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No. 759533
>>730369This thread is dedicated to Layla “Too Poor” Shapiro and assorted cows featured in the larger SoundClout universe. The SoundClout umbrella encompasses rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, models, &c. Felony charges and deaths due to either glorified drug use or violence have been on the rise over the past year, so 2019 sure looks set to be a milky one.
>Layla Shapiro/Too Poor - Instafamous pseudogoth and “model” who had a very public and very toxic relationship with both Lil Peep and Tyler Grosso. Currently dating Nolan Santana/Killstation, a friend of Peep. Makes money from customised merch, sporadic “DJ” bookings and attempting to embark on a cheap SoundClout musical career of her own. Currently on the wagon and advocating sobriety. Toned down the oversharing and self-destructive, cringy behavior after Peep’s death and being mocked by strangers and her peers yet still refuses to finally graduate from her bullshit and make the most of her following.
>Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann – SoundClout’s very own Pillsbury Doughboy felon and the least self-aware person in the world. Peddles shit designs that are unoriginal at best and stolen at worst via his clothing brand Superrradical. Regularly scams both his own fans along Peep’s fans and family out of money. Has no personality of his own and embarrassingly clings to rappers and tweets/tags them to suggest relevancy. Has no filter and overshares every mood swing, resulting in either relentless whining about not having any friends/girls to bang and delusions of grandeur. Abuses drugs and purportedly lost a kidney as a result of his lean habit. Appears to have instated an annual suicide bait-fest wherein he gives away all his material possessions (including hideous overpriced designer nonsense) for free. Inadvertently caused the death of his dog by not taking him to the vet. Crashed three Porsches and is now on probation. Strong contender for SoundCow of the year with his glorified drug habit and lack of impulse control.
>Kevin Pouya/Pouya - Rapper associated with Peep, disgusting misogynist with several rape accusations under his belt. Along with Fat Nick has made several groupie gang bang videos, the surfacing of which lends further credibility to the rape accusations. Currently very mad and defensive about it and very maturely tells his haters to “suck his dick” and flexes with his opulent lifestyle. Virtue-signals by dating cancer victim youngbabycoco while looking like a starving hobo next to her.
>Courtney Neville/Coco/youngbabycoco - Kevin’s girlfriend/enabler. Instathot with what is possibly the most horrendous make-up application in history and self-proclaimed ~angel~. Suffering from soft tissue cancer yet still finds the energy to accuse her boyfriend’s rape victims of lying. Becoming less angelic and more desperate by the day, defends her rapist boyfriend and relentlessly attempts to stick it to the “liars”. Screeches about FAAAAAX, slander and lawyers in a gloriously unhinged manner that can only be rivalled by Onision.
>Nicholas Minucci/Fat Nick – Grossly obese rapper associated with Peep and Pouya who also has several rape accusations under his belt. Rode Peep’s dead dick for clout. Is currently paying a cross-eyed stripper who looks like 6ix9ine in drag (Cam Anderson/luvmecamille) to be his girlfriend proxy. She calls him “big stink” (barf) and probably only tolerates him because he pays for her wigs.
>Cassidy Hill/Cass/hotelshrimp - Layla’s ex BFF turned skinwalker who took her obsession too far when she started dating Layla’s ex boyfriend Corey 2 weeks after Peep’s passing. Known for her atrocious anatomically impossible shoops and make-up that is almost as bad as Courtney’s. Currently trying to stay sober and become a wholesome qween role model after celebrating and oversharing her coke addiction and raging dumpster fire lifestyle.
>Paris Vazquez/prodbyparis - Vacuous Bud Light shotgunning dudebro fuckboi who produced the imaginatively titled album ‘One Night In Paris’ in 2 days. Snapped up by a record label to profit off Peep’s posthumous popularity. Subtweets and deletes shit about other artists. Slowly fading into irrelevancy. Aubrie Elle/sp00kybabyyy’s poisonous on/off flavour of choice.
>Arzaylea Rodriguez/Arz/Arse - Dated Peep for a hot minute, was his most recent ex at the time of his passing. One of the many scumbags that has attempted to ride his dick for clout, most notably via an unauthorised pop-up and GoFundMe campaign which she alleged was for Peep’s family (all proceeds of which are MIA). Has terrible lip fillers and writes the worst poetry known to mankind.
>Marilyn Rondon/sheyatted/intellectualchica - Peep-obsessed artist, constantly regurgitating new age hippy nonsense and despite her self-proclaimed intellectual status has a very poor grasp on spelling and grammar. Has a proliferation of Peep-inspired memorial face tatts and refers to him as her “twin flame” despite spending limited time together/their relationship being platonic. Has pitched a tent in the comments section of all SoundClout social media posts. Is in her 30s and way too old for this nonsense.LATEST MILK:
>Layla is now purportedly sporting a new wedding ring to go with her new weave >Still no sign of her album dropping (we can give up holding our breath now, lest we suffocate in anticipation of something that will probably never materialise).
>Pepper continues to tweet and delete at a record breaking rate. Announces that his very expensive purebred puppy died unexpectedly, reveals that it was due to an illness that could have been easily treated, is subsequently savaged on social media for his negligence. Booked a luxury suite in Vegas for his birthday that no one turned up to, even after he tried to entice them by claiming “celebrities” would be in attendance. Unleashes a barrage of Snapchat and Instagram posts offering girls cash and designer wares in exchange for their x-rated services because he is in incapable of finding/keeping a girlfriend. Releases Peep Hellboy shirts despite not having permission from Peep’s mum, claimed he was duped by someone pretending to be her, subsequently gets dragged on Twitter by angry fans demanding refunds. Temporarily makes his Twitter account private, which of course didn’t last very long on account of his insatiable need for attention. Has been posting less frequently of late, presumably because he has at least one hand permanently affixed to a cookie jar, eating his feelings to compensate for the lack of meaning in his life.
>Fat Nick causes the biggest global simultaneous barf tsunami by announcing on Twitter that he wants to eat his mail order girlfriend’s ass, insults the appearance of others on Twitter in spite of looking like illegitimate spawn of Fat Albert and the singer from Korn.
>Pouya drops a single featuring cover art that Courtney keeps insisting is supposed to be her, while he insists it isn’t. Continues to evade questions surrounding the rape situation save for a couple of vague tweets about “liars” and “proof” that we can only assume pertain to the allegations. Buys a $13K pitbull from a famous breeder, incurs the wrath of PETA, gets into a Twitter spat where his wittiest retort is telling them to “suck [my] dick” and tagging them in a picture of a Christmas meat platter.
>Courtney has really ramped up her “I’m such a pure innocent angel uwu” narrative while aggressively threatening the “liars” with legal action and posting 7475247 photos in the same pose in the same janky ass ill-fitting bikini that she is perpetually falling out of multiple times a day, all while battling cancer (such an inspiration, how ever does she do it).SOCIAL MEDIA:
All lolcow rules apply. Read them and follow them: Furthermore, the following topics are frowned upon and may lead to a ban:
-Peep psychoanalysis and the dissection of his “romantic” relationships. Only discuss current milk relating to Peep’s ghost. Peepettes can either integrate or fuck off
-Discussion of musical merits
-Excessive talk about irrelevant attentionwhores such as Chelji and Luke Storey. Let them fade into oblivion where they belong
No. 759544
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Meanwhile tyler is in his manic phase again
No. 759546
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I'm liking this fit
No. 759568
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Thank you for the new thread!
No. 759639
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Sober Tyler is still a dick.
No. 759640
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And no girl would ever live with you on her own free will. KEK.
No. 759646
>>759533rant incoming
I can't believe how normal glorified drug use has become for me. This is such a tragic step back in evolution. These idiots flex about their money and careers and how morally carefree they are when all they do is rot and send vulnerable kids down their druggy path by the millions, then turn around and cry about the impact of drugs. We live in an informed and wealthy first world. These fucks have all the resources to at least keep up appearances and have a positive or at least not harmful impact on their following. There is no excuse. They have nothing to be proud of
No. 759680
>>759568how can he hold up his phone or his tiny ballsack with these twigs? this is some bumblebee typa miracle.
His attitude is saying fuck the haters. His face is saying Hello Darkness, My Old Friend. His body is saying Auschwitz
No. 759691
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No. 759693
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>>759691oh Kevin, sweetie, you gotta big storm coming
No. 759854
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>>759544Okay but why are you having a party in a hotel instead?
No. 759857
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Fuck, this is sad. Courtney, gurl, ditch the awful, abusive, misogynistic predator you call your boyfriend and live your damn life away from all the clout-chasing negativity
No. 759907
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Attention seeking Tyler on full blast
No. 760034
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No. 760262
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So, pepper keeps tweeting indirect “I miss Layla” bullshit.
No. 760311
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No. 760316
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>>759626>She looks like a cockroachImplying that's not her true form.
No. 760361
>>760262Jesus, can someone pick up their fat whining toddler from twitter daycare?
Once again he is writing so weirdly. Instead of typing "the girl I love" he types thE giRL I'm In lOvE wiTh = notice me, I said I'm in love with you, so romantic, now you NEED to love me back
now that his life is fucked he's looking for a gf / an ex / a mommy to save / fix him again
No. 760979
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Peppers rebranding. These logos…
No. 761039
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Tyler talks about running away from his problems, pretty sure you'd be considered a fugitive. I don't think he's been to court or anything yet.
No. 761155
>>761074I love how he's giving up superrradical only to turn around and make this terrible iteration of it
what the fuck was the point of ending one brand to make a less clouty less recognizable brand with a worse name
No. 761441
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Tyler really going hard with the wrestling shit.
No. 761442
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Both uncensored and sin are the names of all WCW events.
No. 761615
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Forgot to post this from new years eve. So Tyler of course deleted the OG tweet stating he was diognosed with depression and was called out for his bullshit. Tyler also admitted to using dope. No more denying it now.
No. 762152
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No. 762304
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fought hard to be salty
No. 762310
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No. 762311
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>>762310wish I knew love like this
No. 762314
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No. 762319
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No. 762326
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Shrimpy posted an almost-nude in December and captioned it with "Exposure Therapy"
No. 762610
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No. 762639
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Here’s a wild thought, Tekashi: maybe you’re copping hate because your “boyfriend” is a disgusting rapist.
No. 762664
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I think shes finally releasing her music
No. 762821
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Tyler out here pretending he reads anything other than menus or porno mags. Kek.
No. 762891
>>762821>porscheHow many times has he crashed it?
Have fun crashing it again ty!
3rd times a charm!
No. 763212
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No. 763213
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No. 763215
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Tbh if peep never would've discovered him he'd still be a nobody, wonder till how long he'll be able to make money from peeps death
No. 763235
>>762900people would accuse her of jacking Peep's early aesthetics if she went that route, let's be real
*not saying he invented it but that is 100% the conclusion stans would make
No. 763408
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Pepper Annoying having a sperg over his “stalker”
No. 763434
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>>763408His “stalker” is hilarious
No. 763500
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People in the comments saying they hope Arse’s “announcement” is that she is realising a book. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GODDESS NO.
No. 763647
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Peep that narcissism, my dudes. And claiming that you “belong” to a rapist is “so lit”, right?
No. 763735
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“Business plan in a day” …probably will take him a week just to finish the book
No. 764730
>>763647if she wants to give her body away, why not to science?
>>763735aw little Tyler read his first book and is so excited! He just can't hide it and it's making him spill his secrets
No. 764736
>>764730*is supposedly reading, Pardon
>>764720I swear he is so stupid, he would probably think any book is good. The novelty of reading is too much for him. He would probably recommend a catalog for gardening tools … "hate to spill my secrets but damn. If you want to start your own garden…"
No. 765077
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>Maggie, Ellise and RickeyAre we supposed to know who these people are? Context and caps, my dude
Back on topic, is Drag Queen Tekashi being paid extra to publicly flaunt her “relationship” with this disgusting piece of shit? I mean, why else would she post shit like this? Love yourself, girl.
No. 765100
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She manages to make herself look so ugly wtf
No. 766109
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No. 766123
>>766112>>766113 “1-11 I’ve got something hUgE”
>gets offended when people are disappointed nothing happened on January 11Nothing like being a brat before you’ve even released your 1st song!
No. 766131
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>>763735He literally tanked his business in about "a day".
Why would he think that anyone would take advice from him?!
>He's nuts and he thinks everyone is dumb. No. 766133
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>>763735I spy with my little eye…
Calling it now…
He's back on lean!
No. 766175
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>>766109Lmao everyone in the comments is getting so pissed off
No. 766183
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>>765077they were talked about in some of the older threads before.
No. 766360
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>>766301>>766333 Sorry forgot to attach!
No. 766778
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Pepper is on the verge of one of his manic ~inspirational~ spergouts, I can feel it in me waters
No. 766795
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No. 766796
>>766795Wow trying to publicly guilt people into dealing with your bullshit is cringey af
If he's your friend just fucking call or text but no you have to try and shame him into it
He's such manipulative POS in every human interaction he has, I can't
No. 766990
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Introducing a new cow:
babygothWho is an
industry plant from UMG
Lied about having previous music under her previous name (Bria Bueno)
Got a “no jumper” interview before her “first song” came out
First song happens to be collab with trippie red and lil xan (both under UMG)
Looked completely different 12 months ago (normie pastel tumblrina) then
poof face tats EVERYWHERE, photoshopping, green hair, shaved head, grillz, guns, sex, drugs, walking with a collar and leash, gangbanger goth SoundCloud style, Instagram baddie, weed head, and fake followers and fake numbers, myahallana wannabe.
Her first two careers flopped and got no attention, no one knew who she was, so she sold her soul to UMG, who promptly gave her a complete makeover for her personality and style. Now tries to act “hard” “I give no shits” “goth bby” “proud thot” “equality for everyone” shill bs.
PLAGIARIZED her debut song (her ONLY song under babygoth) from kreyshawn’s Gucci Gucci, specifically the chorus. Her rapping sucks and 12 months ago she did COMPLETELY different music, no rapping no hip hop, just tumblrina acoustic bullshit.
Also keeps going on about feminism and how she’s being hated on bc she’s a female but buddies up to adam22 the rapist for clout. And the interview was shit.
Music video is red walking her around on a leash like a dog while she wears barely anything.
So she was basically a normie who sold her self to UMG to become famous and they control every aspect about her and poor money into her look and hook her up with famous artists hoping she’ll be the next big thing.
But it just crashed and burned when everyone found out that she was an industry plant, her comments are full of people ripping her apart calling her a plant, exposing her, and calling her out. And she’s responding calling people bitches and saying she’s not a plant kek
But no one would’ve had a problem with her if she hadn’t lied. She lied and said she’d had this style for ever, said she always did rap, lied about BEING MARRIED AND HAVING TWO KIDS AT HOME (she originally lied and said she didn’t have any family and pretended she was single, then after she got exposed, said she had only one kid, came out she had 2 and a husband), that she didn’t have any song previously, that she didn’t have any music videos previously (she recently deleted them) along with a myriad of other lies about her life, her style, her music, her family, how she got signed, how she got these collabs, etc.
INCLUDING LYING ABOUT HER AGE MULTIPLE TIMES (saying she’s 18, then 20, etc when she’s in her mid-20s, still claiming she’s 20 yrs old)
And lying about plastic surgery and tattoos that UMG paid for.
Literally everyone is tearing her apart and calling her out (bonus: tons of people are ripping Adam a new asshole too for being a rapist): even tried to post
pic related to prove that she’s always been goth, but ended up exposing herself for lying about her age.
Also tried to wipe her old tumblrs, instas, and twitters. She finally got exposed when a YTer made a video outing her this week.
Insta: tumblr: insta: has fake followers, YT vid was view botted and like botted but YT kept deleting the fake ones)
No. 767035
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>>767016Proof of marriage and 2 kids
Plus after she got called out for lying she finally admitted to it, after she said she was single, after she lied about dating a famous rapper, after she lied and said she only had one kid. They’re still married and share a home, which she is never at, and her husband takes care of her kids, who she rarely sees nowadays.
No. 767041
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Ofcourse he had to make it about himself again
No. 767502
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Pepper is having a full blown meltdown
No. 767508
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Can’t help but flex while trying to get Layla’s attention
No. 767575
>>767508>>767505Then maybe you shouldn't have been such an abusive manipulative cunt Tyler.
>>767559They're all interchangeable to him. He throws obnoxious amounts of money at them then gaslights and guilts them 25/7 until they run the fuck away. Then he goes from publicly slandering them to being a pathetic sad boi on twitter, which btw is just another tier of Tyler's magical manipulative ride.
No. 767586
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lol pouya clearly doesn’t give a shit about her
No. 767588
>>767586eh he knows exactly why she posted the pic.
she just painting herself black, or?
No. 767595
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So I’ve been following Babygoth on IG since she was known as Darth_bria. Her husband and baby daddy is named Daniel Bueno. He had a video on YouTube of him coming out as Trans. She claimed that they broke up because he was abusive. I reached out to Daniel with a screenshot and he had no idea about what she was saying about him because he blocked her. He takes care of their 2 children living in the house she bought. They’re “not together” but when she comes back home she plays mom for a while then dips off again. Now Daniel Bueno isn’t claiming trans anymore? Idk why kinda confusing.
No. 767596
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Here’s some more screen shots of what Daniel has to say
No. 767597
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No. 767672
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Can't tell whos lazy eye is worse..
No. 767910
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>>767897Here's a pic of her without those blue contacts and bleach blonde hair! No. 767994
>>766990Let me give y'all some fun facts on this girl that haven't been exposed yet.
Her real name is actually Brianna Partridge, she is actually 27 years old.
She has been arrested and charged for stealing from Charming Charlies. She actually had a very unsuccessful career until 2016, after she had obtained a sponsorship to promote baby goods, in order to make her seem like a more desireable person to sell her products, the company has had to consistently pay for engagement on her post.
She has a horrible past with some of her ex-photographers now, who all have similar claims of her being difficult to work with and not very passionate.
I'll leave you all with that, because that should be enough to help you all find out how much of a clout demon this culture vulture really is.
No. 768097
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"i'm so mad i didn't take more pictures with ASAP Yams now that he's dead…but also that's why he fucked with me. is that we didn't take pictures together." – what the fuck is up with this dude milking dead rappers.
No. 768106
>>768006>>768092Plus posting kids’ info is against the rules, newfag.
>>768097I knew he’d pull this shit re: Yams, he has to make everything about him. Never change, Grosso.
No. 768133
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>>768101literally Chelji's mom is more interesting
Coco continues to be an absolute ray of sunshine (pic related)
No. 768135
File: 1547892832453.png (56.13 KB, 720x254, Screenshot_20190119-111104.png)

