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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1679039283757.gif (16.04 KB, 300x100, cutecow.gif)

No. 54709

A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.

Banners must be 300x100

Banners should mention the site directly or indirectly. "lolcow.farm" written, a picture of a cow, etc.

Thread Pic: >>>/meta/27528

Previous Thread:

No. 54711

File: 1679039540059.png (18.97 KB, 300x100, HANDS UP MOID! LC Banner.png)

A quick edit of >>54643 because the text in the bubble was bothering me

No. 54795

File: 1679416229585.gif (407.2 KB, 886x296, 20230321_111632 (1).gif)

Ganer from Pro-Ana Scumbags

No. 54796

No. 54861

this is shit

No. 55026

File: 1680216292181.gif (211.74 KB, 300x100, 347340.gif)

No. 55116

Love this

No. 55118

The little cow image you use is so cute !! I like it so much I even tried to screenshot it and reverse search when I first saw it on the banner in the last thread but no luck

No. 55123

for the love of god someone tell me that cerbmin are adding new banners, there are so many great ones like this

No. 55125

File: 1680505156817.png (77.12 KB, 2400x1849, cow clipart.png)

nta but immediately found it by searching "cow clipart"

No. 55268

File: 1680914672006.png (59.23 KB, 300x100, therapy.png)

please it's just too good

No. 55281

File: 1680943693577.png (8.18 KB, 300x100, Cute Cow Banner.png)

spent a frustrating amount of time trying different borders before giving up and deciding it looks better without one

No. 55283

File: 1680943967957.png (3.51 KB, 300x100, Pixel Lolcow Banner.png)

This one was randomly put together but I was so sure that someone already made a pixel Elsie banner. I couldn't find any so I figured it was a good idea to make one. Used the Elsie pixel from >>>/meta/23807 ! Thought the caption would be fitting considering how annoyed Elsie looks, the annoyed cow pixel was a lucky find.

No. 55284

File: 1680944290640.png (51.63 KB, 300x100, RadFem-Bears Banner.png)

Sorry if some of these seem too wholesome for this site

No. 55285

File: 1680944487320.gif (104.15 KB, 300x100, Punky Azumarill TERF.gif)

Second attempt of this idea >>>/meta/53350 since I still like the idea but don't like the first execution. Also found a better Punk Azumarill pic to work with this time. Captions were taken from this post >>>/ot/1322082

OT, does anyone know any good scrolling text generators? I tried to find one just for this banner but couldn't find anything that would simply scroll vertically through text into a gif format.

No. 55286

Can we pleeease replace the creepy ones with these. The current ones are so gross

No. 55287

File: 1680944528268.gif (2.79 KB, 300x100, Scrote Detected Banner.gif)

No. 55290

Awww this is cute as fuck

No. 55291

File: 1680951537603.gif (849.55 KB, 1270x424, Media_230408_115557.gif)

A handful of our favorites in the ProAna threads

No. 55300

File: 1680962010875.png (56.85 KB, 300x100, spice world no type.png)

No. 55301

File: 1680962035229.png (57.28 KB, 300x100, spice world.png)

with type

No. 55307

File: 1680977519226.gif (397.83 KB, 886x296, 20230408_190851 (1).gif)

No. 55308

Sorry, very tacky. Reminds me of tumblr’s “I like your shoelaces” or “first rule or tumblr: never talk about tumblr”

No. 55316

thanks I hate it

No. 55317

No this is shit

No. 55318

-5 points for weak desperate GUI nostalgia

No. 55320

i like it, dont let the idiots saying that ur thing wasnt that cool

No. 55323

Thank you, nonnie!

>weak desperate GUI nostalgia
It's far easier to edit something with less pixels, looks cleaner too since banners are small. Besides, I personally think newer windows looks like hot garbage.

This is a good idea, nona. Only think that you should slow it down, seems to be going a bit too quick with that last frame.

No. 55326

+10 points for cuteness

No. 55327

When did anons get so critical of banners of all things? I like these, they're cute and funny.

No. 55328

Samefag but the only criticism that I have is that the last frame on >>55307 goes by a little too fast. I had to watch it like 2-3 times to read it.

No. 55331

File: 1681021182217.png (16.1 KB, 300x100, Cow Sage Tip Banner.png)

thank you nonny

No. 55346

File: 1681062491829.gif (456.26 KB, 886x296, Media_230409_184657.gif)

No. 55348

This is good, it just has to have the dimensions of 300x100

No. 55349

I like those but since when did we pander to newfags??

No. 55357

File: 1681110422953.gif (114.75 KB, 300x100, 6433b524092e8783668803.gif)

Kek my bad sorry for shitting up the thread. Last attempt I swear.

No. 55376

File: 1681154663215.gif (66.03 KB, 300x100, 20230410_202356.gif)

No. 55383

This is cringy and reeks of newfags thinking sageing absolutes them from making retarded posts.

No. 55384

Are you one of those Kiwifarms women who have been coming here? Something about a lot of these recent banners smells like that category of late 30s to mid 40s Kiwimoms with "old internet" nostalgia and a lack of understanding of our site culture despite being otherwise drama- and internet savvy No hate towards women of that age group in general

No. 55385

I like this one, but it should have shayna for /snow/.

No. 55400

you are fully the only person noticing this mythical group, everyone has old web nostalgia these days.

No. 55403

There's nothing wrong with the ones you quoted. I'd prefer them to the crystal cafe-esque ones.

No. 55419

There's countless new threads on /snow/ and /pt/ that are clearly written by the same group of older Kiwifarms women incapable of dropping their shtick and everyone who used to be in the lolcow Discord knows exactly who I mean. They also kept trying to make new websites for "us" and they all feature the same graphic design style. They even posted their banners and other contributions in the server, so while I don't expect anyone to know they exist, I'm not making them up. Yeah, the internet nostalgia is popular right now, but I mean a very specific group. This has been going on for over a year and is blatantly obvious if you've crossed paths with them.

No. 55420

( >>55419)
Ayrt. I'm a 21 year old who's lurked since 2020 and started posting towards the end of last year. Admittedly I frequent reddit but definitely no other farms and have never had server/discord access. I have an embarrassing amount of spare time so have taken out a subscription to a shitty editing app and am making the most of it. I'm sorry that they've caused do much discourse so won't make any more.

No. 55436

Not any of the anons I kinda like the old web thing. Maybe the banners you made could be a bit more polished? Idk how to avoid them looking like the kiwi farms women ones like this anon said. They should show examples if they’re going to bring it up

No. 55981

File: 1682708588370.jpg (72.58 KB, 787x542, lolcow.jpg)

This isn't a banner but it would be nice to see it being made into one, have no idea how I'd go about it though

No. 55995

I agree lol

No. 55996

could you link those threads bc i haven't noticed

No. 56145

These two are fucking gross, how are they still up?

No. 56158

Also how is the hentai manga in the last thread still up and uncensored 7 years later kekkk

No. 56281

File: 1683563541627.gif (63.02 KB, 300x100, consider this moid.gif)

i love this lc so i made her into a banner

No. 56283

I love it

No. 56285

Why does it matter if they use the site and create banners and threads? If their banners and threads aren't shit and they integrate?

No. 56298

Excellent work, nonny

No. 56308

File: 1683604451329.jpeg (369.77 KB, 1170x1371, 2B0924BA-309E-4687-A9AF-4449B0…)

Would some art anon make a banner with this image cropped down and “twinning” overlaid?

No. 56369

File: 1683625281551.jpg (8.46 KB, 300x100, autism2.jpg)

inspired by this post >>>/ot/1334063

No. 56370

File: 1683625340634.jpg (8.71 KB, 300x100, autism3.jpg)

and a more lolcow themed variant that I attempted

No. 56788

Who is this and what board is she from?

No. 57414

File: 1684135155893.png (35.52 KB, 300x100, cows.png)

Hope this is okay.

No. 57540

Omg I love it anon!

No. 58382

File: 1685577074895.gif (9.33 MB, 860x502, chrome_wNCmCBVZEu.gif)

I feel like this could make a good banner, I'm bad at reading lips but someone could overlay "let's get milky" or something that seems to fit. We could use a new, fatter Shay banner.

No. 58721

i see "the milk is flowing" kek

No. 58724

Thank you, didn't think anyone would actually do it. Looks great!

No. 58739

File: 1686539365510.gif (1.89 MB, 300x100, Shaylife.gif)

I was going to make a DJ Shay and her on the dance floor but that was way above my non-existent level of expertise and it reminded me too much of the party with Kiki banner. We need more relevant cow banners!

