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No. 2416922

General Conspiracy Thread.

Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.

Please follow all /ot/ board rules. Don't start petty infights, and remember to report bait instead of responding.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
#7 >>>/ot/1028464
#8 >>>/ot/1068732
#9 >>>/ot/1147862
#10 >>>/ot/1190469
#11 >>>/ot/1240193
#12 >>>/ot/1330198
#13 >>>/ot/1417052
#14 >>>/ot/1478839
#15 >>>/ot/1571083
#16 >>>/ot/1616325
#17 >>>/ot/1712160
#18 >>>/ot/1876599
#19 >>>/ot/2023344
#20 >>>/ot/2085806
#21 >>>/ot/2177582
#22 >>>/ot/2255446

No. 2416928

It's going to be so fun seeing thread pic every time I scroll by. Thanks, op and anon who made it!

No. 2416932

Thank you. This is one of my favourite threads so I always try to make a cute PicMix for it.

The Elsie Pepe Silvia image comes from the Elsie Media thread on /m/, you can find it here >>>/m/337155 there's so much great art in that thread! LC has the best artists.

I'm excited to read all the tinfoils ♥

No. 2416954

I love you nonnie

No. 2417011

The reason why humans have microplastics in their system is to make the 5G work faster

No. 2417065

now i'm sexually attracted to elsie IS THIS A GOVERNMENT PSYOP

No. 2417109

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Anime is definitely a psy-op. After Hiroshima Japan leaned into the "cute"/infantile image bc countries are led by moids and Japan basically trooned itself bc it felt like a fail-male

>The childlike cheerfulness of these sections of the news felt inappropriate to me and I wondered why the Japanese news casters felt it necessary to flood the network with such appearances. I jumped into yet another rabbit hole of research, and learned of the origin of kawaii culture (cute culture) in Japan, and how as a means of coping with the traumas of World War II and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan responded with a wave of childish and cute themed art, products, and mascots.

>Kawaii culture still exists today, and is essentially a manifestation of Japan’s feeling of being an underdog, or a nation stripped of a sense of power, according to a report written by behavioural scientist Hiroshi Nittono from Hiroshima University. After learning about this aspect of Japanese culture, I am beginning to notice how themes of repression and indirect forms of coping with trauma appear in Obasan and I think it has given me a unique lens to analyze the novel through.


No. 2417112

Wow, adopting a cultural-wide humiliation fetish. Maybe the bombs did more damage than we thought.

No. 2417117

>I'm sexually attracted to 2D cartoons
You're just severely autistic

No. 2417126

no shit

No. 2417128

that is a sexy masc elsie thoooo… whoever drew that needs to draw more elsies

No. 2417133

The radiation gave them generational brain damage and thus anime was born!

No. 2417158

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and these anons were glad

No. 2417170

I kek every time I go into the food threads and I 100% bet it’s just a bunch of whites pretending to love asian food. The japanophile psyop is hugely successful

No. 2417184

>implying asian food can't be good
i admit that asian food outside of their country of origin tends to be shit but if you actually go to japan, you'll probably find some awesome food

No. 2417190

I never said it wasn’t good, it’s just weird there’s a bunch of them talking like pretentious hipsters about asian food and also about anime which the anime always looks like shit lmao

No. 2417880

Is anyone else listening to the cia tapes?

No. 2417884

>masc elsie art
? ive never seen that

No. 2417970

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>muh age of aquarius is going to be SOOOO good with society being equitable
>muh pluto in aquarius
In reality it’s just going to be this kek
Lol those astrology tards don’t know what “equitable” or “egalitarian” they are talking about, honestly. Think of that Wall-E movie where society “advanced” so much most people could sit on their ass and waste away, because all of the work worth a shit (stuff that got food in people’s grocery stores and tables, keep their electricity up, plumbing and not all of that bullshit fluff that defined the middle-class) was downscaled. I used to think that movie was full of shit but honestly.. you’re going to have even more useless people. I think people now are already useless and that’s why they don’t give a fuck. Why would they pretend to care about you when their plans are going according to their own agenda? Stop screaming about healthcare and “lack of pay”, you want that shit for jobs that never mattered and shouldn’t have existed lol. You’ve been rightfully thrown away, it was intentional and most people don’t care because they are still begging and waiting for the same shit that only worked in a certain era, wanting the old ways to always work is just retarded.

No. 2417989

Hi dad! Wow, you've integrated really well

Jk but I sometimes wish I could show lolcow to my dad, he has a raging hateboner for Musk and would love his /snow/ thread. He's totally convinced of our techno feudalist future

No. 2418132

I don't think we're going to end up with technofeudalism. I think these giant corporations are the means to an end of our world elite to re-establish plain old feudalism.

No. 2418134

I used to think communists were retarded but I am starting to think communism might be the only way the average person might have a decent life. we really need to get rid of billionaires before they enslave mankind. we're going to be paying amazon to breath oxygen at some point.

No. 2418185

In theory, communism really is the key to humanity getting as close to a "utopia" as possible. The downside is that society has ran off greed and corruption for so long I really don't think communism would ever be executed in a fair and proper way. I think humans are way too tribal and greedy and want to pull the ladder up after them (if that's the right figure of speech).
I don't even think being a billionaire should be a thing. Once you reach that billionaire status you should be made to contribute a large amount of it back into public services to better the country you live in. This is more important now than ever because the average person's view of a "decent life" like you said has dropped in quality and material power compared to how it was pre-2007. We're working twice as hard with half of the rewards and hard work doesn't pay anymore in most industries.

No. 2418317

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what is going on

No. 2419071

I believe and as I posted before in last thread, might be more in the lines of exterminism. Killing lots of people and enjoying a rather cozy automated planet

No. 2419078

Twitterfag cow drama, it’s boring as fuck unless someone wants to make a thread about those types of tards but what would anybody call it?? I don’t know what to call those people, including the retarded woman in that picture.

No. 2419088

It literally just explained that in that article and technology is going to accelerate that, you’re just allergic to new ideas and reading apparently.
Communism would never work. Humans are too crippled, weak, stupid, tribalistic and selfish to have it work. Imagine constantly needing some despotic moid to whip you back into the shape because you can’t act right to maintain the stuff that actually makes civilizations liveable and fair? Yeah, no. Also men don’t want an equal planet, their biological makeup is the antithesis of egalitarianism. Trying to force that is going to lead you into way more trouble.

