File: 1568861771533.jpg (1.06 MB, 1380x960, vicky kjasndkasndk.jpg)

No. 706367
>Took a bath in Oxiclean and then tried to claim that it wasn't "labeled properly" after she apparently poisoned herself. Farmers have speculated it was a lie to cover up missed appointments, or that she just got so drunk and made a fool of herself and needed something to blame it on.
>Has been caught stealing other artists work. Traced off of her laptop and then (poorly) tattooed on her victims. " High-end, custom tattoos"
>Despite charging $3000 per hour for modelling, decided to volunteer as a self-proclaimed "hot merch girl" at a show that hosted less than 100 people. Wore the same crusty outfit that she always does.
>Her been attempting to stir up drama with random women from her past to justify her bad reviews
>Claims to be booked solid until the end of next year, while simultaniously e-begging for clients/appointments on Facebook every other day.
>Claims to be wealthy and a person who "has lived in many mansions" and has also been caught begging clients for deposits early through facebook messenger.
>Is constantly sharing screenshots of guys "hitting on her" trying to prove that shes "wifey material" and not like other girls.
>May have created sock instagram accounts to DM compliments to herself and then post them.
>Is still single and can't even hold down a man 10 years younger than her.
>Her younger sister is getting married and Vicky claimed she wouldn't be going to the wedding as she doesn't want to "steal all the attention away" from her sister on her big day.
>Is the proud owner of the lowest rated tattoo shop in a 50 mile radius. Was nominated for exactly zero awards in her local readers choice. OLD MILK:
-Has decided to take up Twitch Streaming to "pRoVe tO dA HaTuRz" that she isn't fake. However, after farmers viewed her pitiful (and very grainy) stream, the only thing that was apparent was that she wears more makeup than a drag queen and got so greasy during filming that half of her makeup had shifted or come off completely, her gums are progressively turning completely blacker by the day from chain smoking, and she has barely any hair left. Featuring the same crusty leather jacket she's worn for the past 10 years to cover her lunch lady arms and seal in her B.O.
- Claimed to charge $3000 per hour when a neckbeard orbiter inquired about having her in for a photoshoot. She also stated that she picks her own wardrobe, which completely defeats the purpose of modelling in the first place (and will likely not allow anyone else to edit her photos, based on the Simon Hammond saga of 3 years ago). Despite the fact that nobody except her imaginary photographer Frankie (who must be loaded based on her "rate"), she used an absurd price to keep anyone from asking her for photos, as she wouldn't be able to photoshop herself into a completely different person.
- Despite being 10 years into her "career" as a tattoo "artist", she has learned nothing and has been getting progressively worse. Most clients leaving her shop can be seen with massive bruises, akin to getting hit by a bus after leaving her chair. She claims that those clients have "low platelette" blood counts, and the fact that they walked out of her shop looking like they got beaten within an inch of their life by an escaped gorilla was by no means her fault.
- Ongoing claims of "bulking and cutting", (despite "bulking" being the only notable achievement) and poorly editing her progressively growing, stumpy body to prove it.
- Began photoshopping her ass and hips in her photos to keep up with the youthful instagram models that are taking attention away from her, after previously complaining about that body type and asking how anyone could find it attractive.
_ Claims that she "invented" jewel and beading tattoos and everyone who does that style is merely copying her, as she was doing it YEARS before everyone else, of course.
- Getting fatter, saggier, visibly unhealthier and more desperate for male attention since her decade younger boyfriend decided to leave her crazy behind. Her shoops are becoming so unrealistic that they barely even look like a human woman anymore, rather some alien/pile of blurred mush that can only be described as projected insecurity mixed with delusion.
>Started dating someone nearly 10 years younger than her after being painfully single for a long time and thinks this is something to brag about. >Frankie the self timer photographer has gone MIA since boyfriend appeared.>The Google page for her scratch shack blew up with a slew of bad reviews from previous customers. This included the couple who had their deposit stolen after Vicky ditched an appointment, claiming to have been kidnapped.>Shingles has responded to almost every single review in a predictably unprofessional manner, accusing the customer of being a lying stalker>30-something year old scratcher who works in an unlicensed ‘tattoo salon’ comparable to a shack, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo competently results in permanent damage>Former MySpace ‘scene queen’ with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects>Narcissistic attention whore and self-proclaimed international cover model and ‘real life Final Fantasy character’>Incapable of talking about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them>Claims to be not only well-versed but Ivy League educated in psychology, astronomy and quantum physics despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields>Posts embarrassing videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a ‘sword fighter’>Fakes an atrocious British accent>Outed by admin for selfposting and samefagging hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her/dated her in real life>Tried to DMCA lolcow and Kiwi Farms, claimed the Attorney General of Canada had to be involvedAll images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody.
Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>592255>>218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833>>681790 No. 706374
File: 1568862555302.png (311.11 KB, 519x568, Screenshot 2019-09-18 at 10.04…)

thank you, good anon, who put the new thread up. Please enjoy whatever the hell is going on here.
(me too, cat)
No. 706411
File: 1568866918411.png (345.73 KB, 852x518, savethatpoorcat.png)

>>706378she says she's doing 'a shoot' but that doesn't explain it either unless bitch is doing kabuki over there
No. 706420
>>706374Nice humpback, Vicky. But at least, in your mind, you gave yourself a curvaceous backside.
Lol. The delusion.
No. 706447
File: 1568871168525.jpeg (75.48 KB, 480x792, 40B966BF-1815-4399-94A8-ABC50C…)

Did she make a sock to mssg herself this and then post it? Every single one of her pictures is edited into the fucking ground lmao anyone with half a brain cell can see that. She is seriously the Queen of cringe. "I've gone live on twitch" Yea and you looked NOTHING like the pictures you post at all! Nice try tho you hammy saggy hag
No. 706451
File: 1568871756593.jpeg (1.1 MB, 4000x4000, 10A940EE-6B10-448A-81F6-715F81…)

Girl can’t even keep track of her own lies of being soOoOOoo busyyyyy
No. 706485
This is the past threads list format we should be using:
>>>/snow/218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833>>592255>>647324>>681790>>706367I have so many pics to dump. Excited to be with you all again
No. 706486
File: 1568876300851.png (2 MB, 1280x2337, magazines.png)

>the list goes on
No. 706488
File: 1568876558109.png (3.16 MB, 1280x6645, DragonBallV.png)

She is replying to someone who said her wrists were really strong
No. 706489
File: 1568876599564.png (1.17 MB, 1049x2787, YesICanDualWield.png)

No. 706490
File: 1568876622443.png (1.16 MB, 1280x2945, HahItsReal.png)

>the blade is like part of my body
No. 706492
File: 1568876981460.jpg (87.18 KB, 1223x1280, IMG_20190919_000856_258.jpg)

>>706374One of the replies to this pic
Vic's cat has lived in many mansions
No. 706493
File: 1568877075584.jpg (120.68 KB, 1218x1280, IMG_20190919_001020_670.jpg)

>>706374Vicky's cat is a babe and almost took the world record
No. 706624
>>706411that is the face of a cat that didn't want to be involved with her shitty selfie shoot. all the editing she did and her hair still looks shitty.
>>706486a lot of these look fake but also imagine constantly submitting fake pix of yourself to publications with plenty of non edited women.
her sword sperging is hilarious, all talk and no show just like pretty much everything else in her life.
No. 706680
>>706486Lmao is she claiming that professional photographers took these?
I’m willing to bet “viví” is herself.
- Laurie Munroe is her ex’s friends mom
- A lomax is her ex adrien (who apparently hated her constantly nagging him to take pictures of her)
- Jamie Alexandria is Adrian’s sister (who she lived with while dating Adrian, and bothered to take pictures of her as well)
- SH is Simon Hammond is an actual photographer who she has publicly shamed for releasing photos he took of her, but she didn’t get to edit.
None of these people are professional photographers (except for Simon), they’re all just people who were in her vicinity at one point in time that she nagged endlessly to take pictures of her. What a delusional idiot. You’re not fooling anyone, Vic.
No. 706704
>>706486She made these and poorly
Top left corner, isn't that the snapshot of her and the other girl in the lake? Did she.clip old photos and try to pass them off as features for the mags/ sites?
No. 706852
File: 1568936333360.jpeg (33.22 KB, 749x274, 9D11B502-EEBA-4A9D-9422-B32D75…)

When you shop your Neanderthal skull in and your hairline is magically floating
No. 707125
File: 1569007454964.jpg (196.25 KB, 1080x1082, Screenshot_20190920_152126.jpg)

But that's only two weeks away? I thought she was booked for a year? Do people really buy this bullshit??
No. 707889
File: 1569134947242.webm (233.88 KB, 540x892, enhancethis.webm)
Vic posted some more videos to her insta stories
No. 707892
File: 1569135055523.webm (863.26 KB, 540x892, tomboy.webm)
Here she is at work in her usual tomboy attire
No. 707895
File: 1569135155352.webm (809.72 KB, 540x892, early2000swebcamfilter.webm)
So busy and booked at work
No. 707898
File: 1569135557578.jpg (61.88 KB, 799x1280, IMG_20190921_235725_019.jpg)

Oh ok that's what Vic means when she shares those "women should uplift women" memes on Facebook. She means that we (women) should uplift her! And she will say thank you and post screenshots of it
No. 707914
>>707892okay but why is every single photo and "video" so blurry or grainy. also, this video appears to not be a video really but several shots she spliced together into a video.
this is a contradiction. she's hiding as much as she can while showing her midriff. i dont understand!!!!!! either show yourself or dont, wtf r u doin
No. 707983
File: 1569164463828.jpeg (816.8 KB, 4000x4000, 13A222A4-2170-4586-85B9-11BED1…)

I love how every video she posts to show the haturzzz how skinnnnny she is her body warps around and changes shapes lmao. Such horrible editing skills Jesus Christ
No. 707994
File: 1569167153122.jpeg (388 KB, 1242x2208, bullshit.jpeg)

>>707889Sure, Vicky. Sure.
No. 708131
File: 1569192874794.jpg (123 KB, 798x1280, IMG_20190922_155322_257.jpg)

No. 708201
File: 1569199020120.png (152.9 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2019-09-22 at 7.31.…)

If she's booked a year in advance and only designates certain dates for new clients, this constant open availability on her page is misleading.
No. 708248
File: 1569204513848.jpeg (215.64 KB, 750x655, 6B612F8B-3665-4A38-A1B6-BE1332…)

>I don’t buy followers like other modelssssss
Photoshopping self taken photos doesn’t make you a model.
No. 708284
>>708253You mean this doesn’t just scream Vicky sock-puppet? Lolll
What a loser.
No. 708398
File: 1569239361361.png (964.21 KB, 1186x720, haterzwillsayitsphotoshop.png)

Oh vicky and the magic of warping cabinets!
No. 708432
File: 1569252363137.webm (603.52 KB, 480x600, wakeup.webm)
No. 708440
>>708432Those linebacker shoulders goddamn!
still has a jay leno chin even with that snapchat vanity filter. I wonder how bad that jacket smells after marinating in it all summer. She looks like a Mom in her 40's trying to be hip
No. 708625
File: 1569288377189.jpg (100.95 KB, 979x1280, IMG_20190923_182543_244.jpg)

Oh no
No. 708628
File: 1569288659071.webm (1.09 MB, 480x480, AnotherSelfPortrait.webm)
No. 708631
>>708432she looks drunk/hungover and obvious extensions are obvious.
>>708625wtf with that pig nose, there's no rich blacks which won't make it age well and sure the pic just happens to look like you, not that you self insert into as many messes as you can.
No. 708721
File: 1569302006628.jpeg (15.04 KB, 215x149, B8FB93E5-6282-43D0-9B6D-1C407B…)

>>708625Ah, yes. The shooped face of herself she always inserts. Yea def could be your sister I see the similarities in the drunken uneven dead eyes and unfortunate hairline
No. 708740
File: 1569305915116.jpg (88.88 KB, 1246x1280, IMG_20190923_231701_282.jpg)

>she's so hot
No. 709022
File: 1569361302918.png (1.09 MB, 1280x2941, aboutthattime.png)

No. 709080
>>709022Is she fucking autistic??
What is wrong with her that she seriously can't understand (stupid as fuck) simple jokes or sarcasm?
I mean obviously she's stupid enough to think her photoshops are realistic so..
No. 709084
>>709080She’s NEVER been able to take a joke. Ever. It’s probably my favorite thing about her. I’ve never known anyone that responds as if the joke was a statement made at them. That’s how insanely insecure she is. She has no sense of humor.
She can’t laugh and be like “hahaha yea I make a hot dude right?!” Because in her retarded mind, people might believe her. Because she expect people to believe everything she says anyways.
It’s amazing what a low IQ and narc personality can do to one’s brain.
No. 709294
File: 1569413858954.jpg (108.75 KB, 860x1280, IMG_20190925_051424_062.jpg)

>perhaps if I were trans I would attract less men
Vic truly is a wonderful cow.
No. 709298
>>709022>>709294>but nope im a lady… biologically born female>and even if I was trans…Why is she getting so fucking defensive over an off-hand joke that wasn't meant to be taken seriously in the slightest
Sounds like that one struck a nerve
No. 709336
>>709310She is so unpleasant to talk to; always either assuming she's being hit on, insulted or trying to brag about something even in response to being complimented
Always in a "thanks but I'm actually even better/smarter/hotter than you are saying I am" type of way
She couldn't be humble if she tried
No. 709352
>>709294so y'all wanna start a rumor vicky is trans? you know like all those other rumors we start
>>709084if it's a comment about her appearance she has to defend herself even if logically it makes no sense
No. 709401
File: 1569426810815.jpeg (471.6 KB, 750x936, F0B1FBB3-C095-4918-B019-34050B…)

>>709358My bad, anon.
Anyone saw this recent video? She literally looks like a drag queen, that hides an ugly man in his 40’s underneath, cosplaying Donatella Versace. In addition he’s drunk, and possibly slow.
Also that huge penis-shaped nose, my sides.
No. 709418
>>709294>even if I was trans>BUT CLEARLY IM NOTyea ok. Clearly someone in person assumed she was trans once and fucked her entire world up.
Your make up ain’t helping Vic. Shit is drag-tier.
No. 709684
File: 1569472097279.jpg (82.75 KB, 787x1279, IMG_20190925_212454_789.jpg)

>this isnt inked its the plan
No. 709687
>>70964380s frozen face cher when she did that horrible shit to her face. I can see it.
These vids mean squat, Vic. theres plenty of beauty filter apps for vid. look at fucking onision. you wanna convince people, you're gonna need to do better.
No. 709847
File: 1569519058939.png (30.89 KB, 613x265, vic.png)

I forgot she has Twitter and found these gems. Business a little slow there Vic?
No. 709881
>>709691adding to the other replies, yes there are occasions where the piece is drawn on, usually to fit with the flow of the body. however, as someone else mentioned, something like this would be better done as a stencil first. she's just trying to show off as usual and we know she can't do symmetrical designs.
can't wait to see how this mess will turn out.
No. 709903
File: 1569524862895.jpeg (229.64 KB, 1242x900, 4C9A3CFF-BF40-484E-B611-7606E0…)

“All the mansions”
No. 709905
File: 1569524953696.jpeg (297.22 KB, 1242x1114, A2DB006D-EF02-4925-9AF1-9273EF…)

>>709903“My skins too thick”
If her skin was as thick as she’d like everyone to believe she wouldn’t waste all the time she apparently doesn’t have to address everything three times a week.
No. 709906
File: 1569525064169.jpeg (216.83 KB, 1242x1368, 2BF3B97E-4000-449D-9583-893E19…)

>>709903Pics or it didn’t happen!
Honestly though. Even the people on her friends list don’t believe her shit anymore.
No. 709992
File: 1569532940755.jpeg (323.37 KB, 1178x1308, 1CD09EEE-68AD-4A54-BA0D-7D0FDA…)

Alcoholics don’t get hangovers guys. She proves her stupidity everyday.
No. 710006
File: 1569534523942.jpeg (382.03 KB, 750x1239, FD3AB899-37C9-4365-961D-51EACA…)

>four living rooms
No. 710049
>>710027isn't all that stuff true lol
>>710006renting a room soon but then she's gonna build a house ok haha
No. 710075
File: 1569544005141.jpg (73.27 KB, 790x1280, IMG_20190926_172628_195.jpg)

No. 710076
>>710027>>710061What gave it away, the fact that a real and competent lawyer would have explained to her the difference between libel and slander?
Of course before laughing her deluded ass out of his office then telling an intern to bring in some lysol wipes
No. 710078
File: 1569544117114.jpg (72.93 KB, 793x1280, IMG_20190926_172606_276.jpg)

No. 710083
File: 1569544371543.jpg (98.92 KB, 857x1279, IMG_20190926_173130_669.jpg)

>i decorated it beautifully
No. 710086
File: 1569544463005.jpg (114.77 KB, 1280x1251, IMG_20190926_173133_458.jpg)

Vic isn't the best tattoo artist :(
No. 710094
Not only can she not afford a lawyer, deposit-anon who came here and outed Vic as a deposit thief, couldn’t even sue her in small-claims because Vicky is so poor.
No. 710101
>>709906Icon, anon.
Maybe she should upgrade her 2016 LG Rebel before moving into any more mansions.
No. 710103
File: 1569545996507.png (1.77 MB, 1334x750, 202B9863-9660-44BD-895B-CCD788…)

>>710078Oh Vicky, you delusional hag. No “fan” was taking sneaky candids of you. You just happened to be stomping back in from chainsmoking and we’re alone in the background of somebody else’s picture.
No. 710111
File: 1569546788715.jpg (149.35 KB, 1054x1280, IMG_20190926_181151_011.jpg)

>>710096I investigated this for you, anon. This is the woman's place of business, according to her Facebook profile.
>Testomony No. 710116
File: 1569547292578.png (2.76 MB, 1169x6504, mansions_edithistory.png)

Lol holy shit. I sometimes forget to look at her post edit history.
No. 710120
File: 1569547614817.jpg (121.04 KB, 895x1280, IMG_20190926_182437_017.jpg)

>>709847She expanded her search to all of Ontario lmao I love Vic so much
No. 710126
>>709905I like how she says “women have come forward and apologized” if that were true, she would have posted those conversations.
Nobody is jealous of her life. She a liar that lives in Guelph
No. 710129
File: 1569548119553.png (1.33 MB, 1280x2864, thick_skin.png)

I love how her final edit is to add that compliments you make towards her should be reiterated. Amazing. I think Vic is a wonderful cow.
No. 710136
>>710116Yikes. So much effort into this.
Still waiting on the 200x130 blurry mansion pics.
No. 710142
>>710116i like how it changed from "a friend" to people and then the added she can guess why but doesn't elaborate. also her dad apparently commented on this and she talks to him the same way as everyone else.
>>710129probably b/c she's so dense she doesn't know when compliments are genuine unless coming from neck beards.
No. 710149
File: 1569550983564.jpeg (388.87 KB, 1530x2040, CA3489E8-33B5-405B-91F2-115FEE…)

>>710142I feel so bad for her father having to listen to her crap on Facebook, loving her too much to tell her she’s an idiot
No. 710152
>>710149Definitely got her dad’s nose.
Ignoring her insufferable personality, she looks much better without her drag make-up and fried yellow hair. I know she edited her face still but it’s less offensive on the eyes.
No. 710233
File: 1569565102138.jpg (85.89 KB, 664x1279, IMG_20190926_231417_969.jpg)

