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No. 728774
no such thing as a stupid question
previous thread
>>720441 No. 728788
>>728761I don't know if you'll see this anon, but don't do it. You should never send nudes in the first place tbh because men post them online and send them to their group chats
but there is no way any discharge will look like cum, so please just don't even try this anon it will come back and bite you hard
to be honest you sound underage with a discord bf so please just trust me on this lol
No. 728792
>>728788Hey anon, i was checking for answers.
not to be like "myy nigel wouldn't do that" but we're both adults (both 20) and technically he is my fiancee. i never put my face in the pics which i know isn't a good excuse.
i assumed this wasn't a doable plan, i just wanted to ask since creampies is basically his only kink.
thanks for your answer, i really appreciate it. i just hope that i didn't portray him in a negative light. he literally knows about lolcow and is borderline a
terf (or at least radicial feminist). so i kinda trust him with nudes. i asked him before to delete all of them when we had an argument and he deleted it from all the devices during facetime immediately as he wanted me to feel safe.
sorry for sperging, thanks for thinking about my safety anon. i guess it's not doable to fake sperm by myself anyway.
No. 728804
>>72879220 is still very young, just be careful. Even if he is your fiancee absolutely anything can happen, that doesn't stop him from doing anything awful. I think I'm vocal about this because I'm still not sure if my ex deleted my nudes and I'm scared I'm on some sites, even when I did trust him. It's stressful to think a loved one would do that.
Also if you do need to "fake cum" just be safe and get something from a sex shop or whatever, making something to resemble it and then putting it up your vagina can be.. just not good. Be safe, anon.
No. 728814
>>728792Anyone who has been through a break up knows just how quickly a guy can go from being great to 'I hope he doesn't pull weird shit to get petty revenge on me'
It's not worth doing this dumb shit.
No. 728817
>>728784I suspect that while mainstream anal only shows clean anal sex…I do think it being 'the poo hole' is a big part of the appeal.
I used to be so sexually open-minded (or I pretended to be lol) that I was surprised at how many men were leaning towards almost having scat fetishes. I've had a handful of men half tell me that they essentially like farts and the thought of women shitting. That or their dick coming out dirty. One ex offered to cure my painful constipation with some anal
No. 728831
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I’ve been thinking about doing the couch to 5k routine, but I do rowing instead of running, is this a good/ bad idea?
No. 728835
>>728792This answer is inspired by my dinner today but thick starchy rice water that's boiled over and dried a bit looks SO MUCH like fresh cum. I was kinda disgusted wiping it up in huge gobs because it immediately brought that to mind.
In addition I don't think it'll fuck up your vag. But it could fuck up your life if you send the nudes, idk.
I've sent nudes to a 4channer online bf and also to my first serious ltr, and the serious ltr was the one where I was threatened with having my nudes distributed. I've never found anything, but I honestly don't think the 4channer bf ever would or did. The serious one, even though I'd ask him to delete nudes right after…not so much.
No. 728836
>>728831Do it anon, sounds nice!
also dope art, who's the artist?
No. 728838
>>728826I have memories a few years back of getting counselling for sexual abuse in my childhood. I was (at that time) insanely sensitive to those 'my creepy uncle touched me up lol' jokes. I could not get away from that humour. I heard it non stop in every show and every stand up routine. Now I think it's getting rare. I don't know whether to think that's good or not. But back then everything was fair game and unless you had a very personal reason for feeling
triggered by it…nobody batted an eyelid
No. 728878
can i train a cowlick back into place
>>728865that's never happened to me. but to anyone, my vpn suggestion is surfshark. tons of youtubers have discount codes and you can use it any unlimited devices
No. 728904
>>728893 dated my ex for four years and never met her parents once. she would talk about me of course, and her mom who is a narc fucking hated me. basically she was super controlling of her and when she met me she started finding herself. and of course this made her hate me. then we moved in together, which made her hate me even more to the point she would talk shit about me to my exs little sister. just a fucking weirdo
she dumps me. starts dating super extroverted and charismatic girl. her mom is still homophobe and wants her to date men, yes. but her new gf actually has the balls to meet and befriend her entire family and they all end up loving her. i had to admit i felt like an idiot, cause i had four years to get things right with her mom and i never did. this girl had her mom in love after a month.
doesnt matter the girl still cheated on my ex lol but yeah i learnt from it and i would def meet my partners family if i want something serious…
No. 728909
>>728865When I first started to torrent shit when I was younger I torrented the sims 4 and my internet provider sent a letter to my parents email threatening me for breaking the law or something. My parents thought I was close to going to jail and grounded me kek
I still don't use vpns cause I'm lazy but I haven't gotten an email since. Youtubers give out so many discount codes these days though.
No. 728939
>>728865How do you
even torrent? I always feel so clueless. Im so jelly of you all..
No. 728965
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>>728962thanks anon, I've always relied on streaming sites like putlocker etc. – but wanna get more hardcore lol
No. 728975
>>728838I'm sorry that happened to you and that you had to endure that anon. What you said about everything being fair game is true though, imo the best thing we can do is teach the next generation to be respectful out of kindness and not out of fear.
>>728851That's so weird, anon, because it seems to be true now that I think about it! I lived with some white girls from extremely white areas of a liberal state, they were the type to try to cancel people. My own high school was really diverse, 40% white, 27% hispanic, 25% black, and 4% asian. As for what you said, I can kind of agree because guys would've never made a racist joke in front of a teacher but they didn't filter any sexist joke at all.
No. 728999
>>7289391) Buy a vpn service’s a site for VPN comparison
2) Download qbittorrent, open source, no ads, superior to BitTorrent and others in every way
3) Google “torrenting what do”. Bonus points for “maximize download speed” and “torrent trackers reddit”.
4) Cancel your 5 streaming subscriptions.
>>728968I used vpn but messed up by letting it seed unprotected. Paying for vpn is worth it anon, it costs next to nothing imo especially if you share with another person. I’m using NordVPN, does everything I need it too. Dabbled in obscure schizzo vpn before and they’re not worth it kek
No. 729087
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need help finding a song ?
it was a rock song about Khomeni(without difrectly mentioning him) and the lyrics said something along the lines "if you don't …… well send you to hell" repeatedly
No. 729148
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>>729138Just copying and pasting this
>For anyone that doesn't know, this anon made the first anal avenger thread two days ago in /g/, and then it got locked. Then she made a second thread in /meta/ and it got deleted, then she made 2-3 threads in /ot/, then made this post in the shoeonhead thread >>>/snow/725075 and then spammed these threads >>725054. This anon has lore. They're dedicated as fuck for some reason. The threads she made on this board are still in the catalog. No. 729157
>>729153I remember one of her threads got redtexted as "shit thread", which I agree with. It's way too fucking specific for a thread topic and the op post wasn't concise at all. I mean how much do you expect anons to say about that, y'know? If she wanted to talk about the dangers of anal sex, she could have easily brought it up in the kinkshaming thread, although, it probably would have still gotten redtexted as "sperg" for how stupidly long the posts and pics were, at least it would have been on topic.
At first glance I couldn't even tell what the topic was supposed to be because it was paragraphs of info instead of one clear sentence to let us know what's up AND THEN make those long posts afterwards to spark discussion. No one is gonna be interested if they have to read all that shit in the op post.
No. 729174
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Why are the Japanese so obsessed with rituals? Whenever I'm watching a Jhorror movie or playing a horror game that came from Japan they almost always center around a ritual
No. 729208
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Were the actual grown adults invested in twilight hate in around 2008-2012? I swear there were adults that did that, which in hindsight is strange because it's weird to see grown men be so invested in hating a wish-fulfillment romance movie made for 12-year-old girls
No. 729213
>>729208I was a teenager at the time, so I only saw other teenagers doing it, which is understandable
I don't think most functional adults hated on it, just some random neckbeards that hated everything that was made for girls to enjoy
No. 729223
>>729208I don't think i've ever really seen any men interested in Twilight? grown up women though, totally, which yeah, is weird especially considering sexualization of some at-the-time underage actors.
BTW i recommend recent Sarah Z' video about Twilight, took me down memory lane for sure. When it came out I was in the NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS phase and would shit on it a lot, but I finally grew out of it, it's a top tier guilty pleasure, movies especially.
No. 729242
>>729222Honestly, as someone who has been receiving professional help for years, what’s been most helpful was the work I’ve done by myself. I’m not trashing the professionals, seeking help is the best option if you can. Just in my case they were shit and I came to understand the best thing in the situation I could do was help myself.
Read up about DBT and all about BPD/depression. Invest in some well-regarded books if possible. Learn the recommended coping mechanisms. You need to have a good understanding of what you’re dealing with, so you can eventually learn to distance yourself when you’re having an episode. Instead of freaking out (or whatever you do), you need to learn to step back and understand it as part of your illnesses. Once you see it as a predictable cycle, you should be able to exercise better control as you know that stage is going to end and the consequences based on your actions.
Also you need to generally help yourself. Doing something optional exacerbates your depression? Stop it. Shitty boyfriend
triggering your bpd meltdowns? Dump him. Cutting out any additional shit like that will help.
No. 729245
>>729222I agree with
>>729242. If you want some specific recommendations I've liked The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by McKay and The Borderline Personality Disorder Workbook by Daniel Fox. It's not easy in general anon but you're already miserable now, might as well force yourself to get through some of these book exercises because that actually gives you a chance to start healing/managing your issues in healthier ways. (Btw these are both on Libgen so being broke is no excuse.)
No. 729303
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I have 4 lemons, what can I make? I don't want to bake, trying to lose weight and lemonade is meh.
No. 729304
>>729303Squeeze it into beverages
Have fish or chicken and squeeze it on
Pre-cut a bunch of apples and use lemon juice on them to keep them from turning brown and also give them a tart kick
No. 729307
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Anons, I implore you, can some of you tell me a few BPD scrote horror-stories? I'm back on my stupid bitch shit and I have this temptation to give into my desires with this one guy, especially since imo he's a good 8, my country is very lax on covid restrictions and he's been simping forever (it's the only way I can describe the vibes I've been getting). But fuck, I've heard he's a pain in the ass many times. That's all ive heard, though.
Tell me what I could be getting into.
No. 729312
>>729307Men with BPD can be dangerous. Expect substance abuse, hot and cold treatment, cheating, gaslighting, clinginess, lashing out, mood swings, emotional blackmail when you're not doing what he wants, and more!
Speaking as a recovering BPDchan, they're insecure and very self-centred. Everything is intense and dramatic and they will always prioritise themselves and their emotions above you.
No. 729340
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Who's this?
No. 729364
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>>729350Nope, you don't have to stop wearing what you want once you reach 30 kek. Plenty of 30+ women wear graphic tees
No. 729414
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>>729347Culinary Asian here. Yes, but not like milk milk. More like white rabbit candy, the intensity depending on the person
No. 729432
What are these kind of edits called?
>>729428It's gonna be better in a few days, dw anon. If it gets infected or feels hot, then you can worry but it's very unlikely.
No. 729441
>>729434they "shouldn't" be busy aka they're on sick leave but they could be busy with other stuff like hobbies or spending time with family/friends, or who knows what else. My question wasn't about the busy (or not) SO, but the SO that feels entitled to their time and gets upset when they dont
seem to want to hang out/talk to them
No. 729525
>>729307>>729312This. Unless he is in therapy and actively trying to get better it could end up very badly.
The bpd-chan I dated turned out to be a Luna-tier junkie and a criminal. Sold drugs and owned guns. He had a habit of pressuring others into doing dangerous amounts of drugs. Me and some of his friends ended up having seizures and/or psychosis. His gf had died of an overdose and another chick just barely survived one.
No. 729684
This is long and about sexual trauma, I'm sorry, but I cannot stop thinking about it.
I got an IUD when I was 15 because I'd had extremely painful unpredictable periods since I was 11.
My mom believed me and was on board, she, her sister, and her mother all had the same problem.
So I got the IUD, my periods got regular, and then they mostly stopped happening, fantastic.
So when I was 16, I got a really bad uti, my piss was green and smelled horrific.
I've gotten utis since I was little, but this one was like nothing I'd ever experienced before.
My mom insisted that I see a gynecologist.
I told her it was my peehole, not my vagina.
She told me it would be easier to get a gynecologist to treat me than a general practitioner, despite the fact that my entire life, on the occasion that once of these utis required an antibiotic, my gp had prescribed it no issue.
