File: 1575055861188.jpeg (591.99 KB, 2048x2048, 74127E9E-A22D-46EE-8B07-763A63…)

No. 735710
>Constantly posting screenshots of random DM conversations. Usually random thirsty men that most women would ignore, but ol Vic will take any attention she can get.
>Still claiming to be fulled booked for a year, while also offering last minute slots for “got inked”.
>Constantly posting photos or videos of her body (clearly edited) to prove she’s TOTALLY NOT FAT YOU GUYS
>Ripped off an artist and butchered his work with her shit tattooing.
>Farmers suspect she might be back with her Ex BF who is 10 years younger than her.
>Posts how women should uplift women more, while in the same breath, can’t help but attack women for being women.
>Im nOT LiEk OthER gIrLS
>Has to remind men that she’s turned town many billionaires and rockstar’s proposals, so you don’t have a chance. She’s sooooo picky you guys.
>Knows matrix-keanu kung fu and is a blackbelt in all the martial arts.
>Did a shitty editing job on a recent photo which gave herself 2 retinas in each eye. Someone commented on it saying “the editing on the eyes is crazy” and Vic chimped out, reminded everyone her eyes reflect AMAZINGLY. It’s called sunlight, you jealous cunts.
>Trading ink for car rides, shack renovations, anything that Vic can’t afford because she’s a broke bitch.
>Muh INTJ personality~
>Posted more cringe-worthy and milky sword-flinging video.
>Claimed her body type is what all women desire and use surgery to achieve. Despite her real body type being a fridge with flat tits.
>Double tang sword wilder
>Continues to suck her own asshole despite being an average looking women in her 30s, living in a dumpy apartment and having no friends. PAST MILK:
>Took a bath in Oxiclean and then tried to claim that it wasn't "labeled properly" after she apparently poisoned herself. Farmers have speculated it was a lie to cover up missed appointments, or that she just got so drunk and made a fool of herself and needed something to blame it on.
>Has been caught stealing other artists work. Traced off of her laptop and then (poorly) tattooed on her victims. " High-end, custom tattoos"
>Despite charging $3000 per hour for modelling, decided to volunteer as a self-proclaimed "hot merch girl" at a show that hosted less than 100 people. Wore the same crusty outfit that she always does.
>Her been attempting to stir up drama with random women from her past to justify her bad reviews
>Claims to be booked solid until the end of next year, while simultaniously e-begging for clients/appointments on Facebook every other day.
>Claims to be wealthy and a person who "has lived in many mansions" and has also been caught begging clients for deposits early through facebook messenger.
>Is constantly sharing screenshots of guys "hitting on her" trying to prove that shes "wifey material" and not like other girls.
>May have created sock instagram accounts to DM compliments to herself and then post them.
>Is still single and can't even hold down a man 10 years younger than her.
>Her younger sister is getting married and Vicky claimed she wouldn't be going to the wedding as she doesn't want to "steal all the attention away" from her sister on her big day.
>Is the proud owner of the lowest rated tattoo shop in a 50 mile radius. Was nominated for exactly zero awards in her local readers choice.
>Started dating someone nearly 10 years younger than her after being painfully single for a long time and thinks this is something to brag about. >Frankie the self timer photographer has gone MIA since boyfriend appeared.>The Google page for her scratch shack blew up with a slew of bad reviews from previous customers. This included the couple who had their deposit stolen after Vicky ditched an appointment, claiming to have been kidnapped.>Shingles has responded to almost every single review in a predictably unprofessional manner, accusing the customer of being a lying stalker>30-something year old scratcher who works in an unlicensed ‘tattoo salon’ comparable to a shack, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo competently results in permanent damage>Former MySpace ‘scene queen’ with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects>Narcissistic attention whore and self-proclaimed international cover model and ‘real life Final Fantasy character’>Incapable of talking about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them>Claims to be not only well-versed but Ivy League educated in psychology, astronomy and quantum physics despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields>Posts embarrassing videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a ‘sword fighter’>Fakes an atrocious British accent>Outed by admin for selfposting and samefagging hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her/dated her in real life>Tried to DMCA lolcow and Kiwi Farms, claimed the Attorney General of Canada had to be involvedAll images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody.
Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>>/snow/218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833>>592255>>647324>>681790>>706367 No. 735714
File: 1575056494465.jpeg (275.18 KB, 693x544, chonky ditto.jpeg)

>>735711Thank you anon! Re posting this because it was in the full thread
Another grainy video where her body changes shapes if you watch it in slow mo. Pointless upside down crown to hide the rest of her. Back arched to high heavens while sucking in with all her might. Torso and ass change shape. Here she’s knocking on her ribs saying her abs make this sound now. First of all that’s not where abs are Vicky and didn’t she find those grosssssss??? But judging by her shitty tattoos and horrible shoops it’s a known fact she knows jack shit about human anatomy.
No. 735719
>>735714Didn’t catch a few auto-corrects but oh well.
Silly anon, don’t you know Vicky knows everything about anatomy? She just flexes so amazingly it changes her entire skeletal structure.
No. 735747
File: 1575066893594.jpeg (561.15 KB, 1242x992, 709C139B-2471-4030-802C-DC79CB…)

>to all those who love ME
Lmao she is such a fucking narc. She didn’t write a paragraph about people she loves. She wrote about how everyone benefits HER. Thank god for all her neckbeard followers or else she would be a nobody.
All your likes helps her believe there is good in this world.
No. 735781
File: 1575074398503.jpg (94.26 KB, 1049x1280, IMG_20191129_173802_733.jpg)

Yay a new Vicky thread! Here's something I found the other day on one of her client's Facebook posts. Vic complaining about someone else's camera work lol
No. 735783
File: 1575074511524.jpg (101.96 KB, 910x1280, IMG_20191129_174122_441.jpg)

Here's neckbeard Vic
No. 735786
File: 1575074821321.jpg (91.73 KB, 807x1280, IMG_20191129_174623_160.jpg)

Victoria doesn't think about us actively
No. 735789
File: 1575074961593.jpg (74.48 KB, 812x1280, IMG_20191129_174754_284.jpg)

Vicky is a major model who is big online
No. 735791
>>735789Well Vick, you're sitting at home alone on a Friday night looking through some girls profile and making fun of her hair. Guess you're the ugly af stalker chick. And how is she gonna post
>>735786 then follow it up with this trash. You're clearly bothered by what people say if you're not only discussing it, but looking through their profiles.
No. 735798
>>735789She’s so delusional that she can’t accept other models could possibly be successful and have a following. No, they’re jealous of Vic, copy her style (fucking LOL), stalk her and buy followers. And they get plastic surgery to get the same body as Vic.
She’s so threatened by other women for just existing. I’ll bet she’s the type of woman who considers a guy looking at porn “cheating”.
No. 735802
File: 1575077118306.jpg (84.06 KB, 808x730, Bottom_Pupils.jpg)

Her pupils aren't in the center of her iris
No. 735804
File: 1575077456427.jpg (617.53 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20191129_202944.jpg)

Looks like Vic forgot to shoop out a fat roll and accidentally shooped braces on her teeth.
No. 735809
File: 1575077815203.png (612.28 KB, 1280x1798, smooth.png)

>>735802One of the comments on this photo. Victoria is impressed by the words of Drew420
No. 735810
File: 1575078079603.jpg (105.29 KB, 798x1280, IMG_20191129_183830_715.jpg)

This is what Victoria likes in a man. Super picky.
No. 735831
File: 1575081279032.jpeg (37.46 KB, 640x503, 8B5DE974-DB37-4ABC-9784-8E53DD…)

>>735781Ya she stole that tattoo here’s the original lmao
No. 735867
File: 1575088686156.jpg (274.06 KB, 1072x804, 20191129_233709.jpg)

Created a whole section called "stalkers" and took all these screenshots because SHE TOTALLY DOESN'T CARE
No. 735868
>>735779yea i think she's trying to humble brag how close she can come to hitting a target while blindfolded. including it in this cringey word vomit seems off though, like it has nothing to do with the rest of the stuff she's talking about.
>>735786the giant letter spelling correction when it's shitty in so many other places. also i like how she now has a dedicated highlight story on instagram about ~stalkers~. ppl wouldn't even know about them if she wasn't constantly talking about them.
No. 735894
File: 1575092323867.jpeg (894.02 KB, 1242x1947, C7DB42D7-4D2E-4E7C-86B8-EB764F…)

>>735831Well, the original design is by an artist named Darrell Thorne, so that tattoo was probably stolen aswell. There are two different bear paw prints by him that are widely popular. to his webshop with some backstory.
No. 735899
>>735867What exactly is posted under “stalkers”? I’m so curious. Photos of other girls “copying” her?
But she’s sooooo unbothered you guys.
No. 735921
>>735913Sounds like a good way to get banned from IG lol. Accusing people of stalking with absolutely zero proof.
She accuses so many people of stalking and constantly stalking, that it makes me think she’s the actual stalker. Vic projects like no one I’ve ever seen before. Not that she stalks these girls per-say, but maybe ex boyfriends or some shit.
Total tinfoil though. And since she doesn’t have a DL or even a car, I suspect it’s purely internet stalking.
No. 735944
File: 1575115722651.jpg (72.16 KB, 1280x743, IMG_20191130_050742_091.jpg)

"Our" Black Friday sale. I thought her apprentice was gone
No. 735958
>>735947Paying by the hour is definitely a
valid way that plenty of people use, especially on bigger pieces… go off, tho.
No. 735979
File: 1575126572891.jpg (118.42 KB, 821x1280, IMG_20191130_080723_261.jpg)

Can't figure out what she's saying here. She doesn't post pics with her romantic partners because…?
No. 735988
>>735947Hourly is a
valid way to price tats but the way she's advertising it seems kinda off because what the person wants etc can change the time/cost/etc. It's weirdly impersonal
No. 736003
>>735979I think she's saying that the dudes she banging don't brag about her or get 'cute' pictures with her.
Probably because the ones she bangs don't want to be pictured with the one night stand from the night before that smells like ham and Jack Daniels and won't shut up about herself.
That Matt dude seemed to talk about her and included her in his bio or whatever but I get the vibe she such a narc that she thinks she can bag better, so she keeps him as a friend's with benefits kinda deal in case something better comes along. So that way she has his asspat comments on her statuses and photos and she can still be down to fuck when she lonely drunk posting.
Matt is like what Ryan is to Raven Sparks. A fill in crutch.
As pathetic as he is, I actually feel sorry for him in a way. It's sad to see him posting a comment as soon as some other neckbeard makes a flirty comment on one of her photos. He's no looker, but he's like a decade younger and I hope he wises up that old Vick is a dead end.
No. 736006
>>736003Whoops misread her post.
She actually just saying that she won't get photos with guys because she's sooo picky but we know that it's because-
1-There is no guys that will except that Matt guy and random neckbeards from bars she pretends are her 'bromigos'
2-She doesn't like taking candids with others or for them to post it because she won't be able to shoop it. Plus she's so insecure I can imagine her panicking that she won't get enough validation from the middle aged neckbeards on her Facebook and Insta if she starts posting photos with men she's fucking.
No. 736011 is this and why does it exist?
I don't think I've ever seen it in any other Vicky thread.
It could be a troll but looks like it's written by her.
No. 736015
File: 1575136701394.jpg (167.42 KB, 1263x1280, IMG_20191130_105625_960.jpg)

I'm loling. I found this third Facebook of hers called Victoria Bella-Morte tattoos. She doesn't update it very much. Found this post. She's thorough about what she sets on the tattoo table.
No. 736018
>>736015Yea this was posted in an older thread and she got called out because there’s no “health board of Canada”
When she mentions things like “neurosurgeon” It makes me laugh. Because she’s implying well-educated and smart individuals are going to her shack to get tattooed. I’ll bet some dude said that he was a neurosurgeon (and wasn’t) to impress her and Vic used it to fuel her ego.
No. 736057
File: 1575151360537.png (571.43 KB, 808x596, abs.png)

This was in reply to her saying she doesn't want gross "lower" abs. I can't get over how rude she is to anyone who comments something she doesn't like. She is so bothered by anyone who isn't an adoring neckbeard.
No. 736189
>>736171>edgy Mary Sue from 2011This is honestly a good description of her in general. Icy eyes, perfect body that normal women can't attain, Matrix-style sword skills, pursued by millionaires and rock stars from around the world. Her entire personality is like one of those circa 2008 OC sheets from livejournal.
I do hope she outgrows it at some point, but it's so unbelievably funny that there's someone walking around who encompasses all of the cringy parts of the 2000s internet, complete with terrible photo quality and editing.
No. 736226
File: 1575180388572.jpeg (113.13 KB, 828x641, 6A4823B9-6EAA-4CC1-9A40-4EB5BE…)

Anyone know the milk about this? Vicky is wacko
No. 736241
>>736226Like I said, pretty sure Vic is the stalker. She’s clearly harassing this person and stalking her social media lol. She’s unhinged.
Vicky is doing a great job of making herself look like a bully with these comments and her “stalker” highlights.
No. 736296
File: 1575208666508.webm (1.08 MB, 480x792, pigtails.webm)
No. 736311
File: 1575217081889.png (485.32 KB, 1280x1481, slipknotshirt.png)

At first I thought this guy was teasing her but he's the client that got a Vic face surrounded by serpents tattooed onto him.
No. 736313
File: 1575217473187.jpg (113.65 KB, 1280x986, IMG_20191201_091955_754.jpg)

She also posted this comment about him cheating on her because he had ink done by another artist, after getting a tattoo from her. Idk if this is normal for tattoo artists to joke about so this might be a nitpick.
No. 736318
File: 1575221605583.jpeg (136.17 KB, 685x434, 32F1DAEC-2E78-4776-8FF9-6219E9…)

>>736313Don’t know why you’d want to go back when that’s how the tattoo looks after some healing. From trash to future laser removal
No. 736319
File: 1575221715018.jpeg (281.46 KB, 480x715, 97198EC1-88B1-4ADB-AB24-5B17C3…)

I can’t with her dead hair scene combover and round potato face
No. 736351
File: 1575231564398.webm (1.16 MB, 480x792, snowmans.webm)
>>736315"Nothing about this is normal." I loled.
Vic posted 3 new pixelated videos today. They're all pretty much the same.
No. 736357
File: 1575234824790.jpeg (165.86 KB, 828x1164, 5D7EB724-2D4C-4902-B614-72C354…)

“Why do I like my eyes so much here”
Girl needs to get off her own dick.
Not a pore in sight. The amount of filter on these photos… nobody’s face looks like this.
No. 736371
File: 1575240374764.jpeg (48.03 KB, 373x500, 3D6ADF8B-25D3-41ED-A56E-89796B…)

>>736368“I usually need convincing”
No. 736376
>>736357all those filters and her hair still looks so dry and crunchy.
>>736371nice find anon! this is probably heavily edited but she looks much better here than in her final fantasy shoops.
No. 736430
File: 1575249647896.jpeg (445.4 KB, 750x923, 8777E7CF-3263-408F-B8C7-1FCE88…)

>>736371What the fuck at the nose shoop lmao
No. 736541
File: 1575278233874.jpg (77 KB, 779x1279, IMG_20191202_021614_553.jpg)

I love how she always thanks these internet dudes for wanting to fuck her
No. 736601
File: 1575307834719.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x1131, 1205B33D-1B12-4FEA-9B24-5FD737…)

Saw this from one of her fans in a pic comment. made her teeth look worse.
No. 736649
File: 1575318867017.png (1.81 MB, 1242x2208, D9188DCF-EC35-48F8-A279-71E14F…)

No. 736659
File: 1575320740318.jpg (72.25 KB, 789x1280, IMG_20191202_140446_460.jpg)

Why does she keep saying we need a VPN to see that video? It's literally just right there on her Instagram lol
No. 736660
File: 1575320913008.jpg (76.1 KB, 795x1279, IMG_20191202_140639_526.jpg)

LOL guys Vic doesn't really call herself famous
>>736578>Your your a model No. 736666
File: 1575321838776.jpg (77.98 KB, 639x900, foothand.jpg)

New Vicpic!
No. 736708
>>736675I don’t think anyone is saying it’s glamorous or something to envy, but I do have a few friends that apart of this industry. They LOVE their job, and I don’t think Vicky should be saying anything about their work or putting anyone down. Which she’s done on many occasions for YEARS. Seems more like she’s jealous that these women get paid for being desirable more than anything.
She always talks about uplifting women, unless they’re prettier than her or go against her “logic” and this is a prime example.
No. 736709
File: 1575328540203.jpeg (98.67 KB, 780x1030, DBAD2693-E775-4538-AAB1-FB11CF…)

What happens when you try and save money by doing your own hair. It’s purple with a yellow band.
What happens when you drink, smoke and don’t take care of your teeth.
No. 736717
File: 1575330455392.jpeg (401.75 KB, 828x1521, FB1CBB9E-6329-45AD-B6B6-0D3558…)

A)this girl has too much time on her hands.
B) for a BUSY, sought after tattoo artist, she’s lacking any art.
No. 736718
>>736708It's that vick comments on it at all like the thirsty bitch she is. She posts neckbeard's messages treating her like a whore and brags about them, then she talks about how she's dated billionaires yet she wants to judge others?
And let's be honest
>>736649 I think Vick would suck plenty of D to get an ass like that without photoshop. Too bad for her it takes money, gym, self care and diet.
No. 736733
File: 1575332106442.jpeg (288.83 KB, 812x822, 25C29E11-2C15-4989-91B6-E55DDE…)

>>736666Did she seriously just mirror the background she shooped herself into
No. 736750
>>736747Frankie, the photographer that’s been taking her photo for years? The same one that can’t be found anywhere and isn’t following her on Instagram? Or vis versa .
The photographer that pays her $3000 an hour to model her same socks and shorts she’s been wearing for years? Oh yeah. Looks like Frankie’s work
No. 736757
>>736747The only “Frankie photography” that exists from my searching is in Michigan and they’re a wedding photographer.
Or one in australia. Other than that, there’s no such thing online.
So it’s either a stand or one of her sketchy Guelph friends.
No. 736771
>>736666why is the background so slanted? also the top of her hair is super blurry, probably to hide the yellow roots and how damaged it is.
>>736717even other scratchers have more tattoo pix than she does, why even link this account to her ~ink~, just make it a personal page.
No. 736853
File: 1575349535177.png (2.7 MB, 1450x900, magicshorts.png)

>>736733This is hilarious. No wonder she doesn't post multiples of the same "set" because her edits are all over the place. I decreased the contrast a bit to make it easier to see, but it's like a game of spot the difference. The hair color, the hair flower, the necklace, the headband, the eyelashes, and whatever is going on with those shorts.
Imagine going through all the effort to shop yourself onto this boring background when you could've just gone to an actual park.
No. 736857
File: 1575350673115.jpeg (61.56 KB, 243x378, D98C52E7-55E1-4444-8BB7-1CB331…)

