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No. 728586
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>726472Website: (new), (old)
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecent:
>Claims she's lost 35lbs, even posting pictures sucking in hard - only to probably gain it all back by pigging out in Japan>Goes to Canada and lies about a gunman encounter at the street market>Claims to have gone to a Michelin okonomiyaki restaurant but couldn't bare the smell so she left>Went to a Oiran shop but couldn't fit anything there, ends up being really half-assed>Finally shoot stuff in Japan after 2 trips without doing anything>btsmomokun account is currently down>Back to the US rn No. 728608
File: 1573537241002.jpeg (177.76 KB, 1242x974, 8EBB0D48-086A-41B4-872A-A121D4…)

Since there’s a few caps I caught while the thread was absent, I’ll sage after this post. She plans on ban evading by creating a new Twitter account soon. That is if she follows through with it, she’s talked about this in the past.
No. 728609
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She’s baiting hardcore. Guess she’s gotta treat herself to more “self care” vacations and useless shit this holiday season.
No. 728610
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No. 728619
>>728610"Japanese condoms"
As if there was any difference aside from weebness
No. 728623
>>728609Will her cucks remember when she ripped them off last time with this very scheme?
Hahaha of COURSE they won't, they just see her oinking about nudes and will come to her with cash and micropeens in hand.
No. 728706
File: 1573579612335.gif (17.65 MB, 350x620, 20191111_002832.gif)

In her onsen photoshoot which was made 22 hours before this story was posted she had her hair wrapped in a towel. Her hair is either that damaged that it looks like that after 22 hours, or she just wrapped dried hair in the towel. I can only imagine what could've fallen out of that rat nest in the spring water.
No. 728722
>>728706You know when sheep's wool starts to get matted and gross from being dirty?
That's what her hair is. I can't imagine going out with that and being fine. It must hurt too? When I had long hair and it got super dirty, spots would get sore like when you wear a ponytail for too long
No. 728768
>>728609Gotta replenish the bank account after paying her slaves to lick her flat ass for so long.
>>728723>>728623Those cucks are still waiting for the nipple sets that she promised the last time she did this scam.
No. 728780
>>728769sage for estimated costs BS
Japan Trip
-Tickets per person is around 800-1000
-A hotel is wha, 150 a night. She was there for a week so that's another 1k
-Oiran photoshoot was around 200-230
-onsen one night is around 150 per person
- food for just herself around 50 (because it's Moo) 350 for a week
-rail pass for one week for one person 269
So this isn't even everything, not including the other photo studio she rented time for, paying for other people, the sex toys and stupid gifts she bought for them. Imma just throw in another 500 for that.
so around 3.5k on just herself. If she paid for her friends, multiply the amount. If I'm missing an expense just add that to the total.
Add her trip to Canada last month too. It's very easy to see where the money is going. Instead of buying cosplays she's basically going on vacations on her cucks dime.
No. 728783
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No. 728784
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No. 728785
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No. 728798
>”lamented”Does she mean “laminated”? Because this is the second/third time she’s misspelled it in posts. Maybe she really does “lament” making these photobooks lol. Is it really that hard to have one of her asslickers proofread her text before she hits post?
>>728779Honestly, that’s that what I thought too. She’s pulled this shit before and when people confront her on it, she blames them for somehow misconstruing her words.
No. 728802
>>728783The photobook is one of my favorite reoccurring scams of hers. Oh she's totes a famous model, she's making a photobook!!!
What itineration of that thing is she on now, the 8th? Bitch and her lackies can't even shit out a calendar.
No. 728804
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lord have mercy on her waxer
No. 728810
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>>728804this is a fairly normalish thing to do I guess if you’re in this line of work buuut she is all in the comments being super bothered by people calling it “gross”
No. 728814
>>728810Any chance she can bring up her heritage. Jesus Moo, give it a rest.
>>728804She’s more transparent about her occasional ass bleaching than she is with her Patreon… Priorities.
No. 728815
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>>728811if she’s right she’s right, wrong she’s wrong, it’s more so how condescending she’s being and responding to a lot of comments. Probably just trying to yank that engagement up
No. 728831
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>>728815last one unless something juicy pops up but she can’t even keep how long she’s been bleaching straight
No. 728846
>>728804>vaginal bleachingJesus this is along the same nonsense as vaginal steaming
Just wash your crotch Moo and lose weight. Darker women have the build up issue but Moo is white passing so I highly doubt she has any natural build up that isn't from her own bad hygiene
No. 728944
>>728706Are we not going to talk about how she moves and emotes like a literal sped here? Why does she think acting like she has the downs is cute or funny?
>>728780She's been there way longer than a week, anon. She came before Halloween. That's TWO weeks. So double the room and rail money, and triple the food budget.
>>728810>>728906>Makes TMI post about her nasty butthole and gash>Chimps out when people call her grossHas she never interacted with human beings before…?
I mean geez I get that she wants to increase engagement but this is just humiliating. It's like she was born without the parts of your brain that makes you feel shame.
No. 728952
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>>728810Or it's just Acanthosis nigricans it usually develops with obesity
No. 729047
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>>729046Asshole bleaching yeah, but getting your vag bleached? There’s a huge stigma against vaginas that have big lips or are dark etc. Mariah is advocating bleaching to get a pinker pussy. Whether or not we agree it’s morally wrong or not, it is heavily criticized in social circles and in social advocacy groups today. (Vag bleaching, not asshole)
Unrelated but Mariah using that anti-bullying sticker in her posts is a choice
No. 729050
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e v e r y time. EVERYTIME.
No. 729096
>>728619>>728630can confirm, they are smaller. like surprisingly so.
specifically the rilakkuma ones wouldn't fit lmao
No. 729100
>>729043Bleaching your ass so it looks cleaner is not the same as bleaching the rest of your skin so you can look like a white person.
You're being retarded.
>>729046>need your asshole bleached>standard cosmetic procedure that woman usually doScrot virgin detected?
No. 729120
>>729050Omg this is also always funny. Not that we didn’t know this was gonna happen. It’s almost like she never learned the first three times /sarcasm.
Yea her and the paypigs that believe she’s gonna show full nudes for once deserve each other.
No. 729138
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>>729050sage obviously for non contribute but this is the figure she bought. Far as I can tell it's around 90$. Likely she bought at an tourist rate though, she never seems to leave the touristy areas
No. 729187
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No. 729250
>>729187All i read is
>bleh bleh, i crave male attention and money to feel good about myselfAlso, she's talking about how her body isn't the 'norm' but she ate herself into that body. Nothing is stopping her from having a home gym and fitness life style.
No. 729282
>>729239Wow it looks…bad. But Mariah doesn't buy good figures, just ones of her "totes anime twin"
Then breaks them
No. 729365
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absolutely broke this on purpose. It's just like the butthole thing– she's trying to piss people off/gross people out to increase engagement.
This doesn't look like it was damaged in her luggage. This looks like she snapped the head and hands off with her meaty fists. Look how symmetrical the damage is, and peep how the loose necklace is still on the figure's neck. Also, why the fuck would her whole head be broken off, but not the fragile little pieces of hair on it? Moo clearly broke it intentionally right before taking the picture.
No. 729392
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I thought she just had the time of her life fucking around on her cuck fan’s dime in Japan for two weeks. What could she possibly feel “down” about?
No. 729402
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>>729392Most likely it's her ex " soul mate" hanging out with her ex boyfriend, the last serious one, extensively to the point that one could tin foil that Collette is getting back at Mariah by fucking her ex.
No. 729429
>>728804The only reason Moo posted this is cause she gets a free anal bleaching cause she promoted their store.
If you noticed on the spoiledlaser insta their tagged posts are a bunch of influencers who've actually made an effort to promote the store and are receiving the stores items/services.
No. 729559
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This bitch is boring now. She looks drunk or high.
No. 729611
>>729559The amount of warping in the background isn't even worth circling because it's so blatantly obvious.
Also great sexy pose.
No. 729646
File: 1573762140493.jpg (1.64 MB, 2250x2250, pt2019_11_14_15_09_18.jpg)

