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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 168836

Containment board for Shayna memes and Shatposting.

This is a thread for collecting and archiving all Shay related media, mostly farmer generated. Please curb your autism and save any discussion of milk for the threads on /snow/, and spoiler any NSFW images.

Infight all your autistic battles here.

First thread: >>>/shay/158765
Second thread: >>>/shay/159974
Third thread: >>>/shay/163871

No. 168838

File: 1720121426289.png (Spoiler Image,136.98 KB, 500x425, IMG_7228.png)

thank you nonnie, i have been itchy ever since the thread got locked.

No. 168840

i hate that shaynas sissy boyfriends "girl name" is amelia. or maybe its fitting. thats my arch nemesis' name….

No. 168841

arch nemesis?

No. 168842

yes i have a girl that i hate that i refer to as my arch nemesis idk how else to describe her she is like the anti-me and we also have a lot in common… the joker to my batman… the whoever is supermans enemy to my superman. i know everyone on here likes to pretend we're sooper good staunch feminists but clearly everyone who uses this site including shaynafags hates women in some way. i'm not gonna pretend i don't hate some women just because i have some feminist beliefs kek.

No. 168850

I don’t have access to my PC right now but I’m dreaming of a Shayna dress up thread…make her look good or bad, make her a color analysis compilation of outfits since anons have been talking about how she needs color and style analysis badly. I’m going to go look for nudes she’s posted that would be a good dress up base but any suggestions are welcome.

No. 168851

File: 1720228822111.jpeg (352.11 KB, 828x1460, IMG_4212.jpeg)

Potentially good bases dump

No. 168852

File: 1720228999977.jpeg (307.8 KB, 1170x1253, IMG_4214.jpeg)

No. 168853

File: 1720252817939.jpg (133.09 KB, 720x805, Screenshot_20240706_012753_Ins…)

I saw this on an insta reel and it immediately reminded me of shayna

No. 168862

Peak shaynacore

No. 168865

File: 1720296824589.jpg (1.88 MB, 3072x4096, 24-07-06-16-07-14-923_deco__01…)

going back to the old threads and comparing her camming screenshots to the ultra filtered shit she post now. The filters she uses are so strong she doesn't even have skin texture it just look like one giant blur

this is truly the best shape to be in if you're trying to make money off of self exploitation.

No. 168868

she should listen to women who've been prostituting since they were 18 and well into their 30s. this is horrific and i can't imagine it not giving you the worst psych problems if you don't just get addicted to 'substances' in order to cope and an hero.

this woman claims she could have made $1m (USD?) in her lifetime. doesn't sound worth it. she also said she blocks out what she's done.

No. 168888

File: 1720540258886.png (2.15 MB, 1297x992, shat's-new-home.png)

Where next for Big Shaynus?
The average rent in Renton, Seattle is $2,138 and it's out of her price range. Average rent in Boston is $3,842, which is also beyond her current earnings.

Average rent in Vegas is $1,448.

Other places she could consider are
Jackson, Mississippi $1,019
New Orleans, Louisiana $1,375
San Antonio, Texas $1,278
Birmingham, Alabama $1,290
Hot Springs, Arkansas $1,135
Tulsa, Oklahoma $951
Albuquerque, New Mexico $1,313

No. 168894

I predict a hobosexual arc where she tries to insert herself into an orbiters' apartment.

No. 168896

Hating some women =/= hating women. You sound moid-brained. Or just too retarded to view things as anything other than black & white.

No. 168898

Getting a rushton cow for only a 100 bucks would be the dream…

No. 168899

off topic but holy shit why is the rent in the US this fucking much no wonder why the country is infested with homelessness when prices like these are average

No. 168915

File: 1720729852971.jpg (500.36 KB, 1080x1555, Screenshot_20240711-190913.jpg)

She was like 24 in this pic

No. 168921

I had a dream I was in a coffee shop that had computers and I went on Etsy and Ellen had stayed logged in. I was going to buy $5,000 worth of dildos under her account kek.