No. 2419156

i need the milk on the rawsalerts furfaggot i cannot find anything on the other farms

No. 2419649

Here's my guess:
>be average Japanese boy or man
>want to watch a fun anime after school or work
>turn on TV, find some show you may or may not like of whatever genre
>watch the episode for 25 minutes
>rinse and repeat once a week until the season is over
>if it's a fun anime maybe read the manga or novels at a cheap manga cafe or buy the series for dirt cheap in a second hand bookstore
>maybe look for other similar stories if it was really fun to read or watch or post a tweet once every 6 months "I liked the recent anime about [whatever] it was very fun!" or something like that

Compare this to:
>be average Western guy
>watch some random anime episodes on TV long ago after work or school
>it's very different from live action shows and fun in its own way so you look up other what other fun anime there is online
>turns out there's a shit ton of fun manga and anime about a lot of differenr genres, topics and for different demographics but not all of them are or were readily available where you are, you've been filtered all along
That's where the split happens:
>normal, well adjusted Western anime fan will simply watch whatever seems fun on TV or streaming platforms and will call it a day, will maybe become nostalgic for whatever shonenslop he grew up with in middle school, is unlikely to troon out and is likely to have other hobbies and interests
>dedicated, well adjusted anime fan will actively follow new releases, will maybe buy some Naruto tshirts from Uniqlo and will go to anime cons if he can afford it, is unlikely to troon out and likely to have many other hobbies and interests
>autistic dedicated Western anime fan is more likely to troon out and base his trannysona on some garbage genderbent harem anime slop character, believing that women act just like anime waifu because nothing else matter and will advertise it all over the internet all the time

Basically it's a matter of proportions and how Western fans have to more actively become fans in the first place so normal guys who could have liked some anime series if they knew about them are less likely to drown out the more vocal troons.

No. 2419672

I think it might be because degenerate anime shows pander to western degeneracy, meaning that their target demographic is western males, whereas normie anime series are catered towards a japanese audience. Kinda like how china has its own version of tiktok

No. 2419681

Not really, the main audience for anime is still Japan and the anime that Western troons like are originally targeting a male Japandse otaku audience. And these same Japanese men have very similar interests and fetishes as Western troons but still don't transition as often. Or the ones that do keep it to themselves a lot more often while people in the West in general are a lot more likely to publicly posts about their personal lives and their selfies.

>normie anime series are catered towards a japanese audience

Normie Westerners can also be into these same anime now that it's easier than ever to find series you can like online as opposed to relying on what's on tv but it's true that they're not enough and not vocal enough compared to Western hardcore otaku.

No. 2419702

Same reason why furries and witches have grown high in number, western schools and parents stopped pressing "fantasy is fantasy, reality is reality" so much on their children.
Imagine a kid reads Harry Potter and thinks they might be a wizard. A parent can go "lmao no" and hammer that shit down. Might make the kid feel bad about how they'll never be a wizard but they'll get used to it and will keep having fun watching Harry do cool shit.
A parent that plays into it, the kid might end up jumping off the roof thinking they might be able to fly.

No. 2419749

Japanese culture is okay with degeneracy if you keep it seperate from your public / everyday life. They are also a conservative, collectivistic, shame-based society. America is hyper-individualisti, heterogeneous society with long a history of racism. Through that, intersectionality and the focus on individual identity evolved. We encourage people to be themselves and be unique. So when you have a mix of LGBT activism, emphasis on self-reflection and identity, and political focus in culture (along with direct encouragement of troonshit in media and academia), you get people trooning out. Troons also permeate through the online space and groom other nerdy autists into trooning out. Think about all of the nerdy men and women in Discord servers for hobbyists who get exposed to constant troon talk and troon activism and then start to wonder if they might be trans themselves!

Japanese people view weebshit as an escape. For example, Japanese fujoshis know it's by women and for women. Americans / anglosphere westerners think that yaoi has to be some LGBT political representation thing. All those straight women fujoshis are fetishizing gay men!! What if you were actually a gay man on the inside instead? - is the thought process.

No. 2420150

Everything is socially contagious, particularly two important forces - hope and despair.

TPTB want to keep you in a state of despair because a woman without hope is just the walking dead. If you killed the hope in a person, you killed their essence. They won't do anything because they don't believe anything can be done. Hence doomscrolling was invented. To promote the contagion of despair so nobody believes they can change things.

But I really don't understand how anyone can fall for the black pill. If you look at history, the only constant is change. No matter how big or powerful or long lasting an empire or system is, it will fall, it always falls.

And no matter how bleak things seem, there's always that one thing left at the bottom of Pandora's box. Hope. And when it starts spreading, it's contagious as fuck.

No. 2420172

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The child explotation in elite groups stuff has faded in and out of popularity for years now and I'm aware it's a low hanging fruit of a conspiracy but I'm curious of what you nonnas think of recent news that's come out about things, especially with the Diddy case and how far that really goes, and also mentions of demonic and satanic stuff - do you think that's a reach or do you think it's believable?

Justin Bieber is looking like shit lately and it's heavily implied that he was groomed or underwent some form of abuse from older men in the industry when he was younger. All the news articles I've read about him have blamed his dishevelled appearance on some sort of financial issues but if you ask me they're placing bricks in place to use that as a scapegoat if he ends up "killing himself" or overdosing.
I personally think that Diddy, much like with Epstein, is just being placed on the guillotine now for people to focus on him and not the others who are pulling the strings. It's very rare that stuff like this is just isolated incidents especially with how insidious Hollywood is.

No. 2420181

You can check out this thread >>>/ot/1166213 to see discussions regarding child abuse in Hollywood and the entertainment industry.

Personally, I don't think JB looks disheveled at all, at least not in that picture. He looks like a normal 30 year old. He's quite a well-known stoner too.

No. 2420187

abusive victim nonnie(integrate)

No. 2420190

JB has been mentally fucked for a long time. i'm certain that Usher abused and groomed Justin in the same way that Diddy abused Usher. i.e take them to depraved satanic sex parties when underaged.

No. 2420196

No. 2420203

Toxic terf

No. 2420220

Of course, Diddy was only the one that got caught, maybe because he was so cocky, weird and particular about it. With him it was obvious because of the shady parties he used to host and the videos with him and young artists, or even the fact that he and his friends had custody of minors. But I do believe it's a thing that many elite people practice. After all we already got our confirmations with both Epstein and Diddy, it's not as unbelievable now.
But I also believe it's not that simple. For example, I think JB was groomed and then became an active and willing participant in adulthood. He most likely became the abuser at some point, and many like him which is why no one snitched for a long time (aside from the fact that some were threatened/killed).
I don't fully believe in the satanic stuff. I think it's an aesthetic rich pretentious edgy fuckers love to use at their sick orgy parties with children, but nothing supernatural actually goes on or that they're an organized cult.

No. 2420647

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Nah it's pretty easy, they use one of these with a latex/silicone vagina and even legs. It started in Brazil and then Hollywood basements found out about it

No. 2420667

This actually makes sense. She probably just used a fake lower body or something. It would still be traumatic having to watch 100 moids fuck a torsoless sex doll hence her thousand yard stare.

No. 2420675

I misread and thought it was referring to the woman who slept with one hundred moids. But one thousand? I feel like that would result in death.

