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No. 669385
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
https://momokuncosplay.comFacebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecently:
>Momo lands in Hawaii, immediately has issues with her airbnb and ends up in a hotel because "mama don't fuck around">Gets touchy-feely and flirty with the one guy in the group of hairdressers she's with, ignoring the fact that he's, y'know, gay>The hairdressers do Moo's hair every day yet her ratty extensions continue to look like they're trying to escape from her head>Face is beet red due to facial treatment, ignores basic skincare and bombards her face every product except sunscreen>Goes on a boat tour with families and children wearing a too-small bikini, takes a video with her camera pointed at her tits and pushing them around like any normal person would in that situation>Completely removed location shoots from her Patreon so the people paying her will stop harrassing her when she's on her well-deserved vacations with their money>Starts using Kylie Skincare, doesn't understand the bad reviews because "I don't get any burning! My wipes aren't dry at all!" then complains that it's burning her skin four days later>Commissions artist named Reiq, who coincidentally made stickers for BunnyAyumi, for stickers of her Cow character and Pochacho. Screenshots come out showing that they're in good company together>Moo goes on Sensei's "podcast" and streams it live, Sensei confirms what farmers suspected and discusses wrangling her in Japan. Sensei's gf will also be moving in with Moo soon>Has mental breakdown at 3am that night, says she didn't grow up in an ideal household, her mental health is up and down and "shit's been rough">Is having lip fillers and jaw/chin lipo done next month, says she loves herself and is beautiful but wants to improve>Wants to do multiple BotW cosplays>UmbranWitch just arrived in Las Vegas to visitSolely posting in this thread to comment on Moo's weight will warrant a no contribution ban No. 669388
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That lipo can't come soon enough huh
No. 669390
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I don’t get why she’s so proud of her lumpy midsection sometimes but tries her damnedest to shoop it out in pictures. She confuses me.
No. 669391
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That Pochacho dog-face vibe is strong here.
No. 669394
>>669149Why does she put male characters in her cosplans? We all know she's never going to crossplay, most likely because she thinks it's only something dykes do. She can only ever do fat, "lewd", female versions of characters. Why even put the characters in "cosplans" when you have no intention of doing them?
Moo probably at least has enough common sense to know that fat girls are terrible at crossplay. No one sees a 5'3" landwhale and thinks anything other than "fat girl", regardless of what you wear.
No. 669395
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>>669390She's doing the Truffle Shuffle!
No. 669420
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The subtitle of this new thread gave me a good laugh. Good job anon.
Also, birds of a feather flock together. Thus bitch ugly.
No. 669435
>Can't wait for her to not finish this one and go right for the sequel You mean when her cousin finishes this one. I also doubt that her attention span towards Zelda will last that long. By the time that game will be out (in maybe 2 or 3 years) she will god knows what kind of cosplay aka porn creating.
Also, what happened to her Uminineko passion or whatever the name was. She got her cheese rose tattoo and then nothing.
No. 669470
>>669390I wonder if the reason her lipo came out so lumpy is 1) she always wears tight clothes. If you do that during lipo you will form your body to wherever the clothes dig in.
2) She keeps gaining, making the lumps even bigger.
No. 669480
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At this point just lipo the whole body. Shes gonna be so fucking disproportionate.
No. 669492
>>669390this is the body of a linebacker who let himself go after retiring from the nfl
jeez mariah, please just exercise. a little cardio, 30 minutes a day. why is that too much to do? you literally have no responsibilities in life and you're young–tap into the youthful energy before its gone
No. 669494
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Anon didn’t mention she was attempting to play BotW without cousin support lol. And getting owned by a Lynel.
Is she so insecure that she has to wear her gaudy Gucci bag indoors now too?
No. 669507
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I wonder why she chose to get lipo everywhere but her thighs.
I mean, now she can get away with it because it kinda works out with her arms and back boobs and everything. But once this is all gone she‘ll look like pic related, just with huge pancake tits.
And since she‘ll be packing on mainly on those areas afterwards (bc let’s be honest, she won’t change anything about her eating or exercising habits), it‘ll just get worse…
No. 669511
>>669507That’s the scary part… she DID lipo her legs the first time along with her original fupa. Imagine how huge she would be right now if she hadn’t.
I’m surprised none of the weight gain goes to her ass. Her back and arms seem to get the brunt of it. So bizarre.
No. 669521
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No. 669529
>>669521 Holy fuck. This is incriminating!
>>669494 Need a BOTW anon in here to confirm, but this looks like she has fewer hearts than she did when "she" was trying to pull out the Master Sword a few days ago, right before she claimed "she" was going for her third beast. Does this picture contradict all of that?
No. 669533
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>>669529You are right about the hearths. This is what jumped right into my eye when I looked at her screen. Also note that the Lynel is still a brown one, which means she is still super early in the game because during your progress they turn into more powerful ones. Also see that she still in a unlocked area because her map is black at the bottom, so she hasn't discovered all yet. (And doubt will)
>>669507Checked for lipo and long term risks and it says you shouldn't get it when you are overweight/obese lol No. 669547
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No. 669554
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>>669548>>669529She has like, one additional heart since last we saw her play. Plus, I doubt she even knows how to exchange hearts and stamina yet.
>>669521Dear lord her backfat is eating her shirt! We’re getting all kinds of great unflattering images lately. Lol keep it up calf.
No. 669573
>>669480god, that rats nest on her hair needs to go.
it looks like shes checking to make sure sensei isnt around so she can have munchies
No. 669576
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I couldn’t help but think of the ‘how lil kids cough’ meme when I saw this…
No. 669577
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so you’re a tough guy chest always so puffed guy like it really rough guy just can’t get enough guy
No. 669580
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No. 669585
>>669577I'm that wide type
Gotta flat behind type
Get a stomach band type
Love to scam my fans type
I'm the baaaaad guy
((Solely posting in this thread to comment on moo's weight will warrant a no contribution ban)) No. 669586
>>669583Her wig quality is extremely bad and so is Moo's. Maybe that's why they're friends now? They can talk about how everyone is so jealous of them and be delusional together.
>>669580How much you wanna bet Mariah made her write that? This sounds like the typical story that people put out when they visit Moo for the first time.
No. 669590
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She literally looks like a grandma spoiling her granddaughter rn. Absolutely geriatric Mariah.
No. 669599
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But… they don't carry her size at Lulu??
No. 669600
lmao she's just as delusional as moo
>>669420 No. 669602
This is gold. I have been waiting g for her to start wearing girdles day to day.
No. 669623
>>669584 Seriously. I thought the hairdressers were the masters of taking unflattering pictures of Moo.
Umbranwitch is supplying free milk. I'm almost convinced it's intentional at this rate. This is easily the worst Moo has ever looked.
No. 669633
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>>669521 Seeing this and comparing it to the IG post she just put up is hilarious and sad.
No. 669637
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Compare bellybutton in
>>669633 to pic related.
No. 669641
>>669640It's not, my dude!
(because Mariah is incompetent at editing)
No. 669664
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Couldn’t even spell the character’s (or the game’s) name right. Ffs Moo, could you be any more of a fake fan?
No. 669667
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Either she's borrowing Moo's Balenciagas or Mariah really is buying her friendship
No. 669669
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>>669668Lots of things, I'm guessing. Mariah also took her to get her nails done. As far as I can tell Umbran's only income is wig commissions so there's no way she's footing the bill for all of this.
No. 669681
>>669674Three times even, I think?
>>669671Allegedly she is dieting and cut out bread. Wondering what’s that supposed to do when she’s still eating other carbs like pasta. But it’s Moo so I shouldn’t be surprised.
No. 669774
>>669770I doubt she has one that even fits cause that would mean facing the cold hard truth that she‘s passed xl a long time ago.
So she usually just settles for sports bras that really do her breasts (and probably her back) no favor.
No. 669775
>>669771I dunno about you, but I don't throw fabric and items around a store well into my 20's. Or scream and run around the store.
There's being goofy and being a child. She's definitely the latter
No. 669776
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I'm loving how much she reminds me of a white Rasputia at this point!
Everything from the ridiculous nails to that ''thicc girl confidence''
No. 669782
>>669084Sunken cost fallacy.
Moo is a singular case of sunken cost fallacy.
No. 669803
>>669669explain to me WHY she is wearing that belt bag. that bag is straight up material, i can tell there is nothing inside. it's not covering anything. she doesn't dress in streetwear style so it doesn't even make sense
she just looks like a morbidly obese old hag and all it does is look super tiny on her and make her look even fatter than she is (which is really, really fat)
>>669803Because it’s the only designer brand item that sorta fits her.
Plus those yoga pants don’t have pockets so she probably uses it just for her phone and keys.
The other day I was thinking that maybe she already has diabetes and is carrying around the shit she needs because of that and that’s why she‘s always having that fanny pack with her. But massive tinfoiling.
No. 669812
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>>669773Mariah, please no!!!
No. 669824
>>669812Kek! Thank you for this anon
>>669771I mean considering her age she’s acting like a dipshit in public. She’s the epitome of being an attention whore
No. 669865
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No. 669866
>>669851 But the bizarre thing about this is how she took a minimum of two hairdressers to Hawaii, and did nothing that was cosplay or modeling related. She made them work on her ratty hair on a daily basis while they were out there, and for what?
She paid for random ass people in the beautician industry to accompany her on a trip, and all she did on that trip was shove expensive food down her throat. If she mainly wanted to go to Hawaii for the food, then why didn't she make friends with two random ass personal chefs?
No. 669878
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No. 669882
>>669865She is looking all kinds of busted right here. I thought I had accidentally wandered into the “people of Walmart” site for sec.
We keep asking how none of these photos were a wake-up call to her but I think they were. Which is why she’s getting the quick fix with lipo because she’s a lazy bitch.
No. 669922
>>669865where did all these clothes come from
something must have happened if shes actually changing her clothes
No. 669964
>>669956She mentioned before (Can't find the screen shot) that if she's a shitty person she will still be okay. She still gets those bucks so she let herself go. The weight gain has been quicker, self care out the window, told her pay pigs she will no longer be cosplaying and doing just lewd shoots (no more big builds) told them they have to pay more for less. She is living consequence free.
She is only getting all these surgeries now because Senpai's girl friend and Vamps
triggered her. Most people wanna be healthy and beautiful for themselves. Momo needs a reason like money or a man, otherwise she will devolve into… whatever the fuck she is now. But it's far too late for her to get her health back to the way it was 3 years ago.
She also shortened her life span greatly
No. 669967
>>669956sensei moved in his girlfriend (despite being a free spirit who doesnt date) and vamps gtfo
she has literally nothing but men who want to degrade her.
No. 669969
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Mariah, Kat, and Umbran appear to be in a California hotel room, meaning you'll likely see them appear in Tokki or Aly Brazil's IG stories in the near future.
Check out this beautiful acne free face! Man, those $50 bottles and tubes of face wash are working wonders!
If this shit really works like she claims it does, just imagine how bad her breakouts really get.
No. 669987
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So, I'm unsure if this has been posted before but what in the fuck is she doing to her boobs!? They look RED.
No. 669988
>>669987is she wearing every bra she owns or something
christ that looks painful
No. 670001
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Was looking at her insta what is up with her lumpy boob bad editing i assume
No. 670017
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Newfag, sorry if I do this incorrectly. Here’s the stickers she commissioned from reiq.
No. 670018
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Second one
No. 670020
>>670018These are so cute Dx
Expectations vs reality kinda moment unfortunately
(Dx) No. 670022
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>>669716It's like that Charlize Theron movie Tully except Mariah won't learn anything from this in the end
No. 670024
>>670017What the hell is wrong with that knee? And Moo looks nothing like this anymore, she left that body behind 100lbs ago. Reiq needs to get with the times.
>>669988>>669993This is pretty much typical Moo.
No. 670039
>>669685Now now, we
all know that Mariah is snackin’, not crackin’.
>>669865The darkness around her eyes and varying parts of her body are rather worrying. Those don’t look like simply dark circles. Mariah is the only cow that manages to make me both laugh and concerned at the same time.
>>670017Great! Looks
nothing like her. She’s even more delusional than the Queen Pixyteri was back when she was a fat ass before losing a megaton of weight.
No. 670047
File: 1560509321392.jpg (Spoiler Image,841.6 KB, 1644x1429, Moose Knuckle Moo.jpg)