No. 58741

anoooon thank you!!!

No. 58760

This is iconic

No. 58771

Requesting a Felice banner.

No. 58954

Why? She’s an old cow. Do you have any good pics or gifs to make into a banner?

No. 59059

File: 1687950811348.png (20.57 KB, 300x100, NO TROONS - banner.png)

No. 59402

File: 1688581292055.gif (1.15 MB, 275x155, 1687830137337.gif)

For anyone who has the skills

No. 59489

File: 1688669139600.gif (1.54 MB, 300x100, CB0D2F7A-B895-4011-96B8-027950…)

One of my favorite lolcow hall of fame moments I had to make it my damn self since no one else would. I love it.

No. 59504

and a very merry  to you too, Anon!

No. 59540

This is killing me thank you nonnie

No. 59564

File: 1688713458106.gif (1.61 MB, 300x100, 0595334E-17FF-4C2D-8C33-CB99AF…)

I made it a little better

No. 60290

File: 1689780683476.png (44.29 KB, 300x100, The New Farmer Banner.png)

original pic and idea

No. 60312

beautiful nonna, you made my silly little edit a work of art.

No. 60321

File: 1689840766033.png (287.56 KB, 512x512, rose for nonny.png)

thank you so much nоnnie! ♥
your edit was hilarious, keep up the good work!

No. 60325

File: 1689852493247.jpg (14.98 KB, 493x512, 7767616010539020470_n.jpg)

Eh, I'm not really good in this type of stuff, its just a quick edit I did on MsPaint in 5 minutes, what you did seemed like real art and required actual effort.

No. 63550

File: 1695315190207.png (23.36 KB, 300x100, cute cow moooo.png)

No. 63599

No. 63614

Love it nona

No. 64025

File: 1696845280133.gif (263.7 KB, 300x100, shatban.gif)

No. 64026

I'm losing it. Great work, anon.

No. 64027

Ewe no I don't wanna see feet

No. 64033

great execution, but I don't want to see this again, so

No. 64090

Gave the banners ever been updated recently? I haven’t seen any new ones in years

No. 64959

No. I believe the Lori one is the newest added and that was like 2 years ago.

No. 64985

File: 1699404294596.png (61.35 KB, 300x100, yasss banner gurl.png)

No. 64986

File: 1699404830085.png (55.15 KB, 300x100, Untitled-2.png)

No. 64987

File: 1699405456395.png (69.78 KB, 300x100, sylvanian families.png)

No. 64993

File: 1699412180380.gif (376.43 KB, 300x100, chase.gif)

No. 64997

File: 1699417064285.gif (3.63 MB, 300x100, the sad cow.gif)

No. 64999

File: 1699418024360.png (70.33 KB, 300x100, cute sleeping cow.png)

No. 65175

No please

No. 65342

it's shaynus feeding a pig from waaaaaay early in her threads

No. 65386

We’re adding banners soon, please give feedback to banners you like and remember to include “lolcow.farm” prominently in your banner.

No. 65397

No. 65398

Im already seeing the new banners, thanks admins!

No. 65404

Admin pls link the list!!! Thank you this is such a happy day for me

No. 65405

The banner list is at lolcow.farm/banners

No. 65406

thank you nona!

No. 65408

A lot of people say this, but the daddy pork chop one should go (also the special snowflake freezbee got an update somewhere in the last thread)

No. 65410

These might’ve been linked before but these are all so cute

No. 65412

File: 1700009753086.png (71.8 KB, 300x100, 1662147528464.png)

Ok! from this thread:
>>59564 legit kekking at this one lol
>>55331 this one is the best one from the sage ones! wait it doesn't say lolcow.farm I'll fix it
>>55287 kek
>>55026 kek please

Ok from last thread:
>>54279 please lmao
>>53352 necessary tbh
>>46949 dunno if you want the .farm in this one, but I love it. Will fix anyway
>>45002 I think this was added? didn't see it in the list
>>44383 need tbh
>>44378 to replace the ugly one
>>43724 I looooove this the leyend of zelda one. Please if you can, I would love to see it!
>>36144 honestly this one is very funny, but I understand if mods don't want it
>>36143 same as above
>>27528 pleaseeee. So cute

I think that's it. Thanks for your consideration! picrel is my favorite

No. 65413

File: 1700013341843.png (1.91 KB, 90x30, simple_LC_logo_for_banners.png)

We added all banners that had some positive feedback and included "lolcow.farm". Some didn't include the URL, but we'd be happy to add them if the URL was added. Here's a png to make it quicker, but feel free to make your own. Here's a few that were skipped due to URL:


No. 65414

thank youuuu will do!! I'll help out!

No. 65415

File: 1700014410972.png (42.98 KB, 300x100, 1681021182217.png)

ok here's the first one I fixed
also, I noticed that on lolcow.farm/banners there's the banners updated today, but some of the new banners (like the 'where is shaymin' one) aren't on that list. Is there an earlier update from this year missing in that list? or am I completely blind? I only checked the 13-november-2023 ones, the other newest update is from 2021

No. 65416

File: 1700014645186.png (54.16 KB, 300x100, 1667506534812.png)

second fixed banner

No. 65417

File: 1700015421616.gif (4.61 KB, 300x100, 1680944528268.gif)

more fixing

No. 65420

File: 1700016036309.png (55.44 KB, 300x100, 1664245674091.png)

next one

No. 65421

File: 1700016245215.gif (120.31 KB, 300x100, 1681110422953.gif)

and last one from the list! thanks admin for adding new banners

No. 65422

File: 1700016560508.png (26.43 KB, 300x100, newfag.png)

also threw this one together real quick just for fun

No. 65423

https://lolcow.farm/banners/173.gif direct link to the daddy porkchop one for anyone interested in talking about it

No. 65424

File: 1700022509564.png (51.8 KB, 300x100, Cow Sage Tip Banner URL.png)

Thank you for adding new banners, cerbmin! It made my morning ♥

>Some didn't include the URL

I thought including the URL wasn't required if you've included a picture of a cow?
>Banners should mention the site directly or indirectly. "lolcow.farm" written, a picture of a cow, etc.

I can't repost >>55287
Error: "That file <a href="/meta/res/54709.html#65417">already exists</a> in this thread!"

Updated >>55331

No. 65425

I just now saw this at the top of the page and fucking died. God that post will never not be funny.

No. 65426

File: 1700023986587.gif (4.25 KB, 300x100, Scrote Detected Banner with UR…)

>>55287 repost with URL added

No. 65427

You made them so much better!! Thank you nonnie they're wayy better than my edits lmao (I am >>65417 and >>65415)

No. 65430

File: 1700026983086.jpg (145.03 KB, 650x706, heart-cow.jpg)

Thank you! Thanks for your edits too, appreciate the helping hand!

No. 65433

I saw this one three times in the past three days. Please get rid of it, admin.

No. 65436

I'm not a fan of the banner but I don't understand how anons would rather whine about it for years than adblock it. It's a single file with a static url, just go ahead and do it. Yes on your phone too

No. 65438

Probably too late of a reply but I would avoid banners that contain explicit man hate purely for the reason that it would likely result in an increase of angry moids posting spam. It doesn't take much to trigger scrotes into posting CP, gore and other vile content.

No. 65439

because I still want to see the other banners, just not the porkchop one kek

No. 65442

File: 1700066748363.gif (118.21 KB, 300x100, 1700016245215.gif)

Fixed this further. Upped the contrast because of the low legibility, and got rid of a weird line it gets to the left at the start
Considering recent developments, I think this should be added too.

No. 65443

File: 1700066931877.png (59.76 KB, 300x100, when the husbando appears on t…)

No. 65444

I'm sorry but I want more cow centric banners and not literal ones. I dislike the cc tier and the low effort ones.

No. 65445

File: 1700067691691.gif (31.76 KB, 300x100, girls.gif)

No. 65446

A lot of cow centric banners were added too though, I saw plenty of shayna and pixielocks on the thread. You can always come and suggest a picture / gif to make into a banner though, maybe an anon will pick it up (I've done them by request before). Sadly most cows in this website aren't even that funny anymore.