My mom insisted.
So she took me back to the same gynecology office that I got the IUD at.
I was told on the phone before the appointment that there would not be a vaginal exam.
When I got there, I went back to the exam room alone, my mom didn't have to come with because there would be no vaginal exam, I would just be giving a urine sample.
When the gynecologist, a young woman, came back to see me, she was alone.
She told me I needed a vaginal exam.
I told her I was just there for a uti and I was told I just needed to give a urine sample.
She said I could have an std, so she needed to look at my vagina.
I said I'd never had sex before, and I was told that I would only be giving a urine sample, I was told there would be no exam, and that I had a history of utis already.
She told me she's a doctor and she knows better than I do and I needed to undress.
If I hadn't been 16, maybe I would have been smart enough to just leave.
She said she would be back to give me my exam when I was undressed.
So I did.
She came back, still alone, still alone.
She made me get into the stirrups with my ass at the bottom of the table, as you do in such an exam.
She had me positioned like that, and then started putting on rubber gloves and asking questions.
I was utterly humiliated, of course.
She insisted that I must be sexually active, and no matter how hard I tried to explain to her that I had an IUD because of my period, she refused to believe me.
She was arguing with me from between my legs.
She eventually pulled out a large metal speculum, of a variety I have never encountered again in almost a decade.
She did not lubricate it before inserting it.
When I reacted in pain, she mocked me.
She kept asking me questions while she examined me.
One of the things she said, "You're sure you're a virgin?" with her hand still inside me.
All I could do was cry.
I just cried.
She yanked it out when I sobbed out loud
She told me to get dressed, calm down, and I could leave when I stopped crying and calmed myself down.
I was too upset to press the issue about not even having given the urine sample, I was a stupid teenager, I just wanted to get out of there.
She left, and I sat up, and there was blood on the paper on the table.
I got dressed and left before calming myself, and when I got to the lobby, my mom was immediately concerned when she saw me.
She asked me why I was crying and I told her, "She stuck her whole fucking hand in."
My mom was horrified, she went to the counter to talk to the clerical staff.
There was a visible flurry of commotion, more than a few people in scrubs rushed into the back, and the woman at the desk told my mom to sit down and wait, someone would come talk to us.
We waited about ten minutes, and the gynecologist who examined me reappeared with two other doctors, one on each side.
She explained that she had to perform an exam to ensure I didn't have any stds causing the infection.
My mom asked why she wasn't told to come back with me since it was the law in our state, asked why there was no nurse-witness if they didn't call her back, why we were told there would be no exam, and why she didn't even get the urine sample.
The gynecologist reiterated that she had to make sure I didn't have an std.
I mentally noted that the two doctors with her looked upset and were staring at her.
My mom asked her questions again, was answered the same way again, and the conversation looped like that for awhile before another doctor came up and told me to come give a urine sample.
I went back, gave the sample, went back to the lobby, and my mom and the three doctors were still engaged.
The two other doctors were no tellign my mom they would get the urine test results right away, and we would be able to pick up a prescription on our way home if I did turn out to have a uti.
I did have a uti, they prescribed an antibiotic, we picked it up and went home.
That doctor was apparently let go that same month.
My mom kept taking me back to that office until I was 18 and could make my own appointments.
My mom never filed a complaint.
I have been bothered by that event ever since.
I think now as an adult, that may have been sexual abuse.
I'm a lesbian but I've never been able to be with a woman because that event always comes back to me when I try to be with a woman.
My mom now wants to sue that hospital group for failing to identify and infection after her hysterectomy, and she wants to add my experience nearly ten years ago to the lawsuit as well.
So I have a lot of questions.
Do I let her?
Is it even possible to do anything about that now?
Should anything have been done about that at all? Like was that wrong to begin with?
If my mom wants to use it now, why didn't she do anything at the time?
So did she always think that was wrong and she just didn't do anything, or is she twisting it now? She never got me therapy.
Should I have done something when I turned 18? Should I do something now? I don't even know the doctor's name.
How did this even happen?
Am I wrong to have been disturbed by it?
What the fuck should I do?
No. 729694
>>729684Ok I initially wrote a snarky response due to the TLDR but this is
horrific and not all too far off from a previous experience of mine at the hands of a female gyno.
Your mother is a piece of shit for not getting you therapy and tearing that hospital a new one back when that doctor abused you. You can let her add your incident to her lawsuit if you want but you might be required to testify which might be a huge burden on you.
Since the doctor isn't practicing anymore and it's been years, I'd suggest you work on processing the trauma with a therapist and forgive your mother for your own sake, if you can. It's not required that you tell her you forgive her either, it would be
for your own sake and not hers. To free you from the experience, in a way. Prioritize therapy, you absolutely need it.
No. 729695
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did dula peep start the e-girl hair trend? (i know it's from the 90s but you get what i mean)
No. 729699
>>729684Tacking this on to an existing lawsuit about a missed infection is kind of fucked.
Like other anon said, getting therapy will help you more. Your moms sudden concerns are questionable. Just don't co-operate with her, fuck her lawsuit. Your story is yours alone and not hers to pimp out in court for money years later. Look after yourself because she isn't doing you any favors.
No. 729702
>>729684Anon I read it all. I can't believe people are being shitty to you in this thread.
I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry.
I wish I could hold you right now and tell you everything will be okay. I'm so sorry. That was sexual abuse. I know how it feels to have to see/go to the same place that the sexual abuse occured in. That experience was fucking horrific. I'm sorry god I really don't know how to take this pain away from you. This shouldn't had happened. Anon I'm fucking sad. And angry. angry at those people that did this to you. Fuck that nurse, fuck the doctor. I'm sorry.
Just, Idk, I have no legal advice. But your mom also sounds like she's stupid. But if the case helps, let her use it. At least it means you both get some kind of retribution. But I can't fucking believe she kept driving you there and you had to see the same people and the same place even though you clearly told her you had trauma. I just. I just can't believe nobody believed you. I want them to die. I want them to suffer. I just. I know how horrible it feels to be taken your virginity like that. I'm so sorry. I would hug you if I could.
No. 729747
>>729713Quick copy and paste this
I'm so sorry, how are you feeling? You know I'll always be here for you! Severe depression is treatable, just don't forget to do what your therapist says
No. 729761
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I know a lot of you guys are in IT/devs, so I have a probably very stupid question. I’m learning JavaScript right now on Codecademy in preparation for going back to school for either CompSci (saw someone say this is the best foundation for developers) or the school has a Full Stack Cloud Dev program also. If I want to be a front end dev, which option would be best? For context, the only code I’ve ever fucked with in my life was HTML/CSS for MySpace and tumblr layouts… I do have an interest in coding, but math isn’t really my strongest asset. Pic unrelated
No. 729788
>>729761I am a man who will answer this question ban me.
There is no point specializing when you can learn Web Development easily on your own while you are in school. It also will make you a better programmer by virtue of exposing you to more concepts in CS rather than what is currently "hip" in Web Dev. Frameworks and shit change all the time there really is no point in specializing in something that might be obsolete later down the road.
I'm going to give you a red-pill which is that school will teach you the bare minimum, if that. You'll learn a lot of trivia and be soaked in the general "culture" of the field, but you MUST MUST MUST DEVOTE EXTRA-CURRICULAR TIME IN IMPROVING YOUR SKILLS. You will get into a general groove with uni of doing assignments, taking exams and etc and if you relied on only that to be a competent programmer, you'll be shit out of luck.
Your number one priority when coding is to get to a point where you can create things of value, whether it'd actually be used or not. Too many students go through the motions only to come out of school not being able to do any meaningful work. Imagine you went to plumbing school and you graduated without knowing how to fix a sink. I am serious. You must devote extra-curricular time learning and creating really shitty projects that so happen to get less and less shittier until they are actually passable.
Recruiters filter new grads through two criteria: Their algorithm skills and their personal projects. That's how they weed out retards. Don't get weeded out. School will not help you in avoiding getting weeded out so, once again, you must devote extra-curricular time towards actually being able to hold your own and turn your ideas into reality.
Good luck. Just remember to constantly grind and keep pushing yourself through uncomfortable plateaus. You'll be better than the majority of your peers.
>>729788Why was it so important for you to proclaim that you have a knob on a question about code?
No. 729809
>>729808I hate CSS so much so I am glad people like you exist to do it instead.
As for your worry for math. I did a double major math/CS. The CS classes barely had math. The worst you might have to do is calculus in the first year. All the math in CS is logic and set theory to start and then graph theory. They really aren't that tough. Also, I would highly encourage you explore algorithms and such. If you're willing to go into a CS degree you are definitely capable of being more flexible than designing UX/UI for websites. You could get into graphics and/or design GUIs for apps/games etc. Try not to pigeonhole yourself.
No. 729830
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If you squeeze your glutes whenever you can't work out (at bedtime for example) does that do anything? kek
No. 729836
>>729832>>729815anons is that literally a plot for fanfics? holy shit i thought shit like this never happens in reallife guess i am lucky for the first time!
does it have a fucking meaning or explanation on why its happening? i am interested in reading more about it but i dont know how to search for it? is there a term for it? anons i am desperate to know more
No. 729936
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Please someone explain why no one can post discord users in the friend finder thread anymore? Was there drama? please tell me the juicy details.
No. 730051
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Question for those of you that live in countries where wearing a mask is mandatory, is it fine if you wear something like this or does it have to be those boring ones?
No. 730057
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I know what a seething cope is but what's a neutral cope what the fuck is that supposed to mean. where does it lie on a scale from "meh" to "dilate"
No. 730058
>>729948Wikipedia page for the song credits two violin players and one viola player. Plus, one of the members of Clean Bandit plays cello and is responsible for mixing. I think the weird wavering tone of the mixing is what’s making it sound Chinese to you.
I don’t think it’s from anything in particular, but if you’re searching for something similar try looking up ‘erhu’ aka the two-stringed Chinese instrument played with an attached bow.
No. 730191
If there are any D&D fans here, are there any other shows/series like Dice, Camera, Action? I've watched a little bit of DCA and even thought idk what's going on cause idk anything about D&D, it's pretty fun.
>>730190Lmao no. Redtext is supposed to make fun of people who use certain words
No. 730203
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Where do I find a qt bf like this
No. 730206
>>730203this is literally that meme that all lesbians post about how their straight friend is like "LOOK AT THIS BOY IM TALKING TO ISNT HE CUTE?" and the guy is buttfucking ugly
qt bf? get higher standars fuck fucks sake anon love yourself the bar is literally on the floor
No. 730279
>>729830I do this too so I wanted to know
A quick Google suggests it doesn't really do anything but it doesn't do any damage so you may as well
No. 730325
>>730262nta but I'm someone who complained about this before lol. I was in that chat for the hot minute it existed. Only a handful of them were pitbull posting for lols and nobody was trannies like lc users tinfoiled. They checked our voices and had a
terf channel and anyway the gc had to close because of all the bullshit we got and someone inside leaking screenshots of people going "wtf who is doing that we aren't saying anything and nobody on lc cares". I only remember like 2 people who were pitbull posting but they started before I joined, genuinely wanting to make friends. That's all.
It's dumb how farmers were constantly tinfoiling that the gc was trannies, moid trolls, or whatever else. We only joined this chat to make friends like it says in the thread and the chat didn't last as long as anons tinfoiling it was behind things. It closed after a day I think and it's still talked about as a source of evil. Most of us were only in it to make friends with other women on lc, it's a shame about pitbull but I did find it kinda funny. I think someone ban evaded to pitbull meme and that with the screenshots and derailing is what made it bad.
Also the sperging about discordfags, I mean everyone in the thread was posting discords to make friends because it's a commonly used app for chatting online. I'm in a discord for my school even, so anons are going off the rails about it being twitter gamers only or whatever
No. 730344
>>730335I guess I missed that then. I'm starting to realize I'm only salty because I wished I could have made friends. Yeah it was pretty messy. I just was annoyed by the way it could have been avoided if it didn't blow up, and screenshot poster was genuinely a creepy bitch, but I didn't realize the extent of the pitbull side of things rip
That chaos really is to blame for the thread closing and I am upset about that so I get it.
No. 730429
File: 1612478798493.jpg (82.17 KB, 570x570, GPxkitR.jpg)

