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No. 124470
Read rules, follow them; don't cowtip, don't post old milk; if you aren't sure if something has already been discussed read the current thread & previous thread at least. If you're a pull refugee: learn to integrate.
We don't care about your views on sex work neither how much money you or your friend makes on OF; so don't waste thread's 1200 replies with thirst, moralfagging and autistic derailing, that's why the last thread got autosaged.
+Previous threads all neatly arranged by most recent:
Sugar Daddy's cat is judging your life choices edition
>>>/w/110858I have never been this happy!!! Edition
>>>/w/105252Jiraikei Onna & Corn Dildo Edition
>>>/w/101360Baby Beenos Edition
>>>/w/98843BDSM Queen Edition
>>>/w/95405Sex Worker Edition
>>>/w/87866Sugaring Edition
>>>/w/76241Desperate For Money Edition
>>>/w/62881Mental Illness Is Super Kawaii uwu
>>>/w/468652 years ago
>>>/w/305813 years ago
>>>/snow/286133Yellowface Edition
>>>/snow/254982The Kawaii Princessu
>>>/snow/205005+Venus Angelic Summary:
>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up as-been famous Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo (a notorious cow in her own right >>>/pt/666399 ) created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community.
>At 19 Venus away from her mother to marry a japanese guy named Manaki, one of her simps who followed her from a very young age. Marriage reason? visa of course. She did end up into a divorce and made a video badmouthing him, calling him a neet and other stuff publicly on youtube. She also exposed his sexuality by claiming he's asexual, only likes 2d women and never even sexed her (proof may say quite the opposite). That concludes on how nobody thinks she really loved him.
>For a short time, she joined a v-tuber project under the name of MALICE, got a minor role in AbsoMetal theatrical play and was the face of some small media company -which she tried to claim as her own. Needless to say, her performace in all these projects was mediocre at best. During this time, she faked alcoholism, lesbianism, mental problems and suicide baited her followers for asspats.
>After divorcing (or splitting up, who knows) she began posting on IG about "business meetings", hotel rooms, riding cabs, showing off LV and Coach items along odd mentions of blowjobs and masturbation in her IG stories. Later, anons discovered her Pater profile under the identity of "Lilian". An unedited selfie she didn't posted anywhere before confirmed it was indeed hers and not someone else using her pics as a catfish.
>Enters "Ken" her new sugardaddy/boyfriend. "Ken", according to Venuses claims, did illicit things to a child. She made an entire insta story about it instead of reporting to the police saying "nobody would help her with the case". Sketchy? Incredibly. Child in question was posted on her Instagram account and was removed after the drama. There is no follow up on Ken.
>After this episode she crawled back to Manaki's place again and lived in her old closet room during the COVID-19 pandemic.
>At that time, Venus announced her Onlyfans and currently is doing full time OF sex work. She claims that this work path was her "childhood dream" and that she's never been SOOO HAPPY!!! like she is at the moment. Her half-assed R18 content features cheap rental costumes, cheap dildos, cheap love hotel rooms, internet cafes strip-teases, sex toy reviews and so on.
>Enter Manager-san. Either Manaki kicked her out or she's fucking a new guy (aka Manager-san) for a place to stay, it's unknown. Manager-san seems to be the one behind the camera, planning the tip menus and streaming schedules since she's incapable of do something steady on her own.
>Venus went back to her habitual suicide baiting tactic, hoping it would make her worried simps throw pity money at her. The reaction wasn't well received and she had to apologize for it, trying to pass it as a prank. The latest live stream went awfully bad, confusing noises made the viewers worry about what was going on between Venus and Manager-san off camera. +Recent milk
>Faked going to voluntary check-in into a mental hospital for coomer tips and asspats, upon being questioned by an IG user, she just said "I missed my apointments lol" >>108949>Constantly bitch and moan about hateful DMs and mean comments, threatening to stop discussing her mental health on social media (oh noes!!!)>Posting boring, gross, cringy, half-assed videos and lewds as usual(cheap costumes, poorly applied makeup, bad angles and poses, you name it), trying hard to act simultaneously like an edgy cumbrain hentai character and a shy, socially-anxious suicidal helpless little girl.>(unconfirmed) She may be back with Simpanaki -or at least she has been using her old pink room to take selfies and record her latest videos for a while now.>May have moved onto yet another dodgy manager-san after falling out with the previous, very dubious one>Extremely varied quality of unconvincing shoops and images being sent out from Venus-camp, varying from swollen baby, K-pop star, cryptid, to plasticine. >Mommy Margo has been suicide baiting and generally losing her mind on Instagram in recent weeksLinks:
instagram: @dollyvenus
fanicon: (inactive)
main youtube: youtube: No. 124482
File: 1607270191422.jpeg (312.17 KB, 750x990, BBDFA96D-133D-497C-89B0-DD5AC4…)

Oh look it’s the brand new spirituality venus coming up next, this girl goes through phases like nobody’s business
No. 124484
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>>124482The picture that goes with the caption
No. 124488
>>124484Gawd almighty, looking at this enlarged and upside down and it looks like her half closed eye is kinda whited out. This should be captioned Welcome to my nightmare.
Don't see anything spiritual about this picture.
No. 124491
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>>124473I can't not think of smeagol
No. 124502
>>124499You're missing the point, just because you waste money on her OF doesn't make their point any less
valid about her cycle.
No. 124503
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>>124484Samefag but If you flip the image round the right way she looks like a goblin
No. 124515
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>>124514Yeah, wtf?? This doesn’t even look human.
No. 124538
>>124533…..It's true tho?
The only religious practicing people there are some old people. Young people will go to temples or w/e on occasion for "good luck" but outside of that, nobody is focused on spirituality.
No. 124565
>>124484LOL this bitch knows nothing of spirituality. Most of those things she described have nothing to even do with the topic. Looks like she just googled some words and inserted them in, in a pitiful attempt to seem pseudo-deep and woke. Next, she'll say she's a starseed like Marge. (rolls eyes). And I can't believe she had the nerve to throw in "ethics" in there. Slandering your mom to millions (no matter how bad marge is), being a hypocrite, a greedy coin gremlin, pandering, being a sellout, dating a pedo for money and exposing his sexually abused kid to further victimize yourself with no regard to the child, abusing animals and treating them like accessories, laughing at the prospect of your husbands death and calling him a pedo, killing your hamsters and casually brushing off their deaths with: only two died who cares, committing visa fraud and pretending to love Manaki to get away with fraud, scamming, presenting someone's business as your own, cheating on your husband, having sugar daddies for an easy life, being a
toxic, self-centered emotional vampire, faking mental illnesses because you think it's cute and gets you attention, suicide baiting, faking abuse and admitting it, slandering your husband, faking regular therapy, using managers and blaming them for your shitty excuse of a self, trying to plead insanity for a court case, cycling through personalities like a whore cycles through clients, faking working as an accountant and seeing real work as "beneath you" and seeing yourself as inherently better, plagiarizing/copying, pathologically lying to your audience and weaving a fake narrative of your entire life… the list just goes on and on, and she has the nerve to talk about "ethics." Fuck this fake ass bitch.
No. 124580
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She posted another version of this pic but what annoys me the most if she spends hours photoshopping her face but leaves the disgusting crust on the side of her mouth for everyone to see
No. 124610
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Spirituality over not even 12 hours later lmao
>>124485Getting involved in one of those psycho cults would be an incredible twist
No. 124640
>>124538So what though? They don't have to be.
Just look at all the trouble that people who deeply and fanatically follow a religion can cause in the world.
Japan is a superior country in every way for that reason alone, that they don't follow any set religion, that is a good thing.
People don't have to follow a religion or go banging on about 'spirituality' to be a good person and do worthwhile things in the world, care for animals, not abuse the environment, etc.
No. 124677
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>>124637>> Her real face, smaller eyes and wider chin, is waaaay better looking than thisActually it’s not. She has coarse features, a bulbous potato nose, premature aging and unfiltered looks exactly like her goblin mother.
No. 124679
>>124677Fucking this.
Like okay, you guys fap to her and pay for her OF…THIS IS HOW SHE LOOKS. Stop saying she "looks so pretty/cute", no she doesn't, she looks like a haggard failed prostitute that hasn't touched a dick in her life yet somehow with the appearance of riding 7800 miles of dick and meth.
No. 124680
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>>124677If I didn’t know who venus was and I was showed these 2 pictures I wouldn’t recognize them as the same person
No. 124684
>>124677honestly this just makes me sad. She's not 'hot' by any means but if she just styled herself better, used the right make up, used a hair style that didn't accentuate her round face, she'd be pretty. She obviously has severe body dysmorphia duh but imagine hating yourself so much you shoop yourself to
>>124680literally a different person.
It makes me pity her until I remember the fucked up shit she did to everyone around her.
Did the person who was gunna speak to manaki ever end up posting anything?
No. 124706
>>124684The problem, besides the shooping, is that she’s styling herself like she’s a petite Asian girl and uses techniques and hairstyles that would look good on girls with these natural features. She has Eastern European genes, that doesn’t mean her nose is fugly, it’s clearly not the worst nose I’ve seen ever. But she needs to style herself like what she is and not what she tries to Facetune.
It really does my head in when I see girls who can’t fit that style, try their hardest to be the palest dorito chip there is. Honestly, a light healthy tan and a good haircut that’d frame her face better would make her look less miserable.
Second of all, she’s always tense as hell, that’s why she never looks that good in candids. Whenever I see vids of her I feel like she has her butthole clenched to the max. Honest to god, she’d benefit from taking some acting classes and learn to relax in front of the camera.
Just look at some older or not so beautiful actors/actresses and you’d notice it’s not that they’re insanely beautiful, but that they carry themselves nicely.
No. 124747
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No. 124748
>>124640So you're sperging about how superior Japan is because they don't strictly follow one religion and then add stuff like
>care for animals>not abuse the environmentwhich is the exact opposite of what Japan is doing? Have you ever actually been to Japan or have you only seen it in anime?
No. 124758
>>124747I wonder if she is doing this on purpose now?
Her face, especially mouth looks so haggard and weird and it seems like she can barely lift her arms.
She really looks like an old woman here
No. 124773
>>124680My God, anon, I hope you're not seriously trying to suggest that the revoltingly ugly pointy chin freak picture is better than the picture which shows Venus with her natural, far more attractive face. But then, let's face it, anything would look more attractive than that ugly pointy chin freakface she seems to wish she really looked like.
Definite face dysmorphia going on in her mind if she thinks that hideous long narrow chin like an ugly old witch is better than her natural face.
No. 124812
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>>124640Japan actually has a lot of religious cults but okay.
No. 124814
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Red riding hood photos from OF. Her ass is just pitiful.
No. 124826
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>>124814I think this is more accurate
No. 124839
>>124826Jesus Christ that is scary, if she gets any thinner I’d imagine her face would look like that eventually.
Her photos are so awkward, whoever is taking them obviously hates her
No. 124854
File: 1607464555388.jpg (Spoiler Image,368.54 KB, 1080x1960, Screenshot_20201208-135658.jpg)

>>124814I got distracted in between posting this set, my b.
No. 124868
>>124856how it is consistently like this. i think must she edits these herself and has some kind of bizarre notion that ultra darkening is feels less exposed ?
that doesn't explain the random lightening (or sth?) in
>>124814maybe her ass is all scarred up? or fuckin, rife with stds like her mouth ?
No. 124869
>>124856intercrural would not even work with her 'cus she's such a skeleton kek
>>124826That's Venus in 2030
No. 124876
>>124856At this point. I’m pretty sure people are paying in hopes that she’ll degrade herself for money, and not actually fap to her content.
Also, I get the feeling that she doesn’t really want to do OF anymore, but she’s doing it because it’s her only source of income. She used to reveal more and promise hardcore content, but now it’s just half-ass click bait.
No. 124882
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I'm trying to understand what's happening there
No. 124893
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No. 124957
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>>124893Ah yes Venus, the photoshopped rubber stretchy man body is so kawaii
No. 124968
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>>124882For what ever reason she decided to use the liquify tool to shrink her legs down to either make her ass look bigger or to look more skinnier, the circled area is where the leg should start from so I un-liquified it to what she would have looked like before she edited it
No. 124996
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She posted this then within 10 minutes deleted it…
No. 125066
>>124748>>124752It's true Japan could do better when it comes to care for animals and the environment, but I hope no one is trying to imply that those countries who slavishly follow a religion actually show real concern for animals or care much about the environment, it's quite the opposite, and as for misogyny, well expecting women to be covered up from head to toe or face damnation is not then? And homophobia? Well we all know how homosexuality is viewed by the devout followers of any strict, (man invented) 'religion'.
So no, Japan is not perfect in that respect,but certainly not as bad as some of these countries in our world that spawn religious extremism.
And no I don't watch anime or hentai, and not really into any of the typical 'Japan things' that weebs are into, I'm just talking from how it is in the world. Japan is known to be one of the safest countries in the world to walk around in, and has cleaner streets, residents who show more respect for their fellow residents than most elsewhere and no shouting into phones on public transport, which is one level of ignorance not missed by anyone who visits there.
(derailing) No. 125070
>>124996Maybe she thought she never made her chin look long and ugly enough for her liking?
Srsly tho, why would she even worry about shmexy pix on IG? Don't loads of Instagrammers post shmexy pix w/ no worries? Why should she be any different?
No. 125074
>>125070Her simps who pay for her OF are pissed that she posts the same
and better shit to IG than the OF they sub to, and so in order to not lose those subs without having to actually make porn/better content she now has to stop posting her OF/shmexy pics to IG or lose those simpbux.
No. 125080
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>>124996I guess this is her version of bringing awareness to mental health
No. 125112
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She’s referencing AA terms in this post (whoopie drinker = habitual drinker). It’s fucking weird, no one in the comments understands. Bet she’ll delete this one later
No. 125168
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Why on earth does she feel like she needs to make this face constantly? I swear, in every video as soon as the camera is on her face she does this with her mouth (usually followed by her rotating her face around making other weird faces)
No. 125186
>>124677>Actually it’s not. She has coarse features, a bulbous potato nose, premature aging and unfiltered looks exactly like her goblin mother.Jesus Christ anon, she definitely looks nothing like her shoops, but she's not the fucking creature from the black lagoon. She just looks like an average woman here. When I read nitpicks like this I can't help but wonder what these anons look like.
To me it's milky that someone who already looks okay feels the need to edit herself this heavily. It screams mental illness.
No. 125189
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>>125186almost all of the horribleness of her looks comes from her expressions, before the editing hits
its some kind of psychotic gurning. see:
No. 125214
>>125186>>She just looks like an average woman here. When I read nitpicks like this I can't help but wonder what these anons look like.True, I dread to think actually.
>>To me it's milky that someone who already looks okay feels the need to edit herself this heavily. It screams mental illness.Exactly this. Most people with a brain can see it. Except for some of her deluded fans who seem so dim they believe she looks like every image she uploads.
>>125189>>almost all of the horribleness of her looks comes from her expressions, before the editing hits its some kind of psychotic gurning. see:
Um, but she doesn't actually look horrible here. She still has a pleasing appearance here, even if she is gurning, which I can't really see, it really isn't that obvious. It's not like she's pulling a really obvious stupid face. And any amount of images where she looks like her real self is infinitely more pleasing in aspect than those repulsive edits she uploads with the bug eyes and witch's chin.
No. 125333
>>125331does she have that much support though? nobody seems to notice what i showed above which is she asked for 1000 RTs for a pic reveal and she got 53. which is now 60, 3 days later
60 when she aimed for 1000
No. 125376
>>125244FOR FUCKS SAKE! Anyone could say the same the other way round, that as long as people fail to see that she is naturally good looking, this will continue. The reality, is, that people have their own, different, ideas about what they find good or bad looking.
Some people will look at a pile of shit and think it looks nice, whereas others will look at a rainbow and see something ugly.
Can we please stop the constant back & forth of she's pretty, no she's not. and the main offender seems to be the nutjob who is so obsessed with she's always ugly no matter how pretty she might look to anyone else that they feel the need to jump on anyone who even remotely hints that sometimes she might look okay. Its so bloody predictable from this "she's ugly" autist and also, very, very boring. No wonder this board is a laughing stock for this sort of thing over at kiwi farms. -No, I don't post there, or even read there that much, just occasionally, but I often see it mentioned at how ugly some of the women must be who post here because of their constant nit picking of how venus looks, and it's annoying, because , well, because we are not all like that here. ::rolls eyes:: why do I even bother? The obsessive nit picker will just be there as usual, with their "she's ugly and anyone who says otherwise should be banned" shtick.
( ::rolls eyes::) No. 125378
>>125244Lol, see:
>>125376It's never going to end. This is an age where people think photoshopping and drowning yourself in makeup into a nearly different person is "beauty."
No. 125384
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Oneesan venus more like concentration camp venus
No. 125385
>>125384Men look at this and can seriously think: "Wow she's so pretty! look at how pretty she is! mm those thighs are fucking tasty!" and really not sit there and think she's edited to hell and back and not even in a good way.
She looks like one of those asian grannies who look decent before age hits them like truck.
No. 125405
File: 1607713494856.jpeg (272.58 KB, 1047x1327, 5329040D-6EE5-465F-99B1-5B56F6…)