No. 65447

lolcow.farm is not a cow site anymore, haven't you heard? we're a feminist family. Don't go on the cow boards, we disavow them. In fact, we should get rid of them entirely

Sorry just frustrated with how much the site culture has changed

No. 65448

You can't seriously be this retarded, no wonder you need admins to hide the evil .gif from you. Just block https://lolcow.farm/banners/173.gif, you're welcome

No. 65449

Don't be dumb, we just need funnier cows to laugh at. Dakota is boring, Venus is a dead horse, Pixielocks is just a DID larper, the list goes on. We need new juicy stuff

No. 65450

It doesn't change the fact a lot of anons want it gone. Whenever that'll happen or not, I don't give a fuck, but let the community decide.

No. 65451

A lot of the most interesting cows in this day and age are coming from TikTok. I've stopped reading here for new cows for the most part because, like you said, they're boring. We need cows like Tophiachu and ChelseaLeeArt. There are obvious issues with introducing TikTok cows to the board, but these individuals are more eccentric and a whole lot milkier than some random e-thot from Twitter

No. 65452

Hard agree. And that's why a lot of the new banners are Shayna, because most anons are shaynafags. I'm not a shaynafag myself but even then she's one of the most active cows on the website, we need new milk.

No. 65453

sorry, this is ugly imho

No. 65454

File: 1700070134632.png (46.52 KB, 300x100, komscum.png)

No. 65455

I'm gonna be honest and say I never understood why anons made such a big deal out of the old banners. You literally only see banners for like a second when you're on a board/thread, then you scroll down and it's out of view. If you really dislike a banner so much just refresh the page or scroll. It reminds me of when anons were trying to get rid of the pt spoiler image. It just such a non-issue and also to me kind of feels like some anons want to get rid of lolcow history (not that the porkchop banner is a significant part of lolcow history, but still) and turn this into a different site. I feel like if they get rid of the pork chop banners anons are just gonna find something else small to complain about imo.

No. 65456

Tell the original anon to fix it then, because it didn't even have the lolcow.farm at the end when she posted it

No. 65457

I vote for this one!

No. 65458

Kek this is so true.

No. 65459

I just find it ugly and not funny at all. Anyone who spends more than 2 minutes on this site will see like ten redtexts. I don't need to see an ugly, unfunny schoolmarmy banner about sageing.

No. 65460

Ok, fair point. So it's not the edit itself, just the banner entirely that you hate?

No. 65461

Don't make a bug fuss of the new banners either then, goes both ways by your logic.

No. 65462

..huh? I like the new banners. I'm glad they added them.

No. 65463

yeah but it's not your fault or anything. just my opinion that I decided for some reason to post (I've never posted in this thread before today lol)

the porkchop one is the only one I personally asked to be deleted. Feels like the porn ads on other imageboards and if it were posted in a thread without a spoiler, the poster would probably get redtexted for it

No. 65464

Honestly I prefer this one
But admin also wanted to fix the one you dislike, so it got fixed. If anons don't like it, it doesn't have to be added!

No. 65465

Ok thanks for clarifying it

No. 65466

ayrt - I like that one bc it's cute! that cow can tell me to sage no problem

No. 65467

Because they're dumbasses who read the site in public. I remember even during the pt spoiler discussion that was the exact reason given for why some of them wanted it gone.

No. 65470

loving all the new banners!! so nice to see some changes and updates on this site.

No. 65472

Tbh somehow the pt spoiler never occurred to me that it was offensive or anything. It's just the pork chop one lol

No. 65475

No. 65476

>>65454 kek yes please
>>65445 funny
>>65426 yes
>>65424 this one is better yeah
>>65422 cute please add!

No. 65477

I hope this fixed version gets added, same with >>65416

No. 65479

No. 65499

File: 1700156915187.gif (55.07 KB, 300x100, devilcow.gif)

made this real quick from the doodle board, hopefully some other talented nonna can animate this better! so glad new banners are being added!

No. 65506

I could help, could you please post the original drawing? Thanks nonna

No. 65507

File: 1700169724483.png (171.51 KB, 417x524, IMG_5929.png)

No. 65508

KEK? I didn't expect to see some pic I shat on the AI thread made into a banner out of the blue. Makes a shit banner, but I'm still touched.. Love u mon nonna.

No. 65514

this one please!

No. 65523

It's funny that's why

No. 65526

I'm gonna animate this, wait a little ok?

No. 65527

great addition, thanks, finally some decent banners
for all cow related banners purists, would you really like to see tit jangling or a carton of piss that much rather than a random glittertext? idk man (also you may contribute)

No. 65656

File: 1700548540224.png (15.38 MB, 1920x5049, All LCF Banners as of 2023 Nov…)

Made a collage of all the current banners, figured it'd be a helpful snapshot for some nоnnies considering some of recent suggestions have already been uploaded. The order follows lolcow.farm/banners.

Also would like to take this chance to request Cerbmin to please get rid of the hentai banner, 39.gif, and the scrotish anime girl milking cow banner, 106.gif.
Neither of these banners are related to lolcows so there's no lolcor-lore to be lost with their removal (as some anons are worried about). Another nona complained in the previous thread too >>28405

No. 65663

Would really appreciate seeing the nude porny banners removed (the porkchop one, as many others have requested, but also the "going to the river" boobs one)

No. 65666

"goint to the river" is Margo and iconic. But maybe the boobs could be blurred, that would be a compromise. I'm not a fan of nudity in banners but tbh that's not an egregious example and Venus's mom's antics back then did involve posting nearly nude photos to try to get pity from Venus's fans.

No. 65667

File: 1700568892314.png (105.6 KB, 300x100, banner.png)

No. 65668

this is so cute!! love it

No. 65670

That's not AI, is it?

No. 65671

who cares? it's cute

No. 65674


No. 65676

File: 1700579430455.gif (425.14 KB, 300x100, Sick Sad Banner.gif)

another daria one

No. 65677

File: 1700579526068.gif (395.8 KB, 300x100, Updated Don't Respond Banner.g…)

Not sure why >>53352 wasn't added, but I updated it so it looks better is easier to read

No. 65678

File: 1700579593942.png (8.66 KB, 300x100, Updated Pixel Lolcow Banner.pn…)

Updated with site link

No. 65679

Seconded, nonnie. Mods, please retire >>1052
and >>13912 , they're so ugly and stupid.

No. 65681

No ai banners please. The cow one was posted in one of the ai art threads months ago.

No. 65682

The daddys porkchop is the worst one. It literally looks like I'm on a pornsite every time it pops up

No. 65683

This is so cute, might be my favorite banner (even if it hasn't been added yet lol)

No. 65684

Lol this is cute
Ohhhhh I like this one!!
Kek I like it
I've been busy but haven't forgotten, I'll do this soon

No. 65685

This is very helpful thanks

No. 65689

Who cares if it's AI

No. 65705

This is so special, I hope the nonnie who made those cats sees this, she's so based

No. 65727

File: 1700676823157.gif (134.67 KB, 275x92, 1700672786484.gif)

No. 65729

I love this!!!!

No. 65766

I concur. But farmhands are using AI themselves in their own thread pics here on /meta/ now so it's probably no use complaining. So nasty and cheap looking though.

No. 65770

File: 1700713982019.png (16.35 MB, 1920x5409, 22-Nov-2023 Lolcow.Farm Banner…)

Updated the visual to reflect Cerbmin's latest changes (22-Nov-2023). Thank you for the banner updates, you're killing it ♥

Good news, both "goint to the river" and "daddy's porkchop" banners have been edited! Still waiting to see something done about the two banners in >>65656

No. 65879

File: 1700772063034.gif (305.02 KB, 300x100, banner.gif)

I just got the updated daddy's porkchop one and something about the super shitty editing has me rolling. It's what mystery.jpg deserves

No. 65880

If we're editing/removing the porny banners, would it be possible to do something with the ones of Shayna literally masturbating (1.gif, 64.gif)? For some reason both of those come up super often for me, I think I've had to see both more than any other banners and I can't stand either of them

No. 65886

Get rid of the ai banners and reduce the number of nonsensical cc tier banners as you guys censored the "porny" banners as it was just tits and piss.

No. 65889

No. 65893

Censoring the bannerd to appease newfags is stupid. They are shitting on lolcow history because some tiktok refugee who found the site yesterday is angry she cant lurk at lolcow at the family dinner. The weird banners were a nice newfag/phonefag filter.

No. 65902

It's funny, lighten up

No. 65905

great news about those 2 banners!

No. 65908

File: 1700780273626.gif (1.56 MB, 300x100, devilcow banner.gif)

Not the other anons, but I had a very specific vision so I tried my hand at animating >>65507 kek

No. 65918

File: 1700793104302.png (154.84 KB, 720x408, IMG_20231123_203012.png)

Kekkkk saw this today

No. 65919

It's giving amazon children book, pass

No. 65923

I'm one of the anons who requested the changes, been here 4 years now which I don't think is considered new kek. Just because something is part of the site's history doesn't mean it was a good choice in the first place. Sometimes change is a good thing and I appreciate the admin seeing that.