>>768133it's getting kinda boring, so saged
No. 768209
>>768204Interesting lil tidbit!
Btw, don't fill out the name field next time!
No. 768212
File: 1547911745845.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, DDC2788C-121C-42DF-9AD5-42121A…)

Is Paris throwing shade?
No. 768225
>>768215Just click on the post number of the post you want to quote and it'll come up in the reply box! Hope this helps. People here get real bent out of shape when things aren't done properly lol
>>768212Hmmm what does this even mean? Jafar is feeling insecure?
No. 768339
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>>767595>>767596>>767597>>768006I love you for getting this, anon. I knew she wasn’t taking care of her kids while she’s in her comment section bragging about providing and being their for her kids and being a great empowered mom kek. What a liar. So glad I screenshotted her comment section now. She deleted some before I could get to them on previous pictures.
No. 768475
File: 1547943537415.png (Spoiler Image,2.04 MB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_20190119-165310~2.p…)

Confirmed swamp rat
No. 768506
>>768475thank u for the spoiler
>>768450can you stop promoting this chick in the thread? none of what has been shown is milk. I'd rather discuss chelji's mum's face tat and that's saying something…
No. 768514
>>768506Nta but
>none of what has been shown is milkLmao what anon are you joking? Did you see the screencaps?
No ones “promoting her” or her shit music.
Chelji milk hasn’t been coming through as much lately, so just let us have our fun with this cow in the meantime.
No. 768558
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No. 768566
File: 1547956783890.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190119-195847.png)

I seriously can't get over how awful she dresses. What in the fuck
No. 768651
>>768555Not that anon, but it seems she is associated with the scene as per
>>768450so I think she’s fair game if she’s actually producing milk.
How fucking cooked is Diego in that video? Isn’t he supposed to be clean now? Like, his management forced him to detox or something to that effect? Good to see that lasted.
No. 768661
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No. 768726
>>768552No, she just straight up abandoned them, shes not a busy working mom trying to please her label, she left and dumped them on her husband to raise. Only comes home every few months to take a pic with them and play mommy for a day. Ditched them so she can party with SoundCloud losers and smoke weed with trippy. Both children are under the age of 5. Between 2-4 yrs old each. After all that she used her kids to lie about being this great mom who can work and take care of her kids at the same time (how dare you criticize a working mother! das sexist!) just to deflect criticism for lying.
>>768555We can post all the BG milk we want. Just because
you are not interested in a cow, doesn’t mean others are not. Jfc its already been discussed in meta, farmhands said to not derail thread convo with multiple posts of an anons personal opinion of why they don’t like a thread/cow/to stop talking about them, when others
are interested. There are
several anons who are here for this milk, if you don’t like it hide the thread or scroll past. Don’t complain of no milk/lack of chelji milk, then demand anons stop talking about milk that you’re not
personally interested in. No1curr. She definitely
does have milk.
We have threads with way less. ESP considering this is a general thread, and not her thread specifically. (ie: rasbii thread is just rasbii lying about her age, like BG)
Shes a soundcloud “rapper” and hangs out with cows ITT, how is she not connected to this thread??
Crazy thought, but maybe contribute milk you
are interested in?
>selfposterKek been a farmer for around 4 years and been posting caps since toopoor #1. Take the tinfoil hat off anon, it’s making you sound wk-ish.
>all this promotion2nd time you’ve said that. Thats retarded. We’ve had several cows (ie: ivy levan, thatspoppy, celebcow general) who are industry plants who have tried hard to cover their past. Posting screencaps of a plant lying isn’t “promoting” her, it’s the exact opposite kind of attention they want.
No. 768894
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I’m howling
No. 768948
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Her boobs make no sense.
No. 769179
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Jfc we get it, you're a "SaD BOi"
No. 769221
>>769207Lol ok making fun of you for being an idiot isn’t telling you what you can and can’t do sis
Keep posting your vendettacow if you want maybe ~learn how to ignore posts you don’t like~ and take some blood pressure meds while you’re at it tho
File: 1548078777298.jpeg (501.03 KB, 1125x935, 6FAD11D1-0D80-4DB7-819F-528FFF…)

Jesus he just can’t help himself. Tyler, your brief attempt to break ground in the music industry by getting Paris a deal was a massive and embarrassing failure. Stop acting like you know everything when all you know is how to flop.
By the way the fact that post won’t even talk to him anymore after that disaster is chefs kiss sooo good
No. 769243
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>>769241Hahaaaa, my thoughts exactly!
Slightly ot but she gives me Angela Hayes vibes. She is painfully plain and boring. The "sPoOkY" schtick is so …pre-packaged-looking? Idk how to word that eloquently lol
No. 769244
>>769237What are the deets with that girl? I've seen her pop here from time to time, does she have any milk? Looks basic af
>>769241You can tell she posts here imo
No. 769263
>>769244Which girl? Poppy? Sp00ky?
Spooks has been discussed at length here. Poppy has her own thread.
No. 769415
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This shit is dark. I wonder how Kevin feels about himself and everything he's done now.
No. 769488
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>>769415I lowkey think the chorus in his new song is about that. He thought he was this invincible clout god who could have it it all (money, fame, endless groupies to gangbang AND a hot girlfriend waiting for him at home) and now Coco is sick and potentially "leaving" him and all his money can't fix it and he's shell shocked and fucked up over it.
sage bc tinfoiling
No. 769653
File: 1548122103332.jpg (636.15 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20190121-175151.jpg)

Does this bitch ever brush her hair? It looks disgusting. She looks like an idiot. I love this particular train wreck. I want more clueless LA dumbasses. Spoon feed me some more thots anons
No. 769758
>>769651p sure "leaving" means dying in this context as in "leaving" earth
>>769653what are aesthetics
No. 769762
>>769758>aesthetics It’s derelicte chic, obv
No. 769796
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Shrimp really selling this shit for $40
No. 769797
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>>769796Fucking jello salad on the back wonder if it's a stock image
No. 769801
File: 1548160657480.png (1.02 MB, 1642x826, Screen Shot 2019-01-22 at 06.2…)

>>769797It's one of those pics from like a 1950's cookbook lmfao VinTaGe aMeRicANa
>what are aesthetics "shrimp jello salad"
fucking hell, imagine
this being what you believe to be the most viable way to market yourself: 'Jiggly, stinking, slop nobody wants a piece of'…pretty bang on in accuracy tho, I'll give her that.
No. 769842
>>769796>>769797This is so pathetic, lol. You can easily print this off on fabric iron on sheets from the craft store and pick up a tee shirt there too for less than $10
Is this seriously what she think is going to sell? She is so basic and has nothing original about her. Fucking jello salad is what she uses to describe her. I fucking cant
No. 769919
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Tyler Grosso, art connoisseur.
No. 769984
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Kinda weird that she has to precise that it was a homeless man, what does it matter?
Sage cause who cares
No. 770124
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This aint skinwalking anymore, this is literal identity theft wtf
No. 770181
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is there any milk on luke and what he’s up to these days and how does he know felicite aka louis tomlinson’s sister and also why the hell is she suddenly so involved (her commenting on bexey’s pics/etc)?
No. 770191
>>770152ctrl+f "chelji"
ctrl+f "potato"
you're welcome
No. 770301
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Pepper Annoying is back to manic flexing on Twitter
No. 770363
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No. 770372
>>770363I'm a piece of shit for thinking this but idk a body riddled with cancer just isn't attractive
That and she's gross but…
Actually now that I think about it, it's super depressing that she's spending her possible last days (right? her prognosis is bad isn't it?) with a rapist piece of shit boyfriend who's too bitch to leave her and strings her sick ass along. Like girl now is the fucking time to love yourself jfc
No. 770422
File: 1548255471541.jpg (Spoiler Image,544.67 KB, 800x960, 20190123_065525.jpg)

Jesus how far up her pussy did she have to pull these? I wonder if she still photoshops just not as much.
Also I don't think
>>769653 is a sidewalk; it's a gross floor that carpet was once glued to. I think pic related is the same place. Fwiw
No. 770465
>>770422what in the actual fuck LOL this picture explains everything. sag and flab everywhere. its actually kinda impressive that she managed to shop herself as small as she did even if it was sloppy work & blatantly obvious.
>>768450im very concerned about the wellbeing of the rat in this video
No. 771045
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This disgusting piece of shit must be giving drag tekashi his entire cheque just to be in the same room as him
No. 771154
File: 1548350391177.jpg (619.89 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20190124-091743.jpg)

Good job Shrimpy the hair looks somewhat better.
Related to
>>769697Sage for possible nitpick
No. 771363
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>>770302Tyler and his glasses.
Meme related.
No. 771374
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>>771371kek, I couldn’t have my fellow anons revisiting their previous meal while perusing the thread.
What is it with these hoes and sitting on the most filthy ass surface they can find?
No. 771451
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shrimp is posting a weird insta story series of what looks like coked out accidental front cam selfies. possible relapse?
No. 771596
>>771451Or she's just lame and and thinks putting up ugly photos at unflattering angles makes her rAnDoM and relatable
I feel like her coke photos were way more numerous
No. 771729
File: 1548452121319.jpg (512.08 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20190125-133233.jpg)

>private plane = high class rite guys
>gross, colored hair
>greasy face
>whitehead zits on nose
>greasy sunglasses
>filthy sweatshirt
He and Shrimp are like two versions of the same tasteless being.
No. 771734
File: 1548453038515.jpg (451.76 KB, 656x957, 20190125_135023.jpg)

>>771732Didn't you know, anon? If it's expensive & designer it's automatically flattering and cool.
No. 771972
>>771894Because of the designer labels tagged and the Louis bag all culminating in a tasteless tragedy that Shrimp obviously thought looked cool
Not to be an asshole but it's pretty obvious
No. 772012
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>>771131LOL here’s to hoping it’s actually going to be released this time.
No. 772015
>>771734Her eyes are literally so ugly
I feel like that’s usually hard to say about people, most eyes are where an otherwise unfortunate looking person’s redeeming quality lies…
Something about hers is so dead and fishy and old looking?
No. 772222
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It’s not glow cass it’s grease. You’re greasy.
No. 772240
>>771247LA dropout style, sported by instathots who think they're hot shit
why they all do this, im not sure
>>772222this is fucking disgusting, her entire face is oily, cant tell if its her makeup or her actual face but either way it makes her look like a ball of grease
No. 772243
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Ok Tyler but doing what exactly?
No. 772511
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No. 772515
File: 1548613090559.jpeg (531.01 KB, 2048x2048, DxuaLS-U8AAKsIl.jpeg)

She got fanart
No. 772742
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Pouya is freaking out on twitter about being “broke”
No. 772758
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>>772742i love that he's trying to call people out for being attention seeking as if he isn't doing the same shit
No. 772770
>>772758Must feel
triggered by his own rapey transgressions
No. 772955
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poor baby. cry about it.
No. 773135
File: 1548736745705.png (6.37 MB, 1125x2436, 55119674-3507-4AEE-B0ED-079C08…)

>>773113How much would it suck to have no induviduality whatsoever and be a creepy skinwalking ex-boyfriend stealing bitch with no life? Saged
(new) No. 773525
File: 1548803251511.jpeg (264.16 KB, 750x540, B938B15A-CA70-4558-9ED0-3C82EF…)

That narcissism. That shit contour. Those inflated lips. Never change, Coconut
No. 773526
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>threatens people on Twitter
>is a real life pure innocent angel uwu
No. 773527
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Pepper Annoyed has privated his Twitter again, I wonder how long it will last this time
No. 773550
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how are you going to call Omen XIII a cloud demon when you are one?
No. 773556
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>>772955Crybaby Kev having a sook about not being on the line up while the clout demon (kek
>>773550) is
No. 773564
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>>772266I wouldn't be surprised if his family was well off and he gets money from them.
I also think
>>772322 might be on to something. I did a quick search of superrradical on grailed and quickly noticed this account. It has nearly 50 listings almost all of them are unopened superrradical merch. There's a couple other accounts that have multiple unopened superrradical listings but this one was by far the most sus. I wouldn't be surprised if he was making multiple accounts though. Lol at the profile picture being Peep in SR merch if he is behind it.
No. 773582
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can someone explain this?
No. 773758
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No. 773762
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>>773758pic related is all I see in her photos
No. 774033
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>>773758This is just so cringy. Why would anyone think this is a good look?
No. 774042
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>>774033She's trying to be 2edgy4u. Her icon looks like some taylor momsen fan art. Pic related.
No. 774084
File: 1548984491974.jpg (62.88 KB, 536x202, imageedit_4_4124736811.jpg)

>>774045NO! I am talking about Spookybabyy's icon.
Right here!
>>774033I used the taylor momsen fan art as an example of what Spookybabyy's icon looked like!
I didn't know if she was trying to pass off that taylor momsen type fan art.. as a pic of herself.
No. 774170
File: 1549030893843.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-02-01-15-19-36…)

