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No. 4254[Reply]


I have always been interested (and disgusted) by how males operate on a mental level, so I thought it would be kinda interesting to make a thread discussing strange male behaviors and how to spot them in the wild. We can discuss things both niche and autistic and huge behavioral red flags.

A few of my observations:
>Men pay no attention to detail have very little concept of nuance. They seem to see everything as "it's whole" This can be seen how they cant clock troons because muh long hair and boobs. How they cant decorate because le gamer setup and a dumpy couch they found on the street is all they have in their apartments. They don't notice changes easily unless they are major or drastic.
>Most men are autistically fervent in their beliefs especially political one. They tend to be extremists on either side or they are le enlightened centrist intellectuals who love to play devil's advocate. Usually they have nothing new or interesting to say when they do this and do it to look smart or neg you.
>Male humor is 100% either muh dick hentai boobs bust a nut, some stale meme, le epic pop culture reference or some lame drawn out story of some dumb shit they did in high school.

Please share your male psychoanalysis but no armchairfagging.
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No. 12129

If a man would rather impress other ugly failed virgin males than treat women as equals, he's a faggot.

No. 12186

100%. There's a reason incels are often revealed to be homosexuals, eg. Nick Fuente's and Andrew "It's totally not gay to bang men with long hair" Tate for a couple of obvious current ones.

No. 21365

>On a taxi ride home, she recounts how her best friend Boo (with whom she started the café) accidentally killed herself after her boyfriend cheated on her.
>Their confrontation triggers a flashback, revealing that Fleabag was the woman with whom Boo's boyfriend cheated.

I don't know, nonnie…Fleabag doesn't sound like anyone I'd like to refer to for wisdom.

No. 21598

You retard that quote isn't fleabags, its another characters. Also fleabag is a druggie with shit upbringing who sabotages herself. She's a flawed character like all others in the show. Her father abandons her and her sister to get with her mother's friend right after the mom dies, the stepmother builds a sex museum which features one of fleabags boyfriends naked and fleabags own fathers dick, etc. Everyone in that show if flawed.

The quote anon posted is from an older lesbian character that wins the best businesswoman reward and after that, talks to fleabag about womanhood and why she thinks the reward is insulting as it views women like a subcategory - a category that will never compete with men.

No. 22571

Sage for semi-ot and pseudo-sperg but I've never been so annoyed in my life by the fact that this man does such great analyses about children's psyche and how certain abuse can fuck them up yet this singular particular video about father daughter relationships has somehow been completely erased from the internet? YouTube took it down/it was privated, every snapshot on the wayback machine says that they don't have that video archived (and the comments seem to be from another video or something? weird glitch?), it's not on archive.is and every potential site that has it (that yandex has showed me) only has its embedded version so I still can't see it. I know I must be retarted and missing some sweet spot/corner that has it but I still wanted to complain.

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No. 15330[Reply]

Thread for when you're at your peak and need to vent, scream or sperg about troons, TRAs, or related topics but don't want to shit up or derail other threads.

In a world where women are shunned for standing up for themselves, banned from using the word "woman", have their prizes and scholarships given to men, get told to shut up and take the girldick, that their same-sex attraction is transphobic, that their kids should have their body parts cut off - it's hard to not go insane.

The fear of getting cancelled, fired or shunned by TRAs and friends around you is weighing heavily on a lot of us, lc is one of few refuges where we are allowed to be honest. So go on, scream into the void about troons all you want.
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No. 21348

A old friend of mine, a woman was dating a dude who uses ''all pronouns'' and it's ''trans'' considers himself ''a woman sometimes'' so now this girl, who i hold a lot of heartbreak for, just got worse by saying that she is ''bissexual'' and post wlw things on her twitter about dating woman or using ''her'' in her tweets about this dude who does not want her anymore.
it's so fucking cringe.
and gets worse by seeing her liking his comments on other woman tweets (twitter show you tweets your friends liked sometimes) and god, what a cringe situation, suffering from a fake trannie.
I hate those fucking things, i fell disgusted by it. DISGUSTED.

