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No. 209757
Previous threads:
>>121374>>40202>>22555>>>/w/179758>>>/w/199602Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012-2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy Casey Neistat, the Kardashians, Jenna Marbles, Safiya Nygaard, and Valeria Lipovesky, among others. In the past, she focused on bad DIY videos and boring 30-minute vlogs in which she recaps serious challenges from her week, including hiring assistants, eating food, drinking coffee, exercising, seeing various scam artists (fortune tellers, naturopathic healers).
Her husband, Tom Lip is a successful businessman. One of his companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), stated it’s just one or two people who hate her, and insisted that she was never an escort, a claim no one ever made seriously. The purpose of the MenClub “private room” (which requires an individual to vet the applicant’s salary) is still unknown. Taylor claims that it’s for latte-making classes and "cigar nights." Apparently there were a lot of parties with girls though:
>>129120 and help navigating hostess clubs in Japan
>>129123. Tom's defense of his business ethics throws new light on Taylor's dolly phase, given that he immediately recognized how to make money from Taylor's "innocent" look while still dating her. Tom has denied any responsibility for Menclub’s content and continues to employ the perverted author of all the underage model features. The perv continues to comment on underage girls’ bodies and gets paid to do so. An anon found an article advocating that men date underage girls in the record of Menclub:
>>126757Most of Taylor's work since she started dating Tom can be traced back to his businesses. Taylor started out by working for BeautyExchange, did work for MenClub (though she denied it), and was promoted by Studio 54. There are probably many other connections between Tom and Taylor's "success," despite her insistence that her "success" is separate from his. (He finances the entire lifestyle she displays on her blog.)
Taylor has started her own business, TOAT, which is a complete rip-off of Gwyneth Paltrow’s goop website, right down to the code, which her web designer copied and pasted from goop
>>121540. TOAT is meant to be a lifestyle website, but is rarely if ever updated with articles; those that exist are practically useless. The real purpose of TOAT is to sell overpriced basic clothes with a huge mark-up for shipping and give Taylor the opportunity to be a model without actually having clients book her. Taylor refuses to discuss whether the cheap-looking products sold on TOAT are made ethically or where they come from (but she toured the packaging center! Because that’s important). Among her eternally sold-out products are a number of knock-offs, the most notable being the bee earrings sold by TOAT (rip-offs of Chanel’s bee earrings). Interestingly, TOAT is now the owner of the domain, and it seems Tom’s employees are listed as employees at TOAT. Yet there’s zero evidence of TOAT being registered as a
valid tax-paying company in HK or in Canada. TOAT is now dead: Taylor’s reasons for this include “you guys wanted more sizes” (other than ‘one size’), “you guys want to know where things are made,” and “COVID caused many packages to get sent back.” Oh, and she abandoned TOAT to become a TikTok star.
Taylor still manages to be relatable after “giving up” modeling by purchasing two condos with Tom’s money (one in downtown Toronto, one custom-built in Hong Kong) and flying back and forth between them. Her new full-time jobs include getting her face thoroughly frozen with botox/fillers, getting free staycations from luxury hotels, going to expensive restaurants, traveling in first class & by helicopter for no reason, and getting pregnant by Tom. Thanks to the miracle of modern science, she finally accomplished this hard and tasking goal.
She got IVF during a pandemic despite barely trying to conceive naturally, and after an embryo stayed in her for 2 weeks before jumping ship, she and Tom decided to “take a break” from IVF for a year. After begging people not to ask if she’s pregnant or tell her she looks pregnant, she started a fake-out “infertility series” in September 2021. After telling people it wasn’t a pregnancy announcement and using her friend’s stillbirth to wring more sympathy out of her followers, she announced that modern science had in fact located water on Mars – wait, no – an embryo stranded in her uterus. So the series was all a ploy for clicks after all, no surprise there. We were treated to many handmaiden-esque shots of Taylor injecting herself and crying over her “inability to make Tom a father.” Meanwhile, savvy anons pointed out that the result of her IVF cycles revealed Tom’s sperm are fucked up and can barely fertilize eggs even when trapped in a petri dish with a bunch of them. Taylor yelled at a cowtipper who accused Tom, who is “in his low 40s” kek) of contributing to their inability to get pregnant.
Taylor R's infertility documentary series ended in March with her inspiring and not like any other mommy vlogger's, birth vlog.
Now she's busy milking her Chinese confinement, while actively advocating for it and demanding respect for a culture she totally doesn't exploit for clicks. The other exciting content she likes to post revolves around her breastfeeding struggles and breast pumping, the biggest contribution she makes for her newborn son, who seems to spend most of his time in the arms of a confinement nurse.
Beware the white knights and stans in Taylor’s thread. Focus on the milk and ignore the filler, farmers.
Taylor’s Links: Tom Lip's controversial site for men: links (no longer updated): No. 209795
>>209794>>209792I think people are keen to leave the last thread which has a shit OP, I agree with them.
And the new updates are at the end of the summary.
No. 209990
>She got IVF during a pandemic despite barely trying to conceive naturally, and after an embryo stayed in her for 2 weeks before jumping ship, she and Tom decided to “take a break” from IVF for a year. After begging people not to ask if she’s pregnant or tell her she looks pregnant, she started a fake-out “infertility series” in September 2021. After telling people it wasn’t a pregnancy announcement and using her friend’s stillbirth to wring more sympathy out of her followers, she announced that modern science had in fact located water on Mars – wait, no – an embryo stranded in her uterus. So the series was all a ploy for clicks after all, no surprise there. We were treated to many handmaiden-esque shots of Taylor injecting herself and crying over her “inability to make Tom a father.” Meanwhile, savvy anons pointed out that the result of her IVF cycles revealed Tom’s sperm are fucked up and can barely fertilize eggs even when trapped in a petri dish with a bunch of them. Taylor yelled at a cowtipper who accused Tom, who is “in his low 40s” kek) of contributing to their inability to get pregnant.
>Taylor R's infertility documentary series ended in March with her inspiring and not like any other mommy vlogger's, birth vlog.
Now she's busy milking her Chinese confinement, while actively advocating for it and demanding respect for a culture she totally doesn't exploit for clicks. The other exciting content she likes to post revolves around her breastfeeding struggles and breast pumping, the biggest contribution she makes for her newborn son, who seems to spend most of his time in the arms of a confinement nurse.
which part of all this is milk exactly? i'm confused
No. 210039
>>210019Is that you, Nicole-chan? Got bored of backseat modding the Nicole thread so you moved here?
Unfortunately we lack the ability to personally survey Tom's sperm under a microscope, so you can screech for
proof like proof-chan in Nicole's thread all you want, but it
is a gossip site and all we can judge from is what is publicly posted online. We aren't private detectives. The point of these sites is to allow comment without having a cow's army sent to your profile. For example in both the Pixielocks threads and the Kelly Eden thread there have been documented times when the cow took a disliking to someone's comment and got that user nuked from the internet.
Kelly got her flying monkeys to spam hate on some girl's tiny account and she was either deleted or deleted herself, Pixie got a TikTokers account deleted for disagreeing with her about DID shit.
That's why sites like these exist. Take your whining to /meta but you miss the point of cow threads if you think every comment needs evidence attached to it. We are allowed to have fucking thoughts about influencers with millions of followers without morons like you screeching for
No. 210052
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>>210039I know, anon, these WKs are ridiculous. Here's the proof, anyway. We discussed this without any frothing whiteknighting back in September and October.
29 eggs harvested from Taylor's kawaii ovaries
14 in the "natural" IVF group
15 in the ICSI group (ICSI shows no additional benefit for female-factor infertility, it's only helpful for male-factor infertility: )
Of the 14 eggs in the natural IVF group, only 2 were fertilized successfully. This ratio is abnormally low.
Of the 15 ICSI eggs, only 11 were suitable for the process. 9 out of 11 were fertilized successfully.
The embryo she lost was from the natural IVF group, and the dr literally said it must have been a chromosome abnormality or something wasn't right, because her hormones and uterus were all fine.
Is that enough "proof" WK?
No. 210072
>>210052(posting WK-chan's reasoning before they arrive)
That's all speculation! Show me their medical documents that state that Tom's the reason behind their infertility. Otherwise, you're just assuming things. This place is for discussing hard facts only! For example, Taylor's kid's cuteness and beauty, and the benefits of Chinese confinement!
No. 210103
>>210101Imagine being retarded enough to try to WK while contradicting to the cow one's trying to WK for.
You're reaching for too much, WK-chan, chill. The only one cares enough to nitpick it again is you.
No. 210117
>>210081>If it wasn't for the insane people who write fanfiction about Taylor abusing her baby and beating the helpPlease post links to the posts alleging this. You are extremely
triggered by the very existence of this thread. Why is that?
No. 210196
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>>210009>generally whatever a cow does is milk…No? Literally no? That's not how good milk has ever been defined here. Are you new here lol
No. 210208
>>210196The fucking anons who think this site works as a free-for-all like kiwi need massive therapy. This site requires proof and off the rails tinfoiling to create false milk 'bc the core would do that' isn't fucking milk and not based in reality to a situation.
Just bc anons want to say the treatment didn't start in 2018 doesn't change the fact it did. Im tired of all these threads in/w/ being detailed by fucking autistic anons who think correcting with facts is the same as being a whiteknight. Can they go back to kiwi and their discord gossip guru bs?
No. 210218
>>210217Before she said 3, girl can’t count or she just wants to make it more dramatic. She herself gave the timeline, saying they started trying with beginning of 2019 and that moved onto IVF after few natural tries. She also confirmed one year break in fertility treatments after failed attempt in 2020. It’s in her videos.
I don’t know what you try to achieve here.
No. 210219
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>>210217>>210218anon just can't allow any negative thing to be said about Taylor, probably in their propaganda contract
(what did I just tell you) No. 210237
>>210219It's getting like the Nicole thread
>sperg: post proof! We need to see the semen!>Anon: posts proof from the cow>Sperg: this is retarded nitpicking!! slams the report buttonWhat's most amusing is the whiteknighting took a big tick upward after the birth, to coincide with Taylor having fuck all to do other than milking herself since her nanny seems fantastic. We'll probably see less of it now she will revert to a cheaper nanny.
No. 210242
>>210237/w/ has a specific sperg that has a meltdown if you critique any aspect of a cow. The /w/ sperg is most often seen in the Nicole thread, but my suspicion was that they were originally the sperg in the Erin Painter thread. Once they shit up that thread beyond recognition, they moved on to the Belle Delphine thread, where they demanded their queen Belle was not a whore. Their next appearance was the Nicole thread, which they similarly sperged about any criticism the cow received. I've seen almost exact comments from the poster in a bunch of different threads and now they're here kek
It's also funny to think about how the only threads they make appearances in are of girls who are at least slightly above average (besides Erin Painter)
Probably a scrote or a woman who feels inferior and makes up for it by wking for women who don't know she exists.
And even after old admin leaves new admin continues to enable these wking spergs with their shitty biased farmhands. They don't even try to hide it with their catty redtexts.
No. 210253
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Let's agree to ignore WKs, dear anons. If you see a bullshitter posting over and over, stop responding. That should make them leave.
On a brighter note, Carol is leaving today, prepare your popcorn.
No. 210261
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So, Carol has helped her during all this time with the baby, took care of her and the baby, and what does Taylor do in return? She "cooks" some cold food for her even though she knows Carol is not a fan of cold food and believes cold food has some negative connotations. Seriously, we know Taylor can cook, is that the best she could think of? I feel it is a bit disrespectful towards Carol.
No. 210262
>>210261Yeah, it left a bad taste in my mouth, too. She could've made one of her oven roasts or soups or whatever, but, no. She had to make a salad and a cold drink. It almost feels like she's taking her "revenge" from Carol for making her only eat warm/hot food for a month.
P. S. Ew-San was changing diapers in the stories. I guess he can help when he wants to, after all.
No. 210284
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>>210282Are you really nitpicking the speed at which Tom was changing the baby's diaper? You don't need to change a baby as if it were a Formula 1 race. This really isn't proof he hasn't done it overnight either. I don't get where that conclusion makes sense lol
No. 210325
>>210285You make it sound like she's keeping her hostage like a puppet.
I highly doubt the help would agree to be video recorded if she didn't want to. She has her own IG as well so I'm sure she doesn't mind the 10 Taylor followers she will get from it.
And how can you just assume that Taylor treats her like shit and isn't thankful?
We literally only see like a 1% snippet of her entire life with her.
No. 210334
>>210325I didn't see that in OP's comment, though. Of course Taylor is thankful, Carol has been a great help to her and she'll have to look far and wide to find a substitute.
It seems like the purpose of the video and the cold meal was not as much aimed at thanking Carol, as to create "entertaining" content. If I was given food I'm not a fan of as a thank you I wouldn't feel appreciated, quite the contrary. Anyway, I'm sure we'll get a longer clip in a future vlog, mark my words, she'll milk this as much as she can.
No. 210376
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we can all agree that taylor (or taylor’s team?) runs Carrol’s instagram account, right? what do you think will happen now that she’s out of the house?
No. 210450
>>210270>>210296It's a well-known cultural thing.
Do you need a special story on every type of food that she refuses to eat cold because you seem to have difficulties extrapolating based on the fact that we've only seen her refuse cold apples?
How many examples do you need from each food group?
No. 210455
At this point I read this thread for the cow anons, and the wild reaches. Taylor will have her milk in time, but the anons grasping at anything is hilarious. COLD FOOD, IVF BABY DATE, THE WHITE NOSIE, SLOW DIAPER CHANGE, THE HELP IS CONFINED IN A BASEMENT HELD HOSTAGE MADE TO EAT COLD APPLES. Everyday it’s some reach. But when it gets called out anons blog like “All my friends have babies and I’m a new mother” “My sister just had a baby and she said” Yeah sure Jan.
No. 210463
They are PULL leftovers who miss it way too much.
No. 210512
>>210376Why would Taylor or her team be in control of her IG? What is this reach right here?
Carol most likely just saw this as a good starting point to launch her own IG and grab some easy follows
No. 210538
Ignore the WK troll, anons. Ignore the troll.
>>210533I don't think she'll keep it up anyway, but time will show, I guess.
No. 210597
>>210294Just FYI, because I think that anons confuse that here. The hot and cold in traditional chinese medicine is not referring so much to the actual temperature, but to the characteristics of the food itself. E.g., ginger is considering very hot, even if eaten cold. Peppermint tea has cooling properties, although it can be served hot. It is more about how the food affects the body and ying/yang, etc, and so on.
Just google a bit for tcm hot cold food or similar.
No. 210672
>>2106521. that's not how SEO works
2. you can just pay google to remove results
3. I don't give a single fuck I am just making fun of you
No. 210682
>>210633I fucking knew it. Work for Taylor you end up dead.
All jokes aside, if anons were patient Taylor will bring milk in time. But everyone and there mom wants to make not even nitpicks, but crazy reaches with no base. Reaches if based on anything it’s a fairy tail or some myth. It make you all look like a fucking joke. Then calling people wk, for pointing out how actually retarded you are.
Ooo the dangerous salad, diaper changes so slow it’s child abuse. Fuck he probs hasn’t seen his kid in weeks. Actually Taylor spends only 1 hour and 36 mins with her son daily- I got all that info from her socials. ABUSE! Oh don’t even get me started on Taylor trying to destroy her babies hearing so she can make YouTube videos about her disabled son. Make for better click bait videos of course.
Crying wolf this much makes everything you say invalid. Makes this thread a joke, when there is real milk and she does something shitty or questionable call that shit out, be thankful for the milk. Learn to be okay when the milk is dry and not loose your minds.
On a real note you do you, cry wolf or whatever. Fuck mini mods. I’m just here for the show, but wanted to point out somethings I noticed.
I do think there is 1-2 REAL wk in this thread, but haven’t seen them in like a week if I remember correctly. I feel like a lot of the “wk” that clearly arnt, are anons from other threads making fun of this one. I do also notice 3-4 PULL retards grasping at ANYTHING. People wouldn’t make jokes about your reaches if they were just so dumb.
Anyways don’t worry retards, I am also slightly retarded for even makin this post. I’m not spell checking it either. Just hoping this would help you think.
No. 210963
>>210858Literally, that wks insane extrapolations went that far
>Anon: I observed Carol doesn't like cold food and Taytay gave her cold food knowing that>wk: omg you're saying Taylor killed Carol??/!!1 The state of her fans (or friends, considering the jvloggers thread is 90% jvloggers posting about each other)
No. 210985
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oh my GOD!! I did NOT think her tits would SAG and GROW like this immediately after labor? whaat the fuck? Looks like a whole ass shadman illustration with those giant nipples? inhumane
No. 210990
>>210985Are you actually retarded?
She’s clearly pumping milk under there.
No. 211007
>>210990another tactic used by Taylor's shills is to write ridiculous "parody" posts, pretending to be normal farmers. Only they think their low-IQ posts are funny. The Shadman fetish reference is meant to evoke the anons who wondered why Taylor constantly showed her belly and now her pumping apparatus, because some felt this was weird/fetishy. Our WK and shills can't tolerate any criticism of Holy Mother of Lip, nor is any opinion
valid except for their own.
Just in case anyone misunderstood the post.
No. 211030
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>>211007I'm serious
>>211003you're insane and your words representing the average farmer is doing "them" dirtier than the anons who see shadman shit when its obviously just an absolutely normal thing to film your giant hanging udders like this
(saggy tit sperg) No. 211038
>>211020How is Levi a Jewish-exclusive name???
It's Judeo-Christian and is found all over the Bible. Is he not the son of Jacob and Leah? That is in the Old Testament. Did he not found the Levites? Is he not the grandfather of Aaron and Moses?
Taylor is a white girl from Canada. That she is at least somewhat familiar with Christianity is not unreasonable. I would say it's hugely likely given how many of them are Catholic and, if not Catholic, Protestant.
You guys will really nitpick anything. Even when it makes no sense at all.
Anyways, sorry for the blog. I'm saging it.
(didn’t sage) No. 211046
>>211032I was interpreting what the anon posted, if you can read.
>>211027The bigger issue is that Cantonese has no 'v' sound so this is a difficult name to use in HK.
>>211044Please link me to any other time an anon wrote "holy mother."
No. 211047
>>211042you're still out here denying it HUH? muuuhhh
>>211046so that's why they call virgins schoolgirls in menskkklub
No. 211136
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She looks like her old self here. Is it me or she has toned down on the fillers/botox?
No. 211251
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>>211224My guess is they heard or read the name somewhere, googled the meaning, saw that it was "joined together" and whatever she blabbered on about in the first few minutes of her video, decided it fits and then the attack on titan shit started popping up. She probably thought it would be quirky to include it in her video because she used to be this kAwaIi mOdeRu in japan and had lots of weebish fans. Not sure how many of them stayed after her moving to HK tho.
Anyways, the weebs crying in this thread about her ruining their precios AoT character need to touch some grass. She doesn't even pronounce it the same as in the anime.
No. 211254
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Levi is a biblical name, she explained the biblical meaning and it's also the name of a fucking multi million dollar jeans company. Both things that are 1000x more known to the average person than some dumb fucking anime. And yet nobody is saying "OMG she named her baby after a pair of jeans!" because you are all fucking weeb NEETs who don't go outside and have lost touch with the real world. Thankfully none of you will breed and give your children retarded anime character names since that seems to be at the forefront of your brains. The lolcows really are coming from inside the thread nowadays.
No. 211256
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>>211254she spent a lot more time telling us who Levi the anime character is, she didn't say jack shit about the bible figure or jeans
No. 211257
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>>211254big strong rugged alpha moid, chinese warrior rawr titan soldier
No. 211267
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This look is priceless. Oh god, I've been laughing non stop.
No. 211324
Chill, guys. She would've come up with lengthy essays about the "deep" meaning behind the naming process, regardless of the name choose in the end.
E.g. We named him Brad, after Brad Pitt, so he grows up manly, tall and handsome. It actually means "broad, wide", so it symbolises the broad array of cultures in our family, coming from different parts of the world.
Or. We named him Leo, after Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo means "lion" and he was born in the year of tiger and lions are the closest thing. Plus lions are strong and brave. Etc, etc.
No. 211351
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>>211324You made me think of the narcissistic rambling "about" page for TOAT. This is how you know Taylor never really learned how to write. Somehow she missed the irony of selling One Size sweatshop clothing while waxing idiotically about how wonderful it is when clothes fit "to a T." is just a small part of a cringe essay about the name. I kind of wanted something like this for Levi, sad we just got it orally. Taylor's obsession with naming gives me big Elizabeth Holmes vibes.
No. 211474
>>211426How do you “pretend” to be a weeb? Your gate keeping anime yourself then getting mad about gate keeping? Imo anime is retarded.
Just make it make sense
No. 211475
>>211474She pandered to weebs, I guess, by pretending to be into some aspects of the culture.
Also, liking anime makes people weebs? Let's just find a dumb term for every cultural thing from every country to make fun of people who like it
No. 211555
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>>209757Reposting from last thread bc anon posted this nightmare fuel of Tom? If it's actually him? My gosh I didn't think he could get worse looking without the glasses but here we are. Taylor certainly made a… Choice.
>>211555I would literally rather die poor and alone than have a child with this
Why do women do this to themselves what a peculiar life path
No. 211562
>>211495um… You said "how do you pretend to be a weeb", if you are the post I replied to.
And I explained what people meant. Namely, that she pandered to weebs.
You have the reading comprehension of a badly trained goldfish cracker
No. 211563
>>211555ew, it's worse without glasses and from the side!
She "fell in love with his intelligence" she said. I loled so hard. Sure he might be but how would she know when he talks the way he does?
No. 211573
>>211563kek, she fell in love with his bags of cash and he wasted no time getting her promoted on his sites.
I saved this post because I thought this nonna really hit the nail on the head about their "conversations" - she was probably just sending him her shopped dolly photos and he was gushing:
>holy fuck, I can't imagine having all this concern for the wife of a dude who expressed from day 1 that he like kawaii childish women. A guy who dates his employees. Taylor said she spent hours talking to him everyday. Given his abysmal command of English, how much do you want to bet that she sent him kawiwi selfies and he said "whoa babe like princess" over and over?>>>/w/190578 No. 211696
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This thread stinky of filthy unwashed weebs.
No. 211704
>>211696You know what the
w in /w stands for right, anon? Why are you surprised to find weebs in a subforum specifically made for weeb cows?
No. 212310
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Ask and you shall receive. Can we put the name debacle to side now? She listed all the (equally lame) reasons behind it. The woodSy feeling had me rolling on the floor, ngl.
No. 212708
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What is the red string around Taylor's wrist? She's been wearing it constantly along with her expensive designer jewelry. I can't be arsed to see how far back it appears but I've noticed it in tons of IG stories since she gave birth.
sage bc it's a question
No. 212815
>>212732She also believes the super-healing powers of Chinese medicine, goop, feng shui, fortune-telling and every other thing not based in science or logic. She's just that kind of person, there's a lot of them around you, if you pay attention.
Btw, I'm surprised she didn't mention the fortune-teller who said she'll have her first child in the year of tiger.
No. 212967
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There it is again. The definition of "hard work" of a woman who never had to work hard in her life and has no clue what it really means.
No. 212972
>>212968She's talking about pumping milk though.
At least now whe know why she keeps showing her breasts and pump into the camera at every chance: She thinks it's "hard work" and wants aknowledgment for it.
(I am not saying it's a piece of cake. But it's hardly the definition of "hard work" for normal working people. Tell that to a nurse, or a cosntruction worker or just an university student who has to work late shifts at a restaurant to pay for his education.)
No. 213008
>>212972>>212967Does she
not get enough validation from Tom?? I mean, he only married ber bc she was copying the "living doll" Trent and by now she's married him and had a baby with him bit still seems so… terminally insecure and alone? Like her only friends are image based. Not that I feel bad for her or anything, I'd
love to be in her position and lay around all day pretending to have real problems.
No. 213660
