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No. 1690387
Confused monke edition.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1666376 No. 1690395
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Is Japanese mayo really all that different from other countries'? Just saw someone post that Hijikata was right all along.
No. 1690483
>>1690395It has a lighter/more delicate taste. It's best for savory dishes or along with other sauces, like okonomiyaki sauce etc etc
>>1690407I think it's because there's an emphasis on being "neat" from a young age. Also better looking media to copy from, and coloring books tend to be more detailed.
No. 1690488
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>>1690407there is a misconception by westerners that stuff like anime is all stylization and 0 knowledge, but it's not true. I have seen generic animu moeshit artists recommend Hampton and other academic drawing resources. Basically, the only difference is that Japanese artists actually practice and dont hide behind ''muh style''
No. 1690511
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What the fuck kind of personality type falls into gendie bs? In b4 chronically online, most farmers are chronically online too but why aren't we retarded in that way. I literally have never ever thought about my "gender identity" or felt like basing my entire personality or online persona around screaming pronouns. What exactly is wrong with tifs and tims? I saw that tiktok of that frog/frogs idiot crying about being called a lady at a bar and it just had me wondering what the fuck kind of mental illness do these people have.
No. 1690575
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>>1690540yes and toad/toads and leap/leaps and croak/croaks (free new pronoun sets for the tif nonners out there)
No. 1690629
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Does any other ESL anon struggle with these things when speaking English?
>lack of breath, even on short sentences
>knowing how it's pronounced in your head but when saying it out-loud it's an incomprehensible mess
>struggling to speak with an intonation other than ''8th grade reading essay out loud'' voice
makes me feel tarded
No. 1690640
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>>1690586Sleep happens when several cognitive centers get disconnected and your ego no longer maintains a connection between them and thus dissipates, but these cognitive centers by themselves always remain active, only connections dissipate. If several cognitive centers remain connected during sleep, dreaming happens, if all the centers are disconnected, deep, dreamless sleep happens. Although during dreaming state your ego has mostly dissipated it still manifests from connections between cognitive centers that have remained connected and you're able to remember what you dream, but since its disconnected from the other centers you cannot experience what they are doing during that time. In your case what they are doing is having a little nightmare of their own, with their own little dreaming ego that you don't remember, because only one you can exist at a time.
No. 1690664
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What drink should I get from the gas station?
No. 1690679
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>>1690640I’m born and die again during my sleep?
No. 1690697
>>1690672Got one in honor of our queen PT, god bless
>>1690668Will get Arizoner tomorrow ty
No. 1690719
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>>1690697God save the queen.
No. 1690958
>>1690933Handle with caution. There's not enough info about your relationship with your coworkers, hard to tell if they're setting you up for a date or a prank. Do
you have a crush on him? If they've picked up on that, they could also be reacting to it.
No. 1690968
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Just finished watching Leaving Neverland and I'm disturbed but also confused. Just wtf was MJ's sexual orientation? Was he straight, gay or bi? He seemed to be at least somewhat attracted to women with his crush on Diana Ross and Wade mentioning his obsession with Britney Spears (saying how 'sexy and beautiful' she was), but then again, all of his victims seemed to be boys, not girls. Both James and Wade mentioned MJ trying to move things to 'the next level', as they grew up to their teens with stuff like anal. Was he just a repressed and deeply warped and fucked up bisexual man from his years of abuse at the hand of his father?
No. 1690973
>>1690968I know very few gay men who don’t idolise «the divas» and speak of them in terms that could be confused with sexual attraction, especially closeted ones. He was opportunistic when it came to his
victims. Even if he wanted to assault girls, it would have been slightly more difficult to convince parents to let them come and stay at his compound with other boys.
Sadly, I think some parents would have had no issue putting their daughters in harm's way to get close to him. No. 1691266
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Does anyone have a pic of that one Allison Bechdel comic where in the background there’s a book called ‘inches’ with SpongeBob on the cover?
No. 1691480
>>1691468Bras actually make boobs get saggier over the time, saggy breasts are genetic, they can also happen if you gained lots of weight and lost it quickly or just lost it, but you could maybe do some exercises to try and lift them by training your chest muscles.
If they’re not particularly annoying, then you could try accepting them as they are, but if they get on your way, you could try breast reduction or a boob lift surgery.
No. 1691593
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>>1691578this question gets asked a lot
it's comes from anthony logatto, a guy who posted a lot of vitriolic hate comments about chris chan iirc to the point where his name became synonymous with it. any actual christorians itt feel free to correct me lol
No. 1691652
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Is having feminine decor on your car considered dangerous? I got a brand new car and I want to decorate inside it, kinda like picrel but less extreme.
I live in a very safe area but I still worry that if a creep or something saw a car decked out in pink stuff (on the inside, no bumper stickers) that would put me at way more risk.
I see some women just say to decorate it anyways and it's not additional risk, but others think it could be.
What do you nonnies think? Good or bad idea?
No. 1691668
>>1691583Nonnie… Literally damn near everyone whos had a crush on someone whos taken has had that exact thought.
And. Who gives a shit about good thoughts or bad thoughts kek. Obviously youre not a bad person for having thoughts about your crush breaking up, because one at he end of the day theyre just thoughts, and two jealousy is a normal human emotion.
No. 1691695
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>>1691609bullshit, connective tissue doesnt get stronger with use and strengthening the muscles under your breasts isn't going to make them perky. boobs sag as you get older, it's the facts of life. you can never wear a bra if you want but time and gravity come for us all.
No. 1691723
>>1690968He didn’t seem interested in girls/women, he sung about them but he friendzoned Tatiana Thumbzten who liked him and he said in an interview that when he was 23 his 19 year old gf called him over for sex and he just buried his face in his shirt until she went away. All his girlfriends and wives were beards and he saw and hooked up with some of the children he molested when they grew up. And no girls have come out even though I guess there were some at the ranch
Another stupid question: I too watched leaving neverland and I’m interested in talking about the documentary on this site. Where do you think I should make a thread in /m/ or like just discuss it in celebricows(hopefully not cause that thread is full of gay moids and twitterfags who talk like gay moids) or maybe in /ot/?
No. 1691796
I said "due to me" having to get an uber, but just in case it's not clear the $$$ is not for the uber, it's for the emergency vet I had to pay suddenly due to him
No. 1691807
>>1691805Oops sorry, let me link it like this ot/res/1481070.html
No. 1691824
>>1691810Could it have happened over time and you just didn't notice? I know people who had to have a bunch of sugar and milk in their coffee and tea and now find it way to sweet and only drink it black, and idk about everyone else but I know there's been times I've retried sweets I ate as a kid and realised how shit they tasted.
If you are actively choosing healthier options it may be that you've created a health habit around food choices, like how if someone were to create a habit around working out once a day at first its probably going to suck but as time goes on they find it more enjoyable and actively choose to work out
No. 1691924
>>1691849I'd say your body/tastebuds/mind is just more used to natural sugar now so added sugar either tastes worse or makes you feel worse. A lot of people say when they change to healthier alternatives after a while it happens to them and eating junk just doesn't feel worth it
It also could be a subconscious thing if you are serious about your hormonal issues, you don't want to feel and look like that therefore the junk food doesn't feel worth it
No. 1691938
Why do men hate pink? Inspired by this question
>>1691652Recently I used a pink umbrella to shade me from the sun and some old man poked fun at me… there was someone else near with a black one but I bet he wouldn’t have said anything. It seems like he targeted me only bc my umbrella was pink. Why does pink evoke such a negative reaction?
No. 1692020
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>>1692017Iirc it's the aluminium interacting with your bacteria that stains, don't think they've invented aluminium free antipersps yet. You can get pit pads to put in your shirts though, picrel
No. 1692101
>>1691155maybe not so helpful, but I resolved this problem by switching to deodorant without antiperspirant.
so I still sweat but it doesn't smell. Pits get wet sometimes, but no staining or odor.
No. 1692383
>>1692377I think I would be more fucked up if my partner physically abused me than if they cheated on me, so I'll say that.
This does bring a stupid question to mind though. If someone cheats on you and then gives you an STD, could that be considered abuse?
No. 1692449
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>>1692426it's basically the horizontal inclination of your eye. the term was originally coined for medical purposes - eg. for surgeries around the eye area, or to describe facial abnormalities
of course the tiktok phrenology retards took the term and ran with it because they love nothing more than giving people new insecurities they can't do anything to fix
No. 1692788
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how bad is it to lie about your age on social media? I really like weebshit and tiktok but it feels weird posting on it as a 25 year old, I didn't really have the chance to have a normal having fun on social media experience when i was younger and i guess im trying to make up for the loss, i usually shave off six years oops.
No. 1692791
>>1692788I don't know how old
nonnie but there are lots of older fans into the nerd and anime scene on social media. You might just need to join their online circles and seek them out.
No. 1692795
>>1692791I know, I have some age-appropiate friends to go to cons with and whatnot but i like posting specifically on tiktok which isn't very popular with 25+
>>1692792Not really, unless you go out of your way to dm someone there's very little one to one interaction, i just like comments and that's it, i hardly get aggravating comments on dumb tiktok cosplay dance videos.
No. 1692942
>>1692911Sorry in advance if I'm saying something obvious but have you played around with your diet? Most often anemia can have you feeling this way but that's not the only reason; in my case it's still fluctuating but the most noticeable improvement I've noticed was when I worked a bit with dietitian, started eating more regularly and more diversified meals. I don't have any allergy or obvious deficiencies/surpluses, but it still worked.
Also, is where you live ventilated well?
No. 1692960
>>1692911eating healthier (lots of fruits, veggies, legumes, avoiding processed/junk food), drinking plenty of water, consistently going to bed early and getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, cutting down on screen time, trying to keep stress to a minimum.
low vitamin d and/or low iron can cause energy issues - if you are able to, go get a blood test to check if your levels are normal for everything or if you need supplements. it could be a thyroid issue too so you may want to get that checked out also.
No. 1692965
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Any other anons born in 1991 or 2003 feeling like they're unlucky? I never particularly read into chinese zodiac but recently I met other woman born in 1991 and she told me the chinese actually purposefully try to not have their children born in goat years since this is considered the most unlucky sign of all, that is most likely to struggle finding happiness; likely to be insecure and people pleasers.
No. 1692973
>>1692121update : amnesia definitely flopped, she was really awkward with computers and I didn't feel like playing in front of her, plus the game made her nauseous
so we just ate my birthday cake with my family, did our nails, watched half of mission impossible until she fell asleep at 1 am.. I guess she had a tiring day
I feel like the sleepover sort of flopped and I might be too old for that stuff, and the fact my mom made my birthday party that night was even more childish and pathetic (I'm 21)
Idk I just feel so nostalgic of how fun sleepovers used to be when I was a kid
No. 1693131
>>1692788You can like whatever you like regardless of your age, it’s not a crime, no one will take you to the police for making cringe tiktoks and liking memes. You can also be immature online, I am, just don’t do it with your face and full name attached.
Like, I will be 28 years old very soon and I enjoy my weebshit, join weebshit servers on discord, play videogames and no one asks why, because there’s a bunch of people my age or older that are into weebshit too.
No. 1693266
>>1693184It depends on your needs: where you work, whether you work out, what you like to wear, etc. Then how often you do laundry and weather where you live (whether you live in a place that has distinct seasons or not). This video talks about practical aspect of planning a wardrobe.
Before you tossed your poor quality clothes, What did you gravitate towards wearing? maybe go to the thrift store and buy some pieces and as you realize what you need then you can buy new pieces. video is not fucking embedding I give up
No. 1693509
>>1693483>lesbian women to not strictly watch lesbian pornI'm not a lesbian so I can't comment on that. But this TIM would fantasize about using his dick because male urges, which made him feel guilty because he's supposed to be a lesbian and lesbians don't have dick lol
