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No. 2457739

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread:

Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:

No. 2457751

If I ask the first question, does that make me the stupidest nonny of them all?

No. 2457760

It makes you a little rabbit

No. 2457770

I stopped smoking but I just smoked almost an entire pack in 2 days. I really want to smoke again but I dread the effect it has on my face and skin. I am thinking of getting on a very low dose of accutane like 20mg/week to combat the premature aging is this a good idea? Bryan Johnson is on 40mg/week btw so it should be fine I guess.
>inb4 tretinoin
I am already on tret

No. 2457775

>is this a good idea?
Probably no. Talk to your doctor. And stop smoking!

No. 2457791

Never used makeup because I'm too lazy for it but I wanted to try it for fun and to change up my routine but I'm scared I might get never want to go back. Now, as I said I'm lazy so I probably won't be doing it everyday but I'm worried it will start to affect me on the days where I don't put it on. Am I crazy for thinking of it like it's a drug or something?

No. 2457797

Not really, obviously it's not like a drug in that you can't have withdrawal kek, but wearing make up messed with my self perception. That is not going to be true for every woman, some women just genuinely enjoy the experience of applying and wearing makeup and that's cool. It really comes down to you and why you want to start wearing it to begin with. Is it because of things like uneven skin tone? You probably shouldn't then, it will likely mess with your self esteem. Is it because you just want to express some part of yourself, like you'd have fun with longer eyelashes, you want to match your eye makeup to your outfit? Go for it anon!

No. 2457811

Americans who have traveled abroad or non-Americans who have traveled to the states, are there as many gas stations as there are in the US? In my state, there are so many fucking gas stations. In all fairness, we're rural so lots of cars, but I still absolutely do not think we need so many. There's a street near where I live that's just like 5 different gas stations all right next to each other.

No. 2457822

if you have an insecurity and it fixes it, like dark under eyes, thin lips or short lashes, then the makeup will give you euphoria. And you might feel a slight sadness that you don't look that way naturally. But as for it becoming an addiction? That's not going to happen. Because the process of putting it on, and taking it off is so tedious that you'll be repelled most of the time to restart the process even if you enjoy the results. Sort of like a runner's high, or endorphins from going to the gym. Yes you'll feel euphoria from doing it but it's not strong enough to keep you hooked on it if you're a lazy person. Addictions come from quicky and easy to achieve highs, not so much labourous tasks. Especially since the feel of makeup on the skin is so suffocating, which makes the euphoria a brief excitement. It's most fun to wear to take photos, or just for sort events like clubbing in the evening, or group-outings. Where you can come home after a few short hours. But the irritation of feeling it on your skin will grate you if you wear it an extended time too. Plus the relief from washing it off is it's own intense euphoria. Take that from me who was raised on beauty guru youtube, but I still spend most of my year makeup-free despite having a 5 story shelf of makeup products sitting on my desk. It's like how you treated toys as a child, super fun before you got so used to it you grew bored.

No. 2457851

How do I find another woman to experiment (i.e. sex) with when—I live in a turbo Catholic country, am a NEET, and don't want to plaster my face on a hookup app due to fear of family members potentially seeing it?

I'm in my 20s and I don't want to wait 'til I'm in my 30s, 40s, or 50s to know what sex with another woman feels like. I'm also scared of being potentially catfished by moids so how can I potentially avoid that too?

To any nonnie that successfully did it with another woman how did you do it?

No. 2457852

Go to your local nunnery's meet and greet session next time they host one.

No. 2457873

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Can men train themselves to have multiple orgasms?

No. 2457877

If they shove stuff up their asses, sure

No. 2457898

Yeah I knew a guy who could do it almost every day

No. 2457950

Like, he would cum, then he'd cum again five seconds later, or what?

No. 2458163

Why are people into online gambling all of a sudden and it's everywhere, even in mobile games? I sort of know the answer with the economy and all that, but is there another reason I'm missing?

No. 2458173

its fun

No. 2458180

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I always wondered, why do the Steam community forums allow you to ask questions and post walkthroughs of games that aren't even available on Steam?
Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me, it's useful sometimes. But why?

No. 2458186

I think it's a combination of the tech getting more advanced and streamlined, countries banning irl casinos and their promos, and non-stop advertising.
t. work in that field

No. 2458199

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I’m sorry if this is really too stupid but where do nonnas watch free anime these days? I recently finished Death Note and wanted to watch older animes again like. Vampire Knight and Rozen Maiden. I’m not a burger though and it’s ok if it dub because most of the time I’m multitasking anyways

No. 2458200

I download it through Nyaa

No. 2458203

I used to use 9animetv.to but i switched to aniwatchtv.to. There's r/piracy on reddit that has a masterlist of streaming sites if you ever need non-anime exclusive sites.

