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No. 441672
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>>>/m/1850 No. 441674
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No. 441719
>>441716They didn't forget Umbra, his story is just completely self contained to the Sacrifice mission. I guess technically he's more sentient then other Warframes because of his special ability, but that's also sorta just a gameplay mechanic to separate him from regular Excal.
But anyway, it was more that took way too long with Excal's basic ass skills, especially since I kept accidentally hitting the wrong ones…
I guess we actually just created that Excal there when we first appeared, but I would have loved to see them react to my ridiculous purple bunny ears Nezha.
Started the chats, and immediately messed it up with Arthur cause he doesn't like Boy Bands, c'mon I can like both NIN and silly boy band songs.
But now I have to figure out how to get easy ability kills against these new enemy types. What a pain.
No. 441721
>>441719>I guess technically he's more sentient then other Warframes because of his special abilitythat's what bothers me, i feel like he's enough of an individual character to at least be considered part of the cast…i don't even have a base excalibur! and the quest just throws me in one for no reason.
good luck with arthur! i was going for amir but it bothers me that he's the only one who doesn't actually flirt with you, i was expecting him to have some cute awkward moments and not just meta jokes on warframe's development. boy better step his game up soon or else
No. 441731
>>441714Of course. The story still has many misogynistic elements. For instance, Yennefer before becoming a sorceress is described as being ugly, and her current appearance is the magical equivalent of plastic surgery. When Geralt meets her he notes this and says that despite changing her appearance with magic she couldn't change her eyes, and that when he looks at her he sees the eyes of an ugly woman staring back. All of the women in the series are hypersexual, and every one of them wants to fuck Geralt. Yennefer and the sorceresses are painted as being so comically evil because they're infertile, and Yennefer herself is especially bitter because her life long dream is to have children. Geralt however is a walking dildo irresistible to women exactly because HE is infertile, and thus fucking him doesn't risk pregnancy. Ciri is the only non-sexualized female character until she ends up with the Rats, is immediately raped by a woman into lesbianism, and temporarily becomes another comically evil hypersexual woman except that she's a teenage girl. Triss has a decades long feud with Yennefer over Geralt, and fucks him behind her alleged best friend's back whenever she can. The first two games she's taking advantage of Geralt's amnesia to have sex with him. At one point in the books she's dying from dysentery while they're traveling and is completely delirious, Geralt takes her into the woods so she can have diarrhea and she literally jumps on him and begs him to fuck her. I could go on but you get the gist. This is a case of "it's so bad that it's good".
No. 441767
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>>441683Do you like beat em ups? There's co-op too.
No. 441943
>>441749I used to be into Soul Calibur but outside of playing it at parties at home it's kind of dead online so it's time to move on and try something new. Right now SF6 and Tekken8 are the big ones. Neither game has art direction I'm in love with but I like Street Fighter's art direction just a bit more.
>>441767never played the genre, I will look into it.
No. 442045
>>441993AI the somnium files the first game is fantastic imo. There's an okama hsts character but other than that, it's pretty easy to ignore.
I second
>>442016 that the second game isn't worth it unless you
really wanted to see what happens.
No. 442238
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Just got mass effect on sale for ps4. Played it on pc a long time ago so the hacking mini game on ps4 confused me for a bit, it is kinda lame.
Fucking kaidan is always in front of me when I'm shooting and for some reason he always dies kek. Can't wait to run over my enemies with my car.
No. 442366
>>442308I sense your hate comes from more than just the ending, care to elaborate?
I liked that game but was more invested in the fights than the story at that point and the exploration felt lacking, also I romanced ashley and didn't like what they did to her in 3, so I had to go back to the first game and you know it. Rip ashley williams, you were my favorite.
No. 442380
>>442371there's one before bloodlines that's got some oblivion tier character design.
>>442366ok, rant time…
ashley was never my favorite, and i still wtf'd at her on 3. wish i could have strapped both her and kaidan to the bomb…
it's also how earth gov is even more retarded than before, and the whole thing with the child during the prologue and the dreams.
and the shoehorned in multiplayer battle thing that they ouright tell you is optional and doesn1t matter but is still there staring at you the whole game instead of being tucked away in a menu.
and EDI's coom droid, that entire thing came out of nowhere for no reason other than pandering, wasn't miranda enough?
and what ever happened to the dark matter/dark energy subplot they hinted at for 2 games? oh right, they fucking fired the guy.
Jessica Chobot. Really? Seriously?
Freddie Prinze Jr playing PFC Meathead. What year is it? Who asked for this?
Tali's picture.
Jack is barely there at all, did her dirty.
if i still had the eleventy billion pages long screeds i wrote about why indoctrination theory is stupid and wrong i'd link yau to them.
I probably left stuff out here too because it's beem some time and i try to not think about it too much
No. 442381
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>>442371Vampire: The Masquerade was originally a tabletop RPG(like Dungeons and Dragons) but over the years there's been various video games based on it and it's setting. Though all the VtM games take place in the same world, they're usually standalone stories with different gameplay.
No. 442387
>>442383>I wonder how much of it was due to other people suppressing his retardationI wonder the same. It happens often in games that an uncredit tard wrangler (often a woman) is responsible for the pure genius that came out in the end, while the male auteur gets all the credit. Uchikoshi literally changed the story of the third installment of zero escape and made ZTD because in his own words, he had known the ending for so long he was bored of it. And this was after the game only happened because of support from western fans and blue bird project. And cannot forget
>my motivations are complex…I don't know what happened to him if he had a stroke and became demented but this is not the same person who made 999 and VLR. Somnium Files just feels off to me when I look at it and see that 90% of the cast is coombait young girls. Yeah the original two games had some coom designs but they still looked visually distinct and Lotus was very cool.
No. 442388
I just finished noveria.
1. I should've gone get liara first like I said I'd do but instead went to noveria because it was closer. Fucking dumbass.
2. I put tali and kaidan on my team like the smart brain I am. Watched kaidan get punched to death by a geth and do nothing about it. Twice.
then I died that same way3. The hardest shit ever. I knew I should've had wrex and liara but nah, lets go with those two. Why kaidan keeps dying? At least tali is killing something before dying. He keeps getting out of covers while tali never goes out. The hell. And they don't seem to talk to each other? Garrus and wrex can't shut up when they're together, now tali and kaidan are zipped.
>>442380Ok now you unlocked some memories, I forgot about half of these because I am forever seething about ashley kek you're right about everything
I hated james, didn't care about the new characters, thought jokers girlfriend was nasty and unnecessary, jack was nowhere in sight. Yeah, now I remember why I was so focused on the fights, cus everyone suck in that game. Also for some reason I completely forgot about the kid.
No. 442413
>>442388>I hated jamesright? it becomes even worse when you stop to consider they got the most whitebread pretty boy has-been to play, of all characters, a cholo. a roided out army cholo at that, with the gratuitous spanish and everything.
>now I remember why I was so focused on the fightsit was the only way to play
No. 442429
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Will there be malding that he doesn't look like a bald fat DEI haggot with tattoos? Post predictions.
No. 442501
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>>442429He looks so different from the last trailer I barely recognized which game it was.
No. 442855
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i've been playing homicipher, it's pretty cute. thanks to anons here for recommending it. my favorites are mr crawling (duh), mr machete and mr gap.
No. 442878
>>441251It's Returnal right?
cool sci-fi, but then
>roguelikemaybe I could deal?
>bullet hell shooter>restart from the beginning every time you dieDo you lose story progress?
Is it actually difficult combat?
I really hate when games are so gimmicky while also putting emphasis on story.
What's wrong with a simple single player story game these days.
No. 442891
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>>442855Happy to see other nonnies are enjoying this game! We've been blessed with spooky husbandos to fall in love with. Also great character designs, art style, interesting mc, etc.
No. 442892
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Got mini motorways after watching real civil engineer playing it on YT, it's pretty addicting and fun, I like it
No. 442923
>>442872oh shut up, i don't usually play games like this and when i searched for it in the catalog it seemed focused on porn vns. this game isn't really a romance vn, it's super light. it's more about trying to translate stuff.
>>442891i think i must be the only homicipher player who doesn't care for scarletella
No. 442925
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>>442429Hes so hot tf I'm def playing this game
No. 442928
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I hate how liara jumps onto shepard. Girl, I am not interested.
Ashley seems to think I am interested in liara but I don't remember doing anything to indicate such thing, I barely talk to her.
Romance in me1 is more clunky than the mako.
No. 442933
>>442923just ignore the minimodder, homicipher isn't an otome game and it's not a vn either. it can be discussed in this thread.
