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File: 1739732641754.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.88 KB, 1001x2314, shaynaur.jpg)

No. 2089696

Previous thread: >>>/snow/2054561

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 27-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

>shayna luther king attacking her fanbase after election results are revealed >>2054579, >>2054580
>went to texas spanking party and hung out with lots of degens >>2054627, >>2054582, >>2054685, >>2054885
>shows off more nasty scarring >>2055400, >>2055520, >>2055771
>nasty video of kiki discussed, it appears she could be on drugs >>2056057
>breast implant holding on for dear life >>2056799
>ebegs for a laptop when she has a gaming pc she never uses >>2058155
>showing off syd viscous' living room >>2060333
>holiday "outfits" >>2060787
>knock kneed and gormless update >>2062338
>got new macbook >>2067325
>shay and traniel breakup >>2067509, he may have been the poly relationship that cheated on her?
>breakdown moment type deal >>2069971
>more tweets from traniel with insight about shats shittiness >>2068686, >>2070153, >>2072248, >>2073163, >>2073175, >>2079398
>wants to get active in 2025 >>2073498
>beefing with a diaper man >>2073519, >>2073520, >>2073521
>breakdown about sexwork >>2075159, >>2075160
>proof a skidmark girl posted a pic of her and posted it to /shay/ >>2077314
>ebegging since she lost her sub >>2077576, >>2077579
>honestly based tweet about how male subs actually just want to dominate women >>2081331, >>2081333, she clearly misses the point
>thread goes dead for a few weeks, any other updates in shaynatorium

New TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theirlbarbie
https://dollymattel.tumblr.com (deleted)
https://dumdolly.tumblr.com (deleted)

No. 2089697

Previous threads:
1: >>>/snow/344490
2: >>>/snow/405758
3: >>>/snow/457531
4: >>>/snow/489642
5: >>>/snow/520702
6: >>>/snow/538195
7: >>>/snow/551438 (Fupa Saga Begins)
8: >>>/snow/576753
9: >>>/snow/596387
10: >>>/snow/614734
11: >>>/snow/634221
12: >>>/snow/645637
13: >>>/snow/652799
14: >>>/snow/659029
15: >>>/snow/670334
16: >>>/snow/684027 (Oklahoma Move)
17: >>>/snow/692588
18: >>>/snow/701865
19: >>>/snow/709096
20: >>>/snow/715014
21: >>>/snow/724405
22: >>>/snow/734200
23: >>>/snow/743129
24: >>>/snow/751241
25: >>>/snow/765135 (Fake breakup Saga)
26: >>>/snow/767057
27: >>>/snow/771525
28: >>>/snow/775889 (Dawn Saga)
29: >>>/snow/778588
30: >>>/snow/783044
31: >>>/snow/793016
32: >>>/snow/795348
33: >>>/snow/801973
34: >>>/snow/812233
35: >>>/snow/820903
36: >>>/snow/830379
37: >>>/snow/841938
38: >>>/snow/849463
39: >>>/snow/856484
40: >>>/snow/868478
41: >>>/snow/874933
42: >>>/snow/880007
43: >>>/snow/888251
44: >>>/snow/899588
45: >>>/snow/907942
46: >>>/snow/913353
47: >>>/snow/920447
48: >>>/snow/929239
49: >>>/snow/939312
50: >>>/snow/948843
51: >>>/snow/956737
52: >>>/snow/963665
53: >>>/snow/972184
54: >>>/snow/980715
55: >>>/snow/988449 (Fupa Reveal/Breakup/Psych Ward Saga)
56: >>>/snow/1000276
57: >>>/snow/1010401
58: >>>/snow/1020582
59: >>>/snow/1034150
60: >>>/snow/1048616
61: >>>/snow/1059375
62: >>>/snow/1070454
63: >>>/snow/1079389
64: >>>/snow/1088260
65: >>>/snow/1093837
66: >>>/snow/1102826
67: >>>/snow/1111610
68: >>>/snow/1124714
69: >>>/snow/1135364
70: >>>/snow/1147881
71: >>>/snow/1165926
72: >>>/snow/1168586
73: >>>/snow/1174600
74: >>>/snow/1181871
75: >>>/snow/1193334
76: >>>/snow/1204635 (Breakup #2)
77: >>>/snow/1213075
78: >>>/snow/1221034
79: >>>/snow/1230291
80: >>>/snow/1236555
81: >>>/snow/1242857
82: >>>/snow/1252175
83: >>>/snow/1261047
84: >>>/snow/1268266 (Final Breakup)
85: >>>/snow/1275849
86: >>>/snow/1281545
87: >>>/snow/1291177
88: >>>/snow/1302140
89: >>>/snow/1311832
90: >>>/snow/1321423
91: >>>/snow/1332441
92: >>>/snow/1343274 (Sol Saga Begins)
93: >>>/snow/1348876
94: >>>/snow/1354593
95: >>>/snow/1371423 (Sol Drama/Callout Saga)
96: >>>/snow/1371468
97: >>>/snow/1384465
98: >>>/snow/1400293
99: >>>/snow/1411538
100: >>>/snow/1430106
101: >>>/snow/1434677
102: >>>/snow/1449168
103: >>>/snow/1466923
104: >>>/snow/1501752
105: >>>/snow/1505674 (Vivi Saga)
106: >>>/snow/1511330
107: >>>/snow/1520151 (Mike Slack reveal)
108: >>>/snow/1541357
109: >>>/snow/1541357
110: >>>/snow/1570948
111: >>>/snow/1571184
112: >>>/snow/1585094
113: >>>/snow/1599657
114: >>>/snow/1612892
115: >>>/snow/1626398
116: >>>/snow/1633907
117: >>>/snow/1651457
118: >>>/snow/1662748 (Ken Doll Saga)
119: >>>/snow/1670692
120: >>>/snow/1680778
121: >>>/snow/1694852 (Shane P. Sonnier Saga Begins)
122: >>>/snow/1706052
123: >>>/snow/1718262
124: >>>/snow/1729371 (Shane's Visit)
125: >>>/snow/1736432 (Shane P. Sonnier Saga Ends)
126: >>>/snow/1742119
127: >>>/snow/1748256
128: >>>/snow/1756585
129: >>>/snow/1768423
130: >>>/snow/1777076
131: >>>/snow/1781399
132: >>>/snow/1790716
133: >>>/snow/1803371
134: >>>/snow/1808965
135: >>>/snow/1818194
136: >>>/snow/1826178
137: >>>/snow/1833931
138: >>>/snow/1842861 (boob Job saga begins)
139: >>>/snow/1855512
140: >>>/snow/1864686
141: >>>/snow/1873964
142: >>>/snow/1882752
143: >>>/snow/1889244
144: >>>/snow/1902155
145: >>>/snow/1911665
146: >>>/snow/1919147
147: >>>/snow/1927647
148: >>>/snow/1937135
149: >>>/snow/1945497
150: >>>/snow/1956944
151: >>>/snow/1970047
152: >>>/snow/1980824
153: >>>/snow/1988578
154: >>>/snow/1998168
155: >>>/snow/2011841
156: >>>/snow/2024632
157: >>>/snow/2039082
158: >>>/snow/2054561

No. 2089721

finally. thank you nonnie

No. 2089725

File: 1739738027037.png (702.3 KB, 608x703, shayna.png)

No. 2089726

File: 1739738202846.png (338.73 KB, 628x864, borzois.png)

No. 2089730

The filter makes her flat ass looks like raw pizza dough.

