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No. 414947
Did your favorite cow vanished from the face of the internet?
Or maybe her milk just dried up?
Vent here about your favorite (ex?) cows, throw some tinfoils around of where they are and why they disappeared, if they'll make a comeback or not, who's the next missing cow, the likes.
Examples: Our queen Pixy, Felice Fawn, Kaka, Orange Citrus, Ashley Isaacs, Bunny Alexander, Ashe (the skin bleaching chick), Ahripop,Charms, so on and so forth.
No. 414961
>ahripopI remember kids were so obsessed with her so it is no wonder she quit. I feel I already know what they are doing mostly so I'm not curious.
>>414958Bitter? Who said that?
No. 414985
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>>414961Someone who claimed to know her said so in some YT comments. I'm inclined to believe it. I can't find the comments atm, but I did find this comment by a different person, so at least the video game thing has been confirmed by more than one person.
No. 414991
>>414961Were kids obsessed with her, though? To me she was just a kboo/wboo nobody that liked to racebend. But she was funny at the beginning.
>>414983OP here, and I actually meant Asha. I guess Ashe was in my mind because of just how ashy she is
badumtss No. 415058
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deerhoof / kiki reed
went stale after about a year after she left tumblr
she has a semi-active thread in /snow/ but at this point keeping tabs on her seems creepy
she became one of my favourite cows because of how much 14 year old me used to idolise her, it felt good to see that in reality she was pretty shitty person
No. 415062
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>>415058She is so incredibly pretty here, wew
No. 415070
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>>414988Yes to all of that.
Not just her, but I also miss all the other gaijins in Japan.
The ones who've stayed are all sexworkers nowadays while already being married/a mother/haggard-looking (and imo that's no longer funny, just sad) and other than that it feels like most cows are some sort of costhot, a kboo or a sjw (tranny). Even the old jvlogger crew is no longer really active today.
Please give me back the glory days of Nippon, when 1000s of gaijins dressed in taobao/gyaru/lolita pilgrimaged to Tokyo in hopes of succeeding as a model and dating some host/vk guy.
My hope for the future is that Kota gets a grip on herself and starts getting more work again and for Kiki to also move to Japan lol
I also miss the first generation of fakebois (Haku and co., the ones who always cosplayed tokyo ghoul), because I actually followed them on tumblr before reading how milky they are on lc.
>>415050 as well. And Asha too.
There was another girl, who shooped herself in a similar style as Felice, but was (half) asian, can anybody remember her…?
No. 415074
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>>415070I don't know a half asian chick, but Wylo comes to mind. Do you have any other info besides her being a clone? There were a lot around
She's still a cow and her shooping got a lot worse.
No. 415093
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>>414991Yeah just look at the callout blogs. Very obsessed and creepy.
>>414985I found it with my dangerous hacking skills.
It could be a butthurt autist who thinks ignoring someone because they're boring = rotten inside.
No. 415096

