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No. 714228
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>695389Website: (new), (old)
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecent:
>signed up for a 12 week exercise program, but soon after signing up she goes on various trips (Oregon, Florida, soon to Japan)>claims she's lost "22 lbs since June" and plans to lose 20 more before the end of the year>plans on doing Kimetsu no Yaiba, and Tsunade cosplay. Might be forgotten>starts streaming on Twitch with her cousin and Umbranwitch. >Honeydew!Mei finally emerges, says she has a discount code with the store but it doesn't work>Slight relevancy: Squarecuck moves into Moo's house, Miso lives with her parents still. It is revealed later that Square and Miso broke up. Square now lives as a in house slave alongside Cat>claims she is now Asian, can tan well because she is Middle Eastern and you cannot take that away from her!!!>it was her birthday this month>has streamed on OnlyFans but stuck to her usual routine of pasties, illfitting lingerie and sitting on her bed. Plans on making shitty custom content for horrendously high prices>August 19th update states her physical rewards were delayed. Again. No. 714279
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She’s getting into sausage lip territory.
>>714245Not this shit again. Hide the thread then or at the very least sage your posts. No one cares if you think she’s boring.
No. 714296
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No. 714314
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No. 714316
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>>714314Using custom molds for ~succubus teeth~
No. 714384
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No. 714392
>>714385God, she's so stupid. She literally lost enough weight after the first round of lipo that she started immediately peddling a slimtea scam before being outed. She only gained the weight back, plus more, because she's lazy and was eating take out all the time. You really can't say lipo doesn't make you lose weight when they are literally sucking multiple lbs of fat off your obese form, moo. She's obviously in denial as to why the lipo didn't work.
>>714314>>714384Honestly, at her weight, anything is progress at this point. Even just cutting out the junk and going for a walk will have results at her size. Of course she's acting like she's some kind of gym junkie now though. The cycle starts anew.
No. 714411
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Recently liked by her
No. 714499
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This just came up in my Instagram feed. They didn't put a link to her page but instead a link to a hentai page on twitter lmao
No. 714500
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>>714499Some of the best comments to it
No. 714520
>>714485Why do Americans think that only east Asians are Asian? It'd be like me saying that Italians aren't European because they're too dark
Middle Eastern = Asian
Asia is fucking huge guys ffs
No. 714550
>>714526The crux of the issue is Mariah tries to play it off that she is East Asian to get more weeb money.
She is white-passing and therefore doesn't have any of the stigma of being "lebean" or "asian". But uses it for POC points and to defend her shitty actions.
(stop) No. 714588
>>714557it wasn't someone saying it that sounded like moo/wk, it was the fact that
literally no one was talking about it moo's heritage/ethnicity aren't asian, it's arab, even though she's on what's technically an asian continent, it's different. russians are slavic and live on the asian continent.
No. 714656
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Are you guys done sperging about ethnicity now? Jfc…
>people apparently are commenting a lot about her weight on Patreon and it’s getting to her.
>admits in stories that she doesn’t create as much cosplay content lately due to “body dysmorphia”.
>claims she’s turned down tons of collaborations with other models because she’s not comfortable with herself.
>says things are “not okay” but she’s trying.
Boo fucking hoo
No. 714657
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Spraying fake blood everywhere again because she didn’t learn the first time.
No. 714660
>>714656>claims she’s turned down tons of collaborations with other models because she’s not comfortable with herself.Moo, ain't no one trying to collab with you, shut up.
>admits in stories that she doesn’t create as much cosplay content lately due to “body dysmorphia”Time for her monthly sob story to avoid dishing out rewards.
No. 714662
>>714660Right? Another sob story on IG. Which is ironic because I just sat through them and she says she rarely does these type of stories where she talks into the camera. Like… bitch, do you have Alzheimer’s or are you conveniently forgetting the multiple times you’ve gone on manic episodes over IG stories to the point where it’s littered with dots along the top of the screen.
Gotta wonder if the weight comments are finally starting to get to her since photoshop ain’t cutting it anymore.
No. 714677
>>714656Maybe you should've gotten an education and a real career Moo, then you wouldn't have had to make yourself constantly uncomfortable by trying to make it in a looks world when you cannot maintain your looks even with surgery.
She's only upset that she's losing money. If she were actually insecure she wouldn't be posting pictures of her body on the internet, unflattering pics at that.
No. 714696
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No. 714753
>>714656She‘s getting a lot of comments on her weight on
”patreon” … sure, Jan.
First of all, the feeder fetish cucks that pay for her shit are the last ones to call her out for her weight gain in a way that would warrant a meltdown like that. Secondly, why not address this on her Patreon then? Make a statement for the people it supposedly matters to. Not post a manic rant on an IG story that 90% of your cucks don’t watch anyway.
Also what
>>714695 said. If she actually did have something along the lines of BDD she wouldn’t keep buying shit that’s several sizes too small. She just can’t stand the fact that even after all the facial products, lipo and lip fillers she still doesn’t look like her photoshopped-into-oblivion self. It’s called being delusional, not BDD.
Chances are she just stumbled upon this thread (because imo it’s obvious how she’s addressing all the points that were made over the past few days; lack of cosplay, weight critique, etc) and had a mental breakdown about it. I could also see her do that ‘boohoo I feel so bad about myself’ to keep her female followers that see her as some strange sort of inspiration.
Nothing she ever does is authentic or sincere. ‘Shit’s tough you guys’ for her every other week. But she’d never think about fixing her personality first so things will be like that for as long as she’s somehow relevant to someone.
No. 714808
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>>714696This is so random. Of all things to pick out to wear to katsu? This???
No. 714823
>>714808There's a new movie coming out. Moo trying to pull in cuckbucks in a fandom she knows nothing about and has no genuine interest in.
And no Mooriah, this isn't your cue to post bullshit about how you've always loved the DC/U and Harley.
No. 714922
>>714911Right? At this point just do a Harley cosplay
Probably knowing her she doesn't do cosplays because people kept pointing out how inaccurate her costumes were and her not knowing a thing about the character she was playing as.
Serves her right for giving cosplayers hell for "being mindless cash grabs who aren't real fans. only TRUE fans of a show should cosplay it!!!"
No. 714969
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No. 714978
>boo hoo BDD so I don’t make as much content anymore
>posts photo in lingerie with her nipple in plain sightYeah not buying it. She’s done this song and dance multiple times in the past. She used this as an excuse for why she got lipo. Her first lipo procedure was like 2 years ago. She had 2 years, if not more time, to get her act together. She’s had more than enough money to hire a personal trainer and possibly even a chef to help her meal prep. She clearly has enough time to go on trips multiple times a month, which could’ve been used to go to the gym. Hell, she doesn’t even make cosplays anymore or send her awards out on time, so she should have all the free time in the world.
No excuses Mariah. Just be an adult and grow up.
No. 714979
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>>714969Bitch what the fuck
What the fuck
No. 714985
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>>714979Her forearm is like four inches long with a little chicken foot attached.
No. 715001
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No. 715042
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she’s aware of the grim reality
No. 715107
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Zoomed and lightened, is that a part of the bra? Like a strap that was supposed to go around the brand too or is it the fricken clasp because she couldn't close it?
No. 715137
>>715127I think its more the moustache that all her little zits and scars form around her mouth than photoshop
>>714411 is an example of what i'm talking about
No. 715159
>>714974She's using the body dysmorphia to slowly slink out of the cosplay and the video game scene. In a year time she wont have to pretend to be into nerdy stuff.
She's wants to be a lazy insta "model" so bad
No. 715201
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Sage for non milk but wtf does this mean? Soon what? Japan? A boyfriend? Fucking?
She even said that the joke went through a lot of people's heads, but she didn't care to explain what the joke was.
No. 715202
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No. 715246
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>>715201Is she making some kind of allusion to chikan/train groping being hot? I thought you learned your lesson, Mariah.
No. 715266
>>715246I have some other theories, though I wouldn’t put yours past her
original tweet appears to be a woman sitting on a man’s lap with a romantic caption
>hinting at her relationship with whoever she’s going to japan with I mostly skim these threads so I didn’t catch who it was>train line/time are photo shoot time and location>train line/time for an event (probably fate related) they’re going to No. 715356
>>715001Nice stumpy midget limbs. Also, this makes her look like an amputee, kek.
She's really been going all out with the EXTREME smoothing lately.
>>715303She's an asexual who's into breastfeeding (as a kink), cuckholding, molestation, degenerate hentai… but totally asexual, though OwO. I'm not even skeptical of her not experiencing sexual desire since she's the size of a fucking mammoth and being that fat kills your sex drive, but the nasty pandering to her neckbeards is fucking ridiculous.
No. 715376
>>715375>>715107according to the site there's clasps that are part of the ornamental backing of the bra but they wouldn't be too loose.
She probably unclasped it for being so illfitting.
No. 715406
>>715202I guess she realized it doesn't matter how much photoshop she uses, people are still going to throw money at her
It looks so uncanny though. like those korean chicks who turn themselves into aliens
No. 715414
>>715390It's funny but I had a similar experience and a lot of people don't believe it, but she is more than ripe and I saw her on the first day.
I find it weird people don't believe the odor rumors when she herself admits she doesn't feel like she has to bathe every day, change her clothes or even wash her fucking hair (she can't even brush it on her own).
No. 715469
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No. 715471
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OH GOD This is so fucking creepy and disgusting
No. 715473
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>>715469>>715202Love the Kathy Bates cosplay. 10/10
No. 715479
>>715471sage but I knew it before in the first bath pic, but she's def using some face tune/asian app to make herself look better lmao
nice bandaide moo
No. 715487
>>715479No shit, Sherlock. It’s been
proven several times that she’s using face tune in her photos and videos.
Plus, writing sage won’t sage the post.
No. 715496
>>715479No shit, Sherlock. It’s been
proven several times that she’s using face tune in her photos and videos.
Plus, writing sage won’t sage the post.
No. 715498
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No. 715499
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>>715498>when you hear the McDonald's bag rustleAlso is Cat living there fulltime? Is that why she bought a storage bed?
No. 715506
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>>715444I get the bathtub set but lately she doesn't even leave her own house for "photoshoots" and now that Square lives with her she doesn't even need to look for a photographer, she just yells his name.
She didn't need a costume, but she could have rented a place out to do something similar to the image below and it still would have been minimal effort. What Moo did wasn't even effort.
No. 715509
>>715503I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She said she got a facial.
Her face always looked a bit off, but without photoshop her face and body just looks botched
No. 715517
>>715499I wish you anons would read shit instead of unsaging shit and peope have to go back and repeat:
Shes been living with her since before May. Shes been shipping ears with Moos address on the packages.
No. 715561
>>715501>not her hairDamn her hair is so beyond damaged that it can’t even hold color properly anymore
And red is one of the hardest stains to get out
No. 715918
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No. 715977
>>715944She needs to blow even the most low-effort shit like that or the blood bath shoot way out of proportion so she can continue claiming to be such a workaholic and make it seem like she isn’t sitting on her ass most of the day while others do everything for her.
But tbf all that shit probably does seem like a lot of work to her at this point.
No. 716073
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>>716012>>716041>>716042it's still down (or down again) for me, at the time of this post
No. 716088
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Down for me as well.
No. 716105
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She's only interested to spite vamps.
No. 716136
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>>715920She's going to look like her old rival, or worse. Love Nier but looking forward to this monstrosity.
No. 716265
>>716253I honestly wouldn’t doubt she’s hiding it again because of “muh depression” since she’s been on a
victim kick lately judging from her recent IG stories. And she’s probably trying to dodge questions about her months late Patreon rewards lol.
You’re right though, in a few days we’ll know what’s up if her “crack team of Instagram lawyers” don’t manage to restore her account. I still find it funny though, every time one of her thot buddies gets the ban on IG and she promises to have her “lawyers” get their account back, they don’t. (Like Belle Delphine last I checked)
No. 716308
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>wrongfully targeted
No. 716366
Hilarious how anons were saying we should stop beating a dead horse for Mariah, but this happens.
Tinfoil but maybe she got reported for posting that artwork?
>>715918She didn't credit the artist from what I can tell, maybe some people got pissed at her for it. Though the other alternatives are just as likely.
No. 716837
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Apparently someone linked dropboxes on Reddit too but they timed out
No. 716855
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She's sperging about pro-Hong Kong stuff. I guess Mei is involved so she feels the need to be
No. 716860
>>716857This coming from someone who had nothing to say on the Hong Kong issues until now
Also posting images like this only promotes Blizzard. even her caption doesnt directly say 'fuck Blizzard for caring more about money' she makes a vague post about 'companies' which could just mean in general companies in Hong Kong.
No. 716871
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Guess she’s gotta go apeshit about something to bring attention to the fact her account is still down lol. I doubt she gives a crap about what’s happening in HK right now. If she did, she should have done so earlier to make it somewhat believable. Instead, she spams images of Mei and parrots what she sees.
No. 716886
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From her FB profile. She looks less like a succubus and more like the fat kid from Matilda with the chocolate cake smeared on his face.
No. 716895
>>716889It's neither. It's her sitting her ass in a tub filled with fake blood.
Putting on fake fangs and calling it a costume might be the laziest she's ever been
No. 716897
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>>716865not to defend her, but people made Mei edits in order to highlight how Blizzard fucked up
No. 716898
Did she say she was going to BlizzCon this year? I hear tickets aren't refundable at this point. A lot of people are planning on protesting. I wonder if she'll go.
>>716865A lot of people are posting pics of Mei with HK supportive slogans to try and "get her removed" or "banned" from OW. Kinda stupid, but I'm sure to her it makes sense.
>>716879What? KDA is Riot, not Blizzard. Two totally different companies.
No. 716905
>>716871human rights?
human rights.
mariah we know you read here so listen carefully:
posting this shit isn’t helping anyone’s human rights. you know what
does? actual action. praxis. literally fucking anything BUT sitting on yout ass about it. mariah, you have a lot of fucking money. try putting it where your mouth is and doing more to help than the average citizen could ever dream about.
she only wants to pretend to be politically aware when it suits her but has absolutely no understanding of politics, the history of china or its government.
No. 716912
>>716905Tbh she indirectly did something on accident. They can't delete the images off of Moo's thread so Hong Kong Mei could disappear off the social medias but stay here forever
because it's milk she only cares cause Mei.
>>716898I bet she lied and is going to pretend she is sick or use this as an excuse.
No. 716916
>>716837Lol People totally will fall for this and think that’s all her ass when her tiny little butt is hidden under layers and layers of blur. Moo wishes all that was her ass.
>>716857Anything for a drop of clout.
No. 716943
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>>716941Btw they're in California and might go to a Ren Fair, according to Cat's twitter
No. 716952
>>716857>>716856>>716855Moo says 'fight for human rights' while still not crediting the artists who made the edits
Keep it up moo
No. 717043
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No. 717045
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No. 717046
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No. 717054
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No. 717055
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No. 717058
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No. 717060
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No. 717063
>>717058Holy shit. This set is going to look even more pathetic once it’s photoshopped into oblivion to give Mariah some semblance of shape. It’s clear from these shots that the “exercise” and “clean eating” she keeps spouting are still bullshit (since she was eating ramen AGAIN just yesterday and more meat before out in Red Rock Canyon with Cat)
Also, I thought her “body dysmorphia” was preventing her from doing shoots with other models? Its so uncomfortable to see two reasonably fit models in the same scene as this lumbering ogre. Did they agree to this out of pity?
No. 717066
File: 1570665310563.png (731.05 KB, 650x831, lagadje075831.png)

