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No. 474474
•No sperging (i.e., encouraging extreme violence or poop-touching)
•Keep infighting to a minimum
•Try to keep GC/PP discussion contained to this thread
•Ignore any post that is off-topic (racebait, homophobia), or that you suspect was posted by a troll/scrote
Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | | | | (404) | | (404)
Blogs, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit Resilience Project violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Venice Allan |
http://wwwdrradfem.orgElly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Feminist Struggle Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://violetdioxazine.tumblr.comWoman Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious thread:
>>>/ot/469328Last Pink Pill thread
>>>/ot/444100 (includes links to previous PP threads)
Last GC thread
>>>/ot/454392 (includes links to previous GC threads)
"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748"MtF General" thread
>>>/snow/867400Radical Feminism thread
>>>/ot/373459 No. 474492
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Ah yes. Many peoples across the world have told tales as old as time of the mythical biological female. According to legend, such a creature can birth humans into existence, but one has never been recorded. As such these stories have been relegated to the level of bigfoot, or the lochness monster.
Ogre is so detached from reality it's fucking sad.
No. 474497
>>474492Whenever I read shit like this I remember a TIM tweeting a letter "she" got from the NHS for a gynocology appointment. Which means if they actually have "her" on record as female then that's "her" not getting a letter for say a prostate check-up and that's TIFs not getting their gyno appointments. So ironically this is what is actually going to "literally kill trans folx!!!" when they die of late detected cancer.
I learnt the other day that only men can get most types of color blindness and the only way they present in women is if you have a fucking brain tumor so that's how serious simply going to the opomitrists could be for a TIF if they actually treated them like a male.
No. 474501
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There has been a group rape in my country and the judge released all the men to defend from freedom and after the people got pissed of the judge asked for police protection but the girl has none. One of the men even complained why can't he contact her.
pic translation:
"American and Balkan rape"
In american model rape starts after woman says "no" and you cannot insist afterwards, but if we move to the Balkans the whole act of conquering is part of 'I want it / don't want it'. If a man would give up immediately on a woman's first 'no', the he would not be a man.
Honestly what is wrong with men?? and this is not all there is a guy who raped his dogs but is not facing trial because its to stressful for him because people now find him a monster.
But at least the people are riling up and demanding justice for girls
No. 474509
>>474501After years of being in the region I can tell you that they do not give a fuck and they never will.
Their biggest import is women and children
Fuck the balkans
No. 474510
>>474509sage for off topic but I have some questions Balkan anon
1.Were things better in Yugoslavia ?
2.How does youth the feel about Yugoslavia ?
3.Is their any hope for reunification in your opinion ?
No. 474513
>>474510The anon who first posted it
>1.Were things better in Yugoslavia ? 50/50 people are mostly divided some yarn for yugoslavia and some hate it.
>2.How does youth the feel about Yugoslavia ?As a young person I think it was never going to last and its better this way.
It would have been interesting living in it from stories form my parents.
> 3.Is their any hope for reunification in your opinion ?People who love yougoslavia wish for it but no, too much bad blood between us
No. 474585
>>474501That's just masculinity all over the world, iirc legally rape here is defined similarly to the way it's defined in Britain, any undesired act of penetration. It would be great if things were like that in America, but look at the things anons post in these threads.
>>474510Other anon, but
oof, no, reunification now wouldn't help. The youth doesn't care at all and politics are a joke.
No. 474587
>>474510>Were things better in Yugoslavia?I'm not an expert on history, but iirc there was some strong counter feminist movement. A famous suffragette and author (Zagorka) got her mewspaper for women taken down after WW2 and her life was in danger due to her political opinions, she almost commited suicide. She's also a cool lady for escaping from her arranged husband in Hungary and deciding to live on her own and work for her own money as a journalist in the early 20th century, she succeeded but male authors poured insults on her for being a "man-like hag". in this area socialism ignored women's issues while being "progressive".
No. 474595
>>474492The real push for tims is to simply erase women altogether.
>mythical biological femaleGod give me a break. They truly despise women, want to erase us completely and the majority of liberals is fine with this narrative because it's ~inclusive~ hope Canada just stops capping for these troglodytes, like yesterday.
>>474501One of the men even complained why can't he contact her
.. Youre joking.. right? God the male retardation is ridiculous. I hope people hang him, rip off his dick or at least keep her safe.
No. 474610
>>474532I'm not religious or a feminist but I openly oppose porn and make sure everyone knows, if you're a normie like me you should openly oppose porn too, lots of people are against it but don't say anything
Too many young men are breaking their own dicks because of porn, not being able to cum because of death gripping their dick, and none of them want to blame themselves they want to blame the women their with for not having porn tits or the vagina of a child.
No. 474614
>>474610I used to be sex addicted and porn sick too and honestly dating men in the age range 20-30 right now has caused me to see what porn has done to people.
A decent amount of men I encounter expect women not to SMELL, HAVE HAIR, ANY extra labia skin, etc and think foreplay is just shoving a finger in for 5 seconds and not moving it before they ram their dicks in. I definitely think this comes from porn.
No. 474615
>>474614Samefag I am also not religious at all, nor radfem I just have feminist tendencies and (lots of man hatred) (oops)
But I too tend to preach the anti porn life to my friends
No. 474637
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immediately hijacked.
No. 474687
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>>474683Could it be that the left is wrong?
No. 474692
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>>474688currently the biggest anti Porn organizations are christian,hell even 4chan is embracing Anti-Porn attitudes with the Coomer/Cumbrain memes,so this inversely causes the left to be even more Pro-Porn
No. 474742
>>474716>Who cares if they're privately hypocrites? …Anyone who cares about actual change in society?
It's not appearances I give a shit about, it's about actually changing things. Who is helped by some tard screaming about how porn is bad, but still supporting the industry?
No. 474768
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"my girlfriend is in a wheelchair now and it's hard for ME because I can't fuck her like I used to".
No. 474772
>>474770Really sad to hear that. I saw that post a few hours ago, the top comments all said that he should stay with her, go to a therapist, they can work it out, being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you have to live a boring life etc.
Some of them were women who had disabled husbands. It restored my hope in humanity a little. Too bad the males took over
No. 474793
>>474776I browse that reddit all the time and the gender bias of some posters is obvious. I do think cheating is pretty much always a reason to walk but yeah I've seen those comments to leave the wife cos of some sexual thing way in her past or because her male friend texts her too much (in a platonic way)
I've seen posters encouraging abused women to put up with it longer or they blame the woman for her husbands mood swings and incidences of violence
No. 474797
>>474787I had an ex who basically went on a lil sex holiday with another woman and fucked her for a week before making up his mind to dump me for her.. I thought that he was working the whole time. He insists that this wasn't cheating, but what would he call it if I did the exact same thing to him??
The cherry on top was him packing MY sex toys for this trip
Men make excuses for their cheating, it's somehow justified or doesn't count. Yet they want total loyalty from a wife
No. 474806
>>474798I agree, the last sentence was referring to a trend on reddit of asking 'what drove the man to cheat, are you having enough sex' versus the clear cut answer of it being wrong full stop if a wife cheats
Cheating is cheating, shouldn't be any difference
No. 474809
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So what should the "cis-lesbian" version of this pic be like ?
No. 474815
>>474798>>474495>>474534>>474687>>474716>>474774Why so many alt-right shilling anti-feminist scrotes/handmaidens here?
The mods really fucked up by merging the threads together, and they keep on ignoring anons complaints like cowards about how the threads should be seperated.
I'm sensing one of the mods is a tranny.
No. 474820
>>474809>very liberal>pretends to be a feminist who goes against the grain, but still harbors a huge desire to please men, so she satisfies that desire by being a "trans ally" >straight or very slightly bi, but claims to be a lesbian for the woke points. may or may not actually dislike other women. >thinks dd/lg is hot, and enjoys being sexually degraded>anti-lolicon lolicon club>staunchly defends the porn industry, as well as the sex trade as a whole, because she thinks being a camgirl at some point in her life makes her an expert on the topic and invalidates everyone else's struggles>might later become an FtM or claim to be agender/genderqueer (in the latter case, will still claim to be a lesbian because why not)>thinks all women who disagree with her are conservative, puritan tradthots>is against assaulting or raping women unless they're radfems, or don't support the sex trade>avid Twitter and/or Tumblr user>"TERFs, SWERFs dni">"op is a terf so i'm stealing this post for trans rights">"i love girldick uwu" No. 474827
>>474815Yeah it's a sad day when you can't share a shitty dating experience on here without someone butting in with
"women cheat too!!!"
No. 474829
>>474768Took him a few paragraphs of bullshitting to get to the real issue, sex.
He should post it to r/deadbedrooms where everyone is bitter about a lack of sex
No. 474833
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Imagine being such a big baby you think a woman saying "bro" is gross and icky and a deal breaker, and then being so entitled you feel the need to post it everywhere and claim anyone who doesn't reject women for saying bro must be poor lmao
"Sorry, I can't marry you Stacy you said bro once"
Nothing of value was lost
No. 474837
>>474787Men tend to be so childishly unforgiving every little thing possible, it's honestly pathetic and frustrating how dramatic they are and how out of proportion they will blow things women do, especially in relationships
Once I dated a guy and did a job interview forgot to tell him until the day of it and literally it was the down fall of our 5 year relationship, he literally never shut up about it for several months until I left him, blamed me when he fell into deep depression and alcoholism, started writing the most dramatic shit possible about how "he has learned to never trust anything I said and how I have showed him my true colors", would constantly bring up how untrustworthy I am because of that one thing, how I was hiding things from him and somehow me not telling him I had a job interview until the day of meant I was secretly getting pounding by tons of Chad's behind his back, basically on several occasions taunted me until I was on the verge of a mental breakdown, would get distant and ghost me for several days for no apparent reason.
I honestly cannot imagine being this unforgiving, I don't know how much of a spoilt baby you have to be in order to act this way
No. 474846
>>474841This. I've never seen a guy of value go out of his way to make known about the extremely nitpicky things he considers to be wife traits
I think the extreme nitpickiness makes it look like it's them rejecting women and not the other way around, it's cope.
No. 474849
>>474827No retard because this thread has been filled with derailing trolls like you thats why.
A person cant even say their opinion anymore without having scrotes or handmaidens attack them here.
Fyi men do NOT suffer from post partum,
No. 474853
>>474833Before making such posts, the person who shared this needs to prove that he is husband material.
Even if he was before, being this much of a whiny little bitch about inconsequential shit like "bro" or "bruh" absolutely kills his husband potential. How can someone like that be the head of any household? He has the mind of a child.
In fact, no one who's husband material even has the time to post such nonsense.
No. 474890
>>474884So fucking annoying because the hashtag itself doesn't even have "women" in it, they just love to do anything to take the focus away from women and say shit like MEN GET PERIODS TOO!
Dipshit, all females are capable of having a period, males are not and will never. Gender identity doesn't mean shit.
No. 474912
>>474910>>474904Actually, those holidays are a marketing tactic
There are so many holidays because companies band together and decide, "wouldn't it be great if we could get the general public to think about buying our products?" you think some random on twitter started the holiday, that's just a part of the scheme
No. 474919
>>474912To follow up on this, sometimes it's not companies but fringe groups that do want you to think about some important issue
But I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of coupon that goes out next National Period Day
No. 474930
it bothers me that i constantly see campaigns for more male nurses. every time i see a news report about patients being sexually assaulted, raped or abused in others ways, its always disproportionately likely to be a male nurse, considering they only make up like 8% of nurses. from personal experience, male nurses are usually much more aggressive and loud than female nurses too. when i worked on a ward, obviously the female nurses could get impatient, irritated and snappy sometimes, but this was usually with difficult patients who would not cooperate or those that were downright abusive towards the nurses. the male nurses however, were always shouting at the top of their lungs and insulting patients pretty much constantly even without being provoked.
also, i find it suspicious that there are no official studies on this, considering in the wider world male commit the overwhelming majority of rape, sexual assault, assault, and murder. i feel like theyre trying to cover it up. and its also suspicious that male nurses are being shilled so hard.
No. 474941
>>474933ireland? I've noticed that old men are the most vocal about being against abortion too. I still see pro life car stickers a year later, and the drivers are almost always men over 50.
The day of the referendum my mum told me her boss - a successful, well off solicitor in his 60s - asked if she'd voted, and she said yes but didn't elaborate. He said that if he had a fifteen year old daughter who was pregnant, he'd send her to england for an abortion but that he voted against repeal. The fucking hypocrisy. Generally speaking, people who are the age to have 15 year old kids are not doing great financially at the moment. And even if they could afford it, why would you want to traumatize your child by taking them overseas to have a medical procedure, presumably in secret, knowing they'd probably feel ashamed at doing something illegal and considered by many to be immoral? I'm so glad that generation is going to die off soon.
No. 474948
>>474930Is this to combat an overall shortage of nurses?
I've met some nice enough male nurses, but male nurses where I am always tend to be the most flamboyantly gay guys so I didn't have safety concerns
No. 474951
>>474930This reminds me of that anon who came into one of these threads to try and gaslight everyone who avoided male gynecologists and claim they're all overreacting. She was offended because her dad is supposedly a doctor.
Imagine getting mad at women on the internet for not wanting to let men near their genitals (in
any context).
No. 474953
>>474952Exactly. He claims the last person to own the couch (and sell it in clean condition) somehow left a used condom in it 6 months ago and it only 'fell out' now after you got back from your solo trip away..
ffs reddit why entertain this?
No. 474994
>>474985Just saw one saying "stop ruining his life."
I'm sure not getting head is destroying some moronic scrote's life.
No. 475003
>>474943uhh they wouldn't be if paint-huffing anons didn't insist on barging into the thread to get so offended on behalf of their husbands. anons need to learn to stop being so male identified. you have to be developmentally disabed to cry over generalities that are based in literal statistical truth. no one is hostile toward them, it's just that literally no one cares about your husbands or male relatives
>>474958>i don't think he's a bad guy!!i hate this. i hate how women are defined by shit that has happened to them, while men can make a slew of nefarious """mistakes""" and they're still "good guys", etc. literal murderers are rehabilitated in the press constantly as long as they're male. "wonderful father, model employee!", "he was SUCH a good guy! we can't believe it! he must have just snapped!"
No. 475004
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>>474985She's getting downvotes left and right and talked down to like a subhuman. Hurts to read, hurts to imagine how she must feel right now.
No. 475016
>>475004>You've had so many chances to fix yourself and now you're stringing him along with false promises!!>>>>By not having sex with him on demandWew, with how they're talking of it you'd think she has to do something extremely sinister, imagine if a man started talking about how he doesn't want to have sex with his wife as often as she does.
So much for men being ~le understanding and chill gender~
No. 475026
>>475004I desperately want to think that this is some shithead dude writing up a fake story so that similar cumbrained dudes can get up in arms, because the alternative is too depressing. Just the way she immediately caves and thinks she's a terrible person - either it's a guy who wants to keep up the narrative of FEMOIDS KNOW YOUR PLACE or it's a woman who's so beaten down it's heartbreaking.
Reading some of the backstory on how she was taking care of a dying mother and how they still had sex twice a month has me wincing and thinking it's real, though.
No. 475029
>>475024Having a high sex drive isn't bad (I'm a woman with a high sex drive) it's just men are so fucking mentally unstable about it
He literally put no effort into turning her on, no effort into caring for her and seeing if she has depression, pain during sex, feels tired, etc and just demanded she "fix herself" to be able to put out on demand, the fact he was just willing to ask for sex randomly like that just shows he just wanted a dry hole and gave no fucks whether or not she felt good, if you aren't willing to want your partner to feel good and not willing to care and help your partner you don't deserve sex IMO
No. 475036
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>>474985>>475004This is the only reasonable commet
No. 475069
>>474985This is a blackpill. It's almost like men really do see us as property. They think we're sex appliances, not people, and they lose their shit at the mere suggestion of us not wanting to have sex.
All of these men angry in the comments, as if they were the ones who were spurned. And the "spurning" is…what? Not wanting to fuck all the time as a result of tense life circumstances? They have no fucking empathy. "I’m proud of him. OP, I’m sorry but I agree with him. You took him for granted. I hope other low libido women reading this take heed". Take heed and do what? Start pretending to like sex out of crippling fear that their SOs will leave them? Sounds so healthy.
One of them even accused her of trying to "gaslight Reddit". Women fear abuse, murder and rape. Men fear not getting their dicks sucked.
No. 475084
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>>475035Watched it muted on 2x speed because I didn't want to hear this moron's voice. Literally everyone on his list was underage except for Stocking and a fucking Pokemon. Some of the characters, like Gaz and Henrietta, are only ten years old.
Also there's literal porn of Teen Titans halfway through the video. Wasn't this guy dating a girl who made cartoon porn a while back, and constantly tried to sneak her crap into his videos?
I would bet money on this creep being friends with Shadman.
I think MarsReviews trashed him once, which was very satisfying.
No. 475096
>>474985It makes me sick that not a single person asked about what he did for her. What did he do for her to help make her want sex? Did he compliment her and tell her he loves her and finds her desirable? Did he help her with her loss of her mother? Did he suggest she get therapy or seek other treatment after visiting the gynecologist?
No, he didn't do any of that shit. He barged back home during lunch and demanded sex like a toddler having a temper tantrum. I have BDD and my libido goes through extremes and posts like this make me never want to date someone again.
No. 475122
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Fucking cowards. Killing a hibernating bear and her cubs?!
No. 475137
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What's up with the trans obsession with Japanese idols? I know it's anime in general, but most of the time it's idols or shows for little girls like Aikatsu.
Assuming you aren't an edgy scrote troll, female black bears seldom attack humans in their vicinity, even when they have cubs. What the fuck is wrong with you anon.
No. 475142
Should we make a separate thread for Reddit posts at some point? this gem, it's probably fake but it'd be really funny if it weren't so sad.
No. 475147
>>475137dissociative and avoidant personalities regressing into children and projecting their escapist fantasies into retarded moe characters
Also, pedos.
No. 475174
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>>475171I may be watching too much Letterkenny
No. 475176
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Just a friendly reminder to never get married
No. 475177
>>475150I have a feeling women on Reddit often get harassed by idiot incels for "being bitches", so many of them go out of their way to sound extra nice and "not man-hating" in their posts.
Personal experience: I once posted about being in an interracial relationship on Reddit, and I had an insecure, racist scrote send me a very angry, insulting DM attacking me for dating outside my race. They are insane, and I now know to switch the genders around if I ever want to post about personal issues on Reddit (which I most likely won't, Lolcow is leagues better).
Proper Reddit etiquette to avoid stepping on toes probably would've been to fall all over myself in the OP post, insisting I absolutely adore the men of my race and wasn't rejecting them.
No. 475188
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You know how scrotes are always claiming that only ugly, mentally ill, "post-wall" women become feminists?
Has anyone met or even witnessed a single conventionally attractive manosphere type? It seems like all that "Only undesirable women are feminists!" shit is just more male projection.
Pic related, some fine wine alpha redpillers.
No. 475196
>>475188Lmao truth. And look at the hypocrisy when it comes to FMRAs. Karen Straughan is as post wall haggard as they get but no one says shit about her looks because she panders to them so much. If she was a feminist can you imagine how much they would drag her looks? Same with that anti feminist youtuber that I cant remember the name of, but she had a sagging face, short hair and looked like a dollar store Amanda Palmer.
Oh and Karen is a failed erotica writer. The ultimate pickme.
No. 475200
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>>475196>>475188we tocuhed on this in the previous thread but basically all of the manosphere guys of today would be looked down upon by the "real men" of the 1950's or any other decade
No. 475203
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>>475200hell even the dad from Leave It to Beaver was well dressed,well groomed,clean shaven and handsome
No. 475207
>>474985Back when I was a teen I dated a guy like this. He would constantly nag me for sex, but he didn't want to make any effort into turning me on. He just expected me to be ready the second he snapped his fingers.
I had low self esteem and he was my first serious bf so I tried to go along with what he wanted.
I let him have sex with me whenever he asked. But I didn't fake anything, I just lay down and literally tried to think about other things while he got his nut. Didn't complain, just stared quietly into space. I figured he put no effort into getting me wet or excited, so he probably didn't care if I enjoyed it. He just wanted a hole.
Nope, that wasn't good enough for him either. If I wasn't screaming and wailing like a pornstar I was being an
abusive bitch and should make more effort, apparently. He loved to accuse me of being
abusive for not just doing whatever he wanted. There was no winning. So glad I broke up with that sack of shit and grew a spine.
No. 475252
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>>475176And a reminder to never have kids with em either
No. 475312
>>475270You know whats funny is these women in those mra/mgtow cricles think these men wil wk them forever just because they shit on women.
But it doesnt work like that.
Its like a black person who is in the kkk clan. Yes they will except you for a short time and you will be their ''uncle tom'' or ''handmaiden'' but after a while they will dispose because in the end no matter how hard you try to prove you are ''not like other gurls'' they will replace because they view you as inferior.
No. 475335
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>Local men and women who are well connected are used to visiting poor villages and recruiting minors.
>"They approach parents and promise them money in exchange of their children," a source said.
>Most parents readily accept the deal and force their children to have sex with clients in order to earn their school fees.
>The cartels take the minors to apartments where they hook them up with the tourists.
>The money is sometimes shared among cartels and their parents, the children get nothing.Imagine whoring out your own daughter. Imagine being a piece of shit old man who travels to far-off countries to have sex with young girls and women living in poverty. I know this happens in Southeast Asian and Eastern European countries, too.
Can we just ban scrotes from traveling without being heavily scrutinized the whole time by higher authorities (or just ban scrotes, period)?
Some of these creeps are old enough to be in diapers, for fuck's sake.
No. 475340
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>>475200>>475200incels existing back then too, just they didn't have the internet to air out their
toxic views or communicate with one another. they were isolated and received next to no media attention. the internet just gave them a voice. i don't believe things like feminism, liberalism, etc. actually increased the number of incels.
if anything, the standards for what a "chad" is has gone down. standards for male strength, beauty, employment have gone down.
every incel in 2019 likes to muse about how if the world, politics, government were the same as the 50s or nazi germany, they would have the life of a chad. a pretty young wife who just has kids and worships him. that wouldn't happen. if they can't cut it on easy mode in 2019, they wouldn't make it in 1950.
incels like to believe they are just Chads who have been brought down by a feminist society, that if they lives in the 1950s they would be the ultimate Chad. in reality they'd be Ed Kemper, John Wayne Gacy, David berkowitz, and every other sicko incel that slid under the radar back then.
No. 475344
>>475335Thats because men have no shame or guilt.
insert poor countrywith alot of traficking old tourist men walk with no shame there,they know that everyone there knows they came there to fuck underage prostitutes but they dont care because they are not humans instead they are the lowest of the low garbage male pedophiles.
No. 475347
>>475341Internet. Because before the internet
incels were not able to influence other incels….Infact lets stop calling these men incels (because most of them have had sex atleast once) but instead lets call them what they really are which is Mentally ill,Dangerous,Sociopathic losers.
No. 475353
>>475351All these men go home and lead "normal" lives, no one knowing how sick they are, or how many impoverished children they've sexually abused for chump change. And if asked, they're going to talk about how their visit to Africa was a "life-changing, eye-opening experience" or some other feelgood bullshit.
Meanwhile, libfems ramble on about how empowering prostitution is. Can't something be done?
No. 475354
>>475350Incel means ''involuntarily celibate'' which most of these men are not.
Stop capping for these men by calling them incels because this is what they want,you are validating their delusions when you call them that.
Ive lurked on many incel sites and i know that the majority of men there have had sex atleast once or have been in relationships.
Only a small portion of men in incel circles are actually incels.
The majority of incels are NOT incels instead they are men who only want supermodels or are attracted to children.
Dont you see that this is a front?
Mgtow/incels/traditionalists may have different names but they all operate the same way. In the end its just a bunch of mentally ill men who think women are property,only will settle for supermodels and are attracted to children.
No. 475360
>>475351This is horrific in every way
Also the lack of effort to conceal the identities of the
victims in this documentary also worries me, those children might face further persecution in the future because of what was done to them
>>475353>All these men go home and lead "normal" livesAny one of us might know men like this without knowing and it scares me. It reminds me of this sad article about the children of sex workers in the Philippines who are abandoned by their sex tourist fathers, who can return to their families Britain when their holiday ends. These men leave so much pain and destruction all over the world, they don't think of anyone but themselves No. 475364
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No. 475386
>'[She] spoke about sex the same way she spoke about housework,' wrote one, while another confessed: 'I could always tell she was uncomfortable. It seemed like she was just doing a job.'
>'Since a large amount of these foreign brides do not speak English, a person must hire a translator for phone and other forms of correspondence,' he explains.
>'My father brought my mum at an auction in Thailand a LONG time ago, it's pretty weird and he was kinda a creepy guy so basically what you'd expect,' one stated.
>'She would cook, clean, offer sex, whatever,' one wrote. 'Pretty much what you want from your wife. But the passion, emotion, warmth, everything that makes a marriage actually work was lacking.
>'You could liken it to a gold digger but it was much worse. At least with a gold digger it isn’t painfully obvious, and you might actually convince yourself she likes some aspect of you.'
>One user wrote: 'She seemed under the impression that a man was to be kept like a king and she was there for food and sex.'But then added: 'The biggest surprise was finding out that when his "wife" was sending money "back home to her family", it was to her husband (not "ex") and kids in the Philippines.'
>[She] had a ridiculous amount of humidifiers in the home so that it could be more like where she came from. All she did was to sit in a chair staring at the wall looking very depressed.'the comment section is also suifuel with men saying ''ok where can i buy one'' totally not having any empathy as always.
No. 475392
>>475386>'[She] spoke about sex the same way she spoke about housework,' wrote one, while another confessed: 'I could always tell she was uncomfortable. It seemed like she was just doing a job.'So you want to be taken care of like a baby or an elderly person, but you also want to be perceived in sexual terms. There's nothing more alluring than a manchild who needs to be cooked for and cleaned after, amirite?
The entitlement of these scrots is truly out of this world. I guess they can't help it, being naturally somewhat autistic/designed to desire impossible self contradictory traits in women, but this is some pretty elementary stuff - any human being who isn't an incestuous pedophile would be turned off by having to fuck someone they see in familial terms.
No. 475393
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>>475386>>Travel to a poor country, seeking a desperate woman for a transactional marriage>>surprisedpikachu.jpg when she's only interested in money/citizenship and barely tolerates your fat, unwashed assMale logic at its finest.
No. 475416
>>475024Me neither, it seems exhausting.
>>475353Until a few years ago I knew that these people existed but I didn't realize how ubiquitous it was. It freaks me out how these sick fuck predators are everywhere and you would never suspect it.