No. 21354

I was forced to give my pronouns today, I feel gross but I can't have them suspect I'm a terf or they might actually hate crime me

No. 21355

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Does anyone else remember this terrible comic being passed around online? It was actually a mini-peaking moment for younger me. I remember thinking that no "trans woman" would ever look like a normal women like in the cartoon lmao. There's another picture with a cis gay man and a bisexual "trans man" and "non-binary individuals" kek

No. 21356


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 21360

New thread:

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No. 4536[Reply]

A thread to talk about the different visions that female authors have about gender in the fields of psychology and philosophy. While is true that most of these authors have male teachers or come from psychological schools founded by men, discussion about it is discouraged because this isn't the postfreudian and lacanian thread or the "Freud is a retard" thread (we already know).
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No. 5304

The fifth author is Emma Goldman. She is like a secret of the first wave and more based than most second wave feminists. She already said that the vote wouldn't be enough or wouldn't help at all, but the suffragettes wouldn't listen to her. The most dangerous woman in America wrote this in 1911:
>WE BOAST of the age of advancement, of science, and progress. Is it not strange, then, that we still believe in fetich worship? True, our fetiches have different form and substance, yet in their power over the human mind they are still as disastrous as were those of old. Our modern fetich is universal suffrage. Those who have not yet achieved that goal fight bloody revolutions to obtain it, and those who have enjoyed its reign bring heavy sacrifice to the altar of this omnipotent diety. Woe to the heretic who dare question that divinity!
>Nietzsche’s memorable maxim, “When you go to woman, take the whip along,” is considered very brutal, yet Nietzsche expressed in one sentence the attitude of woman towards her gods. Religion, especially the Christian religion, has condemned woman to the life of an inferior, a slave. It has thwarted her nature and fettered her soul, yet the Christian religion has no greater supporter, none more devout, than woman. Indeed, it is safe to say that religion would have long ceased to be a factor in the lives of the people, if it were not for the support it receives from woman. The most ardent churchworkers, the most tireless missionaries the world over, are women, always sacrificing on the altar of the gods that have chained her spirit and enslaved her body.
>Then there is the home. What a terrible fetich it is! How it saps the very life-energy of woman, – this modern prison with golden bars. Its shining aspect blinds woman to the price she would have to pay as wife, mother, and housekeeper. Yet woman clings tenaciously to the home, to the power that holds her in bondage.
>It may be said that because woman recognizes the awful toll she is made to pay to the Church, State, and the home, she wants suffrage to set herself free. That may be true of the few; the majority of suffragists repudiate utterly such blasphemy. On the contrary, they insist always that it is woman suffrage which will make her a better Christian and home kPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 5960

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My dad just showed me the film Agora(2010) which follows neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician Hypatia (born c. 350–370; died 415 AD) in her journey teaching science/peace teachings until the war between the Pagans and Christians and the burning down of the Library of Alexandria where she tried to resolve conflict using logic and reason as she had a reputation as an impeccable counsoler.
Unfortunately she was stoned and dismembered after being accused of witchcraft by Bishop. Although no direct links, evidence highly suggests his smear campaign against Hypatia had inspired it.
Some of her known works include:
Apollonius of Perga - Commentary
Book III of Ptolemy's Almagest - Editor
In the time of the fire, it is assumed she and her father worked on saving classical mathematics and sciences rather than their presents work.

I cried when watching Agora and hearing about her, she isn't as well known as she should be for one of the first female mathematicians and philosophers and her bravery.

No. 5962

this is singlehandedly the most valuable thread on this website thanks anons

No. 20921

I need you to come back and cook some more

No. 20948

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non contribution but i love this thread idea please anons come back and post more about female philosophers…
is there anyone you would recommend particularly ( and the reasons for your recommendation ) ? from any time period. i asked on cryscafe once and nobody answered me kek. i don't want to ask on moidchan for obvious reasons but i have scoured the archives a bit and picked up some books mentioned there

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No. 4385[Reply]

With great powers comes great responsibility, J.K Rowling called it the Biological Woman's Burden. Myself, I call it as I see it: the responsibility of the woman to discipline the male.

Aunt May looks directly at the camera.

The twinks, gays, the trannies… It is our job to make them man up and serve womankind. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle alongside the 42%. The Day of the Dilation is near, Peter. We shall have every troon suicided or detransitioned in ten years, and may God send an intercinematic Universe antissemitic Goblin to blow me up with his skull bomb this very night if I'm wrong. God bless radical feminism and divine femininity

No. 4386

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>Remember, Pete: with great power comes great responsibility. J.K Rowlings called it the "TERF's burden". Myself? I call it for what it is. The responsibility of the WOMAN to discipline her male servants. The twinks, the trans… It is our mission to show they can't be one of us. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from Spiderman's web. The Day of the Terf is near, We shall have every tranny suicided or detransitioned in 15 years, and may an antissemite goblin from a better cinematic Universe stab me with a hoverboard this very night if I'm wrong. God bless all biological females of America.