I tried to unshoop it
No. 729650
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This is the nude shit she was talking about?
No. 729693
>>729559that's nice she's working with girlonthemoonpro again.
Her face looks super depressing. maybe it's the low effort and zero make up
No. 729698
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No. 729720
>>729698I know this hentai. It’s basically a slave/rape fantasy where female students are turned into sex slaves if they drop below a certain GPA if my memory serves me right.
The fucks with moo and rape? If it was just a dark fantasy I’d excuse it, we all have weird kinks. BUT given Mariah’s historyyyyyyyyyyy….. big yikes.
No. 729734
>>729724That’s pretty fucked up in that narrative. Like … she wabta guys to think she’s just a gross nasty slut but then plays coy about going nude and then plays the asexual card. Her outter self she projects is all over the place. Even if she’s trying to play a “persona” at least keep it straight.
Are you a sex starved slut?
Are you a shy wannabe slut?
Are you asexual but opened to being Sexual. Or are you just a batshit nympho?
No. 729772
>>729733They're so gross. The art style of the hentai she's talking about is gross and lumpy. How does she always end up finding the ugliest shit?
>>729724Oh god. It makes me wonder how fast off the slippery slope she's going to go when/if she decides to say fuck it and go full nude / full porn instead of 'lewds'. You're already catering to a market into some pretty extreme shit. Maybe I'm just on edge after seeing Luna go straight off the cliff into degeneracy but damn.
No. 729778
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Sure Moo.
Jfc she has the silhouette of Danny DeVito’s Penguin.
No. 729798
>>729587I know she's only 24 but she should seriously consider getting a mammogram if she's this discolored. Although if both breasts are purple all over like this it might also be indicative of poor circulation or an allergic reaction. Not unlikely considering how crappy this brand is and how Moo never wears the right sizes.
I have no idea how people can find this hot and not be distracted by the terrible discoloration. I'm a lesbian, but her photos repulse me because of how painful her tits look. She should at least Photoshop them the right color if she's not going to do anything about the problem IRL.
No. 729866
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>>729848It‘s funny how it only does that to that specific part of her breasts though, don’t you think?
Here‘s what’s more likely: She legitimately doesn’t know or won’t admit to her actual clothing size and/or A&E don’t have this suit any larger than L/XL, so it doesn’t fit. The top hem is tighter than the rest so it stays up. But since it’s too small for Moo in the first place, the seam is so tight, it actually cuts off circulation in her tits.
And she does this all the time. That’s probably why she has this weird dent on the side where her back boobs join her actual boobs.
No. 729867
>>729866sorry for samefagging, can’t delete and re-write the post
Just look at the color of her breasts vs the color of her stomach in between them and tell me they aren’t discolored/way darker than they naturally should be.
No. 730006
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>>729912Breast reduction incisions aren't in that area.
Her weird dents are where her bra band digs into her sides. It's plausible that her fat/skin shaped itself around the too-tight band as she gained weight, permanently shaping it that way. It's like how sometimes obese people will have a really wide, flat ass, because they sit all the time so their fat spreads outward while being kept flat on the bottom. It's like a bonsai tree of human flesh.
No. 730088
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No. 730164
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No. 730185
>>730164My goodness, did some of the pay pigs remember her broken promises last time she begged for 2,000 cucks?
>>730104Because it is totemo Japaneezu, mate! Her going out of her way to tag Tenga tells me she's trying to fish for a sponsorship/validation.
No. 730237
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No. 730243
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No. 730249
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Ebegging for patrons so she can scam again is really sad
No. 730280
>>730243The discoloration on her legs… bitch is gonna end up amputating a limb by accident one of these days
The wig also looks fried already - she's got thousands of cuckbucks coming in each month yet she always gets the most bargain bin $5 on Wish tier wigs and costumes. Sad.
No. 730314
>>730311Yeah I was thinking this was another unshopped image but I think it’s real?
Maybe she accidentally released an unedited picture again lol. Wouldn’t be a first.
No. 730383
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>>730311she thinks she's a thicc anime waifu and the fat bulging out is cute
No. 730411
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while we were out we missed a doozy of a caption on this one
No. 730509
File: 1574043385646.png (844.51 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-11-16-22-23-30…)

While site was down:
>cosplayed Rangiku and wore forest-kun underneath
>ebegged for more patrons, said she is in ".63%" Onlyfans top creator bracket
>weebking is back in her house? Don't know why
>says she's going to make more merchandise, clothing included, meet and greets, etc.
>working really hard my dudes
No. 730519
>>730511Ya good luck with that boothing Moo. Cons don't want to give space to known creeps who can't keep their hands to themselves since it looks like they're endorsing them.
But maybe the shady cons will let her share a table with Vic
No. 730526
>>730511So to start off with she's done all of these before
>Meet & GreetsShe tried this in the 'height' of her career and the only people who showed up were neckbeards and even then it was barely anyone who showed up. She would announce the meet and greet and then during/when it would happen she would go radio silent with no pictures.
>BoothingDone at the one South American con (I cant remember which country) where her booth was consistently empty while everyone else had lines and crowds around their booth as well as the other con where literally all she had was the oppai charms and nothing else with only a few charms sitting on the table.
>Travelling oops sorry TravelingShe's been ton how many trips this year? I'm pretty sure she goes out of town at least once a month. Where else does she need to travel?
>Insane merchandiseLike the collab with Pink City that was cancelled or the reiq stickers that he doesnt have anywhere on his social media anymore and if you look at his sticker display after that con he no longer sells those stickers at all anymore or the oppai mousepads you promised months and months ago or the calendar or the millions of other things you've said you were going to do?
>ClothingOnce again the cancelled Pink City collab or the failed collab brand with Vamplette or the flopped collab you did when you were totally 'lewd over nude'
>Much MoreYou're really good at saying you're going to make things and then little to nothing comes from it. I would be willing to say that less than 30% of the things momo has said she'll do she's ever actually done or is only done after getting a load of flack for it or when someone brings up here that she didnt actually do it (i.e. half of her cosplays)
No. 730540
>>730511Ain't this the same thing she said last year and all this year? Sometimes it feels like we missing on so many things, but then I remember she keeps promising stuff and nothing really ends up a reality.
Here's to another milky year with moo!
No. 730808
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Already coming back? Damn, what a waste of $$.
No. 730810
>>730808Can you imagine her neckbeards realising they're just funding her weeb obsession and her journey to get Japanese dick.
Seeing her nipples once a year on pateron is not worth it
No. 730843
>>730810Sadly most of her paypigs are under the impression that they can force her into proper porn if they continue to fund her lazy, degenerate lifestyle.
Remember how they banded together and then cheered last time Moo dangled the 2k for nudes carrot over their snouts? 'We did it, boys!' the neckbeards did sing, only to get baited with shitty nipple pasties, as they deserved for supporting a cretin like Moo.
The saddest part though is that they're mostly right, they're the only ones who fund her or give a shit about her anymore.
No. 730909
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>>730808YIKES that Kiara looks tragic. Pic related is the character she's trying to be. How did she interpret a necklace to be whatever weird halo of Worbla she made? What's with the habit looking like a towel?
No. 730935
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This place doesn't do well for me, for some reason every brown girl who does face in pic related passes for moo in my head.(nobody cares)
No. 731000
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No. 731002
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>>731000The middle two are just her holding guzma but lord this isn’t even cute messy morning hair this is straight dirty
No. 731021
>>731002this straight up looks like depression hair
Greasy, not brushed. She must be at a low point? Who knows. But even in Japan it looked like this
No. 731025
>>731021lazy != depression
She already admitted not giving a fuck about her general hygiene, so it’s not too far off to assume she‘s has a ‘combing my hair kinda hurts - ehh, good enough if I get it done once a month’-attitude.
It also looks like her extension are slowly falling out. So maybe she’s scared that the more she washes it the more they’ll fall out (which makes sense) and straight up refuses to wash it until her hair slaves can fix them. Wouldn’t be surprised.
No. 731040
>>731002Her hair is literally two different colors. Brass and silver. Silver being the extensions probably?
Her looking like shit is part of her gimmick. Look like the girl you can possibly get and within reach but can dress up and get sexy too (the lewd photoshoots). It’s working for her.
No. 731167
File: 1574217056117.png (3.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191119-212950.png)

Grandma fell and I think she's having a stroke! Call 911!
No. 731184
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No. 731218
>>731184The pasties, bellybutton and top part of the thong makes it look like a face. A better expression than the one that she's making.
>>731188Never because she's still in deep denial.
No. 731228
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I knew it was only a matter of time… I fully expect her to crack the whip on Cat for another low effort outfit she’ll end up bursting out of like she did with Wicke.
No. 731502
File: 1574300273141.png (2.23 MB, 1029x1800, DDEB5374-D4BD-4823-997C-B22F88…)

She is literally a fucking child. Where where were her friends when she was constantly stuffing her face in Japan? It seems once she’s back on US soil, she needs her slaves to prep her food and make sure she eats somewhat healthy and stick to an exercise regimen because she can’t function like an adult to save her life. But we still know she does fuck all at the gym besides taking selfies.
It’s going to be amusing to see her falter once the cuckbucks run dry. She wouldn’t be able to bribe anyone into being her full time caregivers.
No. 731944
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The e-begging continues.
No. 732066
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No. 732157
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Not even purakira can save her face now
No. 732206
File: 1574439511082.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.91 MB, 4000x6000, IMG_20191114_0934343014.jpg)

>>732180Sage for irrelevancy, but yeah, although that purikura pic still makes her eyes bigger, nose smaller and skin better, I think she would look decent if she was that weight.
Unpopular-ish opinion, but I always thought she was decent to cute in the first 8 threads or so, even if she was chubby. Pic related is her peak, with healthy hair and no jowls. Everything started going down during the first round of lipo/ColossalCon/Fit Tea Gate.
>>732066She does looks miles better. She doesn't seem to like it, though - I wonder if one of her babysitters/friends told her her hair was just to fucked and she finally stopped lying to herself and dyed it brown to take care of it.
No. 732302
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She's being real quiet about this and not pushing it too hard this time. Granted there's still 8 more days in November until she releases the sOOper NuDE sEtZ for December but I kind of hope she's finally burned enough neckbeards on Instagram that no one is actually going to fall for this shit anymore. She's gained fifteen Patrons in a day but last time she promised topless she got 300 in a matter of minutes.
No. 732314
File: 1574468252679.jpg (216.14 KB, 382x1032, 20191122_181641.jpg)

Not new, but I found something of hers and with that neck and the short wide body, I cant believe it's not shopped.
No. 732427
>>732407Sage your shit. She looks like she’s pushing fucking 40 without the abundance of filters and her tits look like pitiful sagging sandbags.
>>732302I don’t see her reaching 2k before December. If she doesn’t hit her goal by then, I’m going to assume she’ll try to shill something in time for Christmas so she can get her Japan trip money by New Years.
No. 732657
File: 1574550734378.jpg (592.75 KB, 1500x2250, pt2019_11_23_18_09_53.jpg)

No. 732672
File: 1574551936566.jpeg (51.23 KB, 640x960, 421404E7-64D0-42C6-9989-A741F0…)

I don’t think these were posted here yet but they were apparently from her FB. Those shoes are not doing her legs any favors. Looks like she got hooves.
No. 732675
File: 1574552015839.jpeg (55.53 KB, 640x960, BEBDA6D2-8C4E-4A82-A7FC-918919…)

The shoes don’t even fit Miso lol it’s like two sad children playing dress-up.
No. 732832
File: 1574568677818.png (3.4 MB, 1242x2208, 0317D38D-2D1F-480F-98B1-8EA03A…)