No. 710295
File: 1569589191888.jpeg (342.36 KB, 1242x1603, E9518AB7-E898-47B6-B751-E106DD…)

>>710293There’s a bunch of videos where she’s painting the house she allegedly bought with her own money. Anyone know
Who this house really belongs to
No. 710305
File: 1569591093902.jpeg (403.17 KB, 1242x1846, 0DC9B972-3295-40CE-9060-ED1648…)

“So tiny”
No. 710308
File: 1569592210311.jpg (333.33 KB, 2896x2896, 20190927_214812.jpg)

>>710078>>710103She just can't help herself
Even the 'candid fan snap' of her needed to be reshaped and squeezed in before she would post it
No. 710310
>>710305Vic. I know you’re reading this.
The only thing “tiny” is your height.
You’re a short, chubby woman.
No. 710329
File: 1569596727361.jpg (117.92 KB, 908x1279, IMG_20190927_080449_913.jpg)

No. 710339
File: 1569599390531.jpeg (485.16 KB, 1632x1632, vic.jpeg)

She's not even THAT ugly to be hiding herself so much. It's just that she isn't the $3,000 model she wants to be and this fucks her up too much. Girl needs self-love. Imagine bragging about aspect of your own life online every day while actually hating yourself.
No. 710416
>>710392She’s not that ugly. Agree. It’s her makeup, ratty extensions and MySpace style that makes her laughable in the looks department. Her teeth are a whole other story.
She WOULD be average, but she’s making herself disgusting by how she carries herself
No. 710460
File: 1569608197598.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 66F34196-4D36-42E6-A640-F0F4EC…)

>>710339The side profile is rough on her
No. 710471
File: 1569609586597.png (1.84 MB, 1280x4228, Vic_work.png)

I think this is all new.
Lmao @ where she mentions her shop has had no health infractions and she tattoos members of the health board. Omg this is so funny
No. 710524
File: 1569614385472.jpeg (645.65 KB, 3072x3072, A775888F-4F5F-4C5A-BAEF-7EC14F…)

No. 710527
>>710460Cosmotologicalfag here. If that's her hair and not a party city wig, um, yeah it's dead hair. And it's a low quality pic, but I think that's her scalp showing. That's critically damaged to the root. She might have given herself sub dermal alopecia, but that's what you get when you use oxy clean to get the brassiness out and not a violet toning shampoo/conditioner. But this isn't secret insider info, anyone can google this.
Tl;dr. Dumb bitch killed her hair to the roots and what little is left is dead.
No. 710533
File: 1569616064133.jpg (119.76 KB, 932x1279, IMG_20190927_132529_220.jpg)

Is this new also? I don't remember her writing 2 books before.
No. 710536
>>710392Could it be that she's not a narc but instead deeply self-hating and this insistence on being a real-life Final Fantasy character her way to cope?
Or is this stubborn delusion actually typical of narcs who lose whatever clout and looks they once (believed they) had and just can't let go? Can a narc be obsessed with their PAST self?
Or is she not even fooling herself and actually just lucidly keeping the appearances up for the sake of her business? We know she is not successful and maybe she's just being aware that, at this point, letting go of her "celebrity-ness" would hit her clientele even more.
I mean bitch MUST be self-aware to some extent. Nobody opens photo editors daily to completely alter their frame and grain-ate "candid photos" and still truly believes they're desirable.
sage for armchairing
No. 710602
File: 1569622748958.jpeg (626.68 KB, 1242x1648, 1A30C21E-BCF0-40D9-81BD-4C8251…)

>>710536No, Vicky is a true narc through and through. She believes she looks like her photos and it’s the camera that’s wrong. So she’s correcting the photos. She’s not altering them (in her mind).
No. 710649
>>710471>professional tattoo artistonly in your own head vic
>tattoo convention judge 2015-presentyea right, she'd brag endlessly about this. bet she just voted in an online poll one time and turned into being a judge for years.
No. 710661
>>710533phantasmagory apparently means perceiving something that doesn't really exist like an hallucination so uh..and i love how she sticks the same big words into things but can't even spell maybe
>>710602she's such a narc i don't think she has enough self awareness to be insecure
No. 710907
File: 1569689800212.jpeg (306.77 KB, 1242x1973, D97C628F-BD91-424A-A68C-AF30A7…)

It must getting tiring holding position to suck your own ass this often.
No. 710938
>>710907“It got so bad the last guy I dated said let’s cook din late”
Does she realize how stupid she sounds?
No. 710966
File: 1569696403968.jpeg (302.83 KB, 1242x1661, FB3FA3B3-9607-4955-AC1A-0D3BB8…)

Life lesson. When you degrade other women on a semi daily basis karma will correct you. Or in this case, will make sure you end up alone for life
No. 711063
>>711052I honestly believe these messages saying they’re hanging out are either from herself( she’s making fake accounts) and / or from people online that live far away and are speaking rhetorically. Like “if we lived closer I’d cook you dinner” or whatever.
Cause if she had any friends we know full well she’d be taking so many photos and photoshopping herself to filth and making them look worse.
So either she’s making up friends or she’s such a mess she can’t properly photoshop herself candidly.
No. 711154
File: 1569709522739.jpeg (265.94 KB, 1242x1784, 038119FB-DEFF-44FF-9AD6-85D405…)

>>710295So it 2017 she was living in small town butt fuck Canada, living in one of her mansions but also riding their shitty public transit. Makes sense.
No. 711170
>>711164Well, Canadian here an to be honest public transportation is shit to take everyday in a large city. (Edmonton wise, Calgary aswell)
Waiting on buses, crowded buses, LRT is quick but also shitty with sketchy people and crowded aswell, only goes so far in the city here so you need to then take a bus.. bike is an option but lets me real, Vick owning a bike.. let alone riding it? Those hammy legs are proof there’s no bike in existence in her life.
No. 711177
>>711164Small town Ontario you NEED a car. The transit is garbage. The buses only come like once an hour and don’t run very late. Only young teens use it really. Or broke people.
It doesn’t make any sense that she’d be on a bus but have all the money she claims.
No. 711209
>>711164I wonder if she got a DUI or something to get her license suspended. In the states(depending on each state’s law), a DUI can cost several thousands of dollars in fines and classes. And sometimes they won’t give you your license back until you pay all the fines. Not to mention the cost of insurance after you have a DUI.
Just trying to figure out how a woman in her 30s has had to take the bus and a taxi her whole adult life.
No. 711216
File: 1569714712140.png (164.05 KB, 352x505, Screenshot 2019-09-28 at 6.47.…)

>>711209I went looking for that vid of Vic in the car with her friend. Doesn't look like she's driving
>>692286 there, either.
Leaning towards her never having a license.
Unrelated but the parts of the vid where her nose goes from filtered to normal made me chuckle
No. 711456
File: 1569766733820.jpeg (491.2 KB, 1240x1805, CED80970-6C24-419B-B015-C85FA8…)

First of all, this still looks like garbage. The line work is atrocious. You can see where the tattoo didn’t stick or she completely forgot black lining around the “d” at the end.
If she was as great as she thinks she is she wouldn’t constantly address the “haters” and use childish hashtags like that. Regardless of how good someone is, if I saw this crap I would stay far away. Let the work speak for itself and don’t make yourself out to be a dramatic slag.
Also, major bruising can be a sign of an infection. The bruising still has a chance of going away in that case.
She hasn’t proven anything with this photo besides the fact that she’s a mediocre artist at best and she can’t act professional.
There’s a reason why she has over 6000 fillers and only 11 people cared to like this photo.
No. 711462
File: 1569768201585.png (306.34 KB, 750x1334, F3801601-FB2B-4D8B-94D7-62B9CB…)

>>711209She’s been trading “ink” for rides for years because she never has money
No. 711511
>>711462This sounds more like a plea for someone to go with so she doesn’t seem like such a loser when she rolls up alone. She wouldn’t want her “fans” thinking the “haters” are right.
Which if she’s trading “inked” for friendship, I’m officially sad for her
No. 711736
File: 1569805800152.jpeg (346.33 KB, 1242x1941, 5835DCD3-AC21-44B0-B9B5-DAEE85…)

Aka she’s moving into the shop and sleeping on the couch. Many mansions.
No. 711897
File: 1569846201264.jpeg (264.82 KB, 1242x1119, AE7FD762-D53F-4E27-8520-9D1540…)

It didn’t bruise, but I bet it’s a fucking mess.
No. 711898
File: 1569846314757.png (10.26 MB, 1242x2208, E35A4C24-EF26-4A5F-93C2-D3B54E…)

>>711897“All the other tattoos…”
Well here’s the lady that commented, and the visible tattoo she has there looks like a blown of mess. Didn’t bruise, but didn’t heal beautifully either
No. 711922
>>711063This. Same reason that Raven has 'friends'. Either-
1- Thirsty random neckbeards who fap over highly shopped photos of them showing off their flapjacks on insta and have never met them irl.
2-They are weird orbiters/ex's/friends with benefits that just are hopeful for a scrap of sex aka her 'bro friends'
3-They are ugly, mentally ill, alternative types that follow online and cannot see that she's an actual joke, much like Onison stans.
4- White trash types that love their tattoos probably because they are similar to the types above and can't tell that she's actually doing everything incorrectly and the idea of a cheap tattoo is a good deal. Look at any uggo loser who says her tattooing is great. They usually can't spell and their profiles on social media
immediately come across as damaged goods. Like that privatboni chick or whatever her name was that would comment and like all of Vick's shit.
No. 711926
>>710907Not gonna lie, this is something I'd say to an annoying friend in a text to shut them up.
Like 'hahaha that's crazy' or 'LOL'
It's hilarious she posted this to make herself seem amazing. Wouldn't it be smarter to post the screenshot of your friend complimenting dinner like
after you served it? She's boasting about her own cooking and the friend doesn't even sound that enthused. Plus it seems like even the friend thought her commentary was stupid, hence the 'So cook later on' comment.
Also, why does she find it necessary to always point out every friend's gender? 'Hanging with my GUY friends' 'Hanging with my best GIRL friend'
Pet peeve is when straight women tell stories about their friends and call them girlfriend. Not because of social justice reasons, but purely because it's confusing.
Like why not just say 'I hung out with my friend Maxine the other day' instead of 'Me and my girlfriend went to the markets the other day'.
Inb4 angry offended lesbian- I'm straight, I just hate the phrase girlfriend used by straights. It's even more confusing if it's someone you don't know well because you don't know if they are talking about their partner or just a friend.
No. 711935
File: 1569856997310.jpeg (248.73 KB, 1242x1912, 704E68DD-3F41-4E55-A5BD-FB9801…)

I absolutely love that she takes videos of her shop like anyone is suppose to be impressed. It looks like the apartment of an 18 year old that just moved out for the first time to a basement and can finally decorate to “express themselves”
No. 712001
File: 1569869957650.jpeg (616.82 KB, 1191x2063, 662B8CA7-CA96-4132-A151-D84E3E…)

I love how she equates watching youtube videos to some kind of formal education
No. 712007
>>712001I love how Vic lists Shakespeare, Homer and then fucking Anne Rice. She might as well say she thinks James Patterson is the greatest author of all time.
Second, listening to some free lectures online isn't even close to demonstrating mastery through evaluation. But we all know this.
No. 712008
File: 1569870855278.jpeg (66.25 KB, 750x639, AE5B27AB-699C-449D-AA80-4968CC…)

>>712001Excuse you. Her delusory intellect and phantasmagory of thoughts led her to study astrophysics at Stanford and psychology at Yale & UCLA. No. 712126
File: 1569886160572.jpeg (401.4 KB, 1242x1768, 9ED9555B-7146-4133-8A8E-2C19A1…)

>>712027 Article regarding the bankruptcy declaration of Forever 21. Which is apparently somehow our governments fault?
No. 712127
File: 1569886248138.png (34.01 KB, 473x328, Screen Shot 4.png)

>>712008It's been a while since I checked in on this thread, but fuck this Linkedin is a trip
>News paper for comics>At an early age i was in the news paper for drawing comics :DAh yes, just the qualifications I'd expect from a "Stanford Educated Astrophysicist".
No. 712162
>>712126“I’ve seen so many major businesses close in the last few years than I’ve ever seen.”
Christ. Maybe she should watch a few videos on YouTube about how to get sober.
No. 712164
File: 1569890034841.jpeg (207.89 KB, 1242x1070, 1566952128565.jpeg)

>>712159Yeah, then she made
another LinkedIn to cover it up and claimed to be le epic troll.
>>694944 No. 712263
File: 1569895974146.jpeg (303.77 KB, 1242x1918, 9FA89732-34F8-4D1D-874B-7B4954…)

Imagine being so irresponsible and drunk that you smash phones this much.
She’s an artist that has to get her clients to send her photos of their tattoos.
No. 712650
File: 1569957296408.jpg (93.42 KB, 973x1280, IMG_20191001_121430_625.jpg)

No. 712657
>>712651A bird, maybe.
I’m rewatching Supernatural and in season 8 Dean tells someone they’re going to need to get ”inked up”. Maybe that’s where she got it from? I gringed a little either way.
No. 712741
>>712650Is this the worst thing she’s ever put out? No.
Can I really tell what it is? Also no.
No. 712902
>>712872>>712679As someone with a degree in Theatre, I call bullshit. People only read that shit if they have to for a grade, or if they're working on or in a production, both of which are extremely common. Everyone has to read it for school and you could throw a rock in any direction and hit a Shakespeare production. It only seems like people do that because Theatre kids are insane and will scream an entire soliloquy at you apropos of nothing. If any adult told me they were reading Shakespeare for fun I would immediately become aware of all emergency exits in the vicinity. Also
>i have read many books (I enjoyed greatly shakespeare)Shakespeare didn't write books, he wrote plays. I have never in my life heard someone refer to Shakespeare's works as "books". What a dumbass.
>>712541>I'm starting to think she only picked books that have had film adaptations because she's too slow to actually read anythingShe probably saw the Lion King and considered that a "video lecture" on Shakespeare.
No. 712913
>>712902Sage for derailing, but I have read Shakespeare’s work in my free time, and so did all my friends, and we’re not in theater or some weird folk. Just normal people interested in culture and history, wanting to know the context of things and wanting to understand references that exist in pop culture.
Glad we had this talk, everything is more interesting than Vicky, but now let’s move on to the thread’s purpose.
(blog, minimod) No. 712954
>>712263>implication of clearer photos>we’re not friends!!!!1 Top kek.
It’s called a phone case. Lifeproof, otterbox, there are so many options that don’t include using a 2011 tracfone from Walmart.
No. 713053
File: 1569994994974.jpg (70.62 KB, 797x1280, IMG_20191001_224216_644.jpg)

Victoria is drunk again
No. 713061
>>713053>new showerSo she did move into the shack? If so, that is hilarious and can’t be legal. Especially for a tattoo shop.
Most likely moved into a new apartment tho.
>muh mansions No. 713075
File: 1570001635921.jpg (33.59 KB, 1280x268, IMG_20191002_003233_048.jpg)

Lmao has the description for booking a tattoo always said this?
>Thursday is walk in day for Tattooing, only sometimes, so please message to ask if we are open for it that day :D Or a facebook booking day, the rest of the days im soo busy! :D You can reserve time on here for that by booking now.
No. 713130
File: 1570018856683.jpeg (417.03 KB, 1240x1979, 78FA103A-0EDE-4300-8736-BBAD42…)

“This isn’t me, this is another model”
Putting your photo on social media does not make you a model.
No. 713133
>>713061She would use head and shoulders. All that damage to her scalp she’s does with household cleaner.
She’s so rich, though.
No. 713206
File: 1570032746696.webm (1.5 MB, 540x892, bitchiatepizza.webm)
No. 713208
File: 1570033165537.webm (407.85 KB, 480x600, storagecloset.webm)
No. 713212
File: 1570033434103.jpg (103.13 KB, 1013x1280, IMG_20191002_092252_534.jpg)

>>713208The description under this post
No. 713217
File: 1570033979255.jpg (126.34 KB, 845x1279, IMG_20191002_093128_287.jpg)

No. 713239
>>713212The story video she made with the fake accent is killing me. Saying something about her no doing squats she eats pizza. She’s pretty incoherent because she’s faking her accent so bad.
Her teeth, terrible hair and overall health confirm that she does not work out, beer and pizza only. First time she hasn’t lied. Step up.
No. 713294
File: 1570042975672.jpeg (196.23 KB, 726x691, 6EAE3C1F-81F5-405F-80A3-DAB909…)

Loving the bent and warped frame of the mirror. Bad quality + b&w filter trying to mask the editing but it’s so fucking obvious. That posture looks painful and the video I also streatched out. I’ve never seen someone post about their body shape as much as old Vicky does. It’s so pathetic she tries so hard to convince internet people she’s ~fit~ that girl isn’t right in the head. She gives too many fucks about what people think of her. Must be stressful as hell
No. 713297
Nobody believes you, Vicky
>>713206We know better
>>707994 No. 713386
It's just an excuse to post potato quality edited shit. Getting the cheapest phone is often a good idea for those who lose phones easily but even the shit ones these days have semi decent cameras.
I feel like she either zooms in or puts a fuzzy filter on top. Cheap 2019 burner phones still have okay cameras.
No. 713417
>>713407Marilyn Monroe was by all accounts very bright, and an avid reader.
Icky Vicky, on the other hand, is a moron.
No. 713421
>>713417She was simply an intelligent woman, who had lots of mental capacity.
She was not a genius by any means though.
No. 713568
File: 1570117799895.jpg (88.51 KB, 784x1280, IMG_20191003_084925_793.jpg)

Wonder what it is
No. 713593
>>713239From what I understand she's saying in a mocking voice
>'I did 1000 sit ups today, and 1000 squats!'She then responds to herself in her 'normal' voice
>'Bitch I eat pizza, I don't give a fuck'I think she's trying to act like she's above those annoying fitness types because she's sooo gorgeous naturally and literally can eat what she wants without gaining a pound, but like other anon said, it makes no sense because she boasts constantly about how many sit ups she can do and how fit she is physically.
No. 713595
>>713383that's a weird way to deflect but it's vicky and a lot of things she does makes no sense.
>>713568yea i'd like to see her put her ~ink~ into a competition and have it ripped to shreds by the judges. she has and never will win an award for her work, how sad.
No. 713615
File: 1570125670707.jpeg (245.99 KB, 1242x1286, 1580BCCC-17FC-422B-BA24-422F69…)

>>713593She worked out for a week there( she posted about it constantly) but realized she’s have to put forth effort so now she’s criticizing women that do work out. Keep eating that pizza, Vic.
No. 714024
File: 1570209095736.jpeg (281.26 KB, 1242x1573, E3A3948C-B95E-4D29-AACD-172182…)

Posts the girl who calls any other female who disagrees with her “mentally challenged”
No. 714257
File: 1570240394621.jpeg (242.3 KB, 551x700, 57896A77-365E-42B4-801A-484113…)

It’s really pathetic how she lies about being fully booked for A YEAR OUT and then the next time she makes a post months later she says she has openings and offers deals???? Why would someone who was booked out for a year 2 months ago offer deals on openings?? Then booked in multiple people in an hour? Inb4 “want inked giving deals” post a month into the future. This bitch is so transparent. Someone who is so sought after and always suuuuuper busy wouldn’t be offering fucking deals for their time. False advertising at its finest.
No. 714270
File: 1570242704353.jpeg (237.62 KB, 1242x1506, 59CA5F8F-656D-4DDF-ACA3-778092…)

