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No. 1729517
Talk about consumerism, criticize consumerism, talk about niche and fandom specific consumerism, talk about consoom tendencies, collections, hoards and addiction. If you are a consoomer yourself, feel free to talk about it in this thread, same with people who are now reformed consoomers. And if you did get over it, tell us why or how it happened.
>>>/ot/1504930>>>/ot/1338893>>>/ot/1208369>>>/ot/1208852>>>/ot/1032560>>>/ot/1016970>>>/ot/1004939ORGANIZATION THREAD
>>>/g/181093 No. 1729522
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No. 1731163
>>1730522Nona, I have at least 15 different teas in my house rn. Because I like different blends for different moods/seasons/times of day. It's worth it if you drink it! I drink from 1 to 4 cups every day and the variety really makes it special. Certain tea for cold days, certain for warm, strong black in the morning, soothing herbal in the evening. Or even pairing tea to my meals like wine! Classic black is good with sweets, berry tea goes nice with red meat, green (particularly sencha) for rice and seafood!
What bothers me about my tea consumption is that my favourite brand that has all my favourite blends with no viable replacements uses foil packets for every teabag. Teabags are already wasteful, but because I like to switch it up through the day, they're the only solution for me. But the foil drives me nuts. It's not even metal, it's plastic, like a chip bag.
No. 1731165
>>1731163Samefag, but it's only wasteful if the tea is out there in the open, losing flavour and gathering moisture and you don't drink it.
I sometimes get teas I don't like, but my solution is whenever I ship packages or give gifts, include some of my unused teas as a freebie, because I love the idea of the recipient just curling up with a warm mug for my sake (it's not that the teas I don't like are any bad, just turn out to be not my taste)
No. 1731299
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I am so glad i dont have money and live in a country with srong limitations to imports, otherwise i would be such a consoomer i love scrolling aliexpress and looking at all the stuff i could buy
No. 1731320
>>1731179I try to brew only loose tea for myself (tea is all I drink besides water), but some of my favorites still come in plastic or foil bags, and I get a lot of tea bags as gifts from well-meaning friends and relatives. The foil and plastic still bothers me, but honestly, when I walk outside and see a trash can full to bursting with people’s Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts cups, I feel a little less bad given that a single tea wrapper is still way less plastic than most single use drinks.
I got some mini washi tins that fit in my purse recently and I love to travel with them, I use one for paper filter bags and one for whatever loose tea I’m into. Maybe it’s smug, but I really do love bringing tea with me places. I never say anything about it because I know I'll sound like an ass, but I do enjoy sipping on my cozy thermos of my favorite cheap organic green tea while my friends wait in line for nine dollar seasonal latte abominations.
No. 1733618
>>1733588Thanks for the advice! I feel like everything is a polyester blend nowadays but I’ll try looking for something that is 100% cotton.
>>1733598Honestly if it was almost any other area I would be fine patching it or even just leaving it alone but I really don’t want to draw attention to my crotch.
No. 1734209
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I hate everything that's based on subscriptions. I hate the idea that you're paying for something that could be easily taken away from you for example Netflix pulling shows or Spotify randomly removing shit from their platform.
I prefer to buy stuff on like physical versions like music, movies or games but if a game it's only available digitally or stuff like music or movies, I straight up pirate it. No reason for me to waste money monthly/annually for a service that could take away my favourite stuff just because it feels like it and the thought of losing my games because I don't have space on my console and the store might close down makes my blood boil, plus I want to be free to access my shit without limits/ads/internet anywhere and whenever.
I have a hard drive full of of stuff that I pirated 10+ years ago, like anime, shows, games and music and once I tried to pay like 1€ for a movie on youtube. The movie is gone, it was a matter of 2-3 years. BUT I PAID FOR IT GODDAMN.
I get that these sub-loving brainlets love the thoughts of paying "a little" for a shitton of shows but these people are the first to have a rage fit if netflix announces that they're gonna remove or cancel X show because reasons. Even if I pay a DVD like what, 10€, I know that movie is gonna be with me till I die and if you want to pay even less, just wait until it hits the thrift store shelves, same thing with games or music.
If something doesn't have a physical release, please pirate everything nonnies. Paying Netflix doesn't even support actors kek it's truly the shit.
No. 1734256
>>1734242ayrt and yes I forgot to say that I only pirate stuff if that stuff it's on a major streaming platform, I don't pirate indie stuff, I'm not that scummy but if an artist has physical zines/cds/stuff I always buy them so I can have
the copy.
My personal rule is that if I really like a show I pirate it and then buy the dvds/blu rays.
Hell I would rather watch it on tv, with a physical release I can pop the phys support anytime but if I have a busy period at work I may pay like 3-4 months of netflix and I won't end up watching shit. Hate that.
No. 1734268
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(And yes it has all the features of premium, not just mod features)
Only problem is that sometimes you still get those popups when you first open the app offering you premium discounts but they're just a minor annoyance
No. 1734322
>>1729619fwiw I own one big squishmallow that I got as a present and its pretty comfy to use as a pillow. I can see the appeal of owning one or two big ones as pillows, but not
>>1729522 this lunacy. The Dory looks mentally challenged.
No. 1734342
>>1734322I got a big squishmallow as a gift and I honestly don’t know what to do with it. It feels nice and everything but it just takes up too much space. I don’t understand people who have giant hordes of them.
>>1729522 makes me feel so claustrophobic
No. 1735267
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Do any of you nonnas know of Japanese lingerie brands that sell cutesy stuff? All the brands I've found are either very basic, or trying too hard to be sexy. I want something I can relax around the house in, but still look cute and sensual.
No. 1735739
>>1734261bless you
nonny, spotify is the only subscription i pay for now so i'll have to give this a try
No. 1737349
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>>1734209On this list, fuck Crunchyroll.
They lure you in with "high quality! Immediate subs! Simulcast!" when in reality not only they are shit at subbing anime (they often "clean out" a machine translated text), you only pay crunchyroll. They often hide themselves as a way to stop piracy but they suck out all of the profit to pay like what, 3-4 subbers? Their profit goes to their weeaboo office and rent, they give like 2-3 cents per episode to the actual animation studios. It's always morally correct to pirate anime.
"B-but with p-piracy, anime wont survive!!!"
It survived for 30 years, with a lot of shows going way far the canonical 12-24 episodes per season without the streaming services boom, the quality actually decreased lately because animators can't just do like one ep/week but they have to animate whole 12eps batches so people can speedrun the whole thing on fucking netflix or crunchyroll and make content about it the day 0 it gets out.
Please, do not pay for anime unless it's physical releases, because the actual studio doesn't get shit, what actually matters it's the physical sale, the streaming services don't count, in fact you're only fattening their money hungry bellies. Fuck Disney+ and fuck ShittyRoll. Also buy the manga if you can.
No. 1737655
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Anybody else collect vintage novelty stuff?
I've been collecting these ceramic kitchen jars with faces on them for the past few years and have a small curated assortment on display in my dining room. I found out about these from the blog ShiftyThrifting and was immediately charmed, although I'm not sure why, their weird expressions amuse me greatly. Most were made in mid-century England but I've found ones from Japan and America too. Picrel is a "beet poot and friends moodboard" from the blog (I have three of the jars featured here). I like that they're hand-painted and unique (the glaze is too heavy over the lettering on some jars, hence "beet poot" instead of beet root), and that just adds to the charm for me.
No. 1738485
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nonnie but they look like face urns lol
though they're definitely cuter
No. 1738538
>>17376551st cucumber could be a reaction pic. 2nd cucumber looks like he stuffed a cucumber horizontally in his mouth. Garlic is so smug,
like yeah, I stink, what of it! Cheezy is me when i eat cheese. What is 7?
>>1738485These are so cute.
No. 1738862
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I added a few of my faves to roll for your weird kitchen jar!
>>1738071Nice! I have the onions and celery too, and a similar variation of the pickled onions. They must be easier to find if you're in the UK. I have to buy them off ebay and etsy from overseas. The shipping is expensive enough to limit my consooming to a modest amount.
>>1738513I love cheezy guy too and want to add him to my collection.
No. 1738883
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>>1738876Nta but it's a pig with black spots. The breed name is Gloucestershire Old Spots, or GOS for short. Look at this charming painting of it from Wikipedia.
No. 1739890
>>1733459Here's the method I use for my mom.
You find some nice fabric that is the same colour as the pants (I use t-shirt fabric for summer pants and fleece for wintery pants) and you get the same colour thread.
Then you cut out what is basically a pad with bigger wings (sorry for the imagery) and you sew it zig-zagging the stitch across the entire patch (not actual zig-zag stitch, just the straight one in a pattern over the entire patch), the IMPORTANT part is that you sew the patch on the inside of the pants. You put it on the inside and just stitch it on like that. With a similar colour it helps the worn-out transparency really well and it's barely even noticeable unless you spread your legs and someone stares at your crotch intently.
No. 1753791
>>1753777Buying a house in entirely impossible, be realistic. I've checked that with my banker who told me I have a lot of money for someone my age who's single and he told me to consider buying but the interest rates at the time were way too high. Right now if I have to buy a place I would have to go to the countryside but then I would have no job opportunity whatsoever, but the interest rates will probably get lower soon according to some estimates, it depends on a lot of things and on some law where I leave that forces landlords to do construction work to make their places less polluting so they will all try to get rid of their 2nd, 3rd, etc. houses for cheap to avoid paying for construction work and repair.
>Stop being a leech to your parents now that you found a job.My parents don't want me to leave. They're begging me to stay. I haven't found a place yet because rent has been way too high and my salary was shit until I got promoted last month and even when I was younger they ruined many opportunities that could have changed my life for the best just so I wouldn't get enough money to leave when rent prices were still normal.
>>1753787>they’re in that awkward position where they make enough for small fun things but not nearly enough to realistically buy a house any time soon.That's exactly it. All my friends and coworkers are like this for now, the economy is too fucked, salaries tend to not be adjusted to make inflation less terrible.
No. 1758343
>>1758166Based and wholesome
>>1757956Thrifting varies wildly depending on the area, I've been to areas where everything is beat up cheap and old, and then in wealthier areas the thrift stores are full of fantastic solid wood furniture, nice vintage clothes, good glassware. but the quality overall has definitely dropped since the depop Era, I remember thrifting in high-school when it wasn't that popular and finding some genuinely amazing stuff. Now there's so many resellers… luckily I live in an old people area so the thrift stores aren't as picked out and have some great items
No. 1758940
>>1758166me too. I'd rather pay off my mum's mortgage than someone elses. we hang out, cook for each other, otherwise leave each other to our own devices. I've lived with roommates up until now and I'd never go back tbh. I like knowing my cute mum is home safe and cosy and I can keep an eye on her in this weird neighbourhood. I also like baking for her or just doing upkeep around the house for her. all that goodness and love goes toward the person who sacrificed so much just to give me a good life, I'd always rather my efforts went towards her than anything or anyone else in the world.
it's really helped curb the spending habits too cause I like to save a bit and treat her as a surprise or at least have something put away if something goes wrong with the house.
the whole "you're ____ and live with parents?!" is so antiquated and yeah consoomery. community and family matters more, I don't need trinkets. shame it took me so long to realize.
tl;dr invest in your mum not funkos
No. 1758997
>>1758960It’s completely stupid as well because you’re leaving your parents to fend for themselves. Like people rather have their parents be stuck in nursing homes and have them sign away everything of value their parents have rather than just live with them. I mean I understand moving out if your parents are
abusive or something but otherwise multigenerational households should be the norm.
No. 1759034
>>1758940livin' the life
nonnie. i love my mother very much and would gladly take her in and take care of her, but my violent SF and neet drug addict sister would come with the package. i'm definitely willing to take in my partner's family though when they retire. grandmas being lonely and children coming back from school to an empty home is so sad.
No. 1759211
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>>1758323I wonder if you live in the same country as I do, if you do: convince a friend to let you drive around with their car and a learners plate, it removes the pressure of having to pay more for lessons and you get more practice in.
My driving teacher was trying to get me to pay for more lessons too, but I ended up just practicing more and passed the practical exam the first time around. I get that you don't need a car where you're at right now, but having a drivers licence is just one of those things that's generally useful to have, especially in emergencies. Driving someone to an appointment or to the hospital, transporting heavy things, moving, getting somewhere fast, getting somewhere in a storm, visiting a place with bad public transportation, transporting a pet ect.
No. 1764223
what in the cheap aliexpress garbage?
No. 1765954
>>1764223these scoop videos are so fascinating to me. they're worse than haul videos but at the same time i wish they were haul videos because you can get all of this for cheap from aliexpress/wish. instead people pay like one hundred bucks for someone to give them their aliexpress haul at random.
No. 1766026
>>1766018>this "big order" was pretty expensivei checked her website. one of those kawaii scoops (like in the video) is 32 dollars, or 42 dollars if you want it to be filmed. idk if the person who ordered this paid the film fee once or eight times, but if we assume that she paid once it's 266 dollars for all the junk in the video. if she paid the fee 8 times it's 336 dollars. this is especially painful because all this junk in the video is maybe 100 dollars max from aliexpress.
>>1766023someone in the comments said that the scoops are great for those little goodie bags you give out at kids birthday parties. but if that's the case you might as well buy all this stuff yourself from the local dollar store instead of ordering it from some tiktok "small business".
No. 1766128
>>1766125uhh, so you're saying that once people move out and see how great it is, then it's obvious they'd never want to move back in with their parents as opposed to being ignorant of how great it is where of course they'd continue to just live with their parents?
doesn't help your argument
No. 1768180
less sperging about how appropriate it is to move out young, more consoom videos
No. 1768187
No. 1768193
No. 1768195
>>1768180why the fuck does she need five of everything??
>>1768187i don't even get the video, like what's the point of making a mini coffee?
No. 1768251
>>1768187actually I need the mini coffee setup immediately
>>1768195the point is to drink a cute little mini coffee!!