No. 168925

kek it would be hilarious if she went back to oklahoma

No. 168945

File: 1720977344830.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1079x1631, 1000007344.png)

Trying to be quirky online while giving herself a completely new face…(spoiler nsfw)

No. 168946

File: 1720977408379.png (1.67 MB, 1080x2400, 1000007342.png)

While actually looking more and more like amberlynn.

No. 168963

File: 1721087192794.png (450.97 KB, 1080x1725, 1593531822965.png)

I'm going back through old threads and something she said in a tweet stood out to me.
>he had me believing that my best friend of all time was only interested in me sexually because of my job
Is she saying that Fupa thought Ellen was only interested in Shayna because she was a sex worker? In hindsight did Fupa work out that Ellen wanted to pimp Shayna to her Seattle kink scene friends?

No. 168964

she wasn't best friends with ellen at this time i don't think. they interacted when she was living in seattle the first time but then ellen went to europe (?) and they broke off. then she started interacting with her again at the end of the oklahoma run. when she was planning to move back to seattle. i think the best friend in question here may be colleen? but i'm not sure. maybe ellen was always behind the scenes but she didn't mention her for a good two years before they started interacting again.

No. 168968

Colleen is who the thread at time assumed she was talking about but why would Colleen be sexually interested in Shayna because she's a sex worker? It makes more sense for it to be Ellen. They must have kept in contact and Fupa either got jealous or thought that Ellen was a creep.

No. 168976

i mean i think you're onto something here but i also think colleen and shay used to hook up in high school? i swear i read that in an older thread before but maybe they were wrong… but i think the ellen tinfoil makes sense regardless

No. 168980

The new photos that bad photog did would be good bases

No. 168981

Nonnieeeeee we are on the same thread re-reading together! I just got to the middle of #57 ♥

No. 168989

The Tulsa era threads were wild. She did not shut the fuck up and posted every shit take in her tiny mind to twitter. It's the reason she has so many threads.

What also hit me was that when she was making decent money and had a low cost of living in Tulsa, she blew every cent on weed, door dash, polyester clothing and plastic garbage. Her rent was $800 and she must have been earning $3000 - $5000 a month including MV, OF and ebegging. Now she's broke and has no savings.

No. 168992

They are so good. So fun to read and know what’s coming in the future, especially shocking to me how LONG it took her to gtfo! I guess because she blew all her money. She tweets about getting out of OK when she’s even still skinny, she wants to move to Austin, but even after the break up/psych ward saga she seriously talks about leaving but stays for two more YEARS. Btw, do you think she went to hospital? I can’t decide.

No. 169000

File: 1721471533510.jpg (433.1 KB, 1024x1024, MEITU_20240720_183001841.jpg)

Someone in the thread compared shay to Lloyd Christmas and they were correct

No. 169001

Kek a scrote fetishizing covid.

They'll find a way to sexualize everything and anything.

No. 169006

At the time I thought she did go inpatient but now I don't. There was never any mention of psychiatrist or any other treatment. If she was taken into a mental ward as a patient, she would have required to continue treatment as an outpatient. It may have happened but there was a total lack of begging for uber money so she could attend her treatment sessions.

No. 169011

An anon pointed out how a photo of Shayna looked like younger Jill/pixielocks
I still think they look related. I know it’s the beady brown eyes and winged eye liner but their faces in general could convince me they are related.
Tulsa era is one I miss dearly some times. I might give it a reread kek

No. 169014

I’m sick of the Shayna apologists in the threads. Like can people stop taking everything so personally. I’m sure most of us don’t have button noses but we can make fun of her if we want. Literally who cares. She’s a vile piece of garbage, underneath all the cringe and fails trying to be famous, she promotes violent porn.

No. 169021

When nonas go on about how shay was just as ugly when she was skinny as she is now, or say shit about how her face looked even worse back then, I assume that they're just big girls coping. Skinny shay at least had nice legs.