No. 4387

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Peter have you ever noticed that 96% of violent crimes are committed by men, funny huh, as If males are pre-disposed to violence and subjugation, not you pete, you and your uncle ben were one of the good one's, when the demise of the patriarchy happens you'll be kept alive and kept as an essential service males for womankind

No. 6029

>>4387 Kinda based men if you ask me. Yes we rape and subjugate and pillage. Why should we apologise for winning so much? Cope more foid cause your fantasies of women dominating men will never be real.(how did you even get here)

No. 6044

Focus on your declining sperm counts and rising suicide rates, spermsack.

No. 20719

Women are the KWAB gender

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No. 20617[Reply]

I'm Polish, anyway Polish people are considered antisemites by the Israelis, so I gotta refuse to speak anything about it, because I might get cancelled, like JK Rowling.
I'm tired of the virtue signalling celebrities who say "support Israel" or "Support Palestine".

Sorry from the image from Crystal Cafe, but I stopped using that forum.(use the catalog)

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No. 4378[Reply]

Help. I'd like to argue against transgenderism to convert my female friends. I don't want to alienate them and I don't want to sound conservative or cliched.

Here it is, plainly: for sex (biological) and gender (social) to mismatch, you have to accept the inherent differences, not of the sexes but of the social norms built onto the sexes. Sex changes are cosmetic. You HAVE to indulge in stereotyping and socialisation for there to be a disconnect. Being gender essentialist, manness is male and womanness is female, the sex must be changed to fit. But womanliness doesn't come from a male's femaleness, where did it come from? It comes from the society he lives in.
Trans people are either essentialist or hypocritical.

This doesn't sound talk about women's spaces or sports, or about how well they pass, or about anything that already has a stock rebuttal. Could I rephrase this almost socratically? Could I even hide that I'm talking about trans people, and phrase this as being about antifeminists, who they are against outright?
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No. 18490

How can I bring it up in conversation? Without dumping all this info on her. Sorry I am very autistic.

No. 18565

Honestly, I think it would be hard to bring up in conversation in a lot of situations because it could really make people feel awkward, which would make them less receptive to the information. If you want to bring it up, maybe you could mention that you 'learned something disturbing lately', and then see if your friend is curious about what you mean or not. I do think if you just dump it all on your friend, it might be somewhat detrimental.

No. 18632

I'd start with prostitution, bdsm or porn. Frame it as if you just heard about it and you are running it by her to get her opinion. Look for a news article (you can always find a recent news article about some horrible thing that happened to a prostitute) or youtube video about whatever you want to bring up. Like it if was porn, find a video by Dr. Gail Dines and then be all "This video just came up on youtube. I had no idea porn was so bad. Have you heard about this/What do you think about this?" If she is accepting great, if she pushes back, accept it and then go look for info on whatever her arguments are and much later be like "I was thinking about what you said when we talked about Gail Dines and it got me thinking. I looked into it and this is what I found. What do you think?"

No. 18638

This. A lot of women aren't peaked just because they aren't given chances to really think things through. A conversation is great.

No. 20442

i had managed to peak her on prostitution, porn and surrogacy, and a wee bit of stuff about gender neutral facilities, so i am feeling chuffed about that. i think soon after you learn about that, you learn to join the dots on how women are oppressed on the basis of their bodies.

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No. 19703[Reply]

i'm reading an article on bonobos (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bonobo-sex-and-society-2006-06/) and just researching the differences between the sexes in the animal kingdom in general. it's all pretty interesting, so here's a thread.

initial question:
>why does it seem common in the animal kingdom for females to lead and males to support (and follow)?
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No. 19872

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I agree with this.
Anons, please read tolstoys wifes (sofia tolstoys) secret diary.

No. 19877

This topic has been on my mind for a very long time. There are some women who have put it into words excellently - the 'deforming' of women by making them fear independence is deliberate and very much so part of the same series. It's to lift men up at their expense.

No. 19878

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No. 19879

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Here's also a related treat from CC.

No. 19885

Yes. To have women spend their whole lifes supporting a man who won't ever appreciate her - to have her do everything just to be forgotten about..
It's so sad. Sofia also helped him edit and copy thousands of pages of work, probably inspired him as well and although she had 16 pregnancies, she only gave birth 13 times and out of those kids only 8 made it out of childhood. Imagine grieving for your kids amd overworking so much while your husband hates you.

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No. 12192[Reply]

A place to discuss news stories effecting women and our rights, safety, health etc. Plus any feminist gossip that makes the news.
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No. 18643

Surrogacy is honestly fucking evil. I hate moids and the system that created that shit

No. 18719

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Hard to find much online about it yet, but allegedly incels are going on stabbing sprees in south korea these days.
>During investigations, Jo reportedly told police that he felt “inferior” due to his short height and envied taller men who were of similar age.
>When he was caught by police, Jo said he committed the crime out of anger and wanted others to feel miserable like himself.

