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File: 1724410932555.png (1.88 MB, 748x2320, 1724259689826.png)

No. 2149920

A place full of attention seeking, bra stuffing, body filters, fake stories, elsagate spamming, fake doctors and coomer bait, cringe fuel etc. Anyone else find this side of the internet to be particularly cancerous?
Thread #1 >>1291087
Thread #2 >>1417602
Thread #3 >>1573244
Thread #4 >>1707886
Thread #5 >>1879378
Thread #6 >>1986698

No. 2150472

File: 1724437887228.png (1.35 MB, 1179x1910, vqaAMKN.png)

this list is so fucking bad
>gloria steinem
she was the biggest proponent of liberal feminism
the only radfem
>aileen wuornos
based, but not a radfem
also based, but not radfems

No. 2150475

What is the description even trying to say?

No. 2150476

where is jodi arias

No. 2150478

based, but not a radfem

No. 2150483

File: 1724438281963.png (1.55 MB, 1179x1913, dlw4nja.png)

>marilyn monroe
not a feminist or womanist
>marsha p johnson
gay male dragqueen
>kanno sugako
japaense anarchist, not a womanist
>angela davis
the only actual womanist(which is just feminism focused on black american women)

No. 2150485

>marilyn monroe
the actual fuck what the fuck has she ever done for women. These retarded women cant unprogram their brains from seeking external male validation thats why they desperately try to reclaim pretty diva bimbos like marylin. Pathetic.

No. 2150487

File: 1724438443926.png (300.78 KB, 1179x1216, MscJef1.png)

what can we expect from a "local monsterfucker"

No. 2150488

They put a fucking gay man in there KEK. Also what did marilyn do other than be jfk’s mistress?

No. 2150495


No. 2150498

oh so she admits shes retarded

No. 2150545

I have never heard of the term womanist before

No. 2150560

It's a subset of feminism focused primarily on black women that arose out of frustration with the typically white centric advocacy of mainstream feminism. It's been around for a while.

No. 2150562

somebody kill me please, if we were in nuclear war they would be looking for their beauty blenders and eyeliner like a bunch of useless bitches addicted to makeup

No. 2150600

KEK true. Pretty sad to think about…

No. 2151203

that pedo retard in the pfp…
she helped advancing ella fitzgerald career I guess.
kinda stupid.

No. 2151884

nta but it makes sense in the context of the 20th century, where even the most progressive suffragettes believed in the 'separate but equal' view, while others were outright proto-fascists who believed certain people should be sterilized. In the latter half of the century, there was more reconciliation and collaboration with black and white men, but womanism was still used by black feminists who wanted their own movement

No. 2152449

File: 1724525055414.mp4 (3.68 MB, 480x854, ob9SlDy.mp4)

these types annoy me so bad

No. 2152775

Because she's uncomfortable wearing dresses? You're a dick lol

No. 2152787

“These types” referring to… women who aren’t Barbie dolls?

No. 2152829

The only thing I could see disliking about this is that it's called "for mascs," but given how regular and neutral the recommendations are, it seems to imply anything that isn't wearing a dress, heels, and full glam is "masculine."

But that's more of societal problem and this video seems pretty normal and has okay suggestions. What's your issue with this and what "type" are you referring to?

No. 2152899

whats wrong with this video? i dont understand why youre bothered

No. 2153179

File: 1724559813555.jpeg (703.06 KB, 1005x1147, IMG_2707.jpeg)

The moid who thinks he invented the word “demure” on TikTok now cries because he can’t trademark it. Zoomers are unable to just create memes and fun content just because, they always need clout or money for it.

No. 2153253

nta and i think she looks good and cute but i also can see why someone would get annoyed. let's assume these women are using the word masc as a shorthand for "unfeminine" since none of them are really trying to look manly. this woman still wears makeup and seems very trend conscious, i don't see how what's not feminine about her. is wearing a jumper really masc when her pinterest, clothing rack and shoes all scream female tiktok content creator? actually being masc would involve not caring about fashion, wearing no makeup and having a hairstyle all your relatives disapprove of. i guess not wearing heels makes you masc in our shitty society now.

on the other hand being into fashion is fun, and zoomer men follow trends as well, though not on the same scale. she may not be masc but it's good that we have something to dilute all the hyperfeminine fashion content.

No. 2153262

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And just last week that creature jumped the gun saying he could now afford to transition. Should've started small with a Jenny Craig subscription first

No. 2153265

File: 1724564741535.png (6.91 KB, 186x275, 1708220006467.png)

I saw this on reddit and was genuinely confused when the comments were like 'typical man stealing a woman's hard work, I am heartbroken!!' and then I watched the tiktok. Excuse me what woman are we talking about? Cause it's not this. And them crying that they didn't get to trademark it because they don't have the same access to the copyright process as the person that did does. What does that have to do with it? Literally if you were planning merch you didn't think of trademarking it first? It's a google search, fill out an application and pay a fee. Literally acting like their meme of already based English words was somehow going to fund them and their family for the rest of their lives. Kek at the poor judge who has to listen to this moid blubber and explain why he's contesting the copyright cause people on twitter and reddit told him he should.

No. 2153271

The other person didn't even get to trademark it, they just submitted for it and there's like a 30 day process for someone to review it. I doubt he will get it either because it's just a basic English word that you used to see in old school fanfiction and now some clout-chaser just happened to use it. Trademarks aren't even granted by "who submits first", it's by who uses them first and this tranny did neither.

No. 2153279

It's generated rage-bait. The troon wants people to feel bad for him, so that they'll donate to his eventual gofundme. It happens all the time. A lot of people don't catch on to the breadcrumbs, but it's a perfect plan from him to get a lot of money. I'm guessing there's gonna be a crowdfunding campaign for his FFS and neo-vagina soon, which of course he will spend on Big Macs and marijuana instead.

No. 2153327

If the most famous white woman Taylor swift can't trademark words what makes this idiot think he can do it

No. 2153517

Anyone else been following Roma Army? Her newest stuff makes me burst out laughing.
>shits on OF thots for claiming to support mens rights
>has a patreon, at least used to post hardcore porn on it
>used to slap advertisement of it at the end of videos of preaching mens mental health uwu
>still charging her simps to watch her streams and chat with her
>also claiming she invented being a MRA pickme

No. 2153519

God I can't get over how dirty she always looks

No. 2153562

she's such a pick me, and comes across as very condescending in almost all her videos. She blatantly just wants to shit on other women in the hopes of getting attention from men, I'd be so disgusted at myself if I got the comment section she has

No. 2153589

Disgusting. But it’s odd how you can see this shit a mile away. My brain is so rotted I can tell genuine funny real life human interaction and forced unfunny meme-shit. Back it up terry will forever be funnier than hawk tuah, chick fil a girl and demure Mexican combined.

No. 2153599

Ignore the cunt, she fell out of relevancy with Pearl cause Pearl would go even lower. Both of them are being forgotten. Keep it that way.

No. 2153615

Always the ugliest, trashiest bitches ever who are mega pickmes. Seriously, why is male attention so important to them? Have some self respect

No. 2153618

>the creator who popularized "demure"
like he invented the fucking word kek. and i can't stand the use of the word "creator" when it just means "person who has a social media account" like basically everyone else in the world

No. 2153623

you know why. when you can't have your pick of a good man, you have to go fishing for whatever is available.

No. 2153634

what are ugly people supposed to do

No. 2153639

> Hard work

No. 2153650

ugly on the outside doesn't have much to do with it… it's ugly on the inside, where things tend to go wrong. i was going to attach a picture of that guy that killed his wife and daughters because the wife found out he was cheating and having anal sex with his side piece, but he doesn't deserve to have his picture anywhere.

No. 2153656

corporate twitter fags will really just use anything for engagement. You can't convince me they themselves believe this creature invented the word demure

No. 2153684

I genuinely believe that people that use Tiktok read at a 6th grade level so I can believe that some of these dumbasses think demure was invented by the hairless chewbaca.

No. 2153700

I agree she is irrelevant but so are many cows posted here. Just though her being furious over competition was funny.

A lot of these retards have bfs or could have picked one already. It is the money or desperate need for attention that drives it. Or hatred for other women, Pearl could have done anything with daddy's money and chose to be "female Andrew Tate".

No. 2153708

>face caked in makeup

No. 2153832

It's just virtue signalling because he's a tranny. If this was a real woman people would be more critical. You can't criticize self-centered men for anything though (and ironically people are reacting to this with "men ruin everything").

No. 2154785

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can tiktokfags not? no wonder there has been so many retarded posts and infighting lately jesus christ the amount of likes on this video

No. 2154786

i saw that earlier and felt like she's lying, do these retards seriously think its brag worthy to use this site? if someone mentioned lolcow irl i'd immediately cut contact

No. 2154787

File: 1724650312679.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1284x1998, IMG_6809.jpeg)

he's a tim too. really explains the state of this site

No. 2154788

kek whos the cow in question?

No. 2154792

Pretty sure it's just a troon lying for attention like always. It'd be funny if someone did a deep dive on him though and made it so he could never find a job again because of his digital footprint. Sometimes it's funny when someone poking the hornets' nest finally gets stung.

No. 2154793

obviously he doesn't know what a thread is and thinks it means post, and hes a tranny, so yes, hes lying. if he actually read the TIM threads he would instantly 40%. he's just larping what he thinks a girl would say and failing
these tiktok retards don't know how to use anything that isn't a iphone, they are not the ones typing the last thread summary for shayna's 768th thread

No. 2154853

Nothing about his beige Shrek looking ass is demure.

No. 2154854

If he wants to LARP as an /r9k/ thot this is just about the stupidest way to do it kek

No. 2154857

kek at those giant man hands.

No. 2155068

His physiognomy looks like those iPad kids who constantly have snot running down their big-ass noses. What an unfortunate face.

No. 2155136

File: 1724683355357.jpg (251.01 KB, 1080x1734, IMG_20240826_163756.jpg)

He's claiming the ex wasn't a lolcow before being posted here but ''he made him one'' it's just a cringy zoomer lying and being edgy

No. 2155139

God no wonder with the state of this site. Also this is like… a kid right?

No. 2155141

That makes sense. If you see any anon using TikTok speak best believe there's a possibility
of it being a tranny and don't interact

No. 2155142

why are men such attention whores

No. 2155145

It feels so good getting confirmation that not only trannies DO roam this place but literal tiktok addicted zoomer trannies even, kek.

No. 2155150

He has to be like either 14 or went on puberty blockers.

No. 2155153

Fucking knew there were tiktards on this site. Saw a bunch of "bro is ___", "bro looks_____", "girlie", "I'm cooked", etc. bullshit recently

No. 2155494

File: 1724701656340.jpeg (228.33 KB, 945x2048, IMG_5865.jpeg)

Kek, the amount of blood vessels bursting in the replies to this

No. 2155617

File: 1724707650596.png (134.59 KB, 1080x976, Screenshot_20240826-141917~2.p…)

He was lying unsurprisingly

No. 2155624

kek, for real. i wonder if he knows his moid hands gives him away

No. 2155630

If that was a farmer commenting, I'm begging you to stop.

No. 2155668

Can we please stop talking about lolcow off this site? it keeps bringing in newfags and killing the board culture.

No. 2155673

Саша don't let the tiktokfags know about this site shhhh… but seriously, we just shouldn't tell them how it works so they get banned for obviously being unintegrated newfags kek. The skirby thread is like a honeypot

No. 2155676

Engagement bait, apparently they used her pictures without her consent, weirdo behavior.

No. 2155719

>the only actual womanist(which is just feminism focused on black american women)
Ironically all they ever talk about is black men, especially those in prisons. No one else matters to them. That’s a major reason why i stopped calling myself a womanist

No. 2156036

I tried to upload an mp4 but it won’t let me, sorry

No. 2156037

The daughter was tagged in this by the way

No. 2156039

File: 1724734176970.jpg (127.81 KB, 1080x1252, their-photos-were-used-without…)

This account stole some other black girls picture too

No. 2156046

Kek, was just about to say this

No. 2156052

JFC that's creepy. That account is clearly pushing an agenda and needs to be reported.

No. 2156053

I'm calling it out now, the person running that account is a latino, I feel it in my bones

No. 2156075

This is so fake. He obviously has very little knowledge of LC if he thinks 10 threads is believable. That would have to mean that his ‘target’ is a very popular cow to have had 10 threads fill up. And not to mention that he would be the same anon creating the thread each time.
His fingers look like warped sausages.
You’re probably right. If this is true, he probably thinks posting 10 posts on lolcow is so scandalous and girly. He probably has heard the term ‘lolcow’ thrown around and has a vague idea of it, he’s the TIM-equivalent of TIFs that pretend to post on 4chan.

No. 2156127

It's a black incel with a cuckold fetish and a complex from getting ignored/rejected by black women IRL. He gets off on pretending to be a woman both so other men send him dick pics/propositions, and to get them attacked over shitty bait. Something like a week ago, one of them was exposed for larping as a white/hispanic woman who was into black men on Twitter.
I'm convinced something like 20% of women racesperging about dick and desirability online are AGP scrotes on burner accounts with stolen pictures/videos.

No. 2156247

This is some Dhar mann shit. I'm calling fake.

No. 2156295

>White men have BBC cuckold fetish
>Black men also have BWC cuckold fetish


No. 2156297

>Other men send him dick pics

Lol, faggot

No. 2156327

porn and untreated neuroticism

No. 2156528

>be smelly loser that is a pain to spend time with
>women dont like you
>moid brain cant compute doing something wrong
>"must be because Im white/black/asian/short/have weak jaw etc"
>moid brain copes by turning this into a fetish

No. 2156916

File: 1724792228098.mp4 (1.97 MB, 720x1280, 1000001113.mp4)

Not TikTok but reels and I'm keking at this coquette_things2 person. One thing I know about shoes like those is your toes are curling hard if you have that much bump at the top. They're lying so hard to feel cutesy

No. 2156919

File: 1724792411642.jpg (26.3 KB, 640x360, 1000007171.jpg)

No. 2157024

This chick is gonna end up with some naaasty bunions, kek

No. 2157028

Is Chinese foot-binding making a comeback or something?? What is inspirational or cool about having size 4 shoes? I don't get the kids today damn

No. 2157038

This reminds me of when my auntie shamed me and my sister for wearing size 6 uk shoes when she wore size 4, as if she was the normal one. There's nothing cute about being 5'5 and looking like you are walking on bratz doll pegs.

No. 2157112

File: 1724799835075.png (1.39 MB, 1170x1762, ezDQBw9.png)

average booktoker

No. 2157249

She has past tiktoks showing the guy and his yacht and hotel rooms, then the daughter was tagged and her dad is clearly the same man, people commented on the daughter’s video telling her to warn her mom about it and she responded that her mom already knows

No. 2157269

Lesson learned: don't fuck or date older moids.

No. 2157272

>You know that you're going to be the wife of an old man who cheats with a bunch of younger girls
Why the fuck would anyone have this mentality? You don't need to have a scrote to live this should've been a wake up call

No. 2157275

Tired of girls seeing sugar daddies (i feel gross even typing that) as some le epic way to "steal moids money" when it's really just fucking up girl's mental health. Especially girls who are related to the moid fucking young girls. It has to be some sort of psyop: prostitution, being a bangmaid, and being a sugar baby are not "yasss queeeen". it's all just moids taking advantage of women and girls financially, disgusting.

No. 2157382

You’re telling me a deathfat tranny is the reason why I’m seeing negative IQ zoomers using that term so much? Mega kek

No. 2157406

i'm surprised one would even bother picking up a good book, but i'm sure it's not spicy enough anyway and therefore it's bad to them. esther's stint in the psych ward will be "omg grippy sock jail literally me" and her losing her virginity will be "yass so empowerment get that D so relatable"

No. 2157416

This woman is retarded if she genuinely believes the wife doesn't know. She always knows but she endures it because she's aware the sugarbabe will be abandoned at some point. Women married to men like this don't see younger bangmaids as a threat because they know their husbands don't see them even as human beings, it's when he has an affair with a woman who's on same social standing as her when it's bad.

No. 2157448

all men are secretly faggots. they act like that because they are repressing their desire for dick

No. 2157498

File: 1724835977767.jpg (304.82 KB, 1080x1732, IMG_20240828_110301.jpg)

Teenagers groming other teenagers into liking decrepit old men, her whole account is dedicated to romanticizing age gap relationships

No. 2157503

Why does this looks to me like she's kinda emotionally getting off on this all, just the way she's saying this

No. 2157515

Lana del Rey is demonic
Of course she is. So many normie women's entire purpose in life is to have a male desire them. Now she got a male with a family to desire her and that's an ultimate win in their eyes. Sad shit

No. 2157517

How is Esther unlikeable???? She has mental issues AND bad things happen to her

No. 2157553

File: 1724845169800.jpeg (406.57 KB, 1405x1827, IMG_2146.jpeg)

This is a screenshot of the comments of an older video but god I hate how many pedos are on TikTok, this kind of doubles as coomer/moid hate. I think what makes it so bad for me is that all of the commenters think she absolutely must be a kid 10-14 but upon realising she’s 19 start requesting an OnlyFans, seriously blackpilling, She has so many old men in her comments too it’s disturbing, these are people’s uncles and fathers (or grandfathers). Oddly a lot of British men there despite her and the other comments being American confirming to me that British men are especially paedophilic

No. 2157640

Thats a girl on eating disorder twitter, explain yourself anon

No. 2157643

File: 1724852832833.mp4 (6.24 MB, 480x854, ZzftPSY.mp4)

retard on retard violence

No. 2157645

Ngl I can't help but like this woman kek
> Um it's 2023 sweaty EVERYONE with a pretty face and following has an onlyfans
Porn addict detected.

No. 2157646

I'm with her tbh, the first guy is way cringier imo.

No. 2157650

not to sound like a geek, but athena's worship was mostly confined to male aristocrats from athens, as she represented strategy and the glory of war, she was not a "feminist" deity in any way

No. 2157656

File: 1724853648402.jpeg (84.39 KB, 1070x598, l0uDw54.jpeg)

I hate this fatass troll, he's so stupid. I hope he loses the trademark and will be long forgotten.
He was e-begging some time ago and asking for money this ass basically said that he did not care about Palestine.
I wonder why the TRAs , who are so quick with their fake activism , haven't called him out yet. But I guess being a TIM saves you from everything.

No. 2157659

That wasn't very demure or mindful.

No. 2157663

File: 1724853935675.jpg (154.81 KB, 526x372, 1000007206.jpg)

Artemis is where it's at.

No. 2157668

Can't believe people are spending $175 on a nail design. These new age small business owners are out of their minds.

No. 2157670

wow that's $260 australian dollars. absolutely insane. when i was in high school [10 years ago] i remember saving up $30 so i could go get them done, that's like $20 USD. quite a jump from $20 to $175 i'd say.

No. 2157678

I’ve seen some with pretty insane designs but this is ridiculous kek.

No. 2157683

And I thought the 7 euro nail polish I bought the other day was way too expensive and over the top…kek. People always ask me if my nails are fake and I don't even do anything apart from filing and painting a solid colour. Daaamn.

No. 2157701

saved because OT but do you cut off your cuticles? At least for me whenever I paint them the cuticles make my nails look cheap and I can only wear dark nail polishes because I paint them too streaky

No. 2157817

I don't get what people mean when they say they cut their cuticles. I looked up images and saw dry, crusty white stuff…is it skin? I don't have any of that. If I did, I still wouldn't cut it. Seems dangerous. Just make sure your hands are always moisturised. If your nail polish gets streaky, it might be because of ridges on your nailbed. You can lightly buff them down to make the nail smoother. Or maybe you're using old, gloopy nail polish.

No. 2157822

Teenagers and kids are way better at grooming each other into fetish shit than any grown man on discord ever could be

No. 2158065

Why do zoomer girls love saying this fucking bullshit. So many girls in the comments are like “i’m a lesbian but my male crush is ___!!!!” there’s thousands of those comments. These bitches are the ones who defend trannies like they’re going to die btw. Tired of this type of shit being spread on tiktok

No. 2158076

Why the fuck are American women going bankrupt for salon treatments? I've also seen them pay thousands to have basic hairstyles kek. Can't claim it's supply prices either since most salons in other countries are less than half of what basic American salons are charging

No. 2158151

I feel like you’re telling on yourself kek, her account got recommended to me because she’s a lesbian and near my age.

No. 2158376

No. 2158420

don't care about feminism but wuornos is based

No. 2158470

>(she) hates men
Say no more, I will definitely start avoiding this dangerous type of woman. I can’t believe such women could even exist. Men are actually superior in every way.
But seriously, wtf is wrong with this woman? For a second I thought she was about to say sike when she started talking about how men don’t give women energy like women do for men, but then she started saying shit like “gotta do it for god” and “there’s nothing wrong with being the type of girl that lets a man walk all over you and you’ll never overcome that personality trait.” I hope that maybe one day she’ll peak, but it’s not looking up for her.

No. 2158492

lol i looked it up and brett cooper is 21 years old. so she can larp all she wants until the sun comes up but i'm 27 and i had a computer in my room since age 10, a phone, and then a smart phone when they became a thing, etc. so yes the woman in this video is fucking nuts and not allowing your TEENAGE children to charge their phones in their rooms or forcing them to have the screen time shit on their phone is, in fact, nuts and very strict.

No. 2158498

File: 1724897963769.jpeg (8.46 KB, 275x183, download-3.jpeg)

Cp front page

No. 2158500

I can't stand this bitch she looks like Ben Shappiro.

No. 2158539

IDGI, i've met my fair share of mean women and i've never met this archetype she's describing in my life. also can we stop demonizing muh career cat ladies, as one those evil career women, i love my coworkers that are also moms and think they're awesome. i'm uncomfortable that the state of the internet is likely going to make a number of people think i'm horrible and nasty because i work and don't have kids. not all of us seethe at women who didn't choose the route we personally did.

No. 2158601

That’s such a shitty thing to shame people over, as if anyone can control the size of their feet kek. And size 6 is like small/average, she’s crazy.

No. 2158605

I hate this fat fucking faggot and all of his fans, and I especially hate that he got popular for telling women to be quiet wallflowers and not to be noticeable or remarkable in any way. Fuck you, fat turd, get laser on your neck beard you greasy troglodyte.

No. 2158670

Rightfully avoiding men suddenly makes you a villain. Kek.

No. 2158701

She has a very untrustworthy face

No. 2158720

Never liked this type of dancing. The movements are always abrupt and rough but apart from that, am I the only one who finds this inappropriate for a child? The outfits, the moves and the expressions feel too grown for a child.

No. 2158721

I think having that kind of control over your body and rhythm is really impressive so I do enjoy the dancing style, I do not at all think it's appropriate for children and those outfits are outrageous. I'm glad she's so passionate about dance, but I'll never understand the adults who dress these children in these skimpy outfits like they're adults. It's the same shit with child pageantry.

No. 2158725

I've legit never met a single woman IRL who genuinely hates men and motherhood (I'd love to actually kek), where does this person live to meet so many of them? Either she's projecting her insecurity on women who chose a different path in life, or she's thinking about tiktokers (seems like it, because she keeps mentioning "people on this platform") and it's ridiculous because plenty of women on social media joke about never wanting children, or about hating men, without actually meaning it i.e. they still want children someday and date. She's a religious trad woman so yeah in this day and age she won't agree with all women but it's not that deep

Not appropriate and I know in this case she's very skilled and just showing her progress but otherwise most children videos like this are watched by pedos, it's awful when parents themselves expose their children

No. 2158738

Tbh I don’t think most of the dancing itself is a big deal, but the pressure and environment of competitive dance on little children can be damaging and toxic.
Also I’m so tired of that fucking song on every other short video.

No. 2158856

File: 1724940584767.jpg (67.97 KB, 1024x576, eponychium-definition-and-exam…)

NTA, but what you're probably thinking of is the eponychium which you shouldn't cut if you don't know what you're doing. Cuticle is the dead skin that sticks to your nail as it grows, which you can easily remove with a cuticle remover (usually comes in a bottle like nail polish) or gently buff it off. Also try to learn how to paint your nails properly by not flooding the nail, ie. not having any polish touch the sides, it lasts much longer. I'm not a proper nailfag I just paint them a lot but I have to keep them short so I don't really know anything about growing long nails, other than oiling them.

No. 2158902

>"UwU I'm so dainty and cute"
>putting dirty shoes on a grime and hair covered bed(integrate)

No. 2158989

What exactly about this post is unintegrated?

No. 2159227

I don't mind that dance style when adults do it. That kind of body control is very impressive and to be able to do it in heels is fun to watch.

The woman in the video is a great dancer, but the dance style + outfit in the childhood clips is too much for someone that young. Also, the moid watching her in the 2016 clip (when she was CLEARLY a child) needs to be severely beaten.

No. 2159603

File: 1726046955333.jpeg (870.9 KB, 828x1426, EBB44681-C599-4C44-863B-CFAF0B…)

No. 2159607

This guy posts some interesting videos sometimes but his page is also filled with him calling himself Cajun daddy, revving his bike, and dancing hideously. His reposts are some of the most disgusting things I’ve ever borne witness to.

No. 2159608

File: 1726047179471.jpeg (708.23 KB, 828x1268, 5C512570-9F6D-4C33-9F7B-90A1F4…)

No. 2159610

File: 1726047225217.jpeg (219.68 KB, 828x842, 16B2BE10-2558-48A3-A2F1-3145FB…)

Hate flood detection

No. 2159616

Yeah /ot/ deserves to die

No. 2159617

They really posted their faces up with this shit… Is it a troll? Like is someone pretending to be one of the girls to get people to hate them or are they really actually just blatantly racist and dumb as fuck to do something like that?

No. 2159619

I think the same thing, at worst it's one of them having an actual mental thing going on (like when schizos suddenly start posting insane shit) and the other girls are dragged into this. It's too weird.

No. 2159639

>#snowbunny #blondehair
It's a black incel catfishing as a white woman and attacking black women as "revenge" for his real life loneliness. The entire account is just taking random girl's photos to racebait and uplift black men lol.
This was discussed here >>2156127. They catfish as black women for the same sort of narrative.

No. 2159643

fuck, I did not notice the snowbunny, definitely a moid. I feel bad for pictures used, genuinely hope nobody will try to doxx them in the name of justice not realizing they're the victims.

No. 2159652

Samefag, it's not even a good catfish. He seems to thinks all blond white women look the same, so he jumps between which pictures he uses. Here's the same photo in >>2159603 but with "I dropped my friend group because they support Palestine!":
(I can't post the link and screenshots are taking a while to upload, sorry) while the rest of the account is random selfies of a different girl he uses to make racebait posts. I feel bad for all the women being used for this moid's attention-seeking/mental illness.

No. 2159670

shit like this is why i dont want pics of me on the internet

No. 2160031

Unfortunately it doesn't matter how bad of a catfish it is, if you read the comments people are eating it up. At most some point out it's ragebait but even then nobody seems to be aware of the obvious moid fetish tags.

No. 2160123

File: 1726072426312.png (334.07 KB, 453x468, Capture.PNG)

retard on tiktok got lolcows tatted on him, Joshua Block, Daniel Larson and now Thinocado

No. 2160126

is there a word for the male version of yumes because this is definitely example of one

No. 2160128

heres the tiktok

No. 2160161

Probably fake

No. 2161525

Why does Youtube recommend this to me? This is fucking sick. The poor woman is so chirpy about having to be covered from head to toe while the moid is allowed to show his ugly mug

No. 2161542

File: 1726139722758.mp4 (9.56 MB, 576x1016, VID_20240912_131456.mp4)

No. 2161546

File: 1726139965935.mp4 (14.1 MB, 576x1016, VID_20240912_131717.mp4)

Had to cut it.
Anyway that's one of the weirdest take I ever saw online, unironically defending aehgas as just something that naturally happens during good sex and anyone who doesn't do that just has been having shitty sex kek

No. 2161579

You can make funny faces during sex but you really need to force your face to ahegao, no way it happens naturally. Does she have onlyfans and tries to convince simps she totally enjoys it? Dont see any other reason to claim that.