No. 1768296
>>1768251I mean I think stuff like this is cute but I would never actually want it in everyday life? I guess I just feel the same way about a lot of
aesthetic things in general.
No. 1768463
sorry nonnas, i still can't get over the stupidity of scoop orders… retardation warning for annoying asmr sounds. this person is selling randomized self defense items.
No. 1769492
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I'm tired of Funko Pops.
It's not because they're ugly or cheap, to me is a bigger problem: at least where I live in Europe, they FLOODED comic shops. Even Funko Pops who aren't from comics/shows. Let's start by saying that I'm a weeaboo since the eraly 2000s so comic shops were my safe place and they were only about comics, the shelves got replaced by Funko Pops and the comics got put on piles on the ground and this is because funko collectors are cultish, lunatics fuckers who check every dent and every minor thing on the boxes and wont buy a 15usd figurine if the box is ruined, so the comic shop owners had to replace and rethink all of their spaces in favour of this plastic shit. Comics and mangas are much more delicate than them, if we're talking about it, and they put on the fucking ground, they also lowered the standards for the figurines and they're seen as an investiment, the average collector thinks like "Oh yes if I can keep this in pristine condition I can sell it for a fuckton of money later!"
Not even funko fans like funkos, they're playing an elaborate buck game.
I'm sad because during these years, the concept of "nerds" has been reshaped, from being an actual nerd with niche interest to everything that right now is classified as entertainment. People are calling themselves nerds just because they binge watch Netflix shit. Call me immature, a gatekeeper, an austitic, don't care, I don't like seeing people bitching about the condition of funko pops, which are kept in boxes anyway, complaining about minor misprints, meanwhile I have to fetch my stuff from the floor, in the same store and I pay more than them.
I wish Funko would open their own Funko Stores, they have the money for that, and leave our fucking spaces alone, I weep everytime I enter a videogame/comic store and I see the walls and walls of funko pops and squishmallows and loungefly shit….we needed to gatekeep more.
I don't buy from them. Even if it's difficult, if I see that a comic shop sells Funko, I do not buy anything. I know that without them they would close down, but they need to do better and not get fucked in the ass by the new, american, consoomeristic shit.
No. 1769684
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>>1769492i feel the same, where i live too these soulless things took over so many nerdy stores and it’s horrible. i hate western merchandise like funkos and the stuff they sell at hot topic. the t-shirts are ugly pngs slapped on the tee for a quick cash grab. i heard they have even been stealing art. atleast try to design something fun and cute, they have the revenue for it but never do.
on the topic of this, i feel like yootooz are the next funkos. they are literally the same shit repackaged, ugly vinyl figures mass produced and look the same. kek at picrel
No. 1769695
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>>1769684There's something about western-made anime merch that seems uncanny to me. I don't know if I fried my brain too much around anime when I was a kid but I can instantly see when something is designed in the west and tries to mimic the "kawaii" style, it always comes off as weird because it's a different type of thing and it clashes terrible with the classic, comic book looking of the west, so the final design it's terrible. That being said, I don't get why someone would want a Miku thing from an american company, just buy a figure or a plush that's actually designed/made in japan, most of the times it's also cheaper with a better quality… No. 1769710
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>>1769695it looks like the plushes are trying to come off like the sega ones but it doesn’t work because they are actually cute and not freaky looking. the uwu mouth throws me off so bad oh my god. they horribly failed at trying to make it cute. and the jenny x hatsune miku collab makes me so sad, i can see actual cute merch coming out of this collab. if only it wasn’t youtooz and handled by a japanese company. like you said they are so much better quality and designed nicer. i wish there were more imports of anime stuff than companies trying to make their own shit because it sucks
No. 1769715
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>>1769695I’m the same, I’ve been able to tell if someone was Western designed since I was a kid too. Always something off. Not just chibis and merch but fanart too. It’s harder to tell with the latter nowadays though.
No. 1769717
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>>1769695>>1769710Made me think of picrel.
japanese merch has usually minimalistic faces and that's what makes it cute, western merch looks like shit because they think "oh anime means whacky expressions and style!" and they overdue it, completely missing the point that yes, anime is very stylized but only in specific contexts. Hell, even Squishmallows are cuter than this. "Let's just put a big smile and ^_^, anime works like this!" and it's so pathetic looking because you don't need to be a weeb to understand this, you just need to look at anime for what, 2-3 hours? It's a very simple style and yet these companies fail horribly,as I said it's pathetic.
No. 1769719
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>>1769695Their SpyXFamily shit is also horrible. Looking like deviantart fanarts when kids start to learn by copying manga expressions.
No. 1769729
No. 1769744
i don't mind wanting only pink items but replacing perfectly good items for "cuter" versions is… weird. i hope she didn't throw the older ones away and instead gave them to a friend or family member.
No. 1769827
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>>1769744If you wanna have a kawaii kitchen you don't need pink utensils in every drawer. Pink utensils dipped in sauce or stew looks really unappetizing and makes me imagine the smell of burnt plastic.
No. 1769862
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>>1769467now kawaii stun guns is a thing I could support
No. 1770213
Obviously she's just doing it for the video, but the idea of someone taking all this bullshit with them to just leave the house is fucking hilarious.
No. 1770241
>>1770213I kind of get some of the stuff, like the hygiene products because what if you shit outside and don’t want to just wipe with toilet paper? And the toothbrush makes sense too, also the makeup if you really want to keep it neat at work since in most places you’re expected to wear it.
I don’t get the perfume though, unless you stink and sweat a lot and even then it’s better to just call it a day and go back home to take a shower, specially since it’s a perfume and not a toilet water thing.
No. 1770251
>>1770247I guess she likes louis vuitton more
This type of designer stuff is honestly hideous to me.
No. 1770293
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>>1768251begone consoomer
No. 1770318
>she has an entire fucking room of plastic travel sized crap
No. 1770324
>>1769792I saw red,
nonnie. What a raging idiot. Just use looseleaf, it's higher quality and stop wasting plastic!
No. 1770339
Sorry for blogposting but I just want to share that I read a book about hoarding called “Stuff” by Randy Frost and Gail Steketee. It’s pretty damn good but it also mentions a PBS special from the nineties called Affluenza. I think the term has changed a bit since then but it focuses on consumerism and overconsumption. The website is from 1998 but it’s still up, which is kind of neat to see: doc itself is here, I’m going to watch it sometime No. 1770347
>>1768251you don't need it stop using words without understanding their meaning you sound like a brainless bimbo in a teen movie. Hope you're embarrassed. So sick of idiots invading your consoomerism free spaces you act like a troon
>>1765954wtf is kawaii about any of that ? is it because it's pastel ? 3 nail brushes ? straight to landfill
No. 1770352
>>1769744This bitch is the final boss of tiktok consoomerism I swear. She's a self-confessed spending/shopping addict, and apparently she's in therapy for it but does a $500 haul several times a week. She got herself into debt buying plastic crap when she already has enough plastic crap to make a new island in the middle of the ocean.
>>1769792>>1770324I'm so glad I'm not the only one that got annoyed about that kek. Loose leaf tea tastes better and imo it lasts longer. I buy a 250g bag of my favourite loose leaf and store it in an airtight tin and it lasts me for months. Also, why would you buy a tea strainer if you use tea bags? How pointless.
No. 1770355
>>1770318I glanced at her other videos and even though there is some evidence she lives there, it reminds me so much like one of those staged Chinese "houses" where they use all the different gadgets before their husband comes home from 20y abroad or whatever. (actually I miss those vids.)
Could it all be an elaborate set for selling this shit?
No. 1770358
>>1770352She's "decluttering" but what good is that when you only get rid of a couple of items and then buy five more the very next day? OT for this thread but she also overshares to the extreme. Her daughter is in a full body cast at the moment after having surgery on her hips, and she keeps filming her for no reason during haul videos or whatever. I feel bad for her daughter.
No. 1770363
I feel like LOL dolls started this whole "unboxing experience" for toys. The toy itself is boring and honestly ugly but the point is to unwrap single use plastic. This whole plastic oven is going straight to the trash, it's too small for a kid to use and way too big for dolls. And it cost like 40 bucks wtf
No. 1770371
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No. 1770389
>>1769729Sorry to make another post, but has to be the least economical garlic crusher i have ever seen in my whole entire life, it's actually embarrassing to try to shill it. Serving it on those shitty baby plates was the icing on top.
>>1769744Going with an all pink theme is not inherently bad, but that would have meant waiting around for the right items to show up, not exactly in line with the instant gratification these people crave when they waste their money on things they don't need.
>>1769492I'm irritated by how much space that funkos take up as well as the fact that they literally just make them of the most random characters for the most normie shows as seen in your pic. They have to be sitting on the shelves for months. That's space that could have been used to display actually nice figures or more comics preferably. I've never seen anyone ever buy or browse the funk section in my life, i'm convinced it's just a small minority single handedly keeping them in business.
No. 1770568
>>1769683I went into the gamestop I grew up going to for the first time in probably 12 years last month with my mom while we were waiting for our takeout order in the chinese place in the same plaza. I was genuinely shocked at how sad it is in there, literal t-shirt racks and walls of shit with a small emphasis on video games.
sage for blogpost
No. 1770778
>>1770251imagine going to all that trouble and expense instead of just buying a lit display cabinet for your tacky bags. i think i would scream if i had to routinely charge and set up that many things just for a display (also hope she's just one of those tv in every room people, because if i walked into my friend's living room and saw that i'd have to say something)
do they want to make their houses look like a shop because of associating the endorphin rush from making a purchase to the aesthetic?
No. 1771314
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>>1771259When you were growing up, did you feel like a lot more adults had collections? I remember going to my friend's house and her mom had a cow room (which was her office but it had a bunch of cow knick knacks and cow wallpaper) and my other friend's house had a frog themed bathroom. But neither of them were from the packages you can just buy on amazon now, but instead were individual pieces, usually thrifted. Now everyone just buys the pre made sets and it looks really cheap and tacky.
No. 1773233
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I hate this trend of eating shitty food off of kawiwi lead filled aliexpress dishes that plagues the app. Wtf is even the point, giving yourself more dishes to wash?
No. 1773247
>>1773239Unless you live in a tiny studio idk why they always eat full meals at their desk.
We're all on our screens 24/7 so it's worth using the table/chair/counter space you paid for and maybe get some fresh air by a window or something.
It just reminds me of when I went full bedroom hermit mode and would feel like shit all the time
No. 1773278
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>>1773233Nonnies is it bad that I'm kind of jealous of these type of girls? The aesthetic ones who like kpop and decorate their room in pink Sanrio. I'm the opposite of that and I blame myself for not being good enough like them, like I'm missing out of something. I'm really not like that and yet I feel retarded for not being it
No. 1773298
>>1773278Ngl anon I think the aesthetic is kinda ugly and there are plenty of other ways of making your setup looking cute and ~aesthetic~ .
What I hate the most about all these rooms is that they all have the exact same things in it and it’s hard to tell them apart.
No. 1773386
>>1773278You're not retarded for feeling a bit of FOMO about this sort of stuff, in some ways it is posted as being 'aspirational' content to show off someone else's life. Also they display a level of personal and financial freedom that some viewers might lack and envy– I don't want a lurid pink sanrio hellscape room or my home to be set up like a department store, but I would like to live on my own and be free to unleash my own aesthetics and interests as I see fit (terrariums and planted aquariums are my thing, for example).
(off-topic to your post, but I'm so tired of the 'bisexual lighting' (as a lot of people call it) like in your picrel that everyone has now if they do video content)
also why do all the women in these videos have those gaudy nails? I get that some people like them for whatever reason, but it's interesting that it seems to be a trend across the clips posted
No. 1773621
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Somebody posted about this thing a few days ago, but it must have been deleted. I thought it was just a shittier EZ Bake oven, but it's a 1 foot tall plastic oven capsule for a blind box toy. The kit comes with a wad of play doh and a mold, and makes an animal-shaped bun to stick in the oven, then it heats and drops the plush out of a trap door, and dumps the play doh somewhere. It doesn't say whether there's an electric heating element or it uses Hot Hands tech. Just so fucking wasteful all around.
EZ Bake is fucking terrible, too. Never get one for a kid, it's the worst gift. An adult has to watch the kid like a hawk, it's a fire hazard, they can still get burned, it's a PITA to clean, and no parent in the history of mankind has ever bought the refill cake mixes, so you're paying $40 for 4 shitty cupcakes. And then the thing will just sit around in a closet for years being a sad reminder of pure disappointment and learned helplessness.
No. 1774218
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>>1773621I’ve been thinking about this pos all day. It makes me think of this similar wasteful ugly plastic thing called a Wuv Luv I wanted soooo bad as a kid. I speedran it to get the baby to pop out as fast as possible then remember thinking “that’s it?” and never played with it afterwards. Thankfully I don’t remember having toys I didn’t like or play with other than this, and it made me realize even as a kid that expensive gimmick toys are terrible. I will never ever get my kids ugly Walmart plastic shit like this.
No. 1774230
>>1773621We can't have plastic straws but I'm 100% sure kids toys produce more total plastic waste. A lot of these new toys come with a ton of single use plastic meant to be thrown away. But of course there are no campaigns against this because no company wants parents to stop consuming their shitty plastic toys.
Like this shit, you're meant to pull out all the plastic hair to reveal the same doll in a new color.
No. 1774316
>>1774298it really does seem like they shit these people out of a factory somewhere kek they all have the same items, same fake nails, use the same music for their videos, etc. it's really bizarre, sometimes I wonder if these people are even into anime/manga besides whatever flavour of the month thing is popular and genshin
i know it's a chinese game but it's popular with weebs or care about japanese culture beyond "uguuuu kawaii pastel pink sanrio" junk
No. 1774326
>>1774316yeah I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it really does seem like an just an external aesthetic to these people. i don't even think they watch anime, it's all a performance. also all of the food is just mcdonalds or disgusting sugary crap with hello kitty on it. i don't even think the non-lardasses eat the candy bowls after filming
reminds me of the whole ""animecore"" figure trend during lockdown. they all hunted down the same figures, as if they needed other people on TikTok to label something as ""animecore"" first in order to like it.