>if anything the reverse is more uncommonLike straight women watching het porn to be uncommon?
No. 1693512
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>>1693485Top is storage space, bottom is memory. BG3 requires at least 70GB of storage and 8GB of RAM. If your drive is full yes you can by an SSD and install it on that. If you lack RAM you should consider upgrading your potato.
No. 1693539
>>1693509Yeah I think in my experience finding a straight woman who only ever
exclusively watches het porn or a lesbian who only
ever watches lesbian porn is not like unheard of but not as common as people who occasionally watch some category other than their orientation. No idea about if it’s the same with men though bc I never really talk to them
No. 1693613
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Am I overreacting if I think this is an absolutely retarded reason to ban somebody? I posted this in response to someone getting banned for mentioning that Bulgarian guys are hairy or ugly or something. That anon got banned for racebait. Then I posted this, because it really is stupid that jannies think Bulgarians are a race, that anyone would take offense at Bulgarian males being made fun of, and that mentioning Bulgarian (MALES) at all in a negative way counts as racebait. Then this gets banned as bait? Are jannies all sensitive children or something? Does anyone else feel like this site is being painful to use because any and every shitpost gets banned for "bait"? And yet infighting will go on for hours because jannies are sleeping, but if you mention males from anywhere on earth it's racebaiting. Or if you make a post the jannies don't like it's bait. How is this bait? Baiting anons into saying what exactly? Baiting an argument? This is just baffling to me how jannies will ban this post and not ban anons who start infights and then continue them hours later. This site is going to shit. Summerfags gtfo, that includes summerfag jannies.
No. 1693633
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>>1693615Bulgarians are not a race. This is anon's original post that was banned, and I don't know if she's upset about it or not, but I personally am tired of seeing every innocuous shitpost on this site get banned for some random reason. Why are jannies personally offended on the behalf of a Bulgarian moid? It isn't even the race versus culture part that upsets me it's the no-fun-allowed moderation. God forbid some nobody Bulgarian male gets compared to a caveman.
No. 1693646
>Bulgarians are a nation and South Slavic ethnic groupI don't really blame the janny for assuming.
No. 1694473
>>1694217Only with female protags or are moids acceptable?
Mr. Nobody - a family man seeks revenge after his family is robbed and assaulted, turns out he isn’t just an average guy. Pretty heavy on the macho shit.
Avengement - a man is betrayed by his brother and sent to a nightmarish prison, he escapes and seeks his brother out. Brutal fight sequences, very ufc inspired.
Hard Candy - a teenage girl seeks answers about her missing best friend, will she herself become a
victim? No full on knock, down drag out fights but that’s because the protag is a tiny girl. Psychological torture.
Double Jeopardy - a woman is sentenced to prison for killing her husband, only she didn’t do it. Oldie but one of my favs, kind of a court drama/political intrigue.
Peppermint - a woman’s family is murdered and she’s the only survivor, when the court system fails her she takes matters into her own hands. Typical revenge movie that doesn’t have her pulling punches, still has her throwing them though.
Columbiana - a young girl watches as her family is killed by the local crime family, she escapes to America where she dedicates herself to becoming a contract killer in order to have her revenge. Male gaze heavy, leans more on the spectrum of punisher with its violence.
If you have time for a TV series I highly recommend Terminal List, military dude suspects a conspiracy after a mission goes wrong and his family is murdered.
No. 1694584
>>1693825Cooking, chores, holding hands—why do those specific things matter? There’s not a manual or measure of how to be a good older sibling, either you guys are close or you’re not. Imo those are just things that you’re using to make yourself think that you were robbed of a relationship.
Don’t nitpick the past. Unless your sister abused you or something, my advice is to make use of the family relations and call her so that you can be close as adults.
No. 1694606
>>1694575Peoples upbringings aren’t the only ways they can be traumatised. They could be abused by someone outside the family, witness or be
victim to a horrible accident, have someone they love die suddenly, get diagnosed with an illness or disease, or even getting bullied can be so severe it causes trauma. Sometimes trauma doesn’t happen until adulthood.
No. 1694616
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>>1694592nta but omg i absent mindedly read that as
>until you imagine a light popping into your head"light" as in the object, like in cartoons whenever a character gets an idea. i was like kek that's so goofy do they really teach people to do that? sounds like it's effective anyway
No. 1694672
>>1694575>Is it just me or does everyone claim to be traumatized nowadays regardless of their actual upbringing?No it's not just you. Blog but I was best friends with this girl all throughout highschool who was like a bpd type, constant dramatic stunts, ditching people for no reason, running away from her house to sleep downtown with homeless drug addicted men twice her age, half assed suicide attempts, trooning out first to nonbinary, then male, then trans masc/fem whatever the fuck that is. I'm not friends with her anymore, but now I see she identifies as a rat boy whatever that means. But anyway I see posts of hers talking about having a "narcissistic mother" which is hilarious because I knew her mom when we were friends and she talked about her alot, she was never "narcissistic" she was extremely kind, patient, and worried about her daughter. She would even call me sometimes to see if she was with me when she'd run away. Even in highschool she would complain about her being a bit overbearing out of concern but never what she claims about her now. I think it's a new trend for gendies or spoonies to want to have some tough upbringing or something. But I've noticed that a lot as well.
No. 1694798
>>1694575unprocessed emotion ends up as traumatic, and with all our societal issues (growing loneliness, role of internet, etc.) more people are probably not processing their emotions as well. i think for many of these types, there's a lot of insecurity and relational issues.
>>1694672one thing about abusers is that they are commonly very good at hiding their issues, and can and do in fact love their
victims. my mom loves us, but she did get violent with my sister as a teen and try to control us.
No. 1694802
>>1694798I’m the op and I don’t mean parents who beat their kids. Most of the people I talked to never had any issue with their parents, never were raped or emotionally abused, and attribute their trauma to random childhood friends. Think of growing apart from a friend, except these people would claim that “everyone leaves me, I have an abandonment issue!!!” like dude everyone loses friends at some point. Just because they moved on doesn’t mean you’re on the same wavelength of codependency that someone with actual BPD has. Idk why these people want to be traumatized so bad but they also seem to ignore my suggestions to go to therapy so it’s likely just them wanting to be a
victim and complain.
No. 1694805
>>1694798No it's not that she was hiding abuse there literally was none, she says her mom is a narcissistic abuser because she was strict, stifled her creativity, was ~transphobic~, and controlling. But that was literally just her mom setting a curfew for her when we were teens, not letting her hangout with randoms until she met them, asking her not to wear things that would end up in a dress code violation at school, her not wanting her hanging out downtown with older men, her telling her not to smoke weed in her house, and not letting her get on testosterone until she was 18. Even in highschool her complaints were the same, if she was hitting her she would've been telling everyone about it. I remember her mom raised her voice with her twice and she wouldn't stop saying how her mom verbally abused her, I was with her on the phone during one of the times and it was literally just her mom crying and saying "please not in the house, I am begging you, if you're going to smoke just please not in the house" and it was because her room was next to her little sisters and the smoke would drift into her room, and that was what she considered "verbal abuse" kek
No. 1694890
>>1694857you can make your arguments against it by how you define love or such, but both abusers and
victims themselves will believe they love each other. we can't get into abusers' heads and say they don't feel love for their
victims. removing this layer of understanding makes it harder for
victims to recognize themselves.
>>1694802losing childhood friends and not processing it is hard and can be traumatizing in that way of simply not being processed. in a lot of these cases it's probably more than simply that, but like i said it reflects more issues around insecurity and relationships they have in their lives. it's annoying people use psychiatric language and diagnoses to describe basic emotions, but that's the language that comes off as meaningful in society to communicate distress where distress is regularly pathologized.
>>1694805i was going to add to
>>1694798 that it may or may not be the case she was abused and i only wanted to make a reminder that how people treat others does not necessarily extend to how they treat other people. she does sound awful and immature don't get me wrong but i still would assume the mother failed as a parent or is disconnected from her daughter to end up like this. a lot of what therapists critical of the affirmation model mention is genuinely bettering and building stronger relationships with kids, regardless if they continue to identify as trans or not.
No. 1694899
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What is the best bebop episode and why is it Jupiter Jazz
No. 1695086
>>1693830Nose and jaw surgeries change the structure while both bbl and boobjobs insert different stuff inside your body in unsafe ways. Though jaw surgeries are also VERY dangerous and can leave you with serious complications and they're not recommended for aesthetic purposes unblessed you're malformed.
If anything nosejobs and fillers are I think the most safe compared to other operations.
No. 1695102
>>1695077Oh shoot that’s really smart. Thank you for the idea!
>>1695075That’s absolutely foul lmao yes I’m definitely clean, have a bidet. Thanks for the answer
No. 1695113
>>1695099Filler is dissolvable, you can't dissolve a bbl or boobjob though.
Also love how schizos here like to pretend that your body stresses over filler when it literally does not, by that logic youd also stress your bodies with vaccines because it's foreign material being injected to your body which is untrue.
Boobjobs and silicone implants in the nose does stress the body though because they can create a chronic immune response.
No. 1695180
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Filler doesnt dissolve really, it migrates and disperses through the face and body. Just fyi. No. 1695185
>>1695148Why are you trying to get a diagnosis? Most of the time, a diagnosis won't help you unless you really have that disorder and getting treatment (like behavioral theraphy for bpd) requires that diagnosis. If you're trying to get diagnosed for disability pay or something, it might be easier or harder depending on your country but even then, having a diagnosis like that can be a bad influence if you get in certain medical or legal situation where your disorder can and WILL be used against you.
I hope you don't have a serious condition and if you do, I hope you manage to get the medical attention you deserve. Take care.
>>1695180You can get it dissolved, that's what I said. You can't do that for a bbl and a breast implant has to be taken out surgically which are both much more serious than dissolving a filler, even if its migrated.
I'm in Healthcare, trust me I know more than a person who thinks your body attacks filler and ages you, kek.
No. 1695187
>>1695129It might in a minority of cases, but this is an anomaly as fillers are generally made out of substances found in our own bodies. Your own body can have an immune response against itself so it's not something that only happens with injections or foreign bodies.
I'm tired of the misinformation on fillers and plastic surgery that some anons like to scare others with. Nobody should get filler unless they absolutely 100% want to and it shouldn't be a prerequisite to feeling pretty but it's not like their face will melt if they get injections, and plastic surgery isn't inherently evil (unless you want acid attack and dog mauling
victims to walk around being stared at like freaks for the rest of their lives).
>inb4 um ackshually it will because filler migratesImproperly injected, bad quality filler in certain areas migrates. Not all filler ever. A proper doctor will not inject filler into places prone to migration.
No. 1695193
>>1695187I’ve never heard anyone criticize reconstructive plastic surgery for
victims of burns or disfiguring accidents though. Plastic surgery has been pushed on everyone and lauded as a magical way to turn back the clock, and people are only now starting to wake up to how dangerous it is, and it looks awful a lot of the time anyway. The plastic surgery industry and plastic surgeons themselves are predatory, manipulative, and misogynistic. Filler does age people, even plastic surgeons themselves admit to it. Everyone always looks worse with filler, unless they’re elderly and already experienced facial volume loss.
No. 1695214
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>>1695193I agree that it's being pushed too much but I'm talking about lolcow.
>Everyone always looks worse with fillerYou only say this because prominent botched celebrities are the only ones that you know got it for sure. There's lots of people around you every day that have had filler but you can't tell. And it's not like they'll tell you, because you're going to call them a fake plastic bimbo anyway. Because as much as plastic surgery is pushed, people are still bullying those who do get it instead of the doctors for shilling it and there are social repercussions for admitting to having it.
>>1695199Because 1) they inject too much in too short of a time period and the doctors they go to aren't very good at it, 2) they start too young, 3) there is a different standard wrt what is considered a good job in different parts of the world and Hollywood is a league of its own when it comes to beauty standards which is why so many perfectly beautiful stars go under the knife in the first place. Just like some people love "Russian lips", others find them awful looking.