People can keep saying her natural hair color looks better but that doesn’t mean shit when it STILL looks like it’s falling apart.
No. 732850
>>732832It's going to be a long time before her hair looks lifelike after the torture she put it through.
lol that she fucked her hair so hard, it looks like one of Umbran's chunky claymation wigs.
No. 732860
>>732832She clearly fucking hates it. You can tell by this still and in the story itself is even more evident.
How long until she bleaches it again to dye it a ~speshul~ color?
No. 732947
>>732832I genuinely love how much she hates it.
On top of it, it looks like her hair finally gave in and she has way more breakage than she did like a month ago. If she keeps insisting on wearing shitty extensions and and take care of it, she‘ll end up having a mullet.
It‘s glorious.
No. 733058
File: 1574618295266.jpg (508 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-11-24-14-49-55…)

What is this weebness?
Also she looks dead inside.
I wonder what happened, she's usually super manic
No. 733103
File: 1574624388102.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1828, 96BC16CD-4A10-4C3D-928F-DD00DE…)

I should have put money on the fact I knew she was going to do this since the character was announced… I’m not looking forward to the trashy lewd or bikini sets she’ll eventually shit out.
No. 733167
>>733156We get little to no snow with the latest weather patterns. Not enough snow to justify moo destroying another loved character.
She'd have to go to no weeb lands of Japan, places she won't survive without knowing Japanese.
No. 733439
File: 1574660252882.png (4.8 MB, 1800x1410, F6DC38FA-FD57-4EE3-A36F-8196D5…)

She dropped 5 since I last checked so she’s out shilling these previews which look like they don’t show what the cucks want anyway. Unless she’s going full vag and nips, they aren’t budging this time I guess lol
But her fans are stupid and will probably cave by next month once she uploads some sob story about not reaching her goal.
No. 733683
>>732225 sage but I used to feel the same back in the Samus days but never understood the hype- my
abusive ex at the time was obsessed with her, I can't believe I used to think this bitch was sexy or hard to compare to.
No. 734138
File: 1574807647281.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, E3E9F3F7-2421-48E8-8AA4-915E1C…)

>>734101Here. She got a sponsorship with YumeTwins, a subscription box filled with kawaii shit that will just collect car hair on the floor and is exactly what her neck beards are interested in.
No. 734140
File: 1574808646868.png (3.3 MB, 1800x705, EC295978-5D0C-4BC0-95EF-CCCE04…)

She needs to just shave it all off. How can anyone (with loads of money mind you) take pride in showing off hair like this? I guess being a slob really paid off for her since her cuck fans have a fetish for that.
No. 734141
File: 1574808951801.png (1.12 MB, 1250x833, post_file (5).png)

No. 734156
File: 1574811676569.jpg (126.76 KB, 720x717, bruh-moment-1_o_7273966.jpg)

>>734141 she reminds me so much of this meme with her downs syndrome face.
Imagine paying people to be your friends and they still won't try and save you from embarrassment by telling you it looks dumb as fuck..
No. 734165
File: 1574812561651.png (2.92 MB, 828x1792, 086B5929-98D8-47F5-BB5B-6A9701…)

So many procedures and she isn’t even 25 yet… I feel bad for her.
No. 734203
>>734165She really,
really hates her body.
No. 734206
>>734203Yeah shes embarrassed as hell by it. Can't model with other girls without standing back or putting something of her body more into the foreground to give the illusion of being skinnier plus her insane editing.
>>734204There isn't. Not even Korea has tech for these. Its literal indentations in your skin. You can lessen the appearance by reducing the redness, but you can't fill in skin unless she's grafting stuff which would look awful.
No. 734215
>>734210It's called being a lazy fat slob. A doctor would have had her tested if it was that put of the ordinary.
You know she'd be all over that sort of thing if she could. Then it's not her fault. Nope. She's a lazy gluttonous dumb bitch.
No. 734278
>>734221>>734262Honestly cannot wait for hellweek so we can be rid of you idiots.
>>734165She should really just stop getting procedures done. All they do is give her an excuse to go all out with the food and laziness. If anything she ruins her body even worse after these procedures because she cant manage to keep up with aftercare at all and she just reverses whatever she had done within a month or two. If she had just stayed a fattie and maybe -actually- worked out instead her body and torso especially wouldn't look like the pillsbury dough boy got beat up in a back alley.
No. 734632
File: 1574833773911.png (840.36 KB, 720x994, Screenshot_2019-11-26-21-47-35…)

No. 734646
File: 1574834584042.png (153.59 KB, 268x231, neck.PNG)

>>734632Has she finally moved in yet?
>nice neckshoop Mariah No. 734920
>>734639I think it's part umbran gaining weight but I think it's more that moo shoopes her shoulders skinnier so she sacrificed her 'uwu friend' to look fatter to try and sell the shoop.
>>734672We havent seen any legit 'candids' of moo since Japan and I think that's on purpose. I think she's forbidding anyone from taking video there so she can pretend like she's suddenly lost 60~ lbs and totally looks like she used to.
I wouldnt be surprised if she's preparing to get a face lift and other facial surgery though because this is what she used to do when she was secretly getting lipo. She would suddenly never post full body pics and no one else was posting pictures of her during those times either
No. 734952
File: 1574891024493.jpeg (606.64 KB, 750x1087, 32C30A91-F6E9-47D2-86BC-BA71A5…)

daily reminder you don’t look like this momo
No. 734953
File: 1574891098918.jpeg (536.12 KB, 750x915, C273E8D4-B097-4243-A9E6-C6585A…)

>>734952cool mom sells sex toys
No. 734990
>>734953Holy shit what happened to her lips.
She‘s looking
really rough lately, even for her standards.
No. 734991
File: 1574895207312.png (439.38 KB, 580x700, Screenshot_147.png)

I hope your all ready for this wig nightmare
No. 735034
File: 1574899452020.jpg (22.52 KB, 350x491, sypha-belnades-128417.jpg)

>>734993The others make sense because they're easy to lewd up (sorry 2B), but Netflix Sypha? Her hair is really short (not to Moo's taste) and she's wearing a big cloak for most of the show. Maybe she found someone's boyfriend to dress up as Trevor for her.
No. 735305
File: 1574948619542.jpg (39.12 KB, 501x373, 421566_110052819134743_1827862…)

>>734953The mouth area looks terrible, reminds me of this meme
File: 1574978331601.jpg (877.58 KB, 1074x1675, Flyaways yikes.jpg)

Her hair is so broken off. And her face is looking like it's breaking out.
No. 735462
File: 1574989961433.jpg (Spoiler Image,968.27 KB, 2048x1366, MARV9504 Censored.jpg)

No. 735500
File: 1574993558001.jpeg (562.19 KB, 643x1073, 49F5D4ED-6D39-476A-88C1-33E6DE…)

>>735462Wow that belly hang her shadow seems to have.
No. 735554
File: 1574999587168.jpg (805.89 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191128-215219_Ins…)

That floor is disgusting. Even for her.
No. 735577
File: 1575004656363.jpg (70.26 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1575004290470.jpg)

Posted her Rangiku shoot on FB. Evey picture pretty much has this stupid expression.
No. 735689
File: 1575046168061.jpg (403.05 KB, 759x653, Reflection.JPG)

>>735462Super quick edit of the reflection to brighten it up and sharpen it… I can't believe how massive her arm is by comparison. And the edited-in thigh-gap. Whew.
No. 735696
File: 1575052720110.jpeg (1.71 MB, 2316x3088, 9327FBFE-FAFD-4386-94C3-6DFEBE…)

No. 735697
File: 1575052937333.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1620x2160, 54B8EEA9-1D31-422B-B9E1-A4DC34…)

>>735696Didnt see this one in the thread but at the same time I feel like it’s been here before, sorry if it’s a repost
No. 735699
File: 1575053108278.jpeg (446.7 KB, 1125x2304, C90C6F4D-AC08-4533-9F98-3CE8D4…)

>>735697Lastly, for some weird reason she pinned the really unflattering dumbbell girl selfie to her subreddit even though the entire comment section is people bashing her
No. 735818
>>735792You know you can hide threads right?
>>735799If she was going to listen to the thread and change her makeup she would have done it years ago.
More willing to bet she has someone doing her makeup for her now since she has people doing literally everything else for her.
No. 735857
File: 1575087211758.jpg (958.82 KB, 4344x2896, 93a1675.jpg)

Blatantly self shilling with other account u/d-watamelon
No. 735882
File: 1575091046817.png (97.56 KB, 1523x885, momosockaccount.PNG)

>>735857noticed the comments on this account are hugely down-voted. also she's using the dark skin emojis and weird "hood" speak.
nice, Mariah. love the casual racism.
No. 735922
File: 1575101588683.jpg (85.28 KB, 1080x1117, FB_IMG_1575101479780.jpg)

Saw this and couldn't help but laugh. Its like a spot the difference.
No. 735930
File: 1575104049037.gif (953.63 KB, 500x281, 57598687.gif)

>>735882She's fucking lost it.
No penis-having Reddit user types with this many emojis jfc
No. 735949
>>735882Finally some good milk here for once.
Imagine being desperate enough to use a sock account just to vent.
She needs to either join therapy, give up or just die – cause there ain't no way that body or personality's ever getting fixed.
No. 736105
File: 1575158024455.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.09 KB, 759x1152, udnfbqqb7w141.jpg)

That pose, also is it just me or is something off abut this pic
No. 736134
File: 1575161591272.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.85 KB, 803x1052, dx0m2bxd8w141.jpg)

>>736105Unlike the awkwardness of the weird nipples, at least her other photo doesn't look as weird?
Though I'm not sure if this is the original quality. Saw it shared elsewhere. The saggy boobs are killing me.
No. 736136
File: 1575162314201.jpeg (46.85 KB, 647x474, 13F38831-8B70-4BEF-B24B-C2AAA7…)