Right back atcha…
No. 774178
>>774084thats what i meant dumbass
No. 774277
Not sure if this belongs here but did anyone hear about Jakiichu, Ghostmane's girlfriend / fiancée, on IcePoseidon's (big Twitch streamer) stream with HennyHouse?
It was sketchy as hell, all I can say. People were saying it seemed like she was cheating, dunno, but she was either up to no good or is just pretty fucked up mentally. clip for those interested. It happened two weeks ago or so. IcePoseidon's community is known to be a bunch of toxic incels, racists, etc. so they bombed her social media, leading her to deactivate it for quite some time.
There's also a 'follow up' clip to this
No. 774334
File: 1549075073202.png (Spoiler Image,876.23 KB, 720x1030, Screenshot_20190202-033444.png)

Milk is scarce. Fat Nick continues to be gross by putting Tekashi's toes into his nose.
No. 774335
File: 1549075154707.png (597.57 KB, 720x1026, Screenshot_20190202-033437.png)

I mean good for him but that's a bit delusional
No. 774339
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No. 774341
File: 1549075812125.jpeg (631.99 KB, 1857x2048, DyU9uJeXgAES0HV.jpeg)

>>774339Remember always people gossip for reasons
No. 774366
>>774334>>774335he's so jazzed to have a girlfriend, isn't he?
>>774339thank u coco for this lecture
No. 774377
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>>774277the caption definitely makes it look like it too
>>774376 No. 774418
>>774341Lmao the least subtle shade at victims speaking out about rapist pouya with evidence. Fuck her forever.
This could be spun against her as she always says he’s an angel - what’s your motivation coconut?
No. 774460
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>>774425she just posted this 23 minutes ago
on that note, this is so fucking weird, i actually liked her and ghostemane as a couple.
here is a theory by a comment on that yt video that makes sense to me:
>my theory is shes an escort sent by a viewer, thats why she couldn't be clear about why she randomly showed up. she got exposed lmao No. 774489
File: 1549127544334.jpeg (457.56 KB, 1125x1458, 97A31633-1AB6-4E9B-BC07-F307E5…)

lmao coco is so desperate to keep the clout train going. Doing damage control in rapey kevs comments.
No. 774653
File: 1549162604478.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1899, 42E0EDD3-F12B-44E7-B1A5-E0EED7…)

>>774461they had a show where i'm at and she was all over dudes in front of 93 and he looked really upset about it. and then like i know people who know them and the situation and she's apparently crazy and lies about shit a lot, and she even posted this on her story after they had broken up and after she had originally "outted him" and she deleted it almost immediately after. his album came out after the whole thing (screen shot to not only show her listening to it but also of date it was screenshotted)
No. 774695
File: 1549173099097.jpg (165.56 KB, 660x960, IMG_20190203_004805.jpg)

>>774653I tried to find anything about her lying about the abuse and the only thing that came up was this comment thread on Reddit and a post on Twitter of someone talking about a video velvetears posted of 93 breaking open the door to the room she was in yelling at her (couldn't find the vid tho).
She might've cheated on him, who knows but it seems like the dude really was abusive with her.
No. 774711
>>774696yeah a shitty dude's main defense is to say the girl is "HELLA CRAZY" when she is well aware of the trust when she speaks out. we all know that.
a lot of people went off at one point against the rumors of layla's false cheating allegations, and considering how peep treated her and cheated constantly, it would've been understandable if the girl got some action she deserved.
i believe this guy beats on her and those are things an abuse victim would say. that's heartbreaking. of course now she has trust issues and maybe, just maybe, she wants that cute love but either feels like a) if she goes after it she has to reveal her whole self to do it and may feel that's too much for a man to handle (or what she may have been told by the abuser to stay with him) or b) she's afraid of her abusive partner's retaliation. that shit is FUCKING insane.
No. 774732
>>774460I don’t know anything about either of these people but that girl seemed so uncomfortable from the second she appeared in the livestream. I didn’t get to the part where she was crying or whatever but I could believe she was having a real anxiety attack given that she looked super shook from the very start
>>774695Dude sounds like an asshole damn. I only know her from being for rozz dyliams girl for like 3 seconds (they said that got married which I thought was super weird ngl)
>>774724This is a millions times milkier that the out of touch dorks acting like his dj/tours house music outline is a signifier of beef 2 days ago
No. 774763
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here’s some milk, ghostemane telling a fan to stfu when shown the video of jaki, seems like he’s in denial
No. 774959
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Grosso’s Twitter is public again
>drug/alcohol free
No. 775056
>>775021Even if it's true he's definitely a carb heavy pasta, chips, cookies and soda vegetarian not a quinoa and kale vegetarian.
vegetarian ≠ healthy necessarily
No. 775076
File: 1549315290406.jpg (23.17 KB, 614x533, h6wnk2x774c21.jpg)

>>774285late reply but ghostemane was (and still is) on his first tour through europe right now, just for some context.
ghostmane's girlfriend, jakiichu, meets up at a random location with two dudes, a big streamer (iceposeidon) and a youtuber (hennyhouse), who are streaming together, in the middle of nowhere - jakii has never met them before.
she gets into a car with them after her friend just told her "hey, you should meet this guy" (meaning hennyhouse) and then she later 'randomly' finds the stream and thought "this is cool" and will just "pull up to meet [them]" (her own words). she says that she has smoked weed prior to this.
some small talk, she seems very interested in the streaming stuff (what they do, the fans aka stream snipers, how much money they make, how many people are watching the stream etc.)
so she proceeds to get into a car with these two random dudes she has never met before - in the middle of the night - and they have no real destination (they said they are just driving around until their gas is empty).
and then the tea spills: they start asking about her.
henny: "what are you known for […]?"
jakii: "my bf heh"
ice: "your bf?"
jakii: my bff, yeah.."
ice: "what does that mean?"
jakii: "i don't know, nothing really. i don't know why anyone would know me"
[quick side-note, she is a suicide girl aka nude alternative model]
henny: "what's your instagram"
jakii: "i keep my instagram private"
[not true btw]
then ice starts saying stuff like he was surprised that she even showed up and asks what even made her come meet up and she seems a bit anxious / fidgety and says "idk i just thought we were gonna hang out and chill and talk", "this is crazy heh"
henny and ice say a LOT of dumb shit. for example that ice meets a lot of homeless girls, talk about getting into a hot tub, they get text-to-speech messages via the stream (from fans) saying stuff like "lol they will through you (jakii) onto henny" and she goes off on a tangent of how she is a registered nurse and she wants to talk about her livestream about meditation, depression and how she has "actually helped people" and says that she only came now because she only wanted to get out her "message".
then people in the chat of the stream start finding out who she is and start posting "ghostmane" and ice brings up "do you know who ghostmane is?", she says "that's my boyfriend, my fiance". ice asks again "who's ghostemane?" (he does not know of him and chat started spamming, so he was confused).
jakii asks for them to pull over and says that she is very scared and now she is in a car with two dudes that she doesn't know and she starts crying.
her body language when he asks about her boyfriend and when ghostmane is mentioned is kinda fucked up tbh, here's a shorter clip of the instance No. 775079
File: 1549317001158.png (288.89 KB, 444x515, jakii.png)

>>775076also, sorry for samefagging, but i remembered that there was a lowkey follow-up… if you can even call it that. DISCLAIMER: a lot of aneurysm-inducing text-to-speech shit from the stream in the background.
part 1: 2: 3:[interesting is that a lot of the videos of this, which were posted on youtube shortly after this happened, have now been removed.]
a lot of it is just nothing worthwhile though.
tl;dr: she ends up meeting up with henny and ice again and going to ice's house and 'explaining herself'.
her explanation: she thought that they were going to meet up for a BUSINESS MEETING (??) but then thought she got tricked and that ice and henny were actually crazy ghostmane fan kids or something as soon as they brought up his name and that they were going to do her some harm.
she says she should've done more research on them, that meeting up after 10pm isn't unusual for her, the neighborhood isn't sketchy, she didn't question the one dude being a robe, and she says she got freaked out because she got kidnapped before (causing her to freak-out), starts saying some bullshit along the lines of jUsT beCauSe a WoMAn GeTs in ThE CaRr wItH a GuY doeSnT MeAN shE wanTs SomEtHInG.
idk, doesn't sound completely out of this world but smells like bullshit to me. she's also switching her story up like 3-4 times WHY she actually met up with them but each to their own.
the rest of the stuff is her just talking about the streamer revenue and her… using a flamethrower…?
"i've never met such interesting people", she said. she seems dumb as fuck. i just feel bad for ghost.
No. 775236
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the terrible stylings of Cassidy Hill
No. 775237
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anotha one
No. 775240
>>775236put a bralette over a blazer! I'm a creative genius!
lmao she tries so fucking hard and still misses the mark entirely
No. 775339
File: 1549390163109.jpeg (75.93 KB, 738x1600, 81BDA660-B84D-490C-8DD1-52D43C…)

No. 775367
>>775357Okay but what does any of this have to do with what Jakiichu did? She didn't even know him, who he was, etc. and even said so multiple times.
If you don't like the milk then post something worthwhile yourself or stop complaining about it.
>>775339 post more.
No. 775405
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No. 775410
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>>770442>breast reductionThis is an answer about it from her Q&A tumblr. No. 775414
File: 1549407253233.png (91.2 KB, 579x564, SG.png)

>>775312>who the fuck is a suicide girl Apparently it's a group of alt-models that aren't treated well. idk. No. 775424
>>775418…What? I’ve followed Ice for a long time and no, he’s not really part of the Soundcloud scene at all. He lives in LA and might have a few mutual acquaintances in common but doesn’t regularly hang out with any of the people in this thread at all.
Also, no he DEFINITELY does not keep his shit private, he shares way too much with his stream actually. And he is incredibly milky/cringe/dramatic, that’s why he has a whole freaking subreddit where people talk about his bs going back yeaaaaaars - No. 775533
File: 1549436592115.png (317.07 KB, 683x434, 15494364476626328.png)

>>775464>he's full of itYes, he is! He has a bunch of out dated trash on there! It doesn't mean anything! I had a chuckle at this post [screen cap related] Look how quickly he ate his words! No. 775591
>>775533>"out of respect"lmao not like you faked emails between you and peep's mom, blamed her for the whole ordeal, and then tried to publicly drag her for your fuck up ty
so much respect
No. 775659
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>>775630Oh and just an fyi. Peeps not wearing a SR hoodie in that gif.
No. 775772
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>>775681>>775694I'm at the edge of my seat for this
No. 775850
File: 1549553493678.png (537.8 KB, 750x1334, BED4CA97-0C1F-4CF8-A3C0-ED4110…)

lol tyler’s rich trying to call someone out on being bipolar, also the context is offset and chris brown beefing
No. 775885
File: 1549564383951.jpeg (75.63 KB, 1125x486, 0CB04382-5D14-40E5-BA94-5999C2…)

Posted last night. Grosso Locked up again? My guess is parole violation
No. 775978
File: 1549589260191.jpeg (792.31 KB, 828x1502, FB7C8E6B-A8CE-49DC-8EF6-F88BE8…)

LOL sure
No. 776063
>>776036top kek
>>775978She says streaming platforms, sounds like she's talking about sc, Spotify, and apple music. So is the music video not happening anymore? Seems like that's what the fans are anticipating the most now considering snippets of the song have been posted to death. She's been hyping this song since October, it would make the most sense to premiere the music video on her YT at one set time along with dropping the song. At least then fans might feel like it was worth the wait since they're getting both at the same time.
No. 776077
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>>776063Apparently it is going on youtube. If she didn’t drop the music video she’d truly be an idiot.
No. 776090
File: 1549603844715.jpg (1.33 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190207-232803_Ins…)

Registered nurse survival kit lmfao
No. 776095
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No. 776097
>>776077>>776082Same anon from
>>776063, apparently the music video drops in an hour.
>>776094I am too! But the whole song is pretty underwhelming imo. Especially considering all the hype she built up around it. The beat is basic and repetitive, the lyrics aren't anything groundbreaking and also pretty repetitive. I can't really see her making a career off of music with how she handled the execution of one song. Imagine an entire album or even ep.
>>776095I knew that motherfucker wasn't in jail!!!
No. 776102
>>776083why is this production so shit? this literally sounds like a karaoke backing track… and i swear to god if you told me this was from lindsay lohan's second album i would believe you.
honestly there are some good soundclout producers but this is just terrible. if this what's good enough to be her first single… yikes.
No. 776110
File: 1549612211325.gif (3.69 MB, 400x376, rdlol.gif)

>>776092you nailed it, anon
No. 776138
>>776119The fake vhs distortion on that 1080p picture is so cringe like pick an aesthetic. I don’t think even lil xan would be that corny.
Also did anyone really need to see killstaion that close to being naked
No. 776144
>>776140How is nobody talking about
>it takes two to toxic (which lol no it dont bruh)>crazy doesnt mean i dont have feelingsI have only heard samples of Billie but even with how cringe the whole "depressed teenager" bullshit is, theres atleast a modicum of subtext, but a grown fucking woman can't do better than a My Immortal fanfic tier literacy?
Layla should have kept herself to thot dj'ing.
No. 776163
>>776119>>776083thanks, i hate it
honestly tho it's exactly the dumpster fire i expected it to be
you can't base your music career off of a stale tumblr aesthetic
No. 776214
>>776164>>776131I actually never listen to Peep until today to have an opinion (the 16 Lines MV is really awkward he was high on what exactly?) and yeah I see what you say, rock base and some beats but not really the same way to sing. More predictable than I thought. Plus her voice is not really nice. Actually I neither like his or her music style but I understand why teens do.
LOL for the last sentence cause true, the brand was pretty bad.
>>776164I feel a bit the same, especially after hearing the "it takes two to toxic".
No. 776218
>>776140Enemy/remedy has been done before by The Abandoned Pools. Unsurprising.
Also I feel like she's too old for this concept and lyrics. She's not "old" yet, but def too old for this concept.
Also for fucks' sake why does she still have the ratty mile-long extensions? Who isn't telling het that she looks a fucking mess? This is why you need true friends, girls. Or is her ~aesthetic~ really to be that disgusting? Idek at this point
Honestly the song is okay but she really fucked the marketing up. If that's what you wanna call it.
No. 776239
File: 1549649905658.jpeg (4.73 KB, 238x211, download.jpeg)

>>776138>Also did anyone really need to see killstaion that close to being nakedHe ruined the video.
He could have made a quick cameo and dipped.
She should have had a peep body double stepping in, if the vid was about him.
No. 776244
File: 1549651007923.gif (1.18 MB, 344x344, original.gif)

>>776243The peep body-double shit could have been done in a subtle way.
No. 776247
File: 1549651459858.gif (2.85 MB, 500x281, abFQ9Q1vdg10oo1.gif)

>>776244Killstation 100% ruined the video.
>inb4 I get banned. No. 776273
File: 1549656277375.jpeg (397.7 KB, 1101x2877, D9878B9D-1280-4E4B-88D1-90803A…)