No. 2161722

Wtf is this demented crackhead on about? Women don't fucking make ahegao when they're being raped Jesus fucking Christ

No. 2161871

Female clothing stores are always so fucking trash. Every shirt is cropped, tight or thin. Quality is shit and barely practical compared to mens. When I was little my mom would usually buy unisex or sew them herself.

No. 2161910

File: 1726166512652.jpeg (212.75 KB, 1080x1815, GWAXw-XXMAA9R--.jpeg)

No. 2161911

File: 1726166558820.jpeg (236.23 KB, 1080x1675, GWAXxELWQAAB3Cw.jpeg)

They almost never comment stuff like this on white men's pages of course

No. 2161925

on the one hand I don't like racists, on the other hand he is Indian

No. 2161930

File: 1726167936621.mp4 (4.49 MB, 480x854, 91zXv9h.mp4)

No. 2161948

Everybody shits on India for being awful towards women, but I feel like all the hate and backlash in the world wouldn't be enough for what China deserves. China, Korea, India? Asian countries seem to be hell on earth for women no matter what type you even look at.

No. 2162087

This is incestuous

No. 2162212

Does this seem inappropriate to anyone else? The comments are divided between people saying it’s creepy and people saying that the ones who finds it creepy is fatherless

No. 2162221

This was the next video in the search, wtf? There are more videos of men doing this with their daughters too, why is this a trend

No. 2162234

I feel like these kinds of videos are bait. They're prefectly aware of the implications and that the first thing people think when they see the thumbnails, even if it's on a subconscious level, is "this feels sexual". The fact that it's a pretty, cute girl with an ugly average moid makes me suspect this, too. And of course social media platforms promote this kind of content because a lot of people end up watching them out of "curiosity", so it assumes you're likely to spend more time on the platform if you're shown videos like this. As for the uploaders, they know it makes their viewer count go up drastically. Maybe the men are aware of how incestuous it looks and do it on purpose because moids gonna moid.

No. 2162238

Same anon, tbh after watching this one I don't think it's as bad as the other two.
The first one with the siblings seems to actually intentionally be vaguely sexual, considering this is another one of their videos. Disgusting.

No. 2162257

The comments in >>2162221 are filled with males posting heart eyes emojis and saying “there’s nothing better than daddy daughter love” and making innuendos. The dad is responding to them so he’s doing it on purpose, and probably abusing her. There are other videos under the sound that are way more explicit, to the point where I didn’t post them because it’s actual abuse going on. The men posting are definitely all grooming their daughters. The comments remind me of that Reddit sub about incest where they all share tips about grooming their daughters and openly discuss it.

No. 2162259

Gross it’s probably just an OF couple doing incest roleplay

No. 2162291

Oh sweet summer child

No. 2162664

Guy feeds meat to her vegetarian wife without her consent, what a fucking tard of a moid. Even if it’s fake it’s retarded

No. 2163589

i find this so retarded because if you were in an actual normal relationship and not a narc yourself you wouldn't just drop bombshells or make rash decisions on your own? yeah i'd be pretty annoyed too if my bf all of a sudden up and decided to start going to the gym without discussing it, and it has little to do with girlboss empowerment lol…

No. 2163607

the first girls hair is so nice

No. 2165066

No. 2165757

File: 1726437315880.mp4 (11.59 MB, 576x1024, DQWq1cjDtZLoTI6V.mp4)

No. 2165764

This is satire right? It's fake right?

No. 2165801

But why would she film such a video like it's dora the explorer? Also some mra twitter account tried to use this video to prove something about women being stupid and shallow.

No. 2165803

He's cute though.

No. 2165808

this is retarded brainrot content but the least i can say it is nice to clean a grave.

hahaha of course he did, because we all act like this obviously…

No. 2168445

I keep getting sw tiktokers on my fyp and I find them so annoying, the comments are always filled with prostitutes laughing about how the women are too old to be attractive anymore and they’re just jealous of the prostitutes their men see. All of the commenters are always completely removing all accountability for any woman who chooses to sell herself and congratulating each other

No. 2169603

File: 1726674658030.jpeg (107.18 KB, 1071x1075, IMG_4583.jpeg)

I hate this guy so much now. He has a gf and kids but he publicly flirts with women in his tiktok comments and reposts their thirst traps, and they’re mostly all like 18 and 19 teenage girls. Most of his fans are not attractive at all though and this is how he talks about them, he’s such a dirtbag

No. 2169630

>their disdain for sex workers is so high that they will excuse the behavior of a man spending money on another woman and disrespecting the woman they're with
Both the girlfriend or wife and the sex worker are excusing the man. Imagine being so desperate for money Also, I dislike the attempt at pedestalizing sex workers with statements like "They're paying us the money you begging him for", because these women are doing more than begging multiple men. The "Your husband or boyfriend doesn't think we're trashy" claim is a bad cope, too. As he insults his wife, he holds the prostitute in even lower regard, and thinks about how he'd never want his daughter to end up like them. It's not praiseworthy to sign up to be a paid-for cum receptacle if you have other options in life. You're just rewarding men for being disgusting and demeaning yourself. Whether you are the cucked wife or the prostitute, he wins and you are losing. "But my new handbag though" sureee kek.
These women always have something wrong with them and refuse to tackle it, but they keep trying to dress this up as a glamorous lifestyle and shill it to others. It's annoying.

No. 2169666

Honestly, most men women thirst over publicly are like this behind the scenes. This is why it's a bad idea to do that kind of thing.

No. 2169765

It’s definitely just typical scrote behavior. I think he seems “attainable” to his fan girls because he’s some random local who does swamp tours. He thinks he’s a celebrity now because of them and yet this is how he talks about them kek, imagine that woman tracking down his specific tour company to book a tour and ask after him, just to see him making fun of her for being fat. I thought his fan girls were funny at first but now I just feel bad for them. He also got caught cheating while he was on live, he’s such a cow to me

No. 2169773

My prostitutes are so low there's no point in shaming them. She's gross but not wrong, men need to be held accountable for buying sex (especially those going for naive survival workers)

No. 2169778

>Mid honky in the swamps of Louisiana acts like an asshole
Why do women fantasize that there's totally some rural men who will be prince charming? If anything these men tend to act even worse since small towns don't punish people they consider honorable (related to town leaders, military, etc) and they tend to be religious which is worse

No. 2169790

I don’t think his fan girls think he’ll be Prince Charming at all, and I don’t think men from New Orleans are assumed to be nicer to women than other men. They just think he’s attractive and like that he’s a biker with tattoos.

No. 2169795

>They just think he’s attractive
Are they blind?

No. 2169806

They have to be. He’s 30 years old and I thought he was like 48. It’s hilarious to me how quickly men age, I’ve never seen a woman look so rough for her age unless she’s a meth addict. I said he was a 4 in one of his lives recently and he got extremely pissed about it kek

No. 2169903

This lady usually has good takes about being celibate and childfree, but now look at her. She’s saying selling sex is the most powerful thing on earth and that women should all band together and refuse to ever have sex unless it’s for a certain price. I agree with her that women have been conditioned to think that having sex with a bunch of men is empowering when it objectively isn’t, but she’s saying women being prostitutes is the best way to become independent from men. There are also women in her comments saying that polygamy is the best way, wtf

No. 2169997

File: 1726700074757.png (958.29 KB, 1080x1800, 1000000234.png)

>This bitch gets cancelled for cleaning a grave (?)
>Loads of accounts like picrel are calling for female genocide daily and swept under the rug

No. 2170006

The internet gets autistic and OTT about graves even doing a little goth grave rubbing will get people screeching at you about how you are damaging the headstone with your crayon and paper. Easier to screech about that or people making rock cairns on a trail than real problems

No. 2170034

I'm fine with autism if it meant people actually faced consequences for doing legit bad things. I don't want the goth teenager to get fired from mcdonalds for having a graveyard picnic, I want idiots posting rape threats, misogyny, racism, etc nonstop to get punished. It's even worse since people are somehow able to find people via anonymous profiles to murder and dox over arguments about some stupid shit like kpop or doordash but somehow they're unable to find idiots who post their full face and legal names? I don't get it

No. 2170068

This woman was pretending to have DID and that a couple name Jessie and James, yes like the Pokemon characters, live in her body. The American loneliness epidemic is real and scarier than I thought.

No. 2170071

No. 2170083

Wasn't there an article exposing that DID is probably just BPD with extra steps?

No. 2170166

File: 1726708184583.png (242.84 KB, 1346x792, IMG_8194.png)

Its a troon sex worker. I dont remember which thread discussed him cuz it was long ago. Has he done anything more recently? I remember those videos from 2021

No. 2170215

Oh wow, I honestly thought that was just some lonely lady

No. 2170234

Kek, this is the troon that peaked me. As soon as I saw him touching his leg weirdly and talking about sexual shit to kids to try to "educate" them it immediately killed whatever handmaiden was left in me.

No. 2170254

i read his handle as "afraidofwomen" lol
honestly this seems like some kind of grift, seems fake, but can't put my finger on what exactly it is

No. 2170336

he's stealing some other moids content and captioning his own shit with it

No. 2170337

oh, there's the answer. this makes sense, stealing content and pretending to be someone else in this way (to push an agenda) seems to be a fairly new thing that started on tiktok. i dont remember seeing this on yt or other forms of social media at this rate

No. 2170359

A lot of it's rage bait for engagement/to prey on mentally ill boys and they're too pussy to show themselves. A few other men actually made call out videos since another misogyny account used his pictures to victim blame women for getting raped as children

No. 2170365

I know bodybuilders are retarded, but this account feels like it's just reposting some guy's video and adding fake captions

No. 2170367

File: 1726723220433.png (1.05 MB, 946x2048, uOxplkm.png)

No. 2171212

>sex workers are the only ones who know that men are bad
>”vanilla women” can’t understand that men are bad and love talking to them, never get fed up with them and can’t feel disgust or anger at men
>don’t worry, after all the vile experiences you’ve had with men, know that there’s still a man out there for you! Hurry up and find a husband
>men are protectors and you’ll find one to make your world revolve around

Why can’t prostitutes be normal

No. 2171290

>Steven Universe pfp
Lmao, ofcourse.

No. 2171293

Can't someone contact the actual owner of the videos and tell him about this? Isn't it identity theft/fraud?

No. 2171445

Anti-SW sperges aside, I don't mind is sex workers speak out if it's to help women spot out red flags/warn young girls about moids.

No. 2171466

He looks like PhilosophyTroon kek

No. 2171473

I would reverse image search his pfp but I have him blocked ugj

No. 2175402

File: 1727030341147.mp4 (Spoiler Image,862.65 KB, 480x854, f7c1d2247bb834294f88fe55336be5…)

Hey nonnies anyone interested in the Walsh family? I haven't seen them mentioned anywhere in lc so I thought I'd ask here since they're most active on tiktok and they're milky as shit.
My fave is definitely Kennedy who's gotten fully into posting bodychecks lately after having a mental breakdown and moving in with her sister for a whole month after she moved to New York because she got the stupidest, most unrequited crush on Joe Ando, Niamh Adkins' bf. She's also a bihet fakebian and has an "art" store where she sells prints of her toddler tier crayon drawings of flowers for $30. If you want to check them out there's a snark subreddit with a bunch of documented milk, ofc it's reddit so there's a bunch of retards there but it's a lot.
If the Walshes still haven't caught your attention a little extra milk is that Jen, the siblings' mom has an OF account where she collabs with her eldest kid's ex-gf Devorah Lazar. Oh also Claudia slept with Dr Mike Israetel (yes the ugly bald dude that looks like a scrotal tumor)

No. 2175413

I follow their snark page on reddit and it is full of nitpicking. They are not really milky enough.

No. 2175424

How is this bodychecking because this looks like a typical dance video i see on tiktok all of the time.

No. 2175428

thats the point

No. 2175435

So…her being skinny is body-checking now?

No. 2175437


No. 2175595

>'dance' consists of barely shaking ass
>constantly checking herself out in the camera and posing
>skimpy clothing to show off as much of her skeletal figure as possible
>stereotypical bodychecking ana angles and poses
come on now

No. 2175600

No. 2175601

File: 1727042474424.jpeg (526.7 KB, 1170x1973, IMG_4700.jpeg)

She called Trisha Paytas ugly and said something about how Trisha doesn’t deserve to be successful on OF, but this is what she looks like. She called herself hot too.

No. 2175605

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No. 2175640

File: 1727044597964.jpeg (686.95 KB, 828x898, IMG_3083.jpeg)

>alleged met bf on image board and quickly married him
>he’s in the army
>voidchan room
>posts “trad” tiktoks

I bet she’s a farmer keeeek

No. 2175648

What's her username?

No. 2175649

Ah let's hope he doesn't kill her or get caught with cp soon

No. 2175653

No. 2175654

Who is this?

No. 2175662

File: 1727045482273.jpeg (397.63 KB, 828x1094, IMG_3087.jpeg)

Her user name is 14.mango.14
But just from her room I could tell she was a doughy loser

No. 2175664

Idk why but if I saw these two in public I would assume they were Mormons kek

No. 2175689

File: 1727046870419.mp4 (1.09 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_740640028490313244…)

Kek no way, she really does have the voidtard consoomer room. Would be a good contender for the instagram egirls thread.

No. 2175692

If you are going to dress like that you might as well become a mormon and rip the networking benefits

No. 2175694

Lolicon posters aren’t very trad…

No. 2175696

They both seem insufferable

No. 2175699

>ugly disgusting carpet
>popcorn wall
>double bed right next to the wall
>only decor is generic weaboo crap
Not a single thing right here

No. 2175700

File: 1727047800171.mp4 (3.67 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_740578033351531241…)

I wonder how long they have been together so far.

No. 2175701

You just know that both of them think they're so quirky and love the smell of their own farts kek

No. 2175702

America (?) is so gonna be fucked in any future wars if those are its "soldiers".

No. 2175703

I bet he's infantry. Aka the military's literal retard dumping bin.

No. 2175704

100%, either this or he went through basic training and nothing else.

No. 2175714

yeah it's cringe but it also reminds me of when i visit friends who have girly home decor lol.

No. 2175718

File: 1727048981410.jpg (107.87 KB, 1080x619, 8272738.jpg)

Found her reddit account KEK. Browsing r/bigclit and asking how to post videos on a porn sub, but no I'm totally trad guys!

No. 2175723

File: 1727049136225.jpg (94.07 KB, 1080x624, 9282838.jpg)

She was also posting on a Daniel Larson sub. Almost certainly a LC user at some point.

No. 2175732

She mentioned Nick Contino in another post. Also that she was 18 two years ago, making her about 20 now. I don’t see this working out well for her.

No. 2175736

File: 1727050157072.jpg (174.5 KB, 893x1089, 8272737747.jpg)

I dug around some more, seems like she has made countless deleted OC posts on porn subs. Managed to also find her discord username, which she used to post on /soc/, picrel shows the worst offenders. I wonder if her retarded moid knows, she needs to get away from him ASAP.

No. 2175738

File: 1727050371880.jpg (238.13 KB, 1080x736, 8282774.jpg)

Oh my God. Should probably take this to >>>/snow/2014335 before this thread gets shat up any more.

No. 2175780

How did you find it?
KEKK holy shit…
What is it with young women and having this familiar type of low self-esteem fueled sexuality. Hope she grows out of it soon

No. 2175801

Shoes on top of carpeted floor and a rug on top of carpet is driving me INSANE.
I've found that there's a trend with women who unironically spout this nonsense about being a prostitute being the only way you can dominate men. To me, it's just a way for women who fail at being celibate to justify the fact that they still crave male attention to an intense degree, even justifying fucking ugly men totally for money and not because they crave male validation and don't want to admit it. I'll never understand why they have such a strong instinct to destroy themselves like this.

No. 2175816

>How did you find it?
Saw >>2175653, looked up the title of the reddit post, then found a Mirror article on it that mentioned her username

No. 2175859

Pffft. Everyone is """18f""" there.

No. 2176614

I would have thrown the coke can at him and throw hot boiling coffee afterwards. Stupid useless moid.

No. 2176730

Ugly, lanky, weeby, 4chan faggot who is in the modern military. BARF. I hate these modern uniforms. If she went back in time and bagged a fit, respectable hottie from the 1940s it would be understandable. But what is this? And that bedroom looks like any other generic, cutecore tiktard's room. No taste. They all copy each other. If she really was a lc user….sad. I like to assume we're all based Stacies here, but clearly not.

No. 2176745

when my friend's brother came back from basic training in my country, he got really fit. So how is it that this moid still so below average looking?

No. 2177064

I think you’re right. I follow a tiktoker Ceceliaregina who is generally extremely intelligent and well spoken, and advocates for 4b, celibacy, choosing male partners carefully and speaks out about all the vile shit men do (and tiktok always removes those videos, of course). But she also follows the woman in that video and shera seven now, and that ddlg prostitute texas garden fairy. She’s verging more towards this prostitution is empowering bs, and I thought it was out of character but your post makes sense.

No. 2177180

File: 1727147320069.jpeg (709.84 KB, 1170x1519, IMG_4720.jpeg)

There’s so much drama to be found on tiktok

No. 2177183

File: 1727147472850.jpeg (397.23 KB, 1170x2054, IMG_4725.jpeg)

I looked up Amaya Colon and she looks like she would do something like that

No. 2177186

No. 2177396

What a shitty last name ha..get it?

No. 2177403

He's a little twigboy. Maybe he works in an admin/IT role kek.

No. 2177406

Kek wasn't expecting her voice to sound like this. At least it's not like Veibae's.

No. 2177564

of course all the comments are saying what a "Karen" she is and how people can film anyone they want CCTV etc… you know it's all scrotes

No. 2177977

More from “304 tok” as they call it

No. 2177981

File: 1727204050716.jpeg (122.8 KB, 1170x774, IMG_4733.jpeg)

Some of the comments

No. 2177984

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No. 2177989

File: 1727204303623.jpeg (288.85 KB, 1170x1134, IMG_4734.jpeg)

No. 2178030

Shaming women for being able to depend on themselves while having that >>2175640 on your side is so KEK. If that was by me I would be convulsed and he looks like he'd go to conventions asking women to step on him. His chin is so fucking huge, miniscule lips, the most dysgenic nose I've seen, dead eyes, huge cranium and the greasiest unappealing haircut to top it off. Imagine what he looks like when he opens his mouth… I'm going to puke

No. 2178120

Is the word prostitute banned on tiktok? And while I do believe men are shit, some of this comments sound like fanfic to me >>2177984 like what?

No. 2178181

I’ve actually heard a lot of prostitutes and sugar babies especially say that, men love talking about their wives and girlfriends to their prostitutes and sometimes they’ll give him advice on what presents to get her or relationship advice. It’s actually really common for men to gift their girlfriends the same perfume his mistress/sugar baby/favorite stripper wears because then she won’t notice the scent on him when he comes home from seeing her.

No. 2178185

I hate whores like this. Why are you proud to help a scrote emotionally abuse his wife? And then they cry about feminism when men rightfully them for being sexually loose with no morals. But, a brilliant reminder to never trust a scrote or his pickme.

No. 2178628

Why do so many women look like this? Like a bloated plastic surgery gay guy

No. 2179092

>a-ackshually he loves me more than you! he might have married you but during it he thought of me! because unlike you i'm so funny, kinky and hot!
These modern whores by choice are so pathetic, at the end of the day these innocent women who you look down on can just dump those cheating loser moids and live a fine life on their own - meanwhile you have to take 10 unwashed dicks raw every night and will soon have a mental breakdown because you quickly age out of it and then you'll be middle-aged, no longer wanted by perverts, unable to get a normal job and you won't have bagged the billionaire husband that you always manifested.
It's so insane that millions of girls and women on earth fight tooth and nail to get out of sex slavery while they have the audacity to even act superior due to their "profession".

No. 2179764

Any women in 2024 still validating themselves thru the masses of scrote genetic dead ends and their failed psyops is a retard especially whores who see the worst of scrotes. Like miss girl they see you as a public toilet and will blame their dickrot and ball rot castration on you. But fugly mongercel sex buyers are so loathsome that it's rare and most of the hoes and sugar babies I know talk so much shit about them in their gc it'd make a grown incel cry.

No. 2179766

File: 1727316514500.jpg (Spoiler Image,772.15 KB, 1179x1581, wth.jpg)

I'd like to know too. I got this ad today.

No. 2181193

No. 2181440

>some of this comments sound like fanfic to me
I swear men are making burner accounts posing as women to pedal some sort of propaganda, typical with marriage and having kids

No. 2181496

Because they have the same ammount of procedures as those plastic bloated gay guys.

No. 2182954

That look started with TIMs, prostitutes and effeminate gay men and then certain types of women started copying the bimbo aesthetic that trannies and Russian prostitutes had. That woman specifically is an escort and fashion nova model so that’s why she copied that look

No. 2182979

File: 1727477108960.jpeg (1016.65 KB, 1170x1704, IMG_4770.jpeg)

A UK aesthetician who advertised her clinic on tiktok used this dental suction device to perform liposuction. She bought the dental device from aliexpress. Liposuction is already one of the most dangerous procedures someone could get and now the client is in critical condition.

No. 2183275

File: 1727484701718.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1170x2023, IMG_4777.jpeg)

I’m glad she reported them but it’s interesting how the Belle Delphine prostitutes all know exactly what they’re doing. One of their common excuses is “it’s just a cute plaid skirt with socks, women can wear those things too!”

No. 2183279

What the fuck, that is so disturbing. Wonder if she has some sort of anti-social disorder or just brain rotten
This is fake rage bait for views. Anons have got to stop falling for this shit

No. 2183319

Don't really get how that wouldn't have been a wakeup call to quit sex work all together.

No. 2183534

Survival sex work possibly?

No. 2183538

Be for fucking real anon, most internet sex workers aren't survival sex workers. They are just more willing than most people to sell their souls for money.

No. 2183556

Idk what her situation is, but at least she helps children and exposes pedos. Even if you're one of the weirdo anons who writes out torture fantasies about sex workers, you have to admit saving kids is pretty admirable

No. 2183625

ew blood, can you spoiler??

No. 2183644

Is this client still in critical condition? So she is telling everyone online that she severely injured someone?

No. 2186786

File: 1727645076183.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 1170x2391, IMG_4796.jpeg)

TikTok leaves actual porn up now regardless of how much it gets reported. It’s under certain hashtags and sounds, there was also a trend of people posting their sex tapes in between pictures

No. 2186815

EWEWEW. The woman on the bottom row looks like an underage band kid. How desperate for attention do you have to be to post this on fucking Tiktok.

No. 2186856

This is unfortunately also the case with Instagram. There are a lot of accounts posting uncensored porn videos and kids are commenting on them too. An account was quite popular a few months ago and I remember literal kids fighting with people in the comments about it, telling people to leave if they don't want to see it. There are also a lot of breastfeeding videos of women, some women are even aware of what they're doing and what kinda audience they're catering to with these videos, but they still show their baby (sometimes it's even a 7-8 year old kid) sucking on their breasts for content.

No. 2186963

If you believe this really happened, then you are extremely gullible.

No. 2188181

304 tok is interesting, they all have such far fetched stories. for anyone who doesn’t want to watch, this woman claims she met a man in a bar who immediately started playing porn as soon as he approached her then asked if he could buy her and pulled out a suitcase filled with $5,000. She went back to his house with him where they had sex in a theater in front of an audience, and afterwards he gave her an extra $2,000 and said he was going to put her in his will. He kept sending her money, about $20,000, to ensure she didn’t tell anyone about his fetishes. He committed suicide a few months later and she was named in his will, because he told her “no other girl has ever made him feel like this before”. She said in a different video that he left her land and horses. In my experience they all exaggerate the amount of money they make though, prostitutes don’t thousands of dollars unless they’re going to Dubai to be a human toilet

No. 2188506

love how she lied for 8 minutes straight. i'm sure she just watched Blue Velvet and the "mommy" part along with the fancy mansion seem inspired by it. she talks about all the money he sent her too but he put her in his will, killed himself, and doesn't mention how much was given to her then?

No. 2188962

Not the nasty shoes in the fucking house touching that cute rug.

No. 2190159

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She referred to women of other races as “other bitches” and said they all stop being pretty at 70 and that white women are only pretty until 30, and the comments are filled with people saying that only white teenage girls are pretty and they peak at 17 and lose all attractiveness by 25(racebait)

No. 2190172

She does realise that the men she's trying to appeal to with this rhetoric view her as a pump-and-dump "experience" at best or an outright subhuman at worst, right?

No. 2190175

Idk about other groups but I know sooo many Asians who believe white people are only attractive as teenagers (some going as far as saying children as well) it's very creepy

No. 2190180

>Thats why theyre always angry
Cause you're such a ray of sunshine kek

No. 2190191

That’s weird because Asians and whites age similarly due to having paler skin. Asians have advantages like fat pads around their eyelids which smooth out fine lines, but the weight of the fat also pulls at the skin so once they reach a certain age their eye area will actually look significantly older than everyone who doesn’t have fat pads around their eyes. I think it’s more that they’re plastic surgery obsessed and pedophilia is normalized and allowed in their cultures so they get surgery to look as childlike as possible

No. 2190192

> Only think white people are attractive as teenagers
I think it's a weird and retarded way some of them try to get "revenge" on white people for racism/euro beauty standards.

No. 2190196

Male centered women don’t care, in fact they think it’s a privilege to be picked. Any women self hating enough to casually refer to women as bitches won’t care about being dehumanized by men. The same men who she’s trying to appeal to by talking about having fewer fine lines probably all think she looks more masculine than the women of other races, she just wants to be chosen

No. 2190203

If you compare cultures, the average age gap throughout history in European countries was within 5 years and the woman was often the older of the two (which makes sense biologically with regards to fertility) and East Asian men usually had multiple wives and concubines who were usually all teenagers when he got his disgusting hands on them. They allowed child brothels until relatively recently and in china 14 year olds can legally prostitute themselves, pedophilia is engrained in their cultures. Maybe some East Asian women are bitter about the fact that pedophilia is taboo and seen as morally wrong in western countries, while it’s forced on them and their beauty standards revolve around it.

No. 2190209

Stuff like this is always so weird and tiresome to me because like, of course you're going to see signs of ageing in everyone around you if you're obsessively looking for it kek. I'm not gonna pretend that white people always age well (especially as a euro) but the ageing obsession that people have on social media always gives me the same vibe as anachans looking for the body fat in the people around them.

No. 2190216

>I know sooo many Asians who believe white people are only attractive as teenagers
Don't they think this in general about every race? Like in Japan you're considered old when you're barely in mid 20s and there's almost no portrayal of characters older than 25 and female in anime. Sure there are some here and there but most of the characters are teenagers and 20 year olds are usually portrayed with personalities I would imagine 30++ have or older. And they put wrinkles female characters that are over 30 lol

No. 2190217

>Don't they think this in general about every race
Idk probably. I just said white because that's usually the demographic they "targeted" on twt and forums. Asia as whole seems to have a weird obsession with white teens and kids though. Some anons talked about it a little in the Hollywood abuse thread

No. 2190230

black women are ugly as teenagers and as adults so this is a bit. throwing rocks in glass houses(back to /pol/)

No. 2190237

This is not an invitation to be a retard.

No. 2190245

why not? we have to tiptoe around the poor black lady after she decided to be a shit flinging racist?

No. 2190273

Black women definitely are not ugly, anon. They’re as attractive as every other race. I do think their obsession with not aging is a cope more than anything though, melanated skin can have fewer fine lines if they take good care of their health but they still always look their age. If someone isn’t in perfect physical health then having darker skin won’t help them, and most people drink, smoke, and eat sugar so it doesn’t make a difference

No. 2190758

I don't think he can help it. Based on his response, he seems to think she's actually on this board and not, you know, on a completely different platform where she'll never see his response.