>i think i must be the only homicipher player who doesn't care for scarletellanah I don't care for him either. he doesn't seem to have much of a personality compared to the other characters, imo he's just not very interesting or likeable. I think of him as being the main antagonist and not much else.
No. 442938
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>>442933>he doesn't seem to have much of a personality compared to the other characterswhich shocked me because he seems to be #1 in fanart besides mr. crawling. i thought he would have more impact on the story. the red theme is cool, but i don't like his hair lol it's too "generic anime guy". it's too bad you can't do routes with female characters (or can you?) because i really like ms. blue-clad.
No. 442946
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While we're on the topic of homicipher, can you actually decipher the alphabet or do you have to guess a words meaning based on context clues alone? I first played 7 Days to End with You by doing the latter and grew incredibly frustrated until I realized there's rhyme and reason to decoding it.
No. 442947
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>>442946no, the only clue is that # of ? = syllables. so if you get a message like:
???? ? ? (with all the scribbles under it)
it could be "interested in you" (the language is very generalized and a bit broken). here's a screenshot of my own. i put "look?" with a question mark because i'm not sure what the word is. also, some words can be used in multiple contexts.
No. 443099
>>443066The Professor Layton games (though they're DS games)
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright (an excellent game if you're a fan of both AA and PL)
Ace attorney, for that matter
Ghost trick
999 and Virtue's Last Reward
No. 443101
>>443017Yeah, definitely. I'm playing male shep rn but my next run will be femshep only for garrus.
My femshep always ends up very ruthless, I just have no patience for alien misoginy. She also fits much better as renegade imo. I like that they end up completely different from each other. I think my femshep would hate my male shepard's guts kek
No. 443122
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Whats your 2024 GOTY? for me its Reverse Collapse.
No. 443126
>>443066It's a DS game, but Hotel Dusk
Fantasy Life if you like animal crossing
Culdcept Revolt If you like card/strategy games
If you like Horror and VNs, Theresia.
I'm seconding the other anon's Ace attorney and 999 suggestions though.
>>443123I like getting achievements but only for games I really like, it's like having a new extra objective so I can enjoy that game a little bit longer. They are completely useless though, scrotes who obsess over them usually are insecure men trying to prove themselves in a pathetic way.
No. 443138
>no cheaters before cancer that is crossplay got invented Cons:
>literally everything >abysmal framerate makes you essentially kneecapped compared to crossplay PC sweats No. 443150
>>443123I love achievements. I've definitely played hours more and done difficult stuff I wouldn't have done otherwise in games without achievements.
But I don't really care out themes or whatever.
You're looking at the game most of the time, not the menus.
I'm probably never gonna buy another console though now that I have a good computer.
>>443138I don't mind 30FPS when it comes to cutscenes or just chill exploration. Sometimes I feel like 60FPS makes the animations go too fast, lol.
No. 443321
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Logged into my game just now and apparently somebody on Reddit made a drawing of my character when I hung around town last time. I feel so honoured and flattered. Before when I posted screenshots moids would shit on my char because I picked an 'old' face so having somebody take the time to draw her feels extra nice.
No. 443343
>>443155I guess Outer Worlds 2 and The Alters.
The couple cool sci-fi games that were announced at last years game awards will probably be TBA for a while.
No. 444784
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I finished jacob's loyalty mission in me2 and God I forgot how awful that was. I usually play my shepard as a goody two shoes "don't kill this obviously evil person, you're better than this" kind of guy, to the point that it might be a flaw of the character to let go dangerous criminals because they promised me to be better (and I fully expect some of my choices to come back and bite me in the ass) but this is the only time I expected my team mate to propose to kill the target and I wouldn't object to it, but then jacob just goes "I don't even feel like killing you" what the fuck man. You only had to say you wanted to kill him but not even that! Fuck that guy.
Anyway, while me1 wasn't that hard on insanity, I am actually having a hard time in me2.
I probably died the most to the big geth and krogan. They just come running and if I don't see them before they're on my face then I'm dead. Usually my team is already dead when that happens lol they keep going out of covers, so dumb. Of course now we have freaking harbinger, he just comes running at me unless tali throws that thingy to distract him, it's funny how he stays shooting that thing while I shotgun his back nonstop. Another funny thing is I saw some mercenaries throw a flashbang at me but it got their own guys. It was hilarious.
By the way my fish are still alive, somehow. Wonder how long they'll last.
No. 445501
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Okay, this game is kind of based.
No. 445644
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Does anyone own a Miyoo Mini+ or a similar handheld console? This one is really tempting me lately as I mostly play pixel 2D games and I like the nostalgic feel of it. It's very cheap and customizable, also looks cute and convenient. Also love that there are achievements for retro games. I already emulate on my pc and own a switch, but it'd be a great in-between.
No. 446186
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I cannot understand the appeal of sonic, especially in 3d. I tried playing this for like 5 minutes and it's just pure slop. To me, the three most important qualities in a 3d platformer are the exploration, the scavenger hunt aspect, and the feel of the acrobatics and movement. This game has none of these.
impossible at the speed you're going.
>scavenger hunt/collectathon
also impossible at the speed you're going most of the time. You can't comb through areas, just zoom past something and awkwardly stop all your momentum to backtrack and check it out.
You literally just snap on to everything with the homing attack.
What the fuck is the point? Am I missing something?
No. 446463
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>>446433I'm surprised SEGA hasn't just made a game that's
just the Chao garden, especially since cozy games are so trendy right now. It would probably be the first new Sonic game in years to not be panned by critics, kek.
No. 446500
>>446186I think the point is 'gotta go fast'. And people liking the cyber levels.
I just watched someone stream it and he liked it, but I guess it can be more disorienting when you're playing it yourself.
No. 446802
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I love time travel related games and a friend recced me In stars and time. Steam ratings seem good but the creator interviews are making me hesitate, she sounds like a navel gazing she/they "queer" who put all sorts of gender retardation in her game
No. 447198
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Finished me2 with all my squadmates alive and more importantly, my fish also lives.
So I'm in me3 now aaand they got rid of my fish. Also I spent like 10 minutes trying to catch my hamster, if they let it escape imagine what they did to my fish! Rip.
I have died an embarrassing amount of times in Grissom Academy kek. Garrus is so powerful though, I'm trying to stay alive and he is destroying the enemies. He dies sometimes because of the damn engineers, for some reason Garrus thinks it's a good idea to punch the turrets lmao
I knew EDI was a character but I completely forgot she was part of the squad, I think like James I rarely used her last time I played. Why the hell she gotta have those big ass breasts I know why. EDI is trying to go all Legion but she cannot, all I can see are boobs and a virgin pilot. I remember feeling disgusted by Joker when I first played me3, now years later that haven't changed. Kinda sad, I really liked Joker in me1 and 2 but he's gotta moid for the rest of the game now it seems.
Btw I hate how I can see Jack's and Diana's nipples through their clothing. If we have to be seeing someones nipples it should be James', I've seen guys that size and their nipples are always protuding, very, very disrespectful.
Now just fuck that annoying kid I have very briefly met, don't know the name nor have the slightest emotional connection with that I watched die like many others in my entire military career. Like come the fuck on, I let Ashley die, I'd rather have her in my nightmares telling me nonsense and making me doubt myself, or even the random masked enemies I'm exploding to bits and maybe some flying fish for that guilty conscience than a kid I spoke for about 20 seconds and know nothing about. Can't believe they couldn't think of anything better than that shit. I also don't care about Steve, who's coming up with these boring characters.
No. 447820
>>446186As a millennial who grew up in Sonic and genuniely liked some of his early games, I think the appeal for me at the time was just the nature of speed-based platforming. My first Sonic game was Sonic 3 and then I got Sonic Adventure years later, I thought the gameplay was fun enough to 10 year old me at the time.
>AcrobaticsWell Sonic Adventure 2 kinda had this where in the speed levels, there were ramps that Sonic & Shadow would latch on and swing on and you had to time it accurately to make the flip jump lol.
I can't comment on Sonic Frontiers since I haven't played it myself and from what I saw, I wasn't really impressed but speaking on the classic 3D games like Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic Unleashed, the speed-platforming was quite fun.
No. 448806
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I was gifted a Digimon game and I love how one of the early side-quests is a tranny scammer kek.
