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No. 2310905
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly, and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2286981Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
>>>/ot/2030872 No. 2311094
File: 1734411278497.jpg (93.42 KB, 1024x1008, 1667339899180.jpg)

How do you learn to live with chronic depression? there isnt a single day in my life where i dont feel like shit
No. 2311119
>>2311094You stop letting it win. My life was ruled by psychic tension for almost 7 years, but then one day I just got tired of it. I decided that instead of wasting my life feeling sorry for myself, I'd just get real instead. I went to the doctors, got on pills, starting going to regular therapy with a psychotherapist, and started attending support group meetings. I repaired the relationships with friends and family that years of my inaction had damaged, I started pushing myself to engage with hobbies, and I forced myself to begin taking actions that benefited my health. Sometimes, I still have bad days, but now I know how to cope with those and how to pick myself back up after I fall. So much of depression is just refusing to get back up. For me, it was because I didn't believe in myself or recognize my strengths, so I was always just waiting for someone else to come along and save me from my own juvenile misery. That gets old after a while, especially when you get out of your early 20s. I'm sure you already know about all this advice, if you're like I was, you're probably just gonna look the other way and pretend like what I say is unachievable or cliché. I always felt the same, I never wanted to admit that I was the problem, that everything that bothered me was in my power to solve, and that I was just lazy, juvenile, and selfish. It's not the 60s anymore, we have such a wealth of knowledge and treatments for depression now. You're not special for being depressed, you're not getting anywhere by being depressed, you're just wasting time. Sorry to be blunt, but if someone had told me this shit back then I would have appreciated it.
No. 2311138
nonny, the problem is that i feel like no matter how much i put into something i never get better. I have been trying to focus on hobbies and friends and recently enrolled into college but i dont feel any better tbh, if anything i feel worse.
No. 2311149
>>2311127Nobody can save you except yourself. Some people have it easy, some people like us have it more difficult. When I first started medications, I went through 6 different types in the first 18 months before I finally found one that works for me. I've gone through 4 different psychotherapists, and only after 3 years did I find one that actually helps me. Psychotherapists are a dime a dozen, that first meeting with them shouldn't even be about your problems, it should be about asking them what their methods are, where they studied, what school of thought they prescribe to, what therapeutic tools they use, etc.. At the end of the day, it's our life, nobody else's. There are days when I could cry thinking about having to go to the gym, or going to out with friends, but fuck that noise. I've been through hell and back, going to the gym won't break me, going out won't break me, nothing can break me. Forcing myself to do things is the only way that I can live, if it was up to my petty psyche I'd be languishing in bed forever, but my ego knows that's no way to live.
>>2311138Your emotions don't control you, you control your emotions. Just start smiling and don't stop until you're laughing at how stupid you look. Sometimes I wake up and I force myself to smile until I feel happy, sometimes it takes an hour or two and my cheeks get sore but it always works in the end. Happiness is ephemeral just like sorrow. Maybe you'll never get better, maybe you'll always have doubt, and sadness, but again: fuck that noise. It's better just to try and do it, even if you fail, instead of doing nothing at all. We're not statues, we can't be the same forever and always, we're meant to fuck up and make mistakes and grow up and learn things. That's just what life is like. Figure out the root cause of your depressed mood, for me, it was because I grew up in an shit home and I got neglected so I never learned how to have confidence in myself or how to take care of myself when I was growing up. I had to do a lot of work building up my self-esteem and my self-image, and doing so consequently improved my depression symptoms. If someone as foolish and stupid and lazy as me can improve my life, you can do it too.
No. 2311216
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Why do boomers write online comments like picrel? I know they're old but there is no way they would send this same message if it was a letter or in their workplace.
No. 2311230
>>2311216They run under different rules because they grew up in a different time, before electronic communication was popularized. Just from what I've picked up on over the years sending older people e-mails or instant messages:
>All capsThey use it as an intensifier. Not in an aggressive way. I.e., for them, all caps isn't meant to be screaming - it's meant to make the message clearer. It's sort of like how we use italics. It's sort of like how usually signs are all in caps, like it's always "TOILETS" not "Toilets" on signs for the bathroom.
>Ellipsis (…)This is a way for them to show hesitation, thought, or invite you to share a different opinion. For us it usually has a bad meaning, like "We need to talk…" but for them it's more like "What should I wear today…" It's sort of like they mean the ellipsis to be representative of a pause in thought.
>Em dash (en dash too)This is meant to amplify or emphasize, or to explain something like how we'd use parenthesis. Like in the picture you attached, Susan is trying to emphasis that she's struggled with mental illness and hoarding. They can also use it as we would use a comma or a parenthesis, i.e., "I don't think it's much (it really isn't)" would become "I don't think it's much — it really isn't."
>+ for "and" instead of ampersand.Ampersand wasn't commonly used back then, so the + symbol became an easy way to write "and." You still see this a lot in handwriting. So "Susan and I went to the park" could be "Susan & I went to the park" just as much as it could be "Susan + I went to the park."
If I was to write out what Susan said, it'd look like:
>I understand great loss, (mental illness: hoarding), I want to keep everything, but I don't! I'm educated and working, and I care for my pets. The first time I ever honestly disliked a person who has issues and hoards was Hannah (what a jerk)! Sorry hun, may God help you! Animals should not suffer because of our inadequacies.The other thing with boomers is that they're not digital natives like us. They still write their electronic communications from an outsiders' perspective. They don't know about the online culture, so they're not privy to certain meanings or innuendos.
No. 2311255
>>2311230Thank you for the detailed and very thorough answer.
>The other thing with boomers is that they're not digital natives like us. They still write their electronic communications from an outsiders' perspective. They don't know about the online culture, so they're not privy to certain meanings or innuendos.I’ve been able to decipher the meaning, but I always found it odd they haven’t stopped to ponder why everyone else isn’t typing like they do. Do they just… not notice? It has never even occurred to me that I would write a message differently than my normal speech so I’ve just always found this particular idiosyncrasy baffling.
No. 2311295
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why have they still not invented big strawberries that taste as good as the small wild strawberries
No. 2311324
>>2311230This is such an excellent survey of their common syntax differences compared to younger generations, thank you nona. Very interesting to read. I doubt this was used in this specific comment due to the caps and other factors, but incidentally, I’ve also noticed a contributing factor to other weird boomer texts and comments online is their reliance on voice to text if they’re writing from their phones, because they can’t see up close. They often construct weird sentences from the process of yelling into their phone word by word.
>>2311255They mirror their peers they speak to and see on Facebook and don’t necessarily feel the need to conform to younger people’s way of doing it, somewhat similarly to how we see their way and zoomers’ way as weird or retarded.
No. 2311330
>>2311295They truly are scamming us by promising us big strawberry and consistently delivering the same amount of strawberry per strawberry regardless of strawberry size, so in all these giant strawberries there is actually less strawberry flavor per segment, resulting in an altogether pathetic and evil strawberry experience. This is all a ploy by big big to sell us more big and less small which is really less per more.
Really though kidding aside it sucks ass and probably is partly because once it’s shown that the visually impressive large ones are purchased more rapidly, the flavor profile takes a backseat, and progressing this would take money and probably to against preexisting megacorp patents and the like, and isn’t worth it for them since it won’t drive up the sales for that level of business interest, which is why increasingly only small farmers at local places have fruit that isn’t like soap, that along with the mass pesticide usage that soaks into them like a marinade
No. 2311344
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>>2311330Got damn nona you're onto something!
No. 2311403
>>2311386Hard drugs? Yeah that's stupid
You could drop a little mdma or have a bit of weed and probably be fine if you don't have an addictive personality or a penchant for escapism, perhaps some coke would be fine if you're lucky enough to find it doesn't agree with you but it's not worth the risk of finding out you might really like it. Heavier things are chemically habit forming however. You can't just le logically decide you are immune to addiction any more than you can decide arsenic won't work on you
No. 2311404
>>2311108Windsor and newton sets, they're a classic for a reason. Bundle in some watercolor paper if you can.
You're a nice sister!
No. 2311484
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My niece doesn’t have a warm winter jacket because my brother is a retard. I bought her a black one for Christmas, she’s 10. Was black the wrong choice? Would she have wanted pink? At the time I thought black would be a good choice because she’ll probably be wearing it until she’s 13 and I didn’t want to get her something childish, and black goes with everything. Idk I feel bad now. Pic rel is from a review. Should I return it when I get it and get her something cuter?
No. 2311510
>>2311108Seconding W&N, the Cotman line is student grade but still great quality for the price and you can get a lot of pre assembled palettes in various price ranges. Bear in mind that you can, and should, mix watercolors, so more paints does not automatically equal better art or better value. See what colors she likes and pick a palette that'll suit her tastes.