Taking time out from her super busy and STRESSFUL schedule of Doing As Little As Possible to rest, you guys. Poor thing must be worn out!
No. 125409
>>125405her edits are so so bad… like you can tell she is not even photoshopping herself anymore, she is just using easy filters from asian beauty apps… the quality of her content used to be WAY better than this, her videos were nice and sharp and most of her pics were okay too. but now it feels like she is in like 2007 with these stupid filters only old people use nowdays… knowing she is a 'youtube star' i would expect a lot more especially because she's been on the internet for quite a while now. she is even adding stupid gemstone stickers and hearts lol. and it's not even ironic it's just pure trash.
she has like the newest phone and macbook, what the fuck is she even doing??
No. 125422
File: 1607720405037.png (76 KB, 262x217, 2020-12-11 215941.png)

>>125405Now that looks a bit familiar
No. 125430
>>125429Also..Could the excessive nonhuman edits be something like her malice days when she was OK just being a virtual cartoon girl?? Or influenced by the the fact that Manaki was more interested in 2D girls?
Maybe she doesn't even care at all if she is making a completely fake character that isn't her, and maybe likes it
No. 125472
>>125398This anon
>>125376 is def white-knighting. It's just pointy chin sperg that can't accept anyone thinking Venus is ugly OR EVEN average. pointy chin sperg can't stand those pointing out the obvious.
>>125384This pic is horrendous. I wonder what her simp think of the 100 different faces of Venus?
No. 125481
File: 1607750271074.png (64.49 KB, 624x348, Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 9.15…)

I feel like I have heard this countryside home mentioned before but cant remember when/where
No. 125502
>>125481>gunna renovate and entire homeYeah sure you ar-
>and make youtube videos againAHAHA this is the most unbelievable thing I've read in a while
No. 125518
>>125507Can't really blame her for turning out like that when her own mother is batshit crazy, but jesus fuck she should go to therapy, I think we've been saying this in all of her threads before
>inb4 "they don't do therapy in Japan/do it differently/it's complicated" online therapy is a thing
No. 125525
File: 1607761412288.jpeg (409.34 KB, 828x1020, 3AAB4CE5-25A7-4FCB-9E1F-089F4C…)

Was scrolling through my feed and stumbled upon this 3 min vid on Venus. It was only posted yesterday and has 100k~ views right now
Typical thing of her being forced to be a living doll. Funny thing is they painted Macaco here as a terrible stalker who stole a mother’s daughter. They actually added that she’s has an only fans now and is in the “adult industry” and is now “free”
It’s the first time I’ve seen anything on Venus’ story that includes she does sex work now
No. 125528
>>125525God she's such a bitch.Notice how she walks away from all her relations with people as the
victim and their horrible, evil goblins.
>>125481>also gonna renovate my homeYou mean your sugar dads home. Is she able to purchase a home on her own in Japan? Did she actually save up?
No. 125667
>>125622What if she had enough money from Of and YT? Does she have to have a real job or job at all if she hypothetically had enough money. I've never bought a home so I have no idea how it works, especially not in Japan.
I assume she's snagged another sugar daddy or living with a friend, especially since she says she'll be making YT content again, which is what she did when she was leeching off Manaki in the comfort of her pink little room. And yeah, she's probably trying to pass someone else's home as her own, like she did with Kitano's business. Remember she said she had offices and a studio that wasn't even hers and claimed her "connect Japan with the world" was her business and then anons found Kitano and saw that it was his business and he was getting her all her gigs. She even called sugar daddies and/or Kitano's associates as her "investors" LOL.
>>125620It amazes me that you can't even call her average without pointy chin sperg getting pissed. I mean, without all the editing she looks rather plain. In more candid pics, you can see how saggy her skin is, all the wrinkles around her eyes for someone her age, how dull her skin looks likely from her dieting/restricting and so forth. Sometimes she looks more put together, but is still rather plain.
No. 125672
She worked in that bar for one day, and it wasn't even work, it was promotional and she got the role because she had a YT channel, which is very different from making a resume, applying and attending an interview, but she considered it a "real" job. I remember when she looked down and insulted people working real jobs, she said "been there, done that" when she actually hasn't. She leeched off Kitano, vtuber manager, sex work, random promotional gigs like the bar and that pitiful voice acting play thing, her new mononga inc insta page (or whatever it was called). When has she ever made a resume and applied like everyone else and actually landed a job? I bet she'll consider that "strictest ramen chef" video as having worked in a restaurant. What a joke.
No. 125722
>>125694The lie is that none of us actually can know if she has stds or is on the streets. We see a picture or video a couple times a week. We see like .001% of her existence.
I imagine she is dependent on men given her residency, but if she is too lazy to regularly update her OF, I doubt she is running around the streets. She can get 200+ likes on her pictures on OF and I imagine that is a fraction of who pays 6.99 monthly. +all her PPV. IMO you guys sound like you are over exaggerating the situation
No. 125731
File: 1607839343980.jpg (284.46 KB, 1152x2048, 20201213_140202.jpg)

Her knuckle seems to be injured. Anyone can think of why?
No. 125756
File: 1607850914805.jpg (53.08 KB, 564x754, ezgif-6-7561eb31da2f.jpg)

>>125731she should just cut it all off and get a cute shoulder length style. Long hair on her just weighs it all down and makes it look thinner than it already is.
No. 125788
>>125756Well that's not a very good example. It looks like a horrible ugly wig. And who is this pudgy nosed person anyway?
As for the house in the countryside thing, didn't I read somewhere a while back that you can buy houses in Japan incredibly cheap if they are places that hardly anyone else would want to live in? -Like in an out of the way location in the countryside or whatever, or if there is something bad associated with the house.- And that the authorities would rather have those houses sold off incredibly cheaply, even to, gasp, foreigners, rather than staying empty.
No. 125789
>>125472>>This anon >>125376 is def white-knighting.You're mental if you think that was white knighting. White knighting would be praising her ugly edits not condemning them as I always do.
>>125691Probably because it's coming from an insane person. In fact the level of insanity here sometimes is really quite worrying.
No. 125790
>>125731Maybe she punched someone? Or got angry and frustrated and punched the wall?
Didn't momma dearest say something about her volatile temper and how she can get violent if she doesn't get her own way on something?
No. 125981
File: 1607956027011.png (208.04 KB, 243x334, 01.png)

>>125837Anyone who thinks that someone saying she edits herself into looking worse than how she actually looks is not white knighting and if you think it is, then you very definitely are stupid.
Note to moron: white knighting would be praising and defending her for everything she does, and thinking that her repulsive edits are justified or real. Like for example, a white knight would say that this picture of her looked beautiful, instead of the revolting spectacle it is.
This is ugly, her real face looks better than this, but then most likely almost any face would look better than this, only a nutjob brimming over with frenzied hate would think that saying that was white knighting.
Just because someone doesn't hate her with the exact same intensity as you do, does not mean they are a white knight. - Oh wait, of course it does, okay, carry on.
No. 125984
>>125879I just looked at her Instagram, she said on the beach picture: "Have you played or watched kancolle before? I played it and had to use VPN, it was super troublesomeeee but fun! Also gonna renovate my home on the countryside soon" That is what she said. It doesn't say that she played it in the countryside home, just that she'll be going there soon to renovate.
And on her latest elf lookalike picture she says she's drinking black coffee, don't people drink that to sober up? So perhaps she was drunk again.
No. 126013
>>125981How many times are you going to rehash this shit, pointy chin sperg? She's ugly in her edits, we get it. But she's average at best in candids. And I'm being generous. Looking beyond her aged skin and facial sagging, bloated masculine face, weird scrunching thing she does with her lips, dirty nails, ugly aegyo tape/makeup she applies and the wrinkled skin it caused, ugly penis nose, her margo naso-folds, dull complexion, greasy hair and so forth. She just looks a different kind of worse in her edits. She doesn't even look human in them. Her real self isn't that great either and it's not helping that she's ugly on the inside too, which just makes her even less appealing.
No. 126021
>>125989it wouldn't surprise me if she tried to get some sort of facial re-alignment to make herself look as ugly in reality as she makes herself in those appalling edits.
I'd say it's more facial dysmorphia than body dysmorphia because her awful edits seem applied only to her face.
No. 126030
File: 1608041438099.gif (38.06 KB, 220x155, tenor.gif)

>>125981>>126013Why don't you both shut up?
No. 126054
File: 1608050813293.jpeg (323.71 KB, 971x1264, D4B6683A-9E50-45A5-ABFA-E73515…)

Did this fool really go parading up and down a beach with her sad saggy lil asscheeks hanging out flapping in the breeze?
Also sad: she keeps tweeting stuff like “I’ll post x if this gets 100 retweets” but they only get 40-50. Seems like yet another fail by Weenus.(Nitpick)
No. 126063
>>126054Major nitpick but the messy wig irks me, it literally takes five minutes to make it look at least sort-of neat.
But we know she never pays attention to detail, bitch doesn't even bother to remove the sores around her mouth. Not sure whether she's ridiculously lazy or doesn't care enough (or both).
No. 126184
>>126168she does darken her crack in ps but that's just in addition to always having some or other dirt, fluid, awkward cloth placement, lens flare, hair, etc
i bet you cannot find one pic where her ass/between legs area looks clean and not sullied with anything
No. 126425
File: 1608180871946.jpg (52.59 KB, 233x318, 20201216_225147.jpg)

Benos is you on drugs??
No. 126447
>>126054 >>124893
i think these ones on the beach are pretty nice. i mean the outfit isn't that bad and the scenery makes it look kind of professional (i like the colour filter too). if all of her pictures looked like this she would be okay.
even though it looks nothing like venus, at this point i'm happy with anything thats not her being awkwardly sexy or porny lol
No. 126659
File: 1608266437670.png (1.8 MB, 912x1402, Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 8.38…)

Her newest set is better, she looks a lot less alien and I can actually tell that it is Venus. I think the hair color suits her
No. 126660
File: 1608266520112.png (2.24 MB, 1502x1296, Screen Shot 2020-12-17 at 8.41…)

No. 126761
>>126659>>126680>>126693Oh good lord, stop praising her for anything, even the teensiest bit of anything that sounds like a bit of praise regarding her looks, will draw out that weirdo saying how ugly she looks and always has and always will and anyone who says anything different shouldn't be here anyway & should be banned, yadda yadda yadda.
But yeah, at least these pics aren't bad, not the best, but not bad.
No. 126762
>>126761It's like praising Photoshop rather than the person. What sense does it make to praise something that LITERALLY doesn't exist?
So I kind of see the logic behind the "weirdos" as you call them. It's like if I say your hair looks fucking fantastic then you pull the wig off. Am I praising the wig and styling or you at that point?
No. 126853
>>126660I don't understand how this is called good editing? The filter is too much I can barely distinguish between where her jaw line and her neck start. Same with the other pic, everything is so edited you can't even see her Scapula, which every human being has xD it looks like she's made of rubber,and has no bones.
As a beginner artist, I've started learning abit of anatomy, and in these pics I don't see shading, no volume… its like she's drawn as 2D , they even edited the shadows of the curves. As if she's made of rubber or something, with no bones…. is kinda difficult to explain. It's just so bad
(xD) No. 126986
>>126766>>What's wring with thinking something looks nice? Nothing whatsoever wrong with it, but if you read what I said, my point is that anyone saying the smallest amount of something looking nice about venus's pictures and it enrages the obsessed haters who jump in at even the tiniest bit of praise.
I mean, come on, we all know she photoshops, but yes people can still like a picture even if it's photoshopped, can't they? Well, apparently no they can't, not here when you've got that rabid obsessive who jumps in every time anyone says something she posted is okay and not actually as bad as some other things.
And reading through the rest of the thread, yawn, and that is exactly what happened, so proving my point.
No. 126989
File: 1608403689416.png (991.83 KB, 717x717, 1.png)

She's taken to wearing a lot of wigs lately. I wonder what's going on with her real hair?
And if she's not shaving off parts of her jaw to make her chin look ugly and long, then she tries to cover it with her hand like she's doing in this picture.
I really don't get what her problem is with her natural chin and jawline, it looks way better than those horrible edits she does. Definite dysmorphia she has. It's so sad.
No. 127112
File: 1608431793926.png (1.35 MB, 912x1402, 1608266437670.png)

>>126901It's not. Only willfully ignorant anons and retards like that chin autist would say so, probably because they're afraid Venus will read here and then edit herself more, which is likely why they don't allow anyone to criticize her natural looks, or less edited edits or even dare say she's average. The neck/chin/ear area is totally warped and anatomically incorrect. The face/chin and collar is hella blurred compared to her body. Shit edit. We all know what she really looks like.
No. 127113
File: 1608431904105.png (1.07 MB, 844x759, 00000000000756.png)

Even in her "modelling" photos, the edits were shit. All the other models have normal edits, you can see the lines around their eyes, grooves on their face, shiny skin and normal skintone, whereas Venus is as blurred and over exposed as Onision. Her arm literally blurs into her torso in the bikini pic. Even photographers know she needs waaaay more edits than others to "look good."
No. 127154
File: 1608443527188.png (236.49 KB, 915x513, 000999.png)

I don't see any posts on here doing that except maybe
>>126020 >>126710
>>126761 and
>>126913 so how about you stfu when someone posts something you don't like?
Also, "momonga inc", Venus' managers/sugar daddy/whomever is working on it, got a logo. Is this shady "business" a pitiful attempt at staying in Japan, assuming she isn't on PR and actually got divorced? Her and Kitano seem to have split so she can't claim his business as hers anymore in an attempt at some business visa.
No. 127155
File: 1608443664847.png (265.99 KB, 917x511, 0007777.png)

updated logo
No. 127175
>>127154>>127155both look like they were made in paint. Both of them don't look like they were made by a professional for a professional business at all.
I feel so bad for venus, she wants to stay in japan so badly because she has nowhere else to go.
No. 127214
>>127107Well maybe the anon who you're replying to fits that description, but they were replying to me and I don't hate Venus, I might hate the ugly edits she does to her face but I don't hate
her, that would be insane as I don't know her, but there are nutjobs here who do hate her, like the one who can't stand to ever hear anyone say anything nice about her at all, even if it's only said grudgingly.
I think it's sad that Venus seems to hate
herself as much as she must do, to want to change her appearance so much, and especially considering that her natural face looks better than how she changes it in her edits.
No. 127274
File: 1608498187604.png (90.39 KB, 1548x284, Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 1.00…)

I don't think she has managed to meet this goal at all. Shocker. Every few days she says something like "Sorry! I meant to post yesterday! I'll post today and tomorrow to make up for it!! tehe" *Doesn't do that".
No. 127275
File: 1608498575997.jpeg (500.36 KB, 1034x1373, 051FDCBE-824F-4D99-91ED-2FA08D…)

I just don’t get how she can fail on her schedules every single time for years and years and still bother making them
No. 127330
>>127320she is one of the people who runs the discord server for venus, probably the only one who still bothers posting updates.
So venus is telling her all of this, she works for her.
No. 127509
>>127175I don’t
She fetishises the hell out of Asians and is dead set on living there to fulfill some idiot 12 year old fantasy. She’s going to be in trouble come 30 years old when she’s jobless.
No. 127529
File: 1608582384545.jpeg (369.14 KB, 1085x1024, 526247A7-60F2-4CCA-AA40-B3272B…)