No. 2420676

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>brave nona who ignored the ridiculous picrel and saw the logic in this
Here is your reward
>According to some pornographic actors, including Aurora Snow, James Deen and Keiran Lee, fluffers are no longer needed, saying that the role might have existed in the past, but disappeared due to medical advancements, such as Viagra and implants, and with advancements in prosthetics.
Picrel is an example of how lifelike they can make these things and will probably be removed but oh well

No. 2420766

File: 1740618221185.png (Spoiler Image,170.47 KB, 500x281, Gross_Porn.png)

There was a few documentaries in the 90s where they show off the prosthetic thing. They'll have standard sex with a few moids and then go into the black box for the gang bang part. Everyone has seen those breast chest plate things, it's kind of like that with a sex doll attached. The idea that someone wouldn't use prosthetics to simulate a gangbang is much crazier than hundreds of women deciding to do this on camera. Or starring in violent gang bang porn and then "sharing your trauma" otherwise known as promoting the footage to moids who get off on legitimate trauma/pain who might not have seen it yet or will rewatch now that they know how much she has allegedly suffered. I feel like a-logging when I see women complain about the popularity of these clips, after they go on podcasts every scrote listens to, like "Call her Daddy" to "trauma dump" about them

No. 2420854

Wow that’s interesting. I mean I already called these women whores which they are but a lot of people have this weird misconception that porn is real, even the anti-porn crowd. It’s entirely fake and scripted like movies and like you said, the prosthetics like how they use for FX makeup to create illusions. I mean prom really is just entertainment mimicking the real actual thing, which gets anti-porn moralfags in a tizzy because they know it’s just projected degeneracy that happens behind closed doors, they’re only angry about pork because it showcases things that happen in the dark to the light that they have likely participated in. I still think it’s degenerate and disgusting but my honest tinfoil now that you shared that information that porn is just a fake smokescreen, all of those “sex trafficked” women must be going somewhere else maybe organ harvesting farms, underground surrogacy farms, drug smugglers, sweatshops?. There also seems to be a confusion on personal revenge porn and sex trafficking too, which is awful and should be legally punished but hm, this got me thinking ngl

No. 2420864

I really doubt the majority of all porn produced is 'fake' in the sense that it uses prosthetics, I'm sure actually most porn is rape on tape, but for big name pornstars they almost have to be using prosthetics majority of the time.

No. 2420866

I don't think this is the case the majority of the time.

No. 2420900

Honestly I don’t know, I think a lot of it is fake.

No. 2421043

Jews aren’t the true enemy, they’re scapegoats for the black nobility - the true Illuminati.(schizoposting)

No. 2421050

File: 1740627588526.jpg (Spoiler Image,102.35 KB, 1280x720, 85a4df5dbf01a316904754668ea172…)

>I really doubt the majority of all porn produced is 'fake' in the sense that it uses prosthetics
It wasn't for a while, there was legitimate "rape on tape" that was all removed and replaced with fake content. Not to be gross but you can tell cum (female/male) is fake most of the time. A lot of it is tricky camera work, editing/filters and prosthetics with hosing/wiring. Scrotes complain about the sanitization of porn but these companies don't want to get sued by all of the (underage) women who were featured in the videos. It's a way to keep control over the content and not have to deal with the fallout from lawsuits/etc


No. 2421156

First three is propaganda pushing, last 2 is just moid retardation

No. 2421206

But most porn isn't fake. Squirt is fake, cum can be fake, but pretending the majority of porn uses prosthetics simply isn't true.

No. 2421638

yeah, the idea that most cheap studio barely making even take time to "fake" with wiring prosthetics and fake cum instead of just making them bang (like the standard since always) is really silly. Maybe one of the bigger studios would actually care to fake the sex part (or for real movies it's known they do that) but to go trough all that trouble instead of paying junkies to have sex is pretty nutty.
At most the bigger studios use fake cum specifically for gangbangs cuz moid brain but it's not standard at all.

No. 2421691

Why the fuck are chemtrails staying in the air for so long and getting so big

No. 2421694

>everything's fake except the thing I haven't heard about yet!

No. 2421701

Anyone noticing how much the dead internet theory is so fucking true? Like there’s probably the same 20-40 people browsing this website and were probably the only real people on the internet among like 500 people who are likely real and go on the internet kek. I don’t believe popular YouTubers are really getting true, authentic large amounts of views and money, it reminds me of that whole claim that the US was paying loads of money for dead SSI recipients, there’s no fucking way anybody is truly famous on the internet.

No. 2421709

It all started with Web 2.0 and the advent of the Social Web. Corporations quickly realized the unlimited potential for laundering schemes. The majority of all content on the WWW is a byproduct of sophisticated money laundering efforts by business entities.

No. 2421737

It really fucks with you mentally cause yeah there are many bot accounts replying misinfo or infighting when certain topics are mentioned. BUT if you accept that this is a thing that happens online, how do you know anyone on the internet is real at all? Where do you draw the line? It's scary to think about but we seem to be getting only more confirmation of it lately

No. 2421777

There’s also a whole lot paid to spread propaganda. So if you’re not responding to a bot, you could just be responding to a paid government shill. the amount of accounts like this are highly underestimated.

No. 2421851

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Celebrities are homonculi. They are artificial humans which is why so many of them look like crossbreeds, hybrids, non-human in some aspects. Because they aren’t human they constantly need “maintenance” to be alive, Harvey Pasternak didn’t just put Kanye in the nutter house for no reason, they go to these nutter houses and certain hospitals (Mount Sinai hospital is oddly popular with celebrities and the wealthy) to give them their maintenance. I would assume that’s what those “performance drugs” he was giving to other celebrities besides Kanye was, but I truly believe they aren’t humans and this isn’t a compliment. It’s why they always felt so incomplete to me, think of Pinnochio and Geppetto where Pinnochio only has childlike fixations and nothing else, there are non complex feelings or emotions. Some become a bit rebellious and want to overcome the grip of their masters and creators, which is why so many of them die early.

No. 2421861

>That the sperm of a man be putrefied by itself in a sealed cucurbit for forty days with the highest degree of putrefaction in a horse's womb ["venter equinus", meaning "warm, fermenting horse dung"[2]], or at least so long that it comes to life and moves itself, and stirs, which is easily observed. After this time, it will look somewhat like a man, but transparent, without a body. If, after this, it be fed wisely with the Arcanum of human blood, and be nourished for up to forty weeks, and be kept in the even heat of the horse's womb, a living human child grows therefrom, with all its members like another child, which is born of a woman, but much smaller.[3]: 328–329 
Kekk anon, it's allegorical. They don't make a little shit man. On the right track tho

No. 2421902

Do you not know what the art of alchemy is?? It went allegorical

No. 2421903

*it wasn’t(learn2delete)

No. 2422131

Damn nona you believe in alchemy? Are there any recipes I could try? Genuinely asking.

No. 2423888

I don't know a single person in real life who doesn't use the Internet aside from my grandfather. It's hard for me to imagine that nobody is genuinely Internet famous.