>>475354I have been in their private discords lurking and I know they have options. They would post their Tinder and OKCupid matches or about women they met and complain about how they were ugly or weren't up to their standards. Also, barely any of them were ugly but the way some of them acted made me think they were the worst people I have ever encountered, despite their memes I think it really is their personality fucking everything up. They're not
victims they just like sitting in their little comfy echochamber misogyny communities and don't really want to change anything. Complete joke.
No. 475441
>>475340Their are definitely some serial killers who would count as Incels but I don't think of Ed Kemper, John Wayne Gacy, David berkowitz spefically shouldn't count as Incels
I mean Ed Kemper was 6'10,had an IQ of 145 and was well liked by his community that counts as a chad in my opinion
No. 475446
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>>475354Another example of your typical "incel" - a guy who won't accept a girl over the age of 19. Lol. This is honestly hilarious, this is what most incels are like.
No. 475449
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>>475446Their forums are a goldmine. Milky as fuck, I recommend any farmer to visit them for at least a couple of minutes every week to see how men act "behind closed doors", and what they are really like. I discovered them a couple of weeks ago and they are amazing. I thought we should revive old incels threads (like the one from over 2 years discussing r/incels), but eh, I don't want a bunch of scrotes to sperg out all over the site.
No. 475464
>>475446>every teenager is petiteWhat universe do they live on?
>20 year olds don't have tight or glowing skinMaybe for their people.
No. 475467
>>475465>>475452>>475446I send this vidoe to Incels to
trigger them
No. 475485
>>475471Sadly this may be true since im starting to see men treat 24 year old women like they are hags.
>>475446You see this is what i was talking about when i said we shouldnt call these men incels.
Because they are not ''involuntarily celibate'' instead they are mentally ill,sociopaths who will only settle for supermodels or children.
No. 475487
>>475481You would think the fact puberty and higher estrogen and testosterone making coloring of humans darker would lead it to be seen as more of a fertility trait yet we see the opposite but that is another conversation entirely.
More proof humans (scrotes) make shit up and meme it so people can pretend it's real. Evo psych is full of that.
No. 475489
>>475487Yup just like how scrotes made up the myth that women are the most fertile at 14/15 which some people still believe to this day.
Meanwhile biologists and scientists all say women are the most fertile in their 20's and that 14/15 year old girls giving birth can be dangerous for both the girl and the baby, birth complications are also more often with underage teen pregnancies,and teen girls also do not have fully developed hips which makes child birth even harder.
But apparently a retard pedo scrote thinks he knows more than scientists.
No. 475492
>>475270Holy shit that's terrible. I'm guessing that was Karen because that sounds like her. I believe Diana is more of a troll, though I've only watched one or two of her videos all the way through, so I don't actually know.
>>475205>>475252Real talk. Men are such shit.
No. 475503
>>475140Women are a lot less likely to do shit like this, 1) because women don't feel the need to "prove" their femininity the way men do with masculinity and 2) because this crap is how men feel they're "proving" their masculinity.
>>475200Men in the fifties did just as much horrible shit as men do today, it just didn't get reported as much. Marital rape wasn't even considered a crime back then, and domestic abuse was rampant.
>>475335>>475351Sex tourism needs to be criminalized. This is why buying sex is the real crime, not selling it. These girls wouldn't be in these situations if sick fucks didn't create demand for it.
No. 475504
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>>475467This is a tranny with an awful nasally voice that makes him sound like he's a 12 year old with a head cold. I Googled this pervert and
sure enough, he's too chickenshit to show his face. I bet he looks like fucking Chris-chan lmfao
Pic related is some shit he said on Reddit. He wants to keep his penis, which is understandable since the surgery is so dangerous, but also indicative of him being an AGP. Also, he calls himself a girl despite the fact that he's almost thirty.
I agree with the sentiment, but come the fuck on, you're obviously trying to gotcha us by sending some tranny saying stuff that's basically common sense. A broken clock is right twice a day, you know.
No. 475505
>>475487For some reason a lot of sexually dimorphic and post-pubescent traits in women: larger nipples, natural breasts, cellulite, labia, pubic hair, sparse body hair, etc… some men, or society in general, tend to be grossed out by? Just shows that people, especially men, can be memed into liking anything even if naturally it's the exact opposite of what they should be looking for in a women (eg. fake breasts that can't be used to breast-feed, no pubic hair, unhealthy obsession with looks/plastic surgery)
No. 475507
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I don't even know what to say.
No. 475527
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Didnt want to put this in contras thread because its not just about him but apparently the trans community in general. I know its to do with contras remarks about NB people but quite a few people are triggered its being linked to gamergate. Are we about to witness some drama?
No. 475546
>>475505>>475516In apes and afaik most animal species, adult males consider mature females who’ve had at least one child much more desirable than younger females. If given the choice, adolescent male apes will completely ignore a female their own age and instead go straight for a female old enough to be their mother, even though she’s much more likely to rebuff him. Evolutionarily it makes much more sense for males to be attracted to females who’ve proven to be fertile.
Human men who are so mentally weak that they’re intimidated by women who are developmentally their equal have convinced themselves that being attracted to developmentally immature partners is somehow evolutionarily advantageous, when in reality it’s an aberration. These men don’t care about fertility, they’re just trying to protect their incredibly fragile ego’s by focusing on partners who are weaker than them and therefore non-threatening. There’s a reason that pedophiles, ephebophiles etc. are always very hostile to women their own age.
No. 475548
>>475524I mean men are insecure about things I didn't even know they could be insecure about (wrists, necks, fingers, feet, etc) it doesn't surprise me they're insecure about ball size, the issue is the only thing who says anything about men's bodies are other men, meanwhile mean relentlessly shit on women's bodies day and night but also expect women to be perfectly fine and have a healthy view of their body despite emotionally abusing them over it
Or even better when men turn around and claim it's actually women and innocent men's don't care what your body looks like, it's insane how little self awareness they have
No. 475554
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Would it be a bad idea to get a rich husband primarily as a stepping stone to build political power?
I know a lot of rich men deliberately forbid their wives from being self-sustaining (probably because they're subconsciously afraid of their wife surpassing them), but let's say I pretend I'm just going on "girl's trips" or starting a quaint little MLM, but I'm actually meeting up with political figures and/or building companies that are fronts for something that would actually build power. I could keep it hush or just placate him with the tip of the iceberg until I have enough strength on my side to no longer need him, then work from that point.
I've heard the "You cannot dismantle the master's house with the master's tools" quote many times, but if you play your cards right, couldn't this actually work out?
No. 475563
>>475560Not really, my family's connected enough for this to be a possibility, in a hypothetical sense. Obviously, it wouldn't be a path for the layperson, but I doubt those are the majority of women who succeed in getting rich men to marry them (as opposed to just being sugar babies or escorts who get replaced after a bit).
This is going off the basis of it being a choice to begin witth, not that it's something to work towards from zero.
No. 475573
>>475570Nothing in my post describes mooching or being a tradthot in the least, but using a scrote as a stepping stone or a foot in the door to achieve more.
Maybe mooching is what
you'd do in that position, so you assume that's true for everyone else, but I pretty clearly laid out actually working toward gaining power and control in a system built to work against women. It's basically how a trojan horse works in practice.
If scrotes who claim liberalism can subvert women's rights using tranny shit and faux progressive talking points in a bid to cure their inceldom, why couldn't women who seek to topple men subvert their dominion by deceit and opportunities handed to them by class? Like it or not, rich, privileged women have more power and agency than average ones.
Why they don't use it for their own (and all women's) benefits instead of just being trophy wives or decorations so their husbands can be degenerates while using them as a cover for the rest of their lives is beyond me, but in my experience, it's probably because most of them are actual tradthots instead of just pretending. The question is: What would be the pitfalls of enacting the opposite of that behavior if it's in your line of choices?
I'm not sure what got you so pissed off, but take it elsewhere, please.
No. 475575
>>475573NTA but if you're as privileged and connected as you say and actually gave a shit about feminism you'd just use those connections, but everything you wrote so far reads like you want to shit on other women under the guise of ~dismantling the patriarchy~.
It's also pretty gross of you to be calling those women tradthots and presenting yourself as this special, not like the other girls woman who would still gain access to this wealth yet be above these women because you'd only be "pretending". Many of these women are pushed into those marriages by their families, basically groomed from birth for it, some are foreign and don't have much more agency than mail order brides. Those who do go into this voluntarily so often deal with drug addiction and mental illness that even then, consent is dubious. You're making them out to be villains and you're what, the "feminist hero who smashes the patriarchy by sucking old rich cock"?You might want to review your feminist literature.
No. 475578
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A girl who is pretty well liked in my broader social circle shared something really gender crit on her social media and I’m kinda excited about it if I’m being honest to see how it plays out.
No. 475579
Anyone else really happy to be female? I can't imagine having to life life as a slave to my piss stick, to need to appear to match some imagined version of what a man needs to look and act like (all of which are harmful or unhelpful, like encouraged violence, perversion)
Aside from the safety concerns, being a woman means waking up in a pretty, peaceful body with no real expectations of behaviour other than "be a decent human."
However the safety concerns get tiring very fast. I wish we could walk around freely without being judged by men and handmaidens who think we exist for their benefit/to threaten them. Being female feels like being a NPC in someone's bullshit videogame of their life, from their perspective.
You are viewed by a stranger as any one of only a few categories: sexy girl, mom, child, hag/old lady, rich, poor, slut, and then there's the default ways you will be treated depending on what you appear to be from their uninformed opinion. There is no room for nuance or depth, you are just a NPC of a sterotypical woman. But being a man is worse imo, I would hate to wake up in a man's body.
No. 475582
>>475578Women ARE people
Using this kind of rhetoric enforces this idea that women are less than human or unnatural due to the perceived flaw of having periods
No. 475583
>>475576Not her and not defending her argument but
>then go to school, get a job and start your own companyMost women who go to school and get jobs still get paid considerably less and are undervalued constantly. Not to mention starting a business already requires capital and connections that least of all women have. Don't let survivorship bias fool you into thinking there's successful women left and right who are self built.
It may be the 'wrong' way but I totally understand anon's frustration.
No. 475585
>>475579Honestly, yes. I know we go through a lot, but i cant imagine being a dude either. I love my body and i love talking to other women and not having to put on makeup or even have long hair, but still being a woman. rofl it's hilarious these tr00ns will never come close because they just arent it.
Also, clothing always looks better on women.
No. 475586
>>475575Where exactly am I shitting on other women?
I'm asking how using those connections would fuck me over, so I can plan ahead.
I still don't know what's so offensive about my post, or how I went from hoe to tradthot to internalized misogynist, but it's pretty pathetic that apparently no anons awake right now could rub two brain cells together to consider that men's prestige could be used against them.
>It's also pretty gross of you to be calling those women tradthots and presenting yourself as this special, not like the other girls woman who would still gain access to this wealth yet be above these women because you'd only be "pretending"This was in response to
>>475570 accusing me of being a tradthot, I didn't mention them originally. If you're going to come down on me for this, come down on them for throwing a tantrum at the mere possibility of making a change.
The rest of your post is just irrelevant rambling that has nothing to do with my original proposal. Tell it to all the anons calling every woman who gets involved with rich men "hoes", not me, thanks. I never made myself out to be a "feminist hero" or call anyone "villains", either, that sounds like some personal shit you've tacked onto me. At most, I said they probably actually follow those values instead of wanting to go against them. That only truly makes them bad people or enemies in the eyes of the retards who screeched at me.
Sort out your issues. I'm not your therapist, and they're not the main topic here.
>>475576>>475577Look, it's genuinely not my fault if you can only envision a future of hoeing instead of possible large-value gain (ie creating enough power and wealth on your end to install other women in positions of power, shut down pro-life policies and other scrote-born ideas to snatch away our autonomy as humans, arrange to quietly out pedophiles in powerful places to the public so they lose their positions, and have actual influence over the course of history,
not just doing your nails with the girls while ignoring feminist protests) when you read "rich man".
When you read "rich", you just think "money", and that's your problem. I think "connections".
Middle-class women have more of a voice than lower-class women, so where do you think that leaves upper-class women? Try thinking outside the box before screaming "incel", and maybe you'll actually accomplish something. And where does it state that I don't go to school? Is that just more of your own cope?
>start your own company rather than being a parasite depending on a men´s capital and influence.Tell me about all the women-owned companies that achieved political change without any sort of co-signing from a male.
No. 475589
>>475587I think her using "people" is because of all the demands for non-gendered language regarding pregnancy and periods ("pregnant people" and "menstruating people").
She could have used "men" and been correct, but then she wouldn't have been directly criticising the use of gender-neutral terms, which seems to be her point.
No. 475594
>>475574I think Monroe's pitfall was in being kind of a maverick, especially because she wasn't living in very progressive times.
She had the opinions, but I doubt there were as many doors open for her (especially as a celebrity) as there would be today, so she was kind of stuck.
No. 475603
>>475576>>475577This is either a buttmad scrot or an idealistic pickme virtue signalling her muling capabilities. It's pretty adorable of you to think that women can truly 'use' males when males' utility was manufactured by them in the first place. Resource monopolization is something males do in most species and it serves to benefit them, not you.
There is no way to 'parasitize' on men, males are already your natural parasites on a biological level. Whether you want to accept it or not, even if you charge them money to glance in your direction every second of your life you'll never be able to get back what is already owed to you. It's already rigged in their favor on every level and you can't opt out unless they cease to exist. You're not 'winning' by giving your resources to men and 'nobly' refusing to take anything in return, you're just a useful idiot in their eyes. Every woman who splits bills thinks she's showing her Tinder date how fearsomely strong and independent she is, but what he sees is a dumb bitch paying him to suck his dick.
If you can get ahead by using a man, do so. A man never misses the opportunity to get ahead by using a woman. It's not their physical strength that put them above you, it's their opportunism and complete lack of morality. You can continue being tHe BiGgEr WaMaN or actually not take an L for once.
No. 475604
>>475602NTA, but ""People in general" don't get pregnant. Women do", "To be a "pregnant person", you must be a WOMAN", or "The only "pregnant people" are women", etc might have been better.
It's a semantic thing, but it's not totally unimportant.
No. 475606
>>475603Thank you. I'm tired of being told to play by the rules of moralism when men don't. The system is simply not for us, and it's never been equal opportunity.
As romantic as "I did it all on my own" sounds, there's a very obvious reason that's so rare and difficult (and why most of those self-made women are either not very powerful, or not interested in being powerful), and it's not because all women are lazy and don't try hard enough to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps or whatever. It's deliberately made that way in order to get as few independent women in as possible, while keeping up the illusion that we can "all" do it if we play by the rules.
The faster and more efficiently we shit up the structure by occupying as much space in it as possible and bending its functions to our will, the sooner it falls apart. Then, we can install a system that's
actually equal. We owe men no decency or honor when they've extended almost none to us. Fairness can wait until we've dismantled the unfair.
Seriously, what kind of idiot insists on LARPing as if we're all on the same playing field when we all know we're not?
Watch that same anon(s) claim there's no financial gap between the sexes, and then call themselves a "real feminist".
No. 475607
>>475605Wow the comments made me really extra angry. Like, unnecessarily. And then the whole rape thing like… she literally wasn’t asking about any of that. I get being so against teen pregnancy but people really get
triggered every time it’s brought up like teenagers haven’t been giving birth since the dawn of time basically. Not advocating or encouraging, just saying. It also pisses me off that people really flip shit about the woman and IMMEDIATELY blame the female.
Not sure if this has been discussed here, but I thought about it after that anon mentioned women in power etc.
any anons think women will get a little more power once all the shitty boomers die? or no? just wondering your stances.
I feel like I tell myself that, but deep down in my guts I feel like misogyny is so ingrained into people now that it’ll just kinda start the cycle over.
No. 475611
>>475446Biggest cope is that scrots actually get to have any meaningful preferences outside of alternate reality self-soothing fanfiction. The moid's logic would only work if beggars could be choosers. In reality, men chase grannies, corpses, retards and animals while foaming at the mouth over 'old hags' who despite their 'undesirability' somehow routinely manage to fuck a million chads and then settle for betabux.
LOL at wasting your brainlets theorizing about muh pink pussy when you clearly admit that this is about your fear of being ditched/compared.
No. 475614
>>475607>any anons think women will get a little more power once all the shitty boomers die? There's too many people who see nothing wrong with the way society is, and are poised to continue it after the boomers are gone. At most, we can hope for a very slow change, and then we'll have to battle with the future's equivalent of boomers. They'll remain reactionary as ever, just with new weasel words and a sleeker finish.
If things are to change quickly, and for good, messy decisions will have to be made, and toes will have to be stepped on hard. We can't just wait for it to happen.
No. 475616
>>475606That's why feminism is a feel good meme. Female opportunism/pinkpill is where it's at.
>2020>not seeing through moid copes and insultsThese chicks truly and unironically fall for the moid 'muh prostitute' shaming/bargaining tactics when men approach all relationships as a transaction. Going bankrupt trhying to LARP a non-materialistic notliketheothergirl doesn't stop them from seeing you as a hooker, they just see you as a hooker too dumb to charge.
That or they're babby radfems who don't see the difference between pinkpills and the baddie heaux dollar store sugar babies from instagram who tweet about how SaVaGe they are and then fall in love with their 60 year old splendas.
No. 475617
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>>475605Imagine thinking this way. As if single mothers (especially teen ones) don't get shit on all the time, even by complete strangers.
No. 475623
>>475607How is anything in that post misogynistic? It's about a girl that had a teen pregnancy at the age of 14 and now her sister is having a teen pregnancy so she's being mad at her mom for being angry at the situation?
If I were a parent with two daughters that had kids so young, I'd be pretty pissed too. Though, I'd be also questioning my parenting.
The girl sound entitled as fuck, she did get help from others so it's definitely not something she did on her own. It's her choice but it was a stupid choice. Just because teens can have kids, doesn't mean it should be encouraged.
No. 475627
>>475622This isn't aimed at women who consciously want to do nothing with men, which is a pretty based and uncucked option. Rather, we can all acknowledge that most women are straight and will choose to be in a relationship at some point. At that point it's fair to ask, how do you actually get anything out of 'normal' relationships with them? Keep in mind that even the most separatist radfems here will eventually find their Nigels whom they will believe to be not like the other moids and will thus engage in gratitude rituals like splitting bills.
My point is that if you have to be with a man, get as much as possible, provide as little as you can and bail as soon as he ceases to be useful. Be the mythical heartless hypergamous femoid that incels are sperging about. There's a reason these nonexistent female qualities terrify them so much.
No. 475632
>>475627So many men now expect you to go 50/50 on everything even when you are younger or more desirable than them
The worst relationship I had was one where I at least lied about my financial situation so he paid the rent for two years, by the time I was sick to death of living with him he cheated on me and ended the lease to be with her. I took my savings and thought good riddance
No. 475645
>>475633This is so true. I've experienced this and I've seen other women who had this happen too. It's like they are playing a game like everything is a game to their reptile minds.
They view you as "playing hard to get" and once you actually start developing feelings they leave because they got what they wanted.
>>475632Now this is the funny part.
Scrotes say they want a traditional woman,a baby maker, a supermodel,under 20 girl,a girl that has a less important job from them because of "muh who".
But they contradict themselves WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY so they want this girl to make tons of money and financially support them but how is she supposed to do that when you also want her to be a traditionalist who does all the house work,has over 5 children and is in high school?
No. 475654
>>475645That's because scrots are naturally parasitic and will try to siphon from you as much as they can. You can compare them to fetuses/babies in this regard. He doesn't care how you manage to be a rich supermodel jailbait housewife virgin with pornstar bj skills who gives him 20 kids, the moment you're actually willing to provide him with all this your value plummets to 0 and he will think he can do even better, because in his eyes you're an idiot for awarding yourself to him. That or he'll cheat on you with an unemployed 5/10 who doesn't lift a finger for him and is thus more 'interesting'. Scrots understand their own carrot-on-a-stick mentality, as evidenced by how much money is made via things like camming, for example.
Remember, what scrots say they want and what they really want are entirely unrelated concepts. There's a reason pickmes walk away with empty hands and cratered pussies while the evil hypergamous thots moids assfroth about laugh all the way to the bank. Words mean nothing to scrots, everything they utter is either a cope or a bargaining attempt. If you look at the kinds of women they claim to admire (50/50 reddit pickme) or desire sexually (14 year old ingenue) vs the kinds of women they actually spend time, money and effort on, it becomes self evident.
No. 475658
>>475640I think the one who was screeching about prostitutes and tradthots and how it's wrong to use men has slithered off, thankfully.
I hope he takes another look at this thread, seethes and cries to all his incel friends about how evil women are.
No. 475659
>>475654(Poster that you replied to)
I agree but encouraging women to prostitute themselves ONLY HURTS WOMEN.
The biggest
victims of sex work are women, even the women Who say how much they loved it when they are with their close friends will say how much they hated it and how never will do it.
Sex work does not benefit women but it benefits the men buying their bodies.
The majority of women who do sex work are poor and just make enough money to pay the rent meanwhile only 10% are actually rich by that.
Instead we should encourage ALL WOMEN TO GET SOME FORM OF EDUCATION AND SCHOOL, education is the biggest liberator of women.
That's why so many women in 3rd world countries are not allowed education and are sold of to old men as children, because if a woman gets a education then she will have a job and the man will not be able to control her.
Man chops of wife's hands because she read a book: No. 475665
>>475662Exactly. The only argument for scrotes and pick-mes who'd speak against this is "Just because are men are bad doesn't mean we should be, too", and that falls apart when you ask "Why?".
Rules for us, but not them? Who does that help? The answer is always them, because it lets them keep screwing us over.
No. 475666
>>475659There is a vast difference between encouraging to prostitute and discouraging sexual charity (which doesn't just mean sex - it's also about caretaking and emotional deference). Sex work is fucking every moid who can pay. Pinkpill is not getting involved with a moid unless the relationship is skewed heavily in your favor - even if it means having few relationships, if any.
Obviously education, school and something to fall back on are priority as it gives you more bargaining power. However, without an appropriate mentality, all this 'equality' amounts to women getting manipulated into paying AND doing all the pickme shit they'd be doing without money or degrees. The most elementary example of this effect within feminist framework is 'the second shift'. Understand moid adaptability and the fact that even when all the resources are owned by women, they'll find nonviolent means of manipulating you due to an inherent biological empathy/opportunism gap between males and females.
I'm assuming you are a radical feminist - it's much like when effeminate beta males find a way to dominate social hierarchies without being overtly violent. It's not about masculinity, it's about biological maleness and its inherent parasitism.
Moids will try to circumvent this by employing manipulative sales tactics like creating a sense of urgency, i.e. 'your biological clock is ticking'. The truth is, even if you let the goods expire, you're losing nothing but the grand opportunity to advance a man's genetic interests at the expense of every single positive aspect of your existence.
Tl;dr this sin't about selling yourself, it's about getting as much as you can and providing as little as possible.
No. 475671
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Hate how moids get upset with the exostence women-only spaces or try to cry “reverse sexism.” They’re the ones commonly engaging in aggressive behavior as soon as they find out someone is a woman. >picrelated is from a post I find on r/TallGirls discussing users of online spaces for women being a frequent target of gross PMs and replies.
No. 475672
>>475665>Just because one side doesn't play by the rules and keeps winning because of it doesn't mean I shouldn't continue pointlessly virtue signalling by being a good faith participantGame theory as envisioned by pickmes. They never learn, do they?
Sometimes I find myself hoping that these are actually PR lies to catch moids off guard, but then I remember that this is about as realistic as 'Belle Delphine is a pinkpill Stacy looksmaxxing to cuck moids out of their money'.
Again, no moid in existence can explain why it's okay for males to seek to dupe multiple fertile women because muh biologee but not okay for women to want money and security. Maximum sexual fitness for me but not for thee.
No. 475674
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"unpopular" yawn. All males feel this way.
No. 475676
>>475666Now that you put it that way i completely agree.
Yes i am a radical feminist, i dont know much about pinkpill feminism but i have been spending more time looking at it and i kind of like it to be honest.
I still dont understand why the mods merged three completely different feminist threads together but oh well.
I dont know if you heard about ''starter up wife'' but its a new phenomenon of men marrying at a young age to their high school/college sweethearts for the reason of using these women for money, they manipulate these women into paying for their college tuition,their rent and everything else and when these men are well off financially and when the women turns 30 they leave her for a younger woman.
No. 475682
>>475494Merging the threads was a mistake. Like others have said, the role-players have becoming more prominent in participating since then.
Also that video was super cringey. So many TiMs are so prone to appropriating pedo-made, underage-looking anime girls. That voice especially sounded like the typical gay male voice 90% of TiMs have even after training and hormones. Newsflash: you’ll never look like one! All your titty skittles will leave you with are an increased risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
No. 475684
>>475466Once men are taller than 6'4 or so it starts to become weird and unattractive. Like 6'10 is bizarrely tall and kemper was not a handsome guy.
>>475579I don't know. males are disgusting beasts but life is easier for them in nearly every way. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't I guess.
>>475666>Moids will try to circumvent this by employing manipulative sales tactics like creating a sense of urgency, i.e. 'your biological clock is ticking'. The truth is, even if you let the goods expire, you're losing nothing but the grand opportunity to advance a man's genetic interests at the expense of every single positive aspect of your existence.Thank you for putting this into words
Is manifesto anon still around? Does anyone have a compilation of her posts?
No. 475686
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Elon musks wife is also a example of a famous starter wife.
>Justine musk:''I realized the kind of social world I'd been living in: The females who populated it were the young wives and girlfriends of wealthy men, or the personal assistants who catered to them. Women disappeared after some point in their 30s, and any female ambition other than looking beautiful, shopping, and overseeing the domestic realm became an inconvenience. Being in that audience, watching that staged reading, I felt myself reclaim the freedom to write my own life.''
No. 475688
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Saw this on reddit today and thought it was weird that a radfem would want to name her future son after Dean Winchester. Then I saw the username and laughed heartily.
No. 475690
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she annoys us too, secondwaverevival-chan
No. 475691
>>475676Yep, and they pay that younger woman for breathing in their presence. Meanwhile his starter wife wasted her prime on proving to him how much of a keeper she is by paying his rent and honoring his cashapp requests for date nights at Wendy's.
The mods merged the threads hoping that feminists will clash with pinkpills, also to create bad PR by associating us with femcels (who aren't bad at all, but the -cel part will serve to validate antifem scrots who want to believe that feminism is a refuge for sexually undesirable women).