No. 2190824

so tired of the [x] ages best debate, zoomers millennials white black brown women moids, every time i go outside i see old and young looking everything, some people age nicely and others don't. it's literally genes + lifestyle habits. i just wish it would get put to rest but tiktok just has to make the world a worse place.

No. 2191029

I agree with you anon. I see youthful or ageless looking people of all races about equally, as well as people who look rough for their age or just have very mature features. Aging well has way more to it than melanin (though melanin can for sure help with sun damage)

No. 2191351

This is so sad, she’s talking about being payed for sex at 14-18 by a truck driver in his 40s like it’s no big deal. I know people joke about traumatic things but they seem so unfazed by it

No. 2191360

>Inb4 replies calling her a whore

No. 2193980

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This one may be controversial but hear me out. I know what she says isn't wrong. But do we seriously need young women telling other young women on instagram/tiktok of all places that looks matter? Does she really think that's not drilled into women's brains enough? I think this post is actually an excuse for consuming a shit ton of beauty products. She repeats several times (it's also in the description) that you should never feel bad about investing in your looks and caring about your appearance. At a time when a lot of women get injections like it's nothing and have too much clothing and makeup, this feels very much like a justification for that behavior. Don't get me wrong, taking care of your health, being hygienic and wearing appropriate clothing (e.g. look professional at work) is important because yes your image is important, but it's not what she's saying, and she's also implying that things will never get better. The standards for men are abysmal and it wasn't always the case (at least when it comes to professional attire, facial hair etc), so what's the point of telling women that they have no option besides "playing the game"? Women can refuse to be caked in makeup and perform hyper femininity. Of course it wouldn't benefit influencers like her who likes to add to the pressure for some reason.

No. 2194006

I wonder if she was the one that kept bragging about eating her husbands ass.

No. 2194326

No. 2194329

She probably noticed the difference in how she’s treated depending on how she presents herself and didn’t think too deeply about it. A lot of people don’t seem to care about why things are the way that they are and would rather just play the game rather than try to change things

No. 2197336

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No. 2197343

Samefag, the last part is disturbing

No. 2197354

Calling it now, this woman has an absolutely terrible relationship with her mother.

No. 2197355

She said she used to like being the mistress because she was hypersexual after being abused when she was younger, it made her develop a kink for cheating and she preferred men who were taken because of it

No. 2197363

That's sad. From the way she's talking though I'm not entirely convinced her mindset has changed.

No. 2197374

Why is this chick filming naked…

No. 2197936

Stupid nitpick but her septum is pierced way too low. Adds to the trashiness though I guess, along with the face tattoo.

No. 2198702

Whatever gets her more attention I guess

No. 2198735

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She has a similar physiognomy to Sukihana, but more "doe-like", almost naive eyes. If her presentation were a little bit different, I'd say she's probably a Lana Del Rey fan.
Pretty sure both women come from dysfunctional homes and experienced SA as children.

No. 2198753

This is so cringe, so much work and sneaking around for mediocre dick. Duper's delight is a hell of a drug

No. 2200680

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No. 2200763

this is just another example of people adding "white" in front of things and getting free passes for gross crap. like sure it's fine to be a pedo apparantly as long as if you're only diddling white kids(replying to week-old racebait)

No. 2200791

Best of luck and a speedy recovery to the decent people who will be affected by the storms. The racists and sundown towns, on the other hand, can get wrecked for all I care.

No. 2200903

How is that racebait?

No. 2200930

ethnic women are so psychosexually obsessed with white women its sad. pure jealousy and bitterness, 'i cant compete shes white' tiktoks prove this shit(global rule #7)

No. 2200957

Very true.

No. 2201052

It took her almost 5 minutes to summarize this probably made up story. She liked a celebrity’s picture, then he liked some of her pictures, then she liked his ig stories and he started watching and liking her ig stories, then he added her to his close friends list and she added him to hers, then they started communicating in their close friends stories- she posted a thirst trap with the temperature outside and said “it’s so hot” and he responded by posting the same temperature on his stories and said “not bad”, then she removed everyone from her close friends list so that she could freely post thirst traps for him to see and he kept responding. It turns out that he had a girlfriend the entire time and was using the close friends thing as a way to secretly communicate with her so the girlfriend wouldn’t find out. This woman messaged the girlfriend to let her know, but won’t say who the celebrity is or anything else about it

No. 2201053

Just because a few pathetic bitches are like that doesn't mean they're all like that. That's like a man seeing chicks do OnlyFans and say all women are cock-thirsty whores or something. Come on.

No. 2201068

>as a way to secretly communicate with her so the girlfriend wouldn’t find out.
If we are going to entertain that happened, wouldn't cheating be the first thing that comes to mind? Or at the very least that he'd be doing the same with several other women.

No. 2201085

He would have just DM’d her if he hadn’t had a girlfriend, cheating should have been the first thing she thought of

No. 2201088

made up story, shes too ugly

No. 2201101

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Her she has over 1 million followers with a lower likes/views ratio which makes me think she buys bots, she’s probably trying to create a fake image of being a desirable insta model

No. 2201149

This isn’t directed at her personally because she’s warning against it, but I can’t believe the amount of women who are talking about getting surgery to change their eye color and showing off their new (fugly) eye colors afterwards. The surgery sounds terrifying and it can cause blindness, and the comments of all these videos have women saying they’re planning to get it even after being warned not to

No. 2201167

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The amount of incels in tiktok is insane

No. 2201168

File: 1728569917115.png (1.58 MB, 1383x878, Screenshot 2024-10-10 071205.p…)

Omg TI the rapper from back in the day his wife Tiny Harris (singer back in the day) got eye changing surgery too. she has ice blue eyes and has had them for like a decade now. She went to Africa to get it because back then no one in america would do that dumb shit. This better not be a new stateside thing beacuse even back then doctors in america warned her against i becasue its illegal.

No. 2201173

People are getting it done in the US now

No. 2201197

File: 1728571637926.jpeg (53.18 KB, 640x404, KERATOPIGMENTACIoN-TATTOO-tecn…)

That surgery is one of the worst possible things someone can do to themselves. There is a reason why they never show close up photos. It looks absolutely hideous. The natural iris is 3 dimensional, structured like a sponge and it's beautiful in every color and everyone has a completely unique one. The thing they insert in the eye is a flat disk that looks like a colored contact lens. People who get this are retarded.
Imagine you find the love of your life and you have to look at this shit

No. 2201217

If I looked like her I guess i'd have to make up shit too. She's painfully average with a fivehead and a very punchable smug smirk. If narcissists had a phenotype she'd fit it kek

No. 2201218

>The thing they insert in the eye

There's also an eye color procedure that destroys pigment to get a blue color, no "lens" needed.

No. 2201228

It makes you blind

No. 2201284

how the fuck are you going to be insecure about your eye color? all eye colors are pretty. when someone has an ugly face and body you always compliment their eyes because eyes are generally something humans like. people obsessed with "hurrr i'm ugly because i don't have blue eyes" are fucking retarded. you can plop blue peepers on an ugly motherfucker and it won't change a thing, an ugly face is an ugly face.

No. 2201390

The eye color psyop runs very deep, and the people affected the most seem to be those from populations where blue eyes are genuinely rare, therefore "special". Wishing you magically woke up with blue eyes instead of brown (especially "plain, boring dark brown" that typically only gets praised when it's under sunlight) in hopes that it would make you prettier is a very common childhood experience among brown-eyed women, and I suppose this procedure is just the materialization of that wish. But most people grow out of it and embrace their eye color, which is why it's so embarrassing when a grown adult actually goes through with one of these scams, it's like a giant red flag for self-hatred and it always makes them look worse than before.

No. 2202912

Props to her for warning against it. I hate when influencers are like
>"don't do it, but look how great it looks on me teehee i'm not promoting this dangerous surgery at all just look at my massive implants aren't they amazing but don't do it wink wink"

No. 2202920

It's funny how we can all tell it's fake just from how she looks. Men who cheat online wouldn't go for a random plain jane, they'd go for instathot69

No. 2203874

Especially not a celebrity, they always buy the ig influencer girls

No. 2204099

File: 1728734354886.jpeg (24.9 KB, 568x540, IMG_3558.jpeg)

This is mental Illness as a brown eyed girl I have NEVER wanted blue eyes in fact I always thought people who had blue eyes were slightly cross eyed and that was before the meme. Something about their eyes look dead and inhuman. A lot of you bitches just grew up wanting to be white and that’s sad but just say that! And if you are already white a lot of you bitches just want to be blue eyed blondes. And again just say that! Stop lying on all of us brown eyed girls who love our eye color and aren’t insecure next to blue eyed blonde white women. KEK a lot of you bitches are weak(eye colour sperging)

No. 2204154

I was gonna make fun of this post and call you a t50 monkey but then you said ure white and made fun of the t50s for me. Thank you nona

No. 2204165

File: 1728739301261.jpg (42.12 KB, 736x736, 1000018449.jpg)

I honestly kek when highly insecure white girls need to use their recessive eye and hair color just to feel superior to other women. Imagine thinking that blue eyes and blonde hair can save a genuinely mid looking person from being objectively less attractive than a woman like picrel. What a sad, delusional mind.(eye colour sperging)

No. 2204186

Remember when this stuff was mainly on 4chan

No. 2204187

File: 1728740653136.jpg (699.1 KB, 1080x1261, Screenshot_2024-10-12-14-43-26…)

mfw every time I see a racist nonny (this is my shocked expression btw)

No. 2204214

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>the truth stops being the truth if you're not white
Kek, she would've been right if she was the blackest nilote from the underground mines of South Sudan in a dark room. Seethe harder, inbred roach. Every moid with eyes like this is a pedophile btw.(eye colour sperging)

No. 2204217

Are you using eye color to determine pedophilia? All men are pedos

No. 2204219

You actually thinks she's the pinnacle of beauty? How can someone have every wrong opinion possible? She's just a normal looking woman.

No. 2204227

Don't Indian and Middle Eastern men have the highest rates of pedophilia? They're not exactly known for their blue eyes.(joining derail/infight)

No. 2204228

Can we do a quick search on which parts of the world are actually inbred? Mainly still practicing incest as a regular part of their lives because "kulture"?
It's not the whites btw. Only royals used to do that. I bet the fingers that typed the post im replying to at some point googled "how to get lighter skin" HAAAAAAA why is it so fun making fun of colored bio mass?(joining derail/infight)

No. 2204230

Let's not go through the eye colour sperging to racebaiting infight again, it has been rehashed 100 times already.

No. 2204234

Yes, and note who gets angry when their moids' names are called every time lmao.

Moids with that eye color being pedophiles doesn't mean other moids cannot be pedophiles, just as all the most extreme sunburn victims being pale doesn't mean darker-skinned people can't sunburn. It's simply pattern recognition.

>doesn't deny she's inbred
>just says other people are inbred
>is okay with her own kulture venerating inbreds as royalty
>fanfic about lighter skin to cope
Damn, your feelings were hurt. Talk to your family to stop that backward practice, don't attack people online.(race derailing)

No. 2204235

File: 1728743028360.jpg (78.76 KB, 640x640, 1000018453.jpg)

>just a normal looking woman
anon, she's honestly levels cuter than most women I'm forced to help and interact with at my job. She is objectively more attractive than most of the blonde haired, blue eyed people that I have to talk to almost every single day. My point is that blonde hair and blue eyes don't and can't magically make an ugly or mid person into someone that's actually attractive. Especially not magically more attractive than a person that is naturally, simply, and truthfully just more attractive than them and without recessive genes.

No. 2204245

as much as I don't want farmhands to come down on me… You're right for calling out bad practices but we just need to be really clear about the "only royalty" part being widely inaccurate, white people didn't magically know about the adverse effects for most of history and so these instances used to be common or at least normalized everywhere, as referenced in a lot of recorded history, quantitative research about Europe (1900-1970 is ripe for it) and religious texts. Face your history nons, don't be retarded by peddling a telltale, it's okay

No. 2204256

honey, Kylie's followers had to skinwalk Kim's features, not the opposite.
Usually I only call you guys out because some cannot biologically just hate on men without being ignorant, racist and weirdly hierarchical in a pretty misogynistic way. It's almost as if you're just reactionaries with unbased whimsical takes on everything and there's no way to answer you seriously

No. 2204257

You're right. A lot of pickmeish women find a sort of cope in the idea that being blond and blue eyed makes them look like Scarlett Johanssen (who is Jewish kek). Unfortunately, that's the 1%. In reality, color does nothing to hide ugly or average features. They can only really hope to fool self-hating men with dark features, and when they bring up eye color to try and "dunk" on other women (including dark-eyed white women), they just tell on themselves every time. Somehow, I don't feel like things were this bad before the Angelina Jolie/Jennifer Aniston debacle, but here we are now. It's sad.

No. 2204278

>Wishing you magically woke up with blue eyes instead of brown in hopes that it would make you prettier is a very common childhood experience among brown-eyed women
Speak for yourself loser

No. 2204292

How are Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston related to this?

No. 2204293

Some losers on here seem to think the universal female experience is growing up awkward and hating yourself lol, weird projection but self hate is actually a matter of personality, some enjoy it deep down, others are strong/self assured/smart enough to have always loved themselves.

No. 2204298

Here's my ideology: Fuck all of these evil moids and pickmes. I see a pickme trying to jump on other women, I remind her she's below all other women on earth. Doesn't matter her race, age, country of origin or the topic at hand. They always reveal themselves as male-identified, too. For example, instead of flippantly saying "That's true, all groups of men are pedos, what else is new and what does that have to do with me lol", they start to bring up that other moids are also pedos only in a bid to minimize and cover for whatever demographic of men they view as "their own". It doesn't work on anyone who isn't male-identified, but they assume all other women are just like themselves.
The thing with pickmes is that you can say absolutely anything about whatever group of men they dickride, and they will get upset and rush to their defense however they can. Meanwhile, those same men are raping, abusing, cucking and killing women just like themselves daily, spreading memes that they're all prostitutes who fuck dogs and have sex for nothing, gladly sell them to other moids in trafficking rings, etc. If this site had a problem of Arab women bashing other women and simping for Arab men, I'd insult them and remind them of their pedoscrotes too, kek. No one is special.

No. 2204304

You know this is true when you get into a slapfight with some anons and it's so obvious that they're projecting whatever classmate/teacher/coworker bullied them onto you kek

No. 2204310

Jews are white

No. 2204316

Discourse around hair/eye color and who was considered "prettier" at the time.

No. 2204318

The sorts of people who obsess over having light eyes and/or hair hate hearing that (unless they're Jewish themselves).

No. 2204328

That's scrote logic, even if she was ugly men still cheat on beautiful girlfriends with ugly women all the time. Have you learned nothing?

No. 2204331

it feels like a weird misogynistic cope to shit on Stacies and it doesn't even make sense because Stacies can be any race and men do not really worship races, that's just a psyop they like to say. i mean look at Empathchan (Furby), she has iced eyes yet looks like a psycho on the run of the asylum. eye and hair color doesn't mean shit

No. 2204514

>Some losers on here seem to think the universal female experience is growing up awkward and hating yourself
It is true but eye color ain't it

No. 2204574

You know it really sucks to suck but don't drag other women down by essentializing your own deeply rooted uwu insecurity to all women. I mean no harm to feminism but it's tiresome when some of us just cannot relate to your constant superficial wahwah yet you insist it is universal to all of girlkind. Learn to differentiate purely conditional generalizing social criticism you happen to relate to from the inner workings of every single individual's brains and lived experiences, holy 101. No harm in experiencing the world differently.
Some of us here were born with the actual spine and combative spirit necessary not to internalize dumb shit and actually have our own backs as young girls.

No. 2204627

These posts are always such pickme retard bait, no woman would ever waste time to entertain let alone write all this much less proudly display her retardation like this unless severely maladapted or lacking in some way. What compels young girls to choke on the bait this much they put their competitive, twisted little minds on full display and through so much unnecessary turmoil. I'm convinced only the uggs feel hurt enough to react or crave some odd sense of social retribution only racism can provide.
And how do you even know that girl is black, you just picked the easiest target

No. 2204695

You're one of the only sane anons here. Huge increase of retards lately but I'm glad some sensible people are out there

No. 2204740

I didn't see that post, but it sounds like that person was pathetic, kek. Racists are always such losers.

No. 2205340

Listen to this evil diabolical subhuman. He told his wife his 18 year old stepdaughter has to move out because “he’s a man and he knows what he likes” and she has the same shape as his wife and he won’t be able to help himself. If she just turned 18 then he’s been looking at her sexually for a while, who knows how young she was when he first became interested in her. He probably already approached her and got turned down so now he’s telling his wife to kick her out

No. 2205373

Evil bastard. I hope that woman takes her daughter and leaves this motherfucker as soon as possible. I also hate the way he talks. Sounds like a tranquillised low IQ retard.

No. 2205381

>I've been watching her through my cameras
Ewww I hope he dies horribly

No. 2205383

>"You will be dealt with"
>"You expect me to choose you over my daughter?"
>"She's not going anywhere"
God I hope this mother sticks to her convictions, luckily it sounds like she's as appalled as we are. Also, is the scrote the one recording this?? It seems to be a woman's account though and the caption isn't supporting him so I'm confused kek

No. 2205406

The account posted reuploaded it, I think the original was deleted. The man recording might be a manosphere type but I don’t know for sure

No. 2205446

She should give him Aqua Tofana

No. 2205455

Sorry for being so late, but this is very obviously a gay man.

No. 2205485

he has to die im sorry but if you are a divorced mother with kids ESPECIALLY daughters stop bringing strange men into your home to play parent. 8/10 these step dads are perverts. There are so many stories of women coming forward to confess that their step dad's in adulthood admitted to them that they fell in love with them. It's disgusting. Im talking step dads that changed their diapers. So many men are like this. More often than not to the point where i think if you have a step dad i feel sorry for you.

No. 2205548

Yep my stepdad raised me from when I was 1 and hit on me when I was an adult, multiple times. Creepy behavior starting when I was around 10. They’re all the same.

No. 2205550

I don’t think it is

No. 2205668

This lady always looks so dirty.

No. 2205716

shut up
Not me. I used to wish my eyes were so dark they look black like this filipino girl I was friends with

No. 2205728


It's all these looksmaxxing retards from tiktok. Get a fucking life, posting a pretty girl from your race doesn't make your race superior, there are pretty people in every race.

No. 2205784

I’m so tired of these fucking ugly bonquishaa telling us about her sexual exploits, just stop fucking having sex and breeding like rabbits birthing more male niglets to shoot up black women and destroy the community. I’m so fucking tired of these people(back to /pol/)

No. 2206145

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there's something really fucked about this

No. 2206151

Looks like a good premise for a Get Out spiritual sequel

No. 2206158

I feel fearful of reincarnating as the type of person to fall for shit like this

No. 2206196

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No. 2206200

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No. 2206244

I wonder just how surrogacy born kids will grow up, like this kid was conceived in a petri dish somewhere in a sterile laboratory by a strange man in a white coat who then shoved in some financially insecure woman’s womb who had all her maternal rights and autonomous decision making capacities preemptively stripped and was delivered via c-section

No. 2206251

What is this even referencing I'm so lost, why does she need to be latina or asian and a midget kek

No. 2206267

this reflects more on the type of men she’s going for, what a dumb bitch kek

No. 2206369

Kek nta but I think this is the female equivalent of "I don't have a gf because I'm not a 6ft chad with a chiseled jaw" with some pickmeism on top. Everybody knows it's not the real reason you're single but oki

Her story is probably fake but the idea that men wouldn't cheat with a plain or even below average woman is naive. They cheat with who they can, especially if they require the woman to agree to be their dirty little secret and communicate only through insta stories or some other bs. Plus she's young which is enough for most creeps.

No. 2206381

nahh the "sofiaelizabethsbackup" girl is literally a pathological liar for engagement. i was watching a random video yesterday and what do you know, there's the girl i saw posted on LC making up a story about how she saw FIVE tinder matches at the bar. i can't stand this bitches face, she has a liar attention whore phenotype.

No. 2206382

samefag but her video is at about 7 minutes in

No. 2206395

This immediately made me think back to that Krotchy girl from years ago who got popular for faking heterochromia. I wonder what she's up to these days.

No. 2207149

The lengths pick mes will go to for attention kek

No. 2207152

I found that video from this woman making fun of her for it and clicked her profile to see… that…

No. 2207162

I'm attracted to women and I still felt violated after watching this.

No. 2207326

How is this even supposed to be sexy

No. 2208656

Some of her other videos were even more desperate and pathetic

No. 2208846

This was hilarious to watch with the added context of the sexy video, thank you for this

No. 2212510

I don't understand how it's such a compliment to them that some balding, walled, gross scrotes are probably the ones jerking themselves to this shit. How does one's self worth get so low? Are they trying to attract a partner by debasing themselves like this? Like what is the point? I think some of these people have to be narcissists for whom any attention is good attention as long as it feeds them.

No. 2212986

This video feels like grooming kek. Doing sunk cost fallacy intentionally because moids are so incompetent to understand basic nice living

No. 2212994

File: 1729291347034.jpeg (205.8 KB, 1170x681, IMG_3446.jpeg)

weebs are so fucking hilarious

No. 2213001

kek, what was the song? Also
>carelessness and freedom
lol she has no idea what stressful, pressured lives Japanese students have

No. 2213009

kek, idk I think the idea of tricking a dumb nigel into adding color to your shared living space is funny

No. 2213017

Man, this made me sad. That woman seems so sweet

No. 2213041

apparently it’s called &team - firework (had to go check my video history) some kind of idol group (?) i think. it came up as suggested after watching bunch of anime openings in a row

No. 2213046

kek how is anyone supposed to take her message seriously with that weird latex mask shit going on with the tiny eye holes cut out

No. 2213050

old post but when i was a kid i was afraid of blue eyes i had this classmate with huge ugly bug eyes every time he looked my way it was a jumpscare i remember thinking thank god i have dark eyes kek

No. 2213131

I remember wanting light brown/amber colored eyes so badly when I was a teenager(I have dark brown eyes)thank goodness I got over that.crazy shit what people are doing to their eyes.

No. 2213255

She has masks that are far worse

No. 2213494

anime brainrot.

No. 2213517

No. 2213526

Why do people post stuff like this like they're the victim of their own actions?

No. 2213531

What the fuck is she talking about, am I too retarded to understand het relationships?

No. 2213554

She’s proud of herself

No. 2213568

this is just blatant ragebait content her name is the other woman.

No. 2213589

Her username is “the other woman & the wife” and she talks about what it’s like to be the other woman and tries to convince married women to not blame the other woman, her comments are filled with women agreeing with her sharing their experiences as the other women. There are also plenty of disgusted comments so if it’s rage bait then I guess it worked, but I don’t think it is. This is just how some women think, I’ve even seen similar rhetoric written by anons here on lc. Some women like being the other woman for whatever reason and most of the time they don’t think they’re in the wrong at all

No. 2213594

ariana grande core

No. 2213614

File: 1729346235187.png (Spoiler Image,89.88 KB, 220x240, IMG_9232.png)

This is how slavery will repeat in America. The right plans on destroying all civil rights and forcing WOC into sexual slavery and surrogacy. Vile. Makes me fucking sick. I’d rather be a terrorist than a surrogate

No. 2213735

I guess when you look like a malnourished ranga you take any "win" you can get.

No. 2213765

It really got me how much the baby was paying attention to their birth mom and barely seemed to acknowledge the other lady. Like, they're barely old enough to hold their own head up yet they know something's up. And that poor little girl's face had the "If you only knew how bad things really are" stare. Heartbreaking.

No. 2213921

yup and did you see how the adoptive mother noticed that and tried to butt in? One "big happy family" my ass, it's evil.

No. 2213932

Yep. One big happy family, but that baby is several months old before getting to see their mom for the first time since birth. I still feel so bad for that little girl. She had to watch her mom go through the entire pregnancy and postpartum, not even get a younger sibling out of it that she can have a family relationship with, and then get dragged along for this whole 'reunion' where both her mom and these strangers are all doting over the baby and completely ignoring her. But sure. One big happy family.

No. 2213935

He spent nine months in her womb listening to her heartbeat. Not the woman who shares his DNA. Creepy and dystopian as hell to me. Petri dish children and surrogacy shouldn't be legal.

No. 2213937

Face on the right is so punchable

No. 2213939

Probably a kid tbh

No. 2213957

grossest type of pickme and a great example of a pickme who is not also an NLOG but is actually just like all other girls

No. 2215869

Surrogacy babies are going to grow up with the worst mommy issues in human history.

No. 2216471

No. 2216764

File: 1729536498695.png (330.52 KB, 1033x1553, 1000016717.png)

Insta comments being a cesspool, as usual

No. 2216768

>The luxury industry
KEK this fucking retard

No. 2216795

File: 1729537662000.png (758.33 KB, 1080x1929, 1000016719.png)

No. 2217059

I saw this, the comments are as I expected. But if you call these morons out on their degeneracy it's all deflection and insults. I hope that retard who won his prize for that nasty casting couch diorama enjoys jerking his tiny dick over exposing people to that shit. Sick fucking freak.
Men and women arguing over this is like when men and women argue over who crashes more. Yes women may get into more minor accidents but men get into more brutal crashes and by men's own admission this is because they choose to drive recklessly. So they actively choose to be a danger on the road.
It doesn't matter if women "spend more" when you spend money on expensive shit you choose to make a rash decision and considering that there's many stories of women who will get screwed over on bills and necessities bc of their husband impulse buying, you'll also choose to splurge money you don't have and screw over your wife and children. It's almost like most men are retarded selfish decision makers and women actually factor in other people and variables most of the time.

No. 2217121

>Men commit 99% of violent crimes and it's a pattern that repeats itself in every country and demographic of men and we have solid evidence to prove this.
>W-women shop too much and are vain, i have anecdotal evidence and my feelings to prove this.

No. 2217759

File: 1729584306169.png (379.64 KB, 778x776, egg-donation.png)

It's even more fuck up than that because even the process of egg extraction can be painful and in the same cases life-threatening, so these wealthy families basically buy the eggs separately (usually from women in regions of Eastern Europe), so the eggs are extracted from a poor woman in Eastern Europe and then placed into the womb of a poor woman closer to home and then 9 months later, a baby is born who is effectively disconnected from anything resembling normal human conception, i can't even imagine the messed up sense of self these kids are likely to have

No. 2217786

File: 1729588167107.jpg (67.18 KB, 894x726, 1000542193.jpg)

>cars like that fugly cardboard cybertruck are a better investment than jewelry

No. 2217822

Not directed at her because she’s correct, but the comments are filled with desperate side chicks getting defensive kek

No. 2217826

High end jewelry, purses, and expensive clothes all have a high resale value too retard.

No. 2217833

I'm so sick of porn being so normalized I want to kill myself

No. 2217995

she definitely has a point but there's something about her delivery that unsettles me
never understood why some women mess with married men and willingly accept to degrade and betray themselves to get mediocre dick

No. 2218002

She sounds weirdly intense. Women who like being the other woman do so for ego reasons, in their mind if a man is risking it all for her it’s proof that she’s beautiful and seductive, even though most of the time cheaters downgrade because they go for easy not beautiful. Beautiful women usually have better options.

No. 2218927

boats and cars depreciate rapidly, watches are hard to predict as an investment. yes the logic is very stupid but they'll say anything as an excuse to hate us.

No. 2221011

Women are now fully flashing themselves on tiktok and none of the videos are being removed. It’s all under the tags bmw and glasscleaner

No. 2221048

I didn't notice that at all. He seemed really indifferent to the surrogate and just stared at the floor or around him. He seemed more interested in the kids than either of the adults, though you can see him getting overstimulated and distressed at the end of the video.