No. 2458204

Torrent on nyaa
Hianime for when I'm too lazy to download or if it's spur of the moment
Look up Plex too

No. 2458213

Thank you so much for the suggestions!

No. 2458326

Why are bi men so… insane?

No. 2458355

Do you guys also just go out with your hair unstyled? I’ve never done anything to my hair ever but in college I started noticing how all my friends were doing something with it every day (curl, straighten and so on) and even at work I see how most my women my age are coming every day with their hair styled in some way. I now feel weirdly pressured to do that too because I’m like what if they think I don’t take care of myself or something but I just find that super exhausting and unnecessary

No. 2458359

Yes. The only styling I do is heatless sock curls over night and a small straightener to my bangs to get them to sit right, but I also tend to just go out with just some brushed hair and my bangs pinned to the side. Don't do something because you feel pressured to do it, do it because you think it could be fun but don't fall in to any societal pressure. If your hair is regularly washed and brushed you're totally fine.

No. 2458360

What are the motivations behind women who try and keep the women they feel threatened by close? This new girl in my programme is very beautiful but is also very blatantly sucking up to literally every moid and she was doing this with me too. I think she saw me as competition and was ego stroking me a bunch but my autism gut said something was off and I’ve just been avoiding her. It’s always really tense when she’s around. I think she picked up on the fact that I was interested in a moid and only flirts with him when I’m around. I’ve actively started to ignore them both but like whats the fucking point.

No. 2458362

I don't do jack shit with my hair either. It's not really an active choice I make I just couldn't be fucked honestly

No. 2458386

If you call up a college/university and ask about the schedule or classes of someone enrolled there, will they reveal it to you? I'm terrified that I'm going to be stalked this way right now and I don't know how strict colleges are with their confidentiality

No. 2458393

How do you know she was threatened by you, or that it automatically becomes super tense (and not that you are just tense) when she's around? Also how do you know she's flirting with the moid? What does she say? It honestly sounds like you're the one threatened by her nona.

No. 2458399

I have long, curly hair and don't style it. I just try to not have frizzy or messy hair and always fail because of the weather where I live, it's either raining or very windy. The most I'll do is tie my hair when I'm eating or doing housework. I've had a reputation of looking like a lazy piece of shit just based on my hair for a long time by white people with naturally straight hair when I was younger but that's because products for curly hair that didn't cost and arm and a leg were nearly impossible to find at the time and the trendy haircuts at the time would have made me look terrible and required me to straighten my hair almost everyday which would have damaged it. Some people also see naturally curly hair as more neglected than straight hair by default even if it's perfectly well maintained and healthy so that doesn't help, that's the reason why I only straightened my hair before job interviews and the worst part is that it really tricks people into thinking I look more formal and more professional.

No. 2458403

Naturally, my hair air dries into nice curls but if I brush or blow-dry it I look like someones grandmother. I will personally never put effort into how I look because it always comes out worse.

No. 2458406

Don't think they'd be allowed to do that but why not try for yourself, asking for yourself?

No. 2458408

Good idea actually

No. 2458412

yea, I just let it hang down or maybe have waves from braiding it. Sometimes I put it just in a bun. I refuse to heatstyle it or use hairspray.

No. 2458425

Because she flirts with every moid and casually says shit like how she never uses a condom kek. She does the weird fake compliment thing where she turns it back on herself. She told me about how good I looked with my bangs then made a big deal about how she tried them once and looked horrible. She also kept commenting about how big my boobs were but when she was on birth control they were just as big (In front of all the moids). I have a lot of female friends but I know a pick me when I see one.

No. 2458432

Honestly she just sounds retarded and like she doesn't know how to have conversations. I would wait to hate her until she literally insults or puts you down.

No. 2458453

I never said I hated her just that she weirded me out and I’ve been avoiding her. She’s not some inept autist she’s very calculated socially. She kept trying to suck up to me without actually getting it know me and it was weird. I just don’t understand why she would act this way with me and ignore a lot of the other woman.

No. 2458525

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Can I get dried blood out of a white duvet? I washed it in the washing machine but I think I just made the blood stick to the fabric harder

No. 2458528

Maybe she can tell you're kind of an autist and feels less threatened by you because she sounds like she is kind of socially retarded. I do not think she's threatened by you at all, I think she's just an annoying straight woman who is socially retarded but less so with men because it's easy to gel with them if you're a mid-attractive woman doing the teehee female socialization thing, plus she throws in those weird inappropriate comments around men too so it sounds like she's trying to meet them on their level somewhat but it comes off as really annoying and pickmeish.

No. 2458532

Hydrogen peroxide. Don't know if it will work after washing, but worth a try.

No. 2458587

Thanks nonna! Thankfully I had just bought bleach for my hair, seems to be working

No. 2458603

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How many times should I forgive someone who has basically "betrayed" me nonas?