While I disagree with some of its key concepts (heavy social constructionism in particular), I have great respect for radical feminism and acknowledge that most of my freedoms today are a result of it.
No. 475709
>>475691The interesting thing is that I haven't seen a single post that can be considered comparable to incels' point of view in the merged threads.
No one in here is like "Men deserve to suffer for not giving us nice women a chance at a relationship", "Where is my government-issued boyfriend??", or "Stacies are dumb because not having a guy even look at you is far worse than being raped". That logic is almost purely scrote domain.
>inb4 scrote trolls and anti-feminist handmaidens read this post and start false flagging No. 475713
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Not pink pill as much as reddit, but
No. 475719
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>>475710Ido want just like a general thread in which we can just talk about reddit posts because reddit can get pretty funny in its stupidity.
only women and black people get scholorship and thats oppression fags are annoying.
No. 475720
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No. 475728
>>475720I mean, this is true though. If it hurts to hang around with someone since you see them romantically, that's fine.
Or…I guess it would be true if men had feelings and weren't only acting human to get in women's pants. For a woman she genuinely gets invested in her person of interest, so perhaps I'm seeing it from that pov.
No. 475738
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>"tw// periods"
This sick fuck is literally triggered by the biological reality of over 2 billion girls and women worldwide. Does "Josh" not get that him and his feefees absolutely don't matter at all in the grand scheme? (But to Always they do, seeing as they replied to this thread…)
They say people overreact by being enraged about this, but don't get that by having the symbol removed they did the exact same thing. If we shouldn't get triggered by the meaning of companies doing things like this, then why couldn't you just ignore it too?
No. 475745
>>475738These are the same people that claim biological sex has nothing to do with gender. Why get
triggered by the female sex symbol when your gender identity isn’t related to sex?
No. 475746
>>475728I've had multiple male "friends" who kicked up a huge stink about it being too hard to stay friends with me after rejection because "I'm in love with you! It's not just about sex, I want a relationship!"
All of them offered to be FWB when I said I didn't want to date right now.
So it actually was about sex all along.
No. 475753
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If you're trying to convince the mass populice that your little group isn't mentally ill, then maybe don't post things like this, you narc.
No. 475764
>>475674Honestly the "first female spacewalk" isn't supposed to be glorified.
It's supposed to be horrifying. Women have been prevented from pursuing carreers which is why there are still milestones/"firsts" being reached today. "Firsts" that have been done by men decades ago. Why? In the 70s in my country a husband/father had full control over his wife's/daughter's financial and job options. He could terminate her employment at any time.
And on reddit it all boils down to "uhhh??? this is not a great achievement???" Like, no shit, women could have done this decades ago as well if it hadn't been for men legally preventing them from doing so.
No. 475766
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Yes, lets get a guy who famously said in a playboy interview hes upset that he isnt sexually objectified and wishes to be put him in a kids tv show hmm yes what a boss move.
No. 475767
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This is from 2018, but still uplifting:>In Indonesia, youth activists are demanding change for girls>“At first we went door-to-door asking people to sign a petition against child marriage,” says 18-year-old Suci. “But we wanted to do something bigger, so we decided to take our campaign onto the streets. We made a banner and marched through the village, telling people why child marriage needs to stop.”
>Child marriage is a big problem in their village, says Holida, 18, who joined the group after her older brother married a 15 year old girl. “You see children carrying children of their own. They aren’t ready to make decisions about marriage but they end up getting married and then getting pregnant. I’m very sad when I see that.”
>An estimated one in every seven girls in Indonesia is married before the age of 18, and the country is among the ten countries with the highest absolute numbers of child brides.
>The key driver of child marriage in Indonesia is gender inequality, as well as poverty, and a lack of access to sexual and reproductive health education and services for young people. Although the level of education for girls and boys continues to increase, child marriage is still common in many rural areas.>[…]
>So the girls persuaded other girls to join them, and on the day a large crowd of girls gathered, all wearing red head scarves – “a symbol of strength,” Suci says.
>“After the march people recognised us as the girls who were talking about child marriage. It was very exciting and we were proud to finally be recognised as important actors in our community,” says Ria.
>The girls know they still have a long way to go before child marriage is a thing of the past in West Lombok. “Even after our petition, my own cousin got married when she was 17,” says Suci. “But because of our campaign, her case became a big deal in the village. People used to just let it happen and they didn’t talk about it, but now when children get married people take it seriously.”I'm happy about these girls speaking out and making changes, but it's horrible that they have to in the first place. Just life as usual in any community where scrotes are allowed to run free.
No. 475771
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"making me pay for my crimes is tRaNsPhObIa!!!"
No. 475781
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>>475779Oh yes handmaiden is that why so many biological women who kill their abusers in self defense get put into prison?
This isnt a ''woman'' card this is a ''trans'' card.
No. 475782
>>475779Hes not pretending to be a woman, he made the argument that he was confused about his identidty so he needed to be let go, thats something very different.
Women don't get let of this kinda shit.
No. 475783
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>>475771Fucking repulsive.
Here's a little bit of good news though. The human rights tribunal in Canada ruled in favor of the aestheticians against that Yaniv shithead. No. 475784
>>475738GOD. Like I want to agree because I think the weird filly period product stuff isn't cute when you are a grown woman but it's be on the decline FOREVER. Lot's of products have "neutral" packaging for aesthetic reasons, or those eco conscious brands with minimal packaging.
This is like….at target not weird obscure shit too.
Like I get being dysphoric about your anatomy psychologically but being dysphoric about??? the cultural history of pink being associated with women??? Aren't we all?
No. 475790
>>475764Daily reminder that conditioning towards social servitude and caretaking rewires your brain in a way that makes any meaningful level of mastery in arts, sciences or anything involving a high level of abstraction largely impossible. This causes only few privileged women raised in highly insulated environments to be able to excel in anything that isn't relational in nature (see Polgar experiment). Moids' sparse 'achievements' only exist because half of humanity is babysitting them at all times so they never have to care about anything or anyone on any non-superficial level, and their genius to absolute retard criminal ratio truly makes you wonder if it's an efficient system.
Tl;dr moid privilege is the privilege of not assuming the cognitive load associated with what feminists call 'emotional labor'. The real reason why it took so long to witness an all female spacewalk isn't just economic opportunity, it's also the fact that women's brain cycles are routinely wasted on navigating violent scrotal mood swings.
No. 475793
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Speaking as someone who has non-white ancestry, I often find that upper-class white TRA transbians will co-opt their problems with that of actual women of color who live in worse conditions. White TRAs also seem prone to being racist themselves. I remember when that one image of the two Chinese athletes hit a trans subredddit and people were arguing that since Asians are naturally more androgynous as a race, that questioning the two athletes was bigotry. kek
Are they not aware of how classifying Asian people as more androgynous has a long history of being a racist cliche used to justify the alienation of Asian people in the past? It's also gross to see disgustingly fetishistic comments from them about how Asians troons "naturally" pass better. Not to mention that many Chinese netizens were in agreement that the two athletes looked very much like men to them as well.
No. 475801
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>>475733Yeah reddit is a fucking hellhole
No. 475810
>>475808>>475806>>475801>>475803>>475804After a lot of online and IRL experience, there's an interesting type of scrote that tells women "not to be fat" so they could be attractive yet still subtly revealing their underlying preferences.
There are a few types of scrotes
>The scrote that tells women not to be fat to be attractive, dislikes any level of body fat on women unless it's in the boobs and ass, also dislikes other types of women and only really is attracted to one or two ethnicities with a specific phenotype but he pretends he speaks of "all" women when he tells them not to be fat. Also, always catch him having high standards for women with any woman who is not in this boundary, despite him saying women just need to not be fat to be attractive. This type is the most vocal on the internet and tends to heavily skew to the incel types. Lowkey desperate.
>The scrote that acts like every woman is okay except if she's extremely thin or extremely fat. This one still has typical scrote behavior and tendencies (misogyny, pornsickness, pedophilia, ect).
>The scrote that nitpicks all types of women no matter what and only expresses attraction to women if they play up to a very submissive, passive, and low self esteem personality with no consciousness about their attractiveness or status at all, or children, or dead women, or foreign women they can project any kind of personality to.What else am I missing?
No. 475812
>>475386I knew a guy who bought a mail order bride from the Ukraine
He was a brilliant programmer and was making $100,000+ at 20. However he literally could not talk to girls at all.
She was pretty enough to be a model, he lost his virginity to her. They had nothing in common and she would play video games with him and watch movies.
A few months after the marriage she found the local Ukrainian expats community in their city and quickly got a boyfriend. They divorced a few months later.
No. 475815
>>475812I have a theory that because society has been geared toward putting less emphasis on cultural and artistic endeavors in society and more to nerds with IT and programming/and the related it puts nerds on a pedestal as opposed to the creative or author/philosophical writer types. This is a bad thing for women because out of all scrotes, nerds are the ones who have the most incel views because of less social success and lack of social attractiveness to potential partners. We are seeing a boom in the autistic, self-serving male ideology that pits women together [like men who order male order brides, or racebait, or anything you see commonly on the internet with conversations relating to women] because of this and nerds are redefining the image of masculinity instead of the other kinds of men in the past.
Also because women are have more rights than they used to, thanks to the feminist movements that happened globally in the 60s-70s and the liberal social progress vision which is now effectively being pushed back against and reduced in essentially negative ways in the past 5 years. You also see this related to how intelligence is being negatively impacted in the western world, social isolation is increasing, and creativity or at least the industries and sectors that call for it are being washed out and dying.
In 2030, the average man will be a "nerd" In the sense he isn't particularly creative or athletic, but spends his time online and being interested in video games and passive interests like watching anime, and these men will despise and disdain women more like ever before than we saw in very recent modern history. What makes it worse is that we came from an "okay" period in western society at least so it's going to be interesting to say the least.
No. 475822
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Anyone going to make that Reddit ridiculousness thread?
No. 475828
>>475822now let's make one for women to avoid getting assaulted, raped, kidnapped, trafficked, etc
oh wait that hurts mens feelings
No. 475830
>>475822I love how men think that just walking out and about means women are out to get them and falsely accuse them (despite the fact they're more likely to be raped by another man than to be falsely accused by a woman)
They're so obsessed with
victim blaming and trying to blame whatever they can on the woman who get raped, but always fail to mention men who get falsely accused
(outside of actual rapists who manipulate everyone into thinking their
victims are liars) are barely ever poor innocent men who fell into the hands of crazy women, most men who get falsely accused are players, cheaters, emotional abusers, etc. If they want to start placing blame on rape
victims, they also have to acknowledge the fact those who get falsely accused aren't all that innocent most of the time.
No. 475836
>>475801Its funny because men like this who complain about women are the type who think showering or even washing their ass is some sort of feminist agenda.
I remember reading an article, in a mens magazine of all places, that men need to fucking groom themselves and they cannot bitch about women not looking perfect when they cant even take 5 minutes to put on aftershave. Made me laugh it was so unexpected.
No. 475838
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Maybe im overly cynical but does anyone think theres an alterior motive here? He says hes not a stalker but he seems to know a lot about this girl outside her work from whats in the article.
I want to think its a nice gesture but men don't usually give women, esp sex workers this amount of money unless they expect something in return, I feel he may guilt trip her into sex because hes dying.
No. 475839
>>475790anon this is stupid as shit. Being conditioned towards caretaking doesn't make it hard to be good in other areas. Yes the brain is largely plastic and learns via socialization, but that learning process doesn't just happen once. The brain can be retrained.
This is the kind of thinking that let's men use the "but women's brains are just different so they shouldn't be allowed in stem" arguments.
No. 475844
>>475753Every time you reveal to a narcississt that you don't believe they're the smartest, most beautiful person in the world, YOU are responsible for their narcissistic mortification and narcissistic rage. /s
They're the same picture.
No. 475848
>>475801He seems mentally deficient, where is the category for a woman with a nice face and body? Does he think all nice faces are painted on? Someone who is fit but with a "bad" face is a 7-8/10?
I call bullshit, men absolutely are interested in pretty clothes and faces, and being gym-ready has nothing to do with it.
No. 475854
>>475676Jesus…I've noticed a lot of men doing this, didn't realize it was intentional. Get a gf at 18-20 and stick around through her 20s to use up her resources and advance his career/life, then dump by 30 so he can sleep around.
I think it's a shortened version of the cycle that used to end at 40 with the "midlife crisis" and subsequent divorce.
No. 475856
>>475783Came here to post this link after seeing it in /pt
It's a very amusing document to read, much advised. They weren't taking any shit from this guy. No. 475870
>>475856I kind hate the fact that they gave his nasty ass the courtesy of female pronouns though. And one of the women he filed lawsuits against has lost her business due to him. So while I'm happy the human rights tribunal was actually logical and ruled against the perv, the damage has been done to those poor women.
>>475859I saw this shit earlier on my Twitter. Can't drive til 16 or older, can't vote til 18, can't drink booze til 21, but you can start popping titty skittles at seven. I'm a bit flabbergasted this happened in Texas too, of all states. This shit really has become a pandemic.
No. 475882
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>>475874Who lobbied this ? who pushed for this? which politics allowed this to become legislation?
>lgbt activists>The leftAgain, thanks a lot.
No. 475884
>>475754Exactly. If you went to a therapist because you didn't like x feature about yourself (height, skin color, bone structure etc) they will tell you its your mentality that you need to change. But with gender its society's problem for some reason.
I don't like being tall but I can't complain about it because I get shut up immediately, usually with comments about how short men have it ~so much harder~. But if a tranny doesn't like his height, everyone feels uwu bad for his preshus feefees. There are videos on yt from trannies about "height dysphoria" lmfao.
No. 475886
>>475882Trannies are homophobic tho, at least the male ones. They flip their shit if lesbians don't want to suck their dicks.
I don't like the term lgbt because lgb are sexual orientations and t is just a fetish. It sucks that gay people have to be lumped in with people who want society to cater to their nasty fetish.
No. 475891
>>475859>>475885My cousin at that age used to say the families labrador was her brother cause they both have brown eyes.She would tell everyone "Rocket is my Brother, cause she has brown eyes like me."
Kids don't understand the world enough to make life decisions.
No. 475897
>>475838>A spokesman for Babestation said: 'Laura is one of our models who was based in our Bristol Studios. She does still work for Babestation but no longer from the Babestation Studios. We've been attempting to contact Laura, but have not had much luck. She must have her phone on silent.'It's a stalker.
>>475896I'd consider straight women claiming to be gay men and acting like gay caricatures to be pretty homophobic.
No. 475915
>>475914I think anon is saying that calling TiFs homophobic for acting like yaoi characters is an over-reaction when homophobic men are actually violent?
I don't see what this has to do with anyone's "feelings" since no one here is a gay male, though.
No. 475923
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>>475788>>475791Men love believing in this fantasy of the ''pussy pass'' WHEN IN REALITY its the ''dick pass'' so many Men who commit serious crimes against women and children and receive LIGHT sentences.
There is a new term called ''sex game gone wrong'' aka a new way for the law to protect MALE MURDERERS. Basically men are getting away with murdering their partners during sex by saying it was a accident (which most of the time it is not) and not going to jail.
I also hate the metro but this article about ''sex game gone wrong'' is good i suggest you read it: No. 475926
>>475923This is ridiculous. I'm about to start typing up personal contracts stating "If I die at the hands of a man, it's NOT a sex game gone wrong. I have not, will not and do not consent to playing any such game(s). Any exceptions to this rule will be documented by myself before the event and verified".
Maybe I should make a separate contract or add a clause detailing what indicators and special words I would use to signify that I'm being held under duress to agree to anything, as well, if I end up with a guy who tries to force me into shit.
No. 475928
>>475801The man doth protests too much.
It's as if they say these things to convince themselves that they're attractive enough to be making such judgements.
Anyone else notice the fetishy insistence?
>if you're fit you're looking for a husband and will have a child! >if you're average you won't be noticed! >if you're not perfect enough you better shape up to be attractive to me!Does anyone ever ask who the fuck are these dudes? They don't even deserve an ugly fat chick with this disgusting narcissistic attitude. Useless gametes, the lot.
No. 475932
>>475931Derailing? Lol, I'll respond to what I want and not only what you think is important. If you have a problem with people responding to a post then use the report button, because right now the person derailing is
you. Sorry your post isn't getting attention.
No. 475953
>>475942Most kids lack empathy and an understanding of consequences. If more kids had stupid access to fire starting materials like this upstanding family provided, there would be more incidences.
Family claims the kid is mentally ill and suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and ADHD. He needs to be in an institution. It's not like these white trash people ever had the capability to deal with him. is this even in the thread? This has nothing to do with men or gender.
No. 475957
>>475953id love to see some gendered statistics on which children commit the most manslaughter
>>475949how retarded do you think a 9yr old is? wait dont answer that, cause youre retarded yourself
No. 475958
>>475947>>475949It said that HE PURPOSELY set a trailer park on fire.
This ''boys will be boys'' shit is the reason why so many men are fucked up and why men in their 30's act like children because they have never faced consequence for their actions.
Meanwhile girls are supposed to be mentally mature at the age of 12 by society.
No. 475965
>>475958This. You wouldn't believe how many people go out of their way to blame little girls for everything. Remember when that scrot came in a few threads ago and started sprouting the whole "12 yr old girls are all massive sluts" type shit, or how many people like to
victim blame 12 yr olds
No. 475966
>>475957>id love to see some gendered statistics on which children commit the most manslaughterAnd of those statistics I'd like the stats on how many of those kids had neglectful or
abusive parents. Or environments. And if those kids had pathological disorders that they didn't get treatment for, or if it were cases where the parents left out dangerous tools and weapons for their children to play with.
No. 475968
>>475957>how retarded do you think a 9yr old is? Apparently he has schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and ADHD
>>475958It looks like he started a fire inside the trailer and they died of smoke inhalation. It's not like he poured gasoline on people and set them on fire.
No. 475970
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>>475960>>475962Sorry not sorry handmaiden but men AND EVEN little boys still commit more crimes than women/girls in general.
13 year old boy kills mommy and then tries to rape her. Are you handmaidens going to protect him too because he is a young uwu boy.
>>475957Some of these anons here think that children are disabled autists who dont know anything
but funny enough they only believe that WHEN THEY WANT TO PROTECT BOYS ONLY.
When i was a child i had sympathy i had empathy and i cared for other people and had common sense so you can all cut the crap.
No. 475973
>>475965You're comparing apples to oranges. Children setting fires is a different scenario from people being biased against preteen girls who aren't virgins.
Not a scrote btw. This just isn't one of those cases where you can make an accurate claim about gender bias. Little girls have set fires before too. This boy, regardless of intent, is being held to account in a court of law and isn't being told "boys will be boys."
Did OP seriously expect us to all agree that little males are killing younger and younger? Lol. Children are fucking stupid and have been killing people for millenia.
No. 475978
>>475970No one here is "protecting" any male. No one even said he ought not face consequences.
Compose yourself instead of throwing into an autistic rage because people don't agree with you that a 9 year old starting a fire means all boys are murderers that people blindly defend.
Thanks for the derail.
No. 475989
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You know what they say boy will be boys and children will be children.
Raped and murdered a girl in the woods but he obviously had no idea since he was a child,Free him he is innocent
he is just a kid who murdered and raped someone not that serious.
>>475979 you think these autists here read the articles…nah lol this thread is just filled with scrotes waiting on any chance they get to derail and infight.
>>475984i know right these scrotes are reaching so far.
The funny thing is that originally my post was about how children in general are committing more crimes but scrotes in this thread took this to heart and made it a gender thing aw.
Also some of you are forgetting this is feminist thread if you want to defend men go to other threads.
No. 475995
>>475942>>475970Can we not just accept that males are naturally more violent, and male children are often socialized in a way that makes them more likely to act out in rage?
It shouldn't be about hating children. This is just more proof of how fucked up society is. This is the result of a system where men are in charge and stereotypically masculine traits are encouraged in young boys. These boys probably weren't taught to curb their anger without using violence or that screaming "I'LL RAPE AND KILL YOU, YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT" (and then actually doing it if pissed off enough) isn't an appropriate way to express negative feelings.
Instead, it's "He's a boy, not a girl. Of course he'll say some off the wall things when he's mad. He might even get into a fight. Doesn't mean he has a problem, it's natural".
No. 476001
>>475997>>475998The difference is that children are more raw and irrational than adults in many ways.
A 9 year old isn't thinking like an adult would, all he knows is that he's so angry that his emotions make him want to burn something. Since he's a boy, he's already been allowed to be that eaten up by his feelings, and so, he acts on them in exactly the way he's been encouraged by the world he grew up in.
An adult male knows right from wrong, and he understands that his feelings aren't the center of the world. He just doesn't care.
No. 476006
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No. 476009
>>476006This kind of pseudo-science bullshit about how all men have autism is harmful to autistic women and only benefits men. Why can autistic women learn to cope with their symptoms, study normal socialisation to fit in and hold themselves accountable for their mistakes, yet we should hand normal men the excuse of "testosterone-induced autism"?
Just call it "men choosing to be shit human beings with no empathy". Don't give them an excuse to hide behind.
No. 476011
>>476009She's not saying all men are autistic but rather many men possess qualities that are stereotyped as masculine but are pretty autistic if one thinks about it
being quiet and avoiding conversation,autistic fixation on machines like cars and motorcycle and not reading any Novels
No. 476014
>>476011>being quiet and avoiding conversation,autistic fixation on machines like cars and motorcycle and not reading any Novelsnone of these are symptoms of autism.
No. 476025
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>>475815>In 2030, the average man will be a "nerd" In the sense he isn't particularly creative or athletic, but spends his time online and being interested in video games and passive interests like watching anime, and these men will despise and disdain women more like ever before than we saw in very recent modern history. What makes it worse is that we came from an "okay" period in western society at least so it's going to be interesting to say the least.Is this not what is happening now? Men are all the same hivemind now tbh, they all like video games, anime, porn, magic, DND or whatever is trendy among nerds, maybe once in a blue moon you'll find a man who likes going to the gym or likes sports and cars. Get together a random group of men and chances are they'll be just alike, get together a random group of women you'll find variety of hobbies
This wouldn't be an issue of course if there wasn't things like MGTOW who constantly bash women's hobbies and never shut about how AWALT
No. 476035
File: 1571849937314.jpg (64.4 KB, 768x960, 6rc859ui93u31.jpg) do Reddit men (who are overall ugly) nitpick literal models? It's always the ones who shouldn't be talking
No. 476038
>be kind, warm and caring>Success with men unaffected
>Be cold, bitchy and emotionally unavailable>Success with men unaffectedI choose the option with less emotional labor then.
No. 476042
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>>476035It's always over the same shit, too
>ugh, big features bad. chin too big. grug not happy! gruntYou can tell they're influenced by stupid animu faces to have this basic delineation of whats attractive or not in a female face
No. 476058
>>476018The takeaway is that they are still learning real world knowledge, doing science and create things that are useful despite being burdened with the collective melodramas of screeching scrots who then may produce one marginally useful member of society per thousands and thousands of mlp fans, cumbox collectors, redditors and violent criminals. Meanwhile the average moid can't even hold a job and care about his kid at the same time, much less not be some kind of a degenerate behind closed doors. The social cost of males and the sheer amount of maintenance required to contain their chimpouts is mind boggling. There's a reason why in any given country, more males = more crime.
The equality paradox illustrates this pretty well. Iran is an oppressive society, but certain cohorts of women are able to benefit from sex segregation in one aspect - nearly 70% of university graduates in STEM are women. A similar effect on academic achievement is observed in women's colleges and single sex schools in the West.
When a women's group contains even one scrot, no matter how 'progressive', he will immediately switch to 'I'm a baby boy goo goo gaga' mode and proceed to attention whore, and it's a cultural faux pas to try and make him fuck off. In 50/50 groups women always have to waste brain cycles on not upsetting scrots, dodging violence and unwanted sexual advances and balancing intra-scrotal conflicts. For most of the human history, the consequence of not doing this has been higher likelihood of getting offed by a moid.
No. 476062
>>476048I feel like there is a special kind of entitlement men have. Like if they are disadvantaged in any way rather than trying to fuck the system they feel personally owed the same success as whatever the "privilege" class is in their country. So they just shit on the closest woman.
I'm not black but I've seen similar behavior with Jewish men. Lusting after aryan/asian girls but being possessive and controlling that the jewish women around them "carry on the race" shit like that. Or even like expecting gfs to be more trad/religious (think ben shapiro lmao) but sleep around constantly, cheat, etc.
There are tons of horrible abuse scandals that come out of orthodox communities very similar to LDS. Men don't call out other predators because they are afraid "it makes jews look bad." I don't believe in conspiracy theories but Jewish MEN do have a lot of control over the media.
I'm not trying to ethnicity bait or anything. I just think you made a good point. Also the idea of #mencontrolthemedia being the next "conspiracy" made me laugh.
No. 476066
>>475995Males absolutely are naturally more violent. You can raise a softboi feminist son and he'll be just as
abusive, except he'll express it through waifish passive-aggression, enmeshment, guilt tripping and other controlling tendencies. Lesbian troons are basically this adaptation in action.
A male's evolutionary purpose is to successfully peddle his expendable small gamete so it can leech off from an expensive, resource rich gamete. That's all there is to it. If bashing your head in and raping you is currently too costly in social/evolutionary terms, he will use trickery, social parasitism and emotional manipulation to achieve the same end. That's why the current brand of '
toxic masculinity' has shifted from smoking fedora clad Clint Eastwood lookalikes to mopey reddit shitnerds like
>>475815 says. The former would get shitfaced and beat you, the latter will release your nudes online and have you swatted, then go 'AITA if I laughed when my bitch ex who totally cheated on me and killed my dog got swatted and killed'.
No. 476076
>>476053This is bait but men don't actually have personalities or genuine beliefs. He would've changed for you by now if you had initially established your prestige so he needed to be someone else to feel good enough for you. Obviously that wouldn't be 'genuine', but there's no such thing in men anyways.
>>476062Be mindful of male PR and the limitations of your female perspective. You may genuinely be appalled by inequality, but he isn't. A sperm cell doesn't want sexual reproduction to cease, it just wants to get to the egg first. Males are designed for competition and rat racing, it's why they exist.
Any woke male is simply upset that he's not the top dog. Moids are not capable of truly despising hierarchies as a concept, they can only be resentful of their failure to thrive in them. Any 'theory' produced by them is simply an extended rationalization/PR.
Every mama's basement revolutionary wants to be the white capitalist republican pig Chad who gets to reproduce with white bitch Stacy. Because he secretly admires Chad yet desires Stacy, his anger will be reserved for Stacy whom he perceives as reserving her resources for a better male. She symbolizes the fact that he will never advance enough among other males to be selected by her.