No. 2089745

It looks like someones NJ mom is being shown how horrible her life would be if she never married her hs sweetheart and had 5 crazy kids

No. 2089752

File: 1739741142641.jpeg (117.17 KB, 1178x1966, IMG_3120.jpeg)

She posted Noodle’s DNA results

No. 2089753

she looks nicer than usual here
seems she's finally learning angles

No. 2089768

KEK the nonnies who keep calling noodle a mutt must feel as vindicated as the titfoilers. a supermutt even

No. 2089777

scrolling through her Twitter is a surreal experience. I honestly don't care for people calling her r* but she genuinely seems like she has some kind of issue even if it's just arrested development when there's any footage of her on video. I just can't imagine who the fuck would go through what she records or what she has been recorded as doing and think that that's great content. she genuinely comes off as special needs even though she's clearly not. It's sickening to think about scrotes who like her because of that(say the word, integrate)

No. 2089790

>calling her r*
R-star? Rasta?
Just type the word or go back to Reddit

No. 2090012

how is noodle a golden retriever aint that nigga black

No. 2090019

when golden retrievers mix with other breeds they usually turn out black

No. 2090035

This post is killing me lmfao

It only took her 3 years to learn some fat girl angles.

People should just stop doubting tinfoilers on shayna's threads because we're damn near always right. She's just that predictable.

She's just stunted from frying her brain with drugs and sex work. Standard whore retardation.

No. 2090061

File: 1739823507801.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1668, 1000061091.png)

the shaylusions are back in full force I see

No. 2090063

File: 1739823622900.jpg (452.21 KB, 1652x2047, 1000061092.jpg)

No. 2090072

As soon as I think she's finally learning to pose, she posts the classic pigeon-toed retard mirror selfie.

No. 2090076

she looks fucking ridiculous, from the cheap dirty white shoes to the giant bow on top of whatever she's done with her hair. Can't believe she thinks she's serving

No. 2090081

tinfoil but she has got to be addicted to hard drugs. this is the kind of picture people on xanax think looks great. also what the fuck is happening with her bangs, KEK.

No. 2090114

Shayna is losing weight and looking good, skinny legend arc incoming

No. 2090118

I just brought up Luna in another thread but holy shit her top is Luna level grimy

No. 2090122

it’s like blonde hair in people, the dark fur (Lab, Rottie) almost always dominates

No. 2090123

She’s staying at the Tuscany and hanging at Ellis island. As a Vegas nonnie who questioned her reasons to visit, it’s absolutely for FSSW, and the room at Tuscany could likely be a timeshare to the guy she’s renting from.

No. 2090124

File: 1739832211288.gif (238.87 KB, 200x170, IMG_6176.gif)

they are thinking “wtf why are that retarded woman’s nipples in different time zones and how did her caretakers let her leave the group home looking like that”

No. 2090127

Shayna will never have another skinny arc. She had the mentality that her skinniness was just effortlessly natural so she never developed a healthy way of eating. Not to mention she is to undisciplined for regular dieting let alone starving. She may lose weight but i doubt she will ever be skinny again.

No. 2090166

They're just confirming the musky fish smell is coming from you, Shay.
Every time she makes half a step of progress she takes three backwards.
Yep. She's been a FSSW for a few years now but that's probably her primary source of income now. I imagine she can probably make a decent (for shayna's standards) amount in vegas with the sheer amount of degenerate shit she's willing to do for money.

No. 2090177

>>2089726 yeah she's sue..super ugly

No. 2090237

We are so fucking back. I love just making fun of this milkless idiot.
Her tits look like they're about to fucking explode and WHY does she continue to do that fucking pose when she's trying to be sexy. Staring straight at the camera, slack jawed with her legs turned inwards. Serving.

No. 2090259

Her face actually looks nice here minus the wrinkles. If she stopped being fat and got flat brown hair she could look pretty

No. 2090295

honestly she’s never looked more like a troon. this is the type of shit trannies wear, no coherent style. just going for whatever looks the nastiest and sluttiest. very pornsick phenotype

No. 2090443

File: 1739914816677.jpeg (932.9 KB, 1170x1656, IMG_3131.jpeg)

No. 2090459

God she is so fucking ugly. When I see this all I can see is that genderswapped edit of her kek. That fugly combover bangs don't help either

No. 2090503

That's almost a quarter of her monthly income

No. 2090523

File: 1739932970347.jpeg (429.57 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_3132.jpeg)

She’s shooting with the Doup+ guy again

No. 2090530

I have a feeling like you're someone who looks like Shayna and suffers a sudden jolt of deep self loathing and hatred whenever you see a pic of her kek. You are probably the brown eyed nona who is always sperging about her 'beady shit colored eyes' too.(infighting)

No. 2090534

Nta but are you okay? Most of us here think she's ugly, I think you're the one projecting nona

No. 2090545

Imagine Shayna's walk-past air?

No. 2090578

This is
>"they hate me because they're jealous!"
tier logic. Go back

No. 2090610

File: 1739958342236.png (76.02 KB, 452x369, hogtied.png)

No. 2090705

File: 1739987650460.jpeg (49.79 KB, 1170x379, IMG_9759.jpeg)

Kek she wishes she was UPS package-sized

No. 2090718

I really wanna say something about her botchjob but that's too low hanging fruit.
I'm really, REALLY, curious on what made her think the retard stance is attractive in any way shape or form

No. 2090720

File: 1739991271335.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_3135.jpeg)

He calls her the “ideal pinup girl”

No. 2090722

File: 1739991394318.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_3136.jpeg)

No. 2090723

the leopard print is aging her badly. why couldn’t they put her into something more flattering like a red bikini or lingerie set? this is more like horrible 80’s soft core film than pinup. she’s just missing a pink gun and a raspberry slurpee kek.

No. 2090724

what the hell did he do to her face in that one? not saying she usually looks amazing but by slimming her down, he gave her an overbite and the mouth area doesn't even look like hers

No. 2090735

>horrible ‘80s softcore
that is clearly what this elderly scrote gets off to, absolutely tragic

No. 2090738

In the past she has also formed a smile on her face and tried to make her look fuller when laying down

No. 2090739


How the fuck did she shoop her own head so small?

No. 2090753

her head is pretty small to begin with but probably shortening the face

No. 2090762

File: 1739997955212.jpeg (Spoiler Image,684.48 KB, 1170x649, IMG_3138.jpeg)

Trying to get a clear screen shot for people who think she’s losing weight

No. 2090763

File: 1739998028027.jpeg (Spoiler Image,642.25 KB, 1170x655, IMG_3137.jpeg)

No. 2090803

Yeah you can tell in the retard posed photo up above >>2090063 that she isn’t losing weight because it looks like now she can only fit one ring on her pinkie sausage finger. Didn’t she used to wear more? Also zooming in on her little piggies that went to the market made me notice all of the black debris and filth her Hello Kitty top is covered with. Please get a lint roller from the dollar store, we’re begging you

No. 2090936

Did he drop her on the floor?

No. 2090961

She used a slimming filter in that image. The tiles on the wall and floor are warped.

No. 2091027

I know very little about bondage, but the way there's barely any rope around her body when he lifts her looks like that would hurt and possibly injure her.

No. 2091032

File: 1740047702284.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1108x1659, IMG_6454.jpeg)

Her weird turkey foot is creeping me out.

No. 2091039

It's hard to tell because of the blur but I think he's picking her up from the foot/hand bind and her bra strap?

No. 2091109

More likely the rope tied around her chest.

No. 2091226

Gives the illusion she has some mad claw toe nails

No. 2091371

File: 1740111022022.png (14.91 MB, 2666x4000, shayna collage.png)

More photos from the photoshoot.

No. 2091388

the most 1988 softcore Red Shoe Diaries bullshit

No. 2091400

Did this guy edit out the weird moles on her neck? These photos look so weird just the shoop on these are throwing me for a whirl.
>>2090723 the only thing about the red lingerie is they would pick something bright bright red. A deep red would be nice. The animal print isn’t the worst thing to happen her fashion wise. The sleazy 80s vibes isn’t completely repugnant. Unfortunately.

No. 2091448

The phone in the first pic is so retarded, it doesn't go with the 80s/old matronly styling at all. He should've had her hold a mirror or something

No. 2091505

Nothing screams classic, sexy pinup like getting hog-tied and looking scared

No. 2091652

Love the aliexpress knock off robe. Very classy, almost exactly like Dita Von Tease when you think about it.

No. 2091671

That fucking rug is so disgusting. It's not even 80's softcore, it's just your white trash cousin in your dead grandma's living room core

No. 2091684

i never realized until now but she and mariah have similar faces.