Is it too autistic that I'd like to buy a slime to play with?
I'm not planning to buy one right away, I'm saving money for other things, but is it wrong that I think that they look pretty cute to play with and I would like to get one some day?
No. 730507
>>730498I haven't seen anyone film themselves completely naked either (Except for one adult woman, but she is also a sexworker).
>Why is no one doing anythingIf you've been on social media you would have seen all the posts warning people about accounts that are taking filters off the photos.
I don't know how true this is, but I've heard that the taking the filter off thing was a hoax and that you can't take a filter off a photo once it becomes solid (?). Idk how true that is, but I do think it's interesting taking filters off of photos was not a thing before this and that I haven't seen any callout posts for specific accs.
No. 730526
File: 1612488734617.jpg (58.82 KB, 746x447, EVHTfLLUEAUQvKf.jpg)

>>730498>do a challenge that sexualises your body>be surprised that scrotes ruin it and sexualise it too>pretends to be shocked.jpgI'm tired of it all. Both the twitterlibs who believe they're "doing it for themselves" when uploading sexy selfvideos and the men who will never let women live peacefully
No. 730573
File: 1612493826781.jpg (96.67 KB, 640x772, 7-AEF1880-0-F8-B-4602-ACB6-913…)

>>730526>>730507>>730520It's not a hoax. There were tons of naked women, and possible minors. r/SilhouetteUnfiltered was full of scrotes exposing them. Reddit banned them, so apparently they've moved to Discord servers. The Twitter user @lolzycomedy shared videos on how to remove the filter, and several unfiltered videos.
You can remove the filter by taking off the red coloring and playing with the saturation. I don't know the specifics, but I've seen the results.
Don't be stupid, don't do these challenges.
No. 730903
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>>730876probably not the same edit, but I found this by googling 'wholesome nazi comic'
No. 730908
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>>730876>somebody made an editThat was the actual comic, kek. The character's name is Skyla.
No. 730919
File: 1612540685380.png (316.13 KB, 1200x775, 46588a1592422889b75220f1862930…)

>>730903I'm sad that comic had potential to be cute but the author just had to be a horny racist scrote
>hot retarded teenager who acts like a child is "one of the good ones", every other black character is evil and wants her to hate white people but she's just too uwu pure, all her friends are obviously white because black people bad, female characters have their tits out at all times they really manage to ruin everything
No. 730955
File: 1612543918541.jpeg (214.16 KB, 640x640, 2278D250-A8D1-4BF0-96EB-2A165A…)

Anons should I be worried about majoring in graphic design? I already gone through the classes and I’m slowly building my portfolio, but my mind keeps searching for jobs with good security, 401k benefit, and I kind of want to be a truck driver or something related to agriculture, and I don’t have a ruthless bone in my body to be able to compete in burgerland economy, so-
Is it it worth it?
No. 731003
>>730975I'm early 30s, autistic and as much as I felt the same way at your age…I own my own house now and am self sufficient. I never saw that day coming.
I had one
abusive relationship and noped out of that crap. He paid most of the bills but my wellbeing is worth more than rent money. Autism can make you look like an easy target. Just something to watch out for.
No. 731006
>>730955Being a truck driver would be badass anon. Get to travel all around AND make great money. I’m a graphic designer, it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. You pretty much have to know someone to get into the field.
>>730975Swedish men are gross and painfully dull, like most men.
No. 731018
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>>730955I think what other anons (>>730981
>>731006) said apply only/mostly to freelancing. I've been working as a graphic designer for 6 years now; there's actually quite a few different specializations you can go for; web design, ui/ux, outdoor and digital advertising, brand identity design, packaging, motion design, list goes on. I have no freelance ambitions, love working in a team and going for jobs like that, in marketing agencies and so on, actually can give you a pretty solid job security which is priceless ( for example, no one of my designer friends lost their job during covid); as for needing to know people - yes, networking is important, but you can easily land junior level job without any insider help, and from that point on you start making friends in the industry naturally, which of course is gonna help you in the future. A lot can depend on a general company culture, there's some crunch in advertising especially, but in big cities you'll definitely have a LOT of choice of companies to go to if you don't like the one you're already at. IDK, imho it's definitely worth pursuing, I don't regret it in the slightest.
No. 731021
>>731015I do! I think it's great but only for specific things. I find it really difficult to get my drawings looking good on it because I'm more of a sketcher. I know you can make decent art with enough practice, as long as you're using it for quite graphic stuff. The best thing about it is that it has a pen tool that lets you reshape the line and revise the pen pressure which is a feature I haven't yet seen elsewhere. However, if you use it too much, the lines start to look odd and lose their character if that makes sense? I like to get the linework down in Sai and then move the rest of the work into Photoshop just because I'm more comfy with the Adobe suite. The colouring brushes and manga effects are pretty comprehensive, I just can't get the same result from Sai as I can from Photoshop.
Does anybody rate Illustrator for linework? I haven't tried it yet but feel I'd get on with it better than sai.
No. 731048
File: 1612552206310.png (231.97 KB, 1081x846, Screenshot_9.png)

>>731015I used SAI for I think 4 years. I ended up moving to FireAlpaca (which I liked a LOT more than SAI, namely being able to fucking crop images without having to open it in Photoshop to do so was a blessing). Few years back I bit the bullet and bought Clip Studio Paint, and I've been using it ever since. In hindsight, I really hated SAI's UX and I'm not sure why I stuck with it for so long given the fact that it would piss me off at least once per drawing session. The custom file navigator shit really ticked me off especially. Just a poorly designed program overall.
>>731021I work pretty much exclusively with Illustrator now in terms of art. I do pretty much everything in it, apart from sketches… which I more often than not sketch in Paint with a mouse for some unholy reason.
You have to completely rethink how you approach digital art when working with vector software. For some really weird reason, I kind of like it. I did stuff like picrel to learn the ropes (I have a reference photo layer that I'd trace over to get the hang of using points and curves and stuff as opposed to just… drawing lines with a pen tool like you'd normally do).
If you're willing to take on a new approach to linework, then Illustrator might be a good fit for you. You can even have lines with varying weights, they don't just have to be straight lines. There's a fairly steep learning curve, but once you "get" it, it's a breeze. Illustrator is also just a very overwhelming piece of software in general. There are so many fucking tools and so many different approaches to doing vector art that you might feel completely lost (I know I did). However, all you need to do is take things one step at a time. Hence why I learned how to use vector software by tracing. I also liked to trace screenshots from cartoons as well, that was fun. That teaches you how to be REALLY accurate with where you plot points, I've managed to recreate screenshots from shit with near pixel-perfect accuracy. The power of autism.
No. 731240
What was
>>731026 banned for; is is because of text spacing?
No. 731268
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No. 731344
>>731342It's a fucking chode but he
is soft so who knows
No. 731393
>>731386How can you be too old for a plastic surgery? In fact, I think early 20s is the earliest you should be allowed to get ps, cause your looks are still maturing during your teenage years. If your nose is deviated then getting a nose job would be great. I've heard before that doctors who do cosmetic work (fixing the crooked-ness) and and doctors who fix "actual" problems within the nose are different though? Also, just because you're "average" now doesn't mean you have to stay that way. Even if it wasn't for cosmetic reasons, you'd still have to get your nose fixed if it's that deviated.
Anyway, I say yes. Good luck anon! Hope your new nose comes out nice.
No. 731394
>>731393Samefag but
>cause your looks are still maturing during your teenage years*developing is a better word
No. 731440
>>731418Samefag but you can use a VPN to watch netflix in other countries because they have different shows. Or for different games access/boards. I've used it to play Japanese games and access content there.
I have a family member who has like 3vpns duckduckgo the whole 9 yards but like it matters if you have something to protect. I also have a friend whose military who uses lots of protectors and messaging apps like Signal so he can be a retard online.
It really depends. Its not illegal to use lolcow/chan/kf or anything like that esp if you're not doxxing. Only admin here knows your IP address basically…
No. 731516
>>731418I used to use one years ago so that I could watch big brother canada without being canadian, lol
not anymore though and especially not for the sake of lolcow. not only do i have nothing to hide i also have nothing to lose
No. 731640
File: 1612607569443.jpeg (58.36 KB, 349x427, C77F8FCF-69EF-415F-9202-9BD14D…)

Dunno where to put this but why does Patrick Star still insist on wearing a fucking towel on his head it’s ridiculous
No. 731751
>>731437>>731438>>731516Glad I'm not the odd one out.
>>731440>>731441Thanks for the info. Sometimes I'm paranoid that someone might doxx me even though I'm a nobody.
No. 731757
>>731418Only when I pirate things jic or in the odd case I need to get around an ip ban or location restriction. They don't go after individuals who pirate in my country but it's better to be safe than sorry.
I've also read that regarding using vpns for privacy, vpns aren't even that solid because you never know if the provider is really doing what they say they're doing with your data and what they might do if a government knocks on their door for your data. And then there's the whole 4 eyes, 9 eyes shit.
No. 731771
>>731762Check out the YouTube channel Charisma on Command ( It actually breaks down interviews and interactions with popular figures so you can understand why they come across as likable. Charisma can be trained like any other skill and people who seem “naturally” sociable have usually just focused on interacting with lots of different people for years.
No. 731772
>>731770Germany imo. The country's liberal enough for prostitution to be accepted legally, dynamics where the woman is more dominant don't seem that taboo at all, lots of cute guys, and germans are already pretty sexually depraved as it is.
I guess for certain demographics Japan could have the potential to be popular too.
No. 731774
File: 1612629718733.jpeg (Spoiler Image,223.86 KB, 828x1112, 04F7BE84-9487-4FA9-8E38-E29933…)

Jeez seeing Kylies body made me feel so sick she looks so unreal. But honestly I think she got a lot of lipo especially inner thighs
No. 731782
>>731776>>731781Idk, it was a more or less educated guess of mine.
By what anons are saying in this thread, Korea, Japan and arab countries seem to be a better fit.
No. 731834
File: 1612638336095.png (266.85 KB, 590x880, C_BNDcIXsAEDDOI.png)

Plz convince me to delete reddit app. I hate it and get irrationally angry at posts on r/popular. But the news tab is accessible et addicting. I have no other social media besides YT and here(?)
No. 731847
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group holiday to ecuador girls?
No. 731861
File: 1612640845323.gif (32.76 KB, 98x100, 1612624981585.gif)

My boyfriend hates me because I told her I was going to kill myself because he broke up with me. Now he won't respond to my follower requesrs. What do I do
If he really cares about me he wouldbt do this
No. 731868
>>731861I hope he doesn't contact you back, at all
Go treat your bpd
No. 731941
File: 1612646942929.jpeg (117.39 KB, 584x406, FB8098A1-6A30-4779-9970-FF2EA3…)

So, I saw pic related while reading a cute manga and now I want 300 of those rabbits or something similar, where can I find it or how can I make it?
No. 731952
>>731807I'm learning all my basic beginner sewing skills from youtube and friends who can sew, it's honestly been pretty easy and I'm mad I didn't learn it earlier because it always felt "boring" to me but would have saved me a ton of money lol
>>731816no my best friend and bf are my two fave people on the planet and they're both a foot taller than me and adorable and one of them is a model, they have like gangly deer energy in a good way
>>731834i only have reddit for my niche interests/ fandoms that aren't annoying af/ reseller app tips etcetc, just things that actually benefit me and don't waste my time or upset me. if yu can't delete it you should try to just streamline it, i never go on the general/ popular side of it
>>731948literally just a popular new "aesthetic", it's about as deep as like cottagecore and "indie" (that weird new tiktok kidcore tryhard indie, not the good late 2000's twee OG shit) are. a lot of potterheads and kenna-esque girls and ppl who are into older antique level vintage and faux intellectuals seem to like it
No. 731957
>>731953I had a cousin who had valerian everything, the pills, the tea and the drops, i think it didn’t really do anything to help him because he was still a nervous wreck that would stress-eat all day and sleep like shit all night.
Try them out though, maybe it could be different for you.
No. 731965
File: 1612649306420.jpg (134.14 KB, 736x736, DA.jpg)

