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No. 199629
>>199618Still extremely
triggered, if she is irrelevant than why can't she be in the ex-jvlogger thread since she is an ex-jvlogger? She's still more interesting than most of those people tbh
No. 199632
>>199629if the OP is such a problem for you, why didn't you make your own instead of bitching about it
nonnie? You're so much better than ex-model taytay, how dare she hire a nanny. You are so much better.
>why can't she be in the ex-jvlogger threadthe taylor threads were put on autosage/labeled containment because retards like you sperg about the same old shit. Nobody is telling you to stop, you're free to do so, but do it in your space retard.
No. 200070
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She's in labor now!
No. 200079
>>200074I really hope she keeps the baby out of her content as much as possible.
That said, delivery is boring af until the very end, so if she wants to post from her hospital bed now, whatever.
No. 200082
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>>200070Taylor is in the hospital for “labour” but is only 2cm dilated lol. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a false alarm or something. 2cm isn’t even active labour… you generally would not go to the hospital that early. She could literally take 20 hours or more to progress to active labour at this stage so it’s recommended you stay home until things get more intense. Plenty of women stay at 2cm for days or weeks. It’s not really considered “in labour”
So it’s either going to be a while or she’ll end up back home. Or she’ll get a c section or some sort of intervention to speed things up I bet.
No. 200089
>>200082Hong Kong hospitals are retarded when it comes to birth. 100% chance they'll keep her there, add in some IV with pitocin and break her waters, and then force a Csection when she hasn't had the baby in 24 hours because then she'd be high risk. She should have just stayed home and waited because honestly they treat birth like a factory line here in Asia.
Any bets on the baby looking more like his fug-face dad or more like Taylor?
No. 200105
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>>200104Where did she say she had them break her waters? She said in her story her water didn’t break yet. Apparently today is her actual due date though so I wonder if she’s just trying to get the baby to come on her actual due date because she thinks that would be so cool or whatever.
And of course she didn’t research because she’s a complete airhead. I would not be at all surprised if it ends in an unnecessary c section or some other intervention just to speed things up for the doctors
No. 200106
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>>200105She said it herself. Its quite common in Hong Kong that they burst your waters right when you qualify for the delivery suite. They want you in and out in a day because birthing hospitals are always crowded, even private ones. I wonder why they admitted her so early considering they think she's progressing too slowly enough to give the oxytocin.
No. 200108
>>200106Huh I can’t see that story and I can’t see her husbands account. Does that mean he blocked me??? Lol I don’t recall ever interacting with either of them.
Yeah she’s like definitely going to have some issue with labour now that she’s gotten medication and had her waters broken early… so stupid. Seems like she’s desperate to have the baby come on her exact due date because she’s a major control freak or something. Kinda weird to care more about that then the actual health of your baby.
I’m going to make a prediction already about postpartum: she’s going to try exclusively breastfeeding but give up within the first month (probably the first week but I’ll be generous) because it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and a lottttttt of research to be able to breastfeed successfully, and she will switch to combo/all formula and make some emotional heartfelt video about how sad she is to stop breastfeeding but her mental health was too poor and she had/has the baby blues/PPD or something. And then make a million posts/stories about how fed is best. Also there will definitely be some post about her “changed body” with the same type of crying about it but also trying to act like she’s confident and loves it and the hard work it’s done to provide her with her son or whatever. That cliched type thing every mom influencer does. And a lot of body check pictures of her stomach shrinking back down to super skinny within the first few weeks.
No. 200112
>>200079same, keep newborns out of social media
man I love kids and want to have my own but god, pregnancy is and looks fucking disgusting, not looking forward to having that gross pregnant "belly" , it absolutely baffles me there are women who like making a photoshoot for that stuff
No. 200126
>>200108> because it takes a lot of hard work and dedication and a lottttttt of research to be able to breastfeed successfullyFamously cave women, and all women in the past did ‘a lottttttt’ of research. Come on nona, I get that you’ve got your panties in a twist over taylor, but women
are able to breastfeed without getting a bachelors degree in it kek
No. 200143
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>>200138She posted a few hours before the hospital pic that it’s her due date, so something was most likely plan out for that day
No. 200148
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She's getting induced as planned.
No. 200160
>>200132>FTMWhat lmao
No. 200165
>>200152What’s holding you back to leave nona?
Something is fishy about her. Did she forget she gets induced? Why did she not post about it today but only in the vlog. And why the hell did she not do her own research. I remember her flaunting books on her stories especially about IVF but did she ever show a book about pregnancy or soon to be moms?
No. 200173
>>200165You mean the pseudoscientific book about "eggs"? Lmao
She was asking for contraction tracking apps in her stories. She's totally brain dead.
No. 200181
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Daddy Warthog’s life choices flashing before his eyes
No. 200189
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Figured I'd post it before an anon spergs out about pregnant women eating fish.
No. 200231
>>200104>I’m just kind of floored why she hasn’t researched this?t. her whole pregnancy.
>>200223This was discussed before and it's raw fish that poses an infection/virus risk during pregnancy. Baby Tom is nearly out and it's cooked fish so she has nothing to worry about.
I think it makes sense for a birth like this to be induced and carefully monitored, though as far as I've picked up from other mom vloggers and comments, is induction is risky and creates longer labors, versus waiting until the last minute and delivering naturally.
No. 200237
>>200231It's not safe to let a pregnancy go on for too long and have the baby get overdeveloped.
There where a couple of cases in UK papers recently about mothers who died because they were refused an induction after carrying past term. They ended up having hemorrhage induced heart attacks/ brain damage and died.
Taylor's baby was already marked as delivery ready size/development wise weeks before the full term.
No. 200254
>>200236Exactly. That’s what I meant.
>>200126 A lot of advice nowadays goes against breastfeeding, like trying to train your baby to sleep through the night and pressure to just give up and formula feed at the slightest difficulty breastfeeding. A lot of people are ignorant about it and so they give up because they think they have a low supply or something when they’re actually fine. Also back in caveman days they obviously didn’t have formula so it’s not like they had something to fall back on lmao
>>200220Jesus you sound retarded and clearly don’t know anything about pregnancy. So many people here are confidently claiming things that aren’t even true.
>>200168Her water didn’t break naturally though it was broken for her. Those are completely different things. She didn’t have to go this early. The average FTM gives birth 5 days after her due date.
No. 200265
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This just in: the baby is here.
No. 200278
>>200265He looks like Tom, as expected. It seems like everything went fine and she has a shortish labor, so that's good!
Two of the influencers I follow who've given birth recently had difficult or long labors and complications, seems Tom bought good medical care for her and luck was on her side.
No. 200291
>>200254>Jesus you sound retarded and clearly don’t know anything about pregnancy. So many people here are confidently claiming things that aren’t even true.You sound illiterate for getting so angry about me telling someone to google it. There's also heavy metals like mercury in many common larger fish like tuna, which you could, y'know, google.
>>200278>>200277>>200266Let the bb be. All newborns look like sad little raisin people. You can't really tell what he's going to look like yet.
>>200268It's honestly tragic. Like imagine her explaining to her kid one day how it used to be trendy to apply a clownish amount of lipstick.
No. 200339
>>200293>>200329Oh no I'm losing sleep because some edgelord idiots on lolcow keep calling me retarded. They didn't find a way to magic heavy metals out of the ocean so I'm good taking precautions, but you do you! I feel bad for your kids if you have them! You would probably encourage them to eat paint chips because lead paint was so long ago.
>>200334Eventually even the karjenners learned that broadcasting that amount of detail was over sharing. And none of them were ever live posting their births.
(infighting) No. 200340
>>200291>All newborns look like sad little raisin people. thank you! please stop sperging about a newborn's looks, babies shift around quite a lot, only time will tell.
and nonnies, don't fool yourselves, it's taylor, of course she has beautified the babie's skin tone with some app
No. 200341
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Is she even the bio mama??
No. 200356
>>200316My reading:
Baby: happy
Tom: emotional at seeing Tiny Tom
Taylor: Slightly crazed due to pushing out Tiny Tom (though it all went well) and a bit relieved
No. 200358
>>200341Tom already seems obsessed with the baby, bless him
>>200342>>200341Like anons have said, babies change appearance a lot, you can't tell what he will look like until later but generally non-caucasian genes will be stronger (Taylor's a slav technically, being Polish)
No. 200400
>>200108"Kinda weird to care more about that then the actual health of your baby."
From what you write, I assume you have some birthing experience. I have as well. And after that, I am more inclined to not be too judgemental. You don't know what is going on. You don't know what the situation is. And then just projecting that she cares more about being in control than the health of the baby is just mean and absolutely wrong and not helpful to any mother. You don't even know whether she agreed to have medication or having her water broken. Sometimes it is standard protocol. Sometimes you are so overwhelmed or pushed by the nurses to do interventions. Really, blaming the mother and assuming all ill intentions is just stupid. She is a first time mother who probably relies and trusts her doctors and nurses to know what is best.
No. 200402
>>200379i forgot it until now, but i remember she called her grandpa the polish word "jodju", i dont know how to spell it because i'm not polish, its in her vlogs when he died
>>200358thanks for letting us all know she's polish, what does it have to do with anything? lmao you say that like we couldn't already tell she's fucking white and it somehow required clarifying. her specific flavor of european doesnt make a difference with regards to whose genes will dominate, yes obviously will probably be his side that's stronger
No. 200408
>>200401The kind of people who act like breastfeeding is magic and women should labor at home in the dark with no painkillers are "miracle of birth" shills, not me,
No. 200428
>>200408pretty sure ayrt was annoyed by
>It's so clear so many anons have never been pregnant or knows no one who ever was.not the stuff about labor
No. 200431
>>200341Anons itt having never seen a 100% Asian newborn kek
The baby looks mixed.
No. 200440
>>200433>People just want to see her fail so they can shit on her for using formula.Formula is "failing"? You know we don't exist to be tradwife of the year right? Growing Tom's baby is sacrifice enough kek, who cares if she breastfeeds or not.
I don't know why people are so crazy about this topic, I've seen people going off in comment sections about this (elsewhere, not to do with Taylor). As long as the baby gets nutrients who cares how they get it?
No. 200468
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Tom is proud of tough mother Tay for pushing out the baby and wrote about it awkwardly on his Instagram.
No. 200471
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>>200468“Hang on, let me just spray my hair first, so it’ll look glamorous after giving birth”
No. 200548
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Does anyone know if this is common food to get it he hospitals there?? Or is this some weird, rich-only spot. US hospitals feed literal slop. Her pre-birth meals look wild
No. 200575
>>200564HK does have universal healthcare, but I don’t think even if it wasn’t Covid-crazy times in HK she would use a public hospital. No way she would share a room with 11 other women and have Tom sleep on the bench.
She was in Matilda International Hospital at the Peak. I think she chose it hoping to get a room with balcony (amazing views), but someone was already there. It’s actually not the best-best private hospital in HK, at least two others offer better packages and care.
They stayed 2 days in private room, with vaginal birth, epidural, induction, assuming they run additional tests on baby, took the cord blood etc. it’s around 70k HKD or nearly 9k USD.
No. 200580
>>200564Private and public clinics in Hong Kong are night and day. You definitely get what you oay for which is why people with money
go there. Options for those types of meals whereas a public hospital would be a lot more traditional (congee, stir fried vegetables, etc)
Not just food, but patient care too is better there.
No. 200597
>>200595In Hong Kong public hospitals have shared maternity wards. That’s what I’m talking about. If you want a private room you need to go to private hospital. Public hospitals offer private rooms only to certain types of services like immunology, microbiology etc. but HA does not list maternity as one of them. So of course she won’t share one ward with 11 other women and their families. Private birth costs less than her two purses.