I honestly think part of it has to do with the average age of an Internet user decreasing every year, so many "bot" comments are little kids posting from their mama's phone. Not saying the Internet isn't rife with bots but a surprising amount of human posts could be mistaken for bots. A lot of people are straight up re tarded.

No. 2423945

There’s foreign and government interference on this website.

No. 2423948

No, dead internet theory is real. Fuck off with your retarded rehearsed responses
>”oh haha no dearie that doesn’t exist, look the other way!”
>using the word “mama”
You’re so obvious.

No. 2423958

File: 1740800385084.jpg (212.09 KB, 1023x676, MV5BMTY0NzQzNDcxOF5BMl5BanBnXk…)

It's allegorical but references actual chemical compounds and real matter. It's not like a recipe book and specifically created this way so that that cave-dwellers can't figure it out, since knowledge is power

No. 2424030

And we're called crazy for stating it, mocked even

No. 2424160

What do you mean? Are you talking about the weird way how anyone pointing out the blatant foreign interference's influence on our recent political downfall suddenly gets sealioned or gaslit by anons trying to convince you there's nothing to see and nothing to worry about, pay no attention to the fire in the kitchen while the smoke alarm is screaming in the background?

No. 2424164

god and I hate how other people just eat it up, why isn’t it obvious to them?

No. 2424167

>takes large sip of FBI-brewed coffee

No. 2424181

You’re autistic. Look up elixir of life and philosopher’s stone, the occultist interpretations of pinnochio, etc. I’m done talking to plebians kek
Of course
I hope you schizos aren’t samefagging or trolling about being genuine tinfoilers but yeah, it’s why real opinions get immediately deleted and/or redtexted while others that feel like they were ran by some pro-Democrat script is being prioritized. It’s honestly spooky
>tabletop meme
Autist or scrote

No. 2424183

I already know what those things are and that you're wrong. I think a central part of the superficial persona you've created relied on the idea of you knowing ~esoteric secrets~ like this. Oh well, maybe you're good at art or tracing

No. 2424208

I am, yes

No. 2424351

I’m sure you do lmfao, imagine feeling threatened by someone in the tinfoil thread of all places. Oh no I believe in the occult.. like every single conspiracy theorist ever? You’re lacking a soul

No. 2424402

It's so obvious to me that this website and Kiwifarms share a huge overlap in userbase, to the point where I can recognize some of the farmers here by their KF accounts. Especially when they talk about politics, it's always the same regurgitated talking points that only autistic Thunderdome users use.

No. 2424594

At this point it's not even a tinfoil, it couldn't be any more plain or blatant, but some people cope with this cartoonish level of villainy and bullshit going on by sticking their heads in the sand and denying it. The interference has been successful, yes, based on a weak minded, easy to manipulate populace conditioned into a lack of critical thinking and knee jerk reactions through a reliance on social media; the exact goal that was laid out is being completed. That isn't to say it isn't going to bite these so-called puppet master in the ass from time to time because their puppet is a loose cannon who mostly does what he wants, but the main goals are taken care of.

No. 2424622

It's been posted about in these threads for years. I would agree that it's now no longer tinfoil.
>That isn't to say it isn't going to bite these so-called puppet master in the ass
It already is. The western elites weakened their own populations making them more susceptible to propaganda so that no one would revolt, only this has also made people in the west equally prone to falling for propaganda from Russia and China. What is even real at this point?

No. 2425805

youre the only anon on this fucking site who understands alchemy
youre a gay moron and brobably think that 'early jordan peterson was actually smart' also

No. 2425836

>they’re the only person who understands alchemy
Woahhh, you actually can’t talk to plebians kek. It’s like your level of understanding hits a certain ceiling while others, there’s no reason to explain things to people who don’t even have a soul or spirit to begin with.

No. 2425841

Imagine seething because someone is more “spiritually-inclined” than another person and actually understands that yes, alchemical practices do include elements related to life and what the fuck do you think that includes retard???? CLONING, creation, biological engineering, transhumanism, if you can’t even properly engage in this thread without trying to call people “schizos” and “insane” for using the correct thread in the first place then get the fuck out already, you can’t even connect the fucking dots that there are people high and above you who know way more than you who are obviously into that stuff and have shown it repeatedly time and time again, but I guess this is for soulless people who want to prove how “smurt” they are for repeating the same inane and surface-level garbage, proving that autists are hollows. If you’re autistic stay out of soulful conversations and stop getting upset people believing in higher powers and the occult, your mind lacks imagination and variety. Anyways, America is probably still owned by the British.

No. 2425844

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Yeah bro there’s nothing to see here, not like there’s thousand of years of alchemical knowledge that is connected to spirituality, lol disregard! Like fuck off already, tired of fucking faggots always telling me I don’t know shit about anything, I clearly do because I’m not a fucking atheistic midwit.

No. 2425971

Ok but how tf do I learn alchemy it looks really cool. Any book recommendations

No. 2426614

File: 1740967263145.jpg (296.15 KB, 1080x1091, the-final-definitive-beyond-th…)

Thoughts on flat earth/ ice walls?

No. 2426616

>I'm sexually attracted to 2D cartoons
>You're just severely autistic
Wait what

No. 2426862

Cool idea for a fantasy novel.

No. 2426882

File: 1740996290691.jpg (46.93 KB, 680x459, 8vg0a56gdvxa1.jpg)

I like the ones where they loop around to it being a ball again

No. 2426908

Nona do you really think this is real

No. 2426974

I don’t currently have any book recommendations, I wish I could tell you which good book to read but a lot of it I feel is a bit more spiritual for people who just want to read it to understand the full history and use of it (even though I know it definitely had a connection with witchcraft kek). I still currently have to do more research on it, but it’s way more than just “muh allegory!!” but you can look up alchemical symbols and properties as well. I would just research it on your own tbh, it’s kind of hard anyways since a lot of stuff was likely destroyed, stolen, etc. during the Middle Ages

No. 2426977

This one makes more sense to me. It dispels a lot of myths about the creation of the world to me. It’s very obvious that the biblical God did not create everyone and definitely did not create this planet, and there were likely species and life here before he “made chaos out of order”. There’s a female goddess named Tiamat who used to represent this chaos (the original state of the world) and many more beings, but people don’t mention or make these connections because ofc people are more comfortable with having a big daddy in the sky (or saturn’s lullabies) to pray to and worship despite the origins of humanity have a huge dark past. Besides that I don’t know, but I get the idea on the world dictating how you view reality even if most of the constructed reality is false so I understand flat earthers and their valid paranoia

No. 2426983

>she doesnt know about the Two from the One
>she doesnt know about the mad twin and mother of all monsters

No. 2426991

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Fill me in nonny what are you talking about? Also I meant to put this picture as an example of what I agreed with for my post >>2426977