>>212708From what I saw from her last videos, I believe it is from a jewelry brand called Messika.
It’s a cord bracelet with a jewel on it.
No. 213745
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everything about him is repulsive
her desperate need for attention and vapid praise is repulsive too
No. 213746
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Motherhood: pity me for having the baby I allegedly wanted
No. 213747
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>>213746Did Taylor mention she is pumping and breastfeeding? Because someone is drinking from her nipples. Did she mention that today?
No. 213823
>>213793First of all, who the fuck asked? Really…
Second of, I did not need to know that she uses her breastmilk as antirash cream for the baby.
No. 213896
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Sometimes I wonder if she is aware of these threads or just that dense to post something like this obliviously. Nice Tom the Wardhog quib.
No. 214019
>>213823the sweet sweet sponsorship money asked. I'm pretty sure no subscriber ever wondered what Levi's skincare routine is.
Also, it's a common home remedy to put breastmilk on rashes. Are you just grossed out by the most natural things in the world?
No. 214266
>>213823You should maybe so following her. Just existing apparently
triggers you. She's doing normal mom shit. Maybe you need to not follow new moms or mommy vloggers.
No. 214332
>>214266I suppose many of her followers did and many will unfollow her, because this is not what many followed her for in the first place. On the other hand, she might gain new followers after transitioning to mom/family vlogging.
One way or another there's little to no milk to be discussed in the first place.
No. 214342
>>214337Or maybe some people just aren't interested in mommy stuff?
Nothing to do with being grossed out, just not everyone is interested in children or having them and that's perfectly okay.
No. 215885
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has literally all the time and money in the world, plus her new baby, and still puts her clown makeup on to bitch about not being able to do skits for validation from twenty years olds on insta all day anymore(unsaged nitpick)
No. 216112
>>216109>by your logicIt's an actual phenomenom dipshit.
You don't think that some families just didn't report their first few female children before getting a boy to register? The chained up chinese women sold to all those lonely village farmers came from somewhere, no?
No. 216123
>>she could've gotten basically any Asian dude she wanted. If she could, she wouldn't be with Tom.
No. 216284
>>216112You know what is a phenomenom, "dipshit"?
Countries where women are valued less than men having a much higher abortion rate for female fetuses, thus causing an imbalance between male and female population.
No. 216588
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Honestly looking forward to these new vlogs and lifestyle she's gonna have with the baby. Its a different video type when its with babies. I dint want kids personally so watching Taylor over the years and now this is going to be a refreshing change.
No. 216864
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No. 216892
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Not much of actual milk with her lately, but the kid can lift his head a bit which is good. She's just doing her mommy stuff. No new vlog yet though either. I wonder if these might be monthly uploads now since she's been busy with tiktoks.
No. 217107
>>217025>poop isn't gross to parents and it tells a lot of health info about baby and–>LOL POO CHAIRDisingenuous reach and I don't think you're dumb enough deep down to believe that in contexts like these.
>>217080What are you saying?
No. 217664
>>217641sounds like i struck a nerve lol i'm not even asian chillax.
it's true most asian men think white women are too intimidating(both physically and personality wise, white women are too confident and assertive and physically more masculine too), you can watch countless interviews with japanese men(for example this video most of them want to date japanese women or just east asian women in general.
there will always be thirsty men who lust after anything. there are men with bbw fetishes out there but most asian men don't prefer white women over asian women just get over it yellow fever femcel!!>>217641
No. 217666
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yellow fever white girls seethe
No. 217667
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>>217666isn’t it a thing that Asian women don’t wear deodorant though kek
No. 217681
>>217666I saw this in a different youtube video sometime, Japanese think white people (particularly Americans referenced in the video, maybe because they are the most common tourist) are sweaty, hairy and smelly, so funny. Also I have read elsewhere that East Asian men consider white women to be whores, generally speaking, like white women are featured heavily in mainstream US porn which is easily available, so they sorta think that's how we are irl (t. white woman)
However there is status in marrying a pretty model of any race, Taylor's appeal (and other trophy wives) is in the status of the woman and her specific beauty, rather than their race.
No. 217689
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>>217684>>217681Not to sperg too much about ethnicity, but Asian men are literally the only men who do not rate Asian women as most attractive on dating platforms. The beauty standard in every Asian country is to look as white as possible. Light hair, light skin, big eyes, petite nose, long legs. All things that Taylor has. She is a model in Asia because she fits their beauty standard and has the most desired traits there. How can you seriously cope about the fact that Asian men aren't into white women when that is literally the beauty standard??
No. 217691
>>217689anon they just want white skin and taller nose. they don't want to be white they have always had those things as a beauty standard even in ancient china.
being pale was always popular and asian beauty standards are the opposite of what westerners deem beautiful. they do not like harsh facial features and facial hair and want the girl to look innocent and soft. they like baby faces which most white women do not have(i'm not saying this is the case for all of them obviously all women of all races can have a baby face but it's usually more common in east asia)
and east asians are pretty collectivist and stick together, they do not like foreigners cause of cultural difference too and most families want you to marry someone of your nationality!
also asian men are on the feminine and short side and that's why they like latinas and asians cause they're still more feminine than them. makes sense to me
(race sperging) No. 217703
>>217696i would disagree.
asian women are considered more attractive by men because of their feminine features and petite bodies. most men are attracted to youthful features and asian women are the most youthful looking race
No. 217709
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>>217696Please anon, white people are not considered the beauty standard across the world, mighty kek. You must be trolling or you genuinely have no knowledge in this area. Don't confuse colorism and unrealistic beauty standards, where non-white countries often have a standard of
paler skin as beautiful, as actually preferring
white people.
No. 217755
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I know some mother’s lose filter on what should and shouldn’t be on social media, Taylor seems she never had one in the first place, but after telling us a story of her child’s massive crap, now not only she served us with another story how her dog crapped her bed and she slept on it, she even put her child next to it and took a picture.
Poop is normal, pooping is normal, posting about it on SM isn’t. Especially when it involves a child. Half a million random users on IG are not your family Taylor.
I swear this poop is bigger than her brain.
No. 217774
>>217755I could forgive the story about the diaper (grudgingly) but this is nasty. I'll wait for WK anon to come in here and explain "its relateable mommy vlogger shit" "just say you don't like dog feces and move on" "go touch grass"
Maybe Rosie should go touch grass.
No. 217801
>>217755what the fuck?!
talking about your kid's poop is normal (with the appropriate people), showing it is going a bit far (unless it's actually odd and you want to show your pediatrician) but putting your kid next to your dog's shit and posting it??? what's wrong with people?
No. 217803
>>217801Because Taylor only has 3 functioning brain cells, after lying in dog poop, inches away from a baby, she thinks “this would make a great Instagram post and people will think I’m sooooooooooo relatable!”. She then proceeds to pull out a camera and leave baby next to poop just for clicks. Any other normal person would take baby away from dirty gross things and start cleaning up the mess.
I have taken care of many small dogs for friends and it’s just what they do if they are not very smart. They poop and pee everywhere.
No. 217806
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Either her sheets were already stained or the poop went really close to the baby.
No. 217825
>>217824I love dogs and was kind of nervous when she picked rosie up and brought her so close to the newborn. Like I think there's a better, more careful way to do that.
If your dog is truly revenge pooping in bed, then there are going to be serious issues when the child is more mobile.
No. 217873
>>217870Anon, shut up. No one needs
consent to be around a fucking animal like a domesticated one. Especially within the family home. You also can't prove the dog was trying to even do that
on the baby, let alone probably before Taylor even got in bed, didn't noticed, and then went to sleep with the baby. You sound stupid throwing around
consent as if this is some sexual issue.
No. 217880
>>217873You sound offended anon Just because you love dogs you have to know not everyone does. everyone like something or not and the problem with many dog owners they expect to shove it to everyone’s face. Some people have dog phobia and many literally take their mutts everywhere here in the west. Somehow a domesticated animal that harm people more than any other animal. Check statistics the most harmful animals are mosquitoes, snakes and dogs let’s not about diseases and yea many were family dogs well trained and never did anything wrong before but instinct can wake up anytime. I don’t expect a poodle can do harm but imagine big breeds. Many parents left home came back and found a tragedy. Check many cctv people walking minding their business and a dog unleashed or pack of dogs attack their
victims. It’s not always the owner fault like many try to blame because of the worship of dogs. Studies found the more we treat dogs nicely the more they see us weak and vulnerable. Attacks have increased recent years. You can’t deny facts and statistics they try to hide. I used to love dogs also by the way and let’s say now i turned to cats but if someone is uncomfortable around them or don’t want to be near it they have every right and no need to be offended just because i think they are domesticated animals. Dogs are filthy animals and yea exposing them without someone’s consent mostly a baby is abuse and same goes to anything else. In America it’s so normalized and just because something is normal now doesn’t mean it’s always the right thing.
(dog-induced autism) No. 217994
>>217824lol, baby will be ok. that dog has barely any teeth left.
She's not the smartest animal and the puppy mill she came from didn't breed her for intelligence. neither did Taylor raise her well
No. 217996
>>217870So she has to wait 18 years and get the kid's consent in written form? tripple copy?
No I get what you mean. There's obviously a way to introduce your baby to your animals in a more dignified manner. But it's Taylor. Dignified?
consent is not just a sexual thing. Posting kids on social media when you don't have a private account and the whole world can see your baby/kid is an issue of consent.
No. 218157
>>217880It’s clear that you have no clue about what you are talking about. People think cats are cleaner, but they are absolutely not. They will also piss and shit for revenge. People seem to think cats are clean animals, if that’s true then why are pregnant women not allowed to clean a litter box? Also there is the hair balls which are super disgusting and gross. I have had both cats and dogs. I would say dogs are cleaner if they are trained well. Also, you can’t really train or bathe a cat. They lick themselves, which is not the same as bathing or cleaning.
Some small dogs are so stupid they would never survive without a human to take care of them. I remember Taylor posting about Rosie peeing and pooping on the floor years ago. It’s obvious Taylor spoils that disgusting glorified rat. She’s brainless herself so how can she manage a brainless inbred lap dog?
I used to love dogs too but I have been bitten too many times by badly trained dogs. I blame their idiot owners every time. Cats are a whole other set of issues.
No. 218192
>>218157Stop your dumb, barely coherent sperging. No1currs.
Also, women shouldn't clean litterboxes of cats that go outside because of toxoplasmosis.
And where the fuck do you live that you've gotten bitten REPEATEDLY?? What the fuck, dude?
No. 218196
>>218157What's wrong with you. Not a single person cares about your blog.
You're the idiot who wrote that Rosie drank Taylor's breast milk, aren't you.
get help
No. 218208
>>218192Topics that always set off the userbase of lolcow
1. tall girls vs short girls, who has it better
2. Cats and dogs (there are threads on /ot for this exact purpose)
Best to just stop interacting with this topic because rating cats vs dogs is not even on topic anymore, Taylor doesn't have a cat and her tiny pup is harmless except for the shitting in the bed kek
No. 218217
>>218192>>218196Not the same person, not sure how you came to that conclusion.
People let their dogs run loose here. Often, it’s the big dogs that are better. The small ones like poodles and chihuahuas bite more. I don’t have a preference of cats to dogs. Animals are just dirty, period. They lick their genitals and buttholes. It’s not a good idea to let animals that close to a small baby with a underdeveloped immune system.
No. 218357
>>218245grammar is not spelling.
your English was not ungrammatical as much as it sounded like an alien trying to pretend its American
No. 218488
>>218217so do certain humans
So many things you still have to learn about the world
No. 218490
>>218364>>218370Hey, at least "dog shit" is very much on topic.
Taylor produces so little milk (metaphorical, she wants us to know she's working hard on the actual milk), people have to entertain themselves somehow.
No. 218508
>>218505I'm laughing so hard.
You have the reading comprehension of a gerbil.
I made a joke about some (hopefully) adults also licking genitals and buttholes. Assuming you're too young to get the joke, your reading comprehension makes sense. And possibly also your fear of the dirty, dirty animals!
Also, what the hell are pet pronouns? Take your meds, for the love of god.
Sorry for derailing. Anon needs help.
No. 218785
>>218217> It’s not a good idea to let animals that close to a small baby with a underdeveloped immune systemThat's your misguided idea of pets and babies vs. Scientific consensus:
Actually children who grow up with pets have less allergies than children without, because pets are good for their underdeveloped immune system - It helps them train and develope an immune system. No. 218792
I don't particularly like Taylor's dog, it looks demented and I'm against these idiotic breeds and their puppy mill origins, but babies and dogs can co-exist without any major problems.
Anon is a weirdo who claims to have been bitten by multiple dogs and has weird notions about them being dirty.
I wonder if they know that the bacteria in humans' mouths are more varied and worse than those in dogs' mouths and that dogs' saliva is actually highly unproblematic and antiseptic.
No. 218874
>>218792>>218508>>218792There are many jobs here where people get routinely bitten by dogs: Bylaw Enforcement, Letter Carriers, Couriers, the people who go house to house checking gas and electricity meters, groomers, Park Rangers, etc etc etc…You just called all these people weirdos.
Anon also defended a dog shitting in the bed next to a newborn because the sCIeNcE shows those babies have a stronger immune system.
Animals are dirty. Kids are germ factories. Kids get sick all the time. You don’t have to be OCD or autistic to know this. But go on, y’all know everything.
No. 218882
>>218874>Animals are dirty. Kids are germ factories.Wait, so now you're saying she's endangering the dog by putting that germ factory next to him?
(for the record: this is a joke. you seem to struggle with the concept. Kids mostly start getting sick more when they are in daycare and such due to more exposure to transmittable diseases.)
Get help,
nonnie. I am sorry that you are a mail carrier who encounters too many dogs who have a grudge against you. Your life must suck. But we do appreciate your service!
No. 219229
>>218882You make a lot of assumptions. My life is pretty great, thanks for checking in.
Internet bullies who constantly attack others have lives that suck. I hope you feel better about yourself one day.
No. 219251
>>219229How were you bullied? By people pointing out that you have a weird issue about dogs?
And now you're calling out "big pet ownership" like it's the cosmetics industry? Calm down. You're not bullied. People are calling out your BS.
No. 219490
People who miss PULL, just create like a subreddit or something
No. 219632
>>219618As much as the nanny caused some debate, Taylor is not the kind of person to thrive as the sole carer of a newborn (can't see Tom doing much since he never did much in general except his job) and they have the money for one, I honestly don't think mommy vlogging is her thing after seeing her attempts so far
>awkward milking videos>look at this dog shit in my bed(!)>baby kicks me when I breastfeedIt's just uh awkward I guess? Like not #goals which her brand aims for. Someone posted in one of these older threads revealing that the persona Taylor adopts is basically a very desirable and specific type of lifestyle for some Hong Kong women to aspire to, which is a bit lost in translation to eurofags like myself and americans I bet, but she has always emulated a specific lifestyle which other people wish to have, I'm not sure anyone would aspire to be like this current brand of momvlogging.
No. 220789
Not milk but that baby looks like Tom. And all the brainless followers going "omg, he is gorgeous and looks so much like you!" to Taylor., god, I hate when people call mothers
mama like it's some title. Kids can call their mom mama, stop calling each other that.
No. 221391
>>221242not to derail, but no, there is not
one allele for eye color. Eye color is actually very complicated.
And while everything you wrote is fairly correct, the framing is often the issue. When a brown eyed and dark haired British guy has a child with a blond and blue-eyed French-Canadian, nobody talks about the brown-haired "race" being dominant. So I take issue with that since what I meant is not that the baby looks Asian but that he specifically looks a whole lot like Tom and not like Taylor (as all her fangirls claim).
No. 221393
>>2212481) That is completely incorrect. What a silly thing to say. Like, you can tell that people are partially of Asian descent in many cases, but you can also clearly tell that they are also of other descent and, goddammit, genetically, it's still half of the genes from mommy and half from daddy.
I and a bunch of my friends are half East Asian and unless you are blind to small distinctions because all East Asians and even half East Asians look the same to you, you can clearly tell the influence of the white parent. I don't automatically get my dad's lips and nose and left pinky because he's Asian. Of course half-Asian and half-White kids also resemble their white parent.
You need some grade school education on genetics. You must have been taught creationism in school.
2) What the hell?! So you're actually a white supremacist and that's why your perception of genetics is batshit.
No. 221432
>>221248FFS, are you really that dumb or just hopelessly racist?
You do realize that there is no biological, genetic basis for "white" and non-white? What you see as race is a random collection of genes that were chosen as group-defining. There's no reason why the shape of your lids or the color of your eyes or skin should count for more than literally thousands of other traits.
(racesperging) No. 221540
>>221522Same here.
I'm half Mongolian, and then part Russian & part French.
I look most like my French-Russian mom but also get placed as all kinds of ethnicities by people who meet me for the first time.
>>221248And yes, I guess I should have a word with my light haired blue-eyed mom for throwing away those precious genes. \s
No. 221617
Most people who are not sheltered like you are aware of the existence of children of mixed background, white-power-san.
No. 221794
There literally are towns in the Midwest that are populated by white people from just one single racial background, sometimes even down to a couple of waves of migration from geographically very restricted areas. So I do think you're spot on about this anon.
>>221610Since Taylor is from the Toronto area, where many East Asian Canadians live and she currently lives in Hong Kong, I'm pretty sure she won't be spending a lot of time explaining to people that mixed-background kids exist.
No. 221975
>>221248Do you realize that maybe, just maybe to Asian people these half white kids look “white” because being Asian and being white is all relative and we judge things from our perspective? Half Asian kids still somewhat resemble their Caucasian (or other race) parent and unless you’re face blind you should be able to tell that
White people, half Asian people and even (!) people from other races can all be beautiful white power-san.
No. 222021
>>221794Taylor is from a small town in Ontario. She bought an apartment in Toronto, but she never really lived there. Many of these small towns are predominantly white. Look at her family, do you see anyone besides Taylor marrying someone who isn’t Caucasian? Chances are someone in her large extended family is racist.
Her kid already looks a lot like Tom. The only thing I’d be worried about is Levi picking up any of his parents bad behaviours, especially Tom’s.
No. 222137
>>222021Literally, her best friend is married to a person who might not be what middle America (and possibly Canada) defines as white.
Also >Many of these small towns are predominantly white. Look at her family, do you see anyone besides Taylor marrying someone who isn’t Caucasian? Chances are someone in her large extended family is racist.
Your point being?? Why the hell should she care that her family is predominantly white? Or that some shitty distant cousin might be racist? Would you?!
Many people are the first ones in their family to marry someone from another background. Times change. Start thinking like a modern human,
There are parts of Europe where different denominations of Christians didn't marry among each other like even 50 years back. Would you say that a catholic marrying a protestant today would be a big shock?
(enough racesperging) No. 222492
>>222277Her grandparents are on record being ok with it and they're not gonna be around forever (some aren't anymore). Her parents are also clearly fine with Tom.
I'm sure the fact that he's a millionaire who'll provide for their daughter who doesn't have an education would also make more racist people be fine with the situation.
No. 222614
>>222564I sense that Taylor got a ton of favoritism while growing up as the "pretty model" sibling. She acts like everyone should continue to kiss the ground she walks on, especially in the vlogs with her family. It's hard to explain why, just she always shows up to eat, sleep, shop, and not help at all with whatever celebration is happening. She interacts with her sisters' kids in weird ways too, basically just buying them shit.
I think when she was larping as a teen, she really fucked up her psychology further. The sole decent thing about her having a $40k+ baby is that she now has something in her life that isn't dependent on her physical looks. Since she obsesses about her appearance and stupid trends/influencers constantly.
No. 222642
>>222614> I sense that Taylor got a ton of favoritism while growing up as the "pretty model" sibling.Not really. I think it's just that she's the one who's there for a week, while the others live there and see each other every day.
> She interacts with her sisters' kids in weird ways too, basically just buying them shit.That is what she does with everybody. Her friends, her family, kids.
No. 222893
nonnie sounds like you just hate her for her. That’s ok, no need to clutch your Sunday morning pearls over a aunt pulling the “chill aunt”. It’s not like she’s giving them weed and tell them not to tell their parents. If anything as a aunt you want to have a close relationship to your nephew or niece, it means they’ll feel more comfortable coming to you with issues if they’re unable to with their parents.
No. 222976
>>222944Wow, you can read
a lot into like 5 seconds of a youtube video.
That's why one would assume you just find anything to hate about her. You have no idea about her interactions with her nephews outside of these few seconds.
No. 223386
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so autistic, so anorexic
No. 223424
I hate this narrative of "my brain so foggy" with a passion as someone who had a kid in grad school and managed to somehow complete my work and be a mom.
but how is she autistic or anorexic in this?! I get it, there was a formula shortage, so you're trying to create some milk for everybody.
No. 223481
>>223389>had this idea of what postpartum was going to look like>wasn't this magical influencer bounce backWell no shit Taylor? Did you ever talk to someone who actually gave birth? Look at their bodies? Or did you just watch 9 months of preggo-inspo uwu influencer content on youtube and talk to your uninformed husband who doesn't know shit about pregnancies? I can't believe she's that oblivious to anything.
>make boring 30 minute video >thinking staying inside without moving is healthy for you >insisting that baths and teas impact every little detail about your body>thinking that a 40cm long streak of dead hair is being influenced by a 30 day special dietI fucking hate her latest video. 30 minutes of voodoo cooking and being a superstitious and oblivious numbskull. Does she work for the chinese ministry of dried supplements or who is that "medicine" spergfest for? This is probably the last Taylor video I will ever watch, it is just too boring and stupid for me.
No. 223563
>>223556I didn't mind getting a bit of a run-down of the rules and customs but she didn't do the greatest job of discussing it.
Especially since we know that she does lean a bit goopy sometimes.
I mean she can still use the "excuse" of baby brain fog or whatever. Although I'm not sure how she excused her scatter-brain before the baby kek
No. 223715
>>223711well, she's obsessed with her looks and body, and had (perhaps has still) an eating disorder. She lost her period for over a year in the past, and did a video crying about her weight when her bmi was underweight. So this is a veiled way to talk about her body obsession but make it appropriate for IG.
She had to have gotten botox during her pregnancy, because she at no point was able to move her eyebrows or eyes normally (it's why she looks so forced and crazy-eyed). Botox typically doesn't last longer than 6 months. The fact that she did that tells you a lot about how she is thinking. Her entire personality is looking "pretty." As soon as something gets difficult, she stops (TOAT, kickboxing, YT series she started and never finished). Sometimes I think she goes way overboard with TMI sharing precisely to hide what she keeps secret: her husband's job and how involved she was at the beginning, the fact that she knew his ex, all the cosmetic procedures (injectables) she gets regularly, what caused her massive balloon face that one year, how much they (don't) give to charity, all the free shit they use once & toss… I could go on. She keeps showing us herself "working hard" even right after the birth, as if she needs to be a working mom. It's sad, the first year is often when moms take maternity leave and there's no reason for her to pretend to be hard at work right now. It would be nice to see her take up an actual hobby or enriching activity aside from exercising and cooking for her lump of a husband.
No. 223737
>>223733You mistook this place for her youtube comment section,
No. 223749
File: 1656422529522.jpeg (185.13 KB, 828x1359, A1D1DCD3-500B-4141-87CB-D273B4…)