(It has been fun so far by the way, nothing groundbreaking but I enjoy the battles and my children are very cute. This is the second Digimon media I touch, so everything is shiny and new to me… I'm spending way too much time evolving these guys to discover new critters instead of actually progressing with the story lol)
No. 448817
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Here's something i just came across, "The creator of retro FPS Fortune's Run is going to prison for three years". don't have the game so i can't see the actual post but from another article in that site i get
>"Our protagonist's journey is motivated by a past traumatic event involving sexual assault," the statement continues. "For this reason, we chose to disclose both in-game and on the store page that there was mature content, and that the player would be allowed to opt out of direct references. Direct references include, in the current EA build, a sequence where the player views one of their attackers doing the deed from the first person perspective. i've heard about developers having melties on their producn updates page but this is something else entirely. Everything about this screams trooned out moid rage to me, from the way the game starts to the suspicious lack of male pronouns in the article.
No. 448886
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>>448873Actually the one other game I played was Re:Digitize and loved it!! It really scrached my itch of a new PMD game. Last summer I felt like playing a PSP game, saw Yasuda was the artist of that one and that's how I fell in the rabbit hole. I had no idea it had an updated version, will check it out after I finish the current one.
My favorite thing to do was to dress my Digimon up and takings of them around town, so it's exciting to be able to do so again with better graphics.
Since Re:Digitize was my only contact with Digimon, I had such a shock when I started Cyber Sleuth and saw how different it was kek Story-heavy games and VNs are my go-to games though so I'm still enjoying it, just in a different way.
No. 448987
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>>448039I don't get whats so hard for them about writing an interesting character then making them gay. Why was he even needed anyway, we have Kaidan.
Speaking of romances, I wish we could romance Chakwas. I guess people see her as mother figure but I don't see her like that at all, we got Anderson and Hackett for that.
I just met Conrad and he told me he might've imagined things I didn't do, and then there is Jenna too… lmao
Imagine bringing a girl to your house and it's full of pictures of mshep. Jenna would probably post about her Shepard obsessed nigel here.
Btw Kai Leng is such a retard who the fuck sends this? A 12 year old? Why would TIM keep that guy? He def have other cerberus soldiers more competent than that. He should've just put
clone shep against me, that would be nice and the edge would make more sense.
No. 448992
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>>443178I've got bad news for you…
No. 449003
>>448987I thought Chakwas would be romanceable after you got her that drink in me2. She would have worked well for a romance. Samara also didn't get enough content. You get two virgins (Liara and Tali) but no MILFs.
>>448998>>448987There are various mods to get rid of him now though I haven't tried them yet.
No. 449108
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>>448992the last screenshot was most likely a doctored one from /vg/; regarding the saudi ban, it's because it has a gay sex (male) cutscene. it's also known that two male characters
(Itsvan Toth, one of the main antagonists, and Erik, his commander) are in a relationship, this comes from KCD1, so who cares at this point. KCD 2 is also my most wanted game this year, so tbh i don't care about what they say about it.
No. 449115
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>>449067Based nonna. I can’t wait to play wilds
No. 449206
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anyone thinking of getting the newest dynasty warriors? im considering picking it up just because the protag is a qt, a fucking rarity in the vidya hellscape of post-walled men
No. 449229
>>449210This was so boring
No. 449270
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>>449240A lot of people think they revealed this because of recent leaks. I'm more surprised people were expecting them to show a lot for a reveal trailer that was shat out since everyone already knows about it anyway. Legit saw retards being disappointed there wasn't any support for 4K kek.
No. 449297
>>449220I always felt bad about this meme because I fucking loved Peggle, it was one of my favorite games growing up. I would've legitimately screamed in joy at this reveal.
>>449210It's not any less creative than PlayStation 2, 3, etc. tbf.
No. 449308
>>449300disinterested for the most part since most of the stuff i'd hear about DW are people grinding the same level again and again and getting blisters on their hands from playing so much.
I was too intimidated to try since Im ass at hack and slash games like DMC
No. 449319
>>449210It looks pretty much exactly the same and is probably only slightly more powerful. I only really care about Zelda as a Nintendo IP, but not enough to buy a whole console for.
>>449297Sony was just Playstation from the start, but Nintendo before this always had different names. Naming it just the 'Switch 2' feels like they're just getting rid of what used to make them unique and are just conforming to the new consumerist cycle.
>>449308Dynasty Warriors isn't the gotta learn the combos, skill type of hack and slash. Though from what I remember playing back in the day it does get sorta repetitive and boring.
No. 449365
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No. 449377
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>>449210What a sad anthracite, isn't it supposed to be a fun console for kids ?
No. 449385
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>>449377I'm hoping it'll be like the Switch release where they had the gray option and the color option. Otherwise, agreed, it looks so boring
No. 449500
>>449406I hope so.
>>449365Good. Bye
No. 449539
>>449365Is anybody surprised? The tranny came on from The Sims just to ship the atrocity that was Veilguard, got a paid puff piece written about him to reward him for being a good little EA ass sucker and then he quits before the ship burns down.
Now the 1 million target is really funny to me. That's still 600 million dollars profit too much but I'm glad to hear that shit underperformed and I hope BioWare shuts down soon. If Epler quits too that will be the proof.
No. 449544
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>>449385Also disappointed by how boring it looks, but at least now - unless they release a cute limited edition - I won't feel bad about putting on a custom cover or skin.
No. 449683
>>449533So much this. What about hand fatigue for kids and women, surely that’s a larger demo but like you said it’s probably so they can compete with the steamdeck. It looks like the joycons are going to be too spread out to be comfortable too. Im so pissed because the current models size is perfect in my opinion. Oh well, hopefully
>>449547 is right and they release a smaller version that can be hooked up to the tv too (otherwise what’s the point?).
No. 449749
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Any strategy games recs? i played advance war, codename bakery and valkyrie chronicles.
No. 449803
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picked up picrel cause it was 7 dollars and ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would, super fun
No. 450580
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>>449971Still no where near as bad as the dreamcast controller. I swear that thing gave me carpal tunnel for a while.
No. 450608
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fear and hunger wishes it was even a fraction as disturbing as linda³
No. 450767
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Has anyone here ever played Harvester, it's really neat/funny
No. 450798
>>450771I am not that anon
>>450773I didn’t know there is a sequel to be honest
No. 451113
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>>448024Yay they fixed it.
No. 451141
>>450569Nintendo themselves have already said they're not going for the Xbox/PlayStation market but looking to exist alongside it. There's a large and growing market of people who only play indie games and not AAA slop. Think something like Stardew Valley, Undertale or Balatro. This is a market that both Steam and Nintendo's eShop cater to.
Plus its looking like the Switch 2 JoyCons will also work as mice, so you'll be able to play PC games on it too. I can totally imagine EA releasing a port of The Sims 4 for example.
No. 451207
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I don't know much about this game, but every bit I've seen of it annoys me. The anime girl looks like she was designed by Chris-chan, the game was made by Russian men who are notorious misogynists, every screenshot makes me feel like I'm looking at an asset flip game about a mentally ill anime girl (yandere?) being waifubait but SPOOKY. So boring, fuck all moid streamers for showing up in my recommended feed and playing this trash.
No. 451218
>>451216moids going "hot, moar plz" and "i can fix her" after playing ddlc too many times, probably.
this time you get isekai'd into the game and she chains you to the radiator/kills you/whatever other done to death "edgy" twist
No. 451221
>>451218>this time you get isekai'd into the gameKind of a tangent, but I always thought it would be cool for these meta horror games to make the player's self-insert the "conscious" one who is aware they're being controlled
and most likely fucking hates you for it but this execution sounds retarded kek
No. 451228
>>450767this game is insane and weird and i think the body actor or the voice actor for steve was
convicted of csem but it’s funny as fuck and there’s so many archetypes of different kinds of gross ass americans. kinda inspiring. never played anything like it.
>>451207where can i find info on the developers? i knew they were russian and therefore lunatics by default but i don’t know the specifics
No. 451275
>>451218>>451216There's more to the plot than that. The goal of the game is to reset the insane Mita to factory settings in the hope that it'll return her to normal, so you have to journey through different versions of the game and meet various other Mitas along the way. The plot isn't particularly deep or anything, but I thought there were some funny and interesting moments in the game. There are horror segments, but the game is mostly meant to be comedic rather than truly scary.
>>451207Are you saying the devs specifically are misogynists or are you just talking about Russian men in general?
No. 452103
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Rune Factory nonnies I don't feel so good…
No. 452376
>>452103What the
fuck is that?!
No. 452530
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>>452461>>452470>One of the options says "一緒にお昼寝" which means "sleep during the day together"They're not even being subtle about it. Rune factory has been for everyone and is very popular with women like
>>452461 said for quite a while now but I have no idea why they're swinging so hard to pander to scrotes. Even RF3, where you can only play as a boy wasn't like this at all. Do they think that this will make up for how badly RF5 shat the bed?