No. 1774615
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>>1770205Can confirm on boomers being money wasters. The one at my job has a Xmas tree in every room of her house and changes the “theme” every year.
No. 1775448
Disney adults are peak consoomers. I don’t understand why they spend so much on Disney when they could go almost anywhere else for that cost
No. 1775507
>>1774230It's terrible and wasteful to sell a toy deliberately for that purpose.
But I had a bad habit of picking the hair off my stuffed animals and rubbing it into little balls with my fingers when I was a kid, picked a whole oscar the grouch stuffed toy bald..
No. 1775795
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>>1775734She said in the comments of the video it is IKEA's PAX wardrobe. The pull out trays likely also come from there.
No. 1776121
>>1775468Everyone and their grandma is trying to become an influencer on Tiktok. Can't have shitty old family heirlooms getting in the way of the aesthetic, you'll never get followers if you have a shred of personality!
Also I'm aware that ornaments break or get lost over time especially if you move a lot and that the point of those ball ornaments is to basically pad out the tree. But the price for ornaments nowadays is insane, and all the ones that aren't plain color coded balls are ~lel kwerky~ and fugly. I don't want to spend my money on a badly airbrushed bedazzled hot dog ornament. I've never met anyone who buys those ornaments or seen anyone use them online. Somehow they're still everywhere and getting uglier each year.
No. 1776562
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I just checked the asian beauty subreddit after someone made a post about Chinese indie makeup and the amount of consoomerism gave me a headache. I understand that many people have had good results using asian/korean skincare products but the amount of posts with hauls containing more than 6 products is weird. The korean skincare industry really popularised over-indulgence with the "10 step Korean skincare routine" and the sheer amount of toners, serums, lotions, essences and tonics is nauseating. Especially coming from the euro skincare subreddit, it gave me a huge whiplash.
No. 1776571
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>>1776121>all the ones that aren't plain color coded balls are ~lel kwerky~ and fuglyI know what you mean. I had the replace my mini tree ornaments this year, I went to Walmart a few days ago, and almost half the mini assortments on the shelf had decapitated unicorn head shapes in them. That has nothing to do with Christmas, and surely the unicorn fad is dead by now. And all I could think of is the unicorn head murder from Dr. Phibes.
>>1776562I would never buy skincare from a Chinese brand, or any dinky 3rd world nation without consumer protection. They're bad about putting mercury and other
toxic metals into skin lightening creams.
No. 1776572
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>>1774418>I'm stuck being poor, unfeminine, tomboyish. It feels as if I'm missing out.Nonie please, I understand completely where you're coming from because I was in the EXACT sams position as you. I saw all these videos and photos of girls have these incredible bright pink pastel rooms and desktops, with lots of anime figures, sanrio, pretty and cute PC accessories and the whole razer pink keyboard, mouse and headset and it always made me feel like I wasn't girly and feminine enough. It made me look down on myself and consider myself less of a feminine girl because I had none of that, nor the money to buy it.
Please remember that these people post their rooms online as a way to showcase an abstract "ideal", heavily influenced by trends and indulged in mindless consumerism. You do NOT need a ton of plastic crap to be feminine or have a girly room. You can make a beautiful living space for yourself that will make you feel way more fulfilled if you take your time and realise all the crap we see online isn't an accurate view of reality, our perception has been skewed by social media as it has become a space for people to one-up eachother or to circlejerk.
If you feel like you want to make your room more girly and on a budget, you can always look for some pastel duvets, cheap fairy lights, some art prints, plushies, even a cute tapestry to hang on your wall. I used to go gather flowers bouquets and tape them on my wall to make a cute flower collage. Take it step by step and give your own spin to your room. I promise you you're more than worthy to have a beautiful room, you are girly enough and no amount of cheap AliExpress tat will take that away from you. Don't let consumerism and over glorifying of an internet microtrend to define you so harshly.
No. 1776587
The Christmas stuff is the one that gets me, they didn't even wait til after Halloween like usual for all the crap to flood into the shops this year. They are even selling Christmas food right now, I saw Christmas cakes the other day that expire before December, let alone Christmas day. It's nuts.
And Halloween stuff is still trying to be flogged at half price, which will likely be dumped eventually from noone buying it.
>>1776121We have one goofy orange dinosaur bauble on our tree just cos when I first saw it it just spoke to me but he's been on our tree for like 10 years now. I wouldn't buy stupid ones every year.
No. 1776599
>>1776562I used to be on that sub but I had to stop because it was getting ridiculous. People were throwing out their entire skincare just to buy new skincare even though they didn't even know yet if the new skincare would work for them. Buying entire "hauls", irritating their skin to shit cos they didn't bother introduce slowly then asking what MORE products they needed to fix everything. And yeah I'll be that sperg about sheet masks. Single use skincare should be banned.
Why the fuck would you put Chinese makeup on your face idk. I suspect half the reason why these people don't just go to a local makeup counter/shop is the pretty packaging of some of the Asian brands.
No. 1776603
>>1776562I picked up some useful tips from the sub but yeah the consoomerism is unbearable, people just buy for the sake of buying. But I think lot of skincare subs are like that? The obsession over looks goes really far too, I mean I also would like to avoid blemishes or wrinkles but people on Reddit act like your value as a woman is just extinguished if you get a single wrinkle. It makes me sad because I'm genuinely interested in skincare from a scientific approach, but all the subs are full of people who are neurotic about it and acting like you NEED to be getting tretinoin and botox.
I wish it were possible to just have a chill group swapping tips, but instead it's people who blow all their money on 50 bottles that take up all the space.
No. 1776666
>>1776562Ouch, my endocrine system
>>1776599I stopped going on because it gave me a pathological fear of the sun. I just use biore face wash and eucarin as moisturizer, mineral sunscreen. Works fine, I'm convinced half the products are a waste of money. I still don't know what aha does and why I bought so much of it
No. 1777644
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This is a room I would've loved as like a 7 year old but I don't understand why an adult would want this. In another image she mentioned that her entire collection takes up 3 rooms in her house….
No. 1777944
NONNIE DONT DO THIS. Like I'm a big fan of OG spongebob and I would love having a little corner. This is cringe but he is sort of my comfort character
>>1777935Holy shit he has more rooms like this? Had no idea I only watched the spongebob one. Having one room is autistic enough but MORE? wow
No. 1777960
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>>1777944Samefag I finished the spongebob room video and in the end he got an actual nickelodeon sign the company used at some point. I know his collection is a flex but this…
No. 1778396
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>>1778208>>1776642brb, have to go to set up a sniper corner in the children's section to protect the Ikea sharks from degenerates
No. 1778628
>>1778208Please don't
nonny. I love sharks too, sharks have existed for millenia before trannies, love your shark and don't hide it
No. 1779520
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>>1778208I remember when it was mostly a thing on tumblr where people posted the sharks in funny and creative settings, then troons started treating it as ”trans culture”.
No. 1780383
some candle retardation
No. 1780390
this woman really is a consoomer of everything… if it exists, she consooms.
No. 1780392
ofc she also consooms these retarded stanley cups and its knockoffs.
No. 1780418
>>1780402i think a lot of these consoomer women are libfems at best and fall right into the "makeup/plastic surgery/fake lashes/fake nails is empowering/self care" trap so they consoom pink shit like crazy because hyperfemininity is empowering and feminist and there are sooo many icky butch tomboys out there (aka regular women who don't spend their entire money on these things) who demonize the poor hyperfeminine women, wahhh.
>>1780403she was featured here a few times already so low hanging fruit i guess kek but she's a shopaholic for reals. she posts therapy shit about trusting the process mixed with a ton of hauls. her fans eat it up and act like she's making sooo much process even though she's constantly going back to square one by buying so much garbage.
No. 1780423
all this in just 3 years?
No. 1780462
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>>1780383How come consoomer women always have boyfriends/husbands that look like this? Always with the receding hairlines and terrible beards. I'm surprised he's not fat.
No. 1780528
>>1780462The funniest thing is that she posts all the time about having problems in her relationship and how upset she is about it. Just fucking leave him kek he's ugly and he's causing you stress. What's the point in fighting to keep him around?
No. 1780779
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>>1780528>i’m just trying to do what he put me here to do Pop out babies for some guy who doesn’t like you?
No. 1780785
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>>1780528she's not ok, she looks like this to me
No. 1780815
>>1776685For some toys, there's sort of a "code" for parents to know which toy is in the box. For example, the outer packaging being a different color. Not all companies do this, but the ones that do certainly save parents and kids from disappointment.
>>1776562I was in high school when K-beauty started gaining popularity (I'm mid-twenties now) and I remember buying so many products to get "perfect, bright, glowy skin". In hindsight my skin was fine, but like other nonnas have mentioned, my skin started getting acne from using all the products. I bought what was hyped up and what looked cute. So many people go on about how Korean beauty is "better" and "more advanced", however sooo much of it is full of irritating ingredients like fragrance or ferments that can cause even more problems. I still use some things, but it's not the be-all-end-all of skincare like some of these fanatics think.
No. 1780986
>>1780815I used to be a beauty consoomer and that was one of the worst consooming habits because i ended UP throwing alluring of it out because the skin care destroyed my skin barrier and male my skin worse and the shitload of hair creams/treatments/shampoos/conditioner that i bought ended up irritating my scalp, damaging m hair and causing hair loss.
I also have chemical-traction alopecia now so that sucks. The scarred follicles did not regrow. Thankfully i have thick hair follicles so the lack of hair is not that noticiable. It's ironic because the reason why i started consooming hair care in the first place was because i wanted my hair too grow faster or for my hair to be more manageable because everyone kept telling me how my naturally frizzy hair looked unkempt.
No. 1781058
>>1776562That has been my beef with the AsianBeauty sub since 2016. I used to be very active there and it's always been new releases, hauls and questions from people who don't know how to read. Every other comment has been the same "omg my wallet" "omg NEED" for almost a decade, just a different hype product each month. Etude and Biore sunscreen used to be it, then Papa Recipe masks, now it's just Rom&nd and Round Lab.
I got into many internet fights because people bought too much stuff that inevitably expired and I called them wasteful. They always say the same thing "let people have fun". No. Suffer.
No. 1781068
>>1780418>i think a lot of these consoomer women are libfems at best and fall right into the "makeup/plastic surgery/fake lashes/fake nails is empowering/self care" trap so they consoom pink shit like crazy because hyperfemininity is empowering and feminist and there are sooo many icky butch tomboys out there (aka regular women who don't spend their entire money on these things) who demonize the poor hyperfeminine women, wahhh.This, basically
I'm tomboyish and I like pink, but could never imagine myself consuming pink shit like they do. It's fine in a sweater or a pencil case, it's insane when they surround themselves with pink shit 24/7 all around their house and work space. To each their own I guess, but I feel like these girls are never satisfied and need to make everything pink. Consooming obsessively with the goal of hyperfemininity is so dumb
>>1780402Honestly I wish more things came in orange, it's a nice color.
No. 1781146
>>1781059Still women though
>>1780966If they're prize figures, just sell them for like $10 each or bring them to your local goodwill. If they're scales, sell them for $70-90 each.
No. 1781212
>>1781020asspats?? jeez
>>1781146Well I really want to donate them to someone who would enjoy them, don’t really wanna sell them. Thanks anyway
No. 1781252
>>1780986>everyone kept telling me how my naturally frizzy hair looked unkemptSo true. Hair products are also shilled, especially when it comes to frizzy hair.
>Buy all these products and follow this method to have frizz-free hair! >You actually have wavy/curly hair, buy all of these products to define it! >Frizzy hair is unkept and ugly, don’t you want sleek and smooth hair?It gets as bad as those 10-step skincare routines. I’ve learned to live with it and if I feel like having smoother hair, I’ll just straighten it. It’s too much effort and money to try to “control” my hair texture. Also I’m kinda lazy kek.
No. 1781290
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I saw these bags posted in another thread and now I want to buy something dirt cheap to mimic it
No. 1781351
>>1781342these people act like their shit smells better because they're not buying things everyone is buying and instead saving pennies to travel to some cliche location they most likely would find in their country or continent for cheaper but it's not that popular place you know. and buy overpriced tourist trap shit. not gonna even mention trust fund babies and influencers who travel several times an year.
>>1781330if you're going to italy (or elsewhere) once or twice in your lifetime this is not about you
No. 1781397
>>1781366>>1781371nta but you really are so annoying.
Plastic shit sitting around creates waste. Yeah you will say “muh jet fuel” but at least people will remember a vacation more than whichever funko pops they had in 10 years.
No. 1781412
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>>1781314I understand what you mean, it definitely comes off as throwing money around as a way to substitute having a personality. I don't give a rat's ass about the normies who take a family trip to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, I'm thinking of the holier than thou, rich white Westerners who constantly go on overpriced vacations and have the most vapid, tourist-trap experiences and then act like they're so enlightened. So many of them have a white savior complex when they go to non-European countries, and it's especially annoying when their cute little touristy attractions come at the expense of the marginalized people they claim to care so much about. See: all the Hawaiian natives begging tourists not to come, but people care more about pretty beach photos for Instagram.
No. 1781417
>>1781412that's exactly what I'm talking about. thanks for articulating it more properly.
>>1781413I don't think every person who buys things online is a hoarder like the people posted itt either so you can calm down.
No. 1781443
>>1781423Not the original anon, I'm the one who mentioned Hawaii, but I think the focus on "consoomer" tourists isn't about the people who go to timeless historical and cultural landmarks like the Sistine Chapel, but more about the types of tourists who flood destinations that become trendy overnight due to TikTok and other social media. It's like this anon said
>>1781342 with the American woman who wanted to see Bali, we all know that woman and 90% of the other tourists going there have zero interest in the local culture and history and just want to mindlessly go and shit up the place, completely fucking over the local residents so they can spend the entire vacation on their phone making sure that all their followers know how cool and well traveled they are.