If you want to throw in some other nice things, find out what kind of paper she likes to use (hot pressed= smooth, cold pressed or NOT paper= rough) and get her that type of paper from a good brand like Arches. If she has shitty brushes get her a Cotman set, they're good quality and great value for money, or nice Chinese calligraphy brushes. You could get her masking fluid, ideally in a pen, or some metallic watercolor sets, if you have a bit less money left over.
>>2311386You're more naive for thinking that you'd be able to get your hands on uncontaminated drugs. The same shit that puts homeless people in hospital or in a morgue is the stuff you're going to be getting from a douchebro at a party. Even the stuff they take themselves could be contaminated. There's a reason why addicts keep going back to the same people who hooked them up with good drugs and avoid the sketchy dealers.
Assuming you do manage to find something decent, you'll probably be unsupervised while high, and there's a decent chance you'll One Direction yourself while you're in that state. Junkies are not known for their rational behavior, you won't be any different because it's just a teeeny bit and you're special.
If you're dead set on getting high, go to a legal weed dispensary and get the lowest baby dose you can find. Don't trust the staff if they're male, moids get off to giving vulnerable women the worst shit imaginable.
Tldr I have a cousin whose entire friend group consists of junkies, and one of my best friends is a paramedic. Drugs r bad. You might not get addicted but you'll definitely do something retarded, especially if you're alone, and even something as mild as weed can have awful side effects depending on the strain and your reaction to it.
No. 2311975
>>2311966Defective brain can refer to anyone with a mental illness though.
>>2311972They need to all be sent to their own city or enclosed fake city. No media with children in it and ban all discussion of children outside of therapy or else you get the booty juice. Would also be an interesting study of whether or not these thoughts can be eradicated either through therapy or medication..
No. 2311976
>>2311958someone who is
actually horrified at their unwanted pedo thoughts doesn’t need sympathy because they also agree that pedophilia is gross. if a pedophile doesn’t hate their thoughts and doesn’t consider it unwanted and doesn’t think pedophilia is gross…. well it’s only a matter of time.
No. 2311994
>>2311992Yes. They should also be treated like adults for committing rape. I
would get rid of that retarded "hurr durr any minor who sends nudes will be put on the register because they distributed CP!" law though, that's a maliciously designed rule which does nothing except shame
victims into silence.
No. 2312005
>>2311976there is a group for support for OFFENDERS on reddit and i saw posts blaming their crimes on unmedicated adhd. they are playing the
victim and using places like that to network.
No. 2312029
>>2312022That's pretty weird, I usually tell my friend that I love her art (because her art is absolutely cool and amazing) she does ask for me to give her criticism, but I'm too retarded and I tell her what I just like and that's it.
Maybe she doesn't know how comment at all? But it's still weird, she doesn't even say like "Oh, cool"?
No. 2312036
>>2312028>>2312029Thanks! I've asked her what she thinks in the past with no response. The conversation dies for a bit and her next message will be talking about something else. It's odd, but it's not like I want to demand she responds if she just feels shy about doing so.
>>2312030That sucks, but my art isn't all that so it's not unlikely, kek. Perhaps I'll let her know I'm too busy to draw atm and leave it at that.
No. 2312044
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Can you recommend me a laptop to buy next year that is in the range of 2000 dollars? I got my current laptop in 2020, it's still fine, I can work with it, it doesn't lag or anything while doig what you usually need to do with a laptop, but I want a new one so I can play games with it as well, I will give this one to my mom because she desperately needs a better computer than the one she has.
No. 2312067
>>2312056Drink warm water with lemon juice, always helps me hold down drugs
>>2312044get a small pc build like linkrel
No. 2312072
>>2312064How much should I drink/consume?
To the other nonna, I can’t stomach warm water.
No. 2312292
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is hiccuping seen as disgusting? i saw in another thread that nonas were talking about how disgusted they were and they told another nona to "shut up about her gross fetish". i hiccup a lot, unintentionally. does that make me disgusting?
No. 2312316
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>>2312302Yams are not sweet potatoes, but all sweet potatoes are called yams despite this. They’re very different when cooked as well but in a way that’s harder to describe…
No. 2312460
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What is the point of sleeveless or short sleeved sweaters? Limbs get cold way more than the torso why wear a sweater at all if you aren't covering up your arms? Maybe some do it for fashion, but they sound useless for warming up purposes. Today my dad (completely disinterested in fashion) was like "it's getting colder, I need to take out my fav sweater (which is sleeveless)", like my man what are you trying to gain from it?
No. 2312471
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>>2312466Samefag, actually pretty sure that's a vest and should be worn with a shirt underneath like picrel?
No. 2312475
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Fellow ADHD anons, can you recommend me a habit building app that worked for you? I need to get organized
No. 2312493
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Has anyone ever lost weight and your waistline stays the same? My mom and I were measuring ourselves for new clothes yesterday and her measurements were exactly as mine and she weighed 8-9kgs less than me. Wtf? Is this genetics? Am I doomed because she and I have the same body type, my dad was the small and skinny one.
No. 2312514
>>2312489 said nothing will replace a plain old calendar. I actually dissuade people with ADHD from using apps as I find that we tend to get, well, distracted when checking our phone to access whatever productivity app on it. Delineation of tasks and having them accessible and visible is the best thing we can do. We're out of sight and out of mind, make your schedule such a big part of your environment you can't miss it.
Personally I have a large lined notepad of sticky notes which I use. At night I just write out everything I think I need to do the next day and put the sticky note up where I will see it first thing when I wake up. I use a regular planner for allotting my time and then use my phone's calendar purely for the reminder feature for appointments.
No. 2312652
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whose the buff moid on the top-left?
No. 2312707
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I haven't read Moby Dick yet. Does it end up being a metaphor for something or is it literally about a man hunting a whale because fuck whales?
No. 2312715
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What happens in the movies that aren't Lilo & Stitch?
No. 2313014
>>2312988I think it depends on the outfit tbh. I never wear one either but some shirts definitely look better with a bra.
I also agree with the nipple thing though, I get self conscious about them poking through sometimes but just cross my arms or throw something on overtop that covers them.
No. 2313186
>>2313142if you can remember any specific phrasing or sequence of words, you can google
> "the exact sequence of words here"and if that returns too many results then use advanced search settings to narrow down timeframes to when you remember it being posted
No. 2313194
>>2313142>>2313186this was the first thing that came up for me
>>1927486but doesn't sound like that would be it
No. 2313232
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>>2313186Nice, I used this to find the pumpkin pisser post I was looking for.
No. 2313265
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How tf does a male have waist and hips? I'm thinking heavy shopping and angles, is that it?
Pic shows a nasty tranny showing his butthole.
No. 2313285
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>>2313265Generally speaking, everybody has a different body. Sometimes, men have bodies that look like the average woman's body, and sometimes women have bodies that look like the average man's body. It's just how nature works. Look at someone like picrel, it's an actor that has very wide hips even though he's a man. On the flip side, some women have naturally broader shoulders or smaller hips.
I'm not gonna unspoiler the image because I don't wanna see a tranny's butthole, but I assume that this tranny is probably just editing his photos. Most of them do that because photo-editing is a lot more accessible and easier to do now than it was in the past. Whenever you see a tranny looking good, it's mostly just photo-editing, or a mix of that with specific angling. You can check the TIM or TIF threads to see what I'm talking about. They're big liars so you can't trust whatever they post, not even photographs.
This is a repost because I dropped my picture kek.
No. 2313292
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>>2313291Kylie jenners make up artist got a bbl and is a man
No. 2313310
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>>2313301all bbls change the sides?
No. 2313469
>>2313466yoga, meditation, writing, journaling, walking outside, working out, dancing, listening to audiobooks, woodcarving, soap carving,
No. 2313645
>>2313581Basically, in Canada, there is no term limits. The prime minister can be in power for as long as he wants. To have an election, the prime minister has to call for one, so if he wanted, he would never have to call an election. So, Trudeau has been in power for about 10 years now. In this time, Canada has become very difficult to live in. The rental market has gotten worse, rents have increased by 3 fold in a decade. The cost of a home has skyrocketed, the average home costs about 750 thousand dollars now, while most Canadians make less than 60 thousand a year before taxes. According to recent statistics discussed in the national parliament, 25% of Canadians now live in poverty. Canada has the most personal debt of any G7 nation, meaning that the average Canadian has more debt from things like loans, credit cards, etc., than citizens from nations of comparable standard. Canada accepts almost triple the amount of immigrants that the USA does every year, even though the USA has a population almost 10 times as large as Canada. On average in the last 3 years, we've had about 1 million people entering the country per year, our population growth mirrors Afghanistan's during the civil war. Trudeau's government prioritizes low-skilled and under-educated immigrants over high-skilled and highly-educated immigrants because the former help keep the price of labour down for everyone else. In effect, this mass immigration weakens labour movements and suppresses wages. Everything is going really badly, it's too much to write in a LC post.