I don’t think US wards are relevant to this.
No. 200600
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>>200575Wow, the prices for having a baby at this hospital cost almost as much as her IVF procedure.
No. 200608
>>200601It was regarding someone else’s post about the food she was served in the hospital. Just scroll up.
I don’t think anyone who can afford it would chose a public ward over private hospital.
No. 200625
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Could be such a cute pic but.. well Tom..
No. 200654
>>200625joker lips and chipmunk cheeks with frozen face
I hope she sees one day that actually being able to emote will make her look younger than all of this stuff
No. 200681
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She’s brave. The last thing most women are thinking of immediately after birth, when their vulva/vag still feels and looks like somebody kicked it with a steel toed boot, is having another baby.
No. 200702
>>200640> can take the girl out of Canada but you truly can't take the Canadian out of the girl kekShe's said this a few times, she prefers wearing winter/fall clothing but HK weather is not on her side
>>200649>He looks deranged and she looks a bit like a hostage but go off I guess.tbf they look like that in
all of their photos, not just this one.
>>200668>If it were for the mother's comfort, we would still be birthing at home on weird postures; not laying on a table after being shoved oxitoxins to make it faster. Ask literally anyone with kids.This is an interesting point, I don't have kids but the birthing process seems geared in the favor of the medical team, to use a gross analogy I imagine it's like trying to shit lying down. Clearly other postures other than being on your back, spreadeagled would allow muscles and gravity to help out, but it's understandable to do it the way they do for easy access.
No. 200713
>>200710It looks like she had an epidural pretty early on. My guess is she wanted a pain free birth all along. That said, there are no positions other than lying on your back when you can’t feel you legs.
>>200702Hospitals are different everywhere. Some only allow you to birth lying on your back. I know this for a fact for a good friend of mine.
>>200564 And the food can suck in countries with universal health care. I couldn’t even eat the slop they served me in a Canadian hospital and I’m not even a picky eater.
No. 200718
>>200710>Because of how complicated births can be, a lot of at home end up going to the doctor anyway. ayrt, if you've seen that cursed thread in /snow you will know
how wrong at home births can go, read at your own risk, I do agree hospital is best.
No. 200729
>>200692The hard part (injections and collecting eggs) you only do once. After you get your embryos its easy to just pop them in and seeing if they take. Don't they have like 6 more?
>>200681Probably just on a 'new baby high' rn. She went through her entire pregnancy with her worst symptom being that she needed to take a nap with her dog every afternoon and then had basically an ideal birth on her due date, so its not like she could be scarred from the experience. Once she's taking care of a newborn/infant daily she'll come back down to reality.
No. 200757
>>200731The thing is she has help with the baby. Already heard the helped when she was pregnant, and even today in her IG story where Tom watches Sharla on YT both of them are in bedroom but you hear someone moving dishes around in kitchen.
Having someone doing all the housework for you makes it much easier. Who knows, maybe the helper also takes care of the baby at night - that’s why there was formula on the counter. That is just my speculation of course, but the fact is she’s not a regular working mom that also looks after her home.
Good for her, I mean I don’t think anyone who can afford it would rather do these things on their own, but let’s also don’t pretend her situation is difficult when it’s easier than for most of us.
No. 200764
>>200763I doubt it. They left hospital two days ago, in the middle of covid craze in HK right now I don’t think they would allow any visits.
It’s not the first time we hear third party in the background. But who knows, I may be wrong and you can be right. My bet is on live-in domestic helper tho. Very common in HK.
No. 200767
>>200728I reckon
>>200718 means
>>>/snow/1446741 Just remember you asked to be cursed.
No. 200777
>>200655Nobody would WK if you low IQ spergs stop bumping the thread to the front for everyone to see.
Sage goes into the email field. Sage is love sage is life.
No. 200793
>>200780the immigrant is a fact: there are no local domestic helpers mostly due to cost as it is much cheaper to take in a foreign helper, there’s a special visa for domestic helpers (called - you guessed - Foreign Domestic Helpers Visa) who are primarily from Philippines and Indonesia, rarely but not limited to Sri Lanka, Thailand etc. and they are pretty common around households in HK, even not the rich one. They do the chores, cook, take care of the kids in exchange to (often) minimum wage, 1 day off a week plus public holidays, a place to stay in the residential address of the employer.
I don’t know if you want to portrait me as someone who has some prejudice or whatnot, I’m just telling you the reality of HK society (domestic helpers making 5% of HK population, not giving them enough credit and recognition in society - cannot get permanent HKID etc).
I don’t get why you seem so upset about this. I don’t support having domestic helpers but many families working till late hire one to live with them. Having Taylor to do the same thing wouldn’t be a surprise at all.
No. 200813
>>200812I guess you nailed it. Anon thinks it's a bad thing to have a DH, that's why they don't want to even assume princess model trophy wife Tay Tay has one.
Hell, I live alone working 6 days a week 9 to 6 and I would totally get a helper if I could afford it.
(namefag) No. 201011
Damn y'all are so rough on her and her NEWBORN, it's clear to see which spergchans are singleless fatties here.
I get tom isn't hot but he isn't as ugly as everyone makes him out to be. Him and Taylor look sweet together and proud of their baby.
I get being jealous of their excess wealth as an ex-pulltard but attacking their baby is unnecessary imo
>>200548>>200681the things I would do to live like this-
No. 201017
>>201014Learn to read anon, hes not as hideaous as he's made out to be. He just looks dogshit uglier standing next to Taylor
Hoping we get her next vlog soon, I'm still curious about the narrative she'll go after or if she will stick to only posting photos.
I'm also curious if she will post herself in actual labour- which seems to be the new mommy YT trend
No. 201075
>>201063Learn to read. That was me and I didn’t say they are forced, I said they are indeed often underpaid for work they do. 6 days a week and morning/evening of their day off - FDH minimum wage for that is 4630 HKD per month with food and room provided, while HK min wage for 37.50 HKD per hour which would give would be around 9K HKD per month if you think someone works 10 hours per day 6 days a week. This is also why they are no local domestic helpers really because as I said it is cheaper to hire FHD.
No one said Taylor would treat her DH the same way, maybe she would pay more or give her more space to live. But the fact is these girls work long hours, get little time off, the rooms that are given to them are often just remodeled kitchen storage with a bed (saw few of these looking at the apartments and all estate agents would say the same thing: perfect for the helper).
You don’t seem to grasp the reality of Hong Kong that other anons and I try to explain to you.
(derailing) No. 201086
>>201084What cosplay thread? I don’t know what you’re referring to but the only thread I’m ever writing in is Taylor’s as we are both foreigners in HK.
Don’t pin that on me
No. 201391
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nonny. Looks normal to me. Her caption though? She seems to be so unemotional.
No. 201420
>>201391All her content is lifted from other influencers, I'm sure you could dig around and find
one week with you posted as a caption by some other mommy vloggers
No. 201566
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>>201391is this emotional enough for you
nonny? Or do you require a specific character count, some extra sappy key-words perhaps?
On another note, it seems she got quite lucky and has a rather easy post-partum. Or maybe its also cause she has all the recources and help in the world and doesn't have to worry about anything.
No. 201650
>>201566>>201131I'm honestly so excited for the new Taylor baby content, she's grown a lot throughout the years and her content is constantly improving. I'm curious too if she will be more mature or motherly, she has an intense motherly vibe even in her dolly/weeb era.
I honestly feel like I'm one of the only nonnies excited but I love baby content too. I don't think I could ever do mommy vlogging but there's nothing wrong with wanting to video your kid and have those first steps recorded.
Her baby is so beautiful!! Huge congrats Taytay. Its been a pleasure watching you grow
No. 201680
nonny calm your tits
No. 201804
>>201737>>201738Major kek @ the other nonnies getting upset we won't circlejerk hate for her when she's done nothing milky in the past years.
>>201743Nonnie you realize lolcow is a discussion forum and not a hate board right? She may be in /w/ but to pretend she's been milky since the scandal is wrong. Get your head out of your pussy anon.
It's been almost a month since her last vlog, she'll probably post within the next week.
No. 201820
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>>201814We've always been here
nonnie, it's just gets pathetic watching y'all hate on a newborn baby and try to milk whats dry.
>>201813Imageboard newfag
No. 201822
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Her last meal before she went to the hospital.
She listed the bottle of Rose but I'm assuming she didn't drink it because there's only one wine glass. I couldn't see Tom as a rose drinker though and we know how she was already with eating (potenitally harmful) foods.
Dry milk for our ex-pulltards to speculate on
No. 201825
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Also can someone tell me if she has replaced Rosie or if Rosie is still alive? I also don't think Teacups live very long.
Her last post on Rosie's instagram but she still tags in photos (last Rosie tag was February)
I honestly wouldn't put it past her to replace rosie and not tell anyone.
No. 201977
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Why the fuck would she ask inappropriate shit like this? Like, you is gonna answer that and of what value is that information to anyone? And why was she posting all this anti-belly dismorphia crap while she was still pregnant? In a copycat fashion that couldn't be lazier than this? So many questions…
No. 201981
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>>201980People who sell their childrens safety out for their own attention do not deserve to be parents in the first place.
On a different note - is this crazy bitch every going to stop buying shit for her baby? Is this some over compensation scheme? Wtf it just never ends, and I thought the offspring was gonna cost Tom afterwards, not her lol.
No. 202036
>>201981Where the hell are you getting that from this photo? I swear you anons don't see her post something for 2 seconds and suddenly she's the worst mom. Anons complain she doesn't post them complain when she does part. Pick one. If she took a photo of a bottle, does that mean her baby is laying in the street because it's not in the photo? Must be. And like
>>201993 parents overbuy and they kind of should.
No. 202088
>>201981The truth is, it's not for the baby, it's for herself. I don't think mini Tom needs most of this shit. She just uses the baby and her "nestling phase"/"pregnancy brain" (I wonder she will call her impulsive decisions now) as an excuse to buy useless shit.
Also, bold of you to assume she's not spending Tom's money.
No. 202097
>>202090Yeah like her « organisation » is gonna last with a newborn who needs constant attention…at least I laughed at your comment !
Looking forward to him puking all over her pristine designer white couch and Dior plaid!
No. 202185
>>202100I thought so too about the labels, she even put a cooking time label on the jar of pasta. One one hand it's good she organized her closets to make it easier for her staff, but the fact she had those closet labelling/clear jars/baby cabinet labelling/etc makes it pretty clear she has help and expects them to be doing the majority of the dirty work.
inb4 someone restarts the argument of "it's normal in China" "you're jelly because you don't have staff" I'm not a fan of indentured servitude however "normal" it is and all the Westerners watching thinking she's doing everything herself are getting misled.
No. 202389
>>202235It makes sense considering her economic status (via Tom) however I think she would have a natural birth again, and then hand it to the nanny for the next 18 years, a process she has already begun.
Motherhood is pregnancy and buying things for Taylor (happy to be proven wrong, but that's the vibe I'm getting so far)
No. 202591
>>202589Tom’s main businesses are beautyexchange and mensclub which weren’t impacted by COVID nor 2019 protests. In fact having HK people trapped here due to horrendous quarantine requirements and constant lockdowns could even increase traffic on his websites because HK people have run out of things to do so they just browse online.
His BE business is probably the most popular in HK among its type and doesn’t require coming to office so WFH or not it didn’t have much impact.
No. 202691
>>202690Do some research anon. It’s legal in some countries. There are special agencies that will help you find a clinic in a country where it’s allowed to choose the sex.
So, not a tinfoil imo.
No. 202839
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why hold and rock your newborn son when you can cart him around the apartment? much easier on those flabby arms, and nanny can do it too. you’re not supposed to leave babies that young sleeping in strollers/carriers
No. 202878
>>202729No one is talking about a genetic altered baby? Where did you get this strange idea from? Taylor had multiple eggs fertilized and then the "healthiest" embryo was picked.