What an awkward exchange to have with someone online.
That’s her pedo brother.
She feels the need to prove so much to her “haters” she can’t have a normal, private interaction with anyone.
Also, just come in after my other ones on the 29th? Doesn’t sound very booked if you ask me. “Fully booked”
No. 714272
File: 1570242840318.jpeg (256.62 KB, 1242x1822, 696342E4-2E32-455B-985C-98D636…)

I thought she was booked for a year or whatever? How would she have time to take 13 more people this month? She’s so full of shit, it’s astounding.
No. 714275
File: 1570243301517.jpeg (274.45 KB, 867x1542, 1CB4E575-5264-401A-90F7-E7535F…)

No. 714277
File: 1570243355498.jpg (242.69 KB, 1080x1597, Screenshot_20191004_224011.jpg)

This is amazing. 4 TV shows. Top fucking kek holy shit
And I wonder if she has access to her pedo brother's FB account and that's not even really him posting that. She's having the exchange with herself
No. 714285
>>714270citation needed, Vicky. he has not been vindicated nor the case dismissed, as far as I've been able to find.
If anyone knows more, pls feel free to post and correct me but there's been nothing indicating pedobro isn't still facing prosecution.
No. 714320
File: 1570248000695.jpeg (234.51 KB, 750x585, 010C8B7B-1AEB-47B1-B839-4CA40E…)

As of now this post about booking only got 5 likes and 3 different people commented on it yet she booked a bunch oh people? Ok then…..
No. 714705
>>714275this was ok but the bottom half of the iguana is confusing and as usual it looks aged as fuck.
>>714320reading this hurt my brain. is fully booked 'til next year, claims to have 13 ppl message about bookings - who even brags about that - and is still looking to fill spots the point of offering discounts.
No. 714864
File: 1570385330586.jpeg (119.65 KB, 1229x1518, A89F8F54-2C9E-4A53-BB28-762DFF…)

What is your responsibility is not stealing from protection clients, cancelling last minute and blaming the clients and lying.
No. 714869
File: 1570385643564.jpeg (511.59 KB, 2553x2647, 2A71EE23-26C7-44B4-9DAD-962932…)

Imagining being 35 years old posting shit like this to get attention like this from men.
No. 715099
File: 1570411452772.jpeg (337.02 KB, 1241x1941, 6F3C76C9-66AA-4B8E-B66B-42FB9F…)

Guess her young, child of an ex isn’t taking her back.
No. 715101
File: 1570411567384.jpeg (305.44 KB, 1242x1864, 7870C581-11DF-493E-9DA6-047C1C…)

Drunk posting again.
Broke ass begging people to take her to a 12$ show.
No. 715121
File: 1570414801031.png (167.83 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2019-10-06 at 9.19.…)

>>715101being an absolute bitch to some poor moron who was only being nice to her.
No. 715268
File: 1570439807191.png (92.36 KB, 720x618, Screenshot_2019-10-07-10-14-32…)

No. 715293
File: 1570450574173.jpeg (237.43 KB, 1242x1306, BC063910-2395-4C01-B3B2-0AAC3B…)

“Famous clients”
No. 715294
File: 1570450755049.jpeg (382.57 KB, 1242x1901, F12BB8D1-172B-432F-B206-F73A27…)

>>715293He owns a lounge and cooks at a lounge in waterloo….
And he’s not famous enough because google is giving me nothing.
No. 715296
>>715268“If I liked women , I’d become a lesbian”
Everyone knows you hate women, Vicky. You don’t have to tell us twice. Calling women names and taking them verbally to
Bring them down constantly.
No. 715337
File: 1570461387836.jpeg (349.7 KB, 1242x1173, 7381AFD0-A202-4A93-9B3C-A070E7…)

The problem with this is Vicky thinks every female is “after her” , jealous of her.
She literally made a video on Instagram about how lame women are that work out and calls women mentally challenged every chance she gets. So… she’s a “woman’s woman”
No. 715354
>>715337unless the broad hates me i will try to foil the relationship
>womans womanWhat the fuck did i just read? If you have an issue with another woman you will deliberately try and scoop up their man? What a fucked pathetic creature she is. She thinks multiple men will drop their loving relationship for a clown faced slob? Does she understand her age and that she is no longer a teenager or ??
No. 715363
>>715294"famous" but a fill in drummer who actually owns a restaurant. who even brags about stuff like that besides vic.
>>715297same, she took so long to show the ~tummy tat~ and still never put up an actual shot of it, but it'd be a little harder to hide something on the arm, especially since she likes to do ~shoots~ in the same bathing suit.
>>715354yea she doesn't think about her wording and she definitely pays attention to men complimenting her but not if they're already in a relationship unless their girl says something. then she'll be all 'i don't want your man, you're just jealous he's commenting, you mentally ill bitch.'
No. 715380
File: 1570470232525.png (199.81 KB, 373x532, Screenshot 2019-10-07 at 12.42…)

No. 715488
File: 1570485802671.webm (1.03 MB, 540x892, babinroomie.webm)
No. 715489
File: 1570485852748.png (635.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191007-145923.png)

Beep beep! Vicky is about to be driving the roads of Guelph!
No. 715492
>>715489She got her G1, meaning she’s done her written test. Meaning at 32 years old she’ll have to drive with someone else legally and can’t even rent a car at this stage.
Congrats, doesn’t mean you know how to drive or have cash to purchase a car.
No. 715493
File: 1570486978620.jpeg (145.65 KB, 1242x1326, BB96332F-4147-49D8-8067-3CFC58…)

All natural. Except for her terrible hair extensions and ratty eyelashes.
No. 715504
File: 1570488056610.jpg (92.13 KB, 862x1280, IMG_20191007_154029_278.jpg)

Rofl this is in a FB post asking someone to take her to see Joker
No. 715549
>>715488Why does a 33 year old woman that has as much money as she does(allegedly) love with a room mate in Guelph.
A two bedroom (I’m assuming they have) in Guelph goes for about 1200-1900.
No. 715785
>>715380this is literally what she does though, even her 'photographer' is just a self-timer.
>>715493add to that photoshop and filters. also i feel like she's talked shit about ppl who get cosmetic surgery before, yet edits herself to have blow up lips and balloon tits.
No. 715970
File: 1570524919583.png (533.13 KB, 1573x1280, privateconvos.png)

She's posting private convos to her insta stories again
No. 716271
File: 1570562723271.jpeg (217.9 KB, 1632x1632, F609573C-8DF0-48E0-858E-2B759D…)

So I went back in her Instagram to when her “shop” first opened and she posted her business license to stick it to the haturzzzz. She’s so dumb that she showed her home address where it was mailed and it literally says “apartment 110”. Theres also a lot of low income, assisted housing in that area.
>muh mansions
No. 716319
File: 1570567496426.png (310.91 KB, 834x232, Screenshot 2019-10-08 at 3.41.…)

>>716271I had family temporarily staying in that area a few years ago. There's a lot of apartments but quite a bit of low income housing.
No. 716357
File: 1570569083462.png (1.15 MB, 852x691, casa shingle.PNG)

>>716271based on the post code, betting it is house pic attached. funny looking mansion huh
No. 716422
File: 1570574660239.jpg (142.25 KB, 1280x1075, IMG_20191008_154154_093.jpg)

New inked slots available!1
No. 716621
File: 1570583103757.jpeg (101.12 KB, 1236x610, 6D774DE6-305B-42D8-9D8D-3655C3…)

She’s 13 years old mentally.
Imagining having to share these types of conversations to prove to people you’re a good person? And not, you know, actually be a decent person
No. 716651
File: 1570588012176.png (3.38 MB, 1242x2208, 9D8ED3CA-691C-4CC6-B1D5-198CAA…)

So busy she has conversations all day on Instagram and then posts them to Instagram for attention.
No. 716654
>>716422i like how she had to add she would be in the shop anyway, like, that's what most artists do.
>>716651>making time for a guy is kinda a big dealengages them in dms and posts their convos, super busy though.
No. 716791
File: 1570623558436.jpeg (46.68 KB, 1242x330, 4017FFBB-338A-4BA9-B9C3-E84972…)

>>716621“The nicest person I’ve ever met”
Her roommate doesn’t know many people. Maybe she’s never left the apartment.
No. 716921
File: 1570647643813.jpeg (300.9 KB, 1242x1424, 88571AD5-7EA5-4D4C-8033-1ADC77…)

Stiflers mom.
No. 716931
File: 1570650241096.png (337.87 KB, 892x192, DrunkAunt.png)

>>716921So much wrong with this photo. I love how the floor in the background is warped and blurred to shit and isn't even.
No. 716939
>>716668yea and even then sometimes they have a list of ppl or friends they'd offer the spot to before posting it online, and even then they're not putting it up for a discount.
>>716921anyone know if this is the new arm ~ink~ she did on herself? those extensions look so crunchy, she's got no neck, the eyes look weird, ~all natural~ though.
No. 717092
File: 1570667404959.jpeg (327.12 KB, 1242x2007, 69BB2B52-DA62-4672-BEB0-A70692…)

Wow…. the realism.
No. 717151
>>717147Weird, then. Dropping things like “to get” or “to be” is a common regionalism in a few parts of the US; like “these papers need stapled” for instance. Surprised it doesn’t exist in Canada.
It is certainly not a thing anywhere in the UK!
No. 717411
File: 1570731768684.jpeg (252.64 KB, 750x619, 6F288C96-B494-40FF-A16F-9FE8BC…)

Lmao. You should practice what you preach there, Vic. Grow up
No. 717414
>>717411She has said she won’t help out other girls with their hair and makeup because she doesn’t want people “copying her style” because no woman would want to be themselves. They all want to be Vicky.
She also calls women mentally unstable and says she’ll steal a woman’s man if they disrespect her.
She’s on some good shit
No. 717420
>Jabba the hut in a thong covered in cheeto greaseIn the same breath preaching about loving other woman she insults appearances. Amazing. A true ambassador for all women!
Pretty sure that's what anons called her in the past on this thread. She lurks here so hard
No. 717430
>>717420she always does this constantly. but all it really amounts to is "other women shouldn't be mean to
me"! she's never about practice what you preach, never has been.
No. 717439
File: 1570736794328.jpeg (89.43 KB, 1242x290, 9432A94C-36A5-4E82-B6E3-04DB96…)

>>717411Vicky: Women should up lift each other
Also Vicky……
No. 717472
>>717411I love that she assumes women only hate one another because of looks. And that all we have to do is ask the girl where she buys her shampoo.
Her weekly fake woke statuses are more embarrassing than her tattoos.
No. 717485
Assumes all women want men to find them hot and sexyI'm over here, gay as hell and laughing my ass off. Not all women want to pander to men,let alone fedora wearing, hentai obsessed basement dweller m'lady types. Get off the internet and get a real job
No. 717530
File: 1570750576526.jpg (65.63 KB, 1280x742, IMG_20191010_163553_121.jpg)

Vicky dated this guy
No. 717531
File: 1570750609163.jpg (84.12 KB, 1280x962, IMG_20191010_163555_702.jpg)

No. 717604
>>717547Yeah but that's mostly the heroin that makes people from Scranton stop words tbh
In vic's case it's a mix of she wants to come off as so unique, but also she talks like greg with his "most all" as in saying things differently to sound smarter. Doesnt work, but in their delusional minds it does.
No. 717835
>>715970I feel like she deleted her response after he said we can try again. If she had ignored him, there'd be a time pictured.
It seems weird that you would say 'damn you are lame af' directly after asking her to try again.
No. 717839
>>717530I know adults are capable of being friends after breakups, but I have noticed there's a reoccurring pattern of trashy girls like Vick and Raven having their ex's orbit and comment on their social media.
Like I've heard of people being on good terms with their ex's but usually they have only just reconnected after a period of deleting each other and moving on with their lives. Or they talk in private/hang out in mutual friend's parties. Even then, it tends to be a really rare thing.
Also why did she feel the need to mention they used to date? It's a bit weird.
No. 717918
File: 1570832134398.jpeg (113.13 KB, 1226x671, A57FA819-30D7-4A90-833F-5ED151…)

Posted a sword video on fb and said she covers herself so the video won’t be too hot. I can not.
No. 717951
File: 1570838320553.jpeg (46.99 KB, 750x405, 543B7380-B3DA-4390-AC83-975EDF…)

The parts where she goes slow mo is my favourite lmao. In case you guys missed those lightning quick moves here’s a playback in slow motion.
Baggy clothes - check
Hair down with ratchet long weave - check
Warpaint on face - check
“Sword” play safety 101
No. 717954
File: 1570838492522.jpeg (41.06 KB, 641x497, FDFB6C8F-3711-4D7B-95A4-C398B9…)

>>717918Well at least she got one thing right. She definitely hid her figure with wearing baggy clothes and stretching the fuck out of this video. Yet still has the figure of a potatoe
No. 717956
File: 1570838919964.gif (992.04 KB, 245x229, 318C5E38-2CD4-4A8F-B7FE-C61C52…)

>>717954oh god pls someone post this, sword swinging’ boomer Vic is one of my fave cow moments
No. 717958
File: 1570839010458.webm (3.04 MB, 352x288, VickySwordVideo2019.webm)
>>717934I got u. I love u guys in this thread.
Hoping I can just attach this file as a webm. If not, I'll upload separately
No. 717959
File: 1570839341736.jpg (174.93 KB, 1280x1262, IMG_20191011_171408_724.jpg)

The caption to the latest sword vid
No. 717988
>>717954Holy fucking shit.
There I thought she can’t possibly do anything more cringe’y than everything she did before altogether.
This is literally like other anon posted, a fat fedora kid with a plastic katana, trying to look badass and having 0 idea what they’re doing.
If this ~skill~ supposedly took her 4 years, then Vic sorry, but you just wasted 4 years, this is something a child can pick up in 5 minutes from a tutorial on YouTube.
I am cringing so hard, it stopped being entertaining and started to be disgusting.
Was she ever tested for mental retardation?
No. 718003
File: 1570845099354.jpg (10.98 KB, 316x175, oie_1234623OiMf6txz.jpg)

Best I could do to unwarp it. Normal body, no one would give a half a shit but she gotta push this 3k an hour model bs
No. 718040
File: 1570851557799.webm (4.64 MB, 640x360, SwordPtI.webm)
There's also this version she posted on Instagram. The lighting isn't as dark/greenish blue in this one. Idk what else is different. Part 2 incoming
No. 718041
File: 1570851731108.webm (4.57 MB, 640x360, SwordPartII.webm)
No. 718094
File: 1570876922936.jpg (155.04 KB, 1051x879, Screenshot_20191012-114115__01…)

Fucking lol
No. 718097
>>717958yass queen, let those aggressions out!
i just love her. goddamn she's my fav cow.
No. 718124
File: 1570885036246.jpeg (176.42 KB, 1242x754, D067958F-100B-468F-A1F1-C9A54D…)

Totally believable story guys.
No. 718125
File: 1570885851651.jpeg (292.02 KB, 1104x1683, 7149FB62-9E2A-4A84-8C78-525FFE…)

>>718124The person that claims to have seen Vicky throw her award around in person with a blindfold on. And her ex. ( she highly sought after by billionaires, rockstars and she chose to date the dishwasher child from Toronto)
I find it funny that an anon said in a past post that she’s blindfolded but there’s nothing for her to hit so it’s not impressive or more difficult that she’s blindfolded. Now they make up this incoherent story and have to state she came and inch from hitting the wall.
No. 718147
File: 1570892613960.png (996.28 KB, 1280x2909, PurebloodBrit.png)

No. 718148
File: 1570892905633.jpg (91.23 KB, 1280x1209, IMG_20191012_080805_498.jpg)

These replies are great
No. 718150
File: 1570892977173.jpg (77.8 KB, 1280x1064, IMG_20191012_080939_217.jpg)

No. 718154
File: 1570894143935.jpg (96.59 KB, 1280x996, IMG_20191012_082855_369.jpg)

No. 718167
>>718148“A close childhood friend”
I doubt very highly anyone has ever told her this. By the sounds of these replies Vicky is either drunk or loosing her goddamn shit
No. 718172
>>717958I hope she cuts off her extensions accidentally so she finally has to get new ones.
>>718042r/iamverybadass comes to mind
No. 718176
>>717959she reposted the same on ig and whew this word salad. repeating that it's not in high res which we can all see, she can do this blindfolded, may be "videoed" in future for a production. what is a glowing sword? she's also still hanging out with the inaspiralstate dude b/c guys her own age can see through her bs.
watching those cheap extensions flail was hilarious, just take them out girl it's such a sad, gross security blanket.
No. 718181
File: 1570899151708.jpeg (163.14 KB, 1242x1034, 1E5DAF91-5EA7-414B-9704-A52C8C…)

“A natural”
No. 718209
File: 1570915772362.jpeg (227.53 KB, 818x1319, 2D0AF2DF-DF08-4842-8CF8-61A734…)

The girl that got the demented looking half and half tattoo. It’s all healed and looking way worse than I even expected
No. 718211
File: 1570916732317.jpeg (229.06 KB, 961x952, 4740082B-7C0F-46BC-9938-691F92…)

From Vicky’s photoshoots before the photoshop.
No. 718216
File: 1570917543619.jpeg (136.39 KB, 779x874, 543281DD-9A25-42AA-A411-B95C82…)

One of Vicky’s clients, with healed work that hasn’t been edited from his Instagram. She claimed this took three hours and he’s a “fellow artist from zombie ink in Sarnia”
Can’t find that shop online and he’s a fitness coach. She can’t stop lying.
This tattoo is horrendous
No. 718324
File: 1570939918657.png (949.92 KB, 1569x2048, Screenshot_20191013-001124.png)

Anyone else noticed this yet?
No. 718340
>>718324We have a saying, “only the guilty (unnecessarily) explain themselves”.
I would never trust a person who immediately makes excuses for negative reviews. She is so unprofessional I start to doubt if she even has a registered business and does her taxes properly.
The mention of successful health inspections also is extremely fishy. It’s nothing to be proud of, this is
the standard. It’s like a primary school student who brags that he passed all classes, but he had D grades in everything.
No. 718371
File: 1570966691058.jpg (239.87 KB, 1080x1561, Screenshot_20191013_073453.jpg)