No. 2221100

I’ve seen so much of this crap and report them all but NONE are found to be violating their guidelines. Meanwhile I post “he’s ugly” and it gets deleted??? fuck ticktock

No. 2221106

File: 1729781926382.mp4 (2.32 MB, 576x1024, 1000016771.mp4)

Poor girl, I don't watch her videos but the amount of people in the comments telling her to get used to it and that it's inevitable is depressing. Apparently she also had ai bots based off her

No. 2221616

>bodycheck at start of video
yep i'm thinking whatever is about to follow is gonna be retarded and useless

No. 2221658

I hate “fitness” influencers who don’t lift. Real Stacies barbell squat.

No. 2221682

Women will never be free, it's so embarrassing.

No. 2222762

No. 2222794

This original poor girl is a pitiable hot mess, but it's understandable since a scrote (who she should murder tbh) just ruined her life. But the thing that sticks out to me is how people always lie to girls about how men who are close with their birth families are wholesome. Scrotes will use their their parents and siblings as a cudgel against you. Men are supposed to cleve from their birth families and go out in the world. They barely have prosocial emotions, if they act super obsessed with their parents and siblings something abnormal is up.

No. 2222804

>"I wanna be friends with my exes"
girl, what? no. Have some self respect. This is partially why women always get walked all over in the first place; they don't know when to stop being so fucking nice.

No. 2222807

No. 2222809

Why did you have to bring this back. The thumbnail alone made the corners of my mouth downturn

No. 2222814

she keeps popping up on my feed which I find pretty weird since I'm an eurofag from eastern europe, even when she does say things I agree with (which happens rarely) she comes across as so smug, as if women who don't do what she does are losing the game when at the end of the day her source of income is still pandering to men and spinning it as empowering

No. 2222840

It's true. This is what it really means when women say women aren't allowed to be angry. Every negative male event has some dumb shit rushing in to tell you to be nice and considerate. Nobody ever directly says the words "don't be angry" to you.

No. 2223189

This dude is special needs, right? He's gotta be. I can't tell if he's got major retard face or if that's just what a lifetime of mouthbreathing does to a moid. Hope that poor girl gets out soon.

No. 2223238

Prostitutes are posting their Johns in bed now. I hate 304tok and how they’re trying to normalize prostitution, they all brag and pretend they’re making bank and having the time of their life

No. 2223273

Publicly exposing their Johns is pretty based though.

No. 2223290

File: 1729875736930.jpeg (13.43 KB, 250x140, IMG_3955.jpeg)

What mental illness made this girl mary the Disney retard comic relief?

No. 2223296

I'm going through their channel, is this a bit? It has to be. He just stands there doing nothing.

No. 2223298

That should be part of the agreement honestly, if you're a big boy who visits prostitutes then you have no right to be embarrassed about your face and name being posted online.

No. 2223950

File: 1729902362548.jpg (616.26 KB, 981x1361, Screenshot_2024-10-26-01-23-53…)

All the "annoying my sister" moid reels/tiktoks are such a weirdo performative way for moids to find an identity, why do they need to rope their family members into validating this unfunny shit?
Was waiting for this stupid trend to blow over but I keep seeing these retards

No. 2223974

curious, is he related to a Patil sister?

No. 2223979

File: 1729903393605.jpg (50.26 KB, 480x593, Patil_twins_gof.jpg)

I don't see it? Anyway I personally always thought they were cute so it depends on what you're trying to say

No. 2225754

Her whole shtick is "I look so young and smoll next to him, people are shocked to find out we're dating and have children!!" which doesn't require much action on the moid's part.

No. 2226911

File: 1730069272245.png (3.2 MB, 1080x2050, 1000002063.png)

They think that 100 years ago nuts were soft

No. 2226967

File: 1730071663076.mp4 (11.41 MB, 1080x1920, Snapinsta.app_video_AQMMYSvoNm…)

If you thought the fakebian crisis could hardly get worse after Julia Fox jumped on the bandwagon: Chrissy Chlapecka, the annoying whore who nearly single handedly popularized self identifying as a bimbo as a trend with #BimboTok, is calling herself a lesbian and trying to launch a music career. She has more posts covering Chappell's music than featuring her own, which makes sense because it sounds like an album made by a real housewife.

No. 2226988

i thought she was actually a lesbian

No. 2226998

She will call herself anything that will get her sexual attention from men so she might have used the word before but aside from being a misandrist who proudly identifies as "anti-capitalist sex worker and sugar baby" and taking money in exchange for taking dick, she was also one of those girls who used "gay" and "queer" to mean "bisexual but only dates men" until recently. I think she broke up with her last boyfriend in 2022.

No. 2227205

ah yes everyone knows that nuts have had to develop all kinds of self defense mechanisms from being eaten! humans eating nuts and shitting out their seeds, thus proliferating their reproduction, has been a major major issue for nuts.

No. 2227207

looks like if a mcmansion was a person.

No. 2227545

File: 1730110598595.jpeg (210.55 KB, 824x1280, IMG_9914.jpeg)

Why act like she’s any different from the other OF thots kek

No. 2227554

What happened to the OF whores that plagued the app like a year ago? Hawkhatesyou, Bjthequeen, and Pixyprincess or whatever her name is? I literally couldn’t keep my TT because of OF hoes playing my screen. Hope promoting their sex pages to kids as moms made them feel better kek

No. 2227561

>Anti capitalist unless the material goods are going to me

No. 2229057

Tbf nuts are very rich in fat, you gotta chill out consuming them. Unless you're a legionary foot soldier I guess

No. 2229561

File: 1730212372862.mp4 (567.86 KB, 720x1280, 1000016876.mp4)

Context: His son held his dog hostage, then killed and ate the dog, among other things.

No. 2229590

I've heard of a lot of fucked up things. But kidnapping and then eating your father's dog is one of the most deranged.

No. 2229598

I thought this was a drag queen kek. I hate fakebians

No. 2229635

His account is apparently satire. I haven't looked at the account myself, but all of the discussion that comes up from googling "edward henry davis" says that it is.

No. 2229973

don't know why this woman thought it was a good idea to upload a video with both
1) her not paying attention to her infant children while she's in the shower
2) her taking a shower together with her infant son
just weird

No. 2229978

Showering with your young children is normal childfree chan

No. 2229983

no it's not rofl and its certainly not normal to put baity shit like this for pedophiles on youtube.

No. 2229987

There is no nudity in the vid at all? I do agree baby shouldn't have have been left on the bed alone. I didn't see a pet/baby ramp next to the bed like for a small dog so thats a big fall for jr

No. 2231138

Every time I go on TikTok it feels like an alternate universe because how do some people think like this

No. 2231153

my mother thinks snl is so funny lol i just can't wrap my head around TEENAGERS thinking its funny. good lord

No. 2231238

This woman and another prostitute named Bonny Blue both fucked over 100 men in 1 day, they had men sign up for it and requested 18 year old men but said that sone of their dads and professors showed up to participate as well. There was a literal line of like 120 men and it took the two women around 6 hours to both fuck them all. Now this one wants to fuck 1000 in 1 day.

Btw Bonny Blue also said that cheating is good because the man can be a better husband and dad if he’s being pleasured on the side, that women who criticize her content (like fucking 120 guys in 1 day and posting it on TikTok) are just jealous because their husbands and fathers buy her, and that she doesn’t blame her dad for cheating on her mom because she thinks her mom just wasn’t pleasing him in bed enough

No. 2232907

File: 1730356503506.webp (13.34 KB, 750x424, nonsense.webp)

>Now this one wants to fuck 1000 in 1 day
That would be 41 or 42 men per hour, which would mean she would be with each man for less than two minutes, leaving no room for bathroom breaks or even just switching between the men. How would that even be physically possible?

No. 2233118

>Btw Bonny Blue also said that cheating is good because the man can be a better husband
She almost had me, but then…
>the man can be a better husband and dad if he’s being pleasured on the side
Nope. Cheating is good when women do it because moids take women for granted and need to be reminded of their place in the pecking order. When moids do it they're just engaging in depravity and spreading STDs throughout the community.

No. 2233421

I wonder if that would cause prolapse

No. 2234018

File: 1730430984109.jpg (89.01 KB, 826x1312, rkr95tgu7ov71.jpg)

No. 2234019

Holy fucking shit, but why?

No. 2234021

please make abortions more accessible, keeping children who are this defected is torturing them, this baby has to be in so much pain and discomfort

No. 2234030

File: 1730431299349.mp4 (4.49 MB, 406x720, m2-res_720p.mp4)

I forgot to mention it's a doll

No. 2234032

jfc that's a gross doll

No. 2234034

oh? in that case burn that fucking thing.

No. 2234630

No. 2234665

so weird that a "gypsy" would cape for men this hard considering how gypsy women are some of the most defeated and impoverished duted to patriarchy. she's not even a real gypsy like the kind you see in europe, just another spoiled american bitch taking 500 cocks in her mouth every day.

No. 2234683

No. 2235571

with that music in the background, wtf. she should seek help

No. 2236938

I honestly just don't believe them. It's easy to lie. Not that it would be impossible to find 100 men to fuck but just the logistics of organizing everything.

No. 2236964

This is just sad

No. 2237553

agreed, it's disgusting either way but it's lying for attention/ragebaiting/engagement bait

No. 2238264

She sounds like all the anti-feminist girls on tumblr who watched Shuwu too much.

No. 2247351

A prostitute who does voodoo on her clients and their wives lol

No. 2247356

They recorded it, one of them fucked over 150 guys in one day. I truly don’t know how she’ll manage 1000 though.

No. 2247631

I feel like that would have genuinely horrible consequences on her body

No. 2247641

File: 1730953751071.jpeg (147.43 KB, 828x348, IMG_2468.jpeg)

Imagine the STDs

No. 2247669

File: 1730954536690.png (98.01 KB, 518x373, 1000018803.png)

Somehow I knew this bitch was gonna bring up slavery to sexualize and romanticize white moid/black woman couplings. Like oh my fucking god, you retard. Slave owners fucking raped black women. They didn't love them. They were raping black women when they got tired raping black moids and moidlets in the asses. I've already understood that there's the type of black women that are pickmes for white men, but this particular case is disgraceful.

No. 2249227

She doesn’t realize that those men dehumanize her, but she’s a prostitute and they generally think men buy them because they “love” them and don’t realize men love buying sex BECAUSE it degrades the woman automatically. Conservative white men love buying black prostitutes not because they “love” young black women like she said, but because they view her as a non human creature and are pretending she’s a slave while they use her. She’ll probably go her entire life without realizing that, she’ll always view prostitution as love and admiration rather than degradation and rape

No. 2249341

seems like anti choice propaganda to me. Anyway, good luck to them lol. Carrying and caring for a severely disabled child is hell. And anyone who willingly signs up for it because of some dumb moralistic reason is as stupid as their baby. The "you're so strong and godly uwu" praise will never be worth the daily suffering. I hope some tradthots actually fall for this crap end up ruining their life.

No. 2249456

Is she not embarassed by this? Being a whore and then posting this weird shit? Kek. White women that hate on black women and black women that hate on white women are both so pathetic. Especially when it's over fucking MOIDS. Why? Why hate on your fellow women to cocksuck worthless XYs who don't even see you as human?
>t. a nona who is neither black or white
>she’s a prostitute and they generally think men buy them because they “love” them and don’t realize men love buying sex BECAUSE it degrades the woman automatically
Exactly. I remember lurking a 4chan thread once and a few moids were gloating about how they hired prostitutes to enact their violent, degrading fetishes on them because they 'loved' their wives too much to do it to them instead. Moids are subhumans. And prostitute pickmes and huge fucking jokes. I understood this shit by the time I was 14 and these are grown fucking women who still can't get it into their thick fucking skulls. MOIDS CANNOT LOVE.

No. 2250792

She’s back with a new take, this time saying that racist conservative white men love and respect black women and voted for trump “because they’re strategic” and that they’re “out there making money for us (black women)” because they hate their wives, while also saying that black men who voted for trump do so because they’re dumb and uneducated. She’s coping so hard jfc. A lot of males voted for trump because he molested his own daughter and men know that and want to do the same thing. They know he was best buddies with Epstein and Diddy and want a predator in charge because they hate women

No. 2250802

this has to be a bit, no one is this fucking retarded

No. 2250828

File: 1731089286029.jpeg (51.54 KB, 1200x646, conjoined-twins-abby-and-britt…)

>anons thought this was real
Come on, this type of deformity rarely survives more than a couple of weeks in animals, let alone humans and its clearly a doll.
Also, it'd be on the news, like pic related.

No. 2250958

I mean… she’s a prostitute. That’s genuinely how they think.

No. 2251199

i don't understand this "subtle foreshadowing" trend. every video they just annoyingly and unbearably place the later part of the clip in between the video every 2 seconds. it's not entertaining. you could just post the clip in full and caption it "i am retarded" and it would get the point across. does everyone just have pure brainrot now or what?

No. 2251233

I can't stand this woman's husband, he looks and acts autistic

No. 2251236

hormone imbalance

No. 2251272

No they fucking don’t. They hate you and see you as a pest. I almost hope she gets her previous white man to “set her straight”. Bitch.

No. 2251534

No. 2251779

File: 1731119995221.jpg (36.39 KB, 320x350, 1000018756.jpg)

why why why? white scrotes aren't even that hot on average. Most of them don't even make it to a solid 5, and I have to see hundreds of them like every week. I have the gross feeling that she thinks Ghetto Gaggers is some kind of romantic live letter from white scrotes to black women, because she already tried to glorify fucking slavery for this.

No. 2251784

Could have picked a better person to sample slop so i am not mad lmao.

No. 2251787

This lady has BPD and is a single mother to a son, has an onlyfans and makes having internalised misogyny her main source of income. She has been at this for years despite numerous moids not falling for her shtick and thinking she is ugly because of her ugly tattoos. She makes enough money to keep going nonetheless.

No. 2251829

eh it depends, definitely better than compared to indian or black moids, but I will say they are tied in appearance to middle eastern moids

No. 2253121

another one……

No. 2253139

it's not funny

No. 2253553

File: 1731213439768.jpg (183.84 KB, 984x1666, unprecedentedcopium.jpg)

I thought so too, especially with the first video, but looking at the comments.. all agreeing with her with hundreds of likes. Is this something they have to tell themselves to justify pursuing rich married white men or wtf is going on here

No. 2255230

File: 1731299876728.png (268.64 KB, 640x480, nara-1731291647-0.png)

so people are mad nara and lucky voted for trump.. anyone is surprised because??
>but but she said!
everyone lies and manipulates the internet
>but she never said she was a trad wife
ofc she didn't say she was, but who posts half naked cooking videos and borderline pregnancy fetish content?
>it's just cooking videos!!
plenty of female chefs exist. You can tell if someone is posting actual food content vs fetish crap because the videos are actually focused on food, her content is focused on her

mark my words, some weird horrible shit is going to come out about them, even moreso than the trump stuff, and brainless whiteknights will still swear it was just about the cooking or something gaslighty like that

No. 2255403

I'm pretty sure they don't even have a choice when it comes to voting, they literally vote for whoever the current lds leader (who is believed to be an actual prophet of god) tells them too

No. 2255407

similar to other christians, they just use religion as an excuse for their terrible morals and views

No. 2258751

File: 1731501602633.jpg (249.38 KB, 1288x1682, GcHb0RAXEAEgSpq.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 2258755

kekkk oh wow. how can she be a massive pick me while battling cancer?

No. 2258923

i read the text and honest to god thought she meant moids who get off to videos of women shaving their head/getting their head shaved

No. 2259115

The part that gets me is that she's mad at the women doing it. Not the moids who set the standard of bald women being inherently ugly. No, it's the women removing themself from moid sexual taste that deserve hate, and even though I can understand why she feels bad about not having a choice to be bald I can't see how she doesn't see that her being a woman means she can infact benefit from the sentiment

No. 2259309

Why are pickmes convinced this is a thing? Literally no one has shaved their head for 4B

No. 2259316

she should ask bald pickme advice from shuwu

No. 2262060

lmao bald ass bitch (sorry to my bald queens she doesn't represent you)

No. 2262067

Me too lol

No. 2262163

File: 1731704166215.mp4 (2.53 MB, 1080x1920, DIE MOID.mp4)

How the fuck is this shit funny? And why the fuck did a girl I know in real life like this video.

No. 2262166

I know, right? That is some massive pick me levels beyond me.

No. 2262169

there is no way you can hate the retarded "jokes" in this video more than the retard who was putting her gross g-string all over groceries? come on now

No. 2262171

No, I don't like her either. She's retarded. Everything in the video is retarded

No. 2262173

I don't get it, is he gay or something?

No. 2262180

i'm dying to know the point of the original video

No. 2262501

Does anyone keep up with femcelvictim? What do nonas think of her?

No. 2262819

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Just looked her up and her takes are so retarded. At first I was wondering why someone who posts things like 'men drag you down, foster relationships with women' would defend trannies so hard and say dumb shit like 'If it were up to me, I would just get rid of gender categories in sports' and 'How important is it to our society really?' then I realized she's dating a troon, so the contradictions and the misogyny make sense.

No. 2262822

why is she wearing a bonnet and leaving her bang out? either wear the bonnet correctly or take it off your head.

No. 2262832

that vocal fry

No. 2262844

Men are stupid as fuck

No. 2263893

I used to follow her before I peaked, and I thought it was interesting because her takes aren’t accepted by either side really. She was kind of “cancelled” for saying she will never consider her rapist a woman so the gendies don’t like her either.

No. 2265742

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The ppl you posted don't get the joke and have terrible timing, I think it's a bit funny if the climax itself is funny

No. 2265743

No. 2266545

Aww I hope he's okay kek

No. 2267923

Don't worry anon he's okay they did an interview with Vice a few years ago

No. 2268745

Well, it's good if she can offer a more nuanced position and help people peak but honestly, the complete lack of logic is upsetting kek. She said that even non-passing TIMs are women but somehow they lose the woman label if they're rapists? How does it work? They're not really women then.

No. 2272238

Does anyone else get a sinister feeling watching this lady? She's always talking about how wives don't do enough for their husbands, but then, when presented with a video of a woman doing something nice for her husband and the husband flips out for no reason, she starts blaming the wife for not being affectionate enough??? Shit, if a guy acts like that every time his wife gives a gift to him, then it's no wonder the wife wouldn't want to do it more frequently.

No. 2272248

what an insufferable pickme, if it was a woman instead she would call her ungrateful.

No. 2272396

>The Dadvocate
oh boy

No. 2272397

You know when you look at a woman and you can instantly tell why she is the way she is

No. 2272400

her lips are so disgustingly distracting and bloated with filler i can't pay attention to what she's saying

No. 2272405

This is really petty but she needs to put some toner in her hair, goddamn

No. 2272449

She also filters every video of herself until she looks like one of those low-quality images of cryptids kek.

No. 2273762

These stupid fucks are SO nervous yet they're trying desperately so play it cool kek

No. 2273829

I know this is obvious ragebait, but why do these 'other women' online always act like they won some kind of victory over the wife because she got the husband to sleep with her? Like, he didn't pick you over his wife, and he basically kept you as a dirty little secret until you became inconvenient to keep around. You just had low self esteem and didn't demand better treatment, and guys love to use those types of women for sex. Most men would sleep with anything that moved if they thought they could get away with it. There's nothing special or desirable about her.
Every time I see this woman and her ogre, I feel like it has to be some kind of humiliation ritual or something. She has this weird fixation on talking about how he looks like her dad, probably because she thinks it makes her look like a teenager. What she doesn't realize is that she looks like she's in her late 20s to early 30s, and the reason her husband gets mistaken as her father is because he aged like milk.

No. 2274325

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Well, to her it's clearly some kind of ego boost rather than a humiliation ritual. She's been making videos for some time now, but I just opened her latest shorts and half of it is still about how underage she looks next to her moid. She's liking comments saying she looks 12 kek

No. 2274352

This woman is so gross. She gleefully describes the types of things she does in her onlyfans like this, where when her dad would get home from work and take a nap in the living room she would film herself standing in front of him, taking off her underwear and throwing it on her head. She also inserted a prime bottle into herself and rode it on the living room floor while staring at him the entire time.

She went viral recently because she broke up a relationship and went on a podcast to brag about it

No. 2274354

*his head, not her head

No. 2274358

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This is her account, she also wears lingerie around the house in front of her dad and films it

No. 2274388

Those tags reek of desperation. Idk why her parents aren't trying to do anything about her behaviour, they seem to nonchalant about it.

No. 2274392

They probably don't care and are just looking at the dollar signs.

No. 2274396

I had to shut it off at the first sentence. Humans have oppressed others for having different biological features for millennia but i guess it's not valid because maine coons don't oppress calico cats for having a different phenotype and because praying mantis' rip the males head off during mating whilst startled, welp, all oppression is invalid now!!
I wish parading wild animals like this online was grounds for an instant ban.

No. 2274409

I know people say carcals hiss to communicate outside of being angry or afraid, but this guy's videos weird me out. His ears are always pinned back, and he has the body language of a house cat who is upset. The cat only really hisses and acts aggressive around the man, and it's much more calm and sweet around his girlfriend/wife. I don't think I've seen a single video with the man where he isn't hissing or growling. It makes me worry that something bad is happening to the kitty. I hope I'm just being paranoid, but I don't understand the appeal of filming a wild cat hissing and growling all the time. Even if there is nothing bad happening to the cat, it's still unpleasant to watch.

No. 2274418

this trend of whisper talking for no reason literally makes my blood pressure spike the moment i hear it. fuck you for making me so mad because you want to farm engagement comments from people pointing out how weird the whispering is. you CUNT.

No. 2274421

Maybe I'm crazy but what is with people being so comfortable putting towels on things they are about to consume? Those fibers are sticking to your food. You are eating hair!!!

No. 2274425

I always thought it was an asmr thing

No. 2274428

I hate this guy. Like a lot. He made the thumbnail a close up of her body, of course. He poses himself like "oh I'm a good guy here look at my work on ig!" whenever girls sense he's a creep and act reluctant. If they knew he had the other camera filming them from below, I doubt they'd give him the time of day.

No. 2274564

AYRT and sorry, I was being facetious when I said humiliation ritual because any normal woman with healthy self-esteem would be embarrassed for people to know she willingly married a scrote who looks like that kek. I see how my post was unclear. She definitely thinks it makes her look cutesy and "smol" to stand next to him. In reality, she's not even that small (like 5'3, which is an inch shorter than the US average), but she's standing next to a 6'6 guy. If she were standing among a bunch of women her age, she wouldn't seem out of place at all. I've always found this type of "oh I look so underage" behavior from online personalities really creepy and offputting for obvious reasons.
This is vile, and if she had posted this story online anonymously, I'd absolutely think it was fake because it's so absurdly nasty. How does someone even become like this?

No. 2274716

i think most animals don't like human males. Gosha caracal (@prozhony) also acts defensive and protective around his male owner, not to aggressive extents like this one, but is all lovey dovey with his human "mother"

No. 2275572

Bizarro short I found. It's probably a fake story, but why are the comments acting like this isn't the most insane thing they've ever heard? He did NOT forget how to tie his shoes in the span of a two year relationship.

No. 2275576

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The comments I was referencing.

No. 2275836

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how can videos where one says nothing be so annoying?

the bar is in hell. thankfully some people point out the bullshit. he works fast-paced jobs but can't do basic things like cutting his food? selective retardation ig

No. 2275946

i'm so sick of seeing this moid. yeah, her body won't "thrive" eating 1000 calories because you eat 1000 calories to lose weight. these spergs want people losing weight to eat 2000 calories a day and take 1 year to lose 10 kilos. like are you fucking retarded? you can lose 10 kilos in a MONTH if you just stop stuffing your face for a little while.

No. 2275951

these are so fugly, why is it always cinnamonroll/hello kitty/my melo spergs that are this retarded? i have never seen an annoying keroppi or pompompurin fan

No. 2275957

All that packaging for such a small plush, what a waste.

No. 2275974

God yes his face annoys me so bad. I wish he would just shut the fuck up.

No. 2276108

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No. 2276140

Nice, it looks like shit.

No. 2276141

this is honestly so bad it’s funny i know it’s rage bait but trying to pretend she likes that is hilarious

No. 2276157

he gives "creeper male feminist" iykwim

No. 2276170

He’s annoying but so is your bone rattling.

No. 2276173

How is she bone rattling? He is cringe and you are obese.

No. 2276180

Well I know the "do better" with guys hugging was in reference to this gymbro who calls out influencers for attention whoring and being assholes in the gym, so that pic with the two of them hugging was funny as hell.

No. 2276188

Its bone rattling to say its healthy be able to lose 10kg in a month kek the only people who would be able to lose that much weight are literal hamplanets like ALR but if a regular woman who is overweight lost that much in one month it would fuck up your body. Its why even weight lose doctors tell their patients to lose weight slowly to let your body regulate itself with time.

No. 2276194

I've personally went from 66 to 56 in a month, nothing happened to my body, I wish fat bitches like you would stop making everything about yourself and your inability to put the cheeseburger down and lose weight.(derailing/infighting)

No. 2276198

wobble wobble(infight bait)

No. 2276213

Those meals looked normal to me. A little small because I'm a fatass but normal. She didn't look like she was starving herself.

No. 2276214

I’m sure what you lost was more water than actual fat, when you lose fat quickly your skin loses elasticity as well. Its why people who plan out their weight loss take their time because not everyone wants to go to a surgeon afterwards for all their flaps to be cut off. You can stop projecting since we weigh about the same just a few kgs off

No. 2276218

>You can stop projecting
>"I’m sure what you lost was more water than actual fat"
I sincerely doubt you're not a fat pig, your posts reek of a complex. Also you don't get any flaps for losing 10 kilos that quickly KEK are you retarded? I know you've never put the fork down in your life because you genuinely think losing 10kg is a memorable milestone.(infighting)

No. 2276227

Kek I noticed my skin wrinkled fast when I lost that much kg in a month its not uncommon for people to see it. It may not be flaps hanging out but just from having a bit of extra skin because of the collagen loss that comes with losing that much weight fast. You can imagine me at the buffet all you want, won’t change the fact that fast weight loss messes with your skin elasticity and collagen production for a bit before it goes back to normal

No. 2276259

I know its tempting to call other nonnies fat piggies for not being able to lose that much weight so quickly, but 10 kilos is a lot, especially considering that you were 66 kilos which is healthy or overweight depending on height (unless you are really short).

No. 2276278

Maybe it's a burger who messed up metrics, 66kg is not even that fat, even if you're short and 10kg is a lot for someone that size

No. 2276396

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Called it

No. 2276405

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I hate this moids ugly dog face and stance. Kek at him calling others spineless while he stands up for shit most faggots on twitter were barely talking about in the past months

No. 2276413


No. 2276416

LMAO wow he is literally posing the same way

No. 2276654

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Is normal weight not a term in the us? The comment were rabid towards anyone saying she wasn't skinny, and that this is considered skinny. Like shes perfectly normal, but she's not skinny and thats ok?

No. 2276796

no youre either ozempic anorexic or youre obese there is no in between

No. 2276883

For some reason most people here think you're either skinny or fat. If you aren't fat, you're skinny. Average weight as a concept doesn't exist and if you ever dare mention that you're average then you will have people saying "omg shut up you are skinny"

No. 2276885

she is like my size and consider this a bit chubby

No. 2276888

no not really, if your bmi is under 25 people will call you skinny. I've heard some girls start using "midsize" for this body type. But I remember midsize being used in the fat acceptance days to mean "bigger than chubby, but not 600lb life material yet"

No. 2276913

i'll never understand women who post videos about their body/face. why would you open yourself up to a bunch of people arguing if you're skinny or not? it feels like it's both fishing for compliments and a bizarre form of self harm at the same time.