>>731948It's a new aesthetic were people want to emulate the style or life of old academia. The style part is the dressing up as academics, hence the fashion term "dark academia", or owning academia like objects, think fancy classical books or pens. The life part is the pursuit of knowledge. This is usually by studying "classical subjects", writing, art, trivium, or reading classical books. The former usually dominates digital discussion, even if they deny it, because the latter is to busy doing stuff.
>>731834Use one of those digital well being apps to count how much you average a day, multiply by 365 days, and divide by 24 hours. Now imagine how much time you waste on reddit, 30 min for example is 7 days, looking at content that angers you.
For real though anon you'll have to just slowly ween off, 1 hour a week to 40 min to 20 min so on, and get a super good site blocker and go cold turkey. You also need to break the habit of checking up on reddit and replace it with something else
No. 731977
>>731965at the risk of making a fool of myself on here, i actually lowkey dig this "aesthetic" (i dress like this half the time bc i hate looking feminine) and it kind of works as an inspiration to get back into reading like i did when i was younger + spend more time away from video games and more "frivolous" stuff.
of course it's riddled with annoying, obnoxious, pretentious teenagers who make an "aesthetic" or a club or a lifestyle out of everything and anything, but otherwise it's not a bad thing
No. 732009
>>732004The neighbours were from the floor above me so after talking to me the police went up and knocked on different doors to find them. I knew they'd only knock on doors and then talk to them but that's all I wanted. That way if they repeat the threats there would be more action taken next time.
That's all police generally do with first time threats, as far as I know
No. 732014
>>731779Aren't they smaller than the japanese?
>>7318046.9cm is being generous
No. 732062
>>732059just basic hemming methods and types of stitches, with and without a machine (i have a shitty handheld and am gonna save up for a better quality one eventually so i ca stop using my friend's lol). i'm not aiming to like make all my clothing from scratch or anything, but i'm really into thrifting and have lots of pieces that are boring but have potential to look really cool if i rework them or upcycle the fabric into a different piece.
>>732055look through the last day or so of the confessions thread on /ot/, it's 1000% worth reading
No. 732350
>>732301the real goth girls? idk, reading some books maybe
the fake big tiddy goth girls? they have onlyfans and they're egirls/gamer girls now
No. 732388
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Is it true that Jeffree Star looks like this?
No. 732395
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>>732393This one may be a bad angle with harsh lights but like his pics with little makeup you can see that hes a busted looking
No. 732422
File: 1612691342641.png (Spoiler Image,384.41 KB, 766x662, iHAjm73.png)

>>732404the photo is a little shopped, this is what it actually looks like…. it's still pretty bad
No. 732484
File: 1612696874305.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1160, youtube.png)

I want to make a lolcow Iceberg, but idk about what entries to add
so far I've got some ideas for the iceberg
the surface
>'female 4chan'
>other imageboards
>lolcow was made because of pixyteri/cgl
>radical feminism
>Borzoi hate
>weird confessions
Below the surface
>victorian anon
>DIY dildo anon
>komeada anon is discharge anon
>the retard-fucker anon in the fetishes you're ashamed of thread
>anarectal violence
>the June /ot/ raid
>pink-pill and man-hate threads
No. 732489
No scrotes allowed
Cows hate reading their own posts
Lucy lucy lucy anon
Confessions threads
/G and /M
Anon x anon fanfiction
((Red Texted))
Middle bottom:
Gimp Girl
Kevin Gibes
Discovering Azaelia is based somehow
Personal cows (automobile fucker)
Actually reading longpost /ot threads
Tranny janny conspiracy
Unironically peaking handmaidens who are hate reading mtf
Gimp girl is a Queen on 4th level interdimensional feminism and her comics are good
Knowing what all of this means
No. 732491
>/xx/>manure board>Cream board>Int board>Original admin was a male and a simp for shoeonhead>Protein bar cameron dude on Vicky threads>Kiki was the sperg chan>princess doll of amalthea or whatever the fuck>Looks just like CL!>Vicky shingles self posting>That Emily (I think that was her name) wannaroexic felice fawn being baited by a anon and self posting one of her pictures to prove her wrongSome just from the top of my head
I've been here for too long
No. 732492
>>732484Forgot some
Shoop denial
Ostrenga spergging
Analrecto violence chan revealed as scrote
PP being cancelled
PULL infestation
jealous sex workers blogpost seething over fellow sw cows
Abby brown fans decide they like her and want her to do better like how PT did.
No. 732493
>>732484Lesbian in the gimp Girl threads who simps for her
Febfemme anon who hate spergs in /G and sometimes /ot
No. 732536
>>732484add: /ot/ closing for a week
stamina rose
tranny janny theory
site made by shoeonhead supporter
admin has stress chorro
the two long lost friends that found each other on the mexico thread No. 732538
>>732484add also:
xanax anon
/ot/ skype meetup thread
all the posters that were uncovered by admins (like mistery)
No. 732620
>>732608Honestly, as much as this website has shifted my mentality on porn and "sex work," I still have to say…no? Most guys grow up conditioned or pressured into being sexual and liking porn (this does not excuse abusers though). I've asked my male friends and bfs about their porn usage, some of them straight up tell me what kind of porn they like and others express discomfort and describe how their friends are always sending them porn links but they didn't really care for it.
My brother was once caught with playboy magazines (kind of based for an 11 year old with full internet access tbh)and he broke down and admitted he was trying to figure out if he's gay. My bf told me about how his childhood friend became hypersexual at a very young age because an older male cousin would show him porn…doesn't that sound fucked up? I do not want to cape for scrotes in this post but I think some (normal, not perpetually online, non-coomer) men have an equally complex relationship with porn. If you're close enough to a guy to have a conversation about it, I suggest it– sometimes they don't even like porn, they're just conditioned to think they do. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
No. 732717
>>732701A large part of it has to be the anonymity. Can you imagine being in public and you overhear a conversation between two people talking about someone they both constantly keep track of on social media, despite that person not knowing they exist?
Or a scenario where you're in public and you hear someone say something you disagree with. Would your first instinct be a "the gloves are off" approach where you immediately start calling them pejoratives? I've been perpetually online for a large portion of my life alongside living in the real world, but never in a million years have I ever lost touch with reality to the degree of some of the women on here, simply because I know no one has a clue who I am.
No. 732727
File: 1612721843289.gif (1.09 MB, 400x400, A0171442-8D6E-4027-A9C6-340A64…)

Hey anons, in your opinion, what phone apps have the worst looking interfaces? I’m writing a paper, and am looking for input.
No. 732762
>>732727Spotify. I love using it, but it's like content overload while simultaneously being too simple. Even though there are only three tabs on the bottom (i.e. "home", "search", and "your library"), the number of categories they give you to explore music is almost
too specific and ends up leading you down a rabbit hole. Also, the "home" landing page is too cluttered, imo.
No. 732777
File: 1612726991277.png (813.81 KB, 664x746, 89455ff5393ccf463a731b22611e38…)

I'm absolutely lonely and alone. Where can I find a discord server where i'll most likely end up lurking fml ? too bad there's no chatbox on this lovely site.
No. 732780
File: 1612727234960.png (25.82 KB, 367x460, 349-3492267_salazzle-sm-pokemo…)

Why is Salazzle so fucking sexy it makes me uncomfortable
No. 732881
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Why are zoomed-in picture colors different than on the miniature??
No. 732896
File: 1612737731981.png (609.02 KB, 1021x680, this cat is odd.png)

>>732881So I looked into this and went into a deep rabbit hole that I fear indicates I may be on the spectrum or something.
I'm going to look a bit more into this, but I downloaded two versions of the image: first was the fullsize image, and the other was the smaller thumbnail image. In the first screenshot in picrel, the smaller thumbnail is on the left, and the fullsize image is on the right. Now, when I open this image in my photo viewer, the image colours are exactly as they are in the thumbnail. This is indicated in the second screenshot. I am absolutely baffled and I want to get to the bottom of this.
So far I can say a few things I know (mostly) for certain:
>when images are uploaded to, thumbnails are generated automatically that are a smaller size than the full image>it is likely that this image has some strange properties that, when reduced in size, it causes the colours to shift due to the way the pixels are aligned in the image or some bullshit like that, I could be very wrong here and I'm just going off of what I knowI will report back later if I dig up anything conclusive. I work in IT and I like trying to work these things out in my head, so this is a fun exercise for me. I know for certain I've seen these kinds of weird things happen on sites like Twitter before. There was some strange glitch I saw where a girl uploaded an image of herself in her prom dress, and the thumbnail that ended up getting generated for it had wonky colours that made it look freaky as shit.
No. 732900
File: 1612738392434.jpeg (52.2 KB, 620x465, 471462D5-0EC1-491A-9F9C-BB3EFD…)

do any of you actually hide threads?
do any of you hide saged posts in threads (literally cannot imagine)?
No. 732903
>>732881>>732896oh this is my screenshot! maybe i can help a little bit, i'm on a macbook air and idk what the fuck is up with it but it has very weird color temperature glitches. like when i hover over the x to click out of a tab the color goes from normal to overly cool-toned, when i watch videos in full screen the color shifts and then goes back to normal after a few seconds when my cursor disappears. also i've taken screenshots like this one before where the result is warmer for like, no reason? the true color of the kitten when i googled it was the color it is when you zoom in on it, it wasn't super warm. tbh when i saw how my post looked i thought no one else but me could see it just because i'm so used to color being off (which makes my side hustle job really annoying because it involves taking and posting lots of photos of clothing and products, and i get insecure about whether the majority of people are seeing it in the correct color tone)
i want to go to like genius bar and see why it's doing weird little glitches like this, but my computer works totally fine otherwise for the most part so i can't really justify getting it fixed or looked at just for that reason. it's annoying af though lol
No. 732906
>>732896Thank you, please update if you find out anything else! I know sometimes social media converts images in a way that will destroy them, but I've never seen a color temperature change like here.
>>732903Hmmm normally in your case I'd assume it's my macbook issue and no one else is experiencing this, so it's really weird I'm seeing the same thing on my PC! must be something in the file.
No. 732919
File: 1612740845698.png (1.89 MB, 3784x2552, cat autism.png)

>>732903I'm glad you came here, because I was suspicious that this was as a result of a MacOS user either taking a screenshot or saving an image in some weird way.
Here's the promised investigation from
>>732896. I know now that this has nothing to do with the resizing of the image, but rather that the way the thumbnail image is being generated by's servers. The basic explanation is:
>ICC profiles are used to standardize the colours that get displayed on a screen based on some set of standards>This functionality is incredibly essential to graphic designers and photographers, who need to have the colour in their work displayed as accurately as possible to the final product while working on a project>You can also use ICC profiles to ensure that an image on one screen appears exactly the same colour-wise on another screen>It seems that Apple uses ICC profiles to ensure that the displays that come with their devices are displaying colours in the most optimal way (and some devices don't seem to have them at all, more on this later)>PNG files can have ICC colour profiles embedded in them to adjust how your display will represent the colours in the image>The problem here arises due to MacOS embedding its own ICC profiles in screenshots taken using the screenshot tool>A screenshot taken on an Apple device is uploaded to, with the ICC profile embedded in it>Image is processed by ImageMagick to generate a thumbnail image>Due to the weird ICC profile shit, when the profile is stripped from the image (you can see that image 2 is missing the ICC_Profile), the colours are now "warmer" >When you click on the image, you're shown the original full size image with the original colour profile intactLastly, to prove my point further, I asked my friend to send me an unadultered screenshot from his Mac Mini, and it also has the same ICC profile embedded in it. I then asked him to take a screenshot of the original cat image, but the image he sent back didn't change at all. I can theorize why: he's using his Mac Mini with a non-Apple monitor, and as I said, ICC profiles seem to be used by Apple to optimize colour display on their own monitors.
Out of curiosity anon I was originally responding to, what specific MacBook Air model do you have? I might be able to help you fix your colour display issues. I know your pain.
No. 732927
File: 1612741782112.png (22.55 KB, 297x164, Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 3.48…)

>>732919oh man this is so interesting! I'm about to leave for some errands but here's the info according to "about this mac"
can't wait to see if this screenshot is warm-toned too lol
No. 732931
File: 1612742000741.jpeg (106.92 KB, 750x1334, 0293607F-B6CA-422C-8D71-9254DE…)

Is it a stupid idea to buy myself a ring and wear it on my left ring finger, then when people ask who I’m engaged to I just say “myself”? kek
No. 732940
File: 1612742953984.png (153.94 KB, 330x315, Screen Shot 2021-02-07 at 3.26…)

>>732919I realized that I completely missed the point in regards to the issue that's happening here, so I'll give a better summarized explanation of what exactly is going wrong: this is not an issue with anon's Macbook, but rather with how processes images and generates thumbnails.
Due to the presence of ICC profiles in anon's screenshots, when thumbnails get generated for her screenshots she uploads, the colours become altered in the resulting thumbnail
due to how handles the presence of an ICC profile when generating thumbnails. I feel like I have to make this very clear because, admittedly, this stuff is new to me, but I have a good enough grasp on this sort of shit in general to understand what's going on. I don't want to give anyone false information about this stuff, I want to make sure I'm getting it right.
I'm going to bring this up in one of the /meta/ threads and see if I can get to the bottom of this. If something can be modified by the site admins that would prevent ImageMagick from handling Apple ICC profiles so weirdly, then it'd be a net gain for everyone who browses on an Apple device.
Also just for posterity, I'm uploading the screenshot my friend with the Mac Mini sent me (the one with the ICC profile embedded). Let's see if it fucks with the colours.
No. 732945
>>732940OK, what the fuck. I think anon's Macbook is haunted. I agree with you,
>>732930It's not an issue specific to Macs, and I feel like I fucked up a little by implying it was. There's nothing inherently wrong with MacOS embedding ICC profile information in PNG files, it's just that it results in bizarre problems like this for one reason or another.
No. 732953
>>732940Made a post in /meta/ like I said I would:
>>>/meta/20050If you're curious at all, I provided one last example proving that lolcow.farms handles this shit weirdly. I managed to generate an image with warped colours, much like the thumbnail that made me look into this.
OP, why did you have to post that question? I'm high as shit and you got me investigating this whole thing for a solid 2 hours.
I love you.
No. 732989
File: 1612747518874.jpg (189.54 KB, 965x577, a-clockwork-orange-a-clockwork…)

