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No. 799153
>>759533This thread is dedicated to Layla “Too Poor” Shapiro and assorted cows featured in the larger SoundClout universe. The SoundClout umbrella encompasses rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, models, &c. Felony charges and deaths due to either glorified drug use or violence have been on the rise over the past year, so 2019 sure looks set to be a milky one.
>Layla Shapiro/Too Poor - Instafamous pseudogoth and “model” who had a very public and very toxic relationship with both Lil Peep and Tyler Grosso. Currently dating Nolan Santana/Killstation, a friend of Peep. Makes money from customised merch, sporadic “DJ” bookings and attempting to embark on a cheap SoundClout musical career of her own. Currently on the wagon and advocating sobriety. Toned down the oversharing and self-destructive, cringy behavior after Peep’s death and being mocked by strangers and her peers yet still refuses to finally graduate from her bullshit and make the most of her following.
>Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann – SoundClout’s very own Pillsbury Doughboy felon and the least self-aware person in the world. Peddles shit designs that are unoriginal at best and stolen at worst via his clothing brand Superrradical. Regularly scams both his own fans along Peep’s fans and family out of money. Has no personality of his own and embarrassingly clings to rappers and tweets/tags them to suggest relevancy. Has no filter and overshares every mood swing, resulting in either relentless whining about not having any friends/girls to bang and delusions of grandeur. Abuses drugs and purportedly lost a kidney as a result of his lean habit. Appears to have instated an annual suicide bait-fest wherein he gives away all his material possessions (including hideous overpriced designer nonsense) for free. Inadvertently caused the death of his dog by not taking him to the vet. Crashed three Porsches and is now on probation. Strong contender for SoundCow of the year with his glorified drug habit and lack of impulse control.
>Kevin Pouya/Pouya - Rapper associated with Peep, disgusting misogynist with several rape accusations under his belt. Along with Fat Nick has made several groupie gang bang videos, the surfacing of which lends further credibility to the rape accusations. Currently very mad and defensive about it and very maturely tells his haters to “suck his dick” and flexes with his opulent lifestyle. Virtue-signals by dating cancer victim youngbabycoco while looking like a starving hobo next to her.
>Courtney Neville/Coco/youngbabycoco - Kevin’s girlfriend/enabler. Instathot with what is possibly the most horrendous make-up application in history and self-proclaimed ~angel~. Suffering from soft tissue cancer yet still finds the energy to accuse her boyfriend’s rape victims of lying. Becoming less angelic and more desperate by the day, defends her rapist boyfriend and relentlessly attempts to stick it to the “liars”. Screeches about FAAAAAX, slander and lawyers in a gloriously unhinged manner that can only be rivalled by Onision.
>Nicholas Minucci/Fat Nick – Grossly obese rapper associated with Peep and Pouya who also has several rape accusations under his belt. Rode Peep’s dead dick for clout. Is currently paying a cross-eyed stripper who looks like 6ix9ine in drag (Cam Anderson/luvmecamille) to be his girlfriend proxy. She calls him “big stink” (barf) and probably only tolerates him because he pays for her wigs.
>Cassidy Hill/Cass/hotelshrimp - Layla’s ex BFF turned skinwalker who took her obsession too far when she started dating Layla’s ex boyfriend Corey 2 weeks after Peep’s passing. Known for her atrocious anatomically impossible shoops and make-up that is almost as bad as Courtney’s. Currently trying to stay sober and become a wholesome qween role model after celebrating and oversharing her coke addiction and raging dumpster fire lifestyle.
>Paris Vazquez/prodbyparis - Vacuous Bud Light shotgunning dudebro fuckboi who produced the imaginatively titled album ‘One Night In Paris’ in 2 days. Snapped up by a record label to profit off Peep’s posthumous popularity. Subtweets and deletes shit about other artists. Slowly fading into irrelevancy. Aubrie Elle/sp00kybabyyy’s poisonous on/off flavour of choice.
>Arzaylea Rodriguez/Arz/Arse - Dated Peep for a hot minute, was his most recent ex at the time of his passing. One of the many scumbags that has attempted to ride his dick for clout, most notably via an unauthorised pop-up and GoFundMe campaign which she alleged was for Peep’s family (all proceeds of which are MIA). Has terrible lip fillers and writes the worst poetry known to mankind.
>Marilyn Rondon/sheyatted/intellectualchica - Peep-obsessed artist, constantly regurgitating new age hippy nonsense and despite her self-proclaimed intellectual status has a very poor grasp on spelling and grammar. Has a proliferation of Peep-inspired memorial face tatts and refers to him as her “twin flame” despite spending limited time together/their relationship being platonic. Has pitched a tent in the comments section of all SoundClout social media posts. Is in her 30s and way too old for this nonsense.
>Annie - 18 year old girlfriend to Diego - Lil Xan. Faked a pregnancy and then a miscarriage. Insists it's true but the ultrasound pic she posted was stolen from Google images.LATEST MILK:
>Pepper Ann moved back to North Carolina, probably with his mommy. Has been posting vaguely suicidal thoughts.
>Layla actually stood up to Pouya and exposed him as the rapist he is after he accused her of stealing Coconut's necklace. Pouya then backpedaled and asked his fangirls to stop attacking Layla. Layla ended up backpedaling as well, despite saying she'd help victims.
>Annie posts about her "miscarriage" in graphic details.
>Pouya deleted his Twitter account.SOCIAL MEDIA:
All lolcow rules apply. Read them and follow them: Furthermore, the following topics are frowned upon and may lead to a ban:
-Peep psychoanalysis and the dissection of his “romantic” relationships. Only discuss current milk relating to Peep’s ghost. Peepettes can either integrate or fuck off
-Discussion of musical merits
-Excessive talk about irrelevant attentionwhores such as Chelji and Luke Storey. Let them fade into oblivion where they belong.
No. 799155
>>799153I mostly copied and pasted the last OP but I added some new milk as well as links to Annie's social media.
First time creating a thread, sorry for any mistakes.
No. 799213
>>799155Adam22 mentioned Annies miscarriage in one of his daily news vids last week and while he was like 'oh how terrible for them' he said it all with no emotion
Comment section was full of people that picked up on it too. Nobody is buying their shit anymore, even his 'friends' don't care
No. 799290
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No. 799291
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yo i’m sorry but this comment left on her photo had me dead 💀
No. 799748
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No. 799793
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I can't believe she tried to headfuck Layla after her ex fucking died and it backfired so horribly lmao
No. 799861
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Recent image of Cass. Definitely not so sober.
No. 799910
>>799808He was on adam22 stream an hour ago and he said he thinks Annie may have faked the pregnancy without his involvement.
Starts ay 33:50 if the video doesn't already start it at that time stamp No. 799917
>>799912>>799910If anyone watched Annie's "boyfriend tag" video it's suuupper obvious she was taking advantage of him for clout and trying to jumpstart a Youtube career for hersef. He's basically special needs with whatever pills he's gobbling
I thought he was in on it but I guess he really is just that stupid
No. 799922
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He also posted a story sounding like he's crying? asking people to get hold of Annie and tell her to go to "clays"
No. 799974
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No. 799979
>>799974He smeared her ass all over the internet, called her a liar and blamed the whole thing (which he was very much complicit in) on her and she got back together with him literally hours later? This is a total dumpster fire even by
toxic SoundClout garbage person standards. I'm here for it.
No. 800020
>>799979My fave quote from the No Jumper interview is him saying that Annie loves him a whole lot more than he loves her…
Now we all know that the reality of their relationship is him sleeping around and her getting butthurt about it. Xan even described what he wants his next gf to be like.. She's desperate
No. 800118
>>799861Honestly, this picture looks like she's sober trying to look high. But that's kinda her ~brand~ or whatever. Wouldn't be surprised if she was back on her bullshit though.
>>799922Haven't watched the No Jumper interview yet but this is a fuckin goldmine. Xan has a history of being sloppy as fuck with his relationships on social media so I'm not even surprised they're publicizing this co-dependent shit storm. Also lol at the fact that he posted a screenshot from one of the videos she posted announcing her miscarriage aftter pulling that shit on No Jumper.
>>799974>judging people about who they fall in love with is so sadI mean nobody gives a shit you're back on with a D list celebrity you've been on and off with since you were a minor. But when you steal an ultrasound from mother who lost her child and then fake some real shit that real people actually go through yeah people are gonna judge.
>>799979No surprise she went back to him. They both have extremely fucked up perceptions of love and relationships. Xan said himself he first asked her to be his girlfriend the day after they met and told her he loved her right after. And that clearly didn't set off any red flags for Annie. It's a milky, drugged hazed, train wreck I can't look away from.
No. 800311
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Is that horse head? Weird lol I’m ready to see how far down she spirals
No. 800370
>>800311Horsehead has borderline personality disorder (like actually) so I'm not suprised that he impulsively let this washed up clout chaser hop on his dick again
Guess she realized Layla's cheating sloppy seconds weren't getting her anywhere. She looks waaay thinner I wonder is she relapsed and is purging again (probably)
No. 800374
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So they seem to be working things out
No. 800378
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>>800334I doubt Kevin is even still into her. She was hot but she's always been extremely self-absorbed and insufferable imo. He was literally constantly hooking up with fans during their relationship. Her screeching about how loyal she is just tells me she thinks not cheating is somehow above and beyond behavior and not standard practice in a relationship.
No. 800385
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Grosso looking ROUGH on live yesterday
No. 800411
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>>800385Seems as if he was visiting his family because he is apparently back in LA. it would do him serious mental health help to move back home.
No. 800423
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>>800311What fucking cracks me up is this bitch wore her GBC socks to meet up with horse.
No. 800429
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wtf is this picture? did coconuts cut him up or is it fake?
No. 800435
>>800429That looks like purple smudged eyeshadow with a plumb eyeliner underneath.
Damn! I was wishing upon every shooting star that this faggot would catch hands for all his rapey ways. Welp.
No. 800444
>>800411Tyler's constant mental health baiting is so goddamn played out. It's gonna be a mean kick in the ass when all of his supporters get sick of it and he can't run to social media for temporary validation anymore. Need a therapist? Go out and fucking get one. He has enough money to afford it which is damn sure more than most can say.
>>800431Has to be. He has way too much of a god complex to ever admit he got his ass beat.
No. 800453
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Surprised nobody is talking about this. The accuser seems credible and if there's a DNA match from the rape kit Tracy is probably done.
No. 800464
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>>800453Here's the girls post about it his fans got it deleted
No. 800469
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No. 800472
>>800463yung shame isn't the only one making allegations he's just the one with the biggest following. There is at least one corroborating witness
>>800464 and the main accuser herself says she will make a statement soon.
No. 800480
>>800477She’s been posted about before but it was discouraged and stopped as a result, she’s really just a nobody like you said
>>800463The disstrack actually dropped before the instagram post was made which doesn’t mean its not true just that it was a thought out roll out which is probably a smart thing to do since people jump on any inconsistency.
Yungshame hanging out with yunggoth and having his own rape accusations and girls from at least 6 months ago calling him out for being a creep plus working with lilsodaboi(another known rapist) is definitely sus tho
>>800463Did anyone ever get any proof for the underage claims?
No. 800515
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Didn’t he try this back in December? …and no one showed up? does he think it will be different this time, or is he just looking to cry on the internet?
No. 800570
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So she regrets letting yungshame put her on that track. A really dumb shortsighted move for such a serious situation.
No. 800571
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No. 800574
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Might be smart. I'm still at a loss as to how frequently people attack victims for being "clout chasers" when usually all they gain is spam hate and everything they post getting deleted.
No. 800620
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Seems like Tyler is trying to get some Heroin now lmao.
No. 800624
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Kinda weird how he’s holding her tiddy but I’m honestly impressed they’ve stayed together this long and seem to be functional as well
No. 800631
>>800444Exactly, he has hella money from all his thievery; if anyone was a real fan of his, the fact that he’s in a major ass city/could afford a really fucking nice drug or mental illness program while those fans likely have issues themselves in a less privileged position and should by now resent the shit out of him.
He’s like Lilith in the way he’s nothing but a character that performs hardships and addictions, only at least compared to him Lilith
could look attractive if she cleaned up and she’s admitted drugs ruined her life and she regrets it. Tyler will never speak out about the hell that is real addiction to help young and impressionable people, and will be forever raging peep got the Kurt cobain comparison while all he got was really fucking fat. Both peep and Kurt were really great at twisting public opinion in their favor, I have no idea what’s up with Tyler because he clearly has no conscience either but always comes out looking bad yet surrounds himself with plenty of narcissistic assholes to learn from.
No. 800638
>>800463It may be they didn’t want it swept under the rug so they made a song that will always be there, unlike an Instagram post (how did fans get it deleted?). Her friend’s actions have absolutely nothing to do with what was done to her, glad she has evidence because of rape culture shit like this.
Edited to add, didn’t see
>>800480 my bad, all these men seem to be genuinely worthless and scummy. Worst case is the rapper used it as a calculated cover up to convince people he’s totally not a predator too, which is believable since ALL these dudes use women’s experiences for material, but again that should never compromise her validity.
No. 800790
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Look at her lips wtf is going on?
No. 800805
>>800775After she found out about the thread she talked about how she's gonna use the internet less as a diary and more for business. I don't have much of an opinion on her but she's grown a lot and seems to have more self-awareness than the others on here.
>>800790Probably got some filler recently. It looks uneven as fuck
No. 800808
>>800790She really couldn’t facetune the redness/light bruising, and had to take a picture before that shit settled??
The injector isn’t skilled, it looks super lumpy, the top lip is overfilled (I kind of like the border, but the rest of the shape detracts from it), and the bottom lip is so square like it was overfilled on the sides, not a feminine shape at all. In previous pictures she used to stick out her bottom lip like an idiot and it strained her whole lower face, why she didn’t specify the bottom lip shape is beyond me. But if anyone deserves it……..
No. 800825
Criticize her excessive tanning, stress of traveling and dating a geriatric rapist, she’s allowed to feel good about herself it in no way compromises her recovery and if anything would promote a better mindset. She had to shave her head, gain weight, lose her eyebrows, has intense scars, and spend hella time in treatment, she has little to no control over her body and her appearance is basically her career. She has a vile personality but if she wants to get bad filler let her tf.
>>800824I really don’t think she did I think this is her first time, anyone else would know what to ask for and let it heal before posting.
Also when did she change her ig bio to ‘real life angel / puppy’ that’s so fucking immature, delusional, and childishly self obsessed, even more than usual
No. 800829
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Someone accusing yung shame of rape
No. 800830
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Yung shame sent a pornographic video of himself to a group chat full of minors
No. 800837
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>>800824too bad for her the internet exists
No. 800858
>>800829>>800830Ugh I feel so bad for the
victim. This yungshame hypocrite clearly took advantage of her trauma to gain plays and notoriety for himself while he himself is a fucking predator just like Tracy and all he's doing is invalidating her claims and making her look like a "clout chaser"
I'm disgusted. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and he used that to his advantage for personal gain. I hope she has better friends than this to lean on during this time because this is truly despicable.
No. 800877
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cursed image
No. 800929
>>800906>even with the young teens in itare you trying to justify soundclout scum hooking up with minors anon orrr–
bc regardless of whether or not she was "fine with it, it was NOT OK
No. 800931
>>800334Anything interesting stories about how she was back then anon?
I wondered if her narcissistic personality was just a result of her dating Pouya but apparently not
No. 800985
>>800929This has nothing to do with anyone sleeping with minors. I’m saying rose is totally fine with exposing herself to middle schoolers and having sex with known rapists, which doesn’t mean she wasn’t raped by someone else but dose mean she’s a shitty person.
The girl who leaked the video is also acting like a maniac and refusing to remove it even tho it’s technically revenge porn and rose really does want that out there. Every single person in this situation is scum even the girls.
No. 801004
>>800830This explicit video of yungshame and his friend (capoxxo on instagram) is of the woman who is accusing Tracy of rape. It was filmed five days after she was allegedly raped. The
victim said she had tears in her vagina from the rape, but was having sex 5 days later which does not add up.
No. 801005
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>>801004This is what she said about it yesterday on her instagram story.
No. 801092
>>801012I don't see how her taking a skanky video or even having anything to do with the dis track discredits her rape in any way.
and "what did she expect"? wtf, that doesn't justify revenge porn you retard. that's like saying
victims of rape were asking for it because they were dressed 'slutty'. you have to be one of these soundcloud rappers yourself to have an IQ this low.
>>801015100% this, also. not to mention if she was doing slutty things before, she isn't necessarily going to stop just because she was raped – doing slutty things or taking consensual slutty videos doesn't mean you CAN'T be raped, jesus christ. there's a lot more attention seeking shit she could be playing up right now than the pretty rational replies I'm seeing screenshot above. whether she was 'really' raped or not is up for debate, but so far there's been nothing to disprove it
>>801004you can have vaginal tearing and still have non-painful sex a week later, or even just have sex and deal with that it hurts.
starting to question how many posters in this thread actually possess vaginas or if they're just severely under educated about their own…
No. 801164
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>>800624look what tyler posted this morning,,,i hope killstation kicks his ass, prolly wont. Pepper Ann is so stupid. "Respecting women", more like
triggering women
( No. 801166
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No. 801169
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No. 801170
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No. 801173
>>801166lol that's too fucking funny.
>i'm suicidal u guise but i wanna do a slimeball yt cringefest before i go!! okay
No. 801192
>>801092Consensually recording yourself having sex isn’t the same as dressing provactively and being raped, dunce. The comparison is nonexistent. She allowed a scummy man to film her sucking his dick, now she has to deal with the consequences of her retard decisions. So yeah, what did she expect from that video?
Nobody cares about whiteknighting for this irrelevant hoe. It’s all speculation and allegations. Calm down and let it go
No. 801264
>>801192consensually having a video recorded /=/ she 'deserves' to have it distributed against her will
is it even possible to be such a mong that you can't conceive the rape/asking for it because youre dressing provocative comparison isn't calling the act the same - but the concept of that someone acting in a certain way doesn't mean they deserve to have their rights infringed on?
it's not even WKing for this girl, your edgelord perspective just lacks any form of logic or critical thinking skills. this girl could be anyone, the base concept of that taking a consensual slutty video doesn't mean you deserve revenge porn still stands. there's a reason it's considered, you know, illegal to distribute revenge porn…
because even though a person consensually took or sent a video or picture, it is still against their will to have it distributed and they don't deserve that.
No. 801301
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No. 801302
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>>801301Cass makes point to claim how long she’s been recovering from her eating disorder but it is very apparent she is on coke again. Her pupils say it all. She has completely stopped doing her “group therapy” since she relapsed and has been on an apparent downward spiral.
No. 801435
>>801302i'm not trying to say this discredits her potentially being on coke (don't really give a shit about her or what she does personally) but I think the reason her pupils look big in this photo is that she pretty blatantly used an eye largening filter or editor. if you look at her iris it even looks wonky from being liquified (ie not round, its got like a big wave in it)
so her pupils look big in general because of this but compared to the color of her eye i wouldnt say theyre at high on coke pupil expansion levels. and i mean, for all i know she is high on coke. i just dont think this particular image really proves anything, mega reach if its based solely on that
No. 801454
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No. 801489
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Tracy deleted all photos except 2 and the only comment he has made regarding the accusations is this comment on his own picture of him peep.
No. 801542
>>801454Nothing he said was defamatory or false he's literally just stating that he was accused which is true. Again trying to silence people with bs legal action hoping it'll scare them into shutting up
No. 801545
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You're not in either of these groups coco lmao you're literally just Pouya's bitch
No. 801797
>>801733Yeah if anything comes up about them i will have lost absolute faith in that scene
I feel confident that they're not scumbags though, although they're still friends with pouya, wonder if they're sitting on anything….
No. 801969
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Inked mag posted this video 2 days ago and it still says TOO POO in the caption i thought it was a mistake but maybe not since her tattoos are shit(emoji)
No. 802132
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Okay this is the volcano candle from Anthropologie and is not $300… it’s like $30
No. 802153
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No. 802247
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she legit looks black now
No. 802310
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Update from the chick who has claimed Tracy raped her.
No. 802709
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Jesus christ she's so obnoxious, can she shut up for 1 day?????
No. 803341
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this is giving me the worst gonzo porn vibes
No. 803342
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>>803341it's Coco at the beach.
she doesn't even try anymore not even by her non-standards
No. 803343
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>>803342Cocks that's not how you get into a magazine even one as shitty as SI
No. 803515
>>803341>>803342omfg this bitch really thinks she's all that
who gave her this false confidence?
No. 803781
>>803341>>803342Why are these all iterations of the same terrible pose. She's honestly such a terrible model. Her tongue is trying to escape her throat and it's not a look.
I can't believe this is what she's been hyping up for days. I was expecting something more artful and less amatuer porn hour.
No. 803934
File: 1557425574975.png (469.97 KB, 957x478, Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 8.10.…)