No. 736155
>>736136Breast reduction scars aren't the issue with the pic
It's shooped to hell. Her scars are under her tits, not on her pepperonks
No. 736158
>>736153>>736136Also we've seen her nipples plenty in her streams and then even back when she was first starting out and leaked her own nudes.
If she does have scarring it would have been visible in the many many many other areola slip pictures and videos she's posted. If her nipple had a huge uneven scar we would have seen it before.
No. 736169
>>736155Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think a breast reduction can be done only through an incision under the boob?
I mean, it could just be a mixture of both, she definitely edited her nipple, as she does with every other inch of her body, and add the scar to that making it a bit more uncanny valley and you have this hot garbage.
She's definitely given up at this point lol.
No. 736186
>>736169>>736183 see
>>736153Its very clear the shape of those. Scars dont do that
No. 736215
File: 1575176451015.jpeg (601.54 KB, 1242x1380, 8CDFBA04-26FE-4436-8D0A-788E25…)

All this nipple talk is …ugh. Are anons suggesting she’s wearing these silicone pasties and shooping nips on them? Why go through that hassle? Just show your damn nipples? It’s probably just poor photoshopping and her nips look weird in that one photo. They look fine in the shower photo.
No. 736295
File: 1575207995062.jpg (Spoiler Image,197.66 KB, 1080x444, Fakeassshit.jpg)

I know her neckbeards are forever virgins, but one nipple is twice the size of the other one. I mean, come the fuck on. But hey, she REALLY thought she was going to hit 2k.
No. 736320
File: 1575221824394.jpg (365.6 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191201-093624_Chr…)

No. 736322
File: 1575221857855.png (Spoiler Image,359.93 KB, 519x810, 052.png)

>>736320For those asking. This is the character.
No. 736569
File: 1575292765153.jpg (151.99 KB, 1242x1624, bcfa3bgf15241.jpg)

No. 736574
>>736569As usual she's going to try to "own" this somehow lol.
>>736450She's going to punish her cucks for not properly funding her Japan trip as she didn't hit her 2k goal, this is gonna get interesting
No. 736602
>>736569The random tit in the mirror is so hilarious to me. It’s just so awkward and not sexy at all. Just a random, disembodied hanging tit.
For all those years Mariah put off doing nudes when she finally did it it was so underwhelming. Her pride died not with a bang but with a whimper
No. 736618
>>736602Her pride died years ago. If she had any, she would have made an effort to get into shape, improve her craft, and not rely on sweaty neckbeard money and attention.
This is just her finalizing her descent into the sex work life she's openly derided.
No. 736677
File: 1575323956314.jpeg (Spoiler Image,687.39 KB, 1440x2160, B01A5852-9D13-4664-82DD-97751E…)

No. 736678
File: 1575323992643.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.97 MB, 3531x5296, 76D8EC28-21E4-44F8-ADE2-CB6AA3…)

No. 736690
File: 1575326254163.png (11.42 KB, 456x213, Screenshot_150.png)

No. 736707
>>736677Is it just me or do her nipples look off?
Like I think it might be whoever shopped them but they look like they were poorly shooped in or something.
File: 1575330535143.png (Spoiler Image,485.6 KB, 419x628, 6gdnw042oa241.png)

No. 736735
>>736707They look off to me too. Not to nitpick, but these
>>736677 especially look off. The photoshop looks so bad they might as well be pasties. We've all seen her nip slips from her streaming with Vamps. Those do not look like her nipples. Oh well, whatever, she's doing nudes anyways.
I love that this spiral down happened right after her call out during the Mariah molestation tragedy. She lost all the inner circle fame that came with cosplay so she now only focuses on money.
No. 736782
File: 1575337573771.jpg (Spoiler Image,771.96 KB, 1040x1251, udders.jpg)

>>736677I unshooped her body
No. 736785
File: 1575338367041.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.48 MB, 3840x5760, MyC4vzpg.jpeg)

>>736784I call this one the rubber ducky
Jesus i forgot how shit she was at posing
No. 736792
File: 1575339122222.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB, 5594x3729, 62zuHzCA.jpeg)

the waist shopping is incredible, does she really expect us to believe this?
repost for spoiler
No. 736802
File: 1575340367899.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.19 KB, 698x1047, wtfhappenedhere.jpg)

>>736792That's just top notch delusion right there… jesus.
I looked at the other photos, and a lot of them have her looking really out of place because of how poorly photoshopped it is. A lot of them have this weird darker line around her, and it is bothering me so much.
No. 736807
File: 1575340876371.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1242x1920, 06F10727-9197-486D-BDEA-01D816…)

Nightmare fuel. But holy shit the amount of photoshop in these sets are laughable. She can spout all the bullshit she wants about loving her body but it’s clear from these sets that she hates literally everything about it. You’re not fooling anyone, Mariah, except your dumbass cuck fans who still believe she’s “hitting the gym”.
No. 736810
>>736677absolute dumbpost but i just can't get over how much she looks like rocky, the effect is only enhanced after her fillers. when she shoops ala
>>736134 i'm getting yumi king vibes from that weak ass chin but that's the only exception.
No. 736813
>>736682so.. i admit i'm still confused. Are these nipples or stickers or what?
Am I right that they're real nipples that were hacked off and reattached for boob reduction, then photoshopped to reduce scar visibility and moved around…?
That's why they look like stickers attached by phantom menace cgi ?
No. 736817
File: 1575341801160.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.81 KB, 450x358, 20191202_215526.jpg)

That belly overhang. Was this just missed in the shooping? The whole stomach in this photo is a mess.
No. 736825
No. 736837
File: 1575346250272.gif (3.74 MB, 600x338, 7AEBA8AB-FDB4-4EEC-839C-1600EA…)

>>736832Are we remembering the same Wicke? She did do lazy lewds of her too including the gross grope POV set. Everything she touches, she’ll lewd for coin.
No. 736840
>>736837Wow. What a reminder that her face has ALWAYS been fugly without photoshop.
I don’t get it when anons say her face was ever cute. She always had the turtle lips, vagina eyes, potato nose, and retard expressions.
She “fixed” her lips, she should look into getting those vag eyes worked on
No. 736846
File: 1575348007886.jpg (Spoiler Image,763.25 KB, 800x1200, loloutline.jpg)

>>736785all I can see in the reflection is a huge belly and a fucked up arm and leg.
No. 736871
>>736824I actually think she might have put off showing her nipples in pics for so long because she was self conscious about the scarring, but now she's shopping it and it still looks messed up.
She needs to learn to pose or get a photographer who can give good direction. This looks like you accidentally walked in on your middle aged single aunt.
No. 736965
File: 1575390327591.jpg (Spoiler Image,522.88 KB, 616x458, KeckBW7.jpg)

>>736942spoiler for the side boob but the hell is going on with her elbow?
No. 736974
>>736961You can always tell the scrotes fishing for nudes from the actual farmers when her shit drops, I swear. Anyone really excited about our cow's sad udders ain't here for the milk from them.
>>736877Marvin puts in some serious work for his share of the cuck bucks, doesn't he? Too bad she keeps throwing him under the bus.
No. 736984
>>736976 sage for zero contrib
you've got to remember that part of their size is because she's obese and had liposuction…its not even just the shoop. Her body is probably not healthy at all and there's nothing to envy in a shorter lifespan lol.
No. 736992
>>736706It was just time, it wasn't gonna be if, but when.
We all knew this was going to happen, she knows it was going to happen.
No. 737001
>>736967looks like they upped the saturation of the background leaves, which were probably dull and gray in raw photos
tbh this set is not bad in terms of colors and lighting but it's sad that the setting is nicer looking than the model
No. 737006
File: 1575401581230.png (Spoiler Image,308.73 KB, 255x506, Widw.PNG)

>>736792She has the nerve to shoop that waist here, but a couple pictures away she is this wide. Man the paypigs are stupid.
No. 737008
File: 1575401788680.png (Spoiler Image,62.86 KB, 250x161, Horrorshow.png)

Wtf is that?
No. 737037
>>736877He has to get them approved by Moomoo, shave off 80 pounds of fat, get rid of all cellulite and stretchmarks…. poor bastard. But he choose this so I don't feel bad for him.
We haven't gotten a good look at her cellulite in almost 2 years. I wonder how bad it is now
No. 737047
File: 1575411660460.png (1.79 MB, 1800x776, 4AD7F2A0-9668-49D7-A55A-92A454…)

Surprised no one posted this yet. I doubt she ripped off another hentai with this “OC” because all it is is reused ears, maid accessories and her old shitty leggings. This is the peak of Mariah’s creativity and her patrons should only expect it to get lazier as 2020 progresses.
No. 737053
File: 1575412861888.jpg (430.84 KB, 720x960, 20191203_163947.jpg)

That is one big bitch.
No. 737060
File: 1575413989607.png (1.16 MB, 720x888, Screenshot_2019-12-03-14-58-22…)

That nappy hair… even if she did dye it to a natural hair color it still looks nappy and unkempt as fuck. Moomoo, do yourself a favor and cut off that dirty brown mop.
No. 737069
>>737053I would be concerned about her obvious weight gain but I will say it anyway. Jesus fuckin christ Moo. Faking numbers and photoshopping your body isn't weight loss.
There is no way she's near 210. It looks like she's creeping back to 250
No. 737073
>>737060Lord that hat, denim jacket and matted hair make her look like some chain-smoking truck stop mechanic named Ed.
Did she get her lips done again? She’s broken out around her mouth and looks swollen. Bleh
No. 737091
File: 1575418927617.png (868.1 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-12-03-15-43-08…)

Oof take them out
No. 737093
>>737089What many of you seem to forget is that she‘s literally incapable of taking care of her hair. She
does have stylists that come over once in a while to style her hair. To fix this mess she’d have to hire someone that does her regular hair routine for her. You know, that stuff normal people do on their own? Like literally just combing it and using conditioner or a mask once in a while… but she admitted to not doing that (at least the combing part, so I can’t imagine her using any products besides shampoo).
You also need to keep in mind that mostly everything below her shoulders are extensions at this point. When she went silver, some time before Hawaii, she posted a picture of her natural hair and it was quite short back then. And extensions require even more attention and care than regular hair.
Really, none of this comes as a surprise.
And we’ve been through this a billion times. It’s the same as with her tits. It’s a result of her laziness and she tries to fix it by paying others but fails miserably.
Give it a rest.
No. 737111
>>737060the fact that she thinks (along with some of her followers) that this face looks like it could possibly also be the same one in this picture??
>>737053and then this?
>>737091It's obviously not just angles. Why post one and the other from the same day?? I dont get these people
No. 737121
File: 1575429271554.png (311.33 KB, 712x1199, Screenshot_2019-12-03-19-06-34…)