No. 2427038

File: 1741010313220.png (3.01 KB, 276x183, dyad.png)

hehe sorry for being facetious. im referencing some gnostic/classical prechristian ideas.
>the Two from the One
this is in reference to pythagorean monadism, which is a source of gnostic ideas. pythagoras believed in an 0rder of numbers that reflects the 0rder of the universe; as two evolves from one, duality emerges from totality. the Dyad emerges from the Monad and with it introduces primeval suffering (otherness, division, the pain of separation).
the Monad is perfect totality and unity. it is the self-contained Point of matter. it is Something but it is All Somethings, and Anything must therefore be included in it, and be it, and outside it is Nothing (apeiron; the underfined, the boundless).
the Dyad is the original injury, like the Amfortas wound (in more ways than the obvious). the Dyad is the first instance of Two, separated, with a boundless infinite gulf between them. you can think of the Monad as a circle, and the Dyad as two circles who overlap like a ven diagram, with the overlap erased (not a coincidence that this is a vulval shape). But more than injury and introduction of chaos into the heart of matter, the Dyad is equally a Door to infinity, and the portal (portal in the sense of "door") that creates the Many from the One (the Monad). Thus this "wound" is also an essential point of connection between the Many and the One.
This idea of a cosmic order reflected perfectly in the evolution of numbers a favourite of mine is also reflected in the story of Tiamat. Tiamat, the goddess of the waters of Chaos, was slain by the storm god (I forget his name), and her body dismembered into many pieces which are scattered and become the cosmos (Many (material) evolving from One (divine)).

>the mother of monsters

Tiamat is also very relevant to this. Tiamat intermingled her waters (the primordial ocean, chaos, salt water) with the waters of Apsu, the source-god of all fresh water (ie, that water which facilitates life). God antics ensue but skipping forward, Tiamat gives birth to legions of monsters who kill Apsu and scatter over the world. Because she is the embodiment of chaos, Tiamat can only bring forth multitudinous evil.

I won't get into the twin thing but I would like to address the seed of misogyny you may have noticed in this explanation. The mother of monsters thing is a colourful illustration of the themes already present in the more clinical pythagorean mythology. There's a psychoanalyst that I really like who is not widely known (at least in my country) who had a central theory that all birth is essentially traumatic to the child because it is an extremely sudden introduction to a life as a discrete individual surrounded by Other discrete individuals. Using the pythagorean stuff as a scaffold; a fetus is not discrete, it is a part of its mother, the all-encompassing One (as a beautiful etymological aside, I'd like to note that the root for "paradise" is the PIE for "enclosure, enclosed space"). As far as it is aware there is Nothing outside of the One which it exists not just as a part of, but as. Birth is the wound that creates the first Dyad, severing baby from mother. This is the Amfortas wound we all as human beings share. I believe that moids develop serious resentment towards women for this wound because 1. they lack empathy and are unable to reconcile feelings of maternal ambivalence (women get a head start on this because we have to consider the possibilities of being mothers ourselves, also we are generally more intelligent and can empathise) and 2. they understand on some unconscious level the vagina as a reflection of the Door from the One to the Many and thus the only real point of connection between the spiritual and the material and are seethingly jealous because this reminds them that they are essentially filthy hylics who have been divided permanently from paradise.

No. 2427044

(my picrel isnt a good representation of the more spiritual dyad idea i wrote with the centre erased, it instead shows how a point becomes a line as one becomes two and thus pythagoras' rudimentary understanding of dimensions)

No. 2427054

File: 1741011149157.png (1.08 MB, 792x892, remember- the nature of the mo…)

but then again it is a good display of how, even living in the illusion world of discrete material severed from Others, we can be happy because we all originate from the One, and thus we are always connected to each other!

No. 2427084

The monad imo is the primordial chaos, what existed before. I want to know though nonny how does Yahweh and the other gods fit into this? I’m curious and have been trying to figure this out for awhile now, because it makes zero sense on how some invisible scrote can be the only creator of this universe and how one god can “fulfill” everything and “be everything” despite their being other gods who fulfill everything you know??

No. 2427091

Columbine shooting was a fabricated incident. And many more people were involved besides Eric and Dylan.That’s why all information about it from the time is being wiped from the internet. There are court cases that are sealed until the 2100s, this is stuff they don’t want anyone alive to know.

No. 2427100

No. 2427115

There are different theories as to why. But a major one is because they wanted to push gun regulations.
Mind Shock/Bruce Maguire have really good podcast where he goes through witness accounts that claim there were more shooters, case documents, theories ect. Also the website research columbine is really good and informative, it has almost everything.
Mind Shock Columbine podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVsHlWhRW4zz16rTETZ7ySVNpAXKR4PKh&si=38suQHfrDVfLWGtl
Research Columbine: https://www.researchcolumbine.com/tie-dye-shirt.html

No. 2427159

>fabricated to push gun laws
lol no. I hope no one seriously believes this because this is the same excuse conservatives always push after a school shooting because they worship their boomsticks, the lives of children be damned. Looking at what's going on now, they don't have to take your guns to subdue you when you roll over on your bellies and let them dismantle everything this country was founded upon. Propaganda and conditioning through social media has been far more effective.

No. 2427218

So this is 100% a humiliation ritual, right?

No. 2427236

China does not have 1.1 billion people. Anyone who believes in any number they give have fallen for their propaganda. Realistically, they have about 700M people

No. 2427245

Why would they lie?

No. 2427360

im fed up people coming into this thread, saying some random theory and not explaining at all

No. 2427372

NTA. I don't think Columbine was fabricated, but I absolutely believe that the government does radicalize men into committing school shootings in order to pass gun laws to dearm the population. Even if the government isn't directly talking to these men and worsening their mental health in order to create these shootings, the media definitely heroizes and obsesses over school shooters in order to create more. It's a social contagion in the same way that suicide and trannyism is. So you have to ask yourself why the media would push them so much and cause this social contagion. And if you want a direct contrast of them doing the opposite, look at Luigi. World's biggest thing until they caught him, then suddenly every media dropped it. Meanwhile, they're still talking about the shootings that happened years ago, and bringing up the shooter and the full details anytime anything in the case changes or it's an anniversary.
I wish this is true, but it's probably not. We can actually measure how many people are in China by how much carbon dioxide they give off. That's how we knew that more people were dying from covid then they were letting on in the first month, because the carbon dioxide of the infected city suddenly plummeted in a way that couldn't be explained unless ten times the number of people had died.

No. 2427453

>no this isn’t true
Why do you anti-conspiracy people keep coming into this thread if you don’t believe in anything beyond the fucking status quo? Leave people the fuck alone in this thread if you can’t handle this level of conversation, stay in your retarded ignorance
I believe you, I definitely do anon. Don’t let the other idiots say they don’t plan these events, they seriously underestimate how this world truly functions. They won’t even click the links, won’t even further engage, that’s how you figure out if someone is an NPC or not ready to reinforce the status quo back into your life when you begin to step out of line on how the world wants you to think about reality. Thank you for the interesting video you linked I will definitely watch it and go over the links. Wasn’t one of their parents involved with the feds before the event or was that false? Maybe I’m thinking of another mass tragedy. I already thought this but that whole Trump assassination kid really sealed the deal for me, especially since he was in a Blackrock commercial. Another one that was also creepy was that Ulvade shooting where the police, piggies who are always ready to unload lead at a toddler on the street who decides to flinch in their presence, decided to stay out from doing their jobs. Quite odd.