Imagine being so aware of how you look nothing like your shoops that you constantly need to make excuses for it like "I wear big Tshirts to hide my body" and "I flatten my boobs". Must be exhausting. That's her real FT job.
No. 718378
>>718371Now what? Why is an adult telling us publicly about her boob size? Oh right because she literally has nothing else to offer.
Just drop the meme and leave.
No. 718383
>>718154>doesn't due justiceLol nice spelling, he's just as dumb as her.
>never seen a woman handle a sheath/sword so efficientlyOh I bet old Shingles here has handled many sheaths and swords in her time if you catch my drift.
I get major loser vibes from anyone she dates but even bigger loser vibes from the ex's that continue to orbit.
I get the vibe Matt is trying to piss on his territory here by flattery, warning the other males that he's been there.
Vick seems to do the same thing with other dudes she's dated when she replies to them on her statuses. Example being that ex from the other day.
Not sure why they broke up, they seem equally as stupid as each other, a match made in heaven.
I just hope she never breeds.
No. 718385
>>718383She probably can’t breed. Breathing in oxyclean, drinking and smoking as much as she does. She’s not getting any younger.
If she did get pregnant she wouldn’t be able to deal with the fact that guys wouldn’t look at her in a sexual way anymore.
And I doubt she’d quit smoking.
No. 718537
>>718520K so I show up on time and go for the door and it’s locked. I call her over and over with no answer. About an hour later she texts me that she’s running late. Another hour goes by and she essentially falls out of a cab, looks like she’s hungover and her fake hair barely attached to her head. She whips out this British accent, which comes and goes and is clearly fake. Takes forever to set up. The place looks like a rundown shack that she slapped a coat of paint on. Cobwebs everywhere and dirt all over the floor. Whoever posted that nasty toilet was exactly right and the sink was gross too, which isn’t really ideal for someone to use with an open wound. She told me absolutely no pictures and no one could come with me either … no wonder… she talked about herself constantly and how great she is. Some of the stuff were so obviously lies it was laughable. She created this image off of a bunch of photos she looked up online and slapped them into photoshop and then traced the screen of her broken down computer. The stencil looked ok until she started drawing freehand some stuff we never discussed. When we were done I was fucking exhausted from hearing her prattling on about herself and all the famous people she’s close with and then she said “oh my god it’s so great!!” And I’m like… sure… I left pretty pissed off but didn’t tell her I didn’t like it because I didn’t want to offend her or become one of her “haturzz”. She also talked about her haters a lot and how people stalk her and her exes want her back so bad she has to block them. Thought I found that later on in the session the stories calmed down and so did her accent and she was letting her guard down, which was a relief.
That night I was bruised pretty bad. I’m full of tattoos and have never had that reaction. She told me it was my body’s fault and I’m sensitive…ok…
She’s NOTHING like she looks online, holy fuck. She is pretty though and I don’t know why she tries so hard. If she wasn’t such a huge narcissist with obvious self esteem issues she might be a cool person. She never posted my tattoo online and am not surprised as it’s absolute garbage. I can’t wait to have a real artist cover it up. I would have left at first sight except she held a huge deposit which I knew I’d never get back. I went to her in the first place because I bought into her portfolio and believed her negative feedback was just her haters because everyone is so sweet to her online. Anyways that’s my experience. Let me know if you guys have any questions.
No. 718544
>>718537Sorry you had that terrible experience, anon. Pretty much exactly what others have said in dealing with her.
Question, though: why not just leave when you saw how dirty the place was? Was it over the deposit?
No. 718545
>>718537God, I want to see this tattoo.
I’m sorry that happened. You wouldn’t have gotten your deposit back, and if anything you learn a lesson. So sorry
No. 718554
>>718550She would probably threaten you with her “lawyer” but it’s not illegal to tell the truth.
And even if it was, she doesn’t have the $ to get any legal help.
And tbh we all know she doesn’t have enough clients, she probably knows who you are already. The tattoos she actually does so she puts up photos.
No. 718559
>>718548You scared of her amazing swordsmanship?
I stand by it. Pics or you're serving spoiled milk
No. 718574
>>718572Did they make fun of you because it’s so bad or because they know of her rep?
Also, why is it bad?
No. 718577
>>718576“Never heard of her” but she’s a sought after artist.
Seems like most of her work is patchy
No. 718591
>>718586Clean up her act? There’s so many things she’d have to clean up. Stop lying to people, ruining their skin,
victim blaming, shaming women … the list goes on.
No. 718647
>>718639I think that was the joke, anon.
>>718646I don’t care about pics. Anything else you can think to share about her?
No. 718649
>>718637That’s my issue, that’s why I thought it was BS from the start. It sounds like an anon would type it. It’s like it ticks every Vic “bad experience” checkmark. They also knew about the toilet pic, “haterzz” and for someone who allegedly only has one experience with her knew enough to talk about her ego and narcissism.
I mean, talking about stalkers, ex’s, haters, the deposit, the sketching. Also, if this person didn’t know her why would they assume she would keep the deposit? We would assume that. But, if a regular client really was that sketched out and wanted to back out why wouldn’t they say something. Especially someone who has a lot of tattoos and knows how the process should go.
It’s just convenient that this person got a tattoo that Vic didn’t post. When has Vic ever cared about posting a bad tattoo? They’re all shit.
>>718576So, did you didn’t think it was a bad tattoo until they said something this weekend and made you mad? I thought you knew immediately but didn’t want to say anything? You also said that you had issues with it the following days. You never looked up her name and bad tattoo then?
No. 718668
>>718661Sorry for your experience & sorry for some of the anons. Some are only skeptical because Victoria herself posts on here because she is that obsessed with herself.
I want a tattoo from her solely to hear her fake accent in real life. My maternal family hails from Northern Ireland, I visit annually. A small portion of people call themselves “British” & they are the American version of racist white trash stereotypes. So I’d love to get a tattoo then roast her. The infection would so be worth it.
No. 718672
>>718561Why is anyone obligated to show you “evidence?” That is such a laughable comment. This is an anonymous website. Vicky harasses and tears apart negative reviews so this is ironically the only safe space for people to warn her. Showing their tattoo is basically showing their name to Vicky. Would you want YOUR name out on an anonymous page? Honestly quit disrespecting her
I understand skepticism because the stories are always so similar but that just goes to show that every other review anon is spot on about her and her “establishment.”
No. 718687
>>718672Why is anyone obligated to believe this story? There was an anon a few months ago with a milky story AND had receipts and had zero problem showing us her tattoos.
You’re welcome to come here and say whatever you want to say. Don’t really care if you post the tattoo or not. Just don’t get all salty because some anons aren’t sucking at your teat for milk.
No. 718690
File: 1571034159822.webm (2.47 MB, 540x892, ItsDark.webm)
Victoria's apprentice renovated her shop. Here's a dark video of the reno.
No. 718708
>>718690You can't even see anything.
Then again, what's new?
It's probably a shithole anyway hence the 'Reno' excuse.
Can't wait for the reveal when we see the usual tacky faux marble and shit pretend gold on everything.
No. 718794
File: 1571080893419.png (2.75 MB, 1280x4947, TakeAwayYourBromance.png)

No. 718810
>>718794Says the girl that can’t even keep a child that washes dishes for a living to stay with her.
Last time I heard one of the reasons adrien left her for her friend was because she spent all day asking him and his family to be her “photographers”
And she was clingy as fuck and would get jealous anytime he would go out.
That being said, this is the first time she’s ever claimed to be a gamer … but considering how much free time she has and how much she likes pretending to be someone else I wouldn’t doubt it.
Bitch, go outside and get a job
No. 718831
>>718794Once again, it’s the woman’s fault and not a man’s fault. As if a guy couldn’t have a severe video game addiction and literally spend every waking moment playing Xbox. How DARE a woman not enable that kind of behavior!
Kek at Vick a gamer. Bitch is dumber than a sack of rocks. She may have played a little when she was younger but that doesn’t make you a gamer. She never mentions any games she’s playing or that she’s actually playing.
No. 718838
>>718831She doesn’t have to actually
play games to be a gamer. She’s literally a Final Fantasy character, y’all.
No. 718856
File: 1571091169589.jpeg (335.29 KB, 1242x1302, B96DF41C-0D18-4FD1-8BA2-A8BFC1…)

As much as I don’t take opportunities.
Women and men that adore me romantically or as a person.
My fans.
My “health”
May jealous never touch you.
So she’s thankful for herself and her fans. I can not.
No. 718952
File: 1571113695074.webm (1.25 MB, 540x892, RapperTurkey.webm)
No. 718971
File: 1571118490643.jpg (94.89 KB, 784x1279, IMG_20191014_224624_767.jpg)

She's posting her private messages or whatever to her Instagram stories again
No. 718972
File: 1571118556932.jpg (66.69 KB, 787x1279, IMG_20191014_224626_952.jpg)

I don't understand this one?
No. 718973
File: 1571118825118.jpg (82.86 KB, 1280x1104, IMG_20191014_225314_928.jpg)

Lol this is pathetic
No. 719011
File: 1571130458310.jpeg (396.29 KB, 738x1094, 8F95285D-1AE7-40E7-9636-92B95F…)

>>718973Doesn’t seem to hate them here?
No. 719014
BuT mUh gEnIuS IQ u guiz!!!11
No. 719173
File: 1571179791436.jpeg (412.47 KB, 1076x957, F6C92897-D968-4357-80E3-11B692…)

Makes sense that this is the person icky would live with
No. 719248
>>719173She even edits her eyelashes the same! What a match.
And why does she need a roommate? An hour modelling session would cover 2 months rent for a decent place in Guelph.
No. 719388
File: 1571239346134.jpeg (193.02 KB, 750x1104, 8BC86345-E112-4E55-AD73-7BAD94…)

So Vicky isn’t even living in an apartment with a roommate? She literally moved in with a girl who still lives at home. Oh my god this is gold.
>Im incredibly well off and have lived in many mansions
No. 719392
>>719388I wouldn't get too excited about this tinfoil, anon.
Maybe I'm being generous, but I would think Vicky is trying to impress her new roomie and fam with her skills via a dinner party. Lord knows if Vic has any friends to invite herself.
No. 719393
File: 1571240772750.png (319.91 KB, 531x532, Screenshot 2019-10-16 at 10.42…)

>>719173Vicky might all ready be rubbing off on her. Anyway, it's amusing but not seeing any vicky milk from her.
No. 719411
File: 1571245005348.jpg (31.55 KB, 377x545, CARB-QUEEN.JPG)

All i see on this table is a bunch of fucking carbs and a big ass bowl of gravy? I cant tell if those are veggies or not at the bottom in the middle but they look greasy as fuck. Leave it to Vick to make a bunch of fattening garbage and pass it off as ~epic thanksgivingggg~. Eveery thing i see her cook is lathered in butter/grease. Explains her body shape tho.
No. 719978
File: 1571406126155.png (290.13 KB, 460x520, Screen Shot 2019-10-18 at 9.33…)

>>706367This is the jankiest tattoo of poor Lemmy. She made him look like he has FAS….
No. 720086
File: 1571441680407.jpeg (189.72 KB, 828x1360, CFBD2E94-8057-4098-BC01-15A6A4…)

Pajama pants stretch. That’s why you sleep in them, they’re super comfortable.
And you can tell by the material… those stretch.
That being said, if that’s how much weight she lost, she just proved she photoshops her photos considering she’s always “super tiny”
It’s actually painful… she contradicts herself all the time by trying to “prove tha haterz rong”
No. 720087
File: 1571441907925.jpeg (97.81 KB, 790x577, 0928D382-9B2B-4B2B-B11A-EDAB03…)

On one of her current photos.
Considering she charges $3000 and hour, shouldn’t she be a great model? You know.. one that doesn’t space out and can control the look on her face.
So $3000 per hour, she chooses her own wardrobe, setting and she can’t control her face.
Sounds like a fucking deal of you ask me.
Just like her tattoo career, going nowhere fast.
No. 720098
>>720086More like they’re old and wore out and bitch can’t afford a new pair or doesn’t want to face the reality of her actual size.
Imagine having to flaunt your weight this often at 32 years old. Like JFC Vicky no one cares except you.
No. 720107
File: 1571445691474.jpeg (234.59 KB, 828x1792, 3AB09521-5A55-4961-A8AE-9518DD…)

>>720086This photo has been posted before, but it’s the most recent photo of her that hasn’t been photoshopped…. how ducking big was she before if she lost all this weight?
No. 720137
File: 1571452122522.jpeg (415.15 KB, 2048x2048, 0A63E79C-83A4-4060-BDF9-49AFC5…)

>>720127>>720128You can still see the outline of her pre-shoop body, kek.
No. 720269
File: 1571501520734.png (140.98 KB, 909x512, Screenshot 2019-10-19 at 11.09…)

Tsk, tsk, Vicky. Hiding those hilarious shoops.
No. 720600
File: 1571583287209.jpeg (93.43 KB, 750x266, 52D4DCDD-B6A4-4189-88C2-8A5415…)

I guess Vicky is also musically talented as well even tho we’ve never seen her mention anything about to musical arts or play any instruments. I’ve never seen someone lie so much about themself. It’s so embarrassing
No. 720613
File: 1571587386089.jpeg (154.86 KB, 685x882, 2FD76248-4AB5-410E-B0B7-F1626B…)

>>720600Don’t forget Vic knows how to play guitar ~not like other girls.
No. 720615
File: 1571587829726.jpg (17.46 KB, 220x293, 220px-Lita_Ford.jpg)

>>720613Meh, Lita does it better
No. 720617
>>720137Her pants are a
victim to her shoops
No. 720933
File: 1571673133062.png (378.55 KB, 750x1334, B7934FFC-DE94-4BA8-A64F-94E405…)

This comment on her profile picture. Of course it looks like a painting because it’s edited and shooped to hell and back
No. 721013
File: 1571687804100.jpeg (122.67 KB, 750x1001, E63C5854-0A7D-40ED-8655-608F29…)

Apparently vicky has resorted to wearing a mask to hide her unshooped face now.
No. 721023
File: 1571688935185.jpg (111.51 KB, 734x734, 96765_3.jpg)

>>721013I remember seeing this mask in a Claire's last year around Halloween. It's not currently available on their website. Has Vicky been sitting on this mask for a year or did she buy an already cheap mask secondhand lol
No. 721027
File: 1571689674024.jpeg (189.45 KB, 828x1062, C9F6D983-BCE0-41F9-B3F9-169ED2…)

>>72101312$ whole dollars. Buying crap from Claire’s shows her creative and lack of finances.
It’s ugly af.
No. 721111
File: 1571704838995.jpeg (192.72 KB, 828x1448, 6F63D5EE-F509-41C0-82B2-205E9B…)

Put up a whole damn ass video of her speaking and there’s no audio.
Genius IQ. It’s actually hilarious to watch.
And says a lot about her, She’s talks awhole lot but never actually says anything
No. 721337
>>721336I hope this is sarcasm, and you do see how much she is filtered here.
If not then you answer the question above, of anon asking “how dumb she thinks people are”.
No. 721468
File: 1571786361475.jpeg (84.38 KB, 514x800, AE05A3C2-0D7F-42D5-8344-781545…)

Saw this post and it looks like a Vicky bio
No. 721492
File: 1571793442589.jpeg (129.15 KB, 828x1113, C530193A-87AA-462D-8318-F34E3B…)

NOOOO! What poor soul was this put on?! How did she get this much worse?! Is she going to work drunk? Look at the size of the hands. This is fucking garbage
No. 721494
File: 1571793584302.jpeg (214.14 KB, 1131x1600, 1EFA0896-125C-4BA3-8B09-6C48E7…)

>>721492Those snakes be like…..
No. 721504
>>721492She gave the tattoo the same shitty lips she shoops onto herself.
Those wonky eyes, that dark piggy nose….those poor snakes with no dimensions or values….
No. 721509
File: 1571796234219.png (259.68 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191022-220104.png)

No. 721520
>>721509So people don’t read over her shoulder? Is she serious?
At the end of the day, she knows she was sitting alone all night.
Nobody in their right mind would want to chat with this girl longer than 3 seconds.
No. 721532
File: 1571799866053.jpeg (83.57 KB, 828x467, 6EB12A16-9C9D-4E49-84E1-F38BC0…)

>>721509Imagine trying to convince people you’re a highly sought after, intellectually superior tattoo artist but had conversations like this?
Also imagine trying to pretend you’re unbothered by it all, but lurk this message board THIS HARD. For someone so busy she’s sure out at dive bars a lot talking to strangers online trying to convince anyone that’ll listen she’s a decent human.
No. 721533
>>721532She makes herself look bad.
The tattoo above speaks for itself.
Looks like whatever that’s suppose to be is wearing foam hands from a baseball game. This is why your rep is so shit, Vick.
We all know you’re reading this.
Stay off the internet and get an apprenticeship… cause you’ve gotten way worse.
Good luck in Guelph.
No. 721548
>>721509Omg Vicky…this is so sad. There is 100% nothing wrong with going to a concert alone. People only care as much as you do. And since you gotta post on someone's public FB wall, well it shows you care.
>>721492I've only been following Vicky for the past 2/3 months. I looked at her Instagram pics/tagged pics to if anyone posted any regrets for how
>>698840 turned out (I never kek'd so hard at at a cow), and I feel her work was significantly better a year plus ago than it is now. Some tats were actually pretty good.
Anyone have any thoughts as to her declining quality? Is she getting worse as time goes on or is it just me? This one has to be the worst I've seen..on anyone..ever
No. 721597
>>721509The excuse of needing to make a call would have sounded better.
It makes her look shady saying about people reading over her shoulder. No one at a concert would care what you are texting because they'd be listening to the music.
No. 721598
>>721509clearly doesn't care what other people think of her. so unbothered.
(vicky if you're reading this, this is sarcasm… just a heads up since you never understand sarcasm or jokes)
No. 721609
File: 1571834178114.jpeg (165.95 KB, 828x1111, 1C89CCA1-2BF7-4986-A7A6-95CA62…)

She criticizes other women for having thousands of followers with like “ 5 comments” yet girl is sitting over here with 8000 followers and 6 neckbeards that care. If this was another woman she’d be claiming she bought followers.
She also forgot to photoshop those arms.
No. 721625
File: 1571839081400.jpg (23.68 KB, 593x206, messyshoop.JPG)

>>721609her shoops get more messy just like her shitty tattoos. The whole chest area of the sequin dress is a blurred mush. Kek at her shooping the shitty costume glove red too. Her face is grainy as fuck and looks out of place
No. 721704
File: 1571861088570.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1229x1740, 83B338C8-CC16-4A7E-91F1-CA2599…)

>>721492Pretty sure she ripped this artist off and butchered his work.
No. 721705
File: 1571861367748.jpeg (2.73 MB, 1242x1977, D90E5F6E-D9EB-4B2B-BC5A-D9913B…)

>>721704SA- This was a collab done between two artists, here is the other artist. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s ripped this artist off before.
No. 721708
File: 1571861723784.jpeg (238.98 KB, 1242x2101, 7B6E9968-8142-42EA-9606-E05135…)

>>721704I checked to see if she’s following him and she is. Of course.
No. 721799
>>721609Top kek at how her left eye is half an inch lower than her right eye
I wonder how much time she spends on these shoops.
No. 721813
>>721704good eye anon, this is beautiful and her shitty version is such a joke. she would never admit to copying b/c somehow she's always done something for yearrrrsss.
>>721799she does this a lot, it's funny in photos and tragic in her tattoos. her lack of lashes is super creepy, especially compared to the pix where she poorly digitally painted them on.
No. 721831
File: 1571883806808.jpeg (27.75 KB, 828x197, F144EC77-6F10-4309-855E-26ABEE…)

Now she’s thanking men with any credibility for liking her photos. Dude didn’t even say anything, but desperation took over and she had to point out that her scrolled through and liked a photo of tits
No. 721833
File: 1571883984913.jpeg (133.9 KB, 816x818, 3AF7CD45-5886-4309-A51A-46AE80…)

No. 721841
>>721833no one's buying it, vic
>>707994I guess this is what she was doing with the white face make up at the start of the thread
No. 721850
File: 1571886707913.jpeg (308.72 KB, 750x683, B92F1931-3004-4AE8-B495-6E9E07…)