Yukapon back in her aidoru days. She was like an icon for all the girls who wanted to be "kawaii aidorus", weeb girls in general and underage /cgl/ users. Beckii went the farthest in the mainstream, but Yuka was trying to be an Akiba idol above all, and she seemed to have been going places. Watching that entire innocent animu facade fall apart, complete with receipts from Akira, was one of the milkiest events of that time period. All her creepy /cgl/ posts with the Crona reaction images about her other ex, Nick, being a degenerate, abusive freak with a vomit fetish (and her "loving it") were wild, too, and so were that same ex's attempts at character assassination on her both on /cgl/ and /jp/.
Honestly, that whole era of the salt-loaded, catty aidoru scene with Tumblr bloggers like dansanohimitsu fanning flames and shit-talking people was just so entertaining. I remember when Dansa tried to start her own "idol group" (Oishii Project) and it was a flop, and also when she went at it with Margo ("I am the real Dansanohimitsu" - Margaret) because Dansa criticized Venus for pedo-pandering (but she praised Yuka, who did the same thing…).
m0m0ko, that Blasian girl who was kind of a quiet participant in that whole scene. IIRC, she got pregnant and also did JAV. At least one person sent Yukapon a Tumblr ask chiding her for being friends with her (because she did porn).
Early Venus, back when she lived in Tenerife and was just a quirky ESL kid with chubby cheeks and a weird mom. Her videos just had a sort of off-beat, but positive energy that disappeared as she sunk into the "living doll" persona.
That one Russian girl from Tumblr who was really skinny and claimed to be 12 (she was actually like 14/15). She took tons of "aesthetic" photos and was almost like an "alternative" version of Dakota at the time. I think she went by "Floretta".
Some of the old /cgl/ tripfags. Curious Bear, Ophelia, flan, Spoony (I bet she's still lurking here and CC undetected, lmao), Annie, Eva Braun, and Nia. I think Nia is camgirl now, and Ophelia's a full-blown porn actress.
Ginsengteacat. I really wish there'd been a continuation to that whole fujoshi deviantART/Tumblr shitstorm. I honestly couldn't tell whether she was trolling or not until her mother intervened and started having blogs shut down for "cyberbullying". I still remember when her boyfriend made an account, too.
Finally, Shmegeh. Last I heard, she works at Hot Topic. I wonder how she's doing from time to time.
As twisted as it is, I kind of grew up looking up to some of those girls as an underage weeb. I'm glad I didn't follow in their footsteps, considering how fucked up most of their lives turned out to be.
No. 415114
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>>415096>>415096I didn’t read up on the Yukapon truth drama until a few years later, but god what I would give to go back and witness that shitfest as it happened. It would’ve been different if she was known for being provocative or something, but her entire image was literally based around being very innocent and cute in order to pander to neckbeards and here she was peeing in cups and being straight up foul. It’s just so jarring and honestly sounds like something that would only happen in a comedic tv show.
No. 415120
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Whoever made this thread, I love you. Always wanted to make one like this myself but chickened out lol.
My favorite cows are the artsy types.
First, I fucking miss Emilie Autumn. She's still around, but mostly just peddling merch based on her Mary Sue novel, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls (which I quite like, despite it's blatant flaws… though I am not keen on the censored editions).
I miss her music back when it was actually good and not just ~tracks from the Asylum musical, coming to Broadway never~, I miss her blog posts and hilarious fandom drama, often caused by Emilie Herself. Who can forget the 'fucking patronizing fucking' rageposting or the sharpie tourbus drama? Not to mention all the 'Gaga/Zack Snyder/whoever copied me' smaller ones. Or when she said her family died in a fire and people were shocked to find out they are alive and kicking…
Besides being a cow, Emilie was truly interesting and it was always a pleasure reading her interviews. She had just the right mix of being a hilarious drama queen and an intelligent artist. I wish she was still interested in music and writing and not an idea of musical that will most likely never come to fruition. Even her instagram/facebook posts are really boring. She's like the aunt who was the wildest, most radical woman in her youth, but you would never guess cause she's so boring now.
It doesn't help that the fandom, once quite large for a niche artist, is pretty much dead.
I also really miss Kayla Day/Ginger Bronson. I adore cows that write edgy uwu poetry. I also wish that Nicole Dollanganger had a thread made earlier so that her edgy bullshit from the past was archived.
Honorary mention goes to Luna, who is obviously still around, but her threads are going slowly and not much is happening. I want more of that milk.
I know she's a mess, but I wish I had her confidence and motivation to take thousands of photos every day, as well as to post my doodles and writings. My AVPD makes it impossible for me to present myself to the world, and I wish I could change, just so that I had an archive of my life.
BTW do any anons know a good way of archiving lolcow.farms threads and mass downloading pictures? I am worried that I will somehow lose the content of my fave cows.
No. 415122
>>415120I fucking love Emilie Autumn, I was obsessed eok th her in high school. She was so ridiculous. Don't forget about how she lied about being a decendant of Alice Liddell and claimed Liddell was her real last name, but she didn't go by it to ~avoid the attention it would bring~.
I used to have her book and I kinda regret selling it. It was really aesthetically pleasing and kinda interesting even though it was cringe AF. Her music was really good before her FLAG days too, I miss it.
No. 415126
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>>415122I totally forgot about the Liddell thing! There was so much drama it's hard keeping track of all of it, especially with so many blogs/forums that archived it going down.
Do you remember when she closed the forum because it was dead and used a certain obsessed fan as a scapegoat (his nickname was…something with Ice, I don't remember). He also bought an used Iphone from her on Ebay. She forgot to wipe her contacts list and he called her number to get a reply about some other drama he was involved in (Emilie kicking him out of fandom or not sending him something he purchased? I don't remember the details…).
Oh, too bad that you sold the book! She finally made a paperback version but it does not include the Suicide and Cutting diaries, which were the best parts of the book IMHO. It also contains some plot changes.
I remember when years ago she decided to post the PDF of the original book for sale, I was screaming and leaping from joy when someone uploaded it to 4shared. I've been wanting to read it for years, it was the fandom Bible, but it was impossible for me to get. Even the PDF cost like 50 USD, which was more than I could afford.
Goddamn it, I still love her so much and could talk about her for hours. I wish I could afford her meet and greet (especially when the book was included), those were really special.
Despite her bullshit, I love her art and creativity and the fact that she made a community for mentally ill girls/women. Thanks to her, I finally decided to get help for my depression. She's an inspiration to me to this day.
Her live shows were also absolutely magical and from time to time I still dream about attending one. I wish I went to more than one, but I am thankful for having the chance to see her at all tbh.
No. 415128
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>>415126Posting this for you, EA anon, as I found it really interesting and you probably haven't heard about this weird similarity.
No. 415136
>>415114>being straight up foul.Half the users of lolcow also did straight up foul things as teenagers under the influence of their much adult boyfriends, even without the promise of irl nippon aidoru success dangled in front of them.
I've always had a soft spot for Yuka, I can't imagine what it's like to have your rise and fall documented online so explicitly, but as I got older it stood out to me that so much discussion of her relates to her being a pervert that got what she deserved for playing with fire but doesn't factor in how there were much older guys standing behind her through that all. It's even rumored it was grown ass Margo Palermo that spread the pee revenge porn, which is fucked up if true.
I'm impressed at how resilient she's been to in her return to the limelight. She could have made a lame attempt to pretend to be someone else or have bared all of her past for storytime videos, but instead she's just still carrying on with following her musical plans. Maybe I just look at her with rose tinted glasses but I want her life to work out ok.
No. 415139
>>415136Of course I only want good things for her too. What I don’t find funny is how Akira is a whole sexual predator and isn’t in jail with that other guy who leaked her stuff. To be completely serious, Yuka is one of the only cows who was legitimately a
victim of a serious issue and I hope she was able to recover from it.
No. 415149
>>415139Agreed, I wish more tabs were kept on Akira but also that jrach guy who was always appraising 12 year old girls on tumblr
Sorry for going off at your post I got carried away kek
No. 415150
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I kinda miss the Slaton sisters, though I miss most of the original cows from lc. These new cows aren't nutty enough for me.
No. 415158
>>415149Didn't we have a jrcach thread at some point? We definitely have at least one banner based on him. His blog is still up, I think.
I remember jrcach being extremely racist to all the black girls in the community (though he called Misawawa cute, which was out-of-place, considering she was never an idol), and all the dopey white weebs agreed with and defended him because they somehow thought he was anything more than an old creep, and that he had anything to offer them. Then, the moment he started making swipes at them, too, they started complaining about his racism as one more reason to cancel him, as if they weren't smiling and nodding before.
Akira is still somewhat active on Twitter, but he hasn't uploaded anything to YT in a year.
No. 415173
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>>415096>ShmegehGod yes, I really want to know what she's up to now.
No. 415186
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>>415173Came here to say her
And Felice Fawn
No. 415192
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I miss our eternal queen everyday.
>>415186felice was so much fun to hate and i miss reading about her antics, but i do hope she's become a better person in her absence. i think her and rich are no longer together? I wonder how he feels about his giant fawn chestpeice kek.
No. 415314
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>>415261No, not her, it was this bitch.
No. 415320
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God yes Shmegeh. I’ve read every post on her blog at least twice. She was just such an interesting character. I was very into the thinspo tumblr scene in 2011/2012 and loved following her and several other girls I wish I had kept in touch with post recovery. I’m sure most of them deleted and disappeared.
Shmegeh started getting really messy though with the alcohol and at the end of her internet fame she basically became a dumpster fire of a person so I’m glad she decided to stay away from the internet and hopefully seek some help. Either way I think of her often
No. 415342
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>>415282 at this, and then remembering how people on /cgl/ (and even /r9k/) used to worship her and call her pretty is a fucking trip.
She does piss porn, too. Just degraded in every sense. And she said radical feminism is "poison", of course.
Had to repost because there are too many good pictures to exemplify the fall from grace.
No. 415353
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I miss the really weird batshit weeaboo ones like waluigis-girl and neo-classic-neko/ginsing-tea-cat. I also really miss Pixyteri considering I've been following her online for like a decade now. I hope she's doing well now though.
No. 415398
>>415394Oh god, is that the girl who faked being a non-verbal autist and made a video about it that became somewhat popular?
Her pictures need to be spoilered.
No. 415403
>>415342I'm the anon you're replying to and I am convinced we are talking about different people. There's no way that's the same Lia as a few years ago, she used to be basically ana. Usually blonde, from the UK, went to Goldsmiths?
If this actually is her and she's become a fatty I don't think I could ever stop my keks
No. 415404
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>>415403Oh, it's her. It was even linked on /snow/:
>>>/pt/45587She just ballooned up more and more.
Bonus, a throwback image. How the mighty have fallen.
No. 415405
>>415404By /snow/ I meant /pt/ ffs
But yeah, it's definitely her. You can even see the face is the same (albeit less sculpted now).
No. 415409
>>415126Ahh I forget his name but I used to talk to that creepy fan. He was legit stalking her and told other high up forum members that he was working in your with her helping her and the Crumpets.
I was WickedWench back then if anyone remembers. I was a very frequent poster and chatted to EA and fLea because they'd get frequent posters to defend her to 'control the forum'. EA started so much drama on her own forum it was crazy.
No. 415419
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>>415409I wish I remembered you, anon. I was mostly a lurker.
Thanks to you I found an account of the Iceaxe drama, pic related. More in the discuss comments.
>"Here's my take on this.>Iceaxe became an ex-moderator because he discussed with another PR in open forums about software that could be used to rip video of a Emilie Autumn show which was against the rules to discuss. His account became restricted as the moderators discussed what to do with him. (This I know from personal experience as he and I were on friends terms at the time) He told me that he was getting aggravated with the moderators because he thought they were heavy handed on him and that it was a misunderstanding. Weeks went by and he became more abusive to the moderators because he thought he was unfairly restricted. The moderators finally came to a decision and banned him from the forum. Months later, he joined the "Reform" forums trying to cater support and use it as another place to complain about the rules and the moderators. He created his own forums where at one time, he posted emails that he sent and received from the moderators and Melissa about his ban. Before he was banned, Emilie put an old Iphone on Ebay for people to bid and she left some songs and some voice messages etc. Somehow Iceaxe found a phone number left on the iphone. He didn't know if it was Emilie's or not. After a year gone by with Melissa not able to address his problems because she was busy on tour with Emilie, He took it upon himself to try to contact Emilie by calling that phone number that was left on the Iphone. Needless to say, it was STILL Emilie's phone number! She freaked out and promptly banned him from anything Emilie Autumn.That's all I know as the moderators were tight lipped with what was going on behind the scenes. However seeing the emails that he posted on his forums, he was really being
abusive to Melissa and the moderators.
If you read the 9th post on the page below, you will see a timeline of events and emails he sent to Melissa and the moderators. What you need to keep in mind however when reading is that these emails were the "nicer" emails he sent. Basically to cater support from his friends. The other ones that are no longer on his forums were really
abusive and were super long"
Fathergod was a mean cunt but she might have a point here.
Judging by his EA collection (, he was a turbosperg. I remember him handing around WVC for sometime. I wonder what he's up to now? Hope he's alive, last time I heard he was supposed to have a surgery for a life-threatening illness.
No. 415421
She wasn't that much of a cow actually but I miss the Emily Hu thread. She was really popular on tumblr and active on tumblr and twitter for a while and seeing her here being an pretentious asshole made me realise I shouldn't really pay too much attention to artists on social media. She's not posting all that much now and her art is still getting worse but there's really no milk. The threads about omocat and that one webcomic artist who asked for a lot of money and ran with it without providing books and merchandises she promised were also interesting. I'm disappointed that the threads about weeb artists doesn't provide a lot of milk too
>>415394Everytime I saw her threads and pictures of her I would recoil in horror, I agree with
>>415398, we should spoiler her pictures.
No. 415600
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For some reason I miss Orange Citrus. Looking back at it, her drama wasn't really milky but her threads were entertaining to read.
No. 415641
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>>415404I can't stop laughing.
Thank you anon ur the best
No. 415840
>>415836Amber trips me out.
I can't believe she's basically shortening her lifespan just for some cheap Youtube notoriety and adbux. All because she's lazy.
I can't imagine killing myself in this way. How terrible.
No. 415847
>>415840I actually feel so sorry for her. Sometimes when I read the KF threads I start hating but then I realize she's probably going to die very soon and get sad. She doesn't even seem to care.
No. 415989
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>>415951This is from her recent video. She can't even walk for more than 3 minutes without getting winded. I guess at least she can still walk at all.
No. 416054
>>416040Mental illness and denial.
>>415989I'll say that she looks better than most people who weigh 600 pounds. Not really a compliment though, and who knows how long she'll stay that way before things start to spiral downwar.
No. 416066
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MIla Mortice because I had a personal involvement with her.
Long story
>Friend starts dating her
>he's been with her for many months
>Never met her in this time span and I thought it was weird
>Ask why and friend tells me sketch stories about how she never leaves the house etc
>Finally end up meeting her and she was pretty rude to people she didn't know and didn't seem very open to outsiders at the time
>Had this gut feeling that she was invested in trouble and would drag others down with her in drama
>Advise friend that maybe dating her might not be such a good idea
>Friend is infatuated with her and believes she can do no wrong
>Time passes and friend just gets wrapped up in her drama and she takes advantage of him
>Looked up her real name out of curiosity
>Connected the dots and learned her online Mila Mortice persona
>Discovered lolcow in the process
>Went down the rabbit hole
>Posted what I knew about her
>Mila Mortice disappeared from the internet around the time I made those posts (no shit since I was telling the truth about her so she freaked out)
>She wipes the slate clean and disappears from everyones lives who she knew IRL including my friend to my knowledge
>Now her location and what happened to her remain a mystery and has shown no signs of returning to her old shenanigans
I was certainly mad at MIla for bringing so many problems into my friends lives at the time.
I hope she got help though.
No. 416076
>>415192Felice introduced me to the world of lolcows.
I saw her on a "this is not goth" blog and decided to look her up as I had no idea who she was or what the fuss was about. I came rather late to the drama(pretty much as it was ending) but not only was she pure unfiltered cringe but the fucking insanity she brought out in people on all sides of the divide is why I wish I was there when it was all happening as a lot of the blogs that reported on it have been deleted now. Even today attention whores are still tagging themselves as her on tumblr, as doubtful as it is she'll come back I would love to see it if only to witness the crazy in real time.
No. 416078
I wish Nemu would come out of her hidey-hole already. Her lolcow threads were like crack to me, as I followed her antics years ago on Tumblr (and she was one of the few Tumblr people I had looked up to, as pathetic as that sounds….)
>>415353I'm curious what happened with her over the years too. I remember her weird self-insert Waluigi porn and that one photo of her on a log-fume ride wearing an anti-"Waluigi/Daisy" shirt.
You guys remember Alix Hendrol? The Sonic-fucker?
No. 416082
this is gonna out me as a tumblr refugee, but i remember the drama of Ember Whann, Whismical, and Emilyologist, and that one blog, Satanic News and Reviews. These girls were so messy and enjoyable to keep up on.
heres something for yall who remember her No. 416133
>>416112I was a naive person and she usually gave off this vibe of being "supportive" to people. Having people call her "Mama Nemu" and she would give advice to people, stuff like that.
I'm older and wiser to now see through such facades, ughhh.
No. 416213
>>416192>People just had no shame! And maybe because there weren't a lot of consequences irl for online behavior, and we were all less jaded and paranoid.>I think the biggest thing I miss about old cows is that they were often apolitical. Now it's all trans this and body shaming that and everyone spergs about the dumbest shit.Yes, to both! Nowadays every idiot knows that doing bullshit online can cause you to lose your job, because employers monitor their employees internet activities.
And so many people are considered cows because they're either too pc or said something politically incorrect - which is simply boring.
I also think that lately way too many threads are about camgirls or costhots, which also isn't as interesting imo.
No. 416358
does anyone remember eurasian tiger from a couple of years ago? i remember he had multiple threads in ot, but they all just dissapeared one day. the last i remember is that he was cheating on his supposed wife with some greek camwhore and he threateneed suicide multiple times.
>>416178that was a wild thread lmao
No. 417281
>>417273yes, it turned out they werent his photos, he was stealing photos from a taiwanese model iirc. there were also other things, like the little girl he claimed was his sister in photos turned out to be the actual guys daughter, and the woman he claimed was his fwb was the actual guys wife.
im convined that one of those two women he was "catfishing" was actually him, they were both acting really suspicious when "he" was exposed.
>>417275thank you anon, he was incredibly milky
No. 417288
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>>415173>that picGOD I miss her, Haku, and their gang. I don't know what it was about their Eva cosplays but it definitely intrigued me.
I remember that other girl that would hang with them, don't remember her username but she was
abusive towards her gf? and when she got a bf she immediately dropped the fakeboi act kek. Maybe someone else remembers her name? I think she had her own thread but I can't remember…
Also What's Haku doing these days anyway?
No. 417325
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>>415173>>415186There are two pictures of her on the chesterfield hot topic instagram. I can't tell if she's still a skellie.
No. 417350
>>417288Are you talking about Kaden/Reece/Jae?
>>>/snow/70404 She was the half Korean half Puerto Rican girl who was accused of raping a drunk girl and pretended to be a man, then finally "detransitioned" back to being a girl after she got a kawaii korean oppa boyfriend. That sure was a wild ride. I'm still pretty certain the threads were 80% Haku's gang circlejerking and they were hellbent on arguing how much Kaden skinwalked her.
She was pretty hot during her kpop boi phase though, not gonna lie.
No. 417358
>>416078I'd like to know what happened to waluigis-girl too, she was one of my personal lolcows back in the mid to late 2000's and it's been over 10 years now. Is she still obsessing over Waluigi and drawing anti-Daisy art at 30?
>>415353The hardcore weeb lolcows were the most fun and it seems like they just don't exist anymore, or at least seem wholesome compared to the sociopathic SJW tranny scam artist cows we have today. I remember Andy Reyes (the origin of the "a map of your eyes" thing) being a huge meme in maybe 2006, he was the guy obsessed with Princess Peach and later on developed some sort of a giantess fetish. He was this guy nearing his 40's and worked as a janitor, and sure looked the part. He was pretty harmless though, the man just had some strange fascinations. He didn't even really react to the trolls trying to egg him on iirc.
Then there was Kirbyslover/Andrea who was a woman in her 20's obsessed with Sonic, Luffy (from One Piece) and various kids' cartoons. I never got if she was legitimately autistic, had a mental illness or just had an awful upbringing, but she threw massive psychotic tantrums over a book store not carrying the sticker book she wanted and claimed to have PTSD due to missing a Sonic X episode because of a cancelled flight. You just don't see shit like this these days.
No. 417361
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>>416078>Alix Hendrolpsst: It's actually Alix Henriol but
I'm surprised she resurfaced a few years ago due to someone making a video about her because this is such 2005 oldfag territory. She was the French chick who had a forum dedicated to posting about your fetishes concerning Sonic characters. She constantly posted nudes too and I was pretty impressed how someone so crazy had such a good body and massive bolt-ons just to please a cartoon character. IIRC She ended up closing the forum and disowning Sonic because she
learned he was voiced by a human which broke the illusion. However I don't know if she was fully pretending to be insane to get attention and infamy or if she legitimately was batshit crazy. I vaguely remember her saying that she was just obsessed with becoming a celebrity so who knows what's the truth. I'm surprised this page detailing her character is still up No. 417430
>>417358Wow, I can't believe I haven't heard of Kirbyslover before. Definitely will check her ED page out.
I think it's because in the past the internet was way smaller and less normies were on it.
No. 417437
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>>417275>she recently got a tattoo of Elliot Roger to piss EurasianTiger off.Holy fuck that is so pathetic.
No. 417449
>>417430>>417358Random note but I really do think Kirbyslover does have autism. Their ED page has a blog entry about calling Easter Seals, which is an organization for disabled children.
Wonder what she is up to these days.
No. 417450
>>417437right? isnt she married as well? imagine being her husband lol.
and also i checked the 8chan board and the majority of posts are made by her talking shit about him and his family lol.
No. 417458
>>417424This, the days of simply laughing at dumb people are far gone.
>Someone thinks she's an japanese aidoru because of a windchime in her back yard: UGGHH THIS YELLOWFACING RACIST BITCH MUST DIE FOR FETISHIZING ASIANS>Someone is obviously with stunted maturity and obsessing over shit meant for kids: dude not cool he's obviously autistic leave him alone>Someone has really weird kinks and fetishes and isn't afraid of showing them off: YIKES this guy is a sick fucking pedo for displaying this on the internet for all the 17yos to see!!! did someone call the FBI already for fucks sake!!! >Someone is a degenerate tranny: Ummmm anon you should respect her identity, trans* people are suffering and it's a real thing, i should know i'm genderfluid nonbinary agenderkin myself!!! And as for old cgl tripfags, they deserve the shit coming their direction. Jesus christ 90% of them were ungodly insufferable and barely even were into cgl stuff.
No. 417708
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>>417350YES That's her!
Thank you anon and holy shit she's changed so much.
>thread was made 4 years agowew I've been here too long
No. 417861
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I'm newfag so dunno if you ever had a thread on Todokara, but that was one of the funniest cows in the osomatsu fandom, which in itself was a trashcan on fire. I was in kiwifarms at the time, and the thread about her is the best content the site ever had.
No. 417875
>>417708That's a huge change. Does she still insist on he/him pronouns?
I tried searching for all the others I followed back then:
Shmegeh is still inactive, her friend circuitbird is on tumblr (but she never really did anything), "Xia" is still posting "his" shoops, Haku seems to have deleted and Cain (vonvamp) is nowhere to be found.
Very sad lol I really want to know how they look nowadays. They're no longer young girls, I bet they already regret taking T. Once you pass a certain age, looking like a soft uke gets more and more difficult afterall…
No. 419981
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not a cow, but icovery was discussed a lot on here. i wonder how she's doing now
the "where are they now" thread hasn't been posted in for 7 months and i didn't want to bump
No. 420459
>>417875Haku's new Insta is @rodelwort. He's still on T, and I think he was the only legit trans person in that entire group.
I wonder what happened to ThugxWife from the efagz days.
No. 420476
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>>420203>Yumi King>actually employedHoly shit, really? I'm shocked.
Then again, it must've been really frustrating waiting around for sugar from Splenda.
No. 421527
>>415173>>415320She was my first cow long before I knew what a cow was. I followed her during her heyday and was so hooked on her drama. I was an anafag too, but her ‘thinspo’ really turned me off of that side of tumblr. It was sad to see her spiral downward so fast however. I still think about her time to time too.
I also miss Abby. Please come back to us.
>>415320 No. 429578
Out of all my fave cows only June and Vicki remain, but the milk is sparse these days.
>>415317Same, I really liked her wannabe ghetto Lana Del Rey persona. I'd love to know what she thinks of Soren. Did they interact at all on tumblr?
>>415314 was my fave munchie, shame she disappeared after her wedding, but here's hoping she might have gotten saner.
I miss Charlotte's threads, it's been ages since she's been mentioned anywhere.
For cow communities in general, I wish I've been earlier on tumblr for nymphets and Nicole Dollanganger and her calves. I have a shameful weak spot for this kind of aesthetics. Also I
No. 429579
>>429578clicked send too early
I wish we had fat acceptance threads again, as well as author cows.
No. 431217
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Bless this thread, I miss Charms. I know she was still talked about occasionally in the Cam Girls thread, but it wasn't as interesting as when she had her own thread. I do hope the milk drying up means she's doing better, she was (is?) SO mentally ill and in a terrible place.
Honestly if any other cow posted about not working because of their "mental health uwu" I would roll my eyes, but in Charms' case, I'm happy to see her say this.
No. 431871
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>>415192>giant fawn chestpieceI'd forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder
No. 431972
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This girl i used to like using her pictures as stock photos to practice my shooping on so those before/after pictures are the only ones i still have lingering on my pc.
What was her name again? Aisha?
No. 432398
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joji grey/ kazakai. my first cow. i remember the days when milk flowed plentifully, before i ever knew about websites like this
No. 432548
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Plaaastic / GG because she dies and the milk dried out, forever.
No. 432597
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>>432398Good ol' Gutterface.
I miss when she used to post vids on youtube. They're all gone now tho rip
No. 432615
>>432580Yes we should although aren't edits of cows not allowed?
It would be fun though
No. 432870
>>432548I had no idea she had a second death, I guess after the first one people stopped caring
>>432791Eerie finally parted ways with gutter face. There's a thread for them that was updated relatively recently if you want to fall down that rabbit hole again
No. 438787
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>>414993She's still active.
No. 486097
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Necroing the thread to say that I miss Charms.
I wonder if she still reads here (since she posted here before), but incognito.
Same for Dakota Rose, I am almost positive that she lurks, and probably posts too, mainly on g/ot.
They are probably glad that they don't have active threads anymore.
No. 486411
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>>415353i miss those too
my fav was drmusic2/mariana hanks, who had a fetish for turning into the werewolf versions of fat dead comedians, like werejohncandy and werebelushi. she also tried to attack mistermetokur for making a video on her. she's still around and goes my monstermaster13 on DA now, and is apparently a TIF named nathan forester.
also ladyalt69 too, who's also around and still insane. she married a pedophile who she got with as soon as she turned 18, and divorced him after he got arrested so she could astral travel with the jacques villain from spyro lmao
No. 486668
>Princess Doll of InvetiaFuck, I was reading her thread a while ago because of the nostalgia since it was around the time I came across lolcow and made me wonder what this girl is doing these days. I hope she grew out of whatever she tried to do but damn that was a short and good laugh.
Another cow I miss is this Rina (?) chick that selfposted back in the Kiki threads, which let her have her own threads in /snow. She was another mental unstable weeb that was a nurse, which she quit at some point to be some sort of a sex worker? She also had an asian boyfriend, which she desperately tried to keep even when he cheated on her, also lived in a very poor neighborhood and the last thing I've read about her was her having a drug addiction and being ins jail for a short time? I know that she is still around here since she once forgot to crop her IG pic on a screenshot in another cow's thread but totally can't remember where it was posted. She also changed her IG user name on a daily basis because she was too scared to be posted here again lol.
No. 486677
>>486476Oh man, I remember Berry Tsukasa. I never cared much for girls who just shooped but she was SO obsessed with pushing the whole “I’m super rich and kawaii skinny” aesthetic, and got caught in Wal Mart shoes and Cartier ripoffs at every turn. Her new live-in BF sadly has Hodgkins Lymphoma, so I hope she’s matured some.
>>486097I miss Charms too. I went back and read all her old threads. I miss the Lolita scamming, Aoi, and “any woman over a size 2 makes me want to vomit” days.
No. 486931
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Fuck, I love this thread. I miss those vintage cows from 3-4 years ago so much.
>>415096God, that was amazing. And from Oishii Project we got Himeka too, this was when she was originally honeykittenmomo and she got kicked for posting CP and loli porn on her Oishii Project tumblr. I think it was also around that time /cgl/ tried to send some random girl to Japan to be their flagship idoru too lol
>>417281Euthanizeallwhitepeople was fucking hilarious, thanks for reminding me anon. I'm gonna go re-read that thread. I wish they actually got exposed because he was probably a self hating dumpy white girl.
I miss Tinkerchel. She's still around on the internet but last I heard she's legitimately batshit insane and still claiming crazy shit and typing word salads Asha style. She had a whole drama with her ex-bf and the Thai police because she wouldn't stop stalking him after they broke up and she blasted him to all her followers, pretended she died twice, pretended she had several heart attacks, said Yung's family/the Thai police were stalking/harassing her despite her standing outside his house for two hours, and then recipts came out that they were in a BDSM relationship and she bit his cock too hard. She had a thread here but it never gained traction. She still has delusional fans despite her blatant lies and somehow got off scott-free. She also models now?
I also miss Chen/meloetta's drama back in the day with her and Maki's skinwalking. They absolutely hate each other's guts but it's so funny to see them uwu love wuuu at each other. Chen got less dramatic after she got arrested and seems to have gotten her shit mostly together (or at least, she's gotten better at portraying a harmless NEET persona) but Maki's still a flaming hot mess. Maki's also anachan now.
No. 486991
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Tom Preston/Andrew Dobson. He was so easy to troll.
No. 486997
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>>486991he's still a major cow
No. 487018
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>Idubbbz's e-thot GF
The milk dried up though
Their relationship has gotten to a point where they're eventually going to get married.
No. 487023
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She wasn't that well-known except on DeviantArt and furry circles on Tumblr, but I miss HinaUchi/Samantha Dunlop and discussing her exes, her ever-changing sexuality, her repeated scamming, and all the other teenage furries who wanted to be her so badly. I grew up looking up to her and her exes (around 2010) and idolizing her art before all the drama began to seep out of the cracks. The last I heard of her, she went off of almost all social media platforms, except for a random Twitter page (which I can't remember the username) where she occasionally takes overpriced commissions and retweets dog pictures. She's going to be turning 26 in a few months. Weird world.
No. 487183
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>>487032she still draws awful porn and is 26 and jobless still. also she claims to be non binary and posts BBW fetish pics of her body on deviantart
No. 487191
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>>487023Found this on her new twitter… what?
No. 487210
>>487184oh chlamydia-chan? I looked her up just the other day! She's a single mom now and is raising a daughter.
I always kinda felt bad for her since she clearly didn't know how to handle the negative attention, but she seems to be doing ok now.
No. 487218
>>416066I know this is old but I "miss" Mila too. She is the one who led me to lolcow via her antics on tumblr. My favorite phase of hers was when she abruptly went full MAGA and started debating people in her ask box.
I'm so curious about what happened to her and what she's like now.
No. 487229
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Saxy. I was personally friends with her for a while/directly involved in the drama that got her on LC's radar and she was a whole mess that most people on here don't even know about. Absolutely pathetic person.
Looks like she finally got a gastric bypass though kek
No. 487235
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>>487233it's what happens when you abuse your body to such an extreme. permanent damage
No. 498290
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I've seen a lot of people on here mention me and yes I do admit I was a lulcow for a while at least, up until 2014. And I didn't exactly take too kindly to being treated as a punching bag for internet trolls. For the record Mr Metokur didn't even do a video on me, he just did a video that mentioned me and I didn't attack him. I wasn't even mad at him I was simply just stating how embarrassed I was about how I used to be, I consider a lot of my early work to be garbage when I look back at it and I pretty much hate my old persona of trying to be edgy and different.
Most people don't seem to understand this and thought that my transformation fetish only was centered on overweight people, and like having a fat fetish was wrong or against the law…true the werebelushi and such were my bread and butter but it's just that trolls typecast me as that specific type of lulcow that it made me feel like they don't even know me. When I commented on Mister Metokur's video, I wasn't attacking him or saying anything bad about the video, I was just embarrassed about how I used to be as that video showed how I used to be.
People like Crichax of Kiwifarms and EmilyRees don't get that there is more to me than an ED article and a bunch of lame jokes made at my expense.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 498423
>>487023I miss her too. Her scamming was hilarious. She still never repaid those late commissions or fur suits.
Last I read she and the “guy” she was dating were engaged and then the girl went back to Canada and is a girl now dating an older guy. She still goes by Fen.
Her other friends are not around but Malley is now a guy and divorced her husband and she’s working and dating another trans. I don’t think she’s friends with Sam anymore.
Samm also used to be into cub/diaper fur stuff and that got her in trouble too.
That’s all I remember in recent years.
No. 498527
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I personally miss the lulcow who trolled me Eyesglowyellow. As stupid as her OC (the Metokur chimera) was I actually found her amusing. Compared to Emily 'I will start conflict with whoever I feel like' Rees.(Namefagging)
No. 499141
>>499140omg same anon
I miss good ol' proana milk days
No. 499173
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>>499140Oh man, she went from poor ana "spoop" to being a wannabe thot. When you google her name it shows a lot of "cheater/homewrecker" sites whatever they are
No. 558058
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Two fascinating women:
>Ginger bronson(i'm really interested in cows that destroy everything to pursue an image/aesthetic a la Luna), we actually have the same aesthetic and i loved backreading her thread. i quite liked her writing, found her trashy tattoos strangely appealing and the modelling thing was interesting as was her brief friendship (?) with grimes. She recently deleted a lot of things/changed to black, I'd love to see her come back to be honest
>Nicole DollangangerI miss her tumblr cult following and to be honest enjoy her aesthetic and music. She never really went anywhere with her music and i don't know what she's doing now but her and her calves are remnants of a bygone era on Tumblr that i kind of miss. millie dollgraves is doing well i think and if im not mistaken has more followers than nicole now. kek
>Emmy/tunglrmurderedme4beingsexy/serotoninblueNot really a documented cow but was featured here a few times
>>>/snow/797728 and I was briefly mutuals with her on tumblr and remember admiring her strange looks and helping spread her posts around to support her. Felt a bit of a chill when I saw her in the ghosts thread on /ot/, i believe she committed suicide and it was quite jarring as she was young and was mentally ill but i thought she'd keep going, i didn't see it coming at all. Her trans gf at the time she died is keeping her blog as a tribute at and he's a bit of a headcase, I remember him threatening suicide online over her death and i THINK posting/somehow interacting with or speaking about her presence on lolcow. I remember anons found out she was at least a lurker and tinfoiled about her making posts on /ot/ that sounded a lot like her. Anyway, she didn't deserve to die.
No. 558075
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I also miss nemu's weird shit. I was dumb enough to believe she really turned around years ago.
No. 558090
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>>558080Right? I didn't know vomit fetish was a thing til I encountered her. And the characters she obsessed over were so out there.
No. 558110
>>558090I really enjoyed going through everything and see her art styles change and how she would depict herself almost seamlessly in each one. It’s an impressive skill, and since I have my own autismo interest in animation I liked seeing all the characters.
Too bad she’s a nasty pedophile.
No. 558459
>>558104>>558080Same. Her thread was a wild ride.
She has some great skill (when she wasn't drawing gross shit) and if she hadn't done the things she did, I think she could've been pretty popular.
No. 558649
I miss the tumblr truth blog era of early 2010s, and especially all the kiki and dakota milk, those were the glory days. I also miss all the dakota copycats, like taylor (who's now a boring housewwife), floretta fiore (now an edgy pseudo artist), lauryniwi (still does the shitty make up and is now a mom) and kittyphina (who the fuck knows what she's up to now), does anyone remember any others? The copycats and skinwalkers we have now just don't have it anymore. The living doll milk was my favorite and it was plentiful. I never cared much for felice fawn, but mila mortice was the funniest shit ever, I wish someone would find out what she's doing now.
Somehow I also miss cathy ostrenga, fortunately we have laur and lillee jean, they really remind me of cathy and kiki.
The late 2000s and early 2010s were such a good time, I wish we could have something similar again
>>486668Oh shit I didn't even remember Rina, she was the best
No. 558942
>>486668>>558649It was an early Soundclout thread.
>>>/snow/745381You just know she still posts on lolcow. Hi Rima, you're still nuts.
No. 558949
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>>558942Holy shit anon, that's the screenshot I was talking about back then. Yes, that's the one! Anyone here has her current IG name or somebody follows to know what she is doing with her life? The last thing I know that she was always high af and wandering around in shady places at night. Crazy bitch was milky as fuck lol
>and kittyphina (who the fuck knows what she's up to now)her current twitter where she stopped to post as on her latest ig No. 558997
File: 1590530802342.jpg (225.84 KB, 845x845, 7Kmx5nR.jpg)