No. 2427491

I'm not anti-conspiracy but I have standards as to what I deem plausible and what's put out there to bait and confuse people into believing something equally bullshit. Just because it's an alternative theory to the mainstream doesn't mean it's true, that's where a lot of people go wrong; "X was a lie, so Y must be true!" as if everything's black and white with no middle ground. You can believe it if you want, but I don't have to think it's legit. Do you think Sandy Hook deaths were fake, too? One should also think about why someone would benefit from a certain narrative and saying Columbine being faked to push gun laws only serves the NRA who certainly don't give a fuck about the average citizen and are as corrupt as any lobby.

No. 2428060

Jfc I believe the Columbine anon too and I've been researching the subject for a while but you're so annoying. You keep sperging out whenever anons have a different opinion than you ever since you joined the threads, you're so easy to identify because you keep repeating the exact same shit.
God I miss the original threads from years ago before we had retards come here to infight about sunscreen, veganism and try to dictate what topics are allowed here
>muh politisperging
>muh we can only talk about spiritual tinfoils

No. 2428138

I never heard of any of those. Tell me more I'm interested. Is Tiamat from specific religion? Or?

No. 2428267

No you’re clearly just retarded and subtly trying to tell people they’re wrong for having a conspiracy theory in the conspiracy theory thread. You can fuck off
Nobody is here to prove if it’s definitively true or the definitive truth, conspiracy theories are boring if you just think in such a mechanical, detached way. That’s why this thread is so fucking boring, it’s just another dumping frown for politispergs and TRUST DA SCIENCE!!!! spergs coming in here to reinforce to status quo and stop your brain from thinking outside of the box. If you can’t think outside of the box in the outside of the box, wacky thread then why the fuck are you in this thread and what do you truly have to offer that we can’t find on Reddit where they keep the conversations painfully surface-level? Like seriously?

No. 2428287

Tiamat is the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of the primordial waters (salt water oceans). Think Epic of Gilgamesh times

No. 2428315

Yes, Erics father was an ex fbi agent and his parents have never made any statements after the incident. Sue Klebold (Dylans mother) has made statements that she believes Dylan and Eric were under MK-ultra mindcontrol. Which also is a popular theory. Eric took heavy anti-depressants and Dylans medical records nor autopsy has never been released.

No. 2428395

Yes what >>2428287 said, but look up ancient astronaut theory and the Annunaki as well
Oh that’s interesting. I wonder why she did this Ted Talk though kek

No. 2428399

How will AI and mass means of production for animation by basically all countries affect kawaii culture though

No. 2428487

Thank you for this nona, who is the psychologist you referred to? Is it maybe Lacan? I'd like to read more about this.

No. 2428495

I don't believe in satanic stuff. I do believe in more individual cults with esoteric leanings or connections to malicious Mason groups (so things like Scientology, Royal Order of Jesters, Transcendental Meditation, Children of God, and other more micro cults with connections to Hollywood people) but the satanism crap seems very generalized and like a misunderstanding. many a Hollywood celebrity does have connections to a malicious smaller cult but I don't believe in a world order or "greater agenda" because that goes against human nature. No humans even elite humans would be able to work together long enough to actually engage and participate in a larger "order"

No. 2428504

JB allegedly infected women with herpes without them knowing and it was brushed under the rug.

No. 2428506

It’s a world order and you’re retarded if you clearly can’t see it. You’re not smart for deliberately ignoring the facts and deciding to be “rational”, you’re engaging in ignorant denialism.

No. 2428547

There are no "facts" about satanic woo woo panic religious crap. Stop visiting /pol/. Human beings are literally too retarded to work together to engage in an organized "new world order", connections and people knowing one another and protecting another under the guise of complicity is more like a conspiracy or organized crime. It's not an order. It's not a cabal. Go take your schizopills

No. 2428580

I love you gnosticism nonnie, I hope you post here forever.

No. 2428991

Go away glowie

No. 2429219

Going back on the Tiamat thing, I honestly feel like the reptilian conspiracy was a psyop. There’s been a strange ancient vendetta against serpents/lizard/reptile beings and I still don’t understand why kek. Fuck David Icke and his ugly ass, I hate whenever they just take some scrote’s words as bible (just like Alex Jones) when it’s obvious they’re bought out controlled opposition. Anyways this seems interesting: https://beeper1520.blogspot.com/2014/09/the-legend-of-annu-nagi-mythology-and.html?m=1

No. 2429223

When did she say that? I've read her book and watched her TedTalk.

No. 2429285

Stop being an antisemitic simpleton retard bitch. There is no cabal, and you don't know how Hollywood corruption actually works. You are too stupid to actually know how it works. The interworkings of fixers, micro cults, lawyers and how they protect rapist pigs are completely unbeknownst to you because you'd rather default to screaming about the Illuminati than ever consider it's more complex than that. I wish you luck developing critical thinking skills. Xoxo(infighting)

No. 2429294

>assumes the cabal is only just jewish people
>projection of their own antisemitism on to others while saying we don’t know anything
NTA but hahahaha and that’s when I entirely just stopped reading the fartsy rationalist bullshit you’ve been writing. We don’t need your faggot sign-off signatures in here either, good riddance.

No. 2429297

No one needs 'full body deodorant'. It's a marketing psy-op. All those 'hygiene routine' videos on tiktok are sponsored by Dove to sell more soap.

No. 2429321

It' so weird how pussy deodorant ads keep popping up. I see women spray deodorant down their towel or whatever and immediately think yeast infection. I don't get it. If you stink anywhere besides an armpit after a day you need a shower and to work on your normal hygiene routine or check your health at the doctor, not use some deodorant in a sensitive area. I made this about deodorant for vaginas basically but I think using it anywhere besides armpits is really ridiculous.

No. 2429367

Okay oversimplifying retard who lacks nuance and is trying to psyop the thread into believing satanic panic bs. Some of you bitches are dimmer than half a brick I swear to god

No. 2429388

Do not become swayed by the Demiurge and the people he has brainwashed into believing he is the one true god

No. 2429399

They are pushing non-aluminum deodorants because THEY DON'T WORK and the manufacturers KNOW THAT. So people use these shitty deodorants that don't work well on their own and require the user buy more products to compensate for their shitty deodorants. And of course this is amplified by people not washing their hair because its supposed to be better for their hair forgetting that hair holds onto odors. Natural hair sebum has an odor and even when claimed that it doesn't the environments we live in will produce odor that clings onto the hair (smoke, smog, pollution, cooking smells).