Nonnies the eyes are connected to the liver how did we not know! You better don’t cry!!
No. 223858
>>223641Don't know who you think you're responding yo or who I am but this is the first time I wrote anything remotely about this topic.
And yes, it is milk when all you do is post one video on Youtube once a month and you get hired help who's in your house 24/7 to help you out but you need to be still so
hashtag relatable that you complain about this.
Stop gatekeeping a friggin imageboard, sperg.
No. 224065
>>224016Did I post my kid? Did I write anything about any kids?
STFU, asshole. And learn to spell. You're not cool just because you've learned to emulate a stupid way of spelling "no one cares".
Get a life, loser.
No. 224067
>>224016Also, if you think that a comment on an anonymous imageboard from a lonely loser who probably hasn't been out of their room in two years hurts my
feeeeeeelings, you are pathetic.
>>223638Actually, many cultures, including many midwives and postnatal care providers in the west recommend this as well. It's not always a long strip of fabric. It can be like one of those thorax corsets that you can wear for a mild back injury or those waist trainers, just not super tight. It helps hold everything together.
I agree that the before and after was silly, since we don't know how her belly would have receded on its own, without binding. But the binding is helpful. After birth, the organs have to sort of find back into their old place and the back might have difficulties as well, the tendons might still be looser than normal. So it's not a miracle cure but it can feel good.
No. 224278

