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gender critical and female politics
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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 1821[Reply]

With the admin's verdict on /2X/ (and pink pill related topics as a whole) announced, where should farmers who want to discuss female politics head to?
The current options seem to be:
>New imageboard
>Migration to other, existing imageboards
>Migration to Reddit
As far as the first option goes, we may be able to create a space on https://8kun.top/ or https://endchan.net/ using their board creation functions. The only downside is that both places are also home to all sorts of unsavory males (virulent racists, pedophiles, pornography junkies, manosphere users, etc).
We could also create our own standalone board/site, though we'd need someone with the proper skills for that. Post any thoughts/suggestions on /2X/ migration here.
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No. 3717

Okay, where are the links then?

No. 3718

if the invite's expired, feel free to ask for a new one in the chat!

No. 3721

No, it's mostly one butthurt anti-gc/pp anon falseflagging like a lunatic.

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No. 1[Reply]

This is a test-board to assess if a female space for politics will be sufficient in giving everybody what they want while removing some tension in /ot/.

This is not currently permanent but, it can be.
If this board works out then I will make it a permanent board next year. For now you all have the choice of posting in the /ot/ thread or making new threads here. It's your choice.

No. 2

/ot/ rules apply for now. If you have rule requests or any complaints then you can post about it here >>>/meta/11760
Don’t make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races. You can discuss policy and government all you like but don't racebait. It is a global rule violation, this isn't /pol/.

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No. 37086[Reply]

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No. 38467

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No. 38468

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No. 38510

No. 38550

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No. 38622

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No. 35690[Reply]

Final warning: report and ignore rulebreaking posts and ban evaders or this thread will be locked

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>33686
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No. 38614

It got especially bad after the 4B thing got popular. I had a drop of hope at first, seeing young women talk about based radical takes. Turns out the vast majority use 4B as an edgy transition phase when they're single and will immediately go back to being handmaidens when they find a man.

No. 38616

yeah what are other boards in general

i don’t love the premise of gang stalking mentally ill women and girls (so long as moids can rape them legally in some states). but at this point this is the only women’s image board i know of and the only place other than twitter i see any talk of bpf. is crystal cafe even up.

No. 38617

yes crystal cafe is up but I don’t see they have any feminist boards but I never got into that site

No. 38618


No. 38623

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No. 17556[Reply]

I've noticed that in the GC community, rf and adjacent communities there are plenty of women who talked about having dysphoria (and some are detrans). So I've made a thread for this topic.
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No. 38601

You are female.

No. 38605

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So can I write here about how well I've been doing wrt to my dysphoria or is this thread only for weirdos malding out at each other and self-pitying rant posts?

No. 38610

what I gather is that you have nothing of value whatsoever to say about the topic at hand kek

you can still write about how well you're doing

No. 38612

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Although I've engaged with radical feminism it has literally never soothed my gender dysphoria. Never. If anything it made me more conscious of it. I'm a lesbian and I've come to the conclusion that it stems from a deep uncomfortable feeling with what my body is capable of as a female. The classes about puberty we had to take in middle school made me irrationally uncomfortable to the point where I'd just walk out. I'd say I have more of a discomfort with being female and would only want to be perceived as male and would want my sexuality to be perceived as male. I hate the fact that being female means that males can be attracted to you or that your assigned goal as a female is to breed with a scrote. I hate that males are constantly chasing after all women. It's so uncomfortable. I hate it and I hate venting about it but sometimes I feel like I need to. Straight males get leeway when they beat up fags who wanna eat their asses. I wish I was male because I want to be left alone. I'm so lucky to be tall because I go out of my way to "pass" as male. I don't get looks from scrotes and it's so relieving. I hate going online and seeing what scrotes think about women or how women even bow down to scrotes sometimes. Watching it makes me think that humans are just innately like that and that i’m such an outlier that it gives me this grueling prison esque feeling in my own body. I feel so disconnected from my sex and humans in general. I hate seeing radical feminists discuss these dynamics, not because I think they're wrong. I just think about what it would be like to be a male and not have to think about any of it. i don’t actually have any trauma or any bad experiences with scrotes either, so I can only boil down my GD to homophobia
just ignore them. this board is practically dead so all that remains is a bunch of tards who think that everyone here knows each other
The thing about dysphoria as a female is that the discomfort you have with your body isn't really your fault and is rarely a manifestation of your own insecurities. It tends to be how the world treats you and your sex. Like the ayrt said, it fucks with her ability to engage with the world around her.

No. 38615

What I gather is that your worthless life will be extinguished as soon as possible.

Nona it'll get better. I promise.

If suicide won't kill you, the anorexia will.

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No. 3774[Reply]

While all religion are awful and subjugate women, none is worse then the religion of the Arab pedophile and that is undeniable, so this is a thread to discuss its evils and crimes against everyone but especially the women subjugated under it
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No. 38303

never forget kier starmer spent his pre prime minister career defending people like this, and his (and the wider labour party's) aversion to an inquiry shows that he has nothing but contempt for white british people, especially women and girls. they not only condone, but actively support the very worst of islamist degeneracy, including the mass rape of young girls, and brutal murder and stabbing of literal toddlers. kier starmer would rather put the entire white british female population at risk so he can stay in power by clinging to those sweet islamist votes

No. 38582

Late and NTA but here

No. 38594

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Women can’t do shit in this religion according to this South East Asian scrote it’s better women stay home then go to the mosque. And of course women will be rewarded for cooking.