No. 2313696
>>2313685The most natural position for an adverb is after the first modal/auxiliary. It may depend on other things too: which adverb, or what the emphasis is, etc. As a basic rule, however, put adverbs after the first of multiple modals/auxiliaries.
>>2313690It's just retarded TikTok mumbo jumbo. It's like saying "what does 'aboo loo loo nunu!' mean?" It's nothing. It's gibberish.
No. 2313859
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What is this website called again? You can draw a character and some stuff and it'll animate it
No. 2313910
>>231390310 is an A+, 9 is an A, 8 is a B (above average), 7 is a C (average), 6 is a D (below average), 5 and below is F
So 7 just needs to be removed from the equation because everyone loves to say they're average because it feels safe. So think hard and decide if you're slightly above or below a 7.
No. 2313921
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Would be more interesting if we compared ourselves to a celebrity in terms of where we land on the rating scale (Not how similar we look). I'd say I'm an 8, the way I would rate pre-lupus selena gomez an 8.
No. 2314474
>>2313899I always thought of them as literal animals, so in the same way that you find African lions in Africa and not Australia, you only find wendigo in North America.
>>2313916This. I'm hot, but I never ever wear makeup, don't style my hair, or wear flattering clothes. So if the competition was everyone had to be in their natural forms, I'm an 8/9. But since most women do that stuff and I don't, I'm probably a 6 with my natural face compared to women with artfully done makeup and a stylist.
No. 2314488
>>2314174As an English speaker, I'm going to say:
North America: Navajo
South America: Quechua
Europe: Hungarian
Asia: Cantonese all the way
Africa:I only know the names of four African languages, but I'm going with Xhosa because of the clicks
Australia: I don't know the names of any languages from this area besides Maori
No. 2314497
>>2314483I had a hot straight guy friend who played the Sims
He was sadly killed by a drunk driver while crossing the street
No. 2314529
>>2314520Not funny
Well maybe for others but definitely not for me
No. 2314585
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I took tramadol some 9 hours ago and just drank a cup of hot wine, and now I have a headache that could kill a horse. Did I just fuck up?
No. 2314589
>>2314585>TramadolWas it prescribed to you? If not, why are you taking it?
Alcohol and tramadol is a baaad combo, it can worsen some serious side effects of tram and it can give you some serious liver damage. I would stop drinking (at the moment) if I were you.
No. 2314592
>>2314589Yes, I broke my tailbone and it's for the pain. I don't usually drink so I had no idea. My head feels like it's going to explode, it's kind of scary. Thank you for the info
No. 2314735
>>2313865She's a perfect 10
But she wears a 12
Baby keep a little 2 for me
No. 2314776
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>>2314763I can't answer your question, but there are legitimate technical reasons why you might be making yourself look worse with selfies. Taking good portrait photos that capture a person's likeness is actually pretty challenging. I have a whole book on posing and portrait photography and I still suck
No. 2315015
>>2315012There are 8 billion of us
Can you comprehend the size of that number
It is impossible for everyone to agree
No. 2315018
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My teeth are really translucent and have a bit of scuffing on the front surface like picrel (not my pics). Are my teeth fucked? I wear a retainer like the one in the pic. I'm scared that I'm making it grind away my teeth in my sleep somehow, but I need it to keep my teeth straight. I want to rip my stupid fucking teeth out of my skull and just get implants. Anyway, are my teeth ruined? Are they going to keep thinning and start snapping and shit? I feel so anxious and sick when I look at my teeth.
No. 2315061
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So were all those Chrissy tiegan tweets real or is that a conspiracy and they were all fake
No. 2315066
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>>2315050That’s a shitty selection. Watch God Bless America (2011)
No. 2315072
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How do I avoid this weird fit when it comes to shirts/top? I’m not overweight but I think the default cut of tops look weird on me. It’s sort of like pic rel but idk how to describe it. The only way I’ve seen this described before is when the kibbe styling system describes romantics
No. 2315146
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Nonnas how old do you think this tiktoker is? Ill give you the answer and reason why I’m asking after.
No. 2315221
>>2315187I think Bad Bunny kind of counts. I think part of the reason why is because of k-pop and the fact that social media led to parasocial relationships with these men being more insane than there were already, so straight men in particular are turned off. Also, if you are serious about music, it's not the best path to take in a world where straight men are the tastemakers and decide what real music is unfortunately.
>>2315144i've had anxiety my whole entire life, i couldn't even tell you the age where it started. I literally thought my heart pounding all the time when someone spoke to me was normal until i was 14. It mainly came from having poorly developed social skills from having autism and having received no help except speech therapy. I also always sucked at making friends and had very little awareness why that was and it made me very depressed and insecure because i didn't know i had autism until i was almost 30, so i was scaring people away with my spergy behaviour unknowingly.
No. 2315262
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>>2315146Okay, so she’s about to turn 33. She said she was in the grocery store with her baby and that a woman asked her if the baby was her only grandchild. She has gray hair which obviously makes her look older, but her face looks old to me and a lot of other people in the comments. Most are saying 40 at the youngest and people are saying we only think that because of her hair, or that we’re not used to seeing a woman with no work done. Makes no sense because no 35 year old in my life looks like her. I think she looks 40.
No. 2315425
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>>2315262People were saying it's the hair and the lips so I tried to give her a different haircut and some lip liner. I also gave her a slight suntan. I think it's her posing in the photo too, she's looking down at the screen so the shadows on her face are a bit more pronounced. It's her skin that makes her look old, it's very sallow and looks dry. If she put on some tanner or just used more moisturizer, she wouldn't get the "old" comments.
No. 2315438
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>>2315433Okay what about now?
No. 2315579
>>2315575Typical response for a bitter judgemental loser.
>She doesn't agree with X thing so she must be X thingLiterally the brain power and logic of a toddler. It's embarrassing.
No. 2315592
>>2315575The woman doesn’t even look bad. No one said she does. She’s actually pretty, just tired and unkempt which is understandable considering she’s taking care of a newborn. I showed the picture to my friend with no context and without the hair, and she said she looks 45 which I think is crazy. She looks 38/39 and I don’t think that’s an insane opinion.
>>2315579Nta but Can you seethe somewhere else you are clearly raging over a very civil conversation and it’s not diabolical to assume you are taking this personally.
No. 2315595
>>2315592Not everyone is going to agree with your world view anon,
you don't have to take it so personally.
No. 2315624
>>2315619Who the fuck says this kek. Not even tiktok commenters are this
No. 2315628
>>2315618You'll never know cause I'm integrated.
>>2315621I haven't said anything about being mad or not, but nice try.
No. 2315646
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>>2315642Keep talking and you’re getting the booty juice meemaw.
No. 2315651
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No. 2315658
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It's boring when nonnas try to de-anonimize eachother this is anonymous for a reason if you want to be a personalityfag make a tumblr blog but I do understand that some nonnas can be transparent personality wise.
No. 2315673
>>2315659Okay, so that’s your opinion; you realize this right? Saying we’re all making you sick to your stomach and need serious help is going to elicit a response. You’re fucking dramatic, we are determining would make her look more her age. If we were criticizing someone for being fat you wouldn’t give a fuck. Maybe you would, because some girl in confessions was saying she was wondering how a 350 pound woman can manage to find love and not her. She wasn’t even saying she wasn’t deserving of love and someone lashed out. That someone is highly likely to be you.
>>2315648NTA but someone responding to you seething with a joke doesn't mean it's bait. If you're going to act like a fool the rest of us may as well have a little fun kek
No. 2315769
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Why do my cats avoid my phone/phones in general? They're okay with mirrors and will lay near or on my phone when I watch videos or text. If I try to take a picture of them they won't stay still or will move away like they're avoiding me.
No. 2315820
>>2315807The answer is we don't know. If there's a lot of fluid, it's mostly piss, but smaller amounts are still a mystery. So studies have shown that women who say they squirt large amounts are either mostly urinating, or else their body is producing a diluted form of urine only during arousal, but it's still originating from the kidneys and traveling through the bladder where it can mix with urine.
But then, some women squirt a small amount of fluid that originates from her Skene’s glands during orgasm, and this definitely isn't urine, but these women are much rarer. Some people will actually attempt to distinguish these two groups of women by calling the urinating ones squirters and the Skene’s glands ones ejaculaters.