Some retard needs to quit the fucking cowtipping
No. 803999
File: 1557431580281.png (642.22 KB, 640x1136, B05B7542-FB7B-4D28-96E6-1CD2D0…)

imagine thinking you’re the shit for being in casper the musical over 15 years ago
No. 804686
File: 1557506006930.png (791.7 KB, 720x1008, 9cb211b9-445c-4821-9a62-25f8ef…)

the thing that gets me the most is the tilted horizon
No. 804689
File: 1557506416639.png (111.98 KB, 720x716, 8knsQv4.png)

>>804686"she didn't straighten her horizon, can't have her in our spread"
No. 804886
File: 1557523583074.png (7 MB, 1242x2688, C39E8607-8E16-470E-A17D-4599B3…)

yall coco made merch, jesus fucking christ
No. 805010
File: 1557535343069.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20190510-183328.png)

Wow whose face is she using?
No. 805154
>>805062FUCKING THIS. i was just about to reply to
>>who's face is she using Fucking Emma’s.
No. 805193
>>805062>she kinda looks like EmmaYep.
Peeps jizz was THAT POWERfUL! DAYYYUM!
>>805154>who's face is she using I have to admit that, that's creepy+gross as fuck IF she's using emma's face in an editing face app!
No. 805587
File: 1557628150867.png (8.87 MB, 1242x2688, 5CCC6BE4-A7EF-4A5D-8242-97F221…)

>even for me
No. 805787
>>805749>what is she even sayingShe's saying…
>You're welcome for that free translation. Next time the translation will cost you the the charge of 4 payments of $19.99, jk. No. 806039
File: 1557707541147.png (2.37 MB, 1080x1630, Screenshot_20190512-182505.png)

Whose face part two, kek
No. 806063
>>806039She looks like she’s using her mans face
Sage no1curr but even though she’s explained the photoshop, it’s so unnecessary and confusing since she’s so comfortable posting what she looks like with no editing and no makeup. It’s supposed to be “artistic” but it’s really hard to suspend disbelief for her shoops
No. 806526
File: 1557792392735.png (2.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190513-180153.png)

Cass picks the ugliest dudes
No. 806538
File: 1557794138232.png (2.59 MB, 1242x2688, 01446B4C-FC86-484B-BF86-535F08…)

pouyas going on tour again, again doing a VIP package to meet him…. hes also back on twitter
No. 806595
File: 1557803107952.png (177.38 KB, 640x1634, IMG_4750.PNG)

>>806535tried to,
He’s pulled equally hot non cheating girls after her idk why he went back
No. 807719

Sage because not sure if anyone will give a shit but Tana made a 40 min long video about her and Lil Xan's "relationship." Obviously Tana doesn't have the most credible history but I wouldn't put any of this past Xan. I wonder if he's gonna respond to this? Also I bet "Steph" is Annie.
In summary
>She saw a picture of him that went viral around twitter and put heart eyes under it
>He dms her a few days later on ig and very almost immediately sends out red flags declaring she's the love of his life and the one he wants to be with (sounds just like what he did to Annie in the boyfriend tag video)
>Explains this was suspect but didn't expect anything very serious and just wanted to have fun and was excited by how fast things seemed to be moving
>They text couple-y shit back and forth every day. Mutual friend and clout demon Adam22 adds gasoline to this dumpster fire by texting Tana multiple times and telling her they're the clout power couple of the year
>Adam sets them to meet at his birthday party. They have a long talk away from the party and hit it off
>Xan wants her to stay when she says she's leaving the party, asks her on a date the next day. Wishes that she hung out with him longer otw home and he texts her in the same moment that he misses her
>She goes to his loft later that night they hook up, he's asking her to be his girlfriend, she says she doesn't know because they just met
>On her way out the next day his manager tells her he's never heard Xan talk about anyone that way ever and that he heard them talking and says she should give him a chance
>A clip of her and him at Adams birthday is blowing up on twitter, she goes through a bunch of threads and ends up finding a girl she dubbed "Steph's" twitter.
>Steph's twitter is filled with posts about how Diego and her are in an open realationship and how Tana is a bad bitch and she's proud he pulled her
>Tana and Xan meet later that night and he keeps asking her to be his girlfriend. She brings up Steph and shows the twitter. He claims it's his "crazy ex" shows their messages which are basically just weeks of unanswered texts from Steph and texts of Xan breaking up with her. Assures Tana that she's the one
>Tana says they need to get to know each other more before she can be his girlfriend, he tells her he's about to go to New York for a week and invites her, saying they can get to know each other on the trip then and she can decide if she wants to be his girlfriend. She agrees
>The trip goes well but he tells her he's not going home and is going to Boston and Maine and asks her to stay for another few days. She does
>At the end of the trip he asks her to be his girlfriend she finally agrees. Says she took it seriously because he told her if she got with someone else he wouldn’t be able to continue his career and it would shatter his whole world blah blah blah
>Tells her he needs her to sleep by his side the night they return to LA, last minute mentions he has a studio session (it’s 1 in the morning) but asks her to come over later
>She goes to Steph’s twitter and finds out Xan is with her currently and Tana begins to ignore him and he starts blowing her line up for days.
>She finally agrees to talk with him, once again he tells her she’s crazy, shows videos from the studio that night, shows breakup texts, has his managers and friends come in and tell her he loves her and the ex is crazy
>They spend the next few weeks dating low-key, anytime Xan tries to post about it the manager shuts it down
>Tana ends up finding out he blocked her from watching his Instagram story and posted a picture with Steph in the background, also ends up finding out he got both of them rolling loud tickets
>She ghosts him and he makes his manager and all his friends blow her line up telling her she’s the love of his life once again. She sees him in person with another girl that’s not Steph and words are exchanged.
>All milk pretty much ends there, Tana mentions she wanted to bond with Steph because they both got played but Steph is too wrapped up in being in love with Xan and hates Tana (despite claiming she was proud he pulled her)
No. 807779
File: 1558057560601.png (4.34 MB, 750x1334, 8D15F2BB-6514-4333-ADE7-F0ED1C…)

possibly her worst shoop yet?
No. 807787
File: 1558059354625.jpg (845.71 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190516-221531_Ins…)

She's most definitely high..
No. 808295
>>807833Wow hand-talker here actually resonated with me. She exudes anxiety but her message was relatively well articulated.
Isn’t Xan like literally retarded? Why would anyone with a brain date him for any reason? (Other than clout of course.)
No. 808408
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No. 808599
File: 1558209335764.jpeg (947.94 KB, 1125x1602, 6F592FCB-4698-457F-BE43-B1BFC8…)

Shitty shoop Queen is back
No. 808835
File: 1558241854518.jpg (931.14 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190519-005624_Ins…)

In a hospital gown, possibly related to her relapse?
No. 808962
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>>808835Definitely at a hospital
No. 808996
holy crap… i started reading these threads 2 weeks ago and i've finally reached the latest post. this was a journey. thank you all so much.
>>807719>At the end of the trip he asks her to be his girlfriend she finally agrees.this read like a 13 year olds harry styles wattpad fanfic
No. 809088
File: 1558289989518.jpg (840.74 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190519-141819_Ins…)

It's got to suck to not have air conditioning in the California heat, peep the fan in the window in the background. Do you think they just spend their money on drugs instead?
No. 809099
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No. 810314
File: 1558439280830.jpg (93.54 KB, 1271x685, whoisthis.JPG)

>>810080looks like he's dating 'lilsaku' now
you couldn't make this shit up ugh
No. 810353
Not any of the above anons, but the Fat Nick mention out of the blue makes it confusing as to whether the "new girl" mentioned by this anon
>>809521is actually just old milk tekashi girl, or if he has a genuinely new girl who's much more attractive than the amblyopic wonderthot, who anon didn't cap and post. It was poorly worded either way, too many folks in this thread are real quick to get snippy when they, in fact, are the retard.
No. 810380
File: 1558444063109.jpg (452.9 KB, 1316x1320, tekashi.jpg)