No. 2091701

File: 1740193564273.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.69 MB, 854x480, more sped porn.mp4)

New video
I have no idea when this was filmed. It's some bald scrote slapping her vagina while she makes pig noises.

No. 2091709

File: 1740194477882.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.88 MB, 854x480, barn animal.mp4)

Another video from this shoot

No. 2091710

File: 1740194779904.mp4 (7.61 MB, 1920x1080, why.mp4)

New MV video
She tapes her mouth while making animal noises. Why anyone would want to pay to see this is beyond me.

No. 2091717

Feels like this scrote started using DOS as a teenager and never progressed because the way he edits is comical. Her fat roll just turned into a smooth gradient. He needs to be Shayna's editor full time, I need more of these surreal decisions.

No. 2091747

Did her coconut head bangs get wider?
Wonder if she’s realized that she can’t just beg for reimbursements and should do something about it.. by something obviously anything but a real job. At least she’s been uploading videos on her mv/of and not just the videos she did with other people. There’s also one from Valentine’s Day. the collab videos def get split so that’s not a lot of money. Full service definitely isn’t going to ever make money. Flying to Vegas just to do it def has to be more of a money sink.

No. 2091749

i really don’t understand why she doesn’t try to promote her content on actual fetish sites or even reddit. reddit is swarming with degenerates that will pay for an iota of attention from a woman. twitter clearly is not.

No. 2091772

what the hell does Xanax have to do with anything? is it commonly taken with something that fries your brain?
but only works if you're attractive. she's looking to make money and not just get another stream of "i'd fuk u hyuk" type of comments. plebbit It's only good if you're trying to build an audience that you did not already have. she posts her incredibly awkward, hard to watch videos featuring someone whimpering and crying and looking terrified and uncomfortable on multiple sites and not many want to watch them. if she has failed to become sasha grey atp, It's just never going to happen.
people in here are so obsessed on hating a mid woman with no morals that they are willing to be this toxic on a constant fucking basis. talking like this just makes it hard to believe that you have any genuine friendships irl, no normal person thinks that hating women is a worthwhile hobby.
>She's just stunted from frying her brain with drugs and sex work. Standard whore retardation.

I honestly don't think that there is a single drug out there that will make you pretend to have any reaction but disgust at scrotes lazily scratching at your genitals like she is in a video posted here.

I think she genuinely behaves like an actual kidnapping victim because that's what the degenerates who watch her shit want. I can't believe her family just ignores it, It's so fucking creepy. If I was related to her I absolutely would not invite her to anything.

No. 2091855

That looks like the scrote version of Shayna.

No. 2091858

File: 1740225780927.jpeg (165.95 KB, 438x477, IMG_1384.jpeg)

She looks special needs. She needs to get rid of those damn bangs

No. 2091902

she doesn’t have any audience anymore. and yeah, she posts her videos on a lot of sites but porn is oversaturated and there’s millions of videos. she’s just a drop in the bucket. unless she’s directly leading men to her videos or OF, she’s not gonna make any profit. that’s why so many women post on porn subreddits.

No. 2091914

Babyhands on that scrote

No. 2091922

benzos alone will fuck up your brain if you take too much for too long. there have been tinfoils for years that shayna is addicted to something like xanax but she would be in much worse condition if that were true. she just behaves the way she does because she's putting on a performance and that's what she believes looks sexy. i doubt she acts like a retard when she's doing everyday shit by herself like going out to eat or getting her nails done

No. 2091987

She did try in the past. The coomers of reddit didn't kiss her concave ass so she never went back.

No. 2092058

How are we not talking about how disgusting this scrote is? This guy makes the other geriatric moids she shoots with look good by comparison, woof

No. 2092081

The way he's scratching at her crotch with his entire paw is so uncomfortable looking. Like he's a dog scratching at fleas.

No. 2092093

truck stop janitor and lot lizard porn

No. 2092105

Kek what the fuck is he doing? You'd think a porn addicted scrote would know how to touch a vagina.

No. 2092108

File: 1740267505946.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1333x2000, 20250222_233616.jpg)

The smoothing tool abuse is crazy.

He's turned her stomach into a blur, removed her zombie tit veins and scars and changed the color of her nipples for some reason

No. 2092113

File: 1740267944521.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1334x2000, 20250222_234124.jpg)

OK what the hell is going on with her mismatched nipples?

I can't tell which one is the dying one. You got a super dehydrated bumpy one and one with no areola texture at all (I guess that's the zombie tit one)

No. 2092137

Her lips and hair are so fucking dry. And she never seems to keep her nails on for any of her actual photo shoots. Her finger nubs look so bad and unprofessional.

No. 2092157

this is grotesque

No. 2092174

if i were her i'd get that nipple checked out by a doctor changes in nipple texture can be a sign of cancer…

No. 2092179

Its usually actually the opposite. The more porn addicted a scrote is, the more useless he becomes in the bedroom.

Yeah, she plays up the retard kidnapping victim larp because the scrotes she panders to like it, but her brain is also most likely perma fried from being a pothead since her teens and an alcoholic since her early 20s. She's most likely semi normal in public once you get past the smell and her insistence on showing the world her lopsided nips.

I think Shayna just abuses any and every drug she's got access too. At one point with Ellen, she'd go on and on about her "good girl pills", she tried to buy xans off Vivi, and Kiki also apparently either has a plug or a script herself. Wouldn't put it past Shayna to abuse xanax whenever she can get her grubby hands on it.

No. 2092187

the gut in the sims 2 image quality is sending me

No. 2092189

i made the mistake of zooming in on her nasty fingernails

No. 2092194

File: 1740285398446.jpeg (Spoiler Image,663.38 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3157.jpeg)

Back with that Barbie box dude

No. 2092201

Kek at her nipples being covered

No. 2092202

Why is she back working with Sheincock after they had an argument and had to beg her coomers to pay for a hotel?

No. 2092220

You're right, but remember she had one of them cut out and reattached the wrong way round, the other is on the necrotit so it was always fucked up, she probably doesn't have cancer.

No. 2092256

Her fucking mater teeth and crusty lips with that smirk combo… Is she trying to make John Waters style whacky gross out porn?

No. 2092270

Somehow I find the horrible 80s grandma pin up stuff, worse than the bleakest of Shaynas TopBleak output.
There's just something so grody about it in a less tangible way.

No. 2092283

oh i totally forgot about that, it is the weird reattached nipple!!!

No. 2092302

Wow, really high production value here. He got a rug in the wrong color green for the girls to put their infected pussies on. Looks really good, can't even tell! I bet he totally throws it in the washing machine after every disgusting shoot, just like the clothes she's wearing. Nice job!

No. 2092322

Gross, I didn't even notice. And it's definitely for ass because he moved it in the shot where she's standing. Vile.

No. 2092363

This bitch has no business being in 4k

No. 2092429

is it awful that i like the lingerie? kind of interested to know where it came from…

No. 2092485

I wonder if reattaching it sort of just stretched it out.

No. 2092515

File: 1740361810929.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 2000x1333, IMG_3166.jpeg)

No. 2092517

File: 1740362120810.jpg (31.19 KB, 480x560, a39.jpg)

No. 2092551

Guessing they made up. Dont see it lasting long though.
I don’t know if this man is ever sober or always as drunk as Shayna but the editing in these photos is so bad

No. 2092557

I think they were always a bit different in size but the thick scar around it from reattachment made it look so much worse

No. 2092581

This is even more sped than usual lmao she looks like a pissing dog wtf

No. 2092587

The nails.. omeone post that screenshot of her saying she's a freak about details kek. I hope for her sake she isn't paying the scrote for these photos.

No. 2092660

The ol' razzle dazzle

No. 2092667

grandma, no, not again

No. 2092670

File: 1740409080911.jpeg (786.12 KB, 1170x1209, IMG_3168.jpeg)

Is this that agency that dropped Shay during the Fupa days?

No. 2092679

File: 1740412469882.jpeg (340.49 KB, 1290x1898, IMG_2624.jpeg)

lunas fungus fingers have a competitor

No. 2092681

kiki looks like shes on a lot of speed, she looks a lot thinner.