If you want to see normal-looking filler, you can go to the photo gallery and testimonials page of a good clinic and look for what interests you. Lots of nice examples and lots of perfectly normal looking people.
>>1695207"The cells" aren't getting injected lmao shut up, you'd need a microscopic needle for that. Filler is primarily administered to people who experience volume loss in the first place, like pic related
No. 1695219
>>1695187Anons keep spreading so many misinfo about Healthcare it makes me genuinely mad. One even said prostate cancer is more serious and dangerous than breast cancer a while back and argued that getting check ups for female reproductive organ related cancers was useless.
That and the number of anons I've seen who told women with pcos to stop taking their treatments without any proof is worrisome because untreated pcos can literally cause diabetes and other very serious permanent issues in women.
They're probably highschool dropouts who read a few made up stuff on conspiracy theory websites and assume they know more than doctors.
No. 1695227
Anybody can get fillers. They'll also have to pay to get them dissolved, then watch their faces and lips deflate like nikocado's asshole, kek. "Practitioners" will really have some poor (or rich) woman's shit collapsing, and charge her extra for the honor. All these industries love making people uglier, it mean they'll keep coming back. Even worse when they start victim blaming whenever other people notice the results, and give fake promises like "It won't happen to you, that person just went too far, they should've done xyz, trust me haha. Oh, another woman did xyz and the exact same terrible result happened to her? Well, you know, everyone's body is different! Don't blame us, that's the customer's choice (even though we purposely tried to mislead people at every turn for $$$)". I hate how scammy so many beauty procedures are, it's disgusting.
No. 1695238
>>1695214>they inject too much in too short of a time period and the doctors they go to aren't very good at itTy for explaining, most of what you said makes a lot of sense. But I have to disagree with them going to doctors who aren't very good at it, there's no way people like the Kardashians or rich others are going to shitty doctors. The rest of their surgery is decent looking except the fillers, same with a lot of other celebrities. Although like you said it makes sense theirs looks fucked cause they started too young, got too much too fast, and you brought up the standards being different in Hollywood which makes a lot of sense, like they probably get a lot of filler to look good in shooped photos and on their tv show as opposed to looking good face to face or walking by on the street.
>If you want to see normal-looking filler, you can go to the photo gallery and testimonials page of a good clinic and look for what interests you. Lots of nice examples and lots of perfectly normal looking people. The only thing makes me
sus about that is they usually only use photos taken hours, days, or weeks after the filler is done and I've heard that it can look very different over the course of a month or so. Also because they're a business they're only going to show their best results as a sort of advertisement. That being said I probably will get filler eventually because I have pretty deep circles under my eyes that are sort of hollowing out already, and one of my eyes has a tear trough but not the other and it drives me nuts kek
No. 1695242
>>1695238Samefag when did
sus get redtexted, sorry I didn't know it was a cringey word to use
No. 1695257
>>1695243Nope. It also makes her eyes look smaller and higher up. It makes her look a little bit man-ish. I’m sorry you spent too much time on insta.
>>1695251Actually I think concealer under eyes looks bad too for the same reasons. But at least with concealer you still have natural shadowing from the shape.
No. 1695280
>>1695238AYRT, I've never had undereye filler (and am kind of wary of it since it's a very tricky spot, so the wrong injector can really fuck it up) but I've had filler in other places and it looks good depending on which filler you get and how it's done, as well as your own bone structure, fat distribution etc.
My first time I got nasolabial filler which
did migrate because it's soft tissue and an area that moves a lot. I got it redone at another clinic after a year and that time around the doctor injected the cheekbone only, but the filler was reabsorbed. Then I went to a third clinic and this time they did it right, it looked wonderful. This was all with one to 1,5 years in-between btw, and that was the only procedure I've ever had (so no Botox, surgeries and so on).
It's worth noting that all the ladies at the reception looked naturally gorgeous at the third clinic, as did the doctor treating me, which won me over after I commented on it and they listed all the things they had done kek.
No. 1695294
>>1695273I don't have fillers. Just because I think you guys are being dramatic by making stuff up about medical practices doesn't mean I had those practices done to me.
>>1695272You should still get tested for allergies especially if you have eye dryness or other stuff.
No. 1695300
>>1695280Good to know, I've been thinking about the nasolabial area as well but that's the one that scares me the most because of people like Kylie who have that sort of cat like puffy upper mouth and cheek area kek. But it's nice to hear about positive experiences with it, my cousin got hers done once as well and it looked awesome, very subtle too. But she didn't get any more after that and it sort of dissolved over time so I'm not sure if she wasn't happy with it or just didn't want to continue getting it done. Every 6 months seems really frequent to me too, if I were to get it done I'd probably let it dissolve almost completely before getting more just to avoid any potential migration or overfilling. And yeah I've heard about how difficult the eye area can be, and that tear troughs are especially difficult to treat and can actually make it worse sometimes so I probably wouldn't get any eye stuff done until much later in life. Thanks so much for explaining this to me and letting me know about your experience with it.
>It's worth noting that all the ladies at the reception looked naturally gorgeous at the third clinic, as did the doctor treating meKek I will definitely keep that in mind
No. 1695307
>>1695181i can understand where you're coming from
nonnie but i'm not desperate to be labeled as fucked in the head for government money or for brownie sympathy points. the way in which i worded it, i get that it sounds like i'm desperate but the attempts at such were about once a year probably recorded, but a try none the less. ever since childhood i've had a myriad of fuckin issues and they've had a great impact on my life and still ongoing, i'm not self diagnosing but i just want to "get treated". i want to be better, that's about it.
No. 1695313
>>1695303>>1695308>Drawing on government data and published studies, they found Black and mixed race women of African descent face disadvantages rooted in racist assumptions in medical education, policymaking, and health service delivery.
>Medical textbooks, for example, teach childbirth based on a pelvic shape common to European women yet highly variable among women of other ethnicities, increasing their risk of obstetric intervention, the report said.
>Many doctors also learn, incorrectly, that Black people feel less pain because of thicker skin and are less likely to experience postpartum hemorrhage because their blood clots more quickly, the report added.>In one study Trawalter and her collaborators designed, members of the NCAA Division I medical staff read a case concerning a student athlete with a torn ACL. Participants were randomly assigned either a Black student or a white one, with everything else about the case remaining the same. They then answered questions about the case (How painful was the injury, on a scale of 1-4?) and questions designed to measure their own racial attitudes (Do you agree or disagree? Irish, Italians, Jews, and other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors.)
>As the researchers predicted, participants generally assigned lower pain ratings to the Black students. Surprisingly, however, there was no correlation between participants’ answers to the questions about their racial attitudes and the pain ratings they gave Black patients (relative to white patients). In other words, “even participants who have very positive racial attitudes show this bias,” Trawalter said. Maybe
you weren't taught that, but it is a recognized problem. Ignoring and denying it helps no one. Tons of black women have talked about experiencing this from doctors, too.
No. 1695317
>>1695315You're getting to the answer
nonnie and how do they get a fluid to be targeted to an area? They give it properties to be absorbed by cell membranes to enter cells. Bless you.
No. 1695318
>>1695313This is false, even European women have all sorts of pelvis shapes and they're all taught in faculties. Pelvis shape depends more on a person's height and build(like as in tall and lean vs shorter - not weight) than race.
Though as you can see, most of these are probably American medical malpractices. Not hocking given Americans tend to be racist and opportunistic regardless of profession.
No. 1695325
>>1695309Depending on the filler used it goes inside the dermis, deep dermis or subcutis and sits there until it is dissolved by your body, which can take more or less time depending on the filler. Filler molecules are too big to penetrate cells.
>>1695317What you just typed makes no sense.
No. 1695340
>>1695328>it's another "europe has no problems with racism or sexism, everything is all americans blahblahblah" episodeNo.>Racism operates through complex mechanisms, compromising social support which has an effect on health status and access to health care (Karlsen & Nazroo, 2002b). Institutional racism can also lead to the identification and reification of ethnic minority groups as different (Miles, 1989), as well as their social and economic exclusion (Paradies et al., 2015). In health care, racism has been shown to be associated with health service use outcomes such as lack of adherence to treatment uptake and delay in receiving adequate health care (Ben et al., 2017). In Sweden, for example, foreign-born patients have been shown to be less likely to receive adequate care in regard to heart failure medications as well as receiving lower rates of beta blockers than medically recommended (National Board of Health and Welfare, 2008). Asian and Black patients were found to be less likely to receive kidney transplant compared with White patients in a study in 36 European countries (Tjaden et al., 2016). Perceived racism is associated with lack of trust in health care and with refraining from seeking health care (Wamala et al., 2007).
>The conundrum of accessibility to health care resources was described by another participant, a Swedish woman of Somali origin who discussed how her labor pain was not taken seriously, leading to the worst sort of outcome, despite her repeated efforts to get help.
>Sometime back I was pregnant and I went to the maternity/delivery hospital because of severe pains and they sent me back home, saying that I was not ready (to give birth). The next day I stopped feeling the baby’s movement and the contractions stopped, so I was worried (. . .) I went to the hospital that evening again, this time I had excruciating pains and they told me that the baby is asleep and you are only 5 centimetres open. They called the doctor and they ran some tests and told me that they think the baby is either dead in my stomach or it is sleeping. So we will check to confirm and then see what to do, either to operate you when the baby is sleeping and/or do a procedure if the baby is dead.
>The participant also spoke of other women with Somali background in Sweden who had lost their babies, as they were not offered adequate antenatal care. Even though it is not possible to prove that this rationing of care is a result of “race” as it is often veiled, it works through invisible processes of (non)selection, with tangible effects on individuals. Often minority ethnic women’s expressions of pain in health care encounters are seen as exaggerated and overly emotional (Bowler, 1993) and therefore rationed as a non-priority. We argue that experience such as that described by the above-mentioned participant should not merely be seen as an isolated case but should be situated in the broader context in Sweden where it has been shown that women from Sub-Saharan African countries have statistically significant higher perinatal mortality rate compared with the general population (Essén et al., 2000).And as the other anon said, this isn't even about race alone. Women all over the world have had fucked up experiences. Plastic surgery is one of the worst, it's often where you go if you want to get lied to, botched, and then gaslit.
No. 1695941
>>1695923ask for her to gift you a sum of money (any amount that she's able to gift you right now/what feels right for her) and buy whatever you want with it
>>1695932the former because there's a possibility the nuTIF will only hang out with women (of whatever gender identity they believe in, but still women) and not getting abused by moids
No. 1695991
>>1695932The former, because its a fate i wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.
The later is completely normal and would simply make me glad for my friends happiness.
No. 1696021
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No. 1696112
>>1696097And not only that, while I get that it’s kind of bizarre how there’s people like, obsessed with the 9/11, making art about it in very autistic ways and whatnot. It wasn’t really an event that only affected the usa if you think about it, the whole world changed because of the way that people travel now, the controls needed to enter an airport and all that stuff.
I remember asking my parents about the 9/11, I was a child so I didn’t understand a thing, specially why it was so important even to us, a country that’s really far away from the usa, and the issue is that now everyone jokes about it because of ignorance, they think that they’re just talking about some silly thing that happened once.
No. 1696376
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bump for gore
No. 1696492
>>1695993It's kind of a tricky question to answer. I think we do it here too (northern europe), but we do it less and people are also less offended over it too.
It usually just gets the same reaction as a bad pun, people go "oh jeez" and maybe roll their eyes and occasionally media will try to make a deal out of it but no one really cares. It's seen as a tasteless joke, but still just a joke.
No. 1696500
File: 1694604587446.jpg (25.75 KB, 400x400, 77655_54433.jpg)