No. 65925

let me guess you phonefag? i never had trouble with banners, either just refresh or scroll down. God this site is becoming the sped playpen.

No. 65927

Source of image

No. 65928

If you aren't a newfag yourself then you know that anons have complained about them for many years. I'm glad something has finally been done about them.

No. 65930

Nta but it has not been many years kek. It's maybe been like 1-2 years. It really was not an issue until relatively recently.

No. 65947

You can be here for 4 years and still be a newfag in spirit. I'm not sad about the edited banners but the weird insistence to make lolcow completely NSFW so it can be browsed in public is bullshit. It should be lurked from the comfort of your NEET den as intended, if it's not wholesome enough to open on your phone then just wait til you're home instead of spending years begging for images to be dropped/edited for you and 3 other anons specifically.

No. 65948

What we need is more banners that aren't porny but still off-putting, offensive and hard to explain. And most importantly, focused on lolcow culture instead of whatever random uwu moe gif somebody found and slapped the url onto

No. 65949

Why are you so mad about it though? How do banner changes affect your browsing or posting? It doesn't. You can continue doing whatever you usually do.

No. 65950

lol I like it nonna

No. 65951

Who's mad?
>How do banner changes affect your browsing or posting? It doesn't. You can continue doing whatever you usually do.
So can everyone who complained about the old banners.

No. 65952

No. 66006

Still pass

No. 66008

It's not just 3 anons, also you used NSFW incorrectly
This is embarrassing, they're not going to revert the change for you, who cares, go watch porn instead of begging for it here. Begging for nudes was always a bannable offense and nsfw images like the daddy pork chop have to be spoilered in a thread or you get banned. Are you new? Why have an unspoilered nsfw gif of an ethot on top of the page if lesser shit has to be spoilered daily. For that matter I don't care about the "do you like getting milked" one because whatever, doesn't show nsfw so who cares where it comes from. And honestly, if you don't think >>65879 is way more hilarious, then you really just wanted to stare at an ass I guess. Apply your own logic and reload the page, who the fuck gets so defensive over a porny picture anyway

No. 66010

you are super annoying i genuinely dont understand newfags that cant just reload the page

No. 66016

File: 1700885530212.png (29.03 KB, 300x100, meltdown.png)

No. 66017

File: 1700885558688.png (31.54 KB, 300x100, is coming.png)

No. 66020

Nonna this is gold

No. 66026

File: 1700887390018.png (42.8 KB, 300x100, margo3.png)

I honestly wish the censorship was funnier than just some leaves. I like the censorship in this one, >>65879 it's funny. I think if we're going to censor banners, we could make them more hilarious. Dunno if this works but I made this as an example.

No. 66031

File: 1700887550149.png (52.48 KB, 300x100, kawaii.png)

I also made this one for those who wanted more cow banners, and maybe it could replace the river one too if anyone wants that.

No. 66032

i think this one could be perfect if the guy was one of teh balding cows

No. 66038

File: 1700890387175.gif (3.61 MB, 300x100, cow-dancing.gif)

No. 66039

File: 1700890439265.png (33.79 KB, 300x100, hank.png)

No. 66054

Are you still that same anon who doesn't understand that it wasn't some random camgirl we're thirsting over by dedicating banners to her?
>>>/ot/1787159 PULL refugees, man.

No. 66057

I know who she is retard, still doesn't make her banner worth defending.

No. 66059

File: 1700926416928.png (57.05 KB, 300x100, 1.png)

No. 66060

File: 1700926502532.png (70.61 KB, 300x100, 2.png)

No. 66063

yes to all of these:

hard pass, no thank you:

>>66026 I agree it should be more hilarious, the current censoring is lame
>>66031 I'm ok with replacing it with this one

No. 66082

Can you stop shitting up the thread now? It's not gonna change back no matter how mad you get.

No. 66083

Just ignore them, they're probably baiting on purpose. Only autists hate change this much

No. 66094

Love them
Agreed it should had been funnier. That edit is retarded though no offense. But maybe someone else can make it better

No. 66133

why is one of the new banners a fucking /jp/ meme,

No. 66162

Agree with this replacement

No. 66252

File: 1701456441857.jpg (86.87 KB, 1080x359, IMG_20231201_184722.jpg)

Don't know where else to post this but this bear picture is my dead mom's social media photo and I like seeing it in this banner because it makes me think of her, banner maker thank you

No. 66253

I’m definitely overemotional but this brought a tear to my eye I’m sorry for your loss nonnarita

No. 66254

This is so adorable. What does it say on the original?

No. 66256

I really like that cute banner too. I'm sorry for your loss nona.

No. 66339

just saw the banner of jills aunt for the first time, brought a smile to my face on a rough morning. love her, jill wishes she could be as fun and creative.

No. 66340

i need this banner in my life

No. 66345

Thank you anons for sharing your thoughts, it makes me happy that the banners can give people joy, thanks to all the creative banner people itt
Yeah I want this to replace the river one kek it isn't even funny to begin with

No. 66346

Cute. Vent thread energy, I like it

No. 66380

File: 1701906499186.jpeg (113.33 KB, 1000x894, IMG_2631.jpeg)

banner-anons I would love a holiday themed milkmas banner!

No. 66393

will do but i need a good background with lolcows or elsie in it

No. 66395

/r/ banners with sniper elite testicle shots (vid related)

would make my own and post but too lazy to boot my ps5

No. 66464

File: 1702153944592.gif (799.37 KB, 300x100, youreallblockedinhell.gif)

First banner ever!

No. 66471


No. 66482

Nice one. This feels like an old banner. And it's not going to make the purity police sperg out.

No. 66512

Whoever made the Tekken banner, I love you. Made me crack a smile

No. 66524

Nice, I love when ppl do these old lc vibe banners

No. 66991

File: 1703429261764.gif (606.97 KB, 300x100, banner---shay.gif)

No. 67064

We have too many Shayna banners, no hate to you nonny

No. 67069

Agreed. Tired of these. There's much more interesting and worthy cows who deserve a banner

No. 67077

Don't we already have a banner with this gif?

No. 67763

File: 1705272245312.png (37.4 KB, 300x100, fail.png)

I want to make a banner for Dex the furfag but graphic design is not my passion. Any tips? here is an ugly, pixelated failed attempt

No. 67790

I just saw this banner and came here to say how much I love it. Wasn't expecting to get emotional at another nona's reaction but I did. Hugs nona.

No. 67795

this is still the best banner ever
could add the url in glitter text and some blingee style emo sparkly gifs

No. 67821

I don't feel comfortable having a furry wishing death upon farmers as a banner tbh. It's not that funny either

No. 67824

who are you dictate what is and isnt funny

No. 67830

Nta anyone can give their opinion of banners here, someone being uncomfortable with a furry alog banner is an understandable opinion

No. 68016

File: 1705903379871.png (62.55 KB, 300x100, banner1.png)

No. 68017

File: 1705904122573.png (63.8 KB, 300x100, banner2.png)

No. 68018

File: 1705904200701.png (53.66 KB, 300x100, banner3.png)

No. 68127

Love this one
Kek based
Want this super bad!

No. 68443

File: 1706134041546.gif (9.56 MB, 642x432, 1696411044923.gif)

i know we have tons of shayna banners already but i really want one of picrel, kek.

No. 68581

File: 1706218335707.gif (285.12 KB, 300x100, IMG_0326.gif)

No. 68593

File: 1706223650136.png (65.44 KB, 300x100, IMG_0352.png)

click, clack, moo 1/2

No. 68595

File: 1706223931401.png (41.17 KB, 300x100, Untitled12_20240125150547.png)

click, clack, moo 2/2

No. 68801

No. 69238

File: 1706856521035.gif (155.41 KB, 300x100, 1000031223.gif)

No. 69438

File: 1707193571762.gif (1.26 MB, 300x100, moo.gif)

No. 69439

I love these

No. 69846

This one is so perfect I'm gonna cry

No. 71052

File: 1708212527401.jpg (122.42 KB, 1434x644, 20240217_152819.jpg)

Which cow is it on this banner? I'm intrigued…

No. 71064

its not ready to glare?