>>670017Hey bro I think your anatomy is way off…
Don't worry I fixed it for you free of charge. Go ahead and use it Moo. I'm cool wit it ;)
No. 670057
>>670047Nice work, but her foot is backwards.
Also, don't put stuff in the name field.
No. 670079
>>670017>>670018She overpaid an artist to draw her as an amputee?
I'm under the impression she paid Reiq a lot more than she paid Will O Wisps for the keychain artwork, especially since Reiq did two different designs. And it doesn't seem like the keychains sold well at all. So what's the logic in paying somebody more money to create sticker artwork, when stickers won't sell well either?
It will never cease to amaze me how a self-proclaimed expert businesswoman thinks the best way to make money and salvage her career is by selling a dozen keychains and twenty stickers over the course of a year.
Speaking of bad business takes, she's practically giving away her Shera L. Greenwood set in her IG stories at the moment. A set she just charged people up the ass for a few months ago.
No. 670102
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No. 670115
>>670102I just found a whole bunch of them super easily… or you know, you could just make one… or screech at cat to make one.
Is she really this retarded?
No. 670121
>>670117 I think I can answer this.
The last thing she "made" was when she put that decal on the back of her green Tsundare jacket that she pretended she was sewing on a Camversity stream. And I'm not completely sure if she was actually the one who ironed or stitched it on, since Vamp would frequently stop by while she streamed.
Other than that, I think you'd have to go as far back as that styrofoam Black Widow belt she made on some web series, where you could clearly see how underwhelmed and unimpressed the host was with her pathetic efforts.
No. 670123
File: 1560535674519.jpg (Spoiler Image,836.13 KB, 1692x1458, Moose Knuckle Moo(1).jpg)

Thank you guys for the suggestions!
I didn't realize it was Reiq that did her stickers. Compared to his other stuff, he looks like he did want to do these stickers and half assed them.
No. 670194
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>>669669Umbran is fairly young, and still lives with her parents (who are from what I can tell, very well off.) She was dropped off at the airport by a limo driver her family has used before, and has a car any young e-girl would die for. My thoughts on her wanting to hang with moo is that shes needing those ig follows, since that's all shes really been talking about in her stories in between showing off that she's with moo
No. 670209
>>670047next op pls
>>670060she's probably paying him a lot.
>>670056 is 100% correct, and if he is tracing that makes it even more pathetic kek
i guess i should go catch up on the calf thread
No. 670210
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>>670121I feel like she made some trash since this video, but damned if I can remember.
No. 670216
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>>670210Not bringing anything new to the table with this, but this show she did was the funniest shit. It 100% showcased that she has no skills.
She has totally given up on getting crafty gamer girl points. Guess I can't really blame her when she has the money. But she wants to be friends with people who she can take advantage of, so her commissions aren't even that great. Crafters with skill wouldn't put up with her shitty time slots or want to be associated with her name.
No. 670221
>>670210 I just tried to look for this video on YT. Seems CineFix, who's behind these Costume Squad segments, actually did the right thing and washed their hands of Mariah. She isn't on their playlist, and I couldn't find the video anywhere else on YT.
Providing the link in case anyone wants to see for themselves. I wonder if they made this decision based on the AX drama, or if they pulled the video sooner because she looked like shit throughout the video? No. 670244
>>670221They never had it on their YT anyways.
It was straight released to FB
No. 670258
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Last one. I'm sorry for the multi-posts. I would delete them if I could.
Yeah you can tell Reiq didn't try very hard or enjoyed drawing the body but got lazy and gave up on the hands & feet. Also the one hand on Moo's OC is terrible (anon is right) it shows that he was just drawing it real quick to be done with the pic. I doubt he was anxious to do this request from Moo at all.
No. 670259
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Mariah get some help jfc
No. 670296
>>670295Probably cat piss, anon.
That or because she leaves all her costumes and materials on the floor and in horrible condition. I have yet to see a wig on her that wasn't a complete mess. However that wig still looks better then her current hair situation, which is saying A LOT.
No. 670306
>>670288Southeast Asians tend to be way less accepting of being overweight. I'm sure there are some guys who are still into it, but most of them would be disgusted by her size (even photoshopped). She might have been ok if she stayed the size she was when she started, but even that's questionable.
The irony is that no one bats an eye at massive amounts of photoshop being used and the cosplayer looking totally different, so if she fit into their tastes better she'd be just fine in that regard.
No. 670323
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No. 670343
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I hope her cucks at some point realize what they’re actually wasting their money on.
I mean, I can somehow see that someone with a feeding or fat chick fetish would get off to her photoshopped pictures and maybe even dream of actually getting with her. But even they can’t possibly be attracted to the actual mess she looks like without wig, photoshop, tons of make up, face tape and circle lenses?
No. 670371
File: 1560656518996.png (635.46 KB, 556x918, 2019-06-15_23-41-37.png)

shes currently back home from california, which i thought she went because she had shoots to do there
No. 670373
>>670329girl is lucky she's rich, cause that face
oofif shes going with moo for the ig followers, i wonder what moo is. just lonely?
No. 670408
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Taking some dude out to sushi. Again.
No. 670419
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No. 670430
>>670419You're not going to go through with it though. You'll just buy some ears and a tail and do your standard bikini shoot. Besides could you imagine the odor that would be emanating from her in a fur-suit..
>>670374 june 7/8th, the pochaco dog thing and mystery hero x or whatever it was.
No. 670433
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She has a tiktok now.
Not at all surprising she hasn’t posted any recent videos of herself. Just shows once more how unhappy she actually seems to be with her current weight.
No. 670440
>>670408 The guy deliberately says she's taking him to a sushi place. Can't wait for him to reject her advances so that she could go on another manic rant about frauds, liars, and being a golden goose again.
>>670413 I'm not sure if there's actual context behind what Umbran posted. It's probably nothing, although it's a very peculiar label.
>>670430 She hasn't actually shot anything so far in June. She just released sets on June 5th or whatever. This was supposed to be her busy month. We're more than halfway through it, and she hasn't done shit yet.
No. 670472
File: 1560701941080.jpeg (508.97 KB, 1242x1443, 00AC1D3A-6813-47C1-BC5F-2A181D…)

>>670470Yeah the comments aren’t all too nice either
No. 670473
File: 1560702247708.jpg (229.32 KB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20190616-122409_Tik…)

Annndd shes already deleting comments
No. 670477
File: 1560704173239.jpg (125.44 KB, 1080x1684, 20190616_125544.jpg)

Annndddd now everything is gone. That was quick
No. 670483
>>670473When even the furries won’t take you, that’s when you know you’re fucked.
Maybe OT? But I watched a video today of this has-been influencer who was making absolute bank for a while and bought a house and so much more. Renovated shit and just spent tons of money like it was nothing because she thought the income would last forever. She made a video recently about how she had to foreclose in house and was broke because the money ran dry and she didn’t have any other sort of prospects in place and didn’t have any savings. It was an opening video but more to the point: if this isn’t Mariah in like 2-3 years I’ll eat my own foot. How much money do you guys thinks she has in savings? Probably not much.
No. 670540
>>670525Moo hops on fandom bandwagons and has done for a long time. She's currently such a HUGE Zelda fan at the moment, that phase will die out in no time if she ever finishes BOTW. It's obvious she's fake as they come as she's sperges so hard and acts like she's a living Wikipedia source.
She lacks passion and correct, only cosplays from whatever fandom is flavor of the month for easy money. Once she's made some bank she moves on to the next fandom, then the next.
No. 670547
File: 1560718767928.jpeg (96.34 KB, 1334x750, 864E1254-56C3-4B1B-ABCB-E6A2D2…)

Anyone got a link to this stream?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 670555
>>670540B-but anon, she has been a huge zelda fan since forever! Wind Wanker and Major's Mask are her fave games and she totes re-played Ocarina of Time. Cremia is her fave character in OoT!!1 Her fave part is when Link saves Zelda, obviously.
Jokes aside, I started following Moo here when it was already a few threads in and I know she had already troubles to tell people the story line of Metroid during her Samas era, did she also pretend back then to play Metroid or was it just for the Smash points?
No. 670585
>>670525Her like for Higurashi and DBZ is genuine, but it's still base level knowledge with her.
My only source for those being legit is she was a fangirl before money was involved.
No. 670589
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No. 670591
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No. 670594
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No. 670595
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No. 670596
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No. 670597
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No. 670598
>>670595>surgery and shooting in the same weekWow she really didn’t think this through at all did she? I mean, even if it’s just the lip injections, there‘s gonna be swelling.
This is gonna be great.
No. 670601
File: 1560768087358.gif (1.6 MB, 500x519, 1487304189_3ddaba55facc14227de…)

>>670597Either she's getting her own Blaire parts done (since the ones pictures aren't hers iirc) or she's doing Tsubaki.
I would bet actual money she's never seen or read Soul Eater. She probably just saw some merch of it with Blaire or Tsubaki, then googled, "big boobs Soul Eater".
No. 670648
File: 1560780072333.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x1619, 6D2A54A7-A80F-4760-ACA0-8393FA…)

>>670626I think those might be spikes for her Bowsette cosplay.
No. 670666
>>670660Um… she‘s just pinning down the fabric… it will look way different once it’s sewn down and those ‘darts’ will most likely be gone.
She’s not the best seamstress by far but, come on. That’s just nitpicking now.
No. 670675
File: 1560784161645.gif (1.19 MB, 232x400, 0792D549-C2EF-4DAB-AE64-B54E09…)

>>670673I’m so ready for this.
No. 670676
>>670591TF, but you think the reason she’s hanging with this girl is because people kept giving her shit about her wigs?
But now they’re going to nit pick the shitty wig styling. Because wew lad. I suspect after criticism about the wig quality we won’t see much of this calf anymore.
No. 670677
>>670664Oh anon dont you know she’s mature now and totes understands Eva and all it’s complexity and symbolism.
Cant wait to see this heafer try to do a Mari cosplay. Because you know that’s who she’d do. An underage girl with big boobs. “That’s totally me!”
No. 670679
File: 1560786044952.jpg (42.05 KB, 602x900, FA05-1__Post-Surgical-Chin-Str…)

>>670595I may be wrong, but facial liposuction still requires a compression garment that essentially looks like a chinstrap. She's going to have to wear it 24/7 for one to two weeks minimum. Not to mention her lips will still be swollen. How does she expect to shoot anything?
No. 670693
>>670679Simple. She'll wear the surgery stuff for maybe 2 days tops, then she'll stop wearing them because she's totes recoverd my guys.
>>670664>>670677I think your guys are overthinking it. It looks like the shirt that came with the one of the loot anime crates a few months ago
No. 670697
>>670679iirc she couldn’t be bothered to wear the recommended attire after her last lipo either so she sure as hell won’t care about wearing that shit this time. Especially with people around.
All of this just shows perfectly how fucking immature she is. She only sees what she wants now but doesn’t think ahead more than 24hrs. I actually start thinking she’s straight incapable of it, literally like a child.
Which is also why she has so many cosplans that will never happen, why she’s incapable of losing weight, why she didn’t pack proper clothing for her trip to Hawaii, why she has surgery in her busiest work week in probably months. Because she only sees what she wants now but never thinks about the long-term effects or consequences.
No. 670762
>>669507What you need to know about lipo, is that it removes cells that store fat, when they are removed the fat still deposits but in other places where tissues can contain the fat: legs, arms, but the worse is in internal organs, it will literally bloat her from the inside and no amount of lipo will fix that, because all that fat will be literally IN her guts.
She's going to look grotesque, which I can't wait for.
No. 670764
File: 1560808250489.png (1.02 MB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-06-17-14-47-54…)

Shooting today. Miso and co are also on their way to Vegas
No. 670784
>>670763Yes, visceral fat is more dangerous to your metabolism than peripherial fat
also, what was the point for all her trips then? just to flex and try to buy new friends? this cow never delivers to her patreons not even when she went to mexico took the opportunity to get some great in-location shoots for lucoa and even then she looked great compared to nowadays… i wonder for how long her incels are gonna stick to her
No. 670816
File: 1560814627182.png (1.42 MB, 1127x2048, Screenshot_20190617-163531.png)