>>717060wtf is this peach wig?? Hibiki's hair looks fucking nothing like that at all.
>>717058Also holy shit her tits are completely below her armpits they're basically at her elbows at this point.
Funfact: the character is literally 100lbs lighter than moo. She starts off at 55.4kg which i about 122lbs.
No. 717079
>>717066Wait what?!
I legit thought this was Peach, WiiFit trainer and someone else doing WiiFit holy shit.
The pink really ties in with the whole looking like Peach.
>>717060 No. 717080
>>717063she's going to tell the editor to make her appear juts as thin as the other girls but enhance her titts and ass. She did it before in other shoots, for example Vamps.
Too lazy to go through over 100 threads but there is even a screen cap of her telling past photogs to edit her to be thinner.
No. 717102
File: 1570667961999.png (267.79 KB, 567x496, that weight loss.png)

The difference that very specific posing and sucking it in and probably laxative teas can make. She's such a fraud.
No. 717113
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woof girl, not even close
No. 717200
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>lives in Las Vegas
No. 717220
>>717113When you do a simple cosplay, it's so important to get the little details.
She couldn't even be bothered to get the right shorts or mod some?? It's beyond lazy
No. 717247
File: 1570683790621.jpg (566.3 KB, 2363x2115, Lol~2.jpg)

Definitely repurposed that Bowsette wig
No. 717248
File: 1570683824905.jpg (262.35 KB, 1951x2032, Kek~2.jpg)

Can afford Gucci but not accurate cosplay
No. 717277
>>717043Lmfao like looks like someone's dad in a bad wig. Is this the same dumpy middle-aged looking guy from the Umineko videos?
Jfc the kinds of dick Moo is willing to jump on…
No. 717278
>>717277Yup, same guy. I swear it’s like his chin takes up 90% of his face.
>>717248At least it’s not a secret anymore that she’s pandering to the feeder fetish crowd with this garbage.
No. 717355
>>717054Which anime is this again? She picks up and drops so many I don’t remember this one.
And lol at the pink weights. No one there looks like they lift.
No. 717367
>>717355Because she didnt even pretend to be actually into it.
It's called how heavy are the dumbbells you lift and it's an educational ecchi manga/anime that actually has good healthy work out and weight loss tips.
It's literally the antithesis to Moo's hedonistic lifestyle.
No. 717377
>>717330Anon please just stop. That in no way makes her a pedophile or child molester either. Go after Japan is you are hell bent on this shit. Everyone in the community knows how far of a reach and dumb they sound when trying to compare real life to people wearing loli motifs and enough of her taping kids. She is not taking this shit home to jack off too. These are one off stories where SHE MAKES FUN OF CHILDREN. She's a fucking cunt and thats it. That stretch for Moo being a molester for children or wanting to fuck real kids is super sickening and shouldn't be something that is allowed to be talked about anyway.
Can a mod add this to a list of things that are bannable in Moo's threads?
No. 717471
>>717046wtf is even that dirty tarp they're sitting on?
>>717248Why would she even do such a fit character? It's really baffling she has no shame
No. 717498
File: 1570747060349.jpg (44.59 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1570746814008.jpg)

Is this some kind of new Halloween shoot?
No. 717500
>>717498oh. my. god.
She's gone off the deep end to look at this and think she looks good.
No. 717502
File: 1570747298809.jpg (53.14 KB, 720x960, 72677319_10156374973042007_468…)

Kelton is extremely talented, but even he couldn't do anything with her face.
No. 717504
>>717498Does anyone attempt to direct Moo with posing or does she do her own thing anyway because she's stubborn? I'm not saying there's any technique to make her look sub 200 pounds, but there's definitely more flattering poses that could have been had here instead of posing dead-on to emphasize her saggy boobs and lack of waist.
Blueball there did it like…?
No. 717515
File: 1570748142166.gif (1.02 MB, 337x600, 284296A1-BF2A-48C7-A12B-0A4287…)

>>717498me looking at this cosplay
No. 717516
>>717502>>717515I'm ascending did they just look at vaguely japanese things and go 'oh yeah lets wear that with our oni'
Also their so ignorant. The way they have the tape on their boobs is obviously meant to look like Shide which is used for purification and is usually used by Miko and Priests in Shinto rituals to ward off evil spirits and bestow blessings so it makes literally no sense for oni to be wearing it taped onto their tits.
I was actually kinda hoping to see moo whip out some of her 'super expensive legit kimono' that arent just tourist bait yukata AT ALL for this shoot but we get the minimum effort. Hairline showing, already splotchy makeup on the both of them, no interesting features cept for the weird bull horns, random stone jewelry which is the closest thing to being any semblance of a design thought.
Maybe it would have been cool if the shide were black to maybe be like 'oh it's a mockery of the shinto priests that have tried to ward them off' but this is just tacky and lazy and moo looks bigger and lumpier and saggier than ever.
No. 717536
File: 1570750903662.jpeg (349.94 KB, 1012x1800, 60CE3C56-FF8C-4CA5-872A-240716…)

how does it look so much worse than the last time?
No. 717542
>>717538It's patchy and sloppy like her usual work, so maybe her lack of effort has become infectious.
>>717536Lack of clothes, bigger weight, chin lipo and fillers. You can't tell how gross she looked on the left because the clothes covered up most of her body.
No. 717597
>>717596she does want to fix her breasts but she might fuck up the recovery.
In these recent shoots it's like she accepted her fate and is pandering to the feeder fetishists and the chubby chasers. But at the same time she hates being one of the fat girls she use to make fun of so she gets lipo.
She wants to have that hot skinny body but no one gave a shit about her back then. Who whole thing was being "thicc." She doesn't know what to do with her body anymore
No. 717605
File: 1570760239428.jpg (1.23 MB, 3840x5760, 64dde9e.jpg)

From reddit
No. 717606
File: 1570760493504.png (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 1402x739, cringe.PNG)

>>717600A bit off topic, but Hibiki in the show was 5'3", 122 lbs (22 BMI), and 35% body fat. I don't really understand the logic between her stats and how she's drawn, but 35% is considered obese or nearly. And somehow, even though Hibiki is the most unfit character in the anime, Momo outdoes her by a staggering amount– fucking 40 BMI, according to last thread. (Although allegedly her body fat is 33% somehow, so I'm assuming that's been fudged.)
It would be a miracle if she actually took away from the anime/manga instead of just cosplaying her for clout. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't watch it before just jumping on the "cosplay," if you can even call it that.
No. 717610
File: 1570761077855.jpg (198.2 KB, 829x596, Shide_Shinto.jpg)

>>717591if it was a random pattern or even a simple piece of straight white tape I could see it as that but the placement is obviously a reference to Shide. She probably saw it in a random anime or on a character in Fate and figured it would 'look cool'
If they had done tiger stripes with black tape it would have made more sense both aesthetically and lore wise.
No. 717634
>>717535Lmao exactly.
>>717536Remember when we thought she was huge at this stage? She's the size of two bitches.
No. 717637
File: 1570765180166.jpeg (822.03 KB, 1242x1824, 9244CC9C-7602-4B81-92D6-270B12…)

Someone in the comments of her recent post tagged artist of the character Moo is (sloppily) cosplaying. Leave it to Mariah to never fucking credit, not in the posts or IG stories. The character design is just as uninspired so it figures she would choose this.
No. 717643
>>717637>>717639How did she ruin such a simple design. The white arm wrappings, shide on the bottoms and sealing ring/band/whatever on their arms make the outfit make so much more sense and balance the design out so much more.
thank you anon for finding this. It's recent too so you can tell she just went into the oni tag on insta and picked one of the first things she saw. How many times is she going to continue to be a blatant art thief now?
No. 717647
File: 1570766511572.png (784.81 KB, 1800x855, 6CF87758-A94C-48CB-8DB9-5FDBAA…)

The artist has a somewhat larger following on their twitter than IG but goddamn, Mariah, fucking credit the artist. Especially since it’s not from a big IP. People are going to assume it’s something she came up with and she’s more than happy to let them think that.
No. 717648
>>717538>>717502Let's be clear here. Kelton is a talentless hack, just like Umbran. These wannabe professionals-but-stuck-as-a-cosplayers flock to Moo and she eats up their BS.
This makeup is straight out of the store bought palet. It wasn't applied correctly and it wasn't sealed, look at the filthy backdrop from all their body paint rubbing off. He did zero visible contor or highlight and just painted them full saturation red and blue, so they look like blobs.
If he had any real knowledge he would have airbrushed them with a higher quality makeup in a custom mix of a less saturated color, or at least tried to get better coverage and seal the damn paint.
His work never looks good up close, but this is a new low. She deserves him.
No. 717649
File: 1570767461078.jpeg (378.1 KB, 750x1099, 4E0D046C-B72C-4866-A48D-478287…)

>>717643it’s literally just her laziness and probably so she can play it off as “not 100% copying the art.” the girl in blue looks like she made the necklaces and earrings for them both so what did momo even do? pay the bill for everything as usual I guess
No. 717650
File: 1570767585243.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.58 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1570767186703.jpg)

She posted these on Facebook and I noticed her side boob on our right side has a fucking fold in it???? Higher than a normal boob should
No. 717654
>>717652I'm assuming the incredible "makeup artist" made these to flex his crap prosthetic making skills.
The fact that his paint job looks like basic slapped on paint from far away, and a full body rash covered in paint closeup is mind boggling.
No. 717657
File: 1570768213041.png (598.89 KB, 1022x766, PiantaCaptainSMS.png)

>>717650Her boobs remind me of pinata noses from super mario sunshine.
No. 717676
File: 1570772830145.jpeg (309.19 KB, 1242x1015, B67BE6D9-5391-4967-8190-121982…)

Found her “credit” to the artist within the comments on her FB post, not even on the post itself. No link or anything when it’s obvious she could have taken an extra few seconds to link to his active IG or Twitter instead of some site most of her followers don’t even know about or use. What a fucking cunt.
No. 717742
File: 1570789043585.png (250.45 KB, 464x337, wtf.png)