No. 2458605

How many times and how severe are we talking?

No. 2458608

Maybe 5 or 6? Very severe to me

No. 2458613

Anon… you know your answer.

No. 2458615

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I do. I just wanted to hear it from another anon, ty

No. 2458709

How can I request to apologize to an employee of a company that I frequent regularly without risking getting myself banned? I had to directly disobey their instructions to me and I didn’t get an opportunity to say I’m sorry to them on my way out but I’d still like to apologize to them, however I’m nervous that if I reach out to customer service and tell them about what happened and that I’d really like to extend an apology to them that it’ll result in me being banned or disallowed from using their services anymore.

No. 2458721

no one cares it's just work

No. 2458832

have any of you anons seen my maroon 5 cd?

No. 2458840

I think your mom borrowed it, try seeing if she left it in the car.

No. 2458976

Am I childish for believing that if I am no longer friends with someone my other friends should follow suit?

No. 2458985

It depends. When the rest of our friendgroup except one person turned on me, that one person kept talking to them regularly. I slowly stopped engaging with her and let the friendship die out because it felt like she didn't believe me, and was secretly telling them what I was saying.

No. 2459011

It's just that I distanced myself from this person due to their behaviors– the same behaviors that our mutual friend has also complained about (in a general sense, not necessarily from this ex-friend in particular). It just feels weird to see her support and be buddy-buddy with the type of person she claims to hate.
I also feel a sense of disloyalty or betrayal for some reason kek

No. 2459013

who originally created/owned this site?

No. 2459085

Honestly, yeah, just slowly let her go. If you don't like that she's a hypocrite, then she's not in line with what you want in a friend. I personally don't like that so I let those friendships go. No shame in outgrowing someone.

No. 2459137

I forgot his name, something like daddy Zenkman?

No. 2459146

This site was a honeypot for sh0eonhead. It's still a honeypot, but it doesn't reap exciting results anymore, and sh0eonhead has long since had no involvement or affiliation at all.

No. 2459150


No. 2459167

Why don't they sell human sized hamster wheels? I feel like people with money to waste would have posted one online by now

No. 2459170

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No. 2459171

I mean as an exercise thing inside someones house

No. 2459190

They keep space nonna.

No. 2459196

Yeah, it's the space thing. It's the reason why I haven't bought my cats their version of a hamster wheel.

No. 2459266

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Is Japan actually a heaven on the earth?

No. 2459269

That's what socially maladjusted weebs suffering from arrested development think, yeah.

No. 2459272

Saying this as an OG weeb, absolutely not. Jp scrotes are insane and the culture is crushing.

No. 2459318

Only if you're a coddled foreigner. Although some expats who work there ended up giving up because they couldn't take the work culture. It's only fun for tourism if you're into the historical places, food, animu shops, and convenience stores.

No. 2459329

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Would this comic be considered “millennial”? Or just attracts very specific types of people that exist in most generations?

No. 2459330

It's just a comic for adults living adult lives to me. Though this sort of thing definitely rose in popularity with millennials and older zoomers/"zillennials" for sure

No. 2459333

I think any generation can enjoy it/see the humor but this comic is something that only a millennial mind can conjure up kek

No. 2459335

The Japanese govt has had to create separate subway cars just for women because it’s so socially acceptable for Japanese men to grope women in the normal cars. If that paints you a picture.

No. 2459349

This is a comic for DnD types. The style is millennial, but the joke would appeal to anyone who was into fantasy or DnD.

No. 2459357

IMO yes but I feel like the millennial hate bubble is about to pop because the zoomers on Tiktok are starting to realize that millennials had way more fun in their youth because they let themselves be weird and annoying.

No. 2459360

>allowed themselves to be weird and annoying
They got drunk anon. Millennials were just as insecure as zoomers, they just predrank before hanging out with people, to go drinking at the bars. That's why they call it "social lubrication"

No. 2459364

Zoomers drink a lot too but they are too irony poisoned to actually go after their desires, even while intoxicated. All young people are insecure/petty on some level but Zoomers are on a whole different plane when it comes to anxiety and avoidance. Millennials weren’t perfect but they weren’t breathing down each other’s necks as much as Zoomers are. Anyways anon I’m not sure exactly why you asked that question about the comic but if you think it’s cringe to like it don’t worry about it too much.

No. 2459367

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Definitely very unfunny millennial "humor" which is mostly cringe. Only super old people would find this funny, like age 25 or above. I remade the comic to be way more hilarious and hip with the times. My comic is probably 3 to 4 times more funny then the original cringe millennial slop.

No. 2459369

No. 2459371

>they got drunk

Kek what? More like social media and internet use was minimal so there was less worry in general about being perceived, especially as being “weird and annoying” .