No. 38595

Racebait central(islam is not a race, hide the thread if you don't like it)

No. 38602

Muslims aren't a race. Although they're still worthy of genocide.

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No. 5309[Reply]

a thread for those who identity with strains of feminism while also holding cultural or political right wing and or nationalist beliefs, please don't come here for the purpose of infighting
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No. 37524

That sounds really horrible and I don't envy you. Europe is truly so fucking cucked. I'm glad I moved away. Can I ask what European country you live in?

No. 38224

I'm a bit wary of graphics like these, especially in a place like Germany where prostitution is legal to the extent that it is. In 2013 it was estimated a million men go to these everyday, that is a million men raping who knows how many women, does this ever get addressed in any of these? Or is it only rape when there's no money attached?

No. 38288

That statistic mentions gang rapes. Don't be fooled, german moids are closely as disgusting, but they are more likely to resort to abusing prostitutes, preying on homeless women, drugging drinks, raping intoxicated women and harming the women and children in their families. The further you get into east Germany, the less shameless the moids get about their behaviour too. Just sit in any train during football season and listen to what these shitstains have to say once they are in their boys-only groups. You'll quickly notice they're all the fucking same.

No. 38301

What's worse? african moids or indian moids? I pray for all the african and indian women stuck with those degens

No. 38596

You bring up a valid point about prostitution and rape, in that all prostitution is rape, but there are two points of note. One, the average woman does not have to become a prostitute. This is something she can avoid, and therefore avoid being raped all day. However, the average woman cannot avoid being raped by foreigners when her government is flooding the country with rapists. And even a prostitute has days off, yet she is in just as much danger from the roaming rapists as your average woman.
And two, I have no doubt that rapists buy prostitutes at the same rate as men who are only johns.

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No. 37647[Reply]

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?
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No. 38556

I dont consume anime

No. 38560

There’s also the theory that they grew up without fathers, or just with really bad ones. Most kids will still blame the mother in that situation, so they hate women who are with men because they associate it with their trauma.

No. 38574

God I love autistic outbursts.

No. 38586

Does she remind you of your mommy nonna

No. 38597

>Radfems will cry about "pornsick moids" one minute and post yaoi shotacon the next minute
It's basically the same as conservative men who complain about woke degenerates while spamming loli porn on Twitter. I don't think it's a big deal though, because that just means no one will ever take radfems seriously

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No. 19663[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125
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No. 38515

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No. 38540

Ive never been abused or assaulted in my job. No, those are excuses. Women don't pursue STEM because selling your body gets more immediate money and recognition by men. Being accomplished and intelligent is antithetical to being a successful woman. It's pickmeism all the way down. Women prop up whore culture not men, men consume it but you still need women to sell their bodies in porn and modeling. You can cope that the "patriarchy" is keeping women out of science careers and education but why are those same women still fucking and centering men in their lives if the patriarchy is so bad? Many still have children with the dreaded "patriarchs".

>cowardice and desire for everything to be easier is how they get us to suport the patriarchy.

Speak for yourself. Infantalizing yourself and other women proves your bias. If some odd 60% of women become mothers I think you've lost. I think you can't do much to change things because the majority has clearly spoken where their motivations are. I'm genuinely tired of being let down by other women. The remainder of your post is a fan fiction that will never come to exist. Women will never be seperatist and solely support other women. Women will never pursue intellectual pursuits over selling their ass and fucking men. The stereotypes of women being slutty and shallow gold diggers by men hold some weight and women don't want to admit this, instead it's become feminist to be honest about this and fuck as many men as possible. I know men are responsible for 90% of all violent crimes and everything bad in the world. I'm speaking about women, not men.

No. 38541

Being separatist wont change it, women will whore themselves out for each other kek

No. 38543

I found the Instagram account of this disgusting male that used to sexually harass/coerce an innumerable amount of girls at our high school and I’m laughing my ass off. This motherfucker is in college and hasn’t grown an inch since the 9th grade… He’s literally 5’5. And oh my God he’s STILL commenting gooner shit under girls’ Instagram posts I hate that everyone turned a blind eye to his bullshit because of his “charisma” or whatever, it was so gross. Ugh and that repulsive look on his face - It’s so AGP-smirk adjacent. Everything about him makes me want to a-log so bad.

No. 38613

>women will whore themselves out for each other kek
I'd still rather have that than what exists now lel

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No. 24356[Reply]

A thread for documenting and discussing the issues of the surrogacy Industry and the harms it causes to women and children.
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No. 38388

Didn’t shitlon choose the sex of all of his shitlonlets to be male? One of them even trooned out. They’re gonna blast every country into being india 2.0

No. 38393

Life is not a miracle. I'm against surrogacy but I hate this "sacred motherhood" bullshit so much. This shit was used into tricking women their mother role is their main role. Meanwhile being pregnant makes women even more weak and vulnerable than before. I will never stop hating women for their cultivation of weakness

No. 38409

Why do we have two threads for this? https://lolcow.farm/2X/res/22845.html

No. 38440

there was an anti-surrogacy thread on /2x/ and an anti-surrogacy on /ot/, the latter was also moved on /2x/ for some reason

No. 38536

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