In general, anger is a pretty good indicator of desire and deprivation in males. They always hate what they can't have, it's in their nature.
No. 476079
>>476053You'll have to have political conversations discussing why you think it's inappropriate, and back it up with a lot of proper articles and statistics. It's something you'll have to gradually introduce him to over time. He won't accept it right away, and don't snap at him because of it. It's like your own version of "redpilling." He's been around 4chan culture too much, even if he doesn't use it.
Sorry to go off topic. My ex was like this, and he's non-white. Trump supporter, said the N word daily, hates his own ethnicity. I can take jokes here and there, but this dude clearly had self esteem issues and was straight up insulting people for things beyond their control, like their skin color. He tried anything to make himself lighter; he refused to go out in the sun. I know he's getting surgery on his nose soon, but he was gorgeous as he was. He had hazel eyes he lasered blue, and he had relatively dark skin, so the light hazel he had was pretty rare and striking to begin with. I feel even more for women since the pressure is on us x10; imagine having "ethnic" features on top of that. I've got an "ethnic" nose despite being white. I mean, large noses exist in white women, but the media presents it that we don't. That was one thing my ex didn't like, and a lot of guys in general. They can bite me, I'll never change it. I like that it's the one thing that keeps me from being classically pretty. I've been told I'd be model pretty by strangers if it wasn't for my nose. Isn't it weird that people have the audacity to come up to me and say that?
No. 476083
>>476006It's a quote of a character dialogue from one of her book. Character is some kind of medium/extreme animal right activist/retired literature teacher who's seen as crazed old crone by other characters. Quote pretty much sums it up.
Of course scrots will share it as a quote of Tokarczuk to pretend that Nobel winner is evil misandrist and they're opressed and they will ignore quotes from her short story narrated/pov of misogonistic pervert who has very low opinion about women. Her entire shtick was that she writes from pov of weird ass, mentaly unstable characters, there's always a bit of shock value and gross-out descriptions and her books sounds like written on drugs (and probably are lol). I haven't read her new stuff tho.
She's feminist but her opinions are really basic and as inoffensive as feminism goes- critique of patriarchy and sexism in writers community, women are seen not as human beings but as wife, mother etc, women are valued only when they're young, male writers see women as empty shells without any internal life etc.
No. 476094
>>476076>Any woke male is simply upset that he's not the top dog. Moids are not capable of truly despising hierarchies as a concept, they can only be resentful of their failure to thrive in them. Any 'theory' produced by them is simply an extended rationalization/PR.I'm non-white and that's why I'd unironically never date a man of my race. I see it as a downgrade.
Scrotes are bad enough, but scrotes with racial complexes? Lmao no fucking thanks.
No. 476135
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TERF ranking of the 2005 South Park episode (S9E01) "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina" —
7/10, would recommend
No. 476224
>>476196a lot of the 'feminists with male sons' who try to insist they will raise a respectful son end up with a shitty man/boy anyways. it isn't biological, it's just that one woman's influence isn't enough to break or undo the rest of the influence and pressure boys and men are exposed to growing up with inescapable and
toxic male socialization. unpopular opinion but i legitimately believe it's a waste and not feminist for feminists to have sons, unless they can raise complete bubble boys. adopting is one thing, trying to rehab one that's already here can help, but barring that, it's just not feminist.
No. 476230
>>476225retards tend to turn away from things that make sense. the fact is that it's true. the women trying to raise men who aren't shitty aren't being met with success. you can't control everything your child is exposed to, and boys are exposed to
toxic and unavoidable male socialization that actively and deliberately cultivates and encourages
abusive behavior in men and boys.
>>476226a parent only has so much power to undo the constant damage society as it is does on children, especially male children.
No. 476256
>>476251god, you people are always so annoying and reach so hard to be offended. honestly, you sound like a huge dumbass if you're supposedly so into feminism but can't grasp the idea that an action not being feminist =/= you're not a feminist. feminists make choices that are not feminist choices every single day. if you knew a thing about feminism, you'd know that already.
and yeah, you sound horrifically male-identified to be this angry that one person holds an opinion that you disagree with. you sound nuts. additionally, you can't control what everyone thinks about you. it's an inevitability you sound like you need to come to terms with.
>by pushing the idea that it’s some form of treachery or lost causeyes, examining options and choices shouldn't be allowed at all, or else it might upset some women! criticizing makeup and porn upsets some women, i guess that means we need to stop. no one is saying they're evil traitors, you loon. you just don't have the power you think you have and it isn't a feminist action, imo. i said in my first post my opinion is unpopular, and still, like clockwork, obviously identified mothers blow a gasket. you have to be an egomaniac to think you're more powerful and influential than everything else your child will be exposed to.
conversely, if you think parents are truly capable of passing on those ideals predictably, and children abiding by them consistently, then you're unintentionally saying that women are already largely at fault for the piss poor way men behave. there are so many mothers that are fabulous, but they still have horrible sons because women cannot shield their male children from everything patriarchy indoctrinates them into. it's just impossible unless their kids are living at home 24/7 with an iron lung. you're unintentionally giving men, who have ALWAYS blamed the mothers for the sins of their children, more ammo.
No. 476270
>>476251don't even bother these retards really do beleive that just because they read some books written by upper middle class jewish woman in the 1970's they automatically know better then everyone else espicallly other women who are all just poor confused
victims of the patriarchy
>>476278she/he is too offended or interested in trolling to do anything but misrepresent your position.
>>476272i swear, it's so dumb they have to do it on purpose. it does seem incredibly obvious to me too.
No. 476285
>>476276What the actual fuck are you talking about? It's like you're being willfully obtuse because you feel personally attacked, as people always do when they fail to understand this concept.
I don't care about who is 'more of a feminist', it's not a competition and being able to call yourself a feminist isn't the ultimate goal of feminism. Every feminist is going to do some feminist and non feminist acts, it doesn't make them better or worse, we just owe it to ourselves to think more deeply and analytically about why we do things and what they mean in the context of upholding the patriarchy vs our liberation. It's for our own benefit and growth, not to win best feminist awards.
No. 476290
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So my mom told me a story about My aunt(her sister) when they were younger. When my aunt was a child she loved robocop and made everyone call her Alex Murphy. At first she insisted that she was not a kid, a girl, or even human, NO, she was robocop. But even after that phase ended she INSISTED her name was Alex Muphy. She would not respond to any name except Alex Murphy, She introduced herself to people as Alex Murphy, made her teachers call her Alex Murphy, and she became very angry if you tried to tell her her name was not Alex Murphy. It went on for quite some time apparently and even lead to fights with her parents because she would blatantly ignore them if they used the wrong name. Of course she eventually she grew out of it. She is now your typical adult married woman with children and has a funny story to tell everyone. But I wonder if the same scenario played out today how people would respond. Would teachers start using male pronouns? Would they think she wanted to be a boy or and that she should see a gender identity specialist?(necessaryspeed4)
No. 476314
>>476309That's not the point even when two right wingers nominally disagree on everything like, say, athiest libertarians and christian republicans, they still find common ground in bashing liberals and just ignore all internal trouble,look at how breadtube/lefttube is tearing each other apart because Contrapoints their tranny icon said something "
problematic" about non-binary people
No. 476320
>>476314What you're talking about isn't true unity at all.
Scrotes are not unified, the right is not unified. Everything men come together to do where they're above women ends up in pieces, because they almost always only band together in pure hatred, primitive games of competition/war and brutality. It's like that's all they know or respect.
When there are no non-evil people left to torment, they'll just cannibalize themselves, because that's all they can do.
The reason Breadtube/Lefttube is failing is because it's literally men heading things (again). ContraPoints is a scrote, non-binary women, TRAs, and FtMs are overwhelmingly male-identified (which is how we end up with "TERFs are evil", "If you're a lesbian who only has sex with cis women, you are a bigot", "Woman is not a reality, just a label", etc and attacks on actual feminists like Chimamanada Ngozi Adichie, threatening rape/violence on women for being "TERFs", etc), r/ChapoTrapHouse (or whatever it's called) and all its derivatives are literally just scrotes with hot takes like "Incels exhibit class consciousness".
Feminists throughout history and cultures accomplish things and come together, even when the odds are stacked against them, because at the heart of everything they do is compassion, and hope for a truly safe, just world. Men just want to be warmongers who rape, kill and humiliate.
No. 476323
>>476322And feminists have still gone through with achieving their goals with far, far less bloodshed than any scrote-controlled organizations and groups.
Drop this "It's a hUMAN thing" stuff, please. Men are completely barbaric, and women occasionally infighting is nowhere near comparable.
No. 476325
>>476323This is about poltical groups and Ideologies not low-tier militia groups like Antifa and the Proud boys
I really don't want Trump to win again and I will vote for Sanders,for Clinton,for Harris,for Warren and for Biden depending on who gets the nomination just to avoid four more years of that retard
No. 476345
>>476343he just seems too perfect of a Incel stereotype,supports paedophilia,support Incest,hate's women's right,racist e.t.c
he feels like a FBI construction to bait Incels
No. 476348
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>>476343He seems too dull to be an FBI agent. Like, there seems to be something wrong with him from all angles. I feel like this kind of incel wouldn't be running for any kind of office, he'd be the person making nasty, low-IQ posts like "nice body text me all 9-14 yo [insert real phone number here]" on videos of children, or end up in one of those "predators catfished and exposed" clips.
Why wouldn't they pick someone more high-energy to attract incels and misogynists the same way they gravitate to figures like Gavin McInnes or Donald Trump?>Larson is from Charlottesville[3] and lives in Catlett, Virginia,[2] as of June 2018 with his parents.[15] He admitted to raping his ex-spouse,[6][2] who was transgender and committed suicide after the birth of their daughter.?????
No. 476352
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>>476348He comes up with the most disgusting posts I have ever seen. He posted something where he implied he would kill his wife to rape his daughter. His wife commiting suicide sounds really suspicious…
No. 476391
>>476386> But I'm just not sure what's the fbis purpose is.Option a)Marking Incles who use those forums on a potential terrorist watchlist
Option b)actually encouraging Incel behaviour and rhetoric in hopes they commit a terror attack
No. 476411
>>475970they are thinking about their sons and saying "not my little boy tim!"
You forgot there are mothers here, that's why they're so defensive
No. 476430
>>476422who's a-logging? you guys are so ridiculous and shamelessly melodramatic. male children do seem to commit violent crimes more than female children. male culture is a culture of death and abuse, and male children are indoctrinated and molded into it young.
>>476396it is a literal choice, assuming you have access to abortion. having male children in this society means you're more than likely to end up with a potential predator. you don't have the influence you think you have to control the outcome of your male child when everything else around him is telling him to exploit and destroy.
>>476431yep, that's why "feminists" here draw the line at kids.
but if they where say, of a different culture, they wouldn't hesitate to abort their daughters.
No. 476439
>>476411yes, there are mothers here and they are telling you that no, your boyhate is not acceptable.
>>476430>It is a literal choiceAre you off your meds? Ending a child's life because of their genitals is sexicide, you are killing it because of its sex. What brand of lesbian separatist can even say these things?
No. 476448
>>476439>>476439>Ending a child's life because of their genitals is sexicide, you are killing it because of its sex. What brand of lesbian separatist can even say these things?yikes. either you're a troll or a hapless dumbass, because now that your sensibilities are offended, abortion is "ending a child's life"? what kind of feminist says this? funny how the priorities of offended anons are easily peeled back once the ethics of certain parts of motherhood are analyzed.
so, again, if women really can and do have so much power and influence over the way their sons develop, mothers are to blame for the way men are now? i guess mothers just aren't doing any of the work that they should be then, right? by your logic, women are at least partially to blame for the crisis of male violence. stop getting kneejerk offended. it isn't the fault of male children, it's men and patriarchy, and adding more potential offenders to this planet, when you could just…. not, is not a good move.
No. 476459
>>476447>>476447>Children are not potential offenders, JFC what a ridiculous way to look at the world. Children are treasures that you nurture and raise, their sex is irrelevant to their potential,right, their sex is entirely relevant. are you living with your child 24/7, not exposing him to any media or anyone else, making sure he lives under your thumb? barring that, every force coming at a male child is pressuring him to become a predator that sees women as inhuman prey. if you see how systemically violent and hateful patriarchy is, you can't dispute that. you have to be a complete crazy to believe one parent's power supercedes everything negative these boys will be exposed to and pressured into. research tells us, literally, that peers have more power than parents and parental influence is not all of that powerful (with the exception of abuse and trauma inflicted by parents onto kids). male children are not inherently predators, but they are socialized into becoming predators. not giving birth to more male children, who are literally liabilities in such a sick society, is the most ideal choice, imo.
by your logic, you have to flat out deny the power that patriarchy possesses, and end up putting much more blame on mothers (who, according to mom-anons, have more power over their children than the rest of society and everything else male children will encounter) for the general male sickness we see, if you want to claim male children aren't liabilities and that they aren't ritually indoctrinated into becoming oppressors and abusers.
No. 476460
>not giving birth to more male children, who are literally liabilities in such a sick society, is the most ideal choice, imo. Anon holy fuck, do you hear yourself? No, male children are not socialised to be predators and I am not saying patriarchical norms are not a thing, I am saying that what you think is happening is not what's happening. Parents massively affect their children and thankfully I have a wonderful partners that is even more of a feminist than me, we are perfectly positive our children will turn out great. And even if we fail, no ffs boys are not taught to become predators, the ones that do are often the ones exposed to the most terrible of abuse or pressure of masculinity, that shit doesn't come from society in general, it comes from families. How can you not realise, that claiming that having sons is not a feminist action is ridiculous? Feminists still want men around, we don't want to make them extinct, except for the crazy lesbian separatists.
No. 476461
>>476448this is why these threads needed to stay separate.
>>476460there's really no point in trying to explain anything. this discussion came up in the last thread and I'm thoroughly convinced there's no reasoning with anyone who holds such a fucked up belief
No. 476470
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>>476461no, there's no reasoning with overemotional mothers. you guys now are saying patriarchy doesn't create and encourage predatory behavior in males. there's literally like, no strain of feminism that agrees with you here. even libfems would disagree with what you're saying. the issue is that you, like libfems, can't follow the thought to its logical conclusion without getting upset that your choices are being critiqued, so you need to about face on basically the entire basis of feminist theory.
>>476460>No, male children are not socialised to be predators and I am not saying patriarchical norms are not a thing, I am saying that what you think is happening is not what's happening. it literally is happening. porn isn't affecting male children and causing them to coerce and coax young girls into violent and painful acts? violent media isn't influencing young males? try to be a good mother all you like, but the fusion of burgeoning adolescent sexuality and increasingly more violent and accessible porn will be more likely to affect your child than your nagging on him will. same with friends, gaming culture, media, other authorities, etc. you're really overestimating the amount of power you possess. it's delusional. idk what kind of shoe0nhead tier feminism you think you're following, but almost everyone can agree that patriarchy maintains control by creating more male oppressors and abusers – that's its express purpose. men don't maintain control by creating a culture of sweet and empathetic men. pic very much related.
>And even if we fail, no ffs boys are not taught to become predators, the ones that do are often the ones exposed to the most terrible of abuse or pressure of masculinity, that shit doesn't come from society in general, it comes from're legitimately delusional.
No. 476475
>>476470You want us to stop birthing boys and call me delusional? Even if I agree with you that society does play such a massive part, have you considered what you are suggesting? If women stop giving birth to boys then there will be no men, how is this a good outcome for anyone?
>>476472>Implying she would have an issue with long term abortion if the child was maleHer moral compass is unstable
>>476474yeah, great solution anon, let's all die out.
No. 476483
>>476478>>476480No anon, being forced into the role of primary caregiver is not a feminist act, being a mother absolutely is. In my family my husband is the one that is mostly taking care of the children. You don't need another woman for that, men are perfectly capable and the good ones are even willing.
>>476477>Birth strikingIs this a meme? People plan their lives around their own lives, they don't stop having children for a political cause. And see my point above, you can absolutely have your husband do most of the work. I do and it works fantastic.
No. 476484
>>476478Can't women adopt children by themselves in some countries due to orphanages having low resources?
Regardless anon, what you're saying is ridiculous, you choose your partner and you raise your children, and you have the free choice to live a fulfilled life alone.
No. 476488
>>476478>>476480Yeah, the more time I spend on all of these mom subreddits the more pink pilled I get. It never occured to me that not having children is an option. When I hear women in my own family downplay the dangerous side effects of pregnancy and the trauma of birth in general, I get sick.
>>476483But it's important for young women/girls to know not having kids is okay and fine. Most assume it's something you do and don't put much thought into it.
No. 476491
>>476488>But it's important for young women/girls to know not having kids is okay and fine. Most assume it's something you do and don't put much thought into it.Never said otherwise anon, but that doesn't mean that having children is not something most women want at some point their life. Of course some won't and they should know that this is ok.
>>476487What makes you think it's fake?
No. 476494
>>476487>>476491>I get why she’d be shocked (as am I), but this is also ironic and hypocritical coming from her. She is the most ultra-progressive, ”we don’t need to be constrained by gender roles” type of person, regularly attending feminist conferences. Although to be fair, she is what the internet would call a “TERF”—basically she thinks all MTF trans people and gender-noncomforming guys are actually just sick fetishists who are out to rape women (we generally stay out of each other’s politics). I guess she might be associating our son with that stuff.Definitely fake. Some AGP freak had a mean mommy fantasy, felt ashamed, and decided to use that shame to dunk on "the TERFs" for Reddit points.
Idiot didn't realize libfems and radfems operate in completely different ways.
No. 476498
>>476495>”we don’t need to be constrained by gender roles” >…>gender non-conforming guys are just sick fetishistsWhoever wrote this falsely conflated GNC men with his own group. In that bias, he accidentally exposed how made-up this is.
Being GC means supporting gender non-conformity, and rejecting conflation of gender with sex (the latter being what trannies do).
If this actually happened, and the mother was as feminist a TERF as the author claims, she'd be skeeved out by the Reddit shit, but ignore it
unless the son was also claiming to be a lesbian and saying he's a woman on the inside (as opposed to just a "femboy" - that'd just imply he's gay and has his own fetishes).
No. 476501
>>476474totally agree. but this interferes with their desires or actions, so they can't cope.
>>476475>have you considered what you are suggesting? If women stop giving birth to boys then there will be no men, how is this a good outcome for anyone?the reason why men are/were successful in the elimination of female fetuses was because they had complete control over women. there's no such pressure on women, on a societal basis, to abort male fetuses or not have children. subversive acts that seek to dismantle patriarchy will never have the same level of influence. a few feminists deciding not to have kids will never take over the world enough to stop all women from having kids, for many reasons. feminism isn't going to stop all women from having kids. get real.
>>476480>being a mom is absolutely NOT feminist actimo, agreed, giving birth kind of isn't. it's harmful to women, and you're "giving the milk away for free" and are rewarding a sick society by choosing to birth more children, really. patriarchy needs its footsoldiers, and our economies rely on more children to support aging populations. by making the sacrifices, happily, to have kids simply because women WANT to be biological mothers, there's no incentive for men or society to improve the conditions in which women become mothers. the real feminist choice, imo, is to either not have children, or adopt.
>>476486>but I am not going to sit by and watch potentially young girls reading that motherhood is a unique burder that is placed on women! It only is if you let it be like that. Find a man that is willing to take at least half, in my case it's like 90% and I am very happy with my arrangement. I am not saying it is easy, but it is perfectly possible.lmfaoooooo. do you have any clue how many women and girls have been duped into thinking their men were going to help out and have an equitable arrangement, only to find once the child comes the man won't do the work, and he'd been cheating while she was pregnant? you're encouraging women and girls to play with fire, to place all of their faith, and their children's wellbeing, on a notoriously unstable and harmful group of people (men), who often turn on the people they are closest to. women should NOT be bringing vulnerable children into an arrangement where they're at all at the mercy of men.
No. 476505
>>476499IMO, a man who knows what "gender non-conforming" even is (a normal guy would just say "male crossdressers", and a TERF wouldn't say "Gender non-conforming men are sick fetishists", so it's unlikely he heard it from her) and to separate it from MtF as a descriptor isn't the clueless type. He'd have to have some personal investment or knowledge on the topic.
The whole post just reeks of tranny. If this happened, the mother most likely wouldn't actually be a feminist, since there'd be too much nuance she'd recognize to immediately freak out (or even tell the husband - more likely, she'd talk to her feminist friends about it or go to an anonymous, GC-friendly online venue first to get second opinions. The only reason she'd go to him first is if he agreed wholeheartedly with her GC opinions and they were on the same page, which obviously is not the case), just a concerned parent. But of course, the writer just had to throw in a little jab at the women who don't want his girldick.
No. 476509
>>476503Abusers show their real face when the
victim can't escape or when it is extremely hard to. You can never be 100% sure your partner will do his share beforehand.
No. 476514
>>476503>Are you suggesting I tell our girls to not have families and skip one of the most beautiful thing they can experience, motherhood?Are you completely incapable of reading any feminist critique and not immediately transforming it into a strawmen that places some imaginary burden on you? Jesus christ. Tell your girls whatever you want, you aren't obligated to raise them on strict radical feminism. It's radical because it aims for CHANGE, having children may be ~beautiful~ to you but it doesn't change jack shit. Motherhood is far from inherently bad or anti-feminist but having and raising them within the confines of the patriarchy is not changing anything or improving our situation. It's just something you want to do because you like it.
The way you talk about it makes me think you're going to pressure them to have kids even if they don't want to btw, motherhood is not beautiful to everyone.
>>476501Anon, don't bother. You are talking to someone who has literally no stakes in this argument except defending what she personally enjoys in life.
No. 476519
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Good old Ana Valens at it again. Those privileged, self-centered cis females complaining about men colonizing their experiences and spaces! How dare they!
No. 476522
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>>476519>TRAs racebaiting as usualThey never learn, do they? Constantly projecting.
No. 476535
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What would you do?
No. 476656
>>476652It's bait I presume, do not engage
The entire history of mankind combined with current crime stats would disprove
the wimmin are just as bad No. 476657
>>476460>male children are not socialised to be predators Wrong. Male children are not predators, they are pretty much the same as girls. But when they become teenagers it all goes off the rails. Everything in the media aimed specifically at teen boys is
toxic, and even the stuff that is more broadly aimed completely fails to present women as anything other than screeching harpies.
Currently, male children
are socialised to be predators, but that can change.
No. 476659
>>476460Not to be unkind, but you should read some of the stories about the many, many celebrity "male feminists" who prove to be bigger predators than normal guys
>thankfully I have a wonderful partners that is even more of a feminist than meA man can't be a feminist the same way I can't be a MRA or MGTOW. Feminism is a social movement
for women.
No. 476663
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EvEn KoREaBoOs doN't gEt ThIs MaNY ThrEaDs
>>476586I thought they allegedly did the merge because of arguments, or at least thats what they said. But its ironic because the new thread has 10x more arguing in it than the other threads put together. I think youre right about it being ruled by dudes/troons.
No. 476667
>>476475Not gonna greentext you, but you know how childbirth works right? A woman can birth one child a year. A man can make one woman pregnant every day of the year. We release one egg a month. A man releases thousands of sperm every time he milks himself (daily).
Let's say a guy has sex with a different woman every day of the year. At a minimum that will be two pregnancies a month, 24 pregnancies a year. One man of average fertility can reasonably father 24 children a year. How do we "need" men and would "die out" without them?
One man of average fertility "working" every day from 20-40 could father 480 children.
20 years, 100 men sleeping with a different woman every day would easily father 48,000 children, and possibly much more. The math suggests women are needed to keep the population alive, not men. An aborted male fetus is going to make zero difference, the other men will just pick up the slack. We already have nearly 8 billion people on the planet, and that's just at the ratio of average 2-4 births per man.
Despite all their whining, statistically, nearly every man will marry and father a child in his lifetime.
If all we need men for is their sperm, we're good. You need a better reason why it's morally wrong to abort a male fetus.
No. 476671
>>476667NTA but I think genetic diversity is a benefit. If one man fathered 480 kids that would be 480 siblings. We'd all be closely related.
Also I think in a society where men are greatly outnumbered it would just make men be valued even higher. Isn't that how Islam was founded? Think of all the pickmes that would spawn
No. 476713
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Good ol scrot tinfoil
No. 476715
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from the Reddit Hate Thread,stefan molyneux who advocates traditional gender roles and hates Feminism is a stay at home dad and his wife is the primary breadwinner
No. 476717
>>476715This is either bullshit or hes a hypocrite.
Either way, they always dig they own grave dont they kek.
No. 476720
>>476719I was thinking more of his tweets about how women need to have kids and hes known for what
>>476715 but what you say works too.
No. 476749
>>476715I really don't get it, he's been living the most progressive lifestyle that exists (just how fucking rare is this) for 10 years already, yet somehow manages to be so sexist???
I guess this is some extreme version of the madonna-whore complex, there he loves his daughter dearly and only his wife is an exeption and is so amazing and smart that she's a better worker than men but the rest of the female population can choke…
No. 476768
>>476715reminder molymeme almost got his wife fired because he was SPYING ON HER PATIENTS during her therapist sessions and discussing their problems on his videos lmao not only does he have the opposite lifestyle than the anti-feminist trad shit he's constantly posting about, he actually actively risks his familys income because he can't stop being a creepy fucker at all times
No. 476972
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Found this honorable man reposted on a girl's Twitter. The irony is that he is unemployed. If he were to work and the wife were to complain about money issues, that “protection” will be immediately replaced with rage.
No. 476975
>>476973What abhorrent, soulless men. You can see what a disgusting agenda the OP has by how he refers to the alternative to child rearing as being "barren wombed" (what is he, a medieval commoner?) and "corporate pecil pushers" when of course he would not use the latter phrase to refer to men in the same work fields.
Leaving aside the multitude of other justifiable factors behind single motherhood and the wellbeing of the children themselves who regardless deserve a decent chance in society, I wonder if, for instance, they've considered how many single mothers are single because they had to escape men who beat them and their children–the answer is a LOT. But to MRAs domestic violence is only an issue when it happens to men.
No. 476979
>>476973Those single mothers, women who raise children all on their own doing the best they can because the father of the child was an abuser/cheater/just the typical useless deadbeat cumbrain who wants to fuck without a condom and then thinks he is getting "financially raped" or whatever for having to pay child support. Disgusting. Meanwhile being a worthless manbaby who can't take responsibility is based and redpilled and ebin :DD
Further proof that scrotes don't mature emotionally past the age of 12.
No. 476981
File: 1572031074185.jpeg (39.53 KB, 750x703, 945F33F0-2ECF-4D2F-AD94-834753…)