>>721833The hair to the left and her fingers are blurrred to shit also her whole jaw and made the rose tattoo mush. The top of her ear looks crispy and her eyes look like a melting wax
No. 721928
File: 1571918872083.jpg (137.37 KB, 1129x1280, suitors.jpg)

No. 721930
File: 1571919350013.jpg (38.45 KB, 549x549, oily.jpg)

No. 721935
>>721928Well considering she doesn’t leave her house but to go play pool at a dive or shitty shows at a Thai restaurant in Guelph she probably does get some people hitting on her. The pickings are slim.
And it’s quality over quantity, dear Vick.
And creeps online don’t count girl.
No. 721941
>>721850Run this through a photo forensics app and it lights up like a christmas tree.
She warped and pulled her eyes for the Melania effect,the left side of her face looks like she said fuck it and just decided to blur, that jawline was liquified and puckered to pull it in (badly, the edges are super obvious) and her nose still has original edges visible (huge honker)
There are programs that make ps edits hard to detect. pretty sure vicky is using some cheapie freeware.
No. 721978
>>721930Those lunch lady arms.
She has absolutely no muscle.
No. 722041
>>721833the shadow on the left looks like that's where her frame should be, it's only one that one part. also the dumb hand on face pose makes her neck look wide as fuck.
>>722031there's some pix where it looks like she painted it on with shoop, she's bragged so much about being pale that i can't see her having browned skin for a prolonged period of time.
No. 722051
File: 1571956404323.jpeg (149.63 KB, 828x1074, F9D30D43-2139-47D0-8DC0-6DA49D…)

She’s been enough enough dick and dudes to know this is the truth. And why she’s alone.
No. 722188
>>722051She’s never going to be the woman a man wants to marry and be with for life. She has no quality of a good woman. Men I know even if they like to sleep around, they want to get emotionally invested only in women who care about something else than themselves and their looks, who are smart, who can both keep up with them, and impress them intellectually, who are good hearted, truthful, and confident.
Vicky is a dumb, borderline retarded, pathological liar who only wants constant attention because she’s so insecure and preoccupied with her narcisstic persona she has no life outside of it. There’s nothing interesting about her, unless you’re a psychologist studying real life cases of Dunning-Kruger’s effect.
No. 722262
>>722214He might be a piece of shit, or he is just not very assertive and the woman is pushy and overbearing. Vicky strikes me as one of those women who try desperately to keep a man, while he just “tried and failed”, quickly found out what she’s really like and just not get invested. But lots of men will continue to stick in this weird dynamics just to get free food and free sex. If the woman doesn’t want to be treated that way and is objecting, she should just get herself some self-respect.
God knows Vicky has none. Imagine what she does in real life, if on the internet she’s making such clown of herself just for half a like from some random neckbeard and for “send bob and vagene”.
No. 722266
File: 1572031419576.jpeg (152.89 KB, 828x1195, 44BF42A1-8ACF-42F9-B0F0-FA31C9…)

For someone that “doesn’t care” she sure talks about it a lot. Daily I would say.
No. 722267
>>722266Clearly you do if you are 32 years old and posting shit like this
n0t LyKeE 0tHeR gIrLzZz
No. 722502
File: 1572094178709.jpeg (172.48 KB, 828x1163, BE5AFE76-CFC7-4D29-A667-5EB2D2…)

What Vicky says: I’m an international cover model
The magazines she’s been on/in
No. 722614
File: 1572116380101.png (479.69 KB, 843x536, Screenshot 2019-10-26 at 1.57.…)

>>722502Looks like that 'mag' had a site and is now only an IG and Tumblr page.
Anyway, some of the photographer's works featured on their IG page are stunning! How could you have submissions like this and run vicky's photoshop abortions?
No. 722908
>>722614That’s one beautiful picture.
Vicky has never been paid to do any modeling. All she does is her superphotoshopped selfies that she submits to places for free. “International model”, kek. Women who do TFP shoots are more of a model than her, at least they get actual photoshoots. Not just posing with tripod for your social media.
No. 723045
File: 1572214867770.jpg (78.98 KB, 767x1279, IMG_20191027_152124_592.jpg)

No. 723088
>>723045How has she gotten this much worse? Is it the alcohol and the fact that’s she’s eating oxyclean/ baking her brain with it?
The lines are so thick. You can just tell over time those are going to bleed out. And dude does NOT look happy.
I agree with the person above, if you can’t google your artist you deserve it.
I wonder if this guy saw her photos and thought she was hot and was too nice to leave after he saw she was a complete mess.
No. 723089
>>723045The look on his face says “I will not be back for another round”
“How much is it going to be to get this covered by someone in Toronto?”
No. 723101
It looks like a prison tattoo done by a bunch of dudes that are doing 25-life and haven’t seen a vagina in YEARS.
No. 723199
File: 1572264662671.jpeg (192.46 KB, 828x1264, 851D857F-7C4D-40BE-B831-463191…)

Vicky the racist posting racial slurs
No. 723319
>>723065i think she was going for a more traditional style but she can't even rose so they turn out like this. she probably uses the same stencil and just adds random shit to make it look a little different from all the other pointy cabbages.
>>723101accurate, it shouldn't be this difficult and any decent artist can a least pull off a rose, but vicky fucks them up every time.
>>723230i think she actually did but deleted it.
No. 723440
File: 1572316205396.jpeg (146.35 KB, 828x1455, F63B9294-3B7C-40D5-AD80-19674B…)

Why does she post private conversations with friends?! It’s so weird.
Yeah he’s a real catch, took you out to dinner. I guarantee she never hears for this guy again, or it’s the child she was dating.
And she thinks she’ll be at the shop? Isn’t she fully booked for the next year? Wouldn’t she at least have one client on a Tuesday…
unless she’s off thursdays - Tuesday’s.
No. 724039
File: 1572495703164.jpg (160.64 KB, 1230x1280, IMG_20191030_212146_944.jpg)

No. 724057
>>724039Her bi-monthly reminder that she’s sooo desirable.
She is nauseating.
No. 724128
>>724039Girl must be slower at “work” then we thought. I feel like she’s been putting up lame shit like this more often.
Maybe spend less time at the local pool hall with the drunk old men.
Or spend more tome getting an Apprentiship.
Her tattoos are getting so much worse but she has time to write up crap like this. 32 year old woman needs to get a real life.
No. 724394
>>724370Yes a tattoo artist WOULD want a decent phone or camera. She says she doesn’t have a good phone cause she’s so irresponsible she can’t go a month without losing or breaking it.
Why doesn’t she just buy a camera for just the shop then? She has so much money and such a sought after shop, you’d think that be a great investment. Everything she says is a lie. She’s barely an artist, she has no clients besides the few white trash people she can pick up in Guelph. She doesn’t want a camera because she needs that excuse of being a completely childish twat so she doesn’t have to take photos of herself without 1990 grain on it.
No. 724414
>>724402I don’t know how much self-awareness she really has, but all the narcissists I know secretly realize they are bad. For example I know this graphics designer girl who’s only school was a course for high school kids, because college level art was too good for her. She made million excuses why she didn’t go into college level, and she never told anyone directly what’s her school because she was ashamed of it, yet she called herself a “professional graphics designer” despite not getting any job, learning it on a course for teenagers, and having no real portfolio of finished works. She must know deep inside she’d never be able to compete with college level artists. She would also never get enrolled.
The same way Victoria operates with her modeling - never got a paid job, took all her pictures herself, edited it to hell and back, the only publications she had were self-submits to unknown online magazines nobody cares about. She never would pose for anyone else because she knows she’d have no control over editing, and she knows she’d have to show how she really looks like.
Maybe by extension she is aware in the same way about her tattoos. She could never compete with real artists, she is unable to take criticism, and she would never possibly finish an apprenticeship with a positive result.
No. 724475
File: 1572600754781.jpg (136.74 KB, 1068x1280, 1572600751284.jpg)

No. 724503
>>724475You know what else has “top viewership”? Keeping up with the kardashians. That far from makes it good.
“I know all of those moves” from her sword videos I would assume she knows only the movements of being drunk and overweight
No. 724682
File: 1572655923813.jpeg (250.67 KB, 802x991, 66C92E26-9981-41FC-9CCC-A73D9E…)

Those paint on titties. Imagine paying someone $3000 an hour to model and get this crap?
And for someone that’s such a high demand, high paid model this photo is so awkward. That arm looking like it’s 3 cm long. She looks like she’d rather be ANYWHERE else, there’s no emotion on her face. Same mouth partly open. She photoshopped some of those hair accessories on for sure. The hair around her face looks heavily photoshopped. She has some very yellow / brassy 1990s chunky streaks in her bang. (Terrible lightening job in her hair, but she does it herself for sure) the hair breakage around her face is so distracting. And I don’t even know where to start with that shitty stick on looking tattoo on her stocha that looks like it’s washing off in some areas. Why.
No. 724707
File: 1572659722870.jpg (118.13 KB, 640x800, MDRUM_SFX_MAKEUP_ILLUSIONIST-1…)

>>724682I mean this literally looks like when drag queens paint on 2-D cleavage
>>724704Was she….trying to go for some kind of artsy look? Like literally how/why would that happen
No. 724708
File: 1572659846117.jpeg (134.68 KB, 828x700, 947C2DA0-3A6C-4D8E-8A39-165CF2…)

>>724704Vicky doesn’t edit. She uses sunlight and sharpening tools.
No. 724709
File: 1572660212398.jpeg (1019.04 KB, 1242x1703, 160319D3-E1C0-4938-8EAC-C6CD23…)

>>724682No wonder she’s so good at a sword…she’s got two pupils in each of her eyes. Amazing!
>in the dark my pupils get huge and my eyes look blackWhat is the basic function of the eye, for 200 Alex.
No. 724714
File: 1572661509716.jpeg (87.49 KB, 828x435, 3CF682C5-D0CA-4AB5-85B3-DC36AB…)

>>724709This bitch is TOO MUCH. Anyone that had half a brain cell can see she has two, it’s not a light shining on her “amazingly reflective” eyes
No. 724734
File: 1572665731014.jpeg (167.43 KB, 750x645, 717AE859-4F94-49A2-B6CB-4437B8…)

>>724682Jesus fuck yall, Vicky has officially gone fully insane. This is the absolute worst shoop to date. The stretched beads and feathers, the messy, shitty hair. She literally mirrored the boob (or boob) she shopped on and the shadow is exactly the same. Not to mention it’s fucked up near the jacket. Jesus Christ, what a trainwreck.
No. 724791
>>724714She's such a rude cunt, even when that girl says she wasn't being mean and that she thinks the picture is cool, Vicky is still all bitchy and blunt with her "lol no you're wrong, it's totally unedited and my eyes are supernaturally beautiful"
Such a gross person
No. 724828
File: 1572698907100.png (2.18 MB, 828x1792, 0727D284-BDEB-4C68-A09A-FB6ADD…)

New place guys. Think she was kicked out of Jackie’s for being a total drunk mooch?
This looks like a flop house. Or a discount retirement home. Love the added touch of holes in the wall that were never finished
No. 724836
File: 1572704308553.jpeg (65.72 KB, 828x301, DC2D09BD-31E9-45B4-9DFE-061E6F…)

This girl is sideways calling out Vicky for being fake as fuck.
No. 724847
>>724828those look like outlets and light switches, anon.
why does it look like a nursing home? yeesh.
No. 724869
File: 1572712457507.jpg (189.06 KB, 996x530, Vic.jpg)

She's SO upset about the eye thing. Just accept you accidentally shooped Hypnotoad eyes on yourself and move on.
No. 724879
>>724869 I love the statement “this generation is doomed man” while she’s a 33 year old WOMAN begging for acceptance on social media because she didn’t do anything else with her life and never left Guelph.
We know you read this Vicky, you ARE the problem.
No. 724880
File: 1572716502378.jpeg (56.76 KB, 828x320, 6C9741CD-0B4A-47B3-9D4C-3C4870…)

I’m not claiming to be an English major.. but what the fuck ?
No. 724884
File: 1572717502885.png (439.73 KB, 633x424, 11.png)

>>724682Is this the worst shop yet? The entire top right (her left) of the hair is so strangely poofy and sharp. It's like she kept adding hair and then erased it.
>>724869The lighting source is different in both eyes. One eye is just completely copy/pasted. I can't believe someone would post this and then complain people are noticing it's fake.
No. 724939
File: 1572730234562.jpeg (116.72 KB, 750x913, 67DDF7EE-FC69-4D04-A8EC-E9B3F0…)

Her chunky blurred mitts are very distracting what the fuck
No. 724940
File: 1572731277521.jpeg (210.21 KB, 828x929, E838152D-8850-4C3C-9075-5B4E8E…)

They’re called micro tattoos and people with talent need to do them. She can barely do a tattoo of normal size so of course her tattoos would look like a blob of she even attempted a micro. Probably couldn’t trace it off of her computer screen properly
No. 724941
File: 1572731411293.jpeg (215.89 KB, 828x1152, 844EE805-C0D3-4033-AA54-061366…)

>>724940This couldn’t be anymore fitting for the situation.
No. 724942
File: 1572731573328.jpeg (36.99 KB, 500x370, 771CD1C2-9D0F-49BA-B23B-14C377…)

>>724869This gem came to mind, if I didn’t know better I’d assume she was trying to reference it
No. 724947
>>724942Kek I totally forgot about this gem.
I mean, you kind of expect dumb kids to say shit like this. They’re dumb kids and eventually look back with self awareness and feel embarrassed.
Vicky is a grown ass woman with raging narcissism and ZERO self awareness. It is sad, it is pathetic, and it’s why she’s my favorite cow. She will never change. She is getting worse with her tattoing, worse with her shoops and worse with her alcoholism.
No. 724998
>>724953I'd honestly love to know her process as well. It looks like those overly edited/processed photos that used to be popular on deviantart like 10-15 years ago. They always used a bunch of filters, texture packs, brushes, etc. to change the background, or add stuff onto the clothing. It looks cool when you're 12 and don't know anything about photo editing.
I don't get how her process hasn't changed or improved at all. Her "recent" photos look like shit from 2007. It's so bizarre.
No. 725033
File: 1572742333606.jpg (87.7 KB, 822x1280, IMG_20191102_175134_134.jpg)

This is in response to a status where she said "Sushi with my sis <3" I guess Vic is bulking again
No. 725051
File: 1572744882383.jpeg (86.86 KB, 824x671, D3DD564A-C65D-42FF-A4DD-A8EFEF…)

That’s why she hasnt matured past teenager level, she’s trying to impress the 12 year old version of herself, it all makes sense now.
Never grow up Vick
No. 725052
>>725033Maybe she should try going to the gym once in awhile.
We’ve all seen the unedited photos of her from the Guelph Thai restaurant concert. She is most definitely large, but not in the muscular big butt sort of way she’s portraying.
Vicky here doesn’t care about health or taking care of herself; smoking cigs, drinking non stop. As long as she can photoshop herself into a “goddess” everything is okay.
No. 725079
File: 1572749468571.png (4.92 MB, 828x1792, 8EF9EA30-97FF-4500-B934-449181…)

Those crispy ends
No. 725127
>>725098Unless you’re commenting on her amazingly reflective eyes or her magical sword wielding skills, you’re worthless to her. Be happy she blocked you and someone sent you here.
Vicky is the most insecure person you’ll ever come across. She’s not in /pt/ by mistake.
No. 725151
>>725098Take it with a grain of salt. If you’re a female and not kissing her ass, she sees you as a threat, never mind her “women and men are so intimidated by my beauty”, “women are so jealous of me” schtick.
It’s just a massive front to hide her insecurities which is sad, really, trying to kid herself that she’s on a higher ground when she could actually do as she says and be a much happier person. Water off a ducks back, instead of feeling like she has to justify anything to anyone and shout it from the rooftops. Arrogant with not an ounce of modesty.
No. 725157
File: 1572775307945.jpg (87.67 KB, 826x1279, IMG_20191103_030152_954.jpg)

No. 725158
File: 1572775727860.webm (822.57 KB, 480x792, undies.webm)
No. 725159
File: 1572775756238.jpg (95.61 KB, 804x1279, IMG_20191103_030445_044.jpg)

No. 725180
>>725157She would be the type of woman to physically assault another woman for fighting her man. She hates women and she’s super insecure so it makes sense.
This guy probably thinks she’s a psycho now… what kinda grown ass adult types something out like this.
As someone that’s booked up for a year, she doesn’t seem to busy today just posting bull crap like this. A
No. 725194
>>725098Don’t worry, anon. She has a glass ego and if someone even breathes the word “editing” or “photoshop” in her comments, it
triggers her beyond belief. Mostly because her sloppy shoops and candids have been posted here for years and she can’t sperg on here anymore (after her autistic posts were exposed by admins here
>>>/snow/218886 ) it’s a good read if you want to see how dumb and narcissistic she really is.
No. 725243
File: 1572811868554.gif (705.53 KB, 275x155, 3B6A9132-CCED-4982-B752-B93BEE…)

>>725157Vic, YOU are one of those “bitches”. No matter how many military gloves you wear or greasy slipknot shirts your drunk ass stumbles around in you’ll never be one of the guyzZ.
No. 725261
File: 1572818949106.jpeg (214.48 KB, 828x1460, 3EA1197D-ABEF-454E-971F-D2C24E…)

People that actually don’t give a fuck don’t put 85% of their energy into telling people they don’t give a fuck.
You give a fuck enough to respond. You give a fuck
No. 725263
>>725261Its funny because it shows what she cares about the most. She constantly says how she “doesn’t care about haters” because to her this should hurt us somehow. It means she thinks not being cared about is the biggest insult.
Vic, I have bad news. Nobody here cares about you, you’re just another cow to laugh at when we’re on the toilet.
No. 725283
File: 1572825440578.jpeg (220.84 KB, 828x918, BD3B4752-FAAF-48AD-8B17-89A6CF…)

Does she not know what she looks like? For some of us that have seen her in person, this ain’t the one.
No. 725284
File: 1572825501461.png (2.49 MB, 828x1792, 7534D56B-1E9D-4703-B040-E736AE…)

She posted this on Instagram so she can get validation from her neckbeards that this is soooooo her.
No. 725287
>>725284Sounds like every basic-bitch on the planet.
>content with being aloneMore like accepting you have a garbage personality and can no longer handle constant rejection from men you think should treat you like a ~goddess~, despite your toxicity.
>muh rare female personality traits No. 725295
File: 1572828991447.jpg (37.69 KB, 728x780, dTcAHZcg.jpg)

>>725261Lol the crying laughing has to be the most passive aggressive emoji of all time. It always reminds me of this old meme. So you go ahead Vick, keep protecting and "stay mad."
No. 725306
File: 1572830473209.png (492.27 KB, 600x501, B4BB6908-4B65-4835-9CDA-9C78F7…)

>captures how my face is in person perfectlyHeavy shoop all over the face especially the eyes. What a train wreck
No. 725307
File: 1572830534876.jpg (103.85 KB, 1280x1071, IMG_20191103_182239_597.jpg)

No. 725309
File: 1572831153321.webm (569.59 KB, 480x792, bloodonmylip.webm)
No. 725315
>>725301Ohh, it’s armor!
I thought it was her stinky leather jacket at first and was puzzled as to why she was only wearing it on one arm.
Really it’s just Icky Vicky, our IRL Final Fantasy characters uwu
No. 725340
File: 1572839407754.jpg (47.03 KB, 407x480, NinjaSwordVic.jpg)