ok what is going on with this small bag of cheetos i opened? it had these little black dots sprinkled on them which I've never seen before on regular plain cheetos but I figured it must be some new seasoning they added. but when I started eating them they tasted weird, idk how to describe it. like there was a slight hint of chemical taste? but not that strong enough. is it still ok to eat? does your own cheetos (again original default flavor, no special kind) have this? it's the crunchy kind too if that matters.
No. 1697064
File: 1694640880597.jpg (60 KB, 1080x461, Ana-Luisa-Bracelet.jpg)

How do I make something like picrel? I want a bracelet like that but don't want to spend 100 € on it while it's only some made in China bracelet and I already have a stone at home I want to use. So, amazing, crafty Nonnas, tell me, what do I need and how to I make it.
No. 1697395
>>1697360And im saying there are at least 30 knockoffs from China that look nearly the same
>>1697371It's been established so many times that typos are generally autocorrect and this was, I'm not retarded but you are for going grammar nazi karen on something innocuous kek
No. 1697445
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Maisie Williams, Jill, or (You)?
No. 1697558
File: 1694662729004.jpeg (45.8 KB, 197x220, F432D587-2A62-4357-9FAD-72594D…)

>>1697532I also put the baby face filter
No. 1697574
No. 1697661
>>1697068>>1697083thank you, I will have a closer look into macrame and the stuff I will need
>>1697279I'm okay with spending a little more money than 1€, I just can't justify buying a bracelet that was made in China for that price. And I looked at Aliexpress and couldn't find anything as I don't want it in red (doesn't suit my skin tone; reminds me too much of pro ana bracelets), but I will have a look at Temu and Shein, maybe they have something I can wear until I made one myself.
No. 1697818
File: 1694695767606.jpg (67.93 KB, 957x556, alien.jpg)

the fuck? Aliens are real? are they gonna lower the rent?
No. 1698330
>>1698251it means famiky or partner were the
victim. "domestic" means within the home
ghost him and run. now
No. 1698533
>>1698491I think it's the same across all sexualities. There's usually a delineation where manual sex (handjobs, fingering) and oral sex (blowjobs, cunnilingus, anilingus) do not constitute loss of virginity, but intercourse or frotting do. Once you get into less common sex acts (figging, mammary intercourse, etc), or conservative/Christian couples who specifically use intercrural sex to "stay virginal", is where it gets a little hazy. Essentially, two schools of thought: the first is that only "genital to genital contact" results in loss of virginity. The second is engaging in any sex acts means someone is no longer a virgin.
So for lesbians, either any form of sex is a loss of virginity (including getting eaten out as in your example), or she is no longer a virgin once she engages in tribadism or vaginal penetration with a strap-on. Pick your poison.
No. 1698904
File: 1694796818867.jpeg (87.28 KB, 800x800, candle-warmer-lamp-1674768774.…)

How well do candle warmers actually work? I can't imagine them dispersing scent that well, but I also don't really like lighting my candles.
No. 1698978
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I hate Kate Beckinsale, Is there a celeb you hate for no particular reason?
No. 1699070
>>1699069Samefag but just to clarify, this is long before her cheating scandal. She just looked extremely
sus and I had a bad feeling about her. I hated the main character from Gilmore Girls for the same reason (not the actress), she also put on a baby voice and played innocent when caught doing bad things like sleeping with her married ex and not giving a fuck about it. Then everyone would defend her because she's a sweet innocent baby who could do no wrong.
No. 1699358
File: 1694842538030.jpeg (53.67 KB, 550x581, IMG_4124.jpeg)

Does anyone else have an ex from a toxic relationship that moved on and is thriving with someone new? I know this moid isn’t getting therapy to fix his issues so how is it that they’re still dating this long? Was I really the problem all along? Was it just our relationship that made him fucked up? I guess his new gf is into being strangled and being hurt during sex. I don’t think he’d be happy with it being all consensual though. He always pushed my boundaries, ignored my “no” and “stop” because he got a kick out of me fighting back. I can’t really see a moid stopping that?
No. 1699411
File: 1694849161230.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.36 KB, 1087x800, 1694845138092852.jpg)

You wake up one day and open lc and every elsie graphic has been replaced with this mascot. Do you continue posting?
No. 1699413
>>1699411if he had a nose: maybe
right now? no
No. 1699588
Is it better to have friends who aren't good people but understand you emotionally or friends who don't fully get you but make you want to be better?
I cut contact with my best friend of a long time because of moral differences and it felt nice to have space at first but now I just feel lonely.>>1699418Sorry nonna, there is no cure for narcissism. They abuse you until they're bored of it, get out while you can.
No. 1699692
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several dumb questions
Has anyone else starting becoming very sensitive to loudness and/or flinching more often? My family is really big and therefore pretty loud. It seems only recently that the littlest things make me flinch and its pretty annoying.
Do you guys get that thing when its cold in the morning and your noise hurts or stings for a bit? It happens all the time to me but my siblings dont get it at all.
No. 1699906
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What is a cutesy couple halloween costume that's low effort? Him as picrel and for me to be the witch lady would be cool but I doubt anyone would get it.
We're going to a party don't judge me kek>>1699817They drank beer instead of water because of contamination risk, must have helped. People were probably sad back then too but just hid it better.
No. 1699973
>>1699969Oh for more additional context I think it’s reasonable for women in physically/financially/etc
abusive relationships to cheat to get away if they can’t escape their abuser. In that case I don’t think the abuser threatening suicide is ok. But that’s not the situation I mean in my question
No. 1699982
>>1699974That's a very reasonable way to think about it.
>>1699976Not to derail too much from my initial question or to twist your words, but don't people commit suicide over trauma, like sexual assault, CSA or wartime PTSD? Wouldn't their suicide be a result of whoever caused it? I don't think that would be manipulative or unreasonable. Unless you mean for this context exclusively
No. 1700064
File: 1694916429094.jpg (60.53 KB, 531x800, FIG-MOE-0571_05.jpg)