No. 2459372

Doesn't answer my question, retard. I'm an adult. I'm a stupid paranoid adult, but still an adult.

No. 2459375

>Yes, research suggests that Generation Z (Gen Z), also known as "Zoomers," are drinking less alcohol than previous generations, possibly making them the "soberest generation".

No. 2459376

Yeah, because Zoomers forgo alcohol in favor of cannabis and popping pills. I thought this was well-known?

No. 2459378

Cannabis and falling asleep on xannies doesn't make people want to go out and socialize

No. 2459382

That's because they're too busy vaping and being retarded online

No. 2459385

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tfw thou are wont to run in the treadwheel but thine castle wall’s merlons are completed.

No. 2459456

Too busy acquiring popcorn lung from their shitty little nicotine kazoos

No. 2459466

Overall Japan is safer for women than Western countries. A lot of Western female travelers are saying how safe Japan is.

No. 2459495

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Zoomers also smoke less cigarettes than previous generations (not a surprise) but apparently millennials both vape and smoke weed more than zoomers lol.
>vaping https://www.valuepenguin.com/life-insurance/vaping-survey
>weed https://www.headset.io/industry-reports/demographics-report-2023

No. 2459501

NTAYRT but the only reason why drinking has lost popularity is cause of the legalization of marijuana and how easy it is to have a virtual doctors appointment where you can get prescribed whatever narcotics you want, I don’t think just not drinking should make them considered “sober”

No. 2459519

One of the studies lists Zoomers as being 11-26. How is an 11 year old gonna buy cannabis? You need to get better at reading statistics and develop your critical thinking skills.

No. 2459520

Alcohol just makes people more social than other drugs. I don't really agree with the "sober part either, since they're the xanax generation

No. 2459542

I'm not saying that it's impossible that as zoomers age they'll smoke more weed, I'm saying that anons are incorrect in assuming zoomers smoke more weed than other generations

No. 2459545

But you're relying on statistics that don't make sense and don't reflect your point…

No. 2459549

What statistics should we be looking at then, anon?

No. 2459556

Don't turn it around on me because I pointed out the flawed methodology of the study that you chose to use as a source for your dubious claims.

No. 2459645

can you train stacy voice if you don't have one

No. 2459761

Why do many autistic people seem to have an interest in the military, wars, or weapons? I swear most autistic people I've met were into those things in some degree. Although I must mention that the majority have been men, so maybe it's just their moidbrain.

No. 2459762

They like rules and hierarchy and yearn to die in wars like the mindless drones they evolved into.

No. 2459781

What does "prison gay" mean?

No. 2459821

It's a man who in normal circumstances would only have sex with women, but if deprived of women completely (like in prison), he would have sex with men.

No. 2459828

For one of my busywork biology assignents I have to write about something in a scientific article. Can anyone find me something cool to write about? Preferably shorter since it only has to be 400 words. I'm in college and not underage I promise kek

No. 2459838

this sport seems to be quite physically demanding, how come she doesn't lose any weight, and it's in fact not even slightly chubby but overweight?

No. 2459847

She eats more than she can exercise off?

No. 2459850

Write about deep sea creatures
Maybe she records some videos from time to time but otherwise remains inactive? I suppose she learned most of her techniques at a young age and then gained weight later in her life

No. 2459876

dang she must be built under all that fat to be able to move lik ethat. she's one of those people that would look really good after a year of calorie deficit

No. 2459890

Anime is mainstream now. I saw a lot of normie female tourists during the last trip to Japan.

I traveled to Japan 3 times and never felt unsafe at any time, even at night.

No. 2459917

People can be overweight for all sorts of reasons. She might have hypothyroidism or it could be diet. Either way I think she killed it.

No. 2459939

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Reminds me of this lmao

No. 2459941

Do lesbians and gays hate each other?

No. 2459948

Maybe there’s something wrong with her?

No. 2459972

Lesbians are shitted on by everyone in the LGBTQ.

No. 2459986

Gays hate lesbians first and lesbians hate them in response. Gays act like they're super supportive of their slay pussy licking sisters or whatever retarded fag lingo they use but they resent lesbians probably even more than the stereotypical "bihet" does

No. 2459997

No. 2460004

The simplest root of it? Gays hate women and lesbians are women. Their entire personality is a rip off of women after all, gays wouldn't even have shit without lesbians and they act like it's vice versa. They're jealous women can get men easily (because their fag minds are even more malecentric than straight moids) and not have to risk it with STD-ridden hookups from Grindr in crackhead alleyways. So lesbians are an anomaly they really don't understand, don't fit into their snowflake worldview. It's a combination of all these factors. Meanwhile, average "bihet" is just mad lesbians keep pushing her out the door to their spaces because she only dates moids.
Idk, I'm talking out of my ass probably though.