Sarah McDaniel was one of my favorite cows. The whole story of her faking heterochromia with an obvious cheap contact lens and getting legit modelling jobs is just so funny to me.
I still check her PULL thread sometimes, but it's kind of sad because she's gotten so much surgery to look like her old ridiculous shops.
No. 559519
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>>559439She still maintains it's real, and that her eyes look different because of "lighting," not contacts. She even got a bright ocular implant. Some people still believe it's real.
I don't think she does a lot of real modelling anymore, but it's hilarious that she got on the cover of Playboy wearing a single contact lens.
No. 559593
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the OG goff queen, ironically enough she dressed a million times better than current altcows.
I hope she's doing well tbh, and recovered from eating disorder and alcoholism, she obviously had some issues and i compare her scamming to some crackhead robbing to buy their next fix, it was obvious that the money went to fuel her drinking.
No. 559631
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She's the only cow I actually knew prior to finding lolcow, I've always been interested in her life and style more than milk though.
I also miss all the J-vloggers. Again, more interested in their lives than milk because I'm a weeb. I don't really follow youtubers or use social media or anything so lolcow is the one place I catch up on online personalities these days.
No. 559640
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>>559636She also did delete stuff recently, now both her Kayla Day and Ginger Bronson eras are gone sort of.
My biggest hope is that she lost all that weight, she's actually quite beautiful without the fat and could've had a decent career in modelling if she hadn't ballooned up.
No. 559662
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I miss Skyleigh/ahripop's trqnsrace bullshit, UI thought it was so funny
No. 559732
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>>559640I miss Kayla’s threads so much…they cracked me the hell up.
She’s most likely doing just fine in her mommy’s mansion rn, I wonder when /If she’ll come back and how she’ll change up her backstory this time
No. 560113
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I guess her thread isn't technically dead but it's not the same anymore. Asherbee was the reason I kept coming back to /cgl/ and after that too Lolcow.
I've found new cows to follow but nothing beats me memories of the poopbrooch and her awful yaoi shoots.
No. 560200
>>559636>>559593WHO is she, Name?
Im new here
Regards from
(lurk moar) No. 560466
>>560113She's kind of sedate now but it's crazy to me her parents left her in charge of a decent-sized house.
Hope there are working fire extinguishers.
No. 566825
>>486476>>486668I know I'm late to see these posts but I just reread that thread for the first time since it all went down and holy shit, that was gold.
I miss when a lot of anons were actually encouraging her to improve, as much as I love the cattiness the anons in that thread looked like saints compared to current threads.
It kinda felt like a Dangan Ronpa trial or something when she was finally confronted, I really miss what lolcow was like back then and wonder how she's doing these days too, it's pretty obvious she struggled with complex mental illnesses of some kind so I hope she's alright.
No. 575058
>>575002ED has been down for a while, hasn't it?
sidenote; how do you lurk for a couple of years without finding out about pixyteri lmao
No. 594837
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I don’t really know where to put this, but the cow I’ve been most haunted by is one that I don’t think ever made it here, if only because at his height a lot of people didn’t know about lolcow, and when he was popular on tumblr it was pre-2011. I wish it didn’t feel so obscure talking about it lol.
An aussie named Timothy Luke Warren aka Timothy Von Senden, and he groomed me for a long time, dating back to 2008. He posted a lot of gilded, pretentious poetry and was an anorexic ex-fat. On tumblr he was loup-garou (long since deleted) and he was kind of popular on (anyone remember that ancient relic?)
I was a vulnerable teenager and had no idea he was so much older than me. He lied a whole lot. Looking back, I’m really ashamed that I never picked up on his really potent creep vibes. He randomly disappeared after crashing with that one bleach blonde tumblr girl with all of the serial killer tattoos up her arms, and she found out he cheated on her and lied about his past, his name, etc. She did a call-out that has also long since been lost to time, and it was radio silent for awhile.
In 2009-2010 he would make long blog posts about his childhood—about how his mother lit his mattress on fire, about sleeping under semi trucks and nearly starving to death, etc. I was only 13 and thought he was really my friend and that he understood csa trauma. He used me, like he did many others, and just kind of evaporated.
Then he gained a lot of weight back and resurfaced as a tattoo artist in Melbourne. He’d do a lot of feminine work, a lot of ghibli and sailor moon type stuff. Tons of women came forward saying he was a predator and would only let them come to the shop alone, and then threaten them to do sexual acts to him or he would charge them exorbitant prices for the finished ink. Then he evaporated again.
Maybe it’s a shot in the dark, but does anyone else here remember?
I think a lot of men are lucky if they committed heinous acts pre-2014, then it was much easier to make it all disappear.
No. 594853
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>>594837The girl with the serial killer tattoos is TheProserpina/Victoria Campbell ( and she's still very active on social media, it seems a long shot but maybe you could try contacting her, im pretty sure she would be dying to get some good attention by making a callout on a predator.
Im so sorry this happened to you anon.
No. 594867
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>>594853Thank you. This may sound sad, but I’m not sure if that’s even her! It may sound like a stretch that there’s more than one white alt girl with serial killer tattoos over her arms, but my memory is really that clouded. Or at least I don’t remember her looking like that for some reason.
It’s just so crazy to me that all of it has been scraped off the net! He was called out for his behavior in 2015-2016 but when I check the #timothyvonsenden tag on ig, virtually all of the old posts are gone even though there used to be so many.
This was posted so recently, but it’s the only thing I’ve seen about it in a long time. Everything has been wiped. I don’t understand why he’s so protected.
No. 594870
File: 1596333383510.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.35 KB, 500x500, 1427705111580.jpg)