Wait, so now Wenus is ADVISING people on “content creation and management”? On her new “platform” that she created (aka “I need a new visa”)?
Right. Ahahahahahahahaha
No. 127564
>>127529Get off your high horse, Venus! Hahahaha
You did have a lot of followers at some point, but nothing that you do is “good”. You are always late, fail to deliver, disturb people, and can’t even take care of yourself. You even have someone else speaking on your behalf on your own discord.
Is Venus an e-girl?
No. 127565
>>127529First of all, it sounds like all she has done is made a chatroom of some sort. Can that count as a “company?”
Second, I think by saying “the community builds its own skeleton” and “is self-sustaining” she means… “ I’d like to do the bare minimum!”
No. 127625
>>127342>>127340no answer to this? in light of these
>>127611 >>127608 i think it's worth looking into, since the kyrie discord guy was also a 'manager' for some young dumb twitch girl
No. 127629
>>127628>>127625> instagram>reodoraok yep it is the incel guy who stalked her now running her 'company' lolol. cos that's his twitch girl.
This guy posted details about venus sex life in the lolcow discord that tsuruko told him after he wormed into her dms. he also posted how he longed to get to meet venus one day (he is like a nurse or orderly scraping by in america) having lusted after her since she was 13
he used this reodora dummy as a sort of legitimation to get a reason to talk to venus 'be on reodora's podcast' and it seems to have bloomed into this
i mean good luck to him lol, venus is a far skeezier person than him and has already swallowed old man cum for much less than 'help with a website' or whatever this guy is trying to simp
still, funny that an incel from literally lolcow discord is her new manager jej
No. 127631
>>127629btw same anon but an alternate take is that he posted fake shit in the lolcow discord in cahoots with venus the whole time but.. i wish i could remember what he said it was posted in older threads
I remember one thing for sure which is he said she fell in love with and got rejected by her vtuber manager.
Maybe that story was a larp of wish fulfilment for that guy
No. 127638
File: 1608642238875.jpeg (304.11 KB, 828x1496, 146C4554-08FD-4408-B20A-BC0B7A…)

Ew all these loli looking girls and then that greasy scrote
No. 127678
top far left, miku wig and lilac wig girls eerily look like Penus' shoops
No. 127695
>>127638The girl next to weenus photo lives in my city and jesus she doesn't look like that at all
Can we erase that account? For humanity
No. 127715
File: 1608662727133.jpg (238.25 KB, 1080x1666, Screenshot_20201222_194453.jpg)

>>127704Yes… The comments on the photo are like "he is our best egirl"…
No. 127764
File: 1608681789402.jpeg (380.67 KB, 1094x1742, 34DE7457-EF3F-4F38-BA4C-F91037…)

Hey look you guys, Wenus’s latest fantasy “platform” is hiring! Get those resumes in now if you have “functional and relevant skills”!
Boy, this sounds familiar…where have I heard the same spiel before?
No. 127766
File: 1608682030487.jpeg (359.26 KB, 982x1529, FA6BE8B8-37E5-431D-A1CC-4001DD…)

>>127764Oh yeah, that would be back in the fall of 2019, when she “formed a company!” and was looking for “staff with skills related to media and financing.” (It never happened then either.)
No. 127786
File: 1608686019218.png (315.49 KB, 360x450, Yoda_SWSB.png)

>>126989>Definite dysmorphia she has.Anyway, Venus is most certainly a manipulative bulimic dumbass, but this thread is filled to the brim with salty fat bitches. You can just hear them huffing and puffing as they pound their keyboards with their sweaty paws, enraged that women thinner and more youthful than them exist, insisting that all women who are not morbidly obese must be just as sickly as Pingus.
>>127786>>127808oh cool now we have kyrie here promoting his grooming collab with venus.
don't forget she's pretty shady around kids and sexuality herself.
No. 127879
>>127852Kirie = name of the spokesperson on Venus’ discord.
Kirie = the name of the manager for a girl on Venus’
Kyrie = the name of someone who gossiped about Venus’ sex life in the past (he also went by Kirie)
Sorry I am slow, but nice detective work. Although I suppose they aren’t trying to be secretive about that.
No. 127916
File: 1608740409221.png (129.23 KB, 180x254, 0.png)

>>127786Well the post you're replying to is saying that Venus' natural, fuller, face is way more attractive that the un natural long thin face she tries to turn it into, so your reasoning makes no sense.
See this monstrosity for example. Her natural face looks better than this.
(responding to bait) No. 127919
File: 1608740942320.jpg (110.61 KB, 573x620, peenus.jpg)

Another wig, and as for the dent she's edited into her jaw! It would be hilarious if it weren't actually fucking sad.
No. 127923
File: 1608741527400.jpg (62.68 KB, 423x632, Venus beach.jpg)

>>127919OTOH, the beach pictures look better, there is no discernible dent in her jaw and it just looks an overall more pleasant image.
No. 128007
>>127923Coming to this thread is almost intolerable thanks to "Venus looks better without an ugly long thin edited face"/flipped text/rubber lips sperg. She does look better in these photos but it doesn't mean her natural face looks like that either.
>>127916 is actually a bit closer to her natural face than this.
No. 128037
File: 1608774097446.jpeg (348.3 KB, 1093x1586, 0EC944E0-AE49-4374-B781-156701…)

So by “roomwear” I assume she’s referring to “fleece jammies worn for days at a time without laundering” which is what she defaults to repeatedly.
No. 128041
File: 1608774508335.png (3.46 MB, 2048x1536, 264E68B7-C33D-4A65-BD69-67F901…)

>>128037As shown here in a screencap from a video months ago. I’m convinced this is how she spends much of her time. (This is what her unfiltered face looks like btw. Not “aesthetically pleasing.”)
No. 128117
To add to this redora/kirie thing, back when it was first opened "kirie" on the discord had the status of streaming on twitch and it was redora's stream. So either he was spoofing the status somehow or he was signed into discord on her computer.
>>127697Also this guy looks much like the guy who was tipping over $700 at a time on her early livestreams until his bank cut him off for fraud. one of them was the stripping naked in the internet cafe.
No. 128156
>>128119No need to feel sorry for her, she did this all to herself. She's the one who wants to continue doing this instead of finding a normal job. I do not feel sorry for her at all, normal people around the world struggle financially especially in these harsh times, and all SHE does is takes photos and edits herself and posts online and gets god knows how much money from this.
I don't understand how people still feel sorry for this person after all the things she's done, her personality is terrible, and you can't blame everything on your mother. She's the one who decided to do all the scam for visa, cheating Manaki, talking shit about him online, and then going out and using pedophile sugar daddies or god knows what. Not to mention the surgery she's done to herself, she's so vapid and superficial.
No wonder all her friends left her. She's literally alone, and surrounds herself with people who wanna use her, and vice versa.
No. 128189
>>128185>she got everything she wantednobody knows that. you don't know what she wanted. and nobody knows what their situation was. Maybe, just for example, she didn't love him and he loved her, and so she was racked with guilt over his kindness to her, causing her to be self-destructive. Or something totally the other way around.
Shit is her fault and she's trash but let's not project our own weeb dreams onto her ok
No. 128238
>>128187Most people HAVE not. Most people don't slander their mom's no matter how bad to a 2 million audience. Most don't claim they left because their mommy trashed their partner (who Venus also trashed AT THE SAME TIME even back then (hypocrite) then have the nerve to make that video calling marge out), most don't commit VISA FRAUD, most don't pretend to love someone to get away with visa fraud when their real goal was to get to Japan and they make up that stupid story how their mom said mean things to their partner (as if they even cared), most don't fetishize Japan and leech the system too lazy to get an education and immigrate as a skilled worker.
Most don't say their mom wanted them to divorce, then when it's convenient claim their mom FORCED them to marry, most don't steal a YT channel (yes, it's technically stealing if both Marge/V worked on the channel and Venus takes it and continues to leave ALL of Marge's videos up(ones she scripted/edited/filmed/came up with)), most don't laugh at the prospect of their significant others death and go on multiple channels slandering them, most don't send their rabid fans after their SO, most don't kill their hamsters and treat animals as accessories, most don't make up mental illnesses and use them for attention, most don't use and discard people, most aren't eternal
victims, most don't REPEATEDLY CHEAT on their SO and make up a story about how their SO is asexual/into anime girls when before she said he couldn't stop staring at her ass/kissing her.
Most don't MAKE UP ABUSE and aggrandize/embellish their entire lives, most don't claim they're special/eccentrics on the likes of successful business ppl like Trump, most don't STEAL other people's businesses and pass them as their own, most don't blame ALL their managers for their shortcomings (one manager is too controlling, one lets her do whatever she wants and that's apparently bad, one is mean, one should just fuck himself, most don't have sugar daddies (trying to pass them off as "investors") or use others to couch surf/leech and then lie about it, most don't DATE PEDOPHILES FOR MONEY then claim it was out of lOvEeEe to justify their thirst for money, most don't USE AND EXPLOIT SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN to bolster themselves, most don't screw over their managers.
Most don't use mental illnesses and sexuality as personality quirks, most don't look down on people who work REAL jobs, most don't invent PERSONALITY AFTER PERSONALITY when it's convenient, most people don't behave sociopathically, most people don't contradict themselves NO WHERE NEAR the amount Venus does, most people don't pander and expose minors to sex work, most people don't milk their ED for money, most people don't suicide bait their customers or scam them…
This doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the things she's done. And if I was to list all the lies and contradictions, it'd be like 50 pages long. Venus is a pathological liar who buries all her shit because her fans only care about her (fake) internet looks or her simps only care about her naked (edited) body.
But yeah, continue to WK her and make excuses. She ISN'T "making mistakes." She's a shitty person who intentionally does bad things because her greed for money knows no ends, just like her mommy, and she's fully cognizant that she can just make up things to mold reality however she wants or act cute to get away with things, just like Marge said.
No. 128241
>>128189It's very evident what she wanted. To get to Japan. She never loved Manaki, she even admit to this. You don't break up with someone, trash them to your mom, then get back together and almost immediately marry them, then cheat on them in Korea, then go live with them. She most likely did cheat in Korea because she said she had sex twice (apparently she's still a virgin LOL)and the first person she listed was not her husband, only the second one she listed as Manaki. And we know she cheated afterwards because she made a pater ad/had sugar daddies/said she dated girls (but apparently Manaki was okay with the latter since by that point they were living as friends for the visa fraud). There were supposed "friends" on here and PULL claiming she cheated, faked therapy, berated Manaki which is evident in her videos among other things.
And of course, she fetishized Japan since she was little. So yeah, getting to Japan was her main goal and she got what she wanted. She found a guy who could make it happen easily through visa fraud instead of skilled immigration via education. She got a guy who showered her with gifts, acted as her personal cab driver, picked her up, encouraged her to make friends, even supported her YT which she pressured him into starting (she mentioned she got Manaki to start YT and wanted him to be weirder).
She had a pink room full of toys and no real responsibilities like paying rent, working night shifts and real labor like Manaki. She was spoiled and claimed Manaki was the love of her life, the same way she justified dating a pedophile out of love and not because they were a tool in getting what she wants (money, place to stay, visa etc).
I will agree that she didn't get the love life she wanted since at the time she was only interested in getting to Japan and using whomever she could to do so. Life life was irrelevant at the time. She didn't love Manaki. He was just a tool. I know you didn't mention it, but we've already debunked her slander video. Manaki was not a leech (she was) and he definitely wasn't some major abuser she painted him to be. Her examples of abuse were being against her surgery and not wanting her to wear weeb lolita outfits all the time when going to casual restaurants to which she proceeded to have a tantrum, and instead of understanding where her reserved partner was coming from, say she would shove a shinkansen up his ass. She was definitely not wracked with guilt lmao. She once shared an image on Twitter about depression which ranked depressive feelings like guilt, sadness, numbness etc and she put "guilt" at the bottom. She's an opportunistic user and sees people as tools, that's it.
No. 128244
>>128179Except Venus claims she wanted to be a whore since very young (I believe she said she started reading hentai as an early teen and if her claim is true, this is when she started wanting to be a whore/dumbest slut). But when marge takes somewhat sexually suggestive pics, suddenly poor weenoos was forced and didnt like it or the 80K she made from it. Yeah Marge is shit for allowing that, but stop pretending that venus is this poor little
victim forced into YT when that's not the case. And there's literal proof she was not isolated. She went to public school. She hung out with friends. She went to language school. She went out and about. Margo shared plenty of pictures where Venus was surrounded by people. Venus only starting claiming she was isolated after lurking PULL and seeing them say it. If she couldn't connect to someone, that in large part on her. I remember she had a blog where she would shit talk her other classmates. But yeah she isolated and Marge prevented all friendships and locked her up. Please. Isolation is just another thing she can add to her embellished story to make it look worse.
(quit sperging) No. 128274
>>128244She didn't say that bullshit until she had already ruined her easy live-in visa scam with Manaki and needed a way to make money, so she used that lie to justify making OF instead of getting a job with her imaginary PR/marriage visa (which she probably no longer had and hasn't for a while now). There's no way a girl like Venus goes from acting like an uwu blushing loli virgin when she married Manaki (in hindsight probs to get people off the thought of them having sex bc she didn't actually like him, they even had separate bedrooms) to wanting to be a sex worker since she was little (which is a red flag of abuse, not an excuse wtf?).
She went from being a virginal loli tease to posting a mirrored cumdump titty pic and starting OF way too fast for it not to have been all about money after Manaki stopped paying her living expenses. Her being there doesn't mean he's letting her stay there for free. I think some simp offered her cash for the cumdump tittypic and she used it to start OF when she saw yen signs. That first pic wasn't like any of her other OF content, and if she's doing it for money to live then it explains all the weird costumes and fetish pandering, as she's trying to appeal to as many simps as possible rather than make better content for regulars.
No. 128286
File: 1608885140497.png (2.89 MB, 1788x1428, 00022334.png)

>>128041Keep in mind, this isn't entirely what she looks like. She has a ring light and probably facial smoothing to an extent so she'd look even worse IRL, where you can see just how aged she looks. The bottom two Venus images in the attached pic illustrate this. One wasn't shot with ring light and outside with Cathy and the other is in her room manipulating lighting/smoothing and all that. There's a huge difference, so I'd say the image you posted is pretty generous.
It's pretty easy to make yourself look better, even on camera (Mikan is a perfect example of this). I also included what Mikan looks like in natural lighting versus sitting in her room in front of a window manipulating lighting/facial blur so you can see just how drastically these girls manipulate themselves even on cam (as Mikan's an amazing example of this).
No. 128290
>>128274She had a blog post, I think she was like 12 or 13 where Margo took her bra shopping because she was going through puberty and at that point, she wrote she didn't want to grow up and wanted to be cute/retarded forever, so I definitely don't believe she always dreamed of sex work. But it's possible she started reading hentai in her teens and maybe even wanted to take some of those sexually suggestive pictures, especially if it made her big bucks. Most of what she said about sex work is contradictory. Like Margo forced her (sure) to do sexual pics but also, she came from "a christian home" where stuff like that was taboo and got slut shamed, which vindicates Marge somewhat. So like which is it? Nothing she says ever makes sense and she just rolls with whatever makes her look the most victimized, which is why I don't believe Marge forced her into all that. She also said Marge leeched off her, only to tell us Margo was her manager and had previously worked 12 hour shifts.
>>128253Someone in Japan would have to report her for visa fraud and because she has a different name, finding her Venus Angelic stuff and history wouldn't be as easy. If she has PR or another visa, she won't be leaving anytime soon. She did mention having a home in the countryside (either purchased somehow or leeching/crashing with someone), which may not be in Japan for all we know. But I doubt that, unless she was recycling old photos. I do hope she gets deported some day. Criminals and leeches like her are an insult to genuine couples who try and get PR and get rejected and to all the legitimate immigrants who work hard to move to Japan.
No. 128303
File: 1608891839280.jpg (18.02 KB, 750x603, 39n4dj.jpg)