No. 452820
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>>452818Inshallah this game flops even harder than 5 and they are forced to design a thousand Leons to make up for it
No. 455376
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This game is currently 8usd on the ps store. Is it good? Does it run at 6pfps in the ps5? And most important, does it have any jumpscares? I'm a pussy who loves horror games but hate suddent scares kek.
No. 455408
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I'm sad…I've been playing Pokemon Stadium 2' Challenge Cup (Randomized team + attacks + stats + items) and I had a team with an OP Scizor and Donphan but my nephew resetted the game and I lost them, now I only receive crap teams with crap attacks
No. 455546
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warframe nonas, 2024 wrapped is out. harrow i'll treat you better this year
No. 455658
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>>455546>nonaspretty sure it's just the two of us sadly, lol.
Wonder if I spent more time on Destiny this year or not.
I definitely spent way too much time playing shit that I ended up dropping.
No. 455673
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Would anyone be interested in a Lolcow.Farms' Garry's Mod server? I'm really into GMod but whenever I play on a servers it's nothing but men and teenage boys which becomes exhausting. So far, I've thought of setting it up as so.
>Server will be up once a week on weekends, notice for the time and date will be posted either here or on a dedicated thread days prior.
>Prior to the server going online, a password will be shared that changes each week. Password will be up for a few minutes before deletion.
>Each week we can switch to a different game-mode if enough nonas are interested from sandbox, prop-hunt, murder, rp, etc. Overall, it will be relatively vanilla compared to heavy handed servers. We can even try and switch to creative or fun maps mid game sessions too.
>Server will have a community addon collection everyone can suggestion addons for in the thread or here.
No. 455686
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>>455673hi nonna! i'm ta who mentioned being an admin before. i'd be more than happy to help you if enough anons r interested in this
No. 456377
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The artbook for the new AssCred has allegedly been leaked. So far there have been claims of in-game pedophilia ( an extremely sensationalized and bait-y claim in my opinion), people saying an african samurai is a preposterous and disrespectful concept even though as far as I can see Yasuke was a real person documented in history, and there's gonna be a canon non binary character. If the leak is real, of course.
Full artbook No. 456651
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RF4 nonnies, a mod that allows you to romance any marriage candidate regardless of gender has finally been released! No. 456654
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nonas, nonas, nnnnonas, my PS5 arrived earlier today and my copy of KCD 2 should arrive by Thursday. I AM EXCITE OOF.
No. 456760
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>>456702i'll try to keep the spoilers at minimum, nonita! i have been skimming around the reviews and it seems the PS5 version is the preferred one. btw, i just got a notification from Amazon and my game should arrive tomorrow! i have gym after work (can't skip it
oof), but as soon as i'm done for the day i'll try to play until i reach the starting credits (post ambush). JCBP!
No. 456771
>>456762let'sssss go nona! i'm so excited and i just can't hide it no no no no no!
sorry about that lmao, KCD I did a number on me.
No. 456823
>>455673I got gmod but never played it, I'd like to join
>>455393I liked it but I played it on my own so I dont have much thoughts to share. I want more settings like that and the combat is fun.
No. 456888
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>>456825Henry husbando supremacy for life! argh, i'm so happy nona, look at my boy go
No. 456915
>>456913current status is… Amazon driver still has my game, 0/10 lmao.
will post something before i go to bed today.
No. 457176
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I wasn't able to play Hogwarts Legacy when it came out but I've gotten it now and WOW. It's great, so addictive. I can't believe the sheer amount of things you can do after the initial handholding part is over. The world map is huge, Hogwarts itself is huge and so beautiful. There are things to solve and find everywhere. The amount of spells you learns means combat has so much variation. My current fave is turning enemies into barrels and exploding them. I love decorating my room of requirement and I love rescuing magical beasts. Kneazles are such cute grumpy cats. Gotta go rescue another one so my male has a partner and can make little kneazle kittens.
Is anyone else currently playing it?
No. 457195
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>>456377I swear black samurai characters were a pretty common trope back in the day and nobody complained about it then. Picrel is from Afro Samurai which ran in 2007.
No. 457200
>>457195Iirc the issue is that they got it from some shady historian, no?
Not too sure about specifics, but it seemed like a clusterfuck of miscommunication.
I've also heard they were just chucking shit in like One Piece swords as historical weapons.
No. 457201
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>>457195Nayrt but it's partly because Asscreed prides itself in its historical accuracy, and the history around Yasuke being a samurai is dubious, but mostly because making a black guy the main character of an Asscreed set in feudal Japan was a PR nightmare waiting to happen that I'm not sure how nobody at Ubisoft could predict it.
No. 457207
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>>457200>>457195>>456377>as far as I can see Yasuke was a real person documented in historyit's way, way worse than that, the "historian" they were consulting was caught changing Yasuke's wikipedia page and pretty much made shit up to make him more prominent than he actually is, the historian was basically scamming them
and yes they somehow ripped a sword right from One Piece without changing a thing and the props went into the production stage as a preorder bonus
Ubisoft is backpedalling and making the other character the face of the game while actual Japanese politicians are getting into this mess, this isn't just chuds getting mad at black people in fiction
No. 457223
>>457119KCD nonas don't go to tumblr. IGN spoilered the whole quest to
get Hans as love interest. today i'm finally playing KCD2, downloading the patch was slow as a river of shit. i'm REALLY curious about the ensemble cast and their relationships.
Hansry nona, i'm really happy for you, you'll in a treat
i got spoilered in tumblr and saw just the scene, i avoided the quest altogether, i just want to get Hans by my own means. the scene is so full of love that you have no idea. siiiigh. No. 457233
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nonny my beloved i just played the intro and i missed kc so much! this is so fun and smooth i’m so happy. i haven’t seen henry yet but i think im going to cum when i do
No. 457236
>>457207It's so weird to see this debate while having played several games with Nobunaga, ranging from a psycho villain to a love interest. I've seen him turned into a vampire, a waifu, and a dog kek. I can't bring myself to care if they overplayed the role of some random historical figure, Assassin creed was never really accurate to be quite honest.
>>457225Was he actually developing something?
No. 457238
nonny ilu and i'm so happy you are enjoying KCD2. i'll jump in as soon as i'm free!
No. 457241
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No. 457242
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>>457241oh my god i love when he does that face he's so cute..
i'm enjoying kc2 so far, i can already tell this is going to consume my life for the next few weeks. so many sexy scenes
No. 457245
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>>457244the opening in skalitz in kc1 was genuinely so impactful. it's truely one of my favourite games lol, i'm so happy they were able to give us 2 and at this quality. i haven't even left the intro yet but i'm gonna savour this one i'm so excited
No. 457251
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>>457236"Developing" is a strong word. I don't think there will ever be any semblance of a game. He got his project croudfounded, made a barebones demo, sells skins for characters whenever he needs more money. That's about it. He spends more time crying about women being not having cleavage in games on xitter than actually working.
No. 457259
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>>457257>Tfw this scrote's audience are being rinsed carrot-and-stick style by glorified NFTsNot gonna lie, I kind of respect the hustle. They learned nothing from YanDev.
No. 457271
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>>457207I don't really care about this (never liked Assassin's Creed) but I find it funny that one of the historians they consulted was a historical BL lover
No. 457402
>>457245just finished the epilogue and i know i’m just a sensitive crybaby bitch but the opening credits are making me tear up. kc is genuinely one of the
best games i’ve ever played. the storytelling is unparalleled right now imo
No. 457417
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nnnnnonas, Henrynona reporting after finally playing around 5hrs of KCD2 and i must say… i'm in love. how perfect a game can be? i haven't done anything concrete yet, i'm just rambling about, did some blacksmithing (I LOVE IT!) and i'm trying to make Ignatius die. there's so much stuff to do! it's insane! the map is huge! i'm still trying to adjust to the controls though, my hands were KCD1-configured, but tbh i adore the way combat handles now, it has a cadence and the two button solution works great, although i wish it had a better lock on.
story wise, i have been screaming like in a football match, goddamn the intro sure was intense, i think the bit with Henry's parents corpses was hidden in all showcase videos, and, holy crap, it left me shaking. i also think the way i have been treating Hans hasn't been the greatest, the fucking child made my Henry go mad. now the idiot went to fuck himself with some unsavory sort. the funny thing is that the son of Thrush believed Henry at the end and understood that Hans is a nobleman, and he believes he might be in trouble with him. poor Henry that has to deal with all the aftermath.. i think both of them are going into this rival arc of sorts.
and i said i did nothing! there's an insane amount of tasks and people in this tiny bit of map. i even got mauled by wolves! i wish i could keep on playing, but work tomorrow and my eyes are very, very dry. more updates tomorrow! KCD nonas, let me know how are you faring as well!
