. 1540544
>>1540538agree the irl husbando thread exists in /g/ for a reason
I didn't realize there was so much fighting in the fictional husbando threads, we had a grand old usually non hostile time in the 3d one
No. 1540555
>>1540544Unfortunate as in unattractive and weird or someone they would be embarrassed to admit that they like.
I only said irl in general so that it wouldn't be any fighting, I don't post in those threads but I am a lurker and I usually feel bad for the anons who get bullied away for posting silly characters they enjoy.
>>1540540 Weird characters like Tumblr sexy men, background characters, characters that were based off of pixels and made into sexy men things like that.
No. 1540608
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Andrew Tate's Muslim transformation is complete
No. 1540611
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>>1540608he's truly one of the ugliest men alive
No. 1540622
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>>1540608I posted this in another thread but he is totally going to spend the rest of his career boasting about what a badass criminal he is now, despite only being in for 90 days.
No. 1540665
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My stupidly irregular period is about to be on time the ONE time I don't want it to be, isn't it?
No. 1540709
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Is there such a thing as a "media you like that would get you relentlessly criticized by farmers thread"? Cause sometimes I feel like I could post a lot on something like that.
No. 1540710
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>>1540349As an enstarsfag I am currently tethering between polite compassion and letting my inner bitter little troll out. I've had discord friends directly tell me: "fuck you I hope the female series dies and enstars dies", I just ignored that but a part of me wants to respond.
No. 1540759
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fish women me fear me love
No. 1540778
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Damn I was just at the store and I was such a spaz, I dont think I looked at the girl helping me once why am i so DUMB.
No. 1540779
>>1540496You need high intelligence for that.
>wanting wignat attentionNot gonna succeed
No. 1540780
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Barbie posters dropped today and they're making me lol because I never really realized that Ken doesn't do shit.
No. 1540786
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I'm obsessed with this guy from a random french photograph. It's staying on my phone forever.
No. 1540787
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>>1540780>>1540783I actually really love the designs, I just hope the movie is good
The Michael Cera one made me laugh, I didn't expect him
No. 1540792
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>>1540787All Of Ken's Clothes Fit Him!
No. 1540812
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my nigga yotsuba
No. 1540995
>>1540979I often fantasize about meeting someone who works at EA and publically humiliating them
This is an actual power fantasy of mine
No. 1541229
>>1541223Based and true
>>1541219Seconded, I'm patiently waiting for someone to make that unconventional husbando thread on /m, and not because I want to make fun of anyone like someone said upthread but because i want to post so many characters myself kek
No. 1541286
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>>1540780>Simu Liugod i fucking hate him so so much! all blm protesters and troons combined don't cry
victims as much as this ugly neanderthal, he could be in every big movie ever, win 10 oscars and nevertheless still claim he's discriminated against because muh beauty standards…
>>1541278it's plain misogyny disguised as homophobia.
rn it's a trend in china to pair up super young actors with more mature actresses. in other asian countries you too have pretty boys as the most sucessful singers and actors. there's a huge market catering to what most girls and women want.
meanwhile in the us and europe they mock them for looking girly/faggy, mock women who are attracted to men with proper hygiene but in reality they just don't want us to have anything. the only movies genuinely catering to a female audience are teen romance flicks - and everybody everywhere is always making fun of those and shaming the viewers.
they know that it's over once they're no longer able to brainwash us into keeping our standards low…
No. 1541289
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that video was so funny kek
No. 1541305
>>1541258If it’s available for you
nonnie, you should give period underwear a try. It completely changed my life.
No. 1541310
>>1541306>where did we go wrongYou keep paying for that shit.
They put up the 20th remake of some shit and full it with ancient ugly ex nepo babies and you flock to the premiere and it's record sales again blah blah
No. 1541313
>>1541307>>1541309lmao I'm not taking into account sources that aren't in French, no offense though I know how Wikipedia has been used by TRAs lately, even with dead celebrities. Given how he acts in front of cameras and what is stage costumes look like I'm sure the "she" pronouns aren't to be taken seriously just like with drag queens.
No. 1541314
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>>1541304Is this what french people were ‘seething’ over? You want him to do more of this?
No. 1541323
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I'm gonna have to poop in a public toilet
No. 1541325
>>1541306>why is it that they are not scared to pander to yumejos in asia? it's not like they do it because they genuinely care about women, but because it makes big profit.
they treat male celebs like they treat female celebs in the west. you're too old and uggo? you're out, bring in a newer face and sell all kinds of stuff with it.
and it creates additional profit by forcing normie moids to also spend money on clothes and skin care to keep up with what women like. a win win situation for capitalism.
would make sense in the west too, but for some reason rich hollywood scrotes still have some kind of solidarity with normie scrotes and therefore seemingly don't want them to suffer by imposing stricter standards on them. no idea why
No. 1541335
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Moids in my country are accidently killing themselves cause of cheap steroids, my older brother says that steroids shipped from china are so cheap even the poorest of the poor can get them.
does your country have similar cases cause I hear its happening a lot in other third world countries.
No. 1541344
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>>1541323already pooped so why does my tummy hurt
No. 1541375
>>1541340>Can we stop pretending mystery meat boys are cute?no. I'm not attracted to aryan features personally, and am 'mystery meat' myself.
>They're hairy all over too.I don't mindBtw I have no idea who the guy being discussed looks like I'm just defending my taste for mixed and tan men in general.
No. 1541378
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>>1541375Taking the risk of getting a ban for race bait, what's with some white people and pretending they don't have body hair?
No. 1541385
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>>1541344Public toilet bacteria in your butt throwing a party, it's like when you feel your neighbors bass in your walls, I'm sorry to say.
No. 1541388
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>>1541378Don't you know? Real White People do NOT have body hair AT ALL! If you think you're "White" but are not smooth as a dolphin EVERYWHERE you're actually Mystery Meat and You Will Never Be A Real Aryan.
jk jk but also reminds me of TRAs, both white and self-hating non-white women acting like ~woc~ (as a whole supposedly) are much hairier than white women and even white men therefore if those "hairy brown" women count as "real women" then why not actual men. something something horseshoe theory i guess No. 1541403
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>mfw browsing /g/
I avoid it because I feel like such an autistic outsider I get one I can only describe as I guess gender dysphoria?? But I’m XX afab and identify as female. It just reminds me of trying to desperately to bond with other girls growing up and them looking at me with derision and me trying so hard to make friends but everyone just thinking I’m a fucking weirdo.
No. 1541415
>>1541406They got
triggered by reading the words “gender dysphoria” and didn’t really read your comment or understand it. It happens here sometimes, don’t worry about it. I know what you meant lol
No. 1541416
>>1541409Oh okay, sorry
nonny. I just didn’t want some other anon to swoop in and say YWNBAW and claim I’m a troon kek for feeling uncomfortable and out of place browsing /g:
No. 1541431
>>1541419>not care about makeup Fair enough
>or raping malesUnbased
No. 1541479
File: 1680712728492.jpeg (Spoiler Image,30.46 KB, 696x385, images (3).jpeg)