>>736853She’s so sloppy and these shoops into random backgrounds always look so obvious because the lighting doesn’t ever make fucking sense she’s such a loser
No. 736874
>>736660I feel like an idiot for not realizing this sooner: vic is fake messaging herself for screenshots. That's why they all spell the same and perfectly suit whatever narc sperg she's having that day.
Reminds me of several threads ago when she got busted for wking herself pretending to be several diff people.
No. 736929
File: 1575378639695.jpg (112.42 KB, 668x1280, IMG_20191203_060924_098.jpg)

Daily "support women!" post from Vic here
No. 736964
File: 1575390308806.jpeg (75.47 KB, 818x352, CB76F91E-F960-463A-AB35-0823FF…)

How many hours of tattooing do you think Vicky offered this girl to write this weird ass comment.
No. 737040
File: 1575410681603.jpeg (124.59 KB, 748x800, 80362BE8-627A-40FA-8DD3-883E76…)

>>736666She blurred her gut so awkward where the fabric just magically become smooth? but you can still see her belly hang to the right. Those cottage cheese legs didn’t get shooped enough either
No. 737227
File: 1575453106541.jpg (117.56 KB, 910x1280, IMG_20191204_024801_222.jpg)

Holy shit I'm dying. Vicky posted a status about Deric Lostutter. When two cows collide! This is absolutely hilarious.
No. 737290
File: 1575484126115.jpg (85.11 KB, 980x1280, IMG_20191204_112821_287.jpg)

No. 737292
File: 1575484314071.jpg (79.3 KB, 1280x1147, IMG_20191204_113007_917.jpg)

Here she is not understanding a comment, again. I think she barely reads what people say, and just uses it as an opportunity to talk about herself some more. She certainly loves to talk about herself.
No. 737298
File: 1575487441386.png (1.52 MB, 2048x1797, Screenshot_20191204-141833.png)

posts old gif where a man nonconsensually stares at naked woman in bath tub while denying her request for clothing
Man has a blank stare throughout
Vick accompanying quote "the way he stares at her is hot"
Not sure if voyeuristic creepers are really her thing or if she's just signalling to men that she's cooler than other women and down with the rape culture
No. 737336
But there's nothing fucking special about INTJ other than they're rare results when you take the survey. She's just caught up in not being like other girls she's attached to a meaningless one.
No. 737385
File: 1575509149246.jpeg (180.77 KB, 828x1126, 67FE925C-DA0C-44BB-9B74-91EEB8…)

“Uplift women”
No. 737686
File: 1575573075341.png (1.21 MB, 1038x2765, jeepers.png)

Why are these idiots trying to analyze what happened in this still photo?
No. 737694
File: 1575575528369.jpg (363.32 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_20191205_145152.jpg)

I don't think this has been posted but I don't see it on her page either.
No. 737695
>>737692I honestly think it started when her ex friend bunny became a stripper, making money and getting attention from men.
She knows she could never be a stripper because people would see what she really look like, and her body is a mess / saggy tits.
She also knows that is if she starts a fans only someone would definitely screenshot photos of her naked because not a lot of people like her. Or her dad would cut her off.
No. 737698
File: 1575576321941.jpeg (69.21 KB, 828x538, 6018A5E9-395E-4407-9813-C951CF…)

She hasn’t been posting anything art related recently, but has been sharing things on Facebook all hours of the morning. Seems like business is doing worse than usual.
No. 737702
>>737694I posted it up thread here
>>735802Idk why it doesn't show up on her main feed but it was posted when Instagram was having problems so maybe that's why.
No. 737835
File: 1575597690563.png (1.87 MB, 966x868, 1575575528369.png)

>>737704Kek this is also the same background as the other two pictures, with added shopping/filtering/clone tool/lens flare. I've never seen anyone Frankenstein their photoshops like she does. Bizarre.
No. 737887
File: 1575604609730.jpg (67.07 KB, 1280x868, IMG_20191205_205513_965.jpg)

>>737686More stupid replies to this post. This hurts.
No. 737903
>>737887Yeah Vicky… they’re fighting and one won.
While stating “tell your mom to upload more fans only content.”
This girl is the worlds biggest bully, she promotes bullying. She even has a “stalkers” page on her Instagram because a girl looked at her stories. Which also, no context. Does she realize how ridiculous she comes across
No. 737917
>>737686She’s trying to give context to a stock photo because she is being called out.
Also she’s claiming she defends bullies while currently bullying online. Queen of hypocrisy
No. 738081
File: 1575656390713.png (91.57 KB, 496x937, Screenshot_20191206-123140.png)

The tags for her google reviews page speak volumes lmao
No. 738201
File: 1575679561599.jpeg (111.1 KB, 828x1076, 25CADED3-353B-4BBB-9C8A-56EE92…)

Psychology major Vicky got her degree at the university of YouTube.
No. 738224
File: 1575682117664.jpg (235.73 KB, 1080x1452, Screenshot_20191206_202758.jpg)

In b4 Vicky posts this claiming that's the guy who showed her ISIS' plans for world domination in the cab
No. 738260
File: 1575689776028.jpeg (159.05 KB, 828x964, FBCFB7C1-F878-4251-B044-85AC86…)

I love that she posted this. But this is the same girl that says “you can’t photoshop videos” or “if you wave your hand over your face you can’t have a filter on”
No. 738644
File: 1575788574043.png (913.98 KB, 1565x1280, eyeenteejay.png)

From her Instagram stories lol
No. 738683
>>738678What she is describing is actually just a narcissistic person with attachment disorders. Actual INTJs are very chill, playful, they do like solitude but they also crave deep connection with others, because they may feel misunderstood a lot - because they show love in ways of “I will help fix all of your problems and I will challenge you to be best version of yourself, and I also want to know everything about you so that we both know each other purely, accurately, and without being limited by social custom bullshit”. That’s really it, they’re playful, but they just don’t understand most people, for example why should you care about what some nobody thinks of you. They want to be genuine so they are themselves, and it may be challenging for some people. INTJs aren’t queens of ice as she tries to portray it. She describes her own fantasy of what she wants to be like, she plasters INTJ label over it, but what she describes is actually being a needy, insecure narcissist.
No. 738758
File: 1575834132491.jpeg (71.58 KB, 828x361, 16AB03CA-D7B0-4256-ABF1-5E117E…)

“Booked up solid for a year”
“Gift cards”
No. 739048
File: 1575889058278.webm (900.59 KB, 480x792, missvictoriamurder_2019.12.9_k…)
No. 739049
File: 1575889407956.webm (563.23 KB, 480x792, missvictoriamurder_2019.12.9_d…)
Here we have Victoria telling lolcow that she has several pairs of these shorts and socks
No. 739053
File: 1575890084834.webm (825.36 KB, 480x792, missvictoriamurder_2019.12.9_3…)
That's a pretty solid looking arm she has there. Must be all the sword training.
No. 739060
>>739048what is she saying? i listened to this about fifteen times (pray for me) but i have no idea what the fuck is going on.
that weird ninja headband, vicky wtf.
No. 739064
>>739060Ulysses says vámonos.
I think.
No. 739065
File: 1575893907129.jpg (78.65 KB, 833x1280, IMG_20191209_051411_758.jpg)

Vic has been thirsting for a boyfriend pretty bad lately. A month or two back she went out with this guy named mr.illnation and said that she matched her hair color to his suit jacket. Then she started posting breakup stuff like "Just because it is over doesn't mean it wasn't magic". And now her and that guy aren't following each other anymore. She tries really hard to flirt with a guy on Instagram called engage.the.core but he mostly ignores her.
Now there's this.
No. 739075
File: 1575897162517.webm (1.82 MB, 540x892, missvictoriamurder_2019.12.9_4…)
She also posted this to her Instagram story. The video itself is not very interesting but the audio is weird. You hear Ulises say something like "Actually this is, this is it" and then Vicky goes "Hiii 'lises!" in a baby voice, dropping the first syllable from his name. It's like she said it to her followers and not him, because he was trying to have a conversation about where they were at or something and she just goes HIII! in the middle of him talking.
No. 739086
File: 1575900706537.jpg (56.87 KB, 778x1279, IMG_20191209_054752_669.jpg)

She also posted this to her Instagram story, right after the videos of her and Ulises, and before the video of her shorts and socks.
No. 739090
>>739048if i saw someone i know talking in vid with their hand on the chin like this i'd ask wtf they were doing b/c it's not normal.
>>739053how is the shorts video so damn grainy and this one is glowy, no filters though.
No. 739124
>>739086>>739073This is actually fantastic. As I’ve said- Vic is the queen of projection. So the fact that she posted this
>>736649All while sleezing around with an old fart?! Is this the Vicky milk we’ve all been waiting for?
No. 739155
File: 1575919213058.jpeg (255.96 KB, 828x1045, 095763C1-64B3-4900-B4D9-D7CE9E…)

Home girl is really trying to say she painted this.
No. 739159
File: 1575921501965.jpg (44.24 KB, 397x397, 79507878_1001085203589367_6796…)

Incoming pics
No. 739160
File: 1575921528059.jpg (46.53 KB, 441x441, 79143530_451551508732814_81695…)

No. 739161
File: 1575921570477.jpg (42.62 KB, 362x363, 77037812_175017566948011_18271…)

No. 739164
>>739161This guy is 57 years old. Why can she never find someone close to her own age?
Young guys that don’t know any better or guys so old he just wants to be seen with a younger woman.
He also lives in the states
No. 739182
File: 1575927438862.jpg (64.23 KB, 972x1280, IMG_20191209_143536_181.jpg)

Victoria did new ink on her close friend Jackie!
No. 739184
File: 1575927692337.webm (910.21 KB, 480x600, 76782381_781713578966069_82676…)
Here's the video
No. 739205
>>739159Damn, Vic bagged herself an old ass sugar daddy. I’m actually happy for her- she’s tapping deep into her self awareness. Knowing no one, except a lonely old man with money, will want something like Vic and her rat tail extensions.
Old men can’t really tell the difference between shoop and real life. And she’s better looking than anything he can likely get his own age. And he’s wayyyyy too old to accidentally knock her up.
I hope she stops attack sex workers now that she’s whoring herself out to someone’s grandpa.
No. 739225
File: 1575934182608.jpeg (279.63 KB, 828x830, 68DEFA34-E23A-48AF-87E8-32E9C9…)

“Jet set global” is his company and it looks so sketchy.
No. 739242
File: 1575935993282.jpg (166.65 KB, 960x960, 70825315_2950828328476031_8412…)

>>739225Yeah idk if it's an event planning company or what but there's no website, there are like 3 different Facebooks and they all have these 90s web style graphics on them.
Pic related looks straight from the Yvette's Bridal Boutique website.
No. 739246
>>739242Aka this guy is perfect for Vicky. Seems to have an inflated ego and tries to make himself seem important online.
Either they’re getting married tomorrow or they’ll kill each other
No. 739255
File: 1575939260833.jpg (119.09 KB, 960x960, 80655401_779478025809300_84645…)

You guys I am fucking crying
No. 739256
File: 1575939318431.jpg (126.61 KB, 960x960, 78937253_779478149142621_11886…)

With laughter
No. 739257
File: 1575939421033.jpg (132.98 KB, 833x960, 79351418_779478185809284_28497…)

No. 739258
File: 1575939460170.jpg (116.44 KB, 960x960, 78743693_779478109142625_24574…)

I can't decide if this one is my favorite
No. 739259
File: 1575939481658.jpg (143.24 KB, 951x960, 79773806_779478059142630_59800…)

Or if it's this one
No. 739262
File: 1575939653731.jpg (93.09 KB, 770x1279, IMG_20191209_175951_503.jpg)

>>739258These pics are absolute gold.
No. 739263
File: 1575939895703.jpg (133.5 KB, 901x1280, IMG_20191209_180341_464.jpg)

Congrats to Vicky on becoming Jet Set Global Toronto's ambassador!!! I'm sure she will do an excellent job!
No. 739274
File: 1575941769177.jpeg (154.6 KB, 676x757, 1A8D31AC-0C5B-4418-9D14-E84EAD…)

Super lazy Vicky is my favourite. Not even worth photoshopping for she just blurs the fuck out of it before posting on her own social media
No. 739276
File: 1575941973945.jpeg (151.75 KB, 714x1098, 03635F47-B4AF-45BC-BD88-9DCC26…)

More blur effect. Not sure if she’s doing it because she’s lazy or she’s trying the to
Coverup just HOW old that guy is
No. 739283
>>739263This man has been at it for 14 years and can’t muster more than a few hundred Facebook likes. Leave it to vicky to hitch herself to a ship that hasn’t even left the dock. I’ve seen ponzie schemes with more promise than this, but go for it vic!
Looks like he’s a self-aggrandizing, aging nobody as well. They make a good pair.
No. 739284
File: 1575943181454.jpeg (243.54 KB, 1632x1376, C3671A72-CB82-4D2B-B0F1-9B947A…)

>>739283Forgot to attach pic
No. 739292
File: 1575944409162.jpeg (84.2 KB, 828x529, 178D8340-7FDA-498B-92F6-C6BF41…)

>>739290I refuse to this guy participated in anyway at the golden globes and does all his business through Facebook, there’s no website in sight. Even under “about” on Facebook it’s blank. We’ve found male Vicky
No. 739295
File: 1575944705711.jpeg (237.4 KB, 724x731, 4C39B404-518D-4347-BCCD-00B2FB…)

Yeah, this dude is… yeesh. Have fun with that one vicky!
No. 739296
File: 1575944901429.jpg (75.69 KB, 1280x1192, IMG_20191209_192437_060.jpg)

>>739290It is very odd. Everything I can find about this business says it's not licensed anymore.
No. 739303
File: 1575945410323.jpeg (105.8 KB, 828x672, C37DEDDD-C85D-44C4-900F-DB9512…)

>>739292This makes no sense. Just another thing Vicky can add to her long resume. :eye roll:
No. 739304
File: 1575945438920.jpg (93.41 KB, 988x1280, IMG_20191209_193620_616.jpg)

>>739292There are actually 4 Facebooks lol. There's Jet Set Global Beverly/Hollywood, Jet Set Global Media / Showbiz, Jet Set Global Media Production, and Jet Set Global Diplomacy. If you go to one of the Facebooks, the other 3 show up as suggested accounts, at least on Facebook mobile web.
Here's the about page from one of them.
No. 739308
File: 1575945949693.jpeg (317.22 KB, 1188x1632, 2258FF4B-4B15-4880-99DD-8B5C2E…)

This fool is really out here photoshopping himself into photos with celebrities and pretending he’s going to the oscars. I can’t, Vicky really has found her soulmate.
No. 739315
>>739309I assumed he had money because why else would she saddle up with Grandpa Jet-Set. If he’s just blowing smoke exactly like how she does, they are truly meant for one another.
>>739259>>739257>>739256>>739255How many photos can you take with an unopened bottle of champagne and empty -wine- glasses?
No. 739320
>>739308This is incredible. I love him. I would read a thread just about him.
I cant wait for more. Like, what is even going on? How did they find each other. The champagne bottle in every shot like a prop. I can't breathe.
No. 739332
File: 1575952106385.jpeg (783.17 KB, 750x1239, 79D6123D-CA36-48B4-BA3E-1F59C0…)

>>739259This bitch really out here in those smelly ass shorts and socks under that cheap unflattering jacket holy shit this is amazing. Hand and hair on face did not work well for her here
No. 739334
File: 1575952207073.jpg (86.31 KB, 846x1280, IMG_20191209_212944_649.jpg)

No. 739349
>>739332They look special needs.
The pics are great. No wonder she hides that chin, it's definitely not one of those sharp Final Fantasy dorito chins. It's something you can pack a few fish in.
No. 739353
File: 1575957304505.png (1.49 MB, 1581x2559, I_was_asked.png)

No. 739358
File: 1575957532390.jpg (99.82 KB, 787x1279, IMG_20191209_225657_869.jpg)

She added two Ulises stories to her Instagram highlights under "right hand angel"
No. 739454
File: 1575981380105.jpg (81.26 KB, 1280x775, IMG_20191210_053255_748.jpg)

I searched and these don't appear to be song lyrics. Looks like another original Victoria poem. Ulises must have really swept her off her feet.
No. 739463
File: 1575986251219.jpg (54.88 KB, 794x1280, IMG_20191210_065558_908.jpg)

She was sending internet dudes wav files of her voice at 1 in the morning.
No. 739482
File: 1575992201477.png (1.42 MB, 828x1792, F61164CE-EF87-44A0-9B93-80E4B3…)

If you google this guy literally NOTHING comes up except this Twitter with 7 followers. And one photo of a terrible collage he made. Vicky has attached herself to another wanna be someone.
No. 739483
File: 1575992776341.png (1.33 MB, 1280x3011, sleepingcatedithistory.png)

I love her edits
No. 739484
File: 1575993036996.png (317.69 KB, 960x854, 2007phone.png)

>>739483She commented on her own Facebook status with these screenshots. She's been desperately hitting on her followers for a few months now. I love how the emojis don't render on her phone.
No. 739491
>>739182new yet already looks years old, vic's really got a talent for that.
>>739463wonder what she was saying and what accent she was using. this is what she's spending her time and choosing to share in her story instead of idk, showing off tattoos she's done since she soo super booked.
No. 739528
File: 1576009025723.jpg (61.65 KB, 1280x676, IMG_20191210_131620_424.jpg)

No. 739543
File: 1576014011103.jpeg (55.55 KB, 828x390, B10B0EDE-E410-4F0C-BB5C-A1104C…)

She really isn’t getting a lot of clients, huh? She just had a “cancellation” and is trying to fill it on Facebook. Didnt get any hits, so here we are. Vicky’s dreaming of ruining her hair some more. She’s been on social media so much lately and none of it is her art
No. 739556
File: 1576016993751.jpg (99.79 KB, 998x1279, IMG_20191210_152838_059.jpg)

Holy shit the desperation.
Also why did she edit the status to remove the period at the end of the sentence?!
No. 739568
File: 1576019029004.jpeg (176.33 KB, 828x1054, 6BFE8592-5B32-4ED0-90D0-529BC8…)

looks like the old man met another girl on Facebook and jet set his ass away from Vicky.
No. 739576
File: 1576020664647.jpg (6.7 KB, 276x183, images (8).jpg)

omg Jet Set International is Prestige Worldwide and I'm feeling it.
No. 739581
File: 1576022919345.jpg (71.88 KB, 769x1280, IMG_20191210_170811_363.jpg)

No. 739587
File: 1576023400217.jpeg (117.15 KB, 822x866, 07D961D8-6566-4F59-ACC9-330DF8…)