It is possible to test the embryo(s) created through IVF before one is implanted in the uterus for sex and then she could - if she was in a country that allowed this, just pick an embry with the sex she likes. There is no genetic alteration involved. Just google "sex selection with IVF"
No. 202883
>>202850I don't buy the wanting a girl thing from Tom at all, remember he is mainland Chinese where female children were systematically aborted or abandoned due to being considered inferior (and thus not worth breaking the one child policy for)
For sure he wanted a boy for lineage purposes as you said.
No. 202887
>>202870As soon as humanly possible would be my guess, but she might not upload about it until she’s confident again. Idk how much her body has changed though.
>>202886I’m starting to think that he would have been happy with either sex, he just wanted a baby, but it’s really Taylor who was dead set on a girl. She was clearly sad when she heard she’s having a boy.
No. 202999
>>202946Lmao, so Ew-san was fantasising about kids going to school and whatnot and Taylor is about doing things one at a time, they compliment each other, yada yada yet they were totally unprepared for the baby? What a couple of morons.
Also, "ew", the confinement nurse (and her furniture) is ruining her nursery aesthetics, so "we'll" have to wait till that tasteless woman moves out and TayTay makes a grand reveal. Pfff.
On the confinement nurse, she claims she labelled everything, so "whoever is handling the baby" knows where everything is, but why would ENGLISH labels help a Chinese/Cantonese lady? Plus, not everyone is so stupid to not learn where everything lays after looking for it a couple of times.
The fact that a white woman, who never gave two shits about Chinese culture agreed to stay inside and follow strict postpartum rules is just absurd in the first place. Am I to believe that little princess TayTay will walk around with dirty hair for a month? Lmao, no. She almost called the rules "ridiculous", but shut midway and called it different or smt, can't believe she left that part in the vlog, lmao. She also referred to the baby as "she" and still let it in the vlog. May be she referred to the doctor, started the sentence with "she" and changed her mind and talked about the baby's size instead, but even then it's a stupid thing to leave in the video. If anything, it shows how bad she is with expressing her thoughts.
No. 203013
>>202867My mum used to push the stroller around inside the home because it was the only thing that would put me to sleep. Babies are all different.
>>202946Why would you put a video of yourself pushing out a baby on the internet?
No. 203075
>>202946IDK, I feel like if I just skipped to the Q&A at the end of the video I wouldn’t have missed much. I already saw most of it with her Instagram posts and stories. At least it wasn’t a complete waste of time, I had her vlog on in the background while I was doing something else. I don’t even care to know baby’s name anymore if I have to sit through another half hour of boring vlog.
Also, agree she is doing the confinement and pui-yuet as it makes content material.
No. 203091
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>>203044for the umpteenth time other places he mentioned it (picrel)
he mentioned it multiple times, seriously, these are just two examples
No. 203115
>>203112 In which case her Pui Yuet would understand and speak English. Yes, Taylor is a convenient guailo, wife of a rich Asian husband. She follows the Chinese customs when it suits her to have content for her videos presumably.
It seems there is a constant power dynamic and I wonder how stable their marriage really is. She seemed so smug when she said she “succeeded” her husbands expensive sports car and the baby succeeded his fancy coffee machine which is a direct extension of her. Taylor often struggles for power In her videos. There was another time when in their new apartment Tom was visibly angry about not being allowed to have a toaster on the counter because Taylor doesn’t like to see cords.
No. 203154
>>203110I'm American and I don't know anyone who is expected to do it on their own. Family typically helps out. Your mom may come over to cook, help clean, watch the baby while you bathe. Friends and family may stock your refrigerator and freezer with homemade food. Your sister might come help and give you some time to focus on you and get some sleep in.
I have friends and family in other countries and it is the same way there too.
They always say it takes a village to raise a child.
Some of you guys seem really out of touch.
No. 203229
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Her Pui Yuet double wrapped her abdomen and she says her uterus is already completely flat, aka showing us her bounce back body. I have to admit the showing off was faster than I expected.
No. 203285
>>203229wow,I can't believe someone who is fit (and not let herself go during) and not a fat landwhale actually bounces back so fast!
reminds me of all those lardasses that keep attacking fit instagrammers because they're sill skinny after giving birth cause it's nOt HeAlThY
No. 203314
>>203301What are you supposed to be saying, anon?
>>203282Most modern women over there skew the tradition as most even leave the house. Even Bubz Beauty didn't follow all customs when she lived in China and had the same confinement thing. No one sticks to the tradition 1:1 anymore.
No. 203319
>>203298lmao was just thinking this. what happened to her K
lim k ass she had the whole time she was preg?
No. 203320
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So she is actually doing the retarded, misogynistic, toxic ass "chinese confinement" and already promotes herbal teas and being locked up from fresh air, cool.
No. 203333
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>>203320She's posting a photo she took anon. Seems more like people have sent DMs and have asked about it in general, so she's posting a website's breakdown of what its supposed to do and be about which is exactly what she is doing if you didn't cherry pick screenshots.she's saying exactly what it is. Like anons have said, probably won't even do all those things and calling HK air "fresh", she's better off inside lol
No. 203334
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>>203229 These aren't just because of the uterus, this is common in other cultures as well because your organs do get displaced with birth and being pregnant. It's no different from how alike for posture courses came in handy it's came in handy in the Renaissance.There's just things people do because it helps organs and bones and it doesn't have to do with going to be skinny
No. 203354
>>203334I'm really sick of the incessant WKing in this thread. Confinement and having a private live-in nursemaid sure isn't normal or achievable for most women.
I saved the videos where she unnecessarily shows her breasts being pumped while talking about her oh-so-normal puiyet, Taystans, want to tell me why it is necessary to show off the milk being pumped out of her breasts (complete with sound) while telling us how she has someone cooking and caring for her & the kid around the clock? A breastfeeding pic or video would be a tender moment. Pumping is…not.
No. 203359
No one can tell me Taylor did not do this 100% on purpose - though for what reason I don't understand. Pumpin milk takes like 15-20 minutes, she would literally have 95% of the day to make a short instagram video that is only minutes long while she is not pumpin milk.
I don't understand the reasoning behind this. I would not mind (or cared) if she actually made some video about pumpin milk and showed the process in it, but making a video about something else with your milk pump attached to your breeasts is just completely weird.
No. 203372
>>203359Well, in case you forget SHE'S a new mother that just gave birth and is pumping to feed her baby!!1!1!!
Sarcasm aside. Because it's literally the only thing she does. The rest is on the CN.
No. 203377
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>>203354It is in Chinese culture. Stop comparing Chinese traditions to basic bitch Western ideas. She's not over in Canada or the US. She is respecting Tom's culture. Why is this a bad thing? No one is WKing her by piinting out facts because a lot of us don't tinfoil or add context to blunt posts like >>203373 when its just pumping. Going out of your way to sexualized it is your own creepy issue. Normal people don't look at breast pumps and think nipple play porn.
What she is doing is normal as hell for most Chinese citizens. There are even poor people helpers, you don't have to be rich like Taylor and those who can't afford use family and friends instead.
No. 203425
>>203421there's no way she is gaining any weight imo
she is on a strict diet and not allowed candy or chocolate, she said
No. 203531
>>203528Compression garments are a part of post partum recovery. It makes sense that she mentions them and shows her own and also talks about why they are needed. The breast pumps didn't bother me since you don't actually see her boobs out and exposed. Stop being so
triggered by stupid shit.
No. 203585
>>203528Exactly. And just because something is "normal" it doesn't mean it has to be flashed on camera. Peeing and pooping is normal too, so is brushing your teeth or shavingy your armnpits - just like pumping milk as a mother of a baby.
But if you absolutely need to take a 30 second video for your instagram account, you could pick the 86430 seconds of a day during which you are not doing any of these things or you could simply position your camera in a way that only your face is visible - it's not like Taylor hasn't done a million videos like this. The disturbing part is that she absolutely deliberately WANTED the milk containers attached to her boobs to be visible in the video and I can't wrap my head around why she felt the need that tenthousands of poeple needed to see that.
Is she trying to appeal to some weird sex fetish I don't understand? I sshe trying to overcompenaate that she is having trouble breastfeeding naturally? I don't know. But I know it's not normal behavior for sure and all the people here who think the rest of us are some teens not knowing a thing about adult life or parenthood (spoiler: I bet I could be a mother to most of you here agewise) and only our lack of understanding is making us question Taylor's actions, please tell me: When you were having a baby and pumping milk, did you also film yourself while doing it and upload the video to a public social media platform with over half a million followers? Becaus eI would not even send a video like this to my family.
No. 203593
>>203585If she wasn't uploading, people would be freaking out and assuming she isn't breastfeeding even if she said she was because the tinfoil would be she's doing formula. She's can't win anon, this is why people are explaining normal shit about what she's doing. Being this mad about being called out about it says a lot more about how you and other anons have nothing better to do than try to derailing what she does into milk when it isn't. It's so creepy that you try and see it as sexual and fetish material and her trying to pander to coomers when she isn't. That's the biggest, creppiest fucking thing you can think of. You probably also think breastfeeding shouldn't be done publicly just in case someone WILL sexualize it. You can't use that as an excuse to tell women and people like Taylor to hide all this behind closed doors.
Also those milker canisters, those are a new type of milking device. The suckers stay attatched and you can walk around and do things while you pump. God forbid you ever get a new mom in your work space and you probably make her go to the car or the bathroom to be out of sight/out of mind for you.
No. 203628
>>203619>wants to show everyone that she is pumping like a working mother despite being homeDude, for the last time, if you're going to larp as a woman at least read a thing or two about how our bodies work.
A breast is not a fucking faucet, you can't just stop and start it at will. The milk leaks when the breast is full, regardless of location or employment status. Stay at home moms pump because you can't feed an infant by force just because your milk is running and the milk is going to waste. For some mothers it takes time for the breast to be full enough for a feeding and it does not align with when the baby is hungry so they have to pump it to use it later and use the milk from the last pumping or formula in the meantime.
No. 203630
>>203619Except pumping is not something for working moms only. It might shock you, but full breasts are not comfortable and pumping helps to relieve discomfort and in case there's little milk, stimulate more milk production.
It doesn't justify her stupid live milking show.
Next time we know it, she'll be broadcasting her birth footage without blurring, because "it's natural" and "all women do it".
No. 203681
>>203354I think this is a combination of Taylor generally being a bit dumb and not thinking there is anything odd in showing your breastpumping casually to half a million followers, and partly her being the Most Instagram Mom Vlogger Of Them All since she exists to compete with other influencers and you can't get more New Mom Vlogger than vlogging while you milk yourself.
She also might be overcompensating since her mom tasks include: holding the baby while taking photos and breastfeeding, her helper is doing everything else. So she has to make a big deal of the things she
is doing by making a point of panning the camera down to show her milk bottles.
No. 203744
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I just have no words …..
No. 203756
>>203744Wait did she make her assistant vlog her birth??!
I predict another thousand scrotes will sub to her channel after this video.
No. 203782
>>203742You sound retarded. “Secondary sex characteristic” doesn’t mean sex as in fucking. It means sex as in male and female. As in differences between males and females. Longer upper arms and hyperextended elbows in women are also secondary sex characteristics, those are not sExUaL or things we have to hide.
>>203744Birth vlogs are fucking weird though. Like birth is such a private, intimate thing (and no intimate doesn’t mean sexual for any retarded anons out there who don’t know basic English). Seems weird to show it to millions of people for money, just so people can gawk at you like an animal in a zoo. I guess when you plan your birth rigidly and doll yourself up and knock your pain senses out with medication it’s easy to look great even while giving birth and she wants to show off how easy it was for her.