No. 71113

not a cow, it's Pixielocks' much cooler aunt, Serenity Sam

No. 71129

No. 71151

If she’s not a cow I don’t think she should be on a banner. Maybe I’m wrong in thinking that though.

No. 71174

some of the banners more represent the vibe of a women's place on the internet and inner memes as opposed to just being about cows so I always figured she was included as like a godmother to us weirdos.

No. 71217

What a stretch

No. 71225

You are wrong in thinking that.

No. 71302

Anons requested it in the pixielocks thread if I remember well

No. 71303

You wouldn't get it

No. 71329

File: 1708408601870.png (893.44 KB, 640x1136, 1708279819478.png)

please can anyone make a banner of Venus transforming into Margo? they look so alike

No. 71337

more old timey?

No. 71344

I will but give me a good Margo picture too please.

No. 71365

File: 1708441703755.png (42.82 KB, 340x249, 1468274632126.png)

Thanks, I think this one would work

No. 72065

I think about this every time I see this banner. It’s so cute, I wish you well nonna.

No. 72361

UGH I used to have a flash drive of all of my old screenshots from pull. I had a goldmine of unflattering margo pictures

No. 72522

File: 1709485153179.gif (648 KB, 300x100, lcbanner.gif)

first time making a banner but I've been meaning to make this iconic moment from the celebricows thread into a banner since the moment I saw it

No. 72596

Kek I like this one nona

No. 72777

What's the context of this? Please someone explain lol

No. 72779

File: 1709968046729.gif (272.65 KB, 300x100, sillypoooo.gif)

No. 72780

Based sillypooooo

No. 72791

Yes please

No. 72821

kek yes please

No. 72825

I like it. What is this from?

No. 72831

This has been posted multiple times already in different threads, but here you go.

No. 72842

this is awesome

No. 72854

No thank you

No. 72865

Thx. I'm a /w/ fag so I don't see what gets posted elsewhere

No. 73314

File: 1710659918784.png (276.23 KB, 1440x450, Screenshot_20240317_031843.png)

this is a /jp/ meme. i know it's co-opted but i still worry about it's origin. i only know this because my ex friend's troon pedo husband uses /jp/ i don't particularly want to associate anything here with weeb incel trash.

No. 73321

I think it's alright as long as it's Elsie? I understand why you don't like it though
Love it

No. 73328

I think we should shut down LC as this is an imageboard and incel coomers use imageboards. It's very worrying!

No. 73329

File: 1710677750539.png (5.06 KB, 559x402, 1687583919435425.png)

do we tell her, nonnies?

No. 73334

This meme is based on an image of my waifu so I enjoy seeing it here regardless of the origin.

No. 73337

I think the issue is more whether or not a tranny submitted it. if anon is here and knows what /jp/ is she's obviously aware of everything you retards are saying.

No. 73352

I hope it's a baiter. If not then man, anons are right that we need to make it mandatory to at least lurk 4chan for a year before posting here.

No. 73373

File: 1710732011746.jpg (79.27 KB, 400x400, 1356801785499.jpg)


It predates the schism between LC and 4chan. This image is the earliest example I have and it dates from 2013. There was a lot of crossover of memes between the weeb boards on 4chan and this included /a/, /jp/ and /cgl/.

No. 73374

I feel you, nonnie.

No. 73375

Someone made the drawing then someone else made the banner, I know that because I was the og anon who made the Elsie edit to the picture and never thought someone would create a banner out of it

No. 73406

>I was the og anon who made the Elsie edit to the picture and never thought someone would create a banner out of it
i found your edit in >>>/m/147329 and thought it'd make for a cute banner. i edited a few other Elsie banners too because i thought they were fun

No. 73442

I'm happy you liked my edit anon!

No. 73615

File: 1711167075642.png (57.93 KB, 300x100, twitter_abuse.png)

No. 73621

File: 1711195322695.gif (1.74 MB, 300x100, jilllllllllllllllllllllll.gif)

No. 73622

File: 1711197975486.png (92.02 KB, 300x100, bjorkbanner.png)

I love bjork.

No. 73623

I love this, want!
Ok I know it doesn't say that I just thought it was funny lol

No. 73624

No. 73651

This is lovely and we'd love to add it to the list of new banners on the next update, but as >>73623 has said, please update the font slightly so the .farm section is more legible. Don't want you to miss out!

No. 73652

Yes agreed I love the Bjork banner (hope anon sees it)

No. 73657

Meh, Jill already has multiple banners in rotation. Just like Shayna, it's enough. There's so many cows that don't even have 1 banner. Wish I knew how to make them

No. 73658

>There's so many cows that don't even have 1 banner. Wish I knew how to make them
you could request for a banner to be made if you provide the cow pic and/or captions

No. 73660

File: 1711257328646.png (34.08 KB, 300x100, aaaaaaaaa.png)

Nta but here it is!
What cow do you have in mind?

No. 73661

love this but i wish the text were more glittery/kaweewee as discussed in the thread or at least pink/rainbow. the choice of image is great though because it's for the livestream where she mentions getting "fight or flight" from seeing precure profile pictures now.

No. 73664

Disagreed I think it's fine as it is

No. 73666

I agree with you nonnie it should be more kawiwi, the simple greentext doesn't represent Jill's histrionic/narcissism/BPD snowflake disease enough.

No. 73667

not every banner has to be kawaii, we have too many of those now. a simple green text is fine. in any case maybe if anon sees this maybe they'll fix it.

No. 73669

don't like these. the margo edit isn't better than the one we already got, please do not replace it.

No. 73670

Actually you're dead wrong, every banner MUST be kawiwi as stated in lolcow law section 4 and with glitter graphic text. The simple green text is fugly and is a direct violation of lolcow law section 76 which declares "no fug permitted where kawiwi could thrive".

No. 73701

Nta but /jp/ was never part of that, /a/ maybe but /jp/ started as containment board for weeb incels. many tranny spergs that come on the site are from there too.

No. 73705

File: 1711355128017.png (Spoiler Image,122.65 KB, 466x290, example.png)

Same anon here I tried to add the glitter text but it became completely illegible I'm very sorry I tried, spoilering because I failed kek

No. 73707

File: 1711355373799.png (55.45 KB, 300x100, pink.png)

So made it pink instead, if someone has any request or improvement idea let me know

No. 73710

File: 1711395263303.jpg (38.92 KB, 300x100, jill precure.jpg)

did a precure edit of it. i dont know how to do glitter text so some other anon can add that

No. 73722

This looks freaky kek no offense
I prefer it with her real face

No. 73729

I like the pink. It's an improvement, maybe they can add this one?
good attempt but her face being fug is what makes it funny

No. 73736

I like it with the pink text, this is fine by me. Better than the green

No. 73740

File: 1711453569419.gif (323.42 KB, 300x100, bjork_bwfade.gif)

thank you nonny!!
thanks! I made a fixed one but it wouldn't let me post for some reason
I thought it looked unfinished so I added some details, lmk what you think

No. 73741

I made one with a black border and just the text animated but I can't post it??? I'll try later
>That file <a href="/meta/res/54709.html#73740">already exists</a> in this thread!

No. 73767

I think you have to rename it? Try again!

No. 73770

I like the concept of this. Who doesn’t love a Björk farmer? But the red is unappealing and discordant imo. I get that it’s to match her shirt, but I think it’d be better to match the theme of the site (so a shade of pink). Like we’re really in her little computer instead of the real, tangible world. Just my two cents, take or leave it! ♥

No. 73779

I would like to see something like this too, I love the bjork banner already though but having options is fun

No. 73781

File: 1711548728020.gif (94.04 KB, 300x100, bjorkcute.gif)

here you go! you were right I think it looks better this way

No. 73783

So cute! I love it, nonnie

No. 73790

I like this more than the pink one

No. 73794

File: 1711557321161.gif (68.56 KB, 300x100, moomin.gif)

same anon, I'm procrastinating by making these
well it's up to admins to decide then. I'm fine with both

No. 73815

this is so cute, but maybe needs to be a tad slower?

No. 73816

i second this one, we need more varied non pink/pastel banners and this one has a really gothic look to it that looks amazing with dark theme

No. 73853

I wish it was a bit slower so it's easier to read
I love this so much

No. 73854

Both are good, but the pink one is easier to the eyes imo, my eyes are a bit sensitive

No. 73933

File: 1711678125844.gif (37.09 KB, 300x100, aaaaaaaaaaa.gif)

NTA but slowed it down a bit for easier reading

No. 73985

Can we please get some more like this but just static? They could just say "men bad" and be in different colours. Maybe some clipart to really make it pop.