No. 737128
File: 1575430305629.png (3.49 MB, 1242x2208, 8CE1D0D4-BBDC-4788-A2FA-DEC07F…)

>criticism welcomed
Why invite criticism when you either ignore valid ones or get extremely defensive to the point of being aggressive.
No. 737135
File: 1575431558162.jpeg (228.77 KB, 745x1222, 2CE1F4F7-D45E-470E-9197-20E750…)

>>737060Some comments on her close up face pic.
Wow her fans really love her, don’t they?
No. 737147
File: 1575433934029.png (1.27 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-12-03-20-30-04…)

She bought a Sonico cheerleader and """succubus tattoo""" to throw in her trash hoarder pile, from ebag
No. 737150
>>737135Literally just
"Please stop getting lip injections"
"Don't tell me what to do!"
Didn't she just ask for advice?
No. 737185
>>737060Nice new needle marks on your lips Mariah.
I wonder is that the third time she's gotten her lips filled?
No. 737317
File: 1575492026539.png (Spoiler Image,66.7 KB, 233x223, panel-121027764-image-c615c9c0…)

Kek that shop no human body works like that
No. 737323
File: 1575496626975.png (760.15 KB, 619x794, SweetBabyJesus.PNG)

Jesus Christ Moo. Stop this. Her lips look like they can pop open at any second. Also, that closeup of her skin makes me feel sick.
No. 737329
>>737323one, disgusting. Her bottom lip is so red and inflamed. Her top lip is so thin in comparison. I don't know why she keeps pumping her lips when a lip lift is a permanent fix for her turtle lips… now she has hot dog lips
>>737328No they are not. Before she basically had no lips. It's like she's addicted to the idea that these fillers will fix her fucked up face… but the fillers are ruining her face and causing horrible break outs
No. 737344
>>737323Love how she was flexing the hundreds she spent on skincare products a couple months ago,yet her skin looks like this
She'd be better off visiting a dermatologist instead of wasting money on fillers for her still tiny ass lip
No. 737357
>>737323God I would be so concerned about infection if my client came in with such disgusting skin
She clearly doesn't wash or take care of the injections after.
No. 737369
File: 1575507289446.jpg (154.24 KB, 1440x879, certified_bruh_moment.jpg)

Yea I bet they do
No. 737461
>>737323The poor skin on her lips…… it’s going to be so stretched out and thin and terrible. She’s going way too big way too quickly.
The doctor isn’t injecting it into the lips either, she’s putting it in the skin surrounding which is why it looks like she’s playing chubby bunny.
No. 737463
>>737460I interpreted the comment as saying they look puffier in the cold since they look so crazy in that photo, unless I’m reading it wrong.
I’ve only known ice to reduce swelling, not make it worse
No. 737551
>>737323So much for breaking out because of the injections.
Sure, jan.
No. 737582
File: 1575545110404.jpg (18.85 KB, 205x140, 20191205_052354.jpg)

It's only a matter of time.
No. 737721
File: 1575580262135.png (643.72 KB, 720x1201, Screenshot_2019-12-05-13-07-32…)

No. 737738
>>737721Hilarious lie. About as hilarious as her ~a-sexuality.
If she’s trying to suggest she was dating Sensei….lmao. He didn’t/doesn’t want you moo. Get over it.
No. 738010
File: 1575648039272.jpg (Spoiler Image,582.21 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191206-095837_Dri…)

Part of her selfie set. She didnt edit the stretch marks and shes got some weird rash on her arm. Enjoy I guess.(tit nitpicking)
No. 738327
>>738184She won’t fix those because in her weeb mind they count as aegyo sal and thinks they make her look cute.
She doesn’t realize that, combined with the dark circles and mouth breather expression, it just makes her look sick or high.
No. 738494
File: 1575756373015.png (4.85 MB, 828x1792, C51059CE-FD09-4216-8DAD-24F172…)

Good morning internet my hair is fading faster than my memory of last night.
No. 738497
>>738494Ok, that's really unsettling
Looks like a 60yo woman who used to be a bimbo
No. 738570
File: 1575775720872.jpg (660.13 KB, 545x530, ugTihjx.jpg)

>>738565Some sloppy editing from her ~team~
No. 738572
File: 1575775789028.jpg (364.08 KB, 564x515, weORyLh.jpg)

No. 738613
>>738571Guh. Those beetus-sausages she calls fingers.
>>738494Is she getting filler in her cheeks? Her lips can’t be the only thing making her look like a 45 year old mom, trying to look young again. Her face looks …bizarre.
No. 738615
File: 1575782062171.jpg (399.96 KB, 1024x1024, quicksquarenew_201912801417758…)

I see no difference
No. 738698
File: 1575813738768.png (641.67 KB, 526x509, wakemeupinside.png)

sage cuz old but
No. 738804
File: 1575842651767.jpeg (487.59 KB, 750x1167, C86BEA08-9779-43B8-9A3E-24F14C…)

What a fuckin crock. Everyone knows she just reused her Bowsette wig. This is the stupidest excuse ever. Her fans only care about tits anyway.
No. 738808
File: 1575842823591.jpeg (339.57 KB, 750x1088, B907DC81-525C-4025-86DC-F21D70…)

>>738804Pic related. At least she credited her cosplay “commissioner”
No. 738819
File: 1575844684425.jpeg (934.7 KB, 1242x2077, EBB4A9AC-5972-46C6-922A-C96890…)

>>738808Good to know squarecuck gave up on editing that leg because yikes.
No. 738826
>>738804Oh please. You didnt want it styled to be something else. You literally dont know what to do about the critiques about your helmet looks. Even Nigri edited the advice Umbran gave her and didn't fuck up a wig to this extent.
>>738808There is so much wobbly smoothing and editing. This is probably one of the worst she's looked. No wonder she's saying she will get a real wig.
No. 738843
File: 1575849006981.png (2.63 MB, 828x1792, B6BC7798-A5E1-4E8A-BBE1-1D756C…)

>>738840Was it because of her not wearing a bra? Or do you have shots of the actual stream?
No. 738845
File: 1575849083384.png (3.56 MB, 828x1792, D864F3C9-19E8-41B0-9FF8-B8CF75…)

>>738840She’s gonna get her “lawyers” in this ASAP I’m sure.
No. 738853
>>738845Repeat after me moo, I know you read these boards:
"I am not Alinity, I am not decently attractive, I cannot get away with anything on twitch."
Also repeat after me:
"I am Mariah Mallad, all I do is scam people and twitch isn't going to have that bullshit."
No. 738871
File: 1575854236455.png (2.93 MB, 1800x1048, B940A83B-4EDE-4C9F-A8EE-3B8D2A…)

She didn’t waste any time in creating an account on Mixer once the Twitch was taken down. But don’t worry guys, her “peeps” are working to restore her account.
Last pic just makes it look like she’s getting hot flashes. Fitting since she looks to be in her 40’s.
No. 738920
>>738871first, teen rated stream? You make porn Moo, fuck off with that shit
Second, that icon. The artist was really generous with her lips. Moo got all these injections and she still doesn't have a top lip.
>>738892I know it will never happen. But I wanna see the shit fest of her losing her patron but keeping her Instagram to watch that freak out.
No. 738966
File: 1575868226539.png (2.97 MB, 750x1334, 359005F6-906A-429B-BF20-6E1319…)

>>738920Yep, what
>>738952 said. Here is the illustration:
No. 738982
File: 1575871501915.png (402.12 KB, 720x1013, Screenshot_2019-12-08-22-00-16…)

Hours after being banned off Twitch, she dresses up in Steven Universe cosplay and ""sings"" some songs from the cartoon
No. 738984
>>738983She's never mentioned SU once from what I can remember. But she'll shell out for $50 for the jacket and ride the Future train
Also weird location for this totes casual pic, from her bathroom. So close to the tub but never bathes.
No. 739011
File: 1575878609229.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x2040, 526B7ED5-0E0F-4E73-838A-79E3CD…)

Are her fans blind or…
No. 739025
File: 1575882059585.gif (41.89 KB, 202x220, Yellow_Diamond_Eye_Roll_The_Tr…)

>>738983Jesus, talk about jumping on a bandwagon late. Who is she trying to appeal to here? No man with any self respect likes Steven Universe. The only people who liked it to begin with are SJWs and art students.
Calling it now, she's going to do an awful cosplay of Amethyst.
No. 739036
File: 1575883923369.jpeg (380.73 KB, 1242x1377, 571214AF-919A-48E2-B0AC-7E6AC3…)

>>739025Why Amethyst when she’ll go directly to Rose Quartz because of her “thicc mommy” fetish bullshit.
Also, whenever Mariah starts with the “I’m so happy” posts, she’s usually manic AF. Probably still pissed about the Twitch ban.
No. 739140
>>739025Nah man she’s gonna do Rose because fat girl (even though she’s a parading as a soilder so it’s fucking muscle)
She’s probably do a lewd Rose and 80s Greg shoot because she’s the only gem that fucked in the show.
No. 739143
>>739140The whole show is a shit fest anyway. Even if they find out Momo isn't body positive, shames fat chicks, molested people and blamed the
victims they will still go
"If Steven can forgive space nazi's and galactic genocide we can forgive her too! She's fat and fabulous! Just like rose!"
No. 739175
File: 1575926036559.jpg (27.72 KB, 248x479, original.jpg)

