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No. 267783
>>267768This especially if said friend was abused by the person in question.
I fucking hate it when people are pals with abusers of their friends cause they don't want to pick sides and pretend like it's not their business. Fucking disgusting enablers
No. 267784
>>267768Depends. If a friend hates someone for a stupid reason, I'm not going to go avoid that person because my friend's being a baby.
Or if you have mutual friends that have a falling out over something stupid you shouldn't cut out one to appease the other. That would make you a shit friend.
No. 267793
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Super fat babies are REALLY unsettling to look at. I feel like everybody who wants a baby want them to be as fat and rolly as possible, but all of those rolls and folds creep me out for some reason.
No. 267941
>>267766I kind of agree in some cases but it's just never that simple. I want to cut out my dad for instance but I still love my extended family and there's pretty much no way for me to cut him out and still be on good terms with the rest of my family (plus then things would be awkward for my siblings, etc). Sometimes it really is just an issue of the person who needs to do the cutting off having no spine, though, and it's hard to sympathize with someone who has the opportunity to cleanly break with a toxic person and won't take it.
>>267784agreed, one of my best friends is constantly making new """enemies""" because she's just kind of an asshole to people. I'm not cutting out all those people just because she doesn't get along with them, that's her problem.
No. 268122
>>267918Ugh, I also hate that so much…
The Himezawa thread is proof that no matter what a cow does, no matter how much they'll improve , it will never be enough for farmers.
She's young, she was never fat, she fixed her main problem (nose job) and still she's "beyond repair, every single of her features is ugly, her body looks like a mom's" etc.
No. 268136
>>267697>>268134ot but I miss /manure/ :(
I feel like /ot/ and /g/ have too many men larping but besides that enjoy them more than following the cows themselves kek.
No. 268151
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>>267769in what world is this ugly?????
No. 268155
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>>268151one more because i fail to see how they're anything but angelic
No. 268210
>>268199Pugs are an abomination and breeders should be shot. Extant ones shouldn’t be put down but the breed should be banned and heavy fines for anyone who breeds one.
Bracycephalic, pop-eyed dogs are suffering.
No. 268236
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I love noses like pic related.
No. 268338
>>268236>>268290Lol you guys made me feel a little better that some people might want a nose like mine. I find myself favoring larger/stronger/interesting noses on girls, esp the charming Saudi noses that they're so quick to get surgery on over there.
Been meaning to post this in one of these but: 99% of farmers' photoshop jokes made from cows' photos are super cringe and a convoluted mess of current cow events. It baffles me that people reply with "omg im dying next thread pic!!" to these really unfunny & weird pictures that anons make. IMO usually the cows post photos that speak for themselves in terms of cringe or uglyness. Same goes for when the thread pic is a compilation of screencaps - its ugly and makes it not as easy to find whatever cow I'm looking for bc their face isnt in it. Gifs are annoying too.
Idk, tl;dr farmer photoshops are cringier than the cow themself.
No. 268360
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I miss bootcut (instead of skinny) jeans and having no ass being the norm. Sorry, but big butts disgust me.
No. 268391
>>268387Sorry but having no ass will never be the norm again. Back then super thin women got the spotlight because the mainstream media pushed whatever they wanted.
"Thicc" women are more sexually appealing to men and they can gain fame through social media.
No. 268399
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yeah what
>>268387 is 100% true. having a big butt used to not be desired since it was associated with being fat. big butts were only the norm for black and latina women since they are associated with being naturally curvy, but other women definitely wanted to be as thin as possible. that's why women like j.lo, kim kardashian, and nicki minaj became so known for their asses, having butts like theirs was not common. now that being #thicc is in, suddenly everyone wants a fat ass.
i don't think being super thin will be a trend again any time soon but the oversized butt thing will die out when women get tired of having to do ridiculous things like get fat tranfers/ass shots in order to maintain their dream butt. imo girls will start speaking out about loving their natural butt and not changing it to follow a trend which will create a movement of girls "accepting" having a smaller booty
No. 268455
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>>268390>Probably the Midwest. Yikes.Yes, the midwest of Europe.
Sorry if I offended your love for big arses, anon.
No. 268464
>>268377American discovers Europe and Asia, more at 11.
>>268391Just wait til China forces their beauty standards on you, burger.
No. 268465
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>>268446>men don't attack looksYou're either an ebin cuckqueen, an incel or literally never met or observed a human male in your life.
No. 268472
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>>268435>>268446You should probably never venture towards male-dominated imageboards if a few "nasal labial fold" and "lol wut a fatass xDD" comments are that upsetting to you.
This is just 4chan's literature board.
No. 268486
>>268435I feel that as well. I don't browse image boards as much nowadays but lolcow posters seem to always be legit angry/negative at something, while on 4chan it's mostly the most populated boards, and the rest is just irony. When I read a "kill yourself" on 4chan, it just feels like banter.
It's not a very big difference, though.
No. 268511
>>268486that's interesting because for the most part,i assume a lot of girls here are just being extra vicious because of the nature of gossip, but probably aren't that mean spirited and critical irl, whereas when i see shit like
>>268472 and worse, i tend to assume the men there really do hate women and/or think of them as subhuman.
I'm not saying your perception is wrong and mine is right, could definitely be the opposite, but I guess it's easy to project your biases onto anons when its impossible to know what individuals' tones and intentions really are. If you're sensitive about misogyny you're going to assume all those dudes are 100% serious, but if you're a happy go lucky boy's boy you're probably going to assume every single one of them is totally joking. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
No. 268512
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Beards are disgusting. It's just pubes but on a face. It's disgusting.
No. 268521
>>268511People have higher expectations for women with little to no standards for how men should behave. There are some cows who are really bad people but we can't laugh at them without being chastised for being "too mean" meanwhile those men harrassed an innocent woman off of youtube for posting videos about her hobby. Then they still get the benefit of the doubt for jus joking lulz xDD
That's just the tiptop of the iceberg.
No. 268537
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Commenting on videos about super deformed women being “so beautiful<3” is just as bad as commenting how ugly they are, because it’s so obvious that you KNOW they are ugly but you want to pat yourself on the back with karma points. By bringing up and drawing attention to looks when everybody is basically trying to avoid it, you are basically just calling them ugly.
No. 268545
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A woman wanting to be choked/slapped and otherwise dominated and humiliated isn't kinky or original at all and i don't think submissive women and dominant men belong in the "BDSM community" (though i think that whole community is toxic so that should be a good thing lol). It seems like that's the standard and tbh i blame porn for that.
No. 268548
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Sims 4 is actually good, it has a much better CAS and house building system than the earlier games, with decent gameplay and i think it recieves an unfair amount of hate. You can't compare it to the sims 2 (the best sims game), it was a complete different time in gaming and it had this one guy working on it (cant remember his name) who resigned before sims 3 i think, but at least compared to sims 3 it's just as good if not better. Though i do agree that they overcharge for basic shit that should have been in the base game to begin with.
No. 268566
>>268555I think almost anyone would prefer to be a stay at home parent, even men deep down. Everyone's fantasy is winning the lottery so they can quit work, and that's basically what marrying a well off person and being supported is. But unless you're fucking retarded you'll know that their support is conditional and easily cut off, and financial dependence is a very bad position to be in.
Most girls I know openly want it and I've met very few ambitious career women. Admittedly that's probably because I don't run in high flying, educated circles, but the fact remains that career women ruining traditional marriage is a fucking boogieman. There are still a massive number of women out there who'd love to stay home and look after kids. Men are delusional about what keeps women from being SAHMs, it's sure as fuck not the desire to work.
No. 268569
>>268568Images are a poor measurement. Meet those average women irl and they will talk, act, sound like women. Meet visually passing trannies irl and there's always something off about them - usually act like flamboyant gay guys because they are.
Most women hate trannies for invading women's spaces and talking over us, ala men throughout the ages. The fact that you have devalued the argument down to looks shows how little you are involved in the issue. Trannies in women's sports, competition, bathrooms, silencing female words for excluding them, and attacking lesbians that deny them and serious problems. Maybe stop wasting time baiting and help push back on them?
No. 268574
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>>268555I know a lot of women who should just honestly be SAHMs because they are either breaking even on their paycheck having their young children in daycare, or SEVERELY underpaying babysitters and nannys so that they can take home at least %5 of their shitty lowpaying paying.
Its just that a lot of SAHMs dont really try. Its ‘cool’ as a mom to have your house look like shit with laundry everywhere because thats what makes you ‘real’. They want babies but just plop them in front of the TV and let their kids binge watch peppa pig on Netflix instead of doing worthwhile things like taking them outside, maybe enrolling them in a playgroup, teaching them something, etc. They usually dont clean, their kids are always dirty somehow even though they never go outside, and they rarely cook fresh meals. These are also the same people that bitch about how hard it is to stay at home, while also saying they do the work of 20+ jobs combined (“I GAVE MY KID AN ASPIRIN AND A BANDAID THAT MEANS IM BASICALLY A DOCTOR”) This is just my experience of my friends aged 23~26 in the midwest though.
No. 268575
>>268569The same response is garnered with videos. They're just in denial, and dedicated to devaluing people they see as "the enemy" at all costs.
>Trannies in women's sports, competition, bathrooms, silencing female words for excluding them, and attacking lesbians that deny themA lot of trans women are just regular people who hate themselves and want to live their life, not some mass anti-woman terrorist group. Maybe more people would take your side if you focused not on attacking collectives, but individuals and organizations directly threatening women.
No. 268576
>>268572Falling for what? TERFism?
It's disgusting that you compare women who are gendercritical to autogynephiles with very harmful fetishes…
No. 268578
>>268575>A lot of trans women are just regular people who hate themselves and want to live their lifeAw, poor them
Do you know what would help? Actually visiting a real therapist instead of immediately butchering their bodies.
No. 268579
>>268578You do realize therapy and psychiatric evaluation is usually required before HRT, right?
In any case, maybe note the advice and people will actually sympathize and stop seeing you as hateful, spiteful people targeting the mentally ill and disenfranchised.
No. 268584
>>268576No, the game.
>It's disgusting that you compare women who are gendercritical to autogynephiles with very harmful fetishes…If it quacks like a duck…
It's hard to take someone seriously when they embody similar overbearing behaviors and attitudes as the group they oppose. I don't want to be around predatory sissies and hons, but I also don't want to be around cis women who can't stop blaming the troons for 9/11, and would literally even throw other cis women under the bus for their agenda.
No. 268610
>>268606That's exactly what you're saying by screeching at anyone whose opinion you don't agree with.
Again, seek therapy, kek.
No. 268622
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Pic related is around the same size of the girl who's had the biggest butt in class. She was bullied relentlessly for it (fake facebook profile, called [insert name]'s ass, and so on). And that was just around 5 years ago.
No. 268624
>>268622The gag is, the boys who bullied her probably just did it because they were attracted to her and mad she wouldn't let them have a chance.
The girls were the only ones who probably actually found it bad.
No. 268661
>>268644If you think people really develop eating disorders because they saw thinspo pictures online, you are an idiot.
I can't even wrap my head around how stupid this line of thinking is.
No. 268671
>>268661Not get one; but if you already have an ED and then get encouraged to go further by older women on the internet…
>>268667Thanks, ana-chan!
No. 268682
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I hate eyelash extensions. They always look raggedy and unnatural, like a three day old mascara. I don't get why so many people get them done
No. 268708
>>268615I'm sick of opening
any random funny post and someone in the comments is like
>We should be thinking about women's rights, immigration and TrumpWow sorry for taking a short break from immersing myself into every facet of world news to try and enjoy my life for a moment.
It's not even new, sometimes I find a post from 2014 and people are whinging about Obama in the comments (unrelated of course). Or just calling everyone who disagrees with them a republican. Please find deeper and more interesting ways of expressing your opinion, people
Also apologies for mentioning all the above in this thread and thus doing what I h8
No. 268719
>>268708I agree. It's also why I stopped being openly political on my social media because people have this weird expectation that if you care about something, you need to be talking about it ALL THE TIME or else you don't actually give a fuck or you're not doing enough.
Easier for me to let people think I don't care about politics anymore than be exhausted from feeling pressured to talk about issues all the time and never share the joy in my life as it happens.
No. 268722
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>>268682i agree. on the other hand, i think eyelash lifting is legit. fake eyelashes looked odd on me. and when i considered eyelash extensions, the woman at the salon said my eyelashes were pretty long and that a lift would look better. basically my eyelashases don't curl well and look droopy, but they're fine. tbh i had no idea that i had long lashes till she and my family told me, bc they didn't hold a curl so they didn't look cute to me. so i tried it, thinking it wouldn't make a difference since it wasn't extensions. i now love it and do it for holidays and stuff. they don't look insane. they look like i have big eyelashes but it looks natural and they don't give me strict maintance rules and my eyelashes were fine. here they explain a bit if any anons out there suffer because their lashes aren't short, they're just frumpy, i recommend it!! i could never do extensions now because i know they would be way too big and fake looking.
No. 268724
>>268716exactly. and all of these fucking male defenders come out of the woodwork to defend men against the invisible attack against them by a very very small percentage of women that actually enforce such boundaries. no one is demanding men to stay in relationships where their female partner requires they not watch porn.
being uncomfortable with your partner wanting to fuck other people and doing it regularly is normal and there's nothing wrong with not being okay with it in your relationship. it's all just down to what you personally want, and no one is forcing men to stay in porn-free relationships. i can't stand this "boys will be boys!!" shit and that women are "crazy and insecure", etc.
No. 268728
>>268716>>268724I vented last year about catching my bf watching camgirls and anons here acted like I was some controlling bitch because I was hurt he was watching that shit while we're not having sex between us, sometimes he watched while I was a room away.
He stopped after I talked to him about it, but holy shit if I had followed anons calling me insecure and shit he'd probably still be doing it. Men shouldn't get away with everything.
No. 268730
>>268728>>268723>>268724I agree with you. How is it not understandable that it's demeaning to your girlfriend to watch porn/camgirls?
Men get so offended when you point out attractive male models and actors but if you're uncomfortable with them watching porn you're a crazy controlling bitch.
No. 268764
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I unironically dig mullets and wish they'd make a comeback
No. 268859
>>268512tbh i love facial hair on men, especially 30+ guys. but when i say that I mean stubble, goatee, or even just a mustache (IF they can pull it off without looking creepy). beards are revolting, and i especially roll my eyes when i see a beard paired with an undercut.
>>268764mullets are hot too. i dig retro looks on men and many male stars of the 80s had pretty flattering haircuts. i think we just have an aversion to mullets because we are used to seeing cherry picked ~awkward photos from the era, so they seem foreign in this day and age.
No. 268861
>>268859Beards are fine unless the dude is just unclean.
Mullets are objectively hideous though. They’re so unflattering and so awkward.
No. 268991
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>>268512whenever I see a guy with a really long scraggly beard I automatically think of Rasputin and how he allegedly never washed and used his beard to wipe food off of his face
No. 268993
>>268974this is a great argument tbh. the only time i get irritated by slut shaming is when a girl is called a slut for having sex with one or two guys in the context of a relationship, usually by a /r9k/ type guy who’s still a virgin and intimidated by a woman who’s had more sexual experience than him. not even from sleeping around, just from having a boyfriend or two. being loose is
problematic, but not everyone is a permavirgin either.
No. 269032
>>268965Men really do need to be shamed more.
>have sex thrown at them constantly>can usually manage to fuck guys who are out of their league>have to put in zero effort to get it>can get tangible benefits off it (money, work etc)>spend their whole lives being told that's all they're good for>STILL far more discerning and less inclined towards casual sex than men>gets called a slut if they occasionally give in to the neverending hounding from men for sexMen
>have to put in a lot of effort to get sex>desperate and will fuck anything>actively learn about the female psyche to better their chances>change their lives, hobbies and personalities in order to get women>attempt to persuade and cajole reluctant women into sleeping with them>rape and take advantage of women >never get called sluts Their logic is always that they have to try harder, so they should get congratulated for managing to have sex. But my logic is that being so fucking obsessed with sex that their whole lives revolve around it makes them the sluts. Sporadically accepting advances because they're thrown in your face constantly and you might experience attraction to some men is nothing in comparison.
No. 269104
>>269102wheredoyouthinkyouare.jpg, lolcow is the same. Less nitpicky but anyway.
I admit I like reading about cows and flakes sometimes but I almost never check up on them or watch their videos or anything. I'm glad obsessive people exist so I can skim read the entertaining shit with no effort.
No. 269113
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if you pick a thread picture and its SHIT, and we shame you for picking the shittiest of thread pictures you could have chosen, then you should delete the thread because you are a failure. if you fucked your post, delete, if you fuck your thread, delete. we all should wait for a non retarded anon to start a new and better thread with a GOOD thread picture, good summary and that actually links the old threads correctly. thanks for listening.
No. 269127
>>269126Part of it is laziness and looking for a quick solution. I’ve noticed that there’s something about eating disorders that fuck with peoples perceptions. Like I get they want spoopy bodies, but they all want that in 3 months. Therefore you get stupid diets like the abc diet. If they actually worked out and ate right, they would get bodies that they worked for. Its just weird how their mind fucks it all up for them.
I was once sick and had to deal with loads of vomiting for weeks on end followed by months of other stuff thrown in and didnt pay attention to my eating because it would stir up inflammations. Holy shit that was the worst time of my life. Cant imagine purposely doing that shit to my body just for the weightloss. I just want to take all of the amount of hair loss, fainting in public, and anemia and shove it in the faces of those fake anorexics you see posting online.
No. 269131
>>269106Semi-agree about Momo, I've been with her threads ever since the very first one and I hate how we get pulses of newfags every now and then who can't shut up about her being fat and le boob veinXDDD like we weren't aware already. Instead of actually reading through threads or lurking for a while people join in and make shit up, basically turning speculation into facts. The reachers are also cringy as shit, they dig way too deep into stalking and interpreting her every move to the tune of "she filmed herself in bikinis at a hotel with kids on the yard, what a fucking pedo!!!!". The backseat mods are the worst though, I've never seen anything as autistic as when they started demanding people to use "[redacted]" instead of "giving Momo advice" i.e. pointing out her mistakes. Like what the fuck kind of special ed did you go to? I don't care if she "gets advice" from /pt/, thank god mods started banning these retards.
However I do think she's absolutely /pt/ material and without doubt the biggest cow since Pixyteri that the cosplay community has ever seen. She's sociopathic, lazy, malicious, paranoid, spoiled, delirious, lying piece of shit. Her threads just get ruined by all the motherfuckers who can't behave themselves, at least we don't get bloggers writing about how much better they are than Mariah like the skin walkers in many other threads.
No. 269136
>>269095The ana-chan threads are a fucking mess and they make me nauseous whenever I pass them by while skimming through /snow/. People talking about someone in recovery becoming fat? That's fucking sick. I don't care what kind of a cow it is, calling a recovering ana fat is just way too obsessive and unhealthy.
>>268977This. It's macabre to see them gloat about what a glamorous life they lead as a sex worker, then turn around and cry about their depression, daddy issues and anxiety attacks. But of course that has nothing to do with sex work! Being a camgirl is soooo fun and my clients are sooo respectful by calling me a slut and leaving me degrading comments!
No. 269139
>>269128Why would fatties complain about catcalling if it never happens to them? (Unless lo and behold, catcalling is usually meant to degrade any woman no matter how she looks).
Seems more like something women would do to humblebrag about males finding them sexy.
No. 269207
>>269177Cause women are just expected to maintain themselves and be approachable but the men who simply
attempt to approach them no matter what deserves an honorary blowjob for atleast trying!!
Same with husbandry and how everyone will eat a mans ass over doing sub par house work but if a woman keeps a clean home its just expected however if its dirty shes a disorganized hobo but the man just hasnt grown out of his ~bachelor phase~ or some other asinine excuse.
No. 269213
Some people are oversensitive about the word "racist", and it's not because they're virulently anti-racist, but because they don't want to self-reflect too hard.