No. 2460018

Whatever happened to that one fat bong pop singer who looked like he had come from a John Waters film? Has his career died?

No. 2460043

How do protesters go to the bathroom when they need it when they're all packed in crowds large and tight enough to suffocate for miles on end?

No. 2460049

If a person dies while overseas, alone with no phone, and the body is immediately discovered and identified by authorities, how long do you think it would take their family back at home to find out? Do governments communicate about that kind of thing?

No. 2460073

Why aren't more celebrity women single and childfree? They have all the money in the world to do whatever they want and they still choose to tie the knot with some moid who is going to hurt them anyway. The only famous volcel woman I can think of is Enya.

No. 2460077

It depends on the country. Once the authorities determine it was a foreign citizen, they contact that country's embassy, who then gets in contact with someone from your local government, who contacts your family. So says you're an American and you die in Canada. The communication channels are very open, so your family would know within 48 hours. But say it's somewhere like Ghana. The local police would have more difficulty relying the information to the US embassy, so it may be a long time. Then of course there's places like Haiti, where your death may never be officially reported, so your family would have to contact the embassy themselves to tell them that you went missing in Haiti.

No. 2460091

Because they want a male partner?

No. 2460100

Celebrities are inherently narcissistic. They need to have some kid to pass their legacy on, in some way of avoiding death

No. 2460104

Which celebrity/creator would cause the most suicides from parasocial fans if they were outed as a criminal/pedophile/etc.?

No. 2460129

It's really hard to say because mainly men do those kinds of things or else i would have replied some k-pop idol, but the burning sun scandal says otherwise. People give male celebrities a lot less slack, so i couldn't think of one. Only a female celebrity could cause this kind of outrage, most likely someone like Taylor swift.

No. 2460136

Maybe because they want to have a child and experience that part of life

No. 2460138

Keanu Reeves?

No. 2460142

I was initially gonna say LDR but she already has been outed as kind of a shitty person multiple times and none of her fans seemed to care lol

No. 2460148

Is there a 2025 equivalent to Tumblr? Like an active fandom space? Tumblr seems kind of dead and Twitter/Tiktok are just pure cringe. I haven't used social media in years but I was considering getting back into it for some new fandoms.

No. 2460163

Tumblr is very much alive, you just need to build a circle of mutuals in the fandom.The one drawback is that a lot of artists/whatever do not bother with tumblr since it doesn't have an algorithm.

No. 2460296

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is she sucking in her stomach? she was 31 here

No. 2460298

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No. 2460308

such a bizarre post.

No. 2460309

her body is similar to mine but i have a pooch and i was wondering if can target it or if it's normal

No. 2460312

I knew this was her by the way she poses with her pelvis pushed out, which makes it look like she has a penis

No. 2460333

What ever happened to those parents and their kids they called "starchildren" or some shit? What was that even about I remember lots of teenage hippies on deviantart and tumblr calling themselves starchildren.

No. 2460341

I think it originates from warhammer dorks

No. 2460351

Are you talking about starseeds? If so the belief is still alive and well but I think has been overshadowed by other woo beliefs in recent years.

No. 2460362

i knew some annoying fag who called himself an indigo child back in like 2009

No. 2460485

Are there any movies or shows with a focus on social media thematically that are actually good? I feel like almost all of them are cringe with the lingo or super condescending

No. 2460492

How do pathological liars handle dating? A bf/gf would be close enough and spend enough time with you to realize you're not actually an astrophysicist swordfighter with a drug lord/illiterate/nurse father, right? (yes this post was inspired by kaijuno) What kind of person would be ok seeing someone lie through their teeth constantly and in such absurd ways and stay with them?

No. 2460496

They avoid actual commitment or engage in polysodomy

No. 2460695

Does anyone who goes on the cesspool that is 4chan know if there have ever been girls who attentionwhored for female attention, not male attention? Just curious, I know a lot SSA women who use it but have never heard of that happening

No. 2460700

has anyone ever gained weight so fast it felt uncomfortable? i’m actually losing weight but it’s redistributing to my upper cheeks for some reason (i presume a drastic change in diet?) it’s been going on for like half a year now and it aches so bad. it’s like the inside of my flesh is itchy. it happens maybe a couple times a month for like half a day, literally flesh redistribution overnight

No. 2460705

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Forgive me for asking this question, but I must.
is coercion rape? If it is considered to be a form of rape, what would be considered coercion in rape? Is it pressuring someone into having sex? Or is it really coercion if blackmail or life threat is involved?

No. 2460707

I don't know where you're from but it's often considered non-consent and hence rape in legislation

No. 2460734

Should I be concerned about a stinging pain on my scalp for several days? I cant find any lumps and I havent hit my head anywhere, but if I try to scratch or rub a specific part of my scalp it fucking hurts

No. 2460738

Get a mammogram.