No. 2277077

She's chubby/curvy imo. Is there something wrong with this body? Looks healthy to me

No. 2277080

Is she his hospice nurse or something? He probably gets a weird kick out of pretending to be retarded to create more work for him. Literal brain trauma and nursing home patients and more dependent

No. 2277083

She looks her age imo. She's using angles/styling to make her look childish. Throw her in some business attire and if she doesn't step a mile back from her husband she looks like the ave 30 something plain Jane

No. 2277241

They look the same age, he's just big and fat, he doesnt look older than her

No. 2277255

You had to be stuffing your face severely if you lost 10 kg in 4 weeks by switching to a normal and sustainable diet. If you were already eating normal portions prior to losing weight, then you switched to a diet that's not sustainable long-term to lose weight faster. That's definitely possible & common, however it's not recommended because you'll either gain everything back or have to restrict your entire life. Quite simple really, no need to get so worked up

No. 2277444

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Umm is it just my fyp or is tiktok filled with things to rot girls brains with. I don't think it was ever this bad but now my fyp is filled with content like this.
Pro ed content, that slavic dolls trend, wanting to be a tradwife/sahm, looksmaxxing vindicta content for women, wannabe models etc etc.

No. 2277445

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No. 2277475

recently there was a woman (slimkim on tiktok) talking about how being skinny is a privilege like a masters degree and people only talked about how gauche she is for saying it out loud in public. I fully see this as a sign of conservative backlash

No. 2277491

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Modeling agencies are practically modern day sex trafficking rings. This isn't the flex she thinks it is.

No. 2277507

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>I fully see this as a sign of conservative backlash

yup i agree with you, this is definitely what it is. And i saw this post of someone also noticing and mentioning this same thing as you.
I think this tradwife/sahm, bimbo, anorexic trend that has started with zoomer and gen alpha girls on tiktok (and other social media) are a result of society swinging back to hyper-conservative culture.

No. 2277528

>tiktokfags: Uwu i luv being groomed by old men, starving myself, doing porn and then becoming a stay at home tradwife with no college degree or education to a scrote who will abandon me once i turn 30.

>your reaction to that: Magnificent, it was about damn time, I didn't think gen z got the balls to actually do something against everything they've been told to do by retarded millennials and the media. Godspeed

You must be a XY defect.

No. 2277531

they’re just being influenced by a different set of (mostly male) millenials, how is that a win

No. 2277540

It's not like what they were doing before becoming trad was any better or healthier, be fr(integrate)

No. 2277541

lol that scrote really thinks this is a win for him when he will still end up alone and miserable. Does that loser scrote know that women into this tradwife larp only want millionaires (or billionaires) and men who look like Lucky Blue Smith, his loser ass is never getting picked no matter how much society turns conservative or pickme.

No. 2277547

the pathetic thing is that a lot of these loser moids do know that. they know that they’re failures who will never have a wife or home of their own. clogging up social media with trad garbage is the only kind of “victory” they ever experience. making successful women upset is their singular obsession.

No. 2277552

Why do you talk like that

No. 2277808

Modeling agencies also dgaf about Slavic dolls anymore. They'll happily take a fat Nepo baby over some skinny nobody anyway.

No. 2277828

These pickme skits are becoming incomprehensible.

No. 2278208

But still hyper sexual. I wish I was dead.

No. 2278211

What was the original post? Scrote bragging?

No. 2279180

What mental illness is this?

No. 2279198

I get women that lost a baby and now have baby dolls to cope, but toddler dolls are just weird, is she going to get a teenager and then an adult doll?

No. 2279200

Oh my god

No. 2279207

can't these retards just count their blessings and not blast this shit for the entire internet to see? the one comment that says "ur in danger girl" is funny though

No. 2279235

Looks like he's killed the cat(post proof)

No. 2279691

Does anyone else remember this very obviously fake story constantly being pushed into your recommendations like a year ago? I thought of it randomly today and wondered if she still had it up.

No. 2279704

She has her own thread in /w/ Auresscosplay

No. 2279707

this is terrible parenting. why is she posting this as if she did something spectacular and why are they kissing her ass in the comments? her crotch goblin doesn't understand that the ipad got taken away, or that she did something wrong by throwing it. all the mother did was pick it up off the floor and give her a new toy to play with lol.

No. 2285075

not milky enough for the book drama thread but god do I hate this bitch and all the booktok retards she represents with this behavior

No. 2285117

TikTok especially has tricked a lot of nobodies into thinking they are somebodies with opinions that MUST be shared. She just sounds like a retarded drunk girl at the bar who can’t understand literary devices.

No. 2285136

"supposed to get engaged to" so in other words you weren't engaged

No. 2285313

Automatically a shitty patent for giving a child that young an iPad to begin with

No. 2289647

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Couldn't upload Instagram videos, so downloaded it and uploaded here as MP4

No. 2290667

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It pisses me off that beign a capable women is seen as being a nlog now, and needing mens help for everything is being a girls girl. I see it all the time that women who dont like wearing makeup or seek mens approval are considered pickmes. Do normies just use words and not understand the meaning? How is not catering to or needing a mans help being an nlog pickme??

No. 2290676

nlog is code for bitch or weirdo, has been forever.

No. 2290680

Notice how they always use these terms to shame women for not being submissive or vulnerable? Fucking weirdos.

No. 2290683

I think it's more the burning need to tell everyone about it, anon.

Remember: no1curr

No. 2290685

I don't get why everyone needs to promote their retardation on social media. It's not cute, just stfu.

No. 2290705

Same principle applies for the original tiktok.

No. 2290718

But the need to tell everyone youre a helpless woman online is cool?

No. 2290983

The one who made the original tiktok is retarded and should kill herself for being such a blight on womankind.

No. 2291012

I bet the fag in the video giggled with his feet up in the air thinking he did something with this staged video kek

No. 2291107

not being an unemployed sweat is being a girl now

No. 2291177

Kek the creator of the tiktok got shown up as being retarded and called the competent girl an nlog to cope. Amazing.

No. 2291202

My fatass thought his "chance" was going to be stealing food from that other guy's plate.

No. 2291827

>23 years old
>4 kids
>trailer park
>dead fish eyes
I hope she’s lying jesus fucking christ…

No. 2291900

Why is the oil always cold in these videos?? so bleak

No. 2291902

If she hadn't posted proof of her in hospitals and c section scar, id assume she was some teenager babysitting her siblings and then lying about the situation for rage bait

No. 2293659

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It cracks me up when younger alternative people discover that the metal scene is…right wing, conservative and full of nazism. Like they are always so surprised "hateful name band" formed in 1990 in a rural norwegian town doesnt have liberal views? Or that the fanbase of a heavy metal band formed in the 70s is middle aged racist truckers, and not 20 something she/theys. I thought it was common knowledge but I suppose when your only interaction with the alt scene is tiktok your reality is a bit skewed.

No. 2293671

This is quite literally all the trannies' fault.

No. 2293710


Late reply and apologies for sperging but I could write a whole thesis on this. Tiktok zoomer girls are constantly throwing the term nlog and pick me around to the point it has completely lost all meaning. The majority of the usage of nlog I see used outside of female oriented sites like lc is just to degrade any woman who is non conforming or outspoken in any regard, because she must be behaving like that to get the attention of a moid/distance herself from other women. You like cars? You must be an nlog. You like video games? E-girl pick me nlog. You're a functioning member of society? That threatens my "uwu I'm just a girl" world view, so you must be an nlog. So much of it is just because they have a complex about being coquettish, and their brains aren't developed enough to understand they're being psyoped into thinking submitting to a man somehow makes them a better woman, a stronger woman, etc than those who do not. There is so much projection from these zoomer girls who grew up on the internet competing for attention with eachother, even if the people they're accusing are genuinely retarded /r9k/ grifter e-girls, what do you get from accusing them of being an nlog and "not a girls girl" on social media besides signalling to moids that you are some how better? Maybe I'm coping, but on lc 9 times out of 10 when we call someone a pick me or nlog it's usually because there is solid well documented evidence of the cow pandering to moids, and there is no social benefit since we are anonymous. The retarded trad/pinkpill propaganda seeping into all online media has made the landscape for women so bleak. You can't say anything that goes against the libfem zeitgeist without someone in your ear saying "he's not gonna pick you", thinking they had their big gotcha. I hate tiktok so fucking much it is a detriment to society and women at large. I would take millenial girlboss feminism any day over the "I'm so empowered and so in my divine feminine era because I let a man do everything for me" brand of bullshit shilled on tiktok everyday.

No. 2296455

I hate this stupid fake-wholesome babytalking dog and his annoying friends. The humor is bottom-of-the barrel "relatable" shit. I hate all of the "tee hee remember you are loved and remember to drink water" faux-wholesome videos interspersed with the most feeble attempts at humor I've ever seen alongside an occasional fake-deep one about one of the animals having an existential crisis. It all feels so soulless and artificial.

No. 2296467

Her shitty eyeliner and big witch lightbulb nose is triggering the fuck out of me

No. 2296474

Rather kids watch this than the other awful shit out there

No. 2296535

Maybe, but I don't think kids are the target audience for this.

No. 2296744

this is likely for the "adulting is hard!" quirk chungus millennials out there, sadly kids would rather watch ice spice twerk and sabrina carpenter sing about being impregnated.

No. 2297507

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Tiktok filters are doing irreparable damage to womens brains bc how can you think this looks good or is appropriate when speaking about your child with adhd

No. 2298889

she turned herself into a jumpscare

No. 2304032

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Does anyone else legitimately want tiktok banned in the US? I genuinely think short form content has fried the brains of millions of zoomers who are no longer capable of socializing normally, paying attention to something longer than 60 seconds, critical thinking, forming their own opinions, or researching issues that supposedly matter to them. It’s a scourge upon humanity. I also think many people underestimate how much of a vested interest foreign entities like Chinese businesses have in sowing discord in American society.
>but muh free speech
Free speech applies to American citizens, not foreign businesses

No. 2304035

Yes. Personally I can’t wait for it to gtfo, even though I know some copycat app will just spring up in its place. I fucking hate TikTok and TikTok addicts.

No. 2304036

Jfc the smoothed over philtrum and face lined combined with the fake eyelashes/eyeline is so freaky

No. 2304037

>Free speech applies to American citizens, not foreign businesses
Tiktok itself doesn't make the speech, it provides a medium in which American citizens speak.

No. 2304040

I want it banned in the UK too for exactly the same reasons.

No. 2304041

Sure, but a foreign business determines the algorithm and what kind of content is monetized. I’ve seen really mundane posters demonetized because the tiktok overlords didn’t like what they had to say. It’s not a free speech platform.

No. 2304182

>a foreign business determines the algorithm and what kind of content is monetized
That's not the point. The US government banning a site for speaking is the great infringement on the ability of citizens to express.

No. 2304400

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No. 2304401

I can't tell if this is a troon or just a very unfortunate looking pickme.

No. 2304410

anon don't say things like this. trannies love to say "see, we can look more feminine than the cissies!" i know it's tempting but try to get that idea out of your head. it's bad for us.

No. 2304480

Your right to speak doesn't include a right to use a specific platform controlled by a foreign government or company. That's all there is to it.

No. 2304484

It's mostly the awkward pose + facial expression and low resolution.

No. 2304598


she looks completely normal but with shitty hair, I just don't get the caption, is it serious or some awful attempt at comedy

No. 2304610

Hate to say it but this shit needs to happen. So many people including grown ass adults are extreme weirdos now because of this app.

No. 2304721

The right to free speech not only means no restrictions on what you say, but also on where you can say it.

No. 2304818

Said like a true manipulative cheater

No. 2304831

I don't get the appeal of tiktok dances for kids because when I was a kid we would have thought it was the lamest shit in existence to do a little unnecessary dance while unrelated captions flashes on the screen. And they do it unironically! I'm still young enough to have grown up around everyone having social media so it's not that different in the other aspects, it's just the lame fucking dances I don't get. Back in my days dances in videos were literally only done for toddlers because they weren't old enough to understand speech so any movement and music was captivating for them. Even if kids up to 10 maybe liked it (if they were theatrical girls) teenagers would still rather die than do something so embarrassingly lame online.

No. 2304920

No. 2305006

People will just move on to youtube/instagram shorts and out of these three I actually think tiktok has the most value as a platform so instead of having stinky trash we will just be left with stinkiest trash. I wouldn't mind all of it being gone but how exactly do you regulate short form content?

No. 2305009

Hell yes, I hope it crashes and burns. I also don't care about the free speech stuff because that app platforms so many pedophiles and child abusers and the moderators don't even care. The literal teen user base is the one who throws a fuss enough to get those freaks banned, and thats only the ones they stumble across.

No. 2305020

i prefer the chinese having my data than zuckerberg or google

No. 2307928

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes please

No. 2307941

Who is paying this munted ogre to take her panties off and put them on her Dad. WHO.

No. 2307945

Rule 1 of misogyny: everything a man does is a woman's fault.

No. 2309248

Nona, men fuck literal corpses, children ….and ugly women.

No. 2309268

This woman needs a level of mental health intervention and help that doesn't medically exist yet.

No. 2309270

It is normal anon

No. 2310067

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This was a sponsored post, and he did get roasted in the comments for this dystopian shit.

No. 2310365

I despise tiktok. Like, legitimately. It's terrible and under the right circumstances my answer to supporting a ban would be "yes" but the reasons why the establishment want it gone can't be ignored here. I don't want to turn the thread political but the "security risk" narrative is complete nonsense and the "foreign disinformation" narrative is even more nonsense.
If some actually based party took over and said "start actually teaching your kids shit, we don't care that you like it, yoyr fault for liking shit, say goodbye" then sure, but the only reason liberals want it gone is because "waaah people aren't licking our boots enough :'(" and that's not acceptable.

No. 2310428

No. 2311310

>then sure, but the only reason liberals want it gone is because "waaah people aren't licking our boots enough :'(" and that's not acceptable.
Huh? The only bootlickers I've been seeing are conservatives. They'd rather die than regulate corporations (unless it's for anti woke shit ofc). Just look at how many of them are defending the UH CEO and silencing people who are happy about him getting shot even though they will happily benefit from the effects of the shooting

No. 2311622

they're all literal toddler toys for kids who can't even say "wow thanks mom and dad" yet

No. 2312412

The comment section on this video is so strange

No. 2312717

File: 1734536782697.png (487.62 KB, 701x629, Untitled138_20241218154425.png)

How is TikTok supporting shooters now

No. 2312722

looks like this is supporting both the ecole polytechnique massacre (that was fueled by misogyny) and the quebec city mosque shooting
bleak, gen z and alpha is doomed

No. 2313963

teens will always have an edgy phase. It's almost necessary in a way. They'll grow out of it

No. 2314458

Found her from a YouTube video about materialistic retards, she's defo doing a Vicky and is a 100% an American woman LARPing as a posh British woman, she keeps tripping over her Rs.

No. 2314897

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Snitching for flirting, not even explicit cheating is pathetic

No. 2314962

depends on the level of flirting, some people think just smiling at someone is flirting

No. 2315025

Why do these cunts even leave their house at this point? This bitch is malding at some people dressed up and singing at an airport as if they committed a crime.

No. 2315028

Id like to add that this women is just another Influencer. Make of that what you will.

No. 2315032

Does anyone just hate the way tiktok fags act like mundane shit is somehow a bad thing? Its hard to put into words but i stopped using it after a week because there were so mnay videos that are like "why putting stickers on your laptop is cringe, shows insecurity, and disturbs neurodivergent people".

No. 2315067


No. 2315068

>Stickers on your laptop is cringe, shows insecurity, and disturbs neurodivergent people
Kek please elaborate on this, especially the last part

No. 2315069

they’re locals pretending they aren’t locals and this is the only way such a nothing person can try to seem elevated above anyone. she’s nothing without her filters and she’ll have a mental breakdown at thirty.

No. 2315076

>Uh oh, my friend is getting too much male attention that SHOULD be going to ME! Guess I'm telling her pet scrote~
Let me guess, she posts a lot about being lonely and not being invited anywhere?

No. 2315092

Who wants to bet she doesn’t do the same if it’s a guy friend with a gf?

No. 2315184

File: 1734660367159.jpg (118.51 KB, 1024x1030, cooking-with-kya.jpg)

so there's this discourse right now about some content creator that's a young black woman called cookingwithkya or something like that, and that women are angry at her existence because she basically does these weird cooking-with-thirst-trap videos and basically looking sexy on camera while she makes shit in the kitchen. and the funny thing is that she is on god the same type of shit you would find on OF, you know, the one website you can NEVERRRRR say anything bad about because sex work is work y'all! but now that there's a hoe who's brave enough to post loudly and proudly on social media where these women's scrotes are obviously watching out of horniness, now suddenly that whole sex work is work crap is a load of shit lmao. i thought it was empowering to shake your ass at a camera for horny men? i thought it was yass kween slay to be a stupid bubbly bimbo? i guess when a prostitute is just some vague concept you can chant SWIW, but once she's showing up on your block near where your nigel is, that's when it's a problem. the ones who were always awake to this type of bullshit for so many years now have been telling you that sex work of any kind is a huge problem and needs to be eradicated for the betterment of women everywhere. you didn't cared until it became a personal problem with you and your man. now apparently she's been banned from tiktok.

No. 2315219

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No. 2315227

I'll simplify what she said for you anon:
>Black women are mad at a tiktok thot who makes cooking videos for seducing them men, rather than the fact that she's another thot making hypersexul content online.
>Anon claims it's hypocritical because a lot of those same women claim sex work is real work
>Thankfully she is banned
>Proof normie women are weird pickmes who drop their values when they sense intrasexual competition.

No. 2315234

i actually can't read, could you just narrate whatever the fuck this says for me, please?

No. 2315238

>but now that there's a hoe who's brave enough to post loudly and proudly on social media
All of them have already been doing this, and the tide has been turning against sex work a little for a while.

No. 2315244

I don't get why they're mad. It's not even OF-tier or particularly explicit. I watched like three of her videos. She shakes ass in the beginning, says "I could steal your man with this meal" and does the stupid little chant, then it just cuts to her hands in the kitchen, cooking normally? What sets this apart from the normal thirst traps that are just dancing? Pretty sure some of these women complaining literally post thirst traps themselves, lmao.

It's not even just black women who are mad, I saw vidrel and a few others reeeing. I don't understand any of it, it almost feels like paid shilling.

No. 2315257

really? that's news to me. not even trolling because i thought the SWIW shit is still the in thing with zoomers.

No. 2315259

Zoomers are more right wing than usual for young people, it's not out of concern for women.

No. 2315261

i don't even feel bad for that white woman. she looks exactly the type to start screaming at you if you criticize the so called sex industry or how misogynistic pornsick men are because she'd be fine with her bf wanking it to porn in private, just don't publicly follow the likes of kya lest you wanna embarrass her in front of her friends lmao.

No. 2315274

Any woman worried about her stealing their man is pathetic. They need to be worried about OF girls flashing on a site in front of their kids and the fact they are paranoid about their bfs/husband's loyalty in the first place. it's the most pathetic drama possible. And they even got her banned lmao.

No. 2315277

okay she’s so cute. pretty sure she’s not banned i just watched some of her videos. people hate on black girls for literally no reason.

No. 2315294

Pick mes are having a field day with this trend

No. 2315308

No. 2315309

idk anon, it makes me mad that i can't do the splits.

No. 2315336

Imagine being upset at the possibility of losing that literal monkey to another woman. Why be in a relationship if you can't even get with an actual attractive human?

No. 2315340

Wish I was that flexible kek. My back would disintegrate doing that shit

No. 2315666

What's the point of making this kek she's not "for the girls" either, literally every other of her videos that I've seen is her thirsting for some guy

No. 2315859

I know, I posted this one specifically because they’re doing literal acrobatic tricks and I thought it was funny. The trend as a whole though is just women doing a ton of positions with worthless men in the comments saying “raw, next” and the girls eating it up

No. 2316074

Kek, ive seen this girl before too, some of her posts give male pandering vibes too.

No. 2316480

Kek I made that post after seeing this one. Yeah, you're so into girls that you'd suck a guy off because he likes the same anime as you. I know it's just a joke but it's a bad one

No. 2316593

Attack on Titan fucking sucks and is on the same level of basic bitchness as Naruto and One Piece, what a poser.

No. 2318398

That ash Trevino lady has been all on my Fyp I had to delete the app. That shit made me sob last night seeing what her daughters go through. Can you imagine your own mother being perceived as a loser lolcow during your teenage years. Her daughters can’t even go to school anymore because their mom embarrasses them so much and they get bullied for it. Their mom might be the most popular Tik toker in America rn. I think the bitch has BPD. She’s like a Mexican Trisha paytas except worse because at least Trisha got mental health help BEFORE getting pregnant. The way she treats her daughters had me in full tears I had to go to bed.

No. 2320185

The secret to hooded eye makeup is closing your eyes halfway, sticking your nose up, and literally gazing down your nose at the camera. Who knew?

No. 2320196

obligatory that's not a hooded eye comment
also that looks hideous

No. 2320209

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MUAs got together and officially changed the definition of "hooded eye" to just mean everyone whose face isn't as flat as a pita bread. Arguing with them is like fighting with a wall.

No. 2324717

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No. 2326655

holy shit how can one be so close yet so far away from figuring out that all the overly enforced hyperfemininity IS the problem.

No. 2327878

File: 1735724042053.webp (70.84 KB, 888x1920, hannah-b-hiatt-aka-nurse-hanna…)

Nurse Hannah 17diapersmom looks like the Ice Age Baby

No. 2327879

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No. 2329721

This is super petty but I don't really understand the point of this woman acting like the cat's eyes are real. There's literally videos on the same page where you can see the cat's actual eye color. The kitty is super cute regardless and it's not a big deal if the eyes are edited to increase the spooky factor.

No. 2329773

This is olympic levels of reaching. Libfems are so ungodly retarded.

No. 2333736

File: 1736067288249.jpg (408.92 KB, 720x1335, Screenshot_20250105_094831_Tik…)

Alt people are so sensitive nowadays. Punk bands used to throw shit and blood into the crowd and now the crowd cry and cancel a girl bc she posed with deer heads the band brought? Come on now its not that big of a deal. They wouldn't survive a second in a real offline scene.

No. 2334297

Nona you're the weird one.

No. 2334302

File: 1736109622206.png (334.01 KB, 750x1334, 1000030957.png)

Kek, pussies. I think it's weird, but it's not like they did anything REALLY creepy or illegal, or even particularly out of place in the subculture. If you're trying to make a name for yourselves as an edgy hardcore band then at least stick to your choices.

No. 2334727

Is this humblebragging?

No. 2334774

GG Allin is a piece of shit. His legacy is throwing feces and sexually assaulting people. People had a right to be 'sensitive' then and I don't really see why anyone should be considered a pussy because they don't want a decapitated animal head being passed around in a venue by a bunch of drunk retards.
>real offline scene
There's no "real offline scene" - if there's a scene involving music or fashion, it's eventually making its way online. It's on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and in several threads of gossip in private DMs and on X. These scenes wouldn't exist without people dying for attention. Tryhards, all of ye.

No. 2338192

Maybe I'm being a party pooper but this thing should be living in the wild where it belongs. The channel owner/s keep saying that it hisses because it can't purr like a domestic cat and other bullshit excuses but it clearly hisses as a warning to get away from it, it doesn't like being touched like in vidrel. It attacks people and furniture in videos, it's clearly not happy. And it's just seen as funny and quirky behaviour by a funny and quirky animal by all the commenters

No. 2338232

People that keep dangerous feral undomesticated animals as pets deserve the ruined living space and injuries that they get. It's stupid, you can't tell me you didn't know you would get an injury needing stitches from something that acts so fucking hostile to you touching it with just your finger. Morons. In neolithic society these types of people would feed an extra piece of meat to the wolves in an attempt to keep them and kill the whole village.

No. 2338536

Sorry for using this thread like this but can someone explain the "you may like" algorithm when you're using the search bar?
Is it popular searches in the country? Or is it suggested searches bound to my IP (and thus everyone who uses it)?
Please reply because I'm freaking out, it's full of porn and pedophile-in-hiding suggestions when I never clicked on any videos regarding children or anything sexual. My subscriptions are all related to interior design, renovations, travel, women's rights and nature. Literally the suggestions right now:
>forbidden videos
>girl slips
>sauna women
>delete tiktok history
>leggins girl with 14
>3 lesbian girls
>slit leggins with 13
>lana rhoades at 14 years
>two fingers

No. 2338557

I think YouTube's algorithm may be becoming similar to twitter's and tiktok's (if it isn't already). Basically how this works is that anything you click on or take interest in, it will show you ragebait to make you stay on the site longer. This is because advertisers want to show you as many ads as possible and in order to do that you need to be on the site.

A radfem tested this out on twitter because she kept getting misogynistic ragebait suggested to her, so she created a new account and pretended to be a misogynistic male. All that was suggested to "him" was feminist tweets that would piss off this hypothetical male. Tiktok works the same way by even promoting bullying tiktoks actual victims just to upset them and keep them on the app.

I suggest using a site like yewtu.be instead because it removes the BS.

No. 2339636

I watched a single video on water heaters the other day, and that alone instantly triggered a flood of porny, man punch bad woman, crying porny woman, and good man very good type crap. 1 video. Of goddamn water heaters. You probably stepped in something nasty without even realizing it.

No. 2341040

>In neolithic society these types of people would feed an extra piece of meat to the wolves in an attempt to keep them and kill the whole village.
Kek why did you type this like you personally witnessed this?

No. 2341043

Narcissism and attention seeking. I hate that dyed hair tho kek she probably tells everyone it's real too.

No. 2343989

File: 1736711038278.jpg (32.78 KB, 860x484, tiktok.jpg)

>US Supreme Court appears poised to uphold a law that bans TikTok in the US over national security concerns unless its China-based parent company sells the platform ahead of a 19 January deadline.
What are nonnas thoughts? Personally, I dislike tiktok and other short form video content. It's designed to be addictive, and the algorithm creates dumb echochambers. However, I still use the TikTok almost every day ngl. American content creators will probably just move to other platforms, but I'm not sure how much better that will make the industry. I do think a lot of fellow zoomers are too trusting of foreign interference via platforms like TikTok, so perhaps American companies will provide better transparency, but of course American companies are also mining your data.

No. 2344001

I hate it I really don’t want tik tokers to come to YouTube. They are insufferable anywhere else but on their clock app. Shorts will be even worse. I also saw a tik toker complain that she can’t upload he end stuff to YouTube because someone else already did and is copyright claiming her videos as theirs. I feel like that is going to happen to A LOT of them

No. 2344013

YT was never as bad as tiktok as a video based SM site, it has its issues but i'm glad i never downloaded tiktok. it's cursed. actually Vine was never like tiktok either, i never downloaded vine but it was huge when i was in high school and it was nothing like tiktok. if it does go away a few apps will sprout up to replace it, some will do really well but i think people would mostly switch to using YT shorts/ig reels/i think facebook has its own shorts too. it's weird seeing social media change over the years at my age, i was too young for myspace and always thought FB was for normies/attention seekers. i remember hating facebook back in the day and ig because of the original annoying influencers and how addicted people were. tiktok is a thousand times worse.

No. 2344028

Agreed, YouTube is much better that TikTok. I hope the TikTokers migrate to ig reels instead.

No. 2344114

I'm interested in seeing how the ban will be enforced or work in practice. I assume most people will be funneled to VPNs as a means of accessing tiktok and nothing will really change.

No. 2344196

At the very least it'll keep retards from using it, which is good. Old men/children won't know how to work vpns

No. 2344346

>nothing will really change
Unless the influencers stop getting paid, or are paid through some weird platform that takes half their earnings as fees, nothing will change. I think they'll migrate to another shithole like IG or make a new app.

No. 2344353

The well is drying up. I think the era of e-begging is finally coming to a close. People can't afford it and it isn't sustainable.

No. 2344364

Plus they won't know how to work them, so smaller children will have to redirect and the really ugly creepy old men that post vids of themselves will probably just download a bunch of malware and fuck themselves over. Win imo

No. 2344368

I was thinking this as well. Good VPNs that will probably be able to circumvent the TikTok ban are inaccessible for children/young teens without their own credit cards.
Sorry deleted to fix a typo. I hope this happens, but they may just move to another platform like ig. I hope the US starts banning social media for minors like Australia tbh. I really think mainstream social media is evil and terrible for the social development of kids.