Complimenting herself, even in hypothetical situations. Will always be her favourite past times. It’s so cringe worthy
No. 739641
>>739290>>739296>>739304Could be engaged in money laundering or something of that nature. Or, as someone suggested, an older guy with a relatively modest trust fund who's trying to feel like he's doing something with his life.
>>739568Damn, this could have been the dawn of a golden age. It would have been great to see Vicky wined and dined just by virtue of how awkwardly she'd handle it.
No. 739649
File: 1576038000920.png (40.73 KB, 479x755, image.png)

>Is Excited to Announce a new kind of Agency right here in Phoenix Arizona.
>The ShowBiz Bilingual Multi-Cultural Ambassador Facilitator for any type of ; either Macro (Space Rocket) to Micro (sewing needle) Production demands as Local to Worldwide Media Exposure.
>Joining Actors, Entertainers, Event/Fashion Coordinators/planners, Production Professionals, Film Prod./Dir. as Singers, Dancers, Make-up/Hairstylist Artists and Exotic Models/Talents/Actors from Around the World ready to kick-in to Arizona's new ShowBiz.
>We also provide Professional training as Exposure For Models/Actors/Talents up to Celebrity's Etiquette Coaching with a unique Strategy to bring out their Charisma, Passion and Energy with Diplomacy and Class in the Worldwide Entertainment Business.The next Hollywood port of call is Phoenix, AZ. Life itself in Phoenix is full of Show Business.
>Be ready for the Action !!>With Jet Set Models>No Need to be a Star>to Look>&>Feel like One.A tiny bit sketchy, ngl.
No. 739670
File: 1576039248580.jpg (127.94 KB, 1280x1122, IMG_20191210_214027_003.jpg)

No. 739725
>>739670what the fuck is this embarrassing shit?
is this what she does and thinks about all day?
i just wondered what a typical day in her life might look like.
1.wake up at whatever hour, probably hangover and in the same clothes from yesterday
2.pose in front of the mirror for abt 1hour (all unwashed etc) while admiring self.
do a makeup check. maybe just put some more lipstick/eyeliner over whatever is left of yesterday's makeup something
4.look at own facebook/dating apps to reassure self guys are thirsty for her and that she is such an amazing hot babe of otherworldly intelligence
5.check appointments with clients for today: none. great, means more free time for self
6.take selfies with Frankie the Tripod while swinging a souvenir shop sword in front of the camera
7.about time for another meal
8.spend a few hours photoshopping the selfies or editing videos
9.admire the results for another hour online with more thirsty guys
11.make a self praising post on facebook to remind everyone of what an amazing beautiful holy creature she is (then maybe one PR post about openings due to sudden cancellations)
12.check appointments..still nothing. guess it's time for supper up a bottle of cheap alcohol, then spend the rest of the evening drinking and snacking in front of the computer while admiring own pictures and comparing them to other women while thinking how ugly they all are
14.bathroom break, spend 30min making faces at self in the mirror and taking more pictures from creative angles, attempting to hide all the fat
15.pass out drunk on the way back to computer while trying to read messages from horny guys on her phone
No. 739753
File: 1576072088388.jpeg (137.4 KB, 828x811, 044BEF62-6597-418C-A9CC-9A23CB…)

Who ever said he left her for all these other women? I know for a fact Adrien left her because he was in love with her friend.
Matt probably has a hard time pulling anyone. He’s gross and types like a 14 year old scene kid.
No. 739754
>>739753“High iq”
No. 739759
File: 1576073251876.jpeg (149.96 KB, 828x1055, EFEF50AA-9B36-46D3-A368-C74A01…)

Business really can’t be going well. There’s NO art, NO reviews, no mention of her studio. On the other hand she’s been posting constantly at all hours( example this is 3am) out drinking(or pretending to?) with old man jet setter.
No. 739775
>>739484>3:18AMimagine being this lonely and desperate, in your 30s staying up past 3am thirsting over the attention from random loser dudes on the internet
what a life
No. 739890
File: 1576106145881.jpeg (103.35 KB, 750x286, 56C36320-CE68-4A39-81E9-8C7C02…)

Nobody wants to marry you Vicky. Imagine being 32 and talking like this?
No. 739899
File: 1576107467248.jpg (21.34 KB, 1280x303, IMG_20191211_163739_131.jpg)

>>739890This is my favorite reply to that status.
No. 739930
File: 1576115475746.jpg (66.61 KB, 470x556, whatamess.jpg)

>>739753this made my brain melt a liddle. also i thought she didn't care about what her hayders say.
she finally posted a tattoo, i saw it on the explore page and thought i was looking at the suckytattoos account for a second. it's so inflamed and i bet the lines are all fucked which is why she puts up videos and not actual pictures.
No. 739934
File: 1576116198140.jpg (106.56 KB, 802x1279, IMG_20191211_190242_363.jpg)

>>739930This is interesting. She posted the same video of this tattoo to her story, and to her main account. But the two videos have different filters on them.
No. 740062
File: 1576138080751.png (2.29 MB, 1242x2208, 07B7A602-FDF8-4D6B-82FD-8A66FD…)

>>735710Reason #100 for vic to look down on others: having syphillis. She’s not like the other sluts!!!!
No. 740174
File: 1576163360142.jpeg (224.31 KB, 828x1432, 865EEBD7-FFBC-406B-99E5-8440F5…)

Posting old content cause she knows she has no new content.
No. 740208
File: 1576173592441.jpeg (342.33 KB, 1125x1898, 82284E10-A6CC-4CDD-9793-306E81…)

I just looked at her page and the first thing I saw was this. Imagine being this insecure.
Also, where does she find the time to be online 24/7 with sooo many jobs?
No. 740222
>>739934yea i noticed that, the one on her story doesn't look as irritated but that's dumb b/c wouldn't you want that on your profile instead of someone looking like you punched them with the tattoo machine.
>>740174this one kills me every time, and here she is a year later still bad at what she thinks she's good at like most things in her life
No. 740321
File: 1576204973997.png (1.18 MB, 1560x1279, SingleVicky.png)

No. 740326
>>740321Until that stays on my Facebook says I’m in a relationship.
True words of some that lives their entire life on the internet. I’m married and I wouldn’t change my status on Facebook. We leave that blank because we don’t need to put our whole lives on the internet. Is she 13?
No. 740328
File: 1576207353951.jpeg (174.89 KB, 828x1034, 91B2C6DC-8B2B-4FF2-BE90-E37C4F…)

This conversation, though. I’m dying.
And her “I’ll delete you if you don’t interact with me” posts are dripping of desperation. For clients and friends.
No. 740333
File: 1576208306383.jpg (127.53 KB, 1132x1280, IMG_20191212_203449_717.jpg)

I'm dying lmao. I just want to say I really enjoy posting in this thread with you all. This last several days of Vicky milk has been absolutely hilarious.
She booked herself for some ink. I love her. Vicky is my favorite cow. That anon who made the numbered list of a typical Vicky day needs to update with "books self in for new ink because I can do my own." Is she trolling us or has she become an even bigger parody of herself?
No. 740338
File: 1576208821337.jpeg (121.21 KB, 520x1214, 174E6BCD-1DAB-4C12-BA46-6C8B2D…)

This was uploaded three hours ago. Not sure when this is from… but THOSE EXTENSIONS. You can clearly see where her real hair stops, and it’s so broken.
Also, she doesn’t look like the tiny vixen she shops herself to be at all. What is this
No. 740344
File: 1576211711323.png (1.27 MB, 1270x830, 1480302758810.png)

>>740333>I just want to say I really enjoy posting in this thread with you all. This last several days of Vicky milk has been absolutely hilarious.Honestly it's been entertaining enough that I went back and read some old threads, her sperg out is absolutely iconic and one of the few times a cow has made me literally laugh irl at their antics.
No. 740348
>>740344Vic so badly wants to be thin lmao. It never gets old. She is also my favorite cow. Usually narcs piss me off, but Vic is an absolute moron so the two combined is never ending entertainment.
>>740338Who is this old guy in pajamas? They have the same nose. She can try to hide her wide face and bulbous nose behind hair and sunglasses, but nothing can hide that Jay Leno chin. Woof.
No. 740355
File: 1576215370083.jpg (87.96 KB, 815x1280, IMG_20191212_223548_104.jpg)

Posted to her Instagram story Sept 3rd, 2019.
No. 740376
>>740355The self denial is real. “I’m not a middle aged, slightly overweight, average woman. I’m a rare final fantasy ageless vampire.”
Why is she so disgusted by being human?
No. 740379
File: 1576223582287.jpeg (817.54 KB, 3072x3072, 88E5E2F7-35A2-4C1D-8FC9-2B0D65…)

The angle isn’t the same but it’s incredibly close.
Vic, you’re shopping your tummy out and putting it where your ass belongs. You know you can do that irl right? It’s called a Brazilian butt lift. Have your sugar daddy hook you up
No. 740457
File: 1576261460659.jpg (69.66 KB, 793x1280, IMG_20191213_112331_353.jpg)

It doesn't take much to impress our Victoria! I love these cringey private message exchanges that she posts.
No. 740458
File: 1576261556247.jpg (55.88 KB, 821x1280, IMG_20191213_112531_808.jpg)

I want to get drunk with Vic!
No. 740497
>>740328she was probably drunk adding ppl and forgot, i like how she goes from denying it to playing nice.
>>740337she can't even keep an appointment with herself but is booked up for the next year lel
No. 740507
File: 1576282212267.jpeg (174.66 KB, 819x1387, 780AACC0-6621-499E-ACFC-616570…)

Aka, “look how man men with check marks beside their names looked at my story. PLEASE think I’m important.”
No. 740628
File: 1576331612523.jpeg (63.36 KB, 828x373, C2398269-A985-4E56-9BA3-A84328…)

This was written at 3:30 this morning. In the comments she said 3 people saw her do this and she is completely unharmed. And came home and munched toast.
Fire breathers and people that do fire play are TRAINED to do so and even pretty serious accidents happen. This girls drunk in Guelph just licking fire. Does she not realize she’s fucking 35? This is not “sexy” or “cool” she’s done some pretty stupid things, and if this is even true, this is one of the dumbest. And to brag about it. She’s lucky her nasty hay extensions didn’t burst into flames.
No. 740653
>>7406283 people saw her do it? I’m surprised it wasn’t a room full of people and they all clapped and one proposed to her. But 3 WHOLE people? Must have really happened.
She’s a pro fire eater you guysssss
No. 740707
>>740628Someone in the comments asked if it was hot knives and then she said (not as a reply to him, but as a new comment because she was high) "Haha yeah overseen by 3 people and then I went home and munched toast"
Hot knives are method of getting high on marijuana.
I think Vic was saying she did weed with some ppl and 3 ppl helped her through a non-beginner method of imbibing drugs. This happens sometimes. I've never done a hot knife but I'd do one if someone showed me.
I don't think Vic was pretending to be a fire breather this time. The initial post was definitely implying it though lol.
She went home and munched toast afterwards.
No. 740746
File: 1576365671006.jpeg (97.52 KB, 828x467, 5790E3D7-E83B-4104-80AA-A7C157…)

Vicky’s skin is more resilient to fire, guys. nOt LiKE oThEr GiRlS
No. 740747
File: 1576365830214.jpeg (139.67 KB, 815x1511, 7A01271E-8CEE-40CA-AAC0-56863C…)

Super busy at the shop guys.
No. 740753
>>740746>resilent MuH HiGh iQ
Of course her skin is more resilient to fire. Vic is the master of everything and all the things.
No. 740755
File: 1576367587740.jpeg (100.19 KB, 828x486, CC81C984-3B02-424A-B22A-361355…)

Her warning edit. Since when is she a fire eater?! This fucking girl needs to get off of YouTube and make believing talents.
No. 740756
File: 1576367634986.jpeg (87.58 KB, 828x663, AFC131AA-0876-4E76-B7BB-1DE1DA…)

No. 740776
>>740746ok no, she's just talking out her ass as usual. fire doesn't taste like anything, it's like sipping a hot cup of tea without letting it cool first. no one is "resilent" to fire, not even ppl who do movie stunts.
>>740756yea i'd like to see her actually try this b/c it's very easy to get hurt even if you've trained and practiced. licking a blowtorch is also nowhere near the same as actually putting a flaming torch in the mouth, what an idiot.
No. 740781
File: 1576371640087.jpg (57.05 KB, 1280x685, IMG_20191214_175858_364.jpg)

>>740769I'm the anon who guessed the hot knives thing. I love that she edited her status to make it clear that she really was trying to brag about fire breathing. I thought for sure she was saying "haha yes" to this guy's question.
Then I looked up what hot knives were and no parts of that involve licking blowtorch flames
Also I figured she was replying to him because she said she went home and ate toast and I thought she was alluding to getting the munchies.
But no. She did fire eating for 3 people and then went home and ate toast to get the taste of fire out of her mouth.
No. 740784
File: 1576372641193.png (2.18 MB, 1162x4402, 7edits.png)

>>740755Vicky edited this post 7 times lol
No. 740790
File: 1576374678591.png (485.81 KB, 828x1792, 0F36B497-DF7C-466B-9005-E86945…)

Old man really broke Vicky’s heart
No. 740818
File: 1576383797800.jpeg (40.5 KB, 828x222, A9166BB7-AC5E-41EA-B7F8-115FD8…)

Do you think this is why Vicky can’t keep any friends? She makes up these lies / exaggerations and her friends are tired of keeping up with her?
No. 740824
File: 1576384482569.jpeg (164.09 KB, 828x845, B34154E9-4F6B-43DB-A9FD-B309DB…)

>>740818If you go to Jackie’s page. She tagged Vicky and two guys saying they were going to play pool. I’m assuming these are the three people that watched her eat fire…. at the pool hall… safety first Vicky. I’m sure that where during eating should happen, you drunk bitch.
All that being said both the dudes look like children. Like guy can’t be any older than 19. These are the people Vicky choose to spend her time with.
No. 740825
>>740787Nobody believes anything she says? I think that why this entire threat exists.
She probably licked a lighter if anything
No. 740843
>>740836If true, this will surely be a Vicky holiday miracle with all the milk she's been giving us lately. Last Saturday she was jet setting to Toronto with Ulises and posing with a closed bottle of Prosecco.
This Saturday she's breathing fire for a party of four.
Yearbook anon plz be real
No. 740857
>>740852Are you in contact with anyone from high school that would still have a yearbook? Maybe have them send you a photo?
You should start at the first Vic thread. She pretends to be other people. All her self posts are marked. It’s HILARIOUS and one of the best threads on the site imo.
No. 740858
>>740854It's ok. If you click where it says "No. 70000" or whatever the number is, right at the top of a post, it will copy that post number into the reply box and you will be able to reply to individual posts that way.
Here are other tips:
Read the rules page
Don't use a name in the name field
Write the word "sage" in the email field if your post is off topic, conversational, or in any way doesn't contain milk about the thread cow. (Like I've saged this post)
Don't use emojis. Mods are weird about that.
This is just a helpful tip of my own because I've seen this happen time and time again on lolcow: Farmers, if you are logged in using your real Facebook/Instagram and screen capping cows for threads here, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CROP OUT YOUR ICON/NAME/SELF. I cannot tell you the amount of times there's a "reply" option at the bottom of a Facebook or Instagram screenshot, and the icon of the farmer capping is right there with it. Please look at your screenshots carefully before posting them to the internet.
No. 740859
>>740852Right? This is the only way I'll believe it.
>>740857You sound overly dramatic. Everyone's high school years were super traumatic for them. You really gave "that" yearbook away? Which one? High school is 4 years. How many years was Vic your bully? I'm the same anon as
>>740858 so I'm not trying to be mean but if she was only mean to you for one year then maybe you still have other yearbooks with her in it. Unless she was a senior when she bullied you.
No. 740893
File: 1576406525361.png (2.67 MB, 828x1792, F777B414-ABF0-405E-ADFC-A9D274…)

When will she get s new phone? This quality is awful and it’s been years.
No. 740907
File: 1576415987270.jpg (62.96 KB, 956x1280, IMG_20191215_061937_361.jpg)

6 am vic
No. 740921
File: 1576419850250.jpeg (183.32 KB, 828x1454, FA6128F7-9ECC-4D55-915B-DF2841…)

No. 740928
>>740869I honestly don’t talk to anyone from that school. I cut contact with basically everyone from that period of my life.
>>740884I can’t remember if she’s 3 or 4 years older than me. So she would have been 17/18? Her brother is two years older than me and she’s older than him.
>>740873Give me a couple hours to sort through the files of my brain, and I’ll get back to you. I’ve suppressed most of grade nine.
No. 740972
File: 1576440370023.jpg (88.9 KB, 1280x1115, IMG_20191215_130325_203.jpg)

Lol I can't believe her. Not only did her friend respond with the validation she was seeking, but she keeps going on.
>You were freaking out? Guess I didn't notice because I was too busy with all my cool fire tricksssss. My skin is resilient. I had multiple doctors as clients I did epic tattoos on who tested my skin. My skin resiliency is not only to fire but is also why I seem to age more slowly than other women.
No. 740987
File: 1576444397532.jpeg (221.68 KB, 828x1150, A1FF3CB6-393C-404F-AEB7-280456…)

Posts a girl that lies about living in many mansions and being a sought after model that charges $3000 an hour to model her own clothes.
No. 740991
File: 1576445038423.jpeg (154.4 KB, 828x962, D39348CE-E6DB-49A8-B094-E44DB0…)

This josh guy was one of the people with her when this “happened” were they doing drugs? I’m confused. This guy looks about 16
No. 741003
>>740991I actually had to google wtf “hot knives” is. Maybe this method isnt popular in California? Cause I’ve never heard or seen this shit before. Seems extra and try hard.
So if I’m to believe what happened, Vic, trying to impress a couple of 21 year old boys, stuck her tongue out near the flame and then waved her hand near the flame. And now she’s totes a fire eater.
Jesus Christ, the edge.
No. 741005
>>740996Holy shit I just talked about what terrible opsec this is in my post
>>740858Please pay attention to this part:
This is just a helpful tip of my own because I've seen this happen time and time again on lolcow: Farmers, if you are logged in using your real Facebook/Instagram and screen capping cows for threads here, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CROP OUT YOUR ICON/NAME/SELF. I cannot tell you the amount of times there's a "reply" option at the bottom of a Facebook or Instagram screenshot, and the icon of the farmer capping is right there with it. Please look at your screenshots carefully before posting them to the internet.
No. 741007
File: 1576451053598.jpeg (144.4 KB, 811x701, 6F0B8975-95E9-4CB0-B48F-59A3E8…)