No. 2429725

i fucking hate scented products marketed for women to use on their genitals. they're inherently misogynistic junk designed to make women hate their bodies and ignore their health. if a man is so repulsed by pussy that he demands you douse yours in perfume then he's probably a homo in denial and if your pussy has an unusual odor then you need to see a doctor, not buy deodorant

No. 2429726

I love Lacan, but I'm actually referring to didier Anzieu, specifically his theory of the skin-envelope. He was not big on lacan funnily enough, really pushed for a return to Freud (and to the organic/body) in psychoanalysis, which I really respect and kind of wish had more staying power. I think one of the funny things about Lacanian psychoanalysis is despite (one of) its purpose(s) being learning to understand (symbolise) incursions of the Real (as the analysand must in order to overcome psychic trauma/wounds without language which underlie pathological behaviour), it ends up just referring to itself (symbols referring to symbols referring to symbols forever) and avoiding the Real altogether. So it kind of becomes a justification for pathology rather than a way out. At least, this is my experience with Lacanian psychoanalysis lol.
I love you too anon!! I will always return, I love this thread for better or for worse kek.
Great link anon, totally agree about Icke.

No. 2429727

>No humans even elite humans would be able to work together long enough to actually engage and participate in a larger "order"
This is an absolutely insane thing to say. I think one of the things that pushed me from this mindset (very common) was reading in depth about the Cold War. That might sound stupid, but it's fucking insane just how under wraps everything was despite involving two of the largest militaries in the world. People are extremely good at keeping secrets when their lives or the lives of their loved ones are on the line. We got a glimpse of how extensive the networks of blackmail are in Hollywood circles with Epstein, but it's crazy to think that what came out was anything but the tiniest tip of the iceberg. It's important to note too that in extensive cults not everyone is fully in the know, most just have scraps of information fed to them for blackmail purposes.

No. 2429809

It's deep but it's not that kind of deep, much more disjointed, and doesn't involve satanism and "bloodlines" and all that utter nonsense

No. 2429814

How long one can go without washing their hair depends on the hair type and activities they engage in (as well as living environment as you said). I can get away with washing my hair just once a week, I still take daily showers though. People with thin and/or oily hair who use a lot of product definitely need to wash more. I agree as far as the deodorant scam.

No. 2429827

True. When I was still a preteen, a very based female doctor told me to NEVER wash my vulva with anything containing perfume, I never understood why until now. Now that I think about it, why are we putting PERFUME in our vaginas?! That's insane and unnecessary, our vulvas are supposed to smell fresh and healthy but that's it, no need for rose scents.

No. 2429904

Dicks have always been way more stinky and dirty than vaginas, which are self cleaning, but there is not a single product designed to specifically clean or perfume penises.

No. 2430166

Reptiles have always been evil though, regardless of what you think of David Icke.

No. 2430259

In order to be evil "reptilians" would actually have to exist, and they don't.

No. 2430873

Why are you here again?

No. 2432160

Because the rationalist side of conspiracy is still technically considered conspiracy you retard

No. 2432421

Yet you promote glowie propaganda and disinformation. Here’s my own conspiracy theory about you: you’re a disgruntled fed who’s at risk for unemployment due to orange man/mustrat’s government tampering, was part of the (compromised) Anonymous spergfest targeting orange man not too long ago and is now killing time with psyops and gaslighting on fringe sites whenever tinfoilfags get to the bottom of things in the guise of “rational thought”.

Times up, glowie, now gtfo.

No. 2432980

Do you think snuff films are real? I know they have always been debunked, but i am sure they are real. I remember hearing one of hugh hefner ex gfs saying that he used to get off to snuff films back in the 70s-80s, so they have been around for a while.

No. 2432983

I think they do exist but aren't, for many reasons, distributed beyond a very small group of people. There's no industry out there, making money on it, but there's been cases where someone has filmed a snuff situation and shared it.

No. 2433104

Hunter S. Thompson is alleged to have filmed a few of them involving children being hunted down and murdered by elites

No. 2433140

Daisy's Destruction turned out to be real.

No. 2433212

Okay David Icke dicksucker extraordinaire pol export always talking about the least interesting most socially irrelevant and debunked conspiracies, see you in the next life where we will all be reborn as stardust(infighting)

No. 2433287

what's your source on this? id be interested in reading more.

No. 2433309

>muh david icke
Get your retarded scrote ass away from this thread(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 2433330

it wasnt snuff, daisy is still alive

No. 2433373

Naive to think they don't exist.

No. 2433394

ISIS promotion videos exist and are/were deliberately made high budget.

No. 2433549

Alleged mk-ultra victims such as Paul Bonacci and Fiona Bartlett. Bonacci was allegedly involved in the Franklin coverup as a trafficking victim.

No. 2433845

The original that was passed around had three minor girls, one was an infant. The two older girls lived. The infant was tortured on camera and then buried off camera but discussed. When the two girls were rescued they confirmed this. It was part of the threats their abusers used to get them to comply. It isn't worth being nit picky about it. Those people did a vile evil thing to film and sell.

No. 2433851

did they actually rape a baby? i feel like i'm going to be sick

No. 2433868

They killed it and yes the two women were involved in preforming sexual assault on it. They were convicted of this. They went to jail. Peter Scully and Liezyl Margallo served time. The second female in the video was believed to be of age but during the filming may have been a minor. testimony about her is given but her name is never shared. The living children were Diasy and Liza. My understanding that they are both adopted with name changes from when they were purchased. I'm sorry for making you feel ill. Let's wish those two girls the best lives they can possibly have, they deserve it.

No. 2433897

thanks for sharing that website link columbine anon, it's making my weekend a lot more interesting. reminds me of when i did research into the las vegas shooter and jon benet ramsey.

No. 2433907

Just search for rekt threads on /gif/

No. 2433913

what is the difference between gore and stuff? People (mostly moids) film murdering people all the time

No. 2433914

In a perfect world, columbine would have made people come together and ban any males that exhibited feral behavior. The columbine kids were a ticking timebomb.

No. 2434219

Snuff is a video in which people are killed with the intent to sell and make a profit.

No. 2434465

This reminds me of one post I read on 4chan many years back. The poster claimed to work in the industry for many decades. He talked about prosthetics too but only penile ones. He said that before prosthetics in porn took off men were injecting their dicks with some sort of material or drug to finish the scenes in record time without having to take tons of takes. He said that the prosthetics changed the entire industry. He did not mention female prosthetics but I could see this being true with the popularity of extreme pornography these days that would probably put women in the hospital if they had to retake so many of the scenes.
None of the posters believed him either.

No. 2434837

You got a source for that? Because that's not how I remmeber the case.

No. 2435048

Tom Holland is a faggot.