No. 2315833
>>2315819Learn manual all the way. Manual cars are cheaper, they get better gas mileage, and they need less repairs. Plus, if you learn manual, you'll know how to do automatic without any additional learning.
>>2315824Like I said, if there's a lot of it, then it's mostly urine. But the Skene's glands still produce a few milliliters of fluid and it still comes gushing out, which some women consider to be squirting.
>Trish paytas has a squirt video of her squirting blue liquid she drank.Gross. But also hilarious because what is in that dye if it's just passing through her like that.
>Also a woman ejaculating makes no biological senseNeither do hiccups, but they still exist. Evolution isn't perfect, it's merely good enough.
No. 2315848
>>2315844I was just giving an explanation. I'm not under some tranny or porn cope that squirting is real and
valid. Yea some women do "squirt" because they have weak pelvic floors and some trannies get ass cells put in their gashes to fake wetness doesn't mean they'll ever have a female orgasm
No. 2315869
>>2315826>I also remember reading an experiment that measured women's bladders before and after orgasming, and the group of women who were assigned to empty their bladders before masturbating for the study were found to have their bladders be completely re-filled post-orgasm.I get that with most penetration, but with a wand not with a man.
>>2315833>But the Skene's glands still produce a few milliliters of fluid and it still comes gushing out, which some women consider to be squirting.I get this too but it doesn't really gush, there's just a lot of wetness and it sort of floods in really quickly. It doesn't come out of my urethra and it only happens when I have really strong penetrative orgasms and hold off on touching my clit until I'm already mid orgasm.
No. 2316153
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Is there an adblocker that still works on youtube?
No. 2316550
>>2316546Hypothetically speaking, if you got blackout drunk and the most embarrassing thing you did was perform an awful rendition of chop suey, I would consider that a great achievement. Far from the most embarrassing thing you can do in that state, kek. People bring alcohol to work parties with the expectation something like this will happen, it's pretty normal.
I imagine this is only slightly embarrassing for an extrovert. I would be a little more sheepish if another co-worker said I did this though, but that's because I'm generally afraid of being myself in front of people.
No. 2316557
>>2316550Technically i don't know if he did anything more embarrassing because he could only remember that and not what led up to it or what happened afterwards. But yeah, you are probably right.
This really shows how incomprehensible the lives of other people are to me. I would never let my guard down in front of strangers at all. I guess i was so judgemental towards him in part because of my own shortcomings…
No. 2316860
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nonnas i need to make my boyfriend a gift (for free) for christmas. he's been really into runescape. i know nothing about runescape but i figured i could like draw his player and gamer name with some bosses or weapons or whatever. but i do not know where to start and haven't drawn anything good in a while. i want it to be like, i put a lot of effort into it bcus im dead broke and can't get any gifts this year. am i retarded? i don't even fucking know what picrel means. what do i do
No. 2316959
>>2316941If they're below teens it's pretty mean, afterwards they understand themselves a bit more clearly to learn from it. Santa is supposed to be how kids learn about giving and selflessness.
I believe in certain parts of Europe they have a mini Christmas on the 5th of December where they get sweets. If you don't get any it's a warning to shape up or you don't get presents or you go to hell or something.
No. 2317137
>>2317132cleaning up sketches and doing final lineart can be so annoying, i hate layer management to keep my lineart clean but it can be so annoying having a layer for every part. thanks
No. 2317295
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Why do you think Alfred is such a popular husbando choice? He doesn’t have a tragic backstory nor is really angsty. If anything he’s a bit obnoxious. But people go nuts over him.
No. 2317439
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Shout out to all the other single nonnies giving themselves the gift of statistically and evidence based increased probability of maintaining safety and bodily autonomy this Christmas
No. 2317854
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How common is it to feel ashamed of a previous relationship shortly after breaking up?
I sometimes feel almost disgusted at myself about the fact that I've dated some of my exes. It's a confusing feeling, since I know I have been attracted to them in the past but how I view them now has changed so much I cannot imagine what I ever saw in them.
No. 2317944
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People, we are SUPPOSED to lotion our ENTIRE SKIN every single DAY!?
No. 2317959
How do I keep my love for baking without becoming fat? I've been baking a lot and a lot of it goes to family and friends but of course I always eat some myself too. I've gained 2kg in the past 2 months from all the bread I've had to eat before it'd expire, should I just accept it?
>>2317854I think it's pretty normal to feel that way, I have no idea what I saw in my exes even though I had feelings for them at the time. I guess when you see them regularly the bad things don't stick out to you as much but when you stop seeing them it's all you can think of. Don't feel too bad
No. 2318025
>>2318018Anons on here can give sound advice to be fair, but I will literally
never care about the opinions of the average fashion influencer. How the FUCK do you become that smug while looking so consistently like shit.
No. 2318146
>>2318131Thanks nona! It's good to know I'm not insane. I just, idk everything has a buzz. Other women can just decide things like that. It seems so direct.
I should be more confident and not be such an overthinker. We're lost in our thoughts
No. 2318171
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Psychfags help now. I just looked up what "quiet BPD" is and THIS is what it is? At this point, what is the difference between having BPD and Depression if depressionfags pretty much operate like bippies according to this new definition? This new information is like if the symptoms criteria for ADHD started overlapping 70% with the diagnosis standard for Autism. At what point do two conditions not become the same thing with all these updates and definitions to mental illnesses and personality disorders?
No. 2318209
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Who is Carrey-chan
No. 2318378
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How do you nonnies go about filtering retard men from your clubs? I’m thinking about starting a art club at my uni (not an art school), but I’ve had terrible experiences with artist moids infesting any irl club I was a part of before, ranging from degenerate sex pests to actual retards who wouldn’t shut up about their chris-chan tier OCs. I really want to meet and talk to other artists in a structured space where we can encourage each other to meet our goals, but having to deal with more moids like this would absolutely make me tear my hair out. When I wasn’t the one running these clubs, I could just block and ignore them and move on with my life, but if I’m the one running the club then I might actually have to manage any tards that come through.
>just grow a spine and tell them to gtfo
I’m fine with telling moids to gtfo but I’d like to prevent them from even being a part of the club in the first place to where I’d have to make them leave. I can’t go through another experience where everyone in the group coddles the degen and acts like I’m the crazy one for not wanting to put up with his poorly disguised fetish art of the week, I will kill someone. Now that I’m typing this out I realize that I don’t even like people at my university enough to start a club with them KEK. If anyone has advice on keeping crazy moids out of my life I’d still appreciate it. I don't have any artist friends to start the club with, so if I go through with this it's going to be me vs. whatever randos that show up.
No. 2318427
>>2317970If the crotch line is longer than the "pants leg" then you have gone too far. I lived in Texas forEVER and wore booty shorts constantly with no backlash. But only with this rule in mind did it feel fine.
Also is heavily dictated by your body type: the thicker you are the more careful you gotta be with it.
No. 2318470
>>2318378Have clearly defined rules that directly state those actions will lead to getting banned. The rules should state that sexual harassment is never allowed, and that a pattern of posting sexual or
suggestive art counts as sexual harassment of the other members. So if someone posts 1 sexual piece here and there you can let it slip if you want, but if someone is there to just spam their big titty waifu you can claim it's too sexually suggestive and kick them out.
Ideally you should have at least one other mod on your team who also hates degenerate pornsick moids.
No. 2318498
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>>2318209Poster who printed up a load of anti Jim Carrey flyers and spread them throughout airport bathrooms. She pops up in a lot in dumbass before disappearing on pro-troonism allegations
>>>/ot/2154360 No. 2318626
>>2318620>Have you ever bothered to type either of the troons name in the catalog nona…those threads existAre you retarded, nona? Dylan doesn't have a dedicated thread, much less Saeko. Just the MFT thread littered with a thousand other cringe troons. Shayna and Heathers stale lives are also a boring revolving door of all the same bullshit, but they still get like a hundred threads. Why are the standards higher for male cows but we laugh at way less cringy and way less eventful female cows all the time?
>>2318623It wouldn't be redundant and the userbase doesn't overlap, actually. Most nonnas rightfully don't go on KF because it's too moidish, so how come the faggot moid farms shits on troons more than the "based misandrist" farms? cringe and lame.
No. 2318643
>>2318626The audacity of a newfag to call someone else a retard kek
>>>/snow/1864330 lurk moar fag
No. 2319111
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is it possible for females to have a twink body? i'm already thin but i don't know how to go about gaining muscles cuz i don't want to accidentally become bulky? also i feel like my curves will be more prominent if i were to build my muscles more and i don't want that. i want to be shapeless and lean.
No. 2319138
>>2319065lol, nta but, Zenless Zone Zero, new game by the Genshin devs.
I dunno, depends on how obsessed he is and how slutty his fave character looks.