I read an article about this white online celebrity who used to make blatantly racist jokes/comments about black people in the past, and when confronted about it, he said "They were distasteful, and I'm a different person now, but were they racist? Really??". Like…Yes. That's why they were distasteful. Come out and admit your behavior if you've really changed. Almost all people are guilty of some level of racism, and if things are to change, it needs to be openly acknowledged and criticized. The whole "The only way to fix racism is to stop talking about it" meme is fucking retarded, and just allows racists to never change, while accusing people of "pulling the race card" or "making everything about race" whenever their actions get noticed and called out.
No. 269294
>then what gives anybody the right to call another person out for it, if they're one themself?ntayrt, but wouldn't that depend on how much they let the racism/prejudice effect their life?
for example in high school i knew a girl whose mom wouldn't let her be friends with black people. like she was forbidden to interact with them despite going to school with them (the girl still did, just secretly without her mom knowing). compare that to a friend i had whose mom wasn't exactly the biggest fan of black people, but still had no problem letting her child hangout with them (her daughter's best friend was/is black) and still treated them like human beings. surely despite both of these women being prejudice/racist, one is clearly more respectful than the other and has the right to call the other on her bullshit? like
>>269254 said racism is a spectrum, some people go way too far in letting their prejudice ideals dictate their actions and they deserve to be called out for it
No. 269380
It's ok to be white and be proud of where you're from. Also there's no reason to import loads of immigrants into the country just because. Maybe it's because I'm in Europe, but I think having a strong national identity isn't a bad thing. Places like Japan are praised for having a nationalist outlook, but white people aren't allowed to be proud of their countries?
Of course someone's going to call me racist for this, I just don't see why globalism is being enforced in white countries but nowhere else.
>>268236I love them on other people (especially men or women I'm interested in) but if my nose looked like that I'd look silly.
No. 269390
>>269380I absolutely agree.
Yesterday I saw this video: Korea is flipping their shit (petition of nearly 1 million) because there are 500(!) refugees - and surprise, everybody in the comments is totally understanding.
>Their cultures are just too different etcBut when over 1.5 million within a single year came to Germany and somebody dared to voice just tiny complaint, they were 'literally Hitler' again…
No. 269391
>>269383Yeah and? Are you? I wasn't talking about the past, I'm talking about today. Almost every country has a bloody history of some sort, if they've ever been in a war.
The Japanese are still allowed to be proud of their national identity, so I don't see the point you're trying to make.
Anyway this is the unpopular opinions thread, so I don't know why you're so shocked.
No. 269396
>>269279NTA but
>then what gives anybody the right to call another person out for it, if they're one themself?Because there's a difference between not feeling safe if you're alone with a big black guy as a woman, versus screeching online about how entire races are subhuman animals who need to be lynched. It's like
>>269294 said.
No. 269398
>>269380I think the "being white and proud" concept gets bad rep because of America. I am very proud about where I'm from - the culture, language and folklore (I'm an Euroanon).
I think people online tend to forget the whole world is not USA.
No. 269401
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>>269398You're not allowed to be proud in Europe either
No. 269406
>>269398It seems like American white people are usually Euromutts who are completely divorced from any real white (European) culture, so they just unite around skin color, and apologism for a blood-soaked history. They somehow can't just say "I'm okay with being white, I like it" without adding "And FUCK non-white subhumans! Kill them all!" on top. No one would be mad if they just had, I don't know, meetups where they wear dirndls, dress up as pilgrims and get excited over traditional Norse mythology. Instead they get swastika tattoos, lmao.
Somehow, the bulk of other races and a large chunk of Europe can manage to focus on just being happy with their culture and keep others' names out their mouths, but not Americans. They really do fuck it up for everyone.
No. 269415
>>269413I posted the gif and you said
>because there's a difference between being proud of where you're from and ethnic nationalismSo I asked for an explaination, since I don't see how the flag thing is wrong or nationalistic.
And then you said
>learn about how nationalism kills…
No. 269418
>>269416How am dodging the question?
The person who responded to me made it sound as of what Merkel did was the right thing - which I disagree on. So I asked, what's so wrong about it and then she immediately pulled up the nationalism kills thing.
No. 269419
>>269418>How am dodging the question? Are you even European, or just some bitter American insisting all white people ever have your fucked up issues?
inb4 "I'm from the European countryside"
No. 269421
>>269419Yes, I am.
What fucked up issues do I have according to you? Liking flags?
No. 269427
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>>269422shit, time to make a few arrests i guess
No. 269437
>>269433But that incident with Merkel was a bigger event, so it would have been totally okay.
Besides, every other country does too.
No. 269508
>>269491Most people don't actively like being sloppy/wasted. It's more often that you're very tipsy and it feels great so in your drunken stupidity you think drinking even more will make you feel even more great, when in actuality you just accidentally get blackout/unpleasantly drunk.
I like being tipsy but I fucking hate being stoned these days. I don't know what happened. I used to like it and smoke every day but something happened and now all it does is make me terrified, down on myself, sad, anxious, cold, and asthmatic if it doens't give me a full blown panic attack. I keep trying it once in a while thinking maybe it'll be different this time, but I always end up watching the clock hoping it'll be over soon.
No. 269510
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>>269502>>269491This anon has it
I'm a functioning alcoholic. I know I'm basically killing myself off with my lifestyle, but it's the only way I can tolerate my current situation. The amount of stress is so fucking high that I would probably do some serious harm to myself if I couldn't take the edge off. Thank god I don't do drugs, because I can see how easily someone could just fall into that trap. Booze is just a socially acceptable drug.
No. 269518
>>269406I think part of this is because in liberal areas of the country, white guilt is the norm and even saying something like "I like being white" or having a festival for your European culture
would be considered a form of white supremacy and racism. It's difficult to publicly stand up for yourself without being massively misunderstood, so you're left with a huge number of white people falling over themselves to apologize and make sure everyone knows they have 0 white pride of any kind, and a small number of stubborn white people who get turned on to stormfront or similar, and because doing so makes you a social pariah, they get more and more extreme because the only people they can talk about cultural pride with are other social pariahs and actual racists.
No. 269523
>>269518I really, really don't think a country run, mostly populated by and owned by white people has white guilt as the norm. I've never seen a white person get yelled at for getting hype over St. Patrick's Day, for example. Any kind of anti European pride rhetoric like that only happened
after the spread of actual white supremacy, the KKK, etc, not before.
You kind of make it sound like Neo-Nazis only exist because somehow the much lower in number, not as socially powerful chunk of the population (eg non-white people) magically bullied white people and now they're like this, but that sounds pretty far-fetched.
No. 269524
>>269518>having a festival for your European culture would be considered a form of white supremacy and racism.I live in the most liberal state in the US and we have tons of European cultural festivals every year. Idk where it is that people would find something like this necessarily racist.
Though, I get what you’re saying.
No. 269541
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I hate how people in the makeup community act like you’re fucking satan himself if you use a brand with a limited shade range. If you dont like a brand dont use it, simple as that. But degrading and bycotting beauty youtubers for using it is stupid.
Also, we stfu about foundation shades? I feel like with every release these days the first thing people knitpick about are the shade options. You can always buy pigmentation to mix into a foundation to make it customizable to your own shade.
No. 269549
>>269547this doesn't usually happen, it's usually POCs getting
triggered when someone implies something is nice, that is a white feature or when someone talks about their own features that they dislike that also happen to be POC features.
No. 269554
>>269548I remember a popular tumblr post way back about a "White people problems" comic where the artist expresses irritation with getting sunburnt so easy
Immediately turned into the goddamn oppression olympics with people calling racism towards POC and how dark people have it soooooo much harder
one of the most exasperating things id ever seen on that website
No. 269569
>>269554The people who do this remind me of the ones who say shit like ‘well there’s starving people in Africa’ or ‘well some people are living in a cardboard box’ in response to anyone being sad about something. You could tell them you’re depressed after a traumatic miscarriage and they’d just scoff and tell you about some lady they know who had ten so you aren’t allowed to be anything other than chipper about it.
Just totally invalidating someone’s suffering because someone out there has it worse.
No. 269609
I can't stand seeing black people be K-pop fans. The entire country essentially hates black people whilst ripping off their music because they literally can't make anything original without borrowing from either Japan, Europe or the US. The gag is their music isn't even innovative, well-written or good. Most of them literally just take recycled pop songs American artists didn't want. They all look the same, get the same surgery, and are "trained" since childhood by the same soulless companies. No creativity or true artistry. There isn't much to like.
The type of black person who stans these generic bands always seems happy to accept blatant hatred and disrespect toward them, both from pop stars and normal Korean people. They make endless excuses for their "oppas" being blatantly racist, and it makes me sad/grosses me out. Self-hatred is depressing.
I'd even say being a weeaboo is better. Japan can be racist, too, but they're not nearly as disgustingly rude about it as Korea (also, Japanese people actually create their own aesthetics, fashion, music genres and content, lmao).
No. 269626
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>>269612Nah, not everyone is as shitty as Koreans (and light skin is generally preferred, but not to that extent. Notice how so many rich westerners purposely darken their skin, plump up their lips/asses, etc to look more "exotic"?). They just have a heavy inferiority complex that they take out on the same black people they mindlessly copy. Everyone is racist, but racism is a spectrum. Case in point, visit Japan and visit Korea. The treatment is fucking worlds apart, because Japanese people actually have some degree of manners. And at least in the US and some parts of Europe, there are black female artists, models, musicians and general creators flourishing in spite of racism (and colorism) existing. That could never happen in Korea, even if 13% of their population were to be black, because their entire culture is just backward.
These people pull shit like pic related (which would never pass in the west), refuse to let black people into clubs but allow other foreigners, happily put up "No black people (because ebola)" signs on restaurants, and outright spit on/steal from/scream at black people in public, but then screech because one (1) rapper said "Smoke got my eyes looking Korean" and start calling us "chimpanzees", "niggers", etc in "retaliation".
Not even the most annoying white "culture vultures" in the west are as blatantly racist as Koreans.
No. 269628
>>269609The only reason why anyone likes kpop is because the idols are hot/cute and do a lot of fanservice, no one really cares about all that shit.
No. 269634
>>269628I guess that's subjective, they literally all look similar and have the same plastic surgery look, except some are more botched than others.
>no one caresUh, except when they go full damage control to defend oppa calling people darkies. See: the K-pop threads now lmao
No. 269639
>>269634>Uh, except when they go full damage control to defend oppa calling people darkies.Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Generally speaking, no1curr about raycist shit in kpop unless they're pretending to for an ulterior motive at this point. I'm assuming you are too considering this post:
>>269626 and the way you followed your rant about it with "literally all asians look the same." kekeke
No. 269640
>>269639Who said all Asians look the same? All K-pop idols look the same, because they get the exact same surgical procedures, probably from the same handful of surgeons and follow the same facial templates.
Your favorite pop star thinks you're a fat, ugly ape. Whiteknighting them is embarrassing, pls stop.
No. 269649
>>269647It seems like you're following this "It's okay for others to do it to us if we do it to ourselves [as a result of internalized racism]" logic, and it just doesn't work. It's still heinous when other black people do it, and it doesn't make it okay coming from others.
It's not a matter of finding you attractive, it's a matter of respecting your humanity as a fan and supporter, which none of them ever seem to do. Even Beyonce gives back to her fans sometimes.
No. 269653
>>269651Did you read my post at all? Denny's isn't doing that anymore, and that's the difference. Them doing it in the past doesn't make it okay if a Korean restaurant literally, openly bans black people in 2018. You're not reaching Korea from a time machine, anon. They know what they're doing, there's no justifying it, and it's gross.
>Would you have a problem with me listening to Kanye west?Kanye West fans are usually retarded, and so are other black people who just tolerate black celebrities being racist against the same people who uplifted them. So, probably.
>whats the difference between listening to some racist as black singer or a racist ass Korean one?If they're both fucking racist, none. I don't get why you're making these false double standards.
No. 269655
>>269652>I never denied that>…If you say so, nonnie.Alrighty, then.
>Are just grasping at straws because you want to get the last word?Again, you're projecting. Feel free to respond with another faux-snarky post about xanax if you'd like, I can tell this is important to you.
No. 269660
>>269654>not all idols make racist/colorist commentsToo many of them do, go unchecked and get whiteknighted. Stan culture is like an endless stream of whiteknighting and apologism for disgusting behavior that wouldn't fly if literally anyone else did it, and it's sickening. No one should have to put up with being attacked and even defend it, especially when all that's being offered is mediocre, derivative pop dreck.
>Why can't I just listen to the ones who haven't?All my posts thus far have been specifically targeted at the obviously shitty, racist ones who copy black culture, bring nothing to the table and shit on actual black people (including the "normal" Korean people who do that).
No. 269687
>>269678You're throwing around the term "projection" an awful lot, but it seems like the only one actually doing it is you, my nigger. You can call me tumblr all you want, but I'm not the one bitching about imaginary racism and stupid jokes.
>Your entire fandom is black TwitterWhat the fuck are you talking about? I'm not even a fan of bts, retard lmao
Unpopular opinion to stay on topic: (most) blacktivists are retarded
No. 269689
>>269687>I used the nigger word! Am I no longer SJW yet? I'm fitting in so well! I swear!You tried, and I'm not "yours" (lmao). I'm using the term "projection" because I call it as I see it.
>What the fuck are you talking about? Do you have dementia? Reread the conversation, I'm not holding your hand.
>I-I-I-I don't even like BTSNo1curr, all these shitty pop groups are the same. Hence, "or whatever the fuck".
Unpopular opinion: Not all black people have to be coons like you who would drag themselves through glass to suck the shit out of yellow assholes. Go cry about it on your Twitter some more, it's obvious you have one.
No. 269694
>>269689Quick question: how am I an sjw? Also, how can one be an sjw and a coon at the same time? You're pretty shit at arguing.
>Reread the conversation, I'm not holding your hand.?? What? You didn't explain your conspiracy theory about how all armies are "woke" black people in any of your posts?
>Anyone who doesn't spend every waking moment obsessing over (potential) racism is a coonThis is what makes blacktivists so retarded.
No. 269700
>>269694 >Quick question: how am I an sjw? Also, how can one be an sjw and a coon at the same time? You're pretty shit at arguing.Easy: Be a koreaboo who thinks their tasteless objects of obsession can do no wrong, but screeches at everyone else. It's understandable that you wouldn't see this, that'd make you too self-aware to continue being a stan.
You haven't made a single argument thus far, just projected your mental illness, called people "nonnie" like a classic black #woke #savage Tumblrina and yelled at people for thinking black koreaboos are cringy.
That's how literally all koreaboos are, and you've already admitted to being one of them.
>c-conspiracy theoryYou seriously can't read?
>I'm not doing it and I never denied that people like that exist, But now I guess you are denying it. All the K-pop must have rotted your brain cells.
>This is what makes blacktivists so retarded.>If I greentext my strawman, I can pretend it's what the other person said!I'm glad to not be this stupid. Point out where I said anything about "potential" or "imaginary" racism. You think calling people chimps and niggers is an appropriate response to them thinking your embarrassing hobbies are, well, embarrassing. You don't need to be a "blacktivist" to see it, either. Even white koreaboos find you people annoying and cringy. Only a self-hating retard stans for people who literally hate them. Hence, coon.
No. 269710
>>269700>Be a koreaboo who thinks their tasteless objects of obsession can do no wrong, but screeches at everyone elseI have literally never done either of those things
>You haven't made a single argument thus farKind of good point, actually. All I originally said was I didn't care about baseless claims of racism against idols or idols making racist jokes and neither do a lot of black k-pop fans, then you started flinging shit at me.
>You just projected your mental illness, called people "nonnie" like a classic black #woke #savage Tumblrina and yelled at people for thinking black koreaboos are cringy.wut?
>But now I guess you are denying itYou guessed wrong. Some people do, but they aren't majority. Why on earth would most or even a significant minority of k-pop fans be black?
>Point out where I said anything about "potential" or "imaginary" racismYou did here:
>>269640 and both of these posts are full of it:
>>269609 >>269626
Here's an example of you preteding like literally every korean/idol ever is raycist!!1! in this same post
>Even white koreaboos find you people annoying and cringy. Only a self-hating retard stans for people who literally hate them. Hence, coon.
>You think calling people chimps and niggers is an appropriate response to them thinking your embarrassing hobbies are, well, embarrassingI called you a chimp and a nigger because you literally are a chimping nigger, dude lol. I don't know what to tell you.
No. 269712
>>269710>I have literally never done either of those thingsAll your posts ITT have been nothing but incoherent screeching. Take your own advice and get your Xanax.
>Good point, actually. All I originally said was I didn't care about baseless claims of racism against idols or idols making racist jokes and then you started flinging shit at me.You seem to care a lot, and you're the one who's been crying and flinging shit all this time. This isn't a hugbox, it's an unpopular opinions thread.
>You guessed wrong. But I didn't. You literally denied it until I jogged your memory, and now you're moving the goalposts to "W-Well, some do….Not all!". Pathetic.
>Why on earth would most or even a significant minority of k-pop fans be black?When did I say this? This is why I'm asking if you have dementia. You literally imagine shit.
>Here's an example of you preteding like literally every korean/idol ever is raycist!!1! in this same postQuote exactly where I said "All Korean idols are racist". Your sperging and strawmanning doesn't count as proof, even if it works for you on Tumblr.
>I called you a chimp and a nigger because you literally are a chimping nigger, dude lol. I don't know what to tell you.For thinking your yellow fever and anger at anyone who rightfully looks down on it is fucking embarrassing? Yeah, alright. Doesn't sound like projection at all. You literally chimped out at me for thinking you're cringy, lmao. I'd hate to see how insane you must be on your social media accounts if you're this unhinged on anon.
No. 269716
>>269713>>269713>You said [x], you chimping nigger!>Where? And why are you flinging insults?>OMG you are literally so shit at arguing!!!1 I'm out >:(Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, "my nigger". Yellow fever is a hell of a drug. Should've just kept your psychosis on Twitter/Tumblr where it belongs from the start.
Now maybe the thread will get back on track.
No. 269718
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>>269716how many more times are you going to rewrite this lame post? really need to make that last word count, huh, spergy?
No. 269723
>>269718>i'm tapping out>but not before i sperg out more and screencap to prove that this person used the delete post function to finish their thought! REKTYou really are psychotic, lmao. You just demonstrated how autistic you really are by obsessing this hard (one more edit for you, since I know how much it
triggers you). Do you need the last word that badly?
No. 269792
>>269771South Korean culture shocks me, honestly. I don't "hate" an entire country, but I do think their social and work culture is toxic as fuck. There's a reason why people kill themselves at record pace.
Not an unpopular opinion though.
Actual unpopular opinion: Kpop is garbage both in terms of music and how the idols are treated.
No. 269851
>>269771They won't get bigger because
1. Theyre Asian which means people won't take them seriously
2. Engrish
3. Americans don't like boy bands and girlgroupsnthat much
No. 269895
>>269541holy shit yes. I agree. it's gotten so beyond ridiculous now. I think it's awesome that brands are coming out with more shades but it's absolutely unnecessary to boycott brands or youtubers because there aren't 100 different shades with 20 different undertones available in every release.
Related unpopular opinion:
People who demand Korean make up brands to come out with the same shade range as American/western brands are retarded. Korea isn't
nearly as racially diverse as the US so it wouldn't make sense for the brands at all.
Fair-skinned people who complain about not being able to find a shade match in foundation - stop. There are TONS of options and if you still can't find anything, use a white pigment to mix in, they are available at the damn drugstore. It doesn't work the same way with darkening shades because the undertone might get completely messed up.
No. 269927
>>269923NAYRT, but there's definitely lots of people on this board who can't stand you shitposting your generic bands all over. You couldn't even let the reaction image thread go free. You have entire forums just for your autism and
two designated threads here, can't you just keep it there? No one is opposed to anyone telling K-pop posters to fuck off except K-pop posters themselves, so it's not even sperging at this point.
No. 269931
>>269927The reaction thread is the only one people were shitposting in, and it was on topic. In every other thread on the site (including this one) it's always started by a
triggered anti sperg.