No. 457424
>>457417hello my fellow henrynona. i am LOVING the game so much, i'm finally in the thick of it and everything is living up to my standards and even going beyond them.
>although i wish it had a better lock on.AHH same, hopefully this is fixed
>it left me shakingme too, it was powerful and well told and just such a perfect intro. i usually skip the fuck out of cutscenes but i've never had that urge in either of the kc's.
>there's an insane amount of tasks and people in this tiny bit of mapi don't even know where to start lol, i'm making my way to all the villages but the cumans keep pwning my ass
No. 457489
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>>457424good morning, my beloved Henrynona! I AM SO HAPPY I WISH I COULD GO AND SIT DOWN WITH HENRY FOR A LITTLE BIT NOW, but alas, work, sigh. the only thing that irks me a bit from combat is the lock-on. i'm still not used to the button layout and i think i have been saved from dying by just being fast and also because my Henry is already a KCD1 veteran, so he knows a bit of the ins and outs of the combat system. i feel like i'm not using the right stick correctly, but it seems so natural that i'm not certainly sure how i'm winning fights. maybe Henry is just good at it (tbh i died a lot at the beginning, i had to remind myself KCD isn't the game to go leroy jenkinsing around). i was combo-ing left and right, i'm surprised! in KCD1 it was impossible to get even one out.
>>457437first of all nona, stfu.
second, there's no mod support yet. you should be very ashamed by wanting to replace Henry, the most beautiful creature in all Bohemia, with some random mod chad.
>>457474my first playthrough of KCD1 was on switch, and i would say it's… competent. the whole game is in there (full game, all bonuses plus DLCs), it's portable and whatnot, the graphics are passable (kinda mid to low on PC), there's a lot of popping and issues with the drawing distance and the audio quality, particularly the voices, isn't good. it also crashed A LOT in the last part of the game, even in my first playthrough. the switch barely handles the game, but when it runs, it runs smoothly and it's a pretty enjoyable experience. i would say also the joycons aren't the best controllers to play it, my hands got very cramped, especially during combat. i would suggest getting one of those 8bitdo controllers that give you a bit more space. i was running a hardcore playthrough before KCD2 came out (my 4th run overall) and it was great, besides the graphical issues that i described above. i would suggest getting it on PC if you can, it's always on sale, but if you only have a switch, it isn't a bad purchase. also, you can get a physical copy of it, which i did.
No. 457520
>>457236>Assassin creed was never really accurate to be quite honest.To be fair it's Ubisoft's own fault. They suddenly started marketing around historical accuracy specifically with this title and advertised Yasuke being a real historical figure everywhere.
Anglosphere is completely overtaken by grifters so the debate is not taken seriously but elsewhere it's a bit different.
On the other note, it's so shady that Wikipedia can be overwritten by hack journalists and historians so easily due to Wikipedia's stupid rules about sources. Governments should take this issue more seriously as so many people just uncritically copy-paste information from Wikipedia without much thinking.
No. 457544
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>>457437Kek. I thought he was ugly too when I first started kcd1 so I just got a helmet. He grew on me later on, I can now appreciate his goofy ass face.
>>457489>combosAw man, I was able to get like 4 combos in the entirety of kcd1 and I have no idea how I did that. It was a nightmare and I am not ever trying that again so it's good they made that easier.
I will probably go back at playing kcd1 since I can't play the sequel yet. Just finished me3 (took that long alright cus the ending makes me sad, plus Marauder Shields killed me a ton of times on insanity) so now I am free…. to level up my lockpicking skills.
Man I really need the second game, I can't wait to make Henry put his hands on things that don't belong to him, and facing the consequences, look a lot better than just wasting a few days in prison. I'm sorry but seeing him suffering gives me life, can't help it.
No. 457560
>>457551That sounds a lot of fun tbh.
I was so paranoid when I accidentally killed a poacher in kcd1 but nothing ever happened. If kcd2 forces me to be more careful then I totally welcome that change. I was so dumb when I first started kcd1, walking around at night, sleeping anywhere, eating crap, drinking like crazy and wearing anything I could get my hands on kek but it was the most fun I've ever had in a game. It is funny that as hard as it is I never felt like quitting. I rage quit RE6 at the very beginning with Leon before trying again a few days later and Shadow of The Colossus because of the damn horse and I never went back to that game.
No. 457565
>>457556>what's the deal with Interesting Places? am i supposed to do something there?interesting places can vary between hidden treasure to just sightseeing. but in hardcore mode, since map markers of all sort are turned off, they are a life saver when you are lost in the forest. so they are a bit of markers on the terrain.
>how can i clean my sword? it's all bloody and grossgo to any blacksmith post and find a grinder there. bathmaids and
Theresa after you romance her will clean your equipment, not sure if weapons are also clean after requesting their, um, services.
>>457560i'm also disgustingly bad at any game that requires action, but for some reason i was hooked and i refused to quit. i almost tossed my controller out the window because i made a well known beginner mistake (started Theresa's DLC right after waking up on Rattay), but after wasting a whole weekend, i went to an earlier save and got gud with uncle Barney, sigh.
No. 457668
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>>457489henrynona reporting and yeah i’ve found myself better at the combat in kcd2. the lock on can be frustrating but overall it seems more streamlined. i’m still sucking total ass but i’m improving quickly!
today, i’ve gotten pebbles back and am going to find mutt right now!
>>457437how dare you.
No. 457794
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>>457595because Henry doesn't know shit. after level 10 he's much better at it and he even zooms in a little.
>>457668morning shift Henrynona here! henrynona, one thing i'm absolutely despising is why oh why they mapped the free camera mode to L3+R3 buttons on PS5. everytime i'm into combat i accidentally press both and it takes my focus away. i'm a bit heavy-handed with the button presses and such, but why they didn't map this to the screenshot button for some reason? i wish i could remove the mapping altogether.
anyhow, last night i played until my eyes got so, so dry and i couldn't see a thing (mental note: i need eyedrops asap) and got into the huntsman quest.
i got killed so, so many times. i never thought Henry would be so lame at combat at this point. mine was at level 7 when i did the poachers camp part of this quest and i tried everything until i kinda gave up and killed them from a distance and then sneaking in and killed the rest while they were asleep. even Henry says to Tomcat that he's feeling "insecure" with the sword… tbh i think they did a great job explaining his level reset, with the Lethean Water and Henry feeling afraid of fighting after the ambush. it feels more… human? and also the tiny interactions with wayfarers are so neat! i had this mercenary in front of me, and when he sensed me around, he turned and almost pulled his sword to fight me, but he stopped on his tracks, apologised and said "oh, it's just you". how cool is that? I left Ignatius on the side for the moment, the fighting part of the quest gave me the impression that Henry isn't ready for the road yet, so i went to Tomcat.
>>457703lmao. i would like to say that the mf fonts are so fucking tiny that i'm having problems reading them from a distance. i prefer KCD1's interface, it's less cluttered and has a better sense of contrast.
No. 458055
>>458034well, KCD1 has gay characters, what's wrong with that? KCD2's now infamous gay romance option is, well, pure fanservice
because everyone and their mothers who played KCD1 wanted to romance Hans Capon, as Henry's relationship with him started as rivals and ended up in bromance. nona, avoid the bullshit in shitter and tumblr, one side claims it's woke, the other keeps on rambling that both of them are bisexual from the get go(that term isn't correct for the time setting, they are just sodomites in love lol). the whole romance route is optional and he's the only male character Henry can romance, since it's just fanservice at the end. mind you the scene is so well done, i decided to spoil myself and watch it and it actually made me swoon. not a fujo tho!
No. 458091
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>>457794late shift henrynona here,
i'm on pc but i hope you can fix that ♥
also, i kinda find some of the other playermodels attractive too. i too, got killed many a time but i'm now trainin' up w tomcat!
No. 458144
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>>458091samefag and the kiwifags are now also losing their minds over the hans/henry thing, they're calling it a pederast sodomist sex scene KEK
No. 458158
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>>458157samefag and idk. opinions? in kcd2 he would be 16-17 i guess but ermmm
No. 458161
>>458091morning shift Henrynona here! my beloved nightly henrynona, i found Pebbles last, ugh, night (i went to bed at 2am, this game will be the end of me), and Mutt as well (i love him so much!!)… it's just my idea but each and every cutscene, even the ones in game engine, have a bit of framing and composition, ergo, the characters aren't just in front of each other just talking. Pavlena's, the Cumans and Gnarly's cutscenes looked so well composed. ah, i love this game so so much.
also my Henry got canned out of a misunderstanding and it took him two good days to recover, he couldn't even lift and arm at the forge without getting winded, oof No. 458166
>>458158>>458148>>458144TOPKEK. imo, people just want a punchbag to vent up their rage, they are just a bag of miserable losers (including the rags at tumblr with their labels and stuff, it's annoying). while the game is based on historical facts, it's nothing more than historical fiction. if Henry was a real life person, he wouldn't be treated as well,
even as the bastard son of a noble, it's also well known that the devs twisted some dates and historical figures to make their story fit (Markvart von Autlitz died a year prior the game)… don't they know that IRL Hans, aged 16, had a child in 1404? you know, let them seethe, i don't give a shit anymore.