No. 2319139
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Does it really pay to be a degen artist? Or do you have to hit gold with a niche fetish?
No. 2319177
>>2319111The actual way to be shapeless and lean is being mostly muscle and low body fat (you will never be able to achieve the roided bodybuilder physique without roids btw). The kicker is though that female bodies require 21.2% body fat to function. The reason for this is because sex hormones are fat soluble and are stored in the body's fat layers. Women that have a low bmi produce a reduced amount of estrogen which can lead to an abnormal menstrual cycle. Amenorrhea, or the lack of a menstrual cycle, is a result of a low bmi. You will also get hairy as the body is producing more male hormones. I do not suggest trying to become shapeless, however more muscle and less fat does give the appearance of being less hourglass and more box-y.
Some facts about us: Women have adapted to use fat stores, and can survive on less protein and survive on less carbs than men. We also are more resistant to fatigue than men, even when women and men with the same strength level are compared. We can generally do more reps at a given intensity than men. Essentially we are built for survival. We use estrogen and testosterone to build our muscles, both anabolic hormones, and higher fat diets promote estrogen and testosterone production. We have better metabolic health than men and have healthier fat distribution. We can handle more volume than men because we have higher type 1 muscle fibres. Estrogen is anti-catabolic which aids in muscle repair, reduces protein break-down during exercise and protects you against muscle damage. This allows women to train with a higher training volume without becoming overtrained.
Rather than using exercise for appearance, might I suggest using exercise for something neutral, like preparing yourself for when you're living alone and need to move something heavy, like a washing machine, because it broke down and you need to check what's wrong with it?
No. 2319245
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>>2319239Goodnight nona, I hope you sleep well and that your tummy feels better in the morning
No. 2319289
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Are there any women out there that you think are genuinely ugly? It takes a lot for me to find a girl ugly, but tophiachu is fugly as fuck. I feel really bad for her though, for multiple reasons.
No. 2319300
>>2319111No nonna, if you pick up a bag of groceries that weighs more than 1lb you automatically become the Hulk. Sorry, biology makes the rules! That's why you see all those women at the supermarket who are so roided they can barely fit through the door. They picked up too many bags of potatoes and now they will never be the skinny queens of their dreams.
>>2319247Install an app that limits social media time, there's a million out there to choose from. Go do some chores or watch something fun on TV without your phone in your hand.
No. 2319390
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Are these manufactured for women in mind or gay men?
No. 2319485
>>2319445Chickpea salad:
>2-3 cans chickpeas>baby spinach to taste>feta to taste>about 1/2 medium onion or small onion, diced>1 small or medium tomato, diced>mint to taste, chopped>parsley to taste, chopped>white vinegar or lemon juice to taste>olive oil to taste>salt and vinegar to tasteSteps:
1. combine ingredients and stir, adjust to taste
Carribean-inspired chickpea curry:
>2 cans chickpeas>1 small can tomato puree or tomato paste to taste>1 can coconut milk>1 large onion, diced>2-3 cloves garlic, minced>1 scotch bonnet pepper (can omit or sub with a different fresh pepper)>curry powder to taste (ideally a carribean/latam version)>1 cube chicken bullion (the shitty MSG ones work best here)>cumin, turmeric powder, and coriander to taste (can omit and just use curry powder if lazy)>amchur powder to taste (can sub with lemon juice or omit)>bay leaf>neutral or coconut oil>waterSteps:
1. saute onions with cumin and bay leaf until translucent, then garlic until the raw smell goes away
2. add tomato paste if using and cook until it darkens a bit, then add coriander, turmeric, and stir for a few secs
3. add water or turn heat down, then add coconut milk. you just have to be careful that the pan isn't too hot or the coconut milk will break
4. add bullion, whole pepper (only dice if you want the full heat), amchur powder, tomato puree if using instead of paste, and chickpeas, stir, then add a cup or so of water
5. simmer, stirring occasionally, until curry thickens to your liking. Adjust flavors to your liking throughout. Remove pepper and leaf before serving
There are also many variations of channa masala
No. 2319521
>>2319445I like making vegetarian chili with chickpeas
>packet of chili spices (lazy) >ground tofu, or beans>1/2 a chopped onion >a clove or two of garlic >one can of diced tomatoes>one can of low/no sodium added chickpeas Stuff you can do in advance
>chop an onion, keep it bagged in the freezer until you want to cook >drain and freeze a block of tofu, squeeze the water out after defrosting >crumble the tofu, coat with a little olive oil and cook in an oven at 400 for 20sh minutes, check halfway through to move the crumbles a bit Chili time
>sauté onions and garlic on the stove >add diced tomatoes, spices, strained chickpeas, and some water (maybe like a 1/2 cup because this is a smaller recipe)>let it simmer for 30 minutes >recipes vary when to add the tofu crumbles, so I usually do it halfway through or near the end>if you want a thicker chili you can add a spoonful or two of tomato paste, just make sure to stir it in so it doesn't burn No. 2319666
>>2319656>why does this happen?you're not attracted to them and don't see it as a possibility, not trying to insult but maybe you're a bit naive too.
>is there a way to fix it?just assume, by default, that any moid trying to get close to you is trying to fuck because it's true 99% of the time. Especially if he's being way too complimentary or attentive. Guys don't really platonically love the way female friends do. The closest you'll get is when they treat you as "one of the boys" which has a totally different feel
No. 2319707
>>2319679Kek I think I am somewhat autistic but I’ve never sought out a diagnosis because I’m not sure what value it would really add to my life.
Still wondering though—how do you tell when you brainwashed yourself into liking someone versus being attracted to them right off the bat? Sorry for being so naive and clueless.
No. 2319861
>>2317295>no angstit's been a while since I was really into hetalia but i remember reading an incredible amount of angsty us/uk fic kek. the fujos had a field day with the revolutionary war
Also he's hot, confident, kinda dumb but ultimately nice, and while he would be obnoxious irl it's different for anime characters tbh. He started as a bit of a meme in the amerifag thread but I unironically love him as a representation of the US
No. 2320314
>>2320159Because our society is hierarchial and deep down, it abhors weakness. Have you ever seen someone or something so weak and sad, you thought it was disgusting? Most people are not capable of empathizing with
victims because they're repulsed by them. Because otherwise, recognizing it happened to you means it could happen to me too.
No. 2320319
>>2320314Ayrt you're so right. Yeah no wonder the hero of the
victim gets revered because they're "strong"
No. 2320450
>>2320276ice it and take a benadryl. sometimes you put too much cream on and you need to like wash and even exfoliate cos your skin was suffocated and your pores were clogged and your skin cells couldn’t turn over. i would make sure that’s not the case with you and do a good wash and then a layer of a cortizone product (i like the stick that doesn’t have a roller but has almost water inside?) on the areas that are itchy and then one layer of a non scented cetaphil or similar lotion. drink a ton of water. make sure all of your bedding is clean. clean soft clothes. silk PJs are the most soothing or like a fluffy robe. then once that is done you can assess - do you have like hives? is it under the skin and invisible? i would also see if your skin feels hot or hotter different places but well after the shower obviously. that’s inflammation. if it’s traveling around you can find where the inflammation is or if it doesn’t settle into a pattern it could be your brain signaling you to inflammation and creating a pain response. that’s also a thing pain is weird. but ice the spots that are hot or itchy. chug water and take some allergy meds and inflammation meds. i would also not eat anything for a bit. for me gluten actually
triggers it so sometimes i’ve eaten too many carbs that day that had it and i have to wait it out. look up foods that are cooling and anti inflammatory. no sugar no alcohol. water water water.
No. 2320480
>>2320426you can only judge family dynamics on a case by case basis.
at minimum, you'd be spending more on gifts for their siblings, but maybe getting more gifts in return.
No. 2320646
>>2320640Depends on what you are cooking and what temperature you cook it at.
In India they use a lot of ghee (basically butter just without the milk solids) and iirc the Mediterranean countries (Greece, Cyprus etc.) use olive oil.
No. 2320877
>>2320872This is such a retarded jump. There are so many other potential reasons for
nonny's behaviour besides "oooh you're neUroSpiCy" kek
No. 2320903
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>>2320891I hope he has a heart attack and dies.
No. 2320976
>>2320943Thanks I will take it that way.