I can't believe the french plagiarized Pabblo Vittar. Spoilered for moid pic and moid in drag pic.
No. 1541510
File: 1680717249332.jpeg (81.97 KB, 678x760, 1674579580769.jpeg)

I bit my tongue some time yesterday and I'm trying to eat but it hurts SO BAD. I can barely take a bite it hurts so much
No. 1541537
File: 1680719100964.jpg (65.06 KB, 1081x751, carmen.JPG)

I used to be a musical theatre nerd in my late teens/early twenties, but the amount of musicals, opera and plays where the main woman gets stabbed, killed, burned or violently confronted in the end due to some man's jealousy and rage put me off for good. I'm not a fan of rewriting stuff for the sake of politics, but reading this headline made me smile.
No. 1541541
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One of two of my eyebrow hairs is soo long it keeps dropping down. You know how Leo Deonardo used to have that litttle piece of hair in front of his forehead? That's literally what my eyebrow looks like right now. I need to cut it or pluck it.
No. 1541570
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>>1541487not a very interesting photo so sorry to disappoint
No. 1541658
File: 1680730959415.jpg (Spoiler Image,239.57 KB, 1169x1882, ariana grande.jpg)

Why does Ariana Grande have so many clones? I just saw picrel, it's only of her clones who has a onlyfans. If I was her I would be scared. They literally want to wear her skin. Even down to an Audrey Hepburn drawing in the back kek.
No. 1541663
File: 1680731273979.jpg (63.51 KB, 752x752, 1647965282704.jpg)