>>810353you said this so much better than me. Looks like Tekashi's still on the payroll.
No. 810392
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No. 810394
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No. 810460
>>810383Nearly anyone would be an improvement on fake-miscarriage Annie but then Xan seems as drugged up as ever so decision making isn't his strength
Adam did joke with Xan before about him looking 15 and some women liking that, they both were pretty aware of him attracting that attention, not that he acted at all bothered by it, classy
No. 810829
>>810743Sounds like the infantile Xan has met his handler.
>>810776Can you explain why for the rest of us.
No. 810894
File: 1558497970470.png (5.02 MB, 1242x2688, BDE91A8E-406E-4CB3-861E-6D3263…)

at first i thought these were actually decent, mainly the ones with both straps on, but then…….
No. 811360
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No. 811411
File: 1558578395050.png (132.78 KB, 909x417, corey.png)

>>811360Corey removed all traces of cass from his account! WHEW!! No. 811463
File: 1558585608662.png (445.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-22-23-23-24…)

>>811445It's literally an image board are you fucking new here. I'll do it for you lazy headass
No. 811464
File: 1558585686337.png (402.48 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-22-23-23-33…)

pt 2/2
No. 811522
>>811467@exposinglilsaku on instagram has a tonne of milk on her
i'd post caps but there's loads
No. 812086
>>811643one things for sure
he like mac milker was a thumb sucker so his facial structure/ teeth are jacked
No. 812089
File: 1558683262618.png (244 KB, 1080x1195, Screenshot_2019-05-24-02-26-50…)

Killstation better actually have cancer because shaving your head and naming your song "sarcoma" just to be edgy would be beyond disgusting
No. 812360
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There’s the explanation lol
No. 812620
File: 1558768082667.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 750x1334, 13043F3E-6489-467E-A925-E26A0E…)

That wonky wall tho..
No. 812679
File: 1558792464320.png (3.89 MB, 750x1334, FC1B7B56-9029-4ECE-97AC-070B8F…)

She's gonna end up obese one day
No. 812786
File: 1558809275516.jpeg (207.84 KB, 750x1110, 557F64A8-4349-4605-8F03-55097F…)

my personal fav snowflake Courtney stodden is hanging out with horsehead again, they parties last night with Brooke candy, shrimp, and courtneys entourage of 40+ year old sugar daddy types. sage for no milk yet but i can sense it coming… courtney is endlessly milky
No. 813046
File: 1558868570805.jpg (142.23 KB, 229x558, IMG_1836.jpg)

Damn tekashi ass really ain't real….
No. 813077
>>812219This is such specific diagnostic information that nobody in this thread would care about - you're not smart enough to blend in here, coco.
I hope you feel real fuckin stupid now that you know it's a memorial. And it's a certainly more dignified response to the grief & pain cancer causes than any of your antics to "deal with it," which seem to be limited to flopping your tits out online and spending so much time tanning that you're just gonna die of melanoma instead.
No. 813109
File: 1558887133972.png (172.55 KB, 1080x1021, Screenshot_2019-05-26-11-09-27…)

>>813077It literally says all this in her bio
No. 813373
>>812679How the fuck is calling coco fat milk? Good for her she’s thicker and not literally starving for attention like every single other woman in this thread. Her personality is awful and her actions are so ridiculous, what does anyone get out of calling a woman who doesn’t work out fat? She chooses very unflattering clothing but no her body is perfectly fine even if she was obese.
The only fat fuck in here is pepper ann
No. 813616
>>813373>Good for her she’s thicker and not literally starving for attention like every single other woman in this threadSo you have no problem shaming the thinner girls on this thread for "starving" but somehow coco is off limits lmao stop projecting because you feel fat anon
She's the single most attention starved person on this thread hands down who cares if her starvation isn't "literal"
Stop praising her for being a wino and constantly sucking her gut in
No. 814050
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No. 814514
>>813514It’s obviously the principle and a joke.
>>813616I’m not shamming the thinner girls at all, I am shaming wannarexics who starve themselves and use photoshop to look crazy underweight for a completely fake and dangerous image are you kidding? How many people rightfully lost it when Layla posted herself on a scale with an unhealthy number or when her and spooky post thinspo. Being anorexic or bulimic isn’t cool and no they’re obviously not naturally that way get over it. There’s literally nothing wrong with being skinny, I’m saying eating disorders are shitty and I don’t care if people laugh at coco’s weight, just that it’s the dumbest low tier milk that is it. She is overweight, but it’s not funny it’s just a body type?? I have literally never once praised her besides not apologizing for
her overweight body. Enough people like Cassie exist everywhere, it’s the only cool thing about coco that she doesn’t care.
>>814038I’m underweight and it doesn’t matter at all. I just said it’s not milk don’t deflect that onto me.
No. 814566
File: 1559091529592.jpeg (372.7 KB, 1194x1182, 0C2E2345-99E0-461A-A0ED-34EF16…)

Anyways here’s a great example, she looks like an alcoholic divorced aunt here and because she’s what 29 now? And legitimately about to be 30 this is such a ridiculous look and I don’t get it. Her boob is completely hanging out and she always photoshops her nipples really high up, but they’re nowhere to be seen here. For someone that does literally nothing but pose in front of a camera you would think she would take a moment to figure out some flattering poses/her angles but half of these pictures she, for no reason at all, is just wildly reaching out to nothing while still holding her boob. I don’t know if she thinks it’s sexy like it’s some innocent accident but it looks like she drunkenly walked into the ocean, fell, and someone took these pictures to show her as part of an intervention.
There’s also multiple posts of full 10 picture carousels of her in a neon micro bikini with clear straps that dig in so badly. She has such an opposite of body dysmorphia (or she does and it’s a really flattering form idfk) that it’s fascinating.
No. 814572
File: 1559091748720.jpeg (519.93 KB, 1858x1184, 718F8A87-A390-49DF-BE38-2E60D6…)

>I am simply a puppy reincarnated
>in a sexual female body
No. 814585
File: 1559093084157.jpg (745.95 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190528-212143_Ins…)

irlmami threatening suicide on her ig. Saged because who?
No. 814606
>>812786lol if I was a social climber…
i'd commit suicide after taking the first step on the ladder.
That's why i'm a loser.
(inb4 banned for blog post)
No. 814736
>>814566Her wonky cheap lashes don't help but add to the "wine aunt" look.
>>814572Imagine being 30 and still thinking behaving like this is "cute and quirky" the way she describes herself is what I'd expect a 5 year old to write for an about me homework assignment….
No. 815006
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No. 815128
File: 1559172866498.png (1.22 MB, 640x1136, 90E0C6BE-FD60-4D81-A6CF-AEC0C8…)

layla’s new terrible hair color
No. 815129
File: 1559172876337.jpeg (108.73 KB, 1080x1080, 1559172347460.jpeg)

>>815103desperate alcoholic divorced aunt vibes
No. 815134
File: 1559173072668.jpeg (120.21 KB, 1080x1080, 1559172466621.jpeg)

this orange number she's wearing is so tacky and unflattering
No. 815139
File: 1559173238953.jpeg (170.15 KB, 1080x1345, 1559172426974.jpeg)

has her posing always been this bad or has all that wine given her brain damage
No. 815143
>>815139….That's her nipple
No. 815163
>>814572>a sexual female bodyimplying that her body is sexual and other women's bodies somehow aren't? love when her narcissism creeps through
she's always thought she was better than everyone else and now that life has knocked her down several pegs instead of it humbling her it's just made her 10,000Xs more self absorbed
No. 815401
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I think she just copied off Lilith
No. 815418
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Bragging on her insta story
No. 815527
>>815284>>815350Nobody cares. Objectively, this is in bad taste & not flattering for anyone, let alone a 26 year old woman.
>>815401Layla is so stunted, her mentality is that of an edgy preteen so of course she came out a high end salon looking like Cruella De Vil & Lilith Levisis
Everybody, but especially normal bitches her age, are laughing at Layla
No. 815547
File: 1559239676656.jpeg (144.92 KB, 750x1211, 2879CF68-C696-43B9-9167-33F718…)

Coco obv lurking
No. 815628
>>815527I don’t see what her age has to do with her trendy hair color lmao, this is her actual job, keeping an ‘edgy’ image. Rn that means late 90s/2000s ironic shit unfortunately, wonder how the mall goth stuff will phase out
Tbh Courtney sodden of all people trying to hop onto gothboyclique is like the final nail in the coffin. Before peep passed away I thought he’d really blow up and the mall goth thing would stay for a lot longer, now most everyone is moving on.
No. 815780
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No. 815781
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No. 815782
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No. 815799
File: 1559275659651.gif (1.98 MB, 268x227, tumblr_ob7aviOPac1qzkueso8_400…)

No. 815851
File: 1559285140519.png (797.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-05-30-20-28-25…)

No. 815854
File: 1559285801256.png (120.29 KB, 1080x630, Screenshot_2019-05-30-18-48-27…)

>>815851This is who she's claiming she got the look from. Honestly idc where she got it I just think it's funny she's pissing off the im sO dAmaGeD aNd iNsAnE performative junkie rich girl snowflake that is lilith
No. 815882
>>815780>>815781>>815782is this how lilith talks 24/7? is she that disengaged with everybody? her replies came off as honestly disinterested and even mocking
"soo funny bro" she sounds like a 16 year old boy making fun of someone
No. 815903
>>815882this is Lilith in a nutshell.
The only thing missing is the Marilyn Manson namedrop.
>luv of my life! No. 816213
File: 1559367485322.png (6.14 MB, 1125x2436, BF061622-985C-4E7F-85EE-3E73B2…)

she’s gonna cheat on you again bro
No. 816326
File: 1559404923553.png (151.92 KB, 1080x772, Screenshot_2019-06-01-10-58-14…)

definitive proof she lurks
No. 816330
>>816326>humble Lmao
>>815929Then this definitely one of coco's friends if not coco herself. Damn you really showed us huh
No. 816816
File: 1559494639093.jpeg (Spoiler Image,323.69 KB, 1125x1917, 86E882DA-DE2A-4D2F-86A0-EDC650…)

the amount that Lilith has to break her back to make her ass look fat is hilarious.
No. 816948
>>816933I think it’s hurtful for anyone HOWEVER fuck her weight she legit cares more about her own self inflicted weight gain than addressing the
victims her boyfriend raped. No one should ever forget that, the
victims don’t get to.
No. 817226
File: 1559562045413.jpeg (258.26 KB, 750x1056, 772E47D2-7B3C-4A75-BCA3-673311…)

She uses literally any opportunity ever to show a pic of her boobs, so fucking selfish and nasty
No. 818209
File: 1559707635009.png (3.69 MB, 828x1792, A7FB7D91-FF67-42D5-A7FE-AC39A7…)

ok but what about the coke lol
No. 818217
File: 1559707978486.png (510.7 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190604-221139.png)

Grosso trying to guilt someone into being his "friend"
No. 818355
File: 1559747675555.jpeg (118.3 KB, 640x679, 989CAAE4-A300-45BF-8E59-9410EA…)

Grosso is still selling Hellboy tees even though Peep’s mother personally told him to stop when he did this months ago.
Grosso faked emails between them and the estate had to tell him to stop selling these. He canceled the drop after his “fans” already ordered
Peep told all his fans to burn the Hellboy shirts before he died and Tyler knows it. He denounced Tyler and Layla publicly. Now Grosso is profiting off a dead man that hated him.
Crackhead Tyler never stops. The estate and his mother should know about this. It’s a reoccurring issue bigger than unauthorized merch
No. 818601
File: 1559783461304.jpeg (340.57 KB, 1125x882, 701AFB84-1A1C-4754-B60C-5F28CD…)

>>818355Also producing unauthorized nirvana/cobain merch.
No. 818620
>>818601He’s so not over Layla. They cosplayed as Kurt + Courtney their entire relationship while smoking H off tinfoil. He didn’t hate Courtney when Layla was pretending to be her for their clout.
I remember Layla was posting their burnt tinfoil and drugs/paraphernalia all for her underage stans. Tyler misses those days, he’s been even more fat, pathetic, and desperate ever since Layla left him. Total rock bottom.
They’re forever junkie trash
No. 818631
>>818601tyler doesn’t care about kurt cobain’s estate/family/death just like he didn’t care about gustav’s. all the gluttonous pig sees is $$
peep’s mother told him personally and publicly to stop selling the hellboy shirts. tyler posted emails he faked between him and liza. the estate was sicced on him, he took no accountability, and backed down. then continued to sell the shirts quietly. the only ppl who want this dumb shit are lil peep stans so tyler has been, and continues to, take advantage of that heavily
also he’s nasty as fuck to his customers on twitter and then deletes the tweets bc it always makes him look worse than usual. it’s almost always complaints about shipping taking months. he typically insults the customer, says it’s not his problem and blames the company he ships through. wash, rinse, repeat. full retard
No. 818766
>>818209What does this talentless idiot even do for work, you can’t exactly not have a problem/“be recovered” if you are still a completely self centered void and can’t contribute anything besides the relief of not being skinwalked by you. I have no investment in any of these people but how she treated Layla after peep died, was getting off of heroin, and actually becoming a functioning woman was vile. All hotelshrimp has ever done is throw up thousands of dollars of delivery food and eat Layla’s ex’s ass literally only because of his past relationship.
I’m just really sick of these shallow instahoes jumping on the deep long overshare posts talking about hardships they’re obviously not even processing. Her parents forced her into an ed clinic, that’s it. She’s just substituting her addictions. I do feel bad horsehead is probably just using her to heal his ego though but she really has no interest in not being a leech or having her own identity.
No. 819339
File: 1559928308687.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, 8FBBB5D9-F77B-41BD-BEB1-F9973A…)

C'mon are there really people paying for this? A hobo has more decent clothes than this
No. 819511
File: 1559968710945.png (299.72 KB, 1277x596, emma.png)

>>819471>that’s emma who is lil peep’s childhood best friend/exgfYup. It's her. She's wearing that same top with a different pair of pants on her depop page. No. 819539
File: 1559983099939.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-06-08-03-36-51…)