>>717650What even is this?
No. 717747
>>717742it's her side fat joining her breast fat and peaking out the side because her side fat is larger than her actual tit.
No. 717751
>>717626But 88cm (34") is not that busty lol? That's a B cup– the literal average.Is B considered big in Japan?
Also, the anime looks like moe-blob trash for fat neckbeards. No thanks.
>>717498Yeesh, this looks bad. I know people are focusing on Mariah's awful hot-cheeto body paint, but the left girl's somehow looks even worse. there are so many uncovered spots and the makeup looks like tempera paint.
I can't believe I'm advocating this sort of laziness, but doing everything accurate IRL except for the paint and just editing the skin color might have been the best way to go. Body paint is just more effort for an end result that looks worse. Also it ruins the wigs (though those wigs are trash anyway).
No. 717763
>>717762Part of me feels like he did a shoddy job because of who it was for. We all know how quickly she wears on people, I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case for this as well. That or she chose the cheapest route for bodypaint, as again, we know that she always goes the cheap route when cosplay is involved.
This is peak lazy though, that paint job is embarrassing and I would not want my name connected to this at all..
No. 717788
>>717751Funfact anon: Unless you know someone's underbust you cant know what their cup size is.
Also that person isnt completely accurate because there's even a scene where Hibiki's fat busts open her school skirt so no it's not 'all in her boobs'
To call a show that is actually teaching people how to work out and lose weight especially as a beginner and even giving at-home alternatives and that also shows main characters with abs and arm muscles 'moe-blob trash' is also hella ignorant.
Also with the same level of bodypaint the blue girl was always going to look worse. Moo's red will always blend more naturally with her skin since skin can go an actual 'red' but blue does not blend with a natural skintone. That's why boob vein-chan tends to be so obvious.
No. 717823
>>717805Thats where it is from.
Can we fucking stop nitpicking her tits. They are big tits and flat, but big. She had surgery. She has fucked up scaring from losing and gaining weight. She has translucent skin so you see veins.
Jfc just stop being fuck all about TITS. Hers arent ANY different from millions of tits around the world. Tits arent meant to be perky and do go below the armpit even on petite, small chested women. The sperging about them is so irritating at this point. Just shut up.
No. 717833
oos tits are nearly touching her navel because like every other surgery, she doesn’t take care. We all know big tits are subject to gravity but she’s well beyond normal sagging for a fat girl, and she makes money off her gross deflated udders and STILL refuses to wear bras properly, so it’s absolutely relevant. But yeah, normal, totally! Are you feeling insecure because yours are somehow that bad too?
(tit sperg) No. 717838
>>717823You must have some issues anon or be too new to see her old nudes. Moo's tits are not normal. ALR's tits arent even as bad and she's near 600lbs and 5 years older.
You're right there are tons of tits that look like moo's, on people 10+ years older than her. Moo is in her mid 20s and when she started off she had plenty of elasticity in her boobs and they were perky.
Her flapjacks are 100% her own fault for mistreating them along with her ballooning weight.
(tit sperg) No. 717868
>>717864How dare we point out easy to fix and obvious flaws in photos that someone who makes a living off of their appearance. You shouldnt have to retouch areola or this level of blotchiness with a bodypaint job. All she needed to do was use an adhesive bra that can easily be painted over and both the areola and saggy flat boobs issues would be fixed.
If you really think this is nitpicking then you should really look at other threads.
Nitpicking would be to point out where the underwear slipped and you can see bare skin. Any worthwhile makeup artist knows how to cover things like tattoos and areolas. At the rate you're talking about they might as well have not done the bodypaint at all and should have just photoshopped themselves blue and red because 'square is going to go over and fix all of it'
No. 717870
>>717864This level of autistic range
Anyway this random oni thing was obviously last minute. Seems a lot of her recent shoots are last minute things she slapped together. I wonder what has her worried? Probably needs extra cash for her vacation that's coming up
No. 717875
>>717805>>717823That’s… actually not where it’s from. At all.
She showed off her scars from the reduction in a stream just recently; they’re below her nipples, not on the side of her boob.
No. 717991
File: 1570844043660.jpeg (199 KB, 1242x582, 72366AA8-6539-4081-ACA8-F528BC…)

I know Japanese artists are overly polite and all but it gets tiring seeing them give Mariah a pass every time she does this shit. Just like with her MooMoo/Milk Party. She’s going to profit from your creation dude and didn’t even bother to credit you properly. Again.
I feel like she knows they won’t do anything and that’s why she keeps stealing.
No. 718013
File: 1570847810770.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1242x2037, 2D25287C-BBEE-400D-A288-E67C8C…)

No. 718054
>>715348This is old but your post made me kek anyways.
>>715390>>715414Same experience. I met her ages ago when she was still cosplaying Samus and Silk and I remember her smelling bad. At the time she didn’t have the sweaty fat person smell, but she noticeably smelled like mold/mildew and I could smell it from several feet away.
No. 718152
>>718132You don't know anything about JP artists/musicians if you think this is accepted. It's called being nice, if they knew who mooriah was they would not be happy with it because most JP artists (especially in the industry) aren't keen on molesters and shitty people, and a lot can make you be viewed as shitty.
Do you know of the Judge Eyes controversy? You're ousted if you get caught with drugs, which technically hurts no one (unless bad trip) but yourself, now imagine thinking the people from the same country would be happy to have their work showcased by such a shitty person like mooriah.
You're the only one sperging here.
(stahp) No. 718179
File: 1570898525329.png (1.01 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2019-10-12-09-39-15…)

Traveling to Vancouver
No. 718200
File: 1570906905083.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.6 KB, 736x919, 72418146_2564112297010147_6257…)

Momo fits everything on this list. But honestly… makes me wonder about her friends as well. They are equally as shitty in my opinion since their morality and happiness can be bought(autism)
No. 718204
>>718193She gets some sort of high thinking she’s “taking somthing” belonging to someone else. Thinking yes I’m the best pig in the county fair.
Can’t wait for the half naked “look what you’re missing” selfies when she gets rejected.
No. 718277
>>718253I dunno man, IG was her main source of teasing/luring cucks into her scams so who knows how it’ll affect her Patreon/OF from here on out. Plus, she’s never had to beg her followers for help reinstating her account before whenever it was conveniently disabled.
We know how much she hates FB too so I doubt she can utilize that to peddle her porn.
OT but it seems like a lot of thots are losing accounts lately on multiple platforms. Bunny posted earlier about SSS getting suspended from Twitter.
No. 718282
>>718277Hopefully Bunny is next, it was only a matter of time before that ss thot lost her shit lol.
As for moocow, basically it could also be her 'plan' to make it seem like she lost her account when she deactivated it herself, so in a few days she'll reactivate it making it seem like:
"The outpouring of support from the community makes me feel so loved and shows how much people love me."
All thots do this eventually when they start losing everything that isn't money.
No. 718291
File: 1570933443965.png (922.06 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-10-12-19-21-42…)

Cucknoodles and Moo are with Nyaomaruu. Cat didn't come so it's literally just Cuck with Moo.
No. 718314
File: 1570937463021.jpg (33.65 KB, 600x600, 38349.jpg)

>>717930>tit nitpickingTitpicking?
No. 718318
File: 1570938266189.gif (3.76 MB, 640x360, tenor.gif)

>>717788>Implying any human being in this history of this planet was motivated to exercise and/or learned how to from an animeIt's got a majority-female *~*kawaii*~* cast, there are ass and titty shots, and all of the recommendations for "similar" anime on MAL are moe blob garbage. It's fap fodder for fat neckbeards, anon, and nothing proves that more than the fact that Moo wants to cosplay a character from it.
No. 718455
File: 1570990721186.png (95.77 KB, 720x877, Screenshot_2019-10-13-09-35-31…)

No. 718460
File: 1570993275271.jpeg (603.38 KB, 1242x1868, E3BD9546-6099-42A2-B353-166F1A…)

That guy isn’t technically wrong. She did brag about getting her “lawyers” to help Belle but her account is still gone lol
No. 718486
>>718470>What “lawyer” would try to fight one of the biggest image sharing platforms to defend a 23 year old thot Why wouldn’t they though? They get paid either way. Sure, maybe the more reputable ones would refrain from fighting a company like that or at least advise their client not to sue. But Moo a) hates being told what to do and b) has enough money to convince most lawyers to work for her no matter how likely they are to succeed.
For the lawyer, at the end of the day, it’s just their job.
No. 718510
File: 1571007129504.png (552.76 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-10-13-15-49-18…)

They're currently walking around a Chinese garden.
No. 718525
File: 1571011535751.jpeg (545.41 KB, 750x1066, 2C8D7E03-4805-4750-B9F8-25A0AB…)

No. 718570
>>718528It’s mind boggling to think about the amount of filters she must have on these photos to make her look somewhat semi-presentable. Even that’s not enough to save the rats nest she calls her hair.
Remind me why she’s over there to begin with?
No. 718579
>>718528She looks like that overly smoothed out Adam Sandler meme
I wish she had gotten a wig that wasn't grey, it doesn't help with her aged face. I don't get the obsession
No. 718607
File: 1571019518681.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x2205, 5F088548-E844-494C-A5A9-FDA23E…)

No. 718616
File: 1571021099236.png (769.7 KB, 720x1166, Screenshot_2019-10-13-19-42-05…)

No. 718618
File: 1571021393247.jpg (170.95 KB, 1000x600, dwayne-fanny-pack.jpg)

>>718528>>718528Wow most accurate cosplay she done in a while, sage for autism
No. 718634
>>718617omfg of course she went to the Richmond Night Market, it's perfect for her;
fucking overpriced cheap garbage
No. 718636
>overpriced cheap garbageLike her sets lol
>>718616Every time she posts shit pretending that she’s “cultured”, it makes me laugh.
No. 718640
File: 1571024454237.jpeg (935.91 KB, 1125x1685, 84BDD408-2F50-4F0B-A85B-17420D…)

I feel like she’s trying to fuck with us with that caption
No. 718651
File: 1571027099046.png (813.2 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-10-13-21-21-57…)

No. 718667
File: 1571029499674.jpg (349.63 KB, 1080x1156, Screenshot_20191014-000446_Ins…)

No. 718681
Momokun is a fine example of wealth doesn't get you laid.
>>718680Oh yeah Thanksgiving is tomorrow,kek.
No. 718683
File: 1571031392791.jpg (395.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191013-222822_Chr…)

Her lawyers cant do shit even if she had any. You waive ALL rights to content via Instagram. Moo is full of fucking shit. I cant find it right now but here is another spot on Instagram that basically says you cant be a part of suing Instagram. Its on there somewhere, where you have to go into the report error system when you get the message that your account doesnt exist where is states individually you cannot sue or you forfeit your rights even further and CAN be sued back.
No. 718691
File: 1571034247199.png (413.45 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-10-13-23-22-34…)

No. 718692
File: 1571034301636.png (411.74 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-10-13-23-22-40…)

>>718691I thought Moo had the ability to fend off danger
No. 718754
>>718751Different anon the point I believe is if this happened in canada, somewhere events like this is rare, it would have a fuckton more people talking about it, just like people go off the deepend when mass stabbings happen in Japan because unlike America mass killings or threats of such are rare.
>>718707I'm surprised she didn't feign some danger in her Hawaiian Trip.
>>718640I mean, EVERY one of my ace friends posts picture like this with a caption about dick sucking, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM because being ace is all about sucking dick. Stop pretending to be asexual moo.
No. 718765
>>718528Her hair is upsetting because it's so damaged and thin from over-processing. However, the FaceTune here is also embarrassing. She made one eye bigger than another and slimmed her nose too much. She looks like a turtle; I wish she would just smile normally, because at least her teeth are nice (imo, at least).
>>718640>>718667Moo, it's not a very funny joke when reality and your porn star "humor" are indistinguishable.
No. 718782
File: 1571079155588.jpg (81.98 KB, 900x505, D4dNkCiVUAEGlCM.jpg_large.jpg)

>>718774>>718775When I went back to look they remind me of baby Sinclair fingers. He just needs those God awful press-ons lol
No. 718788
>>717066anon no ones tits sit above their armpits. Yes, shes saggy but l2anatomy
No. 718825
File: 1571087443113.jpeg (661.63 KB, 741x1102, 99913BBC-8424-497C-AA8B-AE146C…)

her main account is back
No. 718827
File: 1571087874297.png (35.25 KB, 764x400, gun.PNG)

>>718691>>718692spotted in r/vancouver, but both users are new members as of today so take it with a grain of salt i guess
No. 718867
File: 1571092444447.png (89.33 KB, 500x280, tumblr_m9qhttdTHd1qhqybro4_r1_…)

>>718660Is this supposed to be sexy? Funny? I mean I guess it's funny in that it's so goddamn gross and bizarre.
Also imagine all the grease and red body paint under her acrylics. I can't even tell what she's eating. It looks like a greasy blob of roasted pig parts on a stick.
No. 718869
>>718825Some proof she disabled it herself. Because this trash wasn't getting the attention she hoped for on her backup account, so now her main account magically reappears now that her trip is winding down.
This always happens, so don't know why anyone even reports when her IG is down.
No. 718882
>>718654Notice how she put on make up and attempted to dress nice by putting a tarp… I mean coat over her fucked up body when usually she looks like a homeless lady on vacations.
No transparency
No. 718889
>>718873She also does it because she's insecure. She likes to pretend she is more "powerful" than Instagram's rules and her crack team of lawyers can always help her. However it didn't help her get her twitter back.
She wants to create the illusion she's untouchable and if you side with her, you can be untouchable as well.
No. 718898
File: 1571102301612.png (1.42 MB, 2000x2000, moo.png)

Crossposting this from Kiwifarms.
No. 718909
File: 1571105660747.jpg (626.69 KB, 1071x1739, 20191014_144232.jpg)

Can someone confirm this?
No. 718923
File: 1571108445367.png (5.43 MB, 1242x2208, 30EF83C7-98DB-4352-8B96-93E21F…)

Any ideas on what her next steaming pile of hot garbage will be?
No. 718976
File: 1571119561357.png (4.36 MB, 1242x2208, 8EE3C283-B6C3-4C46-8ABA-670B9F…)

All I see is a pig slathered in BBQ sauce.
No. 719097
File: 1571160568901.jpg (99.69 KB, 486x458, Screenshot_20191015-101801.jpg)

Moo's stories are so thirsty. She's always next to Square, looking at him or filming him.
No. 719133
File: 1571170525575.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1728, 20191015_131255.jpg)

No. 719183
File: 1571180687622.jpeg (601.31 KB, 1242x989, 4BE57886-CD01-45A6-B09A-F57520…)

Seen on Kiwi.
If this is to be believed, and I think so since I haven’t seen any reports or articles after looking it up, Moo of course lied about the supposed person with a gun. What kind of psycho do you have to be to make up shit like this and frighten people for clout?
Like, what kind of sick pleasure does she get from doing this?
No. 719255
File: 1571194879071.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1360, F32C8B6C-08C9-4FB0-8F29-B1BC1C…)

BBQ bath
God this looks nasty
No. 719256
File: 1571195428501.png (499.84 KB, 1018x755, who said it first.png)

>>718618enjoying your vacation Moo? totally not keeping up with the threads here, amirite?
No. 719257
>>719255Kek it does look like BBQ sauce. I dunno why she smeared it all over her face- looking like she just finished a whole rack of ribs. A couple smears and some dripping on her face would have been fine.
Anything to make editing her moon face easier I guess.
No. 719259
File: 1571195906170.png (901.95 KB, 1242x2208, 982B3D80-DE3D-4E1A-846B-D52480…)