I just need to write 6 more pages of this essay to finish it today, it won't even take that long but I've been sitting mindlessly refreshing websites for hours instead. If I didn't start procrastinating I could already be almost finished by now. Okay after I send this post I'm going to start writing again (for real this time)
No. 1541675
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>>1541637smut counts as porn?
No. 1541705
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100% momokun
No. 1541735
File: 1680740324482.jpg (362.83 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_21f99487792951e03bcdcd0…)

I wish cowbuild hadn't done that dumb shit because all of their CC is so nice and some of it is perfect for the new save file I started
No. 1541845
File: 1680755374973.jpeg (351.18 KB, 1080x1920, FBFEE66A-97A1-4B55-9820-A50B7D…)

I cant believe this exists, wish you could reposition the text though No. 1541943
>>1541403>afab>identify as female>iphone namefilei hate you retard faggot autist fattie newfag snowflake tranny kys
i hope those words were
triggering enough for you to get your ass back on tiktok, sperg. If you decide to adapt then welcome!! hiii!!!!
No. 1542039
>>1542030You seem to be the one who's
triggered, kek. I'm not the og tranny anon, you're just embarrassing and sound too old to be here.
No. 1542041
>>1542039Ayrt, I'm not this
>>1541943 poster either. You sound like too much of a retard faggot autist fattie newfag snowflake tranny to be here
(Infighting) No. 1542056
>>1542053I think telling a woman to kill herself because you dislike her, which is what anon did at this post
>>1541943 is embarrassing as fuck if she's above the age of 18.
No. 1542059
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No. 1542085
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>>1542075it's the second time someone called me señora and i am 21, i must be really fucking ugly
No. 1542122
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Randomly remembered a Newgrounds game from when I was little where you kill Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls. It scared me a lot back then. I looked it up today, and it was actually made in 2000. The same person made two other games where you kill the other girls. He called one of them a "slut", and his bio on Newgrounds described his work as "extreme sexiness". I looked up the creator's name, and he's a software engineer who's married with kids. He would've been 15 when he made those games. Moids are fucked up, we really live in a society.
No. 1542125
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Considering making some decent posts on /m/ before making one that will possibly get me banned.
No. 1542141
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Muslim memes are really funny in an ironic way.
No. 1542142
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>>1542141i like the goku ones
No. 1542155
File: 1680794146267.jpg (418.59 KB, 2048x2016, diamonds are a girl's best fri…)

I feel like if this movie came out today farmers would've tore it to shreds
No. 1542166
>>1542155Samefag but I for one hope for more movies like this. I love colorful, playful movies that are just for fun and not taking itself too seriously.
>>1542163Sartorial_E on twitter
No. 1542171
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>>1542167latam moids would kill themselves if they couldnt ogle at women's ankles everyday on their way to the taco stand
No. 1542209
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Post recs for your cutest iron-on and sew-on embroidered patches, sweet noñas
No. 1542225
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>>1542142>>1542171the guy who makes these is actually french and made an entire comic called Dragon Ball Zetla about DBZ characters as deliquents in Montpellier kek. They have different names like iirc Goku is Karim and Vegeta is Samir, and the backgrounds are oddly detailed. I used to follow him as a personal cow of sorts, maybe I should check up on him. Still don't understand why he feels the need to sign his drawings 5 times.
No. 1542283
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Haven't posted that much, but i have made a few posts here and there and i thought they were milky, but people ignored them. And i know i shouldn't be that butthurt about it, but i am
No. 1542304
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>>1542142Reminded me of pic rel, though this one is probably ironic so not as funny as the complete sincerity of the Muslim memes
No. 1542396
File: 1680821614699.gif (2.55 MB, 320x240, teehee.gif)

I have witnessed glory
>walk into sister's room, sometimes i chat before bed
>she's playing vidya, lucky
>hear some squeaky noise coming from the floor
>it's her phone
>it's her irl boyfriend (former discord couple)
>he's talking in a babyish voice, pitched up
>'nOoO sTaY wAkIeS fOr Me'
>he doesn't realise im in the room
>he's just talking casually about things, normal conversation, except in a baby voice
>he is a full on bearded man with a proper job irl
>i look at my sister
>'nice to see you, goodnight'
>shut the door and WHEEZE
My sister is treated well and I'm happy for her, but DAMN I am never going to forget this
No. 1542524
File: 1680844117275.jpg (15.83 KB, 170x358, Tim__28HoLV_29.jpg)