>No one is opposed to anyone telling K-pop posters to fuck off except K-pop posters themselvesSpeak for yourself, I'm sick of seeing essays about how evil kpop and korea is outside of the anti kpop thread.
No. 269938
>>269935The pull thread, the vent thread, the stupid questions thread, etc. the anti spergs are also the ones still at it in the reaction thread. Where exactly have kpop fags started it outside of the reaction images thread, where they were posting reaction images? The anti threads have way more posters than the kpop general does, it's no surprise they're leaking out.
>>269933This. I fucking hate everything reddit beta males enjoy.
No. 269947
>>269943Yeah, right. Anyways, this thread is the worst about it. It's hardly even an unpopular opinion since most people are indifferent to it at best outside of korea.
>It sounds like you're just against anyone saying anything bad about K-pop or koreaboos (and maybe PULL)I'm not, chill. I'm just against seeing it outside of its containment thread. It's getting annoying.
No. 269949
>>269947>Yeah, right.??? If you disagree, maybe post some counter-evidence. It really does seem like you're just mad that people on Lolcow aren't into K-pop, or even hate it. No one else cares that much.
Even the anti K-pop is mostly fans giving updates on bands/artists they listen to but don't like the aesthetic or personalities of, kek.
No. 269969
>>269948i don't agree that it should lead to banning in g and ot, since i think those boards are fair grounds to tell random shit about your life, but
>they have the need to state that they’re anachan in /snow/FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT TOO! NO ONE FUCKING CARES!! every fucking cow is2g gets at least one comment that's like "well, i had an ED when i was 2 years old, and as an expert on the subject, i think cow has (or doesn't have) an ED. we are not allowed to judge her shitty behavior, cause
i have an ED, and i struggle with my relationship with food and i have it really bad, okay…. so we should have a hugbox now for cow cause ED's are serious business guys <3 let's stop talking about the things
i don't like talking about, we should only discuss the things
i find interesting. so yeah. i had an ED!"… please don't contribute to the threads ever again.
No. 270024
>>270016>>270013I'd feel the same if the people who actually wanted it weren't dumb (like you guys) You realize autism doesn't have a genetic link at all, so there's no way to determine who would have autistic children. Not to mention autists don't actually have a higher chance of producing children with autism.
Ffs, atleast know what you're talking about.
No. 270028
>>270013I think it's hard to enforce because most adults with those genes getting pregnant aren't developmentally deficient themselves (they're just carriers), so they don't want to be told their babies will not be normal, and I doubt you could equally force them to abort.
It's not fair and I feel for those people, but I also understand that it's not fair to bring in babies who are destined to physically and mentally suffer.
Not sure about autism though, it truly is a spectrum and most people turn out fine. Whereas Downs is debilitating.
No. 270060
>>270050You’re dumb as fuck, anon. That’s Down syndrome.
>>270059Same. I spent the past few days slowly reading through the gender critical subreddit after reading the gc threads here over time
No. 270110
>>270059Same. Before I used to think "do whatever you want, it doesn't affect me so what do I care," didn't know any trans people irl, and believed they were victims of religious/conservative bigotry. I honestly didn't think much about them at all before going through those threads. It really opened my eyes to how fucked up the concept of transgenderism actually is.
It's infuriating that after all the progression feminism has made, men now feel entitled to women's-only spaces, wearing our gender like a costume, and then claim that they're more oppressed. Their autogynephilia and obsession with passing as teenage girls is disgusting. I think what pisses me off the most though is the erasure of women's anatomy as I am very passionate about women's reproductive rights. Them claiming things like the pussy hats worn at protests were exclusive, fetishizing menstruation, reducing women to terms like uterus-owner, ignoring biology to say "some women have penises," and being more concerned about getting their penises turned inside out than being denied an abortion, birth control, etc., are all examples of transwomen deliberately shutting down issues genuine women face. My sympathy for them is gone, their plight is self-inflicted and infinitesimal compared to other minorities.
No. 270137
>>270134>How the fuck did they become so convinced that a woman wanting a high value man is so evil? They want high value women too, but in far greater quantities and for their own personal use. They just have more trouble getting what they want than women do, because there is heavy competition when you want every attractive woman for yourself.I've noticed this to
Millions of men expect all women to be virgins begging for their dick = perfectly fine and its actually the evil womens fault for having such high standards! Men deserve all the pussy they want for being born men!!
Sadly, chances are, they'll never have a drop of self awareness or see their own hypocrisy, they'll just keep living in their male oppression fantasies where because 1 or 2 women wanted to fuck chads, men are oppressed but men are entitled to all the women they want for being born male by chance
No. 270146
>>270129>don't marry downGood advice, for men and women,marriage is a forever type thing for most people unless you rather spend tons on divorce,better to choose someone you know you can be with, for a long time anyway, but just like if you marry someone you've only been with for a few months. Don't be shocked when it ends badly, and don't expect perfect pure virgin with hentai body baby face wives who do nothing but cook, clean and pop out babies all day and somehow never age and funnel daddys money into your account and wonder why you can't get married
>women reserve the right to change their mind at anytimeThat's right except it applies for both genders, no one is obligated to stay in a relationship that makes them miserable, some of these men will treat their SOs like complete shit and sit around scratching their heads and screaming about female privilege when women decide to leave, guess negging and all that horseshit didn't grant them magical powers like they thought
>men are the disposable sexThis is what I don't get. Never in my life have I saw a woman divorce a man for getting a serious illness, meanwhile men pull that shit all the time, breaking up with women for getting mastectomies when they had breast cancer, breaking up with women for having PCOS or reproductive issues, these same men always scream about hitting the wall, first they mock women for having careers then cry gold digger when women can't support themselves, if men work hard jobs they get asspatted and told they deserve the world to suck their dick, if a woman does they get the "LOL U STUPID UGLY BITCH U WANTED EQUALITY HERE IT IS U STUPID UNBEARABLE CUNT GET BEAT UP LIKE MEN OR GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS" shit, their hypocrisy is astounding, I WISH men were the disposable gender, they're so god damn caught up in the lie of MGTOW they'll never even acknowledge men now have it easier than ever but cry male oppression any chance they get, a bunch of god damn pussy crybabies
No. 270660
>>270129Imagine standing unashamedly in front of that screen. Like how is this even something to bother making a presentation about. Maybe if they focused on being a good friend and companion to women they wouldn't have to worry about impressing them in other ways. We are social beings. We're even
mostly nice when we're anonymous, see: this board. Friendship and intelligence is worth more than your paycheck.
No. 270670
>>270660They're just sociopaths who refuse to hide it, so instead of blaming the fact they do nothing but cry about women all day and claim all women are these horrible picky whores, they rather just insist they're not getting women because they're not rich chads, and another thing is that a lot of them expect beautiful women to drop everything and serve them and wonder where all the good women gone(ironic consider they claim thats what women they dont like will say in the future)
Even trailer park dudes get laid, and by who? Other trailer park girls, hood dudes get laid by hood girls, these men probably work at mcdonalds and expect Victoria secret models
No. 270697
>>270129Wish WGTOW was more vocal. Less women on the dating scene, more women not giving a fuck about men and living their own happy lives.
But men will just whine and scream louder about revoking womens rights just so they'll have a wife to hate for being so useless.
No. 270718
>>270713most of the people i know who complain about affirmative action aren't even white males though, they are east and south asians who think they don't get anything because they're "too smart"i personally don't like affirmative action, for race or gender. and not just because i think it's unfair to other races (or men), but because it undermines the hard work someone of a benefited minority actually puts into getting into a good college. for example, a black or hispanic student (and/or female) could bust their ass to have straights A's, SAT/ACT scores through the roof, and and extensive resume, but some average to slightly above average person is still going to bitch about how they benefited from AA.
also i hate it when someone who can benefit from AA tells people they don't want to apply to a certain school, or want to do something else besides college, and the response they get is "oh well you're (insert minority here) so you could probably get in without even trying! i'm (insert here) and admissions would look past me, unlike YOU" lol honestly it just makes people act so bitter.
>also, people seem to forget why affirmative action exists, not to give a free pass to minorities but because schools literally would not let anyone who wasn't a white male go to school so they had to be forced to do it.this is true and was necessary at one point in time. i don't know why it's still around though, i wish that college apps were blind and only considered academic merits. but whatever.
oh and please don't guillotine me for saying any of this.
No. 270722
>>270718Yeah, I'm insecure about affirmative action for the same reason. If anything it makes minorities look like fucking idiots who can't do it on our own, it's like a backhanded compliment. I'd like to achieve things based on my own merit and hard work rather than be a poor widdle brown woman who needed help from white men to succeed.
I believe equality of opportunity is the way to go with this. Maybe have campaigns to encourage enrollment to certain groups (STEM for women, etc.), but if they won't bite then just accept it. Lowering the bar just makes the general population see us as even more incapable.
No. 270740
>>270722>i'd like to achieve things based on my own merit and hard work rather than be a poor widdle brown woman who needed help from white men to've got a good head on your shoulders, anon.
i'm not brown i'm white but i completely understand what you're saying. i literally got into the closest state school i could with like a 50% acceptance rate. some of my black and latina classmates, on the other hand, got into noteworthy schools and programs because they really kicked ass in high school (especially compared to me haha). i'd never pull the affirmative action card on them, ever.
and on the topic of campaigns, there are already a lot of programs pushing STEM on women it seems. even kid's shows and toys are doing that. my ex was in a honors program for STEM majors at his uni, and the cohort that came after his was like 75% women.
>>270734i second all of this anon. i also went to a wealthy suburban school where 99% of students went off to college, regardless of their race. i don't even think the people i went to school with realize how good we had it compared to most of our state or even the country. i also think poor, rural whites are an overlooked group when it comes to this topic.
No. 270769
>>270713>because schools literally would not let anyone who wasn't a white male go to school so they had to be forced to do itNo, it's bullshit.
Without affirmative action we would have plenty of minorities going to med school. They just wouldn't be the ones that white people care about. (Asians) It's supposed to be about equity or whatever.
Look at the University of California system which was forced to get rid of affirmative action. There are still plenty of minorities. Except I met a girl who had the gall to complain that her school had no PoC except it was majority Asian.
Being discriminated against for university selection is hardly the end of the world. But imo if universities want to practice affirmative action, they should be willing to cut more white applicants instead of punishing Asian ones. As it stands Asian people have to get higher SAT scores and a higher GPA to get into college compared to white people.
No. 270774
>>270761out of all the people to hatewatch, he's so fucking boring. i'd take a mess like trisha paytas anyway.
only """so woke""" types hate him anyway, he's super popular because teenage girls love being faghags. guy is not special in any way tbh, people out there really have never talked to a basic gay man before
No. 270889
>>269095>jelly fattysSorry, the only people calling anorexic girls fat are anorexics and ""recovered"" anorexic farmers.
Nobody with a sound mind, not even fatties, wish for the mental and physical hell that is anorexia.
No. 270909
>>270886Imo this isn't unpopular, just not something people say out loud because nobody wants to discredit stay at home moms as a whole bc many people would dogpile the criticism and extrapolate that even the very committed and organized moms are lazy too for not having jobs.
Imo I think having a stay at home mother is best for a child's development and I'm very much willing to support it as long as the mother isn't a lazy bitch. Unfortunately, the bum mothers give a bad reputation for them all and demand to be respected as equally for not doing shit in comparison.
No. 271034
>>270911my guess for these specific types would be that they’re not bored because instead of taking proper care of their kids, they’re busy peddling younique or lularoe on facebook
>>270774yeah, he is pretty boring drama-wise these days. i know teen girls love him, but that’s not my age group so i don’t really know of anyone in my friend circle who watches him (and admits it i guess?) he isn’t that special but he is entertaining
No. 271059
>>270886Lol, my friend’s mom was like this. She would do drugs instead of housework and mothering. She didn’t even cook for her kids. She made the older siblings do it.
She still thinks she was a good mom, btw.
No. 271092
>>271090i mean sure but its almost universal that a 6/10 chubby could easily turn to a 10/10 if they got fit or skinny. its not so much that they're all hideous, some overweight or chubby people look fine (obese are all uggos though imo). but theres always that
"they'd be hotter if they lost weight" which is true most of the time, and that people always point out.
No. 271230
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lesbians who say shit like this deserve to get hate crimed
No. 271235
Welp, found myself looking at baby clothes and furniture, yet again, watching cute baby videos, making a cute family with me, my bf and future kids on sims yet again, reading cute parenting stories, babying my dog, reading to her, etc etc, I was thinking about buying a reborn doll so i dont look like a freak in public if i were to take it out
I hate myself, I want to be a mom so badly but I can't, we need to make a living and finish school and whatnot until we're financially stable, and Im wayy to young and poor to bring another life into the world
Anons how do I deal with these nesting instincts? Should I buy a baby doll or apply at a nursery or something? Or am I just hysterical?
No. 271243
>>271235Start babysitting actual infants. I get those feelings too, but ever since watching my brothers kids (3 year old and 5 month old) its kind of set aside those feelings to more of a “I can wait a bit longer to actually prepare for this shit and raise them right”. But my brothers house is a shithole and his kids are miles away from how I’d like mine to turn out, so you’ll probably need a similar situation.
Also try picking up knitting/sewing/crocheting since the pieces can take long to make right and perfect, and it will pretty much take care of the nesting feeling if you just make baby stuff.
No. 271274
>>271245I'm ashamed of being bisexual myself because of retards who whine about erasure while simultaniously calling themselves "gay af".
Erasure is about the pettiest thing to complain about anyway.
Most bis are only romantically involved with the other sex anyway so they have nothing to be oppressed about… Even those who face oppression do so bexause of their attraction to the same sex and not because they like both.
And I want to punch those who deny our considerable privilege over gay people or even dare to whine about "monosexual privilege".
No. 271439
>>271431YES. SAME.
its like a scourge, its everywhere. it makes my skin crawl. i really hope this isnt an unpopular opinion
No. 271443
>>271288My lesbian friends are the only ones to ever give shit about being bi and with a man.
Hasbian is their go-to, because they insist that ‘no you chose to be straight after dating girls you’re a fake lesbian quitter’
Straight people either assume it’s slutty or fake, lesbians sneer and deny your sexuality exists (whilst aggressively ignoring the irony)
No. 271484
>>271445I definitely think people make way too big a deal out of it, like the people who say they have it but also follow a subreddit specifically to expose themselves to things that cause the revulsion. People treat it like it’s a big deal when really it’s just ‘nah closeups of beehives give me the heebie-jeebies’
It’s sort of nice to know that other people experience it because it’s a relief to find out it’s normal. The people who make it a meme are weird tho.
>>271458I’d never heard this statistic before. Could you link to the source? I’m curious if it’s specific to one country or an international figure.
No. 271490
Nobody’s here claiming it’s akin to a personality disorder or defending the meme. I’m not even saying it belongs in the dsm, just that people scream and stamp their feet over it not being real because it’s not listed there. You’re making so many assumptions here it’s a little alarming.
Just saying it’s weird to get mad that some people shudder over holey things.
No. 271491
>>271488Political lesbians are the most retarded people after incels imo.
Denying your own sexuality and performing sexually to please your community as a act of feminism. That’s hilarious.
No. 271497
>>271488I went to my lesbian friend's house some time ago and they put a playlist with only female artists on
They really are getting out of hand
No. 271501
>>271497Wow, how horrific. /s
That isn't even notable or odd. You lot are super whiny, damn
No. 271515
>>271494I’m the original trypophobia anon; I think it’s not a real phobia, just a popular name for a strong revulsion reaction. I wouldn’t ever class it in the same category as agoraphobia or other phobias that have an impact on day to day living.
Sorry for the blog but I’ve had the reaction since I was little and have always associated the texture as something full of parasites, and while it’s absolutely not a mental illness or actual phobia it’s an interesting phenomenon. It’s been blown way out of proportion, online it’s a mountain when irl it’s a molehill.
It’s weird to aggressively deny it could possibly exist and it’s weird to make it a part of your personality or general conversation.
>>271492Sorry anon but June isn’t the only person in the world to think forcing oneself to act like a lesbian becaus they started thinking heterosexuality is a meme invented by society and not y’know, part of how we reproduce.
Idc about actual lesbians or people who dislike men. It’s a whole different kettle of fish to force a sexual identity you don’t have to gain the approval of a community.
No. 271523
>>271517Eh, if it’s the song she did with that 69 guy it makes sense. He’s a child molester so it’s disgusting that anyone works with him.
If they’re mad about him being a guy and not about being a piece of shit it’s really petty of them.
No. 271525
>>271488The most rabid man-hating lesbian I know gets treated like complete garbage by her lesbian love interests, but she won't stop talking shit about the relationships of hetero women who are 10x happier than her.
Like the girl you love makes fun of your race and tells you that you could never be as pretty as a white girl and you're here saying hetero and bi women are disgusting for dating men.
No. 271551
>>271546"I have a shit family so everyone who lives in a certain area are obese"
Uh anon…
Im 120 and can relate however, I'm not gonna take the "blame the west" approach, especially since there's definitely eating disorder issues here too (don't american college students get mocked for the uwu vegan yoga fitness uwu thing?)
I think it has to do with fat fetishism
No. 271552
>>271549This, thats also why they think women who don't have H tits or bigger are flat, or if their asses aren't the size of a bean bag chair they have no ass, or the ones that lie to themselves claiming its more fertile they're morbidly obese
I miss the days when people like healthy propotional women
No. 271559
>>271556Absolutely nowhere in this thread did people call demi thin unless they were referring to when she starved herself. Do you think that there's only thin, fat and no inbetween? I'm not even American or western and don't consider her fat
>>271558This, imo anachans who think any woman who isn't thin are fat are just like fattychans who think anyone who isn't fat, is anorexic
Get a grip
No. 271561
>>271551I disagree with the fetishism tbh. It seems to be more related to the general populations weight going steadily up. If the majority of the population is twenty kilos overweight or more, and you’re raised seeing mostly these overweight people as a normal size, healthy people probably do look very thin.
If you never knew that it’s normal to see some ribs you’d probably find it alarming.
The body positivity thing has just kind of aggregated these skewed perceptions, added in a bunch of ‘you’re so beautiful and perfect and everyone’s jealous’ and now it’s turned into this club that admonishes any interest in health as severe anorexia and applauds shamelessness.
Most fat people aren’t part of the movement but the very insecure loud ones are and they have taken it upon themselves to speak for all fat people.
No. 271566
>>27155632 inch waist chan brag right here.
>>271565You think the bottom two ribs being just visible is anorexia? Sorry you’ve never seen women with a healthy bmi.
No. 271569
>>271564It's hard to tell, to me at least since her texture looks similar to what athletic but big girls look like, like a combo of muscle and fat, if she somehow lost a lot of muscle she wouldnt look at big, vice versa with fat
>mfw users here think seeing ribs are healthy and anyone who disagrees is fatI need a break, please please never go in the medical career field
No. 271581
>>271469but I thought you said bisexuals weren't whores. what is the truth?
also, you do know how much higher mens std rates are than womens, right? this excuse makes no sense.
No. 271583
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>>271570Lmao okay then doctor. Thanks for the diagnosis, and again, sorry you’ve never seen someone with less than 40 pounds of body fat.
Healthy people do not have fat deposits on their ribs. It’s a thin wall of muscle. Nobody is saying every rib should be visible or you’re a fatty, just that it’s pretty normal to see a general outline of the floating ribs.
If pic related, which perfectly illustrates my point, is anorexic, I’ll eat the queen.
No. 271586
>>271583The anorexic sperg from the plastic surgery thread is back
What gets me is that, the person even said that there are cases where ribs will show at the healthy weight but you keep insisting they're just a fatty who thinks everyone is anorexic
You literally just repeated their point in assholish terms, and i knew women with BMIs of less than 19 who didnt have "outlines of floating ribs" the fuck, like everyone is saying it depends on the person, but lots of skinny women even models dont have that so whats your point about how supposeldy common it is and anyone who disagrees is fat
No. 271587
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>>271583"fat deposits" don't equal the normal layer of fat that is on the ribs that conceals them at a normal weight. this woman is pretty slim but her ribcage is fully covered by the normal layer of fat that covers our ribcages. she just has a small ribcage, unlike the woman in your pic.