>>739140You're right, Moo would probably do Rose because Rose is the only gem on the show how fucks men and has cleavage.
Honestly, I think that's appropriate. Rose was a selfish cunt who had zero empathy for anyone around her, so Moo cosplaying her tracks.
Also lmao at Moo saying "OG or 2.0" about Rainbow Quartz. We get it, you read the fucking wiki, but it's fucking obvious which one the guy meant. No one is asking her to dress up as jailbait Marry Poppins, they're talking about the 80s one.
No. 739202
File: 1575931588462.png (242.28 KB, 640x363, 65C6C922-E1A9-4093-AD9C-ED912B…)

“I love… reads smudged note on hand Ross Kurtz, my dudes.”
No. 739235
File: 1575935522598.jpg (474.18 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20191209-175102_Ins…)

No. 739241
>>739235>Greg really messed upI shouldn't be surprised that sexual-assault Momo-kun calls grooming and abuse "messing up" but here I am
>>739202The one cosplay she can do
No. 739243
>>739235What the fuck is wrong with her? People should forget? He shouldn't be punished because two wrongs don't make a right? The guy grooms young teens and pushes sex on em and fucks in front of his kids.
Of course Moo is a rape apologist so she can spin this BS on herself. Criminals don't need punishment, lets just let them go so they can keep going from their bullshit. Fuck off Moo
No. 739244
>>739235Funny, she liked him well enough when he was pledged to her Patreon until he stopped.
I don’t follow his drama but it seeps into my TL on Twitter. Moo has no leg to stand on though when it comes to preaching about morals when she STILL hasn’t apologized for her shitty behavior (be it sexual assault, stealing, etc.) All of this will bite her in the ass eventually I’m sure.
No. 739264
>>739235“I hope the best for him and hope he grows from this”
“I hope the girls he’s “””affected””” can move on”
Mariah Mallad literally what the fuck is wrong with you
Of all the right ways to respond to this. This… this really ain’t it
No. 739325
File: 1575950227983.png (128.54 KB, 706x1200, Screenshot_2019-12-09-19-43-34…)

No. 739327
File: 1575950636583.png (850.04 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-12-09-20-00-12…)

>>739326She is dancing in her dirty house. It looks like her hair broke off badly on the top of her head so she is trying to combover hair to hide it?
No. 739331
>>739325>>739326There she goes with that loyalty shit again. Your friends aren’t subordinates Moo… Who stepped out of line this time?
Also, is she hinting at wanting free cosplay shit from her friends as gifts so she doesn’t have to pay for it?
No. 739549
File: 1576015377678.jpeg (570.43 KB, 1242x2035, 3CB5BAB6-F245-4D93-A51A-78F343…)

Is she outing herself here? Lol She couldn’t even stand it when Vamp got the slightest bit of attention over her.
No. 739687
>>739549Pfft I like how in this "pearl of wisdom" she accidentally calls herself a terrible friend.
She's obviously throwing shade at Vamps here because apparently Colette wasn't being
enough of a bootlicker to Moo. But Moo was the one who constantly tried to one-up Vamps, so pot, meet kettle.
No. 739698
>>739689No, they've hated each other lately. I should have clarified that I think Moo was passive-aggressively referring to the
past and trying to say that the reason she and Vamps aren't friends is because Vamps didn't "get excited" enough about Moo's "successes". I.e., Moo is trying to say that their friendship fell apart because Vamps, who was a notoriously huge kiss ass, didn't adulate Moo *enough.
No. 739711
File: 1576051774881.jpg (Spoiler Image,627.23 KB, 1075x1976, Granny -kun.jpg)

Mommy-kun more like granny-kun
No. 739713
File: 1576052585224.jpg (Spoiler Image,911.76 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191211-022257_Pat…)

Uncensored granny-kun
No. 739721
>>739713Ah yes, the same dopey slackjaw expression, sandbag tits, fried/broken/greasy hair, botched cool sculpted “abs”… so attractive lol
She’s come so far from her “I don’t need to get naked to get attention” days. Wonder how far she’ll take it in 2020 since it seems she’s getting more desperate by the month.
No. 739777
>>739713So I've been waiting to say something about this but this is a good time to prove a point
Remember when Momo was ADAMANT about needing those cheap circle glasses she kept wearing? WHat happened to your glasses moo? Havent seen em in months ~
No. 739803
>>739800Not that Anon, but she got them for her Mei cosplay and wore them in public religiously for instathot fashion points. When we pointed it out, she screeched that they're real glasses and she totes needs them to see muh dudes. Then she doubled down and wore them constantly.
It is fun to watch her lie cycles, where she goes hard until she forgets and stops upholding it, like with her double degrees and Skype acting classes at UNLV.
Now that both have been mentioned by anons, expect her to do a story about school while wearing her fake Mei glasses.
No. 739841
File: 1576096130282.png (2.57 MB, 1800x996, 39E620CA-9B15-4FC0-968A-A05058…)

I was thinking, “It’s going to be interesting to see how she thinks she can peddle this shit at Lvl Up when she was escorted from the con earlier this year” but then I checked the cosplay guest lineup and it’s literally just these three idiots… They will no doubt bow to Mariah and sell the books at their table for her.
No. 739844
>>739842I doubt they’ll remove cosplay guests but if they put her book out for sale, I’m sure there will be enough commotion once locals catch wind of it and they’ll be asked to take it down from the table.
It’ll be funny to see her try to waddle back in to the event thinking she’s untouchable when she knows people will report her to staff as soon as she posts an IG story hinting at her arrival to the con.
No. 739855
>>739844This is why she's "mysteriously banned" every time she's on a trip or mentions a con and lurks her backup account.
Then she's "miraculously" restored after.
No. 739856
>>739841Good lord, how desperate is this con when their only cosplay guests are three fug cam hos, let alone ones that openly suck off of Moo's udders?
Moo is going to be strutting around like a pig in shit during the con because her besties are guests, I can't wait for the milk this will bring.
No. 739871
File: 1576103812101.jpeg (532.05 KB, 750x908, 4713DC06-EA67-4EFC-A9AF-190983…)

She really thinks she looks like that? The anount of shooping on such a basic picture lol
No. 739876
File: 1576104577321.png (5.44 MB, 1125x2436, E5CE3E36-5D5C-40B7-8C4B-8ABD37…)

If she’s my mommy then I’m running away from home jfc
No. 739878
File: 1576104853609.png (6.08 MB, 1631x1800, B820CEC6-B317-472F-BEB3-13DF57…)

>>739871From Squarecuck’s IG
We knew she was delusional before but jfc…
No. 739884
File: 1576105435729.png (3.44 MB, 1125x2436, B955AFF0-88DE-4793-BDA8-402C79…)

>>739875Also idk if this is a little tin-foily but I think moo and square are fucking. Just by the way he talks about her in his stories and him in hers. (1/2)
No. 739891
File: 1576106522312.jpeg (271.71 KB, 827x1329, 86718EAB-63D1-49A3-9861-E4B424…)

Her new stickers from Zach Fischer.
No. 739896
>>739878Even with layers of shape wear and tight clothing you can tell she's way bigger than she wanted people to let on. jfc
>>739884Probably? It fits Moo's fetish of having an asian boyfriend and stealing him from one of her friends. That and he seems like a sell out. More popular, Moo is his main customer, Moo throws money, gifts and trips at him. If he wants that gravy train to keep comin he can keep dipping it in her mass. But like KBBQ he's eventually going to get grossed out and run.
No. 739901
File: 1576108164658.jpg (556.22 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-12-11-20-45-53…)

Her nipples are so high because she wants to pretend her boobs are not sandbags with the nipples pointing down, but has no clue to how anatomy works kek
We've come a long way since the first Calvin Klein shoot. You peaked, moo. I am sorry.
No. 739903
>>739897Money most likely, the guy is an attention whore so it’s no surprise he’s latched back onto her teat.
>>739884I wouldn’t doubt it, I’ve noticed as well. He’s probably too used to Moo spoiling him and he’s all she has left in terms of photogs since no one else will shoot with her.
No. 739904
>>739901Momo I know you're trying to cover up your over hanging gut but hiking up your undies like this just make them look like adult diapers.
Seriously if she's that upset she gained so much weight why not actually eat a healthy diet and work out? Her solution seems to be "Keep eating my shitty diet, photoshop and plastic surgery"
No. 739916
File: 1576110746802.png (5.32 MB, 1800x1623, 2C436229-9430-4C81-BC24-9B7076…)

God she reeks of desperation…
No. 739977
File: 1576118223504.jpg (Spoiler Image,654.87 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191211-183651_Red…)

No. 739984
File: 1576118753340.png (1.29 MB, 1440x908, falseadvertising.png)

she's really out here trying to make people think she dropped 50 pounds in 2 days.
No. 739987
>>739958I was going to say, she already did this shoot 100 pounds ago
>>739984Can another anon do a better comparison? Like keep using the left image but get an image from
>>739968 No. 739992
File: 1576119460220.png (1.2 MB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-12-11-18-51-57…)

No. 740015
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No. 740018
File: 1576124977923.png (3.65 MB, 1242x2208, 512D393F-9395-4125-ADDE-E7A3E4…)

She’s only happy when she’s stuffing her face. Which makes sense because food is her only friend.
No. 740195
>>740050A lot of anons suspect that she only admitted to a small amount of procedures done to throw off the scent of the actual amount.
This seem to be a
valid tin foil since in her unedited photos she's looking very plastic and botched and we haven't seen her unedited body in a very long time (I mean not covered in 3 layers of shape ware)
The number of actual procedures done to what she claims is currently unknown
No. 740210
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No. 740283
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No. 740285
File: 1576195088794.jpg (474.09 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191212-175320_Ins…)