This is the worst character in all of made in abyss. He's only 11, but what he does is completely deplorable.
Basically, he's actually from harvest moon. Did you fall for it, nona?
No. 1542555
File: 1680849770754.jpeg (153.11 KB, 1290x1346, IMG_0165.jpeg)

This is making me feel schizophrenic. Is it not just someone standing on tip toes
No. 1542565
>>1542553thanks! it ticks all the boxes in my autism checklist
>early 00s>otaku culture>weird japanese humori found it on youtube and its pretty fun so far, i like the weird main girl
No. 1542668
>>1542644Cause they don’t actually look good, I’ve seen these people in the wild on Facebook and you click their profile and they inevitably look their age or older. People who actually look young for their age just live their lives and don’t complain about it. If anything they share amusing anecdotes about being mistaken for being young with their friends but that’s it. Everyone I’ve ever seen randomly bring up a story about them being mistaken for being so young in a public setting has always looked their age or older. I have one friend who genuinely looks a lot younger than she is and she never posts about the many interactions she has with ppl who mistake her for a kid, she just occasionally shares the funnier ones with friends privately.
Meanwhile I know a bunch of people who constantly post about being mistaken for being younger than they are and they literally look their age or older.
No. 1542683
File: 1680872947971.jpeg (47.6 KB, 749x390, 12B62788-ECA2-4EC9-A4F2-BE36F5…)

I feel like a lot of the anons here were bullied as kids by being told ‘Haha I heard you have a crush on (the kid in class that’s considered the most repulsive)’ ,anons who were considered the most repulsive kid in class, anons who has to deal with rape threats and sexual harassment from middle school boys, and anons who were asked out as a joke
No. 1542704
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>>1542683Nope, but I was a quiet kid and the only reason I was able to survive and avoid a lot of bullying was because I was very good at art and average looking.
>anons who has to deal with rape threats and sexual harassment from middle school boysThis also isn’t exclusively a farmer thing, just a female thing.
No. 1542719
File: 1680876239673.png (Spoiler Image,80.46 KB, 500x625, jasper.png)

>>1542717Me too I still like buff women.
No. 1542731
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>>1542683Okay and? also I was in sex segregated school so I never dealt with most males outside my family members
No. 1542744
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I was pretty lucky to go to a "selected/elite/whatever school" with mostly girls in my class, as far as I know, no one ever suffered bullying in my class.
No. 1542786
I'm that lady that grew up in Yugoslavia, I posted about growing up under communism in the communist thread
No. 1542803
File: 1680883337826.jpg (37 KB, 563x565, 1671712190457.jpg)

I've tried to quit bras before but I can't go more than a month before I get horrible and extremely painful scabs on my nipples from my shirt rubbing against them and then I have to wear bras again until they heal, rinse and repeat. The scabs hurt so much I can't move without wincing. How do anons do it?
No. 1542809
>>1542789Ayrt, There was a woman posting here some years ago who claimed to be in her 50s so I'm probably not even the oldest farmer ever
I myself was so happy to see a 38 yo woman post in the friend finder thread, I am thinking of contacting her when I fix my computer
No. 1542811
File: 1680883996833.png (216.99 KB, 500x498, b9f7be22-c7e2-4e7d-b9d2-87bb61…)

>>1540665update: it actually came in earlier than it should've. Fuck my entire life I just wanna have sex with my scrote
No. 1542815
my bad but can anyone recommend me channels of 7/10+ level attractive black brit guys that do mukbangs and borderline inhale the food they're eating? just wondering nonnies
>>1542683one girl tried to bully me but I was too retarded to understand what she was doing so she gave up pretty fast. I think that's my only experience.
No. 1542821
>>1542803I feel your pain
nonnie. I normally wear a bralette or a cami type item of clothing. I still have to deal with my nipples always being visible through my top though, I might try nipple covers soon or maybe just medical tape. No one ever talks about the realities of not wearing a bra, seemingly it's not as easy as just not wearing one kek.
No. 1542833
>>1542824Blop blop blop blop blop blop bloody nips
Nobody likes
Bloody nips!
No. 1542873
File: 1680892230254.jpg (189.85 KB, 1415x1934, disgusted.jpg)