Did someone in her crew step out of line again? lol
No. 719260
>>719183She wants to be some obese super hero. It's her fantasy. Like trouble just happens in front of her but somehow her just being there stops a tragic event from happening.
Nothing happens around Moo. Makes fake gun sounds with her mouth and whispers under her breath "Momo saves the day. Can I get attention for saving lives?"
No. 719283
File: 1571201001722.png (60.08 KB, 720x387, Screenshot_2019-10-15-21-40-10…)

For a bad bitch you sure are stupid and illiterate.
No. 719289
>>719264Pretty rich coming from someone who's family has stopped defending and interacting with them to the point of not even physically being there on their birthday. Guess paying for a car and medical bills doesn't smooth over invalidating them entirely by making them look stupid on IG where they said she didn't do porn but do that exact thing within 2 years. If this is a competition to be just like one's
abusive father then cheers mate.
No. 719293
File: 1571202024092.jpeg (207.6 KB, 1242x916, 43F86468-EA97-42FE-B2D1-4687AB…)

Let’s see if she’ll conveniently disable her account once again in time for her, what, 3rd? 4th trip to Japan? Not to mention she won’t do any of the shit she’s promised her patrons either on the last few times she fucked off over there to stuff her face and buy shit solely to flex.
And yet they still throw away their money to fund her hedonistic lifestyle.
No. 719315
>>719264That’s mighty big talk from someone who puts ZERO effort into anything but still expects to get paid.
It’s going to be fun once she eventually pisses off the wrong person, again, and gets put in her place.
No. 719329
File: 1571219218892.jpg (527.73 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191016_024252.jpg)

>>719264Some good responses to her pic.
No. 719609
File: 1571275917257.jpg (750.56 KB, 1064x1461, 20191016_213042.jpg)

She weighs so much her shoes are leaning. That is not how those expensive ass shoes are made to look
Saged for no actual milk
No. 719622
>>719609The shoes are mostly soft canvas. The canvas stretches whichever way you lean. Shes more forward to its stretched/pointed forward.
It IS how those shoes work. Youre right. Its not milk and just a shitty nitpick. Again.
No. 719630
>>719609what she thinks when she looks at herself in this picture: mafia boss, rich queen flanked by cute knights, hardass street bitch who will get you whacked
what she looks like: grandma going for an evening walk in the ghetto with her pot dealers
No. 719636
>>719609she's using that brown tarp to cover her body to give the illusion she's thin since she can't edit every candid. but it's fooling no one
Momo we all know you're going to be 300 pounds by Febuary. Just accept it and go into feeder porn
No. 719637
File: 1571285035134.png (1.28 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-10-16-20-54-10…)

>is going on a strict meal prep so she can eat well before Japan, so she can eat rice
>is going to do "many" photo shoots
>rented a studio plus is going to onsens for photos
>tenderbro and Miso are going apparently
>says this time squarecuck is going and her photoshoots will go more smoothly because he apparently keeps her in line
>advertises some dumbass bra that keeps her "F cup" boobs in line
No. 719640
File: 1571285197384.png (276.94 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-10-16-13-02-55…)

>>719638Slight OT but squarecuck posted about the gun incident too. No proof however? No article? I wonder if only he and Moo conjured this up for attention?
No. 719641
>>719640Momo probably forced his arm
"no one believed me! So you write about it too!"
he is a clout chaser too after all
No. 719650
>>719640>>719641Or Moo just came to him like ‘omg did you see that? I think that guy had a gun!!’
If a friend comes up to you, panicky, saying something like that, your first impulse usually wouldn’t be to look for said gunman to verify if what they’re saying is true.
No. 719660
File: 1571293241426.png (1.27 MB, 720x1200, Screenshot_2019-10-16-23-17-22…)

She's selling swimsuits
No. 719675
>>719673why should she take your skincare advice when she has photoshop?
it's frustrating because we've been screaming this advice for years. I feel you
No. 719679
>>719637Her voice when she yells about eating rice in Japan.
Oof. Her voice is just…cringe. What an idiot thinking 1 week of her "clean" eating is going to save her from all that bloat in time for her shoots (which will either be garbage or non-existent). She's one of those people that think drinking a Diet Coke will make all the difference when eating an entire pizza.
Considering who all is going this time, please be a wreck and bless us with milk. Don't be a boring Japan trip again. Though that's a fat chance because all she will do is eat, creep, repeat.
No. 719686
File: 1571309951783.jpg (31.68 KB, 300x455, 8926_184831487094_569537094_43…)

>>719637She's dressing more and more like some Jewish retiree from Boca.
No. 719716
File: 1571326902505.jpg (546.43 KB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20191017-114035_Ins…)

Changed the caption after getting shit on about it in the comments. I'm surprised she didnt delete most of them.
No. 719722
File: 1571328360121.png (649.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-10-17-09-02-03…)

Why did she post this??
No. 719724
>>719723One, these numbers are BS and two, even so 15-20 of these pounds was due to the lipo we know about and shit we don't know. So 10-15 pounds lost on her own? Hell at her size? Is just water weight.
I haven't seen this level of stupid since Trisha Paytas
No. 719726
File: 1571328951460.png (807.25 KB, 720x1038, Screenshot_2019-10-17-09-12-53…)

>>719723Never remember seeing this when she had he booth but
No. 719728
File: 1571329889152.jpeg (247.68 KB, 750x1018, 069159A3-C329-4FE4-B0FC-8B0729…)

No. 719733
>>7197281, because it isn't on her main
2, she can make the excuse she is being ugly on purpose because she's an oni and pulling a silly face
No. 719753
File: 1571337372707.png (2.53 MB, 1242x2208, F55F9745-5A79-4C35-8800-272F2D…)

Sure Jan. She probably realized she’d catch shit for cosplaying this particular character or she couldn’t fit in it anymore. Workout clothes my ass.
>>719722If I had to interpret this, it would be a reflection of how she sees herself. Because Mariah ALWAYS goes out of her way for friends and fans to the point where she feels like she relates to the pic, amirite? She’s just that self involved so I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why she posted it. Either way, it’s fucking disturbing.
No. 719774
File: 1571345994512.jpeg (430.87 KB, 750x1107, 79CA9150-50D3-49BA-8548-66AF9A…)

No. 719775
File: 1571346081278.jpeg (386.2 KB, 750x811, 0FD9A691-77A0-4FF7-80E9-41FA3F…)

>>719774Close up on her face
No. 719777
>>719774She looks like she just finished a whole thanksgiving buffet by herself and is regretting it.
Her eye make up looks like trash.
No. 719796
File: 1571348748556.png (1.67 MB, 750x1334, 9A0941FA-7B1C-4858-AA54-111F46…)

No. 719799
File: 1571348938997.jpeg (665.56 KB, 750x1042, FF8F8830-92CE-43B9-8620-1ABA2E…)

No. 719816
File: 1571351990991.jpeg (652.32 KB, 750x1048, B4DA10BD-DB5C-4BB8-96AD-546AC3…)

>>719813Nope the guy who got it didn’t tag her and neither did the shop, curious as to how she even saw it in the first place but someone might have sent it to her
No. 719826
>>719825I mean, it's not even mooriah herself, she just stole/adapted it to begin with.
It's like because of how that thot sssuccubus adapts things people would stray from those characters.
No. 719828
>>719826We get that you hate sssuccubus. Stop bringing her up this isn't about her
>>719796She looks like those bright red hot dogs. Why go through all this body paint to do nothing poses
No. 719927
>>719796All that photoshop and they still didn’t cover the bottom of her feet and the unpainted skin along her underwear. Nor did they remove the paint from the rock necklace, underwear and the white on her breasts.
I’m surprised she even stood up for these photos because usually that just too much effort for Moo.
No. 719941
File: 1571386655821.jpg (810.77 KB, 2828x3000, Oniwhore~2.jpg)

Slimmed her arms and sides but made her tits fuller, usual ps &low effort
No. 720006
>>719980Same with adding back in mod rules. Idk why OP took them off 3 threads ago.
Needs to be added nitpicking about her weight, tots, and baseless animal abuse/pedo/tax talk is all bannable below the links.
No. 720118
File: 1571448443714.png (1.01 MB, 720x1149, Screenshot_2019-10-18-18-20-14…)

She posted a teaser on Reddit. Funny, posts that critiqued her including that parody sketch
>>718898 are now gone. She also reposted some photos that were posted by users days ago
No. 720496
File: 1571552128076.png (928.97 KB, 720x1203, Screenshot_2019-10-19-23-05-34…)

No. 720497
File: 1571552190729.png (601.26 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-10-19-23-06-11…)

>>720496Yes, shes using a pic that is 2-3 years old
No. 720499
File: 1571552369965.png (94.88 KB, 720x672, Screenshot_2019-10-19-23-11-03…)

>>720498Some comments of interest
No. 720526
File: 1571556902355.png (238.48 KB, 720x1212, Screenshot_2019-10-20-00-33-36…)

No. 720544
>>720500>they were trying to question me on itOh no, the infamous Momokun is getting questioned about her profession and fame? Say it ain't so! I had doubts about the story of her throwing her heavy weight around for free badges, but now I believe it. She can afford to pay for tacky and scammy shit, but not for fabrics without a discount?
Also Mariah, they probably look at you like you're going to steal because of all of the shady, immature shit that you do in stores (like throwing the merchandise).
>>720501>I am a international costume model.Stop fucking lying.
No. 720642
File: 1571595163710.png (657.76 KB, 720x909, Screenshot_2019-10-20-11-10-12…)

Shes streaming on onlyfans tonight
No. 720724
File: 1571611969712.png (650.96 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2019-10-20-15-52-05…)

Lmao you mean Amazon
No. 720754
>>720500She's such a shit. Half the people who shop in joannes are cosplayers and use coupons like anyone else. It must be insane living in her head and thinking she's too special and deserves everything catered to her.
I know she isnt talking about Joann's, but she's still a cunt for this review
No. 720785
File: 1571621247148.png (896.8 KB, 1182x720, Screenshot_2019-10-20-18-25-05…)

She wore leggings and a workout top on her stream tonight.
No. 721076
File: 1571697791331.png (813.52 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2019-10-21-15-40-48…)

Who would want to talk to her?
No. 721095
>>721076>>721083well, it can't be any worse than the last time she was interviewed, unless she's
more inebriated this time lol
>>>/pt/656631>>>/pt/656579 No. 721165
File: 1571713561683.png (876.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-10-21-19-02-20…)

No. 721169
File: 1571713785283.png (Spoiler Image,882.03 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-10-21-19-04-26…)

>>721168Reddit files incoming
No. 721217
File: 1571719609324.png (927.36 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-10-21-21-15-17…)

Her ~succubus horns~. Cat is on a trip with friends so she can't do it for her lol
No. 721248
>>721217Oh boy, we’re treated once again to Mariah’s shitty craftsmanship but on 3D printed horns this time. What makes it complete are the god awful painted on highlights because she never learned from her sorry looking Moomoo cowbell.
All the time and money she has and she’s never once tried to improve.
No. 721277
File: 1571728577474.jpg (112.69 KB, 470x874, 268257-alexstrasza-alexstraza-…)

>>721217They look more like shitty Alexstrasza horns.
No. 721280
>>721277That's because they are, she even mentions it in her story that shes just repainting them to use in her succubus costume.
Making new horns would probably require effort vs painting old ones a different color
No. 721290
File: 1571732951597.png (1.07 MB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-10-22-01-26-00…)

Her succubus costume
No. 721291
File: 1571732991266.png (1.25 MB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2019-10-22-01-26-07…)

>>721290And werewolf. Shooting tomorrow apparently
No. 721295
>>721291Wow, red plaid clad werewolf. Her originality never fails to astound me. /s
So she’s just going to put on a pair of ears, plaid shirt and a tail with her tits out as her werewolf outfit huh? This is even lazier than the store bought scarecrow outfit she wore to Sabakon one year.
No. 721299
File: 1571734526600.png (1.35 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-10-22-01-54-06…)

Just got worse.
No. 721310
>>721299Holy shit are those horns straight off the printer? THOSE LINES
It’s actually painful to look at
And this “repaint” still looks just like Alex’s horns
This is a new level of lazy
No. 721349
File: 1571757618730.jpeg (434.53 KB, 750x852, 00940B91-82F3-4B22-ABD3-93F45E…)

>>721291Moo will never be original. She is copying feisty vee
No. 721391
File: 1571769036654.png (4.19 MB, 1242x2208, D1B85EAA-9C59-49EA-957D-39ED7A…)

Every time she pulls this expression thinking she’s being sultry, it just looks like she’s slow and her brain checked out.
No. 721410
File: 1571774211130.jpg (95.91 KB, 627x502, wobblyeye.jpg)

>>721391Nice eye shoop there, Mariah
No. 721414
>>721410Might be the many filters trying to make sense of what the fuck is going on with her face.
>>721407That makes sense since she’s got the attitude of one as well lol
No. 721417
>>721400I wondered why the thread died for so long after she streamed; now I know why. That was so dull, especially without listening to her vapid chatter.
Possible asshole flash at ~60:20 basically the only interesting thing.
No. 721429
File: 1571778292675.png (2.94 MB, 1089x1800, 5F36FB14-D087-4F87-BCA2-B01556…)