No. 2344841

I wish EU would follow suit. On one hand, governments intervening with what (legal) websites and apps people can interact with seems like a red flag, but on the other hand, Tiktok definitely makes people more retarded. The amount of actual misinformation spread just to get clicks is insane and so are the thousands of people who immediately believe it.

No. 2344842

>and the really ugly creepy old men that post vids of themselves will probably just download a bunch of malware
Thanks for the idea kek

No. 2346116

So apparently with the TikTok ban being imminent, everyone is flocking to xiaohongshu. It even got #1 on the appstore with how many people are downloading it. I've heard of this app before but never used it, anyone know what it's like?

No. 2346133

It’s like the Chinese ig. I’ve seen retards on tiktok claiming tiktok is being banned because america is fascist (actual kek), so they believe they’re sticking it to the feds by just hopping to another chinese platform

No. 2346261

>claiming tiktok is being banned because america is fascist
Had someone on this site call me a Zionist because I said that a TikTok ban wouldn’t be a bad idea…

No. 2346572

i just downloaded it. its basically exactly tiktok. ui is great, emojis are cuter. already already infinitely better than ig reels or youtube shorts (for my interests imo: fashion, journaling, books, etc.)

surprised at how much content is already there. its already so interesting to see chinese content and users i feel like i never see anything from china from the US.

No. 2346589

File: 1736885634114.mp4 (4.65 MB, 720x1280, 1000018989.mp4)

Not defending TikTok, but the amount of misinformation peddled on short -form video services like Instagram and TikTok is insane. The woman in vidrel, a Brazilian jujutsu coach, agreed to a recorded fight that with a male bodybuilder, thinking it would be educational. The scrotes decided to use the opportunity for clout, taking off his shirt in the arena for no apparent reason, and calling her a 'Latina Jiu Jitsu Muscle Mommy' in the title of his video on yt. Of course scrotes in the comments keep calling her an eternal victim

No. 2346621

Why? They're banning Tiktok because they can't control news when it's around, not because they give a shit about our mental health or anything.

No. 2346638

If you're getting your news from TikTok, you have bigger issues to worry about kek.

No. 2346659

Rednote (xiohongshu) devs are working on translation as we speak. Soon there will be functions for english to chinese

I'm really tempted to download it, chinese people are very funny the interacts would be nice.

No. 2346680

I think "little red book" is even more popular in China than douyin/tiktok.
Not murican but I think that ban is pathetic, they're doing exactly the same that they scold other countries for. They claim it's for safety because they spy on you and sell your info but what big site doesn't? (A couple years ago murica/CIA got outed for still spying on my country too and they never even bothered to apologize or claim they'll stop.) Plus it also won't keep people safe from fake news or retardation content, youtube shorts is just the same if not worse, boomer facebook groups are unhinged, pedos are all over discord and rightwingers/conspiracytards are on telegram, at this point technically everything should be banned. If your kid is a braindead retard because you're too lazy to interact with him and gave him an ipad before he could talk instead, then that's on you. And if you're an adult who spends their day watching retards on whatever site, then that's also on you.

No. 2346691

No offense, but you sound naive anon.

No. 2346703

There were cases of girls being sold on facebook and nothing was done despite many reports, youtube is full of non-age-restricted porn and fetish content, plus it's breeding ground for the worst misogyny and racism since many years already, and so on, why is tiktok so much worse that they talked about banning it already shortly after it popped up in the US? It's pretty obvious that they wouldn't give a fuck about it if Zuckerberg owned it.

No. 2346739

it's not a ban. It's a forced sale. It'll only be banned if the company refuses to sell to an American company. It'll continue as normal, feeding brainrot, harvesting data, and all of that, if a sale goes thru. That's how you know Congress doesn't actually give a shit about muh privacy or muh national security.

No. 2346761

File: 1736893833507.png (1.7 MB, 1206x1600, China is stepping up online in…)

>It's pretty obvious that they wouldn't give a fuck about it if Zuckerberg owned it.
The difference here is obvious: Meta is an American company and regulated by American government agencies and Congress who have a legitimate interest in preventing Chinese political interference. It’s not really a moral issue like some anons are portraying it as. Governments have always regulated media since modern media was invented. We’re just currently in a period where new kinds of media have exploded in popularity, and the government isn’t sure how to regulate them yet. I don’t really care if I sound anti-Chinese here, I actually am quite interested in Chinese, love many aspects of their culture, learned Mandarin, etc, but it’s an actually authoritarian regime. Young zoomers are so naive and want to protest whatever the government does just to be contrarian. And they’re not just naive because they’re not aware/don’t care about how China utilizes social media to enact authoritarian control over its own population and influence foreign populations, but also naive in thinking this doesn’t affect them personally in any major way. Just look at how everyone is hopping to this new Chinese app most of us had never heard of. It’s so inorganic. Do I think Congress gives a fuck about our mental health or well-being? Not really, no. But Congress is extremely concerned about national defense and protecting our democracy from foreign influence, as it’s their job to be. The tiktok ban is political in nature, but I still support it. So many young Americans are anti-American yet reap the benefits of being an American citizen every day. It’s baffling to me. Imagine a world in which China surpasses the US in global power? That’s not a world I would like to live in.

No. 2346762

as an american, i genuinely trust china with my data more than zuckerberg and google. the only reason this ban is happening is bc this chinese tech company is a threat to american ones

No. 2346765

Chinese tech has trained you well.

No. 2346767

>muh national security
Meta and other companies already sell our data to foreign companies, they are literally just mad because china cut out the middle man and decided to harvest it themselves. They don’t care about misinformation campaigns either, look at the absolute state of Facebook and twitter and google. They are only mad because they aren’t getting a piece of the TikTok pie. They would let china do whatever the fuck they want with the data as long as they saw the money.

No. 2346771

the american government putting the chinese and russian to blame for our democratic systems "failing" is really the failure to recognize the true reason why people in this country are angry – corporate greed. the corporate oligarchy that runs this country + lobbyists are far more damaging to the american people than any kind of foreign adversary. to think otherwise is exactly where they want your attention focused.

No. 2346772

I don’t think Meta is a good or moral company by any means, but I don’t think you know what you’re talking about tbh. Here’s the NPR article I took a screenshot of: https://www.npr.org/2023/11/30/1215898523/meta-warns-china-online-social-media-influence-operations-facebook-elections

No. 2346777

Alright, so you think it’s better for Chinese oligarchs who ban most foreign media, censor everything Chinese citizens can search online, and put people in re-education camps for wrongthink are better? The indoctrination is strong…

No. 2346788

I don’t fucking care man I just want a functional social app at this point. Why does the government have to fight information wars on the same places I use to watch cooking videos? Just let me have a functional app for gods sake.

No. 2346790

no? i just think its very hypocritical for the us govt to claim this ban is to protect americans for data privacy reasons when they already use and sell personal data in very deliberate and malicious tactics which are immediately detrimental to the american people, e.g. AI health insurance claim denial, digital surveillance of women who had abortions, surveillance without warrants, voter data commercialization,predictive policing etc.

most people dont watch political shit on tiktok anyway, even if shit is being pushed on it, misinformation is on facebook, ig, twitter etc. it's every where and the us govt isn't regulating it elsewhere – no, the leave it up to zuckerberg and co. to make their own regulations lol

No. 2346799

Same, but social media is always utilized by political actors to pursue their own agendas. This is why I’m here on lolcow.farm reeeing in the TikTok hate thread lol. Lolcow doesn’t use an algorithm and is (probably) too small for state actors to care about. I personally hope we’ll move away from centralized social media platforms run by oligarchs, American ones included, because I just don’t see how bigger platforms could ever be de-politicalized.
>i just think its very hypocritical for the us govt to claim this ban is to protect americans for data privacy reasons when they already use and sell personal data
I agree with this, but I think the “privacy concerns” is just how the government is framing this. Like I said in my original post, the ban is 100% political. Maybe the trade war between Chinese oligarchs and American oligarchs is the real reason tiktok is being banned, but the government doesn’t want to admit that.

No. 2346807

>protecting our democracy from foreign influence
…she says as the illegal south african immigrant Elon Musk reigns as our new unelected overlord.

No. 2346811

Nah, I hate Musk and his political shilling. I would celebrate in equal measure if X was banned tomorrow and Musk was deported back to South Africa kek.

No. 2346813

>XHS requires phone number for sign up
Owari da…

No. 2346816

and the fact that he wasn't should be an obvious tell that Congress doesn't actually give a shit about protecting democracy

No. 2346818

I don’t want to be too optimistic here because I think you have a point, but I want to reiterate that modern social media is still very new and the government hasn’t set up countermeasures to prevent its negative effects properly yet. I hope the tiktok ban is just the start. The main reason why the US has to take such a drastic measure against tiktok is because it’s not bound by American laws and regulations, so it’s harder to reform.

No. 2346835

Let me just say it then. You're too optimistic and naive. Social media is decades old. Youtube for example has radicalized thousands of young men into being right winged incels and Youtube's video games to alt right pipeline has been a known issue for YEARS. I personally have in laws who were radicalized thanks to youtube conspiracy videos. Health misinformation about raw milk and vaccines causing autism or whatever ran rampant on Instagram for an equally long time and contributed to the crunchy granola mom to alt right pipeline. The US government had alllll the time in the world to set up countermeasures to prevent or mitigate the negative effects of social media. They haven't done that. We can look towards the EU to establish privacy laws as a starter. But we haven't done that either. Just like how we can look towards other countries (friendly countries!!) for frameworks to improving social safety nets, improving public transportation, improving healthcare… and also haven't done any of that either.
Because they're not interested. Your typical Congressman only cares about grifting or reelection.

No. 2346841

>The US government had alllll the time in the world to set up countermeasures to prevent or mitigate the negative effects of social media. They haven't done that.
Huh? I don’t know where you got the idea that the government isn’t passing new legislation all the time regarding social media and online privacy. Sorry to powerlevel, but I work in law and see the impact of these policies firsthand. It takes a very long time for a new bill to pass through the house and the senate. Here are some recent acts from just 2024:
>Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0)
>Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA)
>American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) (not enacted yet)

No. 2346915

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No. 2346921


No. 2346942

It's complicated. according to a chinese mutual, all forms of pornography are banned, and now erotica sites are being closed left and right. yhe only way you can have gay-shit is if you play it off as a "joke." however there is still an IRL gay and lesbian scene within chinese, specifically in a few select cities like chengdu. In those communities, you can be gay, and the chinese government seems fine with them as long as they remain there

No. 2346991

Kek I haven't gotten any gay shit but my feed is filled with male thirst traps which I didn't expect. Like I only just joined and they were already being shown to me, and since I watched some they became nearly my whole feed lol. All the dudes are actually hot, too. The algorithm is kinda based ngl

No. 2346999

I think it’s just showing this right out of the gate to anyone who selected adult female at the account creation screen because I had only engaged with content related to games but I was still shown this. I clicked it once and now my feed is flooded.

No. 2347137

Very fascinating to see Americans, who usually hate censorship, jump ship to an app that will have way more censorship than they’re used to.

For a while rednote was always getting promoted by people on arttok as a “omg my art improved so much you guys” but it just looked like they were following the same type of tutorials you can find on pinterest

No. 2347141

XHS lolcow threads when?

No. 2347163

File: 1736917545420.jpeg (255.53 KB, 878x1772, IMG_0035.jpeg)

It’s actually so funny, I was talking to this Chinese scrote and the conversation lead to web novels, so I told him I read MDZS kekk

No. 2347164

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No. 2347165

File: 1736917689892.jpeg (138.56 KB, 833x1522, IMG_0037.jpeg)

>flood detected
last one

No. 2347176

honestly, i think its just that ig/facebook/youtube's algorithms are so goddamn bad at showing things that interest you, whereas the chinese have figured it out and you can get niche interests and content

No. 2347230

I didn’t get inundated with anti-China nonsense like Americans did since I’m not from the US, it’s just another big country imposing itself on others like USA and Russia to me. It’s strange watching this unfold from the sidelines.
I find it funny that TikTok gets banned but X remains as it is despite being one of the most egregious examples of censorship and political meddling. I think it’s even been banned in Brazil for that reason kek.
Meta and Google owned platforms also have dogshit algorithms like you said that only push rage bait and link in bio stolen/AI slop these days. No matter how aggressively I interact with reels and pictures of cute cats I still get weird robot voice Reddit slop because I clicked on one years ago out of curiosity. TikTok is a lot more dynamic and actually shows you things you like now, at least in my experience. YouTube has been dogshit since like 2017.
No wonder younger people prefer TikTok. I’ve been run off Instagram, YouTube and Twitter thanks to their allowance for garbage and TikTok is the only platform where I’ve seen women openly speak out against misogyny and encourage decentering men without being downvoted into oblivion, banned for hate speech or mass reported by right wing twitter podcast bros. These videos would never be recommended to me elsewhere.

No. 2347371

>two men doing sports in bed
What a way to put it KEK

No. 2347405

oddly enough, I actually get more YouTube shorts aligned with my interests than tiktok. enough to keep me scrolling for a bit.

No. 2347435

>Last chapters are famous for their content
Kek I thought all danmei was censored?

No. 2347456

I’m also a non-American and seeing this has been interesting. Tiktok got banned from India barely anyone cared or noticed. Of course there’s a difference between India and America. Meanwhile X got banned then unbanned from Brazil.
I actually feel like this whole thing isn’t as big as it is. A lot of my friends are unaware it’s happening but then again non-Americans and they don’t use tiktok anyway.

Tiktok to me responds a lot quicker to my interactions. I don’t use instagram to watch reels other than the stuff my friends send me, the more fun content creators are on tiktok and it’s easier to look things up on tiktok either way.
But as an “creator” I enjoyed more modest success on tiktok than instagram. I hope that dumb US ban doesn’t actually kill the app
Both do have the occasional controversial video

No. 2347660

I've never used TikTok and watching people have gigantic meltdowns over an app is so fucking bizarre. It really is brain rotting and addictive, Jesus.

No. 2347670

kekkk male sports do look pretty gay tbh

No. 2347740

The international fans get the translations of uncensored versions (if it exists)

No. 2347827

When Vine went away, was it announced in advance? I can't remember. But I do not recall even 1/10th of the hysterics people are having about TikTok.

No. 2347862

Tiktok got banned in India they didn't cry like Americans are crying now
All these Americans throwing themselves to a platform that has MORE censorship is just so see. It makes it seem like the whole "unaliving" and "grape" lingo unintentionally groomed them into accepting censorship.

No. 2348429

i hope this experience makes young americans learn some of a foreign language at least, and maybe become less attached to social media, knowing it could disappear anytime.

No. 2348663

What's censored on Rednote exactly? Because it matters a lot. I'm not american but in my experience the US tends to ban anything that isn't politically correct, which is much more of an issue to me than porn and thirst traps being banned. (That's actually a good thing). People who migrate just to watch memes and day-in-my-life videos aren't even going to notice any censorship.

Maybe I just haven't met tiktok addicts but the freaking out seems to come from creators and the possible loss of revenue.

No. 2348992

i dont remember if it was announced, but i remember in high school kids writing "RIP VINE" on the whiteboards all the time when it happened. but it was kind of a joke and there were no tears or meltdowns about it

No. 2350125

That bitch with a ton of kids got evicted because they didn't pay rent on their 1 bedroom, and yet she's crowing about shitting out even more kids. People who make their kids live like 3rd world refugees while the parents farm government benefits deserve to have their kids taken away.

No. 2350369

File: 1737129346218.mp4 (13.75 MB, 1004x1904, 1000019052.mp4)

Ughh I thought I would be able to escape creators like asmongold on RedNote but this shows up in my feed. At least they're flaming his ass in the comments

No. 2350391

>yeah that scared me bro
wow, amazing commentary 11/10 hilarious, witty and deep. Give this man a trillion views.

No. 2350414

Why is this trailer trash neet so popular?

No. 2350520

Does he ever say anything of substance in his streams? He has the personality of a cardboard paper and looks greasy as fuck

No. 2350532

File: 1737132344958.jpg (22.79 KB, 800x450, cover2-1217338719.jpg)

Wtf, on my way to download rednote

No. 2350548

He's so fucking ugly

No. 2350557

He's worse than trailer trash, he's a rich scrote who chooses to sit on his money and live like an impoverished disgusting NEET.

No. 2350565

>ptsd flashbacks when I thought I could find hot 3DPD yaoi
I wish their penises were as handsome as the rest of them.

No. 2350575

All penises are ugly, retard.

No. 2350584

Because that’s what a lot of white people are

No. 2350595

Not true
>t. heterosexual

No. 2350626

Don't know about his twitch but from what I've seen on YouTube about him he creates anti-woke/gamergate type content. His fans eat up that kind of stuff

No. 2351096

>my feed is filled with male thirst traps which I didn't expect. Like I only just joined and they were already being shown to me, and since I watched some they became nearly my whole feed lol.
China discovers just how starved of acceptable-looking moids western women are and decides to help them out kek

No. 2351224

Our algorithms would never

No. 2351741

File: 1737190874281.jpg (124.6 KB, 755x1280, imgonline-com-ua-dexif7tvdnHiW…)

>before equal rights, women were valued
when you value someone so much you make sure they have less rights than you. male moment. and honestly women defending this deserve what's coming for them atp

No. 2351746

File: 1737191349891.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, chuckle.gif)

>that gigantic lice ridden poop beard to hide his lack of chin

No. 2351747

>Tiktok looks like a retarded teen who fell for lana del rey crap without any deeper thinking what it means
>misogynistic comment is alcohol-bloated ugly 60yo postwall with the most repulsive beard possible

No. 2351751

This shit is so crazy to me because did they really just forget that men still cheated and shit back then? Only difference is that they couldn't leave their cheater who didn't even like them, but now they can.

No. 2351752

women like her romanticize something they don't even understand. like so many other online "tradwives", she admits she's not even married in the comments.

No. 2351814

It's just glorified laziness. They think some glorified tradwife utopia can save them from studying or working.

No. 2351818

It's so funny to see all these Israel boycotting watermelon emoji zoomers going to RedNote. Guess the genocide of Uyghurs isn't as important as Palestine.

No. 2351836

Idk, if it was just laziness they could glorify finding a rich husband and doing whatever they want with his money. A lot of wannabe tradwives promote all these "values" and roles while having their own source of income or not being married, it's so stupid.

No. 2351846

I feel so sorry for the parents in this video, and hate that the video got leaked as some kind of gotcha. This is the reality of getting stuck with a retarded ADHD autistic son. They are filthier than literal pigs and will fuck things up and make messes nonstop. Literally nonstop spastic destructive activity until they fall asleep. In 5 minutes they can make a mess that will take all day to clean up or fix, so at some point you have to give up and surrender. People talk about disability awareness, but then hide literal shit like this.

No. 2351860

If TikTok is shutting down I'm hoping these tradwife influencers will leave their guys. It's not like they're useful to them anymore after that and the wife has the main income of the household.

No. 2351890

This is why I'm celibate.

No. 2351912

can you post some pics here of the uyghur genocide

No. 2351938

Having seen shit like this IRL is why I lost any desire to have kids. Imagine: Even if they moved to a new home, the new house would look just as bad within a week.

No. 2351948

ugh nothing but a nightmare and there are people who will try and argue that this reality is still a joy to live with because it’s your own child sorry but i’m sending that kid to a home if that’s how i have to live. imagine having to live with someone like this for decades

No. 2352027

lol of course a moid like this produces retards

No. 2352221

They are straight up denying the labor camps, it's crazy. I'd like to think it's mostly bots…

No. 2352254

Everything about the nurse hannah videos are making my blood boil

No. 2352549

Why is everyone in the comments criticizing the father? He and his wife are dealing with several retarded kids, I don't expect them to be able to be absolutely perfect all the time with these kids literally shitting up the whole place. Is everyone in denial and assumes that autism automatically means the kids are going to be like Albert Einstein, did they not hear what the guy was saying about his kids, or are they virtue signaling? In any other case I would have felt bad for the kids and not the parents but not here.

No. 2352912

That vidrel is so old but to this day I do not understand how she didn't sedate that kid well beforehand. I'd be damned if I'd let a tard like that destroy my house. No free-roaming tardmoids.

No. 2353036

nobody cares about muslims unless it makes money

No. 2353442

People don't know, and don't want to know, how bad it really gets. There's literally nothing the parents could have done legally. No spanking, no benadryl, no physical restraints. The only thing they could do is watch the tards 24/7 and try to catch them shitting before they could smear it on the wall. They weren't babies there, they were large enough to be in full control of their actions even if they were incontinent.

No. 2353447

Forigve me if im misunderstanding, but why keep the autistic shitsmearing one with the neurotypical child? Or are they both like that

No. 2353476

It wasn't specified, I hope that if one kid was normal they got split up and put in foster care. The normal one didn't deserve that.

No. 2353676

most people are very ignorant about mental retardation, this is also why many people are against making things simple and putting retards down.
people think autism = people like chris chan, pt, or people with down syndrome. i've met so many people that genuinely believe mentally retarded kids/adults are faking it and the parents are acquiescing them all the time. these are not your spergs you can attempt to reason with or manipulate into doing what you want, these are full blown retards, animals really, that don't mature past the mental capacity of a 4 year old at maximum.

No. 2354029

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No. 2354041

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>i have no idea how im gonna survive

No. 2354045

No. 2354183

Well he can thank fucking Trump for getting his app back later once he's done with the histrionics.

No. 2355121

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No. 2355129

Not even a full month into 2025 and Trump is already a disappointment.

No. 2362036

File: 1737659135881.jpeg (46.56 KB, 459x668, 1731259384029.jpeg)

I keep getting this man videos, I hate how bad he looks.

No. 2362362

Wow, it's the first time I saw this. Having a child is an insane risk. You'd think that the mom would be bawling out of desperation but she talks so sternly, she must have put up a huge wall years ago, only keeping him out of moral obligation, not because she still feels anything for him. One comment noticed "literally everything in the room is destroyed except for the tv and the playstation"… and the way he's comfortably lounging there and only starts hitting himself when she talks about rehoming him, it just all feels so suspicious, like he's doing all that just to torture others.
And 6ft2 and over 250lbs? Why are all of them so insanely huge?

Can women pls stop kissing moids asses? They only come this far because their path is lined with yasss-women.

No. 2362427

I keep getting his videos too, I think it's because I'm interested in the kind of fashion he "wears". The comments are filled with handmaidens kissing his ass too even though his outfits are dogshit. I hate how women will get critiqued for the tiniest detail but men go out looking like unwashed, balding toddlers and everybody is all "yasss kween slay".

No. 2362716

he pops up when I look up cottage core stuff. his entire gimmick is "guy in a dress" and handmaidens bought it hard. its too damn easy to be a retard online and get praise

No. 2362717

Handmaidens who worship moids invading female hobbies like this and put themselves down need a reality check and some self esteem asap

No. 2363370

>One comment noticed "literally everything in the room is destroyed except for the tv and the playstation"… and the way he's comfortably lounging there and only starts hitting himself when she talks about rehoming him, it just all feels so suspicious, like he's doing all that just to torture others.
It's really wild how men can be absolutely totally retarded, incapable of functioning above the level of a toddler, but still be fully capable of abusing, manipulating, and gaslighting the women who take care of them. It's baked into male psychology.

No. 2363705

I feel sorry for the couple if they can't have kids, but using another woman as an incubator to bear your child is not something to celebrate, and any relationship between these families is going to be awkward as fuck

No. 2363713

He's done this for years, he knows how to play the game.
>why are they so huge
Food is an easy and cheap way to keep them quiet. Autists on this level are manipulative in the same way that children are manipulative. They will fling shit and scream over a Happy Meal. They know veggies are good for them, so they exert their power by refusing to eat veggies. They punish their parents by eating what they're not supposed to eat. They do this with things other than food but it's always things that adults generally don't care about to the same extent. I knew one who'd punish his parents by moving the toilet paper to face the wrong way and putting his shoes on the wrong shelf. He also threw things, broke his dad's car mirrors, and threatened to kill himself and everyone else, but to him, putting his shoes on the wrong shelf was just as much of a punishment as breaking a car mirror.
They know that screaming or hurting themselves will get them what they want. It's a game to them, but it's dangerous to let them get away with it because it escalates. And if a hulking moid is punching the wall over an Oreo, isn't it easier to just give him the fucking Oreo? Couple that with boymom syndrome, parents being unable to say no, and ipad brain, and you get this.
Autists aren't complete retards. They can understand consequences just fine if the consequences actually happen. Sometimes you have to put up with a screaming crying child to prevent this shit from happening.

No. 2364316

No. 2364424

retarded clickbait. every store in france also has fresh milk

No. 2364584

she is so fucking annoying plus Irish milk smells like manure because they don't pasteurise it in high enough temperature

No. 2365238

the comments are full of retarded children and unfortunately many adults who think that telling your obnoxious wannabe influencer friend to put her phone down for once is “jealous” and toxic”. what would they be jealous of? that’s the only thing these dummies know how to say if they crashed their car or failed a test and get criticized for it are they gonna complain about the other person being jealous??? this is most likely a skit anyways but you don’t need to film cheese pulls and other bullshit all day

No. 2365401

There are no words to describe how much I hate seeing people take a bite out of somenthing, open their eyes wide and nod while chewing as sauce pools at the corner of their mouths. It's disgusting.

No. 2365574

I hope I never meet anyone irl who eats like that.

No. 2368403

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No. 2368448

Most Irish phenotype I've ever seen

No. 2368523

Her eyes are really creepy,psycho stare.

No. 2368688

She kinda looks like nemu mixed with venus mom Margaret

No. 2370063

File: 1738099760847.jpg (119.24 KB, 615x981, 223450127-201743.jpg)

Can someone explain what's going on, why I've been getting videos of Americans saying people around the world are protesting for them?

No. 2370070

kek, figures. I don't know why they come invade our country if they hate it so bad. The moids there are mostly muslims so they're the worst kind, glad the pigs were useful for once.

No. 2370078

Narcissistic and main character syndrome. It seems like they've forgotten that most of the world hates them kek

No. 2370082

>algerians invade our country
Ironic isnt it.

No. 2370129

File: 1738103698762.jpeg (686.21 KB, 1170x1338, 1738066792823.jpeg)

the us elections coincided with other major elections, during which far-right parties gained power or significant influence in parliaments, such as the afd party in germany and protests have erupted in response to their rise.

No. 2370158

I think this is a disgusting looking thing to eat (wouldn't be so bad without the sauce at the end she bit into) and unfortunate to film (what's the point) but her friends' cadence sounds like she could be a bully idk

No. 2370346

File: 1738111152750.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1170x2283, IMG_1104.jpeg)

imagine being a grown man who plays with dolls for views

No. 2370510

File: 1738118962057.jpg (233.91 KB, 720x1022, 2049392929322.jpg)

Corporations fear nothing more than a Tumblr-core color explosion. Late-stage capitalism is shaking.

No. 2370519

At least he's not shoving them up his butt or something

No. 2370525

He looks like thom yorke

No. 2370527

>but her friends' cadence sounds like she could be a bully idk
It's intentional, the video is supposed to be about the friends commenting, it was never about the cheese pull or whatever.

No. 2370599

NGL I am sort of impressed if she managed to color match those 3 pieces and make a cohesive outfit if they are all from a thrift store.

No. 2372117


It would be so annoying going out with someone only to end up sitting in silence while they record themselves eating, also maybe the friend was feeling embarrassed if the filming was drawing unwanted attention to their table. On the off chance it isn't fake the girl using this for sympathy is just confirming that she's inconsiderate. If you want to do this shit you can do it solo or with someone who has confirmed they're 100% on board.