>go on the front page
>immediately see an edited pic of Shayna with shit coming out of her ass
I'm starting to dislike shayfags.
No. 1542914
File: 1680894999859.jpeg (78.71 KB, 1200x840, bdbmld48xd6fg9v239x3mvh2p646.j…)

Its friday
And its my day
I can't party
Have no energy
Also have no friends
No social life in years..
Everydays just the fuckin same
No. 1542949
I hate Chris Watts so much, I am literally afraid to marry a man now, I wish I could kill him with my bare fucking hands.
As for his slut, how the hell did she fuck a married man and 'not know'. Whore. I hope she too feels the burden of the deaths. No. 1542966
File: 1680899023285.jpg (77.96 KB, 720x960, e6ae8060c8fbb25f4b6b5daa2a2788…)

there's an Easter hunt going on today in my apartment complex and i found an egg, but my hands were full so i come back downstairs to get it and this old disabled lady asks me if today was the egg hunt and she keeps pressing on like, are you sure it's not on Sunday? at this point it was obvious she watched me spot an egg and was trying to trick me into not touching it till later and so i go back and claim my prize and i watch her in her car as i happily walk back to my room clearly pissed off that i won free candy. she's gona murder me now i just know it and it's making me feel guilty that i found a fucking egg kek
No. 1543001
File: 1680903340304.jpg (1.02 MB, 2718x1920, q74Kq4oGY2.jpg)

would you believe me If I told you this is a straight male character who likes curvy women.
No. 1543033
File: 1680906456240.png (150.69 KB, 1906x915, what the hell.PNG)

im dead, what in the fresh hell is this and why does etsy allow people to sell this shit like this
No. 1543147
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No. 1543148
File: 1680919840270.jpeg (149.58 KB, 951x1330, FtJuqSZXsAAxvmU.jpeg)

>>1543147This made me tear up
No. 1543179
File: 1680922978674.jpg (161.68 KB, 900x675, 1672961209061.jpg)

Trump-chan in the vent thread. I don't expect her to stop posting but is it so hard to integrate, just enough that you don't stand out in every post?
No. 1543191
>>1543147>>1543148is this filming for the wicked movie or are they just out and about?
I like Cynthia's look but I really hope she's not starving herself too much, she looked small as hell in that photo with Ariana and I don't think she's naturally that little. Ariana looks scary, I'll think she's miscast as Glinda until I see the actual film kek
No. 1543210
File: 1680925755669.jpg (16.42 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)

>>1543086Some muppets are sexy. I'm pretty sure those clit suction vibes were heavily inspired by these.
No. 1543456
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Would you love me if I was a worm?
No. 1543470
File: 1680952078077.jpg (15.01 KB, 307x409, 100toys76.jpg)

>>1543456If you were a Glo Worm.. yes
No. 1543655
File: 1680965196836.jpeg (24.32 KB, 368x450, DCCB7F42-A10B-4403-926E-6A9A41…)

>cracked ver of civ v no longer works after os update
>every cracked ver i can find online is incompatible
>have to buy it like a fucking victim
No. 1543736
File: 1680972272647.gif (704.1 KB, 398x280, 157800424579.gif)

I know this hasn't happened recently (afaik) but I never understood why some anons get annoyed over other women not having the same taste in men as them, to the point where occasionally there's hours long arguments about it, or sometimes someone would barge in various husbando threads to pick a fight with everyone. Both real and fictional but it makes even less sense when fictional. It's like debating over ice cream flavors or pizza toppings, it's obviously going to be subjective. Men are basically food yes.
No. 1543743
>>1543736Vanilla is underrated
Mayo is an acceptable pizza topping
No. 1543804
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bumping cp off front page
No. 1543808
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i hope you guys have a good easter sunday tomorrow. i have a paper and a presentation i need to finish. but i am still going to enjoy the holiday regardless.
No. 1543828
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No. 1543953
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I'm going to buy 5 coca seeds for 30 euro
No. 1543981
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No. 1544024
File: 1680999019616.png (418.08 KB, 875x480, max.png)

Has this comparison been done yet