"they need me"
No. 819542
File: 1559983712438.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1699, 2019-06-08 03.46.26.png)

why is horsehead such a cuck
No. 819557
>>819554He’s been in Europe all week, and has shit booked all summer, there’s no way she’s not going to if she hasn’t already.
Horseheads delusional, she got with him in the first place to be more like layla/clout leech, tried to fuck HIS FRIENDS, then got with Layla’s fucking ex and he still takes her back?
No. 819563
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Sage cause no milk but rose doesnt look good at all
No. 819631
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This idiot
No. 819643
>>819621Smokeasac's gf
Why are there suddenly people who dont even know emma and rose whats going on
No. 819714
>>819631>This idiotWhere was that guy that gives lil xan headlocks, takes away his phone and makes him stfu and behave at?!
I hope that guy didn't get fired!
He is/was very much so needed!
lil xan needs a babysitter 24/7!
How tf did he get a gun?!
No. 819761
>>819557>she got with him in the first place to be more like layla/clout leech, tried to fuck HIS FRIENDS, then got with Layla’s fucking ex I didn't know that!
Thanks for the info!
That's horrible and this will not end well.
Just had to state the obvious.
No. 819936
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apparently this is ghostemane’s new girlfriend…. big yikes at the amount of work she’s had done
No. 819970
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'Get the f— out, n—–': Shocking footage shows rapper Lil Xan, 22, using racial slurs and pulling out a GUN on man at an LA gas station following argument about Tupac
Lil Xan was involved in a heated exchange Friday night, with footage of the incident showing him using racial slurs and even threatening a man with a gun
He was allegedly irritated by the man filming the video who asked him why did he ‘talk s–t’ about Tupac in an interview last year, calling him 'boring'
Xan then retreats to his black Mercedes G-class where he pulls out a hand gun and begins waiving it erratically at his tormentor
The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating the incident, officials confirmed, after the unnamed man behind the camera filed a report
In response, the rapper took to Instagram to issue a statement, claiming he pulled the hand-gun out in self-defense No. 819971
>>819970already posted
>>819631 we're not a news site, we don't really care.
No. 819981
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>>819943where did you see that? she does follow him, and he follows her back too
No. 820045
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>>820010Why do girls keep lying about fillers when their lips are obviously lumpy as fuck
No. 820078
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No. 820147
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>>819936I have a higher esteem for ghostemane than to think he'd touch that.
God damn.
No. 820161
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>>819936found this in her tagged photos. she looks like she has down syndrome
No. 820206
>>820078>WHYYYYYYYShe'll be dead soon, anon.
Sit your ass down.
No. 820215
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>>820208>"she's going to die" We're all going to die, anon. You're not special.
No. 820234
>>820161Holy hell that girl is actually atrocious. Might be one of the ugliest ~aLtErNaTiVe mOdEllSssss~
Gag. These cheap wannabe "dark/ witch" posers are the absolute fucking worst.
No. 820368
>>820309oh, okay then:
her contour looks really nice and suits her skin tone, her lashes are top shelf quality, her bikinis fit her well and her boyfriend is not a rapist. remember kids, she has cancer so all this is now true.
No. 820717
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Can we talk about how bad Cass' hair is? What is happening
No. 820719
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Girl is a mess
No. 820729
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So I guess pressuring the people who look up to you into being gang-raped by you and your homies when you have a girlfriend isn't considered unfaithful in her book. Odd.
No. 820746
>>820732Exactly. Disease or no disease she's a bad person. Women who sleep with sexual predators and defame
victims for the sake of preserving clout are narcisstic self-serving traitors
Her and Lena are both weak sad excuses for women
No. 820826
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>>820770also they got engaged really fast? i feel like theyve only been together MAYBE 6 months? and thats a hard maybe.
No. 820887
>>820826I think the engagement is a joke lol, coldys new girl seems like a really weird match and she doesn’t seem to like him as much as the fact that he’s so doting and willing to buy her stuff or have anything in common with him really but they’re prob not getting married. coldly was with bbywings for like 6 years or something and then immediately started dating this new girl it’s probably a really stupid rebound so he doesn’t have to think about getting out of a relationship he's had since he was 18.
>>820789Coldys old girl was this tiny fairy girl that would take aesthetic pics with coldy and was kinda an awkward shut in, was close with coldys fam. She did music and had her own minor clout but wasn’t into the nightlife or ~scene~ in la so it was a natural match. She’s originally from Texas and coldly moved her into his place 2ish years into dating, after they had visited each other a handful of times. Her and coldhart both had a following on tumblr that carried onto ig and they both understood and enjoyed having a presence on the internet.
Coldys new girl is a chubby jeweler from New York, she’s super normal and honestly kinda mean to his fans, has some followers but her internet presence is trash and honestly I don’t think she’s a clout chaser but coldy loves giving gifts so he’s been showering her with designer shit and dates. They don’t seem to have anything in common and on live sometimes coldy will joke with people he’s taking to and she shuts it down which makes them kinda seem at odds.
No. 820975
>>820832I'm saying she's skin walking per usual. She just changed the black to dark purple so no one would catch on
inb4 peep doesn't "own" that hairstyle, obvs just pointing own how painfully unoriginal everything she does is
No. 821060
>>820846Their relationship is highkey insanely
toxic behind closed doors. The gushy overcompensating posts, the constant unfollowing, the subposting. Definitely not a happy couple
No. 821118
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anyone have any milk on lil raven? i think hes tracys cousin or something. he posts desperate ass shit on twt all the time
No. 821124
>>821095>reforms After a prolonged amount of doing damage to ones body, you're pretty much fucked UNLESS you have keith richards-tier genes!
>or dies next!I'd say you can place your bets on a whole bunch of people kicking the bucket! I am sure you've got your popcorn ready!
>>821118>anyone have any milk on lil ravenNope. Never heard of that guy before LMAO!
No. 821126
>>821118People where roasting him for throwing a tantrum cause his girl left him
He’s got a shitty personality and tried to fight/beat up kids on Tracy’s tour. Basically all of his clout is because he’s related to Tracy lol
No. 821127
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the kurt shirt
No. 821128
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I would really like to see those theet
No. 821141
>>821095>self postYou mean this mess:
>>820887These clout hoes really think they're slick
Coldy is boring his new girl is boring and his old girl is boring
No. 821321
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Would they even hire her for any Broadway? Her dancing skills are very subpar KEK
No. 821467
>>821232> all he needed to do was brush themokay
>>821263>And not destroy them with drugs.…but he did destroy them with drugs. What do you want him to do? Take a time machine and unfuck-up his life?!
No. 821826
>>821806It technically wasn’t “established”. Some anons thought it was her, others thought it wasn’t. Anons believing it was her noted the same clothing in ig pics, hair, and tan. Anons not believing her said it could be someone similar looking and that it wasn’t her body type/height/weight. But no it was not established.
But according to most
victims stories coco was either not there or would leave directly before the creepy rapey shit would occur. Makes me think she either enables it trying to be the “cool girl” or she leaves right before bc she knows what’s going to happen and doesn’t want to see kevin with another girl that’s not her.
Either way she’s complicit and enabling of his behavior and covering up for him, as fuck.
No. 821969
>>821826I never heard anyone claim she was there but one of the
victims said he was definitely dating coco at the time which I'm guessing she knew because they're one of those obnoxious preformative social media couples always always posting about and tweeting @ each other. Also she (coco) claims they've been together 4 years
No. 822397
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Is there a thread on lilboweep yet? Idk something about her seems so milky to me and she has recently had her lips inflated, ridiculous lips. She’s one of those stupid instagirls who blah on about using Xanax and her music is quite shit. No. 822613
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grossos hanging out with nikki sixx’s daughter. probably for the clout.
No. 822822
>>822075>who knows how many girls Oh the number is definitely much higher than we know. Imagine your biggest win in life being bagging a serial rapist. Good job coco
>>822816Who in their right mind would touch Tyler Grosso at this point. He's such a fat rude prick
What's this girls @? And why is she this desperate
No. 822867
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This try hard
No. 822874
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She's a whole ass leach. All her relationships/friendships seem to have some fucked motive. She wanted to use TP for clout and tried (and failed) to usurp/destroy her when Peep died by using Corey and now she's falling back on Horsehead's cuck ass because she lost all of Layla's friends when she backstabbed her. She has zero talent or creativity so she always latches on to other people.
No. 823014
>>822822@ fr6nkiesixx
Bitches get a ml of lip filler and think they're shit….
No. 823168
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>>823014Ick I just looked at her insta and she just turned 18 in January, grosso has to be like, mid-twenties right now right? He’s at least five or six years older than her. Also bonus of her wearing superrradical in a post she made last night (something about her face seems odd to me but maybe it’s because I’m not used to looking at what I guess is fillers on such a young face)
No. 823179
>>823168Holy shit she’s only 18 she looks 27
I don’t think the age thing is weird, he’s just the worst example and will not contribute anything to her life beyond heroin. You’d think she’d have better options condisering her dad what’s wrong with her lmfao
No. 823279
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Coco's merch looks so cheap lmao
No. 823511
>>823279Who the fuck is buying this shit?
Do these girls really idolise someone whose claim to fame is dating a soundcloud rapper.
They must live vicariously through her some something twisted.
No. 823522
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>>822914>JesusDon't do jesus dirty like that anon! Jesus was a good looking fellow.
[pic related]
No. 823570
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This nasty chick has had a full blown infection/rash all over her entire body for over a month and has not gone to the doctor to find out what it is, yet she's been fucking clients and having people piss on her rashed up pussy. She talked to ghostemane a few months back and is planning on trying to fuck him..
No. 823611
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>>823570>This nasty chick has had a full blown infection/rash all over her entire body for over a month and has not gone to the doctor to find out what it is, yet she's been fucking clients and having people piss on her rashed up pussy. She talked to ghostemane a few months back and is planning on trying to fuck him..Yah and here's her thread.
>>>/snow/778634Hopefully ghostemane ghosts her immediately!
No. 823738
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>>822397holy shit this girl is milky
what in the actual fuck
she also looks like she has herpes
No. 823915
>>823837I don’t but thanks for the heads up.
I also don’t have Suicide hotline tattooed above my vagina so that helps too.
No. 823960
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“friend” kek
No. 823999
>>823915Lack of simptoms doen't mean that u don't have the virus on your body and i'm pretty sure u don't get testet for herpes everytime you kisss someone or have sex (u can get it even with a condom since is skin to skin contact). Also most of the people get herpes in childhood by kisses and shared cups.
So yeah, stop ashamming ppl because of a fucking virus. These shit doesn't get on ppl because they are this or that in some idiot opinion. It's just life and biology u know, nothing to do with social judgments.
Anyway, english is not even my first language and here I am trying to educate an ignnorant. Have a nice day, read a book. Peace.
No. 824109
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layla is in killstations new music video. saged for no milk but very looking-for-clout-esque. playing out the same cycle her relationships always go through
No. 824236
>>823837>>823999First off, no. Just no. This is not even close to true, seems like you’re trying to normalize something that you yourself might be afflicted with but nah girl 90% of us do not have the herp.
>>824109She’s so boring and one note. I’d even go as far as saying she was one note fashion wise before but like it was entertaining when she was more of a hot mess. I vote next thread not even have her name in it bc she’s just not even milky, it’s sad she dresses like she’s going to a themed goth party but like… completely un-ironically. Kinda way too old for that shit
No. 824242
>>824236You act like being milky is a good thing. She's boring because she's growing up. Her style might be derivative but she's making less of a fool of herself then every other cow on this thread
I don't fuck with her music or her aesthetic but being mentioned less and less on this website is a step in the right direction
No. 824249
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we have yet to see the presumably genuine pearl(y) whites
No. 824256
>>824236sis…please do ur research. don't worry i did it for u
"Herpes simplex is no different to other herpes viruses: all of us have at least three of them. Most of us have had chickenpox (herpes zoster). Chickenpox can recur as shingles when you get older. Most of us have had herpes simplex 1 or 2, or both. At least 25% of us have cytomegalovirus (HH-5). Nearly all of us are positive for Epstein Barr (HH-4) antibodies, which causes glandular fever. Even if you have not had symptomatic disease, well over 90% of the adult population is infected. And most of us get human herpes virus (HHV) 6 and 7 by the time we are aged two years.
To be infected with a herpes virus is a state of normality, not an abnormality. It happens to all adults, some of us with symptoms and some without. The key thing is not whether you are infected or not, but whether it is causing symptoms or not – and if it is, then what can be done about it."
Source: No. 824273
>>823888>>823798lilboweep definitely is milky it’s just over a long spaced out time frame
> drops out of school at 14 to “DJ” > gains clout for being an edgy xanax drug addict, posting super edited pics on tumblr and being an original “E-Girl”> posts sceencaps of clouty artists messaging her to collab (eg fat nick, X, ect) so gains even more clout> dates a hype beast X-metal band vocalist for 6 months max and goes on and on about how “in love” she is > they break up, she travels to USA and gets another BF in a month. later claims he is her “fiancé” > get matching face tattoos > had an incident with “fiancé” and people in USA. they didn’t do dishes, owner got mad. they left and “fiancé” came back in with a gun, assaulted owner of the house and wrote something on the wall in “shit” but apparently was avocado. they were later on the run and her “fiancé” got arrested and put in jail. Lilboweep claims to have not been there but owner of the house says otherwise. there’s probs more detail to the story but that’s the general idea > has a show in her hometown in Australia and 2 people show up. she preformed to an empty room > travels back and forth from AUS to USA because she has no fans in AUS > claims to not wear any “products” on her face. gets called out for obviously wearing thick fake lashes and excessive amounts of highlighter on her face everyday> replies “nothing except fake lashes and highlighter:) no foundation etc” ????? ok> had her freckles lasered off but now draws them back on > previously had super long dreads for years which was basically her aesthetic. claimed people were coping her and cut them all off and shaved her head > complained about looking like a boy continuously > ridiculously edits her photos, especially her waist, legs and eyes. she has big eyes already but edits them HUGE. there has been some photo proof posted a few threads ago> claims to be a “vegabond” and has moved around a lot> e-begs for money on her Instagram story by posting “$15 Story Shoutouts” and “$40 beats” that are so boring and one dimensional that they can be made on garage band > had a fake lash business that lasted a few months > also attempted to be a sex worker and sell her content > lived out of a van for a while > purchased a puppy (Lab X Alaskan Malamute if I remember correctly? which is a very big dog) abused it by raising it in her van in its very early stages> now abandoned the puppy while she lives her “vegabond” life in USA> claims to have no money while she e-begs yet gets new tattoos on a weekly basis > also posted about wanting to get a Michael Jackson tattoo and got soooo much hate > recently got gold on her teeth, nose job and huge lip injections > lip injections continue to get bigger and more lumpy by the day (she had a really mouth / lips before so they look like they are about to burst) > nose job was pointless (unless it was for her breathing) and looks botched and lumpy > posted sooo many pics of her swollen face for attention> changed her name to “unaloon” because she’d rather be happy over having “clout” yet username is still “lilboweep” lol there’s probably more but that’s all I can think off the top of my head
No. 824274
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No. 824288
>>824283wow can we stop arguing over herpes and what is milky or not and just laugh at these idiots on the internet which is what this forum is for.
>>824273this is epic, thank you
No. 824316
>>824314Yeah, the link of the statistics is right there if u didn't see. I think this is more evidence that say: "hm, no, that's not true"
Come on yall…
No. 824320
>>824318Yeah I get it, BUT the person said I was wrong, wich I wasn't, so just wanted to clarify some facts and numbers.
Also, judging someone bc she "looks like she has herpes" is the stupidiest thing I ever read. I mean, this is stupid in so so so many levels. Judge ppl by their behaviour, not buy this nonsense. But yeah, look where we are right? Ofc there will be superfitial ppl.
No. 824351
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>>799153>>824236She must be getting older bc her look here definitely doesn't scream "youth".
No. 824352
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Overdosing is so aesthetic guys hashtag kurt cobain
No. 824358
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More. These are lightened for clarity sorry they are dogshit quality tho
No. 824376
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>>824351Everybody gets old, didn't you know that? :O
oh and eventually people die too
(emoticon use) No. 824424
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"Lamented" was ok and the video was better than her bf's it'll be interesting to see where she goes next. Although I don't get the Grey Gardens aesthetic. At least it's unique I guess
No. 824470
>>824249LMAO! Wh-what did he do?! Have all his real teeth ripped out and replaced with screw in teeth?!
inb4 HE DID!
No. 824509
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gross. worst he’s ever looked
No. 824786
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fucking LOL @ this russian cashier who straight out copied Peep's tats.
No. 825415
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s4dgvrl come get your nosferatu looking ass bf
No. 825497
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lookin like he came to the show after his chemo therapy
im aware he shaved his head for a friend that passed.
he just doesn’t look very healthy
No. 825573
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>>825415tfw genuinely concerned about ghostemane.
…th-that is ghostmane, right?!
LMAO! I can't tell anymore! All these fuckers look'in the same and shit!
No. 826037
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maybe milk incoming
No. 826582
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>>826508right as i wonder if you’re talking about ghostemane i see this
No. 827169
>>826508Who? Get some tea
To answer your question, I don't think $B are scumbags towards women and they still associate with pouya, I mean unless anyone has milk about them they want to share….
No. 827331
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here’s a thought Emma: get a job.
{for those who don’t know this is lil peep’s on/off first love and the girl most of his music is about}
No. 827403
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>>820887“aesthetic pics” lol this bitch corny af, what aesthetic?? weeb swag with elf ears and creepers that have batwings on them? if you think adventure time is corny try baby wings sitting on IG calling herself a ~*magical fairy princess*~ posting “dumb bitch juice” crying cat memes and rilakkuma pics LOL /yawn. also agree her “singing” sounds like a sad mosquito and that hair is WEIRD. does she have any goals or aspirations in life other than being a normie that complains on the internet all day begging her ex boyfriend’s fans for money lmao?? I get way more clout chaser vibes from that one haha. she still trying to ride off his clout a year after they broke up cause she would be nothing without him. no one would even know her. and her psychotic manipulative ass cracks me up how she tries to turn his own fans against him and his wife.
coLdY is so much happier now and it shows. this “toxicity” you speak of seems more like you’re just being a hater, cause everyone I see is super happy for them. jimmytoast is far from a clout chaser that’s why she doesn’t want to ever interact with 15 year old fans and is only “mean” when they harass her I’m pretty sure. makes sense since people nowadays don’t know how to respect others privacy.
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return of the skinwalker
No. 827700
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Trouble in paradise
No. 828014
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Teddy aka Peep skinwalker strikes again.
sage bc nothing new.
No. 828031
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think you’re gonna need more than that pepper
No. 828251
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Coco really out there making a video for the SI swimsuit casting, the fact that she thinks she even has a chance compared to all the girls who actually worked for it lmao
No. 828257
>>827403Lol gold digger that can’t even read show me where in that post they called you
toxic and not just an vapid opportunist
which honestly whatever girl get your coins no one cared about any of the ugly girls that use coldharts dumb ass till you stared self posting
No. 828275
>>827403ps you look real secure and normal sperging about ur relationship no one really cares about on an anonymous imageboard quoting a over 2 weeks old post that didn’t even call you
ToXIc or a cLoUtChAsER but suggested you might be an expensive rebound (what do you have to say about that one huh? since you had so much input on everything else)
No one’s suggested that bbywings was good for him either just that they actually made sense together and had shit in common lol
anyways I know most people in this thread don't actually keep up with the scene but hella sketchy just died he was a young producer that worked with a lot of people in the scene
No. 828286
File: 1561676226488.jpeg (950.55 KB, 1242x2319, 2D211175-C493-467E-A371-94AA78…)