No. 2460768

How am I supposed to cope with how much evil there is in the world? Sometimes I think about horrifying things like FGM or the woman that was kept in a box and it makes me want to kill myself.

No. 2460771

What's polysodomy?

No. 2460779

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Why does it bother nobody that none of the climate propaganda stuff from the 2000s came true?

I remember watching this in school and New York was supposed to be underwater, the ice was supposed to have all disappeared off Mount Fiji in ten years. It was all supposed to have happened but none of it did.

Yet shit's still going the same and they've shifted the apocalypse further down the road.

I feel resentful because being 13 years old and being made to watch the movie, it gave me a bit of anxiety about the future. I feel cheated.

No. 2460786

To be fair to them, I think a lot of the overly dramatic imagery and timelines used in movies and speeches about climate change at the time like this were basically them using the most pessimistic predictions to spread awareness and fire people up about climate change, because our policies were not (and still are not) moving fast enough to combat it. A lot of predictions have come true, like the global temperature rising past 2.5C, carbon dioxide levels at an all time high, more intense hurricanes. I don't know about you but the climate in my area is definitely changing, just very slowly. The big flashy changes like NY and Florida underwater, acid rain filling the skies etc, it seems like they were just scare tactics, a way to try and get people to care by illustrating a consequence viscerally. I don't think it was the best tactic but I'm not a climate scientist and it's not like they could see the future anyway. That doesn't mean the climate isn't changing and it's not a huge concern, though.

No. 2460790

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It bothers this anon. I defend reality whenever I see climate people making things up or lying about obvious things

No. 2460812

Like other anon said, they were worst case scenario predictions, using projections based off our (then) current trajectory.
But a lot of nations committed to clean energy projects, anti-pollution laws, and legislation controlling emissions! And that helped slow down climate related disasters. Depending on how old you are, you might remember a lot of talk about the hole in our ozone layer. It was going to be pretty devastating. Well, due to a lot of work put in to reduce the production of chemicals contributing to it, the hole is not getting any bigger, and is starting to close up.
It's pretty cool having evidence that climate activists were able to achieve their goals, it helps combat doomerism.

No. 2460957

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What does this mean?

No. 2460958

Divine intervention

No. 2460963

She accidentally tapped "follow" bc they went over a pothole while driving and she was stalking someone on instagram

No. 2460982

Because vast majority of people with an opinion on environment are either "it's all lies" or "apocalypse is tomorrow".
Climate doomsayers are lying and doing damage to their movement.

The predictions were just wrong. We did nothing to combat greenhouse gas emissions, outside of the dip in 2009 and 2020 caused by economic recession, our GHG emissions are constantly growing.

Why do people have to mix up all the environmental stuff in one big group? They're unrelated issues and often fixing one would exacerbate the other.

Ozone hole has nothing to do with global warming and climate activists. We fixed the ozone hole problem because we had replacements for CFCs and HCFCs which weren't significantly more expensive. These replacements though have a huge greenhouse effect. So fixing the ozone hole made global warming worse.

No. 2460986

My personal belief is the ozone hole got there in the first place from HAARP abuse and upper atmospheric atomic bomb detonation at the north pole.

No. 2460990

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I like your theory nona

No. 2460991

youre not wrong kek always know there are several radiated mountains and oceans areas too,let's see if they do anything to treat that too but yes you using your ac tore a hole in the ozone

No. 2461065

WTF is ddlg?

No. 2461075

It's better if you don't know (it means: Dom daddy and little girl) it's basically incest pedo roleplay where the woman in the relationship roleplays a
Little girl and the man her fathe…

No. 2461076

It's better if you don't know (it means: Dom daddy and little girl) it's basically incest pedo roleplay where the woman in the relationship roleplays a
Little girl and the man her fathe…

No. 2461227

Why are so many gynecologists men? I find it weird how so few women are interested in gynecological and breast health

No. 2461236

Good thing most if not all gynos in my country are women

No. 2461292

can anyone else also not focus on anything when they're angry?

No. 2461448

I constantly get requests for a one-time-code regarding my microsoft password. I checked and it seems to be Chinese trying to get into my google account (they don't succeed). But the emails piss me off, what can I do to make them stop??

No. 2461452

What do you do if your teeth look mostly aligned by themselves (no overbite or underbite, just slight crowding) but my jaw is still projected somehow when you look at my entire face? I don’t even know how to search up my problem let alone find out the name to know if I’d need braces or jaw surgery

No. 2461461

Perversion and a desire to act on the sense of entitlement over women's bodies every man has.