>>223556>>223695I find Megan Moon an interesting contrast. So she didn't do Korean confinement or anything. But she did touch on cultural differences and how she and her husband navigate them/plan on navigating them. And hers seems like a better approach. She essentially said, she doesn't care much if the local culture e.g. likes a particular style of baby clothes more but she'd put her foot down when there is scientific evidence that something is better (regarding feeding schedule).
I would have appreciated some more scientific background or at least mild questioning of the practices in Taylor's video. Because without that grounding, it comes across as promoting goop crap.
I also found it interesting how Megan addressed her body issues. She came out and said that yeah, it's hard because she was a fitness model and now obviously doesn't look like that. And while part of me wants to be like "you wanted this!! shut up!" I do appreciate that she actually openly says that it can feel shit but it is what it is.
Still don't much care for her personality but this cultural differences stuff was handled better.
No. 224385
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Jesus, she's hellbent on this confinement thing. Who's gonna tell her it's not the groundbreaking content she thinks it is?
No. 224445
>>224428Except, she doesn't try to fit in most days. She behaves differently from local people and mostly uses English only.
She didn't do the confinement to "fit in". Who would blame her if she did a scientifically informed postpartum care month/6-week period (most common in Europe, I think)
Also, who's mad? People are laughing at stuff she does. Nobody's mad. Ok, a few weird people might be. but of the things that are shady about her/tom, this confinement crap is the least
problematic No. 224561
>>223711I am not baffled. Expectations and reality rarely match with motherhood. Especially, if you have no one close (e.g., sister, best friend) who already went through the experience and shared it with you and you only read about it. (And even the, you may think that you can do it better.) At least, that is my experience. You can read about a postpartum body, and intellectually, you know that it will take a while for a body to recover. But I honestly was surprised how long it can really take or how your body is never the same as before.
I doubt her oversharing has to do with watching social media. Rather YT being a money source, and maybe she doesn't have many to share her own experience with.
No. 224577
>>224575Lots of people fly with newborns, it literally happens all the time. It’s not really a thing where doctors don’t recommend it. Most planes are equipped to have small babes as passengers with bassinets and assistance warming up milk and formula. Levi is now past the newborn stage. It’s also not that hard for Taylor, Tom and baby to travel back to Canada because Covid rules have relaxed a lot by now. I don’t know what it would be like for Taylor to return back to HK however.
It would at least make half-decent content, as her YouTube channel is lately getting progressively more boring with each video.
No. 224696
>>224577Considering covid is still going on and is a huge cultural issue in China right now with the recent overbearing lockdowns, I think for Taylor to start travelling again now of all times would be really inappropriate as well as risky for the baby.
I'm sure once covid is less of an issue she'll see her family or vice versa.
No. 224708
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Oh, no, baby Levi has sleeping problems. /sarcasm
Who wants to bet he's fine, just not sleeping at hours she expects or wakes up at night like any other baby?
No. 224730
>>224576Yeah, anon clearly has issues with race and/or body image.
>>224431Megan was a fitness model before getting pregnant. And even before shredding, she was far from ever being chubby.
No. 224731
>>224696I'm wondering… Are you anons (or one anon) who keeps on calling HK China some sort of Chinese infiltrators trying to quietly steer us in the direction of believing Chinese propaganda?
This is the second or third post where someone calls HK "China".
No. 224732
>>224711Thinking of Taylor as someone in an "Ivory Tower" almost hurts.
But I think what
>>224561 meant is that you might think that you understand what it means but then still be overwhelmed by it.
It can also happen the other way around. Some people are scared of the changes but then care less. than they thought they would.
I'm guessing that is not the case for Taylor.
No. 224951
>>224577Don’t know why I
triggered you. Not gonna blog. Doctors in my area don’t recommend it. Is that better?
No. 224961
>>224954Why are you so ding dong dang
triggered by people getting advice or having life experience?
Is it the pandemic? It's ok, you can go outside again. Just take it easy, sweetie.
No. 224983
>>224965If you wanna get literal, then it's literally up to her and up to what the airlines allow.
Commonly, airlines won't allow newborns younger than 7 days, which is crazy young. The other question is, how comfortable will your baby be flying, how far do you have to fly, etc.
Also, do you think, viruses in the recycled airplane air politely avoid babies?
So these are all questions she'd have to ask herself and there are many more.
No. 225132
>>225011>>225032Sorry, I think you both replied to the wrong person.
I was replying to the anon who wrote about the recommendations.
I was only saying that she precisely
doesn't have to go to Canada (and I wouldn't in her position) precisely
because it would seem like a risk to me.
Reading abilities have really gone downhill, eh?
No. 225136
>>225012Ethnically, of course he's Chinese.
But politically, HK is still not as Chinese as China would like. I mean, it's literally changing now and they might be soon. But one can hope…
But in terms of entry regulations, HK is not the same as China.
No. 225537
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Looks like her friends also had Carol for their confinement too
No. 225539
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Lmao, look at Carol finding friends for Taylor. Who's gonna bet there's a video coming about "Being white and doing Chinese confinement" with the lady she just met.
No. 225752
>>225682uh, chinese is an ethnic group. most chinese people in asia differentiate between them
such as han, shanghainese and the like. also taiwanese people aren't han and call themselves taiwanese.
>>225645Wtf is up with your race-obsession? They're just people living their lives that happen to be with a person who looks a bit different.
Do you lose your shit when it's a redhead Irish person having kids with a dark featured/haired Irish?
No. 225967
>>225917Good grief, idiot!
race is not a scientific thing. And what you see "backed" by stats are dating preferences that include a wide friggin variety of factors you're too dumb to think about.
> they are the race LEAST likely to race mixWhat is "race"?
So I should go for just readheads if I'm a readhead, blonds if I'm blonde, etc.? Or am I allowed to "mix" with black haired people?
Or does it only apply to situations where your birdbrain (sorry, birds are actually smarter than you) can tell that there is a race "difference"?
What if a Syrian woman looks like a Scottish woman? Does that make "race mixing" ok?
Go back to the US South swamp you crawled out of, loser.
(racesperging) No. 225969
>>225853Was that on the insta story?
That's so dumb.
No. 225993
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>>225926It's not her friend, retard. She also put that in her story when it was unnecessary, she tagged this woman already in a pic that is nearly exactly the same.
>>225969yeah see picrel
No. 225997
>>225993> yeah see picrelUgh, that is cringe.
>>225982> no ond gives a shit if you want white dick or mixed childrenPretty sure you're the one who's upset about "race mixing" like you're from the 1940s, clutching your pearls at this crazy modern generation.
No. 225999
>>225926Stop gatekeeping posts. Is this your hobby?
Also, why do you feel the need to attack the looks of this normal looking woman? (who's not Taylor's friend but a random woman who had a random baby but used the same confinement nanny)
No. 226303
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No. 226341
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Aww bby Levi can already do the Taylor shocked face ready for his own YouTube debut.. "Reacting to baby toys, you WON'T believe what mom makes me play with".
No. 226360
>>226343Sorry to break it to you, but he looks like a typical halfu. The only non Asian looking feature is his hair colour. He used to have paler eyes and that made him look less Asian, but now if you look at his face alone, he's a regular Chinese baby.
P. S. Wwhy are we so helllbent on the baby's looks? It's obvious he'll look hapa, because he IS hapa. Stop trying to push the looks white narrative. There's nothing bad in looking Asian or any other ethnicity.
No. 226396
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>>226303Just why?! First we had the video of him drinking from her nipples (in her own words) and kicking her, now we get a video of him kicking her boobs.
No. 226545
>>226341needs more overlining kek
>>226384Nta, but… it was a joke? (I hope)
No. 226581
>>226396She is just
super excited about her bigger boobs and wants to show them off.
No. 226692
>>226547It must be the same autist that kept referring to breastfeeding as
nipple play in the last thread
No. 226753
>>226692oh good god. Really? outch
>>226702Can't do humor on here. We got people out here, apparently, who call breastfeeding "nipple play"
No. 226773
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>>226692No, you moron. She literally wrote that motherhood is getting beat up while someone drinks from your nipples. Not breastfeeding. Not nursing. Taylor decides to describe it as "someone drinking from her nipples."
No. 226907
>>226779Nipple play.
Anon thought they're for nipple play.
No. 226909
>>226773Imagine calling people "moron" for telling you that, yes, in fact, breastfeeding is a tiny person feeding by drinking milk from the nipples of a grown person, while thinking that Taylor's attempt at humor somehow realistically depicts how she actually talks about breastfeeding.
This is a "trying to be funny" Taylor doing something like "haha, you expect motherhood to be unicorn and frolicking through meadows of flowers and then it's this, haha"
It's not funny, it's not even that entertaining. It's just Taylor trying to hop on the mommy vlogger bandwagon.
No. 227021
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>>226692>>226753>>226907>>226979Hey friends, I did some research for you with ctrl-f on the last thread. Take a look at the only mentions of "nipple play" from the last thread (picrel, the strawberry lines mark jumps in the thread)
It all starts with our favorite anti-tinfoil China first anon:
>>>/w/203377Same anon trying to shit up this thread with WKing and infighting. Mods should take note.
No. 227029
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Not Mrs. Morono giving wrapping advice to random people in her comments as if she's an expert on wrapping now. I'd understand if Carol was the one giving advice, but Taylor?
And, yes, she made ANOTHER reel about confinement. To no one's surprise.
No. 227099
>>227021Gotta love how they say "use logic, retards" and then say that she has to pump every hour because it's painful. Yet there's taylor, happy about 120ml. kek
She was probably pumping to increase her supply, which is ok and it's probably the few minutes that she'd get to herself, so she did an insta story then. It's not that horrible…
No. 227107
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radio silence from midwife taylor
No. 227125
>>227107Off topic, but to be fair to Taylor, this is nonsense (I am a midwife).
The abdominal muscles that get separated actually
shouldn't be activated because that leads to more separation, since they pull apart. Keeping everything together (but not extremely tight) activates muscles around the torso, which promotes healing.
No. 227168
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>>227074>>227151this is retarded. The wrapping might feel good, but these before/after pics are about Taylor showing how Chinese confinement made her slim again. She probably gets some money from pro-government organizations to promote this because it makes China look good. And no I am not kidding, it's a thing.
No. 227222
>>227172Exceprt that's not what happens. Sure, the belly gets smaller, but you don't go from end term pregnancy body to pre-pregnancy flatness overnight thus "shifting organs back". The uterus remains large for quite some time and gradually gets smaller and the organs shift into place equally slowly. It's a process and takes time - wrapping or not.
Also, it rubbed me the wrong way how she was trying to convince the woman who got cgsec and was in pain from pressure/waist bands that it's not an issue with wrapping and praising it to high heavens, like it's some magical cure.
No. 227240
>>227222rubbed me the wrong way too, she should have just said to consult an obgyn about that. you're not alone in thinking she shouldn't give that kind of advice.
ignore the weird WK
No. 227287
>>227282Taylor isn't saying she needs to do XYZ instead. she is saying she could try it. If the lady wrapped herself, that's stupid on her part, but Taylor isn't forcing anything down any of these women's throats. taylor even says she specifically did not use this for c-sections because she only gave birth vaginally. The lady can reach out to women who Taylor said swears it was fine for c-sections.
These grown ass pregnant women aren't immune to asking their own doctors for advice. She says this is popular in Hong Kong. Their comments are just as bad as someone saying "I like purple" and replying with "So you hate orange??". Completely bypassing the whole purpose of her post and you guys expect micromanaged replies to make sure no one wraps without consulting a 'real doctor'? They are commenting under a bloggers post. These women are GOOP related already anyway. If not wrapping worked for them, why do they even bother to comment?
No. 227385
>>227222not overnight but over the course of a few weeks, which is
what she saidIt's not like she's making this up. And it's not something doctors don't know about. Multiple people on this board have probably tried this and had the good-to-go from their doctor.
No. 227390
>>227282the c-section lady specifically said she's weeks past giving birth?! Have you
seen actual c-section scars?
No. 227424
>>227290Except, Carol is probably busy with her other clients she is being paid 24/7 to care for. Jesus.
Reaching out every few days is normal for new moms, but I implied more than once a day. Anyone else recall how she panicked all night when Levi slept through the night? What else is she obsessing about that doesn’t need so much scrutiny? Other new moms use common sense and a little bit of quality research.
As another anon stated Taylor has sisters, aunts, a mother, grandmothers she can all turn to for advice and support, but she would rather promote Traditional Far East practices and Goop type philosophy.
Taylor has showcased her privilege consistently by having a doctor and Pui Yuet she can call on any time of day or night. In addition most of us suspect she has a housekeeper she has never publicly acknowledged.
No. 227430
>>227424> Anyone else recall how she panicked all night when Levi slept through the night?Not uncommon in new mothers. When you read that your child needs to feed every few hours and your child is sleeping for 8 or 9, you might worry.
Taytay does a lot of airheaded things, no need to look for milk where she's actually just worried about something concerning the well-being of her child
No. 227702
>>227660Because some anons are stupid and jealous of Taylor being skinny. They were super happy about her not being able to get pregnant because they could say "haha, that's just cause she's too skinny", even though she's not skinnier than many other women who get pregnant. She and/or Tom clearly had fertility issues. But they need to see ana everywhere when people are skinnier than them.
Like it's not her job to be thin as a (part-time) model.
Then she got pregnant, so their obsession had to shift to how she'd want to get skinny really fast again. They're ignorant, obviously and have never heard of the very common practice of belly-binding post-partum and don't know that that doesn't help anyone become skinny. It's not magic and doesn't disappear flab.
And no, I am not WKing. I think Taylor has many issues, she's often an airhead by choice and likes to pretend to be relatable when she clearly isn't. But this belly binding crap is not milk. Move on, people.
No. 227720
>>227702wow, you have a lot of feelings. No one was happy she couldn't get pregnant; I think many people thought they jumped to really invasive ivf, but who cares. I don't think anyone here is raging jealous about her being skinny, either. She is completely obsessed with her looks and body, though. Fine, again, who cares.
The posters shitting up the thread are going way OTT about something so boring as wrapping. It's fine to correct someone and move on without being a fucking ass about it. But those posters want to cause infighting. I report them for infighting and derailing but they never get red-texted for the shit they do here. I don't think anyone even criticizes Taylor that hard rn, she isn't doing very much. But there are people who exaggerate any criticism into some giant slander and twist what was posted around. Why is this tolerated? The ESL WK started the whole thing about nipple play, then pretends normal people said that. And again, they tried to change what med student anon said about wrapping. It's all retarded derailing. But that is what someone or some group want to do here. Why mods let them i have no idea.
No. 227727
>>227720NTA, but someone did mention it being 'nipple play' and fetishizing the whole breastfeeding thing, even going as far as to when she complained about her tits hurting or getting bigger, suddenly she's doing it for her
coomer audience which doesn't exist because it makes anon feel good to post about random shit that isn't true because it gives them 'good milk. It's embarrassing to see anons try desperately to fetishize pregnancy things she is doing. it's scrote behavior as hell and really disgusting to see anons complain about normal shit daily.
>hurr durr I hate mommy bloggers why is taylor only talking about the baby she just hadYou can't be this stupid?
No. 227742
>>227727OK, link me to the post where someone said that, then. It's possible to find something weird or over-sharing without assuming it is about men or sex. I kinda thought most people here feel like that about what she does.
I don't care if Taylor talks about her baby, so what is your greentext about?
No. 228706
>>228270it's almost as if all of this is BS, isn't it?
like race is a continuum of just different mixtures of traits.
What you know about genetics wouldn't fill the back of a postage stamp, would it?
No. 229656
>>229459The "nothing fits me" crap, honestly! She literally wore an old outfit to that buffet thing with the other couple/Carol.
And it's not like all your old or pregnancy clothes fit you to the 1/4 inch and cannot be adapted a bit.
Like girl… you're trying too hard to be relatable.
What she said about her content/work was interesting but also kinda sad.
I mean, she really worked hard to get to this point and she had no problem to do a whole 8-episode (or something) series on her fertility "journey". But then the baby arrives and she's sad that all the exciting content is over?
And does she feel like she cannot do fashion content because she's postpartum?
It sounded a bit too close to her content being what defines her as a person.
I truly hope she just gives herself the time to enjoy being a new mom instead of stressing about her "content".
>>229594> Has no one told her that her body will never be the same even if she loses all the weight she gained? She is in for a shock.Well, there are plenty of celebrities pushing the idea that they both bounce back immediately and to a perfectly pre-pregnancy looking body. Look at all the VS models. Given Taylor's identity, what else would she have expected?
>>229620>>229594> IDK, I find her interactions with Levi so disingenuous. I can’t quite articulate it but it feels like it’s all an act, like she’s holding someone else’s baby and not her own.How would we even know how she acts around him normally? We see like 1 minute of interactions during which she knows she's filming.
The observer effect might make her kick into an artificial feeling vibe. Doesn't mean she's not a genuinely warm mom.
Also, her face is not the most natural looking due to the weird makeup (and possibly filler, if some posters are to be believed), so it's hard to tell.
No. 229683
>>229678No, I didn’t imply she ignores Levi off camera. I will spell out what I meant for you and anyone else who thinks I am being deliberately ambiguous. I only meant that Taylor doesn’t have a clue how to parent a baby other than maybe change a diaper or feed it. She has shown that she has this idea of what she should do vs what she needs to do with a real human baby. We only catch a glimpse into her mothering skills on YT and IG. It just doesn’t come natural to her at all. Turn on the tap to entertain him? Or did she need content that badly? She’s trying too hard. I’ve seen her in another video where Levi had a meltdown because he was hungry and she would rather bathe him . Probably a nightly ritual that doesn’t need to be done, but she needs to promote his skincare regimen. Did anyone even ask or care what she uses for Levi’s skincare? Then she or Tom forgot to screw on the lid of his bottle so it spilled all over him. Now he really needs a bath, but he’s hungry and tired and he passed out exhausted after he was cleaned up. I felt so bad for this baby because his parents are morons. Babies skin is really delicate so a daily bath probably does more harm than good. Take care of their basic needs and play it by ear. It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.
I agree the fillers and Botox has done her dirty. I think she’d be a lot prettier without all that. She’s developing this weird moon face thing.
No. 229736
>>229683>doesn’t have a clue how to parent a baby other than maybe change a diaper or feed itMa'am, this is a newborn, they shit and scream and eat and sleep. There is no "parenting them" for a while yet.
>It just doesn’t come natural to her at all.No woman is born "natural" at "woman's work", we have to learn what to do with babies over time just like men do.
No. 229756
>>229684Let me cite the post above you, WK
>how do you know what Taylor feels anyway? An anon wrote her opinion. It's not some "narrative," it is someone's perception.It's allowed to observe and have an opinion about what she posts, so stop defending your princess here. Go police some HK boards or whatever else you are contracted to do.
>>>/w/229656>The "nothing fits me" crap, honestly! She literally wore an old outfit to that buffet thing with the other couple/Carol. And it's not like all your old or pregnancy clothes fit you to the 1/4 inch and cannot be adapted a bit.Oh god I know. This is just an excuse to act like a non-rich non-EDed mom and whine about her body. She has no confidence in anything that isn't about her looks. Her whole life has been about being pretty and thin and marketing that. Now she is perfectly thin for a postpartum woman but not thin enough for ex-retired-former-model Taylor! It's not relatable, it's mental illness. Hope she will invest in some therapy. It took more than 9 months to create a baby, and she expects her body to instantly be runway-ready again. But she has no common sense, so. Yes, her face looks like the moon emoji because she gets bad fillers and has completely frozen her upper face/eyes with botox. Even during pregnancy, there was no evidence she could move her eyebrows normally.
The googling and tiktok baby advice is because she has no attention span whatsoever. There are decent books that help parents through the first year of life. But Taylor only listens to podcasts and goopy crap.
No. 229757
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She is probably shitting her white linen pyjsmas because she popped out one baby and her body doesn’t look like Vslerias body even though she’s had three kids
No. 229765
>>229683>I only meant that Taylor doesn’t have a clue how to parent a baby other than maybe change a diaper or feed itI don't have kids but isn't this the same with any new experience, you're gonna get it wrong a lot of the time and for a long time, sticking a camera in your face while you navigate new experiences is obviously gonna look like you don't know what you're doing because you don't know what you're doing. She's never looked after a kid before so that's what she looks like (haven't watched the video yet but I know what it will look like based on her past videos)
Complaining she isn't the perfect mom from the first second it's out is such a petty nitpick, and the thing I've noticed online where moms think it's a competition and are always comparing their kids and mothering to others is also very petty.
As long as kid is happy and healthy, who cares about whether someone is a ""natural"" mother or whatever? We're not put on this earth to be babymakers and there's no shame in being shit at it as long as the kid is well cared for otherwise.
No. 229895
>>229736WTF? Do you even have kids? Or do you pawn them off to a nanny? A baby needs a lot of attention, and the only break you get is when they are sleeping. Parenting starts from the moment they are born: Skin to skin, bonding and all those interactions.
It’s not that hard, it’s exhausting and thankless work, but we have been doing this for thousands and thousands of years. It absolutely comes natural, and she has all the networks she needs but for some reason turns to Instagram and TikTok where women curate the illusion being a mother easy, glamorous and fashionable.
It’s not that complicated, women were designed to do this, and you don’t need expensive stuff for the babies to do any of this, just ask any mom.
No. 229918
>>229683>Taylor doesn’t have a clue how to parent a babyTo be fair, no new mother really does. I once read an interesting article from women who shared their first experience with their newborn and how everyone around them seemed to expect that they just magically knew how to handle the baby, because they were supposed to have some "mother instinct", but that this wasn't the case. One mother was akaked by her family why her baby was crying and she was like "How the heck should I know? I have also only know this guy for a couple of days". It's a (still relatively) newborn baby. It's not like Taylor has any experience with this, so how is she supposed to parent a baby?
Also, there is not ONE single way to parent a baby. Maybe that's her way. Maybe it is weird to you. Doens't mean it is wrong.
No. 230279
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>>230267I also never heard of it but it seems legit. Whether or not Taylor is actively trying to flatten her baby's head, I don't know. But it is a desirable trait among Chinese people. Honestly even in America it has way more to do with how a baby is positioned while sleeping than it does how often they're picked up.
No. 230298
>>230296Samefag, here's the proper medical terminology for what I mean
>An infant's skull has six main bones and is held together by tissues called sutures. A fontanelle is a small separation between the sutures. These six openings are commonly referred to as soft spots. Soft spots are absolutely normal and allow the bones in the head to overlap during delivery. They also allow space for your baby's brain to grow and develop.>The posterior fontanelle generally closes between 6 weeks and 3 months after birth. It is the first to close.>There are two sphenoid fontanelles on either side of the baby's head near their temple. These fontanelles typically close by the time your baby is six months old.>mastoid fontanelles, are on both sides of your baby's skull just behind their ears. These fontanelles will close between 6 and 18 months.>The anterior fontanelle generally closes between 18 and 36 months of age. It is the last to closeSo basically baby's head will be soft in some areas all the way up until 18-36 months.
No. 230338
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>>230336Samefag, just another random article. I just find it interesting that at least in the past Asian parents wanted the flat back of the head look for their children. I guess it is a derail on whether or not Taylor herself is doing it - it seems more likely that it's a natural feature of her son. She probably knows that the modern viewpoint is that a flat head isn't desirable anywhere besides, potentially, China. No. 230358
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>>230296babies are born with soft heads and they need to form properly, hence why when you leave them laying down all the time they will form a flat head that's literally impossible to get rid of once they're past a couple years old. it's why baby helmets exist.
the article that you posted was more for the sides of the head but i'm talking about the back of his head. she's not picking him up enough, probably leaving him in that weird moving thing for way too long. he needs to be held.
No. 230858
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>>230279Weird. Maybe it's a specifically Chinese thing, because I know Koreans don't like it and try to make their hair have volume to cover it. I think it looks weird personally, I dated a Chinese guy and ngl his flat head bothered me.
Just googled it and apparently it's something the older generation liked, not the newer ones, lmao at Kim Soo Hyun with a flat head No. 231442
>>231279anon what the fuck are you talking about? All i said was that chinese people don't purposely flatten their babies heads lol
are you the one who posted the fake article or something?
No. 231564
>>230978no one is saying she's
abusive you schizo. they're saying she doesn't pick up the baby enough.
No. 231660
>>231571i hope you don't have kids because you're definitely not supposed to just let them lay down all day
>>231585then she needs to get a new doctor because that shit is irreversible after like 6 months but idk what the healthcare is like in china i guess. in America that's one of the first things doctors look at and try to correct in newborns.
No. 231716
>>231677lmao "medfag" isn't a thing. go outside and stop wking on threads for a woman who doesn't even know you exist.
"Tom isn't pretending he knows everything" what? giving milk is literally the bare minimum a dad should know to do for his baby and she had to tell him which bottle to use…
No. 231776
>>231564Broooo you need to chill, how does me sayin this isn’t abuse make me a shizo? I just pointed out half of this thread is clearly minors who never cared for newborn infants. It’s clear as day. Talk about 1 to 100. Pretty hypocritical of you to bitch about a “shizo” but call my “she’s not
abusive” statement absurd.
I generally dislike Taylor’s stupid face and personality, but she isn’t a bad mom. People jump through loops and hoops to make her look out to be one, because the milk is dry. Those people also don’t know shit about raising kids. Yes people have been calling her
abusive, would you like me to spoon feed you too anon? Stop bitching. God I’m slightly tipsy so have fun reading this shit show of a post.
No. 231804
>>231796I was a preschool assistant
nonnie and I also got grossed out when having to change a babies diaper. I hate to say but I think that's a nitpick
nonnie. Taylor is just a mommy vlogger now.
No. 231821
>>231801>>231804>>231808No one likes diapers, and it’s different when it’s someone else’s kid. Doesn’t mean we all go retching every time we have to do it. Do you holler every time your own baby has a loaded diaper? Or do you just clean it up without all the theatrics?
Other anon posted most people here must be 12, I was going to challenge that one but y’all just validated
Nonnie. Come back here when you have kids of your own and experience to match your comments.
No. 231823
>>231808If nurses can’t change a baby diaper then they are in the wrong profession. They are trained to clean up way grosser things than that. This list is not limited to: diarrhea, vomit, bed pans, period pads, and yes, adult diapers.
I know someone who said the grossest part of being a nurse was cleaning old people’s grimy fingernails. But I digress.
(derailing) No. 232041
>>232014The mods wash their hands of this thread but god forbid somebody post
anything off topic in any other thread. Interesting stuff!
(complaints go in /meta/) No. 232210
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I’m sure that overstimulated animal wanted to go out in the heat all day to eat “chickunz” for content and feels so much better now, mommy tay
No. 232227
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>>232210Dogs love to feel included in the 'pack' especially in regard to food, so I think rosie did actually have a good time with them all eating together
No. 232237
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Who's gonna tell this dumb bimbo that the "water" in the ends of your hair don't go into making milk?
No. 232241
>>232237Lmao, I came to post the same.
For context, in her latest stories she said her hair is too dry and she blames it on breastfeeding. She should use a better hair conditioner.
No. 232245
>>232227A dog cannot "miss" going out to restaurants, especially a restaurant it's never been to before. She implies this trip to a dog/human café will make Rosie "feel better" when all the dog probably needs is someone to take it on walks and give some special attention. She has a pretty wild understanding about dog behavior, but it doesn't surprise me that her answer is feeding the dog overpriced food.
I'll never forget the time I realized how fucking insane they are. It was the period of time when they would order food delivered all the time and order chicken for their dog too. As if they can't cook chicken for the dog, or have some vacuum-sealed meat around for it. No, of course, order expensive chicken - probably with salt and spices dogs shouldn't eat - for the dog.
No. 232251
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>>232237Yes it can be scientifically draining on other parts of your body. She isn't even only talking about her ends.
No. 232261
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>>232251I wonder if it's because of lack of natural oils or because she doesn't have the time to take care of her hair like before, as in treatments, hair masks etc. Not sure how getting them bleached and coloured could've helped. The hair near her scalp look healthy, unlike the coloured part.
No. 232273
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you can tell how frustrated and lonely she is here. you don’t actually need to spoon oil all over your hair for 500,000 people, taylor. there are life minutes in your day and thoughts in your head about where all the Hydration in your body is going that don’t have to be broadcast to the masses.
No. 232286
>>232273Also coconut oil is not the best choice for everyone.
>>232261>mattedDoes she also have no time to brush it? And if it’s frizzy or hard to handle then put it in a bun or brain jesus
No. 232287
>>232273What part of this shows loneliness? She's just vlogging and talking about the frustration her hair is giving her.
>>232272No one is tinfoiling by saying she should get a nanny. That's exactly what anons were doing prior by saying she would have one and never interact with her kid which is a mass exaggeration compared to what I said. It's also not even in the realm of tinfoil.
>so she can have more quality time with Tom… doing what, exactlySpend time with her husband? Go out to eat while someone watches the kid? Damn, anon.
No. 232351
>>232251>>232256Thought this too. But that has nothing to do with the water in your body going towards breastfeeding. That is such a non-scientific thing to say.
It's like the people who'll advise overweight people to "drink more" like it'll magically wash out fat.
No. 232352
>>232268yes, all the unemployed mommy bloggers should ideally get nannies. That's what mommy life is about.
Obviously she has less time than before. Her content in the past couple of years was not overwhelming, yet she had assistants, so she must have had so much time to devote to her rituals. Having a baby changes that a bit.
No. 232466
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>>232286Called it.
Sometimes it seems it’s her first time on earth how has she never heard this or knows how to take care of your hair.
No. 232940
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Taylor is spazzing out in her story rn because she spent 30 minutes setting up an OCD towel “DISPLAY RACK” by the shower literally just display towels and never actually use them, and her husband used a couple of those towels for his shower. At the end she confronts him and he seems pretty pissed off and said “why can’t I use the towels there I don’t understand” and just storms off. Taylor sounds genuinely like unhinged as well and it sounds like her voice is actually like shaking, it’s not a joking like “omg so silly he used the wrong towels!” She sounds actually pissed off. First world problems much?
No. 232986
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That moment even Levi looks at her like she’s crazy. If he could speak, I’m sure he’s saying “Chill out, mom. It’s just towels”
No. 233040
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Reminds of her habit of placing "decorative" bowl of fruit on the table in their Tokyo home, ala Mama Jenner. It's a long standing habit of hers.
If she thinks it's indeed important, she could've told him. He can't read minds and if it's something new (which I assume it is), he wouldn't know the damn rack is for decoration. Also, after receiving questions from people asking what the fuck a display rack is, she made a poll asking if people have display towels and the majority said no so far kek
I guess her world is gonna be turned upside down today lmao
No. 233103
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“it just occurred to me” lol dumbass
No. 233108
>>233103Tbh, unless you're from a rich family or travel a lot to places that use these, pretty sure people don't know about them or don't care. Those intricate embroidered towels or the ones with really rough stitching with a design on either ends, those are display towels. They aren't just pretty shower use towels, that's why they are also usually not super soft. Taylor isn't wrong, IMO, her reaction to Tom was, they could've both been chill, but I think these are also more a Western aesthetic. You see this a lot in UK, US, CAN, sometimes in Switzerland and places like that. Even some high end onsens in Japan have these and they are usually fancily folded too.
So for her, these are probably normal as hell, but Tom who we know was never one for manners or to really care for aesthetic, just doesn't get it. Still, she could've been like "I know you didn't mean to, but next time, try to use these towels first." She could even explain [which I think is lazy as fuck IMO though, but rich people do dumb shit all the time] that these towels have to be taken to the cleaners and not just done in a normal laundry load. [Granted it keeps them prestine, but just do it at home with no softener].
No. 233130
>>233108>Those intricate embroidered towels or the ones with really rough stitching with a design on either ends, those are display towels. They aren't just pretty shower use towels, that's why they are also usually not super soft. Taylor isn't wrong, IMO, her reaction to Tom was, they could've both been chill, but I think these are also more a Western aesthetic. You see this a lot in UK, US, CAN, sometimes in Switzerland and places like that.In the guest bathroom you do, but this is their en suite where they have a laundry basket out and products, which are probably Taylor's, all out on the counter. With a baby, too, she shouldn't be so stressed about the aesthetic of a room guests will not be using right now and it's all Tom's money, anyway, towels included.
No. 233343
>>233302I'm nowhere near rich, but I wash and dry (outside) my towels everyday!
It's quite normal for anyone to do that in my country, as it's so hot and humid that the towel just becomes stinky quickly.
I also have acne on my back, and if I wash my towel everyday, it reduces the amount of spots I have by a lot!
No. 233373
>>233346I definitely don't give a shit about poor Taylor. She made the first video private, but you can still watch here video is embedded. She doesn't care about exploiting underage girls for profit. They didn't keep it over 18 (lots of underage girls still on the site). At this time, MC had MenclubPlus, some kind of NSFW Onlyfans content. So they were also selling nudes, just not on the main site.
Taylor gave interviews to Menclub from its very beginning, she knew what it was. It was also very raunchy back then based on the fb.
No. 233377
>>233348That's assuming if I lived on my own in a cold and/or dry country.
Daily wash is 2 body towels, 2 hair towels, baby towel, baby clothes and pjs, bibs and gauze, 2 pj tops, previous day's tops, underwear and socks. We wash these everyday since they would stink from sweat and humidity.
It's more if we need to wash gym clothes, trousers, hand towels, bedding etc.
It doesn't really cost much, especially as we cold wash and don't have a dryer.
No. 233382
>>233373where di I say that Taylor is the
victim here or that I pity her? It is just obvious that Taylor is in it for the money (just one look at Tom tells you that) and that she is miserable with such an ugly frog, while it was not obvious from the first glance how Taylor makes him miserable too kek. I already knew about that, which is why I find it so funny that Taylor makes him miserable too. They both deserve to suffer
No. 233430
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forgot how fucking funny this video was. imagine the prep that went into getting her warthog husband’s story straight before sitting down and reacting to his pedo schoolgirl website for 20 minutes straight. in full defence and support of his actions! kek
No. 233435
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remember when he made her into this?? eat me elbow-san
No. 233440
>>233430When the wallet too good, her defending these websites honestly showed what a handmaiden she was. Imagine this in context of if she had a daughter next, those posts about """sexy"""" 14 year old models and your picrel.
>>233422I think it's naive to think men are paying for gravure, every onlyfans model who promises no nude always ends up doing sex videos.
No. 233625
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Is she trying to make poop jokes her new thing or something?
No. 233626
>>233403no problem, hope you are well.
Do you think they will divorce later on (especially since they now have a child together, it semmes less likely)?
No. 233632
>>233625Why does she look so much bigger here than in other pics? Very unflattering dress or did she gain a ton of weight all the sudden?
>>233626Nayrt but what are the divorce laws like in HK? Is it like US where she would get half his money and he would have to pay tons of alimony? If so, yes that's very likely to happen someday when she gets tired of being with an ugly old man. She would be able to live off the alimony w/o working. If not, no way, she has never worked a real job in her life and would not give up her cushy rich lifestyle to go do that.
No. 233772
File: 1659126802994.jpg (492.66 KB, 1080x1907, IMG_20220730_002936.jpg)