No. 1781464
>>1781439I don’t do that and I’m not mad, I’m simply sitting on a bus replying on lolcow, coming home from the thing I like to do which is go to concerts but I guess thats consooming to you since I do it a lot huh.
>>1781443You can read those women’s minds? I don’t know anything about Bali but could it be possible they just want to go to an exotic beach
replying on lolcow
(replying on lolcow) No. 1781469
>>1781464if you dont give a shit about consooming and dont want to criticise it why the fuck are you even doing in this thread?
>>1781465disney oriented everything seems very consoomer aligned but disney adults who go to disneyland several times an year are out of their minds.
No. 1781476
>>1781471Why? It’s fun. The community is fun, the atmosphere, talking to everyone fan and band afterwards, and of course hearing LIVE music. Idk what we are supposed to spend money on if simple experiences are consoom.
replying on lolcow
No. 1781490
>>1781476I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as other stuff, unless you’re using it to have content for social media. If you always post it on insta or wherever then consoom level jumps up immediately.
But culture around music in general is really consoomy. a lot of people constantly consume music to the point of minor dysfunction or to cope. A lot of people spend tons of money on paraphernalia or shit like record players and records just for the aesthetic. And for these people what bands you are into often dictates what clothes and other shit you consoom in order to look cool and “different”
No. 1781498
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>>1781461I went with my friend to Disney Sea when we were in Japan and it was the biggest waste of 9,800 yen I've ever spent. They had the ride queues on an app, which didn't even work that well because we had bad signal, the food was shit, and all the gift shops had were those Duffy and Friends plushies. ALL of the stores. I thought Disney Sea was supposed to be like Epcot but Epcot is 100x better than this. At least they have country-appropriate food and shop junk. At Disney Sea, it didn't matter if you went to the Arabian Coast or somewhere else, all you could get was flavored themed popcorn (incredibly boring and overpriced) and Duffy stuff. Trash.
So TL;DR: I judge everyone that goes to Japan and its Disney parks. It's ass. Peak consoom.
No. 1781508
>>1781486If you really want to, leave your discord or email on the friend finder thread! I've been looking for new penpals and I would love to send you something too in return
nonny. Or if you're not sure just don't add your address, but I have no problem giving you mine, I have friends from here that I've given my address to before
No. 1781547
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Nonnas I cannot help but love Wedgwood Christmas ornaments. They're so beautiful but I could never pay that for a single thing let alone a ball to sit on a tree for at most 2 months
No. 1781564
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>>1781555I don't think I could decide which one to get, they are all so beautiful
No. 1781567
>>1781564Go for the one that you can store the best without any part breaking, and that way it'll last longer
No. 1781584
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>>1781573>>1781567You're meant to talk me out of it not into it!
>>1781565I would fight to the death over my $80 Christmas ornament
Look it's a teapot how cute is it
No. 1781600
>>1781584this is super cute, but I would go for
>>1781547 instead because it looks more traditional and christmas-like
No. 1781610
>>1781600You're right, if I were to get one it would be that one
>>1781603Wedgwood stuff is expensive, its porcelain and a name brand. I wish there was a knock off version, if it was $20 I would probably get all of them honestly
No. 1781639
>>1781637I actually just looked into getting a cookie roller and rolling out oven baked clay to make some more "nice" flat ornaments. Probably wont bother this year but maybe next year I could do it as a project.
I like making stuff lol
No. 1781673
>>1781639This is cute
>>1781652Simbad has amazing animatronic work though, and that's unique to the Disney Sea park. Not everything has to be a thrill ride, that's the difference between a theme park and an amusement park. A lot of the rides are improved from the originals, the comparisons look nice to me. I don't think most people care about this and only go to parks to consoom though. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't care either, I just think there's merit behind the people who worked on the rides. I don't care about the souvenirs or food much, I don't even like Disney as much as other people do to begin with kek.
No. 1781674
>>1781584fuck I already love jasperware stuff (have a few pieces that I inherited) but this is so cute! (the others too, and the teacup & saucer that matches the teapot)
guess I know how I'm decorating when I'm a millionaire kek
No. 1781826
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I know SuperRaeDizzle had a snow thread at one point in time and she hasn't changed at all since then. It's almost impressive how stagnant her art has been for so many years, and she's still as bad a consoomer as ever. I know influencers get sent a lot of supplies as well, but young artists follow in their footsteps and end up with these massive collections of things they never use.
There's something that bothers me more about art supply hoarding when it's hundreds of low quality, dollar store tier paints. Spend a week learning basic colour mixing and get a set of twelve or less high quality paints and you'll have most of the paint you'll ever need.
No. 1781849
>>1781826I agree completely. I used to buy the 50 cent apple paints because I didn't feel bad messing up with them but as I got better and they ran out, I replaced them with much nicer quality paints and now everything takes up so much less room.
Also, her result is a has already been done before low quality uninspired mess. Why would you brag about that?
No. 1781866
since book consoomerism is always a big topic in this thread
No. 1781942
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>>1781842That video is a couple years old, so not super recent. But in case you were worried she'd become better (either better at art or better at consuming less supplies)… Don't worry, these are all from the past year.
No. 1781958
>>1781866I did the whole "read 100+ books in a year" thing a couple years ago and it's put me off reading that much ever again. I used to finish multiple books a week to keep up with all of the hyped releases on booktube (book youtube) and it was kinda miserable when so many of them were just mediocre to bad and I paid money for them kek. Now I only read a couple a month but I still feel like I'm inadequate as a reader
mind you I've read almost 50 books this year because of how much reading as been commodified and turned into a sport to brag about. People care less about the quality and more about how fast they can get through a book to say they read it and so they can add the book to their "read" shelf on Goodreads and other apps. This is why I feel like there's been such a rise in shitty romantasy type books being published and kindle unlimited indie books getting popular. They're like junk food—they're quick to consume and gives the person consuming them instant gratification.
No. 1781985
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>>1781978It was discussed a while ago in the artsalt thread. I wonder if she resurfaced under a new pseudonym, they were saying she was a south park fanartist larping as a japanese artist now.
No. 1782061
>>1782017Sell them scapled up to a tiktok animecore
I'd say price them at least a 100. Go make that cash
nonnie and good luck on your non consoom lifestyle
No. 1782407
>>1781826I can't imagine why any adult would buy the same colors in multiple Walmart and Dollar Tree acrylic paints. That stuff is shit. The only reasons to buy them are kids, home decorating crafts, or some kind of disposable prop. It's horrible to work with, and the results won't last.
>>1780423It's so pointless to buy shit tons of manga just to read them once, and leave them on a shelf forever. There's no way to buy that many books that fast, and really appreciate them. Assuming any of it is actually decent and not just last year's flavor of the month crap.
No. 1782413
>>1781958one of the best things i've done regarding reading as a hobby is deleting my goodreads account. i wasnt going to because I was afraid of forgetting the titles/authors of books but I bought a small notebook and I write the title, author, and date I completed it along with an entry about how I liked it or if I didn't at all. Getting rid of a rating system (1-5 stars) and not feeling guilty about dropping books I already marked as reading on goodreads helped me really enjoy it again as a hobby and helped me weed out garbage i felt i had to read but didnt really want to.
sage for blogpost
No. 1782635
>>1781498Yeah DisneySea is overrated as fuck. 2.5 hour lines for rides only a child would be enchanted by yet most of the park is teenagers in matching outfits taking pictures of each other.
Japanese people are the biggest consoomers and least sustainable on the planet I swear. Endless anime and character goods being landfilled. The omiyage culture where you have to buy boxes of individually wrapped snacks for your coworkers whenever you go out of town. So much shit that only exists so that you can take a picture of it and post it online.
No. 1782770
File: 1700645682318.jpg (230.92 KB, 680x1024, janebirkin.jpg)

Recently I've fallen into a (hand)bag rabbit hole. I've bought like 10 bags in the span of what…3 months? I always cycle between various hyperfixations, I'm lucky to have a small shred of self control and don't get myself into debt buying things I can't afford. But I'm wondering if there's a way to curb my next consoom hyperfixation because I'm tired of all the stuff I'm accumulutating. The stationary and fountain pen phases weren't so bad, but properly storing all the bags I got is a pain kek
>>1781290At least get a Birkin replica that doesn't look like cheap Aliepxress kek
I love how Jane Birkin looks lugging around her bag!
No. 1783217
I feel like the concept of decluttering, to a lot of people, means that you get rid of things you're not using currently, which is weird to me as someone who is definitely not rich but also not completely poor I buy things with an intent to use immediately but keep in mind I will use it later if I need it. my thought process is that if I have something I will keep it because I might need someday so throwing away feels pointless unless I already have something that serves that function. like for example I was watching a random person decluttering on Youtube and she threw away a recipe book and said if she ever needs she will repurchase which is even more wasteful than buying it to begin with. so in a way I think my tendency to actually keep things saves me money but it's not hoarding per se because I keep my resources in check and nothing is going unused or have many of the same object. years ago (even before the decluttering trend was a thing, like 2013) I went through a throwing everything away phase because I was moving elsewhere and I wish I kept more things as I find myself rebuying them because I need them.
what I'm trying to say is that if you have a couple of things you use rarely but still save it, don't feel bad for having a small hoard because rebuying things you previously decluttered is even more wasteful. I think a lot of influencers declutter so they can buy more, it's not like they want to live a life with less objects, they're just going to replace them. which to me, feels hypocritical. to me, the point of decluttering is slowing down and/or halting purchases, instead of getting rid of things you already own.
No. 1783335
>>1783254Do you think I could have your credit card information, please? Card number, expiry date and security code. That's all I need. Thanks.
>>1783217I feel like some people declutter to justify buying even more. Some people also think that minimalist is throwing away almost everything they own. And finally some people have heard of Marie Kondo but have never read the part when she advices keeping useful things and what's unwanted for a moment to truly know if it's fine to part away with it.
No. 1783341
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I cannot believe people would pay $250 for this. My poor Wedgwood ornament
No. 1783367
>>1782770I can relate, I go into these phases of buying a certain category of things. Books, shoes, perfume, jewelry, etc. I’ve never gone in debt to buy things though and I can at least store it in one place. After watching this woman
>>1780390 I’ve realized that I never want to take it this far and I’m going to try to curb the habit.
>>1783341That shade and opacity of yellow makes me think someone popped a zit and it splattered all over that ornament. I had to say it kek
No. 1785150
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>>1785149Counterpoint: moky
No. 1785206
>>1785139This reply totally changed the direction it was originally supposed to be about, but here we be:
I just tried finding a recent letter sent to the NYT from a woman who felt guilty after her MIL gifted them a super expensive bag (because they accrue thousands of dollars value and I was going to reply about how this is like maximalist consooming) and using the search engine wound up leading to a bunch of obvious shill articles for brands or articles filled with Amazon affiliate links. It’s so tiresome that EVERY form of media is so hyper focused on consuming. I tried reading an article by Vogue about alcohol consumption going down, figuring it’d be about socioeconomic changes or some shit and it was just about the writer and her friends trying different brands of faux alcoholic drinks. I never thought how thankful I’d be of this site because it’s not coated in ads and I can reply to actual humans that give opinions instead of hollow paragraphs to buy more stuff.
No. 1785450
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>>1785150>>1785262>>1785385Ok you win. I LOVE Moky now.
No. 1786144
>>1785206>I never thought how thankful I’d be of this site because it’s not coated in ads and I can reply to actual humans that give opinions instead of hollow paragraphs to buy more stuff.I feel you so much
nonnie, you and the nona who replied to you. I'm especially fatigued by youtube…don't even get video ads and yet youtubers I (for the most part) know and love and then I have to see them come out with videos where the topic they're focusing on is clearly meant to just be a tie-in to the main sponsor of the video, or they find some other way to shill. It's all so exhausting.
No. 1786163
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I hate Black Friday. No, I'm not going to spend all day in a too crowded mall just to buy crap (that's probably all made in China or India) that's now on sale. I hate that consumerism.
No. 1786514
>>1786458No lmao there are toys based off the little baby mascot
>>1786457Post caps/deets? Im very curious as I usually only see men collecting anime figures and shit like transformers, I’ve only ever seen young zoomer girls collecting these lately. It’s funny because I remember them being big when I was a teen on tumblr.
No. 1786575
>>1786230I want to hope that most people stopped caring about Black Friday but the companies continue to push it anyway. Earlier this week I had a bunch of emails for early sales and gimmicks like “oh here’s our sale code because it was leaked on social media teehee”
When I was a kid/teen it was such a big deal to go out early on Friday to shop, and then retailers started pushing it with the after-Thanksgiving opening hours. Now everyone is so financially strained it just needs to die. It’s terrible knowing that some people will just get credit cards for this season because they think they need to get gifts and don’t have money
No. 1786724
our favorite consoomer who's in therapy for her shopping addiction is at it again
No. 1786788
>>1786770simple as then, kek
>>1786772You've reminded me, another kind of merch I really don't see the appeal in are those tsum tsum things. They're like log-shaped, soft funkos imo and very few characters translate well into the style (tbh I understand figures more than plushies as merch in general, but that's probably just because my favourite characters never translate well into one lol).
Sometimes it feels like if something is simply branded as 'cute' it's enough for some people. Feels like a similar mindset to the 'it pink so must buy' earlier in the thread
No. 1786805
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Sorry for the post deletion, my eyes somehow skipped the part where you already mentioned tsum tsums and I thought you wanted to know the name of them. I agree with you, they're basically just Disney's pillowpets.
No. 1786819
>>1786805kek sorry for deleting my own reply (said I knew a girl at uni who had a tsum tsum pyramid taking up a wall of her apartment)
>pillowpetswow, I haven't heard of those in years lol
No. 1787036
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nonnies the consoom almost got me. christmas is peak consoomerism time and i'm weak for gingerbread motifs, but I don't need ANY more stuffed animals and despite how cute and soft it is i know once the christmas season is over i won't want it in my house. i can just enjoy the image and maybe doodle a few little gingerbread kitties so i can just enjoy the idea of it.