>A man was arrested for threatening to murder "20 Korean women” the next day at Sillim Station in southern Seoul, less than a week after a stabbing rampage in the same neighborhood resulted in one death and three injuries.

>Officers said they were investigating his motive. The term the suspect used to describe his intended victims, hannyeo, is a derogatory one used to describe Korean women in certain anti-feminist communities.

No. 19747

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New ordinances would ban driving through cities and counties en route to abortion care
New laws currently on the table in many smaller Texas towns would make it illegal to even drive through the city or county for the purpose of an abortion.
Two cities and counties in Texas have already passed the measure, and many more are set to vote on a similar version soon, according to the Texas Tribune.

abc13 . com /texas-abortion-law-highways-new-battleground-in-care-what-is-the/13740276/

washingtonpost . com /politics/2023/09/01/texas-abortion-highways/

No. 19762


No. 19796

ultra late posting this, but why are the buttigiegs pictured here? their kids are adopted. letwomenspeak tards need to do basic qc if they want to be taken seriously

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No. 5125[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous threads:
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No. 19561

I hate this too. Have you ever listened to a group of 3+ moids having a conversation in any setting? Watching them BS each other and pretend to know what they are talking about is insane. Some of these moids I know very well and know they're full of shit regarding what they're saying, but they play call and response like obedient dogs. I guess society has them trained too. Also they talk amongst just the men even when women are present, every woman seems like she is "butting in" and it pisses me off. I'm autistic and have previously made the mistake of trying to highlight some BSing taking place and the way they instantly team up for the put down is reliably predictable. I'm much better at confrontation and controlling engagement since I've ascended in the corporate world, the "rules" are strict and clear so with autism I actually find it easier to succeed at work than in a standard social situation. I feel unprofessional writing this because this is coming from a darker part of me, but I do sometimes take opportunities to kneecap male coworkers when I think it will only hurt them. All they do is fall upwards anyway, a little pain along the way is what they deserve.

No. 19607

I hate the new term “male loneliness epidemic” my god. The only solution to this supposed epidemic is that women make themselves more available to men. How can they say this stuff without an ounce of shame? They want us to feel sorry for them? Would anyone have any sympathy for “slaveowner lack of workers epidemic” because they can’t buy slaves anymore? Seriously what is the implication here?
Men just want women to submit to them, they aren’t lonely they’re entitled. If they were so lonely they’d prioritized male friendships. But of course since this is an entitlement issue none of them care about getting male friends and would ever perform emotional labor for their male friends.

Men are so entitled to women it’s insane. All the men whining and all of the pickmes crying for them are pathetic.

No. 19608

and it's always MALE loneliness, poor moids that repel any other moids trying to help them and call them fags instead. how are we even supposed to give a fuck about this moid self-imposed problem?

No. 19631

If telling fags that them using stereotypical "feminine slang" and copying black women's natural inflections is supposedly oh so homophobic then so be it. I especially despise the ones that stick their heads into female spaces because yas slay queen or some shit and think they can't be misogynistic because they like other moids.

No. 38039

ew my older brother watches Map walsh and jordan peterson. Didnt realize this could contribute to why he hates our elderly woman neighbor too, seething if he hears her laughing or talking when she walks her dog.

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No. 18143[Reply]

A thread for collecting data and sources that debunk common misogynistic, MRA and manosphere claims.
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No. 18667

I'm not familiar with it, but the Wikipedia page has a huge section on other researchers who criticized the methodology

No. 18669

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Many far right men want to scapegoat women for legislation they hate, most often the US Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration Act of 1965. A quick look on Wikipedia shows that men and women voted for democrats who introduced those policies at similar rates. The far right must blame both men and women.

No. 18674

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In the 2022 US midterm election, there was a 6% gap between men and women voting republican. This table from Pew Research shows the % of women voting republican increasing in each election since 2018. The claim from right-wingers that women are destroying society by being emotionally manipulated into voting democrat is false.

No. 19138

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Are women responsible for voting in Justin Trudeau because of his good looks? Yes I know this claim is absolutely retarded but it’s common. There are no exit polls in Canada but these are the “A+” accuracy polls conducted a few days before the election

Liberal (Justin Trudeau) vote intention

>Nanos Research

Male 38.6%
Female 37.8%

>Forum Research

Male 42%
Female 39%

>Mainstreet Research

Male 37%
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 19500

What about people who want to have sex with no strings attached? I'm not into relationships or marriage and I don't want to have to build one to 'deserve' sex in return. Plus making the point of marriage and relationships to be entitlement to sex is
an unhealthy mindset. Not trying to argue btw, just trying to understand your point of view and provide mine.

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