>>1282901000% agree with you on the last statement.
Time to pray for her deport cuz that bitch is a leech doesn't deserve to stay in Japan
No. 128312
>>127629Interesting. So I guess the idea wasn't actually Venus'? After she did the podcast with him, it was probably incel Kyrie's idea to start some type of project with her as a way of staying in close contact and relevant to her.
>>127631>she fell in love with and got rejected by her vtuber manager. If that's true it would make sense why she bashed the manager calling him a failure or something, claiming he was the reason malice failed and claiming he was too lax as a manager. Is kyrie also the guy who said she tried to fuck her manager? Is there actual proof tsuruko told him legitimate shit?
>>128117>Also this guy looks much like the guy who was tipping over $700 at a time on her early livestreams until his bank cut him off for fraud. one of them was the stripping naked in the internet cafe.Woah anon, when was this? Can you elaborate? It seems all the people involved are shady af. But it's run by other people, so as long as Venus doesn't tell them all to fuck themselves like with Kitano & co, I can see it lasting since they'll be managing it for Venus while she slaps her name to it.
No. 128488
>>128290Won‘t happen
Lorena got reported a lot of timeand ahe is still in japan wearing a fake wedding band
No. 128535
>>128491>>128506To officially change her name on all documents, yes, she would have had to do it in her home country. Whether she took Manaki’s last name or created a whole new weeb name. There’s no evidence she ever got a chance to do that so all her government documents must still have her maiden name on them. When she talked about renewing her passport a while back, she showed a current passport that still said “Venus Palermo”. It seems she never officially took Manaki’s family name, and never wanted to.
However, Japan allows people to register a legal alias, tsuushoumei, for work and daily life. Your original name will remain on your resident card and passport, so the Japanese government will be aware of which names you use in Japan. The most likely possibility is that Venus is using a tsuushoumei for her “work” and bank account, but passport information is the same as before.
No. 128554
>>128514She's not talking in the first one. And there are plenty of other screenshots that can be taken to see she looks just as bad when she can't manipulate the camera in her room. As someone who has seen her IRL, I can say that she looks just as brown (rather than how she prefers to whitewash herself), just as tired and overall bad. It's not reaching. She looks more like those screens than in her pics or videos in her room. Same goes for Venus. I was just pointing out that the pic the other anon chose as "bad" is still a rather generous pic/screen, due to the ringlight. She looks much more haggard when she's in natural lighting, which is also more true to what she
really looks like. It's also a great contrast to the retard anon who likes to say her beach/holocaust photos are barely edited.
No. 128558
>>128556No. Japan views foreigners as having romaji only, so her name in Japan is Venus Palermo. You can't register katakana or kanji onto a residence card. Most Japanese banks also started not allowing foreigners anything but the name on their residence card (= romaji) on their accounts a few years ago.
There are two options to change your last name to your Japanese spouse's in Japan:
1. Go to your embassy and have them change your name officially, so she'd be Venus Okada
2. Keep your name the same on your passport and just get an alias (the tsushomei
>>128535 mentioned)
No. 128563
File: 1608970446451.jpeg (49.74 KB, 506x271, 1566925331599.jpeg)

You're not fooling anyone, Venus. Especially with those "big" eyes. Looks like she's trying to go back to her Margo-era like posts with her cutesy pseudo-happy posts, just casually sweeping all her shit under the rug as if it never happened, which only makes everything more jarring.
No. 128573
I just re-listened to the Podcast that Reodora and Kirie did with Venus about 8 months ago (because Reodora and Kirie are both involved with Momonga, so it crossed my mind), and at that time Venus mentioned that she was living in the countryside and that it was a lot less hectic than Tokyo. She also talked about how she has spent her whole life editing herself and how she now can’t “stand editing myself” and that at some point she started seeing herself as “unbearably ugly” and how her perception of herself got “a little bit distorted”.
Anyhow, that is all old milk. But I hadn’t heard it in awhile, and recently have been not believing her “countryside” claims… but she brought it up 8 months ago. And she acknowledged her dysmorphia. Anyhow, she seems so much more human after listening to the podcast from last April. Not a fan usually, but felt for her when listening. No. 128587
File: 1608993652634.jpg (233.72 KB, 1080x1561, 20201226_222824.jpg)

It actually makes sense now. Venus is as vain and vindictive as Drizella. Not only do they look alike, they share the same soul too. Venus is the real life Drizella.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 128596
>>128563Still trying to cover her lower face in that latest insta post i see. So insecure, not cute like she probably thinks it is.
Some photographer guy (kazztakahashi) in the comments saying he wants to work with her again.
No. 128625
>>128587doesn't work because the doll looks like actual margo. the format of this 'meme' is also the lamest thing i've ever seen
and you're actually acting shocked and betrayed that her alien edits aren't her real face so i wonder if you aren't like 60 years old
No. 128661
>>128643It‘s not even a meme. Don’t know what it’s called but it’s not a meme.
It‘s just made to insult and it’s pretty lousy too.
No. 128663
>>128587It’s not funny it’s not creative and the text is just embarrassing.
Probably made by a girl.
No. 128676
File: 1609032997974.jpg (1.33 MB, 3264x1836, pt2020_12_27_09_35_18.jpg)

Don't they look alike xD and that was even venus' real raw face without make up.(xD)
No. 128682
File: 1609033850922.jpg (116.85 KB, 1080x845, 20201227_094921.jpg)

This was the time when venus applied to be in an idol group and they interviewed her. Unfortunately, they never called her due to her reputation in Japan. Lol!
No. 128684
>>128676Ah you are the Pull bitch who lost it after Venus made that Instagram Story about Ken and the abused Boy and his mother.
I still remember how you went nuts afterwards. You belong in the nuthouse bitch.
No. 128686
>>128680You don’t get it do you?
I don’t like Venus. Most people don’t give a shit about Venus.
You are so emotionally invested in what people think about her. You hate her with such an intensity. You are sick.
No. 128690
File: 1609036465613.gif (1.45 MB, 453x344, iu.gif)

Me opening this thread:
No. 128694
File: 1609037434555.png (4.11 MB, 750x1334, A174B54D-21D5-4FD5-BF5F-CCD825…)

No. 128781
>>128684The mad hater was there even before that. They got called out in PULL and stopped posting but they are still here and always were and probably always will be.
>>128686>>Most people don’t give a shit about Venus.
>>You are so emotionally invested in what people think about her. You hate her with such an intensity. You are sick.Something I've been saying too, for ages.
>>128779Picture would have been reasonably ok if she hadn't shaved off part of her jaw. She always does it more on the same side too, her face ends up looking distorted and ugly because of her obsessive stupid editing in trying to look like her idea of an anime girl.
No. 128794
File: 1609093104554.jpeg (275.61 KB, 750x945, 9CDB7C39-C2B5-4DC6-8A9C-31ECD0…)

Venus using the child filter on face app kek, also she’s trying to look more and more Japanese as time goes on
No. 128866
File: 1609116903778.jpg (1.79 MB, 3264x1836, pt2020_12_23_15_31_09.jpg)

>>128794Ah, but the real venus will always look like this. Coz that's her real face
No. 128937
File: 1609135539642.jpg (20.02 KB, 320x240, sae-10.jpg)

If you watch My Peach Girl anime. You would realize Venus is the exact replica of Sae Kashiwagi.
No. 128977
File: 1609169805564.png (13.97 KB, 640x488, Untitled.png)

No. 129085
>>128977Hey anon, this
>>129076 thinks were one lmao! You tell him buddy.
No. 129118
>>129117Oh no, it's retarded…
No. 129177
>>128976>>128977I posted the above and the image was the last time I posted anything until now, just to clear up some confusion that seems to have arisen here. I usually sage all my posts unless it's an image.
>>129085LOL, I don't know why anyone would think that, but whatever.
>>129104Hey, the only post there of mine is the picture. I always sage most everything I post here, unless it's an image. I created that because of venus's ugly edits, she probably thinks the 2nd image there is beoootiful.
>>129161It's surprising that she's still got an OF, seeing as how she abandons everything else she starts. In her latest IG post she talks about her gang members bringing her the champagne, someone in the comments thought she meant the yakuza. she meant her girl friends, so wait, what? Venus actually has some friends??? I wonder if any of them are actually Japanese or just more gaijin like herself?
No. 129222
>>129161It’s been pretty slow. On the 27th she posted a couple of those beach cosplays with the life saver thing (so, from a set that we have been seeing since September) and on the 22nd she posted 2 pictures of herself on a hotel bed. On the 16th she did have a decent PPV that had more nudity than she’s done before (censored meow meow, but nude)
So she hasn’t really been meeting her “biweekly posts, and weekly PPV” goal. But don’t worry because she also said that there will be something “super spicy” coming up and it’ll be “even more lewd” than what she has done so far.
No. 129416
>>129380Not really in terms of her being there for her regard of "work." Japan is FAR more strict about it because you HAVE to be contributing especially if foreign. Most countries accept you if you have a ton of money, Japan would too BUT only to an extent, they don't want another bubble burst happening.
In terms of a social setting, she doesn't know Japanese well (it's obvious) so work, school or not she'd still not have any connections.
>>129412Japan is actually quite the special place especially compared to many western countries, but it's in ways that normally doesn't pertain to non-natives.
No. 129460
>>129416No one was talking about working in Japan, the conversation was about her not having any friends (especially not Japanese friends).
>>Japan is actually quite the special place especially compared to many western countriesSpotted the weeaboo
No. 129471
>>129460Keep up with the topic, her visa status was brought up numerous times.
>Spotted the weeabooSpotted the butthurt whiteknight.
No. 129520
>>129471I'm a whiteknight for calling out this weeb?
I have literally never defended or liked Venus but ok, go off
Anyway, we all know that Venus is most likely committing visa fraud, but the conversation was about her making friends (or lack of lol), not about her visa. kEep up.
No. 129628
>>129520Does anybody know if some of her „old“ friends before OF talked about their currently „friendship status“ with Venus? E.g. Mikan or youstolemyapricot?
Her „newest friend“ June seems not so important and the big BFF like Venus announced they would be… I wonder, if she still has „real“ friends
No. 129711
>>129668They didn't mean you, they meant Venus you absolute tard.
Unless you are Venus lol
No. 129738
>>129713Yes, I didnt like when she did that it was very
triggering for my eating disorder. I'm not mad at her though, thanks for being understanding.
No. 129776
>>129762I dont have to prove anything to you, but I'm getting sick of this website so I could careless about hiding my identity anymore. Just stop making fun of me/others online. Dont you girls have anything better to do. Being a public figure isnt easy at all it's even harder with people like you. We are humans too. The PULL site got deleted and some day LOLCOW will too.
>>129745Its "you're shit" not your
>>129776You're ALMOST incompetent enough to be weenus but fucked up on:
>Just stop making fun of me/others online>I'm getting sick of this websiteWeenus doesn't admit her true intentions.
No. 129828
>>129713I really don't get why Venus would think she is 'big'. she's just an average height and looks really skinny. Maybe it's because being surrounded by people like Mikan, poison dwarfs, midgets make her think being an average size is 'big', ridiculous. And I know Japanese girls have a reputation in the rest of the world for being 'tiny' but that is a stereotype too and certainly does not apply to all Japanese women, quite a few the same height as Venus if not taller.
I've often thought if Venus really does lurk here, then why doesn't she post something to refute some of the claims made about her, and maybe that anon is Venus, or maybe not, but i wish she would post something saying it's her and explaining at least something about Manaki and other stuff that have been talked about in here, and like, just put the record straight, if she doesn't want people here talking shit about her, at least engage in a reasonable way and explain a few things truthfully, that people just speculate about.
Why doesn't she just defend herself and explain some things if she doesn't like what people say?
No. 129992
>>129964She puts this tape on her lower eyelids that is supposed to make cute puffiness under her eyes / “aegyos sal” (popular in asian cosmetics)… but she isn’t the demographic that was designed for, so on her it just makes her face look aged. It looks more like old age or wrinkles on a Caucasian face (it’s meant more for people who dont have a defined lower eyelid).
Also it is pretty normal for your face to age a lot with rapid weight loss, because you lose volume in the face. She caused that in her obsessive pursuit of being smol
No. 129997
>>129976If she has gained "lots of followers" is probably because she goes to that popular hair salon in Omotesando and they are always tagging her and putting her pic on their ig ( it's called Number76 btw).
Also people saying she's thin… saw her ugly ass a couple of months ago walking out of Cookie Time ( that place seems to attracts lots of gaijin weirdos) and she is not that thin or "petite", and def horse face.
Haven't seen Venus around tho but if she is walking around without makeup I wouldn't recognize her .
No. 130009
>>129990>Venus' post are filled with filters while mikan's is all naturalNot trying to be mean but I would kms if I had a nose like Mikan, and that's
with the filters and one surgery (iirc). Venus does actually have a cute face and suits kawaii clothing. Mikan looks like she's in an ill-fitting costume most of the time. Give it up, fam.
No. 130013
>>130011Also if it was Mikan selfposting, what an utterly shitty move to post that brag in the thread right after "Venus" posted (no idea if it was her, but Mikan obviously thought so)
No wonder Venus doesn't want to be your friend any more, could you get any more passive aggressive than bragging in her lolcow thread - on a site where 0 people like you? extremely ill-advised
and nasty move. What a piece of shit. (maybe Mikan thought she would be well-recieved since her whiny post on PULL about her sex work was, but lolcow users tend to have more braincells than pullfags)
Anyway, fuck off Mikan/Mikan-fan.
No. 130034
>>129897That girl, Azusa Barbie, with the pink hair is Japanese and has said she's 5'6" or 5'7" which is about the same height as Venus I think.
Also Azusa is 39 yrs old but looks yrs younger than Venus, at least in pictures and videos. probably because she doesn't try to lengthen and narrow her jawline to look like a long faced hag like Venus does. Probably one reason why venus does hardly any videos now, because it's not so easy to make her face as ugly as she does on her IG posts because in her mental illness she thinks that is what looks nice.
That awful picture with the bottle she posted, everything intended to draw the eye downward to give the impression her face is longer and more narrow, she's obsessed with creating that illusion and it's insane because it's the opposite of youthful or attractive.
(sperg, derail) No. 130242
File: 1609678732377.jpeg (512.56 KB, 1242x1525, 46506500-DB28-40ED-A2BD-7ABE54…)

this might have nothing to do with Venus more than serving as proof that she has shit friends but Mikan was the one posting about herself here for sure. Very sus insta story attached.
Posted 3 hours ago.
check the rest before she deletes them.
No wonder why you feel like shit with yourself, you don’t have decency to treat your mentally ill friend who also lurks here with empathy.(not a mikan thread)
No. 130284
>>130166Right. Most people pulling the kawaii crap only pass if they heavily edit. Even Venus isn't cute enough for it if going by her natural face (she looks better than Mikan but she's not cute/good looking). Mikan is atrocious, even edited – does not suit kawaii, but more edgy stuff.
>>128866That's not entirely her real face. I've seen her in person and I can say her eyes are much smaller, she doesn't have that puffy thing under her eyes (she uses makeup/editing and tape to make that puff) and her eyes are actually deepset like in her toddler photos, she has more wrinkles esp around her eyes and visible pores/redness around her nose and although she's pale, she doesn't glow that white. Her lips are also longer, she's pressing them together to make them look smaller and "more doll-like" there. Her nose also looks bigger. She's taller than she claims.I believe she said 5'5 but I'd say she was 5'7 or so.
>>129312Her "friends" probably involve kirie and co,since she is working with them now. She also has to be living with someone as she likely can't rent in Japan with OF as a job, so she has a friend or sugar daddy to crash with. I don't think she has a genuine friend though, given how narcissistic, manipulative and emotionally vampiric and selfish she is.
No. 130285
>>130242This is from Mikan's instagram? There's a simple solution that these bitches just can't seem to fathom. Don't read your threads. Simple. No one is posting this stuff on your IG/YT and so forth. She self-posted in the uk thread too, trying to defend her cheating/pursuing Yasu WHILE he was still with his ex, so wouldn't surprise me. Def deserves her own thread, she's a huge cow like Venus. Probably
triggered when that anon posted her unedited ugly face.
No. 130366
>>124470 That is very offtopic but do you remember that creepy neckbeard David who tipped Venus in her streams to eat spicy stuff, further hurting her allready damaged stomach?
It seems he is now after Eugenia Cooney. He tipped her 1000 dollar(!) last week in a twitch stream and the after day that he demanded a refund because he was "out of my mind". But she didn't send it back. I just find it hilarious, because that guy is so annoying.
Seems like he really fetishizes girls with EDs and sees them as easy
No. 130391
>>130379 It's definitely him. He was in her stream, called himself "DavidUK". After tipping her he told Eugenia to look at her DMs in Instagram because he made her some kind of offer there. On his IG profile you can see some pictueres of himself and there is the same David we have seen on the Venus Angelic thread.
This profile is deleted now. But on the Eugenia Cooney thread at Kiwi Farm you still can see screenshots of it.
(off topic) No. 130506
>>130484I see it as karma on Venus. When Margo was still managing Venus, they used to do shady shit to other girls like Yukapon, Xiao, Valeria, etc. Some of them didn’t even deserve to get shit on.
Honestly, Mikan might be shitty, but she’s not as vile as Venus.
No. 130511
>>130506Nah she's just as nasty as Venus and with fewer excuses for being so. Mikan is a straight up cunt who was part of a facebook group dedicated to trashing other girls looks.
Venus is a fucking disaster no doubt but she was raised by a fucking disaster. It was always gonna be fucked for her.
Mikan on the other hand has massive unwarranted ego for no reason and always manages to hurt others to lift herself up. And she jumped into sex work a lot faster than Venus just to play for the absolute necessities of a nosejob and ticket to glorious Nippon.
No. 130526
>>130481Who the fuck wants to be a little shortarse tho?
Just why? Taller women look more elegant, if they are reasonably slender. Why do you think most fashion models are tall? Because they make the clothes look better . On a little shortarse, under 5'6" they'd just look insignificant.
No. 130531
File: 1609856094530.png (1.02 MB, 717x717, Screenshot_2021-01-05 Venus on…)

no words, kek
No. 130532
>>130528Venus might have aged like sour milk but Mikan actually looks like Jafar from the original Aladdin if he shaved his beard off kek
I Know Venus wants to be smol and is probably jealous of Mikan's height but Venus is infinitely more attractive and "kawaii uwu" than Mikan could ever be
No. 130608
File: 1609898318933.jpeg (328.04 KB, 1125x1842, 782DD437-D91A-43CB-A748-0D57E9…)