She made a sexual status about marrying her hand. And this was one of the responses. This girl is so thirsty for dick, it’s painful.
No. 741022
>>740970My bad. I dated an ex of hers and she wasn’t too happy about it. Then teamed up with my abuser and spread some not so nice things around about me!
I went to Centennial
No. 741049
>>741003Yeah I did too, after I made the post about her replying to the hot knives guy. I smoke but I had only ever heard of hot knives as like, the most efficient way to use your weed but it's not very user friendly or discreet and it is cumbersome. Basically nobody who does weed does it this way. The first I ever heard of it was because my old internet bf in the 90s told me that he was doing hot knives and i didn't know what that was so he told me it was a way of smoking weed.
So stupid story, I looked it up too because I was p sure licking a flame wasn't a necessary step.
But how did this Facebook guy guess it was hot knives? Maybe there are always try hards who lick the blowtorch flame and wave their hands thru the fire with their resilient skin
Saged for absolute dumb blog
No. 741051
>>741022Centennial says it’s a college, not a high school. Unless you meant college instead of high school the whole time? I’m not from Canada so maybe the school systems are just different.
Either way, I’m sorry she bullied you. It’s sucks she is still harassing women out there. She thinks we (“we” as in like two people instead of hundreds, right?) are stalkers for calling out her web of lies and trying to protect others from getting their bodies permanently damaged. So what does that make her?
No. 741106
I’m in a neighbouring city, get a kick out of having a cow so close by.
Centennial is definitely a Guelph high school, here’s its Wikipedia page lol No. 741169
File: 1576514961168.png (216.65 KB, 1141x734, busybusybusy.png)

vick looks busy as ever
>>741007what was the status?
No. 741173
File: 1576516252266.jpg (140.78 KB, 1168x1280, IMG_20191216_100954_920.jpg)

>>741169This horny Vic Facebook status got 100+ comments. It's really gross. I've been screen capping them, don't worry. I'll show the horrors soon.
No. 741176
File: 1576517654305.png (2.59 MB, 1144x6021, thisisonfacebook.png)

>>741173Damn there's a line through my stitched together screenshot gdi.
So there's a lot of gross going on in this pic. I don't even know where to fucking start.
Tommy Pickles bragging that 5 ladies called him up for some of his sweet g spot loving is straight cringe. And that was after his pathetic first attempt at telling Vic that he will be good at pleasuring her lady parts because he has a "G man" tattoo which vouches for his skills. Because she does tattoos!
No. 741183
File: 1576520345402.jpg (96.46 KB, 1280x972, IMG_20191216_111828_265.jpg)

No. 741190
>>741176"Bitches faking orgasms to keep a guy"
Oh my god her hatred for women never ceases to amaze me. Meanwhile Vic couldn't even keep Ulises for two minutes.
No. 741216
>>741206Lmao I was thinking the same thing…like shouldn’t you be making jokes about marrying B.o.b?
I’ve always suspected her of being a bit of a prude when it comes to sex. Sure she will talk about it just to get men’s attention…but she otherwise seems a bit ignorant when it comes to sex.
If you’re in a committed relationship, you talk about what you want in sex. You wouldn’t just fake orgasms for years on end. But knowing Vic, she would do just that. She would fake it, as she does with everything else, to make the guy happy. Should would no way allude to anything needing to be changed. She’s also probably a huge starfish that makes a lot of exaggerated noises lol.
Go buy yourself a battery operated boyfriend, Vicky. And stop faking orgasms. Chances are the dude can tell.
No. 741223
File: 1576533974052.jpg (101.07 KB, 1280x1066, IMG_20191216_150545_842.jpg)

Why does she get makeup underneath her nails? I don't wear foundation or powder, just eye and lip stuff. Maybe it's different with the face stuff?
No. 741226
>>741223Usually you would put on foundation with a brush. So it really shouldn’t get under your nails. Makes sense, though. It looks like her makeup was hand caked on by a 15 year old.
Also, do you think she fakes her orgasms in a British accent?
No. 741244
File: 1576538325371.png (2.4 MB, 1280x5679, whyareyousharingthis.png)

Another comment thread from the status Victoria made about masturbation.
No. 741282
File: 1576551393109.jpeg (152.05 KB, 725x744, DD1B9E5E-2277-47D9-8165-EFF771…)

Looks like “Frankie” took some photos of vickys roommate as well. I wonder if he ever gets tired of photographing vickys cheap, tired wardrobe.
No. 741291
File: 1576552338589.jpg (89.54 KB, 814x1280, IMG_20191216_195930_132.jpg)

I would be pissed if my husband talked about our sex life on a public Facebook post from Victoria Murder from the Myspace days, whose post was talking about masturbation. Maybe that's just me.
No. 741292
>>741285If by "friendship" you mean vickys unrelenting hate for women or any other person who would dare try and steal her source of attention..
100% vicky is probably fake as fuck towards this chick and secretly hates her guts while rambling about "muh bestfraannnddd"
No. 741303
>>741282This girl is looks beautiful! And she looks like her photos before this one.
She looks slender as well. I wonder how long it takes for icky to turn on her
No. 741315
File: 1576573094635.jpg (123.34 KB, 1280x1181, IMG_20191217_015725_389.jpg)

Lol I love her
She was bulking these last few months
O ok
No. 741351
File: 1576593736624.png (905.37 KB, 989x2784, daredevil.png)

She makes that cat/pussy joke all the time. It's really embarrassing.
No. 741356
File: 1576596210003.jpg (74.79 KB, 802x1279, IMG_20191217_082320_860.jpg)

No. 741364
>>741351“I get all the pussy” ugh. She’s so corny in all the wrong ways. This is a terrible joke a middle aged man would make to try to fit in with “the guys”
Also, that guy and her speak quite a bit. From his page he looks like the worst kinda loser.
No. 741442
File: 1576616635221.jpg (78.89 KB, 821x1280, IMG_20191217_140245_605.jpg)

Victoria we can't see this picture. Can you please change the setting on your post? Thank you.
No. 741444
>>741443Keep using the word retard. You seem about as intelligent as icky. Maybe pick up a dictionary.
No. 741445
File: 1576617328335.jpg (76.35 KB, 1280x1008, IMG_20191217_141143_155.jpg)

Now this is hilarious. Anyone have a sweet treadmill they want to trade for tattoos? Or "trade for cash" is also an option.
I bet they have to deliver it to her place and set it up for her too.
Think of the ink! Honestly what kind of tattoo would be a fair trade for a working treadmill + the labor to get it to Vic? A full back piece? I have no idea.
No. 741456
File: 1576621760559.webm (401.08 KB, 540x892, nobodyasked.webm)
>>741447>>741448You realize you're still shitting up the thread even if you sage, right? Nobody here wants to scroll through a bunch of "ur retarded" "no u" posts. The posts are the problem. Not the lack of saging.
Anyway, here's new Vicky content. It's another dark video where she lifts up her XXL shirt.
No. 741460
File: 1576622842143.jpeg (150.37 KB, 828x1356, DB96675A-3713-4E4D-A9AF-408E1D…)

Here’s a screen grab. What …. is she trying to prove here? That she has skin?
No. 741461
File: 1576623855204.jpg (91.5 KB, 882x1280, IMG_20191217_155932_351.jpg)

>>741460Loool. I love how it's that same leather jacket she always wears. I didn't notice any t-shirts.
I caught this right as she replied. I'm such a stalker. Vic wasn't even going hard in her previous sword videos. Wow! If only cameras were fast enough to capture the sheer speed of Vic's sword slinging. I hope we get more sword videos in 2020. There have been 3-4 right? I think she's averaging about 1 per year.
No. 741473
File: 1576629137146.jpg (137.17 KB, 803x1279, IMG_20191217_172431_627.jpg)

>>741466I actually agree. I was the anon who posted the pics and video of her and Ulises and I felt bad that he was being made fun of in the thread (I get sad when I think about old ppl getting their feelings hurt lol). I also posted a pic of Jackie the other day and my bf asked why. "If all she does is hang out with Vicky why post her pic?" He was right so I deleted it. The two anons arguing about saging are just sniping at each other and getting more heated and that's when one of them said the mean remark about being Vic's schoolmate. That was so unnecessary. We need to not do this please. I love you all in this thread. I've told my friends that if there were a hypothetical lolcow meetup based on thread, I would choose to meet with the farmers in the Victoria Bella Morte thread. I'm blogging again but please calm yourselves down. Anon is right. This is the Victoria thread. That's why we are all here!
Vic posted this status. I think she's already hit the sauce because this is difficult to make sense out of.
All I know is that Victoria is a very desirable woman. She says so a lot.
No. 741475
>>741473Model rockstar or celebrity problems?!?
Is she serious? Which one does she fall under? Oh I guess she fancy’s herself a model because she posts photos on Instagram and was in an online mag(where she took and edited the photos)
No. 741486
>>741475Yes she talks about this frequently. She's famous, and is also a model with a large following. So naturally she's going to have haters. It just goes with the territory.
Lmao I just realized she changed "more" into "morrre" in her edit.
No. 741488
File: 1576632623236.jpeg (228.07 KB, 828x1447, FAC11FA9-7791-4330-9FE4-2D6A3D…)

She’s a celebrity model that only gets 3 creepy dudes one ting and 18 people that like her status that’s been up for an hour.
No. 741498
>>741487The 7K would be mildly impressive if she weren't following over 5K. She's just following accounts so they follow back. It would be more impressive if she only had a few hundred she was following.
Sage for pointless facts
Also, anyone else looking forward to a few months from now when Vick still doesn't have muscle or abs after her 59th "cut"?
No. 741510
File: 1576641694500.jpeg (43.96 KB, 275x223, 1574681392155.jpeg)

>>741496 You need to type sage into the email field, not the comment field.
No. 741568
>>741315The hilarious thing is even in her photoshopped pictures she has no muscle tone at all. Bulking doesn't just mean gaining weight, you're supposed to gain MUSCLE, but i guess that's too hard to photoshop so she just gives herself the same generically curvy, soft body. If you don't want "gross lady abs" then bulking and cutting isn't want you want to do anyway. Bulk/cut cycles are really only for weight lifters and bodybuilders, and she does neither. She would have no need of it for the martial arts she claims to do, and "bulking" would actually be detrimental because muscle is heavy and slows you down.
So she basically just grabbed some fitness words off the internet and threw them in there to justify her weight gain.
No. 741608
File: 1576683125781.png (2.34 MB, 1280x5255, funfact.png)

Victoria has blessed us with another game of "spot the difference" with this status today. There are 63 comments on this. I haven't read them yet.
No. 741610
File: 1576683573631.png (1.12 MB, 1202x2677, ~walls_like_thorns~.png)

I'M DYING. This is just the first comment thread too! I haven't gotten to the other 60.
Vic BEGGING for a boyfriend/prince is too much.
And this dork saying he has more respect for her now that he knows about her thorny walls omg.
No. 741613
File: 1576684805244.png (1.87 MB, 1033x4428, OldSchoolRomantic.png)

Second comment thread
No. 741614
File: 1576685755745.jpg (26.56 KB, 1280x378, IMG_20191218_091503_830.jpg)

>>741532I apologise, SWEETIE, for not automatically knowing that "Chuckle guy" meant "Guy who made comment about chuckling."
However! It appears you are correct! Good eye.
No. 741772
>>741608Lmao, demisexuality falls on the asexual spectrum. Generally people who are demi don’t base their entire life on “appearing” sexually attractive because it’s something that doesn’t make much sense/isn’t a priority if you can’t personally experience primary sexual attraction.
Vicky just wants orbiters begging to fuck her so she feels validated. Don’t drag an entire sexuality that you have no understanding of into your wild delusions, Vic.
(derailing) No. 741861
File: 1576766566381.jpg (79.76 KB, 1280x1055, IMG_20191218_212713_654.jpg)

No. 741868
>>741861this is so sad to me. imagine bragging that you look like you are in your twenties when you are 32 kek, that's not bragworthy. and vicky, you do NOT look in your twenties. nothing is wrong with that at all though, that is what is so sad, the fact that she is so terrified of aging that she tries to latch onto her twenties and teenage years, while trying to hide any signs of aging with clown makeup and photoshop
this idea that looking like you are in your twenties is the most ideal, it's such a hollywood and sexist way of thinking, so it's no surprise that vicky believes that shit too
No. 741876
>>741850idk, this whole discussion is really ot but I do kinda think demisexuality is a
valid thing. ONS is not the same thing as being sexually aroused by people you don't/barely know.
Whether it's an actual sexuality, though, is a whole nother thing. I see it more as a separate classification, personally.
(derailing) No. 741901
>>741876>idk, this whole discussion is really ot but I do kinda think demisexuality is a valid thing. Of course it's ~
valid~. As a fucking personality trait that doesn't need a label at all, letalone one that conflates it with sexual orientation
No. 741903
Guys there is a video ulises posted and Vicky is speaking in her real voice
I No. 741906
File: 1576784876637.png (3.74 MB, 750x1334, 8211D082-57E8-4D51-A662-5FCD11…)

>>741861I LoOk LiKe I aM iN mY tWeNtIeS
No. 741911
File: 1576785816478.jpeg (265.94 KB, 549x851, ADD9ECFA-02CD-4C06-95AF-D58596…)

The fucking cheap extensions lmaoooo
No. 741927
>>741861Loool bitch is so insecure about her age.
You absolutely look your age, Vick. Stop acting like there's something so bad about that.
No. 742011
File: 1576826071133.jpg (375.16 KB, 720x1053, IMG_20191219_193510.jpg)

>>741903I love how she almost tried to drink directly from the bottle and regret it in the last second. Very classy habit Vic.
No. 742033
File: 1576843068118.jpg (442 KB, 914x1085, 20191220_195630.jpg)

>>741903Her inability to resist tongue and eye-fucking the camera
No. 742087
File: 1576865952522.jpg (400.89 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20191220_131743.jpg)

>>741903That bottle was closed in all the pics and in the vid and yet she still looks absolutely wasted
No. 742096
File: 1576871829813.jpeg (118.22 KB, 750x854, DD6C8C50-0D01-4EC0-BB97-E028F5…)

>>742087Does she actually have a black tooth, what the hell is that
No. 742107
File: 1576883744127.jpg (111.34 KB, 1192x1280, IMG_20191220_161538_347.jpg)

Your hair looks amazing, Vic…
No. 742112
>>741918>she's so shy and awkward..Lol no anon. Icky is the living embodiment of Jennifer Coolidge's "friends" character.
>>742081 holy fuck.. why is the inside of his mouth grey?
>>742107 it totally does anon and it also grows at the speed of light and changes color to match her delusory moods and anybody who dares think otherwise are clearly basement dwelling stalker bitches who's partners secretly wish we were icky.
No. 742113
>>741903You know what's depressing about this stupid cow? She's not even ugly.
She's a moderately attractive woman, or she would be if she hadn't turned into an unhinged narcissist. Imagine if you saw her with normal make up and hair on the streets, she'd look /just fine/.
I honestly wonder what her parents did to turn her into this morbidly insecure shell of an actual person.
No. 742124
>>742113Anons have been saying for years she’s not bad looking. She’s just average. And, as you can tell, she REFUSES to be average. She can’t just be a model, she’s an international cover model. She’s not a try-hard who licked a flame, she a FIRE EATER. She’s not editing her eyes and leaving 2 pupils, her eyes reflect uhhhhmazingly. She refuses average. She claims to have a high IQ and claims has a body that women can only achieve with surgery.
She’s not ugly. She’s average. And she could be really cute if she dressed her age, calmed down on the drag make up and fixed her hair.
I don’t think her parents are necessarily to blame completely. It’s the fact that she fell into internet fame at a young age because of her looks. That shit is damaging to a young mind. So, to her, her looks are EVERYTHING. But now that she’s aging, she has to be more than just her looks. She has to be ~not liek other girls. Totes Demi sexual and multiple orgasms you guyssss
No. 742164
>>742144I also think she associates having
haterz like us as a sure fire indication of her fame and our jealously. Sorry Vic, we are here because you’re an awful person who shouldn’t be allowed to scar people with a tattoo machine and you’ve created a dumpster fire of a life for yourself.
No. 742185
File: 1576956210814.jpg (139.81 KB, 873x1280, IMG_20191221_122241_143.jpg)

Only posting this because it's a cow crossover
No. 742217
File: 1576970176673.jpeg (190.31 KB, 828x1460, C211CE9F-D764-4E13-B58E-D3A002…)

That hair
No. 742239
>>742233The headband is so confusing. I've never seen anyone wear one like that. I assumed it was photoshop initially in
>>736666 because it's so jarring. It looks like a piece of PVC tape around her forehead.
No. 742354
File: 1577051807694.png (779.51 KB, 1280x2516, VickyPudding.png)

No. 742623
File: 1577207765746.jpeg (192.79 KB, 828x1327, 3B752E6B-1DC7-4077-B5BA-410DD5…)

Do ickys parents even speak to her?
No. 742624
File: 1577207858470.jpeg (74.24 KB, 828x396, 85A0870D-A322-4C68-85FA-80D21A…)

One of my favourite things about Vic is how funny she thinks she is.
What sort of junior high gibberish is this?
No. 742687
>>742624I thought she was 'demi'?
Pick a fucking lane, stupid cow.
No. 742773
File: 1577336054074.jpeg (52.1 KB, 828x233, E09E66F8-066D-49E6-A596-285D39…)

No. 742774
File: 1577336079416.jpeg (60.23 KB, 828x457, 7A8E664B-D4EB-45A8-836B-BDADB6…)

Wonder what this is about
No. 742827
>>742825Exactly what I was thinking. Or she was desperate for a knight in shining armor. Why else would she call her ex that clearly has a ton of feelings for her still?
Vicky is so desperate to feel loved by men it’s gross. And then to add to the validation by posting it online for everyone to see? Ugh. A grown woman in her 30s ….amazing.
No. 742830
>>742825Totally suicide baiting her ex. And writing a status about it at 3:30 in the morning.
Looks like she took it down, she probably realized that doesn’t fit with the fake persona she’s trying to get everyone to believe.
I honestly feel sorry for her. She probably is seriously depressed.
No. 743305
File: 1577619706943.png (847.23 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2019-12-29-22-41-15…)

No. 743306
File: 1577619878436.png (799.47 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2019-12-29-22-41-23…)

No. 743362
File: 1577640331520.jpeg (228.15 KB, 828x1343, 4F74D773-DDB1-463F-B072-15C99F…)

Correct me if I’m wrong but hasn’t Vicky said some pretty racist shit?
No. 743405
File: 1577656368565.jpg (211.04 KB, 478x599, fart face.jpg)

the face she's making in this one kills me as much as the fake ass synthetic hair hanging on the back of her head. also like the totally real not shooped boobs that are magically holding up the front of that dress.
No. 743413
File: 1577658537569.jpeg (35.77 KB, 298x242, 6ECA9CC2-2639-4657-8844-C7FA95…)