No. 2092715

Kiki is a bleak cuck and a drugaddict (possibly a tweaker). But I don't believe for a second Shayna is happy for her kek. Shayna has made it clear how badly she wants to be in this type of shit. Does she think she will get "hired" at what 30 or something? Not that it would be better for her obviously it wouldn't, but in her bleak mind she clearly thinks it would

No. 2092721

>Does she think she will get "hired" at what 30 or something?
Kiki is in her 30s, so it's possible. Kiki must have looked at the ugly pictures of her with Shayna at fatcon and decided to do something about it. Where as Shayna is a pig that rolls in her own shit without ever doing anything to improve her situation.

No. 2092819

File: 1740436132804.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_3173.jpeg)

I can’t with the over use of the smoothing tool

No. 2092896

File: 1740454115305.png (184.03 KB, 534x362, necrohand.png)

What is happening to her hand?

No. 2092898

When you get fake nails done they have to mangle your real nails in the process. That and she just has ugly hands.

No. 2092915

It also depends on how you take them off. If you go back to the nail tech to properly remove them the damage won't be as severe as Shaynus's but I'm sure she just chews the hell out of her extensions like a rat that has to wear down its teeth until they pop off so that's why her nail beds look extra gnarly. I know her fingers are perpetually SORE.

No. 2093039

When you get acrylics they tend to make the nails really dry and brittle once you take them off. This looks a bit painful and sore, she needs some cream for that.

No. 2093047

Good god.

No. 2093070

Jfc couldn't she have at least painted them normally or something before the shoot? Hell, if she was real lazy she could've even put on some evening gloves to match her tacky grandma lingerie.
I love how all the photographers she works with can't help but capture her true grotesque essence with or without heavy editing. It's almost like they're purposely leaving iSpy "spot the gross" qualities in the photos as a game just for us nonnies at this point kek.

No. 2093076

it’s stuff like this that keeps me coming back to shayna. there are so many small ways she could improve her appearance, and it’s even more baffling that she refuses to make an effort when her income depends on it.

No. 2093089

Agreed. Kiki actually tries unlike shayna. That being said, she's still perpetually one step away from homelessness and still tried promoting her crackhead mom's only fans…

No. 2093570

You can’t seriously be wking kiki right now

No. 2093577

Kiki’s bar is on the floor, but Shayna’s is under that

No. 2093651

How am I wking by saying she's trying harder? I also said she pimped her crackhead mom online how am i defending her you autist

No. 2093667

he also divulged all the details of her meltdown to someone who posted the caps here and basically called her crazy. that should have been more than enough for her to end their relationship but she only goes scorched earth on men when there's no chance of reconciliation, like that brony and sol

No. 2093808

Which thread was this? I don’t remember that

No. 2093850

Does she pay these men to take these photos? Or are they asking her to come take them? I don't understand how this works, it seems really fucking bleak to have to pay a guy to take these weird photoshoots

No. 2093914

Not wk Kiki but it’s funny how Shayna has to be seething that Kiki has lost weight, got signed to some agency and does degenerate stuff on a slightly more professional level. Both are still nasty and no woman should aspire for their lifestyle but it has to be affecting Shay she’s fading even further into nastier content every day

No. 2093951

File: 1740745184324.gif (412.88 KB, 320x240, IMG_5237.gif)

Kek my memory may be foggy but isn’t this the dude who’s notorious for stealthing the models he works with and fucking on camera while knowingly carrying STIs? Way to pick ‘em, Shay.

No. 2093964

File: 1740749096463.png (Spoiler Image,237.21 KB, 827x490, actual-sped-porn.png)

That's exactly him. I get the impression that she probably needs him if she's intending to move to Vegas because she can't afford to live in Seattle.

No. 2093983

Maybe in her dreams, those measurements are accurate.

No. 2093984

File: 1740752680913.jpg (278.1 KB, 1080x1389, Screenshot_20250228-091411.jpg)

Why on earth would you post that. weird behavior tbh. but yeah, this guy is incredibly scummy and only someone was genuinely unintelligent like shat would associate with him.


No. 2093990

>Why on earth would you post that.
It's Shayna's profile from his site.

No. 2093991

File: 1740754593184.jpg (8.39 KB, 206x275, Hurrdurr.jpg)

>those measurements

No. 2093999

NTA but… because it's Shayna's profile on his site and this is a thread about Shayna? The only "weird posting" happening here is your weird comment.

Agreed lol, top fucking kek at her having a 28-inch waist. Maybe a 38-inch, lmao.

No. 2094024

File: 1740762156149.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1730, IMG_3206.jpeg)

And just like clockwork, she’s “sick” after a trip

No. 2094026

how many ugly pictures of this woman do we need to repost ma'am

No. 2094047

Not the anon who posted, but they weren't "reposting an ugly picture," they were posting proof she's working with the same guy as before, answering another anon's question. That image is her profile on his website. idk why you're so pressed about this.

What's funny is a lot of folks are sick right now, it's that time of year, she very well could be sick but she cries wolf so goddamn often that nobody cares and she's not likely to be believed.

No. 2094052

Scott Smallcock's site now says that more porn with Shayna is "coming soon". Her previous videos with him were an unpleasant combination of bleak, grim and cringe, so I guess this is going to be more of the same.

No. 2094054

File: 1740767687534.png (Spoiler Image,166.92 KB, 1700x393, coming_soon.png)

Forgot the spoiler, sorry.

No. 2094078

this is old footage isn't it? it looks like the /shay/ background

No. 2094082

it is, but as the title above it indicates, sheincock will most likely release new pictures of shat soon

No. 2094098

"big gulp girls" is cracking me up because Shaynus is definitely giving "crackhead panhandling at the 7-11 with a big gulp in her hand" energy, kek.

No. 2094159

wow she looks especially horrible in those thumbnails

No. 2094259

i always forget how old she is, not because of how she looks but rather because she's so inmmature. Its embarassing to be almost 30 and still doing porn for pennies. I wonder how long she can can maintain this grift.

No. 2094298

fat people having sex is already gross before you add shay, barf

No. 2094422

Her brain must pickled with alcohol and dr pepper to go back and shoot with this guy.. besides his creeper lore, this is arguably the worst "professional" photoshoot she has participated in. Everything from her styling to the background to the fucking "big gulp" name accentuates how disabled she appears. Giving escaped the group home and made a bee line for the nearest 7/11

No. 2094429

File: 1740849808695.png (Spoiler Image,60.16 KB, 898x192, sped-profile.png)

Her profile pics are never good and it's not usually milk but this took me out because of how utterly special needs she looks in this.

No. 2094466

her tits are giving major shirtless bobby hill in this picture. there’s so much bulging fat but barely any actually tit.

No. 2094842

I'm glad she didn't join the 27 club like she talked about when she was younger. I was worried.

No. 2094845

she still has 3 months anon

No. 2094847

Thank you for pointing that out. me stupid

No. 2095301

File: 1741062213459.png (1.17 MB, 1250x1128, Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 11.19…)

surprised no one posted her new pfp

No. 2095302

File: 1741062278583.png (106.71 KB, 1192x310, Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 11.20…)

i wonder if these friends are "civilians" or "sexworkers"

No. 2095348

She looks miserable in this.

No. 2095463

File: 1741109570272.jpeg (Spoiler Image,920.99 KB, 1170x1206, IMG_3225.jpeg)

Isn’t this an old video?

No. 2095484

if i recall he took the video down? so i guess hes just reposting it again cause him and shay are good again?

No. 2095529

I hate this she really does look like that weird picture from the early 2000s of the photoshopped man with pigtails.

No. 2095551

File: 1741125960256.png (501.92 KB, 974x846, creepy-ugly-guy-ugly-girl-hd-m…)

Hes her aspiration

No. 2096025

The last time he uploaded this video the premise was Shayna pretending to be a sex robot that needed 'programming'. I think this scrote had her shoot more than one video when she was last there, if the one that he ended up deleting actually did good he probably would have uploaded this one sooner. Or, i could be talking out of my ass and he's just reuploading that same awful video and hoping it will be better received now.