Guess who's reading parenting books 5-14 months too late lmao the baby will go to school by the time she finishes reading this.
Jokes aside, this is probably another sponsored post. I doubt she even had the idea to research books about child-rearing before having one.
No. 233797
>>233774oh god yes, the free PR stuff, can't pass that up! what a crock. I'd say she's … pretty late to be reading a book covering the first year, and since she took about a month to read Girlboss, she might be done by the time she decides to screw Tom again, so next year.
>>233779kek absolutely
No. 233865
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Jesus. This was such a second hand embarrassment. And she went through the trouble of setting a camera to film herself jerk stiffly… for what? It's not even entertaining, for anybody.
No. 233870
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This is just a pet peeve of mine, but I still want to complain.
Do you really need to underline every second sentence or passage? Just link the whole thing if you agree with 90% of it.
No. 233879
File: 1659186985294.jpg (348.28 KB, 1080x1925, 20220730170520.jpg)

Infertility vlogger Taylor strikes again.
No. 233926
>>233892Be the change, anon! Do the right thing! Post the video for all of us!
(or stop whining because people don't post the videos you so desperately want)
No. 234082
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>>233879On this, being banned in the UK and the EU doesn't mean it's "considered safe" elsewhere, it means economic interests are being prioritised over safety elsewhere. Ingredients aren't banned for funsies.
not being banned =/= safe, though I'm sure she has a lot of hairdressers in her menchies praising Olaplex since they all love using it (and similar products)
No. 234235
>>234174Hairdressers also just want to sell their shit especially when they’re on Instagram
No. 234400
>>233866you can tell he's so sick of every moment being filmed for youtube/instagram. even their arguments.
that was so cringy. that moment doesn't even seem wholesome considering she was probably like "hang on, need to set the camera up. okay what should i do to make Levi laugh? need to make sure my viewers like it too"
No. 234449
>>234440I think we can all agree that those two were made for each other. He puts up with her crap and she happily spends his money while looking the other way when it comes to his shady enterprises. There’s clearly more to their marriage dynamics but no one feels sorry for either of them.
>>234400Tom has always hated being in front of the camera, it took a really long time for Taylor to get him to even show his face. Everything he does is cringey AF.
No. 234907
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That look that might have worked when she was a model in Japan doesn’t do her any favours now. It looks like she did a bit of photo editing for this shot, but she can still look pretty with the right makeup.
>>234773Agree, lots of WKs here. Taylor seems to recruit them despite saying in her videos she learned to ignore criticism.
No. 236467
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what about this is “HK style?”(this is not milk, this is autism)
No. 236469
>>236211>>236140PULL was 80% blogging about how they're better than the cow, and the most active thread was Kenna/cozykitsune who they were absolutely obsessed with for some reason, Taylor's thread wasn't that active iirc but a few old modelling photos and stuff were up there.
Now it's a discord group iirc
No. 236527
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Can't they just buy another umbrella? I mean, it's not like she's the most environment-friendly or thoughtful consumer and doesn't want to buy an umbrella because she already has one at home.(this is not milk, this is autism)
No. 237487
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I don't care even if he's Elon rich. In all my life, I would never have forgiven my mother if she had gone to great lengths/expense to give me viscerally repulsive genes from half-dead pervert sperm. Trading your child's very identity just for financial security is the most cowardly betrayal.
No. 237511
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I know that according to her standards she's fat AF in this photo. But I like the way she looks now. Her stick thin dream body is just plain scary. Too bad she can't see it.
No. 237528
>>237511I mean, even while she was pregnant, the only thing big about her was her uterus. She goes on and on about how she wanted boobs and ass since teenage years. Now she has them and she cries about not fitting into clothes.
But yeah, she looks much better now!
No. 239027
>>238987sage the non-milk.
as predicted, her thumbnail indicates this is about her post-partum body. boo hoo Taylor.
No. 239382
>>238987lol i like how she was all "this was a totally wholesome moment, my husband didn't know we were recording!!" girl plzzz there is a camera recording in your house 24/7
also, why was Tom like "how do i eat with the baby?" Levi is almost 5 months and he still doesn't know how to multitask. makes me think Taylor does all the work.
No. 239805
>>239765You're a pretty sick person to argue 1. that anons yrt are insinuating abuse and 2. that a pet only deserves attention if it's being violently abused. Go check out Stefany Lauren's thread to see how ignoring and neglecting animals can be abuse.
The WKing posts that exaggerate what other anons say piss me off so much. No one has said she's abusing anyone! It's more like this: let's say your kid is clamoring for your attention and wants to play a game together. Instead, you "do something special" for the kid by taking it to an expensive sporting event, where it isn't allowed to play and has to sit in a separate seat. And you carry on ignoring it more or less
No. 239840
>>239805The dog looks fine, calm down. Nothing
abusive or neglectful was happening in the video. You're like a SJW looking for reasons to be mad.
No. 240179
>>239649If she never went outside with her baby and her dog people would flip out.
It’s healthy for a baby and that rat of a dog to go out into public. I’v meet so many young babies scared of strangers recently bc they were in quarantine this whole time. Socializing is never bad.
Also have you guys ever noticed when Taylor talks she looks like a mashmellow, her face is so puffy and her lips look so odd when she talks. Her photos don’t look bad at all, but when you see her face move it’s so unnatural. Ik it’s from fillers but is it like some
Chinese filers that cause this effect or to much fillers or what.
No. 240238
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>>240179Definitely too much filler, Chrissy Teigen is similarly in this boat. One you get them, they don't dissolve the way it is sold to you, they start drooping and sagging and the only way to 'fix' it is more. That's why so many celebrities end up with that ugly pillow face and lose a lot of their micro-expressions that come with having fine lines, et cetera. Compare Taylor's jawline today with her jawline like 5 years ago and you can see the rounding, drooping and sagging. Chrissy Teigen has recently gotten her jaw shaved to hell to counteract the pillowface and sagging from fillers, and has a completely different face than she did 10 years ago. Fillers are really going to fuck up a lot of millenial's faces in about 5 - 10 years, because they got sold a false bill of goods of them being basically consequence free.
No. 240255
>>240179>>240238Whenever this thread has a new update, Taylor's face grows ever puffier and looks like it's under massive strain. She has poorly done fillers that have added up over several years.
I somewhat remember how dreadful the fillers looked back in the days when she tried to wk herself claiming it was a bee sting on these same threads, kek. Who would have thunk the fillers would get worse than that.
No. 241892
>>241831That face shape clearly isn’t because she is pregnant. She still has it to this day. If your so
triggered by it, why don’t you just post your own example instead of bitch.
No. 242356
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oh my god taylor shut up
No. 242379
>>242356Wow, the level of dumbness keeps getting lower and lower with this bimbo. Now I'm wondering why the heck I'm paying so much money to doctors, when I can just "drink some hot water".
Does she have a quota for stupid posts per month or something?
No. 242384
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Not to mention it’s the second Instagram reel she made this week about getting hot water served in a restaurant. She’s acting like she just moved to HK and is embracing the norms there, when in actual fact she lived there years ago before moving to Japan. She’s really grasping for straws trying to come up with new material.
No. 242424
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The faces in these reels… the filler, the botox, the bugged out eyes… nightmare fuel(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 242450
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>>242356Better than a photo for ants
No. 242461
File: 1661445499705.png (89.87 KB, 864x727, Screenshot_20220825-162048.png)