Why am I looking so much into it: spent a lot of time as a friendless NEET and am just learning how to interact with people/workplaces now
No. 2321007
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>>2320861The fact that you have to ask about this is already a clear sign you don't have a good idea what healthy behavior is. While this doesn't automatically mean that you have some sort of mental illness or disorder, it's probably a sign that you are neglecting your personal needs and trying to ignore self care by engaging in behaviors that are unrelated to what you actually need. You should probably work at redirecting all this time and energy spent on obsessing about someone else's life to seeing what areas in your life are lacking and how you can improve and develop yourself. In short, it's likely you are neglecting your own needs and projecting them on another person as a potential source of your needs being fulfilled in some way when in fact you should enrich your own personal experience without relying too much on an image of a person created in your mind. Think about what you find interesting about that person you are obsessing because the things you find attractive in them are usually what is calling for your attention in your personal life and is underdeveloped and neglected.
No. 2321015
>>2321011He said you were disgusting and you still haven't dumped him? He texted four of his friends to embarrass you and to talk shit about you, and you still haven't dumped him?
I'm begging you to get self-respect and dump him. I think you should be ashamed of yourself but not for eating on the bed, no: you should be ashamed of yourself because you've let this loser into your life and continue to let him stay in your life as he continuously disrespects you. Grow a spine and dump him, please, for the love of God.
No. 2321025
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>>2321021Well then, Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas
No. 2321193
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>>2321011i eat in bed. maybe men are messier when they eat and project that onto women. reminds me of what Antonoff said to Lena Dunham.
No. 2321212
>>2321202Read what a lolcow is.
>>2321205No, I wish there was though.
No. 2321324
>>2321322If 4chan is one option then the answer is always the other option.
In actual detail though on Omegle there's a chance of finding bored normies. Dumb and bored but still decent normies
No. 2321343
>>2321249Sometimes I imagine it would be funny to be a husbando personalityfag and then remember in actual reality I'm too afraid of revealing who my husbando is anywhere in fear of being clocked somehow (low chance, but never zero) and hide like a ghost everywhere I go kek
>>2321315In my case it's not a nickname or anything that resembles my legal name. It's like Sarah suddenly saying "Hey everyone I want to be called Jessie". Might be where I'm from but Sarah saying "Hey I'm Sam now, he/him trans man, don't call me Sarah it's misgendering" is more socially acceptable.
No. 2321413
>>2321300I actually went through this myself. I had a very common first name, so common that there was 5 other girls in my class that shared my name growing up. When I went off to university, I just started going by my middle name instead. I was tired of being the 12th person people knew with that name. I especially hated being called [First name] [First initial of surname], it's like okay, you might as well call me by a number at that point.
A good name is way more important than people realize, especially if you work with the public or in the arts. I ended up getting my name legally changed a few years ago - I swapped the first and middle names. It only cost me $100 and it took like a week to go get all the paperwork and due processes completed. After I got the legal change, that was pretty much it. I had already been going by my middle name for years at that point, so it really was just formalities like updating at the bank, doctors offices, tax offices, etc.. If you want to go by a new name, I really recommend getting it legally changed because if you don't, you'll still have the "important" things registered under your old name.
In all honesty, you're not gonna get your old friends or family to call you by the new name. It's too big of a demand. For me, everyone that knew me before 2017 knows me as my old name and everyone that I met post-2017 calls me by my new name. Sometimes, when those groups collide, it can be confusing, but I always just tell confused people "oh, it (my former first name) is a personal name, I go by [my current first name] in my daily life now."
You'd be surprised how many people go by their middle names in daily life, or even just aliases. I had a landlord once that went by Peter, and only 5 years after I met him did I learn his first name was actually William and that Peter was nowhere in his legal name.
No. 2321444
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>>2321232I don’t know what you’re referring to, where? I’m looking for somewhere I can a-log shit like this
No. 2321460
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>>2321444Retards like you that can’t help but sperg out over what they don’t like instead of hiding the thread is what ruins this site. No wonder there’s countless shitflinging threads between whatever insult of the month groups we have here, post what you like and bring more discussions if you wanna see the board change
No. 2321468
>>2321413>In all honesty, you're not gonna get your old friends or family to call you by the new name. It's too big of a demand. NTA but what is this nonsense. My entire family and all old friends call me by my new name because they respect me (and I don't react to the old one so it would be rather
problematic for them). What is this weak willed shit
No. 2321534
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how much should i be getting for my friend's birthday? we've been really close for the past 3ish years, and i got her a cute picture frame with a picture of the two of us, a cake candle, and a card. i was gonna get her more but i know that the rest of her friends (potentially her bf as well) who will be at her party will probably only get her one thing, and something small at that. its been years since ive been to any birthday party so i dont wanna over/under do it. plus i just gave her something for christmas so idk if im doing too much
No. 2321606
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What would you call this expression? Specifically if it's after someone said something out of line/embarrassing.
No. 2321703
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>>2321660Just ignore them
nonny, some anons got coal in their stocking yesterday and are trying to bait infights in this thread for whatever reason.
No. 2321731
>>2321656>>2321659Unfortunately I'm a friendless neet freak. Hoping to get a job and enter the working world this coming year but wanted to change my name first.
>>2321676You mean like it might make me paranoid? Hmm idk I didn't think they'd care that much about a name change.
No. 2321747
>>2321639Kekk sorry nonna, I did thought about spoilering but it's directly related to my question.
>>2321661Yeah you're right, calling it "grimacing at/in xyz" is probably the closest you can get in short form.
No. 2321892
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What the fuck is cumtown, is it a podcast?
No. 2321894
>>2321868Can't speak for everynonna but I kinda like mild sweat smell or post gym smell from someone I like. It's not an instant thing but if were sharing a bed I like it.
Mourning breath no. No no no.
No. 2321910
>>2321905I read research a long time ago that suggested that people are supposed to like the natural smell of their partners. I don't mean like, unwashed sweaty smelly stink, but just the natural scent of a person. If you don't like the smell of your partner, the relationship won't work out in the end. It's something to do with pheromones. It's similar to how mothers can identify clothing worn by their own children based on smell, but they can't do it for their step-children.
For morning breath, always keep a little dish of mints on your bedside table and a cup of water. Just pop a mint in when you wake up, drink some water, and then you can kiss away.
No. 2322339
AITA? I want to break up with my bf because he wants to attend an expensive, almost weeklong event. He’s willing to pay my way but it’s something I’m physically unable to handle (no air conditioning and in the summer in the tropics, outside the entire time). It’s pricey, and I’m definitely not with him for his money, so it’s not like we can do something special together before/after. We don’t live together and the only overnight vacation we went on was funded by my parents, with him buying himself some extras. Apparently I am being very toxic which sure, I’ll take it. But am I really the asshole? I’m not making him feel bad. I didn’t frame it as “don’t go or I’ll break up” I was simply like I can’t handle going to that with you and I can’t handle you going by yourself, I’m sorry, I’d like to break up because I’ll never not be upset about this, as immature as that is it’s just the truth. I didn’t say he’s a bad person or that I hated him and didn’t make it a fight, I’m sad but he deserves to be happy and have fun, and I deserve to feel secure and prioritized. Like am I really being so awful here? I love him but I know that will ruin our relationship because I’ll be bitter. I’m also insecure and even though I trust him not to, I’ll never fully convince myself no cheating occurred since I can’t be there.
No. 2322773
>>2322711start an interest that is as far from anything she would even consider doing as possible and is extremely boring to her like for example, if she is lazy, get into some sport. Get reeeeeaaally into it, talk about it all the time when you're with her, show her related stuff etc. and bore her to death. Works every time. Or start going to church a lot and become very religious, talk about how it saved you and try to convince her she can improve her life by doing that. They also avoid the self-improvement thing so you can start talking about life changing philosophies and minimalism, stoicism etc.
Also remember this is BPD, even if you are faking it, you have to put on a show everywhere so all you socials, friends must know to some degree that it's something you're doing. It's a bit of work but this will make her less interested in you and have no reason to take it personally/will blame it on the thing, not you.
No. 2322776
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I’ve been saving outfits like these on Pinterest recently. Are there search terms to describe this look?
No. 2322836
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Guy I know started seeing someone a few months ago. His pfp everywhere is the two of them now. Sweet pic. But from the very moment he did that alll he posts are fb looking text images about how looks don't matter/what's inside matters. How important the heart is and not the body/face/the outside. Over and over.
Am I nuts or is that way too much of the same message to be seen as wholesome?
No. 2322860
>>2322851>the autist in me is probably really bad at hiding itFor me it isn’t literally the surviving part I don’t get it’s actually not looking like a retard. Is it not so obvious. I can’t speak to someone I like without blushing profusely, if there’s someone I find very attractive my hands get shaky too and I’m usually funny and relaxed but suddenly I become markedly less verbose and it’s so. fucking. obvious. People make it sound like going crazy over a crush is like a teen/preteen thing so I always feel so immature but like… how do you even grow out of that?