No. 458168
>>458167first one had a grand total of 3! gay! dudes! gasp!! but all aren't romanceable
second one has one gay courtship and it's with the character everybody wanted to fuck. so KCD fans are eating well.
No. 458171
>>458168Are the males cuties? Are there any boy cuties in the games that I can make the
ugly MC fuck?
No. 458211
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it's all over the steam discussions for kcd1 too, this is just page 1
No. 458215
>>458161hi other henrynona, i agree so much! it really is just like a movie. i have
almost found mutt but i’ve been doing a lot of fucking around on the side because i have no idea what quests are timed or not kek
No. 458217
>>458171it's between Henry and Hans, young adults that look at least 18. go google them to see if they are up to your standards, nona.
>>458213no, it's not on the first one, although other male characters have relationships, but you can't romance any other men. in fact, there's a grand total of 2 romance options in KCD1.
No. 458221
>>458216That’s pathetic
>>458217Two romances… guess I will go the drunkard route like a nona detailed in these threads once.
No. 458263
>>458221I suppose the drunkard was me? Kek
I still ended up romancing
Theresa. I wouldn't count
Lady Stephanie as a romance though, she is just using Henry for his body. When I went back to her some days later she barely said a word to me. And I am not even going to talk about the whole embarrassment I felt of having to talk to
her husband (completely unrelated stuff), no way he doesn't know about it, even Johanka knew about it. Aaaand I might have told
Kuno and his group about it lmao
You can finish the game as a virgin if you wish,
there is an achievement for that>>458157This is hilarious. No one seemed to care about Hans' age when he was whoring himself with the bath girls. They're obviously just latching on to the first thing they can to make their anger seem justified.
And to me it's very clear Henry is supposed to be around Hans' age so I dunno why I keep seeing the "grooming" and pedo accusations, these men are desperate for anything they can use against this. You think they had any problem sleeping with
Theresa or
Stephanie? Course not.
Also I am seeing a lot of "Henry is a good christian" as an explanation why he can't be kissing men and this is the most bizarre argument ever. Like, we're talking about the same Henry that can murder and steal and fornicate and drink till he passes out? Did they learn the basics about christianism with fucking Father Godwin? KEKK
No. 458352
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No. 458382
>>458352can't say i1m surprised. it's been over a decade and i'm still burned out from it. just thinking about having to do the thieves guild again…
wonder if she'd like baldur's gate 3
No. 458411
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>>458382thieves guild is the only interesting guild-based questline in the game though
No. 458498
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anons, what kind of levels do you hate and love? picrel, i always love a good sewer level, idk why. i'd find them gross irl but i get insanely excited when the party has to cross through a sewer. i especially love it when they are pretty and overrun with plants, like picrel (ni no kuni) or the aqueduct in tales of zestiria.
otoh i hate desert levels with a passion because everything looks the same, the map is usually unavailable (due to sandstorm/bad sight immersion) and running is really slow, again due to immersion reasons.
until a few seconds ago i didn't know that sewer levels were universally reviled apparently, kek.
No. 458510
>>458498I don't think I have any level type I particularly
love, but I definitely groan whenever there is a water level or desert levels. Even more so if there is any special mechanic added to keep you from drowning/getting a heat stroke.
No. 458540
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>>458411Disagree, Mage's Guild was pretty good although I wish it didn't focus on one college and there were guild halls throughout Skyrim. It'd be cool if they were secluded and not in the towns, since Skyrim's not really magically inclined. Then you can work your way up to the college.
>>458498Interesting, I am sick of sewers but I do love how every game needs to have one. Eh, I guess some are cool; speaking of Skyrim, I like Riften's sewers. I do like Ni No Kuni's sewer and also the sewer in the second game is actually quite fun too. Except the stupid timed shit! You know what I mean. But anyway my favorite level type is probably forest. It's generic, I know. I also like deserts, sans heatstroke as well like nona above me. Not a fan of water levels. I like city levels.
No. 458547
>>458498I also dislike desert levels. Final fantasy 12 had the exact thing of maps being unavailable at some point and most places look the same though the aqueduct levels were also boring and too monochromatic to me. I don't remember much of the desert parts in ff8 but I remember I hated it.
I dunno why final fantasy likes deserts and sewers so damn much. I do like levels where you're in a big city or snowy places though some games really need to put more color, the snowy levels can have the same problem as the deserts or worse, sometimes I can't see the path right in front of me because everything is so white and the walls kinda blend with the floor. ff7 had my favorite places, ff9 too.
No. 458634
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I am replaying new vegas for the 3rd time. Whenever i feel like killing myself this game cheers me up. Thank you, fallout: new vegas.
No. 458684
I am doing that quest 'at your service, my lady' in kcd1 and I just won the wine I needed for Lady Stephanie but things are not going well right now. I am a really bad archer but I have that perk that makes my aim a bit less shaky if I am drunk and because I am so very intelligent I thought maybe a beer wouldn't be enough so I drank a few cheap wines right after. I passed out on my way to Theresa's house, just out of the gates of Rattay, and woke up who knows where. I am playing on hardcore so you bet I spent 20 minutes trying to see where on the map I am but I still have no idea, I just know I am nowhere near Rattay anymore, I can't see it on the horizon, it's just fields, forests and some houses scattered. Oh and there is blood everywhere the place I woke up! I'd rather have my things stolen. At least it is still day time, but how the hell will I get back to Rattay and then Sasau by the evening if I have no sense of direction? Just earlier I was almost killed by cumans that ambushed me while I was trying to run away from cumans that also ambushed me… turns out they were the same cumans and I was running in circles in the forest lol
>>458566I love Icicle Inn and everything in that area and pretty much every Midgar section, also Junon. Of course this is for the 1997 game, I haven't played the remake yet but saw bits of other people playing it and the places look so alive.
I wish they'd remake 8, it's got the best looking male characters imo, Irvine is a real cutie, and I bet the places would look real cool in todays graphics.
No. 458704
>>458646I love it
nonny, post more if you have them
No. 458709
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>>458144This is a rough ass 15yo. I wonder what would happen if i post in that thread about how we should boycott kojima for letting the player grope and date a 14yo. Men only cry pedophilia when its men being sexualized, no one ever had a problem before with all the sexualized underage characters in videogames.
No. 458710
>>458144i have zero interest in this game and this guy
>>458709 is ugly as hell but i'm glad it's making moids seethe
No. 458714
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>>458710Same. Its just funny as fuck when men hide their scrote seething under the guise of moralfaggotry, because we all know moids dont have a problem with pic rel, or arcana hearts or the dead or alive girls. Suddenly, when its about sexualizing underage women its okay and anyone saying anything against it is a feminazi tranny lib, but when its men that look 30, now thats actual pedophilia.
No. 458716
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nonny but i refuse to make a kiwifags account. If any
nonny has the ovaries to do it and get mass downvoted by seething moids please do, i am dying to know their reaction. Post about Persona too. I bet they are all going to pretend like they arent big weebs and have ackshually never played any MGS or Persona game because they arent yucky weebs or something.
No. 458722
>>458610nnnnnona, dry devil eyes Henrynona here, i OD'd on KCD2 the entire weekend and now i'm paying the price. nona, you aren't ready for For Whom The Bell Tolls, i almost cried during that quest
>>458684nona, use the sun to guide you. in the morning, the sun is always at the east, past noon, always at the west. if you are lost at night, you can follow the stars. don't forget to use graves/special locations/hunting spots to help you pinpoint your location on the map.
No. 458729
>>458722nonner! i've been making good progress and lvling the shit out of henry so i can go do the other quests, the talk to the cumans quest appears to be bugged pc so i can't do that until there's a patch.
>you aren't ready for For Whom The Bell Tollsi'm so scared.