No. 2096043

File: 1741245004470.png (17.52 KB, 1229x235, even-coomers-know.png)

New MV video
It's just this >>2091709
The only comment on this video is requesting more pig content. I checked the profile and it seems to be a genuine coomer.

She's made multiple videos with him.
The sex doll boobie video which he then removed, the roller girl video which is where the /shay/ mascot comes from, the video where she's wearing face paint and the cow girl video. There may be more that I'm forgetting.

The new video will probably be this >>2092194 and he's just using old images to promote it.

No. 2096089

It seems extra bleak for Shayna. Her content has always been horrible but even before/ during the pandemic she was making way more money. She had her two loyal coomers gray hair and Jason Womack. She was producing “photo shoots” every week. And she was having different cringe ideas. It was always half assed. But she surprisingly had a decent amount of subscribers. She was always buying useless shit, and lived in a big apartment. After the Fupa final breakup. She got too cocky and thought she could afford living near Seattle again in this bad economy. She could barely afford the two bedroom apartment. And now she was forced to move again. She was really living “better” in Oklahoma. The rent was cheaper and she was making a lot more. She could live anywhere she wants. I never understood her living near the city. She’s clearly not there for opportunities and jobs. She only goes out to eat and drink which could be done in a cheaper state in a random strip mall.

No. 2096110

File: 1741273793296.png (106.83 KB, 720x1315, s1.png)

during one of shayna's trips to vegas she tweeted that something bad had happened and that she didn't want to talk about it but she suddenly had nowhere to stay and needed money for a hotel room. a cowtipping farmer messaged the diseased moid and he claimed that he "didn't remember" why shayna got so upset.

No. 2096111

File: 1741273828867.png (106.25 KB, 720x1263, s2.png)

No. 2096186

That’s one wide load right there

No. 2096341

It seems like she's trying to set herself up to move to Las Vegas because there's more work opportunities and it has a lower cost of living than Seattle. The stumbling block is that I don't think she makes enough money to live off and save for a moving fund. February was another month where she made less than $1000 on MV.

No. 2096723

Since she does full service sex work now she could probably make enough to move, if she actually got off her flat ass and worked. I hope she moves to vegas so we can get a few more laughs off of her before she turns 30 and completely crashes out.

No. 2096887

>Since she does full service sex work now she could probably make enough to move
But is she successfully finding johns anymore? Before she would boast about getting taken out by johns and now it's silence.

No. 2097224

Is grey hair even responding to her still?

No. 2097225

File: 1741544000168.png (1.57 MB, 1079x1528, SmartSelect_20250309_191135_Fi…)

Two days ago

No. 2097230

She's actually shooped herself into kind of a cute very chubby person here but her bangs are getting even worse. I wouldn't even know what to do to fix those. Her bangs are her karmic reveal, kek.

No. 2097252

She looks like a porky, sedentary receptionist but without the charm or work ethic. She also looks like she could play piano at a hip and contemporary church with that style.

No. 2097464

she needs to get her eyes checked, what the actual fuck is with those bangs. it's like a form of self harm at this point styling them like that

No. 2097481

File: 1741603048265.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1170x1872, IMG_3281.jpeg)

No. 2097484

she should get on welfare at this point, and just call it a day.

No. 2097490

her parents are rich

No. 2097494

Nta but she's obviously too old to remain under their benefits so she might as well just go on welfare.

No. 2097497

File: 1741606958079.gif (1.59 MB, 500x279, sure jan.gif)

>autopay for insurance didn't go through
It seems like she can't even afford health insurance.

No. 2097498

What about the tooth she claims Fupa chipped?

No. 2097499

File: 1741608835337.jpeg (855.96 KB, 1170x1514, IMG_3282.jpeg)

No. 2097500

File: 1741609545572.jpeg (226.54 KB, 1170x514, IMG_3286.jpeg)

No. 2097501

File: 1741609620076.jpeg (Spoiler Image,915.79 KB, 1170x1783, IMG_3287.jpeg)

Suuuure Shay, you DEFINITELY bought stuff for Ellen and were “insanely busy” to celebrate Valentines Day

No. 2097503

she's so dense it baffles me. her rat tooth is chipped and she barely has the money to fix it, but has enough to buy 19 records? i guess that chipped tooth isn't such a big deal if she's going on a day trip to celebrate valentines day… 3 weeks late. she's so boring even the coomers have lost interest, all she does is beg!

No. 2097509

She buys like $2 dollar bin thrift store records though

No. 2097527

if she's paying for new presses, that's pretty close to how much the chipped tooth would cost (if not more). also she should put more of the albums in each shelf so they don't lean that much, there's no need to put that potential warping.

No. 2097530

You know you’re cool when you call yourself cool

No. 2097577

File: 1741632773681.jpg (127.73 KB, 831x639, 1653006041686.jpg)

would you brag about the 60 and 70-year-old men by you a dinner before doing something degrading to you? she seems to inappropriately record and share deets about her dates with these creeps so she's definitely going on fewer dates or nixing that shit all together if she doesn't have to pay rent now. you people are genuinely stupid if you think that men who seek prostitutes have standards. does anyone not remember that Aileen Wuornos had johns? as long as she doesn't say no to them she has tons of creeps to choose from.
One of the decrepit johns needs to buy her a thesaurus
It's interesting how cheating bothers her but knowingly infecting god knows how many probably poor and vulnerable young women with STIs is not a big deal. Even if people in here are harsh towards her like she's not exactly the sharpest pencil in the box regardless.
you think she'd use some cheap press-ons for a photo shoot but apparently she didn't… and the fact that she lets him blur her skin like this shows you exactly what poor judgment she has. It's all so fucking embarrassing. but the embarrassing shit is not as bad as the fact that she has to let herself risk catching STIs, be traumatized and abused for very little money and no future.

No. 2097644

File: 1741644870571.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.44 KB, 1170x631, 1710786650578.jpeg)

this is the same dude she filmed with when she went to fetcon RIGHT after getting her boobs done and she was letting ugly scrotes tie up her tits with rope and squeeze them hard. i can imagine the moids she her as much more than a freakshow at these events.

No. 2097647

can't imagine**

No. 2097650

She looks really awful here. Like, its no longer "Damn Shayna got fat", its "Damn, Shayna IS fat." Like her fat is well settled now and permanent. There's no going back without a bunch of loose skin. Her arms look like grandma pillow arms? Like how? Shes not even 30. She looks so frumpy and unsexy. She looks like a girl who has always been fat, its shocking she was once thin. when her tits are covered like this is just makes her look BIG in a bad way. genuinely shocked at the size of her arms.

No. 2097698

File: 1741657034324.jpeg (804.71 KB, 1170x1280, IMG_3295.jpeg)

Sure Shay

No. 2097713

Okay but what on God's green earth is that ugly ass shirt? I get that she's going for uwu overgrown baby aesthetic but surely there's a less frumpy and dated print she could choose

No. 2097739

I could be wrong but this seems insanely cheap to me for them to fix a chipped tooth? I’m not sure why. Maybe the John she is living with is paying for half and she has to pay half so she’s not paying the full amount or something. Why does it feel like she’s lying?

No. 2097749

that’s about what cosmetic bonding costs; a crown would be much more

No. 2097901

It's a Moschino t-shirt and I see it's usually priced around 70-100 dollars. E-Begging obese retard

No. 2098108

File: 1741739803103.jpeg (Spoiler Image,977.15 KB, 1170x1549, IMG_3305.jpeg)

No. 2098117

God that's bleak

No. 2098172

I hope she posts a photo of the alleged chip but Shaynus is much too insecure or she’s lying

No. 2098298

File: 1741788436567.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x2007, IMG_4033.jpeg)

Man, if you type in her old tumblr username and look at the remaining active blogs that reposted her back in the day, you can find that she routinely used to get upwards of 1k-6k likes on every boring selfie where she was just standing, off center, holding a bong and fully clothed (wearing 2016 fashion time capsule items, but still). It’s wild how much she has to do anymore for ~30 likes. It must be devastating. I feel like the dopamine crash from her cratered tumblr fame really leads her to this era of escorting and borderline scat.