>>721400So sad and saggy. It’s extremely hard to believe she’s 24 when she has the body (and procedures) of a woman in her 40’s.
No. 721431
>>721400boring fucking stream
>says she couldn't get into Gundam or "mechas". Likes Promare and TTGL, however>says Samurai Champloo is basically The Boondocks and wonders if the same studio made them>broke her glasses on the way to Portland. Says her right eye is the "bad eye" and she is near sighted>wants to cosplay "Devil is a Part Timer"s Chiho, shoot at a McDonald's, have a fake burger to smash her boob in between and "take a mammogram" with her nipple out for a photo>cant get into Fairy Tail, liked Lucy but when she actually watched it she hated her. People compare her to Lucy all the time>someone asked "What cosplay did you go all out doing but hated the end result?" She said Baiken, she didn't like how she looked in it and wants to remake it. Lust from FMA, Samus, Saber, Sakura, but she admits that there's alot more.>goals the stream are saved for the end, wanted to chat first>says Albedo is still in the works, pushed the goal to cosplay it AX 2020. Says it's "all paid for" and says she's having someone make the wings>Fate cosplays incoming: Jeanne D'Arc, something shounen??, Ishtar, Raikou, Nero, Rider>doesnt find the time or the passion to make cosplay anymore. Would rather pay others to make her costumes>wants to make Felicia from Darkstalkers. Was talking about how she loved making Morrigan/ Lilith with Cat and Miso but no mention of Vamps>someone asked if she'll cosplay Poison from SF but she said she doesnt like her hair color ((??????))>says workouts are going well, down 31 lbs>Rangiku, 2B, Hestia, are "in the works">casually talked about her "hair products" when it looks like she's wearing her new wig>aside from the werewolf/succubus shoot she's doing another onsen shoot this month((Note: my suspicions were correct that she didnt want to disrobe on camera due to her constant bitching about how good her rosewater bath soap smells. She was waiting idly, not even doing sexual things or talk as the tub filled up. Later told her audience she "doesnt do nude" and "wears bikinis for bath streams". She actually changed into the bikini with the cam aimed shoulders up. When she got into the tub, she didn't have the camera facing down where her stomach could be seen. It's obvious she used the bubble bath as a excuse to hide her extreme weight gain))
>says she can do anal herself and boys dont know how to do it right>doesn't like "rape scenario" gangbangs but emphasizes a consensual gangbang is hot>made a ex-boyfriend cum in 17 seconds, with her hand. Said her "head game" is "pretty crazy">doesn't like seeing people in pain, doesn't like being in pain ((even though she said she prefers no anesthesia when doing lipo? So she can feel it?)) No. 721433
>>721431>doesn't like seeing people in pain, doesn't like being in pain ((even though she said she prefers no anesthesia when doing lipo? So she can feel it?))But flexes to Umbran and her weird followers she likes beating people up and them getting pleasure from it? Also admits she likes to fuck people up???
She sure likes flip flopping from being a bad bitch to a caring mama type
No. 721478
>>721467There is no limit as long as she waits 6 months after each treated area. However after each time more scar tissue develops, making it impossible to keep the area smooth. Why her body is a lumpy mess now.
If she gets her midsection done again it will be compromised and botched.
I don't know if Momo knows this, but if you gain a considerable amount of weight new fat cells can develop in the treated areas. It just takes a while.
No. 721485
>>721467Lipo anon here. From what I've learned, you can have as many procedures as you want, but yes, they must be at least 6 months apart. Any decent doctor is going to want to wait for your scar tissue to be not so bad, but it takes an extremely long time, even with proper after care.
As long as there is grab-able fat, they can take it out. Some places will even re-do the surgery if you don't look better and can prove you've been doing everything right.
>>721431I'm guessing the "shounen" you might have heard might be shuten douji if she is talking about fate.
No. 721513
File: 1571796483585.gif (575.75 KB, 443x591, Lookit_my_cooch!.gif)

Flashing vag on Instagram after getting banned from Instagram…good idea!
No. 721536
>>721513I guess IG is just cool with vag now. Keep pushing your luck, Moo.
God those ugly horns are so distracting. Why did she even bother trying to paint them instead of just buying actual decent horns. We all know she isn’t opposed to blowing a wad of unearned cash on expensive trash flexes but when it comes to her so-called career, she’s being frugal. She can quit pretending she’s crafty since she already admitted she doesn’t like making shit.
No. 721557
File: 1571803555965.png (1.01 MB, 640x1138, staring.png)

No. 721564
File: 1571805598510.png (30.53 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_2019-10-22-21-38-05…)

>>721563Was on the page and..
No. 721577
>>721575So she suddenly doesnt want to cosplay Euphoria anymore and doesn't like anything happening in that hentai to anyone at any point.
Jfc Moo. Please keep up with your own bullshit.
No. 721581
File: 1571811199930.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x2064, Screenshot_20191023-021321_Ins…)

No. 721582
File: 1571811233167.jpg (146.17 KB, 1440x654, Screenshot_20191023-021336_Ins…)

>>721581Don't worry guys, the laywers are on the job!
No. 721587
File: 1571813371277.jpeg (484.33 KB, 1242x1644, 632C7286-5A6F-4F13-95A2-4FD356…)

I bet she thought she was slick and didn’t think people saw her cooch. Lots of people saw, Moo. Though I wouldn’t be surprised if she disabled it on purpose right after posting that video to drum up some controversy and garner sympathy for her “yeeted” account. I’m probably giving the dumb bitch too much credit.
If you keep disabling your account and crying wolf afterwards, don’t be shocked when your account actually gets permabanned and your “team of lawyers” can’t get it back.
No. 721605
File: 1571829669695.jpg (Spoiler Image,614.81 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191023_041620.jpg)

Yep she totally didn't.
No. 721614
>>721583Also notice it’s been more than a year since she brought up going back to college/ taking college courses. After months of trying to pretend that she attends classes (photos of old school material she’s trying to pass off as new, making up stories about things happening on “campus”) she has not mentioned it again once.
It’s obvious that everything she says is a lie for the most part, but damn she can’t even keep up with her own lies.
No. 721621
>>721581all she does is copy jnigs "quirky" expressions…still. she lacks any creativity.
>>721605the sad part is, if she is b& from insta, she will lose almost her entire fanbase. She really has no other social media since she was "yeeted" from twitter too.
No. 721652
>>721621It is not banned. She ALWAYS disables it before a trip, then magically, as her trip is winding down, she will "suddenly get it back."
She also made a SHIT TON of promises for her Japan how people not understanding she's doing this to get out of her promises is beyond me.
Most thots who scam as hard as moo does tend to get ran out of even the e-whore scene, let alone in trouble.
No. 721669
>>721605she will do "only fans" stuff
That and most of her paypigs are from her 1-5 dollar tiers that forgot to unsub. Unless Paetron does that lil hiccup where you have to re pledge and she loses them all, she wont really care
No. 721686
File: 1571854713066.png (Spoiler Image,637.43 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-10-23-11-15-35…)

Reddit post. This looks like a fan edit and I would be embarrassed if they released this seriously
No. 721716
File: 1571863208305.jpeg (570.39 KB, 750x1086, DFA6DCF2-5092-448B-8708-9427FB…)

of course she bought skims
No. 721717
File: 1571863355308.jpeg (535.83 KB, 750x1085, E0CE2711-57BB-4C24-B2F6-273836…)

>>721716bought an XL, says she should have bought L
No. 721719
>>721716That is not the face or body of a early 20 year old lol.
>>721717Guess she realized it was SOMEWHAT fitting so she needs to go lower for her usual "shouldn't be wearing this shit" pics?
No. 721722
>>721717Her bathroom is a fucking pigsty. Can only imagine what the rest of her house looks like.
I know all girls have stretch marks but the ones on her stomach look especially brutal. Maybe it’s because they’re fresh? They just look so red and deep.
No. 721729
File: 1571865472906.jpg (318.03 KB, 742x1318, 20191023_171701.jpg)

gotta love the new lipo marks
No. 721730
File: 1571865495716.jpg (154.68 KB, 722x722, 20191023_171724.jpg)

working out hard my dudes
No. 721751
>>721716Mariah… please… for once think about your boobs, the way they're discoloured just looks painful and unhealthy…
Bitch needs to learn how to get properly fit bras and bikini tops instead of forcing her breasts into tight shit, she'll regret it.
No. 721765
File: 1571876072760.png (438.55 KB, 720x1208, Screenshot_2019-10-23-17-13-09…)

31 lbs has turned into 34 lbs in a matter of days
No. 721785
>>721666Iirc an anon said holly does the same thing (both of theirs went down before the first Japan trip), I’ll report back with a cap if I can.
I think I might also subscribe to the disabled account tinfoil. They’re not able to stay on top of posting every day/every other day to keep the “algorithm” happy AND cant keep up with policing their comments and tags. They’d just be shit posting on their side accounts anyway, might as well milk it for the “shadowbanned Pls comment” sympathy.
No. 721820
>>721731Uhm no photoshop?
Literally look at
>>721729you can see where she was too scared to shoop her arms up and skew the windows or do you think she magically has bumps where her arms meet the windows in every picture.
Compare her arms in
>>721716 being half the size of
>>721717Also it's extremely obvious she pulled her waist in.
Momo will never ever have a waist without shapewear or photoshop.
No. 721822
>>721785When is she leaving in her trip though?? It seems like it went down right as shes getting ready to tease her patreon and get last minute pledgers.
I’d believe the disable theory if it was was the day before her trip, but right now she’s trying to promote herself so it’s super bad timing.
No. 721824
File: 1571883169372.jpeg (234.71 KB, 1125x1066, 541DD680-4EC8-41D4-B576-0535F3…)

>>721716>>721795I feel like she’s editing them to make them have that weird stylized redness that I’ve seen when people draw big tiddy anime girls. Pic related, fastest example I could find because I know I’ve seen it in art before. If not, it seems concerning why they’d be red.
No. 721826
>>721822I mean, Moo is shit at everything she does EXCEPT scamming people.
This is giving her too much credit, but she takes it down a bit earlier TO avoid suspension of her cucks catching onto the scam.
But because everyone thinks with their dicks, they probably wouldn't think twice about it.
No. 721845
File: 1571885344028.jpg (86.04 KB, 960x639, b42a8c506a08c0640dfee8cd4bbc89…)

>>721686Wow it looks like a dollar store version of something Jessica Nigri did a while ago
No. 721871
File: 1571893019949.jpg (43.07 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1571892959973.jpg)

>>721720>>721717Extra shot from FB
No. 721888
File: 1571896087424.png (3.47 MB, 1242x2688, DAB6C50D-13FD-4B0F-84F1-991039…)

Interesting she isn’t tagged in this
No. 721890
File: 1571896147536.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.04 KB, 180x294, 1571795677666.jpg)

she's been showing her vagoo off a lot lately.
No. 721893
File: 1571896316887.png (763.99 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-10-23-22-49-39…)

No. 721906
File: 1571898287111.jpeg (385.88 KB, 2048x2048, 45665E55-AA43-4B42-9C06-8A2EEC…)

I finally suffered through her last stream during some extreme downtime at work and shit it was rough. I sat through most of her camversity streams and this one is worse than any of them. I clipped a few of the worst parts including the one where she says once she came 14 times when someone asked if she’d ever orgasmed so hard it hurt. What’s the best way to archive them? There’s some real cringe, and some very obvious lies.
No. 721919
>>721907Yeah the real cringe is how little effort she put in to lying on this one, I guess she didn’t realize it’d be recorded. Her excuses are so bad, so hoping someone can tell me the best way to archive the clips, its about 4 min.
Anon also missed where she claimed she couldn’t see peoples questions properly because the chat was glitching out aka ignoring overly sexual questions. and tips were “messed up” as well and also not showing up because her stream was so tame people started sending in tips with requests. She said she’d send them selfies later when they “fix it”. Also said she’d be on today trying on bikinis becuase she accidentally read one of the tips out loud about pasties, who’s shocked that one didn’t happen. Zero sympathy for these morons.
No. 721977
>>721581She removed this post. I guess the amount of comments from her own fans questioning the legitimacy of her “lawyers” got to her.
A few are wising up to the fact that this keeps happening conveniently and more will be less likely to believe her as she keeps disabling/re-enabling it. No other thot just gets their account back suddenly five or more times after being “suspended”. Maybe I’m just giving her braindead followers too much credit lol after all, they still believe she’s “slimming down” from all the intense “workouts”.
No. 721995
File: 1571943070780.jpg (511.07 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20191024_114821_com…)

Screen shot dump incoming. Was browsing through Kiwi and clicked on one of the links to connect to her Only Fans stream.
No. 721997
File: 1571943215120.jpg (Spoiler Image,366.61 KB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20191024_114803_com…)

>>721996So I Googled it. Maybe it's just some shit tier internet law firm but maybe it's not a lie. Digital marketing opens the doors to a lot of future jobs, wonder if it's actually true?
No. 722001
File: 1571943962287.jpeg (254.04 KB, 750x452, 7A84C858-6996-40DA-AC61-EB0C86…)

saging for the slight bit of relevance but Instagram has cracked down again, it’s going to be a lot harder to avoid since they’re going after emojis now too (peaches, eggplants, the water splashes)
No. 722002
File: 1571944103312.jpeg (633.19 KB, 1242x1062, 98F4D26A-3C93-42C1-81AA-ABDDAD…)