No. 458837
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>>458729my beloved, I ADORED the Cuman quest, even if it's mostly dialogue than anything else (it just ran well for me, I could finish it and get the Cuman skill teacher at the end).
the dog, with his kung-fu sifu voice sent my sides to mars, kekimho, i think the story goes too, too fast. it's crazy good, but once you cross the wedding portal, there's no turning back. i wish i didn't go ahead with the wedding and played more of the Bohemian Paradise before following with the story. that's my only advice to you, once you follow the thread of the main quest you won't stop until you reach the second act. and that's 60% of the whole game, which is a bit of a bummer. i honestly think KCD1 was better paced. there's so much intrigue and characters that it's impossible to get all the bits correctly on one go.
No. 458880
>>458863Kiwis are hopeless. They pride themselves on being factual, doing research and only saying things with evidence but regularly pull shit like this, where they manipulate the truth to further their circlejerks of homophobia, racism and antisemitism. KF isn't considered a cesspool only because they troll and document cows, it's because they blame black people and jews for literally everything, explicitly fantasize about raping women and children, and fucking lie all the time. Lying is part of their culture. Null pretends hard to be "impartial" and "fair" and an ally to women but he's no better than the worst articles and news kiwi. He also hates anyone who isn't white, lies and has an insane ego just like his rotten user base.
The only positive thing about them is that they hate trannies, and yet if you go to any troon hate thread there's a highly liked post about how women are the reason trannies exist and how disgusting we are.
The girl zone is infected with males too and the women there hate and cape for them at the same time
way more than lcf, no comparison.
Male dominated spaces are detrimental to society and should be extinct.
No. 458932
>>458901soo once i make it to kottenberg i can't go back and do the trotsky stuff? i'm alright with that for now considering trotsky is a bit bugged, and i want to start
romancing. doing the dances at the wedding made me blush LOL.
>glad you are sticking around, beloved henrynona.i'm glad you are too, henrynona dearest
No. 459050
>>458722I managed to find my way back. I was near a mill I had passed before, coming from the Inn in the Glade and from there I knew exactly where Rattay was.
I went back to Sasau to speak to Fritz and Matthew but I guess this time I pissed Fritz off and he decided to fight me, it was kinda funny to hear Matthew going "Fritz, what are you doing, it's Henry, stop that both of you" lmao I didn't know he could say that, I was expecting him to hit me too. Fritz totally would've won if I weren't wearing heavy armor.
Fritz is such an asshole. I love how he start as our friend and then they give us Hans The Asshole and you just end up loving Hans and hating Fritz. I swear, without Fritz, Matthew is not so bad.
No. 459073
>>458932>>458939my beloved henrynona, i don't know tbh. quests from the first map are blocked but not gone, so i think Henry might be able to go back. the second map is HUGE, and Kuttenberg is a map within a map, it's really big and absolutely stunning!
good luck with Trosky! enjoy the ride!
>>459050>>459056nona, you are right. Matthew is the best half. the thing is that Fritz needs Matthew to survive. both of them are just bullies and i dunno why Henry insists on trying on being the third wheel there. Henry, have some dignity ffs. Hans… Hans does use Henry a lot, but at least he acknowledges him and his work, plus he opens up with him. they relationship expands in KCD2, both idiots are extremely endearing, but Hans goes through introspection during the game. Henry definitely gets more angry and violent.
No. 459090
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>>459089why would he? he's an icon
No. 459139
>>459089By the sounds of it there are 2
>>459090What is this KEK
No. 459175
>>459083>toy story 2>toy story racer>soul reaver>parasite eve>dino crisisAnd if you are able to make it work,
>harry potter and the sorcerer's stone for ps1 and the sequel also for ps1 The version for ps2 is different for some reason (it is good but the ps1 version is more fun imo)
Also anon already recd galerians but I will say do play it if you haven't already, it's great. Can't rec the sequel, played just a bit and thought it was boring.
There is another game I came here to rec but I forgot when I saw crazy frog's face deep in contemplation.
No. 459278
>>459033Activision provides cheats to streamers - I sleep
Developers and cheat engine makers are colluding - I sleep
Predatory microtransactions - I sleep
Planned obsolescence of console peripherals - I sleep
Alt chick who made a literallywho indie text game fucks someone else after breaking up with a beta neckbeard I see myself in - REAL SHIT GAMERS RISE UP MUH CORRUPTION FIGHT THE POWER
This is your daily reminder that "gamers" deserve nothing except getting shot in the testicles (in Sniper Elite)
No. 459316
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nonas should i buy a ps4 just for bloodborne? im not a gamer but im really drawn to the art style. i can get the whole setup for $100-120
No. 459360
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>>459083do you like fighting games?
>Rival Schools3D, fast, colorful, high jumps, team mechanics, each duo within a school has a story mode with full voice acting
also has a japan-only update with more characters and a school sim mode (again, in japanese)
>Slap Happy Rhythm Busters2D, fast, rhythm game supers, pure Y2K DDR/JSR goodness
how about puzzle games?
>Otenki Kororinsomeone shilled it on /vr/ years ago and they were right, it's the comfiest puzzler ever made
>Mr. Driller Gvery cute and stylish series, fantastic soundtrack, simple but addictive gameplay, untranslated but the script is out there
No. 459380
>>459083pocket fighter
valkyrie profile
final fantasy 8 & 9 (if you're into final fantasy)
silent hill (fuck the remasters and pc versions and whatever, play it the way it was meant to be played)
silhouette mirage (if you can find a working version)
alundra (just the first one, neat zelda clone)
threads of fate/dewprism
No. 459388
>>459343interesting!! it seems like a fun challenge. i think im just going to pull the
trigger, thanks nonnies
>>459327check out r/bloodbornepc
No. 459648
>>459619I was helping Johanka with the wounded, it was literally the reason I got arrested, because that nasty guy who wants to bang her didn't like my attitude kek I honestly wasn't expecting to get arrested over that. Then I had to go to his house and he called me vagabond, I was paying him for the supplies Johanka wanted!
Yeah she is kinda stupid at times and was really rude when I asked her something but then so is Henry and his retarded friends, I mean, earlier I had a fistfight with Fritz over some petty shit, they're just young, idk, I can't feel any anger towards her especially when she is actually helping others and is surrounded by guys like the stupid that got me arrested. Now that guy, he will get whats coming for him, I have 60 lockpicks and a lot of alcoholic beverages in my possession.
No. 459873
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I haven't played a video game more than like 10 minutes since October. I had a bad concussion and now every game is giving me motion sickness/headaches. Am I fucked or is there a way to beat this? Have any nonas experienced something similar?
No. 459967
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>>448806, I found really funny how I finished CS two days ago and yesterday they announced a new Digimon Story game, looks like I got lucky. Lately, every time I get into an old series it gets a surprise remake/sequel, I feel there's an angel over my shoulder…
Could look better graphic-wise, but I'm happy with that they've shown and how you can go to the Digital World as well. Very glad Yasuda is still the lead artist too (I hope they let us change the MC's clothes though, that… surgeon - flight attendant outfit isn't doing it kek)
No. 460307
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sorry KCD nonas for not posting, Henrynona here, KCD2 has taken over my life, it's so bad that i'm totally gonna celebrate with Henry today (he's my valentine forever, sigh). i'm still terrible at combat, i don't know how i have gotten this far in the game. i'm beyond smitten with it at this point, sigh. gonna repost my husbando, no shame at all.
No. 460505
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Didn't realize Avowed was out already.
Too bad only four companions and they're all sorta meh looking. At least the blue fish guy is voiced by Garrus.
Probably will just keep watching a stream instead of playing it myself. Not that into the fantasy.
Hopefully Outer Worlds 2 will have more then four companion choices and at least a decent looking guy.
No. 460561
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>>460463beloved henrynona, i haven't got the darnest idea lol. i'm in Kuttenberg alright,
i gathered Dry Devil's gang and i finally met Sam and Rosa. Sam sure has my attention now, because he saw something in Henry, but he's very tightlipped about it. i'm supposed to go and rescue mr. princess on a horse (Hans) right now though, but it's 2am in these parts lmaopic stolen from Hans Caponblr (over there is just him, him and him. but mostly him being "canon gay" lol)
No. 461782
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redpill me on this. it looks so generic and boring but nonners seem to love it
No. 461990
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need more homos and women making animated steam avatars so i see less of these faggoty beta male anime tit avatars in the store
No. 462355
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I played Bioshock 1 and 2 at the time it was out, but not Infinite. I replayed the first two last year and I'm stuck not wanting to play Infinite again. Something about it throws me off, it could be the environment, the fact my characters sound like a Marvel protagonist making funny quips instead of silence, or the Disney-esque feeling I get from the character's design in this game.
Nonnas who played this game, is it good? How did it compare to the first two? I need some motivation.