>>670804She never stops surprising me with how trashy and gross she is
No. 670843
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>>670820Good memory, anon! Can't wait to see how trashy this turns out.
No. 670849
File: 1560819319094.jpg (205.38 KB, 1080x1350, 61727736_120839715829150_77351…)

No. 670866
>>670849What happened to the styling umbrian just did?? Did she really mess it up that quickly?
Also what happened to the tan?
No. 670870
File: 1560821838216.png (215.6 KB, 262x385, Capture.PNG)

>>670849Jesus christ, looks like her arms also have fupas. Why is she doing this to herself?
No. 670874
File: 1560822205833.png (170.45 KB, 273x294, whareyoudoingthis.png)

>>670849The headset literally looks like flipped earcuffs with toilet paper rolls inside them
No. 670882
File: 1560823430956.png (Spoiler Image,841.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-06-17-19-00-37…)

>>670849Whoa nice tan lines Mariah!!!!
No. 670885
File: 1560823623912.jpg (48.42 KB, 750x624, be2ef07931d8ddac33413f3e82342d…)

>>670874Anon…. I think u right.
No. 670890
>>670763tbh i dont even care
>>670782her mom is her foreign slave, all without actually costing anything. i bet having sensei and gf means stuff gets cleaned sometimes due to their disgust
No. 670896
>>670840just assume corsets are made by…. corsetcastle… or something. fuck i forget her name.
but yes, the corset is almost 100% from her "friend" and past experiences imply she overpays (as the girl literally burned bridges over the riding hood dress incident )
No. 670897
>>670887She did announce it.
Where have mods banned anons for not using it?
No. 670901
>>670897she didn't announce it yet she said on /meta/ an announcement will be posted later.
i'm just thinking ahead. the mods can barely rub two brain cells together. i've gotten shitty 4 hour temp bans for posting in threads that "were supposed to be on /m/" that hadn't been moved from /ot/.
No. 670902
>>670882is she gonna claim her nips are the fake ones?
this is just a normal bikini by the way.
No. 670904
File: 1560824985630.jpeg (563.66 KB, 3840x5760, 2B435588-77CC-4905-A5B0-21AFD2…)

Sorry about the randomness but I just found this off a link on PULL and I had to share LOL I dunno what pose this is
No. 670909
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No. 670919
File: 1560826806478.jpeg (190.39 KB, 883x1318, EE0ADD71-BFCF-4470-A8DB-F348BE…)

Am I seeing this correctly? Gotta love the ham arms.
No. 670931
File: 1560827880903.png (3.19 MB, 750x1334, FDBEAB06-CE84-4CAC-8D90-EA6609…)

I’m sure it ain’t smellin like a melon
No. 670936
File: 1560828414881.png (Spoiler Image,375.03 KB, 720x1196, Capture _2019-06-17-22-12-35.p…)

It was posted in a previous thread but here it is, one edited pic with the original right next to it. Also proof she only did Hinata with with fake nipples despite claims to shooting with and without. All the real nipnop ones are just the some fishnet and not the exact "costume" even without headbands,jacket&wig
No. 670940
>>670849Holy fucking shit. It looks like she brushed the wig, judging by how fucking frizzy it is. No, Mariah, you don't run a comb through a styled wig and destroy the styling.
She's so sloppy. She's posting these pics left and right like she hasn't gained 100lbs since the last time she actually made a photoset.
No. 670946
File: 1560828862977.png (Spoiler Image,838.75 KB, 563x750, IMG_4830.PNG)

Beware NSFL
No. 670947
File: 1560828886114.jpeg (70.21 KB, 750x164, 35C1477A-5125-49F2-949F-5F557A…)

>>670943nta, but already receiving gold star comments. someone save this for next time she’s whining about a serious career
No. 670968
File: 1560830663692.png (540.03 KB, 947x489, lazycow.png)

>>670221>>670913How can she be this lazy? She couldn't fucking pin it on so the safety pin was hidden?!
No. 670971
File: 1560831270128.png (Spoiler Image,635.44 KB, 563x750, nightmare_from_weebstreet.png)

Enhanced so you can see the badly edited everything. Fair warning…
No. 670977
File: 1560832264866.gif (2.63 MB, 439x380, 156083165755212223.gif)

No. 670983
File: 1560833031491.png (1.03 MB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-06-17-21-41-36…)

I thought she had new keychain/merch? Why is she reprinting these?
No. 670989
>>670960I'm pretty sure it's genital acne. A very very bad one.
She's got fat girl coochie so her labia wouldn't be sticking out like that. Plus you can see the dry skin on top of the acne
No. 670995
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No. 670996
>>670946That's…. definitely a genital wart. The only other thing filled with a clear viscous fluid like that would be an INFECTED ingrown hair or razor bump.
But this image also makes me a little sad for Mariah. Not in an empathetic way where I feel bad for her… but sad because it's somehow… disappointing? Like, if you look on the outside of her right thigh, you can see old/faded stretchmarks; clear evidence that at one point she let herself go, but then at least MAINTAINED that particular size for a while. Now… you see all these new, red, inflamed stretchmarks (of which you can tell half are actually shooped out… so this is only part of them) which means at some point she COMPLETELY lost control of her weight gain and is avalanche-ing towards full blown Amberlynn Reid status with no sign of regaining control any time soon.
Though, I am curious as to why we are NOW seeing stretchmarks whereas she's clearly always shooped them out before? I can't tell if she was just lazy here or if she's trying to be more "body positive"…?
No. 671000
>>670971sis got a cyst down there….. you know that can’t be feeling too good.
and how rough her skin looks on her thigh from them rubbing together for so many years. i can see why she lightened and smoothed so hardcore, the skin there is probably hyper pigmented to shit.
moo really needs to turn it around soon, those stretch marks are slowly creeping up her foop and her stomach will be covered with them in 6 months if she keeps at this rate.
side note: anyone notice how every time she posts about her diet or going to the gym, or humble bragging about being humble, we magically stop seeing efforts being made? i swear every time she talks about ‘how well she’s doing and how great life is desu’ she gets a dopamine spike like she actually did something and we never hear about it again. this chick genuinely doesn’t know what’s good for her.
No. 671006
File: 1560839236812.png (503.3 KB, 546x757, 0fcc53d40fa1d29e9ca6147668acc8…)

>>670983A kiwi on kiwifarms spotted something that i completely forgotten about. I remember mariah had blue eyes on these keychains and i thought i was having a fever dream about this. But thanks to the kiwi, they confirmed mariah had these keychains with a different eye color back in April 2018. She posted on Instagram advertising they'd go live pretty soon, which i'm sure they didn't. They also pointed out how she was selling stickers of this same drawing which also had pink eyes. I have no idea why Mariah is trying to sell this keychain with pink eyes when she posted them last year with a new eye color.
No. 671012
File: 1560842577016.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x1833, ED3A67E3-39AE-4754-A952-705F7C…)

>>671006Here’s the post with the initial design for reference. Where are those pins and mousepads? Forgotten like the elusive calendar.
No. 671016
>>671012They didn’t happen because only a few people gave a shit about her merchandise. And she doesn’t want to spend the money.
Plus, wasn’t that keychain like $15 after shipping? Complete rip off. Can’t imagine how much a mousepad would be.
No. 671043
>>670816uhh not defending her but this is for the shoot, the pochaco pic she's referencing has her squatting over a bottle of pepee lube.
>>670809you have to be over 18 to post on lolcow
No. 671063
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No. 671064
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>>671063>stalks Bishoujomom>acts like she just discovered thisOk
No. 671071
>>671016 The keychains were $21 after shipping and "handling", which is even more absurd than $15. She probably only sold about 6 of them. Pretty laughable statistic for someone who has over 600k Instagram followers.
>>671001 I'm sure the only reason Mariah decided to include Vamps was at the request of Miso and Aly. The expressions on everyone's faces in these photos gives me the impression that the only one who's excited to be there is Mariah, and I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the food, rather than the company.
>>671004 I think you're right on the cyst speculation, anon. A cyst like this can appear for a variety of reasons, including not cleaning well enough down there, or irritation caused by a bad reaction to fabric. Or you can also get one by sharing undergarments with friends, which makes me think back to the Dragon Ball Z bikini shoot she did with that one chick from California and "GOTMP" a few months back.
No. 671075
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No. 671097
File: 1560882898071.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 2CFD0448-1295-49AE-90F2-D24798…)

marked up and ready to go
No. 671100
>>671097 I can't believe she's so smug about getting more liposuction after completely rendering her previous procedures useless with her gluttony, laziness, and addictive personality.
On a positive note, I think this is the first time she has ever consumed fruit juice that wasn't already mixed with vodka.
No. 671102
File: 1560883188346.gif (1.91 MB, 268x268, tumblr_inline_of81l7X9sJ1qebw9…)

>>671099What body part is this? Leg or arm? I can't tell…
Anyways, I'm excited for this mess!!!
>>671097 No. 671105
>>671104she did try to do a coolsculpt on it which is generally not very effective i guess.
ugh what killed me is as recently as her cam steams she was talking about how awful and painful the lipo was because was awake for it etc and that was one of the biggest factors in not doing it again now she’s literally going to have them jabbing and sucking right under her head
No. 671107
File: 1560883981216.png (951.16 KB, 997x887, jhnjk.png)

maybe a reach but they're copying bunny with this holding bubble tea with your boobs thing (she posted it 3 days ago)
nice moo, nice
No. 671108
>>671107It's currently a fad in Japan and in Manga to drink it this way with your titts. Except Momo isn't doing it right and the cup looks like it's just hanging there
But knowing Momo she doesn't get the reference and copied it from her
No. 671109
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No. 671110
File: 1560884593448.gif (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB, 337x600, 0ABD1C5A-251F-449C-83A7-83E676…)

>>671109spoiling a procedure gif just in case, any anons know if this is the fat sucker or just a machine they’re using to break it down? she doesn’t look uncomfortable
No. 671115
>>671109 I'm morbidly curious as to why she's not getting lipo done on her abdominal region. I wonder if the consultation resulted in some sort of a refusal?
This reminds me of her first procedure, when she got the cool sculpting done on her abs, but she still had the fat arms and tried to tell everyone they they were fat because she only did exercises for her torso region.
This is already a disaster. She's still going to look like Dr. Robotnik if she isn't addressing every problem area.
No. 671116
>>671115She may not be able to do her abdomen again if she already got work done there already. They can't leave you with too few fat cells because that can be harmful so they may not be willing to redo areas.
Also her abdomen is easiest for her to hide with forest-kun and high wasted pants that are drawn too tightly which she usually does. But her ham arms are always out, she can't hide her turkey neck in most outfits, and she needs a bra for her back flaps which also hang over her corset and bra straps. So personally I think she may have picked the most strategic spots. Or the surgeon looked at her and went "if we don't fix these spots there is no point at all"
No. 671121
File: 1560886249603.jpg (32.98 KB, 542x540, 1480340452945.jpg)

>>671109way to go, mariah
No. 671122
>>671097>>671099>>671110So she actually is getting lipo RIGHT before a photo shoot is planned, huh?
>Liposuction can cause significant swelling. In some cases, this lasts a few months, and your final result will not be visible until then.>Expect some pain, swelling and bruising after the procedure.>During this time, expect some contour irregularities as the remaining fat settles into position.Either she’s just gonna do what
>>670729 said or we’re in for a huge treat.
No. 671130
>>671126She already deleted
No. 671132
>>671122It's an exciting time for milk. Also I feel like it's almost guaranteed now she's not going to do AX, aside from not talking about the con at all now she has an easy out to complain about 'the healing process'.
I'm honestly wondering how much she's going to get sucked out. We already can tell these doctors didn't have the ethics to say no to her, how far are they going to let her go. I just don't see this looking good with her current proportions
No. 671148
>>671091She's so idiotic. This is a character maybe 10 lbs overweight. Mariah is in obesity territory. rofl
>>671099wtf is this her back? what am i looking at here? This is gonna blow up in her face. She's gonna blow up in a few months without proper diet and a workout routine…
No. 671150
>>671148It’s her arm.
They pumped water into it to dissolve(? sorry, not a native speaker) the fat cells so they can suck them out.
No. 671151
File: 1560894212414.png (727.51 KB, 1080x2160, 1559106510608.png)