No. 73994

oh my god Moomin banners please I need it

No. 74004

J'ADORE, THIS IS PERFECT. I love the farm title at the end! So aesthetically pleasing!

No. 74023

amazing banner. love the colours and font

No. 74086

File: 1711828801591.gif (68.56 KB, 300x100, sadsfdghfj.gif)

ok but have you considered that moomins are cute?
thank you nonny I made one too but couldn't post it for several days because
>That file <a href="/meta/res/54709.html#73740">already exists</a>

No. 74088

File: 1711829966945.gif (1.52 MB, 300x100, milkchalice.gif)

posted???? well too late excuse me for shitting up the thread

anyway here's another banner. I know alex hasn't been discussed much on lc (which I don't understand because he produced copious amounts of milk, esp when the allegations dropped) and this meme is ancient but I laughed my ass off while making it. this is more like fanart, a personal passion project if you will

No. 74094

Kek amazing

No. 74113

It looks like the site maintenance resulted in more banners being added, and there's even more Shayna banners now? Jfc, how many of her do we need? There should be a cap on how many a single cow can have imo

No. 74312

personally I really like the new banners, I think they're great

No. 74315

>It looks like the site maintenance resulted in more banners being added
according to https://lolcow.farm/banners, there haven't been any new ones added since the end of November 2023

No. 74375

I just think they fixed a bug to make the others appear more

No. 74860

I know I'm late but just wanted to offer my condolences for your loss anon.

No. 75024

File: 1713097976392.gif (118.97 KB, 300x100, sparkle.gif)

No. 75027

File: 1713099187149.png (67.4 KB, 300x100, nonnying.png)

No. 75028

File: 1713102164702.png (62.29 KB, 300x100, cow1.png)

Version #1

No. 75029

File: 1713102217696.png (61.9 KB, 300x100, cow2.png)

Version #2
Please vote for your favorite I guess

No. 75030

File: 1713102267385.png (52.28 KB, 300x100, baitusedto.png)

No. 75031

Oh my god nona, you used my picmix, I feel so honored

No. 75035

this one is better

No. 75037

this would be better if it was a moving gif tbh with the actual words. tbh prefer the original vegeta one but that’s because i’m an husbandofag

No. 75038

I will make a moving one with a gif a nonny made later today

No. 75047

File: 1713114375678.gif (32.33 KB, 300x100, elsie-bait.gif)

here it is with the animated gif

No. 75048

this is so good!!

No. 75049

Love this

No. 75132

>>65443 this one, I don't understand why it was added if it has barely any votes? I don't know how anons feel about this one. It's blurry and not well made, lacks quality and it's not that representative of the site. Would mods consider replacing it for a higher quality one? Maybe a nun elsie instead

No. 75133

No. 75472

File: 1713408299605.png (187.52 KB, 720x460, IMG_20240417_204254.png)

The theme isn't bad and the picture is cute, but it's stretched out and low quality. It's annoying me. I'll try looking into it

No. 75546

File: 1713506208357.png (22.25 KB, 300x100, i wont be experiencing any ban…)

No. 75548

i love this i am glad this is finally a BANner

No. 75551

Just saw your banner, love it!
Great work nonnie.

No. 75565

yes to this

No. 75575

Fftg lmao

No. 75663

why didn't you add text ? it feels weird without it

No. 75665

If you know you know. That's all.

No. 75668

File: 1713660112493.gif (2.79 MB, 480x160, doeGNOLC.gif)

No. 75670

File: 1713660549908.gif (5.86 MB, 480x160, moonieawcej.gif)

I also wanted to make something based on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QLVsLuBl10, found the channel in the awful song thread on /m/ but it didn't end up great

No. 75672

i like how nonsensical and retarded these are

No. 75674

I love these especially the girls night one.

No. 75801

File: 1713878604804.png (78.79 KB, 300x100, banner.png)

Yotsuba, really? What website is this again?

No. 75847

yotsuba loves milk, anon. There's a whole section where she visits cows to see how milk is made, another where she goes on a gruelling solo journey to bring the most delicious fancy milk to Fuuka at school. It's more fitting for us than for them.

No. 75852

These feel too ugly and chaotic, the last one feels infantilizing

No. 75854


No. 75859

Eh. That banner isn't that old, NTA but I remember when anons also complained about it back when it was first posted. That said, I like it a lot, it's cute.

No. 75865

i think anon called them a newfag because referencing our 4chan roots isn't the same as using 4chan. they shouldn't be questioning 4chan throwbacks.

No. 75880

In that case, referencing /cgl/ is better than just referencing 4chan. But even though yotsuba is obviously a 4chan reference, that banner doesn't read as "referencing 4chan" to me, maybe I'm the minority though.

No. 75884

File: 1713954277635.gif (305.4 KB, 300x100, bannerchurch1.gif)

I made this >>65443 banner before and I didn't think it would be added kek so I made this one if anyone wants to replace it (or just for fun too)

No. 75888

well that's kind of what i was trying to say, i am tired and esl so i apologize. i think that associating yotsuba with 4chan automatically is wrong and even if it was a reference there's nothing wrong with it. i honestly want more /cgl/ related banners now. we need more gulls and stuff with old comics and lolitafied memes

No. 75922

>I honestly want more /cgl/ related banners now. we need more gulls and stuff with old comics and lolitafied memes
If someone draws lolita Elsie with seagulls maybe. I also need someone to draw happy nun Elsie. I'm not using AI.

No. 76068

>i honestly want more /cgl/ related banners now. we need more gulls and stuff with old comics and lolitafied memes
I'll try to draw lolita Elsie with seagulls when I'll have the time to do so. Which lolita would fit her?

No. 76073

Country lolita? Though classic with a hint of gothic would also be nice

No. 76075

File: 1714252368837.png (38.89 KB, 300x100, handshake.png)

No. 76076

File: 1714252509303.png (69.41 KB, 300x100, cute_plush_cow.png)

No. 76077

seconding country or maybe sweet lolita, I could see her wearing innocent world. 2X-chan would definitely wear gothic though. she'd be a diehard Atelier Boz fan (not Moitie bc mana is male kek)

No. 76268

I saw someone suggest an Elsie redraw of the dog boy gif. I'm seconding that.

No. 76346

ayrt, country lolita sounds sweet! Thanks nonnas

No. 76371

No. 76407

File: 1714655683124.jpg (199.95 KB, 1075x510, SmartSelect_20240502_091210_Sa…)

Bless you nonnies, this is my absolute favorite one kek

No. 76408

I miss the cat edit anon so much.

No. 76474

File: 1714844642357.jpg (113.96 KB, 1115x400, 20240428_215229.jpg)

Which cow is it on this banner? I'm intrigued by the "there'll always be a kind Chad to fuck me" line and need to read her thread kek

No. 76488

That’s Rachel Leeds minkin or whatever i don’t remember her last names

No. 76565

File: 1715184770373.png (58.07 KB, 300x100, azum2.png)

No. 76568

100% yes

No. 76588

aw yiss

No. 76616

yes as well

No. 76618

cute, want
I agree with this replacement since the other nun picture is of shit quality
this one is ok but not a banger, maybe if it was animated it would be better

No. 77313

File: 1716410024423.gif (1.86 MB, 300x100, banner1.gif)

Spent way too long on this kek

No. 77315

Can you please crop the little black bar on the right side though? Sorry for my autism

No. 77319

I love you

No. 77321

File: 1716411992504.gif (2.13 MB, 300x100, banner1final.gif)

Excuse the third repost. Fixed both the black bar and sharpened it. Done!

No. 77338

This is so fucking funny

No. 77417

Lmao amazing

No. 77423

this one makes me so nostalgic idk why

No. 77433

Add this ASAP please

No. 77553

love this kek

No. 77647

File: 1716912929742.gif (859.29 KB, 300x100, banner.gif)

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei themed banner, inspired by the 'characters who would browse lolcow' thread

No. 77664

based. you could maybe make the text a tiny bit slower but it looks great

No. 77760

File: 1716977823410.gif (1.13 MB, 300x100, banner_final.gif)

Thanks, yeah it's a tad too fast. Anyways here's the final ver (altered otherwise it's detected as duplicate)

No. 77774

I think this speed is fine and Iuch prefer the colors, but I would like another type of more rounded, maybe lined font. I could edit it if you allow me to show you what I mean. >>77760 this one is a downgrade imo

No. 77776

I hope this one replaces the other nun banner

No. 77885

Sure! I'm not the best when it comes to fonts so i'm glad someone is willing to improve that. I didn't bother to save the static image from the first version but i guess you could just save the gif and edit it yourself.