No. 271590
>>271587They clearly photoshopped out her ribcage and collarbones. They do that a lot even in modelling pics because people get
triggered by it kek.
No. 271594
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>>271590jesus christ, no they didn't. normal people have a layer of fat on their ribcage, and it depends on the size of your ribcage.
this is a candid of miley, AND she's stretching, and yet, no ribcage.
No. 271595
>>271594yeah i'm way fatter than miley or
>>271587 but you can see the outline of my ribs.
>>271586 is right.
No. 271596
>>271586Sorry, not that sperg. I’m not talking about anorexia anyway.
Responding like an asshole to someone being an asshole is pretty standard procedure.
The original point about ribs was a single sentence in a much larger point that some anon decided to nitpick because they saw an opportunity to cry anachan, despite the actual anachan wandering around calling Demi Moore a land whale.
You’re whining about nothing.
>>271589 thought that was clever or scathing or something?
No. 271600
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>>271590Stop being dumb. Some people have naturally bigger ribcages (and bigger bones in general), others don't.
No. 271601
>>271599>>271600I already said that I was wrong.
>>271597 it's easy to think every body is like yours.
No. 271602
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>>271594They show in more hd photos
No. 271605
>>271598Here’s the original comment made about ribs.
>>271561 Anon got inexplicably pissy in response and started armchair diagnosing like a wanker, and in response got a standard ‘ur fat and only see fatties’ because why bother discussing anything with someone who diagnoses anorexia over a comment?
Seriously though, where the hell did you pull the Demi Lovato sperg accusation from?
No. 271610
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Kota milk has dried up and left us years ago. Kiki has been more of a cow anyways, yet people keep sucking the kota teat for some reason. Most anons in her thread are obviously holding some kind of grudge because they knitpick everything, its not even fun anymore.
Its the same old “she wont last long!! Anyday now she’ll go back home!!” we’ve been seeing for years. Or sperging about how she ‘tricks’ every employer that hires her with her shoops, despite still getting work.
Honestly I never found her that milk-y. The weird alien edits put her on the edge and it was fun to see her first appearances vs her original tumblr shoops, but honestly she never looked at horrible as some anons say she did.
No. 271613
>>271610Jelly homegirls over on /snow/ think having a white monkey job in an asian country is hard to maintain.
It's not. Kota's been irrelevant for years, they're just pissed she's been in Japan for so long, living their gaijin fantasies.
No. 271617
>>271610Completely agree. And this is coming from someone who fucking LOATHED Dakota in the early 2010's. I hated her so goddamn much. But after she moved to Japan and got her shit together I had to admit that she's maturing and becoming a professional, and her edits don't bother me that much. She's really pretty even in the IRL videos and photos and I have to admire her learning Japanese so fluently. I'm still sure that it was Kiki's and her messed up family's influence that made her a cow before her escape.
The thread is just full of skin walkers who want to eat Dakota to become her. It's embarrassing how high the a-logging levels are in there, people screeching about how she's getting fat (what?) and how all the agencies are dropping her, she's not getting work etc. All shit that doesn't hold water at all. And when they run out of things to nitpick, they start bringing up age-old drama from around 10 years ago.
No. 271620
>>271612Nobody needs to diagnose the ana-chans here. They out themselves all the time. For example on the vent thread there is one who posted a few hours ago. They keep nitpicking on many people's weight on this site when their weight have nothing to do with their milky antics and derailing everything to weight discussions. The discussions on the threads
>>271615 cited and Dakota's threads are another example of how much some Ana-chans spend of their time nitpicking other people's weight. To mentally healthy people, that's not interesting or funny at all. Sure, fat people can be hilariously cringy and disgusting, but the level of obsession I see here is not healthy at all. The fact you are super defensive someone got called ana-chan because she said all healthy people should have showing ribcages or some shit like that makes me think you're perhaps that person.
No. 271776
>>271610i agree. her bad shoops are somewhat entertaining but the shock has worn off. i read some of the kiki threads for the first time last night and holy shit, what a trip. i find her and her mom much more milky than koots.
what really bothers me is when farmers will watch a cow's camgirl videos just to make fun of them. hatewatching someone's porn is a new level of obsessive, creepy and low.
No. 271801
Missionaries, charity workers and most other "aid" people should be banned from Haiti and all of West Africa. Not only do they not actually do shit, too many of them are gross, virtue-signalling troglodytes at
best, and literal pedophiles at worst. No. 271816
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>>271801every time I see someone post on social media with a picture of them with a crowd of black/brown kids with some bullshit caption about how their life is changed FOREVER my eyes roll so fucking hard. Voluntourism is such fucking bullshit, all it is is a way for white people to give themselves a pat on the back for… interacting with poor black people? No. 271879
>>271875you know what anon that's fair.
I will say that it is possible that the reason people keep their shit friends to avoid isolation or being ostracized.
but yeah, if you don't like your friends/partner you need to get the fuck outta there and get some new ones that deserve you.
No. 271960
>>271719Exactly. The adults can choose to follow whatever diet they please. Be a vegan or eat keto or paleo or vegetarian or whatever.
Restricting a kids diet beyond reasonable things like daily fruit and veg no you can’t eat candy every day is one thing, but refusing to give them an entire class of nutrients is psychotic.
No. 272061
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I find 50 shades of grey disturbing. Anybody who hurts a person he pretends to love is sick. I wish there would be ways to make this illegal. No. 272064
>>272061>>272061thank you for this. women being gaslit into romanticizing exploitative and abusive power structures that already exist in every other part of our lives is not normal or a normally developed 'kink' like the way sub men have had the freedom to develop their kinks or interests. 50 shades is disgusting and disturbing and so is all female submissive shit.
i wish all of it was illegal. i wish it was a more common viewpoint as well. so many men get away with literal murder of their female partners because of the 'consensual bdsm' excuse
No. 272094
Plus having a shitty partner doesn't make the other person shitty.
It's probably more the case that they have a personality ie. forgiving, generous, likes to fight for the underdogs, etc. that can get taken advantage of by manipulators and abusers.
Being naive or wanting to see the good in people doesn't make someone a shit person.
>>271913Because people are lonely and don't have a personality like yours.
No. 272140
>>272061>>272112I'm so conflicted about 50 Shades. One one hand, I do believe the likes of 50 Shades and Twilight glamorise controlling, abusive relationships and I'm happy when people call them out. I tried reading 50 Shades and the plot really did read like a fanfic, the sex scenes usually made me laugh and there was nothing likable about Christian. The part where Christian
admits to seeking out women who look like his mother to abuse them was disgusting and I'm genuinely surprised people still supported the series and pined for Christian after that.
But I can appreciate that some women
did enjoy the series and I'm not going to judge people for having a guilty pleasure when I have plenty of my own. I also feel like the majority of the critics of the two series have a problem with the fact that they're books written
by women,
for women. They're dismissed as "mommy porn" or "chicklit" without getting into any of the reasons they actually disliked the two (and in a lot of cases I've found, it's men who have never even read the books saying this who are just jumping on a bandwagon). People find the idea of marketing books towards teen girls or moms or just women in general as offensive, it's a real teen boy mentality when people think it's "icky" that women over 30 have a sex life or to shun anything "girly". You don't see John Green getting the same criticism for his books as Stephanie Meyer and you don't see anyone writing off cheesy fantasy or sci-fi books as "trash" without reading them first.
I wish we had better YA fiction or erotica make it to the bestsellers list but I feel like until we do it's almost a duty of mine to support what's out there to promote more being published, if that makes sense.
No. 272164
>>272140John Green and Stephanie both got shit on and loved though?
They both got movie deals and big fandoms that people both hate and love.
They're both atrocious authors who made it, John is just coveted more since he is known for xyz other things so ofc just by notoriety hes gonna get more reviews (atleast of the positive kind)
50SOG started out as a Twilight fanfiction and envisioning a grown woman writing about a highschool girl getting slammed by her centuries old bf is revolting and from what i've experienced internet&irl it's been a generational split in who found fault in 50SOG not male reviewers calling it mommy porn with no viable evidence.
I mean everyone and their mom made "articles" about how unhealthy 50sog when it peaked and the authors we're a mixed bag yet nobody i saw reduced it down to 'yuck mommy porn!'
(also i can't get behind anybody supporting the literature, the women who
do support this are the women who give power to terms like chicklit and even greater leverage to the men who use the terms)
No. 272368
>>272364Make some mashed potato and cheese.
Eat some watermelon. Bananas. Soya milk. Chick peas. Lentils. Pinto beans. Egg noodles. Wholemeal bread. This is just stuff I eat nowadays but there's a world of options.
High calorie things happen when things are old, processed, full of ingredients, oil, sugar and preservatives. Go for one or two ingredients of fresh stuff and the calories are minimal.
Adulthood is not "dying a slow painful death" wtf. Stop fetishizing youth, that is just something you picked up from men who want to shag teenagers. You can be beautiful and healthy from 20-80 if you want to be.
No. 272419
>>272405>>272398your reasoning is fucking retarded. people don't have children cause they want to take care of something, but because they want to make
their kid. it's about wanting to create a life with your partner. wanting a child in the first place is about selfishness. living your own life is about selfishness, so nitpicking this is super dumb. it's no one's job to take in kids that are a result of someone else's mistake. you can apply this to anything else and it sounds just as dumb.
No. 272424
>>272419that's not true. there ARE people that purely want to nurture life, and those people adopt. i agree that it's largely predicated on selfishness, but many people claim they want to help innocent children blossom into good people. the reasoning for having "your own kid" in 2018 when humans are facing serious existential threat because of climate change inaction, pollution, etc, is fucking retarded. idc that they want their kid to have their eyes. if they're that petty and prioritize "muh genes!!" over the well being of their children (which is inarguable at this point because earth is soon to become inhabitable thanks to overpopulation, pollution, and climate change) then they shouldn't be parents. children that are already born deserve a good life. it's not about "taking care of other people's mistakes" (how callous are you?), it's about sparing innocent children that are already born from terrible lives.
if people WANT to nurture children, they should adopt. and there's a difference between being selfish, and being too selfish to be a good parent. good parents wouldn't choose to have their own children.
No. 272470
>>272437Motherfucking this. The anti-k-pop thread was made to criticize and discuss the unethical practices in the K-pop industry but the underage k-fag spergs took it over to bitch about Generic Idol Girl #67 being fat and ugly and how Generic Idol Boy #95 can't dance AND he's ugly. Being a casual K-pop listener I would've been interested in the thread it was supposed to be like but I have no tolerance for the PULL tier "ew look at this fat fuck who actually looks like a goddamn model" a-logging. And of course they also shoehorn in some retarded SJW discourse shilling with stupid ass statements like "G-Dragon is a racist because he wears dreads". Can't you take your this shit over to Twitter and Tumblr instead?
These kind of nutty bitches are the reason why k-pop idols are being pushed through numerous surgeries and starvation diets as people would call them ugly and fat otherwise.
No. 272483
>>272140They’re called mommy porn or chicklit because they ARE trash though. Jodi picoult and her ilk aren’t writing anything groundbreaking or particularly amazing.
Romanctic erotica is called mommy porn because it’s written for no purpose other than wish fulfilment fantasy and getting off. The name is perfectly apt.
There’s plenty of female writers with excellent works and they’re highly respected for it, without ever being called chick lit.
No. 272493
>>272490You do realize that genes and biology are innately selfish, right? You sperging all over the place about people wanting to pass on their genes isn't going to make people not want to carry on their blood line so that the species actually CAN survive. Adopting crack babies and dumpster kids while sacrificing the ability to have biological children would be disastrous.
You can happily have kids and still be able to adopt them too.
No. 272502
>>272496Agree. I just saw a guy who used to be a cutie and who I dumped when we were 15-16. I used to regret dumping him but now he's 23 and he lost ALL his charm. His features used to be cute but once they matured he looks just… busted. Say what you want, women age a lot better than men and the only reason people think it's the other way around is because they 1. judge men's attractiveness by their wealth and achievements, and 2. have strict as fuck standards for women that automatically disqualify anyone above 30 from being attractive.
Looks-wise, we remain pretty a lot longer. Softer features just look better, and most men only have soft features until they turn 24.
No. 272520
>>27249614 year old boys..
You need to be over 18 to post here.
No. 272521
>>272502>>272496The 14-22 assertion sounds like a pedo trying to get validation.
Guys look best 21-26 and after that they hit the wall real fast
No. 272545
>>272544Try looking at men other than your brother.
Fat is a choice and plenty of adults choose to be fit. Not every man balds. Dating someone fresh out of highschool is creepy when you’re older. Either you’re exceptionally immature or a predator. Given how dumb your posts are, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you’re just really childish and don’t get along well with people your own age who kept developing socially.
No. 272561
>>272551Who’s angry?
It’s not about men really, it’s about dating teenagers. What is anon going to do when she’s 25? 30? If she doesn’t marry one of these kids ASAP she’s either gonna have to settle or be a predator.
No. 272600
>>272584Aren't 18-25 year olds kind of always considered more attractive than 40 year olds, even when you yourself (as the onlooker) are much older? It's not really fair, but youth is associated with beauty and all. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
Actually pursuing them when you're a lot older is pretty creepy/predatory because of the imbalance in mental state and maturity, though.
No. 272621
I feel zero sympathy for drug addicts. People excusing them because "he/she had a difficult childhood, etc." also wouldn't excuse somebody being violent because of a bad past either, so why with druggies? They're also making the life of their close ones hell.
The thing with Demi Lovato pissed me off so much. Yes, I get it she, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber and co. got famous too early blah blah, but does that mean they deserve to get supported (as in: let's throw millons at them)? Isn't it more of a sign that they actually aren't suited for being in the spotlight at all?
My little sister is a fan of them and then I asked her if she heard about Demi, she told me that "she drank too much and took other stuff and had to go the hospital, but now she's fine". Like no, this is not the same as normal adults sometimes overdoing it with alcohol, it's not even the same as weed, heroin is bottom of the barrel, the shit bums die of.
Why is anybody giving them work?
I know that this is not possible, but I wish there was a way to stop people like her, especially if their fan base is on average 13 years old, from getting so big.
There would be so many people in this world who'd deserve fame, but instead the entertainment industry is made up of talentless little shits who're bad influence on top of it.
No. 272643
>>272621I wholeheartedly agree about not having sympathy for drug addicts but even as much as I despise celebrities doing drugs at least they aren't out in the streets robbing people like your regular druggies who should be either euthanized or force to some remote wildlife location with no abusable substances available. Drug users don't only ruin their own lives, they ruin everyone else's around them. And that's why they're scum.
>>272627Are you the anti-breeder sperg from the Pet thread who's guilttripping people into adoption without understanding a goddamn thing about the details of a.) breeding b.) adoption?
No. 272652
>>272643ntayrt but this is the stupidest shit i've ever read. "i-it's just too complicated for your feeble mind to understand!!". stop trying to justify your selfishness by acting like it's more complex than it actually is. a good percentage of these purebred dogs are suffering from our tinkering, anyways, on top of the fact that there are countless animals in need of homes.
keep defending literal abuse tho because you want a designer dog!
No. 272662
>>272657>>272657you're an actual idiot. you need to do research. purebred dogs suffer from the most health issues because they've been inbred for 200+ years and were bred with ideal appearances or certain functions in mind with 0 regard for their genetics or how inbreeding would affect them.
please stop trying to deny reality in a pathetic and embarrassing attempt to justify or excuse your unethical pet ownership.
No. 272664
>>272659How did I get worked up? You're the one that sounds
triggered by my comment lol
No. 272666
>>272662So people who love a specific breed and want to preserve it and keep papers and lineage are making more unhealthy puppies than two random mutts the owner didn't care enough to spay?
No. 272670
>>272664not really, it's just really ironic that someone who insults randos on the internet is telling anyone else about how their parenting should go.
if you think that people choosing to have kids aren't doing it cause they want to create a life with their partner, you're stupid. and if you think that me pointing that out will somehow make me a bad parent, you're even more stupid.
No. 272697
>>272643i honestly have no idea what the fuck youre talking about, so im gonna go with no.
i just dont understand why people feel the need to buy dogs or cats that are known to have health issues all their lives. its even more hilarious when people who are self animal lovers and ethical vegetarians/vegans buy pure bred animals
No. 272718
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>>268344>I honestly hate modern architecture so fucking much. Especially those fugly ass giant glass cages that are being erected everywhere. I hope people will come to their senses soon and knock them tf down. Even the soviet brutalist style concrete blocks look better because at least those don't blind you when you look in their general direction, and they also look quite cozy and homely in a way.I was walking yesterday and noticed how fond I was of the brutalism of the hospital on the right in pic related surrounded by all the new, glass boxes going up around it.
This isnt the view I had but its as close sd I could find.
Im sure those round towers wont last forever.
No. 272720
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Wrong pic. But thats the building.
Heres more of a comparison.
No. 272749
>>272697The most obnoxious vegan I know spent hundreds of dollars on a brachycephalic kitten from a kitten mill that already has trouble breathing and doesn’t groom itself, so she now has to wash urine and feces out of its fur on a biweekly basis. All because she “needed” a purebred and regular cats weren’t aesthetic enough. Her words.
I have no horse in this purebred/shelter debate but every time I think about this girl and that poor creature I get a bit angry.
No. 272805
>>272662Inbreeding isn't directly unhealthy for dogs, dogs are regularly line bred in the shooting and fieldwork breeds because a tight line is better than risking using another dog if you have a very good field dog. Purebreds and their health issues are a direct result of the kennel club pushing for extremes.
If you buy a mutt you're just teaching poor people that they can breed irresponsibly and make quick cash out of it imo.
No. 272842
When someone cares more about what papers their dog has than the crippling health issues from being inbred, they’re a bad person.
No. 272874
>>272856>Cause they seem fine to me.Ok buddy i'll trust that you know them better than they themselves! kek
You're simply pathetic.
Just the fact that you were so
triggered that you felt the need to samefag just to make sure that we know that your family totally isn't having a hard time because of you…
How about therapy instead of being a proud, super functioning adult who "only hurts herself"?
No. 272897
>>272851I’m a rehab clinician. People say the same thing you’re saying everyday and every meeting with their families reveals someone knows and is scared for their loved one.
It’s not moral superiority, addiction is a disease not a personal failing. Good people get addicted to substances just as much as bad people do.
No. 272901
>>272611You fucking dumbass, part of having a brain this massive is that we have the ability of predictive thinking and cause an effect. If a huge chunk of people gave up their ability to pass on their genes then we as a species would be royally fucked. We wouldn't have the numbers down the road to be able to avoid inbreeding, let alone one wide spread health issue like anti-biotic resistance, or a terrible natural disaster could easily wipe out a bunch of humankind.
If you're too stupidly pissy about doing the ONE thing we are actually put on this planet to then maybe you should give that brain of yours to science or some shit.
No. 272905
>>272902Watching someone slowly poison themselves is painful. You see this person who you love, and even if you don’t see them drunk or slurring and stumbling, you see the premature aging, that their eyes are dull, that they are not happy.
You see how their reactions slow down and they become less pleasant as their addiction takes over and their emotions are blunted. They appear snippy, bored, or impatient with loved ones because they are preoccupied with when they can next use their drug of choice.
Alcohol and benzos are an excellent combination for death and accidental overdoses are common.
No. 272922
>>272912No, I don’t have that idea at all.
I’m aware that a large proportion of addicts are self-medicating themselves for trauma, depression, personality disorders, or anxiety and that a lot of them are aware that their addiction has a negative impact on their lives.
Some become physically dependent after being medicated for pain or anxiety because they are very addictive drugs.
Not every addict is miserable but addiction and misery are still close bedfellows.
I can also see that you’re not interested whatsoever in anything outside of justifying your addiction and that it reeks of denial. Whatever, you do you.