>>242450holy crap, the comments on this reel. Taylor holding forth as if she knows anything.
>water is the key to hydration ohhh thank u dr tay
No. 242480
>>242356If anons are wondering why she has now made two separate tiktoks/reels acting like hot water is new and fascinating, she's copying the instagrammer/tiktoker she tagged as inspo in the hongkong weather reel/tiktok.
They are called Uyenthininh and despite the awful username, they have a ton of followers and every video is the format 'weird (ordinary) thing I started doing in Germany/my german husband does' from an asian perspective, she visited home recently and did the reverse perspective of things she got used to in germany that now seem weird to her, blah, very easy generic content but the girl is very endearing so she pulls it off. She never shows her partner's face so people can self-insert as her when viewing. People seem to love it so Taylor being Taylor, this is her new format. She is not actually fascinated by hot water kek.
No. 242588
>>242511tell me you've never been to china without telling me you've never been to china.
Did you know at shanghai disney that winnie the pooh has an entire section of the park and Pooh comes out and greets people?
just say you watched one episode of john oliver and move on.
No. 242594
>>242588>>242577lmfao wtf is the moderation in this thread anymore! stopped in from meta to find that stan anon never left. Whew. Is Shanghai HK? No. "Just say…" anon, stfu. No one believes your crap takes and no one makes you read this thread. You will never be Taylor.
No one cares about her pui yuet anymore. No one was asking, Taylor was telling everyone this confinement crap anyway. She is on some high thinking she can give health advice about steaming hot water she should have rinsed her chopsticks in rather than drink
No. 242653
>>242613Her famous friend of course, she wouldn’t be friends with some normie.
She’s a daughter of famous actors, her mom got her into show business before she passed away. Since then she a singer and an actress, she’s currently on many billboards and buses in HK.
I guess that’s why she behaves like that, always in her stage persona.
No. 242718
>>242648Shut the racesperging.
>>242653Lmao, have you noticed that the only "normal" friend Taylor has is Sharla (if they're still friends, that is)? All of her friends come from wealth.
No. 242771
File: 1661542914570.jpg (54.36 KB, 664x508, baby.jpg)