No. 169022

She had a lanky body which yes is preferable to whatever the hell she's rocking now, but her face was gaunt and haggard looking. Her features are unfortunate regardless of weight, but when she was thin they stood out a great deal more. She had nothing going for her but an okay body with long uncoordinated limbs, and she ate even that away.

No. 169025

When she's skinny she looks creepy and gaunt
When she's fat she looks sloppy and porcine
Shay is truly cursed

No. 169026

Ideally, Shayna would have her old skinny body with a face that's not gaunt and has cheeks. I've never liked the crackhead face look.

No. 169036

File: 1721814177265.png (1.65 MB, 1241x1874, blank_girls-club.png)

Shayna in a t-shirt with text partially removed for shedit purposes

No. 169037

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Text fully removed

No. 169041

does anyone know why so many posts are gone/deleted in the early shayna threads? posts like the original posting of kyles fupa are gone. i know people have reposted it over the years but. is it just some sort of coding/archiving error? i feel like this isn't the case for other old threads like lunas thread.

No. 169042

File: 1721856926746.jpeg (375.56 KB, 828x940, IMG_1166.jpeg)

like this

No. 169046

Remember that post in /meta/ of the Shaytard outing herself as a prior friend or something? Maybe she deleted all her previous posts. There was a rumor that admin also nuked her post history, maybe she was a shayfag.

No. 169047

Samefag, a lot of anons had their post histories destroyed when oldmin was paranoid about Blaine as well.

No. 169048

oh thank you for the explanation that makes some sense!

No. 169053

File: 1722030336617.png (304.89 KB, 720x355, 1721953178375 (1).png)

I made this for a banner (which turned out too blurry because of the size restriction) but it could look fine as a thread pic.

No. 169054

File: 1722030402973.png (333.26 KB, 714x1072, 1721307848336 (1).png)

And the png.

No. 169055

Don't tell me this American Dad nonsense has reached even /Shay/. We get it, you're autistic about American Dad. Please stop shoving it into every thread.

No. 169056

File: 1722046939746.jpg (108.21 KB, 608x960, tumblr_d1b987e66a689d963e48f25…)

Shayna in a different timeline where she's less crusty

No. 169058

>rhyming 'bonkus' with 'bongus'
This is a Shay-level of intelligence joke. She really was meant to be a retarded millennial stoner tiktok influencer.

No. 169059

File: 1722116846295.png (93.56 KB, 288x136, 1722099710850.png)

I have a shayfession. As a ballet dancer I know you're thinking "wtf are you doing here" I'm so jealous of her feet, her lateral arches are really high. BUT that isn't to say that she's special, as honestly that applies to anyone with really nice arches regardless of whether they can dance well (and 99.9999% of them cannot kek).

No. 169070

I hate how she always has disgusting dirty ass socks.

No. 169071

I was telling my mum about shay and showing pictures of her in the ice cream parlour today and she thought shay was british kekkk

No. 169072

I know we always talk about how she looks Italian but she looks so English to me. Reminds me of Sonia from EastEnders but grimy.

No. 169075

Any good picture that can be used as a template pic for a "Give shay a make over" thread?

No. 169076

If you scroll up this thread a bit there's a pic of her outdoors with no makeup or editing which could be a good base. I tried to make it over myself once though and it looked uncanny.

No. 169080

Chatbot nona…are you here?

No. 169082

I came looking for chatbot nona too KEK

No. 169083

No. 169088

File: 1722624490729.png (79.52 KB, 739x799, ShaynaBot.png)

Hey all! Shaynabot is now LIVE on character.ai. Use link below or search "Shaynabot" on character.ai website or phone app.


This was a super fast creation, so please let me know if there is any factoids, famous shayna stores, personality traits, etc you'd like me to add to her character profile to make her more SHAYNA like. I used one of her manyvids videos to generate a shayna voice. I created three different versions (one is her monotone bitchy voice from the goth vid), you just have to go to voices and search for "shaynabot" and they should popup. Have fun and dont forget to post your convos!