No. 272932
>>272915yeah i totally understand the practical reasons for getting specific breeds of dogs, in which the dogs needs to be a pure bred like herding dogs or hunting dogs, truffle dogs, etc.
i dont understand the need of people who work in say, a typical office job, to have a purebred dog.
No. 273105
If it wasn’t for the artcows id never come here again(though they’re getting old as well). Honestly, focusing on your own life and ditching this place is for the best.
No. 273183
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i hate when some cow is clearly fake gay being part of the LGBT and anons go "well as a bisexual person," like shut the fuck up lmao. there are plenty of bisexuals literally everywhere. you don't need to announce that you're bisexual for your hot take, bisexuals are everywhere and they're LGBT awkward sibling because gay men don't like bi men and lesbians usually don't like bi women either. cause y'all annoying. and you feel the need to announce your bisexual when no one asks. shut up lmao.
god, bisexuals are so obnoxious about being bisexual. literally can't think of a more meaningless label, especially since a lot of them never date the same sex anyway. source am lesbian, never have asked for a bisexual's hot take in LGBT issues ever.
altough, absolute worst sexuality HAS to be polysexuals. nuke them.
No. 273192
>>273183Yeah, bi people can be annoying.
Also, polys just want to act immature without consequences. Honestly, I used to think that polys are mostly rich attractive people (models, actors), but I found out they're ugly married people in their 40s. What a plot twist.
No. 273228
>>273183polyamory isn't a sexuality anyway, it's just a tactic for immature people and emotional abusers to cheat on their partners. hearing people call it a sexual orientation is cringey and repulsive.
>>273192 is right. if you ever want a laugh go to the r/polyamory selfies thread and look at the absolute state of these people.
>>273183 No. 273230
Kinkshaming is absolutely acceptable and even necessary if someone's fetish involves hurting themselves or others either physically or mentally, and we should get rid of this idea that everything is ok as long as it's between two consenting adults. If you notice that you're getting off to the thought (or worse, act) of beating the shit out of your partner until they're crying, your first thought should be "wow I need help", not "well this is completely normal and healthy, I want to go find like-minded people and get some validation". I'm so tired of seeing people enable those edgy doms that write about how much they love tying down and gagging their girlfriends and slapping them around until they're bruised. Link in
>>272061 is relevant.
Also 24/7 BDSM relationships are trash. If your whole relationship revolves around sex, you need to rethink your life.
Apparently an unpopular opinion in the BDSM circles: gentledom is 100000 times better than any of the violent and degrading shit. It's so much better when you're told how beautiful you look and how much you're loved while being handled gently and lovingly, instead of all the violence, humiliation, spitting and slapping and "choke on my cock you worthless, dirty fucking whore"-tier dirty talk.
No. 273365
>>273230Agreed, I have
never understood why people on one hand will condemn self harming, talk about serious mental health issues then turn around and get their ass beat in bed and thats ok? Because "consenting adults"?
People who cut themselves are consenting too but that we equate to self harm.
Yet nobody questions if an adult wants to get beat up, cut up, choked out and left bruised
during sexual acts because for some twisted ass reason
since they're fucking its somehow ok?
I find it ridiculous too this whole notion that "sub space" is a thing when its called dissociating and people think thats a coveted experience when its just an unhealthy as fuck practice.
Thanks to this 'no kinkshame' bs its helped pedo's gain traction with DDLG and people out here dare say things like
"Im a CSA victim it helps me cope!!"
Age 'regressing' while getting pounded by your "daddy" isnt a coping mechanism, its a tool for you to continue living in a perpetual state of romanticising what happened to you and relive the victimhood surrounded by your "aesthetic" even though I legitimately feel 99% of the people who do claim CSA victimhood and are into DDLG are profuse ass liars since I truly can't picture someone dumb enough to be perpetuating pedophilia while saying they're a csa victim.
No. 273385
>>273374>>273374This, i don't mind video games, I even enjoy a few myself, men just get extremely into them, even make "jokes" about luring their girlfriend and ignoring her for video games, or even worse, men who have limited time with their gf when they meet just for the guy to spend the entire time they're together playing video games, I wish the whole "video gamers dont get girlfriends" shit was true, many of them are entitled and grrr gamer handmaidens and league thots only fuel their behavior
For porn, it's always been shit, the industry has been filled with pedophiles and now they're more honest and open about it, they condition mens minds to believe that making the women as uncomfortable and as painful as possible its actually sexy and fun and women who dont want their tits to turn purple from rope and be anally fisted are boring prudes who are gonna hit the wall and wonder where all the good men gone, they dont even foreplay either, which I dont get because they beg for perfect tits and asses but dont even bother playing with them most of the time, whats the point of demanding a woman to have a perfect body if all you're gonna do is just kiss 3 times and shove it in dry?
Plastic surgery has gave men insane expectations of womens bodies, they expect boobs to look like perfect globes, pussies to look like that of a child, and asses that stick 4 feet out, it has fueled their ego to believe they all deserve submissive 4 feet subs with paper white skin and porn star tits, when you even dare hint porn is toxic they go on rants about how youre a gross prude
No. 273387
>>273370Just tell him his dick game is trash. Strongly imply that all the porn is fucking up his stamina or skill during actual sex, and compare him to exes. He'll stop on his own, if he actually values sex and feels inadequate enough.
Beware that he might want you to get into whatever shit he was jacking off to, though, in which case, dump the whole man (if you're not into any of it yourself).
No. 273423
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i love rats. i just think they're so adorable and sweet but people always act grossed out when i mention i like them.
No. 273432
>>273183That graph is showing that there's almost as many gay men and lesbians (48%) as there are bisexual men and women (52%), which makes sense imo. That's why you have this impression I guess, because there's no distinction between bisexual men and women in the graph and because someone could say "as someone who's bi" without disclosing their gender?
>altough, absolute worst sexuality HAS to be polysexuals. nuke them.That's not even a sexual orientation so whenever I see straight people calling themselves queer for being polyamory or whatever I just cringe. Didn't they used to be called swingers before?
>>273233Same, it's frustrating.
No. 273442
I don't understand couples who have nothing in common. My sister is getting married to her fiance soon and they literally have no common interests. He sits on his computer playing video games all day while she sits on the couch and watches tv all day, and that's what they do "together". I don't think you should share all interests with your partner but you should have some sort of commonality. Granted both of them are struggling with depression but it's still bizarre to me because they're completely opposite people.
>>273423Rats are the cutest. I really want one but can't because I have cats.
No. 273443
>>273434This. I'm tired of lesbians calling bi people every name under the sun, but the moment they themselves get a taste of their own medicine, they're innocent babu victims uwu.
Fuck biphobic bullshit.
No. 273455
>>273449Bisexuals complain about lesbians because loud lesbian activists keep shitting on them and ostracizing them. I don't know if those assholes are just political lesbians and afraid of being found out or if their ex-gf chose a man instead or why the fuck they would have this deep-rooted hatred against bis. "Straight-passing privilege" is the stupidest fucking thing ever, you mean there aren't bi people in homosexual relationships or bi people looking for one?
Sexuality in general is rarely a static, non-fluctuating thing, you might go decades as a straight/gay person and then fall in love with the opposite/same gender. If the society wasn't so traditionally homophobic and if the LGBT community wouldn't pressure people to choose a side I'm pretty sure we would have a lot more bisexual people around.
No. 273486
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I used to find recovery influencers like Jen Bretty inspirational a year or more ago but now that all she does is sperg about her ass and thighs being "killer/thicc" on social media she seems like a huge hypocrite. What's the point in promoting recovery when you just jumped from a disordered focus on being skinny and revolving your life around it to having a disordered focus on having a giant ass and revolving your life around it?
In my opinion it does nothing to encourage people to face the root issue of body dysmorphia and it's irresponsible to use ED recovery content as a vehicle to generate literal ass pats.
No. 273520
>>273500I have honestly never heard anyone, feminist or not, compare rape to death and suicide. They're completely different things and it's very insensitive to use it push your ''le
triggered feminazis xD'' shit.
>>273515>If someone I love dies it will be horrible for me, not them.…alright.
No. 273522
>>273519Can everyone shut the fuck up about suicide? What kind of shitty derail is this.
please be aware there are people reading who don't want to see this shit
No. 273529
>>273526And look at asian countries like China and Japan. You’re telling me they aren’t just as patriotic as well?
Also I don’t see the hate boner over patriotism. Let people be proud ffs.
No. 273617
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>>273590how could you forget the most important cultural difference
No. 273653
>>273502I feel like this about the supposedly feminist movements making sure everyone ever is called beautiful and gorgeous and perfect.
Instead of empowering anyone, they’re reducing people to a single trait that has no value outside of attracting a partner.
It’s such a coddled and ignorant mindset to have and some of the people doing act like they are heroic revolutionaries because they drew a cute person in a wheelchair or called someone with crouzons pretty.
I thought the point was to remind women that they are more than pretty little objects and that beauty is a trivial thing pressed upon women by old fashioned gender norms, blah blah patriarchy.
No. 273700
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kpop girls wearing push up bras, another set of boob padding, hip padding and butt pads are nothing to admire
No. 273723
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>>273712yes and they're very obvious once you notice them. a kpop girl getting skinnier and yet her boobs and hips are larger, pointy hips in stage outfits and shorts and skirts that are tight around the hips but awkwardly loose at the leg. ie every sana fancam where she's not wearing them, her shoulders look very wide and she has narrow hips, compared to a more balanced look when she is wearing them.
No. 273796
>>273689>I feel like a lot of the girls posted in the Cute Girls thread are dull looking white girls.i see so many plain asian girls too. cute but plain.
imo the ''plain/average'' look is the most enjoyable because the girls are beautiful, but not in an over-the-top way. that's a pretty unpopular opinion since I feel like a lot of people on lolcow have really high standards lol
No. 273810
>>273804I relate to this.
To add my own related unpopular opinion, I have a real preference for ugly-cute people. People who have some "ugly" features (big nose, ears that stick out, close set eyes, crooked teeth or tooth gap, etc.) but they work together in a way that makes them look goofy and sweet. Most of the men I find attractive have this sort of look going on, I find it so endearing.
No. 273813
So rude but it's true
No. 273844
>>273801Agreed. I'm veg and I think an animal living in its natural habitat and getting killed in a way that's similar to how they'd die in the wild is better than keeping animals in shit conditions and mass slaughtering them.
In my ideal world, neither would happen but it pisses me off that people get upset about poachers or the Yulin dog festival or people eating animals that are cooked live (lobsters, frogs, snails, octopus w.e) while tucking into a big meaty feast three times a day and denying that their food suffered the same amount.
No. 273912
>>273862>>273864>>273867t. Pig internet defense force
Sure a pig might have the cognitive ability of a toddler, but that does not in fact let it even hold a candle to a dog. A dog can infer human emotions from our faces and the tone and intonation of our language, as a matter of fact a dog can UNDERSTAND us way better than bacon next to my eggs.
No. 273921
>>273912 Seeking, Inquisitiveness and PlayPlay is found most predominantly in the most cognitively complex and adaptable nonhuman species, such as primates (Bencke, 2015), dogs (Bekoff, 2015), dolphins (Janik, 2015) and birds (Emery & Clayton,
2015). However, play behavior also exists in fish and reptiles (Burghardt, 2015), and the most cognitively complex invertebrates, such as the octopus (Zylinski, 2015). Therefore, play appears to be a marker of cognitive complexity.
Pigs, too, are playful animals (Donaldson, Newberry, Spinka, & Cloutier, 2002; Olsen, Simonsen, & Dybkjaer, 2002; Newberry, et al. 1988; Wood-Gush and Vestergaard, 1991, 1993), exhibiting a wide range of behaviors in this domain. A recent study of play behavior in pigs shows that they engage in quite complex types of play that include social play and object play (Horback, 2014). Common object play behaviors in pigs include shaking or carrying an object such as a ball or stick or tossing straw (Bolhuis, Schouten, Schrama, & Wiegant, 2005; Dudink, Simonse, Marks, de Jonge,& Spruijt, 2006; Newberryet al.,1988). Locomotor play includes waving/tossing of the head, scampering, jumping, hopping, pawing, pivoting, and gamboling (energetic running), flopping on the ground, and hopping around (Martin, Ison, & Baxter, 2015). Social play in pigs includes play fighting, pushing and running after each other (Horback, 2014). Many of these categories of play are combined and the behaviors are similar to play behavior in dogs and other mammals.
Social Cognition and ComplexityDogs can not only discriminate among humans but they can tell the difference between a smiling human face and a neutral expression (Nagasawa, Murai, Mogi, & Kikusui, 2011). These kinds of capacities are not surprising in a species with a history of domestication that involved sensitivity to human cues. Yet pigs, too, can discriminate familiar and unfamiliar humans (Koba &Tanida, 1999; Tanida &Nagano, 1998), though perhaps not with the same degree of subtlety. In a study by Tanida and Nagano(1998), young miniature pigs were handled gently and fed treats for five weeks and then allowed to choose between the handler and a stranger in a Y-maze. The results showed that these pigs were able to discriminate between the handler and a stranger and there were a range of individual differences in the kinds of cues (e.g., olfactory, visual and auditory) each pig used. Surprisingly, olfaction appeared to be the least useful for the pigs in differentiating stranger from familiar handler. In general, this study showed that the pigs were able to use prior experience to discriminate between two humans.
No. 273928
>>273918Yeah, but tell that to the vast population of people like
>>273854 who think they're "logical" when they make the "Uhh they're just dumb animals" argument, and they want to call you "evil", "inhumane", "edgy", etc for not treating brain-dead(yet breathing) tards like miracle babies.
From their own logical standpoint, every time you DON'T make use of a severely deformed/retarded human's body for scientific testing, leather, or even just your very first man-kebab, you're creating waste. We shouldn't even euthanize them unless we plan to use their bodies.
No. 274004
>>273937If I wasn't already vegetarian this post would've helped convince me. Intelligence should not be a marker for how something is treated. And animal intelligence shouldn't be measured in human terms. They are more complex and spiritual than us, they impart wisdom to each other in ?unknown? Ways, they know things without learning them.
They just can't vocalise the way we can therefore they're judged as stupid. Or they disobey orders because free will, and that too is judged as stupidity. So being "silent" and disobedient means we should eat them. Troubling thought process
No. 274030
>>274013>Get in the pen with that cow and do something harmless that spooks it, it'll ram into you or impale you with its horn.The exact same shit is true for humans.
>be literally any animal, like, say, a black bear>go into human-occupied space>don't do anything to harm them>get killed on sight because surprise, they don't fucking know you or what you're capable ofYou're just making any excuse to defend looking down on other living creatures, and it's sad. It's one thing to eat meat. Hell, animals eat animals. It's the circle of life (though whether we humans
need to do it is a debate in itself). But, it's a special kind of shitty to try and rob the animals you eat of their status as beings on this planet that feel pain, can reason and are/were just trying to survive. We're not the exact same, but we all have sex, take shits, feel the urge to survive and love our own kind. When we die, we all sink into the ground, get eaten by the same worms and mix with the exact same shit, dirt and water. Nature doesn't care about your technological advancements, or that you used to browse Lolcow. Humans are not special, lmao.
Maybe none of this would be happening if people were forced to hunt and kill their own meat instead of just picking up bacon at the supermarket. I bet you wouldn't even be able to stick your hands into a dead cow's guts without fainting, or last one hour in a slaughterhouse without puking, but you want to harp about "muh burgers".
No. 274046
>>274045How many humans would actually take that course or follow it instead of dying pitifully when left to the elements because they have depression, a low attention span, ADHD, etc?
Regardless of how far removed humans have tried to breed them to be, pigs, cows and other livestock still feel pain, physical sensation, fear, urge to survive and understanding of death. Face it, we're not special.
No. 274047
>>274030>Maybe none of this would be happening if people were forced to hunt and kill their own meat instead of just picking up bacon at the supermarket.Why do you always assume people are as sheltered as you are?
I'm not even the anon you're replying to, but I gut, candle, and clean my own fish all the time. I used to do venison with my relatives until I moved to a city and couldn't afford to get a permit and gun to hunt myself. No less being able to find the time now that I work 40+ hours.
People would butcher and eat their own meat if they all had the land, time, and permission to do so. Take a look at the third world.
You're jumping to an awful lot of conclusions about what humans are incapable of just because modern meat consumption is industrialized and convenient.
No. 274048
>>2740471. I am a third worlder. Funny you talk about assumptions.
2. I'm saying people who kill their own meat generally don't think "Hurr animal dumb and not even real xd". They at least comprehend that the thing they're eating was a living thing, and not just a walking burger.
No. 274050
>>274049Cows cry when their calves are killed. Also
>using human milestones to measure animals' cognitive ability when you've been trying to maintain that humans and animals are not the sameQue.
>Animals of the same species are more than willing to hurt each other for various reasons such as territory or mating privileges, so it's not like animals will never be in pain if people are out of the picture. I already covered that here
>>274030. Circle of life. Everything eats everything, survival of the fittest, etc. My point is that it's shitty and retarded to downplay that a living creature is still a living creature. It's not logical or even really intelligent, it's just trying to protect your own feelings and spare yourself guilt.
No. 274057
>>274053>Harley Hooligan Most people would be okay with them being aborted or euthanized even right now as they are a drain on medical system and take money away from people that might actually need the money. Life isn't inherently precious, get over it.
>If you don't care why argueNot an argument, I'm just stating a counterpoint to what I perceive as an irrational stance, just because you perceive your stance as an absolute moral doesn't make it so, because you're not, in any way shape or form, some sort of an arbiter of morals.
No. 274066
you, because it makes
you feel bad, not because there's any inherent moral message there.
No. 274067
>>274048>I am a third worlderWhat country?
Your neighbors should be shining examples of what they do to obtain meat if what you say is true and you don't exactly have access to/can't afford supermarket meat.
Oh and people who kill their own meat do, in fact, tend to think animals are pretty dumb. Tasty and dumb. Not their fault though.
No. 274069
>>274067Doesn't really matter what country. Whenever I answer in truth, I get called a liar and the thread gets derailed because first worlders are convinced we all must live in mud huts with no internet. Just know it's a Certified Shithole.
Pretty much none of the people I know who kill their own meat actually think of the animals they hunt as "dumb", because it takes actual effort to get them.
No. 274071
>>274046cows wouldn't even be able to learn like that.
humans have a different level of logic. just get over it.
No. 274084
>>274082ffs, anon, most vegans don't believe humans and animals are on the same level of intelligence, they just believe that animal's lives deserve the same kind of respect, you've gone off the deep end.
and if anyone is moving the goalposts it's you.
No. 274087
>>274084All that's been argued is: We eat, shit and die. It's 100% not that deep. You tried to attack that and made dumb points like "Oh yeah?! Well we keep pets and make tools!" because that simple fact of life
triggered your moral feels and you realized going "I don't even care" didn't work.
I'm not even vegan, you're just insincere and sad. A true cynic gives no fucks.
No. 274090
>>274084I don't think their lives deserve the same kind of respect
We raise these animals and give them protection and food and in return for letting them pass on their genes in safety we slaughter them. It's not a bad deal considering a wild animal's main goal is to pass on its genes.
No. 274099
>>267697All those fitbits and data gathering are ridiculous for a regular person.
No one needs 20 data points just to lose weight or 5 pills to sleep normally.
People, specially upper middle class murricans, are embracing an hyper surveillance dystopia in order to look more smart and in control an it absolutely disgusts me.
No. 274116
>>274114Anon, it's clear that
>>274094 meant who
in the context of the conversation not literally who.
Why even bring it up if the cynic anon wasn't even in who you were talking to? You just used some random thing another anon said as an insult to someone else.
I said it already but you seem actually autistic.