No. 2435058

He seems like a relatively nice boy. He seems really into Zendaya so I don't see it

No. 2435064

i watched a documentary about snuff films a long time ago and in it one of the producers of the original texas chainsaw massacre said he was approached by some mexicans who wanted him to invest in their horror movies. they met up someplace shady (i think a motel) and showed him one of their films and it was real footage of a woman being murdered. the producer became frightened and told them he wasn't interested and fled. i can't remember if he reported it to the police (probably not) and the entire story could very well be bullshit but i thought i'd mention it. i definitely think snuff films exist and have for decades.

No. 2435077

Never heard about this until now but holy shit this guy doesn't deserve to live. And Josh Duggar has this shit on his computer??? They are so diseased it's beyond comprehension

No. 2435093

Lavender marriage kekekek

No. 2435104

i only trust female transvestigaters tbh male ones just make shit up to hide their latent homosexuality towards male celebs that they’re attracted to and wish were female so they can still be “straight”

No. 2435110

Female transvestigators are based. I like how conspiracy theories can believe in aliens, a cabal of secret societies running nations across the globe, and 5G causing cancer but believing that celebrities, who constantly always give the knee to trannies and gendies, could possibly be secret trannies themselves? No way!! Kek

No. 2435113

Uhh what female transvestigator has been right? I don't like troonshit but these women are usually equally as deranged as the men who do the same, but less motivated by any kind of chaser fetish shit

No. 2435116

File: 1741441487574.jpeg (57.4 KB, 736x736, IMG_3956.jpeg)

>linebacker built women ofc coming in to denounce tranny investigators
like clockwork

No. 2435137

This would explain why Zendaya is constantly working on new movies/TV shows and they barely seem to "retreat" together kek. I don't usually buy into gay celebrity tinfoils but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true for them.

No. 2435145

I don't understand why people insist these can't be real, they're probably not sold to a wide audience for obvious reasons but it's such a simple and believable concept.

No. 2435158

The japan psyop is unreal. “We need Japanese convenience stores here in the states!” no you stupid retard, you people don’t deserve and can’t have convenience stores or anything nice because burger fats are selfish and the Japanese know how to clean up after themselves and not steal shit out of the stores. You have too much genetic lumpenprole trash here to have anything nice and that’s exactly why America looks the way it does in many of its states, it damn near looks like a second-world country. I’m tired of stupid fucking weebs, anime truly was a CIA psyop.

No. 2435162

They probably say it because they want porn sold in the back. American convenience stores/corner stores are fine, and sometimes offer in-store made food like sandwiches. They just want the novelty of being able to buy hentai.

No. 2435169

File: 1741443724900.jpg (73.45 KB, 577x433, 1000014742.jpg)

If there was nothing suspicious about it then why did
>the state passed a law to disallow citizens to access information that was granted by the 1967 freedom act
>forced the entire town to sign an NDA
>melted a building
>didn't use any yearbook photos/ student ID photos student IDs were implemented in the state by 2000

No. 2435174

They sell manga in those stores?? Kek the videos I’ve seen it’s just a bunch of exotic foods that these tards here want to try which is logistically impossible considering seafood here in the states is incredibly expensive and Japan heavily incorporates it into their cuisine. What is America anymore if we don’t have anything purely America?? They’re just hipsters who want to feel smurt and ~inclusive~ for trying foreign foods because they think every single American is an uncultured xenophobe

No. 2435178

Which state was this?
>buiding melted
Cloning farm or HAARP beam testing facility, take your pick.

No. 2435187

You are overthinking it way too much, people just want ready to eat meals that aren't just vaguely suspicious sandwiches, hot dogs, and salads. Not going to happen, but it's not because of 7/11 porn
Bentos seem nice. That's it.

No. 2435191

Another suburbanite who grew up getting their brains completely wiped and washed by anime full of softcore porn, pedophilia and occult imagery who thinks Japan = awesome! Yeah it’s almost like you should go somewhere else for food and it’s almost like America already has a bunch of “fast convenient food” places like hm.. I don’t know.. FAST FOOD. Kek(infight bait)

No. 2435212

Well why can't they just get a bento from a japanese restaurant or a food truck

No. 2435275

True. And if I had to choose, and had no other options, I would pick trannies over crazy women like this

No. 2435303

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This theory is pretty boring, but I think the reason why so many cultures had animal-headed gods is because, before civilisation "took off", some tribe leaders wore the skulls of creatures they killed to show their authority (it made them look bigger/scarier and showed off their power) and the idea just endured in mythology.

No. 2435306

>thinks it was people wearing animal masks to scare people
Kek, normalfags will never seize to amaze me with their typical bot solutions on worldly subjects. Yeah it was boring, think harder next time

No. 2435308

Because it doesn't haven't to be just Japanese food? It's just the concept of a boxed lunch that isn't incredibly unhealthy for you to eat daily.
Eating nothing but burgers is more of a brainwash. You do know theyve been fighting to scan your license plate using AI in order to personalize the menu to get you to buy more, right?

No. 2435310

Weird post

No. 2435317

nta but the nonna also said to manifest authority. I agree with OP and think the people we're also closer to animals and saw them as embodyment of virtues good or bad, essentially the OP nonna got it I think. Otherwise please delight us with your animal hear wearing secret knowlegde.

No. 2435333

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If nothing else that theory could be what planted the seed in humanity of "the person with the Big Fancy Hat is our leader" kek

No. 2435357

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Winning theory
Do you anons remember the Crazy Days and Nights "industry veteran" who revealed that Ariana Grande and Miranda Cosgrove were the only Nickelodeon victims who "would" participate in age-play with Schneider (meaning the other girls refused)? I can't find the caps now

No. 2435391

I remember the blinds about Hayden Panettiere and alluding to how she loved getting beat up by her partners, and she was part of this large coffee table book. This book was like a mail-order prostitution catalogue of famous/hot actresses people could order. To clarify, the book had pictures of the actress like the shots were for a magazine. According to the 'industry veteran' Hayden's mom was pimping her out.

No. 2435415

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Room 23 was created by Diana Jenkins. She's a crazy rich socialite with a lot of time on her hands. This is from reddit bc I'm lazy but it's accurate afaik
>She was married to a former Barclays executive, so not a c suite but still compensated handsomely. I think her divorce settlement was 40 million.

No. 2435425

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samefag Hayden comes from a weird incestual family and is super into into rough sex/hitting/punching/etc, she used to be photographed with huge bruises all over her legs but I can't find a single pic now. She has pretty serious issues and had relinquish custody of her daughter to her ex but I think she is sober now and finding work again. I don't think Diana's coffee table book had a lot to do with Hayden's issues or that it was genuinely an escort catalogue

No. 2436460

romantic love for women is a psyop created by men and i was the biggest buyer of that psyop. Now i am trying to break-free after years of ingesting that trash that only serves to make women ride-or-dies for men and excuse men's red flags.

Men view relationships as transactions while women view relationships as love or unions.

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