By adjusting the lighting a bit you can really tell what her hair probably looks like irl. Especially the (our) left top side of her head.
Did she buy the clip in kind from Claire’s?
No. 744519
File: 1577917995337.jpeg (150.83 KB, 828x1068, 8A3AC0F3-E6D1-4BCB-A4AA-9A2A3C…)

“No photoshop needed” I like every other time. Does she not see a difference in how she looks from this photo to the heavily photoshopped ones? Also this photo is blurry has hell.
She also looks like miss piggy.
No. 744759
File: 1577979386837.jpeg (67.27 KB, 322x509, 9BA2309B-2E50-4D8A-9D52-FCCA25…)

She didn’t upload this one it looks edited that shoulder on the left looks oddly smaller than her other one and she blurred her cottage cheese legs. Maybe that’s why the one she posted says no photoshop
No. 744881
File: 1577997522000.jpeg (52.51 KB, 398x416, 757635D5-C56D-4AD4-86FA-301F12…)

No. 744895
>>744881Those fucking extensions. Barf.
She needs to dress her age and drop this high school drag make up. And kill the scene hair. You’re in your fucking 30s.
She would look better with a nice medium brunette shade rather than this brittle transparent 3 different shades of blonde.
No. 744971
File: 1578012764828.jpeg (61.81 KB, 828x279, 9EDAD938-ABC8-458D-AAE0-FB0652…)

She made the caption “that is salt on the table spilt from tequila shots”
Eye roll.
No. 744977
File: 1578013903699.jpg (623.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200102-201034_Ins…)

Surprised nobody posted this gem… "booty rockin" kek she must have been gone when she edited this one cause all I can say is yikes.
Shes 30-something posting like this. Sad.
No. 744979
File: 1578014488308.jpeg (190.2 KB, 689x1052, 8D8EB983-0D98-4421-B19C-9170B0…)

holy editing
No. 744980
File: 1578014670702.png (193.11 KB, 322x509, D67BE36A-7F38-40D2-8DC8-75CECE…)

>>744759Wow this one is even worse
No. 745019
File: 1578019241378.jpeg (147.71 KB, 828x540, B4BEDAF9-106A-44EB-855A-0809DA…)

She doesn’t seek or start drama but instead of just deleting the people / person she believes is starting drama, she makes a public post about it. And stirs up drama.
To top it off wishes people death and harm.
Oh no, Vicky you’re total drama free, well adjusted queen.
You are definitely too old for this, girl.
No. 745021
File: 1578019490375.jpeg (66.06 KB, 828x308, A4727F16-7D9B-4435-9BFC-146321…)

Icky is commenting on her own posts again because she has nobody to talk to.
“Wanna still be doing this by the time they hit 40”
Coming from a girl coming up on 40 shortly wearing corsets from hot topic, determining her worth from the guys that dm her on Instagram, doesn’t have a steady job, no education, hasn’t left Canada since she was 3, attacks women online.
No. 745022
File: 1578019987010.jpg (91.18 KB, 791x1279, IMG_20200102_195253_408.jpg)

No. 745023
File: 1578020135529.jpg (103.07 KB, 807x1279, IMG_20200102_195525_556.jpg)

No. 745029
File: 1578020716807.png (4.38 MB, 1280x7701, 10.png)

>>745019She edited this post ten times lol
No. 745050
>>745023I really hope that guys name is “Jason” and he just got his own name tattooed down his arm.
The type of company Vicky keeps. Is anyone surprised?
No. 745059
>>744759>>744881her 'hair' is like three different colors, just ditch the extensions already or get a wig b/c they're so obvious idk how ppl don't tell her. irl. she's also suspiciously missing the balloon tits, must be the lighting.
>>745029all that editing and she couldn't put in some apostrophes or make actual sentences. i like how she took out and then put back the part about walking into traffic.
No. 745068
File: 1578027411668.jpeg (336.97 KB, 750x755, A6C48A5E-E72B-4C65-A480-CC09B5…)

Aging like milk in the sun
No. 745105
>>744759Tbh I think this is the best picture of her. Her hair is yellow, grey, and a mystery color and I think she would look way better if she cut it all off and grew it back natural or like a brown with auburn shade.
Her makeup is the 2008 style so although she’s still wearing it to look younger, it actually makes her look older. As with anyone who still wears this shit. The girl isn’t ugly, I think a more natural look would honestly compliment her.
While it’s likely that she listened to us and lightly edited her photos then had her minion post them as if they were untouched, she still is WAY less edited than usual. I mean the girl turns herself into something so superficial it’s embarrassing. Like the amount of photoshop she normally uses could land her on “My Strange Addictions.”
I think she has the potential to be physically cute, but I don’t know what to say about her personality…she needs serious help.
No. 745137
File: 1578046702091.jpeg (129.73 KB, 904x722, CF7DD212-067D-4655-A735-90AA37…)

>>745134Nitpick but that’s straight up purple, but you’re right even some 10/10 girls doesn’t pull it off.
bonus vintage milk to celebrate the new decade.
No. 745171
File: 1578060317407.jpeg (146.4 KB, 827x1041, FA31AC9B-ADD2-44F3-83D4-6B3546…)

She’s so numb to it, she constantly stalks this forum and posts about her “haters” constantly on all her social media.
So unbothered.
No. 745197
>>745137Nitpick and not trying to argue but Mauve
is a pinkish purple.
True actual purple/violet has more blue in it.
Either way I agree with you that she looks like shit.
She needs to stop this weird garish makeup. Eyebrows and lips mostly.
Her hair is absolutely wrecked beyond repair. I agree with anons about going brunette and just leaving it alone.
I'm getting vibes that she's photoshopped her nose in
>>745068 because that giant bump and bulbous end part is gone and she's shopped it into a pointy upwards slanting nose. And I know she's apparently short but the way she has edited her proportions makes her look like a legit midget kek
No. 745201
>>744895Even if she wants to keep the blonde, she needs to get it bleached at a salon and not continue this oxyclean home job bullshit. It's patchy as fuck. And agree 110% about that layered scene bullshit. Cut a blunt bob or even a medium length one with jagged ends like Cameron Diaz or someshit. I can't imagine going to a club or party and seeing ANYONE like not even the most out of touch chick wearing scene hair anymore.
The only women I've seen currently with it still are Eugenia Cooney and like 13 year old girls online trying to revive scene. It's embarrassing.
No. 745289
File: 1578099456042.jpg (15.1 KB, 220x216, 220px-Sunglasses_at_Night_(Cor…)

>>745023Who wears sunglasses indoors at night
No. 745382
>>745380To me the most telling thing about Ick and her shooping is how in her shoops shes mostly not wearing makeup/has a more natural look because she just edits anything shes insecure about away.
Yet EVERY SINGLE picture we see of her in public she has makeup CAKED on and has to embarrassingly hide as much of her face is possible with her hands, hair, objects, glasses etc. Shes painfully aware of how she really looks, she just truly thinks she has everyone else fooled.
No. 745426
File: 1578146387754.jpeg (42.49 KB, 828x254, 25854B6F-B6F7-4B89-BB80-C3F5CB…)

In the comments she says “I like to keep my relationships generally private, let the idiots guess who it is”
Isn’t this the same girl that had photos of her and Adrien cuddling naked still circulating the internet?
That being said, who it is doesn’t matter it’s the fact that a 32 year old woman is writing statuses like this at 1am.
No. 745447
File: 1578152447138.jpeg (47.7 KB, 373x500, 5F2A2607-10F9-4401-94BE-C47CEB…)

>>745431Her ex.
And when she was dating her last child man, Matt, she posted him / about him all the time. So I’m not sure why she’s pretending to be all secretive now. She says she rarely dates so….
No. 745448
File: 1578152494545.jpeg (83.38 KB, 684x567, C5F9C9C8-C00A-47FB-BBDF-781086…)

My favourite is when icky use to shoop herself vampire fangs.
No. 745506
File: 1578174127280.png (327.77 KB, 380x880, Freixenet-Prosecco.png)

>>742081If anyone is curious about the champagne it's Freixenet - Prosecco.
No. 745560
File: 1578192672197.png (423.44 KB, 684x567, Untitled-1.png)

>>745448Vicky's shop is aight, but this one is better
No. 745646
>>745509Uh. I think you're mistaken.
That is clearly a billionaires beverage only drunk by the rich and famous.
That's why they had to take multiple pictures with that ONE bottle!
Not everyone can live such a lavish, expensive, luxurious life!
No. 745762
File: 1578249075370.jpeg (60.08 KB, 548x382, BB693C2F-AF0A-4BD2-8936-76C894…)

Girl decided to go to work! She needs some practise. Getting rusty, which considering she was garbage before…. you can tell that this is not going to heal well.
Maybe less drinking in the streets of Toronto with old men and $20 wine and more apprenticeship
No. 745833
>>745811Thanks, anon. After staring at it intently myself, I thought it was some kind of exotic uneven flower bursting out of a mirror (but then realized was a gem)
No idea it was a bird until you pointed it out.
No. 746084
File: 1578348678378.jpeg (160.05 KB, 828x1110, 65883789-F7ED-4D86-A877-AF34D2…)

No. 746339
>>746104She literally just mashes together a bunch of images off Google together and then slaps it on her
victims without properly measuring the space or fit. None of the objects ever transition or properly fit together because she draws nothing by hand.
No. 746765
File: 1578530430816.jpeg (1.03 MB, 4000x4000, AAE2887F-8690-4649-8EAE-4F3D92…)

No. 746767
>>746765She is so incredibly thirsty. Jesus Christ, imagine posting anything even
remotely like that on Facebook.
No. 746836
>>746765This is something a 14 year old boy would post. Maybe if she left her house once in awhile and had human interaction she could get laid.
Instead of relying on the attention from losers online.
No. 747024
File: 1578615221180.jpeg (118.92 KB, 828x959, 931166AB-3A1C-4FB0-83B4-7B3603…)

Here we go again.
“Are you a robot” but can’t help bragging about every guy she falls in love with on Facebook.
No. 747025
File: 1578615295072.jpeg (97.5 KB, 828x588, BE11F902-F831-4B39-A329-B394E3…)

Doesn’t she take phone numbers? She’s the most unorganized person and wants people to believe she runs a successful business
No. 747034
>>747025>pretty blonde kellie the fucking cringe. how does she not put the full name of the person making the appointment and leaving the deposit? also putting the post up the same day she's supposed to do the tattoo, expecting the person will see it.
we know she doesn't have a lot of clients, i can't understand how she constantly is losing track of them.
No. 747047
>>747025I don’t believe there was ever an appointment for a “pretty blonde kellie”. She just made this up as a vague way to be like “look, I totally don’t hate women!” She does this on random and rare occasions, along with DMs she sends random girls saying “you’re hot!” All because they liked her photo or hearted her story.
Vic is just a fucking moron and doesn’t realize how incredibly unprofessional this comes off as. Someone sends you a deposit and you don’t bother to follow up with a name or phone number?
No. 747238
File: 1578692726574.jpeg (121.96 KB, 655x670, 48E32917-0E57-481B-8B2F-7118BD…)

Is she drunk posting? This is by far the worst photo shes ever posted of herself. She looks about 55. I would say congrats to her though for posting a picture without over shopping her face. Those edited boobs are so obvious she didn’t even try.
Her arms look like butterball turkeys
No. 747255
File: 1578698943963.png (398.81 KB, 586x600, E47770F9-39DC-4FB8-997B-26928D…)

So much shoop on the tattoos on her leg
No. 747307
File: 1578718366414.png (248.59 KB, 496x491, Screenshot_20200110-235149.png)

>>747238And sorry to double post but is that coloured in? Doesn't even look like burn tool, just looks like she legit colored black over everything
No. 747420
File: 1578754785395.jpeg (241.35 KB, 828x1452, 86EBE263-5A35-4BF5-B329-55728F…)

Girl needs to get laid. I honestly think now that she’s older she’s probably afraid of people seeing her naked body because she knows it looks nothing like her photoshopped photos.
No. 747562
>>747307Her edits are the most bizarre of any cow on this site. I don't think any part of that "outfit" exists outside of photoshop. The "shorts" are edited to just a solid black color like in
>>736853 and the corset is either fake or photoshopped to oblivion. Reminds me of those bad "photo manipulations" on deviantart.
No. 747755
File: 1578874164153.png (1.13 MB, 1049x2661, 2JQqdloFzZ.png)

No. 747784
File: 1578885171315.png (2.87 MB, 2067x3642, hands.png)

Sorry for the odd format. The two pics are screenshots from the videos she posted. Below is the description. I combined them into one image. Are some 20+ year veteran tattoo artists really hesitant to do hand ink or is Vicky exaggerating like usual?
No. 747809
>>747784I don’t know any tattoo artists that can’t do hand tattoos. I know some will refuse to tattoo hands unless you’re already heavily tattooed/modded. I also know tattoo artists sometimes will refuse finger tattoos(or inflate the price to discourage) because the healing process is a bitch. A lot of times the ink falls out or moves around too much (blownout). You can be a top notch artist and it’ll still potentially heal like garbage. Some artists just don’t want to deal with it or have their name associated with something that looks like shit.
Vicky acting like she’s the only fucking tattoo artist who’s mastered hand tattoos is a great laugh tho.
No. 747860
File: 1578930264278.jpeg (97.96 KB, 785x907, 079603D1-D06F-4879-9F2D-000098…)

Up close. These finger tattoos are brutal.
No. 747861
>>747755She’s been called out for calling women crazy, she got called other women “crypt keeper face”, ugly, liars and tears down sex workers any chance she can get.
All the sudden she’s the lover of all women.
Even this status contradicts what she says. If she really loved women she would be putting herself above any of them, but here she is.
No. 747955
File: 1578951645424.jpeg (105.13 KB, 750x570, 2CCA2E44-84A6-43A2-8277-2A4E68…)

>>747755“Don’t tear down women” she says
No. 747961
File: 1578951889175.jpeg (163.85 KB, 791x1050, B8A2006D-5209-4B68-89BD-B52EE0…)

>>747755Uplift women. Tear down sex workers and let’s condone bullying their children at school.
She’s a mess that constantly contradicts herself.
No. 748036
>>747860Of course she’s giving herself ass pats for this blown out mess.
This style of finger tattoos is supposed to be dainty, these lines are so thick they look like they’re drawn on with a sharpie.
I’m guessing she had a few wobbles so thickened them right up, the unalome above the lotus are supposed to be loops, not black blobs vic. And this is newly done too, only gonna get worse in the years to come. YIKES nothing to brag about.
No. 748039
File: 1578972117394.jpeg (428.26 KB, 2048x2048, FA3B4F75-E150-40C2-AF77-69A7FE…)

Samefag, but a good example of what it should look like compared to that scratchers.
No. 748246
File: 1579024256145.jpeg (79.5 KB, 805x440, A0FA6186-3300-43A9-88CD-55DB3B…)

She hasn’t mentally matured past tenth grade so that’s fitting.
And she has a weird thing we’re every so often she compares herself or something about herself to Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn she is not. Not even her eyebrows.
No. 748522
File: 1579067232451.png (1.32 MB, 1280x2599, 7KDWrMDJHbZ4wtKF.png)

I remember when this tattoo first got posted in one of the old threads.
No. 748532
>>748522Her tattoos remind me of the shit I used to doodle in my spiral notebooks in school while I was bored af.
And here’s Vicky, permanently marking people with fucking phone-call-doodles.
No. 748707
File: 1579139773555.jpeg (171.38 KB, 759x1030, 59D5E001-0F5F-411C-ADE5-D30005…)

What in the jail house tattoo is this?
No. 748708
File: 1579139874901.jpeg (175.19 KB, 781x877, C21B4F21-E0CD-4ADB-BC2F-9447C1…)

It’s like if Pamela Anderson never got famous, got knocked up and lived in a trailer park and this is her at 55 trying to be sexy taking photos for tinder.
No. 748731
triggered by her foundation not matching. Looks like someone slapped her in the face with flour. This is the most tacky and trashy looking “outfit” I’ve seen her wear. Give those fucking shorts a rest! Probably have damn mushrooms growing on them by now. Moldy lookin ass hag
No. 748741
>>748707she has a talent for making tattoos dark and light and still look like shit. the tacky 'shop' in the background lol.
>>748731same, the one hunk of black hair peaking from under that bleached extension fail really sets it off. at least she put a different pair of socks on.
No. 748788
File: 1579166433877.jpg (34.51 KB, 1280x632, IMG_20200116_022003_556.jpg)

Her ex Matt still comments on most of her photos.
No. 748965
File: 1579208504452.jpeg (120.04 KB, 828x737, 36B8E905-D31B-43DE-9984-326F73…)

Married to my jobbbb.
Yet she has like 10 clients a year and one of the lowest rating in Canada I’m sure.
“Bitch I don’t want your man” but has said she would steal a woman’s man if she pissed her off.
But you know… uplift women.
No. 748966
File: 1579208564954.jpeg (151.63 KB, 828x538, D28C9C3B-EBF5-4A76-AD08-BA7901…)

“Hundred of requests from new clients.”
Desperation is showing.
No. 748968
File: 1579208638467.jpeg (133.66 KB, 828x948, FB32916A-BA99-40D0-AF41-230F47…)

Please don’t hit on me.
But here’s a close up of my fat vagina through my moldy black shorts I wear everyday.
Can’t be making that much at work.
No. 749078
>>748966this whole status is how to not tattoo, wtf. offering a discount as always due to a short notice reschedule and having to delete ppl b/c she has "hundreds of requests". not one artist i know of uses fucking facebook to keep track of their clients, you email them and then they put you in their appointment book when you give a deposit, it's actually pretty easy and they don't have to make cringey posts about "a pretty blonde" they don't have details for that was supposed to come in for "epic inkage".
>>748968thanks for making this post for us, you're not fooling anyone into believing you're "leaning out" by posting a dumb video of yourself laying down.
No. 749094
>>749078The whole Facebook posting for clients just screams desperation. She doesn’t have clients that want to follow her. It’s a bunch of broke neckbeards from small town Canada.
She very rarely posts her art because she has none. She can’t even bother to pay for a booking system, she just uses Facebook because it’s free and she can brag post, making people think she’s a good artist. Her work doesn’t speak for itself so she has to run her mouth about how in demand she is. It’s sad
No. 749396
File: 1579306185116.png (548.6 KB, 1280x1607, perfect.png)