No. 1787214
>>1786788I used to have a Kylo Ren tsum tsum (I'm a Driverfag and got it as a gift kek) and the material was so uncomfortable. It was too itchy to cuddle with and it pilled really easily. They seem very low quality.
>>1787200The way she attaches sentimental value to the most basic plastic crap is concerning. We all have things that we have emotional attachment to, but it's normally heirlooms, special gifts, or hand-me-downs. I think she has trauma surrounding her daughter's health that she maybe hasn't properly addressed in her therapy, because she keeps a
lot of stuff that reminds her of her daughter, or has her daughter's name on it. The stuff her daughter is going through is awful, and I can't imagine how she feels watching her baby go through that, but her consoomerism is getting worse, not better. I'm one of the original anons that posted her here and I'd like to see her heal.
No. 1787233
>>1787228She had double hip surgery and was in a full-body cast for a little while and currently can't walk. It's very sad. She's definitely always been a mega consumer, but I feel it's been exacerbated by what she's going through. Especially if she's having problems with her moid at the same time.
No. 1787240
Samefag because I have a strange fascination with this woman, this is from April 2022. No one needs $1100 worth of Amazon shit, especially all in one go.
No. 1787249
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>>1787233>>1787193What a horrible moid.
No. 1787583
>>1787541An excuse to spend more money on stupid shit
>>1787474I'm honestly surprised to see anons calling him names when the reason their marriage suffers is likely because he's going into debt supporting her thousands-a-month garbage habit all the while collecting medical debt from their daughters complications. She clearly has no intention of stopping, the problem in this situation is her and she shouldn't be coddled or enabled. This is genuinely pathetic, especially considering her daughter's health concerns, and instead of acknowledging how horrible and selfish this behavior is, some anons are saying "aw well gee it's a coping mechanism because of what her daughter went through". Nah this woman needs a reality check to slap her in the face this is vile. She is pushing them so far beyond their means.
No. 1787588
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>>1787541Because Halloween didn't give you enough ways to blow money on worthless 1-use shit.
The worse the American economy gets, the more disposable and over packaged garbage people buy. It's depressing. Take the kids to a fall festival or something.
No. 1787592
>>1787583>It's likely because she's forcing them into debtHow is it likely? The guy could be an
abusive piece of shit or abandoned the family because of the effort it would take to take care of a child with health complications. In no way is one more likely than the other. He married her when she was a consoomer, it's probably because of one of the reasons I listed since she has apparently always been like this according to anon
>>1787233 and therefore he married her when he knew she spent a stupid amount of money on frivolous things. She is a retarded consoomer, but it does not mean the ex is not also potentially an asshole.
No. 1787620
>>1787610read what
>>1787233 said. i don’t know much about this lady but i assume the kid is fucked up if she had double leg surgery
No. 1787636
>>1787592If he were
abusive, do you really think she'd be out buying thousands worth of garbage please get real
No. 1787697
>>1787592I mean… Im not using caping for moids but i feel like the most likely scenario is he's leaving because his wife has a severe shopping/hoarding addiction and probably a shit ton of credit card debt. I can't really blame him I wouldn't stay in that either
>>1787604This also tho. In the video she's carrying her kid around and cuddling her, sharing smoothies, she seems like a decent and caring mom. It sounds like she's still paying for the kids treatment too
No. 1787716
>>1787620I did and assumed she just had an accident or something, terrible but something she can recover from. But apparently she's dying? If the child had some minor (comparatively) health issues I think the shopping addiction is just a bullshit excuse, it's far more depressing and even understandable if her child is dying and she uses shopping to spoil her and cope.
>>1787636It's not contradictory, people are
abusive in different ways.
No. 1787793
>>1787636>An abusive man can't date a consoomer nor vice versaWhat even is this logic? They are no longer together and abusers do not display their
abusive behaviour initially. Not even saying the ex is
abusive, just giving an example of a common separation scenario other than the one you tried to posit as the truth. Are you mad because it was pointed out the ex would've known she was a consumer pre-marriage/relationship so it's probably not her consoomer-y behaviour that caused the separation?
No. 1787806
>>1787793Samefag, not to mention supplying the addicted is a method abusers commonly use to keep their
victim with them (actual drugs, sugar daddies do it via consoomer goods/wealth). Just saying the 'obviously they broke up because she's a consoomer reeee' response is retarded and they probably knew she had a problem before getting involved, and it could've been anything like cheating, abuse, shitty child abandonment when things got hard, etc. 'It's complicated' doesn't really imply it.
No. 1787940
at this point this woman could have an entire thread kek
No. 1787992
>>1783217I recently watched some videos relating to the subject as I wanted to feel less cluttered in my small living space, but man the vibes on almost all of them were beyond off.
There was this one girl, fieldnotes something, that talked about minimalism and decluttering and everything, about how experiences are important and all that. This was, and I shit you not, while she got the magical opportunity to just kinda.. vibe on a boat with some randos that follow her on youtube for months on end? That was the moment it really hit me that these people often life in a reality beyond my own. Absolutely none of them seem to have any normal jobs too.
No. 1788005
>>1787970fyi there are actually several different anons posting these vids kek. here's a collection i just find weird and unnecessary.
No. 1788012
No. 1788037
>>1788012I'm far from a skincare scholar, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like a lot of the times that I see vids like this one the person's skin/face looks like they would benefit more from better diet, drinking, and sleeping habits than a bunch of topical products. I'm sure some of them are great, but as was discussed earlier about the Korean skincare community, too many products at once can fuck up your skin.
(they also remind me of being a little kid and making 'potions' out of random stuff in the bathroom sink/backyard kek)
No. 1788065
>>1788013In some places you get money back for them, but they're usually in a bag and put away somewhere in their kitchen rather than thrown around like this.
>>1788036>humiliation ritualSpeak for yourself. You get money back for all bottles and cans, not just alcohol, so no, unless you consider sparkling water and smoothies embarrassing.
No. 1788070
>>1788036While it's true some countries do that, this
>>1788005>>1788013is obviously just showing off how much she drinks because it's "cool" kek. Teens and students usually do this but grow out of it as adults
No. 1788374
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mouthwash auto dispensars are a thing now. Mouthwash is already a consoomer item as it is just swish with hot water and salt like everyone else
No. 1788393
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>>1786138Nona, I am the ayrt and I DO have anaemia.
I drunk a lot of tea for almost all my life (I am slavic and the do that shit) and I have also had anaemia for almost all of my life.
When it was particularly bad I had to take supplements and I remember being gutted you can't drink tea with them. But at the time I thought it only messes with the iron pills.
I need to do more research now. But who am I kidding, I can never give up tea.
No. 1788737
>>1787474She's definitely mentioned having a storage unit in the past. Unfortunately I can't find where she mentioned it so I'm dropping this video as compensation.
>>1788012The way it's all arranged by colour looks so bizarre. Like it's all staged for a catalogue or something.
No. 1788740
No. 1789112
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>>1789104I've been following this woman's decluttering videos and it's not going well. For every 3-5 items she's going to sell she buys 5 items more. Not to mention keeping empty Starbucks cups which is literal trash. At least she admits she has a problem but most of her followers are people with shopping addiction who followed her for her decluttering videos and at this point her content is just haul videos.
No. 1789138
>>1788774nta but
>you must be sheltered because you could figure out how to use a tap as a childI get that there are shitty parents out there but c'mon kek
No. 1789218
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she sells all this stuff(which i know lots of it is sent to her)just to fill her room with more shit i know it
No. 1789250
Based on the brands/releases this looks like a fairly recent hoard but I can't imagine trying to navigate this in a year or two without knowing what's expired and crusty. Makeup hoarding is truly the worst to me, a palette can last like two years of daily wear, a lip product can last at least month even if youre one of the people who excessively reapply every few hours. The products people hoard are usually barely different shades. It's truly just the epitome of waste to me.
No. 1789312
nonnie, this is vividly disturbing yet beautiful. You’re a good writer.
No. 1789313
imagine consooming febreze.
No. 1789320
>>1789313Sorry I just noticed she said
>Bought this because Tana Mongeu influenced meBut why. Why would you follow her advice
No. 1789717
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I love those chinese apartment videos. I know it's also consoomerism or rather thinly veiled advertising but it's a lot more aesthetically pleasing (and entertaining) than the tiktoks posted upthread. Somehow those (usually american) women all love tacky hot pink and shit like they're 2000s Paris or Jersey Shore lol
No. 1789719
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i hate that consoomerism has gotten so bad that people think if you like that thing you just have an entire collection of the thing. pic related, i love pompompurin but i'm also a 31 year old woman with a full time job and i don't wanna run around like a tiktok zoomer who just spent her allowance on aliexpress plastic shit. so the only pompompurin stuff i own is a card holder that is currently not in use because my monthly train ticket switched to digital only. i found out about the purin nendo so i caved and preordered it. i'm super excited for it but i made the mistake of telling my zoomer coworker about it. she's now bombarding me with pompompurin stuff - most of it from aliexpress, by the looks of it - which is cute but also i'm not interested in buying every single thing just because a mascot i like is on it? i told her that i'm selective about the stuff i buy because of the aforementioned reasons but she thinks it's weird and replied "b-b-but you LIKE purin so much!" sigh.
No. 1789822
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I'm in a Monster High group and I swear a lot of people in this community are some of the most retarded and delusional consoomers out there.
Saw this trade post for a doll set that is 2x the value of this one AND her box is damaged, the op was literally screaming at people in comments for asking if she would add money to the trade or just sell it and put the money towards the dolls she actually wants.
Then they added this edit as if we should all pity her and happily accept her scam offer because muh disability. If you're disabled, on fixed income, and can't even afford to pay your bills maybe don't buy overpriced plastic toys in the first place? JFC
No. 1789936
What I never understand about these
>>1789250 videos of rooms with a thousand little bottles on display is how in the world is not everything covered in dust, do they give everything a wipe before recording or you just can't see that much detail through the camera? Because we know damn well that half of those products just sit untouched their shelves for months.
>>1789717I like the ones where the husband texts his lazy wife saying he's coming home earlier than planned and she has to clean the whole apartment in under 5 minutes but she manages to save the day with the help of all of her taobao cleaning gadgets.
No. 1790178
>>1789959not everyone in china is a factory worker, dumbass burger
>>1789736it's probably a display apartment/house not her real one. i've seen influencers/youtubers do this, even ones who do stuff like cooking
No. 1790940
>>1790728nta and you're not wrong, but i don't think water quality was what those anons were discussing kek
on the topic of water and consooming though, people who exclusively drink those imported, premium bottled waters irritate me. have a coworker like that and she's also a massive litterer as well, which doesn't help my opinion of it.
No. 1791780
>>1791755I literally don't have any social media
nonny, they're cancer. I come to lolcow for this reason
(constant spoonfeeding requests) No. 1791818
>>1786598im anemic as well and this is true. tea, coffee and cocoa inhibit plant-based (non-heme) sources of iron. if you're vegan/vegetarian or otherwise only getting non-heme iron you need to be mindful of this. the iron absorption inhibition rates are extremely depressing and the effect takes hours to degrade. also, don't forget to consume vitamin c with your iron to increase absorption!!
with heme iron, you only need to worry about calcium blocking your intake.
No. 1791888
>>1791780fr request
nonnie, it has become obnoxious. I don't mind contributing among the rest of the tiktok nonnas but it's not like we are your servants.
>I literally don't have any social media nonny, they're can literally search shit like "kawaii unboxing" like vidrel and get similar results until one of us posts something. Stop asking every two days
No. 1791900
>>1791737Seems like the cocomelon zoomies need someone to jingle some keys in front of their face
>>1791780You know you can browse most sm sites without an account?
No. 1792367
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>>1791732>I don't have the clock appand yet you seem addicted to it.
No. 1793598
>>1793529That's not even close to how places throw stuff out, little gets actually gets removed from the shelf because stores will just clearance it until it sells. If it's returns or unsold stock they can't sell even after clearance, they tally it up and ship it back to the manufacturer to get a slight refund. If they did throw it out like this (which they don't) they would be in bundles of old skincare together in a bag, not a curated collection of purses, skincare, candles, and clothes. Tj maxx is also 50% kids toys, homegoods, and and cookware, and that stuff is the stuff less likely to be sold. where the hell is that? You're telling me they threw out a coach bag without even putting a clearance sticker on it? Also most businesses chain their dumpsters, the store I worked at did that even though all we were throwing out was old product displays, there wasn't actually anything valuable in there
No. 1793601
>>1793539agreed nona I go to TKMaxx a lot and I can count on my hand the times where I've geniunely found a high value item at an insane price.
Plus I got talking to one of the cashiers one time and the employees get first claim on anything before it hits shelves kek
No. 1793635
someone said books are becoming the new fast fashion on booktok and i think they are right.
No. 1794053
>>1775998Fellow OC
nonnie. This reminded me of all the bad experiences I had going to Disneyland as a child. I remember grown adults, probably in their late 20s-early 30s, pushing me out of the way, on my 7th birthday, to get a pair of Mickey ears during the park's anniversary. My dad ended up pulling me out of the way and telling me we could buy it on the way out when the park closed. I was excited, because I wanted a hat like my dad's from when he was a kid. I watched all of the vintage Mickey Mouse Clubhouse VHS tapes and thought they were the cutest. My family was poor, it was literally the first time buying anything from the park, and the last. We only happened to be there because my mother's childhood friend was a park manager and had extra tickets. Those women, you could tell went to the park often and lived nearby…stereotypical overweight Hispanic girls with bleach blonde streaks over dark brown hair, trading pin lanyard, thick rimmed black glasses, WAY too tight yoga pants, and Starbucks in hand. You only know if you live here.