No. 725347
File: 1572840395549.jpeg (122.53 KB, 828x1149, 3E7CFAD4-3BCE-4D9F-A6F1-B0E01A…)

Hm … three comments in four hours. In Vicky logic that means she’s buying followers.
No. 725415
>>725309This whole video has like, 10 frames in total, she is legit too poor to get a new phone; the whole hiding behind potato quality photos doesn't really make sense seeing as she often does her ~photoshoots~ with her DSLR which has decent quality
Even a shitty $200 phone could take better photos and record videos without lagging severely like hers does
No. 725431
File: 1572870066466.jpeg (191.31 KB, 828x1345, 4F5FEC23-9CA2-4446-BB6A-FD4CAE…)

Super creepy.
No. 725433
File: 1572870387187.jpeg (129.26 KB, 828x1040, 453392B4-CB73-4006-808B-57CF17…)

WHAT? I can’t with this woman. She posted this at 6:30am. Meaning she’s been up pounding jack daniels into herself and never went to sleep. Anyone that knows Vick knows she’d never get up this early
No. 725495
File: 1572881967060.jpg (76.86 KB, 832x1279, IMG_20191104_083923_133.jpg)

oh no
No. 725499
File: 1572882275527.jpg (123.71 KB, 1199x1280, IMG_20191104_084444_554.jpg)

so professional
No. 725538
File: 1572894389871.jpeg (63.34 KB, 415x633, 0A244F7F-1E86-4EA3-A874-F5A8F0…)

>>725433>machine>it’s my nicknameI irl laughed, for real.
No. 725629
File: 1572918451581.jpeg (61.22 KB, 828x418, 2E189699-4C39-46D5-AD27-8B3F9D…)

When you’re a “super talent, creative” tattoo artist but can’t come up with your own ideas.
Can’t see what mess she traces off of google
No. 725649
>>725629For someone who claims to have a genius IQ, she types like someone with an IQ of 70.
The fuck is this Yoda word salad?
No. 725651
File: 1572922353725.jpeg (714.32 KB, 3024x4032, 8200DC52-B117-4294-8AD4-038EAD…)

Forgot to post this sink pic along with the toilet pic. Not as bad, but still. A bit of that oxyclean in the bathroom and less in her body would do her good.
No. 725652
File: 1572922391676.jpeg (91.33 KB, 828x429, 8C33E167-DFBD-4B8B-9F43-2659D2…)

All I hear is “I’m a child and desperate for attention”
Just when you think she can’t say anything more ridiculous she pulls this out of her ass.
No wonder she can’t keep anyone in her life.
Makes sense, though.
Of course she’ll want to say “pretend not to be rich” because she’s living in a flop house.
“Pretend to be in a bad situation.” That explains getting “kidnapped”
I can’t not believe a 32 year old woman would even say shit like this. I really hope someone calls the police for a wellness check, because her alcoholism is effecting peoples life’s in the following ways….
No. 725653
File: 1572922576088.jpeg (172.85 KB, 828x1195, 044ADDA2-5AC5-44C3-B82F-C689AB…)

>>725652I hope homeboy Alex is being sarcastic. I can’t wait to see what else her followers have to say. People can’t be this stupid, people have to start calling her out
No. 725660
File: 1572924493674.jpeg (68.92 KB, 828x318, 908D2ABC-9ACF-4F68-8CE6-B72D8A…)

>>725652She added another one.
Someone left a comment asking her “why lie?” That person is getting blocked. Vicky is pathological.
No. 725661
>>725653>manipulate people around you for personal gainLol wow. This is great, Vicky.
>pretend to be in a bad situation to see who will care about youI can’t believe she actually publicly posted this ….
No. 725665
>>725652Being her friend must be exhausting, this sounds like high school crap.
Imaging being tested with lies to see if you’re a good friend or not.
No. 725688
File: 1572934907471.webm (1.77 MB, 480x792, glowyskinfilters.webm)
No. 725693
File: 1572935553017.webm (1.14 MB, 480x792, filterless.webm)
No. 725694
File: 1572935733469.webm (1001.79 KB, 480x792, itme.webm)
No. 725705
>>725688oh my god, she looks like a straight up pig laying like this. this is the epitome of a boomer housewife who let herself go.
i imagine she took 100 of these super short videos before she found just the "Right" angle
No. 725738
File: 1572952720298.jpg (60.56 KB, 720x708, 89e.jpg)

>>725263You got me
>>725694Nice icy blues, Vic
>>725716"I wonder if some girls know that those glowy skin filters come off when you meet them in person"
The absolute HYPOCRISY. Hahahaha VICTORIA you cannot be serious, you're the ultimate catfish! Also this improvement in quality is not flattering at all. Look at the grease, the bad makeup, the piss yellow hair, the NOSE. The teeth! Her vibe is smug like "I don't need filters, here's a shot without them, I'm hot irl" but she's actually just exposed herself as being a hammy filter-abusing, photoshopping uggo. Well done Vic, genius as ever.
No. 725744
File: 1572954141768.jpeg (236.96 KB, 1632x1632, C1560E40-099C-44D3-B26A-F29E85…)

>>725688I wonder if vicky knows that umm… her hand has to come off her face at some point. Unless she wants to have it surgically attached so she can manually shape her butt/double chin all the time.
No. 725758
File: 1572959469224.jpeg (67.32 KB, 828x386, 219C26D7-DD9F-482B-89FE-ED6AF7…)

Lucky for Vicky Facebook and Instagram don’t have that same feature.
No. 725765
File: 1572960317292.jpeg (204.58 KB, 824x1466, 5D6D3F64-A2A8-4E01-ADCE-9E0164…)

All the sudden her camera isnt 1990s web cam quality. There is most definitely some sort of filter on these videos. It looks like there was baseline smeared on the lens for effect. Does she think everyone is blind?
Why is her hair piss yellow ?
She skin is orange.
She looks like a drunk drag queen or clown
For some that’s super busy with work she sure has been on social media a lot.
Her teeth are starting to grey out from smoking
Always hide that chin Vick
No. 725770
>>725688ok so what's this then?
>>725347>>725758the jig is soon to be up sticky, you idiot
No. 725776
>>724682I just realised while browsing old Vick threads that this picture is actually old as fuck, she posted another from the same set over a year ago
>>550751Busy body Vick is so booked up that she has time to sift through and shoop years old pictures of herself for insta likes.
No. 725779
File: 1572963460317.jpg (30.89 KB, 333x489, hag.JPG)

greasy pig with piss yellow brassy hair. She needs some damn toner. It bothers me so much how her rat tail extensions don't match either
No. 725780
>>725779Her teeth. She needs to quit smoking.
I love how she’s criticizing other women for using glowy skin filters that “come off when you meet them in person” but reshapes her body into a Victoria secret model, looking like a hog body muppet irl
No. 725831
File: 1572981787450.jpeg (45.91 KB, 452x678, DB957185-4F18-4743-80E0-2C603D…)

>>725779>>725830Like Stiflers mom?
No. 725863
>>725693 she is doing like 4 fat girl tricks at once…
high angle, lying down so gravity takes care of some of the face fat, hiding part of face so nobody can see the jowls or double chin, using hair to cover up so face appears slimmer…
BuT No FiLtEr ThiS iS wHaT i LooK LiKe!
No. 725870
File: 1572995117004.png (1.54 MB, 801x3943, INTJlol.png)

She posted these FB screenshots to her Instagram story. This is hilarious. "interests most normal females won't… Science video games…mma" I haven't even read the entire thing yet
No. 725914
>>725902Um. Vicky is the 1%.
“Us females should build each other up! But I’m nothing like those basic ass bitches that use filters and buy followers”
She’s such a narcissist. I can’t with her. She’s going to be 40 soon, and realize she wasted her life writing paragraphs building herself up to neckbeards, instead of going out and living. Besides photoshopping herself into beaches, has anyone seen a photo or heard of Vicky leaving Guelph?
I don’t think this girl has ever experienced life outside her keyboard
No. 725919
>>725914Vicky is like all the 30% of 13 years old unintelligent narcissists that score intj on the online test, because they think they are super gifted and everyone else is stupid and too jealous to acknowledge how “special” they are.
Actual intjs just go get things done. Not whine on the internet about every little made up detail of your life for male attention. Vick, you’re the most basic ISFP bitch there is. You’re just too unintelligent to see. Fucking walking dunning-Kruger effect.
No. 725955
>>725870I can't get over this is an adult woman in her 30s posting this garbage. This kind of "not like other girls" shit is such a stereotypical teenager phase, complete with the delusions of grandeur and blind faith in internet personality tests that often give you different results the more you take them.
>>725939Not gonna medfag, but she is clearly emotionally stunted. Everything she writes reads like a teenager desperate for approval (the dozens of "I don't care what you think about me!" memes) while also thinking she's the best at everything. I doubt she would seek help even if her family intervened.
No. 726100
File: 1573044713030.jpeg (471.03 KB, 683x1044, DB28DCB7-5951-4B20-B4C1-E7B3A5…)

Let’s live through this again, kek.
Years pass and she doesn’t change, develop, get smarter, etc. if anything it feels like she’s doing worse, aging, alcohol, and internet addiction are horrible especially for narcissists like her. 0 touch with reality.
No. 726309
File: 1573084035653.jpeg (477.29 KB, 750x1066, 8EA01A79-4DD8-41D0-8F1D-91FE16…)

A disgusting personality accompanied by bad hygiene and a clown face ain’t cute.
No. 726408
>>726401He said that Vicky was trying to pick up him and his friendship at a show. And that she was talking randomly about people hurting her physically, but came across like she was maybe mentally unstable. And his friends got him to google her.
I think he deleted it cause it wasn’t true. Tbh.
She’s crazy, but
No. 726478
File: 1573099753547.jpg (112.95 KB, 1280x925, IMG_20191106_210832_970.jpg)

Her ex has been commenting on her stuff a lot more recently
No. 726529
>>726525It’s a mole she sometimes forgets to photoshop onto her shooped boobs. It always moves around too. Sometimes it’s up high, sometimes it’s down low. Sometimes it’s nowhere to be found.
I don’t think she’s taking bunny’s boobs.
No. 726740
File: 1573159439584.jpeg (85.78 KB, 485x796, 5F70D9D4-DF95-43CC-B2E6-6C9B2C…)

>>726647So here’s two example where it’s no longer there? So either she’s photoshopping it off when she photoshops the rest of her body, or it’s not her boobs.
No. 726741
File: 1573160270069.jpeg (76.32 KB, 500x667, F433A2D6-576B-4FB7-A827-5ADCD2…)

>>726740And not for nothing this is Bunny. With the same birthmark. I realize this is shooped but it’s too much of a coincidence.
No. 726804
File: 1573171674593.jpeg (420.18 KB, 1632x1632, 7C057F85-B7BF-43A5-AC4E-D063DE…)

Whenever vicky posts a new tattoo (especially in the “jewel and beading” style that she supposedly “invented” and everyone else is just copying her), I do this fun thing where I compare her work with Ryan Ashley’s. The results are always hilarious.
No. 726841
>>726741There's so many women that Vick skinwalks and I don't doubt she has skinwalked this chick too, but Christ it's annoying that she keeps getting brought up and compared. Neither of them are attractive.
That ink masters bitch with the gemstone tattoos that someone talked about earlier seems more like the person Vick is trying to copy rather than this ex friend of hers.
I'm starting to think it's Bunny herself, because it hasn't happened this time, but normally Bunny comparisons end up with anons screeching that she's sooo much prettier ect. She's fitter, but the fried hair and clown makeup is on par with Vick. But yeah, I doubt she's skin walking from one fake mole. I honestly think the hambeast just gets drunk and forgets to Photoshop it in or something. I don't think it's that deep.
No. 726846
File: 1573176909142.jpeg (386.07 KB, 828x1180, 96FD293B-DEC1-4B4C-916D-038E4C…)

It’s such a simple tattoo, no detail so you’d think she’d put some extra work into at least lining up the black blocks properly. And what’s the purple around it? Either bleed out or bruising. I can’t imagine what this is going to look like when it’s healed
No. 726903
File: 1573184487188.jpeg (56.59 KB, 828x379, 4CF51E85-5992-4B1B-A5ED-EABD0E…)

Vague posting at 35. She’s totally calm guys.
That’s why she goes off on everyone and anyone that disagrees with her.
No. 726951
>>726846The whole outline of this tattoo is bruised.
>I’m not heavy handed>>726804Jesus Christ. What the fuck is symmetry? That heart with the wings at the top looks like something I would scribble on my school binders in elementary schools. The caption also said nEeDs MoRe WhITe. She doesn’t know how to grey wash AT ALL. she makes a muddy mess then adds white highlights in it that just fades away. She is such a disgrace to the industry
No. 726972
File: 1573201833284.jpg (108.79 KB, 1280x1162, IMG_20191108_012817_608.jpg)

>for four tomorrow for 4 tomorrow
No. 727005
>>726972Guelph to Burlington … there’s a train or bus and it’s about $40.
Is she not capable of taking herself? A photoshoot? On her 1990s phone? She can’t even take proper photos for her highly sought after tattoo shop / business and she’s offering photoshoots. Girl….
No. 727194
File: 1573259498513.jpeg (97.4 KB, 828x1270, A7192442-73FF-4928-80E5-E8D998…)

Posts the woman that publicly called other women “crypt keeper face” and people “mentally unstable” for not agreeing with her.
Keep posting about kindness, though
No. 727273
File: 1573273673852.jpeg (99.84 KB, 750x408, 26FA8346-B4E7-4714-885C-5EB29A…)

Your reeeeing about that haters but on the same note claiming to be totally not bothered says otherwise. Same with the shoops and constant lies in regards to being yourself! Your contradicted yourself with that comment. Silly old vikkers
No. 727447
File: 1573312282652.jpeg (170.52 KB, 828x1374, 46C98CDB-1C21-4864-99ED-8D911E…)

As in please stop talking. Why do all her “conversations” she posts always so one sided, unless it’s from a complete neckbeard.
Does she realize how desperate she sounds?
And “because we’re picky” if she’s talking about her tattoo machine, she’s definitely not picky on who she tattoos, or fucks for that matter.
No. 727452
File: 1573313304535.png (1.86 MB, 828x1792, F792056A-909D-4476-963F-06502C…)

It’s an INTJ thing.
One thing that INTJ personalities love is proper spelling and punctuation, which she has proven on countless occasions she could care less about.
Not having to explain what they mean, she does this constantly.
Setting goals and exceeding them. She’s been saying she’s turned down things, like tattoos shows, her whole life. So is exceeding her own expectations working in a hole in Guelph doing the bare minimum. INTJ personalities do NOT celebrate mediocrity.
Hanging out with intelligent people when they do want human interaction. Well if you’ve seen Vicky out in Toronto… she’ll hang out with anyone willing to give her a ride.
Wit and intellectual humour… she hasn’t exhibited any of that.
Dont enjoy small talk. She’s posted enough of her conversations for us to know that’s all she capable of.
INTJ women are more private. She posts every time she moves and posts every conversation she has. Even with strange men that message her for some pillow talk.
INTJ prefer function over fashion. Usually minimal makeup and simple clothes. They don’t reach for attention. Well we can all make our own assumption on this one.
I could go on and on, but everyone including Vicky know she’s not the 1%
No. 727471
File: 1573315575461.jpeg (62.07 KB, 811x267, 8126F1C3-DA92-4A96-A47C-E287C8…)

Had to find it. This is still my fav icky moment.
No. 727575
File: 1573345020156.jpg (114.62 KB, 1215x1280, IMG_20191109_171648_286.jpg)

The link is broken. She must've deleted the status
No. 727735
File: 1573365789524.jpg (124.35 KB, 1280x970, IMG_20191109_225536_413.jpg)

No. 727738
File: 1573366469312.jpeg (527.53 KB, 1240x1980, FE4DC7B9-BF86-4FD6-9639-22B483…)

>>727735It’s amazing how much worse her tattooing is getting. She was never great in the beginning, but if you look at some of her stuff from a few years ago, it wasn’t this bad. I feel like she’s worse now than when she first started.
No. 727780
File: 1573373135031.jpg (75.84 KB, 790x1280, IMG_20191110_010443_590.jpg)

Rofl intj don't care, posts this about stalkers that think they are anon
No. 727792
>>727780Everyone gets shit-talked about. Most of us go on with our lives and literally do not care/aren’t bothered by it.
You should learn to do the same, Vic.
No. 727853
>>727738I'm shocked that this is actually her work, I reverse image searched it just in case she had stolen it and it only appeared a few times on Pinterest all with her watermark
This is miles ahead of all her shit from the last few years. Doesn't appear to be bruised or blown out which is an automatic upgrade
How the actual fuck do you get worse at your job, especially THIS much worse?
No. 727857
>>727850I don't disagree that this was Photoshopped, it definitely is, but her shoop skills are shocking and I feel like there's no way she could make something like
>>727735 look like
>>727738Maybe I'm just terrible at spotting it but I can't see any noticeable effects of liquify tool
Still, doesn't change the fact that the shit she's scratching on her
victims now at least is god awful
No. 728041
File: 1573435707801.jpg (407.96 KB, 1080x1532, 20191110_202817.jpg)

she's legit always so insane lol
No. 728055
File: 1573439391840.jpeg (185.02 KB, 749x1045, C8C4DD64-8848-4641-B6E7-7065CB…)

>>728041Here’s the rest of that interaction. Contrast with
>>727452 kek.
No. 728071
>>728055>I didn’t threaten youIs her concept of the English language so poor she really doesn’t see that she actually, in fact, threatened violence?
Stay bitter, bitch.
No. 728107
File: 1573452777630.jpg (77.84 KB, 839x1279, IMG_20191110_231235_436.jpg)

No. 728114
File: 1573454804025.jpg (494.61 KB, 1080x1407, 20191111_014637.jpg)

these fucking hashtags oml
No. 728141
File: 1573469054373.jpg (78.78 KB, 779x1279, IMG_20191111_034419_489.jpg)

No. 728148
File: 1573470726992.jpg (32.04 KB, 240x400, 547941.jpg)

>>728141This is an old ass photo, the last time Apocalyptica was in Toronto was in September 2017. Before that they were in 2015. This must have been from the 2015 date, since he isn't as groomed. (he got married in 2017 just before the NA tour, so he was very groomed during that time period.)
I wonder will Vicky claim Perttu tried to hit on her while proclaiming her uncontested beauty to her? Afterall, Perttu is married to an actual miss universe contestant and cover girl.
Pic related, Perttu's wife.
No. 728186
File: 1573484162651.jpeg (127.85 KB, 828x841, 47E178F7-814E-4AD9-BDD2-D4A0D4…)

No. 728188
>>728107Looks like Vicky was stalking the board again and saw everyone was calling her out for having yellow as fuck hair and actually got purple shampoo but doesn’t know how to is it / her hair is so dead now her hair is purple.
She hasn’t posted a photo because it looks like trash. She did this a couple months ago where she said she coloured her hair and she never posted. She just posts these things just in case she can’t get it out and “Frankie” wants to do another $3000 per hr photoshoot
No. 728190
File: 1573484572272.jpeg (237.92 KB, 785x1665, 2A944A94-5927-4A9D-9BB0-7AD34C…)