I wanna do stop-motion. Does anyone know where i can find bootleg figmas that i can easily use as a base? i tried wish but i couldnt find that many, what keywords do i need to use?
No. 1700131
File: 1694924524338.png (8.66 KB, 502x388, 1687329483716872.png)

nonny!!!! i had no idea about aliexpress, but i was checking and they had tons of bootlegs there. I will also check into obitsu, i was mostly asking for figmas because you can change their faceplates fairly easy, plus i feel less bad destroying a trashy bootleg. I will also check if i can import stuff from mandrake
No. 1700148
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is fibromyalgia a real illness or is it just muchies malingering ?
No. 1700154
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>>1700143both probably lul
No. 1700168
>>1700157it's like autism, it's real and debilitating for those who actually have it but munchies will say they have those and emulate the symptoms. also just like autism, if someone I know told me they have it, I would believe, but if their entire personality was about it, I would think it's
No. 1700172
>>1700168thank you
nonnie that seems reasonable
No. 1700318
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Is lolcow nekkid for anyone else
No. 1700425
>>1700400-You’re dodging a stalker
-You’re in the witness protection program
-You’re a recovering shopping addict and the ads compell you to buy things
-Social media is a river of garbage
No. 1700471
>>1700463I'm gonna sound harsh and like it's so simple but after an awful childhood, a rocky 20s and now pretty chill 30s, you do that out of spite. Who is gonna suffer if I put myself down? Me. Those awful things my family said and did to me, or when they ignored me and I still feel like I need to ignore my own needs and sometimes think back to how they made it sound like I was a piece of shit even as a kid? OK, that's just like your opinion man and that shit wasn't true, isn't true and that situation cannot happen again and I am my own fucking person, who is responsible of my own emotions and future, past wasn't my fault, it doesn't benefit me in any way to slip into the depression trauma spiral. Yeah I'm not at the same place in life as my peers but hey, they didn't go through what I did and I live for myself and put myself first always. It took over a decade to get to where I am now but I think the main things are: It cannot happen again, the awful things done and said have already been done, even though it feels illogical to you, it wasn't your fault, they shouldn't have done that, it wasn't normal. The only one who suffers from you feeling worse than others is you, fake it till you make it if you must, but your brain telling you you somehow suck because others treated you like shit? Doesn't really make sense, sounds like sabotage, you know what you are. Hugs to you nona, it can get so much better and you're okay.
No. 1700589
>>1700254with the type of petticoat they wear for dancing and lolita etc, no. it literally is just a very poofy underskirt you put on, the waist is usually elasticated so no need for buttons or anything.
I believe with actual historical petticoats it would be more complicated though
No. 1700612
File: 1694988998004.png (1.93 MB, 1200x1200, septumfauxpiercingsimple-_1_12…)

>>1700593i associate them with edgy middle schoolers, especially if that's their only piercing. but i think it'd fit a farmer since it also reminds me of cows on a farm.
septum + cow apparel would be nice kek, it needs to be a full ring though.
picrel is a fake septum but i really like how it looks, the woman certainly doesn't look like a gendie and/or a middle schooler.
No. 1700619
>>1700593hate them; they're ugly as shit and never, ever make your face look better.
i associate them with annoying people bbut even that aside i think they're hideous from a purely aesthetic standpoint. there's a lot of cooler piercings you could be getting instead of some cattle ring
No. 1700634
File: 1694992895379.jpg (Spoiler Image,543.42 KB, 2048x1067, xray.jpg)

>>1700593They look unflattering on most people and I hate what they represent. It's a commodified "safe" edgy look that got popularized thanks to social media. There's something corporate about to me idk.
It's still very popular but its status as a fashion statement peaked in 2015-2016 so to me it looks dated and I associate it with people who can't dress very well but that's a more personal opinion I guess.
No. 1700650
trigger the most uptight busybodies looking to turboseethe about the most miniscule things in their path to bring a modicum of joy to their life, so getting one is a great way to have a litmus test against those people on your person. i dont have one but women look cute with them
No. 1700674
File: 1694998188468.jpg (164.33 KB, 1000x1000, 2485736-qotsqx.jpg)

There is a frog hiding in my living room. Does anyone know the best way to catch it? One of my cats wants to chase it and I don't want it to die. I tried catching it with wet gloves but it slipped out of my hand and it's now underneath the furniture.
No. 1700678
>>1700674wet unpowdered gloves or wet clean hands for more friction (frogs are usually slippery themselves though)
please don't let them die. if you can't catch them for shit, place a water bowl on the floor so they at least have hydration, and then capture them once they get in the bowl
No. 1700722
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This may make me sound ignorant, but genuinely, why doesn't the British museum just display their own artifacts and history? Over 90% of the museum is from other countries. I understand that imperialism and colonialism was a big part of British history, but they hang onto these artifacts super hard while not displaying any actual British history
No. 1700754
>>1700718It worked. When I went back in the room the frog was in the bowl of water. I placed a sheet of paper over the bowl and took the frog outside. I put the bowl down on some wet soil underneath some plants.
>frogs are really not suited well for big arid bright dusty roomsIt's 95% humidity where I live right now and it's cold. I think the frog may have come inside because it's damp and warm. I initially thought that one of the cats had brought it in but the frog was completely unharmed.
No. 1700786
>>1700754i'm really glad you saved the little guy nona! what kind of frog was it?
and yes, they could've been seeking warmth too
No. 1700860
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No. 1701011
File: 1695026454445.jpg (2.14 MB, 1920x1200, common_frog.jpg)

>>1700786It was a European common frog.
No. 1701062
>>1700722I mean there's so many fuckin museums in Britain despite it being a pretty small country so they may as well diversify what they show. And like there's so many museums in Britain that go hard on specifics of British history, a lot of area history so it's actually kinda rare in my experience to have a museum that focuses on anything else.
It sounds silly because it's called "The British Museum" but it's purposefully multicultural, that much is clear on its website. A giant collection, constant exhibitions. It's its USP in the most tourist heavy areas of Britain.
No. 1701184
File: 1695051492408.png (2.92 MB, 1802x2364, Page_40_illustration_in_The_Re…)

In your opinions, would a visual novel/interactive fiction mimicking the illustrations from the Victorian era, entirely in black & white, be harsh on the eyes? maybe with one or two accent colors for highlighting stuff
No. 1701316
File: 1695063322472.png (241.58 KB, 400x400, tumblr_p4cf2aHdjo1ugs0mgo5_400…)

I'm turning 20 soon, what should I do to celebrate? I don't have any friends and my parents live in another country, but I'm not torn up about it, just dunno what to do on my own that would be fun and special. I thought about maybe getting a pedi (can't do mani since I work with my hands) or going to a spa, any other suggestions?
I don't drink or use drugs, people keep suggesting that online.
No. 1701344
File: 1695065296879.jpg (15.79 KB, 354x354, pink_highlights_gothic_punk_eg…)

ayo anons i want to get highlights like picrel, thoughts?
No. 1701352
>>1701344Just two steps:
1. Buy a ticket to Dubai.
2. Spend 1000$.
Note: Final result it's not going to going to be as the picture.
(Sorry for shitposting, but that hair only works in expensive and very well experienced hair salons).
No. 1701358
>>1701332I've always thought of it as the intention to deceive. I knew someone who'd constantly accuse me of lying for things like
>"how many boxes do you have">8>"okay">wait, I just found another one, it's 9>"Oh so you fucking lied?"which is ridiculous.
But if someone unwittingly misinforms in a dangerous way out of unreasonable ignorance, like a politician announcing something incorrect when they should've done more research first, that's still bad even if it's not really lying.
No. 1701367
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Do they hire midgets to play Toad at universal studios?
No. 1701409
File: 1695072813202.jpg (23.22 KB, 450x325, stewie-gun-in-mouth-3649361927…)