>>776214The og video has him doing coke on cam I haven’t watch the label version but I’d you wanna compare to the og if you want>>776239That would have been an awful idea lol. Killstaion being in it is whatever I’ve just never seen him look so gross before
>>776214>>776156>>776144I think she might have taken that p lame and as one anon said incorrect line from Adam from ham on everything. Kinda funny is she did that’s like a fourth of the song she didn’t even write.
No. 776285
>>776275She sounds nasally because she either doesn't know how to sing (with the right technique, you won't sound nasal) or the person who mixed and mastered her track doesn't know shit about EQ'ing voices
Tbh I think it's a combination of both, judging by the quality of the song and the unholy amount of autotune used (note: no hate on autotune, it can come in handy, but layla uses it waaaay too much)
No. 776752
File: 1549820931197.png (1.21 MB, 720x1000, Screenshot_20190210-184315.png) made a bad Klimt of Kevin and Courtney lol
No. 776927
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No. 776932
>>776927>performing to no oneRude.
>performing at the fucking grammysWhat's that supposed to mean? Are the "little people" that helped make him, nobody's?
No. 776974
>>776119sorry not sorry
i fucking loved it
she painted over her tacky soundclout wall and it's like finally she's doing something on her own with her own image and expanding, not relying on a dude. yeah dudes helped produce it but she's the star of it, good for fucking her. i remember not long ago she was victim posting in psych ward issued socks while peep just defamed the shit out of of her.
is she a genius? nah but it's fun and younger girls will listen to it and feel ok to be weird and just have fun, maybe gain some confidence to realize men can't handle 'crazy' and live for themselves.
i don't get it why are people tearing this down so hard? it's layla, it's going to be a little campy but the styling is on point, she's interesting to watch. and again, she puts an end to her soundclout benchmark wall which is actually a huge step forward. her long time bf is in it doing exactly what she directs, thats cool and supportive.
i'm not a fan but I'm really happy for her, good for her.
No. 776976
>>776131Bullshit, it sounds more bratmobile influenced and all other cutesy girl punk c'mon. peep isn't the center of everything, there's no emo or trap in this that claim is hella baseless.
>>776138yes actually, we did, make a dude mostly naked for once tho put him in some nice black boxer briefs the fuck are those tighty whities girl.
>>776164it was luke it was in her captions when they dated it was talked about a lot here
>>776174i'll research and make a thread if anyone is down
No. 777003
>>776976>it was luke it was in her captions when they dated it was talked about a lot hereeh I disagree, the "he says he likes crazy girls but he hates when I act crazy" line is a direct quote from when she was dating peep and she was clearly head over heels insane for the kid to the point where he had complete control over her and none of her exes after from grosso to luke to that other one I forgot had that kind of sway over her she just kept getting back with him no matter how much they fought and with everyone else she lets then go relatively easily and doesn't seem hung up at all
I don't think she'll ever openly admit it tho bc people demonize her as peep's evil ex who broke his heart when really it was the other way around and she had 0 power over him
No. 777009
>>776974Agreed. The painting over her tacky walls bit was the smartest part. It's like she's painting over being a career cow who pisses in the street with shrimp, does heroin with and gets gaslit by grosso, suicide posts over peeps head games etc and is FINALLY becoming an adult.
Of course the obvious symbolism of erasing her past and starting with a blank slate went completely over her immature fans heads and they're all sad about it in the comments.
Kind of a small piece of performance art and the most redeeming part of the video imo even if you discredit the rest.
No. 777093
>>776927>>776932he is sucking up so hard yet manages to be tactless about an early gig that could have meaning for post. As always just wants second-hand relevancy while being a clueless jack-ass and obsessed with numbers
yawn>>776795maybe you're right. I guess it's good as beginner art. the admiration is misguised though. they don't deserve art.
>>776974I agree partially. I'm also happy for her leading a happier relationship. The hate she gets for the peep fiasco is mostly unwarranted and misguided.
But is she herself really into the music putting it off for so long? Maybe she is unhappy with her deal or something or insecure.
She def is the sanest out of the usual cows here despite emotional problems and the most self-aware and I can respect that
No. 777453
>>776974>>777009Some good points here, thanks for posting.
I think it’s a solid effort from her, not the best but definitely respectable and pretty catchy. It’s grown on me after listening a couple times - I’m interested to hear her future songs and see where she goes with this.
No. 777459
File: 1549957923287.webm (7.78 MB, 638x360, 69-valentine.webm)
>>777212here's a back-up vid
No. 777463
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No. 777564
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then perish
No. 777565
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sounds ………. comfortable
No. 777635
File: 1550009996796.png (43.26 KB, 633x324, dd.png)

Pouya has commented on the accusations on Twitter
No. 777672
>>777459Isn't he like.. in jail rn? I'm assuming this was filmed prior to that unless he was freed and I missed the memo
>>777564Guarantee you he's done everything BUT see mental health professionals
Check yourself in grosso. Stop publicly whining about it for pity points. No one feels bad for you because you could 100% afford to get help if you wanted to and are actively choosing not to.
I swear to god his romanticization of KC has him thinking being mentally ill gives him clout and that's why he will continue refusing to get help and being an abusive gaslighting POS to everyone around him
No. 777687
>>777681damn I never thought of this but it makes a lot of sense considering she's the one trying to silence people and acting like a pitbull on twitter while he stays hush
>>777682this tho, hesitation should be taken as withdrawal of consent when you know the person you're trying to fuck is a fan of yours
way too much of a fucked power dynamic for him to play dumb and b like "she technically didn't say no tho"
men are mad dense
No. 777728
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>>777698He didn't fuck them he just told them he would if they fucked his friends first and then denied them. Here's the rundown from 2 threads ago.
No. 777732
File: 1550028712534.jpeg (Spoiler Image,301.09 KB, 2208x1242, 1541909477517.jpeg)

>>777698And she wasn't filming she was in the background eating chips. Next to Kevin tan, tiny shorts, same hair. It's pretty blurry tho so we can't be sure. Also keep in mind she used to be thinner.
No. 777748
>>777564Seek Clinical help instead of a person to project your instabilities upon, its clear you have hit rock bottom a while ago. An individual isn’t going to solve your mental illness.
I see that “coco” pose you’re king in attempt to hide that double chin you got there. This is the best thing yet.
No. 777751
>>776974>nah but it's fun and younger girls will listen to it and feel ok to be weird and just have fun, maybe gain some confidence to realize men can't handle 'crazy' and live for themselves.The fact that anyone thinks that a vapid instaho, let alone one in such a horrible subculture, can or should be a positive role model is disturbing. Even the new-agey ones that try to position themselves as such are empty and best and predatory at worst.
>>777564Dude seriously needs to get some regular therapy. This is just embarrassing.
>>777674Generally if you're being accused of something really bad and there's a lot of evidence to back up the accusation, the best PR move is to ignore it unless you have some solid proof of your innocence. Responding to the accusations gives social media mobs more opportunities to hound you, and if you're either guilty or your side of the story sounds sketchy/unrealistic, then there's a good chance that you'll dig your own grave with what you say. If he knew what's good for him then he would have stayed quiet.
No. 777794
File: 1550059996502.png (Spoiler Image,767.93 KB, 720x1013, Screenshot_20190213-125352.png)

old pic / no milk
Can I just say that Nicholas Minucci is the grossest individual alive? He's compensating so hard, too. Not even Momokun is this delusional. Everything about him is vomit-inducing from his ratty hair, his obese body with cutesy gangster tattoos, his fucked-up teeth, double-chin, dead eyes, autistic cutesy way of typing. I just watched a video of him eating chicken out of a stripper's butt cheeks. NOT CUTE
No. 777983
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No. 778012
File: 1550111163822.png (294.25 KB, 828x1792, 5DC39BE4-318B-4A7A-B192-6DDB66…)

>>777983Looks like her profile was deleted again.
No. 778034
>>777794>eating chicken out of a strippers ass[
vomit ] and here I thought him using tekashi’s toes as nose plugs were bad enough.
No. 778102
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Tyler's story pulled from storiesig showcasing his weekly desperation for a gf. I hope no shorties will be hooked-up and if so that they're female basement-dwelling liferuiners with vaginal teeth
No. 778103
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you sure have reason to hate the police
No. 778214
fuck off with your shallow ass solely for aesthetics cuts you neurotypical cunt lmao. guarantee you she's fucking fine. this is actually disgusting. her and pepper both romanticize mental illness so fucking much. no wonder they're friends
No. 778265
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Pepper's boasting on twitter that he spent "days on Johnny Depps private island" and posted this photo. Lol at the suggested searches that pop up underneath
No. 778371
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>>778265Goodnight everyone. Happy valentines day.
No. 778395
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>>778377>>778379I got parts of his spastic gloating
No. 778398
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>>778396Pt 3. After this he started talking about how "people thought him and Lily were dating" lol
No. 778408
>>778395> i had to flex my weird celebrity friendshipsOh we know.
>>778398>>778396I'm cackling at the fact he's acting like he revealed some super high profile and top secret information that he "has to delete in 2 minutes guys!!" or else the consequences will be "very serious!!1!1!"
No. 778519
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>>778517How autistic is he?!
No. 778526
File: 1550260315131.gif (1.97 MB, 500x278, monet.gif)

>>778521Tyler your life is a monet! Look closer you total fucking dumb ass! You're a complete mess! Everyone else can see it but YOU! [gif related]
(samefag) No. 778991
File: 1550440327223.png (361.93 KB, 1098x877, untitled.png)

Dis bitch try'na hang out w/tracy! WTF?!
>>>/snow/778634 No. 779042
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Xan's gonna be a daddy. Wonder how far gone they are if he said he wasn't going to share it.(namefag)
No. 779081
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No. 779094
>>778991I posted this in her thread, but he’s been trying to sweep this under the rug using peep’s death as a cover for a long time now, he is a pedophile. I think this was confirmed in early threads but there’s a lot of new people and nothing ever happened to him or yunggoth. lot of gross replies but they have all the caps. Literally all of these people are scum.
No. 779104
>>779094lmfao no one ever confirmed tracy was a pedo not to say he isn't just saying any proof isn't on this thread. Goth was actually proven multiple times over.
All tracys done is tweeting he wants to fuck billie eilish before he knew how old she was
>>517244>>517247The "underage" girl in that photo with bighead is blade/ Melanie Arias, they have more pictures from that night
>>672508she was in her 20's and super into looking like pedo bait
>>779103It's less a "wanting to do the right thing" and more that ktt really hates soundcloud rappers, especially at back then. They have all the the excuses for cooler rappers
No. 779309
>>779238I think so can you post the cap where the age is evident? I genuinely don’t wanna back a pedo but nothing on that thread makes it obvious
I followed that account back in the day they turned out to just be a clout chaser that was mad about getting ripped off. They were a huge defender of adam22 because he was willing to give them more clout than if they tried to back up the women and blog posts that started to come forward
No. 779387
File: 1550553770069.jpeg (241.07 KB, 1536x732, 93A91266-62BA-44B0-8009-F15FC3…)

>>779094Since this
is an imageboard…
Tbh I ain’t surprised anymore, all these SoundCloud losers are either fucking total creeps, pressuring fans, hitting on underage girls, or straight up gangbanging rapists. They’re all trash. I’d give money to see their gross thirsty predator dm inboxes.
No. 779393
>>779372i can't tell if you're being sarcastic. that person isn't even aware that multiple women came out with very similar stories of rape when pretty much no one was listening and even actively threatening them. i'm sure he's a dumb little bitch afraid of admitting to his wrongs and abuse like cheating on coco while she is in treatment, that will never excuse his silence. i understand that you're trying to empathize with him to figure out this fucked up situation, but he obviously doesn't give a fuck about his girlfriend and i can assure you he does not feel the crippling guilt or fear of exposure of cheating like you're insinuating. this is a rapist. he does not and never will care about the feelings of his victims or the impact of his actions.
i can also assure you coco knows and anyone fucking a rapper knows they will be cheated on. she is just there for the clout and will only complain afterwards for the sake of her reputation. if she actually gave a fuck at all she would bounce the second she heard those stories considering not only how serious they are but how serious her health condition is, and that additional stress could legitimately stunt her chances of living. anyone with self esteem would leave and perhaps come back once that person had confronted the stories maturely, if he were not guilty he would show proof since that is
much easier than relying on the victim of rape for proof in such a controlled environment. or he would have publicly acknowledged them considering ~coco is a survivor of sexual abuse~.
No. 779405
>>779397>>779387There was proof for the yunggoth one having known the girl was 15, plus all the other girls…
but a some lowkey robotic thirst dms don’t really prove tracy talks to underage girls
No. 779425
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Sorry for dump in advance
No. 779426
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No. 779427
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No. 779428
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No. 779429
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No. 779430
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No. 779431
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No. 779432
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No. 779433
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No. 779434
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No. 779435
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>>779434Last one is tekashi
No. 779438
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Forgot these, more yunggoth
No. 779439
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No. 779440
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No. 779441
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No. 779460
File: 1550589876529.png (28.45 KB, 893x217, 744f179ad68dbe95f40568958568e3…)

Lil tracy tried getting with deathbyromy when she was underage. She's talked about it before but I can't her posts.
No. 779519
>>779487It’s so embarrassing when coco tweets “I have all facts!” “I got proof!” “We have facts” “I got receipts, you got nothing”, “they’re not rape victims! I’m the only realest victim EVER!” over and over trying to fake like her bf isn’t a rapists. Then she either doesn’t respond to the many many multiple people asking what it is, or where’s the proof under her tweet. Or deletes their responses. Or deletes her tweet in total. She’s never even expanded further besides tweeting “faxxxx”. It’s all bullshit, if she had something you can bet after 1.5 years she would’ve at least said what kind of “proof” and you know she would’ve posted it asap and harped on about it for ages, but she doesn’t, because she has nothing at all and has been around pouya long enough to know it’s true.
She wasn’t even there and doesn’t know any of the victims, so I don’t see any kind of “proof” she could possibly have to invalidate a dozen or so victims. Pathetic.
Even tweeting about “muh lawyer!”, when she doesn’t even have one, nor could afford one. Pouya has access to a lawyer, but he doesn’t even make enough money to have a lawyer on retainer. So this “muh lawyer” bs coco pulls is just another made up desperate attempt to save pouya’s reputation. Pouya reputation and clout is all she has, without him all she’s back to being the small instathot she was before she met him, with repackaged aliexpress lashes. So it makes sense she’ll do anything to make sure her gravy train keeps flowing aka keeping pouya out of trouble that would fuck up his career. It’s mutually beneficial. Their interactions online resemble that of a babysitter trying to wrangle in her PR-disaster of a man-child. She’ll comment on his shit when fans are outraged saying “he’s just kidding guys!” to make sure his fans don’t turn on him. And “that’s not true! trust me!” when fans point out shit about him. And he’s used her cancer diagnosis and her being an “uwu real life angel” as a shield for his rapey ways.
Can’t wait for his career to go down the toilet and watch coco jump ship and claim she’s “da most realest abuse victim ever” and do a 180 on the rape accusations. But it’ll probably only happen when he runs out of money/clout and she isn’t benefiting from their relationship anymore. She’s not as much of trash as he is, but she’s
really a close runner-up. It’s clear she cares way more about manipulating public perception and doing damage control then he does. Not only for her reputation and her ~couple goals~, but for her gravy trains reputation too.
(calm down) No. 779544
>>779535This made me chuckle. Pouya is onision-tier with his fake cease and desists. What a surprise. Hope your friend has gotten help for her trauma and hope she knows that we all (and many others, including his own ex fans) believe her. She helped a lot of other girls have the courage to come forward. Kevin is subpar scum.
Also, it’s illegal to intimidate a rape victim in that way, any legit lawyer would know that and cease and desists/NDA’s are considered invalid in court if they were signed or sent with the purpose of trying to cover up a criminal act or interfere with an investigation.
No. 779574
>>779544she's been going to therapy since it happened and is still trying to heal from it but has definitely moved forward in her life.
and i didn't know that, i'll have to let her know.
No. 779714
File: 1550653628026.jpeg (Spoiler Image,103.17 KB, 720x1280, 960392BD-2112-4DB6-842E-13092D…)

She’s embarrassing
No. 779725
>>779714Make these ill-fitting titty bikinis stop. Nightmare fuel. It looks like someone squeezed a 10 yr olds bathing suit onto a stuffed thanksgiving turkey, then threw it into a tanning bed for a month straight.
>>779693Almost forgot she’s 28 years old. That really puts her embarrassing life, “real life pure angel”, and retarded diaper pics in perspective. She wasted what little youth she had left to whiteknight a serial rapist, how pathetic. Imagine having to sleep next to Kevin for the next 20 years, after his small 15 min of fame is forgotten, then, one day, look back at your life and realize how badly you fucked up… all for a few thousand Instagram followers.
No. 780121
File: 1550727857482.jpg (49.27 KB, 503x720, 129813.jpg)