No. 2098329

There’s definitely a trend of short-lived MySpace/tumblr personalities that became popular and then crashed. And like most pathetic addicts, they chase that original high but they’ll never get it back. She will always chase her “tumblr fame”. Didn’t help she met a girl who had her face on a t shirt. God that must have just filled her ego to the point where she’s fine posting things like >>2092113 on the internet and not feeling an ounce of embarrassment. If someone took photos of me and I looked like this, I’d never recover.

No. 2098405

she degrades herself to such a hideous degree and for what? it's no longer profitable and she's clearly miserable. at some point it became less about making money or getting attention from pornsick scrotes and more about harming herself through men

No. 2098451

>>2097464 what do her bangs even look like when they're not straightened like that. she might look better trying to not curl them like a late 90s/early 2000s middle aged mom

No. 2098472

atp her parents have wasted enough money helping her. it isn’t their responsibility to keep bankrolling her and her grubby lifestyle if she’s just going to keep declining. and if she doesn’t want to start over again from scratch, she just needs to get some food stamps, join the section 8 lottery, and fill out federal health insurance forms like everyone else lol. it isn’t like she’s going from working a $200k lucrative career to schlubbing around on the dole. she’s already hit rock bottom.

No. 2098516

File: 1741855678446.mp4 (Spoiler Image,14.07 MB, 854x480, prev_30734009.mp4)

Fat Shat gets spanked by a woman half her size.

No. 2098525

Shat aging like fucking milk, she barely looks younger than the older woman here.

No. 2098545

Grandma looks so totally bored

No. 2098546

"look at her, acting all cute but she's not cute"
based grandma

No. 2098564

KEK I'm fucking dying this is peak comedy

No. 2098578

If she's making around $2,500 to 3,000 a month from selling vids of her fat woman porn, begging and hooking, she wouldn't qualify for those programs.

No. 2098579

>you look absolutely ridiculous in that outfit
can someone crop the first seconds? its absolutely hilarious out of context

No. 2098713

>$2,500 to 3,000
She makes less than $1,500 a month from OF and MV combined.

No. 2098728

KEKKKK this is the first time I’ve laughed in a shay thread in so long wtf

No. 2098776

Shayna only spends actual money on her alcohol and food addictions. She probably got a temu knockoff for 2.98$ with 13.45$ shipping.

>You're not cute at all
Granny's got a point Shayna. She's also got less stomach fat than you and she's probably someone's mother (gross).

No. 2098825

The way she can't stay still and keeps on wiggling annoys me. She clearly can't take it yet insists on doing this?

No. 2098830

File: 1741956307228.mp4 (967.01 KB, 856x480, cut.mp4)

No. 2098840

File: 1741957467553.mp4 (Spoiler Image,388.36 KB, 856x480, no_underwear.mp4)

No. 2098843

jesus she's getting a straight up apron belly(sage your shit)

No. 2098854

>farmers comments be like

No. 2098898

File: 1741974893175.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1650, IMG_3327.jpeg)

No. 2098899

it's not even a leotard it's like a tank top bodysuit you'd wear under something…

No. 2098914

File: 1741977673352.jpeg (222.93 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_3328.jpeg)

No. 2098921

File: 1741978714527.jpg (171.28 KB, 1080x1469, Disgusting.jpg)

I went to her twitter because I couldn't believe she was wearing workout SHORTS under the "leotard", I thought it might have been AI but the rippling, hanging, sagging thigh was too accurate. Anyways, if I found this moid in her comments KEK.

No. 2098922

how does something thats supposed to give an illusion of ass make her still look so flat assed

No. 2098977

Was this directed by John waters

No. 2098979

>Not cute at all. You look absolutely ridiculous.

No. 2098991

File: 1741992865395.png (125.71 KB, 1065x301, 1000018655.png)

Traniel shading Shay some more. I'd almost feel bad for him if he weren't a disgusting moid

No. 2098998

so was he the one she referred to as her boyfriend? its funny because she used to have big talk about how she didnt like being dominant and always wanted a daddy dom, but now she's aged out of the "little girl" thing. now shes relegated to domming creepy crossdressing men and also DATING them.

No. 2099016

grimly enough, people really wore workout shorts under leotards to the gym in the 1980s
sometimes they would wear a stretchy belt too
it was a horrifying time

No. 2099158

File: 1742057993464.webp (183.98 KB, 1730x1730, IMG_0974.webp)

This fat bitch can’t do ANYTHING right. That print wouldn’t have even been available in 80s workout clothes, that’s like “2000s costume does 80s”. And she’s straight up wearing a cotton wife beater bodysuit, not even a leotard. Nothing about what she is wearing is 80s especially her hair, no one wore retarded ribbons like that and those bangs would be more 90s if anything. And idgaf how autistic this is. Don’t do it if you can’t do it right fatso

No. 2099217

to her, he was just a free ride and free meals. He probably did the most while she did the bare minimum. Buddy got used, just like everyone else

No. 2099298

Leotarded more like

No. 2099738

I can’t tell if she’s sucking on for dear life or editing but her stomach looks weird in this.
I don’t know how she even managed to not do this right. It’s not that hard. Heck, she says she’s an irl Barbie and could hard lean into it by copying a Barbie but she just doesn’t. Is it really that hard to try? I have never understood that about her.
This creep is pretty consistently in her replies. She doesn’t even do diaper stuff anymore

No. 2099805

chill out boomer, they're equally as ugly and people in the 80s would think she was an icon. That style sucked.

No. 2099887

File: 1742222815672.jpeg (Spoiler Image,242.65 KB, 1702x970, IMG_3288.jpeg)


No. 2099899

The broken slinky bangs, DreamWorks smirk and reverse BDD

No. 2099922

Does her bedroom even have a window? Depressing.

No. 2099975

>flopping her gunt out on twitter
Bold move.

No. 2100002

Almost perfect for an Ozempic prescription, sure

No. 2100006

are her breasts still two different sizes even after the surgery?

No. 2100023

i mean she was literally born with one tit so of course the completely fake one is gonna look different than the partly real one. not defending her but just saying. she still looks botched as fuck tho. she could've gone to a better doctor or done better aftercare to get better results.

No. 2100123

File: 1742259692792.jpeg (408.62 KB, 1170x738, IMG_3359.jpeg)

And it begins again

No. 2100137

second psych ward saga, PLEASE.

No. 2100155

I want to feel sympathy since i am in the same boat but unlike most depressed and suicidal people she has a supportive family that would gladly help her get her life back on track. Rich spoiled people with dumb problems piss me off.

No. 2100177

she hasn't posted on either account since posting this. as >>2100137 said a psych ward saga would be interesting as fuck.

No. 2100196

She’s probably mad her bestie Kiki is doing one step above her with slightly professional porn and lost a bit of weight.

Shayna will never be a mainstream success (or successful) because she’s so odd and unconventional

No. 2100219

Or you could - and this is controversial I know - get a job??

No. 2100237

is it just me or has there been what seems like one very consistent anon/vendettachan sperging about her having "rich parents" for, what, 7 years?

she's better off than many but let's not assume her parents have nothing to do with how her life turned out

No. 2100283

File: 1742293325407.jpeg (626.81 KB, 1170x1167, IMG_3363.jpeg)

No. 2100300

It's more than one anon. Shayna making retarded life choices is a common observation.

No. 2100315

>I'm tired of doing my best
Astonishing lack of self-awareness. She sells her body for pennies on the internet and thinks she's "doing her best"?

No. 2100355

"I've been overdosing on my meds all day!" This shit will never not be hilarious to me.

No. 2100389

Shayna is a moral relativism retard too

No. 2100395

Given the timing of this, could it be that her meeting up with Sheincock again didn't go as she planned?

No. 2100420

speaking of ozempic, any theories as to why she doesn't just get a prescription? seems like it would solve a lot of her problems

No. 2100427

Ozempic is expensive as hell unless you’re insulin resistant/diabetic. Shay couldn’t afford it.