>>594867Victoria is a plastic surgery addict, she even had a thread here for a while because of her BDD antics of photoshop and surgery, it died down because she's not really that milky, she's kinda of a less insufferable plasticnproud lol.
Pic related is the tattoo in all its glory, im pretty sure its her, its quite an infamous thing to not be.
I think he's probably protected because the Melbourne tattoo scene seems to be small-ish, in a situation like this if you push people around and threaten them with isolation for the scene they cave in.
No. 594876
>>594870Oh my goodness, I think that is her then! Oddly I remember her as quite pretty, although it was years ago. I can’t pinpoint the year but it might have been 2013. The plastic surgery thing makes sense, and I really appreciate you giving me this info.
I guess the culture of it is just so strange to me. People were claiming he had child pornography for fucksake, and all they wanted to do was “forget it.” There isn’t a single picture of him post-2010 saved as a warning anywhere from what I can see, and all that’s left is the name. Thinking someone this vile can change is beyond me…
No. 594880
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>>594873There is a single screenshot of his blog, from 2009. It shows nothing of merit though.
He had another blog where he told stories about an abused little girl named Katinka, at first he presented it like he knew her but she was his ‘imaginary friend’. It was pretty fucked up in retrospect. As a teenager I thought it was coping, but when you have the details about him being an offending predator and also realize that he was 22 years old at the time he wrote it, well. Absolutely vile stuff.
No. 594885
>>594880oh god that soft emotional indie boy schlick is exactly the type of trap i would've fallen for anon, im genuinely interest if you come up with something
also god lookbook was a den of anorexics
No. 594891
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>>594885Yeah crazy how we thought these people were so cool! Guess you can’t feel too bad if you’re just a teenager, we didn’t know any better yeah?
Here is the only writing sample I could unearth, if at least to show what an asshole he was. He would’ve really been fun to dissect on here. So cringe.
No. 595052
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>>415096I only found out about Yukapon nearly a year ago but I heard a little glimpse of what happened to her in the past when she first came to Japan. I have been trying to find more threads about her but most of them are archived or can't find it. I just would like to hear a whole summary of what happened to her.
No. 599736
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I still miss Gutterface/Joji when she use to post videos all the time. She was a dirtbag but ngl I still really like some of her old looks and shenanigans.(pic related spoke to me as a teen tomboy kek)
Can't believe she's turning 30 this year! She was my first cow and have been following her for years. Do you guys think she still has all the BJDs she scammed off of people?
tfw all the related images to this pic specifically was filled with ftm/"queerboi" pics which is kinda depressing,but I guess you could say Joji was the original pioneer of the fakeboi persona
No. 612819
File: 1598233711764.jpeg (18.31 KB, 300x447, images - 2020-08-23T223853.458…)