>>1690629>knowing how it's pronounced in your head but when saying it out-loud it's an incomprehensible mess>struggling to speak with an intonation other than ''8th grade reading essay out loud'' voiceyes. i can fake the intonation for a short while. anything other than small talk fucks me up though. i start sounding retarded. pronunciation may never be entirely correct because i can barely hear myself and i can't even say some words no matter how much i practice. i still have these problems even though i have been speaking english for 10 years.
No. 1701835
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Do people actually hire UX/UI designers? I was considering studying it because I already have a certain background in design but then I thout to myself " if people actually hired them, why would everything be so shit?" which leads me to believe it's not worth it for work
No. 1701837
>>1701835Think we are slightly past the peak for UX designer demand, but they definitely are. There's quite a bit of competition in the field at the entry level, as is everywhere.
The reason everything looks so shit is because tech illiterate suits try to hold the wheel in development.
>t. software dev No. 1701937
>>1701915this whole post is making me die kek. I notice it here too, but like
>>1701933 said, in my area its a mixture of both healthy and fat women. I'm not sure why Halloween / NBC becomes a personality for some people
No. 1702031
>>1702015>>1702016It is in my head if I said I live rent free in their heads. I don’t. But fat women that are fit live rent free in their heads. Like legit.
I got into a conversation with a beautiful fit woman and she seems so nice, but she tbh gave bad advice about form of squatting, like that i shouldnt have my knees over toes (even though my torso is short as fuck). And then the less fit woman (but not fat at least) butted in and said i should buy an elastic band etc…and i was grateful about that. Until she said shit like “ur squat isnt the worst” (even though it was good) and “you’re probs not flexible enough for a squat” (even though i can squat and do the split?…) and then contradicts herself when she said she squats differently from the other girl because every body is different…idk, her tone of voice was also just rude. I also dislike the stares from fit women.
>>1702021I think it’s because they were never truly fat a as a kid. If I ever become fit I will NEVER be arrogant. never. EVER.
No. 1702099
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What is the deal with those women who are seX wOrKerS who have other options, but complain about how hard it is constantly? Like just do something else if you hate it so much?? For example I know a number of women at uni who do it. They have a student loan, and could easily get a part time job in retail or food service or a bar rather than stripping or ewhoring, but choose “sex work” and complain about how hard it is. I simply do not understand this logic
No. 1702155
>>1702141 said, but "glowing" can also be more than just referring to physical attributes, so it's also complimenting the women's general aura. Sort of like "you're beautiful inside and out."
No. 1702180
>>1702140they're trying to be nice out of pity and social obligation.
"glowing" is also used to refer to young women whose skin is clear (especially in skincare communities) and they're looking happy and bubbly in general.
No. 1702383
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opened a can of tuna and there was this small yellow stain on top. ate it anyways because im a hungry idiot, am i gonna get sick? it smelled and tasted fine, no weird texture either
No. 1702739
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What does this mean. I think I know what it means but also for some reason it’s not registering in my brain
No. 1703083
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This is a retardo question but I feel like this would be the only place to ask it. If you answer I’d like to read some like official medical research papers (?) or whatever those are called relating to this. So my question: When people have grown up not getting a lot of positive reinforcement, or praise for anything, do they become a bit narcissistic later on in life? Like, loving praise from others, doing things just to hear that praise. If not narcissism, but turning to people pleasing? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I’m curious. Thanks
No. 1703140
>>1703035seconding what
>>1703093 says about sleep. when I'm low on sleep and/or haven't been taking care of myself (such as poor nutrition) I will sometimes hallucinate like how you described. staring at screens for too long can cause it too for me at least.
No. 1703182
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does anyone have the kiwifarms tor link
No. 1703275
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Do all men eventually cheat? Based on my personal experience and what i hear from other women, it seems like they do. Just wanting more opinions on this to see if I really should give up on the idea of finding an actual good scrote
No. 1703377
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Is mod anon on /meta/ angry because they lost mod privileges from an earlier version of lolcow and now wants to mínimod everything she doesn't like out of this website? This discussion has been going on for ages and I'm surprised they haven't let it go, every time I go on meta is the same discussion and I wonder if they were ever a mod to begin with
No. 1703380
>>1703275I’m gonna get shit for this but here we go. It’s common for both sexes. Even other long-term monogamous animals (birds) of both genders have been shown to frequently cheat on each other. Males might do it at a higher rate than us, but with women’s increased sexual and socio-echonomical freedom we are catching up with them. It sucks, but working on your co-dependency and internalizing that all humans have the capability of acting selfish helps.
I used to be in a relationship where the sex was mediocre but I stoically held on, while he ended up cheating on me. Right now I have a new moid where sex is off the charts good and he’s an all around great person, but honestly now that I am no longer with my oneitis, even I feel kind of intimidated by the prospect of only being with this guy for the rest of my life. Like I love good sex and it’s not something that keeps me up at night, but will it be as good 20 years down the road kek. Who knows. Maybe it keeps on giving, maybe we lose the passion. I think it’s better to have realistic expectations, patience with your partner and communicate your needs, but even then one of us might still end up cheating one day or falling in love with someone else. Of course people should be held accountable for their actions and cheating is selfish and wrong, but no matter how much it sucks it’s also super normal. I think you become more pragmatic about these things as you age.
No. 1703466
>>1703419I mean the idea that there's not enough to look after all the oldies is false, there's just not enough incentive. Working in the care sector is bleak asf, low pay and residents are essentially allowed to assault you in certain places. If there was more pay, these oldies would be golden.
But no you're not dumb to think like this, the "birthrate low bad" is only applicable to politicians really because it means they either have give higher incentive to make babies or burn in the long run. No matter where they lean, they don't want to do it, they don't want to face reality so they blame feminism or the current generation and so on so forth.
No. 1703507
>>1703466Funny because I used to be a care worker and people who don't know me well
always try to argue with
>but who will care for you when you're old!>we need more babies!etc when I say I won't have kids. In my country they import people from the Philippines and Africa to care for the elderly because supposedly there aren't enough people here to care for them. Except there are, the job just pays extremely poorly. You get treated like shit by everyone: families of the customer, managers, the customer themselves. Lots of them are super racist and difficult and act like little kids, and the carers aren't taught our local language well at all. The demands people make are crazy and we had very little to work with since whoever owns these companies just wants to make money.
I got out of there as soon as I could, the hours, the shit salary and abuse weren't worth it. My ex who I dated at the time was a software engineer and his company gave him so many things for fucking free. I was extremely jealous because we got nothing.
The families and the patients are super ungrateful and bossy, and most families won't give a shit about their mother or grandma or visit very often at all. Women had friends in the home, those who weren't super demented at least. Old men were lonely and some were really disgusting towards the workers.
I don't care that we're having less babies, frankly. I'll go in peace when I get there, I'd never stay in a care home like that ever again or put another human through having to deal with my runny geriatric shits.
No. 1703721
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What are some women's wellness blogs or websites you recommend? With 0 tranny inclusion at all?
No. 1703816
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Is Kiwi still up?
No. 1703840
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>>1703816You guys have to be trolling at this point
>>1703310 No. 1703873
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>>1703869I don’t even have an account on there I just like reading about newgrounds users drama
No. 1703884
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>>1703880This ain’t the vent thread retarda!!
No. 1704228
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How could I give these trousers a more feminine touch? Planning on wearing them with the same style Mary Janes
No. 1704240
I have dark hair and some facial features that make people assume I'm a foreigner, I've had it in school where only muslim girls wanted to be friends until they found out I wasn't muslim to people in stores speaking English to me out of the random. People can think what they want but I'm so sick of being treated like a minority when I'm not and also be rejected by minorities once they see my last name. This is so stupid but does anyone experience this as well?
>>1704228Cute nonna! I think it will never look super feminine but adding a cute belt and a white top like a turtleneck or a cropped frilly one
though the latter might make it a bit too sadbbydoll. Also some layered necklaces, a fuzzy jacket with it would look nice too for when it's colder. Best of luck!
No. 1704273
>>1704228I would change the style of the top. Either a tighter sweater, or a buttoned shirt with a sweater vest (yes this can look feminine - like a cute bookish feminine). Personally I like jewel tones, white, cream, or earthy colors with khakis. Anything too bright ends up looking strange or like a uniform imo. So maybe maroon, navy, grassy green (this could be brighter), a dark mahogany brown, or black. Then add a delicate necklace, maybe?
I don't think you need to add pastels or frills to make it feminine but of course those are other options. I struggle wearing pastel colors because they make me look ill, but if you have the undertones for it, maybe a newborn duck yellow would be interesting.
No. 1704292
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>>1704228I think a fitted, v-neck cardigan like picrel would be nice. The tight top + loose bottoms creates a nice silhouette on most people as well
No. 1704398
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I need to answer the question 'Think of a time you have encouraged someone. What communication methods did you use with them and what was the outcome?'. Any ideas for what I could write?
No. 1704427
>>1703949It stinks so badly that it makes me nauseous and I have to leave the room while it's being eaten. My friend loves it though and it's her favorite snack.
>>1703882This inspires me to post more. From what I've read, you'll actually have 100 lurkers for every poster, and that only 55% of people who use the internet have left a comment on something.
No. 1704429
>>1704398Are you applying for a job or college? Type your question into chat gpt like this:
Pretend you are applying for Harvard and they ask the question
"Think of a time you have encouraged someone. What communication methods did you use with them and what was the outcome?" Answer as if you are a kind and empathetic 17 year old girl.
It will spit out an answer, and then you can tailor it further depending on what attributes they are looking for.
No. 1704587
>>1704585Nvm I
am a retard never knew nicotine was in weed interesting
No. 1704741
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Is this actually true? Should I even bother dating someone more attractive than me?
No. 1704760
>>1704741There are many different ways scrotes are shit towards women and this is just one of them. Like
>>1704744 says dating down only inflates moid ego and tends to make them think that they can do better because they can’t appreciate the fact that it’s very unlikely they’ll be able to punch up again kek. All you can really do is learn to vet individual moid’s characters really well before you get too attached. Dating is really hard but individual people are complex and there can be many reasons why they get together, some of which are genuine.
No. 1704798
>>1704788That sounds fucking tiresome.
>>1704741Justo convert to husbandoism.
No. 1704916
>>1704885For a regular vid you just cut it off right before the ? In the url
And for shorts you replace the /shorts/ with /watch?v=
No. 1705019
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why did my phone randomly load up the apple logo loading screen when i picked it up after putting it to charge, and then immediately started overheating?
No. 1705051
>>1705050nooooo fucking moid cyber hackers infected a
nonny i hope i wont get it from lolcor dot harm too
No. 1705107
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What is this kind of style called? I'm trying to find myself some inspiration as someone in late 20s, this kind of clothing looks mature enough