>>721997You might be on to something but I’m still iffy on it. The firm is based in LA with 7 attorneys in the firm (who Mariah refers to as “her team of lawyers” I’m guessing, implying all 7 drop everything to help her) and this is only part of the “expertise” they offer.
If they really do represent her, then they would know full well the countless times she’s violated IG TOS. But they still couldn’t get her friends’ accounts back lol. I still think she’s lying about her IG lawyers and this firm probably only provides other services as far as intellectual property goes (reposts on pornhub and fake accounts, etc.)
No. 722028
>>722015Dark and puffy eyes aren't a sign of bulimia unless you're really bad (ie purging multiple times a day). More likely we'd notice puffy cheeks due to swollen lymph nodes or russells sign on her knuckles. However not everyone has those either.
I hope she's not because it really fucks you up and she may be a shit person but no one should suffer like that. Moo, if you are purging and reading this… stop. It ends up making you gain weight in most cases. Those that lose weight are usually binging and restricting.
No. 722048
>>722043Well, to be fair, Kiara is canonically very costhot friendly. But it looks like Moo is just going to wear the nun outfit and probably some lingerie instead of having the canonically sexy outfit made.
Of course, I don't believe for a second that she chose Kiara because she's a sexier character, since she just lewds whomever she wants
No. 722062
>>722015That's a huge reach, anon. She's getting fatter and doesn't take good care of her health, it could be a number of issues from those two factors alone. The idiot also never sleeps and is addicted to sodium.
>>722039This too.
No. 722138
File: 1571986385715.png (3.07 MB, 1242x2208, C37D8F13-5223-481A-835E-ADA9B9…)

Extremely cringe worthy…
No. 722139
File: 1571986624278.png (5.59 MB, 1800x1672, 6EBBEBF4-D9E7-454A-84F3-7A599F…)

It’s almost infuriating how dumb her fans are to not put 2 and 2 together to realize she disables her account before her trips… EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Also, there goes Moo obsessing over the fucking toilets again. I guess it makes sense since she’s a massive pile of sentient shit.
No. 722145
File: 1571989524793.png (1.14 MB, 640x1138, geriatric.png)

>>722139looks like Grandma Moo is there with Aly and Miso and Brandon, no sign of Noodles yet
No. 722163
>>722139I wonder if she genuinely has trouble reaching back there and that's why she's so obsessed with bidets. Wouldn't be surprised at this point.
>>722149Yes. Look at the seat behind her, there's clearly room for two people
No. 722221
>>722139It's home because I'm a sad fat Otaku weeb and I only worship Japan for its Anime and Junk food. God she's awful.
Of course she obsessed with the toilets there. The only thing her friends won't do for her is wipe her ass. Now she has something to do even that for her. Now she can reserve all that energy to shoveling more food in her mouth. It's the only thing left she can still do on her own.
No. 722420
>>722417So part of it is probably that she doesn't have the time to be monitoring her comments to delete negative posts while she's out on vacation, or at least on the plane.
The other part is that she may not have enough pictures to keep up with a posting schedule that would satisfy the algorithm, as other anons have pointed out.
No. 722427
>>722425Right? I don’t understand why she doesn’t just turn them off or limit them like she does on her side account. She probably does this as a ploy for sympathy or something because she gets off on the attention and loves playing the
victim. With other thots recently getting removed, Moo most likely thinks no one would question her motives and she can easily use mean ol’ IG as a scapegoat.
No. 722586
File: 1572112776405.png (9.02 MB, 1125x2436, 0F863E10-F0DB-4E6F-8A06-F31631…)

What made her think this was a good idea to post
Apparently wearing her hooters girl outfit for Halloween in akiba
No. 722656
>>720724I'm sorry WHAT?
I know this is a bit old by now but I messaged her before buying some ears off her ASKING who made them. She NEVER got back to me, even AFTER I bought them anyway. I had to figure it out my damn shelf, because she sure as hell didn't list the original artist.
shut the fuck up and shit down, moo. jfc.
No. 722659
>>722656Why the fuck would you give this useless cow any money, especially after she didn’t bother to respond?
>>722586I bet she thinks she’s at a place in time where she can joke about her past sexual assault controversy… because everything a year or more old to her was “in the past my dudes, I’m not that person anymore! I’ve grown as a person!!!”
No. 722660
>>722659I was an idiot who thought they were made by a well-known artist, so I thought I was getting a deal – she's bought from them before so I figured she may have been purging a few of those ears
I was wrong, but eh
Honestly I don't know WHAT she did to one pair I bought, they were mangled to hell and didn't really show it on the photos
(imgboard, post pics) No. 722682
>>722676what would the point of that be though. Everyone knows Moo doesn't credit artists, costume makers, or prop makers until after she gets hounded about it, and even then it's a coin toss if she actually does it.
This is consistent with her behavior since day 1.
It's an anecdote about a pair of ears, not super milky. who cares.
No. 722696
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No. 722724
File: 1572140358033.png (1.92 MB, 1242x2208, D92DD260-2890-44EC-AF13-7CD2D3…)

Lol how is it “baseless” if there’s receipts for literally every shitty thing she’s done? Screencaps AND video.
No. 722725
File: 1572140495492.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x1543, CFE379E6-641B-46D4-A5B9-4D6A67…)

Is anyone else just creeped out by her face lately? That’s either a fuckton of filters being applied here or she’s taping her face again because she didn’t have a jawline days ago.
No. 722762
File: 1572145282785.png (317.88 KB, 485x479, Screenshot_2019-10-26-19-57-01…)

Much theatre classes, many expressions, a true actress my dudes
No. 722765
File: 1572145465216.png (868.49 KB, 720x1055, Screenshot_2019-10-26-20-03-28…)

>>722762There's more but her armpit area looks weird in this one
No. 722784
>>722745My point was to just ignore it if it's a blogpost and not milk. No one cares about ears someone bought from moo. Ignore it.
>>722762I love how she spends so much money to get her wigs styled but they all end up looking like shit.
No. 722895
>>722762 I’d say it’s both filters and tape.
No. 723110
>>722725The shoop was really overdone in this picture. I couldn't even recognize her at first.
>>722724Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug
No. 723140
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No. 723143
>>723140Oh yikes.
Is her hair in a ponytail on the top or is it just that ratty looking??
No. 723155
File: 1572243205939.png (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 1080x1350, 4E472B5D-253E-4452-A6BC-DDD6FF…)

>>721845Feisty Vee did a succubus set with some of her friends too. Given that she’s also copying Vee’s werewolf, it’s not a stretch to say that she’s outright ripping off Vee’s feed.
No. 723187
File: 1572259874709.png (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 828x1792, 978CF630-28D6-428C-8808-1701E3…)

>scolding hot
Wasn’t sure if I should censor this or not but again showing areola.
The onsen they’re at is ¥6300/hour.
It really bugs me that she likely bathed with makeup on, even in a private bath. The bath water is meant to be stay clean by removing any dirt/filth by showering/washing first. It’s just gross to think about.
No. 723438
File: 1572316076030.png (Spoiler Image,2.72 MB, 938x1250, post_file (4).png)

No. 723460
File: 1572321448772.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.16 KB, 720x960, 02146488-F133-4737-A5CF-85FD42…)

That has to be the least seductive look she’s pulled so far. I also will never under shooting her at this angle either, it only emphasizes how tiny her head is compared to the rest of her massive body. It’s not a good look Moo.
No. 723462
File: 1572321562294.jpeg (Spoiler Image,944.18 KB, 1080x2260, B0EEF4A2-F987-4C40-9E66-0B81FA…)

What can I say but yikes…
No. 723501
File: 1572341804978.png (1.73 MB, 2018x2048, Screenshot_20191029-043417.png)

No. 723504
File: 1572343748805.jpeg (Spoiler Image,387.8 KB, 1296x1344, 3E938F47-A87E-44EA-8F8C-AE5C89…)

>>723438How the heck are these the same people? Yeah people age, but look what years of plastic surgery, lying, and laziness did to her. Her ‘fans’ and ‘friends’ need to wake up.
No. 723515
File: 1572349937704.jpeg (180.09 KB, 743x998, BAB3ACCD-6D6D-4156-A2C9-7B9C85…)

so nice of her friends to bring their grandma to japan
No. 723520
File: 1572352920544.jpeg (578.58 KB, 3312x1226, 7A8EC6CF-C438-47C5-B365-2DFC5B…)

Didn’t get a chance to post these last night but they’re from after the onsen on Mariah’s instastory. Could only get screens because I’m a boomer and don’t know how to do screen captures of video. She didn’t talk though, she just did some “sexy” faces at the camera. I’m just surprised at the quality of some of the selfies/pics so far. She needs the filters/photoshop if she wants to look her age.
No. 723536
File: 1572357667397.jpg (639.3 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191029-090012_Ins…)

Its definitely been the face tape. Look at that double chin.
No. 723547
File: 1572362120894.jpeg (131.4 KB, 750x547, A70BAAE0-3088-4C0D-8E43-B5AD68…)

imagine having 5 different chins and faces in 5/6 pictures. yes obviously people look different constantly and no picture is truly the same but even comparing the filtering and chins in the first picture vs the sixth picture should be enough for anyone
No. 723631
File: 1572386824058.png (488.02 KB, 484x640, denim jacket too small.png)

>>723547another shot from yesterday (a still from the onsen stories
>>723520), featuring yet another different face/chin(s) from the six in your pic
No. 723702
File: 1572413603330.jpg (442.87 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-10-30-02-25-28…)

>>723683She actually has posted multiple stories with both of them.
And the story where she waddles in between the teddy picker machines is so cringe, she probably feels so badass. Sorry, I don't know how to save videos of stories, so if any other Anon could do it iwbma
No. 723737
File: 1572426203965.png (510.17 KB, 720x1178, Screenshot_2019-10-30-01-50-48…)

No. 723744
>>723737Moo would share something like this. Ashlee pissed off the LGBTQ community pretty significantly.
She, like Moo, is also a horrible person "in the past" lol. I know you're lurking moo, people will never forgive or forget yoru scamming, molesting ways and shitty attitude.
No. 723785
File: 1572439432249.gif (12.26 MB, 253x450, videotogif_2019.10.30_08.41.32…)

>>723702The way the fat on the backs of her knees bunches up as she walks makes me feel uncomfortable
No. 724061
>>723785Thanksgiving's around the corner; shout outs to the anons who take the time to convert milk into gifs for us all to enjoy
You're the best. Sorry for OT
No. 724064
>>724058Really anon? Just look at
>>723140 and
>>723743 and tell me if it looks like normal healthy hair?, Even if you're male you can notice something's not right with it.
Healthy hair does not look like strands of rope or matted old stamen, she just paids monthly to try to fix it neglecting daily care and healthy behaviour and it shows, also i think that is a wig, we can only imagine how fucked up her real hair is for her wearing a wig
No. 724065
>>724058Not a hairstylist, but some of the issues are just obvious. Long hair gets tangled and matted easily if you don't brush it. She doesn't brush it so it's pretty clearly matted, as seen in
>>723140She needs to be brushing it out daily, especially considering she has extensions and it can be difficult/painful to get the mats out around the extensions. Bleached/color treated hair also requires more upkeep- conditioning, treatments, masks etc. and looking at how ratty, frizzy, and dry it is (see
>>723536 ) she's clearly not doing anything to maintain health.
No. 724109
File: 1572515275428.png (985.24 KB, 810x643, shib1.PNG)

Spotted on Shibuya Halloween livestream, looking pretty rough
No. 724152
>>724109A COSPLAYER goes to JAPAN on HALLOWEEN (of all days) and does not put on an actual costume.
Call this historical.
It's almost if she had no interest in cosplaying unless she can sell pictures of it.
No. 724185
>>724165Y’all know she’s wearing this to play in to her gaijin status right? She’s a voluptuous (whale) American girl with big tits who likes anime/hentai and gangbangs on chikan trains and dresses as a hooters girl (something otaku dudes thirst over, they fetishize American women like crazy)
Those same unwashed otaku are probably giving her all the attention she’s craving.
No. 724202
>>724185>>724165>>724152Shibuya Kaho and a bunch of thots did a 10 girl Hooters group last year for Halloween. This nitpick of what shes wearing is really reaching guys. Its Halloween
>>724164>everyone in the USAnon thats a vast overstatement.
No. 724203
File: 1572541346351.jpg (1.04 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191031_112347_com…)

She probably cropped her huge arm out(nitpick)
No. 724204
>>724185not nitpicking what she’s wearing. I was saying she wore this costume on purpose. People expect her to go full cosplay on Halloween on a drinking night out. I was simply saying her costume choice was super intentional to get as much Japanese dick attention to make her feel better about her self.
No. 724222
>>724203Three Ronald McDonalds, a decent looking girl in the middle, a tranny on the left and their mom on the right.
>>724109A photo is the only way she'll get an asian guy to touch her.
No. 724230
File: 1572549346187.jpg (122.53 KB, 640x640, 75561369_722150211638595_86565…)

Nice, Moo being the only one to wear shitty leggings even when her original "cosplay" didn't include them. From Aly's instagram
No. 724236
>>724230I would actually like to applaud Moo here for having some sense and keeping her tainted lard in check while in public.
Can't wait to see the lazy drivel she could of shot at home she pumps out now that cucknoodles is on the scene. Only took her three trips to her weeby motherland to deliver on her promises to her paypigs.
No. 724295
>>724230Would people in Japan even know what Hooters is?
I feel like most passerby are just going to see a bunch of ugly slutty gaijin, not Halloween costumes.
No. 724305
>>724299I should have figured that a country where women are forced to wear high heeled shoes and female office workers have to serve tea to their male co-workers would have Hooters. Japan basically treats women in most professions like Hooters waitresses.
I hope Mariah moves there so she can get hit with this crap first-hand.
No. 724311
>>724245I'm not saying this to make a joke about her weight but I honestly don't even know if they make dance tights that come in larger than XL, at least not from what I've seen from Amazon.
But like
>>724247 said, it's just highlighting how insecure she is about it by making it stand out more, considering flesh tone leggings exist.
No. 724322
>>724311>I honestly don't even know if they make dance tights that come in larger than XLLiterally google "plus size dance tights."
And jfc people.
She would've been damned no matter what color tights she wore, you've nitpicked her drumsticks in every color attire possible at this point.
>"Just look at her insecurely take the middle in that picture!"You would've criticized her for taking the side too, because everyone knows when someone's big that it throws the balance of the group pic off.
This is grasping the withered teats of a dry cow. Your 'milk' is powder.
No. 724359
>>724320gatekeeping for a shitty breastaurant
I mean, we’ve all had crap jobs, but most of us wouldn’t front like they were something special
No. 724365
>>724320What's it like to work somewhere where you're contractually barred for reporting sexual harassment?
I think working at Hooters might actually be more humiliating than being a prostitute. At least hookers can choose how to dress and are allowed to keep working if they gain weight.
No. 724389
>>724322Stop wasting your time whining in the thread if you think it’s so boring, or shut up and let people post.
>>724380Some samefag. Anon wasn’t even pretending their job was great, I agree it’s weird to wear a uniform of somewhere boring you don’t work, I’ve never understood the hooters costume.
No. 724409
>>724389Your ilk bump the thread to the front with nitpicky bullshit and then get indignant that no one finds it amusing.
You defend blogposting and then accuse everyone who called it out as a samefag.
No. 724427
File: 1572583811710.jpeg (Spoiler Image,95.56 KB, 554x1024, C4CCD9A2-AD4A-46DB-89CF-DCA6F9…)