No. 130609
File: 1609898391306.jpeg (242.74 KB, 1088x1735, DCE57DCB-9FC0-4684-B437-15F4B9…)

No. 130683
File: 1609929258161.jpg (57.29 KB, 710x1065, RisaAoki.jpg)

>>130531I don't even get what market she is trying to fill at this point? What's the point of larping as a Japanese woman when there are so many beautiful actual Japanese women. Petite idols with dark hair and pale skin. I don't get it…
No. 130709
>>130542Maybe, maybe they've been conditioned by society to think that looking small and 'weak' will mean people, i.e. 'men' will want to "take care" of them, yuck.
I'm about 5'7" and I think I'm average height for a woman, quite a few are shorter but then quite a few are taller too, and tbh, I'd like to be even taller. I like cutesy styles but don't think anyone has to be tiny to wear them successfully.
(blogpost) No. 130713
File: 1609950983166.png (12.67 KB, 424x61, Screenshot_2021-01-06 Venus on…)

LMFAO! Not the first time people have commented about the ugly chin she photoshops onto her face.
No. 130717
File: 1609952251675.jpg (25.92 KB, 466x453, o.jpg)

She's turning into the ugly witch more and more with each new pic she posts, this makes me think of her in so many ways.(extreme autism nitpick)
No. 130719
>>130609Brace yourself for the
"It was a joke guyz! I'm such a clever troll and you don't get my amazing sense of humour" Venus post number 8540.
No. 130800
>>130781It is totally possible that her whole life is "trolling" people, but to me she is just as sick if that is true. I mean if someone with a support system, friends, education, etc., chooses to do some trolling, it is kind of funny. But when a girl with very little left, trolling the internet constantly while she is alone, with no other skills, diminishing fans, etc., is kind of sick and sad. Eventually it will catch up to her, she will be 30+ with no friends and a million embarrassing actions on the internet forever
No. 131031
File: 1610084463976.jpeg (257.58 KB, 1125x1844, 7E2BA612-B4BC-4A1A-A216-3523A8…)

Venus is giving me Margo vibes
No. 131076
File: 1610114487743.jpeg (943.09 KB, 828x1400, A1A05376-6920-4BA6-90F1-DDF325…)

>>131031Before she deletes it
No. 131078
File: 1610114548311.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2312, Screenshot_20210108_140114_com…)

No. 131088
File: 1610116903606.jpeg (1.58 MB, 3797x5112, 6CF3657E-BC58-4E0A-B2DE-BAA098…)

Her comments right now are so manic it’s troubling, almost like she’s on something
No. 131092
File: 1610117905268.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.83 KB, 1080x499, Screenshot_20210108-094153.jpg)

What a comeback, Venus.
She is on one right now with Margaret harassing her. Feeling ~sassy~.
No. 131098
>>131078Her left hand is bruised. She keeps on getting these bruises. Is this self-inflicted or she got into another
abusive relationship again
No. 131106
File: 1610124011195.jpg (64.52 KB, 842x476, edit.jpg)

>>131078FFS, her editing is getting worse and worse, how much more can she shave off her fucking jaw before it disappears altogether? She didn't even make sure it was not so obvious this time either, looks so dreadful, tf is wrong with her?
No. 131115
>>131093This. The escaping Margo saga brought her a lot of views and sympathy and was the pinnacle of her so-called career.
Since slandering Manaki/Ken/insert
ebil manager name's here, didn't work as she thought, she resorts to the ~poor wittle Peenus vs Marge~ narrative.
Also, just like Mommy Dearest she talks a lot but never ever provide any proofs/screenshots. Kinda sus imo.
Idk maybe it's true (Marge being crazy enough to pull that kind of stunt) but it's getting hard to believe Venus at this point.
No. 131123
File: 1610128464452.png (135.52 KB, 1506x392, Screen Shot 2021-01-08 at 9.49…)

Venus will be predisposed guys
No. 131156
>>131092the irony being venus used so many people herself, including her batshit momager.
I'm curious how margaret can "ruin" her life. Does she have some leverage or something?
No. 131188
>>131092chinsperg btfo
now that you got your fucking obsessed comment across to her you can shut the fuck up forever
No. 131208
File: 1610151211430.jpg (569.78 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210109-081001_Ins…)

Venus was hanging out with some menhera girl
No. 131211
>>131189you can find a lot of her old stuff on NicoVideo
her account: are other accounts that reuploaded her stuff but I cant be bothered to look for them now
No. 131239
File: 1610158397016.jpg (258.2 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20210108-211151__01…)

>>131208Looks like they're all just sitting around drawing and doing origami. Where is she?
No. 131241
File: 1610158503060.jpg (226.12 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20210108-211217__01…)

>>131239Samefag this was a drawing venus did for the girl. Nothing milky or worth mentioning though
No. 131280
File: 1610174472398.png (10.28 KB, 383x132, images.png)

what's the difference between mikan and venus? Venus is fake, Mikan is real. Venus is a retarded dumb hoe, Mikan is a matured, dignified, smart ass decent lady. Venus is ugly without make up, Mikan is still naturally gorgeous without make up. Venus is surrounded by fake love temporary supporters to leech on her infamousity, while Mikan is being showered everyday with "GENUINE" love and has tons of "TRUE" friends. Which is what makes the fangelics and venus herself fume in jealousy, bitterness, in-denial and overwhelming insecurities. Because, Mikan is luckier in life than venus. Oh! Actually, venus is very unlucky she had to prostitute herself just to buy more unnecessary expenses of kawaii plushies and sanrio items to brag to everyone. She claims Tsuruko would be aprostitute someday if nobody helped her financially. Look who that claim bounced back to. Yikes! And also, venus heard the news that her dear mother margaret has now financers, so out of spite, she invents a fake rumor claiming the opposite about her mother. Unfortunately, she got a lot of ridicule and her mother's financers didn't stop supporting her. Venus is definitely on a downward spiral hahaha! Seeing everyone she's so insecure and jealous of doing okay in life, drives her to insanity. Oh and also… Read the picture posted by Margo. LOLS! #SolidBurn Margs, Solid Buuuurn. HAhaha!
No. 131283
>>131280lul! must be why venus is a hardcore drunkard. Couldn't accept the fact that she's a mistake. Her father did abandoned her tho and couldn't be bothered to see how she's doing in life now. So yeah, margaret might be telling the truth. Ouch! Your own family that doesn't love you.
oof! Bad people attracts bad things as they say.
No. 131284
File: 1610175354701.png (286.94 KB, 1286x976, Screen Shot 2021-01-09 at 15.5…)

>>131280I don't do this usually, but… Mikan?
No. 131287
File: 1610176005111.jpg (Spoiler Image,119.85 KB, 934x652, Untitled.jpg)

Picture this in your mind everytime venus tard mentions a thing about sex. Coz that's her job that you girls like and support so much and that's her pussy she's so proud of. Fufufufu!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 131331
>>131280>Mikan is still naturally gorgeous without makeupPlease asslick yourself in your own thread, Mikan
>>131287Warning for anyone who clicks: some creepy vagina picture edited to be "funny" save your eyeballs
No. 131333
>>131332Also it's possible these ones were by Venus pretending to be Mikan, but these posts and previous ones have too much knowledge which has never been discussed in the thread, so it's definitely
someoneThey seem to think lolcow is like 4chan when it's more like an anonymous Twitter/Tumblr. They stand out like a sore thumb.
No. 131334
File: 1610191447930.jpeg (832.63 KB, 1125x2075, 3360E18D-6AD4-4F9C-83CF-6A69AE…)

Holy moly .. Margaret is in rage-mode
No. 131337
File: 1610193232616.jpeg (343.02 KB, 1125x1987, EC547957-14D0-4A2A-BE31-9F90D9…)

Foto editing into the unknown.. good Lord.. to be fair.. it‘s these purikura-thing
No. 131339
File: 1610193735392.jpeg (300.91 KB, 1105x1975, 6799E44D-DDC7-46BB-985B-ECDF88…)

One of the girls posted a short video of Venus in her story (made a screenshot). Not bad seeing her unedited face.. she is not a ultra beauty.. but she looks normal and fine here. A lot better than her edited fotos. Her hair is nicely done, you can see that she tried to make an effort.
By the way.. one of the girls follows a the „suicide cute“-trend in Japan.. I don‘t the correct Japanese term for it.. a lot of young people express themself with this trend and show that they dealing with depression and thinking of suicide.
No. 131345
File: 1610196319226.jpg (227.07 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20210109_134323.jpg)

She met up with Tsuruko too
No. 131347
File: 1610196674973.jpeg (226.93 KB, 1125x1407, EC58EAD2-1E77-4B90-AEC6-0AB558…)

… and that's the mother..
No. 131351
>>131156All we've seen is the accusations she's made on her ig. It seems a lot of what she said about venus that no one believed, her ed, drinking etc, turned out to be true, but as to some of the more outlandish claims, venus abused that child herself, venus killed manakie, venus has tried to kill her or threatened her, venus is a millionaire, I saw someone on venus's ig say recently that margaret had told them that venus was a kgb spy, I mean, come on!
How could margaret know anything much anyway when she has not seen venus or had any contact with her for years?
Venus did promise a video with manaki a while back, which never appeared, [surprise surprise] and she has promised a video now about her mother's demands, but i wonder how long we'll wait for that to appear?
I think they are both psycho to some extent, the question is which one of them has the most amount of pyschopathy?
No. 131371
File: 1610205275163.png (11.42 KB, 433x97, -.png)

Seems like not all of her fans are being fooled by her anymore.
No. 131374
File: 1610205645924.jpg (257.51 KB, 821x796, !.jpg)

No. 131386
>>131337Are you 80? It's a filter.
>>131369This is an imageboard, sweaty.
No. 131388
File: 1610210964669.jpeg (598.26 KB, 746x1047, E682850E-0435-47CC-8A6D-6755B2…)

No. 131398
>>131337She looks asian in her own stories
>>131208And then white in her friend's.
Plz Weebus embrace your race, you were born this way, there's already 4 billion Asians on earth they're not as ~speshul~ as you think
No. 131400
File: 1610213527871.jpg (80.87 KB, 490x610, 0.jpg)

>>131388Some of the comments on there are hilarious.
No. 131425
>>131414She said happy birthday on the wrong date because apparently venus wished her a happy new year on the wrong date. She clarified in a comment. As for the hollywood thing, she most likely means back when her and venus were together, venus allegedly accepted pedophilia promotion but margaret refused, then venus went on to pedo pander on OF. She's basically saying venus would pretty much do anything for money, which we already know. She also claims venus abused that kid, whose sexual abuse she exposed and used to bolster herself. Venus claimed it was her boyfriend who did the abusing. The manaki being a pedo was from a few years ago, but it was still really odd that she wrote that as a "joke."
>>131388I like how she says her followers are "kind of friends", yet in a video she said they were nothing but consumers and prior to that said she "genuinely loved" them. She can never be consistent. She also mentioned she had friends randomly. Could the person posting here earlier actually have been her given that they mentioned having friends (and were pissed about that)?
No. 131436
>>131429In areas where there are predominantly poorer people, it is generally accepted that those people will be shorter in stature. but what I'm saying is that in spite of that dictate, most women I see around are not as short as you are saying they should be. The average is round about 5'5" or 5'6", which is roughly my own height though I may be slightly taller, as it is it is nothing unusual for me to encounter women taller than myself, though it is true many are shorter, but generally speaking, most are around my height, I don't often see women a lot shorter than myself, which if what you say is true, they would be. (As it is, I don't regard myself as particularly 'tall' and wish I was a little taller as taller women look better in fashion.)
No. 131442
>>131436I think you can't generalise too much, as not all people of a certain race or nationality are going to be the same and there is more diversity now in people's heights than the stereotypes might suggest.
Azusa Barbie has said she is 5'6" but did not mention it in relation to being regarded as "tall", no one said anything about that.
Some people seem to be offended at the thought that others may regard a taller height than 5'4" as being 'average' rather than 'tall', when for me, tall would be around 6'.
(derailing) No. 131523
File: 1610253767479.jpeg (655.89 KB, 750x1294, 58EADA0A-1391-4EBB-BE9F-8478A1…)

Fucking Einstein over here
No. 131529
>>131523“Not having a stomach”
This woman really thinks her daughter is somehow alive without a stomach! She obviously has one, the surgeon sewed off a section of her stomach he didn’t remove it.
No. 131536
File: 1610260574125.jpg (267.55 KB, 1080x1239, Screenshot_20210110-173222__01…)

The yaoi hands are back in full force
No. 131553
File: 1610275685957.jpeg (207.99 KB, 646x721, 3B4D8822-921B-445C-9227-3DDB67…)

>>131536She reminds me of that badly photoshopped family that went viral a few years back, she’s blurring out and covering her facial lines and that’s why her smile look so uncanny, looks like she just copy and pasted a smile onto her face and not her actually smile
No. 131586
>>131536The comment section on ig has been hilariously lighting up with comments about her hand. Explanations abound, from her holding something against her ear, like a cellphone which being a pastel shade supposedly blends in with her skintone so making her hand look longer, to her using filters to make her face look more narrow and so elongating her hand too. To people saying that all Japanese girls use filters to make themselves look different to how they usually look. Thing is though, that those filters are made for Asian faces and Venus is not Asian, just wishes she was, so the effect is bad when she uses the filters.
When Asian girls use them the effect would be to look
different to their natural look, not to look
worse than their natural look, but when Venus uses the filters, the effect makes her look worse than her natural look, and that is why people are commenting because they can see this, it's just sad that she can't.
No. 131593
>>131559Adrenochrome, a song by The Sisters of Mercy, see video.
Plus: "A centuries-old anti-Semitic myth is spreading freely on far-right corners of social media—suggesting a new digital Dark Age has arrived."
Margaret has also claimed again, that Manaki is dead, but with nothing to back up her claims and not saying how, if true then how did he die? If she knows so much, why doesn't she show proof? Or at least explain, properly, what she knows. But there is nothing. I hope Manaki is alive and well, and I wish something could be shown to prove that he is.
No. 131736
>>131593>>131734Probably OT, so apologies, and don't want to derail, but The Sisters of Mercy were ahead of their time. I'm just surprised that this 'thing' seems to go back such a long way, not just something appeared in recent times.
We'll turn away in a passive decision
We'll take the steps through the unmarked door
A look back for another collision
But the boys of the spires
Are boys no more
Not black and red boys
Frightened by the night
By the catholic monochrome
The catholic girls now
Stark in their dark and white
Dread in monochrome
The sisters of mercy
High tide
Wide eyed
Sped on adrenochrome
For the sisters of mercy
Filled with
Panic in their eyes
Dead on adrenochrome
We had the power
We had the space
We had a sense of time and place
We knew the words
We knew the score
We knew what we were fighting for
For the freedom
The time to choose
But time to think
Is time to lose
The signals clash
And disappear
The shade too loud
And the sound unclear
For the
High tide
Wide eyed
Dread in monochrome
Denied in spite
Disliked in monochrome
Panic in their eyes
Dead and monochrome
The sisters of mercy
On adrenochrome
The way is clear
The road is closed
The damage done
And the course
Imposed you
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Andrew Eldritch
Adrenochrome lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
(adrenochrome sperg, samefagging) No. 131840
File: 1610421269650.jpeg (169.17 KB, 749x760, FE84BF7D-68B2-4A77-8F24-1CA88D…)