>Every thread a newfag saying "this was her best era, wish she would do this again!1"
>"Kotex is not wearing her ring anymore, sugar daddy #38392 gone?"
>"Kota is actually a lesbian and dates hafu moderus"
>Token gaijin on random Japanese TV appearances
>Baby alien shoop and chola lips
>Greasy thin hair
>Kiki sperging
>This random gaijin looks just like Kota but is better than her in every way
>"She's hiding in America again!!!"
I miss it all, anons.
No. 612829
I miss the Taco Kiki saga
>>612819The theories that kota was a lesbian and dating another model were really something.
No. 612836
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Does Leda count
No. 612839
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Samefag. I also miss toopoor’s threads and all the subcows that came with her
No. 612850
>>612819one month without an insta post, i wonder what she is doing now
i miss it too anon
No. 613295
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Erin Painter. Left as mysteriously as she appeared.
No. 613928
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Mostly because we came from the same country, everyone i knew and look up to always saw her as some kind of saint. She is the first cow i actively try to keep up with, the reason why i joined gossip websites and eventually lolcow.
I hated the bitch, don't get me wrong, but at the same time i just felt like there was some connection between me and her, because during her milkiest era I was just a lonely high school student with little to no friends. Her so-called ''art'' was cliché at best but it kinda resonates every time i look back at her main Instagram account, it brought back a sense of nostalgia and pityness to say the least.
I hope she really rest in peace this time.
No. 614526
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>>614459>>614513no one will ever be this grotesque again. rest in piss
No. 615025
>>614963Nta but I read the amberlynn threads on KF and when she was diagnosed with uterine cancer people started talking about her gf probably sucking 'cancer globs' out of her while going down on her.. that for me was a personal moment of realising where my limits are. Cancer talk meets crude vag talk all literally a day after cancer diagnosis.
Similar shit was posted multiple times a day, never getting any funnier no matter how many variations they put on describing a 'cancer dribbling snatch' Meanwhile her thread on here was so so far from that.
No. 615446
>>615028I vaguely remember this person being mentioned and the conversation ended at "leave her alone, she's dying".
the difference is that really cruel and sick shit happens here sometimes and not 24/7 like on kiwifarms.
Not to mention Lolcow is less horrible just cause it's not a misogynist hellhole like kiwifarms.
No. 618072
>>615446Only following foodie beautys thread on KF. Hate having to wade through all the elaborate ways that guys find to say "bet her pussy stinks" I dunno maybe it does but it's interesting how these 'totally grossed out' guys want to bring the convo back to that at all times, and the level of detail they go into when imagining it.. Like go get laid.
>>617025Expected Phoebe to stick around forever, complaining about Instagram removing her posts every day and then making a new gofundme to upgrade her chair every other month
No. 618423
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>>415397same old shit, it's kinda sad bc all of her funny critics have pissed off and she's still off in fantasyland
No. 625517
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What's fetsu up to these days?
No. 625524
>>618423I first found out about her and other amazing minicows years back when I would read through articles on Encycledia Dramatica. I miss those days lol
>>625517She probably has an onlyfans
No. 631447
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Does anyone know what happened to coldnessinmyheart? I heard a rumor that she died but never got any confirmation on it
No. 631450
>>631447I really want to know too! all I’d hear is that she committed suicide but it wasn’t confirmed.
Always felt really bad for her.
No. 632657
>>632287she's actually a good artist now
i miss the edgy asian tumblrs from that time, they evolved into the pale rich boring sjw asians like malitonin, generally and bopeep
No. 634755
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>>634331Remember the brownies that looked like they had maggots in them
No. 634777
triggered my fight or flight reflex
No. 635959
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I miss kiko
I still have her added on spotify, but that's all
No. 657773
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I REALLY miss reading about munchies, especially the ones talked about on /r/illnessfakersgonewild before it closed like elanathezebra and rebellious_story. Would it flop if I made a new thread on /snow/?
No. 657816
>>657811I was always amazed that she claimed her symptoms were that bad and yet she crammed the food and calories in… I had bad ibs symptoms for about ten years (mysteriously left after a decade, a fucking miracle) and I can understand maybe being chubby because carbs might be your food of choice to avoid symptoms… depends on the individual but I'm pretty sure a high fat content is one of the top irritants for nearly all ibs sufferers.
Peanut butter on everything. Chinese food?? All while shitting blood.. No loss of appetite whatsoever? Incredible
No. 658011
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i check up on bunny Alexander from time to time, and she is still photoshopping her pics to oblivion. the other day she posted about how she's "going to school to be a brain doctor". i figured she had a degree and was doing a masters or something, but no lol she's going to a community college for psychology.. so cringe. she was also bragging about getting a 75% on a paper, like come on.
No. 659560
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>>659339yes lmao. I'm pretty she only did this because her hair was severely damaged from dying it so much. she does onlyfans now and is a "christian"
No. 659561
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>>659339She just pretended she was a muslim for a while because her hair was super shitty and she wanted to hide it with a hijabi. That lasted for like 5 months tops
>>659332If it's well done, then probably not but you should look elsewhere for asspats
No. 659599
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Does anyone remember Tiffany Kudrikow? She was quite popular on YouTube in the early 2010s. Pickme type. At some point started dating (or married?) a Muslim and converted to Islam. Always wore hijab and posted about Allah for a few years. Seems to have broken up with the guy within the last couple years and dropped all the Muslim stuff
It was so long ago that I can’t remember any milk in particular, but I didn’t know any pickmes irl back then so I was always shocked by her videos
No. 660979
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Does anyone remember wolfie blackheart? Where is she now? i can't find anything at all about her. I know she trooned out, which is a shame because she was a really cute edgy tomboy
No. 661047
>>659599thaaaaank you i was looking for her videos the other day but couldn't for the life of me remember her name
i liked her when i was a teen and looked for "what boys think about X that girls do" content
No. 666103
>>665341This is a fucking lie.
I found their facebook page right here: No. 666761
File: 1604514963232.png (18.43 KB, 420x238, fb.PNG)