I feel like this girls body looks similar to what moo’s would look like if she never got liposuction. Even though she looks even bigger than moo, she still looks 10x better than her IMO.
It’s true that it’s her terrible hygiene, shitty attitude and complete lack of care that causes her to look awful.
sage for no contribution
No. 724432
File: 1572585221751.png (1 MB, 720x988, Screenshot_2019-10-31-21-55-02…)

No. 724452
>>724427Looking at the proportions I'd say Moo is bigger than this girl. Obvious shoop around her belly probably was for stretch marks.
That said there's a market for fat girls of almost any size and most fat cosplayers or fat online personalities don't have threads on lolcow, Moo's body isn't the problem.
No. 724460
File: 1572598504218.png (2.63 MB, 977x1800, F6D3099D-452B-4616-868B-657380…)

She’s got to shill hard to get those cuckbucks at the beginning of the month since she re-enabled her main IG.
No. 724461
File: 1572599046482.png (2.18 MB, 1800x1051, 3C931C3F-8100-443E-88C8-828693…)

>my favorite project of all time
The project she didn’t have permits to film for but did it anyway despite being told by hotel security not to. The project no one gave a fuck about and ended up disabling YouTube comments because she kept getting dragged. That project where she sat on her lazy ass while she cracked the whip on Cat to rush her outfits. That project?
Can someone explain wtf is going on in the middle pic?
No. 724508
>>724460>Silver haired succubusPlease learn your colors Mariah, that's not silver. Her clickbait is hilarious cause we've seen those photos and they aren't that hot.
>>724461That middle photo has all sorts of things wrong with it. Her delusional mind gives her an insane amount of false confidence. And kek the poopin' pose.
No. 724765
File: 1572679514456.jpg (159.36 KB, 828x1472, 75280959_969723473406045_78370…)

>>724206Square has arrived, and it looks like Moocow and her calves are taking the Tōkaidō Shinkansen to Kyoto (Moo changed her bts to say "in Kyoto")
No. 724866
File: 1572711897589.png (1.34 MB, 720x1206, Screenshot_2019-11-02-09-21-10…)

>bad body dysmorphia
No. 724904
>>724890She claimed she had BD and anorexia around the time
>>724866 was taken. She went on a whole ig rant about it. Her having BD around then would make sense as she had just gotten a reduction and for many people who have a body part (or entire body) go from big to small experience dysmorphia because they're not used to it.
>>724902 said, she mentioned not doing as many cosplay shoots and not working with other models as much because she's got BD, but then like a week later she did that shoot as hibiki with two other models so I think she's just being lazy as usual.
No. 724943
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No. 724946
File: 1572731987514.png (362.07 KB, 720x1204, Screenshot_2019-11-02-14-53-19…)

>>724945I think she wants to justify eating copious amounts of food with 0 backlash. Remember when she ate a mixing bowl of mayonnaise and tuna?
No. 724975
>>724944“As I grow and continue to do so”
Grow and cintinue to get fat sucked out you mean
Jokes aside, this kinda of body posi speech reminds me of the kind she does after the dick she’s been chasing rejected her. Do you think she tried to get with randos in Japan but they didn’t want to get with her because holy hell fat American.
No. 724985
>>724944It‘s so good to get to witness her bipolar mood swings as they happen.
It would be more convincing if she didn’t go from ‘omg it’s so great to finally love my body and having gotten over my BDD my loves!!! Positivity!!!!’ to ‘I’m really going through some body image stuff, I’m struggling to love myself and suffer from BDS pls be mindful but I’m totes trying to lose weight my dudes’ and back again within a few weeks.
She has the same struggles with her body that almost anyone has. Everyone has better and worse days when it comes to confidence. But for Moo it’s always the extremes; either she’s suffering from BDD or she’s a goddess who loves her body. There’s no in between.
But I guess it is a great way to keep her female followers on the hook, that see some kind of fat-confidence icon in her or something and don’t care about her porn.
No. 725003
>>724975Nah. She'd be rageposting if she was rejected. She always tards the fuck out when the current dick she's chasing turns her down.
>>724992A very common trap overweight people fall into is "I exercised a lot today so now I can eat a lot!" We already know she's capable of binging an absolutely sickening amount of sushi in one go.
No. 725026
>>724992Depends on what kind of eater/drinker you are. I was snacking non stop and drinking a ton when I went. Drinking is a surefire way to gain weight no matter where you are and we all know how much moo loves drinking.
Long vacations also set people up to pick up bad habits again so she can kiss her progress bye bye
No. 725096
>>724944>as I grow and continue toI think Moo was personal growth confused with the growth of her waistline. Is she taking the piss with this? If she "continues to grow" she's going to have a coronary.
>>724945God bless her shit phrasing.
>weight loss and gainsmakes it sound like she's saying she's constantly losing and regaining weight kek. I suppose that's true, if only because for every five pounds she loses she gains twenty.
>>724979Stop trying to apply your personal experiences to Moo. She's not a normal, healthy person. The first time she went to Japan she literally ate two ramen entrees in one sitting with Vamps. No matter where she goes, she's going to continue to gain because she eats enough food to feed an NFL lineman.
Also things like pork buns and ramen are pure carbs, and we all know Moo wouldn't eat tofu unless someone put a gun to her head.
I doubt she's even actually walking that much. She probably just Ubers everywhere and/or visits places near her hotel.
No. 725230
File: 1572808011744.png (1.46 MB, 950x1800, CEB994E3-2EF4-4209-B302-BC5BDB…)

Mariah doesn’t give a shit about Mei, Hong Kong or anything unless she can profit from it. If she did, she wouldn’t still be trying to hustle these Mei sets. But you know Moo, she got off her lazy ass for an hour to shoot these so she’s going to sell them anyway.
No. 725231
File: 1572808148290.jpeg (221.16 KB, 1242x807, 59C122EB-3DDC-44B5-A979-0CD5AF…)

>>725230Samefag but this was on the same post. She’s beyond disgusting.
No. 725239
>>725231Is Moo a space alien? Literally
asking people to jerk off to you is such a weird thing to do. It's like walking up to random people on the street and saying, "Be sad now."
Like yeah Moo, jerking off is why they buy your stuff, but the idea is to be subtle and alluring, not demand that people masturbate to you.
It's times like this where I wonder if her parents truly understand what she does. It seems like every life choice she's made since moving out has been to disappoint her father. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd be happy about his daughter gaining 150 pounds and doing softcore porn.
No. 725267
>>725239>He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who'd be happy about his daughter gaining 150 pounds and doing softcore porn.who would? no halfway decent father on earth would ever want their kid to become a hambeast who does half-assed costume porn for the unwashed masses. but if she helps them out with bills as much as she says she does, it's not like he can complain.
also does mariah understand what no fap november is, or…
No. 725318
>>725312There is though when in previous threads her mother and sister, Sydney, came to her defense and stated she would never do any pornographic material on multiple Instagram posts. Which recently with Mariah's recent birthday she spent it with her paid "pals" while her mother was the only to wish her a happy birthday with a post using a picture from 3 years ago. So we can infer that her Dad either regards her as a complete embarrassment or she's dead to him with her career choice but also with this photo
>>725230 and the multiple sets she's done she's showing the bottom of her feet which in Islam and Lebanese Culture is a huge insult. Which if she lived by those cultural rules she'd get a beating but in her situation she's just been ex-communicated from her family besides her cousin.
No. 725386
File: 1572851204559.jpg (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, 20191103_230603.jpg)

So insulting to Japanese culture. This fat bitch and her fugly brigade are dressing up as Oiran. Not good enough to dress up like Geisha, no you frumpy white chicks want to be Oiran. The most popular of Geisha, fawned over for their beauty. Sure.
Just stop trying to be Japanese moo, you'll never switch ethnicity no matter how bad you want to or try to throw money around until you think you are. Race isn't a plastic surgery procedure you can buy.(advanced autism)
No. 725388
>>725386Stfu you sperg. Jesus christ. This is something that is offered to not just locals to Japan but especially to tourists and they are celebrated when they dress like this. So many gaijin TYs do this too. There is NOTHING culturally unacceptable to what they are doing. They pay for the services and you walk around Kyoto or wherever they are because this isn't just a one city thing. You do this with other places that offer lolita dress up, visual kei dress up, cosplay.. This is so common in Japan that you look like a complete idiot coming into Moo's thread when this has been discussed before in other cow threads and previous in her's, I believe, in the first trip where people were tinfoiling her dressing as a geisha at one point. This has nothing to do with wanting to be Japanese but instead an authetic Japanese experience that you can have where you are made up by professionals and they even offer amazingly edited photoshoots.
My guess is this is a shoot Moo talked about. Aki and even Rachel from Rachel and Jun did this.
No. 725391
>>725386My main question is if after the shoot, and the photographer and editors for these shops far outweigh anything Square can do [btw she may be referring to it as 'exclusive' because you can get that done only IF you pay extra], she is planning on using the rental time to go to where they are staying so Square can take lewder photos of these outfits. Im assuming this is a low chance, but it is a possibility. Otherwise Moo is probably going to try to use the time to go to other garden areas and do shoots that way, but we all know Moo's cucks don't give a fuck about her trying to do artistic things unless tits are hanging out.
So what exactly is Square shooting in Japan besides being hired on a a travel photog, obviously for free because he doesn't seem to mind from the looks of how he is shooting everyone for stories and not just Moo's. Im guessing she told the Patrons, for a 4th time now, that she'd shoot and she doesn't seem to have brought cosplays along from what she has shown yet. Man the threads are slow with no OnlyFans or Patreon anon. No one is leaking anything either since September it seems.
No. 725411
File: 1572864449949.jpeg (403.31 KB, 791x1512, 42717FEE-4A45-4A1F-B265-739960…)

>>725390She’s at Studio Kokoro. There’s nothing exclusive about this. It’s just a photography studio that does you up fancy. Loads of people do it. Zzzzz.
No. 725441
File: 1572871674307.jpg (1.29 MB, 1080x1391, Screenshot_20191104-074717_Ins…)

She doesn't look that great, at least the kimono closed
No. 725442
File: 1572871728593.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x1331, Screenshot_20191104-074738_Ins…)

No. 725464
>>725441Weird ass face shape, guess she didn't have to tape face and the droopy expression it's just the cherry on top of those eye bags
>>725442That courtain that they used to try and blend her massiveness only makes her look worse, looks like she has a shell on her back, really not even proffesionals can fix the mess that is moo
No. 725466
File: 1572876775902.jpg (98.04 KB, 625x827, e246693d878c31ab45b161c36824df…)

>>725442she does that mouth open eyes half-closed face to look sexy and seductive but it just ends up looking like pic related
No. 725501
File: 1572882662814.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.53 KB, 960x639, IMG_20191104_094831.jpg)

>>725441Can't decide if she tried to Photoshop her lazy left eye or the make up artist didn't care about the fine details
No. 725645
>>725541LOL no, Geisha were a totally different class who didn't sell their body, they're artists. Oiran are high class prostitutes, but Geisha aren't even in the same class as they aren't prostitutes.
Personally I don't see the appeal of dressing up and doing a photoshoot as a prostitute but that's just me.
Sage for irrelevant
No. 725686
>>725441I do think her face looks nicer than usual. I always suspected that she needed some different lipstick, but I don't know much about makeup, so I wasn't too sure. This just confirms it.
Still a mess but.
No. 725787
>>725686Nah. it's still pretty fucked up. Makeup and some actual work into your appearance can solve a lot of problems that is true..but moo is beyond saving.
Even these talented people barely got her passable lol.
No. 725840
File: 1572985137056.jpg (44.08 KB, 550x654, FB_IMG_1572985083097.jpg)

Finally, a character moo could pull off.
No. 725873
File: 1572996604078.png (538.79 KB, 548x654, 907.png)

>>725866All the cucks are lusting after their milf waifu so I wouldn't count on it.
>Tfw youre in your 20s but look exactly like a MILF from Pokemon No. 726017
File: 1573017921796.jpg (Spoiler Image,853.89 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20191105-212418_Ins…)

Why does she think this face is attractive? Like she makes it all the time but she just looks like she's having a stroke.
No. 726021
File: 1573018643413.jpg (153.71 KB, 640x383, pixlr_20191106022841984.jpg)

>>726017I was literally just going to post that pic with a very similar caption. Stroke was my first thought too.
Also, sorry for japanese sperg, but…
In the first pic, it's literally written "money over love" like? Kek
I think it's pretty ironic in this context, especially considering that most of Moo's friends only care about her money. But she was a Japanese translator, so she totally put that sticker there on purpose.
The second one says "strog"? Seems hand written, so I am guessing that our linguistics major translator also did that on purpose, instead of writing "strong".
No. 726108
File: 1573046081763.jpeg (557.66 KB, 2485x1298, A983A023-E1D7-4FEF-A2B6-182539…)