No. 2100476

File: 1742333856571.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1198x1366, Screenshot 2025-03-18 at 5.35.…)

she deleted the top tweet this morning
also why is she having so many teeth problems? first it was a chipped tooth, now its a filling falling out? also she looks zooted af in this photo.

No. 2100549

File: 1742344611190.jpeg (609.78 KB, 1170x1427, IMG_3365.jpeg)

No. 2100552

Probably had her first dental visit in years and they've had to excavate extensively to keep her teeth.

No. 2100563

Nothankyou for the mental image of a baby born with tits. Or one tit as the case may be.

No. 2100613

I love that she’s trying to lean into the substance/Sue sparkle catch phrase despite being a grotesque woman child who definitely didn’t understand a movie that bonks you on the head with the meaning

No. 2100647

File: 1742375819926.png (822.78 KB, 1761x711, shein_cock_update.png)

Sheincock's site now says that Shayna's content has been updated but it's just an old video.
The coming soon section now features Kiki Cali so I wonder if they met up in Vegas.

No. 2100649

File: 1742375928776.png (Spoiler Image,173.63 KB, 1723x398, kiki.png)

No. 2100712

Did Sheincock ditch Shayna for Kiki and that's why she's spiraling?

No. 2100751

File: 1742408718849.png (138.71 KB, 240x385, gutty mattel.png)

this scrote 100% had shayna pose with her gut pushed out like she was pregnant with doordash as some sick humiliation ritual or some power play to make shayna feel horrible about her playdough body.

No. 2100779

I always get the impression that he doesn't treat Shayna with any respect and probably makes negative comments about her appearance. I wouldn't be surprised if he had made a snide comparison to Kiki and her recent weight loss.

I haven't looked extensively through his site and I don't want to because it's vile but from what I've seen none of his content is flattering for the women involved. Part of what he does intentionally humiliates the women he's working with.

No. 2100973

let's be real, that's just how she poses. 0 bodily awareness

No. 2101001

That's just how she looks kek photographers aren't wizards they cant turn a fugly lardball into a Barbie without copious photoshop which they cant do anyway as theyre advertising porn

No. 2101077

absolutely false. a good or even semi decent photographer knows how to photograph people (even fatties like shayhog) at their best angles so they look less hideous. and if theres a terrible shot like this >>2100751 they dont highlight it front and center. Plus a thing call photoshop exists and is used consistently in porn photography. So I agree with >>2100779 that this particular site purposely humiliates their models by posting bad angles and ugly photos as some mind fuck type narc power play. And by “this site” i am directly calling out the dude with STDs who runs it (forget his name) because this isnt some big operation, its just some over-the-hill sex pest ugly fuck running a one man show from his condo who wants to feel powerful over off-brand whores.
>photographers aren't wizards
they legitimately are tho? you can make the most beautiful woman in the world look absolutely butt ugly by photographing her poorly

No. 2101084

You’re critiquing the photography skills of a real estate moid who runs a site called Big Gulp Girls

No. 2101210

File: 1742523165282.jpeg (Spoiler Image,648.38 KB, 828x1176, IMG_8674.jpeg)

lol Kiki always does her so dirty

No. 2101216

From what I’ve seen he makes all of the women he photographs do the exact same poses every time. This pose probably looks fine on the other relatively thin women but he’s a lazy scrote who doesn’t bother to tweak it so that Shayna doesn’t look like a hippo. Why would he photoshop her if he wanted to humiliate her?

No. 2101231

is she sucking a fat old man with gynecomastia's titty or is that a woman?

No. 2101238

what in the Rebel Wilson

No. 2101239

she looks so autistic, reminds me of pt.

No. 2101281

Is that a troon in the background?

No. 2101310

oh wow she is making the same face I make whenever I see a picture of her lol

No. 2101347

Wait, he is a RE agent? I would NOT want to buy a house from a pornographer… let alone a dollar discount basement one. What is the world coming to.

No. 2101355

File: 1742573147460.png (Spoiler Image,236.27 KB, 377x584, worse-fat.png)

The same pose from the other shoot she did with him is worse.

No. 2101356

She looks Extra Special here

No. 2101367

Kek at her trying to hide her stomach with her hand and failing epically

No. 2101369

for someone who's probably severely depressed because they've dealt with nothing but degenerates an internet stalking for like 7 plus years she's stronger than me for keeping at it. I would have an heroed years ago. especially if I could not tolerate any kind of legitimate work and saw no future for myself. he is a spoiled, stupid, creepy STI spreading scrote defender who has no excuse but I'm not a big of an asshole enough to assume that everything she does is something that can be remedied by just looking for a job selling weed instead. or applying for benefits or section 8 housing. The waiting lines for that shit is absurdly long and she obviously thinks that her body is worthless and that she has to treat it to maintain a middle class lifestyle. people living in government sponsored housing do not lead a middle-class lifestyle you might not even have enough to eat some days. I think she would probably do street prostitution before applying for any kind of section 8 housing. That's how bleak her life is.

No. 2101525

she looks like one of those pregnant women who hold their bellies. they're just as gross as she is but at least she's not bringing more people into the hellscape that created her

No. 2101530

File: 1742616932896.jpeg (Spoiler Image,920.07 KB, 1170x1709, IMG_3395.jpeg)

Here we go again

No. 2101532

File: 1742617025125.jpeg (422.83 KB, 1170x947, IMG_3396.jpeg)

No. 2101536

she's never heard of gatorade?

No. 2101540

I've never heard anyone else get so many food poisonings in their life, it's like a monthly occurrence for her at this point.

No. 2101543

She's smoking weed again and having her chs flare ups again.
Really gross combo of her saying she had food poisoning and then posting a photo of her butt. Disgusting!

No. 2101545

Honestly, she should invest in iv fluid bags so she doesn't keep going to the hospital and wasting money from smoking weed. They're like, $8. Maybe she can make a porno about it.

No. 2101549

She's lying. It's chs. The times I've had food poisoning, I'd feel it right below my ribs, mouth gets watery, and then I'd puke and it's over with immediately after. She's been smoking again. The way she phrased her sentence is so weird. Why would she even be eating 3 hours after a dentist appointment that's not a cleaning appointment?

No. 2101568

i can’t decide if she really is dumb enough to spend 600 dollars on IVs for her “food poisoning”/chs or if this is just more grifting. what a crazy waste of money if true. there’s no reason to do this over gatorade/electrolytes if she can keep fluid down, and if she can’t, she should go to the ER anyway.

No. 2101607

This looks so bad like the photographer is trying to humiliate her. Also her venus berg is huge kek.

No. 2101617

as someone who's experienced cyclic vomiting (unrelated to food poisoning) you literally cannot keep that shit down and you need to be on prescription medication for it if it's severe enough or else you will die of dehydration after a couple of days. you cannot keep the fucking Gatorade down, that's why you need to go to a hospital or an urgent care center. stop talking like a bunch of idiots have no fucking idea what the hell she's experiencing

No. 2101618

wasn't she getting fluids in the ER?? Why is she still without insurance is the better question. she either has the money to spend on emergencies like this or she thinks that it won't be a significant expense because her elderly coomers will send her money. either way, a legitimate job is what she needs. especially one that does routine drug testing which would force her to quit poisoning herself with weed if that's what she's doing.

No. 2101658

she says in the screenshot that she spent the money on mobile iv, which is a company where a nurse brings IV fluids to administer them in your home, paid out of pocket. they have the meyers cocktail, rehydration with electrolytes, a hangover cure with electrolytes and zofran for nausea, and even plain saline for the pots munchies. the hangover option is pretty common in places like vegas for obvious reasons.

No. 2101667

Jeez, calm down. It’s not that serious

No. 2101680

My tinfoil is she bought stimulants in Vegas again. She has reverse body dysmorphia so she thinks she needs a cover-up story for the 10 pounds of unnoticeable water weight she's going to lose this week.

No. 2101706

showing her flat ass in the same post where shes talking about food poisoning is so rancid. the scat coomers probably love it so good job catering to your audience shatna!