No. 740286
>>740283Moo, you ALWAYS moo about ALA, but given your track record the past couple of years, I'll be looking forward to you hiding in your hotel room or just oinking out in Las Vegas while your calves go. People HATE you there, remember?
Also going to be great seeing Mooriah put on blast during Katsu again, if she dares to leave her hotel room for more than an hour.
No. 740301
>>740283I can't wait to see her melting face in C98 lol moo you're just gonna embarrass yourself there.
No one asking her for pictures she's gonna be mad
No. 740305
>>740301This. She realizes that japan doesnt care about fatties right? she'll drawn in a few people cause her tits will be out guaranteed (if she actually goes)
she might just go in her hobo gear and buy a bunch of doujin.
No. 740373
>>740372this. didn't she do this shit before? She pretended to be an invited guest with her own booth but she was just mooching off one of her friends who didn't turn to porn?
That and this is a weird hill to die on. She thought pretending to be a nerd could get her attention from gross neckbeards. To me Momo has no real personality or interests other than food and herself
No. 740378
>>740373That was the car decal company booth with Miso at this years AX right? She was just a guest at that particular booth but Moo made sure to squeeze her flat ass into it as well, riding Miso’s coattails. Moo can’t get anything on her own now because of her shit reputation so she has to mooch off her friends for any spots at conventions now. If those closest to her just told her “no” for once in their lives, Moo would fade faster into obscurity.
Who wants to bet she’s leeching off of one of her three friends who have guest spots at Lvl Up? I can’t wait for this shitshow. February can’t come soon enough.
No. 740389
File: 1576228113620.gif (Spoiler Image,3.97 MB, 250x333, 6d832c8.gif)

Did not expect to see this on my dash today
No. 740401
>>740400Because she doesn't know what sexy is. All she can do is pull up her sag bags and look like a dying fish flopping on the beach.
By this time next year she will be dildo inserting on camera. Calling it.
No. 740410
>>740305I mean, even if you look at who gets pictures taken and even the "fat girls" that get pics taken are actually still cute AND actually cosplaying.
Moo stands no chance.
No. 740441
>>740436She did a shitty Bible Black shoot a 100 pounds ago for Funimation. It is telling she hasn't been allowed to do anything with them since.
>>740409She's on a mix of booze, weed, and Adderall nearly 24/7, so yes.
No. 740489
>>739884Idk whether it's BC y'all haven't been posting their spam anymore but I noticed the lack of Umbran-spergs in recent posts. Like they fell out or - like Mariah found a new
No. 740518
File: 1576287032877.jpg (783.02 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191213-172842_Ins…)

So anyone know what triggered this rant?
No. 740519
>>740518Christ she looks bloated… I'm hoping people were telling her to not go to conventions she posted and now she's going on a "you can't tell me what to do I'm a bad bitch" rant.
Or something happened with Vamps. She seems to be a
trigger of passive aggressiveness in Momo.
No. 740525
File: 1576290120502.jpg (68.72 KB, 795x577, monk.jpg)

>>740518come on this is just ridiculous now
No. 740526
File: 1576290395843.png (903.02 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-12-13-18-15-50…)

>>740518Imagine acting like this on social media, looking like this, while everyone else you've hurt is minding their own business. She is so sad.
No. 740530
File: 1576290746834.jpg (127.18 KB, 1080x1350, 75210490_746849659126742_79427…)

I think it's important to post pictures moo doesn't have 100% control over. Obviously still edited in the face but you can see how flat her chest actually is here.
No. 740562
>>740474>>740531>>740561 Video version of
>>740389 fucking sage asholes
No. 740567
File: 1576302509390.jpeg (338.46 KB, 1242x1980, 4086ABBC-ACD4-402D-AF84-B3266F…)

No. 740569
File: 1576303580905.jpeg (422.67 KB, 1242x1981, 9C02E0C6-7359-4B19-A047-6F686F…)

It’s almost as if food is her one true love.
No. 740572
File: 1576304565147.png (540.19 KB, 2048x1371, Screenshot_20191213-221818.png)

>>740530Looks like Moo bought Annjelife's friendship/Japan ticket.
No. 740678
>>740573woooow, calling one of your fans Hitler when they note you're hanging out with shit. Momo must have thrown a pretty penny at them. Only good thing about Moo is you know which people are actually
toxic enough to let Moo buy them
No. 740684
>>740683I think she realizes her career is slipping. She can't seem to break 2k on paetron. She opened her new nude tier that certainly is ranking in the money. However in a few months her neck bears will get bored because they finally saw her titts. She will have to go to new extremes like showing her pussy to get them to cough up money.
Though opening up her only fans account was a hella smart move on her part. She knows her fans are retarded and will pay twice for the same content.
But in reality she is not surviving on her looks. She depends too much on Square to edit her pics to digital pictures and quick surgeries to hold her body together. Without filters, she is a botched horror show. No amount of money can fix what she did to herself.
No. 740690
>>740687It's weird how she only seems to buy new clothes when she over wears them to the point they break apart. she has shit for her pets, shitty furniture a student would have.
Even her car is sad. For the amount of income she pulls in, it certainly doesn't show and it baffles me.
I refuse to believe she is spending around 40k a month on surgeries, food, booze and trips because in my head it doesn't fuckin add up. No one can spend that amount of money and have nothing to show for it.
So I'm hoping she has a fat savings account.
No. 740799
File: 1576377715755.png (1014.31 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-12-14-18-39-25…)

No. 740800
>>740799Jesus, with every pic of Mariah that’s posted to IG, more and more of her hair keeps breaking off lol Did she just pull the broken strands forward as a sad excuse for bangs?
At this rate, she’ll need Maddie’s helmet wigs to hide under eventually.
No. 740815
>>740799Kinda tinfoily but it's weird she's only hanging out with Asians or people with Asian features these days. And she's shopping her pics to look more like a Korean pop star.
I'm waiting for the nose job that starts her descent into trying to become Japanese.
No. 740839
File: 1576387916932.png (341.12 KB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2019-12-14-21-26-48…)

No. 740846
>>740842>I’ve wanted to cosplay SU for YEARS>DrEAm CoSPlaYDespite never once mentioning SU. I’d have a little more respect for her if she dropped the whole ~I’m such a die hard fan for xyz
And just admit she wants to cosplay it because it’s the flavor of the week.
No. 740920
>>740799>>740870Personally I thought she was looking more like TND with the lips that don't match her face. I do see it tho lmao.
She really thinks no one's gonna notice the amount of surgery/fillers she's getting though.
No. 741074
File: 1576462841362.png (176.92 KB, 1000x980, flourite.png)

>>741043Honestly the paypigs don't care what costume she's wearing as long as her veiny pepperonis and cottage-cheese ass is out.
Although if she's gonna do SU, I can think of nothing more fitting than pic related.
No. 741097
File: 1576469218216.jpeg (960.26 KB, 1242x1936, 5BCB9CEA-5533-44AB-959D-E66833…)

Did… did they edit her shoulders so they’re smaller? Can’t wait to see this misleading mess.
No. 741098
File: 1576469329795.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1203x2037, FA793B62-5AA3-41A0-9C62-DC6ED1…)