>>671117>>671118>>671124Keep up. This was 3 threads ago.
No. 671157
File: 1560895176580.png (1.65 MB, 750x1334, D4922E05-93D7-4C62-A2F6-B338D7…)

3 hours later and ??? pounds of liquid fat sucked out later…
No. 671163
File: 1560895716460.jpeg (875.66 KB, 907x1641, 60B11FE0-4208-49C2-A632-5B74E3…)

>>671157Edited the lip fillers just to complete the look.
No. 671174
File: 1560900598372.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, 5DDDC005-C484-4F15-9947-8E4F13…)

from cos slave to nursemaid, cat earns her keep
No. 671178
>>671157Botched body, botched hair and botched face. This is what happens when you don't fix your personality.
She's going to be looking extra ridiculous with her tiny head and gigantic body. Even worse now that she's going to have an even slimmer face.
No. 671189
>>671188Fat cells don’t migrate. These procedures kill them.
But when you gain weight, it shows more in the spots where you haven’t had fat cells removed (and lumpy in the places where you have, because they don’t kill them all).
No. 671200
File: 1560912461859.jpg (522.16 KB, 1069x1559, Screenshot_20190618-224601_Ins…)

Really looking like she paid for it, but that still seems so cheap for three fucking procedures
No. 671207
File: 1560914172893.png (1.28 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2019-06-18-20-13-58…)

Lemme get this straight:
You have people over. You got a surgery that probably required you to take it easy. You go out to eat with friends looking like a mummy?
No. 671214
>>671212But she hates working out??? That Rico guy pussed out and shoulda called her out. She hasn't worked out since last year and even then she just flipped a tire for a minute like an obese gorilla
>>671213She keeps going back and forth. One post she says she's a big girl who loves mac and cheese and snacks and the next she lies and says she's a fitness queen.
No. 671215
>>671180inside and out, yes.
does cat have a single redeeming quality jfc
No. 671216
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No. 671219
File: 1560917853065.png (429.42 KB, 720x942, Screenshot_2019-06-18-21-16-10…)

No. 671221
>>671219why does she ham up everything she does? The only people who do this are people putting on an act or a show. I remember she hammed up someone just giving her a snack, it just isn't genuine.
But sage for cat rants
Ya buy a new kitten every 8 months because you get bored of the old one and want attention for a new kitten. You don't groom them. You have others care for them for you. The only reason you're not using chemicals near them now is cuz you don't craft. These cats are more like your glorified stuffed animals
No. 671223
>>671219>>671216>>671001>>669420First, it was "my dude(s)".
Then it was "mate(s)".
Now she's on this kick where she calls everyone "angel(s)". The four examples I pulled are from this thread alone. Probably a lot more, come to think of it.
No. 671226
>>671219the only journey shes on is to 400 pounds and zero friends when shes broke. Yea her stupid ass "spiritual" shit is just that- shit.
So did ol scratchersensei move out finally? Wish he would cause then she will go into overdrive milk production
No. 671241
>>671219“God has blessed me”
So Muslim
No. 671245
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No. 671246
File: 1560926731281.png (1.51 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190619-144521.png)

No. 671247
File: 1560926839846.png (110.39 KB, 1010x794, Screenshot_20190619-144618.png)

Confirmed body sculpting. She's not gonna follow through with her 'diet' and working out. Oh boy she's gonna look more like the marshmallow man
No. 671249
>>671212wow… she's actually not hostile when responding for once? Maybe she's just doped up from the procedure.
>>671216lmao "you get a gold star! That means you get to be my new bestie, cat! You're so lucky!" also god she looks horrible right now.
>>671219we stan a muslim queen, masha'allah
No. 671250
>>671245Lol “220” my ass. More like 250-280.
>>671219She really is spiraling out of control judging from the way she posts shit like this. You only love your cats because they don’t judge/criticize you the way everyone else does. She sure got over her depression real fast, very convenient considering now she can use her lipo as an excuse not to do shit.
No. 671251
>>671245good lord she so manic right now. she’s riding the high of “omg i can’t wait to see my new body i’m gonna be sooo confident and such a bad bitch!!” but once she gets those dressings off and sees shes still relatively the same person, this whole spiel about “i’m gonna do this! i’m gonna do that!” will fly straight out the window. she’ll go back to her old habits of eating her feelings and being lazy because that’s what’s happened every other time.
when you don’t have discipline or values, bipolar takes over and it’s SUPER obvious what stage of a cycle she’s in if you’re paying attention. she swears these cosmetic procedures are going to change her life, her mindset, her habits like it’s just a given. but if anything, it’ll make her more miserable than ever.
No. 671262
File: 1560929907967.png (2.54 KB, 180x50, the only truth posted.PNG)

>>671245she said she weighed like 250 when she weighed less than now.
bitch is 300+
>more time in the gym>cleaner eatingbitch where
No. 671272
>>671268What gets me is like…why lie? You're already admitting to getting liposuction, what's the point of lying about your weight at that point.
Also I love how she says her arms and back have always been problem areas; no, they weren't a problem until you got fat, lipo'd your stomach, then got fat again so it all went to other parts of your body. Before she got over 200lbs her arms and back weren't "problems" at all.
No. 671274
>>671272I think she’s ‘lying’ about her weight because she’s actually delusional enough to believe she’s still 220lbs.
I could see her not stepping foot on a scale in months but at the same time not seeing a difference between now and 3 months ago.
(weight sperging) No. 671281
>>671246How fucking delusional and attention-seeking does someone need to be to post a tiddy selfie when they're covered in bandages. She changed her shirt for this picture.
Also I agree with anons upthread saying that it's fucking bizarre she wore false eyelashes to a medical procedure.
No. 671286
File: 1560942932253.jpeg (350.33 KB, 1920x1920, 4F0D413D-A219-4406-96EF-CF88D5…)

Okay call me a WK or ban me for commenting on her weight or whatever but maybe she actually isn’t as far past 220 as we think she is?
I mean, she‘s thrown around so many numbers at so many different sizes of hers, that it’s hard to tell. But I made this comparison picture. The woman is 5‘3‘‘ and 220lbs.
I‘d say the thighs are about the same as Moo‘s. The woman has for sure a bigger stomach than Moo (who‘s had lipo). However, Moo has very large breasts - actually her breasts are even bigger than that woman‘s stomach. But then again, the woman is 5‘3 and Moo is 5‘4 I think?
I mean, it’s really really hard to tell considering things like
>>>/pt/629038 and
>>>/pt/629062 Which also maybe play a role in this whole thing is that at some point she did have quite a lot of muscle tissue, which weighs more than fat. So she might have looked smaller at a certain point but still weighed the same as when she looked bigger. She doesn’t work out anymore so obviously she lost muscle tissue over time and gained fat in return.
tl;dr Maybe she‘s not lying as much about her weight after all?
It would be easier to tell if she wasn’t lying about literally everything.
(weight sperging) No. 671289
>>671286you're using the most edited pics of her body to compare. she's far more fucked up, body-wise, in person. without all the shop. there is no way the left's legs are the size of moo's.
can we stop sperging about her weight once again? we all know the bitch lies her ass off and has always lied about her weight. this "procedure" won't do anything as we all know she's not never going back to the gym or going to eat better. she's far closer to 250+.
No. 671293
>>671281Not trying to defend this vote, but others pointed out that she has eyelash extensions. You can't take those offs like normal falsies, so this is just nitpicking.
>>671286Anon, why did you choose those two pictures? They're so heavily shopped. Your argument would be a whole lot more convincing if you used candid shots. It's already been pointed out in other threads that she almost always makes her waistline smaller. Plus she smoothens out her stomach like hell to seem a lot flatter. Your comparison pic is very minimally edited if at all and it looks like that woman isn't trying to pose whatsoever.
No. 671301
File: 1560946960814.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, 63E0F8EF-70A4-42AE-9D97-693AE6…)

No. 671372
File: 1560963629201.gif (1.98 MB, 600x336, 56Z7iOt.gif)

>>671245gif related: mariah when she won't magically lose 100+ pounds in two weeks
(non-contribution) No. 671379
File: 1560964793207.jpeg (768.49 KB, 2918x1617, 1560942932253.jpeg)

>>671286tried to make a more objective comparison, anon.
her weight aside, she's gonna have some serious sagging issues if she didn't also get a tuck
(weight sperging) No. 671382
File: 1560965571210.jpg (218.99 KB, 500x666, ptDgmw1.jpg)

>>671379I think she's closer to 240-250. This one is 240lbs from MBG and the legs and hips look much more like Mooriah. Obviously the waist is a bit thicker because of the lipo, but I still think it's much more similar than the 220 one.
No. 671387
>>671379She didn’t get a tuck because they most likely would’ve put her under if she did.
Her body is gonna be a mess.
No. 671393
>>671386>>671382I don't want to contribute to the weight sperging but you can't guess someones weight by looking at them. remember, she has had lipo so shes disproportioned, she is short, and muscle weighs more than fat
220 is honestly her rounding down but its also very likely
>>671301 >>671216 anyways i cant wait to see how lumpy she looks after she takes the bandages off
No. 671401
>>671393Lumpykun is going to play the bandage thing for sympathy now that she doesn’t have to keep it a secret anymore. Always the
victim uwu.
No. 671412
File: 1560980518887.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, 06C943F1-A18D-406C-9584-74B56B…)

she’s supposed to be shooting Sonico and pochaco tomorrow with miso and the gang, uhh how does she plan to shoot this? would all swelling/bruising be done???
No. 671414
>>671344I think if she didn't have to wear all this really obvious shit, she wouldn't have said a damn thing.
>>671372She doesn't eat McDonald's, newfag.
No. 671416
>>671412Her first round of lipo, she did a pool side shoot and anons pointed out her skin tone looked weird, possibly from the bruising. Lipo was pure speculation at this point in time. Of course this was also after photo editing. So it’s totally possible she will shoot without bandages like a moron and just edit her skin. She practically makes her whole body and skin disappear anyways. And if this is the “sun kissed” shoot, just another excuse to darken her skin tone.
“I was super bruised so I edited my skin darker to hide it. Totally not racist my dudes. I’m Asian~”
No. 671419
File: 1560981581285.jpeg (102.91 KB, 640x428, A9D2634C-E8F8-438B-8310-D7F0FE…)

>>671412She’s such an idiot. She’s probably going to bitch when it heals incorrectly too.
No. 671420
File: 1560981745626.jpeg (550.44 KB, 750x1104, 5A723AF7-28AF-4062-AD00-8C09FF…)

feeling like a damn sculpture
No. 671422
File: 1560981934396.jpeg (124.06 KB, 1242x650, 90F77FF4-9026-4B08-A58C-E3C533…)

>>671419Guess she’s limiting commenting on her surgery post lmao
No. 671440
File: 1560983440162.jpg (489.34 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190619-172837_Ins…)

Considering all of this DEPENDS on her consistently wearing this and shes already taking it off tomorrow for shoots, this is gonna be a disaster.
No. 671447
>>671437But anon, she's such an edgy independent queen who doesn't take shit from no one!
It hurt to type that.
No. 671448
>>671426How old is she again? She acts like some dumb bitch still in high school. Every other week she is in a “mood” and talking about how she wants to fight someone or sticking her chest out about what a “bad bitch” she is.
You’d think she’d realize by now that she is the asshole in all of this.
No. 671462
File: 1560986292922.png (125.36 KB, 720x865, Capture _2019-06-19-18-09-31~2…)

No. 671463
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No. 671466
File: 1560986479189.png (Spoiler Image,114.6 KB, 720x865, Capture _2019-06-19-18-10-11~2…)

No. 671472
>>671462Yeah, Moomoo's metabolism is fuckign magic and ignores the laws of physics. Despite eating only 1 Brussels sprout a day and spending 3 hours in the gym she keeps on packing pounds.
Apparently she's a fucking filter feeder and extracts calories from thin air.
No. 671498
File: 1560991958817.jpg (429.57 KB, 1080x2159, Momoinstacomments.jpg)

>>671490Yeah, I screened through the comments and some people were not very happy about it. I saw some that were talking about how she's an influencer and that this is a bad message for young girls.
Like she cares about anyone else but herself.
No. 671509
File: 1560993979538.png (4.6 MB, 750x1334, AC987227-4FC5-489A-9393-80F365…)