No. 749518
>>749396 It’s important to recognize that BMI itself is not measuring “health” or a physiological state (such as resting blood pressure) that indicates the presence (or absence) of disease. It is simply a measure of your size. Plenty of people have a high or low BMI and are healthy and, conversely, plenty of folks with a normal BMI are unhealthy. In fact, a person with a normal BMI who smokes and has a strong family history of cardiovascular disease may have a higher riskof early cardiovascular death than someone who has a high BMI but is a physically fit non-smoker.”
That’s from the Harvard education website.
Since she went to harvard google university’, you think she’d know this shit
No. 749523
>>749487Not to mention drinking like a sailor every other night.
I bet her liver is fucked.
No. 749643
File: 1579400861280.jpeg (189.02 KB, 687x354, 4C690C21-3213-4472-A192-5E24D7…)

>>749552Pretty much. Her wonky portraits look like her shoops of herself
No. 749785
File: 1579450276047.jpg (76.49 KB, 730x1280, IMG_20200119_091007_653.jpg)

Haha she always denies it too
No. 749906
File: 1579488326452.jpeg (97.06 KB, 828x1093, 788126F3-68EF-42B9-AC1C-31401F…)

“Issa whole mood” too bad homegirl hasn’t left Ontario as an adult.
No. 750222
File: 1579562252427.jpeg (315.53 KB, 553x1165, 2893FA68-4EEC-4D3E-B611-9E8B0B…)

Oof. We all know how butchered this would look done by Vic. It would be a black blob
No. 750368
File: 1579578412700.jpeg (41.35 KB, 828x315, F2B472DE-FACE-49F0-808B-95294B…)

33 year old vaguebooker. Totes introverted, desperate for human interaction at all hours of everyday.
No. 751996
File: 1579914894280.jpeg (467.11 KB, 750x864, 03192928-7FFA-43AB-A22B-245FF9…)

Except whenever someone talks about a certain talent of theirs Vicky has to mention how they are totally a master of that and absolutely better than them with multiple job offers. But you know she’s waaaaaayyyy too busy and had to turn down those exclusive offers
No. 752312
File: 1579965405386.png (823.5 KB, 1583x1280, 7KIHFiISCCwMQ.png)

No. 752396
File: 1579985967198.jpeg (229.93 KB, 768x1373, 1FB36B91-A169-4DAF-B678-B550E7…)

Not much as changed in almost a decade. Not something to be proud of.
No. 752407
File: 1579989046378.jpeg (215.96 KB, 828x1451, 3A4FFADB-C0CF-4250-B002-1796AB…)

No. 752627
File: 1580068306417.png (1.17 MB, 1280x2533, martial_artist.png)

This is a grainy video she posted to her Instagram.
No. 752631
>>752627This looks like the body and underpants of a grandmother.
She goes up and down in weight so much you can tell she has saggy skin. Which will happen.
No. 752635
File: 1580071175620.jpeg (237.37 KB, 695x471, 08CD645A-B64B-4A5E-B040-04EB8F…)

The underwear changes shapes and it looks very blurry around her musty twat
No. 752653
File: 1580075874268.png (1.52 MB, 1079x2688, tKP7yJcayK7QCwFo.png)

This is so cringey. The humble brag pm for the "tinder". Also she could've actually used one of her Myspace pics for the Myspace one! A missed opportunity.
I put the large version of the image underneath the screenshot so it could be seen better.
No. 752841
File: 1580128798768.png (1017.42 KB, 1154x984, v.png)

>>752827Wow, she really is too insecure to even drink some water on her livestream. She takes the fastest sip I've ever witnessed, then goes on to make an awkward-ass facial expression for some reason.
No. 752842
File: 1580129320985.png (338.91 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20200127-054551.png)

I had a better webcam in 2002
No. 752844
File: 1580130277666.png (1.43 MB, 1513x1329, shingledings.png)

>>752827Nothing out of the ordinary, just Vicky eye-fucking her pixelated self for half an hour and sneakily taking web cam pictures while looking like a 40-year-old prostitute.
No. 752848
>>752843Not only that but her face is white compared to her orange tan body.
Also I know she's always drunk when she does these streams but sometimes I think she's either stoned or has painkillers. She always has this dopey half eyes closed look.
No. 752853
File: 1580132680512.jpeg (68.53 KB, 696x600, EDC211A9-818E-4FD5-BC5D-A87832…)

Jesus Christ
No. 752857
>>752844I love how she waves her hand over her face to prove she doesn’t have filter. Like bitch we know. You look terrible.
You can tell she’s put on a lot of weight, her makeup looks like it was out on by the simpsons makeup gun and her hair is yellow.
She’s looked questionable, but this is bottom of the barrel even for Vicky.
And how egotistical do you have to be to do a live stream just to take selfies 98% of the time. She has the personality of a turnip.
No. 752860
File: 1580133770815.jpeg (64.36 KB, 805x501, 99F128BE-3984-46C5-B077-7C4D6C…)

This girl is a train wreck. She’s gotta be mixing alcohol with quaaludes or something.
No. 752863
File: 1580134801504.jpg (146.93 KB, 1269x1280, IMG_20200127_071740_570.jpg)

>>752627I just noticed that she edited this caption to add the part at the bottom lol.
>>752857How dare you, Victoria has lost 7 lbs in the past few months. She is just perfect. Not too fat. Not too skinny. Soft yet muscular.
No. 752868
>>752863So she’s fat / muscular and a martial artist above anything else. Not a tattoo artist.
has she ever claimed to be trained by anyone as a “martial artist” or did she just google it
No. 752872
>>752863>I don't want to look like a runway model even though they are totally gorgeous That's because it's impossible for you to look like one Vick.
Runway models are tall and thin with long limbs.
You are a chunky stump with midget proportions.
The only thing 'tiny' about this bitch is her height.
No. 752886
File: 1580139033516.jpg (105.75 KB, 792x1280, IMG_20200127_082938_275.jpg)

>>752881Wrong! Vicky makes slam dunks while tattooing people. She is a multitasker and a very talented tattoo artist + basketball player.
No. 752892
>>752886I'd be pretty concerned if the person tattooing me was simultaneously watching a sports game and cheering. Hell, I'd be uncomfortable if they were watching television at all. Having music playing or the radio is one thing but watching tv is really unprofessional.
Not that this isn't a blatant lie. Vick has never mentioned an interest in sports whatsoever. She always has to make everything about her.
No. 752897
>>752886“If I made a shot while tattooing”
If she made a shot? Like throwing tattoo stuff into the garbage can? She throws garbage around her tattoo shop? Why does this not surprise me.
No. 752899
File: 1580144397026.jpeg (42.72 KB, 819x640, F8BD4D0A-028D-4405-9594-A488B5…)

Every time she makes a stream she covers the camera with her had for like a minute. I honestly think she’s on drugs
No. 752901
File: 1580144445146.jpeg (77.1 KB, 828x617, F7A4511B-751D-4FCC-96F0-5A0DAB…)

Girl is getting super chunky. Her face looks like a full moon.
No. 752914
File: 1580148072235.png (1008.35 KB, 2063x1280, IusmtsmvV.png)

Image on the left is from her Instagram story. "My Brit fam from back home being adorable." What? No she isn't lol. She's just asking why you posted a video like that. Picture on the right is the rest of Vic's reply. I guess that video was to show off her "workout progress" lol.
No. 752922
>>752914Being adorable ? She’s literally calling you out, Vicky.
And people do post progress photos. This a grainy, disgusting video of your granny panties and sucked in belly.
No. 752924
File: 1580149590289.png (1.84 MB, 1334x750, F70B8D93-2BD9-4AFE-B9BF-C725C6…)

What the hell is up with her eyes being half shut most of the video? She is trying way too hard to look seductive but looks like someone with special needs instead. Those overdrawn lips are not doing her any favours neither is that shade. Yuck
No. 752927
File: 1580150028531.jpeg (458.73 KB, 750x999, 4AD53C3B-134F-4119-8C0B-560517…)

Vicky got posted on r/instagramreality!!
No. 752930
File: 1580150542833.jpeg (17.31 KB, 254x198, F68AEE15-74D0-44CC-9982-FC3ACC…)

>>752927The comments are gold on this r/instagramreality post but the comparison to hatchet face takes the cake.
No. 752941
File: 1580157353208.jpeg (52.36 KB, 750x203, 237A6A33-59E3-468E-95DC-02FD17…)

Bitch liked her own livestream post like a true narcissist
No. 752949
File: 1580160230458.png (1.96 MB, 750x1334, 8A8E0618-B2AD-4702-A945-14F387…)

This is probably the most attention she’s ever gotten on reddit
No. 752952
File: 1580160882388.jpeg (36.83 KB, 828x283, 6572DE3E-496F-4ED3-BF36-E6CB79…)

>>752927I really hope she reads this. takes a step back and realizes she’s in a fantasy world.
Also, this will be pretty eye opening. She thinks it’s only 3-5 girls on these forumns that are “stalking” her.
Well now she’s sitting at 6000 ups and almost 200 comments
No. 752957
File: 1580161832496.jpeg (478.52 KB, 750x1023, F206B2D3-0E5C-4410-8F9E-D5D790…)

Seriously blowing the hell up with 7.5k ups now. I can’t wait for this to blow up in her face and others who believe her delusions
No. 752959
File: 1580162205475.jpeg (59.54 KB, 750x478, BE16B4B5-1AAB-45AC-80A2-BB9233…)

Incoming “I’m not fat I’m two hands wide” sperg.
No. 752967
File: 1580163499297.jpeg (220.36 KB, 750x963, CA6EFE8E-64DC-4626-B647-3215F8…)

This comment is funny on many levels
No. 752969
File: 1580164810829.png (1.05 MB, 1053x2694, g_eazy_ur_ass.png)

Here's Vic saying how she'll steal your man if you are mean to her again. Kyle is her friend Jackie's new bf.
No. 752970
File: 1580164864969.png (193.29 KB, 936x446, Screenshot_20200127-173523.png)

>>752841That's definitely not water that she's drinking. When someone asked what she's drinking, she said "the tears of those who displease me". Vic, drinking by yourself is more like drinking your own tears. Much sad.
No. 752976
File: 1580166580297.jpeg (258.02 KB, 1632x940, C90A4AA8-824D-47CB-9C94-1B8874…)

>>will steal ur man
No. 752981
File: 1580167647060.jpeg (71.3 KB, 828x472, 2C43F85A-A579-4740-9C22-FCAE52…)

“Being me means it takes a while for me to open up like that”
She sounds like a well rounded adult.
No. 752988
File: 1580168178419.jpeg (29.44 KB, 828x263, 2E4CA297-45EF-403B-860C-9D93DC…)

>>752957Damn these comments are savage.
No. 752990
File: 1580168647548.jpeg (Spoiler Image,625.96 KB, 1632x1632, 819C5A24-CFA5-413E-9ECD-BF36F0…)

I am so sorry
No. 752995
File: 1580170159654.png (1.61 MB, 1200x1200, ppp.png)

Victoria Bella-Morte aka Miss Victoria Murder, international cover model, tattoo artist and martial arts master from Guelph
No. 753017
File: 1580177368564.jpg (94.2 KB, 789x1280, IMG_20200127_190948_959.jpg)

Victoria saw the thread
No. 753020
File: 1580177884095.png (1.97 MB, 1574x2569, wonderfull_stalkers.png)

Victoria and an internet friend talking about how they are beautiful and being online stalked.
No. 753023
>>753020“It’s widely known in the psych industry”
This sounds like Vicky typing to herself to be honest. And I wouldn’t put it past her to make a fake profile to do shit like this.
She’s sooo unbothered
No. 753024
File: 1580178438096.jpeg (355.51 KB, 750x598, 8704213F-A93A-443B-B08A-EB6846…)

>>75301713000 up votes and almost 300 comments. It’s totally stalkers though.
No. 753026
File: 1580178837960.jpeg (122.25 KB, 828x1300, C9DF23BD-814C-4C48-9D64-2E4DC9…)

“You’re so strong”
Because you constantly complain online about how you’re famous and have stalkers. Even though she has like 2000 upvotes on a post.
These Instagram story posts with her friend actually sound like a scared little girl asking for help, which is sad.
I don’t see any strength there.
It’s someone that maybe is being hit with some reality that she’s not 22 anymore. She’s haggard and all she had to offer anyone was her make believe looks.
Maybe if she spent more time on her failing art business and less time getting drunk on live stream taking terrible selfies she wouldn’t be in this mess.
No. 753037
>>753036She uses old technology for videos so she doesn’t have to show a clear video of her face or tattoos.
She claims it’s because she breaks or loses things easy.
No. 753046
File: 1580190314130.jpeg (261.39 KB, 750x354, F1E8EF17-37E3-4AEB-9DB8-9FA023…)

>>753024She’s trending on reddit now. God bless whomever posted her photo as this has been fun to watch
No. 753049
File: 1580192313094.png (809.25 KB, 1280x1914, early2000swebcam.png)

She uploaded 10 of these. I love you, Vic. Please never change. She truly is my favorite cow. I'm glad she enjoyed her Reddit thread.
No. 753079
File: 1580209999447.jpeg (513.02 KB, 1932x1380, 56161999-71A8-4036-9F1C-70928C…)

No. 753086
File: 1580214980878.jpg (501.9 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200128_040915.jpg)

>>753017These were all uploaded in the last two months. How does she not she the inconsistencies. Makeup and lighting my ass.
No. 753092
>>753048There’s been a bunch of people that say they use to follow her or that they know her and still have nothing nice to say.
I’m assuming a lot of people follow her because she’s such a train wreck and her bringing attention to it has made things worse
No. 753098
File: 1580221447544.jpeg (85.63 KB, 828x666, DBDF9EC2-8843-4515-BB2F-9E2F21…)

I don’t use Reddit, but this seems like a lot for any post
No. 753157
File: 1580234774112.jpeg (166.7 KB, 828x1128, 84BC44E1-6201-43F0-8DED-2BED67…)

28 likes and one comment in an hour on a Facebook page that she’s claimed is overcapacity.
Hopefully this lack of positive reinforcement will make her realize she’s not a final fantasy character and a terrible makeup artist/ hairstylist. ( which she’s claimed to be in the past)
No. 753158
File: 1580235152783.jpeg (59.99 KB, 828x309, 3A3C7939-520A-4AA6-8F0C-E280C5…)

No. 753160
File: 1580236951644.jpeg (424.9 KB, 1632x1632, 694F2A07-B469-4488-8AB0-DFAE61…)

>>753086I mean, her delusion was bound to reach reddit at some point.
No. 753179
File: 1580246003845.jpeg (217.01 KB, 828x1308, D2C32451-BD55-48B9-9A59-5BD2AB…)

Oh no…. can’t wait to see this mess finished.
At least she’s at the shop for once.
Also, public service announcement. It’s 2020. READ REVIEWS BEFORE LETTING SOMEONE POKE YOU WITH NEEDLES.
No. 753184
>>753179i really can't tell what's going on in this…
it's a bird head, but everything else is just squiggles.
No. 753193
>>753179i know tattoo artists have different methods of drawing freehand, but i don't usually see them going right to the black sharpie. they'll use lighter colors to sketch and fix until they like the result. you can see the smudging in the middle where she probably erased and the whole thing is just a mess. like why is the head so low down, it makes the wings look squished and she's wasting space with all that crap at the top.
at least it's on this person's back and they won't have to see it lol.
No. 753202
File: 1580250795128.jpeg (28.3 KB, 800x202, E3B26F9D-CCD8-4BB6-AC0B-DE81BC…)

>>753179All you have to do is google this girl to see the way she runs her “business” is not something you’d want to be associated with. Let alone let her poke you with needles. But this rating ? She must just be tattooing friends and friends of friends in Guelph at this point. She does like 2 tattoos a month. Not even enough to have a tattoo page or website.
No. 753204
File: 1580251031598.jpeg (65.27 KB, 412x401, 4517E172-DC4C-4F6F-B482-F23205…)

This will always be my favourite Vicky shoop.
No. 753217
File: 1580255967361.png (2.02 MB, 1280x4984, yawnlol.png)

So unbothered
No. 753220
>>753217I would most definitely say something to her face, and I’m sure people have. She just goes on tirades saying they’re “haterzzzz” and it’s like talking to a damn child. The only reason I would consider not saying something to her face is I wouldn’t want to get caught in a conversation with her dumbass.
So unbothered.
No. 753221
File: 1580258686517.jpeg (234.24 KB, 828x1390, 5E35B4CD-2281-4D24-AAC0-3841E3…)

They weren’t going for perfection on the lines guys. You know. The lines that are forever on your body. It doesn’t have to be good, just show up enough so she can brutalize him again later in somewhat the same direction. LOLOL. This girl has LOST IT
No. 753226
File: 1580260257327.jpeg (59.78 KB, 500x667, AB8F5003-AAF1-4C1F-BE53-0796FC…)

>>753221There’s so much space to do something beautiful too. But hers is just a mishmash of bullshit with thick messy lines. She always free hands everything and it looks like shit. Is she too cheap to get stencil paper or something? We all know she’s too cheap to get other needle sizes.
No. 753235
File: 1580261831174.jpeg (433.54 KB, 750x1104, D538E1AC-67BA-436C-B59D-6B7E5D…)

>>753204This foot makes me feel uncomfortable
No. 753259
>>753221who even says that about a tattoo outline other than an utter hack lol. that sets the structure for a tattoo, every little blip and wobble will stand out.
>>753226exactly, there's more going on in this arm piece than her entire trash fire on a back.
No. 753281
File: 1580270926422.png (1.44 MB, 963x2577, pretty_girl.png)

Oh nooo you guys lol Victoria is upset.
I haven't even looked at the edit history of this past yet. I'll post that in a second if it's a big long thing. I always do.
No. 753320
>>753281“Edited me to be bigger in some”
Nope. These are all you Vic. You need to stop looking at yourself in photoshop and look in a damn mirror.
No. 753380
>>753281The funniest thing to me is that if one compares each of these candids, it’s quite clear they are all pictures of the same person. However, if you start comparing Slick Vick’s shoops, she looks like a different person from one photo session to the next.
But sure, you don’t alter your photos, Vic. But we do, to make you look bad - because we are all just jealous haters!
No. 753393
File: 1580305788843.jpeg (40.11 KB, 356x500, EF12E0F1-9168-4949-BAA8-2AB56B…)

>>753281“It means you hate people for their weight”
That comment really shows her intelligence level. Nobody is saying they hate overweight people. I think peoples main issue is THIS photo is from 7 years ago. .. and looks NOTHING like her candid photos.
As someone said “that doesn’t even look like the same species”
Her weight, teeth, hair health, overall health, height… not one thing is the same. This post just makes her look even more delusion. How can you be 33 years old and lack so much self awareness.
Turning it around on everyone else saying “you hate fat people” doesn’t take away from the fact that you look nothing like this.
No. 753426
File: 1580312154155.png (1.64 MB, 3494x1280, 71g3xICwNoDi.png)