Question…. she isn’t trying to claim this is a tattoo she did? This photoshop is unreal. Literally
No. 728255
>>728190>>728192I understand it’s a concept but what was going through her mind when she decided to add not only the second but the third pair of wings in this?
“Ugh, it’s STILL missing something.. needs more wings!”
No. 728292
File: 1573502051395.jpeg (267.78 KB, 815x1222, 7D2C7DA1-7B6B-46EF-A7B2-D2FA70…)

I finally know who Vicky constantly reminded me of.
Polish singer Maryla Rodowicz. She’s 70+.
Except Maryla is an actual star and an accomplished artist.
No. 728314
File: 1573507563928.jpeg (254.89 KB, 821x1349, 8C1F775C-F653-40DF-B527-970AB8…)

Vicky made a live video. She’s wearing so much fucking makeup and filter. Her hair is blue and her skin is goddamn orange.
I know this has been brought up so many times, but she’s fully booked for a year yet she’s in Toronto at a concert.
Which there will be no pictures from because her hair is patchy af in real life, and she’s giving us the basic fat girl angles
No. 728320
>>728314hair looks like stringy yarn.
>>728141also, can this lady take her hand off her face ever?
No. 728351
>>728314That filter is making her hair look like literally straw. I thought this was some cheap plastic wig for a second. Like made out of the same material that Pom-poms are made from.
Also, where the fuck is she getting periwinkle? That’s BLUE. Just blue. Unless the filter she totally doesn’t have is masking the purple and turned her face 50 shades of orange.
No. 728352
>>728314That filter is making her hair look like literally straw. I thought this was some cheap plastic wig for a second. Like made out of the same material that Pom-poms are made from.
Also, where the fuck is she getting periwinkle? That’s BLUE. Just blue. Unless the filter she totally doesn’t have is masking the purple and turned her face 50 shades of orange.
No. 728362
>>728314Where’s the purple?
She said this was a periwinkle, blue / purple. This is straight up blue. Either from how much filter she has on it or she doesn’t know how to tell one color from another. Which is terrifying as she’s a “tattoo artist”
Her hair and extensions are two different colours, which tells me she toned her real hair and the hair piece, and has no idea what she’s doing, even though she’s stated in the past she worked at a hair salon.
Her hair being blue and her extensions being grey, I can tell you right now, may look okay in photos, but I’m really life you’re going to be able to distinguish real from fake very easy.
No. 728366
File: 1573514298009.jpg (48.22 KB, 500x500, metallic-silver-tinsel-wig-pro…)

>>728314Yikes. Everything is terrible. How can she possibly thinks she looks good?
The crispy looking texture of her hair reminds me of this. The model needs to wrap some tinsel around her chin though if she ever hopes to reach INTJ icy eyed goddess level (she's a total babe though ^_^ bahaha)
(^_^) No. 728377
File: 1573515413824.jpeg (46.33 KB, 334x500, 0F43D050-8E96-4EA6-97DD-5327DA…)

>>728314The look I think she was trying to achieve.
No. 728385
File: 1573516222592.jpg (119.44 KB, 801x1000, 08-periwinkle-hair[1].jpg)

>>728377she was probably going for more like this since she keeps calling it periwinkle and purple.
No. 728392
File: 1573517241213.jpeg (216.62 KB, 1092x640, 48543A60-D759-4FD4-9392-E1F0C8…)

>>728386I turned the brightness up on this photo of her from the fashion show. Granted, it was a while ago, but her hair is SO over bleached it literally turned to fuzz on the ends. Also, no suprise here but even with the highlights and brightness turned all the way up “muh icy eyes” are still nowhere to be seen. Looking chunky and busted vicky, the oxiclean baths have probably done a number more on her hair as well.
No. 728400
>>728392Her head needs to be shaved, honestly. This hair is beyond fried and dead. You can’t bring hair back to life, once it’s dead it’s dead. Throwing colour on that is only going to make it break off faster. When hair is over processed it sucks up moisture more as well, including colour so I can’t imagine what her hair looks like in real life with no filter.
She definitely won’t post any photos from her concert tonight cause she’s a mess
No. 728413
File: 1573518897756.jpeg (99.3 KB, 539x545, 8A44BB60-AF38-405E-AFCA-679CDB…)

This was a couple years ago and you can really see how broken it is, so how it’s still holding on to her head at this point I’ll never know.
No. 728414
File: 1573519038124.webm (662.87 KB, 480x792, bluemess.webm)
No. 728417
File: 1573519301998.jpg (79.79 KB, 1280x791, IMG_20191111_174022_699.jpg)

>Youre all heroes to us all
No. 728554
File: 1573528606926.jpg (93.76 KB, 997x1280, IMG_20191111_201531_966.jpg)

>>728417Rofl she posted this status on her other Facebook except she spelled heroes like "heros"
Bonus neckbeard top fan in the comments
No. 728559
>>728148But you know Vickie was a cover girl first and was told to not compete in miss universe because it would make the other girls feel bad
but that girl's a total babe!
No. 728562
File: 1573529522098.png (2.93 MB, 1250x2959, itsabird.png)

This is a post from 2017 but I was poking around Instagram and found a tattoo victim
No. 728565
File: 1573530153501.jpeg (177.32 KB, 823x901, 2FD2E4F7-2382-47C9-A66C-C77A67…)

>>728562Same person…. another awful tattoo. The shape of this star is wonky af
No. 728595
>>728314I can't get over how this is just two different colors with no ombre/highlights. It looks like the bottom part is just mismatched extensions.
>>728377 actually looks nice, but you can tell Vic's hair is way too damaged to look like that.
No. 728596
>>728314I can't get over how this is just two different colors with no ombre/highlights. It looks like the bottom part is just mismatched extensions.
>>728377 actually looks nice, but you can tell Vic's hair is way too damaged to look like that.
No. 728635
File: 1573550253073.jpg (89.35 KB, 790x1280, IMG_20191112_021510_646.jpg)

No. 728648
File: 1573566952429.jpeg (60.64 KB, 828x372, 3CBF12BA-6179-4F8D-BFAA-DD1A94…)

Four am drunk Facebook posts. No wonder she never makes it in on time to her two clients a week
No. 728729
File: 1573582926973.webm (937.04 KB, 480x792, goingtogoseetool.webm)
No. 728812
File: 1573598724047.jpg (125.81 KB, 1280x968, IMG_20191112_154527_504.jpg)

No. 728900
>>728314>>728414>>728635>>728729>>728812So many pictures with the exact same angle and hand poses. Almost every selfie/candid has that exact hand position or hair carefully posed around her jaw like she's hiding some kind of disfiguring burn. Even in
>>710339 and so many others. How is anyone this insecure? What's so bad about her jaw?
No. 728953
File: 1573626264295.jpg (127.53 KB, 1280x1269, IMG_20191112_232231_277.jpg)

This was on a status asking if anyone went to/is going to the Tool concert. Vicky has known many rockstars since she was a child.
No. 728962
File: 1573631804755.jpg (103.11 KB, 1280x1003, IMG_20191113_005626_657.jpg)

No. 728963
>>728812She looks wide as fuck here. Those gorilla shoulders.
>>728953Jesus Christ. Nobody can leave a comment on anything of hers without her making up lies on how she’s so much better and cooler and did SO MANY COOOOOOL things. No wonder this broad can’t keep a friend to save her life.
No. 728988
File: 1573644769949.jpg (86.91 KB, 1004x1280, IMG_20191113_043207_598.jpg)

>>728965You're wrong, anon. Her comparisons were hilarious!
No. 729027
>>728962All season tires in Canada will NOT cut it. Everyone who actually drives knows that.
Imagine having to post captions on all your photos about how they're totally not edited. Totally not edited believe me, not that I care!!!!
No. 729086
File: 1573668482829.jpeg (181.58 KB, 828x1243, 0E0EFBA2-A478-4EAC-A69E-99DDBA…)

Good old kung fu, Vic making everything about herself again.
No. 729139
File: 1573678700931.jpeg (112.65 KB, 828x441, 1156B8C4-CE1F-4C8D-80CD-468BEF…)

“Matrix style martial arts”
No. 729166
File: 1573683530135.jpeg (157.95 KB, 828x872, EDCA0B41-8D31-457C-B4C8-A66113…)

>>729139< I have many doctor friends
No. 729170
>>729167She JUST said she has leading experts and doctors
who are friends, anon. Jealous hater.
No. 729176
File: 1573686249757.jpg (60.09 KB, 1280x798, IMG_20191113_160152_018.jpg)

Lmao "thinking about a business venture" that's a fun way of saying "drunk posting on Facebook"
No. 729237
>>729139if she's always practicing The Sword how come she constantly complains that she's in pain from "working out"
>>729166wouldn't a massage be a bad idea? you just need to take a rest day but I guess I never do matrix style martial arts hm
No. 729299
File: 1573699640206.jpeg (191.54 KB, 674x1158, B3DF3FCA-83AC-4C8D-B98C-24AA21…)

I love this caption. Nobody thinks she plastic, she can’t even afford rent let alone plastic surgery.
Her tongue scraping along those blacked out, cigarette teeth is making me want to puke.
And the fact that a “TATTOO ARTIST” doesn’t know that her hair isn’t purple ….
No. 729301
File: 1573699691539.png (1.01 MB, 828x1792, 55E7483F-5FD2-4BC1-B3AA-EEBAC4…)

Confused about why she shared this. Been drunk all week it seems
No. 729368
File: 1573703620931.jpg (68.59 KB, 1280x1035, IMG_20191113_204926_408.jpg)

How is she this bad at joking on the internet? Every time someone jokes with her and she doesn't get it there's some awkward exchange like this.
No. 729371
File: 1573704014291.png (1.99 MB, 1280x4798, strongcomplicatedandfiery.png)

No. 729459
File: 1573714436698.jpg (883.64 KB, 1440x2842, 20191114_145056.jpg)

>>729166Apparently Vic knows more about fitness + muscle recovery than a jiu jitsu/strength and conditioning coach
I really wished he had replied to her bitchy comment and made her look silly
No. 729466
File: 1573714889692.jpg (893 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191114-145722_Chr…)

>>729459>>729166First page of Google results back up what he says
She's such a cow, she can't just be like "oh, I haven't heard that, I only knew that resting helps, thanks for the tip!"
Woman is unbearable
No. 729519
File: 1573735194524.jpg (100.93 KB, 1222x1280, IMG_20191114_053831_646.jpg)

No. 729520
File: 1573735371105.jpg (126.08 KB, 898x1280, IMG_20191114_054309_288.jpg)

No. 729528
>>729519She posted this conversation on Instagram, too. She’s so sad. If a strange man asked me this one the internet I wouldn’t even respond let alone post it for everyone to read. Just goes to show how much she does care what people think and how much time she has on her hands.
It’s pathetic. She’s a grown ass woman.
She couldn’t afford plastic surgery. And they are photoshopped, her boobs are saggy as fuck.
No. 729570
>>729519“Have you had your boobs augmented”
Vicky “no I’ve just gotten fat”
Despite the self-indulgent language, that was shockingly honest for ol vicky
No. 729572
File: 1573747946315.png (1.03 MB, 993x611, HMMMMMMM.png)

I'm pretty sure this hog shooped her hair grey. if you zoom in on it its coloured onto her skin too. Also that necklace is blurred and wonky near her tits also the bra. And to the right her arm is in black and white???? the frame on the video is also weird as fuck she is SO SLOPPY
No. 729574
File: 1573748234669.jpeg (331 KB, 750x824, 9C3771E0-D7FF-41EF-A578-6C1D1F…)

This gum rot mouth leans in to kiss you. Wyd?
No. 729588
File: 1573750582768.jpeg (71.84 KB, 558x608, C3D8D96C-2B71-46D7-BE32-DB0C89…)

>>729574Jesus Christ Vick, I would say brush your teeth but it might be a lost cause at this point.
She’s probably going to need to get dentures and have them removed if she ever decides to set foot in a dentists office.
No. 729600
File: 1573752532725.jpeg (Spoiler Image,92.38 KB, 800x414, 20FAA6BB-2CF7-4E14-9E1F-6168BF…)

>>729588Smoking causes long term issues on your overall health. We all know that. Vicky with her high IQ doesn’t seem to understand that or have the will power or motivation to change her nasty habits. She wants to talk about having martial arts training, something you need self control for, and she doesn’t seem to have any. Her teeth are literally rotting out of her head and she won’t do anything about it.
Self love, though Vic
No. 729836
File: 1573794808358.jpg (179.25 KB, 1188x1280, IMG_20191114_221321_961.jpg)

No. 729854
>>729836She just can’t go a day without calling women psycho and claiming they’re threatened by her just because she has a vagina.
Whatever makes your sad, pathetic existence seem worthwhile I guess ?
No. 729919
File: 1573831503902.jpeg (226.9 KB, 828x1168, 790B5105-F301-4A9D-8103-254AB3…)

>>729176Another post at 4 am. Last time she said her minds too active, thinking of business ventures… yet she’s posting shit memes.
No. 729920
File: 1573831801892.jpeg (70.67 KB, 828x1360, 2130A65F-55E1-49B9-95A1-640221…)

>>729919And this one at 7am. No wonder she’s constantly late for appointments.
No. 729955
File: 1573842082004.jpeg (77.95 KB, 1004x975, 9F98057D-86C6-4710-BE3B-7B77CC…)

>>729836Ah yes vic, did you learn that at one of your Stanford YouTube lectures?
No. 729968
>>729942It’s just another one of many poorly thought out stories she made up in order to feel something.
Is she ever going to admit to herself that she put herself in a really deep hole ever since she made a MySpace and NEEDS to get out before it’s too late?
No. 729979
File: 1573848664403.jpg (121.81 KB, 1268x1280, IMG_20191115_130712_506.jpg)

I love how this guy said something to her that was slightly offensive and she just replies to his questions normally.
But Instagram anon tried to praise Vic's double retina cool eyes edit and she got attacked and blocked.
She constantly misreads non malicious comments as attacks but this guy "wonders" if her art talent is being "wasted" on tattoos and she should be painting and her response is "lol ofc I paint and I don't need lessons"
No. 729995
>>729979>I don’t need classesJust like how you didn’t need to get a tattoo apprenticeship? Even skilled painters take classes, you fucking twat. It’s called continuing education. It’s what all PROFESSIONALS do.
JFC Vicky. It’s ok to not be perfect at everything. Vicky is one of my favorite cows, but god damn her narcissism really drills into me sometimes.
No. 730017
File: 1573856269961.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1242x1992, F520A00C-0D78-49DD-BD55-C09F17…)

>>729086>>729371Oh my god, this is so fucking hilarious. That’s not even Keanu’s twitter, it’s just some dumb joke account called mock diaries that posts ”what celebrities can’t say, but wish they could”. Leave it to fucking John Wick’s only true waifu Vicky to never fact check anything, ever.
sage for late
No. 730255
File: 1573912032136.jpeg (73.66 KB, 828x623, 1B2F34DB-5369-4DFA-9ECA-2C4592…)

The problem is you can’t type proper English, Vick.
No. 730256
File: 1573912160228.png (1.3 MB, 828x1792, 9716A99C-3954-43E5-A46D-E9CB77…)

“Dudes online send me this.”
Weird dudes online send all girls this. You’re not special.
No. 730275
File: 1573918785150.jpg (56.1 KB, 1280x494, IMG_20191116_083945_563.jpg)

No. 730277
File: 1573918992752.jpg (98.7 KB, 822x1279, IMG_20191116_083951_066.jpg)

Guys, Vic's old sword was a special forces issued sword, because she's so fast with regular swords
No. 730287
>>730277>>730283Not only does it not exist but the military that does have swords are purely ornamental. Part of a uniform and strictly for drill.
Also why would a sword be worn because of swinging and stopping too ‘fast’? Unless you’re hitting something making you stop. How dumb can she be?
No. 730289
Even the neckbeards that slice things up with their katanas in their backyard have more right to a retarded brag like this. They cut things in half like jugs of milk ect. Anytime this bitch is shown with her
sword skillz she's just flailing it around. Even if you were as magically fast as a helicopter, air isn't going to make your sword wear down.
What a goddamn spastic.
No. 730293
>>730283I think Vic is just getting more unhinged as she ages. She’s basically alienated everyone that would keep her grounded, and anyone new she allows into her life has to play the role of “yes man” or they are history. She’s spiraling further and further into a fantasy world where she’s the ultimate Final Fantasy beauteous warrior babe who is equal parts kind, brilliant, rich, accomplished in all things, forgiving, loving, omnipotent and generally unbothered by the chattering of us peons at her feet. A world where she is madly desired by all men and most women, or envied and thus despised by the remainder of women because we cannot achieve the perfection that is Saint Vicky Shingles.
(Please forgive me for omitting any virtues of Saint Vicky, I am but a jealous peon after all.)
No. 730294
>>730283Not to mention there's no thing as double tang.
There's full tang and partial tang.
You can get double edged swords, where the edge of the blade is edged on both sides, but the 'tang' is the part that is inside the handle. You can get full tang meaning the metal goes through to the end of the sword, or partial where it stops halfway.
I've googled and can't find this double tang shit anywhere.
Of course if Vick was questioned about it, she'd say she's the only one in the world that owns one.
No. 730299
File: 1573925183456.jpeg (68.26 KB, 828x406, 3FD3C56C-F4EC-4623-AA3C-AC8421…)

These two morons were made for each other
No. 730300
>>730297Lol the part inside the sword handle is
super sharp.
That's a pretty silly sword design. To have the part that doesn't even touch people nor is it visible suppper sharp.
She's an absolute fuckwit. Genuinely wondering why the neckbeards going on about swords didn't try and correct her or call her out because that's a really really stupid lie that is easily googleable to anyone who doesn't even know about swords, let alone someone who's into them.
No. 730327
File: 1573935277146.jpg (86.51 KB, 926x1280, IMG_20191116_131355_151.jpg)

Well I know I'm exited for the king of katana photoshoot
No. 730333
File: 1573935819491.jpg (85.9 KB, 1280x1149, IMG_20191116_132006_784.jpg)

What style of sword wielding does Vic do? Her own original style, plus traditional samurai strikes. I can't stop laughing
No. 730337
File: 1573936562005.jpg (47.5 KB, 1280x635, IMG_20191116_133354_470.jpg)

>>730294You are wrong, anon!
No. 730341
File: 1573936949213.jpg (297.05 KB, 1059x1664, Screenshot_20191116_154215.jpg)

Obvious Photoshop aside, are the words on Vicky's arm new? Anyone know what it says?
No. 730348
File: 1573937567528.jpg (502.68 KB, 1048x1775, Screenshot_20191116_155211.jpg)

How did this get missed??? This is very clearly vic in HER OWN COAT pretending to be a child. That right hand is her fingers, and conveniently her tattooed hand is cropped out of the frame. Kek.
No. 730549
File: 1574051194853.jpg (149.05 KB, 845x1279, IMG_20191117_212504_559.jpg)

Victoria is drunk posting on Facebook again
No. 730574
File: 1574054943184.jpeg (283.65 KB, 1242x976, 9AB56198-6499-4182-875D-682DBD…)

>>730549That’s crazy because my friend, and also myself OF COURSE BECAUSE IM SO DETAIL ORIENTED, noticed that when I wave to people, it means I’m saying “hello”.
No. 730621
>>730337I know you are joking, but double tang is definitely not a thing.
I think those neckbeards are asking her for photos and the one that said 'Omfg double tang!' is either taking the piss out of her or they think the dumb bitch means double edged, or they are just as much as a liar wannabe as Vick.
If a sword was double tang, it would need two handles. What she's saying makes no sense.
No. 730623
>>730348I really don't think this is her. You can't see the edge of her hideous neck tattoo.
If it is, that is pathetic.
If it isn't, I feel sorry for the child who had to wear that ham b.o smelling jacket for the photo.
No. 730633
File: 1574076361977.jpg (155.78 KB, 1074x1280, IMG_20191118_042440_174.jpg)