No. 169097

how did you get it to talk just like her kek uncanny valley

No. 169098

Yeah, it really talks like her kek

No. 169099

File: 1722647044615.jpeg (82.13 KB, 1170x1023, IMG_2024.jpeg)

It doesn’t work

No. 169100

lol damn shayna reported

No. 169101

File: 1722660999780.jpg (531.95 KB, 1125x920, IMG_6611.jpg)

Saw this and thought about all the espresso martinis Shart used to order. The same taste as a mid white man.

No. 169102

File: 1722678124900.png (101.5 KB, 926x726, autistic.png)

I've been trying to make my own Shayna bot, but I can't get her to be in denial about her weight and she keeps self-diagnosing herself with a million mental disorders.

No. 169105

File: 1722730048973.jpeg (74.08 KB, 250x323, 1638027824614.jpeg)

The pic of her you chose

No. 169106

That pic is truly in her top 3 ugliest pics

No. 169107

I met an old woman named Dolly.

No. 169108

Could you post the link when it's done?

No. 169109


I'm high as balls and it's been a while without checking this thread. Fucking cackling at this. You guys must be fantastic friends to have around, nonas, thanks for the laugh

No. 169113

nona probably has to keep it unlisted or it shayna will report it

No. 169123

File: 1722953059441.png (74.85 KB, 969x727, ztrong.png)

I finally got it to work. There were some filtered words that were making the bot get shadowbanned, so I had to change some words like "porn" to "zorn." It's making her sometimes replace the first letter of a word with a z, but at least it works.


No. 169124

File: 1722956166552.jpg (288.12 KB, 1080x1482, Screenshot_20240806-155015.jpg)

It took twenty seconds for her to start talking about her tit job

No. 169125

I’m sorry double zoobin it is fucking taking me out

No. 169126

File: 1722997607737.jpeg (404.71 KB, 1170x1113, IMG_4377.jpeg)

In too deep. I’m literally arguing with a fake Shayna about whether or not I’m obsessed with her…what is happening. You made it too good, nonnie…….

No. 169128

KEKKKK I love it

No. 169129

Currently browsing /shay/ on hospital wifi

No. 169132

What is going on with that Japanese? I was confused as fuck trying to read it until I realized it just reads horizontal but is made to look vertical. I've never seen Japanese like this. Seems like weeb shit

No. 169133

Tbf I have found if you put the bot in arguement mode it will refute absolutely anything you say. (Much like a male btw!)

No. 169134

File: 1723148280080.jpg (312.1 KB, 801x759, zygiene.jpg)

Also, kek.

No. 169135

My Zhayna said she is totally addicted to carbs and sugar and the only time she isn’t eating them is when she’s hanging out with her friends…who are her gf and bf. She used two totally random names for them too, like Sharon and Andy. Where did she get them??

No. 169136

Creator anon likely didn’t specify enough. The AI makes up as it goes (especially with numbers!) You can also steer the conversation in different directions either through your own input OR by editing the bot’s message. The chat completely changes after a couple hundred messages. It’s memory is bad.

No. 169137

File: 1723149882081.jpg (122.79 KB, 702x376, kek.jpg)

“Sounds about white”
I wish she would say shit like this

No. 169138

File: 1723184745797.png (191.02 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240809-142448.png)

This is creepy

No. 169139

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No. 169140

File: 1723185565484.png (334.67 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240809-143841.png)

Womack has a girlfriend that's why he stopped paying for Shay's life

No. 169141

File: 1723189834684.png (307.6 KB, 1816x1576, Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 08.28…)

kek i can't

No. 169142

File: 1723189906824.png (144.9 KB, 1464x750, Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 08.31…)

double kek

No. 169143

It's weird seeing Womack at this angle. I thought he had a gf the whole time anyway.

No. 169144

At the time that he was being discussed in the threads, someone claiming to be called Nadine posted in the thread, asking LC to leave him alone because she was his girlfriend and he wasn't following OF whores anymore.