>>753281Here are some of the funniest comments from this post.
1) Vic was bigger back then, but we also edited the photos of her to be bigger.
2) She claims to know who some of her haters are and that they dress up as her.
3) Victoria lost the weight from years ago and that is why we are jealous of her.
No. 753441
>>753426Ok but during the time frame of those candids, she was posting pictures of herself half naked and photoshopped to hell. Nothing has changed. Recent candies appear and they look nothing like her uploads. Which one was edited to make her look heavier? Or is she just in denial?
Also “if you saw some of them, you’d laugh pretty hard” & “sad shallow individuals” said in the same post….lol.
No. 753444
>>753393Only a handful of people call her “hammy” on here, most people are calling her out on horribly photoshopping herself into something she’s not. But since she’s in denial of her own body and is so because SHE thinks she’s fat, all she sees is everyone calling her fat.
People started calling out shoppers years ago and for good reasons. If she doesn’t like it, she can make her profile private. But she wants to convince the whole world she’s actually her created version of herself because THATS how badly she craves to be desired. I can see a young teenager legitimately wanting to be a final fantasy character, but growing out of that phase as they mature. She’s in her 30s and still has this immature thought process. It’s so sad and so unhealthy. She needs help, but narcissists never think anything is wrong with them… It’s everyone else who needs help. If so, that’s A LOT of people.
No. 753479
File: 1580321752286.jpg (506.51 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200129_131542.jpg)

>reeee those pics are old I looked different and was heavier reeeeee
>I look totally the same haven't aged a day teehee
No. 753774
File: 1580399575675.jpg (74.36 KB, 784x1280, IMG_20200130_085243_660.jpg)

She's so desperate for a relationship. This is so embarrassing.
No. 753823
File: 1580421992978.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1406, Screenshot_20200130-170402~2.p…)

The frequency of these shitty, contorted, 15 frame "proof" videos tells me there's a whole lot of deep rooted insecurity here. Victoria nobody believes you lol even burner phones have better quality than this in 2020
No. 753827
File: 1580423354232.jpeg (329 KB, 572x904, D24B0177-DDDC-44F8-A58A-7E8A63…)

>>753823Things that make you go hmmmm
Also this bitch is literally standing on her tippy toes lmao
No. 753857
>>753823not even Kelly Eden and her equally vapid and shallow former group of props seem to be as obsessed with appearance and fake internet personas as ole' Vic.
Pretty impressive.
No. 753873
>>753823The only thing worse than the quality of that phone is her extensions. She just proves everyday how broke she is by posting this crap.
Tattooing not going so well, sweetheart?
No. 753876
File: 1580433637609.jpeg (129.3 KB, 828x1054, 21636674-A2DE-4947-AF18-BE6ECB…)

ice queen
This guy looks right up old Vicky pathetic alley.
No. 753925
>>753909The only thing lower than her IQ and physical age, is her emotional and mental age. She’s literally stuck at a 15 year old emotional level.
I am very thankful she is nearing the age of being unable to reproduce. Her children would have absolutely zero chance of a normal or healthy life. Doomed before conception.
No. 753955
File: 1580442100970.jpeg (164.61 KB, 828x726, A41C30B5-5B0C-4C92-96C0-53A149…)

How many more times is she going to make this post? Nobody cares. She should spend more time actually tattooing and repairing the tarnished name her shop has. Maybe take an apprenticeship. Even the most seasoned artists take classes, make room for growth. She doesn’t seem to care about being anything but popular online / talking to neckbeards online.
Even if this did happen and girls are asking her this, why on earth is she posting it again on Facebook. SHES 33!!
No. 753958
>>753955Hit the jelly button while hitting the g spot…
Such the comedian. She’s so cringey.
No. 753968
File: 1580443112351.png (978.42 KB, 1578x1280, everyonesuckshere.png)

>>753955Oh so that's what this was about.
No. 753990
>>753823She made a video not long ago where she had her back arched and butt sticking out before filming just like this one. However, in this one, she tries to arch it more and looks like she broke her back. In the other one, she moves the leg furthest from the mirror, trying to make it look like she’s walking away. But her leg closest to the mirror stays sticking out so she can make it look like she still has an ass as she moves. It was so hard to watch because she looked like she was floating away and “90%” of the video was a close up of her butt so it was painfully obvious was she was trying to do. Same with this one. Just so sad how badly she does have to prove herself.
Shes just making it look like she has severe lumbar lordosis. I feel for her spine.
No. 754003
File: 1580446088999.jpeg (415.44 KB, 627x930, 5391085E-2E84-4578-8885-E5EEA6…)

>>753875She forgot to cover her tummy after three seconds and BAM. You get a grainy glimpse of her tummy. It’s like a sneak attack.
No. 754081
File: 1580457789991.jpeg (41.66 KB, 938x240, 85141649-76F9-43D8-9B28-43737E…)

>”I’m a woman’s woman”
>gets off to the idea that men want her over their girlfriends
Ok dingles
No. 754236
File: 1580495349818.png (372.92 KB, 496x807, Screenshot_20200131-091916.png)

Posting on Instagram means you have a smart phone, so my question is, where did she manage to find a smartphone with the camera of a 20 year old flip phone? I couldn't even make out wtf was happening for like 5 minutes.
No. 754401
>>754367yeah, if you look at
>>754003 it looks like a super old android phone.
She posts tattoo photos and videos that are way better quality than her selfies though, so my tinfoil is that she has two phones, and intentionally keeps this old shitty one to use for grainy selfies that hide her true appearance. I don't think she's smart enough to figure out aftereffects, and even she knows she can't keep her shoops consistent. Notice how she only ever uploads ONE shooped photo from each of her "shoots?" It would be way too hard for her to make multiple photos in the set look consistent. Vick is both lazy and incompetent, so she lets poor resolution do the dirty work for her.
No. 754418
>>754367this is probably it. she has a $30 Chinese smartphone, and probably uses a really cheap old laptop with built in webcam for this
>>753157it does more harm than good though. the bad quality blurs her makeup and makes her eyes tiny and face all blended. if she used a new webcam she would ironically look a lot better than she did in that reddit post and I doubt the neckbeards will notice how much she shoops her face. thirsty men are really slow at picking up on that
No. 754497
>>754367You're probably dead on with the LG Rebel; the emojis on her screenshots are the old ones LG used to have up until they switched to the stock Android style with phones they released from 2017 onwards.
Basically she's too broke to afford a phone that has come out in at least the last 3 years.
No. 754530
File: 1580572671001.jpeg (129.82 KB, 828x831, 961C209C-3FD8-4EA6-8CA5-87F4A4…)

Drunk Vicky fell into fantasyland where someone would marry her.
No. 754591
>>754582i get that tattoos are her passion or whatever, but if she were smart she would bank on those followers and become a patreon thot.
>>754583>>754589Not everybody on this board buys followers. She's had that facebook for a decade, and for the tattooed neckbeards that believe her shoops and lies I can see how she would appear to them like some fantasy girl. She gets 50-100 likes because she shitposts like crazy sharing photos and videos no one gives a fuck about, her selfies get 500-1k. Over time a lot of those followers probably went inactive too, since facebook has died out a lot in that span of time.
No. 754597
File: 1580592285753.jpeg (156.23 KB, 828x1158, 9623AD41-2F24-4ACE-8302-5D53A8…)

>>754591Her selfies get 500 likes or less usually. Not everyone buys followers, but Vicky has a tendency of criticizing women for the things she actually is / does.
And she has in numerous occasions attacked women for “buying followers” not saying Vicky does, but she said she knows women buy followers when their followers are high and engagement is low. So in her logic.. if the shoe fits.
No. 754641
>>754640She lost her shit when she thought you were videoing her? In what way?
And did you actually get a tattoo?
No. 754716
>>754597That’s a really weak argument for her buying followers.
Some of her photos have over 2,400 likes. it’s still low engagement for 100k of course, but Facebook users are not as active now as they were in 2011, so it's not that surprising imo, especially since she mostly posts low quality content that people tend to gloss over.
No. 754751
>>754640If this is true, then
>>754401 could be correct that she has two phones and intentionally takes selfies on the crappy one. That’s hilarious if true. We need more details anon
No. 754774
>>754716That would be a really weak “argument” as I stated that “not saying that Vicky does”
I’m not saying that she does, but in Vicky logic when she has attacked other women for “buying followers” for high followers low engagement , her pages including her Instagram are the same.
Learn how to read.
No. 755115
File: 1580757959573.png (31.27 KB, 749x259, follower.png)

>>735710she for sure buys followers, anywhere you see a jump that looks like this its from when you purchase traffic. Id say every few months she buys a lump amount of traffic and then ether builds on that or she purchases a service that space's the follows out. She maybe has 2500-3000 organic followers ( thirsty incels, scene connections, dudes she has banged or wants to bang, the guelph trailer trash that get tattooed by her, and leftover myspace cult followers) the rest are all purchased.
No. 755143
>>755115I really can’t. Just wtf? How are you this stupid?
I checked on socialblade. That little bump that you circled represents a grand total of 160 followers over the course of 5 days on instagram. From day 1 to day 2 she increased by 30 followers……. Please tell me you’re legitimately retarded.
I know you’re not going to be able to work out by yourself how someone can get 30 followers in 1 day, so let me explain it to you. She got tagged by someone with a moderately large following on day 1. Either a page dedicated to sharing photos of women, or someone she tattooed. That person’s followers went to her page and followed her. That brief increase in traffic to her account stopped as soon as that page moved on and posted something else.
>>755115 No. 755147
>>755143You’re really up Vicky’s ass, huh? You must be friends with her throwing around the word “retarded”
Is that the word of the day in Guelph?
Who cares if she buys followers or not. Considering how desperate she is for attention she probably does. Does that sound so out of left field from Vicky? Really. If you want to defend her, maybe you should add her on Instagram and kiss her ass like all her other neckbeards
No. 755161
>>755159Sorry, I have no idea what the “Lillie jean” thread is. The only reason I’m in this one is because I know of Vicky since we run around in the same group in Toronto. I got sucked down the rabbit hole.
What I do know of is, I don’t have all the time in the world to sit on every thread like you do and throw around accusations because it was in another thread.
What I do know, is I know people that know her personally. And what I do know is icky needs attention.
What I also know is a lot of attention seeking “models” on Instagram but followers.
You think it’s such a stretch that the girl that’s trying to reclaim her MySpace fame would do the same.
No. 755162
File: 1580768445273.jpeg (158.11 KB, 828x927, 87CE4AAF-77F2-4CEA-8BD1-085B96…)

No. 755163
File: 1580768559959.jpeg (319.34 KB, 828x1207, 27280ACE-6F36-436B-A766-F013E7…)

>>7551597.6k and 33 comments I would say she buys followers or she has a lot of bots and people that follow for the wreckage
No. 755166
>>755147really getting high on your own farts, huh?
Guelph isn't ground zero for the word 'retard'. Not everyone's perfectly poiltially correct, retard. Throwing 'autist' and 'whore' around? a-okay. Retard, though? The horror.
Vic's engagement is hilariously low for her numbers. The ONLY pics that get any sort of interaction are heavily shooped images. Bought followers or dead/disinterested followers? who cares. she's a vain, dimwitted relic that's rapidly aging and gaining weight out of her being able to bait neckbeards and desperate losers from India for attention.
No. 755171
>>755166>>755166Well I didn’t say whore or autism. So not sure where that came from, but get “high on your own farts” mouth breather.
I guess you’re from Guelph and got slightly offended huh?
No. 755181
File: 1580772719573.jpeg (52.88 KB, 828x379, CC034681-9730-4D11-AF9C-69C3AB…)

What is this? All he did was leave a heart eye emoji guy and she had to remind everyone that someone has seen her in person. Also that she has middle parted hair. What is this bitch
No. 755202
File: 1580785506845.jpeg (128.33 KB, 720x734, 11289.jpeg)

Hahahaha I love her
No. 755205
>>755162this bitch really just painted herself a whole new face
new tits too
No. 755331
>>755222For hating on strippers and SWers, she sure does dress like cheap ones in her photo shoots lol
She looks like a 40 year old truck stop stripper from the 90s.
No. 755336
File: 1580850106641.jpeg (71.78 KB, 980x756, 883AC02C-EA2D-417B-B817-617F79…)

She reminds me of that used stripper from that corny show on vh1, rock of love bus.
Trying to fit in with the “young crowd”
No. 755344
>>755342She has to imply her boobs are so perfect they are mistaken for implants…because she knows, and everyone else knows, her tits are flat pancakes.
And you can tell “they’re real” because of the “indenting”.
She’s such a fucking narc hahahhahahhahaha so pathetic.
No. 755348
>>755336What's great is that this aired around the time Vicky stopped growing emotionally.
It's killing me that I can't remember this stripper's name.
No. 755351
>>755336Heather Chadwell.
Even though she was competing with other cut-throat girls for some washed-up rocker's attention, she only went after other girls when they went after her first. Otherwise, she wasn't bothered by the other girls and didn't even view them as a threat. Instead, she was partying with them every night and making good friends.
Vicky only wishes she had the empowerment, confidence, support for other girls, and drive that Heather had.
No. 755369
>>755336I just came here to say I liked Heather and she should’ve ended up with Bret Michaels.
Carry on.
No. 755371
File: 1580863953802.jpeg (298.08 KB, 1632x1632, 48BC7516-46B6-4FED-94B8-EB162B…)

>>755344 So i was at the
toxic vision “fashion show” (not my pictures, screengrabs from youtube) and saw vicky up close at one point. She was wearing at least two padded bras, maybe three and her back was caked with makeup to cover her (obvious) back acne. I was friends with someone backstage and they told me that she wouldn’t let the makeup artists do her makeup and had done her own before she got there. There were also a bunch of modifications done to her outfit, ethier because she lied about her measurements or the clothes looked terrible on her. If I remember correctly, the belt was a last minute addition because she refused to show her stomach. I’m pretty sure that lace skirt was supposed to close at the front. Anyways, what an exhausting facade.
No. 755386
File: 1580868620083.jpeg (48.89 KB, 357x425, 4DC92B99-C7A7-42B0-B228-044DAF…)

Vicky’s hair unedited.
No. 755405
>>755371coming to steal your man
>she refused to show her stomachthank heavens!
No. 755675
File: 1580953973353.jpeg (71.83 KB, 828x811, 63118FEE-0D16-4936-9F0C-842198…)

This explains how deep Vicky really is.
Mature want more than dick and attention with no bullshit.
Connection? Values? Support? No? Okay.
No. 755679
>>755663She was born in the UK, moved here when she was like two. So she has an accent even though she moved here before she had any real speech.
People have said she didn’t have an accent in school.
So explanation, she’s a liar
No. 755814
File: 1580996867465.jpeg (72.93 KB, 751x442, 2C2C085D-7D96-4B1F-9627-E00683…)

That’s called obesity, icky.
No. 755820
File: 1580999470130.jpg (94.04 KB, 1202x1280, IMG_20200206_073050_820.jpg)

>>755814She's not obese, anon. She just
looks very soft and round.
No. 755935
File: 1581029474496.jpeg (217.88 KB, 828x977, A96458D0-7721-478B-BAA6-BDCAE0…)

“Valueing” this girl is dumb as hell.
And who is Vicky to tell anyone how to run their relationship? “I know this a foreign concept to some of you” like bitch, what? I wouldn’t take any sort of advise for this girl. She’s creeping up on her mid thirties and still builds all of her relationships through her DMs.
While I agree opposite sex should be able to be friends, she can’t insert her opinion into others relationship cause you never get the full story. But of course she always knows best but can’t keep a man to save her life.
No. 755942
>>755935Also she has made several posts stating that she respects people's relationships UNLESS the woman is a bitch to her. Then, if she thinks that woman's man is hot, she will go after him.
That's a pretty huge modifier in the "I respect relationships" stance. That means she doesn't respect relationships. I'd have some questions if my boyfriend was friends with Vic and started hanging out with her, based on her prior behavior and words.
No. 755988
>>755964I volunteer my husband as tribute. He has a black belt in karate and I'm sure watching her do "swords" would be the highlight of his life.
These obsessive "I don't want to fuck your man" posts are making me think she's trying to fuck someone's man. When you get to your mid 30s people start pairing off and you're left with some pretty unfortunate options. Or, you know, dating people a decade too young for you.
No. 756006
>>755988I was thinking that. A bit of the "lady doth protest too much, methinks"
Her need for attention is frightening.
No. 756058
>>755935Why…does she type…like this? An ellipsis ≠ deepness.
FB screenshot anon, how many edits did this embarrassing post take her?
No. 756063
File: 1581089379883.jpeg (210.66 KB, 828x1371, B3D82B06-58A4-435D-9302-951374…)

>>756058Surprisingly only four.
And then this cringey exchange. She has to explain herself because her entire life is online and she’ll add any neckbeard willing to pay her compliments so they harass her and she views it as “ being desired”
No. 756142
>>756109I don't know when Vicky moved from NI but Broughshane is a small village, closest town would be Ballymena and their fucking accents are nuts. They're all like farmers, Ballymena Hai! She wouldn't even have the main NI accent if she was still living here she'd have a fucked up ulster scot one but probably would put on a Belfast accent. She probably can't do either which is why she does the fake English one. Absolutely baffling.
Toxic tears another lolcow from NI has a more americanised accent cause of the media she consumes, I guess Vicky must watch a shit load of Peppa Pig, she sounds like all the toddlers that watch too much of that shit and their weirdo posh British accents.
No. 756203
>>756199Yup. Had the displeasure of knowing her, her sister, and her pedophile brother when I was young. The only one in the family with an actual Irish accent is their father. Laird and the sister (wont name names, she seems to be well adjusted and not a fucking spastic or pedo) have a very typical Ontario accent, and so did Icky until a few years into her MySpace "career".
Still not sure why we're discussing her accent though. We all know its bullshit.
No. 756221
>>756056It would not shock me in the least if there was actual proof she’s an easy lay and goes after married/taken men. Only for the pure fact she posts WEEKLY about how she would never sleep with a client and she’s above that and crazy bitches need to relax cause Vic would never do that to a fellow female. She doesn’t want “used goods”.
Vic is the QUEEN of projection and the truth is- whatever she says, the opposite is the truth.
No. 756244
File: 1581154133679.png (1 MB, 1280x2604, boy.png)

Victoria posted a gif of a boy peacock displaying its feathers and captioned it "Me when I first meet a guy vs when I'm comfy"
People in the comments are telling her that's a boy peacock. Victoria is arguing back that she ISN'T A BOY and saying that people believe all sorts of rumors. How drunk is she? Nobody is implying she's a boy lol.
No. 756245
File: 1581154671197.png (1 MB, 1585x1280, ice_berg.png)