No. 462362
>>462355I would personally rate them Bioshock 1 > Bioshock Infinite > Bioshock 2. Booker talks but I don't think he's especially quipy. Elisabeth definitely gives off Disney princess vibes but I think that's intentional for the whole false paradise thing Columbia has going.
My main critiques would be it introduces a lot of themes at the start and doesn't fully explore them. Bioshock 1 feels a lot more focused. Combat is a little dull but I felt that about all of the games.
If you're interested in other Bioshock style games, System Shock got a remake recently. It's what the studio made before Bioshock. I haven't played it though and it's cyberpunk. Not my thing.
No. 462646
>>460561Sorry for my late reply, nonnette! I've been a bit busy and haven't been able to play as much but I hope your adventures are going well
>>461782I'll let my other henrynona explain this to you further because she seems to know more than me, but it's amazing. The story is great and it's all very cinematic. The company behind it, Warhorse, is not triple A and released the first game in 2018(which you should play first btw) and it was very optimistic as an open world, mega-immersive rpg, given their restrictions. Even though the studio is not triple A, however, they deliver at an incredible quality that outperforms a lot of the biggest studios at the moment. If you're into other medieval games and more specifically immersive rpgs you should really check it out
No. 462860
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>>462569because i fucking revere bioshock 1 as the first game i ever played that had an AMAZING story and honestly was one of the only games ever made at the time that had such a thing. i even read the novel and still own it. and 2 was a perfect sequel. infinite takes a big old shit all over the franchise with its disney princess girl + generic surly troy baker protag + a bunch of parallels to the other characters except oops they're ruined because whoever wrote this was too busy doing lines of coke off a photo of anna moleva
No. 462880
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>>462870we could have gotten something amazing. a corrupted sky-city is such a cool idea. all the time warp shit ruined it. they didn't even include the cool ideas they had for the extent of the problems that time travel would cause. i LOVE the idea of the enemies reflecting a fear of technology and american patriotism. the concept art stage of infinite is really the best. i have no idea why they decided to trash the theme bioshock 1 and 2 had of handling capitalism and class warfare and fears of the future to make it the elizabeth comstock show. she's not a particularly interesting character. also get rid of the time traveling shit because it adds absolutely nothing to the story, and the luteces are insufferable.
No. 462890
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>>462885i remember being so excited when i first started infinite. and then there was that stupid scene of booker saving the black couple from the evil white guy who was telling people to throw apples at them or whatever and the black people being super grateful and thanking booker or whatever and i knew i was in for a bumpy ride. uh oh, game's already giving me second-hand embarrassment five minutes in! i also think of this scene every time i think of infinite because it's one of the cringiest things i've ever seen in a video game. why are they all making the dreamworks face.
No. 463029
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No. 463147
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Am I really the only one playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure? It's a Animal Crossing copy yeah but the things it doesn't copy from Animal Crossing It's actually so much better. Not to be soy about it but
>actual story
>puzzle dungeons
>genuinely cute characters
>swimming as a mermaid with My Melody through a coral reef
Need I say more?
A 10.
No. 463163
>>462890For some reason Elizabeth's appearance and design irritated me and got under my skin in the worst possible way. I was never able to bring myself to play Infinite in spite of my friends all raving about it.
>>463147Looks cute as hell, glad you're having fun.
No. 463406
>>462355At the time the game was fun and I really liked Elizabeth so the ending made me tear up but since then people have become more critical and I think that criticism was warranted. Even then I think it's worth trying. How much you enjoy it outside of it's combat comes down to how much you like Elizabeth. Looking back I think she should have been the main playable character, no Booker. Just her and maybe interacting with other Elizabeths.
>>462856. . . Mass Effect?
No. 463946
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Continued playing Digimon, finished Cyber Sleuth around a week ago (pretty good, loved some of the plot twists) and I'm with Hackers' Memory.
I'm loving it, even more than CS, but like a year or so I read an off-hand comment about it not ending in a good note (just that, it didn't specify anything) and it's kinda souring the experience because I'm spending all the time I play genuinely anguished. Not sure if its better like this or playing clueless just to be crushed at the end kek
My initial theory was thst since they're hackers, this story would end after the whole EDEN raid thing since like 90% of hackers died on it. But the story seems to be progressing slowly, I'm not sure at which point of the timeline we are right now, so I dunno…? I'm at chapter 8 and if I recall correctly, the current happening were early-ish missions in CS.
But what I'm 100% sure is that Erika is gonna die and either fuse with Wormmom ala royal knights with Kyoko/Rie or Wormie is simply gonna carry on her memory. There are too many coincidences for this to not happen, Erika said Hudie means Butterfly in chinese, Wormmon has a HM-locked evolution, worms grow into butterflies & she shares memories with Erika.
She's the only character I'm invested in, so that imminent doom is eating myself up, if that happens I feel my interest on the game is gonna drop and will leave it unfinished. Wormmom is my favourite Digimon so far so I'm very happy with this girlie but having just one half doesn't feel right…. I will try to gaslight myself of something. Maybe my predictions are similar but not totally correct. I don't care about anyone else, but Erika and Kyoko are untouchable.
I'm growing fond of Chitose and the MC's gay friend tho, but I can never get attached to male characters to the same level as female ones…
Sorry for the huge ramble, but I know no one into this franchise (I seem to have overestimated its popularity btw, I'm surprised there's absolutely no fanworks for this game. I guess most people flock to the animes instead?)
No. 464924
>>464907Cereza and the Lost Demon
Little witch girl gets lost in the woods and befriends a demon to get out. Cute visual style and you control both characters with one controller so it can be a brain teaser.
No. 465269
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>>464907Idk if it's necessarily relaxing, but I love the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. It has a gliding mechanic similar to the gliding in BotW, which makes it unique among the 3D platformers of its era. Maybe it's because I'm an autist, but I find it so satisfying to collect the gems. The games are really cute and colorful, too. I played the originals a million times as a kid.
No. 465290
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I thought this was going to be a lame and preachy Life is Yellowjackets snoozefest but Lost Records is so soulful and full of life, it made me quite emotional and the characters genuinely feel like real people. Swann also reads as a much more realistic depiction of a young teenage lesbian than i've ever seen in media, she's sweet and awkward but so in love with the other girls both platonically and romantically. There's no male gaze wank material or preachy sjw shit, it just is. If any nonas liked the original LiS or cinematic games in general go play Lost Records!
No. 465431
>>465290>>465370It's surprising that this isn't sjw considering they made LiS. They all look like sjw too.
And as for trannyshit, Don't nod has literally made a tranny game (which I accidentally purchased on sale) called Tell me why. I stopped playing as soon as they said it was a tranny.
No. 465435
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>>465370There haven’t been any trannies so far and there isn’t much space to add any, the character cast is very small and we’ve seen most of them in the past and the future, fingers crossed.
>>465431Tell Me Why was mid overall, but Lost Records seems to capture the good things about LiS very well. The characters are essentially mall punks baby feminists in the 90s, they’re very into riot grrrl bands and whatnot that’s why they look like that. Their 2020s versions are very different from their teenage selves without spoiling too much, its also nice to have 40 year old women as main characters in a videogame.
No. 465445
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>>463163>Elizabeth's appearance and design irritated meit's super moid-gazey. she's like everything a failmale wants. also her face is really weird and cartoony.
No. 466027
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Has anyone played this game or know about it? I'm currently playing the first game and thinking of picking this one up (this one's the sequel) after finishing it. My only concern is whether there's any roach people in this game. I don't mind spiders and other insects but I can't stand roaches KEK. I gotta know, I don't wanna be jumpscared by some disgusting roach man
No. 466412
>>466315Well it's a brand new game, think it's the devs first. There was a trailer at the game awards year before last.
I doubt it's shilling.
I was a little interested, but I feel like the plot is going to have some stupid love triangle stuff going on and the guy isn't even hot.
No. 466415
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Aw, we can't date the rock star or the ojisan?
Wonder if they're going to keep putting these out. It is a good way to get people to spend plat, but also will get tough to make proper characters out of them.
I would definitely buy a Nezha skin if it was a hot asian guy and not some twink, lol.
No. 466513
>>466027I finished playing the first game, it was 6/10. You can tell the devs wanted to do more with the game with all the unsolved lore and world building but it got cut short. I'm proud of myself of figuring out the
villain's twist. Anyway, after looking at some comments online, I'm not gonna play the second game after all; roach man or not.
They kill off one of the main characters off screen literally at the end of the game right after talking to him, wtf. And he was the likeable one too. They did him so dirty Usually I wouldn't wanna spoil myself but I'm glad I did so I wouldn't have wasted my time.
No. 467081
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Has anyone here played Volcano Princess? Is it a good non-sexualised alternative to the Princess Maker games?