24 hour fb ban for posting “men are even more insane” in response to someone commenting on this meme lmfao god forbid
No. 476995
>>476972He goes on to rage that fertile women must be protected and kept at home. That women with jobs or don't have kids are just evil.. ? How the fuck do they believe that removing millions of women from their work is going to help? It's like he's too retarded to understand that hardly anyone can sustain a family house on a single income without being already rich. And these are the same guys that hate it when women are dependent on them and hate pregnant women for how gross they think they are for their body.
And the hate for single moms isn't surprising. It doesn't involve
him being the
man of the house having a wife or knowing that a woman wants a kid is just a giant ego boost. Has nothing to do with protecting women or kids. They couldn't give a fuck
No. 476997
>>476987Its funny because both conservative and liberal men have porn addictions.
Infact any woman who chooses to defend any political party is a sheep because both parties protect men no matter what they do and shit on women.
Leftists protect Joe biden (just because he is a democrat) who is a creep and has inappropriately touched women and children
Real feminists are apolitical and are not in any political party because in the end no matter at what political side you are at men and mens feelings will still be prioritized over yours.
No. 477138
>>476997See point here
>>476325I don't give a shit about the democratic party but I will vote for Biden If I have to avoid 4 more years of Trump
No. 477146
>>477002Jimmy Carter,he and his family had been part of the Southern Baptists Church for generations and he left the Southern Baptists Church after a doctrinal statement by the Church, adopted in 2000, advocating a literal interpretation of the Bible. This statement followed a position of the Convention advocating the literal submission of wives to their husbands
he's also in favor of Punishing those who buy Pornography
>"If paying for sex is normalized, then every young boy will learn that women and girls are commodities to be bought and sold."
>Prostitution is not the “oldest profession,” as the saying goes; it’s the oldest oppression. No. 477346
>>477138So you will vote for someone just because he is democrat even though he is a creep and probably molested children.
Must suck being such a dumb sheep.what dos your diet consist of…grass?
What are you going to say next? That obama was the best president just because he was a black-jewish man even though there were so many wars during his presidency.
(muh racebait) No. 477486
File: 1572128201961.jpg (75.3 KB, 760x400, ft-18.jpg)