No. 274118
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>>274052i have a sister that moved to texas and she was so excited to try HEB. boy was she disappointed.
idk if you've ever been to florida/georgia, but we have publix here and absolutely everyone looses their fucking shit over their food. while i will admit, their baked loaves are fucking delicious everything else is mediocre at best. their fried chicken is 60% breading, their subs taste like a typical sandwich, all their premade sides are shit, their sushi is shit…with the exception of the bakery i will never understand the hype
No. 274119
>>274116Who was being insulted exactly? It was a reference to another post that you obviously didn't read, so you took offense to what was said and are now refusing to accept what was actually meant.
Misinterpreting social situations is an actual sign of autism.
No. 274124
>>274123Sorry meant to quote
>>274087 (I wasn't even in that conversation).
No. 274128
>>274122Regardless of whether you're the same anon, you're sperging for no reason, and clearly took something innocuous as an insult (even though you're now claiming it wasn't even directed at you) when it was actually a reference to a previous post made.
Seriously, for someone so concerned about autism and mental illness, it sounds like you need to get yourself checked.
No. 274133
>>274127I deleted my posts because I didn't see your initial one, and deleted it both times because
you admitted
your mistake.
It'll be fine.
No. 274134
>>274131>that spoiler textAlright, I'm convinced you're batshit insane. You've gotten into so many arguments here that you think it's all one person who shows up once a month.
Therapy is always an option.
No. 274135
>>274131 and was reading the thread it looks like someone was pissed that they were told off accidentally.
>>274133obviously not if people are asking about it. don't be rude.
No. 274137
>>274134>You've gotten into so many arguments here that you think it's all one person who shows up once a month. i'm not even the same anon, calm down. i just lurk the unpopular opinions thread and for the past few months like clockwork this same weird kind of infighting happens that devolves into some anons calling eachother nuts/autistic and accusing everyone of samefagging and telling them to get help.
it's not even that ridiculous considering anons have admitted to shitposting/infighting on purpose.
>>274136you mentioned in an hour after they posted, they only have 30 minutes and probably didn't see it.
No. 274141
>>274137If you're not the same anon, maybe mention that first thing with a "NTA" next time (and also try not to hypocritically accuse people of the very thing you tell them to "chill" over, especially when your reasoning is shaky as fuck).
It doesn't really matter in the end, though. Please, just take your own advice, let this die and allow us all to move on.
>inb4 you respond anyway because you need the last word No. 274150
>>274146I didn't see
>>274142 before I commented. Sorry I'm not fucking policing the thread like a hawk. FFS.
No. 274151
>>274149Stop minimodding.
Bitch obviously can't follow conversations properly without names and avatars.
No. 274175
>>274173People judge you for not posting 5000 pictures of your kids?
We call those heroes without capes.
Nobody except for pesky relatives wants to see pictures of other peoples' kids lol.
It's one of the top reasons people hate facebook.
No. 274183
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>>274171Semi-related but this goes for dogs too. I hate going on instagram or other social media to check out reviews for subscription bags and other makeup stuff and have every other post be “hehe and Fluffy decided she liked it too and wanted to get into shot!” This happens a lot on reddit, so much that there are butthurt “well sorry you guys didnt like my cat…” posts to follow when they get downvotes.
For the love of god keep kids and animals out of the shot.
No. 274190
>>274183i wouldn't mind if the cat
actually just happened to come over and sit next to you while you're taking the photo, but placing makeup on top of the confused cat pretending it cares about ipsy is retardo
No. 274205
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>>274165lol anon, thanks for proving me right
No. 274206
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>>274052fellow texanon here, and i agree that HEB is overrated. however i do like its offspring company central market (when i have enough money to go lel).
i mostly shop at kroger, sometimes whole foods and trader joes, asian and hispanic markets, and occasionally aldi. there is no HEB near me, but the first time i went to one in another city i was like…. oh, okay.
No. 274211
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>>274205Anon stop you look retarded.
No. 274218
>>274171It pisses me off that my sister in law does this with my nephew. She must post a photo of him at least once a day, and sometimes several if they went out to a zoo/McDonalds/somewhere outside the house.
I love my nephew but I get tired of seeing endless pictures of him so I ended up unfollowing her on my facebook.
I feel bad for him too because it is obvious his mother is only doing this for her own validation and attention seeking, yet these photos of him with what looks like feces smeared over his face and him sitting on filthy kitchen tiles that need to be mopped will be floating around on the internet forever. He never got a choice whether he wanted his life documented for all to see or not.
No. 274300
>>274218Lets hope it’s chocolate.
Maybe you should make a fake account and tell her to mop her floors.
If I was gonna be take the time and be addicted to curating scenes of my life for all to see, best believe it’s gonna look tip top.
No. 274392
>>274347Lol, I have a high school friend on fb and this is how she treats her son who is currently 10. She got away with taking a million pictures of her and him years prior because he literally had no say.
But now that he's more grown up he obviously thinks it's lame to stage fake photos all the time. Nearly every picture she posts of him is his fake grin with cringey eyes because he doesn't want to be doing it.
(Un)fortunately she had a second kid a couple years ago so she can get her forced selfie fix for attention from her daughter.
I was laughing because she pretended to be bisexual and dated a woman LDR for an entire two months. I was enjoying seeing her kids get dressed up in Pride attire and her exclaiming on fb about how her kids support it so much. As of a 3 year old understands sexuality lmao.
No. 274396
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Shape Of You is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Sounds like it was co written by the ark music factory. Like I'm no music snob and I enjoy a lot of cheap pop music but the success of that song utterly baffles me.
It cancels itself out as music. After 30 seconds I dont even hear the song, just too preoccupied imagining how a woman could possibly react to a man she just met in a bar saying her love was handmade for him.
No. 274410
>>274396I feel the same about just any popular pop song nowadays. It's nice when you're inside a store and can recognize a song but whenever I download them on my cellphone I delete them after 2 hours maximum. I hate Despacito and anything by Justin Bieber.
Another opinion: I dislike all the past thread's pics with this big mouth thing, I have no idea what it's supposed to be.
No. 274421
>>274396lol some fwb japanese guy i used to see back when i was studying abroad last year was obsessed with ed fucking sheeran to the point that he would put on shape of you on repeat every time we had sex and now i cant help but cringe everytime i hear it because of the association with that weirdo.
He also ruined “I feel it coming” by TheWeeknd because he was also obsessed with that song and played it over and over. While climaxing he once said word for word in his horrible English “I fEeL iT cOmInG”
No. 274422
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>>274410You take that back tokitama did thing wrong
No. 274433
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>>274421damn that sounds like a wild ride
No. 274550
>>274545I'm sorry but why isn't youtube/patreon a real job if it pays the bills? As far as I know it does involve some work anyways…
I agree that e-begging is gross but some situations are more understandable than others.
Minimum wage used to be a lot higher compared to the cost of life… it's probably not sustainable for small businesses though so I'm a bit ambiguous about it.
I fucking hate weed smokers in general but eh. I'd still rather have high people driving than drunk ones.
No. 274556
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I think the modern designs of most video games are unhealthy in that they take advantage of peoples' addictive tendencies.
Not even though lootboxes, but also through limited trophies/events/progression. How they turn it into virtual sport and make people wait around for dlc.
I hate how I can't say anything negative against video game use without people getting up in arms over it.
There's been plenty of false equivalencies in the past (first person shooters=making kids more violent), but I do think video game addiction is real and does harm people.
No. 274823
>>274617Actual unpopular opinion: Cosplay isn't serious business and nobody cares that fatty fedora ruined your smol anime waifu.
Cosplayers need to get over themselves and the glorified Halloween parties that are conventions.
No. 274838
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>>274822So, just because I find guys cute I'm not allowed to criticize misogyny…?
No. 274869
>>274866nta but that's not what radical feminism is about
The rift between het and lesbian radfems is pretty shameful. That's no way to get anywhere.
No. 274901
>>274869agree though the rift is a reason why I laugh any time the topic of female only utopia gets brought up.
How do you wish to live in this peaceful and nurturing community when you can't even stop sperging at your ~sisters~ just cause they had or had not some dick in them?
Also lol at lesbians crying lesbophobia any time someone disagrees with them or ~bihets~ don't include the in conversation about dating men.
No. 275032
>>275004Posts like yours belong in the gc thread, however that anon was making a point about people who are deriving their identity from fiction, not people who are mutilating their body to conform to one out of two traditional social roles that they identify with.
Nonbinary/Demigender/Otherkin/Furry people shouldn't even be associated with the queer movement. They're too consumed in their own fantasy to actually challenge the traditional gender roles that queers and feminists alike are out to free humanity from. Transsexuals are kind of the useful idiots of the queer movement in this regard, but that's tangential and I only replied to you so this discussion wouldn't get derailed ffs.
No. 275224
>>275151Agreed. It's mostly the the texture ad how it sticks to the roof of your mouth. Melting it changes the texture and makes it great.
I know surprisingly many people who feel the same way. In psychological experiments on the emotion of disgust they use cheese as a stimulus because it's pretty universally loathed by a large proportion of people.
No. 275246
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people who dye their hair blonde but leave their eyebrows dark af look stupid. your brows don't need to be bleached to oblivion, just a tad lighter. It looks so dumb seeing brows that stick out like a sore thumb contrasted against the hair colorr
No. 275269
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>>275246Inverted is also ugly.
No. 275282
>>275268Thats just ugly white women tho. Places like PULL hate to admit it, but being white and attractive can get your far as a woman. As a thin attractive white woman you can basically get any guy in Asia, as long as your speak the native language well enough. The men who compare white women to asian women are stupid too, because it mustly boils down to “white women are fat ugly whores, not the ugu waifus that will stay pure for me” while also ignoring the fact that asian girls sleep around, and that they are ignoring all of the fat asian girls because they have more balls approaching thin asian women because they dont intimidate them like skinny pretty white women.
If anything i see more ugly asian americans complaining about white men preferring them over their own women. Thats when they play the whole fetishizing card.
No. 275285
>>275246You're doing God's work anon. Thank you.
>>275269Didn't know this was a thing. I just died a little inside.
No. 275301
>>275268Hell, I'm half white and half asian and I used to envy my Japanese friend, but not because all 'pure asian girls are so cute uwu' just she was too fucking cute and small. Glad it was just a phase.
>>275282>can basically get any guy in AsiaYeah but not in the way they want to, I reckon. Being fuckable isn't something to brag about. I've seen white women with no interest in Asian men saying they felt 'too big' in Japan, it was mostly Americans.
No. 275491
>>275268yeah, as a white women i definitely feel that some of us are too accustomed to being pedestalised and as such are more sensitive to such things (men who criticise and denigrate other races of women are still trash, however).
>>275282seconding this. the more you looksmax/improve yourself, the less this kind of thing bothers you.
No. 275561
>>275549I like American Dad too.
Family Guy lost its charm a decade ago. They ran it into the ground.
No. 275694
>>275690Sexual abuse is just that prevalent.
I think people are more prone to admit it online for the fact that they are less likely to be stigmatized.
Admitting this sort of thing irl rarely comes up in discussion (I mean what casual conversations have you ever been in where people talk about their past abuses just like that?), and also because it's putting themselves in a vulnerable position to be judged.
I'd rather be called a liar by some anonymous who on the internet than called a liar irl by someone I trusted like a friend or family member. People not believing abuse stories just makes the person who legitimately told the truth suffer twice.
No. 275799
>>275723The most unempathetic, gossipy bitch I ever knew became a therapist and it turned me off of therapy for years.
When I finally started going, my therapist was really self-centered. Like, she would hijack conversation to talk about her own issues. Bitch, get your own therapist. That's not what I'm paying you for.
No. 275944
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I think James Franco is ugly and untalented. He used to be kinda cute when he was younger, back in the freaks and geeks days, but now I can't stand him. His stupid wrinkly face just gets more and more punchable each time I look at it. He should've played the chimp in the Planet of the Apes movies cause he looks like an evil monkey.
No. 276023
>>276010I think it's nostalgic for a lot of people too
(Also Jennifer Connelly's acting in it is pretty terrible)
No. 276025
>>276024This is a truly unpopular opinion.
I have some for movies too: The Green Mile was horseshit. Gran Torino is the worst movie that graced the IMDB top 100. Temple of Doom is the best Indiana Jones. 10,000 BC is a misunderstood masterpiece. Shakespeare in Love is a bad example for "bad movies" that won Best Picture.
No. 276028
>>276025>10,000 BC is a misunderstood masterpieceI’m extremely intrigued by this. Explain, please?
It’s been a
really long time since I saw 10,000 BC (like eight years ago), but I remember it being really stylistic schlock like Suckerpunch, which I admittedly enjoyed just for the visuals. Also, minor tangent, but I had no idea Roland Emmerich was gay until just now.
No. 276064
>>276062I was always a firm believer of the climate change, but then I learned in a history class that during the middle ages you were able to grow wine grapes in Norway. Fast forward 400 years and it was so cold that it snowed in July in Germany.
So yeah, climate is always changing and back then it was even a lot more extreme than nowadays. This year is simply especially hot, it happens, but that doesn't mean the end of the world is near.
No. 276081
>>276073>>276078It's almost like some people just want for a better planet or something and believe humans are part of the problem.
Wow. Insanity.
No. 276082
>>275906Honestly, this is what therapists should do. I have a ton of friends who have been to therapy and if the therapist has been a coddling piece of shit that enables and validates their sick behavior, they're never getting anywhere. If the therapist just shuts them up and tells them that their behavior is not acceptable and they need to get their shit together, they'll be making process. I know people who have been in therapy for 10 years with no signs of improving because their therapists have just been a dumping ground of emotions, not interactive people who want to see their patients get better.
>>276078They're bitching at people who would have one or two (or none at all) kids anyway when they should be hammering it in to the white trash families who give birth to 5 kids and counting. They completely misunderstand the point and causes of overpopulation and usually spew it just to be edgy and an ~intellectual~.
No. 276305
>>276293socihutys beuhtuh standhurds is not something invented by the patriarchy. It’s because the majority of us find you unsightly because it’s human nature to be repulsed. Those who find morbidly obese women attractive have psychological issues (especially feeders).
And it’s not just you’re unsigtly - you are greedy and selfish. You bump in to people, you demand more space, you take up more than one seat and expect those around you to stand or be squished under your rolls, you smell more potent and you expect everyone else to accommodate for you and shops to accommodate for your life choices. You make those you cross paths with more miserable than opposed to if you were half the size. It’s not just my retinas suffering here, I’m sick of having my personal space invaded because you demand more and being stuck to your sweaty meat rolls in the middle of summer whenever I go out in public.
No. 276342
>>276028Haha, so "masterpiece" was maaaybe hyperbolic. Stylistically it is no better or worse than other Emmerich movies, so it's a low standard, but most criticisms against it have relied on it being anachronistic, historically inaccurate and portraying a super-unrealistic plot. Like no shit. It's not a movie about history, it's a movie about how legends and myths are created. The whole plot is a legend, and it's spelled out pretty blatantly, it doesn't have to be realistic in any way.
On top of that I have my own sperg theory about how it ties into the Stargate universe (lol), so it doesn't have to actually portray OUR human history 10,000 BC).
Fun fact, mammoths existed up until ~6,000 years ago.
>>276047Million Dollar Baby was a way worse movie than Shakespeare in Love. It didn't find a tone and had an undecipherable moral message. Clint Eastwood is massively overrated as a filmmaker, the only thing that ever semi-rescues any of his movies is when he has an excellent cast (excepting himself because he only ever plays the same character). Every aspect of Gran Torino was dilettantish (tone, dialogue, message, acting) and it showed because here he couldn't rely on the cast.
I haven't seen the Green Mile in ages so I can't really defend that opinion well, I just remember hating it because the plot felt so tropey and the supernatural aspect was kind of shoehorned in and unnecessary.
For Indiana Jones I guess I'm just contrarian.
No. 276344
>>276317I know autistic people aren't retarded. I was trying to make the point that the word retarded isn't only directed at actually retarded people. People would just call him that as a synonym for stupid or freak, even though he didn't suffer from mental retardation. That's generally the main qualm people have with using the word retarded - they're not using it as a descriptor for a retarded person, but they just use it as an insult. It doesn't only affect retarded people, but it can be especially hurtful and confusing to them when the word for their condition is the same as a childish insult.
Basically if people ask you to stop calling them something or to stop saying a certain word around them (within reason and yes I think retarded is within reason), you should stop. No it's not the worst word ever, but using it just makes you look like an edgy middle schooler.
No. 276357
>>276286Homeless people are often mentally ill and untreated, and the homeless kids have typically escaped a violent/rapey homelife.
There’s no family or friends around with a couch to sleep on.
Unless they’re just meth heads in which case they can all jump because all meth users are disgusting trash.
No. 276409
>>276374I used to frequent those a lot earlier this year because it gave me a quick anger high. Rage is surprisingly addictive.
In the end I realized it was bad for my general mental health and gave me bad views on all men, even the decent ones I know irl. So I stopped. Still pop into the man-hate thread sometimes, but it's different reading through the filter of a likeminded person than just viewing raw misogyny. I imagine that's why people like youtubers who browse incels . me and and the like. It's more observational than confrontational.
No. 276411
>>276062Not 100%, of course, that would be impossible. But it probably
is a great deal because of us. It's not just about pollution, it's destroying forests and killing off species that maintain the environment relatively stable
No. 276421
>>267697I don’t think creating lewd content for Patreon or being a costhot is a bad thing. I think people really dog on the sex industry way too much, due to weird puritanical views about sex or porn being wrong and misogyny towards women. A lot of sex work allows you to manage your own business Instead of having to work under a company you hate. I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but I don’t get why it gets so much hate.
It actually takes a bit of work to get an audience to partake in your content. It’s likely not as exhausting as a regular job but you still have to cross promote your material, hire a photographer, do monthly or weekly shoots, respond to fans, post consistent content daily, and respond to conflict issues with fans in regards to payments or other miscellaneous things. It’s not just sitting around.
No. 276440
>>276421drawing/writing porn > starring in it
As long as you show your face in porn it's embarrassing
No. 276454
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>>276421>I think people really dog on the sex industry way too much, due to weird puritanical views about sex or porn being wrong and misogyny towards women.It's not a "weird puritanital view". It's the motherfucking truth. Costhots have caused cosplay to become nothing but a fetish and a wish fulfillment for men and that has caused men to treat ALL female cosplayers like sex workers. And the worst thing is that the thot industry has turned legitimate cosplayers to try and join the porn game in a desperate attempt to grab money. You see it all the time, some former big name starts shielding costhots from the evil gatekeeping strawmen and lo and behold they open up a Patreon account soon after while switching to T&A costumes. And however corny it might be, the younger girls see this as a goal, to have a ton of Patrons and astronomical social media numbers whether you're a cosplayer or just some other lewd content creator.
>"wahh It doesn't happen to me so it can't be true!" No. 276455
>>276447Nta and I don’t really care if people do it in private (though it has always felt forced when I tried it, too), but one aquaintance of mine apparently feels the need to share
every page from her journal, including how many cups of water she’s drunk per day and how often she’s showered that week. She has >500 people on her friends and almost as many followers on IG yet only gets maybe 3 likes per twice-daily #bujo post, one of which is her mom. You’d think she’d have realised by now that
nobody cares. It’s like those people who share every single one of their bowel movements on Twitter, but with crayons. Why??
No. 276462
>>276421People don't dog on it enough imo.
Giving egirls asspats for "working soooo hard to take sexy pictures and promote them" is just enabling them. Those women have no talents other than making themselves look pretty/sexy for the camera. Most of the cosplays are bought or commissioned, or made by a friend or relative. There are actual artists out there who do all that whilst also creating decent content.
It's not about misogyny or puritanical views, it's for flashing your tits and getting money for it and pretending it's all but that at the same time. These girls aren't forced into it like most actual sex workers (by other people or their poor financial standing), they choose to do it because it's easy money and they like attention.
I also don't think glamourising the sex industry is a good thing, it doesn't "empower" prostitutes, it just waters it down and enables spoiled white girls to flash their twat on camera, call themselves sex workers and act oppressed to the detriment of women who get paid to do a lot more degrading shit than that (that they cannot refuse since they need the money). The women actually negatively affected by it don't even get heard out of all the internet snowflakes who like to play pretend on Tumblr and snapchat. And like
>>276454 said, it sends a bad message to younger girls and supports the view that women are sex objects put on this planet solely for the pleasure of men.