>>779714Homegurl should stop wearing bikinis.
(no contribution) No. 780122
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>>779872>get a swim suite that fitsShe wont.
No. 780369
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No. 780375
>>780369May their (probably 5 minute) union be a milky one
Seriously tho, he can’t just say “I’ve been busy” like a normal person, he has to announce that someone is desperate enough to bang him
No. 780428
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Fat nick’s girlfriend is selling her paintings for $1000+ a piece.
No. 780475
>>780469I haven't watched the show in probably over 14 years but I can still remember how his name is pronounced because the voice actor was so iconic.
"Moooojoooo Jojo!"
Also is it legal to sell paintings of copyrighted characters like that? It's shocking they would just slap 1k onto these and see no problem with it.
No. 780490
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Arse posting a pic of peep trying to stay relevant, also isn't that the jacket she stole from him?
No. 780522
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Grosso saying something reasonable for once?
No. 780692
File: 1550939410303.png (1.54 MB, 940x1188, peep-coat.png)

>>780490>isn't that the jacket she stole from him?Yeah.
There's a screen-cap of peeps grandma talking about it!
I don't have the cap but it's in one of the previous threads.
No. 780739
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she's right, she's not a golddigger but a cloutdigger (which makes it even worse imo)
No. 780874
File: 1551003322129.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, DC8DBD77-687D-4BC9-97FB-FCE039…)

Not sure if this belongs here but as lil pump is or was a soundclout rapper I’ll put it here.
He’s on his story putting lean in his coffee.
No. 780894
>>780874The sheer amount of stories he's sharing on insta lately is a bit much. Flexing that he's with Riley Reid, dancing around high… Does he ever sleep?
NoJumper did an interview with him lately so should be interesting to see him in possibly an hour long video while he's on this bender
No. 780899
File: 1551019200959.webm (5.4 MB, 576x720, Lil Pump found dead at age 18.…)
>>780874He's on a bad luck streak, lately.
If he OD's he's lucky if his team steps in and saves his ass!
You'd think with all his run-ins with the cops, he'd tone it down?
Keep shit on the down-low?
Why flex illegal activities?
No. 781055
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No. 781077
File: 1551103472003.jpeg (132.72 KB, 750x851, 82D17CA6-88F4-4BDC-B596-B77F2B…)

Lil pump again. Still on a bender, still hasn’t slept. He just puts that lean shit in everything.
This is so wrong. Most of his fans are like 12-14 years old.
No. 781095
>>780428I’m pretty sure she traced the Harley Quinn, mojo jojo ones and she DEFINATELY traced the fairy odd parents and cat-dog one. We should get the artfags on this, they’re amazing at finding the originals.
>>780739I just searched the Florida LLC search engine and didn’t see any registered LLC called “baby coco lash” or “baby coco” anything? Is she fakin or ?
When I searched pouya’s LCC’s in the past I had no issue finding it (he also owns some retarded LLC of some failed business called “pouya sport LLC”) but can’t find coco’s registered LLC.
No. 781113
>>781076these kids make adam, he's nothing without them, but he's a figurehead. he represents what they all wish they could accomplish, basically nothing that requires talent beyond bare minimum interviewing skills, he represents the common loser. and those kids just put him on because they want to seem cool because he's controversial. same thing with xxxtentacion, he's on fucking tape admitting to stabbing 8 people and raping/beating geneva when she was pregnant, and kids with no knowledge of the real world or how to excel in it are literally insane about him because he represents their ~struggle. they don't give a fuck about women because they were broken up with or they think their moms couldn't keep their absent fathers in their lives. people are fucking idiots that love to support other idiots who are manipulating the shit out of them.
xan also said he was spoiled af as a child and spent all his time smoking weed and playing video games to the point where he would've been a "professional" video game player if he didn't get into music. every single person in this thread has literally no talent or skill whatsoever, i know that's common with cows, but to have an entire scene of something suck that badly is mind blowing.
No. 781136
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>>780921For anyone that missed it…
No. 781140
File: 1551125671868.webm (8.16 MB, 640x640, 53613135_398891364220961_58755…)
>>781077Here's that instagram vid.
No. 781158
File: 1551132196474.webm (5.09 MB, 406x720, nodding_off.webm)
Creepy, huh?!
Here's a vid of him nodding-out on insta-live!
No. 781186
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No. 781194
File: 1551144221404.webm (4.71 MB, 406x720, lean_coffee.webm)
>>780874Here's the lean coffee vid.
No. 781234
>>780894His fling with Riley is really weird to me considering Riley is pushing 30 and Pump just turned 18 in August.. I'm sure it's nothing beyond hooking up but it's still pretty gross.
>>781001>>781018>>781053This. Adam milks the fuck out of everything and anything he possibly can and has been for a while.
>>781194God, he looks rough.
No. 781316
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>>781158I don’t have a YouTube account to upload it but watch his story from around 15h ago… he can’t even open his eyes and rolls his jaw while speaking.
And he says smth like „I got a new workout for you, just do drugs and eat nothing“.
He’s gonna be the next dead SoundCloud rapper.
No. 781369
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>>781234Guess she has some issues herself
No. 781420
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Tyler re-tweeted a photo of him getting his dick sucked on twitter. No. 781425
File: 1551228429763.png (24.47 KB, 292x316, 155122528550677537.png)

>>781316I didn't get to see it. Here are his current stories atm. You can type in any instagram person with this site see what's going on for free and anonymously.
No. 781429
File: 1551231497457.webm (3.73 MB, 639x1136, 1987400347573556683.webm)
>>781316I found and pulled that video off of this site No. 781442
>>781420I find this to be too funny. I seen a lot of people saying “when he wasn’t fat” and “damn Tyler look as how skinny you were.”
He went from taking pictures of getting his dick sucked to begging girls to come “slurp some dick.” This is too good.
No. 781444
>>781369She seems like she could be pretty milky but from what I've seen she keeps her social media mostly business related and doesn't post much personal stuff.
>>781420Lol wasn't he talking about how he has a girl just the other day? Wonder how she'd feel about him retweeting this
No. 781487
>>781468I totally agree. She's self made and brings in good money and has a psychology major to fall back on whenever. I stopped keeping up with her the more I realized how big a piece of shit Adam is because it's painful to watch her cape for him. In her older vlogs she had a genuine and down to earth undertone despite her being a sort of sex symbol. There are qualities in her that I personally find likable but it seems like Adam just parades her around as a hot trophy gf that lets him fuck other women all the time. She wants to settle down and I hope she can find someone to do that with happily. I don't see Adam giving up the lifestyle and putting a family first and I can't see him being capable of offering her a happy future if she does start a family with him.
>>781481I haven't seen this but man that really sucks. Lena has been open with her struggles with an eating disorder and body image in the past and that's so fucked up on Adam's part knowing that she already has those issues.
No. 781490
>>781453Success and education or not she's a fucking trash bag. Totally lets her pedo boyfriend abuse young girls in their home. She's just as guilty as him. The fact that people stand behind her is disgusting. She's not a
No. 781494
>>781490I disagree that these women aren't
victims, and that they're 'just as guilty as the men', but being complicit is criminal. It's unfortunate that she's this fucked up and shitty, and it's not even doing her any fucking good to be with this criminal piece of shit. She's not benefiting from this and is ruining her own life. There are plenty of guys that would be so psyched to be with her, honestly, given her status. Like, literally anyone would be an improvement over him.
No. 781498
>>781482it's been posted before but he pressures her to lose weight all the time. also in some no jumper her model friend is a guest, adam and his friend are both hitting on her complimenting her on how tall and skinny she is, the friend calls her a tall glass of water and adam calls lena a short and stout glass of water for everyone to laugh. she looks visibly hurt and demeaned trying to say "yeah but adam loves water" and no one cares
this is dumb but she was dressed in this really cute all pink outfit and was acting all excited for him and he just shuts her down saying she looks like a jigglypuff. she then also looked quietly wounded like she knew he didn't just mean the color she was wearing.
i also honestly think she got implants to keep him interested considering the stream of girls she keeps coming and how their age never gets older. he openly jokes about breaking up with her when she turns 30 in front of her and she just takes it. she is actually the only one in this thread with something to offer the world and she's in her late 20s now so she needs to accept the fact that this subculture is trash and to stop allowing people to pollute her brightness.
>>781494i would agree if she wasn't silencing adam's
victims, she's no better than coco and if someone is seeing something i'm not please let me know. she is willfully ruining her life to be able to get a sense of social status, which isn't even status it's just little fucked up boys who bow down to adam. if she stood up for herself in any way i would understand and think differently, but she's thoroughly signaled to adam he can degrade her in any way that he wants just to feel powerful and she's not only down but involves others including teenagers.
No. 781504
>>781453I'm pretty sure Adam mentioned in a podcast that he's had a vasectomy. It was in one of his lil xan interviews cos he was highly recommending that xan get one..
Lil xans girlfriend is still pretending she didn't steal the ultrasound images. Says that some 'unnamed girl' is trying to set her up to look bad. The ultrasound she stole is from a memorial vid for a stillborn baby and it was uploaded to youtube in 2009 so the story she's now making up would require time-travel in order to be true
No. 781547
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>>781369Guess she really is a lolcow kek
No. 781659
File: 1551309362566.png (1.84 MB, 1125x2436, 84ED3C5C-D11C-4D05-8CEB-3C31F8…)

not sure why pouya is keeping tabs on an accuser who is telling LiEsS about him and giving it more light but mazel tov!
No. 781690
>>781659This nigga sent a illegal cease and desist letter, from a phony bs law firm, to his rape
victim to silence her. His girlfriend sells non-animal friendly, “animal friendly” Aliexpress lashes for like 8x the price?
This ugly manchild, who looks like Jesus, if he was an anorexic sex offender, is the last person who should be talkin about others “scamming”.
No. 781721
>>781659idk what the hell hes talking about (this is the person whose close with the
victim) she never got outted as a scammer? and isn't a scammer, period? idek what she would be a scammer of? she's a tattoo artist who literally just works and minds her own business.
No. 781732
File: 1551338092120.png (4.03 MB, 750x1334, 3E2D7C6F-77C7-4199-B36B-B88311…)

sage because Tyler being fat isn’t milk but he looks fucking terrible with that shitty bleached hair. I wonder what his face looks like behind that phone. He’s so fond of hiding it now.
No. 781781
File: 1551365822384.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_20190228-145117~2.p…)

Posts somebody elses stillborn baby on their vlog, makes fun of the babies head, lies when caught… "Lolz haturz making me rich"
He's infuriating
No. 781799
>>781732oh my fucking god does he need toner and a cool toned natural blonde over that
what the fuck is this outfit too he looks like a northern middle aged mom with a misshapen bob about to drive her kids to school on a rainy day
how hard is it to go to the gym i can't believe his job is fashion what a world
No. 781802
>>781721if there's a way to get pouya to clarify he was referring to your friend specifically she could and should sue for defamation if nothing else previously stuck. this makes me so sick and i'm so sorry for the shit your friend has to put up with, he is a monster.
>>781690jesus was brown don't do jesus like that
No. 782014
File: 1551411525339.png (2.21 MB, 1139x2048, Screenshot_20190228-223748.png)

>>781732A shocking change of heart
No. 782038
>>781721wow this is fucked
so he's lying on his
victim now to make himself look more credible? if there's more than one allegation then these girls should team up and make a joint statement because as it stands it's their word vs his and soundclout is way too
toxic to take what they're saying seriously alone
No. 782053
File: 1551425985070.png (2.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190227-224810.png)

This is not a wig. I really wish she would do better with her hair. She could be so much cuter imo.
No. 782240
File: 1551466883730.png (1.14 MB, 720x1012, Screenshot_20190301-195938.png)

>>782053she looks so worn out wow. She's gonna have such a hard time when she tries to stop acting dumb and random
No. 782243
File: 1551467092612.png (638.34 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_20190301-200253.png)

>>782240someone come get their oily babushka
No. 782441
>>782053She could be a pretty girl, she has features a lot of people want (big blue eyes, high cheekbones, nice lips) and there's pics of her that she's pretty in. But overall she has no perception of what looks good on her and what doesn't. She needs to give up colored hair and go back to brunette.
>>782240This has been said countless times in the threads but I can't get over how trash all her outfits are. It's like she's trying to make a statement but it always comes out as a discordant, thrifted, nightmare. She used to have some cute looks what the fuck happened.
No. 782450
File: 1551503930020.png (2.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190301-211014.png)

Grosso out here still looking so gross. 1/3.
No. 782451
File: 1551503992865.png (2.15 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190301-211303.png)

Still clinging to the tiny bit of clout peeps name brings 2/3
No. 782452
File: 1551504049305.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190301-211310.png)

Untouchable as in you don't want to touch garbage anyway 3/3
No. 782478
>>782450take a.. plane? same day flight shouldn’t be anything to him lol. Why does he always have to post about money and how he’s soooo rich. 1) he’s clearly broke/addicted to something and struggling half the time and 2) he makes his money from profiting
off of peeps death.
i really cannot stand him, these LA artist wannabes are so corny
No. 782508
>>782451>don't copy meHe really thinks he's some sort of fashion icon for tacking superrradical all over unoriginal jacked t shirt designs. Honestly peep had much more interesting looks going and he wasn't even the one with the clothing brand. I bet if he has started one up he could've easily eclipsed him.
inb4 stan
>>782478His manic spending and flexing means he's always in the red financially. His place always looks like someone's mom's unfurnished basement.
No. 782510
File: 1551523423122.jpeg (181.83 KB, 750x897, DFCF42D5-42DA-4512-BBF6-ED1768…)

Wonder how they're gonna portray GBC here
No. 782658
>>782508you really don't have to be a stan to acknowledge that every single person in soundclout has more creativity than Tyler generic greaseball flexer Grosso
he's been trying to be Peep/Kurt for awhile now but instead he looks like lil xan meets Stephen Avery (apt comparison from previous anon)
>>782534he probably threatened them with the same fear mongering illegal lawsuit he did her, someone needs to educate them all he can't keep getting away with it…
No. 782686
File: 1551561772124.jpeg (331.25 KB, 1140x700, 1_1BqqNYXKNmmDvO8WpI7Rjg.jpeg)

>>782672uh. hot topic.
you're welcome
No. 782854
File: 1551594670787.png (128.17 KB, 1321x351, tm.png)

Tracy has a soft spot for cows and vice versa, I assume.
>>>/snow/482064 No. 782896
File: 1551618813157.jpg (2.37 MB, 3000x2000, lama.jpg)

>>782873>sheepNo. He's holding a lama.
No. 783091
File: 1551665561771.jpeg (391.23 KB, 1125x1982, 5B8A0AF4-F404-421E-93DE-8E8960…)