>>666103Found this comment on one of her posts, seems like she's not doing well. Smoking meth in the woods? Yikes.
No. 666769
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>>666763how does one LARP as both a gangster and a wolf at the same time?
No. 666773
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>>666765I remember her. In all honesty, I bet she's on IG with a new aesthetic, and no one recognizes her. She seemed to be moving more toward "glam" and pink/girly city aesthetics just before she completely dropped off.
I always think of that one letter from her boyfriend that she proudly showed off that read something like "I want to be the only thing between your thighs" (re: her ED).
No. 666782
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>>666773She works as a librarian too which makes it pretty easy to keep a low profile.
I genuinely liked her photography tho, pic related is another one from the fabled sad bbygirl back staring into the creepy background series.
No. 666800
>>666793Annchirisu, another Asian YTer, once made a video exposing her after they fell out. She claimed that she made up an entire fake brother who was overprotective of her, claimed that her brother was actually her boyfriend (or fiance), pretended he died, and even sent a photo of a gravestone.
Supposedly, the reason she lied is because her parents were overprotective of her and it was an excuse. I distinctly remember Ann saying "What is with your fucked up incest mind?" and "The statistics are out there, man" (I forgot the context of the latter one, something about views and/or maybe the gender/age demographic watching her videos).
No. 666805
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>>666782You made me go down memory lane to the old /snow/ thread(s). I didn't realize she edited this much, damn.
No. 666841
>>666800The incest talk is funny because her parents are first cousins and she talks about how her dad tried to set her up with her cousin.
What the fuck Asian people
No. 676451
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>>666786Jesus, Xiao and the dick hopping.
Xiao in the last year became a desperate girl, she says that her dad trying to set her up and rushing her to get married is annoying etc but she literally finds a new boyfriend every month and everytime she does, she does stuff like this.
There's nothing wrong with couple gadgets but these two have been together for a month.
Before this guy, she had an autist ( you can clearly her him speak) who just spent her videos saying "Aww you so cute!" and doing stuff that embarassed her.
And the guy before that, just ghosted her. She believed a JP-UK long distance relationship, where you see each other once a year, could work, saying "we both workaholics lol" only to cry in camera when he didn't give her attention.
She seems so naive(or stupid) and immature, despite being fucking 30.
She gives me these creepy vibes of an obsessive girlfriend that tosses you out once you don't meet every request of her only to rush to cry on camera making herself the fucking
No. 676476
>>666786I can’t believe she’s still doing that voice. Her views have plummeted and struggle to get past 10k, pretty embarrassing for someone who used to get sometimes 700k+ views back in the day when that was super impressive.
I don’t remember her being milky but what was her Vietnamese friends name? She lived in London, tall and quite pale, modelled a bit. She got criticised for her modelling profile listing her race as Eurasian as she was fully Asian, but explained that it was because she looked mixed. I wonder what happened to her.
No. 786392
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whatever happened to mallory maloney? i miss her. she used to have a website and all her social media as mallorymaloney, but it's all been deleted - not even a username change, flat out gone. i remember she made a fool of herself on the egl livejournal in 07, and came back to make a fool of herself on cgl in 2013. trail runs cold around 2015 or so.
she used to post every single detail of her life on her website, it was lulzy.
No. 786411
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zeriara was one of my favorites, i wonder where she is now
No. 786490
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I forgot this chick existed until I saw a tiktok pointing out her terrible shoop. I honestly miss her stupid antics because she got dragged nonstop for YEARS but kept doing the same shit she was getting repeatedly dragged for.
No. 786629
>>786572I think she was my first lolcow and one of the first articles I've read on encyclopedia dramatica. Shit, that was so long ago it's making me very nostalgic. I was about to mention that I recall her making a new deviantart called owl something, but this anon
>>786625 got me beat. I can't believe she's still active!
No. 786631
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>>786629Also samefag but after looking at her instagram I think
her art is still kinda shitty kek No. 786728
File: 1618809819042.webm (854.52 KB, 576x1024, ssstiktok_1618808365.webm)

>>786537>vid relI saw another one on my fyp today but I didn't like it and can't find it anymore.
>>786695I can't believe she's still active and still has the same kawaii "lol random" aesthetic she's had for like 10 yrs. It baffles me that she willingly gave this guy enough info for him to be able to commit fraud and ID theft after less than a year of them knowing each other.
No. 792637

Digibro is a cow I miss. He's a strange case because I hated keeping tabs with him after he became more milky. The only way I kept tabs on his drama was because I liked his content in a weird way, he was the only halfway decent anime YT at the time. Digibro right now has spiraled into such insanity his content is no longer even viewable.
From what I could tell he started making weirder and weirder content until he trooned out. His fanabse hated this move because they're all conservative weebs and his view, patron, and like count all halved after his coming out and is still trending downward. His wife, yes he has one, broke up with him. He then cut off all his friends and became friends with a bunch of weird guys who are coercing him into shitty life choices. He also deleted all his old videos, like the last things making him money, because "He wanted a new start". As of now every video of his has comments begging him to stop and shitting on his new content.
He kind of put himself into a corner tbf. His rightoid fans wont accept him and no leftoid will accept him, he likes loli, has defended use of the n-word, etc. He's unironically gonna just kill him self soon
No. 796485
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Idk if she was ever covered here in detail, but I think anyone who was on tumblr circa 2017 is familiar with Angie/skagra/glugged/oldcyborgmovie/a dozen other urls. I even got her infamous DMs asking to reblog her gofundme. I was off tumblr by the time she started getting called out, though. I really miss reading her hyperbolic posts. Her kf thread is a pretty good chronicle of her rise and fall. She's unfortunately mostly private or offline nowadays, but they were able to dig up that she's still been going to court over some lawsuit against the state.
No. 797879
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I'm still curious about whether she actually died or just faked her death to get away from her online presence and seek help. Hopefully the latter.
No. 799223
File: 1620179752834.png (1.4 MB, 1362x714, AB0F830E-FA3B-45EF-9EE4-9AE0B8…)

I miss this stupid bitch. I respected the balls she had being completely upfront and honest about her photoshopping, surgeries, etc plus she used to really entertain me back in the day and her mean girl smackdowns on Peter coffin and that one yellow fever sexpest were actually hilarious.
After she had that kid her man didn’t even want she got boring and the trump shit isn’t even entertaining bad behavior, just embarrassing. Also she looks like lori lewds retarded Chinese sister now, but I knew she was going to go down that route once she hit 30, she was super obsessed with the college age american bimbo in 2007 look.
No. 799235
>>799223She was always bitchy in an unlikable but entertaining way, but when she had her kid she
instantly became insufferable.
No. 808591
>>799223Same, does anyone know why she deleted her blog?
>>808551I don't think so, last I remember she made a post saying basically that it was something that makes her extremely worried but never conclusively said either way and basically just said that she hated the concern trolling about it. I got the impression she didn't want to give the people who had been saying it the satisfaction of being right and she probably won't talk about it until he's way older if ever.
No. 822552
>>792855im so bummed admin locks the threads of dead/"dead" cows now sometimes u just wanna reminisce and talk shit
I also lowkey dont buy it but maybe it's for the better he got the attention cut off if he did just fake it (again)
No. 822624
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I miss Ryden and her husband suicide drama. She was so cute and pretty. Shame she's fat now
No. 853672
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>>853394criedwolves is still semi active on Twitter and continues to do the he/they softboy thing which is honestly surprising. There was one other that got a bf, grew her hair out, and admitted to just being a girl. I wish I remembered who that was.
No. 930936
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>>930779I remember when she changed her name to Fat Queer On Wheels and an anon said that's exactly the sort of thing chavs would shout if they saw her zooming down the road lmao - the lolcow moment that lives rent-free in my head.
No. 931327
>>930936feeling like pure shit just want her back xoxo
tbh she's one of the only cows who ive seen get rid of her social media presence almost entirely, like she actually took the farms advice and deleted everything. wonder how she's making money now though or if she's just living off of disability
No. 932223
>>930936ah Blob bless Feebz and her mismatched tits.
There are some from the old munch threads I sometimees wonder what they're up to. The fakeboi from the UK who claimed to be paralysed and have cancer is one I remember being interested in and annoyed when he wised up and locked his accounts.
No. 933397
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Legends never die.
No. 933408
File: 1633653328338.jpg (60.78 KB, 500x742, CBfqKNfW4AEn4H9.jpg)

Look, I only posted on here because I was brought up in the first place and since the email response I got was a rather rude 'don't care' message, then clearly you do care if I insult you lot by calling a bunch of Kiwifarms wannabes that make Seltzerberg seem intelligent by comparison.
Also…misinterpreting the whole Metokur thing to that I was attacking him, I wasn't, I was just surprised he even remembered me. Also you misgendered me, I am not a woman, I am not trans, I prefer to identify as male and that is it. Clearly if you really don't care, you wouldn't have mentioned me.
No. 933413
File: 1633653581266.png (77.09 KB, 596x409, ooosd.png)

Clearly you do care enough to respond, sorry but telling me to 'get help' and misgendering me is the final straw. And also telling me to go home 'and make more werejohncandy stories'. Fuck you, you're just as bad as Kiwifarms is.(do you know where you are)
No. 1022429
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I miss Berry Tsukasa. Wonder what happened to this cow
No. 1022436
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>>1022429>>1022432nvm she still shoops herself to hell and back kek.
No. 1022577
File: 1641838942558.png (1012.43 KB, 774x856, 1480709224904.png)

I really miss Asherbee. She's the reason I kept coming back to /cgl/, and then lolcow, when it got created. She was just a fun, innocent trainwreck. Just ugly cosplays, gross makeup, she really never got any better at anything. But it was just relaxing fun, no scandals, deaths, drugs, etc.
No. 1022610
>>487018I completely forgot about this bitch. Oh my lord.
This thread makes me realize how dead lolcow is compared to years ago. I don't even know what /pt/ turned into. Also +1 for Ginger Bronson's thread
No. 1022620
>>1022577iirc her thread got revived for a moment a month or so ago because she has been scamming people and her cosplays and skills are still as bad as ever.
She used to be my favorite cow too.
No. 1023061
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>>1022858oh god yes. i cant believe its been 4 years. they were awful but i miss it too.
>"husband cheats on me with younger girl. she has blue hair and loves makeup">"well obviously if i dye my hair and do drag queen makeup this will fix my shit marriage">pic related No. 1023230
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>>1022429>>1022436She comes up on my Twitter feed all the time, @Cyb4rGaL
I actually came here a week or so ago and searched her thread to see if anyone knew what was going on with her. She appears to have two names in her bio with heart emojis, she poly or hwat
No. 1023244
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>>1022429>>1023230It’s insane comparing how much she used to really shoop her face but it seems she’s still full of herself. I do miss keeping up with her even if she was boring, she was just super annoying.
No. 1023267
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Tiffany Kudrikow/xxfluffypunkxx
She randomly popped up on my fyp on tiktok and it looks like she dropped that random Muslim character arc and put on some covid weight. Spoiler’d just in case for half-nude and her gross tongue
No. 1304539
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Out of sheer boredom and curiosity looked for Daisy Lola, now Daisy Foxglove or Lovesick, to see what she was up. Never would I have guessed “tattooing facial rainbow «cosmic» themed freckles on relatively young people, mostly women” (vidrel) but a cow can’t help to moo.
No. 1304543
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>>1304539She also got a face tattoo
because of course she did and I can’t help but to laugh at the efforts she goes to
now to conceal the lopsided forehead lettering with her hair.
No. 1307240
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>>487018This post aged like fine wine
No. 1308058
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I miss Plaaastic. She was such a drama queen, and then she faked suicide just to start all over while lying and getting caught for all lies. I believe she genuinely had schizophrenia though. She 100% had more money than she admitted, but she probably was spending most of it on drugs & alcohol. I still feel bad for her, all her behaviour was classic abandoned child stuff. She came from a rich family, her father was a classic vietnamese actor. It's crazy to think she was abused & neclected as a child, sent away to Singapore at 15 and forgotten. Even when she died, they didn't care, there was no funeral ceremony. they never mentioned her at all, her father never mentions having a daughter.
I still wonder sometimes why she did what she did (fake suicideNiteNite persona).
I wish someone archived her live videos and instagram stories pics, i liked her style a lot.
And Lilboweep. i thought she'd live at least 1/2 years more, but it all ended too soon. people finally called her out, it went somewhat viral. And then she overdosed (accidentally). and now it's all over, just like that.
she should've never left went to LA
No. 1308542