No. 1795021
>>1792391>>1789373How do people live with this much clashing pink, especially pastel? I get claustrophobic just looking at it, feels messy and cluttered. Not an ounce of this mass produced crap is "cute." It lacks any of the charm of original Sanrio or the eclecticness of the early 2000s when Emo/Goth/Scene was relatively trendy.
>>1791888I can't imagine the shipping costs for those single serve snacks, especially the ramune. Seeing an entire box and bubble wrap for a $3 drink is maddening. Japanese snacks are usually nothing to ride home about. Processed junk is processed junk… and the sanrio~ makeup wristband she put on the boba glass that clearly didn't fit… asking to let it slip and break. You just know she took it right off after hitting the stop record button.
No. 1795679
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>>1795663I enjoy having a couple fidget toys of different textures and types but honestly the best destresser is petting a purring kitty cat. Nearly 20 years ago before fidget toys were a consooomer marketing phenomenon my 5th grade gifted teacher had a bucket of diff fidget toys for us kids to choose from at the start of class. It seemed to help us focus on class without getting distracted (or becoming distracting to the others). I can see a teacher of younger grades having a large collection for that reason. If I had more friends that visited me I’d probably have a few more fidgets than the couple I have so I could offer them to my friends and their kids when they visit. But for personal use, selecting from such a large selection of fidgets would be stressful in itself kek.
No. 1795809
>>1794075AYRT, I don't have any problem with romance or even smut. It's the specific type of books these girls read which is basically just rape porn with an overly aggressive male and a very weak and submissive FMC. Its just an
abusive relationship being shown as romantic and desirable to impressionable girls
No. 1795873
>>1794075I can see where you're coming from nona, but I'm in the same boat of thinking it's warping women's perceptions of romance. I don't have an issue with women reading steamy wish-fulfilling fantasies about a really hot guy who falls in love with them but most of these popular books aren't just that. They're filled with
abusive, rapey, manipulative men. I can't find it now, but I saw a screenshot of a tiktok book summary with about 100k likes fawning some smut book's scene involving the love interest bending the protag over a boat, forcing her head down in the water and roughly fucking her while there were sharks in the water. I won't even get started on Colleen Hoover's male love interests who would be jailed for DV if they were real.
No. 1796049
>>1795873Unironically I think this is the female mirror effect of the increasing early access and normalization of violent pornography that the internet has brought. Both men and women now think that sexual violence against a woman is sexy and exciting because they've been exposed to pornography since they were 7 or 8 these days. While men goon themselves into becoming violent sex offenders or trannies women are memeing themselves into jacking it to being a DV
victim by a muscular werewolf fae. Dark times all around.
No. 1796068
>>1796067Have you? Don't thinks so (probably watched some sjw youtuber shitting on the books for being
problematic at best). Seriously, stop derailing the consoom thread sperging about you're pet hate kek. This thread is for laughing at consoomer hoarding, not crying about women liking cringey media, newfag.
No. 1796113
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girly spent 1800 dollars and didn't even win a 2 minute long videocall
No. 1796427
>>1792843Nta. I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, it sucks this is is all being thrown out and wasted. Apparently, this girl donates what she finds. On the other hand, there’s a gross factor to this. Not sure if you should donate eyeshadow that’s been collecting bacteria in the dumpster. Seems like a health hazard to your eyes. I dunno.
It might be better for people to keep the crap they find and potentially harm themselves than risk other people’s health selling/donating.
No. 1796604
>>1796113I won one of these with my genuine favorite idol once when I bought 3 different $15 albums and got super lucky. I genuinely enjoyed it but it's so baffling to go into credit card debt or whatever over. After I won that one time I thought I could get lucky again and bought four of the same album and felt really stupid after even though I'm financially able to buy stupid stuff like that. You can't do anything with these albums, they're kinda big, and practically worthless after purchase.
Parasocial relationships are off topic but man these girls are dying to spend 2 minutes talking to a guy who's being PAID to be nice to them. Kinda sad too
No. 1796756
one of my favorite hated consoomers, she was featured in a previous thread as well. note that dead eyes and the lack of emotion in her voice while she just pulls that soy face over and over.
No. 1796794

>>1795663>>1795653The fidget spinners started this damn craze I swear. Fidget spinners reportedly can be helpful for some people/children who need something to fidget with but somehow they became a fad that filled the shelf of every fucking store and every classroom. I think they were probably still being marketed as a fidget device for ADHD etc, but became more of a "toy" when they got so huge. I believe the popularity of fidget spinners and the similar fidget cube conditioned so many parents and zoomers to just believe that any gimmicky toy labeled as "fidget" will help them to focus/destress/stim or whatever. Fidget items were already stereotypical for neurodivergent people and now everyone has ADHD and autism and as with everything you have to make that part of your personality so they
have to have 30 fidget toys to prove they're #actuallyautistic. I wouldn't even be surprised if the literal chew toys for autists were trendy. Parents are probably just buying all these fidget toys for their iPad toddlers because the kids see it on TikTok and Youtube and they're conditioned to see all fidget toys as an easy fix for how unnaturally restless kids are now.
There were a lot of parents and teachers who hated the fidget spinners because they were obviously just a gimmick that was distracting classrooms and would all be in landfills in 2 years. So reportedly they were prohibited by a lot of teachers and even schools, like how other fad toys like silly bandz were. All this shit will too. Like, you can diy some of this stuff, put some slime or sand in a balloon and it's a stress ball. Make them out of paper like vidrel, which I find very cute, there's a nice part to alot of toy trends at least that when something is trendy creative kids make their own. The activities of making their own fidget toys seems to me like it would be miles more stimulating than just giving them cheap shein shit.
No. 1796808

>>1796794Samefag just to add that creativity and imagination isn't dead with young zoom zooms, there's a ton of trends, which I really only know because of how they all have social media and that there's so many content creators milking them which is bleak but… at least kids making silly stuff out of paper isn't dead?
Things like
>paper squishies>play pretend running a small business that sells candy or lipgloss>play pretend cleaning carpets? vidrel is a parody of that kek i'm not going to link any actual kid's video but they exist>pretending to be fairies or a fairy hunter, the fairy kids make videos where they're "flying" and it seems the fairy hunters are just trying to troll them or are little emos>customizing cardboard boxes to use as masks for their own boxsonas >wigs made out of construction paper or yarn for cosplay>gachalife movies which are like modern movie star planet or goanimate movies>diy surprise toys/blind bags, all made out of paperStill a lot of these are consoomery and directly spawned from something trending, like that paper squishy vid in my last post is just BRANDS make toys out of brands! And the roleplaying a #bossbabe who resells cheap aliexpress crap. If some type of collection, craft, or task becomes trendy on TikTok you can just assume there's kids out there roleplaying it with intricate diy props.
No. 1796919
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I can't stand these trash babies. Most of them are ugly. Out of the 100s of designs maybe 10 are appealing. Doesn't help that they only come in blind boxes.
No. 1797180
>>1796804she's honestly so fascinating in a sad way.
No. 1797324
>>1797180Another one obsessed with pink.
It’s the cheap ass Amazon jewelry that irked me. You know it’s going to tarnish and break quickly. She could buy small and get something that lasts for years and looks better.
No. 1797376
i know some anons are tired of the weeb rooms but this one is on another level. There is so much shit you can't even walk around. Everything is from kids shows/ popular animes, not a ounce of originality or personality
No. 1797394
>>1797376This video smells musty. Do these people actually spend time in their own rooms?
Also, I find it peculiar how there is a whole shelf for horse figures and then the rest is anime weeaboo crap.
No. 1797426
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>>1797376My jaw about hit the floor.
No. 1799063
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Tell me I don't need them!
No. 1799093
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>>1799063With the value of the yen that price is sad
No. 1799222
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Imagine spending $600 in two days on these hideous soulless things.
No. 1799422
>>1798914She's orange and bleach blonde to boot.
>>1799078What vocal fry? and you are projecting a lot that wasn't said.
No. 1799429
>>1799226There can be some cute ones. Some. I keep one at my office as a little trinket. Most people in my workplace have one just as a small decoration to show their interest in a show/movie/game. Outside of that, I don’t understand people actually collecting these as figures when there’s so much better.
>>1799417That thread is a mixed bag. Some nonas like actual nerds, and some like greasy guys wearing glasses. He’s the latter.
No. 1799435
>>1799417He's sexy though
>>1799337Yen devaluation
No. 1799767
>>1799713It’s Bic Camera, I searched シルバニアファミリートナカイ and the official website lists japanese stores where you can buy them.
What sucks is that while the yen is weak, import and proxy companies won’t change prices obviously, so you’re not getting as much as an advantage as you could be.
>>1799337The Japanese price is the real price. It’s a Japanese company. So not only are US sellers pricing things high, they’re actually pricing it even higher because the yen exchange rate is like 2:3 now. You can find those reindeer in Japanese stores for what amounts to like $18, not $44.
No. 1799815
File: 1701760047807.png (1.07 MB, 1365x756, 1300 usd stickers.png)

nonny for posting it here i realized i posted it on the wrong thread and i didnt want to double post. Here is what she got. They gave her fucking stickers for 1300 usd, disney adults are insane.
No. 1799834
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>>1799831I like the design of these types of bracelets (the “clasp” or lack thereof) a lot and any of their items worn a lot of the smaller crystals like picrel sparkle like crazy irl. They had some nice bangle style bracelets too.
No. 1799838
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>>1799834Looks nice but they also have ratchet stuff like this
No. 1799845
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>>1799841$8000 for these putrid glasses lmao trisha
No. 1799892
>>1799848Do you mean
Nonna please do! We need to see it!
Nonna please, do we need to see it?
No. 1799924
>>1799892kek reminds me of a poster on the door of our English class that said "time to eat grandma!" Anyway, I wanna see
nonnie's in your face huge necklace.
No. 1800070
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>>1799815>That file nameKek. It's at times like this that I'm actually glad I grew up in abject poverty so that I understand the value of things. I understand the appeal, some of their stuff is really pretty, but technology has moved past them and you can get the same stuff and quality for pennies on the dollar.
No. 1800108
>>1799977NTA but first and last time I used them (a few months back) they have a stupid amount of taxes, even for simply checking if your package arrived. I tried them because they were giving a 4k coupon for Mercari, but it got eaten by all their taxes. Multiply it if you want to buy more than a single thing, I specially hate how they keep the original boxes from the national shipping and just throw them onto a even larger box to ship everything to you, the shipping is astronomical. Plus their custome service is shit.
That said, Zenmarket got very pricey as well, I recomend either Dejapan or From Japan.
No. 1800392
>>1799815That's tragic kek, imagine paying $1,300 for baby's first resin charms and bedazzled stickers. They look so plain and cheap. The worst part is that I know several people IRL who'd go apeshit for them just because of the branding.
>>1799838I get the feeling that these tackier pieces are aimed at empowered filler-faced sex workers whose idea of bougie is similar to Cathy's. I've heard that Swarovski crystals are popular with strippers and dancers, but they seem a little too expensive for that.
No. 1800944
Replying to an old post, but
>>1770318>Bringing mustache razors in your carry-on bagIf I was stuck in line waiting for these women to rip their little cases apart to dispose of those things and pack them back together, I'd be fucking pissed. I'm sure one of them would break down because she had to interact with a TSA agent for more than a few seconds too.
No. 1800968
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>>1800869Not gonna lie I want that tartan gloomy
No. 1800988
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>>1799841My face literally scrunched up when she pointed to the blinged out crocs
I genuinely don't know why someone would spend this much money on shoes, if you're not walking in them then they're useless.
No. 1800993
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>>1800989Everything in this video either looks like something a little kid made or is retard tier expensive, why the fuck is this generic ass bag more than a car?
No. 1801495
>>1801311Probably jfash crossovers.
Knockoffs were severely frowned upon when I kept up with fashion even for brands like VW.
No. 1801546
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I don't know if this is OT but do you all think that we'll see or are currently seeing an increase in hoarders and hoarding behaviour now that consuming is so normalised and enabled?
No. 1801561
>>1801552Nta but I agree, there’s different types of hoarding. Hoarding usually stems from trauma, and hoarders will keep anything like animals, trash, food, etc. Hoarding is more about the emotional attachment to something and the unwillingness to throw or give it away.
What we are currently seeing is more so a rise in shopping addiction and keeping excess.
No. 1802400
>>1802161Agreed, what the fuck.
>>1801250I dont want to be that person, but this video gives me major "follow my onlyfans for the uncensored version" vibes its weird
No. 1802424
>>1800964I wanna hate but she's an independent woman buying and indulging herself.
She hates the idea of being married to a man but owns gorgeous wedding gowns and other dresses.
She sounds super based tbh.
No. 1802513
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>>1799839>>1799846>>1799848>>1799924>>1799973After all that it's not even as big as I remembered it to be lol.
Still too big for me to ever wear causally, I don't even think I'd wear it if I was dressed up.
No. 1802551
>>1788393I know this is super late but I have anemia due to heavy periods and my gynecologist told me to try lady's mantle tea, because it affects how much uterine lining your body builds up and you are supposed to drink it in the second half of your cycle.
I haven't taken it long enough to confirm if it is useful for me, but it could be worth a shot since you could indulge in your love for drinking tea and may need less supplements!
No. 1802719
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Not sure if this goes here but I'm posting it anyway
No. 1803194
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>>1802719On the topic of Starbucks, someone posted their collection of hideous Starbucks tumblers on Reddit today but they deleted it before I could screenshot because most comments got too critical. Probably the most hopeful comment section you'd ever find on a reddit post.
Deleted post here: No. 1803247
>>1803194Oh yeah, the hype for Starbucks cups is crazy. Years ago, I wanted a cute Halloween-themed cup that I saw online. I tried to find it in my local stores, no luck. Then I discovered there’s a whole Starbucks cup collecting community that will snatch up the cups quick and sell them for profit. I’ve seen them go for $50-$100 on eBay and Mercari.
Here’s some more Starbucks cup consooming. People will collect the ones from Japan too, which are also sold overpriced secondhand.