No. 169145

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No. 169146

Oh my god how desperate is she

No. 169148

The current on goings has me really suspicious rn. There’s a lot of factors that could be going on. While I’m not fully sold on the falling out between her and Sarah. I am really curious where tf this girl even is right now? Sarah greg is at fatcon. Shayna is who knows where. Did she fly home or is just at Sarah’s house alone or what? She will tell not all but enough here soon that we will find out.
>>169140 A match made in white trash heaven.

No. 169153

File: 1723304863676.jpeg (385.03 KB, 828x1330, IMG_0594.jpeg)

He was still commenting on her account as of 6 weeks ago so it’s not like he completely stopped interacting.

No. 169155

im legit laughing at >>>/snow/2024563
citing shayna’s word as gospel when she has been lying to the threads for a decade than calling us the retards.


some nonas need to relax. its like they take her poland syndrome so personally? just read the threads again if you need more clarity on how the majority of the thread came to this conclusion instead of raging, its not hard

No. 169156

character is already blocked

No. 169157

File: 1723333016838.jpeg (826.92 KB, 1170x1857, IMG_1895.jpeg)

Posting here because the main thread is locked and no one has made a new one yet
>I want a new one!
You know damn well why you want a new one, and it’s not because the one in this pic is old

No. 169158

File: 1723334173355.jpg (1.57 MB, 1078x2724, Lame.jpg)

Every time this makes its rounds she has to comment hoping to harvest some form of attention. Literally her idea of her claim to fame.

No. 169159

is anyone else making a new thread? should i start drafting one up? thread pic and title name suggestions please!!!

No. 169160

I wonder if the fat scamming sow will go for the $30 XL costume on amazon or a drop another $100 on the XXL Dollskill version?

No. 169161

I say >>2018145 for the thread pic. There’s also the tamers fan art Shayna here on /shay/ >>168939 But it would prob get spoilered?
I can’t even think of a subtitle that wouldn’t be shitty ngl. Can it get any more bleak? Or smthin

No. 169162

No. 169163


No. 169164

File: 1723357780422.png (423.88 KB, 404x756, IMG_1289.png)

Not the anon who made this but I don’t want it to be forgotten

No. 169166

i liked this one too and i made the last couple threads but no one voted for that one and wanted the bbw edit… i try to go along with what the masses want because if god forbid you use a pic they dont like for the threadpic everyone flips out…

No. 169168

Oh man I forgot about this one it was a banger or I would have voted it

No. 169169

File: 1723417106606.jpeg (31.96 KB, 641x641, IMG_0602.jpeg)

Please no more shayfoils about what actually happened before fetcon, I know it’s slow but golly…

No. 169173

AYRT. i'm genuinely curious when shayna said that, i've followed her threads on and off since the fupa saga. i'm convinced it's something anons just collectively imagined. do you remember if she said this in a video/tweet anywhere? she doesn't fit any of the characteristics of poland syndrome beyond not growing a boob and i don't understand how anyone came to that conclusion.

No. 169174

she has the scar on her back from the poland syndrome surgery its been posted about multiple times lurk moar

No. 169176

It was a tweet. I can't remember the thread but I know in my heart she said in a tweet she has a rare disorder that caused her to need an implant in one breast. I remember this so vividly because we were right all along as to why that boob was so off looking

No. 169177

Glad I'm not the only one fed up with that. They're writing whole paragraphs about Shayna and Mr Burns had some big fight, and now Shayna and Kiki reconnected over their hatred of Mr Burns. Like, are we reading the same thread? There's no proof whatsoever to any of this kek. It'd be milky if true but damn calm down fellow shayfags, at least wait til there's a sliver of proof to any falling out kek

No. 169183

Do we need a /shay/ thread for the most horrifying moments in shaystory?