No. 78253

File: 1717351445828.gif (2.92 MB, 300x100, bannerold.gif)

Wanted to make one that reflects all of us wasting our lives on here

No. 78270

Damn I hope I age that well kek

No. 78282

File: 1717407413319.gif (88.18 KB, 300x100, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Theme…)

I love this one nona! I just think that maybe a pixel font might be more fitting

No. 78368

Omfg PERFECT!!!! I vote this one

No. 78369

Once again here to say I hope this can replace the other nun banner no one voted for, thank you admin

No. 78403

Perfect, thank you

No. 78558

File: 1717668277019.gif (37.05 KB, 300x100, thanos.gif)

I'd like to submit this one pls

No. 78559

lovely, beautiful, incredible! but that pink text blends in with his purple asscheeks making it hard to read. if you could add an outline to it that'd be great

No. 78560

damn ok you are right, what should I change it to?

No. 78562

this made me chuckle but I don't ever want to see it as a banner

No. 78565

just add black outline i guess

No. 78567

yes please this is peak lolcow

No. 78701


No. 78808

this is so well done its scary lmao

No. 78827

whoever made the sailor moon banner with all the scouts standing on the beach, i just want you to know i love you.

No. 78868

File: 1717963352818.png (570.75 KB, 910x606, felt.png)

Saw this, thought it had banner potential but idk if I want to turn it into a banner myself kek
kekkkkkk sure why not

No. 79009

What is the source of the ‘those thighs tell lies’ thicc robot banner lol

No. 79011


No. 79036

Tbh I've been thinking about this one and it feels outdated (marvel? In 2024?) and I rather not see Thanos' ass every time I load the page. There's so many other husbandos that are better or even crazier and you can see funnier comments about them in the wild, this one is so whatever. I think if admin adds it, it will be super divisive and cause people to seethe.

No. 79038

File: 1718356541298.png (75.88 KB, 300x100, banner1.png)

No. 79044

File: 1718358504551.gif (3.18 MB, 300x100, banner2.gif)

No. 79046

File: 1718361504374.png (42.27 KB, 300x100, I mean moo.png)

something like this?

No. 79049

Love it

No. 79051

Honestly we should have a cow mascot called that. It sounds perfect

No. 79054

I like this version

No. 79061

File: 1718395626444.gif (1.82 MB, 300x100, kiiity-ezgif.com-overlay(1).gi…)

nonnies when milk

No. 79074

Either version is fine, I love them

No. 79075

Either version is fine, I love them

No. 79080

should i add "live nonny reaction" or "nonnies when milk" or some other text? it feels a bit unfinished without any but maybe that's just me. lmk

No. 79102

That text would be corny so no. Maybe try something similar.

No. 79134

i like this version better

No. 79139

it's good as is IMO sometimes less is more

No. 79263

File: 1719038680205.jpeg (234.38 KB, 1170x749, IMG_3911.jpeg)

Banner request from old stale Shaynus milk, but
>how am i supposed to exist without twitter, snapchat, or instagram
Has got to be banner material. You don’t even need to include Shay, just that line

No. 79296

Post a picture of shaynus and I'll edit it together lmao

No. 79393

File: 1719334627312.png (9.51 KB, 342x112, Screenshot_2024-06-24-19-20-38…)

I don't have the skills to edit this but if anyone else wants to, I think this would make a great banner.

No. 79482

File: 1719503952096.gif (78.29 KB, 300x100, onion-san.gif)

No. 79494

No. 79508

File: 1719544228321.png (33.92 KB, 470x148, cope and seethe.png)

This reminds me, I had picrel on my phone. Could work as a banner too ig.

No. 79661

File: 1719795518295.gif (1.81 MB, 300x100, kiiity-ezgif.com-overlay.gif)

yeah you're right that's why i wasn't sure
i like it without text too but i wanted to make it more relevant for lolcow so how about this

No. 79664

This is really bad with text

No. 80298

I think it’s cute tbh and the text looks nice. This version is my favorite

No. 80344

File: 1720555054464.png (36.46 KB, 300x100, milkautismbanner.png)

No. 80376

I prefer it with no text….
Lmao yes add it

No. 80513

File: 1720912131357.jpg (225.81 KB, 1080x1794, retarded.jpg)

Can someone make this into a banner? Our female cows may be retarded but…

No. 80915

Seconding this. The composition seems like it'd be tricky though.

No. 80922

File: 1721676298634.png (42.83 KB, 300x100, venusangelictardbanner.png)

Here's my attempt.

No. 80923

File: 1721676456386.png (59.87 KB, 300x100, lolcowfarmbanner.png)

No. 80924


No. 80925

I love this one, it matches the sinister "meds now" energy of several posters on here.

No. 80926

Kek I love this

No. 80927

pls add admin

No. 80967

Creepy but I dig it

No. 80971

That's perfect nonnie, thank you!

No. 80975

Love it lol

No. 81045

add this please farmhands need more lolcow banners and less retarded shitposty ones

No. 81145

File: 1721953178375.webp (37.79 KB, 720x405, lolcowfarm.WEBP)

can someone edit the rabbit to a cow of your choosing and format it into a banner

No. 81175

someone please shoop manaknight into this

No. 81184

File: 1722029281349.png (50.82 KB, 300x100, 1721953178375.png)

shay banner

No. 81226


No. 81519

File: 1722699707105.gif (370.83 KB, 300x100, ham-pinks-1.gif)

No. 81520

File: 1722699791242.gif (932.65 KB, 300x100, guitar-elsie.gif)

No. 81521

once again returning to ask for the other low quality nun banner to be replaced by this

No. 81526

File: 1722702751818.jpg (12.95 KB, 300x100, bannerpasturemilk.jpg)

No. 81537

Wish someone remade this with better quality

No. 81574

>>>/m/406982 this is the original post from /m/, resizing it messed a lot of the original tiny font plus I lack the skills

No. 81709

File: 1722923412410.gif (321.55 KB, 300x100, Endless Pasture Banner.gif)

Yeah, this one was hard to resize. Made it a gif but dunno if that's overkill

No. 81734


No. 81753

File: 1722974026386.gif (484.77 KB, 300x100, caramellldansen.gif)

No. 81754

this looks amazing but you could stand to make the lolcow.farm text a bit more readable

No. 81756

It's readable enough imo

No. 81757


No. 81758


No. 81760

File: 1722978047810.png (60.15 KB, 300x100, addyharajuku-1.png)

No. 81763

isn't this animation based on a loli vn?

No. 81764

How young are you that you don't recognize caramelldansen?

No. 81765

File: 1722985762117.gif (1.5 MB, 800x600, __mii_and_mai_popotan__9aff6c5…)

No. 81777

It's caramelldansen by caramella girls, the meme was big in the late 2000s and early 2010s and there's multiple parodies of it

No. 81780

The animation is based on the meme, it has nothing to do with the VN, it's sad that the original meme came from that source but the meme is bigger and it supercedes a piece of media that no one who is decent cares about and everyone else will immediately think of caramelldansen instead when they see it or at least I hope so

No. 81785

KEK I love this

No. 81786

ngl i don't know a single person who knew the source material of this when it was huge as a child/teenager. it's only "animecore" 18 year olds who love buying melted figures of old shitty eroge vns and shovelware slop anime that nobody gives a fuck about who know. this doesn't even have an english translation

No. 81789

Well of course your anecdote accounts for all of the users on the internet, I'll take your word for it.

No. 81807

you're either too young or too normie to be on this site

No. 81812

Nah I'm the same, I think about my childhood when I see caramelldansen, I even danced with my friends because it was so silly and dumb and a widespread internet meme

No. 81813

this and even a mainstream children's show like Phineas and Ferb referenced it

No. 81816

Yeah it is. Most people just see carameldansen when they look at it though

No. 81839

File: 1723159999735.png (58.41 KB, 300x100, banner.png)

No. 81842

Too many Jillian banners

No. 81844

the big black box and yellow text are ugly. should make the text pink and sparkly or something
these are so good!