No. 1803347
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>>1803247Tag yourselves, I'm this bad babe
No. 1803761
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>>1799816It's nuts to me that end consumers view Swarovski as premium. The only nice things about their pieces are how they have a wide assortment of colors, and fewer chipped or misshapen pieces in every package. Note that I said fewer, not "none". Most people only ever see basic bitch clear, they never see the really good colors, and they don't know or care about how many messed up Swarovskis the maker threw away.
No. 1804102
Moid consoomerism. I hate sneakerheads.
No. 1804237
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>>1804102At least the ugly Starbucks cups and Funko pops will still look relatively the same in a couple decades time if you just keep them on a shelf, although they might yellow. All these shoes have foam in them, which will start to crumble and disintegrate as the years go by. Happens even faster if you don't wear them. Buying these sneakers to put on a shelf is like buying designer clothes then putting it in a closet full of moths.
No. 1804243
>>1804237Wow. And these idiots will pay hundreds if not thousands for some pairs. They must never move them from the shelf then.
At least when women collect shoes, they actually wear most of them.
No. 1804281
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The most consoomeristic holiday is here, nonny!
Aside from not liking xmas that much (I find it pretty tacky), the amount of decoration and xmas novelties that gets bought and dumped is insane. I also hate xmas sweaters, mugs, anything that has a use but feels awkward as fuck to wear or use in days that is not xmas. To me, buying something that you can use like what, from 2 to 15 days at max at year is fucking insane and that's why I don't decorate my house for xmas. Relatives and friends joke about how I am the Grinch (yeah ahah funny) but I'm the one counting my money in January and getting nice things because I didn't waste any in tinsels, reindeers, ugly santa dolls, decorations and stuff.
No. 1804300
>>1804281I dislike Christmas because every holiday for the last 20+ years with my family was just traumatic. I hate this fake "oh, family, we love each other" bullshit, I don't want presents, I want a nice family that doesn't create drama every visit. Since my last grandparent died this year Christmas is completely done for me. Yes, I enjoy snow, I enjoy stupid sweaters, but I don't enjoy the fake caring bullshit everyone expects around this time of year. And I don't enjoy the consumery part of it, I hate the amount of trees that have to die so they can stand inside a house for 10 days, I hate how everyone gets new decoration every year, my grandparents used their decoration for over 60 years, why can't people today do the same? I wouldn't mind people calling me the Grinch, at least I'm not faking enjoying stuff I don't like because everyone else is doing it.
No. 1804306
>>1804281I like christmas a lot more now that my family doesn't do gifts
except my mom does give me and my two siblings money which…I'm taking because im broke. we usually play board games and cook all day christmas and bake cookies on christmas eve. it's nice, the only thing we have to go and get is a christmas tree because my mom insists on having a real one.
I will never understand people who have a different theme for their christmas tree every year, seems like a total waste of money to have to buy new ornaments every year
No. 1804350
>>1804281I'm the same. I don't see the point in decorating the house in cheap plastic tat that then gets tossed into landfill. Especially because you're going to be paying tax to maintain that landfill for the next 20 years or so it exists as a polluting eyesore. Then when it's full it will be leeching
toxic chemicals into the environment until the EPA lists it as superfund site and then uses more tax dollars to remediate it.
I'm not Christian but Christmas as it is celebrated now is just an exercise in excess and greed. If I were a Christian I would be disgusted.
No. 1804409
>>1804352> I’m atheist but nonnies should embrace Christmas because it’s so beautiful and fun if you allow it to beExactly, not everyone celebrates it as a Christian holiday. Most people stick with the Santa decorations and gifts.
Keeping a tree in the house began as a Pagan tradition. Mistletoe? Also stemmed from Pagan beliefs.
Just use it as time with friends or family. Handmake something for them or draw.
No. 1804587
This woman irritates me. Why does she keep pursing her mouth like that
No. 1804599
>>1804587I didn't know that people bought seasonal salt and pepper shakers.
No. 1804601
>>1789112Our decluttering queen with a $1000 shopping haul full of absolute shit.
No. 1804699
>>1804601Her videos make me so anxious. All of that money wasted on things she probably won’t even use. Where is she even gonna put it?
Also having an emotionless fugly moid around on top of it all is just bleak.
No. 1804746
>>1804711Some people just lose them all the time or keep them around in different places (in their purse, their work locker, by their nightstand, in a second purse etc).
I haven't lost a lip balm in years (I actually finish them) so I've never owned more than 3 at a time.
No. 1804752
>>1804281My mom loves Christmas and decorates the house like your pic related. She has several sets of decorations for different themes and color schemes. Its so stressful and time consuming to put up and to take down but it does look nice. To her credit she doesn't toss anything, she only buys things with the intention of continually reusing them and some of her décor is decades old.
I wouldn't do it myself. I think I'd prefer decorations that are flat materials so they can be stored more easily and that are solid colors without patterns or designs on them so they can be more easily reused. I think I'd also prefer things like natural wreaths and bouquets because they have a lifespan at which point you toss them which arguably wasteful in another way but I just can't handle having too much 'stuff'
No. 1804897
>>1804892tretinoin is excellent for your bedstand but it is reasonable to want a proper chapstick style lip balm on the go.
Burt's Bees lip balms are my favorite. I've been working my way through some other lip balms (Vaseline Rosy Lips and Nivia) and they just aren't the same. Won't buy the BB until I finish these other ones though.
No. 1804905
>>1804601>I'll totally be using this____And no one saw that bag ever again, sitting in some random closet until her kids/the government has to get rid of her stuff
This one doesn't even have it but I'm especially
triggered by mug purchases for some reason, it's probably my own PTSD from all the mug gifts. They're the most durable, for-life purchase (unless broken or chipped) and the people that buy 40 Hello Kitty mugs don't even hydrate besides some overly sweetened ice coffee for breakfast, WHY DO YOU NEED SO MANY MUGS
No. 1804919
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>>1804869nta but i only ever buy carmex. i usually buy a three pack online and then just stash one where i need it, so my nightstand, my jacket pocket and my desk at work. i'm glad i found a lip balm that works for me because i used to hate lip balm with a passion. most is just sticky, nasty smelling garbage that doesn't work at all.
No. 1804926
>>1804869I have chronically dry lips and get lip balms from Epically Epic. It’s the only chapstick that has worked for me, and I’ve tried all the store brands. It actually moisturizes and doesn’t wear off after a minute of application. 1 tube lasts about 3 months for me.
It’s a small woman-owned business, so no, there isn’t “pink tax and male pressure” involved kek. Not that buying chapstick anywhere else does have those things, that anon is a no-fun zone.
No. 1804928
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>>1804869nta but i can recommend vaseline lip therapy with cocoa butter, it's so good. i'm using the rosey one rn, but i don't like the smell (taste) as much. i had a terrible dry lips phase last year, and my regular balms weren't working. i would slather it on my lips in the evening and then use it normally throughout the next day and it solved itself pretty quickly, within the week. there's a stick version, unfortunately not sold where i live.
No. 1804934
>>1804631funny but also kinda sad, how did she not feel like she had to cut out his 'reaction'? hope this isn't an usual interaction to her kek
>>1804904nta but not everyone who disagrees with you is a "pick me". anon is not trying to appeal to moids with her opinion. and moids don't want low maintenance girls, they want gender conforming feminine girls (so necessarily high maintenance bc of all the shaving, skincare, making up, lathering in 5 different scented products) who only pretend to be low maintenance
No. 1804946
>>1804902>do you feel better because you don't buy lip balms? No, why would I feel better about that?
>do you also hate scented candles? perfumes? I wouldn't say hate but I have allergies and a lit candle wick is a irritant so I'd rather just have a shower or wipe down a surface if it stinks. I don't care if people want to spend their money on candles and irritants since they provide something of value to that person, but it is fairly wasteful in my opinion.
>do you deprive yourself from any good scents because they're male sold consoomerism pink taxed products and you're such a pink pilled sigma female stacy?Touch grass, female socialization has made you a catty wreck.
>do you think anyone who likes smelling good scents or smelling good is a gullible retard paying pink tax?Have a shower, I have allergies retard.
>imagine hating women for the most innocuous of things.Imagine ignoring the part of my post that says males are culpable for selling women this catty garbage that you're spewing and defending. Imagine thinking criticising buying dozens of shitty candles and lipbalms is somehow hating all women because women = scented candles. Even more bleak.
>>1804904>the only thing you can afford is vaseline or you think your betterFemale socialization is bleak.
>you sound like a pickme "low maintenance" girlNot wanting to buy scented candles and dozens of lip balms and vanity products doesn't make me a pickme, schizoid. Stop obsessing over what males think of you.
>>1804914Vaseline is a brand name but I mean any kind of petroleum jelly would do the job I suppose any long wearing occlusive. There's no point having consoomer brand loyalty over century old occlusives.
>>1804943>Deadass>Writing paragraphs that are four to six sentences longThose aren't even me who's the OP who made the post you meant to reply to kek. Brainrot.
>Muh brainwashing, muh pinktax" it's not that deepI disagree, look at your reaction for starters it clearly struck a nerve with some.
(infighting) No. 1805028
>>1804901Buying what you need isn’t consumerism anon. Having a few different lip balms for someone who has dry lips is different than drawers and drawers full of expired makeup
>>1804897 thank you anon i will try burts bees because even Vaseline isn’t working for my chronically dry lips
No. 1805042
>>1803194What I never understand is doesn’t this shit collect dust over time?
I have about ten glasses and ten mugs on a stand for a family so they each get used at some point during a week. Can’t imagine the amount of dust on these SB cups and I don’t think the collector uses every single one of them either. Do they use a duster every week or just leave it as it is? Eww
No. 1805137
>>1805042They're in a display cabinet so it should take a fair while for them to get noticeably dusty, even if they're rarely or never used, plus they all have lids, so little dust will end up inside the cup. Not the worst dust nightmare collection in this thread, would still rather deal with this than the cosmetic or plushie hoards
Off-topic kek, but I die a little inside when I visit my friends' houses and they don't store their glasses/cups upside-down to keep the dust out
No. 1805275
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I can't be bothered to read all the chapstick infighting. I'm sure we can all agree that pic is a consoom problem though.
No. 1805280
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This one's for the stationary nonas.
No. 1805309
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I guess if you have too many plushies you can just buy a shitty plastic chair and shove a bunch if them into it.
No. 1805317
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>>1805309Alternatively you can buy plastic tubes. Or maybe get rid of some?
No. 1805335
>>1805325isotret anon here:
I should have mentioned that I use Aquaphor at night and I put it on my heels at night as well! It's working pretty well. But it's just not great for during the day imo, it's hard to explain why but it's kind of liquidy & transfers beyond my lip line, which annoys me.
No. 1805360
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#bathandbodyworkshaul on instagram is bleak.
No. 1805498
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>>1805028if it works for you that's good but just fyi burts bees lip balms made my lips super dry. that was a long ass time ago though, so maybe they've changed.
>>1805300my all time #1 fave that saves my lips in the dry canadian winters is smith's rosebud salve, picrel. it works great for cuticles too. there's tube versions but they don't work as well imo. currently using the strawberry one, it smells
so good.
I've also tried laneige sleep masks twice and they are def NOT worth the hype. I feel like my lips are drier in the morning? the scents are nice though kek.
>>1804901>You don't need shit "on the go"so when my lips start peeling/cracking at work from the dry heated air I should just deal with it instead of keeping a simple chapstick in my bag, got it
No. 1805534
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>>1805498Oh hey I have the strawberry kind! I love it too. How do you apply it, with your fingers? I usually pucker and rub it directly onto my lips lol but I feel like I'm doing it wrong. I also like picrel, it has a lighter consistency and feels like it lasts a little longer for some reason.
No. 1805951
>>1805309>>1805317This is absolutely awful but for some reason it's hilarious to me. It almost looks like a fetish thing.
No. 1806095
>>1805466A lot of cheap body products are the same way, which is why hoarding more than 1 person can actively use in a month or two is so dumb. The ones on the upper shelves in this pic:
>>1805360are Bodycology. About $4-6 each, and they expire after 2-3 months of opening them. So that's over $64 in expired greasy mineral oil lotion on just those 2 shelves.
No. 1806202
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Fast fashion brand Zara imitates Palestinian people stuck under the rubble after Israhell bombardment. The bodies on the floor represent Islamic burials. Completely obnoxious. They removed the AD immediately after backlash tho.
No. 1806234
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>>1806210They have connections to Zionists. Other photos from the AD campaign is worse, coffins, rubble, glorifying killing.
No. 1806238
>>1806210Yes they immediately deleted the photos after the calls for a boycott started but too late, they’ve received a lot of backlash. They also use Uyghur slave labor btw.
Search the campaign and search their connections to Zionists.
>>1806208You’re either blind or you secretly enjoy the children being slaughtered
No. 1806252
>>1806202This is just massive tinfoil. Go back to your containment thread.
>>1806220Yeah, this.
No. 1806266
>>1806255Are you living under a rock? More children died in Palestine than ALL WARS combined around the world in the last few years. 2/3s of the casualties were women and children, isn’t this a pro-women board? Or are you a “white feminist”? But yeah. Poor Israelis are struggling to get their gluten free bread.
If someone broke into your home, kicked you out, that person would be a criminal. But when Palestinians are bombed, displaced, their press, educators and doctors are deliberately targeted, it’s “complicated”. Grow a fucking spine
(derailing/infighting) No. 1806282
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jfc I'll take the lip product infighting back over this shit. Post more consoom pls.
This is the same person as
>>1805360 No. 1806288
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>>1806283God I didn't even notice the way it's bowing like that.
I love perfume but it's such a consoomery interest. I regret that I can't seem to find a full collection from pic's instagram, I can only imagine what the whole things looks like.
No. 1806300
>>1806288I feel asthmatic when i see stocked up perfumes like this. Why do you need so many when theyre so expensive?
No. 1806314
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While it might be intentionally or ~aesthetically~ laid out, if someone has so much shit where the room's functionality is impaired, they're just a hoarder.