>>2322855I also don’t get when anons say this (just masturbate) because it isn’t just a horny thing
No. 2322866
>>2322860Then ask yourself why it is more than a horny thing
>>2322863100% they will literally admit that they show their males LC like leave us alone, normies. This isn’t a zoo
No. 2322895
>>2322887Yes kek, do you crush on males for muh personality meme?
No. 2323180
>>2322967Honestly I don’t know kek. I think about him 24/7 but it’s like whenever I’m actually with him he’s so goofy (because he’s trying so hard to impress me) that I relax completely.
>>2322956I can’t give advice on how to meet men because this guy is my coworker. Maybe try joining some coed sports leagues and then you’ll meet someone. Ik sports are boring but the hottest and healthiest guys are always into them so that’s probably your best bet.
>>2322931I guess you’re right. I’m not gonna lie that I feel very unprofessional because of how excited I feel to go to work and see him.
I’m now overthinking if I should try showing that I reciprocate the interest by telling him that I thought of him and his family during the holidays since they’re in a bad spot rn. Should I go for it nonas?
No. 2323263
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>>2322799Noo, really? I don't know if my friends like them ironically or not, sometimes they seem to reference them. My friends are retarded though, they like Talk Tuah. It makes me want to kill myself. I don't know what's ironic and what's real anymore.
No. 2323428
>>2323263Garbage in, garbage out, nona. On top of that, you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time hanging out with or however the saying goes.
And don't take advice from anyone who's life you don't want to live
No. 2323514
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What are the best tips for saving and investing money? i am saving every dollar i make because my goal is to retire super young to focus on art.
No. 2323570
>>2323514Check out these threads, you might find some useful info:
Frugal / Money Saving
>>>/ot/2317885Personal Finances
>>>/ot/734134Money Money Money
>>>/ot/246031Making Money Online
>>>/g/62754There's been a lot of information posted about your question in these threads, so maybe you can find something interesting or informative in them. Your question is really big and not stupid, so if you're interested in learning more you should check out those threads or ask your question there.
No. 2323643
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Where can i download VNs?
No. 2323685
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Real talk, is there a program I can download that can do brute-forces for a six-digit numerical code? I am trying to log into an old Amazon account of mine and it's asking for a OTP but the email associated with it is long-gone and defunct. This is like the only way I can get into it.
No. 2323826
>>2323815:( my package is late and they mirrored the official site
perfectly Except for none of the links working - only found that out after i tried to give my card info, but luckily for me, it declined use on those types of websites
(emoji) No. 2323845
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>>2323835i was too trusting, nona…
No. 2323859
>>2323855It doesn't matter about income, please still lock the card and call the bank ASAP and let them know you were a
victim of a credit card scam. It happens to everyone, don't feel ashamed. Just use this as a learning experience.
No. 2323861
>>2323826It can show up as declined and then in the following few days multiple random charges start coming out or are attempted. Then your card/account sometimes ends up getting freezed by the bank if they pick up it's suspicious. Get ahead of it and freeze/replace the card before all the bs.
I've never gone as far as to enter details but I've had the most perfectly timed scam text when I was mid losing my shit over a delayed package. It's the timing that can get non boomers fooled too.
No. 2323886
>>2323855Here's another piece of advise if this incident or something similar happens again. Always go the website (USPS, Amazon, bank, etc.) and enter your info there. Don't click on
any links from unknown numbers. Even from people you know, you should be careful because they could've been hacked.
No. 2323944
>>2323930When a person won't eat anything at all unless it's bland as fuck shit or very specific shit. I know at least two picky eaters.
One is a girl who eats the most random shit, never eats vegetables and never drinks water, she only drinks soda, she doesn't even like tea, coffee or juices, only soda and maybe some Gatorade.
Going out with her or inviting her to your home is a pain in the ass, I can't stand her at all.
The other picky eater is my obnoxious brother, he can't eat the same food twice in a week and sometimes he can't do so in the span of 15 days, he prefers to not eat than to eat anything he doesn't like and while he eats vegetables and drinks water, it takes way too much convincing to make him try new shit and the majority of times in which he has catalogued something as "not good" he will just not eat anything at all for the rest of the day. He's also obnoxious to cook for and his mood for food changes like the weather on spring, he will love the way you cooked something one day and the next day he will say he hates it.
God I fucking hate them so much.
There's also my aunt, but in her case it's because of the conditions she grew up in and the OCD, she only eats crackers like a parrot and maybe some really bland fruits like papaya and banana, she also has some gastrointestinal issues so I honestly just have patience and try to give her what she can tolerate/eat, because most of the times, whenever she doesn't eat something bland, she gets seriously sick and I hate it when people get genuinely sick.
Like, some people are picky eaters because they're retarded, others are genuinely sick and can't handle anything too strong or too complex, like at all.
No. 2323954
>>2323930>>2323944I have an elderly relative who I would describe as a picky eater. Trying to cook for her is a nightmare. She hates anything spicy, and her idea of spicy is orange chicken. Dislikes all Indian and Mexican food even if it isn't spicy. Hates all seafood and fish. She generally dislikes cheese and will scrape it off anything that comes with it. Hesitant to eat anything she describes as "savory pastries," i.e., pierogis, knish, spanikopita, pot stickers, sausage rolls, etc. Sometimes just rejects recipes I suggest for no discernable reason. She doesn't even like pizza!
I feel like spaghetti, steak, chicken, burgers, potatoes, and sweets are all she ever wants to eat. Then she gets upset about gaining weight. I consider myself a foodie, and it's miserable to try and plan meals with her because she never wants to try anything new or go anywhere interesting.
No. 2323981
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What made people decide that sirens aren't birds anymore and mermaids now?
No. 2324129
>>2324115No, you will look based. Everybody worries they will look stupid, so just head down into a screen to blend in. People doing analog activities in public stand out in a good way, imo. Especially creative ones.
99% of the time, nobody says anything, and then the people who do will just compliment you for having an attention span and doing something that doesn't look dystopian and bleak (doomscrolling).
No. 2324145
>>2324115A nice independent coffee house or cafe, no: a cheap chain coffee place, yes.
If you need a good space to do creative work, libraries are probably a better environment. Less noise, more table room, less mess, etc..
No. 2324181
>>2324145I thought about the library at first but the last times I went there it was very noisy. It's always full of people who mind their own business and just pick books to borrow but there's always one or two people screaming in there and ruining it for others. Libraries are closed on Sundays anyway so I'll try to go back later next week.
>>2324123>>2324129Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow then. The city should be pretty calm because almost everyone left for the holidays but I'm paranoid someone will try to film me or post creepshots, or that someone will try to bother me and ask questions the whole time, based on previous experiences.
No. 2324322
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If somebody graduated high school in 2021 how old are they now? 22?
No. 2324406
>>2324403>Probably a comic since you’d have to condense down the text/dialogue in exchange for imagesReally? I would think the amount of time drawing (especially if coloring is done as well) could equal if not be longer due to needing to draw unique art for every interaction.
>Depends how confident you are in your writing.My writing is dogshit but this is purely for my own indulgence.
No. 2324421
>>2324413>VNs would need sprites & backgrounds too, music and correct transitions as well. I don't play VNs regularly so I wasn't even thinking of those, thanks. Maybe I could find someone else to do those or use edited photos, I don't really care about them. I'd go pretty barebones with a VN.
With a comic for pure speed I suppose I could reuse art. I want to finish the writing/plotting before finalizing character designs so with a VN it seems easier to use placeholder graphics while writing it out.
No. 2324441
>>2324421Good luck
nonnie, you might want to look into the indie VN scene for tips and stuff. I’m sure there are free asset stuff you can use to help you while you work on it.
No. 2324519
>>2312738If they missed a canal you need to get a root canal retreatment. It's not going to go wrong for you right away but it will hurt. The fact you have any pain or unpleasant sensitivity at all is a sign of it. I've had three get retreatment myself (sometimes you need it redone over time, and sometimes you need it right away). It's a really quick procedure (under 15 mins at most), you should squeeze it in.
The tooth is already dead after a root canal. If you have unfilled canals, that's why they hurt. The canal gets infected and the pain can come and go, or even swell or form a pimple of sorts on your gums. Don't pop it if you get one.
If a dentist wants to pull it, see someone else. They most likely don't want to retreat it because of insurance or lack of skill, but a specialist can do the retreatment easily.
Your crown, if you have one, is very possibly going to break during so be prepared to pay for another if that's how it goes where you live. If it doesn't break, the dentist can just fill it permanently and you'll be fine. Hope this helps nonna
No. 2324525
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>>2324519Maybe I worded by post wrong, my second molar in the upper tooth is the one that hurts, they already treated 3 out of 4 canals, but I need to see a specialist dentist for the 4th canal. I haven't gotten a crown yet, it's all the natural tooth and the filling so far. I can't afford crowns at the moment so I'll do it later in life when I'm making enough money. But I was afraid of getting to a point of no return with this tooth where it has to be removed. Thanks for the reassurance though.