She’s now trying to show off that she’s ‘trying to eat healthy’ right after her posts doing lipo. Of course with the intention to please her followers and proving the haturz wrong
“I’m eating healthy you gaiz! See, I’m doing lipo not because I’m lazy and want quick fix or anything!”
No. 671521
>>671509I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she didn’t actually buy this and if she did, it’d simply rot in the fridge as she settles for eating out every day.
>>671466This person is absolutely right. This isn’t going to have the effect she hopes it will have and I wouldn’t be shocked at all if she ended up fatter than when she got the procedure done. She has absolutely no self control or discipline and will simply go back to overeating the second she gets stressed out or depressed, which is often. She could have simply changed her diet and stayed committed to getting in the gym but that of course is way too much hard work for her and she always only wants quick solutions and results.
No. 671523
>>671509 Who does this bitch think she's kidding? She has all of her California mice in town. She's not going to eat cabbage and alfalfa sprouts while she has company around, especially when her little buddies love their booze and fattening foods.
This shit is just for show. It's the celery juice sequel.
No. 671525
File: 1560996939227.png (1.27 MB, 720x1192, 1537491809455.png)

>>671423she already removed all her shit lol
i luv u mariah, keep doin wat ur doin
No. 671527
File: 1560997110923.jpg (404.98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190619-191232_Ins…)

>>671526 Speaking of pretentious flexing, here's some more Zelda footage, on
her entertainment setup.
No. 671554
>>671536>>671532yes, i meant the bandages. i refuse to follow her on ig
>>671543she was eating sushi the night he allegedly did that for her
No. 671563
File: 1561003960476.png (4.01 MB, 1242x2208, 6B0A6363-1302-4225-BEAC-989DC5…)

Is she just holding everyone hostage there until she recovers to do her shoots?
No. 671565
>>671563proving us wrong by cooking
>>671509 in tonight's meal kek
No. 671577
>>671573She has to prove what a big fan of “Wind Wanker” she is. It’s sad how hard she tries to convince others that she give a crap about the series other than trying to one-up other cosplayers who are genuine fans.
>>671525This image still haunts my nightmares. We haven’t seen her try to squeeze into that banana monstrosity in a while. (Probably can’t fit in it anymore)
No. 671579
File: 1561006984159.jpg (1014.34 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190620-080240.jpg)

No. 671585
>>671577I can't say I miss it.
Maybe she can't fit the fucking gucchi (iirc) headband either.
No. 671589
File: 1561007642988.gif (4.96 MB, 337x600, B5DA9C89-1FFF-4D34-BDB5-7F3836…)

chin in motion
No. 671592
>>671589I don't think she's supposed to have her compression stuff off this early but w/e
It would look so much better if she lost the weight with diet and exercise like a normal person. The fat cheelk/face with the thin neck makes her look like Mr. Mackey.
No. 671593
>>671589 Even though it looks like she's down to one chin again, all this does is makes her other flaws stand out even more. Now her nose looks completely out of place, and lip fillers are going to make this look like an even bigger circus attraction.
And the swelling in her cheeks will eventually pass, but those jowls are like anchors, just weighing everything down. Guess she should enjoy it while it lasts. I give it four months before she looks like she's "220 pounds" again.
No. 671605
>>671600These are the same fans who thought her rolls of stomach fat were abs. Shit still makes me laugh.
>>671589I get that she’s still swollen but her face looks so fat and bloated. Her neck looks fat too. Losing the weight would have been better. Her fat is all going to go to her hands and face. Can’t wait for those prolapsed anus lips.
No. 671606
>>671593i cant wait for her fillers
i love how she made her small head more small
>>671598this kid should
a-log intensifies No. 671639
>>671579Uhmm, does she realize that once the swealling is gone her jowls are gonna be more noticeable?
They're gonna look like two hanging pieces of skin
No. 671648
>>671509Pfft what is this. Is she just grabbing a bunch of the same veggie without knowing what it does? "This thing is green! This will shut them up! Now lemme buy 10 and let them rot in the fridge like I did when I stuffed my fridge with celery"
If she knew what she was doing she would fill her cart with varies fruits, veg and lean meats… ya know… like a normal person. Vet she's trying another fad diet
No. 671650
File: 1561037002819.jpg (37.53 KB, 641x452, lipo.JPG)

Wondered what her cucks on reddit say about her recent lipo and yeah, they hate it too. Also saying that gym and diet would be better for her lmao No. 671668
File: 1561040033491.png (3.02 MB, 750x1334, 3403FCD6-0BA1-4D67-B046-2B2802…)

No. 671672
File: 1561041003677.jpeg (306.08 KB, 1920x1920, 5A7360EC-7444-456A-A928-DC3D5E…)

>>671668Judging by the hair she didn’t even take a recent pic. It was much worse than in the pic she posted.
Even now that she’s fixed it she can’t look the ugly truth in the face. But she totally did love herself before! Body positivity, my dudes!
No. 671673
File: 1561041041095.png (74.93 KB, 211x173, 1554612831822 (1).png)

>>671668You did that to yourself. It cost you tons of money to fix something that you caused by your own shitty habits.
No. 671689
>>671685Wouldn't it be easier for her to have pink hair? Like her OC?
Its LITERALLY her brand?
No. 671696
>>671693I say fuck it. Every time someone has offered her help she has spat in their face telling them how that they don’t pay her bills so she doesn’t have to listen to them or she throws expensive gifts and trips back in their face calling them ungrateful.
As far as I’m concerned, I’m more than happy to sit back and watch her spiral further into more depression and anger. She doesn’t have anyone else to blame but her self at this point. Anyone who has legit tried to help her at some point have abandoned her already and all that’s left are the spineless leeches who are more than happy to sit around and collect a paycheck or let her pay for expensive dinners and hotel rooms.
She doesn’t want any help so don’t give her any.
No. 671724
File: 1561057295516.png (845.99 KB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2019-06-20-11-52-33…)

No. 671725
>>671724Her arms definitely look smaller, but that doesn't hide how massive she is in general.
I feel like her friends don't like her much if they post stuff like this… she always looks awful in their posts
No. 671728
>>671724My 69 year old grandma has a shirt almost exactly like that
Damn Moo, forget MILF, we going straight for the GILF lovers aren't we?
No. 671733
File: 1561058970432.png (291.38 KB, 345x548, 173541153b194d8e6c1fe0d52930bf…)

>>671724This is all I see.
No. 671738
>>671724 I know one of the anons said her arms look smaller (I personally don't see any difference, but that's neither here nor there).
But let's say her arms actually
are smaller. Her proportions are still out of whack. Now she'll have a tiny head, and slightly smaller arms on a frame that includes broad shoulders and a beer barrel belly.
What was Fruity Yummy Mummy thinking?
No. 671740
File: 1561059775360.png (366.17 KB, 400x555, 36C28B51-B988-4F85-8BEC-FF44E2…)

Just bringing this back because of how relevant it is again.
>>671725Her friends just don’t bother editing her pictures. They often don’t even post purposely unflattering pictures, they just show the true, unedited version of her. Which just isn’t pretty. The alternatives are not taking/posting pictures of he at all or editing them the exact same way Moo does.
No. 671741
File: 1561059794722.jpg (535.01 KB, 1242x1676, 20190620_124109.jpg)

>>671738Apologies for the shitty crop job, but this immediately came to mind:
No. 671746
>>671692I dunno why she's so paranoid about it. With dark hair she looks like she could be Snooki's ugly cousin or something. I am still a firm believer she is more Italian like she use to claim. She is just pretending to be more POC than she really is because a couple years ago people called her out for being racist. She doesn't celebrate any Muslim holidays and only does Christian holidays.
To further prove my point, she went from "I'm white" to "I'm middle eastern" to "I'm Asian mix"
No. 671759
>>671738i need to see her arms actually down at her side like op picture
>>669385thats when you can really see the fat in her arms. the fact she's holding them out like that just screams she's trying to make it seem like they're smaller than they actually are
No. 671764
>>671763I feel like she thinks she can legit get
>>670843 proportions.
No. 671777
File: 1561066130225.jpg (295.85 KB, 844x556, moomysilenthill.jpg)

>>671724I felt inspired and obligated to do this.
No. 671814
File: 1561078360120.jpg (362.44 KB, 1080x2039, Screenshot_20190620_204741.jpg)

Moo can't even iron her own transfer paper? Wow.
No. 671822
File: 1561079987164.png (2.62 MB, 750x1334, 07D01A17-2DB3-42F3-955C-7F8145…)

alright everyone who won the bet line up for your prize money
No. 671823
File: 1561080031205.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, 6DCB153B-AA8A-40FF-A07C-566FE7…)

>>671822super human boss bitch mommy
No. 671824
File: 1561080079526.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, 5E7A6C60-C0B0-4D60-85AD-91103C…)

>>671822if I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
No. 671826
File: 1561080306666.png (2.41 MB, 750x1334, 776736E6-0853-4E9D-9805-D6DA06…)

>>671825maybe she just wants to be in top shape for the concert!
No. 671829
>>671825 They probably could have told Moo over the phone that this was overly ambitious. They wasted time and resources trying to appease to their mentally imbalanced leader, so they deserve to get burned.
>>671826 I'm assuming she's going with Vamps, since Vamps mentioned she was attending this concert in an IG story about a week ago.
No. 671837
>>671824OT but it kind of frightens me that this character is what Japan considers to be "overweight". This looks like a normal girl to me… maybe 15 pounds overweight?
It also makes me laugh that Moo thinks this is even remotely her body type.
No. 671839
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No. 671840
File: 1561085013119.jpg (528.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190620-194047_Ins…)

Mama Bear is trying to act like a big bad bitch again.
Who wants to tell her to be better, not bitter?
No. 671845
File: 1561085761921.jpg (22.03 KB, 444x322, eddy why.jpg)

>>671839…You're the one who posted about your surgery forty times? If you don't want to talk about it, don't fucking post it. My god.
Also she wants a "thank you" from random strangers in her DMs? What the fuck would they be thanking you for? Making everyone else look better by comparison?
No. 671846
File: 1561085856746.jpeg (74.86 KB, 1400x648, 38C0DE35-1A0B-470C-8B2C-333D8D…)

>>671837That random figure kind of sucks, she literally has rolls in the actual art\manga tho
No. 671862
>>671857She hasn’t done any bnha
So Inko and Midnight and Uravity
No. 671879
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No. 671883
File: 1561095118815.png (1.34 MB, 1242x2208, A7489B45-57D2-4AFE-8D08-020C87…)

Who has bets she’ll cancel AX because of the lipo recovery?
No. 671889
File: 1561097280276.jpg (180.44 KB, 715x953, 20190620_230537.jpg)

Oh, boy…
No. 671891
File: 1561097432013.jpg (184.08 KB, 720x933, 20190620_230559.jpg)

>>671889She talks about growth, but contradicts her development after only a few hours.
No. 671898
>>671891She literally has moments like this daily and her fans still call her "kind"
Saying shit like this has ruined smaller names. Bitch gets away with too much
No. 671899
She wants to be popular in Japan but talks like this to people PUBLICLY. This milk is so nutritious!
No. 671908
>>671889Be better, not bitter my dudes!
She’s been on one today and this poor fella got a taste of the miserable moo.
No. 671966
>>671943Moo tried to buy his friendship with Gucci shit and has acted like his bestie on a few occasions, running her turtle mouth like she's actually in his circle when she's not.
Don't worry, if that crazy attention where does turn up dead, Moo will milk it until well after it runs dry.
No. 671970
>>671938>>671966To be fair, she probably hasn't caught up on the threads yet so she probably doesn't even know
She doesn't ACTUALLY know him so there is no way someone would tell her whats going on, and she is permabanned on twitter
I just can't wait to see her make it about herself
No. 671973
File: 1561131292179.jpg (506.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190621-083129_Ins…)

This feeds into the popular belief that she isn't really playing BOTW or any other video games that she claims she's into.
No. 671975
File: 1561131384922.jpg (363.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190621-083150_Ins…)