>>828212castlebasas tattooed a friend of mine and i was horrified over the cost of it.
and def a peep skinwalker like teddy. yikes.
No. 828306
>>828275lmaoo!! i’m not JimMy ToAsT but aren’t y’all the ones that started talkin about his relationships on an anonymous message board to begin with? (they ain’t even your relationships or mine so who’s more normal LoL!) anyway, they had NOTHING in common that’s why he left her bum ass and he glowed up with his expensive rebound that he’s marrying now and she’s still broke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sry for ~* sage *~*~* !! and the words
ToXiC and cLouTchAseR VibeS were brought up several times so have a seat and keep whining
(pure autism) No. 828359
>>827868I wonder if his rape allegations are following him around and that's why he's been having sm trouble. He's pretty big for a soundcloud artist
>>828251I love how she doesn't mention Kevin once. She's one quick Google search away from people realizing she got her clout by riding rapist dick
No. 828389
File: 1561686162375.jpeg (278.47 KB, 640x740, D112BD5A-2BCD-4ABB-863B-B189B6…)

>>828251Coco feels entitled to opportunities and having her bloated face/body in Sports Illustrated because she has cancer. And popularity from her boyfriend
She is constantly having her followers spam and harass companies for her benefit and to fuel her raging narcissism. For a short and fat thot, the girlfriend of a known rapist/cheater, Coco is painfully narcissistic with no self awareness. She has always been insufferable and holier than thou before her illness, it just made her even more of a trash person. Now she’s in an echo chamber of mindless support and no accountability, she can’t be negative or wrong because she’s dying.
Coco effectively trapped Pouya with her cancer for the past 2 - 3 years and so on kek
No. 828608
File: 1561717919710.png (21.53 KB, 537x168, creepy.PNG)

adam22 tweeting to jake paul after he said "FEELS GOOD TO BE A FIANCEE" in reference to his 'engagement' to tana mongeau
i really hate this guy. he's such a nasty influence over teens and he's such an old terrible fuck
No. 828752
File: 1561734339888.png (Spoiler Image,663.78 KB, 886x607, Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at 11.0…)

Bexey attempted suicide
No. 828901
File: 1561749229227.jpg (163.97 KB, 1080x1227, Instagram_youngbabycoco_648507…)

No. 828975
File: 1561763743179.jpeg (174 KB, 749x1211, D4FDE326-014C-4F0D-A8FE-B305AD…)

No milk but just shook at how fatnicks girlfriend is black? Did she bleach her skin or something cause she looks white as fuck now
No. 828995
>>828031Gonna be real ironic and funny when mr streetwear scammer gets scammed out hundreds by some health fad quack doctor.
>>828336Is it possible for people to buy views? I know people can buy followers but i've never heard of buying views. I wouldn't put it past her record label to do that.
>>828608Yeah he's gross and his attitude towards women is disgusting as fuck esp with his impressionable platform but I also highly doubt Jake and Tana's engagement is legitimate.
>>828752These mfs desperately need a PR team or at least a sensible manager LMAOOO
No. 829009
File: 1561769905551.png (535.56 KB, 926x564, Screen Shot 2019-06-28 at 8.56…)

>>828975Genetics are pretty weird. If I had to guess I would say one of her parents is mixed, so she's white but has features that make her ambiguous. Her having bleached hair and wearing colored contacts also obviously contributes. If you go through her Instagram posts when her hair was it's natural color you can tell a lot more
No. 829647
File: 1561921563467.jpg (289.42 KB, 1080x1350, Instagram_hotelshrimp_61763878…)

skinwalking intensifies
Lmao I 100% knew she would start this shit up again once once she decided to fuck horsehead for clout. The only thing cringier than TP's kurt and courtney cosplay is shrimp's weird obsession with wearing Layla's skin. Least original bitch alive except maybe Coco's basic thot ass
No. 830019
>>829992She's an awful human being no one cares who you want to stick your penis in basement dweller
Can these creepy dudes just go
No. 830289
File: 1562021969713.png (3.43 MB, 750x1334, 3E8FEE15-1375-4CD0-B8A1-FB969B…)

Pouya can't even feign tolerance with air headed ass coco any longer.
No. 830350
File: 1562027908175.jpeg (Spoiler Image,318.13 KB, 828x1439, 068A4363-CE7C-4586-9EAD-F48C1F…)

First it’s Kurt end Courtney. Now it’s Lennon and Yoko.
No. 830485
>>830314Probably because no one gives a fuck about him anymore and he's stuck with a fat wine aunt wannabe swimsuit model.
I mean pouya is emaciated but there are a lot of better looking clout chasing whores who would date him and he probably hates the fact he's stuck with coco.
No. 830511
File: 1562060350279.jpeg (167.5 KB, 750x1150, C8F642E5-5EB9-4005-9A6B-C551EB…)

She's lowkey drunk 24/7 at this point, she cant look straight anymore. Aint nothing cute about being alcoholic courtney
No. 830803
File: 1562092195307.png (1.46 MB, 750x1334, 50FCAD79-6981-410A-B5CB-45D50F…)

why is pepperann acting like he’s still associated with post malone? putting a screenshot of posty’s upcoming single on your story despite you having nothing to do with it might be one of your most desperate moves yet, Tyler.
No. 830908
File: 1562102845915.jpeg (189.61 KB, 750x1092, 770BA5F1-0500-4FD8-B711-F78CDD…)

Caption translated: this is nobody. Not nobody.
No. 831000
File: 1562112707615.jpeg (122.08 KB, 1125x1020, 96FB7505-8123-457C-81D9-BC661F…)

>>830908Is she still lurking this heavy? Layla girl just stop you’ve won like 90% of the thread over
No. 831053
File: 1562123966113.jpeg (230.25 KB, 640x898, C9294467-4367-4BA3-95DD-4BD935…)

This is from a week ago but I don’t think anyone posted it. Anyway, props to Layla for not mentioning Peep and for uh, really showing her haters who’s boss.
/s No. 831086
File: 1562133511328.png (2.39 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190702-113716.png)

Shrimpy looking very high, how long have you been sober again?
No. 831689
File: 1562211195071.png (1.76 MB, 1242x2688, 4A09D372-BD2A-432A-923E-E97500…)

someones watching.
No. 831728
File: 1562218701765.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.6 KB, 1080x1080, John-Lennon-and-Yoko-Ono3-Anni…)

>>830350Is this the new cosplay? Toopoor is yoko and killstation is john lennon?
No. 831877
>>831689This is soooo pathetic. A two sentence review from 15 years ago to prove she’s “talented”
Dumbass should have whipped out her degree, if she has one. At least that means more
No. 831909
File: 1562256628207.jpeg (197.83 KB, 750x456, 2DC93872-1952-444F-8A23-40F095…)

Did he think people wouldnt internet sleuth to find the scene? Foolish
No. 832090
File: 1562281833893.png (1.62 MB, 1315x1108, ig-throwback.png)

layla posted some throwback pics.
No. 832819
File: 1562408727849.png (43.27 KB, 581x146, babycocoloco.png)

thought she was gonna an hero for a moment there
No. 832922
File: 1562431148700.jpeg (701.88 KB, 1125x1558, 3180075E-E18F-4D74-AFF3-4A3492…)

>>832866In this day and age, who cares. Adopt if it’s that big of a deal.
Grosso pulling out 3+ year old photos and getting called out on being a narcissist… his desperation never gets old.
No. 833821
File: 1562613520443.png (192.54 KB, 750x1334, 351C0451-AB62-4DDC-819E-F90CE4…)

once again pepperann is not fulfilling orders and ignoring the people that query him.
No. 833822
File: 1562613997465.jpeg (178.69 KB, 750x1095, 8AFD77F7-D9D5-4B4A-A0AC-1451F9…)

Coco back at protecting her rapist bf, funny how she calls those girls thots while she's obviously the biggest thot around
No. 833859
>>833266true. coco may be an incredibly annoying
angel baby but to be infertile at 29 is horrible.
No. 833888
>>833822My bf cheated on me constantly and all the girls he cheated with are irrelevat thots!
Wow spicy take main bitch
No. 833952
>>833888"Y'all are lucky I'm such a NiCe PeRsOn"…proceeds to go on a vaguely threatening rant referring to her scumbag rapist boyfriend's
victims as thots. mmmk. Coco, if you're reading this (and I know you are) - you are absolute garbage sis. And also how are YOU relevant? You sell shitty private labeled AliExpress lashes to a bunch of teenagers who are too dumb to know better and have built your entire online presence around your willingness to be continually humiliated by a hopelessly ugly 3rd-string SoundCloud rapper. Literally all you do all day every day is gas yourself up online and desperately tag Sports Illustrated. People who are actually nice don't need to constantly tell others how nice and good and ~*angelic*~ they are. It is legit sad that you are almost 30 years old and conducting yourself like this. Fuck off.
No. 834186
File: 1562665427607.png (2.38 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-07-09-04-36-56…)

imagine dating a serial cheater and a rapist can't relate
No. 834524
File: 1562712314646.png (444.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-07-09-17-42-37…)

Kevin def on some fuck shit lmao
No. 834749
File: 1562737905539.png (1.57 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190709-220733.png)

get a therapist
No. 834750
File: 1562737952564.png (1.55 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190709-220739.png)

I don't think this is true either
No. 834865
File: 1562751570909.jpeg (229.25 KB, 750x1120, 6F265287-7F05-4F38-BBD8-86DD20…)

No. 837159
>>819643They broke up. She got what she wanted from him and now the clout chaser is on to her next
victim. She’s out at the club and he’s home talking about being alone. We saw this coming. Poor Smoke.
No. 837207
File: 1563022961125.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20190713-060133.png)

No. 837564
>>837159That’s actually really funny, honestly if rose is that career or status minded she’s a driven and dedicated bitch, gotta be the most respectable girl here tbh all these girls are just egirl clout accessories they can use to write songs about, especially when they break up lol.
It’s just implicit rappers cheat so idk I think it’s hella funny when their girls do it instead. Smoke was stanning peep for his life and this groupie with a crybaby tattoo comes into his life for other photo ops and he thinks he can control her and never be hurt by her since she’s such a diehard. Hahaha…
No. 838132
File: 1563138759255.png (2.57 MB, 750x1334, C4009595-D896-47C8-A15F-8F2C97…)