No. 81856

File: 1723194165187.jpeg (618.3 KB, 1170x639, 1723144550205-1.jpeg)

Here's the og screenshot so maybe some nonny can edit it but I much prefer this one >>73707

No. 81858

Samefag or maybe someone should go to the vid and use a screenshot where her eyes are open

No. 81871

yes please came here just to vouch for this

No. 81922

File: 1723459637319.gif (101.69 KB, 300x100, The Laughing Lolcow Banner.gif)

Tried to make a banner of >>>/m/408218

No. 81923


No. 81936

please more banners like this and fewer of shayna masturbating

No. 81937


No. 81949

File: 1723554410747.png (48.49 KB, 300x100, emo-2.png)

feel free to add some animated emo pixel art to this one (or leave as is if you like it this way)

No. 81950

File: 1723554454217.png (30.44 KB, 300x100, infighting-1.png)

No. 81951

File: 1723554631857.jpg (24.21 KB, 474x355, OIP (1).jpg)

it needs a emo cow shooped in

No. 81952

Anything but that. Nonna's art is perfect without it.

No. 81956

this looks like a psa against alcoholism kekkk

No. 81967

It looks perfect as it is imo

No. 81992

File: 1723725444749.jpeg (155.37 KB, 864x629, Img_2024_08_15_08_34_38.jpeg)

KEKK is this a parody of picrel?

No. 81993

Yes lmao

No. 81995

I tried fixing a small black line on the right (almost unnoticeable) but the thread won't let me post it.

No. 84167

This is fucking cringe

No. 84248

shut the fuck up tranny and go dilate your slashed open dickwound(infighting/a-logging/scrotefoiling)

No. 84264

kek go back to twitter autistic snapewife

No. 84294

I just saw the new Daddy's Little Porkchop banner and laughed so hard.

No. 84606

File: 1727963917704.png (1.12 MB, 1916x838, 1724724433429.png)

Can someone resize this and add "lolcow.farm" to it? I think it has banner potential.

No. 84649

File: 1728037768355.png (48.24 KB, 300x100, fanny.png)

At least i tried kek

No. 84654

Perfect, a shame the quality got degraded a bit.

No. 84655

fanny's first banner…

No. 84676

File: 1728144758698.png (35.33 KB, 300x100, fanny2.png)

Thanks! I hope this one's slightly better

No. 85168

File: 1729406678586.gif (816.53 KB, 300x100, 1729386867371.gif)

with help from another anon >>>/m/425550

No. 85189

File: 1729496702267.png (59.69 KB, 300x100, remove_image_metadata_1c9afab7…)

I know some nonnas maybe won't like this one that much so please don't feel obligated to add unless nonnas request it. I put it together for the heck of it because I saw someone made the Elsie edit and I like Elsie banners.

No. 85229

Personally, I love it

No. 85290


No. 86143

File: 1732070693185.gif (154.74 KB, 300x100, banner44.gif)

i give up, is this unreadable blur? I'll try again later

sage is pronounced sa-ge not sayj, it originally came from 2chan and just means " to lower" in Japanese but idk how many users know about that anymore and just pronounce it sayj now

No. 86153

ntayrt I know it's from sageru but I always say it like sage the herb

No. 86158

It's unreadable, maybe try without the animation

No. 86161

File: 1732136855489.png (53.88 KB, 300x100, banner4u.png)

What about now?

No. 86162

get better eyes nona please

No. 86187

It was much better animated.

No. 86189

I think so too, but maybe animate it another way? Do you have the og file? I think I have an idea but not sure if you want others to collab

No. 86190

sorry to samefag but what I mean is: animate the bodies but keep the "kek"s in the background static so it's easier to read

No. 86194

i think its only non readable if you are a phonefag, it looks fine on pc

No. 86210

if nonna can make another version I would be very grateful

No. 86216

File: 1732167648328.jpg (183.12 KB, 1586x900, fyi.JPG)

If anyone uses CSP, I animated only the folders.
The one I exported was not from CSP but from Aseprite which is what you guys saw above.

No. 86510

damn I don't use csp nvm I guess
where's the original drawing from? also >>86143 has some white lines on the sides showing, I think that and fixing the blur would be all

No. 86611

File: 1732223642790.gif (792.34 KB, 498x498, 1000001229.gif)

It's handmade, I'll remake it again but I can't guarantee it's sooner rather than later. Working with half of a 3ds screen is not easy, I'll be more strict on anti-aliasing

No. 86613

take your time nonna it's a great banner, also do we have a thread for DS animations?

No. 86626

It's perfectly readable, the only thing I'd recommend is just making it a bit slower. A+ especially for drawing on the 3DS

No. 86628

maybe make their heads go up and down to make it more clear they are laughing? because so far it looks like there's an earthquake going on. the text looks fine

No. 86643

this + less blur on the text

No. 86720

File: 1732572041492.gif (12.8 KB, 325x108, SNARKY-HORSESHITOMETER.gif)

from the homestuck thread

No. 86722

I love these.

No. 86723

Please please please let this be a banner please. 13 year old me would be so happy

No. 86810


No. 86823

Kekkk nice
nonna come back

No. 86887

File: 1732890226030.gif (1.65 MB, 300x100, newfag.gif)


No. 86893

KEKKK I cant count how many fags I've seen reply "umm where was couldnt be bothered to search a"nd lurk this? Please spoonfeed me

No. 86896

Testing if I'm banner

No. 86958

Late but jesus christ hide the fact you're underage better, I was 10 when I discovered caramelldansen and 22 when I discovered it's source, I hate webcore moe aesthetic visual novel tourists so fucking much

No. 86962

Just dont add it if it's going to be this divisive, seems like a bad idea.

No. 86964

only people who are truly deeply mentally retarded would have a problem with caramelldansen. do not kowtow to these people. its adorable. it fits the lc aesthetic

No. 86965

Faggots who hate carameldansen dont deserve to be called farmers

No. 87114

File: 1733428983760.png (7.7 KB, 300x100, banner.png)

yes you are

No. 87115

File: 1733431411499.gif (51.44 KB, 300x100, emooooocow.gif)

the banner you replied to is good as is but i really liked the emo cow so here's her own banner

No. 87117

No. 87128

This pwns all the other banners in this thread amazing nona ♥

No. 87140

this is adorable ♥

No. 87707

File: 1734756069523.gif (115.32 KB, 300x100, readable.gif)

i meant the resolution itself is half of a 3ds screen which is 320x240 whilst the banner itself is 300x100

i think if its in the style of ds animations it's ok, otherwise it's too niche (?) maybe that could be a theme on the doodle board, I do think the limation of 300 x 240 helps with being more creative

that was actually exactly what I was going for, like a seismic laugh

No. 88388

this is PERFECT thank you!!

No. 89175

File: 1737336974632.gif (12.84 KB, 300x100, lol.gif)

sorry but this is my new favorite pt quote and i think it fits the best out of all her insane banner-worthy posts

No. 89236

finally the lolcow queen delivers

No. 89237

kinda wish the lolcow text was different

No. 89839

File: 1738249867709.jpg (318.58 KB, 1563x1013, RDT_20250130_10065176824607095…)

please please can a nonna with editing skills edit this so it says for your consideration lolcow.farm and david lynch is elsie and laura dern is shayna

No. 89910

File: 1738416549531.jpg (952.73 KB, 1563x1013, twinpiggies.jpg)

here u go

No. 89932


No. 90002

ayrt thank you thank you nonna this is all that i dreamed and more

No. 90033

this post always gets me cackling every time i see it kek it needs to be a banner

No. 90430

File: 1739384401506.gif (1.16 MB, 640x214, totaltrannydeath.gif)

If anyone would like to replicate, i think u nonnas would do a better job

No. 90433

File: 1739386520139.gif (Spoiler Image,11.04 MB, 300x100, 20250212_155116_0001.gif)

samefag but i also did this. The quality is really bad (lol) so i might have to remake it…

No. 90434

i cant see anything kekk

No. 90436

File: 1739390146447.gif (1.89 MB, 800x267, ezgif-2011845690e5dd.gif)

sorry for the inconvenience nonna! Here, i re-did it,it looks a little messy though.

No. 90590

File: 1739728506630.png (70.95 KB, 300x100, 1678052025339.png)

found this gem on /m/

No. 90839

File: 1740271781905.png (47.51 KB, 300x100, lc banneru.png)

No. 91147

File: 1740939406940.gif (1.51 MB, 500x500, 1734444515120.gif)

so much good material in here but I'm personally requesting this one to be turned into a banner!
super cute nonna I like it

No. 91172

She would absolutely be a farmer, damn I loved those books.

No. 91961

File: 1743181334555.gif (1.48 MB, 200x100, shass-banner.gif)

No. 91962

She would be a /g/ and /m/ poster for sure. This banner is super cute

No. 91963

yes we absolutely need more of these on the website, wonderful.

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