She posted it to Instagram too. She's trying to imply that people are making up rumors about her being a boy lol.
No. 756297
>>756244>>756245Lmao she’s such a fucking moron and clearly SOOOO unbothered. I’ll bet she blocked that person. Hahahahaha they really struck a nerve.
I wonder if people used to comment when she was younger that she looked like a little boy and ever since then has been on a projection rampage to show how much of a sexy, hot, big titted FEMALE she is. It would actually make a lot of sense.
My favorite thing about Vic is her complete inability to take or understand a simple joke. It’s the funniest shit ever
No. 756516
File: 1581286823614.jpeg (131.41 KB, 788x1146, 6370C438-C8FD-4100-AE07-52CAD9…)

Somebody please explain this mess to me. How drunk is she?
No. 756517
>>756486Sucks to suck.
Maybe if she spent less time bullying women online and more time working on her craft she wouldn’t be struggling
No. 756565
File: 1581303561588.jpeg (203.56 KB, 828x1379, B5A4F01A-8719-4D2C-A52C-8F3024…)

>>756562Considering this is the last thing she posted about tattoos WEEKS ago and she didn’t even try, even by her standards, I’m thinking her business is over
No. 756569
File: 1581304497296.jpg (99.19 KB, 1280x1145, IMG_20200209_201501_015.jpg)

She's busy answering questions on the internet.
No. 756573
>>735710yea idk what this about, not even sure who's profile this is a screen shot of, she's just dick thirsty.
>>756569this is goldmine of dumb stuff icky says. claims to have never been dumped and the majority of the questions are strangely centered around love/relationships.
No. 756614
>>756565This is almost worse than usual. Only 2.5 hours for a detailed backpiece with shitty composition she scribbled on with a sharpie? Whoever did this to their body must hate themselves. I've never heard of something that large taking a couple hours but judging by the photo that shows.
Cranking something in such a short amount of time out that looks like…that, wouldn't be something I would humblebrag about, Vic, let alone share it like some accomplishment.
No. 756626
File: 1581354550022.jpeg (90.93 KB, 750x361, 39F51CF3-AE93-484A-9015-E8C5FB…)

>>756569I present to you, the queen of dumbassery
No. 756721
File: 1581390157956.jpeg (107.6 KB, 828x651, 32ACD7DC-7E19-44F6-81FE-AD9D8F…)

“Food pairings”
“Fetus soup”
No. 756749
>>756721Wouldn’t a “classic food pairing” be something like…goat cheese and table crackers? White wine and fish? Hummus and fucking bell peppers???
How is octopus or bat a classic food pairing? Lmao
No. 756763
>>756761I've said it before but I really think she's legit retarded. Like, just straight up low IQ should have been in special school dumb. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it came out that she was a SPED kid. She can barely function.
But that low IQ coupled with her raging narcissism truly makes her my favorite cow.
No. 756782
File: 1581429286780.jpg (107.05 KB, 569x1280, IMG_20200211_065137_368.jpg)

Vic has acquired a new skill!
No. 756783
File: 1581429684417.png (2.08 MB, 1280x4537, NaturopathVic.png)

One of my favorite Vicky status exit sequences in awhile. Rofl
No. 756823
>>756782Wait. “Which I know how to do”
Is she saying she’s gone to school for four years, which is how long it takes, to be a naturopath ? People put four years of their life and pay off student loans for their entire lives and she read google and says she can diagnose someone? And give them the right treatment? She’s actually one of the stupidest, offensive asshole on the internet.
No. 756837
File: 1581447884309.jpeg (138.57 KB, 828x1290, 66A0B85A-3E82-42D7-957A-28D054…)

Girl needs serious therapy.
No. 756840
Sorry autocorrect likes to make me look like a gulllable moronnnn
No. 756845
File: 1581448500912.jpeg (135.79 KB, 828x887, 1FC365C9-779C-47F6-B996-F5E9E1…)

Late night food and sex posts.
Hungry and thirsty. She needs to focus on her art. If she even has a shop anymore
No. 756846
>>756837Look at how she spelled unavailable. It's legit instantly autocorrected for me. Like do you have to go out of your way to misspell that nowadays?
She 100% is intellectually disabled.
No. 756863
>>756705ah, that explains why under some of them it says someone asked for it to be answered. so she's selecting them on purpose to bestow her wisdom lol.
>>756733i remember when she posted that sad piece of fish and something else that definitely had meat in it she was so proud of herself for making.
No. 756867
File: 1581454407907.jpeg (114.15 KB, 828x646, 20FFC6C4-2287-4C07-82F2-D92116…)

She’s been one. Many mansions.
Living with your parents and living off them of them doesn’t count as wealth Vick.
No. 756893
File: 1581461822356.jpeg (189.77 KB, 603x1021, C82F3F28-9216-47C0-BFBE-7AC700…)

Old milk, but important. Friendly reminder of why you should never let icky tattoo you.
No. 756895
File: 1581462272627.jpeg (151.52 KB, 620x619, DE3CAC7D-07B3-4F7C-B5AF-595049…)

>>756893Ickys crap work healing over time.
No. 756958
File: 1581485939792.jpg (108.19 KB, 808x1279, IMG_20200211_223901_349.jpg)

There are 7 edits on this post. Here we go.
No. 756959
File: 1581486308976.png (2.35 MB, 1280x5340, VodkaForJackie.png)

My favorite thing about this is when she blames her hard liquor stash on her friend Jackie and then removed it a few edits later lmao.
No. 756975
>>756958Can anyone rip the videos? I desperately want to see what her current “mansion” looks like.
Weird that she has to mention there’s a TV but couldn’t show it.
No. 756984
File: 1581514979408.jpeg (158.51 KB, 828x1182, 9FFCAA1F-5880-4296-AC1C-8EF959…)

She’s always saying how unattainable she is and how desires and in the same five seconds posts how the dude she likes won’t give her the time of day.
This isn’t the first or last time I’m sure
No. 756996
File: 1581517962611.webm (3.24 MB, 1280x720, Mansion1.webm)
>>756975Of course, anon. Here's the first one.
No. 757055
>>756997dark lights to hide she's in a shitty crackden apartment???
also LOVE how hard she's avoiding catching her reflection in those mirrors
No. 757216
File: 1581563121040.jpeg (73.11 KB, 828x333, 810E6E96-037F-4EBF-B659-E5E270…)

>kit cats
No. 757217
File: 1581563783300.png (2.46 MB, 1019x5533, castles_and_mansions.png)

I am loling. Vic got mad at some girl for saying her new place looked like a bordello. The couches are from a showroom in a mansion and the mirrors are from a castle looool
No. 757221
>>757217>>757217>spent your time in many of those? Vicky is such a bitch. I’m surprised anyone talks to her at all.
But she is right, is doesn’t look like a bordello. It looks like a crack den. Like legit looks like someone just murdered their grandma and is living in her home living life as a make believe vampire
No. 757229
File: 1581568215851.jpeg (76.74 KB, 750x249, 6B2BBBC1-DD64-4920-94EC-59527F…)

This seriously has me rolling. “painted in actual gold”. If you were as rich as you say your are you wouldn’t be in a bug ridden looking shit hole and having to live with someone way younger than you. She’s so unbearable. She completely ignored that girl when she asked which castle the mirrors were from too because they are absolutely not. She seriously gets over the top defensive over everything and attacks people if they are not spreading her acne ridden ass cheeks
No. 757247
>>757233>I'd also bet she didn't know what bordello meant and just got offended when she googled it and saw brothelThat’s exactly what happened, and why Vic mentioned crack houses are full of “cheap ikea shit” or are hotel rooms. I get what that lady was trying to say. It’s funny to see what really bites her ass the hardest. I feel like her lies become stupider when she’s offended.
>my couches are 200 years old and my mirrors are from castlesI wonder what her ROOMMATE (kek) thinks about vic’s hatred towards ikea furniture? I’m sure she wasn’t blessed with gross old musky furniture painted in gold.
No. 757248
File: 1581574247739.jpg (121.85 KB, 1095x1280, IMG_20200212_231133_665.jpg)

No. 757249
File: 1581574341418.jpg (201.44 KB, 1944x1452, 85203821_1650076768473620_6672…)

No. 757251
>>757248Does she really need 4 pieces of bread and all those potatoes? And shocking…not one vegetable or salad. Must be bulking again.
Seriously tho that’s a huge amount of food for one person… jfc Vicky.
No. 757383
>>757229>The couches are from a mansion>the mirrors are from a castleThis girl was hustled at a thrift store. HOW, DOES. THAT. HAPPEN.
Also I get why she says she’s lived in many mansions. She probably thinks a 100 year old Victorian home in shit shape is a mansion.
No. 757407
File: 1581633538105.jpeg (120.29 KB, 743x1061, F48A9316-0149-4D6F-9872-A9466A…)

No. 757415
File: 1581634921957.jpg (147 KB, 818x1280, IMG_20200213_160023_895.jpg)

Rofl this comment Vicky made to a reply on her status about how she's a naturopath is amazing
> imbided
FYI, Victoria doesn't recommend putting peppermint oil in the eyes. Thanks Vic! Good tip!
No. 757419
File: 1581635191155.jpeg (113.48 KB, 828x742, B4DBD75F-F920-4699-922B-5B0DCC…)

She’s so thirsty for internet dick it’s actually sad.
For someone that says she’s sapiosexual she sure is superficial
No. 757437
>>757415"Well done for knowing that"
Wow, Vic. Could you be more patronizing when discussing a subject you have only the most common knowledge about?
No. 757439
File: 1581644299530.jpeg (119.1 KB, 828x1221, 1B3066F9-C546-4015-8335-5338D2…)

No. 757447
File: 1581645359741.jpeg (357.65 KB, 750x937, 2318E832-2131-4BB1-8B7B-D31CB3…)

>>757407Loving the warped phone from Face tune
No. 757464
File: 1581646658404.gif (2.55 MB, 480x360, 955E06C4-D1CE-43C5-95B4-77BDB9…)

>>757407Every time I see vic’s unshooped Leno chin, I think of this gif. Kills me every time.
No. 757594
File: 1581689977306.jpeg (264.45 KB, 828x1439, 63911537-8502-4B29-AB3B-F9C15C…)

Icky can’t even get her own life together and now she’s running China,
No. 757640
>>757594That women's grammar is atrocious, and I would not have sex with her.
For real, that shit is almost illegible.
(no1curr) No. 757731
File: 1581728630282.jpeg (160.5 KB, 750x1001, C59F599F-B514-4C0F-B2B2-C97E19…)

I can’t stand how retarded this underdeveloped bitch is. Trying to argue an uncontrolled pandemic like she has all the answers and knowledge on how to handle the situation. My brain hurt reading her bullshit
No. 757797
File: 1581746771347.jpg (99.62 KB, 1228x1280, IMG_20200214_230621_081.jpg)

The Vicky edits have started.
No. 758199
>>758025Honestly, Vicky doesn’t really seem like the type to watch tv. Movies, yes. But she never talks about anything other than herself. No hobbies or interests outside of dumb bullshit like kung fu and sword swinging. Like…no normal human hobbies. She’s the least artistic tattoo artist I’ve ever seen. Most tattoo artists do other art aside from tattoos.
I just can’t envision her sitting around in lounge clothing, no make up and ratty hair like a normal person.
I see a Vicky in full drag make up, wearing those gross crusty shorts and her leather jacket that has to smell like roadkill.
No. 758201
File: 1581907733441.jpeg (139.25 KB, 750x498, A6C47666-CFBC-473F-A570-A8E7F5…)

For someone who is so desired and sought after she sure is lonely. Ol’ Vick didn’t even get showered in valentines gifts.
No. 758384
>>758199This made me wonder if she really is only active on FB and insta
It makes sense staying in her hugbox, but all that narcissism only on 2 sites?
No. 758540
File: 1582057500019.jpeg (164.77 KB, 828x1101, D73769BD-4AF0-4EBF-A257-705BC9…)

“I’m guessing the one with a ponytail was a bully” cause nobody that does “sword movements” could be a bully huh Vick?
Not sure where she gets that assumption but she likes to call bully whenever she can. Seems fitting she do it on a 3 second video with no dialogue.
16 likes in ten hours because all her 5000 neckbeards even know how stupid this is.
No. 758548
>>758540>sword wrist movementRight…because the average freshman high schooler takes up fencing.
Vicky is so mad she was picked on by pretty girls for looking like a fat boy.
No. 758859
File: 1582167613423.png (1.57 MB, 828x1792, 440F00A3-11E2-4F4B-8EC5-2A3040…)

Imagine being so insecure in your relationship other females can’t even ask how your partner is doing over the internet. Of course Vicky would agree with this
No. 758899
>>758859This is so fucking ridiculous.
I have guy friends who are married. I would be really sad if one of them did this. Of course, they aren’t this immature/stupid and that’s exactly why we’re friends. Some people need to learn that they can be friends with the opposite sex without it being considered as cheating.
Wasn’t Vick the one who used to say this all of the time? She used to freak out about other women being insecure about her being friends with their man.
No. 759253
>>758859What the fuck is this, I would be insulted if my bf did such a circus out of simple human interaction and made me into a crazy insecure bitch. But I guess it’s all great for Vick, since she
is the crazy insecure bitch.
No. 759410
File: 1582342792121.jpeg (212.51 KB, 828x1421, E40F1D0D-27B8-4AA0-B8CB-4D86E2…)

I love how she goes on about how long and perfect her eyelashes are… and like…
I’m sure she’s just sitting at home in a mask.
No. 759549
File: 1582419379048.jpg (58.99 KB, 818x1279, IMG_20200222_175455_148.jpg)

No. 759556
>>759551It’s an iPhone 7, anon.
I know you wanna be salty and nitpick everything but ain’t no way that’s a 3.
Either that or you’re being sarcastic and it’s gone way over my head.
No. 759791
File: 1582505588656.jpeg (241.24 KB, 828x1131, E45484DC-7B19-4FE4-90A7-63239F…)

So slightly attacked but not insecure expect this is all insecurity for the most part.
No. 759792
File: 1582505654138.jpg (58.17 KB, 921x1280, IMG_20200223_175325_028.jpg)

No. 759795
>>759791I think she just identifies with the black stockings with the white stripe on top. Also she has been trying to advertise how horny and kinky she is for several months. However long her current thirst for a boyfriend phase has lasted.
(Also it was weird posting at the exact moment as you. I thought I had uploaded the wrong screenshot at first!)
No. 759796
File: 1582505974205.jpg (781.21 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200223_195848.jpg)

Finally someone calls her our but she still won't think she's a narcissist. This person is JUsT MeNtaLLy iLL
No. 759799
>>759791> cept not insecureOkay first of all, cept? C'mon icky, that's almost as bad as how you put double L's in every word.
Second, you are the epitome of the word "insecure". Somehow you combine narcissistic with extremely insecure and you send every man and boy running for the hills.
No. 759807
>>759796“Just showing off my pants” by shaking her ass. And I thought she got a new phone? The quality of her camera is still straight trash.
Also, calling someone a loser for having an opinion. Good job Vicky, keep showing how intelligent you are.
No. 759838
File: 1582513234247.jpeg (79.92 KB, 828x642, EE659881-A9F1-4BFA-BC3B-F5B364…)

But everyone else is narcissistic. Better with time but doesn’t have an education, a real job, financial stability and hasn’t left Ontario since she was two.
No. 759852
File: 1582515619294.jpeg (364.17 KB, 750x1064, AE49A39C-B7E0-4240-987C-D41BAF…)

>>759792The plant is also wonky as hell
No. 759859
File: 1582516344357.jpeg (152.5 KB, 828x903, 920CEBDB-14CA-445A-8349-A0F084…)

Looks like icky got turned down for the 100th time.
No. 759899
>>759859Lmao she wants to be wanted without her having to put any work towards anything in the relationship. I’m not shocked at all.
She has to be an absolute starfish in bed.
No. 759903
File: 1582524466350.jpg (52.75 KB, 1280x604, IMG_20200223_230627_429.jpg)

No. 759982
She has about 1 braincell.
She’s so unbothered she needs all her neckbeards on every social media platform to have her back anytime anyone questions her. I don’t think she realizes how insecure this makes her come across.
She made this post about 7 hours after someone commented on her pants. Meaning she was just sitting there for 7 hours stewing over the fact that someone said something to her in the comments section of Instagram. So unbothered Vick.
No. 759984
File: 1582553429036.jpeg (143.77 KB, 828x858, 3C254653-7439-4B24-B2B4-1B6C7A…)

>>759982And this morning posted this. Which is probably associated considering her thinks she’s a celeb. “Stop being catty” while calling people narcissistic losers.
The fact that she doesn’t just delete people and move on and feeds it just shows how catty she can really be.
No. 760020
File: 1582571092670.jpeg (111.21 KB, 817x537, 601A4686-8F62-4F6E-91DC-D6F25E…)

“Don’t be catty”
makes fun of people for entertainment
No. 760268
File: 1582656636734.jpeg (126.48 KB, 828x937, 3EEB5BFE-9600-4185-9512-C2D5A4…)

“Stop being so catty”
Is catty at the drop of a hat.
No. 760275
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I looked these up on amazon out of curiosity and they are cheap 20$ leggings. They are also Men’s compression leggings so all her fat is being squished and compressed. The old hike the pants to the ribs and squeeze in the gut trick
No. 760294
File: 1582663160384.jpeg (227.25 KB, 828x1416, 5FAB0786-3A5E-403A-A4E7-637505…)

Vicky is going to no show this appointment for sure. She has no hair? And what she does have left is probably unsalvageable.
No. 760354
File: 1582679043973.jpeg (247.18 KB, 828x1092, 90B5A00A-37BA-4CEA-9FDA-641793…)

She would find this old, lame humour funny.
She has the intelligence level of a six year old boy
No. 760574
File: 1582766189919.jpeg (221.44 KB, 828x1333, 5CC6119D-6294-40A8-9A5B-9981A8…)

This is how she’s spending her Wednesday. She’s not working at all and not even pretending anymore
No. 760577
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Instead of just “ignore”
And she mirrors because she has no personality of her own.
No. 760997
File: 1582911561035.jpeg (62.22 KB, 750x453, 2A1E3E69-5463-40AA-9F13-20C559…)

She posted a profile video and she looks so beat. Her hair looks extra crispy. If she just dyed her hair to her natural colour and let it grow out it would look so much better. I can’t imagine how thin it must feel after bleaching constantly for over a decade. It’s not even a nice blonde she just bleaches it and keeps it piss colour instead of using a toner as well
No. 761585
File: 1583252597933.png (708.86 KB, 602x599, wtf.png)

What kind of over lined crap is this? Did she put her makeup on drunk? She can't honestly think her lips look good here.
No. 799588
File: 1602372957805.jpeg (375.49 KB, 1208x1914, 69D10985-7EBE-444B-A08D-DDA745…)

Apparently Victoria is Ivy League educated on LinkedIn