>>782510They interviewed all of gbc & their closest friends but looks looks like they’re already handing out the excuses for getting cut, this from is coldys fan private
>>782855He does this a lot I doubt it will be more than a hook up w some flirty comments
No. 783311
>>783091this actually really breaks my fucking heart because of how much they loved each other. the first time coldy tried to do a cover of 16 lines he broke down crying, it wasn't that long ago.
>>783128wasn't it suspicious around mackned, and doesn't his dad have hella connections/money? this isn't death speculation, just about why they might cut gbc when they are like the wutang of hot topic tweens. there would be literally zero context for lil peep and wicca started all of this. i think they just want all the clout for themselves and not to pass it off to 'some kids' they don't manage even though it's history.
biggest question, where tf is tracy's crazy ass in all of this where are the death threats i mean now's the time to do it they're ruining peeps legacy in the realest way. anyone who sees that will consider themselves educated, which is bizarre without mention of gbc. he begged wicca for years to be in it.
No. 783326
>>781055Has anyone else been following this?
Annie made a rambling insta story where she sounded like she was on something. She couldn't stay on topic or remember what she was saying and then her explanation about an 'unnamed person' setting her up made zero sense.
Now Xan is still smoking around her and she's been pictured at a bar with a wine glass. Shes posting showing her stomach where she honestly looks like she's just pushing out her stomach, showing this big belly that's not even pregnancy shaped and she's only meant to be 10 weeks gone anyway?
That and Xan is milking Mac Millers death as much as he can with his 'stay safe' album. There's rumours that he's been dropped by his label but he keeps promising his Mac Miller Inspired album is coming soon
No. 783485
>>783371Columbia did drop him so he needs to find a label to release his Mac Miller milking album now. Didn't he say in interviews that he only met Mac twice? backstage after events in green rooms. Hardly counts as knowing him
He's super dramatic like that though, his Instagram posts with the gf where he declares 'you saved me' Eww lol. Any therapist would tell you that being saved by someone sounds like codependency but his naive fans think it's super deep love
No. 783569
File: 1551809336659.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190305-020715.png)

I think you're already mentally broken
No. 783571
File: 1551809454861.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190303-233801.png)

How long has it been since he slept? Does anyone think he's still "sober"
No. 783678
>>783406>>783485This fake pregnancy stunt is literally so his label-less ass can get some attention so another label will scoop him up and so his album doesn't bomb. Also Noah Cyrus is a dumbass attention whore for pretending she still gives a shit about Xan when it's been exposed that their whole thing was for clout and set up. Not that anyone with a brain couldn't figure it out anyway.
>>783571Grosso's degradation is one of the most rapid one's I've ever seen on god. If you look at the cringey kurt&courtney cosplay he and TP did over a year ago he still looks relatively normal. He'll never grow up bc he thinks his mental problems make him some icon and won't drop the woe is me act and try to get better like she did. Difference beetween him and kurt is he was actually creative. People idolize him for his work not being a junkie. Grosso has nothing to show for his problems other than a shitty clothing brand that makes him easy money which he claims makes him suffer for some asinine reason.
No. 783682
>>783678Grosso claims his clothing brand brings him immense suffering because he doesn't have any real art to suffer for lmao
Imagine acting like running a successful clouty streetwear brand somehow brings you immense agony. He's a privileged little shit who needs to point the finger at something other than himself. 0 accountability
No. 783772
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>>783326I would confidently bet money that Annie will fake a miscarriage within 6 weeks to have an excuse to cover up her fake pregnancy. Xan is honestly dumb as a rock and will completely believe what anyone tells him.
I seen that she had replied on a comment regarding the video of her holding a wine glass. Strange she claimed water served in the wine glass-yes it can be common- but the chick in front of her is drinking water out of a WATER GLASS. This chick seems to be entrapping xan with a baby.
Girl, sex won’t make him love you and a baby won’t make him stay.
(5.3 Do not brag about or announce having personal contact or interactions with a cow. ) No. 783832
>>783772Annie's a compulsive liar. She was caught lying about her age too. Said that she's twenty when she's actually 18. Nobody even knows what the point of that particular lie was.
She has excuses for everything, doesn't take much to convince their mostly teen following so her stories don't need to make sense.
I think she's taking advantage of him really, he got out of rehab around christmas time and he hasn't seemed terribly sober in the few months since
No. 783956
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>>783856I just checked in on PnP and she's already posting pics of her (what looks like) a poorly done boob job. Like this upshot… Look at her face. And those gnarly af scars. She's approaching clown like with those fillers. I feel like she's getting kinda boring so saged
No. 784011
>>7839561) you didn't sage
2) pnp thread
>>>/snow/778634she's not a clout hoe
No. 784274
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Coconuts looking for another reason to feel victimised
No. 784456
>>783678Oh no, Kurt ripped people off and had Courtney who was honestly a fucking genius and master stylist/publicist. She was a self proclaimed "scenester" before that was a thing, she was constantly absorbing and learning with the same desperation as Kurt, only she could work the public angle far better than he could. She got away with murder and look at her before/after pictures, that bitch is a queen.
grosso is like kurt in that they both caught the wave and stole from an amalgamation of no names/ironic pop culture, only the 90s was a much different time lmfao no one is impressed by that shit now. grosso isn't even learned in graphic design in any capacity beyond cut and paste. he's just a white bitchboy assistant who came up by bootlegging like the no talent chump he is. at least kurt was hot.
(autism) No. 784627
>>784606Dude there's so many fucking pics that the little bars up top are the absolute tiniest i've ever seen them on instagram. Holy shit, I can't imagine being this level of narcissistic or in need of attention.
Like I do feel genuinely kind of bad, she was so beautiful and healthy looking pre cancer, especially with her natural hair, but it sucks that cancer just made her feel like she had to do the MOST and grub as much clout as she possibly can before it's too late. I've found cancer usually makes people more down to earth or compassionate, but it's just made her more vain and catty.
No. 784763
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>>784606>>784627I went to check it out just how bad it was and holy fucking SHIT
No. 784944
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imma just leave this here
No. 785089
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Nothing new on the fake pregnancy but now there's a woman on Instagram claiming she and Xan got up to something during the current tour, shared photos of him topless and of his hand on her thigh etc
And here he is looking like rehab worked for him..
No. 785097
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Lena must be proud of his use of the womens day hashtag, he also tweeted about hooking up with a girl and her shitting the bed, again using the womens day tag..
No. 785174
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>>785131First Access Entertainment, Sarah Stennett, and Chase Ortega (owner of The Hyv that sells all Lil Peep merch) are crooks
Peep’s tour manager Belinda Mercer was introduced through enablers Chase Ortega and Sarah Stennett. She was the tour manager at the time of his death
While working as a tour manager, Belinda was constantly leaving to get ketamine/painkillers/drugs for everyone on the bus. She was detained at the Canadian border due to an unspecified crime and subjected to a $2000 fine
How was this woman let onto a bus with addicts?
No. 785218
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>>785215>do all these idiots not realize Kurt was a heroin addictThey want to be rich and famous romanticized drug addicts.
No. 785225
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>Kurt said a lot of things
>he did and still continues (in his death) to glamorize drug use
tfw CL was right about him the whole time.
No. 785246
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>>785174Chase is a psychopath piece of shit that has backed or outright protected no less than three rapists/abusers. He would b weird and kinda threatening to girls that tried to tell him or others in the larger la art scene about hot sugar, Antwon and andre martel From nature world.
Also I guess he doesn’t pay his artists. The girl who did the peep lighter hasn’t seen a dime or any credit.
No. 785249
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Any who here’s Layla calling the article that implicated her label/management in sending her boyfriend to an early grave using text from said dead boyfriends phone as a source fake new
The only ppl calling that article trash are first access signees and Matt wolfdrawn, who beat his ex girlfriend. Real stand up people.
No. 785353
>>785199>Uhh yeah but at least with competent people around him he could've been revived??? >???underage b&
>These retards were paid out the ass to handle him and wouldn't even keep Narcan on hand but were tossing drugs at him left and right.It's nobody's job to make sure that an addict entertainer doesn't pop the wrong pills with fans. Gus may have been better served by a 24/7 tard wrangler, but at the end of the day nobody can force accountability on an addict.
>>785205He was very young, but his drug habits were not imposed on him; he imposed it on himself, glorified it in his music, and happened to have typical showbiz enablers surrounding him. Everyone failed him, including himself.
No. 785363
>>785246>>785248The owner of The Hyv, Chase Ortega, is a vulture and that has become even more evident since Peep died. Another liar, user, and enabler pretending to be a manager
Chase continues to release shameless money grabbing merch using Peep’s image, music, and name. As well as endless collabs with other artists/brands to raise the price. The Hyv always does limited edition & rare drops so fans will immediately buy their overpriced merchandise/collaborations
The Hyv also sold misspelled Lil Peep shirts after Chase acknowledged the mistake
Peep is just being used & abused in death by the same enablers
No. 785373
>>785089Do you have caps of the rest of the story? I'm actually kinda interested.
>>785097He's one of those dudes that never grew out of thinking with his dick and is now so horrifically desensitized to women. Not even surprised making a post recognizing the female talent in the scene didn't cross his mind.
>>785131Wow. I never knew about the bus getting stopped at the border until now. Everything leading up to and after his death is such a "he said" "she said" cluster fuck. Regardless what the truth is, there's no doubt he was failed by the people around him. Of course he has responsibility in it as well, but it's not hard to see he was deeply troubled. That, along with a shit load of drugs and enablers at his dispense is already nightmare combination itself. It's heartbreaking to imagine him "snoring" was really just his brain slowly starting to stop breathing. After reading the entire article the only thing I can really think of is his mom. It sounds like she's investing a lot of herself into this, and I can understand. But I hope she'll be able to grieve and recover from this healthily and not let it burn the life out of her.
>>785356I wouldn't read too into it. Bexey's British and it's not uncommon for British people to call a push-up a press up.
No. 785374
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Lol I am dying. Ok girl sure. This whole group of people know no bounds
No. 785521
>>785174>>785249What is baffling is the people close to Peep who are quiet about the situation.
Yes, TP/Lay is vocal because her is signed to the same ducking platform (to use the term broadly to cover all nitpicking areas).
My point is that Tracy and smokeasac(Dylan) are too fucking quiet after this release. Two people who were first hand super close with Peep and now are zip sealed with personal first hand experiences. It is baffling how money can keep people quiet.
Of course Lay/tp will support HYV considering she has under contact and they’re her platform of merch.
No. 785553
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She looks TERRIBLE holy shit
No. 785624
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>>785521 What are you talking about? Tracy was gassing up the article. Even before peep died hated his management and only had worse and worse things to say as time went on after peep died, he just talked about it in his fader cover story. They weren’t close at the end of his life so what would he have to contribute that he hasn’t said a million times before?
Smoke was calling the article trash on ig and calling gbc junkies even tho they honestly contributed very little to the article beyond backing up peeps texts/fact checks. He’s currently pushing some weird fan conspiracy theory his twitter He’s also signed to FAE so it’s in his interest to pull attention away from the article or discredit it. Bexey signed with FAE too no clue what he’s up to.
No. 785685
>>785543Yeah, but you also have to remember she's trying to make sure that whatever happens to her son after his death, that she has some control over, and if she didn't cooperate, then I'm sure the label would try to milk it beyond belief.
I'm also sure there's some context missing as well, and even that article is missing some key information about Brendan Savage's involvement, Schemaposse, the denver house, etc. I wouldn't press his mom, because she is literally just trying to do the best she can, and based off her relationship with her son, it's gotta be much harder than we can imagine, no matter how many articles we read about it.
No. 785722
>>785711I really hope so, I hadn't thought about the collecting evidence angle; give em enough rope….
Gma Peep didn't like it though,and she wasn't speaking to her daughter for a little while..
No. 785860
>>785852he says he's bipolar here, but in this context i'm not sure if he means he's literally bipolar or just a little emotionally volatile. though i believe i read an article like two years ago about him deliberately not getting treated for it or something but i can't find it now:>>785353>underage b¬ underage. i'm likely older than you. it's a fact that that these people are paid sickeningly well and are failing these kids. and barely legal or not, you don't fuck around by ignoring the health of your (addicted, unwell) talent by NOT HAVING NARCAN on the bus. supplying their buses with first aid literally was their responsibility, and it's literally the most basic of basic minimums. how you're going to defend that is completely beyond me. there's absolutely no fucking reason for them to have not had it. none, especially when he had OD'd before.
No. 785867
>>785269this could be perfectly applied to peep as well. like attracts like. gbc wasn't even la based, why did he go out there with his ~true love emma only to dump her for a girl with internet attention when all he did was bitch about how fake la was, how he missed his ex, humiliated layla, etc.?
it's also not like he didn't have a say in his own management, he's an addict so he chose slimy enablers and they're still ultimately responsible for his level of care especially in an emergency, but if he cared about his craft or quality of life he wouldn't get himself in so fucking deep with the worst people.
why is layla called out for being an opportunistic trash human when peep was actually so much worse and pretty much ate her alive for fun? peep backed tons of rapists and abusers too, even tyler when he was abusing layla and peep took that opportunity to insult her. his behavior shouldn't be forgotten just because he was a cute boy.
No. 786207
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From Layla’s Instagram story, her apartment looks dirty af
No. 786293
>>786263anon, they literally did live together. but i think, actually, that she moved into
his place.
No. 786330
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layla's soundcloud got hacked
No. 786659
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Her hair is just… on the ground
No. 786684
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Ghoste's ex covered her tattoo of him lol
No. 786818
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>>786802>trafficked her and they did satanic rituals on herThis sounds a bit like a Soundcloud version of the nobody singer who got a fake Harry Styles face tat to promote her single
No. 786826
>>786802Lol satanic ritual abuse is proven absolute bullshit. There is not one documented case in the world. This girl looks like tumblr and soundcloud vomited all over her.
Die antwoord or whatever are garbage but this girls is fucking joke.
No. 786883
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>>786826>>786867It was Ninja, Yolandi's just a puppet who groomed her. DA really are into that kind of shit, whether or not you personally think it's BS.
Yolandi's now claiming "We're Buddhists!!!! We're vegetarians!!!! We dindu nuffin, it's all art!!!!!", but almost all they put in their work is occult symbolism.
It's pretty obvious they involved her in that shit and are now trying to do damage control since she's talking about it. Pic related, texts from Ninja all but admitting to this shit.
There are more, too, just him talking about his spiritual bullshit and calling her his "rainbow girl". No amount of laughing emojis is going to make this any less clear-cut.
No. 786914
>>786912Not exactly caps, but she posted a clip of her scrolling through all of their messages from back then. people took screencaps of the frames so the messages are readable. Hard to get through, since the phone screen's cracked, but: No. 786954
File: 1552665386886.jpeg (707.88 KB, 1125x1887, 185EBBAA-638B-4771-BDF0-47D347…)