No. 203792
>>203788No one has been stanning or WKing her this whole thread. I hope anons keep being called out for stupid takes like yours. Showing off yoir kid and motherhood isn't new, vlogging about it isn't either. Does it hit too close to home because you used to watch her or something? Get outside the /w/ bubble and look at other mom vloggers. Ffs, bubs breastfed on camera too, but no one freaks out about that even though hers was her actual kid attatched to her tit, but its okay because
blanket. Whereas milk is milk. Not a nipple, tit, or kid in sight. Just say breastfeeding or milking makes you uncomfortable to see when its not behind closed doors or women aren't ashamed (because they shouldn't be).
No. 203794
>>203788>>203792Just to add, take your personal "men harass women more than ever" and just go. I don't know why you're adding your own personal experiences of men harassing you and acting as if someone breastfeeding is the issue. continuing that type of line of thinking is exactly why no one actually gets defended when when men harass them constantly. Don't blame a woman breastfeeding on men harassing people. That's so fucking stupid. Go
terf elsewhere. That isn't Taylor's fault or issue that men, in general, harass women and in turn we should all hide. I think you're in the wrong thread for that discussion. Try /m/.
No. 203800
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>>203782Birth used to be a public display. Its private for people who care in the western world. So many people invite families over and make it a special time.
You have people now try and cream as many people into the delivery if possible, cameras right up the cooch To get every detail to show the rest of the family that wasn't able to show up as well as any friends or maybe your boyfriend. It's not private like you think it is. You guys are adding personal satisfaction they're adding personal subtext to Taylor's situation which has no bearing on her situation. There are tons of mothers and families who literally show you every detail. She showed off a milker. Calm down. This was days ago anyway. Moralgrounding stuff that is common,just because you personally don't want to see it, doesn't make what Taylor does less common compared to other moms. This is the whole rolly cart issue again when anons thought she was crazy to have one when yeah, even stores sell feeding and changing station stands like pic rel. Most of you have no idea what motherhood is besides what you see on tv and it really shows.
No. 203809
>>203800I'm with you,
nonny. I'm pregnant and want only my husband in the delivery room but like 50% of the women in my family had a lot of people present and took photos and video. I'm gonna have to insist that family not barge in because it's some peoples' natural impulse. It's not that uncommon. She's not even the only influencer I've seen post this much for followers, feels like quite a few of them document the whole process and post their whole birth story to Insta and Youtube.
No. 203968
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her vlog is out now
No. 203969
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oh man,….why ?!
No. 203976
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Also her vlog schedule is out. Milking her baby for every video she can make of it.
No. 203980
>>203979It feels like they believe normal asian men are just like the boys in their yaois and k-pop groups and are trying to cope when they see what they actually look like kek, insult towards asian men my ass.
>>203976These seem like they could all fit one or two videos, but the more content the better for the creators wallet I guess. At least she won't be too bored in the confinement
No. 203994
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I didn't know you could have an allergic reaction to an epidural or that it would give you a lazy eye
No. 204035
>>204029Dude, she literally filmed her allergic reaction to the first dose, the point it wore off and the doctor acknowledged it happened, and the following 45 minutes of pushing after that.
I dare say an actual doctor doing the delivery is a more reliable source of whether it wore off or not than an anon saying "it doesn't look like pain to me personally".
No. 204037
>>204026A year long facial paralysis is actually a huge risk to accept for short term pain relief.
Bell's Palsy can be very emotionally and mentally draining and can completely destroy a person's self-image.
I'd rather be in pain than risk paralysis of any degree.
No. 204040
Same for PMS and cramps. I can't believe how many women around me "endure" it because it's "natural" and how it's supposed to be.
I mean, humans used to live in caves "just fine", why don't we keep doing that, too.
No. 204053
>>203994The shaking is completely normal, idk why she's such an attention whore.
I threw up after shaking, and my nurse said it was normal.
No. 204080
>>204075What is she doing that is
problematic right now? People are talking about now, not before. She hasn't done anything controversial at all in months. Pumping your tits when there was women on Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube doing the exact same thing, as the social norm has switched over in the past decade to women who have babies not being ashamed of doing normal mother stuff publicly. Literally the people complaining sound like scrotes. Maybe stop nitpicking.
No. 204116
>>204080She's not a cow because she's
problematic; this isn't twitter. She's a cow because she finds a new person to skinwalk with every phase of her life and never has an original thought of her own, yet she tries to pass off her skinwalks as all her. Remember that she caught the attention of her moid by looking like Dakota and only started getting viral videos copying celebs on her youtube channel. Her constant attempts to stay well-known stem from her having no personality of her own and always co-opting someone else's life. That's why she's a cow.
No. 204146
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I’m dying from second hand embarrassment.
I wouldn’t want any of my family members posting pictures like this online. Imagine your wife or mother posted a picture in her adult diaper to show off the wrapping for… whatever the reason is.
I shouldn’t expect much from her since she showed has her embryo transfers, miscarriage, literal footage of her giving birth (I get sharing this with family who wasn’t available to be with her but not her 1 million random subscribers), now this.
Good for MoneyBag that he isn’t a serious businessman otherwise this would look so bad for him.
I just feel sorry for the child. I’m sure the One Who Is Yet To Be Named is loved by them but this is Internet, when he gets older his friends can show him videos of his mother giving birth to him or in adult diaper.
It’s not just Taylor, I’m weirded by mommy bloggers in general since they all seem to forget to draw the line between what should stay within family online and what can be shared.
No. 204159
>>204155They have to and it’s OK, that’s just part of PP, but what crosses her mind to post it for everyone to see? What is her reasoning behind it? What’s the point of it?
What goes through her head when she takes a picture like this and decides as a public figure this is a view she wants to share?
I know many mothers, I’m trying myself too, and I can’t imagine what would be the circumstances of me or anyone I know to take a pic like this and make it public.
As I said, it’s not only Taylor but mommy bloggers in general. Just because something is normal doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to show it to public. Same situation with MoneyBag’s destroyed underwear - why? What is the reason?
No. 204169
>>204155"Literally JUST a photo of her in diapers"
For heaven's sake, please stop pretending like this is either completely normal or like Taylor is so brave for sharing a big taboo secret about (post)pregancy no one before ever dared talking about!
It's not a secret that women can lose complete control of their bladder and sometimes also bowls after a natural birth as well as during the last part of a pregnancy already. No decent grown-up person would ever take a photo of herselv in diapers and post it for the whole world to see.
Once a month I fucking bleed out of my vagina and have to wear sanitary pads or tampons. It doesn't mean I have to show it to the world.
"Oh, it's literally JUST a photo of my blood soaked tampon"
No. 204178
>>203969This is bleak kek, why would she promote her video with this image
>>203972Legs akimbo in the thumbnail, stay classy Taylor.
She used to be so modest with the turtlenecks and never showing any skin, as other anons have noticed. No judgement, just strange to go alll the way the other way and post this on her fashion vlogger channel. I guess this is the start of the mommy vlogger arc.
No. 204198
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>>204194A lot of women post photos. Youve been told over and over that what Taylor is doing isn't out of the norm. You just follow the wrong people. Went to instagram and 3 posts from my search of post partum. The anons who claim they know about kids are the biggest joke.
No. 204201
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>>204198This one even has 8k likes and was 2 years prior to Taylor, but yeah. Everything Taylor is doing is
not normal and isn't just coming from clueless anons. This is stuff that all moms have been posting since 2010s when social media really kicked. Do anons know they have to be 18 to post? It's like a lot of them never took a health class.
No. 204204
>>204198And? I said not only Taylor but other mommy bloggers have that weird need of posting everything - birth with details, their PP underwear, pics while pumping milk. It’s all normal but to most people this is an intimate thing that should be shared with closed ones, not randoms on the internet.
Just because they post it it doesn’t make it normal. Imagine your boss or your customer find these pictures. I wouldn’t take a person like this seriously.
It’s normal and completely natural to pump, to wear special underwear, to breastfeed, to lose control over bladder. It just doesn’t need to be a public matter.
It’s not like she’s the only person that ever did this and she needs to enlighten us.
No. 204232
>>2042241. These are not diapers, but pads for after birth in underwear form. In the US, you get them from the hospital and they are indeed very practical for the first week when bleeding is still very heavy.
2. Bleeding after birth is normal for several weeks.
3. Sex should be avoided the first 4-6 weeks until everything is healed.
Really, many here are really nitpicking and searching for drama when there is none. You can complain about over-sharing, but I can't see milk other than what she has in her bottle.
No. 204243
>>204240I have never seen a woman choose to push milk bottles attached to her breasts into an unrelated 30 sec IG story. I follow other mom bloggers, including Taylor's skinwalking obsession, Valeria. She never did that either.
I have seen mothers explain pumping. That is different.
I have yet to see a spreadlegged photo of the mother wearing a ton of makeup and pushing used to advertise a birth story. But according to you, if one woman does that, it's common and no one can question it.
You whiteknight by repeatedly stating a straw man: "just say pregnancy makes you uncomfortable and women should hide away until they look normal." Literally no one here believes or expressed such a misogynistic thing. You are not the sage queen instructing us all.
No. 204249
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>I have yet to see a spreadlegged photo of the mother wearing a ton of makeup and pushing used to advertise a birth story. But according to you, if one woman does that, it's common and no one can question it.You don't really spend much time on Youtube, do you?
No. 204312
>>204243Tinfoil but sometimes I think the incessant whiteknights are Taylor's sister or something, they are so overly invested in convincing a bunch of anons on that everything Taylor does is normal.
She has switched genres from lifestyle/fashion to mommy vlogger, and the sudden switch to intense oversharing about every aspect (tbh the story posts with bottles attached, the diapers, the spreadeagled imagery, this didn't have to be shared and is vastly different from her old content)
It's obviously going to be jarring to longtime followers which the wks don't seem to understand.
No. 204366
>>204107Even if it wears off, you will still be paralyzer between your legs. Your contractions will hurt a lot but you won’t get the ring of fire.
Epidural isn’t some simple drug that suddenly stops working. You’ll feel when it’s wearing off, but like I said it’s a very slow process.
No. 204383
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Pregnant nona here. I'm following a bunch of mommy vloggers since I'm a first time mom and follow Taylor as well. She's not doing anything that the other mommy vloggers don't, it kind of comes with the territory to overshare and tmi within these spaces. In one video I saw, one vlogger took off her pants to show her c-section scar and her full unshaven bush got exposed. You kind of lose that "shame" after going through so much bullshit and body horror through the pregnancy, so being in diapers or taking a video while pumping isn't strange to see if you're the target demographic.
No. 204413
>>204169lol you are probably either a young teenager or a man
at least you sound like it
No. 204473
>>204470What was easier? She didn't do anything extra unless you count being able to go to the doctor.
>>204466Your kids are probably ugly too.
No. 204482
>>204476Also NTA who made
>>204471 comment.
No. 204484
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What's with all the pearl-clutching outraged zoomers in this thread? Did they stop giving sex-ed at schools or what?(derailing)
No. 204516
>>204487"It's all for attention"
Isn't that motivation for every social media personality and all these daily life vloggers? It's all about their life. And still there are enough people obsessed about them as we can see in this thread.
No. 204751
>>204739 I don't know why you guys are perpetually bothered by her socio-economic status. She's rich. That hasn't change in years. That alone is not milk.
I don't mind her motherhood journey. For some people it is easy and for some it is hard, regardless of external circumstances. You can be uber rich, have all the support in the world and struggle with PPD and feel disconnected from your baby and depressed. You can be poor but find a sort of fulfillment in being a mother and caring for your child.