Also, I don't understand her excitement for a series she's been calling trash for three years.
The fakest of fake fans.
No. 671985
>>671975If you tried to call her out on it I’m sure she’ll give you her usual bullshit about how “people can change my dude. You should try it sometime”.
It’s so transparent that she is simply looking to get in on the hype right now. I’m sure she’ll announce a “dream cosplay that she has had plans of for months now” of Rei or Asuka
No. 672007
File: 1561143877999.jpeg (16.86 KB, 400x451, received_416821592209773.jpeg)

>>671975I dare Moo to make a post of her god awful Misato costime about how much she loves Eva.
No. 672009
File: 1561144435227.jpg (103.56 KB, 634x764, mooin20years.jpg)

>>671980Kek I see it, at this rate she'll end up looking like Sylvester Stallone's mom very soon
No. 672019
>>672014Moo's future if she keeps taking the easy way out instead of actually working towards losing weight the natural way. She's had god knows how many lipo procedures done and she's only in her early 20's. She acts like her chin was always there causing "problems" for her, but when she was much thinner, it definitely wasn't an issue.
Moo just gained far too much weight and gained a double chin that she realized she wouldn't lose any time soon so resorted to a quick fix solution that won't do her any favors in the long term. She already looks deformed as it is.
No. 672030
File: 1561151281112.jpg (860.53 KB, 1060x1716, 20190621_170728.jpg)

When you go on lolcow, realize everyone knows you can't style a wig for shit, so you befriend a wig commissioner to do even THAT for you too.
At this point she's got a slave for every spectrum of crafting. Might as well have her own lil sweatshop at this point.
No. 672039
>>671975LMAO how long till she pulls the shit she pulled with Devilman Crybaby cause Netflix changed the "I love you" dialogue?
Or claim she ships it yet makes one of them a girl? Again: similar to when she finally found out Ryo had a form with boobs and hinted she'd cosplay the series or how she totes supports gays yet did fem!Yuri.
No. 672054
>>672039I never watched Eva dubbed. What did they change exactly with the dialouge?
>>672042We're gonna be bombarded with IG stories about her being the 'biggest EVA fan.'
No. 672055
>>672042Most people who really get into Eva go on a SO DEEP sperg at least once… then again most of them also make sense and get it right. I don’t have the same confidence in Moo.
Hoo boy, this is gonna be a ride.
No. 672059
>>672058I mean I'm the lowest of the low is at least closer to the Japanese translation apparently but yeah.
Muh Nostalgia Moo coming in less than a week along with
I'm so deep now I can understant everything. Let me tell you how to watch the series + all the movies and the Gakuen manga my du—angels.
No. 672067
>>672058Aw really? That sucks, I love that song.
There's a big difference between "I love you" and "I like you", and I feel like changing it might have some homophobic undertones. But it really doesn't matter in the greater scheme of things. Dubs suck, and most people who watched the dub of Eva at all watched the original.
Yeah, it really doesn't matter. Subs master race.
I can't wait for Moo to start insisting that there's nothing gay about Kaworu, though. Kaworu and Shinji were actually inspired by Ryo and Akira from Devilman, and we all know what Moo thinks of
No. 672075
File: 1561167131505.jpg (512.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190621-182640_Ins…)

>"Don't be anyone but you, honey."
>Plagiarizes everyone under the sun and is notorious for being a phony.
All of the people she's bitching about probably reached out and expressed concern over her recent quick fix attempts that are certain to backfire, and this is how she treats them.
She also doesn't like being called out for her body positive hypocrisy.
As for the other women who have had cosmetic work done, I can assure you that they actually eat right and exercise for the most part, unlike this lazy slob.
No. 672076
>>672075She probably pissed off all her fat female followers. I’ve seen fatties attack model fatties because they have thinner faces. So I’m sure her fat female fan base is pissed.
I also think it’s funny that, even tho she was open about it this time, that people should just be cool with it. And that as long as she’s “transparent” about shit, everyone should be ok with it and she doesn’t have to deal with the consequences.
Spoiled brat.
No. 672078
>>672075She said this same shit last time when she got outed for getting lipo done. “Lots of other models do it and they don’t say anything about it so why are you all coming at me?” Same as when she got shit for sexualizing child characters “Where’s all the outrage at all the Misty cosplayers?” Same as when she tried to say all boudoir models do porn.
She can’t ever just accept responsibility and admit to fucking up. Nope, she always has to drag everyone else down to her level to make herself feel better.
No. 672082
File: 1561170867800.jpg (693.37 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190621-213331_Ins…)

I thought she was supposed to be to at Mystery skull concert tonight?
No. 672085
>>672075Actually, a lot of cosplay models get work done. Eating right helps but I know many that have gotten work done. You’d honestly be surprised.
She’s just honest about it but also really defensive so it makes me feel like she’s inside ashamed of it ? The way she snaps is because she’s probably ashamed and is slightly disgust by her own actions.
No. 672088
File: 1561171912339.jpg (519.96 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190621_194759.jpg)

I thought your target weight was somewhere in the range of 175 lbs. Mariah? Why do you want to be this skinny, when you're always ranting about how much you love your bigger body?
No. 672089
File: 1561172104639.png (2.25 MB, 1242x2208, BFB41B4F-EB9D-4824-8124-4A79ED…)

>>672082She literally was at Coldstone before the cake IG story was posted. She claimed before that she hates sweets but was practically salivating over the goddamn cake. I’m gonna just assume that thing will be gone by morning.
No. 672101
File: 1561176858438.png (791.74 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-06-21-21-06-51…)

>Miso and Square are moving out to Vegas and were house hunting "in the area"
>said they don't shoot as much because they wanted Moo to heal so they're coming up next week as well
No. 672105
>>672075"Body Positivity!"
"Better not bitter!"
"NOT a role model."
No. 672118
>B-b-but a lot of models have gotten PSYeah, but those girls aren't trying to shill for body positivity as part of their "brand". Moo's audience is 70% neckbeards and 30% insecure fat girls. She acquired the latter in the first place by talking about being "thicc" and "plus size."
Moo is quite the purveyor of What-about-ism. "Other people do the thing, so why is it a problem when I do the thing?" 1) Other people are under different circumstances and 2) those people still experience repercussions, and even if they don't it doesn't give you a free pass by proxy to act like a dumbass.
>I'm not a role model11!!1!No one said that you were. They're just calling you out on being a hypocrite. "Body positive" and "cosmetic surgery" are mutually exclusive for a fucking reason. The whole idea with body positivity is that women shouldn't have to change their bodies to appeal to male-oriented aesthetuc standards. Plastic surgery is literally that.
>Don't be anyone but youActually, I would encourage you to be literally anyone else, Moo. Because the person you are sort of sucks.
No. 672121
File: 1561186620964.jpg (248.76 KB, 810x1665, Screenshot_20190621-235459_Ins…)

>>672116>>672109I was looking for her profile yesterday as well and when typing her username into the search, only some other fan/fake page came up. Her's was there too, but further down. Not sure how shadowbanning works but I thought it was weird that someone with so many followers wouldnt be the first find when literally typing her name in
No. 672127
File: 1561190348788.jpeg (286.09 KB, 1242x2208, 0449AC60-0BE0-4226-89C7-97A180…)

>>672121Yikes. The fake page was tagged by her photog
No. 672166
>>672082She didn't go to the concert cause Vamps was too busy with her new friends
I actually think pariah was supposed to go with vamp but vamp brought someone else instead
No. 672176
>>672174She was pretty unenthusiastic when she mentioned AX here
>>671883 . No @Vamps or so, normally she spammed the fuck out how excited she is for this event but nope
No. 672227
File: 1561258904993.jpeg (72.09 KB, 1077x674, received_2175404456013642.jpeg)

From Umbranwitch spam account, she has been going ballistic there apparently about Momo.
No. 672234
File: 1561260071548.png (2 MB, 1242x2208, 3B3E0F18-94B3-4204-9504-7BF884…)

I guess we can expect Moo to pretend she’s an expert on BotW lore now. I was seriously hoping she’d try to jump the EVA train and offer her (Wikipedia researched) insight on the anime because she’s totes a huge fan since forever.
>>672227Moo sure does know how to pick the most deranged people to associate with. I honestly thought I was reading a message from one of her diehard cuck fanboys here. Does she not read this back to herself and realize how fucking idiotic she sounds. But good to know Moo opened up to her on their little excursion about being betrayed and how everyone uses her lol always the
victim, Mariah.
No. 672238
>>672236This honestly sounds like the terrified testimony of a domestic abuse survivor in denial than a friend. She has to be aware by now that Mariah is extremely petty and vindictive to anyone that crosses her, that includes former friends.
Hey Umbranwitch, if you read this, just know if your relationship with Moo goes in the shitter somewhere in the near future, she won’t credit you for those hideous wigs. Just thought I’d add that because you’re after clout more than anything.
No. 672243
>>672227 Reading between the lines, it sounds like Mariah is talking mad shit about Vamps to anyone who's willing to listen. Now it seems more evident that the mutual Instagram adds were strictly for appearances, and the dinner outing with Vamps was probably orchestrated by Tokki and Aly.
As for this Umbranwitch mutant, she's in way over her head if she thinks this is going to bode well for her. Mariah's not the type of person who makes friends. Rather, she makes connections with people who can provide her a service. Umbran is the wig girl, Squarecuck is the photog, and everyone else is just a cosplay making slave. Friendship isn't a concept that Mariah can grasp.
No. 672248
>>672227How do we know this is about Moo?
i mean like its safe to assume but is it confirmed?
No. 672276
>>672243It’s not surprising to see as she tried to pull the same stunt by having Kbbq make commissions for her even after their falling out. It’s the most ass backwards hypocritical thing I have seen. She talks about hating backstabbers but she behaves in the same way.
After a while she has to realize that she is the problem. Everyone who has “betrayed” or “backstabbed” her this far were people who were close to her and knew about her. Bunny and Susu apparently gave her Patreon tips and even Moo’s catchphrase. Sabrina was close enough to Moo to know about her lipo before she admitted to it. Nana and Moo used to work a lot together. Vamps was her lapdog ever since she started cosplaying. At this point it’s safe to assume they witnessed her bullshit and realized her toxicity and chose to leave her. Tokki and Cuck are likely too blinded by the money and benefits to leave her just yet. After all it took Vamps like 4 years to finally leave her.
No. 672282
File: 1561279737240.jpg (51.73 KB, 430x279, 20190623_024453.jpg)

>>672234>Ganondorf team up and maybe discovering a dark side of the Hyrule royals.Ganon and Ganondorf are the same fucking person you retard. Ganondorf is literally just Ganon's humanoid form.
Also what "royals"? They're all dead except for the princess. Do you honestly think the fucking princess is going to team up with Ganon against Link?
Good lord.
No. 672284
>>672282Yeah, not sure what's funnier, her being "totes a long time fan, my du-angles" or the supersmashbros tag on a BOTW game. All I can say is she is so fucking thirsty for attention it's almost sad.
I'm waiting for the umbranwich obsessiveness to blow up. That chick is way to mentally unbalanced to take being a used cast off in stride.
No. 672293
File: 1561292176172.jpeg (699.77 KB, 1242x786, 7EB93035-6DE5-47C1-9058-8460A2…)

>>672284The tags weren’t added by her. It’s a screenshot from someone else‘s post. And it’s not unusual (especially for smaller accounts) to use tags that are only somewhat related to the actual topic to increase visability.
I hate Moo as much as everyone else but can we stop the insane nitpicking?
No. 672295
>>672227Moo, the tru bi-sexual girl, will totally love to hear this lol
btw are you following this account? Bc I wanted to check this post for myself but it's a private one, did she made it private after being posted here or nah?
>>672234the only thing that sucks here is your fake fangirling about a franchise you don't give a fuck about, moo.
No. 672306
>>672293Actually, this kind of brings up a different point. Why is she putting other peoples' posts in her stories and writing on top of them? I can understand saving and using the picture (though that's art theft), but including the text part of the post?
It's not a huge deal, but I'm kind of wondering why she does it. Is it just something other people do on Instagram?
I guess it's a more interesting background than a dimly lit wall, her hand, or her forehead.
No. 672308
>>672306IG lets you directly share a post with a link back.
I don't think she uses it.
No. 672313
File: 1561309723459.png (2.84 MB, 750x1334, B053E3C3-F28A-44E4-959B-0F4BCB…)