Luke relapsing after wishing it upon Layla is just… something.
The age difference between them is pretty disgusting ngl.
No. 787008
>>786989This girl has always been milky. The last I remember of askulloffoxes she was ranting about how protests against alt-right Milo Yianopolis invalidated free speech and how she would've loved to gone to see him speak. She lost a lot of followers after that since deleted post. When called out she and her bf used the "You don't know what z has been through" defense to invalidate genuine criticism. The post has since been deleted.
Sage for no caps/old milk
No. 787051
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No. 787134
>>786867No, because Yolandi and ninja have carefully curated the image they profit off of. Alice cooper is a golf playing replublican asshole but his persona was that of an evil “satanist” rock and roller.
Like if you can’t separate the “art” (and I use that term loosely to describe die antwoord) and the artist you don’t get how the industry works.
Plus a year ago this fan girl was giving interviews about how she would never ever be a “me too bitch” and how publicaly calling out your abusers make you a “
victim”. Have any of ninjas other side pieces came forward with accusations that even come close to this shit?
She was 19, almost 20 years old, an adult woman in a yolandi costume who got fucked and chucked by her idol and seven years later her careers still small fry. Why not clout chase the ultimate clout chasers
No. 787168
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Cass definitely had a breakdown
No. 787180
>>787134Yo. Predators are fully curate images to get away with shit. No one is trying to sensationalize die antwoord especially because it would just give them publicity, but those texts are at the very least fucking creepy and possessive. These people aren’t satanists but predators also use over the top unbelievable covers for that exact reason. This girl has more evidence than most
victims do. And you’re right if she publicly went against “me too bitches” why would she become one she’s too much of an edge lord and seems more like someone to brag about being involved in rituals, not being victimized by it because that messes up her aesthetic.
I only care if that dude is a predator so people can avoid trusting him and she can be protected. I wonder if she tried going to the police or if she “doesn’t believe in them”/“fuck the police”, then we’ll actually know. Until she puts something more than her reputation on the line, like making a false claim, it is speculation. But honestly all men with that kind of fan base/power are the scummiest men on the planet and I’m sure he fucked her over yet there were warning signs she ignored.
If he tattooed her why didn’t she remove it or cover it unless it’s “evidence”
No. 787184
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>>787180>If he tattooed her why didn’t she remove it or cover it unless it’s “evidence”She is.
No. 787186
>>787137They've been open about their practices since and way before Soundcloud emo rap nonsense was even birthed, but okay.
>Rich people can't be into spiritual BS uwuThis is some real brainlet shit, lmao.
No. 787200
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Yolandi made two posts on IG about the situation. Edited only to remove emojis to avoid getting banned.
It has come to my attention that a DA fan girl called ZHEANI has accused me of some really horrible things. I dont usually respond to these things as people say shit abt me all the time. But this time she has attacked my family including my daughter.
Me and ninja broke up in 2013- I started seeing someone else. And Ninja had a bunch of girlfriends at the time.
One of them was a fangirl from Australia called Zheani, who Ninja invited to south africa to visit him. She accepted the invite and came to visit shortly after.
i think she stayed in SA a total of 4 days or something. i only saw them once during her visit. As you can imagine it was a lil awkward cos our break up was still kinda fresh. I bumped into Ninja and this girl and she asked me for a foto. My first impression of her was she seemed like an obsessive DA fan girl - her hair was cut exactly like mine but she also seemed sweet.
Ninja told me aside that after meeting her in person, he didnt really have chemistry with her. Shortly after this he cut the trip short an she returned to Australia.
But Ninja felt bad because he said she was a nice person. And they stayed friends on txt.
A year or so later (cant remember exact dates) we played at the Big Day out Festival in Australia. Zheani hit us up and asked us if she could help us get Vegan food on tour. We said yes as i thought that was a cool idea.
So our management hired her as a PA for our crew. She brought me vegan food every morning on tour - she was really sweet and knew her food well.
But when we were backstage i did notice she was trying very hard to hit on 2CHAINZ the rapper who was touring with us. she gave him her number 10 seconds after meeting him and kept hitting on him and his crew the whole time. I thought this was kind of lame
- but not a big deal.
Anyway the tour ended and the last time i saw this girl she brought me a vegan burger in my hotel room. I said good bye, gave her a a hug and I never heard from her again. ninja told me he stopped speaking to her after the tour because he said she was irritating. (tbc see nxt post)"
5 years later this fan girl Zheani comes out with an insane story saying she was ‘trafficked out’ to africa by me (trafficking involes kidnapping btw). She also said i tortured her and put her in a satanic ritual. (just for the record me and ninja are Buddhists, we practise yoga, meditate and are vegetarian. Yes our music and videos are crazy as we are Surreal Artists)
this girl is ticking all the boxes of a Crazy Person here. She said ninja dated her cus she looks like my daughter I mean… WTF???
i know during the 4 days ninja “dated” her, they took a nude selfie together that Zheani sent to Ninja afterwards.
Ninja never posted this foto. He’s had so many girlfriends ever since and Zheani was long gone and deleted.
this was 5 or 6 years ago and now she comes creeping out the woodwork, with this mental story she’s made up in her head to try launch a music career. This is a typical case of Clout Chasing (google that shit)
plz let this be a lesson to y’all. Be careful who you let into your space, escially IG thots . love all but trust no one!!! Women are very powerful. But women who get dumped can turn sour and sour and more sour. It is dangerous when they start making up lies and believing their own bullshit to get back at whoever dumped them. Dont abuse your power girls. “You can fool some people sometimes, but you cant fool all the people all the time” -Bob Marley
This is the last time I’m mentioning this girl. I wish her good luck with music, but it would have been stronger to set her career off with good energy, instead of shooting herself in the foot.
Anyway, back to reality.
Love you all
xx ¥"
No. 787203
>>787200Honestly, I feel like there's a bit of bullshit and a bit of truth on both sides.
Ninja is known to be a huge creep and asshole. Just read about his conduct on and off set while filming Chappie. I don't doubt that he's capable of being a huge asshole and
abusive creep to the women who make the mistake of sleeping with him. However, I also don't doubt what Yolandi said in regards to the girl being a groupie who was chasing clout either. I think she's exaggerating her claims, which is a shame, because it's making them a lot less believable. Yolandi didn't "traffick" her, though I do think Yolandi likely enables Ninja's bad behavior. I don't think there was really any satanic rituals, though it's possible Ninja used and abused her in some way. It is definitely interesting that Yolandi bothered to reply though. article is kind of shit, but summerizes the accusations being made in the lyrics. They are pretty wild accusations, including him "picking her because she looks like his daughter", and claiming that the songs "ugly boy" and "sex" are about her. Shit like that def makes her seem very clout chasing, despite how cringe worthy ninja or yolandi can be.
No. 787213
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>>787207Oops, missed that post. I don't know. I definitely think they spent more time together than "four days" given his weird ass texts, but he could also just be trying to flatter her to keep her around on the side for future play-dates? She did live in Australia after all. I definitely think there's some truth to what she says, but I'm skeptical over the bigger claims.
He is on about a lot of weird ass "third eye" and other nonsensical shit. Doesn't seem satanic, seems more like the kind of pseudo spiritualism you see with people who take a lot of psychedelics.
No. 787243
>>786914even from what little i could read from the caps those messages seem like they back up yolandi's story a bit. its like he's breaking up with her after the visit and trying to be nice about it through the lens of weird spiritual shit of her being ~too special for him~ because he knew she was into that kind of thing too.
>i thought you were a plain girl>yo-landi has always said i wud have harmonic intimacy wif a plain girl>i work for yo-landi, the mystery girl>i want to work for zheani the rainbow girl and serve u>but i need a plain girl>because yo-landi is a lead, its not natural for her to be at my side 100% on an intimate level>its so weird cuz i LOVE kissing u… its da fkn best but we not naturally in sync on all levels of intimacy>u so sexy and crazy and pretty and high-powered but again u r a lead not a co star, same az yo-landiso he's saying he can't be with zheani for the same reason he can't be with yolandi. seems like a pretty nice way to let someone down easy (basically "you're so mystic and special but not the right match for me, but i still wanna work with you in the future because you're cool") for a man she's accusing of being a psycho
abusive satanic pedophile but alright.
i also find it manipulative she uses the word "trafficked" when she really means they invited her out there when she was a legal adult because she was a big fan they had a connection with and thought was interesting, paid for her trip after she excitedly agreed, spent time with her, and then sent her back home. in what world is that trafficking?
No. 787265
>>787243You’re excusing a man that’s already been publicly outed for predatory behavior because he said some obviously contrived texts. I’m sure he was laying all kinds of mental shit on her, she has every right to say something.
Yolanda is ugly as shit for defending him when she’s essentially just sending her fans after this girl, ending it with some sexist shit like ‘she’s just salty she got dumped’ when he’s trash and girl probably just wanted the experience. She has every right to her safety and probably didn’t come out about it earlier because the world was a different place. Yolanda wouldn’t have to sling this shit if there wasn’t a battle of perception, they’d come out more believable in peaceful mediation but she’s making wack Instagram posts where the playing field isn’t level. Zheani clearly struck a nerve, a ‘crazy person’ wouldn’t; Yolanda loves crazy people she lives off their money and is only responding to this because of media attention and to take advantage of the me too backlash.
No. 787278
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>>786954well at least luke is getting his clout. the girl is dead and his 33 y/o ass still cant leave her alone it’s just beyond creepy at this point
No. 787291
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>>787213>>787243>well submit to me>God i hope u r strong enuf to absorb all this shit i'm kicking at u>zheani can you see this pattern>i cudn't tell a normal person this shit, they would freak outDoesn't seem like he's just letting her down.
No. 787292
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>>787291Forgot the second cap
No. 787299
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I was waiting for this to happen.
No. 787579
>>787243I think you are giving Ninja way too much credit. While I'll agree that she's likely over-hyping the accusations for clout points, Ninja is a known creep/asshole. Read about anyone's experience working with him on Chappie. He tricked Dev Patel into consuming a weed brownie, harassed a ton of women on and off set, including sending unsolicited pics of him getting his dick sucked to female staff. He invited girls out to cape town with promises of hotel parties and hookers and was known to get violently angry at staff. The director and others have said they would never work with Ninja again.
>>787291I agree with you. Tbh, it seems like he's just sort of stringing her along to keep her as a side ho? Yolandi said he had a lot of girlfriends before, during, and after this time frame, it's pretty obvious the guy is just banging out whatever cute groupie girls he can lure in with his fame.
>>787278>>787307Haven't followed the story, but no wonder all the news articles involving him seem to paint a picture that he was just her "best mate" and not her creepy junkie boyfriend.
No. 787601
>>787186I don’t think anyone is doubting what a total fuckboy scumbag ninja is, I think it’s more like, is it illegal to be a fuckboy scumbag idiot. And it’s not. And it’s not trafficking to fly out a fully grown adult woman to meet after talking online. And stick and poke tattoos that say “stoner” aren’t ruines or talismans or fucking voodoo.
It’s pretty obvious to anyone who knows anything about the music industry that ninja and Yolandi are just cash chasing upper class white suburbanites who saw cape town street culture and mixed it with tumblr goth aesthetic and hit YouTube fame. They both went to prestigious private schools, were raised in wealthy families; don’t actually speak Afrikaans or even speak with an Afrikaans accent. The fact people truly believe that they manufactured that much of their image but not the edgiest and far fetched aspect of occultists is truly scary dumb.
Everything I’ve read about this girl screams thirsty. She comes across as someone who is basically doing the exact same shit as die antwoord. She claims she grew up in extreme poverty and that her life mirrored “Gummo”, that she’s a witch and into magik, that people can train their brains and learn psychic abilities. She used to walk around in a Yolandi costume for fucks sake. Like she obviously has her own issues she needs to deal with and she’s obviously real butthurt that she didn’t end up as the third member of die antwoord.
Those texts alone prove nothing. Literally anyone could have sent those. She also deleted every single one of her replies so it’s a one sided convo of ninja basically wetting her whistle to basically say “you aren’t Yolandi enough, like you’re hot but there isn’t any chemistry but I still want to fuck you when I cross your path”
No. 787632
>>787601Yo dude no it’s not illegal but the only thing anyone cares about is that he’s clearly a fucking predatory shithead otherwise she’d go to the police and prove he took advantage of her. Bottom line is he’s disgusting for fucking “mental” girls in the first place, you reap what you sow, no one is a fan of this nobody girl yet there’s so much
victim blaming when everyone agrees he’s sexually harassed women?? No one is trying to get this girls name not to autocorrect, but in lieu of all the other legit accusations even if you reasonsbly only believe a fraction of her account, it’s enough. There’s enough accounts of him being a scumbag, why is he even being discussed when too many women have had to come out about his abuse. Fuck him, tbh worst case scenario if this girl is “clout chasing” he mother fucking deserves it let a girl come up off his harassment; no one here cares.
No. 787714
>>787605Ok, let me correct that:
Ian Tudor wadkins Jones is a soutie, English speaking born and raised in joburg. Yolandi was raised in capetown and does speak afrikaans. It explains why ninja never used Afrikaans in his past projects until Yolandi came. Just listen to his original max normal shit, or his memoirs of a clone album. No Afrikaans accent. Even past collaborators and people who know him confirm this.
He’s been “with” yolandi long enough to have learned Afrikaans enough, but he is not a native Afrikaan speaker.
No. 787717
>>787632Oh stop with the
victim blaming shit. No ones
victim blaming because she isn’t a
victim. I’m not a DA fan. In fact I think they’re awful people and even worse artists.
He treats women like garbage and everyone knows. Is he predatory? Probably. But is he a satanic warlock performing ritual abuse on people? Fuck no. If he was so awful, if he abused her to the extent she’s claiming, why did she reach out to them months after the fact to help them out on tour?
It sounds like a whole lot of white knights for this basic ass girl coming out trying to legitimize her claims. She’s actually harming future
victims by making these outrageous claims and sensationalizing a trip she took as a grown ass adult on her own accord, with full knowledge of why ninja was flying her out (in her own words “I’m flying out to hang wif some friends and kiss an ugly boi”) and calling it fucking trafficking. This isn’t a her vs them situation. They all are garbage people.
No. 787941
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I guess Grosso will end up sober for a while. Who knows if it will stick? It's definitely court ordered.
No. 788010
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No. 788036
File: 1552954150738.jpg (32.03 KB, 614x142, toopoor.jpg)

anyone got new screen caps of the "hack"?
No. 788081
>>788010>the police don’t care about usIs this suburban white kid who CHOSE to do heroin as a fucking cosplay serious? Police exist to keep people like him safe, his dumb fucking ass that’s already totaled a car before was driving under the influence with weapons not even stored correctly, which kept everyone of every race and class safe from him. Police weren’t on your side pepper anus because you could’ve fucking killed someone easily.
And lmao >I need support for my art
U mean plagiarism, heffer Ann?
No. 788134
>>787050 Lol at her showing the "bump" like she was doing something. Not that Xan is anything special but she looks so average to some of the other girls he could pull. And who the fuck would want to spend the first trimester of pregnancy on tour? Most relevant people keep their pregnancies extremely lowkey for months so if she was pregnant she'd really just be subjecting herself to a shit load of unreasonable stress given that Xan isn't that relevant in the first place. I'm beginning to think they're in the "all publicity is good publicity" state and don't even care that the jig is up as long as they can keep milking attention out of it.
>>787101>>787188There will indefinitely be a "miscarriage"…. unless they say fuck it and conceive a kid to keep it going. Now that would be really terrible.
>>787168She really needs to move away from the scene and trade it for a normal life somewhere random like Ohio. She's hardly an influencer and you can already tell how much stress the title puts on her body image and mental health along with whatever other untreated shit she has going on. It's not for everyone and she's definitely not cut out for it.
No. 788151
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Zheani dropped a music video full of receipts: of everything, including Ninja's creepy texts:, fetish shit, and some former Patreon paycuck and DA stan claiming she lied, but with no proof: No. 788177
File: 1553005876062.jpg (216.68 KB, 2160x1080, TgAtDJz.jpg)