So Malaysia has their first female police chief.
Yes you heard me first there was no woman before her it was all men.
Which is not suprising i mean they have actual public whippings there where people (mostly) women get whipped infront of everybody if she isnt a good islam handmaiden. No. 477489
Indonesia under islam sharia law
Woman and her boyfriend are whipped over 100 times for choosing to have sex before they get married.
>The teenager's white shirt was left bright red with blood - and he's will also have to serve five years in prison. No. 477491
File: 1572129686052.jpg (105 KB, 940x626, nintchdbpict000255893675.jpg)

Indonesia under Patriarchal islam sharia law
And dont think the people are just some innocent bystanders. They formed a crowd around them and made a mob for the sharia police to come and whip them. No. 477541
File: 1572141756007.jpg (228.14 KB, 1338x857, EHnfJeKUEAE2BfV.jpg)

>>476715>>476722More evidence (if any were needed) of this man being an utter brainlet by BTFOing his OWN FUCKING ARGUMENT.
Seriously its the internet "intellectuals" who are always the biggest idiots.
No. 477551
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Then ppl ask me why I stay away from social media art circles and ppl who are so desperate to be progressive.
As an artist who focuses primarily on the female body, this shit pisses me off. No. 477554
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>>477553>>477551I mean they weren't any better either
No. 477566
>>477551At first I was confused, but then I saw the crotches…
Artists never have the confidence to draw TiM's how they actually look because that's "stereotypical." No man-shoulders or man-chins in sight, its literally just chicks with dicks
No. 477571
>>4775519/10 of them have round perky boobs, wide hips, small waist, flat stomach, and narrow shoulders
Isn't it funny how everyone is more than happy to go on and on about how women aren't all perfect yet all troons are depicted as being practically goddesses, it's like they're trying to erase female beauty or use just another reason why scrots go on about how troons are better than real women uwu
If they want to depict a real troon they should have those square gynomastia titties, shitty implants, narrow hips and big shoulders and arms, shitty fat transfers, cakey makeup and manly features
They don't want that though, they want to convince themselves that they're women but don't want to take any shit real women have to go through, or else they "need!!!" 7 nose jobs, regular lip fillers, eye lash extensions, etc and have it all be paid for or they'll be suicidal
No. 477646
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No. 477652
>>4776281) he may have seemed like a normal man before the child. a lot of men do but then go in full violent manbaby mode when baby comes and they're not the center of attention anymore. literal child behavior.
2) some women just never had a healthy male in their lives growing up, only
abusive men. they don't know any better and choose to put up with shitty men as a result.
it's really that simple.
No. 477683
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Thoughts on this ?
TIM Transitions and his wife leaves him but he starts a relationship with a married woman who leaves her Husband for him and she declares herself a lesbian and they have been a happy "lesbian" for 4 years as of now
No. 477685
happy "lesbian couple" for 4 years as of now
No. 477691
>>477683Wouldn't call this "lesbian", but if they're truly happy, power to them, I guess. The girlfriend is most likely just bisexual with a heavy preference toward feminine characteristics.
I'm not bothered, unless he's been pressuring other women to "accept" him or getting up to anything shady and/or fucked up.
No. 477707
>>477704>until only few months ago she stated that she was bi and reported her regular dates with guys>suddenly gets a pixie cut and starts "identifying" as a lesbian…>…while also saying that she wouldn't mind being with a guy (cognitive dissonance)>thinks that men can be lesbians>thinks you can fuck guys and still be a lesbian >panders to troons, as pic above showsI stopped following her since that fiasco, but apparently she's started drawing troons getting their dicks played with by lesbians.
No. 477746
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Where do we even begin with this one
No. 477772
>>477622That's wrong though, women have always been in the work force, being housewives was only ever an upper class thing
Imo what ruined it is the fact boomers are running around and never retiring, thus making jobs more rare but also more competitive since companies are easily able to find someone with 40 years of experience and willing to work a low wage, anyone who lives in a community filled with boomers knows this
Blaming women for working for a living just seems like an easy route because these are the men who want to blame women for everything they possibly can, even if evid shows otherwise
No. 477855
>>477781>>477787Honestly never fully got this aspect of male sexuality, it's incredibly stupid.
If you enjoy seeing your partner in pleasure (relatable as a service top), the fun is in learning how to get them there and growing closer in the process. That's the main appeal.
It's almost preferable to hear from those dom types who hate female pleasure. It's disgusting, but at least their logic and desires are straightforward.
No. 477906
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>>477781yeah and then if a woman can't orgasm it's her fault apparently. but if a man gets erectile dysfunction it's the woman's fault.
No. 477920
>>477915Sadly this isnt uncommon, ex kinkshit here, and findom and switches are really frowned on in the community, more than the most sickest of fetishes, you can just tell its run by men.
Also that is the attitude (unsurprising) of a lot of 4channers. Saw the same sentiments echoed in a thread about fetishes, they were fine until someone mentioned findom, than all hell broke loose, and sorry if this makes me seem bad but I found it funny, because all the incels were foaming at the mouth about camgirls and lewd cosplayers (which isnt findom but in their eyes it was) and talking about how the
poor incels were
victims of these women they willingly give their money too. More evidence that men are stupid and shouldnt be in charge of anything.
No. 477925
>>477920oh yeah, I've even heard men say prostitution is evil because it's taking advantage of men. the mental gymnastics are real.
>>477921I agree they're both degenerates, that wasn't really my point though. The thing that really got under my skin was the comments.
man spits on a woman, uses her as a footrest, physically abuses and degrades her 1/2 of commenters: well she clearly wants it, whatever makes them happy, I'm not gonna judge!
woman takes control of man's money because he BEGS her to and leaves his familycommenters: wow what a horrible
abusive cunt, that poor guy seems depressed. get him away from this evil woman. I can't believe people like her exist in the world.
No. 477928
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I really dispise there are assholes like contrapoints trying to convince us to give incels sympathy when this is how they view women and girls.
No. 477929
>>477928Yeah and then he attacks "terfs" as if they're the most irredeemable scum of the planet.
I don't follow Hontra so I don't know what he said to ask for sympathy for incels but I at least thought that one of the only good things about the far left is that they were against incels. It appears not any more, though. Well I guess at the end of the day Hontra is gonna defend his own kind, what did I expect.
No. 477944
>>477928>Actively attacks women>Always makes it clear how much they hate women and find us repulsive
>Also act like their entire lives revolve around having sex with usMen are so backwards lmao. If you don't find women attractive don't have sex with them. That simple.but men enjoy playing games so the whole "have sex with women and pretend to hate it and wonder why nobody wants you' is real
It's simple, mutual feelings are important in a relationship but many men are incapable and too autistic. They chase disinterested and emotionally unavailable women but actively ignore women who want to be with them. Don't even get me started on the hoops men will go through to nitpick women's bodies. I was even convinced for a short time men only wanted to see women naked so they can find things wrong with women's bodies rather than appreciate and enjoy them. Go your own way ladies
No. 477956
>>477928Like 90% sure now that is really just a hub for pedos. It's easier for them to just say they're incels. They already hate women and that women age.
Wonder how long it'll be until gets taken down. Or is it being used to by the fbi to monitor them?
No. 477968
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You are assuming that white nationalism is rational and based on actual convictions. The reality is that for many white males, especially the younger ones, it is a reaction based on racial insecurity (for getting beaten up by the black kids in high school, or getting paranoid at the influx of POC movie stars, etc)
white men dating POC women is simply another way to soothe that racial insecurity.
Of course, there are "true" white nationalists who are against this, but even they mirror the same sort of feelings. They may not derive any self esteem or pleasure from this, but they would rather have white men date outside of their race than white women, because women represent a non-replenishable sexual resource.
No. 477977
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>>474614>>474610>>474532Everyone blames this on porn, but it's more than just porn. There are billions of guys addicted to porn, and while it certainly degrades their sexuality, the vast majority of them have no desire to become a woman. I think the crux of transgender MtF phenomena has to do with the sissy/femboy/autogynephilia pipeline.
Normal vanilla guys are attracted to women, AND they want to do sexual things to us. I think "sissy" stems from a mismatch here; sissies are attracted to women (just like normal heteros), but they DO NOT want to do sexual things to others–rather they want sexual things DONE UNTO them. Why exactly I don't know–but I don't think it has anything directly to do with porn.
Sissies find women attractive but also desire to be submissive during sex. The logical conclusion of this, is that they want to look like women, since they see the female form as the only appearance that is worth objectifying and dominating. This is different from truly gay men, who still enjoy looking like men while being bottoms.
That's what the trans/sissy/autogynephilia pipeline is. Straight hetero submissive men. That's why all the MtFs become "transbians" after they transition. Some of the more bisexual ones may date men and be functionally gay, even if they are still attracted to women.
No. 478016
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>has the option to cater to domme women
>Ignores it and just cries about being hopeless because 3 women on tinder once said they like tall guys
No. 478042
>>478016If you're an older man, youre a silver fox. If you're an older woman, you're a hag.
Older men do not have the same struggles as older women, but no one wants to talk about that. All we ever hear about is the poor little manlets uwu.
Also, the fact that they say "legal loli" like it's a good thing really tells you how men think. They're fucking gross.
No. 478049
>>478042>Older men do not have the same struggles as older women, but no one wants to talk about that. All we ever hear about is the poor little manlets uwu.Oh, they want to talk about it. They gloat about it at every opportunity and constantly try to terrify women into dating much uglier/older men in their 20s to avoid being 30 year old post wall spinster hags. The only way they can cope with their sad lives is by telling themselves they'll have all the hot young women they want when they're older, and every girl out of his league who rejected him will deeply regret it one day when she's old and alone.
It's all very intentional and transparent. Men have zero leverage over a woman who isn't afraid of not getting married though, meanwhile they will spend their entire lives desperate for any scrap of attention from a woman.
No. 478075
File: 1572260885935.jpg (54.68 KB, 417x571, Capture.JPG) Weinstein still enjoying life while they ridicule and throw out women who call him out.
No. 478080
>>478075So, where are all the
>Rape accusations ruin a man's life!!screechers? This man was literally being protected.
No. 478091
>>477920Men who hate findom show what they're all about.
MFW strangling, waterboarding, cutting and punching women is all fine and you shouldn't kinkshame but a woman who accepts money a man WANTS to give her is an evil
abusive bitch who should die.
No. 478105
File: 1572267510618.png (392.02 KB, 1346x1184, ____.png) casually points out that TiM co-worker is trans in a conversation between them. Gets verbally attacked for "presuming he is trans" and "telling him he doesn't pass".
No. 478110
>>478080>Be man>Rape>>S-she sniffles falsely accused me everyone!>>>"But what about the evidence that her drink was spiked?">>She did it herself! Women are crazy!! I can't trust them>>>Oh okay, we're so sorry you poor innocent man, let's attack and ruin the womans life while handing money to the accused rapist because the poor baby got his life ruined!!If anything men's lives get BETTER after they're falsely accused of rape, they get handed money and sympathy, even more so than women who actually get raped, they can forever play the
victim card, no one looks back into their past or what they could have possibly done to tempt a woman into falsely accusing him of rape. If false accusation cases were treated just like rape cases there would be no cases of false-false accusations (falsely accusing women of lying about rape which is even more likely than regular false accusations)
>She falsely accused me of rape!!!>You need evidence>You need to explain where you were and what you were wearing>Explain the relationship, were you putting out enough? Were you treating her enough?>Why were you alone with a woman at 3 am?>You're going to need a strange man to get samples off your penis to test for DNA No. 478113
>>478110Exactly. We need to start asking for undeniable proof of false accusations before taking them seriously.
Rape itself is all too common in every society, and in every part of history. It's astronomically more likely to
be raped than to ever be falsely accused.
What makes any man so special and innocent that we should just believe he "didn't do anything" on his word alone?
No. 478120
>>478113Money. The fact men are more valued in society. The fact men are viewed as "hard working, honest, courageous" and women are seen as "manipulative, liars, crazy"
Is wanting to not be harshly judged for being a certain gender too much to ask for
No. 478252
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>>478002>>477977That's true as well, and I think the mismatch is different.
I think a "normal" submissive hetero guy is like, emotional/psychological, and less focused on the physical aspects of submission. He likes experiencing submission. Or he gets off on pleasing his woman/domme. Either way, these are both psychological pleasures.
I think "sissies" and AGPs are focused on the visual aspects of submission. I think sissies are actually more "male"-like than normal submissive men, because their primary fetish is visual. They want to be submissive, but their sexual satisfaction comes from the sight of themselves (either an actual sight or imagined) being submissive. So they imagine themselves as women, because women are the only bodies worthy of being objectified (since they're straight men)
No. 478282
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What do you guys think of this?
dude claims that some incels become sissies because they're starved for sexual attention. Eventually they become MtF/TiMs. No. 478284
>>474815robots will always overrun any female space on the internet.
It is natural law, because robots are unemployed and friendless with all the free time in the world.
Mods have to be stricter with banning on sight IPs with a consistent history of bot-like cum-like posts.
No. 478304
>>478294Didn't know about that.
I heard it used as a way to call a woman a slut and thought that it would instead be a great insult towards men, they are the semen carriers after all.
No. 478306
>>4780801- rich
2- he's a jew
Of course he's going to be protected
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there is a porn gif here so open with caution
but seriously, why do men think this looks sexy? they're always shoving their fingers into holes and jiggling them around like they're trying to start a fucking car up. maybe that's why so many men are terrible at fingering. porn always makes this shit look so angry and awkward and painful.
No. 478317
15-year-old girl missing for a year spotted in 58 adult videos on Pornhub, Periscope and Snapchat by mom will defend this. How can they know for sure that they never watched any videos featuring this girl? At this point, do they even care?
No. 478321
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>NY Democrats Quietly Dismantle ‘1 Male, 1 Female’ Rule>Emilia Decaudin, 94th AD for Yorktown (Westchester County), introduced an amendment to the NY State Democratic Committee by-laws, in order to remove all sex-based language from party rules. The 20-year-old student, who identifies as a transwoman, is a senior at the City College of New York, and is the youngest-ever member of the Democratic State Committee.
>Decaudin successfully got the NY State Democratic Party to dismantle the “one male, one female” rule from Democratic State Committees—A rule which the women’s suffrage movement fought to put into place. The rule guaranteed females an equal seat at the Democratic table.
>Where the rules once read “his or her,” it now reads, “they,” “them,” or “theirs.” Where the rules once read as “one male and one female,” or, “are of the opposite gender,” it now reads as various version of two people who “do not identify as the same gender, unless they both identity as a non-binary gender.”Dismantling everything actual feminists fought for, and erasing women's documented rights. All in a day's work for awesome trans gals.
No. 478322
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>>478321Same guy. This is really where things are at. I never thought actual misogynists and anti-feminists would figure out how to convince society they're woke and progressive, but here we are.
No. 478325
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>>478321What a surprise that the man to introduce the amendment and go up to the microphone to speak on behalf of it is a man with a she/her pin and a completely inappropriate skintight dress that shows his fucking genitals.
No. 478326
>>478325This is why I don't understand why people can shit on someone like Trisha Paytas for being a fake trans (just using her as an example, I know she's mentally unstable and most likely trolling) for not dressing like a guy or trying to pass, yet this man with his fucking dick on show is somehow a totally real woman. How has this become acceptable?? Why can't he just be an androgynous man in a dress?
Also I wonder how he contains his AGP boners in that dress.
No. 478334
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>>478328Wonder what he's deleted.
No. 478372
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US soldiers raped at least 54 Colombian children with immunity>“Yes, we took her and we raped her. So what?” – Alleged words of US Sergeant Michael J. Coen to the mother of a 12-year-old rape victim.Wherever they go, scrotes do evil. Once again, these men live normal lives and face no repercussions for their acts, except in this case, they are deliberately given immunity by the government.
No. 478377
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>>478372Four more sources, just in case the occasional alt-right/rape apologist/handmaiden/possible scrote "anons" we get decide to pop in and cry "Fake": (Colombia Reports)
Pic related, then–Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Richard B. Myers (left) and Colombia's Armed Forces Army Chief Gen. Jorge Mora Rangel.
No. 478378
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>Man “Dressed Like A Woman” Repeatedly Recorded Women in Mixed-Sex Restrooms, Police Say: Richard Rodriguez news story of a TiM assaulting women in a mixed sex bathroom. But this never happens, right? The article goes on:
>According to longitudinal research by Woman Means Something (opens as PDF), multi-stall facilities that permit users of both sexes to enter have led to a rise in voyeurism toward women. In findings that were released May 2017 (opens as PDF), the organization reported that the “Woman Means Something campaign has catalogued 255 incidents in which males have perpetrated violence against women in non-sex-segregated spaces as of Apr 30/2017.” In 29 of those incidents, the “biological males identified or expressed (clothing, wig, etc.)” as women.
>Women Are Human has tracked numerous recorded incidents in which men who identify as transgender women have recorded or sexually attacked women and underage girls as they used public facilities. No. 478426
>>478316my personal creed is that, if i ever get a boyfriend who wants to do anal, i will ask him if he will allow me to finger and fuck HIS ass. if he says no, we're through.
and yes this is a huge deal to me, primarily because it says a whole lot about a man's principles if he wants to fuck you in a way that will cause pain for you but he won't let you do the same to him.
No. 478432
>>478419Anon, without sub men straight domme women would have no one to dom.
Might as well hate us, too.
No. 478442
>>478423>speaking the truth means I am a tradthotYou really need to come up with better insults
>>478432Anon, I don't hate you and I am not saying you shouldn't be able to dom whoever you want. I am just saying that sub men are cowards who just want to be led around and are trying to escape the responsibilities that being a man entails. If you are ok with that, no problem with me, I just dislike the worship cute uwu sub men get in this site when they are imo the worst kind of men, that are still men, with all the negatives this entails but avoid the responsibilities that men are supposed to bring along.
No. 478469
Going off the domme discussion, I was wondering what anons think of this article? It's about someone who did it as a form of sex work, not a lifestyle thing, but I feel it's still related.>As a pro domme, I was in no way acting as a “strong, empowered, women in ownership of her own sexuality”; it was the furthest thing from it. I mainly abused men, for pay, and it made me feel truly masculine, powerful, and strong, even though it put me in a vulnerable situation legally and physically (safety). There is a term in kink lingo that (poorly) illustrates how dommes can be the unwitting servants: “topping from the bottom”. The male always wielded the power, that it was ever handed over was only an illusion for his sexual gratification. The reality was that I was intensely servile, under a mask of dominance that even I thought was real. The fact is, the act of kink (or sex, stripping, etc) for pay put me in a truly submissive position, having to cater to male needs, and desires, in order to survive financially. No. 478475
>>478469Pretty much what happens in plenty of relationships, sub men just dom from the bottom.
>>478470Thanks anon, you get it. Sub men are in the end still men with everything bad that regular men bring but without bringing any of the positives. If you want them to satisfy your sexual fantasies, fine by me, you do you, but don't pretend they are better than the average man when they are even more of a drain.
No. 478536
>>478371And yet it's still being pushed that women should enjoy porn, make it and find it "empowering"
>>478372>In his report, the historian cited one 2004 case in the central Colombian town of Melgar where 53 underage girls were sexually abused by nearby stationed military contractors “who moreover filmed [the abuse] and sold the films as pornographic material.”I've heard so much fucked up shit happens in the military and how men in the military are really the worst. It's terrifying
No. 478558
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>>478317And look at one of the comments. I've said it before a bunch of times but men are extremely defensive of porn and will defend it no matter what. A girl gets kidnapped and raped and all he cares about is dOn't DeStrOY thE PoRN InDusTRy
I'm fucking fuming.
No. 478560
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>>478558Another comment from a man. Apparently child kidnapping and rape is abortion's fault.
No. 478585
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I have a feeling only alpha and beta got big because adding the rest of them would just make the whole idea stupid
No. 478615
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No. 478638
>>478633I like using the term Classic Liberal Feminism to describe my particular set of beleifs
Anti-Porn,Anti-Trans,Anti-Kink,Pro LGB Rights,Non-misandrist and Pro-Choice
No. 478686
>>478321>>478322liam maddigan's american cousin.
>>478426>t says a whole lot about a man's principles if he wants to fuck you in a way that will cause pain for you but he won't let you do the same to him.even then, men have prostates and can find anal penetration genuinely pleasurable in a way women can't so he'd still be getting the good end of the deal.
No. 478699
>>478668but will the random depressed guy relate to my suffering or call me a dumb roasty that has no right to be depressed?
Women (in general) are not the ones that should be taught about empathy…
No. 478701
When a man is depressed he's a poor man who had a hard life
When a woman's depressed she's an attention seeking whore
No. 478737
>>478736You sound like a boomer
>You don't have depression you're just sad>get over it Its not that simple alright
No. 478738
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>>478737And you sound like a scrot or a handmaid. Reality doesn't agree with your 'mental illness is demonized in both genders!!' , in fact men aren't demonized enough. They get excessive pity and sympathy for a group of people who take their feelings out on those around them, often violently and abusively.
No. 478740
>>478737Refusing to acknowledge the fact that there's a lot of people who fake depression and anxiety as well as therapists who over diagnose it is the reason why there's people who believe what I believe
It's clearly an issue and there's no denying it, denying the issue just means you won't be able to fix it and it just makes things more black and white than they need to be, similar to your thinking
No. 478742
>>478701To be honest, men commit suicide more than women, because they either too prideful to admit they have a problem, or they're told to suck it up because of
toxic masculinity. So if they express depressive/suicidal thoughts, people probably assume it must be serious. Not saying they should be taken more seriously than women, but it's good people are noticing depressed men too. It's about time they fucking start working on their emotions and emotional intelligence.
No. 478744
>>478742>men commit suicide more than women, because they either too prideful to admit they have a problem, or they're told to suck it up because of toxic masculinityDo you just make shit up in your head and pretend it's a fact? It's statistically proven that women ATTEMPT suicide more often, men SUCCEED at suicide more often. That's because they use more violent, effective methods like guns while women use pills.
Boohooing about
toxic masculinty hurting men is a waste of time. They can fix it themselves but they don't, because the status quo overall benefits them.
No. 478750
To be honest, I'm kind of tired of seeing feminists try to help men by discussing the effects of toxic masculinity on them.
The moment we try to say something about how the pressures of masculinity are bad for them, they start screaming "My masculinity is NOT toxic, you feminazi cunt, you're just trying to pussify me and all other men".
In the next breath, they go have a little cry in their anti-feminist forums about how we have no compassion for them. They throw tantrums about how we don't care about their suicide rates, that they're treated as the expendable gender, or about any of the struggles of the exact same things we tried to talk to them about (aka toxic masculinity).
We talk, they lose their shit. We stay silent, they lose their shit. There's no point. This is why feminism should be focused on uplifting women and women only. Men are petulant brats, they're nowhere near the same page.
We can't win with them, because their goal isn't for anyone to truly "win", but for women to shut up and lose.
And to be honest, if these "MRA", "MGTOW" and other manosphere cucks care so much about their own sex, they should make their own shit instead of pouring their bank accounts into the 9402893092032th shitty "feminism bad" documentary. Why aren't they funding any male domestic abuse shelters, or a male-focused mental health foundation? What happened to men's iconic power of self-determination and brotherhood? The truth is, they don't care at all about each other. They just want to complain about those things not being there. If they actually did something, they'd lose an argument chip. In fact, they probably want other men to continue killing themselves, just so they can smear the blood off their own hands onto our faces.
No. 478753
>>478750>In fact, they probably want other men to continue killing themselves, just so they can smear the blood off their own hands onto our faces.100%. You don't ever see men holding each other accountable for what they do to one another. Somehow every negative aspect of male socialisation is created by women, upheld by women, and could only be changed by women, even when men have "gone their own way". We're blamed for all the bullshit they do to themselves and expected to fix it all.
It falls in line with what men do even on the smaller scale of a relationship, though. Most men are incapable of performing any emotional labour and dump it all on their female partner.
No. 478756
>>478751I don't disagree with that, but I'm tired of seeing men's shit get sneaked into feminist conversation under the guise of intersectionality. It's how we ended up with the trans shit, and now we have hons like
>>478321 literally rolling back women's rights, or how many of the "female" political figures in the Philippines are actually trannies.
If we're talking class, disability, race, etc and the tenets of things like socialism within feminist groups, the focus must always be on how to help women. None of this "The men suffer like this, too, we need to solve it". It either takes up time that could be used to discuss women's plights, we end up having to deal with men taking our every word as an insult on themselves, or men pretend to play along, only to deliberately subvert everything we work for and try to make it all about themselves. The most annoying thing is that some well-intentioned women (who haven't yet figured out that random men actually
shouldn't be the beneficiaries of their maternal instincts) will go full handmaiden and assist them through it all. It's a waste.
>>478753>Most men are incapable of performing any emotional labour and dump it all on their female partner.This is it. They have this idea in their minds that we inherently owe them something. Everything is our fault, they should never lift a finger, and it's up to us to save them from themselves. Never mind that they're the ones who make society the way it is, and that most world leaders are other men that they fight for and put into power. Somehow, in our magic femoid witch powers, we caused it all.
Just entitlement abound.
No. 478764
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So now this is happening
No. 478765
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I rarely ever hear about the troon invasion in Japan, didn't realize it has come to this. In the thread I screenshot, there was a pornsick troon saying how excited this made him feel. The fact it specifies a women's school being one of them just upsets me.
Japan anons, are most troons b foreigners? Because from what I remember majority of Japan was very stern on biological reality and crossdressing was a more accepted thing compared to transitioning.
No. 478786
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This is petty but I feel like Apple fucked up by making this new emoji. Males and non-binary (because they have that now too apparently) have their version of this too but we all know which one of the 3 is going to be abused the most.
No. 478788
not sure if this is the right place to post this because i've never been in this thread before, but holy shit, i am so sick of seeing that nikita dragun thing everywhere. he's not "sassy" or "hot", he's just obnoxious and disgusting. actual celebrities have been acknowledging this monstrosity of a "human" for a bit now (for wokeness points, i assume) and every time i see him i just want to throw up. he dresses and acts like a mockery of a woman, like every sexualized stereotype about "hot girls" come to life, which i guess shouldn't be surprising considering that's what all troons do. but what really pisses me off is that this man was openly racist, misogynistic, and posted very very creepy things about children on twitter a while back, but if you bring it up as a rational reason for not liking him or finding him offensive, dumbasses defend him by saying, "she was a literal different person back then!!1" or "she's changed now - that's from when she was a boy," like bitch wtf. no, he has not changed in any way except for now outwardly embracing his mental illnesses and fetishes. he's still the exact same disgusting piece of shit he's always been. and celebrities are giving this thing an even bigger audience.
No. 478794
>>478788I absolutely feel you anon… How is what he does anything but a huge mockery of us? I wonder if women will ever wake up and stop accepting (or rather worshipping) gay men at the top of female orientated fields.
Semi related, but Trisha Paytas is trans now (she's obviously just trolling) but there's something that stood out to me: everybody is saying that she's still a woman because she obviously presents as one and that doing this hurts "real" trans people. But isn't saying this transphobia? Shouldn't we just believe them when they tell us their gender? lol They even go so far as to say "But how do you know that you're a man, how do you feel that?" And nobody seems to even notice the hypocrisy.
No. 478801
>>478751Haven't been visiting LC much lately (trying to not be a net addict) and what do I see - this same person still getting banned daily. What the hell. Necbeardspeed4 needs a thread or something.
Anyway this thread isn't as political or GC after the merge but aren't we gonna talk about the scary trans mob that descended on the Toronto library where gc feminist Meghan Murphy held a speech? She needed police escort and so did other women. No. 478802
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>>478798fucking hell, the person/man emoji divide sounds like a meme made on 4chan in 2015 that's meant to like exaggerate them crazy libs in a funny way.
I invite anons to guess which one is man and which one is person!
No. 478819
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>>478794>I wonder if women will ever wake up and stop accepting (or rather worshipping) gay men at the top of female orientated fields.I'm wondering that too. I never understood why women are so drawn to gay men when they can be so awful and sexist. The whole "sassy" thing seems like just a pass for them to be mean as shit with no repercussions.
No. 478832
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>Men being triggered by women being intelligent and conventionally attractive/sexy
Never gets old.
No. 478860
>>478857I mean, they do their job. They work hard to look good.
The only people who really seethe about them are men who can't date them, trannies who want to be them and self-hating women like gimpgirl555 who are obsessed with nitpicking their looks out of jealousy.
No. 478872
>>478869Judging by this salt, I'm guessing you're the racebaiting tard from the "unpopular opinions" and "annoying" threads.
You seriously just hate women, especially ones who simply happen to be conventionally attractive (or are "cacs", as you like to say). I don't know why you're in these threads, or on Lolcow at all, but you need to take a break.
(infighting) No. 478873
>>478699NTA but the one who mentioned Bell Hooks to begin with. I've only read all about love so far so forgive me. I think that book specifically doesn't….like make excuses for men. It's like hey, we are women we have deep empathy and sometimes that tricks you into giving lots of energy to shitty men or you are exploited for your kindness. Don't do that. Work on yourself and find good people to give your love to.
She tries to remove the idea of "love" from the feeling and rather that "love" is a constant action of care that you should only give to people who show you that love as well. She basically says walking away from
abusive scrotes IS showing them "love" because you are showing them the consequences of treating you badly, and it's nurturing your own self love.
My favorite quote from her is "There can be no love without justice"
Honestly what I'm saying is some radfems think she's libby but if men have hurt you and you are still dating them I highly reccomened the book All About Love lol
No. 478885
>>478876I'm detrans and it's the testosterone. that shit is no joke. honestly it made me realize the only difference between me and men mentally was my brain wasn't soaking in aggro juice my whole life and I like myself better without it.
there's this book Testojunkie about a woman's experience taking T for a year after the death of a close friend. I can't remember much of it but she's very detailed in her description of what it's like if anyone is curious about it.
No. 478886
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No. 478889
>>478886>>478885>>478876If it's the testosterone, maybe we can castrate all males and freeze their sperm to ensure they will be able to have children
vasectomies don't do anything to curb the "aggro juice"
No. 478959
>>478832I'll sound like a flower hat auntie for saying this: There's no reason why an attractive woman SHOULDN'T be educated, as their looks already give them a competitive edge just on the basis of halo effect and will be noticed moreover than their uglier peers.
This shouldn't be special because the reality is there's no reason why attractive people with obvious connections and wealth should allow themselves to be dumb.
No. 478972
>>478945>frodoouch anon I'm trying to grow out a buzzcut this term is
triggering me i'm trans-ponytail-bitch
No. 479063
>>476083tokarczuk is weird woman for me, i don't know how to feel when she wrote foreword to polish edition of one of butler books and endorsing her nonsense.
also i've checked feminist texts in my libary and only got butler annd other pomo shit also and book by a men. books were disasters, heavily libfem drowning in kweer theory, walls of nonsense and more references to foucalt and other trash, any of known radfems never mentioned lol. the absolute state of feminist movement in my country, libfems love supporting troons when they are harrasing lesbians and they even shame woman for not donating their wombs to timd after death. and we don't have abortion rights and hardcore christians want to make it worse.
sage for blogpost
No. 479090
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handmaiden thread locked, don't know where to put this but i'm laughing at this delusion. while the rest of other women fight against objectification, you get girls like these putting the movement a few steps backwards.
No. 479096
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>>479090Damn she's really plain compared to how she draw herself, it needs needs smaller eyes, bigger nose, smaller mouth and ratty hair for the final touch.
No. 479109
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>wake up
>check r/BeautyGuruChatter
>see Redditor getting downvoted and shat on for saying "menstruators" instead of women
>others reeing about evil terfs and muh twansphobia also getting downvoted
Made my terven heart skip a beat. I love seeing GenCrit in the wild. Women are hitting peak-trans all over the place, I'm almost a little grateful to trannies and genderkweers for breathing new life into the radfem community.
No. 479112
>>479096why is that ear growing from her face
also the point most often isn't that big boobs do not exist but usually the boobs are drawn in unrealistic way too round and perky on too skinny girl
No. 479116
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>>479090She did it guys, her padded push-up bra is walking proof that magic anime tiddies are realistic and therefore all other women should shut up about unrealistic standards and objectification forever. Pic related is a very filtered photo of the same girl who totally pwned the idiot feminists and their comments about real boobs not looking like giant balloons.
Even if her body did miraculously look like anime, how would that help the whole rest of the female population that walks around getting constantly bombarded with these images? I know countless beautiful, healthy young women and not a single one looks like all these extreme and/or fake representations of women but a ton of industries would like to make bank off making them think the way they look is wrong, that they should get plastic surgery etc.
Healthy appreciation of the female form has tanked in favor of delusions, exploiting extremes and constant oversexualization for profit. Young men don’t even know what a woman is meant to look like anymore.
No. 479122
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>>479119The first "Stacy's are perfect. I don't register ugly women as women"
No. 479137
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>[My sister] told me she thought the clinic i am going to start HRT with is "illegal" because they just give you HRT without a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. >I will not get the care i need through [a proper diagnoses] - first i'd need to wait years for an intake, only to be told by some cis people who just go off of textbook shit that they don't think i'm trans because i have an ASD diagnosis… I've heard stories >I know i'm dysphoric, i don't need some bullshit psychologist to determine if it's real or not. And what about non-dysphoric trans people?>Does she think i'm making a bad decision? Does she think it's not certain enough that i have dysphoria or something? Why does that even matter, it's not her fucking business?? Even if i didn't completely hate being a guy, i would still really love to be a girl is going to fucking regret transitioning so hard. You can also see how the trans community pushed him in by telling "stories" and "non dysphoric trans". I also can't possible imagine why his ASD disorder would get in the way of his transition
No. 479159
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And in todays douchebag Hollywood scrote behavior, we have an interview with David Simon, the creator of The Wire (and other inferior shows), caping for James Franco.
Among other things is him saying James Franco never "used his position to have sex" unlike Weinstein, etc. Even though the allegations state that he literally used his position as head of his "acting school" to coerce young women into getting naked, otherwise they won't get roles.
I always accepted that David Simon was kind of a douche, but this is beyond kind of a douche behavior. This is disgusting. Here's the full interview, if you want to read his excuse-making., as a bonus, here's a thread with him on Twitter where a woman calls him out on his shit, and he goes into defensive scrote mode, and doubles down on his bullshit. No. 479190
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>>479187Whatever keeps you going denile-cel
Anyhow inceltears is kindest way of dealing with incels. A lot of male feminist critiques boil down to 'I agree with you, but I cant act like you because im a feminist".
No. 479200
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delusion off the charts
No. 479213
File: 1572569411198.jpg (9.9 KB, 231x275, 1564428533211.jpg)