No. 672314
File: 1561309852561.png (734.83 KB, 750x1334, 52DF9C05-E6CE-4FD4-8D94-F553B0…)

>>672313wow totally unique branding, never seen before, 100% recognizable as MOMOKUN
No. 672321
File: 1561311418779.jpg (27.85 KB, 800x450, graphic_design_is_my_passion.j…)

>>672314damn, how detailed, what an amazing logo
No. 672322
>>672314I still don't understand the reasoning behind her dumb name. But I think it's hilarious she had to actually commission to have this made. She literally doesn't know how to anything on her own does she?
Artists must see her coming a mile away and easily chump her out of her money.
No. 672325
File: 1561311766443.png (2.06 MB, 750x1334, 5133F8B5-19C1-42F3-9E9B-2EA979…)

>>672316yes, she paid someone to make this
No. 672326
File: 1561311841320.jpg (67.88 KB, 500x708, top nep.jpg)

tbh, it's too late for her to change it, unless she wants to lose what name she's built up. So yeah, she should fucking change it.
No. 672336
>>672329>>672314It was because the teacher said she was so rude/ill-mannered like an american boy (spreading legs, burping out loud without saying excuse me, generally a bunch of stuff that japanese people hate) and addressed her as -kun once or twice because of it
It wasn't an inside joke with her teacher like she says it was, and it wasn't because she was "big strong muscular girl who is one of the boys"
She also didn't even know "momo" meant peach when she picked it out, so its not a clever pun off her "having an ass" either
No. 672347
>>672342>>672337>>672336>>672331>>672330>>672329sage for being a weeb but most likely her teacher was just using 君/kun and not くん/kun … the former is used for professional settings, like school or office and is used for both genders, cause it'd be super inappropriate to use くん/kun for someone older than elementary school age
one of my Japanese teachers used 君/kun for all the students, instead of さん/san
she's just a special dumb fuck and didn't get it
No. 672350
File: 1561320883252.jpg (407.23 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190623-131128_Ins…)

>>672248 I think it's more than safe to assume Mariah is the object of affection here.
Mariah brainwashed Umbran so much in the time they've spent together, she even has Umbran praising her for her work ethic, when she witnessed the laziness firsthand.
No. 672361
>>672356Well, considering how much of a homophobe Moo is, they‘ll never
actually date. I don’t even think Moo would date her for attention, as umbran apparently genuinely fell for her. So she‘d probably want to do actual couple stuff and text all lovey-dovey and even be sexual to some extent. And that’s where Moo‘s homophobia gets in the way big time.
No. 672366
>>672347>>672342>>672337>>672336Guys it was just a public highschool beginners japanese class, its not that deep. Our teacher said it to her once or twice as a joke about her being rude, which is what i meant
The teacher isn't even an actual japanese person they just know about their customs (obviously) and commented on it
No. 672368
>>670323>>670413Those pictures are even funnier now with that statement
>>672227>>672356I hope so. They both deserve each other lol
No. 672370
>>672366I also want to add that she took it and tried turning it into an inside joke with the teacher who didn't reciprocate it so after the class (she never moved on to japanese 2 btw) she told everyone that it was a thing when it wasnt
You could see her do the same thing with other cosplayers like JNig or whoever where she keeps dragging on bad inside jokes
No. 672372
>>672362Any thoughts on what can happen in BOTW2
>wants to see in BOTW2 the "dark side" of the royal family/history of the royal familyFavorite non-BOTW Zelda game
>favorite is Windwaker, she has "statues of it all around her house". Said it's nostalgic and reminds her of a better time in her lifeWhat do you enjoy most about doing cosplays and shoots?
>said she likes the planning. Likes throwing multiple ideas to people and seeing "what sticks"What's your daily routine? How do you stay creative and productive when you work for yourself?
>is a naturally creative and productive person. Not so much into making cosplays because it makes her stressed out. Heavily involved in things she doesn't want people associating her cosplay with. Mostly community stuff, working on "a thing" that's secret and doesn't want her lewds cosplay interacting with it. Wakes up, feed/play with cats, watching anime/playing games, goes outside.How do you save money for surgery?
>didn't need to save for the surgery because "she make'a the money" (reacted with a retarded turtle face implying something else)If you weren't doing cosplay, what do you think your life would be like?
>is she wasn't doing cosplay she'd work in a cat sanctuary taking care of catsSomeone asked her opinion on the Etika situation
>hopes he gets found and safe. Said it's a "fucked up situation" No. 672375
File: 1561324934064.png (1 MB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2019-06-23-14-16-55…)

>>672372Anyone want to webm this? She got butthurt, acknowledged us as a "entertainment forum" (didn't actually say our name) and said there's never haters just "die hard fans for life". Also licked her chops like The Joker and talked like a black lady. Its impressive how she doesn't care but does this
No. 672379
>>672375big think
pretty sure you dont do several stories just to say you dont care about le haters
No. 672381
>>672375She actually said ‘they need to talk about it as an entertainment form’.
Also love how obvious it is this actually really annoys her, because all those other answers were super calm and her usual staged smiling ‘I’m so tame and so at peace’ but once her haters are mentioned her entire presentation changes from black to white; she’s gesturing SO much, her exaggerated facial expressions, voice changes, sarcasm, etc.
so butthurt.
No. 672387
>>672383A smart cow would utilize this all as advice. She refuses and plays
victim instead. Happy Thread 101, y'all. Let the milk flow.
No. 672404
>>672378Her hair has so much breakage. Muh strong hair tho.
Threw all that money on chin lipo and still has a fat moon face. Losing 50lbs is free and would have had a better result.
No. 672414
File: 1561333530531.jpg (193.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190623-164108_Ins…)

From her BTS account.
She's lip synching. The excess skin on her face is rippling as she's moving, like somebody threw a heavy rock into a lake.
Also, spectacular work on those chins, Mariah. I thought that turkey neck wouldn't have appeared this many months ahead of Thanksgiving. Gobble gobble, bitch!
No. 672422
File: 1561335875045.jpg (202.85 KB, 1072x1118, 20190623_192210.jpg)

I think it's hilarious that there is someone else on Maddie's spam that's a lurker besides me. Here's another post confirming that it's Mariah. Really sad with what Maddie has become, this isn't even the worse thing Ive seen her post by far. So disappointed in her.
No. 672426
File: 1561337043444.jpg (16.18 KB, 552x414, Futurama-Fry.jpg)

Bunch of bust body cunts have so dull of lives all you do is stick your nose into others buusnesess. Fuck all you sad pathetic fucks.(wk)
No. 672433
>>672422 Well, isn't this rather convenient of Mariah to post, most likely after she lurked here and saw
Funny how she posts this as a smokescreen in order to get Umbranwitch off of her ass, but she'd drop the incompatibility act the exact second some good looking Asian dude has a conversation with her.
No. 672438
File: 1561339165115.jpg (80.81 KB, 375x500, 4EEB2E95-9727-4066-B012-62415E…)

>bust body cunts
Funny coming from the bust body cunt herself
No. 672444
File: 1561340557011.png (75.85 KB, 240x208, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 8.42…)

>>672419What's going on with her nose here?
No. 672450
File: 1561342008745.png (803.58 KB, 720x1176, Screenshot_2019-06-23-19-02-44…)

I wonder why she doesnt care about her parents caring about her sex work but when it has to do with her "community work" she suddenly cares
No. 672451
>>672438Now with double the busts
Front and back
No. 672456
She got cool sculpting on her chin right? That's not something that permanent? And i'm pretty sure it actually fucks up her chin in the long run. It's hilarious how we talked about her chin getting fat and she went and got cool sculpting lmao
Keep pretending we don't bother you Mariah
No. 672459
File: 1561344140298.jpg (216.84 KB, 1068x1252, IMG_20190624_104019_571.jpg)

No. 672460
File: 1561344177338.png (894.74 KB, 1065x1418, Screenshot_20190624-104157.png)

No. 672463
File: 1561344266694.png (974.29 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2019-06-23-19-03-04…)

No. 672472
>>672468You have to understand, anon, her hot Italian, oops, I mean Muslim blood makes it so she can't help but clap back!!! BIG BOSS BITCH KWEEN, YASSSSSSSSSSSS
Moo doesn't realize that her vile personality is what drives people away, ensuring that the milk never stops flowing.
No. 672480
File: 1561349217863.png (1.42 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-06-23-21-04-54…)

No. 672481
File: 1561349242747.jpeg (14.78 KB, 225x225, C77EE4C5-39C6-44C3-9991-9C87F0…)

>>672459I will never understand why she’s so hell bent on being pochaco when Taruco is right there. Fatter, with grey hair and all.
No. 672483
>>672480Uh… No?
It literally translates to attack titan/attacking titan but literal translations are rarely the official English title… which is still Attack on Titan. It’s not “wrong”, Moo. Stop trying to one up on every damn thing, jesus.
No. 672484
>>672481But Taruco doesn't have massive tits, anon! Moo is physically incapable of cosplaying characters that aren't big tiddy hentai waifus.
>>672480No one cares, Moo.
No. 672485
File: 1561350210334.png (2.32 MB, 750x1334, 16339BEE-AEB0-4F32-8862-AD1A65…)

Maddie really got the hots for moo huh
No. 672490
>>672419after watching all these i feel like her face looks so weird with the fat sucked out of her neck, like she's having an allergic reaction or something and her cheeks have swelled up beyond the size they're supposed to be lmao
>>672488these were taken before the surgery
No. 672496
File: 1561353869778.jpeg (Spoiler Image,513.36 KB, 1920x1920, 0B904CE4-7F10-4A49-8EB0-11AA14…)

>>672481Because she’s hella delusional about her weight. She just doesn’t want to be the fattest. Plus what
>>672484 said.
>>672465>>672478>>672491I think it’s a combination of the character(s) actually wearing way too small bikinis and her still believing she’s an XL
No. 672527
>>672378wait, i thought she was using some filter to make her cheeks look like that
now y'all tellin me those are real
No. 672534
File: 1561378797164.jpeg (205.64 KB, 750x593, 30E04976-4F4C-4D14-A789-DFFF7D…)

No. 672541
>>672314it's not even a png, peach boy.
>>672344nta but what's so confusing about this? "Our cow" means momo
No. 672545
>>672539When that anon said you need to lurk more it’s because moo claiming she “totes uses to translate manga and could speak moonspeak” is from one of the very early threads and is discussed in subsequent ones. It’s old news. We all know she doesn’t speak Japanese and that was the joke before you took it too seriously
>>672485There’s no way Mariah hasn’t seen umbran thirsting after her kek. She’s trying to play it cool and act like she’s not bothered by it (positively or negatively) to make herself look cooler, play hard to get. It’s probably feeding her ego so, so good.
I can’t be the only one who is still hung up on what vamps did to Mariah (or vice versa) to cause this rift and sudden clinging to a new brown noser… I guess we will never know
No. 672568
>>672546Moo latched onto Pochaco a long time ago because Nigri is the ~offishul~ Sonico. She was hoping to cosplay with Niggles forever and ever, like with every other cosplay she planned to dickride Mommy with like the BNA shit.
Now all she has is that dipshit Misotokki to hang off of and she's stuck with the character anyway because she's under the delusion she has monster tits. She would never do the character more appropriate for her body type because that would mean being honest with herself.
And we all know the only thing Moo hates more than herself is being honest.
No. 672575
File: 1561394468654.jpeg (339.17 KB, 750x950, 8D24D803-17BC-45FB-9339-4708F8…)

No. 672582
>>672575She still looks like a 40-year-old mom, but more of a yoga wine mom who goes to painting classes with the girls on Thursday nights.
If she styled herself a certain way, she could make herself look more youthful but she's beyond screwed now with the weight gain and rounds of lipo. Curious to see how her lip procedure goes.
No. 672587
File: 1561399573963.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190624-115857_Ins…)

No. 672589
>>672587Pushing aside her usual fake nerd girl woke points, it makes me laugh that she thinks because Toriyama didn’t make it big until 500 drafts later, that it was all a failure until he made it big. Said a lot about her character.
Hey, moo, some people just enjoy what they do and aren’t always looking for success.
No. 672591
File: 1561401732644.png (2.11 MB, 1429x2104, Screenshot_20190624-134002.png)