Squarenoodles coming in strong with the food vids.
No. 726171
File: 1573059912920.png (677.52 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-11-06-08-49-55…)

Sperging about Umbran is coming in November. Posted this where shes fake crying into money and someone says "don't cry, I know you're running out of money"
No. 726174
File: 1573060003863.png (1.13 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-11-06-08-50-47…)

>>726171Strapping back chin fat to fake weight loss is really funny
No. 726176
File: 1573060772355.png (686.36 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-11-06-09-12-36…)

>>726174Said they went to a Michelin rated okonomiyaki resteraunt. The smell made her so nauseated and sick she left despite having waited 40 minutes already. Seems like she went by herself to a local Starbucks and got herself citrus teas while everyone else ate. Said "it didnt smell bad" over and over.
No. 726224
>>726176If it's the same one I'm thinking of that I went to, that place is hella small. Typical 8 seats only right at the bar kind of place. I'm really skinny and even I was touching shoulders to the person next to me because it was so cramped. My guess is her fatass was too big and disturbing the other customers at the restaurant.
The place is overrated but whatever
No. 726254
File: 1573074579032.jpg (81 KB, 470x706, rock1.jpg)

>>726174Honestly her best cosplay to date
No. 726255
File: 1573075478913.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.83 MB, 6016x4016, DSC_6712.jpg)

The horror
No. 726260
File: 1573076260221.jpg (Spoiler Image,13.76 MB, 6016x4016, DSC_6799.jpg)

No. 726261
File: 1573076571529.png (80.45 KB, 300x188, 1513538624292.png)

>>726260What the actual fuck Moo this is some brain bleach level horror right here
No. 726283
>>726260Why the fuck did she think this was a good idea?
It literally looks like she just smeared her period all over her ass cause she doesn't know how to wipe
No. 726299
>>726260That’s fine, I didn’t need to sleep ever after being exposed to this. This shit is the stuff of nightmares.
How fucked up do you have to be to think this looks sexy??? Might as well rename the set “Heavy Flow” (lol).
No. 726344
>>726260I love how the blood emphasizes the photoshop as it makes the pattern all blurry in those areas.
Also warped window frame (can’t put the lines on the picture rn but I think it’s obvious enough as is).
No. 726352
File: 1573090190630.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.13 MB, 4016x6016, DSC_6772.jpg)

No. 726382
File: 1573093448026.png (Spoiler Image,5.43 MB, 1413x1800, 2BA75D73-979D-4F30-96D7-69BF27…)

I hate that I had to see this zoomed in but… This has to be the saddest attempt yet at giving Moo any semblance of ass. Great shoop Squarecuck, you fucking hack lol.
No. 726417
File: 1573095220734.png (4.48 MB, 1024x1800, 4FE8F296-BFE8-43CF-B80D-165078…)

It cracks me up every time she tries to pull an “alluring” look but ends up looking like she let loose a long fart.
No. 726472
>>726108"I don't photoshop my dudes"
If someone told me this was a trans woman with bad lip injections I would believe it.
No. 726500
File: 1573103526978.png (1.35 MB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-11-06-21-08-00…)

>pit shoop
No. 726505
File: 1573103989896.png (759.76 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-11-06-21-17-08…)

No. 726522
File: 1573107640488.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.17 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg-1.jpg)

>>726255Can't even see the difference.
No. 726523
File: 1573107801038.jpeg (189.89 KB, 776x1833, 81353DB2-F0D0-49DD-8382-B5F9B9…)

Sometimes her neckbeards can be hilarious
I can’t imagine they’re happy with her current content. Hibiki Sakura wasn’t revealing enough, the oiran she’s currently super obsessed with isn’t naked at all so they don’t give a shit, and the bbq blood bath…..well…that speaks for itself….
No. 726535
File: 1573112033306.jpeg (827.15 KB, 750x1030, 7F46636A-67F9-4747-B6E1-1C713D…)

No. 726544
File: 1573112788344.jpeg (394.66 KB, 1242x1460, 184A9F6E-EB8E-4094-9437-0B42DA…)

Well, at least some of them are wising up. Though it serves them right for enabling her lazy ass by funding her lifestyle. Once the money starts to dwindle, she’ll get desperate. Just like when her numbers dipped slightly on Patreon and she went right for the fake nipples and false promises of topless videos.
>>726535No amount of photoshop and robes can hide how massive she’s become.
No. 726572
File: 1573132089077.jpg (52.57 KB, 640x853, z3ihJQK_d.jpg)

No. 726575
File: 1573133030398.jpeg (481 KB, 828x1545, C74D61CB-17EF-482D-92E9-A4AD00…)

No. 726578
File: 1573133157635.jpeg (290.63 KB, 812x1401, D5AA35CD-149E-4EB0-B1BB-C5DEC9…)

Next: 2/3
No. 726579
File: 1573133228145.jpeg (474.77 KB, 828x1625, 2676AAAC-0B81-4A57-B11A-4C274F…)

Oof that Japanese.
No. 726592
File: 1573134233187.jpeg (518.5 KB, 2048x2048, 86CC7CB9-7C31-4D35-B387-D3D866…)

Japan 2: Mouth Breather Edition
No. 726598
>>726592Always reminds me of the face people make when waking up from anesthesia, not knowing where they are, trying to communicate while still being half asleep…
But sure, to some men the ‘only barely-conscious’ look might actually be quite appealing.
No. 726658
>>726352>>726260It literally looks like she's playing around in period blood. This backfired big time.
>>726492Too perfect kek.
>>726505>>726535She legit looks like a fusion between a granny, a tranny, and a thumb.
>>726510I wouldn't be surprised if it was. It doesn't seem like she's seen any doctor other than for lipo and there is clearly something going very wrong with her health. She could probably get help for her eye if she would stop being in denial and see a doctor.
>>726571It looks like someone chose "random" on a character creation generator.
>>726579You can tell she doesn't know the language because it sounds like a weeb beginner.
No. 726669
File: 1573146717594.png (1.13 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-11-07-09-09-40…)

>>726668She also wants to """make""" "casual" and swimsuit versions for ALA
No. 726670
File: 1573146776729.png (1.47 MB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2019-11-07-09-09-48…)

>>726669She bought Ishtars earrings on ebay
No. 726690
File: 1573150638253.png (Spoiler Image,736.03 KB, 1000x668, momo scats.png)

>>726654not the best but… well…
No. 726706
>>726701Not to mention how she pulls these long muh deep caption stories out of her ass about how japan is so lovely.
did anyone else catch when she said the owners of the photography studio came out and talked to her/aly and thanked them personally for coming? kek
No. 726713
>>726706you mean how they thank every customer who enters their establishment? A very common Japanese custom?
I wonder if they make fun of her in Japanese right in front of her face and Momo is too dumb to realize it.
No. 726716
File: 1573155782910.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.83 KB, 640x853, vtwr6AF_d.jpg)

No. 726720
File: 1573156139915.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.09 MB, 4016x6016, DSC_6633.jpg)

No. 726739
>>726719Moo is the only person to ever take pics in an "onsen" and actually make me want to not go
I dunno if it's the lighting or what but her pics make the place look dark, dirty and sad
No. 726776
File: 1573167031113.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.9 MB, 3840x5760, NOOD9186.jpg)

No. 726844
File: 1573176694409.png (2.43 MB, 828x1792, C64E3B63-13B9-4A45-A0A1-7FC6CC…)

>>726825I’m so angry about this succubus shoot. Her choice to use a black background when she’s wearing black leg things and black shoes and black wings makes all those accessories blend into the background and she vanishes. This is such a simple thing to realize and fix on the part of both model and photographer. After looking at one pic they should have switched the background to red or purple or ANYTHING.
No. 726872
File: 1573179874300.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2730x4856, A3F72BB3-3184-4B73-9485-76EEBB…)

When the waiter comes over and asks how’s your meal.
I’m so sorry, this is stupid.
No. 726898
File: 1573183639733.png (Spoiler Image,2.97 MB, 1079x1571, Capture _2019-11-07-18-02-20.p…)

People pay money for this.
No. 726921
File: 1573186365024.jpg (434.33 KB, 1037x1584, NOOD9270.jpg)

>>726908 The small details that her health is bad and she doesn't take care of herself is so blatant when her tongue looks like this
No. 726932
File: 1573188103097.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, BEFAD4C4-6BE6-4EDC-8F37-9E3C1E…)

The irony… she really is just living in her own little world.
No. 726979
File: 1573210612281.jpg (Spoiler Image,983.04 KB, 2293x2625, wtfmess.jpg)

>>726721What the fuck is going on in this mess? Whats Gut? Titty? Arm?
No. 727058
File: 1573235602422.jpeg (172.76 KB, 750x1153, D6528C36-7FFF-4EFC-AA1F-8C39A9…)

Wtf is even going on here
No. 727069
>>726979she has a lot of breast tissue next to/under her armpits. Probably from ill-fitting bras forcing fat to migrate, plus weight gain, plus gravity and normal stuff to a small degree. So she's got a little upper-titty right along the crotch of her arm, she's got sideboob all the way to her back that travels underneath her armpit, and she's for some reason holding her nipple up so you can see the divisions clearly. her gut isn't featured in this pic
>>727058that's the sideboob making it full circle with the backboob
No. 727087
>>727058It still amazes me that this is her
post-lipo body. That’s not just loose skin, is it? I feel like loose skin would be way ‘thinner’. But I’ve only seen really loose skin on people that have lost huge amounts of weight by working out/eating less, so I might be wrong.
No. 727235
File: 1573268606456.jpg (681.02 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191108-210328_Ins…)

I wish she would stop. Kiara doesnt deserve this.
No. 727249
File: 1573270062509.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191108-212808_Ins…)

"Excuse me, wheres the bathroom?"
No. 727254
File: 1573270386823.jpeg (272.46 KB, 1800x1021, 880A67DE-5094-431A-9F81-A720D6…)

I’m shocked she didn’t shoop away those angry looking stretch marks because holy shit.
No. 727279
>>727256It’s almost like she thinks getting longer acrylics will slim down her fingers. They look pretty swollen tbh.
I also wonder how long she went on wearing that corset before she had to be let out of it. At her size, squeezing into that thing can’t be healthy.
No. 727330
File: 1573286792462.png (4.04 MB, 1021x1800, E310BAC3-CCA2-49D2-9E69-5B5BA2…)

No. 727336
File: 1573290200175.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x2080, 27FBFC2D-A09B-463E-9872-34C43B…)

They’ve been at a studio and shoving all these shoots in one day. I guess she had to dedicate one day out of the entire vaca- er “business trip” to doing her actual job since she told her patrons she was going to be shooting there… finally. After the third time going with nothing to show for it before besides broken anime figures.
No. 727337
File: 1573290245042.jpeg (1.78 MB, 1241x2208, A4ABC04C-9098-405D-8BA5-9C8D60…)

No. 727407
File: 1573303138389.jpeg (Spoiler Image,201.72 KB, 750x928, 0E089FFE-71DD-4B9D-981D-85F3B1…)

what the actual fuck is going on with her tit
No. 727435
Everyone here knows moo has no friends and she won’t notice you gtfo.
No. 727448
careful guys, if her "friend" tells Momo she's going to have her crack team of lawyers take down lolcow.
Joking aside
>>727407It's funny how she tries so hard to seem like she isn't much bigger than her friends. But we all seen the candids where she looked like she was 3 times her size and ready to eat her
Props to everyone who edits her photos. Without the photoshop everyone would be to grossed out to buy her shit
No. 727451
>>727336To be fair when you go to a cosplay studio you tend to pay for an all day ticket so doing them all at once is the usual
What gets me is that at cosplay studios you have to change in a shared changing area, good luck to the locals having to see that
No. 727468
File: 1573314850577.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.78 MB, 5760x3840, NOOD1639.jpg)

Where did her underwear go?
No. 727555
File: 1573339545920.jpeg (55.72 KB, 273x645, 84EBBDC3-E0A6-4155-A2E1-0E2B26…)

>>727407Idk but the curtain behind her looks quite wonky lol.
No. 727579
File: 1573347444004.png (1.15 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-11-09-16-55-27…)

No. 727636
File: 1573357780851.jpg (718.18 KB, 1080x1359, Screenshot_20191109-215006_Ins…)

No. 727642
>>727580I'm not trying to nitpick– I'm just genuinely wondering: why does she use these creepy yellow contacts for Pochaco? Idk much about the character but it looks like her eyes are brown, the same color as Mariah's are naturally. Why even bother wearing contacts?
I get that circle lenses might make her eyes look bigger, but they look super fake and aren't even the right color. Why go to the effort of buying and wearing conacts if they looks worse than your natural eyes? I just don't understand.
>>727579She should collab with Shayna lol. They were made for each other.
No. 727715
File: 1573363893790.jpeg (377.49 KB, 1179x1764, D6F0DB1E-1F3D-4C7C-8D5F-3AA77A…)

This bitch really thinks she looks like this? Who does she think she’s fooling?
No. 727716
File: 1573364028742.png (458.7 KB, 1795x837, 9BDE64F3-5268-4644-9AD8-DB7E6D…)

>>727636Some of the comments from that post. It’s like her fans haven’t learned from the Hinata nipple disaster.
No. 727755
File: 1573368615651.jpg (694.24 KB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20191109-224500_Ins…)

Everything is unarchived except her MF sexual harssment apology
No. 727847
File: 1573392440199.png (9.8 MB, 1242x2208, 08F71609-92E5-41BD-9836-77EBFA…)

Totally asexual, my dudes