>>1308058Sometimes I think of her. I discovered her through Lena Sheildina (used to be a big fan of her works, i still like them and even own some merch from 2016 but she is nothing but a NFT shill now because galleries and corpos no longer want to collab with her because she's russian) Her PULL thread was full of nitpickers but looking at whatever Plaaastic was doing still seemed extremely interesting to me, the last website and never-finished project seemed like a cool, 2edgy4u work of art to me. I always liked her aesthetic, never hated her or anything, but she was an interesting cow to look at, despite everything.
You can still find some of the Instagram lives on YouTube and Instagram stories (but only if you are bothered enough to download PULL archive off kf).
>>1308070Reminds me of Lil Peep overdose, it wasn't intentional either, his friend took a picture of him, thinking he looks 'cool' or whatever but they didn't even bother calling an ambulance and he was dead by now.
>>1308535I think Nigiri still does e-thot cosplays, I saw a picture of her last year but she is not 'unique' anymore so people don't seem to care about her.
No. 1308606
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>>1308542>>1308542Truee, Lena Sheidlina and that other russian chick Plaaastic kenw (something Krukova) are all NFT shills, as if anybody cares. Lena also fucked off to Dubai, as all of them. her art is not as interesting, CGI shit and starring in russian commercials mostly. i preferred her old tumblr girl kinda shit pics
Tbh i understand PULL nitpickers,as much as i like Plaaastic. it was shitty as fuck of her to lie about all this stuff, and throw the blame on Sheidlina, she also was caught stealing art concepts/photos later on. The "cam in the room" thing was really creepy in a way, even if it looked like Chip-chan ripoff and she never did anything new to it. the Nitenite instagram photos were reaaally a drop in quality tho. when i'm looking at them now, i find them really disturbing & creepy and sad for some reason, maybe bc of what happened next. But it was still super interesting from psychologic point of view, i have no idea what was going in her head, why she never came back to Plaaastic account even though it would pay off more. i think she turned full psychotic at that point. She had a secret reddit and anonymously posted on schizophrenia threads, very telling how she slowly lost contact with reality.
I've seen it a long time ago, but Pull thread is archived entirely both on Webmachine and Archive org, it's easier to view that way. anyways i discovered her russian fans archived a lot of her stories on VK fansite, if anyone wants it's here, you need to scroll down past most recent nitenite stuff noticed her Instagram is deleted this year, and now her blog is gone too. Thankfully i managed to save all posts from google cache a day after it went down, so i'm thinking i'll make up an archive blog. idk if anybody still cares that is. she used to have huge following like 600K+ at one point tho.
Thanks for the video!
No. 1309029
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I miss pnp. So entertaining lol. And fucking alarming. The rash saga? Damn…
No. 1309041
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truly some oldfag shit, but i wonder where some of the old cgl tripfags are now.
No. 1309062
File: 1660946759291.png (784.78 KB, 1114x788, lmao.PNG)

>tfw a lot of the old Homestuck BNFs I use to follow have trooned out or disappeared completely
Was fucking nuts to see Mostflogged publicly TERF out tho. I could respect her for that.
No. 1311373
>>1309599glad someone else remembers her
nonnie. do you happen to know any of her tranny ex's socials? michael/'audrey' hockey i believe. interested to see what hes up to
No. 1312185
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She wasn’t that much of a cow but I’ll always feel bad for her for having a bf that ended up trooning out.
No. 1313004
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You’re upset that I am “accusing” you of something? You’re upset huh? You’re upset LOL. You’re just as sick as they are.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1313510
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I miss Pheebie, surprised she actually managed to stay off the internet. Erin Painter, it was absolutely beautiful when Admin released her post log. An amazing milkmas that was. Aly, that recovered anorexic, I used to follow her threads but she got so fucking boring. Her unhinged word salad posts always cracked me up, though. And speaking of anorexics, Ashleigh Isaacs was so fascinating to watch. Can you believe she's STILL fucking alive? I have no idea how. Cows and milk are so different now, the whole site is so different now.
No. 1321486
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I know she was a microcow from the instagram hate thread, but I sometimes wonder what happened to star_666_. She’s been private on Instagram for a while, I wonder if she’s still into the whole black metal thing
No. 1321528
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I miss this crazy unhinged bitch and her adventures in japan and korea.
No. 1322012
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A few weeks ago someone posted about knowing Nana Rapeblossom IRL, but she decided she didn’t want to spill the milk. I REALLY want to know what happened to her and what was going on behind the scenes. Her father killed himself and then she moved to the Netherlands and now she’s permanently unemployed or something?
No. 1322338
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>>1321486Oh nonna I miss her too. Here is her current feed. I think she entirely focuses on her sport now. I still wanna know what happened between her and Lars. Do you think they got divorced?
No. 1322951
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>>1313646nta but I was thinking that too. Trannies are insecure as fuck and tear each other apart constantly. It's funny since neither Steff nor Alb's bf look like women, just ugly moids with bolt ons
No. 1323018
>>1322951Is this a photo of him now?!
I find it weird how alb dropped off the internet, it seems like she had to become his caretaker and it likely sucked the life out of her
No. 1323041
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I miss the glory days of Dakota, before the weird asian baby alien shoops. Her Japan milk for several years has been fun to watch and I'm kind of sad she's gone mostly offline now with some occasional vague updates. Tbh her older shoops that got her viral are kind of funny to look back on now considering how normal it is for a lot of popular online people to use facetune and end up looking fairly different irl, Dakota was one of the true originals and deserves more credit
No. 1323044
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>>1322951I want to see a tranny death match between him and "Brie" (Kristin Chirico's now trooned out husband.)
No. 1323048
nonny you know I had to share that vid too
>>1323045 No. 1324320
File: 1662141657249.png (1.47 MB, 1356x843, yikes.PNG)

>>1323052Unfortunate freeze frame aside, Holy YIKES. I haven't watched them in so long (stopped shortly after the troon video but genuinely lost interest) but damn.
No. 1324400
>>1306980seconding this. we all obviously know she has zero sexual interest in sarah, but grooming is more than that. conditioning her to be their in house servant and to eventually get in bed (for greg's sake) all while
knowing sarah had a crush on her is still grooming.
wild tinfoil, but i think lainey has such bad peter pan syndrome that she'd fuck a teen boy.
No. 1324414
>>1313646cow cross over: it also includes lovelylor somehow, because lor stopped interacting with stef but she still talks to angie.
>>1314796that can't be a coincidence, i don't think i noticed that timing??
kudos to all of them i guess for being so tight lipped, it shows some modicum of maturity (which is foreign for content creators) but goddamn that isn't helpful for us kek
No. 1324908
>>1324878I want an ex-buzzfeed thread so badly but i'm too lazy to make it.
Kristin has been more cringe than ever. She apparently has some level of indigenous DNA and has now been labeling herself as an indigenous person. She also made a video about organizing her house and it looked like a fucking hoarders paradise.
No. 1331380
>>1324908omg why have i never thought of this? i think I could manage it. i have an encyclopedia knowledge of who left, why, and who is still in contact with one another. Gabby and Alison, every woman on Lady Like, The try guys, Safiya, Candace Lowry, Quinta Bronson (one of the few real successes after leaving), and a few more.
if there is interest in this, I'll throw this in in thread suggestions to see interest.
fun fact: a lot of people who were still staffed at Buzzfeed when Safiya Nygaard left hated her. A joke was made about her a in a video once. i'd like but i don't wanna derail, I'll include it in OP.
No. 1331417
>>1324908same anon as
>>1331380, but if there are any ppl in particular, post here.
No. 1331897
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This was during the EGL Livejournal era, but was anyone around for snipernyan/wuchan?
No. 1355100
>>1352752I can't remember where it was posted, more than likely KF, but long after Sorem "died" they were caught adding things to their depop wishlist. Someone contacted the seller of this item and it was confirmed that the item added to the wishlist had only been put up for sale the week prior, meaning Soren is absolutely active on Depop and learned literally nothing from her mistakes considering the first time lolcow farm discovered she was alive was because she updated her Amazon wishlist kek.
Soren will likely never pull the same shtick they were before. The absolute insanity of her last days claiming to have torn apart babies with her bare hands and chain sawing the head off Sam are attached to her irl identity now so she wouldn't dare
No. 1356440
>>1355100i thought it was her pinterest that ppl found, and it was shown that activity can happen from other people interacting or something?
i kinda would love for this tinfoil to be true, but if i recall correctly, she had an obituary. idk how you fake that since a certificate of death is needed
No. 1358486
>>1332217>it looks like Dollltears is out of rehab and in a sober livingLol i won't believe until i see it. i mean good for her if true but i'd be VERY surprised
what about Ashley? Honestly else would anyone be up for a new thread on Ashley and Maddie?
No. 1476607
I miss when Luna posted her every thought online, her threads are so boring now. The only time they're milky or funny is when Lurch goes on a rampage kek.
>>1358486Wouldn't mind if the old thread got revived, I didn't keep up with the milk but maybe
>>1332217 did
No. 1481395
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nicole. she's not totally dried up imo but i miss the cassie and destery drama. i even miss cassie herself when she was being a cow defending nate from allegations.
i don't know why but i always need a "uwu im a fantasy tolkien dnd pokemon nerd weeb WoW gamer girl" type of cow in my life. are there other cows that fit this bill?
No. 1481406
>>1480289Nta, putting the odious of feeding the trolls to a twelve year old is very creepy as that's a child, not an adult who knows better. Don't troll 12 year olds, it's either retarded or pedophilic to do so.
It becomes even more dumb when you consider most of the users of this site currently fed a troll more than I've ever seen before.
No. 1484018
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Said it before but I miss Nemu so much. She was my favorite case study cow ever. A disgusting but incredibly interesting person. I hope she is far away from real children. Any one have any updates?
No. 1484022
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>>1484019You just don’t get this type of autism anymore, somehow.
No. 1484518
>>1484014I recall the whole ordeal started because of some forum she was in where tweens would snark on each other and things escalated from there. When her dad chimped out in that video, 4chan was driven into a frenzy much like when sharks sense blood. I've never heard of her being harassed preemptively to prevent her talking about her rapist, where did you hear that?
>>1484059She also had some form of Munchausen claiming she had fibromyalgia and she was using a wheelchair. What did you think about her video where she apologized to Dahvie for accusing him? Some people in the YouTube comments were saying that she was threatened to make that video but I think she was in foster care at the time.
No. 1490769
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I think Nemu would've loved him kek. I actually thought of that when I was watching the movie
No. 1509850
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Monami Frost, She said she was quitting doing YouTube videos but would leave her YouTube channel up, She then later deleted it without explanation, I heard back in 2021, Her Frost Fast Food Burger Restaurant closed down, So What exactly does she do nowadays? Who's going to wear her shit shitty tack AF clothing line? All she does nowadays is post InstaGram pictures
Also, Dakota Rose, And, Kiki Kannibal, Like they are rarely on anymore, The milk has completely dried up and Kiki, Hasn't been a cow in quite sometime in a while honestly
Morgan Joyce, She used to be so milky but isn't really anymore
No. 1514305
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Her thread got ghost bumped but what ever happened to Choke??
No. 1515783
>>1514305Wasn't her family loaded or something? I always assumed she was fine even after her wig shop went belly up. She always struck me as someone who needed to have an admiring supply, so once the lolita community booted her, there was just no reason to be involved anymore.
I remember her saying some pretty ignorant shit about the Japan tsunami and a few other topics on cgl back in the day, but she is also a legit autist so it makes sense.
No. 1515915
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Sniper_nyan lolita fashion drama was so fun for little teenage me, it was my first foray into the world of online gossip and drama. I really enjoyed her blog, Aesthetic Lolita, and she was very inspirational for me in terms of style as much as I’m embarrassed to admit. I wonder what she’s up to these days, I’d be interested to see how she aged. I get the feeling she’s probably some right wing tard with kids but perhaps I could be pleasantly surprised. Anyone know anything?
No. 1515952
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anyone used to follow Kalel Cullen? i vaguely remembered her but she disappeared. recently found a youtube vid detailing she was a spoiled cow who would change personalities constantly, lie about pointless shit and start then quickly abandon youtube channels left and right. the most obnoxious pick me personalities, like edgy girl cuz blue hair, to edgy vegan girl who is clearly just anorexic, to edgy gamer girl randum XD zelda reddit, to beauty guru ikea shit, and last i saw she was a kpopper.
she only had one or two threads in lolcow but had 45+ threads in GuruGossip (shame that site has always sucked). im fascinated by her weird narc shit and wish there was more info. sadly a lot of the content was lost because she deleted her shit constantly.
No. 1516704
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I miss having a thread for Ariana/pnp but ig i understand why it died since she isn’t giving up much milk. Her Twitter is still cringe tho, all she posts is workout pics and bragging ab “sobriety” but talking ab doing drugs and prostituting herself. She stopped oversharing online but i doubt she’s as blessed as she wants to make it seem.
No. 1573865
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Not a cow per se but I can’t believe Lolita’s liked her content back then. She’s was an obnoxious theater kid and her old vids weren’t that funny. Also her coords were shit, so even if I didn’t like Kate or Jillian at least their cording skills were decent.
No. 1573940
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, I miss the Peter Coffin/Night of the Living Ashleigh Doll era of 2014-2017. He was the only cow I ever had any interest in aside from a short interest with Onision drama after Skye left the picture. I would spend hours discussing with anons and making memes and waiting for him to milk himself on Twitter, liquid gold. The conspiracies going around and the deep investigations surrounding medical procedures was some of the funniest content I had ever been blessed to witness.
No. 1573958
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>>416078>>417361Speaking of Alix Henriol, she's on ig as and has several posts claiming the sonic stuff and related was fake just to become famous and has a series of proof posts such as, pic related
still mentally unwell as ever
No. 1574145
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Short lived in the instagrammers thread but she was so milky, too bad she was brought up there too late. Can't even find her social media anymore, she was so ridiculous I still read that thread sometimes kek.
No. 1574152
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>>1574145I miss her too. Here is a ss of her instagram feed if you wanna know. She still has comments disabled on everything.
No. 1574208
File: 1683835569962.png (Spoiler Image,3.69 KB, 900x535, 9000hoursmspaint.png)