>>242648>Blonde baby with big round eyesHe has dark hair, dark eyes and epicanthal folds. He literally looks like every asian baby ever.
No. 242777
>>242771It’s honestly so gross the amount of anons that have shit on this baby. From saying he looks to white, to making fun of his head size, assuming he will be ugly grown up, and his personality, even saying he looks to white wtf.
It’s an adorable asian baby who has done nothing wrong, sure hate the parents, but for gods sake lay off this bundle of joy.
No. 242780
>>242649Are you retarded anon? Get help.
That would be like what? 5-10 views? Wasn’t even me.
No. 242958
>>242771How can anyone even focus on the baby with the way Taylor looks? Did she inject something in her face again?
>>242495Who filmed and edited the vlog this time? Joyce's people?
No. 243196
>>243014Not any of those anons but it's funny when people try and handwring
won't anyone think of the children like I think the money and pleasant, safe lifestyle will counter any harm done by being included in vlogs, not like everyone posts their face all day everyday online anyway. I saw someone moralfagging jasmine chiswell on reddit for posting her baby in case he?? gets deepfaked into porn?? and like, please. These kids have safety and money and seemingly kind, safe parents which is more than most. Nobody has anything to worry about and I'm sure Taylor would stop showing her kid if he asked her to when he got older, she doesn't seem like that kind of narcissist/stage mom to me. I think trying to handwring about "what ifs" when everything is fine is silly.
(not to dismiss the harm stage moms do to their kids, that's very real, but I don't think that's what will happen here)
No. 243655
>>243454This is exactly the "defense" Taylor brings up in her stand-by-my-man videos. Weak as hell. I don't call him a pedo but a pedo-enabler since who really knows. But everyone knows it's hard to get anyone prosecuted in a foreign country for anything, yes including pedophilia. His site still has bikini pictures and suggestive commentary about girls under the age of 17 on it. He removed one single article and you think that makes everything else on that site just fine?
The web archive also shows that the site used to have an article advocating for dating underage girls. It's in one of the older threads and is absolutely disgusting.
No. 243710
File: 1661878193034.jpg (514.29 KB, 1080x2048, IMG_20220830_204539.jpg)