I know Lilith has her own thread but this room is aubrey’s lololol where’s the lie
No. 838168
File: 1563142064367.png (861.86 KB, 601x581, 2.png)

yikes emma keeps looking worse and worse…
No. 838169
File: 1563142141379.png (584.41 KB, 476x594, 1.png)

>>838168compare to this pic around the time peep cheated on her, she was actually cute
No. 838231
>>838168Everything about her screams "try hard"
Her transition to insta thot post Peep's death was a total flop because apparently she can't even pay her bills now
No. 838239
>>838169>>838231is she ever going to do anything besides selling shitty thriftstore clothes to underage peep stans?
anyone else notice that she conveniently skipped over his cheating when talking about their "lifelong romance"? she probably doesn't want to put a damper on the ~one true love uwu narrative
No. 838370
File: 1563173849007.png (5.98 MB, 1242x2208, 9B3930A9-401F-4F10-A94F-070F9C…)

>>820887coldhart’s new girlfriend says that his family still pay’s for bbywing’s phone bill. Lol
No. 838430
File: 1563191928210.png (1.5 MB, 750x1334, 648AD76F-D87E-4B09-8583-197553…)

layla, please stop with the Lilith skinwalking
No. 838488
>>838132This bitch is on crack, edgelords don’t type like that, retards do
Completely denounced any credibility she might have had, if this was even something anyone should give two fucks about
Bitch is still just mad nobody gives half as much of a fuck about her, unless she brings up Marilyn Manson or photoshops her body lmaoo
No. 838673
File: 1563229662620.jpeg (192.85 KB, 750x1194, 6833058C-0500-497F-907D-7D7BA0…)

Seems like fatnick and his gf broke up, she's seeing someone else now, surprise surprise
No. 838681
>>838132omfg she meant to say authenticity but her brain is so fried she typed ethnicity lmaaao
she's literally borderline retarded it's not an act wow
No. 838829
File: 1563254463327.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-07-15-22-46-26…)

Coconut licking a knife on her insta story drunkenly slurring "don't question my loyalty or I will ruin you" like she's not out here being a dumb thot sharing tweets about cheating
Exhibit A:
>>834524 No. 838851
File: 1563260314219.jpg (382.47 KB, 1125x2384, IMG_8100.jpg)

>>838833I don't really care about her or bbywings but it's funny she's lying about how long they've been together, coldy was posting pictures on bbywings ig of him shirtless in the bed they shared this time last year
No. 839068
File: 1563305978463.png (1.39 MB, 750x1334, 0BB84C13-6A72-4791-B615-E1DCDA…)

pepper on live rn looking absolutely horrendous
No. 839326
File: 1563345938964.jpeg (183.88 KB, 750x1251, 78935754-D86B-40C3-AD0F-7DF7F3…)

Lmfao he's delusional for taking her back
No. 839562
File: 1563398509329.jpeg (170.45 KB, 750x1047, A4669E87-0115-42A1-A748-6C0417…)

>>839544To the "at least you got your female" comment he had replied "no i don't" but it has been deleted since they're back together, it was legit a 2 day break or something
No. 839731
File: 1563423075733.jpg (25.51 KB, 453x453, 64978421_672689583200525_55678…)

>>839566>is ghostemane dating that dana dentata chick now? Idk. Good question.
No. 839904
File: 1563472781396.png (531.29 KB, 750x1334, 215CCC8B-82FE-4FB9-9026-D793BD…)

when your breakdown tweets don’t get enough attention so you screencap them and post them on your own insta story too. nice pepper
No. 839905
File: 1563472951530.png (1.18 MB, 750x1334, 35B024DC-0258-44F3-AB4D-45F29F…)

that new bio is incredibly cringe. “grahso” so people stop calling him GROSS lol
No. 840005
File: 1563485712704.png (84.36 KB, 612x508, Screen Shot 2019-07-18 at 22.2…)

i apologise in advance for bringing chelji back into this thing but im assuming its the same 'one' as the peep clout chaser - looks like 21 savage wanted a piece
No. 840941
File: 1563598401848.png (531.29 KB, 1080x1085, Screenshot_2019-07-19-23-49-29…)

Oh shit
No. 840974
File: 1563601216528.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, C852B291-2368-4184-AB38-D4A693…)

I don't know how to save the video, but she pounded on this guy's ice cream truck and asked repeatedly for him to turn the music up
No. 840988
File: 1563604383691.jpeg (490.76 KB, 1125x2310, E4CB5777-6D63-4830-BEAA-3EE7FB…)

>>838851Few days off aw I’m so sry. He moved on fast ♀️♀️
(don't use emojis) No. 841263
File: 1563661310109.png (1 MB, 1080x1298, 2019-07-20 17.18.31.png)

Kevin putting on an emo act just for show. He deleted the "sometimes I feel alone" comment because he probably realised it sounds fake as fuck. I'm sure he's just relieved he can gangbang groupies in peace
No. 841817
File: 1563751970184.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1556, 2019-07-21 18.26.14.png)

He's blatantly trying to fuck with her posting shit like this. He can't just leave her alone even though he's a cheater and she still has cancer. What a fucking psychopath.
No. 841832
>>841817I don't like Coco at all but Kevin is such an all around awful human being. Let the girl be
>>841824I'm not even close to broke sis but keep typing your angry paragraphs. Lmao stay mad
No. 841839
>>841817Wow, I didn't know Kevin was capable of looking less disgusting. He went from that stoner kid down the street to that creepy uncle you don't want to be caught alone with real fast.
>>841760>>841824Most embarrassing behavior.
No. 841897
>>841891I'll be honest I wrote both of those comments you replied to but I looked up thread and can't figure out who you're supposed to be.
The thing is, it doesn't matter. You couldn't be any if the random crack sluts in this thread and the same shit would apply.
Are you the one begging to get her phone bill payed by the Asian guys family or are you another mullet haired black eyed tattoo faced bitch? I don't know. You were being annoying and what I said applied to you because it applies to all if you.
You have no worth. You have no education or talent. You're a leach. In 5 years you'll either be a crack head begging for money or an old washed up prostitute. You're doing it to yourself.
No. 841923
File: 1563762660651.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 34CE2A09-A077-4499-AE3C-E52743…)

Love when these dumpy fling of the season airheaded alt hoes claim to be unbothered then go sperg on their stories about us. This bitch is a legit nobody tho is there any actual fresh milk tonight? It's Sunday where are you farmers(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 841931
>>841923That’s- that’s not even how that meme format works
how is someone self posting this hard and terminally boring at the same time
No. 841945
>>841934You know there's more than one anon on here, right? Just got back from dinner since
>>841839 and here you are still sperging out. You've been at it for three hours. kek.
No. 841954
File: 1563764491348.jpg (70.98 KB, 500x500, uggo.jpg)

>>841948>>841950She's some clout chaser hoe dating one of the bottom rung gothboi crew dudes, who unfortunately looks like a skinny Soren.
She's also apparently super attention thirsty, easily
triggered, and doesn't comprehend anon forums as seen by her endless spergfest in this thread.
No. 841960
>>841954Dude looks like
>>723859 straight up.
No. 842027
File: 1563770483824.png (1.06 MB, 940x901, mli.png)

>>842013Looks like she's trying to rush him into marriage too. Dude should run.
No. 842039
File: 1563772571874.jpg (334.2 KB, 1054x1702, gross.jpg)

No. 842407
File: 1563826721359.png (3.13 MB, 750x1334, 4FB31DEF-3852-4D8E-9726-A48C06…)

Its 4pm in New York and coco already looks fucked up. The spiral is real.
No. 842462
File: 1563832393107.jpeg (859.65 KB, 1242x1680, E8FA059F-0CF1-438A-9F25-8CD059…)

well they did it lol
No. 842506
File: 1563835999197.jpeg (379.63 KB, 1124x1954, 8C63F046-A087-4265-ACF2-0E98ED…)

Layla/Peep cosplay. This is going to end so well(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 842517
File: 1563837715619.jpg (139.45 KB, 1080x717, 64529018_335856434009373_44395…)

>>842506eugh this picture is so awkward he looks like a mutant feasting on her flesh
i have no clue as to how any female would let picrel near their downstairs area. this nugoth shit isnt ironic anymore, he literally looks like the type of emo poser filipino creep that would message underage girls on myspace in 2007. this girl needs to love herself. if she's not in it for the money like she claims than she's mentally ill as hell
No. 842606
File: 1563848308516.jpg (568.53 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20190722-191637.jpg)

As if Big Bear isn't trashy enough already. And I say that out of appreciation for the place.
No. 842646
File: 1563854754162.png (394.7 KB, 591x422, jt.png)

>>842517When you're a plain faced, average bodied girl desperate for clout, you gotta take what you can get I guess. She's not really very notable on her own and her personal jewelry making died down years ago. Even then her designs were super basic. Like this shit looks like something you'd get out of one of those gumball machines as a kid for 50 cents?
It's funny cause she clearly had a big weeb phase a while back too. I wonder if that has anything to do with her going after one of the only asian dudes in the sadboi scene. Even if he's straight up ugly.
No. 842673
>>842506She's literally trying to be Layla. No wonder she's on here self posting god how fucking pathetic
>>842670Mods ban this boring bitch pls
No. 842695
>>842681oh god this pic… lmfao
>>842692back in the myspace era there were a ton of flips like him, dunno if he's actually filipino or not but i do know he's irrelevant so who cares
No. 842742
File: 1563874000471.png (364.67 KB, 640x1136, 0307AC1B-8E03-4496-A28F-CA447A…)

Pepper, grow some fucking balls.(5.3
No. 843263
File: 1563949100597.jpg (656.62 KB, 1080x1080, 2019-07-23 01.26.36.jpg)

>>842695Original got removed. Forgot about the no kids rule. My bad
Once again peep Kevin's receding hairline
No. 843414
File: 1563978142121.jpeg (555.48 KB, 828x1792, B8D7919B-7104-4390-BFA6-1C32F3…)

>>841989here’s the actual definition of what u all are doing lol. And then when she replies and tells you guys that you’re inflating her ego, you’re all so retarded you ask her “HoW iS tHaT PosSiBle” lmao!!
There’s 24 hours in a day. You could be doing anything and y’all choose to obsess over her. I mean obv anyone would cuz she’s literally one of the prettiest ppl alive so I get it. Just remember tho, not everyone interprets hate the same way you all do, some people think it’s funny. You guys aren’t even good at it cuz you just sound like a bunch of sore ass high schoolers who wanna hang out with her and Coldy but can’t LOL
File: 1564007379683.jpeg (89.41 KB, 709x1536, 8D4871B5-7A8D-43E3-AE25-652874…)

>>843579>>843622>>843579>>843622Lmao u guys are sooooo dumb you don’t even realize she doesn’t sit on here all day like you. This isn’t her, it’s ME @lemon.scones and you really think that all of your anonymous insults have any affect on us at all lmao. Go get ur bag up
(No one cares) No. 843638
>>843634so ur a random sperging out on an anonymous message board, riding that refresh button, on ur friends totally not shot gun wedding day.
Very normal very not bothered behavior
No. 843808
>>843634“y-you guys are dumb! we don’t even care!”
babe you’re the ones bothered enough to keep coming back bleating that you’re unbothered which is…… the most bothered thing you can do. now begone ugly
No. 843865
File: 1564060705001.jpeg (151.22 KB, 750x563, 8ADC2EEA-EDB9-4C01-B69A-99E626…)

>>843634Imagine acting like you’re so much smarter than everyone …. but then you photoshop like this
No. 843968
File: 1564079611533.png (1.24 MB, 1182x984, Screen Shot 2019-07-25 at 1.28…)

the beginning was kinda cute then the camera panned up to her face… horrifying
No. 844273
File: 1564143146126.png (867.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-07-26-05-10-11…)

Kevin keeps posting pics with female fans and only female fans on a daily basis. He's having the time of his life meanwhile Coco is blubbering to the ice cream man and trying to fill the void with dior and gold jewelry. He really did her dirty but she silenced his victims bc she was salty he cheats which of course she's always known about so idk what she expected from him
No. 844476
File: 1564173379834.jpeg (496.6 KB, 750x1168, CB0A592A-067B-4A35-A690-B293B7…)

Coco acting desperate for attention post breakup and she’s got her full titties out to prove it
No. 844532
>>844522by "in this day and age" do you mean 2010. basically all of them were teens and have disavowed/discarded their edgelord phases and flat out refuse to do those lyrics in their live shows lol, tyler most notably
i think a better (though still very much of the time) choice to look at would be people like propr boyz/mike dece and ruben slikk, who arguably have a bigger impact on the whole "soundclout" scene even if you haven't heard of them. mike dece is now a "pro trump" rapper who posts nothing but vulgar shit and ruben slikk is obsessed with rape, i'm pretty sure that's what got him locked up
No. 844538
>>844476This girl is on one of the saddest downward spirals I've ever witnessed. The entirety of her self worth comes from being objectified and it's only gotten worse. This is the desperate need for male sexual approval disguised as body positivity. It's so obvious how not secure with herself this girl is. She NEEDS to constantly be a sex object to feel
valid. It's her entire existence
No. 844688
File: 1564207971346.png (299.98 KB, 640x1136, A5558BC3-1DEA-49E7-96D7-32543C…)

y’all seeing this shit?
No. 844690
>>844538Her self worth used to come from being Pouya's girl. She stayed with him despite the cheating because she got a narcissistic rush every time he wrote some apologetic song about her
>>844688Just tell everyone he cheated sis. He's such a fucker. I'd gain an ounce of respect for her if she stopped defending his stupid ass and just exposed him
No. 844831
File: 1564246639558.png (134.65 KB, 1080x775, Screenshot_2019-07-27-04-14-43…)

(July 16th 3 days before she announced their split)
No. 844832
File: 1564246685996.png (60.63 KB, 1080x348, Screenshot_2019-07-27-04-15-09…)

Same photo different comment
No. 844834
File: 1564246796832.png (982.04 KB, 1080x1698, 2019-07-27 11.54.53.png)

Pouya commented this July 8th. It looks like he initiated the split before tour
No. 844840
>>844690>narcissistic rushI mean she's out here being a failed actress calling herself "a real housewife of soundcloud" so yea she def stayed for the clout bc why the fuck else would someone date this string bean
>>844839At least not this time lol
No. 845888
File: 1564479817798.jpeg (365.88 KB, 750x1104, 3CA00631-D25A-4C5F-AC94-56F227…)