No. 131842
File: 1610421360290.jpeg (213.33 KB, 750x1016, 1A0AACB9-4684-458F-BC65-67C57E…)

Calm down margo omg
No. 131857
>>131842>>131840Clearly a Margo side-account, but still, no comments lmfao…
"Fact" #3 and #6 is something I haven't heard of. When did Weenus drank piss? Am I missing something here? What a fucking mess.
No. 132181
>>132041>>132154 This is the only set that comes to mind, but that liquid doesn't even look like piss
>>98387 Unless anon is talking about some other post that we don't know about yet.
No. 132425
>>131557Marge is on the verge of becoming a psycho Qtard with that rhetoric but I guess I can't say I'm surprised with the weird shit she has been posting the last couple of years
No. 132498
File: 1610678403305.png (1.89 MB, 1492x1198, Screen Shot 2021-01-14 at 6.39…)

sooo scary
No. 132581
>>132498Could cut paper with that ugly chin. -she'll probably take that as a compliment.
What a fucking state.
No. 132583
>>132516To Venus, that's probably the most beautiful sight in the world.
TF is wrong with these people?
No. 132672
File: 1610752615989.jpg (28.68 KB, 612x491, x.jpg)

>>132498This is the 'real' picture Venus posted. Stop editing her badly shooped photos even more
File: 1610753884728.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1064x1896, 58A99DB2-9F4D-4F59-8131-0D9B0A…)

You obviously edited the OP picture because yours is cropped exactly like it. Here is one zoomed out looking like the first one posted
No. 132775
File: 1610803868570.jpg (606.06 KB, 1080x3798, Screenshot_20210116-082832.jpg)

>>132672Just some more proof that isn't the original and you took the unshooped photo from the PULL discord. Did you not notice the original photo a few messages up?
No. 132923
File: 1610867008418.jpeg (23.9 KB, 200x200, E8349D4F-6DB2-4CC2-90B6-AFC674…)

Listen man, She looking like annoying orange sis in the earlier photo tho…
No. 133054
File: 1610924978869.jpg (370.21 KB, 1080x2030, 20210117_170909.jpg)

Ok wild question but is this Margaret
No. 133121
File: 1610940161774.jpg (88.06 KB, 1080x440, IMG_20210118_042059.jpg)

Is this Venus? LMAO
No. 133214
File: 1611001489791.png (7.4 MB, 1125x2436, 44EEC3DF-982C-45D9-AA2F-DB3BD3…)

Momonga doesn’t seem to be doing anything, they just have these random pictures with 50-200 likes over the past month. I don’t understand her vision for this
No. 133261
File: 1611017830123.jpeg (485.48 KB, 1125x1055, 2108A5AC-E4F2-4BBA-B794-845C09…)

>>133258I don’t remember her saying she was busy with mom things, but she did say she was going to be away around the same time she posted about her mom on Instagram.
No. 133359
File: 1611067621688.png (938.26 KB, 566x718, -.png)

Another repulsive edit.
No. 133360
File: 1611068111115.png (665.72 KB, 559x719, -.png)

Lazy fucking bitch, can't even make sure her ugly edited image is round the right way when she's holding fucking text for people to read.
What a fucking moron, and her edits are getting even uglier, just imagine it without the wig, yuck.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 133451
File: 1611108147385.jpeg (19.42 KB, 171x200, 539EB7B8-7C67-41BC-AB1D-9D0B0D…)

>>132526you just unearthed a proper memory inside me there anon god bless
No. 133469
File: 1611117555430.jpg (327.05 KB, 1080x1552, 20210120_113721.jpg)

A comment from the giant hand post
No. 133535
File: 1611167839097.jpeg (466.72 KB, 750x1045, 183E7FBA-E658-45A6-A248-50EE21…)

Another alien-esque selfie. The way her fringe falls makes it look like she has a unibrow. Unfortunate.
>>133534Yeah, absolutely no surprise there lol
No. 133541
>>133535this is probably her worst edit she's ever done. It doesn't even resemble her, all her features have been smoothed out, and the colors look terrible. How wasted is she when she does these edits??
>>133469I really think at this point they should just go after her instead of asking nicely. It's been a year I'm sure they can put w.e she owes them into collections or something akin to that (even if she doesn't have a visa). I'm not too familiar with how japan works but in some places they'll go after you for it if they know where you live/find out etc.
No. 133624
File: 1611189800036.jpeg (322.86 KB, 1085x1744, A029CBA1-6D99-4BC2-8188-EAE0A8…)

>>133469Their instagram. Wenus sucks for stiffing this little company. Fucking deadbeat grifter. No. 133723
>>133535Whatever motivates her obsession into wanting to create the illusion of a long narrow chin? Every picture she ever posts now is edited and composed in such a way as to draw the eye downwards to attempt to make it seem her chin elongates down into a long narrow point. Her face looks like it's melting downwards. I don't know why she doesn't get one of those long thin wizard-y type fake beards and stick it on. I bet she goes to bed wearing one of those face hugger things to try and make her jaw narrow and pointed.
And I bet that any 'help' she gets for her mental health won't even address this issue as she won't even see this kind of face dysmorphia as a problem, because she's so blinded by how beeeoootiful she thinks it is.
The rest of the world can see that it isn't, except her and any other delusional types who admire such an ugly look.
(go back to PULL chin-chan) No. 133726
>>133723At least she is obsessed with her own chin and not someone else’s chin.
I genuinely think you are crazier than her
No. 133853
File: 1611290517000.jpg (13.49 KB, 184x184, ac2fa821a29c963059ccf251d72e09…)

>>133849>chinfaggingthis should be added to next thread's OP
No. 133907
>>133624This is disgraceful. And lends weight to Margo's claims of her being a psychopath as they have no conscience about anything. How can she sleep knowing how she hurts others? I hope this small company can get some help from somewhere to get their money from her that she owes them.
>>133637"TO THE BEST of our knowledge, there is no cure for psychopathy. No pill can instill empathy, no vaccine can prevent murder in cold blood, and no amount of talk therapy can change an uncaring mind. For all intents and purposes, psychopaths are lost to the normal social world."
No. 133909
File: 1611327888130.png (843.98 KB, 573x717, Screenshot_2021-01-22 Venus on…)

I'm not surprised she'd choose to be a cat. They like torturing and killing small defenseless creatures, it goes with her nature I guess.
And LMAO at how she's completely hiding the lower part of her face [wonder why?] and given herself bug eyes so no one would ever recognize her if they saw her irl.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 133935
File: 1611338127327.jpg (198.61 KB, 1022x1912, Screenshot_20210122-115346__01…)

>"Why don't more people sell their soul to Satan?"
LOL so edgy
No. 134021
File: 1611390084530.jpeg (355.73 KB, 1125x2035, 1C7DBCD9-D92B-4660-BE4C-5BE74E…)

Oh wow… I did not know that she has another TikTok account than “Dollyvenus”. I wonder where the videos were taken.. I doesn’t look like a hotel nor her own room..
No. 134026
File: 1611396419238.jpeg (Spoiler Image,357.95 KB, 1125x2030, 59DF8D66-6EC0-467D-A2C4-2A3BDE…)

Here is another picture.. and I made more screenshots.. can I post them one after another or will I be banned for it?
No. 134030
File: 1611399277757.jpeg (606.68 KB, 1108x1599, B20827F7-FE11-4222-8752-FD4C16…)

I assume that this must be a picture of Venus with many levels of abstraction. soo Kawaii..
No. 134041
>>133960Her mother is so insistant that venus killed him or is responsible for him dying, i wish someone would post some proof that the poor guy is still alive.
>>134021She's had it a while. But what's up with this picture? The proportions here are way off, she looks so weird in so many of her pictures, below the waist it looks like it belongs to a different body, her legs look in the wrong place, or something is wrong.
>>134026Another one that looks really weird. She's kneeling with her lower legs folded back, but the way the picture is composed it just looks like she has really thick legs. I wish she would pay more attention to how her pictures are composed. I almost wonder if she does it on purpose, it happens so many times.
>>134030I don't always see it when people say she looks like her mother, but if I didn't know better I might of thought this was Margo.
No. 134042
>>133469If she isn't paying her invoices then she has no money and is more broke than she lets on.
>b-but anon she buys clothes! Which aren't nearly as expensive at once and a few odd pieces are likely purchased by male fans, plus she rewears stuff and never goes anywhere so most things look new despite being in her possession for years. Her subs are mad because she barely produces content despite her promises, and we all know the money flies out the door when the subs do.
She's grifting and living off the charity of stupid men, leeching just like mama Margo. Except Margo is too old to sell being youthful and mentally ill as a reason for needing money from others and not having her shit together, which is why shit hasn't worked out so well for her.
No. 134049
>>134041I never said she killed him. But using and discarding him for a visa, having him as a living prop for videos, taking advantage of language barrier to spread malicious rumors,lies & wishing death upon him, throwing tantrums/acting like a brat in public when asked to tone down the weeb and sending her fanbase after him is… Idk, quite a shitty thing to do to someone you claimed to love sOoO much~
>inb4 Manaki was a pedo We've talked about that countless times, there's no use beating that dead horse once again.
No. 134053
File: 1611417624712.jpeg (347 KB, 1125x2051, C02127EC-D2CD-4EA7-9CC0-F27A69…)

Sorry.. but the video was too fast.. that’s why it is so blurry.. her bellybutton looks a little bit strange..
No. 134060
File: 1611422408977.jpeg (256.85 KB, 1187x1562, E0EB663B-CE97-4DD9-A195-28F5FF…)

>>134030Wow i didn’t know the I feel fantastic mannequin had a tiktok! How cool
No. 134065
File: 1611425205247.jpeg (376.06 KB, 1040x1995, 4C3BF6A1-F9FA-408F-9D23-C0379D…)

I took also screenshots of this video. Probably it was taken in a hotel or elsewhere but not at her room….?
No. 134066
File: 1611425361266.jpeg (328.52 KB, 1124x1953, EABAEDE1-DF8A-4DB9-A700-E06AA9…)

No. 134196
File: 1611494451909.jpeg (391.74 KB, 1125x1993, 82464415-3E35-4A1A-A626-0E6A45…)

>>134177Anon is referring to this one..
No. 134247
File: 1611520005185.jpeg (247.62 KB, 1075x1590, 938EB3D4-1D92-4D3F-B371-227F1B…)

>>133750>> One of them said in a post (in Japanese) "let's meet again after you leave the hospital".Here’s the post. Wenus’ “friend” says that hospital comment was ‘a joke.’
Wenus once again rocking that unkempt hobo ‘just rolled out of bed’ look.
No. 134265
>>134247The translation is off
She wrote that Venus is pretty and cute. She is glad that she met Venus and she likes her a lot. That girl hopes they can be friends after leaving the hospital
No. 134304
File: 1611564815629.png (2.31 MB, 1811x1203, new_resident_evil_game_screens…)

I have no words… This shoop is horrific.
No. 134333
>>134311How many more times are we going to hear "she should go back to swizzleland"?
I'm sure if she wanted to, she would. And what is there for her, apart from her mother and maybe other members of a family she want's not a lot to do with?
The same when people say she should be deported from Japan, but where to?
At least she's settled in Japan, speaks the language well, understands and
loves the culture, and has friends there. Why the hell would she even want to leave?
No. 134335
>>134333Agree with this.
Also I don’t think she’s checking in to a hospital. She hashtagged an onsen/bathhouse
No. 134336
File: 1611590323486.jpg (162.06 KB, 711x1264, 20210125_125613.jpg)

No. 134369
>>134336She sure looks like she belongs in the psych ward with those crazy eyes…
Love how she's portraying being an inpatient as some kind of kawaii edgy menhera sleepover and milking it for likes and views. Never change, beenoos, never change.
No. 134371
File: 1611608667239.jpg (199.45 KB, 720x720, 20210125_210239.jpg)

>>134336At least they have something in common kek
No. 134404
File: 1611615263192.png (191.68 KB, 315x469, Screenshot_6.png)

They are best friends now. Also promoting their accounts.
No. 134409
>>134333>her mother Marge doesn't have to know she's back. She could just take a break from social media and fly back quietly. At least she'll have citizens rights. But I guess Switzerland isn't kawiwi and azn enough ?
>she's settled in japanGoing from love hotel room to room and making money from sucking grandpa dick doesn't sound like "settled"
>understands and loves the cultureWe don't see her post much about Japan apart from kawiwi shit and animu do we?
>has friendsShe had Mikan, the apricot chick, Ella Freya but she's ended things with them since long. And those new menhera chicks look almost as crazy as her
No. 134420
>>134409Idk I could see Marge finding out where she is and stalking the hell out of her. She’d have to use her real name and all that to get housing and other things. Margo would find her eventually. Venus is unstable but oh my god her mom is next level loony. Can you imagine that woman showing up on your doorstep one day?
I don’t see why she’d want to leave Japan. It’s where she’s clearly always wanted to be. Idk if she’d feel like she fits in anywhere else. She’s been closeted her whole life.
No. 134428
File: 1611618503758.jpg (216.63 KB, 1108x1478, EsTrjhOUYAAz_r7.jpg)

>>134423 i missed something. All her photos are photoshopped to hell with exteme ugly and unnatural results. Here's she without filters. She's so similar to Venus.
No. 134429
File: 1611618699503.png (204.1 KB, 267x340, Screenshot_3.png)

No. 134433
File: 1611619296112.png (198.85 KB, 291x317, Screenshot_7.png)

No. 134441
File: 1611622211943.png (287.51 KB, 293x468, G5G6D4G6DG45GDGJ.png)

>>134423she was doing tiktoks without mask at the hospital LMAO just another attention seeker bitch.
No. 134465
File: 1611627961715.png (692.6 KB, 1080x1203, IMG_20210126_112431.png)

The new best friend just posted an unfiltered picture of venus…
No. 134466
File: 1611628175005.png (61.96 KB, 328x476, JNYD56ESR56ST6.png)

No. 134467
>>134446try looking up "my melody room wear" or
マイメロディ ふわふわフリース ルームウェア
No. 134521
File: 1611657708395.jpeg (149.77 KB, 726x818, E69FF8ED-0216-47C7-8627-884CFD…)

Geeze Venus when we said you should make an attempt to interact with actual Japanese people instead of only with white weebs in japan, we didn’t mean the tryhard menhera girls.
Her new friend is so e d g y uwu
No. 134545
>>134420Of course Marge would find out where she is. That level of obsession doesn't just go away. She would find out and not rest until she located her.
>>134427She probably
could do everything she does now in another location,but, she doesn't want to. And why would she?
>>134521Is that supposed to be scratches on her face?
>>134542How could Venus be friends with anyone normal for long? Realistically? They would not be able to put up with her and she would go mad with frustration. Even June Lovejoy seems to have unfriended her when she previously had referred to Venus as a friend.
No. 134548
File: 1611673462370.png (877.38 KB, 573x717, 123.png)