Flexing again. You should be saving that money for when your “career” dries up, Mariah.
No. 741193
>>741184Can you guys stop tinfoiling about her pissing her money away. Bitch is making mre than she ever has. For fucks sake. Even with her trips, combined with everything she does on different socials and not to mention normal people buying sets from her site, she's making money and sustaining.
Her going nude has nothing to do with it. Her going nude has everything to do with most female cosplayers doing lewds and going into topless/nudes now. The market is so over saturated, but you have got to be joking not thinking Moo doesn't get as much attention as Nigri or other costhots. She spends money, but she is making WAY more than she ever has. Not to mention OnlyFans can do payouts every 7 days. She ould be getting weekly payouts from that depending on when people signed up AND she's one of the highest trafficked cosplayers on there if not THE highest. Seriously, stop sayng she's going broke or running out of money. None of that is even slightly happening. Her not doing straight cosplay and doing just nudes/lewds in normal outfits gets her more attention from normies on these sites and jesus christ if normie incels don't love fat/bbw/thicc because they will take anything.
No. 741200
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24 going on 44… Looks like someone’s horny/drunk mother got ahold of the Polaroid again.
No. 741213
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>>741200Honey, just wear the thong the way you're meant to. You can't seriously expect people to think your stomach is flat at your size.
No. 741336
>>741193Geez why are you caping so hard for her over finances. Bizarre.
We don't know how much she actually makes, because social blade is only an estimate. We also don't know how much she spends- we only see what she posts about, so she's probably spending even more than what we're directly aware of.
Also calling her as well-known as Nigiri? Uh, no. I clicked on a random picture on Nigiri's instagram and it had 170k likes. Moo gets about 2-3k likes on her pictures on average. If the negative press is earning her more neckbeard attention, it sure as shit isn't showing in the numbers.
No. 741369
>>741193I genuinely hate the “hi cow” thing but this post legitimately sounds like it could be Mariah lmao
>>741200The fat hanging under her yanked up underwear…. I can’t deal with this. Mariah wear your thing normally! It will STILL look better than this! Jesus fuck
No. 741396
>>741369It's definitely mooriah. No one, not even her cucks would blow that much smoke up her ass lmao.
>not to mention normal people buying sets from her siteBitch with what proof?
>AND she's one of the highest trafficked cosplayers on there if not THE highestOk moo.
No. 741403
>>741396It's funny she's aware no one gives a shit for her "cosplays" or that she's a nerd. They just want to see her udders and that pays more. But she still calls herself a cosplayer because she's too ashamed to say she's just a cam girl now.
I thought you were proud of yourself Moo?
No. 741405
>>741193The only proof we need to say she's not 'sustaining' and 'making more money than she ever has' is simple:
If she was doing so well why would she need to dangle nudes and nipples and constantly go further and further with her stuff every month having to beg to get up to 2000 patrons if she was doing so well?
You literally contradict herself because if she was 'sustaining' and 'making more than she ever has' why would she need to do nudes in the first place? You dont see Nigri doing nudes or going any further than she has. She's the perfect example of 'sustaining' because she's literally doing the same shit she's BEEN doing for years now.
I'm sure moo is 'fine' with her money I wouldnt go as far to say that she's scraping by at any point BUT it's obvious that if her patreon/onlyfans got taken away from her she would immediately be in trouble monetarily. She obviously has very little savings if any.
No. 741406
>>741405Exactly this. She would still be doing shitty cosplays, not doing porn and e begging.
We can't even say she's proud of herself because just a year ago she was ripping on cam girls and people who have to sell nudes for a living. She only calls herself a cosplayer now because she doesn't want to be compared to "girls like that"
No. 741420
>>741417Yeah but to say she's as popular as Nigiri is a delusional joke. Infamy isn't the same. People who don't jerk it to her see her as a bad joke.
You can't even compare the two of them since they aren't in the same profession. And don't say "But Moo is a cosplayer!" because that ship sailed a long time ago.
No. 741424
>>741417Thots buy likes/follows all the time…also when you flash skin you're instantly getting likes materialized out of nowhere.
>>741418So..Umbran then.
No. 741464
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No. 741468
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No. 741470
>>741468Fortunately any time she tries to force a group together at a con it fails miserably. Can't wait to see her grope Marvin or Crimson Chin while the stupid fuck wears
>>741464 though.
No. 741497
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In Chicago apparently.
No. 741500
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No. 741502
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Ratty hair, back flab overlap, one massive thigh jutting out and what’s either her areola or a bruise poking out of her sports bra… This is just incredibly trashy. Nothing says “happy holidays” like an unkept hobo hooker in ill-fitting CK underwear.
No. 741543
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Literalky looks like a mug shot. Why would she even post this
No. 741551
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>>741521It's not because she WANTS to do fat fetish stuff… more like…
No. 741645
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sage for only half related to Moo but the pink wig for AX is in Arda's iron wig. Sad when now it's likely crushed in some storage bin.
No. 741734
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>>741712not that anon but I think what they're trying to say is that's her baiken wig was on iron wig which is a competition for wig styling, meaning that anon was pointing out that the stylists effort and i guess "talent" is wasted on moo since she probably destroyed that wig within the weekend she wore it.
please sage your non milk posts and familiarize yourself with the rules. you draw attention to your posts when you're not properly abiding by the rules.
No. 741742
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>>741735yes i am aware the cosplay is old but the original anon posted that because the wig she used for that cosplay was used in the iron wig competition.
that's it. the relevancy is that it's moo's wig.
im surprised they still pay her to do these ads despite all her infamy. she looks really haggard and the pose is so obviously forced to hide her giant hammy arms.
No. 741752
>>741742Original poster I posted for that reason, even saged cause I knew it was only half relevant as being her wig.
>>741746Not that anon but seriously stop being an autistic fuck and bumping the thread with non milk.
No. 741791
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No. 741794
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Explain to me why she bought a "condom cube" from ebay
No. 741803
>>741794So, it's a jewelry box.
Moo, you overpaid.
No. 741806
>>741803Moo's reading this and saying out loud
"I can afford to over pay. Sorry you can't sweet heart"
because she's legit that dumb and isn't mad at herself for being the idiot
No. 741831
>>741794But okay, why would she get this?
This being a "prop" is terrible
I'm tinfoiling that she and Squarenoodles are dating or on at least fuckbuddy terms.
He fits Moos criteria
>asian male>was taken No. 741882
>>741862She wouldn't even brush or condition her hair when it was somewhat healthy. For some reason she thinks paying that Blaine guy to detangle her mop and touch up her roots every two months is enough.
This isn't the worst it's going to look.
No. 741915
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No. 741963
>>741897as an ex hairdresser I can confidently say BUZZ IT MOO. if she walks into a salon with that and expects to come out happy she's delusional.
how did this happen, I thought she had a stylist waiting hand and foot on her?? is she just really that bad with personal upkeep and hygiene?
No. 742014
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Always fun having a wild cow sighting on my personal FB. Moo’s been trying to get my friend to cosplay with her for a while now, it’s sad.
No. 742018
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>>742017Forgot to sage the previous one, sorry
No. 742024
>>742018Goddamn Moo is a fucking idiot. It’s already apparent she can’t function without a phone being glued to her hand but seeing her do the mental gymnastics here is embarrassing.
Also, theaters here are not that packed. There are theaters I’ve gone to in Vegas for big movies on opening day and still maybe see a few people around. She just chooses to go to the popular luxury theaters that can accommodate her wide/flat ass. Like downtown Summerlin’s Regal… Besides, why does she care about Star Wars spoilers when she literally only shows interest in the property when it goes viral or someone dies so she can exploit it. (May Carrie rest in peace)
No. 742044
>>742039Yes she has. She's one of those "don't post spoilers!! Unless I saw it first in which case I can post spoilers"
Also I'm dying at her saying "no one is throwing tantrums" as she personally throws a tantrum in this comment thread.
No. 742102
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No. 742129
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You know, Squarecuck or whoever is doing the massive amount of photoshop on her sets needs to learn how to start doing it properly because It looks like Deviantart inflation porn.
No. 742140
>>742135have you even read what lipo does to your body if you gain weight?
Lipo removes fat cells. But if you gain weight after those cells have been removed, the weight has to go some where… And it goes to the fat cells still there that haven't been removed. So those cells swell up and create that monstrosity that is moo right now. That's why her back became a literal butt, and why her thighs are massive, and her arms are HUGE. Those areas even when treated with lipo don't have as great of a success as your stomach area.
She's always going to keep going on lipo every few months and eventually she'll become a total lumpy mess EVERYWHERE and it'll age her horribly (as all the anons can already tell).
No. 742232
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No. 742235
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>>742232Kek her avatar looks like sexy squidward
No. 742267
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No. 742268
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No. 742274
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No. 742275
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No. 742351
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No. 742455
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Just miserable
No. 742460
>>742455That thick hair on the photo ew.
Also, bitch looks dead here. She absolutely hates her life.
No. 742470
>>742455With her busted hair and the greasy look her body has, she looks like she has the flu
Her tits look so sad when she isn't lifting them with her arms…
No. 742633
File: 1577216402741.png (3.37 MB, 1800x1508, A6D855AE-B731-47A9-95B9-53F838…)

Anyone else think she’s only doing this “mommy” crap as an excuse to continue being a no-effort lazy cunt? There’s going to be a point where her idiot fans are going to stop paying to see her Jabba-esque sets when they’ll find better shit elsewhere, from a model who puts slightly more effort into their job instead of banking on the notion that men will fund her lifestyle simply because she’s “Momokun”.
No. 742702
>>742667It seems the stylists that were kissing her ass simply refused to add more chemicals to her compromised hair. They darkened her hair to help hide the damage, and I'm sure they wanted to cut it. But it seems Moo is fine with it breaking off in giant clumps every time she brushes it. Now she's more scared to brush it than usual.
But no conditioners, no hair masks, just letting those dry rags hang off her hair as she waits for it to grow back.
No. 742837
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From patreon.
No. 742841
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No. 742851
>starts doing nudes and showing her entire breastsalso moo:
>i want to cosplay from this kids show that tumblrinas like!is she tryin to appeal to libfems or something since she's losing all her fans?
No. 742896
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Issa no from me….
No. 742912
File: 1577419933483.jpg (Spoiler Image,336.12 KB, 938x1250, IMG_5078.JPG)

From patreon
No. 742916
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Who are the people that ask for this?
>>742913Someone tell her to close her mouth. She looks retarded.
No. 742920
>>742841Which of these characters could she
possibly cosplay?
>She's too short and pale for Garnet>Way too fat for Pearl>Too old, fat, and pale for Connie>Refuses to do crossplay, so no Steven>None of these costumes are "sexy"I guess should could do Amethyst, but that requires the self-awareness for moo to admit that she's as disgusting and unpopular as Amethyst lmao
Also is she just seeing this movie
now? It came out ages ago.
No. 742927
File: 1577423777428.webm (Spoiler Image,5.18 MB, 960x1280, u3wJTTa.webm)

i truly dont know what to say anymore.
No. 742937
>>742927This is the most unsexy thing I've ever seen.
It's like she showed her boobs so now she's just all in. Her cucks are gonna get bored quick and she'll have to start doing more and more to keep their attention.
I honestly believe she'll be doing masturbation videos by the end of 2020
No. 742947
>>742927Why do her nipples look so awkward? And man its funny to think early Mariah would think this Mariah to be a slut since she's showing her tits. She's pretty dumb for putting herself in this predicament because people will get bored quickly and she'll have to resort to going further.
She could have sat on her ass teasing looks and still making bank.
No. 742948
>>742927She looks like she has a stuffed nose and messily ate Bolognese sauce with that orange, forever open mouth. And she should get that tit bruise checked.
>>742937My personal 2020 prediction is a breast lift (and maybe implants).
No. 742972
>>742960It's reduction scarring, anon.
I know titpicking is inevitable since she's finally showing off those monstrosities, but seriously…
No. 742984
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No. 742987
>>742927Let's be real, it was only a matter of time until she did a video with the 'tits dropping from top' that many women with biger breasts do.
Saged for no milk, but dies anyone know the background song? It sounds familiar
No. 743009
>>743005they didn't look like this in her leaked nudes. it's probably because they got fatter again.
>inb4 anons complain about calling the areola+nipples just the nippleyou know what we mean.
No. 743027
>>742927I was expecting it to be bad but it's really not. The bbw chasers wouldn't turn down those tits, considering other bigger girls who don't have accessibility to plastic surgery would be saggier and have larger areola. It's interesting to see the lollipop scars where she had her nipples raised up on her breast, and seeing the natural shape where they clearly would have been pointing downward.
She's playing into her demographic here, her neckbeards will eat this shit up regardless. She looks genuinely happy doing it, so maybe being paid to be slutty will actually suit her for once compared to her other ventures that required effort.
No. 743028
>>743027areola size is genetic though…
plus they don't look that good, she's just manipulating the angles to make them look better, we've seen how they look normally.
No. 743029
>>743028Could you at least google it before replying with something you think you know off the top of your head? Areola size can absolutely change with weight gain, it is not only genetically determined, no.
I said I don't think they look too bad, I don't have to change my mind for you.
No. 743045
>>743040Fat girls will generally have bigger areola.
You're the contrarian type of autist who gets way too aggressive over comments that don't always completely shit on Moo the way you want. Weh weh. No1curr.