No. 1705263
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what was that anonymous audio recorder? I remember it being green and having a green robot mascot
No. 1705434
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>>1705426Don't know why you'd ever not call a black cat Luna.
No. 1705522
>>1705515Lucky strikes? Kek
>>1705426Those names seem too human I think, names like Charlie sort of sound cuter and more pet like. I call my cat weird nicknames that change over time. I called my old cat Missy Moo cause she reminded me of a little cow for some reason kek
No. 1705619
>>1705409look up successful people in your field and see what they wear. Look at conference photos or work event photos and note what people tend to wear. That can help.
Best not to show cleavage or wear very short miniskirts to work stuff, but that's self-explanatory. I do wear skirts above the knee but they aren't inappropriate and I usually would pair them with high denier tights. I'm extremely careful with the tops I wear bc I have a large chest for my frame (hate it). I wear shells and camisoles under cardigans. I'd never go to work showing off my chest, even if I'm not super conservative about skirt length or bare legs.
No. 1705646
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how did you guys learn excel? did you pay for any courses or do you have any websites to practice? I started a new job and everyone around me is so proficient in excel and my dumbass knows nothing!
No. 1705718
>>1705646It should be taught in any basic computing class but also you can just follow textbooks on your own, I've done a few classes but never needed a teacher's input.
I highly recommend learning, excel is a tank of a program and you can do so much useful shit with it, even outside work.
No. 1705747
>>1705646I learned mostly on the job. really the best method is just to learn from prior spreadsheets like
>>1705707 and google when I have a vague idea of what I want a spreadsheet or formula to do but no clue how to execute it.
for basic stuff, lookup keyboard shortcuts for excel as a start
for more advanced stuff, learn how to do lookup formulas, pivot tables, conditional formatting, and maybe macros to impress.
If you get stuck on a formula, you can use the Evaluate Formula button to help you out too.
also people like and appreciate aesthetically pleasant documents even if they don't necessarily demand it. some of them may think you're a total excel genius even if you just did something as simple as making a spreadsheet look clean lol. Try to make your font and color choices look nice, coherent, and consistent. If you have the time or inclination, play around a bit with colors when making your tables and graphics.
No. 1705976
>>1705923It sounds like you only thought about this because it's female fans… fat gross moids have been fans of hot women and athletic men for eternity so I don't think it's weird if the occasional woman is too. Maybe they're attracted to the soccer players but just as an unattainable fantasy, maybe they used to be sporty in their youth and got fat later, maybe they just dgaf or lack self awareness.
Personally I don't see how anyone could be truly happy while fat but I don't think women should hold back from enjoying things because of how they might look in photos.
No. 1705993
>>1705923What are you talking about, fat and unathletic is the vast majority of moids who're sports fanatics too. All men I know who're super into watching football and formula racing are either young men who spend most of their free time gaming or fat old men with beer bellies. Basically the whole idea of watching sports is that it's entertainment for people who don't lead active lifestyles, because you know those people are outdoors instead of being glued to screens watching matches on their weekends.
This is only a problem for you because it's women's sports.
No. 1705998
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Anons who used to take stimulants, do you know any OTC alternatives? I'm financially not really well at the moment and the consultations with the shrink and the price of Ritalin along with the prices of the psychologist I'm seeing is just too much. I heard good things about picrel, has anyone tried it?
No. 1706017
>>1705923>To me it would be humiliating. I wouldn’t want to be seen, let alone if what I value is peak performance, beauty, athleticism etc- then how come they are not trying to aspire to that for themselves? Do they have no concept of self? I don’t get it. The obsession with fatness as some specifically horrible and degrading state on this website, to the point farmers on /g/ regularly admit to fantasies and shame regarding fat fetishism makes me roll my eyes, Not to mention all the women with EDs here too. I am not saying you are one of those women but your language around being fat as so degrading doesn't seem so far off from their understanding.
These fans are fat and probably do have food addiction and control issues, but being fat is not uncommon nowadays. Obsessive fan behavior and being fat is common among both sexes, it's simply seeing sports as another game and hobby and then the element of sexual attraction/waifuism for some. Beauty is not a specific value for the fans, but the players and their skill are the focus for these kind of superfans; the actual attractiveness of the players is a minimum requirement. Plenty of these people, male and female, will have autistic traits and lack self-awareness. Or hell, simply not care how they look, watching sports is a hobby and they can live vicariously through the players without desiring to play that sport or be fit themselves.
No. 1706317
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how do I find someone's Facebook profile if the only thing I have is a tiny, blurry version of their profile picture? I have a screenshot from Messenger, just like in the pic attached. Reverse image search and enchancing quality of it don't work.
No. 1706544
>>1706540actually a great idea, thanks
nonny ily
No. 1706937
>>1706856Was the cat aggressive from the amount he saw him? Because often aggressive men will hurt cats in secret since they hate them.
Being both prey and predator makes cats very sensitive to reading body language and situations, so if someone is bad, they'll react long before humans pick up on the subtle signals.
No. 1707206
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Does anyone know the origin of this gif?
No. 1707275
>>1707232>Does being cute make you a target for sadistic people? Yes
>If so, why?You appear approachable/vulnerable/easy to hurt, much like a bunny or a baby
No. 1707330
>>1707046Primarily I think freebleeding is what you say like alone at home, I think it was kinda a "gotcha" to feminists like a few years ago to act as if they're all crazy bitches who bleed everywhere where in reality, that's not the case.
Just pushed around during the times that "feminist owned" comps were popular to discredit feminism.
No. 1707337
>>1707333Well, men are stupid, what else can we say. They see a woman with blue eyeliner but as long as she doesn't have a red lip they call her natural. They're only '''visual creatures''' when they're defending staring at breasts.
But don't worry, if they land a gf with that aethstetic, they'll soon be asking her to tone it down. Men only want a free bird to cage it.
No. 1707550
>>1707535If I don’t want to share something specific I tell them I’m not going to share the specifics because it’s something too personal (or maybe I’ll say I’m
not ready to yet but then they always ask about it like every session and I feel pressured to spill.) I think it’s fine to just have a hard line for some stuff and talk about it only as much as you want to and ask for help with any aspects of it that you feel are a problem (which is what a therapist can hopefully help with anyway.) They don’t need to know all your personal secrets, some things are just for you. But they get confused if you lie so that’s no good either.
No. 1707576
>>1707564>I'm honestly not expecting this to help me very much, but this is my last idea before an hero so I figured I needed to at least try it before hitting the nuclear option.I'm sorry to hear that nonna. I don't like to tell suicidal anons to please not kill yourself, because it feels like it minimizes your pain as we don't know all the details, but I hope you find some peace. I see why you don't want to say anything about your current levels of ideation. I hope in a roundabout you can express how you feel. I'm glad you're giving it a try. There's a book recently released about suicide research called "When it is Darkest", it's on libgen and you might find it reflects your own experience of being suicidal.
>And I wish I could go in with goals but I am unable to come up with any, since I have so many problems that are sort of inherent to living.That can be something you bring up, learning how to manage and cope in the context of your life, to figure out what changes you can make and accept what you can't. I hope it doesn't sound like I am minimizing your suffering but making peace with a shit situation is often all people can do.
No. 1707582
>>1707576>I hope it doesn't sound like I am minimizing your suffering but making peace with a shit situation is often all people can do.Not at all, i appreciate your response, I feel the same way about "making peace" with a shit situation. I sort of want to lay something like that out as The Goal to my therapy, specifically
>I am here because I need to figure out how to continue living without killing myself for at least a few more decades. Outliving my parents is how I would define success.but I have a a bad feeling that most therapists won't jive with such a "negative" goal, even though it's genuine, probably also because it suggests that I am actively suicidal and ruh-roh we can't help you if you say that!
I might check out that book, but I don't know how to work libgen, so I might find another book. If I just keep reading books I guess that will keep me busy at least
No. 1707591
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>>1707582maybe you can rephrase it as planning for a future you can be content with, or learning to take things one day at a time.
>I might check out that book, but I don't know how to work libgen, so I might find another book. If I just keep reading books I guess that will keep me busy at leaston libgen when you look up a book, after clicking on the title in the search results you should see the mirrors list of links. click one and then you'll get to a page like this, to download click on the word get.
No. 1707612
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one time my most recent ex and i were in his car with his mother in the backseat and he opened his browser on his phone to look up an alternate restaurant to the one we wanted to go to. i believe he'd been looking at porn the night before because he suddenly jumped to turn the volume in the car down and that caused me to look up from my phone and see "MOTHERLESS.COM - …" on the car's display for a couple seconds before he quickly (i assume) swiped the tab away.
i hate porn and refuse to look up the site. i didn't even know he watched it, because he'd told me early on that he didn't. my best friend looked it up and simply told me "do. not. look it up." and that she wiped her browser history after she did so, and she never does that. i hung out with my guy friend of 2 years today and when i told him about the situation in the car, he grimaced and said, "like the revenge porn site?" he's 30 and said he used that site infrequently when he was 16, and it was sketchy. lots of omegle camshow reuploads, etc. my best friend told me the other day that MOTHERLESS is "a favorite with 4chan users because it's easy to find CP on there."
can any anons with pornsick exes or more internet experience than me confirm? i refuse to look it up.
No. 1707735
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is sex as a woman actually pleasurable? i have only ever schlicked to gay porn, but i've always imagined straight sex was only pleasurable for the men. i am 22 and still a virgin.
No. 1707744
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>>1707742wait most women dont orgasm while being penetrated? what the fuck
No. 1707775
>>1707748Porn addiction + madonna/whore complex
He uses imageboards, so he's ruined
No. 1707969
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Your home caught on fire and you only have time to save three things. What are they?
No. 1707995
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What's the point of twin tail wigs? Can't you put existing cosplay wigs into twintails?
No. 1708030
>>1707969If I'm counting people and animals. My mother my dog and my phone.
If I'm not counting them. My phone, my bra (expensive) and car keys.
If it's not limited to carry capacity. My PC, my phone, my switch.
No. 1708032
>>1707995Technically, yes. It involves a lot of work though, I know people cut out wefts and sew it back in a certain way. It's been a minute since I've cosplayed, but I think the reason why normal wigs cannot is due to wefts showing.
There's also those clip ins, but they're heavy and kinda ugly.
No. 1708159
>>1708137I'm the opposite: i take a lot of care of my looks (i think it's fun) and i
repel nerds, which are my type, they act like i'm a cryptid or something
No. 1708172
>>1708163Nausea is supposed to last for the first trimester. However that can be different for some women as one can feel nauseous in their secound trimester or even throughout their whole pregnancy. So if a woman feels contiously nauseous she can get medicine that's safe for pregnancy or she only gets nauseous in the morning, hence morning sickness.
A side note a pregnant woman may even feel nauseous around certain odors, due to stress and/or fatigue
No. 1708217
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What are some jobs that I can get with 0 degree that requires very little social interaction? It needs to be temporary because I plan on moving very shortly (like a month). I need something to distract me while waiting from my family in the mean time.
No. 1708479
File: 1695807743292.png (1.24 MB, 1197x694, 34624957.png)