>>788158He spread nudes of her, ie revenge porn, confirmed that he involved her in a Satanic ritual that included making her bleed, etc and said he lead her to an isolated location where she had no access to her phone, pretended to go into a trance and raped her (pic related).
The stuff with the lyrics was proof that the songs were partly about her.
No. 788181
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No. 788191
>>788177If this is real, this is really fucked up.
>>788181Yikes, girl, love yourself
No. 788193
>>788177Wow so he raped her under the guise of being "possessed" and then feigned blacking out when he came to even though anyone who knows anything about mushrooms knows blacking out is NOT a known effect at all.
He truly is scum. No wonder Yolandi never married his ass and decided to keep things platonic. She probably figured it would keep the money rolling in and be much more stable for Seventeen. She sucks for defending him though.
No. 788195
>>787299Can we just laugh at the fact that she got with Corey post Peep's death to fuck up Layla's mental health when she was super fucked up and mourning / an addict only to have it backfire horribly?
Look whose spiraling out now sis.
No. 788201
>>788193>>788194It's really hard to pinpoint whether or not Watkins is just a fuckboy or if it's something more sinister. Yes the metoo movement is making people speak out against famous figures they were previously afraid to go up against but this girl's receipts are unconvincing. All they prove is that he's a pervert which is not a crime. They were texting because they were fucking so I don't even see why him saying gross shit is all that damning. It's more cringe than anything else.
We really just don't know.
No. 788209
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Its funny how literally all of peeps friends play his songs at their concerts bc all their own songs are so shit and unknown
No. 788309
>>788209I mean… smoke produced that song, so? Kind of makes sense.
It’s way more cringe that Tyler is constantly on Peep’s dick now, despite everyone knowing that they were no longer friends. But that’s old, sour milk anyway.
No. 788311
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No. 788417
>>788416No shit Sherlock, Yolandi has stated that they’re surreal artists, they’re very different people behind the scenes.
There is no milk behind their “normal” selves and their stage personas
No. 788435
>>788416learn to integrate before you try this lame shit.
everyone's aware the whole thing is a performance (except you it seems). you may as well watch 'babys on fire' and accuse them of really being brother and sister. they're not even being normal here
>>788311 it's so obvious they're playing it up in their tennis whites.
No. 788502
>>788441How can you REALLY know all that from the small amount of information about her? “She doesn’t have her self expression” except her own band? Eminem put his daughter in videos and violent songs about murdering her mother, he must be an
abusive pervert who wants to fuck her.
Y’all are seriously reaching here and must be some zheanea shithead fanboys to have brought this up in a thread that has nothing to do about them. Want to talk about her, make a thread. Otherwise fuck off to her YouTube where you can praise her without any disagreement as she deleted any comments not believing her Stephen king misery fan fiction.
No. 788582
>>787008I had to unfollow askulloffoxes when XXXtentacion died because her and her boyfriend were barking at everyone commenting on her RIP post for him, calling them stupid and that they were going to hell simply for saying the truth about him lol
It was really fucking cringey, something isn’t right with that girl.
No. 788748
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oof trippie
No. 788889
>>788821She's 15
>>788885yea but that means that when she was
15 he was 19
14 he was 18
13 he was 17
So there's still a sizable gap and he was still potentially hitting up a 13/14 year old when he was legally an adult
It would be less sus if she was around 17 or so but she literally just stopped being a preteen so yea he def likes little girls like all these soundclout slimebags do
No. 789068
>>788748>>788889>>788894Tekashi been saying Trippie Redd fucked Danielle Bregoli for years. It definitely happened but she denied it of course. Probably when she was around 13 - 14. Idk why she’s talking now or exposed him and then deleted it
NBA youngboy fucked her at that age too but she talks about him as her “first love” even though he was 18 with herpes and 3 baby mothers
Both these men need to catch a charge for sleeping with little girls. Danielle Bregoli isn’t the first or the last.
No. 790567
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No. 790817
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That's a very ironic statement
No. 791356
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thought this belonged here
No. 791466
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No. 791467
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Did anyone ever get that refund? I doubt it. He just stopped taking about it
No. 791897
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No. 791915
>>791907I’m camp “she was playing it up”. Not all druggies steal anyways, but I doubt miss sober ever had a real problem. Not to say that removing yourself from that kind of environment isn’t admirable but smoking black once or twice with an
abusive boyfriend isn’t exactly having a drug problem. She was never like luna.
No. 792097
File: 1553973741442.jpg (1.71 MB, 1405x2772, 20190330_121743.jpg)

Pouya has more to say
No. 792109
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>>792097And now all his stupid stans are coming for them like pouya is an angel himself, bunch of retards
No. 792132
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Oh shit
No. 792134
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>>792132It’s getting good
No. 792137
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Don’t know about that one
No. 792145
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No. 792146
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this is getting messy
No. 792147
File: 1553979261768.jpeg (310.74 KB, 1125x1034, F467F4B9-81CA-4365-AD28-EF4485…)

Just when I thought the milk had run dry
No. 792153
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No. 792165
File: 1553981501252.jpeg (41.14 KB, 750x365, B7A5F5FE-8DAA-4116-860E-0192D5…)

If only we could be so lucky
No. 792193
>>790817He's right but he's part of a scene that glorifies depression and actively does so himself so y'know…
>>792180She seems like a piece of shit but it's a shame that she's being used as a pawn in a public fight between her friend and boyfriend. It's incredibly rude to do something like this but I suppose it's something you should expect when you surround yourself with a bunch of attention whores who spend all their time online. And are one yourself.
No. 792195
File: 1553985378532.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, 03D4189F-A5DB-4996-A25C-649041…)

Looks like hes getting scared after all
No. 792201
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No. 792359
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No. 792360
File: 1554013450796.png (297.68 KB, 1080x687, 2019-03-31 01.19.14.png)

I second this.
No. 792362
>>792359I feel like Coco begged her to drop it and she did bc cancer. This is super fucking unfair to his
victims and if Layla actually believes the allegations she's pathetic for backtracking so hard. Fuck Coco she could've actually stepped up and helped multiple rape
victims. I was super proud of her for standing up against Pouya's bullying and saying what needed to be said but this is honestly so disappointing.
No. 792424
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Can y’all imagine a lilith x toopoor fist fight
No. 792426
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Honestly though she brings up layla and aubrey once a few months saying the same shit
No. 792466
>>792424The fact that too poor did nothing and this stupid fucking cunt has to try to get the sjw tweens to fight her is dumb af. Bitch go confront her yourself; Lilith is a fucking junkie who actively presents herself as one and does not try to get help. Layla had to deal with peep tormenting her and Tyler’s
abusive scummy ass, and she still got help and tried to be positive to her fans.
When Layla’s nice she’s not easy to dislike, that’s probably the only reason she has a thread because people find her bad behavior frustrating. She said and did some dumb shit on the internet but she actually tried to get help and admits she has problems, we also know about her shithead father, peep passing away, and awful past relationships so obviously she’s going to behave erratically and be more prone to drug abuse. I’m not a white knight or even a fan it’s just so easy to see through and hate the people coming for her so much more it’s fucking weak and ugly.
No. 792503
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No. 792556
>>792424She would never call out someone actually
problematic like Pouya. Those tweets were dumb as hell but there's so much worse people in the scene. She's just salty Layla is sober and career oriented now meanwhile Lilith has to resort to being a camwhore since her entire existence is just "look at my ass" and she has no actual talent or skills and is just a pathetic little rich girl Harley-Quinn larper.
No. 794254
File: 1554311785302.png (904.06 KB, 1101x2048, Screenshot_20190403-131441.png)

Says the fucking guy who falsified emails with Peeps mother to sell Hellboy tees
No. 794753
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Again with the fucking receipts that don't exist
No. 794758
>>794753Nothing Pouya said proves that she was "lying for money" his response is such a a non-response tf is she on about I've seen 0 "receipts" from either of them
"when I called the girl I raped a bitch I got attacked so I'm not going to address it again"
how is that receipts you dumb cunt
No. 794822
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No. 795595
>>795574Alot of his fans think he was fooled by her too but I'm wondering if he was in on it being fake from the start? He certainly isn't sober (like he claims) though so maybe he's easily fooled
Her description of what a miscarriage is like is so far from reality and a punch in the face to those who've actually had one
No. 795619
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looks like someone moved back home with momma
No. 795623
>>795598He said in an interview a few months ago that they've been friends since they were kids so she knows him from 'before the fame' and therefore loves him for him, lol
The hospital bracelet that she shared yesterday shows that she's indeed 18, she told people she was 20 for a while…
These two lie so much and really I don't see what's gained from it, a few articles announcing the pregnancy, attention?
No. 795662
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Who called it again
No. 795712
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shrimpy off the wagon?
No. 795719
>>795712No shit. Ever since she relapsed
>>787168She hasn’t done her “group therapy” support bullshit and posts questionable IG stories of parties, etc while Corey posts his sorry attempt of fashion.
I give it another 6 months at most and they’ll be over. She’s back on her coked out bullshit and trying to keep up with her “healthy, sober” lifestyle.
Shoop anons, keep yours eye out for her regressing back to her bullshit.
No. 795720
>>795595>>795492>>795485Not trying to defend her or anything, but her description of “having the baby scraped out of her” actually sounds a lot like a D&C procedure.
It’s not having the actual BABY scraped out, but if you have a miscarriage and then the leftover tissue in the womb gets infected, they really do have to “scrape” the tissue out in a D&C :/ Though she is definitely exaggerating if she says it took 5 hours lol, I think it took like…an hour when I had to have one. And they give you a lot of anesthetic so she really shouldn’t be screaming in pain?
No. 795721
>>795720This chick appears to have goggled extreme miscarriage procedures. Correct, is a D&C procedure but she has exaggerated this to an extreme point that is very apparent it’s been fake.
The girl is young as shit and dating a joke of a celebrity and got caght up in a scheme to entrap him.
No. 795741
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>>795440Is he ever going to explain why Annie STOLE photos of a another woman’s sonogram who
actually suffered a miscarriage and pretended it was her sonogram? She told everyone it was from her doctor and was her baby. Weird, she stole a photo from a woman who had a miscarriage and now she’s claiming she had a miscarriage….
No. 795755
File: 1554699257630.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190403-215917.png)

>>795619He posted this the other night and now it makes sense
No. 795776
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>>795754He has a philtrum and a thick upper lip tho
No. 795778
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She got a tattoo of herself
No. 795782
>>795720The "five hours" is what confused me. Mine took maybe a half an hour and I was much further along than she allegedly was. I can't see it taking that long and causing that much pain unless it was botched or she had significant bleeding.
I feel bad doubting her as it's not something I'd wish on anyone, but that makes faking it that much worse.
No. 795826
>>795782Yeah it's a thirty minute procedure. She said 6 hours and that she could see the 'baby' as they scraped it out into a tray right in front of her, this girl is making up sick stories
She's been smoking plenty during these last few weeks and took a photo of her pushing her stomach out to look pregnant when she was only meant to be 10 weeks gone.. The scan pics were absolutely stolen from a real stillborn baby from a decade ago and there's no way around that fact.
She's barely 18 though and only capable of telling convincing lies to naive kids. I think anyone telling these sorts of stories is mentally unwell, she has no remorse and will not admit to the dozen or so proven lies she's been caught in.
No. 796539
>>796273"Stole" as in found publicly posted online? No.
Stolen from private medical records in violation of HIPAA? Yes.
No. 796766
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-extremely irritated substitute teacher voice- “thank you Kevin that’s enough”
No. 796767
File: 1554945618273.jpeg (57.89 KB, 640x160, 206494B3-58BB-4DC8-BF74-528A80…)

Took this ss right after the first, note the time on it compared to Cocos tweet. Either he did damage control after the women love me tweet or did it super quickly after he saw Coconuts response
No. 796770
>>796767ugh he's gross and they're never getting married. i dont know if it's more cruel to refer to her as wife, or to not try to make her happy with this kind of 'wife' shit when she has cancer.
>>796766just imagine having a boyfriend that doesn't do shit like this, coco. what a relief that would be. she's like his constantly disappointed mother
No. 796871
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Lots of people pointed out that no one is allowed in the room during a d&c so yeah, he's an idiot.
No. 796880
File: 1554971352874.jpeg (130 KB, 750x1229, F0395730-F824-4ACD-A7E9-5E4458…)

Tekashi twerking above some male stripper on her story lol, obv very on love with nick
No. 796965
File: 1554991365222.png (111 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190411-095458.png)

>>770124i sent this to chelji bc i think shes lame as hell and she fkn replied with this
No. 796967
File: 1554991610974.png (122.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190411-100117 (1)…)

no shit tp is cool, thats why you tried copying her look exactly…(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 796981
>>795755Like the other anon said he probably moved back in with his mom but he's honestly probably better off there than LA. Charlotte is still a pretty nice city though so his family can't be doing too bad if they're living there.
>>796960The more time that goes by the more they expose their weird
toxic relationship dynamic and it's golden. I'd kill to be a fly on the wall right now.
No. 797099
File: 1555009943546.jpeg (290.59 KB, 750x1009, 8AC469B2-AAAD-4234-9094-55DD5E…)

dropped pic my bad, on second thought he probably knows saying shit like this is depressing and its the only positive attention he gets.
No. 797101
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>>797099also who in their right mind would email him their art? is he trying to streamline the art stealing process?
No. 797185
>>796981Annie just kinda bums me out in general because she doesn't seem
as hopelessly stupid and generally worthless as Xan, but also doesn't appear to have any life at all whatsoever outside of him. Her entire social media/YouTube presence is centered around him, his tour, his house, their relationship, the fake pregnancy etc. She never says or does anything that indicates she has any interests or life experiences outside of his. Good luck trying to cultivate an image/marketable presence, or most importantly a sense of self, after you based your entire existence upon and ruined your credibility with a selfish barely coherent has-been who is gonna kick you to the curb the second he gets bored with you.
No. 797364
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No. 797367
>>797185Yeah she's pretty naive to think that she's set for life now. He's cheated on other girls and he obviously isn't stable or sober, not exactly someone you want to base your future on. She's only 18, maybe go to college or something.
She was on live and someone asked her about the mysterious infertility disease she keeps mentioning, she couldn't remember the name if it! Girl needs some serious mental help and a life.
No. 797541
>>797367I feel bad for her, she’s young and probably carrying out this lie with him for attention and now she’s stuck with it for life. I really don’t think she understands. She needs to get away and get healthy this is so fucking
>>797348I’d feel bad if he didn’t abuse Layla and scam people under peeps name.
No. 797685
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No. 797688
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No. 797695
>>797685>I don’t leave the house>I don’t pick up the phone>I don’t talk to or see anyone>can’t sleepRed flag like shit. Pulling away from everyone and staying awake all night is a path to an hero-ing. But wasn’t he
just with his
friend hanging out in Charlotte hours before this snap? He didn’t even change out of his clothes when he got in bed, same shirt and hours apart. Miss me with this “I don’t talk or see friends” bs.
No. 797900
File: 1555263681614.png (421.39 KB, 1080x1920, 2019-04-14 12.38.16.png)

Looks like all the rape allegations are starting to make him sweat
No. 798314
File: 1555442075795.png (1023.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-04-16-01-21-53…)

He posted this even though they're both unfollowing eachother yet again
No. 798335
File: 1555444675061.jpeg (447.49 KB, 828x1510, 3B84EFA1-77C5-42BC-BC81-49941D…)

>>798314He quickly deleted it too.
No. 798391
>>798388She has mentioned that neighbor was the one that taught her how to DJ years ago, they seem like friends.
The neighbor that was banging on her door and acting crazy seems like a separate incident
No. 798396
File: 1555470731421.jpeg (109.05 KB, 750x671, D060F528-BC82-4D52-A20E-F570E6…)

>>797900heres the post he made on twitter about it too before deleting his twitter.
No. 798473
>>797695lmao maybe he is on path to an hero-ing but i've lost a few people in my life and it was that last thing i would have seen coming.
not saying that people don't make cries for help that go unanswered but its god damn Tyler Grosso we are referring to
No. 798733
>>798639same anon, have dealt with suicidal ideations: not going on a manic posting spre explaining it.
it makes you feel ashamed, altho if tyler feels that aymore
No. 799055
>>798927I tried to make it through this but
oof it’s rough. he says he just woke up but he’s already so slow. the way she helps him reminds me of how you’d get a kid to answer questions.
No. 892393
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No. 910444
File: 1577407720283.png (560.93 KB, 1000x450, a80bd0509031284d1a05ef37bfe79c…)

Could anyone please tell what this chick's name is? I need it for research!
She's in Gab3's True Religion music video (hence the screencap), but I feel like I've seen her social media sometime around Layla/Tracy beef back in 2018.
No. 1127793
File: 1610314753023.jpeg (820.66 KB, 828x888, 51A78FAF-DE11-407A-A300-B5E88E…)

Sorry to post twice in a row I know that’s really annoying but here’s Marilyn now I won’t post any photos of her baby because that’s fucked up to do to him (he can’t consent to his face being shown because he’s literally 2 months old yet she posts him anyways and made an entire IG dedicated to him that he obviously can’t sign off on)