>>479200 let's say i take the bait and would spend my whole period with a trans girl. I would first spend 247 with them during theirs and vice versa. They would get to really see how bad it can get, and they would just have to deal with me and observe. "Muh mood swings" is the most common i see, but honey there are tons of people with mood swings that have 0 to do with them being on their period. I am sorry for this sperging but it's the fucking period talk that gets me everytime. Women are fucking actually suffering from the medical world not taking our shit seriously and now these people waltz in with their bullshit.
No. 479219
File: 1572570996285.png (270.32 KB, 870x678, screenshotAtUploadCC_157257059…)

>>479216That's Roosh V,A couple months ago he became a born again Christian that now disapproves of pre-marital sex and masturbation
No. 479224
>>479221>On 29 March 2019, Valizadeh(Roosh V) announced that after years of backsliding, he had committed himself to God and Armenian Apostolic Church, an Oriental Orthodox Christian denomination.[18] In light of his conversion to Christianity, Valizadeh instituted a set of new rules on his forum in which he banned discussion of extramarital sex;[18] he also removed many of his books from print as he felt they would lead other men into committing sin.his sister died earlier this year,who was perhaps the only woman he ever truly loved and her death sent him down on a deep depression which no amount of sex or porn or drugs could ever heal so he found religion as an answer
This doesn't seem to be an act either he has removed all his books from being sold and personally burned the one's he had in storage,stopped mastrubating and is now doing ""this""
No. 479225
>>479221Christian ideology has always been very apologetic for sexual abuse towards women, and promotes a patriarchal power structure.
I'm more shocked PUAs and incels haven't adopted it quicker. I mean they're already willing to lie and larp about other things.
What better way to dominate than to use a call to authority to justify it?
No. 479238
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>>479200How this honest and true lady responds to a real woman who gently stated the facts. Funny that he calls her the very thing he will never have.
No. 479240
File: 1572575414444.jpg (Spoiler Image,421.43 KB, 1140x1630, CryrR6j.jpg)

>>479238One of his friends that replied with “We most certainly do have periods.”
No. 479241
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>>479238Again none of them even bother to look up what hormones do during menstruation. It’s nothing like what goes on in the body of a TIM.
No. 479249
>>479248>>479243>>479224some choice highlights
>I have to say that her death made me feel like a fool. For years I’ve been chasing women, fame, and novelty, thinking that those things would make me happy or somehow complete me when the one thing that could make me happy was so close the entire time. Instead I went to faraway lands, as far as I could, to pursue exotic pleasures and entertainment. They were fun at the time because my family was healthy, my sister was healthy, and I was healthy, but now that all seems so meaningless. I don’t even want to remember those experiences. The only thing I’m scared of is that in a few months, once the pain of her death subsides, I’ll go right back to doing all that, because I don’t know what else my life is for.
>We went through the packet and got to a question that asked how you would like to be remembered after you die. I have the packet right here so I’ll read to you what she said in her morphine fog: “I want people to remember me as kind, and that I tried my best to share my love and make people happy.”
>As someone who gave way more than she took, I know she will be remembered in this way. When I die, I can tell you that thousands of people will celebrate, and it’s a good thing if you don’t know why that is, but with her that wasn’t the case. She was a big-hearted person through and through, which just adds to the unfairness of it all. No. 479252
File: 1572577617782.png (183.23 KB, 813x670, transmaxx.png)

From so-called "transmaxxing" incels
No. 479253
>>479249I was more intrigued by his contradictory narrative. At first he was all about flying to where she was, aggressively pushing her to take on more chemotherapy and drugs. He admits he saw the word "palliative" on her paperwork. Guess this highly intelligent individual didn't know what that word meant.
Later he blames the doctors saying that they "orchestrated a great charade that only added to her suffering."
I know people in grief act irrational, but it irks me when people push for 'cures' for their family members out of guilt yet get angry at healthcare professionals when there's consequences to pushing those treatments.
There's actually a term for guilt-stricken relatives who push for treatments for their dying family members (although it's moreso applied to the dying elderly).'s an asshole with major regret now.
No. 479256
>>479216>"I bake my own bread, yes, I'm outing myself a baker, as someone who likes to cook. I'm not a woman, I am ultra masculine, as you can see, but baking and cooking in general is a scientific thing and men like science, I used to be a scientist"he really does have a way with words
>>479225I was raised christian and this is true, especially with the more orthodox churches from what I've seen. he's probably still a raging misogynist, at least he's not out preying on women anymore though
>>479224in this video he really seems… unhinged.. but then again he always kind of seemed that way..
No. 479337
>>479336men also mock other men who are in relationships with women with underdeveloped/androgynous features
calling them gay or pedophiles even though those men themselves likely masturbate to underage hentai
No. 479354
>>479350And then he's going to complain about how all women are thots because his standard for a "pure" girl is basically a girl who's never kissed a man, and then the women who are like that are either too ugly for his tastes, young and don't want to be stuck with his ugly ass forever or too awkward or anti social for him, even then most women hate him because of his sick attitude towards women
Imagine if middle aged, below looks, women hated men because they couldn't find a socialable virginal Chad
No. 479357
>>474474I'm ill of
sex workers models looking like a blow up doll and convincing themselves that they're 'owning their sexuality and femininity' while in fact they're just appealing to men with the most unnatural and far from real
femininity as possible, they're merely the image of femininity a porn producer has, and they're all repeating the same excuses like a broken record.
No. 479373
>>479357There's almost no aesthetic beauty or grace to this shit whatsoever. It's a cheap parody of what dull-minded, cumbrained men imagine us to be, and it irks me that they liken that with femininity and women's sexuality.
Instead of calling this "femininity and sexuality", they should call it "femininity and sexuality [as defined by pornsick men]".
Like, stop trying to hide your weird-ass fetish under a veneer of feminism and claiming it's a celebration of femininity. If anything, it's a complete mockery of it.
The whole bimbo/porn star aesthetic didn't even come from women. It was imagined by men to degrade us and portray us as unintelligent (but fuckable), so how can it be "ours"? Is their whole concept of "being feminine" just emulating anything that hateful men say/think about us while they jerk off? Why does it seem like degrading yourself and going along with jabs at your overall existence is considered a positive aspect of "owning your femininity"?
We don't see men "owning their masculinity" by wearing tank tops that read "Incel", "Manlet", "Virgin With Rage", "Anger Issues", "Mommy Issues", "I Don't Understand Consent", "Cumbrain", "Unresolved Mental Baggage", "Fitness Addict with Body Dysmorphia" and "Erectile Dysfunction" while trying their hardest to look like anime bishonen, K-pop boy band members or youthful vampires (or some other aesthetic for men typically found in erotica/romance created specifically by/for women, or at least lauded by a lot of them).
No. 479382
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No. 479489
>>479373>We don't see men "owning their masculinity" by wearing tank tops that read "Incel", "Manlet", "Virgin With Rage", "Anger Issues", "Mommy Issues", "I Don't Understand Consent", "Cumbrain", "Unresolved Mental Baggage", "Fitness Addict with Body Dysmorphia" and "Erectile Dysfunction" while trying their hardest to look like anime bishonen, K-pop boy band members or youthful vampires (or some other aesthetic for men typically found in erotica/romance created specifically by/for women, or at least lauded by a lot of them).wonderfully said, anon. can you even imagine? as it is men go berserk and have meltdowns and shoot up public spaces over women having basic standards for attractiveness, cleanliness, and normalcy. if they were expected to ACTUALLY conform to women’s desires… no way could they handle it. fucking babies.
No. 479527
File: 1572655357943.png (121.4 KB, 806x581, LOGIC.PNG) feels like some satire of reddit, but it isn't. A famous author who writes about
abusive men just got 'not all men'd. They also bring up anti-vaxxers for some reason? The site is also run by 'logic bro' and has 20 articles defending gaming.
I lowkey want to make a meme to get back at all those 'people only care if you're a women and depressed' and 'women faking depression be like' memes with Lundy Bancroft's 'the
victim' and 'mr. sensitive' archetypes to be the real ones who fake depression. From what I've seen every mention of Ludy
triggers scrotes because he wont bend to their 'men can be abused' line and the fact he also calls out 'men acting leftist for pussy'
No. 479528
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>>479527This would piss a lot of people off
No. 479534
File: 1572657028438.png (60.9 KB, 676x560, xoaABe4.png)

I love using this image to trigger troons
No. 479550
>>479373I've said it before and I'll say it again: it's the autist > incel > AGP pipeline.
robots don't go outside = they never interact with, let alone date girls = they're attention starved = they wish to transform into something that gets a lot of attention (in their straight male minds, that is a porn stereotype of a hot girl)
AGP is just a fetish that comes from men who get no attention from women. In the past, most men would get at least a little bit of sexual experience–it's not nearly as hard to date women as robots/incel culture makes it out to be–and that's why this stuff blew up only recently
No. 479551
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I see a George Of The Jungle with gynecomastia and filters.
For the millionth time: what IS a woman supposed to be and how does this guy exemplify any of the traits of the “perfect woman”? He’s obviously into the bimbo fetish but the creepy men that are into that only like you when you’re young. There is an expiration date for this kind of thing. What happens when he’s in is 30’s or 40’s? He’s already done the damage for the sake of a fetish and he’s still going to age like a man would except the health effects from HRT may worsen the process. All these young guys doing this to be the cute dumb girl of their fantasies but they have no plan for when their enablers grow tired of them.
No. 479556
>>479348uh, maybe if you have an extremely shallow understanding of internet subculture
those types of men no longer care about being "selfishness" and "redpill/PUA", they care about being "trad", y'know, handmaid's tale-esque realities where women are to be cherished and protected, so long as they do everything they say, for family and race and nation, that sort of thing.
No. 479590
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Biological reality is such a hard thing for these idiots to understand.
No. 479593
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>>479551Are my eyes deceiving me or are his tits photoshopped? Also this guy is dating another troon, typical.
No. 479595
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>>479593you know what,I have no problem when troons date each other just stay from cis-women and cis-men
pic related is his ""gf""
No. 479596
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>>479593 looks like bad and ashy boob contour
No. 479601
>>479593lmao, this dude actually would have been a good-looking long-haired guy like
>>479588 said if he'd just owned that and didn't give himself mantits and shit. a shame he wasted it on mental illness and a fetish.
No. 479611
>>476046Asian dudes have been doing this for years. Any discussion in Asian American communities now has to include some obligatory asspatting about how Asian men are "actually super sexy!" because they've been bawwww'ing about being "emasculated" for so long.
It's why I hate weeaboos and koreaboos so much. They unwittingly provide ammunition to these scumbags with their "UwU not like other girls!!!" relationships.
No. 479620
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>>479610>>479618That sub is bizarre,imagine putting in actual effort to make this
I still don't get what point this comic is trying to make ?
No. 479626
>>479528Eh, I like Bancroft and all, but his 3rd point here is just wrong, I know several guys who were
victims of physical violence by their girlfriends who are definetely not abusers. Not that I don't believe abusers use it as an excuse, but what he is suggesting here is to essentially be negatively predisposed to male
victims, that is not ok.
No. 479630
>>479610In this one, they're just screeching that the guy is too feminine, "low testosterone", and that she'll "cheat with a Tyrone".
Why can't these latent homosexuals just accept that women are attracted to different kinds of men from their "Chad" archetype? He's cute.
No. 479703
File: 1572715759240.png (585.65 KB, 1187x3394, Screenshot_2019-11-02 The Coup…)

>>479664I can't tell if you're serious or if you're trying to emulate ben shapiro
>>479620>>479629It reads much more like something a /pol/tard would make, honestly. I'm not sure how people ITT aren't seeing that.
No. 479708
File: 1572716272449.png (725.95 KB, 638x697, vl2ste9i42v31.png)

Men: anime and porn doesn't ruin our minds, stop Pearl clutching Karen!
Also men: rejects years of human evolution because anime
How long do you think it will be before neanderthals start taking over?
No. 479724
>>479708Don't we already have neanderthal Gene's
>>479703>those commentsThat is a lot of white robot insecurity
No. 479804
>>479780>>479781>>479785Can you promote your creepy fetishizing alt white comics somewhere else? Thanks
It's very annoying how gender critical threads always devolve into comments and images that look suspiciously like the sort of stuff a hypothetical white male 18-25 neet would post.
Just because we don't like troons doesn't mean we want your right wing propaganda. Hell half the reason we hate troops so much is because they ARE you.
No. 479863
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>>479832>>479855One of them seems to be objectively and measurably worse though
No. 479867
File: 1572745741831.jpeg (95.15 KB, 750x253, 660B2D30-AA57-4D0E-BA9B-C4D31F…)

do they hear themselves?
No. 479876
>>47986516% is way more than 4%
also if that pic is polling both genders, then it's probably even worse. Since the opposed group probably skews female with Blacks, and male with Whites.
No. 479878
>>479867>pointing out the obvious is a dogwhistlewew
also how is it TERF related? they're the ones making the connection if a woman says "men are violent" with no mention of transpeople
No. 479879
>>479876I don't think its such a big issue,interracial marriages aren't gonna "genocide" neither blacks or whites in America
hell something like 70% of Interracial marriages are between Hispanics and whites
No. 479907
File: 1572751857126.png (Spoiler Image,570.6 KB, 1081x671, Screenshot_2019-10-26 r ftmspu…)

can we discuss r/ftmspunished,Its a forced feminization subreddit for Transmen/TIFs
how the fuck does that even happen(we all hate you, necessaryspeed4.)
No. 479969
>>479952thank you. it's total bullshit. side note but i've noticed men on incel forums and trp and whatnot have been calling any woman BPD now. definitely becoming an alt for 'roastie', basically. it has a 3:1 diagnosis ratio of women to men. 75% of 'BPD' sufferers are women. it's so fucking clearly demonizing female
victims for not 'coping properly' with abuse (often diagnosed with no regard for whether or not the source of abuse or instability has been removed). even if it is real (and i suspect it isn't, and is just a subset of PTSD, likely C-PTSD), what other fucking disorder that is said to be a result of abuse is stigmatized like this and said to be basically permanent? no one says "it's permanent" about anxiety disorders or PTSD. it really feels like any time a woman's reactions to abuse become a 'problem' to those around her, she's diagnosed with BPD. funny how men also happen to fetishize women with BPD. hmm, very strange, that. seems from every angle it's been dreamt up and propped up by the the male mind, honestly.
No. 480022
>>479952The males AND females there are utterly garbage in "human" form, to be honest. I admit I only was obsessed with BPD because of some random stalker that kept calling me BPD but even then I never felt true disgust when I actually understood the disorder.
Also, the funniest post there was that one post by this weird thot complaining about her boyfriend's kid that isn't even biologically hers, hahaha.
BPDlovedones, and all those other subs that demonizes mental illnesses are JUST LIKE those freak estrangled parents and grandparents who molested their kids. Fuck them and fuck the people they misled.
t. schizotier but even I have somewhat of an empathy
No. 480077
>>479512Men LOVE villianizing women for reacting normally to abuse, yet they'll go out of their way to justify men murdering others because their mom was mean, or even better when they justify abuse because the abuser was abused by his mom
It's always women's fault, never men's
No. 480105
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No. 480108
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No. 480113
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>>480105This guy just deadass blamed school shootings on people not jerking off enough
No. 480133
>>480105>uggo-rightIs this chode an actual 12-year-old? Moids aren’t funny confirmed.
He typed all that out when he could’ve just written “I’m a worthless cumskull” and saved himself the effort.
No. 480135
File: 1572830638182.png (69.65 KB, 617x525, screenshotAtUploadCC_157283054…)

Cissy transphobic gayman owned by awesome TRA
No. 480159
File: 1572837128084.jpg (58.49 KB, 594x487, rupaul.jpg)

I like watching these idiots try to cancel RuPaul. RuPaul is too old and too rich to care what you morons think.
To be fair, Ru has said some dumb shit over the years, and drag itself is it's own can of worms, but he's not going to cower to these idiots.
No. 480250
File: 1572867121957.jpeg (37.59 KB, 550x419, 98F80710-2565-40D4-93DF-A9C668…)

How the fuck is this ok
No. 480273
File: 1572878980661.png (533.46 KB, 780x509, Screen-Shot-2018-10-25-at-10.2…)

i love the wachowskis' movies, but it sure is… uh… interesting how both of them came out as trans.
also, lana needs to look her age, she looks so "hello fellow kids" with her current styling
No. 480287
>>480232Oh yes. I met some lesbian girls who hang out on 4chan a lot, and many of them actually ended up having the same mindset of your typical male incel.
>neet living with parents, don't take care of themselves or wash often>overly nitpicky, no woman is ever enough even though they're not exactly attractive or interesting themselves>impossible standards for women, putting them down if they're not thin with comically huge boobs and/or ass (the THICC meme)>orbiting their crushes like lapdogs, then turning against them the second they're rejected and start calling them sluts, ugly etc.With some I actually had to ask "Are you sure you're into women?" because everytime a picture of a woman was posted, they'd always react like
>too plain (in front of a picture of a very beautiful woman)>eww brown eyes>not thicc enough>flat ass (even though it wasn't, it was just normal)>shit jawlineAnd the weirdest nitpicks. It was crazy to see, but apparently they exist.
No. 480302
>>480295Its usaully butch women who participate in this type of behaviour, Butches start talking about how they’ve “fucked more girls” than the men, “gotten more pussy” and are “better in bed.” so their sexual partners become objects rather than humans. If there are "women" in the room or If "women" are being discussed,then their objectification becomes a bonding mechanism for the butches and hetro-men,discussing who has the best ass, the best tits, who they’d fuck or not fuck e.t.c
so basically butches learn
toxic-masculinity and chauvinism from men
(necessaryspeed4) No. 480350
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>>480198With first the Vice documentary about the lonely incel living in his apartment, the BBC documentary about incels (the one featuring the Catfishman guy) and now this, something to me feels off about the way the media is trying to portray incels. Because they have committed violence I get that people are interested in who they are and it's important for the uninformed normal people not familiar with the Internet to learn about this but I feel like the incels themselves should not be having so many of these kinds of media platforms to speak.
No. 480371
>>480278Years ago Lana (pink dreads) called black women intimidating or masculine or something. I'm trying to find the source but it's buried under tranny stuff. I did find this comment here though:
"(lana) proceeded to specifically name African Americans as a barrier to passing gender neutral bathroom legislation" lana was force sissified. He didn't "come out" as trans. There's an article somewhere about it. He used to visit the sex dungeon or whatever Buck Angel (famous ftm) ran with his girlfriend in LA. After the matrix blew up lana started going, got off on being forced to dress as a woman by Buck's wife during BDSM sessions (Buck's wife was a dom). Few months later Buck's wife is leaving for Lana who is enjoying being forced to live as a woman openly, cue him "coming out" as trans.
Lana is trans even slightly. This is a full out fetish that he dragged his brother into.
No. 480373
>>480371Here's an article about the Buck Angel/Lana thing:'s not the one I read but the points are there. Lana is full on AGP and one of the worst cases I've seen, probably due to how much money he made.
No. 480379
File: 1572904957006.png (107.22 KB, 998x441, Screenshot (69).png)