>>732900Nah. I take the whole site in as is, warts and all.
No. 733008
>>732975I'll admit I don't know much of anything about computer rigs but I
do obsess over keeping my apartment bug free. The computer tower should have sort of a casing protecting the electronics right? If you're really worried, maybe you could try spraying raid on some wadded up paper towels (using gloves and being very careful with that stuff) and wiping down any non-porous surfaces on the casing, and making sure the area where it will be sitting is thoroughly sprayed down and dried before putting your tower there, which would hopefully keep them out without risking any of the electronics. The mechanical keyboard is a little trickier because you don't want to be touching bug spray very much, but it should be safe if the area it's in is sprayed.
I'd honestly consider this kind of overkill even for me though. I use the stuff I linked below around my apartment and just follow the directions on the page and I'm probably the only person in my building who almost never finds bugs. No. 733091
File: 1612757299597.jpg (430.96 KB, 3529x2647, 53862c71eab8ea7f5c1e8977.jpg)

>>733041Academia dump incoming on the truth of prisons and rehab etc.:
so my main area of study is sexual offense rehabilitation for male and females so yes i see the worst of the worst pedo rapist etc. etc. all the therapy based around treating sexual offenders is entirely empathy centered. this type is also offered to pedos who don't offend to keep them from offending. personally i'm for offering free therapy of this specialized type (it requires separate training depending upon the state and sometimes different licensing) because it keeps women and children from getting hurt. so harm prevention.
Also i will say for pedos reintegrating into the community the proven best thing you can do with them or any criminal is allow them to have a community and not be full outcasts because recidivism happens when you throw them back into the same circumstances or don't let them back into society. They do have to be able to get jobs and have lives after crime and better coping skills. In america the recidivism rate is 75% and is the highest for violent offenders and actually the lowest for sex offenders. So for violent offenders, who I argue are more dangerous as your chances of being a
victim of one are way higher than others, they need copium. drug addicts need reasons to stay sober and clean houses. Even if you wish death upon death for murderers and rapists and sperg out over it (i get it trust me) you need to realize what we're doing ISN'T working.
On top of that, the crime rates in America are the lowest they've ever been and its literally provable in every statistic. there was a spike in the 90s from reagan but that was likely war on drugs related.
the way they do prisons in other euro countries its like a rehab. IMO you go to prison as punishment not to be punished. You need to be treated with basic human rights and dignity and the worse you cage them the more full retard they go (proven shit in criminal justice and psychology). Basically, change the environments they are in. Give them more room (individual rooms), treat them with a human level of dignity. Give them enrichment like showing them national geographic or cool documentaries on stars. Instil hope. Make it so they want to get better and provide options when they get out so you're literally not sending them back to where they did the crime with no money or support.
Female prisoners also need gender specific programming. 70-80 percent have children. Most are the sole custodian for them and most are unemployed (thus wonder how they get into crime… big think). Women who are violent overwhelmingly got involved with a scrote or were
victims of scroting and were getting away and claim DV when husband or bf was murdered. Yes there are jodi arias level women who just need to be kept away. But 88 percent of prison women recall being a
victim of molestation/rape or domestic abuse violence at an early age usually by a family member or family friend. (this is to counter male offenders who usually claim to have WITNESSED violence at an early age) thus whenever dealing with a female offender you are basically always dealing with a
victim of something terrible. You can't build a house on a broken foundation. So for women you need to help them overcome the trauma to lay a new one.
I will say as a professional academic who legit has 2 degrees in both psych and criminal justice that prisons do need to exist…. but they should be reserved for literal dangers to society ahd we pay a social tax to keep those people who are irredeemable away (human traffickers with long reports, high gang members, rapists/molesters with high
victim count spanning decades like weinstein and cosby). but even then…
pic related. prison should look like a shitty college dorm or first apartment not literal hell. How can you expect someone to get better in a place that looks like even low security amerifag prison?
No. 733093
>>733041Some crimes can't be forgiven
Rapists all get the rope, no exception
There can be reasons for murder, there's never a reason for rape
No. 733095
>>733041>>733093samefag academic anon here
Basically how I think of it is how many innocents would you be willing to subject to the same treatment and be morally okay with it? What's the level? How many are you willing to throw in?
>>733092Also anon if you handcut they'll just be on disability after costing more money taking it away from people who need it
No. 733098
File: 1612757701595.png (54.44 KB, 1200x1042, index.png)

>>733041Very big rock
Drop on head
They stop moving
Never re-offend
100% success rate (fags will argue)
No. 733102
>>733091ayrt, thank you for the info and taking the time to condense all of it! the figure in the mirror and doorway scared the shit out of me.
does anyone else agree that taking the man taking the condom off w/o the woman's knowledge is rape?
No. 733112
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did spongebob ever explain why there are flowers in the sky. is that just all the underwater plants?
No. 733128
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>>733114They cancel each other out
No. 733160
File: 1612762905454.png (244.65 KB, 638x808, 1496490039830.png)

What does it mean when people say that the nuclear family isn't good enough? Please I want a nice explanation. Pic unrelated
No. 733167
File: 1612763327953.jpg (36.08 KB, 252x280, oil-ocean_3.jpg)

>>733112So bikini bottom is actually Bikini Atoll which is a real place used for military testing. People have surmised its oil from the testing
According to spongebob wiki it could also just be flowers as a backdrop to me it looks like the top of some sea creatures and if youre stylistically looking at an ocean without a backdrop it looks like shit and plain and drawing reefs is hard but the flowers? Animators dream.
No. 733168
>>733114i am borderline and bipolar. my ex gf was borderline.
you get suicide bait and drama if untreated. i was always unsure if she loved me. but she would have breakdowns where she would start shouting i didnt love her and that i secretly hated her. many times. we were together for four years. and even after our fourth anniversary she would have her breakdowns saying "YOU HATE ME ANON! YOU HATE ME ANON! I CAN TELL! YOUVE ALWAYS HATED ME".
No. 733170
>>733114So first of all there's two different types of bipolar and even people who have the same bipolar don't inherently have the same symptomology. For example in bipolar type one you can have symptoms such as psychosis you can also be a mean bipolar or you could be one of the ones who really likes to have fun and have adventures either way basically if you got two bipolar people together it would depend upon the cycles of their highs and lows I suppose if they are both treated bipolar and then it absolutely would probably be fine but if there are two very symptomatic especially bipolar type one then it would be cow herd level.
Anybody with an untreated BPD fag is already in a cow relationship. BPD fags tend to on ironically end up with people who are hyper
abusive just because they have a really low sense of self and can be easily manipulated and to doing weird shit I've also IRL seen BPD chans end up with sociopaths or other personality disorders that are just
toxic. Most healthy people avoid really symptomatic BPDs or people who are hyper vulnerable Because they're decent humans. People who target BPD gf are usually
abusive scrotes so BP + BPD chan is insanity
No. 733241
>>733232In general, they were more fake nice, SJWy - but they were super nitpicky with stupid bullshit, especially if you didn't respect grorious nippon or giyomi korea UwU
They also would blog all the time.
"Ugh!!! I can't believe the photoshop in this Kenna picture. And she's eating mcdonald's?? In Japan?? When I went to Japan with my loving asian husband, we only ate shinto monk feet fungi. She's such an ugly poser weeaboo!"
No. 733244
Also they would be SO mad over shoops instead of keking
No. 733253
>>733250Who's the character? Kek
I also have to sleep holding something, but I just developed this habit after dating. Usually I go for plushies
No. 733255
>>733232they also thought cows had a moral obligation to serve as an example to their audience : shooping yourself to death / showing off your stuff / humblebragging causes bad self image in young girls !!!!!1! and so they could feel good about shitting on people because they were just ~exposing the truth~ and ~raising awareness~, instead of just admitting that they liked being nitpicky and
No. 733338
>>733334If you're too tight you're likely not aroused. The vagina moistens and relaxes (and labia and clitoris enlarge) when aroused
Like you can kegel and stuff to gorilla grip but yeah
No. 733363
>>733266Oh, the good old Kenna thread. I'll never forget their spergfit over her picking up a fallen cherry blossom from the ground and PULLtards screeching about destroying a delicate holy sakura flower please report this bitch to the authorities reee. And pages upon pages of blogging about how respectful
they would be when visiting Japan, only eating traditional washoku meals and sightseeing
real Japan. I never gave a shit about Kenna or her drama and barely know what she's even notorious for but I read her thread just to have a laugh at all the seething anons accusing her of yellow fever and Asian fetishization because she dated Japanese guys while residing in Japan. She was living rent free in their heads leading the life they always wanted.
They also had a tendency to spam their fanart of the cow in threads, slathering their cringy "parody" art all over the threads pretending that it's "t-t-totally because I hate her guys!! it's not like I want to wear her skin!". The drawfags over in Lolcow might be insufferable at times but at least it's customary to tell them to fuck off if they start growing an ego or showing obsessive tendencies.
No. 733371
>>733364That's bad for your kidneys
Also something I've never understood is… why does it feel good when you procastinate on peeing? it feels wrong but it feels good?
No. 733519
>>732935>>733164Thanks anon! Gonna treat myself soon heh.
>>733456Yeah I kinda of fear it came off as something stupid like that lmao. I finally do love myself after many, many years of not and it's not so much the idea of 'I hate everyone so I'll just marry myself'/'No one is good enough for me so I'll just marry myself' as much as just a nice treat to myself. It's also a weird push and pull of 'I really want to be married one day and wear a nice ring' and also 'I can't be pissed to bother trying to date at the moment while trying to figure out a million other things with my life' so this seems like a nice solution for the time being kek. If I ever get married in the future I would prefer a simple gold band instead of something super extravagant, but I'm young and stupid now so time to buy myself a fancy looking ring!!!
No. 733554
>>733530Probably leave my apartment to go see my grandmother in the hospice a few hours earlier. I had set the time to leave at 12 pm, but decided to leave at 2. I was brushing my teeth at about 1:50 when I got the call that she died.
I could've made it, the trip to the hospice was around 45 minutes. Instead, she died alone, with probably no one surrounding her except for the nurse.
No. 733564
>>733530I would've deleted him, the app, and moved on the moment I realized I was being ghosted by this fuck boy. I think a large portion of my college/post grad years kept spiraling downhill because I let that moment overtake everything. I was a student studying abroad in Tokyo at the time, we had been speaking for about 2 years before I went. That year was supposed to be the greatest year of my life, I was in Tokyo! I was studying at one of the top universities! I had so much opportunity in front of me, so many people who I could have befriended, so many more things I could have done, and I wasted all of it because I wanted to wait on this boy who wasn't my boyfriend and used me for sex and nudes. At the time, all I could think was 'I'm halfway across the world from my friends and family, with no support system here' but I realize now that the few friends I made, especially in the beginning, were an amazing support system to me. They let me depend on them and tried their best for me but they weren't my friends back at home so I always viewed them as people who didn't "get it" (regardless or whether or not they did, they still tried their best for me). I spent a large majority of time declining invitations out to drinking parties or just other fun things because I was too depressed to leave my room. I put the very few friends I made through a lot of trouble trying to deal with me and trying their best to convince me to go out and do things. I didn't attempt to do anything academically worthwhile like getting an internship or even just practicing the language.
I made a lot of excuses for myself, but if I had held my head high and forced myself to move on, I could've and would've been much better off for it. All the odds were stacked in my favor. Being the international student by default kind of made people gravitate toward me, making friends was literally the easiest thing, all I had to do was hold a conversation to almost everyone who tried to strike one up with me. It was so easy to befriend a lot of my professors (I did end up volunteering for a program with one of them towards the end of my program), I could've easily asked for their guidance in helping me get an internship. I wish all the people I came across at that time could have experienced me as I am now, happy and fulfilled and having such a zeal for life. Instead they got the worst version of myself, all because I was too hung up on being ghosted by a boy who never cared about my feelings.
sorry for sperg I'm still kind of bitter about it all but I just try to take it as a "this was a good lesson learned and now I'm a much better person because of it" but I can't help but always wonder how much more different my life would have panned out had I made the most of my time there instead of being a depressed sack of shit No. 733571
>>733554A lot of people can’t die if there are people around them. She probably died then because she was able to. I saw someone before they died in hospice, they were surrounded by like 10 people and everyone thought they were going to go, we had to leave for an hour and that’s when they finally died. My mom was telling them “it’s okay, you can go now” before they died. I think being around people really makes them hold on when they need to pass.
I think this is similar to how animals go hide when they are ready to pass.
No. 733572
>>733565i wish you did this is more difficult than i thought it would be
question redirect. what do YALL want for valentines day
No. 733604
File: 1612800722335.png (1.01 MB, 570x768, sticker.png)