At this point I'm wondering if her being this retarded is all one big act or not, it's almost impossible to be this dumb
No. 845890
>>845888I literally REQUIRE her makeup in this pic to be a joke.
Like it's always been bad but this…just….please say sike.
No. 846193
File: 1564524268587.jpeg (28.83 KB, 400x400, C409EF6F-EFC5-40D4-8B4F-5FB0C7…)

Not sure where nightcoregirl related tea goes but this interview is disturbing. No. 846223
>>846193If she's not part of soundclout and not connected to any of the cows on here she doesn't belong here
Also when you post a new cow you need to give us the rundown and explain who they are / their backstory
No. 846321
File: 1564538663982.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-07-29-21-16-09…)

Here's a fun pic of Coco practically trying to finger Pouya's sister. I wonder why he left her. Couldn't be sloppy shit like this /s
No. 846436
>>846314edgy-artsy trust fund kid with an internet following. idk what else to say. that article reads like edgy cat marnell, which is saying something jesus
Dj/models, used to roll with lilith and holli,
>>274427>>275040>>515498>>515469 Mentioned in the first of the lay threads
No. 846582
File: 1564588574776.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, 3D840944-FEB8-4498-B2C0-E9E51F…)

wtf is wrong with her
No. 846920
File: 1564627923616.png (273.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-07-31-09-31-32…)

Breaking News: KEVIN POUYA IS A LIAR (jk we been knew)
No. 847095
>>847005She's not wearing makeup ya dip lmao
>>847027Oh 100%. Drinking daily will do that. Alcoholism 101
No. 847125
File: 1564673064640.webm (1.45 MB, 480x480, tp.webm)
>>843968Here's that clip before it disappears off her page.
No. 847355
File: 1564703077163.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1125x1888, 293CD2DE-5C4E-47AC-BD29-AB4D3E…)

Does anyone here talk about this annoying kid Sloppymakeout? Some shit souncloud Walmart rapper, he’s set up a challenge for people to snort pink chalk to his shitty beats. Can’t help but laugh at this dumb bitch.
No. 847356
File: 1564703163856.jpeg (666.61 KB, 1125x1102, 2BB565E6-F283-41C0-B03D-3B220D…)

Instagram is @sloppymakeout
No. 847520
>>846193that's an art~~ piece post for a artsy site, anon
Also, yeah she's delusional just like her stans
No. 847645
File: 1564768733660.jpeg (172.24 KB, 828x1030, 421348E2-25FE-4C89-A1BF-8F63DD…)

>>847444apparently was also an abuser
No. 847876
File: 1564810252855.jpg (604.29 KB, 1399x1865, 20190803_012840.jpg)

when this part of Layla's post came up I genuinely gasped. What an unfortunate, unfortunate face, although she's one of the least cringy clown in this grimy embarrassing circus
No. 847896
File: 1564818293216.png (930.42 KB, 1080x1453, 2019-08-03 02.39.53.png)

Pouya just posted this on insta. Still trying to fuck with her I see
No. 848186
>>847876Dude what the fuck she looks cute as hell she just doesn’t have the full 5lb instainfluencer make up on. I’m not even a stan, love how these fucking lame middle school tier posts start coming in when coldh4rts playboy gets mentioned as if anyone anywhere ever gave a fuck. He was one of the dudes that started god and STILL no one gave or gives a fuck and make Layla of all people look ‘mature’ and actually somewhat ‘business oriented’ (sry still can’t write that seriously). Maybe there’s no correlation, whatever, I’m just saying boring ass people like them do weird mean things like this, no new info, no interesting opinions or jokes.
Just ‘wow she looks ugly without makeup”
No. 848202
File: 1564871568489.png (30 KB, 327x235, Screen Shot 2019-08-03 at 3.28…)

Lil Xan using Peep to shamelessly grub for engagement.
No. 848229
File: 1564875297886.jpeg (712.5 KB, 1242x1448, BA9463F8-DEA9-47B5-9AF1-A16EE5…)

went on peep’s insta after xan’s post and literally why tf??? lisa doesn’t own shit anymore what’s her gain in releasing more music peep clearly didn’t want to release? and didnt smoke say there wouldn’t be another one after cowys2 flopped? jfc this industry is relentless he isn’t even as relevant anymore idgi
No. 849669
File: 1565123829729.jpeg (560.26 KB, 750x1039, 9F4BCF37-DE43-453F-9A5E-FF29F2…)

>>847356Since it was brought up, smrt death, lil lotus, and the other dudes here are all shitty soundcloud idiots from LA who rode peeps death into something resembling internet fame. They can be milky but mostly they just jerk themselves and each other off nonstop. If you're into cringe, these guys post a lot of it. Sage cus no milk.
No. 849745
>>849669>since it was brought upLike besides the rapist director thing it hasn’t been one person samefagging about smrt and his sad ex
None of those people are even from la and the only person who lives in la in that photo is a foreign national lmfaoooo
No. 849759
File: 1565135044651.jpeg (258.62 KB, 750x1125, 38D52610-65C4-49CD-B31E-0D65E3…)

Layla looks surprisingly ok here. Maybe she just showered for the first time in a while but still
No. 849761
>>849745actually guccihighwaters and im p sure lotus and smrtdeath both live in LA. they’re just not originally from.
lotus is a complete dick, and so is his fiance, Sage @ogaquafina. Sage told a girl to jump off a bridge for getting a tattoo in the same spot as hers that was similar and inspired by, but not the same. as well as lotus would has a kid and used to do coke and take care of his kid (this was told to me by someone who was on tour with him last year).
No. 849790
>>849761Ahh ok I thought lotus bought a house in Texas and just spent time in la because it’s easier to work out of there, I know smrt lives in la, but he’s on visa so who knows for how long. I honestly thought gucci still lived with his parents lmao
>>849778Ft the edgiest thing that dude does is probably mix up him and his girlfriends socks when he does the laundry
No. 850281
>>850278The only reason he has fame in death is because he had clout alive; so enough people did appreciate his music.
I mean throw all the shade you want but most celebrities are drug addicts at some point, and tons of regular people too. The guy was young as fuck, didn't have a chance to live to grow out of that stage or quit drugs. No matter how cringe you think he or that scene was that's sad. I imagine a lot of anons here have been addicted to, had and or lost loved ones who were addicted to drugs. Wasn't deserved in any way.
Imagine being forever judged by who you were in your early twenties. That's still a baby in the grand scheme of things. Ease up, anon
No. 850325
>>850281I never said it was deserved. Ppl will be judged no matter what, even more if you were famous. Ppl will use this for their own purposes, clout and even gain money on it. That's is even sadder to me. I used this guy as a example because he is the most famous of them, these rappers idk. But yeah, these pll will idolise drug and self destructive behaviour and ppl will still clap their hands for them.
Sorry if i sounded rude.
No. 850327
File: 1565267274402.png (396.03 KB, 719x702, 20190808_092649.png)

No. 850345
>>850278"the guy made a total shit sound was a fucking drug addict" you're about 2 years late, just accept the fact that someone you don't like garnered some success.
>>850327and we really don't need the visuals to prove something to us that we already know.
No. 850686
File: 1565320030823.png (218.75 KB, 750x1334, 19AC7555-A9D5-4FBE-B5F4-5CDF77…)

I know this was touched on previously, but layla is purchasing YouTube views again.
No. 850715
>>850699A great unit of measure for what? Acknowledging that he was successful isn’t fangirling. Worse than fangirling is people coming in with their hot take on his music and image. It’s old news.
But comparing peep to trump, I haven’t heard that one before. I dont see the correlation but okay.
No. 851160
>>850800>cultural phenomenon at 21Eh. I wouldn't give him that much credit.
Mainstream record labels are always looking for a palatable posterchild for whatever is happening in the "alt" music world. When they find one, the fashion industry & every other corporation come swooping in right behind them.
Peep was not a tastemaker in any sense, he was very much a trend follower. The grunge-flavored, early 2000s hot topic revival party scene - which grew out of witch house and sea punk (remember that one? lol)- had been happening for quite some time. Everything he did musically was as part of a "crew," helmed by a dude who was already savvy about the industry (referring here to Wicca Phase's start in Tigers Jaw).
Peep was a cash cow, and he attained "cultural relevance" because he a) was born with good looks, b) was connected with the right people, c) was naiive & hungry for success enough to let himself be used by mainstream music/fashion/media outlets, and d) died in a sordid and public way, at what was most likely the height of his success.
There's a reason so many of these kids wash up or die. The money, exposure, and personal compromises you make to get where Gus did are overwhelming. Add a pre-existing drug problem into the mix and…wew.
Sage for old industry hag ranting, just…a bit of insight.
No. 851223
File: 1565430020319.png (111.63 KB, 1080x502, Screenshot_2019-08-09-16-53-16…)

Pouya still milking the breakup for the fans. Wore a "coco pose" t-shirt in a skateboarding vid hoping some idiot would notice. He's so transparent and manipulative
No. 851741
File: 1565558777575.png (73.42 KB, 1071x485, Screenshot_2019-08-11-05-50-45…)

>>851495It's sooo obvious what he's been doing. He likes the game and doesn't care what kind of hell he puts her through
Here's a comment he left on the girl she went to Europe withs photo. He initiated a "break" to fuck around and now he's toying with her just for fun. She's a moron for defending him but you'd think now that she's literally dying he'd stop abusing her. Guess not
No. 851805
>>851741it's a bit tinfoil but I feel like they're both in on this break for Pouya's ticket sales
tour ends, they reunite in at least 40 IG posts
No. 851821
>>851805how would them breaking up do anything to boost his sales? all his idiot fans think they're soulmates
I haven't seen them interact at all just him playing emo boy to get her/fans attention. they're all eating it up it's pathetic
No. 851862
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No. 852067
File: 1565636769173.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, EA45EA79-FB5C-4163-BA9C-9DD5E2…)

Eye roll
No. 852078
File: 1565637885954.png (142.62 KB, 825x496, cycle of abuse.png)

>>851686>>851223>>844688Yup obvious af, anyone with a rudimentary understanding of manipulation/narcissism can spot all his love bombing from miles away.
I will forever be big mad these rich idiots don't shell out their pennies to go to fucking therapy. Literally everyone would be better for it.
No. 852333
File: 1565676792168.png (672.36 KB, 1080x1692, Screenshot_2019-08-13-01-09-40…)

Damn she really out here reposting this. Looks like she's sick of the love bombing and all the fans insisting they "get back together"
No. 852338
File: 1565678270108.png (55.07 KB, 581x317, COCOKEVINCHEAT.png)

welp here we have it folks, not like any of us were surprised it's just nice to get some clarification from coconut herself, hopefully kevin pushes her to the edge more so she can maybe expose kevin first hand for his sexual assault allegations
No. 852344
File: 1565680303033.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x1850, 9147F9E5-444F-4BDE-8D0F-8BAE02…)

i wanted to bring attention to one of pepper's friends ibabye or lil baby or whatever
his feed is hilarious he looks like a lil british incest baby, like a retarded pepper who never went through puberty
No. 852356
File: 1565682482732.png (3.45 MB, 750x1334, 495D12CF-49D4-41DD-A6E7-D0446F…)

I feel superbad for coco. Not sure what sort of lies he put her melted alcoholic chemo brain on but the whatever it was the gaslighting must have been real. I really hope she has some moments of clarity and exposes him as the rapist he is. She's barely cognizant in most of her videos, in this one she was falling over in the middle of the day drunk. Kevin in the lowest of the low for the abuse he's hashing out to her.
No. 852367
File: 1565685534556.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1236, AD253C99-24BA-4EEB-B34B-E28BAA…)

>>852359he put "ed zeppelin" as his name on IG and did a whole or maybe a few photoshoots looking like a 70's tribute band hick lead so he's definitely trying to finesse that crusty vibe as difficult as it is for him but besides that and acting retarded on video a few times i have no melk, thought others might know something and never brought it up
have a funny troon channeling pic tho
No. 852483
File: 1565709625353.png (4.7 MB, 828x1792, 0AB2BBD7-E10B-4FDF-A030-3A0C5E…)

No milk but I can literally smell this photo
No. 852712
File: 1565747000478.jpg (647.42 KB, 1422x2444, 20190813_184009.jpg)

She's claiming no cheating involved lol
No. 852800
>>852730Her entire appearance has changed, she has a massive tumor removal scar and radiation burns all over her armpit, and her shoulder is permanently deformed. Are you fucking serious with this??
You're honestly dumb af
No. 852808
File: 1565773540258.png (861.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-13-14-34-20…)

It's sad she doesn't realize this is still him trying to manipulate her. Don't fall for it coconuts smh
No. 852813
File: 1565774291439.jpeg (141.37 KB, 1124x1408, EBBShhFW4AAmZEt.jpeg)

>>852808He wrote this specifically so she'd see it and so that it would get to her. It worked she saw it, saved it and tweeted it twice
(photo of his comment attatched to tweet)
here's the original post he was commenting on
>>847896 No. 852821
File: 1565775469118.png (720.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-13-01-25-06…)

>>852805She literally won't stop flip flopping. Pretty sure this was about him too
No. 852828
File: 1565778197265.png (2.18 MB, 1440x2298, 20190814_062210.png)

No. 852839
>>852832Right?? Like could you suck his dick any harder this is the OPPOSITE OF MOVING ON WHY TF ARE YOU POSTING THIS
She thinks she's so bad but she's literally still under his heel. Coco stop licking the bottom of his shoe and recognize that he's intentionally headfucking you with this lovebomb bs
No. 852845
>>852837Sorry, it just kind of pissed me off and I didn't want that stupid comment to turn into 10 other stupid comments.
Coco having cancer isn't why she's a cow.
No. 853041
File: 1565811662479.png (948.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-14-14-20-22…)

No. 853043
File: 1565811718188.png (308.03 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-14-14-37-40…)

>>853041lyrics.. just wow
No. 853228
File: 1565833330808.jpeg (507.68 KB, 1242x1799, 5680A951-3951-4A5D-A37C-21E457…)

>>852813Now she’s posting vague captions to freak her fans out so they all flock to her with sympathy and tell her how much the world needs her. Needing help is one thing but she clearly only does this shit for attention.
No. 853272
File: 1565838348179.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-14-14-24-45…)