Jealously is the most popular cope on tiktok though, lately i see so many tiktoks of people bitching about their friends not taking pictures of them that are good enough and proclaiming that if a friend takes shitty pics, they are jealous and want to destroy you. god forbid someone isn't a good photographer or doesn't feel enthusiastic about spending 30 minutes getting someone's good angles instead of doing literally anything else

No. 2375284

ugh these pictures are absolutely disgusting and moids are incredibly pathetic. idk her age but she very much looks like a CHILD. comments are disabled. it’s always thais or filipinas. i hope she takes his money and goes viral like that passport moid who got divorced asap. i reported for child abuse

No. 2375346

File: 1738356653296.png (45.6 KB, 583x228, Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 21.48…)

tiktok making this tankie larper ( Madeline Pendleton ) popular shoot me thru the head

her twitter + tiktok is peak cow material btw. she literally fangirls over north korea.

No. 2375367

China is fully hypercapitalist at this point. The CCP is only "communist" in name. Taiwan is (generally) more leftist than mainland China. Taiwan is one of the only Asian countries to have legalized gay marriage, for example.

I will never understand why "leftists" worship homophobic countries.

No. 2375371

Oh fuck are you talking about Espikvlt? The theyfab bitch with the awful black metal projects who obsesses over Per Ohlin (who killed himself over 30 years ago)?

No. 2375390

I remember she got really popular in 2020 on tiktok. She acted like she knew everything about alternative music and subcultures despite growing up in the 90s. She was acting like she was there in 1976 to shake hands with Vivienne Westwood and Malcom McLaren. She had a clothing brand called Tunnel Vision that was ‘ethical’ fast fashion.

No. 2375575

as a non-white woman, I can say for a fact that no people are fond of self flagellating white progressives, you all make us uncomfortable and the only people who care about this are very culturally "white" minority's, who have no connection with their own cultures

No. 2375625

Its giving that one lady who cried over Moana 2

No. 2375695

could you post it?

No. 2375699

I used to like her feminist-based content, but all she does now is complain about white people

No. 2375708

god she used to always show up on my tiktok and she was so fucking annoying. one of the most pretentious people on the app, i swear to god

No. 2375713

tbf, it's been official party doctrine that they're using capitalism to build up infrastructure and industry and they will transition to a fully socialist and eventually, a communist system

No. 2375738

File: 1738375394917.mp4 (18.72 MB, 720x1280, a12dc5780f7643a8977ba65f77fb8b…)

idk if this bitch @rhinestonecowgirll has been posted but her content legitimately terrifies me, afaik she’s in her early 20s and been dating this disgusting 48 tear old since she was in her teens. the vibe is off in every single video, and this one in particular blew up because of how gross and scary it is

No. 2375739

Well of course this is horrific, she was groomed and we are watching the aftermath.

No. 2375740

File: 1738375741641.jpeg (269.89 KB, 828x1306, IMG_8024.jpeg)

ayrt, he is so disgusting. the way she starts scream crying honestly just made me feel sick for her to my core, this girl was never able to grow up properly. she defends him tooth and nail in every post despite every comment telling her to run tf away

No. 2375746

I've seen this trend before but I've never seen someone react this way to a bad painting, most people in stable relationships I've seen attempt this would just laugh together over how bad the attempt was. The way she immediately seems so upset and terrified feels really off. Also so strange seeing an old unwashed looking creature participate in a trend I've mostly seen people in the teen to early 30s range do.

No. 2375753

I'm actually speechless, I don't even know what to say about this one

No. 2375762

Please for the love of christ let this be some kind of elaborate social experiment

No. 2375766

So she pivoted from selling sweatshop clothes to LARPing as a communist?

No. 2375768

I think you may have replied to the wrong anon.

No. 2375774

I genuinely don't understand things like this, it's preaching to the choir. Her audience is not racist right wingers, the women watching her are left wing and didn't vote for trump. She's telling people to do better but the ones who will get this video in their feed aren't the ones who she's even aiming this at, it's dumb.

No. 2375791

i know more people who love to performatively post those 'if u voted for trump pls unfollow me' instagram stories, and im like babe…. we're on the other side of the ocean. who is this supposed to target

No. 2375863


No. 2375896

I choose to believe this is ragebait

No. 2376167

File: 1738414641740.jpeg (96.15 KB, 722x1024, wWJdJhB.jpeg)

reminded me of this

No. 2376177

kek i pray this is satire because i laughed like a sped at it, i feel so sorry for her if this is true. Its also scary the live in a crackhouse.

No. 2376183

>”nothings there”
was sad kek, i saw a comment saying that was some repressed trauma coming out. i feel bad for her but also what the fuck?

No. 2376759

A tankie fascist moid posted this

No. 2377081

File: 1738450877832.jpg (Spoiler Image,212.7 KB, 527x800, blewissaunders_meth.jpg)

It's hard to describe what it is exactly about how they act and the environment, but if you've been around drunk, speed-addled old burnouts it's that kind of vibe. I guarantee this room smells like malt liquor and tinfoil.
Also I think she freaked out because she was expecting him to be romantic and paint her in a flattering way like she painted him, and he did the typical le quirky old moid thing of making it kooky and surreal because he has zero artistic skill. It reminds me a little of that self portrait that guy drew on crystal meth, picrel.

No. 2377131

>he's hispanic

No. 2377137

Why does most of the world hate Americans?

No. 2377146

You don't know what most of the world thinks.

No. 2377150

She pulled like 4 different facial expressions in a milisecond, wtf

No. 2377160

Why is he sitting there ass naked, he is not wearing underwear.

No. 2377247

>The way she immediately seems so upset and terrified feels really off
that's unmedicated mental illness mixed with amphetamines
100% it's some guy who gives this girl free drugs and a place to live in exhange for "being his girlfriend"

No. 2377304

Constant CIA meddling is one example out of many.

No. 2380207

What the fuck is wrong with TikTok? I just viewed a dancing video without having the app installed and when it finished it showed me snippets of other tiktoks and right away it showed me one of horses mating (with a focus on the genitals…), the video of a woman getting sniffed?? by a man, a woman dancing with gigantic boobs flopping left and right, what looks like a snippet from a porn video with nuns and a video of a dog getting mauled by a mountain lion?? Kids view this shit, I understand why people wanted to ban this, the fuck

No. 2380219

they keep messing with foreign governments like latin america and middle east are their backyard.

No. 2380305

File: 1738615509402.jpg (2.04 MB, 2828x2828, 420482910101032.jpg)

Why have been seeing Latinas being proud of "taking" other women's men? And yeah I know they are joking but it makes me cringe.

No. 2380308

she can have him

No. 2380311

Dude looks like an ankle biting tard, yeesh.

No. 2380313

This happened to me many times because I also don't have the app. I mean we know that the apps always show the most extreme content to keep you "interested" but it's fucking disturbing. Instagram does the same, when you first get your account your "for you page" it's plain weird, like crazy makeup videos that simulate wounds, but it's not as sexual IIRC, just garbage. Twitter pretty much always throws pornography at you, it's insane. Really makes you think how stupid and brain rotted they want us to be

No. 2380316

Because everyone on tt makes stealing your man jokes

No. 2380325

You can have him. He looks like he eats drywall

No. 2380332

They're stupid soulless pickmes.

No. 2380339

File: 1738616273851.jpg (146.24 KB, 620x1083, 53002092992.jpg)

I was convinced picrel was a troon.

No. 2380529

Thank you Latinas for your service

No. 2380865

Honestly so proud of tiktik zoomies for immediately calling out how gross this is.

No. 2384048

File: 1738798722625.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1851, 1000014117.png)

I keep seeing these bikini body videos and it's pissing me off. Imagine being so enslaved to a sculpted ideal that you'll never fulfill because it changes every three years by porn addicted moids

No. 2384060

Never ceases to shock me when a burger drinks non organic milk as though it’s actually drinkable here (it’s not, it’s tasteless slop)

No. 2384063

It's 2% fat so it's just water kek

No. 2384071

why is her fridge 25% water bottles? does she live in flint, michigan?

No. 2384079

I was just repulsed by the moid at the start of the video and then her reaction invoked some fucking primal fear, why did she forget how to speak English?!

No. 2384095

A stupid remark but that's a beautiful refreshing looking fridge.

No. 2384103

two kinds of bottled water? oh that's bougie.

No. 2384155

Genuinely felt like my flight/fight response was activated by the end of that video, I can't imagine being in the same room with that moid, judging by her reaction to the portrait she clearly has some mental issues. God I hope this is elaborate bait

No. 2384156

Not stupid because ugly ass fridges do exist.

No. 2384730

File: 1738845365209.webp (159.24 KB, 1200x900, IMG_8708.webp)

Can instagram reels be allowed in this thread? The content and comments on that shithole make me wish teenage scrotes were forced under some sort of sharia curfew law between the ages of 12-18.
Sorry for no good caps(instagram banned me because i didnt give them my verify my email so they wanted my phone number?? I am so sick of social media) but the comments are like picrel. They aren’t even funny and are painfully predictable. Like you literally said you want to rape a disabled child, what is the joke retard? The edgyness is so tryhard too like are these even people or bots?

No. 2384752

They voted for a complete downfall for their own country just for the purpose of "owning the libs"

No. 2384769

how is this shit allowed

No. 2384841

Instagram is somehow worse than TikTok, at least TikTok users are held back by the filter. Wish their was an embed option to link more insta videos here

No. 2385127

Ig reels are a nightmare. Just straight up men confessing they're into little kids but behind a laughing emoji

No. 2385137

Instagram reels are a nightmare. They're usually made by smug millennials who think they're too good for Tiktok, sandwiched between reposted Tiktoks.

No. 2385269

my theory as to why IG reels is significantly worse is that all the degen Indian moids migrated there after Tiktok got banned in their country

No. 2385614

You're right, and internet there is super cheap so even peasants in the most remote villages have Internet access and shit up the app.

No. 2385649

File: 1738882845719.jpg (40.17 KB, 720x1280, comments-under-the-post-of-a-b…)

Tbh I think the real reason is because ig reels is a combination of the two worst online "subcultures"
1.the cunny groyper anime obsessed wannabe 4channer type
2.And the broken english/excessive slang bruh types obsessed with a streamer, Andrew tate, rap and complaing about hoes on Twitter.
Which yeah im aware that sounds like fucking gibberish but if you've been online for the past few years you'll get what I mean. Both these types are all over the comments of ig reels

No. 2385650

File: 1738882906220.png (252.13 KB, 720x1123, comments-under-the-post-of-a-b…)

This is what they were commenting on

No. 2386191

File: 1738911542490.jpg (39.55 KB, 554x418, WtfYouTube.jpg)

I was watching stormy kelly, as I sometimes get her shorts. I decided to click on her channel shorts, and go to another bathing suit tutorial. See her use a single zigzag stitch on a folded over edge for a damn bathing suit, think "thats doesnt seem right" I go the comments and others agree. Watch the video she makes to respond to these haters.
"There's a lot of reasons I don't show myself wearing these bikinis. I have 300,000 followers and don't want to show that to that many people. Also I wear whole pieces." The whole pieces are just as revealing as the bikinis, and also you made them? I go to the comments again and see someone say they were distracted by the artwork. So I actually look, and it's picrel.

No. 2386235

File: 1738914568443.png (196.76 KB, 419x318, stfu.png)

It grinds my gears when i see these types of youtubers try and act like certain phenomenons related to gender always have a 50/50 counterpart. For example, the well known example of femcels, who by in large are just dumb teenage girls who desperately want to be edgy and get attention from moids, nothing like incels at all. In this case, whilst he is calling out weird creepy behaviour, to refer to them as girl dads is completely inaccurate since most of these men hate their daughters and are also brainwashed by weird religious cults. That is not comparable to boy moms are who almost always women who latch onto their sons for being the only males in their lives for not leaving them. By this logic, you could call a man who performs an honour killing on his daughter for having a boyfriend a "girl dad", i just doesn't make sense, giving it a cutesy name just dilutes how abusive these types of men usually are.(wrong thread)

No. 2386284

Jfc that's blackpilling

No. 2386290

I hate pickme whores as much as men

No. 2386331

this belongs in the you cringe you lose thread

No. 2387788

Those disgusting meal replacement drinks always leave me nauseous and bloated, then ravenously endlessly hungry after the nausea wears off. A Snickers bar would be better.

No. 2391045

this feels like humblebragging

No. 2391059

Are you okay

No. 2405399

Youtube shorts slop plus reddit fake stories are what hell must be like.

No. 2411831

File: 1740191419554.mp4 (7.77 MB, 720x1280, brothelmanager.mp4)

This video and the comments are so blackpilling. Imagine being surrounded by rapeapes and furniture impregnated with their body fluids all day long, knowing both the ""workers"" and the rapeapes' wives are losing their health to this, and still walking around trying to act like a glamorous businesswoman. So delusional and trashy.

No. 2411849

I'm trying so hard not to fedpost but.. I'm just saying, moids who go to brothels are the lowest of the low, it's high percentage trash in a close space (of course not talking about the trafficked and abused women she tries so hard to normalize and paint merely as "incidents" in this tiktok). There would be nothing of value lost.

No. 2411868

Realistically if I were a sadistic moid who wanted to humiliate this woman beyond working in a brothel, I would get her to film this video with this dumb song. This is probably the brothel's idea and she's the only one who agreed to do this

No. 2411879

I just can't imagine thinking going to a brothel is normal. Men really think going to pay for sex is okay and dont think of women as human beings. The women who run these places are even more scum since they exploit their fellow women for money. I hate it all. Burn it to the ground.

No. 2411882

The small glimpse we get into one of the rooms is bothering me. It looks so small and cheap, bare minimum. The mirror on the wall. I feel like I've seen holding cells less unsettling. Maybe it's because of how "luxurious" they try to make the rest of it look. Are there any shots of the rooms at this place?

No. 2411885

Louis Theroux visited a Vegas brothel for one of his documentary shows. It's pretty disgusting and a lot of the women were actively drug-addicted alcoholics. It was a huge PR hit and they ended up coming out with a glamourized reality show pretty soon after

No. 2411901

Imagine having to serve the men that come after a night of drinking at the club. This is disgusting. I don't understand how any women can support that kind of horror and keep yelling that sex work is work.

No. 2411924

Simple. They don't have to do it and never will.

No. 2412224

Why is my TikTok feed so absolutely shit? I watch a single Muslim TikTok and suddenly my feed is full of Quran and mosque and hijabi stuff. Bitch I am atheist fuck off this algorithm is shit even when I press 'not interested' for like 20 videos in a row. Anyone else have this issue? I find it even more aggravating than the usual brain rot nonsense and American political discourse (I am not American either)

No. 2412675

A bunch of moids are seething because some artist named beabadoobee (she’s like one of those “indie” singers kind of similar to clairo and such) responded to their “bad singers vs good singers” meme where they would usually clip her as a “bad” singer and then put a rapper after her clip with opera music in an offended way and was saying the ones making those memes (in the style of this video) can’t get girls and they’re trying to call her “sexist” for her response. She claimed she didn’t even see the memes which clearly wasn’t making fun of her that much but still. I don’t like her music all that much but god she’s so based even if it was an overreaction. I hope she posts on here or at the very least lurks

No. 2412678

Oh my god they weren't joking about brainrot I feel like I'm gonna have a seizure

No. 2412680

Kekkk. This was her response

No. 2412685

yes, I'm constantly fighting my algorithm, even just searching a term or trend that I'm morbidly curiously about ends up clogging my feed with garbage. The "not interested" button does NOTHING. I also have days where I'll get served back to back videos on the exact same topic that go on forever. I'm always messing with my likes, follows and favorites to counteract this, going out of my way to like stuff different from what I usually like, but it never helps

No. 2412687

We need to normalize calling males "faggots". If more males are bullied by women, maybe they'll get so butthurt that they'll just have to learn to fuck off more often. You know how it's apparent that some people NEED to be bullied at some point so they can learn to just shut the fuck up sometimes? Males need that social education more often from women.

No. 2412692

File: 1740254709945.jpg (38.2 KB, 640x412, 37843-17387707351246-115558704…)

Even when I don't personally enjoy the music of indie singers like beabadoobee, I'm still a "fan" bc she is making music authentically, when she could be catering to retards like this for easy money and quick fame. Half the artists I like were inspired by artists I don't like, she'll probably be a role model for my favourite indie band when I'm retired or smth

No. 2412701

I keep getting videos from Latin America and it’s so fucking weird and annoying like I live in America? Kek
I thought the meme was funny but I think her response make males cry wolf and thinking sexism applies to them makes her incredibly based as shit. I wish she would call them faggots but at the end of her video she said “I don’t know what I am” in regards to her sexuality because she said “I probably get more girls than you” so she seems like one of those straight women trying to gay-bait to make her seem mysterious so I doubt she would go that hard like Azealia or someone else
Kek not to be mean nona but why are ass kissing so hard? I get she’s pretty but no she won’t, she’ll become entirely irrelevant as the years go on. Her music feels too trendy, I think she’ll kind of be like Marina and the Diamonds and just fade into the spotlight but her songs might get some repetitive play.

No. 2412707

File: 1740255175350.mp4 (12.46 MB, 576x1024, d41cf41f64e8474ea9ce77483a1a29…)

That’s so dumb, the videos were funny at first. Bea is a great singer and of course NBA youngboy can’t sing opera songs, that’s funny. But of course scrotes have to make everything about “muh gynocentric society”. Nobody knows how to troll anymore. Sign of end times. How are you offended over somebody taking the bait??? Moids are retarded. Vidrel are the videos she was talking about

No. 2412710

They aren't really mad she took the bait, they're reverting to literal apes and consider a response engagement with them. They don't receive attention any other way, so they're hoping she responds again so they can continue receiving attention they otherwise wouldn't

No. 2413321

File: 1740278580084.mp4 (797.11 KB, 360x640, brothelroomtour.mp4)

Yes, and cheap and bare minimum is a good description. In vidrel she's literally advertising a trashcan, a box of tissues, and a safe, as if this isn't found in most hotel rooms. In another video about how the rooms are cleaned, she says the brown decorative pillows are washed weekly… The more you browse the more depressing it gets. She claims that on valentine's day, a lot of married men bring gifts to their favorite prostitute during the day shift. Bleak.

No. 2413348

Ayrt, TikTok's algorithm is genuinely so terrible I struggle to see how it became this big. Maybe it was better before, I jumped on the TikTok bandwagon pretty late. My likes and favourites also do jackshit.

RedNote's algorithm is better than TikTok even though I am still struggling to find what I want to see (idk the mandarin terms), because at least it shows me stuff I am sort of into instead of trying to psyop me into becoming an American leftist or Muslim or whatever. Searching for what I like also doesn't help at all, plus I also have seen all this stuff five times already. Incredible how an app with so many users feels so bare when it comes to good content.

No. 2414124

>legal brothel
And that is why most women cosign their oppression and I look the other way.

No. 2414169

i recommend actually banning any and all terms related to religions, like muting word like hijabi, quran, palestine, etc and then you can in peace

No. 2414255

something about the way she moves and expresses borders uncanny valley, this has to be an AI generated video. Its like a reanimated sex doll trying to mimic human movements. Selling out corrupts your soul who wouldve thought.

No. 2414869

File: 1740352835884.mp4 (620.13 KB, 360x640, xHyUSiQahXfzNb_D.mp4)

samefag but kek I just found this one

No. 2414904

So I don't have the tiktok app, but whenever I click on a video link in browser, I always notice skeevy videos recommended below it, even if it was of something completely non-sexual. Usually they're all just coombait videos of women, but when I clicked on a tiktok linked on here yesterday and scrolled down, there were MULTIPLE videos of horses having sex, along with a woman being mounted by a dog and a woman sat next to a horse with its penis showing. Has anyone else seen this shit because what the fuck???

No. 2415118

I did try doing both on my phone and laptop. Either I'm retarded or TikTok is retarded but it did not work, I should try it again.

And I thought I was having a bad day with TikTok. That's absolutely disgusting. I hate how zoophile-pandering and pedophile-pandering social media content is often in plain sight, I shudder to think about the effects this could have on a young child or hormonal teenager's brain.

No. 2415257

beautiful girl, the comment section pissed me off. muslims are genuinely so strange and creepy like holy fuck live in the modern world with the rest of everyone else. im so glad that im not muslim or from the middle east and forced into this bullshit.

No. 2415310

"Muslim" women like this one are so funny to me. Wearing makeup, filming their faces and their bodies and posting it online, wearing hijab half-heartedly. Like just leave the religion instead, you clearly don't believe in its "teachings". It's like a specific flavor of ragabait.

No. 2415314

I think they would if they could but they would face scrutiny from their community and family. also their scrutiny is not merely just being socially ostracized, it can go from sending you back to get married to some moid in their home country to being beaten or even honour killed. I understand why some muslim women are afraid to leave their religion.

No. 2415321

(nta) you're right but the muslims scolding her in the comments are even more ridiculous because they're acting superior while literally being on tiktok where they hear a bunch of music and see a bunch of half naked women. they're at her level in the sense that it's all performative. the men in her comments acting offended about her uncovered neck are 100% watching porn daily. the hypocrisy is astronomical

No. 2415329

being performative but still following the rules is still better than going full atheist. I suggest taking a look at >>774138

No. 2415337

better in the sense that you're less ostracized by your muslim relatives? that part i get, but it's still weird to decide to draw attention to it. the point is that there's a bunch of rules they're not following

No. 2415344

in this case I can't really blame them because I would want some type of freedom to choose how I look without being stoned to death. but I digress and count my blessings I'm not from a muslim or a christian conservative family.

No. 2415391

im guessing her family is more liberal because she mentioned somewhere that her mom “warned her” about the old way she wore her hijab

No. 2415396

I know that, but if she was truly in danger of that happening, she wouldn't risk it by posting on social media in the first place. She posts because she feels safe to do so and feels or knows that there are no consequences.
Fair enough.

No. 2415405

It’s why I can’t stand religious men, they always act holier than thou and nitpick every little thing a woman does. All while being the biggest sex-crazed degenerates on the face of the earth.

No. 2415468

Wait I thought she was embarrassed about the old way because it was so old-fashioned and conservatieve, and she wears it less covering now, more "hip". But it's the other way around then?

No. 2415760

no thats what im saying nona, she thinks her old way is too conservative, im saying that she wrote somewhere in the comments that even her mom “told her” about her hijab back then (im assuming that her mother also thought it was too conservative) which is why she’s able to wear it so loosely now. so im assuming her family in general are the more liberal muslims. in the comments she’s arguing with the deranged muslims shaming her for her scandalous neck and someone asked if arabs are vampires kek

No. 2418244

File: 1740500551190.png (631.49 KB, 1601x1536, Untitled232_20250225161910.png)

A lot of moids are so pressed in the comments. Funny how they claim girls being emotional when they usually get triggered over anything related to these memes

No. 2418245

>most of these are choices yall make
>boys dont care either
Why do they seethe and act retarded over some really harmless memes. Like you can say boys have cooties and they'd get so angry and tell you to get AIDs. Muh logical emotionless sex.

No. 2418264

that is not a boy

No. 2418287

So a woman getting her period is suddenly a choice? Good to know these men are so educated on these matters.

No. 2419590

Sage for sperg but it's a big slideshow, and the comment said: "most of these" so he might as well not mean the period one

No. 2424348

I hate this type of person/moid. What is this type of humor in 2025, who thinks shit like this is funny, why does youtube push this on you when you never watched anything similar to this at all?
It already starts with him having that disgusting moustache. He's likely still 29, he's nearly a zoomer but him and so many others (sadly irl too) just love making themselves older. Here it's more about style (his 30yo self would dress older than my dad) but there are so many comments or other videos that talk about "you just wait til you're my age (35), my back hurts, my knees…" No, I won't be like that? This is not normal or funny at all.

There's a lot of talks about people being too obsessed with aging, but with both men and women around me it's often the opposite, they just collectively give up on themselves as soon as they're no longer in their teens and 20s.

No. 2424368

Getting old happens im tired of retards speed running it like life is over. My whole early 20s was miserable. I should just drop dead at 30 I guess. Also he looks fucking 40

No. 2425007

She's so annoying

No. 2427685

Wtf is this?

No. 2427692


No. 2427695

Oh, I'm immune to marketing so I didn't know.

No. 2427696

>I was a raging up the bum faggot but now I make Hobby Lobby wall decor instead

No. 2427707

Is that even the same dude

No. 2427711

>kirkland and fucking GREAT VALUE
Literally the opposite of bougie. There's two different kinds of waters in her fridge because of whatever sale time she was forced to purchase them at.

No. 2427736

Buying a ton of tiny water bottles is bougie, not to mention flat out retarded. The american love for plastic and waste is mind boggling.

No. 2427757

I never understood people that don't get a water filter if their tap water is gross. A lot also buy bottled water when ther tap water is fine. I can't imagine paying for water. Most bottled water is tap water anywway.

No. 2428038

No. 2428132

File: 1741081485373.mp4 (3.42 MB, 576x1024, VID-20250302-WA0001.mp4)

Why do moids have to ruin everything?

No. 2428144

these are ugly good riddance

No. 2428149

they can take all the tacky y2k shit

No. 2428150

I started buying bottled water because I got sick of being the only one in the house refilling the pitcher and replacing the filters and it always being empty when I want to drink some water.
They're $0.10/bottle, anon. Having a dollar worth of water in the fridge is not "bougie" kek. Being a NEET is actually, by definition, bougie though.

No. 2428228

File: 1741093120374.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1813, 1000046996.png)

Ofc the TIM is ass-ugly and the TIF dresses like a total retard. The only filth brain dead enough to get anywhere near that absolute shit goblin are TIFs.

No. 2428260

Moid resellers are the absolute scum on the bottom of my work shoe. I used to work at goodwill, and one of my obviously autistic coworkers got in trouble because some man came in every morning to harass her about when the books were coming out. He would resell them on Amazon. I would also get bothered for when I put video games out on the sales floor. This was before 2020, when resellers got worse.

No. 2428420

this reminds me of that one anon who thought buying simple washcloths was expensive kek

No. 2428440

Lmao this is the most shameless infomercial mankind has ever created.

No. 2428442

this is actually hilarious how blatant and retarded it is KEK. my mom would share this on facebook

No. 2430102

File: 1741200530023.jpg (213.65 KB, 720x1123, 20250305-124334.jpg)

"A normal job damages more than sex work" kek.

No. 2430112

>t. A girl who has probably never had to do sex work or work a real job.

No. 2430121

Weird how this "harmless" "industry" constantly forces its employees to argue on its behalf and insist that it's totally all fine and good, nobody is being exploited here and everyone totally just hates us for no reason! The even lamer version of MLM scheme cultists.

No. 2430148

i would love to hear how waiting tables or scanning groceries is just as damaging as an industry that rapes and sexually exploits women

No. 2430334

I am SO happy for her. This is her choice and she's loving it, i'm sure! Good for her! How i wish i could post a smiley at the end here. You go girl!

No. 2430974

i can't tell if this woman is a troll? attention whore? mentally ill or otherwise touched in the head?

No. 2430998

She has the voice of a person that would watch you while you sleep, but justify it with "mental health awareness through sleep cycles" if you wake up and tell her to get the fuck out.

No. 2431000

>The american love for plastic and waste

No. 2431033

Holy shit you're embarrassing and sound mentally challenged. Get your money up I guess

I literally thought about that kekkk

No. 2431048

Pot meet kettle

No. 2431054

she's white?

No. 2431061

Log off and go lägg dig

No. 2431073

I'm confused as to why you think this? Other than the weird way she stands up.

No. 2431158

lol why would you want to get abused by ugly incel moids that no girl would to touch
Worse it you get a disease and condoms don’t prevent all of them

No. 2431657

NTA but the way she speaks makes her sound retarded.

No. 2435087

File: 1741440363476.jpg (534.36 KB, 1080x2400, 1000001635.jpg)

Hey so can anyone tell me why these past 3 days on almost every single tiktok video there Is gospel spam in the comment section? What's going on.