No. 169185


does anyone remember when she got animal crossing and made some creepy pedo like dungeon, she’s genuinely such a freak

No. 169203

Shayna should go on fishtank or try to "Connect" herself to a moid with an online audience.

No. 169204

Nonas feeling bad for random mods in Shays comment make me sick.

No. 169219

i dont get why this bothers nonas so much. every tinfoil ive seen in thread has been reasonable based off how she’s acting, what happened and the vague tweets shes making. i guess im part of the group who thinks the main thread is for discussing shayna and not just sitting silently and posting only new milk every post. if you dont want nona’s commentary why not just follow shayna’s social media and avoid lolcow all together?

No. 169220

There's a difference between tinfoiling, and taking tinfoils as facts and running with it. I don't mind coming up with theories but when nonnies try to pretend it's a fact and keep saying it, it's just weird.
>avoid lolcow all together
Nona I use the site for other cows and /ot/ kek I'm not solely here for her shenanigans

No. 169247

yes! thankyou for reminding me i think that was in 2020

No. 169248

File: 1723888160020.jpeg (924.75 KB, 1170x1822, 1636668187025.jpeg)

No. 169276

someone saying shayna could get an office job in the main thread is so stupid. like they wouldn't just google her name and find all 150+ threads on here including her degenerate sex work and not hire her. even if she changed her name i'm pretty sure you have to list your old name on applications anyways (it's a thing where i am at least). a job at mcdonalds, sure, but even then some gross scrote she works with would end up finding her porn and showing everyone. she could be a NEET and live off her parents though, but i don't think she has many prospects job-wise.

No. 169277

Meh literal criminals manage to get jobs. She's never going to get anything great but I'm sure something will come up. She could get a job in a sex shop, I'm sure they won't care if she did porn seeing as they literally sell it

No. 169281

actually a sex shop or a weed job would be perfect for her. i'm sure most girls working in weed in seattle have onlyfans too. but saying she could get an office job is ridiculous. she also doesn't need to be a budtender, she could be someone behind the scenes just rolling joints or packaging weed or something. i'm sure in that business they wouldn't care as much. i know she has CHS but it doesn't seem to stop her from smoking weed anyways so she should just go for it. i have CHS and have gotten sober from weed from seeing how shayna abuses it. it inspired me. and i'm in a couple subreddits for it (r/CHSinfo and r/leaves if anyone needs the support), and i see increasing amounts of stories of people dying from CHS. hearts giving out, organs giving out, severe dehydration killing people. i honestly wonder if she will go out that way. does anyone else think shes daily smoking again?

No. 169282

i showed my bf a pic of shayna where her nails look necrotic and fucked up and he said it was fake and edited by a farmer to make her look worse. i proceeded to show multiple examples within the same thread where her nails looked just as gross and fucked up, and he got pissed off at me and said browsing shayna threads and /shay/ is unhealthy for me. why are men so stupid and feeble minded. now he's saying i have to go home tomorrow (we live 45 mins apart and i don't drive so we don't see eachother that much). i was just trying to show him something i thought was funny. he has gotten mad at me about shayna threads before. i just think shes hilarious. he thinks i look at her to feel better about myself. i have autism. i have made multiple shayna threads and also luna threads now. yes i think about my lolcows a lot, but i don't think its a problem. i just have a hyperfixation on lolcow culture. he watches kingcobrajfs videos, so idk why he has to hate on me for following cows.

No. 169283

Why would you tell anyone that you care about that you follow lolcows? That's embarrassing af.

No. 169284

Your boyfriend may think Shayna isn’t disgusting because it is all pretty female-focused nastiness. Men have no idea what looks good 90 percent of the time. They follow more obvious lolcows like Chrischan and GKC. It takes a high emotional Q to understand how retarded Shayna is.

No. 169286

not all of us are embarrassed to follow cows like you, its a pretty mainstream interest to follow lolcows these days. and like i said i have autism. i talk to my mom about my lolcows. albeit not usually shayna cuz shes too gross but ive told her about luna and amberlynn reid and other cows.