No. 276468
>>276344you know that's exactly what the OP meant right? like it's just any other insult and only holds more weight because people choose to let it. you just proved her point entirely. anyone being called retarded will just be called other things instead, it's not like they'll hurt less, they're
all insults, that's the point.
No. 276470
>>276467If she was dirty, why would she track her showers…?
She's probably coming out of depression or something.
No. 276475
>>276462Thanks to the influx of "sex posi" bullshit thats just a way to normalize men paying for sex (b-but im not an object i-im a bussiness woman!!)
Girls who just hit 18 literally scram to sites like MFC and start promoting "premium snaps" etc while they have no idea what consenquences it will have on them, their psyche and their future carreer. All because these thots act like they are the face of third wave feminism, 'liberating' us women by selling their bodies online for petty cash that never even pays for anything even remotely redeeming like a medical degree or something actually practical and needed in society.
Then theres the porn/lewd models who show up more and more frequently to conventions and hold meetups with their skeezy 'fanbase' at all ages cons because they're just ~cosplaying~ enjoying their time as if it isn't networking.
I don't even want to get in on the real sex workers out there who had no choice, but the general consensus is: they weren't a fan.
No. 276521
>>276462>People don't dog on it enough imo. I'm not gonna lie I was going to post this as an unpopular opinion just a few days ago but got so mad thinking about how little people care that I just gave up.
And it's definitely affecting younger girls. I see girls just barely 18 selling cosplay nudes because they have some sort of a mental illness and they use the attention to cope. Glorifying sex work is just teaching people with HPD or mentally ill people with low self-esteem to use self-degrading methods to feed their habit. Feeling like an ugly, disgusting fat bitch? Post your bare ass in a bikini cosplay for those incel-tier neckbeards to jack off to, you'll feel better!
And the shittiest thing is that you never see a big name calling out all the disgusting comments on their pictures. A costhot's photo is full of "i want to fuck that slut pussy" and "id love to suck on those tits bitch" comments and nobody bats an eye. They're sending out a signal that yes, this is how you should treat women. All the while saying "Guys, what I do is not porn! I'm just making ~lewds~ and it's totally
art! I work hard for this!". That makes non-cosplayers look at OTHER cosplayers and think to themselves that yeah they might claim they're just making "art" but they're histrionic cock-starved sluts, all of them.
They ruined cosplay, streaming, gaming, whatever they got their hands on. And you can't speak out against them because you'll be facing their massive hugbox screeching at you for bullying. They should totally be shamed more and people should actually criticize them instead of making two-bit jokes about tiddy streamers. Actually call them out for being detrimental.
No. 276526
>>276521Costhots are a natural evolution of cosplay tho. The whole point of cosplay (especially for women) is to look attractive and as close to the character you are dressed up as. That's the whole point. It's no surprise sexual cosplay overtook the whole thing.
I don't like it, but cosplay is such a shallow hobby (unless you are only crafting, and preferably not for yourself or cosplay as ugly characters) that you can't be surprised. At least the cosplay thots are honest with their goal in mind (getting neckbeard attention and money).
I've always wondered what made some women cosplay incredibly slutty-looking characters and then go 'but it's an art!!!/not my fault men designed her like that'.
Tbh I find the whole cosplay community a total trainwreck and I'm nont a fan.
No. 276551
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>>276062This isn't just an unpopular opinion. It's a blatant denial of evidence. If not for human industrial causes, what else happened to produce that much carbon dioxide? In the history of the earth, major climate shifts that occured were cause by huge catastrophic events like supervolcano eruption or giant meteor impact. Nothing like that has happened in recent history, and yet the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing at an unprecedented rate. If you don't think it's because of humans, then what caused it?
No. 276568
>>276286I was literally just about to post something like this lol
I hate fat people and all their entitlement so much, I also think that if you let your kids and pets get obese than that's abusive
No. 276587
>>276568It fits with the thread so I might as well add:
Obese ex ana chans never stfu about being an ex ana chan. Its like they hit an underweight bmi once and that somehow explains how they have stayed straight up OBESE for longer than they were skinnny (seriously I am not talking about someone who recovered and got chubby, we talking double the body weight atleast)
As someone who has struggled with ed's myself I am so uncofmortable by the deadpanness like am i supposed to give a fuck??? You're putting yourself up for my scrutiny, What the fuck else kinda shit am I gonna think about besides 'well it takes a fucking effort and a half to become that size if you were an ana chan so you have been busy little piggy' Its not your medication, Its not your depression, that shit is you having a binge eating disorder and clinging to being an ex ana chan is easier than admitting you went the polar opposite way while on an olympic schedule to become the next My 600lbs Life participant.
Honestly people in general who excuse way too much of their life on some form of mental illness that they last struggled with as a TEENAGER that they still bring up to this day and it ranges from people still going to therapy over to those who haven't seen a psyche 4yrs and a doc in 3yrs but still wanna bring up shit as valid excuse now a days.
Also fuck the jobless hoes out there who have 'rich' parents that let them essentially mooch in their twenties with 0% real responsibility because they learned to cry on cue so nobody can critize them or make them get a job/non shit education. Sure becky those 92839292 packages from Ebay and Japan are needed but saving up so you can maybe pay your bills on time is teeeew much for you!
No. 276597
>>276588Health professionals and insurance companies should treat obesity the same way as smoking IMO.
>>276590>“fat shaming” animals that can’t read Facebook commentsYeah, that’s definitely worse than letting your pet get so overweight it affects their quality of life and significantly shortens their lifespan.
No. 276609
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>>275955I've noticed there's a current trend of PoC instathots wearing blue/green contact lenses in their selfies. Which would be fine and all, if some of them didn't turn around and start talking about "melanin pride" and how white beauty shouldn't be the standard.
No. 276686
>>276470Coming out of depression doesn’t make an unshowered body less dirty..
It’s not like it’s only grotty if she’s lazy, but depression makes the sweat, dirt, dead skin, and bacteria not-dirty.
No. 276687
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Might get a lot of hate for this, but I agree with incels/MRAs that the dating scene is rigged for women. You don't even need to fill the standards of not being fat and taking care of yourself when there's literally men at your beck and call to take you on a date. I think that it's self destructive for society to give up, and for sex to be a commodity for any chick. It feels like especially with the fat acceptance/body positive movement, women have nothing to "work" for, or progress further for improvement. IDK but I wish it was more difficult so that the concerns of women who have trouble maintaining relationships would be more believable and valued.
>pic unrelated
No. 276688
>>276687Incels issue isn’t that the dating pool is rigged for women, it’s that they are terrible people, with massive mental health issues who are too abhorrent in their behaviour and speech to get a date. They are the entirety of their own problem and all their screeching about evil roasties who won’t line up to suck their dicks because they’re such a nice guy.
They aren’t victims of anything but their own shittiness and blaming it on their wrists or jawline is their biggest cope.
No. 276691
>>276687>It feels like especially with the fat acceptance/body positive movementLol.
So it's not the fact that women make themselves vulnerable by relying on men financially and emotionally when their sex becomes commoditized.
Nah, what set you off is fatties getting theirs and you think they should be a tad more insecure and change to work for dat male dollah.
No. 276692
>>276690>if male ugly losers lowered their standards they can get girls who are just as ugly and worthless as them…the issue is they don't want women in their leagueExactly.
Males expect women to lower their standards if they feel the women don't "qualify" for a certain league of man.
But to suggest a fat, stupid man date a fat, stupid woman? PFT.
No. 276695
>>276687I mean women only have the advantage when it comes to casual encounters. Of course there will be tons of guys willing to fuck ugly women. The thing that incels don't understand is that the majority of women aren't interested in that.
In terms of actually dating with the goal of building a fulfilling relationship with a long term partner, we don't have any sort of advantage.
No. 276698
>>276695>the majority of women aren't interested in thatLMAO implying women aren't interested in fucking
the reason why ugly women don't partake in it is because we're scared of being assaulted because we assume men are only interested in us to degrade us
No. 276860
>>276750Cool, then show me an example of unattractive women winning cosplay contests in the 00s because of their skills.
A single example will not suffice.
I remember people bitching about bought costumes winning, but otherwise it was always about pretty waifu uwu cosplayers. At least in my small european country.
The few American cosplayers that I remember from like 05 (Adella, Yaya, uhhh Pikminlink?) though had good/quality costumes got popular for being attractive (Pikminlink for being ~reallife Link~).
The best costume will be ridiculed if the person wearing it is not attractive (unless they cosplay Jabba the Hut). Cosplay is overrated and no wonder the community is cancerous. It IS about looking like either moe waifu or kawaii shota husbando (with some exceptions) and enjoying attractive people in better or worse costumes. No wonder dramaqueens LOVED cosplaying.
No. 276892
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>>276863Anons like you always remind me of pic related, just even more extreme.
>slighly chubby girl exists>omg how obnoxious!When I was a preteen I was as much of a judgemental bitch a you are now (I guess you're in your 20s already?), but news flash: not being skinny doesn't make you rude or dumb. Some of the nicest girls I ever met were overweight, only a few fat sjw in the US are loud and annoying, the rest isn't at all.
No. 276909
>>276873>>276874I disagree, she might not be some beauty goddess but she has a nice figure and was riding the sexpot cosplay wave (I remember her Chii cosplays with the trashy make up).
Anyway, even if I agreed that is still one example. Not enough in my eyes to justify your statement that cosplay used to be just about skills. If it was not true, people would not post those Ugly Girl from USA/Germany/Whatever Country vs Perfect Japanese Waifu Cosplayer.
Cosplay is slightly more deep hobby than basic/fashion modelling but it's still looks + maybe some technical skills (but a decent bought costume will suffice if Person X looks like ~real life Y~
No. 276957
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>>275955as a blonde hair white girl i personally find blonde hair boring when its the pale skin/blue eyes/blonde hair combo. i like it on latin/black girls most but only if theyre cute enough to pull it off and take decent care of their hair (or its a wig)
>>276062b-but anon youre not a scientist!1 (neither are the people quoting random false statistics to support rapid human-caused climate change)
>>276286i wish we could acknowledge how ugly they are outside of anonymous forums. seeing these gross creatures covered in so many rolls and so much cellulite is like sickening, especially sunburned white girls who are that huge, their pink skin and facial features just make them look like an actual pig
No. 276959
>>276687sex is one thing but there are still at least some women looking for true love/marriage.
the only people who have it harder than incels are women who can receive sexual attention but cant find their soul mate/every man cheats on them or abuses them or uses them
No. 277128
>>277023not just because of the STD shit
such degeneracy should be illegal until its finally looked down upon in society as much as it should be
No. 277259
>>277009I also like when anons share their experience that's relevant to cows lives. Too bad that they risk a temporary ban for blogposting or whatever
>>277127It's a meme, anon. Google it
No. 277294
>>277280I've always had the tingling response to certain things (mostly someone typing on a keyboard, watching someone iron flat clothes) that ASMR is supposed to
trigger but didn't know how to call it and if other people experience it too. The funny thing is that ASMR videos do not work at me at all, only the real thing and it's very random.
I do not get any ~tingling orgasms~ all over my body, it's just a calm and nice feeling in my head, like someone dipped my brain in honey. It is slightly tingly but it's that.
I think some of the ASMR videos are really well done and are nice background noice, but the vaguely sexual ones are cringey and hilarious at the same time. Or the ones with roleplay, I can't even
Sorry about the sperg lol
No. 277308
>>277280I like the soap carving ones, but without the visual it would just be a bunch of noise to me.
I don't get the "body tingles" or whatever, it just pleases my inner child to watch soap bars get knifed.
The ASMR hos are super cringe btw. I get the feeling there wouldn't be as many ASMR stans if these were just audio clips without the titty chans making succ noises with lollipops and slime.
No. 277322
>>277280>People who claim that it ''soothes'' them or whatever are just jumping on the bandwagon because it's a trend right now.It really soothes me. Of course there's nothing I could do to prove you that, but just saying.
Video related had the same effect ASMR has on me when it came out in 2012 and it was before the ASMR craze, I didn't even know about ASMR back then.
I'm not embarrassed by the fact I enjoy ASMR, but I wouldn't make it part of my identity like
>>277288 said, wtf. It's just a type of video I watch when I want to feel relaxed.
No. 277323
>>277280I started watching ASMR videos before it became popular, around the time when GentleWhispering had below 100k subs.
I agree now that a lot of asmrtists are doing cringy gf/bf roleplays and some are more sexual than the other but there's still good content out there. Just because you didn't bother to research, doesn't make it stupid.
I don't get people that have to openly talk about ASMR as it's something special and despite not watching sexual ASMR, I still wouldn't feel comfortable telling someone that I watch it because it is a bit weird.
My favourite asmr
triggers are ear brushing and personal attention (makeup, spa roleplays, skin inspection etc), though it depends.
I genuinely feel sorry for people that never experienced ASMR. I'd experience it ever as a kid and never knew how to describe that tingly sensation, so I'm glad that there are videos that can
trigger it. It's nothing like the real thing of course.
No. 277331
>>277326> I loved going to my annual visit to the doctor because I would get a ton of intense tinglesOh man, I know that feel. And yes, I'd ask my parents or my siblings to mimic some of it, but it was never it.
At my uni though, there was a girl sitting next to me and as I was resting my head on the bench because it was early in the morning, the girl started playing with my hair and it was the absolute tinglefest. When I told her not to stop she said, "Oh you like it? I get that feeling too in my head when someone does it for me."
It was the only time I had anyone describe that feeling before asmr gained popularity.
There's something about those delicate hand movements, the soft attention that's just so good.
I started getting myself face massages on a regular basis, it's kind of like an ASMR addiction. It's those little things in life that make it all worth it.
I wish I had a friend that was into that.
polite sage for blogposting
No. 277340
>>277337We didn't know each other well, she wasn't a complete stranger though. Just someone I'd talk about college stuff like exams, professors and trivial small talk.
She dropped out the next semester, unfortunately. I really missed her.
I'd freak out too if it was just a complete stranger.
No. 277344
>>277331They used to give lice checks twice a year in elementary school, and it felt so good. They used like chopsticks to just lightly part your hair.
I loved lice check day.
No. 277347
>>277322I'm glad that out of all the people I could be born as, I came out as someone who can be calmed by ASMR. I almost feel bad for people who just don't "get" it, it's like they're missing a sense or something. The sensations are so great.
I agree it's dumb to join any sort of "culture" about it, though.
No. 277349
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>>277344> lice check dayGood Lord yes.
No. 277359

>>277280I agree. I have the exact opposite (misophonia) and listening to ASMR videos that are supposed to be "relaxing" actually stress me out. In particular, people talking/eating and scratching noises are like nails on a chalkboard to me and I genuinely can't understand why anyone would enjoy that. I do wonder if the more bizarre videos like people smacking their lips and slurping while eating or women sucking and aggressively touching microphone ears are actually enjoyable to
anyone or if it's just people trying to jump on the bandwagon for views without actually understanding why these videos are popular in the first place (mistaking them for being softcore porn).
My boyfriend actually experiences it. He mainly just likes whispering and people telling stories. If I read him a story, he instantly falls asleep (it's actually very sweet). I guess I understand his reaction to it because it must remind him of being read stories as a child which I enjoyed too. Vid related is what he says is the first thing that ever made him experience ASMR (he said it's something about all the cute animals combined with the sounds of rain and teacups and the nice music). Maybe some of the other people who experience ASMR here will appreciate the video.
No. 277366
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I would never date someone who "cakes" their face, or wears a full face of makeup everyday. I enjoy taking the time to keep my face clean, and seeing people batter about 10 layers of makeup on their face make me cringe. Most of the time when people take their makeup off, their pores, eyebags, etc. all come flying out of the bag. It just seems like a waste of money.
Take care of youself as well instead of hiding everything with your 800$ of smudge.
No. 277383
>>277366I have acne scars and a lot of discoloration, I feel like a monster if I don't have at least some concealer on
I hate this because
no makeup = cover that shit up ugly ass bitch no one wants to see your deformed skin
makeup = fake gross superficial bitch
No. 277391
>>277355I feel you, anon. My nose has a different shape than the picture's but is still quite large and long and I hate it so much. Seeing girls with cute small noses has just made my insecurities worse.
But remember, you see your face every day and constantly nitpick small flaws. Other people might have a completely different perception of your face, not to mention that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
No. 277398
>>277383Most of the time makeup can cause more acne and skin problems because of the oils, you're stuffing more gunk in your pores at the same time trying to hide it. I don't think of a person as a "fake superficial bitch" if they wear makeup, at the same time as I just find heavy makeup gross in general. Nor do I think "cover that shit up ugly ass bitch no one wants to see your deformed skin." when someone doesn't. But I do understand in terms of confidence.
Have you seen a derm about your skincare, a routine? They can help you out with both.
No. 277414
>>277410Yeah! That's why I added in my little
>Take care of youself as wellbit.
In my post I was talking about a full face of makeup, caked makeup.
No. 277423
>>277366I went through a phase, iirc 17-23, where I didn't want to be seen outside my house without a full face of foundation.
It was really exhausting having to wake up early before school or work, or just setting aside the time before dates or shopping just to put the stuff on. Because I thought I was so hideous without it.
These days I wear full face sparingly. I figured out nobody gives a fuck at work and my bf is accustomed to seeing me without it now.
Yet now the costs of my skincare is more expensive than makeup. I got through foaming exfoliators and cleansers a lot because I have to wash twice daily to stave off my acne, and then my retinoid and other facial creams and moisturizers.
It feels about as expensive than when I was wearing makeup everyday fam.
>>277359>beatrix potterYour bf has quality taste.
No. 277441
>>277398>Most of the time makeup can cause more acne and skin problems because of the oils,I have hormonal acne because of PCOS, I've went months without wearing makeup because and I noticed it only gets worse without makeup if anything, I also use foundation and concealer that helps acne
I am a skin care junkie, I'm talking 12 step korean skin care routine, witch hazel, tea tree oil, indian healing clay, jojoba/rosehip oil, aloe, every thing in the book
I steam and use rice water to wash my face to
it's definitely gotten better, but I get breakouts because stress and periods and have these red dots under my skin, they aren't lifted but im really insecure about it
>>277387like with those needle things? I've been thinking of buying one but I'm not sure if I'm buying the right ones
can't afford a derm either but I'm going to med school
my skin is definitely not as bad as my 15 yr old self eating cheetos and drinking coke and the only skin care I'd do is hand lotion and clean and clear shit from walmart
No. 277516
>>277366Tbh my biggest problem with makeup is people who put tons of effort into their makeup but not the rest of their appearance.
A lot of girls from my high scool/college walk around like this:
>has on false eyelashes, tons of mascara, heavy foundation, concealer, filled-in eyebrows, highlighter, lipstick, eyeliner, maybe even eye-shadow>is wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, hair is not styled and is just in a lazy messy ponytail>???????Is there some hidden rule that even if the rest you is under-dressed/unkempt, your face must always be "presentable"? It just looks strange, most use the excuse that they didn't feel like dressing cute, but yet they still took allll that time to put stuff on their face? Weird.
I feel like it's common sense to use a small amount of makeup for everyday looks while full face is more appropriate for bigger occasions. If you're caking your face every single day no matter what, of course you're going to end up hating your natural face and having an unhealthy reliance on cosmetics. That shit morphs your perception.
No. 277517
>>277511I'm lucky. I don't have allergies. That's why I like temperate seasons despite the plants and allergens.
I sweat like a pig in the humid summer; hair can't keep a style, and my makeup shits the bed.
In the winter it gets so cold that my extremities itch, like I'm sensitive to cold air or something. And then I wind up sweating anyway because I wear layers for outside and then have to go indoors where people have the heat cranked up. Hate driving in the winter too.
No. 277519
>>277515I live in a really woodsy area, so when the leaves fall my sinuses get nuked.