I used to follow this tranny back around 2012 I think but I can't remember his name. He was a popular cow though so I'm hoping someone here knows who I'm talking about. He made shitty comics about his self-insert, they might have been catgirls but I can't remember. Might have gone by the name Jen, and I think he was in Canada. Seemed mildly retarded and would sometimes post videos cosplaying his characters.
Picrel is how I remember his art. They all had monstrously large breasts and oval shaped eyeglasses.
No. 1574772
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>>1574760>>1574771Apologize for samefag, but I took a look at her thread and shit, I forgot how retarded she truly was. Who writes something like this about themselves in all seriousness?
No. 1574958
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I miss this loser.
Nothing will ever beat the glory of the time her man left her on her bday, after she built her "career" on dissing other women (especially older ones)
No. 1583100
>>1322660i was just thinking about raven and looked up her last thread and then her YouTube, i remember her threads were always so active and i would read through them. does seem like she's not doing much crazy thing anymore, grown up. like most cows.
i really do miss the variety of entertainment that existed 10 years ago, now all the lunatics are either trannies or have their weirdness contained in discord servers. everything else is just your stock-standard attention whore and that's not interesting.
No. 1583118
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Alphawerewolffanxd. He briefly returned to the internet and posted a Tik Tok a year or two ago, no sign of him since. His videos were obvious satire but I loved him nonetheless. A kindred spirit
No. 1583126
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Does anyone remember the name of that artist from Tumblr who made creepy childish crayon drawings, similar to Lucifer Valentine (pic related)? He also had SA/grooming allegations IIRC
No. 1596875
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I wonder where is Cryaotic now, and how are the past members of Late Night Crew doing? Never cared for Chey because she was a massive attention seeker, but remembering the early stages of Late Night Crew made me feel nostalgic. Irc Russ was getting cucked again, this time by some uwutuber woman.
I think Snake was the only stable person from the crew, maybe Red too.
No. 1644275
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What's he up to?
No. 1648207
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She was a pretty popular artist on tumblr back in the day. I don't think she was ever into dangan ronpa but who knows what she's into now. She really liked Professor Layton, Astro Boy, Fairly Odd Parents, and a bunch of other stuff. She has a thread on here and KF. Her art is pretty recognizable though she was very capable of mimicking styles so it's not impossible that she would change her style to avoid detection. Also vomit fetish. She went by Holden before she seemingly left the internet completely
No. 1648340
>>1645821She was fucking scary. Idk why she came off as a psychopath to me. I miss watching her transparently trying to get sponsorships from random brands like LaCroix while claiming gastroparesis so severe she couldn’t anything orally. Feeding tubes aren’t even normal for gastroparesis patients but these munchies want extreme and visible interventions. There’s only a handful of motility specialist in the US and one of the more respected ones who literally develop the gastric emptying test straight up won’t tube his patients because it’s unnecessary. If a patient comes to him with a tube he won’t work with them unless it’s removed and referred them to psych lmao. I think Aubrey actually saw him once because of location but she never mentioned it because there’s no way he’d indulge her shit.
>>1647290You all are obnoxious.
No. 1652495
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>>1648207She was into Danagan Ronpa tho! If you check one of her threads, her and that fat scrote she hung around cosplayed these two at a convention.
No. 1652501
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gimpgirl555 was such a fucked up piece of shit but i honestly miss her comics. they were campy & cute in a way. idk.
No. 1652516
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>>1652501looker her up and she's still banned on reddit but she still uploads regularly on twitter, Youtube and some comic hosting site. nothing stopping anyone from nercoing her thread. No. 1836616
File: 1704171010150.jpeg (61.94 KB, 747x411, images (3).jpeg)

Caught myself thinking about Egoraptor's literal schizo ex, Katie. It was genuinely scary how she started to show real delusion signs and went to L.A.
I wonder how she's been.
No. 1837208
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I miss the original fakebois/weebs/anas so much.
Back then I was so dumb, I had no idea about photoshop, about being "trans", I genuinely thought that anime-like boys exist kek
The most popular one was fake halfu Haku who was besties with Smegeh and dated some older midget named Von who lived in Germany. Another popular one was another midget called Cain.
I tried keeping up for a couple years but they kept deleting or changing accounts. I wonder where they are now, probably back to being normal women.
I also miss the other gaijins in Japan. They were much more entertaining and not really awful people, so you could root for them. The last few years most cows here are nasty camwhores and streamers.
>>1644275wtf I didn't even realize he's gone…
I wish everybody quitting their internet presence told us why. I can't stand not knowing lol
No. 1837236
>>1837208I was thinking about the fellowship a few weeks ago. I remember the shegma, Haku, RJ and Co threads from like 8 years ago. I think circuit bird is still active on Tumblr, but she's a turbo normie now. I think most of them don't even talk to Haku anymore. I miss when the milk was flowing with that group. Remember the fake boy Von Geist that Haku dated during the tokyo ghoul cospkay era?
Didn't she de-transition a few months later? I know RJ did. Now she's a hyper feminine woman dating a Korean dude.
No. 1837254
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>>1836616In KT’s defense he drew more art of her and kept it on his DA after he got with Suzy.
No. 1837345
>>1837236NTA but kek I remember lurking RJ/Kaden's thread just to read it and even at that time all those years ago (It was in like 2015 or so I believe?) I still realized it was just the "fellowship" posting gossip about each other. You couldn't keep up with the discussion unless you had insider information and half of the time it was impossible to figure out what the "milk" was because everyone was so vague and petty about everything. A lot of it just focused around seething how much she seemingly ripped "Haku" off which made it even more obvious that it was people who knew her in real life seething. Reading back on those threads they had a very oldschool teenager jfashion gossip vibe I haven't seen in years, probably because I'm now almost a decade older. Also she had a really cute face.
Like mentioned I know RJ detransitioned years ago but is Haku still around? The last I heard about her was when she was in her dainty Russian vampire boy era so a long, long time ago.
No. 1842873
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>>1837236>>1837345>>1837410Circuitbird always looked like a total normie next to Smegeh and Haku, but I guess they were real friends if they're still together after over a decade. Haku actually still has the same ig as a couple years ago, still looks super sickly and posts maybe 1-2 cosplays a year. Sad how t fucks you up. I also wonder what an obvious fakeboi in his 30s works as…
Vongeist still uses that name and looks like a middle-aged lesbo now. This one was also part of the group (living in Germany together with another fakeboi) and now does China-tier shooped cosplays. Unspoiler at your own risk.
The other names I sadly can't remember.
No. 1873386
>>1837208Whatever happened to the Norwegian chick that shmegeh used to talk to? She was thin and sickly looking before she ended up being a chronic binge eater and ballooned big time.
Michelle destroyed her longterm friendship with babymaria, always wondered what happened between those two.
No. 1873490
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I miss reading about Kanadajin3 on PULL. She was such a good cow to laugh at and I used to reread her threads every few months just to get a laugh.
No. 1873522
Venus angelic
>>1873490pull was so catty, I miss pull sometimes lol
No. 1873549
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i miss muslim bunny
No. 1891834
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ended up checking on berry tsukasa because of the random question thread and what the fuck happened, kek?
picrel in motion: No. 2041412
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I miss Millie Dollgraves and Jess Woods. Just the whole 2010-2018 Tumblr era was fun even if it was fucked up. Plus I miss the milk because I think the ND calves thread is completely dead now which makes me sad because that was a favorite of mine.
No. 2041760
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>>2041545>>2041612It was brought up in one of her threads on here and Kiwifarms. Granted they're anonymous testimonies, but with how brainlessly sex positive she used to be I'm not surprised.