How do you move to another country when you have two cats and a shitload of stuff? No house or car though.
How do you actually integrate and make local friends and social circles?
No. 1708574
>>1708532Diarrhea is usually the result of food infection if your talking about food-borne disease. Chicken can carry Salmonella if its tainted which causes food sickness. "Food sickness" is caused by the endo/exo toxin of the bacteria, usually people have diarrhea and purge all the excess bad bacteria with infection but sickness is more dangerous. Sickness is more serious and usually causes serious abdominal pains and vomiting, it usually takes much longer to pass up to a week, while infection takes a few hours to a day. "Food infection" is caused by too much of symbiotic bacteria that is present in a healthy gut microbiome. Too much symbiotic bacteria leads to a build up of metabolic waste of those symbiotic species and as a result inflammation and discomfort in the GI tract/diarrhea.
Of course there could also be other causes; if your having your period that can cause GI cramps and diarrhea. Oil and salt isn't going to cause diarrhea on its own unless your really glugging down the oil and brining your rice in the dead sea.
No. 1708591
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Bought this tshirt a couple years ago because I thought it was pretty. Still haven't worn it to the gym because now I feel like maybe it's cringey and people would think that I think I'm so good at gym I could be on the olympic team? lol nonas would you wear this tshirt to the gym?
No. 1708620
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Reposting from /g/
I think I might have vulvodynia. My entrance flares up from time to time and it's never a yeast infection. It's been happening since after I started menstruating and it goes away easily but then if I'm stressed out or taking hormonal medication it flares up again. Anyone else here has it? What are your symptoms?
No. 1708648
>>1708620I never got diagnosed with vulvodynia or vaginismus because when I went to the gynecologist she laughed at me that I was too young to have these things, but…
Basically I'll just have a burning or agitated like pain that will either just be inside or outside of my vagina. I think mine might be partially psychological because stress does make my pain worse. Everyone advises you to wear cotton underwear, used water based lubes, don't rub soap on your labia, etc… And I follow all those rules but sometimes I still have bad days. I think the thing that helped me the most was not using an "all natural" lube that was actually burning slightly. I switched to sliquid so I could try putting a diva cup in and it worked out okay. Other than that I don't have a lot of advice. Sorry nonna.
No. 1708752
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>>1708748Miku is gonna come and kill you
No. 1708879
>>1708843>>1708836>>1708848>>1708864>>1708877>>1708878All great ideas, I might just go with the "I'm with stupid shirt".
In all honesty though, It might be insecurity talking, but I'm ready to just not go at all.
>>1708874Nah, he's director/producer/editor. It's not TOO major, but there are some big names
No. 1708888
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>>1708825Wearing a dress that points at everyone else but you will draw attention to everyone else but you, so mission accomplished.
No. 1708890
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when and how do you think the tranny shit will end
No. 1708892
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>>1708879You should go to represent us.
No. 1708994
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Why do some people’s jowls get really big when they put on a small amount of weight? I’m talking max like 10 lbs. Is it weight or are they just bloated from something? Is it alcohol usually?
No. 1709103
>>1708825what about one of those services where you rent a dress for an evening? I could see this being an occasion where that might make sense. Rent the Runway is one of them, but there are others in Asia and Europe specifically. They send you a few styles you pick out in a couple sizes iirc.
If you don't want to stand out too much, just pick a less flashy dress in a solid color. Personally I sort of hate wearing jewelry, so I like to pick dresses with a bit of embellishment. That way I don't need to wear a necklace to look polished.
No. 1709110
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Okay I have some questions
What is the best way to get rid of eye bags? What's the best way to get rid of acne scars? How do you lose a double chin, even if you're skinny? What is closer to what you actually look like: your selfie from your phone camera, or your reflection in a mirror?
If you went on discord nitro to change your username and tag, will any users from the servers you used to be on still see the changes you made to your discord username?
No. 1709180
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>>1709179Some people tend to smirk or smile when they are getting away with bad behavior, lying, or deceiving. A lot of men do it.
No. 1709281
or zlibrary
scihub is another one
No. 1709298
>>1709175Things got weird about ten years ago. 2015 seemed to be a real tipping point on the path from "it's a rare mental condition and you should just let them live their lives" to "any criticism of anything a TIM does is transphobia".
Gay marriage was legalized in the USA on June 26, 2015. I don't believe that it was a "degeneracy" slippery slope, but once it was legal there was suddenly a lot of lobbyists, charities, and people who would find themselves jobless unless they were able to pivot to the next huge social justice human rights fight. So even if transgenderism hadn't existed, something would have been manufactured.
Laying it out like that, I'm really depressed that they picked something that sets back women's rights and hurts so many people. This huge political machine could have chosen something that would have made the world a better place, like rent control or four day work week, and instead it chose to fuck us over.
No. 1709313
>>1709222Seconding what
>>1709281 added, also Anna's Archive and Internet Archive (here some books are for borrow but the account is free, a lot of scans of interesting books in general + other media).
No. 1709319
>>1709304You would have to be more specific with your country, but the short answer is that I don't know them or their culture so I am unable to give you any in depth answer. But I do know American culture, and I do know that money runs every aspect of our life. Like I said, I don't believe that same sex marriage inherently lead to where we are today, but that legalizing gay marriage required a huge multi decade effort that resulted in a lot of charities, companies, and jobs being created. And once the fight was won (legalization), then all those people were out of a job and the money would stop flowing unless they figured out how to join the next big political human rights fight. So that's why we saw a larger shift starting in 2015. From what I've heard, the transgenderism we see today then started spreading to other countries. It caught on for the same reasons it did in America. One, it's extremely profitable, and two, it plays on a very widespread and basic fear, that your children are going to die unless you do something.
You could probably also tie in the fact that due to the rising rates of porn addiction and more violent exposure at younger ages, that the timing was just right to create the mass of AGPs who are the driving force behind transgenderism.
Furthermore, one of the reasons that TIMs are getting exactly what they want in the USA is that after almost a hundred years of slow progress on women's rights, the pendulum is swinging back the other way. And since TRAs are just a different shade of men's rights activists, they often have similar superficial goals and so support each other in their attempts to extend control over women.
No. 1709590
>>1709497could be but he could also just be shit with his word choices because he's male
had a guy affectionately tell me my eyes were "huge, like a bugs" lmao
No. 1709667
>>1709588I have seen the opposite, like that lost retard trying to defend shuwu eating out of a dog bowl as totes not
abusive because she wanted it
No. 1709811
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Can someone make a male version of this?
No. 1710034
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>>1709811for you my
nonnie No. 1710059
>>1709683I was diagnosed with a bunch of mental disorders. I've been on many different psychiatric medications including SSRIs, SNRIs, an MAOI, a stimulant, antipsychotics. None of them have 'helped' me.
People are depressed for real reasons, people are anxious for real reasons. Nobody is born anxious and depressed.
You are anxious for a reason. Drugs can help you feel better but the reason why you're anxious will still exist
No. 1710063
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>>1710034KEK thank u
nonny you’re the best
No. 1710137
>>1710118Samefag adding to this
>>1710134We also shower more frequently and use more soap in general. My ex didn’t use skincare products at all, but because he took hot showers every single day his skin got a bit dry. I guess shampoo residue might have also gotten into his face, drying it out further. So I gave him some of my moisturizer and he was amazed at his new silky smooth skin lol. In the past people would bath less frequently and just clean their face once a day using water that probably wasn’t boiling hot. I think moisturizing is necessary mostly due to modern grooming habits, but it’s possible to work around it if you live like back in ye olden days. I like using sunscreen so I've kind of resigned myself to needing a minimum of skincare in my life.
No. 1710669
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Does it hurt having a surgically enhanced body?
For example, can't you feel fillers and implants from the inside? Do they feel like foreign objects inside your boobs/butt/lips? What about the fat from fat transfer procedures like BBLs? Do "thread lifts"/face lifts feel tight? Is there phantom pain after liposuction, rhinoplasty, buccal fat removal, or any other surgery where they take pieces out? Do the women who've had their faces frozen from Botox try to smile/move their eyebrows and just….can't??????
Is plastic surgery a secret body horror pain wonderland that women are forced to endure in the name of "beauty", or does being sliced up and reconfigured in man's image truly just feel fine afterwards?
Maybe not a stupid question, but it keeps me awake at night sometimes.
No. 1711242
hi nonnies is it normal for your thyroid to hurt all the time on the right side? heck, a few months ago I woke up with that area burning up alongside a very high fever and I went to the emergency clinic and they just tested for strep, which I didn't have. and the pain has been very consistent for months now. I'm not sure what to do. at first I thought it was a throat ulcer. also I already got a basic thyroid panel in the past and it came back clean so it's hard to believe there's a problem even if I don't feel great and all the women in my family have thyroid diseases. also there's 0 way my doctor will refer me to a specialist, so that's why I'm asking online like an idiot.
>>1711241maybe, it's hard to tell. I went in because of another issue recently and apparently I have an ongoing sinus infection.
No. 1711282
>>1711273nta but you're being weird. Her thyroid obviously hurt for real, probably from her ongoing sinus infection. Painful swelling of the thyroid gland (I think it's called subacute thyroiditis)
triggered by viral or sinus infections is well-documented. And a swollen painful thyroid can be a sign of more serious issues related to the thyroid, I don't think you're a doctor.
No. 1711633
>>1711263it's maybe not my thyroid but I looked up a diagram and it's where the pain is. also, my thyroid panels were clean when I last had them check a year ago. I mentioned the family history just to cover my bases. moreover, some people with thyroid disease do experience inflammation in the area so I don't know why you think none do.
>>1711282yeah, the doctor diagnosed me - I went in because of an unrelated injury - and didn't really say anything about it. I was so confused! Maybe I should get another doctor because that was weird! Still don't understand why or how it could last for so many months if that is the problem.
No. 1711882
>>1711855>which one would you change Lucinda's or any thread on /w/.
>what would you do to it?Ban the cows defending themselves and the wks/calves derailing them.
No. 1711909
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So can someone explain to my slow brain why I got in trouble for this? All I did was say that I don't like british accents and don't like it when Americans try to imitate them. Is a janny on here british or something? Is it considered "race bait" to even say you don't like an accent? Geez.
No. 1711914
>>1711880I’ve just been thinking about how all the lolcows I follow are loud abrasive and histrionic attentionwhores or just deranged in a really showy way was there ever any that would hide behind an online persona and turned out to be just a quiet person,
coming back to this question I just thought of leafyishere. He seems shy in this video even though he was a real asshole online.
No. 1712006
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>>1711992This is actually a medical condition. I feel bad for her, but of course it is unpleasant for everyone around her, too, there's no sugarcoating it. I wonder whether she's trying any treatments.
No. 1712008
>>1711992lmao what? no one was gonna call you jealous.
clean up the bathroom/shower and make it nice next time she comes over, then tell her she smells. you don't want to make things awkward but things are already awkward and
as a friend/sister/whatever you just want her to know it's noticeable and she can use your shower and beauty supplies. You can tell her that and like guide her to the washroom while she's in shock lol (or maybe have the conversation near/in the washroom). Even if you say everything perfectly she might still get offended and react badly because she's embarrassed but you will have done her a huge favor.
Do you think she just has bad BO and doesn't know or is she like coming over after work somewhere crappy like a hot kitchen?
No. 1712023
>>1712008It didnt smell like BO, or not like any normal sweaty BO at least. It was like, a very noticeable fish smell, not musky. I dont think showering would help. It smelled like BV but like, tenfold. Can BV get so bad it lingers in the air? Like I had to air out the whole house, it was that pungent. And I doubt its from work either bc its was after midnight after saturday. Plus I've had an ex who worked in the fish marked and while he smelled like fish, it didnt smell like that. This smelled like fishy body odor. Idk if that made sense but it didnt smell like she had been working with fish, but rather that her odor is fishy
And idk you never know with some deranged anons here.
>>1712006I guess it might be that, yes. If so, I feel bad for her.
No. 1712036
>>1712034It didnt smell like that though, like I said, it smelled like infectious bacterial vaginosis odour. Not strong stale musky sweaty body odor, that would have been pleasant in comparison tbh. Even the nerds who didnt shower after gym or changed clothes for weeks didnt smell like this.
Like this wasnt normal bad body odor/hygiene smell
No. 1712125
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If for example you go from a size 38 to 36, have you went down 1 or 2 sizes? I never understood how to talk about trousers sizing.
No. 1712151
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What are some excuses you would give to get out of a date with a guy you've learned you have no interest in? Bc some guy actually got a flight to visit me 2 states away and wanted me to go on multiple dates for the weekend. It's Sunday and I dont want to go on anymore, plus he keeps bringing up "watching a movie" at his hotel room and it's making me uncomfortable. I want to think of an excuse rather than being like "hey, im not interested" bc it seems like he's spent a lot if money so far.
No. 1712792
>>1712763Based on the details provided he sounds like the type to become
abusive once he's got you in a compromising position (not that not respecting when you don't want sex isn't abuse)
You're young, you've got so much time to find someone better for you. Don't worry about it too much. You have time to figure this all out.
No. 1712793
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>>1712781It depends on the lighting and the width of the focal lens used. That's why professional photos make you look so good compared to photos taken by your camera.
No. 1712804
>>1712798fujo = likes man x man
hime = likes woman x woman
yume = likes me x husbando
No. 1712819
>>1712643Thanks for this anyway, I was looking up gaming laptops and feeling hesitant. The mid-end ones are still decently pricey and all I could think is "if I add a couple more hundred to this I could probably buy a much better PC". My only issue with the PC is the space in my room is small.
Would you consider BG3/Elder Scrolls a high-end game?