No. 2461506

I know dreamcatcher are associated with Native Americas and Indigenous people of North America but specifically what tribe do dreamcatcher originate? I’m in Canada at the moment and I was in a trinket shop and there were dreamcatcher for sale allegedly handmade by the local tribe but I’ve seen the exact thing in my home state in the southwest.

No. 2461590

Why do autoandrophilic women enjoy imagining themselves as men? Like I understand many of them are just fujos kek but what's the psychological reason behind that? We know troons enjoy imagining themselves as women because of some disgusting fetish related to humiliation.

No. 2461592

Idk but body dismorphia or maybe they see female bodies as something negative (sinful,weak). It’s obviously bullshit but it’s a mental illness.

No. 2461599

Most sex acts are catered towards men and their dicks, so probably that. If you are a woman you get cunniliguns and thats pretty much it.

No. 2461610

How do I firmly but kindly reject the hugs from my teenage students? There's this boy who keeps hugging me and whenever I try to break the hug he hugs me tighter, it's uncomfortable, I'm autistic and I literally hate hugs from people that I don't really know or that are my clients.
The teenage boy is depressed and cuts, so I need help.

No. 2461636

Girl, this boy knows what he is doing and is 100% taking advantage of your timidity. My mom was a teacher and no way in hell would any of her kids had just walked to up her and hugged her like that, she had them check. Anyway, you are not responsible for his mental health. He has parents and, a counselor, that's their problem.
Just stiff arm his pervert ass whenever he tries to come in for a hug. Also, talk to your mentor or principal or counselor or friend whoever can you give you some decent advice on standing up for yourself.

No. 2461642

just bee yourself

No. 2461645

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I’m 20 and have a loose grip on reality. What are some early signs of schizophrenia? Internet is kind of vague about it from what I’m seeing when I search? Like it could apply to anyone going through shit. But I hear typical onset for women is around early twenties to early thirties.
>Inb4 just go see a therapist lul
I know… I just don’t even think I have crazy warning signs now, I’m mostly just kind of curious

Funny, I was just stalking this girl and was wondering that. Videos like this make me realise they’re just modern pickmes and a couple decades ago they’d be doing something else quirky for male attention. They think it makes them any different from any of the other “whores”. Sad. They especially love to larp as “amab” too, it’s like a fetish or something I swear. It’s funny that a lot of naturally uberfeminine women like this go the route (by stalking/prior experiences with others I can kinda tell she’s coming off of testosterone + ED and yet she still looks this feminine) and I’m kind of assuming a bit of drug use too, their heads are genuinely fucked up. I unfortunately find her and others super cute and it kills that me they go this far for male validation, especially the “tomboys” (not her) - there are more that cater to men than ones that like women kek
https://www.tiktok.com/@grayson.interrupted/video/7485244519529811246 (link won’t embed for some reason)

No. 2461646

hes 100% a disgusting pervert. shove him off the next time he does that, it might seem rude to you but he will get the hint. why would you care if a scrote kills himself anyway? they do that all the time.

No. 2461657

Is it possible to call out another adults naivety without sounding victim shame-y?

No. 2461659

Aww the rabbit is so cuteee

No. 2461692

Depends on the situation I guess?

No. 2461709

If someone doesn't want to hear it they will reach for that card.

No. 2461757

If it’s something like someone falling for a scam or getting pickpocketed in a foreign country level stuff

No. 2461844

Why do western animation studios out source Asian animation studios most of the time? I know it's probably cheaper or something but is there a truly 100% western animation that is done by 100% westerns?

No. 2461854

can someone telepathically slap me and tell me to stop being a sleepyhead? i need to do things.

No. 2461879

How does Janitor AI make money? Are they selling user data?

No. 2461976

if you post on lolcow from a public place like a library and mall then can you be doxed any further than just your area? can't anti-vpn ban people just post in public places? obviously the privacy concerned gals and not the ones where the country bans the site. i'm curious

No. 2461977

this place is going downhill. i had to motivate myself and i procrastinated but i did it.

No. 2461979

no give me some of that motivation

No. 2461982

Depends. Some institutions like universities have a dedicated pool of public IP addresses so with a simple Google search you can doxx the exact place.

No. 2461987

no, you have to pull yourself up by the bootstraps too. lolcow has becometh a cruel and miserly land.

No. 2462013

Is it normal to have clots on your period? My periods arent painful anymore but the clots feel so uncomfortable.

No. 2462027

Of course. You must have a light period if you ask this.

No. 2462036

My periods have always been a bit heavy on the first 2 days but very light afterwards. The clots have just become a new thing for me in the past year and the first 2 days have become a bit heavier. I didn't realise it was a thing honestly but I guess it makes sense to clot if you are losing more blood. It just feels gross coming out.

No. 2462038

It's perfectly normal. Period blood feels nasty coming out to begin with whether there are clots or not.