Oh No! She's getting worse. What is this even meant to be? It's not even human.
No. 134551
>>134465Well the above is certainly better than this>>134548
There must be a reason why she wants to make herself look so ugly. Maybe hating herself so much is the reason, or she really thinks such an ugly look is prettyyyy. Tragic.
And where is she? It looks a bit clinical, not kawaii at all, just cold and clinical looking.
No. 134572
>>134557True, but considering her lifestyle for the past few years (shit diet, no sleep, no stability or routine, no skincare and rarely bathes) I'm thinking she may have a regular tremble now (and if not, I'd be surprised), and the blurry pics are the best she can do anymore. Like, maybe this pic was the best she could do, retake or no, because she can't stop shaking. IIRC back during her drunk streams at Manakis she was called out for possibly faking a tremble for sympathy, but that is a real side effect of long term alcoholism.
No. 134577
File: 1611684840428.png (384.19 KB, 957x500, G44GD56FG2A1N.png)

No. 134611
>>134548can you calm down? someone said to her 'why do you make these they look cartoonish' and she said she finds it fun, or whatever. she didn't try to claim that they are real.
so it's established these are sort of cartoons. we all know that her face doesn't look like that. and we all know these don't look 'hot'.
So it's lame to keep being outraged as if she made these to try to trick us into believing they're real and she's hot. Okay?
No. 134615
File: 1611692157894.png (1.24 MB, 2048x1152, F56GD5FJ56KAJ.png)

Next thread picture?
No. 134616
File: 1611692229055.png (715.9 KB, 1791x500, GFG456SG664K6KH.png)

Or just this one
No. 134635
>>134423Never KEK'ED so hard.
~Most dangerous in Tokyo~
Anon you okay? Get your weeb ass to Japan once before shilling out this bs about Kabuki
No. 134654
File: 1611709986042.jpg (211.56 KB, 498x893, jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj.jpg)

Mizuki (apricot girl) posted on Margo/Venus/Minaki
No. 134667
>>134656 omg i lpve this KEK
Why's Venus so interested in them? What wants she from them? They have nothing special. This doesn't seem like a good or deep relationship. Also how they communicate if Venus doesn't know basic japanese and can't even write well…
No. 134680
File: 1611722187641.jpeg (480.65 KB, 1124x2093, 1307D7DE-B26D-4C0C-8CDB-937994…)

… good Lord..
No. 134695
>>134667Venus’ Japanese isn’t that bad when it comes to basic conversation, especially when speaking with girls. Japanese girls are actually more patient with your mistakes and they tend to know basic English more often than Japanese men.
I don’t know why anyone is surprised by the friendship if they have common interests and similar psychology? Especially in this type of treatment center, people will create bonds with other patients like themselves. If it’s group talk therapy, then you’re definitely encouraged to make friends. (We don’t know the structure of the program) Sometimes it’s good, but there’s also the possibility of becoming codependent and behavior worsening.
No. 134712
>>134599Is that grotesque look a thing in Japan then?
If Venus truly admires that level of grotesquery then there's no help for her.
What person in their right mind would want to look as ugly as that, even if it is a 'thing' in the porn world over there?
No. 134714
>>134647Another reason NOT to go back to Switzerland. Might as well be screwed up in a country you actually love and are reasonably happy in.
>>134654Finally. I hope she can post some proof though. People are seriously worried about Manaki.
>>134662Right, and that's another reason to definitely NOT to go back to Switzerland.
>>134695I thought Venus was fluent in Japanese. Didn't that Sora guy say how well she spoke and understood it?
No. 134719
>>134654What's funny is that Margo initially stated this was just a THEORY, yet now she's pushing the hes dead narrative as if it's truth without any concrete proof. She sees vennus doing drugs and sex work and just assumes the yakuza is involved. She's going to look so fucking stupid if Manaki ever returns to SM. Venus is a fucking narc bitch who ran Manaki off the internet and used him, but she didn't kill him or hire someone to kill him and her court case was either related to her divorce, her doxxing of that kid or crossing/screwing over one of her "managers."
>>134611Doesn't matter. If you keep posting edited pics people are going to believe that's how you look because that's all they ever see, so she can say it's cartoonish (which i didn't see her say) but it's still catfishing. Most of her audience actually believe she has big eyes, for instance. Her "unedited" pics like her holocaust OF set or the ones on the beach are also insanely edited and she pretends that's what she actually looks like while these obviously edited ones are the "cartoons." She uses these cartoonish edits to pass her better/more natural edits as the "real venus."
No. 134720
File: 1611759689111.png (155.53 KB, 323x299, Screenshot_3.png)

>Hi…i'm so embarrased…about this…because i have big tits boobs tiddies blushes and everyone used to bully me for that gets angry but now i feel happy with them…please suscribe to my OnlyFans for see more of these big F cup giant titanic huge ones…btw i'm a natural pretty doll winks small insecure troll…don't be hard with me…cries
No. 134723
>>134715Your just choosing the most unflattering picture you can find because you hate her so much. It may not be best showing how pretty she is but still better than the abominable selfie she posted yesterday.
Some people are genuinely worried about her and posting nonsense about her natural face could encourage her more to go down the mental illness route that she seems to be already on in a bad way.
No. 134747
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had to crop it with beautyplus
No. 134781
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>>134572yeah the shakes are pretty bad when holding a camera
No. 134799
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>>she’s so naturally pretty troll is extremely persistent and determined.
No. 134800
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>>134799(She’s actually not. Unless you think margo is also “naturally pretty.”)
No. 134812
>>134771The other girl seems very excited to have her as a friend. She may be an edge-lord Menhera girl but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve to a chance to support and care for another person in her situation. My only concern is how Venus specifically promoted her to fans as a girl she met in psych ward instead of just a new friend. She did not have to emphasize that detail, or she could have at least been respectful. That signals that she WANTS everyone to associate her with “crazy girl” instead of someone she supports. The girl may have wanted it that way but it also makes Venus seem like she is using her for clout.
>>134799>>134800You’re just as annoying and repetitive as the chin-chin sperg. Different strokes, legbeard. You act like she’s Shrek or something.
No. 134828
>>134816This is a mass amount of assumptions based on so little info about their relationship thus far.
You’d think the milk was dried up the way some of you are sperg style reaching.
No. 134859
>>134799>>troll is extremely persistent and determined.Says the troll who jumps onto anybody who ever suggests that sometimes she looks pretty! And this picture here is not ugly, it's just your hate filter skewing your vision.
>>134820You really need help for that hate.
No. 134860
File: 1611832738402.png (352.42 KB, 399x405, 0.png)

>>134827>>>>134820 Jesus relax. What do you look like?This probably, lol.
No. 135066
>>135011I agree and to be very honest she was kind of cute years ago when she was with Marge even though she has never been a stunner. (Being a stunner has never been her thing as cute and childish > stunningly beautiful for weebs)
She looks the way she is due to a track record of bad decisions (alcoholism, surgery etc), lack of hygiene, possible eating disorder and body dysmorphia. (Skinny > healthy hair & skin)
I’m afraid we will never be able to compare, but if she didn’t have the mental issues, had some sort of routine in her life, exercised and ate well, I’m sure she would still look cute.
No. 135093
>>135066You agree but then proceed to go on about her looks. Can we just all agree that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, but I'm afraid that anytime anyone suggests even in the tiniest way possible that sometimes she has posted pictures looking pretty, the autist who hates everything about her will be massively
triggered and unable to stop themself from going on a rant about every single thing about her that they hate. And it's mainly that anon that makes it so unbearable here.
No. 135118
>>135093Wait…. so you can say that She is pretty or she was cute before, but you cannot say your opinion when you think venus is ugly? Like wtf her career is mainly based on how she looks like, so in this case I don't see anything bad to judge her appearance in a positive or negative way. if someone thinks that she is ugly, it's their business and they have the right to express such opinion on this forum, why u so
triggered by that kek
No. 135130
>>135121your innocence is adorable kek
People say shit, especially ONLINE where they are ANONYMOUS. Grow up. Autism attracts autism.
U won’t stop behavior like this from happening (since you mentioned yourself that it is not the first time this has happened)
and the best thing u can do Is just to ignore it, especially if you think that this comment is a shit and doesn't add anything constructive… when you know better, do better
Why being even
triggered by shit in the first place?
(infighting) No. 135277
>>135118You can have your own opinion of her and point out when something looks awful, but don’t quote another anon who gave her compliment just to rage like a psycho about how the anon is wrong for their preferences. Most people here are very neutral about Venus’ looks and don’t have extreme view of Goddess vs shit golem.
>>135235When it comes to straight guys, the bar is definitely lower and they don’t hyper focus on every imperfection like women do as long as they get off in something else. The only time we see men complain about Venus is when she is lazy and not releasing the content they paid for. So even if she is a hideous monster to one anon, there’s still guys willing to pay to see that “monster”.
>>135275Visually, I think a healthy version of her would be cute. But the way she has behaves and the way she treats people is what makes her forever hideous to me.
No. 135300
>>135277>>You can have your own opinion of her and point out when something looks awful, but don’t quote another anon who gave her compliment just to rage like a psycho about how the anon is wrong for their preferences. Most people here are very neutral about Venus’ looks and don’t have extreme view of Goddess vs shit golem. Exactly. The main thing that happens though and the main problem here, is someone will innocently say something about her looking pretty in something or other or at some time, and that alone will enrage and inflame the autist who hates her with a frenzied passion that is terrifying in its intensity and immediately post one of their rants, usually accompanied by one of the most unflattering images they can find after trawling through their vast arsenal of Venus pics to 'prove' their point.
Anyone who then disagrees or who even attempts a reasoned argument, gets the hater autist shrieking for them to be banned for daring to voice an alternative opinion to them.
If that one person was permanently banned, then it would calm down here a lot as people would be more free to occasionally express more reasonable opinions about her looks without fear of being shut down for not agreeing with the whole she's ugly and always has been and no one dare say anything different.
No. 136203
>>136177nta but neither beauty nor self esteem come solely from someone's physical appearance
and the progressive dysmorpho psycho shit is most likely caused by excessive photoshopping and stupid wishing to look like an unrealistic plastic doll, rather than online insults from rando anons
I doubt people who live in super rural areas of the world without internet ever have this dumb problem of 'my chin is not triangular enough' or 'my eyes are not anime enough'
try to think about it
No. 136414
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>>136404Please. She's average at best. When she doesn't look like a disheveled hobo.
No. 136420
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>>136404The aegyo tape she uses to make her eyes look protruding/large really wrinkled her skin. Even in the last photo in the blue sweater where she actually looks neat and put together, she still doesn't look pretty. "Objectively pretty" my ass. Maybe some of her edits, but not her true self.
(nitpick) No. 136454
>>136439Yeah I don't know why anons think she's doing that on purpose lmao, clearly those are natural eye bags and at this point they're reaching into unkawaii territory with the wrinkles, which is why she shoops them in pictures.
>inb4 whiteknights get bootyblastedI'm not saying they're ugly, it's just far from the ultrashooped fake pictures she churns out.
No. 136460
>>136459As pointed out here
>>135066Whether she is cute or not, there will always be men who will subscribe to her onlyfans because she’s 23 years old. Some men are just youth obsessed. She doesn’t have to put effort in her self care as long as there are men who will pay.
No. 136462
>>136300Well maybe they don't look as bad as when Venus does it, maybe not as exaggerated? I mean if she's trying to look like an anime girl, then she's doing it wrong. All anime girls I've seen may have massive eyes but their lower faces are wide, they just have a little point on their chin, they don't have the same ugly shape as what Venus does to her face in her edits.
>>136336Not this again, thought you'd been banned.
>>136404Autists here just will not allow anyone ever to say that without them jumping in and trying to silence anyone who does say it. It's the reason why it's impossible to have a
reasoned, sane, debate about her appearance without the hate-fuelled mob lurching in.
>>136414How many more times? And whatever, it's still better than the deformed and ugly edits she does. At least she looks normal, and human, and I doubt many straight men would think there was anything wrong with how she looks here.
>>136460And men who are youth obsessed usually are into even younger than Venus so she should really be concentrating on something she can do that won't rely on youth forever.
(infighting) No. 136543
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>>136420I was sure you edited those pics to make her look older and more bad than she actually is but omg I just took a screenshot straight from the same video and she does indeed look like this wrinkles and all
No. 136602
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>>136549Obviously this app is not a legit science at all but funny I guess. I would guess in her 30s, she has more wrinkles than people I know around 29-30. But she might just have unfortunately scrunched her face up
(autistic nitpicking) No. 136633
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Don't you guys get sick of spamming these threads about whether or not venus is attractive? I find it hard to believe that everyone posting about her flaws here is more attractive than her. I don't even like the woman but jesus christ it's so repetitive
No. 136870
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>>136730I imagine many of us have just been following Venus for half our lives and are posting habitually. There isn’t anything else about her to talk about now
No. 137488
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She looks creepy like a deformed doll
No. 137489
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Her latest instagram photo, she literally warped and stretched her two fingers into chubby toes while making her face smaller, the cup too lol
No. 137493
>>137488Her facetuning or meito-ing has gotten progressively worse and worse I’m starting to think she’s doing it purpose for shock value or has spiraled into a worst body dysphasia phase
She actually looks unsettling and ugly here and I say this as someone who likes the typical Asian alien shoop
Her shoop was always bad yes but this is just unhuman at this point
No. 137540
>>137529You don’t have to be a
haterr to see reality in front of your eyes. You and your fellow PULL refugees would rather believe in a fantasy world where Wenus is SO naturally PRETTY without all those filters!
Enjoy your delusions, girls. Whatever makes you happy.
No. 137542
>>137540Never used pull, I’m just not ravenous to trash how she looks. It’s coming off desperate and sad from some of you. She looks like a normal person in their mid 20s. Maybe more late 20s after being sick, but who knows in person. Not us. Saying she looks 40s is inflammatory and absurd. Stop trying so hard over something subjective.
Back to the family milk. I wonder how often she gets messages from the multitude of Margarets’ fake accounts. She’s the only thing Margaret really posts about and it’s rly bizarre
No. 137595
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A dirty delete from IG
No. 137622
>>137595I will never understand this tiny head editing that is so popular in Asian beauty apps. Maybe it's one of those things that looks okay on an Asian person but Venus and Kota both look straight up freakish like this.
Anyway, I feel kind of bad for Venus. Obviously her childhood sucked, then she had a brief period where she at least seemed kind of well adjusted when she was married to Manaki (even if he was a creep, I think Venus seemed happiest with him) and now she's really spiraling. I think she got together with a shitty guy after Manaki and it fucked her up big time.
No. 137735
>>137676>>137595yeah I just noticed that too.
you're positive that's a bandage for self harm injuries?
No. 137767
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No. 137939
File: 1613149282866.png (1.13 MB, 816x816, 0.png)