No. 2101783

chill out you might trigger a vomiting episode

No. 2101819

Imagibe being the poor soul who has to enter her crusty home and place an iv in her fat dehydrated arm. I would wear a mask soley because of the smell.

No. 2101898

Especially since she’s living in that dude’s basement

No. 2102020

File: 1742748144898.jpeg (570.68 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3403.jpeg)

Mr. PB and Shay’s records now being shown

No. 2102050

that guys dog is so cute any other posts from syd viscous (did anyone find out his real name), that show evidence of shayna?

No. 2102082

File: 1742760697123.jpeg (157.49 KB, 835x1984, IMG_3411.jpeg)

No. 2102084

File: 1742761225118.jpeg (283.64 KB, 1072x1097, IMG_3412.jpeg)

No. 2102086

File: 1742761578774.jpeg (476.05 KB, 1560x2048, IMG_3413.jpeg)

No. 2102088

No. 2102107

File: 1742766009569.png (142.81 KB, 556x217, ericthompson.png)

Eric Thompson (why he goes by Syd is anyone's guess)

No. 2102111

Same phenotype as fupa, shane p sonnier etc yuck she has a type

No. 2102112

noodle looks especially retarded next to the other dogs

No. 2102168

Presumably to try and somewhat hide his identity when interacting with the normal, non-porn world, or perhaps he thinks of it as a reference to Sid Vicious. Everyone picks retarded porn names, it seems.

No. 2102185

Ohhh, I just thought he meant "vicious" this whole time but couldn't spell

No. 2102208

I think she looks cute and actually has some life in her eyes, now that she gets to hang out with other dogs and actually see outside on a regular basis. Good for her.

No. 2102224

Dog can't defend itself. You're a retard.

No. 2102242

File: 1742817475928.jpeg (378.42 KB, 1170x862, IMG_3427.jpeg)

But according to you Shay (during the Oklahoma days) you don’t have a Boston accent because “you’re educated”

No. 2102245

File: 1742818288568.jpeg (373.31 KB, 1170x765, IMG_3428.jpeg)

That are now botched

No. 2102246

File: 1742818364213.jpeg (345.49 KB, 1170x675, IMG_3429.jpeg)

No. 2102248

File: 1742818437609.jpeg (249.06 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_3430.jpeg)

This will be her new personality for awhile

No. 2102250

this hairstyle is especially heinous… does she genuinely just try to look worse and worse?

No. 2102265

She’s lucky she was able to find anything at the shelter that isn’t a shit bull

No. 2102300

She should keep her mouth closed. I can tell her breath is foul.

No. 2102314

Something about this reminds me of Jill Rodrigues

No. 2102334

File: 1742841329815.jpeg (975.15 KB, 1170x1860, IMG_3432.jpeg)

It’s sad that she thinks she’s hilarious

No. 2102355

Framingham/Marlborough accent isn’t a Boston accent, Shayna’s an imbecile
(Massachusetts is a ridiculous hotbed of microaccents)

No. 2102360

every time i have to see this bitch she has aged another few years in the face

No. 2102390

If she wants to neglect basic hair care she should go back to the braids.(sage your shit)

No. 2102412

File: 1742856938645.png (Spoiler Image,7.32 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3347.png)

Jesus Christ those look awful

No. 2102416

File: 1742857296185.jpeg (1.77 MB, 1290x2290, IMG_3348.jpeg)

Kek her face in this one made me think of trumps official portrait

No. 2102418

File: 1742857485418.jpeg (986.23 KB, 1170x1608, IMG_1397.jpeg)

This dog has seen some shit man

No. 2102435

How has her hair gone from looking like she washed it in deep fat fryer oil to heavily used party city wig levels of dry?

No. 2102445

Her only type is "desperate loser" because she isnt desirable enough to be picky and have a "type". She will take what she can get.
How she has daddy issues is beyond me. Wasnt he present her entire youth? He was even willing to put her through college on his dime. Aint no way. He either didnt tell her that he loves her or that hes proud of her enough, or he gave her platitudes and ass pats for bare minimum.
1000 yard stare but she looks so much happier and healthier now than she ever did being solely under shays care. Wonders what a yard, walkies, good dog food and someone who actually gives a shit about you will do for your figure. She can sit regularly and not like a gross obese dog.

No. 2102499

Mfw that one anon calls noodle retarded

On a positive note noods lookes so happy with other dogs and finally getting to go outside it shows. Love that for her. Just imagine having shay as your owner, even degenerate traniel hated that shit kek

No. 2102545

Noodle and the wiener dog are so cute, i hope they're good friends. Meanwhile shaynus is a lardo snoozefest, hopefully she at least spends time walking them since she won't get a job.

No. 2102551

so are we all in agreement that they detatched and reattached shaynas nipple for the tit lift, and she practiced no after care/no bra after surgery and it stretched the nipple out (aka gravity) and now shes got one GIANT fucking nipple for life?

No. 2102553

if only we knew back fhen that fupa was actually gonna be the “best” she got and thats saying something cause fupa was hideous. how she even managed to go downhill from him will forever be a mystery.

No. 2102554

>fupa was the best relationship she's ever had

No. 2102617

File: 1742925639539.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x1677, IMG_3437.jpeg)

She will continue to recycle the same ideas over and over

No. 2102729

I don't think I've ever hated a cows style choice more than these dumb n dumber bangs

No. 2102736

At least she has plenty of space to crudely draw coomer names onto herself, although the names from the small amount of willing coomers would probably fit on Eugenia Cooney's midsection.

No. 2102737

File: 1742952485089.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1170x1623, IMG_3446.jpeg)

Hopefully this means we get some Fatcon milk. Or she’ll “get sick” and bail out like last year

No. 2102745

every time she has some semblance of improvement in doing a decent pose/angle for her body she immediately regresses by doing the retarded ass pigeon toe stance. why does she keep fucking doing it

No. 2102748

i swear to god there’s a convention she just has to go to like every two months.

No. 2102753

she reminds me of people and I know that's why I can't stand her. she always looks so fucking weird and derpy. zero charm and zero sexual attractiveness imho. what a weird frog-shaped body.

No. 2102786

Because she thinks it makes her waist look itty-bitty
…not that it can save that thrunk of a torso

No. 2102806

Sorry nonna but it is a well known fact that the dog is retarded. Other nonna didn't mean anything by it other than an objective diagnosis, like a nurse in the 1950s would say it. We can't argue with veterinary science.

No. 2102824

File: 1742988851330.jpeg (442.62 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3447.jpeg)

Caption: hi, I have a rly bad habit of biting my lips sry

No Shay, you just don’t use chapstick

No. 2102825

File: 1742988951747.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.26 MB, 1170x1543, IMG_3448.jpeg)

No. 2102826

File: 1742989073630.jpeg (330.07 KB, 1170x799, IMG_3449.jpeg)

I guess the jeep belongs to the dude she lives with

No. 2102827

That bang is so crazy

No. 2102868

Looking like a troll doll

No. 2102870

what the hell kind of shooting style does she use or she looks like a different person in various photos that she's recently shared? i recall nonnies shaming her because she did no editing but now she just looks like those memes of people who edit their skin so much and they don't look human. the heavy filter is no longer just making her look better but it's making her look surreal because honestly in my opinion her sicilian mug can't look better without it being edited to look like something totally different. That's my preference and one of the reasons I don't like coming here is because I don't like her face. in her behavior is repulsive which is the number one reason.
she's so fucking desperate to communicate that she loves dad music to her 50 and 60-year-old coomers that it makes me sick. a lot of people her age have parents in their '50s and '60s and would literally feel nauseous at the idea of their shitty middle-aged fathers drooling after someone this young. she demeans herself so she has money to live and it is one of the most bleak and depressing things imaginable.

No. 2102912

she looks about ready to have a mental breakdown here

No. 2102930

her face is very goblinesque here

No. 2102992

I just want the bangs to go away finally. They are so bad. Any bang style but this I am literally begging her at this point.
She doesn’t even have fetcon money how tf did she even pay for a ticket

No. 2102998

By begging retards to cover all these fake dentist visits and mobile ivs

No. 2103275

She has the face of an SNL actress

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