No. 169292

Nah dude, making fun of retards online isn't mainstream. It's weird you showed Shaynus to your boyfriend.

Pretty much. To the average dude Shayna is just an average looking chubby white girl. They wouldn't be repulsed by her until they smelled her or saw the pussy boil saga.

No. 169293

literally all of my friends also follow different lolcows but go off i guess. have you never seen smokeymcc or kiwitapes? videos they make get like thousands upon thousands of views. tiktok is full of cows and cow watchers. you hate to admit it but lolcows are a normie topic now. never heard of tophiachu or joshua block? nova online? taran spidey?

No. 169294

Nta but I have never heard of any of those people, no.
All your friends all autistic or something? Normies only know the super mainstream cows like Amberlynn and Shane Dawson

No. 169319

I want to know so badly what she did with the 1k+ dollar custom gaming computer. Did she trash it? Did she give it to someone? Did she do the most un-shay-like responsible financial decision and sell it? Is it collecting dust in a box somewhere?

No. 169323

Since her impromptu move-out from her apartment the thread has been quieter than usual, not like there was much milk to begin with. Do anons believe this is a turning point for Shayna? Perhaps she's trying to manifest a new place to stay in Vegas and that's why she keeps consistently going back there for "work"? She's trying her best to not give any clues to where she's currently staying.

No. 169325

do you think Shayna's milk has dried up? She does nothing, says nothing, shares nothing. You'd think milk would be spilling out the glass onto the ground since she had to move. Yet it's been nothing. Do you think in a year her thread will just die out? Or is it the quiet before the storm? I never remember her being this fucking dull. Is she learning?

No. 169326

This is interesting tinfoil, maybe she is staying with someone and slowly saving for her move to Vegas. Regardless I do think Shayna is sharing less and less.

No. 169327

definitely quiet before the storm and evidence she is REALLY going through it at the moment and thinks whatever situation she is in is too embarrassing to broadcast. lets not forget she’s spend the last few years humblebragging what a “great” life sex work gives her and how its all due to her “hard work” so she probably not only is trying to keep up appearances for the farms but for the other sex workers that follow her that she is in an unspoken competition with. makes you wonder if sarah gregory or her husband made some sort of comment about her current situation that triggered her? they havent interacted since fetcon.

No. 169334

I suspect that she's still got it because it's deprecated to the point that selling it wouldn't do anything for her financial situation. It's probably worth about $400 now.

With Sarah Gregory I wonder if it's Shayna's lack of professionalism that pissed her off. She had probably booked people for Shayna to make content with at fatcon and then the hog has to back out due to a self inflicted health problem. I could imagine Sarah dropping Shayna if Shayna started to compromise the profit she makes from sex work.

No. 169337

Anyone wanna make a shayna epic rap battles of history script?

No. 169344

nona i love this idea, who would she be rap battling?

No. 169345

No. 169347

who's prettier shayna or luna slater… add photo evidence if possible

No. 169348

this is the question that broke the site

No. 169349

while lorcow was down, i kept wondering if it was gone for good, and then thought of the documentaries that would be made on YT about lc… and that our obsession with shayna would have to be discussed. it is kind of funny. i know we have a good bit of legacy cows, but i feel like pt and shay are still the most relevant and have the longest staying power

No. 169350

I missed you Shaytards!

No. 169351

Back at u nonna!! I hated seeing the shaytard slander on cc kek not all of us are unhinged. I bet Shat had the time of her life w LC being down again tho

No. 169352

lc being down + uwu disney trip, she must have been in heaven

No. 169353

Lolcow being down for so long made me realize how badly shaytistic I am. So happy to be back among my fellow shaytards! Also, I don't know if this is a topic worth discussing, but some Kiwi nonnas (don't judge me) wanted to archive the Shayna threads back there, somehow. I doubt they'll actually do it but either way watch out for the KF moids who found out about this place from lurking those posts.