No milk, but did she look at these shots and think "I look great and my acting is convincing and not cringey at all".
No. 244662
>>244468Right! I used to check content also before without any account and now they won’t allow it to make you make one yet i won’t make it any account. Nothing is worth it to go to those
toxic places.
No. 244692
>>244662The irony of talking about the harm of going to those "
toxic" places on here is completely lost on you, isn't it?
If you cannot be arsed to have an account, stop coming here, dumbass.
No. 244961
>>244943I tinfoil that this anon is pissed because China is making it harder to access IG. Anyway most threads here do not embed videos unless they are genuinely worth the effort (TikToks sometimes) or the vids might get deleted. No thread archives every IG reel from a person who doesn't typically delete IG reels.
So ree harder
No. 244963
>>244961sorry anon here
>>244943 I was talking to the complainy anon. But I'm on my phone and too much of a lazy bitch to delete and repost.
No. 245002
>>244961What do you mean by china? You know all websites we use are banned in china all their internet and media is censored and majority doesn’t know what’s YouTube or used it. We talking about majority of people not few young one from big cities.
With Hong kong new situation i have no idea about how it will turn now but no way like mainland it was always closed from the rest of the world.
No. 245488
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The story is supposed to be about the brows, but we all know the real content is the end of breastfeeding-new vlog (with ~scientific~ insights) coming!
No. 245522
>>244982Shitty troll is shit. Go to literally any other thread retard. You're derailing at this point posting over and over telling people to get ig accounts and scolding them for being lazy. It's an image board, right. That's why people post relevant media. There isn't
one "lazy" anon that doesn't want to make an ig profile. I have ig, that doesn't mean I want to go to this airhead's page and sort through her dumbass posts so I understand wtf you're even commenting about.
No. 245566
>>245488What the fuck are you even trying to say?
>>245522I wasn't even a part of the conversation. You need to calm down.
No. 246220
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>>245653Brow Laminate is not recommend due to hormone levels while breastfeeding. It's also recommended to wait at least a few weeks after you stop breastfeeding, but it doesn't seem like she did that
No. 246276
>>246220Just sounds like it can be uncomfortable for a breastfeeding woman, not like anything would pass to the baby through her milk.
unrelated: I looked at her fb the other day and she regularly reposts old content, including fitness videos from her recent ana weight in 2020. So whichever wk kept saying she just wants to be a mommy vlogger now, that doesn't seem true based on how often she dredges up old stuff to repost.
picrel: rich people getting more free shit they can afford to buy themselves. idk how they aren't embarrassed by stuff like this and the staycations, and Tom the the toad man getting a pregnancy pillow gifted to him by some luxury hotel. Maybe all influencer shit is tasteless but Tom and Taylor are especially so
No. 246512
>>246277There she goes again. Again trying to mask a paid advertisement with "I've been getting a lot of questions". I doubt one single person asked her where that chair was from.
I wish China had stricter regulations regarding ads. Where I live you have to mark a social media post as "advertisement" as soon as you got a product for free or even for a discount in order to promote it.
No. 246527
File: 1662722864891.jpg (1.43 MB, 1668x8311, SCMP’S comments -…)

>>246517I think you might have oversold how much “hate” she got.
No. 246528
File: 1662722899877.jpg (136.81 KB, 1080x1080, SCMP’S Instagram .jpg)

>>246527Here’s the picture they used in the post.
No. 246529
File: 1662723009988.jpg (553.63 KB, 2224x1460, SCMP’s Article - Comment.jpg)

>>246528And the only comment in the actual article.
No. 246538
>>246535Sorry, let me be quite literal for you.
> while locals don’t care for her whatsoever3 “who? and why should we care?” comments (with one flipping in their reply to someone when someone “challenged” them)
7 “celebrating her” (since you’re one of
those, don’t take it as literally celebrating her)
5 comments that don’t mention Taylor at all.
2 spam comments.
If I were to use the 18 comments as a representative number of “the locals” then “the locals” seem to care a lot about her, since the majority of comments are “positive”.
No. 246552
>>246538well it's dumb to use English comments on an English-language IG as an indicator of "hate" or positive feelings from HK locals but both of you went there.
I presume her husband's company did arrange the coverage because why else would that be written about.
No. 246590
>>246552Phew, the reading comprehension. Why do you think I said “if I were to use”? Because it’s absurd. It’s also why I used “hate” in quotes. Anyone who has been on the internet for any length of time knows 18 comments is nothing. By the comments we don’t deduce “the locals don’t care for her whatsoever” nor can we say they love her.
>>246517 made it sound like way more of a big deal than what it was. That was my point all along.
No. 246775
>>246513Of course it's a paied add. A gift is something given without self-interest. The company surely did not send Taylor that chair because they wanted to make her happy. They gave her the chair so she would promote it. In this casement the "payment" for the promotion is the price of the chair. As said, where I live laws are very clear about this and you have to mark posts as paid adds when you post about products a company gave you for free.
But I see you fell right into "Oh, this is a gift. People asked me where I got it"-trap.
No. 246785
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>>246778Do your research, this is a developing area of regulation and different in various countries.
>>246775Yep, agreed.
If you read any HK forums, Tom's history of dating and promoting his employees is known. People know that his companies and others like them have a good system of getting free stuff and publicity for borderline scammy ads.
just one example - (caps aren't helpful because many people here will need to use a translator, deal).
picrel, she needs a better aesthician, stat. This is aging her badly.
No. 246812
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>>246795spoon-feeding but ok
(posting proof is not spoonfeeding. integrate.) No. 246852
>>246785This is an imageboard and no, paid ads are when a company asks you to promote stuff, like the GFuel girls. They aren't given those are gifts, the mini fridges are, but the actual product isn't. They don't have to #AD a fridge because, in writing from the company, it's a gift. The GFuel though, it isn't. They need to promote the drinks or take photos of it. When a company writes about it being a gift, like
>>246277, you do not need to #AD it. There's no random regulations based on where you live, it's a US app, the regulations are US only and that's the rules for US #ADs. You don't need to pretend to be enraged about something just so you can make up milk.
No. 247313
>>246778Here are cour rulings where influencers were sued over not marking their posts about free "gifts" as advertisements: would I make that shit up? Because I am "jelous" over Taylor's ugly chair? No, simply because I don't buy her repeated stupid "I got a lot of questions about product XY" post.
No. 248396
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Jesus fucking Christ! What the hell has she done to her face?! It looks like a very bad allergic reaction at this point (google dogs stung by a bee). This is way beyond uncanny valley territory…
No. 250292
>>250035Erm, no one mentioned sexualisation of breastfeeding, are we reading the same post and watching the same video?
She spent half the video literally describing her unrealistic expectations of breastfeeding and said she didn't do research because she thought it would come naturally. She even went ahead and blamed her body for "not being able to get pregnant" and now not producing milk.
The real thing is, it didn't meet her expectations and it was getting in her work's way. It's ok to admit that you wanna work and get your pre-baby body back. Just don't try to mask it with "oh, my body's not working the magical way I thought it would". Her body, her choice. This video was unnecessary in the first place, tbh.
No. 250295
>>250292>>250290I can't believe you guys are being this scrote-like in regards to how breastfeeding works. Literally the idea that milk is at ample supply at all times is as pathetic as you can get. Holy shit. Forumula feeding isn't bad at all either and of course she's crying about it because shits like
>>250002 say stuff about how unmotherly it is that you can't milk.
No. 250297
Now that I think about it, one of Taylor's role models, Valeria Lipovetsky, mentioned in her videos that she didn't breastfeed her first two babies, because she hated the idea. She did breastfeed her third for a short while, but again, she was very transparent about it and didn't try to justify herself. I think if Taylor just straight up said I'm done with it because I don't like it, I would've been ok with that, but this longass essey about all the reasons why just doesn't cut it for me, especially since she doesn't want to admit that it was for her comfort, no, she has to make it about anything else.
No. 250305
>>250295Nobody cares how she feeds her baby. It's the woe is me my body failed when actually she didn't stick to a schedule. Her body didn't just go hey I've created milk but nah I'm gonna stop out of nowhere
No need to white knight
No. 250344
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Some REEing taylor reposted in her stories. At some point people need to consider they have some trauma or personal problems when they are writing such long angry comments about a perfectly normal situation of someone stopping breastfeeding at 5mo.
No. 250345
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>>250344Another crazy one she replied to. On Taylor's side here, I don't get why people are so pressed about other people's personal decisions when they are within the realms of normality like this.
I think there's a lot of tradwifes in the world who think you need to be a perfect mommy bangmaid slave otherwise you're doing it wrong. Nobody "needs" to breastfeed for a year or more just because some mento women think so. And obviously taylor is buying formula from abroad, iirc she even bought a christmas tree from abroad and got it shipped. So there is zero issue, these people are legitimately crazy. I swear some people have repressed trauma about being mothers and take it out on influencers
No. 250395
>>250380>fear of looking like a normal healthy adult woman Oh you're one of those people who think being overweight is being a "real woman" and thin people exist merely as pedobait and not because of genetics and lifestyle, how tired.
Anyone with eyes can see she was not restricting during or after the birth, she has gained weight and her choice to stop breastfeeding is 1. absolutely her choice what is wrong with people 2. not to do with her weight.
She is a healthy weight right now (probably not healthy enough for you though kek)
No. 250397
>>250393>sacrifice everything about yourself to embody The Perfect MommyRight? People are rabid about young moms for some reason, it's all women too, like the scrotes they are so desperate to impress by being the perfect tradwife aren't even paying attention, or part of the conversation kek.
Being happy, healthy, and having a fulfilling life for you and your family is more important than meeting arbitrary standards of what makes a "good" mom which are entirely personal and differ wildly by culture. As long as nobody is getting abused who gaf, honestly.
No. 250416
>>250400wtf is this shit? Taylor was insanely thin for a long time and both Mikan and Kota are and were bigger than her. She openly said she wasn't menstruating for some od her career as an adult. She is obsessed with her looks and that is the main reason she wants to 'work' again. I don't care if she breastfeeds or not, but all this whataboutism is true whiteknighting and weird. She doesn't have any conditions preventing her from continuing. She decided to stop. And let's be honest, it was mostly about how she looked and what she wanted to do, so what? Normalize that but own it, don't pretend milk supply is fine and inexplicably stops.
And fuck yeah, I hate Tom for running a site that openly advocated for dating underage girls. They removed one single article with pictures of a very young girl (which Tom had no problems with morally) but all the others are still there. And fuck Taylor for finding all of that just fine and defending it. I hope she never has a daughter.
No. 250839
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>>250796Nta but the levels of cope you must ingest to actually believe that statement, or try to rewrite history is ridiculous. There's a lot to be said about Taylor's embarrassing past (kek) but larger than Dakota is not one of them. She has been an anachan her entire social media career up until pregnancy and giving birth unlike Dakota who had to shop her body to have what little modelling career she briefly had. They're both cows, and I'm retarded for taking this bait but you're genuinely blind or need to lurk moar. Picrel
>>24526 No. 250845
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>>250843Samefagging to post what you deleted. I think
>>250669 is right on the money. Koots and Taylor are intrinsically linked through skinwalking and sperg-chan, it's not derailing to acknowledge what's going on itt.
No. 250851
File: 1663916866807.jpg (128.62 KB, 1080x615, Screenshot_20220923-170551__01…)

>>250848I definitely agree, but just because they're both cows doesn't mean we should be intentionally disingenuous.
Deleted to include screenshot, fuck me you work fast kek.
No. 250894
>>250871My bad anon I thought they deleted everything and then responded with something actually reasonable. They're sperging in the Koots thread now too saying anons called her fat kek. Honestly farmhands probably just deleted the posts.
>>250891The conversation pertaining to sperg-chan has been ongoing for two days. We can sperg about breastfeeding again if you'd like? The random Koots wking across /w/ is the most interesting thing to happen here for a while imo.
No. 250942
File: 1663973093311.png (3.69 MB, 1125x2436, 8BFCE81B-2F07-4CBE-92AB-1F96C6…)

because nothing fits or? thousands of dollars of designer clothes on the floor like they’re trash. so sad for her.
No. 250951
>>250944They actually do have an issue with contaminated food (the baby food thing did actually happen, not just an assumption), a chinese vlogger I follow has posted about this a few times. Chinese prefer meat on the bone (so you know which animal it comes from and know it isn't mixed with anything else) and fresh fruit/veg, and distrust packaged food, which leads to big trouble during lockdowns since they have no stored or longlife food e.g. canned stuff like Westerners would, and prefer not to buy it.
However westerners have had the same shit in the past century, companies used to put sawdust in food as filler and all sorts of poisons until more standards and laws were introduced. Even now, a lot of American food is not legal to sell in Europe due to banned ingredients, so there's some way to go.
No. 251010
File: 1664002391790.png (854.52 KB, 1378x894, retarded anons.png)

>>250951Also it's a reason why people constantly outsource. A lot of parents are still scared of their own mainland production. Anons just wanted to pretend this is some racist post only. They refuse to do research.
No. 251024
>>250942I guess, yes. Although, WK-chans here will say it has nothing to do with her obsession with being thin and "perfect".
That stupid habit of hers of throwing clothes all over the floor is such a pet peeve for me. It's not that hard to lay them nicely somewhere or, even tidier!, put the back after trying on.
No. 251361
>>251343Not the anon, but FYI no one in HK buys mainland formula, I don’t think there’s even one available in stores like Manning’s or Watsons. All are Austrian, Irish, Dutch, American formulas. Just because HK is a SAR of China it doesn’t mean we live the same lifestyle like mainland China.
Up until 2020 when the border was closed every day mainlanders would come to HK and buy out foreign formula, it got to the point government had to put a cap on how many one person can take through border. In HK Chinese formula is not even available to purchase because no one would buy it.
No. 256507
File: 1665236343560.jpeg (460.79 KB, 875x1555, 2CDF61E0-7543-45FB-B2C3-3AF2CF…)

Despite being under house arrest, I mean quarantine with tracking bracelets, Taylor was able to get a grocery delivery with Thanksgiving staples.
Other reasons for her to get emotional will be: being away from her family (again), remembering she was pregnant last year this time, and so on.
No. 256696
File: 1665259494298.jpg (Spoiler Image,340.37 KB, 1080x1912, IMG_20221006_123425.jpg)

>>256689i'm ashamed to admit i have it.
No. 256710
>>256507Tinfoiling, but I remember she complained about it being a struggle to find the necessary ingredients last year, cmiiw.
I think anon meant that she'd be crying about the things mentioned in the second half, not about getting covid.
No. 256714
>>256586thanks, anon.
maybe the decade late "hk cultural shock" vids?
No. 257224
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she fucked up thanksgiving, but more importantly who’s the third place setting for? maid/nanny? there’s a cup of tea (only wine for her and Tom, I’d be drinking too) set up and it’s never mentioned(not milk)