I actually never had allergies in the summer. Mosquitoes are my biggest issue with it and why I prefer winter.
No. 277525
>>277441that's way too much for your skin. you don't need that many products and applying all those harsh products to your face is certainly not helping your situation.
all you really need is
>gentle cleanser>bha/aha>retinoid>moisturizer>sunscreenhave you gotten a spironolactone prescription for your pcos?
No. 277539
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>>277534>dressing like a "gir"ik what you meant but kek. imagine your future son being kin with gir and spending all his free time in a shitty gir fursuit (a girsuit, if I may) he forced you to shell out $600 for
No. 277567
>>277525>>277532thanks guys
I don't mind my break outs since I get them only during my period and it's usually just one or two zits on my chin, what drives me nuts is the scarring, yeah it's not awful like ice pick scars, but it's red bumps under my skin and I HAVE to wear makeup or it looks awful
for prescriptions, I don't go to the dr much due to being american and despite having insurance going to the dr is a pain in the ass and leaves my wallet empty, when I first got diagnosed all he did was give me basic ass birth control which did nothing really except fuck up my periods so I stopped taking it and he said he only gave women hormones if they wanted to get pregnant, the only reason I don't want birth control is because it does literally nothing for my pcos symptoms and worsens them if anything
I can probably just order Spironolactone on the deep web, I honestly cba to go through hell and back and doctors here don't really listen to patients much and just keep insisting birth control and think women who want to get rid of acne and hairness are just vain whores
No. 277576
>>277571I think the issue with feminism is that its so stigmatized people dont even have a second thought when a woman identifies as a feminist, its become such a scary term in society you can barely even call out misogyny without people screaming feminazi
They're too focused on the 1% of teen girls and harpies, but completely dismiss the fact there's plenty of normal, sane women who are feminists and arent the big fat scary victim complexed harpies the media warns you about
2018, you'd hope we would live in a more "listen instead of assuming, dont judge people by their gender, race, religion, or money status" type society but nope, everyone insists on jumping through hoops to do the very thing they were protesting against just a few years ago
I get the world was never perfect, but its like everyone strives to be a cold, racist, sexist, sociopath in todays world, race relations are worse than ever and people blame the government instead of the losers running around screaming how all blacks are criminals no exceptions, people blame feminism for worse gender relations instead of the people looking to fight about how awful women are any chance they get, and God forbid a woma, for even a split second call out misogyny because if she does shes a raging victim complexed roastie who cries rape, blame the government for shit religion relations and not the people who want to blame Muslims or jews for anything, they want to blame everyone except themselves and expect the issue to be fixed just by pointing the finger at others and sit around wondering why its getting worse
It sucks, its 2018 and treating people fairly has become so stigmatized
No. 277584
>>277580I dont literally mean the 1%, but its definitely an overexagerated issue,but I can understand if you live in a super lib city, even then its definitely not as big as an issue as everyone claims, they act like the second you leave your house you will have mobs of screeching feminists run towards you, reality is I see more of the obnixious anti fems trying to turn anything possible into an argument about feminism and gender, waaayy much more than I see feminists do
Mgtow is a bigger issue if anything, with how these people talk you'd think every step of the way you'd have a big mean feminist attack you, but the only ones who attack are mgtows and mras which is why I find it ironic when people overexaggerate feminism
Incel echo chambers are more deadly too, last time I checked it wasnt feminists who shoot up buildings, the worst youll see from a feminist is have them walk around naked with slut written on them, meanwhile incels are KILLING people but everyone wants to focus on the big mean liberal art college students instead of murderers
No. 277588
>>277585Not even close to the point I was making at all, not even liberal either, I'm more conservative if anything
This is what I mean, obviously, most women aren't feminists, but the ones that are, with how the media and society makes them out to be you'd expect a screaming harpie, but nope, most feminists I know look normal, live normal and successful lives, have normal relationships, have good intentions, yes, theres bad ones, and guess what, theres no group of people on the face of the planet that doesnt have its bad ones, feminists for whatever reason, get most of it
Similar to in the 70s, and everyone dismissed actual feminist issues because "lol all you dumb bitches do is cry and burn bras"
No. 277589
>>277587Well can you give examples of how they're getting more and more extreme?
Even if they are, its no match for the amount of shit redpills have done, dunno why feminists pay most of the shit for other feminist actions but everyone is too caught up in flipping their shit on them than they are with even paying attention and opening their eyes to a much bigger issue
No. 277592
>>277571 here maybe I didn't word myself clearly
my unpopular opinion was that too many women complain about society's expectations and beauty standards of women while adhering to those same rules and shaming the same qualities they dislike society for criticizing
>complain about how women are expected to have hairless legs while also saying other girls with unshaved legs are gross>complain about how women can't be barefaced in public when no one is forcing you to wear makeup No. 277602
>>277549>"Ana friendly"Lord…
>I think what happened is the Ana chans from a few years ago have grown up and got fat from their shitty eating habits and now that they're all super triggered about the discussion of weight and weight lost.Or maybe they've grown up and realized how stupid dying just to be less than 100 lbs really is? Seems like you're the one who hasn't matured and wisened up just yet lol
No. 277695
>>277692Is this an unpopular opinion?
My unpopular opinion is that all superhero movies are boring trash and so is shonen anime/mango
No. 277707
>>277592>complain about how women are expected to have hairless legs while also saying other girls with unshaved legs are grossWho is doing this? It sounds like you're talking about two different people
>no one is forcing you to wear makeupEeehh i have to disagree, you can't disregard others experiences, a lot of work places force their female employees to wear makeup especially if they have acne, its mostly amoung women with acne however
No. 277711
>>277700When you act like a piece of meat, people are going to treat you like a piece of meat.
But don't be sad for her. She ain't stupid and everything is working as planned.
No. 277745
>>277739Agreed, and this is coming from an MBTIfag.
It's complete bullshit.
No. 277776
>>277767there's nothing that's not autistic about it tbh.
>admits they enjoy anime>hates japanese so much they watch it with no sound at all, so no music, sfx, nothing.anime or not, you can't get the real feel of any show if you watch it muted. if they just said they only read manga it'd be different, but being so spergy that you hate a language so much you outright refuse to listen to it, but still watch it muted is ultimate sperg shit.
No. 277779
>>277775lol of course, but there's an extra level of autism when you fake being deaf because a language
triggers you so hard. kek.
No. 277783
>>277706I fucking hate English (and all other) dubs and I cringe at the Ameriautists who are
triggered by hearing other languages and subtitles. Everyone else in the motherfucking world can read subtitles, why can't you? It's because of your spoiled ass that everyone else has to wait a million years for every international release because you can't live without your precious goddamn dubs.
The English voice actors are always awful. They can never capture the personality of the character and be as subtle as the original seiyuus because they either got the role because their cousin is the head of the localization team or because they're Johnny Yong Bosch.
No. 277795
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>>277783I think you're the one who is
triggered here anon. c
Complaining about anime dubs? fucking really now.
No. 277801
>>277795…they're replying to a post where the anon is complaining about dubs and fucking japanese. if anyone both parties are
triggered and both are autistic.
>caring about international release because you pay for animewhat a laugh
No. 277803
>>277792they weren't directing it at you you retard. ffs you even said in
your own post that you don't like dubs.
No. 277805
>>277802this. a few years ago the worst we had were fringe idiots trying to assert that women should be allowed shirtless simply because
they didn't see breasts as sexual.
No. 277809
>>277806Even personality tests are garbage. I more meant the fact that once they have their type or whatever, they start acting like every facet of their life is because that. And they often use it to excuse their behavior. Like "oh i'm not actually a sociopath, i'm just logical and cold on the outside but i'm really warm inside!"
In a way personality tests are almost worse, because you can manipulate them the way you want and use them to validate your own feelings.s
No. 277811
>>277801>what a laughIt's a massive problem with JRPGs and other Japanese games. japs like to suck american ass and think it's the only market in the world so if nobody wants to dub it there, it will never leave Japan.
keep being
triggered amerifags and fuck off with your "i-i can't read while i'm watching something!" stupidity and shitty amateur voice acting
No. 277812
>>277808you didn't say that you said
>Anime sounds bad in English (I can only name two exceptions). unless you have only watched 4 shows ever, you hate the majority of dubs. plus if you actually read anon's post they seem to agree with you. they dislike people who
like dubs and hate subs, but you never said you only watch dubs, you're just a fucking autist and you watch subs with no sound.
all in all i agree with anyone else who said you're an autist. you also sound like a male cause you're so stupid.
No. 277818
>>277807Im not upset by it nor do i work at a place that requires me to wear makeup but I know people who do, I just am actually open minded enough to listen to people instead of just denying it and insisting it doesn't happen
>>277804Lots of places have it as company policy for women
>>277805>>277802The only people I know who support that arent feminists at all surprisingly, I also dont think someone thinking women should be allowed to be shirtless is extreme, but only because theres tons of places that are far from liberal shit towns where women being shirtless is normal, anyone who's ever been around the Mediterranean knows this, nothing to do with "those crazy lib fems! They want women to be shirtless! Reee"
No. 277819
>>277817You realize that the reason they dub shit isn't because of fans yeah? It's because the companies who own the rights to the localized versions choose to do that. Most fans want stuff in Japanese and sperg out when there's no dual audio.
Also, you're the only one talking about video games. Get good and learn moonrunes if you want to cry so much about this shit.
I fucking hate English (and all other) subs and I cringe at the babby westerners who are
triggered by reading moonrunes. Everyone else in the motherfucking world can learn Japanese, why can't you? .
No. 277824
>Sex-positivity, kink-culture, pro-sex work, pro-porn, pro-trans>sex posiYeah its a popular feminist position, I personally dont support it however, but i can see why someone would, mostly pertaining to sex ed
>kink cultureLol lets not pretend there isnt a huge wave of redpills and independent people who support kink culture, just look up "trump won and I came so hard" and youll see what i mean, but a lot of people who jumped on the sex posi train are also jumping on the anti fem train too so
>pro sex work, pro pornAgain, this is something redpills do as well, do you not remember all the redpill sperging about how all women are good for is sex and any woman against sex work is a feminist prude whos mad she doesnt have value?
>pro transAlso a redpill position, blaire white and her followers
No. 277825
>>277824are you sure you mean redpillers or do you mean fucking nothing? because redpillers don't want women to make money off of sex and the fact that you're acting like
just because redpill idiots support shit that libfems support means anything makes your opinions pretty much invalid.
No. 277827
everyone sperging about anime needs to sit the fuck down and feel lucky that japan even cares enough to let other countries have it at all. all of you are autistic as fuck, but mostly
>>277706, becuase for some reason they put UO at the beginning of their post as if anyone wouldn't guess that they were contributing to the thread based on the subject.
No. 277829
>>277819>>277811>>277783Ntas but jfc calm down, spergy
>babby westerners who are triggered by reading moonrunesliterally no one does this
No. 277830
>>277826??? literally how? pointing out that if something is considered a certain way in society, you can't argue it's not because
you personally don't feel that way has nothing to do with that. my issue is that those types of idiot feminists weren't saying we needed to de-sexualize breasts, and were instead squawking about how they weren't sexual at all. i was talking specifically about that type of person, not the idea in general.
No. 277833
>>277819 was making fun of
>>277783 by paraphrasing their original quote. calm down.
No. 277837
>>277828no one's saying feminists are evil you sperg, the point is that extreme feminists make it harder for moderate feminists to exist solely because the bulk of the population associates all feminists with them, and it's a problem when extremists on any side get more pull. it's frustrating to try to explain your views and be stereotyped. and even more frustrating when those stereotype become more prominent.
stop being so
triggered about people characterizing extreme feminists as a problem and actually listen.
No. 277840
>>277836i don't think anon knows wtf she's talking about anymore tbh. she seems to be either kneejerking over the idea that some feminists are indeed shitty, or just acting like some beacon of wisdom.
as if feminists who are against most of those lib-fem trendy topics don't get told all. the. time that they have the same views as shitty conservatives are therefore are "just as bad"
No. 277841
>>277833…Why are you telling
me to calm down? Because I misread a post?
No. 277843
>>277840Exactly, you always here people telling moderate feminists that their views line up with alt-right or conservatives or something. I've never heard anyone saying "oh extremist-chan, did you know redpillers think women should be prostitutes cause they're worthless?" Because they don't, they think women are good for sex, but don't deserve to get paid for it, and that's
always the argument I hear. "Anon, incels hate sex-work too and hating sex-work is wrong because it removes a woman's right to use her body how she wants!!!". I have literlly nevr seen anything
>>277824 is saying.
No. 277849
>>277819>I fucking hate English (and all other) subs and I cringe at the babby westerners who are triggered by reading moonrunes. Everyone else in the motherfucking world can learn Japanese, why can't you? .that's the worst fucking comparison ever
>Unlike Japanese, English is the lingua franca of the whole world and uses the latin alphabet, mostly used in the western word universally>Subtitles can be any language possible but added without removing the original voice acting, the issue that's annoying anti-dub people>Subtitles can be ignored unlike voice acting if you just want the original audioI will never in my life get why americans get so
triggered over people hating their shitty dubs and wishing for dual audio/jp only voices
No. 277866
>>277863Care to elaborate anon?
Seems like fun traveling to other places and seeing what’s out there in person.
No. 278117
>>278114I can spot an American Tourist a mile away. I usually try and avoid the Mall area in London but at times I have no choice, I was walking by Bucks palace and one fat red faced angry man from America was screaching at the Queens Guards ( The Black furry Hats with red uniform combo) That they nearly bumped his fat wife. The QG Literally Shout ' Make way for the Queens Guards' As they march. I thought it was common knowledge to muricans that they do not stop or interact with tourists? But this Fat American Couple were annoyed they had to waddle out of the way. Anyway the police had to tell fatty McMurican that shouting at guards was not on. And to the Anon that mentioned Asians being rude, yes I have experienced that ESPECIALLY with Rich Asians they are rude and demanding, so I find it funny that they are perceived as being so timid, shy. uwu, NOPE, The rich ones prowl around HN Harrods, Bond street etc, In an aggressive and Dogged Manner, My old flatmate used to tell me some tales (She worked in Harvy Nicks), I went to classes with people that worked in popular tourist places, and they often mentioned Americans being loud and ignorant, and Asians being rude, haughty and aggressive.
No. 278120
>>278110this, but where i'm from it's with arabs and muslims. not exaggerating, about 4-5 women and girls will be pulling mad cash out of their wallets for random dumb expensive shit while their male "watcher" looks you up and down like hes going to spit on you (im talking while im wearing a high collar/sensible shorts/stockings for work) like it was extremely intimidating but you're racist for saying shit about it. made my skin crawl. the women were nice and made an effort to speak english/were super polite but fuck man the men will give you heaps of shit or not talk to you at all.
this was in a super touristy area to the point where you can tell their race just by how rude they are.
white boomers are almost the worst though.
No. 278124
>>278117I honestly think Spanish tourists are way worse (seriously, they're such cunts) but American tourists are well known here to be easy to scam. They love anything tacky and you can basically pass anything off as "authentic" to them because they're so ignorant of other cultures. And the tourism industry just embraces that because they're much more likely to go on some shitty, tacky tour bus than actually experience something classy and cultured so why not just give that to them?
I think the worst part about American tourists is that they don't make an effort to speak a few words of another language or adapt to how other cultures work. They just hope that somehow speaking even louder in English makes people suddenly understand what they're saying (same goes for British tourists, because God forbid a non-English speaking country not cater to them!) or get really frustrated with staff because they're not permanently smiling and the waitress isn't kissing their ass (while they're acting like total cunts) like they're used to at home.
No. 278127
>>278116same fagging but yes I totally see where you are coming from. It seems certain things stem from American and the Brits copy it but to a far lesser extent. An example being universities NO PLATFORMING Certain people such as Germaine Greer who is a uni prof, was unable to give s talk at another uni, due to Trans TERF nonsense. When I was at uni, there was none of this
Trigger Warnings ( How to Legal SJW cope with reading case law? and the sexual offences act etc, I know in the US they get safe rooms with colouring books , watch cute vids puppies etc, but there was none of that both where and when I was studying. We went to uni to get a degree, not spend 3 years working ourselves up about micro aggressions and other trivial Bullshit. Apparently some people are offended by Ginger MEN biscuits, they want Gender Neutral Ginger Biscuits. There was a debate on a popular daytime TV show. 2 of the men were gay, one was a tranny, leaving just one solo sane women trying to explain to the trio that Ginger bread biscuits are not something to get upset at, and expecting both gigantic chains, as well as small independent cafes etc in the UK to cave to their demands is just ludicrous . That poor woman was outnumbered. Also students have been protesting about churchill Cafe, a Monument in Wales about Rourke Drift and they wanted to stop Welsh primary / elementry school choir to stop singing ' 'all through the night' Important part of Welsh history, Basically anything to do with the British Empire. All this stemmed from UK students and hipsters seeing Americans act out. Thankfully our SJW are few in numbers and more reserved . A group of students blocked a main road near the HOP, singing ' We shall not be moved' - They soon moved when the police turned up and told them, they could either move or get arrested as blocking the road is an offence. I cannot recall what they were whinging about but they moved. I find all this SJW everyone getting offending nonsense worrying. I had a college girl introduce herself to me, she mentioned she was ' Cis Gendered' after she said her name. She was dressed in a uniform and seemed very normal until she mentioned the Cis gender, why would I need to know that? I was there to meet her, explain a few things, sit in a small group with her, then she would be on her way and I our paths would not cross again. So our young people instead of learning how to shake hands, make eye contact, smile etc, now think it is correct to mention how they identify and feel about their body/gender/sexual preference ?? Just NO! I think if this SJW bullshit carries on, people of a certain age are going to have to re learn basic social skills they already had before going full SJW.
No. 278193
>>277866You pay thousands of dollars to annoy the locals and be stressed out in an unfamiliar place. Not that it is completely unfun, I just don't see it as being worth the money.
People like to say things like it is a life changing experience, you learn so much about other cultures, etc but really you are the exact same person as when you left.
No. 278207
>>278117Germanon here. I always thought thought that most of our tourists are either American or Japanese, until I found out that the majority is actually Dutch. So I guess they really "blend in" well.
Japanese tourists only always are in big groups, look at you as if you're some animal and mainly take loads of pics (like the stereorype goes), so all in all pretty okay.
In the town I study you can hop on a ship, travel to Austria and Hungary, and then come back, and it seems that this offer is solely book by Americans lol. Maybe it's because this place is lesser known, but most of them are older folks, seem to be more "cultured" and minus a few super fatties in sports clothing, the majority dresses at least somewhat appropriately.
The thing that ALL of them have in common though, is that they always feel the need to scream. If e.g. the train is packed and not a single a German person even dares to speak, why do they think it's okay to shout so loudly that everybody within a 100 metres can understand every single word clearly?!
I've come across some Brits that were pretty snobby and also rather loud (like a watered down version of the Americans lol) and some Spanish students who literally thought they were the hot shit (seriously where do they take their confidence from? Example: a group of them walks into a club and screams "We're in the house!" What?). But those could have been exceptions.
No. 278210
>>278207I'm a frenchfag, my area gets a lot of dutch tourists for some reason and they have the shittiest behaved kids I swear to god. I've seen them vandalize things for no reason, play ball in completely inappropriate places, and climb/run on supermarket displays. The adults give no shits about disciplining them, and they glare at the locals like we're in THEIR space.
My experience with the english has been different from yours, in general they're polite and soft-spoken, I never notice them until they speak. Maybe it depends on the area they're from?
No. 278222
>>278210Most of our tourists are old, here for the churches and shit, so ususally no kids. Maybe dutch families are worse, who knows.
About the Brits, like I said, I only noticed this once, so maybe they were a very negative exception.
No. 283047
File: 1534736112185.jpg (34.19 KB, 540x340, KG5a6py.jpg)

The nintendo switch sucks ass. I like the console, but I haven't touched it since the day it came out. the library of games are ass. i just want an animal crossing game and id be happy.