No. 2324534
>>2324525If anything it will hurt and maybe get infected, but if it's free from a cavity and you don't mind the pain you can sit on it for a while. I'd definitely get that last canal treated to avoid the pain and infection, and then try to save for the crown because the tooth is a lot easier to break now that it's deadened. If you already don't chew on it much it'll hold out longer, but you fracture it without a crown if you're unlucky.
If it's any consolation, I've been sitting with a fully open tooth for months because life keeps getting in the way of my appointment to get it filled and capped. It's already had the word done and redone, so it's ground down a ton but I just put dental wax to keep stuff out and don't chew on it. Dental stuff is hell.
No. 2324619
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>>2324614Do I call the number anons?
No. 2324958
>>2324711Actually, yes
I've been told by Chinese people that you have to brew it for very little (think one minute, two minutes is the max indeed) or just stop as soon as it's yellowing, it's not supposed to be a dark color at all. The water also needs to be warm but not boiling, so you can boil it and wait 2 minutes for it to cool down a bit or just not boil all the way. Too hot and the flower will burn
No. 2325020
>>2324957Thanks, good to know
Just kinda weird considering instagram does delete all likes from people you've blocked
No. 2325137
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What is this? I know it's a contraceptive but I don't want to potentially see a certain tumour by looking it up.
No. 2325282
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>>2325274I don't have an answer to your question but I once found a dude online who was autistically obsessed with defending Yui from Diabolik Lovers from the other characters similarly to how the Family Guy autist Megfags try to defend her from her family treating her like shit kekk
No. 2325354
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>>2325350Steps to find a thread:
>Go to catalog>Type in the thread name in the search bar>Choose the correct thread from the search resultsI did it like in picrel. But here's the link anyway in case you can't find it still:
>>>/ot/1951096 No. 2325365
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>>2325274Nearly all Simpsons fans are autistic. Though some do go the extra mile.
No. 2325381
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Who do you think killed JonBenet Ramsay? I'm not a hyper-autist about the case but it is really puzzling because there's no real satisfying answer due to how poorly the crime scene and investigation was handled. I think either her brother did it or it really was a home intruder.
No. 2325417
>>2325414Is there not already so many threads like this?
>>2325381A close friend of her father.
No. 2325475
>>2325472Nta but it's fine to bake polymer clay in your food oven kek.
>>2325471What brand are you using?
No. 2325480
>>2325472Nah a mini oven.
>>2325475A niche brand only known here. And funnily enough I've tried baking it in a food oven and this issue didn't happen
No. 2325496
>>2325485>Isn’t BPD just being overemotional?Please read up more on it then because it absolutely is not. You have hypersensitive autists for example and they don't have BPD traits like the complete lack of reality, lack of identity, attachment issues, the general toxicity and
victim complex, yada yada
No. 2325506
>>2325489Well, I would assume self-harming is not something mentally healthy people do, I suppose. As I said I am not trying to self-diagnose and would go to a psychologist if I wanted a diagnosis. (Unlikely, I don’t want people like my family using confirmed mental illness against me.)
>>2325496Right I see. I assumed my feelings regarding relationships fell into attachment issues especially the idea of having a FP. I doubt I have autism (I think) but I could see how perhaps other conditions could manifest the same traits in a similar way.
No. 2325517
>>2325506>self-harming is not something mentally healthy people doSelf-harm isn't indicative of a mental illness itself. It's indicative of poor coping skills. It can be a symptom of mental illness, yes, but self-harm alone doesn't mean someone has a mental illness. A person could struggle with self-harm while not having any mental illness.
>I don’t want people like my family using confirmed mental illness against meYour medical history is nobody's business except your own and your doctors'. If you don't feel comfortable telling your family something about your health, you have no obligation to.
>I assumed my feelings regarding relationships fell into attachment issues especially the idea of having a FP.I'm not trying to shit on you, but if you're finding information about mental health online, either from social media or from popular psychology websites, none of that is based on fact. Look up "medical student syndrome" for more information on what I mean. You need to read actual peer-reviewed research, or better yet: the DSM-IV. That is the only trust-worthy source of information pertaining to psychology.
No. 2325524
>>2325504Thanks nona. They do look pretty sturdy and the price is good so I think I'll get them.
>>2325514Kek I know anon, I'm pretty hopeless at dressing myself. I'm getting high tops, they're my favourite type of shoe. I can't stand low tops though
No. 2325608
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How do you overcome a fear? its a really gay one too
No. 2325629
>>2325615That is the psych-approved way, they call it "exposure therapy"
I had a friend who had this type of therapy for her fear of elevators
No. 2325785
>>2325772If your hips are shaking from an
orgasm, could you accidentally hit your partner in the face while getting
eaten out?
No. 2325797
>>2325787>>2325788Thanks for the advice nonnas.
No. 2325877
>>2325859Nta yes. If a "quiet BPD" is just sad and dysregulated and has bad attachments they're not BPD, they're just depression/anxiety disorder/mild disorganised attachment but not enough to be really BPD
>>2325870Because they're secretly envious of women imo. They act like we're such yass slay queens but it's just another form of misogyny. They're mad that women have straight men fawning over them and, supposedly, can score any man to fuck while they only have STD-ridden hookups with dingy homeless scrotes they met on Grindr in back alleys
No. 2326013
>>2326008Her name was Raven. She was super entertaining for a while, but after she moved to the trailer she got super boring so her threads died off. IIRC the last thing I heard about her was that her son that she left in NZ ended up trooning out later on, which was a bummer for a lot of the anons that had supported him early on. I still like reading her old threads from time to time. Pre-2016 cows just hit different.
Raven's first thread -
>>>/pt/12332 No. 2326040
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>>2326013I know this isn't the thread for it so I'll be quick but
wow No. 2326046
>>2326035Living alone is a luxury, it always was and always will be. I don't know where this idea of "everyone should be able to afford their own apartment and if they can't then it's the government's fault!!" came from, but it honestly seems like it's a bunch of naïve zoomers that parrot it.
>I want to be left the hell aloneI've lived with a lot of different roommates in a lot of different apartments, and usually there's never a problem with this. If I want to be alone, I just go to my room, or I say "hey, I'm gonna be busy for a while, please don't bother me," and that's it. For every horrific roommate you might have, there's gonna be 10 good roommates.
If you want to live alone, you have to realize that that is a luxury that costs a lot of money, so you have to work hard and make smart choices to make that desire a reality.
No. 2326510
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>>2326035I can't sleep well unless I know there's someone else in the house. My roommate is going to move out soon, with her BF. No certain date but she's been talking about it for a while. Ideally I'd like to own a house, live on the second floor and have two to three wolfhounds (they're super gentle but look scary) to patrol the house. Realistically I have almost enough money to mortgage an two bed apartment and I'll rent out the second room to a college student. I won't have to deal with her long if she sucks.
No. 2326633
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How come you can have stretch marks on your hips and ass but still be a flat pancake?
No. 2326638
>>2326633They're probably from when you're young and growing. Sometimes, when kids grow fast before or during puberty, the skin doesn't have enough time to stretch out properly, so they end up with stretchmarks.
So in your case, your hips and buttocks might have had a growth spurt moment related to puberty and its effects on fat distribution, so you got stretch marks from that. You'll notice that a lot of people actually have very faint horizontal stretch marks on their back, maybe only visible when they bend forward, for the same aforementioned reason.
No. 2326900
>>2326654Are you really trying to attempt the tiktokfag twitterfag younger Zoomer method of cancelling someone kek, nobody would care about some rando
Like the other anon said just sign him up for JW, Scientology, and other cult shit
No. 2326966
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Do you think the eating 12 grapes thing under the table during nye works? For love and finances, I'm tempted to try it out.
No. 2327272
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>>2327237Nice post number nonna
No. 2327293
>>2325608>>2325615Repeated exposure to the activity seems to work with fears and phobias which are created after ages 5-6. If you are afraid or have a phobia for driving a car it can go away with sufficient repeated exposure and mastery (months or some years), but if you for example get bitten by a dog at age 4 and it really imprints an ancestral phobia in you, you can reduce it but it doesn't seem to go away (still get a fear rush when seeing big dogs approaching)
After all, fear and anxiety are the most primordial emotions (arachnid brain)
No. 2327305
>>2327237I don’t know if I’d say
smart but definitely …imaginative!
No. 2327388
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Is her waist shooped? It looks photoshopped to me but I don't know if I'm wrong. Maybe she just has a great figure?