(learn2sage ) No. 204753
>>204739 I don't know why you guys are perpetually bothered by her socio-economic status. She's rich. That hasn't change in years. That alone is not milk.
I don't mind her motherhood journey. For some people it is easy and for some it is hard, regardless of external circumstances. You can be uber rich, have all the support in the world and struggle with PPD and feel disconnected from your baby and depressed. You can be poor but find a sort of fulfillment in being a mother and caring for your child.
No. 204768
>>204753nah, if you're rich you can afford a therapist/psychiatrist and get your PPD treated quickly. are you taylor?
it's not that she's rich it's that she's not being honest. she probably has a nanny and is getting adequate sleep because of it.
No. 204841
>>204812I hope you are being sarcastic? Taylor never had to "work hard" in all her life and nothing she has now comes from her "working hard". She married a millioniare and what got her there is her looks, not any hard work.
Shit like this seriously pisses me off. You have no idea what "working hard" means. Getting up at 4am, because you have to be at work at 5am, unloading trucks for 4 hours and then go to your university courses right after that every fucking day. That's working hard. Smiling for a camera once a week is not.
No. 204903
>>204756I did sage.
>>204768Ah, yes. Because PPD goes away with the swish of a magic wand.
You can get treatment, therapy, and medication and still suffer. Not to mention the other hormonal and emotional changes women go through as a part of childbirth.
I'm not defending her, but it's weird to get mad seeing someone enjoying motherhood.
(fail sage manifestation) No. 204926
>>204914Taylor is so lacking in turmoil in her life that people are now imagining what if she
did have post partum depression and how her wads of cash definitely wouldn't ease this imagined problem whatsoever
Let's be real, the relatively easy birth and post birth experience has everything to do with the wads of cash.
No. 205102
>>204929Plus, she really was the only one taking care of the kid. Her husband is the breadwinner of the family, working from early morning till night, so she really did all of the house chores AND taking care of a newborn.
Princess TayTay could and would never. And her dead-brained WKs here would say KimonoMom had help from family and friends.
No. 205104
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kimonomon hired me from preiod of 20019-2020 to help disguse pedofileia ring in CZ I got to keep revenue from 12 vlog upload during preiod and kinomen aven stell me to say "Taylor richterd is a ghostie white hoe" compensation for me to say with my own voice was only cz400, this is handwrite sease and desist from Tomhas Lippe ssy that I have bring grate dishounor to their unborn fetid despite ifv fails a gift from god?(turbo autism)
No. 205118
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No. 205119
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>>205114Oh, nvm then. Chaning a bit the topic, did anyone see today stories? I thought she was on a pretty restrective diet… I guess some of you will say that she probably has not eaten any of this food, but it does not really make much sense to do this sponsorship at this time, while telling the world that you#re following this Cinese Confinement rules + having a Pui Yuet care for you.
No. 205210
>>205200Plenty of children are raised in mixed couple relationships where they learn the language of both their parents that the other parent can't speak, so that's not a problem and I doubt it will be a problem in the communication between Taylor and her son.
I find it more bothersome in general that Taylor permanently lives in a country where she doesn't bother to learn the language. That's not common/normal for sure. But I guess since she can get along with English there to well, she doesn't feel the need.
No. 205294
>>205293correcting myself: *pregnant women
I originally wrote HK people, sorry for accidental troontalk
No. 205375
>>205331holds mirrorI don't anyone here can point fingers to others about being obsessed. (or as the saying goes, point one finger to the other person, three fingers will point back)
Find real milk. This thread ain't it.
("holds mirror"- level of autism) No. 205492
>>205375lol thanks for that mods
if you care about milk so much then why are you reading saged threads? this will bump when there's milk dumbass
No. 205738
File: 1649308684548.jpg (341.59 KB, 1080x1925, IMG_20220407_091552.jpg)

This dumb bitch is gonna give me stroke. Boohoo, I can't go outside because of confinement. If you want to go out, do it. They are not going to jail you. Ffs.
P. S. Her hair looks fresh and clean, I didn't know ginger water was such a nice shampoo! /s
No. 205741
>>205738It's called cabin fever. Even COVID fucks had it when they were home. She's following tradition. It is like you are in jail, anon.
Also what with this random sarcasm sperg about the hair? Her hair looks fine.
No. 205748
>>205741Re: hair
That was the point. It looks great, which makes it hard to believe she really didn't wash it since birth.
No. 205758
>>205738Ugh. Hate the pretentious problems.
As if she ever followed any other Chinese tradition. They didn't even have a Chinese wedding, so why the sudden need to do confinement?
Also, did they stop tight binding her or however that was called?
No. 205760
>>205738I wish I had such a sheltered life that I had to create problems for myself and "solve" them heroically. Unfollowed her today, she's turning into a typical mom vlogger. I mean, kids are cute but I don't wanna see stories with your baby's pooping noises, thank you very much.
Anyway, I'm over this cow. I'll check back in a couple of months in hopes of real milk. Peace.
No. 205767
>>205765Not OP, but she looks very much happy with confinement if you ask me. She just has to show some level of discomfort, so it doesn't look like she's having "too much fun" with it. I mean, she's literally sitting at home 24/7. The most effort she puts into childcare is feeding and pumping, the rest is on the nanny. Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me.
I only wish she was honest enough to admit the true reason behind the whole schick. The idea behind letting the mom rest after childbirth is actually very good and should be normalised, hiring help for it is, too, especially since she can afford it.
But, no, she's following a "tradition" and following a bunch of rules she doesn't understand. The same way she was using "Chinese medicine" to treat her acne and trying to get pregnant, before going back to modern treatments for both in the end. I wonder if she gave birth in Canada as initially planned would she have done the confinement.
No. 205793
>>205741>>205745So where's the HK family enforcing this, Taystan? Do you mean Tom? Tom's parents are dead and his sister lives in France.
>>205759>If you guys literally know nothing about any of this, you gotta stop nitpicking it.Hey, autist, the anon
>>205758 simply asked a question. Cope, seethe and dilate somewhere else, especially if you're the probable hikkomoid here
>>204733 who called sanitary pads diapers. A woman would never say this:
>you're in diapers a good chunk of your life as a woman and normally it in general seems good to me. No. 205818
>>205809It was the hormones.. She probably didn't want to sob around the hospital people but birth can be traumatic your body goes through hell. And he's driving. The fuck you want him to do?
>>205793Everyone hates you in thread. You go on wild tangents and add your own context constantly because what's posted isn't milky enough for you. Stfu already.
No. 205825
>>205818Slow down there, WK-san. You seem to be the only one who's
>>205798I think you mistook this place for TayTay's insta, fuck off and comment there.
No. 205878
>>205801Is it really that strange that Taylor's social media focuses on Taylor?
People who follow her are there for Taylor, not Taylor's husband. A pic here or there is fine, but there's a limit.
In no way do I want to see a bunch of posts of him, cute baby or not.
No. 205898
>>205860>I don't really see any purpose in her continuing to have a thread here. She has not produced real milk for years and it's sad watching the colossal reaches anons continue to make about her.yes, cry cry, horrible anons attack innocent mother goddess Taylor
>>205865>then hide the thread, literally no one cares whether you are happy for them or think their baby is beautiful.Right, it's repetitive blogposting fangirly shit about how a baby looks. Even if it were ugly as sin, it would be retarded to discuss the looks of a baby because almost everything about a newborn changes. And this thread isn't about how pretty Taylor birthed a pretty baby and is so pretty, wow!
>>205888>Anons saying the baby is cute isn't whiteknighting or killing the thread. It's repetitive non-con sometimes unsaged posting about the looks of a newborn baby. "just like a doll!!" "so cute!!" "beautiful" This thread isn't about the baby. It's about Taylor, the pedo apologist and fake hardworking girlboss who cares only for herself and her rich friends, and her grunting pedo-pandering scrote who makes money by paying low wages to his female employees.
You also just said above
>>205860 that you don't want her to have a thread and it's sad to you what "anons" post about her. So you (singular or plural) minimod, derail, and infight whenever someone posts actual discussion.
>not milk>Taylor hasn't been milky in years>this thread ain't milk>only milk in this thread is in the baby bottleSo many complaints, over and over, about every minor topic people discuss here in saged posts. I hope you cop a longer ban for your deranged behavior.
No. 205901
>>205898I'm not the same person as
>>205888, TayTay-anon. Keep malding tho. Your long, furious, desperate screaming for some kind of drama is funny and is the reason why I keep checking this thread. I love your novels. Keep it up.
No. 205909
>>205898Your mental instability is really showing,
nonnie. I get that her mere existence
triggers tf out of you, but it's not that serious.
It's okay to wish her happiness sometimes while also giving criticism to the dumb shit she does.
>>205793I missed that, definitely a moid. He really thinks wearing a thin pad for a few days a month equates to "wearing diapers for most of your life"
definitely never seen a vagina or had a conversation with a woman irl
No. 206071
File: 1649455468121.webm (2.22 MB, 480x854, taylorr.webm)
If you watch carefully you realise Rosie takes a sip of Taylor's breastmilk here, the dog is making actions like she just licked or ate something right after going up to where the baby is breastfeeding
No. 206095
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>>206072I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor didn't notice, but I have a dog (same breed but bigger) and recognize the behavior, you can see the dog's tongue a few times in the clip. Hope Taylor is paying her wks well since one of you springs up in reply to literally every post ITT, it's starting to look a little desperate.
Dogs are just gross and will eat used tissues and stuff if they get a chance.
(tinfoiling bestiality) No. 206123
>>206122The dog wasn't anywhere near her nipple.
Breastfeeding requires a proper latch.
Meaning the entire nipple and most of the areola is inside the baby's mouth.
Only the very edges are visible if at all.
No way for a dog to lick a nipple that's already in the baby's mouth or get milk that's on the baby's tongue.
The dog smelled then pulled back and sniffed further away from the baby's mouth. Lingered for a second and pulled away.
Rosie probably was curious about the smell of both the baby and Taylor's milk, but she didn't taste it.
She smelled it up close then immediately began to sniffle, clearing her nose.
Some dogs will engage in similar scenting behaviors when they smell pregnancy, menustration, and other things.
(unsaged dog and nipple sperg ) No. 206132
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To no one's surprise, she's back to body checking. Sorry, I mean, outfit showcasing.
No. 206157
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>>206132People like you and
>>203403, and
>>203229 (though tbh these comments all sound like the same person) keep insisting things about Taylor's body and you have been proven wrong every time so far. Compression wraps after your organs have literally been fucking displaced for nearly a year is completely normal. You act like she's tightlacing a corset. If she were as concerned about body checking and giving the appearance of rapid weight loss as you keep saying she is, I don't think she'd have done anything like show the camera her soft postpartum belly the way she did in her last video. Taylor has actually been way more candid about her body during pregnancy than I would ever have expected for her, knowing how cagey she could be about it in the past. It's a sign of maturity and it's nice to see her not try and hide it.
No. 206173
>>206157She isn't wrapping here as I am the anon who keeps mentioning organ displacement, but she's just marveling at herself imo. Not even body checking. She was s living body horror for 9 months. She's also just showing her pants that cover her leftover skin. I don't know why anons keep reading into things like this when it's not milky. It's okay that not every post she makes is milky. Forcing it into a box until anons can call it milk though like
>>206095 is fucking tiresome at this point though and weird.
No. 206181
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Thank God she went out
No. 206246
>>206173>>206218I was responding in part to the other threads I tagged,
>>203229 mainly. Sorry if that wasn't clear. I know she wasn't wrapped in the pic I posted. That's why I posted it.
No. 206349
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>>206323There's been plenty of shots where it's not after a wrap.
No. 206420
>>206401It's jeans
Calm down. You sound so stupid.