Oh sweet Lord. It's like she has such a massive problem with the lower part of her face, always trying to disguise it or change it. What the fuck is she afraid of? I'd love to see a picture of her with her head back and her lower face looking natural, as she looks so much better that way. -And I know the autist who always likes to jump in here disagreeing whenever that is said can not bother, as we could all probably say it for you by now, we've heard it often enough.
No. 137952
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There are a lot of comments like this under her most recent Instagram post. She’s changed the caption to idk what they are talking about. Anyone catch it?
No. 138060
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Imagine being this pathetic to ask venus about how to be successful.and how delusional is she to write all these stuff?
No. 138120
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Ouch lol
No. 138163
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>>138060Lol Wenus giving advice on “being successful”? hahahahahaa
>>138120This little bitch. After using, abusing, lying about and mooching off him for years, now she’s flexing about how much she doesn’t give a shit about him? She’s still living off a spouse visa ffs, she’d never qualify for PR. She’s a nasty little fuck.
>>137939>> I'd love to see a picture of her with her head back and her lower face looking natural,Here’s one for you
No. 138213
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I have a feeling she’s gonna start using this as an excuse like moo
No. 138249
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Is this really Venus? Looks so much nicer than the face filtered pictures she posts on instagram.
No. 138255
>>138252"No one actually thinks"
FFS, stop thinking you speak for everyone. You don't! That's what I'm sick of seeing, retards like you who think they speak for everybody on here. It's just your own fucking opinion, but you can't seem to get that, just like it's my opinion that she looks better here than the awful edits, but the difference is I'm not claiming to speak for everyone.
(calm down) No. 138258
>>138256>she wasnt drinking thenJust to nip this before anon complains: she looks like a bloated drunk. That's why anons said that last time. Post new milk, not your "hurrdurr look at this old 2012 photo compared to 2021 now, 9 years later huuurdurr she's so different".
No fucking shit and she looks like the babyfat faced chub she was then after she started getting fatter due to popularity. Anons raked her over the coals for looking this fat all the time. This isnt a case of anon actually thinking she looks good.
No. 138259
>>138256>>138258No, I really do think she looks better here. Not the most beautiful she's ever looked, but attractive and pleasing and not just downright ugly like the edited pictures on instagram.
People are always in the comments section on there genuinely worried about her mental health because of the level of facial dysmorphia she suffers from in how she edits herself.
Plus, fyi, I always sage my posts unless I'm posting something new.
No. 138262
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Another ugly as fuck edit. Seems to be the norm for her nowadays.
No. 138268
>>138265theres nothing in that picture that indicates abuse. and its still all a matter of opinion, the latest edit looks hatchet faced with a sharp witches chin, if you think that looks better, thats just your own opinion, maybe that thin faced sharp featured edit is what you think looks nice, but the fact that venus wants to edit her natural, fuller, face into looking like this is just tragic, but hey, i guess she shares your warped opinion of what looks good or not, or she would be happy to embrace her own natural look.
No. 138289
>>138213>i havefuck sake how many things has she been "diagnosed" with for two weeks and then "oh, nah"
Some People Are Just Jerks (and really dumb)
No. 138381
>>134473that's a made up location.
Puroland is probs what ur thinking of but theyre obvs not there
No. 138415
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I’m surprised no one has posted this on this thread yet?
No. 138660
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No. 138661
>>138660"I'm going to cosplay with Venus"
"Looking forward to the 28th"
No. 138760
>>138624I don't see venus wanting to get back to the living doll thing. She's into having a long thin face nowadays, and if anyone wants to look like a doll, they need to emulate a cute round face like dolls have.
(As for the specimen in that video, dark contact lenses to hide those pale watery eyes would of made her look better.)
No. 139172
>>138213Didnt she say she was diagnosed with bpd and depression? Her alleged friend here and on PULL that said she she faked therapy and self-diagnosed was probably right. She keeps changing her "diagnosis."
>>138120What a scumbag. Isn't she the one who was playing dressup in her pink little room and called it being hard-working? Isn't she the one who immigrated illegally via visa fraud instead of getting an education and immigrating as a skilled worker? Isn't she the one who stole a YT channel and profited/received passive income off of someone else's (shared) work? Isn't she the one who had sugar daddies instead of getting real work and leeched off her husband who worked night-shifts doing demanding physical labor? Isn't she the one who scammed her audience? Isn't she the one who stole someone else's company and passed it as her own, pretending to be a hard-working girl boss? But this is to be expected from a lazy girl who literally laughed at the prospect of her visa husbands death and said he should be killed.
No. 139175
>>137595Didnt she say she didn't have a sense of personality, now it's "I'm too scared to show off my personality" after literally years of showing off fake personalities (with glimpses of her real personality), to suit whatever agenda she had at the time, then claiming she's being her
real self guys then posting long ass rants about personal topics in her life (which constitutes as interacting), and now we're back to "I'm just too scared to be myself guys pity me uwu feel bad my life is so hard." She's shown off plenty of her real personality, along with plenty of fake personalities, along with plenty of her lifestyle and personal rants and now I have to believe she 'just doesn't know who to interact/share stuff online.' How dumb does she think people are?
No. 139179
>>136454Just an fyi, eyebags and tearbags are two different things. Venus strives for the asian aesthetic, which includes tear bags or "aegyo sal". In this image
>>136414 you can clearly see she doesn't have them, her eyes are the same as margos (small, almond, deep) and same as in her childhood photos where she wouldn't be aware you can manipulate your image. Asians like protruding eyes, so they either use makeup, squint, editing or tape to create that look. There are some vids where Venus has massive tearbags, despite no eye contouring or smiling to pronounce the tearbags. I'm not talking eyebags/dark circles. So yes, she does it on purpose. She doesn't edit it out. She was probably wearing the tape in
>>136543 which pronounced the wrinkles or had already worn it so much, it damaged the delicate eye skin. She's even editing in tear bags in
>>137939. She wants to be asian/anime-like so bad. I think her latest shoops are inspired by her new instagram props aka: "friends." Those girls edit themselves so much and so fake, they look like different people.
No. 139225
>>138249So was this from Bsat? Ot does it say 3sat? It's too blurry, can't tell. I can't find this video anywhere and I've looked. Was she being interviewed here? There's also German writing at top.
I do like her makeup here, she looks kind of mysterious and a bit evil. It suits her.
No. 139236
>>139225It says 3sat. It's a german TV-Channel.
The top says: "Video: Kulturzeit Bericht von Donnerstag, 11.Oktober 2012"
That's roughly translated "Video: Culturetime (idk) Report from 11.10.12"
But I wasn't able to find the video either.
No. 139271
>>139256What in tarnation? I think that them not being obsessed with Venus is probably a good and healthy way to be.
To the OP: I think that is from a long time ago when Venus was on the show “My strange addiction” in 2013 or 2014
No. 139374
File: 1614139317394.jpeg (197.75 KB, 1125x1418, 413EC885-03A0-48A8-A1AD-E99EB9…)

Margarette posted some throwbacks, from her storage unit.
No. 139391
>>134680>I hated having boobsYeah okay venus
I also don't think she's an A cup. Looks like a full B or C to me. Just because boobs don't look like watermelons doesn't mean that they're A cups
No. 139407
>>139271>>>>139256>>What in tarnation? I think that them not being obsessed with Venus is probably a good and healthy way to be.Exactly! And if that poster knows what the video is, then why don't they just say so if they don't want people to ask about it?
This is a forum where people come to talk about and ask questions about venus angelic, and not everyone here has obsessively been on this forum for years like the irritated weirdo obviously has, and trying to shut down anyone who asks a reasonable question should get that person banned, as that is what would happen on any reasonable forum full of sane people.
No. 139420
>>139408She's basically talking about how creepy/scary she looks in her videos and how Venus got upset with her. There's a video where Venus (13 y.o.) is in a bikini and Keekihime asked her why she's wearing it, so Venus blocked her.
She just repeats it a few times, also saying how she'd like to tell Venus that she's gotten better at dancing but she can't since she's blocked.
No. 139473
>>139470Still a kid though
And regardless, look at Venus now. Hasn’t changed much
No. 139479
>>139473Wow, you're fucked up, anon. Great thinking.
>kids cant wear bikinis because it makes me morally feel bad that they might be pedobaitThat's still not her problem. Thats going out of your way to sexualize a 13 year old Venus because of your pearl clutching, not instead realizing that they do make these for kids. I dont hear even half as many complaints when its babies in two pieces bevause most people only start to worry when kids develop. Fuck out of here with your pedo sympathy. Fucking creep scrote.
No. 139505
>>139503Just to add, Margo wanted to cash in on Venus the way parents signed kids up in Japan for JK gravure modeling. Venus mentions several times as a kid she hated this sexualization, but Margo saw money signs. If Venus stayed super skinny, you bet Margo wouldve forced her out of lolita sooner (too fat for BTSSB modeling after a year) and had her in REALIZE swimsuits. Venus didn't want to do lewd shit as a kid, nut sexualized Margo knew it could bring cash. Those sexualized shots are not Venus's fault, but anons dont want to blame a sex workers mom for taking underage down the top bikini pivtof a 15 year old to post onlinr.
But go off about how venus asked for it
>>139473 No. 139529
>>139517I agree it's sad.
But she's like 24 years old, she isn't a child. She knows better and has to try helping herself get herself in check. Can't keep blaming your fucked up childhood forever.
No. 139861
File: 1614619823796.jpg (330.29 KB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20210301_182415.jpg)

Honestly don't know what venus is going for bc her instastories are either boring or dumb as shit. is she trying to drag dear mommy, manaki or both?
No. 139887
>>139861Seems like Venus loves to stir controversy rather than clarifying things. All it takes to stop the rumors is to tell the truth yet she would rather turn it into a bad joke. We know she loves being the
victim to not take full ownership of her mistakes. She learned pretty well from Mom.
No. 139945
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No. 140018
>>139861When you break up with your ex but she will never let you forget. I know anons hate Mana but having to date someone as unhinged as Venus.
Thank goodness she couldn't seriously date anyone other than Mana. Well when they started dating she was a 17 popular youtuber. Now she's a drunken OF thot. I don't know who would be dumb enough to date her now.
No. 140164
File: 1614749389631.jpg (153.83 KB, 1080x608, tsuruko - CL8FGp3AsQ9_CL8FGmEg…)

Poor Piper…
No. 140214
>>140094She deliberately distorts her face into an ugly shape, knowing it makes her look bad.
Her fans want to see her looking cute and pretty, not ugly like this.
If she does it on purpose knowing how ugly it looks, then it shows some deep rooted psychological condition into fulfilling a need to make herself look grotesque.
If she does it because in her eyes, she genuinely thinks it makes her look better, when it is obvious to most normal people that it does not, then that also shows something off with her mentality.
It is not just her wanting to look different because she hates how she looks, it is trying to make her self resemble something so unattractive that so many people comment on it and feel repelled by it.
If she genuinely admires such an ugly shaped face as she shoops herself to resemble, that is not mentally healthy, but I guess we all know by now that she isn't. It's like her face is showing she's ugly on the outside as well as ugly in her inner nature .
No. 140225
File: 1614798814357.png (1.74 MB, 1096x836, kyaba.png)

>>139954>>139945i mean a lot of soapland japanese girls with their self-esteems in the gutter do these edits. nothing new
No. 140305
>>140225Is it the same deformity in both images or two different deformities? The one in the more close up image is so ugly, I just can't. [venus probably thinks it's soooo pretttyyy.]
One has a plate of cakes or something. I sure hope they aren't serving food, especially the really hideous monstrosity on the left, cos looking at that repulsiveness would just frighten anyone and put them off their food.
~ Or maybe that's the idea. Help people lose weight and get skinny, look if you don't want to eat you can look as emaciated and ugly as we do.
>>140247It's so insane in the extreme, I doubt even an experienced analyst would be able to fathom out the reason why.
>>140261But for a joke to work, people have to actually get it. This doesn't make sense.
No. 140323
File: 1614874534626.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1889, 96A59263-1D63-49B9-A125-19A504…)

It seems like the intense self loathing has now progressed to looking like a Marge CLONE, I didn’t expect this twist LOL
No. 140391
>>140323>Marge cloneDo you mean to say that as women age, they may look more like their mother? damn, unheard of, wild
Serious though, did she wear her bra too tight or what? What's with the red marks on her shoulders?
No. 140398
File: 1614906814780.jpeg (285.19 KB, 1702x1249, 9F3367FD-6245-4453-BB9C-0BE415…)

She is morphing into a clone of her mother more and more as she ages. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
You people are so gullible, beleving these extreme photoshops are totally what she really looks like.
No. 140417
>>140323this looks so much more like her real self and she looks pretty. Like this picture is objectively pleasing to look at.
>>140398this pic is sort of nitpicked because she's making a really ugly face
No. 140439
>>140323At least it's better than what we've been seeing recently. At least she looks human here and hasn't put that ugly point on her chin and hasn't too excessively shaved off the lower parts of her jaw each side. It looks like she's tried to enlarge her eyes a bit though, which makes it look like her upper eyelids are drooping like in someone much older, so instead of it making her look cuter like she probably thinks it does, it just makes her look older. But then she is older now so can't be too surprised that she looks older.
She's taken out the hair extensions and her hair looks a bit ratty and dry and much thinner as a result, but at least she looks human. Obviously she's not going to look as cute and pretty as when she was younger, but this is still an improvement on the hideous edits she's done for ages now.
I wonder why she deleted the awful looking pic she had uploaded before this one appeared? The one where she was wearing glasses and had the usual ugly pointed chin?
No. 140440
>>140398Are you one of the posters on her comment section on insta telling her how much she looks like her mother in that latest picture? Why? what is the point of that? You're just trying to hurt her. Why?
Also this picture you're showing here, in attempts to show her looking awful, she doesn't, she's just making a face and looking a lot better than some would in making that face.
Also this looks to be from a video, so not overly edited. She looks okay here and certainly a lot nicer than the terrible edited, alien lookalike insta pics posted recently.
No. 140501
File: 1614988589419.jpg (538.2 KB, 600x576, K9icMLr.jpg)

>>140323>>140347>>140365I thought that the marks could have been because of the bra straps but if you look closely on her back the red marks are all over her neck as well.
No. 140589
>>140586possible alcohol withdrawal?
shakes/tremors isn't unusual when someone who use to drink heavily suddenly stops. maybe she really is quiting drinking after all.
No. 140600
>>140589Of course she doesn't clarify so ALL the comments are talking about how much of
victim she is and how worried they are. They think every one abuses her, her mom, husband and all her managers and friends. I can't with this bitch anymore.
Also, I liked the part where she said she worked really hard to buy that expensive bag. Like no, your sugar daddies worked really hard to get it, or your passive YT income got it or your OF, which is NOT "working hard." What an insult to actual hard-workers. She thinks OF is hard work, but the night shift manual labor her ex-husband did was "unambitiousness and laziness." Just like when she said she worked hard for her lolita dresses when she sperged out against Manaki. Like no, she was sitting in the comfort of her pink little room, recording shitty videos on a channel her shit mom worked harder to build than she did. She is so delusional and spoiled.
No. 140603
>>140441As if she hasn't been trying to do that her whole life. All her pics are edited with asian aesthetic. She even uses apps like meitu for gods sake. You know she always wants to look asian and probably wishes she was asian given she fetishizes Japan so much, so it doesn't make other anons mental, it makes you willfully ignorant. Also, can pointy-chin sperg go away already, every fucking post is just them sperging about her edits nowadays.
>>140442Is this supposed to be a comment tsuruko made? Post screenshots, this is an image board. It's rich coming from tsuruko though, given that she completely edits herself into a different person too.
No. 140604
>>140431Nah, Margo is a bitch but she didn't do anything Venus didn't want Youtube wise. According to Venus, she always secretly wanted to be a slut but she also wanted to be kawaii/cute and kawaii girls aren't sluts. I am positive Venus was fine taking mildly sexually suggestive photos, especially when it earned her/Marge 80K a year. We've already seen plenty of instances where money trumps morality for Venus. I don't think she's really a hypersexual person, but she'll willingly do sexual things if the money is good, including the stuff she did with Marge, which wasnt even that bad because she never had to interact with any of the pervs getting off to her, like she does on OF. If it was my kid, I wouldn't have allowed it, but it didn't "mess her up forever." Some of you anons are so melodramatic and gullible. She's just a lazy and unambitious person and wants easy money to keep buying her kawaii trinkets and Ank rouge clothing. She doesn't want to work and looks down on people who do, while leeching off her ex-husband and managers/sugar daddies.
No. 140608
>>140212She's likely making a jab at Marge, in a poor attempt at calling her old. She once made a thumbnail about how to look younger and put her mom's age and it
triggered Marge. It's also a jab at Manaki, like "Manaki's dead haha I don't care." Remember, she said she wanted him dead, laughed at the prospect and shit talked him in her own videos and in other collabs.
No. 140610
>>140164Would love to see a world where editing technology didn't exist. These weebs would go mental and no one would give them any attention.
>>140018Would be hard to date her. As soon as you don't give in to her every whim, she'll call you
abusive and uncaring and how you don't put herself/her mEnTaL hEaLtH first. She's a
toxic, self-absorbed, vapid, narcissistic emotional vampire and an emotional abuser. She slandered one of her sugar daddy exes and may have even went to court over it. That's how bad she is.
No. 140619
File: 1615098501132.png (611.32 KB, 934x796, 00218.png)

>>139422Yet shortly after leaving, she went on to make somewhat sexually suggestive thumbnails and insta posts, such as the ones in the pic. She had a Japanese candy video (now taken down), where she censored the candy in the thumbnail to look like a censored penis as she made a sexual face stuffing it in her mouth. She had an accompanying video on Manaki's channel titled, "My girlfriend plays with toys." She made a video showing off lingerie to Manaki. The most sexually suggestive ones are now taken down. Yeah, she never wanted to be sexual, her mother completely pushed that on her my ass.
No. 248159
>>248158Venus looks like she was or is a
victim of benzodiazapines and being choked. I feel bad for her, not like America is in a much nicer place