>>853258all her self love is a lie. still wearing his name on her neck like she's a damn dog at his beck on call
No. 853275
>>853043I mean it's cold but he's right. She is obsessed with him
Exhibit A:
>>853272Why go on a trip to Europe to get over him and come back with his name around your neck like he owns you. She went one step forward dumping him and going off to Europe but she's backsliding hard. Be stronger Courtney for fucks sake.
No. 853306
>>853258I just assumed she was talking about dying because of her stage three cancer. She might be using it to get to that skinny balding guy but the truth is she really could die.
I think I've had a real empathetic moment looking through her Insta and if I was in her position and had the means I'd be taking a world tour, too.
I don't know where you gathered all that other "she thinks she's an angel" shit.
No. 853308
>>853275She didn't go to Europe to get over him. She went on a bucket list trip. Do y'all not see this? It's sad as fuck that he's her only source of real intimate love but this was a "I might die so I'm going to do what I want" trip. This is her "make a wish" for adults.
This thread made me hate this girl at first but lurking in her shit… I don't know. I still don't like her but I can put myself in her position. It must really suck and she's good at making it look fun.
No. 853525
>>853308Well if that's the case then Kevin toying with her is infinitely more fucked up. Chick's not even in remission. Apparently the type of cancer she has in non curable which isn't the case with all cancers. It's extremely sad and as much as I hate her devotion to that rapist piece of shit she deserves so much better. Imagine going through that and your bf/ex won't stop playing mind games and tries to sleep around on you yet refuses to let you move on at the same time. He needs to fuck off. She may be irritating at times but he's a complete monster. They're incomparable. I'm sure when she dies he'll use it for clout even though she's alive now and he doesn't give a fuck. She needs to cut his incel ass off and reflect on how
abusive he's been and still is.
No. 853715
>>853607I mean agreed but I still say Pouya is far worse. I guess when you date a misogynist rapist POS you can't really be surprised when he inevitably treats you like garbage. It doesn't matter how faithful she was or how well she says she treated him. He hates women what did she expect. Did she think she was special? (Yea she did lol)
He's going to ruin what's left of her life and she's gonna let him
No. 853724
>>853714Pouya did say something about a "manipulative bitch" on his snap a while back. Maybe she's been trying to use her illness against him and he's just over it and knows she's milking it. I'm sure he'd do something to make her dump him just so she could sperg out about him leaving someone with cancer
My guess is he initiated the break so she'd leave him
No. 853974
File: 1565976344576.jpeg (519.44 KB, 750x1114, 16EFC197-2412-462C-B6F9-BB9DC4…)

No. 854026
File: 1565981166537.png (731.15 KB, 1080x1694, Screenshot_2019-08-16-13-42-16…)

She's trying to get his attention through their fucking dogs instagram which he follows. She even tagged him wow what a weak dumb bitch. Lmao you know what I take it all back. 0 sympathy for this attention starved cow.
No. 854151
File: 1565996041400.jpeg (744.07 KB, 973x1380, C937AF84-005C-4590-962B-91E85A…)

Lilith has her own thread but she’s currently going off on Layla blaming her for getting her account deleted lol just thought I was worth mentioning as people are now flooding Layla’s comments about it
No. 854231
File: 1566006760367.jpg (197.71 KB, 621x1344, 1565936849070.jpg)

>>854151>I called out a racist personthe dumbass post she made, cross-posted from lilith's thread
No. 854250
File: 1566011162705.jpeg (714.68 KB, 1242x1236, EA0F67BF-E1EC-4E80-A026-074A2D…)

what is he doing to himself jfc. he walked out like this. just lol at that size difference. he looks like a 12 yo girl with the face of a heroin addict
No. 854542
File: 1566081191282.jpeg (168.7 KB, 750x1029, 09695D49-A9A3-42D0-861F-F7D20B…)

more lilith drama
No. 854641
>>854231Lilith romanticizes being a drug addict so much lol. I don't see Layla or many other sober people attacking others in recovery for not being a "real drug addict". Remember when she attacked her and Grosso for NOT doing heroin? She's just salty Layla actually makes a living and is successful while her dumbass has to be a cam girl because she has no brains or talent
And the irony of Lilith fucking Levesis attacking another girl for using photoshop lmao I fucking cannot
No. 854906
File: 1566148997650.png (2.36 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-18-03-14-45…)

No. 855066
>>854906Look at him, he's so in love with himself.
Too bad he can't rape himself.
No. 855177
File: 1566215259532.png (2.18 MB, 750x1334, 85C735CC-1471-474E-B846-161DCF…)

nitpick but Tyler you don’t need those calories
No. 855178
File: 1566215284095.png (234.88 KB, 750x1334, 14E8C434-F173-4E97-8BF4-90E253…)

I wonder why that is. The mind boggles.
No. 855277
File: 1566245314149.png (2.3 MB, 828x1792, 5E3DE7F9-8729-4CC5-8244-844A0D…)

lil xan and Annie broke up “for good” this time according to xan. Apparently there was a rumor of him milestone a fan but he was quick to address he’s taking to the chick dani_toorish (IG ) She also posted a video saying he isn’t a “molester” lol
No. 855300
File: 1566249426681.png (66.81 KB, 353x599, calories.png)

>>855177>Tyler you don’t need those caloriesA-are you s-sure, anon?!
No. 856235
File: 1566421090255.jpeg (226.93 KB, 750x997, 15AF081A-A531-4D7D-A453-CBF12C…)

Kek looks like Grosso and Frankie weren't even dating
No. 856492
File: 1566463284713.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-18-21-25-19…)

A hero
No. 856643
File: 1566492037893.jpg (335.56 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20190822-093745.jpg)

Layla and her Summer's Eve vag wash kek keep it classy tp
No. 857217
File: 1566599529429.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, B7A436E0-175D-4192-8E9A-4F33B9…)

Coco still being pathetically sad about Kevin
Sage for no real milk cus apparently this is just her MO now
No. 857388
File: 1566632328773.png (931.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-08-23-21-56-28…)

Imagine stan-ing your manipulative emotionally abusive cheating ex this hard
No. 858188
File: 1566795165901.jpeg (298.45 KB, 827x1213, 89EFF74D-9645-4DA8-936E-CD38FC…)

No. 858278
File: 1566818803363.png (132.15 KB, 1080x667, Screenshot_2019-08-26-03-56-51…)

No. 858508
>>858278Guess the love bombing worked. She's completely forgotten whatever he did / has been doing to hurt her and is idealizing him again. I would feel bad for her if she wasn't a raging narcissist who attacks rape
victims and defends his predatory actions. He's def slept around an outrageous amount in the 6 years they claim they've been together. She's never gonna move on and the rest of her life will be wasted on his selfish ass while he enjoys the bachelor life
RIP Coco's self respect
No. 858522
>>858508How to ensure you never move on or heal post break up and completely sabotage your mental health 101: start regular communication with your ex less then a month after the break up and obsessively stalk his social media
I'd say she's the densest person on this thread but lil xan exists
Her and Pepper might be tied tho
No. 858750
File: 1566915996942.jpg (77.38 KB, 1080x1080, womanofjesuschrist-20190827-00…)

Has anyone some more milk??
No. 858751
File: 1566916089986.jpg (23.85 KB, 1080x1080, womanofjesuschrist-20190827-00…)

No. 859758
abusive situation. It's usually a bad sign if a relationship is on-and-off. I was assuming it was
toxic but this really puts it into perspective. Thanks for the info!
No. 860209
>>860101lmfao. she comes off dumb as hell but somehow has managed to claw her way back in with him. All the girls on this thread score high in emotional manipulation whilst also getting played as their on-off boyfriends get laid on tour.
No. 862075
File: 1567361364969.png (846.1 KB, 640x1136, E2E80C39-D5AE-4B2C-991A-A8E927…)

She should start dating whoever did her make up for this shoot 😂
No. 862112
File: 1567363481312.jpg (777.41 KB, 1148x1427, Screenshot_20190901-114420_Ins…)

Why????? She looks dirty asf.
No. 862346
>>861979This is so sad. According to that reddit she didn’t even have the fake sans, she had the real ones and mackned gave peep the fake roxy a moment earlier, and when he passed out she/her friends tried to wake him up then left the bus when mackned kicked them out to urge them to check on their friend. Obviously they didn’t.
She probably got so much hate, fuck mackned.
No. 862447
File: 1567432387635.jpg (210.87 KB, 324x416, oof.jpg)

>>862406lol he's got a new girlfriend already
No. 863595
File: 1567568670945.jpeg (340.98 KB, 640x774, 718E7A92-3483-4EDD-BB35-510C0D…)

Peep’s ex Emma is selling a poetry book about their relationship. Cashing in on his young stupid fans
No. 863634
>>863595This whole “true love” narrative his ex girlfriend and mom are pushing onto a dead man is deranged and unhealthy, especially since they were not dating at the time of his death, they broke up years ago, and he was in a relationship with Arzaylea. She was going to meet his family before he died
Ever since his death they have been romanticizing and publicizing a failed
toxic relationship for their own selfish reasons. Emma feels the need to validate and differentiate herself as his one and only in a relationship she wasn’t even in at the time, his mother encourages it.
Girl can’t get it through her head that Peep was fucking mad bitches and playing her the whole time. He wrote songs about them too not just Emma. He was busy with other girls throughout highschool they didn’t get together until afterwards. He didn’t even want to be seen/public with her at first and when he starting getting clout he didn’t want her to have any, then broke up with her (for the groupies and famous girlfriends). Having a childhood friend =/= soulmates.
Lmao somebody needs to post that leak tho “Deeper Than Water” is about to be as fake deep as Emma
>stupid fans No. 865961
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Does anybody know about this yet lolllll
No. 867590
>>862405god damn. i've been following peep since… 2014.
hilarious that bexey uses beamer boy as his outro. its been a year since ive checked lolcow but holy. such a shit show this scene has turned into since Peep's death.
who honestly rly cares anymore? scene seems to be dead/onto the next
No. 868892
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Coconut coming for Caroline Calloway on twt and ig, the crossover I’ve always wanted
No. 868964
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I’m pretty sure she’s srs based off this one
No. 868969
>>862447that’s another Suicide Girl. the dude has a type lmfao!
she is @semc on Instagram
No. 869166
>>868969Old ass fucking milk since he's been following and liking jakiichu's posts for like a month now. Sage your shit and stop trying to get exposure. No one cares
>>869054No just no. Outside of Pouya stans no one gives a fuck about Coco. No one knows who she is and they certainly don't know she thinks she invented this lame pose used by a majority of instathots. No one's coming for her because no one even knows she exists
No. 869175
>>869155But she didn't and it's super cringey that she's acting like she did so why tf would anyone take her side on this
If some dumb instathot told me I couldn't use her "signature pose" I would use it 10Xs more tbh. Coco's a bully and narcissist with nothing better to do them obsess over petty shit like this
No. 869922
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No. 870756
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Pepper looking rather strung out again but feeling crack confident enough to post recent selfies. 1/4
No. 870758
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No. 870763
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No. 870766
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No. 871105
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Coldy is going to be a dad
No. 872279
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Sage cause no milk but wtf are these brows supposed to represent
No. 872834
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Layla’s mad one of her ghost writers ran off with a song
No. 873659
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is jakiichu throwing some subtle shade at ghoste in her latest video on instagram?
No. 875445
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Grosso really looking for any attention. He was recently bragging about his successful brand
No. 877463
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Yeah but he’s a rapist!!! How romantic
No. 877751
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>>877480>>877595Same. Here she is writhing on the floor of a parking garage. Girl.
No. 877989
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>>799153Let the man rest. A whole new story.. guess the shitty post death songs aren’t making the money.
No. 878038
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>>877997He died because his managers were baiting him to keep playing for drugs, and didn't keep any narcan on their tour bus full of drug abusing kids, some of whom were teenagers. Liza has every right to sue for wrongful death.
Also lmao, Emmalita shamelessly capitalizing on Peeps death with her poetry book. Gross.
No. 878117
>>877989a full article link:
>Named in the suit are British First Access Entertainment chief executive Sarah Stennett, who has worked with singers including Rita Ora and Zayn Malik, and Belinda Mercer, who was the manager on the rapper’s final tour. The suit alleged that Stennett would gift him with bottles of pills, citing text messages where she would offer Xanax. Mercer, who was allegedly in a sexual relationship with Åhr, would also provide him with drugs, including ketamine. According to Variety, the lawsuit alleges that the night before his death Mercer “begged the local tour staff for heavy drugs”.Who wasn't he fucking.
No. 878138
>>878069You absolute retard, this is literally the point of tour managers and handlers. You don't let the new 19-20 year old millionaire self destruct while on a contract they haven't completed. And once they start offering controlled substances to underage children they are absolutely liable. Have you no grasp of the law? Yes, he was a drug addict. A drug addicted CHILD that was enabled and encouraged to junkie-dom by the people who were profiting off him.
Anyway, Liza must know that this will never see a court room because those images and knowledge of how people was failed would forever soil this powerful companies image. If she chooses to not settle, they can easily bleed her dry in legal fees. She must know she'll just be getting paid and hopefully set some legal precedents for protecting young and vulnerable artists and give some protection to their families when the industry tries to steamroll them. This is a noble cause. Its repulsive to suggest any woman would only do this for profit IMO. Imagine wanting closure and reason for your child's death. Unthinkable! /s
No. 878401
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Cass really out here thinking she looks good
No. 878568
>>878186Well you know what?
>>878138 >>878038Same fangirl sperg cringe prolly
No. 878571
>>878186Uwu Gus was a
victim /s
No. 880006
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Is his new song about coco?
No. 880010
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I saw he posted this and an hour later she starts posting « this is how I live with cancer » I feel like she is always putting it in his face and trying to make him feel bad about her having cancer. We thought she was crazy over the breakup now but she is going to really lose it when he does get a new gf lol
No. 880888
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No Layla, just no. You need to not look like a broad faced, big nosed goblin in order to pull off this look. That's so mean but it's true.
No. 881126
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>>880888I love her Mortiis cosplay
No. 881183
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No. 881220
>>881126Lol I was thinking Nekrogoblikon but that's pretty spot-on
>>881148No. It's an ugly af pic, report and move on next time
No. 883575
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So i was trying to find this leaked sex tape ya’ll were mentioning and didnt but I did find this on pornhub.. couldnt download the video there but i screenshotted it if ya’ll wanna go see for yourself. It’s just him and his dudes having random chicks take turns giving them head.
No. 883578
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Big L
No. 883683
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sorry if this brings her back because I'm giving her "attention" but hahahahahahahahahaha
No. 883705
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I may as well start posting these in the bad streetwear thread
No. 884502
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No. 885448
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Showing everyone her cocaine nose though.
No. 885788
>>885724No because she does everything like Layla except get in fucking rehab and stick to it.
I’m honestly shocked and really impressed Layla did however commit to sobriety and hasn’t let the internet fuck with her life nearly as much as in the past, though I just read from here. Does anyone know if she’s still sober, and is she just sober from h or drinking/smoking anything too? She never took a break from online like ever it seems so it’s kind of fascinating