So is she still going to AX, or I'd this Baiken wig for a location shoot/in her house?
No. 672609
File: 1561409057860.jpeg (27.1 KB, 750x144, 66B8CEF0-8C52-4FE9-9ADD-85C0EA…)

This is the comment under
>>672459Imagine thinking obvious lumps of fat as muscle. Moo got some headass fans kek
No. 672616
>>672611To be fair most like
>>672575 have never seen her healthier. She started ballooning the moment she left home. And they're willing to take any lies in hopes she'll finally show her nudes despite them being on cam shows.
No. 672653
File: 1561419384650.jpg (72.38 KB, 800x1536, Popeye.jpg)

>>672459Is that you Popeye?
No. 672661
File: 1561420901923.jpg (123.2 KB, 623x718, Screenshot_20190624-200100_Chr…)

Yo wtf is this?(Nitpicking)
No. 672679
File: 1561423293583.jpg (451.73 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190624-194050_Ins…)

Yes Momo, uppercut all your neckbeard fans.
No. 672708
File: 1561432918024.webm (2.24 MB, 479x852, 65844077_651654418642494_59577…)
wtf did i just watch? moo if you're that tired from just standing it's probably time to make some changes
No. 672709
File: 1561433079738.jpg (90.35 KB, 960x1706, 64731125_451802335611285_10967…)

also she posted this lmao the audacity
sorry i can't grab it with her name over the story like anons usually do because i don't follow her insta, i use storiesig
No. 672714
File: 1561435753836.png (1.92 MB, 1242x2208, 80CCF44B-354A-490C-A30A-240408…)

>>672709I got you fam.
>>672712It’ll be the next thing to take up residence on her trash strewn floor after she’s worn it for the 5 minutes it takes to shoot a set.
No. 672799
>>672587This delusional lard ass is really trying to compare herself to one of the most influential mangaka of all time? I guess to a lazy sack of shit like her having to lift a finger for more than two seconds is comparable to busting your ass for years in an industry that is already hard enough to get into and actually putting in the hard work despite constant rejection.
Maybe if she wasn’t so busy constantly whining and self loathing about her lack of success and actually got up off her lazy fat ass and did something she might actually get somewhere. But of course that takes way too much time and effort for her and she demands instant results. So in order to justify her own laziness she tries to compare herself to one of the all time greats as if she is facing similar scrutiny and struggles and that her time and “hard work” will pay off and she’ll be looking at the same kind of success.
It’d be sad if it wasn’t so pathetic. Instead of accepting the reality that she is a washed up neverwas who torpedoed any chance of a career with her shitty behavior and actions she has to delude herself into thinking she is simply a struggling rising star artist who’s moment simply hasn’t come yet.
You know what Moo, keep thinking that. It was will make it so much funnier when you finally fall back to earth.
No. 672807
File: 1561481808750.jpeg (352.86 KB, 1125x1723, 10C2C680-B252-4FC1-9193-C8E696…)

God I hope Mariah has one ounce of class left in her body to not make this situation about her. Fuck.
No. 672811
>>672807Who are we kidding here? Of course she will. I’m sure we’ll be getting a hundred Instagram sob stories about how she is “literally shaking right now” and how “mental health is no joke”. This is the same person who takes mass shootings and makes them all about herself and how “strong” she is. Who after being outed as a sexual abuser spent the whole weekend crying about how sad she was and blamed her accusers as clout chasers and attention whores.
She absolutely will make it all about herself and “muh mental health muh dudes so plz stop bullying me or maybe I’ll end up like him”.
No. 672820
>>672807Who else remembers when Etika and Mariah were shopping in Vegas, and Mariah was trying to get Etika to run into a clothing store and do a bunch of juvenile, disruptive shit?
As far as I'm concerned, Mariah is complicit in his downfall. I'm under the impression that he hung out with her for edgelord points more than anything else. And what did she do? She tried to get him to act like a big ass clown, so that
SHE could get more clout from her IG followers and the gaming community.
RIP, Etika.
Eat shit, Mariah.
No. 672824
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No. 672836
File: 1561488358086.png (1.95 MB, 828x1792, D9C856AA-4C08-4718-8D0E-4FAF0C…)

maybe she actually realizes the severity of the situation and won't make things about her self for once
No. 672839
File: 1561488713898.jpg (174.52 KB, 1148x649, Buffet.JPG)

>eating clean, my dudes!This is the kind of food that comes up when you look up the place she went eating.
No. 672863
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No. 672871
>>669494I know I'm late to this but that lynel is one of the weakest ones and most people can defeat it with the amount of hearts she has.
It's scummy of her to use his death to get attention even though she wasn't even close to him.
No. 672872
After seeing
>>672863, it's disappointing to see that
>>672836 didn't age well.
A POS like her will use this guy's tragedy as an excuse to delay or outright cancel cosplay plans, and get condolences from others like she's immediate family. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to use this to make connections with others. That's how lowly I think of her.
No. 672877
File: 1561495074117.png (1.01 MB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2019-06-25-13-33-56…)

Bitch everyday you take a day off LMAO
No. 672888
>>672877 Ah, yes. I remember when Mariah was so concerned about his disappearance, she posted the missing persons photo every day on Instagram prior to the positive ID on the body.
Take the day off. You deserve it after eating a shit ton of breakfast, mate.
No. 672891
>>672877Didn’t she respond to him pretty snarky on a comment he left on his page while he was alive? It was along the lines of “well you didn’t tell us you were okay” or something, and that behavior is exactly why people end up killing themselves because their past actions are held against them like she did.
Going back through the threads to look for the screencap now.
No. 672894
>>672891No, that was Kevin. Kevin dates? Dated? Usagikou and has some problems going on. She posted his self harm picture and berated him on not taking her offered help (concealed it by saying "our help" but we all know she tried to play it off).
Etika is a guy Moo actually wanted to fuck. She wouldn't talk like that unless he "betrayed" her or some shit.
No. 672897
File: 1561499099208.png (395.25 KB, 580x960, suicideissofungaiz.png)

Never forget when she wanted to recreate a suicide scene in cosplay because it's so 'artistic'. So Moo's attitude towards mental health is just ignorant and she really doesn't care.
No. 672911
File: 1561503264924.png (2.3 MB, 750x1334, 0EB38DD5-7A5E-4E69-BF50-168D72…)

The value of literally the only moment she met him that she could’ve milked
No. 672913
>>672854>>672836Two of my friends tried to kill themselves because of Mariah and her bullshit what the actual fuck
This hypocritical bitch
No. 672932
"oh man i can't believe this youtuber who visited me once died. i tried to buy him gucci you know! i'm an angel, btw. sometimes i still remember when he was here, with his friend, ignoring me in IG stories. i'm just hurting so much."
No. 672933
File: 1561508039457.jpeg (157.51 KB, 1125x897, 1556643464191.jpeg)

>>672891you mean this? (from 97th thread)
No. 672942
>>672877The other night all she said about the situation is “yeah that’s fucked up” and nothing else. She didn’t care until they found his body. Gotta ride the death clout, don’t you Mariah? Absolutely disgusting.
I hope he can rest easy, poor guy was troubled and doesn’t deserve Mariah milking his death.
Hey Mariah, remember when you told people to get over their depression because people have it worse?
No. 672944
>>672942Literally everything you have said in this post has been said before.
I‘m all for celebrating the milk but what
>>672817 said. It’s really getting out of hand atm.
No. 672970
>>672968Seriously. We should all do what she should have done, paid condolences and moved on. Yeah Moo used this as an excuse to eat ice cream in bed but she would have found an excuse to take the day off anyway. She doesn't have a job so let her ruin all of her new work and let pay pigs get tired of no content.
On another topic, when was she supposed to be getting those Trisha Paytas lips? Weren't they supposed to be getting done right after the lipo? I need a good laugh.
No. 672972
File: 1561514281773.jpeg (417.03 KB, 750x1096, E7DA1A7E-E641-4A1B-95D9-9EB7C0…)

>>672968>how close Moo was to EtikaRest assured anon, her fans might just be convinced that she’s
totally close to him because of the picture she uploaded
No. 672988
>>672972>how close she wasShe met him once, seriously what the fuck.
I’d be upset too in her shoes but I’d also feel awkward as hell to see something like this. Then again I’m not moo, thank god
No. 673002
File: 1561522492958.jpg (436.44 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190625-211153_Ins…)

In non-Etika news, she may have taken the day off of "work", but she's certainly not taking the day off from going out to eat and dragging her poor cat along for attention.
No. 673007
File: 1561523910398.jpeg (324.53 KB, 1786x994, DB9A2EAA-DB48-480E-A4CF-EEEA3D…)

She already removed the post with Etika.
Man, she made it seem that she was so broken up over his death that she couldn’t leave bed after returning from her buffet trip to work on anything but she’s well enough to take her cat out for food at a pet friendly restaurant! Guess the only way to cope (with literally doing nothing) in Moo’s world is lots of self care time.
No. 673048
File: 1561530397982.jpeg (537.77 KB, 1242x692, 782BBFFA-1FFA-45B1-ADD7-EFC3CF…)’s a link to the clip of her telling people with depression to “get over it” someone posted to twitter in case anyone needs it for reference.
No. 673049
File: 1561530467516.jpeg (210.56 KB, 750x1334, 17FB5B00-8E15-485B-B403-3A6A55…)

Also the screenshot of her trying to walk it back.
No. 673050
File: 1561532101614.png (3.37 MB, 1062x1800, F4A6067E-E5E5-40D4-B59A-AAED67…)

No. 673059
File: 1561534186727.png (138.02 KB, 468x317, 2A534A46-2D85-4C87-8945-741634…)

>>673055Did lipo make it look like she has no jaw now or is it over-filtering OR because she not wearing the headgear? She looks like Phineas facing forward.
No. 673060
>>673059 She edited/filtered this.
>>672824 shows what she looked like at breakfast in the morning, so there's no way her face lost that much roundness, when she's been lounging around and eating the entire day.
No. 673065
>>672887mariah can get away with anything because shes off being irrelevant on ig
she'll only get dragged if jane susu and co mention it on twitter
No. 673068
File: 1561540002939.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1242x2025, CC918B41-7349-4D5C-9918-DCD3FE…)

As long as they don’t dare question you and stay obedient, right?
No. 673071
File: 1561540716638.jpeg (52.45 KB, 800x450, 1355D58A-CFF7-4DCF-88B1-F81B9C…)

>>673070sorry for samefagging but I only realized after posting that if she keeps packing on weight she‘ll end up looking like she could star in that one kanye west video
No. 673072
No. 673074
Should you be lacing a corset this tight after lipo? I’m no lipo expert but I feel like that can’t be good for it.
No. 673076
>>672969exactly. This is also the same person who tried to make the Vegas shooting all about her as well. She likes to use tragedy to her advantage.
Except during the Vegas shootings she was way more cringy and people called her out on the obvious grab for attention
No. 673079
I vote this
>>670258 for next thread
No. 673091
>>673055Her boob is fucking purple!
I'm a paranoid person, and if that were me I would be a little worried. I think she should have a mammogram, or at least get some sort of professional opinion.
No. 673096
>>673055Her head is so tiny, but I really don't think its because of the lipo. Its most likely she shooped her face to be less round and in the end made it super tiny. All that money she spends on cosmetic surgery and it does nothing.
Also isn't she suppose to get her lips done this week??
No. 673120
File: 1561566105029.jpg (455.82 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190626-112111_Ins…)

This just in, according to this guy surgery makes your head small.
No. 673124
>>673120"THE CURVES"
Fucking morons think she's ''all natural''. There is nothing natural about this chick by any means????
No. 673150
>>673074people do wear compression garments for 23 hours a day after lipo, so a corset might not be so bad.
But on her face and arms, nothing? shame.
No. 673155
>>673074>>673150No you should not, not if it is a real corset. Your body is too bloated and it will be extra painful to even wear it.
Compression garments and corsets are different.
No. 673180
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No. 673183
File: 1561590038710.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 750x1334, 4E0D4E58-2985-48D3-941E-44C0A3…)

I’m not sure who would want sets like these but I’m thinking she’s selling all her prints because she’s spurlged too much on money this month
No. 688956
>>688950Are you the same idiot sperging in the current thread?
Read the rules. If you want an umbran callout, do it your fucking self. We’re not your personal army.