No. 2462048

Thanks nonna. I feel a bit more relieved now

No. 2462096

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How do i donate to this site? Ovarit closing down made me kinda worry about this site meeting the same fate. I dont even use this place for milk anymore, i just need one place where scrotes are banned and i can hate on them freely.

No. 2462097

Why is ovarit closing down?

No. 2462099

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No. 2462101

I don't think you can. There used to be a ko-fi link in /meta/ but I think cerbmin took it down. I believe they said they're fine covering the site costs because there are three of them. You might want to ask this in /meta/ instead

No. 2462111

Why do I easily get hot in the summer even though I'm underweight? Even overweight people don't get as exhausted, sweaty, or feel faint the way I do

No. 2462115

Isn't it always being raided with cp and cg by scrotes

No. 2462116

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Nonnas who use a period tracker app, which do you use? I’m looking for one that is preferably not burger based. Please don’t say LaDs.

No. 2462117

Guess they're over it

No. 2462118

You're easily fatigued because you're unhealthy. You need to improve your physical health. Start eating well and consuming the appropriate nutrients, and start exercising.

No. 2462127

Seconded. I'm normal weight but I'm so out of shape and have similar symptoms on a bad day

No. 2462135

follow up question: if an underweight woman exercises will that make her more underweight to an unhealthy degree or stay the same?

No. 2462155

How suspicious would it be if I requested to follow someone’s private account the same day I followed their main? I’m using an old account that I don’t post on anymore so it’s not like I made a burner specifically for this. I don’t know if I’m just being paranoid since they’re open about being mentally ill and I’m nosy

No. 2462158

you might actually gain weight from muscle mass as long as you eat enough to make up for the deficit. but excersize really doesnt use up that much calories unless you do some crazy intense shit

No. 2462168

Why do autistic people like Sonic so much?

No. 2462175

we like animals, colorful things, cartoons, exaggerated proportions…etc. also i know this is the stupid question thread bu this has been asked 1000 times and you could just google it

No. 2462180

is it possible for someone's eyesight to be impaired in a way they can read normal text but can't at all read italics in the same text/size and all?

some gendie in a discord group i'm in throws a fit if people type in italics and claims she can't read italics at all so she'll just ignore any text with italics

No. 2462188

Astigmatism maybe? I have that where I can't read small text on pepper without glasses, and can't read text on a screen at all without my glasses unless it's a really big size. I can see Italics being an issue because they look more smudged than regular text on screen. Although I only need my glasses for reading only.

No. 2462190

Thanks. You're right I should have just googled it.

No. 2462191

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No. 2462194

Idk i barley used it but i wouldn’t be suprised. You know how those subhuman scrotes and troons get when women have anything

No. 2462200

it's normal but I also only experienced it relatively recent. I had big chuncks sliding out the last few periods and my flow changed too. It's not so painful as it used to be. I think it can just change with time.

No. 2462202

mine is called P.C.
t. not a burger

No. 2462210

Yes, it is possible. Damage in the Wernike's area.
>In the classical Wernicke-Lichtheim-Geschwind model of the neurobiology of language, Broca's area is crucial for language production, Wernicke's area subserves language comprehension, and the information exchange between these areas (such as in reading aloud) is done via the arcuate fasciculus.
The causes may be: hitting her head in childhood (which is reversible for the most part), brain cancer or a stroke.
Maybe just an extremely lazy dyslexic (but then she'd have issues with non-italic text too, no?). Maybe she is just autistic, or has OCD, who knows?
Anyway, here is a video of a severe case of what she might have.

No. 2462212

i think she's just doing it for attention tbh because she uses all these weird unicode fonts in her profile

No. 2462287

What’s the deal with hot men who are single? Manwhores?

No. 2462291

Maybe they just haven't found the right person

No. 2462301

At buffets, do they put stuff in the food to make you feel fuller quickly?

No. 2462311

Obviously. All that flavoring, oil, salt, and sugar

No. 2462313

There’s a fine threshold. It’s either:
>scrote who knows he’s handsome and sleeps with everything that moves
Community dick, only good for fucking
>scrote who’s mostly aware of his looks, has always been handsome, but wants something genuine
Super rare, but very sweet when you encounter it. A nice experience I wish on every nonna.
>ex fattie who started going to the gym and who is still insecure and fucks anything that moves
Will cheat on you

No. 2462354

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drip. i use it becase your data is locally saved.

No. 2462390

Why is tooth pain so much more painful than other types of pain?

No. 2462393

concentrated nerve endings

No. 2462403

Also probably because they're more exposed to nasty stuff/bacteria if your tooth gets damaged, and constant air flow from breathing and talking. I understand why we have nerves in our teeth from a theoretical standpoint but when I had an abscess all I could do is question WHY.

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