>>733572I want a shitload of cute stickers and a marriage proposal. From anyone really
No. 733612
File: 1612801269341.png (328.53 KB, 523x700, Annotation_2020-01-13_095239_8…)

>>733585maybe a handmade carved candle!
No. 733614
File: 1612801309816.jpg (250.96 KB, 1080x1069, IMG_20210208_171626.jpg)

>>733585One of these spotify song keychains and make it with a picture of you two together or the album art of one of her favourite songs. You can get them custom made on etsy, I've seeing them all over Pinterest lately. Super cute, original and personal imo.
No. 733678
File: 1612805808283.png (179.67 KB, 539x303, jinrui0701.png)

>>733609Um sure, if you want to wash the deodorant away. Get non aluminum deodorant. Alternatively, just wear black.
No. 733698
>>733688Yeah because this happened to me
all the time when I was dating men. Like not even once or twice, I think it happened like on at least 4 separate occasions.
>Scrote constantly flirts with me, asks me out, treats me fine, we have a great time for a good while>He suddenly dumps and ghosts me, I find out a year later he's now engaged to another girl he left me forBeen single for years and too hurt to look for a relationship out of fear of this happening yet again. Two of them even had the balls to come crawling back like nothing happened after they broke up and tried to warm me up again. Lmao fuck off with that I'm not your personal nurse.
No. 733826
>>733817Lesbian fujos I can understand. Very female-coded content by women for women. Because yuri is too often scrote-made for scrotes.
No. 733954
File: 1612822215172.jpg (329.1 KB, 1500x2250, 15717702265daf4f7245f0f.jpg)

What are some foods you've never eaten but really want to try?
Mine is russian honey cake.
No. 733995
>>733966I said to, but I doubt most of them will. I reported it myself just now and asked someone else to in DMs, not sure what else I can do.
I feel like posting it here or blasting it on other servers will just be racebaitish because of the content, and that's one of the worst parts.
No. 734156
>>734146Yes! I am a
driverfag so I know for a fact that I am talking to the same anons there
fellow toyfag I love you xoxoSo I always catch myself thinking where else they are posting. Sometimes I wonder if I've fought them somewhere else kek
No. 734245
>>734239>Where do they get these numbers from?They make them up on the spot. Very few white Americans know anything solid about their family's historical/ethnic background (and if they do, only the background of their American settler ancestors, with little knowledge of where their ancestors immigrated to America
from). Most Americans who say stuff like the "21% Irish, 7% German, 13% Italian, 40% whatever" are either entirely making it up (usually deciding what countries to choose by comparing their physical appearances/physical features to what they think a stereotypical person from that country would look like, for example, assuming they have Scandinavian ancestry because they have blue eyes or Mediterranean ancestry because they have brown eyes) or are saying it because they've been told it by other family members with no factual basis. I can't say I know anyone, personally or as an acquaintance, that has actually taken a DNA test to learn more about their ancestry. It's commonly joked about. (t. white American.)
That being said, it's true that the average white American (or average American who isn't a first/second generation immigrant) would generally have a more diverse ethnic background than the average white European, due to North America having had an indigenous population pre-colonization and due to the various forms of immigration/forced immigration that brought populations from all around the world to the US hundreds of years ago.
No. 734254
File: 1612840176982.jpeg (255.7 KB, 1200x1237, B6ABF955-8B90-438F-9098-ABC5FF…)

How do you get therapy? Do you go find a counselor or do you try to find a psychologist in your health insurance network or what??
No. 734418
>>734413Art resources and lessons >>/m/119195
"Rate My Art" Thread
>>>/m/102700>>734417Oh I see. Maybe it was pus or something then
No. 734580
File: 1612882462770.jpg (82.47 KB, 605x787, how-to-make-the-starring-pastr…)

>>733954Late but I'm glad someone's actually intrigued by the cuisine of my country! I've never tried Medovik, but i've been told I should ASAP.
I really want to make Courtesan au Chocolat from The Grand Budapest Hotel for my college graduation.
No. 734600
>>734594That's a very good point. I hadn't thought about it that way. I'll not think about it too much then.
Thank you for your concern, I've been reading up on "binder hygiene" (idk if that's a proper term or not, I'm thinking of it like sleep hygiene). I might try a minimiser first, since they're bras rather than a straight chest corset.
No. 734613
>>734592Wow me too. I hate how my boobs make my stomach appear larger because of the way my shit falls from them onto my torso.
I also have saggy titties though so I just don’t wear a bra and I look pretty flat chested lmaaao
No. 734672
File: 1612889738828.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.72 KB, 1080x712, Screenshot_20210209-090556_Twi…)

Sorry, I have another stupid question. How did women in the 50s achieve picrel body? I love the nipped waist with the soft tummy. Ive been wearing corsets for 12 years and I never manage to look like that.
>>734349I asked one of friends who's an artist last night. She said it's normal as long as it doesn't keep leaking for more than 36hrs. I guess, because it's close to the bone it bleeds more? Anyway, I feel better this morning. Thanks, anon!
>>734357You can tell, because it makes the blood/ink conviction look thicker and gooey, I guess. Weird, because even though it's normal it usually only happens even the body goes past its threshold. Tbh, the chest didn't hurt that much compared to, say, my hands or neck.
No. 734686
>>734672Corsets will never really do that much unless you basically live in it and had a small waist to begin with. It's a body type you have to be born with. A woman with a naturally small waist but with fat on her will get that look. Some people just don't carry their fat on their waists.
The body type wasn't common, it was just the most marketed. Like
>>734681 said, it was popular. It wasn't that your average woman had big boobs, tiny waist and big hips, it was that women that had those features were put in photos and films.
If social media wasn't a thing and people had to rely on magazines and movies to see what we looked like, they'd probably think we all looked like a hadid sister.
No. 734705
File: 1612893479449.jpg (44.44 KB, 590x350, Jayne-Mansfield-Hollywood-lege…)

>>734678I found it on twitter, but you can Google like 50s pinup model or 50s bikini. This is Jayne Mansfield.
>>734685When I was regularly waist training and tight lacing (only taking off my corsets to shower and work out) it would take a few inches off my waist, but only for about a day or two, enough for photoshoots and then it would start to go back to my natural waist. I haven't noticed any really looking term effects other than my blood pressure going up when waist training, but I have hypotension normally.
A lot of women who lose inches permanently actually just lost weight, since it's hard to eat large portions in a corset.
>>734686I think my body type is closer to Twiggy. That's my nickname that my grandma calls me. I just don't see that particular type of body anymore. Even women who try to replicate it like Dita von Teese don't look like that. But I understand what you mean.
No. 734721
>>734708That's true. I was going to use a Vampira pic, but she just lucked out with her impossibly tiny waist. I'm happy enough with my body now, but when I was younger I would have killed for a curvy shape.
>>734710 You're lucky, when I suck in, my waist just gets wider.
No. 734791
>>734726The Edible Woman is in a similar vein to The Bell Jar. Other than that all I can think of are crime novels: The Butcher’s Hook, The Girl on the Train, Dark Places. Good books but lacking a contrast between the weird/depressed character and the situation.
People loved Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, I didn’t but it fits that description too.
No. 734938
File: 1612911262896.gif (493.91 KB, 300x240, milkspill_spongebob.gif)

Why do my sketches look way better than my finished pieces? My sketches has a lot of information, flow, and sometimes energy in them but when I try to do digital art it always looks like absolute shit. I tried searching what to do about this but I don't want abstract answers, how do I remedy this? What does this say about me as an artist? Rendering art in general is so difficult and time-consuming.
No. 734961
File: 1612912255125.png (1.25 MB, 748x991, Screenshots_2021-02-09-17-11-2…)

Anyone got any more of those ugly images with the fake nails and makeup shooped on? I love them
No. 734965
File: 1612912467872.jpeg (Spoiler Image,22.2 KB, 739x415, images - 2021-01-14T204009.953…)

>>734961Just Google "periodt meme", bit the dumb bitch memes at /m/ has a bunch of them
No. 734966
File: 1612912482015.jpg (21.29 KB, 800x450, pogchamp.jpg)

>>734957Something autistic faggots say in games, mostly LoL. Picrel, it's just a stupid reaction face.
No. 734967
File: 1612912581094.jpeg (408.13 KB, 750x1255, 4B645B19-C7F1-49FE-88AA-567DF2…)