No. 206480
>>206458Something interesting I picked up about Chinese culture from a Chinese native vlogger I follow, in China they have quite an old fashioned culture in terms of money and marriage. It's relatively normal for a girl to establish how much money a suitor has on a first date "will you buy me a house?" and a man's social status is directly linked to having a family, and being able to provide for said family. (Aside, also having mistresses or being able to provide for more than one woman is also viewed highly, which subverts the tradwife thing somewhat)
Hence, baby for Tom as part of his status, and the IVF clinic not mentioning any (obvious) factors his spunk played in their fertility goals. It would be a big blow to his status to imply he was unable to provide for a family, or
have a family since that is considered the entire purpose of relationships/marriage in China.
I'm a eurofag so I can't say this is absolutely true, but it was well explained by the vlogger and would explain why the clinic and Taylor herself made herself the focus of their "difficulties" rather than suggest Tom was the cause.
No. 206583
>>206573You can respect any countries's tradition, but unless it's affecting someone else there is absolutely NO reason to follow a tradition if you obviously don't like doing it and Taylor obviously didn't like staying inside.
For example it's tradition to take off your shoes in Japan indoors. Obviously you should respect that tradition. It's rude to the houseowner to put street durt all over his floor.
But what negative effect would it have on others if she didn't stay inside for a whole month? Exactly. NONE at all. "Respecting" that tradition would mean she respects if other woman want to do that. But following the tradition yourself even if you don't like it? I don't see the respect in that.
No. 206619
>>206587Lol. Motherhood is gnarly.
Baby must prefer that side so the supply is higher. It will even out if she switches him to the other for a bit.
No. 206621
>>206587that thumbnail, just why
I guess boobs get clicks, right?
No. 206623
>>206579It is not popular but common, and it’s not followed really strictly. Just don’t go out, don’t wash your hair often, eat fish soup and drink medicine. There are hardcore version of this when mother just holds the baby for feeding, doesn’t bend, doesn’t wash her hair, but most young girls - especially from big cities - won’t do it.
Most also won’t have a live in pui yuet, it’s usually mother or mother in law who helps around and they are gone when the first month passes. It’s convenient for Taylor to have pui yuet living with them as she can enjoy motherhood to the fullest: no sleepless nights, just playing and bonding with baby.
No. 206674
>>206645Pui yuet are always live in as they need to look after mother and the baby 24/7 throughout the month - especially through the night so mother is rested and the baby is well taken care of, changed, fed etc.
Taylor herself mentioned she won’t do room tour yet as pui yuet’s bed is inside and she can’t organize it the way she wants it yet.
No. 206723
Fucking autofill, this doesn't even make sense!
No. 206818
File: 1649840013379.jpg (572.91 KB, 1080x1937, IMG_20220413_123807.jpg)

Wow, she was really not prepared. One would think this is her first year in Hong Kong and she is not familiar with the climate or that she has no family or friends with kids to consult about baby clothes.
No. 206912
>>206892Ayrt and yeah that's what I'm saying. She should know by now that it's usually not that cold in HK
>>206883 I'm not "taytay-anon", but nice try. I'll continue calling her taytay and you can continue seething and wking.
No. 206922
>>206883>No one calls her thatMay I direct you to her Twitter, @iamtay_tay or her IG @taytay_xx ? Bitch calls herself that. But you've called 4 different posters "Taytay anon." Too bad you suck at making connections between posts; I've never called her taytay either.
She's fucking stupid and cannot accept that HK summer always starts earlier than in the west. But an anon mentioned a long time ago how she spends all summer in heavy sweats. They must blast the AC.
No. 206923
>>206896They had no carseat, period. Why are you talking about a newborn carseat vs. another kind of carseat? Fact is, they did everything last minute. The closet is full of clothes the baby will outgrow before it is cool enough to wear them. And so on. But Taylor can spend days organizing her pantry for the pui yuet and maid. Printing labels. Making tiktoks.
Cost for 28d of a live-in pui yuet with good English in 2018 was about 42k.
No. 206989
>>206981Go to meta to complain. Idk why you're shitting up the thread because anons call out the dumbass reaches people make.
>>206984They are inside right now and back then, the baby was just born. Even hospitals dress them warm.
No. 207040
>>206923If we got the carseat last minute, that's an oversight for sure. However, the rest … she got clothes, breast pump, cremes, diapers, nursery renovation, nursing pillow, all well before. I didn't see anything else short notice. And the rest … oh well, nesting stuff to create content. With some of the comments, btw., it's easy to wk even if you don't want to because it is so obvious they never had kids. First baby and you always have too much or buy stuff that doesn't work for you or the baby. That's things you find out with the first baby.
No. 207044
>>207040Thank goodness, best mother award winner Taylor did what she was supposed to do to have a baby. I guess none of the tiktoks she watched featured a car seat, that's why she forgot, and proper clothes for newborns in Hong Kong for that matter. All of them, though, most likely featured ~labels~ and whatever other useless shit she bought "for the baby".
It's actually a blessing for the baby that they have a puiyuet, at least someone with brains is taking care of him.
No. 207049
>>206631This is not how genes work. The fact that you can tell in most cases that half East Asian kids are half East Asian is not due to "strong genes" and those genes did not need time to "settle in".
It's just more visible in a mostly white background, same as a half-white kid is more visible in a mostly East Asian country.
The number of times some dunce spews nonsense about "asian genes are strong" is scary. Y'all didn't learn about genetics in biology?
No. 207050
I was blubbering watching this because of the guy's gorgeous voice and the sweet video. to check out who made the cover to make a similar video for my best friend's newborn…
Tiktok is full of the same video by hundreds of new moms.
(the guy's great, though:
No. 207089
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>>207055So she put her baby in a thick winter outfit just so people would interact with the post? And you know that 100%? how? If she's not lying about most of the clothing being gifts from friends and family, I wonder why they all chose to get the kid such heavy clothing. Some of the knits look larger, but who knows how fast he'll grow.
No. 207103
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>>207089The nanny probably dressed it and they are inside, the AC is most likely on so warm clothes inside isn't going to cook a baby. There's no milk here about the clothes thing. It's a mommy blogger thing and literally how she did stuff before the baby.
No. 207121
>>207049No need to be a know-it-all, anon was literally sharing her experience as a half-Asian kid. In her case it took time for her "Asian" features to show up, doesn't mean everyone else's should too, I agree, but it's not a reason for you to dismiss another person's experience.
P. S. Learn to sage.
No. 207145
File: 1650020201359.png (6.5 MB, 1125x2436, C192786D-9F2E-422A-B525-D35EA7…)

1 month old babies wake every 2-4 hours around the clock, this shouldn’t be new to them. translation: the help is spending the night with our kid anymore. dumbasses.
No. 207179
>>207145This is something that even happened to me as a kid. This is something parents have done so much that is a joke on tv.
>>207154Both work and sometimes neither do.
No. 207222
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>>207213This is an articulate and accurate critique, anon. I have had similar thoughts but struggled to put my finger on why it was so troubling. Maybe I chalked it up to her clickbaiting all the time, but yeah - why use the confinement stuff for clicks if neither of you believe in it? Why make stuff mocking HK superstitions when you're still abiding by most of them? Her clickbait phase was really obnoxious too, picrel. Wow what a nice traditional Chinese wedding outfit you already know you won't wear. (Decision to basically not have a wedding had already been made.) And don't get me started on the AMWF tag she was using for awhile.
Still her hands-down scummiest culture shit was making two videos defending Tom's website, which still has girls aged 13-16 on it. In those videos, she "explained" "Chinese culture" to viewers and said basically it's ok to ogle girls as young as 12. Those videos never got posted to bilibili bc she knows they are bullshit. You can still watch them via (she took them down)
No. 207226
>>207222Oh god yeah I remember all that. The fact that she thinks it’s just “Chinese culture” to be child predators is really racist and disturbing.
Tbh i always got the sense that she kind of liked being ogled by older Asian men and liked being fetishized. Obviously she played into looking like a child to be appealing to these men. And even to this day I think she enjoys being a trophy wife so clearly she never really stopped getting satisfaction out of being objectified. Which I guess if that’s your kink then fine but come on, don’t defend predatory behavior when it’s with actual children or no consenting women
No. 207231
>>207227She clearly does a lot of that to entertain her viewers. And possibly to feel like she is making an effort to "fit in" while simultaneously mostly hanging out with other US/Canada people.
Also, as opposed to her Japan days, where apparently the concepts of dango, manju and daifuku were unknown to her, she now has more sources of tradtional tidbits around her. But as always with young people living in a particular culture that has modernized, those things might be relayed as incomplete stories and there is no information about whether young people actually follow these things.
My husbands mom is from Eastern Europe and they have many superstitions the older generation adhered to but that doesn't mean that my husband and I will follow them in our house once we have kids.
No. 207232
>>207227The egg book seems to have some truthful points in it.
It just does a poor job of distinguishing between really well backed points and those that are methodologically weak.
No. 207236
>>207213>making it out to be this weird mystical thing instead of just a cultureI find this way of representing "foreign cultures" interesting for two reasons (as a person of mixed culture/heritage/first gen immigrant etc, but white)
- The stereotypes actually get enforced by the "foreign" culture (in this case China) specifically for tourism reasons, rather than a true reflection of everyday life, which feeds into the notion this is "real" rather than exaggeration. Every country has a tourism industry which generates much of its annual income, thus whatever is novel about [place] will actually be intentionally highlighted by its native people for moneymaking purposes.
- There is never any self reflection in regard to perception of other/foreign culture (in this case Taylor making content for fellow English speaking Westerners) where they consider their
own traditions and customs and their meaning in context of what they observe from other cultures. Western culture has Christmas, Easter, Christianity, like we are not exempt from weird rituals, our weddings are very strange and clinical in comparison to other cultures (the plain colour schemes, the white dress, other cultures have much more beautiful colourful wedding attire, Western weddings are quite strange in that regard)
Nevermind all the social heirarchy stuff that goes on which barely differs from the Indian caste system. But it's only novel and weird when someone who looks different from you does it!
- vloggers and the like never seem to integrate with the culture they join and seem to keep to that stereotypical "for tourists" view even when married to a native like in Taylor's case.
Taylor is respectful, I think, but the above tends to be true in all cases.
No. 207244
>>207240The fact that she couldn't get pregnant initially could be due to old man sperm. But just as likely due to the egg quality.
But with their IVF, the fertilized eggs were tested, which excludes chromosomal problems and makes it more likely the egg would take. So that excludes the "bad sperm" hypothesis.
But there is still a chance it won't take.
But it's still ridiculous if they actually never got Ew-san tested. Was he scared his pride would be hurt if he's partially to blame?
No. 207246
>>207244Ew-san's sperm couldn't fertilise the egg even when placed near it in a lab environment, so it has everything to do with sperm quality PLUS possible egg problems.
Anyway, he totally thinks Taylor is the problem and made her believe that, too.
No. 207266
>>207246>>207247I agree it's dumb to argue now.
I was just saying that the ones they implant during IVF are already fertilized and tested.
No. 207337
>>207333Anyone really surprised? Didn't we all know Taylor wouldn't be the one to do the actual work?
What I find really disgusting however is how the fact that Taylor constantly films her during work (cooking, preparing bath…. ertc.) means that Taylor apparently has nothing to do and could do the damn job herself and it's just lazyiness on her end.
No. 207368
File: 1650157675678.jpg (729.29 KB, 1079x1878, Screenshot_20220414-204111_Ins…)

Ngl, I like this saga. It's cute AF for her.
No. 207395
>>207368this isn't a fan site. not sure what you find so cute about it all.