No. 169354

Woooo! What a wonderful surprise. Checkijg out Shayna’s twitter without farmer commentary was brutal.

No. 169361

File: 1726141014622.png (1.4 MB, 1440x1704, flat-ass.png)

She still has no ass

No. 169362

Don't want to clog the main thread but shaynance bleakness nona, if you're reading this I see you and I appreciate you

No. 169370

Be honest outside of lolcow do you think shayna really enjoys her life?

No. 169372

just woke up from a dream that Shayna had an actual girlfriend who was 1 normal looking and 2 they seemed to actually care about each other and were mutually attracted to each other. idk why she shows up in my dreams sometimes but it was kind of cute. but then she went and started exposing herself to her neighbors for fun and it was no longer cute.

No. 169375

i think she does. she doesn't have a job or any real responsibilities her pets should be a responsibility but she chooses neglect them so.
she's constantly going out and doing shit (boat rides, jet skis, axe throwing, disney, aquarium & seafood boil), even if it's with the tranny or some degenerate old man that any normal person would be embarrassed to be seen with, she has no shame about it.
she always has creeps on twitter boosting her ego and telling her she's so pretty and i think she genuinely believes what they tell her and thinks she's hotter than most women.
all that and she always has her parents to bail her out of whatever situation she's in.

No. 169376

I find it funny how Shayna friend group is Duff, Older women with better bodies (Sarah/Keke) and gay/bisexual sissies with no sexual interest in her truly.
Current Shayna would NEVER do that VR porn she did with that other porn actress. Where do you think Shayna will be when she's 30? her friendships are just confidence boosters, you know when she gets looks while with Ellen she thinks it is because she's "hot" but she's just half naked and better looking than Ellen.

No. 169377

man she doesnt even look human anymore shes all fucked up like she always had bad juju to her but she has a weird aura lately… lolcow being down broke the routine and now she's unpredictable like an beast escaped from its cage

No. 169395

What you're looking for is probably this from fatcon

No. 169404

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I've been ignoring the Traniel stuff because it grosses me out, but knowing that he's only 21 is so disturbing. She's fucking 27 and a (shittily) "seasoned" sex worker and this 21 year old kid who works at iHop or something is the only thing keeping her from moving back in with her parents. I honestly thought her not being able to afford rent would be her rock bottom. She would have to move back in with her dad and acknowledge that it isn't working for her. She even said something that gave me a glimmer of hope. I thought her life couldn't get any lower at that point, but I was mistaken. Yes moids are inherently perverted and degen but he's obviously been radicalized to be a coomer to this extent, his parents obviously didn't monitor his internet usage and now he's doing disturbing fetish sex acts with Shay and Ellen (who's in her 30s) and funding their lives at the ripe age of 21 while he pisses his life away cooming and packing up DoorDash orders. His entire life already revolves around severe porn addiction. Shay is disgusting and truly has no ability to improve her life. It's all so bleak.

No. 169406

He's 21 and has no issue posting himself in gimp maid suits scrubbing his toilet with his mouth and also his wurstie cage. If he wasn't a coomer he probably would have been killing young boys.

No. 169410

By avoiding the Traniel content, I did not realize the full extnet of his degeneracy. I still think it's fucked up that she would stoop to having this relationship with a 21 year old and engaging him is just going to make him even more fucked up. Imagine what he'll be like 10 years from now. He should not be able to interact with the rest of society already. Anon is actually a hero for doxing him so he can be monitored.

No. 169434

Anyone else disappointed it’s not called the Shatalog on here?

No. 169435

There's weird white knights in the main thread again.


No. 169500

File: 1729543620175.jpg (440.85 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20241020_213048_Sam…)

Keep seeing this ad. I belive it is advertising 40 year old mums in my area. Is it her or just a lookalike. I don't think I've seen this one but know she had a set with the fishnet body stocking shit

No. 169502

File: 1729568506350.png (Spoiler Image,729.69 KB, 1309x1745, Untitled37_20241021234009.png)

color book

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