Weird, specific question. How often does Walmart restock shit? I saw this the other week and it’s been out of stock ever since and I’m going nuts because I want it so bad.
No. 734969
>>734966that picture matches the exact vibe of the word…yuck
>>734968boohoo..i mean we can always put a notice for ppl to stfu about poggers once the next thread gets created
No. 734990
>>734941I really don't care, I talk openly about it with my friends because most of them browse forums too or at least have the same kind of humor. I've been told I come off as someone who goes on 4chan (?) and I have no reason to play coy
The only situation I can think of where I felt like I had to explain myself was something like…well, I have a few trans friends I respect (yeah yeah whatever) and I get worried that they might think I come on here to ree about "trannies." But they know me so it's whatever
No. 735036
>>735019If butts cant handle big shits then I don't know how people do anal
>>735028So it isn't normal? Like AT ALL? Because it's been happening to me for a good year or two now
>>735032What veggies do you recommend?
No. 735101
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Why do seemingly the most annoyingly woke women(specially woke women of WOC) almost always seem to be dating the most boring bland white men ? like not even hyper woke white men ether rater just slightly left leaning moderate white men who vote for the Dems
No. 735142
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>>735101 I ask myself this everyday. I'm someone who is quite left leaning
save for some gc/sw stuff. Honestly for me white people are just around more where I live and it doesn't also help that I'm into 'white' things.
No. 735169
>>735101I'm not super woke or anything, but I just like white men. Something about them gets me going. Even my first crush was on a white boy. I still prefer other
WOC when it comes to women though.
>>735142Lmao I love this pic
No. 735251
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Anons who own crypto/stock portfolios, do you ever feel weird that your user profiles are often used for statistics? I'm not sure how many women are actually into stock trading and crypto (I don't know any myself) but I'm curious. I don't know, maybe I'm experiencing a "not like the other girls" effect. I want to get to know other women into crypto and stuff, I feel like when I talk to scrotes about stocks and coins they put on the kid gloves to explain concepts to me.
>>735142>ask myself this everyday. I'm someone who is quite left leaning save for some gc/sw stuffBased, same. Also to answer
>>735101 I really hate men of my own ethnicity and race probably because I'm surrounded by them all the time, but men of other races seem more appealing to me. I think it's just a scrote thing because I'm fine dating women like me.
No. 735260
>>735251I feel you. My mom always told me right from a young age about how my great grandma had a shitload of Hersey stock and how important it is to invest in solid companies. Now that we both have some money to play with, she's looking into companies to invest in too.
Right now I'm encouraging my female coworkers to buy shares with me but there's only really one who doesn't mind spending the money. She has a bit of a gambling side to her so it makes sense, lol. Maybe now that buying crypto is way easier than it was in I dunno, 2012, we'll see more women making it from magic internet money. I'll always regret not buying btc in late 2010 ;( but that's alright, there will always be more once in a lifetime opportunities in the future.
No. 735276
>>735101>>735142>>735251Okay but that didn't answer my question of why the most overly/annoyingly woke
WOC(The type that would joke about how much they hate all white people and the "West") seem to date normie white guys
No. 735282
>>735276I joke about how white people annoy me sometimes, but it's honestly just jokes and I think it's that way for most
poc, including the one's you're talking about. I think it's possible to point out flaws in certain communities while still feeling attracted to them, if that makes sense. Some woke
WOC actually prefer non-white men but still end up with a white man just by chance. Some
poc could definitely have some self-hate that they're masking with woke stuff as well and that's why they date white people. Some of us just like white men.
No. 735288
>>735282Samefag, even the woke
poc who say to date within your race but date/marry/fuck non-white people are just hypocrites who don't hold themselves to the same standard. I see this a lot in non-white men.
No. 735305
>>735303Ayrt, yeah that's kinda what I meant lol. I just realized I wrote
>Samefag, even the woke poc who say to date within your race but date/marry/fuck non-white peoplewhen I meant to write
>Samefag, even the woke poc who say to date within your race but date/marry/fuck WHITE people No. 735337
>>735322Yes. I read Levi Ackerman fics and I always just imagine him to look how he looks in season 3.
Also, what does cw mean? That's some chris-chan thing right?
No. 735355
>>735351>>735337>>735343In fanfiction CW means content warning, as in
trigger warning.
Probably stuff with abuse, violence, rape, etc etc
No. 735361
>>734413>>734570Were you in the /ic/ Skype group?
Do you know tehmeh by any chance?
No. 735432
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What novel would you want to see a movie adaptation of?
When I was a kid one of my favourite books were the Wind on Fire trilogy and would love to see it on film
No. 735463
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>>735432Samefag, I would give my left arm for an adaptation of The Two Princesses of Bamarre, I used to love this book so much ahh the memories
No. 735762
>>735322The way they're drawn. I imagine myself as 2D too or create an oc.
Somewhat related question, how can people summon dreams of their husbando? Looking at content related to him doesn't do anything (doesn't help that he barely gets screen/page time either, there's only so many times I can rewatch the same clips,look at the same fanart etc.) Weirdly enough characters that get even less focus who I barely think about have shown up in my dreams more often.
No. 735847
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It's been like a decade since I've watched Madoka, but I still have some questions because 13-year-old me didn't 100% get it, and I barely understood rebellion. Do magical girls in the meduka universe only have their soul gems go greythe more they use their powers, or does it start togrow grey by just existing? Also, are all magical girls destined to go through despair, or is it possible in-universe for a magical girl to never go through despair and turn into a witch
>Inb4 scrote
No. 735867
>>735850I do it this too. Sometimes hand on vag (under pants, but over underwear), sometimes on my bare inner or outer thigh. It just feels soothing and comfortable. I wouldn’t do it around anyone except a partner, mostly I do it in bed anyway. Scrotes don’t have that self awareness, or if they do then they don’t care.
I also bend arm and lay it over my eyes, feels so good.
No. 735882
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Do anons take supplements or vitamins daily? I take magnesium, multivita, vitamin d, omega 3 and cranberry something something capsules.
No. 735886
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Do you guys have any popsicle recommendations that I could buy at a Walmart, Target, or similar store?
No. 735888
>>735882I'm on a four month course of ferrous sulphate, folate, B12 and vitamin D from the doctor because I was so malnourished when I went into hospital.
I was taking a daily gummy multivitamin that was supposed to have all of those things and iron supplements! But clearly they weren't absorbing right.
No. 735904
>>735882Vitamin D and C. I think I have a pretty solid + varied diet aside from these. I started taking b12 because I'm veg but stopped since I didn't feel any different– turns out I eat enough cheese and eggs to do without.
I get my omega-whatevers from avocados and ground flax seed.
No. 735944
>>735897Yeah, I've always struggled a bit with deficiencies, but I lost two litres of blood in October and had to have surgery which I think really messed me up. I couldn't walk without getting extremely exhausted, I tried walking a mile and ended up passing out, and when I stood up or got too warm I would pass out too. All my hair was falling out. The doctor kept passing it off as a side effect of my medicine.
I still get wobbly when I stand up but all the passing out, blacking out and dizziness has stopped. I can think more clearly and I don't feel like I'm dying. I'm putting on weight which I don't love but my hair started growing back! I have to have a blood test in April to check how my levels are but I think they will be OK. Thanks for asking, anon.
No. 736111
>>736109Wh-what anon??
Who have you been spending time with??
No. 736115
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>>728774anyone made a friend on lc before? i kinda want a farmer friend..
No. 736132
>>735850i do this too tbh. its just comfortable. its just on my hip or side, i dont do it in front of people. i think i just like the pressure of the waistband.
>>735990 i've known of some faith-based dentistries
>>736115there's a friendfinder thread. but tbh good luck finding someone compatible as friends
No. 736270
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There's some anons complaining STILL about wanting to close and nuke /ot/ on meta. And all I wonder is, why? Why you gotta be this fucking salty? If you don't like the board fuck off.
No. 736345
>>736340Look at this thread >>>/ot/736216 and scroll to the bottom
He literally made a whole chart rating pornstars buttholes
No. 736348
>>736345I don't get why scrotes can autistically obsess over fictional or real life women but as soon as women write a fanfic, do shipping, or rp it's "cringe"
This is far more pathetic and embarrassing than what most women do and so many men are like that. Truly the cringe compilation gender
No. 736360
>>736357No. He should feel shitty for having the audacity to fucking call a young woman, he deserves to be not only ignored but called out for being inappropriate.
God, society really has brainwashed women to be overly apologetic and nice to the point of absurdity, huh?
No. 736372
>>736348Men are literally a living cringe compilation. They're like really bad performance art.
Case in point, the nonsense upthread right now.
No. 736383
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so anorectal violence chan doens't even care about violence he's just a scrote who thinks unfucked assholes look hotter
No. 736384
Do you various artist anons make art based on your emotions? I read a death metal musician saying he can't make the same kind of music because he's not in the same state of mind, but I draw dark and slightly disturbing things (honestly I think they are not at all disturbing but everyone says so) and I am not at all depressed, I am very happy with my life. I just like to draw that sort of things. Is this normal or do most people make art based on their feelings? Maybe I should worry a bit next time someone shows me sad art. I always just assume they are like me
>>736374No I don't care about valentine's day, it's just a marketing ploy
No. 736386
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I recently realized I haven't seen any new tweets from a JP artist I really like, so I went to check their account and picrel appears, plus I've been unfollowed from them. Does it often happen? I'm really surprised to see this, especially since they don't seem to have done anything wrong.
No. 736477
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>>735886Sorry for the autism but I have an extensive snack catalog in my brain. I made my suggestions assuming you're in the US because I saw >Target, Walmart
>>736115>>736132I met a super cool anon via friendfinder thread who had a lot in common with me
both mexican illustrators but she deleted her discord. Hi if you're out there anon
No. 736517
>>736477Holy shit Im laughing so hard I tried to answer two separate questions (>>735101 and
with two separate images in one post anons I'm sorry I just came out of anesthesia I don't remember what the other picture was
No. 736534
>>736477oh my god we have those outshine bars lmao when you leave them in the freezer too long the flavor gets so stale and I have no idea why
delicious ass taste anon,
No. 736553
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Why are anons calling for the closure of /ot/? I don't even visit boards outside of /snow/ but don't understand their arguments. It seems like a sudden, orchestrated effort. Why doesn't the admin step in and put an end to this nonsense. Cows are dried up and /ot/ definitely keeps a lot of traffic around.
No. 736595
>>736553Their main argument is literally
>ot is fucking cringe Fucking lel
No. 736617
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Would the world would be more peaceful and safe if it were actually gynocentric?
Nothing too serious, it’s just weird imagining what the world would really be like if it were female-only, and what would happen to bisexual or heterosexual women? Some like to jeer that “we would still be in straw huts” because the scrote creating civilization meme but tbh that sounds nice. it’s like they rather have perpetual violence and chaos rather than peace and tranquil.. it’s odd
No. 736639
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So I got a physical evaluation today, and the orthopedist told me I had mild scoliosis and kyphosis (forward-neck). Obviously I got anxiety aboutthis right away.
Should I get a posture correcting corset, or just do excercises? Or just leave it alone?
ngl i've wanted a corset for a while now as well>>736632of course its okay, what are your coworkers going to do? Are they mind readers?
No. 736650
>>736644well, they're just thoughts, yeah. But if it's coming from a place where you realise you're unsatisfied with your partner, it could be a sign you need to change something about your relationship.
Otherwise, no, you can't cheat on someone just by thinking about someone else in a romantic way.
No. 736669
>>736639My sister had really bad scoliosis and wore a professionally fitted posture correcting corset/brace. I think it helped relieve some of her pain, but didn't stop the progression of her curvature.
Why not try both and see what works? It's not quite the same, but I have four herniated discs right now and wear a lumbar brace and it really does help at relieving pressure on nerves and pain, I also do physio.
No. 736699
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>>736569>It bled into m or something too where mr worldwide became their saviorI'm not part of the discord but I still thought that was funny tbh
No. 736773
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In every account of heroin addiction I've ever heard, the first time way great and every subsequent time (+ the addiction) came from unsuccessfully trying to recapture that first high. If you went into heroin as a one time thing, knowing that is will never feel that good again, would you still get addicted? Would you even get withdrawal symptoms from just one time? Also for context both my parents were heroin addicts, so I think I'm predisposed to addiction, I want to prove I'm better than them by not getting addicted. Is this a bad idea?
No. 736779
>>736773I mean, IME, I also heard many accounts of people doing heroin a couple times (smoked, dripped, not injected)and never got into it. Usually those people favor uppers and find nodding not as fun. Or they already burned out their feel good receptors with other drugs that heroin just didn't live up to the hype.
You already lost if you feel you need to prove yourself better than dopeheads.
No. 736785
>>736782…That's just how a normal human being works. Sometimes we're not in the mood. We aren't
men chimps who feel the need to coom constantly.
No. 736792
>>736782My sex drive either retreats for a while or I take turns being attracted to men, then women, then only one type of man, then butch women and men will look gross.
I took testosterone quite a few years ago and was attracted to a whole lot more people on it. Felt more comfortable calling myself bi at that time because my sexual tastes were clearer. My sexuality was literally on steroids lol. I think alot of us questioning asexuality and whether we're bi or not are just low sex drive. It makes it hard to confidently describe our tastes.
No. 736804
>>736799I had one ex who gave me orgasms from oral. That's it.
I slept around alot of guys back in my twenties and had one other serious long term partner. Still the only orgasms I've ever had that weren't self-reached were from that one guy during oral.
I've had guys assume that I orgasmed when I didn't. I've also had guys just not care or ask or try. I don't know which is worse. I don't come from either so eh? lol
No. 736811
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>>736799Women only want one thing and it’s disgusting: mediocrity
No. 736820
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>>736773Your parents were addicts and you have their genes, why would you ever consider this? You can't prove you're better than biology. Just stick to other drugs like mdma or even weed, which imo are better because they don't ruin your life through addiction and are actually fun instead of heroin where you sit and do jack shit.
No. 736825
>>736815Me! I find the idea of having sex with anybody physically repellent, like I don't want to be that vulnerable with somebody. I've had sex before in relationships and it's OK but nothing special, and not worth the hassle. Plus it's nice to make my own decisions and have lots of time for myself and my goals.
I prefer to have close platonic friendships and a vibrator.
No. 736826
>>736814my main solution to upping my sex drive
bipolar mood swings
and getting off ssri's because they never did shit for me anyway