No. 1806339
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>>1806331On the topic of South Korea. I read an article and feel really conflicted about it. A North Korean defector thinks that the younger generation's materialist desire will bring change. I wish for the North Korean people to be free without falling for the pitfalls of South Korean consoomerism, that mainly affects women like 12-step beauty routines and plastic surgery. The two countries are such extreme opposites, it would be sad if they went from one extreme to another. No. 1806417
>>1805524hopefully they work for you anon, I feel like it's so hard to find something effective and the regular chapsticks are all shit tbh. the original navy and white one (our left in my previous pic) is the best one but the strawberry works just fine too and smells so yummy.
>>1805534ooh I'll have to try that one thanks for the rec! although they seem to last forever so who knows when I'll buy another one kek. I just use my fingers, I could see not wanting to "contaminate" it or whatever but I use it for my cuticles anyway. do you apply it that way when you're out? I'd feel too awkward doing that but I like that you live freely lmao
>>1806282I wonder how many complaints this person has gotten at work for giving other people headaches with all this shit. and how many of these scent collectors do you think had body odor complaints so feel the need to overcompensate with scented products now?
>>1806285for herself, when she declutters she'll put some aside for her daughter but she definitely hoards mostly for herself
No. 1806514
>>1806417God I hate when she "declutters" and gives it to her kid
>>1806314Kpopies are seriously the most disgusting braindead people on earth. At least other collectors aren't that retarded and keep mostly to themselves. God I hate kpop
No. 1806590
wow, such big decluttering process again! what a queen!
No. 1806720
This girl could have her own thread. Live-in baby daddy?
How sad she thinks bracelets are going to help the relationship.
>It buzzed! He must actually think about me!
No. 1806734
>>1806720This could be cute in an ideal world but for me this feels like monitoring him when he clearly looks he isn't at all invested in her shit
> Live in Baby daddyGoddd so trashy.
No. 1807221
All of the bags are so tacky.
No. 1807256
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>>1806720>buy glowing astrology looking bracelet thing so that your spouse knows you're thinking about themUhhhhh, just text each other "hey, are you okay?" when the other one is away…
No. 1807340
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I grew up in a very frugal and sheltered household. There was this belief in us kids that we were poor and couldn't spend much money, when in reality our family was fine - just very, very money conscious. I only learnt this in my early twenties. My father financially abused my mother until my teens, so that likely played into it.
Growing into an adult, I always bought second hand and never splurged. All my money was saved. What for? I don't know. I was afraid of spending money because of the way I'd been raised. Therefore I never had things the way I truly wanted them. Back then I thought I was being nifty and eco-conscious, but now I just look back and feel sad.
Now (late twenties) I'm finally learning to buy things I truly want even if they are expensive but even this is a challenge. I feel guilty, and then I put it off indefinitely because of that; I've been trying to buy a Kindle for two years for fuck's sake, which sounds just ridiculous. I'm having to unlearn all this bullshit from my childhood.
Any nonas had a similar upbringing and had to unlearn 'lock all your money in the bank for god knows what' and just be normal? How did you go about it? Any advice generally on this matter?
TLDR: Grew up in frugal household, trying to break scarcity mentality and enjoy buying things for myself. Help me buy this fucking Kindle.
No. 1807346
>>1807340Not exactly your case, but I also grew up thinking we were poor because my (single) mother financially abused me throughout the entire time I was dependent on her. She would tell me often how we didn't have enough money to make ends meet because my expenses were so high, and
threatening to kick me out for it so I'd have to become a prostitute. I was a child so I literally didn't understand that she actually made good money and splurged frequently on things for herself, with a massive designer closet, hundreds of shoes, etc. Meanwhile I had very little material possessions and felt guilty every time we went grocery shopping for "costing my mother so much money" for having to eat.
When I was told by other family members in adulthood that we were never poor it broke me. I have the same habit as yours, not buying anything for myself, thrifting and putting off important purchases indefinitely out of guilt of spending money. I don't have any advice except that it gets better slowly if when you are actively treating the effects of your upbringing, and of course not being financially abused anymore also helps. Hell I'm in my mid 20s and this year is the first time I've gone on a vacation for myself without feeling (too much) guilt.
For me a big part of it was also not wanting to contribute to consumerism by buying cheap things that will need to be replaced extremely quickly. I actually feel better if I do research and buy something more expensive that will hopefully last me a decade than constantly buying the cheapest option but having to do so over and over.
No. 1807352
>>1807340I used to feel the same, guilty over spending money. Once I slowly started spending money on nice things in my 20s, it became easier faster than I thought it would. I think you just need to buy something a few times to convince your brain than in fact no, nothing bad's going to happen if you buy something nice for yourself today.
Also ereaders pretty much pay for themselves if you currently buy books new or have an expensive library subscription.
No. 1807370
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I hate how even luxury brands don't use leather anymore, they keep showing plastic onto us. It's so hard to find nice designs made with quality materials nowadays….
No. 1807371
>>1807346I'm so sorry you had to experience that kind of upbring, nona. What your mum did was truly vile. I'm glad you got out of it in one piece, but know this shit likely stays with you and hope you're doing okay now.
You reminded me with your post how much it hurt to learn the truth that there was money to be had. I still feel cheated out of my adolescence. I couldn't buy clothes or eat out or go to shows, and anytime I did these things the guilt overrode my enjoyment.
I'm so glad to hear you were able to go on vacation and get some enjoyment from it. You deserve it! You give me hope I can overcome this shitty aspect of my younger years. I want to purchase high quality items that will last that I can look at and think 'I deserve this. It's okay'.
>>1807350I've been forcing statements like this into my brain over the past year to try and make myself at ease, but being unemployed for a time set me back a landslide amount unfortunately. But you're right - why not just spend the money if you have it to spend? Now I have an income, I'm hammering these mantras in again to tackle the anxiety. I think writing them down will help too.
No. 1807452
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>>1807340I'm similar but my parents were poor and not frugal. They tried to make me happy and get me what I wanted but the times I did get presents I always got "good enough" gifts that were a cheaper and shittier version of what I really asked for. It's something poor people do so much in my country that there's memes of it. Kind of like we have X at home but it's
>grandma will do your hair for prom instead, I won't let them rob you like thatand then a picture of a terrible haircut.
Now that I'm grown I do the same to myself. I hate it, because the "good enough" is never good. I get frustrated and end up donating it or selling it if it doesn't fall apart by itself, but I feel so guilty buying anything expensive even if I know it will be better in the long run. I don't even buy things often, which makes the bad purchase sting even worse. You look forward to something you've needed for so long and it ends up being total crap. Somehow I always end up blaming myself for it as if the Essence mascara being shitty and a waste of money is my fault.
No. 1807512
>>1807452Would it help you to put it into a visual format? List the price of the good-enough brand and how long it lasts (how long it takes to die, how long it takes to drive you up the wall with how shit it is, how much of a pain it is to use, basically how long you will have that individual item in your possession before it needs to be trashed) then write out how often you'd have to repurchase it just so it's usable. Then compare that to how much the good good brand costs, and how long that lasts.
So if you have a cheap perfume, how long will it last before you need to reapply? How bad does it smell compared to a pricier perfume you actually like? How likely is the spray nozzle or lid to break? How cheap do you feel when you wear it, does it make you feel self-conscious (this has more to do with how you feel about the item than how it actually performs but it's something you need to consider). Now compare that to another few perfumes you want.
You don't need to get the most expensive thing on the market, but do your research and get the nicest thing you can afford. Buy things with the mentality that the longer you use it the cheaper it is, so an expensive cashmere sweater that lasts you 15 years ends up being cheaper than a good-enough scratchy acrylic sweater that lasts you 3 months.
No. 1807876
>>1807340My parents were frugal and poor at the same time. But by frugal I mean borderline mentally ill. My father would get very violent and would threaten my sisters and I to break into the bathroom and beat us up if we took more than one shower a week and given that he would beat us up in general it was a believable threat. As a result my entire body is covered in acne scars for instance and my teeth are a bit fucked up because god forbid I "waste" water to brush my teeth on a daily basis. He would prevent us from doing a lot of normal things like grabbing some normal food in the fridge to eat if we were too hungry before dinner just because food is expensive and he tried to stab my little sister for sharing a snack with a friend who helped us carry groceries from the car to the kitchen. He calmed down when I called the police even though the police sided with him because "in your community it's normal for fathers to beat up their daughters so we won't be involved and your parents have a TV set in their living room so you're not actively dying like the other kids who call us, next time you call because you're about to get stabbed we'll arrest you instead of the parents." Even now if I have the misfortune of buying myself normal things I get aggressively asked how much it costs. When my mom buys clothes and gets compliments her first reaction is "thanks I bought it second hand for 2 euros!" I'm not like them at all because I'm a huge contrarian but I'm not that much of a consoomer instead but it took me years to find a good balance. Now I travel in different countries, eat outside and buy video games, books and clothes whenever I want without any guilt. Seeing that my parents were so greedy that they didn't want to buy an apartment in my father's neighborhood until it was far too late and price increased too much for them so now they're in a shithole with mold on most walls makes me laugh as a result. This piece of shit boomer was so stingy he gave his own wife asthma as a result and missed the opportunity to get a now very expensive apartment in a now fancy neighborhood when it was dirt cheap. Couldn't be me!
>I've been trying to buy a Kindle for two years for fuck's sakeI was about to do that with the 3DS back then. I couldn't resist anymore when Pokemon XY got released and I don't regret it because I have physical copies of games I like a lot that are very expensive now. I think that helped me not wait to treat myself anymore but that doesn't apply to a kindle I guess since the books will almost always be available. Maybe wait for sales?
No. 1807965
>>1807876God bless, sorry that happened to you anon. I’m glad you’re able to buy things for yourself now and you can learn from your dad’s stupidity and cruelty.
>>1807340>I actually feel better if I do research and buy something more expensive that will hopefully last me a decade From another anon, and I do the same. It’s been two years, so you’ve clearly done your research and you know you want it. I would say the conscious consumer does their research, compares some models, decides they want, and then buys. Logically and sanely, it’s time to buy it anon. Tell us what you think when you do!
No. 1807986
>>1807340I have this same problem except I was actually poor like can’t always afford food poor. I hear so many stories about supposedly poor people who go on to throw money at everything or becoming hoarders but I can’t relate at all so I lowkey don’t believe them kek
I am usually able to justify purchases $40 and below with how much joy they bring me and the price per usage and years it will last but rn I am in a rut of having a mental breakdowns still 3 months later after spending $400 on a nice desk that I adore and spend most of my day at, even though I have such a big savings and planned to buy one for over a year. I’m so tired of being a retard.
No. 1808016
>>1807986When I go through times like this where I have excessive guilt or stress about something, my therapist has me follow the thought to the end and tell it thank you for reminding me of my values. Like
>if I spend a lot of money on my desk I’ll be missing out on money I could have spent on retirement and now when I’m old my family will have to take care of me and I won’t be able to enjoy my life So my values are not burdening my family and being able to enjoy my life. But buying a nice desk in this scenario allows me to enjoy my life. So
>thank you anxious thoughts for reminding me of things that are important to me, I’m not a POS after all and what I’m doing aligns with my values. No. 1808028
imagine thinking you need so many of the same very durable backpack.
No. 1808087
Interesting reads otherwise though!
No. 1808267
>>1807876I'm going to try this for boxing day sales. See if I can get a high quality Kindle for a good price. My sister (who has a similar mentality, but is a lot better than I am because she got out before things got real bad) is helping me learn these kind of things too, so I'm thankful of that.
I'm so glad you're living your best life, nona.
Fuck your parents for putting you and your siblings through that.>>1807986You're not a retard, nona. It's easy to think it cause I do it all the time, but you're not. You're feeling the waves from really shitty childhood experience that wasn't your fault. I'm sorry you went through it, but I'm glad you're out the other side even if it's rough. Even though our situations are vastly different (being dirt poor is arguably far worse than gaslit poor), I hope we both manage to fix our shit and feel good about buying things that make us happy. You deserve that desk!
>>1807965The first thing I'm doing when I buy this Kindle is returning to this thread to show it off, and make sure I'm happy about it despite the anxiety!
No. 1808390
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>>1808224I could go on forever about how "vegan leather" is one of my least favourite phrases that corporations have come up with. It's greenwashing to the extreme, and people fall for it constantly.
Vegan leather is just synthetic manmade materials, often plastic coated. It's usually polyurethane or polyvinyl. Once it wears out, cracks or peeling or deep creases, it cannot be repaired. It has a far shorter lifespan than leather, especially if you take care of your leather (cleaning and conditioning). It is not a natural material, it's not as bad as some plastics but it's still not great for the environment. And with the rate that PU is worn out, you could go through 10 pairs of "vegan leather" boots in the time it takes to go through one actual leather pair. A lot of leather is waste product of other industries, better for it to be put to use than thrown away. I've taken leather shoes in poor condition and gently sanded, dyed and conditioned them back into great looking condition, you can't do that to "vegan leather".
Vegan leather is a manipulative term and buying a vegan alternative to a real leather product usually ends with people consuming more products over time than they would've if they didn't fall for the scam.
No. 1808524
>>1808390My colleague and I had a discussion about me wanting some Doc Martens and how hers took forever to not feel rigid because of how tough the leather is and she advised me to get the vegan leather. I think I'm just going to try and get whatever pair second hand from someone instead, because I don't have the time to "break" the leather to my level of comfort (I have to be on my feet at work, can't have blisters) and I don't really buy the "vegan leather" crap to begin with, even without being a "no plastic hippie" and even if my colleague was trying to be nice.
Plus like you said, if they brittle off into pieces after less than a year, then I'd be really pissed off about the money investment.
No. 1809195
>>1806234Zara’s clothing is subpar quality so no reason to buy that shit no matter where they stand in Israeli Palestine crisis.
The seams of clothes have hanging threads and sizing is odd