>>207390he also has been eating like crap, burgers, fries, busting out of his underwear and blaming it on sympathy weight. imagine getting your designer babyyyy and ceasing to take care of your own aging body. It's pretty wild to realize how old Tom will be when the kid graduates HS.
No. 207410
>>207403>and it has become pretty common for woman to get their first child in their late 30s/early 40s nowadays, Not for women, women's fertility drops after 35 and the chance of complications increases. I recently searched after seeing something mentioned in this thread, and found several recent news stories of late 30s/early 40s women dying in childbirth from a heart attack.
Older male fathers in age gap relationships has always been a thing, but let's not pretend 40 is a common or recommended age for a woman to give birth.
No. 207411
>>207408Samefag as
>>207410I'm so sorry about your dad, anon ♥
No. 207437
>>207403These are are the people who need to find literally everything wrong with Taylor and Tom. It's not enough that he runs a sketchy website. He also needs to be way too old to have kids.
Newsflash, 45 is not that old, 45 year olds have kids all the time.
And sperm does not magically jump from good to bad at a particular age.
Same for women over 35. There is plenty of research suggesting that there is no fixed "cut off" age. Silly.
Yes, it gets harder with age and progressively, there can be more complications.
But like, chill. She's a skinny and healthy, vitamin popping early 30s woman and Ew-san is in his early to mid 40s. Not geriatric.
No. 207438
>>207435it starts dropping off. It's not jumping off a cliff.
There's enough to dislike about him but he's not a 70 year old having a baby.
He clearly has been wanting this baby for the past 5 or so years and he'd have been 40 or so then. That is completely common nowadays.
What are you all, teenage moms?
No. 207439
>>207437He might not be geriatric, but his sperm surely is.
Anyway, this topic is getting stale. Let's move on.
No. 207447
File: 1650206466082.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1454, Screenshot_20220417-173645.png)

kek at this frantic jogging with the stroller and a mask on (while on their private outdoor roof area?). Basically a classic postpartum ana plotline. Complete with chubby Tom filming it for social media.
No. 207477
>>207469Every once in a while someone throws something in here that is so absolutely ridiculous I don’t even know where to start. Lots of kids lose a parent for whatever reason by the age of 20. Many people live well into their 80’s now. The life expectancy in most first world countries is about 83 or more. But people die of disease, accidents, etc at any age.
By saying someone is “selfish and irresponsible” to want to be a parent at 45 is absurd. This is not only common but accepted in my country. Kids can have a happy and normal life with parents of any age.
I’m not defending these 2, Tom is immature and I don’t like his pedo tendencies, TayTay is desperately clinging on to some status as trophy wife/mommy blogger/content creator. I am losing interest in her content. There are far better family vloggers out there.
No. 207500
>>207469Reach much?
Life expectancy in Hongkong is higher than that and they are rich. It's more like 85+
You do know that life expectancy is based on averages and it does not mean that he "most likely" will croak at 75.
No. 207525
>>207510>>207475Taylor's insufferable for the many, many reasons outlined in her threads, and I really don't want to come across like I'm WKing her; but jfc some of you anons are reaching with this pregnancy.
Early human babies were raised by literal cavewomen and exposed to god knows what kind of conditions in that cave, fucking kek. Babies for sure can be in their comfy strollers while their mom jogs, and it's an incredibly common sight to see— especially in metropolitan areas of the U.S. The stroller isn't even shaking very much. Are you going to wrap your child in fucking bubble wrap?
No. 207553
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>>207550First, it's not just a nanny, but his primary caretaker - let's be honest the only thing Taylor does is take photos, occasionally stroll him around the apartment or smt and pump milk for him.
Second, she went to cut her hair, not a date. But, I agree the caption is overly dramatic. Newborns sleep most of the day, it's not like she can't squeeze in a dinner in silence while he sleeps.
No. 207560
>>207550Good for her for getting out of the house. That’s what the caretaker is for. Some people have their family do the same.
Staying at home with baby 24/7 just makes you stresso and depresso
(sage) No. 207594
>>207554And let's not pretend that there are advantages and disadvantages to having kids in both ages. You may be a bit older, but 30-40 is really not old and you can run around and play with the little kids like than you are in your 20-30. And you are usually more financial stable and most likely more advanced in your career. In addition, your relationship may be more stable because you didn't get your kid after a few years of being in your relationship.
Stop shaming people for rational decisions that they took or were taken for them. There is not only one right way to live your life.
No. 207731
>>207534As if you know the stats.
It's well-documented that there is risk at both extremes. But by extreme they mean actually over 40, not like 32 or whatever Taylor is.
She's in her early 30s, ffs! Would you prefer everyone have kids at your age (which I must assume is like 15?)
There are particular complications in each age group, which is why doctors look out for that and pay attention. It's not like we live in the 1320s, ffs.
Chill your beans, geez.
No. 207732
>>207554Stress on the "40s and 50s"
These are dumb kids calling Taylor a geriatric mom. And Tom borderline grandpa.
Even after 35, the change in prevalence for birth defects is a gradual. It's not like you turn 35 and BOOM, all goes to hell in a hand basket.
Science education seems to be at a peak low.
No. 207733
>>207705>being trapped in the house for monthsI hope you don't have kids, ever.
How is it "being trapped". It's the kid she's been trying for for 3 years.
You know, they are portable. You don't have to stay trapped in the house… what the actual. What sad reality do you live in?
No. 207745
>>207732>These are dumb kids calling Taylor a geriatric mom. Literally nobody said this, she's obviously young and healthy. People are only talking about Tom who is supposed to be around 45?
>>207731Your boomer typing style is so obvious
>>207733Literally learn to read, the anon was talking about the usual 2-3 months trapped in the house situation that happens to new moms as ideal, rather than shitty which it actually is. Sorry your scrote keeps you under lock and key, though
>>207716Race to the end!
No. 207753
>>207748I think it's the last part, she strikes me as someone with low self esteem. She is genuinely shy and uncertain sometimes in interaction with peers, all we see is her emulating endless trends, and other influencers, but her real personality is quite mild. Let's say an ex kpop dude, he's gonna have a personality which is quite intense and hard to handle, and of course other girls vying for attention. Tom is very two dimensional, so easy to handle, and you don't have to worry about anyone stealing him, kek. I understand it, though I agree that Taylor is definitely attractive enough to do better. I hope she had a wild phase before her asian businessman phase, because it would be a shame if she never had a romantic relationship with someone actually attractive, it does make a difference.
No. 207774
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Opened Instagram this morning and almost fell off my chair wtf
No. 207779
>>207753True that girl from ig apparently had a lot of girls super mad at her for a while, i think she got posted on pull which is probably why
Taylor breaks down over people pointing out her pedo husbands website, the absolutely unhinged amount of hate that would come her way if she was dating someone actually hot or famous would probably be unbearable for her personality type
Remember she was in a Japanese drama with some Japanese guy who is somewhat popular I think, she’s definitely been exposed to other models/actors in Japan and China so you’re right it would be a shame if she never had that experience, but something tells me she didn’t. Even before she was in the kawaii taytay era she was with Tom, maybe I sound stupid but what’s the point of all the bs that comes along with modeling like EDs and getting fillers/surgeries, always feeling older than the next up and coming girls, being critiqued for your looks etc. all just to end up with a lumpy toad…
No. 207853
>>207843I agree that parents should take turns taking care of the baby, but I don't think that's your point.
I disagree that they shouldn't be allowed to have fun without it every now and then. I don't understand your logic behind the baby's age, too. A 5 month old and 5 years old deserve the same amount of attention and care from parents, so why should it be OK to leave the baby with a caretaker at 5 month old and older, and not ok with 4?
No. 208080
>>207984I'm in my late 20s, anon.
>>207765Go through anyone's phone and even the fattest girls have selfies. Cameras specifically market the from facing camera just for the feature and biometrics. You've got to be joking if you think even back in MySpace that people didn't use vanity to their advantage. I don't see how Taylor's timeline looks different from any other blogger doing the same thing she's done for 10+ years. Usually all their timelines look the same with selfies/vacation spots/food they buy/sponsor gifts. It's the formula.
No. 208114
>>208080The front camera is for communication, mainly? Like FaceTime and other video calls.
Isn't it like shite quality compared to the real cameras on the back that are for taking photos?
Also, no, not everybody has selfies. Diversify your circle of friends.
No. 208133
>>208094Didn't say there was a problem. Im using it as an example.
>>208114Most bloggers like her do though, so don't know why that matters.
No. 208205
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this is absurd, who told her hot baths were out the entire pregnancy?
No. 208317
>>208315>>208243but but but "it's not arguable because it's true" >.<
That is one of the funniest replies I've read in a while.
(emote) No. 208323
>>208205 They tell pregnant women to avoid hot baths, saunas, and hot tubs because early on it causes birth defects and later causes fetal stress.
They tell you that baths should be around 98F or 36C, which isn't a hot relaxing bath in my opinion. It's warm but turns lukewarm very quickly because it's barely above body temp.
No. 208348
File: 1650594955025.webm (869.45 KB, 480x854, taylor desperate for attention…)
Taylor made a lovely little clip for the anons uncomfortable with videos of her milking herself:
No. 208544
>>208478You sound like a moron with your
b-but the trend is… sniveling when anon already pointed out everyone's getting the lyrics wrong.
idk what planet you've been on yeah not the same planet as you clearly, who thinks we need to watch and copy every moron on tiktok who gets a lyric wrong or we're not doing the "trend" right. Get a grip.
No. 208559
>>208550People have used it for rooting on their one good arm working because they are an amputee. It's not a mommy thing. It's about something just doing better or well and it's her tit in this case.
>>208544You clearly don't know the trend then, anon. Everyone mishears it as 'Go Little Rockstar'. That's why it's a trend and it's not used in the context of 'pope' unless someone memes the Pope specifically which they have.
No. 208581
File: 1650694855918.jpg (435.84 KB, 1080x1930, Screenshot_20220423_081338.jpg)

The autism in this thread is astounding. Have a picture of Taylor bodychecking instead so we can move on from the tiktok trend sperg.
No. 208587
>>208581Her underwear looks tight on both her stomach and thigh.
It's indented.
Even if she refuses to buy maternity clothing, she could at least buy a few the next size up and be comfortable.
No. 208594
>>208581Let me post the WK response before they get here. "It's literally her showing her belly. You can tell she's not uncomfortable with it. And read the caption, she's definitely fine with the way she looks". Lmao.
Place your bets. How many vlogs later will she tell all teary-eyed how she was stressed for not having her perfect (stick) body back fast enough?
No. 208602
>>208599For surviving the starvation period that followed the failed attempt. Lmao.
Seriously, though, she was pumping hormones into her body, it's not an easy feat to deal with.
No. 208603
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>>208598You called it, anon, spot on. She's looking through fitness activity options already.
No. 208648
>>208581Bodychecking is not something you publicly post. That shit is some extreme insecurity that you do for your eyes only. You literally take photos of your body from every angle possible, even angles you would never see yourself in. And then compare them later to see your "progress". That's what real bodychecking is.
Saying she's posting her body for likes would make more sense.
No. 208651
>>208648You comment was predicted and posted already lol. Scroll up. Posting photos to compare results is exactly what Taylor is doing with these posts and she has been doing it for ages.
P. S. Wait for the rest of the pics or even a video from all requested angles in the next vlog, dear anon.
No. 208718
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No. 208724
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>>208718"Carol" seems to be cooking up a storm every day as well as looking after the baby and Rosie, she seems happy though so Tom's money is going to good use (I feel like calling her Carol is offensive though, reminds me of that Kimmy Schmidt episode where they give the Korean nail artists random western names)
No. 208762
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>>208760kinda felt for the baby during this whole story - someone eating over his head, Taylor laughing like a hyena…
No. 208787
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>>208762She's just trying food.