Vic woke up and made an edit to this status lmao
No. 730638
File: 1574078288683.jpg (75.07 KB, 1280x903, IMG_20191118_045550_850.jpg)

Many men have tried to marry Victoria
No. 730950
File: 1574177979235.jpeg (137.58 KB, 828x1248, 739B99C6-3268-4C87-86ED-332608…)

For some reason Vicky started posting conversations on one of her photos on Facebook with a guy to show how “desirable” she is and it’s just making her look more sad. And sort of like she’s flirting back with the guy of anything.
No. 730964
>>730950anyone else think "no. oranges" is really funny? lol ah the sexiest fruit
>>730951when she talks about being asked out hundreds of times per month these are the guys she's talking about
No. 730972
File: 1574182340860.jpeg (116.39 KB, 828x773, 53F7782C-6101-48CF-9AD6-31BAEA…)

>>730964These are the guys she’s bragging about.
But you know…, rockstars and billionaires have asked icky to marry them
No. 731027
File: 1574193218657.jpeg (215.15 KB, 828x1341, D8F5F222-7D30-400E-88A9-EA234F…)

The guy that wanted to give Vicky a job at the observatory. Definitely wanted to sleep with Victoria, not give her an actual job.
No. 731036
>>731027i wanna make a book out of her comments n shit
and uh that guys wearing a fedora right
>>730972he's edited his face so much wtf
No. 731075
>>731027I like how she made sure to let everyone know he was joking.
And he made sure to let everyone know she’s an idiot in a nice way.
No. 731117
File: 1574206729915.png (1.14 MB, 1280x2540, ICE_QUEEN.png)

>>730950Bless you anon, I found it. That guy is a disgusting asshole. In the comments section of the same pic he tried to "call out" Vic for leading him on but he ends up just revealing himself to be a misogynist piece of shit.
ANYWAY the best part was Vic's final reply to him, where she says she's a sword master and not like other girls.
No. 731123
File: 1574208547748.jpeg (33.41 KB, 800x522, D37F4062-49A7-456A-A9A0-0BB196…)

>>731117I am an intelligent sword master and AMAZING ARTIST. I AM NOT LYKE OTHUR GORLS!!!11!!!!1
No. 731186
File: 1574219582781.jpeg (341.96 KB, 828x1412, D0B1D97D-E274-4501-B6D5-BADD8B…)

From the “elite online mag” she was bragging about.
Of course these people have never met her in real life as they state, but also that neck tattoo is atrocious.
This was in 2013… she hasn’t done much since.
No. 731207
>>731117>i talked to you when i was single dudeSo she's implying she's not single anymore.
If so, why is she posting old conversations? Does she have a reserve of thirsty guy posts when she wants to show how dE$iRaBlE she is?
No. 731236
>>731207In all fairness to Vic, this time the guy started it first.
Go here and scroll down and see his rant at her: posted the screenshots as a defense to what he was saying. Not that that's how I would've handled that or anything but I think this time it's different than when she usually posts private convos for no reason.
No. 731238
File: 1574232306874.jpg (87.21 KB, 784x1280, IMG_20191119_233713_259.jpg)

You guys! The people have spoken! Victoria is going to be a movie star!!!
No. 731242
File: 1574233835012.jpg (95.89 KB, 1280x1149, IMG_20191120_000123_822.jpg)

I'm loling. Vic posted this status
No. 731243
File: 1574233934378.jpg (90.27 KB, 1074x1280, IMG_20191120_000215_949.jpg)

And then she said that the reason for her typos was because, like her sword wielding, she goes so fast that reality can't pick up on how fast she really is.
I love her. Of course that is her reason for the constant status edits.
No. 731295
File: 1574258502316.jpeg (107.31 KB, 828x1297, 371081FF-5713-4612-B273-42585B…)

Imagine being so hard up for positive affirmation from people on the internet you repost shit like this.
No. 731315
>>731291Oh anon, she was offered the roll but politely turned it down. She’s too busy giving people subpar tattoos in her gross shack. Plus she wouldn’t want to take the spotlight from RR’s (then) budding career by being a bad-ass matrix kung fuu babe.
But Ronda Rousey is a total babe tho.
No. 731569
File: 1574301737718.jpeg (176.04 KB, 828x1120, 8F876C52-4010-4ECD-92EE-F9ED23…)

“Prioritize in peace” or you know calls people out for hours / years on end and posts the conversations everywhere then continues to bring it up to her neckbeards
No. 731572
File: 1574301786356.jpeg (90.91 KB, 828x1153, 032015E4-9A06-4115-8641-E2C37B…)

Vicky. The self proclaimed female John wick.
No. 731629
File: 1574303520908.jpg (55.75 KB, 1280x854, IMG_20191120_192943_566.jpg)

Rofl I love these
No. 732214
File: 1574442146262.jpg (137.01 KB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20191122_115843.jpg)

Does she mean an RN nurse? Cause guaranteed they don't want to work under you Vic.
No. 732237
>>732231 I can only imagine! Botox done wrong can really mess up your eye sag/lift! I'm genuinely terrified for these poor people.
She probably wants to learn how to do it so she can do it on herself, and she needs an actual nurse to order the Botox/HA.
No. 732459
File: 1574503430878.jpg (147.43 KB, 841x1279, IMG_20191123_030251_585.jpg)

No. 732467
File: 1574506032826.jpg (108.32 KB, 1280x1154, IMG_20191123_034509_048.jpg)

>>732465Here's the status that reply is from. "Most girls already have butt and boob augmentation to get my figure." Lol she certainly loves herself.
No. 732478
File: 1574510927072.jpg (141.52 KB, 848x1280, IMG_20191123_050542_088.jpg)

>>732475Yeah the commenters were also confused. She started replying to this status with pics of fit women posing vs slouching in order to illustrate her point. No. 732502
File: 1574519136116.jpeg (118.33 KB, 828x684, DFD3B91E-DCF0-46CE-B761-982188…)

The tinier you are the more “durastic” the bloat.
This girl. Maybe she’s bloated because she’s staying up until 2am to write this ridiculous drunk statuses every night.
No. 732505
File: 1574520104958.png (2.1 MB, 828x1792, 4E32CF15-6242-4C24-B3C3-CCDA47…)

I love how she reposts shit like this and expects people to believe she’s not a complete nut bar. “My ass is fat as fuck” even if it was, why does this matter?
And “Half the people that put people down for their body’s look like shrek” she literally just put people down the same way she critiquing people not to? Does she not realize how hypocritical she sounds?
This is the same girl that makes comments about other females having “crypt keeper faces” publicly and how girls shouldn’t work out too much. But go off girl.
No. 732506
File: 1574520239396.jpeg (156.99 KB, 828x1156, 0B75F090-7D56-456D-8EB7-F1828A…)

There’s no way she’s posting a before and after, because there is no after.
No. 732511
File: 1574521606739.jpeg (157 KB, 828x747, BCE3952B-B0DD-4A98-AD26-E86222…)

I’m surprised she ever posted this. This is officially the worst photo… of anyone. The photoshop. She made herself look 62
No. 732516
File: 1574523844570.jpeg (443.01 KB, 750x897, 7485B2D5-44E8-4F1A-983F-4432A0…)

Her chin shoops are on mooriahs level.
>people think I’m 20
No. 732521
>>732467Full grown adults that spell “life” with a “Y”
She’s honestly the worst.
No. 732625
>>732478Next OP picture needs to be this paragraph next to a recent candid.
This bitch is fucking deeeeeelusional and I’m so here for it.
No. 732626
File: 1574546868156.jpeg (173.09 KB, 828x1398, D55DCD8A-8707-4B39-95B2-59528A…)

When you’re so drunk, bored and lonely you comment on your own posts hours later.
She’s super busy though guys
No. 732642
File: 1574549756596.jpg (115.3 KB, 1079x1280, IMG_20191123_155426_459.jpg)

Lmao she just keeps going. I should combine this comment thread into one image like I normally do.
No. 732651
File: 1574550108837.png (1.9 MB, 1280x3799, training.png)

For easier reading
No. 732670
>>732651“BMI (body mass index), which is based on the height and weight of a person, is an inaccurate measure of body fat content and does not take into account muscle mass, bone density, overall body composition, and racial and sex differences, say researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.”
Cause we all know you read this Vick.
No. 732697
>>732670She uses BMI because I fully believe she might actually have it perfect. Look at her, she’s short and has absolutely no muscle. Her only weight is some bone and tons of fat, so she can be on the high end of the normal.
If she tried the actual scientifically-approved measure of obesity (Waist To Hip ratio) she’d learn that she’s overweight. Her body is a barrel, she has no waist.
No. 732729
>>732217or ~free ink~ b/c she can't afford to pay anyone. i think she was having her 'apprentice' do things outside the realm of tattooing for that reason.
>>732264either he wised up or she wasn't going to pay him and that's probably why she wanted an apprentice in the first place.
No. 732798
File: 1574562854501.jpeg (351.34 KB, 750x716, 31F69724-48D8-4B68-B41B-E835C5…)

Elon saw this status and offered her a job
No. 732802
File: 1574563370886.jpeg (47.99 KB, 828x339, 254582F2-3759-450C-B30F-62DBE3…)

I couldn’t even imagine being this simple minded. Tell us again how busy you are, Vick. All those 4 am brainstorms about new business ventures aren’t really paying off, huh?
No. 732840
>>732825She’s like “no thank you” like not having abs is her choice lmao. To have abs showing you have to have a very lean body and it requires a very strict diet and workout plan.
She’d never have abs even if she wanted to.
No. 732864
File: 1574573982139.jpg (256.58 KB, 1080x1668, Screenshot_20191124_003841.jpg)

Is it even possible for her to not talk about herself????????
No. 732880
>>732864I’m curious what made Vicky such a hardened narc? I mean, there’s a handful of them on lolcow, but I feel like vic is the queen of the narcs.
You guys, she’s claiming she has a figure women can only achieve with surgery. Like, how fucking psychotic is she? Is this really all because she was kinda sorta “famous” on MySpace for a short minute?
I know this will bring out all the armchair psychs but seriously I’m just like blown away by how delusional she is about herself.
No. 732953
>>732651>Because let's face it, most girls already have butt and boob augmentation to get my figureWhat a delusional loser.
There is like a million natural bodied women out there who look a billion times better than this aged, bleached chubster. What happened to 'fixing other girl's crowns' and 'not putting their girls down'?
She's such a pick me skank.
No. 732954
>>732651This is the same bitch that Photoshops the slight shadow of abs onto her torso in pictures and boasts she can do like a million sit ups.
Why Photoshop on abs but then whinge that she doesn't want them?
There's literally nothing wrong with muscular women. She obsessed with being
one of the boys but acts like abs on women are too manly. Also her idea of dressing like a
tomboy is a full face of makeup and a bandanna with sunglasses. She makes no sense.
No. 733034
File: 1574615530073.jpeg (397.64 KB, 1242x2208, 3F58A607-AA87-49B4-8580-853603…)

Jealous anons. You need plastic surgery to get a body like this
No. 733071
File: 1574618727429.jpeg (172.42 KB, 828x886, 4545C870-9248-4770-9417-84B3DA…)

The slogan for every couple living in a trailer park.
I love that this is her scientific research, google.
And even if this is true, I don’t think they meaning getting back out in Guelph playing pool every night
No. 733137
>>733105>>733117Yeah there's nothing really wrong with her actual face, she looks normal, her face is not deformed or anything. But she needs better hygiene. And she needs to understand it's ok to look what she looks like, claiming she is something otherwordly is so unnecessary and only makes her look uglier, because we start to focus how much she actually does not look like that. Her hiding behind that hand, filters, photoshop, stiff poses, fake accent and fake claims only highlights her weak spots.
Same with her body. It's ok to not look like a goddess.
And it's ok to not be a genius, or a warrior, or best at everything or a $3000/h model. Or british.
But she is deathly afraid of being average, or that some other girl is above her in any way. She needs to be special.
I mean, she truly is special, but not in the way she thinks. Or claims. I'm not sure how much she believes her own shit.
No. 733141
File: 1574633130977.png (633.44 KB, 1849x2048, Screenshot_20191124-165802.png)

Nobody ever said this. lol. Also, it's 2019 and tattoos, hair and "alternative" styles are now the mainstream. I think her self aggrandizing fantasy is still stuck in the MySpace era. Not sure why anyone thought she'd age gracefully. She's a train wreck and too delusional to notice. The sad part is that if she let go of it she's not too old to start over and make a happier, more authentic life
No. 733181
>>733141Not sure how common piercings and wild colored hair is in Guelph, but having piercings and fun colored hair hardly makes you stand out anymore. At least where I live. That’s like thinking having a tattoo makes you a rebel. There’s fucking 80 year old cat ladies that visit the grocery store by my house that have purple hair.
You’re not unique, Vic. At all. Just accept you’re an average looking girl, with an average body and an average IQ. It’s ok. You’ll likely feel so much better. Reading your narc paragraphs are exhausting. I can’t imagine how exhausting it is to live your life hiding from who you really are.
No. 733313
File: 1574648953360.jpeg (149.67 KB, 824x1360, 0D2E199E-B65B-4C19-BE87-5834BF…)

Whys everyone in Guelph have a 2001 cell phone?
That line work though….
No. 733597
File: 1574697935622.jpg (148.91 KB, 924x1280, IMG_20191125_090338_261.jpg)

We need a new thread. This one is going to expire soon.
I think the reason for this edit was because this isn't her work Facebook? I could be wrong but her other FB is the one you can book appointments with. Lol
No. 733624
>>733616And she wants neckbeards to pay for tattoos so she will keep them on her Facebook.
I highly doubt she’s “maxed out”
Her Facebook is completely viewable by everyone hit her friends list
No. 733657
File: 1574710177984.jpeg (134.99 KB, 828x1126, 5BB83F19-5AF9-4100-A6D7-945882…)

First of all, she always says when I’m tattooing it’s not a fashion show yet she’s been posting a lot of these crappy videos of her all done up lately. Or her in bed. Doesn’t seem like she’s very busy at the shop at all.
She hasn’t posted from the shop or any art work in a bit.
(Booked solid for a year)
Also, shes been vague posting about being moody / depressed and how men should treat women. Assuming she either fell in love with her apprentice and he left her and the shop or another child she was dating left her. (But no man has ever left her)
No. 733671
File: 1574712050327.jpeg (138.2 KB, 828x1198, D1386E66-DC07-4A13-A77E-9E738E…)

>>733657Ross is savage. Lol
No. 733681
>>733679That’s something a 17 year old girl would put as her photo caption after he had broken up with her.
She’s 33
No. 733738
File: 1574731075504.jpeg (177.81 KB, 826x1120, C539BBD9-BF17-49C3-B78C-386155…)

These photos were uploaded on the same day. I don’t know if this has been posted before, but how is she trying to get people to believe she doesn’t photoshop when she uploads crap like this? Doesn’t even look like the same person and the hog body. For her to say “all women get plastic surgery to have my body type” is insulting
No. 733860
File: 1574743864176.jpg (133.73 KB, 898x1280, IMG_20191125_214944_576.jpg)

I wonder if Vic makes these herself
No. 733998
File: 1574775247216.png (2.98 MB, 1242x2208, F79781D3-7F8E-43BD-97DF-EC8FFA…)

I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be for her to meticulously edit her crappy photos to please a handful of neckbeards.
No. 734000
File: 1574775361110.jpeg (274.75 KB, 812x822, 41A2F24B-7973-4711-989B-748012…)

First of all, it’s November and she’s in Canada. We had snow and it’s pretty muddy / crappy out.
I don’t know who’s she’s trying to fool that’s she’s outside in summer wear and it’s looking like that.
I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something REALLY off about her face here… she looks like a legit clown.
No. 734007
File: 1574776984707.jpeg (471.43 KB, 750x1193, 47B7CF33-5B10-4ACE-91C8-B3F704…)

>>734000Lmfao wow she’s so sloppy. Someone start up a new thread!
No. 734082
>>734000The lighting in this photo seems off. Maybe she used a flash while outside? But I feel like she photoshopped herself onto the background. The lighting on her doesn’t seem to really flow with the natural outdoor lighting.
Those poor shorts too. I laugh that she’s trying to pass off having a large butt, when we all saw how absolutely flat she really is just recently at that Thai food concert.
No. 734087
>>733071correlation != causation.
likely, the correlation "happier couples" and "couples consuming alcohol together" comes more from "couples who drink together are more likely to have an active social life, leaving the house together and socialising than couples who don't"
No. 734088
File: 1574792285089.jpeg (275.18 KB, 693x544, CF769A6D-D52A-496E-B8F1-C74FB4…)

Another grainy video where her body changes shapes if you watch it in slow mo. Pointless upside down crown to hide the rest of her. Back arched to high heavens while sucking in with all her might. Torso and ass change shape. Here she’s knocking on her ribs saying her abs make this sound now. First of all that’s not where abs are Vicky and didn’t she find those grosssssss??? But judging by her shitty tattoos and horrible shoops it’s a known fact she knows jack shit about human anatomy.
No. 734109
>>734088The pic on the right is hotter imo. She’s be physically pretty if she accepted her true form, cut all her hair off & let it grow natural and healthy, and ditch the embarrassing 80s/scene hybrid makeup.
As far as being beautiful on the inside, she’s probably screwed. She’s a grown woman who uses to internet to pretend to be something she’s not. She’s a compulsive liar, narcissist, manipulator, and bully.
I’m low key rooting for her to let go of wanting to forever be an 18 year old scene kid and to blossom into a confident adult. I really think 80% of why she is what is is has everything to do with a crazy level of low self esteem.
No. 734723
We need a new thread and we really need to use this formatting for past Vicky threads:
>>>/snow/218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833>>592255>>647324>>681790>>706367That includes this current thread.
No. 735101
File: 1574906295867.jpg (241.12 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20191127_205127.jpg)

Got a screenshot just a bit too late unfortunately but there was another thread of comments from some guy offering a kind and polite suggestion for Icky to look up some fitness account on IG if she wants to learn more about training abs. To which she responded "I don't need advice from anyone, my body is perfect as is and I already know exactly what to do with my own body to make it this way." with a bunch of other similar bullshit. Imagine living your life at age 32 telling everyone around you that you are a perfect, flawless babe with an IQ of 140 that is so desirable, no one who meets you can resist. How sad and exhausting.
No. 735371
File: 1574970946369.jpeg (51.93 KB, 350x456, 83C1A53B-B672-4933-B8F8-0B0E8F…)

Missing so much Vicky milk. Anyone have a new thread.
Favourite video still from icky.
No. 735413
File: 1574982444223.png (424.77 KB, 496x692, 1518260942230.png)

>>735371Me too! I hope there's a new thread soon. I have some recent Vic stuff.
Here's a classic Vic moment, for now!
No. 735438
File: 1574985936485.jpeg (268.02 KB, 750x551, 3310E1F3-2D3C-4E3B-9216-37A7E8…)

I will share my classic Vic moment as well while waiting for the new thread. This is from the first thread where she sperged the fuck out.