>>480198The comments are way too sympathetic. He looks like a harmless loser and that's why people coddle him (bring up the old "he was bullied as a kid"-excuse), they believe he could get better ("through love!"), normal people who also happen to still be partnerless think they can identify with him because he obviously isn't showing his true face, what he and all the others only dare to write in their online safespaces.
This comment made me the angriest, see pic
>…let's not be that personLet's not be the person who sees 50% of the entire planet's population as subhuman? Let's not be the person who supports shitstains who think like this?
It's basically again saying that we (but he likely means us women) need to be "nicer"…
>>480350This also frightens me a bit. There was a shooting in my country a couple weeks ago and news heavily hinted that he was an incel. But instead of informing the people and saying how it really is, they're always being so wishy washy. Tell normal citizens what incels really are, name them, tell them what 4chan etc is. They're always only saying "they communicuate via secret online communities", acting as if it wasn't the easiest thing in the world for a kid to come across /pol/ and similar content. It's not as difficult or obscure as those boomers make it out to be. Do they think we are too stupid or are they doing this on purpose?
I feel like secret services have already an eye on the incel community but as usual they will likely react too slowly if something were to happen.
No. 480390
>>480371>>480373What really kills me how they learned to get away with their fetish in a big budget tv series too.
>Sense8>Write your own self-insert, meek, "cute", nerdy, shy trans wommyn (played by a woman of course) "hacker activist" computer genius>Give her a stereotypical angry black woman stereotype girlfriend who literally defends her against evil cis terf lesbians calling the troon out (I'm not kidding)>Have them have sex onscreen with the girlfriend wearing a rainbow strapon dildo that even got a close-up shotI wish I was making this up. Thank the lord the series was cancelled.
No. 480395
>Because they have committed violence I get that people are interested in who they arePlease, "incels" are just some tiny subreddit and no normal person even knew what that was. Most chan users didn't know until, what, 8 months ago? At this point this is a wholly media-driven shit show leveraging a meme term that collectivises a random assortment of non-affiliated maladjusted individuals. Its going to promptly spin into some ungodly social clusterfuck and the smug grifters with the blow horns who catalyzed it will get none of the blame for it, as per usual.
People need to stop taking media campaigns at face value. News media are corporations, they generate money by shoveling piping hot bullshit into our heads. Even beyond company structure journalists have huge dedicated mailing lists for coordinating shit storms and drum up interest.
No. 480400
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>>480390I agree that the transbian shit in sense8 is gross but Jamie Clayton is a troon, not a woman.
No. 480428
>>480421i can't find any source for his claim about being voted the 2nd prettiest girl in nyc. he's not even the prettiest 'girl' in tuskaloosa, let alone nyc, where countless supermodels live?? jesus christ the tranny ego is large enough to swallow 2 planets.
also not to be a bitch but i read that observer piece and he's bragging about "being hit on or asked out about 4-5 times a week"… in nyc! i'm not even cute and i easily get hit on many times more than that in nyc. i'm pretty sure most women living in nyc are getting way more attention in a week than this dude, tbh. also the articles clearly show that "straight" tranny chasers have inflated his ego. they are the worst, because they make them all think they're literally irresistible and preferable to women.
No. 480436
>>480428I found the article and it was actually the author quoting her friend who said that Jamie is the second hottest
transexual in the world it's only this article that calls him the 2nd prettiest in new york, there was no poll or anything
No. 480443
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>>480390Thanks for confirming my decision to skip that trash was a good one.
>>480400haha the hands. Hands/feet are the easiest way to clock trannies
No. 480465
>>475137Because to men, women = sex
anime girl = literally an object of sex. They don't want to be women. They want to be sex objects because its their fetish. A lot of these fetish freaks latch onto anime girls because looking up to any real woman reminds them that women are people who don't live to suck dick
No. 480509
>>480502The Shining can be summed up with that one tweet
“the shining isn’t even horror men just be like that"
When you think of the treatment of the actress too, the whole thing is just disgusting
No. 480553
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Why the fuck do males have to be this way? This dude straight up put a creepshot in the middle of a Rome vacation tip article. I'm disgusted.
No. 480621
>>475842>>475839it's as simple as spending time and energy worrying and stressing about your bfs health at work, instead of applying that energy to your work. men don't go to work thinking of all the people and things he takes care of outside of it. the kids are sick and he may say so, but he's not running through their symptoms in his mind, not thinking of which medicines to get after work, what nutrients they need. shit like that, which women constantly do. my coworker broke her foot in an accident, and all the males at my job asked what happened and then made a lame joke then moved on. the women all expressed genuine concern asking if she needs anything. that shit takes brainpower, time and energy. historically and now, women take care of everything, we keep running to do lists of everything. how much brainpower do you spend thinking of groceries, meal planning, shopping and then cooking & cleaning? just for dinner?
imagine how much time and energy you could devote to getting better at your job or passion if you came home and that shit was just done for you? and you didn't have to ask or even think about it?
I think that's what anon was getting at. caretaking is a job in and of itself, it's unreasonable to think people would just also be genius mathematicians on top of it.
No. 480636
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>>480621This, it’s called the mental load.
No. 480657
>>480198So this guy is an "incelebrity" known as BrendioEEE. He even has his own "incel wiki page". According to it, he already had a girlfriend in the past so he's not even an incel. He does these incel interviews to "statusmaxx". Also, according to some youtube comments I found, he went on a panel with Jesse Lee Peterson where he debated the twitch streamer Destiny and admitted to being a white nationalist. Normal people who aren't terminally online wouldn't know this information about this guy just from the Jubilee video. I think I agree with
>>480379, if they're going to report on incels then they should show the whole story and don't give them these bullshit interviews where they will just lie to look like they deserve sympathy from society.
No. 480771
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>five adult men gang rape an unconscious 14 year old girl.
>court says it's not rape because the girl was unconscious, and gives the men a lower spain? No. 480794
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TiM calls a TiF a fragile male for getting upset at seeing misogyny
No. 480820
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>>480804Its already happening
No. 480851
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I want TIFs and TRAs to start pushing to use the phrase AMAB privilege so we can see social media freakouts from troons like this.
No. 480852
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>>480851I know these are old tweets but this is just amazing when people remind troons they have male privilege lmao
>DMAB Privilege isn't a privilege unless you ACT UPON ITThat's literally not how it works KEK you don't have to act upon it for it to happen, it's literally given to you because of the way other people see you, a male
No. 480879
This might be useful for all the single het PinkPilled anons
How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Blythe Roberson No. 480892
>yeah we can have jobs nowA full time housewife was a norm for a handful of decades and wasn't ever fully achieved, let alone enforced by the state. From what I can tell outside the tiny leave it to beaver pocket dimension historically women willing but forbidden to work by husbands was a version of today's 1st world problem of the elites - which is where feminism originates I guess? So this take would be an ideological artifact.
>men retain much of their previous lifestyleDepends on what you mean. Manufacturing got offshored, labor devalued by more workers per consumer, those things compounded previous one wage lifestyle is now unattainable on two wages unfortunately.
No. 480908
>>480893I don't think it could ever happen, from what I've seen online trans people get iced out from their trans networks for considering anything remotely. Their most supportive communities constantly tell them that anyone who even lightly questions gender politics is therefore an automatic terven beast who wants to kill them personally, so I don't blame them for not wanting to communicate with anyone from the 'wrong side' or risk their peers knowing that they might want to.
I don't know why it became the woke thing to not even try to understand your opposition, even in schools teachers are not allowed to let kids reach their own conclusions. Terf is a silencing slur.
No. 480978
>>480974Men consider
themselves in their prime when they're old, and do their best to terrify women into agreeing out of fear of being unmarried at 30. Reality is, women are most attracted to hot young men and just aren't repulsed by men their age/slightly older. Some handmaids might claim older men are hot but they are pickmes who have bought into the scare tactics.
No. 480990
>>480985The article you linked me just proved my point even further,moron.
In that article it says that old men find barely legal 18 year old teen girls the most attractive (and im sure it would be even younger than that if men were allowed to express their pedophilia)
No. 480997
>>480990You're acting like the reality is that some guys are pedos and all the rest are normies when there's a lot of evidence that a lot (possibly most) of normie guys have pedophilic tendencies. Explain the popularity of "teen" porn. It might not be the most searched porn term this year on pornhub but every time I've ever gone to a porn site the top videos are teen this, teen that with underdeveloped petite looking girls and titles like "dad fucks daughter's hot teen friend while daughter sleeps" and "brother fucks teen step sister" and yes those are actual names of pornos I've seen that were literally on the front page of a porn site last time I went there. And don't forget about niche sites like "18 and abused".
If you think most average guys that you work with and interact with every day don't watch that stuff and it's just some pedo creeps, you're blissfully ignorant.
No. 481007
>>480997The hardest pink pill to swallow is that pedos are the majority, not some minority fringe group of degenerate criminals. If not actual children, young teens at least are well within what men are attracted to and often what they prefer.
It's the most unforgivable aspect of maleness, I could overlook a lot of bullshit if I really wanted a bf but the pedo tendencies are a hard no and I won't risk it.
No. 481013
Also another daily reminder that women competing with each other for men is AGAINST biology and nature.
Women by nature are supposed to be picky and choose the most healthiest and physically fit young male.
Even women who are not considered ''stacy'' should not stoop as low to breed with a old/disabled man because they are putting their offspring in danger with a higher chance of deformations/disabilities
>>481012Apparently you have no idea what the word ''majority'' means.
I didnt say all animals treat their females better but quite alot of species do.
No. 481021
>>481015We control reproduction, it's that simple. They resent and obsess over us for that power, so they get overemotional to the point of violence against us, and they desperate want it for themselves so they structed society in a way that takes as much control as possible away from us.
My question is whether this is inherent, or if it just happened this way once humans got the idea of personal property and inheritence into their heads.
No. 481024
>>481016Anon/scrote did you hurt your arm with all that reaching?
Women have been treated as breeders/baby makers for centuries with no rights who were subjected to cruel cultural practices.
And women are still being treated in some cultures today as baby makers with no rights.
No. 481034
>>481030I used the scrote card because your argument made no sense and you sounded like a moron.
You said that animals treat their female's like breeders which is why they value them.
Yet men have treated women like breeders for so many centuries yet they did NOT value them.
>understand that females have more purpose in life than to give birthYou do understand that men think the opposite right and have been trying to take away any purpose woman has other than being a breeder right?
No. 481039
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So a TIM and TIF couple plan to become the other.
No. 481078
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>>481039pfft they think they are special
No. 481103
>>481094yeah no I was kidding it's still bizarre. I've kind of just been looking for an excuse to post Genesis.
Also they changed their name and started referring to themselves with we pronouns.
I don't assume these people have heard of each other but it's a weird concept to arrive at organically.
No. 481123
>>481114How so? I think anon made some solid points. A lot of aspects of libfem do benefit men in the end.
Body/sex positivity is just giving them what they want for free. Which has taken the only good thing we had going - that men had to work for it if they wanted sex.
Women have always been in the workforce (in lower classes) but now we have this pressure to make it to the top. If we want kids we are dumb breeders. If we don't want kids we are lonely spinsters.
Not to mention that libfems are the ones who seem to ride that tranny dick for woke points so we don't even really get female spaces.
I'm thankful for what the women before me have done, but this stupid free love crap has done approximately zero good for us. In a lot of ways millennial/zoomer guys treat us with even more disdain.
No. 481147
>>481123Because it's ignorant and twists the facts in a way that only shows one side.
Sex positivity might've been overtaken by men, but it also has opened dialogue, made seeking contraception, talking about bad sexual experience, and made women less shy about speaking up in bed. I remember being a teenager going through puberty, none of my female friends ever talked about masturbation or sexual pleasure, it was just something a man does to you when you really like him and want to keep him around.
Men having to "work" for sex was never even much of a thing. You're presenting a fictionalized view of the past where men all worked hard all day at jobs and fought for our honor and provided for us with no complaint. Life wasn't leave it to beaver for every woman before feminism.
Complaining about paternity leave? It's essential to womens liberation that men pick up the slack with child rearing, period. Studies have shown that men who do get paternity leave, and do spend more time at home with their children, want LESS children. Because they're aware of the effort that goes into taking care of the kids they've made.
Most women have kids. It's only in certain online spaces where you're a "dumb breeder" for having kids, and a couple girl boss seminars doesn't mean women have a universal pressure to rise to the top. No one is calling female cashiers ~boss babes~.
We need to pushback against any ideology that frames the time before feminism as better off or "not that bad" for women. It's all lies and propaganda.
No. 481153
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No. 481162
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Yeah we're all very jealous that we don't look as cute and feminine as Hannah Mouncey, sir. Sorry I mean MA'AM.
No. 481163
>>481162i like how it's a fucking slap to the face the only thing that makes them believe they're women is obsessing over appearing feminine.
dipshit, being a woman does not mean looking a certain way, just the fact we have female body parts and have FEATURES that indicate we're female.
i'm glad this troon only has 15 followers, they're deranged
No. 481171
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WTF is this bullshit
No. 481178
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Someone in the celebricows thread said henry cavill liked to date underage costars so I was googling about it, but found this instead about wilmer valderrama and all of the comments are like this. I'm so tired of men. No. 481184
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>>481178Sorta related but a bunch of misogynistic turds are making comments about Keanu Reeves new girlfriend whose far more age appropriate for him rather then dating a ridiculously younger woman
No. 481187
Anyway I'm totally derailing from this but it reminded me of the time people wanted the lesbian flag to be taken down because the original creator was accused of being a racist (and maybe transphobic?) and it made me think about how male trannies never get cancelled. You could be the worst fucking person molesting women and kids and spouting racist slurs but as long as you're a transbian, nobody either minds or when they do, they'll just dismiss it as "OH but he's not a REAL TRANS, not our problem!". Imagine if gay people did that. Took the gay card away the moment someone did something
problematic so they'd never have to reflect with their community.
No. 481188
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>>481184They're threatened by him caring about more than skin deep because they idolize 'men' like Leonardo Dicaprio that exploit their fame by sleeping with at least five different underwear models every night.
No. 481200
>>481188That's honestly vomit inducing. I'm 24 right now, meaning nearly too old for him, and every other normal person his age thinks of me more like a kid.
Why isn't he getting "cancelled"? Yes, he was cute in Titanic but his good looks are gone since a decade already. Why can he fuck barely legal money/fame hungry girls on huge yachts while preaching about muh vegeterian climate friendly lifestlye? When I saw that pic of him and Greta Thunberg all I could think was next year when she's legal he'll make a move on her lol
Semi related, but when metoo happened huge actors like him, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, George Clooney etc made me rage the most. They're so rich and influential, literally nothing could have happened to them if they spoke out against some sleazy directors but instead they act like scared little sheep who didn't dare to say anything. That or they claim to not have known that this is/was happening to their costars.
The same applies for older famous actresses, but they also got more hate than their male counterparts.
No. 481223
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Don't ask to see what you don't want to see.
No. 481229
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>>481227Would you be saying the same thing if she were an adult man? Lip kisses on children are creepy either way.
No. 481234
>>481233>The rule I always learned was forehead or cheek kisses for your own children, fine - anything else, not fine.I'm sorry that you grew up with rules, instead of with love…
Hopefully this is just bait.
No. 481242
>>481236>I know some families in the SouthIn the South of…?
I immediately thought that it's Americans who think kissing your child = pedo. Everybody else sees that as the most normal thing in the world. I'm sorry to use this argument but if you think kissing a baby's mouth is anything sexual then it's you who has a problem.
No. 481245
>>481147meh I'm not tradfem or whatever, maybe it wasn't clear, but I'm just talking about 3rd wave or whatever it's called libfeminism. 2nd wave and before, did a lot of good, lasting changes, and current libfem is basically fucking that all up.
maybe our generation feel like we have more comprehensive sex Ed and etc, but zoomers girls are opening up teen vouge to read about "how to eat out transgirls" and misinfo about anal sex. most discussions nowadays are centered around porn and kink and not actual safety and good choices. we have super STDs now… whatever education you're talking about had little effect on the larger pop.
nothing about paternity leave means men will actually step up and help with the kids. who knows, maybe they just use it as paid vacation. it also doesn't mean they will continue to step up afterwards. fathers are basically useless outside of their economic potential anyway. most of them are actually destructive forces in their children's lives, so it doesn't make sense to me to encourage them to be at home more. companies should put that money towards daycare support or something more tangible like that. the way fathers are celebrated while attitudes towards mothers is still bad or even worse is another way libfem has benefited men.
No. 481255
>>481245both the first and second wave were always linked to Socalist and Marxist theory and that's what made them effective imo, conversely Thirdwave/Liberal feminism came after the fall of the Soviet Union and has hyper captalism tied into its very foundation
Its the only form of feminism where pop-stars who lived a charmed existences can pretend to be social activists even though they uphold every single patriarchal beauty standard , e.g like Beyonce, engaging in the most brutal capitalism imaginable by screwing over minority workers in the third-world to promote and produce clothing lines.Her feminism is the same as that of Sheryl Sandberg in that it is self-interested but, instead of wanting to promote female empowerment in male-dominated fields, she goes the Feminist Initiative way and makes outrageously over-the-top comments to get attention.and while I do believe part of her feminism is genuine, something tells me she's just doing this as click-bait
No. 481257
>>481254It's also a thing in many middle eastern countries among men.
Eastern European parents, especially mothers, tend to have a physically closer relationship to their kids. Part of it is cultural, part of it is simply due to lack of space & poverty.
No. 481260
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We wont get anywhere until we talk about ALL abuse against women INCLUDING ABUSE BY OTHER WOMEN.
Lesbian domestic abuse is such a taboo topic for some reason but it needs to be talked about.
Women fighting each other is not taken seriously in society so its only worse when those women who are fighting are in a intimate relationship.
Abusers in lesbian relationship get away with it because they use the excuse that ''we both have have the same physical power'' and their victim never gets any support by the law,justice system or her family and friends.
Lesbian couples have the highest rate of domestic abuse, higher than straight and gay male couples (gay men have the lowest domestic abuse percentage)
Another taboo thing that people are afraid to talk about how the majority of the time it happens to be the butch who is the abuser.
Lets not turn a blind eye to this,calling out domestic violence does not make us homophobic.
No. 481263
>>481260>Lesbian couples have the highest rate of domestic abusenot this meme again.
Pol is that way, incelshit. I agree that abuse done by women to women should be addressed or we won't ever get anywhere though. (And I'm referring to the type of both physical and psychological abuse hetshit mothers inflict on their daughters, to mention the most common example, kek).
No. 481265
>>481244shut the fuck up amerishit, for fuck's sake. You clearly never been to either countries.
>>481261no, we definitely DON'T do that. Unless you are some gitano or cani lowlife scum I guess. Those are the only ones that come up in my mind who might.
No. 481266
>>481263Silencing other women who have a different opinion from you by calling them a ''incelshit''.
People like you are the reason why female
victims of lesbian domestic violence never get the help they deserve.
That was made as a meme by retarded scrotes but it doesnt change the fact that it is true.
Are you going to call the people who work at the domestic violence abuse hotline ''incelshit'' too.
>uses the word ''hetshit''What are you going to use next?
Are you going to call me cis scum?
No. 481267
>>481263Arent you the same weird larping retard troll that kept on trying to prove to everyone how selena is a pedo LOL.
also lrn how 2 sage
No. 481269
>>481159Maybe your grandma met some lucky men, but men have not magically become more cruel. they’ve always been cruel, and men still pressured women into casual sex in the 50s. It wasn’t all milkshakes and drive in theaters. Whether or not a guy behaves that way really depends on where you live and in what kind of community. Conservative small towns will have more guys looking for traditional marriage and not seeking casual sex. And
>>481165 is right. I’ve even dated guys off Tinder and only one ever led to first date sex.
>>481245>nothing about paternity leave means men will actually step up and help with the kids.I don’t see how it’s any better then just making men work while their wives are home alone with a new infant. There are a few men who are capable of being attentive fathers and helping out, and maybe actually being home during those crucial first few months can help with father-child infant bonding.
>In March 2007, Spain introduced a national policy granting most new fathers two weeks of fully paid paternity leave. The policy proved exceptionally popular, with 55% of men eligible in the first year opting to take the paid time. The amount of leave covered by the program was doubled in 2017 and expanded to five weeks in 2018, with additional increases expected between now and 2021.>While the early cohort of men who were eligible for paternity leave were just as likely to stay in the workforce as the men who weren’t eligible, they remained more engaged with childcare after their return to work, and their partners were more likely to stay in the workforce as well. >After paternity leave was instituted, surveys of Spanish men ages 21 to 40 showed they desired fewer children than before. Farré and González think that spending more time with their children—or the prospect of having to do so—may have made men more acutely aware of the effort and costs associated with childrearing, and, as the researchers put it, “shifted their preferences from child quantity to quality.”As for the other stuff you talked about, you’re in an extremely Online bubble. I’m not saying it’s not a problem but your average teenage girl doesn’t give two shits about how to “eat out a trans girl” or even knows anything about that.
>we have super STDs now… whatever education you're talking about had little effect on the larger pop.Super STDs are happening due to people being ashamed to get medical care and lack of education, it’s not because people are having sex now. All evidence shows the oppsite, people are having less sex now. Teen pregnancy is down, people are staying virgins longer.
>The number of high-school-age teens who are having sex dropped markedly over a decade, a trend that includes substantial declines among younger students, African Americans and Hispanics, according to a new government report released Thursday.
>The researchers said they could not attribute the trend "directly to any specific intervention," but experts have previously cited a number of factors, most importantly access in school and online to straightforward information about sex and contraception.
>In a recent story, The Washington Post crunched the numbers from the General Social Survey, which is conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, about what it called the “Great American Sex Drought,” and noted that 23 percent of adults admitted to not having sex in past year. What’s more, young men, especially those who are living at home and not working, are driving this trend. No. 481271
>>481266Caring about lesser known types of domestic violence against women is wonderful, but you shouldn't be using statistics that are known to be misrepresented (the "lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence" meme) and used only by men when they want to prove that women are ~totally worse than men~.
It's also true that abuse by moms against their daughters is way more common and not acknowledged enough. Men will call their moms
abusive for not warming up their hot pocket on time, but a lot of women put up with terrible verbal abuse from their mothers and are told it's normal.
No. 481272
>>481268You've been larping about selena gomez here for a hour and now your are foaming at your mouth like a rabbid dog just because i said that we should care about
victims of domestic violence.
It also takes
Newfag retard.
>>481270Nope its not her,the mods can even check my post history if they want. Ive also called out ncp4 for being a troll multiple times.
Sorry for having a different opinion even though im a gay woman myself with a older butch lesbian. Apparently you are not allowed to call out domestic abuse anymore if the women is a abuser.
No. 481282
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>>481267NTA, but they're right. The lesbian domestic violence stat has been debunked a ton of times. Abuse is a serious issue, and I don't want to say that lesbians who are abused by their partners don't deserve sympathy or attention.
No. 481284
>>481282What you posted has nothing to do with lesbians instead half of it is talking about straight couple's.
Me mentioning domestic abuse in lesbians does NOT AND NEVER WILL make me pro-men and i dont give a fuck about MALE
victims to be honest.
I just dont understand why i cant talk about domestic abuse with lesbians without some retard larping ''omg u hatez women omg you are incele''
No. 481340
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It’s always a woman’s fault
No. 481393
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>>481340Out of all 'women/POC have it easier in this field' I find the tech one to be the worst. Tech is known for attracting every misogynist/racist in the book (The reddit 'it's facts not -ism', the autistic coder who refuses to shower, the geeky loser who hasn't let go of his stacy vendetta, and so much more). Being a white dude in the coder field is an amazing advantage. The only way to become big as a female coder is to find some liberal startup or go full cool girl
No. 481396
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male “leftists” in a nutshell
No. 481412
>>481396I hate male liberals because they'll act like they're supportive of women and women's rights until a woman does something they don't like and then they'll turn on her. Like how the philosophy tube guy acts all feminist but then shits on terfs.
They don't actually care about women or poc or probably even trans people, it's about "look at me I care about the poor oppressed people I'm better than you"
No. 481470
>>481184And yet you know if he was dating an 18 yr old all the same people would be defending it and being like "love has no number!!!1"
I think they're so cute together though
No. 481490
I joined this Discord server where girls from a subreddit for women that uses terms like "looksmaxxing" (and other incel terminology) posted their IG accounts.
Because of the nature of the sub, and its links to Reddit’s ”femcel" community, I didn't expect them to be extremely attractive.
I was very wrong. All of the women are either complete knock-outs, or at least above average. Makeup all perfectly done, everyone fit or skinny, trendy clothes and nice photos. I know IG is literally just photos of people at their best, but holy hell.
How the fuck are these the same women posting on Reddit about how their skull is wrong, how to make their voices more attractive, whether how someone acted toward them counts as "Becky" or "Stacy" treatment, and how to make men act better to them? How did they even find such a community on Reddit?
Does it mean the whole thing is just a group for women with body dysmorphia and intense self-doubt, or have men’s standards just turned full retard as of late?
Even if they weren't so attractive before, all of this just means that most of them actually put in the effort. They put their money where their mouth is to be conventionally attractive, and most of them are still trying.
Meanwhile, every incel and male "looksmaxxing" community is full of obese neckbeards, delusional LARPers and bitter manlets who do nothing to self-improve, just attack each other and bitch about women.
I'm shocked by the stark difference. Whoever said gender socialization isn't real is a dirty fucking liar.
No. 481505
And yes I have myself that study memorized because of concern trolling people like
>>481284 who pretend to just be uwu concerned for the lesbian domestiv abuse sujrvivors uwuu~ when infact they're not.
You're fake, you're not concerned, if you were why the fuck would you be so condescending towards lesbians, those who you pretend to care about?
No. 481527
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>>481519>Venus Angelic>Living baby dollPeak taste
No. 481532
>>481527Yeah, no weird or pervy vibes from that man right?
Seriously why would he have that pic on the wall…
No. 481542
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>>481519Should have added this picture
>TRuST Me LADIEs No. 481571
File: 1573241173827.jpg (321.61 KB, 1548x2064, bathroom.jpg)

Hate this
No. 481584
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>>481504Bless you anon, I meant to post a reply to that nonsense yesterday but I was at work.
Here's a picture debunking it if it's easier for anons to save for the next time lies are inevitably parroted and spread around by people desperate to believe women are worse than men.
No. 481597
File: 1573248487122.jpg (217.51 KB, 540x2124, EI0e3qXUcAA1bgL.jpg)

Ok so I thought emma watsons self partnered expression was a little extra…but fucking hell look at this reply, look at this reply and laugh. These men are so fucking pathetic kek.
No. 481609
>>481597I think Emma Watson is fucking insufferable but anything that
triggers scrots is amazing in my book
No. 481641
>>481340Can you be GC and be against affirmative action?
I worked hard in STEM. I find AA just compounds the doubts others will have of you. And makes you doubt yourself too. I'd prefer it simply not exist. And it's bullshit that it mainly benefits women. It benefits mediocre black moids who'd otherwise be working mid-tier law or finance.
No. 481682
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Thoughts? Mind you this is made by the people who think women are out to get them
No. 481739
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Even the Pokemon fandom is getting tired of TRAs.
No. 481757
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