No. 208788
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>>208724>taylor must hate her kid bc all we see is videos she postsThe tinfoil about her not liking her child is insane.
No. 208790
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You can put all your absolutely true "takes" in one post, WKchan.
No. 208807
>>208753Seriously, I knew it. This is the most critical time to bond with the baby and yet the nanny is taking care of him the most. How much does a live in nanny cost there? How long is she going to stay?
Taylor struggled so hard to get pregnant and now doesn’t even want the full mom experience
No. 208816
>>208813you just said it: "go to work" Filming and sharing her life is Taylor's life as an influencer.
And - are we now shaming mothers for taking a break? Hiring a nanny? Sigh. Really, being a mother is the most competitive role I've ever had - everyone knows better.
No. 208817
>>208785Where did you read this? Considering that the loudest in that position is probably the heart beat and voice of the wearer, I don't think a white noise machine matters.
White noise machines are usually put next to the baby, btw.
No. 208820
do you talk like that to your kids? since you're such a wise mother goddess and all?
No. 208844
>>208817(I had a typo earlier btw - 200cm not m!)
I thought those machines were ok, until I was thinking of buying one for my sister. My mom was like, are you sure they're ok? Searched a little and saw this below -
"Despite the potential benefits, white noise doesn’t always offer risk-free peace and quiet.
In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) tested 14 white noise machines designed for infants. They found that all of them exceeded recommended noise limits for hospital nurseries, which is set at 50 decibels.The study concluded that regular exposure to these sound pressure levels may be damaging to infant hearing and auditory development.
Based on the findings of the AAP, pediatricians recommend that any white noise machines should be placed at least 7 feet away (200 cm) from your baby’s crib."
I got my sister her baby a whole load of good quality diapers instead!
I don't know if it's 100% true, but didn't want to risk it for her baby.
(unsaged blog) No. 208857
>>208827Tom is as hardworking as Taylor, it seems. What's his job in the first place anyway?
WKs claim she spends time on making tiktok videos, I mean, all she does is film clips and send it to her editor. How long does it take to film a 30 second vid? I doubt it's more than a couple of hours, with planning and everything.
Anyway, it's useless trying to justify her lack of involvement in child-rearing, because it never was in her plans. She just had to birth it, the rest is on helpers. I pity the kid already. It will grow up sheltered but neglected.
No. 208885
>>208813>Why is the nanny carrying the baby around when Taylor is just watching?I feel like Taylor herself is very childish, like a teen mom almost?
It's kinda funny how all the anon predictions have come true.
However she only has the nanny for two months, unless she is auditoning a new one. I can't see Taylor suddenly changing tack and going very hands-on after she is clearly happy with the nanny setup.
No. 208923
>>208816You didn't get my point. She doesn't do anything that would keep her from carryng her baby herself. The only reason why she does not do it is because she does not WANT to.
She could film her nanny eating an apple while having her baby in a carrier herself.
Also, please don't be ridiculous by pretending that Taylor is so poor that she absolutely needs to "work" 4 weeks after birth. That is a slap in the face of every mother who would love to spend time with her baby and bond with it but actually needs to go to work to pay for her living.
No. 208955
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So taylor posted this conclusion to her IVF journey over at IG and the last paragraph took me by surprise. It reads to me like she's done with IVF completely? What happened to her wanting 3(?) more children?
No. 209020
>>208955Wtf are you reading there? She just said the IVF was the ride or journey and it has now ended. If they never do ivf or will have never another baby is not mentioned there.
I finally wanna know the dumb as name of the bebe
No. 209072
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>>208820Do you know where you are retard? Yes I call my kids retard 1 and retard 2.
>>208844You are right about having noise machines away from the babies cribs where they sleep most the day.
>>208785 says anything under 200cm is dangerous, when you actually want 60cm-120cm. Having a white noise machine isn’t abuse.
Originally it seemed to me you took the first information you found on Google say (200cm) then made an assumption. Grasping at anything to label Taylor as a bad mother. Don’t get me wrong, I find the girl annoying as hell.
I’m sure your sister and blog is totally real.
No. 209136
>>208785200 meters. That is too funny. Where do you live, a palace?
It depends on the decibels the machine emits. 65 decibels 1m away are not the same as 100decibels 1m away.
No. 209148
>>208892How do you know she doesn't do night feedings?
So the baby cries and a woman runs into their bedroom and feeds the baby? That's awkward.
I do agree that it's weird to have such a hands-on constant help when having a baby and looking forward to being a mother was a huge part of your identity for the past 4 years.
This is not about shaming but more about her influencer role and the image she wants to project to her fans. The "having it all" life looks very different when you don't have the money for a live-in nanny. But honestly, that is part of the "fun" of first-time motherhood.
No. 209178
>>209169but like, what else does she do? she should be so grateful to have all that free time to spend on her newborn.
recording a few tiktoks a week is her life?
I had a baby in grad school. managed to get my masters and start working, without a nanny, with just my husband and me to take care of the baby. It's not like a young, healthy person cannot handle a few months of interrupted sleep.
This is not mom-shaming. to each their own, and if you got it, flaunt it, I guess. But this feels like Carol has replaced Nathalie as a payed friend to be in videos and now there's a baby too and they all hang out together. instead of this being the intimate first weeks with her baby.
No. 209184
>>209148Carol’s bed is in the baby’s room. Taylor complained she won’t do baby’s room tour just yet because there’s furniture for pui yuet until she moves out.
On a side note, their apartment is so big but the way they changed the original design I cannot imagine where would they put another 2-3 kids. Their bedroom and living room/open kitchen are huge, but the baby room and that awkward office of Tom are not big. Will they be doing renovations every time she’s having a child? I sometimes just can’t believe how they can’t plan a thing in their lives.
No. 209192
>>209184Oh, so the baby doesn't even sleep in the same room with them?
And I was also wondering what their plans are for that apartment once their family gets bigger.
No. 209217
>>209192A lot of parents who can afford a second room do use one. Especially if they are self soothe kind of parents. Its not uncommon after birth too sleep in a different room. It's just convenient if they sleep in the master.
>>209179Most of her viewers are not in China, so..
>>209171The issue was also its cold fruit which is a superstitious thing in China. She's probably thinking the same of Tsylor.
>>209141It can produce hormones from both partners. It's not a cure, but can help nudge the body to do its thing with what is working to help the process.
No. 209235
>>209017>She's not dumb enough to think that. Luckily, we have her 50cent-chan here
>>209217 who is apparently dumb enough to think that.
>can produce hormones No. 209241
File: 1650961336098.jpg (264.61 KB, 1080x1894, IMG_20220426_080739.jpg)

Guess Taylor is now Chinese supertitions advocate lmao I checked the comments, most are positive, what's she talking about? Does she want people to not question her questionable choices?
No. 209269
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God I bet it stinks in Tom’s FIFA/masturbation closet. What a great way to spend time with baby, like the man doesn’t have hired help and his wife to watch him the other 23 hours of the day.
No. 209325
>>209317NAYRT, but he could leave the baby in the crib! …which would be a lot more uncaring than keeping it strapped to him.
>>209306 babies like warmth and touch from their parents, the guy is literally playing standing up so the baby can stay with him.
No. 209330
>>209328Because people should be allowed to have children. She has the means and money to afford to have a kid. Literally all you see is what she posts. They all look like they spend time with the baby and the baby isn't going to confuse Carol for the mother. The reaches make no sense.
With your logic you must believe in Eugenics. Just come out and say poor people shouldn't have children because they usually don't have help. At all.
No. 209336
>>209147>since this again puts all the blame on the womanwhat? sometimes the fertility problem IS the woman's, just because moid reproductive issues get blamed on the woman often doesn't mean that women never have fertility issues lol
>>209246NAYRT but it's not a "take", it's fucking biological reality that a successful pregnancy (not fucking IVF, retard) can make following pregnancies more likely. not to blog post but two women in my family struggled to get pregnant for almost 10 years and after a successful IVF baby they had two and three more naturally without issue. you sound like a stupid teenager who never had to think seriously about fertility beyond watching handmaid's tale and reading a couple tumblr posts
No. 209374
>>209237Taylor's influence is showing. All the 14 year old WKs on here planning on becoming sugar babies
good luck
No. 209386
>>209348She claims she has PCOS (never mentioned by the doctor in her whole fertility series), and that they struggled for years, but they only started trying in 2019, then after few months of trying naturally she told her doctor she wants to do IVF. Most doctors wouldn’t consider few months a concern for fertility, unless either one of them had a confirmed factor. PCOS most times really only needs medication to start ovulation. If she had even more serious problem she would definitely say it for the views, that’s why many here speculate it was his problem.
I personally think there was no serious issue (I suffer from PCOS myself), she just didn’t want to wait cycle after cycle. She seems like this sort of person that needs to get what she wants when she wants it. She wants a baby now, therefore she won’t wait another few months, she won’t do IUI (recommended if you don’t have blocked tubes etc. as it’s much less invasive but the pregnancy rate is much lower), let the lab do the work for her.
At the end of the day, we will never know, she just portraits it like it was her problem.
No. 209398
>>209386she mentioned in one of her recent posts that having her son was the conclusion of a 4 year infertility and then finally pregnancy "journey"
I'd say that trying for 3 years is not "running to the doctor" after a few months.
true that many people try for multiple months without any luck but 3 years is a long time
No. 209418
>>209398she can't count and is always lengthening the amount of time they were on this "journey." They got married in mid-Nov 2018 and started "trying" sometime in 2019, with big breaks because of work and travel and her grandfather dying. By 2020 she was running to the fertility clinic asking for ivf. When the first transfer didn't stick (end of June 2020), she took a year to go full anachan and then did another transfer June 2021.
So this is absolutely not a 4-year infertility struggle in any normal person's brain.
No. 209434
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>>209241Look at her playing the
victim. One would think people are judging her in most of the comments, although it's very far from the truth. May be people confronted her in DMs or story replies, who knows, but she seems very touchy with the subject.
No. 209438
>>209434she's into any and all woo she find or appropriate, but cannot take any criticism whatsoever. She is always the
victim if anyone disagrees.
No. 209490
>>209398>>209418>>209418she literally made a video on his birthday saying that he's praying for a baby in late 2018
so it's been like less than two years to get pregnant. the drama.
No. 209531
>>209490She reminds me of her bestie Sharla who would back in her days count her years spent in Japan wrong, the number increasing with every other video.
I think she just subtracted 2018 from 2022, instead of counting from 2019 when they started actively trying to 2021, when she got pregnant. And I'm not counting the frequent, lengthy brakes they took in between pre-treatment tries.
No. 209618
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>>209617Please do! I actually made a shitty collage for the thread. But feel free to make a new one. Thanks, anon.
No. 209619
>>209617Someone should take
>>200625 and put confinement nanny's face over Taylors kek
No. 209686
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muuhh where do I sign up? #looktay #muuhh(shitpost)
No. 209810
>>209793Better early than late.
Anyway. I guess Taylor is having a day off, this place is practically dead today.
No. 210965
File: 1651747769100.png (4.74 MB, 1125x2436, CDA1C0E7-0D7D-41B8-BB39-49CB55…)

when your $300+ nuna swing is in the other room but you’re too lazy and spoiled to drag it down the hall, just grab another $300 mamaroo swing nbd (yes it’s used, but those things are basically used for 3 months tops and always sell for almost their full value secondhand.)
Taylor’s always jumping around for us on camera while Tom Jr is strapped into one device or another when the most effective exercise would be to carry your fucking baby in your arms for once.
No. 210984
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tom is so gross. I think he got even pudgier during her pregnancy.. How rich is this guy again?