No. 736834
>>736815I started to dread sex midway through my last relationship, when it ended 3 years ago I was just relieved about not having to deal with sex anymore.
That's a repeating pattern for me so I'm single and turning down any interest in the last few years. I love toys though.
No. 736836
>>736773It's not worth it anon. Please avoid heroin. It will destroy your life.
>>736782Are you on any forms of birth control? I've taken the pill in the past and I currently have a hormonal IUD. When I was on the pill I had no sex drive. I felt so fat and bloated all the time. When I had a period (once every 3 months), it lasted for a month long. I hated how my nipples looked so swollen and were overly sensitive all the time. I just felt disgusting. I ballooned in weight, too.
With an IUD, I generally only become what I can only describe as sex repulsed when I'm near my period, or just struggle with a low sex drive near that time. A lot more manageable than how I was before.
>>736814When I was on the pill I was also (needlessly, I had a shitty psychiatrist) taking SSRIs. This was a double whammy, I couldn't enjoy sex at all. I think I orgasmed
once when I was on the pill and antidepressants, and it was miserable.
No. 736839
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Why are people using Kin as
>I kin character
Instead of
>I kin with character
>I’m kin of character
I don’t get it, the whole terminology is retarded but that shit bugs me a lot.
No. 736872
>>736870storiesdown. you can view posts and stories
can u tell us what you're lookin for..i want the gossip
No. 736886
>>736815Me, I love hetero sex but I've been too disappointed for too long. I have to reintroduce sex to men as a fun thing people do with each other, not as a means to get them off. Even if I weed out the ones who don't get their ego bruised by being directed, it's still exhausting and unfulfilling a lot of the time.
Although I've made a point that I'm going to date women when I do start again, in the past I've used having crushes and dating as a means to distract me from bad feelings. Now it's been about a year since I stopped trying and actively focusing on myself is so rewarding.
No. 736959
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>>736955183 cm
yes really no I'm not male No. 736960
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Any other anons here think that their own non-abusive mother or family finds them ugly? I wouldn’t know how I personally rate but besides that my mother hates it when my hair is messy indoors, we’re indoors and I would never show my hair outside like I do inside. This is personal shit but to give the question context her comments about my hair just makes me jump to huge conclusions that she thinks I’m very ugly. Does anyone ever have suspicions from other family members that their backhanded advice is more of just indirectly calling you fugly?
No. 736962
>>7369555'5 1/2
the half really counts to me
No. 736974
>>736960Yes, my mum never acknowledged my appearance but would always call my sister beautiful, a princess, etc.
They are both beautiful with olive skin and dark hair and eyes, but I'm pale, freckled and blonde like my dad. I used to think I was a stupid hideous freak because she never ever complimented me on anything. Once I asked her if I was pretty when I was twelve and she paused for a long time and eventually said "looks aren't everything".
Now as an adult I try to cope by thinking maybe she was threatened by me.
No. 736979
>>736836I have a Mirena IUD atm and am just getting off of my period. The only medication change I've had since my sex-crazy relationship was that I added adderall bc I got diagnosed w ADHD.
>>736785Idk anon I think my dad thinks I'm weird for getting physically disgusted and making a face (unintentionally) when some sappy couple shit is on the tv. I always cringe whenever I see those damn Hinge ads, especially because I've used that app before and it sucks.
>>736792I don't think I have a low sex drive when I'm in a relationship though. Over a year ago I was in an LTR and we had sex at least once a day.
No. 737000
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How often do you remember your dreams? I started logging my dreams exactly a month ago and it confirmed that I dream very vividly almost every night. Pic related, yes Im autistic and tag each dream with whether it was good or bad. Each log I write is fairly long as well.
No. 737002
>>737000I remember them practically daily.
They say keeping a dream journal is good for lucid dreaming, which I wanna do, but I already remember them anyway so I don't see the point of writing it down?
No. 737017
>>736959Your hand in marriage pls
No. 737024
>>736974That sucks anon, reading that it seems very likely to me that it was indeed just a cope. Your mom wants to be considered beautiful, your sister looks like her and so complimenting her reassures your mom of her own beauty as well. Your looks are different and you know the grass is always greener - your hair and skin might confront your mom with a look she never could have attained herself.
Obviously I don't know what you look like, but it sounds like your mom just has an issue with appearances and dragged you along without realizing (hopefully) how it would affect you.
No. 737032
>>736959How's the weather up there Hottie?
No. 737033
>>736955I'm 175 but what I'd give to be 183 like the sexy
>>736959 anon… all I can do is wear high platform shoes and imagine how it would be
No. 737076
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Why do men get aroused when their girlfriends cry?
Like I have cried in front of my boyfriend probably a total of 4 times in our 12 year relationship because I’m tsundere and he immediately wants to fuck and I’m like “for the love of god this is literally the only one fuxking time I DONT want to fuck” and we have never fucked after I cried so I don’t know what his dick is thinking at all
No. 737083
don't laugh.
No. 737089
>>737076Not a scrote, but I feel kiiinda aroused when I see my bf cry (and only him). I don't really know the reason and it has never happened with other people, but all I can say (other than I'm a disgusting person) is that it's absolutely for no good reason at all. Probably some sort of power play and seeing your partner in a very vulnerable moment, and for me also him being so open with his feelings in that moment with me. Yes, I'm disgusting, I know.
Unrelated, but is Asherah's garden down now?
No. 737220
>>737122NTA but as I understand, section 230 is a law that gives websites immunity from being held liable to the shit its users say. Basis of internet free speech really. Axing it means website can be sued for content it hosts ie people like Null will neck himself for the amount doxx on his website. Platforms will be forced to screen and scrub everyone’s posts before they can even be published to avoid liability.
Repeal proponents are two camps:
-The libs who want to cleanse the internet of everything “
-The conservatives who want immunity to only apply if platforms remain perfectly neutral and do not censor aka no purging their racist corona hoax crackpot conspiracies
It, in reality, is a self own for everyone if section 230 goes away. Twitterfags will no longer be able to “cancel” or “expose” anyone they hate because those people can now actually sue Twitter for defamation. Doesn’t matter if the accusations are legit, Twitter as a company will simply forbid such content to be published to avoid the hassle altogether. Trump supporters, or current political punching bags, will get their existence erased from mainstream internet. The implications this will have on future whistleblowers.
This fucks social media giants so I do not see them accept it quietly, idk how it will effect out Albanian shungite enthusiast forum tho. Small niche internet communities tend to find a way. But normies will really live in a world where everything is fine and everyone is uncannily nice and can’t invoke Voldemort.
No. 737595
>>737588Nta, but your post was also snarky lmao what
>cant help but narcisstically adding your unwanted two centsIt's the stupid questions thread?
No. 737597
>>737588That’s what
triggered you, little snowflake? Non-shill presentation of your favorite boomer fiction? I’m not American nor white. Kys.
No. 737607
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>>737600>>737601Bitch I don’t give a fuck. We’re not on a Christian forum, you’re not shielded from hurt feefees here. Just close your fucking eyes. Anon asked for objective commentary on the Bible and she was given an answer.
You’re literally the one starting shit over mild ass remark like a pussy. You aren’t being in any way helpful to her question, you just showed her straight on how much how a bunch of lunatics you Jesus fetishists are. He will never fuck you in the ass faggot.
>>737623You're not wrong, but it's not reasonable to expect every girl with body insecurities (99% of women) to do a specific type of work out solely to look good. Exercise is hard and exercising to the point of sculpting your body is even harder, not everyone is going to prioritize or succeed at it.
I've been exercising regularly for years (sport that I actually enjoy and do for fun), and it hasn't done much for my weight or body comp because it's not an intense, targeted work out like weight lifting etc. I know a lot of other girls I've done sports with who never got fit let alone slim off it because diet trumps physical activity and not all exercise is created equal.
No. 737725
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>>737546I would recommend pic related. It does away with a lot of the confusing archaic language used in the King James version. It's not especially scholarly, but it's great if you want a good understanding of the events and such.
No. 737741
>>737673I can agree with this. I personally hate mind-numbing cardio (esp running) and always eventually got tired of going to the gym to do obligatory cardio before some weights.
You've got to find an activity that you actually like. What worked for me was resuming the sport I grew up with because I actually enjoy it. Yes I understand this might be hard to set up logistically. I'm a dancer and adult classes can be pretty limited–especially for ballet. Afaik other sports are a lot better because you can either join adult leagues (and make friends) or you can go to tennis courts or basketball courts and find a way to play by yourself if you want. Imo this strategy is far better than forcing yourself to go to the gym because you'll actually enjoy your exercise and you'll have a hobby that isn't just working out.
No. 737748
>>737562>>737568>>737725Thanks anons very helpful! Though I agree with
>>737567 that the skeptics website looks a bit obnoxious, but maybe I just think that way about anyone who calls themselves a skeptic lol
I'll check it out either way
No. 737756
>>737741>I'm a dancer and adult classes can be pretty limited–especially for balletUgh, yes. And even when you do find classes, they're small enough that they can't be divided up by level so you've got experienced ex dancers mixed in with complete beginners which kinda sucks for everyone.
I just wanna do pointe again man, it's near impossible to find an adult class. I got to do one for a year before it was cancelled due to not enough people.
No. 737848
>>737811The idea that the rights of a corpse trump the rights of a living person is wild to me. Imagine your loved one is slowly dying of organ failure, watching them suffer in the knowledge that the organs that could save their life could be out there, rotting away.
My country introduced an opt out system. People can still register not to donate their organs if they are really opposed to it. Even if they don’t, their family is asked for consent. It’s a good system for everyone imo.
No. 737904
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Reposts of censored posts saved here:>>>/ot/728774>>736338> he doesn't oppose porn> There are many kinds of pornography, and not all of them are "bad." Furthermore, not everyone is interested in violent material, suffers negative mental consequences from using pornography, relies too much on pornography / uses it too often to the point of overuse and even "addiction," confuses pornography with sexual education, is inspired by what they see in pornography to the point of attempting it themselves perhaps involving coercion, etc.> There are many concerns relating to pornography especially these days. Pornography itself, though, is multi-faceted; trying to paint all of it as "bad" is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or irrationality. There are people out there who would like all pornography to go away. I am not one of them: Pornography, like many other human creations, has its problems — as do some people who use it. Those problems can and should be addressed.Yet again: Ultimately this is not about me. People can focus on me all they like, but they're only ignoring much more important matters.
No. 738063
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wtf is anorectal violence I'm afraid to google it for obvious reasons
No. 738070
>>738063You can't be
this new, right?
Everyone that has been here for a at least week have seen the Anorectal Violence dude.
Well, stay long enough and read about it when he posts again.
No. 738091
>>738070lol, I just rarely read /ot/ in depth so being bombarded with it for a week I finally caved and had to ask.
also wtf is wrong with you girls sometimes I-
No. 738103
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anons what do you think about pic related as a desk chair? im sick of this leather standard game chair from a few years ago cause the arm rests are hard plastic and its not soft fabric. i dont move my chair either. it doesnt seem worth it to pay 1-400 for another office chair when these are way more comfy for the same price
No. 738149
>>738147There's an epidemy of "loneliness" for all, since people are less likely to commit to relationships and marry. MGTOWs really want to feel like them "walking away" does anything, but it's always bigger societal forces that cause these, like overworking, mudded social messages vs. reality and women not being dependent on men's income being major factors. Just like FDS claiming that they're starting an avalanche, MGTOW is just as delusional about their movement changing society with the force of a poodle's fart, because there'll always be a majority that will date anything and anyone with a pulse to not be lonely as long as they're not treated
too bad.
No. 738167
>>738150> won't wash a dish if his life depended on itthat's like every male family member in my life
And even when they do, they announce their generous act and then make such a sloppy job so you're basically forced to wash the dishes anyway.
No. 738172
>>738149I was talking about this exact thing with a friend recently. I think lot of women can identify with the feeling of being lonely but not wanting to put up with male bullshit. Seems like 99% of guys have at least one scrote-typical issue, like laziness, misogyny, porn addiction, low EQ, cheating, poor hygiene, etc. Sometimes it's easy to feel hopeless, like the costs and benefits cancel each other out and there's no point. Luckily bisexual women at least have the option of dating other women, who in my experience are less likely to have many of these issues. Even then, though, dating is hard, especially during the pandemic.
No. 738196
>>738192I mean, a lot of guys wouldn't wash their dick if their life depended on it, either.
I'm amazed by the number of grown ass men who don't know how to clean under their foreskin.
No. 738235
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Am I being too much of a tumblr tard that this is making me uncomfortable or what?
I only use the first letter of my name online for a decade and it's also a nickname, the only people that know my full name are IRL people. Sometimes when I go to chat apps I do the same and the people I talk to will push and push and push that I tell them my full name. They start guessing it, making jokes etc, I usually reply with "it's just a nickname/for privacy" but 8/10 don't stop asking.
The pushing part makes me so uncomfortable, why can't they just accept the no? I'm not telling you shit unless we're dating or some shit. On the other hand I feel like I'm being childish and autistic considering I'm in my mid 20s. I just don't like my name, people using it or saying it out loud. Idk if it's related to childhood trauma but I don't like it.
No. 738240
>>738235Naw, giving your name out online to just anyone is a terrible idea. I feel like tumblr tards are the ones who would be the ones giving out their names kek. (I mean, there's popular posts going around on there saying that you NEED to put your race in your bio or else you're raycis)
I don't like my name either and I go by an alias online. Maybe you could just tell them that you alias IS your real name. Or come up with a common fake name. But I mean, if certain people are pressuring you that much over personal info maybe you should rethink talking with them.
No. 738439
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>>738368I’m a Euro too but one of my teachers had a huge map like pic rel in the classroom. It always looked awkward to me.
No. 738485
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>>738368I'm American, my maps looked like pic. The flat ones focused on continents instead of countries, and I remember we had a song for them. There's also obviously globes, and idk how common this is, but I had a blow up map. I think the blow up maps did have countries and obviously so did globes.
No. 738502
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Where can I find this jacket pr something like it? I like this style/fit but don’t know What it’s called. Utility?
No. 738504
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Why are all of the cute men always fucking taken? Oh my god is it like over for me is it wrong for me to have high standards lmao