No. 2435089

File: 1741440402833.jpg (635.26 KB, 1080x2400, 1000001636.jpg)

No. 2435108

she might be all of those other things too but yes she's obviously a troll. were you genuinely unsure

No. 2435111

File: 1741441193514.jpg (610.22 KB, 1080x2400, 1000001637.jpg)

No. 2435115

i was genuinely unsure because half her videos seem serious

No. 2435136

nta but she was serious (and mostly still is) but a lot of people made fun of her weird smile and position while cooking, as well as the tradwifery, so she kinda leaned into it and now makes some "funny"/ironic videos here and there

No. 2435371

That happens in youtube comment sections too. It's just migrated over there lol

No. 2435378

File: 1741456552189.gif (1.41 MB, 320x240, 1000033493.gif)

To be fair most youtubers/tiktokers do need Jesus

No. 2435380

Was gonna say that I prefer Jesus loves you gospel spam to 99% of the other bot shit I see in comment sections

No. 2435408

no this is even worse, atleast on youtube they aren't the majority of the comments and you don't see them at the top. Meanwhile on Tiktok they are basically flooding the comment section, people have started trolling the gospel spammers back with the lebron/freddy thing.

No. 2437888

about half of this video used footage from AI-generated videos and no one seems to have called it out

No. 2437964

What's up with people using "Mary on a Cross" by Ghost as BGM on their innocuous videos? Cracks me up every time because I always wonder what their reaction would be when they find out what's actually being sang in this song. Extra points if the one who's using it is religious.

No. 2438106

normie npcs only hear the line that goes "your beauty never ever scared me" and decide its their new favourite song lol. ridiculous people.

No. 2439582

File: 1741706270044.jpeg (326.15 KB, 1179x1187, IMG_0976.jpeg)

This is the only thread I can think to share this but TikTok’s lolcow Tophiachu is saying her brother and mom might’ve been killed in a shooting that took place earlier today

No. 2439594

There's a tophiachu thread in /snow/ but wtf

No. 2439727

It's even worse bc the retarded tiktokers don't know how to ignore the comments and intentionally draw attention to them.

No. 2440743

im upset that she made fun of the "runs a mcdonalds like the navy" butch bc i love that woman.
its because she couldnt cope with pearl shitting on single mothers. shes weak. pearl at least has the balls to shit on women that describe her (unmarried post 26 year olds)

No. 2440796

File: 1741783313456.jpeg (34.62 KB, 1000x559, aaa11e8a-bf25-4483-aa33-7cf7a5…)

I have so many types of short videos I refuse to watch. When possible I block them because fuck em, I'm unhinged.
>videos cut too quick in the end so you have to watch it again to see what it really was
The creator clearly doesn't respect my time and just want views, so I don't respect theirs and block them.
>Random video with a voice over
>Silent reaction pointing towards someone else
>Compilations of other people's videos
>Anyone using an annoying AI voice
>Popular background songs
All slop.
>Reading a post from another site (such as reddit, tumblr, twitter)
If I wanted to read that, I'd go to those other sites. So bye, blocked.
>clip from tv/movies
Again, I'd watch the real thing if I wanted to see that. Blocked.
Stop posting your own kids online to strangers ffs, and can the algorithm on every fucking site fucking stop insisting I need to get pregnant and pop out babies already? Blocked.
>Person essentially just standing there as the video with text you're meant to read
>The video text is basically an ad for you to read the description, which you only find out at the end of the video when it says "see the description"
I'm watching videos right now for a reason, blocked.
>Videos in which the result isn't in the video but they tell you to watch part 2
No, fuck you. Make a proper video with the whole story. Blocked.

No. 2440811

I forgot her name but I hate that one tiktoker who is constantly crashing out over being a millennial mom in the suburbs. One of her videos is like “Drive to target. Drive to Trader Joe’s. Drive to target. Read buzzfeed headlines”. Lady your life is not that bad take a fucking Valium.

No. 2442418

Sameee. Another one I hate is when the creator is using a trending audio and waiting for the specific part of the audio to start to show something, so the first part of the video is just them staring awkwardly. For 3 seconds OK, but why are there so many of these where half of the video is the person staring? Shorten the audio or show something related in the meantime but I'm not staring at your face for 30s.

No. 2443405

File: 1741905165163.png (183.21 KB, 369x320, Untitled122_20250313182914.png)

No. 2443411

You are so valid for all of these.

No. 2443422

File: 1741905946416.jpg (106.51 KB, 1366x768, the_onion.jpg)

I'm sure she could just move in with some psychos' polycule, it can't be that hard

No. 2443824

Pick me!! Pick meee my lord

No. 2444064

There already is, just no one wants her ugly babies plus she's too fat/unhealthy looking to carry a healthy pregnancy that's why she isn't seeing the handmaid's tale

No. 2444068

Yeah, like can't they just trim the audio? Kek

No. 2444096

It's always the fat chicks that are like this

No. 2444107

This is so funny to me because she'd never be in a wife's position or even a handmaid. She'd be either scooping up radioactive dookie in the colonies or she'd be in Jezebels. All these retards have to do is lose weight and find a hobby but instead they start dreaming about being a sex slave to moids. Disgusting.

No. 2444116

I never had a single one of these on my fyp kek.

No. 2444117


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2444152

Do you want a medal? Stfu

No. 2448443

One of this old man's videos came up in my shorts feed and it was him reminiscing about when he was young and attractive and I thought it was funny so I went to his channel and the content is a little normal but then there's this. Am I making it weird or is it actually weird? None of the comments seem to think this is strange. Like why is he hugging her right under her boobs, and why is she sitting on his lap like that with his hand in her lap? Am I just so blackpilled or is this creepy?

No. 2448447

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Samefag but like, what in the lana del rey? I would never straddle my grandfather like this. Is this normal?

No. 2448449

This isn't normal. Maybe in the poor woman's eyes this is some sweet, innocent familial love. But the grandad is a fucking moid. I'm sure all of us on this site know about the nature of moids. And I know it isn't innocent and sweet in his eyes. He's a creep(learn2reply)

No. 2450649

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sorry for using this thread for insta reels but it’s genuinely disturbing the amount of children, mainly little girls being featured dancing and dressing like adults
this acc popped in my recs and she even has filter on
I hate the parents that allow this, all of the comments are from grown men aswell

No. 2450668

>thai flag
>kpop idol name
Might be tinfoil but this could be a typical korea-obsessed (self-hating) millenial who is now living her dream through her filtered kids…

No. 2450676

It's the same kind of content that women make where they're wearing revealing clothing and letting their dogs lick their face while staring into the camera. It's thinly veiled coombait for porn addicted pervs and meant to attract controversy and attention without taking any blame.

No. 2450683

I've seen accounts like this on ig too. They're normally from thailand. I think they're trying to imitate those equally filtered korean/chinese child influcers

No. 2450842

There is a trend on tiktok where teenage girls are bragging about being given attention by older men…

No. 2450850

No. 2450861

No. 2450871

No. 2450877

File: 1742338357027.jpg (181.32 KB, 1350x1080, EdTGSJiU4AE2jUo.jpg)

I guess I feel bad saying this about an old looking teenager. Is it possible these are just actors who look young, in the same way hollywood actors who play teenagers look "young"?

No. 2450882


>2005 is not giving me attention but 1984 is

No. 2450891

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No. 2450898


Forgot to attach link

>2005 is not giving me attention but 1984 is

No. 2450904

She looks kinda old

No. 2450906

Remember all the trendy and embarrassing things you do as a teenager? I feel dumb for participating in the macarena. This will be neat to watch in about 3 years (anon was not a teenager when the macarena came out but didn't participate in most trends as a teenager)

No. 2450910

Idk why women with thin/ning hair who pretend to be teenagers don't keep it short

No. 2450922

Wow male attention from men who aren't capable of finding a partner are giving the most desperate and low self esteem of ewhores attention. Big shock. Pretty easy to get desperate old scrote attention. Can't imagine posting my face to this shit. Tik tok really should have been banned.

No. 2450936

Both of these women look like they're in their late 20s, are you sure they aren't just ragebaiting?

No. 2450989

Like clockwork, a new generation of young girls are groomed into thinking that pedos finding them desirable is something to brag about. We'll never be free.

No. 2451114

File: 1742350263400.jpg (219.5 KB, 720x1174, Screenshot_20250318_205120_You…)

This goes to say that all Pokémon collectors are retards, not just this guy, but I keep getting his shorts. He just openly admits to losing hundreds of dollars on a single vintage pack in so many videos. The entirety of the Pokémon card universe is the most autistic thing in the first place, with all the convoluted rules on how to play correctly. The obsessive card valuing fits right in place with it. And the jingle on his stupid shorts is so ear gratingly annoying. It's just gambling but instead of just losing the money you get a piece of laminated cardstock to remind of how much money you lost. Stupid braindead "hobby".

No. 2451408

Unless you get extremely lucky, you wont find vintage packs for anything less than hundreds, often thousands of dollars. It's essentially gambling. One good card can be worth tens of thousands so they see it as worth it.

No. 2451422

It’s funny because often the cards themselves aren’t worth much on their own, but the unopened packs go for crazy high amounts. People really are just paying for the excitement of opening the packs or hoarding them for prosperity.

No. 2451634

I know there are nonnas here who like to collect pokemon cards but I find it to be the most juvenile and stupid thing in existence.

No. 2454150

this idiot mother really named her child after a korean man’s stage name. and on top of that digitally pimps her kids to moids. why are SEA people, especially women, so self hating

No. 2458100

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What’s up with these retards who engage in lolcow content on TT. The app is so unsuitable for documenting milk or discussing anything about cows. They use cows to make up for their lack of personality and they are turning into cows themselves. Picrel is a good example.

No. 2458308

Maybe its me but why is it in these videos where the other woman and the husband act inappropriate, the wife always only punishes the woman.

Like yes what that woman was doing was wrong dancing on that man like that but that man isn't innocent either since he literally had his hands AROUND her back.

Either way really sad how easy it is for some women to be violent towards each other. Genetic cucks.

No. 2458335

What do you think should have happened? Other women being other women only earns a better first impression with me, for like a second until I find out who they are. Since this woman's first impression was being a drunk pick-me and interrupting some kind of performance, she got hurt. Some of you sound like troons, the way you believe being a woman is like being in a special club where we have to accept you being a pick-me retard. I would try liberal feminism, if you're looking for unconditional acceptance

No. 2458361

you sound like the exact pathetic miserable homely woman who would fight multiple of your hubbys mistresses without once asking yourself why does your man keep allowing that and cheating.

Also no comment on why his hands were wrapped around that DRUNK woman's waist and back? Atleast she was drunk but why did the sober husband have his hands on her back eh. Also what do troons have to do with this. Also imagine getting into a fight over a walled moid kek.

>liberal feminism

nah you belong with the libfems and the tradthot feminism which is currently radfeminism. I believe in BPF 4B separatism unlike a certain cocksucker who would kill other women over men.

No. 2458364

Assuming I'm "homely" bc I don't agree with you, how ~feminist~. If some drunk bitch ruined my dad's retirement performance (or whatever the fuck this is) I'd probably do the same thing. Cope and seethe bitch

No. 2458370

let's use our brains more shall we, who owes you more loyalty?

a random drunk woman who you do not know?


Your husband of many years doing nothing to stop that and instead patting that woman on the back and waist?

Hmmm let's think about it, shall we? Personally i would have just called the security on her but that's probably because im not desperate or have inferiority complexes like you.

>I'd probably do the same thing. Cope and seethe bitch
you seem hurt anon, im guessing it's a wound for you, is that why you are hollering?(integrate)

No. 2458372

Why the fuck are you typing like that

No. 2458374

It's probably a beautiful day in the mississippi delta or wherever you just found out about feminism, maybe you should spend the afternoon catching catfish with your arm like your cousin-lovers(bait)

No. 2458376

kek what
because i feel like it

No. 2458451

Nta yeah she was acting like a fucking retard but how hard was it for the old guy so say get away from me?

No. 2458455

Damn I thought she was in her mid 30s

No. 2459264

Now show them what you really eat.

No. 2459288

I miss the time when fat people hid their stomach.

No. 2459341

Kek this bitch has a spergout anytime people point out that her stomach sticking out is disgusting.

No. 2459344

I understand why they do it, like why they do it for trannies too? but women really need to stop defending fatasses. Even worse when the fatasses are male.

No. 2459463

What the fuck does that have to do with this video

No. 2459531

>for brekky
Maybe cultural appropriation is bad after all.

No. 2459671

That was only about 1400 calories

No. 2459672

I'm going to play devils advocate here and say I could believe she eats like this. Almost anyone who's lived in a college dorm could agree with this ngl. It's actually baffling to see how many Americans eat damn near nothing all day while still being complete lardasses. Sure I'm not going to keep track of what other people eat but I had college roommates that ate literally nearly nothing, and even knew a few that were allergic to a whole list of shit and couldn't eat anything except for chicken and veggies yet somehow remained fat. now that I work a normie office job I see the same shit. From 8-5 these people drink nothing but water, don't eat breakfast or lunch (at least while there), no snacks, yet are still somehow fat

Weirdly enough the only person I've seen snack in the office was a skinny girl who I know it breastfeeding so there's that

No. 2459678

If you work in an office and your former roommates were as sedentary as office workers typically are then nothing you said surprises me. I ate more than average in university and was skinny because I was walking a lot, I gained weight since then despite eating normal portions and less junk food because I barely move nowadays, I work in front of a computer 40 hours a week and don't do shit during weekends because I'm tired. I also know plenty of obese women I don't know a lot of men irl in the first place who always claim they don't eat a lot like the woman in the video but they don't notice how much they eat once you see them for a whole day. Their meals will see balanced but their snacks between meals are insane, they'll eat bigger portions, drink garbage. tldr; you don't know until you spend at least 24 hours straight with obese people.

No. 2459679

Unpopular opinion but idgaf if women are fat to a extent. Harp on ugly fat fuck scrotes.

No. 2459682

This lol. Most scrotes would fuck anything that walks and if you have a pretty enough face you can do well. Trisha paytas is fat as hell and hooks up with celebrities and has a multi million dollar OF. Women can worry about skinniness when something actually changes about being fat vs being skinny

No. 2459685

Sedentary 100%, but at the same time I feel bad for fatties who eat healthy but stay fat. Like if you work in an office there's only so much you can do to stay active and a lot of Americans have 5-9s, school, and then house chores and then when that's all done it's time for bed

No. 2459705

Right, that's why I added I don't do shit during weekends, I finally have free time for two days in a row but have to do errands and get some rest and that's the case for most people. I have no idea how people can work out on a regular basis when working fulltime unless they really enjoy practicing sports and working out as opposed to doing it because they have to.

Do men make this kind of videos as often as women? The closest ones I've seen are from fit men imitating Patrick Bateman's morning routine and not realizing they look stupid.

No. 2459708

I feel like people really underestimate exhaustion and fatigue. Unless you're old or disabled you're expected to have basically unlimited energy, unless you're a trust fund baby you have to work 3 jobs, be in school, have a 100% clean house, laundry and dishes always done, make all 3 meals from scratch, and now you have to find the time to work out in-between everything so you don't get fat. At some point we need to take a step back and realize we are humans and not robots

No. 2459742

I saw my mom watching this a few days ago, it scares me how few people notice that it's ai

No. 2459758

Women also have a 28-day (ish) hormone cycle which affects energy levels, fatigue and cravings so applying male weight loss tips is stupid after a certain point. That’s not even counting known and common hormonal disorders like PCOS or an invisible physical disability that leaves you deprived of energy most of the day. My gf and I live together, cook together and work out together 4 days of the week and she was still fat while I was not back when we were in university because she had PCOS and I didn’t. Doctors just told her to lose weight and exercise more whilst not addressing the reason she can’t lose weight in the first place. Only this year she managed to find an endocrinologist who took her seriously (who was a youngish woman, no surprise there) and surprise surprise, she’s now lost a lot of weight since Christmas.

Every gym bro and anachan who bullies fat women online saying they’re ackshually just “concerned about their health” and screams to put down the cookies is a retarded liar who needs to stir up conflict to feel better about themselves cause it’s all they’ve got and women are easy targets. Do something more useful with your time and go laugh at a man’s hairline.

No. 2459803

>because she had PCOS and I didn’t
I know skinny, fit and obese women with PCOS around the same age range, maybe it's also a matter of severity? I don't know how it works in detail but the obese woman I know needed surgery to remove an ovary when she was a teenager and never knows when she'll have her period, and it can last for months in a row if she has it, the skinny ones I know may have less severe symptoms. On the other hand she has a sedentary life style and eats way more than she should. It's a chicken and egg situation because both of us don't know if she's always hungry because of her hormonal issues or if overeating makes her hormonal issues way worse, or if it's because of something else. I also knew teenage girls with PCOS where we were all hospitalized on a regular basis long ago and none of them looked the same.

No. 2459906

Nta but it's a spectrum for sure. You have skinny women who go their entire lives not even knowing they have it and other women who can barely breathe near a donut without gaining 10 lbs. The issue without people being militant about weight loss is that it fails to address possible issues like PCOS and such that affect fatigue levels and diet, or even issues that can cause swelling and be mistaken for weight gain. It would be one thing to say "hey go to the doctor, get the prescriptions you'll need to regulate your hormones, check to see if there's not underlying issues THEN lose weight as that", seeing the constant repeat of "calories in, calories out" and then treating women like they're too stupid to count calories correctly is just silly

No. 2459977

More excuses, most if not all PCOS cases are caused by insulin resistance, not viceversa. They eat absolute trash and carbs, then by the time they get diagnosed their ovaries are already full of cysts and at that point losing weight becomes impossible, of course. Blaming it on the condition while totally ignoring YOU were the one killing your ovaries with your shit ass diet is some lame shit

No. 2459988

That's why I asked about if most cases are different because the only obese woman I know with PCOS eats far too much garbage and in her case she had hormonal issues since she was a kid. She used to be chubby as a kid now as an adult she's morbidly obese and it's either that her case is worse than average to begin with because she was in middle school when one of her ovaries needed to be removed from her body, or she made it worse by being forced to follow a horrible diet until she turned 18 by her parents and gaining terrible habits she has a hard time changing. I know she doesn't make any effort to change her weight right now so I'm not defending her but I'm curious. Then there's that youtuber Michelle Mcdaniel who's politely shitting on HAES influencers in her videos, she's fit because she works out a lot and counts calories because she suffers from PCOS too and was fat when she was a kid, so what gives? I assume the average woman with PCOS can lose weight but it requires more efforts than for healthy women but not everyone wants to do all that?

No. 2459993

She's obviously lying, are you retarded?

No. 2460006

These are both very good points. It doesn't help that PCOS and women's bodies in general are criminally understudied which makes it even harder to find help or advice through whatever limited resources are out there.

I think Michelle McDaniels is a good example of someone with PCOS who got to a healthy place through hard work. I think in any case there are nuances here. You can expect someone who is a personal trainer to have the time to eat properly and take care of herself despite having such an awful condition, but are we gonna expect the same for every woman out there regardless of life situation? I think you're right in the fact that many women with PCOS or similar issues could lose weight if they put in the hard work, but as you said not everyone wants to and that's honestly completely understandable, especially if their life is already swallowed by work, kids and other stuff that takes up priority before their own health.

No. 2460170

You don't get to that weight eating like that though. I can believe she ate like that for a day but for the rest of the week? Nah she 100 percent is consuming a lot more calories

No. 2460228

Michelle McDaniels also admitted to binging frequently and being sedentary, this doesn't explain the amount of people reporting them or someone they know eats almost nothing and works out and has trouble with weight. They can't possibly be all lying right? And there's even animal based studies showing the same conclusion, not just with PCOS but mostly metabolic disorders

No. 2460276

People with conditons also don't get to such extreme weight. They might gain 20 to 30 pounds but not 100 pounds.

No. 2460281

Yes, they're all lying because they're ashamed they eat entire bags of chips or whatever at 3 am when they lose control every week. Humans haven't suddenly started to defy the laws of physics, you cannot gain weight without eating a surplus of calories.

No. 2460313

the animals are lying?

No. 2460330

I'm not sure anon, autoimmune conditions are a real thing that heavily affects weight in women. We all know studies do not even try for women, the only first existing study for endometrosis was about how attractive women were until very recently. There is five times more research into erectile dysfunction, which affects 19% of men, than into premenstrual syndrome, which affects 90% of women. I have had many relatives/friends with thyroid conditions, and they have all either gained a lot or lost a lot of weight with it depending on the type. I had hyperthyroidism (though it was subclinical) and lost a lot of pounds rapidly and became severely underweight even though I ate way more than usual. I think a lot of people really overmine most "studies" when it affects women, we have very little understanding of conditions that affects women. 78-80% of autoimmune conditions primarily affect women, yet most of the studies uses the man as the "natural body" despite the reactions differing for both men and women. My friend had PCOS at 20, she is nearly underweight, and her cyst ruptured.

No. 2460558

Stop pretending to be retarded,obviously the fat bitch upthread acting like she has a giant apron belly from eating 1400 calories of vegan food lmao

No. 2460564

Nayrt but I think the only thing she’s lying about is not wanting to lose weight. The saggy tummy looks like she lost a lot of weight quickly. She’s eating in a calorie deficit but not being disordered about it, which is a good thing.

No. 2460574

Regardless of the fat bitch, there's been studied showing animals with different factors affecting their metabolism can lose/gain/maintain weight at different rates even with the same exact amount of exercise and diet. Your next step to prove your point would be to conspire about how the scientists must have actually slipped food to the rats on the side

No. 2460595

It's true, I'm the scientist. The rats promised to chew through my neighbor's pipes, flooding their home and leaving them destitute, unable to afford repairs. Which is what that bitch Steve deserves after implying my homemade casserole was storebought at the Sunday brunch after I spent all morning slaving over that thing.

No. 2460598

I dont understand why anons are even using animals in first place in comparison to metabolism, humans immune system is very advanced and completely different. I don't know if people are just completely retarded when it comes to autoimmune conditions (though I don't blame them, as women literally are not studied as much as we think, in fact, strokes and heart attacks is also a womans disease, but guess what? It goes unnoticed because most people are unaware with how the symptoms differ from men. Women literally cause their own deaths because they ignore these symptoms and think it's something else, when it''s actually gravely, because they are so used to minimizing their health issues.) We have much more complex bodies/systems than other animals, we live longer, as we are quite literally built of chemicals. It's a shitty argument in the first place, it is extremely rare for other animals besides dogs to get thyroid conditions, yet it's a common condition for people. Saying this kind of shit is exactly what decreases research on women, I risked a thyroid storm and heart failiure when I was severely underweight from my subclinical thyroid condition and got literal psychosis from it. This came from a round of antibiotics, this wasn't genetic, it wasn't a shitty diet, it wasn't starvation, it was me taking an antibiotic because I had a bloody foot that literally attacked my thyroid and completely fucked over my gut biome. I know PCOS isn't an autoimmune condition, but it increases it a lot and has similarities to it, as hormones is not generally something to be fucked around with and is complicated. I genuinely think a lot of people health issues stem from unknown autoimmune conditions. I had this other friend's mom who's optic nerve was completely fucked over, her eye doctor kept on trying to get her solutions that never worked (because optic nerve damage that keeps on repeating usually comes from autoimmune conditions, and isn't a primary condition itself). I told him to get her checked out for autoimmune conditions and get her checked for genetics, and I was right.

No. 2460767

I guess humans can't have cancer because we are more complex than animals? Can't have diabetes or any other health issues because we are more complex than animals? Funny how you talk to the average American they easily name 5 health problems they have yet you rarely hear about people's pets having it. What kind of weird excuse is that? Why is it so hard to tell people to get properly tested so they don't lose their mind wondering why they're struggling losing weight?

No. 2460778

File: 1742874463469.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.23 KB, 680x1023, GjbM7K_WUAAMV73.jpg)

No. 2460781

>Quranic Perspective:
>The Quran condemns those who "like that immorality should be spread among those who have believed" and warns of a "painful punishment" in this world and the Hereafter.
>Verse 24:19 of the Quran specifically addresses this: "Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread [or publicized] among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter.".
>The Quran also addresses specific acts of public indecency, such as organized prostitution or open lewdness.
Enjoy pick-me hell bitch kek

No. 2460785

I don't know where exactly to post this but I just saw a short from dollightful that had her completely naked baby in it. She just used a pokeball emblem to cover their genitals. What the fuck.

No. 2460789

That comment section has to be a battle ground.

No. 2460792

Hanging gut aside, i call bullshit about not wanting to lose weight. But also if you eat like this while fat, you will set yourself up for a serious binge. None of this looks very filling aside from the coffee.

No. 2460796

>hanging gut
I mean it's already "hanging" and she hasn't even lost weight so she would need an expensive abdominoplasty to get rid of the excess skin, which would also be (at least) a hip to hip scar

No. 2460805

Shit, will it really scar so terribly? I'm losing weight and I'm trying to do it very slow, but my mom's genetics mean I might have a sagging stomach anyways…

No. 2460811

File: 1742878653865.jpg (41.82 KB, 894x791, 4173szTq-lL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

My info is outdated and from watching tlc plastic surgery shows after school. There are probably different options now with different degrees of scarring. Just from seeing weight loss photos over the years, the amount the skin actually hangs seems to be what determines whether surgery is necessary or not. I think some healthcare plans cover it
>Conditions that May Qualify for Coverage:
>Significant weight loss:
>Insurance companies may cover skin removal surgery after a significant weight loss (e.g., over 100 pounds) if it is necessary to improve health or function.
>Skin infections or ulcers:
>Skin removal surgery may be necessary to treat recurrent infections or ulcers caused by excess skin.
>Functional impairment:
>If excess skin interferes with daily activities or causes physical discomfort, insurance may cover removal.
Try dermarolling with 1.5-2mm needles and using a japanese or korean exfoliating cloth while you're losing weight, if it's not too significant. Also moisturizing with cocoa butter, like what pregnant women use

No. 2460814

Thanks much for your response, nona, I love you. Something good is going to happen to you this week.

No. 2460818

File: 1742879311057.gif (216.46 KB, 220x165, 102688857.gif)

Np anon and make sure to research the dermarolling so you are doing it correctly and safely

No. 2460827

When did I say they can’t have cancer? I said their immune systems is way more complex, are you incapable of reading? The whole argument is based off conditions that makes it difficult for women to lose weight specifically, and I brought up how little it’s studied and how a lot of people undermine due to how little there it is on it. One anon literally argued that it doesn’t excuse it and denied the possibility of the condition affecting someone that much, and I stated that it can, but it varies. The argument of animals is retarded because of course their bodies will react differently.

No. 2460846

Anyone older than zoomers remembers a time when being obese was rare. Seeing a 250 lb person was the equivalent of seeing a 400 lb person nowadays. This isn't natural.

No. 2460861

The issue is that people literally believe conditions affecting weight didn't exist and there's no point in getting properly treated because "just try harder", if it's possible for animals to have trouble losing weight despite eating and moving the same amount, it would make sense for humans to have similar issues

No. 2460880

Nobody is talking about obesity, overweight =/= obese. I’ve never seen an obese person in my country in my whole life, yet PCOS still exists and fat people still exist at different weights.
Childish black and white thinking is a sign of autism.

No. 2461635

Except the TikTok of the woman who spurred this entire conversation is very clearly obese, not just overweight kek.

No. 2462049

File: 1742960296643.jpeg (Spoiler Image,64.3 KB, 850x850, IMG_9452.jpeg)

Kek i just tried to change my tiktok pfp to donald trump yaoi and i was instantly suspended in less than 30 seconds. How the fuck did the bots recognize what this was.

No. 2462195

The thing is conditions that affect weight would just make you chubby at most. Like if someone is supposed to be like 130 and is 160? Yeah I can believe there's an underlying condition making it harder to lose weight or they went on medication causing weight gain, maybe had a baby not long ago, etc. If someone is supposed to be 130 and is 300 lbs? That's just neglect at that point, and this isn't something that happens overnight either, it's caused by constant binging and somehow not noticing/or caring about putting on 5 lbs a week for years

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